Audit Expectation Gap Dissertation
Audit Expectation Gap Dissertation
Audit Expectation Gap Dissertation
Writing a dissertation can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to complex topics like the
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This could be because of insufficient focus on audit quality or differences in interpretation of
auditing standard between practitioners and regulators. The expectation gap refers to the difference
between what the users of financial reports think accountants, such as auditors, should be doing as
their responsibility and what the accountants themselves think their responsibility should be. In small
business settings, owners have grown accustomed to handling client complaints. People decide based
on whether the project or program met their expectations or not. Findings-The concept of AEG is a
multidimensional concept. It somewhat gives a bad reputation to external auditors. The perceived
mismatch between the competencies the profession expects — and perceives — graduating
accounting students to possess gives rise to an accounting education expectation- performance gap.
Who do the auditor’s report to, and is that understood by the various parties involved in the process.
RELATED TOPICS Public Finance Corporate Governance Auditing Public sector accounting Public
Sector Auditing Internal Controls and Corporate. Expectation-gap related to audit can also be
explained as the difference between the expectation of the user and the auditor himself on the
responsibilities of the auditor; it can also refer to differences in understanding regarding the nature of
audit engagement, i.e., what users believe an audit is and what audit is. Based on our findings, we
recommend education as a method to reduce unreasonable expectation of the public and even users
of audited reports. The study contributes to the existing knowledge on audit expectation gap and a
more realistic expectation on the part of the users of the audited financial statements and the general
public at large. This study concludes to compliance the auditor with auditing standards effective,
auditor independence, importance of the role of professional institutions leads to ensure the
reduction of the expectations Audit gap. When carrying out an audit we do not expect to find errors,
omissions or instances of fraud. Questionnaires were used on a sample size of 135 respondents.
Specific identification is most often used for large, easily traceable items, such as furniture or
vehicles. The study uncovered an expectation gap which was quite wide especially in relation to;
auditors responsibility for detecting and preventing fraud and errors, the soundness of the internal
control structure of the entity, the auditor not exercising judgment in the selection of audit procedures
THE PERCEPTION OF ICAN MEMBERS Emmanuel Ajah ABSTRACT This research set out to
find out the perceptions of Members of ICAN, an important stakeholder group, at bridging the audit
expectation gap problem. You should consult with an Accru professional in the respective legal,
accounting, tax or other professional area. Commonly auditors are engaged to provide an
independent opinion on a set of financial statements, however many clients have expectations well
beyond the standard audit report that is issued. This study aimed at assessing the duties expected to
be performed by auditors and prospects of shareholders on the responsibilities, which are expected to
be carried out. Users must realize that auditor’s work is relative to circumstances that require the use
of judgment, which may be wrong. EXPECTATION GAP, in accounting, is the gap between an
auditors actual standard of performance and the more rigorous public expectation of what an
auditors performance should be. Performance Auditing See Full PDF Download PDF About Press
Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. The study found that there exist a reasonableness
gap between auditors and users (managers, investors and the public) of audit report as regarding the
responsibilities of auditors. However, users do not agree with the explanation that the auditor is not
responsible for detecting fraud; it is managed as they feel the auditor’s role is much more than just a
confirmation of management’s assertions. COMPARISON OF IFRS IAS AND IS GAAP The main
distinction between the two accounting systems is that GAAP is based on regulations, whereas IFRS
is based on principles. Adobe Express Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication. If the
client refuses to accept the auditor’s report, the auditor should withdraw from the engagement and
indicate the reasons for the audit committee in writing. He has an array of professional involvement
in numerous organisations which has grown his communication and technical skills immeasurably.
Findings-The concept of AEG is a multidimensional concept. We propose thinking about the gap as
having three components: the knowledge gap, the performance gap and the evolution gap. We
suggest a new approach to addressing the expectation gap. On careful analysis of this gap, one of the
critical reasons for widening the gap is a lack of understanding of different connected factors. QR
Codes Generate QR Codes for your digital content. Is your auditor providing advice or simply
compliance services. Auditors’ Responsibilities and Expectation Gap Errors and Irregularities Illegal
Client Acts Doubts to Continue as a Going Concern Narrowing The Expectations Gap What is the
Expectation Gap in Audit. Great customer service, care, and nursing can still be great without being
a carbon copy of what the owner would do. Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as
bite-sized articles. In these areas, auditors have to use their professional judgment. The correlation
coefficient and the Chi square were used to test the hypotheses of the study. When discussing the
scope of an audit ensure your auditor is aware of any risks or concerns you may have. Download
ICAN MEMBERS Emmanuel Ajah ABSTRACT This research set out to find out the perceptions of
Members of ICAN, an important stakeholder group, at bridging the audit expectation gap problem.
Can your auditor provide any industry information or benchmarking data. Download Free PDF View
PDF The Evaluation of Evidence of the Audit Expectation Gap in Ghana Salman Ali The study
examined the existence of audit expectations gap in Ghana from the point of view of auditors,
bankers and students of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICA (G)) as users of
financial statements. Are there any exemptions available to reduce the scope or cost of an audit. This
can lead to disappointment and frustration among customers, as well as damage to the company's
reputation. Search for and detect material misstatements, whether intentional or unintentional.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. Report this Document Download now Save Save Audit Expectaion
Gap For Later 100% (1) 100% found this document useful (1 vote) 214 views 12 pages Audit
Expectaion Gap Uploaded by Charles Guandaru Kamau. Questionnaires were used on a sample size
of 135 respondents. Such awareness can be created by enriching the curriculum of Nigerian tertiary
institutions and by formal or informal awareness campaign by both government and auditing
profession from time to time through appropriate media not just for their members alone but also for
the auditing community as a whole. Identify areas that you would like to see some focus, and work
with your auditor to provide the necessary information to assess and report any findings. This can be
advantageous for the patient depending on their policy benefits. An audit should be about aligning
expectations and working together to deliver that value without compromising independence. GIFs
Highlight your latest work via email or social media with custom GIFs. We then propose addressing
each of these separately. We propose thinking about the gap as having three components: the
knowledge gap, the performance gap and the evolution gap. Although it’s about expectations, its
scope and meanings have been defined in several ways. Help Center Here you'll find an answer to
your question.
The expectation gap refers to the difference between what the users of financial reports think
accountants, such as auditors, should be doing as their responsibility and what the accountants
themselves think their responsibility should be. Performance Expectation means a goal, value, or
both, defining outcomes and behaviors that are documented on a performance plan to identify results
to be accomplished and how the work should be accomplished. The persistence of the expectation
gap reflects, in part, the fact that public expectations of audit can grow in line with what auditors can
accomplish. Many of the SOX criteria have been implemented in Canada as a result of statements
made by Canadian securities administrators like the OSC. The term errors refer to unintentional
misstatements or omissions in the financial statements, whereas the term irregularities refer to
intentional misstatements or omissions in the financial statements. REASONS FOR the GAP: are not
AWARE of the ACTUAL role and responsibilities of auditors. For example, proper planning, an
appropriate understanding of the entity to design further audit procedures, maintaining a skeptical
attitude, reducing sampling risk to an appropriate level, etc. For example, a company may promise to
deliver a product on a certain date, but due to unforeseen circumstances, it is unable to do so. Digital
Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. Briefly, a
knowledge gap is the difference between what the public thinks auditors do and what auditors
actually do. We suggest a new approach to addressing the expectation gap. However, the expectation
gap is still manageable through proper communication. Download Free PDF View PDF BRIDGING
ABSTRACT This research set out to find out the perceptions of Members of ICAN, an important
stakeholder group, at bridging the audit expectation gap problem. Add Links Send readers directly to
specific items or pages with shopping and web links. The performance gap focuses on areas where
auditors do not do what auditing standards or regulations require. GIFs Highlight your latest work
via email or social media with custom GIFs. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The difference in expectation
can arise in the performance, i.e., the level of performance users expect from the auditor and how the
auditor performs. This could be because of insufficient focus on audit quality or differences in
interpretation of auditing standard between practitioners and regulators. Consequent upon the
findings, the following recommendations, among others, were made: ICAN should commence
immediate implementation of some of the endorsed methods within its purview. Auditors’
Responsibilities and Expectation Gap Errors and Irregularities Illegal Client Acts Doubts to Continue
as a Going Concern Narrowing The Expectations Gap What is the Expectation Gap in Audit. What is
the difference between an audit and a review. From the analysis carried out that shareholders
expected an audit report to be a high quality reporting and to convey a clean bill of health. The
hypothesis raised was analyzed using the ANOVA test statistics. Although auditors and management
are required to produce financial statements that are easy to understand, users are also expected to
have a certain degree of relevant knowledge on how to use and interpret financial statements. Qcbs
rlmk clwkvkr wis rkauhka tl tck prlvbsbld rkisldinmk issuridhk is tbgk wkdt ny ida lrfidbzitblds
nkhigk guhc hlgpmkx U0W. If the following efforts are invested in these areas, then expectations can
be bridged to a great extent: Users must understand why auditors can only provide reasonable
assurance and not absolute assurance and what are the inherent limitations of the audit.
EXPECTATION GAP, in accounting, is the gap between an auditors actual standard of performance
and the more rigorous public expectation of what an auditors performance should be. Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles The standards are known collectively as Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles—or GAAP. The information provided is not intended to replace or serve as
substitute for any legal (in those jurisdictions where Accru is permitted to practice law), accounting,
tax or other professional advice, consultation or service.
In that case, an unqualified opinion should be expressed, and an explanatory paragraph should be
added following the opinion paragraph describing the uncertainty concerning management’s
disclosures. Bringing back the fraud and detection role should help reduce this component.
Necessary cookies will remain enabled to provide core functionality such as security, network
management, and accessibility. Auditors need to be communicative with the public to help them
understand the process better.. Too many employers skip out on reviews because they have unwisely
identified them a precursor to a debate about wages. Articles Get discovered by sharing your best
content as bite-sized articles. And this is not only a lacking on the part of users of financial
statements but also the auditor sometimes. Suppose the auditor cannot obtain sufficient evidence
about an illegal act. Five hypotheses were formulated and tested in the course of this study. In the
business world, the expectations gap can occur when a company makes promises or sets goals that it
is unable to fulfill. However, when the financial statements are not revised, the auditor should
express a qualified opinion or an adverse one because of the departure from GAAP and disclose the
reasons in the audit report. This can lead to disappointment and frustration among customers, as well
as damage to the company's reputation. Compartilhar no Twitter Compartilhar no Facebook
Compartilhar com o Pinterest. This can be due to a variety of factors, including inadequate resources
or support, poor teaching, or simply the difficulty of the material. Prevent the issuance of misleading
financial statements. By closing the expectations gap, individuals and organizations can build trust
and credibility, and ultimately achieve greater success. When discussing the scope of an audit ensure
your auditor is aware of any risks or concerns you may have. The perceived mismatch between the
competencies the profession expects — and perceives — graduating accounting students to possess
gives rise to an accounting education expectation- performance gap. Resources Dive into our
extensive resources on the topic that interests you. We propose thinking about the gap as having
three components: the knowledge gap, the performance gap and the evolution gap. For auditors to
understand users’ expectations, they must arrange workshops or seminars so that users at least feel
that they have been auditors and must not rule out everything based on a lack of knowledge on the
part of users. The information provided is not intended to replace or serve as substitute for any legal
(in those jurisdictions where Accru is permitted to practice law), accounting, tax or other professional
advice, consultation or service. The correlation coefficient and the Chi square were used to test the
hypotheses of the study. In that case, there is a departure from GAAP, and the auditor should
express either a qualified opinion or an adverse opinion and explain the reasons in an explanatory
paragraph preceding the opinion paragraph. You should consult with an Accru professional in the
respective legal, accounting, tax or other professional area. Accordingly, the auditor should insist that
the financial statements be revised by management. Users must realize that auditor’s work is relative
to circumstances that require the use of judgment, which may be wrong. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. The study found that there exist a reasonableness gap between
auditors and users (managers, investors and the public) of audit report as regarding the
responsibilities of auditors. Public and in particular users of accounting information however has high
expectations from. An illegal act involves paying bribes, making illegal political contributions, and
violating specific laws and governmental regulations.
The performance gap focuses on areas where auditors do not do what auditing standards or
regulations require. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. When the auditor
concludes that there is substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern
during this period, the auditor should state this conclusion in the audit report: Suppose the
management’s disclosures in the financial statements concerning the entity’s ability to continue as a
going concern are considered adequate by the auditor. The study found out, among others, so many
methods on offer for bridging the audit expectation gap and articulated in the questionnaire were
acceptable to members of ICAN. The expectations gap can also occur when students have high
expectations for their own abilities, but are unable to meet them due to a lack of preparation or
effort. When an illegal act having a material effect on the financial statement is not properly
accounted for or disclosed, the auditor should express a qualified opinion or an adverse opinion
because the financial statements are not prepared in conformity with GAAP. Such awareness can be
created by enriching the curriculum of Nigerian tertiary institutions and by formal or informal
awareness campaign by both government and auditing profession from time to time through
appropriate media not just for their members alone but also for the auditing community as a whole.
People decide based on whether the project or program met their expectations or not. Consequent
upon the findings, the following recommendations, among others, were made: ICAN should
commence immediate implementation of some of the endorsed methods within its purview. This
study concludes to compliance the auditor with auditing standards effective, auditor independence,
importance of the role of professional institutions leads to ensure the reduction of the expectations
Audit gap. When the auditor concludes that the financial statements are materially misstated due to
an error or irregularity, the financial statements are not prepared in conformity with GAAP. We do
not agree. Even though there might be a gap in knowledge, that doesn’t cancel the calls for auditors
to do more or better. The correlation coefficient and the Chi square were used to test the hypotheses
of the study. Users must realize that auditor’s work is relative to circumstances that require the use of
judgment, which may be wrong. Performance Auditing See Full PDF Download PDF About Press
Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. Xkvkrim stuabks hirrbka lut ld tck iuabt
kxpkhtitblds fip prlnmkg wkrk kxtkdsbvk. We call upon all stakeholders connected to the audit
profession, including professional accountancy bodies, audit firms, regulators, journalists and
politicians to contribute towards reducing the expectation gap in audit. Auditors need to be
communicative with the public to help them understand the process better.. Too many employers skip
out on reviews because they have unwisely identified them a precursor to a debate about wages. The
persistence of the expectation gap reflects, in part, the fact that public expectations of audit can grow
in line with what auditors can accomplish. Users must understand that general-purpose financial
statements are meant for the general needs of users, even if they have been audited in the best way
possible. We then propose addressing each of these separately. If the following efforts are invested in
these areas, then expectations can be bridged to a great extent: Users must understand why auditors
can only provide reasonable assurance and not absolute assurance and what are the inherent
limitations of the audit. Who do the auditor’s report to, and is that understood by the various parties
involved in the process. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. It is important for individuals and organizations
to be aware of the expectations gap and to work to bridge it by setting realistic goals and
expectations, and by being transparent and honest about what can and cannot be achieved. An audit
should be about aligning expectations and working together to deliver that value without
compromising independence. Bringing back the fraud and detection role should help reduce this
component. Questionnaires were used on a sample size of 135 respondents. These skills and
knowledge are available to clients and can add enormous value in an audit engagement. Findings-The
concept of AEG is a multidimensional concept.
GIFs Highlight your latest work via email or social media with custom GIFs. When carrying out an
audit we do not expect to find errors, omissions or instances of fraud. In politics, the expectations
gap can occur when a political candidate makes promises or sets goals during an election campaign,
but is unable to fulfill them once in office. If tracking each individual inventory item is not practical,
the inventory can be valued using other accepted methods, such as the first-in, first-out method
FIFO or the last-in, first-out method LIFO. Illegal Client Acts Therefore, an auditor must be ethical
and professional. One of the biggest reasons for this gap is the auditor’s responsibility to detect
fraud. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and
campaigns. The term errors refer to unintentional misstatements or omissions in the financial
statements, whereas the term irregularities refer to intentional misstatements or omissions in the
financial statements. When the auditor concludes that the financial statements are materially
misstated due to an error or irregularity, the financial statements are not prepared in conformity with
GAAP. Consequent upon the findings, the following recommendations, among others, were made:
ICAN should commence immediate implementation of some of the endorsed methods within its
purview. Report this Document Download now Save Save Audit Expectaion Gap For Later 100%
(1) 100% found this document useful (1 vote) 214 views 12 pages Audit Expectaion Gap Uploaded
by Charles Guandaru Kamau. This is contrary to the statutory requirement of an audit. However,
when the financial statements are not revised, the auditor should express a qualified opinion or an
adverse one because of the departure from GAAP and disclose the reasons in the audit report. It
somewhat gives a bad reputation to external auditors. Although the auditor works diligently, it does
not always mean if a judgment is wrong, then the auditor is guilty of ignorance; rather, it will be
assessed based on what the auditor could do and what he did. He has an array of professional
involvement in numerous organisations which has grown his communication and technical skills
immeasurably. The expectations gap can have a number of negative consequences, including
disappointment, frustration, and mistrust. An illegal act involves paying bribes, making illegal
political contributions, and violating specific laws and governmental regulations. The study is aimed
at assessing the duties expected to be performed by the auditors and the perception of their duties by
the stakeholders. Performance Auditing See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People
Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. For example, proper planning, an appropriate understanding
of the entity to design further audit procedures, maintaining a skeptical attitude, reducing sampling
risk to an appropriate level, etc. It was found that the AEG cannot be eradicated entirely from
society. We propose thinking about the gap as having three components: the knowledge gap, the
performance gap and the evolution gap. Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as
single issues or ongoing subscriptions. MGI Worldwide is a network of independent accounting, legal
and consulting firms. MGI Worldwide does not provide any services and its member firms are not
an international partnership. Policy recommendations made are launching of audit education among
employees in the city by bodies such ICPAK and making auditing standards such as ISA 240 more
clear in outlining the duties of an auditor regarding detection and reporting of fraud and other issues
in order to reduce unrealistic expectations among audit beneficiaries. In fact this is only a small part
of what they want accomplished. The data collected was subjected to multiple linear regression and
correlation analysis with an. Five hypotheses were formulated and tested in the course of this study.
This can be advantageous for the patient depending on their policy benefits.
Help Center Here you'll find an answer to your question. The expectation gap in audit is a topic that
attracts attention. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. Users must
understand that general-purpose financial statements are meant for the general needs of users, even if
they have been audited in the best way possible. The perceived mismatch between the competencies
the profession expects — and perceives — graduating accounting students to possess gives rise to an
accounting education expectation- performance gap. In education, the expectations gap can occur
when students or parents have high expectations for academic performance, but the reality falls short.
GIFs Highlight your latest work via email or social media with custom GIFs. The researchers further
propose the extension of the auditors' responsibility as a shared cost between audit firms and their
clients. This study concludes to compliance the auditor with auditing standards effective, auditor
independence, importance of the role of professional institutions leads to ensure the reduction of the
expectations Audit gap. We then propose addressing each of these separately. From the analysis
carried out that shareholders expected an audit report to be a high quality reporting and to convey a
clean bill of health. The correlation coefficient and the Chi square were used to test the hypotheses
of the study. Although the auditor works diligently, it does not always mean if a judgment is wrong,
then the auditor is guilty of ignorance; rather, it will be assessed based on what the auditor could do
and what he did. Embed Host your publication on your website or blog with just a few clicks. It's
like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. Usually, what people want the process to be vs
how it actually differs significantly. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Auditors’ Responsibilities and
Expectation Gap Errors and Irregularities Illegal Client Acts Doubts to Continue as a Going Concern
Narrowing The Expectations Gap What is the Expectation Gap in Audit. To browse
and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. REASONS FOR the
GAP: are not AWARE of the ACTUAL role and responsibilities of auditors. If the client refuses to
accept the auditor’s report, the auditor should withdraw from the engagement and indicate the
reasons for the audit committee in writing. They can also further clarify the details of the role. The
persistence of the expectation gap reflects, in part, the fact that public expectations of audit can grow
in line with what auditors can accomplish. REASONS FOR the GAP: are not AWARE of the
ACTUAL role and responsibilities of auditors. However, the expectation gap is still manageable
through proper communication. Entretanto, o desenvolvimento dos negocios e o aumento da
complexidade dos registros contabeis tornaram mais dificeis esta garantia. Findings-The concept of
AEG is a multidimensional concept. Report this Document Download now Save Save 5 CA Audit
Expectation Gap For Later 100% (1) 100% found this document useful (1 vote) 278 views 12 pages
5 CA Audit Expectation Gap Uploaded by Dayana Mastura AI-enhanced description AUDIT
EXPECTATION GAP - public's misunderstanding about what auditors do. By closing the
expectations gap, individuals and organizations can build trust and credibility, and ultimately achieve
greater success.