Carbon Footprint Vs Energy Optimization in IoT Network Deployments
Carbon Footprint Vs Energy Optimization in IoT Network Deployments
Carbon Footprint Vs Energy Optimization in IoT Network Deployments
ABSTRACT We are witnessing the full integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) into many social
and economic sectors. Part of this unprecedented growth is due to the emergence of new communication
technologies such as Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN), which have been the catalyst for previously
unfeasible smart applications. Efforts to optimize energy consumption in these types of networks have been
necessary to extend their lifetime. However, not much attention has been paid to the study and optimization
of the carbon footprints (CF) of these network deployments. In general, it has always been understood that
minimizing energy consumption should also minimize the carbon footprint. In this work, the carbon footprint
of a generic IoT network that uses renewable energy sources and communicates via LoRa is explored,
and an optimization framework is proposed. We have found that minimizing energy consumption and the
carbon footprint are two different things. In fact, we show that it is not possible to minimize the carbon
footprint without greater energy consumption, and vice versa. This is due to the placement of gateways in the
network. Our findings could be extrapolated to other networks with similar topologies. These results suggest
that a fresh perspective on the optimization of IoT networks is needed to seriously consider environmental
sustainability criteria that has been ignored up to now.
carbon footprint requires increasing the energy consumption footprint. Conversely, the empirical evidence shows that
of IoT devices. enabling IoT devices to consume more energy has a pos-
The concept of a carbon footprint refers to the total itive effect on reducing the network’s carbon footprint.
emissions of carbon dioxide (and sometimes other green- The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
house gases) emitted directly and indirectly by an activity or reviews some relevant works on IoT network optimization
product [8], [9]. Recently, this concept has been attracting and some studies measuring the carbon footprint of an IoT
significant attention from the scientific community, as the network. Section III introduces the linear model and problem
emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is a formulation proposed, and Section IV discusses the numer-
standardized measurement of environmental impact. There- ical results obtained. Finally, in Section V, we conclude the
fore, it is a simple way to understand the effect of a deter- paper.
mined process on the environment.
Given that most IoT networks take samples from the real II. RELATED WORK
world and need to collect data from selected places [1], [2], In the past few years, IoT networks powered by photo-
[3], [5], end device (or node) location is unavoidably bound voltaic panels have been shown to have great advantages. The
to where sensing is needed. Furthermore, one of the most improvement in performance obtained by an optimal setting
popular ways of connecting IoT nodes is through LPWANs. and deployment of the network, from gateway location to
In principle, LPWAN deployments follow a star or connected- the throughput achieved, has also been proven. The authors
star topology. Consequently, the network needs gateways, of [2] reported that, theoretically, a network fed with photo-
or sink nodes, that gather the information sent by the end voltaic energy would work indefinitely until the components
devices and forward it through long-range technology to wore out. They also concluded that these networks would
data centers to process the acquired data. The number and perform better if their nodes consumed more energy. This
placement of these gateways will greatly impact the perfor- was also confirmed in the study conducted in [4], where the
mance of the network. Many specifications are available for authors used an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) approach
LPWAN networks, including LoRa, Zigbee, and SigFox. The to understand network behavior with varying objective func-
operating process of LoRa will be detailed in Section III. tions or problem conditions. They assumed that (i) the nodes
Although those devices consume very little power, the were powered by either one of the two models of battery
deployment of these networks is increasing substantially. The presented in the article and (ii) the environmental waste
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry came from the Li-ion batteries of the end devices after all
is estimated to be responsible for at least 2–3% of Global their recharge cycles were over. The experiment was tested
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, and this will continue to with a discrete number of gateway locations available and
increase in the future [10], [11]. Even though there is not a maximum of 400 end devices connected to each gateway.
enough data to estimate the part of these emissions that are They concluded that increasing the number of gateways could
produced by IoT, their impact should not be disregarded [11], decrease the chemical waste up to a certain threshold and
[12]. The importance of optimizing the carbon footprint of showed the existence of a trade-off between the environmen-
IoT networks is undeniable. For this reason, we propose an tal footprint, energy, and cost. They also concluded that the
optimization framework to place sink nodes or gateways in use of long-life batteries achieved better performance in terms
LPWANs to minimize carbon emissions. of reduced chemical waste (as the lifetime of the node, and
Renewable energies are usually suggested as green alterna- therefore the network, is increased) at the expense of increas-
tives to feed IoT devices, especially in large outdoor deploy- ing the deployment cost of the entire network. However, their
ments. However, there are also carbon emissions associated contribution was focused on the configuration of a deployed
with the use of these so-called greener technologies, from network, not on planning the optimal deployment beforehand.
production to the end-of-life of their components [13], [14]. The authors of [5] also proposed a novel optimization
Furthermore, renewable power supplies are irregular, mean- framework to maximize the lifetime of the network. Their
ing that a battery is also required to provide continuous oper- approach to the problem was to assign renewable energy
ation. The optimization under study could reduce the carbon sources to the nodes with greater energy consumption.
emissions of IoT networks, even in a network completely fed In addition, based on the results offered by the optimization
by photovoltaic panels, as we assume in our model. problem, they designed an algorithm that maximized the
In this context, the main contributions of this paper are life-time of the network while minimizing the number of
summarized below: hops. To this end, they envisioned a mesh multi-hop topology,
• An optimization framework to minimize the carbon meaning that a set of end devices worked as sink nodes and,
footprint in IoT network deployments using LPWAN as such, their location could not be changed. In contrast, our
technology and applying renewable energy sources. paper investigates the effects of free gateway placement.
• An analysis of the trade-off between the carbon footprint Others approaches to minimize the energy consumption of
and energy consumption in IoT networks. IoT networks include [3], where the authors study the effect
• The empirical demonstration that minimizing energy of reducing the traffic of a ZigBee IoT network. They con-
consumption significantly increases the carbon cluded that an estimated annual saving of up to 99% can be
achieved by removing seemingly crucial identifier fields from other studies also considered other GHGs [9], [13]. Our paper
packets and reducing the frequency of data polling interval. follows the first approach and considers only CO2 emissions,
It is clear that a wide range of approaches can be made to as the equivalency of other GHGs depends on the number
optimize a LPWAN. However, there are different perspectives of years used to calculate global-warming potential. After
that have not been studied in detail, and energy is usually GHGs have been converted to their equivalence in CO2 , the
selected as optimization function over CF. Consequently, carbon footprint is measured in CO2 eq. Given that this paper
in this paper the gateway placement is studied because there is only considers CO2 , both units will be equivalent.
few literature about it, and it can offer a significant reduction The emissions of producing IoT nodes are calculated
in environmental impact if the carbon footprint is considered in [12]. However, as we consider the number of end devices
while deploying the network. a constant and their CF is invariable, it can be disregarded
The carbon footprint of wireless networks has also been during the ILP. Authors in [13] estimated the carbon emis-
studied by authors in [15]. They estimated the carbon sions of photovoltaic panels and the percentage of emissions
emissions associated with the deployment and use of a coming from carbon dioxide. In the work presented in [14],
Fourth Generation Long Term Evolution (4G LTE) network the authors calculated power consumption during the pro-
in six different demographic areas. They concluded that the duction process of a 1 kW photovoltaic system. Therefore,
‘‘annual carbon emissions generated by the larger ICT net- they calculated the carbon footprint by using the emissions
works catering for high density urban and suburban areas of energy production. They considered both the efficiency of
and comparatively greater (up to three orders of magnitude) a photovoltaic grid connected power station and the degra-
than those produced by smaller networks,’’ and most of these dation of this efficiency over time at the rate of 2% annually.
emissions came from the manufacturing of mobile phones. Using these figures, they deduced the amount of energy that a
Additionally, they discovered a linear correlation between 1 kW photovoltaic panel exposed to the effective illumination
annual carbon footprints and number of subscribers. How- time of 3000 h could produce. Finally, authors in [23] stated
ever, this link was not maintained with small ICT systems due that crystalline-silicon solar panels ‘‘dominate 80% of the
to the network’s less efficient operation. Consequently, their market globally,’’ and the authors in [24] and [25] concluded
conclusions cannot by applied to our work, and the findings that there was still not enough information to calculate the
of our work may be untrue for very large networks. Should average emissions from the disposal of photovoltaic panels,
a LPWAN with tens of thousands of nodes be considered, as there are many options for disposal and few panels have
new investigations would be necessary to understand the reached their end-of-life.
behaviour of its CF. Finally, regarding batteries, in [25], the authors assessed
There is vast literature addressing the consumption of IoT the life cycle of batteries. They obtained the carbon footprint
end devices and their energy models. Authors in [6], [16], for each of the phases of lithium iron phosphate batteries:
[17], [18], and [19] broke down the functions of an end raw materials, production, and use. And, according to [27]
device, determining the electric current needed to accom- and [28], lithium-ion cobalt based batteries offer 500 recharge
plish every task. Data from manufacturers is also avail- cycles.
able online [20]. The three major functions are transmitting,
receiving, and the idle state. In comparison, all the other tasks, III. MODEL AND FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM
from sensing to computing, can be considered negligible. The network model to develop the optimization problem
On the other hand, gateways have greater energy demands is based on LPWAN topologies. For this purpose, the
as they must be continuously listening according to the LoRaWAN specification, one of the most popular LPWAN
long-range technology requirements (nodes are assumed technologies today, will be taken as a reference. LoRaWAN
to only transmit, without listening requirements). In [21], is a wireless communication technology based on a one-hop
the authors studied the power consumption of front-end radio system and designed to achieve long ranges while con-
LoRaWAN gateways, including backhaul wireless technol- suming little power. A LoRaWAN network uses a star-of-
ogy. They provided a simplified model for gateways, assum- stars topology consisting of three basic elements, as shown
ing the device is always-on with a fixed number of channels. in Figure 1: end devices, gateways, and a central network
In this case, power consumption depended on two factors: the server. End devices, which may be sensors or actuators, com-
LoRaWAN gateway vendor and the backhaul technology. municate with the network server through the backhaul of
Concerning the carbon emissions of gateways and end the gateways. End devices use the LoRa physical layer to
devices, we shall start by providing a formal definition of exchange messages with the gateway, whereas the gateway
the term carbon footprint since its definition seems to be a and the network server communicate using an IP-based pro-
point of debate among the scientific community. The work tocol stack.
presented in [8] defined a carbon footprint as ‘‘a measure of LoRaWAN comprises three communication classes:
the exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions that is Class A, Class B, and Class C. Class A, also known as
directly and indirectly caused by an activity or is accumulated basic LoRaWAN, schedules the transmissions based on the
over the life stages of a product.’’ This approach has been behavior of the end device. In this operating mode, downlink
followed by some studies, such as the work in [22], while transmissions (i.e., from the network server to the end device)
TABLE 2. Problem parameters. The second step is to model the energy consumption
of the end devices. Thus, Ei,j represents the link energy
consumption between end device i-th and point j-th for one
year, measured in kW h, while Li,j represents whether a link
between end device i-th and point j-th exists (recall that
a point j is a potential location for a gateway). Moreover,
Gj denotes whether there is a gateway located at point j.
From these considerations, it is easy to obtain the expressions
for the energy consumption of an end device and a gateway,
expressions (3) and (4), respectively.
n X
Li,j Ei,j (3)
i=1 j=1
Gj EG (4)
TABLE 3. Different settings under which the experiment has been done. changing the values selected would appropriately change the
CF of the network. However, variations in EG could result
in changes in the network deployment, and consequently the
network emissions would change unpredictably.
To solve the problem, the following considerations should
be made. The most important one is that the problem is
NP hard and if the number of potential locations for the gate-
ways is too wide (an overly dense grid of points), it would take
TABLE 4. Problem parameter values. too long to solve the problem. On the other hand, defining a
grid with fewer points would result in having less precision
than desired. Therefore, we propose a series of simplifying
steps to reduce the time necessary to solve the linear integer
problem. These steps are shown in Sections III-B1 and III-B2.
Let i and j be two points of the grid, where both are poten-
tial locations for a gateway. Then, if for each given node b
contained in N , ∀b ∈ N , it is true that either Eb,i < Eb,j or
X Eb,i = Eb,j = ∞. j would never be selected as a location for
Li,j < α Gj , ∀j ∈ G, (7c) a gateway (mathematically, it means that Gj = 0 in vector G)
i=1 because it would always be better to place it in i: for every
Li,j ∈ {0, 1}, ∀i ∈ N , ∀j ∈ G, (7d) node in the grid, either none of them can offer coverage,
Gj ∈ {0, 1}, ∀j ∈ G. (7e) or i is closer, therefore consuming less energy.
Narrowing down the size of the number of points where a
Expression (7b) ensures that every end device is connected gateway could be placed, p, by using this criterion has shown
to a potential gateway location point. Additionally, expres- to reduce the computational burden of the problem, mainly
sion (7c) represents that every link to a potential gateway by eliminating check points located on the borders of our
location point is made to a point where there is a gateway working area. Consequently, the processing time needed to
(meaning there is no connection to an empty point), and no solve the problem is shorter. An example is shown in Figure 2,
gateway receives more than α connections. Both expressions where the number of points has been reduced from 324 to 163.
together guarantee that every node is connected to a gateway
and that no gateway receives more than α connections. Given 2) REFINING THE GRID
that α is a very large number, the second condition is irrele- Even after removing redundant points, as explained above,
vant. it has been proven that problems with more than 60 nodes
Ultimately, the combination of both restrictions achieves are still hard to solve, as they require large amounts of com-
the same behavior as expression (6b): guaranteeing that every putational/memory resources and time. Therefore, we have
node is connected to a gateway. However, using expres- resorted to an additional simplifying strategy based on solv-
sion (6b) as a constraint would make it a non-linear optimiza- ing the optimization problem iteratively. In the first itera-
tion problem. tion, the starting point is a low density of potential gateway
locations that will increase in successive iterations. As a
B. EXPERIMENT DESIGN result of each iteration, areas to place the gateways will be
We have planned 40 different settings for the experiment by discarded and we will check whether the carbon footprint
varying the density of the nodes and the total area of the prob- is lower than in the previous iteration. The iterative process
lem. We selected 1 node every 500 m2 , 1000 m2 , 2000 m2 , will stop when the carbon footprint does not significantly
3000 m2 , and 4000 m2 as the possible end device densities, improve. Below, we provide more details about this iterative
and 6 × 104 m2 , 1.2 × 105 m2 , 1.8 × 105 m2 , 2.4 × 105 m2 , process.
3 × 105 m2 , 3.6 × 105 m2 , 4.2 × 105 m2 , and 4.8 × 105 m2 As previously indicated, we first solve the problem for
as the values for the area under evaluation, as shown in a considerable distance between points (e.g., 60 m). This
Table 3. We have studied every possible combination of these problem contains fewer points and, as such, is easier to solve.
two factors by running every scenario with 20 different seeds. Therefore, it produces an approximate location for every
The values given to the problem parameters, and the refer- gateway in the ideal network. Then, we start iterating around
ences from where they were taken, are expressed in Table 4. these points to refine the outcome. In this way, we calculate
Given that equations (2) and (3) model the energy source, the exact solution faster.
and every device is powered by the same technology, most To do so, we calculate the cost of the objective/
of the parameters included in Table 4 are directly or inversely optimization function of the network for every node when we
proportional to the total carbon footprint of the LPWAN, and move a gateway to an adjacent position. If the cost increases,
FIGURE 2. Removing of redundant points for an example with 16 end nodes and 324 points where a gateway could be located. In the second image,
161 points have been eliminated according to the criteria in Section III-B1. Circles represent the possible positions and crosses mark the placement of
each end node.
we are moving away from the optimal location. If the cost nodes and the area of network deployment. Figure 4 shows
remains the same, we have found a target area where the the emissions obtained for every optimization scenario tested
gateway could be placed. We run over this target location after the algorithm minimized the carbon footprint.
in all the four possible directions, calculating a squared area Increasing the density of end devices in the network
where the gateway could be placed. Then, we reduce the barely increases emissions, and thus, the carbon footprint.
distance between points to half and place the points only For instance, increasing the number of end nodes 4 times,
around the target area. Next, we eliminate the redundant from 1 for every 4000 m2 to 1 for every 1000 m2 , the carbon
points, as explained in Section III-B1, and we solve the MILP footprint increases by only 29.6% in the worst-case scenario,
again. We repeat these iterations until the cost of the objective i.e., an 300% increase in the number of nodes entails an
function is not reduced any more, as shown in Figure 3. increase in the CF of one order of magnitude lower. How-
‘‘Refining the grid’’ is an experience-based simplify- ever, enlarging the area covered by the network increases the
ing approach, thereby allowing us to solve time-consuming carbon footprint at a higher rate.
device-placing problems faster. For instance, in the example In order to make perceptible the reduction in carbon emis-
shown in Table 5, we can observe that the problem has been sions that can be achieved, we have calculated the CF for the
solved in only 4.67 s, on average, when the original distance same scenarios without optimizing the gateway placement.
was 60 m and ‘‘refining the grid’’ was applied. Using a fixed Instead, gateways have been reasonably placed forming a grid
distance between points has proven to take longer. Moreover, that guarantees that every point in the network has coverage,
if ‘‘refining the grid’’ is not used, setting a large distance and every end device has been connected to the closest gate-
between potential points leads to less precise solutions with way. Results are shown in Figure 5. Without optimization, the
higher carbon emissions, while placing the points closer CF grows rapidly for certain scenarios where the number of
means a more complex problem. gateways is significantly higher than needed.
In classical problems, one common optimization goal
IV. NUMERIC RESULTS has been to minimize energy consumption. Thus, to better
This section discusses our results and provides some exam- understand our model and assess the relevance of the carbon
ples to show the benefits of the optimization process. footprint optimization, we also formulate the energy opti-
There are two factors that have been considered when mization framework. Specifically, we apply the same con-
analyzing the numerical results: the density of the end device strains while minimizing the amount of energy consumed by
FIGURE 3. Step by step carbon footprint emissions optimization example results for a scenario with 60 end device nodes. Note that since the fourth
iteration does not offer an improvement over the third iteration, we assume that the optimal cost has been found.
the end devices: concluded that energy optimization leads to greater waste
i=n X
since ‘‘optimizing each variable leads to different network
X configurations.’’ As will be shown below, optimizing energy
Li,j Ei,j (8)
consumption leads to a larger number of gateways placed
i=1 j=1
closer to the end devices.
Expression (8) denotes the optimization function. This As observed in Figure 6, we found that when mini-
allows us to confirm the findings in [4], whose authors mizing energy consumption by increasing the number of
TABLE 5. Comparison of the required time to complete optimization according to the experiment settings and whether the ‘‘refining the grid’’ technique
is used.
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[26] J.-M. Durand, M. João-Duarte, and P. Clerens, ‘‘Joint EASE/EERA rec- Communications (DTIC), UPCT, in 2005. Since
ommendations for a European energy storage technology development 2001, he has been with the Department of Informa-
roadmap towards 2030,’’ in Proc. Joint Eur. Assoc. Storage Energy (EASE),
tion Technologies and Communications (DTIC),
[27] D. Deng, ‘‘Li-ion batteries: Basics, progress, and challenges,’’ Energy Sci.
UPCT, where he is currently a Full Professor, and
Eng., vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 385–418, 2015. the Head of the DTIC. He is the (co)author of more
[28] W.-H. Huang, W. J. Shin, L. Wang, W.-C. Sun, and M. Tao, ‘‘Strategy and than 100 conference and journal papers, 52 of them indexed in the Journal
technology to recycle wafer-silicon solar modules,’’ Sol. Energy, vol. 144, Citation Report (JCR). He has been the head of several research projects in
pp. 22–31, Mar. 2017. the field of communication networks and optimization, and he is currently a
reviewer of several journals listed in the ISI-JCR. He is also an inventor/the
co-inventor of 12 patents or utility models, and he has been a TPC member
or the chair in about 40 international congresses or workshops. He has
been a Visiting Scholar at Bologna University, Italy, in 2007, Wageningen
University, The Netherlands, in 2012, and Santiago de Cali University,
Colombia, in 2019. His research interests include the areas of wireless sensor
networks (WSNs), streaming services, artificial intelligence, the IoT, and