AWS SENSE Quality Manual

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Northeast State Community College

Quality Assurance Manual

Welding Technology Training Program

AWS Level I/Level II Welders

Revision 0

February 2017
Northeast State Community College
AWS/SENSE Quality Assurance Manual

1.0 Policy Statement …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…
1.0 Policy Statement....................................................................................................................................2
2.0 The Organization Chart..........................................................................................................................2
3.0 Registration...........................................................................................................................................2
4.0 Personnel...............................................................................................................................................3
4.1 Qualification and Training..................................................................................................................3
4.2 Senior Official.....................................................................................................................................3
4.3 Assessment Coordinator....................................................................................................................3
4.4 Test Supervisors and Instructors........................................................................................................4
5.0 Purchase of Materials and Services.......................................................................................................5
6.0 Material Control....................................................................................................................................5
7.0 Test Specimen Fabrication.....................................................................................................................5
8.0 Performance Qualification Testing.........................................................................................................6
9.0 Documentation......................................................................................................................................6
10.0 References...........................................................................................................................................7
11.0 Non-conformances..............................................................................................................................7
12.0 Quality Assurance Manual Review......................................................................................................7
Exhibit 1.0 Letter of Commitment...............................................................................................................8
Exhibit 2.0 Organization Chart...................................................................................................................10
Exhibit 3.0 Quality Program Audit Checklist..............................................................................................11
Exhibit 6.0 Material Cutting Ticket.............................................................................................................13
Exhibit 7.0 Workmanship Checklist...........................................................................................................15
Exhibit 8.0 Performance Qualification.......................................................................................................17
Exhibit 8.1 Face- and Root- Bend Test Specimen.......................................................................................19
Exhibit 8.2 Face- and Root-Bend Test Results............................................................................................21
Exhibit 8.3 Authorization for Disposal.......................................................................................................23
Exhibit 9.0 Record of Successful Completion Level 1.................................................................................25

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 1

Exhibit 10.0 References.............................................................................................................................28
Exhibit 12.0 Record of Quality Manual Review..........................................................................................30

1.0 Policy Statement

1.1 The policy of Northeast State Community College (the College) is to abide by the
requirements of the American Welding Society (AWS) Specifications QC10/QC11 and Guide
EG2.0/EG3.0 governing the SENSE program for welder training. The College has implemented
a quality program for welder training and this manual accurately reflects the program’s policies
and procedures.

1.2 This Policy Statement has been included with the College Letter of Commitment, upon
official College stationery signed by the Senior Official of the Facility, the Dean of Advanced
Technologies. The Letter of Commitment is included as Exhibit 1.0 in this manual.

1.3 The College shall cooperate with AWS efforts designed to maintain the validity and relevance
of SENSE aligned welding programs and tests.

2.0 The Organization Chart

2.1 The Organization Chart for Welder training at the College shall include the positions of
Instructors, Test Supervisors, Assessment Coordinator, and the Facility Senior Official.

2.2 The Organization Chart is shown as Exhibit 2.0.

3.0 Registration
3.1 The College shall apply to the AWS for registration as a SENSE Training Organization.

3.2 The College shall submit a checklist, (Exhibit 3.0), documenting review of the quality
program. This shall be the checklist used during an audit.

3.3 The College shall prepare a Quality Assurance Manual describing how the welding program

3.4 This manual shall be an approved document as indicated by the signature of the Dean of
Advanced Technologies.

3.5 This manual shall be a controlled document with controlled exhibits included for its
maintenance and operation as per section 12.0.

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 2

4.0 Personnel
4.1 Qualification and Training

4.1.1 It is recognized that an individual may perform more than one job function. These
duplicate functions shall not interfere with adequate performance of required tasks

4.1.2 All personnel of the College involved with this program to the extent that they are
listed on the organization chart shall be able to document their qualifications, including
education and experience, for the position held.

4.1.3 The College shall have a formal policy for the maintenance of qualification of its
personnel involved with this program.

4.2 Senior Official

4.2.1 The Senior Official has the final authority for all matters pertaining to the welding
curriculum and the SENSE program. The Senior Official shall report directly to the Vice
President for Academic Affairs.

4.2.2 The duties of the Senior Official shall include: Review and approve the Quality Assurance Manual, Exhibits, and
Procedures. Review and approve of the Quality Assurance Manager’s annual program
review. Review and approve of lesson plans and other welding teaching and
instructional materials Review and approve of purchase requisitions for materials and services. Review and approve of nonconformance resolutions.

4.3 Assessment Coordinator

4.3.1 The Assessment Coordinator shall report directly to the Senior Official.

4.3.2 The duties of the Assessment Coordinator shall include: Prepare and maintain the Quality Assurance Manual, Exhibits and

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 3 Annually review of the Quality Assurance Manual, Exhibits and
Procedures per section 12.0. Resolve quality related conflicts. Resolve allegations of nonconformance. Serve as AWS point of contact for SENSE-related matters. Maintain the welding reference library Assure trainees records are maintained per Section 9.0 of the QA
Manual. Submit the required documentation to AWS Certification Business Unit.

4.4 Test Supervisors and Instructors

4.4.1 Test Supervisors and Instructors shall report directly to the Senior Official.

4.4.2 The Test Supervisor shall: Prepare requisitions of base and filler metals per Section 9.0 of the QA
Manual. Follow procedures for Test Specimen Fabrication per Section 7.0 of the
QA Manual. Follow procedures for Performance Qualification Testing per Section 8.0
of the QA Manual.

4.4.3 The Instructor shall: Ensure all trainees are trained in both safety and operating procedures
and that this is documented prior to operating tools or equipment in the welding
lab. Develop and/or implement lesson plans as required utilizing EG2.0/EG3.0

as a guideline. Administer and grade the written, closed book, practical knowledge tests
as required by QC10/QC11. Maintain a file for each trainee’s records including written and
performance test results. Complete and maintain in each trainee’s file the Training Achievement
Record, EG2.0 Annex E for Entry Welder. Prepare and forward to the Senior Official a Record of Successful

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Completion for Entry Welder (Exhibit 9.0) for each successful candidate.

5.0 Purchase of Materials and Services

5.1 The Test Supervisor shall prepare requisitions for materials and services. All requirements
including material specification, grade and classification, documentation and delivery
requirements shall be specified on the requisition and be included on the final purchase order.
Requirements for services shall include specification of required services and qualifications of
the personnel providing the service.

5.2 Purchase requisitions shall be reviewed and approved by the Senior Official.

5.3 A purchase order shall be prepared by the College purchasing department.

5.4 Receipt of materials shall be checked by the Test Supervisor.

6.0 Material Control

6.1 Purchased material shall be identified by purchase order and shall be stored in a secure

6.2 For performance qualification testing the trainee shall prepare a material cutting ticket
(Exhibit 6.0).

6.3 The Test Supervisor shall check the cutting ticket for accuracy and issue the required

6.4 The Test Supervisor shall assign to the trainee a unique identification number for identifying
and tracking the test specimen.

6.5 The trainee shall permanently mark the assigned identification number on the test specimen

7.0 Test Specimen Fabrication

7.1 Test Specimens shall be prepared and instructions in the drawing notes performed as
detailed on QC10 drawings AWS EDU-1 thru EDU-6 for Entry Welders.

7.2 The trainee shall position the test specimen in the prescribed welding positions for
inspection by the Test Supervisor.

7.3 Test Supervisor shall review the Workmanship Checklist (Exhibit 7.0) with the trainee:

7.3.1 Prior to specimen fit-up.

7.3.2 After specimen fit-up prior to the root pass.

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 5

7.3.3 After the root pass.
7.4 Upon successful completion of the root pass, the trainee may complete the welding of the
test specimen.

8.0 Performance Qualification Testing

8.1 The Test Supervisor shall perform inspection and/or tests of the performance qualification

8.1.1 Visual inspections shall meet the criteria of QC10 Table 3 and be documented on
QC10 Annex A. (Exhibit 8.0)

8.1.2 The bend specimens shall be prepared per QC10 Figure 1. (Exhibit 8.1)

8.1.3 Face and root bend tests shall be performed per QC10 Figure 2 or 3.

8.1.4 Bend tests shall meet the criteria of QC10 Table 4 and be documented by the Test
Supervisor per QC10 Annex B. (Exhibit 8.2)

8.1.5 The Test Supervisor shall confirm all performance tests and/or inspections have
been completed, documented, and added to the Trainee’s file and authorize disposal of
the test specimen using the Authorization for Disposal Form. (Exhibit 8.3)

9.0 Documentation
9.1 Documentation of successful completion of SENSE program requirements shall be per
QC10 Part 9 for Entry Welders.

9.1.1 The College shall prepare a Record of Successful Completion form (Exhibit 9.0) for
each successful candidate.

9.1.2 The Record of Successful Completion form shall be reviewed for accuracy and
completeness by the Quality Assurance Manager.

9.1.3 The Record of Successful Completion shall be forwarded to the AWS with the
appropriate processing fee for each trainee for: Entry into the AWS SENSE database for Entry Level Welders Issuance of an AWS SENSE Completion Certificate and an AWS SENSE

Certification Card.

9.1.4 The College shall keep and maintain all records and original tests for one year
after completion of the program by the trainee. Test specimens shall not be retained.

9.1.5 All documents and records that are a part of this program shall be stored so they

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 6

may be promptly retrieved, kept updated and secure from unauthorized persons.

10.0 References
10.1 The College shall maintain a library of all standards and specifications referenced by the
AWS QC10 and AWS EG2.0. (Exhibit 10.0)

11.0 Non-conformances
11.1 The College shall comply with AWS requirements pertaining to allegations of non-
conformance to SENSE policies and procedures including:

11.1.1 A written statement by the Quality Assurance Manager with supporting evidence
refuting the allegations, and a statement by the Senior Official of the College that the
requirements of the College Quality Program and specification QC10/QC11 have been
met in the past, and will be met in the future, or

11.1.2 The College shall agree to submit to an on-site quality audit by an AWS Approved
Assessor to verify that the requirements of the Quality Program and specification
QC10/QC11 have been and are being met.

12.0 Quality Assurance Manual Review

12.1 The Quality Assurance Manager shall review at least annually the Quality Assurance
Manual and Exhibits, as well as all complaints, comments and suggestions received from staff,
trainees, and industry sources.

12.2 The Senior Official shall approve any necessary revisions to the Manual and Exhibits as a
result of such annual review.

12.3 The review and revisions shall be documented using the Quality Manual Review form
(Exhibit 12.0) and shall be maintained by the Quality Assurance Manager.

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 7


The following exhibits are not part of the SENSE Quality Assurance Manual, but are
included for informational purposes only.

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 8

Exhibit 1.0 Letter of Commitment

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 9

Exhibit 2.0 Organization Chart

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 10

Exhibit 3.0 Quality Program Audit Checklist

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 11

AWS/SENSE Quality Manual Checklist

Topic Manual Section

1) Does the QA Manual contain a policy statement that clearly asserts that the
Facility will meet all requirements of codes, specifications or contract 1.1
documents that they use in their activities?
2) Specifically, are QC10 and QC11 listed? 1.1
3) Is there an Organizational Chart that includes names of the individuals
4) Are the Senior Official and the Test Supervisor specifically designated on
the Organization Chart?
5) Is the Test Supervisor (s) qualified? 4.1.2
6) Is a single person (QA Manager, supervisor or other designee) assigned the
responsibility to verify the Facility policy is being complied with?
7) Does the QA Manager have direct access to Executive Management? 4.3.1
8) Are the operational and functional duties of the Senior Official, Test
Supervisor, and QA Manager clearly defined?
9) Are general Quality Control procedures spelled out or incorporated by
5.0, 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0
10) Are there procurement and material control procedures? 6.0 and 7.0
11) Are written procedures and/or checklists available for specific tests or
7.0, 8.0, and 9.0
12) Are there procedures and/or checklists for documenting and reviewing test
7.0, 8.0, and 9.0
13) What records are placed in the welder’s file? 9.1
14) What records are sent to the AWS Certification Business Unit? 9.1.3
15) Are all required reference documents listed? 10.0
16) Are there formal procedures for handling non‐conformances? 11.0
17) Are there procedures for dealing with technical complaints, comments and

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 12

Exhibit 6.0 Material Cutting Ticket

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 13

To be completed by Trainee:

Trainee: ______________________
Drawing no. ___________________ AWS WPS_____________________
Base metal specification: ASTM _______________
M no. _______________ Group ________
Filler material specification: ANSI/AWS ___________
Classification _________ F no. _________

To be completed by Test Supervisor:

Base Metal I.D. no: __________________

Filler material I.D. no. ________________

Assigned test specimen I.D. no: ________________

Base metals and filler materials issued to this Trainee of this test specimen comply
with the requirements of the referenced AWS drawing number and associated

Test Supervisor: ________________________ Date: _____________

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 14

Exhibit 7.0 Workmanship Checklist

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 15

Workmanship Checklist

Trainee: _____________________ Date: ____________

Test specimen ID no: _____________

AWS Drawing no: ________________ AWS WPS_________________

Safety requirements reviewed with trainee _____
Fit-up procedure reviewed with trainee _____
WPS reviewed with trainee _____

Fit-up inspection: _____

Witness root pass:
Cracks: Yes No
Complete penetration: Yes No
Acceptable appearance: Yes No
Undercut: Yes No
Porosity: Yes No
Visual Inspection Results Pass Fail

Test Supervisor_____________________ Date____________

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 16

Exhibit 8.0 Performance Qualification

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 17

Performance Qualification

Name of Trainee


Trainee ID #

Sample #

Weld Size:
Undersize ❒ OK ❒ Oversize ❒

Acceptable ❒ Rejected ❒


Diameter of Largest ____________

Acceptable ❒ Rejected ❒

Acceptable ❒ Rejected ❒

Acceptable ❒ Rejected ❒

Acceptable ❒ Rejected ❒

Acceptable ❒ Rejected ❒

Name __________________________________________________________ Date ___________

(Please Print)


February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 18

Exhibit 8.1 Face- and Root- Bend Test Specimen

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 19

Face- and Root-Bend Test Specimen Fabrication

a A longer specimen length may be necessary.
b These edges may be oxygen cut and may or may not be machined.
c The weld reinforcement, and any backing, shall be removed flush with the surface of the specimen.

1. Cut surfaces shall be smooth and parallel.

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 20

Exhibit 8.2 Face- and Root-Bend Test Results

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 21

Face- and Root-Bend Test Results
Name of Trainee

Trainee ID #

Sample #

2G Face-bend:

Length of each discontinuity (Over 1/32 in.) _____ _____ _____ _____ Sum _____
Accept ❒ Reject ❒

2G Root-bend:

Length of each discontinuity (Over 1/32 in.) _____ _____ _____ _____ Sum _____
Accept ❒ Reject ❒

3G, Face-bend:
Length of each discontinuity (Over 1/32 in.) _____ _____ _____ _____ Sum _____
Accept ❒ Reject ❒

3G, Root-bend:
Length of each discontinuity (Over 1/32 in.) _____ _____ _____ _____ Sum _____
Accept ❒ Reject ❒

Name _______________________________________________________________ Date _______________

(Please Print)

Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________

Exhibit 8.3 Authorization for Disposal

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 22


Trainee: ______________________

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 23

Test Specimen ID no. ____________

Testing and/or inspection of the referenced Test Specimen is complete and

documented per the requirements of AWS QC10 or QC11. Test and/or inspection
documents have been added to the Trainee’s file.

Test Supervisor: _____________________

Date: _______________________

This document shall be included with the test documents in the Trainee’s file.

Exhibit 9.0 Record of Successful Completion Level 1

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 24

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Exhibit 10.0 References

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 28

AWS EG2.0 Guide for the Training of Welding Personnel: Level I-Entry Welder
AWS QC10 Specification for Qualification and Certification of Level I-Entry
AWS A3.O Standard Welding Terms and Definitions
AWS B4.0 Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of Welds
AWS B1.11 Guide for Visual Examination of Welds
ANSI Z49.1 Safety in Welding, Cutting and Allied Processes

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 29

Exhibit 12.0 Record of Quality Manual Review

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 30

Annual Review of Quality Manual & Implementation

Performed Date
Manual Checklist Manual Section
1) Does the QA Manual contain a policy statement that
clearly asserts that the Facility will meet all requirements of
codes, specifications or contract documents that they use in
their activities?
2) Specifically, is QC10 listed?
3) Is there an Organizational Chart that includes names of
the individuals involved?
4) Are the Senior Official and the Test Supervisor
specifically designated on the Organization Chart?
5) Is the Test Supervisor (s) qualified?
6) Is a single person (QA Manager, supervisor or other
designee) assigned the responsibility to verify the facility
policy is being complied with?
7) Does the QA Manager have direct access to Executive
8) Are the operational and functional duties of the Senior
Official, Test Supervisor, and QA Manager clearly defined?
9) Are general Quality Control procedures spelled out or
incorporated by reference?
10) Are there procurement and material control procedures?
11) Are written procedures and/or checklists available for
specific tests or inspections?
12) Are there procedures and/or checklists for documenting
and reviewing test results?
13) What records are placed in the welder’s file?
14) What records are sent to the AWS Certification
Business Unit?
15) Are all required reference documents listed?
16) Are there formal procedures for handling non‐
17) Are there procedures for dealing with technical
complaints, comments and suggestions?

Procedure Checklist Manual Section Confirm

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 31

1) Is the candidate welder assigned an identification code?
2) Is the identification code recorded on the coupon and
the paper work?
3) Does the Test Supervisor verify that certified materials
are used?
4) Is the test materials identification recorded on the test
5) Is the welder identification code transferred to the bend

Operations Checklist Manual Section
1) Is the fit up inspected prior to welding?
2) Are the Welding Procedures available for use by the
3) Are written procedures or checklists available for
preparation and inspection of bend specimens?
4) Are written procedures or checklists available for
testing and evaluation of bend specimens?
5) Are the results of the bend test recorded on the test
6) Does the welders file consist of:
a) The welder test checklist?
b) The bend test report?
c) The Performance Qualification Test Record?

Reference Documents Checklist Manual Section
1) Does the Facility maintain a library?
2) Are there current copies of applicable Welder
Qualification Codes and Standards?
3) Does the Facility maintain a list of WPSs/PQRs used
for the testing of welders?
4) Is ASC Z49 Safety in Welding and Cutting in the

Welding Tests Checklist Manual Section
1) Does the Test Supervisor have a checklist for the set‐up
and administration of the welding test?
2) Is the WPS available
3) Is appropriate safety equipment provided and used?
4) Is appropriate material provided to work with?

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 32

5) Is fit‐up verified?
6) Are written procedures or other methods available to
define the visual inspection criteria to be applied to test
7) Are sketches, drawings, etc. used to define the steps in
performing the cutting and preparation for destructive
testing (bends, nick‐breaks, etc.?)
8) Is there proper documentation as to the disposal of test
9) Are records forwarded to AWS Certification

General Questions Checklist Manual Section
1) Does management review QA Program on a routine
2) If yes, how often?
3) Who is responsible for
the review?

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 33

Exceptions Noted and Corrective Actions
Attach additional pages as necessary.


Enter exception here

Corrective Action Needed

Enter corrective action here

Date corrective action completed and comments

Enter date and comments here.

Quality Assurance Manager

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 34

Manual Revisions
Attach additional pages and documentation as necessary.

Enter proposed revision(s) with discussion here.

Quality Assurance Manager

Senior Official

This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under the US Department of Labor’s Employment

February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 35

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February 2017 SENSE Quality Manual 36

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