Concrete Design - IIT KGP
Concrete Design - IIT KGP
Concrete Design - IIT KGP
Objectives and Methods
of Analysis and Design,
and Properties of
Concrete and Steel
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
Objectives and Methods
of Analysis and Design
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
Instructional Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:
1.1.1 Introduction
Reinforced concrete, as a composite material, has occupied a special
place in the modern construction of different types of structures due to its several
advantages. Italian architect Ponti once remarked that concrete liberated us from
the rectangle. Due to its flexibility in form and superiority in performance, it has
replaced, to a large extent, the earlier materials like stone, timber and steel.
Further, architect's scope and imaginations have widened to a great extent due
to its mouldability and monolithicity. Thus, it has helped the architects and
engineers to build several attractive shell forms and other curved structures.
However, its role in several straight line structural forms like multistoried frames,
bridges, foundations etc. is enormous.
Anim. 1.1.1
Both the engineer and the architect should realize that the skeletal
structure without architecture is barren and mere architecture without the
structural strength and safety is disastrous. Safety, here, includes consideration
of reserve strength, limited deformation and durability. However, some basic
knowledge of architectural and structural requirements would facilitate to
appreciate the possibilities and limitations of exploiting the reinforced concrete
material for the design of innovative structures.
Before proceeding to the design, one should know the objectives of the
design of concrete structures. The objectives of the design are as follows:
This objective does not include a guarantee that every structure must
perform satisfactorily during its intended life. There are uncertainties in the design
process both in the estimation of the loads likely to be applied on the structure
and in the strength of the material. Moreover, full guarantee would only involve
more cost. Thus, there is an acceptable probability of performance of structures
as given in standard codes of practices of different countries. The designed structure should sustain all loads and deform within
limits for construction and use.
Structures may be misused to prepare fire works, store fire works, gas and
other highly inflammable and/or explosive chemicals. Fire may also take place as
accidents or as secondary effects during earthquake by overturning kerosene
stoves or lantern, electrical short circuiting etc. Properly designed structures
should allow sufficient time and safe route for the persons inside to vacate the
structures before they actually collapse.
All the above objectives can be fulfilled by understanding the strength and
deformation characteristics of the materials used in the design as also their
deterioration under hostile exposure. Out of the two basic materials concrete and
steel, the steel is produced in industries. Further, it is available in form of
standard bars and rods of specific diameters. However, sample testing and
checking are important to ensure the quality of these steel bars or rods. The
concrete, on the other hand, is prepared from several materials (cement, sand,
The term “Limit states” is of continental origin where there are three limit
states - serviceability / crack opening / collapse. For reasons not very clear, in
English literature limit state of collapse is termed as limit state.
As mentioned in sec. 1.1.1, the semi-empirical limit state method of design
has been found to be the best for the design of reinforced concrete members.
More details of this method are explained in Module 3 (Lesson 4). However,
because of its superiority to other two methods (see sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 of
Lesson 3), IS 456:2000 has been thoroughly updated in its fourth revision in 2000
taking into consideration the rapid development in the field of concrete
technology and incorporating important aspects like durability etc. This standard
has put greater emphasis to limit state method of design by presenting it in a full
section (section 5), while the working stress method has been given in Annex B
of the same standard. Accordingly, structures or structural elements shall
normally be designed by limit state method.
Though the choice of the method of design is still left to the designer as
per cl. 18.2 of IS 456:2000, the superiority of the limit state method is evident
from the emphasis given to this method by presenting it in a full section (Section
5), while accommodating the working stress method in Annex B of IS 456:2000,
from its earlier place of section 6 in IS 456:1978. It is expected that a gradual
change over to the limit state method of design will take place in the near future
after overcoming the inconveniences of adopting this method in some situations. In the limit state method, the design load is the characteristic load
with appropriate partial safety factor (vide sec. for partial safety
The value of K is assumed such that the actual load does not exceed the
characteristic load during the life of the structure in 95 per cent of the cases.
These are the self weight of the structure to be designed (see Anim.
1.1.5a). Needless to mention that the dimensions of the cross section are to be
assumed initially which enable to estimate the dead loads from the known unit
weights of the materials of the structure. The accuracy of the estimation thus
depends on the assumed values of the initial dimensions of the cross section.
The values of unit weights of the materials are specified in Part 1 of IS 875.
They are also known as live loads (Anim. 1.1.5a) and consist of all loads
other than the dead loads of the structure. The values of the imposed loads
depend on the functional requirement of the structure. Residential buildings will
have comparatively lower values of the imposed loads than those of school or
office buildings. The standard values are stipulated in Part 2 of IS 875.
These loads (Anim. 1.1.5a) depend on the velocity of the wind at the
location of the structure, permeability of the structure, height of the structure etc.
They may be horizontal or inclined forces depending on the angle of inclination of
the roof for pitched roof structures. They can even be suction type of forces
depending on the angle of inclination of the roof or geometry of the buildings
(Anim. 1.1.5b). Wind loads are specified in Part 3 of IS 875.
These are important loads for structures located in areas having snow fall,
which gets accumulated in different parts of the structure depending on
projections, height, slope etc. of the structure (Anim. 1.1.6). The standard values
of snow loads are specified in Part 4 of IS 875.
Anim. 1.1.6
Anim. 1.1.7
Earthquake generates waves which move from the origin of its location
(epicenter) with velocities depending on the intensity and magnitude of the
earthquake. The impact of earthquake on structures depends on the stiffness of
the structure, stiffness of the soil media, height and location of the structure etc.
(Anim. 1.1.7). Accordingly, the country has been divided into several zones
depending on the magnitude of the earthquake. The earthquake forces are
Shrinkage, creep and temperature (high or low) may produce stresses and
cause deformations like other loads and forces (Anim. 1.1.8, 9 and 10). Hence,
these are also considered as loads which are time dependent. The safety and
serviceability of structures are to be checked following the stipulations of cls.
6.2.4, 5 and 6 of IS 456:2000 and Part 5 of IS 875.
A.1: (i) Stone, timber and steel cannot be fitted to any mould, but concrete
during its green stage can fit to any mould.
(ii) Structures made of stone, timber and steel have several joints, but
different elements of concrete structures can be cast monolithically.
A.2: Integrated structure is one where each part of the structure satisfies both
the structural requirements of strength and serviceability and architectural
requirements of aesthetics and functionality.
(iii) be durable,
Q.4: How to fulfil the four objectives of the design of reinforced concrete
Q.5: What are the three methods of design of reinforced concrete structural
A.6: Limit state method is the best of the three methods when clearly
A.7: The basis of the analysis is the employment of linear elastic theory.
Q.8: How to estimate the design loads in (i) limit state method, and (ii) working
stress method?
A.9: Characteristic load is that load which has a ninety-five per cent probability
of not being exceeded during the life of the structure.
Q.10: What are the main (i) loads, (ii) forces and (iii) effects to be considered
while designing the structures?
Q.11: What are the basis of combining different loads for the design?
A.11: Natural phenomenon and common sense are the basis of selecting the
combination different loads acting on the structure while designing.
(b) sustain all loads and deformations without collapse or any damage
(c) sustain all loads with limited deformations during construction and use
(d) sustain characteristic loads and deformations during the next 50 years
(c) the characteristic load divided by the partial safety factor for loads
(d) the characteristic load multiplied by the partial safety for loads
(iii) In the limit state method, the basis of the analysis of structure is
(b) that load which has a probability of ninety-five per cent of not being exceeded
during the life of the structure
(d) the ultimate collapse load multiplied by the partial safety factor for loads
TQ.2: Name the main (i) loads, (ii) forces and (iii) effects to be considered while
designing the structures.
(5 + 1 + 8 = 14 marks)
(5 marks for five loads, 1 mark for one force and 8 marks for eight effects)
TQ.3: State the basis of determining the combination of different loads acting on
the structure.
(8 marks)
1.2.1 Introduction
It is essential that the designer has to acquire a fair knowledge of the
materials to be used in the design of reinforced concrete structure. This lesson
summarises the characteristic properties of concrete and steel, the two basic
materials used for the design. This summary, though not exhaustive, provides the
minimum information needed for the design.
Ec = initial tangent modulus at the origin, also known as short term static
Es = secant modulus at A
Et = tangent modulus at A
εe = elastic strain at A
εi = inelastic strain at A
It is seen that the initial tangent modulus is much higher than Et (tangent
modulus at A). Near the failure, the actual strain consists of both εe and εi (elastic
and inelastic respectively) components of strain. The initial tangent modulus Ec in
N/mm2 is estimated from
The initial tangent modulus Ec is also known as short term static modulus of
elasticity of concrete in N/mm2 and is used to calculate the elastic deflections.
Thus, the long term deflection will be added to the short term deflection to get
the total deflection of the structure. Accordingly, the long term modulus Ece or the
effective modulus of concrete will be needed to include the effect of creep due to
permanent loads. The relationship between Ece and Ec is obtained as follows:
εc = fc/Ec
ε cr
θ = creep coefficient = (cl. of IS 456)
The values of θ on 7th, 28th and 365th day of loading are 2.2, 1.6 and 1.1
fc ε c Ec Ec
Ece = = =
ε c +ε c r ε c +ε c r 1+ θ
The effective modulus of Ece of concrete is used only in the calculation of creep
It is seen that the value of creep coefficient θ (Eq. 1.4) is reducing with the
age of concrete at loading. It may also be noted that the ultimate creep strain εcr
does not include short term strain εc. The creep of concrete is influenced by
• Properties of concrete
• Water/cement ratio
• Humidity and temperature of curing
• Humidity during the period of use
• Age of concrete at first loading
• Magnitude of stress and its duration
• Surface-volume ratio of the member
Recently more than forty per cent of concrete poured world over would contain
(b) Workability
It is the property which determines the ease and homogeneity with which
concrete can be mixed, placed, compacted and finished. A workable concrete will
not have any segregation or bleeding. Segregation causes large voids and hence
concrete becomes less durable. Bleeding results in several small pores on the
surface due to excess water coming up. Bleeding also makes concrete less
durable. The degree of workability of concrete is classified from very low to very
high with the corresponding value of slump in mm (cl. 7 of IS 456).
(e) Batching
Mass and volume are the two types of batching for measuring cement,
sand, coarse aggregates, admixtures and water. Coarse aggregates may be
gravel, grade stone chips or other man made aggregates. The quantities of
cement, sand, coarse aggregates and solid admixtures shall be measured by
mass. Liquid admixtures and water are measured either by volume or by mass
(cl. 10 of IS 456).
Like concrete, steel also has several types or grades. The four types of
steel used in concrete structures as specified in cl. 5.6 of IS 456 are given below:
(i) Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars conforming to IS 432 (Part 1)
(ii) High yield strength deformed (HYSD) steel bars conforming to IS 1786
Mild steel bars had been progressively replaced by HYSD bars and subsequently
TMT bars are promoted in our country. The implications of adopting different
kinds of blended cement and reinforcing steel should be examined before
For mild steel (Fig. 1.2.3), the stress is proportional to the strain up to the
yield point. Thereafter, post yield strain increases faster while the stress is
assumed to remain at constant value of fy.
For cold-worked bars (Fig. 1.2.4), the stress is proportional to the strain up
to a stress of 0.8 fy. Thereafter, the inelastic curve is defined as given below:
fyd = fy / γm
There is a scope for good design of formwork system so that stripping off
is efficient without undue shock to concrete and facilitating reuse of formwork.
The required reinforcement bars for the bending moment, shear force and
axial thrust are to be accommodated together and proper bar bending schedules
shall be prepared. The reinforcement bars should be placed over blocks,
spacers, supporting bars etc. to maintain their positions so that they have the
Proper curing prevents loss of moisture from the concrete and maintains a
satisfactory temperature regime. In moist curing, the exposed concrete surface is
kept in a damp or wet condition by ponding or covering with a layer of sacking,
canvas, hessian etc. and kept constantly wet for a period of 7-14 days depending
on the type of cement and weather conditions. Blended cement needs extended
curing. In some situations, polyethylene sheets or similar impermeable
membranes may be used to cover the concrete surface closely to prevent
Standard core tests (IS 516) are to be conducted at three or more points
to represent the whole concrete work in case of any doubt regarding the grade of
concrete during inspection either due to poor workmanship or unsatisfactory
results on cube strength obtained following the standard procedure. If the
average equivalent cube strength of cores is equal to at least 85 per cent of the
cube strength of that grade of concrete at that age and each of the individual
cores has strength of at least 75 per cent, then only the concrete represented by
the core test is considered acceptable. For unsatisfactory core test results, load
tests should be conducted for the flexural members and proper analytical
investigations should be made for non-flexural members.
A.1: The constituent materials of plain concrete are cement, sand (fine
aggregate), gravel (coarse aggregate), water and mineral admixtures in
some special cases.
Q.3: How and when the characteristic compressive strength fck is determined?
A.4: The symbol M refers to mix and the number 20 indicates that the
characteristic strength fck of grade M 20 is 20 N/mm2.
Q.5: Express the relation between flexural strength (fcr) and characteristic
compression strength fck of concrete.
A.5: The generally accepted relation is: fcr = 0.7 f ck where fcr and fck are in
N/mm .
(a) Initial tangent modulus Ec, (b) Secant modulus Es at any point A on the
stress-strain curve, (c) Tangent modulus Et at A and (d) elastic and
inelastic strain components of the total strain at A.
Q.7: Express the short term static modulus Ec in terms of the characteristic
compressive strength fck of concrete.
A.8: As per cl. of IS 456:2000, the approximate value of total shrinkage
strain of concrete is to be taken as 0.0003.
Q.9: Define creep coefficient θ of concrete and express the relation between the
effective modulus Ece, short term static modulus Ec and creep coefficient θ
of concrete.
The required relation is Ece = c . {The derivation of Eq. 1.6 is given in
1+ θ
sec. 1.2.2 part (e)}.
A.10: Workability of concrete is the property which determines the ease and
homogeneity with which concrete can be mixed, placed, compacted and
A.11: In design mix, the proportions of cement, aggregates (sand and gravel),
water and mineral admixtures, if any are actually determined by actual
design to have a desired strength. In nominal mix, however, these
proportions are nominally adopted.
Q.12: What are the different types of batching in mixing the constituent materials
of concrete and name the type of batching to be adopted for different
A.12: Mass and volume are the two types of batching. The quantities of cement,
aggregates (sand and gravel) and solid admixtures shall be measured by
mass batching. Liquid admixtures and water are measured either by mass
or volume batching.
A.13: Bars are steel bars of diameter up to 12 mm which are coiled during
transportation. Rods are steel bars of diameter greater than 12 mm and
cannot be coiled. They are transported in standard lengths.
Q.14: Name the types of steel and their relevant IS standards to be used as
reinforcement in concrete.
Q.15: Draw stress-strain curve of steel bars with or without definite yield point
and indicate the yield stress fy of them.
Q.16: What are the criteria of properly mixed concrete and how to achieve
A.16: Properly mixed concrete will have uniform distribution of materials having
uniform colour and consistency.
Q.17: What should be the expected strength of concrete structure at the time of
removal of formwork?
A.17: The concrete at the time of removing the formwork should have strength
of at least twice the stress that it may be subjected to at the time of removal
of formwork.
Q.18: Name the sample tests to be performed for checking the strength of
A.18: The main test to be performed is 150 mm cube strength at 28 days made
of fresh concrete and cured. Additional tests should also be conducted on
150 mm cubes at 7 days and beam tests to determine modulus of rupture
at 3 or 7 days. There should be at least 3 or more samples of such
specimens to represent the entire concrete work. Each sample should have
at least three specimens for conducting each of the above-mentioned tests.
Q.19: Mention the specific acceptance criteria of the sample tests of cubes and
A.19: Concrete should be considered satisfactory when both the mean strength
determined from any group of four consecutive test results and any
individual test result of compressive and flexural strength tests comply the
prescribed limits of cl. 16 of IS 456.
A.20: Standard core tests are needed if the inspection of concrete work raises
doubt regarding the grade of concrete either due to poor workmanship or
unsatisfactory cube strength results performed following standard
A.22: Load tests are to be conducted for the flexural members and analytical
investigations are to be performed for non-flexural members.
Q.23: Prescribe the loading conditions and age of structure for conducting load
A.23: Load tests are to be conducted as soon as possible after expiry of 28 days
from the date of casting. The flexural member is subjected to full dead load
and 1.25 times the imposed load for 24 hours and then the imposed load
has to be removed.
For members showing more deflection, the recovery of the deflection within
24 hours of removal of the imposed load has to be noted. If the recovery is
less than 75 per cent of the deflection under imposed load, the tests should
be repeated after a lapse of 72 hours. The structure is considered
unacceptable if the recovery is less than 80 per cent.
A.25: The acceptable non-destructive tests are ultrasonic pulse velocity, rebound
hammer, probe penetration, pull out and maturity.
1.2.8 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
TQ.4: Express the short term static modulus (Ec) in terms of the characteristic
compressive strength (fck) of concrete.
TQ.5: Define creep coefficient θ of concrete and express the relation between
the effective modulus (Ece), short term static modulus (Ec) and creep
coefficient (θ) of concrete.
TQ.7: Draw stress-strain curve of steel bars with or without definite yield point
and indicate the yield stress fy of them.
TQ.8: Mention the specific acceptance criteria of the sample tests of cubes and
TQ.10: Prescribe the loading conditions and age of structure for conducting load
• state if the structures are to be designed following all the limit states,
• explain the concept of separate partial safety factors for loads and material
strengths depending on the limit state being considered,
• name the theory for the analysis of structures to be designed by limit states,
• identify four reasons to justify the design of structures or parts of the structure
by limit state method.
2.3.1 Introduction
In any method of design, the following are the common steps to be followed:
(i) To assess the dead loads and other external loads and forces likely to
be applied on the structure,
Limit states are the acceptable limits for the safety and serviceability
requirements of the structure before failure occurs. The design of structures by
this method will thus ensure that they will not reach limit states and will not
become unfit for the use for which they are intended. It is worth mentioning that
structures will not just fail or collapse by violating (exceeding) the limit states.
Failure, therefore, implies that clearly defined limit states of structural usefulness
has been exceeded.
(i) Limit state of collapse deals with the strength and stability of structures
subjected to the maximum design loads out of the possible combinations of
several types of loads. Therefore, this limit state ensures that neither any part nor
the whole structure should collapse or become unstable under any combination
of expected overloads.
(Design load Fd) = (Characteristic load F) (Partial safety factor for load γf)
Respective values of γf for loads in the two limit states as given in Table 18 of IS
456 for different combinations of loads are furnished in Table 2.1.
DL + IL 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 -
DL + WL 1.5 or - 1.5 1.0 - 1.0
DL + IL + WL 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.8
2 For the limit states of serviceability, the values of γf given in this table are applicable for
short term effects. While assessing the long term effects due to creep the dead load and
that part of the live load likely to be permanent may only be considered.
This value is to be considered when stability against overturning or stress reversal is
Both the partial safety factors are shown schematically in Fig. 2.3.5.
Clause 36.4.2 of IS 456 states that γm for concrete and steel should be
taken as 1.5 and 1.15, respectively when assessing the strength of the structures
or structural members employing limit state of collapse. However, when
assessing the deflection, the material properties such as modulus of elasticity
should be taken as those associated with the characteristic strength of the
2.3.3 Analysis
Analysis of structure has been briefly mentioned in sec. 1.1.4 earlier.
Herein, the analysis of structure, in the two limit states (of collapse and of
serviceability), is taken up. In the limit state of collapse, the strength and stability
of the structure or part of the structure are ensured. The resistances to bending
moment, shear force, axial thrust, torsional moment at every section shall not be
less than their appropriate values at that section due to the probable most
unfavourable combination of the design loads on the structure. Further, the
structure or part of the structure should be assessed for rupture of one or more
critical sections and buckling due to elastic or plastic instability considering the
effects of sway, if it occurs or overturning.
A.1: The four steps are listed in section 2.3.1 under (i) to (iv).
Q.3: How many limit states are there? Should a structure be designed following
all the limit states?
Q.4: Define partial safety factors of load and material. Write the expressions to
determine the design load and design strength of the material from their
respective characteristic values employing the corresponding partial safety
Q.5: What is size effect of concrete? What is its role in determining the material
strength of concrete?
0.67 f
( 2/ 3 ) ck
f = (f ) = = 0.446 f
d ck 1.5 1.5 ck
Q.6: Which theory should be employed for the analysis of structural system to
be designed element wise, by limit state method?
A.6: Linear elastic theory should be employed for the analysis of structural
system subjected to design loads.
A.7: Statically indeterminate structures will have plastic hinges formed when
loads increase from the characteristic values. These locations where
plastic hinges are formed will undergo rotations at constant moment when
the sections of lower stresses will receive the additional moments due to
further increase of loads. This process will continue till sufficient plastic
hinges are formed to have a mechanism of collapse (see Figs. 2.3.6 and
The structures should have such a provision to avoid sudden failure at the
failure of one critical section. The comparatively lower stressed sections,
therefore, should be designed taking the redistribution of moments into
Q.8: What are the analytical methods for the design of simply supported and
restrained slabs?
A.8: Yield line theory or any other acceptable method of analysis can be
employed for these slabs. Alternatively, the method illustrated in Annex D
of IS 456:2000 can also be used for the slabs spanning in two
perpendicular directions.
Q.9: Give four reasons to justify the design of structures by limit state method.
(iv) The stress block represents in a more realistic manner when the
structure is at the collapsing stage (limit state of collapse) subjected
to design loads.
2.3.6 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
TQ.1: List the common steps of design of structures by any method of design.
(8 marks)
TQ.3: Draw schematic figures to explain (i) the different limit states and (ii) use
of the limit states to design a structure. (6 +
6 = 12 marks)
A.TQ.3: The schematic figures are Figs. 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 and answers are in sec.
TQ.4: What is size effect of concrete? What is its role in determining the material
strength of concrete?
(6 marks)
• name three different types of reinforced concrete beam with their specific
• write and derive the expressions of total compression and tension forces C
and T, respectively.
3.4.1 Introduction
(i) Plane sections normal to the axis remain plane after bending.
This assumption ensures that the cross-section of the member does not
warp due to the loads applied. It further means that the strain at any point on the
cross-section is directly proportional to its distance from the neutral axis.
(ii) The maximum strain in concrete at the outer most compression fibre is
taken as 0.0035 in bending (Figs. 3.4.19 and 20).
Concrete has some tensile strength (very small but not zero). Yet, this
tensile strength is ignored and the steel reinforcement is assumed to resist the
tensile stress. However, the tensile strength of concrete is taken into account to
check the deflection and crack widths in the limit state of serviceability.
(v) The design stresses of the reinforcement are derived from the
representative stress-strain curves as shown in Figs. 1.2.3 and 4 of Lesson 2 and
Figs. 23A and B of IS 456:2000, for the type of steel used using the partial safety
factor γm as 1.15.
In the reinforced concrete structures, two types of steel are used: one with
definite yield point (mild steel, Figs. 1.2.3 of Lesson 2 and Figs. 23B of IS
456:2000) and the other where the yield points are not definite (cold work
deformed bars). The representative stress-strain diagram (Fig. 1.2.4 of Lesson 2
and Fig. 23A of IS 456:2000) defines the points between 0.8 fy and 1.0 fy in case
of cold work deformed bars where the curve is inelastic.
(vi) The maximum strain in the tension reinforcement in the section at failure
shall not be less than fy/(1.15 Es) + 0.002, where fy is the characteristic strength
of steel and Es = modulus of elasticity of steel (Figs. 3.4.19 and 20).
This equation shows that the applied moment at the section is fully resisted by
moment of the resisting couple T a = C a , where a is the operating lever arm
between T and C (Figs. 3.4.19 and 20).
x3 = Distance of the fibre from the top compressive fibre, where the strain
= 0.002 and stress = 0.446 fck
xu − x3 0.002 4
= = = 0.57 , giving
xu 0.0035 7
x3 = 0.43 xu
Since C1 is due to the constant stress acting from the top to a distance of x3, the
distance x1 of the line of action of C1 is:
x5 = x3 + (xu - x3) = 0.43 xu + 0.75(0.57 xu)
or x5 = 0.86 xu
C2 = b (xu - x3) (0.446 fck) = 0.17 b xu fck
C3 = b (xu - x3) (0.446 fck) = 0.085 b xu fck
Now, we can get x4 by taking moment of C2 and C3 about the top fibre as follows:
xu − x3
C2(x4) + C3 (x5) = (C2 + C3) (x3 + )
Thus, the required parameters of the stress block (Fig. 3.4.19) are
x2 = 0.42 xu (3.12)
The tensile force T is obtained by multiplying the design stress of steel with the
area of steel. Thus,
T = ( ) Ast = 0.87 f y Ast
A.1: The beams and slabs carry the transverse loads primarily by bending.
Q.2: Name three different types of reinforced concrete beams and their specific
Q.3: Name four parameters which determine the effective widths of T and L-
A.4: One-way slab spans in one direction and two-way slab spans in both the
directions. Slabs whose ratio of longer span (ly) to shorter span (lx) is more
than 2 are called one-way. Slabs of this ratio up to 2 are called two-way
Q.5: State and explain the significance of the six assumptions of design of
flexural members employing limit state of collapse.
Q.6: Draw a cross-section of singly reinforced rectangular beam and show the
strain and stress diagrams.
Q.7: Write the three equations of equilibrium needed to design the reinforced
concrete beams.
Q.8: Write the final expression of the total compressive force C and tensile
force T for a rectangular reinforced concrete beam in terms of the
designing parameters.
(ii) The ratio of longer span (ly) to shorter span (lx) of a two-way slab is
(a) up to 2
(b) more than 2
(c) equal to 1
(d) more than 1
(a) over the intermediate support of a continuous beam where the bending
moment is negative
(iv) The maximum strain in the tension reinforcement in the section at failure
shall be
TQ.3: Name four parameters which determine the effective widths of T and L-
beams. (6)
TQ.4: Derive the final expressions of the total compressive force C and tensile
force T for a rectangular reinforced concrete beam in terms of the
designing parameters.
(10 +
4 = 14)
A.TQ.4: Section 3.4.5 is the full answer.
• determine the depth of the neutral axis for a given cross-section with known
value of Ast and grades of steel and concrete,
• write and derive the expressions of xu,max, pt,lim, Mu,lim/bd2 and state the
influences of grades of steel and concrete on them separately,
3.5.1 Introduction
After learning the basic assumptions, the three equations of equilibrium
and the computations of the total compressive and tensile forces in Lesson 4, it is
now required to determine the depth of neutral axis (NA) and then to estimate the
moment of resistance of the beams. These two are determined using the two
equations of equilibrium (Eqs. 3.1 and 3.3). It has been explained that the depth
of neutral axis has important role to estimate the moment of resistance.
Accordingly, three different cases are illustrated in this lesson.
0.87 f y Ast
or xu =
0.36 b f ck
xu 0.87 f y Ast
d 0.36 b d f ck
⎛ Ast f y ⎞
= d ⎜⎜1 − 1.015 ⎟
⎝ f ck b d ⎠
⎛ Ast f y ⎞
lever arm = d ⎜⎜1 − ⎟
⎝ f ck b d ⎟⎠
Equation 3.17 reveals that increases with the increase of percentage
of steel reinforcement for fixed values of fy and fck. Thus, the depth of the
neutral axis xu will tend to reach the depth of the tensile steel. But, that should
not be allowed. However, let us first find out that value of xu which will satisfy
assumptions (ii) and (vi) of sec. 3.4.2 and designate that by xu, max for the
present, till we confirm that xu should have a limiting value.
The compressive strain at the top concrete fibre = 0.0035 and the tensile
⎛ 0.87 f y ⎞
strain at the level of steel = ⎜ + 0.002 ⎟ . Thus, it satisfies the assumptions (ii)
⎜ E ⎟
⎝ s ⎠
and (vi) of sec. 3.4.2.
⎛ 0.87 f y ⎞
(b) When the steel tensile strain is ⎜ + 0.002 ⎟ , the compressive
⎜ E ⎟
⎝ s ⎠
concrete strain is less than 0.0035. Here also, both the assumptions (ii) and (vi)
of sec. 3.4.2 are satisfied.
(a) When the top compressive strain reaches 0.0035, the tensile steel
⎛ 0.87 f y ⎞
strain is less than ⎜ + 0.002 ⎟⎟ . It violets the assumption (vi) though
⎜ E
⎝ s ⎠
assumption (ii) of sec. 3.4.2 is satisfied.
⎛ 0.87 f y ⎞
(b) When the steel tensile strain is ⎜ + 0.002 ⎟ , the compressive strain
⎜ E ⎟
⎝ s ⎠
of concrete exceeds 0.0035. Thus, this possibility violets assumption (ii) though
assumption (vi) is satisfied.
The above discussion clearly indicates that the depth of xu should not
become more than xu, max. Therefore, the depth of the neutral axis has a limiting
or maximum value = xu, max. Accordingly, if the Ast provided yields xu > xu, max, the
section has to be redesigned.
Since xu depends on the area of steel, we can calculate Ast, lim from Eq.
From Eq. 3.17 (using xu = xu, max and Ast = Ast, lim), we have
xu ,max
In the above equation can be obtained from the strain diagram of Fig.
3.5.1 as follows:
xu ,max
3.5.4 Values of d
and pt, lim
Equation 3.20 shows that the values of pt, lim depend on both the grades
of steel and concrete, while Eq. 3.21 reveals that u ,max depends on the grade of
steel alone and not on the grade of concrete at all. The respective values of pt, lim
for the three grades of steel and the three grades of concrete are presented in
Table 3.1. Similarly, the respective values of u ,max for three grades of steel are
presented in Table 3.2.
xu ,max
Table 3.2 Values of
fy in N/mm 250 415 500
xu ,max 0.531 = 0.53 (say) 0.479 = 0.48 (say) 0.456 = 0.46 (say)
(i) The pt, lim increases with lowering the grade of steel for a particular
grade of concrete. The pt, lim, however, increases with increasing the grade of
concrete for a specific grade of steel.
(ii) The maximum depth of the neutral axis xu,max increases with lowering
the grade of steel. That is more area of the section will be utilized in taking the
compression with lower grade of steel.
3.5.5 Computation of Mu
Equation 3.3 of Lesson 4 explains that Mu can be obtained by multiplying
the tensile force T or the compressive force C with the lever arm. The
expressions of C, lever arm and T are given in Eqs. 3.9, 3.13 (also 3.19) and
Figure 3.5.1 shows that when concrete reaches 0.0035, steel has started
0.87 f y
flowing showing ductility (Strain > + 0.002 ). So, the computation of Mu is to
be done using the tensile force of steel in this case. Therefore, using Eqs. 3.13
and 3.14 of Lesson 4, we have
Substituting the expressions of T and lever arm from Eqs. 3.14 of Lesson
4 and 3.19 respectively we get,
⎛ Ast f y ⎞
Mu = 0.87 f y Ast d ⎜⎜1 − ⎟
⎝ f ck b d ⎟⎠
0.87 f y
From Fig. 3.5.1, it is seen that steel just reaches the value of + 0.002
and concrete also reaches its maximum value. The strain of steel can further
increase but the reaching of limiting strain of concrete should be taken into
consideration to determine the limiting Mu as Mu, lim here. So, we have
Substituting the expressions of C and lever arm from Eqs. 3.9 of Lesson 4 and
3.19 respectively, we have
xu ,max ⎛ xu ,max ⎞
M u ,lim = 0.36 ⎜1 − 0.42 ⎟ b d 2 f ck
d ⎜ d ⎟
⎝ ⎠
In this case, it is seen from Fig. 3.5.1 that when concrete reaches the
0.87 f y
strain of 0.0035, tensile strain of steel is much less than ( + 0.002 ) and any
further increase of strain of steel will mean failure of concrete, which is to be
However, in case of any existing reinforced concrete beam where xu > xu,
max, the moment of resistance Mu for such existing beam is calculated by
restricting xu to xu, max only and the corresponding Mu will be as per the case when
xu = xu, max.
M u ,lim
Table 3.3 Limiting values of R,lim = 2
factors (in N/mm2)
2 2
fck in N/mm fy = 250 N/mm fy = 415 N/mm2 fy = 500 N/mm2
A study of Table 3.3 reveals that the limiting moment of resistance factor
R,lim increases with higher grade of concrete for a particular grade of steel. It is
also seen that this factor increases with lowering the grade of steel for a
particular grade of concrete. The increase of this factor due to higher grade of
concrete is understandable. However, such increase of the factor with lowering
the grade of steel is explained below:
⎛ xu ,max ⎞
, ⎜⎜1 − 0.42 ⎟ is decreasing. Then how
xu ,max
With the increase of
⎝ d ⎟⎠
xu ,max
do we confirm that the product is increasing with the increase of ? Actual
computation will reveal the fact. Otherwise, it can be further explained from Table
3.1 that as the grade of steel is lowered for a particular grade of concrete, the pt,
lim gets increased. Therefore, amount of steel needed to have Mu, lim with lower
grade of steel is higher. Thus, higher amount of steel and higher values of u ,max
M u ,lim
show higher factor with the lowering of grade of steel for a particular grade
b d2
of concrete (see Table 3.3).
Q.3: Should there be limiting or maximum value of up? If so, why? What is the
equation to find the maximum value of xu? How to find Ast, lim for such
Q.4: State the effects of grades of concrete and steel separately on pt, lim and
xu ,max
A.4: (i) pt, lim (see Eq. 3.20 and Table 3.1)
(a) pt, lim increases with lowering the grade of steel for a particular grade of
xu ,max
(ii) (see Eq. 3.21 and Table 3.2)
xu ,max
(a) increases with lowering the grade of steel
xu ,max
(b) is independent on the grade of concrete.
Q.5: Write the corresponding expression of Mu when (i) xu < xu, max; and (ii) xu =
xu, max
A.6: When xu > xu, max, the section has to be redesigned as this does not
ensure ductile failure of the beam.
M u ,lim
Q.7: Write the expression of limiting moment of resistance factor R,lim = .
b d2
What is its unit?
Q.8: State separately the effects of grades of concrete and steel on the limiting
moment of resistance factor R,lim = u ,lim
A.8: (i) R,lim increases with increasing the grade of concrete for a particular
grade of steel (see Table 3.3).
(ii) R,lim increases with lowering the grade of steel for a particular grade of
concrete (see Table 3.3).
(a) less than 0.5 times the full depth of the beam
(b) more than 0.5 times the effective depth of the beam
(c) less than or equal to limiting value of the neutral axis depth
(d) less than 0.43 times the effective depth of the beam
(ii) For a particular grade of concrete and with lowering the grade of steel, the
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(iii) For a particular grade of steel and with increasing the grade of concrete, the
(a) decreases
(b) increases
TQ.2: Derive the expression of determining the depth of neutral axis and lever
arm of a singly reinforced rectangular beam with known quantity of tension
steel. (10)
TQ.4: Derive the expression of limiting moment of resistance factor and explain
how it is influenced by the grades of concrete and steel.
• state the specific guidelines of assuming the breadth, depths, area of steel
reinforcement, diameter of the bars, grade of concrete and grade of steel,
• determine the depth of the neutral axis for specific dimensions of beam
(breadth and depth) and amount of reinforcement,
• identify the beam with known dimensions and area of steel if it is under-
reinforced or over-reinforced,
Normally, the breadth of the beam b is governed by: (i) proper housing of
reinforcing bars and (ii) architectural considerations. It is desirable that the width
of the beam should be less than or equal to the width of its supporting structure
like column width, or width of the wall etc. Practical aspects should also be kept
in mind. It has been found that most of the requirements are satisfied with b as
150, 200, 230, 250 and 300 mm. Again, width to overall depth ratio is normally
kept between 0.5 and 0.67.
The effective depth has the major role to play in satisfying (i) the strength
requirements of bending moment and shear force, and (ii) deflection of the beam.
The initial effective depth of the beam, however, is assumed to satisfy the
deflection requirement depending on the span and type of the reinforcement. IS
456 stipulates the basic ratios of span to effective depth of beams for span up to
10 m as (Clause 23.2.1)
Cantilever 7
Simply supported 20
Continuous 26
For spans above 10 m, the above values may be multiplied with 10/span
in metres, except for cantilevers where the deflection calculations should be
made. Further, these ratios are to be multiplied with the modification factor
depending on reinforcement percentage and type. Figures 4 and 5 of IS 456 give
the different values of modification factors. The total depth D can be determined
by adding 40 to 80 mm to the effective depth.
As 0.85
bd fy
The maximum tension reinforcement should not exceed 0.04 bD (cl. of
IS 456), where D is the total depth.
Normally, Fe 250, 415 and 500 are in used in reinforced concrete work.
Mild steel (Fe 250) is more ductile and is preferred for structures in earthquake
zones or where there are possibilities of vibration, impact, blast etc.
Let us assume Fe 415 and M 20 are the grades of steel and concrete
respectively. As per clause 6.1.2 and Table 5 of IS 456, minimum grade of
concrete is M 20 for reinforced concrete under mild exposure (durability
Clause 22.2(a) of IS 456 recommends that the effective span is the lower
of (i) clear span plus effective depth and (ii) centre to centre distance between
two supports. Here, the clear span is 7700 mm. Thus
As per clause 23.2.1 of IS 456, the basic value of span to effective depth
ratio here is 20. Further, Fig. 4 of IS 456 presents the modification factor which
will be multiplied with the basic span to effective depth ratio. This modification
factor is determined on the value of fs where
= 0.58 fy (assuming that the Ast provided is the same as Ast required)
From Fig. 4 of IS 456, the required modification factor is found to be 1.1 for fs =
240.7 N/mm2 and percentage of steel = 0.72. So, the span to effective depth ratio
= 22 as obtained by multiplying 20 with 1.1. Accordingly, the effective depth =
8000/22 = 363.63 mm, say 365 mm. Since this value of d is different from the d
assumed at the beginning, let us check the effective span as lower of (i) 7700 +
365 and (ii) 8000 mm. Thus, the effective span remains at 8000 mm. Adding 50
mm with the effective depth of 365 mm (assuming 50 mm for cover etc.), the
total depth is assumed to be 365 + 50 = 415 mm.
Dead load of the beam = 0.25 (0.415) (25) kN/m = 2.59 kN/m
Thus, total load = 9.59 kN/m, which gives factored load Fd as 9.59 (1.5)
(partial safety factor for dead load and imposed load as 1.5) = 14.385 kN/m. We
have, therefore, Mu = Factored bending moment = 14.385 (8) = 115.08 kNm.
xu, max
Table 3.2 of Lesson 5 gives = 0.479 for fy = 415 N/mm2. Thus:
So, let us revise d = 410 mm from the earlier value of 365 mm to have the total
depth = 410 + 50 = 460 mm.
The effective depth of the beam has been revised to 408.76 mm from the
limiting moment carrying capacity of the beam. Increasing that depth to 410 also
has raised the Mu, lim of the beam from the design factored moment of 115.08
kNm. Therefore, the area of steel is to be calculated from the moment equation
(Eq. 3.23 of Lesson 5), when steel is ensured to reach the design stress fd =
0.87 (415) = 361.05 N/mm2.
⎧ Ast f y ⎫
Mu = 0.87 f y Ast d ⎨1 − ⎬
⎩ f ck b d ⎭
⎧ Ast ( 415 ) ⎫
115.08 (10 6 ) Nmm = 0.87 ( 415 ) Ast ( 410 ) ⎨1 − ⎬ Nmm
⎩ 20 ( 250 )( 410 ) ⎭
which gives
The values of xu determined from Eq. 3.16 of Lesson 5 are 193.87 mm and
796.97 mm respectively, when Ast = 966.5168 mm2 and 3973.2422 mm2. It is
seen that the value of xu with lower value of Ast is less than xu,max (= 216 mm).
However, the value of xu with higher value of Ast (= 3973.2422 mm2) is more than
the value of xu,max (= 0.48 d = 216 mm), which is not permissible as it exceeds
the total depth of the beam (= 460 mm). In some problems, the value of xu may
be less than the total depth of the beam, but it shall always be more than xu,max.
The beam becomes over-reinforced. Therefore, the lower value of the area of
steel is to be accepted as the tensile reinforcement out of the two values
obtained from the solution of the quadratic equation involving Ast.
Accepting the lower value of Ast = 966.5168 mm2, the percentage of steel
966.5168 (100)
= 0.9429 per cent
250 (410)
Increasing the effective depth to 450 mm from 410 mm, we have from Eq.
3.23 of Lesson 5,
The lower value of Ast now becomes 837.75315 which gives the percentage of
Ast as
837.75315 (100)
= 0.7446 , which is close to earlier assumed percentage of
250 ( 450)
For any design problem, this increase of depth is obligatory to satisfy the
deflection and other requirements. Moreover, obtaining Ast with increased depth
employing moment equation (Eq. 3.23 of Lesson 5) as illustrated above, results
in under-reinforced beam ensuring ductility.
However, increasing the total depth of the beam to 500 mm from earlier
value of 415 mm has increased the dead load and hence, the design moment Mu.
This can be checked as follows:
The limiting moment that this beam can carry is obtained from using Mu, lim/bd2
factor as 2.76 from Table 3.3 of of Lesson 5. Thus,
⎧ Ast f y ⎫
Mu = 0.87 f y Ast d ⎨1 − ⎬
⎩ f ck b d ⎭
⎧ Ast (415) ⎫
or 121.5 (10 6 ) = 0.87 (415) Ast (450) ⎨1 − ⎬
⎩ 20 (250) (450) ⎭
895.84 (100)
The steel reinforcement is = 0.7963 per cent which is 83 per cent
250 ( 450)
of pt,lim.
So, we have the final parameters as b = 250 m, d = 450 mm, D = 500 mm,
Ast = 895.84 mm2. A selection of 2-20 T bars and 2-14 T bars gives the Ast =
935 mm2 (Fig. 3.6.3). Though not designed, Fig. 3.6.3 shows the holder bars
and stirrups also.
Table 3.4 presents the complete solution of the problem in eleven steps.
Six columns of the table indicate (i) parameters assumed/determined, (ii) if they
need revision, (iii) final parameters, (iv) major requirements of the parameter, (v)
reference section numbers, and (vi) reference source material.
SP-16 provides both charts (graphs) and tables explaining their use with
illustrative examples. On top left or right corner of these charts and tables, the
governing parameters are provided for which that chart/table is to be used.
Chart 22 of SP-16 for fy = 415 N/mm2 and fck = 20 N/mm2 gives maximum
ratio of span to effective depth as 21.5 when the percentage of steel assumed =
0.75 (0.96) = 0.72. Thus, we get effective depth d = 8000/21.5 = 372.09 mm with
d = 372.09 mm and effective span Leff = 8000 mm. Total depth D = 372.09 + 50 =
422.09 = 425 mm (say).
As in the earlier problem, the increased dead load due to the increased D
to 510 mm is checked below:
Chart 14 of Sp-16 gives the effective depth of the beam d = 472 mm and
D = 475 + 50 = 525 mm assuming d = 475 mm.
Thus, we have b = 250 mm, d = 475 mm, D = 525 mm and Ast = 855 mm2
Mu 117.75 (10 6 )
= = 2.94375
b d2 250 (400) (400)
Table 2 of SP-16 shows that is restricted up to 2.76 when pt =
b d2
0.955, i.e. the limiting condition. So, increasing the effective depth by another 50
mm to have D = 500 m, the total factored moment as calculated in sec.
is 121.5 kNm,
Mu 121.5 (10 6 )
Now, = = 2.4
b d2 250 (450) (450)
Table 3.6 Alternative values of d, D, Fd, Mu, , pt and Ast
b d2
Sl. d D Fd Mu Mu pt Ast
No. (mm) (mm) (kN/m) (kNm) bd 2 (%) (mm2)
1 410 460 14.825 118.5 2.8197 Not Not acceptable
2 420 470 14.906 119.2 2.7041 976.5
2 5 0.93
3 430 480 15.0 120.0 2.596 0.88 946.0
4 440 490 15.09 2.4948 0.839 922.9
5 450 500 15.187 121.5 2.4 0.798 897.75
It is further suggested to use the tables than the charts as the values of
the charts may have personal error while reading from the charts. Tabular values
have the advantage of numerical, which avoid personal error. Moreover,
intermediate values can also be evaluated by linear interpolation.
A.1: (i) The input data for the design type of problems are layout plan, imposed
loads, grades of steel and concrete. The unknowns to be determined are
b, d, D, Ast and Leff.
(ii) The input data for the analysis type of problem are b, d, D, Ast, Leff,
grades of concrete and steel. The unknowns to be determined are Mu and
service imposed loads.
(i) b, (ii) d, (iii) D, (iv) Ast, (v) diameter of reinforcing bars, (vi) grade of
concrete and (vii) grade of steel.
Q.3: Name the three methods of solution of the design of reinforced concrete
beam problems.
A.3: The three methods are: (i) Direct computation method, (ii) Use of charts of
SP-16 and (iii) Use of tables of SP-16
Q.4: Determine the imposed loads and the tensile steel Ast,lim of the singly
reinforced rectangular beam shown in Figs. 3.6.2 and 4 of L = 8.0 m
simply supported, thickness of brick wall = 300 mm, width b = 300 mm,
effective depth d = 550 mm, total depth D = 600 mm, grade of concrete =
M 20 and grade of steel = Fe 500. Use (i) direct computation method, (ii)
design chart of SP-16 and (iii) design table of SP-16.
xu,lim ⎧ xu,lim ⎫
M u, lim = 0.36 ⎨1 − 0.42
⎬ b d f ck
d ⎩ d ⎭
Hence, Mu,lim = 0.36 (0.46) {1 - 0.42 (0.46)} (300) (550) (500) (20)
= 22,04,50,00,000 Nmm
⎧ Ast ,lim f y ⎫
M u ,lim = 0.87 f y Ast ,lim d ⎨1 − ⎬
⎩ f ck b d ⎭
A2 - 6600 A + 6081379.31 = 0
Solving the above equation, the lower value of A is the Ast,lim which is
equal to 1107.14 mm2
Comparison of results:
(i) 1107.14
(ii) 1105.00
(iii) 1109.16
Imposed loads:
W = 8 (Mu,lim ) / L2eff
Where, Leff is the lower of (i) 7700 + 550 or (ii) 8000 mm (cl. 22.2a of IS
The dead load of the beam = 0.3 (0.6) (25) = 4.5 kN/m
TQ.2: State the advantages of using SP-16 than employing direct computation
method in the design of a beam.
(15 marks)
A.TQ.2: See sec. 3.6.10 (except the last para).
TQ.3: Why the use of tables of SP-16 is better than the use of chart ?
(5 marks)
3.7.1 Introduction
This lesson explains the determination of moment of resistance of given
singly reinforced rectangular beam sections with the help of illustrative analysis
type of problem. The numerical problem is solved by (i) direct computation
method, (ii) using charts of SP-16 and (iii) using tables of SP-16. Step by step
solutions illustrate the procedure clearly.
The maximum depth of the neutral axis xu, max is determined from Table
3.2 of Lesson 5 using the known value of fy. xu
The depth of the neutral axis for the particular beam is determined from
Eq. 3.16 of Lesson 5 employing the known values of fy, fck, b and Ast.
(a) If xu < xu, max, the beam is under-reinforced and Mu is obtained from
Eq. 3.22 of Lesson 5.
With the known value of Mu, which is the factored moment, the total
factored load can be obtained from the boundary condition of the beam. The total
service imposed loads is then determined dividing the total factored load by
partial safety factor for loads (= 1.5). The service imposed loads are then
obtained by subtracting the dead load of the beam from the total service loads.
0.87 f y Ast
xu =
0.36 b f ck
= 209.4272 kNm
8M 8 (209.4272)
Total factor load F = u =
L2 8 (8)
= 26.1784 kN/m
Fd 26.1784
Total service load = = = 17.452266 kN/m
1.5 1.5
= 12.952266 kN/m
Given data: b = 300 mm, d = 550 mm, D = 600 mm, Ast = 1658 mm2 (4-20 T
+ 2-16 T), Leff = 8 m and boundary conditions = simply supported (Fig. 3.7.2) xu
0.87 f y Ast
xu =
0.36 b f ck
= 250.01356 kNm
The higher Mu as obtained from steel is not true because the entire amount of
steel (1658 mm2) cannot yield due to over-reinforcing. Prior to that, concrete fails
at 250.01356 kNm. However, we can get the same of Mu as obtained from Eq.
3.24 of Lesson 5, if we can find out how much Ast is needed to have xu = 263.45
mm. From Eq. 3.16 of Lesson 5, we can write:
0.36 b f ck xu
( Ast ) needed for xu = 263.45 =
0.87 f y
= 1576.1027 mm2
8 Mu 8 (250.01356)
Total factored load = Fd = = = 31.251695
L2eff 8 (8)
Total service load = = 20.834463 kN/m
1 .5
8 Mu
Service imposed load = - Dead load
(1.5) L2
Mu (0.7612 − 0.757)
* Linear interpolated = 2.30 + (2.32 − 2.30) = 2.3105
b d2 (0.765 − 0.757)
A.1: Given data: b = 300 mm, d = 500 mm, D = 550 mm, Leff = 10.0 m, fck =
20 N/mm2 and fy = 500 N/mm2.
Equation 3.16 of Lesson 5 gives the depth of the neutral axis xu:
= 90.79 kNm
8 Mu 8 (90.79)
Total factored load = = = 7.26 kN/m
L2eff 100
The dead load of the beam = 0.3 (0.55) (25) = 4.125 kN/m
So, the service imposed loads = {(Total factored load)/(Load factor)} - (Dead
This shows that the beam can carry maximum service imposed loads, 17 per
cent of its dead load only, when the acceptable minimum tensile reinforcement is
452 mm2 (4 bars of 12 mm diameter).
Selecting 4-16 and 2-12 mm diameter bars, we get Ast = 1030 mm2 when pt
becomes 0.67 per cent. So, the maximum acceptable tensile reinforcement is
1030 mm2.
xu < xu, max (as xu, max = 230 mm; see Case (i) of this problem).
= 184.99 kNm
8 Mu 8 (184.99)
Total factored load = = = 14.8 kN/m
L2eff 100
With dead load = 4.125 kN/m (see Case (i) of this problem), we have:
Tables 3.10 and 3.11 present the results using charts and tables respectively
of SP-16. For the benefit of the reader the different steps are given below
separately for the use of chart and table respectively for the minimum acceptable
Step 2: Chart 17 shows minimum pt = 0.13% which gives Ast = 195 mmm2
Step 4: For pt = 0.301, Chart 17 shows Mu = 300 kNm per metre width, which
gives Mu = 300 (0.3) = 90 kNm for the beam.
8 Mu
Service imposed loads = 2
− 4.125 = 0.675 kN/m, using
L (1.5)
the dead load of the beam as 4.125 kN/m (see case (i) of this problem).
Step 6: The capacity of the beam is to carry 0.675 kN/m which is (0.675/4.125)
100 = 16.36%.
Similar calculations are done for the maximum acceptable reinforcement. The
steps are given below:
Step 1: With the given fck = 20 N/mm2, fy = 500 N/mm2, Table 2 of SP-16 is
Step 2: (pt)min = 0.07 from Table 2, which gives Ast = 105 mmm2
3.7.10 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
TQ.1: Determine the moment of resistance for the beams shown in Figs. 3.7.4
and 3.7.5 using M 20 and Fe 250 by direct computation and using charts
and tables of SP-16.
= 156.68 kNm
= 2.58 N/mm2
So, xu > xu, max and the beam is over-reinforced. In such a situation, we
take xu = xu, max = 238.5 mm. The Mu will be calculated from Eq. 3.24 of
Lesson 5.
xu , max xu , max
Mu = M u , lim = 0.36 (1 − 0.42 ) b d 2 f ck
d d
= 180.22 kNm
2944 (100)
pt = = 2.18 . In chart 11 (for M 20 and Fe 250), maximum
300 (450)
admissible pt is 1.75 and for this pt when d = 450, Mu = 600 kNm/m.
Table 2 (for M 20 and Fe 250) has the maximum pt = 1.76 and at that
value, (Mu/bd2) = 2.98. This gives
Mu = 2.98 (300) (450)2 (10-6) = 181.03 kNm. Here also the three values of
Mu are close to each other.
4.8.1 Introduction
There are two ways to solve the problem. First, we may increase the depth
of the beam, which may not be feasible in many situations. In those cases, it is
possible to increase both the compressive and tensile forces of the beam by
providing steel reinforcement in compression face and additional reinforcement in
tension face of the beam without increasing the depth (Fig. 4.8.1). The total
compressive force of such beams comprises (i) force due to concrete in
compression and (ii) force due to steel in compression. The tensile force also has
two components: (i) the first provided by Ast,lim which is equal to the compressive
force of concrete in compression. The second part is due to the additional steel in
tension - its force will be equal to the compressive force of steel in compression.
Such reinforced concrete beams having steel reinforcement both on tensile and
compressive faces are known as doubly reinforced beams.
It may be noted that even in so called singly reinforced beams there would be
longitudinal hanger bars in compression zone for locating and fixing stirrups.
4.8.2 Assumptions
(i) The assumptions of sec. 3.4.2 of Lesson 4 are also applicable here.
xu ,max xu ,max
Mu,lim = 0.36 ( ) (1 − 0.42 ) b d 2 f ck (4.2)
d d
Also, Mu,lim can be written from Eq. 3.22 of Lesson 5, using xu = xu, max, i.e.,
xu , max
= 0.87 pt, lim (1 - 0.42 ) b d2 fy (4.3)
The additional moment Mu2 can be expressed in two ways (Fig. 4.8.2):
considering (i) the compressive force C2 due to compression steel and (ii) the
tensile force T2 due to additional steel on tension face. In both the equations, the
lever arm is (d - d'). Thus, we have
Since the additional compressive force C2 is equal to the additional tensile force
T2, we have
Asc (fsc - fcc) = Ast2 (0.87 fy)
Any two of the three equations (Eqs. 4.4 - 4.6) can be employed to determine Asc
and Ast2.
ε sc = 0.0035 (1 − ) (4.9)
xu , max
The stress in compression steel fsc is corresponding to the strain εsc of Eq. 4.9
and is determined for (a) mild steel and (b) cold worked bars Fe 415 and 500 as
given below:
The strain at the design yield stress of 217.39 N/mm2 (fd = 0.87 fy ) is
0.0010869 (= 217.39/Es). The fsc is determined from the idealized stress-strain
diagram of mild steel (Fig. 1.2.3 of Lesson 2 or Fig. 23B of IS 456) after
computing the value of εsc from Eq. 4.9 as follows:
(i) If the computed value of εsc ≤ 0.0010869, fsc = εsc Es = 2 (105) εsc
(ii) If the computed value of εsc > 0.0010869, fsc = 217.39 N/mm2.
The above procedure has been much simplified for the cold worked bars by
presenting the values of fsc of compression steel in doubly reinforced beams for
different values of d'/d only taking the practical aspects into consideration. In
most of the doubly reinforced beams, d'/d has been found to be between 0.05
and 0.2. Accordingly, values of fsc can be computed from Table 4.1 after
determining the value of εsc from Eq. 4.9 for known values of d'/d as 0.05, 0.10,
0.15 and 0.2. Table F of SP-16 presents these values of fsc for four values of d'/d
(0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.2) of Fe 415 and Fe 500. Table 4.2 below, however,
includes Fe 250 also whose fsc values are computed as laid down in sec.
4.8.4(a) (i) and (ii) along with those of Fe 415 and Fe 500. This table is very
useful and easy to determine the fsc from the given value of d'/d. The table also
includes strain values at yield which are explained below:
(i) The strain at yield of Fe 250 =
Design Yield Stress 250
= = 0.0010869
Es 1.15 (200000)
Here, there is only elastic component of the strain without any inelastic strain.
= 0.002 + = 0.0038043
1.15 (200000)
(iii) The strain at yield of Fe 500 = 0.002 + = 0.0041739
1.15 (200000)
fy d'/d Strain at
(N/mm2) 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 yield
250 217.4 217.4 217.4 217.4 0.0010869
415 355 353 342 329 0.0038043
500 412 412 395 370 0.0041739
The maximum compression steel shall not exceed 4 per cent of the whole
area of cross-section of the beam as given in cl. of IS 456. In tension
It has been discussed in sec. of Lesson 6 that the singly reinforced
beams shall have Ast normally not exceeding 75 to 80% of Ast,lim so that xu
remains less than xu,max with a view to ensuring ductile failure. However, in the
case of doubly reinforced beams, the ductile failure is ensured with the presence
of compression steel. Thus, the depth of the neutral axis may be taken as xu, max
if the beam is over-reinforced. Accordingly, the Ast1 part of tension steel can go
up to Ast, lim and the additional tension steel Ast2 is provided for the additional
moment Mu - Mu, lim. The quantities of Ast1 and Ast2 together form the total Ast,
which shall not exceed 0.04 bD.
Step 1: To determine Mu, lim and Ast, lim from Eqs. 4.2 and 4.8,
Step 2: To determine Mu2, Asc, Ast2 and Ast from Eqs. 4.1, 4.4, 4.6 and
4.7, respectively.
Step 4: To select the number and diameter of bars from known values of
Asc and Ast.
In the analysis type of problems, the data given are b, d, d', D, fck, fy, Asc
and Ast . It is required to determine the moment of resistance Mu of such beams.
These problems can be solved: (i) by direct computation method and (ii) by using
tables of SP-16.
ε st at yield = + 0.002
1.15 (E)
Step 2: To determine Mu,lim from Eq. 4.2 and Ast,lim from the pt, lim given
in Table 3.1 of Lesson 5.
Step 3: To determine Ast2 and Asc from Eqs. 4.7 and 4.6, respectively.
Step 4: To determine Mu2 and Mu from Eqs. 4.4 and 4.1, respectively.
A.1: The depth of the beams may be restricted for architectural and/or
functional requirements. Doubly reinforced beams are designed if such
beams of restricted depth are required to resist moment more that its Mu,
Q.2: Name three situations other than doubly reinforced beams, where the
compression reinforcement is provided.
Q.3: State the assumptions of the analysis and design of doubly reinforced
Q.5: How do you determine fsc of mild steel and cold worked bars and fcc?
Q.6: State the minimum and maximum amounts of Asc and Ast in doubly
reinforced beams.
Q.7: State the two types of problems of doubly reinforced beams specifying the
given data and the values to be determined in the two types of problems.
The given data are b, d, D, fck, fy, Asc and Ast. It is required to
determine the Mu of the beam.
Q.8: Name the two methods of solving the two types of problems.
A.8: The two methods of solving the two types of problems are:
(i) See sec. for the steps of direct computation method, and
(ii) See sec. for the steps of using the tables of SP-16
(i) See sec. (a) for the steps of direct computation method, and
(ii) See sec. (b) for the steps of using the tables of SP-16.
4.8.8 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
11. Design of Concrete Structures, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nilson, David
Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
12. Concrete Technology, by A.M.Neville and J.J.Brooks, ELBS with
Longman, 1994.
13. Properties of Concrete, 4th Edition, 1st Indian reprint, by A.M.Neville,
Longman, 2000.
TQ.2: State the two types of problems of doubly reinforced beams specifying the
given data and the values to be determined in the two type of problems.
(8 marks)
The given data are b, d, D, fck, fy, Asc and Ast. It is required to
determine the Mu of the beam.
TQ.3: Write down the steps of the solution by the two methods of each of the two
types of problems.
(8 marks)
A.TQ.3: (A) For the design type of problems:
(i) See sec. for the steps of direct computation method, and
(ii) See sec. for the steps of using the tables of SP-16
(ii) See sec. (b) for the steps of using the tables of SP-16.
TQ.4: How do you determine fsc of mild steel and cold worked bars and fcc?
(8 marks)
A.TQ.4: See sec. 4.8.4
TQ.5: State the assumptions of the analysis and design of doubly reinforced
(8 marks)
A.TQ.5: See sec. 4.8.2 (i), (ii) and (iii).
TQ.6: Name three situations other than doubly reinforced beams, where the
compression reinforcement is provided.
(8 marks)
A.TQ.6: Compression reinforcement is provided when:
4.9.1 Introduction
This lesson illustrates the application of the theory of doubly reinforced
beams in solving the two types of problems mentioned in Lesson 8. Both the
design and analysis types of problems are solved by (i) direct computation
method, and (ii) using tables of SP-16. The step by step solution of the problems
will help in understanding the theory of Lesson 8 and its application.
wl 2 ( 1.5 ) ( 40.25 ) ( 8 )( 8 )
Factored bending moment = (1.5 ) = = 482.96 kNm
8 8
xu, max
= 0.48 gives xu, max = 0.48 (630) = 302.4 mm
= 328.55 kNm
M u, lim
Ast, lim = (6.8)
0.87 f y (d - 0.42 xu, max )
(Please refer to Eqs. 4.1, 4.4, 4.6 and 4.7 of Lesson 8.)
Step 3: Check for minimum and maximum tension and compression steel.
(i) In compression:
(a) Minimum Asc = (300) (700) = 420 mm 2
(b) Maximum Asc = (300) (700) = 8400 mm 2
Thus, 420 mm2 < 806.517 mm2 < 8400 mm2 . Hence, o.k.
(ii) In tension:
(b) Maximum Ast = (300) (700) = 8400 mm 2
Here, 387.1 mm2 < 2572.834 mm2 < 8400 mm2 . Hence, o.k.
(i) for Asc: Provide 2-20 T + 2-12 T (= 628 + 226 = 854 mm2)
(ii) for Ast: Provide 4-25 T + 2-20 T (= 1963 + 628 = 2591 mm2)
Mu 482.96 (10 6 ) 70
For this problem, = = 4.056 and d'/d = = 0.11.
bd 2
300 (630) 2
Table 50 of SP-16 gives pt and pc for = 4 and 4.1 and d'/d = 0.1 and 0.15.
b d2
The required pt and pc are determined by linear interpolation. The values are
presented in Table 4.3 to get the final pt and pc of this problem.
These values are close to those obtained by direct computation method where
Ast = 2572.834 mm2 and Asc = 806.517 mm2. Thus, by using table of SP-16 we
= 347.67 kNm
From Table 3.1 of Lesson 5, for fck = 20 N/mm2 and fy = 415 N/mm2,
The required Asc will have the compression force equal to the tensile force as
given by 929 mm2 of Ast2.
Ast 2 (0.87 f y )
So, Asc =
( f sc - f cc )
M u 2 = Asc ( f sc - f cc ) (d - d' )
= 181.12 kNm
Therefore, with Ast = Ast, lim + Ast2 = 2016 + 929 = 2945 mm2 the required
Asc = 977.956 mm2 (much less than the provided 1256 mm2). Hence, o.k.
xu ,max xu ,max
Mu, lim = 0.36 ( ) (1 − 0.42 ) b d 2 f ck
d d
= 250.51 kNm
Using the value of pt = 1.13 from Table 3.1 of Lesson 5 for fck = 30 N/mm2
and fy = 500 N/mm2,
From Table 4.2 of Lesson 8, for d'/d = 75/500 = 0.15 and fy = 500 N/mm2
, we get fsc = 395 N/mm2
M u2 124.49 (10 6 )
Asc = = = 767.56 mm 2
( f sc - f cc ) (d - d' ) {395 − 0.446 (30)} (500 - 75)
M u2 124.49 (10 6 )
Asc = = = 766.53 mm 2
( f sc - f cc ) (d - d' ) {395.512 − 0.446 (30)} (500 - 75)
So, provide (i) 6-20 T + 2-12 T = 1885 + 226 = 2111 mm2 for Ast
Mu 375 (10 6 )
= = 6.0
b d2 250 (500) 2
These values are close to those of (A). Hence, provide 6-20 T + 2-12 T as
Ast and 4-16 T as Asc.
Q.2: Determine the moment of resistance of the doubly reinforced beam (Fig.
4.9.4) with b = 300 mm, d = 600 mm, d' = 90 mm, fck = 30 N/mm2, fy =
500 N/mm2, Asc = 2236 mm2 (2-32 T + 2-20 T), and Ast = 4021 mm2 (4-
32 T + 4-16 T). Use (i) direct computation method and (ii) tables of SP-16.
For d'/d = 0.15 and fy = 500 N/mm2, Table 4.2 of Lesson 8 gives: fsc = 395
N/mm2 and with fck = 30 N/mm2 , Table 3.1 of Lesson 5 gives pt, lim =
xu ,max xu ,max
Mu,lim = 0.36 ( ) (1 − 0.42 ) b d 2 f ck
d d
= 432.88 kNm
So, Ast2 of 1987 mm2 is not fully used. Let us determine Ast2 required
when Asc = 2236 mm2.
Ast = Ast, lim + Ast2 = 2034 + 1961.61 = 3995.61 mm2 < 4021 mm2.
Hence, o.k.
= 2236 {395 - 0.446 (30)} (600 - 75) (10-6) kNm = 447.9837 kNm
Mu = Mu, lim + Mu2 = 432.88 + 447.98 (Mu2 is taken the lower of the
= 880.86 kNm
To find (Asc)required
Ast = Ast, lim + Ast2 = 2034 + 1964.44 = 3998.44 mm2 < 4021 mm2.
So, o.k.
= 448.63 kNm
M u 2 = Asc ( f sc - f cc ) (d - d' )
= 448.63 kNm
= 881.51 kNm
4021 (100)
pt = = 2.234
300 (600)
2236 (100)
pc = = 1.242
300 (600)
d'/d = 0.15
Hence, o.k.
4.9.4 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
A.TQ.1: This problem is the same as Problem 4.1 in sec. except that here
the fsc is to be calculated using Table 4.1 instead of Table 4.2.
Step 1: Here, the Step 1 will remain the same as that of Problem 4.1.
(351.8 - 342.8)
f sc (from Table 4.1 of Lesson 8) = 342.8 + (0.00269 - 0.00241)
(0.00276 - 0.00241)
= 350 N/mm 2
M u2 154.41 (10 6 )
Asc = = = 808.41 mm 2
( f sc - f cc ) (d - d' ) {350 − 0.446 (20)} (630 - 70) N/mm
Steps 3 & 4 will also remain the same as those of Problem 4.1.
Hence, provide 2-20 T + 2-12 T (854 mm2) as Asc and 4-25 T + 2-20 T (2591
mm2) as Ast .
TQ.2: Determine the ultimate moment capacity of the doubly reinforced beam of
b = 350 mm, d' = 60 mm, d = 600 mm, Ast = 2945 mm2 (6-25 T), Asc =
1256 mm2 (4-20 T), using M 20 and Fe 415 (Fig. 4.9.2). Use table of SP-16
This problem is the same as that of Problem 4.2 of sec., which has
been solved by direct computation method. Here, the same is to be solved
by using SP-16.
Here, we need to use Table 50 for fck = 20 N/mm2 and fy = 415 N/mm2. The
table gives values of Mu/bd2 for (I) d'/d and pt and (ii) d'/d and pc. So, we
will consider both the possibilities and determine Mu.
So, we get
( pt ) pc = 0.5981 = 1.522 +
(1.533 - 1.522) (0.5981 - 0.595)
= 1.5231
(0.628 − 0.595)
The provided pt = 1.402 indicates that the tension steel is insufficient by 254.31
mm2 as shown below:
The above two results show that the moment of resistance of this beam is
the lower of the two. So, Mu = 530.46 kNm. By direct computation the Mu =
528.79 kNm. The two results are in good agreement.
• identify the regions where the beam shall be designed as a flanged and
where it will be rectangular in normal slab beam construction,
• state the requirements so that the slab part is effectively coupled with the
flanged beam,
5.10.1 Introduction
(a) The slab and the rectangular beam shall be cast integrally or they shall be
effectively bonded in any other manner.
(b) Slabs must be provided with the transverse reinforcement of at least 60 per
cent of the main reinforcement at the mid span of the slab if the main
reinforcement of the slab is parallel to the transverse beam (Figs. 5.10.3 a and
The variation of compressive stress (Fig. 5.10.4) along the actual width of
the flange shows that the compressive stress is more in the flange just above the
rib than the same at some distance away from it. The nature of variation is
complex and, therefore, the concept of effective width has been introduced. The
effective width is a convenient hypothetical width of the flange over which the
compressive stress is assumed to be uniform to give the same compressive
(i) bf = lo/6 + bw + 6 Df
(i) bf = + bw
(l o /b) + 4
(i) bf = lo/12 + bw + 3 Df
0.5 l o
(i) bf = + bw
(l o /b) + 4
All the assumptions made in sec. 3.4.2 of Lesson 4 are also applicable for
the flanged beams. As explained in Lesson 4, the compressive stress remains
constant between the strains of 0.002 and 0.0035. It is important to find the depth
h of the beam where the strain is 0.002 (Fig. 5.10.5 b). If it is located in the web,
the whole of flange will be under the constant stress level of 0.446 fck. The
0.002 x -h
= u
0.0035 xu
h 3
or = = 0.43
xu 7
h = xu , max = 0.227 d , 0.205 d and 0.197 d , for Fe 250, Fe 415 and Fe
500, respectively. In general, we can adopt, say
The same relation is obtained below from the values of strains of concrete and
steel of Fig. 5.10.5 b.
ε st d - xu
εc xu
d ε + εc
or = st (5.3)
xu εc
h 0.0015
= (5.4)
d ε st + 0.0035
Using ε st = (0.87 f y / Es ) + 0.002 in Eq. 5.4, we get h/d = 0.227, 0.205 and
0.197 for Fe 250, Fe 415 and Fe 500 respectively, and we can adopt h/d = 0.2
(as in Eq. 5.2).
On the other hand, if Df is > 0.2 d, the position of the fibre of 0.002 strain
will be in the flange. In that case, a part of the slab will have the constant stress
of 0.446 fck where the strain will be more than 0.002.
Based on the above discussion, the four cases of flanged beams are as
It has two situations: (a) when Df /d does not exceed 0.2, the
constant stress block is for the entire depth of the flange (Fig. 5.10.7), and
(b) when Df /d > 0.2, the constant stress block is for a part of the depth of
flange (Fig. 5.10.8).
(iv) Neutral axis is in the web and the section is over-reinforced (xu >
xu,max> Df), (Figs. 5.10.7 and 8 a to e) Case (i): When the neutral axis is in the flange (xu < Df ), (Figs.
5.10.6 a to c)
Concrete below the neutral axis is in tension and is ignored. The steel
reinforcement takes the tensile force (Fig. 5.10.6). Therefore, T and L-beams are
considered as rectangular beams of width bf and effective depth d. All the
equations of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular beams derived in Lessons
4 to 5 and 8 respectively, are also applicable here. Case (ii): When the neutral axis is in the web and the section is
balanced (xu,max > Df ), (Figs. 5.10.7 and 8 a to e)
(Assuming the constant stress of concrete in the flange as 0.45 fck in place of
0.446 fck ,as per G-2.2 of IS 456), and the tensile force
The lever arm of the rectangular beam (web part) is (d - 0.42 xu, max) and the
same for the flanged part is (d - 0.5 Df ).
So, the total moment = Moment due to rectangular web part + Moment due to
rectangular flange part
or Mu = 0.36 fck bw xu, max (d - 0.42 xu, max ) + 0.45 fck (bf - bw) Df (d - Df /2)
or Mu = 0.36(xu, max /d){1 - 0.42( xu, max/d)} fck bw d2 + 0.45 fck(bf - bw) Df(d - Df
Equation 5.7 is given in G-2.2 of IS 456.
In this case, the depth of rectangular portion of stress block is within the
flange (Figs. 5.10.8 a, b and c). It is assumed that this depth of constant stress
(0.45 fck) is yf, where
As in the previous case (ii a), when Df /d does not exceed 0.2, equations
of C, T and Mu are obtained from Eqs. 5.5, 6 and 7 by changing Df to yf. Thus,
we have (Figs. 5.10.8 d and e)
T = 0.87 fy Ast
The lever arm of the rectangular beam (web part) is (d - 0.42 xu, max ) and the
same for the flange part is (d - 0.5 yf ). Accordingly, the expression of Mu is as
(5.11) Case (iii): When the neutral axis is in the web and the section is
under-reinforced (xu > Df ), (Figs. 5.10.9 and 10 a to e)
Since Df does not exceed 0.43 xu and h (depth of fibre where the strain
is 0.002) is at a depth of 0.43 xu, the entire flange will be under a constant stress
of 0.45 fck (Figs. 5.10.9 a, b and c). The equations of C, T and Mu can be
written in the same manner as in sec., case (ii a). The final forms of the
equations are obtained from Eqs. 5.5, 6 and 7 by replacing xu, max by xu. Thus,
we have (Figs. 5.10.9 d and e)
T = 0.87 fy Ast
Since Df > 0.43 xu and h (depth of fibre where the strain is 0.002) is at
a depth of 0.43 xu, the part of the flange having the constant stress of 0.45 fck is
assumed as yf (Fig. 5.10.10 a, b and c). The expressions of yf , C, T and Mu
can be written from Eqs. 5.8, 9, 10 and 11 of sec., case (ii b), by
replacing xu,max by xu. Thus, we have (Fig. 5.10.10 d and e)
T = 0.87 fy Ast
For the over-reinforced beam, the depth of neutral axis xu is more than
xu, max as in rectangular beams. However, xu is restricted up to xu,max. Therefore,
the corresponding expressions of C, T and Mu for the two situations (a) when
Df / d does not exceed 0.2 and (b) when Df / d > 0.2 are written from Eqs. 5.5
to 5.7 and 5.9 to 5.11, respectively of sec. (Figs. 5.10.7 and 8). The
expression of yf for (b) is the same as that of Eq. 5.8.
Mu = 0.36(xu, max /d){1 - 0.42( xu, max/d)} fck bw d2 + 0.45 fck(bf - bw) Df(d - Df
T = 0.87 fy Ast
Mu = 0.36(xu, max /d){1 - 0.42( xu, max/d)} fck bw d2 + 0.45 fck(bf - bw) yf(d - yf
It is clear from the above that the over-reinforced beam will not have
additional moment of resistance beyond that of the balanced one. Moreover, it
will prevent steel failure. It is, therefore, recommended either to re-design or to
go for doubly reinforced flanged beam than designing over-reinforced flanged
Whitney's stress block has been considered to derive Eq. 5.8. Figure
5.10.11 shows the two stress blocks of IS code and of Whitney.
yf = A xu + B Df
Using the conditions of Eqs. 5.20 and 21 in Eq. 5.19, we get A = 0.15 and B =
0.65. Thus, we have
yf = 0.15 xu + 0.65 Df
Q.2: Draw cross-section of a beam with top slab and show the actual width and
effective width of the T-beam.
Q.3: State the requirements with figures as per IS 456 which ensure the
combined action of the part of the slab and the rib of flanged beams.
A.4: Effective width is an imaginary width of the flange over which the
compressive stress is assumed to be uniform to give the same
compressive force as it would have been in case of the actual width with
the true variation of compressive stress (Fig. 5.10.4 of text).
Q.5: Write the expressions of effective widths of T and L-beams and isolated
(i) When the neutral axis is in the flange (xu < Df) (discussed in sec.
(ii) When the neutral axis is in the web and the section is balanced (xu,max >
Df). It has two situations: (a) when Df /d does not exceed 0.2 and (b)
when Df /d > 0.2 (discussed in sec.
(iii) When the neutral axis is in the web and the section is under-reinforced
(xu,max > xu > Df). It has two situations: (a) when Df /xu does not exceed
0.43 and (b) when Df /xu > 0.43 (discussed in sec.
(iv) When the neutral axis is in the web and the section is over-reinforced
(xu > xu,max> Df). It has two situations: (a) when Df /d does not exceed
0.2 and (b) when Df /d > 0.2 (discussed in sec.
(b) This equation gives the depth of flange over which the stress is
constant at 0.45 fck (i.e. strain is more than 0.002) when the neutral axis is
in web. This occurs when Df /d > 0.2 for balanced beam and when Df /xu
> 0.43 for under-reinforced beams.
5.10.6 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
11. Design of Concrete Structures, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nilson, David
Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
12. Concrete Technology, by A.M.Neville and J.J.Brooks, ELBS with
Longman, 1994.
13. Properties of Concrete, 4th Edition, 1st Indian reprint, by A.M.Neville,
Longman, 2000.
14. Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook, 10th Edition, by C.E.Reynolds
and J.C.Steedman, E & FN SPON, London, 1997.
TQ.3: State the requirements with figures as per IS 456 which ensure the
combined action of the part of the slab and the rib of flanged beams.
(10 marks)
A.TQ.3: Sec. and (b), Figure 5.10.3 (a and b).
TQ.4: Write the expressions of effective widths of T and L-beams and isolated
(10 marks)
A.TQ.4: Sec.
(i) When the neutral axis is in the flange (xu < Df) (discussed in sec.
(ii) When the neutral axis is in the web and the section is balanced. It has
two situations: (a) when Df /d does not exceed 0.2 and (b) when Df /d
> 0.2 (discussed in sec.
(iv) When the neutral axis is in the web and the section is over-reinforced.
It has two situations: (a) when Df /d does not exceed 0.2 and (b) when
Df /d > 0.2 (discussed in sec.
(b) This equation gives the depth of flange over which the stress is
constant at 0.45 fck (i.e. strain is more than 0.002) when the neutral axis is
in web. This occurs when Df /d > 0.2 for balanced beam and when Df /xu
> 0.43 for under-reinforced beams.
• identify the two types of numerical problems – analysis and design types,
• apply the formulations to analyse the capacity of a flanged beam,
• determine the limiting moment of resistance quickly with the help of tables
of SP-16.
5.11.1 Introduction
Lesson 10 illustrates the governing equations of flanged beams. It is now
necessary to apply them for the solution of numerical problems. Two types of
numerical problems are possible: (i) Analysis and (ii) Design types. This lesson
explains the application of the theory of flanged beams for the analysis type of
problems. Moreover, use of tables of SP-16 has been illustrated to determine the
limiting moment of resistance of sections quickly for the three grades of steel.
Besides mentioning the different steps of the solution, numerical examples are
also taken up to explain their step-by-step solutions.
Ex.1: Determine the moment of resistance of the T-beam of Fig. 5.11.2. Given
data: bf = 1000 mm, Df = 100 mm, bw = 300 mm, cover = 50 mm, d = 450
mm and Ast = 1963 mm2 (4- 25 T). Use M 20 and Fe 415.
xu, max for the balanced rectangular beam = 0.48 d = 0.48 (450) = 216
From Eqs. 3.9 (using b = bf) and 3.14 of Lesson 4 for C and T and Eq.
3.23 of Lesson 5 for Mu, we have:
T = 0.87 fy Ast
Ast f y
M u = 0.87 f y Ast d (1 - ) (3.23)
f ck b f d
(1963) (415)
= 0.87 (415) (1963) (450) {1 - } = 290.06 kNm
(20) (1000) (450)
This problem belongs to the case (i) and is explained in sec. of Lesson
Ex.2: Determine Ast,lim and Mu,lim of the flanged beam of Fig. 5.11.3. Given
data are: bf = 1000 mm, Df = 100 mm, bw = 300 mm, cover = 50 mm and d
= 450 mm. Use M 20 and Fe 415.
For the limiting case xu = xu,max = 0.48 (450) = 216 mm > Df. The
ratio Df/d is computed.
yf = 0.15 xu,max + 0.65 Df = 0.15 (216) + 0.65 (100) = 97.4 mm. (from
Eq. 5.8)
= 0.36 (20) (300) (216) + 0.45 (20) (1000 - 300) (97.4) = 1,080.18 kN.
(1080.18) (1000) N
Ast = = 2,991.77 mm 2
0.87 (415) N/mm 2
Step 3: Computation of Mu
Step 1: To determine xu
Since xu > Df, the neutral axis is in web. Here, Df/d = 100/450 = 0.222 > 0.2.
So, we have to substitute the term yf from Eq. 5.15 of Lesson 10, assuming Df /
xu > 0.43 in the equation of C = T from Eqs. 5.16 and 17 of sec. b of
Lesson 10. Accordingly, we get:
or 0.36 (20) (300) (xu) + 0.45 (20) (1000 - 300) {0.15 xu + 0.65 (100)}
Step 2: To determine Mu
This is the problem of case (iii b) of sec. b. The corresponding equations
are Eq. 5.15 of Lesson 10 for yf and Eqs. 5.16 to 18 of Lesson 10 for C, T and
Mu, respectively. From Eq. 5.15 of Lesson 10, we have:
Ex.4: Determine the moment of resistance of the flanged beam of Fig. 5.11.5
with Ast = 4,825 mm2 (6- 32 T). Other parameters and data are the same as
those of Ex.1: bf = 1000 mm, Df = 100 mm, bw = 300 mm, cover = 50 mm
and d = 450 mm. Use M 20 and Fe 415.
Here, Df/d = 100/450 = 0.222 > 0.2. So, we have to determine yf from Eq.
5.15 and equating C and T from Eqs. 5.16 and 17 of Lesson 10.
0.36 fck bw xu + 0.45 fck (bf - bw) yf = 0.87 fy Ast (5.16 and
or 0.36 (20) (300) (xu) + 0.45 (20) (1000 - 300) {0.15 xu + 0.65 (100)}
or xu = 1332566/3105 = 429.17 mm
Step 2: To determine Mu
Mu = 0.36(xu, max /d){1 - 0.42(xu, max /d)} fck bw d2 + 0.45 fck(bf - bw) yf (d - yf
It is seen that this over-reinforced beam has the same Mu as that of the
balanced beam of Example 2.
It is clear from the above table (Table 5.1), that Ex.4 is an over-reinforced
flanged beam. The moment of resistance of this beam is the same as that of
balanced beam of Ex.2. Additional reinforcement of 1,759 mm2 (= 4,825 mm2 –
3,066 mm2) does not improve the Mu of the over-reinforced beam. It rather
prevents the beam from tension failure. That is why over-reinforced beams are to
be avoided. However, if the Mu has to be increased beyond 413.87 kNm, the
flanged beam may be doubly reinforced.
M u , lim
So, from Table 5.2, = 0.339
bw d 2 f ck
Mu,lim = 0.339 bw d2 fck = 0.339 (300) (450) (450) (20) 10-6 = 411.88
Mu,lim as obtained from SP-16 is close to the earlier computed value of Mu,lim =
413.87 kNm (see Table 5.1).
lo 9000
Effective width bf = + bw = + 300 = 1200 mm
(l o /b) + 4 (9000/1500) + 4
Here, d ' / d = 65/600 = 0.108 = 0.1 (say). We, therefore, have fsc = 353
N/mm2 .
Df /d = 120/600 = 0.2
0.87 fy Ast = 0.36 fck bw xu + 0.446 fck (bf – bw) Df + (fsc – fcc) Asc
0.87 (500) (6509) - 1030{353 - 0.446 (30)}- 0.446 (30) (1200 - 300) (120)
xu =
0.36 ( 30 ) ( 300 )
= 319.92 > 276 mm (xu ,max = 276 mm)
Let us assume Df /xu > 0.43. Now, equating C = T with yf as the depth of
flange having constant stress of 0.446 fck. So, we have:
0.36 fck bw xu + 0.446 fck (bf – bw) yf + Asc (fsc – fcc) = 0.87 fy Ast
= 1,220.20 kNm
M u ,lim
Ast ,lim =
0.87 f y d {1 - 0.42 (xu,max / d )}
(1220.20) (106 )
= = 5,794.6152 mm 2
( 0.87 ) ( 500 ) ( 600 ) ( 0.8068 )
It is important to find out how much of the total Asc and Ast2 are required
effectively. From the equilibrium of C and T forces due to additional steel
(compressive and tensile), we have:
Now, using Ast2 = 714.38 mm2 , we get Asc from the above equation.
5.11.7 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
TQ.1: Determine Mu,lim of the flanged beam of Ex. 2 (Fig. 5.11.3) with the help of
SP-16 using (a) M 20 and Fe 250, (b) M 20 and Fe 500 and (c) compare the
results with the Mu,lim of Ex. 2 from Table 5.2 when grades of concrete and steel
are M 20 and Fe 415, respectively. Other data are: bf = 1000 mm, Df = 100
mm, bw = 300 mm, cover = 50 mm and d = 450 mm.
(10 X 3 = 30 marks)
A.TQ.1: From the results of Ex. 2 of sec. 5.11.5 (Table 5.2), we have:
For part (a): When Fe 250 is used, the corresponding table is Table 57 of SP-
16. The computations are presented in Table 5.3 below:
Table 5.3 (Mu,lim /bw d2 fck) in N/mm2 Of TQ.1 (PART a for M 20 and Fe 250)
For part (b): When Fe 500 is used, the corresponding table is Table 59 of SP-
16. The computations are presented in Table 5.4 below:
Table 5.4 (Mu,lim /bw d2 fck) in N/mm2 Of TQ.1 (PART b for M 20 and Fe 500)
For part (c): Comparison of results of this problem with that of Table 5.2 (M 20
and Fe
415) is given below in Table 5.5.
It is seen that Mu,lim of the beam decreases with higher grade of steel for a
particular grade of concrete.
TQ.2: With the aid of SP-16, determine separately the limiting moments of
resistance and the limiting areas of steel of the simply supported isolated,
singly reinforced and balanced flanged beam of Q.1 as shown in Fig.
5.11.6 if the span = 9 m. Use M 30 concrete and three grades of steel, Fe
250, Fe 415 and Fe 500, respectively. Compare the results obtained
above with that of Q.1 of sec. 5.11.6, when balanced.
(15 + 5 = 20 marks)
M u ,lim
Ast ,lim =
0.87 f y d {1 - 0.42 (xu,max / d )}
The maximum area of steel allowed is .04 b D = (.04) (300) (660) = 7,920
mm . Hence, Fe 250 is not possible in this case.
5.12.1 Introduction
Lesson 10 illustrates the governing equations of flanged beams and
Lesson 11 explains their applications for the solution of analysis type of
numerical problems. It is now necessary to apply them for the solution of design
type, the second type of the numerical problems. This lesson mentions the
different steps of the solution and solves several numerical examples to explain
their step-by-step solutions.
For doubly reinforced beams Ast = Ast,lim + Ast2 and Asc are to be
obtained, while only Ast is required to be computed for under-reinforced and
balanced beams. These are calculated employing C = T (for Ast and Ast, lim) and
the expression of Mu2 to calculate Ast2 and Asc.
Step 5: It may be necessary to check the xu and Ast once again after Step
xu,max = 0.48 d = 0.48 (660) = 316.80 mm. This shows that the neutral
axis is in the web of this beam.
The expression of Mu,lim is obtained from Eq. 5.7 of Lesson 10 (case ii a of sec. and is as follows:
Mu,lim = 0.36(xu,max /d){1 - 0.42 (xu,max /d)} fck bw d2 + 0.45 fck (bf - bw) Df (d -
Df /2)
The design moment Mu = 963.5625 kNm is less than Mu,lim. Hence, one under-
reinforced beam can be designed.
Since the design moment Mu is almost 50% of Mu,lim, let us assume the neutral
axis to be in the flange. The area of steel is to be calculated from the moment
equation (Eq. 3.23 of Lesson 5), when steel is ensured to reach the design stress
fd = 0.87 (415) = 361.05 N/mm2. It is worth mentioning that the term b of Eq. 3.23
of Lesson 5 is here bf as the T- beam is treated as a rectangular beam when the
neutral axis is in the flange.
⎧ Ast f y ⎫
Mu = 0.87 f y Ast d ⎨1 − ⎬
⎩ f ck b d ⎭
Here, all but Ast are known. However, this will give a quadratic equation of Ast
and the lower one of the two values will be provided in the beam. The above
equation gives:
Ast = 4,234.722097 mm2. The reason of selecting the lower value of Ast
is explained in sec of Lesson 6 in the solution of Design Problem 3.1.
0.87 f y Ast
xu =
0.36 b f ck
or xu = 71.98 mm.
Again, employing Eq. 3.24 of Lesson 5, we can determine xu first and then Ast
from Eq. 3.16 or 17 of Lesson 5, as explained in the next step.
963.5625 (106) = 0.36 (xu) {1 - 0.42 (xu /660)} (20) (2950) (660)
or xu = 72.03 mm.
xu 0.87 f y Ast
d 0.36 f ck b f d
Provide 6 - 28 T (= 3694 mm2) + 2-20 T (= 628 mm2) to have total Ast = 4,322
Ex.6: Design a beam in place of the beam of Ex.5 (Fig. 5.12.1) if the imposed
loads are increased to 12 kN/m2. Other data are: Df = 100 mm, bw = 350 mm,
spacing of beams = 4000 mm c/c, effective span = 12 m simply supported and
cover = 90 mm. Use Fe 415 and M 20.
Total weight of slab and imposed loads = 14.5 (4) = 58.0 kN/m
Mu,lim of the beam of Ex.5 = 1,835.43 kNm. The factored moment of this
problem (1,719.5625 kNm) is close to the value of Mu,lim of the section.
Step 3: Determination of d
Mu = 0.36(xu,max /d){1 - 0.42 (xu,max /d)} fck bw d2 + 0.45 fck (bf - bw) Df (d - Df
Solving the above equation, we get d = 624.09 mm, giving total depth =
624.09 + 90 = 715 mm (say).
Since the dead load of the beam is reduced due to decreasing the depth
of the beam, the revised loads are calculated below:
Mu 1711.29 (106 )
Ast = = = 8,243.06 mm 2
Df 0.87 (415) (625 - 50)
0.87 f y (d - )
Step 5: Determination of xu
Using Ast = 8,651 mm2 in the expression of T = C (Eq. 5.5 of Lesson 10),
we have:
So, Ast provided is reduced to 8-36 + 2-16 = 8143 + 402 = 8,545 mm2.
Step 6: Checking of Mu
So, Mu = 0.36(xu /d) {1 - 0.42(xu /d)} fck bf d2 + 0.45 fck (bf - bw) (Df) (d - Df /2)
Ex.7: Determine the tensile reinforcement Ast of the flanged beam of Ex.5 (Fig.
5.12.1) when the imposed loads = 12 kN/m2. All other parameters are the same
as those of Ex.5: Df = 100 mm, D = 750 mm, bw = 350 mm, spacing of beams =
4000 mm c/c, effective span = 12 m, simply supported, cover = 90 mm and d =
660 mm. Use Fe 415 and M 20.
From Ex.5, the Mu,lim of this beam = 1,835.43 kNm. Hence, this beam
shall be designed as under-reinforced.
Step 3: Determination of xu
So, let us assume that the neutral axis is in the web and Df /xu < 0.43, from Eq.
5.14 of Lesson 10 (case iii a of sec., we have:
Mu = 0.36(xu /d) {1 - 0.42(xu /d)} fck bw d2 + 0.45 fck (bf - bw) (Df) (d - Df /2)
So, we have to use Eq. 5.15 and 5.18 of Lesson 10 for yf and Mu (case iii b of
sec. Thus, we have:
Equating C = T from Eqs. 5.16 and 5.17 of Lesson 10 (case iii b of sec., we have:
Minimum Ast = (0.85/fy) (bw) (d) = 0.85 (350) (660)/(415) = 473.13 mm2
or 0.87 (415) (7954) = 0.36 (20) (350) xu + 0.45 (20) (2600) (0.15 xu + 0.65
or xu = 224.01 mm
So, Mu = 0.36 xu {1 - 0.42( xu /d)} fck bw d + 0.45 fck (bf - bw) yf (d - yf /2)
+ 0.45 (20) (2600) {(0.15) 224.01 + 65} {(660) - 0.15 (112) - 32.5}
Assuming the neutral axis to be in the web, Df /xu < 0.43 and Df /d = 100 /
585 = 0.17 < 0.2, we consider the case (ii a) of sec. of Lesson 10 to get
the following:
0.87 fy (Ast,lim) = 0.36 bw (xu,max /d) d fck + 0.45 fck (bf - bw) Df
M u2
Asc = (Eq. 4.4 of Lesson 8).
( f sc - f cc ) (d - d ' )
d' = 58.5 mm
d = 585 mm
Asc ( f sc - f cc )
Ast 2 = (Eqs. 4.4 and 4.5 of Lesson 8).
0.87 f y
Provide 8-36 T + 3-20 T = 8143 + 942 = 9,085 mm2 for Ast and 1-20 + 2-16
= 314 + 402 = 716 mm2 for Asc (Fig. 5.12.5).
Assuming xu in the web and Df /xu < 0.43 and using T = C (case ii a of sec. of Lesson 10 with additional compression force due to compression
steel), we have:
0.87 fy Ast = 0.36 bw xu fck + 0.45 (bf - bw) fck Df + Asc (fsc - fcc)
or 0.87 (415) (9085) = 0.36 (350) xu (20) + 0.45 (2600) (20) (100)
The assumptions, therefore, are correct. So, Mu can be obtained from Eq. 5.14
of sec. of Lesson 10 with additional moment due to compression steel,
as given below:
+ 0.45 (2600) (20) (100) (585 - 50) + 716 (344) (585 - 58.5)
A.1: Solution:
So, the full depth of flange is having a stress of 0.446 fck. From Eq. 5.7 of Lesson
10 (case ii a of sec., we have,
Step 3: Determination of xu
xu 0.87 f y Ast
d 0.36 f ck b f d
5.12.5 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
TQ.1: Determine the steel reinforcement Ast of the simply supported flanged
beam of Q.1 (Fig. 5.12.6) having Df = 100 mm, D = 700 mm, cover = 50
mm, d = 650 mm, bw = 300 mm, spacing of the beams = 4,000 mm
c/c, effective span = 12 m and imposed loads = 10 kN/m2. Use M 20 and
Fe 415.
So, the full depth of flange is having constant stress of 0.446 fck. From Eq. 5.7 of
Lesson 10 (case ii a of sec., we have
Step 3: Determination of xu
or 1471.5 (106) = 0.36 (xu) {1 – 0.42 (xu /650)} (20) (2900) (650)
Assuming Df /xu < 0.43, we have from Eq. 5.14 of Lesson 10 (case iii a of sec.,
Mu = 0.36 xu {1 – 0.42 (xu /d)} fck bw d + 0.45 fck (bf – bw) Df (d – Df /2)
However, in the above when it is assumed that the neutral axis is in the
flange xu is found to be 117.34 mm and in the second trial when xu is assumed in
the web xu is seen to be 49.67 mm. This indicates that the full depth of the
flange will not have the strain of 0.002, neutral axis is in the web and Df /xu is
more than 0.43. So, we have to use Eq. 5.18 of Lesson 10, with the introduction
of yf from Eq. 5.15 of Lesson 10.
Assuming Df /xu > 0.43, from Eqs. 5.15 and 5.18 of Lesson 10 (case iii b
of sec., we have:
Mu = 0.36 xu {1 – 0.42 (xu /d)} fck bw d + 0.45 fck (bf – bw) yf (d – yf /2)
Solving, we get xu = 162.9454 mm. This shows that the assumption of Df /xu >
0.43 is correct as Df /xu = 100 / 162.9454 = 0.614.
Equating C = T from Eqs. 5.16 and 5.17 of Lesson 10 (case iii b of sec., we have
0.36 (20) (30) (162.9454) + 0.45 (20) (2600) {0.15 (162.9454) + 65}
or Ast =
0.87 (415)
Minimum Ast = (0.85/fy) (bw) (d) = 0.85 (300) (650)/415 = 399.39 mm2
Maximum Ast = 0.04 (bw) (D) = 0.04 (300) (700) = 8,400 mm2
Provide 2-36 T + 6-32 T = 2035 + 4825 = 6,860 mm2 > 6,771.639 mm2
(Fig. 5.12.7).
• name and explain the three different failure modes of reinforced concrete
beams under the combined effects of bending moment and shear force,
• define nominal shear stress τv of rectangular and T-beams of uniform and
varying depths under the combined effects of bending moment and shear
• name the two parameters on which the design shear strength of concrete
• find out the maximum shear stress of concrete beams τcmax with shear
• locate the critical sections for shear in beams,
• explain when and why do we consider enhanced shear strength of concrete,
• explain why the minimum shear reinforcement is provided in any beam,
• determine the amount of minimum shear reinforcement to be provided in
any beam,
• specify the three different ways of providing shear reinforcement in a beam,
• design the shear reinforcement in a beam for each of the three methods
mentioned above,
• design the shear reinforcement closed to the support of a beam,
• specify the conditions to be satisfied for the curtailment of tension
reinforcement when designing shear reinforcement,
• place the vertical stirrups in a beam.
6.13.1 Introduction
This lesson explains the three failure modes due to shear force in beams
and defines different shear stresses needed to design the beams for shear. The
critical sections for shear and the minimum shear reinforcement to be provided in
beams are mentioned as per IS 456. The design of shear reinforcement has
been illustrated in Lesson 14 through several numerical problems including the
curtailment of tension reinforcement in flexural members.
Web shear causes cracks which progress along the dotted line shown in
Fig. 6.13.1a. Steel yields in flexural tension shear as shown in Fig. 6.13.1b, while
concrete crushes in compression due to flexural compression shear as shown in
Fig. 6.13.1c. An in-depth presentation of the three types of failure modes is
beyond the scope here. Only the salient points needed for the routine design of
beams in shear are presented here.
τv =
d = effective depth.
Vu ± tanβ
τv = d
(6.2) Design shear strength without shear reinforcement (IS 456, cl.
Grade of concrete
(100 As /b M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M40 and
d) above
≤ 0.15 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.30
0.25 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38
0.50 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.51
0.75 0.56 0.57 0.59 0.59 0.60
1.00 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.67 0.68
1.25 0.67 0.70 0.71 0.73 0.74
1.50 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.79
1.75 0.75 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84
2.00 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88
2.25 0.81 0.85 0.88 0.90 0.92
2.50 0.82 0.88 0.91 0.93 0.95
2.75 0.82 0.90 0.94 0.96 0.98
≥ 3.00 0.82 0.92 0.96 0.99 1.01 Maximum shear stress τcmax with shear reinforcement (cls. 40.2.3,
40.5.1 and 41.3.1)
Grade of M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M 40 and
concrete above
Clauses 22.6.2 and stipulate the critical section for shear and are
as follows:
(i) When the reaction in the direction of the applied shear introduces tension
(Fig. 6.13.3a) into the end region of the member, the shear force is to be
computed at the face of the support of the member at that section.
(ii) When the reaction in the direction of the applied shear introduces
compression into the end region of the member (Figs. 6.13.3b and c), the shear
force computed at a distance d from the face of the support is to be used for the
design of sections located at a distance less than d from the face of the support.
The enhanced shear strength of sections close to supports, however, may be
considered as discussed in the following section.
Figure 6.13.4 shows the shear failure of simply supported and cantilever
beams without shear reinforcement. The failure plane is normally inclined at an
angle of 30o to the horizontal. However, in some situations the angle of failure is
more steep either due to the location of the failure section closed to a support or
for some other reasons. Under these situations, the shear force required to
produce failure is increased.
av = horizontal distance of the section from the face of the support (Fig.
Asv 0.4
b sv 0.87 f y
(ii) Brittle shear failure is arrested which would have occurred without
shear reinforcement.
(v) Section becomes effective with the tie effect of the compression
Vus = Vu – τc b d
The strengths of shear reinforcement Vus for the three types of shear
reinforcement are as follows:
0.87 f y Asv d
Vus =
0.87 f y Asv d
Vus = (sinα + cosα )
b = breadth of the member which for the flanged beams shall be taken as
the breadth of the web bw,
α = angle between the inclined stirrup or bent-up bar and the axis of the
member, not less than 45o, and
d = effective depth.
(i) The total shear resistance shall be computed as the sum of the
resistance for the various types separately where more than one
type of shear reinforcement is used.
(ii) The area of stirrups shall not be less than the minimum specified in
As = av b (τv – 2d τc /av)/0.87 fy
(i) The shear stress τv at the cut-off point should not exceed two-thirds of
the permitted value which includes the shear strength of the web reinforcement.
(ii) For each of the terminated bars, additional stirrup area should be
provided over a distance of three-fourth of effective depth from the cut-off point.
The additional stirrup area shall not be less than 0.4 b s/fy, where b is the breadth
of rectangular beams and is replaced by bw, the breadth of the web for flanged
beams, s = spacing of additional stirrups and fy is the characteristic strength of
stirrup reinforcement in N/mm2. The value of s shall not exceed d/(8 βb), where
βb is the ratio of area of bars cut-off to the total area of bars at that section, and d
is the effective depth.
In the above expression b is the breadth of the rectangular beams which will be
bw in the case of flanged beams.
The stirrups in beams shall be taken around the outer-most tension and
compression bars. In T and L-beams, the stirrups will pass around longitudinal
bars located close to the outer face of the flange. In the rectangular beams, two
holder bars of diameter 10 or 12 mm are provided if there is no particular need
for compression reinforcement (Fig. 6.13.5).
Q.2: Define nominal shear stress τv of rectangular and T-beams of (i) uniform
depth and (ii) varying depth subjected to bending moment and shear
A.4: τc depends on (i) grade of concrete and (ii) percentage of tensile steel in
the beam.
Table 19 of cl. 40.2.1 of IS 456 gives the values of τc and the same table is
presented in Table 6.1 of sec. of this lesson.
Q.5: How do you know the maximum shear stress of concrete beams τcmax
with shear reinforcement ?
Q.6: How do you determine the critical sections for shear in a beam ?
Q.9: What are the three different ways to provide shear reinforcement ? Explain
the method of design of each of them.
6.13.13 References:
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
11. Design of Concrete Structures, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nilson, David
Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
12. Concrete Technology, by A.M.Neville and J.J.Brooks, ELBS with
Longman, 1994.
13. Properties of Concrete, 4th Edition, 1st Indian reprint, by A.M.Neville,
Longman, 2000.
14. Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook, 10th Edition, by C.E.Reynolds
and J.C.Steedman, E & FN SPON, London, 1997.
TQ.2: How do you determine the critical sections for shear in a beam ? (5
TQ.5: What are the three different ways to provide shear reinforcement ?
Explain the method of design of each of them. (5 marks)
TQ.6: How do we design the shear reinforcement close to the support of a beam?
(5 marks)
6.14.1 Introduction
Lesson 13 explains the three failure modes due to shear force in beams
and defines different shear stresses needed to design the beams for shear. The
critical sections for shear and the minimum shear reinforcement to be provided in
beams are mentioned as per IS 456. In this lesson, the design of shear
reinforcement has been illustrated through several numerical problems including
the curtailment of tension reinforcement in flexural members.
Problem 1:
100 (1609)
p = = 1.43
250 (450)
From Table 6.1 of Lesson 13, τc = 0.67 + 0.036 = 0.706 N/mm2 (by linear
Vu 250 (10 3 )
τv = = = 2.22 N/mm 2 and τcmax = 2.8 N/mm2 (from Table
bd 250 (450)
6.2 of Lesson 13).
Hence, τc < τv < τcmax. So, shear reinforcement is needed for the shear force
(Eq. 6.4 of Lesson 13).
Hence, spacing of the stirrups as obtained from Eq. 6.5 of Lesson 13:
According to cl. of IS 456, the maximum spacing of the stirrups = 0.75
d = 0.75 (450) = 337.5 mm = 300 mm (say).
Problem 2:
Solution 2:
75 (3.5) (3.5)
M u at section 1 - 1 = = 459.375 kNm
Mu 459.375 (10 6 )
= = 6.125 N/mm 2
bd 300 (500) (500)
100 (1609)
p = = 1.43
250 (450)
From Table 6.1 of Lesson 13, τc = 0.67 + 0.036 = 0.706 N/mm2 (by linear
Vu 250 (10 3 )
τv = = = 2.22 N/mm 2 and τcmax = 2.8 N/mm2 (from Table
bd 250 (450)
6.2 of Lesson 13).
Hence, τc < τv < τcmax. So, shear reinforcement is needed for the shear force
(Eq. 6.4 of Lesson 13).
Hence, spacing of the stirrups as obtained from Eq. 6.5 of Lesson 13:
According to cl. of IS 456, the maximum spacing of the stirrups = 0.75
d = 0.75 (450) = 337.5 mm = 300 mm (say).
Though it is better to use 4-28T as Ast and 2-20T + 2-16 as Asc with proper
curtailment from the practical aspects of construction, here the bars are selected
to have areas close to the requirements for the academic interest only.
Width b = 300 mm
(Here, the negative sign is used as the bending moment increases numerically in
the same direction as the effective depth increases.)
Table 6.1 of Lesson 13 gives τc = 0.82 N/mm2 < τv (= 1.074 N/mm2). Hence,
shear reinforcement is needed for shear force obtained from Eq. 6.4 of Lesson
0.87 f y Asv d
Vus =
where Asv = 100 mm2 for 8 mm, 2 legged vertical stirrups. This gives sv =
162.087 mm (f y = 415 N/mm2). IS 456, cl. gives the spacing
considering minimum shear reinforcement (Eq.6.3 of sec. 6.13.7 of Lesson 13):
0.87 f y Asv
sv ≤
0.4 b
or sv ≤ 300.875 mm
Hence, provide 8 mm, 2 legged vertical stirrups @ 150 mm c/c, as shown in Fig.
Clause of IS 456 stipulates that any one of the three conditions is
to be satisfied for the termination of flexural reinforcement in tension zone (see
sec. 6.13.10 of Lesson 13). Here, two of the conditions are discussed.
2 V
τv ≤ (τ c + us ), which gives Eq. 6.9 of Lesson 13 as
3 bd
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
Vus ≥ (1.5 τv – τc) b d
After the curtailment, at section 2-2 Ast = 2048 mm2 (3-28T + 1-16T bars), gives
p = 2048 (100)/300 (400) ≅ 1.71 %. Table 6.1 of Lesson 13 gives τc = 0.7452
N/mm2 when p = 1.71% (making liner interpolation). Now from Eq. 6.2 of Lesson
Vu − tanβ
d (10 3 ) {187.5 - 234.375 (0.1)/0.4}
τv = = = 1.074 N/mm 2
bd (300) (400)
0.87 f y Asv d
sv ≤
Hence, provide 8 mm, 2 legged vertical stirrups @ 130 mm c/c, as shown in Fig.
Additional stirrup area for a distance of 0.75 d {= 0.75 (400) = 300 mm} =
0.4 b s/fy, where spacing s is not greater than (d/8βb), where βb = cut off bar
area/total bar area = 2048/3066 = 0.67. Since, additional stirrups are of lower
diameter, mild steel bars are preferred with fy = 250 N/mm2. Maximum spacing s
= d/8βb = 400/8 (0.67) = 75 mm. Excess area = 0.4 b s/fy = 0.4 (300) (75)/250 =
36 mm2.
Provide 6 mm, 2 legged mild steel vertical stirrups (56 mm2) @ 75 mm c/c
for a distance of 300 mm, i.e., five numbers of stirrups (additional), as shown in
Fig. 6.14.5.
Problem 3:
Solution 3:
The bending moment and shear force diagrams are shown in Fig. 6.14.7. At the
Mu 1200 (106 )
= = 0.37
bw d 2 f ck 300 (600) (600) (30)
Hence, o.k.
Mu 1200 (10 6 )
Ast = = = 6155 mm 2
0.87 f y (d - d f /2) 0.87 (415) (540)
Provide 7-32T + 1-28T (= 6245 mm2) bars at mid-span and up to section 5-5 (Fig.
6.14.8, sec. 5-5). The flexural reinforcement is cranked up and the reinforcement
diagrams are shown at five sections in Fig. 6.14.8.
The details of calculations are shown below for the section 1-1 in six
steps. Results of all four sections are presented in Table 6.3.
Step 1:
Ast at section 1-1 is determined (= 3217 mm2 = 4-32T) from Fig. 6.14.7 to
calculate p = Ast (100)/bw d = 3217 (100)/300 (600) = 1.79%. From Table 6.1 of
Lesson 13, τc is determined for p = 1.79% as 0.81 N/mm2. Table 6.2 of Lesson
13 gives τc,max for M 30 = 3.5 N/mm2.
Step 2:
Vu (600) (10 3 )
τv = = = 3.33 N/mm 2
bw d (300) (600)
Step 3:
The magnitude of shear force taken by bent up bar(s) is obtained from Eq.
6.7 of Lesson 13, Vbent = 0.87 fy Asv sinα = 0.87 (415) (804) (1/√2) (10-3) = 206.5
kN. This force should not be greater than 0.5 (Vreinf), which, at this section, is
227.1 kN (vide sec. 6.13.8 of Lesson 13).
The magnitude of the shear force for the design of vertical stirrup = Vus =
Vreinf – Vbent = 454.2 – 206.5 = 247.7 kN.
Step 4:
Further, cl. stipulates the maximum spacing = 0.75 d on 300 mm. Here,
the maximum spacing = 300 mm.
Step 6:
Table 6.3 Design of stirrups using 10 mm 2 legged vertical stirrups, (τcmax = 3.5
Step Values of Sec. 1-1 Sec. 2-2 Sec. 3-3 Sec. 4-4
Ast (mm2) 3,217 4,021 4,825 5,629
1 p (%) 1.79 2.23 2.68 3.13
τc (N/mm2) 0.81 0.877 0.93 0.96
Vu (kN) 600 525 450 375
2 τv (N/mm2) 3.33 2.92 2.50 2.08
To avoid several spacings for the practical consideration, provide stirrups @ 130
mm c/c for first 1 m, @ 230 mm for next 1 m and then @ 300 mm up to the mid-
span in a symmetric manner (Fig. 6.14.8, secs. 1-1 to 5-5).
p = 1963/300(500) = 1.31%
Since τc < τv < τcmax, shear reinforcement is needed. From Eq.6.4 of Lesson
Further, the maximum spacing (cl. of IS 456 and sec. 6.13.7 of
Lesson 13) = 0.75 d = 0.75(500) = 375 mm.
Hence, both are possible, though 12 mm @ 120 mm c/c is desirable since the
other spacing of 85 mm c/c is very close (Fig. 6.14.9).
6.14.4 References:
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
11. Design of Concrete Structures, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nilson, David
Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
12. Concrete Technology, by A.M.Neville and J.J.Brooks, ELBS with
Longman, 1994.
TQ. 1: The T-beam of Fig. 6.14.10 has a factored shear force of 400 kN.
Determine the diameter and spacing of vertical stirrups at a section
where two 25 mm diameter bent up bears are also available for the
shear resistance. Use M 20 and Fe 415.
A.TQ. 1:
Vu = 400 kN
Hence, o.k.
= 250.48 kN,
Vus = 145.72 kN
Using 10 mm, 2 legged vertical stirrups (Asv = 157 mm2), the spacing,
obtained from Eq.6.5 of Lesson 13, sv = 0.87 fy Asv d/Vus = 0.87 (415)
(157) (550)/145720 = 213.95 mm c/c.
• understand the reason for different values of design bond stresses of plain
bars and deformed bars in tension and compression,
• apply the theory for designing beams in different situations as may arise.
6.15.1 Introduction
The bond between steel and concrete is very important and essential so
that they can act together without any slip in a loaded structure. With the perfect
bond between them, the plane section of a beam remains plane even after
bending. The length of a member required to develop the full bond is called the
anchorage length. The bond is measured by bond stress. The local bond stress
varies along a member with the variation of bending moment. The average value
The design bond stress τbd is defined as the shear force per unit nominal
surface area of reinforcing bar. The stress is acting on the interface between bars
and surrounding concrete and along the direction parallel to the bars.
Section 6.15.1 mentions that the local bond stress varies along the length
of the reinforcement while the average bond stress gives the average value
throughout its development length. This average bond stress is still used in the
working stress method and IS 456 has mentioned about it in cl. B-2.1.2.
However, in the limit state method of design, the average bond stress has been
designated as design bond stress τbd and the values are given in cl.
The same is given below as a ready reference.
Grade of M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M 40 and
concrete above
Bond 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
Stress τbd
in N/mm2
Figure 6.15.1(b) shows the free body diagram of the segment AB of the
bar. At B, the tensile force T trying to pull out the bar is of the value T = (π φ 2
σs /4), where φ is the nominal diameter of the bar and σs is the tensile stress in
bar at the section considered at design loads. It is necessary to have the
resistance force to be developed by τbd for the length Ld to overcome the
tensile force. The resistance force = π φ (Ld) (τbd). Equating the two, we get
φ σs
Ld =
4 τ bd
The above equation is given in cl. 26.2.1 of IS 456 to determine the development
length of bars.
The example taken above considers round bar in tension. Similarly, other
sections of the bar should have the required Ld as determined for such sections.
For bars in compression, the development length is reduced by 25 per cent as
the design bond stress in compression τbd is 25 per cent more than that in
tension (see the last lines below Table 6.4). Following the same logic, the
development length of deformed bars is reduced by 60 per cent of that needed
for the plain round bars. Tables 64 to 66 of SP-16 present the development
lengths of fully stressed plain and deformed bars (when σs = 0.87 fy) both under
tension and compression. It is to be noted that the consequence of stress
concentration at the lugs of deformed bars has not been taken into consideration.
The respective development lengths of each of the bars for two, three or
four bars in contact are determined following the same principle. However, cl. of IS 456 stipulates a simpler approach to determine the development
length directly under such cases and the same is given below:
However, while using bundled bars the provision of cl. 26.1.1 of IS 456
must be satisfied. According to this clause:
• Bundled bars shall be enclosed within stirrups or ties to ensure the bars
remaining together.
(ii) Such reinforcements of (i) above shall also be anchored to develop its design
stress in tension at the face of the support, when such member is part of the
primary lateral load resisting system.
( Ld ) when σ s = fd ≤ + Lo
fd = 0.87 fy,
φ = diameter of bar.
It has been further stipulated that M1/V in the above expression may be
increased by 30 per cent when the ends of the reinforcement are confined by a
compressive reaction.
Figure 6.15.2(a) shows the tensile bar AB near the support of a beam and
Fig. 6.15.2(b) explains the stresses and forces in the free body diagram of the
MC = TC (z)
MD = TD (z)
Again TC - TD = πφ (dx) τ bd
= πφτ bd (dx )
which gives
= πφ z τ bd
or τ bd =
Equation 6.16 gives the flexural bond stress in the tension reinforcement
at any section. If there are N bars of equal size, we have
τ bd =
z ( ∑ 0)
which gives:
0.87 f y Ast V
Ld (∑ 0) z (∑ 0)
or Ld =
From Eq.6.19, we find that the ratio of M1/V at the section must be equal to or
greater than Ld if the design bond stress τbd is to be restricted within limit. The
stipulation of additional Lo in the expression of Eq.6.13 is for additional safety.
The meaning of Lo has been mentioned in sec. 6.15.4 (iii).
• Derformed bars may not need end anchorages if the development length
requirement is satisfied.
• The development length shall include the projected length of hooks, bends
and straight lengths beyond bends, if provided.
• Inclined bars in tension zone will have the development length equal to
that of bars in tension and this length shall be measured from the end of
sloping or inclined portion of the bar.
Bearing stress =
where Fbt = tensile force due to design loads in a bar or group of bars,
The calculated bearing stress of Eq.6.20 shall not exceed the following:
1.5 f ck
Calculated bearing stress >/
1 + 2 φ /a
• The lap length including anchorage value of hooks for bars in flexural
tension shall be Ld or 30 φ , whichever is greater. The same for direct
tension shall be 2Ld or 30 φ , whichever is greater.
• The lap length shall be calculated on the basis of diameter of the smaller
bar when bars of two different diameters are to be spliced.
• Lap splices of bundled bars shall be made by splicing one bar at a time
and all such individual splices within a bundle shall be staggered.
For tension splices, such strength of welded bars shall be taken as 80 per
cent of the design strength of welded bars. However, it can go even up to 100
per cent if welding is strictly supervised and if at any cross-section of the member
not more than 20 per cent of the tensile reinforcement is welded. For mechanical
connection of tension splice, 100 per cent of design strength of mechanical
connection shall be taken.
Problem 1:
Determine the anchorage length of 4-20T reinforcing bars going into the
support of the simply supported beam shown in Fig. 6.15.5. The factored shear
force Vu = 280 kN, width of the column support = 300 mm. Use M 20 concrete
and Fe 415 steel.
Solution 1:
τbd for M 20 and Fe 415 (with 60% increased) = 1.6(1.2) = 1.92 N/mm2
Eq.6.12 gives
φ σs 0.87(415) φ
Ld = = (when σ s = 0.87 f y ) = 47.01φ ...... (1)
4 τ bd 4(1.92)
Eq.6.13 gives
( Ld ) when σ s = f d ≤ + Lo
and V = 280 kN
We have from Eq.6.13 above, with the stipulation of 30 per cent increase
assuming that the reinforcing bars are confined by a compressive reaction:
Ld ≤ 1.3 ( ) + Lo ...... (2)
47.01φ ≤ 1.3 ( ) + Lo
187.754(10 6 )
or 47.01φ ≤ 1.3 { }; if Lo is assumed as zero.
280(10 3 )
or φ ≤ 18.54 mm
Determination of Lo:
1.3 ( ) + Lo ≥ 47.01φ
M1 187754
Minimum Lo = 47.01φ - 1.3 ( ) = 47.01(20) - 1.3( ) = 68.485 mm
V 280
So, the bars are extended by 100 mm to satisfy the requirement as shown in
Q.5: How would you determine the development lengths of bars when two,
three or four bars are bundled in contact? State the salient points of the
stipulations of IS 456 in this respect.
Q.7: State the salient points of the stipulations of IS 456 regarding anchoring
reinforcing bars in tension, compression and shear, respectively.
A.7: Sec. 6.15.6(a), (b) and (c) are the respective answers.
Q.8: Write down the expressions of calculated bearing stress at bends and its
limiting value.
Q.9: State the additional measure to be taken when the reinforcing bars change
the direction.
Q.10: State the salient points of splicing and welding of reinforcing bars.
Q.11: Check the bond requirement of the continuous beam of Fig.6.15.7 if the
factored shear force is 200 kN at the point of inflection. Assume M 20 and
Fe 415.
Eq.6.12 gives
φ σs 0.87(415) φ
Ld = = = 47.01φ ...... (3)
4 τ bd 4(1.92)
Eq.6.13 gives
( Ld ) when σ s = f d ≤ + Lo
47.01φ ≤ ( ) + Lo ...... (5)
113.55(10 6 )
47.01φ ≤ { } + 400
200(10 3 )
6.15.12 References:
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
11. Design of Concrete Structures, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nilson, David
Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
12. Concrete Technology, by A.M.Neville and J.J.Brooks, ELBS with
Longman, 1994.
13. Properties of Concrete, 4th Edition, 1st Indian reprint, by A.M.Neville,
Longman, 2000.
14. Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook, 10th Edition, by C.E.Reynolds
and J.C.Steedman, E & FN SPON, London, 1997.
TQ.2: Derive the limiting value of the development length for bars in tension
having both bending moment and shear force. Explain the role of
additional length Lo.
(10 marks)
TQ.3: State the salient points of the stipulations of IS 456 regarding anchoring
reinforcing bars in tension, compression and shear, respectively.
(10 marks)
A.TQ.3: Sec. 6.15.6(a), (b) and (c) are the respective answers.
Using the total depth D = 700 mm and effective depth as 650 mm, we get
the area of main tensile reinforcement at mid-span = 0.9(bd)/100 =
0.9(300)(650)/100 = 1755 mm2.
Three 20T bars (50 per cent) are continued at the support. The value of
τ bd for M 20 and Fe 415 is obtained from Table 6.4 with 60 per cent
increased as 1.92 N/mm2. Eq.6.12 gives
= 0.87(415)(942.5)/(0.36)(20)(300)
= 0.87(415)(942.5){(650) – 0.42(157.54)}
= 198.67 kNm
Ld ≤ 1.3(M1/V) + Lo
940.23 ≤ 1.3(M1/V) + Lo
6.16.1 Introduction
This lesson explains the presence of torsional moment along with bending
moment and shear in reinforced concrete members with specific examples. The
approach of design of such beams has been explained mentioning the critical
section to be designed. Expressing the equivalent shear and bending moment,
this lesson illustrates the step by step design procedure of beam under combined
bending, shear and torsion. The requirements of IS 456 regarding the design are
also explained. Numerical problems have been solved to explain the design of
beams under combined bending, shear and torsion.
The primary torsion is required for the basic static equilibrium of most of
the statically determinate structures. Accordingly, this torsional moment must be
considered in the design as it is a major component.
We know that the bending moments are distributed among the sharing
members with the corresponding distribution factors proportional to their bending
stiffness EI/L where E is the elastic constant, I is the moment of inertia and L
is the effective span of the respective members. In a similar manner, the torsional
moments are also distributed among the sharing members with the
corresponding distribution factors proportional to their torsional stiffness GJ/L,
where G is the elastic shear modulus, J is polar moment of inertia and L is
the effective span (or length) of the respective members.
Ve = Vu + 1.6(Tu/b)
Vu = actual shear,
b = breadth of beam.
τ ve = ( Ve / bd )
However, τ ve shall not exceed τ c max given in Table 20 of IS 456 and Table 6.2
of Lesson 13.
Me1 = Mu + Mt
Mt = (Tu/1.7) {1 + (D/b)}
Me2 = Mt - Mu
The Me2 will be considered as acting in the opposite sense to the moment Mu.
Tu sv Vu sv
Asv = +
b1 d1( 0.87 f y ) 2.5 d1( 0.87 f y )
However, the total transverse reinforcement shall not be less than the following:
Asv ≥ (τ ve - τ c ) b s v /(0.87 f y )
Vu = shear force,
As /(bd) = 0.85/fy
The maximum area of tension reinforcement shall not exceed 0.04 bD,
where D is the overall depth of the beam.
This has been discussed in sec. 6.13.7 of Lesson 13 and the governing
equation is Eq.6.3 of Lesson 13.
Solution 1
From Table 6.2 of Lesson 13 (Table 20 of IS 456), τ c max = 2.8 N/mm2. Hence,
the section does not need any revision.
Provide 2-25T and 2-16T = 981 + 402 = 1383 mm2. This gives percentage of
tensile reinforcement = 0.532, for which τ c from Table 6.1 of Lesson 13 is 0.488
d1 = 700 - 50 - 50 = 600 mm
So, Eq.(1) is governing and we get for 2 legged 10 mm stirrups (Asv = 157 mm2),
sv = 0.87(415)(157)/339.89 = 166.77 mm
Figure 6.16.4 shows the two legged 10 mm diameter stirrups for which x1
= 340 mm and y1 = 628.5 mm. The maximum spacing sv should be the least of
x1, (x1 + y1)/4 and 300 mm (Figs. 6.16.4 and 5).
Here, x1 = 340 mm, (x1 + y1)/4 = 242.12 mm. So, provide 2 legged 10
mm T stirrups @ 160 mm c/c.
Q.2: Explain and differentiate between primary and secondary types of torsion.
(a) When no additional reinforcement for torsion is provided in that
For M 30 concrete with 0.5 per cent tensile reinforcement, Table 6.1 of
Lesson 13 (Table 19 of IS 456) gives τ c = 0.5 N/mm2 and Table 6.2 of Lesson
13 (Table 20 of IS 456 gives τ c max = 3.5 N/mm2.
Ve = (τ ve ) bd = 0.5(300)(600) N = 90 kN
So, that section of the beam can resist factored torsional moment of 3.75 kNm if
no additional reinforcement is provided.
In this case, τ ve = τ cmax = 3.5 N/mm2. Using this value in Eq.6.23, we get
Ve = (τ ve ) bd = (3.5)(300)(600) N = 630 kN
This section, therefore, can resist a factored torsional moment of 105 kNm when
maximum torsional reinforcement is provided.
From Table 4 of SP-16, for Fe 500 and M 30 with pt = 0.5 per cent, we
have Mu = (1.993)(300)(600)2 Nmm = 215.244 kNm (using linear interpolation).
Since the depth of the beam exceeds 450 mm, we provide side face
reinforcement with two 10 mm bars (area = 157 mm2) near the mid-depth of the
beam, one on each side to get the spacing of the bar 280 mm (Fig.6.16.7). Area
required to satisfy = 0.1(300)(280)/(100) = 84 mm2 < 157 mm2, hence, o.k.
0.87 f y Asv Tu Vu
= +
sv b1 d1 2.5 d1
= {105(106)/(201)(557)} + {70(103)/(2.5)(557)}
= 988.13 N/mm
sv = 0.87(415)(226)/988.13 = 82.57 mm
Figure 6.16.8 shows the stirrups of 12 mm diameter two legged for which
x1 = 238 mm and y1 = 587.5 mm. The maximum spacing should be the least of
x1, (x1 + y1)/4 and 300 mm.
Here, x1 = 238 mm, (x1 + y1)/4 = 206.375 mm and 300 mm. So, the
spacing of 80 mm c/c is o.k. Provide 12 mm, 2 legged stirrups @ 80 mm c/c, as
shown in Fig.6.16.8.
Table 6.2 of Lesson 13 gives τ c max = 3.5 N/mm2 > τ ve , So the depth is
Since the depth of the beam exceeds 450 mm, provide 2-10 mm T
(area = 157 mm2) near the mid-depth, one on each side of the beam with
maximum spacing = 230 mm (Fig.6.16.9). Area required = 0.1(300)(230)/100 =
69 mm2 < 157 mm2. Hence, two 10 mmT bars as shown in Fig.6.16.10 is o.k.
0.87 f y Asv Tu Vu
= +
sv b1 d1 2.5 d1
= 709.61 N/mm2
Step 7: Checking of sv
• explain the need to check for the limit state of serviceability after designing
the structures by limit state of collapse,
7.17.1 Introduction
Structures designed by limit state of collapse are of comparatively smaller
sections than those designed employing working stress method. They, therefore,
must be checked for deflection and width of cracks. Excessive deflection of a
structure or part thereof adversely affects the appearance and efficiency of the
structure, finishes or partitions. Excessive cracking of concrete also seriously
affects the appearance and durability of the structure. Accordingly, cl. 35.1.1 of
IS 456 stipulates that the designer should consider all relevant limit states to
ensure an adequate degree of safety and serviceability. Clause 35.3 of IS 456
refers to the limit state of serviceability comprising deflection in cl. 35.3.1 and
cracking in cl. 35.3.2. Concrete is said to be durable when it performs
satisfactorily in the working environment during its anticipated exposure
conditions during service. Clause 8 of IS 456 refers to the durability aspects of
concrete. Stability of the structure against overturning and sliding (cl. 20 of IS
456), and fire resistance (cl. 21 of IS 456) are some of the other importance
issues to be kept in mind while designing reinforced concrete structures.
(b) The maximum deflection should not normally exceed the lesser of
span/350 or 20 mm including the effects of temperature, creep and shrinkage
occurring after erection of partitions and the application of finishes.
Different basic values of span to effective depth ratios for three different
support conditions are prescribed for spans up to 10 m, which should be modified
under any or all of the four different situations: (i) for spans above 10 m, (ii)
depending on the amount and the stress of tension steel reinforcement, (iii)
depending on the amount of compression reinforcement, and (iv) for flanged
beams. These are furnished in Table 7.1.
The lateral stability of beams depends upon the slenderness ratio and the
support conditions. Accordingly cl. 23.3 of IS code stipulates the following:
(i) For simply supported and continuous beams, the clear distance
between the lateral restraints shall not exceed the lesser of 60b or 250b2/d,
where d is the effective depth and b is the breadth of the compression face
midway between the lateral restraints.
(ii) For cantilever beams, the clear distance from the free end of the
cantilever to the lateral restraint shall not exceed the lesser of 25b or 100b2/d.
I eff = ; but I r ≤ I eff ≤ I gr
1.2 - (M r / M )( z / d )( 1 − x / d )( bw / b )
z = lever arm,
d = effective depth,
For continuous beams, however, the values of Ir, Igr and Mr are to be
modified by the following equation:
⎡X + X2 ⎤
X e = k1 ⎢ 1 ⎥ + (1 - k1 ) X o
⎣ 2 ⎦
k1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
k2 0 0.03 0.08 0.16 0.30 0.50 0.73 0.91 0.97 1.0
where k3 is a constant which is 0.5 for cantilevers, 0.125 for simply supported
members, 0.086 for members continuous at one end, and 0.063 for fully
continuous members; ψ cs is shrinkage curvature equal to k4 ε cs /D where ε cs is
the ultimate shrinkage strain of concrete. For ε cs , cl. of IS 456
recommends an approximate value of 0.0003 in the absence of test data.
where α 1cc ( perm ) = initial plus creep deflection due to permanent loads obtained
using an elastic analysis with an effective modulus of
Problem 1:
Figures 7.17.1 and 2 present the cross-section and the tensile steel of a
simply supported T-beam of 8 m span using M 20 and Fe 415 subjected to dead
Solution 1:
Es = 200000 N/mm2
m = Es /Ec = 8.94
Taking moment of the compressive concrete and tensile steel about the neutral
axis, we have (Fig.7.17.2)
2234(72.68) 3
Ir = + 8.94(1383)(550 - 72.68) 2 = 3.106(10) 9 mm 4
I eff = …. (Eq. 7.1)
M z x b
1.2 - r (1 - ) ( w )
M d d b
= = 0.875 I r . But I r ≤ I eff ≤ I gr
82.96 525.77 72.68 300
1.2 - ( )( ) (1 - )( )
160 550 550 2234
= (5)(20)(8)4(1012)/(384)(22360.68)(3.106)(109) = 15.358 mm
Equation 7.5 reveals that the deflection due to creep α cc ( perm ) can be
obtained after calculating α 1cc ( perm ) and α 1( perm ) . We calculate α 1cc ( perm ) in the
next step.
I eff = = 0.918 I r
82.96 512.36 112.92 300
(1.2) - ( )( ) (1 - )( )
74.4 550 550 2234
However, to satisfy Ir ≤ Ieff ≤ Igr, Ieff should be equal to Igr. So, Ieff = Igr =
11.384(109). For the value of Igr please see Step 1.
= 5.066 mm
α 1( perm ) = 5wl4/384(Ec)(Ieff) =
= 1.948 mm
The two requirements regarding the control of deflection are given in sec.
7.17.3. They are checked in the following:
Q.2: Explain short- and long-term deflections and the respective influencing
factors of them.
Q.4: How would you select the preliminary dimensions of structures to satisfy (i)
the deflection requirements, and (ii) the lateral stability ?
(i) As per row 1 of Table 7.1, the basic value of span to effective depth ratio is
(ii) As per row 2 of Table 7.1, the modification factor is 1 since the span 8 m <
10 m.
(iii) As per row 5 of Table 7.1, the modification factor for the flanged beam is to
be obtained from Fig. 6 of IS 456 for which the ratio of web width to flange width
(iv) Row 3 of Table 7.1 deals with the area and stress of tensile steel. At the
preliminary stage these values are to be assumed. However, for this problem the
area of steel is given as 1383 mm2 (2-25T + 2-16T), for which pt = Ast(100)/bf d =
1383(100)/(2234)(550) = 0.112.
7.17.9 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
TQ.1: Explain short- and long-term deflections and the respective influencing
factors of them.
(10 marks)
A.TQ.2: (i) From row 1 of Table 7.1, the basic value of span to effective depth
ratio is 7.
TQ.3: Determine the tensile steel of the cantilever beam of TQ 2 (Fig. 7.17.4)
subjected to service imposed load of 11.5 kN/m using M 20 and Fe 415.
Use Sp-16 for the design. Calculate short- and long-term deflections and
check the requirements of IS 456 regarding the deflection.
(25 marks)
For this beam of total depth 600 mm, let us assume d = 550 mm.
Again, for Mu per metre run as 192/0.3 = 640 kNm/m, chart 15 of SP-16
gives pt = 0.68 when d = 550 mm.
Calculation of deflection
yt = 300 mm
Es = 200000 N/mm2
m = Es /Ec = 8.94
Taking moment of the compressive concrete and tensile steel about the neutral
axis (Fig.7.17.5):
I eff = = 1.02 I r = 2.1548 (10 9 ) mm 4
5.634 493.71 168.88
(1.2) - ( )( ) (1 - ) (1)
16 550 550
= 20(44)(1012)/8(22360.68)(2.1548)(109) = 13.283 mm
α cs = k 3 ψ cs l 2 = (0.5)(3.32)(10)-7(16)(106) = 2.656 mm
or x2 + 194.72 x – 107097.03 = 0
z = d – x/3 = 468.643 mm
= 1.6473(10)9 mm4
I eff = = 2.1786 I r = 3.5888(10 9 ) mm 4
5.634 468.643 244.072
1.2 - ( )( ) (1 - ) (1)
3.6 550 550
Since this satisfies Ir ≤ Ieff ≤ Igr, we have, Ieff = 3.5888(109) mm4. For the value
of Igr please see Step 1.
= 4.665 mm
= 1.794 mm
• identify one-way and two-way slabs stating the limits of ly /lx ratios for one
and two-way slabs,
• explain the share of loads by the supporting beams of one- and two-way
slabs when subjected to uniformly distributed vertical loads,
• explain the roles of the total depth in resisting the bending moments,
shear force and in controlling the deflection,
• assume the depth of slab required for the control of deflection for different
support conditions,
• determine the positive and negative bending moments and shear force,
• state the maximum diameter of a bar that can be used in a particular slab
of given depth,
• design one-way slab applying the design principles and following the
stipulated guidelines of IS 456,
• draw the detailing of reinforcing bars of one-way slabs after the design.
The other types of slabs, not taken up in this module, are given below. All
these slabs have additional requirements depending on the nature and
magnitude of loadings in respective cases.
(a) horizontal or inclined bridge and fly over deck slabs carrying heavy
concentrated loads,
On the other hand, for square slabs of ly /lx = 1 and rectangular slabs of
ly /lx up to 2, the deflection profiles in the two directions are parabolic
(Fig.8.18.4b). Thus, they are spanning in two directions and these slabs with ly /lx
up to 2 are designated as two-way slabs, when supported on all edges.
It would be noted that an entirely one-way slab would need lack of support
on short edges. Also, even for ly /lx < 2, absence of supports in two parallel
edges will render the slab one-way. In Fig. 8.18.4b, the separating line at 45
degree is tentative serving purpose of design. Actually, this angle is a function of
ly /lx .
This lesson discusses the analysis and design aspects of one-way slabs.
The two-way slabs are taken up in the next lesson.
Thin slabs, therefore, have more shear strength than that of thicker slabs.
It is the normal practice to choose the depth of the slabs so that the concrete can
resist the shear without any stirrups for slab subjected to uniformly distributed
loads. However, for deck slabs, culverts, bridges and fly over, shear
reinforcement should be provided as the loads are heavily concentrated in those
slabs. Though, the selection of depth should be made for normal floor and roof
slabs to avoid stirrups, it is essential that the depth is checked for the shear for
these slabs taking due consideration of enhanced shear strength as discussed
above depending on the overall depth of the slabs.
For slabs built into a masonry wall developing only partial restraint, the
negative moment at the face of the support should be taken as Wl/24, where W
is the total design loads on unit width and l is the effective span. The shear
coefficients, given in Table 13 of IS 456, in such a situation, may be increased by
0.05 at the end support as per cl.22.5.2 of IS 456.
The effective span of a slab depends on the boundary condition. Table 8.2
gives the guidelines stipulated in cl.22.2 of IS 456 to determine the effective span
of a slab.
The deflection of the slab can be kept under control if the ratios of
effective span to effective depth of one-way slabs are taken up from the
provisions in cl.23.2.1a-e of IS 456. These stipulations are for the beams and are
also applicable for one-way slabs as they are designed considering them as
beam of unit width. These provisions are explained in sec. of Lesson 6.
Both for one and two-way slabs, the amount of minimum reinforcement in
either direction shall not be less than 0.15 and 0.12 per cents of the total cross-
sectional area for mild steel (Fe 250) and high strength deformed bars (Fe 415
and Fe 500)/welded wire fabric, respectively.
The maximum diameter of reinforcing bars of one and two-way slabs shall
not exceed one-eighth of the total depth of the slab.
The depth of the slab shall be assumed from the span to effective depth
ratios as given in section of Lesson 6 and mentioned here in sec.8.18.5b.
where the values of R,lim for three different grades of concrete and three
different grades of steel are given in Table 3.3 of Lesson 5 (sec.3.5.6). The value
of b shall be taken as one metre.
Theoretically, the depth of the slab can be checked for shear force if the
design shear strength of concrete is known. Since this depends upon the
percentage of tensile reinforcement, the design shear strength shall be assumed
considering the lowest percentage of steel. The value of τ c shall be modified
after knowing the multiplying factor k from the depth tentatively selected for the
slab in Step 3. If necessary, the depth of the slab shall be modified.
The above equation is applicable as the slab in most of the cases is under-
reinforced due to the selection of depth larger than the computed value in Step 3.
The area of steel so determined should be checked whether it is at least the
minimum area of steel as mentioned in cl. of IS 456 and explained in
The amount of steel reinforcement along the large span shall be the
minimum amount of steel as per cl. of IS 456 and mentioned in
sec.8.18.5d earlier.
6 T3 DEP x + 0.5 Mx
7 T4 DEP y Minimum steel
• Bottom steel bars B1 and B2 are alternately placed such that B1 bars are
curtailed at a distance of 0.25 lx1 from the adjacent support and B2 bars
are started from a distance of 0.15lx1 from the end support. Thus, both
B1 and B2 bars are present in the middle zone covering 0.6lx1, each of
which is designed to resist positive moment 0.5Mx. These bars are along
the direction of x and are present from one end to the other end of ly.
• Bottom steel bars B3 are along the direction of y and cover the entire
span lx1 having the minimum area of steel. The first bar shall be placed
at a distance not exceeding s/2 from the left discontinuous support,
where s is the spacing of these bars in y direction.
• Top bars T3 are along the direction of x for resisting the negative
moment which is numerically equal to fifty per cent of positive Mx. These
• Top bars T1 and T2 are along the direction of x and cover the entire ly.
They are designed for the maximum negative moment Mx and each has
a capacity of -0.5Mx. Top bars T1 are continued up to a distance of
0.3lx1, while T2 bars are only up to a distance of 0.15lx1.
• Top bars T4 are along y and provided up to a distance of 0.3lx1 from the
support. They are on the basis of minimum steel requirement.
The basic value of span to effective depth ratio for the slab having simple
support at the end and continuous at the intermediate is (20+26)/2 = 23 (cl.23.2.1
of IS 456).
Maximum moments and shear are determined from the coefficients given
in Tables 12 and 13 of IS 456.
Mu,lim = R,lim bd2 where R,lim is 2.76 N/mm2 from Table 3.3 of sec. 3.5.6
of Lesson 5. So, d = {12.825(106)/(2.76)(1000)}0.5 = 68.17 mm
Table 20 of IS 456 gives τ c max = 2.8 N/mm2. For this problem τ v = Vu /bd
= 17.1/115 = 0.148 N/mm2. Since, τ v < τ c < τ c max , the effective depth d = 115 mm
is acceptable.
Solving the quadratic equation, we have the negative Ast = 328.34 mm2
Solving the quadratic equation, we have the positive Ast = 270.615 mm2
Mu/bd2 = 0.9697
Mu/bd2 = 0.8081
Table 2 of SP-16 gives: ps = 0.23543 (by linear interpolation). So, the area of
positive steel = 0.23543(1000)(115)/100 = 270.7445 mm2.
(a) For negative steel: 10 mm diameter bars @ 230 mm c/c for which Ast
= 341 mm2 giving ps = 0.2965.
(b) For positive steel: 8 mm diameter bars @ 180 mm c/c for which Ast =
279 mm2 giving ps = 0.2426
(c) For distribution steel: Provide 8 mm diameter bars @ 250 mm c/c for
which Ast (minimum) = 201 mm2.
The diameter and spacing already selected in step 5 for main and
distribution bars are checked below:
For main bars (cl. 26.3.3.b.1 of IS 456), the maximum spacing is the
lesser of 3d and 300 mm i.e., 300 mm. For distribution bars (cl. 26.3.3.b.2 of IS
456), the maximum spacing is the lesser of 5d or 450 mm i.e., 450 mm. Provided
spacings, therefore, satisfy the requirements.
Maximum diameter of the bars (cl. of IS 456) shall not exceed
140/8 = 17 mm is also satisfied with the bar diameters selected here.
The above design and detailing assume absence of support along short
edges. When supports along short edges exist and there is eventual clamping
top reinforcement would be necessary at shorter supports also.
Q.2: (a) State the limit of the aspect ratio of ly/lx of one- and two-way slabs.
(b) Explain the share of loads by the supporting beams in one- and two-
way slabs.
A.2: (a) The aspect ratio ly/lx (lx is the shorter one) is from 1 to 2 for two-way
slabs and beyond 2 for one-way slabs.
Q.7: How do we determine the effective depth of a slab for a given factored
Q.9: How do we determine the amount of steel in the longer span direction?
A.9: Minimum amount of steel shall be provided for temperature, shrinkage etc.
as per cl. of IS 456. These are known as distribution bars.
Q.10: Design the cantilever panel of the one-way slab shown in Fig.8.18.8
subjected to uniformly distributed imposed loads 5 kN/m2 using M 20 and
Fe 415. The load of floor finish is 0.75 kN/m2. The span dimensions shown
in the figure are effective spans. The width of the support is 300 mm.
Using the value of k = 1.1 (cl. of IS 456) for the slab of 250 mm
depth, we have τ c (from Table 19 of IS 456) = 1.1(0.28) = 0.308 N/mm2. Table
20 of IS 456 gives τ c max = 2.8 N/mm2. Here, τ v = Vu / bd = 33.3/225 = 0.148 N/mm 2 .
The depth of the slab is safe in shear as τ v < τ c < τ c max .
The above, however, is not admissible as the spacing of bars after the
curtailment exceeds 300 mm. So, we provide 10 mm @ 300 c/c and 8 mm @
300 c/c. The moment of resistance of this set is 34.3 kNm/m > 30.8025 kNm/m
(see Table 44 of SP-16).
8.18.10 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
11. Design of Concrete Structures, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nilson, David
Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
12. Concrete Technology, by A.M.Neville and J.J.Brooks, ELBS with
Longman, 1994.
13. Properties of Concrete, 4th Edition, 1st Indian reprint, by A.M.Neville,
Longman, 2000.
14. Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook, 10th Edition, by C.E.Reynolds
and J.C.Steedman, E & FN SPON, London, 1997.
15. Indian Standard Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice (4th
Revision), IS 456: 2000, BIS, New Delhi.
16. Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456 – 1978, BIS, New Delhi.
TQ.1: (a) State the limit of the aspect ratio of ly/lx of one- and two-way slabs.
(b) Explain the share of loads by the supporting beams in one- and two-
way slabs.
(10 marks)
A.TQ.1: (a) The aspect ratio ly/lx (lx is the shorter one) is from 1 to 2 for two-way
slabs and beyond 2 for one-way slabs.
TQ3: Determine the areas of steel, bar diameters and spacings in the two
directions of a simply supported slab of effective spans 3.5 m x 8 m
(Figs.8.18.10a and b) subjected to live loads of 4 kN/m2 and the load of
Clause 23.2.1 stipulates the basic value of span to effective depth ratio of
20. Using the modification factor of 1.18 from Fig.4 of IS 456, with p = 0.5 per
cent and fs = 240 N/mm2, we have the span to effective depth ratio = 20(1.18) =
So, the minimum effective depth of slab = 3500/23.6 = 148.305 mm. Let
us take d = 150 mm and D = 175 mm.
With the multiplying factor k = 1.25 for the depth as 175 mm (vide Table
8.1 of this lesson) and τ c = 0.28 N/mm2 from Table 19 of IS 456, we have τ c =
1.25(0.28) = 0.35 N/mm2.
Thus, the effective depth of slab as 150 mm is safe as τ v < τ c < τ c max .
• state the two types of two-way slabs mentioning the differences between
• design the two types of two-way slabs applying the different methods
explained in this lesson and draw the detailing of reinforcing bars.
8.19.1 Introduction
Lesson 18 explains the various types of slabs with different support
conditions, plan forms, horizontal/inclined etc. Moreover, sec. 8.18.2 of Lesson
18 illustrates the sharing of uniformly distributed loads to the supporting beams of
both one and two-way slabs including the profiles of deflection (Figs.8.18.4a and
b). It is, thus, understood that two-way slabs span in both directions having the
aspect ratio of ly/lx up to 2, considering lx as the shorter span. This lesson
presents the different aspects of analysis and design of two-way slabs. Many of
the stipulations of IS 456 are the same as those of one-way slabs. While
mentioning the common stipulations with their respective section in Lesson 18,
this lesson presents other relevant requirements regarding the analysis, design
and detailing of two-way slabs. Numerical problems are also solved to illustrate
the applications of the theory in the design of two-way slabs.
Shear forces are computed following the procedure stated below with
reference to Fig.8.19.1.
The two-way slab of Fig. 8.19.1 is divided into two trapezoidal and two
triangular zones by drawing lines from each corner at an angle of 45o. The loads
of triangular segment A will be transferred to beam 1-2 and the same of
trapezoidal segment B will be beam 2-3. The shear forces per unit width of the
strips aa and bb are highest at the ends of strips. Moreover, the length of half the
strip bb is equal to the length of the strip aa. Thus, the shear forces in both strips
are equal and we can write,
Vu = W (lx/2)
where W = intensity of the uniformly distributed loads.
The nominal shear stress acting on the slab is then determined from
τ v = Vu / bd (8.2)
Restrained slabs are those whose corners are prevented from lifting due
to effects of torsional moments. These torsional moments, however, are not
computed as the amounts of reinforcement are determined from the computed
areas of steel due to positive bending moments depending upon the intensity of
torsional moments of different corners. This aspect has been explained in Step 7
of sec. 8.19.6. Thus, it is essential to determine the positive and negative
bending moments in the two directions of restrained slabs depending on the
various types of panels and the aspect ratio ly/lx.
Restrained slabs are considered as divided into two types of strips in each
direction: (i) one middle strip of width equal to three-quarters of the respective
length of span in either directions, and (ii) two edge strips, each of width equal to
one-eighth of the respective length of span in either directions. Figures 8.19.2a
and b present the two types of strips for spans lx and ly separately.
M x = α x w l x2
M y = α x w l y2
Tension reinforcing bars for the positive and negative maximum moments
are to be provided in the respective middle strips in each direction. Figure 8.19.2
shows the positive and negative coefficients α x and α y .
The edge strips will have reinforcing bars parallel to that edge following
the minimum amount as stipulated in IS 456.
The detailing of all the reinforcing bars for the respective moments and for
the minimum amounts as well as torsional requirements are discussed in sec.
The maximum moments per unit width of simply supported slabs, not
having adequate provision to resist torsion at corners and to prevent the corners
from lifting, are determined from Eqs.8.3 and 8.4, where α x and α y are the
respective coefficients of moments as given in Table 27 of IS 456, cl. D-2. The
notations Mx, My, w, lx and ly are the same as mentioned below Eqs.8.3 and
8.4 in (i) above.
The following are the relevant provisions given in Notes 1 and 2 of cl.
• The shorter of the two spans should be used to determine the span to
effective depth ratio.
• For spans up to 3.5 m and with mild steel reinforcement, the span to
overall depth ratios satisfying the limits of vertical deflection for loads up to
3 kN/m2 are as follows:
Continuous slabs 40
While the bending moments and shear forces are computed from the
coefficients given in Tables 12 and 13 (cl. 22.5) of IS 456 for the one-way slabs,
the same are obtained from Tables 26 or 27 for the bending moment in the two
types of two-way slabs and the shear forces are computed from Eq.8.1 for the
two-way slabs.
Three types of corners, C1, C2 and C3, shown in Fig.8.19.4, have three
different requirements of torsion steel as mentioned below.
The maximum positive and negative moments per unit width of the slab
calculated by employing Eqs.8.3 and 8.4 as explained in sec. are
applicable only to the respective middle strips (Fig.8.19.2). There shall be no
redistribution of these moments. The reinforcing bars so calculated from the
maximum moments are to be placed satisfying the following stipulations of IS
• Top tension reinforcement bars over the continuous edges of middle strip
shall extend in the upper part of the slab for a distance of 0.15l from the
support, and at least fifty per cent of these bars shall extend a distance of
0.3l (cl. D-1.5 of IS 456). Bars marked as T2, T3, T5 and T6 in Figs.8.19.5
a and b are these bars.
• Bottom bars B3 and B4 (Fig.8.19.5 a) are parallel to the edge along lx for
the edge strip for span ly, satisfying the requirement of minimum amount
of steel (cl. D-1.7 of IS 456).
• Bottom bars B7 and B8 (Fig.8.19.5 b) are parallel to the edge along ly for
the edge strip for span lx, satisfying the requirement of minimum amount
of steel (cl. D-1.7 of IS 456).
• Top bars T7 and T8 (Fig.8.19.5 a) are parallel to the edge along lx for the
edge strip for span ly, satisfying the requirement of minimum amount of
steel (cl. D-1.7 of IS 456).
• Top bars T9 and T10 (Fig.8.19.5 b) are parallel to the edge along ly for
the edge strip for span lx, satisfying the requirement of minimum amount
of steel (cl. D-1.7 of IS 456).
The above explanation reveals that there are eighteen bars altogether
comprising eight bottom bars (B1 to B8) and ten top bars (T1 to T10). Tables 8.4
and 8.5 present them separately for the bottom and top bars, respectively,
mentioning the respective zone of their placement (MS/LDES/ACES/BDES to
designate Middle Strip/Left Discontinuous Edge Strip/Adjacent Continuous Edge
Strip/Bottom Discontinuous Edge Strip), direction of the bars (along x or y), the
resisting moment for which they shall be determined or if to be provided on the
basis of minimum reinforcement clause number of IS 456 and Fig. No. For easy
understanding, plan views in (a) and (b) of Fig.8.19.5 show all the bars
separately along x and y directions, respectively. Two sections (1-1 and 2-2),
however, present the bars shown in the two plans. Torsional reinforcements are
not included in Tables 8.4 and 8.5 and Figs.8.19.5 a and b.
The span to depth ratio with Fe 415 is taken from cl. 24.1, Note 2 of IS
456 as 0.8 (35 + 40) / 2 = 30. This gives the minimum effective depth d =
4000/30 = 133.33 mm, say 135 mm. The total depth D is thus 160 mm.
where 2.76 N/mm2 is the value of R,lim taken from Table 3.3 of Lesson 5
(sec. 3.5.5). Since, this effective depth is less than 135 mm assumed in
Step 1, we retain d = 135 mm and D = 160 mm.
Table 19 of IS 456 gives the value of τ c = 0.28 N/mm2 when the lowest
percentage of steel is provided in the slab. However, this value needs to be
modified by multiplying with k of cl. of IS 456. The value of k for the
total depth of slab as 160 mm is 1.28. So, the value of τ c is 1.28(0.28) =
0.3584 N/mm2.
Table 20 of IS 456 gives τ c max = 2.8 N/mm2. The computed shear stress
τ v = Vu/bd = 31/135 = 0.229 N/mm2.
Since, τ v < τ c < τ c max , the effective depth of the slab as 135 mm and
the total depth as 160 mm are safe.
The advantages of using the tables of SP-16 are that the obtained values
satisfy the requirements of diameters of bars and spacings. However, they are
checked as ready reference here. Needless to mention that this step may be
omitted in such a situation.
Type Dimensions along Bar diameter & No. of bars along Cl. no. of
x (mm) y (mm) spacing x y IS 456
C1 800 800 8 mm @ 5 5 D-1.8
200 mm c/c
C2 800 1600 8 mm @ 5 8 D-1.9
250 mm c/c
C2 1600 800 8 mm @ 8 5 D-1.9
250 mm c/c
A.2: The two types of two-way slabs are: (i) restrained slabs and (ii) simply
supported slabs.
Q.3: What is the difference in the design of the two types of slabs of Q.2?
A.3: The restrained slabs are those whose corners are prevented from lifting
and accordingly, there are torsional reinforcing bars in the two types of
corners. The simply supported slabs do not have adequate provision to
resist torsion at corners and to prevent the corners from lifting. So,
torsional reinforcing bars are not provided in these slabs.
Q.4: State span to depth ratios of two-way slabs for different support
conditions to be considered for the control of deflection.
Q.5: Explain the provisions of torsional reinforcing bars in restrained type of two-
way slabs.
As per cl.24.1, Note 2, the span to effective depth ratio = 0.8(35) = 28. The
minimum effective depth = d = 4200/28 = 150 mm and, therefore, D = 175 mm.
Table 20 of IS 456 gives τ c max = 2.8 N/mm2. For this problem τ v = Vu/bd
= 29.531/150 = 0.1968 N/mm2. Since τ v < τ c < τ c max , the depth is safe.
The positive steel in the two directions and the minimum steel are
furnished below in Table 8.9. These are the results obtained from the use of
Table 41 of SP-16.
8.19.10 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
TQ.2: Design the interior panel (Panel 2) of Problem 8.2 (Fig.8.19.7). Other data
are the same as those of Problem 8.2.
(30 marks)
A.TQ.2: Let us keep the effective and total depths of the slab as 135 mm and
160 mm, respectively (see Problem 8.2). The total factored load = 15.5
kN/m2 (see Problem 8.2). The coefficients of bending moments and the
bending moments Mx and My (positive and negative) per unit width are
determined as per cl. D-1.1 and Table 26 of IS 456 for the case 1 (interior
panel) and presented in Table 8.10. The ly/lx for this problem is 1.5.
Since the bending moments are much less than those of Problem 8.2, the
effective depth of 135 m and total depth of 160 mm are safe.
In Step 4 of solution of Problem 8.2, this depth has been found to be safe
in shear. So, the depths 135 mm and 160 mm are safe.
The areas of steel using the table of SP-16 are presented in Table 8.11.
The maximum diameter and spacing of bars are not needed to check separately
as the results obtained from tables of SP-16 already take into consideration
these aspects.
The minimum steel will be the same as that of Problem 8.2 i.e., 8 mm
diameter @ 250 mm c/c.
Since this is an internal panel, torsional reinforcing bars are not needed at
any of the four corners.
9.20.1 Introduction
Staircase is an important component of a building providing access to
different floors and roof of the building. It consists of a flight of steps (stairs) and
one or more intermediate landing slabs between the floor levels. Different types
of staircases can be made by arranging stairs and landing slabs. Staircase, thus,
is a structure enclosing a stair. The design of the main components of a
staircase-stair, landing slabs and supporting beams or wall – are already covered
in earlier lessons. The design of staircase, therefore, is the application of the
designs of the different elements of the staircase.
(b) Nosing: In some cases the tread is projected outward to increase the
space. This projection is designated as nosing (Fig.9.20.2b).
(c) Riser: The vertical distance between two successive steps is termed
as riser (Fig.9.20.2b). The dimension of the riser ranges from 150 mm for public
buildings to 190 mm for residential buildings and factories.
(d) Waist: The thickness of the waist-slab on which steps are made is
known as waist (Fig.9.20.2b). The depth (thickness) of the waist is the minimum
thickness perpendicular to the soffit of the staircase (cl. 33.3 of IS 456). The
steps of the staircase resting on waist-slab can be made of bricks or concrete.
(e) Going: Going is the horizontal projection between the first and the last
riser of an inclined flight (Fig.9.20.2a).
The flight shown in Fig.9.20.2a has two landings and one going. Figures
9.2b to d present the three ways of arranging the flight as mentioned below:
• The respective dimensions of tread and riser for all the parallel steps
should be the same in consecutive floor of a building.
Different structural systems are possible for the staircase, shown in Fig.
9.20.3a, depending on the spanning direction. The slab component of the stair
spans either in the direction of going i.e., longitudinally or in the direction of the
steps, i.e., transversely. The systems are discussed below:
Here, one or more supports are provided parallel to the riser for the slab
bending longitudinally. Figures 9.20.3b to f show different support arrangements
of a two flight stair of Fig.9.20.3a:
In the case of two flight stair, sometimes the flight is supported between
the landings which span transversely (Figs.9.20.4a and b). It is worth mentioning
that some of the above mentioned structural systems are statically determinate
while others are statically indeterminate where deformation conditions have to
taken into account for the analysis.
Here, either the waist slabs or the slab components of isolated tread-slab
and trade-riser units are supported on their sides or are cantilevers along the
width direction from a central beam. The slabs thus bend in a transverse vertical
plane. The following are the different arrangements:
(ii) The horizontal distance equal to the going of the stairs plus at each
end either half the width of the landing or one meter, whichever is smaller when
the stair slab is spanning on to the edge of a landing slab which spans parallel
with the risers. See Table 9.1 for the effective span for this type of staircases
shown in Fig.9.20.3a.
With R = 160 mm and T = 270 mm, the inclined length of each step =
{(160)2 + (270)2}½ = 313.85 mm.
Total = 11 kN/m2
= 142.86 kN
+ 16.5(1.65)(1.65)(0.5)}/5.1 = 69.76 kN
The distance x from the left where shear force is zero is obtained from:
For the landing slab B, the bending moment at a distance of 1.65 m from
Distribution steel: The same distribution steel is provided for both the slabs as
calculated for the waist-slab. The amount is = 0.12(250) (1000)/100 = 300
mm2/m. Provide 8 mm diameter @ 160 mm c/c (= 314 mm2/m).
The effective span is lesser of (i) (1500 + 1500 + 150 + 174), and (ii) (1500
+ 1500 + 150 + 300) = 3324 mm. The depth of landing slab = 3324/20 = 166 mm,
< 200 mm already assumed. So, the depth is 200 mm.
(i) Factored load on landing slab A(see Step 2 of A @ 50%) = 8.25 kN/m2
The above value of τ c = 0.336 N/mm2 for landing slab of depth 200 mm has
been obtained in Step 4 of A. However, here τ c is for the minimum tensile steel
in the slab. The checking of depth for shear shall be done after determining the
area of tensile steel as the value of τ v is marginally higher.
Example 9.2:
Figure 9.20.16 shows the arrangement of the landings and going. The
effective span is 4200 mm. Assume the thickness of trade-riser slab = 4200/25 =
168 mm, say 200 mm. The thickness of landing slab is also assumed as 200
Total = 54.855 kN
(iv) Self-weight of landing slabs per metre run = 1.5(0.2)(25) = 7.5 kN/m
Due to common area of landings only 50 per cent of this load should be
considered. So, the loads = 12.375 kN/m. The loads are shown in Fig.9.20.17.
+ 12.375(0.885)(0.885)(0.5)}/4.2 = 52.09 kN
The distance x from the left support where shear force is zero is now
= 65.69 kNm
Provide 8 mm diameter bars @ 200 mm c/c. The reinforcing bars are shown in
Fig. 9.20.18.
With total depth D = 200 mm and effective depth d = 174 mm, the
effective span (cl. 22.2a) = lesser of (1500 + 150 + 1500 + 174) and (1500 + 150
+ 1500 + 300) = 3324 mm.
(i) Factored load of landing slab A = 50% of Step 2 (iv to vi) @ 12.375 kN/m =
12.375(3.324 = 41.1345 kN
Use Ld = 47(12) = 564 mm, = 600 mm (say). The reinforcing bars are
shown in Fig. 9.20.20.
Q.2: Draw a typical flight and show: (a) trade, (b) nosing, (c) riser, (d) waist and
(e) going.
Q.6: Explain the distribution of loadings of open-well stairs and for those where
the landings are embedded in walls.
(iii) Landing slab B = 50 per cent of loads of landing slab A = 9.187 kN/m2
Step 3: Bending moment and shear force (width = 2.0 m, Fig. 9.20.22)
= 98.97 kN
Total = 126.506 kN
Since the maximum bending moment and shear force are less than those
of the other section (maximum moment = 161.013 kNm and maximum shear
force = 98.97 kN), the depth of 250 mm here is o.k. Accordingly, the amount of
reinforcing bars are determined.
9.20.11 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
11. Design of Concrete Structures, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nilson, David
Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
12. Concrete Technology, by A.M.Neville and J.J.Brooks, ELBS with
Longman, 1994.
13. Properties of Concrete, 4th Edition, 1st Indian reprint, by A.M.Neville,
Longman, 2000.
14. Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook, 10th Edition, by C.E.Reynolds
and J.C.Steedman, E & FN SPON, London, 1997.
15. Indian Standard Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice (4th
Revision), IS 456: 2000, BIS, New Delhi.
16. Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456 – 1978, BIS, New Delhi.
TQ.1: Draw a typical flight and show: (a) trade, (b) nosing, (c) riser, (d) waist and
(e) going.
(5 marks)
As per cl. 33.1a of IS 456, the effective span of going = 3000 mm and as
per cl. 22.2c of IS 456, the effective length of cantilever landing slabs = 1350
mm. The depth of waist slab and landing is kept at 200 mm (greater of 3000/20
and 1350/7). The effective depth = 200 – 20 – 6 = 174 mm.
Total: 11 kN/m2
Total factored loads = 1.5(11) = 16.5 kN/m2. The total loads are shown
in Fig.9.20.27.
Here, there are two types of loads: (i) permanent loads consisting of self-
weights of slabs and finishes for landings and self-weights of slab, finishes and
steps for going, and (ii) live loads. While the permanent loads will be acting
everywhere all the time, the live loads can have several cases. Accordingly, five
different cases are listed below. The design moments and shear forces will be
considered taking into account of the values in each of the cases,. The different
cases are (Fig.9.20.28):
(a) Positive bending moment = 25.195 kNm at T for load cases (i) and (iv).
(b) Negative bending moment = -22.553 kNm at Q for load cases (i) and
(c) Maximum shear force = 83.4 kN at Q and R for load cases (i) and (ii).
Table 9.2 Values of reaction forces and bending moments for different
cases of loadings (Example: TQ.4, Figs. 9.20.26 to 9.20.28)
The depth is checked for the positive moment of 25.195 kNm as the two
depths are the same. The effective depth of slab d = {25.195(106)/1500(2.76)}½
= 78 mm < 174 mm. Hence o.k.
(ii) Landing slab: Since the difference of positive and negative bending
moments is not much, same reinforcement bars i.e., 8 mm diameter @ 150 mm
c/c is used as positive and negative steel bars of waist and landing slabs.
• determine the type, pitch and diameter of lateral ties of columns after
determining the longitudinal steel,
10.21.1 Introduction
10.21.2 Definitions
(a) Effective length: The vertical distance between the points of inflection
of the compression member in the buckled configuration in a plane is termed as
effective length le of that compression member in that plane. The effective
length is different from the unsupported length l of the member, though it
depends on the unsupported length and the type of end restraints. The relation
between the effective and unsupported lengths of any compression member is
le = k l
(i) Tied columns: The main longitudinal reinforcement bars are enclosed
within closely spaced lateral ties (Fig.10.21.2a).
Out of the three types of columns, the tied columns are mostly common
with different shapes of the cross-sections viz. square, rectangular, T-, L-, cross
etc. Helically bound columns are also used for circular or octagonal shapes of
cross-sections. Architects prefer circular columns in some specific situations for
the functional requirement. This module, accordingly takes up these two types
(tied and helically bound) of reinforced concrete columns.
Figure 10.21.4 shows the plan view of a reinforced concrete rigid frame
having columns and inter-connecting beams in longitudinal and transverse
directions. From the knowledge of structural analysis it is well known that the
bending moments on the left and right of columns for every longitudinal beam will
be comparable as the beam is continuous. Similarly, the bending moments at the
two sides of columns for every continuous transverse beam are also comparable
(neglecting small amounts due to differences of l1, l2, l3 and b1, b2, b3, b4).
Therefore, all internal columns (C1a to C1f) will be designed for axial force only.
The side columns (C2a to C2j) will have axial forces with uniaxial bending
moment, while the four corner columns (C3a to C3d) shall have axial forces with
bi-axial bending moments. Thus, all internal columns (C1a to C1f), side columns
It is worth mentioning that pure axial forces in the inside columns is a rare
case. Due to rigid frame action, lateral loadings and practical aspects of
construction, there will be bending moments and horizontal shear in all the inside
columns also. Similarly, side columns and corner columns will have the column
shear along with the axial force and bending moments in one or both directions,
respectively. The effects of shear are usually neglected as the magnitude is very
small. Moreover, the presence of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement is
sufficient to resist the effect of column shear of comparatively low magnitude.
The effect of some minimum bending moment, however, should be taken into
account in the design even if the column is axially loaded. Accordingly, cls. 39.2
and 25.4 of IS 456 prescribes the minimum eccentricity for the design of all
columns. In case the actual eccentricity is more than the minimum, that should
be considered in the design.
The slenderness ratio of steel column is the ratio of its effective length le
to its least radius of gyration r. In case of reinforced concrete column, however,
IS 456 stipulates the slenderness ratio as the ratio of its effective length le to its
least lateral dimension. As mentioned earlier in sec. 10.21.2(a), the effective
length le is different from the unsupported length, the rectangular reinforced
concrete column of cross-sectional dimensions b and D shall have two
effective lengths in the two directions of b and D. Accordingly, the column may
have the possibility of buckling depending on the two values of slenderness
ratios as given below:
It is desirable that the columns do not have to resist any horizontal loads
due to wind or earthquake. This can be achieved by bracing the columns as in
the case of columns of a water tank or tall buildings (Figs.10.21.6a and b).
Lateral tie members for the columns of water tank or shear walls for the columns
of tall buildings resist the horizontal forces and these columns are called braced
columns. Unbraced columns are supposed to resist the horizontal loads also.
The bracings can be in one or more directions depending on the directions of the
lateral loads. It is worth mentioning that the effect of bracing has been taken into
account by the IS code in determining the effective lengths of columns (vide
Annex E of IS 456).
(a) The minimum amount of steel should be at least 0.8 per cent of the
gross cross-sectional area of the column required if for any reason the provided
area is more than the required area.
(c) Four and six are the minimum number of longitudinal bars in
rectangular and circular columns, respectively.
(f) The bars shall be spaced not exceeding 300 mm along the periphery
of the column.
(g) The amount of reinforcement for pedestal shall be at least 0.15 per
cent of the cross-sectional area provided.
(c) For longitudinal bars placed in more than one row (Fig.10.21.9): (i)
transverse reinforcement is provided for the outer-most row in accordance with
(a) above, and (ii) no bar of the inner row is closer to the nearest compression
face than three times the diameter of the largest bar in the inner row.
(d) For longitudinal bars arranged in a group such that they are not in
contact and each group is adequately tied as per (a), (b) or (c) above, as
(b) Diameter: The diameter of the polygonal links or lateral ties shall be
not less than one-fourth of the diameter of the largest longitudinal bar, and in no
case less than 6 mm.
EV = 3D/7
The point V, where the two profiles intersect is assumed to act as a fulcrum for
the strain profiles when the neutral axis lies outside the section. Another strain
profile JK drawn on this figure passing through the fulcrum V and whose neutral
axis is outside the section. The maximum compressive strain GJ of this profile is
related to the minimum compressive strain HK as explained below.
The value of the maximum compressive strain GJ for the profile JK is,
therefore, 0.0035 minus 0.75 times the strain HK on the least compressed edge.
This is the assumption (ii) of this section (cl. 39.1b of IS 456).
where l, D and b are the unsupported length, larger lateral dimension and least
lateral dimension, respectively.
(b) 4 and 6
10.21.14 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
(b) 4 and 6
• derive the governing equation for the design of short and axially loaded
tied columns,
• derive the governing equation for the design of short and axially loaded
spiral columns,
• use the charts of SP-16 to design these two types of columns subjected to
axial loads as per IS code.
10.22.1 Introduction
Tied and helically bound are the two types of columns mentioned in
sec.10.21.3 of Lesson 21. These two types of columns are taken up in this
lesson when they are short and subjected to axially loads. Out of several types of
plan forms, only rectangular and square cross-sections are covered in this lesson
for the tied columns and circular cross-section for the helically bound columns.
Axially loaded columns also need to be designed keeping the provision of
resisting some moments which normally is the situation in most of the practical
columns. This is ensured by checking the minimum eccentricity of loads applied
on these columns as stipulated in IS 456. Moreover, the design strengths of
concrete and steel are further reduced in the design of such columns. The
governing equations of the two types of columns and the equation for
determining the pitch of the helix in continuously tied column are derived and
explained. The design can be done by employing the derived equation i.e., by
direct computation or by using the charts of SP-16. Several numerical examples
are solved to explain the design of the two types of columns by direct
computation and using the charts of SP-16.
ey min ≥ greater of (l/500 + b/30) or 20 mm
The maximum values of lex/D and ley/b should not exceed 12 in a short column
as per cl.25.1.2 of IS 456. For a short column, when the unsupported length l =
lex (for the purpose of illustration), we can assume l = 12 D (or 12b when b is
considered). Thus, we can write the minimum eccentricity = 12D/500 + D/30 =
0.057D, which has been taken as 0.05D or 0.05b as the maximum amount of
eccentricity of a short column.
It is, therefore, necessary to keep provision so that the short columns can
resist the accidental moments due to the allowable minimum eccentricity by
lowering the design strength of concrete by ten per cent from the value of
0.446fck, used for the design of flexural members. Thus, we have the design
strength of concrete in the design of short column as (0.9)(0.446fck) = 0.4014fck,
say 0.40 fck. The reduction of the design strength of steel is explained below.
For mild steel (Fe 250), the design strength at which the strain is 0.002 is
fy/1.15 = 0.87fy. However, the design strengths of cold worked deformed bars (Fe
415 and Fe 500) are obtained from Fig.1.2.4 of Lesson 2 or Fig.23A of IS 456.
Table A of SP-16 presents the stresses and corresponding strains of Fe 415 and
Fe 500. Use of Table A of SP-16 is desirable as it avoids error while reading from
figures (Fig.1.2.4 or Fig.23A, as mentioned above). From Table A of SP-16, the
Ac = area of concrete,
The above equation, given in cl. 39.3 of IS 456, has two unknowns Ac and Asc to
be determined from one equation. The equation is recast in terms of Ag, the
gross area of concrete and p, the percentage of compression reinforcement
Ac = Ag(1 – p/100)
Equation 10.7 can be used for direct computation of Ag when Pu, fck and fy are
known by assuming p ranging from 0.8 to 4 as the minimum and maximum
percentages of longitudinal reinforcement. Equation 10.4 also can be employed
to determine Ag and p in a similar manner by assuming p. This method has been
illustrated with numerical examples and is designated as Direct Computation
On the other hand, SP-16 presents design charts based on Eq.10.7. Each
chart of charts 24 to 26 of SP-16 has lower and upper sections. In the lower
section, Pu/Ag is plotted against the reinforcement percentage p(= 100As/Ag) for
different grades of concrete and for a particular grade of steel. Thus, charts 24 to
26 cover the three grades of steel with a wide range of grades of concrete. When
the areas of cross-section of the columns are known from the computed value of
Pu/Ag, the percentage of reinforcement can be obtained directly from the lower
section of the chart. The upper section of the chart is a plot of Pu/Ag versus Pu
for different values of Ag. For a known value of Pu, a horizontal line can be drawn
in the upper section to have several possible Ag values and the corresponding
Pu/Ag values. Proceeding vertically down for any of the selected Pu/Ag value, the
corresponding percentage of reinforcement can be obtained. Thus, the combined
use of upper and lower sections of the chart would give several possible sizes of
the member and the corresponding Asc without performing any calculation. It is
worth mentioning that there may be some parallax error while using the charts.
However, use of chart is very helpful while deciding the sizes of columns at the
preliminary design stage with several possible alternatives.
p ≤ 11.1(Dc - φ sp ) a sp f y /( D 2 - Dc2 ) f ck
Thus, Eqs.10.8 and 11 are the governing equations to determine the diameter of
column, pitch of spiral and area of longitudinal reinforcement. It is worth
mentioning that the pitch p of the spiral reinforcement, if determined from
Eq.10.11, automatically satisfies the stipulation of cl.39.4.1 of IS 456. However,
the pitch and diameter of the spiral reinforcement should also satisfy cl.
of IS 456:2000.
Solution 1:
Given l = 4000 mm, b = 400 mm and D = 600 mm. Table 28 of IS 456 = lex = ley =
0.65(l) = 2600 mm. So, we have
Hence, the equation given in cl.39.3 of IS 456 (Eq.10.4) is applicable for the
design here.
which gives,
Provide 6-20 mm diameter and 2-16 mm diameter rods giving 2287 mm2 (>
2238.39 mm2) and p = 0.953 per cent, which is more than minimum percentage
of 0.8 and less than maximum percentage of 4.0. Hence, o.k.
The pitch of lateral ties, as per cl. C-1 of IS 456, should be not
more than the least of
(iii) 300 mm
Problem 2:
Solution 2:
From the lower section of Chart 25 of SP-16, we get p = 0.95% when Pu/Ag =
12.5 N/mm2 and concrete grade is M 25. This gives Asc = 0.95(400)(600)/100 =
2288 mm2. The results of both the problems are in good agreement. Marginally
higher value of Asc while using the chart is due to parallax error while reading the
value from the chart. Here also, 6-20 mm diameter bars + 2-16 mm diameter
bars (Asc provided = 2287 mm2) is o.k., though it is 1 mm2 less.
Step 4 is the same as that of Problem 1. Figure 10.22.1, thus, is also the
figure showing the reinforcing bars (longitudinal and transverse reinforcement) of
this problem (same column as that of Problem 1).
Problem 3:
Given data are: unsupported length l = 3000 mm, D = 400 mm. Table 28
of Annex E of IS 456 gives effective length le = l = 3000 mm. Therefore, le/D = 7.5
< 12 confirms that it is a short column.
0.05 D = 0.05(400) = 20 mm
As per cl.39.3 of IS 456, emin should not exceed 0.05D to employ the equation
given in that clause for the design. Here, both the eccentricities are the same.
So, we can use the equation given in that clause of IS 456 i.e., Eq.10.8 for the
we get the value of Asc = 3304.29 mm2. Provide 11 nos. of 20 mm diameter bars
(= 3455 mm2) as longitudinal reinforcement giving p = 2.75%. This p is between
0.8 (minimum) and 4 (maximum) per cents. Hence o.k.
As per cl. d-1, the maximum pitch is the lesser of 75 mm and 320/6 =
53.34 mm and the minimum pitch is lesser of 25 mm and 3(6) = 18 mm. We
adopt pitch = 25 mm which is within the range of 18 mm and 53.34 mm. So,
provide 6 mm bars @ 25 mm pitch forming the helix.
The values of helical reinforcement and core in one loop are obtained from
Eqs.10.8 and 9, respectively. Substituting the values of Dc, φ sp , asp and pitch p in
the above two equations, we have
It is, thus, seen that the above ratio (0.0137375) is not less than 0.36(Ag/Ac – 1)
Q.2: Derive the governing equation for determining the dimensions of the
column and areas of longitudinal bars of an axially loaded short tied
Q.3: Derive the governing equation for determining the diameter and areas of
longitudinal bars of an axially loaded circular spiral short column.
Q.4: Derive the expression of determining the pitch of helix in a short axially
loaded spiral column which satisfies the requirement of IS 456.
Q.5: Design a short rectangular tied column of b = 300 mm having the maximum
amount of longitudinal reinforcement employing the equation given in
Diameter of lateral ties shall not be less than the larger of (i) 36/4 = 9 mm
and (ii) 6 mm. Use 10 mm diameter bars as lateral ties.
Pitch of the lateral ties p shall not be more than the least of (i) 300 mm, (ii)
16(25) = 400 mm and (iii) 300 mm.
Q.6: (a) Suggest five alternative dimensions of square short column with the
minimum longitudinal reinforcement to carry a total factored axial load of
3000 kN using concrete of grades 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 and Fe 415.
Determine the respective maximum unsupported length of the column if it
is effectively held in position at both ends but not restrained against
rotation. Compare the given factored load of the column with that obtained
by direct computation for all five alternative columns.
(b) For each of the five alternative sets of dimensions obtained in (a),
determine the maximum factored axial load if the column is having
maximum longitudinal reinforcement (i) employing SP-16 and (ii) by direct
Chart 25 of SP-16 gives all the dimensions of five cases. The two input
data are Pu = 3000 kN and 100 As/Ag = 0.8. In the lower section of Chart 25, one
horizontal line AB is drawn starting from A where p = 0.8 (Fig.10.22.4) to meet
the lines for M 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 respectively. In Fig.10.22.4, B is the meeting
point for M 20 concrete. Separate vertical lines are drawn from these points of
intersection to meet another horizontal line CD from the point C where Pu = 3000
kN in the upper section of the figure. The point D is the intersecting point. D
happens to be on line when Ag = 3000 cm2. Otherwise, it may be in between two
liens with different values of Ag. For M 20, Ag = 3000 cm2. However, in case the
point is in between two lines with different values of Ag, the particular Ag has to
be computed by linear interpolation. Thus, all five values of Ag are obtained.
(i) Clause 25.1.2 of IS 456 mentions that the maximum effective length lex
is 12 times b or D (as b = D here for a square column). The unsupported length is
related to the effective length depending on the type of support. In this problem
Table 28 of IS 456 stipulates l = lex. Therefore, maximum value of l = 12 D.
(ii) The minimum eccentricity of cl. 39.3 should be more than the same as
given in cl. 25.4. Assuming them to be equal, we get l/500 + D/30 = D/20, which
gives l = 8.33D. For the column using M 20 and Fe 415, the unsupported length
= 8.33(550) = 4581 mm. All unsupported lengths are presented in Table 10.1
using the equation
l = 8.33 D
Step 1 shows that the area provided for the first case is 550 mm x 550 mm
= 302500 mm2, slightly higher than the required area of 300000 mm2 for the
practical aspects of construction. However, the minimum percentage of the
longitudinal steel is to the calculated as 0.8 per cent of area required and not
area provided (vide cl. b of IS 456). Hence, for this case Asc =
0.8(300000)/100 = 2400 mm2. Provide 4-25 mm diameter + 4-12 mm diameter
bars (area = 1963 + 452 = 2415 mm2). Table 10.1 presents this and other areas
of longitudinal steel obtained in a similar manner.
For the first case when Ag = 300000 mm2, fck = 20 N/mm2, and fy = 415 N/mm2,
Eq.(2) gives Pu = 3048.12 kN. This value and other values of factored loads
obtained from the direct computation are presented in Table 10.1.
Step 1: Determination of Pu
Due to the known dimensions of the column section, the Ag is now known.
With known Ag and reinforcement percentage 100As/Ag as 4 per cent, the
factored Pu shall be determined. For the first case, when b = D = 550 mm, Ag =
302500 mm2. In Chart 25, we draw a horizontal line EF from E, where 100As/Ag =
4 in the lower section of the chart (see Fig.10.22.4) to meet the M 20 line at F.
Proceeding vertically upward, the line FG intersects the line Ag = 302500 at G. A
horizontal line towards left from G, say GH, meets the load axis at H where Pu =
5600 kN. Similarly, Pu for other sets are determined and these are presented in
Table 10.2, except for the last case when M 40 is used, as this chart has ended
at p = 3.8 per cent.
Tables 10.1 and 10.2 reveal that two sets of results obtained from charts
of SP-16 and by direct computation methods are in good agreement. However,
values obtained from the chart are marginally different from those obtained by
direct computation both on the higher and lower sides. These differences are
mainly due to personal error (parallax error) while reading the values with eye
estimation from the chart.
Table 10.2 Results of Q.6(b) (Maximum Longitudinal Steel) given the respective
Q.7: Design a short, helically reinforced circular column with minimum amount of
longitudinal steel to carry a total factored axial load of 3000 kN with the
same support condition as that of Q.6, using M 25 and Fe 415. Determine
its unsupported length. Compare the results of the dimension and area of
longitudinal steel with those of Q.6(a) when M 25 and Fe 415 are used.
Given data are: Pu = 3000 kN, Ac = π /4 (D2)(0.992), Asc = 0.008( π /4) D2, fck = 25
N/mm2 and fy = 415 N/mm2. So, we have
The unsupported length shall be the minimum of the two obtained from (i)
short column requirement given in cl. 25.1.2 of IS 456 and (ii) minimum
eccentricity requirement given in cls. 25.4 and 39.3 of IS 456. The two values are
calculated separately:
Table 10.3 presents the results of required and actual gross areas of
concrete and area of steel bars, dimensions of column and number and diameter
of longitudinal reinforcement of the helically reinforced circular and the square
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
columns of Q.6(a) when M 20 and Fe 415 are used for the purpose of
Table 10.3 Comparison of results of circular and square columns with minimum
longitudinal steel (Pu = 3000 kN, M 25, Fe 415)
10.22.7 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
11. Design of Concrete Structures, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nilson, David
Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
12. Concrete Technology, by A.M.Neville and J.J.Brooks, ELBS with
Longman, 1994.
13. Properties of Concrete, 4th Edition, 1st Indian reprint, by A.M.Neville,
Longman, 2000.
TQ.1: Derive the expression of determining the pitch of helix in a short axially
loaded spiral column which satisfies the requirement of IS 456.
(20 marks)
Diameter of tie is the greater of (i) 36/4 and (ii) 6 mm. Provide 10 mm
diameter lateral ties.
The pitch of the lateral ties is the least of (i) 500 mm, (ii) 16(22) = 352 mm,
and (iii) 300 mm. Provide 10 mm diameter @ 300 mm c/c. The reinforcement
bars are shown in Fig.10.22.6. It is evident that the centre to centre distance
between two corner bars = 364 mm is less than 48 times the diameter of lateral
ties = 480 mm (Fig.9 of cl. of IS 456).
• draw the strain profiles for different locations of the depth of the neutral
• explain the behaviour of such columns for any one of the strain profiles,
• explain the interaction diagram and divide into the three regions indicating
three modes of failure,
• identify the three modes of failure from the depth of neutral axis,
• identify the three modes of failure from the eccentricity of the axial load,
• explain the need to recast the equations in non-dimensional form for their
use in the design of such columns.
10.23.1 Introduction
Short reinforced concrete columns under axial load with uniaxial bending
behave in a different manner than when it is subjected to axial load, though
columns subjected to axial load can also carry some moment that may appear
during construction or otherwise. The behaviour of such columns and the three
modes of failure are illustrated in this lesson. It is explained that the moment M,
equivalent to the load P with eccentricity e (= M/P), will act in an interactive
manner. A particular column with specific amount of longitudinal steel, therefore,
can carry either a purely axial load Po (when M = 0), a purely moment Mo (when
P = 0) or several pairs of P and M in an interactive manner. Hence, the needed
interaction diagram of columns, which is a plot of P versus M, is explained
Depending on the position of the neutral axis, the column may or may not
have tensile stress to be taken by longitudinal steel. In the compression region
however, longitudinal steel will carry the compression load along with the
concrete as in the case of axially loaded column.
Figure 10.21.11b of Lesson 21 presents two strain profiles IN and EF. For
the strain profile IN, the depth of the neutral axis kD is less than D, i.e., neutral
axis is within the section resulting the maximum compressive strain of 0.0035 on
the right edge and tensile strains on the left of the neutral axis forming cracks.
This column is in a state of collapse for the axial force Pu and moment Mu for
which IN is the strain profile. Reducing the eccentricity of the load Pu to zero, we
get the other strain profile EF resulting in the constant compressive strain of
0.002, which also is another collapse load. This axial load Pu is different from the
other one, i.e., a pair of Pu and Mu, for which IN is the profile. For the strain profile
EF, the neutral axis is at infinity (k = α ).
(i) For the strain profile EF, kD is infinity and the eccentricity of the load is
(ii) For the strain profile JK, kD is outside the section (D < kD < α ), with
appropriate eccentricity having compressive strain in the section.
(iii) For the strain profile IH, kD is just at the left edge of the section (kD =
D), with appropriate eccentricity having zero and 0.0035 compressive
strains at the left and right edges, respectively.
(iv) For the strain profile IN, kD is within the section (kD < D), with
appropriate eccentricity having tensile strains on the left of the neutral
axis and 0.0035 compressive strain at the right edge.
Under this mode of failure, yielding of outer most row of longitudinal steel
near the left edge occurs simultaneously with the attainment of maximum
compressive strain of 0.0035 in concrete at the right edge of the column. As a
result, yielding of longitudinal steel at the outermost row near the left edge and
crushing of concrete at the right edge occur simultaneously. The different yielding
strains of steel are determined from the following:
Compression failure of the column occurs when the eccentricity of the load
Pu is less than that of balanced eccentricity (e < eb) and the depth of the neutral
axis is more than that of balanced failure. It is evident from Fig.10.23.2b that
these strain profiles may develop tensile strain on the left of the neutral axis till
kD = D. All these strain profiles having 1 > k > kb will not pass through the
fulcrum point V. Neither the tensile strain of the outermost row of steel on the left
of the neutral axis reaches ε y .
On the other hand, all strain profiles having kD greater than D pass
through the fulcrum point V and cause compression failure (Fig.10.23.2b). The
loads causing compression failure are higher than the balanced load Pb having
the respective eccentricities less than that of the load of balanced failure. The
extreme strain profile is EF marked by 1 in Fig.10.23.2b. Some of these points
causing compression failure are shown in Fig.10.23.1 as 1, 2, 3 and 4 having k >
kb, either within or outside the section.
Three such strain profiles are of interest and need further elaboration. One
of them is the strain profile IH (Fig.10.23.2b) marked by point 3 (Fig.10.23.1) for
which kD = D. This strain profile develops compressive strain in the section with
zero strain at the left edge and 0.0035 in the right edge as explained in sec.
10.23.2. Denoting the depth of the neutral axis by D and eccentricity of the load
for this profile by eD, we observe that the other strain profiles LM and EF
(Fig.10.23.2b), marked by 2 and 1 in Fig.10.23.1, have the respective kD > D and
e < eD.
The third important strain profile LM, shown in Fig.10.23.2b and by point 2
in Figs.10.23.1 and 2, is also due to another pair of collapse Pm and Mm, having
the capacity to accommodate the minimum eccentricity of the load, which hardly
can be avoided in practical construction or for other reasons. The load Pm , as
seen from Fig.10.23.1, is less than Po and the column can carry Pm and Mm in an
interactive mode to cause collapse. Hence, a column having the capacity to carry
the truly concentric load Po (when M = 0) shall not be allowed in the design.
Instead, its maximum load shall be restricted up to Pm (< Po) along with Mm (due
to minimum eccentricity). Accordingly, the actual interaction diagram to be used
for the purpose of the design shall terminate with a horizontal line 22’ at point 2 of
Fig.10.23.1. Point 2 on the interaction diagram has the capacity of Pm with Mm
having eccentricity of em (= Mm/Pm) and the depth of the neutral axis is >> D
Tension failure occurs when the eccentricity of the load is greater than the
balanced eccentricity eb. The depth of the neutral axis is less than that of the
balanced failure. The longitudinal steel in the outermost row on the left of the
neutral axis yields first. Gradually, with the increase of tensile strain, longitudinal
steel of inner rows, if provided, starts yielding till the compressive strain reaches
0.0035 at the right edge. The line IR of Fig.10.23.2b represents such a profile for
which some of the inner rows of steel bars have yielded and compressive strain
has reached 0.0035 at the right edge. The depth of the neutral axis is designated
by (kminD).
The interaction diagram further reveals that as the axial force Pu becomes
larger the section can carry smaller Mu before failing in the compression zone.
The reverse is the case in the tension zone, where the moment carrying capacity
Mu increases with the increase of axial load Pu. In the compression failure zone,
the failure occurs due to over straining of concrete. The large axial force
produces high compressive strain of concrete keeping smaller margin available
for additional compressive strain line to bending. On the other hand, in the
tension failure zone, yielding of steel initiates failure. This tensile yield stress
reduces with the additional compressive stress due to additional axial load. As a
(iii) Checking of the given Pu and Mu, if they are within the diagram.
X = {0.446fck/D2(k – 3/7)2}Y2
Hence, the area of the compressive stress block = 0.446 fck D [1 – (4/21){4/(7k –
= C1 fck D
Equation 10.17 is useful to determine the area of the stress block for any
value of k > 1 (neutral axis outside the section) by substituting the value of C1
from Eq.10.18. The symbol C1 is designated as the coefficient for the area of the
stress block.
0.446 fck D(D/2) – (1/3)(4D/7) 0.446 fck {4/(7k – 3)}2 {3D/7 + (3/4)(4D/7)}
= C2 D
where C2 is the coefficient for the distance of the centroid of the compressive
stress block of concrete measured from the right edge and is:
Table 10.4 presents the values of C1 and C2 for different values of k greater than
1, as given in Table H of SP-16. For a specific depth of the neutral axis, k is
known. Using the corresponding values of C1 and C2 from Table 10.4, area of the
stress block of concrete and the distance of centroid from the right edge are
determined from Eqs.10.17 and 10.21, respectively.
Table 10.4 Stress block parameters C1 and C2 when the neutral axis is outside
the section
K C1 C2
1.00 0.361 0.416
1.05 0.374 0.432
1.10 0.384 0.443
1.20 0.399 0.458
1.30 0.409 0.468
1.40 0.417 0.475
1.50 0.422 0.480
2.00 0.435 0.491
2.50 0.440 0.495
3.00 0.442 0.497
4.00 0.444 0.499
It is worth mentioning that the area of the stress block is 0.446fckD and the
distance of the centroid from the right edge is 0.5D, when k is infinite. Values of
C1 and C2 at k = 4 are very close to those when k = ∞ . In fact, for the practical
fc = 0.446 fck - gc
which gives
Y = {1 – ( ε /0.002)}(kD – 3D/7)
Figure 10.23.4c presents the stress block for a typical strain profile IN
having neutral axis depth = kD within the section (k < 1). The strain profile IN in
Fig.10.23.4b shows that from a to AO, i.e., up to a distance of 3kD/7 from the
right edge, the compressive strain is ≥ 0.002 and, therefore, the compressive
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
stress shall remain constant at 0.446fck. From AO to U, i.e., for a distance of
4kD/7, the strain is reducing from 0.002 to zero and the stress in this zone is
parabolic as shown in Fig.10.23.4c. The area of the stress block shall be
obtained subtracting the parabolic area between AO and U from the total
rectangular area between G and U. As in the case when the neutral axis is
outside the section (sec.10.23.5), we have to establish the equation of the
parabola with AO as the origin and the positive coordinates X and Y are
measured from the point AO upwards for X and from the point AO to the left for
Y, as shown in Fig.10.23.4c. Proceeding in the same manner as in sec.10.23.5
and assuming the same equation of the parabola as in Eq.10.14, the values of a,
b and c are obtained as:
X = {0.446 fck/(4kD/7)2}Y2
The area of the stress block = 0.446 fck kD – (1/3) 0.446 fck (4kD/7) = 0.36 fck
kD, the same as obtained earlier in Eq.3.9 of Lesson 4 for flexural members.
Similarly, the distance of the centroid can be obtained by dividing the moment of
area of stress block about the right edge by the area of the stress block. The
result is the same as in Eq.3.12 for the flexural members. Therefore, we have
The distance of the centroid of the stress block from the right edge = 0.42kD
It is further to note that though the expressions of the area of stress block
and the distance of the centroid of the stress block from the right edge are the
same as those for the flexural members, the important restriction of the maximum
depth of the neutral axis xumax in the flexural members is not applicable in case of
column. By this restriction, the compression failure of the flexural members is
fc = 0.446 fck - gc
Y = {1 - ε c /0.002}(4kD/7)
Substituting the value of Y from Eq.10.33 in Eq.10.32, we get the same equation,
Eq.10.27 of sec.10.23.6, when the neutral axis is outside the section. Therefore,
From the point U to the left edge H of the cross-section of the column, the
compressive stress is zero. Thus, we have
fc = 0 if ε c ≤ 0
It should be remembered that the linear strain profiles are based on the
assumption that plane sections remain plane. Moreover, at the location of steel in
a particular row, the strain of steel ε si shall be the same as that in the adjacent
concrete ε ci . Thus, the strain of longitudinal steel can be calculated from the
particular strain profile if the neutral axis is within or outside the cross-section of
the column.
Pu = Cc + Cs
It is now possible to draw the interaction diagram of a trial section for the
given values of Pu and Mu following the three steps mentioned in sec.10.23.4.
However, such an attempt should be avoided for the reason explained below.
Q.2: Name and explain the three modes of failures of short, rectangular and
symmetrically reinforced concrete columns subjected to axial load Pu
uniaxial moment Mu.
Q.3: Draw a typical interaction diagram, and explain the three zones
representing three modes of failure of a short, rectangular and
symmetrically reinforced concrete column subjected to axial load Pu and
uniaxial moment Mu.
Q.4: (a) Draw the compressive stress block of concrete of a short, rectangular
and symmetrically reinforced concrete column subjected to axial load Pu
and uniaxial moment Mu, when the neutral axis lies outside the section.
Q.5: Derive expression of determining the stresses anywhere within the section
of a column of Q4.
Q.6: (a) Draw the compressive stress block of concrete of a short, rectangular
and symmetrically reinforced concrete column subjected to axial load
Pu and uniaxial moment Mu, when the neutral axis is within the section.
Q.8: Explain the principle of determining the stresses (both tensile and
compressive) of longitudinal steel of a short, rectangular and
symmetrically reinforced concrete column subjected to axial load Pu and
uniaxial moment Mu.
Q.9: (a) Write the governing equations of equilibrium of a short, rectangular and
symmetrically reinforced concrete column subjected to axial load Pu
and uniaxial moment Mu.
(b) Would you use the equations of equilibrium for the design of a short,
rectangular and symmetrically reinforced concrete column for a given
pair of Pu and Mu? Justify your answer.
10.23.12 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
TQ.1: Each of the following statements has four possible answers. Choose the
correct answer (2
x 5 = 20 marks)
(a) The designed axial load of a short column has the theoretical carrying
capacity before it collapses
(ii) P = Designed axial load with the code stipulated minimum eccentricity
A.TQ.1a: (iv)
(ii) kD = ∞ and e = 0
(iii) kD = 0 and e = ∞
(iv) kD = ∞ and e = ∞
A.TQ.1b: (ii)
(c) The fulcrum of the strain profile of a short column is a point through
(iii) The strain profiles having no tension and causing compression failure
will pass.
A.TQ.1c: (iii)
(i) 0.0035
(iii) 0.002
A.TQ.1d: (i)
TQ.2: (a) Draw the compressive stress block of concrete of a short, rectangular
and symmetrically reinforced concrete column subjected to axial load
Pu and uniaxial moment Mu, when the neutral axis is within the section.
• derive the governing equations in four separate cases while preparing the
design charts,
• mention the various points at which the values of the two non-dimensional
parameters are determined to prepare the design charts,
• prepare the design chart of any short and rectangular column subjected to
axial loads and uniaxial moment.
10.24.1 Introduction
Lesson 23 illustrates the different steps of determining the capacities of a
short, rectangular, reinforced with steel bars, concrete column. Several pairs of
collapse strengths Pu and Mu are to be determined for a column with specific
percentage of longitudinal steel bars assuming different positions of the neutral
axis. A designer has to satisfy that each of the several pairs of Pu and Mu,
obtained from the structural analysis, is less than or equal to the respective
strengths in form of pairs of Pu and Mu obtained from determining the capacities
for several locations of the neutral axis. Thus, the design shall involve several
trials of a particular cross-section of a column for its selection.
The roles and importance of each of the above four parameters are
elaborated below:
(b) improving ductility and strength by the effect of confinement of the core
It is, therefore, clear that the design of columns mainly involves the
determination of percentage of longitudinal reinforcement p, either assuming or
knowing the dimensions b and D, grades of concrete and steel, distribution of
longitudinal bars in two or multiple rows and d'/D ratio from the analysis or
elsewhere. Needless to mention that any designed column should be able to
resist several critical pairs of Pu and Mu obtained from the analysis of the
structure. It is also a fact that several trials may be needed to arrive at the final
selection revising any or all the assumed parameters. Accordingly, the design
charts are prepared to give the results for the unknown parameter quickly
avoiding lengthy calculations after selecting appropriate non-dimensional
Based on the above considerations and making the design simple, quick
and fairly accurate, the following are the two non-dimensional parameters:
The characteristic strength of concrete fck has been associated with the
non-dimensional parameters as the grade of concrete does not improve the
strength of the column significantly. The design charts prepared by SP-16 are
assuming the constant value of fck for M 20 to avoid different sets of design
charts for different grades of concrete. However, separate design charts are
presented in SP-16 for three grades of steel (Fe 250, Fe 415 and Fe 500), four
values of d'/D (0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2) and two types of distribution of
longitudinal steel (distributed equally on two and four sides). Accordingly there
are twenty-four design charts for the design of rectangular columns. Twelve
separate design charts are also presented in SP-16 for circular sections covering
the above mentioned three grades of steel and for values of d'/D ratio.
(a) When the neutral axis is at infinity, i.e., kD = ∞ , pure axial load is
applied on the column.
(b) When the neutral axis is outside the cross-section of the column, i.e.,
∞ > kD ≥ D.
(c) When the neutral axis is within the cross-section of the column, i.e.,
kD < D.
Figures 10.23.2b and c of Lesson 23 present the strain profile EF and the
corresponding stress block for this case. As the load is purely axial, we need to
Cc = 0.446 fck b D
However, proper deduction shall be made for the compressive force of concrete
not available due to the replacement by steel bars while computing Cs.
Thus, Eq.10.40 is the only governing equation for this case to be considered.
where C1 = coefficient for the area of stress block to be taken from Table 10.4
of Lesson 23,
fsi = stress in the ith row of reinforcement, taken positive for compression
and negative for tension,
fci = stress in concrete at the level of the ith row of reinforcement, and
Here also, the deduction of the compressive force of concrete has been made for
the concrete replaced by the longitudinal steel bars.
(Pu/fckbD) = C1 + ∑
i =1
( p i / 100 f ck ) ( f si - f ci )
Mu = C1 fckbD (D/2 - C2D) + ∑i =1
( pi bD / 100) ( f si - f ci ) y i
where C2 = coefficient for the distance of the centroid of the compressive stress
block of concrete measured from the highly compressed right edge
and is taken from Table 10.4 of Lesson 23, and
yi = the distance from the centroid of the section to the ith row of
reinforcement, positive towards the highly compressed right edge
and negative towards the least compressed left edge.
(Mu/fckbD ) = C1(0.5 - C2) + ∑
i =1
( p i / 100 f ck ) ( f si - f ci ) (yi/D)
Pu = 0.36 fck kbD + ∑
i =1
( pi bD / 100) ( f si - f ci )
Pu/fckbD = 0.36 k + ∑
i =1
( p i / 100 f ck ) ( f si - f ci )
Mu = 0.36 fck kbD(0.5 - 0.42 k) D + ∑i =1
( p i bD / 100) ( f si - f ci ) (yi/D)
(Mu/fckbD2) = 0.36 k(0.5 - 0.42 k) + ∑i =1
( p i / 100 f ck ) ( f si - f ci ) (yi/D)
Mu = ∑
i =1
( pi bD / 100) (0.87 f y ) (yi/D)
(Mu/fckbD2) = ∑i =1
( pi / 100 f ck ) (0.87 f y ) (yi/D)
The Pu obtained from Eq.10.51 can also resist Mu as per cl.39.3 of IS 456.
From the stipulation of cl. 39.3 of IS 456 and considering the maximum value of
the minimum eccentricity as 0.05D, we have
Mu = (Pu) (0.05)D = 0.02 fck bD2 + (0.05 pbD2/100) (0.67 fy - 0.4 fck)
Equations 10.51 and 10.52 are the two equations to be considered in this
Figures 10.23.3b and c of Lesson 23 present one strain profile JK and the
corresponding stress block, respectively, out of a large number of values of k
from 1 to infinity, only values up to about 1.2 are good enough to consider, as
explained in sec.10.23.5 of Lesson 23. Accordingly, we shall consider only one
point, where k = 1.1, in this case. With the help of Eqs.10.42 and 10.44, Table
10.4 for the values of C1 and C2, Table 10.5 for the values of fsi and Eq.10.23 or
Eq.10.27 for the values of fci, the non-dimensional parameters Pu/fck bD and
Mu/fck bD2 are determined.
(a) Where the tensile stress of longitudinal steel is zero i.e., kD = D - d',
(b) Where the tensile stress of longitudinal steel is 0.4fyd = 0.4(0.87 fy),
(c) Where the tensile stress of longitudinal steel is) 0.8fyd = 0.8(0.87 fy) ,
(d) Where the tensile stress of longitudinal steel is fyd = 0.87fy and strain
= 0.87fy/Es, i.e., the initial yield point,
(e) Where the tensile stress of longitudinal steel is fyd = 0.87fy and strain
= 0.87fy/Es + 0.002, i.e., the final yield point,
For all six points, the respective strain profile and the corresponding stress
blocks can be drawn. Therefore, values of (Pu/fck bD) and (Mu/fck bD2) are
determined from Eqs.10.46 and 10.48, using Table 10.5 for fsc and Eq.10.34 for
The ten pairs of (Pu/fck bD) and (Mu/fck bD2) (one set each in steps 1, 2, 3
and 5 and six sets in step 4) can be plotted to prepare the desired design chart.
Solution 1:
The solution of this problem is explained in six steps of the earlier section.
Figures 10.24.1a, b and c show the section of the column, strain profile JK
and the corresponding stress block, respectively, for this case. We use
Eqs.10.42 and 10.44 for determining the value of (Pu/fck bD) and (Mu/fck bD2 ) for
Given data: fck = 25 N/mm2, fy = 415 N/mm2, p = 3 per cent, p1 = p2 = 1.5 per
d’/D = 0.15
Note: Units of fsi, fsc and fci are in N/mm2, (-) minus sign indicates tensile strain
or stress.
Sl.No. Given k = 1.1 fs2 = 0 fs2 = -0.4 fyd fs2 = 0.8 fyd
1 Sec. No. 10.24.7 10.24.7 10.24.7 10.24.7
2 Step No. 3 4 4 4
3 Fig. No. 10.24.1 10.24.2 10.24.3 10.24.4
4 εs1 = εc1 0.002829 0.00288 0.00275 0.00263
5 εs2 = εc2 0.000744 0.0 -0.00072 -0.00144
6 Table No. 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
of fsi and
7 fs1 352.407 352.871 351.669 348.392
8 fs2 148.914 0.0 -144.42 -288.84
9 fsc NA NA NA NA
10 Eq.Nos. of 10.23 and 10.34 10.34 10.34
fci 10.27
11 fc1 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.15
12 fc2 6.757 0.0 0.0 0.0
13 Table No. 10.4 NA NA NA
of C1 and
14 C1 0.384 NA NA NA
15 C2 0.443 NA NA NA
16 y1/D +0.35 +0.35 +0.35 +0.35
17 y2/D -0.35 -0.35 -0.35 -0.35
18 k 1.1 0.85 0.7046 0.6017
19 Eq.No. of 10.42 10.46 10.46 10.46
Pu/fck bD
20 Pu/fck bD 0.6740 0.5110 0.3713 0.2457
21 Eq.No. of 10.44 10.48 10.48 10.48
Mu/fck bD2
22 Mu/fck bD2 0.0643 0.1155 0.1536 0.1850
Given data: fck = 25 N/mm2, fy = 415 N/mm2, p = 3 per cent, p1 = p2 = 1.5 per
d’/D = 0.15
Note: Units of fsi, fsc and fci are in N/mm2, (-) minus sign indicates tensile strain
or stress.
For this case, the parameter (Mu/fck bD2) is determined from Eq.10.50
using p1 = p2 = 1.5 per cent, fck = 25 N/mm2, fy = 415 N/mm2, y1/D = 0.35 and
y2/D = -0.35. Thus, we get
The values of ten pairs of (Pu/fck bD) and (Mu/fck bD2) as obtained in steps
1 to 5 are presented in Sl. Nos. 1 to 10 of Table 10.6C. The design chart can be
prepared by plotting these values.
Table 10.6C Final values of Pu/fck bD and Mu/fck bD2 of Problem 1 of Section
Q.2: Name the different design parameters while designing a column. Mention
which one is the most important parameter.
Q.3: Prepare a design chart for a rectangular column within three per cent
longitudinal steel, equally distributed on two faces, using M 25 and Fe 250
and considering d'/D = 0.15.
.A.3: The solution of this problem is obtained following the same six steps of
Problem 1 of sec.10.24.8, except that the grade of steel here is Fe 250.
Therefore, the final results and all the parameters are presented in Table
10.7 avoiding explaining step by step again.
10.24.10 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
11. Design of Concrete Structures, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nilson, David
Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
12. Concrete Technology, by A.M.Neville and J.J.Brooks, ELBS with
Longman, 1994.
13. Properties of Concrete, 4th Edition, 1st Indian reprint, by A.M.Neville,
Longman, 2000.
A.TQ.1: This problem can be solved following the same procedure of explained
in Step 4b, c and d of sec.10.24.7. The step by step calculations are
not shown here and the final results are presented in Table 10.8.
Given data: fck = 20 N/mm2, fy = 415 N/mm2, b = 370 mm, D = 530 mm,
Longitudinal steel = 8-25 mm diameter equally distributed on
two sides, d'/D = 0.15
Sl.No. Given fs2 = -0.4 fyd fs2 = 0.8 fyd fs2 = - fyd
Description (Final yield)
1 Sec. No. 10.24.7 10.24.7 10.24.7
2 Step No. 4 4 4
3 Fig. No. 10.24.3 10.24.4 10.24.6
4 εs1 = εc1 0.0030 0.0029 0.0027
5 εs2 = εc2 -0.00072 -0.00144 -0.0038
6 Table No. 10.5 10.5 10.5
of fsi and
7 fs1 354.1702 353.468 349.956
• state the two types of problems that can be solved using the design charts
of SP-16,
• mention the different steps of solving the analysis type of problems using
the design charts of SP-16,
• mention the different steps of solving the design type of problems using
the design charts of SP-16,
• apply the methods in solving both types of problems using the design
charts of SP-16.
10.25.1 Introduction
Lesson 24 explains the procedure of preparing the design charts of short
rectangular reinforced concrete columns under axial load with uniaxial bending. It
is also mentioned that similar design charts can be prepared for circular and
other types of cross-sections of columns by dividing the cross-section into
several strips. This lesson explains the design of rectangular and circular short
columns with the help of design charts.
(i) Charts 27 to 38 are the first set of twelve charts for rectangular columns
having symmetrical longitudinal steel bars in two rows (Fig.10.25.1) for three
grades of steel (Fe 250, Fe 415 and Fe 500) and each of them has four values of
d’/D ratios (0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20).
(ii) Charts 39 to 50 are the second set of twelve charts for rectangular
columns having symmetrical longitudinal steel bars (twenty numbers) distributed
equally on four sides (in six rows, Fig.10.25.2) for three grades of steel (Fe 250,
Fe 415 and Fe 500) and each of them has four values of d’/D ratios (0.05, 0.10,
0.15 and 0.20).
All the thirty-six charts are prepared for M 20 grade of concrete only. This
is a justified approximation as it is not worthwhile to have separate design charts
for each grade of concrete.
As mentioned in the earlier section, all the design chars of SP-16 assume
the constant grade M 20 of concrete. However, each chart has fourteen plots
having different values of the parameter p/fck ranging from zero to 0.26 at an
interval of 0.02. The designer, thus, can make use of the actual grade of concrete
by multiplying the p/fck obtained from the plot with the actual fck for the particular
grade of concrete to partially compensate the approximation.
The three sets of charts have four fixed values of d’/D ratios (0.05, 0.10,
0.15 and 0.20). However, in the practical design, the d’/D ratio may be different
from those values. In such situations intermediate values are determined by
making linear interpolations.
(c) Equal distribution of twenty longitudinal steel bars on four sides of rectangular
In spite of the above consideration, the design charts may be used without
significant error for any number of bars greater than eight provided the bars are
distributed equally on four sides.
Though the design charts are prepared considering eight bars uniformly
placed circumferentially, they may generally be used for any number of bars
greater than six, uniformly placed circumferentially.
(ii) Limitations
Twenty bars, when equally placed on four sides, are placed in six rows
avoiding any bar on the two axes. However, there will be bars on the axes for
odd number of rows. A very common type is the 6-bar arrangement (Fig.10.25.4).
Such arrangements, though symmetrical, are not covered in the design charts of
SP-16. In such cases, the designer has to make his own assumptions judiciously
in order to use the available charts of SP-16. Alternatively, he has to prepare the
actual design chart depending on the bar arrangement to get accurate results.
Accordingly, the use of SP-16 is explained in the following sections for the
solutions of both analysis and design types of problems.
The designer has to select a particular design chart, specified by the chart
number, from the known value of d’/D and the grade of steel for circular columns;
and considering also the distribution of longitudinal steel bars equally on two or
four sides for the rectangular columns.
The designer shall select the particular curve out of the family of fourteen
curves in the chart selected in Step 1. The selection of the curve shall be made
from the value of p/fck parameter which is known.
This can be done in any of the three methods selecting two of the three
parameters as known and comparing the third parameter to satisfy Eq.10.53. The
parameters are Pu/fck bD, Mu/fck bD2 and p/fck for rectangular columns. For circular
columns the breadth b shall be replaced by D (the diameter of the column).
The two parameters (Pu/fck bD) and (Mu/fck bD2) are known and the point A
is located on the design chart with these two coordinates (Fig.10.25.5). The point
may be like A1, on a particular curve of specified p/fck, or like A2, in between two
such curves having two values of p/fck, the difference between the two values of
p/fck is 0.02. In the first case, the corresponding p/fck is obtained directly as
specified on the curve. While, in the second case, liner interpolation is to be done
by drawing a line KL perpendicular to the two curves and passing through the
point A2.
This should be done before confirming d’/D as the diameter of the lateral
tie has a role in finalizing d’. The design of transverse reinforcement shall be
done following the procedure explained in secs.10.21.8 and 10.21.9 of Lesson
Problem 1:
Solution 1:
This is an analysis type of problems. The data given are: b = 300 mm, D =
450 mm, d’ = 56 mm, Asc = 4021 mm2 (20 bars of 16 mm diameter), fck = 25
N/mm2, fy = 415 N/mm2, Pu = 1620 kN and Mu = 170 kNm. So, we have d’/D =
56/450 = 0.1244, Pu/fckbD = 0.48, Mu/fckbD2 = 0.111934 and p/fck = 0.11914.
From the given data: d’/D = 0.1244, fy = 415 N/mm2 and longitudinal steel
bars are equally distributed on four sides, the charts selected are 44 (for d’/D =
From the given value of p/fck = 0.11914, the two curves having p/fck = 0.1
and 0.12 are selected from both the charts (No. 44 and 45). Here also, linear
interpolation has to be done.
In order to assess the column, we select the two given parameters p/fck
and Pu/fckbd2 to determine the third parameter Mu/fckbD2 to compare its value
with the given parameter Mu/fckbD2. However, the value of Mu/fckbD2 is obtained
by doing linear interpolation two times: once with respect to p/fck and the second
time with respect to d’/D. The results are furnished in Table 10.9 below:
Thus, the moment capacity of the column is obtained from the final value
of Mu/fckbD2 = 0.1130941 as
which is higher than the given Mu = 170 kNm. Hence, the column can be
subjected to the pair of given Pu and Mu as 1620 kN and 170 kNm, respectively.
Problem 2:
Solution 2:
With the given fy = 415 N/mm2 and assuming d’/D = 0.1, the chart
selected for this problem is Chart 56.
With the given fck = 25 N/mm2 and assuming the given D = 500 mm, we
Provide 8-25 mm diameter bars to have Asc actually provided = 3927 mm2.
Marginally less amount of steel than required will be checked considering the
enhancement of strength for spiral columns as stipulated in cl.39.4 of IS 456.
We, therefore, assess the strength of the designed column, when d’/D =
0.121 and Asc = 3927 mm2, if it can be subjected to Pu = 2100 kN and Mu = 187.5
Table 10.10: Value of Pu/fckbD2 when Mu/fckD3 = 0.06 and p/fck = 0.08
Q.2: Mention the three different sets of design charts available in SP-16
mentioning the number of charts and the parameters for their identification.
Q.3: State the approximations, limitations and usefulness of the design charts of
SP-16 in solving the analysis and design type of problems of short columns.
A.4: In this problem, the given data are: D = 400 mm, d’ = 40 + 6 + 10 = 56 mm,
Asc = 2513 mm2 (8-20 mm diameter bars), fck = 20 N/mm2, fy = 415 N/mm2,
Pu = 1200 kN and Mu = 64 kNm.
With fy = 415 N/mm2 and d’/D = 56/400 = 0.14, we select two charts nos.
56 (for d’/D = 0.1) and 57 (for d’/D = 0.15). We have to interpolate the values
obtained from these two charts.
From the given data we have p/fck = 0.0999488 ≅ 0.1. So, we select the
curve for p/fck = 0.1 in the two charts (Nos. 56 and 57).
For the purpose of assessment, we select the two parameters p/fck and
Mu/fckD3 and determine the values of Pu/fckD2 from the two charts for interpolation.
The results are presented in Table 10.11 below.
From Table 10.11, thus, we get Pu/fckD2 = 0.4264, which gives Pu = 1364.48 kN.
It may be noted that for more accuracy another set of values of d’/D = 0.08
is required. The interpolated value, thus obtained, shall be strictly applicable
when p/fck = 0.0999488. However, for all practical designs, such accuracy is not
A.5: The data given are: b = D = 400 mm, Pu = 2240 kN, Mu = 112 kNm, fck =
25 N/mm2 and fy = 415 N/mm2.
With the given data of fy = 415 N/mm2 and assuming d’/D = 0.15, we have
to refer to Chart 45.
From Chart 45, we get p/fck = 0.1, giving p = 2.5 per cent. Accordingly,
Table 10.12: Values of Mu/fckD3 when Pu/fckbD2 = 0.56 and p/fck = 0.10025
10.25.8 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
TQ.1: Mention the three different sets of design charts available in SP-16
mentioning the number of charts and the parameters for their
identification. (10 marks)
TQ.2: State the approximations, limitations and usefulness of the design charts
of SP-16 in solving the analysis and design type of problems of short
columns. (10 marks)
A.TQ.3: Given data are: b = D = = 500 mm, Asc = 6283 mm2 (20 bars of 20 mm
diameter), fck = 25 N/mm2, fy = 415 N/mm2, Pu = 3250 kN and Mu = 250
Table 10.13: Values of Mu/fckD3 when Pu/fckD2 = 0.52 and p/fck = 0.1
• understand the behaviour of short columns under axial load and biaxial
10.26.1 Introduction
Beams and girders transfer their end moments into the corner columns of
a building frame in two perpendicular planes. Interior columns may also have
biaxial moments if the layout of the columns is irregular. Accordingly, such
columns are designed considering axial load with biaxial bending. This lesson
presents a brief theoretical analysis of these columns and explains the difficulties
to apply the theory for the design. Thereafter, simplified method, as
recommended by IS 456, has been explained with the help of illustrative
examples in this lesson.
Figures 10.26.1a and b present column section under axial load and
uniaxial bending about the principal axes x and y, respectively. Figure 10.26.1c
e = (e x2 + e y2 )1 / 2
Designating the moments of cases a, b and c by Mux, Muy and Mu, respectively,
we can write:
M u = ( M ux2 + M uy2 )1 / 2
This inclined resultant axis shall also be the principal axis if the column
section including the reinforcing bars is axisymmetric. In such a situation, the
biaxial bending can be simplified to a uniaxial bending with the neutral axis
parallel to the resultant axis of bending.
The interaction curve marked as case (c) in Fig.10.26.2, is for the column
under biaxial bending shown in Fig.10.26.1c. The corresponding axis of bending
is making an angle θ with the y axis and satisfies Eq.10.57. It has been
explained in Lesson 24 that a column subjected to a pair of P and M will be safe
if their respective values are less than Pu and Mu, given by its interaction curve.
Extending the same in the three-dimensional figure of interaction surface, it is
also acceptable that a column subjected to a set of Pu, Muy and Mux is safe if the
set of values lies within the surface. Since Pu is changing in the direction of z, let
us designate the moments and axial loads as mentioned below:
Muxz = design flexural strength with respect to major axis xx under biaxial
loading, when Pu = Puz,
Mux1 = design flexural strength with respect to major axis xx under uniaxial
loading, when Pu = Puz, and
Muy1 = design flexural strength with respect to minor axis yy under uniaxial
loading, when Pu = Puz.
Accordingly, the design of columns under axial load with biaxial bending is
done by making approximations of the interaction surface. Different countries
adopted different approximate methods. Clause 39.6 of IS 456 recommends one
method based on Bresler's formulation, also known as "Load Contour Method",
which is taken up in the following section. (For more information, please refer to:
"Design Criteria for Reinforced Columns under Axial Load and Biaxial Bending",
by B. Bresler, J. ACI, Vol.32, No.5, 1960, pp.481-490).
( M ux / M ux1 )α n + ( M uy / M uy1 )α n ≤ 1
where Mux and Muy = moments about x and y axes due to design loads, and
It is worth mentioning that the quantities Mux, Muy and Pu are due to
external loadings applied on the structure and are available from the analysis,
whereas Mux1, Muy1 and Puz are the capacities of the column section to be
considered for the design.
Equation 10.58 defines the shape of the load contour, as explained earlier
(Fig.10.26.2). That is why the method is also known as "Load Contour Method".
The exponent α n of Eq.10.58 is a constant which defines the shape of the load
as the uniaxial moment for the trial section with respect to the major principal axis
xx, if Mux ≥ Muy; otherwise, it should be with respect to the minor principal axis.
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
The reinforcement should be assumed to be distributed equally on four sides of
the section.
where l, b and D are the unsupported length, least lateral dimension and larger
lateral dimension, respectively. The clause further stipulates that for the biaxial
bending, it is sufficient to ensure that the eccentricity exceeding the minimum
value about one axis at a time.
The following are the steps for the solution of both analysis and design
types of problems while employing the method recommended by IS 456.
This step is needed only for the design type of problem, which is to be
done as explained in (a) above.
Use of design charts should be made for this. Mux1 and Muy1,
corresponding to the given Pu, should be significantly greater than Mux and Muy,
respectively. Redesign of the section should be done if the above are not
satisfied for the design type of problem only.
The values of Puz and α n can be determined from Eqs.10.59 and 10.60,
respectively. Alternatively, Puz can be obtained from Chart 63 of SP-16.
Problem 1:
Solution 1:
Given: l = 3200 mm, b = 400 mm and D = 500 mm, we have from Eq.10.3
of sec.10.26.6b, the minimum eccentricities are:
Again from Pu = 2000 kN, Mux = 130 kNm and Muy = 120 kNm, we have ex =
Mux/Pu = 130(106)/2000(103) = 65 mm and ey = Muy/Pu = 120(106)/2000(103) = 60
mm. Both ex and ey are greater than exmin and eymin, respectively.
Assuming d' = 60 mm, we have d'/D = 0.12. From Charts 44 and 45, the value of
p/fck is interpolated as 0.06. Thus, p = 0.06(25) = 1.5 per cent, giving Asc = 3000
mm2. Provide 12-20 mm diameter bars of area 3769 mm2, actual p provided =
1.8845 per cent. So, p/fck = 0.07538.
As Mux1 and Muy1 are significantly greater than Mux and Muy, respectively,
redesign of the section is not needed.
Using the values of Mux, Mux1, Muy, Muy1 and α n in Eq.10.58, we have
(130/226.1)1.658 + (120/171.6)1.658 = 0.9521 < 1.0. Hence, the design is safe.
Here, Mux/Mux1 = 0.5749 and Muy/Muy1 = 0.6993. It may be seen that the
point is within the curve of Pu/Puz = 0.5916 of Chart 64 of SP-16.
As per cl. of IS 456, the diameter of lateral tie should be > (20/4)
mm diameter. Provide 8 mm diameter bars following the arrangement shown in
Fig.10.26.4. The spacing of lateral tie is the least of :
(c) 300 mm
Q.2: Draw one interaction surface for a short column under biaxial bending and
show typical interaction curves and load contour curve. Explain the safety
of a column with reference to the interaction surface when the column is
under biaxial bending.
Q.4: Illustrate the IS code method of design of columns under biaxial bending.
From the given data: l = 3200 mm, b = 450 mm and D = 500 mm,
ex = Mux/Pu = 120(103)/1600 = 75 mm
16 mm diameter bars).
Similarly, interpolation of values (0.09 and 0.08) from Charts 44 and 45, we get
Muy1/fckdb2 = 0.085 for d'/b = 0.124. Thus
Hence, the section is safe to carry Pu = 1600 kN, Mux = 120 kNm and Muy
= 100 kNm.
10.26.9 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
We have the given data: b = D = 500 mm, fck = 25 N/mm2, fy = 415 N/mm2,
Pu = 1800 kN, Mux = 160 kNm, Muy = 150 kNm and Asc = 2412 mm2 (12-16 mm
diameter bars).
From Eq.10.59,
Hence, the section can carry Pu = 1800 kN, Mux = 160 kNm and Muy = 150
• apply the equations or use the appropriate tables or charts of SP-16 for
the complete design of slender columns as recommended by IS 456.
11.27.1 Introduction
Slender and short are the two types of columns classified on the basis of
slenderness ratios as mentioned in sec.10.21.5 of Lesson 21. Columns having
both lex/D and ley/b less than twelve are designated as short and otherwise, they
are slender, where lex and ley are the effective lengths with respect to major and
minor axes, respectively; and D and b are the depth and width of rectangular
columns, respectively. Short columns are frequently used in concrete structures,
the design of such columns has been explained in Lessons 22 to 26, loaded
concentrically or eccentrically about one or both axes. However, slender columns
are also becoming increasingly important and popular because of the following
The general expression of the critical load Pcr at which a member will fail
by buckling is as follows:
where E is the Young’s modulus I is the moment of inertia about the axis of
bending, l is the unsupported length of the column and k is the coefficient whose
value depends on the degree of restraints at the supports. Expressing moment of
inertia I = Ar2, where A is the area of cross-section of the column and r is the
radius of gyration, the above equations can be written as,
Thus, Pcr of a particular column depends upon kl/r or slenderness ratio. It is worth
mentioning that kl is termed as effective length le of the column.
Table 10.14: Critical loads in terms of Pcr of hinge-hinge column and effective
lengths le = kl of elastic and reinforced concrete columns with different boundary
conditions and for a constant unsupported length l
Notes: 1. Buckled shapes are half sine wave between two points of inflection
Figure 10.27.10a shows a column bent in single curvature under axial load
P less than its critical load Pcr with constant moment Pe. The deflection profile
marked by dotted line is due to the constant moment. However, there will be
additional moment of Py at a distance z from the origin (at the bottom of column)
which will deflect the column further, as shown by the solid line. The constant
moment Pe and additional moment Py are shown in Fig.10.27.10b. Thus, the
total moment becomes
M = Mo + Py = P(e + y)
The maximum moment is P(e + Δ ) at the mid-height of the column. This, we can
Mmax = Mo + P Δ = P(e + Δ )
M = Mo + Py = Hz/2 + Py
The total moment in Eqs.10.63 and 10.65 consists of the moment Mo that
acts in the presence of P and the additional moment caused by P (= Py). The
deflections y can be computed from yo, the deflections without the axial load
from the expression
y = yo[1/{1 – (P/Pcr)}]
1 + ψ (P / Pcr )
M max = M o
1 - (P / Pcr )
where ψ depends on the type of loading and generally varies between ± 0.20.
Since P/Pcr is always less than one, we can ignore ψ (P/Pcr) term of Eq.10.69, to
where 1/{1 – (P/Pcr)} is the moment magnification factor. In both the cases above
(Figs.10.27.10 and 11), a direct addition of the maximum moment caused by
From the above, it is evident that the moment Mo will be magnified most
strongly if the section of Mo max coincides with the section of maximum value of y,
as in the case of column bent in single curvature of Figs.10.27.10 and 11.
Similarly, if the two moments are unequal but of same sign as in Fig.10.27.10,
the moment Mo will be magnified but not so much as in Fig.10.27.10. On the
other hand, if the unequal end moments are of opposite signs and cause bending
in double curvature, there will be little or no magnification of Mo moment.
The moment M1 is smaller than M2 and M1/M2 is positive if the moments produce
single curvature and negative if they produce double curvature. It is further seen
from Eq.10.72 that Cm = 1, when M1 = M2 and in that case, Eq.10.71 becomes
the same as Eq.10.70.
y = yo [1/{1 – (P/4Pcr)}]
Here, the sidesway can occur only for the entire frame simultaneously. A
fixed portal frame, shown in Fig.10.27.13a, is under horizontal load H and
compression force P. The moments due to H and P and the total moment
diagrams are shown in Fig.10.27.13b, c and d, respectively. The deformations of
the frame due to H are shown in Fig.10.27.13a by dotted curves, while the solid
curves are the magnified deformations. It is observed that the maximum values
of positive and negative Mo are at the ends of the column where the maximum
The load path OB is for a long column, where the deflection Δ caused by
increasing value of P is significant. Finally, the long column fails at load Plc and
moment Mlc = Plc(e + Δ ). The loading path OB further reveals that the secondary
moment Plc Δ is comparable to the primary moment Plc e. Moreover, the failure
load and the primary moment of the long column Plc and Plc e, respectively, are
less than those of the short column (Psc and Psc e, respectively), though both the
columns have the same cross-sectional areas and eccentricities but different
slenderness ratios. Here also, the mid-height section of the column undergoes
material failure, either a compression failure or a tension failure, depending on
the location of the point B on the interaction diagram.
β = ∑K /∑K + ∑K
c c b
where Kc and Kb are flexural stiffnesses of columns and beams, respectively. The
quantities β1 and β 2 at the top and bottom joints A and B, respectively, are
determined by summing up the K values of members framing into a joint at top
Q = ∑ Pu Δ u /Hu hz
M = Mo + Py = Mo + P ea = Mo + Ma
where P is the factored design load Pu, M are the total factored design moments
Mux and Muy about the major and minor axes, respectively; Mo are the primary
factored moments Moux and Mouy about the major and minor axes, respectively;
Ma are the additional moments Max and May about the major and minor axes,
respectively and ea are the additional eccentricities eax and eay along the minor
and major axes, respectively. The quantities Mo and P of Eq.10.78 are known
and hence, it is required to determine the respective values of ea, the additional
eccentricities only.
where le are the respective effective lengths kl of the columns. We, therefore,
consider the maximum φ as the average value lying in between the two values of
Eqs.10.79 and 80 as
φ max = 10Δ/l e2
ea = Δ = φ l e2 /10
or φ = 1/200D
ea = D(le/D)2/2000
Thus, the additional moments Max and May about the major and minor axes,
respectively, are:
For braced columns without any transverse loads occurring in the height,
the primary maximum moment (Mo max of Eq.10.64), with which the additional
moments of Eqs.10.86 and 87 are to be added, is to be taken as:
where M2 is the larger end moment and M1 is the smaller end moment, assumed
to be negative, if the column is bent in double curvature.
Mu max ≥ M2
Mo max = M2 + Ma
It is seen from Eqs.10.92 and 10.93 that the values of k (kax and kay) vary
linearly from zero (when Pu = Puz) to one (when Pu = Pub). Since Eqs.10.92 and
10.93 are not applicable for Pu < Pub, another condition has been imposed as
given in Eq.10.94.
Solution 1:
Moy (Min. ecc.) = Pu(ey min) = (1700) (27.67) (10-3) = 47.04 kNm
It is seen that values obtained from Table I of SP-16 are comparable with
those obtained by Eq. 10.84 in Method 1.
Primary eccentricities:
The trial section is determined from the design of uniaxial bending with Pu
= 1700 kN and Mu = 1.15 ( M ux2 + M uy2 )1 / 2 . So, we have Mu = (1.15){(103.6)2 +
(95.13)2}1/2 = 161.75 kNm. With these values of Pu (= 1700 kN) and Mu (= 161.75
kNm), we use chart of SP-16 for the d ′ / D = 0.134. We assume the diameters of
longitudinal bar as 25 mm, diameter of lateral tie = 8 mm and cover = 40 mm, to
get d ′ = 40 + 8 + 12.5 = 60.5 mm. Accordingly, d ′ / D = 60.5/450 = 0.134 and
d ′ / b = 60.5/350 = 0.173. We have:
Since, the values of Pbx and Pby are less than Pu, the modification factors
are to be used.
We get Puz/Ag = 19.4 N/mm2 from Chart 63 of SP-16 using p = 2.044 per
cent. Therefore, Puz = (19.4)(350)(450)(10-3) = 3055.5 kN, which is in good
agreement with that of Method 1.
The values of the two modification factors are different from the assumed
value of 0.55 in Step 5. However, the moments are changed and the section is
checked for safety.
The two uniaxial moment capacities Mux1 and Muy1 are determined as
stated: (i) For Mux1, by interpolating the values obtained from Charts 44 and 45,
knowing the values of Pu/fckbD = 0.3598 (see Step 7), p/fck = 0.068 (see Step 7),
d ′ / D = 0.134 (see Step 7), (ii) for Muy1, by interpolating the values obtained from
Charts 45 and 46, knowing the same values of Pu/fckbD and p/fck as those of (i)
and d ′ / D = 0.173 (see Step 7). The results are given below:
Here, putting the values of Mux, Mux1, Muy, Muy1 and α n , we get:
(114.8/187.54)1.5452 + (103.43/136.76)1.5852 = 0.4593 + 0.6422 = 1.1015. Hence,
the section or the reinforcement has to be revised.
The values of Pbx and Pby are less than Pu (= 1700 kN). So, modification
factors are to be incorporated.
Using Charts 44 and 45 for Mux1 and Charts 45 and 46 for Muy1, we get (i)
the coefficient 0.1032 (interpolating 0.11 and 0.10) and (ii) the coefficient 0.0954
(interpolating 0.1 and 0.09) for Mux1 and Muy1, respectively.
Q.4: Explain the behaviour of slender columns under axial load and uniaxial
bending, bent in single curvature.
Q.5: Explain the behaviour of slender columns under axial load and uniaxial
bending, bent in double curvature.
Q.6: Explain the behaviour of columns in portal frame both braced and
A.7: Solution:
Since the column is concentrically loaded, the primary moments are zero.
Therefore, the additional moments must be greater than the respective moments
due to minimum eccentricity.
Since, Pbx and Pby are less than Pu (= 1500 kN), modification factors are to
be incorporated.
Thus, we have:
Step 11: Checking the column for safety (Eq.10.58 of Lesson 26)
( M ux / M ux1 )α n + ( M uy / M uy1 ) α n ≤ 1
11.27.10 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
(i) When the column is braced against sidesway and is bent in single
(ii) When the column is braced against sidesway and is bent in double
Use the following data: Pu = 2000 kN, concrete grade = M 20, steel grade
= Fe 415, unsupported length l = 8.0 m, lex = 7.0 m, ley = 6.0 m, Asc = 6381 mm2
(12-25 mm diameter bars), lateral tie = 8 mm diameter @ 250 mm c/c, d ′ = 60.5
mm, D = 500 mm and b = 400 mm. The factored moments are: 70 kNm at top
and 40 kNm at bottom in the direction of larger dimension and 60 kNm at top and
30 kNm at bottom in the direction of shorter dimension.
A.TQ.1: Solution
The following are the common steps for all three cases.
Both Pbx and Pby are smaller than Pu (= 2000 kN). Hence, modification
factors are to be incorporated.
Additional moments are Max = 61.71 kNm and May = 55.19 kNm
(incorporating the respective modification factors).
Total moments = Mux = Mox + Max = 65.34 + 61.71 = 127.05 kNm >
65.34 kNm (moment due to minimum eccentricity), and
Muy = Moy + May = 58.68 + 55.19 = 113.87 kNm > 58.68 kNm (moment
due to minimum eccentricity).
Additional moments are Max = 61.71 kNm and May = 55.19 kNm
Final moments = Mux = Mox + Max = 65.34 + 61.71 = 127.05 kNm >
65.34 kNm (moment due to minimum eccentricity), and
Muy = 58.68 + 55.19 = 113.87 kNm > 58.68 kNm (moment due to
minimum eccentricity).
Mox = 70 kNm > 65.34 kNm (moment due to minimum eccentricity), and
Additional moments are Max = 61.71 kNm and May = 55.19 kNm
Final moments = Mux = Mox + Max = 70.0 + 61.71 = 131.71 kNm >
65.34 kNm (moment due to minimum eccentricity), and