Ankit Raj, a student of Buddha Institute of Technology, Gaya, received his marks for Semester V of the Diploma in Civil Engineering Examination held in February 2024. He obtained a total of 541 marks out of 750 and received grades of C or higher in all subjects except Design of Steel and RCC Structures where he received a grade of C. His SGPA was calculated at 7.87 and he was awarded a First Class with distinction based on his performance.
Ankit Raj, a student of Buddha Institute of Technology, Gaya, received his marks for Semester V of the Diploma in Civil Engineering Examination held in February 2024. He obtained a total of 541 marks out of 750 and received grades of C or higher in all subjects except Design of Steel and RCC Structures where he received a grade of C. His SGPA was calculated at 7.87 and he was awarded a First Class with distinction based on his performance.
Ankit Raj, a student of Buddha Institute of Technology, Gaya, received his marks for Semester V of the Diploma in Civil Engineering Examination held in February 2024. He obtained a total of 541 marks out of 750 and received grades of C or higher in all subjects except Design of Steel and RCC Structures where he received a grade of C. His SGPA was calculated at 7.87 and he was awarded a First Class with distinction based on his performance.
Ankit Raj, a student of Buddha Institute of Technology, Gaya, received his marks for Semester V of the Diploma in Civil Engineering Examination held in February 2024. He obtained a total of 541 marks out of 750 and received grades of C or higher in all subjects except Design of Steel and RCC Structures where he received a grade of C. His SGPA was calculated at 7.87 and he was awarded a First Class with distinction based on his performance.
Registration No : 1741521096 Roll No : 511741521096
Following are the marks obtained by ANKIT RAJ
of Buddha Institute of Technology, Gaya at Semester V of Diploma in Civil Engineering Examination 2023 (ODD) held in the month of FEB, 2024 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT FULL MARKS PASS MARKS MARKS OBTAINED NAME OF SUBJECTS CREDITS INT FIN TOTAL FIN TOTAL INT FIN TOTAL GRADE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEORY PAPERS DES. OF STEEL & RCC STRUCTURE 3 30 70 100 28 40 26 37 63 C ESTIMATING AND COSTING 3 30 70 100 28 40 26 39 65 C WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING. 3 30 70 100 28 40 27 41 68 C CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 2 30 70 100 28 40 26 43 69 C SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 2 30 70 100 28 40 27 37 64 C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRACTICAL PAPERS ESTIMATING & COSTING LAB 2 15 35 050 - 20 14 28 42 A DES. OF STEEL & RCC STRU. LAB 2 20 30 050 - 20 18 24 42 A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TERM WORK PAPERS IN-PLANT TRAINING 2 15 35 050 - 20 14 28 42 A MINOR PROJECT 2 07 18 025 - 10 06 15 21 A COURSE UNDER MOOCS /NPTEL/OT. 1 20 30 050 - 20 19 25 44 A COURSE PRIMAVERA/3D MAX/OT. 1 07 18 025 - 10 06 15 21 A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND TOTAL 23 750 541 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SGPA 7.87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS : First Class