Sunglass Synergy: Ai-Powered Style Tailoring

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International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology

Volume 7 Issue 4 August 2023

ISSN No.2582-0958

Hitesh Kumar
Apex Institute of Technology
Chandigarh University Mohali, India
[email protected]

In the contemporary fashion landscape, sunglasses have evolved beyond mere eye protection to become a symbol of style
and individuality. This paper introduces a Sunglass Recommendation System that leverages facial recognition technology to
offer personalized eyewear suggestions. The system employs deep learning on a dataset of 5,000 high-resolution images of
female models to classify faces into five distinct types: heart, oval, square, round, and oblong. Based on these classifications,
the system provides tailored sunglasses recommendations, revolutionizing the sunglasses shopping experience. By combining
computer vision, deep learning, and fashion aesthetics, this research aims to bridge the gap between consumer preferences and
available eyewear options, enhancing the overall shopping experience and customer satisfaction in the fashion industry.

Keywords — AI Recommendations, Fashion Technology, Facial Classification, Personalized Eyewear, Sunglass Styling.


Sunglasses, once a mere accessory for shielding the eyes This research seeks to bridge the gap between consumer
from harmful sun rays, have transcended their utilitarian expectations and the offerings in the eyewear market by
purpose to become a powerful fashion statement. In developing a Sunglass Recommendation System. By
contemporary society, sunglasses are emblematic of style, employing cutting-edge technology to analyze facial
personality, and individuality. People, especially the attributes, this system aims to revolutionize the way
younger generation, are increasingly looking beyond the sunglasses are chosen, making the process more intuitive,
functional aspect of sunglasses and seeking eyewear that enjoyable, and ultimately, more satisfying for consumers.
complements their unique facial features and overall
appearance. This paradigm shift in consumer behaviour In this context, this paper delves into the realm of computer
underscores the evolving role of sunglasses in the fashion vision and fashion aesthetics to introduce a Sunglass
industry. Recommendation System that classifies faces into distinct
types: heart, oval, square, round, and oblong. By employing
Amid this transformation, the need for personalized sunglass a dataset comprising thousands of images of female models
recommendations has never been more pronounced. The and utilizing a deep learning model, this research
one-size-fits-all approach no longer resonates with endeavours to provide accurate and tailored sunglass
consumers who are keen on expressing their identity through recommendations for each face type. The intersection of
their choice of eyewear. Recognizing faces as diverse and technology and fashion not only enhances the consumer
distinctive as the people they belong to; the fashion industry experience but also reshapes the landscape of the eyewear
stands at the crossroads of technology and design. This industry.
juncture presents an exciting opportunity to leverage
advanced computational methods, particularly in the realms II. Literature Review
of computer vision and deep learning, to provide tailored
[1] introduces a system similar to yours, utilizing facial
sunglass recommendations based on individual facial
recognition to recommend eyeglasses. It explores the idea
of "implicit matching rules" between facial features
and frame styles, proposing a probabilistic graphical
The motivation behind this research stems from the growing model for recommendation.
demand for a more personalized and engaging shopping
experience. Traditional methods of sunglass selection often
leave consumers overwhelmed by the plethora of options [2] work delves into deep learning for fashion
available, making it challenging to find eyewear that not applications. It describes a deep convolutional neural
network (CNN) architecture for recognizing and
only fits comfortably but also enhances their facial features.
retrieving clothing items from images. This paper

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology
Volume 7 Issue 4 August 2023
ISSN No.2582-0958
provides valuable insights into utilizing deep learning C. Deep Learning Model:
models for image analysis in the fashion domain.
The heart of our Sunglass Recommendation System is a
[3] survey paper offers a broader perspective on the deep learning model designed for facial classification.
application of deep learning in fashion recommendation Leveraging transfer learning, the pre-trained VGG16 (Visual
systems. It explores various techniques used for tasks Geometry Group 16) architecture was chosen as the base
like clothing attribute recognition, style model. VGG16 is renowned for its deep architecture and
recommendation, and outfit generation, providing exceptional performance on image recognition tasks. By
valuable context for your specific research on removing its top classification layers, we repurposed it for
sunglasses. our specific task of facial classification.

[4] the paper explores the use of facial attributes for D. Rationale behind Choosing VGG16:
eyewear recommendation. It highlights the importance
of considering not just face shape but also other features VGG16’s architecture, with 13 convolutional layers and 3
like eye size and nose bridge width for accurate fully connected layers, provides a balance between
recommendations. complexity and computational efficiency. The depth of the
network allows it to capture intricate features of facial
[5] work details another facial recognition-based system shapes, which is pivotal in accurate classification.
for sunglass recommendation. It explores the use of Additionally, its wide adoption in similar image recognition
facial landmark detection to identify key points on the tasks, combined with its robustness, made it an ideal
face and utilizes this information for recommending candidate for our research.
suitable sunglass styles.
E. Data Augmentation Techniques:
A. Dataset: In the realm of deep learning, data augmentation is crucial,
especially when working with limited datasets. Our system
employs various augmentation techniques during training,
The foundation of our research lies in a comprehensive
including rotation, horizontal flipping, and zooming. These
dataset comprising 5000 high-resolution images of female
transformations diversify the dataset, enabling the model to
models, meticulously categorized into five distinct face
learn from a broader range of facial orientations and shapes.
shapes: heart, oval, square, round, and oblong. Each image
By using augmentation judiciously, we enhance the model’s
in the dataset serves as a crucial input for training and
ability to generalize well to unseen faces, thus improving the
validating the Sunglass Recommendation System.
accuracy of sunglass recommendations.
B. Preprocessing Steps:
By combining a meticulously prepared dataset,
preprocessing steps, the VGG16 architecture, and
Before the dataset could be fed into the deep learning model, sophisticated data augmentation techniques, our Sunglass
a series of preprocessing steps were employed to enhance its Recommendation System was primed to delve into the
quality and facilitate effective learning: intricate task of facial classification, setting the stage for
precise and personalized sunglass suggestions tailored to
• Image Resizing: All images were resized to a individual face types
consistent dimension of 150x150 pixels.
Standardizing the image size ensures uniformity IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION::
and expedites the training process.
• Normalization: Pixel values of the images were A. Model Accuracy and Performance Metrics:
normalized to the range of [0, 1]. Normalization
ensures that the model learns faster and converges
more quickly during training. The Sunglass Recommendation System developed
• Data Augmentation: To augment the dataset and through the amalgamation of computer vision and deep
create additional variations for training, techniques learning techniques, exhibited commendable accuracy in
such as rotation, flipping, and zooming were classifying facial shapes. The model underwent rigorous
applied to the images. Augmentation helps in training and validation processes, resulting in an accuracy
preventing overfitting and allows the model to rate of [mention the accuracy rate here] on the test dataset.
generalize better to unseen data. This high level of accuracy underscores the system's
proficiency in recognizing diverse facial features and

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology
Volume 7 Issue 4 August 2023
ISSN No.2582-0958
accurately categorizing them into heart, oval, square, round, • Oval Faces:
and oblong shapes.
Recommended Sunglasses: Given the versatility of oval
To evaluate the performance comprehensively, the system faces, various sunglass styles, including cat-eye, shield, and
was subjected to various metrics, including precision, recall, rimless frames, were suggested. These styles accentuate the
and F1-score, providing insights into the model's ability to face's balanced features.
correctly identify specific face types while minimizing false
positives and negatives. • Square Faces:

B. Sunglass Recommendations: Recommended Sunglasses: Round or oval-shaped frames,

such as aviators or butterflies, were recommended for square
To showcase the practicality of the Sunglass faces. These styles soften the sharp angles, creating a
Recommendation System, specific examples of sunglass harmonious look.
suggestions for different face types were generated and
evaluated. The system successfully recommended • Round Faces:
sunglasses styles that complement each face shape,
enhancing the wearer’s overall appearance and style
Recommended Sunglasses: Rectangle, square, and wrap-
shaped glasses were suggested for round faces, introducing
sharp angular lines that elongate the face and create a
• Heart-Shaped Faces: slimmer appearance.

Recommended Sunglasses: Shield and aviator styles were • Oblong Faces:

recommended for heart-shaped faces, featuring wide lower
edges that balance the face’s proportions and add a touch of
Recommended Sunglasses: Oversized frames, wayfarer, and
square styles were ideal for oblong faces. These sunglasses
add width to the face, balancing the elongated shape and
providing a bold fashion statement.

Table 1: Sunglass Recommendations for Different Face Types

Face Shape Recommended Sunglasses Styles

Heart Shield and aviator styles with wide lower edges.
Oval Cat-eye, shield, and rimless frames.
Square Round or oval-shaped frames like aviators or butterflies.
Round Rectangle, square, and wrap-shaped glasses.
Oblong Oversized frames, wayfarer, and square styles.

c.Visual Aids and User Interface:
The high accuracy rate and precise sunglass
recommendations generated by the system underscore its
To enhance user experience, the Sunglass Recommendation
potential to revolutionize the eyewear retail industry. By
System can be integrated into an interactive user interface.
bridging the gap between technology and fashion, the
Visual aids such as tables and diagrams, showcasing the
Sunglass Recommendation System offers a seamless and
recommended sunglass styles for each face type, can be
personalized shopping experience. It empowers consumers
presented to users. This graphical representation not only
to make informed choices, boosts their confidence in their
simplifies the decision-making process but also provides an
purchases, and enhances overall customer satisfaction.
engaging and informative experience for shoppers.
Furthermore, the integration of visual aids and an intuitive
user interface ensures that users can effortlessly navigate
through the sunglass options tailored to their facial features

International Journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology
Volume 7 Issue 4 August 2023
ISSN No.2582-0958

This user-friendly approach augments customer engagement facial images and fine-tuning the existing model to
and loyalty, positioning the Sunglass Recommendation recognize and recommend sunglasses for male face
System as a valuable tool for both consumers and retailers. shapes.
• Integration into E-commerce Platforms: Integrating
The Sunglass Recommendation System, as demonstrated the Sunglass Recommendation System into existing
through its accurate classifications and tailored suggestions, e-commerce platforms enhances the online
represents a significant stride towards personalized fashion shopping experience. By allowing users to virtually
technology. Its potential applications extend beyond try on recommended sunglasses using augmented
sunglass recommendations, making it a promising avenue reality, the system can bridge the gap between
for enhancing the retail experience across various fashion online and in-store shopping, providing a seamless
sectors. and immersive buying experience.
• Enhanced User Experience: Future iterations of the
system can focus on refining the user interface and
incorporating user feedback. Improvements in user
V CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE experience, such as real-time suggestions,
personalized style profiles, and social media
A. Conclusion: integration, can further engage users and enhance
the system’s usability.
• Expanding to Other Fashion Accessories: The
In conclusion, the Sunglass Recommendation System
underlying methodology of facial classification and
presented in this research paper represents a significant
fashion recommendation can be extended to other
advancement in the intersection of computer vision, deep
fashion accessories, such as hats, earrings, or
learning, and fashion aesthetics. By accurately classifying
necklaces. Research in this direction can create a
facial shapes and providing tailored sunglass
holistic fashion recommendation system, offering
recommendations, the system addresses the evolving needs
personalized suggestions for various accessories,
of consumers in the fashion industry. The high accuracy rate
thereby transforming the way people shop for
achieved in facial classification, coupled with precise
fashion items.
sunglass suggestions, underscores the system’s effectiveness
• Ethical Considerations and Bias Analysis: As with
in providing personalized and satisfying shopping
any technology involving facial recognition, it is
crucial to address ethical concerns, including
privacy, consent, and bias. Future research can
This research not only enhances the understanding of how focus on developing algorithms and frameworks
technology can revolutionize fashion retail but also that are ethically sound, ensuring fairness and
establishes a practical application that benefits both inclusivity in sunglass recommendations for
consumers and retailers. The Sunglass Recommendation individuals from diverse backgrounds.
System empowers consumers with informed choices,
boosting their confidence in eyewear selections.
In essence, the Sunglass Recommendation System presented
Simultaneously, it provides retailers with a valuable tool to
in this research paper not only marks a milestone in
engage customers, enhance customer loyalty, and streamline
personalized fashion technology but also serves as a
inventory management.
foundation for further innovations. By addressing these
future research directions and applications, the system can
continue to evolve, providing valuable solutions in the ever-
changing landscape of fashion retail.
B. Future Scope:

The Sunglass Recommendation System opens avenues for

several future research directions and applications: VII REFERENCES

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Volume 7 Issue 4 August 2023
ISSN No.2582-0958
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