d100 Magic Bows - Single Page Vertical
d100 Magic Bows - Single Page Vertical
d100 Magic Bows - Single Page Vertical
1 Just add Rope to an Arrow, and you can fire surprisingly reliable Grapnels for Climbing
2 Aim is unimpeded by Wind or Weather, provided the bow is bathed in Holy Water 1/week 52 Lets you transform into Frog for Week, once a Year; has a tendency to attract amorous Royalty
3 Altitude Sickness will never bother the bearer of this Bow strung with Cloud Giantess Hair 53 Magical Resonance leaks from string, 1/month symbols/prayers appear on forearm (as Scroll)
4 An Animal shot with this Bow that survives can be tracked indefinitely without issue 54 Message Wrapped around arrow will travel to recipient (even across planes), once a month
5 Any arrow fired into body of water transforms into Fish that will lead others to nets/lines 55 Missiles fired leave absolutely no mark on their prey, but harm just the same
6 Anything fired from this Bow passes effortlessly through Magical Walls and Barriers 56 Monthly, One and only one Feather from any Fowl shot will yield a Random Feather Token
7 Archer can target opponent's Shields 1/day: on hit Non-magical Shields Shatter 57 Mouse carving on Stave finial can animate 2/day, diligently chews wood to craft 3 arrows
8 Arrow fired outside can turn into Raven, scout for 4 hours and return (speaks Elf) 2/week 58 Multiple moist Eyes on Stave open & close, each AM Bearer granted random Detection Spell
9 Arrows veer to strike Unseen Targets (no penalty), Bow is detested by Invisible Stalkers 59 Never runs out of ammunition, provided wielder is barefoot on soil
10 Barring misadventure, bearer will live twice as long into Old Age as normal for Species 60 Nocked Arrows murmur, shriek when fired, you can speak the language of anything shot 1/day
11 Bird/Bear/ Snake/Salmon on Stave, choose 1/day: Can speak to that Class for 10 minutes 61 Of Hobgoblin make, rigidly enforced ancient traditions entitle bearer to Bodyguards
12 Bow stave can transform into a loyal Spitting Cobra for 3 turns once every full moon 62 Once attuned to bearer (takes week), others touching the bow receives a strong electrical shock
13 Bowstring can bind hands of Magic Users or Godlings, no magic, cannot be escaped from 63 Once per month, arrow fired functions as a Philter of Love (only lasts a week)
14 Bowyers seeing this Bow are seized by feverish dreams, possibly resulting in a Magic Bow 64 Owner can accurately predict the next day's Weather half the time via snatches of Cricket Song
15 Braced against/Bar a shut Door, requires at least Ogre Strength to potentially dislodge 65 Planted in ground, will grow into a fruit-heavy Apple Tree in 3 minutes, new Stave must be cut
16 Bury with a Corpse, a Skeletal Ghoul Archer will Rise and serve for Meals for a week 66 Possessed by Soul of a Tomcat, hates Vermin, passes nine Saves for you then becomes ordinary
17 Can be fired into a Crowd with no danger of hitting anyone but intended target 67 Refuses to fire under a Roof, but outside treat ranges as miles, complimentary Hawksight (1/day)
18 Cannot be burnt short of Phoenix Fire, bearer remains similarly unscathed 68 Rhymes with #20 only Hot Embers, Moonlight, and Flames
19 Capable of changing arrow into a thirst of up to six Stirges 1/week if rubbed with Blood 69 Roughly arrow sized and shaped objects transform to Arrows if nocked on the string
20 Cold Rime coated in the Sunlight (wear gloves); Arrows deal additional Icy damage 70 Sailing through multiple Planes, Arrows fired from this Bow strike the Astral/Ethereal just fine
21 Command word said, missile ethereal for a few seconds, enough to pass through a door 71 Sap like tears from detailed face carvings can glue shut any Lock permanently
22 Couples Handfasted by Bearer can send short telepathic messages (7 words) to each other 72 Seamlessly slotted into Stave is a sturdy Stylus that halves time to Scribe a Scroll (1 per Month)
23 Doubly effective from Horseback instead of any standard penalties 73 Shoot with wrong hand, arrows Heal instead of Harm (2/day)
24 Dragons sense & hate Bow: mere presence within an acre neutralizes Breath Weapons 74 Should bearer Fall, back sprouts Sugar Maple samaras-like structures to slow their descent
25 Dress a Scarecrow in clothes worn & treasured by Target, 1 Arrow fired into it affect them 75 Should it be Broken, Oath sworn by Two Parties holding Bow results in the Death of the Breaker
26 Elegantly curved & reminiscent of the Roc-Sized Flamingo it can transform into 1/year 76 Silver Coin rubbed length of Stave makes the next arrow Silvered for the purposes of damage
27 Elfs sneeze thrice violently in its presence, and no flora will harm whoever wields it 77 Smells of Garlic, disdain for Vampires, shoot one, immune to its Drain, can be used as Stake
28 Enchanted Arrows fired can Skywrite a Message visible for miles (1 missile/word) 78 So long as you have an Arrow nocked, you possess the Stealth of a Bugbear
29 Enemy Arrows sometimes fail to strike true (30' radius, thrice a day) 79 Spelunker's Friend: Canary Carving turns sickly Green/Chirps in presence of dangerous gases
30 Every week, 1 Arrow imbued with a Random Spider Venom if the Bow is oiled with Wine 80 Sprouts the leaves once a day, with a two-in-six chance of them being Medicinal Herbs
31 Exceptional range (at least 10x) waxes and wanes with the phases of the Moon 81 Squirrels bring small gifts to the Bearer of this Bow should they sleep in the woods
32 Finely scrimshawed Sea Serpent Bone, works just as well underwater 82 String snaps loudly, or if unstrung snakes and tightens around wrist around Werefolk
33 Fire into air, snap fingers in a week, arrow hits non-living target (3/week, outdoors only) 83 Targets illuminated by Faerie Fire can be automatically hit for maximum damage 3/day
34 Fire up to 5 arrows, whistle to stop mid-air, all loose at the thrum the empty String (1/day) 84 The Archer can choose to have arrows fired at distant targets trail colorful smoke: Aiding ally fire
35 Fired alongside at least four other Bows at a Funeral: Deceased will not rise as Undead 85 This Bow can change sizes between Gnome, Short, and Long (one step/direction) twice a day
36 Firing into Storm Clouds will delay any Rain by up to an hour 86 Touched to Statue, ask it one question consisting of no more than 5 words, answers with 5 also
37 Five Feathers tied to Stave, replenish weekly if used for Fletching if one always remains 87 Troll-gut String never breaks, bearer eventually can regenerate lost fingers/toes
38 For each shot fired on a given day, Bearer may consume a toxic plant /berry without Harm 88 Twice a week, after firing a magical arrow, the next arrow has identical properties
39 For the duration of a Religiously Significant week, Arrows from Bow instantly slay Devils 89 Unerringly strikes the Bullseye of Archery Targets, but sets them afire half the time
40 Functions as Dowsing Rod, bending at water source, sometimes finds treasure 90 Unstrung and placed on grass, will slowly shift to point to nearest Game Animal
41 Gripping this Nervous Bow tightly on Watch makes surprise impossible (for up to 4 hours) 91 Up to an Army's Volley can be transformed into vibrant and harmless Butterflies 1/day
42 Held in hand, bearer can leap 4x as far provided they have not eaten meat in the last week 92 Utterly Unbreakable (tested by Titans), can be used to Parry and Block blows as a Shield
43 Herd Animals slain by this Bow will feed four times as many people 93 When wielded by a Widow all ranges and damage are doubled
44 Hitting a Polymorphed/Shape-changer with this Silver Bow forces Save or revert Shape 94 Wherever an arrow lands, wielder can hear sounds at the location for up to an hour (1/week)
45 Holding this Bow entitles the bearer to an additional Save against Mind-Altering effects 95 While holding this Bow, can see through the eyes of any Owl that you possess a Feather from
46 If used as a splint for a broken limb, the bone will mend overnight 96 Wielder can choose to have their Arrow slay any foe hit, for the paltry cost of a Finger
47 Imbued with Sylvan Glamers, wielder can alter hair/eye color/height (+/- 1 ft.) twice a day 97 With sufficient practice, Archer can target Reflections and fire through Mirrors to hit their Prey
48 Inexplicably, Electrical attacks arc back at source for Bearer of this strange Metallic Bow 98 Wolf packs will defer to you as their Alpha for a Night, provided you feed them Meat (1/month)
49 Instantly enumerate herds of Cattle, flocks of Sheep, or other livestock 99 Wood Golems encountered by the wielder treat them as one of their own
50 Intentionally Miss a Target to create roiling, thick Fog (40' radius, up to 10' high) 1/day 100 You can choose to be immune to Reversed Prayers for a day, the next day Unreversed won't work