100 Programming Concepts
100 Programming Concepts
100 Programming Concepts
# Part 1
1. Recursion it's like Inception for code you know the movie where they go deeper
and deeper into a Dream Within A Dream well recursion is like that but with code
just keep going deeper and deeper until you reach the base case or until you're so
confused you can't tell if you're awake or asleep
2. Big O notation it's like the calorie count of code just like you want to keep
your calorie counter low you want to keep your Big O notation low it's a measure of
how efficient your code is and no one likes slow code
3. Lambda function Lambda functions are the secret agents of code short sweet and
to the point Lambda functions are Anonymous functions that can be used to perform a
quick operation and then disappear into the night leaving no Trace behind
4. functional programming it's like the vegan of code no side effects no mutations
Just Pure Clean functions that don't rely on any external State it's the code
equivalent of eating a salad while object-oriented programming is just like a juicy
5. memoization it's like the cheat sheet of code instead of recalculating the same
thing over and over memoization saves the result for later use it's like using the
save function in a video game but for code
6. monads the black sheep of code monads are a bit weird and often misunderstood
but they're incredibly powerful think of them like a box you can put your code in
and suddenly your code becomes easier to work with
7. continuation passing style the marathon runner of code instead of taking a break
it keeps chugging it along passing the control of the code from one function to the
next it's a bit like passing the Baton in a relay race but with code
8. higher order functions this chef of code just like a chef can take a bunch of
ingredients and turn them into a delicious meal higher order functions can take
other functions and turn them into something even more powerful
9. category Theory the theoretical physics of code it's a branch of mathematics
that deals with the structure of properties and the relationships of mathematical
objects and it's an incredibly powerful tool for understanding code
10. tail call optimization this helps your code stay lean and efficient by removing
unnecessary function calls at the end of a function think of it like cutting out
that last rep at the gym to avoid burnout
1. Method: a method is a block of code that performs a specific task methods are
associated with objects and can be used to manipulate the object's data let's say
we have an object of a car we can Define methods like start stop or accelerate and
with these methods we can perform the tasks that we want
2. Constructor: a Constructor is a special method that is used to create an object
when an object is created The Constructor is called to initialize the object
Constructors can take parameters to initialize the object's properties
3. Parent Classes: a parent class can Define prop these are methods that are
inherited by its child classes so imagine you have a parent class of a vehicle we
can create child classes like car bus and bike that inherit the properties and
methods of the vehicle class
4. Subclasses: the subclass is a class that inherits properties and methods from
its parent class it's the same thing as a child class and subclassers can also add
their own properties and methods
5. Abstract classes: an abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated and
is intended to be subclassed an abstract class can Define abstract methods which
are methods that are not implemented in the abstract class but must be implemented
in its subclasses
6. method signature: a method signature is just a combination of a method's name
and its parameters method signatures are often used to differentiate methods with
the same name but with different parameters
7. overloading method: overloading is the ability to Define multiple methods with
the same name but different parameters this allows us devs to perform the same task
with different data types or numbers of parameters number
8. single responsibility principle: this is a really important one and it's a
principle of object-oriented design where each class should only have one
responsibility this means that each class should be responsible for only one aspect
of the program's functionality
9. open closed principle: this is another principle of object-oriented design where
classes are open for extension but close for modification so this means that we
should be able to add new functionality to a class without changing its existing
1. Functions: blocks of code that perform a specific task us programmers reuse them
to break up code into manageable pieces and they make it easier to read and
maintain the code
2. Conditionals: additionals are used to control the flow of a program based on a
given condition you probably heard about them conditionals allow us to create logic
that executes certain actions based on whether or not a certain condition is met
like if the age is over 20 years it then perform a specific Action
3. Loops: pretty similar to conditionals but they're the most important one in the
whole alphabet they're used to iterate over a set of data or perform a specific
action a certain number of times Loops are really useful for automating repetitive
tasks and processing large amounts of data
4. Inheritance: a key Concept in object-oriented programming that allows one class
to inherit properties and methods from another class the reason the inheritance is
actually a thing is because it reduces code duplication and allows for easier
maintenance you're only going to have to change the code in one place
5. Encapsulation: it's the practice of hiding implementation details and exposing
only what is necessary to the user so by using the encapsulation Technique we can
make the code more maintainable and actually secure
6. Objects: they're used to store related data and functionality in a program
they're often used to represent Real World objects such as cars or people and can
be manipulated through methods
7. Arrays: one of what we call a data structure and they're used to store
collections of data in a program we can manipulate and iterate over large sets of
data easily and these large sets of data can be erased
1. Model View View Model Architecture: MVVM is a design pattern used for building
user interfaces it separates the application into model which is the data and logic
view which is the user interface and view model which is the mediator between model
and view it's commonly used in Frameworks like angular and knockout.js
2. Single Page Applications: SPAs load a single HTML page and dynamically update
content using JavaScript this provides a Sumo the user experience by avoiding full
page reloads in this example we have a simple react-based Spa that displays
different pages such components without reloading the entire page thirdly we have
rooting in web applications rooting Maps URLs to specific views or components in a
web app allowing users to navigate between different parts of the app in this
example we're using the react router to Define routes for different pages in a web
3. Web Services: web services enable communication between applications of over the
4. SOAP: one of the protocols used for structured data Exchange in this example
we're creating a soap based web service and a simple one of that
5. GraphQL Queries: graphql is a query language that allows clients to request
specific data from a server it reduces over fetching or under fetching of data and
in this example we're sending a graphql query to request specific fields of a user
6. JSON Web Tokens: JWT is a token format used for securely transmitting
information it consists of a header payload and signature in this example we are
generating and verifying JWT tokens for user authentication
7. OAuth and OAuth2: these are authentication and authorization Frameworks used for
secure access to resources in this example we're implementing Google sign in using
oauth for third-party applications
8. Some security measures
a. cross-site scripting prevention this involves input validation output encoding
and security headers to protect against malicious script injection
b. csrf or cross-site request forgery in these protection methods include food
using anti-zero surf tokens and same origin policies to prevent unauthorized
requests and in the example that's exactly what we're doing we're adding an anti-cr
surf token to forms
1. Content Security Policy (CSP): a security feature that helps prevent cross-site
scripting it does this by defining which sources of content are allowed to be
loaded on a web page it mitigates the risks associated with executing unauthorized
2. Front-end State Management libraries: like redox help manage the state of a web
application they provide a centralized store for data and ensure predictable data
flow in this example we're using Redux to manage application state
3. Server Side Rendering (SSR): a technique where the server generates the initial
HTML for a web page and sends it to the client this improves SEO and initial load
times in this example we're just rendering a react component on the server
4. WebAssembly: webassembly is a binary instruction format that enables high
performance execution of code and web browsers it allows running code written in
languages like CNC plus plus directly in the browser in this example we're
compiling C code to webassembly and running it in a web application
5. Progressive Enhancement: this is a design approach that ensures web content and
functionality works on all devices and browsers starting with the basic experience
on enhancing it from more capable ones
6. Web Workers: these are JS scripts that run in the background they run separate
from the main browser thread they enable multitasking and can perform tasks like
calculations or data processing in this example we're creating and using a basic
web worker for parallel processing
7. Client-side Storage: it allows web applications to store data on the user's
device this data stays there even after the browser is closed
8. A/B Testing: A/B testing is a technique to compare two versions of a web page it
determines which one is better in terms of user engagement or conversion rates
9. Wireframing and Prototyping: wireframing and prototyping are techniques for
Designing and testing the UI of a web app before development wireframes are low
Fidelity sketches while prototypes are interactive representation
welcome to the world of programming in this field we understand the code but not
the concepts behind the code but don't worry because I'm here to demystify the
often overlooked and misunderstood Concepts that every developer should know with
first up we have usability testing usability testing involves evaluating a
product's user interface by having users interact with it the goal is to identify
usability issues and make improvements for a better user experience
secondly we have responsive design Frameworks for example bootstrap responsive
design Frameworks like bootstrap provide pre-built CSS and JavaScript components
that make it easier to create mobile-friendly unresponsive web designs
next up we have content delivery networks or cdns these are distributed networks of
servers that deliver web content for example images video scripts and they do this
to users from geographically closer locations this reduces latency and speeds up
content delivery
next up we have cloud service providers like AWS or Azure cloud service providers
offer an on-demand Computing resource like virtual servers storage images databases
and more via the cloud
Next up we have infrastructure orchestration infrastructure orchestration automates
the provisioning configuration and management of IIT resources such as servers and
networks this helps application deployment and scaling
next up we have continuous delivery continuous delivery is a software development
practice where code changes are automatically built tested and deployed to
production it ensures a rapid and reliable release process
and lastly we have incident response planning this involves preparing for and
responding to cyber security incidents and breaches it includes creating a strategy
defining roles and establishing procedures to address security threats
I hope this video was of value to you and if it was thanks for watching if you
liked this video then subscribe and then I'll see you in the next one
welcome to the world of programming where the only thing higher than understanding
what is going on is understanding where you came to this field in the first place
but don't worry because I'm here to demystify the often overlooked and
misunderstood Concepts that every developer should know
first up we have partial application partial application involves fixing a certain
number of arguments of a function and generating a new function with fewer
parameters this is particularly useful for creating more specialized functions
based on existing ones
memoization memoization is a technique for optimizing function calls by caching the
results of expensive function calls and reusing them when the same inputs occur
again it's often used to improve the performance of recursive functions
tail call optimization tceo is an optimization technique that allows recursive
functions to be executed without adding additional stack frames this prevents stack
Overflow errors and is a common feature in functional programming languages
ammonoid is a mathematical structure that forms the basis of many functional
programming Concepts such as folding operations and mapreduce it consists of a set
an associative binary operation and an identity element
zippers zippers are data structures used for traversing and manipulating
hierarchical or nested data such as trees or XML documents while maintaining a
functional and immutable approach
continuation passing style CPS is a programming style where functions take in extra
arguments known as a continuation function this allows for more and fine-grained
control over program flow often used in asynchronous and event-driven programming
free monads are a way to build domain specific languages in a functional way they
provide a framework for creating interpreters for dsls and are commonly used in
functional programming for abstracting side effects
Church encoding and this is a technique for representing data types and control
structures using only functions it's a foundational Concept in Lambda calculus and
is used to demonstrate the expressive power of functional programming
Monad transformers this is a way to combine multiple monads into a single motor to
handle complex scenarios such as combining State error handling and asynchronous
functions in an operational way
algebraic effects algebraic effects is an advanced concept that allows for the
definition of custom computational effects in a pure and composable manner
honestly I only knew about half of these so thanks for watching if you liked this
video then subscribe and then I'll see you in the next one
welcome to the world of programming where the only thing higher than understanding
what is going on is understanding where you came to this field in the first place
but don't worry because I'm here to demystify the often overlooked and
misunderstood Concepts that every developer should know
first up we have Quantum machine learning Quantum machine learning combines
principles of quantum Computing with machine learning algorithms it explores the
potential for quantum computers to solve complex AI problems more efficiently such
as optimization and cryptography
explainable AI X AI focuses on making AI systems more transparent and interpretable
it seeks to provide human readable explanations for AI decisions particularly in
critical domains like healthcare and finance
neural Evolution neural evolution is an AI technique inspired by Natural Evolution
it involves evolving neural network architectures and parameters using genetic
algorithms allowing AI systems to adapt and improve over time until eventually we
have the Terminator and I'm probably going to be sorry I said that anyway
transfer learning transfer learning is a technique where a pre-trained model is
used as a starting point for training a new model On a related task this concept
accelerates model training and requires less labeled data
zero shot learning zero shot learning aims to teach AI models to recognize and
perform tasks that they have never ever seen before it's about enabling AI to
generalize from existing knowledge to new and unfamiliar situations
Federated learning Federated learning is a privacy preserving technique where
machine learning models are trained across multiple decentralized devices or
servers allowing AI to learn from data without it leaving the user's device
One-Shot learning is an approach to machine learning where the model is trained to
recognize new objects or concepts based on a single example rather than the
traditional requirement of many labeled examples
ethical AI design patterns these are the sets of best practices and guidelines for
Designing AI systems with a focus on fairness accountability and ethics these
patterns help developers make ethical decisions throughout the AI development
Automated machine learning Auto ml refers to the automation of the end-to-end
machine learning process including data pre-processing feature selection model
selection and Hyper parameter tuning it aims to democratize machine learning by
making it accessible to non-experts
Ai and generative art as you know AI has been used in generative art to create
Visual and auditory content General of adversarial networks are often employed to
produce unique and creative artworks music and even literature so that is what
creates the art
thanks for watching if you like this video then subscribe and I'll see you in the
next one
welcome to the world of programming where the only thing higher than understanding
what is going on is understanding why you came to this field in the first place but
don't worry because I'm here to demystify the often overlooked and misunderstood
Concepts that every developer should know object oriented programming edition
first up we have classes and I'm sure you know what this is a class is a blueprint
or template for creating objects it defines the attributes and behaviors that the
objects of that class will have for example a car class might have attributes like
color and speed and methods like accelerate and break an object is an instance of a
class it is a concrete realization of the class's blueprint with its own set of
attribute values for instance a Toyota Corolla is an object of the car class
encapsulation is the concept of building data and methods that operate on that data
within a class it restricts direct access to the internal state of an object and
promotes data are hiding and protection
inheritance allows a new class to inherit attributes and methods from an existing
class it promotes code reuse and the creation of hierarchical class structures
polymorphism means many forms and allows objects of different classes to be treated
as objects of a common superclass it enables flexibility in method calls such as
using a generic function that can operate on many different types of objects
abstraction is the process of simplifying complex systems by modeling classes based
on their essential properties and behaviors while hiding unnecessary details it
helps developers focus on what an object does rather than how it does it
method overloading allows a class to have multiple methods with the same name but
different parameter lists it's useful for writing multiple ways to perform the same
action it occurs when a subclass provides its own implementation of a method that
is already defined in the superclass it allows for customizing Behavior while
maintaining a common method signature
a Constructor is a special method in a class used for initializing objects when
they are created it typically sets initial values for object attributes
Constructors often have the same name as the class
getter methods are used to retrieve the values of private or encapsulated
Setter methods are used to modify the values of private attributes while enforcing
validation rules or logic
and composition is a design principle that allows a class to be composed of one or
more objects of other classes it enables the creation of complex structures by
assembling simpler objects for example car class may be composed of engine wheel
and transmission objects that's composition
thanks for watching if you like this video then subscribe and then I'll see you in
the next one