Perpustakaan Ump: Provided by UMP Institutional Repository
Perpustakaan Ump: Provided by UMP Institutional Repository
Perpustakaan Ump: Provided by UMP Institutional Repository
Provided by UMP Institutional Repository
JULY 2014
Traffic flow disruption had been rapidly increase in Malaysia This problem, which
causes traffic problems and sometimes vehicles, had lined up (bumper to bumper).
Problem in traffic flow occur because of some disturbance factors. Problem of traffic
flow disruption during peak hours al*ays occur and posed problem to community and
their daily activities. Therefore, this research was conducted to evaluate the traffic flow
performance based on link capacity analysis and parking occupancy and to identify the
problems faced by the residents which affect to their daily activities. To achieve the
objective, a link capacity and parking study was carried out alongside with the
distribution of questionnaire to the residents. A straight road of Jalan Maran-Gambang
was selected to serve as a study area. From the result it was shown that the occupancy
of parking is 83.82%. Thus, it is may cause of traffic congestion because other vehicles
need to slow down their vehicles and time delay also will be increase. If more short
parking the more it affects the rate of traffic movements. Result also had shown from
link capacity analysis. The Level of Service (LOS) of the traffic flow is LOS C and for
the growth factor 15% the LOS remain same. From the questionnaire, the result shown
that the major factors of traffic flow disruption is heavy vehicles. It can be conclude that
the major disturbance factors are from heavy vehicles (91%), the pattern of the parking
(87%) and also the narrow road (76%) that may pose danger to community.
Gangguan aliran lalu lintas semakin menular di Malaysia dari semasa ke semasa.
Masalah mi disebabkan oleh aliran lalu lintas serta kenderaan yang kadang kala terpaksa
berbaris sehingga hamper bertembung antara satu sama lain. Masalah aliran lalu lintas
mi disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Masalah mi sering berlaku pada waktu puncak dan
mendatangkan masalah kepada masyarakat sekitar serta aktiviti seharian mereka Oleh
itu, kaj ian mi dij alankan bagi menilai prestasi aliran lalu lintas menggunakan analisis
kapasiti pautan dan analisi penghunian tempat letak kereta serta mengenalpasti masalah
yang dihadapi oleh penduduk yang memberi kesan kepada aktiviti harian mereka. Untuk
mencapai matlamat tersebut, kapasiti link dan kajian tempat letak kenderaan telah
dijalankan bersama dengan pengedaran soal selidik kepada penduduk. Satu jalan lurus
Jalan Maran-Gambang telah dipilih untuk berkhidmat sebagai kawasari kajian. Dan
hasil yang ia menunjukkan bahawa penghunian letak kereta adalah 83,82%. Oleh itu,
adalah boleh menyebabkan kesesakan lalu lintas kerana kenderaan lain perlu
memperlahankan kenderaan mereka dan kelewatan masa juga akan meningkat. Jika
tempat letak kereta lebih pendek maka ia mempengaruhi kadar pergerakan lalu lintas.
Keputusan juga menunjukkan daripada analisis kapasiti pautan. Tahap Perkhidmatan
(LOS) aliran lalu lintas ialah LOS C dan atas faktor pertumbuhan 15%, LOS kekal
sama. Daripada soal selidik, hasilnya menunjukkan bahawa faktor-faktor utama aliran
gangguan trafik adalah kenderaan berat. Kesimpulannya, bahawa faktor-faktor
gangguan utama adalah dari kenderaan berat (91%), corak tempat letak kereta (87%)
danjugajalan kecil (76%) yang boleh mendatangkan bahaya kepada masyarakat.
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Traffic Volume 5
3.1 Introduction 14
3.2 Research Planning 14
3.2.1 Scope of Research 15
3.3 Location Of Study 16
3.3.1 Characteristic of Route 16
3.3.2 Instruments Used 17
3.4 Data Collection 17
3.4.1 Pilot Survey 18
3.4.2 Traffic Volume Survey 18
3.4.3 Parking Survey 19
3.4.4 Questionnaire 19
3.5 Data Analysis 21
3.5.1 Link Capacity Analysis 21
3.5.2 Parking Analysis 21
3.6 Conclusion 22
4.1 Introduction 23
4.2 Traffic Volume Study 23
4.3 Parking Survey 26
4.3.1 License Plate Survey 26
5.1 Introduction 35
5.2 Conclusions 35
H Hour
% Percentages
0 MA
Nowadays, our country had developed rapidly which provide some facilities
contribute to the high standard of living. However, the problems that occur on the
highway and with the availability of transports facility provided a negative impact on
some communities. This problem includes crashes, delays, parking difficulties and
congestions. To reduce this negative impact, it is necessary to adequate the information
to identify the problems.
Traffic problems are not a new thing that happened in our country. Traffic flow
problem, not just only occurs at urban area, but also happen in rural route area. This
problem arises when the route becomes one of the main roads from rural area to an
urban area. Besides that, it is also become an issue when the road becomes the only one
main road of heavy vehicles such as truck. This situation creates a lot of problems for
other users especially for people living near the road and has their daily activities such
as make a small business selling fresh food and fruits. Rapid development in the area
will generate economic activity of the area. This will attract more people particularly the
rural population focused on the area.
Therefore, this research should be evaluated by taking the data traffic volume
and relate with time which is during peak hour. In addition, this research also important
to assess the road situation which shows the maximum level of usage.
In general, the traffic problem also occurs in rural areas, especially route where
people conduct their daily routine activities. The problems that occur are:-
ii. Problems faced by people living in the study area and their daily activities.
This research focused on the first problem often occurs during peak hours. This
is caused by the varying classification of vehicles and which causes traffic problems and
sometimes vehicles had lined up (bumper to bumper). This problem occurs when the
society is undergoing their daily activities to run a business. They are sufficiently
exposed to danger because the roads are narrow and pose a danger to anyone passing by
the road. These problems become more prominent when vehicles are parked
unorganized. The parking spaces that had been provided not be used but they used the
road's shoulder as a car park. There were being more complicated when heavy vehicles
such as truck with 3 axles or more parked their vehicles there. This incident will pose
problems to communities and also to their daily activities. As shown in figure 1.1, the
incident happens during peak hours which are during afternoon at Pekan Gambang.
The aim of this research is to identify the disturbance factors of traffic flow to
the communities in Jalan Maran - Gambang.
Data and observations will be taken at several locations of the study. To achieve
the aim of this study, the objectives have been identified:
To evaluate the traffic flow performance based on link analysis capacity and
parking occupancy.
ii. To identify the problems faced by peoples around Jalan Maran - Gambang
in which affect their daily activities.
The scope of this research focused on the traffic flow in Jalan Maran -
Gambang. The data of classification of vehicles, and the counting vehicles will be taken
during peak hours according to specific time. Parking survey will be conducted to
identify whether parking pattern is the major factor of traffic flow disruption. Besides
that, a few of questions using questionnaire were distributed to the communities in the
area of study such as workers, visitors etc. to support this research. Through information
obtained, the data and observations will be analyzed and a histogram graph will be
formed. Data of classification of vehicle will relate with time which is at 6.30 A.M to
7.30 A.M, 12 P.M to 1 P.M and 5 P.M to 6 P.M for 5 days. The observation of the
number of vehicle also will be count to find the level of service (LOS) of the road.
To identify traffic flow problem, the author needs to identify input such as
traffic volume and the characteristic of the road. The finding input needs to accurately.
analyze. Therefore, the result of this research is important to solve the problems that
occur. The information obtains can be recorded and subsequently analyzed. With data
analysis,some implementation will produce to upgrade the condition of the road. It will
give a positive impact to the people around and other road users. This research will help
to reduce traffic flow problems thus reducing the rate of danger to people cross the road
or people around especially their health problem. This study is also necessary to identify
the main cause traffic problems and be able to know the traffic flow problems always
The obstructed of the traffic flow or also known as traffic congestion is some of
the major consequence to the public safety. Analysis of traffic flow is one of the studies
of interaction between drivers, vehicles and infrastructure. This analysis is for
upgrading of traffic more efficiently and reduces the traffic congestion. The traffic flow
at some places or area is different for example; in an urban area the traffic conditions
may be more extreme than in rural areas or villages.
Traffic also affect various aspects related to communities' lives such as, walking
or crossing the road, visitors parking, and also their health. Parking is one of the major
problems that are created by the increasing of the traffic congestions.
Traffic volume is the traffic intensity in a road for a period of time. To calculate
the traffic volume through various ways such as people counting the number of vehicles
manually or by using electronic tools which is nowadays another country starting to use
because it is more effective. Traffic volume is calculated to identify the route that
frequently used and have high traffic volume. If the route has an excessive number of
vehicles, the council will add a new alternative route so that it will reduce the traffic
congestion. According to the statement by Michael Z.F.Li, 1999, in Singapore, a
restriction has been conducted which is known as the Whole-day Area Licensing
Scheme (WALS) to road users to make payments as toll for each category of vehicles
with different costs. As the result, the problems of traffic flow are reduced especially
during peak hours. But this restriction doesn't remain an automatically disbanded
because of communities in Singapore who cannot afford at that time. To solve this
problem, (McCarthy and Tay, 1992) start their research to get an estimate traffic
congestion using traffic count data.
Many research about this issue to identify the vehicle classification using data
from traffic monitoring and data collection system. Reviews on this topic were provided
by many researchers (e.g., Sun, 2000; Mimbela and Klein, 2000; Benekohal and
Girianna, 2003). The importance of regional demand and emission control is the vehicle
classification data (Sun and Bun, 2013). Roadway usage by large vehicles is one of the
fundamental factors determining the lifespan of highway infrastructure (Coifman and
Kim, 2009). According to (Sun and Bun, 2013) the uses of GPS data can easily know
the speed, acceleration and deceleration rate with different classes of vehicles.
Vehicle Vehicle
class Description
A Small goods Bicycle, motorcycle, cycle-trailers, oxcarts with
vehicle pneumatic rollers, donkey carts and other NIVIT,
pick-up, GVW 1.5 tos, length 6.5m, width
2.0m, and light trailer with GVW 1.0t.
B Light truck Rigid light truck: GVW> 1.5 and < 3.5t, length
6.5m, width S 2.3m
C Ligt truck Rigid light truck: GVW> 3.5t and < 8t, length
6.5m, width :5 2.3m
D Medium Rigid light truck: GVW> 8t and < 12t, length :5
6.5m, width 2.3m. Or farm tractor or traction unit
with trailer: GVW> 1.Ot and < 8t, length :5 7.5m,
width 2.3m.
2.2.2 Capacity
Capacity is defined as the maximum mean hourly rate and the maximum number
of vehicles that pass through a point in a specified road and traffic conditions (John
Van, 2004). The road capacity is different for each intersection and at a long route. To
identify the capacity of each route, a study was conducted and showed the relationships
between capacity of the road and the result of level-of-service offered to the user of the
Table 2.2: Level of Service for Basic Freeway Section of 70 Km/h Design Speed
Table 2.2 shows the condition of the road according to the capacity and flow
condition. The maximum capacity is 2000 vehlhr/lane that caused the flow of traffic is
very congested. The purpose of road capacity study was conducted to find out the
capacity of the road to accommodate the road. This is to avoid traffic congestion.
Traffic congestion occurs because of the ability to accommodate the traffic exceeds the
capacity of the road. In a particular location, road capacity will not be increased to
accommodate the growth of uses of the car but the h of vehicles must be in accordance
with the existing capacity. To reduce the traffic growth and the amount of traffic time,
the road capacity policy needs to focus more (Phil Goodwin). SACTRA concluded that
the increases in road capacity in congested condition were likely to induce additional
Among the important factors that affect the value of the capacity is shoulder
width, lane width, and traffic flow characteristic.
The shoulder of the road a s shown in Table 2.3, is the side of the road at every
road. But there are some roads do not have the shoulder such a federal road. The
shoulder of the road is often used by motorists as a place for vehicles that are damaged,
or used by emergency vehicles such as ambulance or firefighters. Besides, the shoulder
of the road is usually used to improve road safety by increasing visibility. In terms of its
structure, it can support surface with the loading imposed by the road surface. Road
users are also able to standardize their speed if collide with other vehicles. As shown in
figure 2.3, JKR standardize the shoulder width according to the design road
Table 2.3: Shoulder Width for Rural route with different location
Next is the characteristic of the traffic flow. The characteristic of traffic flow is
greatly influencing the capacity of the road. This is because of the type of vehicles using
the road at any one time is quite different. At one time, the various types of vehicles
such as heavy vehicles and light vehicles will reduce the value of capacity. Heavy
vehicles required more space than light vehicles such as cars. Heavy vehicles also have
lower velocity or speed than light vehicles and cause traffic flow more slowly.
around the road, it may cause suffering and ill from various kinds of diseases.
According to the research (Nicole A.H, 2003), most of the children who live near a busy
traffic may have impaired respiratory health. These problems result from exposure to
exhaust vehicles. Air pollution occurs when pollutants released by vehicles such as fine
particles, nitrogen oxides d diesel soot that can cause heart and breathing problems. This
is also may pose problem when the traffic flows is inconsistent and always have traffic
congestion. The pollution problems caused by traffic congestion not only an impact to
health in the short term but also in the long term. This problem can also lead to death if
the problem is not contained.
The numbers of uses of vehicles become increasing from year to year, between
1998 and 2001 the total distance travelled by the heavy vehicles increase by 17% from
2873 million kilometers to 3355 million kilometers (Bans & Bolitho, 2003). Before that,
many researches that related with heavy vehicles is done by researcher. From Rabecca
Luther, she found that the residents reported that traffic affected various aspects of their
lives including visitor parking, walking/crossing road, and their health. The analysis of
heavy vehicles shows that the highest percentages were found due to the decrease in car
passenger car volume and in overall vehicular traffic (A.L Cunha & J.R Setti, 2010).
Level of service is a measure of the quality or the capacity of the traffic flow in a
section of the road. The capacity of LOS can be measured by several parameters such as
vehicles speed and volume of the vehicles at that time. The level of service (LOS) is
measured during peak hours. White the measure of LOS, there are not include the
safety. By Royer P. Roess statements, there are six types of road service level which is
Level of Remarks
A Free flow with low volumes, densities and high speeds. Driver can
maintain their desired speeds with little or no delay.
B Stable flow. Operating speeds beginning to be restricted somewhat by
traffic conditions. Some slight delay.
C Stable flow. Speeds and maneuverability are more closely controlled
by higher volumes. Acceptable delay.
D Approaching unstable flow. Tolerable operating speeds which are
considerably affected by operating conditions. Tolerable delay.
E Unstable flow. Yet lower operating speeds and perhaps stoppages of
momentary duration. Volumes are at or near capacity congestion and
intolerable delay.
F Forced flow. Speeds and volumes can drop to zero. Stoppages can
occur for long periods. Queues of vehicles backing up from a
restriction downstream.
The data on the availability of parking such as the demand is important before
taking any measure as an improvement. Some of parking provides parking fare. The
duration of parking is depends on the vehicles park. Parking which are on the both sides
of the road are allowed but sometimes, it is become one of the disturbances to the traffic
flow disruption.
In Malaysia, there were many types of parking requirements. Parking types will be
different in a different place, different building, and also according to the land use
activity. For the residential area which have less than 300m 2 area, it is just required the
community parking space only. For space 500 to 1000m2 parking space need to be
provided about one-fourth of the open area. So, that's means, the land use activity
influence the parking pattern (NPTEL, 2006).
There are two types of parking which is on Street parking and off street parking.
On Street parking means the parking provided at both or one sides on the road or Street.
There are many types of the pattern of on street parking such as parallel parking.
Parallel parking is when vehicles park their car along the road either both sides or just
one sides only as shown in Figure 2.1.
I I 12.5
i... 5.0s1
The equation (Eq. 1) shows the calculation of the length of road depends on the
number of vehicles, N.
30 angle parking, the capacity occupancy of this pattern is more than parallel
parking. The times delay will be reduces and thus reduce traffic disruption. The
examples of 30 0 parking pattern as shown in Figure 2.2.
1.25433 1.25m
:— -
AR CD E'' •
'3 0 4.69m
The parking behavior has some affect towards the environmental, public safety
and also to the traffic flow. Some example of the effects is congestion, accidents,
pollution, and also fire-fighting operations. When the road shoulder is considered as
parking bay, it is may pose problems such as congestion. The delay in time will be
occurred to the other users because of in and out of the vehicles from the parking bay.
The accidents will be occur if people careless to control their vehicles during parking.
The small incidents will be happen such as hit the bumper and cause scratches. Others
common type of parking accidents such as careless while open the doors, and while they
bringing the vehicles out of the parking. Next effect is will cause pollution. The noise
and fumes will be spread during parking or unparking. It is also occurred when traffic
congestion occur. This will cause problems when road shoulder is used as parking and
accidently it may prevent the passage of an emergency such as ambulance etc.
In this chapter, the author will focus on the effective methods to get more
detailed information. Through this chapter, it will develop a better . understanding about
the research in detail, particularly how research is conducted and the information that
will be discussed. In a research, the important thing is a process and how the way to
interpret the correct data so that the research will do smoothly and the information
provided are true and have their evidence. In general, there are two methods of carrying
out the research which is qualitative methods and quantitative methods but there is some
research that carries both methods. In this research, the author uses quantitative methods
in which the authors provide a questionnaire sample. The data is very useful to the
author to gain more information.