R 15 Melecinstru
R 15 Melecinstru
R 15 Melecinstru
M. Tech.
(Applicable for the batches admitted from 2015-2016)
An Autonomous Institute
Academic Regulations - M.Tech. Programme
(Applicable for the batches admitted from the academic year 2015-2016)
1. Introduction
Academic programmes of the institute are governed by rules and regulations as approved by the
Academic Council of the institute.
These academic rules and regulations are effective from the academic year 2015-16, for the students
admitted into two year post graduate programme offered by the college leading to Master of Technology
(M. Tech.) degree in different specializations offered by the departments of Civil Engineering, Electrical
and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology and Electronics and Instrumentation
The M.Tech. degree of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad shall be conferred on
students who are admitted to the programme after fulfilling all the requirements for the award of the
2. Programmes of study
The following two year M.Tech. degree programmes of study are offered by the departments at VNR
Department Specializations
1. Advanced Manufacturing Systems
ME 2. Automation
1. Highway Engineering
CE 2. Structural Engineering
3 Geotechnical Engineering
1. Power Electronics
2. Power Systems
1. Software Engineering
2. Computer Science & Engineering
1. VLSI System Design
2. Embedded Systems
EIE Electronics and Instrumentation
IT Computer Networks and Information Security
‘ENGLISH’ language is used as the medium of instruction in all the above programmes.
3. Attendance requirements
Each academic year shall be divided into two semesters, each of 90 Instructions days, excluding
examination, evaluation, declaration of results etc.
3.1 A student shall be eligible to appear for the semester end examinations in subject if he / she acquire a
minimum of 75% of attendance in that subject.
3.2 Shortage of attendance up to 10% in any subject (i.e., attendance of 65% and above and below
75%) in a semester may be condoned by the Institute Academic Committee based on the rules
prescribed by the Academic Council of the Institute from time to time.
3.3 A student shall get minimum required attendance in at least three (03) theory subjects in the
present semester to get promoted to the next semester. In order to qualify for the award of the M.Tech.
degree, the student shall complete all the academic requirements of the subjects, as per the course
3.6 In case the student secures less than the required attendance in any subject(s), he shall not be
permitted to appear for the semester end examination in that subject(s). He shall re-register for the
subject when offered next.
4. Evaluation
i. The performance of a student in each semester shall be evaluated subject–wise with a maximum of 100
marks for theory and 100 marks for practical subjects. In addition, mini-project and
comprehensive viva-voce shall be evaluated for 100 marks respectively.
ii. For theory subjects, the distribution shall be 40 marks for mid-term evaluation and 60 marks
for the semester end examination.
iii. For practical subjects, there shall be a continuous evaluation during the semester for 40 marks and
60 marks for semester end examination. Out of the 40 marks, day-to-day work in the laboratory
shall be evaluated for 10 marks, and 15 marks for practical examination and 15 marks for
laboratory record.
4.1. Evaluation of Mini-Project: There shall be two presentations during the first year, one in each
semester. For mini-project 1 and mini-project 2, a student under the supervision of a faculty member,
shall collect the literature on a topic, critically review the literature, carry out the mini-project, submit it to
the department in a report form and shall make an oral presentation before the departmental Project
Review Committee (PRC). The Departmental PRC consists of Head of the Department, supervisor and
one senior faculty member of the department. For each mini-project there shall be only internal
evaluation of 100 marks. A student has to secure a minimum of 50% to be declared successful.
4.2. There shall be a comprehensive viva-voce in II year I semester. The comprehensive viva- Voce shall be
conducted by a committee consisting of Head of the Department and two senior faculty members of the
department. The comprehensive viva-voce is aimed to assess the students’ understanding in various
subjects studied during the M.Tech. programme of study. The comprehensive viva-voce shall be
evaluated for 100 marks by the committee. There are no internal marks for the comprehensive viva-
voce. A student must secure a minimum of 50% to be declared successful.
4.3. A student shall be deemed to have secured the minimum academic requirement in a subject if he
secures a minimum of 40% of marks in the semester end examination and a minimum aggregate of
50% of the total marks in the semester end examination and mid-term evaluation taken together.
4.4. A student shall be given one chance to re-register, after completion of the course work, for each
subject, provided the internal marks secured by a student are less than 50% and he has failed in the
semester end examination. In such a case student may re-register for the subject(s) and secure
required minimum attendance. Attendance in the re-registered subject(s) has to be calculated
separately to become eligible to write the end examination in the re-registered subject(s). Re-
registration for the subjects is allowed only if that particular re-registration subjects are the hindrance for
the award of Degree. Re-registration is allowed in this case provided the student doesn’t have any
subject(s) yet to pass other than the re-registration subjects where the internal marks are less than 50%
with prior permission.
4.5. Laboratory examination for M.Tech. courses must be conducted with two examiners, one of them being
laboratory class teacher and second examiner shall be a teacher of same specialization either external
or a teacher from the same department other than the teacher who conducted laboratory classes for
that batch.
5. Evaluation of Project / Dissertation Work.
5.1 Registration of Project Work: A student shall be permitted to register for the project work after
satisfying the attendance requirement of all the subjects (theory and practical subjects).
1 A Project Review Committee (PRC) shall be constituted with at least four members namely HOD, PG
coordinator of the M.Tech. programme, project supervisor and one senior faculty member of same
5.3 After getting permission as per 5.1, a student has to submit, in consultation with the project supervisor,
the title, objective and plan of action of his project work to the Departmental PRC for its approval. Only
after obtaining the approval of PRC, the student can initiate the project work.
5.4 If a student wishes to change his supervisor or topic of the project he can do so with the approval of
PRC. However, the committee shall examine whether the change of topic/supervisor leads to a major
change of his initial plans of project proposal. If so, the date of registration for the project work shall be
the date of change of supervisor or topic as the case may be.
5.5 Internal evaluation of the project shall be on the basis of the seminars (Project reviews) conducted
during the second year by the PRC. A student shall submit draft report in a spiral bound copy form.
5.6 The work on the project shall be initiated in the beginning of the second year and the duration of project
is for two semesters. A student is permitted to submit Project work only after successful completion of
theory and practical course with the approval of PRC not earlier than 240 days from the date of
registration of the project work. For the approval of PRC the student shall submit the draft copy of thesis
to the Head of the Department (Through project supervisor and PG coordinator) and shall make an oral
presentation before the PRC.
The student is eligible to submit project work if he has published at least one paper covering 70% of the
project work and presented his project work in Show and Tell activity.
5.7 After approval of PRC, every student has to submit three copies of the project dissertation certified by
the supervisor to the Department.
5.8 The dissertation shall be adjudicated by one examiner selected by the Chief Superintendent. For this,
HOD shall submit a panel of 3/ 5 examiners, who are eminent in that field with the help of the
concerned guide.
5.9 If the report of the examiner is not favourable, the student shall revise and resubmit the Dissertation,
within the time frame as prescribed by PRC. If the report of the examiner is unfavourable again, the
dissertation shall be summarily rejected.
5.10 If the report of the examiner is favorable, viva-voce examination shall be conducted by a board
consisting of the project supervisor, Head of the Department and the external examiner who
adjudicated the Thesis. The Board shall jointly report students work as:
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Satisfactory
D. Unsatisfactory
Head of the Department shall coordinate and make arrangements for the conduct of viva-voce
examination. The student has to secure any one of the grades as Excellent, Good or Satisfactory on his
dissertation and viva-voce. If the report of the viva-voce is unsatisfactory, the student shall retake the
viva-voce examination after three months, making modifications as suggested. If he fails to get a
satisfactory report at the second viva-voce examination, he has to re-register for the project work as
mentioned in clause 5.1. However, the student may select a new guide or new topic or both with the
approval of the PRC and submit the project dissertation with a minimum of 240 days from the date of re-
registration. Of course, this shall not prejudice the clause 6.1 below.
6.2 A student shall register and put up minimum academic requirement in all 84 credits and
earn 84 credits. Marks obtained in all 86 credits shall be considered for the calculation of Cumulative
Grade Point Average (CGPA).
Grade Points(GP)
Marks Obtained Grade Description of Grade
Value Per Credit
>=90 O Outstanding 10.00
>=80 and <89.99 A Excellent 9.00
>=70 and <79.99 B Very Good 8.00
>=60 and <69.99 C Good 7.00
>=50 and <59.99 D Pass 6.00
<50 F Fail
Not Appeared the Exam(s) N Absent
The student is eligible for the award of the M.Tech degree with the class as mentioned in the following table.
CGPA Class
>= 8.0 First Class with Distinction
>= 7.0 and <8.0 First Class
>= 6.0 and < 7.0 Second Class
𝐚 𝐚 𝐰 𝐚 𝐚
𝐚 𝐚
∑ =𝟏 𝐂 ∗ 𝐆
∑ =𝟏 𝐂
Note: SGPA is calculated and awarded for the students who pass all the courses in a semester.
Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA):
The CGPA of a student for the entire programme shall be calculated as given below:
Assessment of the overall performance of a student shall be obtained by calculating Cumulative Grade
Point Average (CGPA), which is weighted average of the grade points obtained in all subjects during the
course of study.
𝐚 𝐚 𝐰 𝐚 𝐚
𝐚 𝐚
∑ =𝟏 𝐂 ∗ 𝐆
∑ =𝟏 𝐂
Gj = Grade Point corresponding to the letter grade awarded to that subject ‘j’
j = 1,2,….m represent the number of subjects of the entire program.
Grade lower than D in any subject shall not be considered for CGPA calculation. The CGPA shall be
awarded only when the student acquires the required number of credits prescribed for the program.
Grade Card
The grade card issued shall contain the following:
a) The credits for each subject offered in that semester
b) The letter grade and grade point awarded in each subject
d) Total number of credits earned by the student up to the end of that semester.
7. Withholding of Results
If the student has not paid dues to the Institute, or if any case of indiscipline is pending against him, the
result of the student may be withheld and he shall not be allowed into the next higher semester. The
award or issue of the provisional certificate and the degree may also be withheld in such cases. This
delay shall not prejudice clauses Nos.6.0 and 6.1.
8. Transitory Regulations
Students who have discontinued or have been detained for want of attendance or any other academic
requirements, may be considered for readmission as and when they become eligible. They have to take
up Equivalent subjects, as substitute subjects in place of repeated subjects as decided by the Chairman
of the BoS of the respective departments. He/She shall be admitted under the regulation of the batch in
which he/she is readmitted.
10. General
10.1 The academic regulations should be read as a whole for purpose of any interpretation.
10.2 In case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of the above rules, the decision of the Principal
is final.
10.3 The Institute may change or amend the academic regulations and syllabi at any time and the changes
and amendments made shall be applicable to all the students with effect from the date notified by the
10.4 Wherever the words he, him or his occur, they shall also include she, her and hers.
(R15 Regulation)
(R15 Regulation)
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Understand Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Measuring Systems
Learn the concepts of various measuring devices to measure physical parameters like displacement,
temperature, pressure, flow.
Learn the concepts of transducers for measuring acceleration, velocity, force, torque etc.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Identify suitable sensors and transducers for real time applications.
Translate theoretical concepts into working models.
Design the experimental applications to engineering modules and practices.
Design engineering solution to the Industry/Society needs and develop products.
Introduction to Measurement Systems: General concepts and terminology, measurement systems, sensor
classification, static characteristics of measurement systems-accuracy, linearity, resolution, precision and
sensitivity etc. estimation of errors. Dynamic characteristics of measurement systems. Zero-order first-order and
second-order measurement systems and response.
Measuring Devices:
Displacement: Resistive Potentiometer, Resistive strain gauges inductive displacement transducer, Capacitive
Displacement Transducers, Piezo Electric Transducers, Ultrasonic Methods.
Temperature: Thermal expansion methods, Thermo electric, radiation methods-thermal and photon detectors
based thermometers.
Measuring Devices:
Pressure: Methods of pressure measurement: Dead weight gauges and manometers, elastic transducers, high
pressure measurement.
Flow: Anemometers, velocity sensors obstruction meters, averaging Pitot tubes, Rota meters, Electromagnetic,
Vortex shedding, Ultrasonic Flow meters.
Measuring Devices:
Humidity, Density and Radiation Measurement: Capacitive Impedance and Piezoelectric Hygrometers.
Differential Pressure, U-tube and ultrasonic Densitometers and pH measurement: Ion Selective Type.
Radiation Fundamentals - Radiation Detectors - Radiation Thermometers and Optical Pyrometers.
Digital Sensors: Position encodes, variable frequency sensors-quartz digital thermometer, SAW sensors, digital
flow meters, sensors based on semiconductor junctions: thermometers based on semiconductor junctions,
magneto diodes and magneto transistors, photodiodes and phototransistors, charge-coupled sensors.
Text Books:
1. Measurement Systems, E.O. Doeblin, Mc-Graw Hill Publication
2. Transducers and Instrumentation, D.V.S. Murthy, PHI Publication
3. Sensors & Transducers, D.Patranbis, Wheeler Publishing
4. Sensor Technology Handbook - Jon S. Wilson, Elsevier Publications
1. Instrument transducers, H.K.P Neubert, Oxford University Press.
2. Process Measurement and Analysis, B.G. Liptak, ISA Publication IV edition
3. A Text Book of Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation, A.K. Sawhney.
4. Mechanical Measurements, E.O. Doeblin, Mc-Graw Hill Publication.
5. Transducer Engineering, Ranganathan.S, Allied Publishers.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
3 1 4
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Understand the working principle and design of various analog signal conditioning circuits used in
industrial applications.
Impart knowledge on the design of signal conditioning circuits
Impart the knowledge of various measurement methods of physical parameters like velocity,
acceleration, torque, pressure, flow, temperature etc. and their relevance to Industry.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Understand principle of working of various signal conditioners used with Temperature, Displacement,
Optical and various miscellaneous other sensors.
Design signal conditioning circuits for various transducers.
Understand applications of various signal conditioners used in industry.
Capable of selecting best suited signal conditioners for any given application.
Interfacing, Amplifiers & Signal Translation:
Bridges: The Wheat Stone Bridge – Single Variable Element, Two Single Variable Element & Four Single
Variable Element, Excitation, Readout – bridge amplifier, instrumentation Amplifier, minimize common mode
voltage, Isolator, Chopper Amplifier
Interference: Local Problems, Subsystems Problems – grounding mechanisms, Outside & Local Interface –
guard circuit, Analog Filtering – Design of 1st order & 2nd order filters, Operational Amplifiers, Instrumentation
Amplifiers, Isolation Amplifiers, System Solutions
Offsetting & Linearizing, 2 Interfacing – Design Examples: Offsetting – use of bridge in offsetting, 4 – to – 20
mA Current Transmission – typical 4 – 20 mA Transmission, isolated 4 – 20 mA Transmission, basic 0 to 10V to
4 to 20mA Translation circuit, Non Linearity & Linearizing – Digital Linearizing & Analog Linearizing
Interface Design Questions, Thermometer Example
Applications – I :
Thermoswitches & Thermocouples Interfacing: Thermoswitches, Ambient Referenced Thermocouples,
Isolated Thermocouple Measurement, Thermocouple to Frequency, Thermocouple to 4 – to – 20 m A
Temperature Transmitter, Isolated Multiplexing of Thermocouples
RTD’s Interfacing: Single Op – Amp Interface, using a Signal Conditioner, Bridge configuration using 3 – wire
RTD, Linearizing RTD Circuits, Current Transmitters for RTD Outputs, RTD Based Precision controller
Thermistor Interfacing: Simple Interface Circuits, High – Resolution Differential Thermometer, Current
Transmitters, Thermistor to Frequency Conversion
Applications – II :
Semiconductor Temperature Transducers Interfacing: T – to – F Conversion using Diodes, Absolute
Temperature – to – current Conversion, Temperature Control Circuits, Multiplexed Applications, Isolation, 4 – to
– 20 m A Current Transmission
Pressure Transducer Interfacing: Strain Gauge Based Transducers, Potentiometer to Frequency Transducer,
Interfacing High level Semiconductor Transducers, Isolated Pressure Transmitter, Pressure Control System
Force Transducer Interfacing: Spring Driven Rheostat, Strain – gauge & Signal Conditioner, High Resolution
Load Cell Platform Interface, Strain Gauge to Frequency Conversion, Isolators & Transmitters
Applications – III:
Flow Meter Interfacing: Differential Pressure Flow meters, Frequency output Flowmeters, Anemometers,
Hinged Vane Flowmeter, Thermal Flow Meter, Transmission & Readout
Level Transducers Interfacing: Float & Potentiometer, Optical Sensing & Thermal Sensing
Miscellaneous Applications: 4 – to – 20 m A Transmission, Topics on Filtering, Programmable – Gain Isolator,
High – Performance Floating Data Amplifier, Isolated All – Electronic Multiplexing, Pulsed – Mode Bridge
Text Books:
1) Transducer Interfacing Handbook – A Guide to Analog Signal Conditioning, Edited by Daniel H Sheingold –
Analog Devices Publications
1) Op Amp Applications Handbook, Walt Jung, Editor, Elsevier
2) Palls Areny, John G.Webster, Sensors and Signal Conditioning, second edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2000
3) Robert B.Northrop, Introduction to Instrumentation and measurement-second edition-Taylor &Francis group
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
3 1 4
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Understand the basic characteristics of first order and higher order processes.
Acquire knowledge about the characteristics of various controller modes and
methods of tuning of controller.
Acquire knowledge on the construction, characteristics and application of control valves.
Study the unit operations and a case study of distillation column control
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Determine the mathematical model for real-time first and higher order systems.
Design various controller modes with appropriate tuning
Implement advanced control schemes for various processes
Enhance the performance of multi-loop and multivariable control systems
Introduction: Incentives for process control, Design aspects of process control system, Process degree of
freedom. Mathematical model of first order processes: level, pressure and thermal processes – Second order
process: Interacting and non-interacting processes, – Time and frequency response analysis.
Basic Single Loop Control Actions: Characteristics and dynamics of Discrete Control Modes: ON-OFF, Multi
Speed, Floating Controllers. Characteristics and dynamics of feedback control modes: Proportional, Integral and
Derivative control modes – P+I, P+D and P+I+D control modes.
P-I-D Controller Tuning and Stability Analysis:
Tuning of Controllers: Evaluation criteria – IAE, ISE, ITAE, Tunings – Process reaction curve method – Ziegler
Nichols method – Damped oscillation method. Design of Lead, Lag compensators, stability analysis
MIMO Systems -Multiloop Control:
MIMO Systems: Dynamics of Distillation column and Heat exchangers processes,
Multi loop Controllers: Feed-forward control – ratio control- cascade control – adaptive – split-range control –
multivariable control – examples from distillation column and boiler systems.
Modern control practices in: Power plants, pharmaceuticals and petrochemicals industries.
Final Control Element: I/P converter – pneumatic and electric actuators – valve positioner – control valves –
characteristics of control valves – inherent and installed characteristics – control valve sizing – cavitation and
flashing – selection criteria.
Text Books:
1. Stephanopoulis, G, Chemical Process Control, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1990.
2. Bela. Liptak, Process Control,
3. Curtis Johnson, Process Control Instrumentatiuon Technology, Prentice Hall India.
1. Pollard A.Process Control, Heinemann educational books, London, 1971.
2. Eckman. D.P., Automatic Process Control, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1993.
3. S.K.Singh, Process Control, PHI Publications, New Delhi 2010.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Understand whole array of modern analytical instrumentation with the goal of providing them with the
tools to further apply them in industry.
Acquire “hands-on" approach with sample preparation, theory, application, method development, data
analysis and interpretation being key elements.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical compounds.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Observe basic lab safety rules while working in analytical chemistry laboratories
Appreciate basic analytical processes and sampling procedures
Appreciate the basic principles of spectroscopy
Perform simple analytical procedures on given samples using Ultraviolet or Infrared
Spectrophotometers and Interpret data derived from the above.
Electrochemical Instruments: Basic concepts of Analytical instrumentation, Electro chemical instruments- pH
meter, Conductivity meter, Dissolved oxygen analyzers using Polarographic principle – sodium analyzer- silica
analyzers– Polarographic Instruments.
Absorption Spectrophotometers-I: UV, VIS spectrophotometers – single beam and double beam instruments
– instrumentation associated with the above spectrophotometers – sources and detectors ,IR SPM– sources and
detectors for IR spectrophotometers, FTIR, Raman Spectroscopy, Interpretation & Analysis.
Emission Spectrophotometers-II: Flame emission and atomic absorption spectrophotometer – Atomic
emission spectrophotometer – sources for Flame Photometers and online calorific value measurements.
Gas and Liquid Chromatographs: Basic principle of gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, HPLC
different types of columns, detectors, recorders and associated equipment, Salient features of liquid
chromatography, Detectors used, applications of high pressure liquid chromatography, Interpretation and
Principle of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Instrumentation associated with NMR spectrophotometer –
Introduction to mass spectrophotometers, Principle and brief discussion on ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE
Gas Analyzers-I: Flue gas analysis using thermal conductivity principle, Katharometer – oxygen analyzers using
paramagnetic principle, Zirconium oxide cells, Pollution Monitoring Instruments.
Gas Analyzers-II: Industrial analyzer circuits; CO monitors – Nox analyzer – Sox Analyzer - H2S analyzer
system –
Nuclear Radiation Detectors: GM counter, Scintillation counter, Ionization chamber – Solid state detector,
Gamma Spectrometry, Industrial application of radiation measurement,
Thermal Analyzers: Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Derivative Thermo Gravimetric Analyzers (DTGA)
Text Books:
1. Analytical Instrumentation , R.S. Khandpur
2. Instrumental Method of Analysis Willard, Merrit, Dean, D.Van Nostrand
3. Principles of Instrumental Analysis ,Skoog D.M and West D.M, HeltSaunder publication
1. Process Measurement and Analysism B.G. Liptak, CRC Press
2. Instrument Technology, E.B. Jones, Butterworth Scientific Publications.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
1. Acquire the knowledge of basics of digital control system for the real time analysis
2. Analyze and design the controllers for digital systems.
3. Acquire comprehensive knowledge of concepts of stability analysis and design of discrete time systems.
4. Understand the concepts of optimal control for discrete domain
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
1. Understand the concepts of Digital control systems.
2. Understand and analyze of discrete systems in state variable analysis.
3. Understand and analyze the concept of stability analysis and design of discrete time systems.
4. Understand comprehensive knowledge of optimal control.
Control system design by root locus method-lead, lag and lead lag compensation. PI, PD and PID controllers
design procedures and examples. Control system design by frequency response approach- lead, lag and lead
lag compensation. PI, PD and PID controllers design procedures and examples.
Eigen Value and Eigenvector Sensitivities in Linear System Theory: Continuous time systems: Introduction,
first-order Eigen value sensitivities, first order eigenvector sensitivities, second-order Eigen value sensitivities,
first order eigenvector sensitivities, second order Eigenvector sensitivities.
Mode-Controllability Matrix: Distinct Eigen-values, confluent Eigen-values associated with single Jordan block,
confluent Eigen-values associated with number of distinct Jordan blocks, confluent Eigen-values associated with
a number of non-distinct Jordan block.
Mode –Controllability structure of multivariable linear systems: Introduction, Distinct Eigen-values, confluent
Eigen-values associated with single Jordan block, confluent Eigen-values associated with a number of non-
distinct Jordan blocs.
Observability Matrices: Distinct Eigen-values, confluent Eigen-values, mode observability structure of
multivariable linear systems: Introduction, Distinct Eigen-values, confluent Eigenvalues. Nonlinear systems:
Common physical nonlinearities: the phase plane method – basic concept, singular points, construction of phase
trajectories – Isocline and delta methods, Describing function – basic concept – derivation of describing functions
– stability analysis by describing function method.
Lyapunov Stability Analysis: Second method of Lyapunov, stability in the sense of Lyapunov, construction of
Lyapunov functions – Krasovskii’s and variable gradient methods, Lyapunov stability analysis of linear time
varying systems.
Text Books:
1. Advanced Control Systems B. N. Sarkar, PHI Learning Private Limited.
2. Advanced Control Theory, Somanath Majhi, Cengage Learning.
3. Control System Engineering – I J Nagarath, M. Gopal – New Age International – 3rd edition.
4. Control Systems – N K Sinha – New Age International – 3rd edition.
1. Automatic Control Systems – B C Kuo – PHI – 7th edition.
2. Modern Control Systems – Hsu and Meyer.
3. Modal Control theory and applications – Brian Porter & Roger Corssley.
4. Modern Control Engineering - K. Ogata – PHI – 3rd edition.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Understand the principles of optics and Lasers.
Apply the knowledge of Optics to fibers and understand the different industrial applications of Optical
Learn the various applications of Lasers in Instrumentation.
Understand the Opto electronic components and their principles of operation along with their
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics and Optics to design application specific optical fiber.
Apply Lasers in Instrumentation for the measurement of Pressure, temperature, Level and find the
solutions for the errors if any.
Understand the advantages of using Lasers.
Apply opto- electronic components and lasers in Medical instrumentation.
Optical Fibers and Their Properties: Introduction to Optical Fibers - principles of light propagation through a
fiber – Different types of fibers and their properties –Transmission characteristics of optical fiber –Absorption
losses – Scattering losses –Dispersion - advantages and disadvantages of optical fibers
Light sources for fiber optics, photo detectors, source coupling, splicing and connectors.
Waveguides and Micro-Optical Fiber Bundles
Laser Fundamentals: Fundamental characteristics of Lasers – Three level and four level lasers – Properties of
Laser and Laser modes – Resonator configuration – Q-switching and Mode locking – Cavity dumping – Types of
lasers: Gas lasers, Solid lasers, Liquid lasers – Semi conductor lasers. Laser Safety: Radiation hazards,
maximum permissible exposure, classification, safety measures and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Industrial Applications of Optical Fibers: Fiber optic sensors – Fiber optic Instrumentation system -
Interferometric method of measurement of length - Moiré fringes – Measurement of pressure, temperature,
current, voltage, liquid level and strain. Fiber optic gyroscope – polarization maintaining fibers - applications
Applications of Lasers: Industrial applications of lasers – Laser Doppler Velocity meter – Laser heating-
Medical Applications Lasers - Laser and Tissue interaction, Laser instruments for surgery - CO2 laser as
bloodless scalpel, Removal of tumors of vocal cords, Brain surgery, Plastic surgery, Gynecology, Oncology,
Dermatology and Ophthalmology. Holography – Basic principle; methods (reflection, transmission, and hybrid),
Holographic Components, Holographic Interferometry and Applications, Holography for Non-destructive Testing
Opto-Electronic Components: Photodiodes, phototransistors, photomultipliers, optoisolators/optocouplers, IOC
elements, photoresistors, CCD, laser diodes, LED, OLED, AMOLED; Magneto Optic and Acoustic – optic and
other types of Optical Modulators – Detectors – Application in Instrumentation
Text Books:
1. ‘Optical Fiber Communication – Principles and Practice’, J.M. Senior, , Prentice Hall of India, 1985.
2. ‘Introduction to Opto Electronics’, J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawkes, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
3. Lasers: Theory and Applications – by Thyagarajan K. and Ghatak A.K., Plenum Press
4. ‘Optical Fibre Communication and Sensors’, M. Arumugam, Anuradha Agencies, 2002.
1. Understanding Fiber Optics, 4th or 5th edition; Jeff Hecht; Prentice Hall publishers
2. ‘Optical Fibre Communication’, G. Keiser, ‘McGraw Hill, 1995.
3. Monte Ross, ‘Laser Applications’, McGraw Hill, 1968
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
Course Objectives:
Identify and quantitatively estimate different materials required for the manufacturing of Cement, Pulp,
Paper, food, Power and pharmacy.
Understand the principles of different manufacturing processes.
Recognize these principles written in form of mathematical & chemical equations.
Apply these equations to analyze problems by making good assumptions and learn systematic
engineering method to solve practical industrial problems.
Course Outcomes:
Apply fundamental knowledge of chemistry & instrumentation to modeling and analysis of different
Industrial engineering.
Understand disasters caused by an incorrect analysis/design in different Industrial engineering system.
Students will demonstrate a working knowledge of the basic principles of measuring techniques and
demonstrate technical knowledge and skills in the calibration and use of equipment used in different
industrial process measurement and control.
Students will demonstrate a working knowledge of safety practices and skills in trouble-shooting
problems used in the measurement and control in industrial processes
Cement Industries: Corrosion Analyzer Porositester Compressive strength measurement, Blast Furnace
Temperature Measurement using Radiation Pyrometers.
Pulp and Paper Industries:
Manufacture of Pulp: Raw materials, Pulping processes, Craft pulping, Soda pulping, Sulfite pulping, Semi
chemical pulping, Mechanical and Thermo mechanical Pulping.
Manufacture of Paper: Wet Processing, Fourdrinier Machine, Coated Papers, Special Papers.
Wet-end Instrumentation: Pressure: Force Balanced, Bell and Limp or Slack type systems
Temperature: Liquid in Glass, Thermal bulbs, Resistance Bulbs
Liquid Density and Specific Gravity: Fixed Volume, Differential Pressure, Nuclear Radiation
Level: Liquid Level- Continuous Purge Instrument, Diaphragm box, Float and Cable, Capacitive.
Solid Level- Diaphragm solids.
Flow: Tapered tube & float type meter, Cylinder & Piston type meter, Weir and Flumes
Consistency: Atmospheric with Driven and Atmospheric with Stationary Sensors.
pH: pH Electrode system, types of electrodes.
Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP): ORP Electrode system, electrode holders.
Freeness: Continuous Sample and Intermittent Sample Systems.
Dry-end Instrumentation: Moisture: Conductivity, Resistance, Capacitance, Hygroscopic, Infrared Absorption
type systems Basis Weight: Transmission type, On-Machine type, Off-Machine type and Backscatter type
systems Caliper or Thickness: Contacting type- Electrical, Mechanical and Electro Mechanical, Non-Contacting
Petroleum Industries: Unit Operations: Distillation, Drying Separation Measurements in refineries petrochemical
industries – Differential pressure transmitter, Thermocouples Infrared Pyrometer, Mass flow meters,
Potentiometric level Transmitter, Vacuum Measurement, Near Infrared Analyzer, Hydro Carbon Dew point meter
IR Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry, Flame Ionization Detectors, Chromatography.
Unit IV:
Nuclear Power Plant: Introduction, The power plant scheme, Pressure, flow and level measurement, Vibration
and expansion measurements, Analysis of impurities in cooling water, Flue Gas analysis, Ultrasonic
Thermometry, Radiation Pyrometry, Emittance measurement.
Unit V:
Food Processing and Allied Industries: Chromatography, Spectrometry – Mass Spectrometer, Toxicity meter.
Text Books:
1. Chemical Process Industries, Austin G.T. Shreeves, McGraw-Hill International student edition, Singapore,
2. Process measurement and analysis, Liptak B.G., Third edition, Chilton book Company, 1996.
3. Pulp and Paper Industry Technology & Instrumentation, Sankaranarayana, P.E., Kothari’s Deskbook.
4. Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, D. Patranabis, Mc Graw Hill.
1. An Introduction to Paper Industry Instrumentation, John R Lavigne, Miller Freeman Publications, Califirnia,
1985 Series.
2. Mearsurement and Control in Papermaking, Robert J. McGill, Adam Hilger Limited, Bristol, 1980.
3. Process/ industrial instruments and controls hand book, Gregory K. McMillan, Doig;as M. Considine.
4. Instrumentation in process industries, Liptak B.G., Chilton book Company, 1994.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
Elective I 3 0 3
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Identify the different environment affecting parameters and the relationship between them
Understand the principles of measurement of radiation, chemical pollutants, Air pollution control
methods, Noise pollution, and Water pollution
Recognize these principles written in form of mathematical equations
Apply these equations to analyze problems by making good assumptions and learn systematic
engineering method to solve practical environmental analysis problems
Apply fundamental principles of pollution measurements for the solution of practical environmental
analysis problems of water, air, noise, radiation etc.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics to modeling and analysis of radiation, chemical
pollutants, air& water pollution on environment.
Interpreting data from model studies to prototype cases, as well as documenting them in engineering
Understand or become aware of environment pollution causedby an incorrect analysis in engineering
Connect data and quantitatively interpret, predict anticipated projection of pollutions.
Electromagnetic radiation, Characteristics Interaction of e.m. radiation with matter Spectral methods of analysis
absorption spectroscopy Beer’s law radiation sources monochromators and filters diffraction grating ultraviolet
spectrometer single beam and double beam instruments.
Particles emitted in radioactive decay nuclear radiation detectors injection chamber Geiger Muller counter
proportional counter scintillation counter – Semiconductor detectors – room temperature semiconductor
detectors (CZT type).
Measurement techniques for water quality parameters conductivity temperature turbidity.
Measurement techniques for chemical pollutants chloride sulphides nitrates and nitrites phosphates
Fluoride phenolic compounds.
Measurement techniques for particulate matter in air. Measurement of oxides of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen
unburnt hydrocarbons, carbonmonoxide, dust mist and fog.
General introduction to pollution and its classification. Air pollution: its effect on environment, its classification,
meteorological factors responsible for pollution, method of sampling and measurement.
Air pollution control methods and equipment: basics of fluid properties, cleaning of gaseous effluents, particulate
emission equipments and control, particulate collector selection and gaseous emission control. Specific gaseous
pollutants analysis and control.
Noise pollution – measurement of sound, tollarable levels of sound. Measurement of sound level.Measurement
techniques for soil pollution.
Water pollution: its sources and classification, wastewater sampling and analysis, wastewater treatment.
Text Books:
1. H.H. Willard, Merrit and Dean, “Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, 5th Edn., 1974.
2. R.K. Jain, “Fundamentals of Mechanical and Industrial Instrumentation”, 1985.
1. S.P. Mahajan, “Pollution Control in Process Industries”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1985.
2. G. N. Pandey and G.C. Carney, “Environmental Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1989.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
Course Prerequisites: Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Electronic Devices & Circuits
Course Objectives:
Throwing light on the multidisciplinary nature of nanotechnology and its applications
Understanding various nanomaterials and methods manipulating these materials for wide variety of
Providing knowledge about metrology equipment for nanoscale measurements
Providing overview of specific applications of nanotechnology to electronics and medicine
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of the course, students will be able to:
Evaluate the design considerations for nanoscale materials, devices, and structures in a wide variety of
Gain theoretical knowledge to synthesize, manipulate, characterize, and use nanomaterials for typical
Appreciate the need for specialized metrology for nanoscale measurements and familiarize with various
commonly used equipment
Identify the applications of nanotechnology to electronics with focus on the use of III-V compounds and
carbon nano-tubes and Learn the advancements in the field of medicine due to the advent of
Introduction to Nanotechnology: Introduction & History: Overview of atomic physics; Chemistry of atoms and
molecules; Overview of quantum mechanics; Feynman’s perspective of nanoscience; Social impact of
nanotechnology; Motivation, Top-down vs. Bottom-up approaches
Applications: Electronics, instrumentation, medicine, aerospace, and material science.
Considerations: Size constraints on measurements; Constraints of thin-film structures, constraints due to
dimensions of nanostructures; Optical, Electronic, and Magnetic Properties at Nanoscale
Nanomaterials and Fabrication: Introduction to Nanomaterials: Metal Nanomaterials, Semiconductor
nanomaterials, Quantum Dots, Quantum Wells, 2-terminal Quantum Wires, Buckyballs, Carbon Nanotubes,
Nano Peapods, Nano Rods, Polymer-based Nanostructures, Gold Nanostructures: Nano-rods, Nano-cages,
Fabrication Techniques: Top-down approach – Nanolithography, CVD; Bottom-up approach – sol-gel process,
chemical synthesis, wet deposition techniques, Self-assembly and Layer-by-layer assembly (LbL)
Nanoscale Measurements: Instrumentation: Principle of working, Operational aspects, Limitations, and
Applications for: SEM, TEM, STM, SPM, AFM, Fluorescence microscopy
Nanoelectronics: Materials: Graphene, Boron Nitride Nano-mesh, III-V compounds: GaAs, GaN, AlGaN,
InGaAs, High-K/Metal-Gate applications for non-Si nanoelectronics
Devices: Silicon nanowires, Carbon Nanotubes, III-V Quantum Wells, Ballistic deflection transistors (BDT)
Applications: Printed electronics, Molecular electronics, Spintronics, Nanoelectronic displays, Memory devices,
Electronics modelled after living systems
Nanomedicine: Nanoprinting of DNA, RNA, and proteins; Site-directed drug delivery: Discovery, delivery, and
controlled drug release; Cytotoxicity of Nanoparticles; Nanotechnology in regenerative therapy; Nanotechnology
in cancer treatment; NEMS sensors and biosensors; Lab on a Chip (LoC)
Text Books:
1. Poole, C.; Owens, F., “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley, 2007 (ISBN: 978-8126510993)
2. Ramachandra, M.S.; Singh, S., “Nano Science and Nanotechnology: Fundamentals to Frontiers”, Wiley
India Pvt. Ltd., 2013 (ISBN: 978-8126542017)
3. Pradeep, T., “Nano: The Essentials: Understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, McGraw Hill India,
2007 (ISBN: 978-0070617889)
1. Bhushan, B. (Ed.), “Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology”, Springer, 2006 (ISBN: 978-3540298557)
2. Theodore, L., “Nanotechnology: Basic Calculations for Engineers and Scientists”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2011
(ISBN: 978-8126529667)
3. Varghese, T.; Balakrishna, K.M., “Nanotechnology: An Introduction to Synthesis, Properties and Applications
of Nanomaterials”, Atlantic, 2012 (ISBN: 978-8126916382)
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
(Open Elective I)
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Identify and obtain biological parameters and relationship between them.
Understand the principles involved in acquiring a bio-signal.
Understand and analyze pre-amplifiers in acquiring various bio-signals and design robust amplifiers.
Learn fundamental principles of Therapeutic Medical Instrumentation and medical imaging systems.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics mixed with electronics and use it for designing bio
Design suitable bio amplifiers in acquiring different bio signals.
Able to understand the concepts of therapeutic devices and apply them for solving the appropriate
Able to understand modern imaging equipment like CT, MRI, etc.
Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation: Bio Potential – Resting and Action potentials. Electrodes –
Different types of electrodes – for ECG, EEG, EMG – Equivalent circuits for electrodes – General and Smart
Sensors used in Biomedical – Selection Criteria for Transducers and Electrodes for Bio Medical applications –
Design of low noise isolation pre amplifiers – Differential Amplifiers including Op.Amps and Instrumentation
Amplifiers – Chopper amplifiers – Electrical safety – Grounding and isolation.
Electro-Physiological Measurements: Electro Cardiograph (ECG) – Electro Encephalographic (EEG) –
Electromyography (EMG) – Vector Cardiography – Echocardiography, Phonocardiography (PCG),
Electroretinography (ERG) – Electrocculograph (EOG).
Cardiac Instrumentation: Blood pressure and Blood flow measurement.
Specification of ECG machine. Einthoven triangle, Standard 12-lead configurations,
Interpretation of ECG waveform with respect to electro mechanical activity of the heart.
Assisting and Therapeutic Devices: Cardiac pacemakers – Defibrillators – Heat lung machine – Muscle
stimulator–Limp pros-thetics – Diathermy – Introduction to artificial kidney – elements of audio and visual aids in
Biomedicine, Blood flow meters, Ultra Sonography; Automated Drug injecting systems
UNIT IV: Modern Imaging Techniques: X-ray Machine – Computer tomography (CT) – Magnetaic resonance
Imaging system – Ultrasonic Imaging system – Applications of Lasers in biomedicine. IR (Thermographic)
Imaging, and its diagnostic criteria.
Audiometers: Basic audiometer, Pure tone audiometer, Speech audiometer, audiometer system Bekesy,
Evoked response audiometry system.
Text Books:
1. Hand book of Biomedical Instrumentation, Khanpur R.S., Tata McGraw Hill, 1996.
2. Biomedical Insstrumentation and Measurements, Cromwell L., Prentice Hall of India, 1995.
3. Principle of Applied Bio-medical Instrumentation, Geddes and Baker, John Wiley and Sons, 1975.
1. Feyman Lectures on Physics Vol 2, Richard P. Feyman, Robert B. Leighton and Matahew Sands – Narosa
2. Medical Imaging Systems – Albert Macovski – Prentice Hall.
3. Application & Design of Medical Instrumentation , John G. Webster, John Wiley & Son.
4. Medical Instrumentation – Applications and Design HonghtonMiffince – Bosten
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Understand different processor technologies, IC Technologies and design technologies.
Distinguish General purpose processor and Single purpose processor.
Design the basic communication interfaces.
Understand the Real Time Operating systems.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
The student is able to optimize the design challenges while designing a Embedded System.
The students are able to describe advanced state machine computation models for describing complex
embedded system behaviour.
The student should be able to design a Embedded System by using different design technologies.
Design and develop embedded applications based on real-time operating systems.
Introduction: Embedded systems overview, design challenge, processor technology, IC technology, Design
Technology, Trade-offs. Single purpose processors RT-level combinational logic, sequential logic (RT-level),
custom single purpose processor design (RT-level), optimizing custom single purpose processors.
General Purpose Processors and Communication Interface: Basic architecture, operation, Pipelining,
Programmer’s view, development environment, Application Specific Instruction-Set Processors (ASIPs) – Micro
Controllers and Digital Signal Processors.
Need for communication interfaces, RS232 / UART, RS422 / RS485, USB, Infrared, IEEE 1394 Firewire,
Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, Blue tooth.
Introduction to RTOS and Basic Design: Architecture of the Kernel, Tasks and Task scheduler, Interrupt
service routines, Semaphores, Mutex, Mailboxes, Message Queues, Event Registers, Pipes, Signals
Principles, Semaphores and Queues, Hard real time scheduling considerations, Saving memory and power an
example RTOS like µC – OS (Open Source) Embedded S/W Development tools.
Real Time Operating Systems: Timers, Memory Management, Priority inversion problem, Embedded operating
systems Embedded Linux, Real-time operating systems, RT Linux, Handheld operating systems, Windows CE.
Unit V:
Design Technology: Introduction, Automation, Synthesis, Parallel evolution of compilation and synthesis, Logic
Synthesis, RT synthesis, Behavioral Synthesis, Systems Synthesis and Hardware/ Software Co-Design,
Verification, Hardware/Software co-simulation, Reuse of intellectual property codes.
Text Books:
1. Embedded System Design – A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction – Frank Vahid, Tony D. Givargis,
John Wiley, 2002.
2. Embedded / Real Time Systems – KVKK Prasad, Dreamtech Press, 2005.
1. Embedded Microcomputer Systems – Jonathan W. Valvano, Brooks / Cole, Thompson Learning.
2. An Embedded Software Primer – David E. Simon, Pearson Ed., 2005.
3. Introduction to Embedded Systems – Raj Kamal, TMS, 2002.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
(Open Elective I)
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Analyze the images, operations on pixels and study the fundamental steps of image processing and
understand the image transformations techniques.
Understand the principles of image enhancement techniques, Arithmetic and logical operations on
Apply the different image segmentation techniques such as region based segmentation, point detection,
line detection and edge detection and color image processing.
Perform the morphological operations such as Dilation, erosion, boundary, skeleton and image
compression models.
Study the image restorations such as filtering operations, geometrical transforms and special
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Apply fundamental knowledge of image processing to understand real time analysis and different
applications of image processing;
Finally this knowledge can be helpful for implementation of some real time projects and research on
image processing applications.
Analyze and compare various image compression techniques and their applications
Design and implement various algorithms for image analysis
Introduction: Fundamentals steps of Image processing, Components of an Image processing system, Image
sampling and quantization, relationship between the pixels. Gray level transformation, Smoothing and
sharpening spatial filters, Smoothing and sharpening frequency domain filters, Homo morphic filtering.
Image Transforms
2-Dimensional Orthogonal and Unitary Transforms-1-Dimensional DFT-2-Dimensional DFT- Cosine Transform-
The Sine Transform- The Hadamard Transform- The Haar Transform- The Slant Transform –The KL Transform-
The Singular Value Decomposition Transform.
Image Enhancement: Basic Gray level Transformations-Image Negatives, Log transformations, Power-law
Transformations, Piecewise-Linear Transformation Functions- Histogram Processing-Histogram equalization,
Histogram matching, local Enhancement, Use of Histogram Statistics for Image Enhancement-Enhancement
using Arithmetic/Logic Operations-Image Subtraction, Image Averaging.
Image Segmentation: Edge linking and boundary detection, Thresholding- Global and Adaptive, Region based
segmentation, Segmentation by morphological watersheds, color segmentation.
Colour Image Processing: Colour Fundamentals- Colour Models- Pseudocolour Image Processing- Basics of
Full-Colour Image Processing – Colour Transformations- Smoothing and Sharpening – Colour Segmentation –
Noise in Colour Images – Colour Image Compression
Morphological Operations: Dilation and erosion, Opening and closing, Hit or Miss transforms, Morphological
algorithms, Extensions to gray scales images and its applications.Image compression: Compression models,
Error free coding, lossy coding, compression standards, color image compression, Introduction to fractals.
Image Representation and Description: Representation-Chain codes, Polygonal Approximations, Signatures,
Boundary Segments, Skeletons- Boundary Descriptors- simple descriptors, shape numbers, Fourier Descriptors,
statistical moments-Regional Descriptors-simple descriptors, topological descriptors, texture, moments of two-
dimensional functions.
Image Degradation/Restoration: Unconstrained and Constrained Restoration- Restoration in the presence of
Noise Only-Spatial Filtering, Periodic Noise Reduction by Frequency Domain Filtering, Estimating the
degradation Function-Estimation by Image Observation, Estimation by Experimentation, Estimation by Modeling-
Inverse Filtering- Minimum Mean Square Error (Wiener) Filtering- Constrained Least Squares Filtering –
Geometric Mean Filter - Geometric Transformations-Spatial transformations, Gray-level Interpolation.
Text Books:
1. Digital Image Processing- Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E.Woods, 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2008.
2. Digital Image Processing- S.Jayaraman, S Esakkirajan, T Veerakumar, TMH, 2010.
1. Digital Image processing – Gonzalez and woods
2. Video processing and communication – Yao Wang, JoernOstermann and Ya-Qin Zhang, Prentice Hall
3. Digital video processing – M. Tekalp
4. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing by Anil.K.Jain, PHI .
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – I sem L T/P/D C
0 3 2
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Identifyand obtain process parameters of various processes.
Understand the principles of controllers, degrees of freedom, control valves.
Recognize these principles written in form of mathematical equations.
Apply these equations to analyze problems by making good assumptions and learn system at
engineering method to solve practical process control problems.
Apply fundamental principles of process control for the solution of practical control engineering
problems relating to stability analysis of processes.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics to modelling and analysis of fluid flow, level, pressure,
temperature problems.
Conduct experiments in pipe flows and open-channel flows and interpreting data from model studies to
prototype cases, as well as documenting them in engineering reports.
Understand or become aware of disasters caused by an incorrect analysis in hydraulic, Pneumatic
engineering system.
Acquire the knowledge of measurement of various parameters.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
A mini project work shall be carried out on any topic of Electronics & Instrumentation and a seminar
should be given on the same along with a brief report.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
3 1 4
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Identify the selection of type of data acquisition system .
Understand the principles of A/D , D/A Converters, Error Analysis, Display Systems
Recognize these principles written in form of mathematical equations
Apply these equations to analyze problems by making good assumptions and learn systematic
engineering method to design a good Data acquisition system
Apply fundamental principles of A/D’s , D/A’s, Data Acquisition Hardware & Software requirements for
the solution of practical high performance Data Acquisition system etc
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics to modeling and analysis of A/D & D/A’s, error analysis
on data acquisition systems.
Conduct case studies indifferent data acquisition systems and interpreting data from model studies to
prototype cases, as well as documenting them in engineering reports.
Understand the errors/problems by an improper design analysis in data acquisition system.
Interface the analog and digital acquisition systems with PC, Analyze and display the out put.
Data Loggers and Data Acquisition Systems: Data acquisition systems-configurations components, analog
multiplexes and sample and hold circuits-specifications and design considerations.
DACs: specifications – characteristics, types of DACs (serial, parallel, direct and indirect). Hybrid and monolithic
ADCs: specifications – characteristics, types of ADCs (serial, parallel, direct and indirect). Hybrid and monolithic
ADCs,. sigma – delta ADCs’, Hybrid DAS – Schematic diagram – configurations – specifications
Error Budget of DACs and ADCs: Error sources, error reduction and noise reduction techniques in DAS. Error
budget analysis of DAS. Case study of a DAC and an ADC. 31
Data Acquisition Hardware and Software: Specifications of Hardware-IO analog signal range, gain for analog
input and resolution in ADC converter, resolute\ion in DAC and counter chips, sampling frequency and maximum
update rates, triggering capacity. Digital lines and ports, data acquisition VIs.
Distributed AND Stand Alone Data Loggers: Introduction, methods of operation-programming and logging
data using PCMCIA cards, standard alone operation-direct and remote connection to the host PC, stand alone
logger/controller hardware interface – RS232C, RS485 standard, communication bottlenecks and system
performance, using Ethernet to connect data loggers.
IEEE 488 Standard: Introduction, characteristics, physical connection configurations, device types, bus
structure, GPIB hand shake, device communication, IEEE 488.2, standard commands for programmable
Display Systems: LCD Flat panel displays, Digital storage CROs, Plasma displays, Projection systems.
Analyzers – Spectrum Analyzers – guidelines, various triggering techniques, different types of spectrum
analyzers, Recorders. Display devices and Display systems, Logic Analyzers – State and time referenced data
capture. Scalar and Vector Network analyzers.
Text Books:
1. Users Handbook of D/A & A/D Converters, E.R. HNATEK
2. Electronic Analog/Digital converters, H.Schmid
3. Data Converters, G.B. Clayton
4. Electronic Measurements, Oliver and Cage (ISE), Mc. Graw Hill
1. Electronic Instrumentation (ISTE Learning Material) (Ch:7) H.S. Kalsi, Learning Material Center, Indian
Society of Technical Education, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 016
2. Electronic Instrumentation & Measurements, David A.BELL
3. Hand book of Biomedical Instrumentation, Khandapur R.S., Tata Mc. Graw Hill, 1996.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
3 1 4
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Understand and analyze the process of power generation. Measurement and controlling of different
plant parameters.
Identify and innovate the techniques for improving plant efficiency.
To analyse and identify pollutants in flue gases and industrial waste generated during the process of
power generation.
Innovate ideas to improve plant efficiency, reduce leakages and losses and use technologies for
designing and developing pollutant free industrial environment.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Acquire the knowledge of mathematics for deriving mathematical models for different processes in the
power plant.
Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for industrial engineering practices.
Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as
economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health care and safety, manufacturability, and
Understand and standby the saying one watt saved is equal to two watts generated.
An Overview of Power Generation: Brief survey of methods of power generation – Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear,
Solar, Biomass, Geo-thermal, Wind - An outline of boilers – Feed water systems – Steam circuits – combustion
process – Products of combustion process – Fuel systems – Treatment of flue gases – steam turbine –
condensate systems – Alternators – feed water conditioning – Turbine bypass valves.
Parameters and Their Measurement: Current Testing Equipment – Arnold Current Transformer test Bridge,
Petch Elliott Current Transformer Test Bridge, Voltage Testing Equipment – Arnold Bridge Modification, Petch
Elliot Bridge Modification, Power factor Measurement and Compensation, Capasitive Compensation for Power
Factor Control, Generator Frequency Measurement. None electrical parameters – flow of feed water, fuel, air and
steam with correction factors for temperature – pressure – temperature – smoke density measurements – dust
Control Loops and Interlocks in Boiler: Combustion control – Control of main header pressure, air-fuel ratio
control – furnace draft and excessive air control, drum level (three element) control, main and reheat steam
temperature control - burner tilting up, bypass damper, super heater, spray and gas re-circulation control – B.F.P
re-circulation control – hot well and De-aerator level control – Pulverizer control – computers in power plant.
Turbine Monitoring and Control: Turbine supervising system; pedestal vibration, shaft-vibration, eccentricity
vibration. Installation of non-contact transducers for speed measurement, rotor and casing movement, Expansion
Analyzers in Power Plant-I: Thermal conductivity type – Paramagnetic type Oxygen analyzer – Infrared type
and trim analyzer – Spectrum analyzer – Hydrogen purity meter- Chromatography – pH meter – conductive cell –
fuel analyzer – brief survey of pollution monitoring and control equipment.
Text Books:
1. Modern Power Station Practice, Vol.6, British Electricity International Pergamon Press, London ,1992
2. Boiler Control Systems, David Lindlsey, McGraw Hill Book Company,1997
3. Power Station Instrumentation ,Jervice M.J., Butterwortth Heinemann,1933
4. Standard Boiler Operations (Q & A), by Elonka S.M and Kohal A.L., Tata McGraw Hill.
1. Standard Boiler Operations - Questions and Answers – by Elonka S.M., andKohal A.L., TMH, New Delhi,
2. Power Plant Instrumentation by Prof. K. Krishna Swamy, Newage International Publisher.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
3 1 4
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
It provides new concepts towards measurement and automation.
It gives knowledge about how to control an external measuring device by interfacing a computer.
To become competent in data acquisition and instrument control.
It gives knowledge networking
It provides knowledge on developing different applications in Digital image processing , control system,
signal processing, and in simulation.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Acquire knowledge on how virtual instrumentation can be applied for data acquisition and instrument control.
Identify salient traits of a virtual instrument and incorporate these traits in their projects.
Experiment, analyze and document in the laboratory prototype measurement
Acquire knowledge on developing different applications in Digital image processing control system, signal
processing and in simulation systems using a computer, plug-in DAQ interfaces and bench level instruments
Virtual Instrumentation: Historical perspective, advantages, block diagram and architecture of a virtual
instrument, data-flow techniques, graphical programming in data flow, comparison with conventional
programming. Development of Virtual Instrument using GUI, Real-time systems, Embedded Controller, OPC,
HMI / SCADA software, Active X programming.
VI Programming Techniques: VIs and sub-VIs, loops and charts, arrays, clusters and graphs, case and
sequence structures, formula nodes, local and global variables, string and file I/O, Instrument Drivers, Publishing
measurement data in the web.
VI Chassis Requirements: Common Instrument Interfaces: Current loop, RS 232C/ RS485, GPIB. VISA and
Application of Virtual Instrumentation: Instrument Control, Signal Measurement and generation: Data
Advanced LabVIEW Data Concepts: Advanced file I/O, Configuring INI files, Calling code from other
languages, Fitting Square Pegs into round holes: Advanced.
Connectivity in Lab VIEW: Lab VIEW web server, E-mailing data from Lab VIEW, Remote Panels, Self
describing data, shared variables, talking to other programs and objects, talking to other computers, database,
report generation.
Simulation of systems using VI, Development of Control system, Industrial Communication,Image acquisition and
processing, Motion control.
Text Books:
1. Gary Johnson, LabVIEW Graphical Programming, 2nd edition,McGrawHill,Newyork, 1997.
2. Lisa K. wells & Jeffrey Travis, LabVIEW for everyone, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997.
1. Kevin James, PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition: Techniques for Measurement, Instrumentation and
Control, Newnes, 2000.
2. Rick Bitter, LabVIEW advanced programming technique, 2nd Edition, CRC Press,2005
3. Jovitha Jerome, Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW, 1st Edition, PHI, 2001.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
Course Objective:
Student will be able to
Understand the concepts of PLC and SCADA and their application
Understand PLC based data acquisition - process of collecting information by PLC from real world.
Understand the remote and networked data acquisition and operating system.
Understand different types of protocols used in industries.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Describe the main functional units in a PC and be able to explain how they interact, different bus types,
and different generations of PCs.
Explain operating system and able to explain important concepts such as multitasking, privilege levels
and drivers.
Solve simple instrumentation tasks using both PC and microcontroller.
Provide simple solution for industry problems with PLC and SCADA.
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Basics: Definition, Overview of PLC systems, input/output modules,
Power supplies and Isolators.
Basic PLC programming: Programming On-Off inputs/ outputs. Creating Ladder diagrams, Basic PLC
functions, PLC Basic Functions, register basics, timer functions, counter functions.
PLC Intermediate and Advanced Functions: Arithmetic functions, Number comparison functions, Skip and
MCR functions, data move systems. Utilizing digital bits, sequencer functions, Matrix functions.
PLC Advanced Functions: Analog PLC operation, Networking of PLC,
Application of PLC: Controlling of Robot using PLC, PID control of continuous processes, Continuous Bottle-
filling system, Batch mixing system, 3-stage air conditioning system, Automatic frequency control of Induction
HART and Field Bus: Introduction –Evolution of signal standard –HART Communication Protocol –
Communication Modes – HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducers) modes-Control system interface
HART commands – HART Field Controller – Field Bus Architecture Basic requirement of field bus standard field
bus topology, CAN bus.
SCADA: Basic building blocks of computer control system – SCADA – MTU and RTU, Case studies On SCADA
Text Books:
1. Programmable Logic Controllers – Principles and Applications, John. W .Webb Ronald A Reis , Fourth
edition, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1998.
2. PC Based Instrumentation and Control Third Edition by Mike Tooley ; Elsevier
3. PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition Techniques for Measurement, Instrumentation and Control.By Kevin
James; Elsevier.
1. 8051 Micro controller, Architecture, Programming – Ayala
2. Micro Controller Architecture – Kenneth Hint & Daniel Tabak
3. IBM PC and Clones - GovindRajulu.
4. Inside the PC - Peter & Norton.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Understand Various types of Robots and applications of robots
Design of Robotic paths, and areal design of robots
Understand Controlling of Robots and Configurations of Different Robots
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Apply fundamental knowledge of Robotics and its applications
Understand or become aware of design of various Robotics and its usage in industry.
Analyze the direct and the inverse kinematic problems and calculate the manipulator dynamics
Understand the different kinds of controllers and robot vision techniques.
Robot Fundamentals: Definitions, History of robots, present and future trends in robotics, Robot classifications,
Robot configurations, Point to Point robots, Continuous Path robots, Work volume, Issues in design and
controlling robots Repeatability, Control resolution, spatial resolution, Precision, Accuracy, Robot configurations,
Point to Point robots, Continuous Path robots, Work volume, Applications of robots. Drives used in robots-
Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric drives, Comparison of drive systems and their relative merits and demerits.
Manipulator Kinematics: Matrix Algebra, Inverse of matrices, rotational groups, matrix representations of
coordinate transformation, transformation about reference frame and moving frame Forward & Inverse
Kinematics examples of 2R, 3R & 3P manipulators, Specifying position and orientation of rigid bodies Euler’s
angle and fixed rotation for specifying position and orientation Homogeneous coordinate transformation and
examples D-H representation of kinematics linkages Forward kinematics of 6R manipulators using D-H
representations Inverse kinematics of 6R manipulators using D-H representations, Inverse Kinematics geometric
and algebraic methods.
Robotics Dynamics: Velocity Kinematics, Acceleration of rigid body, mass distribution Newton’s
equation,Euler’s equation, Iterative Newton –Euler’s dynamic formulation, closed dynamic, Lagrangian
formulation of manipulator dynamics, dynamic simulation, computational consideration.
Trajectory Planning: Introduction, general considerations in path description and generation, joint space
schemes, Cartesian space schemes, path generation in runtime, planning path using dynamic model point to
point and continuous trajectory, 4-3-4 & trapezioidal velocity strategy for robots.
Robot Sensors: Internal and external sensors, position- potentiometric, optical sensors ,encoders - absolute,
incremental ,touch and slip sensors velocity and acceleration sensors, proximity sensors, force& torque sensors,
laser range finder, camera. Micro-controllers, DSP, centralized controllers, real time operating systems.
Robot Controllers: Essential components-Drive for Hydraulic and Pneumatic actuators, H-bridge drives for Dc
motor Overload over current and stall detection methods, example of a micro-controller/ microprocessor based
robot Controller. Micro-robotics and MEMS (Microelecto mechanical systems), fabrication technology for Micro-
robotics, stability issue in legged robots, under-actuated manipulators.
Robot Vision: Introduction, Image acquisition, Illumination Techniques, Image conversion, Cameras, sensors,
Camera and system interface, Frame buffers and Grabbers, Image processing, low level & high level machine
vision systems.
Text Books:
1. S.R.Deb, “ Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation “, Tata McGraw Hill 1994.
2. K.S.Fu, R.C.Gonzalez and C.S.G.Lee,“ Robotics : Control , sensors , vision and inintlligence “,MCGraw-
1. M.P.Groover, M. Weiss R.N. Nagel, N.G. Odrey“ Industrial Robotics (Technology ,Programming and
application s) , McGraw, Hill 1996.
2. J.J.Craig , introduction to Robotics , Addision-wesely 1989. 5) Klafter , Richard D., et al “ Robotics
Engineering”,PhI,1996. 6) Zuech,Nello,”Applying Machine Vision “,john Wiley and sons, 1988.
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I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
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Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Obtain knowledge about present MEMS device and their application.
Understanding the principle laws of physics and chemistry that apply in fabricating a MEMS device.
Understand different fabrication techniques like micro-machining, etching.
Apply these techniques and understand some practical models and their working.
Study the electronic interface and software design tools for MEMS devices.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Understand scaling issues of MEMS based on fundamental knowledge of physics [PO: a}
Apply various micro manufacturing techniques to fabricate MEMS devices
Apply techniques of additive manufacturing to MEMS
Use CAD tools for simulation and layout of MEMS devices
Introduction, emergence, devices and application, scaling issues, materials for MEMS, Thin film deposition,
lithography and etching.
Bulk Micro Machining: Introduction, etch-stop techniques, dry etching, buried oxideprocess, silicon fusion
bonding, and anodic bonding.
Surface Micro Machining: Introduction, sacrificial layer technology, material systems insacrificial layer
technology, plasma etching, combined IC technology and anisotropic wetetching
Microstereolithography: Introduction, Scanning Method, Projection Method,Applications. LIGA Process:
Introduction, Basic Process and Application
MEMS devices, electronic interfaces, design, simulation and layout of MEMS devicesusing CAD tools.
Text Books:
1. S.M. Sze, Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley & Sons, INC., 1994.
2. M.Elwenspoek, R.Wiegerink, Mechanical Microsensors, Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg, 2001.
1. MassoodTabib-Azar, Microactuators - Electrical, Magnetic, Thermal, Optical,Mechanical, Chemical and
2. Smart structures, Kluwer Academic Publishers, NewYork, 1997.
3. Eric Udd , Fiber Optic Smart Structures , John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
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Course Objectives
To make students understand the working pharmaceutical industry
To make students understand the necessity of a instrumentation engineer pharmaceutical industry
To make students understand different components and their control in pharmaceutical industry.
Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Appreciate the concept of analytical instrumentation learned during previous semester.
Appreciate the necessity of homogenization of mixture and size reduction .
Appreciate evaporation, distillation and filtration process involved in pharma industries .
Introduction: Pharma Industries Basic Processors and Instrumentation Techniques, Process Analysis
Technology (PAT).
Filtration: Classification of Filtration, Mechanism of Filtration, Filter media, Filter Aids, Pre treatment of materials,
small scale filtration methods, filtration equipment, filter presses, Leaf filters, stacked disc filters, meta filters,
Rotary continuous filters, other methods, ceramic filters, seitz filters, sintered (fritted) Glass filters, Membrane
filters, factors affecting the rate of filtration, filter operation, theory of filtration, Limitations of filter theory.
Centrifugation: General principles, theoretical aspects, classification, Laboratory equipment, Large scale
equipment, Semicontinuous centrifuge, equipment with non-perforated basket, de laval clarifier, vertical solid
bowl centrifuges, continuous centrifuges.
Theory of filtration, filter aids, filter media, industrial filters including filter press, rotary filter, edge filter, etc.
Factors affecting filtration, mathematical problems on filtration, optimum-cleaning cycle in batch filters. Principles
of centrifugation, industrial centrifugal filters, centrifugal filters, and centrifugal sedimeters.
Crystallization: Introduction, Crystal forms and crystal Habit, classification of crystallizers, tank crystallizers,
agitated batch crystallizers, Swenson Walker Crystallizer, others, Krystal Crystallizer, Vacuum Crystallizer
without External Classifying seed Bed, theoretical aspects of Crystallization, Calculation of yields, theory of
Crystallization. The miers super saturation theory, limitations of the miers theory, rate of crystal growth, Caking of
Characteristics of crystals like; purity, size, shape, geometry, habit, forms, size and factors affecting it. Solubility
curves and calculation of yields, Material and heat balances around Swenson Walker Crystallizer. Super
saturation theory and its limitations, Nucleation mechanisms, crystal growth. Study of various types of
crystallizers, tanks, agitated batch, single vacuum, circulating magma and crystal crystallizers. Caking of crystals
and its prevention. Numerical problems on yields.
Humidity Control and Refrigeration: Basic concepts and definition, wet bulb temperature, adiabatic cooling
lines, use of Humidity chart, determination of humidity, air conditioning, humidification and humidifying
equipment, dehumidifiers. Introduction, refrigeration equipment, coefficient of performance and refrigerants,
Brine systems, refrigeration load, absorption systems.
Evaporation and Distillation Heat Processes: Factors affecting evaporation, study of evaporating stills and
evaporating pans, heat transferring evaporators, vapor compression evaporators and evaporation under reduced
pressure. Distillation: Importance of distillation in Pharmacy, methods of distillation. Brief introduction to freeze
drying, sublimation, desiccation and exsiccation, efflorescence and its importance.
Size Reduction and Separation: Introduction, mechanism and principles of size reduction, classification of size
reduction equipment, law of size reduction, large equipment, mills using impact force for size reduction, cage
mills, pin mills, fluid energy or jet mills, attrition and grinding mills tumbling mills. Ball mills and tube mills,
practical size classifiers used with grinding mills, wet classifiers, non-rotary ball and bead mills, dry vs wet
grinding, end runner mill, edge runner mills, disc attrition mills, dispersion and colloid mills, roller mills, size
reduction combined with other operations, factors influencing choice of size reduction machinery, changes
resulting in the material due to size reduction.
size separation sieving, Screening equipment, sedimentation, screen analysis Definition, objectives of size
reduction, factors affecting size reduction, laws governing energy and power requirements of a mill, types of mills
including ball mill, hammer mill, fluid energy mill etc. Various methods and equipments employed for size
separation, centrifugal elutriation, microscopic methods.
Mixing and Homogenization: Introduction, equipment for4 mixing of miscible liquids, mixing of a soluble solid
with a low viscon liquid etc., mixing solids with solids, equipment, consideration while choosing solids mixing
equipment, theory of mixing, mixing solids with liquids, mixing miscible liquids, mixing viscous masses, mixing of
immiscible liquids, equipment for emulsification.
Theory of mixing, solid solid, solid liquid and liquid liquid mixing equipment, double cone, twin-shell, silverson
mixer, colloid mill, sigma blade mixer, planetary mixer, propeller mixer and turbine mixer.Semi solid mixing, Triple
roller mill.
Text Books:
1. Pharmaceutical Engineering . K. Samba Murthy,
2. Pharmaceutical Engineering CVS Subhramanyam,.
3. Tutorial Pharmacy, S.J. Carter, Cooper and Gunn’s, 6th ed., CBS publisher, Delhi.
1. Perry’s Handbook of Chemical Engineering.
2. Unit Operations by Mc Cabe & Smith.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
Course Objectives:
To make students understand the application of Amplifiers in industries
To make students understand the need and working of SCR.
To make students understand the need of different operation of SCR and their industrial applications.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Appreciate the need of DC amplifiers,RPS and SMPS
Appreciate the need for SCR and different firing angle.
Appreciate the application of SCR to DC motor control, working of industrial timers,
Appreciate the working of electrodes and RF generators.
DC Amplifiers: Need for DC amplifiers, DC amplifiers—Drift, Causes, Darlington Emitter Follower, Cascode
amplifier, Stabilization, Differential amplifiers—Chopper stabilization, Operational Amplifiers, Ideal specifications
of Operational Amplifiers, Instrumentation Amplifiers.
Regulated Power Supplies: Block diagram, Principle of voltage regulation, Series and Shunt type Linear
Voltage Regulators, Protection Techniques— Short Circuit, Over voltage and Thermal Protection.
Switched Mode & IC Regulators: Switched Mode voltage regulator, Comparison of Linear and Switched Mode
Voltage Regulators, Servo Voltage Stabilizer, monolithic voltage regulators Fixed and Adjustable IC Voltage
regulators, 3-terminal Voltage regulators—Current boosting .
SCR, Thyristor and its Applications: Principles of operation and characteristics of SCR, Triggering of
Thyristors, Commutation Techniques of Thyristors—Classes A, B, C, D, E and F, Ratings of SCR.
Static circuit breaker, Protection of SCR, Inverters—Classification, Single Phase inverters, Converters – single
phase Half wave and Full wave.
Chopper circuits – Principle, methods and Configurations, Diac and Triac, Triacs – Triggering modes, Firing
Circuits, Commutation.
Design of power supplies and regulators.
Industrial Applications: Industrial timers -Classification, types, Electronic Timers – Classification, RC and
Digital timers, Time base Generators. Electric Welding – Classification, types and methods of Resistance and
ARC wielding, Electronic DC Motor Control.
High Frequency heating – principle, merits, applications, High frequency Source for Induction heating. Dielectric
Heating – principle, material properties, Electrodes and their Coupling to RF generator, Thermal losses and
Applications.Ultrasonics – Generation and Applications.
Text Books:
1. Industrial and Power Electronics – G.K. Mithal and Maneesha Gupta, Khanna Publishers, 19th Ed., 2003.
2. Integrated Electronics – J. Millman and C.C Halkias, McGraw Hill, 1972.
1. Electronic Devices and circuits – Theodore.H.Bogart, Pearson Education,6th Edn., 2003.
2. Thyristors and applications – M. Rammurthy, East-West Press, 1977.
3. Integrated Circuits and Semiconductor Devices – Deboo and Burroughs, ISE.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
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Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Identify the different paper making processes and the differences between them
Understand the principles of measurement of moisture, basic weight, caliper, brightness, Consistency,
pH, ORP etc.
Recognize these principles written in form of mathematical equations
Apply these equations to analyze measurement of different parameters by making good assumptions
and learn systematic engineering method to solve practical problems
Apply fundamental principles of paper measurements for the solution of practical analysis of moisture,
basic weight, caliper, brightness, Consistency, pH, ORP etc
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Apply fundamentalknowledgeofmathematicstomodelingandanalysisofmoisture, basic weight, caliper,
brightness, Consistency, pH, ORP in pulp and paper industries. [POs:a,b, e];
Conduct company visits and field study in different industries and interpreting data from model studies
to prototype cases, as well as documenting them in engineering reports. [POs: a, b, d, g, k];
Understand measuring of different parameters caused by an incorrect analysis in engineering system.
[POs: a, e];
Understand the Paper Process methodology and instrumentation involved in.
An Overview of Paper Making Process: Paper making process — Raw materials — Pulp separation —
screening — Bleaching — Cooking — Chemical reaction — chippers — types of digesters — H factor and Kappa
factors- Stock preparation — Instrumentation needs — Energy conservation and paper quality control.
Paper Properties and Its Measurement: Physical, electrical, optical and chemical properties of paper — Basic
weight, thickness, density, porosity, smoothness, softness, hardness and compressibility — stress-strain
relationship — Tensile strength, bursting strength, tearing resistance, folding endurance, stiffness and impact
strength — Dielectric constant, dielectric strength, dielectric loss and Properties of electrical insulating paper —
Brightness, colour, gloss and capacity — Starch constant acidity and pH - Measurement techniques.
Consistency Measurement: Definition of consistency — Techniques for head box consistency measurement —
Stock consistency measurement and control.
Paper Making Machine: Functioning of Paper making machine — Quality parameters — moisture, basic
weight, caliper, brightness, colour, ash content, strength, gloss and tensile strength - parameters monitoring
Wet End Instrumentation: Conventional measurements at wet end - pressure – vacuum –temperature - liquid
density - specific gravity – level – flow -consistency measurement - pH - ORP measurement – freeness
Dry End Instrumentation: Conventional measurements – moisture - basis weight – caliper -coat thickness -
optical variables - measurement of length – speed –Digester - Rotary - Batch type
Pumps and Control Valves: Flow box - wet end variables - evaporator feedback - feed forward control - lime
mud density control - stock proportioning system -refiner control instrumentation - basic pulper instrumentation -
headbox - rush/drag control - instrumentation for size preparation -coating preparation - coating weight control -
batch digester -k/kappa number control - bleach plant chlorine stage control
Control Aspects Machine and cross direction control technique — consistency, moisture and basic weight control
— dryer control — computer based control systems - mill wide control.
Text Books:
1. Sankaranarayanan, P.E., Pulp and Paper Industries — Technology and Instrumentation Kotharis Desk book
series, 1995.
2. Handbook of Pulp and Paper technology, Britt K.W.VanNostrandReinbold Company, 1970.
3. James P.Casey , Pulp and Paper chemistry and chemical Technology, John Wiley and sons, 1981.
4. Austin G.T., Shrencs Chemical Process Industries, McGraw Hill International Student Edition, Singapore,
1. John R Lavigne, An Introduction to Paper Industry Instrumentation, Miller Freeman Publications, California,
1985 Series
2. Robert J. McGill, Measurement and Control in Papermaking,AdamHilger Limited, Bristol, 1980
3. John R. Lavigne, Instrumentation Applications for the Pulp and Paper Industry, Miller Freeman Publications,
California, 1990
4. Liptak, B. G., Instrument Engineers Handbook, volume 2,Process Control, Third edition, CRC press,
London, 1995
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
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Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
Understand the concepts of Reliability and Unreliability
Derive the expressions for Probability of failure, Expected value and standard deviation of Binominal
distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution and weibull distributions.
Formulating expressions for Reliability analysis of series-parallel and Non-series parallel systems
Deriving expressions for Time dependent and Limiting State Probabilities using Markov models.
Course Outcomes :
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Apply fundamental knowledge of Reliability to modeling and analysis of series- parallel and Non-series
parallel systems.
Solve some practical problems related with Generation, Transmission and Utilization of Electrical
Understand or become aware of various failures, causes of failures and remedies or failures in practical
Applying Reliability concepts to Practical systems by making some assumptions.
Rules for combining probabilities of events, Definition of Reliability. Significance of the terms Appearing in the
definition. Probability distributions: Random variables, probability density and distribution functions. Mathematical
expectation, Binominal distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution, weibull distribution.
Hazard Rate: Derivation of the reliability function in terms of the hazard rate.
Failures: Causes of failures, types of failures (early failures, chance failures and wear-out failures). Bath tub
curve.Preventive and corrective maintenance.Modes of failure.
Measures of Reliability: Mean time to failure and mean time between failures.
Classification of Engineering Systems: series, parallel and series-parallel systems- Expressions for the
reliability of the basic configurations. Reliability evaluation of Non-series-parallel configurations: Decomposition,
Path based and cutest based methods, Deduction of the Paths and cutsets from Event tree.
Discrete Markov Chains: General modelling concepts, stochastic transitional probability matrix, time dependent
probability evaluation and limiting state probability evaluation of one component repairable model. Absorbing
Continuous Markov Processes: Modelling concepts, State space diagrams, Stochastic Transitional Probability
Matrix, Evaluating time dependent and limiting state Probabilities of one component repairable model. Evaluation
of Limiting state probabilities of two component repairable model.
Approximate system Reliability analysis of Series systems, parallel systems with two and more than two
components, Network reduction techniques. Minimal cutest/failure mode approach.
Text Books:
1. “Reliability evaluation of Engineering systems”, Roy Billinton and Ronald N Allan, BS Publications.
2. “Reliability Engineering”, Elsayed A. Elsayed, Prentice Hall Publications.
1. “Reliability Engineering: Theory and Practice”, By Alessandro Birolini,Springer Publications.
2. “An Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engineering”, CharlesEbeling, TMH Publications.
3. “Reliability Engineering”, E. Balaguruswamy, TMH Publications.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
3 0 3
Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
To introduce the student to digital design using Field Programmable ICs, and to provide an understanding of
the underlying technologies and architectures of these Integrated Circuits.
Underlying Field Programmable and Complex Programmable Logic IC architectures and technologies in
Structure of SRAM-based, Anti fuse- based & EPROM-based FPGAs and sample architectures
Describing partitioning techniques to help logic synthesis provide the optimal logic network and also
familiarize with the concepts of Placement and Routing algorithms for FPGAs
Knowledge about EDA Tools for FPGAs & ASICs and specific case studies are presented.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Classify programmable architectures.
understand comprehending FPGA and CPLD technologies
Know how to minimize chip area, interconnect wire length, delays.
Learn use tools for implementing digital logic using a FPGA device.
Introduction to Programmable Logic Devices: Introduction, Simple Programmable Logic Devices – Read Only
Memories, Programmable Logic Arrays, Programmable Array Logic, Programmable Logic Devices/Generic Array
Logic; Complex Programmable Logic Devices – Architecture of Xilinx Cool Runner XCR3064XL CPLD, CPLD
Implementation of a Parallel Adder with Accumulation.
Field Programmable Gate Arrays: Organization of FPGAs, FPGA Programming Technologies, Programmable
Logic Block Architectures, Programmable Interconnects, Programmable I/O blocks in FPGAs, Dedicated
Specialized Components of FPGAs, Applications of FPGAs.
SRAM Programmable FPGAs: Introduction, Programming Technology, Device Architecture, The Xilinx XC2000,
XC3000 and XC4000 Architectures.
Anti-Fuse Programmed FPGAs: Introduction, Programming Technology, Device Architecture, TheActel ACT1,
ACT2 and ACT3 Architectures.
Design Applications: General Design Issues, Counter Examples, A Fast Video Controller, A Position Tracker
for a Robot Manipulator, A Fast DMA Controller, Designing Counters with ACT devices, Designing Adders and
Accumulators with the ACT Architecture.
Text Books:
1. Field Programmable Gate Array Technology - Stephen M. Trimberger, Springer International Edition.
2. Digital Systems Design - Charles H. Roth Jr, LizyKurian John, Cengage Learning.
1. Field Programmable Gate Arrays - John V. Oldfield, Richard C. Dorf, Wiley India.
2. Digital Design Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays - Pak K. Chan/SamihaMourad, Pearson Edition.
3. Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs - Ian Grout, Elsevier, Newnes.
4. FPGA based System Design - Wayne Wolf, Prentice Hall Modern Semiconductor Design Series.
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
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Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
To cater the knowledge of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Control and use these for controlling real
time systems.
To expose the students to the concepts of feed forward Neural Networks and about feed back Neural
To teach about the concepts of Fuzziness involved in various systems and comprehensive knowledge
of Fuzzy logic control and to design the Fuzzy control
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to
Understand the concepts of feed forward neural networks.
Acquire adequate knowledge about feedback neural networks.
Acquire the concept of fuzziness involved in various systems.
Acquire knowledge about fuzzy set theory.
Introduction to Neural Networks: Introduction, Humans and Computers, Organization of the Brain, Biological
Neuron, Biological and Artificial Neuron Models, Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron Model, Integrate and- Fire Neuron
Model, Spiking Neuron Model, Characteristics of ANN, McCulloch-Pitts Model, Historical Developments,
Potential Applications of ANN.
Essentials of Artificial Neural Networks: Artificial Neuron Model, Operations of Artificial Neuron, Types of
Neuron Activation Function, ANN Architectures, Classification Taxonomy of ANN – Connectivity, Neural
Dynamics (Activation and Synaptic), Learning Strategy (Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement), Learning
Rules, Types of Application
Feed Forward Neural Networks: Introduction, Perceptron Models: Discrete, Continuous and Multi-Category,
Training Algorithms: Discrete and Continuous Perceptron Networks, Perceptron Convergence theorem,
Limitations of the Perceptron Model, Applications.
Multilayer Feed forward Neural Networks: Credit Assignment Problem, Generalized Delta Rule, Derivation of
Backpropagation (BP) Training, Summary of Backpropagation Algorithm, Kolmogorov Theorem, Learning
Difficulties and Improvements.
Associative Memories: Paradigms of Associative Memory, Pattern Mathematics, Hebbian Learning, General
Concepts of Associative Memory (Associative Matrix, Association Rules, Hamming Distance, The Linear
Associator, Matrix Memories, Content Addressable Memory), Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM)
Architecture, BAM Training Algorithms: Storage and Recall Algorithm, BAM Energy Function, Proof of BAM
Stability Theorem
Architecture of Hopfield Network: Discrete and Continuous versions, Storage and Recall Algorithm, Stability
Analysis, Capacity of the Hopfield Network.
Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART): Introduction, Competitive Learning,
Vector Quantization, Self-Organized Learning Networks, Kohonen Networks, Training Algorithms, Linear Vector
Quantization, Stability-Plasticity Dilemma, Feed forward competition, Feedback Competition, Instar, Outstar,
ART1, ART2, Applications.
Classical and Fuzzy Sets: Introduction to classical sets - properties, Operations and relations; Fuzzy sets,
Membership, Uncertainty, Operations, properties, fuzzy relations, cardinalities, membership functions.
Fuzzy Logic System Components: Fuzzification, Membership value assignment, development of rule base and
decision making system, Defuzzification to crisp sets, Defuzzification methods.
Neural Network Applications: Process identification, Function Approximation, control and Process Monitoring,
fault diagnosis and load forecasting.
Fuzzy Logic Applications: Fuzzy logic control and Fuzzy classification.
Text Books:
1. Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms: synthesis and applications by | Rajasekharan and Rai –
PHI Publication.
2. Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems - Jacek M. Zuarda, Jaico Publishing House, 1997.
1. Neural and Fuzzy Systems: Foundation, Architectures and Applications, - N. Yadaiah and S. BapiRaju,
Pearson Education.
2. Neural Networks – James A Freeman and Davis Skapura, Pearson, 2002.
3. Neural Networks – Simon Hykins , Pearson Education
4. Neural Engineering by C.Eliasmith and CH.Anderson, PHI
5. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic System by Bork Kosko, PHI Publications
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I Year M.Tech. E&I – II sem L T/P/D C
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Course Objectives:
Student will be able to
It provides new concepts using Data acquisition card
It gives knowledge about how to control an external measuring device by Interfacing a computer.
It gives knowledge to develop the image processing applications
Gives knowledge to develop the control system and signal simulation applications
Gives knowledge on DSP Application
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, it is expected that students should be able to:
Design and Implement Data acquisition and control sequences using the Lab VIEW software
development tool
Perform experiments on electrical circuits to determine their frequency response and characteristics of
components etc (using NI Elvis)
Perform the image processing techniques on images using Vision Assistant module
Develop the control system and signal simulation applications using CDSM and DSP toolkit
List of experiments
1. Design of Decimal Counter Using Lab VIEW
2. Design of A function generator using Lab VIEW
3. Design of Filters Using NIELVIS.
4. Signal processing with speed 33 (speech recording and analysis)
5. Image Processing techniques with Vision Assistant
6. Image Processing application with vision assistant.
7. Image corrupted with salt and pepper noise ,apply average local 3 X 3 filter, local average 5 X 5,local average
7 X 7 and median filter observe the response using Vision Assistant
Networking usingLabVIEW
1. Creating a TCP Client
2. Creating a TCP Server
3. Binding Front Panel Controls to Shared Variables
4. Binding Front Panel Controls to Shared Variables in Other Projects
5. Binding Shared Variables to an Existing Source
6. Changing the Default Ports for TCP-Based NI-PSP
7. Configuring Firewalls and Network Address Translating Routers for Shared Variables
4. Setting Input and Output Terminals for the CIN
5. Wiring Inputs and Outputs to the CIN
6. Creating a .c File
7. Compiling the CIN Source Code
8. Loading the CIN Object Code
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A mini project work shall be carried out on any topic of Electronics & Instrumentation and a seminar
should be given on the same along with a brief report.