King Arthur and The Knights of The Round Table 4 BooksSynopsis Dilla Doque Doroin
King Arthur and The Knights of The Round Table 4 BooksSynopsis Dilla Doque Doroin
King Arthur and The Knights of The Round Table 4 BooksSynopsis Dilla Doque Doroin
and American
Mr. Mark Christopher Molina
Group members
Oral tradition places the origins of the King Arthur story as far back as the
4th Century CE. This time period consisted of continual conflicts between
the Saxons, Scots, Irish, Celts, and Romans. Arthurian mythology
encompasses the values of this time period, illustrated by knights who fight
for honor and victory.
The Author
Roger (Gilbert) Lancelyn Green was a British biographer and children's
writer. He was an Oxford academic who formed part of the Inklings
literary discussion group along with C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.
Born in 1918 November 2, in Norwich, England, The United
Kingdom. Green studied under C. S. Lewis at Merton College, Oxford,
where he obtained a B.Litt. degree. He delivered the 1968 Andrew Lang
lecture. Green lived in Cheshire, in a manor which his ancestors
owned for over 900 years. He died in October 1987. His son was
the writer Richard Lancelyn Green. The genre that he often used in his
works are Myths & Legends and Fiction.
book synopsis
book 1 “The Coming of Arthur”
King Arthur King Arthur is a main character and Lancelot du Lac, also written Gawain, also known in many Galahad, sometimes referred
the closest figure to a protagonist, though he as Launcelot and other other forms and spellings, is to as Galeas or Galath,
plays a minor role in Books 2 and 3. Arthur is variants, is a character in a character in Arthurian among other versions of his
the son of King Uther Pendragon and Igrayne, some versions of Arthurian legend, in which he is King name, is a knight of King
but Sir Ector secretly raises him. Merlin takes legend where he is typically Arthur's nephew and a Knight Arthur's Round Table and one
Arthur to Avalon as a baby where he is blessed depicted as King Arthur's of the Round Table. The of the three achievers of the
with three things: “That he should be the best close companion and one of prototype of Gawain is Holy Grail in Arthurian
of all knights; that he should be the greatest
the greatest Knights of the mentioned under the name legend.
king this land shall ever know; and that he
should live long—longer than any man shall ever Round Table. Gwalchmei in the earliest
know” . King Arthur has other names; Arthur Welsh sources.
Pendragon and Arturus.
In Arthurian legend, Sir Kay is Bedivere is one of the Gaheris is a Knight of the Palamedes is a Knight of the
King Arthur's foster brother earliest characters to be Round Table in the chivalric Round Table in the Arthurian
and later seneschal, as well featured in the legend of romance tradition of legend. He is a Middle
as one of the first Knights of King Arthur, originally Arthurian legend. A nephew of Eastern pagan who converts
the Round Table. In later described in several Welsh King Arthur, Gaheris is the to Christianity later in his
literature he is known for his texts as the one-handed third son of Arthur's sister or life, and his unrequited love
acid tongue and bullying, great warrior named Bedwyr half-sister Morgause and her for Iseult brings him into
boorish behaviour, but in Bedrydant. husband Lot, King of Orkney frequent conflict with
earlier accounts he was one and Lothian. Tristan. Palamedes' father
of Arthur's premier warriors. King Esclabor and brothers
Safir and Segwarides also
join the Round Table.
Sir Griflet is one of the Morgan le Fay, alternatively Mordred or Modred is a figure Percival, alternatively called
knights killed by Lancelot's known as Morgan[n]a, in the legend of King Arthur. Peredur, is a figure in the
rescue party at the execution Morgain[a/e], Morg[a]ne, The earliest known mention legend of King Arthur, often
of Guinevere, making Griflet's Morgant[e], Morge[i]n, and of a possibly historical appearing as one of the
Morgue[in] among other Medraut is in the Welsh Knights of the Round Table.
cousin Bedivere the knight
names and spellings, is a chronicle Annales Cambriae,
who casts away Excalibur, the
powerful and ambiguous wherein he and Arthur are
role that has been given to enchantress from the legend ambiguously associated with
Bedivere also in the earlier of King Arthur, in which the Battle of Camlann in a
English adaptations of the most often she and he are brief entry for the year 537.
Mort Artu. siblings.
Sir Ector, sometimes Hector, Merlin is a mythical figure Gareth is a Knight of the The Lady of the Lake is a
Antor, or Ectorius, is the prominently featured in the Round Table in Arthurian name or a title used by
father of Sir Kay and the legend of King Arthur and legend. He is the youngest several either fairy or fairy-
adoptive father of King Arthur best known as a magician, son of King Lot and Queen like but human
in the Matter of Britain. with several other main Morgause, King Arthur's half- enchantresses in the Matter
Sometimes portrayed as a roles. sister, thus making him of Britain, the body of
Arthur's nephew, as well as medieval literature and
king instead of merely a lord,
brother to Gawain, Agravain mythology associated with
he has an estate in the and Gaheris, and either a the legend of King Arthur.
country as well as properties brother or half-brother of
in London. Mordred.
Guinevere, also often written Bors is the name of two Tristan, also known as Uther Pendragon, also
in Modern English as knights in Arthurian legend, Tristram, Tristyn or Tristain known as King Uther, was a
Guenevere or Guenever, was, an elder and a younger. The and similar names, is the legendary King of the
according to Arthurian legend, two first appear in the hero of the legend of Tristan Britons and father of King
13th-century Lancelot-Grail and Iseult. In the legend, he Arthur.
an early-medieval queen of
romance prose cycle. is tasked with escorting the
Great Britain and the wife of
Irish princess Iseult to wed
King Arthur. Tristan's uncle, King Mark of
King Leodegrance,
The Queen of Orkney, today
Sir Agravain is a Knight of sometimes Leondegrance,
best known as Morgause
the Round Table in Arthurian Leodogran, or variations
and also known as
legend, whose first known thereof, is the father of
Morgawse and other
Queen Guinevere in Arthurian
appearance is in the works spellings and names, is a
legend. His kingdom of
of Chrétien de Troyes. character in Arthurian
Cameliard is usually
legend in which she is the
identified with Cornwall but
mother of Gawain and
may be located in Breton
Mordred, both key players
Cornouaille near the town of
in the story of King Arthur
Carhaix-Plouguer, which is
and his downfall.
the Carhaise of L'Histoire de
Book 1: “The Coming of Arthur”
Book 1, “The Coming of Arthur,” tells how Arthur became king and united Britain. After being
raised in secret, the young Arthur miraculously pulls a sword from an anvil, which declares he is
the rightful king. Arthur gathers followers and receives the sword Excalibur and its magical
scabbard from Avalon, which the wizard Merlin prophesizes will help him create the godly realm
of Logres. One of Arthur’s knights, Balyn, has a series of tragic adventures after keeping a cursed
sword. Balyn strikes the Dolorous Stroke, cursing King Pelles and his Castle Carbonek but creating
the conditions for the Holy Grail to come to Camelot in the future.
Arthur defeats his evil opposition and banishes the Saxons. He marries Queen Guinevere, and
Merlin gifts them the Round Table, foretelling the great deeds of the knights still to arrive. To
inaugurate the Round Table, Arthur sends three new knights on quests. Gawain, Pellinore, and Tor
all confront or succumb to rash behaviors, which lead to disastrous ends. Arthur and Merlin
create the Order of Chivalry so the knights will behave properly on future adventures. Merlin
leaves to sleep until he is needed in the far future, and the magical Lady Nimue takes his place.
Arthur’s sister, Morgana le Fay, concocts a plan to kill Arthur, but Arthur proves his bravery and
diplomacy in the trap instead. Morgana steals the magic scabbard and flees, always plotting to
hurt Logres.
Book 2:
“The Knights of the Round Table”
Book 2, “The Knights of the Round Table,” details the coming of Arthur’s most
famous knights to Camelot and the various quests that prove their worthiness.
Gawain plays a beheading game with the mysterious Green Knight to right his prior
wrongs. He follows the enchanted man into the wilderness and to his castle where
his queen unsuccessfully tempts Gawain to betray his knightly oaths. Gawain’s
courtesy is later tested again by the monstrous Lady Ragnell, but Gawain breaks her
curse of “ugliness” through his kindness. Launcelot next arrives to perform many
brave feats, gaining fame across the country as the strongest knight in Logres.
Book 2 then tells the individual tales of Gareth, Tristram, and Geraint’s deeds. Gareth,
keeping his noble lineage a secret, takes a quest to save a woman, much to the
distress of the woman’s prejudiced sister. Gareth proves his valor doesn’t come from
his noble name in many valiant battles, and he marries the Lady Linnet. Geraint, a
squire, similarly proves his bravery to his love Enid through a quest, and his defeat of
the evil Sir Oringle wins him his knighthood.
Book 2:
“The Knights of the Round Table”
Tristram arrives as a minstrel, singing the tale of his tragic love for Iseult the Fair.
Tristram fought dragons and evil knights in Ireland to win her hand for King Mark
but accidentally drank a potion and fell in love with her instead. Arthur invites
Tristram to his Round Table where he stays for many years before dying of a
poisoned heart.
Gawain’s son Percivale, after being raised in the forest, next comes to Arthur’s
court. On his quest, he finds his love Blanchefleur and sees the procession of the
Holy Grail at Castle Carbonek. Percivale leaves in haste and loses both the lady and
Grail, but he receives honor at the Round Table. Launcelot later comes to Carbonek
himself and also sees the Grail. King Pelles’s daughter, Elaine, enchants herself to
appear as Queen Guinevere, tricking Launcelot into marrying her and having a child
with her. This affects Launcelot’s mental state, but he eventually returns to
Camelot when Naciens the Divine Hermit heals him with the Grail.
Book 3 “The Quest of the Holy Grail”
In Book 3, “The Quest of the Holy Grail,” Launcelot and Elaine’s son Galahad
arrives at Camelot and completes the Round Table. The Holy Grail appears to bless
the court and swiftly disappears, exciting the knights to set out in search of it.
Galahad, Bors, and Percivale all face trials of their virtue and faith; when they
prove worthy, they board the Enchanted Ship that takes them to Carbonek.
Launcelot confesses his sins and also boards the ship, but a minor quest
separates him from the group. Gawain and Launcelot find their way to Carbonek
before the others, and the Grail appears, but neither Gawain nor Launcelot can
drink from the vessel—Gawain because he is early and Launcelot because of his
sins. Galahad, Bors, and Percivale later arrive, and Galahad undoes King Pelles’s
curse. Galahad dies and ascends to heaven, Percivale rules Carbonek with
Blanchefleur, and Bors returns with Launcelot and Gawain to tell their story.
Book 3 “The Quest of the Holy Grail”
Launcelot seeks out Castle Carbonek, but he can’t find it in the Waste Lands. He finds a
chapel in the woods that is locked, and he is unable to enter, so he sleeps nearby.
Launcelot half-wakes to a procession of a sickly knight. Naciens exits the chapel with the
holy silver candlestick and places it on an altar where the Holy Grail floats down to heal the
knight. The knight takes Launcelot’s belongings and rides away. Launcelot wakes and
laments how he couldn’t touch the Grail. Naciens invites Launcelot to stay with him in the
chapel to confess his sins and learn spirituality.
After a while, Launcelot leaves and travels to the coast where he jousts with his son,
Galahad. Galahad defeats Launcelot, and the two board the Enchanted Ship. When the ship
departs, the knights and Dindrane tell their stories. The knights follow Dindrane to the
Castle of the Maiden. The knights of the castle try to take Dindrane, as their custom
demands that every maiden must try to heal their mistress. The knights, disliking the
custom, prepare to defend her. As the fighting begins, the Golden Knight of the castle calls
for a truce and invites the travelers in, promising no harm.
Book 4: “The Departing of Arthur”
Logres descends into chaos in Book 4, “The Departing of Arthur.” Launcelot and
Guinevere’s secret affair develops after Launcelot saves the queen from an evil knight.
Mordred confronts the lovers publicly, forcing Launcelot to fight, flee, and save Guinevere
from execution. Arthur goes to war with Launcelot because of Gawain’s need for revenge,
as Launcelot killed his unarmed brothers while saving the queen. The knights find temporary
peace, but Gawain and his followers force Arthur to follow Launcelot to France. Launcelot
fatally wounds Gawain before Arthur’s army returns to Britain to battle Mordred, who
usurped Arthur’s crown in his absence.
Arthur and Mordred’s armies fight to the last man, and each leader fatally wounds the
other. Arthur’s final followers bring him to the lake where he received Excalibur, and a boat
awaits to bring him to Avalon. Launcelot and Guinevere spend the rest of their days in
prayer, and the kingdom of Logres falls into darkness. The citizens of Britain keep Arthur
and his knights’ legend alive, waiting for the sleeping king to return to restore Logres once
short summary
In the book King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table, King Uther and Queen
Igrayne had a boy named Arthur but Merlin the enchanter took the boy and kept him
safe. Then one day, Arthur was with his new foster parents and his older foster brother,
Sir Kay, asked for him to fetch his sword because he was going to joust during a New
Years celebration. A couple of days before, Merlin set a magical rock with a sword stuck
in it, and said that the person who can pull this sword out of this rock, he is the true
king. Arthur went to his foster house to fetch his sword for his big brother Kay, but
when he reached the house, he found it to be locked and he couldn't get the sword, but
he remembered that there was a sword stuck to a rock and went to go get it. When he
came to the rock, he pulled out the sword with ease and when people saw him pull it
out, they couldn't believe a little child pulled it out. So Arthur put it back and let
everyone there try to pull it out but no one could take it out. So Arthur was crowned
king to defend his country from the Saxons, people who were trying to take over their
land, and fight for the victory of the Logres, with his trusty Excalibur which he receives
from the Lady of the Lake.
short summary
As he grows older, Merlin helps him become a wise king for the Logres and shapes
Arthur to become the most wisest and fairest king. Through the book, he and his
knights fight for his people and take on many adventures to defend the Logres.
Lancelot, one of King Arthur's noble knights, falls in love with King Arthur's wife,
Queen Guinevere, and Mordrid, a traitor from the Saxons, reveal them and causes a
huge war. At the end, King Arthur finds out that Sir Mordrid is from the Saxons and
works for his evil stepsister, Morgana le Fay, and declares war. He loses many of
his knights but defeats Mordrid and provides peace through out his nation. Through
the battle, he gets heavily wounded and goes to the Vale of the Avalon but is never
heard of after. Some believe he has died and was placed next to Queen Guinevere's
tomb, but others say that he still remains alive and waiting to fight and defend the
Logres once more.
theme of the story