Lec 1 28-Feb
Lec 1 28-Feb
Lec 1 28-Feb
These lectures are presented to the
1st year students at the University of
Basra for Oil and Gas /Chemical
Engineering Department
Modern mechanics was developed very rapidly after the time of Stevinus.
The experiments of Galileo (1564-1642) led to the development of the principles
of dynamics by exploding some of the false theories of the Greek philosophers.
He made investigations and obtained experimental proof of the laws of falling
bodies even though he was handicapped by lack of adequate clocks for measuring
small time intervals. Christian Huygens (1629-1695) continued the mechanical
investigations started by Galileo. He invented the pendulum clock, determined
the acceleration of gravity, and introduced the theorems respecting centrifugal
force. Newton (1642-1727) completed the basic principles of engineering
mechanics by his discovery of universal gravitation and by his statement of the
laws of motion.
For more historical information see Science of Mechanics, by Ernst Mach, The Open Court Publishing
Company, Chicago, 1893, or A Historical Appraisal of Mechanics, by Harvey F. Girvin, International Textbook
Company, Scran ton. Pa.,1948.
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Historical Background and introduction to force analysis
The external effects of a force system on a physical body are not ordinarily
altered appreciably by small distortions of the body. Many problems of statics
would be unnecessarily complicated by taking such changes of shape into
account. Thus, most of the bodies in this text will be considered as rigid bodies.
A body in which all of the particles remain at fixed distances from each other
is called a rigid body. No real body is absolutely rigid, but in many cases the
changes in shape of the body have a negligible effect upon the acceleration
produced by a force system or upon the reactions required to maintain
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Historical Background and introduction to force analysis
Length is used to locate the position of a point in space and thereby describe
the size of a physical system. Once a standard unit of length is defined, one can
then use it to define distances and geometric properties of a body as multiples of
this unit.
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Historical Background and introduction to force analysis
1.4.2 Idealizations.
Models or idealizations are used in mechanics in order to simplify application
of the theory. Here we will consider three important idealizations.
Particle. A particle has a mass, but a size that can be neglected. For example,
the size of the earth is insignificant compared to the size of its orbit, and therefore
the earth can be modelled as a particle when studying its orbital motion. When a
body is idealized as a particle, the principles of mechanics reduce to a rather
simplified form since the geometry of the body will not be involved in the analysis
of the problem.
Concentrated Force.
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Historical Background and introduction to force analysis
First Law.
Figure 3
Second Law.
𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎
Third Law.
Figure 5
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Historical Background and introduction to force analysis
𝑊 = 𝑚𝑔 (𝑔 = 9.81 𝑚/𝑠 2
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Historical Background and introduction to force analysis
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Historical Background and introduction to force analysis
1.9 References
1- Engineering Mechanics (A. Higdon)
2- Engineering Mechanics (R. C. HIBBELER)
Page 8
Force Analysis
2 Force Analysis
2.1 Composition and Resolution of Forces
The process of replacing a force
system by its resultant is called
composition. The resultant of a pair of
concurrent forces can be determined by
means of the parallelogram law or
principle, which states that the resultant
is proportional to the diagonal of the
parallelogram whose sides are
proportional to the two forces.
Figure 6
The parallelogram law is illustrated
in Fig 6 . The resultant of the forces P and Q is the single force, R, which passes
through O, the point of concurrence of P and Q. The resultant force can be
determined graphically by drawing the parallelogram to scale. Its magnitude can
also be determined algebraically by applying the cosine law for a general triangle,
The angle the resultant makes with either force can be determined by the law
of sines, for example:
sin 𝛼 sin 𝜃
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Force Analysis
Example 1
Parallelogram Law.
The parallelogram is formed by
drawing a line from the head of F1 that is
parallel to F2, and another line from the
head of F2 that is parallel to F1. The
resultant force FR extends to where these
lines intersect at point A, Fig. 2-11b. The
two unknowns are the magnitude of FR
and the angle u (theta).
𝜙 = 39.8 + 15 = 54.8𝑂
NOTE: The results seem reasonable, since Fig. 2–11b shows FR to have a
magnitude larger than its components and a direction that is between them.
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Force Analysis
Now both forces have component in the same direction thus they can be added
to each other to create one component for the resultant as follows
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Force Analysis
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Force Analysis
Example 2
Resolve the horizontal 600-lb force in Fig. 2–12a into components acting
along the u and v axes and determine the magnitudes of these components.
Figure 7
The parallelogram is constructed by extending a line from the head of the 600-lb
force parallel to the v axis until it intersects the u axis at point B, Fig. 2–12b. The
arrow from A to B represents Fu. Similarly, the line extended from the head of
the 600-lb force drawn parallel to the u axis intersects the v axis at point C, which
gives Fv. The vector addition using the triangle rule is shown in Fig. 7 c. The two
unknowns are the magnitudes of Fu and Fv.
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Force Analysis
Ans F=245lb
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