Altered Quickrules en
Altered Quickrules en
Altered Quickrules en
Game Overview
In Altered, you’ll lead two Expeditions as they discover
and explore the land surrounding your native peninsula
of Asgartha.
One of your Expeditions will be led by your Hero,
represented by the Hero Expedition marker, and the
other one is led by their Companion, represented by the 39 Card deck Adventure cards: 2 Rules reminders
Companion Expedition marker. Your Expeditions will + 1 Hero card 1 Hero Region card
progress towards each other as the game goes on, and + 6 Token cards 1 Companion Region card / Arena card
your goal is to be the first to have them meet up. 1 Set of 3 Tumult cards
6 Expedition markers
Centuries ago, life on Earth changed forever: a cataclysm (Hero & Companion)
brought beings from the world of stories and dreams
to our reality. We formed new alliances with them,
1 First Player marker
and together we rebuilt a civilization in the haven of
Asgartha. It is now finally time to leave the safety of our
walls and explore the altered world. Are you ready to The Axiom (brown) Expedition markers have 3 Boost, 2 Fleeting, 1 Warning Card
discover what lies Beyond the Gates? reached each other: the Axiom player wins! 1 Playmat 2 Anchored and 1 Asleep markers + 1 Common foiler
Learn how to play
If you would rather watch a video tutorial, scan the
2 1 Tumult cards 2 QR code to the right.
3 3
Expedition Expedition
Take a set of three Tumult cards, shuffle them Each player places their Hero card in the Hero card
and place them as shown, face-down in a line 1 6 5 zone of the playmat.
between the two players. 5
Randomly determine the starting player (you can
Place the Hero region card at one end of the 6 flip the First Player marker to do so), and place the
line, and the Companion region card at the 2 First Player marker on their Hero card.
other end. Reserve Landmarks
Each player removes all the token cards from their
Each player places their Hero Expedition 7 deck, then shuffles the remaining cards and places
marker on the Hero region card, and their 3 them face down in the “Deck” zone of the Playmat.
Companion Expedition marker on the 8 (Tokens have a different design on the back
Companion region card. 7 compared to normal playing cards.)
Set up the two playmats facing each other on Mana Keep the rules reminder cards and the rest of the
either side of the Tumult. 4 8 markers close at hand, and you’re ready to start playing!
Starting Hand
In Altered, there are 4 types of cards: Heroes, E B Draw 6 cards from your deck, then choose 3 of them
to put in your Mana zone, face-down and ready (see
Characters, Spells, and Permanents. See “Other Card On Character cards only:
Types” for more details. illustration below). The three other cards will form your
H Characters have statistics corresponding to the starting hand.
On all cards:
H three region types: Forest , Mountain
and Water . Mana Orbs
A Name Cards in your Mana zone are always face down, and
are called Mana Orbs. Each Mana Orb gives you 1
B Type and sub-type(s). Triggers: Mana when you exhaust it. Ready all of your Mana
Orbs during the Morning phase.
C Faction: this banner indicates the card’s faction. A card that is face-down in your Mana zone stays
I Cards have different effects, called triggers,
D Hand Cost: the card’s mana cost when it is played F depending on where they are played from: there for the rest of the game.
from your hand.
: This trigger activates regardless of where the
E Reserve Cost: the card’s mana cost when it is played I card is played from.
from Reserve.
: This trigger activates when the card is played
F Abilities: the card’s special rules. G from your hand.
: This trigger activates when the card is played
G Support ability: an additional ability that some from Reserve.
cards have.
Ready Exhausted
To play a card, you must exhaust the number of
A game of Altered is played over several rounds called Days. Each Day is composed of five phases: Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Mana Orbs corresponding to its cost.
Dusk and Night. Playing a Character: When you play a Character,
Turn structure you decide which Expedition to place it in (Hero or
1. Take as many Quick Actions as you want.
If it’s the first Day of the game, go straight to the Starting with the First Player, players take turns in this 2. Then, play a card OR Pass.
next phase (Noon). Otherwise, follow these steps: phase, during which they each play one card at a time.
1. Change the owner of the First Player marker.
2. Ready your Mana Orbs and exhausted cards.
3. Draw two cards from your deck.
QUICK ACTIONS Playing a card from Reserve: See “The Reserve”.
4. Starting with the First Player, each player Before playing a card, you may take as many quick actions
chooses if they want to place a card from their Playing a Spell or a Landmark: See “Other
as you wish. You can take one or more quick actions before Card Types”.
hand into their Mana zone. choosing to Pass.
There are two kinds of quick actions:
Exhaust abilities: These are present on certain Permanent PASS
and Hero cards. Exhaust ( ) the card to activate its effect. If you cannot play a card or no longer wish to do so,
Support abilities: A card’s support ability is only usable if it you may end your turn by passing. This means that
In Altered, 1 TURN = 1 CARD is in your Reserve. To activate it, discard ( ) the card from you won’t be able to take any more turns until the
PHASE 2: NOON your Reserve. (See “The Reserve”.) next Afternoon phase.
As soon as one player plays a card, the other player Once a player has passed, the remaining player
Activate any card with an “At Noon” trigger. starts their turn. They continue back and forth in this Remember, taking a quick action doesn’t count as playing a can continue taking turns. Once both players have
Not all starter decks have cards with “At Noon” triggers. way until the end of the Afternoon. card, and doesn’t end your turn. passed, move on to the Dusk phase.
Your total must be higher than 0 in order to move During the other phases of the Day, there is no limit to
forward. the number of cards in your Reserve and Landmark zone.
ADDITIONAL RULES After discovering the starter decks, the next step
CARD ABILITIES MARKERS in your Altered journey is to build your own deck!
If a card’s abilities contradict the normal rules of the game, follow what the card says. Your deck must include exactly one Hero card and a
minimum of 39 other cards of the same faction.
TARGETING You must also follow these rules:
Card abilities can only target cards that are controlled. Characters that are in an Expedition, or Landmarks that are in the Use these counters when a No more than 3 copies of a card with the same
Landmark zone are “controlled”. Character gains boosts. name, regardless of rarity
Cards in Reserve are not “controlled”. This means they can only be targeted by an ability that explicitly mentions the Reserve. No more than 15 rare cards
No more than 3 unique cards.
RUNNING OUT OF CARDS IN YOUR DECK Use this marker when a When building your deck, make sure you have enough
If your deck is empty and you need to draw one or more cards, shuffle your discard pile, which then becomes your new Character gains Anchored. cards that cost between 1 and 3 mana, to avoid falling
deck. After that, finish drawing cards. too far behind during the first few Days of the game.
PLAYING A PERMANENT FROM RESERVE Use this marker when a Check out our application to discover more deck-
If you play a Permanent from Reserve, use its Reserve Cost to play it in your Landmark zone. It does not gain Fleeting. Character gains Asleep. building hints, more information about available
cards, and the marketplace!
A support ability is only triggered when you discard MULTIPLAYER RULES
These abilities trigger at the beginning of their
respective phases. (The First Player triggers them first the card as a Quick Action. Do not trigger the ability if Free-for-all: 2v2:
and resolves them in the order of their choice). it’s discarded for any other reason, such as having too Scan the QR code to Scan the QR code to
many cards in your Reserve during the Night phase, see the specific rules see the specific rules
for example. for this game mode. for this game mode.
Tokens are Characters that aren’t included in your “I” IN CARD ABILITIES
deck, but are created by other cards. Cards use “I” to refer to themselves. For example, "I
When a token leaves the Expedition zone, it is always gain 2 boosts." should be understood as "this card
instantly removed from the game, even if a card tells gains two boosts."
you to do something else with it!