40259-43414-1-PB 2
40259-43414-1-PB 2
40259-43414-1-PB 2
ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN 2225-059X (Online)
Vol.60, 2017
Wayang beber is unique traditional art type because this wayang beber is the only one found in Indonesia or
world. Wayang beber is made in complicated painting in the form of paper roll. Totally, there are six rolls, and
each roll contains four scenes.Wayang beber show has various functions for the supporting community.This
study will describe the wayang beber show any function.This research aimed to find out the function in Wayang
Beber Pacitan. This study was a descriptive qualitative research. Techniques of collecting data used were
observation, interview, and document analysis. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling one. Data
analysis was carried out using an interactive model of analysis, while data validation was conducted using
triangulation. From the result of research, it can be concluded that wayang beber is a traditional art of
Archipelago having distinctive peculiarity compared with other wayang types. The pecualiarity of wayang beber
lies on its painting form and performing method spread out, and retold by the narrator corresponding to the
content of story. The existence of wayang beber has a very important function and values for its proponents
including; wayang bebers has ritual, social, and economic functions.
Keywords: Wayang beber, ritual
Indonesia is well-known for a variety of wayang art including wayang beber. This type of wayang has distinctive
peculiarity and is different from other common type of wayang. Wayang beber’s peculiarity lies on its visual
form and performing method. In Wayangkulit, every character is prepared one by one and one and given handle,
while wayang beber is in the form of painting on a roll of paper or cloth featuring some scenes and it is
performed through extending the paper or clothe out (dibeber in Javanese), and then the narrator retells the story
according to the act. Therefore it is called wayang beber (Haryono, 2008:2).
Wayang beber is also called ‘Javanese comic’, as it constitutes the painting on a roll of paper or cloth
containing some scenes drawn chronologically corresponding to the story plot.Historically, wayang beber exists
in two places: In Gunung Kidul Regency of Yogyakarta and Pacitan Regency. Therefore based on its origin,
wayang beber is called Wayang beber Wonosari and wayang beber Pacitan. The presence of wayang beber
Pacitan exists in Gedompol village, Donorojo Sub District, Pacitan Regency. Wayang beber Pacitan has
believably been existing since Majapahit time. Inreference to the available theories, wayang beber was made or
performed for the first time in Majapahit era. Though these theories can be considered reasonable, many things
are equivocal. The comparison results showthat the shape of wayang beber seems to indicate newer era than the
shapes of other wayang with the same age in Majapahit era. Perhaps wayang beber was created in the fall of
Majapahit (at the beginning of 16th century), before the cultural center moved to Demak, Central Java
(Dharsono, 2017:53).
Wayang beber is unique traditional art type because this wayang beber is the only one found in Indonesia or
world. Wayang beber is made in complicated painting in the form of paper roll. Totally, there are six rolls, and
each roll contains four scenes (jagong: in Javanese). So, totally there are 24 jagong (scenes). Many character
and other pictures of flora and faun are painted on each scene. There are also human, animal, plant elements (the
floras drawn on each sheet are different), gaman or weapon (for example keris, lance) and other painting.
Research Method
This reseacrh is a qualitative deecriptive research. This research was conducted at the place of original of
wayang beber Pacitan in Karangtalun, Gedompol village, Pacitan regency. Data obtained through observation,
in-depth interview, and document analysis. The observation was done at wayang beber show, interview was
done with Mr. Rudy Prasetyo and Mr. Anom Sukatno as puppeteer (dalang in Javanese) wayang beber Pacitan.
The interview was also conducted with Mr. Johan Perwiranto, cultural observer from Pacitan.
Data were analyzed using interactive analysis technique consisted of three componen, namely data
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Primary data and secondary data transcribed in report form and
then reduced and selected according to the data requierd. Presentation of data, is an information organization
assembly in the form of classification or categorization that allows the conclusion of research, and the collected
data is then analyzed by hermeutical approach, so that it can be made conclusion.
Arts and Design Studies www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN 2225-059X (Online)
Vol.60, 2017
Literature Review
Culture is the result of human activity in its supporting society. Nanang Rizali explains about culture related to
meaning, values and symbols. Understanding the dynamics of culture basically understand the problem of
meaning, values and symbols that are used as a reference by a group of supporters. Explained that culture is the
whole system of ideas, actions, and the work of human beings in the framework of life (2000: 32).
Rohidi, (2000) describes culture as related to the symbol system, which is a reference and guideline for the
life of society and as a system of symbols, giving meaning, the model is transmitted through symbolic codes
(pp.3). Understanding the culture gives connotation that the culture as a public expression in the form of ideas
and human behavior in the community.
Ida Bagus Gedhe Triguna (1997:65), explains values and symbols etymologically. The word symbol comes
from the Greek word sumballo (sumballien) which means to interview, contemplate, compare. The symbol is a
statement of two things that are unified and based on their dimensions. Values relate to something that is
considered valuable, while symbols in addtiton to having certain functions can also be utilized as the identity of
the community. A symbol describes a dual function that is transcendent-vertical (related to reference, size,
pattern of society in behaving), and horizontal immanent (As a means of communication based on its context and
the adhesive of soldarity relationship of its supportingsociety.Related to the cultural system, Nooryan Bahari
(2004) argues about the mutual relationship between society and culture. Human relations as members of society
with culture is very close, because there is no society that has no culture. Similarly, there can be no culture that is
not incarnate in a sosciety (pp. 21). Bahari further states that the notion of culture varies greatly, and every
contraint of the given meaning depends on the point of view of each person based on the pattern of his thinking.
Some people regard culture as a social behavior. For others, culture is by no means a behavior, but a
behavioral abstraction. Some people think stone axes, temples, and pottery are cultures. As for others consider
these objects not as culture, but the result of culture. The concept of culture on the basis of the theory of
evolution, which considers the culture as a complex whole that includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals,
customs and various abilities and other habits asquierd by humans as members of society. The learning behavior
of a community or communitysub-group includes organizations, family structures, agency structures that expree
or regulate social relationshisip, communicating forms typical of community members. Although the notion of
culture varies greatly, there is an attempt to reformulate the concept of culture that culture refers to as a whole of
behavioral patterns and patterns of behavior, both explicit and implicit, acquired and derived trhough symbols,
which are finaly able to something characteristic and characteristic of the human group, including its
embodiment in material things (2004: 21).
The characteristic according to Simuh (1988) as the prominent features in Javanese culture is full of
symbols or symbols. This is possible because Javanese humans at that time were not accustomed to abstract
thinking. All ideas are expressed in more concrete forms of symbols, thus everything can be a riddle, because
symbols can be interpreted in a double (pp. 131). The meaning of ornamental elements has a generalistic nature,
given that cultural values such as wayang have the same roots between gagrag one with another (from time to
time), namely Javanese cultural values that are conserved in the tradition of puppets. This is in accordance with
Rohidi's (2000: 2) opinion, that traditions in a society may change but cultural values that are regarded as
endowments are preserved. Koentjaraningrat (2009) states that culture is the whole system of ideas, actions and
human works in the life of society (pp.193-195).
The form and content of culture, according to Honigmann in Koentjaraningrat (2009) there are at least three
forms, namely (1) ideas, (2) activities and (3) artifacts. These three forms of culture by Koentjaraningrat are
expressed as systems that are closely related to each other, and in this case the most abstract system (ideas)
seems to be on top to regulate the activities of social systems more concrete, while activity in social systems
produce its material culture (artifact). This opinion provides an illustration that Javanese culture is a reciprocal
interaction between the systems in the form of culture, the relationship between ideas and activities that produce
various works in the form of artifacts. Wayang beber Pacitan as a form of expression contains cultural values
that reflect the culture of the Indonesian nation.
The notion of value according to Kluckhohn in Mulyana (2004: 10) argues that values as conceptions
(implied or written, which distinguish individual or group characteristics) from what is desired affects the choice
of the intermediate, purpose and end of action. Through visual elements such as lines, shapes, colors, and others
contain messages of moral teachings that are priceless. Cultural values are ideas that have been learned by
citizens from an early age, making it difficult to change. It is this idea which then produces things created by
human beings based on their values, thoughts, and behaviors.
Arts and Design Studies www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN 2225-059X (Online)
Vol.60, 2017
Panji Asmara Bangun (Panji Inu Kertapati) from Jenggala Kingdom and Dewi Sekartaji (Candrakirana), the
princess of Kediri Kingdom.
To find out the content of wayang beber story, the write took Wayang Beber performance with the story
“Kawine Dewi Sekartaji” in Gedompol Village, Donorojo Sub District, Pacitan Regency, as the example.
Meanwhile the plot of story is retold as follows:
Prabu Brawijaya, the king of Kediri Kingdom, called his servants including Patih Tanda Prawira Mantri
Arya Deksa Negara to come before him in the Palace. Patih Arya Deksa who at that time was discussing the state
security with his subordinates came in a hurry to see Sang Prabu. After the kingdom’s officials have come and
sent their respect greeting, Sang Prabu told Patih about the loss of Dewi Sekartaji. For that reason, the king –
called Prabu Brawijaya by dalangMardi and local people, although this name was not known during Kediri time
around the 11th century and was just known during Majapahit time in the 13th century – held a prize contest to
find her daughter. The contest told that whoever can find Dewi Sekartaji, regardless his/has their background,
will be her daughter’s husband (if he is male), and will be his daughter’s sister (if she is female). Thereafter,
PatihAryaDeksa was assigned to announce the prize contest to all people in that country.
Arts and Design Studies www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN 2225-059X (Online)
Vol.60, 2017
Arts and Design Studies www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN 2225-059X (Online)
Vol.60, 2017
Wayang beber as the original Archipelago painting art work constituting a unique and scarce fine art work, as it
is the only painting inherited from Majapahit period still left now. Wayang beber performs the story of Panji
constituting romantic story well-known in agrarian community. This story was composed in many versions
developing within society including the addressing of Panji character. The story of Panji is the marriage between
Raden Panji Asmara Bangun (Panji Inu Kertapati) from Jenggala Kingdom and Dewi Sekartaji (Candrakirana),
the princess of Kediri kingdom.
There are some lessons that can be taken from the existence of wayang beber: wayang beber serves as
traditional art with ritual/spiritual, cultural, and social-economic functions.
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