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HCHW Pregnancy 2014q1 Final

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Easy Steps

To a Safer Pregnancy
A guide to protecting your growing
baby from toxic chemicals

Home Detox
Careful Personal Care
Cleaning Up
Eat Pure
4 Introduction

8 How to Use this E-Book

11 Let’s Get Started

12 Home Detox

22 Careful Personal Care

28 Cleaning Up

32 Eating Pure

42 Nesting

48 Conclusion

50 Additional Resources

52 Our Sponsors

C ongrats! Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re

pregnant—or someone very close to you is.
There really is no bigger news! But before the
wild miracle of holding your new babe in your arms,
and the rush of hormones, emotions, and exhaustion
Scientists are increasingly concerned about this
endocrine—or hormone—disruption (see What is
Endocrine Disruption, page 6). These impacts can be
especially harmful to growing babies; their bodies and
protective mechanisms are literally in their infancy.
that comes with it, you’ll need to get through nine Exposure to the wrong pollutant at the wrong time
months of pregnancy, give or take. Depending on has the potential to trigger developmental changes
your body and your mental state, this might be a that sometimes lead to lasting permanent harm.
delight. Or it might be complete misery. Sometimes Some can even have effects on future generations.
it can be both—at the same time. Get used to it.
This is why, in the fall of 2013, the American College
While helping your baby grow arms, legs, ears, eyes, of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American
organs, and a lot more, you’ll also spend some time Society for Reproductive Medicine issued a historic
nesting—that biological/irrepressible urge to create opinion declaring, “Robust scientific evidence has
the safest, coziest first home possible for your new emerged over the past 15 years demonstrating that
baby. It’s a great instinct, but we’re here to offer prenatal exposure to toxic environmental agents
a different perspective: Your baby’s first home isn’t is implicated in increases in adverse reproductive

“Robust scientific evidence has emerged over the past 15 years

demonstrating that prenatal exposure to toxic environmental agents is
implicated in increases in adverse reproductive health outcomes.”
her nursery or even your house. It’s your body. And health outcomes.” The organizations found that
you’re not just your baby’s first environment, you’re pregnant women in the U.S. are exposed to at least
also the source of everything she needs to grow 43 different chemicals, many of which can cross the
and develop. If you think about it this way, taking placenta. They concluded by calling on obstetricians
care of yourself when you’re pregnant is your first to learn about this issue and actively advise their
official job as a parent. Scary, sure. But it can also patients on how to avoid environmental toxins.
be empowering.
At Healthy Child Healthy World, this hits home. Our
In today’s increasingly toxic world, taking care of organization was founded by Jim and Nancy Chuda in
yourself and your growing baby can be a challenge. 1992 following the death of their daughter, Colette,
We encounter so many untested, unsafe chemicals from Wilms’ tumor, a rare childhood kidney cancer.
and other pollutants as we go about our daily lives. The Chudas were baffled by Colette’s illness, which
These substances perform various roles, some vital, had no genetic connection and seemed to come
some not, and many of them are capable of interfering out of the clear blue. Their answer came in 1995,
with bodily functions. Some can create cell mutations when they received a new study on Wilms’ tumor
that trigger cancer. Some may damage organs and published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
other tissues. Some are even able to disrupt the It found that maternal exposure to pesticides while
human endocrine system, which influences pretty pregnant was most likely the cause of the disease in
much every cell, function, and organ in our bodies. tumors that appeared 48 months after birth.

4 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY


Colette Chuda was four years old at the time of her need to take proactive measures to safeguard your
diagnosis, and Jim and Nancy turned their terrible health. This includes removing common sources of
loss into a lifelong mission to help other parents toxic chemicals from your home, avoiding future
protect their children from similar harm. And that’s exposures, and tweaking your diet to give you more
the good news here: Avoiding environmental toxins of what you need and less of what you don’t. (Hint:
is possible; it’s just about getting the right advice. organic matters.) And since these are all things you’ll
Which is exactly what
we have compiled in
this e-book. In the pages
that follow, we’ll show
“The developing fetus is the most sensitive of us all.”
you how to take charge -Shanna Swan, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Obstetrics, Gynecology and
of your pregnancy by Reproductive Science and a 2014 Healthy Child Healthy World Mom on a Mission nominee
minimizing exposure to
harm if and where you
know it exists. Having a healthy pregnancy is a want to do for your baby, as well, you’ll be glad to
relatively simple proposition. At its core, it’s really have the changes already in place when she arrives.
just about getting good stuff into your body and Which, as endless as pregnancy can sometimes feel,
keeping bad stuff out. This doesn’t mean you have is really just around the corner. So let’s get started.
to move into an eco-friendly bubble, but you do

Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 5

The endocrine system is a complex of glands and hormones that regulates pretty much
everything in the body—from sexual development to growth to behavior. Produced naturally
in tiny amounts, hormones deliver messages throughout the body that tell our cells what
to do and when to do it. Each cell has areas on its surface that allow specific hormones
with specific instructions to attach themselves. Like a lock and key, only certain hormone
“keys” will fit an individual cell’s “locks.” Once attached, the hormones trigger reactions
in the cell that make it behave a certain way.

“Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) are mainly synthetic chemicals that have been developed
because of their useful properties in many common products including plastics, pesticides and
herbicides, personal care products, household cleaning products and flame retardants. Secondary, and
often unanticipated, properties of these chemicals include their dispersal into our soil, dust, air and
water resources, and their subsequent uptake into wildlife and human bodies where they exert effects
that disrupt the delicate balance of the endocrine (hormonal) system. EDCs can mimic, antagonize,
or otherwise disrupt particular hormonal pathways, altering the balance of cellular responses. When
these exposures occur during early (especially fetal) development, consequences can be severe,
increasing the probability of later negative health outcomes including cancers, neurodevelopmental
and neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic disorders, asthma and immune disorders.”
--Janet Gray, Professor of Psychology and Science, Technology & Society, Vassar College
and Science advisor and board member, Breast Cancer Fund
Scientists have discovered that some common chemicals found in products we all use daily
can mimic hormones in the body. They call this process endocrine disruption. Endocrine—
or hormone—disrupting chemicals have molecular shapes that also fit into these hormonal
“locks.” These prevent the legitimate hormones from attaching and/or deliver the wrong
message. The result is cells that divide when they shouldn’t, don’t grow when they should,
fail to perform vital functions, or perform their functions at incorrect times. Common
endocrine disrupting chemicals we’re likely to encounter in daily life include bisphenol-A
(BPA), phthalates, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and perfluorinated compounds.
Exposure to toxins like these during pregnancy can lead to lasting and permanent harm.
That makes it critical to avoid them if at all possible when pregnant. The key is knowing
where they exist. Read on!

6 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY

“Pregnancy is a time of rapid development like no other. At
this time, the developing embryo is depending on genetic and
hormonal instructions to take it from a single fertilized cell
to a complex organism also known as a baby! This complex
process includes differentiation (cells taking on different
roles—one becomes a skin cell, another becomes a brain
cell) and migration (moving around so that each cell is in the
right place and you don’t end up with an arm sticking out of
your head for example). At no other time in a human’s life are
so many drastic changes happening so quickly! This process
is under delicate control by a number of hormonal and
genetic signals, and environmental toxins unfortunately can
alter or disrupt these signals. For this reason, I believe that
pregnancy is the most critical window for toxin avoidance.”
– Jane Tavyev-Asher, MD, Director of Pediatric Neurology at Cedars-
Sinai Medical Center, Assistant Professor at UCLA in the Departments of
Pediatrics and Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, and Healthy Child
Healthy World advisor


Pregnancy can be a daunting experience, even if it isn’t help avoid exposure to harmful chemicals and common
your first time. As if the physical and emotional aspects pollutants, find out where problems can arise, how to
weren’t enough—and these are huge!—suddenly there avoid them, and what your alternatives are. From
are things like car seats to research, cribs to assemble, nursery furniture to menu choices, the following
pediatricians to interview, maternity leave details to pages will explain what you need to know to
navigate, and so many plans to make. During all of give your baby the very best start in life.
this excitement and tremendous change, you need to
be taking special care of your health. There is a fair With short, focused chapters that get
amount your OB/GYN or midwife is tracking, but chances straight to the point, it’s simple to
are environmental health concerns—beyond, say, not read straight through. Or you can
smoking cigarettes or eating mercury in seafood—aren’t consult the sections in any order
at the top of your doctor’s list. That leaves it largely up you consider a priority. However you
to you. choose to read this e-book, consider
it a basic road map to a healthier
We don’t want you to be alone, surfing website after pregnancy. Like most road maps,
website to find out if it is safe to eat non-organic it doesn’t show everything. This is
cravings, what, if anything, is OK to use to dye gray hair, not—and cannot be—exhaustive. If
or if painting a nursery when pregnant can harm your you’re interested in learning more
growing baby. So we’ve designed this e-book to make about the key healthy pregnancy
it easier for you to have and enjoy a safer pregnancy, essentials outlined on these pages,
not be stressed out by trying to figure out how to have please explore the resources we’ve
one. (Remember! Stress is toxic, too!) Use this e-book to gathered on page 50.


Since we don’t know your baby’s sex and you may not either, we’re using
both male and female pronouns throughout this e-book. Feel free to make
your own substitutions!

10 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY



Any time is the right time to start making healthy
changes. Today is the first day of the rest of your
pregnancy—a great time to start. Here are a few things
in keep in mind. Oh, and don’t forget to take pictures!

Have patience. You can’t do it all in one day. A
healthy pregnancy involves many things and is a
process that unfolds over time. It’s not a one-time
event—and neither is parenting.

Don’t know where to start? Tackle things that will
give a quick and healthy bang for your effort.
These include eating a more non-toxic diet and
removing obvious sources of potential hazards, like
conventional cleaning products and pesticides, from
your home. Then move on to the other suggestions
in the following pages.

In the absence of non-toxic alternatives, sometimes
doing or using nothing is your best and healthiest
option—from diaper creams to baby monitors to
carpets. Use this rule of thumb to steer your choices
whenever you face a decision you don’t feel informed
enough to make. And remember that natural is
almost always safer than synthetic or processed.

Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 11

Home. It’s a refuge from the world outside, and it’s especially comforting to hole
up at home, with your feet up, when pregnant. But—call it modern irony—some
of the very things that make our homes so cozy happen to contain chemical
toxins that can make them less than safe.

Though we usually can’t see or smell them, these substances are released into
our living spaces and sometimes absorbed by our bodies. This happens as the
items containing them age or simply as they are used—think of things as common
as paint, cookware, and couches. No one really knows exactly what prenatal
consequences may follow. Of the 87,000 chemicals (give or take) registered in
the U.S., only 10 percent have been tested for potential health consequences,
and more than 80 percent of all so-called “high-production volume” chemicals
lack toxicity data for their effects on developing organs and bodily systems.

Yet research conducted on umbilical cord blood discovered an average of 200

manmade chemicals in the babies tested, which indicates that fetal exposure
to environmental pollutants can be significant. Many of these pollutants mimic
hormones in the body—important because of just
how powerful hormones are. Conditions in the
womb, for example, are controlled by changes in
hormonal concentrations of as little as a tenth
of a trillionth of a gram—the equivalent of a
Your Checklist
single second in 317,000 years—according to the
Endocrine Disruption Exchange.
Practice precaution
Fortunately, protecting our babies from these
Clean your indoor air
chemicals is often just a matter of avoiding the
things that contain them. In fact, by taking a
Banish lead and radon
few of the simple steps outlined in the following
pages, we can remove many of our homes’ Kill the pesticides
biggest potential hazards. That’s good news for
mom and baby.

12 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY


In recent years, public health advocates have rallied The Precautionary Principle is about looking very
around an idea known as the Precautionary Principle. carefully before we leap. It’s a great philosophy to bring
This philosophy says that whenever there is any to your pregnancy and eventually your parenting, too.
suspicion that an activity or product may cause harm If there’s any question that an activity or product may
to human health or the environment, it should be set cause harm to you or your baby, set it aside until you
aside until its safety can be proven. can be absolutely sure it won’t. You won’t miss it.
2. Clear the air
Air pollution doesn’t just happen outdoors. It
also occurs indoors. Our homes trap combustion
emissions, fumes from cleaners, personal care
items, home furnishings, building materials, and

other products, as well as pollutants carried in from
outside. Indoor air pollution has been called one of
the top five environmental risks to public health,
and studies indicate that indoor air is often two to
five times more polluted than the air outside.

1. Dust often
Some of the biggest contributors to poor indoor air
are volatile organic compounds (VOCs), synthetic
chemicals that form vapors at room temperature.
Household dust is more than a nuisance. It’s also the Maternal exposure to VOCs is suspected of affecting
final resting place for many of the toxins introduced the immune status of newborns and impairing
into our homes. One study identified 35 pollutants behavioral development.
in tested samples, including alkylphenols linked to
altered sexual development, organotin compounds Maintaining indoor air quality is relatively simple.
suspected of affecting brain development, Follow these steps for fresher indoor air:
perfluorinated chemicals, pesticides, phthalates, • Open windows regularly—even in winter—to
and flame retardants. If this upsets you now, just “rinse” bad air out.
wait until you have a crawling baby pawing at your
• Don’t use cleaners or products with a strong
dust bunnies, then putting her hands in her mouth!
chemical smell, like rubber cement or paint.
To safely remove household dust, vacuum regularly
with a HEPA vacuum, damp mop hard floors, wipe • Use your stove fan if you cook with gas.
furniture and other surfaces with a microfiber cloth • Keep HVAC filters clean.
or damp rag, and carefully maintain the filters on • Test for radon.
HVAC and other climate control equipment. If you’re • Let freshly dry-cleaned items air out in the
concerned about lead dust, your damp wiping garage for a few days (or don’t send your
should involve a non-toxic detergent solution. clothes to a conventional dry cleaner in the
first place).
• Use a chlorine-free dishwasher detergent.
• Avoid new furniture made from plywood and/
or other pressed woods or particleboard. They
can release formaldehyde vapors.
• Don’t use personal care products containing
synthetic fragrance. The same goes for laundry
detergent, dryer sheets, and even scented
• Don’t use your fireplace or use it sparingly.
• Keep humidity levels between 30 to 50 percent
to help VOC fumes dissipate.

14 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY


3. Get the lead out

Lead is a well-known household contaminant, one definitively found to cause a wide variety of
prenatal neurological harm. It can appear in many places. Simple swab-based test kits available
at most hardware stores will identify its presence, and items containing lead should be removed
or encapsulated. Here are some of the common places lead hides:

• Paint applied prior to 1979. (Lead paint was banned in 1978 and continues to be a big
problem.) Know when your home is built.
• Dust.
• Drinking water obtained through older pipes that may contain lead.
• Imported traditional medicines.
• Low-quality jewelry including children’s costume jewelry.
• Fishing tackle.
• Imported glazed ceramics.
• Imported candies or foods containing chili or tamarind.
• Mini-blinds.

When it comes to lead paint, friction surfaces (windows, doors) are especially of concern since
they can create lead dust when they rub. Removal or encapsulation of lead-tainted objects is
not a job for a pregnant mom. It’s one thing to throw out a piece of costume jewelry, quite
another to remediate flaking window jambs. Hire workers certified in government regulations to
methodically address the problem. Make sure to look at their lead-safe certifications and carefully
discuss the issue before any work begins. A thorough post-construction clean up as well as lead
clearance testing should follow any home improvement project that disturbs lead paint.

Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 15

“When we took an old shell of a building and made it a
green home, it took enormous effort and research to make
choices to avoid environmental toxins, but it was so worth
it! We chose radiant heating instead of blown air, went with
a soy based plaster, low VOC paints and sealants for the
floors, and untreated furniture. When I was considering
getting pregnant, I experienced the same feeling; I wanted
to create the best home for my growing baby—first in
my body then in the world. Again it took a lot of effort and
research but worth every second. I went even more organic
with my food. I also became more aware of my beauty
products and went all organic and toxic-free for everything
from toothpaste to perfume to shampoo. HCHW was an
incredible resource. I think the most important part of the
journey is not getting overwhelmed and staying positive.
We are all doing our best and every little change counts.”
– Alysia Reiner, actress, and Healthy Child Healthy World ambassador

4. Filter your water.

Your OB/GYN or midwife has likely told you to drink a low-level exposure. Ask your water supplier whether
lot of water during these 9 months. But what’s in that chlorine or fluoride is present in your tap water. If
water? Municipal water supplies are usually treated so, filter your drinking water—and, if practical, your
to remove impurities, but they also commonly have bathing water: chlorine can be volatized into an
materials intentionally added to them, like chlorine and inhalable form by hot water. If you drink well water,
fluoride, both of which have been implicated in birth it’s likely chlorine- and fluoride-free, but it may contain
other contaminants like agricultural pesticides. Have
defects and other prenatal problems, from holes in
it tested and filter accordingly. (See Filter Your Water
the heart to neurological dysfunction. Since you drink
page 37.)
water day in and day out, you will have chronic

5. Avoid vinyl
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products—from flooring to
shower curtains—are made flexible by a family of
chemical plasticizers called phthalates. Research
indicates that prenatal phthalate exposure can interfere
with testosterone production and reproductive
development, and adversely affect mental, motor,
and behavioral development during the toddler
years. Phthalates have also been implicated in low
birth weights and even significantly increased odds
of preterm delivery. Unfortunately, phthalates are not
chemically bound to the products that contain them. As
a result, they can easily “shed” and/or evaporate into
the air and into house dust.

Steps should be taken to decrease exposure to

phthalates during pregnancy. To keep phthalates away,
don’t use any vinyl products or plastic items with the
“PVC,” “V,” or “3” recycling symbols. Be aware that
vinyl is unfortunately one life’s most common materials.
It’s found in shower curtains, flooring, wallpaper, carpet
mats, imitation leather, inflatable products, venetian
blinds, electronic cables, shoes, backpacks, luggage,
plasticized fabrics (bibs, printed t-shirts, aprons,
tablecloths, etc.), soft plastic toys and teethers, and
garden hoses. And that’s just a partial list!

The good news is that PVC-free versions of almost

every vinyl product are available. For example, there
are plenty of PVC-free shower curtains. If you have vinyl
flooring and you’re not in the market to replace, damp
mop frequently. Use non-PVC shades or blinds to keep
sunlight from floors and other vinyl surfaces; direct
sun causes vinyl to heat up and release its phthalates
“Chemical pollution is chemicals in the wrong place. They may come from air pollution, consumer
products or environmental pollution. Many of these chemicals can pass from the pregnant woman
to her child, and they also make their way to the brain. Our brains are so complex that their
development is uniquely sensitive to adverse effects from pollutants. The results are generally
subtle – often just a matter of a few IQ points or some attention deficit. However, we need to
protect every single brain cell and IQ point, as optimal brain function is so crucial to all of us. It
is different from all other organs. Certain things, let’s say paint fumes at home or strong cleaning
agents can be avoided. Don’t use chemicals in your garden, especially when a woman is pregnant or
kids are playing in the grass. Choose organic food, especially during pregnancy and for baby food.
When I look at the pesticide levels in conventional vegetables and fruit, I see there are residues.
I think the limits used by the FDA are too high. We are now learning that exposures we said were
safe in the past are no longer safe. Instead of hoping everyone will be fine, we should take action.”
- Dr. Philippe Grandjean, professor of environmental medicine in Denmark and at
Harvard School of Public Health and author of Only One Chance.

6. Don’t get stuck on perfluorochemicals

Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) are materials used to create non-stick cookware, greaseproof
food packaging, stain repellants, and other products. Like phthalates, these long-lived
endocrine disruptors often escape from items that contain them. Research into the fetal
health effects of PFCs is, like your growing baby, in its infancy, but early indications suggest
they’re problematic. They’ve been linked to low birth weight, small head size, and low
maternal thyroid hormone levels that can lead to below-average motor skills, learning
difficulties, reduced IQ, ADHD, and problems with infant socialization.

To prevent contact with PFCs, swap your non-stick cookware for

naturally non-stick cast iron. Avoid fast food, takeout pizza,
and things like microwave popcorn, which are typically
packaged in PFC-coated materials. Don’t apply stain-
or water-repelling treatments to furniture, carpets, or
clothing, or buy pre-treated items. Use plain dental
floss instead of coated types, which often contain
PFCs. Don’t use coated paper plates.

Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 19

8. Kill the pesticides
It comes as no surprise to learn that pesticides—
toxic chemicals deliberately designed to kill living

7. Don’t use things—are also capable of inflicting in utero harm.

Prenatal exposure to these dangerous toxins can

antibacterial products
affect cranial growth and head circumference, impair
neurological development, and cause urogenital
defects, limb birth defects, and circulatory, respiratory,
Antibacterial products from soaps to socks are all the
and musculoskeletal malformations, to name just a
rage, but scientists believe that their rampant use is
few outcomes. So steer clear of pesticides of all kinds
contributing to the rise of antibiotic-resistant “super
when you’re pregnant. Embrace your lawn and garden
germs.” It can be scary, not to mention annoying,
as it is. If you have an infestation inside the house, use
to get sick when pregnant, but it’s best to avoid
the least toxic methods available to address it. Most
products containing antibacterial agents. According
pests can be avoided with prevention—so keep your
to a theory called the hygiene hypothesis, living in a
kitchen clean, even if you feel too tired and hormonal
hyper-sanitized world created by antibacterials may
most nights to clean up. Be aware that pesticides are
also weaken our immune systems. The chemicals
found in more than just insect sprays. They also hide
used in these products also create harm of their own.
in insect traps and baits, pet products like flea and
Most concerns revolve around triclosan, a common
tick collars, shampoos, and treatments, lice shampoos,
antibacterial ingredient found in the urine of 75% of
insect-repellent clothing, and non-organic produce.
Americans. It’s believed to be an endocrine disruptor

9. Don’t handle
that inhibits estrogen sulfotransferase, a key placental
enzyme needed for a healthy pregnancy. Other
studies link it to fetal nervous system damage, low
birth weight, and thyroid dysfunction. In late 2013,
the FDA proposed a rule requiring manufacturers of
antibacterial hand soap and body wash to prove their
thermal paper
Thermal paper used for cash register and other receipts
products are more effective than soap and water in as well as in fax machines and similar devices often
preventing illness and spreading infection, as well as contain the endocrine-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A
requiring them to prove their products are safe for (BPA), which is easily absorbed through the skin.
long-term use. In the meantime, pregnant moms can According to various studies, fetal exposure to BPA can
scrutinize the labels of personal care items, cleaners, disrupt development, impair growth, cause behavioral
and other products. Skip those containing triclosan or and emotional problems in toddlers, and trigger asthma
claiming that they are antibacterial or odor fighting. and breast cancer later in life, among other effects. BPA
Thankfully regular hand washing has been shown to has also been linked to a greater risk of miscarriage.
be just as effective at removing germs as antibacterial It’s nearly impossible to avoid BPA entirely, since it’s
soaps. Lather up. ubiquitous. But you can minimize your exposure. If you
don’t need a receipt, don’t take it. Ask cashiers to place
necessary receipts in your bag. Don’t store receipts in

Think chemicals aren’t getting your wallet. Wash your hands well after handling both
receipts and money—which constantly rubs up against

from your products into your body? receipts in wallets everywhere—and especially before
eating. Resist the urge to use hand sanitizer after
Think again. Triclosan, a common handling receipts—studies show it actually boosts BPA

antibacterial agent, is found in the


urine of 75 percent of Americans.

20 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY

10. Reconsider 11. Remove your
your mattress carpet foams and
We spend approximately a third of our lives in bed,
on our mattresses. When pregnant, that ratio often
increases. Unfortunately these horizontal sanctuaries
padding if possible
Carpet foam is typically treated with flame retardants
are not always as healthy as they could be. To meet that can escape into your home’s environment. One
flammability safety standards, many mattresses contain study found that almost 90% of foams tested contained
flame retardant chemicals of concern. And the foams one or more flame retardants considered toxic. Though
inside new mattresses may also emit VOCs (see #2 the U.S. phased out the use of several problematic types
on page 14). It can be difficult for consumers to find in 2004, others remain, especially in older homes, and
out what chemicals or materials a specific mattress banned varieties may still appear in imported foams.
contains or is made of due to manufacturer secrecy. Flame retardants called polybrominated diphenyl
If you have the budget to replace your mattress with ethers (PBDEs) are suspected of altering the thyroid
one made from natural materials that don’t require hormones of pregnant women, which researchers
toxic chemical flame retardants to meet flammability suspect may lead to smaller wwfetuses and reductions
standards, now is a good moment to do it. Wool, in intelligence and motor skills. They’ve also been
cotton, organic cotton, and natural latex are good linked to neurodevelopment delays.
alternatives to polyurethane foam. Wool and or/cotton
futons are an affordable option. Consider these issues Carpet foams are prone to decay, and the dust they
when shopping for a crib mattress, too. If you choose create is typically laden with flame retardants. If you
to encapsulate an old mattress in an effort to keep the can, have these foams removed—this is not a DIY
chemical dust in, rather than replace it, make sure not home project for a pregnant mom! Make sure the
to use a PVC plastic cover. Using vinyl (see page 18) person doing the work uses caution not to stir up
would be adding insult to injury. excessive dust or to leave particles behind. Have the
space cleaned, with similar caution, when the work is
done. Similarly, remove any pads you may have under
area rugs. If you have wall-to-wall carpeting—or even
if you don’t—invest in a HEPA vacuum, which prevents
dust from being blown back into household air.
Vacuum regularly and avoid prolonged direct contact
with padded carpeting.

Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 21

When you ache, are swollen, look different than you ever have in your life, and can’t
go out for cocktails at your favorite bar, the urge to pamper yourself spa-style tends to
emerge. And who can blame you for wanting to slather creams all over your expanding
belly? Stretching skin is itchy! But before you go wild with the beauty products, make
sure you read all labels. Carefully. Personal care products and cosmetics have an ugly
side. Much like cleaning products (see page 28), they’re woefully under regulated and
contain some remarkably unhealthy stuff. The FDA mostly doesn’t require personal care
and cosmetic companies to conduct safety tests on their products nor does the agency
itself evaluate or regulate formulas or ingredients. Only a handful of coloring agents and
“active” ingredients classified as drugs are subject to prior review. Aside from these,
manufacturers are free to use virtually any chemical or material. And there is plenty
to mix and match: some 10,500 different compounds are used in America’s personal
care products. Over 500 of these products contain ingredients that have been banned
elsewhere, and around 100 use materials judged unsafe even by the International
Fragrance Association.

Chemicals of concern commonly found in personal care items include substances like
parabens, a class of preservatives linked to autism-like symptoms, male reproductive
dysfunction, and other effects; endocrine disrupting phthalates; butylated compounds
like BHT and BHA, which have been found to affect reproductive system development
and cause kidney damage; formaldehyde, which has been

Your Checklist
linked to a greater risk of miscarriage; the neurotoxin toluene,
which is suspected of impairing fetal development; mercury;
carcinogenic coal tars, and even lead, which has been found
in lipstick.
Embrace your
The dangers posed by these and countless other questionable
ingredients are magnified by the nature of personal care
natural beauty
products themselves, which are applied to and absorbed by
the skin. This direct route to the bloodstream also creates a
Read labels
short cut to the womb. That makes avoiding toxic cosmetics
and personal care products paramount for expectant mothers.
Go fragrance-free
Here’s how to keep you and your baby safe: Beware buzzwords

22 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY


EASY STEPS 2. Keep it all natural

It’s not just your make up that needs a makeover. Shine
the same spotlight on your personal care products.
What do you really need to use and what is extraneous?

1. Embrace your Edit down the number of products you use, and choose
natural versions of the essentials—from toothpaste

natural glow
As a pregnant mom, you already possess a beauty no
to deodorant to belly creams. If switching to all new
natural products isn’t in your budget, try an organic
food grade oil like safflower or coconut. Keep in mind,
products can match. It’s true! Even when you feel green though, that the word “natural” is largely unregulated,
and gray. Make up just isn’t necessary. If you can, dare so look for products with third party certification and
to go entirely bare! If you want to at least powder your a solid roster of organic ingredients. There are dozens
nose, try using fewer products than you have been of certification labels and organizations. Some are
using. And swap what you want to continue to use for more dependable than others, and explaining them
a new, more natural product free of ingredients that all would take an entire e-book itself! Thankfully
may hurt you and your growing baby. Yes, this means Consumer Reports offers an online guide to third party
you have permission to go shopping for new, safer certifications that can help you identify which labels
foundation, blush, and more. Oh, the hardship. are trustworthy.
“Unfortunately, the components of most synthetic fragrance (which can be made up of more
than 100 different chemicals) are kept secret from consumers, meaning you just don’t know
what you are being exposed to. Common fragrance chemicals include phthalates and synthetic
musks both of which can impact hormone levels which may pose developmental harm. Avoiding
fragrance where possible is another way to be safe rather than sorry during pregnancy.”
-Alexandra Scranton, Director of Science and Research, Women’s Voices for the Earth

3. Read labels carefully

Most ingredients will be listed, but be aware that
4. Go fragrance-free
No one knows exactly what is in the synthetic
regulatory gaps allow some to go unmentioned. For fragrances found in everything from cream to make up
example, nanomaterials, ultra microscopic particles to actual perfume. Fragrance formulas are protected
of undetermined toxicity, can remain hidden in by the government as trade secrets. All manufacturers
formulas as trade secrets. Scents, which can contain need to list on their labels is the word fragrance. This
multiple chemical hazards, need only be listed as one word can indicate a combination of hundreds of
“fragrance.” Loopholes like these make it difficult to different chemicals, none of which need to be listed.
trust any label entirely. Relying on products with third What we do know is that phthalates, which are
party certification and organic ingredients is good endocrine disruptors linked to reproductive, motor and
common sense when pregnant. Trust your instincts. behavioral development effects, are a common class
If a product’s label seems questionable, its claims of fragrance ingredients. It’s a good idea to minimize
over the top or otherwise dubious, or its ingredients exposure to phthalates when pregnant—in things like
suspicious, pick another. There are plenty of options. vinyl (see page 18) as well as personal care. Thankfully
there are plenty of fragrance-free products to choose
from. If you really want some scent, use natural or
organic essential oils, or a product scented with them.

Even if a product claims to be natural, label reading is a must. It’s extremely
confusing for a consumer, but words like “natural” and even “hypoallergenic,”
which commonly appear on personal care product labels, actually have no
legal definition. They can mean anything companies want them to mean.
Even “organic” can’t be entirely trusted—it’s legally defined only in the
case of personal care ingredients that are also food items (think honey or
olive oil). For non-food items and ingredients like essential oils or plant-
derived compounds, its use is not regulated. A product labeled “organic”
could technically contain toxic petrochemicals. So ignore these and other
labeling buzzwords when you shop, unless they’re backed up by third party
certification. They’re usually more marketing hype than anything else.
20 HealthyChild.
26 HealthyChild.ororgg I I Easy

5. Just say no to spa days, pedicures,

hair dyes, and other treatments
We get that spa treatments and pregnancy pains go paint your nails anyway—or for a special occasion—
together. But most body and hair treatments rely on there are some less toxic polishes on the market that
toxic products. Conventional nail polishes, for example, don’t have some of the worst of these chemicals. And
contain hazards like dibutyl phthalate, toluene, if you’d like to dye your hair no matter what, talk to
formaldehyde, xylene, methyl ethyl ketone and/ your doctor about the best time to do your ’do. Some
or acetone, chemicals which are collectively capable suggest waiting until the 2nd or 3rd trimester, other
of causing all kinds of health effects from organ and suggest highlights instead of a full dye job as a way
nervous system damage to hormone disruption and to lessen the toxic load. Just keep in mind that you’ll
cancer. Don’t even get us started on spray tans. still be sitting in a salon exposed to fumes from other
dyes, hairspray, nail polish and more. Try to find a
Hair dyes have been linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, well-ventilated salon that uses more natural products.
leukemia, and bladder cancer. Avoiding mani/pedis, Still wanting a treatment? Get a massage. Just ask your
certain face peels, and hair dye lowers pregnancy masseuse to use something simple like (organic) jojoba
risks. There is no way around that. If you’d like to oil on your muscles.

Sun protection is an essential part of staying healthy. Yet many of
us achieve that protection in ways that are less than safe. Most
sunscreens use three to six of these active ingredients: oxybenzone,
avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate and/or octinoxate.
Oxybenzone is the most common, and studies suggest it may increase the risk of endometriosis and low
birth weight. Other sunscreen ingredients are suspected of disrupting hormones and/or causing reproductive
and developmental disorders. Far safer sunscreening strategies include avoiding the sun during peak
midday hours, sticking to the shade, and wearing hats and clothing to keep solar rays away. When it comes
time to slather on a sunscreen, choose a tube containing a mineral like titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide.

Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 27

Few consumer products contain more toxic chemicals than conventional household
cleaners. That may seem counterintuitive—these are, after all, products meant to help
us keep clean—but thanks to very loose regulations, many manufacturers can and do
use risky chemicals in complex, undisclosed formulas. These can also be sold without
prior safety testing.

The lack of ingredient labels is a problem, especially when pregnant. Thousands of different
chemicals are used in modern cleaning products. They include organ toxicants like butyl
cellosolve and morpholine, reproductive and developmental dangers like glycol ethers
and dichloroisocyanurate, hormone disruptors like phthalates and paradichlorobenzene,
neurotoxins like xylene and methylene chloride, and carcinogens like formaldehyde and
napthalene, as well as immune system suppressants, respiratory hazards, and other risks
best avoided. When you use conventional cleaners, these toxins get spread throughout
your home. Some fill indoor air with dangerous fumes. Others are released as aerosols,
microscopic droplets that can remain suspended in the air for hours or even days. Many
leave residues behind on the “cleaned” surfaces.

The potential consequences of exposing developing babies to these chemical stews

remain largely unknown—every product formula is a unique mix of multiple chemicals,
and testing them all to identify prenatal risks would take untold years and dollars.
What little we do know isn’t comforting. Several studies, for
example, have linked maternal exposure to cleaning products
during pregnancy to a greater incidence of childhood asthma,
respiratory tract infections, and wheezing. In animal studies,
glycol ethers have caused reproductive and developmental
Your Checklist
problems. A recent study by the New York State Department
of Health found that that children born to women working as
Heed warning labels
custodians have a greater risk of certain birth defects. Other
research has connected prenatal cleaning product exposures to
Try natural products
lower IQ, reduced language skills, and vision problems. or DIY
Thankfully it’s easy to prevent conventional cleaning products Don’t over clean
from turning your home into an uncontrolled science experiment
with your youngest and most vulnerable family member as the Go fragrance-free
guinea pig. Here’s how.

28 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY


Easy Steps I SCHOOL & DAYCARE I HealthyChild.org 23


4. Don’t bother being

EASY STEPS obsessive about cleaning
Most homes are already as clean as they need
to be and don’t need the serious scrubbing

1. Read labels carefully conventional cleaning products provide. Remember

that many scientists believe there’s a body-boosting
Skip any products that don’t offer a complete list advantage in home environments that haven’t been
of all their ingredients by specific chemical name or hyper-sanitized. Exposure to ordinary microbes
that have long lists of unpronounceable ingredients. keeps our immune systems sharp. Unless someone
Avoid products that carry warning words like at home has been ill, most homes mainly need
“caution,” “danger,” “flammable,” or “poison.” wipe downs with damp rags to minimize dust and
ventilation to purify indoor air. The dirtiest thing in
any home is your own two hands.

2. Choose natural
formula products 5. Buy fragrance-free
Products made from sustainable, biodegradable,
plant-derived ingredients are generally far safer products (or those scented
than those made from petrochemicals. Choose
products from companies that voluntarily list their
with essential oils)
Fragrance formulas, like cleaning product formulas,
ingredients. Just make sure to avoid the impostors by
are currently government protected as trade secrets.
investigating product claims. Not all so-called green
A synthetic fragrance can contain thousands of
certifications are third party; some manufacturers
different chemical ingredients. No one knows what
self certify. Buyer beware!
the exact formulas contain—and no manufacturer
is required to disclose the ingredients—but we do

3. Make your
know that these scents typically contain neurotoxic
volatile organic compounds and endocrine-disrupting

own cleaners
phthalates. Both of these should be avoided when
pregnant. Either opt for fragrance-free products, or,
if you really want something scented, make sure you
This is less complicated than it sounds. Simple choose one containing a natural essential oil. Keep
natural ingredients can be combined to make cleaners in mind that some companies use fragrance masking
that are as effective as commercial formulas and a agents to make their products unscented. Generally
whole lot healthier. For basic recipes, check out the speaking these chemicals are not found in cleaners
suggestions on page 31 in DIY (Like Grandma Did) made by natural product companies.
and head to Healthy Child Healthy World’s website.

30 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY

Once upon a time, people cleaned their homes with homemade
cleaners created from simple ingredients found in every pantry.
These powerful recipes used natural materials like baking
soda, vinegar, lemon juice, vegetable soap, essential oils, and
beeswax in various combinations that made quick work of
even the toughest cleaning challenges. With a measuring cup
and spoons, a spray bottle, a minute or two, and maybe some
hydrogen peroxide, you can easily create your own safe and
healthy homemade cleaning products. Mix vinegar and water for
glass, plant based dish soap and water for floors, and baking
soda and dish soap for a tub scrub. You’ll be glad you did.
You are what you eat. And when you’re pregnant, your growing baby is what you eat,
too. While everyone from your midwife to your mother-in-law will tell you this means you
should fill your plate with healthy food, there’s another side to this dietary edict—there
are things you should work very hard not to eat when pregnant. It’s critical to get the
essential nutrients your baby needs to grow, but it’s equally important to steer clear
of common chemicals found in food that may harm this development. Though most
expectant moms are aware of why they should avoid mercury and PCBs in seafood,
unfortunately, toxic chemicals in food are hardly limited to big fish.

Over the course of the last half-century, our food supply has become saturated with
chemicals and other unsafe substances. Currently, the FDA allows more than 10,000
different additives in food. Some are intentionally added. Others are inadvertently
introduced from the manufacturing process or the packaging. Still other pollutants find
their way onto our plates as the result of an increasingly polluted planet. The impact
many of these additives can have on a healthy pregnancy remains largely unknown; two
thirds of these permitted substances have never been studied for safety.

Some of these chemicals are familiar to us even if their effects on fetal development are
not. We’re used to ingredients like food dyes, artificial flavors, synthetic sweeteners, and
chemical preservatives. We may be aware of dairy hormones
and livestock antibiotics. But it’s usually a shock to realize that

Your Checklist
alongside garden variety additives like these are often highly
toxic interlopers like bisphenol-A, perfluorochemicals, and

It’s all highly unappetizing. But safer, healthier meals for you
Focus on whole,
and your baby are just a few pieces of advice away. It’s never organic foods
Play it safe withtics
a bad idea to adopt a homemade organic whole foods diet,
pregnant or not. Chances are it’s better than what you’re used
to eating. Still, it’s always a good idea to discuss your diet with
your doctor. Pregnancy places unique nutritional demands on
cookware & plas
your body, so be sure that any changes you make won’t prevent
you from meeting them.
Cook at home—often
Avoid canned foods

32 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY


1. Focus on whole foods
Whole foods are just that—whole. Think unprocessed
grains, fruits, vegetables, proteins, and dairy
products, and fresh herbs and spices. Stocking your
cabinets and fridge with whole foods is a simple and

2. Choose organic foods

highly effective way to steer clear of many of the
unstudied chemicals found in our food supply, many

whenever possible
of which appear in processed and packaged foods.
Whole foods are more nutritious, too. There’s a big
difference between dinner made from scratch using
Organic food is the best choice for a healthy pregnancy.
just a handful of whole foods and microwaving a
It’s produced without the use of pesticides, synthetic
ready-to-eat frozen entrée with an ingredient list that
fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation treatments,
reads like a lab experiment. Of course when you’re
growth hormones, antibiotics, or non-organic feed.
tired and growing a baby, the latter can be easier.
In addition, organic foods cannot be genetically
So set yourself up for success by shopping right and
modified, a process that often introduces new,
prioritizing whole foods. If you don’t already shop at
never before seen proteins into our food supply
a farmers’ market, give it a try.
with as yet unknown consequences. Eating organic
means eating less pesticide residue; Department
of Agriculture tests show that conventional fruits
and vegetables are up to four times more likely to
contain pesticide residues than organic produce and
as much as 11 times more likely to be contaminated
by multiple pesticides. If you’re not eating organic
food yet, keep in mind that the benefits of switching
are immediate. Researchers at Emory University
found that children who switched to an organic diet
reduced the pesticide remnants found in their urine
to virtually undetectable levels after just five days.
If you can’t eat entirely organic, make an effort to
choose organic for meat, dairy, and the fruits and
vegetables known to retain the highest levels of
pesticide residue.

34 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY

“In recent years studies have confirmed
links between exposure to organophosphate
pesticides during pregnancy and low birth
weight, early gestation, and an increased
risk of ADHD. Now, more than ever, it’s
important to choose organic fruits and
vegetables. One particular nutrient that is
important when pregnant is folate (folic
acid), so eat up on foods high in folate
like dark green leafy vegetables, citrus
fruits, dried beans and peas. And be sure
to buy organic especially for your leafy
green vegetables as they consistently land
themselves on the Dirty Dozen list.”
– Sara Snow, green lifestyle expert, author, mom,
and Healthy Child Healthy World parent ambassador

Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 35


Eating organic while pregnant doesn’t come cheap—organic foods often cost more than their conventional counterparts.
You can maximize your food budget by balancing the two, choosing organic varieties of foods that typically have high
pesticide residue levels and conventional varieties of foods that usually don’t. Based on analyses of government test
data, here are the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists of the most and least contaminated
types of produce. They update these yearly.

Dirty Dozen:
Apples, Celery, Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Grapes, Hot Peppers, Imported
Nectarines, Peaches, Potatoes, Spinach, Strawberries, Sweet Bell Peppers

Clean Fifteen
Asparagus, Avocados, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Sweet Corn, Eggplant, Grapefruit,
Kiwi, Mangos, Mushrooms, Onions, Papayas, Pineapple, Frozen Peas, Sweet
3. Do your own cooking
You’re tired and the last thing you want to do is
cook. We get it. But consider this: When you dine
out, order in, or consume processed packaged
foods, you can never be entirely sure what you’re
eating. Preparing your own meals at home using
fresh, whole ingredients, on the other hand, gives
you maximum control over what ends up on your
plate. It’s the best way to ensure an optimally
safe and healthy diet for both you and your baby.
Besides, cooking tired is a necessary parenting skill.
Consider this training. Imagine all the years of baby
food prep, school lunches, and more that you have
ahead of you. Cook now and cook often.

4. Keep the focus

on non-fatty fruits
and vegetables
Fruits and veggies have obvious and well-known
nutritional benefits, especially when pregnant. But Pregnant and breastfeeding women are often thirsty.
here’s another reason to love these non-fatty foods: Water is the best beverage; unlike most sodas and
they’re largely free of a dangerous class of toxins many juices, it’s not filled with sugar or anything
known as persistent organic pollutants, or POPs. POPs artificial. Yet there are many reasons to be wary of tap
include many pesticides, flame retardants, PCBs, water. Municipal supplies may be treated with chlorine
dioxins, industrial chemicals, compounds made with and fluoride. Rural sources can contain pesticides or
chlorine, and other pollutants that behave in similar radon. Lead present in older plumbing can make its
ways in the environment. They resist biodegradation way to the tap. Bottled water is rarely better, and in
and persist for years, move efficiently through the many cases it’s just municipal water put in plastic
food chain, and can travel great distances from their bottles and sold for a song. This makes home water
source. They’re also fat-soluble, which means they filters an important tool in keeping your tap water safe
tend to accumulate in the fatty tissues of people and and your growing family healthy.
animals. As a result, measurable quantities of POPs
are often present in fatty foods, especially coming There are many different types of water filters. Some
from animals highest on the food chain—meat, serve an entire home. Others filter just a single tap.
dairy, and seafood. When we eat POP-contaminated Then there are pitchers. The technologies they contain
foods, these poisons accumulate inside us and cross vary, too. Carbon filters, for example, typically remove
the placental barrier. Fetal exposure to some POPs chlorine, tastes, odors, lead, and organic chemicals,
has been linked to developmental changes, lower while reverse osmosis filters handle inorganic chemicals,
post-birth psychomotor scores, memory and learning fluoride, and some metals. Choosing the one that’s right
problems, and long-term effects on intellectual for you starts with a water test to identify what you’re
functioning. Others have been linked to miscarriage, looking to filter out. Some municipalities will even test
immune system maldevelopment, and low birth your water for free. (If you have well water, the tests
weight. As you eat lower on the food chain to reduce will likely be on you.) Once you know what the issues
your intake of POPs, though, keep in mind that there are with your own H2O—and especially if the results
are still benefits to keeping some good fat on your are complicated—it’s a good idea to work with a water
plate while pregnant. Just strike a balance. filter professional to find the best solution.

5. Play it safe with plastics

Plastic is undeniably handy, but it may contain toxic compounds that can migrate into food, especially when
your meal and/or the plastic is hot. It’s wise to exercise caution when using plastics while pregnant. Here’s

• Never microwave food in plastic of any kind, including so-called “microwave-safe” containers and self-
serve food packaging. Use glassware instead. Or, even better, reheat food on the stove.
• Don’t serve or store foods in plastic containers, especially hot or acidic foods or those containing fats
or oils.
• If you do choose to store food in plastic containers, use only #2 HDPE, #4 LDPE, and #5 PP for the
purpose. These types are currently considered safest for food storage by the scientific community.
• Skip products packaged in #1 PETE plastic, like disposable water, juice, and soda bottles. Studies
show that under certain conditions PETE can leach unhealthy amounts of antimony, a toxic metalloid
that causes health effects similar to arsenic. And keep in mind #1 bottles are never meant for reuse.
• Avoid #7 polycarbonate plastic containers and bottles. This plastic type can release bisphenol-A (BPA),
a common endocrine-disrupting agent, into the foods and liquids stored inside.
• Don’t wash plastic containers in the dishwasher and/or with dishwasher detergents containing chlorine.
This can accelerate the leaching of toxic plastic compounds. They should be hand washed with warm
• Avoid deli wrap and similar plastic wraps. These can contain phthalates, endocrine disrupting chemicals
linked to reproductive, mental, motor, and behavioral developmental effects.
• Recycle or throw out your old plastic containers, especially those that are heavily worn or scratched.
Plastics tend to leach increasing amounts of the chemicals they contain as they age and become worn.
• Use glass bottles for infant feedings.


Fruits and vegetables should be washed in warm
water to remove pesticide residues and post-harvest
treatments like fungicide applications and waxes.
Thick-skinned foods like tomatoes and cucumbers
can be gently scrubbed in a mild solution of water
and natural soap. Skip products made specifically to
wash produce, especially if it isn’t clear what’s in them.
You’ll just be swapping one residue for another. Even
foods whose skins will be discarded, like bananas and
squash, should be washed to avoid transferring any
contamination they harbor from the skin to the edible
portion inside while peeling. But hear this loud and
clear: Just because you wash your produce doesn’t
mean you can now give up on organic. Washing
conventional fruits and vegetables won’t remove all
pesticide residues, and some are inside the plants.

38 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY


6. Avoid canned foods

The interiors of most food cans are coated with
a protective lining containing bisphenol-A (BPA),
an endocrine disruptor. This can easily migrate
into any food stored in the can, especially if the
food is acidic. Prenatal BPA exposure has been
linked to post-birth hyperactivity, behavioral
changes, chromosome alterations, and even
birth defects. Some manufacturers are now
using BPA-free cans and advertise this on their
labels. There is an overall lack of information on
what is being used to replace the BPA in these
cans, though, and no regulation or third party
certification when it comes to these claims. So
skip canned foods while pregnant and while
breastfeeding. Opt instead for fresh, frozen, or
dried foods.

“We know that a healthy diet is a key component of a healthy pregnancy. Now, researchers are
beginning to learn that a woman’s diet may help protect her and her developing baby from the
harmful effects of air pollution. For example, a recent study in Spain found greater exposure to air
pollutants during pregnancy was associated with lower scores of infant mental development,
but only among women who reported eating a diet with low intake of fruits and vegetables. No
effects from the air pollutants were observed in women who reported higher intakes of fruits and
vegetables, which are well-established sources of important nutrients like antioxidants. Current
research is examining a variety of nutrients such as antioxidants, folate, and omega-3 fatty acids
to determine if and how they may counteract the effects of air pollutant exposure during pregnancy.
Although this is a new field of research, it suggests that there are numerous benefits to eating
a healthy, well-balanced diet during pregnancy. Women should consult with their healthcare
providers to discuss what and how much they should be eating during this important time.”
Jeanette Stingone, PhD, the Elizabeth Mascia Scholar in Children’s
EnvironmentalHealth of the Mount Sinai Children’s Environmental Health Center

Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 39


7. Cook in stainless steel

and cast iron, not non-stick pans.
Until recently most non-stick cookware was made with a chemical that has been linked to cancer,
infertility, and complications during pregnancy. This chemical—perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA—
is so persistent it has been found in low levels in the blood of 98 percent of the general U.S.
population. It’s an endocrine disruptor and has been linked to low birth weight and impaired fetal
growth. People are exposed to it mainly through easily scratched pans. Non-stick surfaces can also
break down at high temperatures and the resulting fumes can cause flu like symptoms in humans
and death in birds. In 2005, DuPont settled with the EPA for $16.5 million for allegedly withholding
PFOA health risk information. The EPA called on them and six other chemical companies to
voluntarily eliminate PFOA and similar substances from plant emissions and products by 2015.
While there are new chemicals now being used to produce non-stick cookware, the safety of
these PFOA replacements is largely unknown. Safer cooking options include tried and true durable
materials like cast iron, enamel coated cast iron, and stainless steel.

The Seafood Conundrum

Fish is widely considered a superfood loaded with fish with low contaminants, like whiting, tilapia,
vital prenatal nutrients, particularly omega-3 fatty sardines, anchovies, flounder, Atlantic haddock,
acids, which boost brain and eye development. and wild salmon (note that farmed varieties can
But many species can be laden with the potent contain toxic PCBs). The Internet is swimming with
neurotoxin mercury as well as PCBs, leaving some frequently updated lists of low mercury and low
mothers afraid to eat any seafood. The FDA and PCB seafood. If you’d like to play it completely safe
EPA advise pregnant women not to eat more than and avoid fish altogether, talk to your doctor about
12 ounces of fish per week. That’s about two obtaining fish’s nutritional benefits via omega-3
meals’ worth. To make these servings safer, choose supplements or vegetarian alternatives.

Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 41

From pickle cravings to stretch mark prevention treatments, there are a lot of myths
associated with pregnancy. The nesting instinct isn’t one of them. Research finds that
pregnant women do indeed focus on readying a safe space for their new child. Anyone
who has been pregnant can confirm this anecdotally. This usually means setting up a
nursery or a bedroom, though some people take it many steps further. While this seems
like a pretty straightforward proposition, the ways pregnant moms choose to renovate,
paint, and furnish these spaces can have a big impact on a growing baby.

From cribs to toys, there’s so much to say about creating a healthy nursery that we wrote
an entire e-book on the topic in 2013, Easy Steps for a Healthy & Safe Nursery. We’ll
cover a few of the basics here, but we urge you to download the longer version—for
free—for a complete look at all of the essential concerns. Just click here.

Here are a few initial points to start planning a nursery. Just keep in mind that demolition
releases an unknown chemical cocktail of dust and debris into the home—it can contain
lead, asbestos, and more. Expectant moms should not be doing any home renovations
themselves and should, for the most part, be out of the home for the duration if any are
planned. This includes even simple tweaks like painting and caulking. Larger renovation
projects should be done by trained professionals. If you have lead paint, ask to see lead
safe certification. Post construction clean up and ventilation
throughout the project is critical.

Your Checklist
Choose no-VOC paint &
Hire someone—not you!—to
do the work
Go for solid wood furniture
Ventilate for clean air

42 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY


1. Choose no or 2. Opt for solid
at least low-VOC paint wood furniture
Many furniture products are constructed with pressed
Traditional paints include volatile organic compounds
wood, plywood, particleboard, and/or chipboard.
(VOCs) to keep ingredients dissolved evenly and to
These materials are made from lumber scraps glued
help the finished product dry. These VOCs can affect
together under pressure to create boards. These
your baby’s health. Since paints can continue to emit
products typically emit formaldehyde, an indoor air
VOCs for months after they’ve been applied, it’s best
pollutant found in their glues that has been linked
to choose low- or no-VOC varieties or alternatives
to greater risks of infant respiratory tract infections,
like milk paints. It’s also advisable to have someone
asthma, and other illnesses. They can be identified
other than mom applying the paint, especially if
at their unfinished edges, which will reveal layers
scraping of old paint—which may or may not be
or what looks like wood shavings or sawdust.
lead-based—is involved prior to application of new
Selecting solid wood furnishings with water-based
paint. Hiring a trained professional is the safest way
finishes eliminates the issue. If you’re interested in
to go, especially if you don’t know if there are layers
hard wood antiques, beware any with chipped or
of lead paint in your home.
crackling old paint. It could be lead paint. Bare is

3. Invest in a
safe crib mattress
Since your baby will be spending 14 to 16 hours a day
sleeping—if you’re lucky—a healthy mattress should
be a priority. Look for one made from untreated
natural fibers that isn’t wrapped in polyvinyl
chloride, a source of phthalate exposure, and one
that hasn’t been treated with flame retardants. The
best choices are an organic and/or a Greenguard
Certified mattress. Outside your budget? Ask your
friends and family to chip in and make it a collective
baby shower gift. It’s the most important one they
could give and your baby will be on it for several

44 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY


“It’s important for us to do everything we can to keep toxics out of the nursery, but it’s
no mean feat. We can’t just shop our way out of this problem. So buy safer products
when you can, and speak up so everyone can access and afford the safer solutions!
-Bobbi Chase Wilding, MS, deputy director, Clean and Healthy New York, Inc.

4. Go with a wood floor

When you think of a baby learning to crawl and walk, carpeting’s softness
is tempting. Resist the allure; the flame retardants, stain repellents, and
other treatments that carpets and carpet foam padding receive create a toxic
environment in the very place your baby will spend most of her waking
nursery hours. They also trap dust and dust mites—an asthma trigger. Wood
flooring with a water-based finish is a better, easy to clean option. Cover with
machine washable rag rugs made from untreated natural fibers. If you still
want carpet, or wood floors are not an option, look for natural fiber products
that meet sustainable carpet standards and won’t add to indoor air pollution.

Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 45

5. Keep the electronics
in another room
The subject of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and
human health is controversial. Some say the small
zones of enhanced electromagnetism that surround
electronic devices are harmless. Others disagree.
While the science is far from conclusive, there is
evidence suggesting that infants exposed to EMFs
may face a greater risk of leukemia, heart rate
changes, and other health effects. Until more is
known, we recommend a precautionary stance that
keeps all electronic devices away from your newborn.
You’ll of course want a baby monitor in your nursery,

but make that the only device and place it as far
away from the crib as possible.

6. Let fresh air in

According to the EPA, the air inside the average home
is 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside
thanks to fumes emitted by furnishing and other
items including household cleaners, combustion
devices like stoves and furnaces, and bacteria and
molds. The best solution is the simplest. It’s also
NASA researchers studying air quality in space
free: Just open up the windows and let fresh air
habitats have found that many common into the nursery as frequently as you can, even in
houseplants are highly efficient air purifiers able the winter. And makes sure pollution levels are low
to absorb common indoor pollutants like benzene in the first place by keeping all synthetic chemical
and formaldehyde. Houseplant filled rooms also products like cleaners, pesticides, and personal care
items out of the room.
contain 50 to 60 percent fewer mold spores and

7. Avoid toxic toys

bacteria. It doesn’t take many plants to make a
difference in a nursery’s air quality. Just a handful
of Janet Craig and sweet chico plants, for example, The typical baby has a natural instinct to explore the
have been found to reduce volatile organic world via her mouth, and that makes toys a common
source of toxic exposures. Possible hazards include
compound levels by about 80 percent. Other
phthalates found in soft vinyl toys, lead in paints
plants that excel at cleaning indoor air include and plastics, and organotin compounds used in
Boston fern, areca palm, lady palm, bamboo palm, harder types of vinyl. One easy way to keep playtime
rubber plant, English ivy, Dwarf date palm, ficus safe is to avoid plastics. If you can’t abandon them
alii, and peace lily. The more houseplants you entirely, choose types 2, 4, or 5. Better options
include unpainted wood toys or some cloth and
have, the healthier your home’s air will be. Just be
plush toys. Remember that sometimes the best
sure to move the plants out of reach when your teethers and toys are everyday household items.
baby starts crawling or toddling, or you’ll wind up A frozen washcloth is an easy teether and babies
with dirt all over the floor! love playing with food storage containers, wooden
spoons, and pots and pans.

Take Action for Chemical Safety

As you make your way through this e-book, you may complicated, political, and nuanced, but basically—
find yourself asking how the world became filled with as before—instead of requiring manufacturers to
so many unchecked chemical dangers—especially prove a chemical is safe before it can be used, the
ones that are particularly unsafe for children. One CSIA won’t allow chemicals to be regulated until the
key reason is a lack of effective regulations to control EPA can demonstrate harm. This scenario allows
the use of toxic materials. what is already happening to continue—harmful
chemicals are left unchecked. The law would also
Currently, chemical safety on the federal level is preempt state and local efforts to implement tougher
largely controlled by the Toxic Substances Control rules and higher standards than the CSIA establishes.
Act (TSCA). This antiquated, nearly 40-year-old
law has successfully regulated just five of the Whether this confuses you or fires you up, we can
85,000 chemicals in use today. Under the TSCA, all help strengthen the CSIA to assure that it’s part
manufacturers can introduce almost any chemical of the solution and not part of the problem. How?
without safety testing. Instead, it’s up to the EPA Just call or write your congressional delegation
to prove a chemical is harmful once it’s in use. That and urge them to ask for a stronger CSIA in 2014.
means we are all the guinea pigs, and it’s our babies If you want to get more specific, let them know
who bear the brunt of this exposure. They’re more you’re interested in requiring manufacturer safety
vulnerable than adults are. testing and preserving rights to implement tougher
local laws. For easy ways to get in touch with your
There are so many people who have worked representative, click here.
tirelessly to remedy this situation over the years,
but the TSCA remains. But our elected officials keep Meanwhile, staying healthy also helps us resist the
trying. As of early 2014, Congress is considering unsafe chemicals and hazards we do encounter
passing the Chemical Safety Improvement Act (CSIA) despite our best efforts. Call it a prescription for a
to update TSCA. Unfortunately, the CSIA as currently healthy pregnancy.
written won’t solve our regulatory problems. It’s


Avoiding environmental toxins clearly isn’t the only thing you can do to promote a
safe and healthy 9 months. Being proactively healthy also helps. There is plenty of
science to back up the wisdom of this approach. University of Montreal researchers,
for example, discovered that pregnant women who exercised with moderate
intensity three times a week for at least 20 minutes gave birth to babies whose
brains were more mature than the brains of babies whose mothers were sedentary.
Another study found that first-time mothers who ate fruit three times a day before
becoming pregnant and who maintained or achieved a normal maternal weight,
reduced their blood pressure, and avoided drug use while pregnant increased their
odds of having a complication-free pregnancy. So pack on the fruit and get moving.
Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 49
• The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists - acog.org
• Environmental Working Group - ewg.org
• The Endocrine Disruption Exchange - endocrinedisruption.org
• Mount Sinai Children’s Environmental Health Center - mountsinai.org
• Association of Reproductive Health Professionals - arhp.org

Indoor Air Quality

• EPA - epa.gov/iaq/

• Lead Safe America Foundation - leadsafeamerica.org

Flame retardants
• Green Science Policy Institute - greensciencepolicy.org/topics/flame-retardants

• Pesticide Action Network - panna.org

• FDA - fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm378393.htm

• Breast Cancer Fund - breastcancerfund.org/clear-science/radiation-chemicals-and-breast-cancer/bisphenol-a.html

• Center for Health, Environment & Justice - chej.org/campaigns/pvc

50 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY


• March of Dimes - marchofdimes.com/baby/radon.aspx

Safer Cosmetics
• EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database - ewg.org/skindeep

• Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families - saferchemicals.org/toxic-chemicals/phthalates.html

• Women’s Voices for the Earth - womensvoices.org/issues/fragrance

• USDA’s National Organic Program http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/nop

Perfluorochemicals (PFCs)
• CDC & EPA - cdc.gov/biomonitoring/pdf/PFCs_FactSheet.pdf; epa.gov/oppt/pfoa/pubs/pfoainfo.html

• NRDC - nrdc.org/oceans/seafoodguide/page4.asp

• EPA - epa.gov/iaq/voc.html

• Environmental Health Trust - ehtrust.org

• HealthyStuff.org - healthystuff.org

Third Party Certification

• Greener Choices - greenerchoices.org/eco-labels

Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY I HealthyChild.org 51

This e-book is just one part of our Easy Steps To a Safer Pregnancy Toolkit,
made possible, in part, by these conscious companies who provide safer
products for moms and growing babies.

LUNA - Food feeds our souls, lifts our spirits, nourishes and sustains us.
That’s why LUNA created a great tasting 100% natural women’s nutrition
bar. LUNA is now made with 70% USDA certified organic ingredients –
providing you with wholesome natural food grown in a way that is in
harmony with nature. Learn more at Lunabar.com

Seventh Generation lives its commitment to “caring today for seven

generations of tomorrows,” with products formulated to provide mindful
solutions for the air, surfaces, fabrics, and people within your home -- and
for the environment outside of it. A pioneer in corporate responsibility, the
company continually works to reduce its environmental impact, increase
performance and safety, and create a more sustainable supply chain.
Learn more at SeventhGeneration.com

To see the full list of resources used to compile this guide, visit the Easy
Steps Resource Guide on Healthychild.org

52 HealthyChild.org I Easy Steps TO SAFER PREGNANCY

A trusted resource for parents for more than 20
years, Healthy Child Healthy World is a California
non-profit public benefit corporation with a
mission to empower parents to take action and
protect their children from harmful chemicals.
By working with manufacturers and supporting
policy initiatives, Healthy Child Healthy World
provides access to critical information that
encourages smarter lifestyle choices that reduce
chemical exposure in homes and communities.
Healthy Child Healthy World’s vision is a world
where every child has the opportunity to
grow up in a healthy and safe environment.
Learn more at healthychild.org

Copyright 2014

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