Chaff &: Radio Frequency Counter Measures
Chaff &: Radio Frequency Counter Measures
Chaff &: Radio Frequency Counter Measures
Electronic warfare/countermeasure system
“Electronic warfare has emerged as the new focus of a larger, multiyear $10 billion
makeover of the Lockheed Martin F-35. Ending a yearlong negotiating process that
involved discussions with potential alternative suppliers, Lockheed has selected
BAE Systems to deliver a package of upgrades under the Block 4 program to the
ASQ-239 electronic warfare/countermeasures subsystem, both companies announc-
ed on Aug. 21.
- New upgrade preceded by recent technology insertion
- Block 4 could expand frequency band coverage, add cognitive capability...
...BAE also announced the insertion of a critical new technology into the ASQ-239 to
help pave the way for future Block 4 upgrades. In addition to a towed decoy, multiple
apertures, and the dispensers and controller for radio-frequency and infrared count-
ermeasures, the ASQ-239 also includes technique generators—called Rack 2A and
Rack 2B—to counter electronic threats.
BAE has now inserted the DTIP system into the ASQ-239 to upgrade Racks 2A and
2B. The acronym DTIP is a combination of two other acronyms: DCRTG, for the Digital
Channelized Receiver/Techniques Generator, & TIP, for the Tuner Insertion Program.
The combination results in a centralized electronic warfare processor that is more
powerful, yet smaller. As a result, the DTIP will allow Lockheed to commission BAE to
deliver new capabilities under Block 4.”
Electronic Warfare the JSF is now in its 11th year of
development - not including the
deficit reduction measures.
Meanwhile, the US DoD is funding
- JSF EW capabilities – industry competition period that the further development of the
sensor fusion the key. included the production of two flying F-22 and an Unmanned Combat
prototypes. Yet, the list of defects Air Vehicle (UCAV) aircraft to the
Frederick Haddock 1st Apr 2012 arising from the developmental Technology Development stage -
As is now common knowledge, the testing program is growing rather eliminate the pilot and the game is
F-35 JSF is still fighting its critics on than diminishing and Lockheed altogether different.
numerous fronts and in the process Martin is taking a financial “bath”. A major issue is that technology
it has collected many supporters No one appears to be willing is not waiting for the JSF.
and many detractors across the to make a reliable forecast on Development of military technology
world, with Australia represented availability of a fully qualified aircraft continues at a pace that Industry
in both camps. In mid-March, or its final price, though recently and the US DOD can afford and it
Lockheed Martin representatives Lockheed Martin representatives might be said that the JSF is missing
were given a comprehensive expressed confidence in a long- – or has missed the technology
grilling by the Joint Parliamentary term figure of approximately US $75 “boat” - in a number of cases. There
Committee on Foreign Affairs, million per aircraft in 2011 dollars. are quite a few technology carry-
Defence and Trade. Furthermore, there does not overs as well as a number of new
As we write it would be difficult appear to be a spiral evolution systems.
to decide whether the optimists or program in motion - which is a bit So when we look at the
pessimists will be proven correct, surprising for this huge international capabilities of the EW suite in the
but it is noteworthy to report that program, even accepting that the JSF, we have to ask ourselves
most recently in December, Japan maturity of aircraft is still some way “which generation and which
has opted to join a growing list off. Some critics continue to argue environment?”
to buy the aircraft to replace its that the programme is destined Although the world is awash with
ageing fleet. This came after a to fail – and certainly there will EW systems that are tailored to
comprehensive evaluation in a be tough times ahead if later this meet a very complex range of threat
competition against the Super year further dramatic cuts to US environments and the performance
Hornet and the Eurofighter. defence spending are triggered by of the aircraft that carry them, the
It is interesting to record that a Congressional failure to agree on EW suite on the JSF appears to be
standard for all users. All customers force and therefore can provide have the considerable advantage of
get what the USAF/ USN/ USGC early warning of an approaching mobile elements, rather than being
determine. hostile force before it is in position in a fixed and known location. This
The JSF is described as a fifth to do damage. This means the gives them a “shoot and scoot”
generation multi-mission aircraft balance of power may change capability that promotes confusion
with air combat and ground attack significantly, providing the attacking in an attacking force without
roles. It is equipped with both active force is not very stealthy. The fact necessarily disrupting integrated
(RF) and passive (E-O) self-defence is that today’s military aircraft are defence operations.
systems designed to counter air- an element of a much larger force IADs are likely to operate a
launched and ground-launched structure and need to be considered number of different radar and
weapons that use these techniques. in that context. weapon systems, to cover all
One- on- one air-air warfare is In the case of air-to-ground aspects of possible engagements,
relatively unlikely today compared warfare the re-development of with deployment of both short
to the air - ground warfare the WW11 concept of a layered range weapons, using EO homing,
environment. All other things being ground-based air defence system and long range weapons using
equal, success in the air will go to has emerged, but with infinitely radar mid-course guidance and
the aircraft that has the highest more capability than the original EO terminal homing. An additional
speed, longest range, most capable approach. New Integrated Air feature of IADs is that they often
radar and longest-ranges weapons. Defence (IAD) systems typically use deploy long-range high power
But today, low observability (stealth) networked C3 nodes with multiple jammers to make engagement more
to reduce detectability of an aircraft radars and weapons that may be difficult.
in defensive and attacking roles has widely dispersed to provide both In these environments an
come into the superiority equation spread and depth. For an attacking attacking aircraft needs a full quiver
and has become a frequent factor in airforce , success against an IAD of RF and EO self-defence systems
military aircraft design. requires the capability to rapidly to cope with air and ground-
Additionally, if a defending force launch a number of long range launched weapons. In addition the
has the benefit of superior AEW&C (>100km) homing weapons that critically important features of an
assets that could make a significant saturate it , and the ability to leave enveloping all-attitude, very low-
difference. These contribute to the the zone very quickly. On the other observable (stealth) capability, high
depth and capability of a networked side of the coin most modern IADs manoeuvrability, and supersonic
dash need to be present. The addition to providing a very diverse Integrity DO-178B RTOS and a
JSF does not appear to have a set of ”radar functions”, it provides discrete industry standard open
full measure of these capabilities a significant EW jamming function - architecture network. The pilot is
with known “holes” in its stealth as well an RF data link (Multifunction connected into this system by an
envelope, a quite short tactical Advanced Data Link (MADL). MADL HMDS to facilitate target selection
range and a single large engine, is an ultra high bandwidth data and tracking and a cockpit-mounted
compared with the supersonic, high link provided by selected directed colour MFD to facilitate weapon
stealth level performance of the radar beams enabling target and selection. All software is written
twin-engined F-22A. other situational awareness data to using C++. The amount of code
This paper describes publicly be shared with own-force assets, being developed steadily increases
available information on the without compromising the source and, reportedly, by the time it
currently known EW sensors and platform’s low observability. is all qualified is likely to exceed
system capabilities of the F-35. The F-35’s electronic warfare estimates of 8.6 million lines,
systems are intended to first detect resulting in the familiar method of
Integrated Avionics Suite (IAS)
hostile aircraft using sensors successive Block releases.
On paper the F-35 appears to have operating in the RF spectrum, The above architecture facilitates
the most comprehensive avionics which can then be scanned with real time sharing of data between
suite that is available today for an the electro-optical system. This systems connected to the IAS
aircraft of its class. The principal enables the optimised detection allowing contribution to Situational
components are the APG-81 multi- and identification, followed by Awareness, Command and Control
function Active Electronically engagement or evasion of the target. and Network-Centric Warfare.
Scanned Array (AESA) radar, and This capability is achieved using full Such a configuration is
three EW systems. These are sensor data fusion provided by the colloquially referred to as an “OODA
the AAQ-37 Distributed Aperture IAS function. (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act)
System (DAS), the Electro Optical loop” capability where stealth and
Targeting System (EOTS) and the IA Suite architecture
advanced sensors aid in Observation
ASQ-AAQ-37 Integrated Defensive All major components of the (while being difficult to Observe),
Avionics Suite (RWR). aircraft’s IAS are functionally automated target tracking helps in
Of the above systems the radar integrated using multiple COTS Orientation, sensor fusion simplifies
is by far the most complex as, in Freescale Power PC processors, Decision making, and the system
controls allow the pilot to maintain The radar also provides electronic • Detecting and locating in-band
his focus on targets and act on warfare functions (RWR and RF RF radiations from a remote
them rather than focussing on his Jammer) and the RF elements of source that is contained within
aircraft controls. the Multifunction Advanced Data the radar’s FOR to provide an
Link (MADL) - that is an ultra high EW RWR capability.
Individual sensors bandwidth data link. This provides Similarly, AESA radars are inherently
APG-81 AESA radar communications between own force jam resistant as these types are
assets to allow development and able to change operating frequency
This 5th Generation multi-role all
sharing of situational awareness with every pulse, and spread the
solid state Active Electronically
data and networked force frequencies across a wide band
Scanned Array (AESA) provides the
operations. even in a single pulse. Although
main air-air and air-ground sensor
The radar is a successor to the jammers are available that generate
and weapon engagement capability
F-22’s AN/APG-77 and includes broadband white noise covering
of the F-35. It is a frequency agile,
selected features of it. Conversely, the entire operating frequency of
scanning radar that provides an
the APG-77v1, the current radar for a radar, AESAs can be selected to
exceptional range of capabilities
the F-22A, uses APG-81 hardware operate on a receive-only basis to
including Air-Air multiple target
and software features for its locate the jamming transmission.
detection and fire control (cloned
advanced air-to-ground capabilities
from the F-22 APG -77 radar ), air-to- Electro-Optical Targeting
that were a more recent addition to
ground modes, including and ground System (EOTS)
that aircraft.
tracking (SAR and ISAR) high
From the EW perspective the This multi-functional day/
resolution mapping, multiple ground
APG-81 provides the following night sensor has been developed
moving target detection and track.
capabilities: by Lockheed Martin to provide
On 22 June 2010 the Project
• A steerable, precisely focussed, a precision air-to-air and air-to-
Office said: “The radar met and
jamming signal that can be surface targeting capability. EOTS
exceeded its performance objectives
transmitted to any point in is integrated in the IAS with the
successfully tracking long-range
space within the radar’s field of EW RF sensors. Based on proven
targets as part of the first mission
regard (FOR). The duration of Sniper XR technology, the EOTS
systems test flights of the F-35
the jamming signal is selectable sensors are installed on a stabilised,
Lightning II BF-4 (Development)
and it is frequency agile. steerable platform, which is carried
internally and pointing forward regard of the surrounding airspace, tail surfaces of the aircraft to
under the aircraft’s nose. allowing the pilot to “see” through collectively provide forward and
EOTS comprises a third the fuselage. Each sensor operates aft Band 2,3,4 coverage. These
generation FLIR camera, a laser, independently and continuously. locations provide excellent, almost
and a CCD-TV camera. The system Video imagery from all sensors is spherical, spatial coverage allowing
provides target detection and fused simultaneously to provide detection and geolocation of threats.
identification at greatly increased a continuous, seamless picture , Public data about this system is
stand-off ranges, high resolution analogous to the aircraft being in limited.
imagery, automatic tracking, the centre of a bubble. The system
infrared search and track (IRST), displays EO countermeasures Conclusions.
laser designation and range finding, deployment, passive air-to-air radar, On paper the EW suite appears
and laser spot tracking. off-axis targeting for air-to-air to be a good match for the
The EOTS is fully integrated with missiles, and wide field-of-view day/ overall performance of the
the IAS using a fibre optic interface night pilot vision including imagery aircraft. Sensor fusion and
and is designed to compliment the of other own force aircraft. With off- data sharing within the IAS
operation of the Northrop Grumman axis targeting the pilot can assign a and offboard to another asset
DAS, described below. target of interest to the HMDS, point is smart and undoubtedly will
his head to the intended target, reduce the pilot’s workload and
AN/AAQ-37 Distributed
designate and shoot. improve the effectiveness of
Aperture System (DAS)
the aircraft’s combat capability.
DAS is an electro-optical warning AN/ASQ-239 (Barracuda)
The architecture of the EW suite
system that is optimised to detect, Electronic Warfare System.
lends itself to evolution, weight
track and process video of multiple The AN/ASQ-239 Barracuda is permitting. Notably, it appears
missile launches and their in-flight based on the F-22 Raptor’s AN/ALR- that the aircraft does not have
tracks and approach track to the 94 suite, but is reportedly many a decoy capability, such as a
pilot. The system comprises an times more sensitive than previous towed RF/EO decoy (FOTID)
array of six wide field- of -view mid- generations of RWR. The ten sets of or flares [MJU-61A/B infrared
wave IR sensors that are distributed RF antennae are distributed on the countermeasure flare installed].
around the fuselage. Collectively both wing leading and trailing edges
they provide a spherical field of and rear edges of the horizontal
Releasing Flares
“Aircraft AF-3 releases infrared
countermeasure flares during
test flights near Edwards AFB.
This successful safe separation
demonstration flight will support
certification of the MJU-61A/B
infrared countermeasure flare on
the F-35.”
“Uncloaking for a split
second to punch out
a decoy flare from
the small part
in the under-
side of the
Combat Aircraft
June 2019 Photo
by Frank Crébas
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'(*( # 667 54 %237 32 %1 7 83 %1 7 83 %837% % %827 13 1574%1 %7% 1 4%47836
!78 % " “The ALE-70
MMMMM is aMMMMMcountermeasures
MMMMM MMMMM dispenser
MMMMM system
MMMMM designed
MMMMM fit into the F-35
(JSF) aircraft. The ALE-70 provides aircraft self-protection against radar guided missiles....”
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JSF: The stealthy, supersonic fighter, designated the F-35, is expected to replace U.S. F-16s, A-10s,
F/A-18/A/B/C/Ds, F-14s, and AV-8Bs, as well as UK GR7s and Sea Harriers. The U.S. Air
jsf-integrated-avionics-par-excellence/ Force wants to buy 1,763 Joint Strike Fighters; the U.S. Navy and Marines, 680; the Royal Air
Force, 90; and the Royal Navy, 60. First flight of the conventional takeoff/landing (CTOL)
version is expected in 2005. CTOL, short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL), and carrier-capable
Avionics versions will feature "high 90 percent" avionics commonality.
Excellence The affordability, size and mission goals for an aircraft developed with funding from eight
Charlotte Adams countries, as well as the United States, have dictated unprecedented sensor overlap and
01 Sep 2003 processing centralization. The electronically scanned radar array, under the control of mission
What must a 21st systems software, will be able to perform electronic warfare (EW) functions, and the EWsystem
century tactical will share some com/nav/identification (CNI) apertures. The JSF's infrared (IR) sensorswill use
aircraft incorpor- detector/cooling assemblies of a common design. Integration also means the use ofcommon
ate to satisfy the modules wherever possible, both in the integrated core processor (ICP) and in otherkey systems,
needs of the U.S. as well as the use of a 2-gigabit/sec Fibre Channel backbone for instantcommunications between
Air Force, Navy the ICP and the sensors, CNI system and displays.
and Marine Corps
and international Designers intend integration and cooperation to drive breakthrough situational awareness. Data
customers seeking from radar, electro-optical, EW and CNI sensors–not to mention offboard systems–will befused
a multi-mission air by mission systems software and presented to the pilot as an intuitive tactical picture on apanel-
vehicle? The short wide head-down display. A helmet-mounted display system (HMDS) will project the IRpicture
answer is plenty of and urgent tactical, flight and safety symbology onto the pilot's visor and provide high-angle,
onboard and off- off-boresight targeting.
board data collect-
ion, processing Inputs from six common, distributed aperture system (DAS) sensors are designed to create a
and fusion. The 360-degree protective IR sphere around the airplane, providing the pilot approximately 20/40
long answer vision acuity and allowing airplanes to fly in closely spaced nighttime combat spreads. Thepilot
emerges from a will be able to look down to "see" the scene below the aircraft, through darkness, smokeand
close look at the dust, projected on the helmet visor. DAS, the latest in IR-based missile warning andsituational
Joint Strike awareness tools, is complemented by EOTS, the internally mounted electro-opticaltargeting
Fighter's (JSF's) system. EOTS provides a smaller field of view but longer-range targeting. Under thecommand
design. of the mission software, EOTS could provide range to a target without turning on theradar.
)RXUWK*HQHUDWLRQ5DGDU lead. A risk-reduction effort is under way. Flight testing was scheduled to commence in August
The F-35's fourth-generation active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar is designed to or September, using current versions of the radar and EOTS system on Northrop Grumman's
reduce by half the cost and weight of third-generation technology, deployed in emerging BAC-111 test aircraft, according to Steve Foley, tactical information systems lead with the JSF
platforms such as the F/A-22. The JSF radar, for example, uses "twinpack" T/R modules, program office.
consolidating two into one package. The AESA system's lifespan is projected to be "well over" "The government pushed on Lockheed to start fusion flying early," Thompson says. The idea is
8,000 hours, the typical life of a fighter aircraft, says Robert Thompson, director of JSF combat to look at baseline algorithms, prove out algorithm development and simulation tools, and
avionics for radar developer� Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems. confirm basic architectural concepts, explains John Harrell, Lockheed Martin's tactical
In air-to-surface operations the radar will support functions such as synthetic aperture radar information systems lead. The risk reduction flight program is expected to run about six months,
(SAR) ground mapping and inverse SAR for ship classification. In air-to-air operations, the with analysis of the results feeding into on-going fusion algorithm studies.
sensor will support features such as cued search, passive search and multitarget, beyond-visual- The approximately 4.5 million lines of mission systems code will be developed in block
range tracking and targeting. Because the beam can move from point to point in millionths of a upgrades. Early versions of data fusion algorithms will be examined in the risk reduction
second, a single target can be viewed as many as 15 times a second. program. "Fusion really starts hitting in 2007, when we start doing fusion of all onboard
JSF's powerful sensor suite will allow the aircraft to assume an active role in the tactical sensors," Harrell says. Fusion capabilities will continue to increase with the Block 3 mission
"infosphere," company officials assert. "The tactical fighter used to be at the end of the food software release to flight test in mid-2010, adding information from offboard sources.
chain," receiving information from special-purpose sensor aircraft, Thompson says. But it Mission systems functions are organized around the concept of a continuous "OODA loop,"
became obvious, from the quality of JSF sensor data and the number of planes to be fielded, which stands for observe, orient, decide and act. Sensors and data links will acquire data, which
that they will be "a major feed of tactical information." will be fused in the ICP, activating tactical decision aids–or "planners." Search, attack,
The sensors have gone through preliminary design review (PDR) and are heading toward avoidance and denial planner modules would work simultaneously on the fused data, producing
critical design review (CDR) over the next six months. Critical design work, on the hardware action plans for the pilot.
side, emphasizes areas such as component reliability, cost and ruggedness, and final board The search planner is intended to help pilots locate targets. This software application would
layouts. look, for example, at all the possible places where a column of tanks could be, based on factors
such as the last siting, the road network, terrain and the speed of the vehicles.
Mission systems software, still in early development, will be key to the F-35's success, sifting, Although the details of pilot/software interaction are far from mature this early in the program,
fusing and presenting sensor data "so that it is inherently obvious to the pilot what the course of Baker describes one search planner scenario. The software module would ask the group leader–
action should be," asserts Jon Waldrop, director of international programs for prime contractor digitally or audibly–how many F-35s are on the mission? If the lead says, or indicates, "four," a
Lockheed Martin. The software "wraps [the sensors] up into a functional architecture that grid would pop up to show where each wingman should be for optimal searching. Similarly, the
allows them to smartly work together, cross-cue and take advantage of fused information to search planner would overlay the possible locations of the tank column on a map for the pilots
help the pilot," Thompson explains. in the JSF formation.
The crucial data fusion function has been identified as a program-level risk, which means that After the tanks have been located, the attack planner could plan the ingress route, assess the
senior officials will track its progress, says Air Force Lt. Col. Jim Baker, F-35 mission systems vulnerability of the tanks, and indicate where the wingmen should be. While these tasks are
proceeding, a "fast track" process would send any high-priority threat information directly to
The ICP also will have� "pluggable growth" for eight more digital processing modules and
the pilot, who would determine, with the help of an "avoid planner," the evasion route.
an additional power supply, Wilcox adds. It uses commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components,
Although still a long way from realization, these processes would execute in fractions of a
standardizing at this stage on Motorola G4 PowerPC microprocessors, which incorporate 128-
second, permitting pilots in a multiship formation to counter or avoid multiple threats and at the
bit AltiVec technology. The image processor uses commercial field programmable gate arrays
same time attack multiple targets.
(FPGAs) and the VHDL hardware description language to form a very specialized processing
Lockheed plans to hold several "pilot simulation events" to evaluate the mechanization and engine.The ICP employs the Green Hills Software Integrity commercial real-time operating
utility of these functions, i.e., what the pilot can do well and what is best handled by onboard system (RTOS) for data processing and Mercury Computer Systems' commercial Multi-
computers. computing OS (MCOS) for signal processing. Depending on processing trades still to be made
in the program, the JSF also could use commercial RTOSs in sensor front ends to perform
A portable memory device from Smiths Aerospace–designed to provide hundreds of gigabytes
digital preprocessing, according to Baker. The display management computer and the CNI
of nonvolatile storage–will help the pilot load mission plan data and record video and other
system also use the Integrity RTOS. COTS reduces development risk and� ensures an
information in flight. Smiths also will provide a second, permanently installed mass memory
upgrade path, according to Ralph Lachenmaier, the program office's ICP and common
device and an airborne file server.
components lead.
Core Processor
Tying the ICP modules together like a backplane bus and connecting the sensors, CNI and the
Hosting the mission systems software is the JSF's electronic brain, the ICP. Packaged in two
displays to the ICP is the optical Fibre Channel network. Key to this interconnect are the two
racks, with 23 and eight slots, respectively, this computer consolidates functions previously
32-port ICP switch modules. The 400-megabit/sec IEEE 1394B (Firewire) interconnect is used
managed by separate mission and weapons computers, and dedicated signal processors. At
externally to link the ICP, display management computer and the CNI system to the vehicle
initial operational capability, the ICP data processors will crunch data at 40.8 billion operations/
management system.
sec (giga operations, or GOPS); the signal processors, at 75.6 billion floating point operations
(gigaflops, or GFLOPS); and the image processors at 225.6 billion multiply/accumulate Low-level processing will occur in the sensor systems, but most digital processing will occur in
operations, or GMACS, a specialized signal processing measure, reports Chuck Wilcox, the ICP. The radar, for example, will have the smarts to generate waveforms and do analog-to-
Lockheed's ICP team lead. The design includes 22 modules of seven types: digital conversion. But the radar will send target range and bearing data to the ICP signal
processor, which will generate a report for the data processor, responsible for data fusion. Radar
Four general-purpose (GP) processing modules,
data, fused with data from other onboard and offboard systems, then will be sent from the ICPto
Two GPIO (input/output) modules, the display processor for presentation on the head-down and helmet-mounted displays.
Two image processor modules, All-aspect radar warning capability, supporting analysis, identification, tracking, mode
determination and angle of arrival (AOA) of mainbeam emissions, plus automatic
Two switch modules, and
direction finding for correlation with other sensors, threat avoidance and targeting
Five power supply modules. information;
Defensive threat awareness and offensive targeting support–acquisition and tracking ofï
The Joint Strike Fighter's flight deck display moves beyond the F/A-22's multifunction display-
¿½ main beam and side lobe emissions, beyond-visual-range emitter location and
type layout to a single, panoramic, 8-by-20-inch� viewing area, the largest ever in a fighter
ranging, emitter ID and signal parameter measurement;
aircraft. Developed by Rockwell Collins (Kaiser Electronics), the multifunction display system
A multispectral countermeasures suite with countermeasures response manager function, (MFDS) comprises two adjacent 8-by-10-inch projection displays, each with a resolution of
standard chaff and flare rounds; and 1280-by-1024 pixels. Each half is fully functional, so the system can continue to operate if one
The EW suite complements the field-of-view and frequency coverage of the radar by providing The MFDS will present sensor, weapons and aircraft status data, plus tactical and safety
complete coverage around the aircraft at a wider frequency range. Passive radar warning system information. The viewing area can be presented as a large tactical horizontal situation display or
apertures–at three different frequency ranges – are embedded in the skin of leading and trailing be divided into multiple windows.
wing edges and horizontal tail surfaces. The EW system also can use the radar antenna for
electronic support measures (ESM). Expected mean time between failure (MTBF) is 440 hours. Functions are accessed and activated by touch–the first touch screen on a large-format display–
or by hands-on-throttle-and stick (HOTAS) commands. Each 8-by-10-inch area has an
The radar warning system is active all of the time, providing both air and surface coverage.
integrated display processor for low-level data crunching and a "projection engine" to cast the
Packaged in two electronics racks, it includes cards for radar warning, direction finding and
image onto the screen. The MFDS uses micro-active matrix liquid crystal display (LCD) image
ESM. The system uses DAS inputs directly, as well as fused inputs from the ICP. Digital
sources–three per projection engine–illuminated by arc lamps. Collins will provide the display
processing allows reprogramming and increases reliability.
drivers and the first layer of services software, which Lockheed Martin will use to implement
display applications.
Vehicle Management System
One of the most important non-ICP processing functions is the vehicle management system, Collins will procure glass commercially, tempering it with proprietary chemical processes. The
which handles flight control and utility systems such as fuel management and electrical and Collins display processor _circuit card assembly design also is used for the display management
hydraulic system controls. BAE Systems designed the vehicle management computer (VMC), computer-helmet (DMC-H). The assembly uses Collins application-specific integrated circuits
three of which are connected together via an IEEE 1394B bus. About the size of a shoe box, (ASICs), as well as commercial processors, memory and graphics chips. Flight qualification
each computer contains a processor card, I/O card and power supply card. and safety testing will begin once initial display systems are delivered in the second quarter of
All three VMCs process data simultaneously, constantly comparing results across channels to 2004. Standby 3-by-3-inch active matrix LCD flight displays are provided by Smiths
assure data integrity. In the case of divergent data, two processors can "vote" one processor or Aerospace.�
signal out, explains Bill Dawson, JSF program manager for BAE Systems Aerospace Controls.
The F-35's helmet-mounted display system (HMDS) will replace the traditional head-up display
Interfacing to the VMCs are remote I/O units provided by Smiths. These devices–10 per (HUD), "allowing for a tremendous cost savings and, more importantly, weight reduction,"
aircraft–are an integral part of the vehicle management network, receiving flight control and asserts Louis Taddeo, director of business development with HMDS designer, Vision Systems
other inputs from hundreds of digital, analog and discrete sources, processing� the data and International (VSI). VSI is a joint venture partnership between Collins and EFW Inc., an Elbit
outputting the results to the VMCs over the 1394 bus. Systems Ltd. subsidiary.
The HMDS uses a combination of electro-optics and head position and orientation tracking 6RIWZDUHGHILQHGUDGLRWHFKQRORJ\PHDQVWKDWWKHVXLWHFDQSURYLGHQXPHURXVUDGLRIXQFWLRQV±
software algorithms to present critical flight, mission, threat and safety symbology on the pilot's UDQJLQJLQIUHTXHQF\IURP9+)WR.EDQG±IURPDVHWRIPRUHJHQHUDOSXUSRVHPRGXOHW\SHV
visor. The system allows the pilot to direct aircraft weapons and sensors to an area of interest or including:
issues visual cues to direct the pilot's attention, Taddeo explains. The HMDS comprises the
helmet-mounted display, DMC-H, and helmet tracking system. VSI also supplies the joint Wideband RF module, performing analog-to-digital conversion, waveform processing
helmet-mounted cueing systems used on the F-15 and F/A-18E/F aircraft. and digital signal processing.
Fundamental requirements for the HMDS include visor-projected, binocular, wide field-of- Dual-channel transceiver module, which can receive and digitize waveforms over a wide
view, high-resolution, near real-time imagery and symbology; equivalent accuracy to head-up frequency band and generate� waveforms for transmission, driving ��� power
display systems; 24-hour usability; and fit, comfort and safety during ejection. Proper weight amplifiers. This module supports most of the 35 waveforms.
and balance are crucial in minimizing pilot fatigue resulting from high-g maneuvers and
reducing head and neck loads in ejections, Taddeo stresses. The F-35 helmet is expected to Frequency-dependent power amplifiers, including L-band, VHF/UHF, and higher-
weigh 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg). frequency units.
The digital image source provides both symbol writing and video capability. The systemin-
And an interface module.
cludes a clear, optically coated visor for night operations and a shaded visor for daylightoperat-
ions. Imagery is provided via the distributed aperture system (DAS) or a helmet-mountedday/
Northrop Grumman developed middleware, located between the operating system and the
night camera. F-35 pilots can select imagery and symbology via HOTAS commands.
applications. This layer of software is designed to allow smooth system growth and compatibil-
ity with Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) waveforms.
) V&1,6\VWHP
The two-rack communications, navigation and identification (CNI) system processes wave- The CNI suite uses Green Hills Software's Integrity commercial real-time operating system,
forms internally, sending high-level status data to the core processor. The CNI system is design- PowerPC processors, field programmable gate arrays and digital signal processors. Radio
ed to provide functions such as beyond-visual-range identification friend-or-foe (IFF); secure, Systems is streamlining the design to minimize footprint.
multichannel, multiband voice communications; and intraflight data link (IFDL) exchanges,
synchronizing the displays of multiple aircraft. The CNI suite will support 35 different com, nav Some of the suite's baseline functions include: VHF/UHF voice, HaveQuick I/II, Saturn (HQ
and identification waveforms–about 5 pounds (2.26 kg) per waveform function, compared with IIA), satcom T/R, IFF/SIF (selective ID feature) transponder, IFF Mode IV interrogator,
the legacy black box approach of 10 to 30 pounds (4.54 to 13.6 kg), or more, per waveform, ILS/MLS/MLS/Tacan, IFDL, Link 16 T/R, Link 4A, tactical data information link (TADIL-K),
according to Frank Flores, JSF program director for Northrop Grumman Radio Systems. 3-D audio, TACFIRE/Air Force applications program development (AFAPD), and ADS-B.
F-35 Electronic Warfare Suite: More While the JSF package is not the first integrated EW system--the F-22 does the same--it is the
"first real improvement on fighter-based EW systems that is clearly linked from the beginning to
Than Self-Protection Ron Sherman | April 1, 2006 do a combination of jobs," he says. "The novelty of the JSF is its ability to draw together an abundance of data and formulate it into actionable knowledge for the pilots," permitting them to
At A Glance: focus on tactics and strategies for overall dominance, says Eric Branyan, vice president of JSF
Integration is at the heart of the F-35's electronic warfare (EW) capability. This article discusses: mission systems for Lockheed Martin, the F-35 prime contractor.
General capabilities of the EW system, including its radar warning,
electronic support measures and countermeasures functions, as well as Deep Integration
the corresponding equipage;
Integration of EW sensors with the F-35's AN/APG 81 active electronically scanned array
Integration synergies both internal to the EW system and in the context
(AESA), communications and electro-optical distributed aperture systems puts offensive,
of the other mission systems; and
defensive, coms and data-gathering sensors at the service of the pilot to process onboard and
Highlights of the EW system's ground test and flight test schedules.
offboard data. The EW system employs a range of dedicated antennas and shares the AESA
Electronic warfare (EW) systems allow modern combat aircraft to use the electromagnetic
antenna for tasks such as electronic support measures or signals collection and analysis. The
spectrum against the enemy. EW includes the ability to collect, identify and locate signals,
F-35's high-gain, electronically steered radar array provides jamming support under the control
detect hostile radars and missile attacks, and activate countermeasures to disrupt or degrade
of the EW system. Because the AESA array provides very directional radio frequency (RF)
enemy offenses and defenses. While some aircraft remain dedicated to the EW mission, the
output, the JSF could target a very small area and selectively jam it, which enhances
F-35 is designed to accomplish a wide range of electronic warfare tasks simultaneously with
survivability by reducing electronic emissions.
air-to-air and air-to-ground functions in support of its overall mission. Taken together, the Joint
Strike Fighter's (JSF's) electronic warfare system is designed to extend the pilot's situational Integration of the EW system's elements is intended to reduce system volume and power
awareness and to identify, locate, track and defeat enemy defenses both in the air and on the requirements and increase affordability. But it also can aid survivability, compared with
ground. federated systems. Integrating the radar warning and countermeasures functions, for example,
shortens response time. "The [systems'] handshake is intimate," Branyan says.
JSF designers are attempting an unprecedented level of integration--between elements of the
electronic warfare suite and within aircraft mission systems. Older fighters like the F-14 had
At a deeper level of integration, EW and other mission sensors are connected via a common,
federated EW systems, explains Mark Drake, F-35 business development manager with BAE
large-scale computing resource--the F-35's integrated core processor, or ICP. Integration at this
Systems, the designer of the F-35's EW suite. There was a box for the radar warning receiver
level, for example, enables the electro-optical distributed aperture system (EODAS) sensor to
(RWR) and a box for dispensing chaff and flares. The pilot would see a missile launch on one
support the deployment of countermeasures. Although the RF-based EW system and infrared
display and detect other signals in the environment through another system. The pilot was the
(IR) -based EODAS system are built to run separately in different frequency domains, they are
ultimate information integrator.
tied together at the ICP level. Instead of having the pilot operate EW and IR displays separately
The F-35's EW system, by contrast, would lessen that workload. JSF is designed from the to detect threats with the individual sensors, "the airplane can deploy the optimal
ground up to be an integrated system that would incorporate all the different aspects of countermeasures with or without pilot action," Branyan says. This level of automation and
survivability and mission accomplishment, Drake says. improved situational awareness shortens the timeline of detection and response.
The integrated core processor aggregates and correlates multisource data and formulates The radar warning function includes analysis, identification and tracking of hostile radars, as
solutions for presentation to the pilot, mixing the best data from each sensor. This maximizes well as mode detection and monopulse, angle-of-arrival direction finding. The EW system
detection ranges and provides the pilot options to evade, engage, counter or jam threats. discriminates one emitter from another by determining signal characteristics such as frequency,
pulse width and pulse repetition frequency. Mode determination includes defining the operating
"The end result will be maximum situational awareness within individual cockpits and function of an emitter at a given time, e.g., search, acquisition, tracking, based on known
throughout strike packages, linked to command and control nodes, to ensure the battlespace is characteristics.
fully detected, understood and exploited," asserts Jon Waldrop, Lockheed Martin's director of
international programs. At the EW system level, the F-35 will about equal the F-22 in The self-protection system includes a response manager and RF/IR countermeasures. Two
performance, Branyan predicts. But because the newer aircraft's EW suite was developed from countermeasure dispensers are located in the aft area of the aircraft, carrying IR flares and chaff.
the start for reliability and affordability, it promises twice the reliability at half the cost, The IR flares are relatively small, allowing more to be carried than was possible in predecessor
compared with legacy aircraft. aircraft. The EW system claims a 440-hour mean time between failures. An onboard diagnostics
and fault isolation system, which automatically downlinks data to maintainers, allows line
The F-35's EW system is all-digital, which translates to reduced size, weight and power
replaceable modules to be ready when the aircraft returns to base. This should simplify logistics
requirements, as well as greater speed and accuracy. The ICP will process data at up to 1 trillion
and increase combat sortie rates.
operations per second, and that capacity could double before the F-35 becomes operational, says
Waldrop. Lockheed Martin selected a commercial-based ICP, which costs considerably less
EW Testing
than its mil-spec predecessors and promises orders of magnitude more power.
Six years ago Lockheed Martin selected BAE Systems as the F-35's EW supplier. Now about 50
months into the F-35's 10-year development cycle, the company has completed proof-of-design
Always active, the EW system would provide all-aspect, broadband protection. "If you were to
work and met the form, fit, functionality and maturity goals established for this initial phase of
put a ... circle around an aircraft, there would be no one quadrant, degree or section that is not
development, Branyan says.
covered instantaneously, all the time," Drake asserts. Six low-observable EW apertures are
distributed around the aircraft--two embedded inside the leading edge of each wing and one in
the trailing edge of each horizontal tail. Located inside the aerodynamic mold line of the The F-35's flight test program is slated to commence in the fourth quarter of 2006, using the
aircraft, the EW apertures are designed to allow the aircraft to perform missions without altering first seven aircraft. But these are "flight sciences" aircraft, fitted with only the basic avionics
its radar cross-section. One aperture can be used to identify the mode of a hostile radar, and two infrastructure to support coms and navigation functions. They will be used to evaluate flying
or more apertures can be used to determine the direction of enemy emissions. There are three, qualities, stability, envelope expansion and weapons release.
Leveraging legacy technology and past problem-solving techniques helped solve early issues.
Lockheed Martin expects to receive the equipment later this month in Fort Worth, Texas. With
BAE Systems' team, for example, used lessons learned from the F-22's AN/ALR-94 RFwarning
the initial Block 0.5 configuration, BAE Systems will deliver the processing architecture,
and countermeasures subsystem, which the company developed. "We made a point toinvolve
apertures and about 35 percent of the software. These elements will be enough to start
the average guy on the line, all the way up to a vice president, from day one, as wedesigned the
evaluating the basic functionality. In 2007 BAE will start delivering more capable, Block 1.0
system," Drake says.
software and the final countermeasures suite. The Block 1.0 EW version will be evaluated on
system development and demonstration (SDD) jets. Block 1.0 also provides the initial "Every element of the [F-22] team was interviewed at length, and the [design] problem was
operational capability (IOC) that will be installed on the low-rate initial production jets to be examined from every possible angle and from every level of seniority, expertise and function.
used in operational test and development. They were asked what they would do differently if they had to do it all over again."
When the Block 0.5 equipment arrives, Lockheed will perform testing in a simulation and As a result, JSF's EW system--both the architecture and the manufacturing and assembly
stimulation environment. The EW system can be exercised from a flight simulator, which is methodology--avoided processes, materials or techniques that would have increased cost or
"flown" to an area with simulated threats that test whether the EW system correctly identifies, weight, or adversely affected supportability, Drake says. The design of the aircraft's low-
tracks and engages the hostile emitters. Stimulation refers to the input of RF signal simulation observable antenna arrays, for example, benefited, as these elements "were a follow-on to a
in order to evaluate EW functions against simulated threats. Lockheed also will use an open air, previous design," he says. By introducing producibility considerations at the beginning of
full-scale F-35 model, mounted on a pole outside the facility, to further verify EW capabilities. development engineering, BAE asserts it was able to reduce production risk and increaseV\VWHP
The apertures can be installed on this open air model, so other aircraft can be put up to test the UHOLDELOLW\DQGDIIRUGDELOLW\,WZDVDYHU\JRRGVWUDWHJLFGHFLVLRQ'UDNHVD\V
EW system and essentially "fly against it," Branyan says. Airborne testing of the integrated $OVRLPSRUWDQWLVWKHXVHRIVSLUDOGHYHORSPHQWSUDFWLFHVWROHYHUDJHWKHFRPPRQDOLWLHVEHWZHHQ
sensor suite is set to begin in the first quarter of 2007 on Lockheed's F-35 Cooperative Avionics WKH)DQG)$:DOGURSVD\V(YHU\WLPHWKH)$IOLHVZHOHDUQPRUH:HFDQQRZ
Flight testing of the EW system on the F-35A is planned to begin in the fourth quarter of 2008
with the first flight of a fully integrated "avionics aircraft." This aircraft will include the first
full-production EW suite, slated for delivery in the first three months of 2007. The suite will be
identical in all U.S. and international F-35 variants.
According to Dan Gobel, BAE Systems' vice president of F-35 programs, the development ILHOGSURJUDPPDEOHJDWHDUUD\V )3*$V 8FLUFXLWFDUGVLQWKH90(IRUPDWDQG3RZHU3&
program is unique in using performance-based specifications instead of the traditional military PLFURSURFHVVRUV)PLVVLRQV\VWHPVGHVLJQHUVDLPWRDYRLGWKHULJLGLWLHVRIILUPZDUH
specifications. "Performance" in this context refers to aircraft performance and supportability. EXUQHGLQWRKDUGZDUHGHYLFHVWRSURYLGHWKHIOH[LELOLW\IRUVSLUDOXSGDWHV
Total Integration "It is important to note that as F-35 pilots fly a mission, the integrated sensor suite provides full
Within the JSF's overall mission systems package there is considerable overlap between the situational awareness," says Waldrop. Sensor information includes not only onboard radar,
sensors. The best example is the aircraft's electro-optical distributed aperture system. While not EODAS and EW, but also offboard information. This could involve data from E-3 airborne
part of the EW suite, EODAS has six strategically placed, embedded sensors, providing a fully warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft, Joint STARS (E-8C ground surveillance)
spherical, continuously operating IR shield that can identify and track threats such as missiles, aircraft, data-linked air and ground intelligence, other combat aircraft, and both space- and sea-
vastly increasing pilot situational awareness, says Branyan. Operating in the midwave-IR range, based elements. All the tactical/defensive information, both on board and off board, is fed to the
EODAS can provide warning at "tactically significant ranges," he says. EW and EODAS are pilot through the F-35's integrated core processor.
two elements of an integrated sensor suite designed to detect and identify the full spectrum of
The JSF team has overcome some big systems integration challenges, including "the ability to
air- and ground-based threats. EW, coupled with EODAS, provides integrated RF-IR domain
provide the pilot with incredible amounts of information in a very intuitive way," enabling the
coverage, Branyan says.
pilot to maintain the tactical advantage over any adversary, asserts Waldrop. The aircraft's open
"Within the battlespace, pilots must be continually aware of both threats and friendly assets," architecture design and use of commercial off-the-shelf components, furthermore, should
Waldrop says. "While integrated systems like EW and DAS significantly ease pilot workload, improve sustainment and allow efficient upgrades.
it's ultimately up to the pilot to prioritize threats to ensure mission success." In the case of long-
range detection, he says, the pilot has more time to detect and assess the threat. The ability to The overarching challenge, Waldrop says, is to detect and assess relevant events in the
find and analyze a threat well before it detects the F-35 maximizes both offensive lethality and battlespace, drawing from and publishing critical data into the "infosphere." In the final
survivability. But it's a definite advantage to know that the integrated EW suite continues to analysis, he concludes, the ultimate goal of the pilot-JSF integrated sensor interface is to
operate in the background. achieve "a maximum level of actionable situational awareness."
Comprehensive CATBIRD CATB Article at CODE ONE magazine:
Navy’s Next Generation for the Northrop APG-81 and Ray- “It’s feasible, you have to get ra-
Radar Could Have Future theon APG-79 radars. dars timed and phased,” Tad Dicken-
Electronic Attack Abilities Similarly, all the contenders for son Raytheon’s program manager for
the Navy’s Next Generation Jammer AMDR told USNI News.
17 Jan 2014 Dave Majumdar & Sam LaGrone
program use new Gallium Nitride- That would mean that the Navy
The U.S. Navy’s Air and Missile De- based (GaN) transmit-receiver mod- could gain the equivalent—or more
fense radar — which is being devel- ules, which are rapidly succeeding the likely—performance far superior to
oped by Raytheon for the service’s older Gallium Arsenide-based systems the much larger AMDR radar that had
Flight III Arleigh Burke-class destroy- found on the aforementioned radars. been proposed for the now moribund
er (DDG-51) — might one day be ca- The Navy having adopted high- CG(X) missile cruiser.
pable of performing electronic attacks power GaN based AESA radar for the “One of the technologies
with its active electronically scanned Flight III ships, can leverage those we’re looking at in the future is
array (AESA) antenna, according to technologies to use the destroyer’s linking the sensors together, not
Naval Sea Systems Command. radar to perform electronic attacks. just the combat systems, but sen-
“Right now, that’s not one of the With the precise beam steering sor to sensor so that can give you
requirements of AMDR — could be enabled by the AESA array, it would a larger picture,” Williford said.
in the future — but we’re not doing be possible for the array to attack “It will be more than AMDR. We’re
that right now,” said William Williford airborne and surface target using going to integrate more sensors into
with NAVSEA’s Program Executive Of- tightly directed beams of high-pow- that activity.”
fice Integrated Warfare Systems (PEO ered radio waves. Potentially, such a With networked capabilities,
IWS) on Thursday at the Surface capability would add to the Burke’s air in the future, surface combat-
Navy Association 2014 symposium in and ballistic missile defense capabili- ant many not need to be as large
Crystal City, Va. ties by blinding enemy aircraft, ships since not every ship would have
Airborne AESA radars such and incoming missiles. to have massive radar arrays to
as the Northrop Grumman APG- Further, if multiple AMDR support only their own situation-
77 found on the Lockheed Martin equipped ships are operating together, al awareness. Instead, the com-
F-22 Raptor already have an elec- it would be possible to use tied the bined power of multiple vessels
tronic attack capability. In the fu- vessels together to form networked could result in a radar picture
ture, the Lockheed F-35 and Boe- virtual radar that has much high- with a incredible resolution far
ing F/A-18E/F and EA-18G will er resolution than a single ship could greater than the sum of its parts.
also receive a similar capability provide.
AN/ASQ-239 F-35 Electronic Warfare/Countermeasure System
- The AN/ASQ-239 system is an advanced, proven, and cost-effective electronic warfare suite, providing the F-35 with end-to-end capabilities, now and into the future.
Here are two marketing statements about the systems by, respectively, Lockheed Martin
and BAE:
“Advanced electronic warfare capabilities enable the F-35 to locate and track enemy
forces, jam radio frequencies and disrupt attacks with unparalleled precision. All three
variants of the F-35 carry active, electronically scanned array (AESA) radars with
sophisticated electronic attack capabilities, including false targets, network attack,
advanced jamming and algorithm-packed data streams. This system allows the F-35 to
reach well-defended targets and suppress enemy radars that threaten the F-35. In
addition, the ASQ-239 system provides fully integrated radar warning, targeting support,
and self-protection, to detect and defeat surface and airborne threats.
“While F-35 is capable of stand-off jamming for other aircraft — providing 10 times the
effective radiated power of any legacy fighter — F-35s can also operate in closer
FARNBOROUGH: For much of the last few years when one thought of electronic proximity to the threat (‘stand-in’) to provide jamming power many multiples that of any
warfare, one tended to think of Raytheon. After all, they’re building the Next Generation legacy fighter.”
Jammer, right?
From BAE: “Always active, AN/ASQ-239 provides all-aspect, broadband protection,
BAE Systems would like to change that and is beginning to take a guarded but more
allowing the F-35 to reach well-defended targets and suppress enemy radars. The
public stance. For years, Air Force officials have declined to discuss the electronic
system stands alone in its ability to operate in signal-dense environments, providing the
warfare and cyber capabilities of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter for example, which BAE
aircraft with radio-frequency and infrared countermeasures, and rapid response
Systems builds.
Then the head of Air Combat Command, Gen. Hawk Carlisle, began to publicly mention
But as you can see from the graphic above, first-ranked EW is not something new for
these capabilities at the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford last week. He said
BAE Systems. The F-22 and B-2 both rely on BAE capabilities. What you will hear very
the F-35’s EW capabilities are “an order of magnitude better than anything we’ve had in
little about is the convergence of EW and cyber in the F-35 thanks to the Northrop
the past.” That, I can tell you, put a smile on the face of at least two BAE employees.
Grumman-built AESA radar and the plane’s huge quantities of software, much of which
Until now, we’ve had little independent insight from the military on the actual is written by BAE Systems employees. In addition to the EW capabilities, BAE writes
performance of the F-35’s EW and cyber capabilities. I know from speaking with a range software for the fuel management system and other unspecified operating systems.
of Air Force and industry officials over the last two years that a key part of the F-35’s
effectiveness derives from the fact it was designed from the get-go to launch both cyber We look forward to hearing more details from BAE.
Electronic Warfare: The conflicts fundamentally different performance features tailored to
Part Of The F-35 Fighter from those of the past. Although their unique requirements, in an
Story You Haven’t Heard Sun Tzu understood 2000 exceptionally agile and versatile
years ago that success in war aircraft designed to be far more
Loren Thompson 08 Jan 2018
often depends on deception, survivable than those that came
Modern warfare is waged large the opportunities to confuse, before.
ly on the electromagnetic disorient and demoralize If you have paid any attention
spectrum. Although bombs adversaries have multiplied as to the F-35 program, then you
and missiles get the headlines, the military enterprise came to know that stealth technology is
they are just the kinetic step depend so heavily on electronic critical to its survival in wartime.
in a “kill chain” that relies tactics and tools. Electronic Stealth, also known as low-
heavily on electronic sensors warfare thus is a central feature observable technology, enables
and computers to detect, of military strategy for the the aircraft to avoid danger
track, prioritize and target foreseeable future. by minimizing features that
enemy assets. If the enemy Which brings me to the can be detected using radars
is technologically advanced, it Pentagon’s biggest weapons or heat-seeking sensors. For
will be using its own array of program, the F-35 fighter. instance, radar signals are either
electronic devices to deceive, Begun at the dawn of the new deflected by the fighter’s shape
disrupt or destroy attacking millennium two decades ago, or absorbed by its materials, so
forces. These defensive meas the F-35 program is providing little energy returns to the radar
ures will typically include meth the Air Force, Navy and Marine that can be used to track the
ods for interfering with the Corps with replacements for plane.
electronic signals that smart most of their Cold War tactical The F-35 has an integrated
bombs depend on for accuracy. aircraft (nearly 300 have already stealth design, meaning it not
The struggle to control and been delivered). Three distinctly only minimizes “signatures” in
exploit the electromagnetic different variants of the plane the microwave segment of the
spectrum makes today’s will supply each service with spectrum used by radar, but
also the infrared and visible-light Parliament that “the bomber will BAE Systems is a longtime
segments exploited by electro- always get through.” contributor to my think tank
optical sensors. Emissions But there is more to F-35 and consulting client. But
from on-board communications survivability than stealth. All the company is so reserved
equipment are also managed three variants of the fighter in discussing features of the
to leave enemies with few are equipped with a highly system that I didn’t bother to
options for finding the fighter. automated electronic-warfare solicit comments for this story.
So while a long-wavelength system that disrupts and Fortunately, there are a few
search radar might occasionally deceives enemy electronic other sources one can turn
detect a distant F-35, there will capabilities -- not just radars, to for a general grasp of how
usually be no way of tracking or but heat-seeking missiles, efectively F-35 maneuvers in
targeting it. communications networks the electromagnetic realm.
This is the main reason why and navigation signals. The Unlike legacy tactical aircraft
F-35s are achieving kill ratios combination of this advanced that had “federated” electronic-
of 20-to-1 in simulated combat electronic-warfare system with warfare systems, the F-35
against adversary aircraft. As F-35 stealth, speed, agility and architecture is highly integrated.
one pilot of an adversary fighter weapons assures the U.S. and Radio-frequency and electro-
put it, “We just can’t see them its allies will have unfettered optical receivers are embedded
like they can see us. It can access to hostile air space around the edge of the airframe
feel like you are out there with through mid-century, and to provide continuous sensing
a blindfold on trying to find probably beyond. of hostile emitters in every
someone in a huge space.” The F-35’s electronic-warfare direction, with collections from
This state of being nearly system is built by BAE Systems, all sensors fused through a
defenseless harkens back to Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of central computer before being
pre-radar days, when a very Britain’s biggest defense displayed on the visor of the
worried Prime Minister Stanley contractor. Like F-35 prime pilot’s helmet. The system
Baldwin warned the British contractor Lockheed Martin, also merges information from
of-board sensors to provide a not only to track and target locations can be disrupted
comprehensive picture of the potential threats, but also to without causing collateral efects
local electronic environment. generate jamming signals that elsewhere in the battlespace.
F-35 is the first fighter that overload enemy sensor and To summarize, the F-35
integrates threat data from communication receivers so that is essentially self-sufficient
across the relevant segments of they cannot be used efectively. in its capacity to detect,
the spectrum before displaying These software-driven functions localize, prioritize and defeat
it to the pilot. That reduces must be performed with great hostile emitters. It not only
the time required to respond precision to generate efects at doesn’t require dedicated
to dangers while also easing the exact frequencies where support aircraft, but it can
pressure on the pilot. In fact, hostile emitters are operating act as a jamming aircraft
if the pilot is preoccupied with without disrupting signals used for other planes that are not
other facets of the mission, the by friendly forces. so well-endowed. Whatever
EW system will automatically Because the F-35’s EW information a particular pilot
generate the optimum solution architecture is fully digitized, it cannot get from his or her
to a threat, whether that means weighs less, needs less space, onboard systems can generally
jamming a radar, releasing chaff and requires less power than be obtained from off-board
to confuse it, or launching false legacy technology. However, sources (including other F-35s)
targets (usually hightech flares) the F-35 provides much greater via secure data links. This is
to draw away heat-seeking electrical power for electronic yet another way in which the
missiles. applications than last-generation Pentagon’s biggest program
Onboard EW functions aircraft, enabling it to collect is building the foundation for
are closely coupled with the information and generate efects U.S. global air dominance in the
F-35’s agile radar, which like over larger areas. The radar decades ahead.
many other onboard electronic is designed to generate highly
systems is built by Northrop directional signals for jamming fare-the-part-of-the-f-35-fighter-story
Grumman. The radar is used so that emitters in specific -you-havent-heard/#262c049068cc
Lightning Reflexes Dr. Thomas Withington - October 7, 2019
Enhancements to the F-35’s electronic warfare systems will focus on
software, firmware and hardware should be completed by 2024.
The contract won in August by BAE Systems to take the Lockheed Martin
F-35A/B/C Lightning-II combat aircraft’s AN/ASQ-239 self-protection system to
theBlock-IV configuration will see a host of improvements added to this
apparatus. TheAN/ASQ-239 has evolved through several incarnations since
BAE Systemscommenced its supply of the ensemble in 2005. A number of
details regarding theAN/ASQ-239’s architecture exist in the public domain. It is
known to contain a radarwarning receiver, an electronic support measure to
identify and locate hostileemitters, and high gain electronic countermeasures
for jamming. The AN/ASQ-239is said to be capable of both pre-emptive and
reactive electronic attack, using bothexpendables such as chaff, and pre-
loaded jamming algorithms to counter specificRF (Radio Frequency) threats.
One useful feature is that the equipment cancorrelate the location of emitters
with the aircraft’s Northrop Grumman AN/APG-81X-band (8.5 gighaertz/GHz to This diagram indicates the placement and capabilities of some of the F-35’s self-protection systems. These
10.68GHz) fire control radar and Lockheed MartinAN/AAQ-30 optronics system arenow being enhanced by BAE Systems’ Block-IV upgrade.
enabling a positive identification of the emitter.Likewise, emitter threat Todd Caruso, BAE Systems’ director of business development for F-35
information can be share between F-35s, and other aircraft,using the jet’s solutions,told Armada Analysis that the Block-IV upgrades for the AN/ASQ-239
Northrop Grumman AN/ASQ-242 Communications, Navigation and will mainlyfocus on “more complex algorithms” for the system’s software
Identification system. This carries the Tactical Datalinks (TDL) necessary for alongsideimprovements to computational speed and power, and reductions in
theaircraft to share such information, notably the North Atlantic Treaty equipmentweight, known in the trade as software, firmware and hardware
Organisation’sLink-16 (960 megahertz to 1.215GHz) TDL protocol. improvements. Theblock upgrades are being added as part of the F-35’s
The aircraft has radar warning receivers on the leading edge of its wings Continuous Capability,Development and Delivery (C2D2) cycle; a process by
coveringfrequencies of bands 2, 3 and 4. Two band-3/4 RWRs are positioned which enhancements areadded to the aircraft as they mature.
close to thewingtips on the aft wing trailing edges and on the aft horizontal Although BAE Systems commenced work on the Block-IV enhancements in
stabilisers, withadditional RWRs covering band 2 either side of the aircraft’s 2016,this recent contract will see these improvements being conferred on the
exhaust. These providethe aircraft with full 360 degree coverage. Although the aircraftwith the upgrades expected to conclude in 2024. Mr. Caruso added that
aircraft is presentlyconfigured to detect RF emissions in bands 2, 3 and 4, Block-IVimprovements for the AN/ASQ-239 will be retrofitted onto F-35s
there is growth potential forthis to encompass band-5 threats in the future. declaredoperational, with the capabilities being added to new jets as and when
Although no details appear to havebeen publicly released it is thought that the they arebuilt. Block-4 will by no means be the final enhancement to the AN/
AN/ASQ-239 can detect hostile radarstransmitting in a two gigahertz to 20GHz ASQ-239. Mr.Caruso continues that “the F-35 will continue to modernize its
waveband. Enhancements to the AN/ASQ-239 are being performed via a series mission systemsthroughout the lifecycle of the platform. As new capabilities
of block enhancements which conferincreasing levels of capability onto the are developed andadditional requirements are added to the program, the C2D2
self-protection system. process will bring newcapabilities to the jet.”