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- Pacific Voice For

Action On Agenda 2030

Strengthening Climate Change

Resilience through Women’s,
Children’s and Adolescent Health

KAILA! has several meanings in different languages. In the
RfÀFial )iMian language Kaila is tR emShatiFall\ Fr\ Rut lRud it
Fan Ee in FeleEratiRn Eut Kaila Fan alsR Ee a lRud and SassiRnate
e[SressiRn Rf intentiRn a Fall tR aFtiRn. It is in the latter FRnte[t
that FRnsensus Zas reaFhed E\ 3aFiÀF +ealth ministers at the
6trengthening &limate &hange 5esilienFe thrRugh 5eSrRduFtive
0aternal 1eZERrn &hild and AdRlesFent +ealth FRnsultatiRn.

Strengthening Climate Change
Resilience through
Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn,
Child and Adolescent Health
Nadi, Fiji
October 26 - 28, 2015

W e, the Pacific Islands Ministers, gathered in Nadi, Fiji, on 28
October 2015 to deliberate on strengthening climate change
resilience through reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and
adolescent health (RMNCAH);
5HFDOO DQG 5HDIÀUP 7he 3aFiÀF 5egiRnal deFlaratiRns and FRmmitments
related tR Flimate Fhange in SartiFular 0aMurR 'eFlaratiRn Rn &limate LeadershiS
 0Rana 'eFlaratiRn   6amRa 3athZa\  1 <anuFa Island
'eFlaratiRn Rn +ealth In 3aFiÀF Island &Runtries and 7erritRries 1 and the
6uva 'eFlaratiRn Rn &limate &hange 1  5eafÀrm Rur FRmmitment tR Rther
relevant 8nited 1atiRns FRnventiRns FRnferenFes and summits Rn sustainaEle
tR the future Rf 3aFiÀF island SeRSle Slanet SeaFe and SrRsSerit\. :e reafÀrm
Rur FRntriEutiRn and FRmmitment Zith Rther 81 memEer states tR the 2
Agenda fRr 6ustainaEle 'evelRSment  an agenda Rf the SeRSle E\ the SeRSle
and fRr the SeRSle.
Acknowledge the imSRrtanFe Rf the *lREal 6trateg\ fRr :Rmen·s &hildren·s
and AdRlesFent·s +ealth 212 that reÁeFts a neZ FRnsensus Rn the need
tR Eetter SriRriti]e reSrRduFtive maternal neZERrn Fhildren·s and adRlesFents·
health 501&A+ in humanitarian Rr fragile settings suFh as natural ha]ards
e[treme FlimatiF FRnditiRns Rr disease RutEreaN that imSaFt Rur islands
5HFRJQL]LQJ the real and SRtential imSaFts Rf Flimate variaEilit\ Rn health
s\stems as an immediate Fhallenge in the 3aFiÀF FRmmit tR the +ealth\ Islands
visiRn as a unif\ing theme tR guide health and develRSment thrRugh FRmmunit\
emSRZerment and an engagement aSSrRaFh in SrRgramme deliver\ led E\
thRse ZhR Eest understand hRZ tR suSSRrt their FRmmunities


2 The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Convention
on the Rights of the Child (CRC), International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), Conven-
tion on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

(QVXUH the 3aFiÀF voiFe is heard in gloEal Fonversations so that our e[SerienFe
ma\ guide others and our sSeFiÀF FonFerns are addressed inFluding seeNing
novel funding sourFes
5HFRJQL]LQJ the SartiFular vulneraEilities of 3aFiÀF islands the imSortanFe of
engaging as eTual Sartners and SartiFiSation of Fivil soFieties Zomen \outh
and Sersons Zith disaEilities in all efforts toZards Euilding Flimate Fhange
resilienFe  leave no one Eehind. 7his inFludes Sroviding suSSort to inFlusive
sustainaEle develoSment strategies and resSonding to sSeFiÀF needs of
Sersons Zith disaEilities vulneraEle and marginali]ed grouSs.
$JUHHG that as Ze SroteFt our environments and livelihoods from the imSaFt
of &limate &hange Ze also Zill ensure the SroteFtion of Zomen Fhildren and
adolesFents inFluding their mental health during and after natural disasters is
reÁeFted in our national SoliFies and guidelines.
Acknowledge that se[ual and reSroduFtive health and rights 65+5 is an
integral Sart of 1ational develoSment strategies 1ational Slans and SuEliF
Eudgets Zith Flearl\ identiÀaEle resourFe alloFations and e[Senditures. 7his
inFludes enhanFing suSSort and SroteFtion for \oung Zomen and girls through
imSroving aFFess to eduFation information and 65+ serviFes.
$IÀUP the Fentralit\ of advanFing gender eTualit\ and Zomen·s emSoZerment
in the Fonte[t of the neZ Flimate agreement and Sost21 'isaster 5isN
5eduFtion )rameZorN for a trul\ transformative sustainaEle and inFlusive
develoSment Sath.
&KLOGUHQ·V DQG $GROHVFHQWV· KHDOWK introduFing a strategiF foFus on fragile
and humanitarian settings and noting its Ne\ messages inFluding
0ore than half of all maternal neZEorn and Fhild deaths oFFur in humanitarian
settings inFluding FonÁiFt and SostFonÁiFt situations transnational Frises
Fountries that have e[SerienFed one or more serious natural disasters and
situations of SrotraFted soFioeFonomiF and SolitiFal instaEilit\.
&limate Fhange Zill Fontinue to aggravate FhroniF Frises suFh as food and
Zater inseFurit\ SlaFing more SeoSle at risN of hunger and our Zomen Fhildren
to malnutrition. .
+ealth Fhallenges are SartiFularl\ aFute among moEile SoSulations internall\
disSlaFed Fommunities and those living in islands inFluding loZ l\ing islands
Zhose livelihoods are Fonstantl\ threatened E\ &limate &hange.
:omen and adolesFent girls in SartiFular are vulneraEle in suFh settings
through e[Flusion marginali]ation and e[Sloitation inFluding se[ual and
genderEased violenFe.
ASSl\ing a sustainaEle humanFentered aSSroaFh to humanitarian efforts
in Frisis situations Zhether short or SrotraFted in duration Fan strengthen the
resilienFe of Zomen Fhildren and adolesFents and their Fommunities.
1eed to loFali]e the 2 Agenda and Ne\ Flimate agreements in the Fonte[t of
our Moint and Fountr\ sSeFiÀF realities maNe Fentral our Fommitment to ensure
Zomen adolesFents and Fhildren are not left Eehind and are engaged as aFtive
Sartners in the fullest reali]ation of the sFale of the 3aFiÀF 2 Agenda.
:e Fall on the international Fommunit\ to Sartner Zith us to this end.

:e Fall on the 21 3aris &limate &hange Agreement3 to maNe e[SliFit
Srovisions to ensure and enhanFe deFisive national regional and gloEal aFtion
for innovation suSSort and investment in gender and age sensitive SeoSle
Fentered adaStation measures.

In this, we highlight the context of climate change impacts on the

Pacific’s women, children and young people:
:omen Fhildren and \oung SeoSle are disSroSortionatel\ affeFted E\
Flimate Fhange imSaFts
:hile Flimate Fhange threatens ever\one it has EeFome inFreasingl\
evident that it Erings differential imSaFts on the Zomen and girls Fhildren
and \oung SeoSle. :e reFogni]e that
:omen and men e[SerienFe Ne\ dimensions of Flimate Fhange·s imSaFts
differentl\. )or e[amSle

'isFriminator\ gender norms reduFe or FomSliFate Zomen·s

aFFess to soFial and eFonomiF resourFes ZhiFh in turn reduFes
their resilienFe to disasters and other imSaFts from Flimate Fhange.

:omen are often the Srimar\ managers of household resourFes

suFh as food Zater and fuel. In settings Zhere Flimate Fhange
reduFes aFFess to these means the imSaFts on Zomen are direFt
and immediate.

0an\ Zomen maNe their living in Za\s that are highl\ vulneraEle to
FlimatiF variations suFh as agriFulture and Àsheries.

:omen are further disadvantaged Zhen there is limited aFFess

to FritiFal Flimate information laFN of aFFess to training in ha]ard
Zarning signals resSonsiEilit\ for deSendents and laFN of deFision
maNing SoZer.

7he sSeFiÀF roles needs and rights assoFiated Zith reSroduFtive

maternal neZEorn Fhild and adolesFent health are often invisiEle
in adaStation Slanning and resSonse SroFesses.

3 Conference of the Parties (COP21), Paris, Nov 2015

Women, children and young people are key partners in adaptation
to the impacts of climate change4
:omen are not Must the ´viFtims ´of Flimate Fhange the\ are´SoZer housesµ 
Eehind adaStation and Euilding famil\ and Fommunit\ resilienFe
3romoting Zomen·s SartiFiSation in the design of Flimate friendl\
Fhanges and ensuring their aFFess to the aEilit\ to imSlement
those Fhanges enaEles them to imSrove their lives their families and
7he future of humanit\ and our Slanet lies also in the hands of toda\·s
\ounger generation Falling for our investment in our \oung SeoSle as
agents of Fhange.

1eed to sFale uS the deliver\ of serviFes using FomSrehensive sFhool

safet\ deFentrali]ed and Fommunit\Eased health and nutrition

:ater health\ foods sanitation and h\giene serviFes that Fonsiders

all risNs sSeFiÀFall\ risNs assoFiated Zith Flimate Fhange and to Euild
adaStation FaSaFit\ of Fommunities to deal Zith shoFNs and stress.

4 Children and young women and men are critical agents of change – para. 51, SDG Outcome Document
5 HRH Princess Sarah Zeid, Nadi Fiji Islands, 26 Oct 2015

We the Pacific Islands Ministers following consultation with technical
experts and agreement of stakeholders therefore call for action in
the following:
7he imSerative of gender eTualit\ and Zomen·s emSoZerment
as a Sriorit\ to our national health Slans and Srogrammes in the
Fonte[t of Flimate Fhange
7o Eetter ensure the reali]ation of a Must and eTuitaEle gloEal Flimate
regime that Zill shaSe genderresSonsive Flimate aFtions in 3I&s
Zomen and girls must Ee aEle to e[erFise their right to Ee agents and
EeneÀFiaries of Flimate Fhange aFtion and full\ SartiFiSating in shaSing
these aFtions and resSonses.
6trengthen human resourFe FaSaFit\ and Euilding FomSetenFies for
501&A+ through a variet\ of training Srogrammes in different settings
as integral to inFreasing SuEliF aZareness and health s\stem resSonse.
5oEust gender anal\sis FonFrete steSs for gender mainstreaming
and evidenFe Eased monitoring of 501&A+
7aNe FonFrete steSs to advanFe gender eTualit\ Zomen·s emSoZerment
and the reali]ation of their human rights
(valuate the integration of gender and age Fonsiderations into
adaStation and maNing imSrovements if neFessar\
&olleFt se[ and age disaggregated data on Zomen Fhildren and
adolesFents in relation to Flimate Fhange and the imSaFt on their health
and ensure this data is used in vulneraEilit\ and adaStation assessments.

6trengthening SartiFiSation of Zomen Fhildren and adolesFents
in the formulation and imSlementation of the 501&A+
FomSonents of 1ational and 5egional AdaStation 3lans
(nsure SartiFiSation and integrate SersSeFtives of Zomen Fhildren
and adolesFents draZing on their uniTue traditional adaStation
NnoZledge and loFal FoSing strategies in the SroFess
8ndertaNe Fommunit\ outreaFh to ensure that different staNeholders
understand the gender d\namiFs of Flimate Fhange adaStation.
6trengthening strategiF foFus on 501&A+ as an instrument for
enhanFing the FontriEution of Zomen Fhildren and adolesFents
to effeFtive sustainaEle Flimate adaStation
7ailor and imSlement adaStation Sriorities and aFtivities Eased on
an understanding of gender and age d\namiFs and the Sotentiall\
disSroSortionate imSaFts of Flimate Fhange on Zomen Fhildren and
InFrease suSSort and SroteFtion for girls and \oung Zomen inFluding
enhanFing aFFess to eduFation and FomSrehensive meFhanisms for
ensuring their aFFess to 65+ information and serviFes
3rioriti]e FouSles and individuals· aFFess to FontraFeStion and
information to maNe free and informed deFisions aEout the numEer
and timing of Fhildren thereE\ Sreventing unintended and unSlanned
SregnanFies and reduFing the need for aEortion
(liminate all forms of violenFe against Zomen and Fhildren integrate
resSonses to genderEased violenFe in all 65+ Srogrammes and
serviFes Eefore during and Sost disasters

3rioriti]e adolesFent 65+5 inFluding through FomSrehensive
se[ualit\ eduFation and estaElish aFFessiEle 65+ and
mental health serviFes for \oung SeoSle in sFhools and other

6FaleuS national efforts to halt the sSread of 67Is and

+I9 and meet the goal of ensuring universal aFFess to 67Is
and +I9 eduFation Srevention treatment Fare and suSSort
free of disFrimination

6trengthen serviFes for deliver\ of reTuired health Fare and

urgent deSlo\ment of humanitarian and relief suSSlies for
501&A+ during an emergenF\ natural ha]ards or disease
outEreaN to vulneraEle SoSulations living on outer islands and
difÀFulttoreaFh areas

5eFogni]e the heightened soFial and eFonomiF risN faFtors for

1on&ommuniFaEle 'iseases Fonfronting the SeoSles of the
3aFiÀF and taNing aFtion to strengthen Srevention and Fontrol
of these diseases

7argeted SuEliF e[Senditures to ensure EeneÀts for Zomen

Fhildren and adolesFents and aSSl\ gender eTualit\ indiFator
for traFNing SuEliF e[Senditure on 501&A+ and

6trengthen SuEliFSrivate SartnershiSs and southsouth

FooSeration for 501&A+ in Fountries to suSSort sustainaEle
funding meFhanisms resSonse and NnoZledgesharing.

6ailosi 5amatu Zho has had to reloFate his village due to the imSaFt
of Flimate Fhange shares the 9unidogoloa 9illage e[SerienFe at the meeting.
AdoSted in 1adi )iMi on 2 2FtoEer 21 E\

Cook Islands Fiji

+on. 1andi *lassie +on. -one 8samate
0inister for +ealth 0inister of +ealth and 0ediFal 6erviFes

Vanuatu Samoa
0s 'orosda\ Kenneth +on. 0aualaivao 3at Ah +im
'ireFtor 0inistr\ of -ustiFe AssoFiate 0inister for +ealth
&ommunit\ 6erviFes

Kiribati Nauru
+on. 0artin 0oreti +on. &\ril %uraman
0inister for LaEour and 0emEer of 3arliament
+5 'eveloSment

Niue Palau
+on.3oNotoa 6iSeli Kath\ 1gemases0addison
0inister for 6oFial 6erviFes 'ireFtor +osSital &liniFal 6erviFes

Republic of Marshall Islands Solomon Islands

Kalise '. KoroiF 'r. 7enneth 'aliSanda
Assistant 6eFretar\ for +ealth 3ermanent 6eFretar\ for +ealth

Tonga Tuvalu
+on.'r.6aia 0a·u 3iuNala +on.6atini 7ulaga 0anuella
0inister for +ealth 0inister for +ealth

Papua New Guinea Federated States of Micronesia

0sLuanne Losi 0r 0osese 3retriFN0anager
3roMeFt %ranFh 'ireFtor (nvironmental +ealth

Annex: &ountr\ 'elegation ofÀFials SartiFiSating in the teFhniFal Fonsultationsfrom 22 2Ft 21

7he )iMi 0inistr\ of +ealth and 0ediFal 6erviFes in FollaEoration Zith the
(ver\ :oman (ver\ &hild movement and Zith teFhniFal suSSort of the +
agenFies  81I&() 81 :omen :+2 81AI'6 and 81)3A hosted 1 3aFiÀF
island nations in 1adi EetZeen 2FtoEer 2th ² 2th to disFuss 6trengthening
&limate &hange 5esilienFe through 5eSroduFtive 0aternal 1eZEorn &hild
and AdolesFents +ealth 501&A+ .
LaunFhed E\ 81 6eFretar\*eneral %an Kimoon during the 8nited 1ations
0illennium 'eveloSment *oals 6ummit in 6eStemEer 21 (ver\ :oman
(ver\ &hild (:(& is an unSreFedented gloEal movement of governments
multilaterals the Srivate seFtor and Fivil soFiet\ foFused on the maMor health
Fhallenges faFing Zomen adolesFents Fhildren and neZEorns around
the Zorld. 0uFh has Eeen aFhieved as a result. +oZever Flimate Fhange
imSaFts threaten to negate the signiÀFant Srogress of small island develoSing
6tates 6I'6 toZards reaFhing the 0illennium 'eveloS *oals 0'*s and to
undermine their Srogress toZards the 23 6ustainaEle 'eveloSment Agenda.
:hen reSroduFtive maternal neZEorn Fhildren·s and adolesFent health is
uSheld ever\one EeneÀts individuals families and Fommunities EeFome more
7his is vital SartiFularl\ for the resilienFe of SoSulations faFing Flimate Fhange
imSaFts inFluding sloZ or raSid onset disasters.
7his is the sSirit of the outFome doFument entitled KAILA! 3aFiÀF 9oiFe for
AFtion on Agenda 23. It Zill Ee 3aFiÀF nations· FolleFtive suEmission to
gloEal Fonversations on sustainaEle develoSment SartiFularl\ to highlight the
imSortanFe of 501&A+ in humanitarian andor fragile settings Eeginning Zith
the 21st 6ession of the &onferenFe of the 3arties &2321 to the 81)&&&
8nited 1ations )rameZorN &onvention on &limate &hange in 3aris )ranFe
1ovemEer 21 and intended also for the :orld +umanitarian 6ummit and
+aEitat III Eoth of ZhiFh are to Ee held in 21.
6uSSorted also E\ 81)3A and ZorNing in FollaEoration Zith other +
agenFies +5+ 3rinFess 6arah =eid leads the (:(&·s *loEal 6trateg\ foFus
on humanitarian settings to helS ensure the strateg\ reaFhes ´(ver\Zhereµ.
An e[Serts meeting held in )eEruar\ 21 and hosted E\ the 8nited AraE
(mirates· 6uSreme &ounFil on 0otherhood and &hildhood Srovided the
teFhniFal foundations for the ´(ver\Zhereµ ZorN stream. 1e[t steSs also inFlude
the drafting of \ear imSlementation 501&A+ Slans that inFlude SroSosals for
hoZ Fhallenges suFh as Flimate Fhange imSaFts Fan Ee addressed.
It Zas in this Fonte[t that the *overnment of )iMi agreed to host a 3aFiÀF ([Serts
&onsultation ZhiFh Zas folloZed E\ a 0inisterial meeting in 1adi )iMi.
KAILA! Is the outFome of that meeting.


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