Astm G96
Astm G96
Astm G96
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTE 1—Rs = Solution Resistance (ohm·cm−2) between test and auxiliary electrodes (increases with electrode spacing and solution resistivity).
Ru = Uncompensated component of solution resistance (between test and reference electrodes) (ohm·cm −2).
R p = Polarization Resistance Rp (ohm·cm2).
Cdl = Double layer capacitance of liquid/metal interface.
i = Corrosion current density.
FIG. 1 Equivalent Circuit of Polarization Resistance Probe
NOTE 1—See Appendix X1 for derivation of curves and Table X1.1 for description of points A, B, C and D.
NOTE 2—Operating limits are based on 20 % error in measurement of polarization resistance equivalent circuit (see Fig. 1).
NOTE 3—In the Stern-Geary equations, an empirical value of B = 27.5 mV has been used on the ordinate axis of the graph for “typical corrosion rate
of carbon steel”.
~µmhos! 1 000 000
NOTE 4—Conductivity cm 5 Resistivity ~ohm·cm!
NOTE 5—Effects of solution resistance are based on a probe geometry with cylindrical test and auxiliary electrodes of 4.75 mm (0.187 in.) diameter,
31.7 mm (1.25 ft) long with their axes spaced 9.53 mm (0.375 in.) apart. Empirical data shows that solution resistance (ohms·cm2) for this
geometry = 0.55 3 resistivity (ohms·cm2).
NOTE 6—A two-electrode probe, or three-electrode probe with the reference electrode equidistant from the test and auxiliary electrode, includes % of
solution resistance between working and auxiliary electrodes in its measurement of Rp.
NOTE 7—A close-space reference electrode on a three electrode probe is assumed to be one that measures 5 % of solution resistance.
NOTE 8—In the method for Curve 1, basic polarization resistance measurement determines 2Rp + Rs (see Fig. 1). High frequency measurement short
circuits Cdl to measure Rs. By subtraction polarization resistance, Rp is determined. The curve is based on high frequency measurement at 834 Hz with
Cdl of 40 µ F/cm2 on above electrodes and 6 1.5 % accuracy of each of the two measurements.
NOTE 9—Curve 1 is limited at high conductivity to approximately 700 mpy by error due to impedance of Cdl at frequency 834 Hz. At low conductivity
it is limited by the error in subtraction of two measurements where difference is small and the measurements large.
NOTE 10—Errors increase rapidly beyond the 20 % error line (see Appendix X1, Table X1.1).
FIG. 2 Guidelines on Operating Range for Polarization Resistance
elements are much less sensitive to the effect of pitting attack. surface of the probe element, and the particularly non-linear
Where pitting is the only form of attack, probes may yield characteristics of wire probe elements.
unreliable results. 6.6.1 Electrical resistance probes should be selected to
6.2 It should be recognized that the thermal noise and provide a suitable backup seal, that is compatible with the
stress-induced noise on probe elements, and electrical noise on process environment, in order to contain the process if the
these systems, occur in varying degrees due to the process and element seal fails.
local environment. Care should be exercised in the choice of
the system to minimize these effects. Electrical noise can be 7. Apparatus
minimized by use of correct cabling, and careful location of 7.1 Electrical Resistance Corrosion Probes:
equipment and cable runs (where applicable) to avoid electri- 7.1.1 A probe is composed of two elements of identical
cally noisy sources such as power cables, heavy duty motors, material. One is a measuring element and the other is a
switchgear, and radio transmitters. protected reference element. In addition, a further check
6.2.1 The electrical resistivity of metals increases with element is fully incorporated beyond the reference element to
increased temperature. Although basic temperature compensa- assist in monitoring of any process leakage into the probe.
tion is obtained by measuring the resistance ratio of an exposed 7.1.2 Process monitoring probes are available in both re-
test element and protected reference element, the exposed tractable and non-retractable configurations. The former en-
element will respond more rapidly to a change in temperature ables removal of the probe for inspection or probe replacement
than does the protected reference element. This is a form of under operating conditions, except where operational safety
thermal noise. Various probes have different sensitivities to precludes this.
such thermal noise. Where temperature fluctuations may be 7.1.3 There is a trade off between probe sensitivity and
significant, preference should be given to probes with the probe life. Care should be taken in selecting a probe suffi-
lowest thermal noise sensitivity. ciently sensitive for the corrosion conditions, particularly when
monitoring for process upsets.
7.1.4 Systems typically have a resolution of 0.1 % of probe
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of life. However, for reasons of noise given in 6.2, it is generally
this standard. recommended that only changes of greater than 1 % of probe
element, that can cause additional corrosion. slope of the line connecting the two points on the curve over
8.2 Probe measurement element surfaces should be smooth the time period under consideration. The maximum corrosion
and free of indentations or signs of mechanical damage. rate will be the slope of the tangent to the curve at the steepest
Grit-blasting with 120 grit is suitable as a surface preparation point of the curve (see Fig. 3).
prior to degreasing. 11.2 Some systems automatically calculate corrosion rates
8.3 If probes are being moved from one system to another, over various periods.
they must be cleaned mechanically before reuse to ensure 11.3 Careful interpretation is necessary in correlating these
complete removal of oxide or inhibitor films. Degreasing is corrosion test results with actual metal corrosion in the plant.
necessary to complete the cleaning procedure. Practice G 1 Comparison with metal coupon results (see Guide G 4) or with
provides guidance on proper methods of cleaning various actual metal exposed in the plant is recommended.
materials. Some people do not recommend reusing the probes. 11.3.1 Actual mass loss incurred by the probe elements can
8.4 Mechanical or chemical cleaning will remove metal be used to establish correlations between the corrosion rate
from the probe measurement element, increasing its reading. estimated by the electrical resistance methods and actual
This new reading should be taken immediately after installa- corrosion losses. Practice G 1 provides guidance on methods of
tion in the new location. evaluating mass loss.
9.1 Install the probe in a position as representative of the (2, 3, 4, and 6-25)
corrosive environment as possible without causing deleterious
effects to the probe or the system. Do not mount probe 12. Limitations and Interferences
transversely in a high-flow pipeline without shielding (see 6.3). 12.1 In the case of polarization resistance measurements,
9.2 Do not install the probe in a dead-end section where interferences derive from both theoretical and practical as-
temperature or flow conditions, or both, are not representative sumptions and limitations.
of the system under examination. 12.1.1 The theoretical polarization resistance equations in
4.2.2 on which the measurement is based are derived on the
10. Procedure following assumptions: (2, 19)
10.1 Portable Intermittent Instrument: The corrosion is uniform. The corrosion mechanism consists of only one Current Interruption for Compensation of Solution
anodic and one cathodic reaction. The corrosion potential is not Resistance—Limited by noise on high impedance input at time
near the redox potential of either reaction. of current interruption measurement. Other secondary reactions that are not directly 12.6 In actual plant measurements, fouling or bridging of
corrosion related but involve charge transfer are not significant. electrodes with conductive deposits may reduce the apparent Metals or alloys should give Tafel kinetics for both value of polarization resistance thereby indicating a higher
anodic and cathodic reactions. corrosion rate. This will invalidate measurements until the Measurements are made over a sufficiently small probe is cleaned.
polarization range that the potential-current plot is essentially 12.7 Probes of pitted metal or metal with sharp edges may
linear. yield unreliable results. General reuse of probe electrodes is
12.2 The polarization resistance technique is restricted to not recommended.
use in sufficiently conductive environments (refer to Fig. 2). 12.8 Since the corrosion rate is usually temperature depen-
12.3 Deposits on the electrodes may affect the results. dent, results will be comparable only for the alloy at the
12.4 When polarization of an electrode is made by the process temperature to which the probes are exposed. In heat
polarization resistance measurement, time is required to charge transfer environments actual plant metal temperatures may be
the double layer capacitance, Cdl, (see Fig. 1) before a significantly different from that of the test probe.
measurement can be taken. The assumption is that the corro- 12.9 The corrosion rates occurring on the probe electrodes
sion potential has remained constant through this measurement during the first few hours or days of exposure may not be
cycle. This assumption can be a limitation if long cycle times typical of corrosion occurring in the system. Establishment of
are used, particularly in a dynamic plant environment. a probe electrode surface typical of the plant by passivation,
12.5 The theoretical polarization resistance equation in oxidation, deposits, or inhibitor film build up may vary from
4.2.2 relates only to the corrosion interface. In practical hours to several days. Pre-conditioning of electrodes to corre-
measurements solution resistance becomes an increasing inter- spond to the chemical treatment of the plant may reduce this
ference in low conductivity environments. transient effect.
12.5.1 A general indication of limits of use are shown in 12.10 Corrosion rates may be affected by flow velocity.
Fig. 2. (For derivation of curves in Fig. 2 and examples of Consequently, probe electrodes should be used in a velocity
errors, see Appendix X1.) The main limitations of each typical of the plant conditions. Caution should be exercised in
technique in plant equipment are as follows: any laboratory tests to reproduce typical velocities and keep the Two-Electrode Probes and Three Electrode Probes test fluid representative of plant conditions by preventing an
With Equidistant Reference Electrode—Limited as solution unrepresentative build up of corrosion product in solution, or
resistance becomes significant compared with polarization depletion of dissolved oxygen.
resistance. 12.11 Where flow dynamics or process fluid separation at a Three-Electrode Probe With Close-Space Refer- pipe or vessel wall are particularly critical to the corrosion
ence Electrode—Compensation for solution resistance limited process, a flush-mounted probe may be more desirable than a
by physical proximity of reference electrode to test electrode probe with electrodes positioned near the center of the pipe or
and its position in the potential field between the test and vessel.
auxiliary electrode. 12.12 It should be recognized that polarization resistance High Frequency Measurement for Compensation of measurement only determines metal lost by corrosion and not
Solution Resistance—Limited by error of small differences metal lost by mechanical removal (that is, erosion). In the case
between two large numbers at high solution resistance, and the of erosion corrosion, the corrosion component will be mea-
frequency of the resistance compensation measurement. sured.
(Nonmandatory Information)
R2 5 ŒS Rs Rp
2 1 1 1 v 2Rp 2C dl 2 D S 2
vRp2C dl
1 1 v 2Rp 2Cdl 2 D 2
Error in corrosion rate =
R p 2 Rpm / RpRpm R p 2 Rpm Rp
C.Rm 2 C.R
R pm
1/Rpm 2 1/Rp
(X1.10) 1/Rp
R pm
2 1.
(1) Freedman, A. J. and Canapary, R. C., “Corrosion Monitoring by the Second International Congress of the Metallic Corrosion, New York
Electrical Resistance Method,” Oil in Canada, August 24, 1959. City, March 10, 1963.
(2) NACE Publication 3D170, “Electrical and Electrochemical Methods (12) Annand, R. R., “An Investigation of the Utility of Instantaneous
for Determining Corrosion Rates,” (1984 revision). Corrosion Rate Measurement for Inhibitor Studies,” Corrosion, Vol
(3) Dean, S. W., “Overview of Corrosion Monitoring in Modern Industrial 22, 1966, p. 215.
Plants,” ASTM STP 908, ASTM International, pp. 197–218. (13) Feitler, H., “Instantaneous Corrosion Measurement,” Materials Pro-
(4) Cooper, G., “Sensing Probes and Instruments for Electrochemical and tection and Performance, Vol 9, October 1970, p. 37.
Electrical Resistance Corrosion Monitoring,” ASTM STP 908, ASTM (14) Townsend, C. R., “Comparison of Two and Three Electrode Polar-
International, pp. 237–250. ization Resistance Methods of Corrosion Measurements,” Paper No.
64, Corrosion/74, March 1974.
(5) Cameron, G. R. and Coker, L. G., “Oil Production Corrosion Inhibitor
Optimization by Laboratory and Field Application of Electrochemical (15) Callow, L. M., Richardson, J. A., and Dawson, J. L., “Corrosion
Techniques,” ASTM STP 908, ASTM International, pp. 251–265. Monitoring Using Polarization Resistance Measurements, II. Sources
of Error,” British Corrosion Journal, Vol 11, No. 3, March 1976, p.
(6) Crowe, D. C., and Yeske, R. D.,“Corrosion Rate Monitoring in Kraft
Pulping Process Liquids,” Paper No. 272, Corrosion/86, March 1986.
(16) Heitz, E., and Schwenk, W., “Theoretical Basis for the Determination
(7) Stern, M., “A Method for Determining Corrosion Rates from Linear of Corrosion Rates for Polarization Resistance,” British Corrosion
Polarization Data,” Corrosion, Vol 14, 1958, p. 440t. Journal, Vol 11, No. 2, February 1976, p. 74.
(8) Simmons, E. J., “Use of the Pearson Bridge in Corrosion Inhibitor (17) Mansfeld, F., Corrosion, Vol 13, 1975, p. 416 (discussion of paper by
Evaluation,” Corrosion, Vol II, 1955, p. 255t. Barnart, Corrosion, Vol 31, p. 164).
(9) Skold, R. V., and Larson, T. E., “Measurement of Instantaneous (18) Mansfeld, F., Corrosion, Vol 32, 1976, p. 143.
Corrosion Rates by Means of Polarization Data,” Corrosion, Vol 13, (19) Mansfeld, F., “The Polarization Resistance Technique for Measuring
1957, p. 139t. Corrosion Currents,” Advances in Corrosion Science and Technol-
(10) March, G. A., and Schaschl, E., “Instantaneous Corrosion-Rate ogy, Vol 6, 1976, pp. 163–262.
Measurements and Their Use in the Study of Corrosion Inhibitors,” (20) Haruyama, S., and Tsuru, T., “A Corrosion Monitor Based on
API Division of Refining, Vol 44, III, 1964, pp. 166–171. Impedance Method,” ASTM STP 727, ASTM International, pp.
(11) March, G. A., “The Measurement of Instantaneous Corrosion Rates,” 167–186.
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