Document 20231029072631
Document 20231029072631
Document 20231029072631
Research Article
Nephroprotective and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Combination of
Punica Granatum (Fruit Peel) And Tectona Grandis (Bark)
Dr. Santhosh Suddagoni1*, Dr. kapil malviya2, Dr. Santikari Sesha Phanindra3, Dr.
M. Venkata Ramana4, Bodige Divya5, Dr. Ganesh Akula6
Department of pharmacology, Mansarovar Global University, Bilkisganj, Dist. Sehore, Bhopal, Madhya
Pradesh, India 466001.
Department of pharmacology, Mansarovar Global University, Bilkisganj, Dist. Sehore, Bhopal, Madhya
Pradesh, India 466001
Department of pharmaceutical chemistry, Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of Pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel,
Siddipet, Telangana, India-502312
Department of pharmaceutical chemistry Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of Pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel,
Siddipet, Telangana, India-502312
Department of pharmacology, Jyothismathi intitute of pharmaceutical sciences, Ramakrishna colony,
thimmapur, karimnagar, Telanagana, india-505481
Department of pharmaceutical chemistry, CMR college of pharmacy. Kandla koya, Hyderabad, Telangana,
Table No. 5. Percentage reduction of paw volume in Carrageenin induced paw oedema
% Reduction in paw volume
Groups Treatment
60 min 120 min 180 min 240 min
Control Carragenin - - - -
Standard Diclofenac sodium 17.81 27.58 50.09 74.13
EEPG+EETG 200mg/kg 3.43 13.9 32.07 51.72
EEPG+EETG 400mg/kg 10.72 24.28 34.33 56.89
AEPG+AETG 200mg/kg 3.43 15.11 38.08 55.17
AEPG+AETG 400mg/kg 7.72 17.29 47.46 60.34
Fig. No: 6 % of Body weight changes in special Fig. No: 8. Serum creatinine level of special groups
groups by Gentamycin inducedNephrotoxicity in gentamicin induced Nephrotoxicitymodel
Table No.: 7 Blood urea and serum creatinine
In the current study the fruit peel of Punica
levels of different groups by gentamicin induced
granatum and bark of Tectona grandis were chosen
for the anti-inflammatory activity. It was
Groups Blood urea previously reported that the individuals of the
Normal control 31.03± 5.018 1.023± 0.053 Punica granatum and Tectona grandis have potent
Toxic control 70.591 ± 4.064*** 2.05± 0.081*** anti-inflammatory activity. The preliminary
EEPG+EETG phytochemical research reveals the presence of
57.385 ± 11.724** 1.918± 0.07***
(200mg/kg) alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and
EEPG+EETG glycosides in both ethanolic and aqueous extracts.
45.916 ± 11.65* 1.53 ± 0.11***
(400mg/kg) Inflammation is a state which is cause by chemical
AEPG+AETG mediators like prostaglandins and cytokinin’s. It is
51.948 ± 3.673*** 1.668± 0.080***
(200mg/kg) report that the phytochemicals like flavonoids,
AEPG+AETG saponins and tannins decrease the inflammation.
38.046 ± 5.280 1.191 ± 0.053
In the current study the above-mentioned
Values are expressed in mean ±SEM where n = 6,
phytochemicals are current in both the extracts this
Significant at P < 0.05*, 0.01** and 0.001***,
can be recognized for its anti- inflammatory
compared to control group.
The fruit peel Punica granatum be reported to
contain phenolic compounds like flavonoids,
which possess antioxidant property, The fruit peel
of Punica granatum were previously report for its
nephroprotective movement on diabetes-induced
renal damage. Nephrotoxicity is a regular cause of
human being which is mainly caused due to
oxidative stress. In the current study both the
Fig. No:7. Blood urea level of different groups in extracts containing polyphenolic compounds have
gentamicin induced Nephrotoxicity model antioxidant property, so the nephroprotective
activity of the above-mentioned plants Punica