Introduction To Media and Information Literacy
Introduction To Media and Information Literacy
Introduction To Media and Information Literacy
Sunday, October 15, 2023 01:29 AM
○ Verbal Communication
- communication happens verbally, vocally or through written words expressing or
conveying a message
ex. CNN NEWS – A water leak from Japan’s tsunami-crippled nuclear power station
resulted in about 100 times the permitted level of radioactive material flowing into
the sea, operator Tokyo Electric Power Co said on Saturday.
- "encoding/decoding"
- Model of Communication by Stuart Hall (1993)
• Information
- data that has been collected, processed, and interpret in order to be presented in a
useable form
- Can cover processed data, knowledge (study, experience, instruction, signals or
• Information Literacy
- a set of individual competencies needed to identify, evaluate, and use information in the
most ethical and effective way across all domains, occupations and professions
- the ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively
use and communicate information in its various formats
• Stages to become information literate
1. Identifying/recognizing information needs
2. Determining sources of information
3. Citing or researching for information
4. Analyzing and evaluating the quality of information
5. Organizing, storing or archiving information
6. Using information in an ethical, efficient and effective way
7. Creating and communicating new knowledge
• Purpose of the questions that helps in gathering information
Who To identify the person
What To know about something
Where To locate a place
When To know specific time and date
Why To state the reason
How The way or manner in which things are done
• Computer-Mediated Communication
is a paraglider term referring to human communication through computers
• Synchronous CMC vs Asynchronous CMC (Computer Mediated Communication)
○ Synchronous CMC
- Contact takes place in real time
- Various types of text-based online chat
○ Asynchronous CMC
- participants are not actually simultaneously online
• Print Media
- any type of printed material that provides people with information using words and/or
○ Newspaper
- is a publication printed on paper and issued regularly
- usually once a day often typed in black ink with a white or gray background
○ Magazine
- a periodical publication generally published on a regular schedule (often
weekly or monthly)
- contains variety of content
○ Direct Mail
- a common form of direct marketing, and may be employed by for-profit
businesses, charities and other non-profits, political campaigns and other
○ Book
- a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one
side and bound in covers
○ Brochure
- a small book or magazine containing pictures and information about a product
or service
○ Newsletter
- a bulletin issued periodically to the members of a society, business, or
○ Outdoor advertising
- High visibility outdoor advertisements, especially those placed in high-traffic
highways or busy subway stations
• Broadcast Media
- Electronic transmission made through the use of computer technology such as Internet
• What is Media Convergence?
- phenomenon involving the interconnection of information and communication
technologies, computer networks, and media content
- The co-existence of traditional and new media
- The co-existence of print media, broadcast media (radio and tv), the internet, mobile
phones, as wells as others allowing media content to flow across
- F
• Media convergence as seen in different industries
- Communication
- Advertisement
- Education
- News
- Entertainment
• Fake News
- also known as junk news, pseudo-news, hoax news
- Is a form of news consisting of deliberate disinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional
news media or social media
○ Features of Fake News
a. Clickbait
- a form of false advertisement, uses hyperlink text or a thumbnail link
- yung sa YT thumbnail para panoorin mo yung video
b. Propaganda
- Stories that are created to deliberately mislead audiences
- Biased POV or political cause or agenda
c. Satire/parody
- a parody presented in a format typical of mainstream journalism
- satire because of its content
d. Sloppy journalism
- Authors/journalist may publish a story with unreliable information
e. Misleading heading
- Stories that are not completely false
- Can be distorted using misleading headlines
f. Biased or Slanted News
c. Industrial Design
- Contributes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article
- may consist of three-dimensional features, such as the shape or surface of an
article, or of two-dimensional feature, such as patterns, lines or color
- industrial design protects
d. Geographical Indication and Appellation of Origin
- are signs used on goods that have a specific geographical origin and possess
qualities, a reputation or characteristics that are essentially attributable to that place
of the origin
- Includes the name of the place of origin of the goods
ex. Baguio's Best Strawberry Jam, Cebu's Famous Dried Mango, Nueva Ecija's Rice,
• Trade Secret
- Provides an enterprise with a competitive edge
- are property produces systems, devices, formulas, strategies or other information that is
confidential and exclusive to the company using them
- are intellectual property rights on confidential information which may be sold or licensed
• The use of Fair Use
- Means you can use copyright material without a license only for certain purposes
○ Commentary
○ Criticism
○ Reporting
○ Reporting
○ Research
○ Teaching
Guidelines for Fair Use
▪ A majority of the content you create must be your own
▪ Give credit to the copyright holder
▪ Don't make money off of the copyrighted work
Legal Sharing Using the Creative Commons
▪ Attribution: you must credit and creator in order to use, copy, or share the content
▪ Non-Commercial: you can' make a profit from the content
▪ No Derivative Works: you can't change the content
▪ Share Alike: you can't change the content, but you have to let other people use
your new work with the same license as the original
- you can't treat any Share Alike work that you adapt as your own