DI1-0005-ENG-QP-v2 PAPER 2

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For: NEBOSH Level 6 International Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety
Management Professionals

Guidance to learners

There are two question papers for this assessment. This paper (Paper 2 of 2) has 200 available

All the activities in all parts of the assessment are mandatory.

You will have 4 weeks (20 working days) to complete both papers.
Please refer to your registration confirmation email for the upload deadline.
Please note that NEBOSH will be unable to accept your assessment once the deadline has passed.
You must use the answer template for Paper 2.

This assessment is not invigilated, and you are free to use any learning resources to which you have
access, eg your course notes, or the HSE website, etc.

By submitting this completed assessment for marking, you are declaring it is entirely your own work.
Knowingly claiming work to be your own when it is someone else’s work is malpractice, which carries
severe penalties. This means that you must not collaborate with or copy work from others. Neither
should you ‘cut and paste’ blocks of text from the Internet or other sources.

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Information for learners
This paper includes activities that:
1. You must carry out in your chosen workplace;
2. require you to reflect on your practices.

Typically, the chosen workplace will be the workplace in which you normally work. However, if your
workplace is not suitable (for example it does not provide sufficient scope), you can choose any
suitable workplace, provided you can access the information you need to complete the activities in
this part.

The reflective practice activity(s) aim is for you to reflect on transferable leadership and/or
professional skills that you may already have and/or need to develop. These skills could have been
acquired through your work life (whether in health and safety or some other work activities) or your
personal life.

For instance, you may want to draw on examples where you have been chairing a meeting, or being
required to make decisions under pressure. Alternatively, you may carry out voluntary work and want
to draw on this for your examples. The examples can be from any element of your working or
personal life.

Workplace-based activities
Activity 1: Create an organisation risk profile of your chosen organisation
This section is very important. It describes the main risks that your organisation faces. The
answers you give to the remaining activities in this paper must be consistent with the
information you provide here (unless otherwise stated). For example, if the risks that you give
here relate to the banking or insurance sectors, it would be unusual to later describe a situation
where welding contractors are repairing a chemical storage tank in your own organisation.

1 Produce a risk profile of your chosen organisation that outlines FOUR

significant risks. (20)
Note: You must use the Activity 1 format table to record your answers.

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Activity 2: Preparing a brief research report on monitoring and measuring techniques

2 Prepare a brief research report that

• critically reviews techniques for monitoring and measuring health and
safety performance
• evaluates the effectiveness of your chosen organisation’s health and
safety monitoring and measuring techniques
• makes TWO recommendations for improving the monitoring and
measuring techniques used in your chosen organisation. (50)

Your research report must be presented in the following format (see marking
descriptors for further information)
• Executive summary.
• Introduction – containing aims/objectives, methodology and introduction
to the topic.
• Critical review – which briefly, but critically, reviews techniques for
monitoring and measuring health and safety performance. This must
draw from a range of reliable reference sources such as authoritative
guidance, expert opinions, and other evidence. References for the cited
evidence should use a recognised referencing style (Harvard, Vancouver,
OSCOLA, etc). The learner can choose which style to use, but the style
must be used consistently throughout the report.
• Brief analysis of the effectiveness of your chosen organisation’s health
and safety monitoring and measuring techniques. This is effectively a
brief gap analysis or commentary comparing your organisation to good
practice/effective insights that you have determined from your critical
review. It should include examples from the workplace to support the
• Conclusion – a summary of findings that includes
- A clear outline of TWO recommendations for improving the
monitoring and measuring techniques used in your chosen
- A justification for EACH of your recommendations. The
justifications must include links back to the research carried out in
the introduction to show that they logically follow, and that they
would most likely be effective.
- List of Reference sources cited.


Your report must be no more than 2 500 words in total and approximately
10% of these (ie 250 words) must be used for the executive summary.
If your answer exceeds the word count NEBOSH reserves the right to not
mark any of your work beyond
• 275 words (250 words + 10% tolerance) of the executive summary,
• 2 475 words (2 250 words + 10% tolerance) of the rest of the report.

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Marks will be awarded as follows:
Criteria Marks
Executive summary 3
Introduction 3
Critical review 15
Analysis 10
Conclusions 3
A clear outline of the two recommendations (3 marks for each recommendation) 6
Justification for recommendations (5 marks for each recommendation) 10

Marks will be allocated using the descriptors on the following pages.

Ϯ Descriptors

Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

3 2 1 0
summary [max 3]
Coherent and A clear, logical The format is The format is poor An executive
logical format format gives clear generally good but and the summary has not
giving clear information. does not flow in information is been included.
information some areas and unclear.
some information
appears to be

Adequately and Summarises main Main findings,

concisely findings, conclusions and
summarises main conclusions and recommendations
findings, the two are not well
conclusions and recommendations, summarised.
the two but some of these
recommendations. may not be
adequately covered
or they are unclear.

Provides a Provides a case for The case for

persuasive case implementing implementation of
for implementing recommendations, the
recommendations. but this may not be recommendations
very persuasive. is not persuasive.

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3 2 1 0
[max 3]
Clear and concise The aims and The aims and The aims and The aims and
introduction objectives are objectives are objectives are objectives have
containing all the clearly stated and given, but the detail described poorly. not been
necessary relate to the task in some areas is The aims and included.
elements brief. brief or unclear. objectives do not
The aims and relate to the task
objectives generally brief.
relate to the task

The topic is clearly The topic is The topic is The topic has not
and succinctly introduced but the poorly been introduced.
introduced. detail in some introduced/the
areas is brief or detail is poor.

A clear description A methodology has A methodology is A methodology

of the methodology been outlined but given but this is has not been
used to carry out this is brief or poor/unclear. given.
the research. unclear in some
Critical review
11-15 6-10 1-5 0
[max 15]
Critical review of Draws from a Draws from a range Draws from a This may be a
techniques for wide range of of relevant very narrow simple opinion
monitoring and relevant authoritative range of relevant piece that does
measuring health authoritative sources which are authoritative not cover
and safety sources which are mostly effectively sources. implementing /
performance effectively used used to support maintaining, nor
and cited to assertions. make any attempt
support to critically review
assertions. approaches
drawn from
Covers aspects of Covers aspects of Covers aspects of relevant
both both implementing both authoritative
implementing and and maintaining. implementing and sources.
maintaining. Good attempt at maintaining.
Critically reviews critical review of Basic attempt at Some sources
approaches (ie approaches, but review of may have been
does not just these may not be approaches. This accessed, but
report/describe well-argued (ie may be mostly these may not be
but also although goes simple reporting relevant nor
analyses/discusse beyond simple of the work from authoritative.
s pros and cons report/description sources with little
and applicability). from sources, the attempt to
analysis is analyse or apply.

Recognised Recognised citation Citation A recognised

citation referencing system referencing is not citation
referencing used in most areas. a recognised referencing
system used system and/or is system has not
consistently. used been used.

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Analysis [max 10] 8-10 4-7 1-3 0
Commentary on Good, clear and Commentary is Commentary is No commentary
the effectiveness detailed generally clear, but poor, being and no examples
of the techniques commentary, is unclear or unclear or lacking given.
for monitoring and drawing on lacking in detail in detail in many
measuring health findings from some areas. areas.
and safety review, with many Examples are given Few relevant
performance in the relevant examples and the majority of examples given.
organisation given to illustrate. these are relevant.
3 2 1 0
[max 3]
Clear and concise Clear, concise Concise conclusion Conclusion Conclusion does
conclusion conclusion that that summarises summarises not summarise
logically most of the findings but main findings but
summarises the important findings. misses out some largely introduces
main findings. key findings. new ideas.
Description of two
recommendations 3 2 1 0
[max 6]
Examiners’ note: Use these levels to mark EACH of the recommendations.
Description of the A good, clear The description of A poor/unclear The
recommendation description of the the description of the recommendation
for improving recommendation recommendation is recommendation has not been
monitoring and has been given. generally good, but has been given. described.
measuring more information
techniques could have been
provided in some

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Justification for
5 3-4 1-2 0
[5 each, max 10]
Examiners’ note: Use these levels to mark EACH of the recommendations.
Justification for the A good, clear The justification The justification A justification has
recommendation justification has given is generally given is poor. not been given.
been given for the clear.

The justification The justification The justification is

refers back to mostly refers back simplistic, lacks
main body to main body detail in most
findings on the findings on the areas and is not
effectiveness of effectiveness of the convincing. It is
the techniques for techniques for not clearly linked
monitoring and monitoring and to the main body
measuring health measuring health findings.
and safety. and safety.

The justification is The justification is

well-argued and is based on
based on effectiveness as
effectiveness as well as other
well as other business factors
business factors such as cost.
such as cost.

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Activity 3: Commenting on verbal and printed communication skills

3 Verbal and printed are types of media that can be used to communicate health
and safety management issues to workers.

Select a workplace issue where you have used both media types and, for
EACH type, comment on
• what the intention of the communication was
• the selection of communication methods chosen
• how the specific method of communication was used
• how effective the communication was
• lessons learned following the communication. (20)
Note: You must give relevant examples to support your answers. This does
not have to be a health and safety communication, but examples must be
drawn from your work experience.

Activity 4: Commenting on societal factors

4 Comment on how the following societal factors affect the management of

health and safety in your chosen organisation
• Economic climate
• Industry risk profile
• Government policy. (15)
Note: There are 5 marks available for each factor.

Activity 5: Analysing strengths and weaknesses against high reliability organisation

(HRO) characteristics and recommendations for improvement

5 (a) Analyse your chosen organisation’s strengths and weaknesses against

BOTH of the following HRO characteristics
- mindful leadership
- problem anticipation. (10)

(b) Based on your analysis in part (a), give details for TWO
recommendations that improve reliability in your chosen organisation.
You must justify why you have chosen each of the recommendations. (10)

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Activity 6: Consultation process strengths and weaknesses

6 The British Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) guidance document ‘Involving
your workforce in health and safety’ (HSG263) sets out four stages for
successful consultation.

Stage 3 is ‘Get it done: consult and involve’ which includes understanding:

- health and safety consultation legal duties (including setting up health
and safety committees) with reference to the International Labour
Organisation’s (ILO’s) Occupational Safety and Health Convention
(C155) and Recommendation (R164)
- methods for involving the workforce.

Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen organisation’s

consultation process for EACH of these two steps. (20)
Notes: You must support your answers with relevant examples from your
chosen organisation.
There are 10 marks available for each step.

Activity 7: Health and safety culture evaluation and actions

7 (a) A range of indicators can be used to measure health and safety culture.

Evaluate your chosen organisation’s health and safety culture against

the following FIVE indicators of a positive health and safety culture
• visible commitment to safety by management
• workforce participation and ownership of safety problems and
• trust between workers and management
• good communications
• a competent workforce. (15)
Note: You must give relevant examples to support your answers.

(b) Based on the outcome of your analysis in 7(a), identify TWO actions that
could improve or sustain health and safety culture in your chosen
You must
• give an outline of the action
• describe what the action is intended to do (the anticipated
outcomes). (10)
Notes: You must use the Activity 7(b) format table provided in the
answer sheet to record your answers.
There are 5 marks available for each action.

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Activity 8: Suitability of approach in selecting risk control measures and selection of
existing control measures

8 Risk management in an organisation should be both sensible and

proportionate to the level of risk involved.

(a) Comment on the suitability of your chosen organisation’s approach when

selecting risk control measures. (10)
Note: You must use relevant examples to support your answer.

(b) Select TWO existing control measures for health and safety risks in your
chosen organisation. For EACH of these control measures provide
- an outline of the health and safety risk associated with the control
- an outline of the control measure
- commentary on the suitability of the control measure
- your opinion on the proportionality of the control measure in
relation to the level of risk
- appropriate referencing for sources of information consulted. (20)
Note: There are 10 marks available for each control measure.

End of assessment

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers.

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