Humss Wrb12 Las q1 m1

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Senior High School Teacher I
Ramon T. Diaz Natonal High School
Gandara, Samar
Name of Learner: ____________________________________ Grade/Secton:____________School: ____________________________________________ Dae: ___________________
Undersanding he Naure of ReligionI.Inroducton
To be able o communicae undersanding of religion by giving an example of a belief sysem and worldview. The learner demonsraes undersanding of belief sysem orworldview*, Religion, Spiriualiy, Philosophy of Religion and Theology and be able odiscuss he elemens of religion, belief sysem and spiriualiy.
II.MLEC (wih Code)
The learner prepares characer skeches of a person who is spiriual bu no religiousand a person who is religious bu no spiriual.
(HUMSS_WRB12-I/IIIa-1.1; HUMSS_WRB12=I/IIIa-1.2; HUMSS_WRB12=I/IIIa-1.2)III. SraegyA.Explore
Let’s Remember! 
Do you pray? Hopefully you are. Bu if you don’ pray, I believe you know how opray. Maybe you have seen i in a movie or you have seen ohers praying. As you haveseen in he picures below, i is a clear depicton of an ac of prayer. Ohers pray wihclosed or open eyes, liing heir heads above while pressing heir hands closed orcrossing heir arms while bowing heir heads or praying silenly while ohers are prayingloudly. Sometmes, prayer may come wih chans, manras, or creed. Those are dierenways on how we usually pray. When we are praying, we are actvely seeking an inniedivine being or supernaural enty ha is no of his naural world. I could be a deiy,god or goddesses. The nex queston is, why do we pray? When we pray, are we religious or spiriual?Wha does i mean o be religious and spiriual? Why is religion linked o humankind’sques o search for he real meaning of life and deah? Wheher we pray or no, you mayhave winessed he inuental roles being played by religions all over he world.
Let’s Connect! 
In conex of religion, lis down ve (5) hings ha you believe in by completng hefollowing saemens. Wha have you observed in your own belief sysem?1.I believe in/ha _______________________________________________________.2.I believe in/ha _______________________________________________________.3.I believe in/ha _______________________________________________________.4.I believe in/ha _______________________________________________________.5.I believe in/ha _______________________________________________________.
Let’s Believe! 
As mentoned earlier ha here are dieren ways on how o pray. Since here aredieren ways on how o communicae wih a deiy or god, here are also dierenperspectves and inerpreatons ha are linked o our dieren beliefs.
Undersanding Beliefs and Worldviews
Every individual sees and inerpres he world quie dierenly from one anoher.This overall perspectve is also ermed
which is a collecton of beliefs aboulife and he universe being held by people (The Free Dictonary 2014). There are cerainfacors ha can aec he kind of belief sysem an individual can follow all hroughouhis life. These are he social environmen and he upbringing which are critcal in hedevelopmen of a religious life. Obviously, if an individual grew up wihin a communiy,for example, a Muslim or Caholic communiy, here is a high possibiliy ha his belief and way of life will be correlaed wih wha a Muslim or Caholic believe. This is also ruewih he dominan belief in one’s counry. Like in he Philippines, Christaniy isdominan wherein Filipinos believe in Jesus Chris. In a conrary, oher counries havedominan beliefs like Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, ec. All hese facors have an eec onhow people organize heir beliefs and ideas while evenually creatng a comprehensivenarratve hrough which hey look a he world and inerrelae wih i.Belief in god or gods is found in almos all religions. There are religions ha believeonly in one god while ohers believe ha here are many gods and here are alsoreligions ha do no believe in god. There is a good reason o presuppose ha religionhad exised during prehisoric tmes and his has contnued o he modern day. Humanlife may have produced hundreds of religions and belief sysems. There could be moreunknown han known religions since recorded hisory covers only several housand of years of human exisence. Likewise, many may have lived and died wihin jus a periodof tme.The concep map below shows he kinds of belief sysems or worldviews.
, oen used as a synonym o monoheism, is dened as “a belief in heexisence of one god viewed as he creatve source of he human race and he worldwho ranscends ye is immanen in he world” (Merriam-Webser Dictonary 2014).
Monotheisc religions
claim ha here is only one God who could have designed andcreaed he universe or may have direced all evens ha led o he creaton of everyhing. There is one supreme God who is boh personal and moral, and who seeks aoal and unqualied response from humans (Hick 1990). Modern-day examples of monoheistc religions include Judaism, Christaniy, and Islam. On he oher hand,
 polytheisc religions
ha are common among early people recognize many principalgods among whom no one is supreme. These include he ancien religions of Egyp,Greece, and Rome wherein people worship multude of personal gods.Meanwhile,
 assers ha here is no genuine distncton beween God andhe universe. Two implicatons arise from his belief. Firsly, i conends ha God isdwelling in he universe as par of i. Secondly, he universe does no exis a all as arealiy bu only as a manifesaton of God.Furhermore, while
 deny he exisence of God,
 deny he possibiliyfor man o acquire knowledge of he exisence of God.
Table 1.1
Kinds of Belief System
MonismThere is no real distncton beween god and he universeMonoheismThe docrine or belief in one supreme beingPolyheismThe belief and worship of many godsAgnostcismGod cannobe knownAheismDisbelief in or denial he exisence of a personal god
Religiosiy vs. Spiriualiy
Are you a religious person or a spiriual person? I may be synonymous o hear buhey are dieren from one anoher.When we say, religiosiy, le us rs ake he roo word which is religion. Religion maybe dened as “an organized sysem of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used o worship agod or a group of gods” (Merriam-Webser Dictonary 2014). The Latn word
refers o “somehing done wih overanxious or scrupulous aenton o deail” (Bowker1997). This erm may have probably been derived from he Latn verb
whichmeans “o te ogeher, o bind fas.” In oher words, religion is an organizaton of agroup of people who share he same belief or practce of beliefs. I is more like aninstuton. Religion is he pursui of ransformaton guided by a sacred belief sysem.
Figure 1
 below illusraes he common characeristcs o mos major religions.
belief in adeiy’srelatonshipwih he worldplaces andpeople believedo be holy andsacredrulesfollowed asa resul of beliefsways oworshipa deiybelief ina deiy

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