Personal Loan Application Form
Personal Loan Application Form
Personal Loan Application Form
I/We agree to abide by all the terms and conditions prescribed by the Society, from time
to time. I/We agree to execute all the necessary documents and to create securities in Society’s
favour as desired by the Society.
To enable the Society to consider my/our request, I/We furnish below the required
particulars/information and undertake to furnish to the Society any other information/particulars
required for the purpose from time to time till the loan is repaid in full.
(ii) Mr./Mrs./Ms.___________________________________________________________
(Surname) (Name) (Middle-name)
9. If the present address is not the permanent address, give details of Permanent address :
House/Flat owned/rented/in the name of _____________________Tel.No.__________
13. Whether 1st applicant maintains account/s with the branch : Yes/No
If yes, details : - S/B a/c. no.______________ since ________ present bal.__________
Other a/cs : type._______________________ since ________ present bal.__________
19) Society details of the 2nd applicant (maintained with branches / Society)
a) Name & Address of other branches of Tirumalla Tirupati Multistate Co-operative
Credit Society_________________________
Savings Society a/c. no._____________ since ___________ present
Other a/cs : type.________________ since ___________ present bal._____________
b) Name & Address of other Society/s where deposit a/c. maintained :-
Savings Society a/c. no._____________ since ___________ present
Other a/cs : Type.________________ since ___________ present bal._____________
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PART B (Details about the proposed loan)
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PART D (Declaration by applicants)
1) I/We declare that the proposed loan is required by us for _________________
And that the loan would be utilised only for the said purpose.
2) The foregoing information provided by me/us is true and correct and provided to the
Society to enable the Society to take decision about granting or otherwise of the loan to
3) I/We undertake that if, based on the information provided by us / my our guarantor/s,
Society sanctions loan/s to me/us and in case at any point of time hereinafter it
transpires that any information provided / to be provided by me/us/our guarantors is
found to be incorrect/false or that the loan availed of by me/us is not used for the
purpose mentioned above, the Society shall be at liberty to recall the advance forthwith,
irrespective of the contracted terms of the loan and charge me penal/additional interest
as deemed fit. I/We would repay forthwith, the entire loan outstanding then together with
interest/penal additional interest and other charges.
4) I/We undertake to provide further information as Society may ask from me/us from time
to time.
5) I/We undertake to execute necessary documents for the loan at my costs and to create
adequate security for the loan as desired by the Society prior to disbursement of the
Yours faithfully,
Yours faithfully,