Islamic English DR - Muhibbin Syah
Islamic English DR - Muhibbin Syah
Islamic English DR - Muhibbin Syah
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لcompetency-based reading لبوselFstedy reference
(A Competency-based Reading& Self-study Reference)
Penulis: Muhibbin Syah, Dr., M.Ed.
Pengantar: Prof. A. Chaedar Alwasilah, Ph.D.
Editor: Sunengsih, S.Pd
Layout: Rahmat Guswandi
ISBN 979-692-513-3
ISLAMIC ٤151٣٨٧ى
رحززذرجمم١ظؤ-لم بر.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful
M. Syah
Muhibbin Syah, the author of this book, does not use the
term Islamic English the way Faruqi does. Instead, he uses Is-
lamic English ةل\ةآلةآلvAtta Economics English, English for
Banking, or English for Science and Technology 0ا١ل
author believes that relative familiarity with topics discussed in
the reading passages is a good start in developing proficiency in
English especially in reading comprehension and grammatical
competence. As evidence, throughout the book even grammati-
cal and vocabulary exercises are in the context of Islam related
issues although some of them seem to be too philosophical for
undergraduate students. The selected passages are more than
enough to introduce Islam in general.
This approach, I think, is legitimate as the main objective of
the English MKU (the Mata Kuliah Umum) in colleges through-
out Indonesia is to develop reading skills. In the final analysis,
however, it is up to the instructor and students to make the
most of this book.
I would like to congratulate the author on this monumental
Bandung, August 2005 A.D.
Rajab 1426 H.
Preface — iii
Foreword — v
Unit 1 Grammar Review: The Simple Present Tense — 5
Exercises — 6
Grammar Review: The Simple Past Tense — 12
Exercises — 13
Grammar Review: The Simple Future Tense — 19
Exercises — 20
Grammar Review: The Perfect Tenses — 27
Exercises — 29
Grammar Review: The (Continuous) Progressive
Tenses — 34
Exercises — 37
Grammar Review: The Perfect Progressive Tenses — 43
Exercises — 45
Grammar Review: The Pronouns — 51
1. Subject Pronouns — 51
2. Object Pronouns — 51
3. Possessive Pronouns — 52
4. Reflexive Pronouns — 53
5. Relative Pronouns — 53
Exercises — 54
Grammar Review: Nouns and Determiners — 61
1. Count Nouns — 61
2. Non-count Nouns — 62
3. Determiners — 62
Exercises — 64
Grammar Review: Gerunds — 71
1. The Form of Gerund — 71
2. Gerund as Subject — 71
3. Gerund as Object — 72
4. Verbs followed with Gerunds — 72
Exercises — 73
Grammar Review: Derivatives — 80
Exercises — 81
Grammar Review: Passive Voice — 89
1. The Simple Tenses — 90
2. The Progressive Tenses — 91
3. The Perfect Tenses — 92
Exercises — 93
Grammar Review: Quoted and Reported Speech — 101
1. Quoted/ Direct Speech — 101
2. Reported/ Indirect Speech — 102
Exercises — 109
Grammar Review: Conditional Sentences — 114
1. The Real Conditional Sentences — 114
2. The Unreal Conditional Sentences — 114
Exercises — 116
References — 207
Index —209
Appendix 1 — 215
Appendix 2 — 220
Appendix 3 — 226
Appendix 4 — 228
Unit One
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
Resignation to the will of God. The word is generally used by
Muhammadans themselves for their religion. Abdu،l- Haqq says
it implies submission to the divine will, and Muhammad ex
plained it to the observance of the five duties:
(i) Bearing witness that there is but one God.
(2) Reciting the daily prayers.
(3) Giving the legal alms.
(4) Observing the Ramadan or month’s fast.
(5) Making the pilgrimage to Makkah once in a lifetime.
In the Quran the word is used for doing homage to God. Islam
is said to be the religion of all the prophets from the time of
Abraham, as will appear from the following verses (Ali ،Imran,
84 - 85):
2. Vocabulary
accept (v) = menerima appear (v) = muncul
desireth (v) = berhasrat observance (n) = pelaksanaan
devine (n) = ketuhanan prefess (v) = mengakui
hath = have prophet (n) = nabi/rasul
homage (n) = penyembahan resignation (n) = penyerahan
imply (v) = memberi arti verse (n) = ayat
whoso (pro) = siapa pun Muhammadan (n) = orang Islam
legal alms (n) = zakat (sedekah wajib) Jew = orang Yahudi
make no difference (v) = tak membedakan
3. Comprehension
3.1 Choose a or b to answer the questions according to the
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
a. Muhammadans
b. The religion of Islam.
2. What does the word ‘Islam’ imply?
a. Submission to the will of God
b. Observance of bearing witness.
3. Bearing witness...’ in line 5 could best be translated into
either ،bersaksi’ or:
a. menyaksikan.
b. membaca dua kalimat syahadat.
4. What is Islam said to be?
a. The religion of Abraham.
b. The religion of all of the prophets of Allah.
5. Whom does Allah ask us to believe in?
a. In Him.
b. In Abraham and Isaac.
6. Who will be lost in the next world?
a. ٢I١hose who do not follow Islam.
b. Those who do not accept Him.
7. Which of the following is true?
a. Musalmans are not Muslim people.
b. Musalmans are the people who follow Millah.
8. Which of the following is not true?
a. The “people of the book” are those who follow books;
b. The “people of the book” are those who follow a holy book.
9. The word ‘Jews’ refers to:
a. the people who embrace Judaism.
b. the people who embrace Christianity.
10. Which of the following conclusions may be made on the
basis of the information in the passage?
a. Islam is the true religion in the sight of Allah.
b. Islam is exactly the same as both Judaism and Christianity.
In the Quran the word is used for doing homage to God. Islam is said
to be the religion of all the prophets from the time of Abraham, as will
appear from the following verses (Surah iii, 78, 79):- “Say: We believe
in God and in what hath been sent down to Abraham, and Ismael, and
Isaac, and Jacob, and the Tribes, and in what was given to Moses, and
Jesus and the Prophets from their Lord, We make no difference be
tween them, and to Him are we resigned (i.e. Muslims). Whoso
desireth any other religion than Islam, that religion shall never be ac
cepted of Him, and in the next world be shall be lost”.
Pronouns: . References:
........ - ____
4. Grammar Review
The Simple Present Tense
1. The simple present says that something was true in the
past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future. It
is used for general statements of fact.
For examples :
1) Islam is our religion. (Islam adalah agama kami).
2) Those who profess the religion of Islam are called Mus
lims or Mu’mins. (Mereka yang mengakui agama Islam
disebut orang-orang Muslim atau orang-orang Mu’min).
2. The simple present is used to express habitual or every
day activity.
For examples :
1) We study Arabic and English. (Kami belajar bahasa Arab
dan Inggris).
2) Every good Muslim prays five times a day and does fast
ing during the month of Ramadan. (Setiap Muslim yang
baik salat lima waktu sehari dan berpuasa selama bulan
3. Certain verbs such as have, like, love, need, prefer, recog
nize, understand, and want are not used in the progres-
sive/continuous tenses. With these verbs, however, the
simple present may indicate a situation that exists right
now, at the moment of speaking.
For examples :
1) It’s time to pray now. Adam needs a prayer mat.
(Sekarang sudah waktunya salat. Adam memerlukan
sehelai sajadah). We cannot say It’s time to pray now.
Adam is needing a prayer mat.
2) AU wants to eat now because he is hungry. (Sekarang Ali
ingin makan karena dia lapar). We cannot say He is
wanting to eat now because he is hungry.
Note: Study this Simple Present rule carefully.
5. Exercises
5.1 Choose a, b, or c to complete the sentences
1. Adam often ...prayer mat for praying.
a. using b. uses c. used
2. What ...your friends do on Mondays?
a. do b. does c. did
3. They usually...English.
a. study b. studies c. studied
4. The students usually...Arabic on Tuesdays.
a. studies b. studied c. study
5. I drink now, because I am thirsty.
a. am wanting b. want c. wanted
6. Ahmad and Hamid always ... at about 5 A.M.
a. gets up b. got up c. get up
7. Do your brothers always bed after studying?
a. going b. go c. went
8. No, they usually ...TV after studying.
a. watching b. watch c. watched
9. ... usually school with their parents.
a. They...go b. He...went c. She...gone
10. Islam always ...human freedom to the use of the resources
of the earth.
a. limited b. limiting c. limits
4. God does not makes any difference between Jesus and Muhammad.
Translation :..............................................................................
Unit Two
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
From the time it first appeared, the religion of Islam was a
problem- for Christian Europe. Those who believed in it were
the enemy on the frontier. In the seventh and the eighth centu
ries armies fighting in the name of the Muslim empire, the Ca
liphate, expanded into the heart of Christian world. They occu
pied provinces of the Byzantine empire in Syria, the Holy Land
and Egypt, and spread westwards into North Africa, Spain and
Sicily, and the conquest was not only a military one, it was fol
lowed in course of time by conversions to Islam on a large
Between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries there was
a Christian counter attack, successful for a time in the Holy
Land, where a Latin kingdom of Jerusalem was created, and
more permanently in Spain. The last Muslim kingdom in Spain
was brought to an end in 1492, but by that time there was a fur
ther Muslim expansion elsewhere by dynasties drawn from the
Turkish people: the Saljuqs advanced into Anatolia, and later
the Ottomans extinguished what was left of the Byzantine em-
2. Vocabulary
advance (v) - melaju conquest (n) = penaklukan
extinguish (V) - memadamkan frontier (n) = garis depan
fight (V) - berperang westwards (adv) = ke arah barat
create (V) - menciptakan occupy (v) = menduduki
crusade (n) — perang salib ship (n) = kapal
draw (٢٧) - menarik spread (v) = menyebar
expand (V) — memperluas thought (n) = pemikiran
elsewhere (adv) - di tempat lain onwards (adv) = seterusnya
empire (n) - kerajaanZimperium
port (n) - pelabuhan dagang
brought to an end (V) = berakhir
in course of time (adv) = bersamaan waktu
conversion (n) = perpindahan agama
3. Comprehension
3٠1 Choose a or b to answer the questions according to
the passage
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
a. Islam according to European thought;
b. European thought according to Islam.
ISLAMIC ٤151٤م٧ى
4. Grammar Review
The Simple Past Tense
1. The simple past indicates that an activity or situation be-
gan and ended at a particular time in the past. For ex-
ample, We studied English yesterday. (Kemarin kami telah
belajar bahasa Inggris).
2. If a sentence contains when and has the simple past in
both clauses, the action in ،،when clause” happens first.
For examples :
ل١ I was in the mosque when ‘muazzin’ began to call to
prayer. (Saya sudah berada di masjid ketika muazzin
mulai menyerukan azan).
5. Exercises
5.1 Choose a, b, or c to complete the sentences
1. Alwi .. a new prayer mat a week ago.
a. will buy b. buys c. bought
2. He prayed ،asr in the mosque ... afternoon.
a. tomorrow b. yesterday c. now
3. When did your father ... to Mecca? Last year.
a. went b. gone c. go
4. ... Mrs. Amir wash her son’s clothes yesterday?
a. Does b. Did c. Will
5. Hr good boy ... his clothes by himself yesterday.
a. washed b. washes c. will wash
6. They ....not watch TV last night because they were sleepy.
a. will b. does c. did
7. When he heard a strange noise, he ... to investigate.
a. got up b. will get up c. gets up
8. When I ... my cup, the hot coffee spilled on my lap.
a. am dropping b. dropped c. drop
9. The armies occupied the Byzantine empire and ... west
wards into North Africa.
a. are spreading b. spread c. spreaded
10. The Saljuqs advanced into Anatolia, and the Ottomans ...
into eastern Europe.
a. were expanding b. expanded c. expand
151٨م10 ٣٢٧ى٤1511
Unit Three
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
Other than work in the two fields of elucidating vision and as
sessing contemporary Western civilization, the Institute pro
poses to authorize the preparation of original works by Muslim
scholars who are thoroughly acquainted with the legacy, have a
command over the modern sciences, and are prominent in ere-
ative ability and intellectual independence. All of these charac
teristics will qualify them to make original contribution to the
Islamization of knowledge.
The purpose of this contribution will primarily be to ex
pand the field of Islamization of knowledge and to lay down
firm foundations for it by elucidating basic Islamic views by
presenting the issues of modern disciplines and their basic
methodology, and by explaining the Islamic position concern
ing different disciplines and the way Islam considers the scien
tific issues in the light of Islamic principles. Samples of ap
plied studies in these disciplines will be published to make the
work of Muslim scholars in these disciplines more enlightened.
ISLAMIC ٣م٧)٤15ا
This will help to bring home the massage and purpose of the
Islamization of knowledge and to determine how the scholars
may best contribute to realizing it through emulating and
implementing it in their special fields of study, thereby setting
an example and leading the way for the next generation.
Basic academic activities in the form of articles, discus-
sions and books will follow the accomplished work and will be
completed through implementing the Institute agenda. This
agenda includes cooperating with other scholars, hosting con-
ferences and seminars, preparing periodicals, granting full-
time or part-time fellowships for research and study on the
premises of the Institute under its supervision. The supervi-
sion will depend upon the individual circumstances of each
scholar and the financial resources of the Institute to support
those among them who are not in a position to do so on their
(Quoted from: Abu Sulayman, Abdul Hamid (editor), Islamization of Knowledge, 1989: 72)
2. Vocabulary
assess (v) — menilai acquaint (v) = kenalZfaham
determine (v) - menentukan depend (v) = tergantung pada
disciplines (n) - cabang ilmu emulate (v) = menandingi
fellowship (n) — beasiswa circumstance (n) = keadaan
include (v) - termasuk lay down (v) - meletakkan
lead (v) - menunjukkan periodical (n) = majalah ilmiah
premise (n) — dasar fikiran prominent (adj) = menonjol
publish (v) — menerbitkan purpose(n) = tujuan
scholar (n) - sarjana view (n) - pandangan
qualify (v) - memenuhi syarat host (v) = menyelenggarakan
consider (v) - mempertimbangkan
thereby (adv) - dengan cara demikian
accomplish (v) — menyelesaikan dgn baik
authorize (v) - memberi wewenang
elucidate (v) - membeberkan dengan jelas
concerning (prep) = berhubungan dengan
have a command (v) = memiliki kemahiran
in the light of (adv) = dipandang dari sudut
3. Comprehension
3.1 Choose a or b to answer the questions according to
the passage
1 What does the Institute propose other than elucidating vi-
sion and assessing contemporary Western civilization?
a. It proposes to authorize the preparation of original
Western civilization;
b. It proposes to authorize the preparation of original
works by Muslim scholars.
2. Who are given authorization to prepare the original works?
a. Those who are thoroughly acquainted with the legacy
and modern sciences;
b. Those who are good at legacy, modern sciences, and
are creative and intellectually independent.
3. The phrase ،have a command over’ in line 3 could best be
replaced by:
a. to be good at;
b. to be a commander.
4. Among other things, what will the purpose primarily be?
a. To expand the field of Islamization of Western
b. To lay down firm foundations for the Islamization of
5. Which of the following is not mentioned in paragraph 2?
a. Elucidating basic Islamic views;
b. Elucidating Islamic economics.
6. The phrase ،scientific issues’ in paragraph 2 could best be
translated into:
a. Desas-desus yang ilmiah;
b. Permasalahan-permasalahan ilmiah.
7. What will be published to make the work of Muslim schol-
ars more enlightened?
a Samples of applied methodology in the disciplines;
b. Samples of applied studies in the disciplines.
8. Which of the following is true?
a. It will help to bring home the message of the
Islamization of knowledge;
b. It will help to bring home the massage and purpose of
the Islamization of knowledge.
3.2 Find the Supporting details for the main idea in the
following paragraph
For example :
4. Grammar Review
The Simple Future Tense
1. The simple future tense is used to express a prediction
(perkiraan), prior plan (rencana terdahulu), and willing-
ness (kemauan/ kesukarelaan) that will happen at one par-
ticular time in the future.
For examples :
1) The contribution will expand the field of Islamization of
knowledge and to lay down firm foundations for it. Qbisi
itu akan memperluas bidang Islamisasi pengetahuan dan
meletakkan dasar-dasar yang kuat untuknya).
2) Samples of applied studies in these disciplines will be
published to make the work of Muslim scholars in these
disciplines more enlightened, (5د0لدًاا-00٠ لةka١٠
terapan dalam disiplin ini akan diterbitkan agar karya
para sarjana Muslim dalam disiplin tersebut lebih
mencerahkan/ memberi kesadaran).
2. Will or be going to is used to express future time. The use
of shall with I (7 shall) or we (We shall) to express future
time is possible but uncommon in American English. Shall
is used much more frequently in Britain than in America.
3. To express a prediction, either will or be going to is used.
For examples :
1) This will help to bring home the massage and purpose of
the Islamization of knowledge and to determine how the
scholars max best contribute to realizing it, لم٦آد١،اله،آا ة١ل
5. Exercises
5.1 Fill in the blanks on the left hand side with the suit
able words or phrases available on the right-hand
1. The characteristics ... to make - give her
original contribution to the Is
lamic knowledge. - will be qualified
2. These Islamic disciplines ... to them
make Muslim scholars more en
lightened. - will qualify them
Unit Six
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
Though religious education is compulsory in our school, there
hasbeentno serious attempt to teach literature, fine arts, so-
:ial sciences, and natural sciences from the Islamic point of
*،hew. As a result, what children have been learning from reli
gion has been contradicted by what they are learning from
textbooks. Such an education obviously leads to conflicts, anxi
eties, and tensions. There is a strong need to Islamicize the hu
manities and social and natural sciences by producing basic
concepts and by changing the methodology of introducing and
teaching them in order to create a new generation of young
men and women intellectually capable of resisting the undesir
able effects of secularist teaching.
The Western models of secular education that are pres
ently dominant in our education institutions follow an anthro
pocentric approach. The Islamic approach, on the other hand,
is theocentric.
Provincial governments are working vigorously to tackle
the problem of illiteracy, as is the federal government. Efforts
2. Vocabulary
anxieties (n) = kecemasan attempt (n) upaya
be carried out (v) = dilaksanakan capable of (adj) mampu
compulsory (n) = kewajiban concern (n) keprihatinan
endeavor (v) = berusaha keras enrollment (n) pendaftaran
ideological (adj) = ideologis illiteracy (n) buta huruf
issue (n) = permasalahan launch (v) meluncurkan
leads to (v) = berakibat pada literacy (n) melek huruf
literate (adj) = bisa membaca major (adj) utama
point of view (n) = pandangan resist (v) menolak
secularist (n) = orang sekuler undesirable (adj) tak dibutuhkan
universalize (V) = memperluas expenditure (n) anggaran belanja
legislation (n) = perundang-undangan
recent (adv) = akhir-akhir ini/ baru
vigorously (adv) = dengan penuh semangat
underway (adv) = sedang berlangsung
theocentric (adj) = terpusat pada Tuhan
anthropocentric (adj) = terpusat pada manusia
simultaneously (adv) = secara serentak
there has been no (v) = belum ada
to double (v) = melipatduakan
.3. Comprehension
:3.1 Choose a, 1 وor c to answer the questions according to
the passage
ت٠ What does this passage generally discuss?
a. Religious education in Pakistan;
b. National issues and concerns in Pakistan;
c. Educational major issues and concerns in Pakistan.
2. What education is compulsory in Pakistan?
a. Serious education;
b. Secular education;
c. Religious education.
3. Which of the following is true?
a. What children have been learning from religion has been
contradicted by what they are learning from their parents;
b. What children have been learning from religion has been
contradicted by what they are learning from their teachers;
c. What children have been learning from religion has been
contradicted by what they are learning from textbooks.
; What does such an education lead to?
a. It only leads to conflicts and tensions;
b. It only leads to conflicts and anxieties;
c. It leads to conflicts, anxieties and tensions as well.
5. How should the sciences be Islamicized?
a. By producing basic concepts and changing the
methodology of reading them;
b. By producing basic concepts and changing the
methodology of writing them;
c. By producing basic concepts and changing the
methodology of introducing and teaching them.
6. Who have to be capable of resisting the undesirable effects
of secularist teaching?
a. Men have to;
b. Women have to;
c. Men and women have to.
7. Who has been endeavoring to increase the literacy rate?
a. The Indian government has;
b. The Pakistani government has;
c. The Indonesian government has.
I s 1 A M ا C ٣٨)ى٤151ب
4. Grammar Review
The Perfect Progressive Tenses
1. The Present Perfect Progressive
An action that began in the past and is still occurring in the
;resent may be expressed by the present perfect progressive.
The present perfect progressive is usually used to describe the
iuration (panjangnya waktu) of an activity that is in progress,
ت.ح. how long something has continued to the present time.
For example :
The government has been endeavoring to increase the
literacy rate through direct methods. (PemervntaAv
sudah sedang berusaha keras untuk meningkatkan
angka melek huruf melalui metode langsung). Time
expressions with since and for are used with the
present perfect progressive.
For examples :
ل١ I’ve been taking an English course for two months. (Saya
sudah mengambil/ mengikuti kursus bahasa Inggris
selama dua bulan). This means that the speaker began
attending the course two months ago and has continued
since that time. In other words, the English learning
process has been in progress, and is still in progress.
2١ The Muslim jurists have been elaborating economic
question since years ago. (Para ahli hukum Muslim
sudah memperluas permasalahan ekonomi sejak
bertahun-tahun yang lalu). It should be noted that with
some verbs (e.g., live, teach, work), the duration can be
expressed by either the present perfect or the present
perfect progressive.
١عاهءاة١ء NGIISH
For example :
Professor Majid has been teaching Islamic Political
Thought for fifteen years. (Profesor Majid sudah
mengajar Pemikiran Politik Islam selama 15 tahun).
This sentence has the same meaning as Professor
Majid has taught Islamic Political Thought for fifteen
5. Exercises
5.1 Complete the sentences on the left-hand side by
using words or phrases available on the right-hand
side. Insert a, 1 وc, etc. suitable to the sentences
٦. What have you ... ؟ a. 1 have read an Ara
... taking an English course. bic paper.
ن. What ... been writing since last b. How long had you
week 9 been studying
4. He ....writing a learning psychol- c. How long had she
ogy book.
d. had been studying
5. ... before your friend, Jaka, came
e. her husband
yesterday? comes home.
2. I’ve been (do) the homework for about two hours ...
Translation :...................................................................
3. How long (are) you have been reciting Quran by the time I
come tonight? ...
Translation :...........................................................................
4. I (am) have been reciting the holy book for an hour by the
time you come ...
Translation :...........................................................................
5. She will have been cooking for an hour by the time her son
(came) home ...
Translation :...........................................................................
Unit Seven
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
?•luhammad was born in Makkah in 570 AD. He was orphaned
دق a young child and brought up first by his grandfather and
:ater by his uncle. As a young man he was well known for his
usual truthfulness and wisdom, and he was one of the few
people in Makkah who did not believe in idol worship, hut
:ried instead to follow the original teachings of Abraham.
When he was in 20s, Muhammad was hired by a wealthy
dow, Khadija to lead her caravans. Khadija admired this ex-
:raordinary young man and eventually they were married.
They settled into a peaceful and prosperous life.
Muhammad was concerned about the idol worship, corrup-
□on and cruelty that he saw around him, and he began to with
aw to the mountains for long periods of meditation and fast-
mg. When he was forty years old, he withdrew into a cave high
٦ n a nearby mountain when he had a vision of the Archangel
Gabriel commanding him to: ،Recite. In the name of your
Tord...’ From that moment Muhammad became a Prophet or
:.lessenger of God. He received revelations from God through
Gabriel, and these revelations formed the Holy Quran, the sa-
:red book of the religion called Islam.
ISLAMIC ٣ىم115ب
2. Vocabulary
alms (n) — zakat/ sedekah performance (n) = pelaksanaan
archangel (n) — malaikat utama prophethood (n) = kenabian
brought up (v) - dibesarkan prosperous (adj) = makmur
caravan (n) - kafilah unta revelation (n) = wahyu
cruelty (n) — kebengisan sacred book (n) = kitab suci
idol(n) — patung teachings (n) = ajaran
eventually (adv) - akhirnya salvation (n) = keselamatan
obedience (n) — ketaatan unusual (adj) = luar biasa
outward (adj) — lahir (lahiriah) worship (n) = penyembahai
had a vision of (v) - melihat penjelmaan
settled into (v) - menetap dalam
inward (adj) - batin (batiniah)
truthfulness (n) - dapat dipercaya (amanah)
orphan (n) - anak yatim
withdraw (v) - menarik diri (berkhalwat)
3. Comprehension
3.1 Choose a, 1 وor c to answer the following questions
according to the passage
1. Where and when was our prophet born?
a. In Makkah in 750 AD;
b. In Makkah in 570 AD;
c. In Madinah in 570 AD.
اk VA \ ٢٠ u٢٥l١s١١
3.2 Fill in the blanks with the pronouns and their refer-
ences. Then, find the supporting details for the main
idea available in the following paragraph
For examples :
٦۵ Muhammad was born in Makkah. He was brought up
by his grandfather. (Muhammad dilahirkan di Mekah.
Beliau dibesarkan oleh kakeknya). He is used in place
of the noun Muhammad. He is a subject pronoun.
2) When h was in 20s, Muhammad was hired by a
wealthy widow. (Ketika berusia 20an tahun,
Muhammad disewa oleh seorang janda kaya).
آل١ They settled into a peaceful and prosperous life.
(Mereka menetap dalam kehidupan yang damai dan
Object Pronoun
I :;ect pronoun (pronomina obyek) is word used in place of a
: ’in or a noun phrase that refers to a person, thing, etc af-
تبح:ح d by the action of a verb, i.e. me, you, him, US, etc.
For examples :
ل١ Muhammad is a God’s prophet, and most Muslims re-
gard him as the greatest one. (Muhammad adalah
seorang nabi Allah dan kebanyakan orang Islam
menganggapnya sebagai nabi teragung). Him is used in
place of the noun Muhammad. Him is an object pro-
2) AU gave her a book. 11 memberinya sebuah buku). He
3. Possessive Pronoun
Possessive pronoun (pronomina kepemilikan) is word used in place
of a noun showing possession, i.e. mine, yours, his, ours, etc. Posses
sive pronouns replace adjective pronouns (possessive adjectives)
plus nouns: my + noun, your + noun, his + noun, our + noun, etc.
For examples :
ل١ Khadija hired Muhammad to lead her ca a arts. (1ةذلةة
mempekerjakan/ menggajiMuhammad untuk memimpin kafilah).
دعنحThis is Laila’s hooh. That book is hers too. (YmLvb ةا١غ
Buku itu juga miliknya).
S) This is the students’ classroom. This classroom is theirs. خأآللم
ruang/ kelas para mahasiswa itu. Kelas ini milik mereka).
For examples :
7) The great prophet who was born in Makkah was
Muhammad peace be upon him. (Nabi besar yang
dilahirkan di Mekah itu bernama Muhammad SAW.).
2) Almost everyone who/ that knew Muhammad liked him.
(Hampir s etiap orang yang mengenal Muhammad
3) The man whom/ who/ that we believe in is the messen-
ger of God. (Lelaki yang kita imani itu adalah utusan
4) The student whose father went to Mecca is going to
study abroad. (Mahasiswa yang ayahnya ke Mekah itu
akan belajar ke luar negeri).
5) The cat whose tail is long is All’s. (Knclng yang ekornya
panjang itu milik Ali).
6) The house whose windows/ of which the windows are
broken is unoccupied. (Rumah yang jendela-jendelanya
rusak itu tidak dihuni).
5. Exercises
5.1 Choose the correct form of pronouns available in the
1. I hurt (mine/ me/ my/ I) leg.
2. I go to school with (his/ hisself/ him/ he).
3. (Their/ they/ theirs/ them) coats are too big.
1. Nancy and ... boy friend would rather not go to the cinema.
Translation :......................................................................
Unit Eight
SQ IS NOT ABOUT 1310 1(ل
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
Many people today have achieved an unprecedented level of
material well-being, yet they feel they want more. Many speak
of an emptiness ،here’, pointing to their abdomen. This ،more’
that would feel the emptiness seldom has any connection with
formal religion. Indeed, most people seeking some spiritual
fulfillment see no relation between their longing and formal
SQ has no necessary connection to religion. For some
people, SQ may find a mode of expression through formal reli
gion, but being religious doesn’t guarantee high SQ. Many hu
manists and atheists have very high SQ; many actively and VO
ciferously religious people have very low SQ. Some studies
done by the psychologist Gordon Allport fifty years ago showed
that more people have religious experiences outside the con
fines of mainstream religious institutions than within them.
Spiritual intelligence is the soul’s intelligence. It is the in
telligence with which we heal ourselves and with which we
make ourselves whole. So many of US today live lives of the
2. Vocabulary
abdomen (n) = perut long for (v) - merindukan
confine (n) - batas conscious (adj - sadar
emptiness (n) - kehampaan fragmentation (n) - kepingan
given (adj) - tertentu ego-bound (n) - ikatan keakuan
fulfillment (n) — pemenuhan mainstream (n) - aliran utama
mode (n) - cara heal (v) - mengobati
longing (n) — kerinduan seek (v) - mencari
study (n) - penelitian rest (v) - bersemayam
well-being (n) - kesejahteraan whole (adj) — utuh
wisdom (n) - kebijaksanaan wounded (adj) — terluka
vociferously (adv) - dengan semarak being religious (adj) - taat beragama
communion (n) - komuni/ kerukunan
prior to (adv) = sebelum (ada sebelum)
unprecedented (adj) = tak terjadi sebelumnya
3. Comprehension
3.1 Choose a, b, or c to answer the following questions
according to the passage
1. What have many people achieved?
a. An unprecedented level of emptiness;
b. An unprecedented level of spiritual well-being;
c. An unprecedented level of material well-being.
2. Are many people who have achieved material well-being
a. Yes, because they feel they want more;
b. Yes, because they have achieved what they want;
c. No, because they psychologically feel an emptiness.
3. What do many people talk about?
a. An emptiness;
b. Formal religion;
c. Material well-being.
4. Which of the following statements about SQ is true?
a. SQ has necessary connection to religion;
b. SQ has necessary connection to humanists;
c. SQ is not necessarily related to any religion.
5. Who sees no relation between longing and formal religion?
a. Most people;
b. Some people;
c. Many people.
6. All of the following are true of SQ, except:
a. SQ is the soul’s intelligence;
b. SQ rests in a deep part of self;
c. SQ is closely related to religion.
7. Who is Gordon Allport?
a. The poet;
b. The psychologist;
c. The writer of SQ book.
8. The word ،the ego’ in line 24 could best be replaced by:
a. the self;
b. the mind;
c. the intelligence.
9. It can be concluded from the passage that :
a. SQ is relevant to the religion of Islam;
b. SQ is irrelevant to the religiousness of human beings;
c. SQ is relevant to religious intelligence of human beings.
4. Grammar Review
Count Nouns, Non-Count Nouns, and Determiners
Some nouns are count nouns or countable nouns. Some nouns
are non-count nouns or uncountable nouns. It is very important
to know well if a noun is a count noun or a non-count noun.
1. Count Nouns (Countable Nouns)
1.1 Count nouns are nouns that can be counted. We can say
one book, two books, many books, آة١. ةone child, two chil
dren, many children and one person, two people, many
people, and so forth. For example, Many humanists and
atheists have very high SQ (Banyak pengikut aliran
Humanisme dan orang-orang ateis/ anti Tuhan
mempunyai kecerdasan spiritual yang amat tinggi)
Notice that a count noun can be preceded by a or an in the
singular depending on whether the word begins with conso
nant or vowel sound. A is used before words that begin with a
consonant sound. An is used before words that begin with
vowel sound.
For examples :
دلMany speak of an emptiness ،here’, pointing to their ab
domen. (Banyak orang yang membicarakan tentang
kehampaan ؛di sini’ sambil menunjuk pada perut
2١ She has been waiting for a friend of hers for an hour. (Dia
sudah menunggu seorang temannya selama satu jam).
1.2 . Some words may be confusing because the spelling does
not indicate the pronunciation. The following words begin
with a consonant sound and thus must always be preceded
by a.
3٠ Determiners
٤3.1 Determiners (pewatas) ٤ire words like any, many,
much, some, the, that comes before a noun to show how the
noun is being used. Some determiners can be used only
with count nouns.
ISLAMIC H٢٥l\s١٩
For examples :
١١ She gave me CL banana and, an orange last night. ٢١ ad)
malam dia memberi saya sebuah pisang dan sebuah
2١ Those students bought many boohs yesterday. (Kemarin
para mahasiswa itu membeli banyak buku).
(آلMy uncle gaoe me three magazines last week ٠ا؟جال١ل
lalu paman memberi saya tiga buah majalah).
Some determiners can be used only with non-count nouns.
For examples :
١١ Do you haoe much information about the murder؟
(Apakah anda mempunyai banyak informasi mengenai
pembunuhan itu?).
2١ No, we only haue a little information about it. ٢٢٦dak.
Kami hanya mempunyai sedikit informasi mengenai itu).
)آلA large amount of water was polluted by toxic.
(Sejumlah banyak air telah tercemar oleh limbah
Some determiners can be used with both count nouns and non-
count nouns.
For examples :
١١ A lot of students need a lot of money to buy books.
(Banyak mahasiswa membutuhkan banyak uang untuk
membeli buku-buku).
2) Nowadays, there are more people who earn more money
to survive. (Zaman sekarang, lebih banyak orang
mencari lebih banyak uang untuk bertahan hidup).
)آلNone of the children who knew that none of the fruit left
in the fridge. (Tak seorang anak pun yang tahu bahwa
tak sebutir pun buah yang masih tersisa di dalam
kulkas itu).
3.2 The word little and few should be put into a little and a few
if they are preceded by the word only. For example, There
are few teachers whose English is good. (Ada aedik(ج ؛٦تل١د
vang bahasa Inggrisnya bagus) becomes Only a few teach-
ers whose English is good. (Hanya sedikit guru yang
bahasa Inggrisnya bagus).
3.3 It is important to memorize the determiners used with
count nouns and non count nouns in the following chart.
5. Exercises
5.1 Choose the correct determiners available in brack-
ets. Then, translate the sentences into Indonesian
1. Hasan wants (fewer/ less) coffee than this.
Translation :...............................................................
7. Can you help me? Sorry, I don’t have (many/ much) time today.
Translation :...............................................................
ISLAMIC جه\اةأل٩
10. His friends went to buy (a large number of/ a large amount
of) food for their dinner.
Translation :..................................................................
5. The women had been waiting for her husband for about a
hour before he came.
Sentence : ...................................................................
Translation :..........................................................................
Unit Eleven
5)11 001ر
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
The officially recognized religions have been incorporated into
the curriculum since Indonesia was established. How should
we redefine the function of religious subjects in school? Listed
below are major observations of how religious education
should be viewed.
* Children from early days of schooling should be made
aware of, and accustomed to, seeing differences of reli
gious faiths and practice. The earlier the awareness is
established, the better. Muslims in this country consti
tutes the majority and they, by definition, hold greater
responsibility in building the nation. It does not sug
gest, though, that followers of other religions do not
hold such responsibility. 11 the religions teach a set of
directions for living together in a society where other
religions coexist.
* In schools, of utmost important is the practice of reli
gions. ‘We do not need to prove religion to men, but to
prove to them that they are religious’, said George
2. Vocabulary
abduct (V) = menculik aware (adj) = sadar
be accustomed (adj) = terbiasa by definition (adj) = tentu/ jelas
coexist (v) = sama-sama ada clarify (v) = menjelaskan
conflicting (adj) = berlawanan constitute (v) = merupakan
create (v) = menciptakan devotion (n) = pengabdian
device (n) = alat/ perangkat follower (n) = pengikut
exemplify (v) = mencontohkan indebted (be) = berhutang
officially (adv) = secara resmi prevalent (adj) = lazim/ umum
propagate (v) = berdakwah sensible (adj) = bijaksana
sound (adj) = sehat though (conj) - namun
fragmentary (adj) = tidak utuh/ terpisah-pisah
incorporate into (v) = memasukkan ke dalam
not necessarily (adv) = tak mesti/ tak selalu
redefine (v) = mendefinisikan kembali
religious (adj) = beragama/ keagamaan
utmost (adj) = amat penting/ utama
3. Comprehension
3.1 Choose a, b, c or d to answer the questions according
to the passage
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
a. How to redefine education;
b. How to make education religious;
c. How to redefine the religion of Islam;
d. How to redefine religious education at schools.
2. What should children be made from their early days of
a. They should be aware of different Muslims;
b. They should be accustomed to seeing differences;
c. They should be aware of different religious faiths;
d. They should be aware of and accustomed to seeing dif-
ferent religious faiths.
3. What does the author say about Muslims in Indonesia?
a. They have responsible awareness;
b. They do not have any responsibility;
c. They constitute the minority of people in Indonesia;
d. They are the responsible majority of people in Indonesia.
3,2 . Find the supporting details for the main idea in the
following paragraph
4. Grammar Review
The Passive Voice
1. The passive voice (kalimat pasif) is formed from the
verb to be including am, is, was, were, have been and so
on used as an auxiliary (kata kerja bantu), and the past
participle of the main verb, which is transitive (like writ-
ten, etc.) not intransitive verb (like slept, etc). Addition-
ally, the special auxiliaries can be, must be, should be and
so forth are also possible to be used in the passive voice.
Passive :
A, The religion of Islam is taught to students euer Friday.
(Agama Islam diajarkan kepada para siswa setiap hari
آل. Students are taught the religion of Islam ever ؛Friday.
(Para siswa diajar agama Islam setiap hari Jumat).
Passive :
أ٠ The religion of Islam is being taught to students, (Agama
Islam sedang diajarkan kepada para siswa).
2. Students are being taught the religion of Islam. (Para
siswa sedang diajar agama Islam).
Passive :
The religion of Islam had been taught before I came.
(Agama Islam sudah selesai diajarkan sebelum saya
5. Exercises
5.1 Change the active into passive by supplying the
correct form of be and past participle
1. Adam is using his new prayer mat now.
His new prayer mat ... now.
2. He always recites the holy Quran attentively.
The holy Quran ... always ... attentively.
3. Aishah was reading my Arabic book when I came.
My Arabic book ... when I came.
4. Did the teacher teach them Christianity yesterday?
... they (the students) ... yesterday?
8. Ali and Fatimah (They) will not watch the bad movie.
Passive :................................................................
Translation :.........................................................................
Unit Twelve
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
Like Chritianity, Islam permits fighting in self-defence, in de
fence of religion, or on the part of those who have been ex
pelled forcibly from their homes. It lays down strict rules of
combat which include prohibitions againts harming civilians
and against destroying crops, trees, and livestock. As Muslims
see it, injustice would be triumphant in the world if good men
were not prepared to risk their lives in a righteous cause. The
Quran says:
uFight in the cause of God againts those who fight you, but do
not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors" (2: 190)
"If they seek peace, then seek you peace, and trust in God for
He is the One that heareth and knoweth all thing" (8: 61)
"O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and fe
male, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may
come to know one another. Truly the most honored of you in
God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knows
and All-Aware" (49: 13)
(Quoted from: The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Inc, Understanding Islam,
1991: 6)
2. Vocabulary
cause (n) alasan/ demi knoweth (adj) mahatahu
Christianity (n) agama Kristen livestock (n) peternakan
combat (n) peperangan prohibition (n) = larangan
expel (v) mengusir triumphant (adj) = berjaya
fight (v, n) perang/ berkelahi righteous (adj) = yang benar
forcibly (adv) dengan paksaan strict (adj) = terbatas/ ketat
heareth (adj) = mahamendengar transgress (v) = berlebihan
home (n) = tanah air racism (n) = ras1sme
tribe (n) suku truly (adj) = sungguh
3. Comprehension
3.1 Choose a, b, c, or d to answer the questions according
to the passage
1. What does this passage discuss?
a. Human rights;
b. Human rights in Islam;
c. War and combat in Islam;
d. Combat and human rights in Islam.
2. The word ،،fighting” in line 1 is closest in meaning to:
a. wage war;
b. kick others;
c. destroy trees;
d. destroy crops.
3. What does the holy Quran tell US about war?
a. It should be waged in the cause of God against people
who like us;
b. It should be waged in the cause of God against people
who hate us;
c. It should be waged in the cause of God against people
who fight us;
d. It should be waged in the cause of God against people
who dislike US.
4. What do Muslims see injustice?
a. It would be a righteous cause;
b. It would be triumphant in the world;
c. It would dominate the world if there were not any good men;
d. It would dominate the world if good men were not pre
pared to risk their lives in a righteous cause.
5٠ Which of the following statements about fight is true?
a. We may fight in the cause of God so far as we trans
gress limits;
b. We may fight in the cause of God although we trans
gress limits;
3.2 Fill in the blanks with the pronouns and their refer-
ences available in the following paragraphs
4. Grammar Review
Quoted and Reported Speech
1. Quoted Speech
Quoted speech which is also called direct speech refers to
reproducing words exactly as they were originally spoken. In
quoted speech quotation marks or inverted commas are
For examples :
1) Allah said, “Fight in the cause of God againts those who
fight you, but do not transgress limits.” (Allah berfirman,
“Perangilah demi Allah orang-orang yang memerangi
kamu sekalian, tetapi jangan melampaui batas!”). In this
example a comma after Allah said is used and the first
word of the quoted sentence is capitalized.
2) “Fight in the cause of God againts those who fight you,
but do not transgress limits” He said. (“Perangilah
demi Allah orang-orang yang memerangi kamu
sekalian tetapi jangan melampaui batas!”, Dia
berfirman). A comma, not a period (titik) is used at the
end of the quoted sentence when it precedes He said.
3) “Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you,”
He said, “but do not transgress limits.” (“Perangilah
demi Allah orang yang memerangi kamu sekalian”, Dia
berfirman, ،،tetapi jangan melampaui batas!”). A comma
is used after the first part of quote, and the first word
of the second half of the quoted sentence is not capital
ized except the pronoun “I” and “He” for God.
4) Mr. Ahmad said to me, “My son, Hamid is a student.
He is studying abroad.” (Tuan Ahmad berkata kepada
saya, ،،Anak lelaki saya, Hamid seorang mahasiswa.
Dia sedang belajar di luar negeri”). In this example
quotation marks are placed at the beginning and end of
the complete quote, and there are no quotation marks
aiter student.
2٠ Reported Speech
Reported speech is also called indirect speech. It refers to
using a noun clause to report what someone has said. Unlike
in quoted speech, in reported speech no quotation marks
are used. Additionally, it is imperative that the verb forms
from quoted speech be changed correctly.
For examples :
1) I asked Tono, “Do you know Tini?” (Saya bertanya
kepada Tono, “Apakah kau mengenal Tini?”) becomes: I
asked Tono if he knew Tini. (Saya bertanya kepada Tono
apakah dia mengenal Tini). In this sentence either if or
whether is used to replace the auxiliary verb do.
2) Tono said to me, "I know Tini very well.” (Saya amat
mengenal Tini) becomes: Tono told me that he knew
Tini very well. (Tono menceritakan kepada saya bahwa
dia amat mengenal Tini). Note that s aid to me in
quoted speech must be put into told me in reported
3) Allah said, ،،Fight in the cause of God againts those
who fight you.” (Allah berfirman, ،،Perangilah demi
Allah orang-orang yang memerangi kamu sekalian!”)
hecomes". Allah told US to fight against those who fight
us. (Allah berfirman kepada kami agar kami
memerangi orang-orang yang memerangi kami). In re-
ported speech an imperative word (kata perintah) is
put into an infinitive, for example, fight (perangilah!)
becomes to fight (memerangi). Note that the word
please, honey, darling, and the like in quoted speech
are not used in reported speech.
4) He said, ،،Do not transgress limits.” (Dia berfirman,
،،Janganlah melampaui batas!”) becomes: He told US not
to transgress limits. (Dia berfirman agar kita tidak
melampaui batas).
5) She said to her husband, ،،Don’t leave me alone,
please.” (Dia berkata kepada suaminya, ،،Kuharap,
jangan tinggalkan aku sendiri!”) becomes: She told her
husband not to leave her alone. ع١ ةلد١د0ل١ ةاةكkepada
suaminya agar tidak meninggalkannya sendirian).
When a quoted speech is a negative imperative
(larangan), the word not is used before infinitive. Re-
member that in English neither imperative nor nega-
tive imperative uses exclamation point (tanda seru).
1. Sometimes in spoken English, no change is made in the
verb forms if the speaker is reporting something immedi
ately or soon after it was said, e.g., What did Zainab say?
I didn’t hear her. (Apa yang telah Zainab katakan? Aku
tadi tidak mendengarnya). The immediate reporting for
tkis ٩١الةجل٢ هis, ج.ج., She said she cants you to come to her
birthday party. (Dia berkata bahwa dia menginginkanmu
untuk datang ke pesta ulang tahunnya).
2. The present tense is always retained in both formal and
informal English when the reported sentence deals with a
general truth.
For examples :
ل١ Our teacher said that the world is round. (٢ت١آلل١ لkami
berkata bahwa dunia ini bulat).
He said that Islam is God’s religion. (Dia kerkata
bahwa Islam adalah agama Tuhan).
4. Exercises
5.1 Complete the sentences by reporting the
speaker’s words in a noun clause, Then, translate
the reported speech into Indonesian
1. I said to Muhammad, “I believe you.”
1 told Muhammad.........................................................................
Translation :..............................................................................
5. Our teacher said, “SQ may be important but it badiy needs IQ.”
Our teacher told US...............................................................
Translation :.................................................................................
\S١_M١C N G L ! s H
ISLAMIC 11511٣م٧ى
Unit Thirteen
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
There are at least three categories of students who experience
difficulties of using English for academic purposes. Firstly,
these are the students who cannot translate words or terms
into their own vernacular, perhaps because their English lan
guage vocabulary size or their skilled capacity of using the lan
guage is scanty (Oey, 1980: 89c; Kelly, 1990: 4). The students
may actually have the concepts involved in what they are
studying but cannot connect these with the new terms spoken
or written in English. For example, an Indonesian student who
has already known the psychological concept ،self-esteem’ may
not comprehend the texts related to this term, since in Bahasa
Indonesia it is always called ،harga diri’.
Secondly, it is likely that there are a group of students
who can translate words or terms into their native language
but cannot see the relevance of these terms, because they do
not have related concepts which enable them to construct
elaborate meanings. For example, a student studying math
ematics may know the meaning of ،،generally” in daily conver
2. Vocabulary
associate (V) - menghubungkan purpose (n) - tujuan
capable (adj) - mampu reasoning (n) - alasan
comprehend (v) - memahami separate (v) - memisahkan
saga (n) - hikayatZdongeng to be likely (adj) — tampaknya
desirable (adj) - yang dibutuhkan shape (v) - membentuk
discrete (adj) - terpisah-pisah scanty (adj) - amat sedikit
distinct (adj) - berbeda sufficient (adj) - cukup
elaborate (v) - memperluas summarize (v) - meringkas
establish (v) - membangun vernacular (n) - bahasa asal
form (v) membentuk inference (n) - kesimpulan
3. Comprehension
3.1 Choose a, 1 وc, or d to answer the questions according
to the passage
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
a. The difficulties of learning English faced by students;
b. The difficulties of reading texts encountered by over-
seas students;
c. The difficulties of language use encountered by over-
seas students;
d٠ The difficulties of learning ،self-esteem’ faced by over-
seas students.
2. What problem faced by the first category of students?
a. A difficulty of translating words into Indonesian;
b. A difficulty of translating words and terms into English;
c. A difficulty of translating words and terms into their
d. A difficulty of translating their language into any other
3. Why can’t they translate words into their own language?
a. Because their language is not English;
b. Because their skilled capacity of using English is limited;
c. Because they cannot connect them with English new terms;
d. Because their vocabulary size is limited and cannot
connect with new terms.
4. Why ،self-esteem’ concept may not be comprehended by
the Indonesian student?
a. Because he is not interested in the concept;
b. Because he doesn’t know the concept of ؛self esteem’;
3.2 . Write the causes, signals, and effects which are either
stated or implied in the following paragraphs
4. Grammar Review
Conditional Sentences
There are two types of conditional sentences: the real condi-
tional sentences (kalimat bersyarat atau pengandaian nyata/
benar) and the unreal conditional sentences (kalimat bersyarat
atau pengandaian tak nyata/ tak benar). They contain If clause
and Result clause. Sometimes, the conditionals (the real ones)
are used in command expression (ungkapan perintah).
The if clause can come first or last in the sentence with no
change in meaning. However, when the if clause comes first,
it is followed by a comma. Compare these examples.
If you need help, please tell me. (Jika Anda perlu bantuan,
silakan memberitahu saya!)
Please tell me if you need help. (Silakan memberitahu saya
jika Anda perlu bantuan!).
5. Exercises
5.1 Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs, phrases, or
conditional clauses. Then, translate the sentences
into Indonesian
1. If Zainab had come, he ... her. (see)
Sentence: .............................................................................
Translation: .............................................................................
13. If he had had much money, he ... the pilgrimage to Mecca, (do)
Sentence: .......................................................................
Translation: ..........................................................................
14. If I lend you some money now, ... it next week? (repay)
Sentence: ..........................................................................
Translation: ..........................................................................
SIAMIC 1٤م٧ى115ا
Unit Fourteen
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
The Quran clearly establishes a model of the marriage rela
tionship, ideally a partnership between equals, devoted to one
another, their families, and to the cause of God. However, in
some circumstances, marriage to more than one woman may be
more effective in establishing social well-being than strict mo
nogamy. We also saw that divorce is higly discouraged in Islam
but, in some cases, it may be in the best interests of all con
cerned. In order to determine adequately how best to imple
ment the will of God, therefore, it is necessary to have a clear
and detail understanding of the circumstances in which one
live. Not only is it necessary to understand the nature of the
guidance given in revelation, and in fact the Quran refers to it
self as guidance for people, but it is also necessary that man
understand the circumstance for which the guidance is needed.
By analogy, it is necessary to know the properties of the medi
cine, but it is also essential to understand illness before pre
scribing the cure.
As a result, scholarship of all kinds is highly regarded in
Islam. The earliest specialists who developed in Islam were
those who memorize the Quran as it is delivered, so that it
would be available for future generations. After the Quran was
2. Vocabulary
adequately (adv) — secara memadai judge (n) = hakim
appointee (n) - orang diangkat judgment (n) = keputusan
codification (n) - penyusunan لآل marriage (n) = pernikahan
cure (n) - pengobatan prescribe (v) = menentukan
devoted (adj) - setia regard (v) = menghargai
discouraged (adj) - tak dianjurkan revelation (n) = wahyu
divorce (n) - perceraian scholarship (n) = kesarjanaan
equals (n) - orang-orang setara strict (adj) = ketat/ kaku
essential (adj) - bersifat mendasar
extent (n) - batas
15٧11٤٨م٥ ENGLISH
3. Comprehension
3.1 Choose a, b, c, or d to answer the questions according
to the passage
1. How does the Quran determine an ideal model of the mar-
riage bond?
a. It should be all of b, c, and d;
b. It should be between equals;
c. It should be in the cause of God;
d. It should be devoted to each other.
2. Why does Islam permit polygamy for men?
a. It may be efficient in establishing social well-being;
b. It may be effective in establishing material well-being;
c. It may be effective in establishing spiritual well-being;
d. It may be more effective in building social well-being.
3. Is divorce allowed in Islam? Why?
a. Yes, because it is encouraged;
b. No, because it is discouraged;
c. Yes, because it may be in the best interests but is not
d. Yes, because it may be in the best interests but is
highly discouraged.
4. What does our Holy Book refer to itself?
a. It refers as a God’s book;
b. It refers as an assistance for children;
c. It refers as a book for the people of Arab;
d. It refers as a help or leadership for people.
5. What is important in observing the will of God?
a. A determined understanding of the circumstances;
b. An obvious and detail understanding of the circum-
c. An obvious and detail understanding of the circum-
stances in which we live;
d. A determined and detail understanding of the circum-
stances in which we live.
. Reason Result/consequence
4. Grammar Review
1. Subjunctive Mood
1.1 Verbs in English have three moods. Moods are variations
in the form of a verb to indicate a statement is made. The
subjunctive mood, for example, is a variation of the form of
a verb that indicates a desire or wish.
The three moods are: the indicative (direct statement
of fact or question), the imperative (a command or request),
and the subjunctive (an expression of desire, wish, request
or plan that may not be possible or that may be conditional).
Indicative : Subjunctive :
Ali/ He prays Ali/ He pray
Fatimah/ She goes Fatimah/ She go
The cat/ It mews The cat/ It mew
Indicative : Subjunctive :
I am, was I be, were
You are You be
He/ 81 ع/ it is He/ she/ it be, were
2. Subjunctive Verbs
The Subjunctive verbs are certain verbs used to indicate
that one person wants another person to do something. The
word that (agar) must always appear in subjunctive sentences
but the word want itself is neither used nor becomes one of the
subjunctive verbs. The subjunctive verbs are mainly: ask, de-
med, desire, prefer, propose, recommend, insist, require, ة٦ةل
suggest. If the word that is omitted, most of verbs are followed
by the infinitive.
ISLAMIC ٣٨٧(1151
For examples :
ل١ The Friday prater preacher strongly suggested that the
congregation repent of all sins. QU ة١لدال اةللتح
amat menganjurkan agar jama’ah bertobat dari segala
ة0ةج١. or The Friday? prayer preacher strongly sug-
gested the congregation to repent of all sins.
He prefers that his wife not be too spoiled. آلألنآلم١لس
suka jika istrinya tidak terlalu manja), or He prefers
his wife not to be too spoiled.
5. Exercises
5.1 Fill in the blanks on the left-hand side with the suit-
able words or phrases available on the right-hand
1. All doctors usually suggest that ... to study Arabic
2. They also recommend that ...nutri- be avoided
tious food.
be both honest
3. ...that every couple avoid divorce. and fair
4. It is imperative that divorce
every couple. student study
5. impartial judgment be made freshman stud-
by a trained Islamic legal scholar. ies
6. It was recommended that every make an impar-
...Arabic and English hard. tial
7. All of us always insist that every that he be very
judge ... good
8. It is essential that a trained Islamic
legal scholar ... judgment. we not smoke
9. The Arabic professor recommended we eat
him ...hard before studying in the is essential that
Middle East.
It is imperative
10. Professor Brown insisted En-
glish before studying in either the makes an impar-
United States (5.ل.) or the United tial
Kingdom (U.K.). is avoided
Unit Fifteen
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
It has to be admitted that the arguments of Central Asia politi
cians and scholars concerning the limited application of Euro
pean-style democracy in the region have substantial grounds.
B.A. Abdurazzakov, an Uzbek scholar, has put it that, ‘It would
be hardly reasonable to approach the democratic process in
our country with the yardsticks of the American reality or
modern European criteria’. He holds that ،there is no united
democratic space in the former Soviet Union’. Rahmon
Karimov and Rawshan Okhunov of Uzbekistan express their
opinion even more definitely: ،The principle of Western democ
racy (‘I do what I want as far as it is within the framework of
law’) is individual oriented, and in our conditions it will inevi
tably clash with the interests of various groups (kin, clan,
mahalla/ community of an urban neighbourhood, etc.), for
these interests do not, naturally, invariably coincide; instead of
a polyphony of individualities (Western democracy), contradic
tions and collisions will emerge between various groups and
strata of the motley and mosaic East’.
\ة١ل١ع\ع N G L I s H
2. Vocabulary
admit (v) - mengakui incidentally (adv) = sambil lalu
allegiance (n) - kesetiaan kin (n) = sanak saudara
analogous (adj) - sama dengan indigenous (adj) = pribumi
- majlis inevitably (adv) = tak terelakkan
assembly (n)
coincide (V) - bertepatan invariably (adv) = tanpa kecuali
collision (n) - tabrakan mosaic (n) = tatanan
definitely (adv) - secara tegas event (n) = peristiwa
for instance (n) - misalnya hold (v) = bersikukuh
ground (n) — dasar/ alasan yardstick (n) = ukuran
hardly (adv) — hampir tidak
motley (adj) - bermacam macam '٠١
3. Comprehension
3.1 Choose a, b, c, or d to answer the following questions
according to the passage
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
a. Communism in Central Asia;
b. Communism and Democracy in Asia;
c. Communism and Democracy in Central Asia;
d. Communism, Democracy, and Islam in Central Asia;
2. The phrase ،Soviet Union’ in line 8 refers to:
a. Central Asia;
b. Russia or Soviet;
c. Union of Socialist Soviet Republics;
d. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),
3. Who said that American democracy was not suitable with
former Soviet Union?
a. The mejlis;
b. Rahmon Karimov;
c. Rawshan Okhunov;
d. B.A. Abdurazzakov.
4. ،Western democracy’ in paragraph 1 could best be per
ceived as either American democracy or:
a. European democracy;
b. Uzbekistan democracy;
c. Afghanistan democracy;
d. Turkmenistan democracy.
5. The phrase ،The ruling classes’ in paragraph 2 is closest in
meaning to:
a. The group of peoples who must rule their country;
b. The dominant people who want to rule their country;
c. The dominant group of peoples who rule their country;
d. The dominant group of peoples who rule their country
6. What do the ruling classes of Central Asia strive?
a. They strive to appeal to the traditions of the indig
enous culture;
b. They strive to appeal to the traditions of the indig
enous civilisation;
c. They strive to compensate for the rejection of Euro
pean-style democracy;
Such a. heart-illness does not refer The qalb mentioned in the Hob Quran
to physical illness similar to heart should not be thought of as heart.
4. Grammar Review
The Modal Auxiliaries
A modal (modal verb or modal auxiliary) is a verb used with
another verb (not a modal) to express possibility
(kemungkinan), permission (izin), and obligation (keharusan/
kewajiban). It is also used to express a speaker’s attitude
(sikap) or moods (perasaan/ suasana hati tertentu). Related to
this, a modal can express that a speaker feels something is nec-
essar , advisable, permissible or probable•, ٠١.٦٦ اللةةة0١ل, الca١٦
convey the strength of these attitudes.
A modal is a verb combined with a main verb to express
various aspects of mood, such as intention (maksud) and voli-
1. Can - Could
Basically, we use can (dapat, bisa, boleh) to say something
is possible or that somebody has the ability to do something.
For example :
He can speak English fluently (Dia bisa berbahasa
Inggris dengan fasih).
However, there are some other usages of can as described below.
1.1 It indicates permission;
For example :
Can children in congregation in the mosque ؟Yes,
they can (Bolehkah anak-anak salat berjamaah di
masjid? Ya, boleh.).
1.2 It indicates bewilderment (kebingungan) or incredulity
For example :
Can he be serious? (Bisa seriuskah dia?) or What can
he be doing 9 (Apa yang bisa dia lakukan?).
1.3 It indicates a typical behavior or state.
For example :
He can be very tactless sametimes. (Kadang-kadang dia
amat tidak bijaksana) or She can be very forgetful (Dia
bisa jadi amat pelupa).
In general, the world could is the same sense as the word can,
but could is regarded to be more polite when it is used to indi-
cate permission or request.
For example :
Cauld I have your name, Sir? (Bolehkah saya tahu nama
٢آل١رآلةل١ OI Cauld pa in congregation with US he-
fore you leave? (Dapatkah Anda salat berjamaah
bersama kami sebelum Anda pergi?).
The followings are other usages of could.
2.1 It indicates result (akibat/hasil).
For example :
I am so hungr that I could eat a horse. (؟Saya bwar baa
lapar. Literally : Saya begitu lapar sehingga saya bisa
memakan seekor kuda).
2.2 It indicates result (akibat/ hasil).
For example :
You could be right, I suppose (Saya kira Anda bisa benar juga).
2.3 It indicates possibility;
For example :
You could pray at home when it rains. (Anda disarankan/
dimungkinkan salat di rumah kalau hujan).
2. May - Might
2.1 We use may and might (boleh, mungkin) to talk about pos
sible actions or happenings in the future.
For examples :
' 7 haven’t decided :yet where to pa the Jumah, 7 pa go
ot the Masjid Agung. (Saya belum memutuskan ke
mana mau salat Jumat. Mungkin saya akan pergi ke
Masjid Agung). This means, that 1 وperhaps, will go to
the Masjid Agung to pray the Jumat.
- Don’t call me at 7 P.M. I might be reciting the Qur’an be
fore doing the ‘isha prayer. (Jangan menelepon saya
pada jam 7 malam. Mungkin saya sedang membaca
Qur’an sebelum salat ‘isya).
2.2 May indicates permission and possibility, and expresses
wishes and hopes.
1. Can - Could
Basically, we use can (dapat, bisa, boleh) to say something
is possible or that somebody has the ability to do something.
For example :
He can speak English fluently ٢١y٦a ١ فدWrWYiasa.
Inggris dengan fasih).
However, there are some other usages of can as described below.
1.1 It indicates permission;
For example :
Can children pray in congregation in the mosque ؟Yes,
they can (Bolehkah anak-anak salat berjamaah di
masjid? Ya, boleh.).
1.2 It indicates bewilderment (kebingungan) or incredulity
For example :
Can he be serious? (Bisa seriuskah dia?) or What can
he be doing 9 (Apa yang bisa dia lakukan?).
1.3 It indicates a typical behavior or state.
For example :
* -لةةةأل
* جآلة
He can be very tactless sametimes. ه١ةةة ٠ ١ةلة ه
amat tidak bijaksana) or She can be very forgetful (Dia
bisa jadi amat pelupa).
In general, the world could is the same sense as the word can,
but could is regarded to be more polite when it is used to indi
cate permission or request.
ISLAMIC ٣ىال٤1ع1ا
For example :
Cauld I have your name, Sir? (Bolehkah saya tahu nama
٦٦جاتهل١ OY Cauld, you pray in congregation with US he-
fore you leave? (Dapatkah Anda salat berjamaah
bersama kami sebelum Anda pergi?).
The followings are other usages of could.
2.1 It indicates result (akibat/hasil).
For example :
I am so hungry that I could eat a horse. (Saya hac Casa
lapar. Literally : Saya begitu lapar sehingga saya bisa
memakan seekor kuda).
2.2 It indicates result (akibat/ hasil).
For example :
You could be right, I suppose (Saya kira Anda bisa benar juga).
2.3 It indicates possibility;
For example :
You could pray at home when it rains. (Anha hisaraianl
dimungkinkan salat di rumah kalau hujan).
2. May - Might
2.1 We use may and might (boleh, mungkin) to talk about pos
sible actions or happenings in the future.
For examples :
- I haven’t decided yet where to pray the Jumah١ I may go
ot the Masjid Agung. (Saya belum memutuskan ke
mana mau salat Jumat. Mungkin saya akan pergi ke
Masjid Agung). This means, that I, perhaps, will go to
the Masjid Agung to pray the Jumat.
- Don’t call me at 7 P.M. I might be reciting the Qur’an be
fore doing the ‘isha prayer. (Jangan menelepon saya
pada jam 7 malam. Mungkin saya sedang membaca
Qur’an sebelum salat ،isya).
2.2 May indicates permission and possibility, and expresses
wishes and hopes.
For examples :
- You mq go to Mecca to perform the ‘umrah whenever
you wish. (Anda boleh pergi ke Mekah untuk
ber’umrah kapan saja Anda menginginkannya).
- The stor^ of Siti Nurba^a ma be or ma not be true.
(Kisah Siti Nurbaya itu mungkin benar, mungkin salah).
- May you both be very happy. (Semoga Anda berdua
amat bahagia!).
2.3 . We use only might (not may) when the situation is not
دةحآ٠ , If we knew Kabayan better, we might in
vite him to our wedding party. (Seandainya kami mengenal
Kabayan dengan lebih baik, maka mungkin kami
mengundangnya ke pesta pernikahan kami). The situation
here is not real because we do not know Kabayan very
well, so we are not going to invite him. For this reason,
the word may does not fit the sentence.
3. Must - Have to
We use must and have to (harus/ seharusnya) to express
that it is necessary to do something; for example, It’s time to
pa. You must stop working/ You ho stop working. لدلألحلم
waktunya salat. Anda harus berhenti bekerja). There are, how
ever, some different senses between must and have to.
3.1. Must is used to talk about the present or future, not about
the past.
For examples:
- We must pray the zuhr now. (Sekarang kita harus salat
- Today is Thursday. We must go to the mosque to pray
the Jumah tomorrow. (Hari ini hari Kamis. Besok kita
harus pergi ke masjid untuk salat Jumat).
3.2. Must is personal. We use must when we give our personal
For example :
- Mr. Ahmad is a polite man. You must talk to him po
litely. (Tuan Ahmad adalah orang yang sopan. Anda
harus berbicara sopan dengannya).
5. Shall-Will
5.1 Normally we use shall (akan) only with the pronoun I and
We. Like will, shall is also used to express future time but
is uncommon in American English. Shall is used much
more frequently in Britain and some other countries in
which the British English is formally applied.
For examples :
1) I shall be very tired this evening. (Malam ini saya akan
lelah sekali).
2) We shall probably go to the new mosque next Friday.
(Mungkin kami akan pergi ke masjid baru itu Jumat
5.2. In general, will is used to form the future tense that ex-
presses prediction and willingness.
For examples :
دلAccording to the weather report, it will rain tomorrow.
(Menurut laporan cuaca, besok akan hujan).
2) Tell me your problem, I will help you. (Ceritakanlah
kepada saya masalah Anda! Saya akan membantu
5.3. Sometimes we use will to talk about now; for example.
Don’t ask AU to come now. He’ll pray. (Jangan menyuruh
Ali datang sekarang! Dia akan salat).
6. Should - Ought to
Should (harus/ perlu sekali) has the same meaning as ought to
that expresses advisability. The meaning ranges in strength
from a suggestion to a statement about responsibility or duty.
For examples :
دلYou should stud^ Arabic and English or You ought to
study Arabic and English. (Anda harus/ perlu sekali
belajar bahasa Arab dan Inggris). This is a strong sug
gestion and indicates that studying Arabic and English
is good idea.
دآلEuer Muslim should do fasting in the month of
Ramadan or Euer؟y Muslim ought to do fasting in the
month of Ramadan. (Setiap Muslim harus/ wajib
berpuasa di bulan Ramadan). This is a strong sugges
tion that indicates fasting in the month of Ramadan as
a duty or a responsibility for every Muslim.
The negative form of should is should not (.shouldn’t), while
that of ought to is ought not (oughtn’t), but this negative form of
ought to is not commonly used.
7. Had better
The meaning of had better is more or less similar to that of
should or ought to,Wt had better is ١ةل١ الللةلstronger. Had bet
ter has a present or future meaning and frequently implies a
warning or a threat of possible bad consequences.
For examples:
دلIt’s nearly 3 P.M. You had better pa the zuhr now.
(Sudah hampir jam 3 sore. Anda seharusnya salat
zuhur sekarang).
8. Would
8.1 Would can be used to express an action that was repeated
regularly in the past. Would, thus, has the similar meaning
to used to (biasanya/ terbiasa); for example, When 7 was a
child Tn mother would tell me an exemplar story at night
before bed OY When I was a child my mother used to tell me
an exemplary story at night before bed. (Kekka aku kanak-
kanak ibuku biasanya menceritakan kisah teladan di
malam hari sebelum tidur).
8.2 We also use would (tentu akan/ alangkah) when we imagine
a situation or action; for example, It would be nice to fly abroad but
I can’t afford it. (Alangkah asyiknya/ Tentu akan asyik terbang
ke luar negeri, tapi aku tak mampu membiayainya).
5. Exercises
5.1 Choose one of the modals in brackets to complete the
following sentences
1. Tell him your problem, he ... ( shall, will) help you.
2. You ... (should, would) study Arabic and English hard.
3. You ... (shouldn’t, wouldn’t) tell a lie to any one.
4. You ... (ought to, would) do fasting in the month of
5. You ... (will, had better) not believe him because he is a liar.
6. Every Muslim ... (should, shall) do fasting in the month of
7. Muslims in Central Asia ... (can, shall) establish their
own conteries.
8. When I was a child he ... (would, will) tell me a stroy at
night before bed.
9. It ... (would, will) be nice to have lunch in testaurant but I
can’t afford it.
10. It’s 5 P.M. You ... (had better, could) perform the
afternoon prayer now.
5. It’s 2 P.M. You will ( ... ) have your lunch before continuing
your work.
Translation :........................................................................
4. The weather was so hot that you can fry an egg on the
A B c
Unit Sixteen
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
As the great Muslim theologian Al-Ghazzali (1059-1111) said.
He is ،،powerful, almighty and all-subduing, inadequacy and
weakness befall Him not... He is Lord of the visible world and
the invisible, and of power and might; His are dominion, subju
gation, creation and command ... He knows all things that can
be known, grasping all that happens from the limits of the
earth to the highest heaven... He knows the secrets and that
which is more shrouded and secrecy than secrets... by a knowl
edge which is ancient from eternity”, A maximally perfect real
ity is therefore ،،omniscient” and ،،omnipotent”. But, how
should these notions be understood?
Few theists think that God can perform logically impos
sible tasks. A state of affairs such as 2 + 2’s equaling 5 is logi
cally impossible. Hence, no one can bring it about. Necessary
state of affairs such as 2 + 2’s equaling 4 are logically possible
but they aren’t ،،producible”; that is, they can’t have causes.
Thus, no agent can produce them. There are also states of af
fairs that are logically possible and producible but can’t be pro
duced by God.
2. Vocabulary
affair (n) = perihal/ hubungan omniscient (adj) = mahatahu
almighty (adj) = mahatinggi/ ta’ala omnipotent (adj) = mahakuasa
ancient (adj) = paling awal on the other hand (adv) = di sisi lain
being (n) : sesuatu/ zat producible (adj) = dapat dibuat/ dilakukan
befall (verb) = menimpa property (n) = sifat
entail (verb) = memerlukan secrecy (n) = kerahasiaan
eternally (adv) = secara abadi shrouded (adj) : tertutup
exercise (n) - penggunaan subdue (verb) = menundukkan
grasp (n) - genggaman subjugation (n) = penaklukan
interest (n) = kepentingan texture (n) :bentuk jaringan
invisible (adj) = yang tak tampak theist (n) : ahli aliran ketuhanan
lift (verb) = mengangkat theologian (n) : ahli ilmu ketuhanan/teolog
might (n) =kekuatan visible (adj) - yang tampak
nevertheless (adv)1= namun demikian wisdom (n) :kebijaksanaan
ISLAMIC 11511)٣م
3. Comprehension
3.1 Answer question 1-5 by choosing a, b, c or d. Then,
answer question 6-10 by filling in the blanks accord
ing to the passage
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
a. God’s power;
b. God’s knowledge;
c. God’s knowledge and power;
d. Al-Ghazzali, the great Muslim theologian.
2. The word ،He’ in line 1 refers to:
a. God;
b. A man;
c. A Muslim;
d. Al-Gazzali.
3. The word ،،omniscient” in paragraph 1 could best be perceived as:
a. knowing every thing;
b. knowing every power;
c. knowing every knowledge;
d. knowing every power and knowledge.
4. The word ،،omnipotent” in paragraph 1 could best be perceived as:
a. having limited power;
b. having unlimited power;
c. having limited knowledge;
d. having unlimited knowledge.
5. Which of the following is logically possible but not produc
a. 2 +2- 4خ
b. 2+2-5:
c. 5 = 2 + 2;
d. Either b or c.
6. Why aren’t 2 + 2’s equaling 4 ،،producible”?
3.2 Find the main idea and the supporting details avail-
able in the following paragraph
4. Grammar Review
A conjunction is a word used to join grammatical elements to-
gether. It joins words, phrases, and clauses or sentences.
2. Despite/ In spite of
Despite/ in spite of means regardless of/ irrespective of
(terlepas dari/ meskipun). Despite or in spite of is used to ex-
press two opposing or contrasting statements;
For example :
Despite thirst and hunger, a good Muslim never quits
fasting in the month of Ramadan.
In spite of thirst and hunger, a good Muslim never quits
fasting in the month of Ramadan. ةأل٦آلأله جد
lapar, seorang muslim yang baik tak pernah berhenti
melaksanakan puasa di bulan Ramadan).
3. Provided that
Providing thatl provided that OY providing! provided means
only if (hanya jika/ asalkan). Provided expresses the idea there
is only one condition that will cause a particular result.
For example :
Sani will remarry to his ex-wife provided she does not hurt
him any more (Sani mau rujuk dengan mantan istrinya
asalkan dia tidak menyakiti lagi).
4. Therefore
Therefore (oleh karenanya) means consequently or as a re-
suit. They are called conjunctive adverbs that connect the ideas
between two sentences. Instead of saying Kaslan failed the test
because he didn’t study. (Kaslan tidak lulus tes karena tidak
belajar) we can say either:
Kaslan didn’t stud. Therefore, he failed the test.
Kaslan didn’t stud. Consequently, he failed the test.
5. Unless
Unless is as same as if...not ((jika...tidak/ kecuali kalau). It
is often used to introduce an afterthought, that is, something
added to the main statement. Notice that will is not used after
unless or provided. The present tense is commonly used after
the two words.
For example :
You won’t be allowed to be a prayer leader or an Imam
unless you can recite the Quran fluently. (Anda tidak
akan diperbolehkan menjadi imam salat jika tidak bisa
membaca Quran dengan fasih).
5. Exercises
5.1 Fill in the blanks with but/ however/ nevertheless,
unless, provided, despite/ in spite of, or therefore.
Then, translate the sentences into Indonesian
1. Aida studied hard. ... she passed the exam.
Translation :.......................................................................
5. Siti will see her ex-husband ... he does not ask her to remarry.
Translation :.....................................................................
6. Rini is only a six-year old girl. ... وshe cannot finish her fasting.
Translation :.....................................................................
7. Good Muslims always finish their fasting ... thirst and hunger.
Translation :.....................................................................
Unit Seventeen
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
There are significant differences between physical and psycho-
logical sense of the word qalb. As a psychological term, the
word qalb can be perceived as neither heart nor liver. Heart,
physically, is a hollow muscular organ that pumps blood
through the body (Hornby, 1994: 578), whereas liver is a
multilobbed highly reddish-brown glandular organ in the hu-
man abdominal cavity (McLeod, 1989: 587).
According to Elias & Elias (1982:451) qalb is the same
sense as both essence and intelligence or mind. Meanwhile, an
Arabic-Indonesian dictionary ،،Al-Munawwir” (1989: 1027)
translates qalb into Indonesian among other things as akal and
akal itself is thought of as either ingatan or mental.
With respect to this, it is exceptionally clear that psycho-
logically, the qalb has two senses. Firstly, the sense of qalb re-
lated to the mental function of mankind, and secondly that of
concerning cognitive function available in the mental life of
mankind. With regard to the sense relevant to the mental func-
tion, God almighty firmly said:
''Allah has set a seal on their qalbs and on their hearing and
on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty for them," (Al
Baqarah: 8).
"Do they not travel through the land, so that their qalbs may
thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear?"
(Al- Hajj : 46).
“Many are the demons and men We have made for Hett, (he-
cause) they have qaths wherewith they understand not,” (له-
A’araf: 179).
2. Vocabulary
abdominal (adj) = perut liver (n) — hati
cavity (n) = rongga meanwhile (conj) - sementara itu
demon (n) = jin mind (n) - akal
despite (conj) : meskipun muscular (adj) - berotot
disease (n) : penyakit penalty (n) — azab
exceptionally (adv) = sangat perceive (v) - memahami
false (adj) : dusta whereas - sedangkan
firmly (adv) = dengan tegas wisdom (n) — kebijaksanaan
grievous (adj) : pedih heart (n) — jantung
hollow (adj) = cekung in addition - selain itu
veil (n) = penutup/ selubung
increase (V) = menambah/ meningkatkan
in relation to = sehubungan dengan
among other things (prep): antara lain
glandular (adj) = berkaitan dengan kelenjar
multilobbed (adj) = banyak lapisan datar
owing to (adj) : karena/ disebabkan oleh
physical (adj) : yang bersifat jasmani
psychological (adj) : yang bersifat rohani
reddish-brown (adj) : coklat kemerah-merahan
be thought of as : dianggap sebagai
3. Comprehension
3.1 Answer question 1-5 by choosing a, 1 وc or d. Then,
answer question 6-10 by filling in the blanks accord-
ing to the passage
1. Are there any significant differences between physical and
psychological sense of the qalb?
a. Yes, there are;
b٠ No, there are not;
c. No, there is not any different sense;
d. Yes, there is a different sense but not significant;
2. As a psychological term, can the qalb be understood as ei-
ther heart or liver?
a. Yes, it can;
b. No, it cannot;
c. Yes, it can because it is liver;
d. No, it cannot because it is heart.
3. What is heart physically?
a. It is a bloody organ;
b. It is a hollow organism;
c. It is a muscular organism;
d. It is an organ that pumps blood.
4. The word qalb in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to either:
a. heart or liver;
b. intelligence or liver;
c. intelligence or heart;
d. intelligence or mental.
5. Mention the psychological meanings of the qalb.
a. Our physical function;
b. Our behavioral function;
c. Our heart and liver function;
d. Our mental and cognitive function.
6. On what has Allah set a seal on?
ISLAMIC ٣ىال115اا
،،In their qaibs is a disease, and Allah has increased their disease; and grits'-
OUS the penal for them because the١ ؛are false to themselves” (AVBaqaraW.
10). Surely, the qalbs mentioned in Al-Baqarah quoted above should be
thought of as neither heart nor liver. The reason is, that such a heart-ill-
ness does not refer to physical illness similar to, let’s say for example,
،،Many are the demons and men We have made for Hell, (because) they
have qalbs wherewith they understand not” (Al-A’araf : 179). Because God
said that the qalbs have capability of knowing and understanding as well
as thinking (ya’qiluna / yafqahuna ), they should be believed to have been
irrelevant to physical hearts of mankind. Related to this, we had better
perceive the qalb as either intelligence or mind despite disagreement ow-
ing to our prior traditional view.
4. Grammar Review
Paired Conjunctions
The correlative conjunctions or paired conjunctions are
words that conjunct or join like entities. The like entities
(satuan-satuan kalimat yang sama/ setara) must be used to-
gether (noun with noun, adjective with adjective, and so on).
All forms must be parallel.
1. Both ...and
Both.,.and means in addition to (selain itu/ dan/ juga). This
correlative conjunction appears as a pair in a sentence and
takes either a plural or a singular verb (verba jamak atau
For examples :
1) Both my mother and my father are here. (Ibu dan ayah
saya berada di sini).
2١ Amin is both talented and handsome. هحي٦ ألamat
cerdas dan tampan).
3) He writes both correctly and neatly. (Dia menulis
dengan benar dan rapi).
4) The qalb is the same sense as both essence and intelli-
gence or mind. (Kalbu sama artinya dengan inti dan
inteligensi atau akal).
Note that both...and can be changed into the conjunction as
well as (juga).
For example :
He studies English as melt as Arabic. لم٦ةاد
٠ ١آةذةاحد
bahasa Inggris, juga bahasa Arab).
2. Either... or
Either... or is used to show a choice of two alternatives,
The verb used in the sentence may be singular or plural, de-
pending on whether the noun following or is singular or plural.
The formula is either + noun (singular/ plural) + or بsingular
noun + singular verb.
For examples :
1) Either Ahmad or Hamid is going to study abroad.
(Ahmad atau Hamid akan belajar di luar negeri).
،2١ The qalb in Indonesian is ahat and ahal itself is thought
of as either ingatan or mental. (Kalbu dalam bahasa
Indonesia adalah akal dan akal sendiri difahami
sebagai ingatan atau mental).
Note that, if the noun after or is plural, its verb must also be plural.
For example :
Either Ahmad or his friends are going to study abroad.
(Ahmad atau teman-temannya akan belajar di luar negeri).
3. Neither... nor
Neither... nor means not...and not...OY not one or the other
of two. This conjunction applies the same rule as that of
For examples :
1) Psychologically, neither heart nor liner is the same
sense as qalb. (Secara psikologis, baik jantung maupun
hati tidak sama artinya dengan qalb).
Neither Irma nor her friends are going to study
abroad. (Baik Irma maupun teman-temannya tidak
akan belajar ke luar negeri).
4. Not only... but also
Not only... but also Kas K same meaning, as both... and
and as well as. The conjunction not only... but also is used as a
pair in joining like entities that must be used together (noun
with noun, adjective with adjective, etc.). Sometimes, the word
also can be omitted, but it is preferable not to omit it. The for-
mula of this conjunction is subject + verb + not only + noun/ ad-
jectwe/ aduerb/ prepositional phrases بbut also بnoun/ ad-
jectwe/ aduerb/ prepositional phrases.
For examples :
1) Ahmad Albert speaks not only Arabic but also En-
glish. (Ahmad Albert tidak hanya berbahasa Arab,
tetapi juga Inggris).
2) He is not only smart but also honest. (Dia bukan saja
cerdas, melainkan juga jujur).
3) He speaks not only fluently but also honestly. (Dia
tidak hanya berbicara dengan fasih, tetapi juga dengan
5. Exercises
5.1 Correct the underlined words available in the follow-
ing sentences. Then, translate the sentences into
3. Either John nor ( ... ) Jane have ( ... ) read the book on Is-
lam several times.
Translation :..........................................................................
4. Not only ( ... ) John nor Jane and Jennifer often goes ( ... )
to the church.
Translation :..........................................................................
6. Either the students nor ( ... ) the teacher are ( ... ) planning
to come now.
Translation :..................................................
10. The word qalbs in the Holy Quran is ( ... ) perceived as ei-
ther ( ... ) hearts nor livers.
Translation :........................................................................
6. I have already met his brother. I have already met his sis-
Sentence :.................................................................
Translation :.........................................................................
Unit Eighteen
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
Comparing the abangan and santri variants of the Modjokuto
religious patterns, two very striking general differences, other
than their differential evaluation of Islamic orthodoxy, are im
mediately apparent. In the first place, abangans are fairly in
different to doctrine but fascinated with ritual detail, while
among the santris the concern with doctrine almost entirely
overshadows the already attenuated ritualistic aspects of Islam.
An abangan knows when to give a slametan and what the
major foods should be- porridge for a birth, pancakes for a
death. He may have some ideas as to what various elements in
it symbolize (and as often he may not, saying that one has por
ridge because one always has porridge on such an occation),
but he will be little upset if someone else gives a different in
terpretation. He is tolerant about religions beliefs; he says,
،،Many are the ways”. If- one performs the correct passage ritu
als, one is not an animal; if one gives the slametan in the Fast,
one is not an infidel; and if one sends a tray off to the “cleans
ing of the village”, one is not a subversive- and that is enough.
2 ٠ Vocabulary
affair (n) — 111118811101 infidel (n) - orang kafir
apparent (adj) - tampak insistence (n) - desakan
apologetics (n) - pembelaan pancake (n) - kue apem
attenuated (adj) - lemah pattern (n) - pola
conscientious (adj) - berhati-hati porridge (n) - bubur
compare (v) - membandingkan rural (adj) — pedesaan
countryside (n) - pedesaan shift (v) - berubah
fairly (adj) - cukup/ lumayan striking (adj) — mencolok
fascinated (adj) - mengagumkan spirit (n) = arwah
fertile (adj) - subur upset (adj) — marah/ kecewa
3. Comprehension
3.1 Answer question 1-5 by choosing a, b, c or d. Then,
answer question 6-10 by filling in the blanks accord-
ing to the passage
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
a. Santri;
b. Abangan;
c. Slametan;
d. The differences between a and b.
2. The word abangan in line 1 refers to:
a. a Muslim who is religious;
b٠ a Muslim who is not religious;
c. a Javanese Muslim who is religious;
d. a Javanese Muslim who is not religious.
3. What does an abangan know about slametan?
a. He knows how to make a slametan;
b. He knows how to make pancakes for slametan;
c. He knows when to give a slametan, and what food
needed for it;
d. He knows when to give a slametan, and what food
needed for a death.
4. ،،Many are the ways” in paragraph 2 could best be per-
ceived that:
a. people are free to choose porridge;
b. people are free to choose pancake;
c. people are free to choose their religion belief;
d. people are free to be tolerant about religion belief.
5. The phrase ،Islamic doctrine’ in paragraph 3 is closest in
meaning to:
a. Islamic art;
b. Islamic science;
c. Islamic teaching;
d. Islamic technology.
3.2 Find the supporting details for the main idea avail
able in the following paragraphs
4. Grammar Review
1. Fact and Opinion Adjective
Adjective (kata sifat) is word that indicates a quality of the
person or thing referred to by a noun. In general, there are two
kinds of adjectives: fact adjective, opinion adjective. Fact adjec-
tive gives US factual information about age (e.g. young), color
(e.g. white), and so on. Opinion adjective tells US what some-
body thinks about something or somebody else like beautiful,
handsome, interesting, and important.
Opinion adjectives usually go before fact adjectives.
For examples :
ل١ There is a striking traditional difference between the
abangan and santri. (Ada perbedaan tradisional yang
mencolok antara orang abangan dan santri).
2) He is an interesting young lecturer. (Beliau adalah
seorang dosen muda yang menarik).
3) She is a beautiful slim secretary. (Dia adalah seorang
sekretaris yang langsing dan cantik).
2. -ing and -ed Adjective
There are many adjectives ending in -ing like boring
(membosankan) and -ed like bored (merasa bosan).
For examples:
ل١ Her husband’s behavior is boring. She is bored with
him. (Perilaku suaminya membosankan. Dia bosan
2١ David is interested in Istam because Islam is very inter-
esting. (David tertarik kepada Islam karena Islam
amat menarik).
5. Exercises
5.1 Fill in the blanks on the left-hand side with the suit-
able words or phrases available on the right-hand
1. Mr. Amran his job. really boring
2. His job result is ...any more. really surprised
3. His job makes ...frequently. not satisfying
4. This regulation confuses US. It is not satisfied
really... be confused
5. The lecturer who is boring makes ...
is not interested
6. Don’t deceive, because ...
him depressed
7. The story of hell dwellers ...The
him depressing
children were shocked.
8. Kaslan was ...that he passed the deception is dis
examination. appointing
9. The lecturer always talks about students bored
the same thing. He is ... confusing
10. Don’t ...This rule is clear and not is shocking
confusing at all. is shocked
Unit Nineteen
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
As obedience has been perceived as of greater importance than
creativity, this kind of obedience has led to hypocrisy and
crimes among bureaucrats. Corruption, collusion, and nepo
tism are prevalent in all levels of the bureaucracy. The pro
nouncement of Sapta Prasetya Korpri (civil servants’ seven
statements of allegiance) in the ceremony on the 17th of each
month has been a ritual lip service in the bureaucracy. It is
high time to question the relevance of this monthly ceremony,
especially in university circles. From all this we learn that
moral education should be redefined so as to heal the ills of the
society and the bureaucracy in particular. If KKN continuous
at its current level, it could reach such a stage that the whole
moral establishment would be in jeopardy.
Public moral education should manifest itself in all profes
sions and layers of society, from school children to bureaucrats
and professionals. Furthermore, we notice that violence,
brawling, drugs, ecstasy, and alcoholism are entering our
schools, where vicious teenagers can vitiate any attempt by
2. Vocabulary
aridity (n) = kekeringan autonomous (adj) = mandiri
cultivate (v) = menanamkan eradicate (V) = menghapuskan
hypocrisy (n) = kemunafikan illuminate (V) = menjelaskan
maturity (n) = kematangan must (n) = keharusan
personality (n) = kepribadian pronouncement (n) = pernyataan
proficiently (adv) = secara cakap vicious (adj) = jahat
3. Comprehension
3.1 Answer the following questions according to the
1. What does this passage discuss?
...................................................... .........................................................
4. Grammar Review
Nouns used as Adjectives
1. Adjective بNoun
Adjectives are used to describe nouns. In grammar, adjec-
tives modify nouns. The word to modify means to change a
little. So that, an adjective gives a little different meaning to a
noun. Adjectives always come in front of nouns.
For examples:
1) Irfan is a smart student. (Irfan adalah seorang
mahasiswa yang pintar);
2) The smart student bought a new book. (Mahasiswa yang
pintar itu membeli sebuah buku baru).
An adjective can also follow be; the adjective describes the sub-
ject of the sentence.
For example :
1) The student is smart. (Mahasiswa itu pintar);
2) Moral education is compulsory. (Pendidikan moral
adalah wajib).
Note that nationalities (Indonesian, Saudi Arabian, Japanese,
Turkish, Pakistani, Iraqi, Greek, French, and so on) are
also regarded as adjectives.
2. Noun functions as Adjective
Nouns can modify other nouns. When two nouns occur to-
gether, the first noun describes the second noun; that is, the
first noun functions as an adjective.
For examples:
1) He bought a grammar book. (Dia membeli sebuah buku
tata ١١a١aasa١. He studies at State Islam Unirsit
Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. (Dia belajar di UIN
Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung).
Furthermore, both an adjective and a noun can modify a noun;
the adjective comes first, the noun second.
For examples:
1) He bought a new grammar book. (Dia membeli sebuah
buku tata bahasa baru);
آل١ A compulsory moral education is badly needed. (SoWatv
pendidikan moral yang bersifat wajib amat
We must avoid using a plural form for the first noun even
when the second noun is plural. We cannot say, for instance,
All of them are foreign languages teachers, ١د١ الAll of them are
foreign language teachers. (Mereka semua adalah para guru
bahasa asing). We must also avoid using a possessive form for
the first noun. We cannot say I forgot her telephone’s number
instead of saying I forgot her telephone number. (Saya lupa
nomor teleponnya).
5. Exercise
5.1 Correct one of the underlined words or phrases if
1. I forgot Al ,s student’s number.
2. There is a big sale at the shoes store.
3. I watch world’s news on TV every day.
4. Can you give me some notebook paper?
5. My favorite television program is news.
6. All of us are English languages learners.
7. Garden’s flowers are more expensive than wild flowers.
8. John and Jane are westerners. They are Frenchs teachers.
9. A large number of villagers in Indonesia are Muslims
10. All Computer Sciences’ students must submit their final
SLAMIC ٣٨٧6٤151
Unit Twenty
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
It would be a great step forward if Muslim universities and col
leges were to institute requisite courses in Islamic civilization
as part of their basic studies program for all students. This will
provide the students with deeper faith in their own religion
and legacy and give them the confidence in themselves to en
able them to face and surmount their present difficulties as
well as tolorge ahead toward the goal assigned to them by Al
lah (SWT). But, this is not enough.
The task of Islamizing knowledge (in concrete terms, to Is
lamize the disciplines or, better, to produce university-level
textbooks recasting some twenty disciplines in accordance
with Islamic vision) is among the most difficult to realize.
2. Vocabulary
act (V) - bertindak in favor (adj) - yang 8081181
and yet (conj) - padahal lip service (n) - basa-basi
adherent (n) - pengikut noblest (adj) - paling mulia
animate (V) - menghidupkan official (adj) — resmi
by a cause (adv) — dengan sengaja one (n) — orang
confidence (n) — kepercayaan recast (v) - menyusun ulang
deeper (adj) — lebih dalam regrettable (adj) - mengecewakan
devoid (adj) — sama sekali tanpa requisite (n) — syarat
headquarter (n) - markas surmount (v) - mengatasi
institute (v) - mengadakan take place (v) - terjadi
forge ahead (v) - maju secara bertahap
undergo (v) - menjalani/ mengalami
3. Comprehension
3.1 Answer the following questions according to the
1. What will provide the students with deeper faith and con-
4. Grammar Review
Comparisons describe degrees of difference with adjectives
(Yvke beautiful, fluent, good, ةالًة ؤكماجadverbs de beautifully,
fluently, well, etc). Some of them may be equal or unequal.
Subject + verb + as +-
إ adjective إ + as + <
/ noun
ا 1100113
Adjectives : Nouns:
heavy, light weight
wide, narrow width
deep, shallow depth
long, short length
big, small size
Subject -+ verb +- آ
{ fa
{ا} ب ا
وا-+ ه
er than + ؛
Note :
Be sure to remember the characteristics of degrees of
3. Double Comparative
A double comparative (perbandingan ganda) is used in a
sentence that begins with a comparative construction, and thus
the second clause must also begins with a comparative.
For examples :
A) The deeper the students stud؟y Islamic teaching, the
stronger their faith in their religion is. (Semakin
mendalam para mahasiswa mempelajari ajaran Islam,
semakin kuat pula keyakinan beragama mereka).
2١ The sooner ؟you leave, the earlier ؟you will arrive at the
campus. (Semakin cepat Anda berangkat, semakin
awal pula Anda akan tiba di kampus).
آل١ The more the teacher studies educational psychology,
the better his approach to teaching is. (Semakin hanyak
guru mempelajari psikologi pendidikan, semakin baik
pula pendekatan mengajarnya).
4) The more you train your brain, the more intelligent you
will become. (Semakin sering Anda melatih otak, akan
semakin cerdas pula Anda).
4. Illogical Comparative
An illogical comparative (perbandingan tak logis) is one in
which unlike entities have been compared. The items being
compared are alike (e.g. religion with religion). The form can be
divided into three categories: possessive, that of, and those of.
For examples :
ل١ Dirty’s hand-writing is as good as her father’s. آع١ذ١آلةجل
tangan Diny sama bagusnya dengan tulisan tangan
ayahnya). Her father’s = her father’s hand- writing.
2١ The belief in God of a Muslim is deeper than that of a
Christian. (Keyakinan kepada Tuhan seorang Muslim
lebih dalam daripada keyakinan seorang Kristen).
That of 2 the belief in God of.
)آلThe textbooks in Madrasah Aliyah are fewer than those
in SMA. (Buku daras di Madrasah Aliyah lebih sedikit
daripada buku daras di SMA). Than those in = than the
textbooks in.
4١ Some religious duties of a Muslim are the same as those
of a non-Muslim’s. (Sebagian kewajiban keagamaan
seorang Muslim sama dengan sebagian kewajiban
keagamaan seorang nonmuslim). Those of = some reli-
gious duties of.
5. Exercises
5.1 Fill in the blanks with suitable words available in
His English isn’t as .. (good, best, well) as Jane’s.
lose English is the ... (bad, worst, worse) of all of the students?
3. The ... (much, most, many) reliable woman in the world is
my mother.
4. The prices at a market are lower than ... (those, that,
these) at a supermarket
5. A greedy child often eats ... (less than, more than, the
most) his parents do.
6. The program of your computer is different from ... (that,
those, this) of my friend’s.
7. (Most of. Less from, More than) ... fifty psychologists came
to the national seminar.
8. Is to pray five times a day the ... (harder, hardest, hard)
duty of all of religious duties?
9. The freshman looks more friendly than ... (this, that,
those) who have been studying here long.
10. The tuition fee at a private university may be twice as ...
(much, more, most) as that at a state university.
2. congregation-prayer-in-private prayer-than-most-is-re-
Sentence :....................................................................
Translation :....................................................................
3. a mosque-than-in-are-elsewhere-most-meritorious-
Sentence :....................................................................
Translation :....................................................................
Unit Twenty-One
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
Islam emerged in Arabia, specifically in the city of Mecca, in
the seventh century C.E, a peninsula that had some fertile
land on the coast and some scattered oases of excellent agricul
ture. Arabia also had vast stretches of barren hills and valley
and an immense area of desert sands. There were some well-
established cities, such as Mecca, the inhabitants of the open
spaces were the Bedouin, who moved their tents and flocks as
necessary to find food and water. In both situation, the key or
ganization was the tribe, and within the tribe, the clan. The
tribal identities superseded any loyalty to geographic area or
city. Survival depended on water and vegetation, to be sure,
but just as surely it depended on the strength of the tribe. An
isolated individual or even family had little chance of survival
in a natural and human environment that was usually hostile.
Economically, there was some independence among the
desert tribes and the city tribes. The Bedouin were largely in
dependent, but they could trade their ship, goat, and camel wool
to peoples of oases for products of their trees and fields. Farm
ers could gain through trading their dates and wheat for the
wool used in making clothes, carpets, and tapestries. Then there
were peoples such as the Meccans, who produced little but
made a business of buying and selling and providing markets
where the various tribes come together and exchange goods.
The Meccans had something even more important than
most oases had. The famous kabah was located there. Mecca
also had an established tradition of truce for pilgrimages dur
ing part of the year; tribes that were normally at war with each
other could enter an area of safety and carry on trade for a pe
riod of time without being in constant fear of a surprise raid on
their of a surprise on their persons and possessions.
The keepers of the kabah were members of the Quraish
tribe. They had considerable status among Arabs due to their
stewardship of this most sacred presinct. It is obvious that they
also had considerable economic adventage from the pilgrims and
trades who came to their city to conduct religious rituals and
business activities. They were also aware that theirs was not a
monopoly, for there were other centers where goods could be
exchanged. So the Quraish were always alert to anyone or any
thing that could undermine their social position or livelihood.
(Quoted from: Matthews, Warren. World Religion, 1999: 387)
2. Vocabulary
agriculture (n) - pertanian precinct (n) = tempat suci
barren (adj) - tandus stretch (n) = bentangan jalan
date (n) - kurma supersede (v) = menggantikan
emerge (V) — muncul truce (n) = gencatan senjata
hill (n) - bukit undermine (v) = merusak
inhabitant (n) — penduduk valley (n) = lembah
immense (adj) - besar sekali vegetation (n) = tumbuh-tumbuhan
wheat (n) — gandum flock (n) = jamaah/ kawanan
oases (n) — telaga air di padang pasir
peninsula (n) - jazirah/ semenanjung
stewardship (n) = pekerjaan mengurus
tapestry (n) = permadani hiasan dinding
3. Comprehension
3.1 Answer the following questions according to the
1. Where and when did Islam appear?
s l A M I C ٤151٣٨٧ى
4. Grammar Review
Adverb (kata keterangan) is word that adds more information
about circumstances, manner (e.g. quickly), place (e.g. campus),
time (e.g. every day), and so on. Generally, there are three ba
sic kinds of adverbs. They are: adverb of mariner, adverb of
place, and adverb of time.
1. Adverb of Manner
Adverb of manner is word that tells US how somebody does
something or how something happens. Many adverbs of man
ner are derived from adjectives. The adverb seriously (dengan
sungguh-sungguh), for instance, is derived from the adjective
serious (sungguh-sungguh).
Many adverbs are made from an adjective + -ly; for ex
ample, careful becomes carefully, careless become carelessly.
However, not all words ending in -ly are adverbs. The words
like friendly, lively, elderly, lovely, and silly are not adverbs but
adjectives. Notice that some words are both adjectives and ad
verbs. They are: fast (cepat/ dengan cepat), hard (keras/ dengan
keras), and late (terlambat/ dengan terlambat). The word lately
(akhir-akhir ini) is not the adverb of late, and hardly (hampir
tidak) is not the adverb of hard.
For examples :
١٠١ Amir is a good writer. He always writes well, (bir
adalah seorang penulis yang baik. Dia selalu menulis
dengan baik).
--------- Hasan is d fast runner. He ran fast yesterday. (Hasan
adalah seorang pelari cepat. Kemarin dia berlari
dengan cepat).
)آلAli is a hard worker. He enjoys working hard. غع١ل
adalah seorang pekerja keras. Dia senang bekerja
4) Where is Jaka? Have you seen him lately? (Di mana
Jaka? Sudahkah kau bertemu dengannya akhir-akhir
5) Jaka is sick. He hardly eats anything. ( ةaka sedang
sakit. Dia hampir tidak makan apa pun).
5. Exercises
5.1 Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must
be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.
Then, translate the sentence into Indonesian
1. Badu came lately yesterday. He was half an hour late.
Translation :........................................................................
I s l A M اc ENGLISH
9. Tribes that were normal at war with each other could enter
AB c
an area of safety.
Translation :.........................................................................
10. The Quraish tribe was general believed to have been more
friendly than other tribes in Arabia.
(٦ D
Translation :.........................................................................
2. door-my-the-heavy-opens-always-grandmother (fast,
Sentence :......................................................................
Translation :......................................................................
3. first-finish-the-Ramadan-children-of-on-can-day-fasting
(hard, hardly)
Sentence :..............................................................
Translation :......................................................................
5. month-an-in-Arabic-will-Alwi-boarding-Islamic-school-
study (next, now)
Sentence :..............................................................
Translation :......................................................................
Unit Twenty-Two
1111113 ABSOLUTE
1. Reading
Read the Passage Carefully
The absolute singleness of God leads Islam to denounce every
form of idolatry. Muslims retain; however, a belief in angels as
messengers of God. Gabriel delivered the words of the Quran
to Muhammad. The prophet spoke by the Spirit of God, but the
Quran denounces to a son of God. Muslims also believe in Iblis,
the personification of evil. There are other beings, such as jinn.
Muslims think God created a good world. Having been ere-
ated, it is not eternal. It was made by God but it is not God. It is
sustained by the will of God, but God is not coursing through it
as sap through a vine. The world is made for humans to enjoy.
Food is good. Drink, other than alcohol is generally good. Com-
fortable clothing and shelter are good. Marriage is expected. Sex
and love are good. Having property and wealth is good, so long
as believers remember to share with those in need. The world is
a wonderful place, a kind of preview of conditions that can be
found in even purer form in the next life.
Islam has a story of Adam and Eve, the first human ere-
ated by God. Humans are above all other creatures in the or
der of nature, for they have the moral responsibility to live ac-
cording to the of God.
When possible, humans are to live at peace with each
other, recognizing that all humans of any race or location are
called to submit to God. All who submit to God are brothers
and sisters and part of one community.
Islam brought considerable in the status of females. Eve
was created by God to be a helper and companion for Adam. Is-
lam does not permit infanticide or abuse of women. Wives
should be properly treated. Women are able to inherit and own
property, but they are dependent on men. Their roles are sepa-
rated from men’s roles but supportive of them. Once the sup-
portive relationship is understood, life for both men and
women become more pleasant and rewarding.
(Quoted from: Matthews, Warren. World Religions, 1999: 418- 419)
2. Vocabulary
abuse (V), (n) = penyalahgunaan inherit (V) - mewarisi
commandment (n) = perintah procreation (n) = menjadi ayah
considerable (adj) = sungguh-sungguh rewarding (adj) = berpahala
coursing (v) = mengalirkan sap (n) = getah pohon
creature (n) = makhluk singleness (n) = keesaan
shelter (n) = tempat bernaung denounce (v) = mencela
eternal (adj) = abadi retain (v) = tetap berpegang
idolatry (n) = penyembahan berhala
infanticide (v), (n) = pembunuhan anak
vine(n) = pohon yang merambat
3. Comprehension
3.1 Answer the following questions according to the
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
ISLAMIC ٣م٧ى115ب
4. Grammar Review
The use of -ing Clauses
A clause (klausa in Indonesian) is a part of a sentence. Clause
is group of words that usually includes subject and verb. Some
sentences have two or more clauses. When two things happen
at the same time, we can use -ing for one of the words. The
main clause usually comes first.
For example :
Ie just seen her. She’s in the language center reading
an English paper. (Saya baru saja bertemu dengannya.
Dia di Pusat Bahasa sedang membaca koran Inggris).
1. -ing Clause + Main Clause
If the -ing clause is first, we write a comma (,) between the
For examples :
" ددRecognizing that all humans of an race or location are
called to submit to God, humans are to line at peace
with each other”. (01٥1 karena menyadari bahwa
semua orang dari pelbagai ras dan tempat disuruh
berserah diri kepada Tuhan, maka manusia
seharusnya hidup dalam kedamaian antara satu
dengan lainnya).
2) Feeling tired, I went to bed early. (Oleh karena sava
lelah, maka saya segera tidur).
The clause Recognizing that and Feeling tired are -ing clauses.
while humans are...and I went...axe main clauses.
5. Exercises
5.1 Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must
be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.
Then, translate the sentence into Indonesian
1. To need some money to buy some books, he cashed a check.
Translation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Has been delaved by heavy traffic, Tino and Tini arrived late.
Translation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. Needing food and drink for her family, she was going to
the shop to buy them.
Translation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . .
10. Realized that Islam was true, Cat Stevens became a Muslim
and changed his name.
4. The kids were walking home in the rain. They got wet.
Translation :................................................................
ISLAMIC ٣م٧ى115ت
a/ an, 59 bearing witness, 7
abangan, 145 Bedouin, 168
ablution before (in past perfect), 29
take an ablution, 87 beginning
Abraham, 7, 46 its beginnings, 64
ahlu '!-kitab, 7 believe (in), 7, 176
active better,
active and passive, 83 be better off (+ -ing), 69
adjectives had better, 125
adjective ending in -ing, 149 bore
adjective ending in -ed, 149 boring, 149
adjective + noun, 155 bored, 149
fact adjective, 149 bored with, 149
opinion adjective, 149 both
noun functions as adjective, 156 both,..and, 140
adverbs by
adverb of manner, 171 by herself; etc., 52
adverb of place, 172 by the time, 44, 195
adverb of time, 173
order of adverbs, 173
after finishing (having finished), 180 (
alhamdulillah, 70 can
Allah can be and should be, 86
Allah or God, 46 cats and dogs, 135, 199
Allah’s omnipotence, 128 cause, 42
Allah’s omniscience, 128 Capitalism, 120
Allah's prophets, 7 church, 25
In sha'a Allah, 32 clause
In the name of Allah..., 1, 199 -ing clause + main clause, 179
alms, 7, 46 main clause +■ -ing clause, 179
anthropocentric, 39 having (done) + main clause, 180
any, 61 comparisons
appendix, 188, 193, 199 comparative, 163
approve of (+ -ing), 69 double comparative, 164
as... as, 161 equal and unequal comparative, 161
atheist, 55 illogical comparative,165
auxiliary verbs positive, 163
can-could, 121 superlative, 163
had better, 125 complement, 11, 23
may-might, 122 Communism, 117
must-have to, 123 conditional sentences
shall-will, 124 impossible conditionals, 105
should-ought to, 124 improbable conditionals, 104
would, 125
1 late, 172
idea lately, 172
main idea, 21 less
if (if clause), 103, 105 less than, 163
if ( = whether), 94 literacy, 39, 43
impersonal expression, 114 literate, 39
indirect speech, 94 little
illiterate, 39 little and ةlittle, إنه
illogical (in comparative), 165 lot
Indonesia a lot of, 61, 62
The Indonesia Education University,
insist (on t -ing), 69 M
in spite of, 132 many, 62
interested (in + -ing), 69, 149 may, 122
irregular verb, 188 Mazhab, 7
Isaac, 7 Mecca, 168
Islam Meccans, 168
background of Islam, 168 might, 122
Islam in Australia, 25 mine, 150
Islam in European thought, 13 Millah, 7
Islamic boarding school, 80, 199 modal verb,
Islamic studies, 1, 157 mood
Islamic thought, 32, 158 imperative mood, 112
Muhammad and Islam, 46 indicative mood, 114
State Islam University, 1, 156 subjunctive mood, 112
ISLAMIC ٣م٧ى115ا
Appendix 1
Irregular Verbs
The following is a list of the conjugation (tasrif) of the common
irregular verbs in English. It is strongly suggested that you
know whether a verb is regular or irregular. You will notice
that regular verbs are the same in the past tense (2nd form) and
past participle (3rd form). Irregular verbs, on the other hand,
are mostly different in these forms.
Appendix 2
1. The Simple Present
What do the students do on Saturdays؟
Apakah yang dikerjakan para mahasiswa itu pada hari-hari
They write English and Arabic lesson.
Mereka menulis pelajaran bahasa Inggris dan bahasa
2. The Simple Past
What did the students do last week,؟
Apakah yang dikerjakan para mahasiswa itu minggu yang
They wrote an English lesson.
Mereka menulis sebuah pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
3. The Simple Future
What will the students do next week؟
Apakah yang akan dikerjakan para mahasiswa itu minggu
yang akan datang?
They will (They’ll) write an Arabic lesson.
Mereka akan menulis sebuah pelajaran bahasa Arab.
4. The Present Progressive
What are the students doing now/right now/at the moment؟
Apakah yang sedang dikerjakan para mahasiswa itu
sekarang/saat ini?
They are writing an English iesson (They’re writing
English lesson).
Mereka sedang menulis sebuah pelajaran bahasa
7. The Present Perfect
What ha e the students done? or What hare the students
already done?
Apakah yang sudah dikerjakan para mahasiswa itu?
The have written an English lesson or They’ve already
written an English lesson.
Mereka sudah menulis pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
8. The Past Perfect
What had the students done before the١ began to write an
English lesson :yesterday?
Apakah yang sudah dikerjakan para mahasiswa itu sebelum
mereka mulai menulis pelajaran bahasa Inggris kemarin?
The had read (red) an Arabic lesson before the١ began
to write an English lesson.
Mereka sudah membaca pelajaran bahasa Arab sebelum
mulai menulis pelajaran bahasa Inggris (kemarin).
9. The Future Perfect
What wilt the students have done before the ?؛write English
lesson tomorrow?
Apakah yang akan sudah dikerjakan para mahasiswa itu
sebelum mereka menulis pelajaran bahasa Inggris besok?
They'll have read (red) Arabic lesson before they write
English lesson.
S L. A M I C N G l I s H
(Subject Pronouns: He, She, It)
1. The Simple Present
lat does Professor Alt do euery day؟
Apakah yang Profesor Ali kerjakan setiap hari?
He teaches Arabic and English.
Beliau mengajar bahasa Arab dan Inggris.
2. The Simple Past
What did he do a few days ago؟
Apakah yang telah beliau kerjakan beberapa hari yang lalu?
He taught US English.
Beliau mengajar kami bahasa Inggris.
3. The Simple Future
I at will he do tomorrow?
Apakah yang akan beliau kerjakan besok?
He will (he’ll) teach US Arabic.
Beliau akan mengajar kami bahasa Arab.
4. The Present Progressive
I at is he (I at's he) doing now/right now/at the moment?
Apakah yang sedang beliau kerjakan sekarang/saat ini?
He is teaching English (He's teaching English).
Beliau sedang mengajar bahasa Inggris.
5. The Past Progressive
I at was he doing when you came yesterday?
Apakah yang sedang beliau kerjakan ketika Anda datang
He was teaching English when 7 came.
Beliau sedang mengajar bahasa Inggris ketika saya
6. The Future Progressive
lat will he be doing at 1:30 PM tomorrow?
Apakah yang akan sedang beliau kerjakan pada jam 1.30
besok sore?
7. The Present Perfect
What has he done ؟or What has he already done؟
Apakah yang sudah beliau kerjakan?
He has taught English or He's already taught English.
Beliau sudah mengajar bahasa Inggris.
8. The Past Perfect
What had he done before he began to teach English yester-
Apakah yang sudah beliau kerjakan sebelum mulai
mengajar bahasa Inggris kemarin?
He had taught Arabic before he began to teach English.
Beliau sudah mengajar bahasa Arab sebelum mulai
mengajar bahasa Inggris.
9. The Future Perfect
What will he have done before he teaches Englislr tomorrow؟
Apakah yang akan sudah beliau kerjakan sebelum mengajar
bahasa Inggris besok?
He’ll have taught Arabic before he teaches English.
Beliau akan sudah mengajar bahasa Arab sebelum
mengajar bahasa Inggris.
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Unit One
1. b ٦1868 6. 0. get up
2. a. do 7. b. go
3. a. study 8. b. watch
4. c. study 9. a. They...go
5. b. want 10. 0- limits
1 A - Does
Tahukah Ahmed George cara menjadi seorang Muslim yang
2. A - studies
Tidak. Oleh karena itu, dia rajin belajar dan mempraktik-
kan ajaran Islam.
2. A - profess
Mereka yang mengakui ajaran Islam disebut orang٠orang
ه B - make
Tuhan tidak membedakan antara Isa dengan Muhammad.
5. A - belieoe
Kami selalu beriman kepada Tuhan dan nabi besar-Nya
Unit Two
1. c. bought 6. c. did
2. b. yesterday 7. a. got up
3. c. go 8. b. dropped
4. b. Did 9. b. spread
5. a. washed 10. b. expanded
1. B - go
Ke mana Anda dan teman-teman Anda pergi pada hari
Ahad yang lalu?
2. B ٠ watch
Kami pergi ke Pangandaran melihat festival besar.
أل. k - occupied
Para tentara Belanda menduduki negara kita beberapa
abad yang lalu.
4. 13 - occupy
Apakah para tentara Muslim menduduki provinsi-provinsi
kerajaan Mesir?
ة. K - occupied
Tidak, tetapi para tentara Muslim menduduki provinsi-
provinsi kerajaan Bizantium.
Unit Three
1. will qualify them 6. Will you
2. will be published 7. Are you going
3. give her 8. is going to
4. I'm going to 9. I will go
5. will get 10. Will you do
1. prepare
Bilakah para sarjana Muslim harus menyiapkan karya asli
2. prepare
Para sarjana Muslim akan menyiapkan karya asli mereka
bulan depan.
3. Will
Akan berarti pentingkah karya-karya para sarjana itu bagi
Islamisasi pengetahuan?
4. mill be
Karya-karya itu akan berarti bagi Islamisasi pengetahuan
dan pendidikan Islam.
5. going to
Besok pagi para sarjana itu akan menyelenggarakan
konferensi mengenai pendidikan Islam.
Unit Four
4٠ has, for
Maria sudah berada di Brisbane selama tiga tahun.
2. submitted, hasn’t
Sudahkah dia menyerahkan esainya? Belum.
أل. finished, ha oe
Sudahkah mereka menyelesaikan pekerjaannya? Ya, sudah.
4. slept, came
Tom sudah tidur saat ayahnya pulang tadi malam.
5. known, seen
Sudahkah dia mengenal Reny? Ya, dia sudah bertemu
dengannya beberapa kali.
1. have you taken 6. has already been away
2. have taken 7. finished cooking
3. have you known 8. will have done
4. since years ago 9. you already taken
5. has she been separated 10. had taken
Unit Five
1. c. seeing you
Tenang, Tono! Tini akan segera datang.
،فى. ١د. walked .
Hadi keluar/ meninggalkan kamar pada saat istrinya
أل. c. was being
Tiada makanan yang sedang dimasak olehnya saat
suaminya tiba di rumah.
4. ١٥. was ringing
Ketika bel pintu sedang berdering, Hamid sedang berjalan
menuju pintu tersebut.
h. c. be oisiting
Akan berada di rumahkah engkau, Jaka? Tidak, saya akan
mengunjungi paman di Bandung.
1. were you doing 6. they won't...will be
2. were talking to 7. somebody came
3. are...doing 83. doing the homework
4. the moment 9. was being done
5. at 10 A.M. tomorrow 10. be waiting...! come
Unit Six
1. g. been doing lately 6. d. had been studying
2. 1. !'vebeen 7. c. How long had she been
3. k. has he 8. h. she had been waiting
4. j. has been 9. i. finished my English
5 b. How long had you homework
been studying 10. e. her husband comes home
1. been
Sudah berapa lamakah Anda sedang mengerjakan PR itu?
2. doing
Saya sudah sedang mengerjakan PR selama sekitar dua
2. will
Akan sudah berapa lamakah Anda membaca Quran saat
saya datang nanti malam?
4. will
Saya akan sedang membaca kitab suci tersebut selama
sejam saat Anda datang.
5. comes
Dia akan sudah sedang memasak selama sejam saat anak
lelakinya pulang.
Unit Seven
1. my 9. her
2. him 10. himself
3. Their 11. me
4. your 12. 1
5. her 13. yourself
6. 118 14. them
7. himself 15. We
8. his
1. them
Biarkanlah mereka menyelesaikan PR mereka sendiri!
2. his
Setiap mahasiswa harus melakukan penelitiannya sendiri.
3. We
Kami akan mencat rumah kami hari Senin yang akan
4. her
Nancy dan pacarnya lebih suka tidak pergi ke bioskop.
5. his
Tuan Ahmad dan istrinya, nyonya Ahmad, sedang
menonton TV ketika saya datang.
Unit Eight
1. less
Hasan menginginkan kopi yang kurang daripada kopi ini.
2. much
Dia sudah makan banyak nasi goreng.
2. a little
Saya hanya memerlukan sedikit garam untuk sayur saya.
4. any
Adi tidak mempunyai uang untuk membeli buku-buku.
5. much
Dia (perempuan) mempunyai banyak uang untuk membeli
banyak buku.
6. Th,at
Daging itu telah tercemar oleh penyakit sapi gila.
7. much
Dapatkah Anda menolong saya? Maaf, hari ini saya tak
punya banyak waktu.
<؟. many
Kemarin ada banyak orang berkumpul di sekitar taman.
أل. a large amount of
Malam ini mahasiswa itu harus menyelesaikan sejumlah
banyak PR.
10. a large amount of
Teman-temannya pergi membeli sejumlah banyak makanan
untuk makan malam.
٦٠. Sentence’. One of his friends gaoe him a lot of food.
Translation: Salah seorang temannya memberinya banyak
2. Sentence'. His wife made him coffee with a little sugar.
Translation: Istrinya membuatkan kopi dengan sedikit
>؟. Sentence‘. He did not haue an money for buying fruit.
Translation: Dia tidak mempunyai uang untuk membeli
4. Sentence'. A friend of mine saw a woman with her three chil-
dren yesterday afternoon.
Translation: Kemarin sore teman saya melihat seorang
perempuan bersama tiga anaknya.
b. Sentence’. The woman had been waiting for her husband for
about an hour before he came.
Translation: Perempuan itu sudah menunggu suaminya
sekitar sejam sebelum dia datang.
Unit Nine
4. ٢ - misunderstanding
Dia kecewa atas kesalahfahaman istrinya terhadap dirinya.
2. 13 - leaving
Dia tidak menyetujui kepergiannya (istrinya) yang begitu
13 . دد- speaking
Apakah membaca bahasa Inggris lebih mudah daripada
berbicara bahasa Inggris? Ya.
4. ’B - studying
Apakah Anda berharap belajar di luar negeri? Tetaplah
b. C - practicing
Inginkah Anda bagus dalam bahasa Inggris? Jangan
berhenti berlatih!
4. telling a lie
Berhentilah berdusta, sebab dusta adalah dosa!
2. meeting
Dede mengharapkan bertemu dengan mantan istrinya yang
2. talking
Reny berkeberatan bertemu dan berbicara dengan mantan
4٠ beginning
Islam menyebar terutama di kawasan perkotaan sejak awal
b. working
Ketika petani itu letih, ia selalu berhenti bekerja.
6. praying
Anak itu sedang belajar cara membiasakan salat lima
waktu sehari.
٦. praying
Anak lelaki yang baik itu gemar salat di masjid karena
lebih berpahala.
B. giving
Unit Ten
1. a. professionalism
Seorang dokter profesional harus memiliki profesionalisme
yang tinggi.
2. A. developing
Tidak seperti Jepang, Indonesia adalah sebuah negara
berkembang di Asia.
أل. c. politician
Profesor Rais adalah seorang politisi yang amat terkenal di
negeri ini.
4. b. wayward
Seorang anak yang tak patuh, Badu, dalam kesulitan
karena ketidakpatuhannya.
5. b. aware
Aishah tak menyadari bahwa dirinya mahasiswi yang
pintar dan cantik.
6. a. professional
Tuan Ahmad adalah seorang guru profesional. Beliau
mengajar para siswanya secara profesional.
٦. a. brotherhood
Islam memandang persaudaraan antarmuslim sebagai
sebuah hubungan yang penting.
S. ١د. effective
Ali mahasiswa yang cerdas. Ia selalu punya cara efektif
untuk memecahkan masalah-maslahnya.
9. c. effectiveness
Keefektifan pendidikan keagamaan tidak hanya tergantung
pada para guru saja, tetapi juga pada para orangtua.
10. b. empiricism
Menurut teori Empirisisme, pengetahuan dihasilkan dari
pengalaman dan belajar.
Unit Eleven
ل. Arabic is studied الهUS.
Bahasa Arab dipelajari oleh kami.
2, Japanese is not studied by US.
Bahasa Jepang tidak dipelajari oleh kami.
h. English and Arabic are studied by US.
Bahasa Inggris dan Arab dipelajari oleh kami.
4. An English booh was read by him, yesterday.
Kemarin sebuah buku bahasa Inggris dibaca olehnya.
b. An Arabic lesson will be written by her tonight.
Nanti malam sebuah pelajaran bahasa Arab akan ditulis
4. Has a glass of milh already been drunh by the hid؟
Sudahkah segelas susu diminum oleh anak itu?
7. Yes, and a plate of fried rice is being eaten by him now.
Ya, dan sekarang sepiring nasi goreng sedang dimakan
8. The bad movie will not be watched by them.
Film jelek itu tidak akan ditonton oleh mereka.
أل. The Holy Quran is usually recited by some Muslims every
Thursday night.
Kitab suci Quran biasanya dibaca oleh sebagian Muslim
pada setiap malam Jumat.
10. The holy Quran is taught in an Islamic boarding school by
him on Fridays.
Kitab suci Quran diajarkan di sebuah pesantren olehnya
pada hari-hari Jumat.
Unit Twelve
أ. I told Muhammad that I believed him.
Saya telah mengatakan kepada Muhammad bahwa saya
2. He told him not to be lazy.
Dia telah berkata kepadanya agar dia tidak malas.
4. He said that Islam is the true religion from God.
Dia telah mengatakan bahwa Islam adalah agama yang
benar dari Tuhan.
1. h. He said, "Do you know human rights in Islam"?
2. e. He asked his daughter what she would do the following
3. j. He told his mother that he had done his homework.
4. k. Tim said, "Help me, please."
5. d. Tom told her he was going to study history.
6. f. She told her son not to be lazy.
7. 1. We said we didn’t know SQ.
8. g. Jane said, "I study Indonesian every Monday."
9. a. "SQ," he stated, "is not the same as 10"
10. b. He told US he was interested in our religion.
Unit Thirteen
ل. Sentence; If Zainab had come, he would haoe seen her.
Translation: Seandainya Zainab datang (dulu), dia akan
2. Sentence: If 7 were you, 7 would take the job.
Translation: Andaikan aku adalah kau, akan kuambil
pekerjaan itu. (Ambillah pekerjaan itu!)
أل. Sentence; He would see her if she came today.
Translation: Dia akan menemuinya jika ia (perempuan)
hari ini telah datang.
4. Sentence; She would go if she had time.
Translation: Ia akan pergi seandainya punya waktu. (Tapi
ia tak punya waktu).
b. Sentence; He would not go to campus if it rained.
Translation: Dia takkan ke kampus seandainya hujan. (Tapi
tidak hujan).
6. Sentence: If I met Allan, I would invite him to my party.
Translation: Seandainya aku telah bertemu dengan Allan,
aku akan mengundang ke pestaku.
٦. SerAen.ce'. If the sun shone/ shined, the experiment would
Translation: Seandainya matahari bersinar, maka
eksperimen itu akan gagal.
S. Sentence■. They would help you if they had much time.
Translation: Mereka akan membantumu seandainya punya
banyak waktu.
أل. Sentence; If she didn’t speah so quickly, I would/ could un-
derstand her.
Translation: Seandainya ia tak bicara begitu cepat, saya
akan memahaminya.
10. Sentence: If you were a millionaire, would you buy an is-
Translation: Andaikan Anda seorang miliuner, akankah
Anda membeli sebuah pulau?
١ لSentence; Tim would haue understood if he had listened
Translation: Tim akan mengerti seandainya (dulu) ia
mendengarkan dengan cermat.
t. were ٠ would
Seandainya aku orang kaya, aku akan membeli sebuah
آل،, would - come
Jika dulu Anda telah mengundangnya, dia akan datang ke
pesta Anda.
أل. will - pass
Para mahasiswa itu akan lulus ujian jika mereka rajin
4. would've/ could’ve - understood
Badu akan sudah bisa memahami seandainya dia
mendengarkan aku dengan cermat.
>؟. had passed - would’ve/ could’ve
Seandainya dia telah lulus tes tahun lalu, dia akan sudah
belajar di Australia.
Unit Fourteen
1. we not smoke 6, student study
2٠ we eat ٦. be both honest and fair
3. It is imperative 8. make an impartial
4. be avoided 9. to study Arabic
5. is essential that 10. that he be very good
1 not be
2 avoid
3 study
4 repent of
5 place
1. 00 - be
Apakah Tuhan amat menganjurkan agar setiap Muslim
2. c - not
Ya. Dia juga menekankan agar semua Muslim tidak
berperang satu sama lain.
3. B - know
Mengetahui cara menerapkan ajaran Islam adalah hal
mendasar bagi kita.
4. D - not
Saat kita sakit batuk parah, dokter biasanya menekankan
agar kita tidak merokok.
5. A-be
Bagus dalam bahasa Arab adalah hal penting sebelum Anda
belajar di Mesir atau Irak.
Unit Fifteen
1. will 6. should
2. should 7. can
3 shouldn't 8. would
4. ought to 9. would
5. had better 10. had better
4. will
Tutuplah pintu! Mau, kan?
2. will
Dia akan ke Sydney untuk belajar bahasa Inggris.
<؟. will
Akan mungkinkah bagi kita menyelesaikan latihan ini
dalam 10 menit?
4. mould
Sungguh nyaris tak masuk akal untuk meniru demokrasi
b. had, better
Sekarang jam 2 sore. Seharusnya Anda makan siang
sebelum melanjutkan pekerjaan.
4. دآ- will
Akan berada di rumahkah Anda malam ini? Ya.
2. آل- will
Saya amat letih, sehingga saya takkan mengikuti jam ke-2.
?>٠ 0 - could not
Masalah itu demikian sulitnya sehingga saya tak bisa
4. آل- could
Cuaca luar biasa panasnya.
b. آل- would
Dia telah meminta ibunya memberi uang saku tambahan
Unit Sixteen
٦٠٠ Therefore
Aida rajin belajar. Oleh karenanya, dia lulus ujian.
2. Despite/ in spite of
Meskipun Badu menolak, kami tahu bahwa dia bersalah.
3. however
Dia tak memiliki syarat, namun memperoleh pekerjaan itu.
4. however
Laila telah pindah ke Jakarta, namun kedua orangtuanya
tetap di Bandung.
5. provided
Siti akan (mau) menemui mantan suaminya asalkan dia
tidak meminta rujuk.
6. Therefore
Rini gadis baru berusia 6 tahun. Oleh karenanya, dia tak
bisa menamatkan puasa.
٦. despite/ in spite of
Orang-orang Muslim yang baik selalu menamatkan puasa
walaupun haus dan lapar.
B. unless
Orang tak bisa menjadi imam salat kecuali kalau dia bisa
membaca Quran dengan fasih.
$. provided
Anak-anak boleh bermain di halaman masjid asalkan
mereka tidak berisik.
١,٢١٠ Therefore
Tom tidak sarapan di rumah. Oleh karenanya, dia membeli
makanan dari mesin dagang.
١,٠Sentence-. Don't tell Mira what 7said unless she ashs u.
Translation: Jangan cerita kepada Mira hal yang telah
kukatakan kecuali dia menanyakanmu!
2. Sentence•. Zaid had high qualifications; therefore, he got a
good job.
Translation: Zaid amat memenuhi syarat. Oleh karenanya,
dia memperoleh pekerjaan yang bagus.
ISLAMIC ٣م٧ى٤151ب
أل. جءآلجاآلحه.٠ You always study hard; therefore, you win pass
our earn,.
Translation: Anda selalu rajin belajar. Oleh karenanya,
Anda akan lulus ujian.
4. Sentence: You won't pass the statistics exam unless you
much harder.
Translation: Anda takkan lulus ujian statistik kalau Anda
tak belajar lebih keras lagi.
0. SerAe١٦ce٠ . It is suggested that eeery child try to finish his
fasting unless he is ill.
Translation: Setiap anak dianjurkan berusaha menamatkan
puasa kecuali jika dia sakit.
6. Senten*. Ali is a smart and religious young man; therefore,
Fatimah looks forward to being his wife.
Translation: Ali pemuda cerdas dan relijius. Oleh
karenanya, Fatimah berharap menjadi istrinya.
٦. ،دآح<ج١حء٠. Giving alms to the poor is an obligation; therefore,
every rich Muslim must fulfill it sincerely.
Translation: Bersedekah kepada orang miskin adalah
kewajiban. Oleh karenanya, setiap Muslim harus
menunaikannya dengan ikhlas.
%. SexAeuce‘. It rained cats and dogs yesterday afternoon; how-
ever/ nevertheless, the children enjoyed playing football.
Translation: Kemarin sore hujan amat deras, namun anak-
anak senang bermain bola.
9. Sentence: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) per-
formed the pilgrimage only once; therefore, we do not have to
perform it twice.
Translation: Nabi Muhammad SAW melaksanakan haji
hanya sekali. Oleh karenanya, kita tak harus
melaksanakannya dua kali.
10. Sentence: A man may not be a preacher of Friday prayer
unless he has a good command of religious knowledge.
Translation: Orang tidak boleh menjadi khatib salat Jumat
kalau tidak memiliki penguasaan pengetahuan keagamaan
yang baik.
Unit Seventeen
4. both - beautiful
Aishah pintar dan cantik
2. is - neither
Agama kami bukan Kristen atau Hindu.
3. or - has
John atau Jane sudah membaca buku mengenai Islam itu
beberapa kali.
4. Neither - go
John, Jane dan Jennifer tidak sering pergi ke gereja.
b. Both-are
Guru dan siswa itu sekarang di perpustakaan.
fi- or - is
Para mahasiswa atau guru itu sedang merencanakan untuk
datang sekarang.
٦. or - are
Tuan Amin atau anak-anaknya akan membeli makanan.
8. nor - are
Saudara lelaki dan saudara-saudara perempuanku bukan
anggota partai politik.
S. but also - fetches
Tidak hanya ayah tetapi juga ibu menjemputku di stasiun
setiap hari Ahad.
10.are - neither
Kata kalbu-kalbu dalam Kitab Suci Al-Quran tidak
dipandang sebagai jantung atau hati.
1. Sentence: Neither my mother nor my father is here.
Translation: Ayah dan ibuku tidak di sini.
2. Sentence‘. He usually drinhs either tea or coffee.
Translation: Biasanya dia minum teh atau kopi.
3. Sentence: Neither his uncle nor his parents are teachers.
Translation: Paman dan kedua orangtuanya bukan guru.
4. Senten•. He wants to study either in U.S. or in U.K.
Translation: Dia ingin belajar di Amerika Serikat atau di
Unit Eighteen
1. Friday prayer oration will always be boring if it is too long.
2. Have you heard his Friday prayer oration? It is really exit-
3. Badu's rude behavior is embarrassing. His parents are em-
4. We were shocked. The news about the corruption was very
5. Professor Azra's lecture interests the students. His lecture
is interesting.
1. B ' good
Bahasa Inggris John bagus, namun bahasa Arabnya lemah.
2. نآل- hard
Tuan Zaid seorang pekerja keras. Beliau selalu bekerja
keras di perusahaannya.
أل. ١ ذ- embarrassed
Saya malu sekali ketika masuk kelas terlalu telat kemarin.
4. D - good
Aishah tak bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris tetapi pemahaman
bacaannya bagus.
آل. زآ- beautiful
Pernahkah Anda bertemu mahasiswi baru bernama Laila?
Dia cerdas dan cantik.
Unit Nineteen
1. I forgot Ali's student number.
2. There is a big sale at the shoe store.
3. I watch world news on ٧ every day.
4. Can you give me some notebook paper?
5. My favorite television program is news.
6. All of us are English language learners.
7. Garden flowers are more expensive than wild flowers.
8. John and Jane are westerners. They are French teachers.
9. A large number of villagers in Indonesia are Muslim farm
10. All Computer Sciences students must submit their final as
ا. A - Lady
Dokter-dokter wanita adalah para dokter wanita (berjenis
kelamin wanita).
آل. k - Public
Pendidikan moral masyarakat jelas amat penting.
أل. ٢ - garden
Kebun-kebun bunga berbeda dengan bunga-bunga kebun.
ISLAMIC ٤151٣ىم
4. ٢ ئ- Islamic
Berlaku sopan kepada orang lain adalah salah satu dari
perilaku-perilaku Islami.
5. D - Islam
Pendidikan Islami berdasarkan ajaran-ajaran Islam.
6. B - women
Ada guru-guru lelaki dan guru-guru perempuan di sekolah
٦. ح- State
IAIN dalam bahasa Inggris adalah State Institute for Is-
lamic Studies.
S. 13 - Education University
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (11 )الberlokasi di
٩ آل- State Islam
Universitas Islam Negeri dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam
State Islam University.
10. A - moral
Pendidikan moral harus didefinisikan kembali sedemikian
rupa untuk memperbaiki kerusakan masyarakat.
Unit Twenty
1. good 6. that
2. worst 7. More than
3. most 8. hardest
4. those 9. those
5. more than 10. much
اSentence'. The faster we finish, the sooner we can leave.
Translation: Lebih cepat kita selesai lebih cepat pula kita
bisa pergi.
2. Sentence•. Prayer in Islam is not the same as those in other
Translation: Sembahyang dalam Islam berbeda dengan
sembahyang dalam agama-agama lain.
2. Sentence•. People say, 'The more we have, the more we want.'
Translation: Orang bilang, "Lebih banyak yang kita punyai
lebih banyak pula yang kita inginkan".
SLAMIC 151٣م٧ى٦
Unit Twenty-One
4. B’ -ate
Kemarin Badu datang terlambat. Dia terlambat 2 الjam.
2. C - specifically
Islam muncul di Arab khususnya di kota Mekah.
3. D - nicely
Dia teman sekelasku yang bersahabat yang selalu
memperlakukanku dengan baik.
4. C - hardly
Tampaknya Betty marah. Dia nyaris tak mengatakan apa
pun kepadaku.
<؟. ٢ - fast
Amir pelari yang amat cepat. Kemarin dia berlari secepat-
6. D - well
Tuan Hasan guru yang baik. Beliau selalu mengajar para
siswanya dengan baik.
٦. k - Economically
Secara ekonomis, terdapat kemandirian di antara suku-
suku di Arab.
<؟. ’D-hard
Orang-orang Badwi pada umumnya mandiri. Jadi, mereka
harus bekerja keras.
9. 13 - normally
Suku-suku yang biasa saling berperang dapat memasuki
wilayah keamanan.
10. A - generally
Suku Quraish pada umumnya diyakini lebih bersahabat
daripada suku-suku lainnya di Arab.
1. The students listened attentively to the lecture.
2. My classmate can write Arabic fast and efficiently.
3. She was away when her husband came home last night.
4. My roommate performed the prayer at dawn (the subh) late
5. Although he studied as hard as he could he did not pass the
ا. Scrhdcc•. Kaslan is so laz؟y that he often gets up late.
Translation: Kaslan amat malas sehingga dia sering bangun
2. Sc٦٠wce؛.٠ My grandmother always opens the heac١’ door
Translation: Nenekku selalu membuka pintu yang berat itu
2. Senbcw. Children can hardly finish fasting on the first da٥’
of Ramadan.
Translation: Anak-anak hampir tak bisa menyelesaikan
puasa pada hari pertama Ramadan.
4. Sentence•. Generally speaking, a man in debt is like a fish
caught in a net.
Translation: Pada umumnya (konon), orang yang berhutang
bagaikan ikan yang terperangkap di dalam jaring.
5. Sentence'. Alwi will stud؟y Arabic in an Islamic boarding
school next month.
Translation: Bulan depan Alwi akan belajar bahasa Arab di
Unit Twenty-Two
4. k - Needing
Oleh karena membutuhkan uang untuk membeli beberapa
buah buku, maka ia mencairkan sehelai cek.
2. k - Haring
Oleh karena terhambat oleh lalu lintas yang padat, Tino
dan Tini tiba terlambat.
3. A - Being
Oleh karena tidak mampu menolong diri sendiri, banyak
korban tsunami di Aceh meninggal.
4. k - Haring understood
Setelah memahami hal yang dikatakan profesor itu, saya
tidak bertanya kepada beliau.
b. k - Walking
Ketika menyusuri jalan, Tino bertemu dengan seorang
teman lama dari daerahnya.
6. A - Returning
Ketika kembali ke kamarnya, Sarah mendapati suaminya
sedang tidur dengan pulas.
٦٠ ل- Having
Setelah menjadi seorang Muslim, Ahmad Geoffrey tidak
meminum minuman keras lagi.
8. A - Being
Oleh karena menjadi janda mandiri beranak dua, maka ia
tak punya pilihan kecuali bekerja.
9. C - went
Oleh karena memerlukan makanan dan minuman, maka ia
pergi ke toko untuk membelinya.
١ عK - Having realized
Oleh karena/ setelah menyadari bahwa Islam benar, maka
Cat Stevens menjadi seorang Muslim dan mengubah
Y. Sentence'. I felt asleep watching television.
Translation: Saya tertidur ketika menonton televisi.
2. Sentence: After finishing her work, she went home.
Translation: Setelah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya, dia
أل. Sentence'. Feeling very tired, she went to bed early.
Translation: Oleh karena merasa sangat lelah, dia lekas
A Sentence; The hids got wet walking home in the rain.
Translation: Anak-anak itu basah kuyup saat pulang dalam
cuaca hujan.
لج. Sentence; Having become a Muslim, Cat Stevens changed
his name into Yusuf Islam.
Translation: Setelah menjadi seorang Muslim, Cat Stevens
mengubah namanya menjadi Yusuf Islam.
Tentang Penulis
Di sela-sela aktivitasnya sebagai lektor kepala Psikologi Pendidikan
dan Ketua Pusat Pembinaan Bahasa UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, penulis
sering ditugasi membantu pelaksanaan pelatihan penelitian dan bahasa
Inggris bagi dosen muda, dan menjadi instruktur Matrikulasi Bahasa
Inggris pada Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
Selanjutnya, pada tahun 2000, penulis memimpin penyelenggaraan
Pelatihan Instruktur Laboratorium Bahasa MAN Model se-Jawa Barat
dan Banten. Kemudian, pada periode 2001-2002, ia menjadi Model School
Advisor pada proyek DMAP yang dibiayai oleh Asian Development Bank
dan bertugas selaku konsultan MAN Model. Pada tahun berikutnya, ia
juga diberi kepercayaan oleh proyek yang sama untuk memimpin
penyelenggaraan Pelatihan Guru Bahasa Inggris dan Instruktur Lab-
Work Madrasah Aliyah Negeri dan Swasta se-Jawa Barat.