Capsule Gr6
Capsule Gr6
Capsule Gr6
(Present a comprehensive overview/background of the study. The background of the study shall
establish the novelty of the proposal by specifying or indicating the gap through literature review. The introduction
shall also detail the proposed solution/intervention to the identified problem(s), including the objectives and
purpose or significance of the research being proposed.)
The proposed research focuses on exploring the potential of banana pith as a patty .
The idea of using banana peel as a patty alternative has gained attention due to its
abundance and potential nutritional value. Previous studies have focused on assessing the
acceptability, salability and profitability of banana peel and blossom patties. By building upon
these findings, this research aims to specifically examine the development and acceptability
of banana pith patty.
The national library of the Philippines claims that eating meat has significant effects on
nutrition, ethics and the environment. Although meat can be a valuable source of nutrition, its
production and consumption have been associated with negative environmental effects
(January 2023). As explained by Harmann C., Lazarini G., Funk A., and Siegrist M. (2021)
the importance of bananas can be established in relation to the negative impact of meat
production on the environment, because it's requiring significant land use and fresh water
withdrawals which can contribute to environmental problems.
For a number of reasons, banana pith patties can be a good alternative to beef
patties. First off, the potassium and vitamin B6 content of banana pith is high, both of which
are good for the body's ability to produce hemoglobin and maintain healthy muscles
(Barayuga, 2020).It becomes a healthy substitute for meat because of this. Second, dietary
fiber—which is critical for both maintaining a healthy weight and digestive health—can be
obtained from banana pith. Similar to how meat binders are employed, it can also serve as a
binder for patties (Cabarllo, D., Caro, I., Gallego, C., et al., 2021). This aids in decreasing
cooking losses and enhancing the patty's texture. Furthermore, replacing meat with banana
pith supports environmental sustainability. Production of meat has been linked to a number of
The considerable wastage of banana trees upon harvesting is a high claim that has
led to the conceptualization of an innovative idea. According to a literature review, after
harvest, almost 60% of banana biomass is left as waste (Acevedo, S., Carrillo, A., Lopez, E.
& Tovar, C., 2021). This indicates a significant number of unused resources that could
potentially be utilized in various ways and specifically as patties.
It is fascinating and important to research the Development and Acceptability of
Banana Pith Patties for a number of reasons. Firstly, by using banana peels—which are
frequently thrown away—it helps to reduce food waste. We can reduce waste and advance
sustainability if we come up with creative methods to use banana peels in food products like
patties. Second, research on the acceptance of banana pith patties aids in identifying the
sensory characteristics and preferences of the consumer. Moreover, investigating substitute
Form No.: TSU-CTE-SF-39 Revision No.: 00 Effectivity Date: March 28, 2023 Page 1 of 5
components such as banana pith throughout the patty manufacturing process broadens the
scope of alternatives for producing wholesome and environmentally friendly food items.
(For the scope, indicate what are the key areas/concerns covered by the study (i.e., specific variables, population,
specific sites, research designs, etc.). While, for the limitation, indicate the possible factors that may affect the
result/s of the study that are beyond the control of the researchers)
The target population of this study ranges from 18 years old and above, teenagers
with the age of 18 can be our respondents. The extent of this research lasted during the
academic year 2023 - 2024 and was only limited at Tarlac state university- Lucinda campus.
The researchers perceived some limitations that may possibly influence the study as
part of the limitations respondents may have different preferences about the taste as well as
their beliefs and level of acceptability about the product during the data gathering process.
This design will give a concrete foundation to create a new variety of patty using banana pith.
The taste, aroma, texture, and general acceptability of banana pith patty are defined using
sensory evaluation. Also, it intends to collect data to examine and measure the acceptability
of banana pith patty. And the significant number of people who will be chosen is thirty (30)
teenagers and adult participants.
We used questionnaire as our primary tool in this study, the questionnaire required
respondents to provide their name (optional), age, gender, and year level for the students.
The questionnaire was divided into two parts: (1) A rating scale that assesses respondents'
degrees of Acceptability and alternative of patty to banana pith patty. (2) Set of questions that
respondents capture the perception of the taste, texture, appearance, and aroma of banana
pith patty.
(Details the ethical issues and corresponding measures to reduce the risks to human participants, laboratory
animals, and the environment.)
For ethical research considerations, before the study will be conducted, the respondents will
receive a detail briefing and key information about the purpose of the study. Through
informed consent, the respondents shall willingly decide to take part in the study. In order to
guarantee anonymity, secrecy, and the avoidance of potential harm, all information will be
held and handled with the utmost confidentiality by not disclosing the names and identity of
the research participants in accordance with RA 10173, generally known as the Data Privacy
Form No.: TSU-CTE-SF-39 Revision No.: 00 Effectivity Date: March 28, 2023 Page 2 of 5
(Indicate here the prospective plan after the completion of the research, and the potential of the research for
continuity and/or improvement of the output/s)
Once the research is completed it has the potential to receive approval for publication,
then publication will allow the research to be accessible to a wider audience within the
scientific community. Researchers may also collaborate with other researchers who have the
same interests to enhance the study and to enhance the said product to make it better, this
collaboration can result in a more extensive influence. Researchers can also consider the
possibility of collaborating with businesses for commercialization.
(Use any applicable citation format (e.g., APA or IEEE). You may use a reference management tool like Mendeley
and Zotero for the organization and formatting of your references.
•Sky Leorel Mijares Date uploaded on Sep 24, 2019 Chapter 1-3 Introduction Research | PDF
•Banana Stem Patty Pre Finale 1 Uploaded by Armel Barayuga Date uploaded on Jan 20,
2020 Banana Stem Patty Pre Finale 1 | PDF | Hamburgers | Banana (
•Banana Pseudo-Stem Increases the Water-Holding Capacity of Minced Pork Batter and the
Oxidative Stability of Pork Patties by Diego e. cabarllo, Irma caro, cristina gallego, ana rebeca
Gonzalez, francsico Javier Giraldez, Sonia andres, & Javier mateo, 2021 Foods | Free Full-
Text | Banana Pseudo-Stem Increases the Water-Holding Capacity of Minced Pork Batter and
Form No.: TSU-CTE-SF-39 Revision No.: 00 Effectivity Date: March 28, 2023 Page 3 of 5
Circular Economy Sasha Alzate Acevedo,1 Álvaro José Díaz Carrillo,1 Edwin Flórez-López,2
and Carlos David Grande-Tovar3 Recovery of Banana Waste-Loss from Production and
I hereby certify that the information given is true, correct and the research being conducted is
authentic. I further signify my commitment to revise the paper as per evaluation results and
complete the research within the specified timeframe. (e-signature may be attached in this
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allow the college to collect, process, use and share my personal data contained hereof in the
pursuit of its legitimate academic, research and extension purposes and/or interests as an
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Signature over Printed Name of Researcher
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