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EasyAutoPaper CLASS 9 ENGLISH All Chapters - 1

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Name : ______________ Roll No : ______________ Teacher Name : ______________ Date : 15-03-2024

CLASS Total Marks : Passing Marks : Paper : Total Time : 02:10 Chapters : All
9 56 18.48 ENGLISH Mins Chapters

Instructions :


Q No.1 Write short answers of any five of the following. (2 Marks/Q)

i. Why is arising of the sun so special for the author?

ii. What is the role of counselling in preventing drug addiction?

iii. What did Hazrat Ayesha say about the life of the Rasool ( )?

iv. What was the Holy Quran sent in Arabic?

v. What type of competition was held at Ukaz?

vi. What type of information does media provide?

vii. Note the alliteration and imagery in the poem.

viii. How does media provide entertainment?

ix. Why did the nurse say,"Where there is a will there is a way"?

x. What are the other words you can use for "accepted"?

xi. Which environmental factors are responsible for drug addiction?

xii. How do you get an impression that Hellen Keller was a great admirer of Nature?

xiii. What happened when Abu Jehl asked about Hazrat Abu Bkr Siddique from Hazrat Asma ?

xiv. What treatment is available at the rehabilitation centres for drug victims?

xv. "Her life would always be a beacon of light for all of us."How?


Q No.2 Translate into Urdu -- OR -- Rewrite into Simple (4 Marks/Q)

English any two of the following.
i. During the perilous journey, it was very difficult for anyone to supply food to Hazrat Muhammad ( ) . The situation was so
delicate that the slightest mistake could have endangered the life of the Rasool ( ). This grand task was nicely undertaken by
Hazrat Asma ( ‫ﯽ ﻋﻨ‬ ٰ ‫) رﺿﯽ اﻟﻠ ﺗﻌﺎ ﻟ‬, the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique ( ‫ﯽ ﻋﻨ‬ٰ ‫) رﺿﯽ اﻟﻠ ﺗﻌﺎ ﻟ‬.
ii. The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee; A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund
company! I gazed---and gazed---but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought:

iii. In stories, the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minut by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values
is changed. He becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values.

iv. The Blue Masjid has six minarets. Four minarets stand one each at the four corners of the masjid. Each of these pencil shaped
minarets has three balconies, while the other two at the end of the forecourt, have only two balconies.

v. The Blue Amsjid has six minarets. Four minarets stand one each at the four corbnes of the masjid. Each of these pencil shaped
minarets has three balconies, while the other two at the end of the forecourt, have only two balconies.
vi. Use of technology is another cause of noise pollution. For example unmonitored use of mobile phones, electricity generators,
music systems and TV, all become irritants from time to time. People usually do not switch off their mobiles or put them on
silent modes when they enter offices, hospitals, schools and colleges.

vii. The revelation of the Divine message which continued for the next twenty - three years had begun, and the Rasool ( ) had
arisen to proclaim Oneness of Allah (Tauheed) and the unity of mankind. His mission was to destroy the nexus of superstition,
ignorence, and disbelief, set up a noble conception of life and lead mankind to the light of faith and divine bliss.

viii. The upper level of the interior is adorned with blue paint. More than 200 stained glass windows with intricate designs allow
natural light to brighten up its interior and the chandeliers further illuminate it with their glow. The decorations include A'yat
from the Holy Quran. The floors are covered with carpets.

ix. Patriotism means love for the motherland or devotion to one's cpontry. A patriot loves his country and is willing to sacrifice
when the need arises. The word patriot comes from the Latin word 'patriota' which means countryman. It is considered a
commendable quality.

@Write down the summary of the following poem. (5 Marks/Q)

QNo. 3. Daffodils

QNo. 4. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Q No.5 Use any Five of the following Words/Phrases/Idioms (1 Marks/Q)

in your own sentences.
i. Made up mind

ii. Proportion

iii. Spacious

iv. Hold

v. Perfect model

vi. Anxiety

vii. Pivot

viii. Contaminate

ix. Ceremony

x. A common man

xi. Attend to

xii. Injury

xiii. Preservation

xiv. Renounce

xv. Best place

Q No.6 (8 Marks/Q)
. Write a letter to your friend condoling, the death of his mother. OR

. Write a letter to your friends requesting her to spend her/his holidays with you. OR

. Write a letter to your sister congratulating her on her success in the examination. OR

. Write a letter to a boookseller requesting him to send some books per V.V.P. OR

. Write a letter to your mother who is worried about your health. OR

. Write a letter to your sister thanking her for a gift. OR

. Write a letter to your friend congratulating on her/his birthday. OR

. Write a letter to your brother advising him to take steps to improve his health. OR

. Write a letter to your mother about the test you have just taken. OR

. Write a letter to your friends congratulating him on the marriage of his sister. OR

. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for the book he lent to you. OR
. Write a letter to your father asking him about the health of your mother. OR

. Write a letter to your friend thanking her for the hospitality during your visit to her house. OR

. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you some books. OR

. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send some extra funds for the payment of hostel dues.

@Read the following passage carefully and answer the (10 Marks/Q)
questions given at the end.
QNo. 9. Early rising is a good habit as it gives us an early start of our day's work. We gain time while the late risers are asleep. The early
risers have another advantages also and that is why; they enjoy good and sound health. Those who are out of bed early have
plenty of time to do their work carefully, steadily and completely. They do not have to put off anything to the next day. The
early riser is always happy, fresh and smart. He enjoys his work while those who get up late, find their duty dull and dry and do
it unwillingly. Early rising is therefore, a key to success in life.
i. What kind of habit "early rising" is?
ii. Why can an early riser do more work then the late riser?
iii. Why does an early riser enjoy good health?
iv. Why does the late riser find his work dull and dry?
v. What is the key to success in life?

QNo. For three years, the master and all his relatives lived in this valley. Many of the Muslims too joined them. All supplies to the
10. valley were cut off. The Makkans saw to it that no food or drink reached Banu Hashim. The poor Banu Hashim had to live on the
leaves and roots of trees and bushes. The condition of the children was particularly pitiable. At last, some kind-hearted
Makkans took pity on the Banu Hashim. They tore to pieces the agreement hanging in the Kaaba. The hunger-stricken Banu
Hashim were thus able to come back to their homes.
i. Who lived for three years in the valley?
ii. Who joined the master and his relatives?
iii. What did the Makkans do?
iv. How did the Banu Hashim live?
v. What was the condition of the children?
vi. Who took pity on the Banu Hashim?

QNo. There lived a monkey in a forest. One day, he was going about in search of food as he was very hungry. At last, he entered the
11. house of a farmer. There was no body in the house. The monkey found a hard vessel with a narrow opening. He put his hand
into it. It had grains in it. He took a handful of these and tried to pull his hand out but he could not do so with his close fist. After
some time, the owner of the house came up. His dog was also with him. The dog fell upon the monkey and tore him to pieces.
Thus, the monkey met his fate due to his greed.
i. Where did the monkey liver?
ii. Why did he enter the house of a farmer?
iii. What was in the vessel?
iv. What did the monkey do?
v. Why could he not pull his hand out of the vessel?
vi. How did the monkey meet his fate?

QNo. On a hot summer. day, a fox felt very thristy. He went about in seach of water but could not find water. At last, he reached a
12. well. He peeped into it. Unfortunately, he slepped and fell into the well. A goat happened to pass by the well and looked into it.
What are you doing here uncle? The cunning fox replied, "Dear niece! I am enjoying a swim down here. It is very pleasant, come
down and enjoy yourself too."The goat was also thristy, she jumped into the well.
i. What happened to the thristy fox?
ii. Who passed by the well just them?
iii. What did the goat do?
iv. What did the goat say to the fox?

QNo. A man is known by the company he keeps. A good student should avoid the company of those who keep playing all the time.
13. Many students miss their classes and seldom do their hoem work because some other fellow student do the same. There are
hardworking students also who work while others play. They know when to study and when to play. They play when it is time to
play. They enjoy the game of their choice because they know that playing games is essential for hralth. A sick student is not so
quick in learning his lesson as a healthy one.
i. What kind of compny should a good student keep?
ii. Why do some students miss their classes?
iii. Why do good students enjoy good health?
iv. Why are games neccessary for students?
v. What factors may bring success to a student?
QNo. We see a kind of milk in tins. It is powdered milk. All the water in this has evaporated. When fresh stays in a dish for a little time,
14. the thick part of the milk comes to the top. It is the cream of the milk. From this cream, people make butter. If milk with the
cream on it is made into powder, it is called 'Full Cream Milk Powder'. When something floating is taken off from the top of
liwuid, we say, it is skimmed. When the cream is skimmed from the milk, the thin milk that stays is called 'Skim Milk.' Skim Milk
is a good milk but it has no fat in it. It is not good for very young babies.
i. Is the milk in tins powdered or liquid?
ii. What becomes of the water in the milk?
iii. What comes to the top of the fresh milk when it stays a little in a dish?
iv. What does the thick part of the milk have in it?
v. What is cream?
vi. What do people make from cream?

15. i. Some ants are social insects. It means that they live in societies, cooperate with on another and do only the work
assigned to them. They go out in search of food in an orderly fashion, marching in lines and columns like soldiers.
Different groups of social ants have different jobs to do. They manage their affairs through division labour. Some ants
guard and protect their commmunity. They fight the other insects who attack them or raid their colony. They are called
soldier ants. Another group gathers food for the whole community. The social ants have not learnt this division of
labour. They have inherited it.
ii. What do we mean by social insects?
iii. Why are some ants called social insects?
iv. How do the ants cooperate with one another?
v. What principle do they follow while their work?
vi. Why are members of a certain group called soldier ants?
vii. How have ants learnt the principle of division of labour?

QNo. About sixty years ago, the question of choosing a profession was not taken up seriously. A son generally followed the trade of
16. of his father. But now-a-days one can take up a trade one likes. The students who make the right choice of profession are
always successful. Got the right choice of a profession, there should be some definite aim. The students who do not have any
definite aim suffer a lot in the as they have also a difficulty in finding an employment. In choosing a profession, the teacher and
the parents play very important part. The teacher keeps an eyes on his pupils. He studies their habits, so he can put his pupils
to the right path of life.
i. What were the conditions about the choice of a profession sixty years ago?
ii. Can a student of the present times choose his profession freely?
iii. What is the advantages of a right choice of a profession?
iv. How can a student choose his profession rightly?
v. What will be the difficulty of a student who is reading without a definite aim?

QNo. Making pottery on the potter's wheel is called 'throwing'. The Thrower is a very skilful workman. Bur there is another method
17. of shaping articles out of clay 'moulding'. A plaster mould is made and the clay is pressed into it. This is a quicker and less
difficult way, used to make things like handles! but all the most, beautiful pottery is thrown. When a piece of pottery is taken
off the wheel, it is put aside to dry, after which a design may be painted on it with special colours that will stand great heat; it is
then ready to be fired. This is done in a large oven, or kiln. The pieces of pottery are placed in earthen were tubs called
'saggers', so that the flames cannot touch the pottery.
i. What is "throwing?"
ii. What is the other method of shaping articles?
iii. What is the advantage of "moulding?"
iv. How does the potter make designs on the pieces of pottery?
v. How is pottery baked in fire?

Good Luck

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