Number 75, Summer 2015, 45–57
ISSN 0791-5578
1. Introduction.
It is a fundamental question in analysis under which conditions
the inverse of a continuous bijection, say between two topological
spaces, is itself continuous. There are well-known results like the
invariance of domain theorem or the classical (and easy to prove)
result that the inverse of a continuous bijection from a compact
space onto a Hausdorff space is also continuous; see also [5] for a
complete characterisation of all subsets of R such that every con-
tinuous injection defined on a set of this kind is a homeomorphism
onto its range.
It seems that results like the ones just mentioned have influenced
the presentation of similar results at the level of undergraduate
courses. So it seems that the following statement is most wide-
spread in such courses.
If ∅ 6= I ⊆ R is an interval and if f : I → R is continuous and
injective, then f −1 : f (I) → R is continuous, too.
Usually, the proofs given for this result make use of the continuity
of f in such a way that the continuity assumption appears to be
indispensable at a first cursory glance. However, there is a more
general result (see, e.g., [4, 37.1]), which, unfortunately, seems to be
seldom taught in undergraduate courses.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 26A48.
Key words and phrases. continuous inverse, strictly monotonic function.
Received on 19-3-2015; revised 6-6-2015.
c 2015 Irish Mathematical Society
If ∅ =
6 I ⊆ R is an interval and if f : I → R is strictly monotonic,
then f −1 : f (I) → R is continuous, too.
This statement demonstrates that the premise of the continuity of
f is entirely superfluous (of course, injectivity must be replaced by
strict monotonicity) and proofs based on this premise might disguise
the deeper reason for this phenomenon. In fact, from the point of
view of topology, the true reason lies in the following observation
(readers not very well familiar with abstract topology may skip the
subsequent explanation at their first reading): a strictly monotonic
function f : I → f (I) is a homeomorphism if I and f (I) both carry
the order topology induced by the order inherited from R instead
of the usual subspace topology. Since the subspace topology is finer
than the order topology the mapping f −1 : f (I) → I is continuous if
f (I) is endowed with the subspace topology and I carries the order
topology. But since for intervals the order and subspace topology
coincide, we conclude that f −1 : f (I) → I is continous where I and
f (I) now both carry the usual subspace topology.
Clearly, the same argument works for every strictly monotonic
function f : A → R (∅ = 6 A ⊆ R) whenever the order and subspace
topology of A coincide. Unfortunately, the above proof (no matter
how simple it is) is in general out of reach for an undergraduate
course due to the topological conceptual framework. So at this point
three questions arise:
(1) Is there a simple (i.e., ideally so simple that it is easily ac-
cessible to undergraduate students with no knowledge of ab-
stract topology) description of those subsets of R for which
the order and subspace topology of A coincide?
(2) Is there an elementary proof for the above statement about
the continuity of the inverse of a strictly monotonic function
defined on such a set?
(3) Does there exist a subset of R such that each strictly mono-
tonic function defined on this set has a continuous inverse,
but the subspace and order topology on this set are distinct?
In this note we answer the first two questions affirmatively and we
present such an elementary proof, which might be easily incorpo-
rated into an undergraduate course. This proof is given in the next
section, where we choose a formulation that completely avoids men-
tion of the order topology and we get along only with notions easily
accessible to undergraduate students. Furthermore, we shall show
that this result is optimal in the sense that on each non-empty sub-
set of R for which order and subspace topology differ there exists
a strictly monotonic function whose inverse is not continuous, thus
giving a negative answer to the third question.
In the last section we take up once again the abstract topologist’s
position in order to complete our picture and to relate Proposition
2.1 and Proposition 2.4 below to the topological point of view de-
scribed above. This link is provided by Lemma 3.3, which in fact
answers the first of the above questions (see Corollary 3.5).
imposed on A.
Now assume that f is continuous as well as, without loss of general-
ity, that f strictly increases. Furthermore, suppose to the contrary
that R \ f (A) possesses a bounded component that is neither closed
nor open, thus having the form (u, v] or [u, v). We only treat the
first case.
Then u ∈ f (A), v ∈ / f (A) and there is a strictly decreasing se-
quence (yn )n in f (A) with limit v. We set xn := f −1 (yn ) for n ∈ N
and x := f −1 (u). The sequence (xn )n is strictly decreasing and
bounded from below by x, thus it converges to ξ := inf n∈N xn in R.
The number ξ does not belong to A since otherwise the continuity
of f would imply
v = lim yn = lim f (xn ) = f (ξ) ∈ f (A),
n→∞ n→∞
which is impossible because of v ∈/ f (A). Now consider an arbitrary
z ∈ A with z > x. We then have f (A) 3 f (z) > f (x) = u and
thus f (z) > v. Consequently, there exists an index n ∈ N with
v < yn = f (xn ) < f (z), which implies ξ < xn < z. We conclude that
(x, ξ] is a component of R \ A (because x ∈ A and A 3 xn → ξ ∈ /A
as n → ∞), which contradicts the assumption on A.
The first part of addendum is clear by Proposition 2.1.
Remark 2.3. The characterisation of the continuity of a strictly
monotonic function obtained in the preceding corollary fails if the
adverb “strictly” is dropped. Indeed, just consider the function
f : { n1 ; n ∈ N} ∪ {0} → R given by f (0) := 0 and f ( n1 ) = 1 (n ∈ N).
As announced we now demonstrate that Proposition 2.1 is in some
sense optimal.
Proposition 2.4. Let ∅ = 6 A ⊆ R be a set such that R \ A possesses
a bounded component that is neither closed nor open. Then there
exists a strictly monotonic, continuous function f : A → R such
that the function f −1 : f (A) → R is discontinuous.
Proof. By assumption R \ A possesses a bounded component having
the form (a, b] or [a, b) (with a < b). We only consider the first case
since the second case is analogous.
Clearly, b is a cluster point of (b, ∞) ∩ A. Therefore we can choose
a strictly decreasing sequence (xn )n in A converging to b. Moreover,
we choose a strictly decreasing sequence (yn )n in R with limit a.
Lemma 3.1. Let (X, ≤) be a linearly ordered set endowed with the
order topology and ∅ =
6 A ⊆ X.
[1] D. H. Fremlin, Measure Theory – Volume 3, Torres Fremlin, Colchester, 2004.
[2] D. H. Fremlin, Measure Theory – Volume 4, Torres Fremlin, Colchester, 2006.
Heiko Hoffmann received his Bachelor and Master degree from Saarland Uni-
versity in 2008 and 2010, respectively. He has recently completed his PhD thesis
at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Department of Mathematics, Institute for Analysis, Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT), 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
E-mail address: [email protected]