Gryphon Witcher

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Player Witcher Training

Name Rayburn Starting Age Early Childhood

Race Witcher School Gryphon (+2 Vigor)
Gender Male Early Training Easy Mutations
Origin Kovir Trials Extra Mutations (+1EMP, +1 DEX)

Age 141 Important Event Child by Law of Surprises

Profession Witcher Current Status Dangerous Criminal

Social Standing Hated and Feared Life Events

Decade Event

Racial Perks I captured monsters for a mage to study. Now a

Enhanced Senses: +1 Awareness mage owes me.
30 A Vampire I was hunting escaped and may come
Resilient Mutation: Immune to for me one day
diseases I made a friend while working a job alongside a made.
Dulled Emotions: -4 EMP
50 I kept a noble's indiscretions a secret, he now owes
Lightning Reflexes: +1 REF, +1 DEX me a favor.
60 My noble friend mentored me and taught me proper
social etiquette if I ever need it.
Clothing Traveling clothes 70 I got a child of surprise!

Personality Arrogant 80 I helped train my scion.

Hair Style Cropped Short 90 I met a druid in a tavern, after a few drinks we
agreed to help each other out whenever we need
Affectations Trinkets 100 Not much happened.

I hunted a griffin. I was nervous at first, but after all my preparation

Valued Person My child of surprise 110 it was an easy fight. (+2 Witcher Training about griffins)

Money My right hand was crushed by a troll, I haven't been able to cast
Value 120 signs with it since. The bard who helped me fight it became a friend.

Feelings on People Have to Prove Not much happened.

People Themselves

140 I hunted a grave hag haunting a cemetary, and my

Rivals, Friends employer refused to pay me afterwards.
Male mage aquaintance. They died 150
in war.
Female human bard friend 160

Elven male druid 170


HP Ammo, Bombs, Potions, Traps
(Body+Will)/2*5 40 # Name Effect Weight
(Bdy+Will)/2*5 40
(Int+Will)/2*5 35
Wound Threshold 8

Reflex 11 Weapons
REF Lvl Base Name T WA DMG Rel. Hand RNG Effect Conc. EN Weight
Brawling 2 13 Witcher Steel Sword ps 0 4d6+2 15 1 Armor Piercing, Meteorite N/A 2 2.5
Dodge/Escape 4 15 Witcher Silver Sword ps 0 1d6+2 10 1 Silver(3d6) N/A 2 2.5
Melee 11
Riding 1 12
Sailing 11 Bonus Melee +4 Armor
Small Blades 11 Punch 1d6+6 Location SP Dam Effects Weight
Staff/Spear 11 Kick 1d6+10 Head 14 2
Swordsmanship 6 17 Torso 8 2.5
LUCK 3 R. Arm 8
Empathy 3 L. Arm 8
EMP Lvl Base Dexterity 6 R. Leg 5 1
Charisma 3 DEX Lvl Base L. Leg 5
Deceit 3 Archery 6 Notes
Fine Arts 3 Athletics 4 10 Armored Hood,Double Woven Gambeson,Padded Trousers
Gambling 3 Crossbow 6
Grooming &St. 3 Sleight of Hand 6
Human Percep. 3 Stealth 1 7 Body 9 Profession Abilities
Leadership 3 BODY Lvl Base Name Stat Lvl Base

Persuasion 3 Will 8 Physique 9 Witcher Training INT 5 12

Performance 3 WILL Lvl Base Endurance 9
Seduction 2 5 Courage 2 10
Hex Weaving* 8 Speed (SPD) 7
Intelligence 7 Intimidation 3 11
INT Lvl Base Spell Casting* 6 14 Adrenaline
Awareness 4 11 Resist Magic* 3 11
Business 3 10 Resist Coercion 8 RUN 21
Deduction 1 8 Ritual Crafting* 8 LEAP 4
Education 7
Nordling* 8 15 Craft 6 STUN 8
Elder Speech* 7 CRA Lvl Base REC 8 Wounds S/T Days
Dwarven* 7 Alchemy* 2 8
Monster Lore* 7 Crafting* 6 I.P
Social Etiquette 7 Disguise 6 Training I.P.
Streetwise 7 First Aid 6
Tactics* 7 Forgery 6 Status Effects
Teaching 7 Pick Lock 6
Wilderness Surv. 3 10 Trap Crafting* 6
Crowns 70 Quest Items Weapon/Armor total
Tool Kits Alchemy Set Gear total
Components total
Ammo total
Total Weight

Backup Weapons
# Name WA DMG Rel. Hand RNG Effect Conc. EN Weight

Other Gear
# Name Notes Weight
Witcher Medallion Vibrates within 20m of any monster, curse, or spell that is currently being cast
Vigor 4 Focus
Sign Name Cost Effect RNG Duration Defense
Creates a magic circle on the ground around you. Anything in it
Yrden 1-7 takes negative SPD and REF equal to the number of STA you spent. 3m 5 None
Any incorporeal creatures that enter the circle become corporeal. Circle
Quen 1-7 Creates a shield with 5 Health Points per Self 10 None
point of Stamina spent to protect you.
Shoots a wave of telekinetic force, staggering creatures 2m
Aard 1-7 with a 10% chance of those affected being knocked prone. Instant Dodge
The percentage rises by 10% for each point of STA spent. Cone
Igni 1-7 Throws out a wave of sparks and fire which does 1d6 2m Instant Dodge or Block
damage per STA point spent and has a 50% chance Cone
of lighting anything it hits on fire.
Axii 1-7 Stuns an opponent until they can make Stun save at -1. 8m Until Resist Magic
For every 2 points of additional STA you spend past 1,
the Stun save becomes harder by 1 point. Shaken

Alchemy Vit Reb Aeth Queb Hyd Ver Sol Cael Fulg Weight
Amount Owned 2 2 1 2 1 2
Formula Name Ingredients Needed DC
Petri's Filter 1 1 1 16
Swallow 1 1 1 16
Ogroid Oil 1 1 1 15
Katakan Decoction 1 1 1 1 16

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