Gryphon Witcher
Gryphon Witcher
Gryphon Witcher
Hair Style Cropped Short 90 I met a druid in a tavern, after a few drinks we
agreed to help each other out whenever we need
Affectations Trinkets 100 Not much happened.
Money My right hand was crushed by a troll, I haven't been able to cast
Value 120 signs with it since. The bard who helped me fight it became a friend.
HP Ammo, Bombs, Potions, Traps
(Body+Will)/2*5 40 # Name Effect Weight
(Bdy+Will)/2*5 40
(Int+Will)/2*5 35
Wound Threshold 8
Reflex 11 Weapons
REF Lvl Base Name T WA DMG Rel. Hand RNG Effect Conc. EN Weight
Brawling 2 13 Witcher Steel Sword ps 0 4d6+2 15 1 Armor Piercing, Meteorite N/A 2 2.5
Dodge/Escape 4 15 Witcher Silver Sword ps 0 1d6+2 10 1 Silver(3d6) N/A 2 2.5
Melee 11
Riding 1 12
Sailing 11 Bonus Melee +4 Armor
Small Blades 11 Punch 1d6+6 Location SP Dam Effects Weight
Staff/Spear 11 Kick 1d6+10 Head 14 2
Swordsmanship 6 17 Torso 8 2.5
LUCK 3 R. Arm 8
Empathy 3 L. Arm 8
EMP Lvl Base Dexterity 6 R. Leg 5 1
Charisma 3 DEX Lvl Base L. Leg 5
Deceit 3 Archery 6 Notes
Fine Arts 3 Athletics 4 10 Armored Hood,Double Woven Gambeson,Padded Trousers
Gambling 3 Crossbow 6
Grooming &St. 3 Sleight of Hand 6
Human Percep. 3 Stealth 1 7 Body 9 Profession Abilities
Leadership 3 BODY Lvl Base Name Stat Lvl Base
Backup Weapons
# Name WA DMG Rel. Hand RNG Effect Conc. EN Weight
Other Gear
# Name Notes Weight
Witcher Medallion Vibrates within 20m of any monster, curse, or spell that is currently being cast
Vigor 4 Focus
Sign Name Cost Effect RNG Duration Defense
Creates a magic circle on the ground around you. Anything in it
Yrden 1-7 takes negative SPD and REF equal to the number of STA you spent. 3m 5 None
Any incorporeal creatures that enter the circle become corporeal. Circle
Quen 1-7 Creates a shield with 5 Health Points per Self 10 None
point of Stamina spent to protect you.
Shoots a wave of telekinetic force, staggering creatures 2m
Aard 1-7 with a 10% chance of those affected being knocked prone. Instant Dodge
The percentage rises by 10% for each point of STA spent. Cone
Igni 1-7 Throws out a wave of sparks and fire which does 1d6 2m Instant Dodge or Block
damage per STA point spent and has a 50% chance Cone
of lighting anything it hits on fire.
Axii 1-7 Stuns an opponent until they can make Stun save at -1. 8m Until Resist Magic
For every 2 points of additional STA you spend past 1,
the Stun save becomes harder by 1 point. Shaken
Alchemy Vit Reb Aeth Queb Hyd Ver Sol Cael Fulg Weight
Amount Owned 2 2 1 2 1 2
Formula Name Ingredients Needed DC
Petri's Filter 1 1 1 16
Swallow 1 1 1 16
Ogroid Oil 1 1 1 15
Katakan Decoction 1 1 1 1 16