Study Visa - Leaflet Data

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§ 16b Residence Act

☐ Bachelor ☐ Master ☐ PhD ☐ study preparation

Name File number Date

Documents (only ONE SET is needed) Missing

1) Application form

- completed and signed by you, recent biometric passport photo must be glued -
2) Passport copies
- copies of the first two pages of your recent passport; ☐
validity of passport: at least one year plus three months -
3) ID card copy ☐
4) Application declarations ☐
5) Appointment confirmation

- printout from your e-mail confirmation -
6) If applicable: Written explanation for past visa refusals ☐
7) Curriculum Vitae ☐
8) Letter of admission ☐
9) Enrolment certificate
☐ mandatory if the semester has already started, together with a letter from the university

confirming that you can join later in the semester
☐ necessary if there is a given deadline for enrolment in your admission letter
10) Confirmation of sufficient language skills in the language of instruction ☐
11) Proof of sufficient financial means for living expenses
☐ blocked account (11,208 EUR for one year)

☐ official obligation letter issued by an Alien’s authority in Germany („Verpflichtungserklärung“)
☐ scholarship award
12) If applicable: proof of payment of tuition fees for the first year ☐
13) Documentation of academic and professional career
☐ for Master students: previous bachelor degree
☐ for Bachelor students and all other cases: any previous academic degrees (if applicable) AND ☐
high school diplomas
☐ for all categories: any previous employment certificates (if applicable)
14) Travel health insurance

- valid from intended date of travel -
15) Others: ☐

Visa Fee - in the amount of 75 EUR, to be paid in PKR -

Completeness of application
My application is ☐ complete.
☐ incomplete.
The documents indicated above are lacking and will be submitted to the e-mail-address
[email protected] mentioning my file number in the subject line.

Date, Signature
Stand 10/2023

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