Hava Arabic English Lexicon
Hava Arabic English Lexicon
Hava Arabic English Lexicon
The aim of the Directors of the Catholic Press, in publi-
shing the present work, has been to meet the want of a
classical Arabic-English Dictionary, which while compre-
hensive, yet might be handy and cheap enough for practical
use amongst the students desirous of acquiring a thorough
knowledge of Arabic literature and poetry.
Of the many Arabic-English Dictionaries existing up to
this time, those published in England are too expensive for
ordinary students, while those that may be found in
Syria and Egypt are by no means adequate to any serious
purpose, as they only contain a list of the principal words,
with none of those turns and expressions that give so peculiar
a feature to Arabic, and into which as in a mould the
language has been cast.
This Dictionary is an attempt to supply those deficien-
cies. Without jDretending xo being exhaustive, yet it is
comprehensive enough to enable the students to read the
chief works of literature and poetry.
The author has followed in his translation the standard
work of M^ Lane, as it is by far the best work ever published
in this line. But as the celebrated Lexicon is only parachie-
ved as far as the letter ^}, and as it does not comprehend
all the roots, it has been necessary to go back to the ori-
ginal Arabic sources.
The work has been compiled on the same principles
as F^. Belot's Arabic-French Dictionary which has been so
favorably received in almost every school and has reached
within a short time its fifth edition. The English equivalent
has been slightly increased in size so as to include many
new words and expressions without becoming too bulky.
Moreover the author has taken particular care to trans-
late accurately scientific terms and especially botanical
names, which are ordinarily rendered in a general sense
by words such as these "species of plant". This is a pecu-
liar feature of this new Dictionary for which the celebrated
work of Ibn Bithar the Arab Botanist has been consulted,
as well as the modern WT)rk of Forskal.
The vulgar tongue of Syria and Egypt is largely repre-
sented with peculiar signs and the personal experience of
the author has enabled him to add many words and to
correct some inaccurate renderings.
An appendix to the Dictionary gives in the original language
the etymology of Arabic words derived from foreign sources.
1° The order followed in the Dictionary is the same as is gene-
thus {^) are given in alphabetical order, each one followed by all the
derivative forms.
^Ss. ,
jj-Ct in ,_^~ji , ^.Jvi in jji- ,
^j-x.^ in ^j-J* , and so on. The
reason lies in this, that this letter is added to give an intensive form
to the original meaning of the triliteral form, and this kind of words
a rule we repeat them in order to save too much trouble to the stu-
they are placed in the same order even if the biiiteral root is wan-
ting ; thus ^jcj is mentioned immediately after 'j»j .
ned only when they have undergone a change in the Arabic trans-
cription. For the others the orthography being the same, there is no
with analogy. The words derived from Coptic are not included in the
list ; they are very few and they chiefly pertain to names of months,
but they may be said to be unavoidable even in the best Lexicons and
I wish, at the end of this work, to thank all those who have had
useful advices and generally all those who had a share in the collation
of the proofs.
Indication of a new Arabic root.
a In that of Egypt.
placed before an Arabic root, it means that the Arabic word and its
affects only the special meaning given, the word being good Arabic
in its form.
with the sign <> are common to both dialects, while those marked a are
— ) in the beginnmg of a line, stands for the repetition of the prece-
ding word.
E. g. 5u->
A comma intervening between nouns or verbs following in a
means that o Li. L^^ is the plural of oLa. and that i-^^^-l is a new form
in the singular retaining the same meaning as oU.
means that ( a ^-j>^ ) is another form of the same verb having the same
meaning as ( i j,^-^ )
( : )
A colon placed between two nouns separates the object from the
subject of a verb.
a i o following an Arabic verb show that the aorist has its second
radical in —
> >' ^ - ' ^
j^ o
Two letters following the same verb indicate that the same may
have two forms, as : i o Jji>^ means that the aorist is JXs^ or J.ij^
, ^y*^
Passive Active
iA.^«_sJj i.lji.ij
Lime kiln, brick kiln. oC>,€\j ^\ ^ o>»1 To remember J j\ <-> Ui) a. *j] -^
Furnace. a. th.
To produce (ground), saij I^jI o c'I -^ No one pays attention to it, iJ t'^iV
To grow up abundantly (corn). unlieeded.
.V. of. act. Straight path. Manner. _^1
To suspect a. 0. of. v_j ji '*;i
To undertake a thing, to make it. say ( c-jI iJ'M ) May I ransom thee :
To take root, il ijl o j;b Vy Jj^ -^ ! i wliich one goes or comes from.
To become wealthy. i)G> jj^Cj |j_jl To be thick ijulj Gyij Obi o i a o1 -«
To become, to get firm. j;\; clo.se ( hair, grass).
Anger. Inveterate hatred. ^^I,^ <!>{ Servant, hireling.Cj^ii <v 'IS*' -^^
Interj. expressing disgicst, ^T-^j ^1 -^ Tenant. j>'^^
sorrow. Alas! poh! Workman, hireling, hired ^*ViiJ»
Dirt. ti.[j labourer. Hired (house).
Flour mixed with butter or oil. «s-»1 To recline on a pillow j^'\^\ — j>.\ -S-
To take ^
^ j' A liU-ljj liil o a»-i -S- without leaning the back.
a. th. from a. o. Plum. <• Pear. u^'^i'^j u^'A,^
4> To be offended, »Jk^ \^ •^*'' Cry for chiding (sheep). iai-[ H-
Place from which some- ii-t. ^ jj.'^ (water). To be hot (day). To be dis-
thing is extracted. Source, mine. gusted with a food.
Manner. To be angi7 with a. o. jc ^c
Taken, seized. Dra\vTQ, extracted.iy!\;: ,
Brush- j,0j oCflj ^1 ^ C*1
To delay. To put at a )lKi.c_,j^l -»• wood, thicket. Den of a lion.
the end. To leave behind, to abandon '
hernia. To fraternise, to :;
'\»-\i h^yy i'T
Hernia, rupture. Sjit^ S^il take as a brother; to become inti-
To heal (wound). vil i J'il -« mately acquainted, to actin a bro-
To beat (milk). A — therly way with.
Beaten (milk). Jil_ To restore friendship between. ^,_ —
To season the ^ar:'lj , uil i y^l -!^ To act as a brother and friend of. ^Vi
bread with. To adapt. /b
To reconcile a. o. crC, Ci|jjl_ ^iT, ^il Bro- ;^ -t^j eS»b si>l>»j eii»b *^l
To be bro\^'n. i;;ii o ^ilj Uil a ^i1 therhood friendship, union.
to a. o.
, ^.r'^
to pay, to resti-
a. o.
To exact, to take a. th. tt> s i^ilrJ,!^
Ear. Handle.
° oliT ^ o ib o
_. ^,^
Intriguer, intriguing. ^'j'l o'.>jj
ments. mosque.
Chronicler, historian. -t-'jW^
To suffer damage. ^ siilj vjSi a 'ji\ *
Dated from; of such a date. ^j^i To injure, to harm a. o. 5 t\jj\.j':>\
cold (night). to a. 0.
yj\ c Y
Irain(name of a place). ^jl A cedar-tree.
There is nobody, no j^_j\j j>j 'l
Uj C» Rice.
one. To practice agrieul- ^j' trjl i "fr
a lion. To become strong, tall or dry. A very ample 23j,Tj j'ji ^ oj\Xi jOl
Lion. jj,]j juLij iCJj »jJ^\ 7 -u.'i veil. Waist-wrapper.
All, I he whole of them, -without ^_^U Narrow place. Battletield jjTj. -^ JjU
exc 'option. To be in a strait. Sj^j ,Vj1 i Jjl -J^
s j^l
h- Corrupted, putrid (water).
To nurse, to ?j * Clj l^'l o L-*l
^ -S-
Hot and windless (day). «iAc%l Time. ^ij t»i_j oiib d^\^
To strengthen a. th. A> jkfjj ji^l -^ At the time of that. dUi ^il J*
To assert. To certify. To hurry. la>l a a?l -ft-
To till (the *^Ib , l>=^ i >^^ "^ To reach the utmost degree (ssl a j;l
ground), to dig. of science, generosity.
Tiller, bus- Cjj'j^b »'J\ ^ j^l Liberal, learned. J;;'b ,^
bandman. Tanned (hide, skin).
Ball, bowl. Ditch, hole. j^\ ^ s^l Horizon. Country. jVaT ^^ jalj jal
Pack-sad- sifeTj ^1 ^ ^V'fcb oi^l -ft- Horizontal. '2*5
die (for as.ses, mules). Great traveller. Adveuturei". jCJ 1
( \
my mother Mother I I eii^ \j iutj 5tc He has spared no pains. )a^ JJG J^
Fire. lit. : the mother of ^j^ai -J\
He does not cease to G-Jaj iJj5lj V
hospitality. warn, to admoni.«h thee.
Mecca, lit. : the mother of j'^\ 'J\
Nevertheless, for all that.jij; v1 ^IjV
the towns. he continues.
< The Virgin Mai-y lit. : the j^\ y\ To be unable. To neglect a. th.Ja'ij V\
mother of light. Do not cease to claim x^\ 5<j vt c^
Pia mater; the brain.^_^l^l ^1^5,0^1^11 >i what you have not obtained (prov.).
Milleped, poiypode {ins.).cj^.uj\i ^'J\ 'J\ To swear, to take \ij'\j JGj t%_\, JT
The milky way. ^yr^^ !»' an oath.
Situated near or opposite to. ^i Possessors, possessed of I pi. of J^) _j5jT
A trifle. Men gifted -with strength. ;^| _^j^
Before, in front of. j,\^\ Gift, benefit. Dung. 'J]
Foolish, silly.
•/'U j^\ The gentiles, idolaters. ^v1
He (Joes not possess ;^JI. Vj ^»l. H U Motherly. Ignorant, illiterate. ^\
a fartliing. Gentile, idolater. >5i ->
Serious, painful alFair. ^'. _r''l Maternity.
Soul. Vital spirits. The jvjtj 5^ J>»"^ Wounded in the brain.
heart 's blood. A con], part. Either, or
Convent of monks. 'jy^'^^J Jj^P Is (he, .she, it).., not?
Man. ?^'>J i^j>*'^-» ??,^''^I But; as to...
Civil title equal to that '\y^'^\ j^\ Either.... or. W^he- Ci. J . . . u\
of a colonel. ther.... or.
Commanded: proxy. > Public jy'i''\f' To show the limit of. fi> ail
officer. Laden Amida
ship, (town). Sa^Tj j^T
Mission, power of attorney. ;5 j ^'U To command a. th. k_, 5 i^^l o^l -K-
I do it,>i;.l)l J
will not o1 vi iduil C
as long as a star appears iii the sky.
^ To reassure, to
tranquiliise a. 0.
s CU;I.^>T) , U-/^ ^ I
.1 ( \y )
Take care not to do. j;i7 J\ iJu I. Deer, stag. jj,bj ^ jj'ij j!i.j
Vocative. thou, o ye! v^iJl C j (4^1 September. JyiJ"| S
To be strong, firm. iST, Qil i i\ ^ To smoke out (the u C«bi.j C»C i^ C^jl —
To strengthen. To help. To f>j s 'm\ bees).
authorise, to confirm a. 0. or a. th. To excite the thirst of a. 0. s ^j\
To help, to succour, a SJ^'^* J'iT) ~ To fatten (cattle).
to strengthen a. 0. Burning thirst. Giddiness. ^ijl
To be afflicted, sad of. ^_, ^\:][ At. During. In. With. For. By. ^-«-
Courage, strength, boldness. ^1.; Ipassed by him. ^j cJSJ'
Misfortune, J^'^.j '^'^.J u-'^J l^'jI Early in the morning. J^s~i
adversity. Sorrow, harm. He has walked during the jiL jL,
No harm in it. dli'i J ^'J V night.
No objection to it. vHijLi ^\'i V Go down in peace. ^!A1j W^\
Be fearless. No fear. di'jj. ^'i; v He struck him with the ^l)t; *>>*
Misfortune. ,_^^ OUJ sword.
fniiappy. Poor. ^^ ^ ^_^jG I found him to be lion- ij.j,1 o c-^J
Unhappy. Poor. Brave, gallant. ^_^ hearted.
Passport. Jt»j^'C-G Is Eye for eye. cijiJli t^l
To throw a. o. s J-'-d.j ,
Ci'i^ a J^J -tr By God. By my life. J CJ-j. . Jit;
More glorious. jt'1 Kind, way. -tf The best head of ^\\ ^
Kind way. Fat baby.
; oLj j Lj * a flock. Duty upon importation,
To be red and swoUen^iiL^j L'i'i a ^_ -ii- To have o.'s own Vlj Vp^|j ilf; a ^i
with blood (lip). way, to take nobody 's advice. To
Red- lipped. ^
^ ,ui7 j> jc^>\ have a fine neck (horse). To have
To overHow (river). CSlSlTj Cii o jS -«- strong articulations (man).
To emanate, to derive. jSlil^ Means possesion: ( f.f->; jsjs. ) ^x::! <>
To break its dams and ip jiljl belonging to.
overflow (water). Intoxicating drink made of honey ,£>
To proceed from. (Holy Ghost). . .» — and dates.
Procession (of the Holy Ghost). JiiJl^ Whole, complete. ,~j ^ -Urj j, ^'>\
Overflowing. Proceeding (Holv ^{^i The whole tribe. .liij -Ur; U-^l
Ghost). To detach a lilrJ j , ffe^r; o i dl:J -»-
Piece of ground even and jL ^ sii; -S- violently, to cut off a. th.
smooth. To be cut. ti^vb "^-^^
Wheat growing in it. -C.'^, A part cut, torn off. ^, ^ issc:,
enjoy (glory). .
Bottom. Root, origin, real state sl^J
^ To give a. th. generously. A rC^t of a thing.
^To render a. th. plentiful, abundant. He knows, thy i)_,*l Sj^ ji^ j^
To go in the middle of a 'j\j!i\ 9^*4" concerns, thy business.
house. He is aware of the _^V| Sa»^ Cfl^
To spend o's life, in gran- j^\\ J — thing.
dem' and glory. Clothing made with striped oiJ ^ i\ao.
Company. Comfortable
•<>• life, ot>.> stuff.
To To voyage ^}
be salty (water). mind of). To rivet, to clinch (a nail).
To perfume one's self with ^ JiCh The Mediter- ^j^ll _,>jj ii.;;^^!) ^i^Jl
incense, to be incensed. ranean sea.
Foul-breathed. _,iij1 The Atlantic Ocean. oC'Ua)! J^j
Vapour; efriuvium. Sj,>iJ'i ^ J^\ Mirage. olia^ljl Jt\ °
Frankincense. cKjy^. j »^hi'^rr j^'> The i-iver Nile. j_l!l J^C;
Cyclamen (plant). ^/^i jji-j Province of Arabia. ci3*r"
^ Steamer, steamboat. ^\'ji ^ c'^i-i). Basin. Fish-pond. Haven, jiW;_ ^ s^rsti
To put out the eye of. j Caij a ^k? -^ Flint, pebble. (*;.ia: jsjs^') ^i-.; ^SoisJ -^
To have the eyelids fleshy, {^j a^jai^, To be empty-handed. ^jjk^> —^isv -M-
fy- Reprehended. Covered with p^> To waddle. To walk in Jil-'f, — j\i.j -ft-
la the beginning. i'ji *cSi(i j -JJ Jji To give reluctantly to. it ^ J»-^V^
He *iljjj h'^'j^ 4 ->' >^,-*i J^ «^j^^ ;>>3 Avarice, stinginess. J»tJ j ji4
went back by the same way. Avaric:ou8.stiugy..>u;jJ^; « Jcjo J*"^
Beginning. <>• Noviceship. '\j^X Niggard, very avaricious. J&J
Initial, primordial. y»|a_^'l. Inducement to avarice. iiiil>
oJb C Tr )
To crack (walnuts). fi, (pjj a (.'m Sum of money eg\iai jjjJj jjj ^ ijjj
Corpulent, fat. ^.jo'j ^a/ to 10000 dirhems {about 20 pounds
To substitute ^j fi> JjJ1_, vIJ o JlJ -J^ slerlitKj). Bag that contains it.
A. th. .Voj^ Jla;1 ^ JiJ^'j, JliJj JI4 To produce, to find out a new th.
given or received in exchange. Chan- To be matchless,(pya; J icIaJj ulJ f.'-o
Suit of clothes. Chasuble. :t3lj To find out, to create a. th.* ^orjlj f^\
Change, permutation. Jiu^ jj^^j To excel in doing a. th. To be ^jj I
Here and there, to and fro. ji' ji- To appear, to show o.'s self.
To hold an jc. jjf\j , i^i' o \JS -^ Fissure, rent. Chap on the ^jjj ^ ^'j/
obscene language upon. skin.
(TO) \j^
Deceit, imposition. ^^X^XJ. ?r "^yj. "^ First fruits of the tree called iJlj'l.^_,r
To enter upon the cold season Signs of the Zodiac. i)>iiVl ^j^
Hail-stone. Indigestion. iV/ Ido not cease doing it. cUj'i j^sl^^W
A cooling eye-water, coUyrium. ^j^ To come over the left side (i.j'_^ o ^j?
Coldness, coolness. a'^jj. (game).
Coldness, slowness. *d,ijjt "^ To become irritated with, ip G-l^ o ^'j.
Streaky cloth ^y^j i,''^\^ i\'j,] ^ ^'J,
To abandon (a place). ^i ^
— ^
garment. To afflict, to ti'ouble a. o. th. ^j ^*y :
To feel and showCiU,[_^j *i-il? jS-j'. ^ To secure the flight (of his ^
a jj'-
gi'ief. •<>• To blush. rider : horse).
Sharp-sighted. To progress in science. ^u)| j —
tf- Brush. To take the field s \j\y, j ajji^ jjC
Host, wafer. against. To fight a duel.
To wafer. To set off. j^j]
To be leprous. C»y a ^J -»• To pubU.sh a (book). a —
To shave (the head). fn \js''J, To go out for a natural want. jy\j
To beget a leprou.^ child. o^'J.''^
To raise a contest (champions), jjij
To strike a. 0. with leprosy 5 ^'J, \ Going out, egress. Appearance j/J
(God). inbroad daylight.
Sandy, barren ground. ^\'ji ^ xJ,'J_ To put a frame to. jJJ:' ^
Lepro.sy. ^y To be framed ( picture ). jjl^sj "
A leper, leprous, ^'j ^ .(J^r j, ^'J] Human excrement. j\^
Fight. Duel. SJjV'j jlSi
Gecko. ^^^ J OI l-arge field.
The moon. t/'^'Vt Coming forth. Projecting. jj C
Cropped by cattle (land). \^y' ja'J\ Champion; fighter. jj^
Gleammg. ^;^' Frame. jl jXj:' ^ j^j'j;, ^
To gush out in a small Ci»y o J^'y -fi- Pure gol d. sf/i-ril
' v^ ^J JX ^ ->.
( TA) J»X
To lighten Cisy^ i^jjj CS^ o jy ^
(sky). To flash (lightning). To as- Small quantity of water.
cend (star). Barren soil. Oozing (water). 1^'J
To glitter, to gleam ^^Jij i^'jf
— First shoot of a plant, jaj iJj jaj,\,
(blade). Squanderer. J^'jyj u^l^/
To attii-e herself jj, ]j Sj'i ^'J.
~ To hire (a beast) to. ^ ,_^y"j;'-{^
(woman). To be a broker, a middle- J^'jt ••
To be astounded, dazzled, {y^' a 15^' man.
To undertake a long journey. J^i' Threshold of a J^XjC ^ j-'^'j! -^
To glare at a. o. j^' •& door, window-sill.
To send forth lightnings (cloud). J'J] To be restless, to fret *iL'lr'^l»'V -tf-
( T ^ ) iJa
To on the foi'o-lega "iiSjl, ^'J>,
rise ^ Finch. Fickle, unsteady. jJiVjy^
(horse). To fiiU on the knees (came]). To walk at a phort and quick i^'y -tj-
To on the buttocks.
fall ^'J\-> pace. To go away in looking back.
Volcano. o^^'j. -r d^j. I To squat in parting the knees.
To twist a A j,j 'ij /Jj (a'J o /j. -^
To scatter a. th. ^'j fit
Twisted (thread). I
To bode well of. ^ 6'J^\
Ineluctable fate, inevitable yyj, -L^ j
Herd of camels kneel- i^/j,' ^ i\}
doom. I
ing. Upper part of the chest.
Spindle. ^j C>; ^ yyy, \ Blessing. Abundance. cAi=>'J, -r "^'j.
Twisted, woven as a I'ope.^j _,r^ y/Sy Pool. Tank, pond, puddle. iJ^.. ^ 'ii=''y.
To get the better of, to over- » — To wrap o.'s self in a bur- i^jf
come a. o. To rob, to plunder a. o. noose.
To withhold a. o. A small earthenware -j |Jj' ^ ;!;'_^ .JJ-
Having a hollow back -U-lf j. ^J^' 1 To dress (wood). To A (/J cS^ -ft- i
Enough, enough.
it is ^5 of wine), to tap it.
err )
Tall, lofty ( ti-ee ). Goodly yellow j^i; Fresh ( fruit ).
fruit. Dates beginning to ripen.
A white cloud. Mis- j-l>^ -r *^^ Lion.
fortune. Tree with, lofty branches. Piles,hemorrhoids. -n-l^ ^ j>^Ij
Whose milk flows prematurely j^Lj Hemorrhoidal Has. '^sx^'C.o'X^
(female). To spread a carpet. ^ CklS o Jalj -fr
To be gallant, brave. ^LJ o jL'i -H- To widen to dilate. To stretch the
Lion. ..^t>; ?-
— Area, the terrestrial JaJ L_j ^ *i»c—
The basilic vein (in the arm).jj>,^b G body. Simples, medicinal plants.
Peas. *^jij iL.) I Simplicity: ingenuousness, it>'L_j •<>
To smile. openness.
To have a smiling air. Joy, cheerfulness, entertainment. LCyX
Smile. LLIjIj Extending. Embracing. ia.,u
Smiling. ^11a.?j j>^j jrr-h^J j^-r-^.
Simple, not compound. 'iklJ ^ ia--J
Mouth. D Mouth-piece. ^,-«uS ^ ^„ i
^ ^ Simple, guileless.
To say : name
in the Ji-J -S-
xii-lj Open-handed, h'.j ^ si^tjl Jas—;
of God. To make the sign of the generous.
cross. Po.st-oflice. mail. *^jj.j da-1^ Is
Invocation of the name of God. iCjS\ 1 Dilated. Stretched. Glad. ^\^'eU J,^^
To be fine, gracious. ^'\ — ^13 -^ off ; comfortable, in good health.
Plough-share. o-r-'^J ^ *^^. To spit. CjlIj jl3 -«-
Workmen's tools. To be lofty (palm-tree). CijU o jIj
To be fcj J.')Jluj '*£\l3j (jji &
-^ To obtain superiority over. u —
kind, meek. To have a cheerful, smi- To put off a. 0.
ling face. Spittle. oi—
have conveyed
good tidings.
To smile to a. o.
To undertake JW
Fiu3 features. c^^^l a. th. joyfully.
To carry on business,
b a f.h.'X^\j f^
Laying flat on the belly. ^i,.lAj rd>j\ 1
to practice trade.
Depressed, flattened. Piece, cA'm2aJ,3 ^Um^ i^>^3 r^ -r <i»-ir
To Uck a. th. bit.
To abound with melons Small number, few. Poition xiiajj f,^
Stout. of the night.
Melon. Pumpkin. Few days, seme days. j,\,\ ^mJin
Veterinary ^^j
, »'^k\ci sr J^. to walk slowly.
surgeon. Farrier. To detain a. o. with a. ^ cS^i js. '\^
Shoed (horse). J^Zi th. To procrastinate.
Boisterous, stubborn man. ^ _^j V To be slow in doing a. th. J WCJ^ \Lj
Termagant Foul-tongued woman! To find a. o. to be slow. 5 UaliJ-t
Deck of a ship. Electrical :/j iL; Si Slowness, delay. *^!j ••Jajj 'li»i
To confide a secret to a. o. 2 o^iJ Who has lost his lower 4»i1 — ^ -S-
Between them. Each Ua; ^-a-'! away, to be afar off from. To die.
other, one another. To remove to a distance, fij s aiJ'lj jiJ
Gnat, mosquito. to take away. To drive off a. o., a. tb.
Full of mosquitoes. To l^eep a. o. away, off.s lSv«)j slitUi -itlJ
Division, distinction. To be remote. To send far away. ju,'1
Partly, in part. May God curse him ! .jjl ioiil
Full of mosquitoes (place). To be distant o. from a. jtU;
To go beyond., j i,;j1j Ci:; , a h^. ^ To part from. To quit, ^t aolj jil^j —
To exceed in. To consider a. th. as distant, a aii:~l,
To slaughter (a beast). s — remote.
To overburden a. 0. To go away from. ^—
To soak ( the soil a CSuJ a
j^j ^ Distance, remoteness, saijj jSjj uif
rain). To dig (a well). "Wariness. Sa*'j -uJ
<• To yell, to shout. May he be afar off! May he iJ \j.:S
quenching its thirst (camel). ! To cut off the extre- ij s feJJ o diS>(
To rain abun- j>^
I'j CDI j\ 'pi - raities of the body with.'
dantly. i Fool. dAci;
To be well soaked (soil). ! Heat. Inteuseness of a. th. aJ^SCJJ
Shower. I Meeting-place.
Unquenchable thirst. To marry. ;j^; j i'u; Ji5 «
Who feels iSji^.j >Jj\^.t. To be astonished, ama- ^ y;; a J«j
an unquenchable thirst. zed at.
Swepingness of water, rain. To ally by marriage C*^! Uj2i\ JpJ
To kick, to sti'ike s Iji. (tribes).
a. o. with a stick. To cut. To obey her husband ( wife). jilj
Swiftness, sprightliness. To become the husband of. J JilLlI^
Lively, sprightly. Libertine. Consort, husband. Ju;;j J^_ ^ iuJ >i JJJ
Channel, strait. The -^'>! T j'^y. Ts Unwatered land or plant; or land, jU
Bosphorus. \
plant, that is only watered by rain.
To pour down a fine \iJ3 a w-*i -8- Owner. Lord. The god Baal.
rain (clouds). [
Balbeck ( town). tiAlii; -tt-
Detestation. To surprise.
Hating, loathful. To faU suddenly upon. jf cilj j —
Odious, loathsome, j^y^^ -^j j^jJ^j ja.j:,. To break unexpectedly on.
More hateful, who has more jai')\ To be surprised to remain ; c^{
hatred. speechless, amazed.
To beget dege- 5 j1:j ,::Ai; a Ji -«- Unexpected event.
nerate children through a misalli- Unexpectedly. Suddenly, ,**•! t}^.i *^
ance. abruptly.
To be slow, weary. To walk at ji Surprised; speechless. Cij^^
the pace of a mule. To be spotted with Cii; a i-jj -ft-
Mule. > Spur, pro- Juiij JUj ^ ji; white and black (sheep).
jection. Mixture of black and white. tHj
She-mule. JCoj o5U; ^ iuJ A lot of people. 'UiJ
Mule-driver, muleteer. '
Ju; Rabble. 'i^ij j> c^^
iai ( r^ )
<)• Of no avail, wasteful! j. ^ \j 1 o j^~j V*U; J C»_^' a j^} )
, o j^_ \ -ft-
help a.
treat unjustly.
o. in attaining fi> s 1}]
"^ Imprecation May his food be Jail.; To have many children, (woman). To
Mercy ! Spax*e us !
<^\ with down (face).
Moi'e lasting. i; \ To become green with plants jiil
F. Good works. oUil^l oCJUI (ground).
Preserved, kept in store. J«-i--^ To fatten by feeding upon jirj'b J^"
Bey, prince. >^ii'."^J '^>. Ts green herbs (cattle).
To squeeze jfcj 5 U«; o wij -«- To search for herbage. jIIj
ji^J Ji^J
have little water (well) few tears ; Abundant in herbs, jl^j d'sV.-i J-H
(eye)- vegetables (soil).
To I'ise up
_^:^j _^j J lji_,^; »• , ^^
prepare a mess of flour, dates and early in the morning.
oil. To do a. th. early in the morning, j —
To mix, to mingle. ••{To * jfeu To go Jl. JCilj _,5CJ Ij ^ij
buckle. -^ To button up. towards a. 0. early in the morning.
To speak in uucon- j^is^'S J Jfew To hasten to go. Jl. j§C_J
To be beneficent. a. th.
To enjoy a. th. To ^^ V^l. j a 0^' >l'i; ^ Large sum of money. li5CJ
obtain. To know a. th. One-armed. ^')
jj^ C tr )
To fJtii'lj !!iilj|j ?!it"j :>iL* Ij , Cf-jC T^. "fr To recover^ 'jj]j, sJjj "kJjj ^u i 'ji
He has not got a. th.:5i' Vj ^ ujCoI U
To be weary, ^.Ju7j r-X'j , C>_^; Dampness, moisture. ^"^.j jVj '^'
(man). unjust.
To be haughty. ^If, GoJ a !^: , -ft- ^ Warm bath. A kind oIJIAj t o:^'
Haughty. .Vi-U ^ ^IJJj ^li of fern.
Evergreen, oak-tree. ^'^'j '^^. Waiter at baths. :u!Aj > o!AJ
Hyacinth (gem). j^Xf ^ Drenched, wet. S^J ^J^
To settle, to ill; a jX/j ^ Gy; o jJj » To trouble, to jj i*vCJb^ xil'U jli; -{^
ness. Eloquent and ^^-'-J '<^)^.J li"^.
Silly, foolish. bold in speech.
r) U
Pavement. Paving-stone. Palace, ^yj Steel.Razor. ( jVy j^jt. ) iV_H' P'^
^.L'u s^
To remain disheartened.,_^**i —
sad, and gloomy. To be desperate,
-a- ^
ground. stupefied. To remain speechless.
^ To flatten (a. th. round). — fin To drive a. o. to despair. 5 —
To swallow a. th. A ^'Ij ,Ci< a ^1j -^ A kiud of date. ^^jj
To swallow up. To absoi-b a. th.
Hoariness began to <^]j J L^ljl '/1j
Silent, gloomy.
Constabulary. Policeman.
^ij ^{j
To walk
silly, stupid. 4U
at a quick step.
^ '1^1? j, <ijl
^j.'^^ ^
Ji. f. Reaching... Attaining an
;i>GI ^^U
Ampleness of circumstances. "Cx^! -Jr aim... Mature, of age. Marriageable.
To try, to expei-i-o 5 «^j l^
o 5lj -S- Inviolable oath. ;iS,G c«*i
ment. To afflict, to put a. o. to the Eloquent. Efficient. 'j',%i j^.i i^:.
To try, to test, to afflict s li'b J'C5 To repair (a well) with plane- * jlj
a. o. boards.
To put a. o. to the test. y jj^l To be opened abruptly (door). jiljH
account of. He may come. j^^l jsiC_
Yes, no doubt. Ay, yea. So. L' ^ To mar a. o. or a. th. Aj s ~Jj — 'Jj -^
The thickest string of a ^^iJ 9- Vi P To be silent. J^\
musical instrument. Bass (in music). Having swollen lips. _,ijl
Ochrea, bamia (leguminous u*C Gs A kind of broad- <iVb J^.h J^\j ^V*
plant). bean. Berry of the lote-tree.
To remain in (a piace).^^ t?b Cj' ^ -i^ i
Small fishes. -^ Foolish, stupid. ^
To tie ( a sheep) in order to fat- » oV y. of M«. Tumour on the lips. t^.
ten it. Ambergris. Honey. ^OjI.
Fingers, tip of the fingers. Tar. "^
cX^ jr-^.
( le
To communicate family »iJl; — dxZ -ft- To come back to o.'s origin, o r^t, -fr
( lA)
To come upoa a. o. ic ^CJlj ^ o ^S'.^ Fine, pretty. Bright. ^sj
(misfortune). Young camel. Stuifed camel-hide^"" -S-
Traveller. 9r*>i'j
^'y' for deceiving a she-camel when
Misfortunes have ^^-^ >.i^'^ milked.
overwhelmed them.
deliver a permit to. < To
come back to.
:;Sy ^ U'jTj M>/
\ty o ^G
^ y
5 ^JJ Ji -Ji-
To flash al! over the sky ^\~,\) ^}Lj To bring back a. o. to. Jl «_>
(lightniug). To acknowledge o.'s fault. tijlo —
Permit, -way-leave. ^Vj -rV ^ To be equal in rank, so »_, «)^j \ty —
To appear \>.jyj i'>jjj j b->j o ^C -ir that the death of one may be atoned
in broad light. for by that of the other.
To reveal, to communicate Jl tj — Do die, do atone for his death. *;
(a secret ) to a. o. To come and stay (in a place), ]y fit
to do anything. License. j
peasate for the murder of another.
Dissolute. Free-thinker. o_^Ct ^ 'J^i-X Tantamount. Equality. ^\'y
( 1\
To become plump CkJ'j Gi>j i o iiC -S- To cause a. o. to perish.
(omaciatod person). Worthless fellow,
To stretch the hand in Gt^' o fh -ft- rogue.
order to ofler a. th. To make rapid I'ncultivated, waste land.
strides. Ruin, perdition.
To measure a. th. by the fi>
~ Hell.
Fine dust. Smell. Medley. Mob. '\i,yi to look angry, n To spoil a. th.
To peris!) Csj^'j (jy o 3\j ^ To kiss a. o. 5 C^ o u-l'i
(wealth). To be missed (th.). To make a. o. to kiss a. 0. jj ifc ^"y •<>•
To raise o.'s self above CL' i CrQ ^^ Owl. Fool, stupid. W^ool (before x»y^
(people) and oppress them. it is soaked in the inkstand). 5ce tsJ,-
Hospital. Lunatic asylum, o^j Vi-o P He has not Mi^Vj *Uj1/ IJS %j \a
Parting. Contrast. Difference ^\^ Equally distant from the o.^j ojj
e C )
if- The milky ;ji1!!I :j4-- dj ;5Li!l v_.»ji at the heels of.
To trade, to ba in business.
^j -tt- Following, ^Cij ^,y^j
coming next. Follower, domestic
x^j ^^ ^\j
Trade, mercantile affairs, ba- Sjl?J vant. {Gram.) Appositive.
siness. Female attendant, foUower.^ji^ ^ xiy6
Mex'chant, commercialjib^j ji^^ ^ ^^ij Consequence, issue.
man, dealer, trader. Wine-mei"- Imitative pleonasm used for ^Cil
chant. corroborating a word as J^£;,f^iJ'
Tradeswoman. Mei'- jf.\'Ji ^ %^y,
chantable (goods). Successively, one after the /j^So.
Provost of merchants. j^ ^^ Pe other, in turn.
Goods, merchandise. ^is; ^ _,i> Uninterrupted, successive. Uni- ^iriJ
Commercial. Is^^cj^ form, symmetrical.
Market. Trading countiy. «^> Followed. Obeyed. Sovereign. ^.^^
Befoi'e, in front of. {See *>j) oi^ -8- Antecedent of an appositive.
Opposite to thee. dlAliJ Smoking-tobacco. ^; P
Under, beneath. Below. ^7 -$:{- To show hostility to. 5 SLj i ^'Jj -S-
To be destitute. (man).
To be rich. To be des- v'J'J vt^ Stammering. Inarticulate xS^iJ
titute. sound.
<fTo become dust (corpse). To i_,^' Fat (man). r-.;i..i» n
fastened. !
Muscular. '^fJ.J
To straighten, to fasten fi> o''Ji\j tj^'y To interpret, to Jl.. . .^s^ fi^
^ jp ^
a. tli. To rectify (the weight in a translate from one language to
balance). an other.
Right, accurate (ba- To write the biography of. » —
lance). Strong, hardy. Interpretation, transla- ^>l^' ^ Si^J
To rush into peril. To \t'Ji a f.Ji
-^ tion. Biography.
be filled (vessel). Introduction. Preface of a v^^'^'
To close (a door). * f-Ji
To fill up (a vessel). The Septuagint. ^^is-^' ^In)l
To hasten to do (evil). Interpreter, j^\'j} k^XJ rr Ci\^^'J
To bf full (vessel). dragoman.
Door. Flood-gate. Flight Interpreter. Biographer. ^-^
of stairs. Channel between two Interpreted, translated. Dubious.^^
seas. Canal of irrigation. Mouth of To be grieved, ^l>Vij (>-'j a ^J -»• ,
Tired, fatigued. oCJij w.«j <) Appointed time. Ter-^l^'l ,,, ^'ji Fs
Fees. v_,Un a mination.
Fatigue. Toil. ^\-;, ^ •C.iij ^'^'^ To withdraw from fight.
Place and cause of fatigue. Lupine (kitchen-plant). Gs
Toilsome (work), tiring, ,_^iJ Underground passage.
Fatigued. Worn out vJ"-'" "^J v"^ Persian manna. P
by care, remorse or sorrow. To busy o.'s self about tftjj a »J: ^
To ci-y out, to vociferate. \'jz a J^) ^ trifles. To utter idle words.
Evil, unhappiness. Loss. x^i«^j ^; To take ths ninth part of. To fitj i —
ill-luck. make a. th. nine.
Stumble. Fall.
'uhappy, miserable,
xLm To become nine in number.
^ 1
( OA )
To improve a. th. To set in 4> ^ijl i
To boil (pot). ^ Ci>7>:
good oi'der; to dispose with art. To -^ To spit (blood), a To 5; a L^ -ft-
To inebriate a. o. (wine). — s \
minded. I
To slip a i"unning-]ace into ^_, ^%s.[ To spit (a fine saliva). "^ o i jij -^
(trousers). To leave off the use of >u: a J.^
Small coin of about a 2X1 ji ]j 'cU? <>• perfume and smell bad. To perfume
half-penny. o'.s self. To have a foul odour.
Trousers-band. di -^j dX^_ ^ Xi^l To make (odour) to be bad. fi> ^}£^
To exude (sweat). yo [
— by watering it with muddy water.
A j; ( o^ )
To precede a. 0. To put off the 5 — Height. Stream oUiJj iiti j;5U ^ X^t
payment of a debt. coming down a valley.
To transfer a debt from one Jt 5 — Long-necked, tall (man, ^t b f;C
to another. steed) Of high rank.
To follow, to prosecute. To »j s Jtzi Erecting his head. ^Si
seek to obtain a. th. To perish. To be spoiled. i»^ a wii; -^
To come consecutively. Ju:_i To be worn out, wasted.
C "x
Near to bring forth, (female). -^ To aska. o. to follow a. th.A s jiX." i.
a prince. oveu.
Wearing a crown. 9r>->'J t^j,^ Unslit dress. Petticoat. :u J jijj Sj^J-^-
Crown. Miti'e. Turban. cS»i^, -r t^ Desert. wj«j,0
' j^ *^>5Jj
" xV^ ^
Bronze. rr^yj -ry Tk Tin-plate. dl:J Ts
To befall a. o. (event). J G._^ o ^C -^ Tinman. Tinker. '^^
To hi prepai'ed for a. o. (th.). Tree of the desert. _^yj -M-
Earnest, eager to obtain. j|^7_, j;a Single (fold, knot). -[y] -r 'y -^
To practise witchcraft. \'p o Jl^ -Ji- He came directly fj: sG.
To pluck (the hair). fi, ilal Lost, passed away (wealth). jt,j h
A great fool. ^j c jiil To become easy to a. 0. J GJj ^C -K- i
This, that. ( f. of iU;i ) dU? (affair). To be decreed, fixed to a. 0.
To be enslaved by (passion).C»Ij i jXi -^ (good or evil).
To enslave a. o. (love). To ^ Jz> To predetermine, to preor- J A ^VjI
abase a. o. dain (a. th.) to a. 0. (God). To facih-
To Slaughter a home-bred s ^ci tate a. th.
ewe (fi'om want). Intruder. rClfj Ci\>-:^>j o^Jj .^^
Slave. Name of a tribe.Bewilder- ^ Forward, interfering in what is not
ment, madness caused by love. of his concern.
Home-bred ewe. Amulet. *i^ Ordained, decreed. ^0;i
Wayless desert. Name of a place. 'VilJ To strike a. 0. with (a stick). 5 iSJj i ^'G
Enslaved by love, disordered in J^ Kindness, meekness. jlj si-
To sit dovna. comfortablj. CCi o Li -J}- keep them thirsty. To quench (the
To be finished (affair). fire, anger). To remove a. th. from
c^ (\t
To put together. To complete, Sj * JJ
to improve a. Th. To praise a. o.
To be incessantly busied about, ip —
Troop of horsemen, ojib Cj(J t <i-'
Numei'ous company. 'J^ijI ^ iiTci
Wild goat, ibex. Effeminate. jr^;
To flow. r.-?Sjj r-sJlj ^j>ij b« J
, o ^— -J^
To hush a. o. 5 (stil
Ja^ C "Vo )
Opulent (man). ^syJ j> o^i'J To wet a. th. To water (a field). * j^;
Pleiads. Lustre, candlestick. h'J Holding much jj'Jj j\'J ^ ;'J ^ "J
To be softened by ^s'J'\j . ,s'J a 'jj -S- i
water I'cloud, spring). Full of milk
rain (ground). I (ewe).
To moisten, to wet (the eartli). * iS*J Loquacious, garrulous.
jUj —
Earth. Moist earth. Goods. .|j^*( ^ Jj To mix (food). To scatter
* Jj -ft-
To give vent (to water).*C;;a ^iJ -^ To kill (a beast) without cutting Ji^'
To make a raid against. u Sjlill — its throat.
To flow forth (water, blood). ^'»ii\ Chap on the lips. Weak rain. :,'j
Stream of water. Torrent-oCi; ^ s^) Panada, soup, ^j^jj jj\'j ^ cjjJj JiJ
Long and thick snake, cs^lif ^ oCJj Glue. h'J -«
Winged dragon. nSnake {iuQeneral). To come t6 dinner unin- (s,'J a f.J -^
Water-course. ^pCi; ^ ^'-i vited.
Fresh dates. Fresh (vegeta'bte). j.'J ^ Feathers on a cock's n? ck. iil'J -S-
To try to know (a news) in lying.^1 To break the n yj\j , C-'J \ yj' -«-
C ^A ) JLiJ
To become hardened by
•work (hand).
Cii a ^ To pierce a. 0. with (a spear). ^ s —
To melt (ice, grease). Cil a *-^^
To enter into private con- a ^IjIj ^\^ Torrent never oCi;, 5^ v'^J v^
versa tion with a o. exposed to sunhght.
To harden (the hands : work).* ^Jl To break, to dent (a A |J,i; a ji^ -i^
Callous parts of a camel. cXJu ^ iLij vessel). To stop up a breach. To
Knee of man. make a breach (in a wall).
To follow a. o. n To break the front-teeth of. ? —
To supply (a pot) with To stop all access to a pass. ic —
or fi-om a. o.
; ^y,)
Snow-white. 'j- y; To become the third. To tu i
Ice-house. Snow-drift. ^^ Ci;: ^ ji^Ii;; arrive third in a race (horse).
Covered with snow,
with ice.
-i^ Cooled ^^ To triplicate. To make a. th. fi> ^o
triangular. To do a. th. thrice. To
Apathetic. Dull. il^l — reduce (liquids) to the third (by
To break a liu a Ab * C.L- a /J -«- boi!ing).To mark a letter with thi-ee
(the head). points. To hold the doctrine of the
Fallen to the ground and split -^ Trinity.
(date). To become three, thirty in number.^ljl
To notch (a Jjj C-U Jj -a-
fi> , i Three. cjVJ j> V"^
blade, a vessel ). To make a breach Thirteen. ^ii^A^ > ^iS iS^
in a wall. Third part. c^j3j o^jM ,- cA^J -^^
To be dented. Ji}\j Jijj (jj a , ^l; Thrice, three times. Oy^
To be blunted (sword ) (brink ; of Tuesday. -U^vSlj 'U5U)I
. v/ater-worn). Large ornamental writing. 'jjif
Fruit-biaring (tree). Kidnej' y^^ Calumny. Backbiting. c^\ jj
b -an. Fruit of the sorrel. Nick, indentation.
"^ Usufruct, use. jCiXLl, To pick up. To collect. * C^< V "*^
Remainder of ^i'Jj iJL*jj iiijj *i^ Picking up every thing, lii»j %i*
water (in a vessel). good or bad, little or much.
Froth of milk. iilij Panic-grass. Plant used ^yjiJ,i ^ij
Manager of a tribe's busi- yj^\ Ji^j for stopping holes.
ness. To feed a. o. with *j 5 *C5 a til -S-
Intoxication. Abode. Shadow. jij greasy dishes. To break up a. th.
Intoxicated. Jc^^J JtJ To ba smashed, broken. *ii^\
Prone to, fond of, iu love with. Jl.
— To mix a th. ft, ^^ij rrJ^ -S- i
^ Y» )
Action of praise. Central incisor. Valuation, estimation, apprai- c^ t}3
Path, narrow-pass in a mountain. sement.
Repetition. Praise. Putting (of "C^ Eighth part. cjw
a noun) to the dual number ; dual. Precious, valuable (th.). ,yJiA -^ caw
Deuteronomy. p.ljli'Vl xSiJ Appraiser, valuer, estimator. ^^
Biliteral (noun). 'JuJ Octagonal. Poisoned. Fevered.
Two. OJSiJj Cn^-J ^ C>^c1j\j cAzJJ, jt Owl Of eight feet (verse). Appraised.
Twelve J^l -^ j^ '^>\ To be worn out (old man), -jl — '^ -^
Other, the others. cnJJlj ^ JL^ a Dry herbage. '^^
Second (of time). ^ Joist, c^Ky ^ «J,lJ To bind a. th. To conceal (hatred).
stop-plank. To deter a. 0. from cfoing ^e. fi>j s —
Exception, exclusion. a. th. To avert a. th. from.
Exceptional. y He has struck him tjij l,iij *L\£ —
Second string of a lute. oU/S l>^ a second time.
Winding (of valleys, rivers). Knees He is unable to walk ^l Vj jJj V
Bent. Folded" double.
-^ any more.
Doubled. The dual number. ^ Te bear rancour Jj-u« J5
Marked with two points su^ j. — To double, a th. To put (a noun) A Jj
( letter). in the dual nmnber. To repeat, to
Verses of the Koran. Windings j u^ reiterate (an action). To mark (a
of a valley. with two points
Excepted. Exceptional. Ji_5l>» To pi'aise. To blame a. 0. j* Jilj Ji
To gather o}b ijyi C>" o v^^ ^ To be doubled, folded, reiterated. ^Ij
(people). To collect (water). To rise To strut about. To incline <,lJi j —
(dust). the body in walking.
To return. To turn back (to God). J(^ — To be doubled. To be JJlj J,L"I^
To be separated from lSi3j .^p -H- Raised (dust). Fit of angei", '
her husband (woman). He has lost his temper. V}^ JQ
Separated from oCaj ^ ^jSiij k_.Aj Uproar. j\'y y, z^,\j
To impregnate (a palm-tree).* Cu^ - To call camels to water by ^ \^\^ -i^
taugled and soft 'hair); dense (tree). Forehead, Side cA»-j l^?-b cn^'l ?- >^5~>
(a benefit).
To contradict a. o. 2 —
To drive (the clouds
: A :JUf i ^^
Scantiness, povei'ty. oi^j ak>j jkf To be ;J^j il C^ o jVj a
( Ye )
\^^*> o J>v>-i , ^yt>-j Ui?^j a ^9*> Hole of a "i'S*-^,) jt*»'t -r ^-*j oI3>-?-'
Grandmother. Brink. ol^ ?r e^f 1 U9i> a '~i»i^ J lioia. J Uk> i wiiti "J^
New. Newly made. Mo- ilk>.' ^ jjo^ tant (man). To be serious, grievous
dern, recent. Unexpected ( death ). (affair).
Great (man). Fat (she-ass). Old coin To cut out (a garment). To cut A—
worth 9 paras. Surface of the earth. off (a fruit).
The day and the o'ofVlj oljjoiSI To be new, newly jJLtS. )j s j* — i
Mangled (nose, ears).pa:>^ .UJ» ^pj^l blisters ( hand ). To conceal o.'s self
Scalpel. P?*^ ?r ?-^^ behind a wall.
Lop-eared (ass). Cx-opped by ^.o^ To wall, to inclose a. th. in a lja>
cattle (plant). walls.
To walk quickly (man). \»j^ josT \ -fi- To sprout yj^]j jjj-j SjiV jof
To walk with short steps (woman, (plant).
gazelle). Te become fit, suited for, Jj uj —
To propel (a boat) with oar.?. A— able to.
To cut off a. th. To form its grains and OVaja»:
To try to fly with its Cijoai o — sprout (vine).
wmgs cut (bird). To have the small- jj^jjjS--^j jj^
To send down (snow sky). :
^— pox.
To I'ow (a boat). A ^jS- To raise (a building). a jJi5>-Ij jj^
To disown benefits. To be j^^. — To have young trees (land). jj^\
ungrateful. To shoot forth (tree).
To bla.apheme against. ip oa> Natural tumour, swelling jtlnil ^ jj^
To shout, to clamour. ja»1 caused by a wound. Bite on an ani-
Bustle and clamour, uproar. liosT mal's neck. Sprout.
Blasphemy, wiiUJ ^ ^ij-bJ Wall, jjalj jOai ^ jl^J,tiO-'^>- ?r j^
Blasphemer. Ungrateful. ^-^ Inclosure, fence. -^ Manure, dung-hill.
Oar. Wing of a bird. ^i^aU^ ^ .Jla':> Small-pox. </j,a?- -^i '^j'-^J ^J,^
Whip. Measles. '^yjt\ ^^af ->
Having the legs cut ofT. oja?/i Worthy J jl ^j *l3i*j OjJj-aV^ :r ^>>
To twist strongly * vj^' i o Jaf « of, suited for, able to.
(a rope). Inclosure for cattle. J ijbT ^ ;jj of ^ —
To grow (grain). To Va^: a Ja>j - Walled garden.
become .strong (gazeUe).To be quar- Country where small-pox is ejj^^
relsome, contentious (man). raging.
To knock a. o. down, fitj s f}j>-j Jo^ Becoming a. o., suitable to. J j/j^fj —
To plait (the hair). Seized with small-pox. jok^ij jZ-J^*
To dispute, to contend with. JiQ. j; Pock-marked (face).
To be thrown down. To JjbJij Joii Rice and lentils (dish).
.<> Sj^^'
fall down, To be twisted. To be
-(f- Hard, firm. Dry blood.^^u. - ^j^ -^
strongly wound (rope). Uncultivated ground. ^»\y^ ^ iZ,i(>-
To discuss, to dispute togethei-. JiUj To mutilate the nose, s (pLbT a p.a> -H-
Hard. Strong. Whip. Jii^j Ja^fj S->4 lips. To cut oflf (a limb). To withhold
Member, sinew. Jj^ 5r J-»^ a. o.
PL Bones of the legs. To nourish a. o. s f^b 9^j ~
Sharpness, acrimony in dispute. Jj^i. scantily.
Ripe (corn, grain). To be poorly nourished ; to (f.j^ a po^
Well-made syl- Jioilj ^/j,>. y. JjJ. be mangled. To have the nose cut off.
Way, mood. Count j-y. j;jo,: ^ ibj^ Bad, unwholesome (pasturage). ^\j^
J-^ ( YA)
Bit, fragment. Piece of a garmeat.;!L> State. Tribe. •<>• Plait of hair.
Bit, piece, fragment. ili>j ili> A kind of hawk. J5G.I ^ Joi^
Silver cuttings, clippings. ol'illU Breast-plate JjJ. ^'j'i\ ^ .vof pji
To draw, to attract. Sj a C'Si i_ji> -K- i strongly made.
To bring over. To extend a. th. To Quarrelsome (man), -jQs-j -Joa:
wean (a boy). Liable to be discussed, litigable
To contend Aj 5 CIa> j if^i^ viW- (matter).' Syllogistic.
with a. 0. in pulling. To remove Caviller, disputei". J-i»j J\^
a. th. from its place. Disputative man. Castle. J iu; ^ Jjbt*
•^To stretch out the arms fi"om ^j^3 Disputatious person. J^U-.a ^ Jla3i/»
•.veariness. To grow weary. *
AVoven, twisted. Thin, slender. JjU^a
To drink (milk). fi>
- To make ( a list, table, ^ij'j^ -ft-
To pull a. th. in a contrary di-* v^WJ catalogue).
rection. To protract (a conversation). Brook, trench. Rubric Jj^j^ ^ Jj^
To be iittracted, dragged. v-^^l of a register, table of a book, fi'a-
To g.* far away. ^| j - ming of a page. List, catalogue.
To di"ag, to snatch off, to fi> ,_>a2>l. Table, sheet.
cari-y a. th. by force. Provided with a framing,rubrics. Jjlta*^
Di'agging. Attraction. To bear fruit and be- C^Il^ o j^Jo. -S-
^ Ecstasy, rapture, come dry (palm-tree).
ravishment. To curtail, to cut off a. th. ^—
Distance. Thread spun To rise from desti- oa>'l — OJ^ -ii-
( Y
Tu prevent ^ s Lfi>1j , C jLv i ^jl> -S- To cut off (an ani- j tlLi a fX>- ^
a. 0. from. mal's) food.
To drag the tail roimd his ^_, jj^ To become two years old (sheep).pa3ll
mate (pigeon). Voung, novice. u\*'-v»j ^li». t ('^
Root of a tree. *i^j ij?-^. Young sheep, a Strong youtli. Li-
To pull, to drag a. th. ^j S \jf o ^ -ii- vely young man.
along. To induce a. o. To lead ( Palm-tree stock. f.^'jJ-'\j f.jjJ- ^ f.li»
S. A Pe^ To produce a gurgling .i;j| ^'J.3j
noise in swallowing water.
" -«- Thrashing-machine.
c^j^ ji-,>-
To gather, ^>'lj J'j.3 - ^tj? * Broad-bean.
to meet together. To fall down from Gurgling of water, a Death-
a high place (man). rattle,
To take the greatest part of. ^— Olives very 1 ipe. ^V?-j^j y>-j4- "^
Root- Origin. Clod sticking to X^y'j>- Water-cress, Rocket, -"?-\?-
a root. To be %?y_rfj sV.?-j S''>> o jj>- *
Ant-L=ll. j;i)| xi)'^. courageous, bo!d-spii'ited.
To be loose ( finger- %.ji. a '^^ ^ To render a. 0. courageous, to '\^ j;
for cleansing the teeth. the others (horse). -^ To be taken
Stripped off. Barked. Fleshless :>/^^,. ab.stractively (th.).
(bone). Abounding in locusts (coun To disentangle, o-.'s self. To get ^—
try). -^ Shovel. rid of a. o.
Separated. Naked. Abstracted To throw off (o.'s clothes). ^—
Incorporeal. Alone, unique. To apply o.'s self exclusively, to J —
For the sole reason that. devote o.'s self to.
Only for. To be isolated, separated. To i^^Jl.
Abstracted matters. be stripped. To be barked. To be
To eat greedily at the worn out, threadbare. To cast his
expense of another. hair (camel).
Eating ^>jii ^?J>:h
, obi',*' P W^'e had a very long jjiJl Uj i'_jhj{
greedily. Spunger. way, we are wayworn.
Cake of bread. To comb (wool). fi> yA>-\
Bucket. Smooth, even. Shaved. Shabby i'_^
To eat (man). To speak much ^i ^ (clothes). Shield. <• Inventoi'y.
and volubly. Troop of hor.semen. <>• High :>'j>.
To scamper olF.
Young one of the serpent. Effa- oj U- shear (sheep). -^ To bone (the meat).
ced (track). Worn out (garment). To acquire a. th. for o.'s J yJ^S^ —
Floor. Pestle. Stone '-> j^ ' ?r '->j^ family, to earn.
basin. <> Stone mortar To commit Jp jc /J(i\i /j^S^ —
•^Baptismal Font. a crime against a. o.
Uppei' part of a *j_^b To gather the A 'i^l^fj ^j>- i
camel's neck. fruit of (a tree).
He threw off his burden iJi^ ^£ ij '|
To cut a. th. short. s^ ^^
upon him. He became accustomed To charge a. o. falsely jc j^'J^j s
to it. with a crime.
Thrashing-floor. Drying-place ccjf To be elapsed night, year).
for dates. To be guilty. To abstain from sin.
To proclaim. To publish a. th.* o^' ^ Crime, .sin, ^ij^lj ^yj. ^ Jji-j,/j4-
To be proclaimed, made notorious.»^ij misdemeanour.
Clamour, shriek. Steeds. Com- XJ^V^ Certainly. Indeed. ^^ Vj >^> V
pany of men. Undoubtedly.
Side, flank. *a^ Hot (countiy). n Penalty, jt/j^ ^ J,jf
To hasten. To walk ij£j,9.|j oa j» -Jf Large boat, barge on the Nile.
at a quick pace. Body of animal. j'\'^\ «•
>\>.3 ,»'>^|
^j^i ^j^.
Great walker. •^j>-j -^j^- Throat.
Large, enormous lion. o-^S?" ^ The hot countries (opp. to the j,ij>i\
Ancient tribe of Arabia. v*j?- ^ cold ij^l ).
Lion. Huge camel. jt^}JrJ j>^y!- The celestial bodies. x!&al!l ^I^Vt
Acting vigorously. >«tA>> Sustainer of a -••^j ^j=r 9- -»J,W-
To have whelps (bitch). (i^?-'1 ^ family. Gatherer of dates
Dry dates. .^ ,ij j.\
instead of. To .stand instead of. count of thee, for thy sake.
To be allotted ('portions). \j0 Girlhood. Daily wages. 'IJ^ij '•I'^ji-
Some. Part, particle. Lot. Mjsll ^ ^'ji Allowance for soldiers, Pension. >«>•
Medley of white and black. Half- ^jii>
( Ae )
ba cut off (dates). To die (man). To
I'ipe ( date ). Holding little water be at the point of death (old man).
(pond). To insult one another. jjliv
Tesselated. Variega- ^ii.^!) p,)y'o f.j^i To fight despei'ately.To j^a* Ij jja*;
ted. leave a prey for wild beasts (figh-
Very anxious. Restless. f^j\ai^ -r f'j?*? ters).
To buy or ^ o'jt? Ij Oj^ o <S^ ^
Ebbing tide. ebb. ( opj). lo jjt )
sell ( without weighing nor measu- Slaughtered head of cattle. Prey, jj^
ring). Carrot. Pai'snip. jj»j j^ P
To buy or ^jGJij Cjl_)> ;Jpl J 5 S'J^ Butcher. Tyrant ; cruel man. j\^
sell a. til. to a. o. in a lump. Fit to be slaughtered jj:^ ^ j/-^
To speak on conjecture. ^>(SC.1I J — (camel).
Sale or purchase in a lump. olj?^ Remains of a slaughtered Sjl";?^
solid substance.
Bigness, grievousness, enormity. :uili Spy.
Body, bulk, mass. olil?^ Pulse. Chest. *—?t»j Ir-?''*
Corporal, material. 'd<<,L>- j ' Ji^ To become si-l*-j C'-?- o *^-^ ''^
To pick up (dung).
To pluck, to eradicate a. th.
i^ o
U» -S-
drive a. o. n ^ i_, ,
CW a
.ki?^ -ft-
Proud, boastful.
^ ,\i:f
JsU j> 'lVj ^^if ^ (m. and f.) ^ Pack-saddle maker.-J>Clv -^j Jv^^>.
Imported (slave). «— JM>^j F. of ^\
Important affair. jl> ^ J»
Imported mer- •^''9^ -r *r4^j *<^ Saving your reverence. dxL.'\ -^
chandise camel bringing it.
; Consideration, veneration. ;lajj JiUI.
Negro or slave-driver. Biinger. ^jIA^^ For thy sake. du^ ^j>j vii! >U 1.
Rose-water. Gum- U^>-i ^'9^ P High, great, v^j y^'ij •^l ^ j^
mixture. Strong. Big. Respectable, venerable.
Peas. Vetch. General, luiiversal (rain). jli,^
Boisterous, clamorous. Book. Code. <> Periodical review. :u?-J»
Termagant woman. To scream. To thunder. J>.i^ "S-
Resounding afar off (thunder To threaten a. 0. To toss a. th.4>j — 2f
To rub ili^ i jsTj A lyuj f^U >U -)^ a. o. vnth (a sword). To trim a. th.
To have the forepart of the If a L> Hard and di-y bread. Empty jar. ji]L>
head without hair. Water-skin. ^1^»-h <^j^
To manifest a. th. to a. o.^i. Sj A s j^ Scratch on the skui. *M»-
To disclose o.'s sentiments, t L' ^i. — Piece of dry bread. <Ii^
To manifest, to reveal a. th. to.tj ^ Ju Mud. Clay. ^yj.
To emigrate. ,,.u; ^i J9II Cut of a pen. **i»: j *ii»
Brilliancy. Splendour. I
Large j^y^j a>>U ^ ij4.l>j uiU -ft-
( \r )
Ice, snow.
High and dry soil To leave (a horse) at rest. - 2f
O ^f^>-
-^ Excess (of a mea^ ^'9:J -»-»?-j ^1
To meet for business. sure).
To give live coals to a. 0. s J^ Well full of water.
To twist her hair on the back J^. Numerous party. 4«>j «,^
of the head (woman). Luxui'iant hair.
To collect, to join a. th.
gather the marrow (of a palm-tree).
To 5j fi>
^ Filled with
Luxuriant plant.
water (well).
-i^l ^ j,^
To canton an army in the enemy's Hornless (buck). v^ ^ .li^j. ^ '^^iS
To fumigate ( a garment ).
Country haunted by "demons. -CaJ: earth. To take off the main part of.
( Y) j.^^
To struggle 5 l^Vi»j SJi*U>i jaU Homogeneous, similar. ^j-''S^
against a. 0. To wage a holy war To go ^i ClV a wxf»'J 6>i»' i wiV -fr
to be unlearned, to be foolish.
-j 1^
To A k_(Uo.ij,Cl^^j C^
To be unaware of a. th.
i_jU- -fi-
>Q?-b *Q?:
^yf-j ^jS>-h -*iJ,W-b 5r *'>? To bring a letter.
v'^ ^3 °
Fleet (horse). Courser. e'^j>-j Answer, reply. -Cj^ 1 ^ ^S'^ , k,\>.
To be demolished house -^ To be
( ). To prostrate a. 0. To Aj ^ ^^
hollowed, concave. snatch off a. th.
To live near together. j^Sl \j jjis^ To fall in (well ). To bm-st ^.f^
To ask the help of. ,_, jV>L:l. (abscess).
To ask protection from a. 0. . • jf
— Cloth. ^|^1^^j>'Ps
against. Ditch, hollow.-^ Piece of cloth '^yf
Wrong-doing. Tyranny. Injustice,
j^ Cloth-gown with full sleeves.
Hollow, excavation, gap. Jyi ^ -ij^i -if- To be excellent. Vi'j»j ii_y> *W- '>^
C \' )
Starve thy dog, it ' dii^t dliiT/o-l Rock-moss. Lichenous yj^l». j^f
will follow thee (prov). i. e. Unless plant.
you compel a vile man to serve you, Fir-cone. ji'j^ Syf
he will not do it. Nutmeg. »_.Ji)l j^*
C ^ -T )
To demand a military force ? u^Geil \ Sine {trigonom). ^jCo.
of a. 0. To collect soldiers. •^ Pocket, bag.
Military force, army. fJ^iZf ^(J-* Sincei'e. wI?Jl »s-«J
^ Shriek, voice. To have a long and jlo- j \jZ>- a ^u. -J}-
uT^ C ^•r)
blaze (fire). To love a. 0. or *j 5 vJ-^ U* i L^: -«
-^ To pick grains, grapes. A — a. th. a To kiss a. 0.
Unsightly. Short in To like, tf) wish that. ol —
w.»lV t v^^
body. To be freckled (face). z_^ a
Scanty flow of watei-. Weak- ^'.^,1^ To become the friend of. Jl^ ^_,l^j
ness. Ardour of fire. Water-melon. To make a. 0. to be tZ\ ij Jl. 5 ,Jli
Fire-fly. Sparks. loved by.
To appear on a sudden. bti>; :>C>- -8- i To run to seed (plant). L.^^ ~
To approach. To walk quickly. To court the 2 CC»j ^^ v^v
To strike a. o. -with (a stick). s — friendship of a. 0. To behave in a
To variegate (cloth), a O^ o -ni -H- friendly manner with a. o.
To embellish a. th. To love a. 0. or a. th. fft>j s '^\
To cheer a. o. » -ns^b si^ii^j llij* o —
To show love towards.
To rejoice, to be glad, i^j 13^^ a -rvi To have a mutual love.
To be cicatrised (wound). 1^ a-7\^ To like, to be pleased with
To be luxuriant (land). To become To prefer a. o. to.
yellow (tooth). Word of (\ijl^) \J^
To adorn (speech). To put ink fii Ji^ praise. Bravo!
(in an inkstand). To praise a. 0. hij saying. s JZ>
To dec^f, to array o'.s self. To Jii-j Bravo ! Veiy well
overspread the sky (cloud) Grain. Corn-seed, fruit- i-j^ :r w>
Learned man. Doctor jC>1 ^ jy^j J^ seed. Bead. -^Pill. Speckle. Boil.
(amongst the Jews). Pontiff, Bishop. Chaste-tree. ail!) l^
Joy. Favour. Night-shade. ul)l l^
The Sovereign Pontiff; ^^Vl ^1 Bean-trefoil. Anagyrisfcetida. l&iJI LS
the Pope. High Priest of the Jews. Convolvulus Nil. Bind-weed. j^l i,i.
Assembly of the wicked. ^Vyi. ^ jy\>. Nigella-seed. *_r^l 7^j '\hyD\ x!i-J)
J- (
— To
To break wind C3C>j Ci-ij uli i veil a. th. with. ,_> A ^j^
(goat). To withhold a. o. from. a* 2(
To make up th. To settle a A j^ To give a. th. as mortmain. fa —
business. To veil a. o. or a. th.
To become compliant. jlZl To apply the produce of
To abuse a. o. ^\ai a. th. to pious works.
Basil, penny-royal (p/a). j^ To keep a. o. in custody.
Chamomile (/j/«)- _;il!l
J^ To confine o.'s self to.
Artemisia. Wormwood (/j/«).^|^l jl^ To keep a. o. in custody.
M^rum. Cat-thyme (p/a). ^jilil j5^ To keep a. th. back.
Sweet marjoram (p/a).j^l j| Ji)l j^ To be impeded in speech.
Acinus (p/a). '^'j> Jr* To become a hermit.
Water-mint (;)/a).^L_i4Ji jlij '^' Jr*-
Dam of wood or stone. i/^u^-i ^r^J-^=*
Piece of cloth used as a
support when sitting.
^ o'J^ ^
Decree; judicial decision. ^_^ ^ ^^ Gift, present. ;]^>j s3^_, s^^j 'U>
Blackness. i;.ii Respect of per.«ons, o_^'»JI SlU*
Remainder of a meal. *^U> unfairness, partiality.
Black. Inauspicious. ^ii ^ 'Uri v> j»=>-1
To rub off (mud). A ui o c^' ^
To be intense (heatj. Cri a U;"^ -Ji- To bark (a tree).
To be equal in. j jG-i To fall off (leaves, plaster), ci-jlj oU/
To suit. To agree together. cnr>l To be cankered (tooth).
Companion. Alike. oCfi c^(:n>j cAi Fleet (horse). Ancient.Noble.oOb-l ^'c^*
To sew, to fasten fi, j>lj C:i ji * i Bit, fragment. A httle. c:^:,. ^ <:> a
f •)}* oCl?t>
To be turbid (water, well). ^^jj;^ -«-
To reinstate a. o in his
civil rights.
J>^-^ Aj ^ pilgrimage.
To afford arguments. ^G-i
Quarantine. -i..^ J».J. < To adduce (an argument). «_)^.S9.\
Foi'bidden. Unlawful. " To undertake the pilgrimage. v»-i-^l
J>^_) _,it>-
Bosom. Hole of snakes. INIind. jG-ii ^ — Pilgrimage to Mecca. i^ -^ _,
iMare. jW* b Sjj?t=>-j j^**- t ^-^^ Ear-ring. Lobe of the ear. i>j:
Stone. jbt^j SjWtvj jU>" 5r _^>.> A pilgrimage. rr^^j cj^ ^ i?.>.
<> Man (ai chess). Last month of the Arabs, "^.3-^] ji
Side, quarter.^l^^j Cj\j»^j J>J- ^ o^i- To stick to. ^ \^7j bsi a ^?^ ,
th. from.
from. I
To put on !iilj , (Sla>.j lii i o a»
To help a. c. against. ip loi a Cf^AS- I
mourning garments (woman).
To J^escue a. o. from tyranny. To ^
To sharpen fi> jS-^j ij^j , la> i o —
be augry with a. o. To fondle (her j
( a knife).
child . woman). i
!li5J,|j Oivlj itxi-J oJl>-J \iJ.i-J \'jS- i oS-
To seek a refuge towards. J[ — To become angry with. \c
To stick to (a place). o— j
To be edged (knife) sharp ; %%„ \
Double-headed axe. '\j^j YjS ^ sljia- '
To be hindered by want of rain ijL>.
<j^->^j •i-i'^'i-i 5r
about (news). event. Tradition. New.s. Talk.
Conjectures. Hypotheses. CjU--'-h>- Relater of traditions, stoiie."?. cj'^j^
Prostrated. u-J^-^J u-i,-^=^
New case of law. ^ oan^ olj aAi
Object of inquiries. Aim in view.(_^jii,.> To strike a. o. s ^a>lj,vV^ ?r^ "^ i
To put off. To act dilatorily i Si\> ^ hot ( day, fire ) ; intense ( heat ). To
with a. o. boil fiercely fpot).
Elision, curtailment. oi> To burn with anger it ^^b ^^
Leather clippings. Remainder :^)ii against.
'"•f a meal. To be intensely red (blood). To j^ji^i
(vinegar). Penetrating (mind). To cut off, to curtail. fi> \jS- o jS- -H-
^^ ) y
Heat of the sun. Hot wind iu jj^ Sluggish, lazy. ^il^
the night. Sliai'p sword. jijli.-*
head. To be hot, vehement (fight). jiii-ll.
( U
Thou art not guilty. Alas What a pity!
! C^^lj
Crime. Snare for wild Chameleon. '^Xji- fr S=Q^> -• '^.'j>.
beasts. Linen set on a rope for drving. Easily excited ; angered, j,'^ ^
Cowry. Quarry given to ^\'J^\ ^ — Spoiled. Plundered. 'C^sij Jj^ ^
the hounds. Flock. Warrior, ^'j, ^^ vO'--f J vS*-—!
Thicket of impenetrable trees ?r_r^ warlike.
Fighting incessantly. Upper end of a house. ^^ u> ^ v'S*"-"
Herd of camels. CjWj^i -r'^ -r *?-S*
First seat in a place. Palace. Direc-
Thicket of trees. tion to Mecca. Covert of a lion.
*} Public sale, sale by auction. ^\'j,. Niche in a mosciue. Private apart-
To swear by the most cj\>-'j>-S^\i. wili ments of a prince. Synagogue.
sacred things. To rub a. tb. fi^ C;> -i^ o>
Thin and swift she- r-;>'^>- 5r -rryfj^- energetically. < To work hard.
camel. Cold wind. To be ill-tempered. \j'j^ a Cjy
To become tall. To run To tiU and sow (the {Sj>- i cjj^ -^
fast : to run to and fro. earth).
Large wingless locust. To cut a. th. round. To acquire A —
Troop of horses. Swarm of (goods). To study a. th. thoroughly.
locusts. Lameness. To stir (the fire). To crumble
To drive back (camels). 2* (bread).
To gather and press (crowd, To exhaust (a beast rider), n o3>1j —
To change a. th. To alter 4> Sy^ To provoke, to set (men, cAj J^^
(a word, a book ). To tamper with. dogs) one against another.
To cut (a writing-reed) obliquely. To tight with. s ^;.G.
To repay evil to a. o. ^^Li ?_s_3u To oppose a. o. ^ J-l^^
To probe a wound. A — To earn (for o.'s family). J ^ji^n*).
To become rich. ij^il Mark. Company. ^l^ ^ J^'^i,
To ill-treat a. o. & — a Species of cucumber.
To tm-n away from. ^^ 3'j^\i ^'J-5 Wood, forest. ij'jj>j tr'^*' T \S'j-
^To use shifts for a livelihood, ojb-.^ Roughness, coarseness. trb*J
To deviate, to swerve from. ^ ^'J>^\
Ear-wig, myriapod. j.^^ ^ j.i_^^
To pi-actice a craft. To be oJ^l Rough to the skin. AzJ^i j, J^'J^-'^
crafty. Lizard. New coin.
Margin. Extremity, end. o^* ^ Sj^ Black lizard-hunting snake. J^\^^
Border. Summit (of a mountain). Swarm of locusts, ^i-l^ji^ ^ vJ»i.J,>
Pomum Adami.
hold a. th. as sacred. j
(/ To fi-y (meat). To
Prohibition. Anathema.^j;^ ^
-^ J>j> vex, to enrage a. o,
-,-- i.
Thing sacred. Harem. jS'jA ff j^J>-
Winged insect.
{ \\\) Of
cares. Party of iJlj*^ <-^J.^J *-5J»:J Jj*
Ruggedness of the soil men. Flight of (birds). Swarm of
Grieved. bees.
Wearing mourning. Ci^'j>-j nj*'-^ Party of men. J^j jij^j ^\'jy ^ u. ji
To iSj^j C ^> ijji-j ljj»
fii , \j^ -^
i ,
Walking at iJjij sJjij 'S^i tJj^
augur a. th. from the flight of a short pace.
birds. To guess; to conjecture. Tenacious. 3'^^j Jj>
To raise (figures) in ^ Jj»-j o ^y^ < Prone to anger. X3j>-
4- Reluctantly. «lr'-->-J.
A dirh>'m is ^a ji dl-l^.j dx'^lJ-
( s\\)
Goodly, < To be choked with a fish di:
Good works. Good qualities. ^^\>:^)\ To cut off. To cut fi> CU. i
Charms, beauty. open (an artery and cauterize it).
( ^T. )
U.^ a
>- ,o>
To hinder a. o. from. ^p S — measles.
To be in a strait. To be besieged._,4i^Ji_ To strike up pebbles in running
-^ To be annoyed. (horse).
•^ To be restrained to. J — To take his flight to the
To strap a pad on a camel. ^ ^i»-[ country (pigeon).
Constipation. Ischury. _^a> To pelt one another with bJ
Oppre.ssion of heart. Faltering ^a> pebbles.
in speech. Avai'ice. Stone.s Fuel. Firewood. w-i>
Hinderauce. Restriction. _^i Scarlet fever. ;ji.i3i 1^ ^j "C^lai-i XJa^-
•< Anguish. Small pebbles. -CJa^
< Control of tobacco Strong wind scat- w-^l^i ^r i^^^
In a strict sense. tering pebbles. Cloud casting down
Pad used as a saddle. suow.hail. Numerous company of men.
Siege. Blockhouse. Soil covered with t-aij XJa9J' j^'j\
•^ Fortress. pebbles.
He raised the siege. Seized with scarlet fever.
Oppressed. Ava- _>i-^j j>ii; ,lil i>j bUoij la.i>
ricious. Faltering in speech. To reap (corn-crops).
Discreet. Surname of John Jj' To destroy a. o. with the
the Baptist. sword.
Prison. Surface slra>1j _ri>^ ^ -^^:^ He died.
of the earth. Side of the body. i
To be strongly woven
Road. Meeting. Row of people. (rope, coat of mail).
Handle. Woven stuff. To be mature (corn- a.i>.--^lj -u»>*i
Di'ying-tioor for dates. Jj.^^ ^ '3i-?=^
< Mat. To form a league (people). a.i>iJ,l,
To brace (a bow) strong- /j^ -S- fi> To be strongly made (rope). To be
ly. To twist (a i-ope) strongly. To angry.
fill (a water-skin). To cut (a pen). Harvest-time. il.i>j i\.^>-
To become sour. /j^a.^ Crops. Gathered i'j^^^^j Ju.^ij -ua>
To be soi'did, miserly. ^lro?i^ harve.3t.
Any green fruit. ^j^al -^j j-j^ Stalks of reaped crops. aj,i.i> y «^c^
Verjuice. Miser. Slanderous talks. SLJ VI jJl.i>
To have a sound Asl.i=: o ^-^ ^ Reaper. iiL^j j-^sU
judgment. Scythe, sickle. j~^\^j^ ^ -usk;
IL. C wr )
Fostei'ing. <>• Right and pension <:l^ To be at the point of death. ^aiil
of tutorship, granted to the mother. To send for a. 0. To occur 5 ^'is>.~_H^
Brood. Embrace.
-<>• "^ja>- to the mind (thought). To make
He felt the grasp of '^^Z. X:Ja->-j c^jj>') (a horse) to run.
Nurse, di-y nurse. cr^i>^ ?r si^i^ Cultivated country.
Having inequal breasts, teats. o>is> Inhabitant of a village. CJ_ria>
To stir (the fire). * |^ii> lia* -$:^ Presence. Vicinity. •< Ma- ^'J^a^^ ycJ-
Wooden poker. 'X^yjt. jesty, excellency (titles of honour).
To go down to alight. Ck^: tk^
; -il- In his oj^JjitJ -^j ^'j-'SL->j_i »J^'ay-j,
To abate (price). C^yiiij Lla> o — presence.
To be pimpled (face). "Jailj C!3lL> o — Intruder. Spunger. ^'<a>j j^*
To put.To leave off a th. A Lk> o — Always ready to reply. Quick. J;a^
To pohsh, to figure (leather). -^ To elriaij Jy0.^i J^-^»-J _r^»- r: j-p^
pay a. th. To lower a. th. Present. Large tribe. Coming to a
To eat much. ^l'«Ltl J — city. Dwelling by water. Cultivated
To put down (a burden), ^ jJa^ district. Settlement. <>• Ready.
-^To make a. o. to pay, to put a. th. Party of men. J^lJsij -^i-ia^^ e1,'\^ •?:
Receptacle, vessel, sack. ,_;iU:^*) ^ j.]o. To dig (the earth). *_^>|j ,l^ i_,ii -^
Small tent of hair. Paltry articles To scrutinise a. th. <> To en- A_^
of furniture. grave (a metal).
Lizards, hedgehogs and J»JVI jiU>1 To become _^j , 'CJ^ a jJa-i \'Jo. i
( \
ned. To coUact in the udder (milk). House furniture jad^^j js'Oi> ^ jJu^
To flock ia (people). To become jJc^[ ready to be carried. Camel bearing
conspicuous (road). it. Tent. Flag-bearer, ^^^eak ca-
To be flooded by (a stream : i_,
— mel. Pole of a tent.
valley). -^ To celebrate (a feast). To put a. th. in Aj s Clais- a Jai» -H-
To honour a. o (God). ^ i^j,: o U> -tt- The Preserver (God). iaM-J\j Ji^Wl
To make a gift to. s — Watchful. oiiJI Ja^G-
To deprive a. o. from. ^^p 2f
— Memory. X^jWI -^^j *ii|U)l
To walk barefoot. tii>j U:^ i i^ The recordhag Angel JiiiiJI dUiJl
To have the feet, hoofs worn "by of men.
walking. The Angels. :ckii]b OjkiWI
Governor (of a town). Ja^Gi/J
To show honour to a guest. i_j Jc^\j Army of reserve. JiJUili
To quarrel with a. o. oljV> To be ^Liij V_^j >li> i jii -«
To let a. 0. walk » «uil^ i>1 copious (milk, water).
barefoot. To press a. o with ques- To meet (people). To pour 5Ua: — [
horses, camels by their eating earth. hausted (mine). To become fat (she-
Fertile tield. <li>.. camel).
Remainder of water, miik- iii>j Sii> To excite a. o. to rancour. ?j y a2>1
Sown field. Jf'-J' -r ^'»--^ To seek without finding (in a mine).
To be broken. Vlis-j u»>i j3>: ^ To bear mutual hatred to o. a. jkjfp-i
weary (old man). To sleep. To de- To fail (rain). jOr^i.
cline. To walk with short steps. Secret oJiSaT^ ;a^j,il2>l ^ -ii>;
"Waist- ^sij
_j3^b w ^»
'liaHj '^ belly-fretting (horse, camel).
wrapper. "Loins, waist. Foot of a To sell seed-produce while in 2 jsG-
^ (
ejj^'^ -^
\y\ )
To ba inhabited ( place ). Prophecy. (>• Medical knowledge.
To have weak legs (horse). >U> a I}* Martingale. Ring of cXS~> -r '-^S^
To feel a pain in the knees. a bridle. Head. State of a man.
To annul (an y^jj iU-jJ '^^j 3^ Judicial authority.-<>>Government.x^^3i
Place. <•
Inn. Station.
Funeral meeting. Liable
To become lawful. To be-
come due
Quarter of a to^^^l. To melt ( ice ). To dissolve. ^
MilkiMg-YOSdel. *-^^lJ v'^ To startle, to tui-n a. o. out. i jiU-fr
Fresh milk. Fresh (blood). ._^b: To be shaken, turned out. J»Ji?w
Milker. Dump (clay). i_,^ Bulbus esculeutus (plnnl). jUJ^
Milch v-',^>--' v-^* T *J>>J v.^J^'^
Chief of a tribe. Mighty.ja.^^* ^ .>:^^
CcXinel. She-cainel yielding milk. To strike a. o. with vj 5 a >U ^ -tt-
Middlepart ^Sj^j 'U^^>j Si^^>j S*'>^>
Seller of sweetmeats.
Swaet. Nice. Pleasing, -iyS
a Solanum (hdcainara, ;^ S^i
a sworcl).
To be attired (woman).
To deck a. o. or a. th.
To describe a (man).
To gild a. th. ^Jt{ A
To b3 adorned Avith jewels.
To b3 embellished.
Ornaments U^j [^ ^ <;Uj
of (a sword or a woman).
Exterior qualities of a ma'n.
ri ) >
Black slime. sti^j ii> I To be black. •^ To take a bath.^^taLi
Slough. Evil-eyed (man). '^ I
To be anxious (man). To be ;^>l_
Muddy, slimy. *~r* sleepless (eye).
To become rancid ti> a c-^ -i^ To take a hot bath. To take l^sZ.[
(walnut). any bath. To sweat.
To be intensely hot (day).;j^» o c4j^ Vehemence of heat. '^
To b3 clear, pure (colour). c-t^u It is his ineluctable
Hot (day). Very sweet (date). c^ fate.
FiiTO. Vio'ent (anger). Sweet c—..* Main pai't of a thing.
(dates). Skin for butter. Fever. Feverish heat. „ - i ' » '
Rigorou.s (in re- ,_^G.1j ,jJ:^ ^ ^'J-'^ Tamarind. Jew's pitch. Red- _,;.»
ligion). Brave. Firm in war. Severe headed sparr6w.
year. Choice part of a flock. ^^1 J^
Unfruitful year. •li;^^ li.; Red colour. Red dye (for the o'y^
To ii'ritate a. o. ^_j 5 iLl^ o J.^ ^ face). Ery.sipelas ; anthrax. -^ Poun-
To stir a. o. To repel (people) in ded bricks.
anger. To collect a. tli. Cj\J>»j j^i->j J»^J 'j*^ b
To be thin (shank), iiyi^i o J~^j — Ass. Polisher for ii-on.
To become angry *l^j Ci4.» — Wild ass. ji^'j jv;>j u^jll ji*>
(man). To become hot (war). She-ass, Large rock. J li^ ^ »>'^
To be thin-legged Cii>j Ci-is^ a ju»> Tombstone.
(man). Ass-driver. ly^ ^ jC»
To collect (th). To stLr, to ij fi>
j^ Intense heat. JC^ ^ SjVi*
angera. o. To put fuel (in the tire). •(f- Measles. «jji>
To rouse (people). Anchusa, pigeon-foot {plant). '\'JC^
To b3 angered. ^i^lfj-lj ^sL: Hymiarites (ancient tribe of JC^
Thin-legged (raan),(_^ii=. a-J^i^b J-^ ,
To be reduced toyj-j Ca4ji o ^.^li^ -S- Red. J^ ^ S'j^J. J- J^'}
(swelling of a wound). To stop Gold. Saffron. Wine (meat). __^»VI
(swing). To swing (boy). To be dried Bloody death. jjSl\ c,'^)\
(sweat). The red-faced i. e. the foi*eigners.'|J,4.»
D Species of citron.
Vy^^ J^\X^
To become responsible for. i'l;^ ^ — Wild sorrel, I
_^| ^\^
To rely upon j^j j i ji^jj J j^^ Dodder (plant). *'
^jVi —
a. 0. in.
Riunex aquatica. water-dock. »iiu —
To incite a. o. to. ic 5 ~ Sour. acid, Peevish jaAp- <" ja^U -tf-
reward a. o. skin.
To help a. o. to carry a s j;^! To plant a tree in order to Sj fi> Jai^i
a. th. shade ( a vine-arbour ). To diminish
To take a burden fi>
^\:^.lj y^3 jl^J a. th. To strike a. o. gently.
upon o.'s self. To endure. To load Bottom of the heart. Sti-aw xl»lv^
beasts for setting off (people). of Indian corn. Heart's blood.
To take <_i; Je. jl o jl ^1 J J>Uj Burning in the LJlUO -l»li»' ^ -
upon o.'s self a painful' duty. throat. \^''ild fig-tree.
To treat a. o. unfairly. le — *-5C>L> Uij-j liU-' o J^j a
J»> -S-
To be incited to. jp ji>ji To be stupid.
To bear a. th. patiently. To J^^i' To be dull (market). j^£)| .^^J;^
carry a. th. away. j
< To be in a rage. ( for j'^ ) j^
To go away from. — ^ \
To ascribe foolishness to. fitj s jis:
To become angry. To be alteredj^t To find a. o. stupid. To bring s ji^l
(colour). < To be likely, possible'. forth a fool. i
Outburst of anger. Strength (of ui>. To carry (water). To Sii>^ J'^* "^
wine). Wine. Intensity. Flush (of ba a water-carrier.
youth). Clear torrent. Beginning. J'''^
Venom, sting of seor-
J^j cX^ ^ X^ Black cloud full of water.
pions, hornets. Vehemence (of fire). To twist (a rope) fi> ^'j^i -^
Protector. Hot. j^u-j Sl^ai ^ __^U strongly.
The dog. The lion. t^Ql Bellows of a smith. cr^U.*
Defender. Garrison. Rear-guard, jl^u To open widely the eyes and jli.> -H-
Lawyer. Solicitor. .,>«^^ stare at.
To long for her child Cu:> i 'ji- -^ Inner part of j-!,li> ^ jj^^j o^^U-'
(woman). To produce a sound (bow, the eyelids.
wand). Small ticks. uU;.>-j ^i> -J^
To yearn towards. Jl^
— Plant of the desert. oC»^
To incline towards. it t\:J-i i!^ — i *^1 T v-.> ''j^j li»j j^J^ *
To dispel (an evil), A U> o — Father-in-law. Any male relation on
To blossom (tree) <> To ba rotten ;j\i. the side of the husband.
(cheese). Mother-in-law. Any ol^i* ^ Sli^
To twang (a bow). female relation on the side of the
To compassionate to pity a. 0. It c^j wife. ]\Iuscle of the shank. Hama,
To desire eagerly. town of Syria.
Tribe of genii. -. ,. Heat of the sun.
Wife. Likeness. -^i. fiij S X^SiJj *ili3;J *s<-^J '^«
Mercy. Prosperity. ;!;> -if-j ^Ui To protect a. o. against. -i>- To heat
Blessing. Tenderness of heai't. Long a. th.
misfortune, -t^ Force of kindred. To interdict a noxious food fi> i —
I beg thy mercy. ^^C^j dac^: to a sick man.
ial. ( ^rA)
To incline a. th. To ^ lij^ i ^JaT -H- Plaintive wind. Yearning desire, o^.:^
twist (a rope) strongly. Compassionate. Moaning wind, o^i^
To incline. To be stUl. To huri-y ^jil Woman remarrying for the sake of
on in looking back. her children.
To incliue a. th. To conceal a— Tender-hearted. Sympathetic. o(l>^
(ne'ws).To pronounce indistinct speech. Conspicuous road.
Root, origin. ^J,. The All-merciful (God). olxiJI
To sink in the head (eye). J^^ -^ Name of a proverbial cobbler. cn^
To cut open the throat to. ? — He came back vnth ojiii "Jiu ;.{
(horse). To hop. a To dance. To dye (a. th) red. a *i^j '^:9=^ '^
To be intensely dark ^'j^5i ^j^ -»- Te be dyed with henna. l^^j \!>i
To be weakened by a fall.
(night). Henna. Laicsonia 'ts-^-^j 'U»;
Vei7 dark night. ^^(^^ ^ tr-^ inerrais used as a red dye.
Lotus. Sweet trefoil. jyjj>j J^lui -S- Arbute, strawberry-tree. ^^Vl 'ILoJI
Bridle, head-rope.iUk^ j , tiiiai ^ iJUs- To lean on one side. Csia^ i ^ji> -ik-
Back. Styrax (tree). iuT ^ iG- To fly about, jc ^^~i'jij C>i o ob- -ft-
Having little property, iUJ! .j^i To prowl about a. th. (bird, beast).
little charge /«Y : light-backed. To take counsel with. To s ojG.
Nenuphar, water-lily. oli>* entice a. o.
Coachman, driver. Csi^ To circumvent a. o. by. ^j 5 —
Quick in work. Clever manager.tsi}>1 To dissuade a. o. from. cA ^ ~
To return. To go down Kj'yi- o jG- -J^ Fish.. Large Cjl}»'b *^}^J *^^:^ 'rCjj>
(mouthful). To b3 unsaleable (goods). fish. Whale.Pisces {Zodiacal sign).
To be perplexed (man). Salmon-fish. oVill-i Cjjy- °
He passed from abun- jiT C» oJJ jG- Fomelhaut, star in the Pisces.op-JI v
dance to deficiency. Surname of the prophet o^JI ^^U*
He does not increase j^^ C»j j_jiij C» Jonas.
nor augment. Cheater. clj^ °
To have its white 'j'y>-\i lj>» a ^_^ , To scatter the fi> oG-l — o^ -Ji-
and its black strongly delineated earth ( horse). To move and scatter
(eye). a. th. To search (the ground).
To and spread
prepai'e »j A jyi- To extract a. th.
(dough) with a i^oller. To whiten cAj i1j\>-J z^^ <-^J •—'> '•
]e>f ( ^t^ )
C \iT ) fJ-
To sow a land every second J^JVI — Year of dearth. ^^j ^^sCj J»jiu
year. Enclosure, fence. l,(i.;
To curtail a. th. by the a o^
To alight fi-om (a carriage). ^ sides.
^ To endorse (a bill) to o>U y^\ — Leather-belt. Litter. Skin. ^-j^
the order of. Two veins beneath the tongue. oliiaJI
To desire a. th. * Vl>>j iJjb-.'' Jjli- Side, border. Destitution. c,Aib- ^ ;sU.
To seek a. th by deceit. To encompass a. o. ^^ CjJs^ o Ji> -tt-
c^ C M
pulley. Middle of the back. To seize the opportuuity of t^ * ~
There is no doubt about it. il* lUUiV (giving advice).
It is unavoidable. To use deceit. JjUj ••j VCi^l Ju>.l.
Artful, shrewd. JUaJ To encompass a. 0. 5 J^i.
J^ C M1 )
C M» )
To hate, to grudge a. o ^ Streak, jCal'i ^ j^.^
The time comes for him to. cj\ il oi» Escape, shelter. (>»:»^
To appoint a time to a. o. To s Jli. To mens- Ce'C-.tlj ^'-^^-'J ''-^j* J*** "^ i
JV* ( Ul )
To humble o/s self before (God). Ji_ — Jewish rabbi. ^U-U Hs
Depressed tract of Cyiij oCil yr w^ To become To
tall (plant). ui Li-
land. defend o.'s property. To be deceitful.
Lowliness. Humility. oCi-ij Xili- To rage, to dash (sea). CUij C^ —
Any thing contemptible. ^^^ To amble liilj Cij Co-ij Ci —
(scattered thinfjs).
To mix a. tli. with, o* Cali -^ i ^Ja^i^
She-camel yielding much
milk. Lote-tree. Large waier-skin.
jjLC ^ ^
To make a u^^i-lj ^^j u^i
mess with dates, cream and starch.
~ Knowledge.
Sl^i^^'j jC^ U Sini- j ^
•^ To squander recklessly; to ^joli-j
— Sheep bought for being sy^i!
Tent of wool or camel's «;..i.1 ^ -C^ Staff for beating off lu.ikj: ^ Ja^^
hail". Husk of wheat, barley. leaves.
To hit a. o with a Jl A Ui- c.i. -S- Beetle. iNIallet. ^ci^-^ rr ^^-^
spear. To be choked by sobbing ^yJ.B. ^i -H-
To lessen the portion of. 5 c,> Ij — (child).
To ba ashamed of a. o. ^ — To enter (a place). ^ lili a ;u*
Avaricious. Defective. c^Aii- To tot about. j;^i. -a-
To prH^•ent a. 0. ^s. a ^isiT a t> ^ To contemn a. 0. s u^ jli i -ft-
To conceal o.'s self fi-om fear feil^ To disorder the brain grief, lOve).
or shame. To cripple a. 0.
To carry away a. th. A jSilj — To withhold a. 0. s J^\j —
To blush at. To dread a. 0. ^,>
— To be crack-brained. vC>j "^ a J-i
To deceive a. 0. J — To be dried up (limb).
To act treacherously
5 \'Ji. i ^^ To lend (cattle) to a. 0. s
To be crippled, dried up (limb), ^j
JJ^ fi>
To be wicked. Ilni- o i
— To ask of a. 0. the loan s J^3.^\
_, r-»-'
Numbness (of the limbs). Slug- joi.' To be cleft. To become lean. ^iij
gishoess. Rain. Dark place. Narco- To be wrinkled (flesh). To part
tism. (people).
Darkness. tfj^j — Rivulet. ol^j ilJ* J oJ.iA ^ oi'
Lair of a lion. jOo^ Cheek. Side. Party of ijiil ^ oi.'
To tear off fi> J^j^i-'j , CilAi' i jioi-' -H- Tall and ^:xic:ij 'IJii.' j, s-ioi b , «_iai^
^ An official. jtjs-JiU'
To show friendliness s oiii —o-»i- -J^ Craft, cheat. Meal of ^'Qi' ^ 0.^0^"
to. the Ai*abs.
Friend, compa- olJ^l ^ ct-^j o'J^ Deficient (coin). Variable (mar- ^.^u
nion. ket). Unsteady (man).
To go at a quick CCoi-'j , b'aiT i tf ai' -«- Misleading (road). p.j-^ij
pace (horse). Small door in a large one. Stiii
To go on gently. i^ail Wicket.
Vice-roy of Egypt. \^ji^ P House inside another,
To J
submit to
'XSi-j IsjjL^j
a. o.
Vii-' a tJii-'j W -^ Vein of the neck.
Sti'ong-necked. Daring.
^livi -u ji.
t ~
GT -
To take out a. th. -^ To spend fi> j
Robbe)'. Camel-stealer. yjyj^. ^ i^j U.
(money). To let (blood). Having his ear 'r'-'* T
He made him so- <i.Jifr *4-^*- •fjf»-l ^
lemn funerals. [
Nest of hornets Hi
To be well-bred, gentle- t_,iVI J ^^i-i Sour milk.
manlike. Water-melon.
To become clever in (an art). J — To spoil (a book). To •<>•
(f- To translate
(a book). To distil- To disorder, to impair Jaj' ^ ifc
•if-Privy purse; poc- i^ ,11 j\ ^^}\ To pierce, (the ear, CJ^i-' o Cj'j> -fr
ket-money. lips).
•^ That is what just suits d>»',> li* To be a clevei" guide. C)^> a Cjji-
( \
Soft twig of one year. »_..,«. l^iT Coagulation of the milk in the i/^
Young girl. Soft woman. Tall and udder. Weakening of the body.
lusty mac. Restive (animal). Blun- J»^' ^ J»j^i.'
To be- 'lil^i' o o^i-'j , 'j^i-' a ci^i-' -i^ derer -fy Humbug.
come weak-minded. To dote (old -^ Moulding. rcJ/i^i.
Craft of a turner,
man). Parings falUng from a lathe. <L Qi.'
Aj 5 ^ln>lj ^i^i-^j ^'i^jhJ '^j^ o "-iS* Leathern bag for silk- Ja^' i^v ?- "^l j>
To pluck (a fruit). To gather fruit for worms' eggs. <>• Map.
a. 0. Turner, -if- Humbug. I»l^i.''
( \o"\ )
r^ OJ-
hole. Open country. <"- P/. Openings i
Harvest-time. Fruit- wil^j ol^'
as doors, windows. |
<> He has "*Sj^i\ t^a jji-ji >\'j Witticism, humourous talk. :;j\^i
c \
To pierce a. th. /*>_, j Cili' i jli.' -«- To make a (balance) deficient. fi>^/^]
through (arrow). To cause a loss to.
Forger of lies. JLli To give a. th. uawil- .^1 jt y~i^^[
To cast a. th. jj A >llir o Jli' -i^ lingly to a. o.
away. To exile a. o. Loss, error. ul>^j SjC-i-j ,r^'
Refuse, rubbish. i}\Li. -^ What a pity! sJCi'i;
Of low quality, j;,Ll> j Jlli. ^ J^iT Losses and profits. J,H9.nj ^C jVl
inferior. Losing (at play, in trade). _^-li
To settle (a difference). fit _^ii < Rascal. Spoiled (child).
To sink into contempt. ^Lil ~ ^^^i. -s- \Sj^~i^} ^Si^j iSj^-i^j -'l-7*-'j .^y^
Vile, misled. Lost.
a. o. at the game of odd
play with Vileness. Calamities. Blame.
and even. To be banished.
Odd number. ^U-l ^ Ci' Man of the lowest _^^l rtrr
To throw pebbles at o. a. C^Ll's-j — ^g^i. class.
Woollen garment or tent. -»_i.' Weak.
To enter (a house), j itiiT o
•fy- -^ i j^ To sink down, (coun- Cj^
To produce a rustling. To ^jii.' try). To be eclipsed (moon).
clink (jewel). To put out the eyes of. /b Cili.' — i
Coarse, hard. Severe. High and ^li'l birds. Wood inserted in the nose of
ragged mountain. a camel. Sack. Anger. Side. INIoan-
Hard, dry ground, »r^i' tain-snake.
Brave. Bad. jXiJ-
Fob, waist-pocket. Ground covered '^•iCii-'jobLi*-' ?r 'Ls.*-'
To leave th.3 refuse i^-.> j ^i: J^ with mud and pebbles. Nest of bees.
of a dish. Posteriors.
To pick out, to cull a. th. fi>
— Protuberant bone behind tlie 'ili-'
To ape in fear.
es'. 'Iri*-' a ^^.i-' ear.
Rabble, refuse of mankind. jiXi- Dog-hole, paltry place. ;jili.'-<>-
Refuse. Rabble. Remain- sjCiij jCii-' To clink, to clash. j.'i.Jj>Dj J.l:li: -ir
C \"\s )
Intoxication. X^i^
Lion. Huge (nose, mountain). j.li>
Cartilajre of the nose. ^-i-Ci ^ ^jM*-
P/. -« Fish-gills.
To be harsh, rough to the ^'jl^[
hand. To b;- rude, rough (man).
Harshness, rough- iijl^j sJllij tLii.'
ness. Rudeness.
To leai-n one science only. ^s>a>'i To cut, to curtail a. th.Ai ^Lai' oj.o>' -i^
meadow. I
1o k_.i>. b >-.'0>j y >«a* a
k_~4*»" J
ses). Blackish colour (in men). To be green (tree). ^^y^[
Milk mixed with much water. jLii: Green. New sprouts, >-r>_y^ tt w-^'
First greens. off-shoots.
The sea. jyi^}\j ^^ai-Vb «jl-^J' Dye (for the hair, hands). ^^h
Verdant. Verdure. Green herbs, jj-ii-' Dyed (hand, w-aiJ-j i-jj^^-.i'j vd-^'
<• Fresh dung of cows. beard).
Daphne, an evergreen laurel, tj^^ Trough, wash-house. s^^kt
Gi'een-grocer. '^^'_ra^j tSj-^ "^ jliii-' To crack a. th. To fit Ix^ i Jiai.' -S-
Wild duck. ^ji"L<ai.' :r s?v-^' "^ sfj,^*:' bend (a branch) without breaking
Recent. Green- _^k> ^ '\'_r^ ^ ,r^'' it. To cut off (the thorns of a tree).
To send forth foam (boi- ^a Uai' -ir To put marks on u Cki-' o 'Jai' -ft-
Bride, *r;|a>' "^J "^rt^J ^t^J v^ Sin. Little of. oli-iii-'j uiai' ^ llJii.'
betrothed woman. It is a pity. j^i^i? ^
Transactor of a marriage. t_^\lai.' Sinner. Mis- s'lLi.' ^ J^\i. -tt-j m,6.
Preaiher. taken.
Oratoi-, preacher. 'ULi.' ^ w-^iii-' woman. INfissing 'Jal^' ^ lUaU-
Asking a woman in 'CLi.' ^^ w-l»V9- themark (arrow).
marriage. Betrothed. Wrong, mistaken. Missing the '^Jik»
Bitter plant resembling aspa- oCJai^ mark.
ragus. Green leaves of the acacia- To preach : JjlLi-'j 'xXii^ Jiai. ^
tree. to deliver an exhortation.
Yellow oCLi ^ :c3CJai.'j , uCJai-'j ^Jiil To be, to become a ^Uai-' wW
colocynth striped with green. preacher.
Dusky yellow. ._jai.' ^ »CLi.' > ,_Jai I To ask ( 5 '<^J CJai-' ^lai-'
To quiver, to vibrate Cffki. i _4»>' "^ He asked of him his sister iLrii *I3l. —
(spear). To happen (event). in marriage.
To shake o.'s self in J _^l.j <-j — «{>-To give (a woman) u. >'
walking. To waddle. in marriage to.
To wag the ^ Oil»ij v';iyki.'j l^4ai — To be streaked with CLi-' a ^k>
tail (camel). To I'aise (the hands, white or black. To be of a du.sky
the fingers). colour.
To brandish (a spear). ^ C\^Jai^ — To converse 72J\i-Jj Clki S wJ?U-
To .4Q i^ jl Js. jl JCj 0^^' o Jai^ i with. To address a. 0.
come back to the mind (thought). To discourse on. j —
To remember a. th. To come within reach of (game).>.' — :
Having charge
little limit).
Sharp-minded, sagacious To make a. o. to walk, a Jai'b ilai-'
The Humbler (God). Easy (life). jas> Hire of a watchman. S3^»J »J^
Pai-tlcle commanding a kesra. Defender, protector. Mj^Ii-' jr-'l^'j «3^' >
To have o.'s provisions con-
To give sweet herbage to *> ^U-' o — Palpitation (of the heart). oUli-'
(the tongue). To pin the skii^ts (of OUii-J OVSii- fr *A*i-J *5i»
To become sour (wine). jii.' The East and the W^est. oVkstiJI
To turn (wine) into vinegar. jli.' fi> The four cardinals points. J5>3^-"
To pickle (dates). To pick (the Wide delusive desert. Swift- jiii.'
Vinegar. Path in J>Vi:j '>1 ^ 'Ji.' The calyxes of flowers. j^ll ;;iil
the sand. Crack-brained. Shabby The genii, the devils. 'CjU-Jlj J>JI
garment. Vein in the neck. Lean. Secret. Secrecy. Genii. wijl>i-' « *;5'i
Claws, clutches, talous. ^]\iK» ^ ^J^S" \\"ooden pin. Muzzle of a young camel.
Reaping-hook. Tooth-pick. ;J^U-j —
Orobiis tuberosus, J^S^ t-jliiJI ..J^ Remains of food between SJ5u.'j —
heath-pea. the teeth.
Variegated. ^J^ Surroundings of a country. jG oil J>U.
To entice a. o. by ij^j s ^^-lU.' -H- Inside of a house.
soft words. Sincere friendship. *l!Ai'j :J>U.'
Lie. Wheedling. uH^' True friend. c^'j -y^J -r d^^
Vanities. Medley. Falsehoods. ,_,«xi!iU.' The friend (of God) i. e. the Patri-
Unsuccessful business. arch Abraham. Lean and crack-
Flint-stone. wj^'^^ brained. Destitute. Pierced.
To make low tricks, jokes. .j^lii-J a Wretched, poor. Poorer. '^'\
Mischie- iiw>i.'j y^^U-' «. cr=>;ii-' ° Species of thistle. :^*i d
vous child. Mountebank, fool. -(f- Pickles. jli,;
To drag, fi>j s T^i.\j <^ i rJti' -« Vehemently thirsty. Destitute. '^-J"
to pull out a. 0. or a. th. To wean (a Unsound of mind. Disordered (aflfaif).
beast). To bare (a bone). <- To fit ji-JLi-'-tf-
To last long, to remain )S^' o jJU.' -i^ To wheedle a. o. ^ ^>U-j uMij Cii o —
for ever. To be siUy (woman). Qi a »j4i
To retain a youthful I3>ji> j loU.' — To be miry (water).
appearance (old man). To deceive a. o. s ^i. \j ^d-j ^_jS-
To abide in (a Ji^j ^ jJilj Ai-'j - Membrane of the liver. t_i5u.1 ^ wU
place). Claw. Vine-leaf. RadLsh. Enticer.
•^ To reach a very old age Pith of palm-tj-ee. »JU.j ^_JU.'
(man)* Palm-rope. Mu-e.
i^ ( ^Y Y ) j:^
To pay a. th. To discharge (o/s To render a. o. ever- Aj » jlilj jli
conscience). To suit a. o. (affair). lasting (God). To perpetuate a. th.
4- Let me alone.
To lean towards. To J|_, ^ jiil
•^ To retaliate. To recover ili ^U' stick faithfully to (a friend).
a debt. Continuity. Eternity. Para- i_^j aiiT
Wolf. Ogre. Gambler. Cast oft' <ii>. Confused crowd of men and i,SL>
New fruits CaiJ liiaJJ Jir^'l cJ^ To pull off a. th. To (AiT a A^' -ft-
birth. fruit.
Tribe deprived of her ojii-' '
» To remain behind a. o. ,jSij ^
warrioi-s. To disagree together. wiiiilj wiJQw
Road be'ween two mountains. To branch off, to be diversi- w«iS>l
Vicar. Caliph, the uJySj -uU.' fied.
supreme chief of Islam. To succeed. To replace a. o. y —
Left-handed. Squint-eyed. ,jiu1 To leave a. o. behind. To seize a. o.
To devote o.'s self to an affair. *SJ — Moral character, J!Ai-1 ^ jUj jii'
To let a. or a. th. a x^i j.*' nature. Temper. Bravery. Habit.
To allow a. th. To make a. th. paii'- Religion, Anger. -if-
^ I beseech thee [lit. May dil^i *»\ Shabby oUiij S^ r ('"• /•)
God preserve thee). (garment).
To let a. o. go. To release iLjZ. Ji.' Share of happiness. J5U-'
(a prisoner). Polish, shining. J>U.'
To leave people alone. U4^ ~ Yellow perfume, compound J^'j J>U
To quit a. th. or a. o. s jCi- fit>j of saffron.
To be lonely, (man, place). *5\it j'-^ Suitable, able to...t_, |_^j, 'Uli.' ^^ j-l>'
To clear a (place). To find (a A — Worthy of..
place) vacant. Nature. Creatures, men ^^IMi-' ^ :cLv>
To be alone with a. o. <_j _j! 5— and beasts. <>• (P/.) Female slaves.
To deprive o.'s self of. ^ — The Creator (God). 3^i jJ.'i
To get rid of, to part ^.j ^t ji-3 Praise to God thecn^ U-JI ^>1 -C«l 5jli
from a. o. or a. th. best Worker, the most Powerful
^ To retire in private with, ^— Even, smooth. Poor. More -uU-'^jjul
To retire apart with a. o. u— suitable, fitter.
To be lonely. To lead a solitary If i [ Inner part of the hoof. 'l^llij '^^
life. Interior of the palate. Smooth part
To be lonely, empty (place). J^^i of the forehead.
To a.sk an interview from. s — Smooth. Well propox'tioned. Aro-jji^i
To have a private audience of. o — matised (wine).
Lonely place. Empty space. '>U.' Genei'ous, good-natui'ed. ji^'*
Solitude. -^ Open country. Large copper o$9^ r ^^' ^
Jl> A '-^ caldron.
I am
ii^ Clj
clear from
s. p.) i:^ Ol
To choose a. th. A ^i ij
To treat a. o friendly.
^—^ 5 Ji\i,
Except, save. ^ >U' -ti-i >u Cj 51* Friend. Covert of a .(Uij ^>ii1 ^ j^,
Quite alone. gazelle. Grease of sheep.
Emptiness. Kind of heath ?«<,:>U.'{- ^^iii' P
Sluggish. Milk just drawn.
^.^ Without.
r ^ 1^
Praised. Recess, retired place. cA'^ rr »'i^
Broom. Heart free from hatred, ^%'^a Temple (amongst Druses). Solitude.
To snuftie, to speak, to sing ^iU^' -^ Privy.'
To die elapsed.
away (blazing). To abate (fever). To To cut off a. th. To CUT Ji-' ^ it. i
Egypt. Sirocco. Sweet wine.
Fifth. Intoxicated, giddy.
Fifteenth, Press, crowd of men.
Way of wearing a veil
Nearly perhaps.
; cn^isSl U-j C;^i Acid, bitter. Bitter plant. Any u^.l"
Appraiser. -^ Surveyor. thornless tree. Fruit of the capparis
To thicken (milk). )«, o u^ sodata ( i\j\ ). Good or bad-flavoured
To speak, laugh or weep (wine, milk).
with a nasal sound. Flavour, taste of wine, sLii-j aL^^'
To empty (a basket) gra A Ui-' — milk.
dually. To cut (the trunk of a tree). Skinned and roasted (kid). Ja^^^iT
and sprightly man. To break a (promise). i_i j A —
To diminish a. tli. ^ f.^' -fr~ To betray a. q. ^j —
To bruise a. o. bj blows. >-> ^ To send (camels) to water *_, » ^^'
To pay (a debt). To weaken a. o. * - one by one. To lessen a. th.
To eat away (a bank torrent). : To pierce a. 0. ^i Ci.yi: o J.\i- -fr
Generous. Pretty fine. tim ^ j^i' I His endea- »_;lui cr t_jilir j il^Ll
Very religious. <> Mohair ( stuffj. vours have been to no avail.
Better. Ji^fX »- iJ'j_fi-J J.^ J> -'S> ' He fell in a ^. s??li s? ^i
Option. Free will. J^*\ hopeless affair.
Old man. rcJjiCi;.'! ^ jl^il. Ts To make a sound.
Free, arbitrary. Sponta- CSj,UsCl. To earn wealth. I jji i jli- -tt-
Vanity, self-conceit. Jli-'j xl^'j -"^^y^ To think ol j'l A 'diWij ''*iir-'-» ^/^'j
Bird of bad omen. Jj Q.)j J-i, ^ j:i1 to imagine a. th. or that.
Green wood-pecker. Roller (bird). To thunder over ic. yiiij ^L^i j!i.'
pitch, to enter
r a tent. To ^
Tender stalk of a oC-U-j clijig (odour).
w>i ( ^A^) c^b
Cucurbita, gourd. {un. sjCj) 'Ci To wash a. th. (waves). fi> j,]'^
To spread out (a car- ^ C>i a J-'i> -fi- To agitate *^^, Ca^'^ a ^a^i -ti-
55 ( \\N )
Secret thought of man. J»^)l J:j>i To be lowered, O^i.' i/lj;,i.i a ^ ij _;iS
Interior disease. Jch'^ "1^ humbled.
Intimate thought. To humble. To abash a. o.
•^ Hdme
To stick J /b ^
y\j Ci i , a ^ 5 ^l'^]
'i -fr
( \^r )
Flowing abun- jljij ^jij j^y^ ^ 3ii Watchman, sentry. oClvi^j u.'Jo3 P
dantly (milk). Lighted lamp. Wild ass.
Milch-female, yiel- jOo^^ jJS^i 'J^'^ Pilot of a ship. o^i^i
ding much milk. To be on the watch, to keep ^jCJi ^
Brisk market. S*li oj^ guard (sentry).
Spindle. Zj\ji Play, joke. oS'i »
Shining ^jj^i ^ ^3^ ij jj ij ^j 'i Blunted sword. Sharp word. Poor^ba
brightly (star). man.
Bloody (war). j/y^ Custom, wont. 0>^ij ooo
Lighted (lamp). S^^^ft (horse), ^ji To flow abundantly iji o i ji -^
Plenty of milk. S*a5 (milk). To become luxuriant (plant).
Causing milk to flow. Revolving ^jji To yield much (milk: she-camel).ij —
the spindle quickly. To stream (sweat). Ijj^i^ l3i o — i
To rush (torrent). %':>j |«ji a ]'/:> -» rain wind). To whirl (the spindle)
four minutes of time. Story, stage. To remain silent fi'om fear, ^'iy^ -fr
To have the teeth ia/i a >>»j,i -ft- To sew up (a garment). A {j'y^ o jji,i
broken from old age (she-camel). To cram a. th.
Young of u^ljib ^3j5 vr ^y>J iJ^'y^ Luxuriant life. Seam of a j/y^ ^ jji
rats, jerboas, hedgehogs, hares. garment. Suture of the skull.
Misfortune. Jerboa. o^Oil >l Lice, nits. Jjj^l Ol2
Young cat, young rat. t/»ij^ People of a low class. Sjji .iVjl
horse). To make
^5 a. th. follow ano-
c \
Bottom of (the sea). Piece added to Large standard. Bulky lion. ^ji
a bucket-rope. Silk.
(opp. to -K^'ji ) cJ^y:>j iijh ^ <Syi To hurry on. C5Ji o Jj^ ^
Step downwards. Abyss. -^ Patrol. To soften a. o. 5 J*i
Step of descent. Hell- jU!) olTji Leather shield. Jljib Jj^ ^ <^'S^
fii"e. Degrees of hell. Sluice of a rivulet.
Catch, overtake ill^S Thyriac.Wine.(/b?' jG^,) J^^jij Jlji
Uninterrupted journey. Dog. 'ii\ji Peach (fi'uit).^ljij ^jiji -^j Jlji G
Tenth metre of verse. iij \jci •^ He holds him j'j^h S^^- *^J^
To roll a th. a_, ^ j^/j^ ^'Ji -> liable to damages.
along. To overtake (game :
*_, 5 \Sj\jJ> iljlS
) .
C ^^'\
Limpid stream. Earth-worm. z^ t.i
Large^ village. jf'L.i ^ sjC-i P Spy. cr-i-?lji 9- tr>^li
Hermit's cell. Plain. Taveru. Spy, sycophant. Ba- ^'^ ^ ,_^^i
To stop (a flask). * C-^i o ^ ^i ked under the ashes (bread).
To shut (a dooi"). To sprinkle the Buried in the earth. Anointed ^^jJ
ground rain ). To lay lint on (
( with tar (camel ). Perceived by the
woimd). touch.
To smear a (camel) with i C^i i
— To grope. -^ To plot secretly.^aJ,i-«-
tar. Plain. Seat of ho- cyJli ,- c^'^ P
To be greasy (food). C-ii a ^r^i nour ;upper-end of a room. Court,
To be unclean (clothes). To ^^ council. Cushion. Ruse, craft- Suit
be dust-coloured. of clothes. Game of chess. Quire of
To put grease in (a dish). To A ^i paper. ^ Lot of things. Washing-
moisten (the ground rain). To blac- : tub. Copper-trough. Pack of cards.
ken (a child's dimple). I am the winner. J c—ifUl
To stop (a flask). A _^i1 I have game.
lost the 'U c-^foi
To eat dainties. To be defiled ^jj Bundle. HandfuL ^Ci ^"liLlS P
(clothes). Large glass-vessel.
I am free from the _yivi ^i jt ill ^Military roll. Regis- .n^uS ^ j^-'i P
affair. ter. Pattern. <> Leave, permission.
Dripping. Greasiuess of iJ^Sj ^i Minister. Digest of laws.
food. Dii't. Key of a keyboard. cnjCi ^ oVx^i P
Greasy (dish). Dirty. ^,^5 To spear a. 0. To j* i^i o ^S »
( ^^A)
a. o. or a. th. Bed, mattress. ili-ji Ts
To pulverise (the A £tS a c^S ^ To give a. th. A ili'i o ^i -«-
To by a
call a. 0. k_<j A 5 — To take the newnaess out of (clo-
name. To send down (an evil) upon thes ). To rumple a. th. -^ To train
a. 0. (God). a. o.
To wish good to. J — To be foolish, insane. Qs^J.^ a cUti
To swear against, to wish evil to. u — To contend pertinaciously with.s dis-\i
To propose a riddle to a. o, ? iii ^ To practice, to exercice (a iXt\> fi>
CaU. Prayer, ^iji 4-j ol^i ^ S>^i Dim-sighted. ^ja^'^j J-^^'> "^
To be over- j ^'ilj.Cii-i a J^'i -S- Curse, imprecation.
taken by (darkness). Claim, action, tJjVpi j j\ti ^ Jj^^
To rash on. Je J^'^ law-suit.
To throng near (the water;. J^i ^'li Praying earnestly. '^i
To drink (water) hastily. ^
— F. Fore-finger. je^S
^ Darkness is setting in. CJjJI cJj-'il Point at issue. Summons, s^ilj *!til
(clothes, fire). a. 0.
Warmth. Produce of 'iSil ^ ''.Ji To bring (news) confusedly it /b —
camels as (fui-, milk etc). Shelter of to a. 0.
^^'arm. ^fVo j, ^Usi -^i-j • J -cl^j o'ji Ill-nature. c.l>i r S^^ - >i -fi-
The world. ^ui -^Ij _^ii -^i Side, flank. Bank of sand. ^_^i ^ 'Si
Stinking. 'Q'^j %'Jii ^ ^»ib Ji Leaf of a door.
Fie, what a stench alJ^Sij
I Tambourine, wiy^sr <^-*J
To jostle, to i Ciii ^i -^
ifc_, A side. A leaf, a shutter. Boai'd. Tj'i
push, to elbow a. o. plank, -if- Rudder.
Serew-steamer. ,_pili y^y' -^ -> Tiller of a ship. t^ljjl oj
To repel, to fi>j s CSlxHj iVji a ^ii ^ The two leaves of a door. cjCJjII
discard a. o. or a. th.-<>- To pay a. th. The two skins of a drum. The t\vo
To refute (an argument) by. ^ fii
— faces of a book.
To quit (a place). To plead on ^— Army advancing slowly. Mi- :Uli
behalf of. -^ To pay for a. o. grating nomads. Emigrants.
To lead to (way). To compsl to. — Ji^ Pouncing in skimming the o^i
To avert an evil from a. o. ^c — ground (vulture).
cJi ( T T ) j;^
Laurel-bay, oleandei*. Rhodo- Uij — <-To pay a. th. to one another. A ^\j2
dendi'on. To be repelled, di'iven back. To ^jjl,
To fiU up (a weU) 4» J%\j Gi J'^ «- , i
launch forth ( horse). To come all at
with earth. To conceal (ne-ws). once. To be dispelled (evil).
To bury (the dead a treasure). 3 —
; To be profuse in speech. c-iJ^-JI J —
To be buried (dead ; o^^'b o^-*' He began to sing. Ji/ —
treasure). To hasten (beast). To be To pray (God) to'avert fi, j fsJSJ-l
evil). people.
Pvuuniug at random (slave, camel ).oyi Channel of a torrent. ^SjJ' -, 4-^
Inclined, stooping. -l^ii ^ ji\ To have the teeth stan- Ciai a j|i
To conceal the defects ^':i — ^i -tt- Salary and craft of a Hs'ij iiVi
of goods (seller). To lean on apocry- broker. Bidding by auction.
phal authority. Broker. Auctioneer. JVi
To cheat. To wrong a. o. 5 ^^i Indication, a'ilj jJVi ^ <M?-> *'X'*
To become green at the end of ^Vi sign. Proof. Prognostic, symptom of
summer (plant, land). a disease; inference.
To conceal o'self. To ^J^)j ,^^' Guide, direction. Pilot. 'Vil ^ JJ 3
graze. Self-confident. l}jJ^
To pluck (the hair of the forehead). To walk with short v'i..Ji c..Ji "^ i
Smooth, glossy. ^j^^ ^>j u^i^ To burst into high words jt cX^'\
Smooth. Shiny (star). Polished ^Vi against.
(armour). Swift-walking. ^ij ^i ^ oVi
Even (ground). Shiny (stone). ^^'^ Battle-fields. ci'^'
Wabbling. ^'^:, To carry water to a vVj.] 5 i ^pJi -^
Hairless. Worn out 'l.i3ij> ^ ^J'il tank. To carry milk.
(tooth). To set forward at night-fall. ^Si\
Shining. u^luij ^>S To begin a journey before day- ^St.
To push 2< GiVi .feJlij ,Ck]i Jib -«- i
a. 0. on the breast. Journey undertaken at day-ioj'ij SajS
To dash (waves). Jaljij\ break. Portion of the night.
To hurry forward. To become iaiJil, Swarm of locusts. oWi
fat, thick. Underground. Lair of xiSj^z-j ^^Jji
The devil. Glistening j^Vi ^ ^Vi To slip forth jJIajIj ,CiJ':> o jJi
(man). Clever (guide). (sword). To rush successively.
To be intensely dark (night). ,_^il. ^ To pour forth (torrent). jiajlj ^^jJ
Intense darkness. ij~'^'^i ^-''* To slip out (sword). To fall back ^j.\
Calamity. (door). To be launched (horseman).
Misfortune. ^j^> To draw (the sword). it j1liL:i.
Shining (gold) ;
glistening. ^>V'i « Weasel, ichneumon. jJ3 P
To be jG7j (a^Sj i^'ii (^i a '*3^i Ash-tree. jVi y -^
absent-minded by love. To be be- Slipping forth jli ^ jji'^j ^Sj j)ji
wildered. (sword). Rushing ( horsemen, tor-
To be diverted fi'om. jt Ji rent;.
To bewilder a. o. (love). a Ji Now, pi-esent-( for c^'ji\ li*' ) cJ'Ji o
Weak-minded. X^ lij j la
Uselessly, to no avail. QJS To rub a. th. with ^A (UJi o iUi -J^
(ground), To blandish a. 0. I
inserted fast. To get down from a horse. j^\ ^
To b8 in good state (affair). To ^j.^ He gave himself up to evil. ^)1 it Jjc
hurry to its hole (rat). To hurry on. Jp^'
^ To set a. th. aright. fn ^.i3 Bucket. Aquarius dij 'Vij Jil yr )>'>
To insert a. th. * r-*^ {Zodiacal sign). Misfortune. Bi'and
To agree with a. 0. upon. u. 5 r-»li of camels.
To wrap a. th. in (o.'s clothes), j ^Jiil Small bucket. J'ij Cj\^i ^ SV3
-To intrude, to break upon, u b>»i — To anoint (the eyes) with a ^'^j
To destroy (people). itj 5 _^a collyi'ium.
To burn hair in his hut (hunter). J^ i To behave badly. To have a -y^]
To spend (the night) awake. * ji>\'i foul son. To be ugly.
To grumble js. ( /or j% j5 )_,la7 < Liniment, coUyrium. j>(»:>j v9j '>*^
Flood-season of the Nile. ejjti ° Hole of a jerboa.
Palmyre, town of Syria. y,^Ji Dung. Louse. Cat. Ant. . iSi
Some one. 'Sj'i^ "> '^y^ Ugly and short. ^C>i ^ ^^i
A small ear. '
ZjyJafo'i'i Broad desert. ,^bi ^ *>*>i-iij ^>ii^
To be intense. To i^yi i o ^^i -ft- Hoe-rake. Xam
be obscure (night), Red. Loaded with fat. ^>'J^
To defile o.'s self. cr-^->JJ C-^ji a ,j-f^> To mumble. To snarl (beast). ^j^i
To cover, to
conceal a. th
J & ^ ij , U-*i — To rumble (thunder). To hum.
To speak in anger to a. o. je ^aii -S-
Object, person seen from afar. ^ i
•^ To brand (a beast). To fi>j s Important business. ^i
stamp a. th. To disgrace a. o. Covered, concealed. cr-i*^J a^^
To put grease (in food). fit f3'i Obscure, dark (night), ^j-yi^j ^^li
To constrain a. o. to. Jl. 5 ^jil Hunter's hut. o-i''^^ t u-y^'^
To enter (a place). To swallow fi>
— Secret^liJij ,_,^C»ij ^i^^Qi ?r crCd'i
(food). place > Underground, catacombs.
^ Brand. Stamp, seal. :Uo Ts Gaol.
•^ Stamped paper. li^S Jjj Ainbrosia. hog-weed. <1jl_o
Wound reaching the brain. *i»6 General of j^C>i ^ jil-'i L
Spadix of a palm-tree coming forth. 2/1 Ihe Greek Empire.
•^ Irrefutable argument. tiAi *k>- To fret fi'om excessive Q.^ i a ^d^i -^
Brain, skuU. a/s,] ^ ^.u^ heat.
Meninges, pia mater, ^Cio)! 'j>\ To despatch a. th. quickly, a j1-»3> -ff
To wane from grief or illness. To j'i To strengthen a. th. fi> &.Ci o ?Ji -{^
sink (eye). To near its setting (sun). Intelligent men, [pi.) ^'S
To examine a. th. minutely. * — To stoop the ^Jij G>.^i , inJi -ft-
C T > ^ ) j^^
To astound a. o, 5 J-»^h J-^'^ To roll A tloAij ila*S (^a>Sj , ojuJi
Bewilderment, astonishment. xlS'i down (a stone/.
To botch (a work). A_^'i -fr To break (dawn). To ^^aAl^-J ooajj
To fill up (a 4> jAilj U*;. a ji i -H- roll (stone).
cup). To pour forth (a cup). Troop of one uC»alft'ij oU1*jj *Aa>i
To strike a. o. To cut up a. th.A jpiS ;
hnndred camels and mure.
To hurry a. o. j J*i1 j
I do not ^ •\jJ>ji\j tloAoll y ^^j(.i1 U
To cohere (stones). jaSI know what sort of man he is.
Stocks for the feet of criminals, j^^ Routed army. ^»i -j}-
night of a month. Traces of en- '
and lofty tree. i Ointment. Paint, varnish. Dregs of
Showy toy. Hair-bracelet. ^i'^ oil.
By turns. jjJik i
^ He went over the town. tljXJ\ jd
Revolution of a star. Circulation oljji •^ Pay attention. »lOG ^i
of blood. Procession. I
To go about with a. o. To ^ Ji
Vertigo, giddiness. jb^j jU^ i
cause changes in (time).
Going about. Anklet. < Pedlar, jiji ,
To feel vertiginous. <i j(^i\j j; i
vagrant, a Round village To whirl a. th. To ta- fi>j s j»v_» jji
Sun-rtower, turnsol. ke a. o. about. To work (a machine).
< Whirlpool. '{'J\ j\ji ^ To search for a. th. jc j}i
Sea-compass. Sjbi ^ To addle the brain of. !jL'\j j\i1j —
F. Circle. Ring, curl of J iji ^ slJji <>- To wind up (a watch). ZtLL —
hair. Shaft of a pulley. Change of To round a. th. fi>
fortune. -^ Public administration. To ramble about a Qj^j ^jj'jJ' jjVi
Convent, «;^ ilj «3ji^ "^J jQ.^' ?r -s"^ work (a machine). To hand round
monastery. (a cup). To manage, to govern a. th.
Round about. Ji ja jf^y^ -^ To induce a. o. to.
Inhabitant of a convent. "jlV^j jCi To avert a. o. from.
Board of administration. SjliVI ^>tJ» To be round-shaped.
Axis, pivot. Point at issue. j\j,i To take an abode in. fi-jl'Sl
Round water-skin. oljl^'J t o'Jj^ jij^b sjOij jjilj jj^h j\>i ji^ jl^ !sr
Round, circular. ^ailJj jjIa^ The perishable and \m2\ Jdj ''Ji3l j'i
To s J fit iZ,'Cij CGsj Cji o ^\i -ft-
the lasting abode.
tread on (the ground). To lower a. o. Islamitic countries. Surname ^>LL!I jii
To polish (a blade). «>• To trespass of Bagdad.
upon. Ai'senal.
To tread (corn- -)il, :\>i - Cinnamon.
crops). Bastard cinnamon.
To be trampled upon. To be .rJi Long-pepper.
foot-trodden (crops). Aspalatlms. Bistort-root.
Ceremony of trampling upon Lji -<>•
Dolphin, sea-hog.
dervishes. Capital town of a country. tuV^ljli -^
Colt's foot [plant). jli^i!! wji - House, court. Upland. oO'^j jj^ -x «3'^
Thick forest. <j^?i u4-^ t ^? I
Tribe. Cu'cle. Halo.
Troop of men, <^i'^i '<^\ji Round sand-hill. s3j,jjj Sjljij Sljij
Furbieher. ^jS ^ ^iS Seller of perfumes. ^Sj}'^
"Walking in a file (hor- ^\}>j Z^\i Some one. jCSj '4j,S>i '4^}'^
semen). Sparrow. Vj,-?^ ji>«-^j Vj-J*
( T
Change.Victory. < Government, state. Brave. Lion.
They have been prevailed ^^^^s rf^^l Bhnd.
upon. Nose -^ Weaver's treadle.
The chief men of the state. :Jj^l o^ j Shoe, sandal.
Adversity. oVjS .^ *b'i PoHshing-stone. Beater. ^IjU^ j u-i-^
Excellency (title of a vizu"). yirJJS Ts To be altered (eye). Ciji a ^j,i -»•
Victory. illjl, Dim-sightedness, squint. jiji
By turns, alternatively. il^lji Altered (eye). ^/i ^ .ujj) ^ ^jSl
Reddish grapes. ^ Iji Quoit (for playing). Uproar, i^ji -^
^ Conference. S'JI^j Jjl^ To spread amongst a li^i o j.ti -ft-
To last. 'v>y^>i C«bij (*ji o >b -ft- tribe (disease). To be cheap (coi'n).
To contmue. To stand still. To be To crush a. o. (heat). fij s —
filled (bucket). Whey, watery part of milk. ^/^ P
As long as he remains C^J^Cs >li C» Cold. Foolishness. Epidemic. xtji
standing. To mix (perfumes). fi> (jji olS -Jf
To drop from the hand. u^'l^'l Ministers of state. ol]>i^' v*^! j''
To fall unexpectedly on. jp — Turkish official hand-writing, j \^j i lai
Thief. wli ^ t/4'^ To call (she-camels) to lj «jS — ej*
Unruled. Muscular. X-^CS ^ t>»ijS their young ones.
Diving-place. ^\j.i Cry for calling she- e\i e\ij i'i iS
Two-handled jug. dXJji -^ camels.
Flower of the cyclamen, j^\ dijji ^ To walk across a desert. jj^ -H-
( T\Y )
Restless. '^
;;j'i Forelock. Hanging v-l'i'^ « '^'^
Buffalo, wild bull. ^'^j zS'i\j — locks.
Flies. ^CS ^j o'ij oCij Summit, apex of Sj^^j 3JI
vV>1 ^ »_,C/i Hyj"^
Bees, breezes. glory and power.
To waddle. To have a manly Madness. Plague. Consumption. k_,G 'i
take out the arms fi-om a cloak. tiply a. th. To sow (the ground).
To be profuse j.!Afe\!l j f,ja:j f.'Ji\ To become grey on *j'i a C^j,'ij —
in speech. the forehead (hair).
To measui'e with the arms. i^J^i To anger. To upbraid
fi> a. 0. *j s Yj^s
To make long strides. J pj^'l. To shed (tears).
To screen o.'s self behind ^^ <j.'jjLL\ To compel a. 0. to. Jl. » —
a. th. (hunter). a trifle, a ru-sh.
Little, »j'i
Measure, length. Power.
Covetousness. Wild
^j'i They are created for jtji .j'i ^
calf. oUJi f- ^j'i hell-fire.
Fore-avm, fore-foot-otyij p,j'i1 ^ piji Hoariness on the forehead. slj'i
Cubit. Rod of cubit. Power. Snow-white (salt). j}'S>i JSS^
White-headed (ram). "'l^ji ^ 'ij'il
•^ Standard cubit of 29 1/2 inches. To be shai-p ajO'^^j Qj^^ a c-ij,'j> -«
^Common ,^Uj ^.'J-3 ^sj^. 9^y? (sword, tongue). To corrupt (wound).
cubit of 22" 3/4 inches. To be in a good ;;jy>,jii3'ij C3'j> a -
D Skein of thread, silk. Jali 5,13 i -fy or corrupt state (stomach).
Powerful, able. ^l^i)) jl f,ja)l ^...Ij To A t-»jib , s^j ^i Q j i a o wij i
sharpen (a sword).
He fell short of the affair. Tongue. Foul toiigue. ijijil ^ ^'ji
Walking by day and night <tj S ^ ff.j\ Incurable disease. Rust, a Diarrhea.
Long-tongued. Good companion. Ganglion on the neck. ^Jy^
Means, ability. p^'i ^ ^pji Shoemaker's knife. ^j'j ^ ^j'^
Long-paced (horse, camel). ^jj'i Sharp (man, sword).
Wide. Swift. Quick (death). m./,^ Sharp-tongued. Cil3' —
Intercessor. Poison. sJCj'ii
Camel used as a screen ;J0 ^ ^ *»i j ^ To poison ifc ^j'ij , C»v'i a ^yi -{}-
To kill a. o. una- s v'Ja* i a Ja^'i -ft- To raise (the dust wind), : a i^jib
wares. To winnow, to scatter iSj'i>j i Jj'^
Quick death. ifj^'^j iacl ^ o^ a. th.
To despatch jcj 5 o'i1j lil'ij ^'i To run into a river (stream). v^oj"'.
To be weak,'^j^j 'ttsij 2l>j V'i i D'i -i^ Book of religious law. Rain. Strong
base, obscure (man). man. Religious dance of dervishes.
To be tractable (beast), vij V'i i — Legal deed ; written act. 'jSJt JS"i
To abase a. o. » 'SjLLSi ISVlj j'i Remembrance. JS'\
To be evenly disposed ( branches ).jli Remembering well. ^^^J jt^
To become low, vUe. To frequent J'il Male, o>^3j "i'j^'^ij^ :> rrj"^
vile companions. manly, masculine. Male organ. Good
To submit. To be humbled. j^j iron. Unproductive (palm-tree).
To hold a. o. as vile. 5 tJlc-Ll. Sharp (sword).
Humbleness. Weakness.:5lv yv'ij C''i Bitter vegetables. jiJ) j^'i
t/S (T TT ) ^S
Blame. Vice. -•^'^ r j'^ Gentleness, mercy. Jv'il ^ C)i
Right, due. Honoiu\ i»i1 ^ jiWi Let him remain in his *JV*il L& isa
Protection enjoyed. Obli- ^ <li ^i humble state.
gation, compact. Responsibility. Sa- ,
Vile, weak, contemp- dilj 'Vil ^ Jj/i
fe-conduct. Allied people. Wedding- tible. Submissive. Trodden (road).
dinner. •<>• Conscience. i Short.
fy- Upon my conscience. s>i Jj,j>i jc I
Good-natured. '^.i>'^
•^ He owes so much. iCLTii'i jt — To : dangle. JoiliS — Jal'i -{}
Chi'istians and Jews under :c5a)) jai Smallness and evenness of the oO'i
Moslem protection. nose.
Client. Christian imder y'i Small-nosed. ^iJ'i ^ 'UJ'i > wiJ"i1
Defen- ilj'ij , Sil'ij ilj'i j ij'^ 9r -^,''^ mistress of. Belonging to.
Blame, vice, defect. cj'ij ^'ij yi'i To smear (the teats) with dung. *J['^
Jb ( TT"\ )
First day of a month. :UDIj ,^1 tr-lj To turn the eyes ; to gaze. To '\'j\j -H-
To preserve a. th. with rob. A> ^jj To look in a miiTor. To t\-'j[ j\j\
^J CTY ^ ) L>j
^ To engage, to secure a. th. it— To act in o.'s own way. j -^jl,
To persevere in. * Cl»bj,j ^kl^-* -WO •Misfoi'tune. Much. ^j
To ba stationed on (the enemy's Great misfortune. ^'j »r '^J
frontier : army). Courageous. Calamity. ^r^J
To stop in (a place water). J JsJi^ : /?/iew(/i nie*', kind of goose- ^'ijj
<• To plot -with a. o. against. f>. JsJI^ berry.
To bind o.'s self with. To become bushy (tree).jijyi —J^j-H-
^ To bind o'.s self itl^jb ~ Ground covered with herbs, -ili^ J^jl
To take (a horse) for static- i Jajji. To await J ^.'Jj,^ (^.jo^/j-H-
ning it. a. o. or a. th. To lay in wait for.
Stone lifted for trying strength. tLj'j for the fourth of the produce.
Garden. Iron helmet. To enter its fourth year (sheep) ;
^ jl
Pertaining to spring, ^'j-j '^s^i^-'-i its fifth (horse, oxen); its seventh
Four. "
^/J\ j^tij'Js To be in the spring. To go
Quadrupeds. ;JjVI cAj':* water on the fourth day. To be
Wednesday. oOWJb Cj\*^)'J\ -r 'WJ^ four in number.
Forty. Fourtieth. o_^j1 To have the quartan ague. ^ji
Fast of "Ij^jV --^^aJlj cj*; jjVl ^^ To sit cross-legged. u-j^' i? « >
lent. To be fattened. To feed on ^lob
Spring-rain. ,4o'-''/'iC'' -r rk'y-
grass (horse).
Spring-abode. To spend the spring ^ fSj -^j ^j[
Lever, crow-bar. r>\'J' <r **i'y,-} Hj^, in (a place).
Brin£?ing forth in the spring ^i To heap up (sand). To rise A.-^i
(she-camel). Sails of a ship. (dust).
Suttering from quartan f^^ij^} Aj^ Abode. House. ^'Jij f.\jj^j f.yj ^ j^'j
half-dead. I
Litharge. ic^i
To cool (anger). To have '\jj a Uj -ft- Red, gold litharge. J^'i dc^
^^^ —
a disease of the shoulder (camel). White, silver litharge.
To curd (milk). To strike a. 0. ?_, A — To be set in order. To '^'j a
J53 -ft-
To shake a. th. »> lV3 o ^3 -tt- Disease of the shoulder in camels. sl"3
( rri ')
Star in the right foot ^'^\ *'j>?»'' ~ To let (a female) » !>^3 o J» j -ft-
Man. (o/j/^. xVjj Ji?-j, ^r Ji*j, -^J >3 ba curly (hair). To be set free with
^0 woman). Perfect. Vigorous. Hus- his mother (young beast).
band. To comfort a. o. 2f j»
Manlike woman, virago. iiai^ To comb (the hair). a —
Set fi'ee with his mother j^jj j>.j To let go a. o. on foot. To 2^
J* j^
(suckling). grant a respite to a. o. To let (a
Somewhat curly (hair). J>-jj
— young one) with his mother.
Having curly hair. Ji>3j Jb-jl ^ Jf j To alight ( To be manlike jf^
(woman). To be advanced (day).
Pedestrian, on foot. o>W- jj To go down (a well) t? j * ~
without I'ope.
Manliness. To cook a. th. in a kettle. fit
White-spotted on one ^y^jj Wj To go at a middling pace (horse).
foot (beast). Hard ground. To extemporise 'a speech).
Foot-pas- To tie (a beast) by the foot to —
J^3j JVjj JW-j ^rO^V^j
: »
senger. seize a. o.'s foot.
Foot- J:j> I3b JfXjh *V. J^ :r J::?:3 To follow o.'s own opinion. *i'l3i~
passenger, pedestrian. Walking on foot. ISIan. j^j
Good walker, Ju^j JW-jj J-ij^r- Foot. Hind-leg j^'jl ^ _^l, -^j jJ-x
tramp. of beast.?.
W^hite-.spotted ji^ ^ .^^i^) ^ Jfj'' Sea-gulf. j9tpi J»j!^
on one foot. Large-footed. Part, portion. Swarm of Ji^3l -r
Hunters. J::>,OVI locusts. Large troop of beasts. Blank
To be unable to speak. JLc j>-j White spot on a horse's foot. J^/Jj
To hope a. th. * ^*7Jlj j^J^j ^j Smallage (herb). Js^-'^^
To put a side to (a well). To * ^>j1 Variegated (garment). Lea- J»S^
miss (game). • ving traces of wings on the sand (lo-
To be near to bring forth ^J' custs). Combed.
(female). Copper caldron. Comb, js- \^i ^ i}>-'yt
To fear a. 0. -^ To beg a. 0. To cast stones at. s C^j o ^j -S-
Hope. Fear. -^ Request. •9-3 To stone a. o, to death. To curse,
Side. Country. 'U-jl ^ to revile a. 0. To expel a. o.
The two sides of a well. To put a stone on a (tomb). »> —
Easy life. ^l3'-3 J^^ Grave. Well. Oven. j^'^j, j^'j -tt
( Yrv )
Easy (life). Soft ground. -J-^ \^'j ^ ^u.3 Camel tit for a journey. Rachel. j^3
To be weak-hearted, lax rj>-'j "^ Beast for riding. J=r'j3 !r *i^0
(man). Leather horse-saddle. JJ V>3 ^ *5li-j^
Horse's-saddle. •<>
i-ip-J -
Ca- o-i'i 7r <— >J
.=-i-'i P Saddler. Great traveller. JG.3
parison. Travelling much. iJb.3 ^r J'^3
To ba stirred. Fit to be saddled (camel). HjLjj J^3
To be disturbed. White-backed (horse). J»-3'i
^AJ J lijilr^J l^>J
l^j o S3 -«
avert a. th. To upon her eggs (hen). jt
drive a. 0. back. .sit
hammer. Stone for sounding a well. Deformity. Echo. •> Rubbish Sij
Head. bran. Burden of a song.
Lith irge. r.I.>,lV.A P Profit, usefulness. Si^'-j eVj
To enlarge (a house). A —
To become foremost amongst oSj
o/s people.
Strong, steadfast. a^j
Hollow in a a%jj o^ijj «ij ^ 1*5
stony ground. Rock in water. Snow-
water. Large building.
To beat the ground CGi^j CiJ '^'^J '^ '
To fall in (a pit).
To perish. «^S3 a ^i>j
To throw a. 0, in ja pit).i y ^jijlj i^Sj
To blandish, to entice a. 0. s ^s'i^j
To protect a. o. with stones. .& —
To destroy a. 0. To start (a 5 ^jijl
To wrap o.'s self in a
Cloak. Sword. Bow.
Mind. Ignorance. Debt.
Bountiful benefactor.
Little burdened by debts
or family.
Wrapper, loose outer-garment. sMij
Rock. ^Sj ^ i\'ij
C Tir )
To use (a word)r'
without res- Sjf^ — To be
well oil.
To seal (wlieat,*^jlj X-i-j o ^ij -^ To direct a. 0. to.Jj icj Jl. i oi- jij j<£'j
a vessel). i>- To make the sign of the 4- To become of age (child). -xi j1
C Tt-V ) JU^j
Watchman. Complete thy benefits lislX;^ j3jJ1 ^1 :
To tremble. To -walk
C-t j a ^j ^ garment.
sluggishly (from fatigue). To be A Qtj a c^jj ^j a , c^s-j -fr
To nod the head (old man), a OC&j — white in the wattles (cock).
To cause a shudder to a. 0. s ^j1 To bite a. th. (snake). A £pj a c-cj
To shudder. ^;7JI^ To wear ear-rings c-ijjb i-O
Nodding the head in slumber, u^^'j (woman).
Tottering (camel). ^j^'^ Multicoloured tassels over ^jj cSj
J^'ijb ,
'^^'j a J^f:jj , Cts-'j a J.ij -^ a litter.
To be startled, to shiver- Pomegranate blossom. o^'yi\ d^j
To inspirit a. o. (war). s JSj\ Cock's wattle. oVi-j, 5- *^3-> '^'^J
To tremble from age (head). jLi;Jt Hanging lobe. Earring.
Startle, panic. "ils-j Palm-spathe used for drin- ovipj ^ ~
Startled. Inspirited (warrior), jjc'^ king.
( T
t/j '
^ ^^
To become mad. yS'j a Ji^'j Shaking the head from age j-J-'j
To sprout forth (vine). jl3 (camel).
To walk in a file (cattle). To j^jtS[ Coward. ^ojl ^pj
lead the way. Swift (ostrich, she-camel). 'IIpj
Clothes. Peak of a mountain. jij Rain torpedo, kind of cramp- <i,^3
Male palm-tree. jtj fish.
pity a. 0. garment).
To be or become a slave. fjj^ 33 i To have a proud deportment. ^'J
To render a. th. thin. A *J3b J3j Train of a garment. jsji^
> To flatten (metals). To move (the Bottom of a pit whez'e water ja3
heart). collects.
To render (speech) ^>lfei)l j53 Dragging o.'s skirt elegantly. ;Ij3
elegant. Ugly (woman). Easy (life).
a>j C TO
To pronounce softly. Jiit!) jSj
bia. Pronouncing softly. JiUll
Forlorn woman expecting the ^_iyi'j The soft parts of the belly, ^pi 'J\y:
death of her husband. Rolling-pin. JC3^»
Misfortune. ^yO^ 3»' The tAvo wings of the nose, ^Vl i5_^
Traffic, trade, profit. l>6j Tear shining in the eye. Glis- Jly3
Merchant, trader. tening. Indian melilot, -0- Shallow
To sleep. iSlsjj l^yjj l^j o J^j -S- (water).
To lull (heat). To be dull, (market). To stop (blood, \\»jj 'isj a \ij -S-
^ C J^J
To patch (a garment). A •^j a /5j -^ Great sleeper. *yLt j ^^j} •'^'j
To repair (a well). To strike. •<>• Leap, bound (of a lamb). ollwj
To walk quickly (camel). »r^t^~ Large jar. Goby, -i^y/j -sylj ^ -t:
C T"\« )
Heap of inud. liiTj To be started (horse).
Heap of ( sand ) Nmnerous ^iTj To race on horseback with
(flocks). a. 0.
<f- Four degrees and a lialf of a Decayed bone. j>'^*j,i J'x t "^x
circle. "Winged ant.
They are at war. b-.ij ^4^ \j[n^ Clever girl. v'J'r^'O
They are united a?-!j ^^.o^^**!;'^ .>•* Worn out rope.^C>j j ^C j1 j:>
against them. Decayed, rotten (bone). ^C»jj ^^ j
Lanci^r. Two-horned (bull). ^^Ij Lip of cloven-hoofed **3'*-> *'->^
To dung (hen). To whelp ^>j Fine and jjo^j j i>'-^j,i iJ'j. ^^j
(beast). copious ashes.
To have white matter To wink at a. 0.
Ca>3 a (j^ J Jl^ {yj jij ^ i
^^J, ^ ^^^
Scorching heat. Burning hot Crispness of the hair. Blearness. jL»3
(ground). Spots on the nails.
pearls. (water-drawer).
To stain a. th. with blood. ^ ^'jj — To tremble with anger. ^^'j
Destitute. *i»Ob J-ll'J :- *iij^ ->• j'-jl To make a. th. hastily. jA'jj — ifc
( T"\l )
Target. Aim; range. ,>»i1h* -r Jj' Ai-menians. [un. J>ji ) J>j\
Shooting an arrow. Scout. ,v^ To be vehemently hot \^'j a «>'j -8-
To moan. To re- ojl),tlAij i oj ^ (day).
sound. To twang (bow). To tinkle. Indian almond. 4^3
To listen to. Jt ojb
~ To throw cj J A
^Cv) J J'j 03 i >
To twang (a bow). A (j'j a. th. To repair to (a place;.
The created beings. ^JS To charge a. 0.with. To cast ^j » —
Moau. Plaintive, ringing •Cjj o^ij (looks; upon. To throw a. o. into (an
sound. Twang. evil).
A) Jaf;
To remain on horseback. To La j Fool. Coward. cj'j^j^j o'-^'jj o'-^j
remaia in doors. i
OiUfcj rr C)J->^jJ '•'•>^JJ XJJAjj ii-i^'j
To extem[)orise (a speech). yj
— (hoofs). To be in civil war (tribe).
Thin. Whetted (swoi'd). jk.»Jfi wVt j To thrust (the spear) obliquely, a—
Slender (horse). .Jiij^ Bountifulness. Share. "Ci^jk^jj *i.Aj
To be foolish. To lie. Caij a j* j -ft- Shock of the hoofs. Weak j-i^j
To be mischievons, ungodly. To (man). Lean-backed (she-camel).
hasten. Thin (spear-head). Fine dust.
To near ; to overtake a. o. i jijlj — Two veins in the foi'efeet of oll^Ol
To charge a. o. with evil. & jij beasts.
To near puberty (youth). jaI j Veins of ( un. iLjbVjj jjt\'j ) ^aIj j
The letterj. Foam of the sea. A'j To receive a. th. as a pledge, a J'^'j\
Kind of acacia-tree. To be bound, obliged to. ^j ^^jf
( YAA)
To give rest to a. o. To i ^\'j\j ^j'j Rennet for milk. Apa- o.JJJ O.J J
bring back (cattle) in the evening. thy. Livelihood.
To visit a. o. in the evening. 5 ^j j Want. Easy life. Part of the n/j
To fan a. o. night. Piece of meat. Mespilus Aro-
To cheer a. o. To perfume (a po- — nia, medlar-tree. Fertile land.
3^j (^-^
Bountifnlness. Cheerfulness. *-J»cij1 Jesus (for Moslems)." «il ^j J
Starting-place ; place of return, ^v^ji The Angel Gabriel. cn^Vl ^jjjij ^j^JI
Stable ; station for cattle. ^Ij^ God, the Supreme Spirit. ^JitVi ^jj\
Windy (day); aired. ^_^j ^/j, ^ He feigned to be so. ixf iij'j ji^
Perfumed ointment. ^yj> ^i The devils. i:ijb3lj ^uii)> ^uyvi
Spiritual, incoi-- o^ Cvj j ^ 'j, U/j
Fifth horse iu a race. -^ At rest. ^ljj>i poreal (being).
Windward. Desert. r-JL-^y* 9r *»->y* Agreeable place. *J,^j j ul6*/»
Resting-place. Grave. Privy. yXj^ Width between the feet. ^j'j
To ask a. th. ^ uQj, j iS/j o i) j « Rest. Breeze. Joy. Victoiy. ^'/j
To seai'ch for food, fodder. Justice. Mercy.
To go to and fro in a pasture. iSi'j j — Fine, cheering V/j iUj Wj j^A-
To be restless, sleepless.. i'iCj il j day, night.
To go round about the Clij j j lij jj — Ostrich. Shallow vessel. U.J j
neighbour.s, to blow gently (wind). Evening ; afternoon. ^ij j
To send (a scout) for fodder. i ij'j Rest, quiet. «CiJjj *^Ujj -
<^ Jfrj <-.iJ ^ s ^^^JJ,J eijilr* ijlj
To entice a. o. to sin. Wind :breath. Victoi'y. !«;iOb
To will. To desire a. th. ^ il 'J Strength. Mercy. Smell-scent.
To entice a. o. to.
J^ * ~ Weather-cock. -t^j yS"^
To act, iluj'jj \':>j^^j \hi,h ^'^^jj{^j'J ^ Whitlow. x^'jh\ ^jj
to walk gently. Flatulency. Rheumatism.x^jfc, j -^jrvj
To desii'e, to exact a. th. a iCJI. Smell. Wind. ;ijj
To obey. To pastui-e (cattle). i\'.^{ Any aromatic plant, oi»C j ^ oUJj
Scout for cyj^Xjj iijjj Silj ?r -*j'l Sweet basil. Livelihood. Offspring.
fodder. Handle of a hand-mill. Spy. Clinopocliuin, basil-weed. ^^ uUJj
Forerunner. Homeless man. Ociinum basili- dU^JIj ^^Vii;!' uUJj
Going about Siljjj Soj'ljj sil jj il j Ci<m, basil-royal.
[the neighbours (woman). Origanum maru^ mar- ^^^1 oUi^
Gentle wind. - joram.
i\fjj ^/j ^^^
Go gently. _
iJl^dJjj la/ j'j Kind of wormwood. Ja^Vl o&eJ^"
Grant me a delay, ^y^jjfjj ^j./j'j Cissus rotandifolia : oCi,i obtJj
thou, ye. wild grape.
Will, free will. z'^\j[ Myrtle-tree. jy^\ oUJ'^
Decree of the Sultan. sti.:- Silji Lamms camphora. j^\^\ oWj
Axle of a pulley. Ivory ^j r,^ ^ ij^ camphor-tree.
needle for collyrium. Iron of the bit. C7/ri/5rtn</ieOTU>?2,corn-marigoid.:^Ui^
Willed. Intention. iiyi Good woman.
Pasture ground for camels.i|Jtl>Jj il^^ Cooled, pleasant (day). ^^^^jj 9-Jj
Windward place. ^ Henceforth. ^w'jj >•>;" o^
<• Candidate, novice. Devotee. jjyl -^ Beyond the river. _^l ^^ ^u.i^'^i
China rhubarb. '^.^^ Jji'jj Jjj P He possesses no oJ Ij Vj *i; C i1 C>
Yellow ^\jji\ -<^j'-jul>' Jj I
rhubarb. Smell. Evening rain or rv}jj -^ *^,\j
•^ Rhaponticine. _^i -^jjO mist.
Sect of Metempsychosists. :^jij\^\ Spacious (place), ^/j ^ '^'jj j, ^jjl
To go to and fro. I'jj j o ifj -« Part-legged. Shallow (bowl).
To weigh (a coin). Sj A Ijj'j o jlj -»- Joy. Mercy.
To test a. o. To ask, to desire a. th. Generous. Brisk. Jl^^-iJ^
( TV
Newlj- broken and m.f.) jaYj To improve (a farm).
untrained (colt). To ponder over (a scheme). f> jjj
Pool in a low cA^Vj'j J^i}j- cA"' Mastei'-mason. s jO ^r jO
and hard ground. Watching of masons. sjGj^
Thirst-quenching ii^l l^. 9.1'^ '*j>i To eat much. To eat little.C;.} j o j-\.i -S-
beverage. To weaken a. 0. (illness). i —
To b.-^ pleasing, sagacious, ^fj a ^j/j Haii-y on the ears J-j'/jj J'^'j
To chide sheep. ^'^i 5^3 j'
(camel). Weak.
To be frightened at. ^Cjlj f.jji ^
To be glad, prone to do good. J f.tj{ To bi'eak, to train (a colt).
Fear, fright. War. p.j j
To bore (a pearl). A *-3kj, ~
Heart, mind. f.j'j
To resort to a garden. J^j'j
Surprising beauty, courage.<tj jj ^.j'j To train o.'s body or mind. lliJ jaj'j
Spirited (man). Startled il^JI plj'j To turn (a land) into a garden. * —
heart. To blandish a. o. To render ^j s j='j\'j
Surprising by pjjj o^lj ,r ;^,b (a land) verdant (God).
beauty, courage. Elegant (word). To quench o.'s thirst. j»l jl
Rome (town). ^^Jai'l *^j jj Sj'/j Horn ; spear held between a horse's
Dfsire. Craving. ears. Death-rattle. Life. Dauntless
Misfortune, ill man. Self-conceitedues.-i. Pure love.
luck. Pure water. Bloom of youth. Begin-
Main part of a. th. ;cJ_j j ning of the night.Chief. Body of man.
Sound. Critical ; quiet (night, uCjjl Fine horse. Planning and acting.
day). He ran vehemently. He re- ijlj'jl iit
Broken, tamed mained at rest.
To be rippled The eyes issued tears-ojiiJI Jlj'J zX^\
(water). Great beauty. :ajj
To relate {a tradi- ^ xi\3j i Ji'j ^ Handsome, the best (w. s. 'pl.) 'i^jj
tion). To twist (a rope). of men.
To carry water for a. o. itj J — Projection of the upper-teeth. j/j
To fasten a. th. on (a camel). ^ — ^ Peristyle. Tent. j/jj ~^jj\ ^ J\jj
To draw water for a. o. 5 — Dooi'-curtain. Eyebrows.
To tigi ^^ J^'yj^j.^jj.j \.j,j^[j a iSj'j Strainer. Wine-jar. Cup. Jjjl j
b3 well watered ( cattle, land). To Bloom of life. Best part ;
ji jj JJ j
thrive (tree). first pai't.
To ask a. o. to recite fit i iSj'S^j iJj'j Clear, limpid. iJj'jj JJ'j r^ J'j'j
(a poem). -^ To show a. th. to. Comely.
To reflect upon a. th. J jjyj jj'j Breakfast. *\j'^ ^
To quench the thirst of. 5 t]jj[ jj'J\ Horned. Having a j/j ^ '[V/j j, Jjjl
To water (plants). projection of the upper-teeth.
To satisfy o.'s thirst. To G) j 'S'}}' Porticoed (building). Clarified jj^S
bacome compact (Umb). (wine).
To relate (a fact). A — Common estate ; estate of ilj^l JC« a
To be twisted (rope). To be \S'yj\ bankrupts.
strong (limb). Echo. *6»jjj 'Uojj
Abundant water. jjj To slaver (cattle). Jjj — J«j -fr
P'ruitftilness, abundance
jj To sinear (bread) with grease. a> —
-^ Rain, q Large leathern-bucket, xs'j Superfluous tooth in hoi'ses. j; ij
Copious watering. Abundance. "xSj Slaver of horses. Jlj j
Sweet smell. To desire a. th. a C«I^>j ("'/j j-^'j ^
Abundant water-.spring. eagerly.
( TYY ) ^,j
Slow-sighted. pj^l -iJljl' Sort, species. Lung, {for yj ) *'j
To be vile, i*^jj CUjjj Ge/j i ^1 j -«- King (at cards). -^j^ Is
remiss. To have parted legs. Sea-blubber, jelly-fish. ^iji ;jj
To exhaust, to weaken a. o. n ^^j Abundant (water). Cloud drop- jj j
Ridge of a iC jlj a^'j ^ o/'j -ft- ping large drops. Copious drink.
nioimtain. Rhyme-letter in (verses).
To become big ^ 'jj J,'ji SJ.'jJiX * Need. Reflection. Remainder
and fat. of a debt.
To render (the mai'row) thin /b ji jl •^ Play, di'ama. Novel.
(God, fatigue).
Drivel of a child. J/j Rope for binding a load.
Soft, fluid (marrow). jl'jj JLj,i ~ Sweet water.
To Malk proudly. CCJ'jj CJ j i ^Ij * Brightness of the face.
to .sweep. Relater, narrator, ojj^'jj »\j'j ^ j'j
To take hold of. To ovei-come *— Groom.
a. o. Narrator, reciter. Oi/j ?- *i^'j
To collect furniture. Beast, .skin for carrying water.
flocks. Copiously watered, -tjj ^ C j ^ oO'j
To maintain (a finend\ To do 8 — Green, soft branch. Fleshy.
good, to help a. o. Female ^'jj\j jj\'J\ ^ A}
-J J,' 'ljJ^
To feather (an ai antelope mountain-goat.
before breakfast.
^ jj j jpj ji^l jt. To flow
To be
late. To
To meet (people), ff^
stop. To be redun-
^ To restrain angei'. ii j ^iijlj ^iJ dant in a dish (oil).
Silver coin with a wreath. oU» _^ — < Excellent (horse). f^\j ^J^'J)
To frighten a. o. 5 To walk quickly (ostrich). 'ijij -jf-
( TY» )
Book. Psalms of David. j'j ^ j^'j To churn (milk) in a A l>Jj o jJj -fr
To withdraw,
to retire apart. ^jj\
streched legs (ostrich). Side. Curtain of a tent. cr j
Short lance. l^'y^ Hill at the winding of a valley. iLlj
Ironed (spear-butt). %.'y Rebellious genii. Policemen. tJCj
To chide ^^ s ji-'ij\j \^j o Jfj -W- ,
Angels of divine justice.
away (a dog). To cry out to a. o. Wont to kick j: Gj -^ j,C(j ^ oy'j
reluctantly. (beast).
Of a short stature. To .stop in (a place). i_»
Intense heat. Caravan. To approach to. ^—
To burn with anger. To Gi.3 o ^3 ^ To withdraw from.
jump. To hurry on. To remove a. 0. fi'om.
To throw into an abyss. To To approach or separate
urge (a beast ) vehemently. (people).
•^To stoop (beast). To pelt (rain). ^3 To withdraw ;
J>jjj, y>>J) a J>3
lane. j
To ill-treat an adversary. f/j a j'j
M'^ater-coui'se. 'r-iJ-U' j
To b3 taught by experience (man).
Sewer. -(^ Spout. Pipe. To bite a. 0. ^ 'j'j
High-heeled ojJJJj d^^yS'j -r J??JJ i
To put buttons to '/J\j /fjfit>
To advance. To buy a giraffe. ojji Coat of mail. <> Mail, »jjj ^ ^'Jj
To hurry in walk. tJ^' t?
~ ring, mesh. Zebra.
To penetrate, to pass througii. SjSi\ Rope for strangling ^'Jjli ^^J-J,
To pass away (wind). To go to a a camel.
pasturage. Maker of mail. Strangler. i\jj
j/'jJJ j'^'Jji UOj t: *-»bjJ **Ojj *90j Marten, kind of weasel. \j'^'jj P
Giraffe. Throat, gullet. ^'Jji
Liar. ;al3j Flushed in the face. ijjy
Party of men. olaljj «• *^Ojj *^0j To strangle a. o. s ^ij'j -^
Swift (.she-camel). ol3>;j >jCjj ojjj To strangle a. o. To ftj 5 yz^'/j -ft-
Bitter, salt (water). Scared away.jtj Restless, discjuieted woman. ' ^tj>»
Bitterness of water.
To be scarce jiijij J^pjij , i^tj a ^,3 *
„ & i •'.
Chicken of the par- (hair).
tridge. To swindle. ^j -^
Plough. Quick (walk) Malevolence, ill-nature, tj^'j -t^j SjtJ
Scared away. > Fur-tippet for females. J lij ^ SjCpj
Delay, stay in a place, Xfctcj -ft- Scanty-haired. Ha- _^3 ?- **3^3 ^ ^^Ji
To be brisk. To prance >lp3 a Jtj -ti- ving few plants ( soil ). /^ Rascal,
without rider (horse). To be restless scoundrel.
(sick person). -^ To be sorry, angi-y. Medlar, ^jii^ ^ ^j
^ j/J-'j jj'J.'j
To discontent, to weary a. o. » jlj -^ three-grained medlar ; azarole. Ill-
place). To strangle a. o. s —
To be brisk, sprightly. Quick-killing (death). Jatlj
Ostrich. -^ Discontent, weariness. lUj To kill s wipSjij , ._i*jij , Cicj a o«p3 "^
Lively. Writhing from o^Ujj ^y^^'j a. o. on the spot.
hunger. -^ Sorry, grieved. Quick (death, poison). <^yj ^^'j
To assert ^
C^^J O0,j C^j o j^'j -U- Dangerous places. <-»^j
a. th. true or false. To relate, a. th. Snake. Xslpj/^
To become a o ^itj.) '^3 o a — To dye ; to season a. th. ^ J^j -ft-
ijj » —
To render a. o. covetous. i — To frighten a. o. To drive
To make a. o. to guarantee A » — away, to cry out to (a beast). -^ To
a. th. a. 0. call out a. 0.
To obey a. o. Jl^
— To raise (the dust : wind). To jfj *—
To become the chief of (a party). jc — sting a. 0. (scorpion). To salt (food)
To pretend falsely. ^j7 to excess.
Assertion. -^ Pretension. Pride, J,'-j
To be bitter, unpotable Utj o ^3
As'he pretends. kS'j ip (water).
I do not iXJSJj Vj lift', dl£U3 Vj s'jJ. To be active. To fear ijcjj CSpj a
partake of thy opinion. by night.
Truthful. Mendacious. -
J^'j To frighten a. o. To salt *_, i jcjl
Nobility. Chiefdom. Choice S^'ti-J ( food ) to excess. To hasten ( the
part. Share of a chief. Weapon. Cow. walk).
( TAT ) ijc-j
AD y3
Strong-ribbed j'j ^ -iyi ^ j>'j\ Ostrich. Svdft (she-carael). ji^j
(horse). Swift. Flight of a bird. jiSjj cj**jj wi^ j
Big camel. Great chief. ^\/j ^ -^'j^y-j Having fine and thick feathers ijjl
Bow. Tribe. Supporters of a. o. (ostrich). Swift.
Regiment. Litter for a bride. <-^yt
Female water-carriers. Rib.s j»y/j To run at full speed (man). ojJj "W-
of horses. To dart down to expand the wings
^Vealthy, paying ojlll stTjj 'iTjj Ifj To enter (its hole : mole), j k^jilj —
readily. To twitter (sparrow). ^'j
To fill (a vessel). ifc C/'J o wJ' j -{^ Lane, strait road. Neigh- yji'j ^ ^"j
To be diked (river, sea). bourhood, proximity.
Sack for grain. ^S^'j ^r ^-^Tj ° To chatter '^^sjj ^3 a t^'j «
To fill A cTJb C.^jj,fcS'j cTj » (monkey).
(a vessel). To crow (cock). (tV»jj Cisj a /5j -ft-
( TA O ^3
Sweet pancake. llVj He gave the tithe on his iJ C. \"^
To advance forward. Cu-jjj ^''^'^i'j o ^^.JJ Slip, sin, error. Nuptials. o"5j 9. ^'j
gobble. (coin).
To strip a. o. of his clothes. 2( jjj -^ Pure, sweet, Jj'jj j^ljj JjVjj JV^ 'C
To strip o.'s self of o.'s clo- Ja!j7 1>- cool, light water.
thes. ^ White of eggs. ^pi Jvj
<•Small coin worth 30 paras ijajj -^ Swift. Lean in the Uj tr "Vj j" 133^
C YA"\ ) j)3
Smooth rock. Mirror. To inspire a. o. with the ^ s ^jjl
Swift (she-camel). Remote desire of.
Cripple. Paralytic.
J^3 ^ on^jj ja'j Anger. ^3
Indetermined cArj <s-L^j 'CjJj'j XtC- Hot-tempered. Short and XfciJj
time. foolish.
Old, chronical disease.
ca!?" <j^S^ Root of a bird's^ tail, ^A^ J j it; j
He made a bargain with si»lj> iLit rump.
him for a time. To limp (in running).
vC»j, i o Jij -ft-
To become intense (heat). a o j -fi- To run in CSUjj VCjj iUjj >Uj -
To be blood-shf't from y^'jj J^'j -U- leaning forward (horse).
anger (eyes). To carry (a load). a—
To be To ^j(^ To follow a. o.
intensely cold (day). » "ijAj —
shine To be contracted (face). To mount a. o, be- ^ J;'|3j,^>»j J^J
Vehement cold. Moon. jlJ^'j hind. To counterbalance (a ri(ter)
Enraged. Having a smiling face.^^jsji' on a camel.
To dry up (sinew). <• To uj o3 »• To wrap a. th. in o.'s
^j 4 f> ^\%'j
buzz (insect). (clothes).
Jji3 C TA\ )
Polyrjonum hydropiper, V^*^' Jc-vi To think evil or ^r- J^ j^. « ojh o j
water-pepper (plant). good of a. 0. To suspect a. 0.
To straiten a. o. ^
— Bulky and short. Narrow. Kee- «Uj
To drink (water) re- a -tJj^j -r-^'j
ping in urine.
peatedly. To become fat, plump. CJj a w4j -fr
To become proud ; to speak ^; j7 Waddling of a duck. ^'ij
without restraint. Fearful, faint-hearted. ,_jjj
To be rancid (oil). 6jj a s^Jj -J:^
To behave proudly. Icjij^ — -nJj -tt-
j*3 < ^
To despise, to make little of. ^ jS\'Ji To put a ring to the » CUj ^ J^ J "^
To reckon a. th. as little. it -^a^jI rein of a horse. To shackle (a mule).
Take as much as <^-S^~ ^ -^3 ^ < To straiten, to squeeze a. o.
suffices thee. To ill-feed o.'s (people), ip jjjlj j* j^ —
Abstemiousness, ju»jjj siu^j -Uj To be niggardly towards.
asceticism. Lane, by-street. -^ Straitness. Zmj
Legal alms, poor-rate. iUJ ^ si'j Halter. Shackles for J^j-r o^X
Abstemious. a^'J^j, juSj iG»j ^ oaIj mules. Necklace.
^ Poor (man). Ascetic. Ring of a halter under the jaw. xlljj^
Deep well. Jy^'jj <2aI3 The sun and the moon. d<'j»j^\
Nearly one year. :c^ jCa.j_ Large silver coin worth i!fj.lj*3 "^
J^'y about one shilling. •(/ Jolly man.
'J^j* Kindling fire for guests ; hos- y^ j»
To grind a. th. a Ckij a-dUj -»- pitable.
between two stones. To grind. To Lute, guitar. Large drum._^|j;r ^ j^yi
raise (the dust ; wind).'' To be vile. To lie. Cjj*j a wiij -ft-
To be fat. To revile a. o. s —
Light, active. Vehement wind, jlaj To overthrow a. 0. (horse). » ^^iSJIj ~"
Fat. j!i, UbJ f, Jji^j To make a false report to J A —
To be full of ^Ajb Ca'j o ^'j ^, a. 0. To thrust a. o. with (a spear).
marrow (bone). To allure a. 0. to (evil). To v" ^
To inveigh against a. o. s Sj grant (help) to a. 0.
To chide a. o. away. ^,p
— To despatch (a wounded man), jp —
To suffer from indigestion C^j a "'j To amplify (news). To carry A —
(man). To be greasy (hand). away. To destroy a. th.
To be hostile to a. o. To draw 5 ^\'j To go away, to shun.^.t ji* i'jlj ^'ji
near to. To separate from. To be scared away (horse). wii jjI.
J3J c )
White vitriol, sulphate of (>»s!' 9r'j
Bad smell. Grease. Civet, perfume.^j
Stinking fat. ^'j
BUie vitriol, 'g(,l>!l «.ij!l j\ *J^\Ji\ ^0 Fetid smell of fat meat. 'V^jAjj Si^'j
sulphate of copper. To blossom. «Gkjj \je>jj I^J o \»j -tt-
Sulphuric acid. ^Ij)) ^jj To shine (lampj. To grow, to flou-
One of ?>o j^lj^ !!i> ViJ^J ir'iji !r 9rJJ rish (plant). To assume colour (da-
a pair, a match. Class. Husband, te). To grow up (child). To journey
comrade. -^ Pair, couple.
wife ;
after being watered (camels).
They form a pair, a oW-jjj tjj ^ To
1^*3 o
couple. despise, to Aj » ^/>Jb
Wife, spouse. oW-jj t ^fjj To shake (a devpy plant
little of. :
To produce a. th. ^ Jj^j Jjj Deep (well). Silver vessel. Bow. A'y/j
To persevere in. fi>'i\jj,J ^j'j^ JiU Bagdad (town). The Tigris (river).
Falling off, transitoiy. iijjj ^ jj\'j swerve from. To decline from truth
Starless night, long >.^^l JJ,0 J;^ > To be sprained (limb).
(in speech),
Hunted game. Women. Stars. JJjjj To pull (a camel) with the rein.
^ Sun-dial. JjJlV" *r *5jj< To drag o.'s self along. CijJ o ^0 ^
Fom'th part of a. th. j,\'j — j,jj -}i- To drag the tail (pigeon).
Party of people. oC»lj ^ *>0 Hyssop {plant). '^jjj '<ijj
! .
i) Ca)
Oil made with iron- wood otijiJI cJiJ Juice of fruits, meat. ^Ijjl ^ ^/j -^
seeds. Washing.
Olive, olive-tree. (un. v^^'j ) Oyij Indigestion. v'Oj oO *
Widow- wail (
\)la nt). J^jVl o>^* j Idol.Pagod. ojj
Wild olive-tree. v^lj ^iJI — Short man, dwarf. ojj, j ojjJ
Lapis Judaicus used J^ ~
J~J.llr»« ',
<>Tares. oljjj oUjjo'Jjj oUj,
as collyriiim. To discard a. th. fi> b'jj bj'j i jj'j -ik-
Zeyd continues standing.O^l* l^'J Jlj '^ Derivative (verb). {fiPP' to ^y^ ) Jj j^
I iiiS j;^. \jS jj cJ X ^J 1 r'i'jl cJ j. C» Large water-skin. jA'yj iKy ^ 'iiSy
desisted not to urge Zeyd until he Yezldees, worshippers of the *i jujj
did it. devil.
The always JljiVj Jjj J i^ill To twist the lips of n jf'j — ^j -fr
To ask a. th. of a. o. /b ^ Jul Prefixed to the aorist of a verb ^ -^
To ijj ^S'j S "CuV—f JjU"J , *^*ll-» J*U- is the sign of the future.
To busy o.*s self in o.'s own &.J^ ^z^ Tribe of Yemen. U-I.
To be long
^h'^ *^ f^ ^ wolf). To kill; to scai'e (a wolf).
(garment). To be abundant (wealth). i)- To frighten a. o.
To extend (rain). To steal a. th. To make a seven- ^—
To direct o.'s self towards. J| stranded rope.
To cast hairless foetus (beast).
To perform the rites of ablu-
^ To bring forth at the seventh ^
f.^\ fi> month. To complete 700 men.
tion. To enlarge (a garment). To reward a. o. sevenfold (God). J ,lx
To fill a. o. with goods (God). Jt * — To make a. th. septuple. To A—
Wearing a long coat of mail.^^j
Abundance. Easiness of life.
divide a. th. To give an heptagonal
shape to. To wash, (a vessel) 7 ti-
Trailing (clothes). Long (tail). ^_u mes. To reiterate an action seven
F. Copious (rain). UglyoU^.L, ^ :Uj'Cw times.
(garb). Complete (benefit). Ample To revile. To "6 (s-C^j 'xZ^Li ;JU.
(coat of mail). bite a. o.
Mail of a helmet ^117 ^ :i-lj j ^-17 To be seven in number. To have /LI I
To hasten towards. ,
J| jlj,! judgment.
' \
JU- (r- )
HavingjlJj jll^j jlLij jjj/ji:,1 To contend together Jr^'j jJUlj
long mustaches. ina race.
Long-lashed eye. »>U_: oi^ To speak or act hastily
Veil of black silk. :C^ — uj— -ii- Stake laid in JC_1'
To -wear a veil of black silk. cnJ.1 a race.
The leopard. He has the pre- iCu' J ^ijUj jL:. 2
Spinage. cedence in it.
To dote (4^1 Clj \\ 'inner in a
, Cj^-l o^iiCj Jul ^^ Ji\^
(old man). race (horse). Previous.
Dotage of an old man. The Angels. olijlDl
Apoplectic fit. Horse-race. Anteriority. Jesses, ju-
'Dotavdly (old man). Always ahead, winner (horse). jCj;
Spahi, cavalry. Sepoy. He has the upper-hand in cj'^\p
To take ^ J>A_l|j,fU-j ulj, i^ his designs.
a. 0. captive. To melt, to j* (tC^j CsCL:
, i dx'^ -»
To captivate (the heart \ fi>j i JJ, mould (a metal).
To estrange a. 0. (God). To I'each To be melted, moulded (metal). dAlUjl.
(water) by digging. To carry (-^-ine) Ingot. iUC.: ^ iSLc.
to another country. Melting-house, foundry. dXi.CJ ^ dClJ
To make one another captive. jTUj To stretch o.'s self. To be' JC. -H-
carried by a '^j -^j ^ tall (girl).
To revile a. o. ? "^ o Jl-^ -Ji-
disposition. curtain.
Gentle, meek. Easy (walk).7i;o^j 9-4JL Vespers, evening-service. jUi:J| ;>\.^ -tf
^1 xjvx^^l P
Mirror. Gold, silver J>C:^ ^ J*ii-^ P To prolong her groans C^-.I- a ic>jL -Jt-
To wound a. o. in the s r
lungs. He overlooked his <.jU^ U ii]i ^i-.—
To rise, or act at day- faults.
break. To behave familiarly with. \s, ^IcJi
To feed a. o. at daybreak To be dragged, drawn. To •<>• ^\'\
To be, to depart at withdraw from partner.ship.
daybreak. Dimness of tht sight. xli._i
smooth (silver). ]
To shave off (tbe head). To bura a
To be fluent in speech. (palm-tree).
Cash, i-eady money. To di-ive the clouds fi, ^^._:1j SyJL
Cloth of one thread. String. To sell (grease). a SyJ-\
Leveret, young hare. iSkL urease ^jiiuw ^ Xj^j^i—j >_sC>t— ^ <i9s-
Sea-shore. Sea-coast. J>G-- « J^'— of the back.
Bit of a bridle. Jbt_- Con.sumption of the lungs JbrJ.
Braying of asses, mules. y\^J^j Jli-Jl- Clack of a mill.
Filings of gold, silver. Husks xJbtJ, Sweeping rain. *Jy-J^j xL^.^
of wheat. Refuse of naen. Kind of bean used for sciatica. oUk^i
Single-stranded I'ope. i!^~>^ To pound, ffi jtj:,j,(j^^ a jk^ -^
LizarJ. JG-Jl^, :;!ik- n to crush a. th. To sweep (the earth :
roots of orchis. j
Tortoise. ^,u-: ^ (/"or:aiL:; ) <Iuj: <>•
May God estrange him! 'cH ii>JLl
To become o ^i-^j , Ci-^ a >y^ "^ i To be crushed, brayed, jail'jij jk^y
black. i
To be emptied (bucket). To be ji^'jl^
To blacken (the face). * ^^ widened. .<> To be contrite (heart).
To pour down rain (sky). ^>-^^ Shabby vestment. Thin j/, t>*-
Blackness, black xi^^ ^ j'\^~^j jS^.^ I
colour. Remoteness, distance
Smith's hammers. J^^ May he be far off!
Black. ^.JL y. ci^ >. >— Tall (ass, palm-tree).
Horn. Idol. Woman's nipple. j^--^'^ Remote (place).
Wine-skin. F. Heavy rain.
To break, to crush v^^ a ^y.^ ^ Streams of tears.
(a stone). To rub off (wood). <>• Contrition, sorrow
0^ Cr e ) ]^
To be weak-mindecl. ij\»^Z. o ^k^ -tt- Open court. Region. k^ ^ s^U--
To burst (water-skin). To be thin Thorny tree. Bat.
(cloth). Scrap of paper. Filings. Meninx. ijj^
To act foolishly with. s wiiC Part of a cloud. Shovel-making.
Weak-mindednes3.;J(i._:_, ^i-lj .^k-i Sweeping stream, rain. *^u.
Emaciation of hunger. *litj,j *iii-l Shovel-maker. 'Ch^
Weak (mind). Thin (fabric). ^,9iZ^ Iron shovel, hoe. ,5rCJi ^ siiw;
To banish a. o. fi>j s ^^ a Jk^ -H- To stick its tail into UiJ: o '-rJi -H-
To irritate a. o. oj 'jJa»,
— Tanned goafs skin.
To hate a. o. jp ^»-.^ To agglutinate ( leaves).ji..JL — j^.^ -ii-
Filth. J=ikJL>
^ ^ ^
scoff at.
To be hot. •<>. To suffer ji^j Ci-J-j To humble, to abash a. o. -<> To ? _,li.X
from fever. To be ill. appoint by law.
lO be X^is_ Cj_ji5.-<j Uii^ _j ijlt a (Sii-^ Forced work, task imposed %jiji
heated (by grief eye). : without pay. Laughing stock. Com-
To warm (water). s^ * oi»-llj ^1^ pelled to work.
> To cause fever, to render a. o. ill. Scoffer, mocker. fji-J^
To heat the eyes i. e. oil. j iilp ^i,,:.! Forced labour without J^'^^j ''ij"-^
To afflict a. o. (God). hire.
*Jl9s--_J <j^it.wj *ii5..»;J *.o:.wJ *-»iI- Ridicule, scoff, derision. ^o^-*
Fever, feverish heat. Kind of Hijosciamui, narcotic. jtj.
OVJUs—J (il.Xii.JI.J OUit—J (jO,aiJl_) •, ?: .
Laughing-stock. jh^^ f '"'J^-'-^
Hot. {Opp. to ijU ) i
^ Mask. Buffoon.
Hectic fever. *iL43 "^jy^^ "^ Advocate appointed by law. jLL^ J^J
Hot. •<>• Fevei'ish, sick To be Jtj i Gak- a
s lIi13j ,
Jai-.- -^
To feign ; to lie. 9r^J ~ Boots. Cooking- oj»Uj ^ o'^tljj o'*--'
a. 0. on the ground. To make (a ca- jjiiJIj jUl CisJL a ^^j:ij ,\jii^ o Vii.^
To kill a. 0. i ^j^j —
To be prostrated with t'-^X To withhold o.'s self from.
parted legs. To show munificence. j^LIjj ^/--^
Rich. -r^^ Munificence, generosity, sjikilj -li-Jl
He came back with ijjjJLl i~>J^i '(» Barrier, obstacle; iloJ,! ^ jJ^j :uL
empty hands. dam. a mountain, a screen.
To be the sixth. To Clxj: i ^oi- -8- Vice, defect, blindness. sa_.l ^ —
make up the number six. Black cloud. Dam. The ajlul ^ XxZ.
To take the sixth part s C-luL o — great wall of China.
fi'om a. 0. Rocky valley retaining i^XL ^ —
To make a. th, hexagonal, * ^-j^ water.
six-angled. Right, true (word). x-
To be six in number. To water ^jjJ\ Rightness, truth. il^xXj ij^
camels every six days. Milk coagulating in (un Siio--) i\'j^
the udder. Stopper. Means of living.
Sixth part, a sixth. Obstruction in the nostrils. ilojL
Watering of camels every ^'-J^ •^ Ob-struction of the ijiJI ^-J
sixth day. bowels.
Tooth gi-owing ^'j^j ^'jJ. ^ ^'j:L. Door, threshold. Seat, ijj, ^ %j^
before the Jj i; dignity.
Sixth. l_liU- J, u'^i^
The apostolic see. zl[^'J\ ;!lLJI
Six and six. l^^j^j ^lo-i Affected with cataract iixJL ^ SiC-
Brownish cloak. Lamp- ^j-j'jJ.j ^-jJ-^ (eye). Old (she-camel).
black. Right, just. :jJ ^ Du.1_> juo,:;
Six-lettered (word). Six cubits '^^\JJi He has fiUed his place. ijuj: IC
long (veil). To suspect a. o. of.^_, 5 iUlc o ^ilui -ft-
To be altered from stagna- ^juLj — Sixth part. Six years ol<l ur-i.-^-'
tion (water). (beast). Six cubits long ( veil). A
To covet a. th. To be addicted ^— certain tooth.
to. To slaughter and Sj (t-'jZ. a pjul
fi> -ft-
To direct o.'s self iLl: o \j^ Blackness of the night. Door- ;iju'
towards. curtain.
To become tender ^sJd^J Fat of the hump. ^-^
(dates). Black. Dark oJuL ^ 'VjJuL ^ ^iJuil
To ascend on. To follow. (night).
To sweat (horse). To be
Warp of a tissue. Night "iJjjSs ^ c?ju. To hang down (hair). Jju_jIj J!uJ
dew. Honey-comb. Benefit. Pearl-necklace hanging on the Jlu.
• Green date. 'IJuLj — breast.
Forsaken, of no avail, i^S-JLj i^aJL Veil. JIuL'Ij Jjl^-ij JllC'l ^ Jai._j —
useless. Inclination. JaJL
Warp of a fabric. 4-^\i t?^t Litter-veil. J|a-l t) J'J^J J^ ?r Ji,-*-^
Warping mill. ola-L/> Door-curtain of a tent.
Rue (medicinal plant). u(i^ -»- Kind of sofa, stuffed bench. J^;u. P
Galega^ goat's rue. ,_^!l ^(j:^ To have long mustaches. Ji^~
Simplicity. «: llil -«- Mustache. J^>-i
Simple, good-natured ; oiU -fy-j ^iu P To shut up, to bolt A C.1l:l o ^o-l -fr
Secret. Heart.
Cr A)
Armlet. Ring of shackles
'«r- T ^JLj"^ O^'j—
Female slave. Con- Heart. Sparrow hawk.
cubine. jpjlJuL P
Happiness and misfor- 'l^lj 'I^Dl Sparrow-hawk. JJjSj-j jlli>^j
tune. White falcon.
Lines in the fore- Sparrow "
»-r- jC oSJuwj oGJ-.^_j ^\Ji^
head. hawk.
The best part of a race, of a j^^ i olr^j Zj\^j \Slr^j ^j^j ^JJ^T" o y^" -^
valley. To cheer up, to rejoice a. o.
Last night of a lunar month. J^j — To cut the navel-string to (a 5 1^ —
Choice part of a race. j\^ ^ aj^lr" child). To wound a. o. in the navel.
Bottom of a valley. To have a complaint of the 1^ a —
"Worn-out (fire steel). Galled in yJi navel.
the bi3ast (camel).
Cause of joy, gladness. S^^
To rejoice at, to
be glad of.
i_, yJi^\j 0^^'- ^
Stems of sweet-smelling jLli ^ — To rejoice, to gladden a. 0. s ^1j j^«
plants. To speak *;'ii j Ijl^r-j SjU~i jC
Speaking-tube. secretly to a. 0.
To sharpen (a blade). -«- To conceal (news). To divulge fi, y^\
Skilled manager of (a secret).
cattle. To manifest (a secret) to a. 0. Jt A —
To lay eggs i -J,>. -):!- To show (love) to.
(locust, tish). To be prolific (woman). To take a concu- 'J:^Jij\j tjl^j xj^
To be at tke time of laying ]y:S\ bine-slave.
eggs. To reveal secrets to 0. a. jU_i
Eggs of locusts, fishes. s1>-j '^.-j '>'.- To take delight in. Jl^
Oviparous. m%j 'j^ ,r ')J^ To hide o.'s self from. ^p V-a-^I,
To pasture freely ^.jj^ o ^'Ji- -M- Secret. Heart, conscience, jl^'-'l ^ ^-,
(beast). To flow (water). Marriage. Origin. Choice part.
To go at random into ( J- () Mystery, sacrament. Health,
country). toast.
To overflow (vessel). C^'- Provost of merchants. Jj^, 'j,^^
Prone to good ^j,C'^ ^ f'lr^j f-^^r^ Mailed fabric. Consecutive (stars). i_>C
or evil. Hard green date. il^'-
) Sjl^
Ceruse, white lead. ^)juill^_j w^^s^--' ^ He could not get o(b. ii> li^l W
To set out on a journey. \jjjlL ^^ i -tt- anything from him.
To shine (dawn). To suteide (war). To be altered in i4»j li— Ij LiJl.
-^j ^iZ,
— Colocynth-seeds.
Damage caused by Satan.
IkL^j ^
stone. Wedge. Adz. Falcon. Buffalo. Reddish black. ^1
Blowing on the oJ^j,ji^j^ «• '^i'^ F. Black. Brown. Iron- ^.Ll ^ -x^JcL
Wont to cast^otf her young ones. ia\2L* To mistake. To «-J^ J •l»'?-^b ^tj-'^
eat the upper part of food. To slap. a. 0. to fall, to slip. <>• To subtract
1 do not
where he
is gone
4^ i\
^ ci\ t5j,il C-
(a number).
her young (female). CJai- —
Aquarius {constell). -\'J\ ^fu God 'grant him rain ! iJ CiJLj ulii,
,Copper, lead. (im. -.JsC ) J^Lz. Yellow serum of dropsy. 2_j i^
Anemone (Hower). Drink. Share of water. "
Large sack. X-^1. a Milk, or ^JUb oCS-b 1^1 ^ '"li-
Threshold (of a door). i:fei_-t water-skin.
Russian. -Jt^^^Clj^ Drinking place ; cup, tauk.xjliij JjU-.
Stew cooked with vinegar. ^C.SCi,P Streamlet. oCSUj ^ Jl^.^ ^ *I|C
Saijnpenum^ medicinal g\xm,,^SJajL P •^ Water-wheel.
Lt^Uj Oi&iJl-j Q^5Ci,j tfei.:. o cX.:^ -^ Cloud letting large drops, tlsj-l ,r 1^*—
To break off speech. To pause in sin- Palm-trees ii'rigated. Papyrus-reed.
ging. To die. To remit (anger). Water- oj^U^ 5r JjViwj sjliw ^ *U.ri.
( rx
Wine-seller. j\i:^Z. ]
In a low tone.
(a door).
Shoe-maker. Clever in work. ^ To candy. To become sugar.
Port in the East. jrv-1 ^ *I%i.l(^ Is To intoxicate a. o. (beve- ?
To totter about. Ci=i— o ^SC— -{f rage).
Tottei'ing about. ^^^ To feign intoxication.
Monk's hood. ^-6^1 S Intoxication, driuikenness.
Foot-stool. Low table. lU.!^-:.!. Ts Wine. Date-wine. Vinegar. 3C-
To stop.To be still. C_,^I, o -»-
J^ Food.
to subside. To be quiescent (letter). Dam. <• Canal. jp^^ -r ^f
To dwell in. jj ^ .^^jUZ.j UsC:. — Pangs of oO^^-w- 'j.*^b ^^i" ij?^^
< To possess a. o. (devil). death. Anguish of the soul.
To trust to. Jl — Darnel-weed. o'J^l.
To leave a. o. (pain). .p — Still (night, water). j(\^
To become ^SCll j Xi^L ^^j - , Sugar. Sweet grapes. Fresh _jisiJL
Bottom of a
CJl^lj Jy.1 r- Jc^j Ov- Inhabitants of a house. ( coll. ) JsCL.
valley. Stream in a valley. Abode, dwelling. J.fc»lj ^^
Basket-maker. Thief. -^ Horse- J^^ Cau.se of comfort, ease. Fire. ^c».Z.
Clarified butter.
Prickles of palm-trees. Arrow-
"itxl^] ^ 'SL.
To be consumptive. 'Jij^ <_>
To afflict a. 0. with phthisis i 1}z!\
head. (God).
To carry a ^L-jli j CLl^ Q::, q JL. -^ To steal. To aid in stealing. — fi>
Weeping loudly ouL-> ^^^ ?r - part.
woman. Affinity by marriage. *S^T
Weeping, slapping her jli^ ^ :iau Preceding. Past (time). ^'^ ^ ,^,U-
fatfe (woman). In former times ; in ^jJI J,C- J
Lippitude of the eyelids. Pustulesj^Ll preceding generations.
on the tip of the tongue. •tf-.\maranth (flower). ^^ij- ^>—
Violence of language. <f»%^ if- Locks of hair on the temples. ^iij^-^
thy hands.
To reconcile with. s J'L.
To keep a. o. safe. To betray. 5 ^iu\
He resigned to the will ^l Ji i^ji] —
of God.
To give up a. th.
To be bitten by a snake.
To become a Moslem. To
submit to. To obey.
To receive. To manage a th * ^i-j
To ba reconciled. To keep p-ice ^UJ
To touch. To kiss (a stone). A ^?-^l
To reconcile together. ^-^i
To submit. To follow the ^'xlX^I.
right path, -i^ To threaten to become
a Moslem.
To call o.'s self a Moslem. jX-^>
Leathern bucket j»>L-j ^'o ,- ^'^•-
with a handle.
Peace. Peaceful. Islaraism. _j^
Payment in advance. Prisoner. ^_L
Captivity. Salutation. Mimosa flava
used as tan.
Stone. Tender (woman), y^ ^ x'^Z.
Ladder, stairs,
steps : means.
^U-_, ^i^^:: ^ J;l
Peace be to thee.
^ —
Oleander, rose-bay. jUsJI ^— Moslem, musulman. C!>4l.* ^ _^a
Cocculus Indicus, o^Jlj dC^JI >^ <>Govei'nor of a town. ^^>"
Indian-berry. Tanned. Bitten by a serpent. ^jJLa
Palm-loaves mat. Rela- ^,ii, ^ :* •'-
To stretch himself L+lJ-l, — >_^| i- -fr
To run (fox).
Swift. Fox. Wolf.
^ Comfort. J^ij
<^j o'Jl^j e'Ju^
To put out (the A i^^j yjc^L. o J^ To find a. o. ugly, hideous, ^; X;,\ fit
drink (wine).
To nail, to rivet. f^J^i 04— ,
i o — To be generous. ^Jj C>li--j, \i-.i.:;,j
To be ,5^^. o ^;-j a
j;-:ij jj^ To bestow a. th. ^J u-ii^., a
tawny, brownish. bountifully to.
To converse with a. o. by ^ y\^ To comply with
night. a. o's wishes.
To be dark, brown. 3UJ-b ^•^'l To act, to walk gentl; To -rt^
To be nailed. _,tl3 hurry on.
To converse together by night. y!C2 To forgive, to forbear
Night-conversation. jliJ-l ^ JJi> a. th. to.
Night. Shade of the moon. Night- To become tractable (beast).
meeting. To permit, to forbear. j
Gum-acacia- ( un. %'J^: ) J^L\ ^ y^Z, To forbear o. a. t-VC^
tree.Mimosa, Egyptian thoi^n. Compliance. Forbearance.o^lii-j ^'CJZ
Dusky, brown coloui". Sj^i. Skin-tents. -r^*-^
Conversing by jf^I,j J^i, ^ _^u Compliant. 'G-.ii, ^ !^-s-^J ^-i--
night. Place for night-conversation. Smooth (wood).
Con)pany of night-talkers. s],j.Uj — Long-backed (ass). Thin r-^U-^ ^
The Samaritans, {un. Isy'L.) s^C in the belly (mare). Long bow.
Milk diluted with water, u Jun~ ji^ Pericranium wound in it. JbU-— ^
die- C r-TA )
ding j. To revile a. o.
To ascend. To be lofty. C'T^ ^-.Afr...v To put a handle to (a backet). A—
high. Do see and hear! r^^i *j j^\
Roof: canopy of dUJ-j <>• dC— To Jlj J ;^^b lilj ^ /"i— b /"^J
heaven. Height. Thickness. listen, to hearken to.
Fish. iU-i1j i)_^j i'C— rr '^^^^ To know a. th. by hearsay. *j »;»Llj
^^ 0-
a. th. with butter. To give butter <>• Skate-fish, turbot.
to a. 0. if Pike-fish.
To be fat naturally. To possess ^^^1 Xiphias, sword-fish.
butter, fat flocks. To purchase, to ^ Sole-fish.
possess a fat beast. ^ Whale,
To ask for fat beasts. ^i-l5l,l» Pisces, the Fishes {cons
To find a. 0. fat. 5 — tellttion).
Melted oC;-^j ^b <jyJ^ r j4-^ ^ He broiled his
fish in the
of a burning
house ;
ji^l J j'ji
butter. fire
pite (horse). To be confounded (man). jiJ-lj , :;JliJL. o j4-^j *J.»4~^j V_^iJL Ji-^
To let (beasts) pasture. s -,1
\ To be worn out (clothes).
Gossamer. Atnosphere. :;,-.
To speak to a. o. 6'^V S jt,^
Lies. '[I'/^j -ijlt-ij jiz^i Jh^J ~ i
Vain things. :
To To draw the remains jilj
To mix up (a story) with r-i'o-^ fin "5^ To drink (wine) repeatedly.
To use Vjj\Laj \'i\u^ sJ^ 4j 0*4 "" To marry a noble woman (low
dissemblant vowel before the rhyme- born but rich man).
latter. Cheese. Honey. Dates.
To ascend (a mountain), j aUlj a;I. Anethum graveolena. garden-dill.
To strive in running. Cumin.
To make a. o. to go up. J 5 — Barren (land). Destitute
To stay a. o. upon. Jl s jlli\ (man).
To rest a tradition upon. Jl A — Year of drought.
To have recour.?e to (God). Ji jl:a-LI_ To spot, to stain. ^ bclJi
Stay, support. Acclivi- iV^] ^ SiZ, Mark of smoke.
ty summit of a moimtain.
; Metal weights of a OV*-—
Gnaphalium fruticosuin, cotton- soi-- balance. Steel-yard. Bayoue^
Gt^. j
U-lj Oj;
of death. High rank. , 'Cj;
To burn with thirst. Noble, illustrious man. CCi-L J»3
To pine away. The whole, the entire thing. XiO^;.!!
To be bad, wicked.
C m To
( rrf> )
^' To be peevish, grieved. oi>-J < canvass. To manure (a field).
To scale, /b j^j jj^j , 0_)^ o jL- -i^ To blacken the '•^'j^i *?-> *>-
to climb (a wall). charact-r^r. To disgrace a. o.
( try ) J.
Flabbineas of the belly, To walk in a file (camels). To JjLJ
the limbs. press together (sheep).
Annual, official almanac. To be driven (beast). JUjI,
Equal, match. Leg. shank; j^lj uU---j J^-i ^ JU.
Having a Habby ^jL ^ stem of a plant trunk. Side of a
To send (cattle) to pasture. Aj ^u1 '& Waterless cloud driven by wind. j:j;
To dig a hollow by a well. Cattle driven oCz^j
JjC-^ jt *2^
To cast the eyes upon. « yau) Jl. — by the enemy. Screen of a hunter.
To set a mark upon. j,y^
' Market-people. -^ Grocer. *J ^-^
Hollow dug in the (wn. i;C ) ^C. Vulgar (man, word).
ground near a pit. Bamboo. Death. Gruel of parched bar- :3j-11 ^ Ji^—
She (Noah's son). ley. Wine.
Vein in a mine. ^C- ^ ;.JU Thread of a speech. Dowry. jC.-.
Mark, sign, ap- 'U^.? S'^j X„^ Agony.
pearance. Long-legged. j;^1j ji^
Sign. Beauty. Natural *CMfc— j Co.--- Driver of cattle. Seller of fine Ji^
magic. flour.
Pasturing cattle. Servant. Relation (man). Long Jlli;!
Camels pastiu'ing freely. Two sloped (moimtain).
hollows beneath a horse's eyes To rub ^* i!jj'j,C?'>: o iJC -{^
the -surface of the earth (water). To To direct o."s self towards. Jl^ —
flowmg by
^ -
?- *i5^ J 'cS^
- ' -
House of clay.
^_^ ^ ^C^ To run (water). To wan- Gr-i v''-- ^
To S^Vr'-* '-^l-r*j 0''c-~"j Iji-- i j'^ "^ der at random. To go quickly. To be
go, to travel. To be current. set free (beast).
To behave well. iHi zjy^ jC- To expatiate at great *2^ j —
To establish (a custom, rule). A— length.
To bring a. o. ^j s — To set (a beast) free. To free s ^j:
Do not mind it. iUt ^- (a slave). To forsake a. th.
To send, to make to go. it jU-lj jaJ, To walk quickly (man). CC«jl, i_iC-jl.
inauspicious. Shower. Heat w^jti, i_i^}i^— ^^li -J(-
He is of easy nature. oUjI J4^ 'y> Root. Ulcer on the sole. :5\ir
For the sake of, on oCi t a oCi ^m God extirpated their J^i\£, iji\ J-3'lil.l.
fastener. Vice.
Intricate. -^ A kind of sweetmeat.dCl>i To
To be nearly satiated (flocks).
satiate a, o,
< Cripple-legged (horse). To saturate (cloth) with dye. a —
Baker's rolling pin. dl>(^ ^ »i*j>='' P To increase a. th.
To grow up (child), "J^i/ r j:i -«-
' To make (speech) copious ^^Ifedl —
•^To whip, to sew slightly. jli To proioDg the sound xS'J>i\ —
To be inclined to, to aid. ip jlil of a vowel.
To care for her children without To be satiated, to be surfeit. To 4^7
marrying (widow). feign satiation. To boast of riches.
Whelp JCij jiLilj J^i-'j Juil ^ Jli To .satisfy o.'s appetite after dinner.
(of a lion). Satiative. ^4"^ jiJu
To resemble, *j 5 ^ I
j U. Wells close each other. sSCi
to be like a. o. or a. th. Land in which there are numerous
He is as weak as a woman. «> I K^\ wells.
To imitate ; to resemble Family connection. <>• Intricate "lisCS.
a. o. affair, difficulty.
To be alike. To be jlij Entangled. Uncertain, dXX^ ^ dbCi
ambiguous. dubious (road).
To be in doubt about. The Milky way. i)oS^\ j^y^W >l
To be dubious to a. o. Net. ( un. tStz. ) clU.Ci ^ ilLi,"
To cut, to slit a. th. a lji£ .niT -{f i Persons of suspected oliiiJI t_iU-i>1
To ollend, to abuse a. o. a — character.
To be cut, dissected. \'J{£. a J\£. Comparison. Allegory. *.ai;
To suffer fi'oin an ^nljlj j\z^i — Likeness. Ambiguousness. oClil
invei'sion of the eyelids. Doubt.
To revile a. o. o A£j J^^ Alike. aCi. ^ *^
Slit. Defect. Inversion of the j,£ Rhomboid. caiUo 4-fX
eyelids. Trapezoid. ui_,iii4.ilj
Space between two fingers. -ilpS. Dubious. aJlIJj *1L>^
Rogue, knave. ^lii, Consimilar. Homogeneous. y^'*
Affected Avith J{zl ^ '\'J{£ j> ^£] Resemblance. *4j'^
an inversion of the eyelids. Having Suspected, ill-fameu. ».>t-=-^
Anxious. courage.
Sorrowful, grieved." To encourage a. o. s ,^fS
To be stingy, y_, iki'j uii' o i a rdC, -H- To show o.'self brave. To take ^^
niggardly of a. th. courage. To feign to be brave.
To be stingy to. — Jt Cowardly. Feeble, crip- X>»Si *i?.ii
match. Slippers.
Death-rattle. Toothed itT^U-
hammer forhewing stones.
To drag a. o. from place s lA^jC a
to place.
To skin, to flay. A d^j^ a ^~i' -fr
To cut 'a water-melon) A ^.£ <-
into slices. To chip a. th.
Chip. Slice. ^i^xiki-<>-
To gag a kid to (kki^ a uAki
s -ft-
To be troubled. A Ijisi, a j
To be difticult (affair).
To put out a. 0,'s eye. 'tXS —
Hardness. Vehemence, il^i, ^ ;^ !
< Performance (of a play). ^SJJ
intensity. Diagnosis of a disease.
^\'Jy^\ ^J<Ji
^ —
sure. Doubling of a letter. ^ Actor, stage-player.
Violent, hard. ^ilij .|li,l ^ juai-' To threaten, to expel a. o. ^ l,i.^' a
tainted (food).
'j'Sr*^ I
He has attained the vigour «!u.'! ^ To be spoiled, to sour (milk). ^,isi.1
of life. Hoary (hair). Barren (garden). '^M\
•^ Stays. To run (man). To be \t£ i o jii -M-
Avai'icious, severe. advanced (day). To be intense (fire).
To be fat. ^]x£ To bind, to fasten tightly (a fit
To lie down and stretch the bundle). To strengthen, to brace
legs asunder. a resolution. < To strap ; to saddle
Room, spaciousness. Liberty (a beast).
Wide. Ample. Take courage. ^0^ j^ ^
To smash, fi> ^jSj tl^'
, a To set off towards. Ji Jii.*j| jS,
to crush, to bray a. th. •^ To back a. o. j,<^' —
To strike a. o. on the back of » — To comfort a. o. (God). 5 —
the neck. To attack, jp iSjli-'j sliTj |^' o jS
To go astray from. To give ^— To make a raid against.
up a. th. To strengthen. To render fi,j s :>tx£
To be crushed, squeezed ^oijlj ^liJ hard, severe, intense. To double a
(fruit). To be smashed (vessel). letter with the sign -).
Abortive foetus. ^'jj, To be harsh towards a. 0, in. J it —
Fresh, soft plant. :ci [x£ To contend with. To strive to j SO.
Young and tendex'. Deviating 5^iCi surpass. To persecute a. o.
from the aim. To reach maturity of age, mind. j,£]
Blaze on a horse's forehead. xiiCi To have a strong riding-beast.
To perpetrate yjj^] liilljl a w^j To be strengthened. ji£\j ijlj
an atrocity. To exert o.'s self in. jSjii —
Having a blaze ^li' ^ .{^'jS ^ ^^1! To be niggardly to. ip -.
on the forehead (horse). To be strong, violent. To ixil
To urge on (a beast). s \jjj: o loi, Sma.shed. Back of the neck
To acijuire some fiii, J^\ ^— Fountain, water-spout. uljj'iU P
koowleilge of a science. I
To cut a. th. to
To compare a. o. to. o jl » » \jS I
To sing well. j'jS 1 To be obscure (night) LJ^l
Extremity of a. th. Remnant of \jS 1 Object seen from jjli-' ^ ooi-'
strength. Heat. .Mange. i afar. Darkness. Cheerfulness. No-
Little, small quantity. joi, biiity.
•^ To smoke (tobacco). o^M <-j^ Pungency of smell. Harm, annoyance.
To be thirsty. To quench. G^ a v-^ Kind of ship. Salt. Dog-flies.
o.'s thirst. Blood-stone. r-J^Ls. P
To understand, to ap- C^l o t_»lA To be ill- I3;>i,j '"^'S^i i!4. i o ^i *
prehend (a discourse). natured, wicked, -fy To leak out
To purify (a new skin). To fi> ^"Ji^ (water).
impregnate, to saturate. To expose a. ifc j^lj fji^ , \y-^ o 'J^
To give a. th. to drink a j </j^'h
~ th. to the sun.
to a. 0. To with a, o.
find fault n \j^ o ^
To drink in company with. ii Uj^ To defame a. o. To '
s -r--'j J>^
Ditch dug around a palm-tree for Wicked, M^>b j\'JJ\ ^ 'j,(^ "^J -i^^
irrigating it. vicious. Sea-shore.
Brackish (water). >-j^j i-JiJ^ Very wicked, scoundrel. ojjj^r- 9- -tlr-
Fellow-drinker. ^> Jk. To split, to cut a. th. in fit j^-JJL'^
Grassy plain. Way, manner. A'^ pieces. To sharpen (a knife). -^ To
Drirjk. Beverage ; Xi,^\ ^ ^\Ji. let out (water, wheat : vessel, bag).
wine. G To cut (grass).
^ Syrup. Shei'bet. Ob^l^^ ^ — Creeping plant. ^'^j J^J^
Addicted y-^S^y-i ^'^Ir'-'i ^/A'J "^.'J^
Soul, the whole individual. v--llr^-
to drink, great drinker. Burdens.
^ Flcike. Tuft, tassel. ^^ J i;^ ^ v'lr^ He betook himself Vj^y\'y-^ <Js- iJ 1
Seller of sherbet. 'J.lillr?- -^ to him.
Drinking, ujj^ij JJ^ ^ ^jj^ fy- Scattering of wheat, ^'j^'j^
absorbing. powder.
Mustaches. ^j \'^ ^ ^jM" Finch (bird). j^j^\'Ji ^ jyf'J^
Drinking-place, ^jM-^ t ^'j-~'^ Wild duck. JJr'lri' n
watering trough. -^ Natural dispo- \)'j^'iS) ^,^^i y^t'J Hj^'" a «-'_ri' "tt"
Wiitteo compact.
•if- Small thorny u-Ir'-J u-^j-j ^'j^
Term. Stipulated condition. i!^^^ plants.
Guard. Police. i,;^ ^ -
WatcLraan. Policeman, 'y^t.j "J^IA Unsociable, ill natured. Quarrelsome,
Armed attendant. malicious. Rough, hard (ground).
Rope made of palm- Thin, white (cloud). 'C^
tree. Scent-box. <>• String, wire. Glue. u-'lrs- <ti c-llr^.
a R-iil of railway. Cartilage of wi--;l>'- ^ ki>^lA *
Condition. -^ Wire. iJI the ribs. Ill-luck.
String. Ribbon. Root. Vein. crj>i ?- y-^;- "*•
mad. sti'ing.
More illustrious, ^ tj^n- Bi'avery, courage. XViJL
nobler. Long (lance). sfJS*'
Embittled, indented jj^i ^ -ij^i, ^— Long-necked (camel). '^J'Sir^'J
(building). High, lofty. Book of the Deutero- ^Ovi^l X'JdJ
Master of ceremonies. ^i\L^^i -fy- no my.
Long ear. "
.J^i oVi Way to ^jCs.^ rr *-^ir^J *^Ioi-*J f-lr-^
Prominence, eminence.oj li.« ,- iJlr-^ water. Thoroughfare. Square, mar-
Dungeon. ket-place.
Elevated places. J^j VI jj \.±./' Legislator. f.^^
Sword from Yemen. *J 'J^ij, ^^ Small frog. i-.A'j i-lry "S-
Inferior in dignity. Plebeian, cijlr-' To surpass a. o. in 5 (iji. o iSj--.^ -K-
Alike, similar. iJj.A' Crack in a rock. ^^
He has not his lilie.
<Jjir^ iJ
'^ To cut the superfluous a ^iJ^ -ft-
To be bai'ren. 5 jl gluttonous.
Barren. Greediness, gluttony. <*ll/4,j o>i,
Barrenness. Sjlj-i- Glutton, greedy.
To be Cjj4j C j^ oj-ij "^
v^ White honey. J^^^ _,^ ^
rugged, hard ( place). To be lean, Full trousers. Ju^ri-j Jjlri- >
slender (animal). To ^ i^ilni, b . t^Ss-J 'l!>5- i (ilrJ- -^
To emaciate (a horse). s ^ji. purchase. To sell a. th.
To expect a share in. it ^jilJ To laugh, to scofl' at a. o. 5 —
Opportunity. iij-c< To speak in Ijehalf of a. o
Rough, thin, vJ>>i^ ^Jr^- ^ VJ-^ To devote o.'self to.
diy. To dry a. th. in the sun.
Unwi-ought ti'ee-
VJ-^- T •t'LJ^'"
To flash time v^lri^lj 6'J^. , a ^_r5.
bi'anch. after time (lightning).
Mai'k, sigu.
To be angered (man). ^^ a i^yi
To look at a. o. J\j i ijj4, i jj-r. -« To run fast (horse). To be affected
askance. with eruption (skin).
To strike a. o. with (a spear). s — To conclude a sale j A'^i^i Uj\U jjCi
To twi.st (a rope) /b jj-siJ- i o — or a purchase with a. o.
in the wrong way. To fill up a tank. To shake fi> j'^k^
To be angry. the bridle. To incline an object.
To get ready for (battle). J- To set (people) at variance. jkj —
To look angrily at o. another. To be scattered, dispersed. jlr^
Trial, difficulty. Rope twisted To be impetuous in j j'^tXi[
in the wi'ong way. walk (horse). To apply o.'self to a
Redness in the eye. ojjLj jj^ business (man).
Askance (look:. Bloodshot 'l^j,-, ^ j>l1 To be serious and difficult ^s'y--^\
with anger (eye). (affair).
To be jolly, lively. C>i, a oji^ ^ To be disturbed, agitated "^jjS-'-l
To be hard. cj-i^ Colocynth {plarit).
To ri.se for. J — Purchase, <—i^^ ?r ^'j^J '^.A'
To be painful to a. o. (th.) jc — petty trade.
To fell a. o. s — Purchase. Sjlri- ^
iLi (ro^)
Butcher. Small bone. oj-^j o1>^
To leap (man). l^r<3^ Fatigue. Hardship. Hard soil. oj^
To gore (bull). Side, flank. oj^-j oiri'
To stitch (clothes).
A — To be dry. u^ i ^i, *
To spear a. o. i_j 5 Very ^r-ih-^J ur^-i-'j u-ll.i' ?r Cr-^
To become still fixed, (look \j^^ — i hard ground.
f^fa dying man). To be C_ji«i,j Cli. o »_.l.i-j a w^-~i. -tt-
open. Remote.
Misfortune. j-ki To be ^\lSj ^jL
hi- ij'\y^j oV^joCi jj'^ dry, thin.
ff *i-^^ -^
No more nor less. iaki, Vj J^Jj V To be Coi- a w-Aij b>iai- o >-. o '
.. ..
To walk with a. o.
each on
iSvjl g V1»U.
as sons. the opposite bank of a river.
Half-full (vessel). t^^i- >• o^i*^ Bank, of a river. »ykj^ ^ 'jai
Having a teat longer than j^^ Offshoot. 'iLil ^ 'ikij —
another (ewe) : a skirt longer thun Bank of a rivei', oLki^j 'J=>\\1,^
'>-^T ^»'
the other (garment). sea-shore.
Stranger, remote. -l^iai.' ^ -ni».i To be absent. CJxi'
Deceit, cunning. -^ Sharpness Zj\ixC To deflect from.
Deceitful, swindler. jvLi' ^ ^tli To cut a. th. lengthwise. To * -
Mischievous. Ill-treating iiis people. cancel ( a sentence).
•^ Sharp, cunning. ^ To make incisions on (the
The prodigal son. Jh[h\ 'c(\\ skin). To cross-out ( articles
Betony (plant). fjtfit, To znake cuts on o.'s skin.
Divided, torn in two pieces. j,^^'" To flow (water). >^laii\j —
Contiguous, near. jk^ Of a fine stature. M>^'
Their houses are con- \'jj:>\i./' ^a Tender and green (bough).
tiguous to ours. Gi-een bough. Sword. ^ "u f'
Game of chess. r-o^ '^ Of a beautful size (girl). ~^'u-.. j —
To make jajvi J Cki o ,.,-ki -« Sti'eak, ^W ^ :daij tkt,j tii'
a journey. ridge of a blade.
Strife. -Cli^j ^..kr.' Woman cutting out ^\'jL ^ *1%U.
Dissenter. cr>'5air leather in strips.
To depart, to go off. 'i'u-' o wikiT ^ Quilting-needle. ,_ \\, ..
forth awns ( spike ). To run to seed To be hard
to a. o.^" 5 Cki o 'Jii ^
To scatter, to S 'Jai 1j iiki j —
To dart on (a flock wolf). : J 'fj^l
To part for ever from, ^e- ^iilj ^i£ Withering from want of water
He departed ,_J^*jlj ^lilj iiij 'c^^s^iz. (tree).
They congregated after _j.i^^ ^^\ ^
separation. To wound a. 0. on the elbow :s Jai,'»
' '
To be plucked (hair). I^ii, o Ui.' -f5- of. '
'sT^nL -«- o>iL=.>
Juggler's trick, legerdemain. sS^ii! To light ifc jiilj jlij , >Ui' a -S-
To wear a. o. out (cares). s - Employment, business. -^ Work. Na-
To sprinkle (a medicinal tural produce. Make.
powder on a wound). A work, an employment. cj^L ^ iiiii
Cold wind. Rain with hail < A job.
Uncouipact (tissue). Thrashing-floor. Heap of jiX ^ xUii
Trembling. Wicked. wheat.
<>•Bignes.s and Sj_,ii ^j a- Busied. jiiC
prominence of the lips. Penal servitude. ;cJu, Jiiil
"^ Big-lipped. jiijj Occupation, employment. JUri,l_
To decrease (wealth). Sj\l£ a _^ -H- Bu.sying the mind (affair).
To decrease ( wealth). To decline __4^ Main-sail. J^Ci- a
(sun). Active in work. Labourer.Jiiij J-^i^"^
To be on thf^ brink of. u. — Business. Je^i-' 5r ii^i^j *J_>ii.I
' '
Place of growth of jUi-l
' '
( r-w J-
Frog-bit. .liJI joi rejoice at an evil befalling an enemy,
Glauciuin, horn-poppy. o^iJl — if- His wishes have been fulfilled. i^i? —
Cora-poppy. <• jM To consult (a doctor). j iiU,i
Sister by the same JJVSiJ ^ xLii- To ask for a reme ly. ^—
parents. Half of the head. Hemicra- R -covery. Remedy. Cii.1 ^ 'Oi,
ny. Fertile valley between two moun- Health-giving. Kfticacious. i^u. j, jCi,
tains. Abundant rain. Peremptory (aoswei*).
More efticacious. \iJ\
Shape, J^^'j Jlfeii,1 ^ ji^j Jfe»4. milk (udder) ; with tears (eye).
form, sort. Features. Figure. Conve- Very grateful. Fattened at j^^
nience. Coquetry. small expense.
Vowel-point. -i^UC} jU£ Ofishoot, sprouts of __3^' -r -f^r^
Redn(^s3 mixed with whiteness. xifeiiJ trees. Fine hair on the temples. In-
Flirting, coquettish (woman). iiSL£ terior bark of a tree. Pith.
Touchy. 'ji^ "> Hemlock (pl'iiit). •sTJ-y^^
Shackle, bond. White jiaj^ ^ i}\is^
spot on a horse's feet. Yielding much milk ( female ). Milch-
Nosegay. Bouquet. J^lii ^ iic%U5 < cow.
Likeness. *l6:iiJj Jfli' Milky plant. jT^Ci-i
He baars a <^j ^ jfCi, ji ;1&»J-' *-? To prick a. 0. with 2 \Js>j^ o jfcii. -^
likeness to his father. (a sword, the tongue).
Side. Flank. Rule of Jfl^ ^ sifU. Cross-tempered, Je-^} J^=>-='
conduct. Intention. P/. Tracks bran- To ^.Sij^
a yj^^J^^ *Z-[isi^ o ,jSLti ii'
J-lil (r-v
Complaint, %s'^^^ oj^^j *j,^^ Kvery one acts
charge, accuaation. in his own way,
Thing complained il» ^^^mJ'j ts'JsjL Likeness. jSTii^^ iiTllji
of. Dubious affau', jsU;: ^ ii5:Li;j jfLij:
A complaint. -iSC-ij cX^^ -r a'J*^ difticulty.
Small water-skin. "CSiJij — Solution of dubious jr^iJI tj*-
Complai- X^Ci,j XlSCii ^ 6ii.j '^^Li things.
ning. Pitiable. Unwell. Shacliled. Having a white J^^CsJJ
Complainant, spot on one or three feet (horse).
plaintilK To reward, » ^5Ci,1j , vU=ii o J^ *
Fullv armed. to retribute a. o. -^ To ."lap a. o.
Complained *;;ip 5oi/v To bribe (a judge). To bridle n ^iS.
of, ci.lprit. (a horse).
He who receives jl(i_^
S-^i jIJI^.^SCjIj To bite a. o. i C^iXj CJ»S o —
a complaint. Gift, bribe. jJ=^'j J*^
Niche for a lamp in a wall. SiSCi^; Bit. j,^^^j j^i^j ^J,lfe:ti. ,^ X^^^
To be '^]j 'jlj yxCj yS a ;[}i: -{i^
Incompliance. Repression of injus-
dried up or disabled (hand). tice.
May thy fingers never be ii^^ ji,' V Uutractable, i;Xl)l Jo-iX jl i;:5CjC j 'i
withered. unyielding.
To dj-ive away s yiSj X^ o - Chest, drawers. xtofJ'^U^. Te
(camels). Amble, pace of a horse. i>-5Ci,l Ts
To stitch (clothes). To shed »> y^£ To be 5 uifej^^j ^L»./i Aj'Ci- — 'i^^ ^
(tears : eye). ahke to.
To have the hand dried up. '^\ To be ambiguous (affair). <S^1
To disable a. o.'s hand (God). a~ To be alike. tSihS
To dasli forth (torrent). To fall Jjlji_ cj\^_i,j olici,j iSji^^j <s"^^ o lfei.i. -}i-
Strawberries. dlii Ik I
Falling in drojjS jliL^j JilL^j jlLi
Spark. J^ - ^\£ ^ (water, blood).
Dai'acl-weoc]. ^Ci,j Ji'yi'i J^i^ P Polite, com.'ly, gentleman. -^Ts
To perplex a. o. 5 j<L <>• if- Barber.
To be perplexed. j^\ •< To shave, to dress a. o."s
Diamond. repeatedly.
^^ -^
himself. I
God bless you. To disappoint a. o.
Clinging to S^ill^j ^^'Xjl ^ S>,U ,
To make a. o. to rejoice ^ s z^ '
To shine, to light (lamp). ^^^^,'1 Sunny (day). Restive (horse). Wicked
Wax. Caridlt'. ( un. !;:;_£ ) p_^i^' ^r /^-i- !
Mirthful, jolly. ^y, f' I Exposed to the sun (field). ^,^, f'
Candlestick. j
To urge on s ^jal.t,j Cal£ o ,
culprit). gi'ace a. o.
To put a piece of -wood 4> Disgrace, shame.
into a hive. Wicked, ill-natured.
To like a. th. CCi a JfiCj To stamp (a coin).
To cut, to divide a. th. To tie a. th. o iiLi. °
Now, "^^
To receive the price of blood. jii ' presently. v?,-^
or to bind pay the bloodwite.
o's.lf to To stick to. i_> Uj^ii.' a ,>^i-'j "J
^^ "^
Piece of wood for raising honey- j^^i^ Rogue, sly fellow. Ji%'^ -Ci^^ !r
sprightly. earrings.
Dauntless warrior, hero. v_j^»-JI >->\4~; To adorn (speech).
Stars shining brightly. ^h\ To wear earrings.
Gray, grayish. ^_^ ^ 'L^S. j> ^iill Earring for the upper <->>--' T
Glcssy (armour). Serious affair. part of the ear.
Gloomy and cold day. >J'^\ >jj Net-sack for straw.
Year of drought. w-.*i,1 >•'* Contemner, scornful.
Surname of the town of 'Uii^ He has treated us *i
Aleppo. scornfully.
Surname of king Almond/ier''s,^'ii.y\ To pull Aj 5 Jiilj ^i^
, i o Jli- -ft-
Crvr j^-
To point out a. th. J( jCi-^j j>^ To comply with a. o.'s wishes. 5 ^i,1
witli ftlia finger). To importune a. 0. with u- Aij
To consult a. o. 5 jViX— Ij jjli* requests.
To give (advice) to a. 0. v-J Jt jCi'l Desire, appetite, 'l^iilj , ol^ii^ t »S+^
To feel ashamed. lust.
To f-ar a. o. o''
" trouble a. o.
Propensity. journey.
Inspiring a desire. To cook (meat). To blast A-
Burning with desire. (plants : cold).
Long. To jade (a hoi-se).
Leaned against a wall (a water Race on horseback. i»)j
Raising jli,j jlij Jl^i-'j J^' ^ j;,U- To arm a. th. with thorns A i)U'
the tail (.siio-camelj. To be pi'icked by thoi'ns. iJ^iJ <
In the seventh Jl^l ?«t?.j J|^ ^r i^.'^ Thorn, prickle, point. ^\'y£\ ^ 'S^
month of her pregnancy (she-camel). He ('ame with all his J>Jii\j iJjiJb »\^
Tenth month of the oVlJii y- Jl}i^ peophi.
lunar year. <^ Warrant, proxy, iJ^Jjl j'^l
Scorpion. Koal-mouthed (woman ).i]|'»i, judicial evidence.
Left-hamled. 'V^ >. JS-i'l ° A prickle, a point. Sting (of
Small scythe. J^i-; in.sects ). Buckle. Tongue. Spill".
OyzJ cactus.
Foolish woman. k)'j^ •if- Sorophularia, fig- sTi^' ^j.;i-;,-^
Hoopoo (bii'd)
lU J Cij
Cold and foggy (day). oClij »-4^'
Caii''0, chintz. c^^
To do a. th. ip ^Ci^j , (i>4i^ i ^(i- ^
To render a. o. cautious. To s tJS
cast a threatening look upon.
To fight with. s G-Cijj ^9-jCiJ r6\^
To apply o.\self to. j 9-li-b —
To grow wormwood (land). ^Ci'l
^ To a;>i)oint a. o. as chief S -
To insult a. o.
To rebuke a. 0. — ic-
escort (a fanei'al). To aee s fS. Plastered (wall).
a. o. depart. To encourage a. o. Lofty, high (building).
To consume a. th. bj fire. jUJu A — To fall from a rock.
To call (cattle) ^ ^ti,ij i>S^3 A^ Rock.
lagging behind the flock. To make red stripes a,
To accompany a. o. for busi- j ^Q, on (cloth).
ness. To be the partisan of. Wood for making bowls.
May safety ^>llJo ji >>ltj| ^\ JCt'Cil Date with a tender stone. ^ _ ^ P
follow you. Good speed. <> Ramrod. Spit. Window-shuttei
To become a Shiite, ^liJ Small-pox. Narghileh. <iai- Ts
To form a party, a sect, ^.txilj ^CiJ Breach -loader. oUsi-i Ts
Quantity. Following. ;iljr Sample. ^ • .4
f,. Tk
I shall coine to thee ixS j\ \jS ixJS To chastise a. o. s ^ii — ^^ -fr
Porter, carrier of burdens. JuX <- Laughing much. Fat (camel). U r/^'.»
Coins strung into a necklace. i^tS. < To Clilij (tCi.*j ^ji^j ^»T^ p.Ci' -^ i
( rvA )
an evil eye.
J^ ( rY\ )
Large cup. To rush unexpectedly upon. » *ci»^
To bear a. th. . jt \J-^ i J^ ^ Apostate, renegade. o>^Cs> ^ U (o
patiently. To pei'severe in. To res- Sabian.
train from. Sabaoth. Glory, oj^C-ij cj}<r2> H
To endure want of. j^ — power.
To bind a. o. To constrain a. o. i — Baker's roll. "
"V-ky^i T^.'y^
to. To visit a. o. » rL^j , C^-Ji^ a r-.li -«
To withhold a. o. from. o*^
5 — in the morning.
To become ,_j 'fji^^ \jya o Ji3 To be comely, gentle. iiC-s o r-.lo
surety for. To greet a. o. in the morning, s -jCJo
To give a surety to. ^ — To give a. o. to drink in the morning.
To exhort a. o. to n JLa\j .^3 To be day-time. To enter upon »vlo*l
patience. the morning. To become such on
To embalm (coi'pses). To stuff 2* jlo the morning. To become.
(a beast). He became learned. Cj \s. -rl^S
•^To ballast (a ship). fi,
— I found myself quite tjoalj c.9tlo1
To act patiently a \'j\'.^j s^^loi ^U> alone.
with. Beware of. ^ k^il
To fall into misfortune. To Jl^] To sleep in the morning. r"^
- '
(rA. ) i^
Impetuous (torrent). Barren and elevated ground. Sjt-i
White-locked j^ V«~^ jk •<>• Scouts.
(horse). Patient. Steady. 'Dlo ^ jj,^j,^.\<9
Dye-house. Forbearing, meek. Ji~^i jw ^ ji^' ,
To withhold (a gift) ^ fi> (±i i cn-a -H- Flat cake of bread upon s3i-oj -n-o
from a. o. which food is spread.
To take (dice) in hand for casting.* — Mountain. >l3v» ?r -ci--«
To turn away from, ^
cfia^\j J\^[ White or superposed clouds. J^ ^ —
Soap. oyS"^ "^ Heat. Misfortune. War. j_^_,i jCo^^t
Soap-wort (plcnd) Ba.sket j^i'S-^J ^'iJ,^'^ ?r *iJ,^.'^ "^
To soap a. th. made of reeds.
Soap-house. To point out iftj i_, Cij-i9 a ji^ -ft-
lad, apprentice.
*c+'^J *sV^'j <^'^i'^ w wS;-^
To dye deeply (cloth).
To begin to ripen (dates).
Small boys. »Sr^^ *~i-^l> *=^-i To cast off a young one (she-camel).
Gii'l. <>• Young woman. To profess (a religion). j ;4^j
ChUdish. To be dyed. To be baptised. ,Ciaol
Contrary. li:..^
Subject, topic. ( /or ij^ ) c^ St John the Baptist.
Shrieks. Uproar. Dyer. Liar.
> )
mistress. (illne.ss).
T ) yc^
Salamander. 'C\9Js\ a in wi'iting or reading, a To di*aw
Car.se of freedom. sGuiA back.
Cup, bowl. ebwit; To bind the sheets of (a * sJk^\
' '
To be hoarse (man).
Uproar, confused noise. ^9-^ Having a rough voice. jSc-^b J^-i
*—^K,a ^ o^•9>•.0J ^yv-.^i t_j(9c<9j v?*^ '
To get erect. ^Stki?'.— ^.sio-ft-
Clamorous. Jjv.ij ,_jpj.ijijl»i.i_j *Jlii.^_) j
To become yellow. To assume ^uJjl,
Roaring (sea). ^^1 wj-Ja^j a dusty colour ( plant ). To have
To be burning (day), ili-^ a ajs-^-Ji- withering plants (soil).
To utter its cry (wood- \j^^ a ^k-S Dusty, yellow colour. Z^tk^
pecker). Dust-coloured. 'Uit-^^ >»*-«*'
s laiti a — *
To scorch a. o. (sun). j
To strike a. o. To s tk3 a ^j^^
To give an ear to. Jl \'i^^ a — |
offer a. th. in a dish. -^ To grind.
To enter upon the hot season, ait^l To make peace between. ojJ —
(midday). j
Small salt s^Csc-^^j 'Us-_ij suiwo^ (.j^^
Litenseness of heat. ^>JI juiL.i ! fishes.
To be rocky (place). jk-i>1 — ji-Js -H- I
Hollow dish, a Hand-mill. xl^eia^
harden as rock. I
To be clearr cloudless ( sky). To re-
Hocks, ejj9s,aj Jj»i-o 5- j»--^J j''-^ I
cover from intoxication. To come to
mat^3 of rocks. o.'self again. -^ To pay attention.
^^Sl ^ —
Fine, cloud- HatJai j> "rJa^j , r-'^J
To dig (the ground) fi> Ciivi a ^^ -ft- i
less (day, sky).
with a shovel. I
Conscious, awake. i\at^j o^to ^ ^^ia
It emanated from his 5i,U ,p ja^ Iron shovel. ^i^LiA ,1, xlkia;
advice. To burn a. 0. (sun), s Cit-a ^^^^ -fr
He done or said
lias liSj iJi^'ii^ jJU3 To shun ^f.iLij iSjjio, i a_tf -fr
To remove a. o. from. ^c s —
ina mountain. i
To be spUt.
Cavity of the ear. J^'-^ c-» **Ju? \
To part (people).
Chance, occur- ^aj> ^ *iJ-i •j saiLi^ i
Such a one has fled.
rence. j
Crack in a hard body.
At hap-hasard, by *ijii)li j :Calui •• I
Strong and yoimg. pJ^j —
chance. ;
Fragment. Party of men. p.lu»
To fulfil (a promise). J— j
Dawn. Garment under a breast- ^j j^
To fight gallantly. JOail i - ]
To run without turning back J5u# Hemiciany, headache. ^.S'j^
extending (mountain, river).
To befriend, s (Ju^j *.sit^ JiG> I
Having a headache.
Split. 9-/->^^
C rAo )
is silent.
dead [lit.) his echo ilji^ ^
(camel). May God destroy him ! ii j^ '^\ '^\
To cut a. th. To earn. C^'<? >Sj^ -W- i
To eat gum. To drink sour milk-^j^tf To erect (the ears y_i ya\j ^ j\ *> —
^ to
7T T.
To be smooth, glossy.
cracker, a Ghost. Sour milk. Red gum.
Clamorous. Peacock. Small tents of the Arabs
To feel (the cold). \:>'J<)
a ijo -^ Pastui'age becoming green
To be galled (horse) To hit or miss again.
the target (arrow). Seeds, seed-produce. sJ^'^r^
To loathe a. th. ^ i_^ i^9 Sour milk. ^J^ ^ v^a^'"
To hit (the A iJJSi \ijis o
To plaster (a tank) * ^^'^j — ^^.^ *
target : shooter). with quick lune.
To give niggardly. i^ikt i^o Quick lime. -rijia P
To give to a. o. little to drink. s — To be pure, Uj^j xil^ o ^.'J^s ^
Pure, unmixed. Elevated point :>'^ unmingled (race).
of a mountain. Cold.
Cold ground explain a. th.
Cold day. To be evident (truth). To be ^'Jia
Numerous army. clarified (wine). To miss the mark
Cold countries. (archer). To be cloudless (sky).
Large army moving slowly. V>-l.^r<9J tS-JJA^ * —ii J O. ^jtoj ~
Sparrow-hawk green ol'i^ ; To speak plainly. ^\'J^j
wood-pecker. To be obvious (truth). t-'j^^\
Two veins beneath the olS^ Castle, tower, lofty rj[r^ -r -rj^o
tongue. building.
Rainless cloud. il^ Hard ground. Hall of a house. TS-'j^
Wounded by the saddle (horse), i^ Openly, in broad light. ^^'o
Sensible of cold. i\y^j . iS'^J.s ^ — Pure, umningled. ^\'Joi -rCroj -r'J^
Enduring cold. Genuineness. Obvious- ta-j^j "isA'J^o
Bare, without vegetation -slv-^i ness.
( counti-y ). Passing through the Pure wine. tl>l^
target (arrow). Large vessel for wine. "Ca-S'J^
Having little water (river, :>'j^aJ> Pure, unmin- ruS'J^i '\s''Ja 9'-iV^
vessel). gled. Obvious, explicit.
Road, path to heaven. J»^ ^ '^\j^ ^ Such a tribe came i>jj^ c'^ j^. '(»
To 5 \s-'j^j ^j-9i ^j^ a tlrv? ^ by themselves.
fell a. 0. Plainly. Explicitly. (^u^
To put two valves to a 9j<>i A — Permission, d Pas.sport. -rj.j-'ai
he is bi-coloured.
I have visited him ji^l J-'j^ i£u I
to dismiss a. 0.
( rAA ^a^
Stable. To part fi"om o. another.
Astrolabe. "G To cut off (fruit).
To disperse (a crowd) Tanned leather.
To shake a. th. A - cA^^aj ^Ji,^b >»J,'Uslj
To be shaken, dispersed. To ^..iiLiu Crowd, party. Way, manner, CoUec-
be lowly, cowardly. tion of houses.
Fate has scattered them. J,a!oi ^^ — Shoe. ijyj-o -^ XiUj-o -^
Grievous punishment. j,'.3, iJ\JS Unmilked for ma- c^^r^j iSlr'<!>J 't^J^
Ascent. i^iLi ny days (ewe).
Ascension Thursday. i_^iia)l ^j^.S^ Stone- ,_JjLi/J ^ *r^-i; "~ ._-^v^ ^
Deep sigh. .|j1^ bench against a wall.
^ )
Losing its hair (ass). ii;^ ^ ji.i) Painful task. 'loii
Small-headed j;^ ^ .>;L.i ^ J—i>'ij — Straight lance, oloi^j iUo ^^ SJ"^
and thiu-necked ostrich. Wild asses. SJu-i oCJ
To reduce a. o. to beggary, i dui-* -fr Rising, ascendant. atCa
To become destitute. d^^lai Henceforward, hence- lIu-LiS o^il ^;
Destitution, poverty. diL^;j XfetlUio forth.
Beggar. dU^U^j '^sl^--^ !r iJ/^ Ascent, acclivity. jJ li.i>j aio ^ i_^
To be small-headed y*.^\ — ,j*^ -Vk Summit difficult 'li^L^j jo'U-^
, ,-
and shallow-minded. to be reached.
To be small, paltry. 'c^'^^
Upper Egypt. J--^l
To be thin and paltry, l^^ a ULi -tt- Earth, soil. oOi-s»^ J^La ^ ju--i
Small sparrow, 'U.^j ol^-^ ^ >i-i Surface of the earth. Elevated land,
bull-finch. <>• Burnt-offering. jj liii ^ Sa^^
O ^i-ij a ji-^ -ft" Sublimated medicine. jl^i
To be little, small To be distorted (face, ij^li a _,-o -J^
Paltry, little.
oG^-^J j^ (thunderbolt). To .smite a. o. with a
Contempt, littleness.
_r*^j jU.<a thunderbolt (God).
Weakness. To rumble loudly (thun- Ciio a j»-i
Diminutive (noun). Decrease. j^i-Iaj der).
Bearing igno- cjjii^j S^i-i ^ _,tCo
miny. To faint at the sound of thunder.
Small, mean. '\yJ>j j\*^ ^r -'24-^ To cause a fainting fit to. » jiol
Young. Shout, Death.
yell. jw
Very little thing. J^i)} S^ Shrieking loudly. Stunned by a j«.^
Smaller. cjjJ^Sj ojiSiJ\i ^Co'l ^ JL^\ loud noise.
Younger (brother). Rumbling of thunder. js-jW Jli«3
The smallest. ^^V| Thunderbolt. Deadly J^ijo ^ *2cU>
The heart and the tongue. d\'J^'i\ punishment. Shrieks of anguish.
The minor of a syllogism. tS^^' Belemnite, thimder-stone. Ajfl.Sa)l _^s»>
Producing small plants (soil). j^lj. To be small- Uliolj !^i-i a , J*i -S-
_r»-« *
Dark yellow. ^^ ^^\ To whistle (man). I3>i^ i
be shaken (
^ trees ). To vibrate
terated. To take the whole of. (chord).
Purity. Limpidity. SjVii -^j y^ Side, flank. Face. J>«-« tt ji^
Purity. Quiet, happy life, 'OLe Striking of the hands in *iLaj —
pleasure. a bargain.
The choicest. Clear, pure.
"ority of love.
Sm- ^ Agreement, bargain.
Leaf of a door.
The choicest, the best. s^^ioj 3^^i-2> Inner skin. Peritoneum. jLa ?- J^W
Sincere friend. »>*•<? People coming together. ^ajU.
to filter
settle (accounts).
A jS\j ^
slender. To decant (wine). 'J^i^ J^
Pole of a tent. i-)^^ 5r To have sincere V^\ i}^ i Ju3\j i jia
Pixiximity. Nearness. atfection for.
•^ Convenience, suitableness. jlJCa^ To cease laying eggs (hen). J^'\
Perfumer, druggist. '•i'^-^ To cease making verses (poet).
Baldness. ^Xaj ^<X2> -H- To distinguish a. o. by a gift, cj 5
Bald. v'i.'i-a 5r 'Uii^ jt tuoI To live like true friends. <>• To Jua7
To strike a. o. i_j *j » \'Jl2> o _^ * reconcile.
with ( a stick ). To break stones To choose, to take A iJaillj ^^^\,
with (a hammer). the best of.
! )
Having a (broad forehead). cn-f.!l cXa To extract marrow from _Jlo fit
honest, righteous.
fire (steel). Isolated.
To suit, to fit a. o. J —
Lion. Hard. Strong- ^i>U ^ ^aU -« !
That will suit you. ^t ^jj^_ \jji
hoofed (horse). To reconcile, s \>-%oj ^iC^i ^JU)
Sea eel.
j^^ - _Ao -« to make peace with.
Broad, ^Ui/!j inJ»>U - ^kU ^ To agree with a. o. upon. ^ ~
spacious. To set a. tli. aright. To 4> ^JUsl
To be bald on the fore- CLi a ^ -(^ repair, to reform.
part of the head. To do good to a. o. Ji —
To emerge from the /i^Mj ^>j ^ To make peace between. ^^ —
clouds (sun). To reconcile, rCu>\j ^liii \j ^CaJ
Baldness. ^1^ to make peace.
Part of the head affected siLoj XiU? To agree on. i^ —
,J^j OL^ ,
^ a wiUi »-
Technical word, oU^UaJ*!, ^ ^-Mij-at
bz'ag. !
To be innutritive (food). To \j^ Technical ( word). 'J-y^htJ>\^
thunder without giving rain (cloud). Sound, good, ^y.J^fj u>ktUs "^ -rdia
To say hard things to. J — proper, honest. i>- Self-interest.
To breath painfully. To be of j^S He is fit for that. Vlisd^ ^-J Vo y»
little worth (man;. Goodly, honest. ^ ^^Li
To abhor, to render a. o. hateful. » — Work ; self-interest. ^ [^ ^ os'Ua>s
To come upon a hard soil. wWiiT Advantage. -^ Calling, employment.
To be a flatterer. Peace, reconciliation. ^y~^j *>JCai
Boast, brag. Thunder without ^L^ Corrector, reformer, c Salt. tS^
rain. Mediator, peacemaker. oy rOJau'
Boastful, ojk^j 'Uioj J^ ^ w4^ To pretend deafness. ^Ua; — ^JUa -S-
bj-aggart. Rainless (cloud). Tasteless Great deafness. ,;J-»
(food). Stone-deaf. ^^ ^ *6sLs ^ y^i^\
Side of the neck. Slope of a hill. ^i-tS To trample loudly lS>yLi jli -{^ i
Hard and bai'ren laud. s.-uLjj 'ULa To be hard (soil). To fail to S\.JA^ —
To utter a loud ^\j , CiU o jU ^' give fire (steel).
shout. To be avaricious. A^j^V^y^^ o Sn
To attack (a tribe). ;b_, ^ ji^ To have a steel giving no fii'e. ji^l
To smite a. o. (sun). 5 — Avarice. s3>Ls
^c Cr
(meat, a stick) near the fire. To strike a. 0. with a stick. c_, 5 jL^
To straighten a stick (in the a 1^ To writhe about (sick person), ^^j^
fire). To scream in child-birth (woman).
To warm o.'s self at a fire. llaJjlj — To grate the teeth (stallion), ^^^y
Action of the fire. Fire. '[3j ^'^ Dirty water. xJ^La
Forehead. ^_ioj '^.ij, ^ S£>Uj ~Cr%i Shriek of distress. o>^^ t JJ^
Stone-pounder for aromatics. Even plain. j2lJi r-^j 3%^\ ^ jU
Snare, net for game Even, smooth. sixi ^ j-l^
Toasted, roasted. Thin bread. Slice of jj >Uj :r **c^
To stop (a flask).
To be obstructed
A Lo-^O ^^ Eloasted meat.
roquent jJUi^ fr J^^j jUx;
(ear-iiole). (speaker).
To become deaf. To maim a. 0, j( _X^j , CJLS i o _^lo ^
He is dead. to cut off the ears, nose.
To determine upon. To uproot a. th. ^ J^K
To pers'-vere in. Gallant, dauntless men. X^laj ^Us
To snap a. th. with the teeth. a — Sepa- oC«>U>j ob»>Uj ^ Xi^Lij *^:)L5
To penetrate, to pierce into J ^%^ rated party.
(sword). Misfortune. Momentous event. jLa
To impress a. th. in the mind Sword.
garded (man). roast a. th. at a fire.
Surname of themonth Redjeb, '^% To roast (meat). fi>
Hard soil. Great distress. .^-^ To lay a snare for. J —
To »_i jl A
\^-4-> *^^J ij^ a ts^
Hard stone. Granite, silex. warm o.'self at the fire. To endure
To apply o.'s self to, to J ^^',^ -^ the heat of fire.
house). To deck (a bride). To expose Finely tempered i^La^j j-ia'^
the Blessed Sacrament. (sword).
•^To spare (money). ot-i Fiery horse. iioliJ>j ^,^UJ>j ^^^u-^
To come to s |Sli-^j Vj^'fiaJ' a^C^ To urge, to incite u s v;.^ a li-S -W-
fight with a. 0. a. 0. to.
To rest a. th. J| *_4ipj * *1JI. jC^S
upon. To I'emain silent. c^J>1j
Elevated, hard iC-?j iCo'l ^ ai-o To hush up, to silence 5 c-i-olj c.i-»
place. a. o.
Prominent rock, -if- Corporal. s^;..^ He is on the point ^Vvi o^i-o l& y»
Exposition of the blessed Sacrament. of performing the business.
Stopper, lid. iU_^ Food given for soothinc^ :^J.j ;^w3
-^Net (income). Laid up (money). jA^ a child.
Massy, solid. Ju..i.i Silent. Lifeless ( opp. to ^^j ) c-^Ua
Place repaired to. jX-^ (being). Mute property f/v opposed
To be avaricious. Ijjioj l%-5 o _^^ ^ to flocks.
To flow slowly (water). He does not possess j^u Vj c^l-tf> il C>
Sunset. (sun).
Sour milk. %'jyiai ~c,'J^3 To importune a. 0. with 5 —
To detain a. o. by & C^^ a f^^ ^ questions.
persuasion. Fetid sweat. Melted grease ^U_o
To strike a. o. with a stick. i_j 5 — applied on chaps.
To make a mis- ^^&0I J C;-i a ^^ Hard ground. S^tisi-oj "(k^
take a speech.
in Burning (day). ^^4-ij r.'-ia
To persist in o.'s scheme.ojj ^ A^ To wound a. 0. in 2 li:;.,^ :^.i-2> -Vc
To gum.
To produce gum
^- To
^u.^ -«
colour. slaver.
Old palm-ti'ee. Lonely man, jjiio -J^ To extract gum from a ^ ^.i^-il.
^^ithout family .Water-pipe of a tank. tree.
Pine-cone. j<>=-« J^ Arabic gum. ^.y^ ^ j:^^ ^ii^
Cold wind. j.S"a ^ .^jl.^ <• Pine-resin. ^^^1^1 ;U-i
Intenseness of cold. -CulJI jk C-i •^Colophony. Jia'^\ jU^
Pine-tree. Piece of gum. Ulcer. •^ Bies- ;ii_i>
Cone-shaped, conical. 'isy.'y^-a tings.
To fix, to streng- a c^io^ — cio -S- Ulcered on the nose, ;iUs> y^i cAii^
then a. th. lips.
Small basket. Flask- c^ux:.^ ^ Cjy-a Sides of the o^U--?j oUjCtfj o'ii--9
case. mouth.
To seed away s ^^ o ipJ-^ -fr To become altered ji-i'l — j^o -J^
a lie.
( I" )
To come successively (g^'j^ o f.ia -U- To dry up a. th. (sun, wind). * ^j.^
(bees). To become split. To become r'y^
To measure wheat. — fi> dried up.
To scatter (people, things). *j 5 — To be cloven. To shine 'moon). ^CaJl.
To round a. th. To make * ^^-^ Bank of a river. Foot of -ry^j -ry^
a. th. sharp-pointed. To shake a mountain.
plants (wind). To sweep, to prepare Barren land. iiC^
a place. Plaster. Sweat of a horse. ^-ij-i
Ci-y. Crowing of the ^Uoj nl-i To reach its mid point (day). To
cock. abate (wind).
l>-« ( t-r ) -A^
Fortress. t^'L-i « *s'^=:-<'j *-^»r^
"^ I met him before ijj ^^^.i jST ;^a '6^
Cock's spur. Horn of bulls, gazelles. dawn.
To incite (people) s Cl^ i f-Ls -^ Shout, yell. Punishment from ;il^
one against another. To separate Heaven. Sudden attack.
(sheep). Sliouter, shouting. *WJ,lo ^ 9^,1^
To go astray. Ji_4»J' o'- 4^ "^ Wailing of women at a i_ij,Lo)l
To be stirred (water). -^'To be ^li; funeral.
perplexed, led astray. Shouter ; clamorous. *>Ljo ^ ^.t^
To season (a dish). fi> ^La— ^\^ -H- To hunt, ^ ilkiilj J^<ao a i .>\-a ^
< To give a legal standard to mo- to chase, to fish.
ney. To liunt, to fish for a. o. ilc^ 5 iU?
To have the neck erected. (IlLo a Ju-i
To be sufficient to a. o. for
summer. -^ To glean. Hunter. Fisherman. Sportsman. .u^j
To make a s CiC-sj xIjC^ wiiCo Erecting the neck, jl^^ ^ 'l^i.^* ^^ -C-i^
contract for summer. Prince. Glandered (camel).
To enter upon the season of oCol Hard ground. Saida. town of 'llCi
summer. To beget a child in old Syria.
age. Copper. Gold. jlal..^
To conceal o's mind. 4^ J u ij. 'i,^\
To be tucked (skirts').' To" be i^i\-tf-
guarded, watched (child).
Hatred, anger. v-f J v-^
Tumour on the lips. l,,^
Lizard. oC^oj L^-^ \} vW^ t i^-^
Dooi-latch. -^ Wooden ^jC-iJ ^ *i^
Point of a sword. v*^ "^J ^h-.'^
Fog, mist. ^_,ui :r *J.C^
Food for children. va—^
Abounding with ZA^ -r '^.^j >-4-^
lizards (place).
Hunting lizards.
To be misty (weather). ,
To crouch UjL^j CS
To overtake a. 0.
To seek i*efuge towards.
To conceal, to hide a. th. itj fi> \li>l
To be concealed, hidden. 'OaJ>[
Hiding place. li'^^ 5-
To grasp, ^ d,i-i \j , lili i dli ^
to clasp a. th.
Claws, nails.
To blacken a. th
place ). Mischievous, prone^_j_jL ~i^j o-^
To hold a. th. undei* /b u>ki>b >^^^ to evil.
( l-"\ )
(pond). To be in small quantity Laziness, sloth. Way of recliu- x^^
(water). icg.
. . , .
To dwindle away, to disap- i[}ii-il. * i^^^J *C*^^J i^'!r!^i **!«-'» J viat.^
pear. To clear off (cloud). Slothful, sluggish.
Shallow JlW^j J.^^j JGf-ij'l ^ Jsi-S Slothful. Foolish. ;^,l}i» ?- /^'i-*
To play oil musical i-jS^' ^"^ vl^^ Contrast. Contradiction, SiCa^j SOsj
instruments. Opposition.
To pass over in silence. ^Xi ili- ^'^ » Nonsenses. ^1}.^. — jj^ -H-
^ ~
Pavilion, large tent. ^j\^ ^ ^J^ a. o.'s property for a share in the
Motionless (serpent). XJ^'a^j ^J-ai' profit.
Edge of a swoi'd. *J^a»j Xj 2ra^ To be covered with hoar-frost. 4_>>y
4- Clapper of a bell. u-S?^' Mln'^i
To be well baked (bread).
Limited partnership {com- *j jUa^ To leave, to forsake a. th. ^^ —
To halt, to stay in a place. J —
Moved, disturbed, startled. ^Ja^i To dry up (water hot wind).:
— fi>
Howl of a wolf. Noise, ^\i^j .^-i.i To contend about the posses- ojCisj
rustling. sion of a. th.
To mis a. th. To A (ii^ a o«-^ -^ Ill-natured son. oJi-^
confu'e (discourse). To wash imper- To trample a. th. a ijii.^ a ji-3 -8-
Collecting, uniting.
Means of union.
To be
or drink.
filled with food 4^j ^i-i» a , ^
River flowing between two To incline towards. To act jt —
hills. wrongfully.
Companion. "'„i, >j To strike a. o. upon the ribs. 5 —
Company of men. jnfS-^'^ t *>'li-il To be crooked. Ciliij Cl-3 a /.W
Marked with^^^ii^
Collected, united. deviate a. th. To make rib-shaped
a damma. figures on cloth.
To encourage o.'s self. To ^h\>> -fr To incline a. th. A ^lii
snarl (lion).
To take a. th. altogether. it —
To pos.sess
a science ^ ^/» ^iw
geou.s. burden.
To anoint a r-wj , Gt4-i o r-i^ ^ Inclination, liking for. ,/• ;JL^
.'y-a ( i^r
Silent. wound. To anoint and bind ( the
To eat a. th. head).
stealthily. To strike a. o. with a t_> 9 Jl^o
To be verdant ( plant). Vci»i—>iA«_i» -tt- stick.
To become covered with plants To dry up ; to be diy. \'s^ a
(lanil). To swell with anger (man). To hate a. o, cj":^
To i_j jl A CL-*^j Ci.-^ a or'^
"^ To gather pfople. 5 oiijl
Narrower. j, jj,]
Jj^j ^^ home.
Narrow place ;
glen, jj \.:^ ^ J-4»-» Adjunction. Grammatical
mountain-pass. Difficulty, perplexity. relation : genitive.
To oppress, to damage 5 C»^-b i jSJo -S- Correlative (noun).
a. 0. -^ To cause pain to a. o. (dis- Relation, connection.
ease). Cxuest, oli~ij ijCo \j ^J^ ttJ «-*j^
To wi'ong a. 0. in il^ 5 ^UaS^lj — visiter, parasite.
his rights. Intruder.
To be seriously ill. ^U3j\ -• Hospitable man : host.
Injustice, oppression, j^JL^ ^ jJ> Adjunct. Encompassed (in jUs'»
damage. war). Having a correlative (noun).
Side of a mountain. ^.-.v. Correlative noim. *1J| ^loi
Wrong-doer. jiis Hospitable. ol^ii;
Wronged, oppressed. jf^ Care, trouble. Tj^-^j *L-a/i
Seriously ill. jk\^ • Khan, guests'room. XJli^s
To wear well (clothes). H^^ "^ To be narrow, fc^Sj Cl-i i JUj ^
Strong (man). Wearing ^C-b Ts strait, to be straitened. To be te-
well (clothes). nacious (man).
^ (. i\y )
Misfortunes, calamities. jCy
To consult a physician.
Skilful practitioner. Tly j, Ijy
j^yy Tv
3^ ^^
adapt a. th. To shut ( a book )• To To be fashioned, shaped.
shoe ( a horse ). -^ To join the fin- To be dirty. To be rusted. U-t? a ^-^
gers, the eyelids. To impress a. th. strongly.
To leap in running (horse). j^' To fill up a measure. To stain, to
To agree with ^j s GU^j '*M\Li jj\is soil a. th. To break, to
<>• train (
It suits, *^^J *-'^>%J **r^'j ••Kk '-^^ the side (arm). To be shut (hand).
it resembles it. To coincide, to fit. jlk
< Plot. si^i; To set to. J^~
Frying pan. j-.j>'j j<\>' ^ jJlkj j.Jk •^ To cover, to overwhelm it o J^'
Half of a sheep. -^ Story of a buil- a. 0. (falling house).
ding. To covera. th. To cover the Sj * jlk
Cover, lid. -^ Story. jAfc whole of the earth ( water ) the :
Isolated _j j uj; ^ jj_^.l?' — j_^J» ^ Game of the Arabs. J^j cJ^j i^,j ~
cloud. Dead beast used as a bait.
To wound a :JUl?'j !Akls' a J5-.1»'
» Cleverness, skilfulness. o>i» ^ *ill»
^ A kind of sauce.
jj^'J^ ciable.
To happen, jc 'O^'j l«j»' a \ji -H- Harsh and unsociable temper. ^_^J»
to fall unexpectedly upon a. o. To be dull, Csitt j C=i-J> a J-^-Jis -S-
TT )
To hurt (the eye) and make it fi> ^jy Short spear ij,iki ^ ii^j,i\yy
water. Pole.
There is no oue oJ* ojfr ^,Ji^ c^i ^ Charge of horsemen
left amongst them. Long (day).
To be hurt and to water (eye), j^' General rule.
To be newly acquired xsl^l? o o^l»' High road.
(property). To descend from an To embellish o.'self. \jjy a jjh ^
ancient family (man). To amend.
To walk on the side of, the ^^y To clothe o.'self luxu-
bank of. To attack the extremity of riously.
the enemy's lines. To lose the teeth. To embroider (cloth).
To choose a. th. To drive back s — To be embroidered (cloth)
the forsmost (horses) to the rear. Shape, figure.
To dye the tips of her fingers ^ — Embroidery, embroidered j^' ^ ycjs P
(woman). garment. Fashion, use, shape.
To close the eyes. j^'i Art of embroidering. SJIJ^
To present a. o. with a. th. new. a — Embroiderer. jj^i yCja
To walk on the brink. To j^k^ To obliterate a. th. a C^ i
^v^' "^
become sharp pointed. To restore a manuscript. To A crv^'
To buy a. th. new. A <-il;^\ collate writings. To paint a door
To find a. th. to be new. A o^J^--'. black.
To esteem a. th. new. To be particular about ^kU) J <jr'Ja'
Side, part. wJij,U^1j jl^kl ^ o^L.' o.'s food.
The eyes. The sides of a tent.^^j^jLll To twinkle the eyes. j^j i^-iJ —
) ,
To obliterate a. th * C_1J» j^Jo ^
( IT 1 )
To be obliterated. \>>jU:i — i i Boastful, glorying vainly.
To suffer from indigestion. (, '.\i ? ^- w ^\'ji^J "iAJa jejl^i' a iSj^J yj^ -ft-
To overfill a (vessel). ^
^olib ^-^
a tank. To scum a cooking pot. a yJl/ i.
Shore, extent of land within
A) .^
assume an austere countenance. To
sight. draw magical Lines (wizard).
Face, countenance, mien. <ii^ C;L-;jil»j ^^-^ ^ ^yj ^,11% G
^ Ascent, acclivity. Talisman, charm, spell. chilly
May God rejoice him. ii;^]* Jil t^ To rise (sun), ulja;;^ (^h '^J^ o A^ -H-
Fullness. ^ ;Jll»' f,!>U»' To grow (tooth, plant). To become, •<>•
Going up. -tf- Boil, cJs-^ ^ syii,' to turn out well or ill. To go out.
furuncle. To go up.
•^ Outburst of passion, jiij UilTj f.jib' I To learn a. th. _^ VI Jp Ccjil=.' —
Able man ; experi- a?J Vlj CO>';!l f.!Ai^ To come on, to come o!Aj Jc —
enced manager. towards a. o.
Vomit. ;^>l»'j *i*ii» To stai't from. To disappear. ^f. —
Glance, wink. iLxij -^^ ^, To climb upon a A ii_jJi>' a /4l? j
( a o —
Vanguai'd. Skirmishers, j^y^ ^ **;^!»' mountain).
Rising (star). New moon. ^\'^ ^ ^\i/ It is not in my power. jjCj ^^ > Il'»
Underground cellar, jj^iks ^ S3>i^
magazine. <>• Buried treasure.
To C-^J» o
,_,_iJ3Jlj ^j-tlaij , i (j-ik -S-
be disappear
effaced, to ( traces).
<• To sink into water.
To lose its brightness (star. ^j_il»
eye). To be remote.
To look from afar. joli; —
To destroy, to ip
^^'b ^^ i —
blot out the trace of
To conjecture, to guess. 'ili;i^ i j_^U»
To disappeai- altogether. ^ ,u^
To be suspicious.
t-j-yS" 3 ^i+lj'l (ia, a
fluently. To have a (il^j '"Ctj^j
To give to a. 0. ^ 'ijt^ d^^^i^in depraved heart.
a part of o.'s property. To suspect a. 0. To put *j i Ui^
Fresh cream. idif SoJj thorns above (a wall).
To walk quickly, d To (241,' a jitT -tt- To covet a. th. Ji
be disgusted. How self-possessed he is.
blood. ous.
Craft, art of a cook. To discard a. th. \y^ a ^^' fi>
^^ ( ir-r-
Arrogance high- ; iJjv'ki -^j JjQaj To believe o.'self able to. X' .
if iJ cXja
handed proceedings. To adorn o.'self with Jjl^lj Jjl^
Profit, advantage. JJ 1^ ^ i^.ll»J JJ,Ui' a necklace.
Power, wealth. Superioi'ity. Arch : vault. oU-kj oSik ^ JU? P
Enmity, rancour. d;U»' Layer, stratum a single ; sole.
There is no profit in it ; *.4 j; it V Ledge of a mountain. JJ,'i»j
it is of no avail. Power, ability. ^^[j jJuJj J>tr
Table, backgammon. *Jjt,li»' Is Necklace. Circle, hoop. JI>1»1 J>i»'
D Trough, manger. •<> Collar.
Tall, long. Lasting JCj,j Ji;^ ^ jj^ur Bunch of odoriferous herbs. iJit
long. (Poetical) metre. Handful of hair. Grating. <>• Loop-
Bountiful. Powerful. p,CJI Ji_^!/ hole. Window ; air-hole.
^ Forbearing, long- ^/j\ jjji,' Cotton under-cap. r3d» -^
minded. Ring-^ove. o>S**
Taller, J>' ^ J^' ^ J^^^^l ^ j;^) To last long, to be v^' o J£ -fr
longer. protracted.
Exceedingly tall. Jl>l»'j Jlj^' There is a long time since. As \.'J\.y
Happiness. oCJ^ ^ S^
Be happy ! Blessed art dO jT^^'j ili;^' Hungry.
thou Thin-bellied. llyij^l^JjlW
Blessed, happy. Is^^^^i 'jy^.j^ Tei'race, flat top of a house. :;; ui
^ Beatified. Floor for drying dates. Rock in the
Good, sweet. Perfumed. Perfect ^tl^ sand.
(God). Honest. In good health. Frying-pan. S^ j |>' Te
North wind. v'^''
° Bundle, parcel. Hour of m^I ^ jj)3
4- Beatification. cX^J^ -r vi^ the night.
Beatitude. Well cased with stones. ^ l»'j —
The choicest things. »^j vLiJlj ^-jltVl Roll, scroll. Fold. Spiral. jiikJ ^ tJ^ia'*
accurately. To be astounded.
God has created him _nij| jc '^t iTli/ Bird; jiS>'\j jj^j J^ ^ }yhi J^
good. fowl,
To plaster a. th. fit c^j Clt, i oU»' -^ n Butterfly. :%^\ jjy
••.vith clay or mud.
To seal a letter. COLS' olI»
Kind of small plum. j^\
He remains motion- .^nLjl aJ\j Ip jvr
God has created him _niJI Jc '«it iJiiT less lit. as if he had a bird upon his
upright. (head).
To be plastered with mud. c^ Sedate man, JlLjl J^KS.
Mud, clay. *H>j criif Carrier-pigeon. Cygnus {constell).J[y
Nile mud, slime. ^;a* j^^j Jujl. w-u,!; Omen.
Armenian bole. '^^''JVI
— Flight of a bird. oljjl*
Terra siyillata^ Lemnian j^J^^\
— Bad omen, ill-luck Augury, s3\J»j Sjjfc
earth. Levity, unsteadi- Sjj^jJ/j S^j^j jjlT
Handful of clay, mud. Nature, tLU ness.
inborn dispositions. Spirited ( horse ). -^ Assay- jui/
Muddy (place). ^li,' balance for gold. Tongue of a ba-
Worker in clay; labourer, d^j uLy lance. Pedlar. Volatile (substance ).
plasterer with mud. Stream.
Hone, whet-stone. o^f •^ Child's kite. Sjt^
Linula vucosa (plant). c^J^ Seller of birds. ^j,^
Plastered with clay. cnk^ Swift running (horse). jflLi
Large-mouthed (well). Aboun- ej'^
ding in birds (land).
irv ->
y;!; ( )
Pole-cat. "J. IJ^'j coj.'^'j 'S'j& T o^.J^ To cry out. To marry. 0\t a «-jVli -tt-
They became oIj Ji)l ^4^ V—l* To many a. o.'s sister-in- » k.jslli'
disunited. law.
To be comely, ;Ji;>j (a^fc o Sj^ -» They have married two Xj«UaiJb \:>-yji
To follow a. o.'s track. 5 wJUU Disease of the eye. Pellicle o^j&j Jk\^
To be hard (soil). To be (^ a wiUi growing on the eyes ; cataract.
painful (life). Success, victory.
To abstain from. ^— Successful. Ji^i -^y^j j^
To increase. ip wilt Long-nailed. J^^S
To walk upon a stony ground. ,J^\ Victorious. jl^ j J>^
Cloven hoof. Foot- s9^^j iipi «• «-^ To remain. To last Vji&j y^ a. "j]^ -^
print. « (day, night).
They came on his ti'ack. *iit Jt IjiU To continue doing a. th. jiL 'j^
He has found what he iiiliofj 1 went on doing. jij\ c.i!ij cji^
desired. To shade, to give fitj s 'J^'ij Jti^
Useless, vain. Lawful. ^t shade over.
His blood u-itj Glli'j uiii i;Ji w-* S To brandish (a whip). ^ ^^^
has not been avenged. To be shady (day). To draw near "j^]
Height unreached by water, wilfej J^ (affaii').
He came
jjJ^^Ljj jT^^^kjj
<j.'j4^_ lj«ii.
u» >
To show a. th. To boast, to
^ ^(k7
to us with his family, his followers. make a show of.
Saddle-camel. ;/ji juT ^ ^_,4l^ They backed 0. another. ^^| _^(ijj
Neglected. To ask succour, help, ^ Jj ^^'A
Auxiliary, protector. Broad- J^^ To be ready, disposed to. J —
backed. Having a pain in the back. To gain mastery over. jp —
Midday, noontide. "^j*^' "^j "O^^ To prepare (a beast for »j s —
a. 0. away.
He gi-asped l^il^j i^j ui^. Sliil In their midst, amongst them.
him by the skin of his neck. Narrow side of a feather. cXJi^ ^ _^li'
Corpse in putrefaction. -c^ ^ Midday, noontide. j:^ ^ \
Honey. ut^^'J, Having a pain in the back. j^
Wild jasmine : virgin's bower. oUlli Help, assistance, backing. -ij^
Full of wild jasmine (ground). sCk/; Backing, asisisting. Family, ly^'^ —
Furniture. Family, tribe. j^t
J\fr C It^ ) JL.P
To open (a road). A jCt To gurgle (filled V-ft
C itr ) JlC
Explanation. Style, interpreta- j^J^ To read (a book) mentally. * jttj J-S
tion of the thoughts. Trope. To try (money).
Wayfarer : passenger. sj^ li ^ j\s. To interpret (a fu jUj l!nij SjC^ ~ ,
Ihave not trodden oSO OlJ c-i^^ V» Thick, bulky. Tama- Jup ^ j-tj Jit
upon the threshold of such a one. risk.
To put a threshold or lintel A ^H Slender or fallen leaves.JCJl ^ jj:
( to a door). To draw together the Mountain with white rocks. j^^
tucks of trousers. Granite.
To remonstrate ip Ctt j 'tJuV jTl* 2^ Broad and long arrow- jj\;j: ^ iLj,^
with a. 0. on. head.
To satisfy a. o. s ^Js- 1 To be silly and rude. x;Ct o _^& -^
To go far from. ^ _js. \ Weak, tired. ^Ct
To accuse a. o.
worthy action.
of a blame- ^^> Stupid and rude.
To be thick, big.
C.s. o a>i -S-
db> '
( ill
Hot-tempered. Male ogre. ^l-M To remonstrate 0. with another. ^\z
Mishap. To pursue a right course. Js»\,
To be harsh towards a. o. J ^j'J{£ ^ To withdraw from (an ^^ jc ~-
Strong. Dauntless. ^jj^j wju_nP affair).
Wicked. To leave an even road for a a —
To bend, to fold a. th. a Ciit i
J^ -fj- rugged one.
To pluck (the hair). A liit j ,jc£. -ik- To please a. o. To request n yJJiZ'S
Portion of the night. jjjl ^ ^lic a favour from.
To be Glipj '*JUfj Ciip i jSt -ft- Prone to censui'e. .^
freed (slave). Disagreeable thing. Defect. X^j Iji
To reassume UO:* o jisj o j5c, (sit, - Hardship.
brightness to thiive. To outrun
; Hold of a door. oCitj »«ip ^ £»
the others (horse). To be old (wine). Stair, step of a ladder.
To grow old. Ascent of a hill. xH
To be binding on a. o. (oath).
To render (wine) old. jj a jSpIj j!p
it — Favour granted.
Blame, ^; \^i ^ j^aU, iS.;^ ^jfet ,
To fi'ee (a slave). To set (a prisoner) reproof. Complaint, charge.
free. Subject of reproof or s-,^S^\ -^ v^^
To start (a horse). To better 5 j5p1 quari'el.
(flocks). Mutual reproof. w5u5
To dig and case (a well) with A — Reproved. Blameworthy. ^y^
stones. To be at hand, silitj lif;:^ o j£p -»
To become old : to be worn jsi7 -^ prepared.
out. To provide, to prepare fi> jS£.]j js£
Freedom, emancipa- iJiipj jO:*j jit §,. th. for the future.
tion. To perform (a work) care- J J^
Oldness, antiquity. jfpj jpp fully.
Beauty. Excellence. Liberty, free-^jit Implements, jdej Soailj oict ^ itfr
dom. apparatus. Wooden drinking bowl.
Freed, free. Old man. Jil>t ^ jjU Ready for a race (horse). ortj jcp
Young girl. Young bird. Strong, sturdy.
Old bow. VCS^j — At hand, ready. -^ Future, to o.^
Shoulder. ji^_, Jl\'j£ ^ - come.
Antiquated, old. Excellent. -u^
^ j^;j. Scent-box. sx^
Noble. Freed
( slave ). Old and good To quiver (lance). Cl^ifj Ij^
To sacrifice (sheep).
i ^ -ft-
Rasoal, mischiei- A stumble, a slip, a mis- cXMfr»^
maker. take. Holy war.
To cry out. to '^»J'j
To grumble
^ a i fji* -fr Stumbling-block.
Stumbling, staggering. '
raise the voice. ; to Jii
bellow (biill). To i-umble ( thunder). Wont to stumble. j_^
To raise the dust (wind). h^'\j
— Place of perdition. Pit jy^l ^ jj^ii
To fill (a house) oUS)l j" * rr^ for wild beasts. Snare.
-with smoke. Distress, difficulty. J^j —
To be filled with o^-iil ^ r-?^^ Careless, unmindful of the world. ;;j^
smoke. Dust, earth. _nic
Cry. clamour ; bellow, Obscure trace. JCij ^itj —
groan. Wretched, corrupt. Destitute, j^
^= ( llA)
Barbarian. Any people foreign to He punished, he oj^aj j\ *Jju jsCii
Arabs. struck him without respite.
Date-stoae. ^W«^j J^<i To urge, to preclude ^t s Jks.]
Palm-tree. oli?»i ?- *— i.?«fj *i?e^ a. 0. from.
Rock. To accelerate (an j j^^~z.\j jk^
Defective speaking in Arabic. X^i affair).
Foreign origin of an Arabic word. To despatch (business). fi> j^;;
Kneader ; ^uiaetj *^^(s- j> Cj^h j^J^ Urging. Js^-CJ ^ Ji^ij J^^i-ij J?;i>i
kneading dough. Precocious (palm-tree).
Leaning for rising. ^>(p Premature (fruit). jii*
Perinoeum. o\»^ Hastened, huri'ied. j^i
Fool, silly. oikc Plant for fattening women. suiilJ
The middle of a. th. »^^l)l jia-ii To chew. To A (^J-Jj CJtt ^ks. -^
"Very fat (she-camel). •Ci-.t bite a. th. for trying it. To test (a
Kneading-trough, ^u; ^ *^i>j ^:f.i^ sword).
Various dishes made with flour.^C^i/i To try a. 0. ^ >?^tj —
Electuary, inspissated i:«;(»j» ^ C)^i>> My eyes have not iLi "Jjt iii^ C*
Readiness. Ability, aptitude. iljuiJ,!. Sinew of the hands, KA^^lj JfJ^ ^ 'CjaJ-
Number, numerous. Reckoned jjj^ feet.
amongst. Equal, like. To reckon, to ^ iotj Jot at -S-
Portion, lot. jL5,lap ^ Sjj jJ count, to number. To make the cen-
Computed days. S^-^ j»t^ sus of.
I have not Olap jl Oui. j| Glu ci'i C« Number a certain number, iap ^ zm>
Root of a tree. ^jjS ^ xJjij — ments. < Set of tools. Horse's saddle,
*4% 3-^j Csat a (Jatj CSo* i J'js- -ff harness.
To conjecture. Be ready. sj* j& \J^
J Js-
Trustworthy, veracious ^Jatj "ijS To plimge the ioj Jatl^ Jotj Jot
(witness). hand into (a basin) for searching.
Justice, equity. *3|ac Acting at hap-hazard, at J\yi\ jiii
Uniformity. Equilibrium. Tem- Jla;clj^ i-andom.
perateness of weather. Symmetry, Grapnel, harpoon. jjS ^ "iXis.
SaHdle-bags. a. 0. in a litter.
Elevated spot. Margin, 'lop^yluj — To run. \jSj *|jjuj Oljopj Ijop o Iop -ft-
Might. Root.
Ill-nature. ;j^ To be blamed. To blame J'^tlj S^
Stranger (to a tribe). _j_,c: o.'s self.
^ Bellowing. Blame, reproof. JliiSj Jj*j Jit
Disgracing his family, SjjjGtj jjjVs- Days of intense CiViri>i ^ij'lj J j* ^•''1''
1 )
To be perplexed, confused ^.J^ •*>• '
To give an earaest. hS*1> ^j^
(man). I
To afford (clear arguments). ^_, kJ^'S
To climb up (a tree, J^'j^i J^'jS. -if-
To express o."s mind clearly. a—
wall). To pronounce the final accents of a
To give an earnest to. rs Ji'jl -S- woi'd.
Oii}^ TT P^j -^i d^.J'i ^A'J-i ^y.J- To adopt the customs ^'Jj^\^ yj'jh
Earnest-money. Pledge. cnjji-j -(f-j of Arabs. To become a naturalized
To tan a hide with a plant. ^I'J- ^ Arab.
Plant for tanning red. ^'ji Arabs o'J^frj '^j'j^j v^ ' '? vS*-* V.lr*
To ascend J (?.\iL»j ^/J- o ^ ^^ of the desert. Bedouins.
^a ladder). The genuine Arabs, ij^s-j '^.'js- »-/r^
To be carried up. o ^^ People of foreign tijkiL'j iTj^ vS^
To limp. To be lame. (^^ a ^^j -r'^ or mixed descent, naturalized
To incline towards ^'J. o !r^J a ^^ amongst the Arabs.
setting (sun). Disordered (stomach). Yielding :u^
To lean on one side -rj^i rrj'' much water (well).
( building). Arab ; of true Arabian ^^ ^ '4;j^
To make (a building) to incline. * ^^ blood. White barley.
To halt, to stop in (a place). yJ'j^ij — Arabic, Arabic language. i^^p SSJ
To undertake (a work). The science of the Arabic :w^l Jit
To tm'n from to leave a. th. ^s, ^^
; tongue.
To render a. o. lame (God). 5 rS*^ Unsettled s^j_\s] ip^j iJ(^'\ t Vj.0*^
To feign lameness. ^jUj
Arabs of the desert. Bedouins.
To be inclined on one side ?rS*'l : Swollen, overflowing yjS^J ^J,**
to deviate. (river).
To stray from : to forsake. ^— Desinential syntax. Gramma- ol^cl^
Lameness. c^Wj-i -rj^ tical analyses.
How great is his lameness i>^p !iX^
I U Swift river. Soul, cJ^.^^j ^'^ t vS^
Lame. ot?-^j -^y- ^ *V?-^ j> wS*' mind.
Crow. -^ Knave (at cards). Carriage, car, wagon.
Female hyena. 'W-^ Coachman, carter.
Straying. r-i^j ^r^^J *»lrSJ VS^ ^ Godfather.
Declivity. •if- Godmother.
Bad affair. r^^f-
j^'\ State, qualities of a
Midday. Eating but once a day. 'QJ^^ \ genuine Arab.
Noxious snake. c.\>^\ ^ ^rvi^' Full blood Arabian
Place of TJ JLUij ^j,UJ ^ ^r'S^^J k-^-', '
ascent. Ladder, stairs. j
There is nobody ^^J^ j\ jQIj I.
( lee )
Halting place. u^^^j u-S'"'
To cast (stones) far away, a \ij. ij.
To J J,'J. \j J.^j d^'j. i
«• To take flight, to i^c^ \ij. a ^J. ,
Bier for the dead. Wood for ji^ Hut on a Ji jj> ^ JC^ - Jj^ ^
casing the upper part of a well. tree for a rural guard. Den of lion.
Side of the neck. j-Vj^Sj ^'y^ rr J^'J- Band of thieves. Ji J,0^ >*J^
Instep. Ear. To be cheerful. iSy, o ^Ji -^
Trellis, shed. <> Carriage-^i^c ^ j-ij- To be merry. To cleave C^ a ^r^
shaft. to. To be weak, tired.
Litter for Avomen. J^\'J- -^ *^^^J ~ To alight for rest during ,^^tj ^^^t
•< Vine-arbour. ^^.J- the night.
Sheltered by an arbour. J^jj^^j cA^ To give a wedding-dinner. y-^ft^
Upheld by a trelhs (jviue). ^ Vine- To have the bride brought <1aIj —
clad (wall). to his house (bridegroom).
To be restless (camel), ia'js. ^jo[^ 1 -ft Partition between two U-'3* '
T \J-J^
To be brisk, lively child To thun-( ). apartments. Pole of a tent.
der and send forth lightnings (skyj. Bridegroom, husband, ^r-l^s-l -- u«^
Crested (cock), jij' ^ '^^t j, S^s-S To question a. o. » ^'As-\
Jc*?^' *S_^
Gratefulness. (sins)*
if fj"
Harsh, violent. Numerous yJ^'J-
-^ Time (repeated action ).oU»'^ ^ *-0^
army. -^ Vehement rain. War.
To become hardened ^^ J- -S- Sound, voice, noise. £j_^j ^yj,
(body). Strong wrestler ; ci^/ ^ i^J.
Stone. Hard (she-camel). ^r-;^ antagonist. Heap of sand.
(f Bunch stripped of J^\'J. ^ j'yj- Fisherman. ^^yj. ,^j ii^ ^ '^'^
ito grapes. Crowding at water. Ji^^
To become overspread with jiSj- -S- He brought all his i)|^| '^\ yj-f\
green moss (water). camels together to water.
Green substance upon water, ja^^ Drudge : bearing annoyance. "i^'^l
Thorny ti-ee. SmaU-humped camels. iJ_,^
To become accustomed jc. \ij. o i/jt. ^ Nature, temper. *^i,ljr* rr *6v_^
to a. th. Camel's hump.
To put a piece of wood into j i o — Mild-tempered. *^^1 CijJ
(a camel's) nose. Menstruating ij^ijlj , ^jj\'^ '^ ^jji.
To have a disease of the C^ a o^ (woman).
legs (beast). Battle-ground. ii'.^j ,'Jjyji ^ iiy,;i
To on meat.
live ii'jc-'\ Battle-field. iJjU> ^ :i^j^j <^>>
Smell of cooked meat. o^ Altercation, wrestUng, xJ'j\J^j —
Disease of the legs, among8tc)l3*j o^ fight, conflict.
beasts. Ulcer on the neck of camels. Fighter. Wrestler. iJj u>J
Wooden Lit inserted into a ' ol^ To crop (a tree : beast ). -^ To bind
camel's no.se. (a book).
Waves, billows. High sea. "Oyjl To treat a. o. harshly. s —
Upper part of the nose. oyVji ^ Ca5^ To treat a. 0. perversely, jc. C^l^t —
Chief. First part of a. th.
Prominent -
To be ill-natured, lui;^ a ^^ ^h
^\'J. ^ ^ij, -»-
^"i'ji-^ To mix up. -^ To heap up. j,*j. fi^
Goddess of the pagan Arabs. jj^\ Uncovered part of jUj: ^ s'^iJj i^j-i
Powerful and glorious by ^u 1>tii the body.
the help of God. The hands, feet and face. (jjUill
Overcome by illness. J»Jri" jlji-* Stripped ; denuded. ^y|^
To live 'r'J'^J 1 *i -iJ^J *-'.J^ '^
VJ^ -« To be powerful, ijlj^j «3%.> '^'Jt^'y- ^
in celibacy. strong. To strengthen o.'s self. To
To be, to go far away^ Cjjc i o ^3^ become weak. To be dear, rare, pre-
fi'om. cious. To be insuperable (difficulty).
Hedgehogs. ^^U-t Abstemious. Vile. o^^j^j
To hire a (stallion), j C-lt i ^t -K- To trace back Ji Aj i \'j^ o \js- -^
To run away (wolf). ^iJA the origin of a. 0. to.
Bone of the jLll^ ^:,c.j ,JiJ ^ ^x-s. Party of men, oj^j cSj* 9- »J^
tail. Instep. Shaft-feather. Cleft in Connection, lineage, descent. sjjt
a mountain. Leafless palm-branch. To trace back Jl 4> » C jt i ^j^^ -v5-
^.«u 1 )
To levy (troops): to collect an s — Difficult. Critical (time).
army. 1
Ill-tempered (person).
( l-\o )
To give to a. o. his want. 2* ^r-S^t Army, troops. Large _/\lt ^ J^Ll
To wear old (shoes). number.
Rigidity of the arm or leg Distress, anxiety. Dearth. i'^^LlJ.
A mouthful. Soldier, military. •C^LL.i ^ ^_^lft
Piece of dry bread. Military service. zT^jSC-lt
Having the arm
or leg dried up.
^ Camp.
To 8ea.«on * jlt'j , '^Li i o
Jit »
Being in good or bad business. '^~i (food) with honey.
Earning for his family. JJ, ^ ~^^i To supplya. o. with a pro- ^ j.ti^ —
Piece of dry bread. Small j>^'-l vision of honey.
draught. To quiver OmIpj V^j MIp 1 Jit
To fatten (beasts : J (lit a ^^ ^ (lance).
fodder). To be rippled by the C^lltj ^L* o —
To produce few plants ^Uli ^-iS wind (water).
(ground). To run in (the desert). i_)
To seek the traces of a. o. s ^^, To ask for honey. jl,£^l.
Length and fineness of the hair.
^^ cj'yCJ-j Jllt'ij Jlcj J^ltj Jit ^ Jlc
Fatness. Honey. Flowers. Gum of trees. Juice
Similar, alike. .
c of fresh dates.
Fatness. .
j_fj — ^ Honeysuckle {plant), jl.)l ^ij
Traces of a thing. .jjlii jc.l'S Honeycomb. Origin of a man. ;il&
lo jC-t a t5u.fj <Llt^ S'jL.i. o Up ^
Honey-coloured, honey-like. '^iJ.
become hard and dry (wood ). To Straightforward, jli ^ J^lij J~l*
become intensely dark (night). righteous man.
To become coarse and i^Lt o Lit Collecting honey in the j\ls-j J—
rough (hand). hives. Quivering (lance).
lo fjLs-^ «Llsj U—J^j l^—*-' '>-* ^--^ Quivering (lance). Jr-'^^ ^ *^'*
become advanced in age (man). Hive. Bees. HxlS
Wax. *yi^ Perfumer's broom. jlp ^ Js—
Fading of a plant. Thick. Coarse. ;^lt Manufactured or natural illjjjj *ili»
"Withering (plant). ~<,Ja ^ ^1* hive.
To be near, {defective verb). jS^ Prepared with honey, J^iVj jljU
about to. To be on the eve of. To shoot forth green and •zdLs- ^
It might be that... May be Ol i^-t tender boughs (tree).
that... Perhaps. Young r-J,Ct ^ ^^It^, 5^1 lit ^ r-l^
Imight undei-stand. ^^1 i^\ jS and tender twig. Heedless (boy).
He may become better. ^-Jiii o\ oCp To desire earnestly, j Clt i ^It ^
What a clever man How ! <i ^\ to covet a. th.
suited he is ! a thing which *^ V-'i'^ S'^
It is '-^
Able, fit, suited to. ij i\:^^j '^ij
^^ nobody wi-shes to take forcibly.
It becomes
thee to do
^ o1 J^)^. j\ ',^^k To gain ; to earn a
C>_,Uj ('It i
Gii'l near to attain puberty. 'ili^ To toil, to exert o.'s self in. J —
To keep to^its nest (bird). Cii o ^P-p -Ji- To shed tears. To have the j^\j —
To acquire a. th. To repair A— eyelids closed (eye).
(clothes).' To be distorted ^lt'ij,Clt a ^-.t
To dislodge (people). s j~i-'\j — (foot, hand).
To be CLLpj Vlvitj ' '
KZ^jJi,f- O To stiffen, to render (the * ^l*\
slendei', lean (body). arms, legs) rigid.
( i^^
Watering'of cattle every ten ^^Lt '
To nest (bird). [^ti_, jJS
days. To emaciate (the body : a> 'J^S^ 'JjS
Tenth part : a jLIpIj j>^ 5r j^'- God).
tenth : tithe. To be repaired (garment). '
Broken heart. jLLjI t-is To take scanty provisions. 'j^^
Large cooking-pot broken jlliT ja| Unimportant gift. Slender. 'jj.
in pieces. Bird- <ijjpj yiiiilj ^iOj; ^ 'jJ-i 'JJ.
Asclepias gigantea (plant). ^^ a nest upon a tree.
Ten. ^ ;>lt j^ Slender tree. xlp
Ten. CjI^t^ 5r «Iri^ Thatch-hut. jjt^. ^ aU- •^
Friendship, social intercourse. S^^^ Question, petition. ^;
Tenth. Gathering the ir-r-ts- ^^ Nesting-place of birds. j I'A
tithe. Watered on the tenth day Making its nest (bird). LijU
( camel ). To become dry, to CjJ. a ,_-j. ^
Ninth jjyz.\S'_j '\jy:^\s-j jy^\s-j Sjy-s- wither (herbage).
or tenth day of Moharram. -^ New
year's day ( among Moslems ). IGnd produce green herbs (ground).
of pudding. To gather green herbs, to her- ^.tp
^ Sociable, liking society. jy^s- borize. <>• To scrape.
Gatherer of tithes. ojjll* sr S^ To find pasture-lands. ^ j.cT
Publican. Farmer of taxes. To feed on herbage and ^X -~<j—
She-camel in the tenth month »i;^rit become fattened (cattle).
of her pregnancy. To become covered with _i,'»i.ti
They came by 'JJii jl 3iii ijiu luxuriant herbage (ground).
parties of ten, ten and ten. Green, fresh herbs, ^jlltl ^ ^_. 'rl
He acts mconside- '\'^1S Jali Ja-^ Mixture of two colours, •i^i.p ^ ^j^ol
rately. Dried up (tree).
Place of supper.
t?-rl^J '^^
To give ^^1^ ^lij (:JS o
an opinion, to conjecture.
, ^ -«
Coccyx. night.
To bind (a A w^j , Cwit i „.Jas- ^ To turn away from. ^p lii
limb). To put on a turban. To To direct o.'s self J\j A \^llj \yls. —
tighten. towards (the fire) by night.
To surround ^ C^ a >-^s-j CSaf^ ~ To be weak- Csi a ^^} \'jlg- o —
(awater-trough cattle). : sighted. To be night-blind.
To combine -with a. o, oiU; — To wrong a. o. jc. '^^
To dry in the mouth luj fi>
— To eat supper. To feed ,^1j5j a ^eiS
( saliva ). (cattle) during the night.
To become unchan (>j^j CJas-
— To give supper to a. o. s ^jitlj ,^Lfc
(teeth). To become red (horizon). To pasture (cattle) by night, s ^^
To take a. th. by ic Ctitj CJat- — To catch (night-birds) with a light.
force. To blind a. o. 5 ^^1
To have sinews (flesh). iLop a To eat the evening-meal. J-/J\
To choose (a leader party), a : To feign blindness, ignorance, jjj;
To starve (people dearth). : To set off at nightfall. ^^^\
To walk at a quick pace To repair towards the (_i jl A
(camel). fire by night.
To put on a turban, a bandage. To be guided during the \jC> .dif-ll
To be satisfied with. night by the light of a fire.
( 1"\A) .^^p
twist a. th. To prepare a gruel. To To defend a. th. desperately
deviate (arrow). To be obstinate in.
To constrain a. o. to. u. 5 ituap j ait To be bigoted, a zealot.
To stiffen (thread) witti A j^t -<>• To form a league with. ^J J —
starch. To struggle desperately
To be starched (thread). j,^^, -if- against.
To raise a clamour in Si^c ijlas- To become difficult
fight. (affair).
Gruel of flour with butter and so--^ To wind a turban round
honey. -^ Starch-paste. (the head).
To r;reS3, to a
,/^pIj i;^t i _ra* , ^ To coalesce, to league *^ij.iaflj —
squeeze (grapes). To wring (linen). together.
To withdraw a. th. from; ^ ?j A— Turban. Kind of garment. Sharp ^^
to prevent a. o. from. boy. Saliva drying in the mouth.
To have rain. j^'^ Biud-weed.
To put forth husks (corn-ci-ops). j^al Sinew. Choice men of
To express the juice of grapes. * — a tribe.
To attain puberty (gii'l). .r^b ~ Sinewy, muscular. '^s-^s-
To be contemporary with. 5 ^oCt- Sinew, nerve. League, d'--at ^ i^
To enter upon the afternoon. j:^'\ coalition. Relations on the father's
To be squeezed, J<£:l\j _r^<aiib ^rSiij side. Distant relation having no le-
expressed ( fruit ). To become diffi- gal claim. -^ Black head-kerchief worn
cult (affair). yb women.
To take refuge towards.o^'^:p|_,_,.Saij Manner of binding a turban. :c.ot
To di'aw, to extort a. th. ^>. a _j^ii.{ Troop, band of men, of ^^t ^ xlit
from. To take back (a gift) from. cattle, of bii'ds. -^ Faction, gang.
Afternoon. j^otj yas.'\ ,. yae- We form a party ; we are ^CIaI 'j>C
MteiTioon-prayer. ^roiJI s>L^ in number.
The morning and evening. oyj<a^\ Rope for tying a camel's v'—
He came late. \l^ sU thigh.
Thread-maker or seller. k_;LoP
Time. Age, century, epoch. Bandage. Head-band. w/Lit ^ <iS^
He is matchless in his aj^t aj^S yi Turban. Red mist seen in a time of
time. drought.
Of illustrious jyp^h j-'a^^ j,ij^ Ugly and lean (woman). v.^-^
descent. Bound with a ^Jalj XLal'\ ^ >^jui£
He came untimely. _pi:i! '
^.3 j rope (she-camel). Lights and guts of
Asylum, refage._,^sjUj S^^atj ^atj ^as. sheep bound and roasted together.
tixpre'sed Vehemently hot (day).
Sjiitj jLif-j «Ji^t_j Ji.^t vi^ X4
juice (of a fruit). -^ Must. Party-spirit. Patriotism. Rela- t^kJas
Pi. Three stones for j^\'iS- ^ 'i'j<s\S' tionship on the father's side.
pressing grapes. Obstinacy, stubbornness. ^^j —
Dust swept by the wind. jUit Fanaticism, zealotry, bigotry.
In a moment. oC»j!l jV.ip it ^ Wearing a turban : crowned. ^.2»ijS
Whirlwind, .noilj ^aG^I ^ jl.it\ Lord, master. Reduced tostraitness
hurricane. by dearth.
Presser. ^Lot Bandaged (wound). Starved, ^^j^^
Origin, family. _^„r;i ^ j^lii Jail Thin (sword).
Element, constituent. To bend, to » j.it b ,)!ua^ i ait -«-
C i^^ )
r -^ The four elements.
s^J,/^ jj^^^ »io JVI ,^UJi!l
Female sparrow, -^ Bundle of Sj^i^ Whitsunday. Pentecost. s^;~iali!i
Remains, traces. ^ .
-n^j j,las-j j^i cora-ears.
White spot on a beast's foot.
Strap of a ^«Uitj ^^j li-atl ^ ^li^
^^ To dye yellow.
To be dyed yellow.
J^ -ft-
^ -tt"
(horse, wild goat).
^,^ ^ 'liJjp ^ ^,-<a^'l
with the teeth, to bite a. th. Wrist : upper part of ^oU? ^ ^»-^
He spoke him.
evil of *JS^. <^ the hand.
Fortune has been severe oC»j!l i-at Shelter. Place of refuge. ^-^^
for him. Having recourse to God for ^b j,.^*
To cling, to stick to. ^ Ca;-a£ a jas^ protection.
To bite strongly. fi> jaJxt Impeccable, infallible. >>^^
To bite o. a. Calhi^j *oC«j» j^^c- To strike a. o. Aj ts \'ylas. o Ua^ -f^
Limb of the body. -{hlS ^ yos-i jiat base. PZ. Attendants, followers.
•< Member of a society. Thieves, rogues.
Portion. Party, sect. Lie. o^ia^ «• *-^c: Gullet, oesophagus, i^^jias- -r ^Ir^
Man in good circumstances, j^it. ^'j To act jc J-a^j , !^-af o j.ap -J^
t_Jua& ( IVY ) ,U
High (mountain). Tall (man i>t -ft- To slit (a piece ^ JaLtj , Lk* o "Jat -ft-
Hi died. (wood).
To cause a. o. to sneeze To bend (wood). "Jaijl^
Thirsty llWj *li»p ^ jXi£-j J^O. Hard, distant (journey). High i^las
(person, place). (mountain). Long (day). Liberal
Thirst-giving disease ; insatiable^^lis^ (man).
thirst. To send out sweet yjas- a ^kt -ft-
To ne^jlect a. th. To render (a couu- To inspire sympathy to ulti
try) unoccupied, uncultivated. -^To a. o. for.
impair, to injure, a. th. To wrap a. o. in a cloak. iSyS —
To wear no jewel (woman). jLij To wrap o.'s self in ^ u^s.\j o»Lij
To be unemployed (labourer). -^ To a cloak.
be impaired. To be afFectiouate, favourable jifcCo
Destitute of good. JCk-'l ^ jLcj jW to a. 0.
learning. To have a proud gait. >ii^ J ~
Without bridle nor ^ Jv'ktl jW To be inclined. To be bent, wiisiil.
in a discourse. a. o.
the dust. To render a. th. white. To having- no other glory than that of
wean (her young) gradually (female). his ancestors.
•^ To glean (in a field). A — The main part of. ^«^
To fall into destitution, contempt. ^^ Momentous event. :;; 'fc- «
Scarabee. barously.
Lion. Blackbeetle. Firm- Kind of gruel. ir^^
minded. Full-grown man To strike a. 0. ,_, s v'sJp i '^It -f{-
1Y^ )
Following a caravan and living j^CJ
To dart oq (its prey lion). : ? jirtl. on their provisions.
To fight with (the sword). ^— -^ Gleaner.
Rump of animals. sjuc Dusty. -^ Gleaned.
nehan. an ass.
Flash of lightning j; ut ^ xi-ic The as.s. -U-Jl^ll
spreading in the clouds. River. Soft
date-stone. Hair of a young just born.
Ei'asure. The best part
redundance. Pardon, amnesty. Fa-
of. Excess, ^
Wool of a young sheep. vour, benefit. Excuse, plea. Untrod-
The agate. 'j,^" Jc?*" den, uncultivated land.
Stems (of vines, palm-trees). o12p He granted it spontane- l'»ifr illJl
Copaiva, resiuous juice. tLju3i\ j^. the heels of. To find fault with.
Procrastinating (debtor). ^|ii To alternate with each other ^^Ci
Substitute. Skilful driver of wii^ day and night ).
The angels of the day and the oCSi^JI It ended for him in repen- 'iiiaj il. —
night Praises of God repeated a tance.
hundred times at the end of prayer. To follow the foot-steps of. 5 ^JifJ,\,
Follower. Avenger. >Ji\J> Race, run. ,_ji2t ^ ^Sp
Jacob. James. V^^ Heel. Son ; i_;Up 1 ^ w5B j , c,u^ 1 ^ »jjc
Male partridge. ^ ^Ji^_ ^CJ grand-son, oflspi'ing. Following im-
The Jacobites (Syrian Cj,jm2\j tSGJJI mediately. Pivot, axis.
heretics). He came close 4^ j j\ 4^ j jQ.
Remainder of j^_ut ^ y^j J^ -^ after him.
illness. Pimples on the lips after Result, consequence. cjUf ] ^ v^J <-^
fever. Pi. Misfortunes. Sinew, tendon used as i_;Ufr1 ^ ^^
To make a knot ; fi> ol&j , llot i ait -» string.
to tie (a rope). To contract, to con- Turn, in succession. Stage ^^ ^ ti*
clude (a bargain). To arch (a vault). of a journey. Remainder. Substitute-
To cement a building. Ijo^Jb, -UJI -de Mark, outward sign. »_^ ^ ?:?&
To thicken (liquid).-^ To bud (pla.).jL2f Variegated cloth.
To vouch a. th. to a. o. Ji j\ J jdt fit Remainder of beauty. JliaJI *Zi^j tit
To have recourse to a. o. Ji I2II
— He only does it _^| Css. s[ dU'i Jiij U
for protection. once a month.
To reckon with the lingers. ^jlls-Ji j^ Mountain-road : ascent, ^jUt ^ tic
To intrust a. o. with the jt o^Uj, j^s- acclivity.
government of. Issue, result of a. th. Retribu- jic
To oblige a. o. to enter u. S jm£j — tion : reward or punishment.
an agreement upon. Requital, Cj^jjit- « *jjS^j , v^Uij (_<U&
To be tongue-tied. To \jis, a JOt punishment.
become impeded (tongue;. Eagle, ospray. oCit j s_i^1 ;r ^U&,
To thicken (a liquid). j,is.'\j j^e- fi> Elevated spot. Projecting rock.
He used obscure speech. *^j >5^l alt Standard, banner.
To enter a compact, to make s .uu Terrible sliiiJj sui^lcj SUiitj ^jUp
a treaty with. eagle having sharp talons.
To become entangled (business), j^ \etites, eagle-stone. j-'J^\j s^\s2\ jk^
To be heaped up (sand, clouds). Aquila (constellation). ^liiH
To be knit, comphcated j^il\j jl2;;\j — Follower, successor. ^\jJj >_-Si^j <--?*
(thread). To be confirmed (bargain). In consequence of that. dilh —
To thicken, to coagulate j^\j — Worthy successor.
(liquid). Punishment. Imprisonment.
To conclude a compact together. alCj Successor, the last (in a succes- ^^^1*
To be vaulted, arched. 4- To be aaiil. sion). Vicar, lieutenant.
performed ( mari'iage). To gather Result. Consequence, w5l^ ^ *^
(meeting). sequel. Offspring.
Power was secui'ed to his o^ j>»Vi — The results of the event. _^ Vl ^\'j£
son. End. ^ui*
( iY\ ) J.aC'
Abstruse (discourse).
(tliread). To become compactly formed ositl
Entered (compact). Vaulted i_^;i (fruit-stone ). To become firmly es-
(building). tablished (bonds of fraternity).
He has no settled opinion. ^^2^^ iJ G» To believe a. th. firmly. a oistl.
Honey thickened by fire. Food -uSiLj To ac(juire (goods). VU —
prepared with honey. Knot. Contract, compact. Res- jjp
To put forth bunches (vine), ailt -Ji- ponsibility, coherence.
Cluster, bunch of -^^^ rr ^y^ The supreme ruler 3^lj oiiJI k_->U»
grapes. lit : he who binds and looses.
To hock (a beast), itj 5 S'JuL j!& i -ft- Arch, vault. Compound j,_^ ^ ait
To wound a. o. To slay a. o. To number from ten to twenty.
mark a beast) on the leg.=3. To cut
Necklace. String of pearls. ^^ ^ ait
off the head of (a pahn-tree). Tongue-tied. _i5c
To bind the 5 js:cb jUj ,'^ i jip -«• To bend (wood ). &_, ft, \-ii. o J-ic- ^
folded legs of ( a camel ) to his To gather (cattle).
thighs. Fruit of a thorny tree. ^^^-J J-^
To confine (the bowels). fi> yai. i o — Top of a vine.
To be J2ijj J2cj ,y^3i/:j "A-Jis- i
J^ To twist her hair fi> (^i- i ^2t -fr
C IA\ )
Intellectual, rational, mental, ^lit To outwit a. 0. s o jip
abstract. To render a. o. costive yii. A i o —
Sliackle, tether: halter. jil ^ Jdt (medecine).
•^ Head-band. To understand a. th. To yjis. i
— fi>
oyiU^ ^ydl) Ji2p y. {m. f.) j5lp To accept the blood-price o!>0 '/:> i)
Intelligent, wise. Initiated Druse. and give up retaliation.
Payer of a blood-wit for xlU'p ^ J5li To ascend on the sum- V^tj !Ait i —
manslaughter. "Wild goat. mit of a mountain (wild goat). To
Understanding. j3l}^j o>^sii ,? *^^ contract at midday (shade).
Female hair-dresser. To take refuge towards. Ji —
Initiated Druses, n Cramp in the Jilt To have contorted legs, ^>Up a J3*
leg. To produce bunches (vine). j|p
Relations on the father's J>3" *^^ To render a. o. intelligent, i —
side. prudent.
Bending of a valley. Jtril^^ t J^'^*^ To vie in intelligence with. j jlii
Secluded, keeping in ^J^ rr *is?^ To cross the legs upon fi^ cPrtlj
doors (woman). The best part. the saddle.
Pearl. J»^\ iLSt To intersert the i^^>. oSli)^ jlij
Crook-legged. ji^ ^ 'yis. j, jipl fingers under a. o."s foot for helping
Wiser. J2f j JjCtl ^ Jit j. jit him to ride.
Stronghold, refuge. JSU/: ^ jsi;^ To pretend intelligence, clever- jluo
Lofty mountain. ness,
Moral bond. Ransom, blood- <'i2i> To pay the blood-price o5^ j»i —
money. conjointly with a. o.
His tribe is bound «>^ ip '^lii;; l.'/i To bind and confine a. 0. as a s jsrcl.
to pay the blood-pi-ice. prisoner. To bind the feet of a ewe
Hooked staff. *^«; "^ for milking her.
Power of under.'?tanding, Intel- J^ii To receive the blood- cj9^ /^ ^~
lect. InteUigible ; reasonable. Cons- price from a. o.
Sultriness. i)l&it ^ *&»pj *4>^ I
To litigate with C»Uf.j 'zisUi » ^li
Violent access of iJ^Ct ^ zl^tj Jfe^t a. 0. To contend with a. o. for su-
fever. BHrning sand. Butter-skin. periority.
Buttei'-skia. i)l&itj iiSC* ^ *&«; Red cloth. j;it_, i;.;fj ^j^
Aci'e, town of Syria.
Intenseness of heat. i)^Cp
'ifettj Sfcit
^ '^^
Barren ^j
^;_Up ^ (»2./".)
Hot windless day. (woman). Unproductive (land, mind).
To gather, to throng \j_^^ n ^Jt^l ^ Gloomy (day).
(camels). To boil (cooking pot ). To Distressing, grievous j^ilj j>Sj£-j —
remain standing, to stand still. (illness, war).
To be thick in the lips, CJCi^ a .JsS Childless. Ill-natured (man). ^u^
in the chin. Childless ^2tj >«Uf J •li.St ^ ^c^t
To crush a. o. (cares). (man).
To be raised (dust). Of noble descent (man). '
To raise (the dust). Abstruse (discourse). "iij —
Dust. Joint in a horse. PL ^u;:"^ ^2;^
Echinops, globe-thistle Vertebrae of the horse.
Numerous crowd. To sink (a well). Jbi.\j , \'yi£- o ui -S-
Attacking persistingly.
To lean upon ji, j4;7j
(a statf).
, IjJCt o ^j^ -*
To recover from confine- 'i}Qj jti' To wrap, to pack fit CjCt ,^Cp -H- i
Perhaps, may be. 3ij_, '^s. burden. Rope for binding goods.
Perhaps thou mayest do it. jj,i.7 2Up Camel-driver, muleteer. ^ll^i^
Plea, excuse, allega- o!Atj JL; ^r *^ To be wrinkled (belly). ^^,&iiu — ^ia.s. ^
tion. Efficient cause. Illness, sick- Wrinkle of the o^s^b J>^ ^ *3Cp
ness. Diversion. Accident. Defective- belly.
ness (of a word, verb). Numerous party ; oCiCtj oufcip
Cause and effect. JjiiiJIj U*'l numerous camels (above 200).
The defective letters x_I«H 3/j>- To tie up (a horse's VpiS o iSC/ ^ fi>
Distraction, amu.sement. v^j Hy^d To gird o.'s self (with a waist- o—
Second draught or drinking. Jit wrapper).
Upper-room. -JiA^ ^ xllcj i!.It To show kindness. ip —
Root of the 'ifCpj fe»p ^ SjSCij s^SCp
He is one of the foremost men of his tail, of the tongue. Main part.
tribe. Twisted sinew used as a whip.
The highest of the seven oy:J^ Big, thick-sided. •IjSCp ^^^'1
heavens its inhabitants. To die.
J^b J^ "^
J^^j irS^ , i
J)c ( iAo ) ^Ic
To cleave, to cling to a. th. ^ c^''^^ Permutation of a J>(;cij J-U7j JiiUl.
Sandy hills in Arabia. i^Uc j/^j Hard and barren ,^JJ. ^ ^^j
Treatment of a disease. "^^Xa'pj ^>U ground. Place of growth of the Spina.
Efficacious medicine. C/iristi, kind of lote-tree.
fy Strife. Sr^^e "^i *?=.)U^ Hard to the touch ; coarse. Old ,_4e
Strong and big. j&l r4i?li (buck).
Male ostridge. Male j^y^ ^ j-yr-^ Leathern vessel for (_j!>Uj ^Jip ^ Xllt
night. wood.
Strong (she-camel). Careless ^9^ ^ The choice men of the yji] <jj^i,
(woman). party.
Dust collected at the root of a oUlt Lead. "J.^
tree. Muscle on the side of the liy,£ ^ >ult
To be hard, strong, \M a _a&' ^ neck.
unmanageable (man). He has become advanced ojUU r-^lJ
To become thick, strong (raan).i^a:ltl. in age, decrepit.
Hardness. Hard sinew of i>Ul ^ aU To give no fire (flint). CiU i cit *
the neck. Refusing to move. To mix a. th. with. ^j A —
Thick, big. S>^i jj>£ « <^^'^
To fight desperately. liic a c4c
I have no escape from ij^i;* ii^ J L« To lay snares for a. 0. J cJiT
A"\ ) JUL.
To put forth pods (acacia- uii-'^j wilt have no means of attaining it.
it. I
Fed in the stable Ji_^j "-jLisj sSjit To grow worse (disease). ^Jis.
(beast). They have not given i^'~> ',^ C
Rude, churlish old man. Fleshy, j^iit him the least food.
hairy ( man ). High-bred ( horse ). Food, eatable. ^^^ ^-^^ ^m
Bulky (stallion). We have not tasted C^ CJLit U
Fattened (cattle). _j^>! any thing.
Manger. Stable. Nose ^U-i .JiU^ Kind of wheat. Lentils
bag. Experienced.
Cochlearia^ scurvy- ^ COI *1a To disorder (the i.
I was upon the ter- riklJI j&l c.-ii' To ascend, to climb on a. th.,_;j * Jt
Tall, bulky. Male Hyena.
Be off, clear off.
To rise, to go up by steps.
^ Jii.
oUi^j oCLi
House-fui'uiture. To be lofty. To be proud.
Supei'iority, high place, rank. '>iii.ll^ To I'ecover (confined
Nobility acquired merit. Jus ^ s!Ai»
: woman ).
dignity. God,may He be exalted 1
j^ ^ ,Jv* o'J j^ o^j"^ o'i ,J* o'i
From above, from the top above.
i/^ ^
time, conformity, dependence. Upon, They are the leaders of ^]^| 'it '^
on, at, against, according to, above. the tribe.
On horseback. j5)JOI _^ Js- Grandeur, nobility, high rank. 'J.j
He entered upon him. *1U jiS High place, height. <d>^j js-
We have raised j^lT \s, CaiJ UU»S The highest part, . . .ll^l^j _^j ^Lt
some people above others. the top of.
Thou must do. It is jiij cJ\ viCit He took him forcibly. i^t o'jS.\
incumbent upon thee. Upper part J^y^^j <£y^ w SJ^
is indebted.
have acted according tij^ y. '^X-i-
^^i ^ the head, of the neck. Burden. Super-
to thy ordei'. The upper part of. . . .)l vs9sS'
Fortune turned .^;U ijsSiiS cJS' The seventh Heaven paradise ; 0^48 :
Si- )
The generality of men. The ^uJI x^*t I
To include, to comprehend the >
common people. whole of.
The -whole of the tribe i»li yjji\ fia- To include all persons ^ 'j^y!>\ Ci
came. in.
Delegate trustworthy.
/ ( ir\ )
To purpose
To commit a
; *llp a. th. ,it ^
To inhabit, to dwell a \'j^ o J*s. ^ (a sin) intentionally.
in; to repair frequently to ( a place). ^ To be baptised. juiclj —
To build ( a house ). To promote To be propped, stayed. r, ;; t
Hard (day). Dark ^jjj,j ^jjj. ^ ^KJ. Greeting to mean Long live: jcj.
(night). thou! Flowers, green adorning a
Pei-plex. cr-^li*J wvi-^ feast-room.
He perjured ;u~xji5t jtj "C-u^ j£ J^ Head-ornament jCt 5r »jl*0 »S** .
blear-eyed. lated.
To be deep (well). Cs^ij Uvi* o ji.*- ^t Flourishing state, prosperity. u\'^
To be long, far- u;ij iji;^ a j^j — j
extending (place). '
Cultivator. Mason, architect. j\^
To deepen (a it jii^b ji^b jtt Righteous. Steady. Calm and meek
well). in speech.
scrutinise a. th. |
Architect, s/j Ui^ ^ ^SjS^'"* "^j j^j^
To be profuse in speech. ^yS^ j j^Jo mason.
To go deep into science. ^jji\ j jli; Visitor. Wearing a turban. j*^
Depth (of a ji^^l ^ jUj j^^j j;^ Colony. o>S«-*^'° T "i'j^^
well) bottom, distance.
: Kid, lamb. -^yS^i t J>**i
Extremity of the j\:J.] ^ j^tj ji£ y^ji -^j i^y^j j|%fr ~ ^^^j ^j*^ ^
desert. Long road, iu jliij ^jj^j ^jS^ x
Depth, abyss of the sea. J>i2) jfi.fr Mischievous ( man ). Noxious (wolf).
Sediment of butter in a vessel. *iip Excellent (camel).
Depth. iJlii To be effaced, unrea- C^i o ^.,-ic -S-
Deep. jJJipj Jlifrj jUj dable (writing).
5r Js?* J^
Long, far-exteuding (valley). To feign ignorance of. ^ ^_p.ift
^^ 0^
They were killed to v*>i^ o^ l?^ '
To sham blindness, to feign J\2
the last. 1
God is above all Cyioj d ;j)t Juj To du'ect o.'s self towards. ^Jj^\
To choose, to prefer a. th.
He has related it on the i^y^j ^ o!ii To be blind. ilitij '<S^\
authority of such a one.
From -what ? ( for U ^ ) ^j lit
Blindness ;
From that which. Dark clouds. Contention. »lic
From whom ? From ( for .,>.
^^ )
J^ Error, obstinacy. *^j *iii^J «*l«*
him who. j
Blind- sjVit -^j S'Ccj *i}'^J *ci^-) *t?-^
To a[i- J o^i_j C^^ Citj Up
, !^ i -{:i- ness : erior.
pear. To occur to. We left them at the Vt ^'cJs'j
To turn aside from. '^ ^ point of death.
To put a title ^ Ol^ oypj oUj — His slayer is unknown. C-it ^J._»
to a book. Trial, war, riot. Cip
To revile a. o. To confine » 3;^1j — Pride, haughtiness. Error. ;lip.
(a camel). To manage (a horse)
with reins.
To put reins to (a bit), a I^^j cA&j — Blind. Obscure (night). sUjjj
To moan, to ( for o^ ) Co^ ^^ •• Ignorant, blind-minded. ^^l ^ p
sigh frequently. The two blind things i. e. a oCil^Vl
To meet face to face, j CUt j i*C«i ote torrent, and the fire of a burning
To oppose a. o. house.
First apparition of an The fooUsh, the blind. Waste 'i;ivt
object. and desert countries.
Enelosiu'e for camels. Foolish, blind (people). "CAs- ''cJA
I have seen him just 'k^s- Cap *-i'j Relating to a blind, an 'J^j ^^*''
now. insane man.
I gave it to him "C-ij ijs. oac i^Lfrl Obscure, wayless desert ^UI ^ : sU.i»
exclusively of others. place of wandering.
Rain-cloud. OUp Abstruse (meaning). Enigma. J»jjl
Visible part of the sky : Preposition meaning Separa- :
horizon. lion, compe)tsation, transition, su-
Surroundings of a house. periority, succession, remoteness.
Rein, bridle. sitlj cAc ^ oUp From, instead of, for.
Light, nimble. ^UJI ,^ji He journeyed from his aJij jS-
Impotent (man). cnit country.
Slow to do good. s^}\ ^ out He parted with us. Up w^'>
Summit of (the trees). Horizon oCi'l After a while.
( of the sky ). Natural dispositions God reward thee in -it 6\'-S-
To oppose to follow a. o.
: jjs.\ treat (a sick man, a beast) roughly.
To thwart o. a., to contend obs- a;u: point out the defects of. To confuse
tinately with o. a. a. o. by questions.
To resist the rider ; to run jj-i-ll Sin, crime, mistake. c-I*
oQ" (horse). Broken anew (bone). c^J-j z^
To prosecute a. o. obstinately. i — Steep, difficult of ascent (hill), o^
To overcome a. o. (vomiting). Difficulty, distress, annoyance. oCJl^
Preposition of time and place. At. jip Insertion of a letter before the
Near. By. At the point of: about. rhyme.
I came fi'om his house. aoic cJ> ^ To shun, to avoid a. o. ^ cJ^
I possess wealth. Ju ^oit Mountain. Beginning. Notch of cjj^
I think 80 it is my opinion. lliTi^JiIft
: a bone.
( ir^ )
To alter (the face : age). a ^_^1 He sat down by the side o!Aj j-'p
To become long in C-Uut \ ^^l \ of such a one.
hair (tail). He came at iJI f,_jii9 -Ut tU-
Strong she-camel. sunrise.
Eaffle. Rock. Margin, side.
u->^J cr^J >j'^J .jV» He walks in the Ijic V Ua-^J lS^-*^
Bachelor, spinster. middle, not on the side.
To bend (wood). » Qjs-
^ i
^ ^Up
o jJs- -i
Rebellion. Stubbornness,
sUUrj iUp
between the lower lip and the chin. To remain CUpj C^ a ^tj i -^
( l^v
fruit. Vine-tendrils.
To walk quickly with
Fissure in the lips. wide steps (horse).To set (Pleiades).
Male frog. To disperse (the dust wind). :
Keep in mind my
business. j_^G-.i '^ILl Necklace. Hill in front of jjUJi ^ *ili>
To be beneficial to a. o.
J & ^c ^ a tract of sand.
Elevated mountains. c>\i^
To be tired, wearied. '(u£ a — To be iii;5j , fe^ltj feilt o «iUt -H-
i^fr (
a (sick person) time after time. To Long possessed and newly JviJi ^»ip
turn away (a beggar). acquired goods.
To do a. th. a second a iSCt j iS^ — He blurted out *V*'.>*^ >>^l Jj
time : to repeat. To be wont to. speech inconsiderately.
To train, to accustom a. o. to. s ^*S ft> To avert a. o.^s cjj^j , O'jf- o oU -tt-
one eye. To be dried up (one of the The life to come. The pilgri- iliiJI
eyes). mage to Mecca. Place of wailing for
To send, to drive a. o. back. 5 j*j£ a dead person.
To jeopardise (flocks). Coming back often. The lion. jl.«j»
(balance). in it.
( 0-r-)
7 Smitten by a scourge a^i>ij *-,«/j e^^ Swimming insect.
•1 ) jU.
Caravan, file of cj^j^s^j Cj^'j^ -r. j^, vice To shame, to stigmatise a. 0.
society. j
To do fit C\jCJj CJjUj CUi i oi -^
Random aiTOw. Current oJy,rp> yjs- I
mischief amongst. To damage a. th,
(poem). (animal),
Legal standard for mo- -r jUt oO^ I To squander wealth. jC. J —
ney,'weights and measures. ^Caliber. To grope for a. th. in the ^f^
Currency of (a poem). SjCc dark.
<>• Wig, false hair. ^ilu s^uc Causing damage. oCj^j o>icj cJ.'i
Sharp, sprightly. Idle (man). jts. I Lion.
Rogue, vagrant. -^ Crane for weights. ! Prodigal. Mischief- j^ j, oQ.U
Legal standard for j-^_ u>s ^ jC^ j
measures, weights. Verb only employed with GJt i ^\g. -ft-
DifficL'.lties, defects. ^ US I
a negation. To heed. To profit.
To wither (corn-crops), ^^j^s — ^u. -S- I am not satisfied with it. ^ i;^*^ u
Household, family. Jup ^ iGlt -^j j:t Means of life. ji-jU/^ ^ *^^J J-^
Poverty, want. -^ Family. xLp ^ Wages : pen.?ioiJ.'
Selection, choice. x^ a. o.
Day. ^U£ •^To call out a. 0. J Ja!&
Longing for milk. JiJ. ^ JJJ. j, oUlt To quarrel (players). Jati')
Bereft (of a wife, J\J, ^ oliJl olil^ Loud cries of boys at play. lut
of flocks). Cry, clamour, uproar. J^Ls
To hurt a. o. in the & \CJ. \ ot ^ Noise, bustle. Loud I'ebuke. lUlfr <>•
a lower price. To blossom (trees). To become ^a>j V^j *ilcj >11p i Jit -{^
( 0.^ ) (jte
it carefully. army.
The chief men, the personages oCpVi To buy upon credit. To take a o^^i
of a pi ee. the best of.
P'yeiet. -^ Eye-glass. xiJ}^ •{j iUlt Eye. Look. oV^^ij oj^j Oj*-! t ^
•^ Spectacles, eye-glasses. o>^3^ "^ Hole eye of a needle eyelet. Bud of
: :
He has not obtained^^^l '\yci.' \s- aV mixed with other in the evening.
anything. End, issue. i^
He left him com- _4^' '1^^' ^ '^'J To cheat in trade. ,_^ ^
pletely destitute, deprived of every Dew-laps of oxen. »-^^i ^ »^li
thing. Gills of cocks. Place of sacrifice in
Dust-coloured sparrow. jjj^ Mina.
Dusty, covered with dust. ^i To prepare curd. Cilt o^ ^
Godly people repeating inces- s^niyJ To be dust-coloured. 'c^\
santly their prayers. Grayish, ashy colour. si^
Grayish. c^l
be obscure, dark (night). Food made of curd and butter, fi^
To be ash-coloured (wolf). j^\ To drink by draughts. ^>S afi> ri-f ^
( e-A )
To diink in the evening. j^\ Darkness. Gray colour. ^tj
To diink a. th. in the evening.
Evening draught. Milk drawn
^ —
Gray. Greedy (wolf).
Bay (horse).
^ ^
in the evening. To deceive ji4t b » CiJi a ^vt «
To be unmindful of, to take ^^ j'u; <>• Full of eddies (river).
no account of. To show ignorance of. •^ Full of mire (road). Angry. Ja!l^
To feign unmindfulness. jfui Envied. Blessed. ^j^
Hidden thing Earth concealing 'Ci To give to a. o. the 5 Cti
J^ -W-
Pus, matter.
To conceal, to cover a. th.
shoi'ten (the hair).
To A ^
*^^j c-i^
Disordered state of mind. *i,ii To pour down a shower (sky). ^]
To dwell, to remain. 'xxit c.iit -ft- Shower. Dust in the sky. c.Ct ^ tZE
To wash (clothes) without beater He came at sunset. ,_^ljt CI^ Is- *li?.
I left him in his previous e'^i. Jc- iiJ^t To feed a. 0. with. ^^~
state. To walk quickly. To flow (blood, \'jl
Edge of a sword. j^Jij urine). To be interrupted (urine).
Blaze upon the forehead of Sj-rr »^ To feed, to bring up (a child). 5 ^/'ji.
a horse. Gleam of dawn. New moon. To feed o.'s self. To be SJil \j tfoii
"Whiteness of complexion, of the fed.
teeth. Best, choice part. Face, fore- To throw a. 0. down ? yj,_iiL\
head. First day of the month. Emi- on the ground.
nent (man). Good behaviour. Food, whether solid or XlJi\ ^ 'lit
^\'J.'\ ^ ('»•/"•)
^ liquid; aliment ; sustenance of the
Heedlessness, neglect. J^ ^ s^ Fosterer, rearer. oj'^'^j Slis-' ^ i\t
Risk, peril.
Manager of cattle. Ju j'i\t
Deficiency, paucity : inconside- jCj. The nutritious and diges- <i'i\ii\ S}i!l
Crow's foot {plant). v'3^' J?-J- rattling sound in the throat : gut-
Mushroom, toad's stool {pl.).^\yji\ 'J.I tural sound.
Very fruitful land. f+Jl^^s.' _)U»j V 'j^']\ To go away, to depart. C J. o ^'j, ^
Bird of bad omen. ojlll ^jl^t' To be affected with a tumour (eye).
The affair became i_j'Ir*" J?-J i'^ Ir^ To set (star, sun). To be ^./J-~
intricate. absent, remote (person).
Cor vet. *jji-'h oC^ rr v'S^' k_;lnplj i-jji"^ 'rO*'-' i ^.j^-3 *i^ vl;*'
Arabs of black com-' ij^ill *;_,t1 To forsake o.'s countiT^. To emigrate.
plexion. To live in a foreign country.
Strangeness of a word, of an xJi^t To be obscure, inunders- jJi^t o t-j^
expression. tood (word To become a foreigner.
Sunset. V-^j*''
To be black. G^ a v_j_,t
Western side (of a ^j/j^ ^ VJ-^ To go towards the west. ,Sj-'\j ^'J^
mountain), Setting(.sun).Withers (of To bring forth black and white
a camel). Upper part of a. th. children. To remove, to put away.
Stranger. Traveller. 'Uj^ -r <r-i^ To pasture cattle in a remote ^*x
Strange, uncouth, extraordinary. land.
( e\r )
plant (a -»
Slightly or oi> j JO^j
vehemently (hungry). Slender.
JJ- ,
(. )
To glue a. tli. To * s'^J, oS'J,^ Submerged. Drowned. J^ ^ Ji.^
adhere to ( the ^heart : fatness). To Overwhelmed, d Deep.
wonder at. Agaric ( medicinal ojiij'ii-h ojiij ^ G
plant' ; antidote.
To desire earnestly, to cling, to ad- Riciilyadorned (bit). 3'^j 3^
here to. To persevere in. To lay eggs without shells '^^t -R-
To incite desire. To tempt, ^_, a ij'J-S To become rotten (egg, me- jS^'-tt-
to seduce, to allure a. o. by. To ren- Ion). To pour water on o.'s head.
der a. 0. desirous, fond of. To set To be tmcircumcised. «5^ a J^t -tt-
To be confused Cuii a
J^j , Cs^l^ — a. th. ; to aim at.
by tears (eye). To go forth to 5 ijljij Cljj^j Ijj^ —
Duskiness at nightfall. J-Vjfcj jlS fight with. To make a raid.
Refuse of wheat. jlt To send (troops) in a a ^s^^j i^j^
Moon. Night. j^^ military expedition. To grant a
Bitter cold. Stinking. Jll^j J\lS delay to (a debtor).
Purulent matter. To have her husband at war jji.]
To wash A jlij , !iLs.j ^li i Jli * (woman).
^Y) cT"
conduct. Counterfeit coin. Defect. (linen). To wash, to cleanse (the
Rancour : duplicity. body). To cleanse (from sins : God).
De- lizls-j ^Lit ^ Ir^j o>l< . ?r J-^ To beat a. o. with a whip. l»^lj » —
ceiver, dissembler. To flog.
Turbid, muddy (water). Coun- To be washed, cleansed. J^'s
terfeit (coin). To wash o.'s self. To pei'form j_Sit,
Beginning or end of the night ,\±j. ablutions.
Little in quantity (watei-), To anoint o.'s self with perfumes. ^—
Speedily, hastily. ^J-^^, ^j Ci-lli Washing (of the body, jli!^ jij.^ jlt
Deceive!', impostor. '
j-'^ of the dead) : ablution.
Counterfeited. Adulterated. tryli* Wash, JjLlj J>1pj *i^j J-^j Jl*
Deceiver. jXkli ^ perfume for the head. Water used
To do a. th. inconside- CJ*' i j^ -S- for ablution. Marsh-mallow. Gera-
rateiy. To cut wood by night indis- nium.
crimanetely. Wa.sh-water, lye. JJC*
To deal unjustly, wrong- s Ci/ o — Washed. -^ Wa- '^i-ij Jit ^ j^
fullywith ; to tyrannise. To smear shing, clothes for the wash.
(a camel) entii-ely with tar. Purulent matter. Washing. uj^lt
To feign simplicity, inex- ^uj < Washer of linen, of the iJuvt ^ j--li.
perience. dead.
To judge a. o. to be simple, ^1^1. •• Soap, herbs used in washing. . J_^it
ignorant. Potash, glasswort.
Injustice, tyranny. ^C Washerman. Laundress. xliLt ^ Jill
Ignorance, simplicity. ^j.c •<>
Upper part of the face. jal.a*j ja\J:^ Choked, obstructed. ,jUa*j ^i*
Decreas'^, lowering. Defect, iaLa^ To compel a. 0. I* 5 U-at i W-.0* -{^
yp ( or\ )
I beg pardon from God ! '^\ ^ii~Jl To spread its darkness (night). liap
r ^1p
To be thick-necked. Qt a sJ^ I
To gather (crops). To enjoy a ^y-i-l*,
be the winner. I
To contend with i (/y^j 'C]\iJ> ^it Rancour, secret hatred.
a. o. for superiority. Manacles. Wife. Collar of J>i^l
To get the mastery over jp ,_jx5 iron.
(a country) : to overpower. Burning thirst. Jitj d^'j ^S''
one of the
men of his tribe.
*^ jl ^a xi.iifc J ^
hearted. Severe ( pain). Deep ( co- To commit a JalsJ <>•_, Qai^ a I»i^ -»
lour). > Obtuse, dull (mind). mistake, a slip (in writing, speaking).
Forcible (oath). ^'fj — To attribute (a mistake) to s i^
Exacted on hard conditions i^/> a. 0.
(blood-price). To cause s Jai^ Ij Ciyt j siaJ U* iJli
•^ Lull. Dead, flat calm (on *_-iIt To be forfeited (pledge). Cat a jlfc
sea). To be unredeemed (slave). To be
To exceed the bounds. |^' o !Ac. -H- grieved, annoyed. To have incurable
To be excessive. To grow (plant). galls (cmael's back).
To be bigoteJ, a zealot. cc^!^.
— To close (a door, Csit jlt -^j jitlj Ji
i'kj^j svcu jU'j j^^\i. i>u.j \y^ o - an outlet).
To exceed the usual ^ j.-.u. _j| ^,4^11
distance in shooting an arrow.
^ To conclude (a bargain).
To bet with a. o.
» jJVt
To increase in price (goods). «>lfc o yS To constrain a. to. ">.
\c. ^ jitl
To overcharge (for goods), U, fit, -fy-
To be surrendered in J^l^l ju j jit I
To exert o.'s .self j «5itj ivCii jii. the hands of justice (culprit).
strenuously in. To exceed the bounds To make bets with o. a. jiUi
in. To be locked, bolted (door). jUj\
To sell or buy (goods) *_, >_, sSfU/J — To be difficult to a. o. ic jUr-ll^
Arrow shot too ^Ju» ^ i'Ali>j Jii/» To attain puberty (boy). To fly Jii.[
high. to the head (beverage). To be stir-
bad digestion.
To drink A b«i^ a r-^ij ^>^ i ^^ii "^i-
To cover,
to conceal a. th.
A ^• j Ufc ~o V" *
water in long draughts. To grieve, to afflict a. o. ^ j^'^i'J'
Draught. ^^i ^ «Uij oti^ We had a sultry day. u»^ ^1j '^
To anoint (a bow). * j?^ "^ To be veiled (new moon). To If-
Viscous matter. j^»^. be confused to a. 0. (news).
To put (a * jlU b 'Xi , i o jC^ »• To have long and thick Cit a 'jf^
( OTA )
To clisackoowledge (a right), /t ia'S To be blear (eye). Ca^c
To be ungrateful for (benefits). To To contemn a. o.
To lose its hair in the sand Jii\ Despised, unknown (man). js'S j'i
(hide). Ja\^ \i Jeuja^ J^i^i-J J»L_itJ J'a^
Buried in the sand. >}/-J^j J^^ Twinkling of the eyes. Sleep, j^ij^j
Valley covered with jJ lit ^ Jj^' -^ I have fj) CtfUt jl Oaii ,,j^ ci^i^^ t*
trees. not shut my eyes ; i. e. I remained
Fameless, unknown (man). J^4i> sleepless.
«.!iL_;^ J {m- f ) r^ii riU - r-Ui^ ^ I got that with- j^V^t ic dU'i j^nl
out trouble.
Fickle, unsteady. Obscure (discourse). j^Jt)'^ -r J^j^
To bury (a skin). To u;i o jS ^ Low, depressed (ground). Base, des-
accumulate (grapes). pised (man). Unknown (nobility).
ract a. o. In a swoon. ij,\ ^ (5. pi.)
That will be of
use to thee.
no Gli dUt ^ C* \jJ> To be over-affected in dress,
in deportement. To be foppish, to
He filled for him the C)!>Vs «C/ iip ^^il Affectation in dress. tys^ -fy
C err )
The invisible world. v^'^ J^ Led into error, oCij C^jtj ^j j[,\t
To grudge a. o. ^— absence.
To pay the bloodwit to. i jUj tjjt — , i The Knower of secret and ^'^ I ^ li
To supply a. o. with provisions. hidden things i. e. God.
^TV )
dt C
took no
my house, and nobody else.
'^'v J lAjit'^ h'Jis I
Bending, soft( plant, youth). Soft ^Xp'1 Blood-price. Provision of ^5% ?- «3jc
(life). wheat.
Long-bearded. ^Ci Barter. Exchange. Mark in jCs.,
( ri ) ^
To be clouded (sky). Jj\^ ^ii\ ,
surface of the earth. Valley full of
To be affected with a bur- ^(i. ^j springs.
ning thirst (camel). Tangled tree. Bed J^'_, Ji^l ^ j^
Cloud. Angei'. Thirst.
Dense (tree).
^jit' ^ ^ of reeds, thicket. Covert of a lion.
Valley watered by a stream.
Vehemently thirsty ^^ j, JijS Shift, craft, treason. xLi-
(camel ). He has slain him treache- 'tx^ ilrj
To be thirsty. To be C^' i o<p * rously.
oppressed (mind). Suckling in pregancy j,iij j^i^j iuCt
To feel a lively <j& jt ojilj Oif-, (woman).
emotion. Secret hatred. i)U^j , JJ 1^ ?- *i' **
The 1^ ^'' letter of the alphabet, ojt Haunting a thicket. Lion: jtS
Cloud darkening the sky. Sweet lote-tree. o5C* >l P
Dense trees. *jLf Suckled in pregnancy. J^'j JU^
Matter flowing from a corpse. *U; Haunting a thicket (lion). ju.i^j j:i»
L^ng. Green. ojt ^ ^tif j. o\i] Tangled (tree). Jui*
Green and tufty (tree). 'Cji
Wounded in the heart. Having s/ykj^ Thou hast then seen him. i^^'^l
a heart-disease. Baked , toasted, 6'' When
following \A it is expletive
roasted (in the fire). Faint-hearted. As to the dead, they Oj^ja^» (i]*i)t u1
To dig the earth. a \j\i a jU -K- shall rise.
To bruise, to
e /b
cS>j,'ci o i,> -fr
C )
He has not jii: t'il C«j \s» Uj 'jj C» To draw v_, J^ii.:\ -^ j jUij Jt\jjj J\jd
To become _nijj , \Jcij \jji3 o i -ns -S- counti'y. First rain. Help of God.
remiss after vigom'. To become te- Watercourse.
pid, lukewarm ( water). Conquered countries. Victories. cj\s-_y^
look). Litigation.
To render (water) luke- a jli They are at law ; they o\»C;i Cjiii
warm. Tc cause (the heat) to abate dissent.
(God). Large orifice ; wide-mouthed ^ij
To render a. o. weak, 5 Ji>\j J^ (flask).Open (door).
remiss, languid. Display, show of science, ^c^ -^ litis
Youth. Generositv. Manly
[~^ To burn
a. th. To
melt, A bij
S^^J i cr^ -K-
Golden, silver, or metal jyls — ^ -ft- from boys (girl). To attain puberty.
tray. Marble-table. Disk of the sun. To give to a. 0. a decision of J » jil
Carpet. sacred law (mufti).
To break (the head). /b CtS a >i» -5^ To assume the air of a J^j J^
To part <^^j, Cnj C» ^Ij ,
laj o ^ -{$• young man (girl, old man). To make
the legs. a show of generosity.
To strain (a bow-string). fi. ^J They appealed to (the mufti) Jl IjJui
To have the knees, hocks (U>.» a ^ for decision.
wide apart (man, beast). To ask (a judge) to give a s ^zJi.\
To walk in parting the legs. To ^il decision of sacred law.
Jf (»r
every side (misfortune). mute (ostrich). To travel in a nar-
^To burst out, to be blown -r?**''t
up (machine, powder). To tear (the earth with the ^ A ^1
To dissipatebefore (dawn night). :
^— ploughshare).
To forge ^>VfeOI Jj 'j-H^S J^=^\ To walk with parted legs. ^Js
speech. To be strained (bowstring). ^L'l.
Bountifulness. Benefit. Wealth.
J^ Mountain-road rr^j ?r^? , rr ^
Daybreak, dawn. Dawn-prayer. Jf^ ravine.
Morning-star, Lucifer. J>^\ ^i'^T Water-melon. ^
Lie. Vice : sin. I'J^ Crude, unripe (fruit). ^ -^j *fUi^ •^
He has forged a lie. s^i.j ^fj < Peevish.
"Wide part of a valley into J^ ^ e'J>^ Parting of the legs. ,^
which water flows.
Straddling. ^ ^ .bJ ^ r-*'?
Outlet j^jc^j ,
_^li» ^ ojSiM^j j^t^j Intervening space, interstice. :c|e»
enlarge a. th.
^ ^ J^
To be wide apart (legs). To contrive, to invent a. th. A J3.ii.
Parting of the heels. Radish, turnip. ( un. iJ^S ) j^j ji»i
Walking in jpij ^ -bJ-J ^ !?iji D Seller of radishes. Greengro- Ju*
turning the toes in. cer.
To emit (an opinion)
r'^jected by a'l.
A j>^'>\ — ^ -J^ Having parted legs ; splay-footed. j0'|
To indent, to x ^j,(J>^ ^' <
lo lick up, to lap CiJ a ^-^i *
fi> blunt (a knife).
(water) from the hand. To rub off To be notched, blunted ^L'lj _,^ 4-
0. a. proud, haughty.
To scrutinise, to ^s- ^ji^i^j ^-sAU
exanaine a. th. minutely. walk in turning the toes in.
Search, inquiry. Even ground. ^oH To desist, to turn back from, ^e ,>t«1
Inhabited land. To part the hind-legs (of a 5 —
Dimple of the chin. likS milch-camel).
jI C o\.\ )
To read or pronounce Lsj>»JI j^ Thigh. -() Leg ili-il ^ (A) j>ij iij
emphatically. (of mutton).
To magnify, to show regard to 5 ~ Portion of a tribe. iii-ji ^ iia
a. o. i.?^^j "^
»j*»«*j 0''^-*J '^i»*w> C*^ ^ -P**
To magnify o.'s self. ^.i~i To boast of. To glory jkraij,'l3i?sJj
High in rank, estimation. Bulky, ^i in.
J3 ( oiX- )
c J»
High building. oIojI ^ o-w
Pair of oli'j jyJb Li^sl^ ir o'jis^ ol^> Wild goat.
bulls for ploughiug. Plough. <> Bull. Piece of meat, of rock. jjj ^ s^o^
Acre ; area, one day's labour. ^\1i Lump of dates.
Sown field. Silver. Fai boy. 'yA
Plumb-line. oily ^ oii3 Walking alone. s^oj
< With weight and oiUilj s!a!l ic. Mass of rock upon the S^ jJ|j s3i,li
measure. top of a mountain.
SbL_i* Jilaj «laij k^^?j J'aJ
, ^oa -^ i
Abounding in chamois (land). "o'/j^'k
Pi. Sect of the Assassins. for a ewer. Piece of cloth for wijjing
To be alone, apart from.^t rj.j o lia -{^ the mouth.
To thrust a. o. back vehemently. 5 — Having a strainer (jug), ^^j ^oii
To bring forth one only (ewe). j^] having the mouth covered (vessel).
To become alone, inde- "iix-llj iai7 Saturated with red dye (cloth). Jj^
pendent. Ewers, pots. c.U!l«UI
Alone, single. Scat- i/j^j -,0^] ^ 'Ji To fatten (cattle). A oa> ^ o-^ -ft-
Tliey disclosed their jJ^^'A !>i3*1 Relief, freedom from cares.ji^j ''4-J^,
secret lit : they hatched their egg. Inter.-'tice, gap. ^'ji ^ 1^'^
To take pigeons for bree- & ^'Jsl,\ if- Pleasant ."ight. ~'^\^
'ling- Children's shirt. -n^^jSj -r v:/j
<-^^i -r/^J -r^Ai -ryjh -rj^ r- i-'j Chicken. ^^j\'j, ^ ^j% ^^y.
Chick, young bird. Offset o'Oj Interstice bet- ^j\^i r-ij,Uj ^ ^-Ji
of a plant. Base, faint-hearted man. ween the fingers, the bars of a rai-
Shoots of a tree. S^iJjl -rj ling. -^ Thing pleasant to behold.
Sheet of paper. j3j ^^s a Weak, cowardly man. *?G*^j
Female chicken. Off-shoot, ^\'j» ^ <i^ Fur-mantle, ample gown. *V,S*
sprout. Dispelling cares. Glad- r'J^i rrJ^
Poultry-house. ^j,*^^ ^ ^^S^-^
dening the heart.
Incubator, ^l_^| j;;u dj ^^irj-i Turkish lady's cloak. *»'^ Te
hatcher. Hen having chickens. ^^
To i^iilj \'^ij> a i_jSj o iji -tt-
i_,ij Isolated ; man slain in the ^'J. i/»
be alone, single, sole. To' be simple, desert.
uncompound. Having the elbow parted fn m ^^ii
To secede, to iso'ate o.'s self jc, ^'Ji the arm-pit. Comb.
from. Obtuse angle.
"^-J^ ^xO
To o irjA~z.\j 5^b ^j*'j i>'J^j ^^ Comforted. Opened (door). ' frjJ»J'
busy o.'s self solely about a. th. Compasses. J^'ji. P
To seclude o.'s self from the world i_^ To curry (a horse). 5 ^^'Ji -8-
bread. sugar.
Bundle, armful ^j,ly ^ ~^'j'^ ~ 9JJ * Turban for women. *i,^Jv*
of fodder. Apart from others, alone %jj^ j. jj j5
Fetters, shackles. Shears ^x'A "^ unparalleled, unique ; excellent.
for cutting iron. Precious pearl, a Quii'e j:,\'Ji ^ Sjj jl
Queen (in chess). UJ}j^ r C)jJ of paper.
To observe, to look at. j ojy * Seller of pearls. i.'Cj>
Punch, intstrument for jsl^i/"^ J^'J^'' with fear, lit his muscles qui-
notching. vered.
Notched. Prescribed, imposed. j»j_^
Granted, supposed. Punch, iron instrument for cutting.
By-rules, statutes. cA^/J^ Grape-stone. >^'jij -^^'Ji. ^
To precede people), a Cl»j_^ o J»y ^ Red dye. Mulberry-tree.
( i'-^J^
•^ To shake off (nuts) from a * — To notch j=*Jij iig'Ji fi, , i js'^ -tt-
tree. (wood ).
( ol\ )
To ascend (a inouu- a u.^» a p'^a -):} To encounter, to t Cy\'jij i^jd/- J»jIj
tain). To go dowu ( a valley). outpass a. o.
To overtop, to s ^j'^j ^'j> a — To hurry, to hasten in a. th. ^ i>'Jt\
surpass a. o. in tallness or rank. He drew his sword. ^ilJj
J[ aJ^t,
To conciliate (people), ojj
- To transgress. To exceed the j —
To check (a horse) with (the cj » — bounds in.
bridle). To overfill (a basin). To forget ; fit
To have abundant hair. to leave off a. th.
To slaughter a firstling To overburden a. o. J*
To go down (a valley). To outrun the othei's (horse). » J,^
To deduce (a consequence) To vie in speediness with. To \,'j^,
J>) o\
( )
husk (grain, corn) between the fin- Synonym. 0)J r Jj»
gers. To rub a. th. with the hand. Measure J\'J)] ^JJ
^ To rub (the body). used in Medina.
To s C;ii»yo ^j'yj ^v*- a ^-s'*-' ^'-^ Parting of the hair, of the beard, J"^
hate 0. a.' (husband and wife). of the teeth.
To be flaccid (ear). fe^ a ii^ First gleam of o'^'Jj ( for ji» ) J'j
To forsake, to abandon a. o. f iJJla dawn.
To be easi]y shelled (corn). To a'^S Flock of sheep. Portion. j^
begin to ripen. Party of boys. Mountain. Wave.
To falter in speech : to stumble. iyC; Distinction between good 'o^l)>j J^
To commit a mistake in speech. and evil. Any sacred book : the
To be rubbed betwen the il^^Mj — Koran.
fingers. To be shelled, husked (ear Sect, body, party of men. j^. *-»^-
of corn ). Military, naval division.
To become hard and full i!^?— Sepa- xJ'jOJj J\y^\j J\'Ji_j J\^j *J^
(grain). ration (of friends ).
Conjugal hatred. i)]^^
Easy to be .shelled (nut). i!_^ Faint-hearted, ' Jj^^j
Flaccid (ear). '^'^j *^^ Co- (m. /.) xjj% zjyjj <Jjj^
Hating her husband ^/yj ij)^ wardly (man, woman).
(woman). Distribution. ^_,i'>j Ji^
Wheat cooked with butter. Aij* Retail : in parts. '
Easily shelled, husked. ifew^* ^ — Large party Jj^j :L3>b >vl^1 ^
-< Turnscrew. iij^U* ^ iJ^^ of men. Part. Company. 4- General
Hated, loathed. iJ^i> in chief, Major-genei'al.
To make a. o. to stumble, j J^'^ "^ Soup of dates, rice and milk. <i ^5
to totter. To entangle, to perplex. Stray ewe.
To stumble, to totter to J^'J^i
: -^ Having parted j^ ^ 'Sy ^ X}^
be entangled. teeth, hair, or a parted beard.
To mince, to iS>
/Jj,<^J i yj> (/ White cock.
chop (tobacco). Separation, dinsion. J'j5^t
To shed his teeth (child). ilCJ-l >.^ •• Separating, distingui- jl^ t Jj^
To be chopped, minced. ^^7 -^ shing. Isolated (cloud).
Piece of meat, of cheese. i>^ Going apart jjjy ^ j'Jj 3*} y,
a palm-tree. clearly.
Rubbish. FHings of iron. *Kli To examine the Slr^jj llnli i o ,/^
Jlljj xijLij JjLjj J^JJij '>llj ,, Jli urine of a .sick person (physician).
Base, ignoble, low. Base (coin), jljj To explain, to comment (a A J!S
Vine-cuttings f)r planting. text).
Foolish. jj_| To ask from a. o. jc ^ jLjLLSi ^4-*^
^ French beans. «c'->^
^ the explanation of a text.
Oflfset o'^^ T^fJ J?.dj J-«i rr *J^c^ Explanation, commen- j\^\. 5P ..'UmIU
of a palm-tree. tary, glose.
D Exorcism. 0>i.i1 P Urine of a sick person.
To emit a noiseless » uJj 1^ o Lis -W-
To cover Uii a is -» !
Noiseless win flatulence.
a. th. Truffles.
To assail a. o. with (a ^ s fjji]) ^ii Black-bfetle.
whip). To belch. To pilfer To lii o ;\L's «-
To overcome a.
To accustom a
o. (sleep). s ^ boast vainly. -^ To
To open a door (without key). A —
subside (wound).
ijICjb ^^j cnJ ;ii^ls
she-camel to a youag that is not To S'jueeze out the air fi-om (a wa-
her own. ter-skin).
To be worthless, good for ^^
iii) To cool (an angry V^^' J^ ^
nothing. man). To exhaust (the udder of a
To be slow, slothful. To wear she-camel ).
a coarse garment. To scatter slanders amongst. J^ —
To cover the head (hoai^y hair) j- tf- He gave vent to anger. i3i> jS
To pervade the body (blood). To come forth from a skin J^V
To glide in and conceal o.'s Jj A— (wind). To be reduced (swelling]
self amongst the tents. To be remiss in a. th. — ^
To appear, to increase.
ConvolvuUis. Interior substance
Subsiding of a wound. Carob-tree.
Coarse garment. ~
of a reed. Pickpocket, opening doors jilli
Hanging down on the 'Uijj *»i;lJ without keys.
forehead (forelock). Weak-rainded, irresolute.
Smilax, sarsaparilla pLisj ^lij To be weak-ininded. To
(medicinal plant). lie much. <• To grumble.
Sloth, sluggishness. To boast.
Having the teeth disparted To spread amongst
Having ii-regular horns (ram (people : disease).
Checking a horse. Thwarting, fjju^ To open the legs, ,^j ^ (i,ii i ^r-lj
Dung of horses. d^ls -fy- to keep them apart.
Cartridge. ois ^ dUlij :!^]ii Te To sit with parted legs.
rocket, fusee. To stray from the G>sii a 9^i.» "^
Cartridge-box. right path. To part the legs. -^ To
To bacome cowardly, apostatise.
remiss, weak. To tr.-^at a. o. wrong- 5 dJiJ a ^JJ -fr
out of their skin. To pull out, to To speak quickly. ^5^1 (j^w-as -S-
take off a. th. To bring (accm'ate news). To * —
To give a. th. to a. 0. J cj f^j — feed ( a beast ) with clover. •^ To
To force a. th. out from. ^ A ^Jai strip (a bone) from the flesh.
They came with^all
^ ^.^iu^j
lj»l> I
To go out from. ./. ^iiji
their relatives. He exacted his due from. ^ iji fJi^S^
"Weaning of a young one. Jvi| Having the head uncovered. oli^
Cut of (a garment). Particular jW" Mouse. •viiS
of a narrative. i
To set apart, to A >Lai i J^ia* -tt-
separate a. th.
lars. To distinguish (a. th.) from ^' A —
J-^U^ ^ SL^'
Piece of cloth cut out :
for a garment. Cut of a garment. ! To set a limit between. ojj
Interested eulogist. Cutting JlSsS |
To settle questions (judge). cJ^y^^i^ —
(sword). i)- To determine the price XtUaJ t —
Separation, division. Juiwjl,. i
of (goods).
Decisive (sentence). J-?^ I
To pUi-^l ^ S JoLslj VLi; J.i> , i
oA ) —^
disgraced. To be constiiprated Raisin-seed. Date-stone. j;^
(woman). INlildness of weather. ?'^ a
To be disclosed, revealed ^t-assl. Mild day. *lij /i ^i^^ ^^
(shame). Release, delive- tLoj ^ !--^b *^
Disgraceful. Dawn. ^^.^ ranee.
\\ hitish. Ti-iai ^ '(>.^> j^ -r~2ai\ To break (a seal). To A \^ o ja* -ft-
disgrace. pearl).
Disgracing. ^_^ijs May God not break iJij 'j^^ jaia'jii V
Covered with shame, disgraced, -r^t tliy teeth
atrocious. To dismiss, to clear (a crowd). 5 —
Bad mauager of cattle. JtUI J— To share a. th. between. it A
Shame, disgrace, -rj}:^ ^ *^?^ To silver a. th. * ja^
ignominy. Shameful action. To break up, to disperse 'jaAi\j ja^aM
Shame. Shocking ^lii ^ Xk^jj: (meeting).
oehaviour. To break up, to be scattered. jaju\^
To break fi r^i\j , (>.^> a j^tiaa -^ To flow (tears).
(a. tb. hollow). To pour (water) little by A "j^M
To ripen (grapes). ^5.^1 I little.
To be broken, split.
Intoxicating drink.
^is-aL'l Scattered people, things.
Particles, ja^^j ioUsij J^lhij
Juice of grapes. Date-wine. j^;-^* fragments.
To be redun- "^^ a J-aSj o Ji»9 » , Sprinkle of watei- in an ja^^i ^aiai
dant, in excess. '
To surpass a. o. in eminence. s — Silver, One para.
-if- *i»4
To hold a. o. to excel i^ s j^ Rocky ground. j,i^ ^ U^j -
another in merit. To prefer a. th. or '
•^Please come in. Take a seat, j^aij To appear (dawn). -rJ^Sj -rJ^
Help yourself. To be whitish (object). G^ai a n^
To contend for superiority. J-^Uj To disgrace, to revile ?^.^Ujj » <r^'^
Excess, redundance, J>iai ^ j.^ 0. a.
remainder. Excellence, superiority. To bear ripening dates (palm- t^^I
Benefit, favour, grace. Arith. Rest of tree).
a subtraction. To be put to shame, rt^lj 9^-i*!,
Water flowing upoa the surface .ta| : Moreover, besides*, much ^ y^
of th.3 earth. less. A fortiori.
Promiscuous mass, mixture. ^^[^j Ji^ '
They are without chief. J^ j,^j'^\ I dant. Remainder, rest. Wine, a Ex-
They ard ia anarchy. !
I remaineil quite alone. ^^'aS 'c^"^. : Work-clothes ; night-clothes. ji»jj —
Leisure, woi'k- 'j^^'i SjUsij 'i'y^ -^ Wearing of a simple garment. rt>;
lessness. i Redundant, superfluous oVLa* ^ ilLaj
^ Free, idle, workless. c^iS ^ ja'^ i part. Remainder, residue.
Empty (place). ,
Bountiful, Ju»i
To break a. th. A liai a UJ -ti- '
Attainment. Merit. jj liJ ^ is^
To grieve, to distress a. o. To s — Virtue.
throw down and strike a. o. j
Eminence, superiority. Super- j.^i'
To have a depressed back Ci^ a \hi lative {gram).
Weaning of a child. ^li4 _,i^j Jai,
A sea-fowl. *i^Ja« !
his fast (man).
Having her young ^Jbl^a ^ <ii?lij ^%^J Feast at the breaking of Jyj^\ j^s.
to. I
(bread). Unpremeditate, hasty.
^ To reflect, to remember. ^jai; Pan-cake, fritter. S^^^ tt '-^k^
Intelligence, prudence, ^Lj ^ *jhi Blunt (sword). jiiJ
sagacity. Cipher, worthless man. ^j,^
T cMj cMj ^^J "^-^'J O^J Cr',^
Pastry-cook. *ljs\]:i ^ SL>%^^ °
IntelUgent, open-minded. /jajj ^H Chap on the face, nose. jylaViV,^ j^\
Prudent. The Creator. ^tVj
To urge (a beast) s \'j^ o iks -^ To be flat-nosed. CJas a ^-Jas -S-
vehemently. To die without disease. Cjii) ^J^i i
Water in the sto- &^j ^'iia ^ 'Jil kill a. 0.-^ To smother, to suffocate.
mach of a ruminant. Bei-ry of the myrtle-tree. ^_^j:a
To reach the time of being
forge a lie against a. 0.
To forge (hand-writing). fii
To be half-opened (mouth, Ju^s^ — !
Action, J^tl^l rr^j JCjIj JC? ^ Jj^
flower). i
work, deed. Verb.
Rising of the Pleiades. s^iiJI ;
Actually, ( opp. to s^Sl, ) jlij^
Mouth of a river. _^a ^ YJa \
Wide (spear-thrust), ^jUs <^ |
Custom, use. *ij
Perfume. Cubeb. Lotus of India. %'jiXi
Good or bad action dore by a Ju»
Broad plain. Hollow in a "i'J^ !
single agent.
mountain. Good or bad ai^tion done by two JUi,
» jii~:.|
eggs : bird). () To relax (a spring). person).
To discharge (a gun). Absence, loss of a per-ijij_j ol^,j -lia
momentous (affair ). -^ To burst, to split (wood). To jja
To have inequal jaws. C»iSj Ci» a ^5s break (waves).
To have an indigestion. To be full , -^ To break, to crush (fruit), i* jjii
Unripe (fig). ^ <•
Lock, fastener of a
jj-fl^S -r "ij^^
( eM
•< To
release, to set
^ s (ioQs^,j (&« 'dlS
become poor
^ To become bank-
( e"\ \
Having ol^Vl
^^U•'J , -iVU ^ r-'lJ'
To be saved. ^^'ij ^^uuj ^A>^ To cut a slice of ^ cSk lllij i ilS -«-
< Belgium. Holland. Dutch, iUU», Ts Brand on the ear of a camel, xaiS
Such (a place), such ^.y^ ^ V,^ Wonderful thing. ^»j jioSj jOs
(a thing). Misfortune, calamity. s^lLSj 4*;l»j —
Cork, stopper. 4I.IS -^ Splitting asunder. De- TjijS ^ jH^
God-child. Cyiia -^ pressed ground.
To journey. To ty^j )'Ji o ^ -ilc Causing seeds and .i^lj 1.>JI J^,l3
To clear o.'s self from lice. Jl_^ To have duit? jaISj , fejj o ^3 -{:}-
overcome a. o. Pisces.
Weak, subdued (man). ?iuJ Star in Pegasus. u"'^^
Overpowering the enemy. ^JtlL* Belongiug to the mouth. 'J^j [^
To swell the nostrils. To be J,.j3 ^ Two mouths. P'S^J ,'j^—«^
proud : to assume a haughty gait. To adorn, to beautify a. th. a ci o o» *
Colossal, enormous. jh'^J J^-^ To put off the payment of a
To become weak- S^\j lIuS a ju* -Ji- ,
S —
Court-yard, enclosure.-jjj
Lantern. SlandererT
Ti-anaieut, perishable.
" ^1;^ ^ ^_^<i-
CIlJ To be remiss in action. - jj^
Worn out. J^ ^
Well-room: ^^lli
Fi'om an unknown ^ ^lklj^-^i»j ^
-Ul 'Oil tank of sweet water in a ship. Bowl
for the crew.
^ight-shsLde (plant).
^ „,
^^Ui ^ r.^h'j Dog or wolf's muzzle
To be weak, disabled. ^i;i ;
Bi-ought up delicately
Lynx, hunting-pan-
j^\j ij^i ^ j^ ( gii'l ).
Neglectful, sluggish.
Fnll-grown and
s'j^ ^ j^
Excellent stallion-
juil^ jiU ^
j^^l] ^ ^_^|^ ^.^ Sack, large bag.
lat youth.
j>\ii ^ -^i^
To stay m
(a place ;. ^ OJ "^
To be exhausted, out of
breath (horse).
^ ^^ - To apply o.'s self to.
ft>«i o
jc duiij -
To persist in. j ^^^ _
To become rich. jij, j i^ To eat regulary J Cs>i
Stone-pestle. ,'i, ,i:i1 _- •:
"^7^ a .il^j diii
with good appetite.
Fure milk boiled with heated
z'^^ To embark in (an affair). J ^^j ^^
stones and sprinkled with flour. "' "
To continue doing a. th.
To put an index to a book, a
^^i -^ Wonderful thmg. Assiduity. ^»j j^
To make a catalogue. Kind of fox : marten.
Index, table
^,^^ ^ ^^_^^^ ^^^^ p Houi- of the night.
ot contents catalogue.
Junction of the two jaws.
To break a. th.
io wound a. o. on
A Ca^l a ^S ^ Root of a bu'd's tail.
the ><
(2^ a j^i ^ Foolish (woman).
-Morel {plant). Ci
To overflow ^
j^Jj ,^j ii^ ^ j^ Cow, bull.
Thick-haired (woman). Branchy -y^
To fill up (a vessel). 4, -^', (tree).
To spread m the sky ^l, ^.^^ _ To pass away, to «ui a i-b j^'i -«-
disappear. To be transitory, peVisha-
First vertebra of the neck,
ji;, ^ ^2;^ ble. To be worn out to pine, to
Wound on the neck. ' '
luse in speech.
<^^Jji^-j^i "
To destroy, to annihilate a. th. A j_i1
To destroy 0. a.
Broad, ample. -,.- j .,-
Perishableness. Nought. .^a
The transient world. .^^^1) a^
Although he see it, _ojl: _,) ^^ 'cj'^ 'yS> To understand, to pei-
it is beyond the reach of his mouth ceive a. th.
or hand; i. e. he shall not attain it.
Sudden death. cl^iil Cjy^
To make a. o. to unders- a s
tand a. th.
^^\j ^
Distance, interval. Ii'regula- ojUj To understand by degrees. ^ ^r*^
ritj. To try to understand a. th.
Acting in his own way. (m. -^ To be understood.
/.) c-iS* ^^\
To spread its perfume G.^ o ^Is -K- To understand each other. ^lij
(musk). To be cool (day). To qustion a. o. about. A a ^^^iL.\
To take the
o.'s self.
fresh air. To cool ^y Intelligence, understanding,
conception of the mind.
To run (horse). To hurry on ^is"i Interrogation, question. ^.I^iill
(man). To send flocks to water by The interrogative j,\ii^\\ Sj>
droves. particle. ( ji )
To be hurried, urged. t-^-^ Intelligent, sharp.
To forget, to overlook jc \'j^ o
^^ -^j ^-^
Collection of men, of animals. Party, a. th.
troop. To be a man of weak judgment. ^]
In separate bodies, by (a-l^al t^-l^il Valerian (plant). ^ -^
parties. To elapse Clyj (J'_^ o ol» -«-
To boil CO;^j Oj^j \y^ j\i ^ Space between two fin- Cj\'J>'\^ Ci'^
fiercely (cooking-pot). To be roused gere.
a. 0. in. To hold a conference with ( anger ). To ferment ( wine ). To
a. 0. throb (artery). To spurt forth (wa-
To be copai'tners in (an j l^jU7 ter).
affair). To consult, to converse with To diffuse itself (per- Cljlyj \j\j>
o. a. upon. fume).
People without chief. i5^>» -»JJ To make a * jy ••j jl3b , '3>'
'Ci»^>Sj ^yo'y'ij jX^. iS^^'y* ^*V ' (cooking-pot) to boil.
They are all equal. They have no chief. Ebullition. Fit of passion : hurry. yy>
They live in anarchy. He came back instantly, oj 'j^ '^ ,f3
They hold property ^4; J^^i ^4J \'yA Immediately, in a hurry. j*jil u-
man) to die.
: with an affair. To give jurisdiction
To break (an arrow) on » C5^ Jls to.
the notch. To give (a woman) in marriage j —
To be bro- Oyj Cs>'jj Csls a 3y>j a Jls without I'eceiving a dowry.
ken at the notch (arrow). To be equal, copartner of j 5 jaji*
6y C *v
kings, two milkings. To make a notch to (an arrow). * J^
He remained Gly VI <£^. >G'l ^ To make (a young one) to drink » —
in my house but a short time. (milk) by intervals. ^ To awake
Gasp, clyl T-^3 *2s,lj <jpi ^ (Jly a. 0. To remind a. o. of.
Broken at the notch (arrow). J^'l To put the CSIyl^ 3'J>h ^Jl^l JlSl
He has partially j^U J^jU ^^ij notch of (an arrow) on the bowstring.
succeeded. To recover o.'s senses af-^^^ JUillj JlSl
Excellent (poet). jjji ter (a swoon). To awake from (sleep,
Broad beans. J^ -Jl' intoxication). To recover from (a
Thyrne, mint. siJy n disease).
Seller of broad beans. J)^ < To remember : to recollect. J^x3
To make bread. J^ — ^.Ij -ft- To rise, to raise o.'s self above, ic-
Bread : wheat : any grain used ^^ To drink by draughts. To * JjU
for bread. -^ Chick-peas. waste away o.'s goods.
Ear of corn. Pinch of a. th. ^^ ^ oy To milk a (she-camel) by » JliLllj —
Swan. oy a intervals.
To pronounce t_, e^Xi^ ,C»y o o^ ^ To be broken at the notch
(a word, a discourse). (arrow).
To be wide-mouthed. C»y a «»s To fall info destitution. To
To create a. o. with a great » 4^ gasp and sob (dying man).
mouth (God). Large bowl filled with food.
To have a s suui i/'lsj 5 sijCi/i ojla Cooked olive-oil.
private conversation with a. 0. Destitution, poverty.
To enter into the orifice of. A o^U Panicle. On, upon,{ opp. to c-' ) J>S
To hold a conference together, ejlij above, over, more, on high.
To eat and \i.\ici~ (j C*U:-ll «\izJ-l^ From above, towards J'y Jl., J^ ^
drink much after dearth. the upper part.
Mouth, orifice. a\'^^ ^ i-J-J '^J »^ We remained more than ^^ J'^ tiJ
My. mouth. ( for all cases ) *j a month.
Perfume. Species, tjj^^j olyl r »j^
Superior, ( opp. to 'dj^j ) '«i,^>*
kind. P/. Aromatics upper.
Small mouth. Tip of the tongue. Jl}j1j J^ ,, Jy
He fell dead on his face. Notch of an arrow. First way : man-
I spoke to him in pri- 'J J[ ner, direction.
vate, mouth to mouth. He went away and did «|y ^'Sj'jSV
"Width of the mouth. o'y not come back.
Madder, plant used for dyeing. Syj «}» May such a one die !
^^^ Ji o>^ a> j
Mouth, entrance. o\*y t **^
orifice, Notch of an arrow. J^S
Crater of a volcano, o^lnJI <*j> Notch of an arrow. J^ ^ *J^
Eloquent. Glutton. «^**j *^
Talk. Backbiting. xij'i Milk collected in the udder Ji.>,lii
Dyed with madder (cloth). ^''^^ - Time between two sue- 3\'^j J'}*
( evr
To hasten, to hurry on. ^Vsi ^\i\ -ft- Prepontion meaning In, into, j : -ft-
To bleed (wound). Cu^j G,li ^li i -ft- amongst, during. With, in company
To boil (cooking-pot). of. For, for the sake of. Upon. By (m
Spreading for a raid (horsemen). ^Ca wealth for the sake of God.
Spread out (o horsemen). ^G j^^ Chapter the first jj23\ J JjVI cjVJI
Having a
Useful, profitable. j^i wealth !
Flood-season of the Nile, j.!)! oUal* To peneti*ate into ( a J CaJ i ij»\j -ft-
Todie. To be abundant. To overflow. To flow
To cause a. o. to die (God). s Jiial (blood, water). To spread out (news).
To be filled up, to overflow {^i —
Desert, waterless land. (vessel).
He gave up the ghost. «_io lils i J\.s -if He revealed his secret. ^)L; Sjjo —
To awake a. o. To remind a j3 -^ To come out from. ^/> jsiS
a. 0. To die.
^J-h '-^ ~
To compose excellent verses. jji His soul has departed. ^f , y c-^i*
Clucking of a cock. jj To pour (a liquid). To fill (a fit ja\j^
Man of tall stature. j^^ vessel) to the brim.
To be jlljj ,^yjj y^j SJ i Jii -tt- To go from a place to another jaiSl
weak, unsound (judgment). in a crowd (pilgrims). To I'uminate
To judge (an opinion) to be * J^ ( camel).
erroneous. To engage in (a conversation), j —
To grow up (plant, youth). jiij To win a. o. o^J Jc —
Eleph- i^,j Jj^j JCil ^ iLj, V J:^'-
P To pronounce (a word dis- XJ^, — )
JV» ( OYo )
He showed the foulness ii;Lj oS^j Js- ^^> become dry (fruit). To heal (wound).
of such a one's doiogs. To gnash the teeth CjlJj Uj i —
To outrage a. o. s ^J\§ (animal ).
Palankeen. Vaulted
^ ^ "^
Gi-ave, tomb. jZl ^ J^ building, -fy- Steeple.
•l^Sj M^Mi_^J aj^ij oJ^'»J ajy>J ej\» The Tabernacle c)C«j!ljl sililjl*!*
Lark (bird). j. Ui ^ (amongst the Israelites).
Long and white raisiu. j^ The dome of Islam i. e.Basi*ah.^>LLyl*!»
Lantern of a bat-fowler. PL Bea- jCi > Collar of a garment. v.^^' *^*
ters insnaring (game) into a net. The year after the next.
Beau-caper {plant). iii;il jCi Thunder. Rain-drop.
Depressed (ground). j^j Cutting (sword). Thick (nose).
jf A—J'* w «-T^J S^'V''.? »lAi»j 3',nJL» Slender in the waist. '^_S ^ 'CJ
Bui'ial-ground, cemetery. Emaciated by fasting.
Sepulchral. Keeper of a 'j^il^j '4^>J Sui'mounted with a copula,
cemetery. vaulted. •<> Convex.
Jai ( 0Y\ )
To ask
or take fire
:,* A
u-i^*'j i
a. o.
^ To
To take a. o.'s soul (God). j — a. th. from.
Y )
To be responsible for. ^ ^cS o jJj jJi
i To shudder with fear. jj'LT -^j Ja-5
a. 0. kindly. To advance against a. o. thes (man).
To become intelligent. To Jls'l To be out of breath, to pant. CiJ —
Llsj %,%j y^h yctj %%j %^ i~:Yj To put thongs fi> j:5lj j^jaj ,
!SJ.» a —
Isaw him in front, face to face. to (a sandal).
Summit of an opposite hill. Conver-j;* To come, to draw near jj'lj , yl* a J^>
gent strabismus. First appearance (time).
of an object. Extemporisation. To receive a child at his ;Jl3 a jJ
Henceforward. j^j j^ ^i ^ birth (midwife).
To weigh a. th. with a steel- ^ u>3 Seat your houses jLl j^p_ l^jLU \
yard. To weigh
<>• a. th. in the hand opposite,
To flee away at full speed. ojsl a Southern. South-wind. Upper - iJ
To be wrinkled, contrac- oCjI j o^{ Egypt. ^
ted. Love-philter. Amulet. SL»j iiJ
Hurry, haste. lli Kiss, n Track of j^i.7_,, jij ^ iLs
Steelyard, oCJ a beast.
Wood-louse (insect). ol^ijjfrj jlia- Thong of a sandal. Jul
Blackbeetle. Campion [plant). Jtldl xloi*
\^'^eigher. 'j^\J He is unable to jCi ^ VLII <J^ "^
JS (
oath upon a. o
Hive in a rock. ^5 Intestines, guts. ,
( OA- )
To abound in cucumbers *iSi1 — \Sl -ft- A murder. -^ A thi-ashing, a drub. ti£j
(land). Way of killing. y^
Cucuniis ^i^ -^j l25 Dj '(!i3j •
£3 Horrible way of killing. '_^iii_5
sativus, cucumber. Weapon. Strength. Remainder. JtS
Elaterium^ squirting jlisJ' '^, War. fight. < QuaiTel. iSu>_, JC3
cucumber. Killing, murderer. iirSj Ju3 ^ JjG
^^ Ij Ci* o ^ss
^ Experienced, tried.
best of. To rise in Cis a ^i3j , C^^is ^j -{^
To be defiled
with dejection.
Qlj xji ^3j a ^ the air (dust).
To be brown. '^^{
To be '--- -'-^
dusty. ;;Gj_, CJJ o ^s Brown, dusky colour, i;-- U3j
Acquiring wealth. Very liberal. ^ Darkness.
Dust-colour. *iis Dust.
Collecting wealth for doing good. ^^ Abyss of death.
To A ^3lj , Cis i
J5j , 1^ o lii§ -f}- Brown. Blackish,
acquire (wealth). i
dark, obscure.
To be pure, -^ \^j 7^J>h ^j -«-
Remote and dark (place). JlitVlv,G
unmixed. -^ To cough.
To dry up (fish). C^i o Jd ^
•^ Violent cough. *^i To become consump- jti\i :;jl5» cns ,
Dry, vnw-j^j J^'lj J?Jj J'*?^ J* ^ To pass swiftly. Ca^3 a ,j^j -ft-
Old, broken. ^G-^ ^ x^^ _^ ^^% sweep away a. th. (torrent, rain).
Rash undertaking. Un- J^ ^ x;.i.i To fracture the skull of. i ^ja^
fruitful year. To winnow (corn). * —
The hardships of the road. Jj^I Jks Skidl. Lesion i«^_, 3^hj ciUSl ^ ,j^
Decrepitude. "'^ft^j i^Uj of the skull. Glass or wooden bowl.
Intensely black. ^^V> i^l He possesses nothing. ^jit| Vj a; 3 0»
Decrepit. Revolving rapidly j,^ He has brought a y^Yj oVVil; oC»3
(wheel). disaster upon him.
Rushing rashly into ^ij^ ^ j,iy,i^^ Large draught. oG«5
perils. Refuse, rubbish. Zsul
Dangerous places. ». u;: Drift-wind, sand-pillars. 'U>^ *>'i?«»
( AT ) aJ
How much, how j[ ja a Jij} J5 •• Weak. Arab born in the country
many. To snatch, » Jci\ j, |^>i Ua ^
It is equal to it, it is of the «aj j& to take the whole of.
Road, way. Even soil. . ja» Thy father is ex- y^i t 6y\ yj^_ Iw
Iron paring-knife. etii'j '-^i pected to come to-day.
Cut in slices. -^ Thin, emacia- ijid? The Messiah is already ,r,^^]'\ sU IjI
ted. come.
To strike fire ^'jS\j v>I»l o 2° It means also possibility. It may.
i_, ,
^ jj -ft-
To lade out soup from the pot. <>• To lengthwise. To dilacerate (leather,
perforate (wood). cloth). To cut off a. th. into shreds.
To be sunk in its socket 5^!i_lj — To cross (a desert). To cut Sj » m
(eye). a. 0. short (in speech).
To weaken, to emaciate ( a s ^jj To suffer from colic. m
horse). To cut meat into strips and a 5J3
To revile 0. another. ^iUjj 5 ^iS dessicate it in the sun.
To settle (an affair). * ^^^t To be cut into shreds. To be iji;
Canker of wood, of the teeth. ^aS dried in the sun ( meat ). To be torn
5>y iSi rp^j ^^'"b r-'^J ^Ij5l ^ ^-i; off (gai'ment).To be lean. To make
Featherless arrow. Divinatoi'y arrow. up parties. To part away (people).
Portion allotted. > Hole. To be cut into shreds. X-*j'»
Drinking-cup, bowl. ^\m\ ^ ^-ol To settle (affairs). * jc»[
a Measure of capacity. To be even, smooth. To follow j&Z.{
Management of an affair. k^jS the same course. To walk in a line
A striking of fire. <^'->^j <> 1^» (camels).
Ladleful of soap. zias Lamb's skin. Size :>yAj »\j^j lil ^ oS
Art of making cups. I> lol of the body. Amount, measure, pro-
Fly. ^ ^j3\j ^j'jS portion, size. Whip.
Remainder of broth in a vessel. ?«tj,-G Musical tune. -^ Popular ^jlJ ^ —
Striking fire. Reviler, slanderer. ^i6 time, song.
Earthen-pot j/Ji ^ ojj3 -^j JSi Hot (fever). Canker- rj>\'J ^ liiiS
urn. worm.
Fate, lot. Irreversible dec- j\'J»\
^ jlG Striking fire. Manufacturer of
ree of God, predetermination. Power, cups.
might. Quantity, measure. Intrinsic Flint, stone of a steel. ^
value. -^ Personal worth, rank..A.bout. Iron or stone of a steel.
The night of the decree, 27 th j^\ j^;] Iron for ^^i ia> ,. ^Iji^j
of Ramadhan. striking tire.
^^_iJ) ^/j\ -^j ^X-2Jt ^jj
Fond of. archangel Gabriel ( for Moslems ).
Wrinkled, crumpled. ^aiJ < The Holy Ghost (for Chris-
Stick, staff. *pjii» tians).
To exhaust (water). * Cil** o tJoS -ft- Small cup. Small plate. u^j^j w'-^
Eartlien jug, earthen bowl. ^\m Large ship. w.^^'J r w,^^
^ Trough of a water- ^ il^j ^ ^jiS
To precede a. o. To lead n yjJiLDj wheel. Mill-course.
the way to. Silver trinkets. Stone-trough. ^jj
To advance jt y-^'b a >»,-a»j o >»^ High rank. ^\'A J,Ji
1x>ldlv against. To venture upon. Precious stone. ^j-^A
To be ^ C»jd>j C\/>Sij C«jaj a > J^ Rushing with the sword willlt trj-w
back from (a journey). in hand.
To arrive at (a place). To ^J * — Holy Mass. urJ?lJ^ -r u-'J*
meet a. o. Sauctificatlon. Blessing. cri,-^
To be pre- >iU7j (^j^j ^\j3 o ^jS
> Eueharistical consecration.
vious. To be old. ancient. \'ery holy.
To make a. o. to precede, s ^jilj ^!k» Holy.
to put a. 0. foremost, ahead. To set Holy place,
a. o. over, to promote. •Jerusalem.
To prefer a. o. or a. th. Jc *j 5 ^jJ Holy scripture. The ^lu^JT uUfeOI
to. Bible.
To present a. th. to. To pay J A — Relating to Jerusalem, '^j^aj js-ai»
a. th. beforehand to. Pilgrim to .Jerusa- iZ.iiiA ^ '^^JjbJ^ ^
To give an oath. cj^^l ^J>^b ~ lera.
To introduce o.'s aJoj c^J ^oLij — To withhold a. o. To 5- lijj a 9'^ -ft-
Pattern, model, sjIkjj «JJI j Sa? Present, offering. Intro- ^i^ ^ v^aS
example. duction.
To emigrate by reason Cja i ^jlw -{:$ Preeminence, preference. Pri- jtbjc
of dearth. macy. -< Progress.
To walk quickly (horse ). C\j j^ — Antiquity, oldness. ^Sli;
To suffice to a. o. (thing). a ^^as < Arriviog. Foremost. ^l^oj j,yj3 ^ ^iG
To resist a. o. ^ jiG Future, next (year).
To walk gravely. ^jii.'T Head. j'?^'^ ?r ~
Kind of snake. cj\'A -r S^ Foremost part. Forepart ^ii^l ^ x^iS
Measure, amount. cJa_J of a saddle. Vanguard.
Behaviour. j;a5 Fore-feathers of the ,J\mj ^ily « ~
Emigrant coming in. il^j ^ ;;ji\5 wings.
To feather /» '^\j ijSj ,'ris o !ls'-«- Old, j,l\^j Js'mj '\f'Si ^ j,iSii,jk\M
(an arrow). To cut (the feathers of ancient.
an arrow) evenly. The Ancient (God). ^,-^""
To cut (the hair). ^ i^j — Of old, previously. ^J^^ jj Ui,-*^
To trim, to adorn a. th. fit itis Since a long time. ^.-^^ o^
Feather of an arrow. i)l^_, ilii ^ s^is Chief, leader, first j,CAi >>'^»J ^'^
Man or horse's ear. in rank.
Flea. oIj3 <r i'.i»j
- Forepart, prominent part, ^la^j j'i'-^
Clippings. ofil'ij ^ s'ilis The Ancients, opp. to the o^*j5 VI
Feathered or iila r.>j al ^ UjI Moderns.
featherless arrow. Interior angle jdr''^ "r j^-^i a-^
He possesses nothing. ^_^ Vj 'ijl iJ C» of the eye. Forepart of a saddle.
Back of the head. *ii> Forepart of a. th. j,'Ai -^j jtJ^j —
Knife. Soi.j 'ii. Prow of a ship.
To revile a. o. i ^'i^ - ^J3 -5^ Put forward, chief. Premiss of a j,jdi
To treat a. o. harshly. o^vll ^ji_j syllogism.
To be ojlasj IjiS a jisj jasj j-5 ^ , Forepart of a. th. Van- <ij.iij t»ai«
filthy, defiled. guard. Preface of a book. Premiss
To Aj 5 fjCij I^jLj a jJkjj , \j'j^
, jij of a syllogism.
soil, to defile a. o. or a. th. Forward. Chief. Leader. ^Jiii
To loathe, to
olJ ^ >^J * a jij Above-mentioned, afore- i^i X-^2;^
dislike a. th. said.
To find a. th. fi> /iixJ, ij Jxi^ jli^l Brave, foremost ^oU/« 51- ^\jiij ^(^
filthy, loathsome in fight.
( eA^ ) ^JJ
To have many defects. cim\ — oJ3 -^ Dirt, filth, foul matter. jj^\ ^ j'j%
To be pained by CbliSj jm a jS% -^ Foul action, offence. c.ljj'iS ^ S^jill
a mote (eye). Avoi- %'j_}'i\% Jij jjJ^j c'jj'i\'>j jj'i^
CfjJl^j ojjl^^ « 'l^a
Nearly full ^\j» ^ S.'ji j> d^'j sword) into the scabbard.
(vessel ). To have a complaint of C^^ a «-JjJ
( o\\ )
t^. <J^}
Scroll of o-i'^'lP -r o-^ ^J a"^ ^ To collect (meat) in the pot. To eat
paper, writing, book. Skin used as (meat) entirely.
a target PL Documents, stocks. To eat dry things. «r^j^
Red garment. <^^j ^'Ji -fr Refuse left in a sieve. «-"^j5
To clothe a. o. with a tunic. jl»^ -H- Eating tough food. "C^V^ 9. v^^
To put on a tunic. S^'J^'
Thief. Poor. v^l'j^ 9r ^y^'j*3
Tunic. J^lr* ^ Sharp (sword).
To cut a. th. To take a ^^'^ -^
Remainder of bread in the oven. x^\'J» To become dry (bread). jij^s •>
O 6i
of a pasturage. Time, age, genera- 1 from cold. Baking-place.'
tion. Equal in age. i
He walked with short ^^iill J JaV^ ^
Lock of hair.Summit oj^j iX^ ^ ~ steps.
of 'a mountain. Plait of hail*. Rope :
To write closely, to close
of fibres. i
the lines.
The t-wo-horned, surname dy'^\ j'i <>• To crop a. th. (cattle). A -
c{ Alexander the great.
To be contracted, shrivelled.
Rhinoceros. C-i^.'^i tij* ° 1
Close writing. -^ Stinginess.
Cyclamen, sowbread. Jljill o^ i
Barbel (fish). ^ Dwarf.
Rhinoceros. o^l >»l ° Musulman sect, *Ljl_^ ^
L'nicurn. Rhinoceros. o^l -^J Karmathian.
Imp of Hell. oiLll)1 C^s jl o]^ Short thornless (^ un. ix^'Ji ) y^>^
Equal m (age, merit), c>\'^\ -r o'ji shrub. Worthless man.
match. Competitor. Two-humped camel. j»r j ^ ,^^'^,
Corner. Projecting angle, o^ -r "C]^ To couple two (horses). 5 —
Tip of the tongue. To gallop (horse). Cl^s, o ol;^
Conjunction of two stars, ^J^^-*-? ^'^'^- To perform two c^_ o^l) Ol]]^, o
— .
Coagulated cj\i'^j 'Vjh X>__^\ ^ jj Head of Indian corn, ^...•iiy ^ cryj^ "^
(milk). Canal, \vater-coi;rse.' I
Ridged roof. ^'^
Stick. Ant-hill. KjJ'J ^ i^j ^j -^U Forepart yaJI^ ^ u*_^_^ - ^;_;5 -fr
a Yard of a ship. j
of a boot.
Villager. ( opp. to ij Butt-end of a rifle. ijj^ a
) ^j3
House full of people. Point of a *j'j fi [
Clove-tree. J_^'Jj jiJ^s «
spear. Clove. jii^sii jLijr
Short-legged ^sjj^Sj ^j(y ^ :;ji Gj - Pink (flower). Carnation. iuJj^
and long-beaked green bird. Aroma tised with cloves. J^^
Villager. jj 'J To be affected with (i^ a o_/ -K-
Basin. Sl^i;^ ^'Ji jaundice. To be swoll,^n with blows.
Very ho3- .(;;4^_, s);;^^ ^ .|^_, ^^^ Jaundiced. a'J^h «^ ^ -U^ ^ »^\ ,
ments. To set (
plants) regularly play at a certain game of the Arabs.
(gardener). To cry by intervals To become impure, defiled. ^s'^^
(cock). Snake. A certain game. olj» w »3*
To be stingy in. Lamb. i/jjj 1e
To be niggardly towards To fell and kill a. 0. n Sj — <Sj^ -S-
it i^
^ To be divided (men).
To divide (men : time).
To undergo, to endure (hard- /b jjT^ij To share a. th. * ^- .
ships). together.
<>• To tx'eat a. o. harshly. s — To swear to o. a.
^A ^1;
To pick up chips of Vji^J^ Jdj <f- ]
•^ To sweep (a house). To scum (a
wood. I
LoDg-bearded. ::^l j; uij jCJj ^ j
To piok up a. th. To be dryCplant) 'j^
o Scurf of the head. Jdh To escape, to glide jjiijij 'j3\j 'j3
Milky plant. Dregs of sl^iS. — oij
-fS- away.
butter when cooked with flour and To pick up (refuse).
dates. <• To weed (a field).
( e\\ )
Bed of a stream. jtj-3 ^ ^---5. j ^i5 To be light. <• To see. Ui.5 a ^45
Unripe dates. ^^j ^1» To be cleared away
Woollen garment, fur. ^[jj (cloud).
Remainder of a meal. xMLtj ^ils To be over (cold, darkness) r-^\
Dry vegetable. 4- To be seen.
^^ ^ ^^%
China-ware. '4M-^, ~ c-=^
"^ To be dispersed (people). fZ^i
To bark (wood), ^^jj^ij o Uj -fr
ffti To start from (people).
To skin (a snake). -^ To cream (milk). To be dispelled (anxiety).
To wipe (the face). A— Dry skin. Skin-garment
To fall into destitution. ^s'l worn out.
Basket of palm- '(i3,j c^'/^ t «S-^ Tent made of skins.
leaves. Cloud clearing away.
fy- Cream. Foam. Sweepings of a bath.
Straw-basket. Scattered ^15, ^ *ii.3, j ,
half. Seat of government, chief city. Lock of hair. cr^LiS, j ^_^> ^ iSw
Sweeping (wind). Rum- xlols j> ^^^ To bruise (the grain : mill).
bling (thunder). To crush (a louse). To sti-ike i —
Easily shaken. ,j^ ( a child ) on the head. To stunt ( a
Unable to bear hunger. ^L3I ^Jua» child : God). To despise a. o.
green. (child).
Biting (tongue). Breaking every j^i. Sharp (sword). ^^j.
thing (camel). The sun has ^^>Ujt ,cli.^l. - J*-33 -fr
To pick up (refuse). To be hard 'jM\ To dock the 5 ^'-n^< ,jAii 'j^y Caa ,
(resting-place). ears.
To render
( a place ) hard A — To cut (the nails).
To be far off from. ^ ^iS
^ ^
To down (bird).
dart 'j^\i ja^^ To I'emove a. o. far away. ji>j y ^^1
To be broken. To be thrown j^[ To bring a. th. to its utmost limit.
down. To threaten to fall (wall). To To protect the wing of an array. jji\
shoot down (star). To fathom (a jj A ^^i2ifJ,lJ J^lSI
To dash upon (the enemy hor- ; jc. — question). To study a. th. thorough-
semen). ly. To exhaust (a subject). To ma-
Pebble. gate.
FuU of pebbles (place) Maiming of the ear. Remote Ca5
relationship. Land, country.
They came all of them. ^^^x^i; j Remoteness. Inside of (a 'Calj Caj
Small pebbles. *is3,j *ii' house).
Rocks superposed. J^l-^S, t <^ He his country.
is in iCa* J j*
Genus, species. Virginity. zk\ Be from me!
off Cai!) jja*
C '\-t ) s.^.A'i
not tasted the least food. Branchy tree. Nutritious plant. ^Jm
Toasted chick-peas. iJTl^ •> Clover.
Bow. Arrow. Rod. c > w'.-
ted (sword, tooth). Nutritious plant. ^^ ^ —
Parchment. Leathern mat.^^ ^ ^,j^ Flock, herd. X^h "*
between. a. 0.
To condemn a. o. ic.
^^^ To be chopped and ft^AiJ\j /i^At>
To discharge a. o. (judge). J ^h'» scattered.
To finish, to per- A ?Ca3 j "'h^
judge. lean.
To be performed, finished. iS'^AI Small stones. ,
troops. a. th.
( food ). Necessitated.
To precede others in j is. wl? jj -^ According to ; in con-
(walking, speaking). sequence of.
K.i3»j , ijOaSl 7. y,ia»j ,^iaij i^\j »r^ As reason requires. ^ ^
Axis. Axle-tree of a wheel. ._jaj ^^ To be high 'jjj ij»jlaj ^i , i 'y -i^'
Dropping liquid ; small quantity fj^ They came all together. ijjG ^^1 <U
of water.
File of camels. cXjiasj J^i ^ jOaS. drop (water). To drip.
•^ File of carriages. Railway-train. To overthrow a. o. violent- ^ s'j^jLa
Bidckish and venomous ;u jClaSj CfjOaS ly. To smear (a camel ) with tar.
To cut, fi, ^\iaXij CJai'j CJ^ a fia -^ To distil a. th. To drop A Jaiill^
to suppress, to curtail a. th. (a liquid) drop by drop.
To put a. th. apart. To cut JA — Distillation. o^lMh j^
out (a garment) for. Rain. Dropping liquid. jUaa ^ j^
To intercept (a road: thief). To/b
abolish (an habit); to stop a. th.
^ Drop.
Resinous 'Jii'J\ Jk'^h ~*^ j^ -^
Loosing the voice. ;4aj He stopped 'Z\LA ^d^j XtCLt o A^j a /4^
-r y (A-A)
Cut off from. Asthmatic. *; ^.^aii 'medicine). Abstaining from miik-
To gather fi> ^~i\j wiLlj uks , i wiLs -ii- food. Side of a river.
(grapes); to pluck (fruit). To snatch Brigand. ^j ^lU ^ Ji^Iall ^k^
away a. th. Highway-robber.
To scratch a. o. with the s ul^j — iNligratory birds. ,y\'ji ^ x;w\9
nails. Fruit-eating worm. f,_»l^is >
To walk at a (>_^j "is^ o i wiiaS Cutter. <>- Stone-cutter. ^iLs
4uick pace (horse). Pickaxe. Beam for ci'ossing a x^^U
To sift (riour). ifc ^1 stream.
To have i"ipe grapes (vine). ^sM 't Yielding no more milk (she- ^.jl^
Grapes falling during the vin- Xi^y Reduced to silence. X^jb ;«ia2*j . fi»^j*
"Walking at a slow pace. ^ ^U >j^ Place of cutting. Syllable. ;il?U/» -;- fLlai*
Plucked (fruit). u9>Jai»j wijlsl Stone-quarry. < Piece of cloth.
Velvet. Villous wiiJj ^jQaS -^^^ -^ The ends of the valleys. SjijVI ^h\2^
Sweetmeats. Fine The fords of the rivers. ""
garment. Pi. j'V'^'
reddish dates. Point of a debate ; 'ji~J\ fJai^
More greedy. More speedy. ^j1 test for knowing truth from fal-
To be uprooted. To crumble oisJl
Resident slaves,
^ ^ {s. pi.) cnlas
To give up, to neglect a. th. ^i j.;3 with short steps. To cry ( sand-
To make a. o. to sit down. ^— grouse).
To prevent a. o. from To To be late.
He prepared for war. To on the croup of a horse. 5 —
He began to revile. Croup of a horse. siy
To serve a. o. To be Sand-grouse. CjVj^j C1»s ^ —
sufficient to a. o. They dispersed Clai u^jvi J l^i
To sit down with a. o. & ati5 in various places.
To make a. o. to sit down. n aisi Walking with short ct^^J oO^
To give a seat to a. o. To cripple steps,
a. 0. (God), Tliick and bitter water. ^I'Jj ^— '.s ^
To hinder a. o. fi*om. ^ 5 jia^j a*5l To crackle, to rattle, to clash. ,sj5 -S-
To be crippled. a.ii To clatter, to shake a. th. ^—
To put off an affair),
( ji, j£.\jjj jiij To overrun the earth. iJ^jVl j —
To ride (a beast). A aixJl To produce a clattering sound. 4^
May God preserve thee 'jjt ilais
! They are gone, ]^Jk4.t c-^i^j z-is^
People remaining at home in j^ij Magpie. Raven, ^j fX^
time of war. Soldiers without pay. Clash of arms. Gnashing of the x;i2i3
LJ ( '\^ • )
To be uprooted (tree). The 11 th month %j^\ j'^j ^j^)
^^1, j'i
Bottom (of anvtbing)- j_^» ^ J^ of the Arabian year.
Hollow in the earth. Bowl. Town. ^Manner of sitting. Last born aj^
Intelligence, sagacity. (child).
Deep-minded. _^l j-^ Ass. Saddle. o'^ ? »'-^
Hollow in the earth. ej^j o'J^ Litter for women. Carpet. soil
Deep (cup). j^ij ol^** Sedentary. soii
Vai-j deep. jl*1j jj^ Lameness. Impotence. iCij iGJi.
To have the nose turned up.Cij a^^«j -H- To urge (a debtor). To be i*. hiH
To sit on its tail ( dog To " a1
). angry with.
squat. To be turned up (nose). To To bind (a turban). 4> l»i:*ij —
rise high (star). To be humbled, abashed. ( u:< a Ja-j
To force (a horse) to back. s — To hold obscene talk. J^i j Jaislj ia^
Iron-chape of a
^» « ol>^ c^ ^ To
despise a. o. 5 -
Having the nose turned up. M^ia^ ji'\ To recede from. O*^
To dry (linen, plant). To (i^5 o ZJa -ii- Large flock of sheep.
stand on end ( hair). To steal a coiu Turban. ;ku^j Jajui^
To shiver from cold. ^Siijj ,_i,^ ; < , ^ To heap stones in a conical _^ <
To be spoiled by rain *u? a ' is -» shape.
(plaut). Conical heap of ( for j^^ ) j_^ -^
To loathe a. th. Goi fi> a rd> -^ stones.
To abstain from.
Cream upon which milk is
c — To open (vine- Dt;5ij ''^^\- ^^
*^i^3 blossom).
added. To pluck (a flower
To strike a. th. * 6.u|j &!! a ?klj * Vine-blossom.
hard or hollow. Oblong mountain.
Food of dates and grease. *^^}3 Male hare.
To slap a. o. on the s \j1> 1 aia -{:{- Hillock, hill.
To preserve, to store up a. th. /St fi> <.. Miller's fee payed in kind. Hasp
To contract (the fingers cold). : of a lock. ^ ^
To be contracted, shi'ivelled. ^^ White-footed (horse). J^j
To dry up and harden (plant). ^l\ Long felt-gloves. -h^J^ r J^*
i ^*> ^
To be prevented, to refrain from.^^ — To die. C_y^j C~i3
Testudo (besieging machine). ^ To grasp a. th. *—
Sorrow, grief. To take hold of a. 0. by the hair, s -
Basket of palm- ouiSj ^U3 ^ *iij To have the tip of the CI* a ^*^
leaves. nose large.
Disease distorting the feet p^j ^.U? To bound (gazelle). ^-mI
of sheep. To seize 0. a. by (the hair). ^ ^liS
Sparing of his goods. fUa Vile (slave). -'LJSj ,ur-(ji»
Bramble-net. ie-Ua Born from a slave ^is ^ "Lis'j. ^ti\
Having shrivelled ^j^ ^ 'UiS j, ^j3'\ father. Anything long and folded.
To charge a. o. with
y fovil deeils. ears, distorted toes. Short-tailed.
To attribute a, th. i_, i j&\\j ja\j Uj Stooping the head.
particularly to. A drooping herb. Turned up »Ciij
Scattered people from various i5 Thou camest seldom. cJo. C« ^S
tribes. At least, minimum. \^s
People gathered from various J& To lift, to raise A ^arJ-lj ^\j "h j» ,
Who has left few verses 'd-^ He gave him very little. -[liii] i5 jij
poet ). To possess little. ^'\
of a
To handle (substances).
ponder over (a business).
To /b
^ tain. Stud of a
Paucity, smallness, rarity.
^» ^ V3
To be baked on one side (bread), ^li] Plural of paucity (from 3 to a5)l^»
To be diT- externally ( grapes). 10).^
To be turned over, changed. ^\xi They 'started all of them.^^^^Sj l^ijl,
To bj restless in bed (sick man). He took o-^JSij) ^}^.j *r!_Ii iliil
^ To be unsteady, fickle. it altogether.
To act in o.'s omti way in. J —
To be inverted, reversed. To be ^Ii,\
oCyS, J y 5^ 9- ^^ -^J *i4i
NO ^
To clean the teeth of. v -rO^
Yellowness of the teeth. ^>Gj <nJiS thought. Middle part. Center of an ar-
Dirty garment. ^JiS. my. Kei'nel. Marrow, pith best part. ;
Having ^> ^ 'GJs ^ riJ^'^j , *>.i^ > 94* (Grain.) verbs of heart ojii)l Ju>1
self. disease.
To gird on a sword. '^-Kr^^
~ On the reverse, on the wrong kj^iiiJlj
( AM ) ,s
Rounded cap worn by X-:^ <-j s^~aIj of 1 stars called also ^y%
Celebrated verses. ^kLW oIjIs*^ aJ_5G
Greek pi-iests.
P String. Twisted (rope). :>y^'j J^
Eel. u^^^J ij~i^'U tr-ii"'
take off tlie crust A CsJia o J-is Magazine, s ali^ j Xj\V2-i ^ i>lijj,j^5^
To -{f .
of (a wound).
Short and stout, small and bulky .^^j Imitation. cJiSJkij J ~IV27 ^ -i-U7
C ^T- ) .^i
Hooked staff. Iroa ;i^U/J ^ *_iiiA To swaddle s Ul*j >'>'.« JaiJ
, i -tt-
To swarm with j^j , yc^» a J«3 -J1- To beconae distressful (day). '^Ja^\.
lice (head). Book-case. Fetters, J»^'^ tt .^^
To be black-spotted (plant). To j^ bonds. Strong camel. Shoi't man.
juultiply (people). Unauspicious (day). j^Ja^j _^L.i3
To become lusty. J^h ~ To subdue a. 0. s r^\i, d^j a /4j -ft-
To bud out.
^ jiil To strike a. o. on the head. 5 ^
Lice. ( un. ) j;.» To prevent a. 0. from. s ^''ij — ^
Covered with vermin. J*^J J^ To empty (a skin). To blast A ;^
Tick. Ring-worm. Small ants. j^ (the plants : cold).
Red-winged insect. To penetrate into. j—
To purpose
Manner, wise.
a. th. » jl^ — ^ -H- To be easily swallowed (beve- ^Ij —
j^ rage).
able to.
J ilj ^ ^j (»i. f. s. pi.)
^ To be weak-sighted. To
have a sore eye, a pain in the knee.
1^ a ^«.»
To remain
quiet. To acquire a 'cAJ^ Funnel. f,^\ ^ ^\j ^'^j
Stalk of a fruit, of a f,j!!^ ^ ^liS, j ^^^
To stand upright. 'o^zjlj — flower.
To undertake a. th. perso- v_i 2r2i-ll Thimble. •I'C:^"
nally. Red tumour on the eyelid. Swel- ^
Hillock. Sleeve of a shirt. <>• Hen- '^ ling of a horse's knee. Weakness
coop. of the sight.
:a5jj oUSI
Top of
w ('>^' A *'•
P^-) o3 Weak-sighted.
Swollen in the knee.
^^ >\^i ^ ^.i^Tj,;^
cj^j oCi»,j cA» ^ ill
a mountain. The choice part. ^
^ *ii»j *ii5j SiiS
Strand of a rope. < Gal- cn5, ^ :^I3, Top of a camel's hump. ^ :Uij ^ —
banum (resinous plant). Large fly. ^^ui ^
Way, mood. J^ Cone-shaped column, ^ly ^ f.^\5
Glass -bottle, flask. oUJj 'jCJ ^ l2i5L Subduing the passions fj\'p ^ <iLjV»
Upland. oU;? r-?-^ ^^ w <*^ ialsj , Cj^jis i O iJsj Cl»A» a ia^ -Jt"
0. U- 2* dusty.
to. Odour of I'ancid oil. z^%
To become soft by cooking (meat)._,4s Smelling rancid oil (hand). Ji^
To ti'eat a. 0. harshly. To s ^s Person, hypostasis. ^JVsl ^ ^jiSl G
thwart a. o.
To have o.*s people subdued. ^\ To acquire, to appropriate a. th.
To find a. 0. overpowered, s J^\ To create a. th. (God). fit |^j —
subdued. To A j^Jlj » ^b ^^3j lyj , a ^s?j i
Constraint. Ill-treatment, -fy Des- J^t preserve modesty.
pite. To be hooked (nose). CJ a ^)
Force, violence. ;^^s To be kept indoor girl). c^>
( ^
Forcibly. sj^j \J^ To dig (a channel). A JJ
He is humbled by all ^u.) sj^j ^* To render a. o. wealthy (God). 5 Jjl
men. To .spare (money).
Wicked (woman). S^^ Bunch o\'j^,j oCis J 'U,"j1
Steward. Xi'j^ ^ ^'^'^ >• oCi^s P Spear. ciJij '^?j c.\yh i^ ,- sCJ
Surveyor. Spout of a mug."
Cloth of wool and silk. Isj^j j45 -)^ Spine of the back. ^^\ —
To walk backwards, to re-' ^i^ -^ Owner, acquirer. *L;v3 j, o^
trograde. Intensely red. j^ Ji>-]
•^ To revile a. 0. To render life s — Armed with a speai".
^cj^j -^
painful to. Hook-nosed. M^s ^ J^sl
To go backwards. To be despi- _,i^ Shady place. S^iz^> sui*
^y )
Tetter, ^,'^j tijij, vj* t '^.J^j '^'Jfi
sed, reviled. -^ To lead a painful life.
To follow the lead of. J :>\itL\ Empty egg. Chicken. xlJlaj *jQ
To ask a. 0. to retaliate upon, ^j" i — Shells of broken eggs. Hollow. j_,y
Distance. ju5j ai* Chicken, o Epidemic, ^\'^^ t vy
Horses led-horses.
; i^S skin-disease.
^y C \To )
To be bent, bowed. -^ To be cr^ Retaliation, punishment. i^
shot. Halter. ijjii ^ i;^ j , it?
To mark the head with white s ^^iJ Tractable. iCai) ^_^
( hoariness). Manageable (horse). ^j^lj j;5j jCi
To arm o.'s self with (a bow). ^ — Strong-necked. ^^ ^ .|i>3 !. i;^»1
To imitate a. o. .i_, ^0:31, Avaricious. Broad-necked (horse).
Bow. Carder. ^,-11;^ crljS^j ^.4. t u-j^ Lofty (mountain).
Bow of a violin. Fore-arm. Cubit, Oblong mountain. i^i-»j —
measure. Leader oliS t-»-j S^V^j i'^»j i^ r- -J^.^»
Sagittarius (Zodiacal sign). tr-^' of hoi'ses. Commandei'-in-chief. Star
Rain-bow. ^jl ^^» in Ursa major.
Hermitage. Hunter's booth. ^..^s Prominence. jS)3
Hard (time). u-S^b lft.->'J ^rv' Oblong hill. s^iG
Bow-maker. Bow- :;j: 1°5 ^r u*lyj w^'^ He submitted to him.^iU/fj jSCi iCktl
man. -^ Consular guard, cawass. To walk on the tiptoes. \'J^ o jt> -H-
Starting race-horses. ^j ui_j ^l» To catch (game) by guile. i —
Gun-shot. ^^l^s -^ To A ijuiii j'^Slj ijUsi jUsij j^j - ,
Loiuacious. Eloquent.
Speaking, Jj% 7j3j ^>j Jy ^ j;,G
Treatise. Chapter. *Jdi
Conference. <>• Bargain. i)jia;i
TY )
•"I It is worthless. He is un- ; oppose a. 0. To as.si3t a. o. To be
^ steady. eijual to.
Provisions for sol- oC»V>l. 131 To set up a. th. To /b iJilj x^vSl. ^Cjt
diers. establish ( a proof ). To perform
Straightforwardness. Noi'inal oviill (prayer).
state. <• Pregnancy. To I'aise (the dead). To make s —
•<> Alnaaaach. a. 0. to stand up.
Survey of a land. To continue a. th., to keep to. it —
Manager. Upright. To remain in (a place). t-»
The husband, He stood in his stead.iJui j,^'\j *j ^.gI
n Guardian. Juggler
"^.•s-"* !r
To perform (prayer). To * —
The true religion. straighten a. th. To render (a mar-
Upright, ^fjj ^\% jr»j y^ ^ ^SQ ket) brisk.
conspicuous. Vertical. Steady. To set a. o. over. To appoint ^ S —
Hilt of a sword. willll — a. 0. to.
Waterworks. sl^JI - To begin a law-suit ic. j^li —
^Uipj j'.'^Xjyi ^j >>15^ ^'Jj ^U» v,^ against.
Lieutenant. Vice-roy. Turkish gover- To be straightened. To sub- ^^ij
nor. sist.
Rebellious. Perpendicular to. ip ^^is To rise one against the other, ^jijj
Rectangle. ^jjj" v,^ To oppose 0. a.
Bill of sale. Leg ^; \^5_, c-VU,6 ^ zi^.G To cut (the nose) to. ^ii5l^ fi>
Stuff saturated -with ^^!l '^Sj (_j]^j Leading an easy life. 5:^11 ^ eS
dye. To be, to become strong, s^i a jj% -H-
The thrust has yji) 'i^ll 0*15 To prevail upon a. o. *j j it j'_j|
caused blood to spout. To be able to do a. th.
To provoke ? ss^l. tVslj , iLi5 i!* To be equal to a. o. »_,
vomiting (medicine). To be vacant (house). ^lyj ^ ~
To excite o.'s s^Ulil 'Ur-Llj 1 ^Jt^ ^*^
To be hungry. To be withheld ^s'^ —
self to vomit. (rain).
To endeavoui", to desire to To overcome a. o. in ^ s^ j'^
vomit. strength, to overpower.
Vomit. Vomited food. To strengthen a. o. ; to hearten a ^j^
Vomiting much. a. o.
Emetic. To vie in strength with. » sljiii jjG
Pheasant (fowl). To wrestle with.
To sup- ^!57j ^gI, ^j,i[i,j i ^G -{^ To inhabit a desert. To t\'^{ j'^]
Plants remaining green
^h -I^VSi Proportion. Appraisement by £ijU/1
till Ak.5* analogy.
midsummer. Quantity. Instrument ,_^jV]»i ^ w'^
^ Ball,
liver. To affect a. o. painfully (cold). pin-cushion. ijC^
To purpose a. th. ^ -4^J -^ <. Hedgehog. i^lji :j;6'
To have a complaint jSj , Ijiir a jJ' Dandelion (
plant). OiiJI oCi-iT
of the liver. Having down cast eyes. i^CSC*j ZSLa
To culnainate, to reach olfeJj jIS Ball of spun Li'^j CjtS^ ^ liO
the meridian (star). thread.
To crDdure (hard- ^
(SCfj 'sjJlivi ojiT To upset, to turn upside >bj j ^SCT-H-
ships). To struggle against (difficul- down. To hurl a. th. down into an
ties). abyss. To bring ( a flock ) together.
To thicken (milk). ju^d ^ To wind a. th. into a ball. To
To I'eaoh the middle of (a desert). a — scatter here and there. To make
Midst of SiCCSj "lICSO 'IJ^ -45j juT force-meat (balls).
the sky. To gather (throng). To be ^^SClSCj
Liver. i_^_j iC&.1 ^ a^j aX wound up, glomerated. To be spilt.
Enemies, ZjY : black- .sCiiVl ij-i He wrapped himself in his .;Q J —
livered. clothes.
Middle of a bow. Cavity of the aj' Game on horse-back. wSClfj ^JClT
belly. Liside. Center, middle-part. Crowd, tjpi'.^'fj y^P^'^i <^^^J v^^T
Gold and silver mines. Inside j^jvi — press.
of the earth. ^ Ball of spun thread, of wool.^_^:r
Atmosphere. Meridian. ^Middle xr •<>- Force-meat ball. 'h^''^^
part of a tract of sand. Distress, To prostrate, to humble. ^ (hlT i c^f -tt-
< To
To be
be broken to
up with earth
( •xrr
cal). Nobility.
Main part of an
.\dvanced age, oldness. Zj^fj 5jjf} ^nT
filled ^^Ji^b
(well). He is]^3>iO v'^j' 'Jv-r^i V'-^^S*
Invasion. Sadden attack. Pres- iLLT the greatest or the oldest amongst
sure. them.
Earth for filling a well. House ^f Stoutness, greatness. jtf
of clay. Cave at the foot of a moun- Drum. Caper- j^r^'j J^ vr -^^ ^
tain. Origin. tree, capers.
Unexpected attack, surprise. ilir Pride. Grandeur, magnificence. '\j_^'\X
Jf ( "\rO _^
^ To totter.
to ( a captive ). To confine a. o. in
Sweepings. Oj^^ t "^j.'^'^ rr^J ^\ prison.
Sort of frankincense.
Oozing -svater. Moon-rays. »tj'
^ ^\S To put off the payment fit ^ j;iJj jT
of (a debt) to.
Stumble. Dust. Fall on the face, s^r To hinder the purchase of (a '
* ^'^
Censer. %'^ property) for availing o.'s self of the
J^ C \ro ) uT
Having the upper part of the oSsil To close (a bag). tf> ^.iz\
back prominent. To form into squadrons. To w5fe»j
Thej follow or they resem- iV::^!.) ^.a gird o.'s self.
— Book-seller.
Library. *jUJti'TE
° ^ "^
1 saw all thy^iil c^-i*^ «iC^i. i^ib scribe, clerk , secretai'y. Learned
brothers. man.
•^ Cripple,
one-handed. p^^*-^ Boys-school. »_»ijii:r, .u!r
To walk slowly in (if^y i ^i_r -i^i-
Elementary school. >^,\£sji ^
ir ( ^r•^
To hold (water skin), a liuT, C^^^sT^f
: walking (horse). To walk by starts
^ To be costive. (locust).
To conceal a. th. from. A i j\S' To cross the arms r>Ua)l J wiSfeJ
To conceal a. th. from o. V ^ in prayer.
To be concealed, hidden.
Shoulder- :dffj
blade. Shoulder.
^C;i1 ^ ^ir^ j ^
To commit (a secret) to » s Broadness of the shoulders. jtr
a. o. Lameness, limp.
Concealment, discretion. Pain in the shoulder-blade. jui'
Concealing of a secret. Manacle, handcuff. ,jS^
Plant for dyeing the hair Leaf, plate of metal. ^i-k'
Thick (beard). ^Xi 'zS Greek CathoHc. iiji;^^ JiJjS'-^
Thick- -^ ^ .&r^ c.fe.lj,S^I)l 'cSi - ^ Roman oji%v;)jJirT i]^->fi'G
bearded. Catholic.
To foam (milk). To Ur, , *ii_jr a "isT ^ The Greek Catholics.
tf- diJjjlTG
froth cooking-pot
( ). To be thick j
To become a Catholic. dUfjr-^
(beard). j
To con- A^:s'lj ^!S3 Cuir} uiJ'o ^-H-
To skim (a pot). /b — \
ceal (a seci'et). To restrain (anger).
To be tangled (plant). 'uT, - To breathe painfully (horse). 'y'j,\ —
To ask much of. ^—
•^To thank a. o. s-i'^-^
Great number, abundance. J^j J\f
Main part, redundance. '^-J\ J(f
Spadix of palm-trees. ^Oj JS
Great number, abundance, alhfj Sln_r
Much. Plurality. Frequency.
Excess, redundance.
Increase, frequency.
Often, frequently.
Numerous. Frequent. -^ Much
Very. Often.
Numerous, manyoj'^.'iir, sSjfO ^i^ Ji>j,
Many women.
( "^rA j^
hia eye, i. e. he spent the night Scum, cream. Xi'id>j 7J.i.
Dates mashed in milk.
To sneeze (beast).C-U!0 \JsS"\ j^oT-fr
To urge (a beast). & —
To repeat fi> zj^j \j\jsaj \'j^ jsi f^L Thus, in such a wise. ll^Cftj diiir
a. th. <• To refine a. th. I In such a place. yjSj O.fo'^^.
To be repeated, -tf To be refined, j^; I have cashed so U-*ji lliSj lIlTcJal*
'f C 'M> )
Stump of a palm-branch. Rope ^j^ repetition of an action.-^ One hun-
of a bucket. dred thousand,
Anxiety, ^'J -r v jO , ^3^ -r
^'j^ Globe, sphere. o'^?r (A*''
«S^ ) S^'^-
grief. ball.
<• Indigestion. :;^ ^ Cellai-, pantry. j>(r} jVJf,
Beam in which the head V-'-' r^xiir
5^ *!
Cowry used as an amulet. jVjsa
of a tent-pole is insei-ted Returning to fight.
Adversity. "^ -^0^ a Bobbin, reel.
vi'l)^ *riv^ ^ '<ij^*J^
Dates nearest vy^l ^r ^iO^J *J^'3^ Succession of ages. ji^aiJI jjj'
to the stem of a palm-tree. Rattle : sound in the throat. ^jfe"
Cherubim ; Ar- j^.i'J^i ^i^^ Repetition. Refine- jcj^j
changels. ment of sugar.
Rolliug-pin. vi^ At repeated limes. 00^
Sad. ^ij^i viS^ Place of attack. ^l
Promptitude, haste. <rKj^\
To laugh loudly and repea- _,fe>^ ^
Tiglit. Sinewy (joint ). tjjfev^ teldy. -^^ To murmur (water). To
Strong (horse). rumble (intestines).
To shackle, to fetter a. o. 5 t^'j^ <> To up (tnings) To heap up ^ —
<- To contract (joints), ^u^^j rr^,]^ () and drive the clouds (wind ). To re-
Greengrocer-shop. ^^;l3^^ r-o^P peat a. th. To turn (the mill-stone).
Horse-whip, basti- -!r-:>\'jo ^ ^G^"C P To detain, to withhold a. o. — &'
To clean.se (a stable). C^ i
^-S^ "^ Manufactory. <J^»}'y >: *j<j-^P
To found (a building). <- To ifc
^"J^ .^ Silk-manufactory.
consecrate (a church). To urge (a beast). To 5 li^o ^y^
To be defiled with urine and ^-3^1 drive away (the enemy).
dung. To cut a. th. A —
To impark, to inclo.se (kids). 5 u-1^^ To expel a. 0. 5 i'j\is>
To find rain-water.
strike a. 0. on the wrist- s a^^
To ofler the side to the (hunter : 3 — bone.
game). To put cotton into (an a ^'^
To perform ablutions. 9^^ inkstand).
Rain-water. Thinness of the ^'^ To tie. To hock (a beast). » —
shank. Cotton. Jijl'Jfj wi—
Vile, contemptible. (s. p/.) — Flake of cotton for •^j^L'J'j HL'y
Trotters of 9j\i^\ r^i f.'J'\ ^ ^Vj" inkstands.
sheep, oxen. Shank. Bitter iXz.'/, <^j tJj, - c-^r-«-
Extremity : top of a moun- o^*^ ^r
~ vetch. Sort of chick-peas.
tain. To be wrinkled (.skin). Ci^a J-j^-^
Horses, mules. pIlA)' To contract the face. To prepare'ji^r
The farthest limits of the js'ji\ f.j(is\ a haggis.
world. To become big-bellied. Jjy^'\ -^j j^^
Seller of trotters. t/J^S' To be wrinkled, contracted ^r-^/
Leaning on water (tree). ^_^_j pj^ (face).
Palm-treen upowater.oVpj V== ^ Xcj Ua To become large in the sto- j.'Jsc.L\
Having thin shanks. f.'J']
mach (kid). To begin to eat (kid).
Strong-legged (horse).^ JX^^ pj^ Stomach of J'/J' -^ J-J^J J'f-
To sniff and o^fe, ]j Cj^ o 3'J^ -»
ruminants. -^ Paunch.
raise the head (ass). Household, companions of a J^^l —
To froth forth (pot). U^ -jl- man.
Lofty clouds heaped up. 'j'^ Astragalus, milk-v^-tch. k^J/vi —
Ceratin-tree. *i-iyf Vesicle, I'eceptacle for am ,nii!l —
To blaspheme religion, ^jju CJ^i • bergris.
To drop to upset. To roll
; Aj s — Plant of the class Pen- J'J'j j^J,
a. th. along. tandria.
To roll down. cSJ^> -^ ^ Stuff of thin silk : crape. *i.d3^
To be impeded in walk. ^'^ -^ ^ Beam, joist of a CjHIj^t ^^J"
To be deformed. cr-'!^ floor.
Celery (kitchen vegetable). tj^^ Kind of haggis. Tripe. x£.[^
Water-parsnip. .Cjl y-lijr Big-bellied. J-Zj^j ltJ^
Alambic. a Calico. cJ^'^ ^ ;r^ •• Arabic written with Syriac -j,^_^^ S
a Fur-coat, pelisse. iJ^T characters.
Ardea virga^ Numidian'^l^r^ sT j^* To pound (cheese). ^ C»\ri u^'^ -fi-
To be contracted. house).
To be satiated with. To sleep. ij^^
To craunch (fruits). To hire
j'J^:.\j ,jyiS\j
fi> iJjISCj
Avarice. Gluttony. Smallness of (a beast, a house).
the nose, of the fingers. Drowsiness. Leanness of the legs.^j^
Fearful, shy. tijf Hire. -,j'j-j
j^j yj-
Short-nosed. ^J^tt 't»jr Rent. Wages. Hire. ej'jfj '\'jC
Short (hand). ^ iMule's load.
Avaricious. ot'J\ yjf] Sphere, ^ _,$;_, ^_jLj ^ o'^
^ j'J'j cj^'J'
To bray, to grind a. th. /fc LTo ^-«- ball.
To have small teeth. CIS" a — The celestial sphere. »_,C'jSsJl —
To take the utmost cave in. J ,_^l5Cj The terrestrial globe. i^jVI —
Date-wine. Dry and beaten Hirer. •k^^'l ^ 'ssj"
meat. Slumbering. cSi'Ji'j Xj ~
Bruised, pounded. t.^>~^j — Sphei'ical, globular. lS},'}'j '^^
Having small teeth, r^ ^ 'tS j, '^] Thin (leg). Thin-legged. -Ij^^ ^'J'\
To pound, to bray a. th. ij> ^^JClT •« Kind Cj\j'JIj Cf.j\j^ :r *'U^-« o'J^
•^ To mumble. To recoil. of partridge.
Gruel of coarse semolina. ^j^llT Caraway- \ijj^^j -G }^j G j^^G
To pursue a. o. closely, s lira llS -^ seed.
To urge ( a beast ) in the track of Muleteer, I
^^ ^J J}J^' TT J^^
others. To overcome a. o. in a Hirer of asses.
quarrel. Walking slowly (camel). j'J^'J\
Portion of the night. jjIji ^ r^ To become li^hj ,;jj^« Sjlj'ro jT^
Hinder part : latter 'US'! ^ '^_ySj -\j^ dried, tough.
part Pi. Traces. ^ To dislike a. th. ^a —
He fell down on the back of iUr ^ITj > To gnash the teeth. *-lC-i1 Jfr
his neck. To contract a. th. ji ]jfo jT
To ifc .^'rij ^tS^j C_C
, i
v-^ -* To shrink from cold. j!r
earn, to gain a. th. To acquire To afflict a. 0. with cold (God). 5 jTl
(knowledge). To be niggardly. °Ji6» I
To make
a. o. to
a. th.
» s ^''^'^j ^iJj — Dry, tough. Ugly (face).
Hard (gold).
'J' ^ y
To seek to earn. -^ To progress. ^^lSv.J Stiff (bow). SjT
To fold (a pillow).
^ To inflect ( a let-
C "M-V )
Tc make
(a slave) to earn. » ^_^SCrJ,'(
ter) with kasra. To annul (a "will). Earning, benefit. ^IS
To allay (thii'st). Sustenance, earning. 1II.C
•^ To break a journey.
J^\ j yS Dregs of oil. ,yX
< To break fast. e'ji^\ — Acquired (science). '^.\L:i'\
He hindered him from ai\yi ^ S — Earning, winner. o\V-^ "^J v~? '^
his design. PI. Limbs of the ,_,^\j^^ <r-i^
Tie contracted the eyes. *i'jy ^> — body.
To alight in folding \jySj \'yS i yS Wolf. Hunting-bitch. tjCT
the wings (bird). Gaining much. >-r>j^
The wind has abated. ^j'^n CjIt^ Plant alike to the carthamus. ojlT
To break to pieces. To creas'e * ys Hound. ^ir^
a. th. [Gram). To use an irregu- Gain, ^_ISC; ^ tZSiij w~5^J w-SC^
lar (plural). profit.
•^To break, to humble, a. o. s yS Coriander. (/"or sj^'";^)
" s^Ui'^
To have a defective ^y§^\ j^^tS' -> Thimble. ouLrP
pronunciation. ^ Watch-chain. diilir?- -i*?-^ ^
To bargain in a f^\ J y,'Q=, <>
sale. Chestnut. USIT-^-
To be broken to pieces. To be _/JCj Scanty-bearded. ^^JIL^— r—^-^
crumbed (pie). To be wrinkled, fol- Xyphias, sword-fish. To have ^_i^rP
ded. -^ To be broken, civilised. a scarce beard.
To be broken. To be routed y.s>j\ To sweep (a house). ^ ulT a r-JS -S-
(army ). To abate (heat). <- To be To sweep a. th. away (wind). To
bankrupt. carry away. <> To lop (a tree ).
To break a. th. fi>ysr[ To be crippled in the (WlTa !^.~r
Cj\jj-i^j jy-^ -^ ( :s)
c'i. "iy. legs.
Fraction (of a number ). Fold. To ill-treat a. 0. S 7^^
un. vys. ) jiii'lj jyS ^ ys,i ys What an untractable man ! iklH >
Limb. Piece (of bread). ( o'lr^C ^ To be swept. 9--15Cj\
Windings, ravines of the Xi_ii^\ jyS Impotence of the limbs ; lameness. ^J_r
valleys. fy- Rachitis, rickets. ^iJT
Broken ground. j^S cjC'i J^'J\ Sweepings. Crippleness. "ii-i..^
Grieved. JCJI —
To craunch : to peel * llTa \1S'-^ To be lazy, jJ^j,>Lra J^-«-
a. th. ,
slothful, sluggish.
To wound a. o. with (a sword).i_i s — To render a. o. lazy. ^ jlirl I
To roast, to dry up (meat). aUs'Ij — Sloth, neglect, laziness. jJlfcit^ J-^ '
To be chapped <iijr, 'llTa '^ j^iiTj jro j'lJ:, J\ir ^ o>ii.'0 j-jr
(hand). j
Slothful, lazy.
To be surfeited with. ^/> \lJC5j — ;
Slothful. Delicate (girl). J^IT
To be scraped off, paired MJsu \
Sluggish. Soft (woman). (m./.) jL-SsL;
(skin). To pound a. th. dry. » (^:S ^IT -)}
.^ ^
To be withheld. To be alarmed.^;sC:
To repel a. o. n CJaS^ —
"Weak and cowardly. ;3CJ^ To lose consideration. C^r ^^^i -fr
Having rounded ^iSCJj >^t(i=j ^jUr To notch (a bow, a ;*> i^Lf o ^k^ ^
breasts (girl). flint).
Swollen *J^h , v5t>= ?r v^^ Notch on a bow. Fat of the reins. _^
(breast). Sinew fastening the notch of a J^^
Cubical. Cube. wJiSC* bow.
To trench off a. th. with ^ a ^Uf -^ To close (a door). * CjaT ^laf -^ i
ir ( -V"- ) r
To shade o.'s eyes -with the ^ "jSiLLX Short-sized. ^iir j, c.^
hand for looking at a. th. Cover of a fla,sk. t^
The people stood round '^'^ [jAiS\ — Nightingale. oliuC ^ c^T
for examining it. He reeled in walking. asx-La J _nir ^
To seek
to remove a. th. ^^ ^ ~ To
be big-bellied "i^/f'a ^ -«•
Gentian, fell- wort (;}^«nf ). ^*i!i — The openings of the road.jj;_,L!) ^^'^
Star in Cassiopeia. v^»--" lljS^' Muzzled. -^ Vexed. ^y^'^j j.^^S'
•^ He gave him a slap. ClT iilri» To lose liveliness. ^iH — jj.r-^
In front, *lf ^ ;lfj dsQ ^fj 'iXf "ij^ To be cowardly, sluggish, sy^ o Uf ^
opposite. To be unable to. ^i a ^-i ••
Palm of the >Jii?j ^^ ^r ^!—*r To weary out a. o. 5 "if -^
hand. Bezel of a ring. Plate of a Coward. Fugitive, •ui'l ^ i^l^^ _9i'&.
balance. Frame of a drum. Hollow Paper. -J^G^' ?r -i^''^-' -*6^ ^
full of water. Anything round. Libra Seller of paper. <^r^^
[constell. ). To hem, to fell (a gar- A uTo t^
Hunter's net. jSj <lf ment). To overfill To wrap
(a vessel).
Border of a garment. ^\ifj _ii^ ^ xl^ ( the foot ) in a I'ag. To collect
Selvage. Crowd. (things).
Head-shawl. ( /b?- :c^^) s^iT
• To drive a. o. away from. ^ & liT
Beggary. ^r To desist ; to refrain Jc. l^^~>j liT
Sufficiency, livelihood. ^\jS'j — from. To withdraw from (a place).
Cavity of the eyes. ^IT Leave it off. >j^jl ^^
The like of. Sufiicient (food). ^\if He has been blinded. 'e[/ai t^j tjf
Let me alone, and I shall ^JiiT ^s-^'^ To ask (beggar). i liSClLij _iiSo
leave thee. To hold out the hand liSC;\
The choice part of. ilf] ^ juT (beggar).
Selvage (of a garment). Circuit, rim. To refrain from. To set out ^c liSol.
Blade (of a sword). Side of a cloud. from.
Stitching. Having the iiif ^ life To roll up (snake). To be liSCU-i^
teeth worn out (camel). luxuriant (hair).
y;r C ^^s ) ^r
To race with. » CvuT, SrSlSC/! c-sCi. They came all of them. ^Uo ^Cjl «(?•
To deny (a bene- ^^ (Ajk^j \jjli' — fft> skirts). To draw a. th. to o.'s self.
fit). God has taken him. (551*
— '.uil
Equal, alike.
"^j ^^
jiS <
To be crook-footed (child ).C_ira(,r-^'^
To be distorted (foot). ^^iJCJI,
To suffice, to satisfy s ijiiC i i^ -S- Crook-footed. ,jJt^ 'llif ^ ,jJs']
a. 0. Swaddling-clothes. ^rilC
God i' a sufficient \'i,.
^ f.. jji, i_r' To nurse 5 jlfj ,z)Lirj !Air o Ji/ *
witness. a. 0.
To do instead of. ^^j ^ JS s ^_j SuSj y>i<r, !Aif jifj a jiO i o jir
To give sufficient provi- ^^ 5 iS* To guarantee : to make o.'s self res-
sion to. ponsible for.
To protect a.
0. a^^op ^l jl ij'at »
^ To assume (a duty).
He became surety for
To suffice IS
Js" -if-j ^usTj sVs'vSCi Jl^ him to his creditor.
a. 0. To appoint a. 0. as
To requite a. 0. with. ij 5 — surety for. To ask a. 0. to be surety
To grow (plant). JS:j for.
-^ ( "\e
^^ ^'c%
Requital, reward.
suii',- ,'-J>0
The whole alfair is in *-u^ ilP^^VI ol To shine, to glisten ^'^— ^iaf -Vc
He is a remote i"elation.ii>^|^£ ^t
Universal. "^
^ every direction.
Un. A Crowd, Detach- tlS'^
^iSt^ star. -fy-
•^ J'cr/n of ^\^C({
doggish man. \
He ended his life. i^;^ ^aJTI
Hook of a saddle. V^^ "r-^
To be sleepless (eye). >^15'I.
mony, PL Taxes, duties : expenses : To dart upon its prey (falcon). y^^S'l.
Reddish wine. Nightingale. Suffix of the 2'' masc. and fern. i^T
Brown bay horses. '4}'-^ SS- pers of the dual. You both. Your two.
To walk with short steps. Jc^ ^ To cover a. th. To stop A tS o 'jX
Pear. ( M?i. oljvii^sOw^) J^^l^T-^ a (vessel).
^ White unleavened bread. ^C^P To muzz'e (a bull). 5 —
Flour of first quality. To put forth 'J-\j J;Si, (^jiSj L^'J-
To pull in, to y ^^-S'ij , <>^ a 9-U^ -» the integument of its blossom (palm-
check (a horse). tree).
To put forth its gems (vine). ^.is'1 To put sleeves to (a gown). A^lj^lT
u^ ( )
To come to blows. Checking (his horse). ^I'ite
Nimble. To be haughty. *i;l| 6^a ^^T*
Laborious (man). To check (a horse) with (the i_j s —
•^ Handful. bridle).
Having small ^kySj 'iLJ'j j'^S Pride, self-magnification. ^ijT
udders (ewe). Vinegar-sauce, •ki'S'^ -^ in^Us P
-^ Pincers. -<iJ^ seasoning.
Purblind. Short- ^i.;^- ^ 'KLS ^ J^\ Damask stuff, silk. Uiii'>
footed. <>• Dirt, dregs, sediment. i^cS
To cut (the leg.s). *> U^Ta f^^ ^ To be sad, grieved. To Q;i'a J^T-tt-
To put the head in (a vessel). j — be worn out (
garment ). To fade
To wade through (water horse). : (colour).
To lie besides, to sleep with i ^aQs> To beat (cloth : a IS^;.^, iXTo aJT
a. o. fuller).
To drink from the mouth of ^ /^Si To foment (a limb). <• To a j^r
(a skin). level (a terrace).
Bed-fellow. ;^*?j r'^ To distress a. o. (sorrow). a s^S
Man's garment. Dwelling. ^'^f To cleanse (a stuff) imperfectly, * —
He is at home. .^T J 3 * Paleness, alteration of slcij -^j -i-'S
*^'l tJ^f
Lurking-place. i>i^ ^r c^f*^
Veil, covering. ?r
Hidden (sorrow). c.;5C2; -^j »^^^-^
Quiver. oO'u?^ '^''^^'^ ^"^^
ojj^ Two-chorded violoncella, o^^"
Fire-pot ; warmer. CAji^r ^ iJyiSj
December. "JV"^*
^yf^ To be blind.To bs dim \^ a *jr -«-
(a bag).
be callous »^s"b
V^a ^^J^ To tuck up (o.'s clothes). To -^ j^
set on.
(hand). , ,
conceal a. th.
JXJj J>^h ^ ^^ ,
Callousness. v^ He put on a breast- il-ii JiX) J>^
Raceme of a palm-tree. oUC
plate and a helmet.
Barren, dry (tree). _
v^-^ _ ^
He was clad in armour. ^^1 J ^-^^
o. (calamity). 5 JS^^
To be rough (skin). CUJ" a c^,S To crush a.
Jl. -^i^l
The army had its chief ',^.11 jp^
To submit to. ",
Strong (skin). Ci^^ .
To be concealed. jS^ \
Al/iekengi, winter-cherry. r-^\^ -^ ^
Armed. V; '*
sessivepronoun of tlu
i^j oiiT
feminine plural. You. Your ^
Unthankful. i'oT, ("J. ^)
RebsUious. Ungodly. Avaricious, i_^r
To fi>'c^\j 'j'h cr^j ^^^j cr o yr.
by-naine, to surname a. o^
base of the neck.
Hinted at. '^'- ^sf~\
To crush a. o. (adver- i ij^
Surnamed. i>—
To wai'm the hands ^C^— ^T-^
To be blun- C«_^ S^l^T o J^j
weakened. with the b-eath. To roar (lion ). To
groan (camel).
To be weakened (eye-sight). S^C^T
Blunt (sword). Slow-pacing
Roaring of lions : groan of
Impeded (tongue). camels.
- Weak, timid. S('>i^i e^^
Decrepit and miserable (man).^^j
"^ To be dark C^i^ C^To w+'O a ^^ ^
To pretend to c^^j ^^fa. o c^iX
gray (camel)..
be a diviner.
To foretell a. th. to.
Diviner. Steward
To start (an ass). 2[
mch or up (sand).
exist. To happen. To be
.^ To make up (things)
Zeyd was standing.
^ Diligence, activity.
He is dead.
They are dead.
^ Detachment, troop.
'J ovr To have a prominent
To belong to. ^
It was thy duty to do.
To luxate the cubitus with
He used to do so.
(a blow).
^ When. stop the bleeding ot [a.
"Whenever. ^ To
wound) with hot oil.
-Mf. s:j
Whatever may be m Arc uvr To have the cubitus luxated, f'j>
any case.
^ To be fomented with oil.
p/j 9^^
had Extremity of the ra- ^\'^] ,. ,
Would that it Elbow. <
dius, cubitus, wrist-bone.
never existed \
Thicket of reeds, trees.
State. Nature.
Cufic writing. _'^-^^
Warrant, surety. *5Cr
The grammarians of Cufa. o^i?y^''
Saturn (planet).
Head-shawl. ^-Z
The book of
The created beings. Star. Ste ^fe«r. ^Xt
df{> - ^5*
To throng (people).
Place, spot. j^f^b
To assault, to crush a.
Instead of. j
^ Queen (at cards)
To be astonished. u'^a »^"^ To heap up (earth,
To press upon a. o. ( business), jt »/^ ,
-^To bag
To vie ia sagacity with.
a. th. /b
{ ^^r)
To cauterise
a. o. To
Pretty, nice.
More clever, ^^^ ^ 5j (/-iC
J--^^ J- u-iS'^
Prettier, nicer. ur-jS'l <•
Begetting jlXSj, .ISO -CO
acute sons (woman).
"Waiter, rubber in 'J lll&v^j ^ _i6^i •<>•
a bath.
To walk Cs_^ Cl-i;r, Cair i K^^
To eat alone. To eat much. ^uL)) —
To be deterred from. ^i —
To treat (an affair). * j_^jir
Avarice, sordidness. |_^ir
To be deterred J. Ip^Tj lilTi ^.ir-ft-
Faint-hearted. XclT^ _^^8^ ,;ir
To cut a. th. A ji!ri,Ci^i jiT-J^
To give a shape to. ib ^X
How? Like, as. jiS
How dost thou do ? di'lb. ^T
I shall act as thou. fi^\ j.'.'^', ^'S
<• Well-being, enjoyment. Cap- ^r
rice, humour.
•fy- As it pleases him. i-^ J^
Howsoever. o^
Qualification, mode of oL-i.r^ *!>Lr
entity, Pleasure-party.
C •^'\o )
Especially, above all. 1^4:? "^ Particle used as a corroborative. 'J «•
To shine, to be bright V!>Gj v"'V -»• Indeed the Lord '(pidi J^^lJ Jfj ol
Standing up, upright, ^^jj — ljV -}i- attribution, design. To, for.
To urge, to importune s Q»V a i»V -ft- Glory be to G^^ !
.i 'j^^\
a. o. It is to thee to decide the ^^V\ cLU
ambiguous to a. 0. (affair). To stick a. th. to. <_j A
Confu-sion, u-C^lj ZlJj ^Ij ^J To put forth soft hair (camel). a^l
dubiousQes3, ambiguousness. To become compact (earth). To be J^t,
Clothes, garment. ^^] ^ ^^ entangled (wool, hair). To be felted
Dress. Confusion. ^'ij x'^j] ^ ^\J^ (wool). < To lurk.
^ Tight drawers. To be commingled (leaves). To jC£\\
ujl Cv
Imbroglio, complicated ;5CJj diil Modesty, honest shame. t^;^l ^Q
(case). Way of dressing. Costume, dress. !!)
Entangled (affair). dAJ Clothing. Breast-plate. ^^T
Mouthful. < Perplexity. jSClI Threadbare (garment). Alike, ^,,
anxious. heedless.
To have the udders cii'\j , UI) a oj) -» Having or wearing many clothes. ^CJ
with milk (ewe).
filled Clothing. ^^M^ ^ ^^.IJ^
-/J (•\
To importune, to urge a. o. ~
To importune a. o. with re 5 - 1
To cleave to a. o. (cares). *j
quests. 1 To enter the main sea (ship)
To incite, to urge a. o. to. is. 5 — i
To quarrel obstinately.
To lick up (a vessel : A ljLi,)j loaj — To claim a th. impor-
dog). tunately.
To furrow (its retreat : j CiiJ o ^ii) -S- To be confused (voices To be ^JJ)
gazelle). rough, swollen (sea).
To be enlarged J^tj , Ciit) a wi?J To keep (an oath). (_) ^^dCw'.
To bridle (a horse).
^ » ^i <•_, ^^
Conspicuous road. ^^(^1 ^ w3;Vj,w»J To be bridled (horse). >^'»
Lean she-camel. ^^^J To ask a. o. to bridle C-y S ^.iJc-ll
Instrument for barking. Sliarpe-_iJU a horse.
ued iron. Slanderer. Holding inde-
cent language.
Average ground.
Bit, bridle.
^V?«3l ,-
jijZ:^] ^ ^Gj
Opened (road). ^j^h v^ Place of the bit. Horse's jjj^j lii»^
^i;jl j —
He smote hiai with the *;lij j ?rtij To adhere to. ^ CiJ a j>d
evil eye. To stick, to agglutinate. Jfi^
To stick fast in (the scab- u^J a r.>J Leaves made into a paste oi?Jj j?^
bard sword); to the finger (ring).
: for camels.
To misrepresent (news) to. it fi> r^ Party, committee. Commission -C^
To compel a. o. to Jl^s a^'^^b r-^^'^ Slow (camel). (w. f. ) o>?J
seek shelter towards. Silver. c^SJ
To seek shelter towards. Ji^ i%>t^l._ To be close (relationship), bj i ^J -tt-
haughtily. custs).
To help, to protect a. 0. » jti^J To fii <1.9jj *1.9i)j L«3ilL*j l—aj a t,r-?'
To wrap a. 0. in (bad-sheets). * 5 — lick a. th. -fy- To excoriate (a beast)
To accompany a. 0. or a. th. Aj s — by rubbing (saddle).
To be importune (beggar). To jkpd'\ To give a. th. to lick to a. 0. a ^Ui :^
^ ^^
To point out barbarisms to i ^^J To join, to solder ^_i ^Uj ^V fi>
a. o. a. th with.
He modulates his voice s«IJ,2!l J — To ally together through mar- ^iV
in reading. riage.
To repeat a. th. to a. o. ^ ^v To have much meat. To be rich ^>j1
To make a. o. to understand fit Jii
in grain (corn-crops). To be slack
a. th. (beast).
Sound, melody. o>Jj oG-jl ^
Musical note ; accent, tone of the
^ He allowed him
blacken the character
to oMs
j=>je- s —
inject a medicine through the nos- Chin, under- j^j ^\ ^ _oUki o» ^>J
trils of. jaw. Part on which the beard
befriend, to court a. o.
^ a
Inner bark of a tree. Pulp of a 'Ui^
To backbite a. o. ^— fruit.
To incite a. o. to. Beard. ^_, ^J, ^ tj.
To eat sops. Goat's beard (culinary ^Sll ::^,
Sop. •UJ, plant). Salsify.
SnufF-raedicine. Maiden-hair. Fern. j^iajl —
Jabberer. Having the Jupiter's beard (plant). 'J'^*J\
mouth distorted. Meadow-sweet (
plant). \s'j^^
Having one knee bigger X,0 j^ t^j — Water-furrow. o'^^
than the other (camel). Long-bearded. '<^}^.J ^/j''
( "WO ) (iol
lathy presence, before thee, ^tijoj To sting a. 0. 5 \iljd7j (i.JJ a p!^ «•
To be sweet, sSGlj (SloJ a a' -tt- (scorpion).
pleasing, delightful. He pricked him to the *i.lfet'. 5 —
To find fi> aiL: \j ^j fi> 'j^[ j 'i'jJJj
- quick with words.
a. th. delightful ; to delight in. He caused him to be
To spear a. 0. tj 5
— Softness, suppleness of *j.j1*5j IuIjJ
a. th. upon o.'s self. <• To contract It is not indispen- oj V "C'jiaj Ija C»
for collecting (the tithes). To undei-- sable.
take (a work) at a stated price- Exiguous. ^jl^J. ^ i_)jj
•^ To join a. th ; to string ^
To compact (a building). fi> ^^j,T
(beads) with. To become a thief. ^^.^17
To apply o.'s self to. ^ QJ i •JoJ -ft- .^ To spy a. 0. in secret. jp —
To lower (a veil). To close a A - To stick, to adhere to. ^ l^\
To conceal a. th. from. ^^ A *iJ Thief, brigand.
To deny (a right) to. ^t Aj 5 — Female ^j LiJj CjLSalj oLoJ ^ ^j loi,
To conceal a. th. it ijlj — thief.
li) ( ^Y\ ) M
•^ Slight indisposition. jiJaJ <JS"_j* Pick-axe. ,.Hii».>^ w- w-liii^
Thinness, gracefulness. Kindness :!3iLl Stone for breaking ^>li ^ ur^ J -
in words.
Compliance, agreeable inter
course. Fondness.
a. 0.
slap »
on the face.
( /o?- ^ ) dy ^ -^
mcunj warriors).
ua//ie of Herb. Draught. Xtd
A short-necked, white-bellied «i^ — The world and its Xtli') C^pVh^j Cj5jl
and long-winged green bird of the pleasures are short.
desert. To break (the bones). ;Ju) -ii-
pain to a. o.
To waste a. o^ (grief).
To drivel
^!l_, , Cil a w-ij ^ 4^
To distress a. o. (affair). s ^.iv k_.iijj i_Jt)lj w^j , CUiijj CaJj CJj, a s-^1
To stir (the lire). .A ^j^l To play, to sport. ^ydj
To be Siid, grieved.
Smart (blow). Burning r-J^^y ?r 't^'^
r-^^Jl To play at (a game).
upon (a musical instrument).
-^ To play^j ^
(love). He practiced fencing.^lAllJ ^jUb. w.«J
<>• Lagopus, hare-foot (bird). nJ-S <r He is the sport of cares. '^^'^]\ *j *^
To lick (her young : 5 1^;) a jil -« The houses are the Jl'Mi '^(i'J\ —
she camel). play of the winds.
To,bite a. th. iJ> ^;^!^j,CjJ a ^J ^ To dally, to joke with a. o. s ^tV
To chew.
•fy- To make a. o. to play, to sport. s^il
To have dark-red lips. \ljij a ,-.«! To play a trick to a. o. to ^ ^l"^ ;
tribe). j
Pasturage near dwel- hc.'^/- ^ Jaii^
To make false reports to. I lings.
To fatigue, a. o. s ^l^j To crouch (lion). ^i7j ^l] - ,j^ -H-
( ^Ar -^
To constrain a , o. to beg a th.j Wrapped, < Cabbage.
Abjectedness. To eat greedily. To totter. iUj' -ft-
Raven. gasp.
To mend, to repair a. th. A j'%
MUch-camel. rJiih Dust, earth, rubbish. -ul
Full of dangers (war). ^.^1^ ^ ^.JV Strangers. luQ) •
Pregnant. ^ Meeting-place, rendezvous. JiU
Pregnant (she-camel). ^JJ ^ ^^ij — ^ To lap. To be loose ul o ji -{^
Humbugger, braggart .i^uiJj
oUal ^ XtUJj
Word, talk.
Pine-wood used as fuel.
jjji -^
To A wi«-! Ij ^j«5Cj , CluJj CisJ a wisJ -^ To burn (the skin). A \'.^j a ^2) -ft-
a. o. To be compact (crowd).
age of disci-etion (boy). To draw near. Avaricious. jjCI
He is on the point of doing, jiij 1 y To tap a. o. slightly. 5 CifeO jjy^ i -«-
To catch, to overtake a. o.
J*~ To prick (a beast).
He caught the meaning. To strike a, o. with » Ca^J o j^ -ft-
To vi.sit a. o. '
Touch of insanity.
Fellow-traveller. Party {s. pi.) «i5
To be contemp-
L-^lfeUj Ci^l a ^
of women. To agglutinate on (the it C50 —
Lock of hair falling j^li} j body : dirt).
an affirma-
Gathered. Crack-brained. tion').
1° Negative particle. Not yet. Brass basin. olfe»5 -r
^ \
But. Only, since, because. Impediment in speech, barbarous xi&J
They have not yet U(l'>i\ l^jlu it! speaking.
experienced sorrow. Stammerer. j^ ^ >UfeJ ^ ^^1
(2*^) Conjunction preceding the per- •^ Inn, hotel. SoiJ^ Is
steal, to take off a. th. To wrap o.'s He has the jjol ^ ^.^>t;: jl x;.4J *^j
Cs^ij ^ ou
JJ *
inflamed (limb). erase a. th. slap a. 0.
c •\\- )
To rush upon (food) death. Red spots on palm-leaves.
To hurry towards. Thirsty. ^ j.;j ^ cj<^
A licking, a trifle. i—'liJj ^l^Jj Sl-iJ To be addicted, ^ ^]j , (^j a r~f ' *
Sprightly. ^^i;,! ^ ,.^V accustomed to.
To slap a. o. with the s (k^ a JaiJ "^ To give little food to a. o. s rr^
flat of the hand. before dinner.
To hit a. 0. with (an arrow), v ^ ~ To be intricate ( affair ). To ^l^J'^
He heated it in the j^h fi>
To df^file (clothes) ^^ ^'jj ^v
fire. with (mud).
To feed a child. To hold up fij s — To make (water) tui'bid. ;b
(eggs) to the light. To mix (straw) with. ^A—
To cause the loss of. 5 ^s'\ He entrusted his oSUj iJU oVi
To carry away a. th. «|i; — flocks to such a one.
To fear a o. To guard again.st.
— ^ To have green herbage mixed ^'j\\
To avert (the face) ^ fi> CQj uJ — It has been cut off, curtailed. j> ^^
fi'Otn. To conceal a. th. from. To write the letter J. C>V j-^J
He tiu'ned his head. "? Lh To rebuke o. a. ^ C>l^,j i^jy^ ^jV
To lean towards.To feel an To commit blameworthy actions. Ji\
incJination for. To stick to. To linger in. j ^^
To be curved (arrow). To j'y a jj To reprove o. a. v>j>C
wind (sand). To be distorted (herb, To be blamed, rebuked. jSi\ -^j j,\3l
plant). To writhe (stomach). To coil To deserve reproof. j>ydJ. \
up ( snake ). To deviate, to become To incur reproof from a. o. Jl. —
wry. Terror. Person, individual. oC-V ^ ^"5
To incline (the head, the neck). A ^^ Kindred. The letter J.
To coil up (snake). alj^l^j jjS i\'ji, Blame, reproof. ^y
To reach the winding t\'^\ ^^1 Blameworthy (action). xji'ij xj:y
of a sandy tract. To have withered Blame, reproach. '(*'JjS'J
plants. Blamed, reproved. jfjo^j ^A^j */^
To turn or lean (the head). To uj — Expectation, delay. ^'^j <^>5
beckon with. To snatch. To destroy Blame, reproof. ^fj) ^ zjy
a. o. (fortune ). To deny (a due ). To Censor, criticiser. ^I}b v*j5
shift in (speech). Two celebrated ij^l ;l;Vj ^.21 *^y
To hoist (a flag). /b — poems rhyming in J.
To be twisted (rope). To ^^Ij i^^ Blame, reproval. j>jyj ^ X^y^.ij _j.yji
This affair does not Uj j-U v' ^Vl Ioa To be ^11: \j cJpj cJb d^J - oV *
befit us. brave like a lion.
It is not suitable {JS" Jk'ju 0I J-^ v' To vie in courage with a. 0. ^ ^j v'
for thee to do so. Lion. Kind of spider. o>'j ^r c^
To suit a. 0. (clothes). 4_j C2J i JV Strength. Eloquent.
To adhere to. Lioness. Strong (she- ol;^ ?r *^
To put cotton into jv'tj ,;2l]j
fit vsl) — camel).
(the inkstand). Dauntless, c^liJ,oJ, 5r •^' >• «i^^
He attached him to his <^i, i^v'i brave.
own person. (1°) Negative and ^ ^)_, ^iJ -ft-
He does not save a C^ji j-^?. Vj» defective verb having no aorist : To
penny. be not.
To be attached, devoted to J JOJI. Zeyd is not standing. CJ G ^J-l'j l^
a. o. Am I not your Lord ? j^.lr., cJJ\
To act sincerely ^^ith. ,_) jujl^ (2") Means : save, except.
Scattered portions of clouds. j;i^ Except thee. ijCi |^'j villi)
To be hidden, concealed. Qll i aV' -S- To be soft, tJ,j Cdj CJ, oV' -1^
JL. ( irv )
Between, among. < Ante-cham- cnJ U What is the matter with thee ? dil U
ber. What do I care about it ? *i <J, '^
Essence, constitutive part. xIaV/» ^ Never mind. What thee ciCit C» ;.o ?
^ aJ\^
To snatch a. th. * ^'^[j ^^'\ Sobbing.
Long and supple wood. .^^ ijc- To be lusty. ^it>j iVji a j:;_, jU ^
Rod. <'h:^-?
He was unprepared for. J vU JU C»
To remain in (a place). ^ iS_^ o Jc* -{^ Lusty. j>j jU
To pull (a rope). To * i^J o A^ -^ Garden. Hand-mill. Ji> ^ xJl;;
ouu a. th. To sustain, to supply s C\a & ol» *
To be scattered (sparkles). jTli: a. 0. with provisions. To wound
To pull a. th. together. A j\^ a. o. on the navel.
To be stretched (rope). ^\j ,^[^ He was taken iJ';;: ob* W
*J oU C»
^ To prepare a. th.
To reflect upon.
A Ob-'
J Ci^Uj —
the fingers. Navel and its sur- OJj^J Cju U ;!f
<j L«
To carry a. th. away.o jjcij Cc; a ;^ ^ To mew (cat). t\'j.i o \\i -H-
To mutilate ( a To strike a. o. on
the back.
j cn>» l> i
^ i o —
(verb). imitate a. o.
To practice s j^]j \j\^,j 'i^\'^ jf(» Flow of slaver. Seed of Indian ^.'/t
a— J^
Short and light. Long. Sik* ^ ^J> To cream ( the ^ (^J o a ji^ i -ft-
across. in walking.
To be bilious. 4j ;^j i^
S*4^ Wounded on the thighs. »G.lU ^ ^X^l
To be bitter. yi ]j 531^;; a o 3^^
To render a. th. bitter. f^ y'^\j jy How foul-breathed he is!i^, ^^ ^jj>\ C»
To be dragged along. Ijl^j »!)l^ j^ To be j^y "^j j^"j . 13^ a J:^ "^
To pass with a. » — rotten (egg). To feel qualmish.
To struggle with a. o. To scatter (things). A Jlf
To become bitter. To addle (her eggs : hen). fi, j'jj.]
erf ( Y V )
To water (eye).
Robellious. Diluted milk. -ly JO j^ Cu^^ ^y>
Soaked in milk (date). To plaster (a house) a u^^ a ^y ^
Lofty building. ^^y with clay.
Beai'dleas (youth). To anoint (a skin) with oil. ^ ^yi
Without fetlock To sweep (wheat). To till up (a new
(horse). skin).
Barren (sand) : leafless (tree' To enliven, to cheer a. o. s ^'y>\
Pigeon's nest. J^J,**' -r "-.r-i Liveliness. o^^yj -ry
Audacious in rebelliou. j.^'^j;. Cheerful, -rfyi.J-^yi j^y -r -ry
Litharge, pro- dU--li]yJj r-^^\':>yi'P exulting.
toxyde of lead. Exclamation in hitting ^yj S'y
Sweet marjoram. J^yVyi nj J^fi^y' P the target. ( opp. to jr'ji )
Pomade. Excellent (bow, wine). ^/y
To pinch a. o. slightly, j \'^Ji> o 'Jy »• Fiery (horse). ^l>^j ^Sv!J -
To slander a. o. Tearful (eye). Productive (land),^r;;^
To cut off a piece of. sj^ — ^ To anoint (the fi>
^yj ,^y a ^y -tt-
Prince. 1
>y. Ointment. ^Jy
Persian governor. ti/jVy^ ^ o^.^'jy P Flowing (water). Venting. ^jii
Sweet mai'joram J^Jfj'j'y'j J'yr'j'j^ P Tender (wood). Anointed, ^'yj ^y
{})lant). Mar.? [planet). Long arrow. 'Ti^'y
To be haii'less, scanty- (jyyi a hjj: Ropf. cr-l^l rim-j ^'y ^ -r*
haired. () String, thin rope.
To tuck up (the sleeves). J,^ fi> Strength, vigour. "'^S'yi ^\'y.
To be fit to be plucked (hair), hy^] Compliant (man). cr-'S*" S*^
To drop its dates palm-tree ). To (
Uncompliant (man). ^-Or" v--^
hurry in her walk (she-camel). Dates soaked in water or milk, ^j^y
To fall off (hair). l^'J\j i^yj Da t e-wine. xLi y a
To be plucked ( hair). iO*-''. Hot South-wind. Is^'y °
To collect, to take a. th. fi> j?3t*'l. Strong, powerful (stallion).
hastily. Experience, practice. ~JL'JCj'
Woollen or silk garment, hjy^ ^ lay Myrtle-tree. Rose of Jericho. o\~'y ••
Portulac.a linifolia. species of t^y Hospital. Limatic cjiJU-i-jC* ^ o*'xJ.jU P
purslain. asylum.
Hairless, scanty- hy ^ -l^^i ^ hy] To scratch (the a Ci^^ o j''y ^
hau'ed. Thief. face).
Featherlesp hy ^ ^^'ytJ -kl y'J
~ To bite a. o. with the tongue. i —
(arrow). To take off a. th. y ^ jijv>l.
To anoint (the fi> <^'ySjS^J' a '^'y ^ To earn for (o.'s family). J —
head). Earth washed j-\y\^ j^/y ^ j^y
To ^y \j ,
-liSy <ryi ,
'^'y a ^'y away by rain.
abound with herbage (valley). Outstanding debt. xL\'y
To have (flocks) in a fertile land. ,^'y\ Wicked, biting. j!y ^ 'i-Jy ^ j:y^\
To find (a valley)
fuU of pas- fi ^y\ To strip (a tree) of its
^y -^
wood-tree used for making spears. I He strayed from the true ^jji j^^ ^
Hard and pliant spear. i religion.
Cartilage of the nose. oj 1^^ ^ oj i* He was disobedient. StlLJI y^ —
Hard and smooth (spear). !
^ To cross, to pass by. jy
Holy chri.sra. Sacrament of ojlfy S To fill (a pot) /b Jy'\j,(j'y i o Jy
confirmation. |
with broth.
Muscles of the arm. o|y*^ To pierce a. 0. quickly with, cj S Sy
Exercise, training. ':i_^^ ! To pluck the hair of a hide. To A —
Maronite, of iJjj]^ ^ s^Jj^* "^j j./^^ !
draw (a sword).
mount Lebanon. |
To drop its dates (palm- iyy a oy
To become a Maronite. uj'j^ij ojy "^ I
To be weakened (eye). To sing (maid).
G._,> &ayi ^ \
Affected with heart-disease.' ii^'l eyJ fy To let a. 0. pass. i
n Jy
Pure white. Pool of stagnating <a^ To fall off (hair). 3yJ\j J^
water. To go out quickly from. Jjv^t ^
"Weak-sighted. o^ ^^ 'U^ ^o3>i1 Stinking Cj^y ^ *-^yj,ijy,J Jy
"White (mil-age). hide or wool.
Sore eye. »u^^ cnt Ear of J\y> ] ^ Jyj Jj'y ^ Jy
To anoint (a wound). '"CSy j^J/^
fi> ^ corn.
Poultice. j^yy" -^ jJ^J' Gravy, broth. <^yj 3'y
Silex. IMarura ( un. sj^ ) jy. ^ Hypocoudria. Hypocondriasis. J\y
jjjl j.ij' Difficult business.
Of noble origin. I
incite a. 0. against.
To be scattered (tribe). J^" To ! ,^ ^
Jjiib ~ To assume a yellow hue (corn- ^'y
To be torn to pieces.
Rag, tatter. 3'y ^ xJj^ crops).
Rain-cloud. Jy 1
Mixed. sr^^-J -rij^'J "^-y
c vsn .L..
He soothed him by words. J}5')Vj 5 \L* Hail-stone.
To set ])eople ) at
( oy cL» ]j — Habit. State.
variance. Ant's eggs.
Middle part of a I'oad. '^ Ant.
Jolly. Impudent. <L-C* _j, '^-U To joke, to jest jV>j , (*j^ a «j> -tt-
Jw. ( v>r )
To grasp a. th. ojC, dli-Aj dll/J;fc Klven and pebbly soil. Unseemly 'Ul^J
To be Tfuacious. sJ^lLJ o (txLJ (woman).
To perfume a. th. with musk. ,^U fi> Long piece of wood in -r^J^ ^ -rj—^ '
There is (ii^-^ j\ ii^ j\ X^CJ- *-? C« Lean in the rump (horse). -^y-^
no intelligence in him. <• Deformed.
Avarice. iSCJj ilLJ^j lfeil.»j *&w»' To ridicule a. o. u. Jid^i^ S _^J_» ••
Dam, dX^j i)ll>; Laughing-stock. ^^^ -r o'J^-^
Avaricious, niggardly. dJCJ ^ *i=ilJj Strong woman. jl-JI t:!^ 'O'l
Hard ground. *^r^ J^'jh *^i5_/J Fibres of palm- :>\lJ ]j iU_» ^ -u.*
Burnet (plant). — X^SCL^j trees rope of fibres or
; leather.
Stechas ( plant). ^\j'}i\ d)_4^^ Iron axle-tree of a pulley.
White-spotted (horse's foot), ifeu-^ji Skin for butter or honey. iO
Impregnated with musk, musky. dLlii Strong, sturdy. J>L4-«
To flow (water). y,:ji o jUi -» n Coptic month of <^lr-^ ^
To draw (a sword). ^^
J^^^ August.
]kt ( Y\r )
He is one of tlie ^ 1^2)1 ii,l^^ J _jA River- jJL.Jj o^».> J^j *Iw«1 ^ Jl^:
best men of his tribe. bed.
Towel, napkiu. Beauty of an oval face. XWLJ^
Apricot. ( un. iX ) To wish a good eve- » ^^^ ^^^/i — -ft-
Soil covered with green. S>>C» tr'jl wipe o.'s hand 5. To suck (a bone).
To dress (the ^ JaJjj fuj.; i o Jalii -}f
He took little by little the :,>0 JGi -
hair). propei'ty of.
C YM )
( V\o )
To suck (the breast), fb \j^ o Jk^ -i^ Quadruped. J-^y'j oCi-C*^ ::;i;.>
Intensene.?s of cold, heat. jJaij jJai To ^ '^^ 'j ^o«."j , l^ a o 3/*^ "^
High olJua»j oJ^^\ 7- .Xa^j
i\.^^j — suck a. th., to sip in,
and red hill. Top of a mountain. ^ To lose its juice (fruit). '^
Shower, rain. SJua/* To give to a. o. a. th. ; to fin ts '^\
Place of refuge, shelter. il.ii;: suck.
To S j^^ h ^^^J 1 llr-a* O -oa-* "fr Sucking, suction. ( un. x^> ) '^'k
Whey. SjUui ;
away. To exhaust ( ewes ) by rail-
To masticate a. th. * Uii>» a o f^!' -S- king.
He chewed his brother's jjii ^I — To make curd. V^-a» —
flesli i. e. He disgraced him. ,
Whey. iJLi?j Jit*
To fight desperately with. s ^l. Drippings. *Ui;ij :cJu»«
To be eatable (meat). To bring fJiJ-] Oozing (skin). Small quantity j^y
To take a. th. away. vj ^a> I have not closed j,y.) ^'J. iuai-ia^
Carrying out of a decree. 'l^il. Ilr^*j 'S^.* a v-^J o _r«^J -r^ "fr I
ropolitan. ment.
To ta.ste a. th. in fi, jLiJ — jtL« -ft- Slime in the bottom kJ ikj^ ^ ^t^k^"
smacking the lips. of a trough. Place hollowed by the
Sweetness. vLj^ feet of cattle.
To stretch (a rope). ^IW o ji»> ^
fi> To be unmindful of. j kiLjA ^
To flatten (tin). To work (iron). To slap a. o. » Gja^ a rr^aJ^ -ft-
To grow tall and tangled ,^'-*[ To yield Jal^ ]j , |^;j |^ o Ja^ -«•
Craft of a tinman, ii'onraon- xlLJa.; received the least benefit from him.
gery. To run quickly (horse). \j^'j \'JiaA —
Ironmonger, tinman. JiL/J To light quickly (bird).
Dilatory (debtor). JlaU-ij Jj^j J^l** To go through (a lija'jj \'j^ —
Beaten iron, tin. "iX^ country).
Jj,^ rr
mach. I
Tender : fi'esh f fruit ). sli/ >. -u»' To soften (a fi>
^j ,
uk/f a »h^ -M-
Big and fat (camels). {s. pi.) '^m^ Daimtless, brave. er-?»^''-> w^
Wai-ra bread overlaid with X.SC-*V • To have the nerves i^J'' a ,>a*> *
sugar and butter. of the feet sprained. To be distorted
To pluck, to suatch fi> >li>. a Ji^' -)f (finger). To ache (belly). To limp.
away a. th. To damage a. th. To be in a rage. ^/a^^j u^^iJ
To backbite a. o. — Pain in the sides. ^ij^
To avert a. o. briskly ^.t j Ji^b — Feeling a pain in the feet ^jo^j ^jo^^
from. from ovei'fatigue.
Acting dexterously : sharp. To be ^, Ja»^ b , vliai/ a JomP -tt-
Bare (sand,
^ .il*;/ ^ ^ '\j i^
He possesses nothing, "ii^v Vj XlL (wolf). soil;.
pes and cast out the skin. To suck To fall upon (the ground : <i
(the breast : child). shower).
To bill (her chickens bird). : To ilye a. th. with red ochre.
To ill-feed a. o. To yield reddish milk (ewe). >1
To drink little by little. To pierce a. o. with (an
To exhaust (his mother's a I, - arrow).
milk : suckling). Light shower.
Length of the body. Red clay, red ochre.
Sucking kids. Foolish people. Reddish colour. o^i»j _,«''
a. 0. wi h (a spear).
To be hateful. ^712/ o ciV ^j£JCPj 'i Ual"' a ^^i^'j ,
Lai*' i>a«-» "^
To render a. o. hateful to. J[ s cS"' To 3 iffer from colic, i^aijl -^j iiij
How hateful he to me! i.s jjdf; iii«'l C« Colic, pain in ^c*»' -<*-j
a^'^'j u^^
How do 1 hate him I iJ ^75/^*1 u the belly.
To be hateful to^ 3il C2ij Seized with colic. xj'y^
To bear a mutual hatred. cil^j To strain ; ^ iJVj, CiaiV a JaiV ^
Hatred. ^i.- to stretch a. th.
Hateful marriage, i. e. cJ'J\ r-bj He braced the bow vehe- ^'yi^ J i^'n'
(a blade). ( water ).
sweet. (youth).
Ban-en ^>lj ^.W ^ wl^b cr-i^l
Bare, waste (desert). j^\
desert. To Ho. To run swiftly »ja> o it*' -ft-
To rule over.
~ Maltese.
To take (a wife). ^ ^Uj Us.U,_i
- Wont to cast her foetus (she- £^;-»,
well. ,
To skin (a *j » /ir^^lj ,
CJ^" a A'' ^
the A
dtU b i^^' sheep). -> To tear oflf (clothes).
To give to a. o. 5
against him.
cross-bai-). To dally, to wanton 5 ;;lC /a^ -»-
^ ^ ,^
To erase a. th. To
buy (an estate). To win (the heart).
*iU», flog a. o.
Right of property. I
To suck (his mother child).
To wash (a garment). A
jUb -
5 ^
real estate. >
Freehold (land). 1
^ To blandish a. 0. » ji>
Possessor, owner. dU^^'j i)!^' w '^-'^ .X-Ju^'j <^Vj (kiij feil^, ^'^ *
( YYY )
prunoun. Who? Whom? Whoever. orthodox rite of Abdelmalek.
Who is he ? Who is 'j* ^v 'y> ^f , Royal. -^Jl; ^j :ciiu' ^ ^[^Ov
sho ? •^ Mt4chite (Gi-eek). r^'^J
very same day, on the same hour. enjoy a. th. long (God).
What has been lost Ji^Ji ^__ C» ^\ To enjoy a. th. long, ^j fi>j s
J:pj ^
of money. To forbear long (a ?^Ut Jj 5 jj^l
Shun the oUJVl >, ^'J\ \^^\ sinner : God).
abomination of idols. To lo6.?e the bridle to (a camel). J —
He went out from the To dictate (a letter) to.
^Ul '^\ ^^i J^ * J*^
door. To ask a. o. to dictate a. th. 5 j»;-:-l.
He h!i3 cros.sed the a^pl* ^ ^^lll J^l To beseech the forbearance of a. o.
river upon the bridge. Desert. '51^1 ^ SU'
(3°) Mean"; separation., distinction. The day and the night. ol^UJl
He knows the riliiJI >, Ji«iiJI J[;j Looming desert. ^Uj oS'^' -r o9^'
wicked from the righteous man.
He escaped from. ^j,^ zXi\ Space of time.
(4°) Means sometimes instead of. Dictation. -^ Cori-ect JiAj "J \A ^ ^"^^
You have Ju^Yj[
s^i'vi >, vJ5ill writing.
preferred the present world above Long, prolonged. "u'
the future. Long space of time. ^»^\ 2,j»" —
(5°) Is expletive before the subject of a A long time ; a while. tx^
negative or interrogative verb. Continually. V^ <•
No man came to me. jij ^>^ j nV Va Billion. -<>- Million. caj^U ^ OjJy F
No one can. jjXi^ j^ \ ^/.^ C« From what ? Of ( /br"i. ja^ ) >, *
Has any .ship left ? ^^'jf ^z* _^C Ja what (interrogative) "l
I have not si^ijl ^^ a^^ jl LiLi iiJ'lj l» viscous substance collected iVom the
seen him since Friday. ash-tree.
I have not I'-Lk iJ^i, lii jl ili iiJ^^ ^^ By the grace of God. Ju7 *|ij
To be commotion
in yyy o jC» -5^ To be obsolete (word). c^A
(sea). To move to and fro. To feign o.'s self dead ojVij
To flow upon (the ground : jc — To face, to DlixJLIj \3^iJi.\ cXJ:^\
blood). seek death.
(The spear) was moved o>iiai.!l J— To exert o.'s self to the utmost J —
in the wounded man. for.
To shed (blood). A j\Aj — Death.
To raise (the dust wind).
jQ fi> Natural death. Sudden death.^j^^jl
He moved (the swo'vl) cj-W'," J A — Death by the sword. j^
in the wounded man. Death by strangulation. 1
To go and come (man Swoon. Madness.
To fall off (hair). Kind of death.
To draw (the sword). Death.
Saint. jjjO-j jC« s The putting to death. Mortifi'
Commotion, tossing of the waves, jyi cation.
Beaten track. Rinder-pest, murrain. oVT^j ^tVi'y
Dust raised by the wind dust : Apathetic. ilU)! :t;ay ^ o'ii'y'
To provide jf oj^j , v yij C^' o oC* ^ Little is better than 'Jii ^\J^ j-^Ss
a. o. with victuals. nothing.
^ He acted on his j o>L-» Jc oCi To wash, A i>»>'j , U»>' o tr*^ -ft-
to. flocks.
Do not delude thyself. To give flocks to. s Julj V^ , JC»
•^ He dispelled (cares) * 5II? u* *>* To render a. o. wealthy. 5 J^
from his mind. To become wealthy.
To come upon ul^l, To lay aside (money)
water (digger). To yield much rain Flocks. Wealth, per-
(clouds). To be full of M^ater-springs sonal property.
(land). Rich, wealthy (man).
To water (cattle). 5 — Taxes. Treasux'y.
To put water into (an inkstand), a— Capital, stock.
To whet (a knife). Wealthy (woman).
To be sappy (tree). ^^jij <-_, ,^7 Monetary, financial.
Water. Juice, sap of ,i^^ V'
a\'^\ ^ -C. Wealth, finance, ^ Public
plants. treasiu'y.
( \rv)
Intercessor. 9^-j«il«
To abate (heat, fever). ^' ^C» -fr i
Purveyor, j^^'j »'j^'j jCt* ?r -^'^
To set '^^ A julj _n/»'j , lljt»' i jU -ft-
iJ ( vrA )
To clean out (a well). A £IJ o oIj ^ To announce v_j jl A 5 tjlj , C^.xl7 II'
o. a. (fighters).
retire apart. i^l.
Speakers. Hasteners. ,_^ A little ; small number, iuji ^ ip
small quantity.
Austere-looking. The refuse of the people. ^J.ti\ icjl
To take a. th. out. A Q4J o jSu -i4- Side, shore. o'Jlij colJ
'Jf^j 'J^
o Wild-apple, crab-apple. theans.
Large vine-knob. Drupe. jj_il; ^ xLaJ Discovery, invention, contri- Jalli-il
Alembic. J^jIj^ fr J=/' vance.
Planted in a row (palm-trees). jl:> White-spotted on ^ -^ 'IJ3I; a Jal;
Yielding fire (fiint). Jolting his jj/j Bow breaking its string. j\'y ^ "i}^
rider (beast). The month of Rama- To pull out ( a thorn ). A CiiJ i ,_;iaj -S-
dhan. To extract a. th. To pluck out (hair).
Prolific (woman). J^,j — To pinch and pull (meat) with the
•^ Emetic. jili beak (hawk).
To drag a. o. To empty * >t3 -^ To earn for (o.'s family)- J —
(a bag). He has not obtained Cxll, i,> J^ C»
hold unseemly
^ Jsi Ij , CJJ i -xJ -^
the utmost. talks.
To divulge (news). To A 1^' o ISJ -S-
be accomplished (affair). j
scatter a. th.
To succeed in to attain (a
: J — To remind 0. a. of.
want). I
Anecdote, mention.
To help a. 0. to attain a. th. Sj a ^JJ I
To divulge (news). A Cij i ^^' -J^
ceed. I
To be ashamed of. ^^ —
To make a. o. to pro.sper J * ^SJ 1 j
To hasten. To flow <9^i bj i ^J -«
(God). I
with purulent matter (abscess).
To overcome a. o. 4_,
— j
To accomplish (au fi> rr.Ull^.^j ^; To move, to stir a. th.
affair) successfully. To ponder over (an affair 0''> -
To become true (dream). Tjfvi without undertaking it.
To beg of (God) the fi> n ri^I:~ll To be agitated, perplexed. 1^13
success of. To smite » U-jij %ir)j *ik; a Uj -«- ,
To be fattened by. To benefit of.v_, ^^^J To achieve a. th. sue- fi> jilij-lj j^;
To thrive. ;iiti1 cessfully. To ask the fulfilment of (a
To give milk to (a youngling s — : promise ).
shepherd). To contend, to fight together. j^Ci
To ask a favour from. s f^ \j ^^kLj Achievement, fulfilment. jGj_, jij
Wholesome il^ j\ *j ry-'' i J^ i^~ ^"^
He is on the eve of *s>U- j?J J*
accomplishing his affair.
Foraging. ^ <;k;
Beating about for ^J'^j *i>U ^ ^»U
^ Present, ready slnsjj Sj>U ^ Ji?%?j j^.-VJ
pasturages, forager. I sold it for ready mo- j»Uj lj?;b' iiJ
Vei-y courageous. 5,bJ jiUi-' ney.
Water mixed with flour or ^.^ Fight. j>'CJj i'jiiJ'
grain. Wholesome (water). To be A— btj O ^Jma^JJ , C-jJ a ,.rW "^
Milk. N^isJI - unclean, impui'e, filthy.
Wholesome "' To conta- Hj go ,_^' \j ^jjj
(food). Efficacious ^^J To defile.
x^\ j'i
^ To appear and disappear. To
remove water from the foot
of a
Astrologer. Astro- ^-^j ^-f.'Jj ^b-J wall.
nomer. To become swampy (ground;. jS,i7.:-i_
>^;i. Star. ^j
Appointed time. Grass
_^ypji ^Gtj ij J^Ss
: gerrainace-
^ ^
purify o.*s self after excretion. ous plant. True origin.
To be delivered from. — .
j.^ May thy star rise i. e. be iU4.ij y<i
To obtain a. th. from. o!>U ^» * —
To draw (a bowstring). — fi>
He ponders over what >»>?^" 4 J^-
Hide. Frame of a camel-litter. 1^ i
he has to do.
( Yt-V ) ^i
»_^-L* -n— Delivery, salvation. .Ujj sGJj (iJj _j?J
Rapid walk. ]
To cut, to fi> liJJ a C9iij i o cJ^J -ft- Make thy il^GJll iJ«QJJIj JGJJI iJii«3l
to prostrate a. o. i
Elevated ground.
Chips, parings of wood. *^'^
Stone-cutter. Sculpter. o^J
Means of salvation.
c^' Truth the means of
Wail. Abraded (hoof). Stranger
to a tribe. I
opposite to his. —
To cough (camel). CbJj CiJ i
To wound a. o. in the throat, i 'ji-Si
UJ To bet. CjJ a
To seize o. a. by the jc J>c^i ji- ^
To bind o.'s self by ^t^j , CkJ o
To face o. a. (houses). >C5 vow. I
J>c'\ To
travel at a quick ^3!) j w»Jj wiiJ
To commit suicide.
the pace.
The day of sacrifice, J»3i\ j.'y_
of a month.
time. Vow. Wager. A
^ necessity.
The two jugular veins.p\7;^CJb P'S*^'
SkOful, experienced. ^ J U; ^ ^^Ij .>>-4 Game of hazard. Death.
Slaugh- jj^iJj jSoii '\j»iJj SJ^'i n -Ji?" He is dead.
tered (camel ).
Lots. Sortilege.
He paid him hia due. Caij «S»»< o5U) —
Foot of a mountain. ^y^
Yielding no milk
from fatness (she-ass).
^j ^,UJ ^ y'j^
To sharpen a speai'-( Sj A j^ii
head ). To importune a. o. with re-
To become ja»& |_, ja>uj , Ci>/-J a jjiaij
To have compact flesh. l^GJ o jx>^
Compact flesh. c^btJ j Js>iJ ^ ^ji»J
Piece of compact cJ^^ooi j9C»J ^ i^jj
Fleshy. Emaciated. Thin ja^cj>j ja^
To sigh, to moan. Oa-jj-J i iaij -K-
lank, meagre.
To emaciate a, o. 5 ^jii'l
Emaciation, lankness. *abJ
strokes of fortune.
Distance. Winding ^u> , ebii* He followed the same com'se i',»J Uj
stream. as he : he had the same design.
The absent ; those who suijl J»l He directed his looks •^eu WJi
To lay upon the breast (camel j. ^i-jiuJ He went Eastwards. J^iJI ^»J w.*'i
To bite (ant, louse). CiJ o ^ij ^ As thou wouldst say for iu,;^ ^J :
To take forth a. th. To take the A — About ten thousand. JVT "ij^ '^
best of. Side, tract, countiy. Inten- »',._ ^ 'yrj 1
To waste away (flesh). To Ije ^_^ij Choice part. Selected ,^ ^ XXi'^ tiJ
scabby on the tail. company.
To mingle their waters ,^05 . v*"^ 5r v^r^t'J » v^'-* 'r'"^-.' ^T'-'-i r*"^
(tanks). Cowardly, faint-hearted. wXi'J
"Wood inserted in the *-:,U; j ^j-\^i Choice, election. <>• Predesti-
hole of a pulley. nation.
Slave-trade ; cattle- iJ^UtJj *i-UJ Cowardly, faint- 4_j,i»ii j viA^'J yJi^XJ'
trade. hearted.
Goader. Seller of beasts. Seller ^bJ Emaciated, lean. ^y*^'"
of slaves. Weak man ; cipher. v'^I
Scab on a cameFs tail. ,^0 To peck (bird). uij z^j »-
Young antelope. cr->-.jj
~ To agitate (a ^_,j fi> Gi-J a r^tij -S-
give sincere
advice A »
J^.^\j 1>=^U J^ /.i-J
enhearten a. o. to a. 0.
To increase in pride. ^sj \ He acknowledged his *_|is< u!Ai) —
To behave haughtily it j^-^'-J
i^^ right.
towards. To master (a science). CJp * —
Pride, point of honour. < Cou- ;^ To be sappy (plant). Cij a ;.jJ
"age. To expectorate. ^sij
To lilojj lij^^ liJ^jj l^r^j \t)J I j^ -a- To pour down rain (cloud). /.isrJij
run away (camel). To be thrown far away from ^p ^'j-ijl^
Take thou what is oflfered. ujjcjI C» Ji.' rate to wipe o.'s nose. ;
To recover (a debt) ^y. ^oiuLlj ^ajl To beat a. th. down. To take a jj.1^
J^ ( VOT ) Jo
To beevile, con- s'jLiuj xJI'i; o JJi -Vt Water-trough for hor.ses. ;ja5
temptible. Wet, moist. -CSi j, ^jjj,*'jSi j, jj
Liberal. Liis>i\ jmj i/jJ
Vile, despised. Having a resounding voice. c>i>)l ^^
Mischief. Strong man. ^'j\] — y_,j -ft- Palm-trees remote from 7ui\j jij
J-i.'. O
T J^{J "* J "^y'j , -r r^._j P water.
Winding tube of a nargilo. Runaway camels. ii^5 jj.l.
V ( Y« o J;
To have a rlieuin. ^j; a dy To menstruate (woman). jjj
To grow (crops). VjJ a — To be exhausted (well). To have ^'J,\
(wells, wine, tears) exhausted. To
To give hospitality to ; to lodge, to be drunk.
entertain (a guest). To dry (the tears). A Jln:-lj —
To bring or send a. o. *_, 5 Jjjb " To lose the senses. jy \
To insert a. th. -^ To deduct fin Jjj Flow, loss of blood; menses. ^oJi S^
a. th. To write down a. th. Exhaustion of a well. jjj
To send down (reve- jp A Jjilj Sy Dried, exhausted (veins). ^y
lation) to (a prophet : God), Small quantity of water. ^Sy ^ "iiy
To come J_^\ J 5 VI jb ~^'j^' S'J^ Imper. Do drain, exhaust. ^\'y
down upon, to take the field against. Exhausted (well). <Jjl>'
To come down gradually. Jl^j ^^'eakened by fever. Drunk. juji
To dismount fi'oiu camels for JjlJ Weakened by >^ivJ^i iSJJ'j ^y
riding horses (fighters). a flow of blood.
()To condescend to. Jl. JjU^ C3jjjj CS > a 3yj OjJ , Jy i -ft-
To drive (a 2 'tLJu \l^j , 'uJ llj -«- He is remote ii^ j) -'C^S o^ ,**-"' S*
beast) along. from water.
To keep back (a beast) from Pleasant country. SaJj oli tP'j^
(water). Purity, guiltlessness, **'jjj oy
To mix (milk) with (water). * - continence.
To give to a. o. milk and water, s llj tf- Recreation, party. 4j Jij
Intoxicating drink.
milk. Fatness.
Watery ^ Staggers, disease of sheep.
Violence, fit, crisis.
He sold it upon ere- ^ ^^ „,v j sllL i£\j Mischief-maker. 'jh\ Jl. Jii/ij Mj5j ^jj
dit. Cloud. Deep (bowl). «/jJ
ber forming a proportion as 5 ^o
Y oY )
To mention
5 Jl_jj L-J i ^-^ "^
To draw a. th. to- A (Wlj i o c^Ij -« To be of the same stock *_, j ^_,j;(J
gether. To weave (cloth). To plait. as. To be akin to. To resemble a. 0.
To compose verses ). To forge ( a
( To befit o. a. To be sorted, analo-
narration ). To streak ( the sand : gous to. To be symmetrical, propor-
wind). To ripple (the water wind). : tionate to.
To be woven (stuff). To be strea- ;^.l.i\ To pretend to be Ji^ ^'..ry'Aj ^Uu
ked (sand). To be rippled (water). issued from.
Weaving. ,^ To correspond ; to agree to- ^jCf
Spider's web. cjj^Sil2\ ,ji^j ^Ij gether.
Weaver's art. *9-^'-^ To trace back o.'s »^1aL:.)j __f;'l.
Weaver. Liar. ^ilj lineage.
Woven. Web. Texture, ^.ij ^ ^ .„^ To claim descent from. J[ _,'
<>• Arithmetical proportion. ^^Cj
To ask a. o. to copy a. th. n fit ,klAi.l( Symmetry.
Obliteration, abrogation of a law. ^.ij Relation, analogy. ^l[l.~ij iy^QS
Transcription. Convenience. Proportion.
^ Usual style of writing. '
_i.j.'j Akin. Sorted, homogeneous, »^^u»
a Quack druggist. analogous.
Copy. Transcript. :-._] ^ i^-jj Proportionate. {Arithm). Num- v_-~^
jj (Y «A ) -^
North ^yind. ;,li»j,*!,lj
^JtJ a^j 1 Particle or verb efFec-
To tattoo (the hand). * ClIj a -S-
^ j
ting a change in grammatical
To lash a. o. with (a -whip). <^ ^ forms. ( as v ,U o' ) oi' (as 2^, oiT,
To throw out a sarcasm upon. iCr).
He went through the J''/'^^ 4
— Verse of the Coran super- H
country. seding another.
To 06 bare and loose (tooth), ^j yL-j Transmigration of souls. Suc- ri-^Cj
To shoot forth (tree). ^1 cession of ages.
To lash a. o. with a whip. i — Uninterrupted transmission Xi-JLll^i
Camels for breeding. '^/-^^
To be altered, corrupted. vVIj a ^j cism.
~ Asceticisu,.
To begin ( an affair).
To smell a. o. »j * Cl_jj
'iiJLui ^U ,
Victim offered up.
Gold or silver ingot
or a. th. To whisper a. th.
To respire to breath. To
^^" Sacrifice offered to
God. Nugget of gold or silver.
become alive.
To apply o.'s - Pious, godly. Ascetic. iJU.i ,- '^^
To inhale (the air). fi>
odour. (land).
life. Effaced road. Smell,
Breath. Breath of
Asthma. Living being.
^ « j^--^ To beget
H jlJlj ^J ^ !>11j o JlJ
To moult (bird, beast). JlJ b ifc
Slave (male or female).
jli -j -
_ __
Dying man I
To fall off (feather, Jlj1j,y>lj o JIj
Gentle breeze, zephyr.
Sole of a camel. Foot
of the ostrich. Mark trace. Way,
slip oflf (garment).^
A-^si^ J, C>Loj 5lljj
hurried the walk.
give up (a work). >mJ O Vl'3-«- .»To fall into rags (garment), jl'j -^
Tendon of •lljl ^ oCLjj oO^ c-» ^ To be ravelled out (cloth).
the heel.
To be at moulting-time beast, jljl (
Moulting of animals.
of a green fig.
j,-jj Jl^
^ ^
pen. To be
( Yl» )
produced. To live. To Hurt in the >\^
rise (cloud).
J^lo Ij , *1-J ^ ^^
nerve of the leg.
To rear (a child). s Uj ]j Uj Nerve in the lower part of the
To raise (the clouds God). ^v'l
^_ :
To be growu up, reared
^jfj ^ Wounded on
the leg.
the nerve of
^S-T*^J >—c«
To ci-eate a. th. (God). To find a> UjI
^ *>^J %}^Ki tSClJ,^ C:.] a ^1 -H-
out, to produce a. th. ^To compose j
To ask from a. o. a poem j » : — Forgetful.
Risen cloud. Race of men.
! Forgetful. Overlooked. ^'J
Intercalary days of the Coptic
^ ^
He is of bad race. s
Young camels newlv born.
Growth, production.
Forgotten. -^
sUjj '^j .lij Staff, stick.
Part of a cloud appearing.
Sprouts of plants.
^^^^ stjlij
To urge
(a beast y uJ ^ -»
Divineress. ^t ^•.^- ,
Gui'gling, bubbling of water.
To stick j Liij C^j Cij n\^^ Fly-whisk.
to, to be caught in a. tli. '
To satirise a. o. v^
"" To be fixed into.
To take information about a jlUj To cleave togethei*. v^U<
(news). To collect (wood). * wlSi'l^
To recite poetry o. to the fi> jS\.'2 Moveable or unmoveable llijj ._ ,
I adjure thee by God '^l S[ '*«t 6j^, Involved in an affair. Sticking iLlj
to do. fast. The wolf.
Voice, sound. Search. saU, Arrows. {coll). k^\^ tt v^
Elevation of the voice. j,-iJ A wooden arrow. -^ Pole of a :C\1j
Po3m recited in a meeting. Declama- Belemnite, arrow-head i^ilill _^
tion. (stone).
The Canticle of Canticles.o^U VI ju4j Possessing arrows. HiV? ^ ^^\j
Sal ammoniac. jJ>^jjj j^vIj
P Shooting.
To expand, to fi,
^j ^ i^j o ^iJ -J^ Stuck, fixed, caught. <lsj ^ <r4JJ ~
spread (cloth, carpets). To display Shooter, arrow-maker. 4_,ilj
He charmed away
ja>,yj] ,^s ^Uj ^ Stream of water bed of ^li.j1 ^ -^jtlj
a stream.
To become verdant after \j^ o ^'j To drink with- 'C>jl^j vVjj a -^V^ -^
rain land). To become green again
( oat quenching thirst. To drink o.'s
(plant ). To put forth ( leaves ). To fill.
To recall to » _^ ')j
, Ijipjj I^U o^ water).
life, to rise (the dead). Small quantity of water. ^j^
To be quickened (dead). ^j^j _r^ Drunken (man). rsAj ^—
To disperse by night in a
pasture (cattle).
\'_^ a ^ Skin
filled to overflowing.
J^lj'b, OlaiJ,j ojJiij iJki.)
^vlj '\ls
o JtiJ -S-
IlU (VAT) ^)
To expel a. o. from. s ^^aljl To become ( camels ).
dispersed To
To root out (a tree). * u<ali"l be spread.
Lofty cloud. a^'M-iJ u^-=J « i/'^ij To ask from a. 0. to pub- fit ^ii~^l.
Rebellious, termagant ^^\'jj ^ ^ja^\j lish, to spread a. th.
(woman). Sweet odour. Dry herbage be- _^j
To be spright- lIIJj Cl»lij a iaij -H-
coming green after rain. Life.
ly, lively, nimble, cheerful. To be- Scattered (people, sheep). Disor- yd
come fat (beast). ganised (affair).
To make a slip-knot to fi> Oall o lalj The people came i^^tjj i^ij y^ill nV
(a rope). in a scattered state.
To draw out (the A C_kij i islj Day of the resurrection. j>iAil j-'y
bucket) from a well without a pulley. •^Review, periodical. olS^io ^r «Ir=J.
He passed from a jSj Jl^ jIJ ^^^ — Charm, amulet for curing _^j ^ z'^-^
country to another. the sick.
To knot, to tie ; to Sj A laJui'\j t,^'» Saw-dust. oj\Ij
unknot, to untie (a rope). To cheer, Publication. j^lXl
to inspirit, to encourage a. o. ^ Propagation of the faith. oU-j Vl —
To incite a. o. to. jj ^^\ s — Sinew of the arm. ^rj-'S^ rr «Ir>^J
To have sprightly, lively (people, Liri Shaking the clouds (wind).^ij ^ j_^
beasts). Heaped up corn. jjij
To fatten (cattle : pasturage). 5 — Scrawls of children. ->24Clj
To loose (a beast) from. oi ^
~ Letters patent. -"iriV^ t jj^'j^
She hurried in walk u^\^ J cJ^IXj •^ Prism ( in geom ). Encyclical
(she-camel). prospectus. Circular.
To set zealously to (work). J — Saw. Pitchfork for jji.,i;> ^ jllL"
To cross (a desert) swiftly. a— wheat. Saw-fish.
To be untied (rope). lalij't To overtop, to be J l^il i j-lj -H-
Roving along (wild bull). Path Jai-u To be disobedient to o^j Af- 0^-J ~
deviating from the main road. ( her husband wife ). To ill-treat
To be little fleshy
y^ o Ji3 ^ To be absorbed by (the j ^ijj —
(thigh). To be emaciated (man). ground: water).
To snatch away, to pilfer. yjj o fi>
— His wealth has been exhaus- iiC» ^ilj
To carry off and a jiJu'lj >Uj o , i
- ted.
devour ( a piece of meat ) from the To imbibe (water) with ^jl^j ^ij fit
Wont to snatch meat from the Jill To drink frothing milk. UtLlSi
pot. -^ Dodger, swindler. To wipe off (dirt). A -
Snatched from the pot (meat), j^^j To fade (colour).
Unseasoned ( food ). Thin-bladed Absorption of water.
(sword). Just drawn (water). Residue at the bottom <u.ijj *-'-^,
Part of the little finger covered iii.i» of a vessel.
by the ring. cJ«iJ J >-iii,j wiiJ ?- <AiJj liiJj Siijj —
Kitchen-fork. j^uj: ^ JCsi^j jllj> Black pumice-stone. usllij ^Ijj
To be vaiMegated, spot- a ^^j -ft- C^ Towel, sponge, for wiping. xjiIjj V' hl
ted of white and black. Froth of fresh milk. XjiIjj *iij
To be altered (meat). ^ Water-absorbing (earth). ^ ;, :t j
( Y-M )
To become fat, fleshy. 5il^ a r--^ < Stones set up around w-U-oi ?- *^-i-^
To fatten a. o, n 5-.0J • a tank. Pole.
To give sincere advice to a. 0. i -rJa^ Crushing f grief ). Troublesome ^^..^U
To water ( cattle ) to their 5 -^j:^ ] (life).
'J% JVVIj :;!--Vl J^j j^'j J^iUI Domestic sliJj ,_ii5j tiV.^ 7r ^^'^^i
Name of the month Rejeb. servant.
To seize a. o. s ,^']j,\'^ o \.^> ^ The middle of a .^\jj
by the forelock. stream-bed.
To dress the hair of the fore- & — Half-filled (vessel). ji^ j\JuaJ
To defend a. o. 9^-bUj —^
To exude water G-lhUj GtiJ a " h .
came all together.
(skin). To sweat (horse). Thirsty camels. jsjUaJj *-^-?5 oli JjI,.
To shed tears (eye), rtiiii'lj TJalJ>j — To dart out (its tongue ^ ^--aJ -ft- :
^ ( Y"\ \ )
To be fresh, _^ \j , s jLaJj >S^j To spiiokle water upon ^Ja2j.\j ^uiSI.
bright (face). To be green (foliage). the body after ablution.
To grant /»_, s _^j1_, \j;^J o ^j , ^3 Aspersion of water. Water ~>;
an easy life to a. o. (God). sprinkled in ablation.
To find a. th, bright, fi>
pleasant. Watering-trough near to a well.
Splendour ; bright- sjii^j o'^j^j _^J Beast carrying rs-oiy ^ xSu-aU >» ^-ilJ
ness and beauty. Plentiful life. water for watering.
j-hj\j jy^J y^^J t-r*** b J^i ?r ,r^ Driver of a camel cari-ying ^\i»J
Pure gold or silver. water: waterer.
Pure, unmixed. Board, joist. jL^ Kind of perfume. Any medicine ^_^J
Tamarisk for making bowls. jliJ j — injected into the mouth.
Bright. Green, ^aj 1j ~^'j j-'<-i> Shooting many "^'r-^i liliJj
prosperous. arrows (bow).
Beautiful and bright. Intense j-a U To wet, to sprinkle a, h li-Jjj a t-JjJ -S-
(colour). Green water-moss. a. o. or a. th.
Intense red. yo'i J^9-\ To boil forth (water- Ci'iJsJj i&riaJ —
A ._j.^jZJ I
J , Ujaj a k-*.^ JJ , U-i; i o w<^' -{^ spring).
To exhaust (the udder young camel). : To shoot (arrows) at. j A —
To amble (she-camel). ._i^;1 To sprinkle 5 ^^Ij o--ili» :n-aU
To make (a .she-camel) to amble, j — 0. another.
"Wild marjoram. ^^ To be poured upon (water), jp riiil.
Purity, cleanli- ( for xjILj ) *sl.aJ • To be sprinkled (water). r-J:c\
ness. Aspersion (of water). Mark of ^Jaj
Easy trot, amble of camels. oiioJ perfumes upon clothes.
Impure, foul, defiled. oy^^is:' ?: '-^ A shower. siJaj
hnpure. -^ Pure, clean. ^,i^^\ Abundant (rain, spring). liLa; ^ ^uJ
To overcome a. o. in s ^UaJ o J.aJ -?i- Sprinkling- x^UJ -^j k^'cJ ^ *i-Jji»
Belt of 0/70
To impute a vice ^ wiLib -ilaJj wiI»J
{const.). I
to a. 0.
Gifted witli speech. Endowed jlsij To be '"^^j ^iLjj CiU wik^j a ^jj
with reason. Cattle. stained, accused of a vice.
Flank. Rationable, human xslji; To be altered (thing). To be ,_iuT
appeai'ance. Perspicacity. To struggle together : to strive j^Cj
•^ Financial administration ej\}aj. to outstrip 0. a.
Ministry. To discuss, to dispute. 'y9^\\ —
Imp. Wait thou jiy Remote, distant. cIjj ^ *JaJ
Guardian, keeper. Vine- ji^ ^ Ji^'i Stalk of unripe dates. '1^1 ^ sCiJ
keeper. Eye. -^ Manager. Minister of <> Dampness. sjiJaJ
( Yvr
croak (raven). To crow in stretching
the neck (cock). To cry out (crier).
To string
pearls). To
^j , UJaJ j
set things in order.
ui; ^ To
His affair
good order.
is not in ^Qaj «y V ,jXi
j^iJ ji^-
Deportment of an old man. <S\1mi Two white dCj'^h oUClaJi^j jiC»C!aJ
To be intensely (^^j 1;^;^= o t-^ -» streaks (in lizards, fishes).
white (colour). Row of sandy hills. Set of ^(kl *(