Hava Arabic English Lexicon

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The aim of the Directors of the Catholic Press, in publi-
shing the present work, has been to meet the want of a
classical Arabic-English Dictionary, which while compre-
hensive, yet might be handy and cheap enough for practical
use amongst the students desirous of acquiring a thorough
knowledge of Arabic literature and poetry.
Of the many Arabic-English Dictionaries existing up to
this time, those published in England are too expensive for
ordinary students, while those that may be found in
Syria and Egypt are by no means adequate to any serious
purpose, as they only contain a list of the principal words,
with none of those turns and expressions that give so peculiar
a feature to Arabic, and into which as in a mould the
language has been cast.
This Dictionary is an attempt to supply those deficien-
cies. Without jDretending xo being exhaustive, yet it is
comprehensive enough to enable the students to read the
chief works of literature and poetry.
The author has followed in his translation the standard
work of M^ Lane, as it is by far the best work ever published
in this line. But as the celebrated Lexicon is only parachie-
ved as far as the letter ^}, and as it does not comprehend
all the roots, it has been necessary to go back to the ori-
ginal Arabic sources.
The work has been compiled on the same principles
as F^. Belot's Arabic-French Dictionary which has been so
favorably received in almost every school and has reached
within a short time its fifth edition. The English equivalent
has been slightly increased in size so as to include many
new words and expressions without becoming too bulky.
Moreover the author has taken particular care to trans-
late accurately scientific terms and especially botanical
names, which are ordinarily rendered in a general sense
by words such as these "species of plant". This is a pecu-
liar feature of this new Dictionary for which the celebrated
work of Ibn Bithar the Arab Botanist has been consulted,
as well as the modern WT)rk of Forskal.
The vulgar tongue of Syria and Egypt is largely repre-
sented with peculiar signs and the personal experience of
the author has enabled him to add many words and to
correct some inaccurate renderings.
An appendix to the Dictionary gives in the original language
the etymology of Arabic words derived from foreign sources.

1° The order followed in the Dictionary is the same as is gene-

rally adopted by European Orientalists, viz. the radical roots, marked

thus {^) are given in alphabetical order, each one followed by all the

derivative forms.

2° The foreign words introduced into Arabic, although they do

not beiong to any radical, have been assimilated to Arabic words,

being considered as arabicised and as such connected with a radical

really existing or supposed, so that they are to be searched in the

Dictionary without taking into account the augmentative letters inclu-

ded in the paradigm jj^JL , exactly as would be done for Arabic


For instance JjJs^\ is to be found in the root Jj (paradigm

(J«*^l), j\j\ in J J: , j^ in^> 0_rl-^ in f^. J^^ ^^J^i > J:!^^
in Jf ^^c.
j*^ Whenever a o occurs in the second letter of a quadriliteral

noun or verb, it is to be referred to the triliteral root, the letter o

being then augmentative ; thus ijlj- is to be found in jic , o^^SS in

^Ss. ,
jj-Ct in ,_^~ji , ^.Jvi in jji- ,
^j-x.^ in ^j-J* , and so on. The
reason lies in this, that this letter is added to give an intensive form

to the original meaning of the triliteral form, and this kind of words

has been so classed in the Arabic Lexicons. But when o is considered

as radical, they are left in the ordinary alphabetical order. Even as

a rule we repeat them in order to save too much trouble to the stu-


4*^ Quasi-quadriliteral forms having a j or tj in the second or third

letter are to be found in the corresponding triliteral form, to which they

are supposed to belong, ^ in, ^, ^_j=- in ^^, jj^, in j_x

5*^ Reduplicative verbs such as^^ , JJj always follow the bili-

teral verb to which they correspond , J>^ to ^ , JJj to l)j ; and



they are placed in the same order even if the biiiteral root is wan-
ting ; thus ^jcj is mentioned immediately after 'j»j .

6^ Quadriliteral words beginning by is are to be referred to a

triliteral noun, as j,*.^ to^a- , f-y^^ to »jj, fr_^_ to «J ,

jl^. to J^.


We give in an appendix a list of Arabic words derived from fo-

reign languages. Those borrowed from Turkish or Persian, are mentio-

ned only when they have undergone a change in the Arabic trans-

cription. For the others the orthography being the same, there is no

need of repeating them. We refer these words to their primitive

origin, although the foreign words used in common language may be

said almost without exception to belong to Turkish, and have been intro-

duced through its medium ; as

^>J^-, oX^J , ^CjJL , L Jj j^\ , »j_^L- ;

and especially all the Persian words as iiij , i*ii. , ±z,

We give the etymology of the words as they are to be found, in

Arabic, Persian, or Turkish Lexicons, such as Lane, Freytag, Dozy,

Barbier de Mesnard, Meninski etc ; but we cannot vouch for the

accuracy of al) , as some of them are obviously doubtful, especially

some Persian words, the etymology of which is variously explained.

In that case we quote the form that appeared to us more consistent

with analogy. The words derived from Coptic are not included in the

list ; they are very few and they chiefly pertain to names of months,

which are only used in Egypt.

We have added an errata to the work, in order to correct some

typographical faults, especially those concerning the letters indicating

the foreign origin of the words ; no doubt, other misprints may be


found in the Arabic accents, owing to the minuteness of the type,

but they may be said to be unavoidable even in the best Lexicons and

can be easily detected by the reader. Errare humanum est.

I wish, at the end of this work, to thank all those who have had

a part in so arduous an undertaking, especially F^' Belot author of

the Arabic-French Dictionary, whose assistance has been precious

to me, as well as F^" Louis Cheikho who has given me some very

useful advices and generally all those who had a share in the collation

of the proofs.


Indication of a new Arabic root.

-^ Used in the dialect of Syria,

a In that of Egypt.

i'^ It must be remarked that if the two preceding signs are

placed before an Arabic root, it means that the Arabic word and its

meaning pertain to that dialect ; if placed before the English sense, it

affects only the special meaning given, the word being good Arabic

in its form.

2^ It must be noted that most of the vulgar meanings marked

with the sign <> are common to both dialects, while those marked a are

only used in Egypt.

— ) in the beginnmg of a line, stands for the repetition of the prece-

ding word.
E. g. 5u->

*j 5 iJ - Stands for a j » i ji>


A comma intervening between nouns or verbs following in a

sequel , indicates a newform having the same meaning as the former e. g.

means that o Li. L^^ is the plural of oLa. and that i-^^^-l is a new form
in the singular retaining the same meaning as oU.

means that ( a ^-j>^ ) is another form of the same verb having the same

meaning as ( i j,^-^ )

(•) A semicolon is put for distinguishing words that have a common

meaning, without being synonymous.

( : )
A colon placed between two nouns separates the object from the

subject of a verb.

E. g. To blast (the plants ; hoar-frost) f^ JtiLkl.

To miss (the butt : shooter) Ji- \

( ) The words included in a parenthesis are either given as an

explanation, or to complete the meaning of a verb or noun, which

is not mentioned explicitly in Arabic. Thus a parenthesis explains the

sense understood by the letters a or » in Arabic.

( 5 , *) These letters show a verb to be transitive ; and when they

are wanting the verb is intransitive.

* stands for inanimate things;

-6 for animate beings.

When both signs are found together without being separated by j

they mean that the verb has a double object,

a i o following an Arabic verb show that the aorist has its second

radical in —
> >' ^ - ' ^
j^ o

Two letters following the same verb indicate that the same may
have two forms, as : i o Jji>^ means that the aorist is JXs^ or J.ij^




Feminine nouns having a masculine termination.

Pick-axe ^U Foot Ear

Thigh jji' Womb
Ship di!u Wind
Bow ^j-jA Hell

Foot /.Jl-s Year, age

Cup i^o Leg

Shoulder Jaz^ Sun
Ventricle lt^p Left hand

Palm of the hand Ij.?^ Hyena

Fire jlJ Poetical metre

Shoe JjJ Stick, staff

Hip, haunch i)jj Heel

Hand Ju Eye ; spring

Right hand, oath Cnt'

, ^y*^

Nouns admitting both the mascuHne and feminine gender.

Back of the neck lis


Paradigm of Arabic verbs.

II Derivatives of the triliteral verb.

Participle Nom of action Aorist Preterite

Passive Active

iA.^«_sJj i.lji.ij



To fecundate ; to ^ 'ij^yj G'* i o J'l Hey, interr. part., I say, is it ? 1 -ft-

graft (a palm-tree). etc. Is (he, she, it)... not ? vlj 'j\

Needle; sting. Sea-compass. j\ ^ ij \ Is (he, she, it)... not... yet ? CJI
Needle-case. Grafting-knife, jijj'jjfcji To desire a. xA\.J,\'<iS>\j yVi'lj G \ o LA ^
Slander, backbiting. _,a* ^ S3>i; To prepare J ;;Gb vX'ij Cu'l^ CI o i
Pricked; grafted. Sharp-pointed.j^Jli oneself to, for.
To dart forth, to \'j^\j \j,] i ^'1 -S- Meadow, grazing. lJj\ ^ '^\
rush, to leap (gazelle). Eleventh month of the Coptic ^^1 Ce
To insult a. 0. lli^ V~ year. July.
To reprove, to ^'\j CJi
s i ^l -H- To be OyMj icjl a zJh i o C;1 »
despise, to humiliate a. o. burning hot (day).
To pick up, to A jj\j CiJl Ji.'i\ * Burning, hot (day). c4b C^'j CjT
gather a. th. To speak ill of, to Uj 5 CiJl i iJ'l -ft-

Crowd. l£C( slander.

To fasten the s jJ/'Sj ,(^j] [ o j^f\ -ft- The alphabet. *j_aiJVI ^.^^i-JI j -k?tJ^ -»•
foot of a camel to (his thigh). To last. iS^Ji ojl -H- i

Rope for fastening the jj\ ^ jaCl. To settle, to abide in a place. ^j —

foot of a ca.ael. Hock, hamstring. To become wild (cattle); to |S_^ o — ! i

Man's and ja^j, ^ jJ}^j J^^^ -r J^'>}

take fright.
camel's ham. To irritate o.'s self with, ic \J^\ a -u^
Armpit. oUiC. i»Q •{j i>ljT -,-
^X^ To perpetuate. To scai"e. Sj ^ jJl
To carry a. th. under the armpit.^ ^Vki To become everlasting (th.). To jul;
Nickname of an Arabian poet,!^^- i^S> become wild (place).
lit :he carries evil under his arm. Perpetuity; eternity, i,y\^ iOT^ ojl
Anything put under the armpit. I»Ci Always, ever, oJVi -ob *:i,-^fvi -Jlj ll^il

I put it baneath my Q,Ci iiUf never.

armpit. For ever. jJVi Jl^j joVi
To run away, Jl. OCl.j <jJ\ o jl'\ ^ \
An extraordinary event. _oij1 ^ slot
to flee, to take flight (slave). A wild beast.
Flax. j:1 Perpetual; eternal. -^^j ??//•
Who has run j\,\j j|i ^ j^\j j,T Perpetuity ; eternity. ; uij
away, who has fled. To prick a. o. & \j\\j
G^ o i i'l -«
To be a skilled ;J \^ o jjIj !A; 1 a J<1 -«
with a needle. To spui". To give to
manager of (camels). a. o. to eat a needle in his food. To
To go from the y,^\ jj}j ,vy.\j y^) i o - backbite.
Jl ( T )

Shirt. Shift. Coat ^\%j v_;CT^ ^i[jk- water to a fresh pasturage (cattle).
of mail. Camels. j^Aj JCt,^jjJ^
To put on a shift, a coat of ^JSb ^jj A sexton, jji^ JCT ^ 'jC]j 'j^Jij jjf
mail. monk, bell-ringer.
Haviog crooked nails. ^jiLJI wJ^ Large fagot of wood. Mana-yui^j ;JG^
Rope to fasten the jcIj ejJJ^ i6{ -»- gement of property, of goods.
feet of a cow, when milked. A troop (of camels or birds) J-^Cl
Stoker, iji '^.c^^J', TTe I following each other in a file.

To walk at a quick C5cb ^liT i JjI -S-

A place full of camels, where ii;\;
pace. many camels are to be found.
Meeting at a dead jjX> ^ J;'\s — v '
"^ To accuse, to char- »_) 5 CJ'l o i cr'l -S-

person's house, funeral meeting. [

ge a. 0. with a fault.
She-ass. j ij jTj j ^ i o^S ^ j
To compose the elegy of, to 5 'crl
To buy a she-ass. To fall, to jtj.^ praise a dead person.
decline. Beginning. Propitious time. ci^y
Prov. The ass became^ *l£j,\S i^Ujv els' Knot. Hatred, enmity. ^\ ^ ;;; i

a she-ass 2. e. He was honoured and '

Blameworthy. Suspicious. Un- Ojj'^

fell into contempt. manly, effeminate.

Lime kiln, brick kiln. oC>,€\j ^\ ^ o>»1 To remember J j\ <-> Ui) a. *j] -^
Furnace. a. th.
To produce (ground), saij I^jI o c'I -^ No one pays attention to it, iJ t'^iV
To grow up abundantly (corn). unlieeded.
.V. of. act. Straight path. Manner. _^1
To suspect a. 0. of. v_j ji '*;i

Abundant produce. 'Ul^ I To show pride. u '4\j

Tribute, tax. Bribe. .jjcl ^ cjt\ I To turn aside with scorn from, ^t —
Toitj 5 scUj i'Cib UjIj 'Cit_, CCii^ i J'l -^ i
Beauty, brightness. Pride. <4^i
come to a. o.'s house or to a place. To be a father. iyAj \'ji\j sjCl.o O/l -«

To happen to a. o. To give as a gift. To swear by one's father, to 2 S.'\


To undertake a thing, to make it. say ( c-jI iJ'M ) May I ransom thee :

To ruin a. o. (fate). To accom- Jc ^^ 11 with my father.

plish. To consider as a father. s JjJ
To bring a. o. or a. th. o — Father. .GT ^ ( _^l j^jc LjI ")

To present, to offer a. th. to i_> ^

~ Father. Word meaning y <_, J]
a. o. causality or possession.
To make a passage ^ u5l7j ijc j\ The Heavenly Father. J^\
(for water). my father !«u:;1 Gj c-'.l UjjC^I kJ «^'
To comply with the it i i^V^ j\ Cock. uliai;n_^i
wishes of, to obey a. o. Poppy. j,jti] —
To suit a. o. (dress, climate).
<>• s — '
Sphynx. J^l y]
To give a. th. to a. o. * 5 siijl. JT The man wearing spectacIes.SjiJa!!! y]
To proceed, to derive from.^ j\ ^a J\^ \
Paternity. ej'^}jaj'.^
To be prepared, disposed to. To J — !
Fatherly, belonging to a father. tjjjT
happen unexpectedly (mishap). To |
Fatherly. -^ Paternity. 7jy\
become easy to a. o. To ^ jl A Jf t^j , s«Cl^ i *Gl i a lA 1 ^
To urge a. o. to come. To s J'li^l, [
refuse, to disdain a. th.
deem a. o. to be slow. To refuse a. th. to a. o. 2(

Who arrives, comer. ^'J\ ^ pT Refusal. Scorn. »Cl
The futui'e. time to come. J'v'i Who refuses, w-ho scorns. ^JT
Front, opposite side. Place to JU Haughty, -j.^1
' ' I

To take root, il ijl o j;b Vy Jj^ -^ ! i wliich one goes or comes from.
To become wealthy. i)G> jj^Cj |j_jl To be thick ijulj Gyij Obi o i a o1 -«
To become, to get firm. j;\; clo.se ( hair, grass).

Tamarisk. Jj\j JJTj o>^j1 ^ J'\ ^ To furnish a house. A 'jjj\

A tamarisk. o>^^ ^r *ij To become j-ich. To live in a com- ^i7

Furniture of a house. JIjI.^ sub li^l fortable way, to have a good living.
Nobility of origin. Julj il;1 •^ To bj furnished (house).
Rooted. Noble. tP>"j J^i'l Household furniture, moveable oul
To commit a Cilij Cilj uil a ^'l -ft- good."?, utensils.

sin, a crime. Luxuriant (head of hair), c-^j^ '^^

To accuse a. o. of a crime. tufted (hair).
To incite a. o. to a crime. ^ Furnished, supplied with fur- z^'^H
To abstain from iniquity. niture.
Sin, crime, felony. To relate (a fact). a Sj\j b 'J^ i o ^j1 -JI-

Guilty. wlsrvTj To begin a. th. To choose. \'j\ a 'J,'\

Sin, crime. ^"u ^ To begin to do. jiij —
«_) ojIjI J Cil, ojUlj J 1^1 o Ul
i I -8- To propose a. th, it —
To slander, to backbite a. o. To appropriate a. th. in ;.:U-ii Jt —
Slandei". su'iij i^U preference to others.
To burn, to blaze (fire). C>u^\ o '^\ -s- To imprint, to leave marks j _p\
To run (ostrich). 'i?t-?-1 o — i upon. To impress, to move.
To be brackish (water). (Vjii o — To choose, to prefer a. th. fi> IjUjI Jj\
To light, to kindle (the fire). 5_j a ^.^1 To prefer a. o. to. it j —
To chai'ge (the enemy). To follow a. 0. 5 J\i')\j J\3
To render water bitter and a ^T To be wounded, moved ^»j ^J.2j\j

To burn fiercely, to ^Xo T^\i v.>-\~' To appropriate a. jc- ^'^^dj jjii-ll.

become hot. th. esclu.sively to o.'s self.

Ardour, heat. ^(^[ ^ x» 1 To call a. o. to Him ( God ). ^j^. —
Brackish, bitter (water). ^li-f Trace, track, print. jIj"!"*- Jb J
Ardent. Bright. ^j^] foot-step. Mark. Tradition.
Sound of falling water. -•i;j| ^^\ Scar, cicatrix. jyb j^"^ rr J^h X^
Two powerful nations ^_^Uj 9rj»-\.^
mentionned in the Bible.
Glitter of a sword.
The monuments, ruins;ijj2)l jd'vi
V T J'

To reward, jt J 'sjG-'. j 1^1 o _^1 i -il- of old monuments.

to hire a. o. What remains Jl ^ Jit ^;» I'jSj Sjul
To be set \jji.\j \'j\^]j \'^^] o^>:1 of a lost science.
(bone). Inheritance. ;u_^l a
His hand has been set. iaJo',?-! Choice. Preference. Selfishness. '
c'J ^
To burn ( bricks). A Who wears traces of. '\'j\ ^ _nj1
To pay the wages J j\ S 'ojiVy^ ^ Excellent. Ethereal atmosphere,
of. To hire a. o. hifluence. Impression. jy't
To reward a. o. s 0^1 ji-"^ Memorable fact, JX* ^ I'Ji^j "O \^
To hire to rent.
; *> 5 — brilliant action. Benefit.
To give alms. To be hired. ji^^ Transmitted by tradition.
To hire a. o. To i_.* j ^\_rJ,l^ :^ Moving, pathetic.
such a price.
let a. th. at To prop a pot on a fi> ii^jV ill -«
Remuneration. jW-Tj j^il ?r j?"^ trivet.
Foot, paw. ,3.1 <>. Support of a pot. *j l5l ^ -Cm i
( I

Thirst. Anger. A baked brick. ^i i

9r oj^ 'J »j^l
Shi'iek of pain. :ik^^ \j ^»b Salary, hire. ^'j^\j Sj^f'

See jicj. ^ Jt Flat roof. j;>l»-'l ?r Sj^U J^l

To hate a. o. jc C * "
i>1 -R- Lease of house, farm. jGijI.

Anger. Inveterate hatred. ^^I,^ <!>{ Servant, hireling.Cj^ii <v 'IS*' -^^
Interj. expressing disgicst, ^T-^j ^1 -^ Tenant. j>'^^
sorrow. Alas! poh! Workman, hireling, hired ^*ViiJ»
Dirt. ti.[j labourer. Hired (house).
Flour mixed with butter or oil. «s-»1 To recline on a pillow j^'\^\ — j>.\ -S-
To take ^
^ j' A liU-ljj liil o a»-i -S- without leaning the back.
a. th. from a. o. Plum. <• Pear. u^'^i'^j u^'A,^
4> To be offended, »Jk^ \^ •^*'' Cry for chiding (sheep). iai-[ H-

grieved. To be delayed, postponed. ::A>.1 a J»'l -H-

fy- 1 o frequent a . o. o^ /»^ j_^ b -"^ To cause ( evil) to a. o. J* A o Jfl
He began to say. J_y2j
— To give delay to a. o. s j^^
To begin by. J — To ask for a delay. -^ To be j>\;
To seize, to ravish a. th. or ^_, Ji.\ postponed.
a. 0. To request of a. o. a m ji\_£JI,
To learn a. th., to quote from. »> — ^ delay.
To bewitch a. o. 5 i»1 Yes, no doubt ; of course. Jf 1
To blame, to re- it jl v_, 5 %ji-\^y JiT Fixed term. Death. Matu- J(^T^ jil
prehend a. o. on, to punish a. o. for. rity, expiration.

To take a. th. chosen j j * a_95jl. Cause, reason. jil

amongst many. For thee, on account of thee, illf 1 ^p
To bow the head as a sign iiliJ,)^ for thy sake.
of sadness. Paiu on the neck. j^l.

Chastisement. Use, custom. iij A herd of oxen. JG.T ^ —

Blea redness. Siilj ii-l The future life, the life *i»Vlj joll
Benumbing. si>:T to come.
A land given as fee. o'ivil tr S^^l Sooner or later. >Uii j\ >i»t
Fish-pool. Shield-handle. Swamp. jsTu ^ HiJI JiU
N.of act. Witchcraft, witchery. jLiC That has a fixed limit. Jr >•
Prisoner, captive. i^iil ^ jLo-I To be violent, ^t:j ,C->;b C^'^ i j^'^ "^

Spoils, booty. S-i^ssI intense ( To become tainted

fire ).

Place from which some- ii-t. ^ jj.'^ (water). To be hot (day). To be dis-
thing is extracted. Source, mine. gusted with a food.
Manner. To be angi7 with a. o. jc ^c
Taken, seized. Dra\vTQ, extracted.iy!\;: ,
Brush- j,0j oCflj ^1 ^ C*1
To delay. To put at a )lKi.c_,j^l -»• wood, thicket. Den of a lion.
the end. To leave behind, to abandon '

Any flat-roofed and square ^\

a. th. house.
To remain behind, to ^\=J,)j ^»l3 Asylum, stronghold, fort. ^U-T^ ^\
be late. To be in bad business. I
To tf 1 a o?-,b , ^j4-b ^^ i o ^;,>1 *
M. Other, els- oj^>T t J^ >• ^"^
. ' become corrupted, tainted (water).
F. Other, else. oO^ilj ^1 ^ t^^^i To beat cloth (dyer).
Back, backside, hind part. _,i5 Urn. Amphora.
Delay. z'^iA Washing-tub.
With delays ; at last, at 0^» \J
J Oj' Dyer's mallet.
the end. To couerh. U 'J\
Ji' ( ) c-;il

To give a good breeding to End. Last. _^\j] ^ ^1

a. o. To punish, to coirect. Extremity, end. Desinence._^ij^ ^ ;^T
To receive a good bringing up. yJi'Ci The other life, the j'^i.'i\j iji'S\j ^iVI
To be well disciplined. life to come.

To study literature. »_)iliJij — Belonging to the life to come, csj ^il

Good breeding. Politeness. ^liT^ y^'^S Stable. jji G j^ P
-^j l

Literature. Culture of mind. Eijuei-ry, shield-bearei". j^\ ^y}

^ Water-closet. Uj>1 -ff-j sSsis zm At the end, in the last. _^0\ j
Literature, letters. i_,iVl ^Ip Till the last.
Meal, feast. ,^f\j> ^ ii''^\'j *_'ot Last, extreme. oj^^ir 'l ,- jji 1
Puni-sliment, chastisement, wiM^ At last, at the end, finally. i^^i'i
correction. Back part, hinder part, back. j>-y'
Ecclesiastical censures. ALJuToCiaC croup. Exterior angle of the eye.
Of good morals, honest, C,'i\ j, *J. il Stern (of a ship).
polite. Delayed, late.
Morals, ^t.iVl oy^^AJl jl ;;i/iVl j^\ Remained behind. ^».\~a
ethics. Moral theology. Palm-tree that -n>-t« ^ j\>CJt iUj
Learned. Polite, honest. 'Gil ^ ^ii\ keeps its fruit till winter.
Tutor, teacher, kj'-*^ To fraternise. jf s^t o \^\ ^
To have a rupture, a ijil a jil -i^ To tie up (an animal). ? -^1

hernia. To fraternise, to :;
'\»-\i h^yy i'T
Hernia, rupture. Sjit^ S^il take as a brother; to become inti-
To heal (wound). vil i J'il -« mately acquainted, to actin a bro-
To beat (milk). A — therly way with.
Beaten (milk). Jil_ To restore friendship between. ^,_ —
To season the ^ar:'lj , uil i y^l -!^ To act as a brother and friend of. ^Vi
bread with. To adapt. /b

To reconcile a. o. crC, Ci|jjl_ ^iT, ^il Bro- ;^ -t^j eS»b si>l>»j eii»b *^l
To be bro\^'n. i;;ii o ^ilj Uil a ^i1 therhood friendship, union.

Daily sub-sistence. Con- jXi\i ,.'it

diment. Chief. Brother. Friend." Companion. Match,

Human skin, derm. iii'j ^i^ fallow of a pair.
Adam (the first man). y^ F. Sister, oili ^ :c!i -^ oi^il ^ c^)
Of Adam, human. > Honest, -j'^ Female friend. Female companion.
lK)lite. Tie, band, ,^'jb ^Ijl ^ J^iTj ;:ii,^

Women. oU»iT d horse-lock, stake to which a beast

is tied.
Brown. Brotherly. §/-^^
Tanner. ^iVl Confraternity, congregation. tyA -if-

^ Honesty, politeness. XJ!^ Viper's buglcss. ^jj^\ G

Skin. Terrestrial surface. To happen unexpect-
Ji\ ^ ^^\ mSI i o Sl -)}

A hard, stoneless ^ibi ^ X>lluV ediy, to overwhelm a. o. (evil).

ground. To behave resolutely. ^Sc
To ripen. IjSi o bi -» Misfortune, adversity. i,'i\ ^ j^i j '^\
To lay in ambush for a. o. \'^^\ ^'^ — Difficult, serious (affair). j^^\
To be supplied with tools, ^ ^iTj To be well brought up, Gi1 o <Ji\ -H-
to be ready for a th. to be or become civilized.
Tool, implement, instru- To invite a. o.
cjVy^S ^ lVi\ i COjl^ i_.iTj , Gil i i_,i1
ment. Particle {gram.). to a banquet. To prepare a banquet.
( ) tiii
"^ To trans- * ^il: ,iSb ^^^^ "*^
To j C SI J *<0^* O V Jb V , "^ J^ ^ V^''-''

to a. o.
, ^.r'^

to pay, to resti-

ingenious in. a. th. ;

be skilful,

To achieve, to better a. th. jj * ^.^'t tute.

To render a. o. intelligent, sharp, to To help, to assist a. o. jp 5 «tJo^^5iT

cut up. against.

To try to deceive a. o. s *j jl>» VJ' To pay. to settle (a debt). ^. '^ ^saS

To van, to overcome jt Qt'^l. i^'Ji" To reach to. (j>.—

a. o.
To exact, to take a. th. tt> s i^ilrJ,!^

To be tightened (knot). from a. 0.

To strive for. j- To implore the help of jt a' ^sVlS-ll^

To be hard towards a. o. a. 0. against.

Payment of a debt. Performance .iSl
End prosecuted, aim.
Cunning. Limb. Any- of a duty.

thing necessary. Then, at that time, 'iJli il.j il^-^i-

In small pieces. when, as, while.

Here... is, there... is ; on a sudden. \h\^
Gordiau knot.
The upper part of the thigh bone.z!; j I
When, if.

.^ Tumour. In that case, then, thus. o'Aj >'iV

March (month). j\V\j jbT S

Clever, able. Ai-tful. ujj,b ^^j)
End, aim, thing ^Jy ^ "^.'S^j ^J^— A kind of anemone. <^Ay^[
wanted. To listen, to hearken Ji Ci) a oil "*
Inheritance. Ashes. (ojj ^J^bl ) cJjK^ to.

Old thing. Boot. To pei-mit a. th. to a. o. J Cii, J —

To light (the tire). A ojl To know a. th. ^ilSlj Oliij Cib "^H"
To excite discord between. ojJ — To call out to Clj;iloiTj,Cj>C oil

Combustible, tinder. oOU j^j' prayer (amongst Moslems).

To exhale ^jUj ,*»<!. j,b *V3i a ^j} ^ To inform a. o. of. ljj f^ ^ ClJu^oi*
To ask from a. o. permis- j s oi'^t
a peifume, to smell fragrant.
To excite a. o., or Aj 5 ^jl sion to.
To ask leave of entering in. js. —
To take leave of. ^i —
Perfume, good smell, 'i'^ij}} r-ij}
scent. Permission, leave. ^ Order (of a o'il.

Odoriferous, sweet-smelling. ^j\ bill).

Ear. Handle.
° oliT ^ o ib o
_. ^,^
Intriguer, intriguing. ^'j'l o'.>jj

To put the date A "^ Izan (call to prayer). obi

<i.\jX -;.'jb .f j1
To write the history of. Chamberlain. col
to. ^ ^

Date of a fact, of a -k^jXy -r ^•i.jS'

Long-eared. VJi'j >^i'

letter. History, chronology. Muezzin (a crier who iif\j o*i>i

Historical. calls to prayer).

Date of coins, monu- lUuiJI "r-jj/c Minaret, turret of a oiu ^r i*-^;

ments. mosque.
Chronicler, historian. -t-'jW^
To suffer damage. ^ siilj vjSi a 'ji\ *
Dated from; of such a date. ^j^i To injure, to harm a. o. 5 t\jj\.j':>\

To cower, to! jjjij \'yj\ a jj Ij o i j3"l -^ To sutfer damage. ^

i/i5 ^
roll up, to squat (reptiles). To be Damage, harm done siiij *iib <^i'

cold (night). to a. 0.

Cold. Jij} Who suffers or causes da- ^ilj il

Sustainer of a tribe. ^>«!l — mage.

Cedar. jS\
Noxious, harmful, prejudicial to. i^
) —

yj\ c Y
Irain(name of a place). ^jl A cedar-tree.
There is nobody, no j^_j\j j>j 'l
Uj C» Rice.
one. To practice agrieul- ^j' trjl i "fr

Molar teeth. ^3' ture, to be a tiller, a husbandman.

To gnash the teeth jy^i Jt ^^vi j;^J Pi'ince. ^31^
against. <j-jlOO o>fj^ib oy~ijX 5r u~lJ,h_~
Wasted (land). *'jj^j 'i>*jl Agricultuiist, tiller. <^jyj\j ^j~ij\j'\j
Koot, origin. •:j.j'}j -^j'}j j,j'j\ Piice of blood. Gift. Price J^'J-H-
To be hvely, Cljlj C^jlj C3'l a o.J «- given for damage. Incitement to
quick. discord.
Litter, coffin. ojl ?r >^0l To make mischief amongst, tojj; J:.j]
Den. oj*^" T olIrl»j — set at variance.
Lively, quick. ojjij yjj To light (the fire). To kindle (war).* —
To produce honey bee). G ji i^jl ^ ( 1 J^\'Jj J^\y\j ij>yjj Oj^'j K J»jl -8-
To remaia in the stable, to be- * — Eai'th, terrestrial globe. Soil, ground.
come accustomed to it (beast). Country, land.
To prepare a stable for (a J_j n jj\ To bring foi'th herbs i^J\ ja'y
beast) ; to fasten it to a pole. abundantly (soil).
Honey. J'J\ To become luxuriant and i^ijl J^jl
Pole to ^j\ji\j C5j ijl ^ s5 jTj ^jT covered with green (soil).
which a beast is fastened. Stable. A ti'ee-worm, wood-fvetter. j^^l ^ x^jl
To produce a S'jc'jh Cob \% o j1 -«- Terrestrial, earthly.
noise (pot on the fire). Artichoke.
sT'^^ 'S^A "^
To incite a. o. to. It n — Bottom of a vase ; ground of <Li>j1 <>•
Confu.sion, press, pell-mell. sji a stuff. Ground of a house. -^ Urinal.
To feed (sheep to the s' Ij^ a 1j1 -^ Course of the week. x'.^,l\ x:^'J\ ^
full), to satiate. Fruitful. Broad. jaJjl
To renounce, to give up. ^i. — To set limits to. * ^/^ Ciji -H-

To flow (water). C,j1 i ^'j\ ^ Boundaries, limit. ^j'J ^ :cij?

Little man, despised man. ^'j\ To be sleepless, wakeful. C»j1 a Jjl -^

Drain, sewer. Leaden ^-.j j"t» ^ <J\^, To slumber.
pipe. To cause a. o. ^ Glltl 'Sjj ^^hj}^ 'J'J
A prolate :cijl^ j ^ijT, ^j,T ^ -,jl * to slumber.
vault. Partial insomnia, sleeplessness. j'y
To build a prolate vault. fn ^j'l A kind of thorny tree. £\'J\
To be late. ,^ 37} , G-j Jl i ^jl -J:i-
To eat the leaves of that (ksjjl i iij\
Person in arrears, late. ^j^l tree (camel).
Lilac of Persia. ci-jij\i c-i;irjTP To be seized with iJj \j , ^y a £!j 1
Very good dates. iljl .^ having eaten it (camel).
colic for
To surround a. th. fi> \'yj\ \ yj, ^ To cicatrize (wound). iij'\

To strengthen. To ^ s 0_j\j — j% Throne, seat. Ottoman. iui^l ^ Xiso j\

wrap a. o. in a veil. To clothe a. o. To eat all (the food ). * ^'J\ yj\ \ ^
with a waist-wrapper. To devour the whole harvest, to
To strengthen, to assist %jj\'y s 3jT destroy the crops (of the land).
a. o. To reduc3 people '^''Xy'^Xi. j y^\
To girdle; to"\vrap ^
yj\j jj\j\j fy^ to misery, wretchedness.
o.'s self in a veil, a mantle. Tooth.
^ ^yy
^ -^J)
Strength; weakness. Back. Middle jjl Stone set up in the j^yy^ ^I'jf ^ /J\^
part of the body. desert.
To be as courageous as jZ.\L.\j olc Veil. Root, j'j{

a lion. To become strong, tall or dry. A very ample 23j,Tj j'ji ^ oj\Xi jOl
Lion. jj,]j juLij iCJj »jJ^\ 7 -u.'i veil. Waist-wrapper.

Lioness. zjJ:.] Waist-wrapper. j-Jy ^ Zji^j jjit

Place full of lions. oJu ^ Sal.\? Veil. Clothing. Mantle.
To tie, to bind szjL.[j \'^'\ i^'J -«- Help, assistance. t'jj^'y'

a. o., to take captive. To arrive sud-

J[ (j,jlj 6jl a uij/l -ft-
To bring a. o. _/j£j|j Ijd.j 1^1 —
2( , denly. To draw near, to approach.
away as a captive. To draw near (one to the iSj^
To fasten tightly, to Sj ^\ fi> other ).

squeeze. Quick step. Ji'j]

To surrender as a prisoner. J J.JcZ.\ Day, hour of the last judgment. xsjT
Lsather-strap. Captivity. jCl.j^'J To be straitened, jy^j CSjl 1 JJI "^ ,

All, I he whole of them, -without ^_^U Narrow place. Battletield jjTj. -^ JjU
exc 'option. To be in a strait. Sj^j ,Vj1 i Jjl -J^

Retention of urine. j-'„l Eternity. *^?J)b Jj''

He suffers from ^ys\ ^f> j^\ *j Eternal. 'Jjt
isehuiy. Anguish ; narrow circumstances, jjl
Relationship, kindred, _/J ^ s^n-l Uncomfortable, under constraint. Jjl
aftinity. Strong breast-plate. To bite. jfcj ^ C-jjij C^jl i ^j1 ^
Strong leather-strap. Jij ^ jCI. To ruin a. o. (dearth), s —
Left side. ( jUj j»}* )
— To be unfruitful (year). it —
Prisoner, ^S'J-^^j JjC-lj A'JJt ^ j^\ Canine tooth. ^J ijlj ^jl ^ v^jT) ^jT
captive. Scarcity, dearth. Poverty. yj[ ^ ;;jl
Tube. -^ Shank of a j^~-\'/* -r a'jyL''^ To correspond (o. to a «0l^ i.Jj'i' -S-
tobacco-pipe, -if- Gun-barrel. the other). To be opposite.
Israel. 6^>'j^A ^ To be opposite, to front C jT_^ Sy^
To be afflicted with, y, ClJLI a wj-l ^ 0. a,

To afflict; to ii-ritate CjU-i 5 JL-,T Before, opposite, in front.

a. o. Before him, opposite to him.
To regret, to be son-y for, le. ^J,lj Foun- ,
t _ ^u1 c^Cl

to lament. dalion, principle, basis.

Sadness, affliction. ;»u.1j wj— To lay the foundation, to fi> u—il
Alas What a pity!
! oUI-'l Gj i^l Q ground.
Regret. "
wi-it; To be founded (building). u-"'^
Sorry, angry. _i.^1 Small quantity of ashes. Jr-l

Sad. afflicted. Jc.li-.lj ^i-— *l Foundation of a c^L.Lf\j ^\JS ^ ^j—II

Barren soil. **-— ' iJ'jb *^*—' building.
Sad. Nervous, touchy. o>.il Foundation, principle, estab- ^j-^^
To be ^L,1 a J-1j iIC-1 o JJll
, ^ lishment.
oblong full and smooth (face). Fundamental, principal. ',^C'l
To sharpen, to point. A j^l Founder. tr--^*
To be like o. 's father. oG^ J-lG Founded upon, established, jc ,^.^>»
Reed used for making lances, J~l grounded on.
arrows. Spear, blade. Buttock. See '^Z. • c-ll, -«
iV. of un. Tip of the tongue. ;i::i Surname of Constanti- "C^^S *jl£J.v1 P
Fore-arm. nople.
Oval-shaped full and smooth To 5 iSCjI JU.T, jL^ 1j , U-1^ i j.x1 -»
(face). set (a dog). To encourage a. o.
Alkali. Potash. ot£[j oilii Noun, name. .Ij -U ^1 ^
To break or soften a. th.* (J\ o y>'\ -i^ See ^^.
To strengthen. * ^S\ Lion. xiL.1 -«-

Earthenware, earthen pan, »>ar*'' Ismael.

vessel. :1j ^ J C_^ J Cw- o ^1
'i , I 1 i -ik

Adjoining houses. a.^^\ To be coiTupted, to stink (water).

stop, to shut.
clothe a. o. with a
j^'(j a-tfl

s j^l
h- Corrupted, putrid (water).
To nurse, to ?j * Clj l^'l o L-*l
^ -S-

misette, a short dress. cure. To console a. o.

Chemisette, tucker. il^[j o^i -^ jjual To make peace between.
a kind of short dress. To console a. o., to nurse , V7 ,«

To provide a tent * l^'al i ^a\ -ii- him.

(with a stake). To give a part of one's oV_l]^^ cCl
To render a. o. kind. J*^
^ "~ goods to a. 0. ; to be muniticent.
To be near, contiguous s Vj^\y> ^'<?T To console o.'s self. To bear Jjg
to, adjacent. with patience.
Burden. Compact. Crime. jU»T To imitate a. o.

Stake of a tent. e'j^j j^\ -r J^\ To console a. o.

Tie, band. Relationship. j.aVj\ ^ %j^o\ Imitation; model.

Favour. Relief; consolation
Caper-bush. .jL^l -5f Medicine.
To be rooted. ;JUj1 o JoI -fJ- Phy-siciau.
To state the oingin of. *_, ^ J_^*l A medical woman.
To consolidate. To consider as noble. Doctoress.
To classify according to a common To leave a. th. to J i>l Cr-'* '
origin. a. o.
To take a footing, to take j jo'C Honey that remains in the hive. -^^J"

I'OOt. Base, column. ^\-j\ ^ *1-T

To originate in, to descend from.^^ — To be sad, afflicted. it
Jj\ a '^^J
To extirpate. To root out,* Jo\_r-l^ Sadness, pain, sorrow. u1j Jj\
to uproot. Dry bread. ^ii ^
Origin. Race. Principle. J^( ^ j^'l To be inter- »_.lCj,Ci.1 a ^^\ ^
Lineage. Root. twisted (tree). To be entangled.
Of noble origin. jJ,Vl Li^i To be mixed (crowd). _Ji;'ij wi-C
Capital, stock. JQ) ^J,1 hitertwisted (tree). Confused. ^_,z.\

Firmness of will, decision of V.ia\ Thicket. _

charactei'. Rabble. ^l\iS\ ^ ijCi-t

Extirpation. Extermination. Ji.iii^l^ To be cheerful, merry. \'jJ-S\ a ^y\ -Vr

Original, radical. -j^l Joy, sprightliness. j^-^\

On no account, not at all, ^Ljl . .".V To saw (wood). A> \'J--^\

by no means. To sharpen (her teeth ; A ^llj , l^Vl i
The rudiments, the principles. Jj.^vi woman).
Fundamental. 'J_,-i! To annotate. To put a visa J-j o
Solid, well rooted. Gifted '%i\ ^ j.,^'1 upon.
with a firm temper. Noble; of good Denticulation. J--Jij yj\ ^ S^-.l

breed (horse). Leg of a gi'ass-hopper. ^Vij^

Time jiu,1j oiUfj jj>lj 3\J\ ^ j^\ Saw. -n4rl>'-^ -^r*^ ^ A'"^'
before sunset, evening. White moss that grows on tiil -^
They came all of them, ^^/u^ L lj'.u. oak and pine trees.
\- di\
J^ (

Wild and destructive winds;c;lfe*^>4JI To compel a. 0. to. Ji, i kJ\ o\'j^\ ^

hurricanes, storms. Shelter, refuge, asylum. J^UjI.
To set (sun). Vyi oi^J>\-ii- To crack (saddle). To Cuu' i 'j,^ -{}-

To dry up, to ya\ a jji_, .v^si o J»1 groan (she-camel).

have no more milk (wet-nurse). He was moved with j.'-'j'^ y ol» 1

To milk a (she-camel) s CjI i ^i -^ pity.

out of time. To arch, to curve A^tTlj 1^1 oJh'\ , -ft-

To be weak-minded. Cjl ^i\j a ^^ an arch. To bend a. th., to bow.

To have very little milk ( she- a ^'\ To surround ( a house). fl> o^'l 1

camel). Fault, misdemeanor. j\y]

To decrease (th.). To boast of ^Ic Circumference. Hoop, ^{ ^ j\^{
what one has not. circle, ring. <>• Fi-ame.
Weak-minded. Oj^'^j cnii Side, JL-C 1
^ J_J3; Ij , Jli>T ;r Jl^ I -ft"

Opitjm. o>j1 P flank.

Laudunura. ^^^ '"!"''
_/— 'o-s- Fort, fortlet. ,.u,Tj >.>l^t ^ j>i -ft-

To prepare ( a dish) a Ci»j1 i Lll -^ stronghold.

with sour c'aeese. To swell (waves). To rise up ^'^
To give to a. o. sour cheese to s — (flame).
eat. To become iri-itated with. ic.

O^yi ?r -la'b Ja^U ^[j ^h
^Vj ^h JaSl Sea-turtle. ^]j X^"^ -^ j»^^
Cheese made with sour milk. Chimney-piece. Hearth, fu'e- *i^J
Heavy and indigestible Ja-il^ Jail place.
(food). Agha (a Turkish c^\j\i^ ^ \f\ Ts
Battlefield. JasU officer).
To be hot and windless Sal o 'Jl -J^ Dirt of the ears or nails. ijl -ft-

(day). Fie, for shame ! 'J»\

Hot and windless (day). «iAc%l Time. ^ij t»i_j oiib d^\^
To strengthen a. th. A> jkfjj ji^l -^ At the time of that. dUi ^il J*
To assert. To certify. To hurry. la>l a a?l -ft-

To ascertain. To be vei'ified. To a^u To be active, nimble. I^^ij l^i _^1 -»- i

be confirmed. To be quick, active (servant )._^j;jji51

Firm. Certain. a-^1 Wormwood. Absinth. cn;:A-lJl '^

Reliance. Certainty. -^^^ To tan (hides, skins). A usi jil i -ft-

To till (the *^Ib , l>=^ i >^^ "^ To reach the utmost degree (ssl a j;l
ground), to dig. of science, generosity.
Tiller, bus- Cjj'j^b »'J\ ^ j^l Liberal, learned. J;;'b ,^
bandman. Tanned (hide, skin).
Ball, bowl. Ditch, hole. j^\ ^ s^l Horizon. Country. jVaT ^^ jalj jal
Pack-sad- sifeTj ^1 ^ ^V'fcb oi^l -ft- Horizontal. '2*5
die (for as.ses, mules). Great traveller. Adveuturei". jCJ 1

To put a Gl&ui wi^Tj CijioU ^j&.l

2f , To lie. \ig^i\ a ^\j iSy Ij i^1 dJi , i -ft-

paciv-saddle (on an ass, a mule). To deter a. o. from. 5 UsJl — ^

To eat. To A ^IfeUj >i^1 o J4^1 -ft- To be in want of rain and di\\

gnaw, to nibble, to corrode. barren (soil). To be weak-minded.

To itch (head), vi^^j V(k=>lj *I&.L o jTl Lie, false- dUla! ^ *^r?b *^ij •^'"K ,

To be corroded, rotten. >lri a jTl hood.

To give to A 5 VVfeiJ I ;j6;Tj ,
>L^a j^l Liar. iJiSlj dl^l

a. o. a. th. to eat. Good for nothing. A\'eak- il^U^ duil

To eat together, to 5 iiri^/J jit minded.

( \

To deceive, s lLi\'^i ^T, , CJi i V\ -« I

take one's meals at a friend's?.
to circumvent a. o. To be eaten. To feel an itching. J&.I7
To become insane. ^i To be rotten (tooth).
Lie. Madness. Treachery. ^] To become incensed. To put jfe^rJI
Insane. ^^ \i o.'s self into a passion.
To get »j s Vj^t t wiJTj UJ a ^ll «• , 1 Food, eatable. J^tj J^i
accustomed to a. o., to (a place). To Piece, mouthful. jLfei
become tame. Meal, repast. jifeil

To join, to unite, to bring ojj ^1 Canker. Itching. Rust. ii^oT

together. A great eater, J^^b JsTb J^l
To compose (a book). ^— glutton.
To frequent the s CjVt j ii)iy ^iJ K Food, victuals. jiX» ^ JTU
society of. Porringer for 2 or 3 persons. <I&ii»
To accustom a. o. to. ^ j ^'^A^
— Spoon. ^\j> ^ Jlfeii*
To be intimately acquainted a ^M Edible, eatable.oV^^Uj J;6=t« ^ J^^feiU
with. Victuals.
To be composed of. . * — ^4^b ^u=.ij oi;rb y\ ^ i_^1 -«
To have relations of ^ji ^X^j ^ir/l^ Hill, hillock. Rising ground. ^ITTj
friendship, to keep up a friendly The {article). Jl -«- __

connexion Avith. To hurry. To be restless. VI \o'S\^

To seek the friendship of, to ^]\~L[ To be clear and bright (colour).
court. To strike a. 0. with a spear. a —
Fi'iendship. Company. xlJij ^!l. To moan (sick person). 5LJij yS\j''i\ — i

Thousand. ^vTj ^j] ^ ^] To be decayed (tooth), yi] a jSl

Friend, com-^,v1 ^ ^lb,oVT^ will To sharpen the point of. ^ j!*|
panion. Compact. Relationship. Ranconr, ^1^
Familiar, companion. oVi r- win hatred.
More familiar than. N. of ad. State of a mother who jj}
Very familiar, very inti- ^ I
^ j^ I has lost her children.
mate. Tame. Title-deed. ij^l n
Compact, alliance. A broad-headed spear, Jl ^ :d1
Agreement, friendship. weapon.
Book. Collection. iJL Is (he she, it)... not ? VI
Usual, familiar. Lest... That he... not. (V ) VI
Familiarity. Friendship. In order not to. For fear that
Author (of a book). he... not. Lest.
Composed. Book. If not, unless, except, save. Less. vi
Dwelling, continuance ^, c To meet with. Jl^ ^Jtjj , CJl o »j1 -i^

in one place. To gather (dis- 5 ^^ b , CJ 1i »J 1

To Hash jB'ij J Ijj , lij I i jll -«- persed people).

(lightning), to lighten. To excite a. 0. against. Ip 5 ^J
To bd mad. To lie. &i ] a js1 They are all united oa-lj iJi^ 'U v*
Madness, lunacy. vjj'l against me.
Seized with madness. j^ Uj jli^ Ambassador. Ts
:u3jl. ^ ^ajl,
To send s z^% viAjT, &j o diJI -«-
, i i Gloves. oG^Jl Te
a. o. To champ (the bit horse). : who whose,
il/. ; J[< C£J31 ^ v/J| -»-

To bear (a letter). a d\j\:J, |

whom; that.
Letter, missive. ;r^1 F. who, whose,
Sfe»')Uj ^»!A)lj Jl^Ill ^ ^1
To suffer. (j\ a J\ -H- whom; that.
( IT ) <il
These {m. f.). ^^j\j j\ To cause suffering ; s u>L(. ^"0,^1
to affect, to grieve a. 0.

Those {>n-f.). dUVjIj vil'Jjl To suffer. To be grieved. < To ^<d

(p/. of i))a,vilJ'J. )• be irritated.
Benefit, favour, grace. *vT^j\jJ)^ Pain, suffering. Irritation. ^vT^ ^ll
A green-leaved and bitter J '\j "v 'l Passion, violent commotion of the
fruit-tree. mind.
Large, Ji ^ -ulj v'ul ^ jT, oQJl The pas.sion of Jesus- •r.^^\ _/i'\

fat in the" tail, buttocks (sheep, men). Christ.

Regiment. cOvl ^ ^v1 Ts Sufferer. ^1
Handkerchief used by JX. ^ ;^ That causes suffering. Jt^y^
hired mourners. Painful, -if- Rancorous. ^\
To. Tiil, Towards. At o.'s. To adore a. 0. 5 iftj'jlj i»Vl.a Sy -ft-

To m«, to, thee, to him. «lji_ (as a god); to worship.

And so on, et cetera. Cj>-\ til To deify a. o. To call o.'s self a god. s^'t
To what quantity? To be deified. 'Ju
Go away; withdraw, be off. To adore a. o. to worship. ; 5 —
How long ? To be like God. J*lil.l.

Till, until. A god. Deity. "-^ -x *^\

The ancient Arabs. JVlj JjV< ij^iJl God (the true and only one). ;ii

To direct 'ji\j ^'tj _j^'\j,^\ olA ->

fi> my God Good God ! ^b
o.'s steps towards (a place). To pro- Goddess. Xi'^y
pose a. th. The goddess of poetry:
J^\ ;ivi
To wound a. o. in the brain. ? 0>l muse.
To become a mother. Deification, apotheosis. «^c
To walk ahead. To be at s x>v.i — Divinity. :^;i^ l^ xL»_^ Ij Xi^ Ij SaV I

the head (of an army). Divine, theological ( virtue).

To adopt as a mother. 5 ^>C Theology. Metaphysics. oC^iyf^
To imitate a. o. ^ To be unable j ulf, 1^ !j 1^ 1 o v1 -»^
To follow a o. as a leader, s yiLl \j
— to do a. th. To be late.
Mother. Source, olf^b o^i ^ 'J\
To be able to. To neglect, to *—
principle, prototype. leave a. th.

my mother Mother I I eii^ \j iutj 5tc He has spared no pains. )a^ JJG J^
Fire. lit. : the mother of ^j^ai -J\
He does not cease to G-Jaj iJj5lj V
hospitality. warn, to admoni.«h thee.
Mecca, lit. : the mother of j'^\ 'J\
Nevertheless, for all that.jij; v1 ^IjV
the towns. he continues.
< The Virgin Mai-y lit. : the j^\ y\ To be unable. To neglect a. th.Ja'ij V\
mother of light. Do not cease to claim x^\ 5<j vt c^
Pia mater; the brain.^_^l^l ^1^5,0^1^11 >i what you have not obtained (prov.).
Milleped, poiypode {ins.).cj^.uj\i ^'J\ 'J\ To swear, to take \ij'\j JGj t%_\, JT
The milky way. ^yr^^ !»' an oath.
Situated near or opposite to. ^i Possessors, possessed of I pi. of J^) _j5jT
A trifle. Men gifted -with strength. ;^| _^j^
Before, in front of. j,\^\ Gift, benefit. Dung. 'J]

Imam. Leader. President, x^jj ?- j'^\ Aloes. ^iJ^Vl ^ ::!}<, J s^ \j 'JiS

Highway. String-course [arch-). Swearing, oath. :a1j ;^tj s^il

Dignity, rank of an imam. X^iry To have big buttocks. G 1 a J1 -S-

People. Nation. ^\ ^ Xa\ Fat tail. Buttocks. c.u1j Cvl ^r

C yr ) (/-'

Foolish, silly.
•/'U j^\ The gentiles, idolaters. ^v1
He (Joes not possess ;^JI. Vj ^»l. H U Motherly. Ignorant, illiterate. ^\
a fartliing. Gentile, idolater. >5i ->
Serious, painful alFair. ^'. _r''l Maternity.
Soul. Vital spirits. The jvjtj 5^ J>»"^ Wounded in the brain.
heart 's blood. A con], part. Either, or
Convent of monks. 'jy^'^^J Jj^P Is (he, .she, it).., not?
Man. ?^'>J i^j>*'^-» ??,^''^I But; as to...

Chief. Prince, amir.' '|J,J i ^ ^>i>1

When. If.

Civil title equal to that '\y^'^\ j^\ Either.... or. W^he- Ci. J . . . u\
of a colonel. ther.... or.

The Commander of the cji^^l ^vjt To conjectui-e, it>

faithful, the Caliph. to determine a. th.
Admiral. _,9»lll jj^l Weakness. Empti- cjy ij oC«l. ^ c..» "i

.^ Colonel. i/v1 -^i< ^-J is?'?' ^^ ness, inequality. Doubt.

Belonging to a prince, j^ -^j i^^^l To be thirsty. u;; S a ?^/l -»-

Public treasury. Duty paid to a Very hot summer. 1^\ Lil^

prince. Extreme point. Starting- i^VT ^ jti'l -tt-

Passion.s. oljl'l "^ place or goal in a race. Anger.

Trustee, attorney, plenipoten- j%"yi> Eternally. julVl Jc
tiary. To become irritated u ^C^^'l a Ji»>

Congress. Council. Conference. J^")^

with a. o.

Commanded: proxy. > Public jy'i''\f' To show the limit of. fi> ail
officer. Laden Amida
ship, (town). Sa^Tj j^T
Mission, power of attorney. ;5 j ^'U To command a. th. k_, 5 i^^l o^l -K-

Office in the govei'nment. to a. 0.

Yesterday, ^r-y b cr^Tj ^^T To It Sji^U S^'l ° -'•*
O' ^ ->*• '-^ ' '

Lately, time not long past. become a prinee, chief, amir.

Silly. Parasite. Oy^\ -r To be in good quantity s^; \'yf a ^Vl '\j '\

To hope A j^'ij ,>U Ij ::Ail o J>1 ^ (th.) To have numerous flocks.

a. th. To invest a. 0. with power. » J^\
To trust in, to .set o.'s hope on. 5 — To consult a. o. on. J a 'fyA^y^ y>'\
To meditate, to reflect on *j j J^\7 To command a. th. To a. n IjUjI. _^T
a. th. To consider, to contemplate. 0,; to order. To render a. 0. wealthy
Hope, expectation. JC«T^ J> Ij ^'A (God ).

Meditation, reflection. o>^l' -r J*'^' To be invested with power; to ^Jc

Who hopes. j; ^>i reign.
Hope, expectation. jX» ^ J/^lS To make a common deli- _^5j'lj y^h
Hope, that which is hoped. d^"^^ beration ; to consult e. o. To plot.
To be true, loyal, faithful. s5C»l o Ji^'s ^ To consult a. 0. on. «-j -j'^ ^ ji^'l
To be in ;i>;1j CC-lj C;;1j C;'l a ^1
/fc To be actively engaged, busied ,_i —
security, in safety. about. To confoi'm to a command.
To be in safety against. To consult a. o. n y''^L\
To trust to, to confide in Commandment, order, yyj\ ^ j\

To intrust a. o. with, to decree. Power, authority.

commit a. th. to. Thing, business, subject. j^ii ^ _,i1

To put o.'s self under a. 0.' Sign, indication. cJ\'J^\ 5- «3^^

protection, safekeeping. Opened, trodden road. Ji^!l cXjA
To intrust a. o. with. it 5 5;ij ,%\ Prefecture, power, empire. i'jVXi "iyX
^1 C M )

I do it,>i;.l)l J
will not o1 vi iduil C
as long as a star appears iii the sky.
^ To reassure, to
tranquiliise a. 0.
s CU;I.^>T) , U-/^ ^ I

Groan, moan. oOlj V\j caj\ To say Amen.

: ^%)
Groan. Lamenting continually. oOl To believe, to have faith ^ CCjI^ ^p\
I. We. yj^Ol-f^ in.

Selfishness, egotism. siCl To protect a. o. is

To reprehend a. o. ener- s ^\ -^ To put imder shelter,
a, 0. o* » —
getically. to shelter him from danger.
Thou, you. cnil ^ 'cJl >i ^i1 ^ cJl -^ To confide in. 5 o^'\
You both (dual). Ciil To seek protection from. J) ^^t-ll
To lament. Cuj 'i
i c.5 '\
-J^ Safety. Safe-conduct, security.oulj jf\
To measure a. th. To grudge Sj fi^
— Protection.
a. o. Mercy! Alas! oC»l
Moar-. Envy. c-ii'l Well ! beautiful - -0-

To be soft (iron). To be ':;yi o iJ^ -^ Loyalty. Security. Fidelity, :yu1

effeminate (pers.). faithfulness.
To I'ender feminine, to effe- Sj fi> cJ'l Deposit ; a. th. intrusted c.Cw ^ —
minate a. o. to a. o.'s care.
To become of the feminine gen- ^Vi Good faith; sincerity. tL»1
der. To become effeminate. Tru.sted by all. vA
Female. :i;ib\-<^j oUia jCij oOl^^ jJI Belief. Religious faith. oUjI^
Soft, tender. Sweet, affectuous. ^ajI Faithful. Loval. Steadfast. 'U>i _ oi/l
Feminine, effeminate. c^^y' Treasurer.
To ;lj ]j Cj Ij C_j o ij a ^'i I
^ -Ji-

be polite, kind, social.

To have an intimate connection ^j —
with a. o.
To become acquainted and fa- Jl,—
miliar with.
To render familiar. To tame. 5 ^l I

To be sociable, friendly, s ';l5l^^T

familiar wth.
To delight a. 0. by fi,j s \~.iJ^, ^t

good manners. To pei'ceive a. th.

from afar.
To become a man (Son of God). ^]\^
To show kindness.
To act as a social man. ^\r_H^
To get accustomed to. ^j—
Social life : kindness, politeness. ^\
Crowd. Familiar. ^_^0T ^ ^\
Man, mankind.
N. of un. A human being. "*J Ij '^^'ii

Thy friend, thy intimate iujl^ oX

Man. jyUlj ^^Ct ,^ uVlK
Apple of the eye. " cyi\ oIIjI
Human. Polite. 'jCjI.

<• To acquiesce in, to come to f,i V] Humanity, manliness. Poli- \Jj^i\

an agreement with. teness, good breeding.
To hinder a. o. ? tCjI. JT Friendly. Meek, kind.^)^;^ ^^j ^]
To act slowly. To ^ j\ j j'\^\j Jc Social life. Friendly relations. ^\:.''i',[
procrastinate. Incarnate (the Vei'b).
To treat a. o. with meekness. 5 — Accustomed. Familiar
To wait for, to expect. s JliJ,! To be ins'ifficiently
Patience. Meekness. Staidness. sijl cooked (meat).
Expectation. To cook insufficiently 4> Ca(:^[ Ja'i I

Time. Point of maturity. Jil j '\]j -u^

I (the meat).
Time, space of time. 'j 'uT ^ Jil l_, Insufficiently cooked (meat). j^^}
Day and night. jVi^l ot^tlj j^l 'UT To abstain from a. th. ^f>(ju\ a. Jul -ft-

Vase, vessel. olj'l ,ri9._j CjT^ -Jt out of modesty, of shame.

Slowness. Meekness. otj To knock a. 0. on his 5 Clil i »jiri
Slow. Meek, patient. o*^ nose : to mortify.
How ? Wherefrom ? 1] To begin or to com- fi> jiS'lr-llj Jtrj't
Ah! Alas! ^ uT, oi
meuce anew.
To groan, to sigh. ll\:j/il] o oi To go to appeal ; to ins- ^ Ul'^cJ.[
To get ready, to pre- J »^a\7^ ,_i1 -J^ titute new proceedings against.
pare. Nose. Fore- ^Tj jy Ij tiCT^ ^'\
Skin, hide, raw wilj ^aT ^ ujC^I. part of anything. Extremity, point.
leather. In the first place. Above. Before, C«jT
Provision. Ammunition, ^aI ^ ;l*i afore.
' apparatus. Ba.shfuluess, shame. Scorn. uJl
Ready. Prepared, fitted out. w^vii New. Harmless, unhurt. ^\
Movables, o^-* 'j ^•*'' sr 'Ir*'' ~^*'l "^^ First of all, in the first place. ^^ij I
chattels. He who rates himself high,
To marry. Vyi ij ^iil o JaI * i piqued, disdainful.
To get accustomed to c_) >U*I a
J*^ Beginning. Appeal ^(;jl.
( a place To welcome a. o.
). (in law).
To be inhabited (house, town). JaI Initial.
To believe or to J s vi+il JaTj Ja1 Future.
render a. 0. worthy of, able to. For the future, henceforth.
To welcome a. o. ,_j
— To admire a. th. fi> CiJ a JH- i
To marry a. o. s Vl^jl^ jiT To delight in.
To marry. Ji^b J*'^^
To do a. th. carefully. J jl v J^^'
To be qualified, to be fitted J JaC Elegance, grace. Beauty. xJC\
out for. Fine, pretty; pleasing. jj ^j.j jjlj jjl
To deserve, to be worthy^j :< jALr-LI^ Vulture. Carrion-kite. jy\
of, entitled to. Scai'cer than a vul- J^'VI jalJ ^ jtl
Be welcome ^U--J 5^^ ture's eggs : Said of a. th. difficult to

Family, house, Julj JuTj ojU 1 ^ Ja *i be found.

household, as'father, wife, children, To be gross, coarse (kJl o viAJl -Jl-

people belonging to a community or (th.). To be ill-tempered (pers.).

locality. Lead. ddT
Household. jloll — Creatures. Mankind. ^ijTj ^ut -^
The .superiors. ^iVl — To become <ijlj j\j ^''1 i
Jl "^
The blessed, the inhabitants ;!»J| — mature, to ripen.
. of Paradise. To procrastinate, to delay. * J\
Myrtle. J\ Wife. ji^l j^i
Holly. 4-J JTS Domestic. National, civil. Tame, -i^'l
Room, apai'tment. ^ji ^ ;^j» Ts Worthy of, entitled to. J jjjil
Waitei', footman. ,j^i^ Ts Ability, aptitude. Relationship, xlul
To cause damage to Aj j 6^1 o ijT -J^ Inhabited. Crowded, JyJUj JaT
a. o. or a. th. Who deserves, worthy of. jA\_iL»
Damage. Misfortune. Infii-- oViT ^ XaT Hereditary goods. Jdl jt ^— j^\ -ft-

mity, bane, evil. Home-born slave, cattle.

Damaged, affected. <jj>» Whether, or. Unless. j1 -^
To draw an evil upon jt CSjl o jT -ft- To come back Cy ^ _, G j1 o jT -S-

a. 0. from, to repent. To set (sun).

To burden a. o. ? Jji To come back to God. ^| jl, —
Burden, weight. Sorrow, mis- jjl To come back from. -^ ^_'\j ^j\
fortune. To walk the whole 'tij\*y' ^j\j kjjl
Okky (a weight of oSl ?- *jb «^J' ^ day.
about two pounds and a half ). To arrive at the 5j a kjt/ij ijj\3
To reach. To come Jl. vt^j Vjt o JT -fj- (water), at (a house), during the
back to. To be reduced to. night.
To abandon a. o. ^^
— August (month). J^ S
To govern (subjects). SVCl.j Vjl — Return, ^Cl.^ *; jlj »_jj1

To be a chief to be ; jc ^JGt j VGl — Shore. Use. Custom. ^j\

set over.
Fi'om all sides.
^^' ;^ ^
get a. 0. back to. Jl. 5 Jjl of friends. :^j1
To interpret, to explain a. th.A JjCj — Who comes back to God, C)y}'j\ ?- tjljl

Family. Race, dynasty. Vapoui- JT contrite for sin, penitent.

that I'ises moi-ning and evening, Place to which one comes o^X" ^ (_a»
mirage. back.
Instrument, tool. Organ. oVT ^ i)T The highest point of the sky. ^y, -ft-
War apparel; weapons, v^»i)l cvT Summit. Apogee.
ai'ms. White of eggs. ^T - ^JS -«
Cofrin. .CJ^l) a'vi To complain, to ^j\j -^ — ^j\ -ft-

Musical instruments. vJ^a" *^vT express grief.

Instrumental. Musician. 'J,vT To overwhelm j^ \ij'j\j \:>'j\ o iT-)1-
Organic, oi'ganized bodies 'J,J a. o. ( affair).
(animal or vegetal). To decline, to incline towards iSjl o iT
Principle, principal. J\-j\j j;,ijl ^ Jjl its end (day).
Firstly, at _,;V| Jjl Jj Jj VI Jj V)! To bend, to curve.
first To be bent, curved, »j5j , liji a ij'\
Successively, by turns. Vjll Vj^ crooked.
First. oCjJj Jjl ^ Jji ^ ojij! ^ Jjl To overcharge a. o. ( work). j ^ja
Old. Preceding. Anterior. Bend, inclination. Work, ^y^
The day befoi'e yesterday. X^jLJI Jjl To supply the wants of a. o.j^ ijl y^
The ancients and the oj^i^'lj u_^ jVl Burden, weight. ol3j1 ^ s3jl
moderns. Ardour of fire, thirst.
j^ ^ j\/f -ft-

Anterior, primitive. sijjl ^Cij^ Goose. jji^ ^ SjJl-a-

Priority, anteriority. Axiom. j^jl To bestow a, th, 5 CGl.j Cjl o ^T-«-
Interpretation, commentai'y.
Jjj^j npon a. 0. ; to reward.
Spectre, apparition. Gift. ^;\
Government. Province. 'Ji\>\ - iJbl
! !

.1 ( \y )

Take care not to do. j;i7 J\ iJu I. Deer, stag. jj,bj ^ jj'ij j!i.j
Vocative. thou, o ye! v^iJl C j (4^1 September. JyiJ"| S

When ? Wheresoever. oC^ End, result. Return to a place, ve-j'^

Int. used ia calling. Holloa 1 C'l -ft- treat. Event. Meaning (of a writing).
Sunlight. 'bl^j sutj sCl.j Q,'. -i^ To thirst. Gjl J^ -fi-

To be strong, firm. iST, Qil i i\ ^ To smoke out (the u C«bi.j C»C i^ C^jl —
To strengthen. To help. To f>j s 'm\ bees).
authorise, to confirm a. 0. or a. th. To excite the thirst of a. 0. s ^j\
To help, to succour, a SJ^'^* J'iT) ~ To fatten (cattle).
to strengthen a. 0. Burning thirst. Giddiness. ^ijl

To be strengthened. To be helped.aUj To go, to act at <_i; jt C31 o JV -fr

Force. Support. Authority. iClj -^i^ ea.se.

Help. Authorisation. juj\j Calmness, tranquillity. Fatigue. cj\

In support, in confirmation of. J l-Uj a Tiuie, moment. Season xJjT ^ oOb •j''

Strong, mighty. Xj\ of the year. Opportunity.

Serious affair. ijUj jJ,!^ ^ sij'^ Now, now-a-days. oVI
Monster. Henceforward. lacU»ju'Vl ^>»
The north wind. jOTj jy\ ^ JA -Vr Till this day. till now. oS\ Jl
The East wind. Membrum virile.

May (month). j\A S Palace. Arch'd hall.

To despair of. ^ ^\.\^ u-i^ ^ To exclaim ah ayCij oj'^j ,Uj1 u
I eT -fr

To make a. o. to y s CGl. ^Tj ,_pjl To weep.

despair of. He who sighs and cries to God. o\j\

Despair. ^Cl Ah! Alas! yj\j ej\) (*T, at

Disheartening, hopeless. ^jT To retire anywhei'e J[ _j| A b^ \ i jj'\ ^
What ? ( s^i, ^1 j^js^ ) jj} 4- to take shelter in.
To reiterate a. th. a CaJl i j^ -^ To receive a. o. at ^[s jj\j jyj jj'\

To come back to. Ji

— o.'s own house, to give hospitality to.

Again. Too, also. \^'A To be siiUj '^^j}h %J <iJ^ t^j' i

Wood, forest bushy trees, viiji -^

of moved with pity for.
To be a C^lj Ci b '^d ^'''
* i To flock together (birds). j^-j ^j\)
widower, a widow. To be unmanied. To settle somewhere. A j'^h J'_}^[
To widow a. 0. (God). 5 ^1 Mansion, settlement. jX> ^ Sl/Vv (^yi>*
To remain unmarried or a ^;\j Jackal. ^5jT oU; ^ tfjV Crl.
widower, a widow. Sign. Wonder. Verse t/T, c.(iT ^ i:T

Who lives in celi- J\jJj ^SA ^ ^1 of a sacred book. Example.

bacy. Widower widow. ; That is..., viz. Hey. •j\^
Snake. Male viper. 'JA Yes. of course.
By God ^1 '^'A ! Ho Holloa

To draw near (time). To v'jt i JT-S- Which ? What ? Which xf


be tired, fatigued. one ?

Weariness, fatigue. ^'l Whosoever.

Where ? What ?
Wheresoever, wherever. Particle, prefixed to the objectivet\^
Always and everywhere. Jij oA'i^ 4 case of pronouns.
Whereabout ? Where ? How far.^'i Jl^
Wherefrom? ^'\ Me, thee, him, us, you. them. ^
Tell me. Go on ( imper. part.). *jl, It is thee we worship. j!L^ ilG -ii- 1^

Yes. So. \'^_]j ,\yj] a Beware of. * iJU . I

( NA ) ^v

To be afflicted, sad of. ^_, ^\:][ At. During. In. With. For. By. ^-«-
Courage, strength, boldness. ^1.; Ipassed by him. ^j cJSJ'
Misfortune, J^'^.j '^'^.J u-'^J l^'jI Early in the morning. J^s~i
adversity. Sorrow, harm. He has walked during the jiL jL,
No harm in it. dli'i J ^'J V night.
No objection to it. vHijLi ^\'i V Go down in peace. ^!A1j W^\
Be fearless. No fear. di'jj. ^'i; v He struck him with the ^l)t; *>>*
Misfortune. ,_^^ OUJ sword.
fniiappy. Poor. ^^ ^ ^_^jG I found him to be lion- ij.j,1 o c-^J
Unhappy. Poor. Brave, gallant. ^_^ hearted.
Passport. Jt»j^'C-G Is Eye for eye. cijiJli t^l
To throw a. o. s J-'-d.j ,
Ci'i^ a J^J -tr By God. By my life. J CJ-j. . Jit;

down on the ground unexpectedly. In want of. Without. ( V o )y'.

Head, chief, first. ^u Ts Free of charge. ( j-^ ^. ^^ ) ^ji^i;

Head clerk. ^^IT J.0 Ts Uselessly.

Pasha. CjU^Q ?- ^QTs Why? How? ^

Irregular troops. ojjV i^^^ Ts Since. For the reason 0I Cj j ol 1.j

Corporal. ^^iC oji Ts that. Because.

Captain. ^^j^d Ts Papa, old man. QG Ts
Major. ^^^kiTds^^. Te Pope, the Holy Father. oljGG ^ —
To recline quietly on Ja'il: — lU -J}- Papal. '^i^ki '4i'S'.

the side. 2nd month of the Coptic year. iTG Ce

To neglect a. th. ^— October.
To be small, ^jy.j *J'S o Jjj -ft- To say father. tl' ^
wretched. To say to a. 0. : ( 'zS\ J^t ) I will 5 —
Small, wretched, paltry. j,:u J-l^j J-ij ransom thee with my father.
To boast of, to u *IjVj 0^ a tit; HS- Root, origin, middle of a. th. ^|y
glory in. Apple of the eye. ojiJI 'y.y.

More glorious. jt'1 Kind, way. -tf The best head of ^\\ ^
Kind way. Fat baby.
; oLj j Lj * a flock. Duty upon importation,

They have the same jb-lj oQ-i ^a town-due.

temper, the same manners. To sink a well. A IjlJ a jl' -S-

Turkish slippers. T-^.^ji ?- 9rJ\i P^ To conceal, to keep in store. A jtJij —

A kind of hunting j/J ^ J^: P To ensnare a. o. 2( jUi
leopard. Well. pit. jl^.J j'^.'t'jr-^s.
Parrot. oljul?-!- 'liSj 'UL' -S- Hollow. Deposit, treasure. Fire- %jy
Babel. Babylon. JjC -«• pit dug in the open for cooking.
From Babel. Babylonian. Magical-jjC Para, farthing (money).oOC ^ s^G Ts
Camomile (plant). iiJ^'ifP To be iS^y. J ^iy.i ^-^y. a u-ij "S*

To cut. To decide. A ^nb ^ o c.j , i -{{- unhappy. To be destitute.

To give up. To achieve. To exhaust What a bad man! D?.^' ^i
(a beast). To be strong. To be brave. C'lJ o ^j-y.
To furnish a.
travelling provisions,
o. with
;&_, 5 ^
To ba crushed by (misfortune). ^\J\
To pretend povei'ty. u-'i^
( \

Depressed bed (of a river)

e\ take (a promise) as cei'tain.
IWith dependent branches (tree To provide o.'s self with pro- ^.5:7
Shoot of a palm-tree cut off ;Ll; visions.
from the main stock. To be cut off. To be decided. z^[
To divulge, a. th.Sj A ^'kj ^_ o c-i -^ A coarse garment. cj^> -r 'cA
To scatter (the duat beasts). : N. of an. A cutting, a cut. xS
To communicate a Be-fi> s '^]j ^C j — Decidedly. Irrevocably. OCJj j!j.j iSJI
cret to a. o. To open one's heart to. Not at all, by no means. i^Jlj irj. .V
To confide secrets to e. o. oCj fi> Cask. -J CxJ ^ *^;
To be divulged. To be scattered. *^\ Travelling provisions, ;L'| ^ oOo
To ask from a. o. to reveal A iJr-ll^ apparel.
a secret. Manufacturer or seller of C/^.j 'J?
State. Great sorrow. Scatter. '^ coarse garments.
Matter divulged, disclosure, o^iijlj c^i Who cuts, settles, decides. ctj
Published, divulged. opo o^^ Cut off. Decided. c^h o/Ji»
To divulge a. th. To raise ^ ^^h ^ To curtail, to bob (the A Ou o-rt' -»
and scatter (the dust). tail).
To be cut. j^'J]j , iSa; a Jy,
To be covered with blotches, car- Sharp-edged (sword). j\:Cj j
buncles, tubercles. Maimed. Bob-tailed. Jij]
Pimple, blotch, tubercle. j^' ^ Jj Rush-mat. ^1^ ^ ^_^C ••
Numerous, much, many. jjiJ j^i^j ^f^^i'. To make Avine. a C.f/ i /i^'-S-

To be red and swoUen^iiL^j L'i'i a ^_ -ii- To have o.'s own Vlj Vp^|j ilf; a ^i
with blood (lip). way, to take nobody 's advice. To
Red- lipped. ^
^ ,ui7 j> jc^>\ have a fine neck (horse). To have
To overHow (river). CSlSlTj Cii o jS -«- strong articulations (man).
To emanate, to derive. jSlil^ Means possesion: ( f.f->; jsjs. ) ^x::! <>
To break its dams and ip jiljl belonging to.
overflow (water). Intoxicating drink made of honey ,£>
To proceed from. (Holy Ghost). . .» — and dates.
Procession (of the Holy Ghost). JiiJl^ Whole, complete. ,~j ^ -Urj j, ^'>\

Overflowing. Proceeding (Holv ^{^i The whole tribe. .liij -Ur; U-^l
Ghost). To detach a lilrJ j , ffe^r; o i dl:J -»-

Piece of ground even and jL ^ sii; -S- violently, to cut off a. th.
smooth. To be cut. ti^vb "^-^^
Wheat growing in it. -C.'^, A part cut, torn off. ^, ^ issc:,

To sweat. \'^_ o (i; -«- Sharp (sword). iJ^Jj^wUG

Sycophant, flatterer, fawner. -j_; To cut. to cut A j!;j , -^Jf, i
J5 -»-

To lance (an abscess). A UtJ a r^"^ off.

To fatten (cattle; pasture-land). 5 — To devote o.'s self exclusi- jrlfj jfj

To strike a. o. with (a stick). »_j 5 — vely to God's service. To live in
To make mischief to a. o. celibacy.
To be lanced. To be struck. ^\ To be curtailed, cut off. jrLM
Pimple on the eye. x^; Disengagement from all worldly j-:ii
To quiet, to dandle (a child), y » things.
To be fat. •< To be swollen. Maid consecrated to God's ser- J^;
To rejoice in .^ ^J^^
To cheer, to rejoice a. o,
, ^ a
vice, virgm.
blessed Virgin. J>J.J1
Cheerfulneiss, joy. Virginity.
To remain fli'm io. To j tC^^j -tC^i, -fi- To stay m. c_i jkjj , li^| o j^. -fr

enjoy (glory). .
Bottom. Root, origin, real state sl^J
^ To give a. th. generously. A rC^t of a thing.
^To render a. th. plentiful, abundant. He knows, thy i)_,*l Sj^ ji^ j^
To go in the middle of a 'j\j!i\ 9^*4" concerns, thy business.
house. He is aware of the _^V| Sa»^ Cfl^
To spend o's life, in gran- j^\\ J — thing.
dem' and glory. Clothing made with striped oiJ ^ i\ao.

Company. Comfortable
•<>• life, ot>.> stuff.

comfort. Precious garnet : carbuncle. j^Wt'.

Middle-part, centre. <^^-! To have a big belly.
To bulge out.
i^ a ^ -fr

fy Considerable (wealth). t^^-t*

To be pure, unalloyed, ii^ o zJ>ji. ^ Swelling of the navel. J^ ^ s^!
To disclose a secret to a. o. c.>C
n He mentionned his 'e'J>^,j VJff- ^i
To show a jordial, true V^\ iiCG apparent and hidden defects.
love to d. 0.
Pui-e, uniningled. c^ Misfortune.
A true born Arab. c^-J '>^.'ji- Big-bellied. ^i,| ^ 'i^aJ ^ J>^\
Stout and short. 'isJ'^.i J^-i "^ Misfortunes. j'j^Qt^l — ^j»^. ^
To scrape (the earth), j (xki a c^] -^ To cause *
,_^j ^ , CJti i o ,j^. -S-

To be ir i^uest of. to search ^— (water) to flow, to gush.

a. th. To spj'ing, to gush. ,jS>^Si ^-^^
To contend, to enter ii>: c^ Qj y c^ C Abundant (spring), ^j-j-^^ <j-i?-^i u-?«j

into discussion with. To cut a. th. with a a Q>o, a -fJ-

To investigate, ^ cS-s-i'^j sword.

to scrutinize a. th. To eat to surfeit, to ^^i'lj U?i7 a ^
Research. Examination. oUJ*! ^ d^ cloy.

Mine. Pelican. Stork.

To be
Scops for search, for c^u» ^ citl* in good yi^ jV^k; o JiJ -S-

investigation. circumstances. To be glad, merry.

Dispute, discussion. To be respected. V^' j JJUj o ji«i
To scatter, to separate. To honour a. o. To applaud, 5 jA>

To find out a. th. to commend a. 0.

To be squandered, wasted Wonder. jSe7

Wastefulness. Lavishness Yes, certainly. Enough, sufficient, jij

Lavisher. Squanderer. Honoured. Respected. J^^j Jc?*^
To be confused, seized To be silent out of C»_^' j C?J ^r?»? "^ i

with fear. To be affected with an fear or stupidity. To stare. To

unquenchable thirst. shrink. To delay.
To till (the earth). * l^^^ a >.; Numerous party. J>j y^j _^>;

To slit, to cut open the ear of j — > Simpletons, foo's.

a (she-camel). To inculcate a. th. (in the j fit
^[ -^

To To voyage ^}
be salty (water). mind of). To rivet, to clinch (a nail).

upon the sea. To be swampy (land) To be inculcated. O?^

9fcJ V
To endeavour to examine J ^^
a. th. thoroughly, to go deep into. To be hoarse. s>^i»Jj

To expand. To widen, to v^i™"l

To render a. o. hoarse (air).j r-JtJj ^S/\

stretch forth. Hoarseness. Rough, harsh voice. <i^

Sea. Any great jGtJ^j jy>'^.j J^-J} tt J>-^.

Hoarse. Fat. r^y^ "^J , *^! ^ ''-i'
3^ ( \ ) jSf
To staain (pot). VJiC a jUi -« river: bi-ine. A
generous man. Man
To have a foul breath. i^i^ a ^itJ of extensive knowledge. Wide step-
To perfume with incense, -fy-
To ^I^J ping horse. •^ Course ( of the yeai',
emit vapours. week).
To perfume with incense. ipj ^ — The Ocean. l»c»s^" j>^^

To perfume one's self with ^ JiCh The Mediter- ^j^ll _,>jj ii.;;^^!) ^i^Jl
incense, to be incensed. ranean sea.
Foul-breathed. _,iij1 The Atlantic Ocean. oC'Ua)! J^j
Vapour; efriuvium. Sj,>iJ'i ^ J^\ Mirage. olia^ljl Jt\ °
Frankincense. cKjy^. j »^hi'^rr j^'> The i-iver Nile. j_l!l J^C;
Cyclamen (plant). ^/^i jji-j Province of Arabia. ci3*r"
^ Steamer, steamboat. ^\'ji ^ c'^i-i). Basin. Fish-pond. Haven, jiW;_ ^ s^rsti

Steamer. s?j/»'i v-^l^'*

pool. Land, country.
Censer, thurible. _r»Q-* t Xj*^^ Hop-eared and S^-i^ J>-'. rr «^-i
Perfuming with incense, thurifer.^ltl/J set free (she-camel).
To put out (the eye of A l^i-J a jkJ »• Lake. oO.vti ^r S-d*;
a. o.). Belonging to the ( ss'j, Jus ) y^xJ
To cause damage Aj ^ CiJ a ^^4 -« sea, marine.
to a. o.To put out a. o.'s eye. Sailor. C)jij»tj J ojj^. t j^.j s^j'h
To wrong a. o. in his rights. A 5 — Depressed place, hollow. *iO»^ °
To do mischief o. to a., to u-'-^*^
Forbidden. Inter'^sting. himself ^>C
wrong o. a. about what concerns him not.
Deficient. Low (price). Tax. ^^j^ Canicular, dog days. *0^>iijJ^Q
To bore a. th. A (!*>.;
J-p-j ^
o To be in a To be delirious. ij,i,j -^

Hole, eyelet. ^jil'>.;1 ^ ^W? < Deliiious, raving. oj^^^ -^

Bodkin. j^l.i' < Crisis of (an illness). Delirium. ol^iJ
To give a gratuity to. ^ ^li,; ^ To prick a. 0. Ijiy S a ji; -Jf

Gratuity, gift, ^Ai-fi-.^ ^ ^ii^:'Ps To dig. To A ( c^j jsjc ) ^.: <>

bribe. excavate in search of.

To put out the eye of. j Caij a ^k? -^ Flint, pebble. (*;.ia: jsjs^') ^i-.; ^SoisJ -^
To have the eyelids fleshy, {^j a^jai^, To be empty-handed. ^jjk^> —^isv -M-

swollen. Idle, unemployed. ^r^-^

To look steadfastly. To have ^tc.: To snore. <• To drizzle. b-J o -Jf ^
the eyelids inverted. •<> To sprinkle (tobacco) with. a—
Having fleshy eyelida. . [^l^^ ^ ^l^} To inject its (venom snake). :

To slaughter (a sheep). 5 iTp^J a ^J ^ Exclamation of praise 'iC 'ruj^rt

To commit suicide from il_ij — admiration. Bravo!
grief or passion. •^ Aspersion. Drizzling rain. xki
To sink a well. -^ To Aj 5 CJiJ — To groan (camel). To snore, j^.li; -}1-

reprehend a. o. publicly. To approve.

To give friendly advice to. ^.ifji iJ ^,5.; To cool (heat). •rC'k^^j

1 O t_i vjp^ij J <tVis; a ^ii; J ^j9i> a ^it; Drizzling rain. <i-j^. "^
recognize (the right of). Happiness, good chance, luck. ^i.j P
< Public reproof. Confusion, x^j Camels of Bactriana. c^.
shame. Happy, lucky, fortunate. o>'itl'j z-^h-'t

fy- Reprehended. Covered with p^> To waddle. To walk in Jil-'f, — j\i.j -ft-

shame. a stately gait. -^ To become proud.

To put out the A jk;ij , isiw a ji-.; -«- Elegant bearing. Z'J^'i
eve of. To scatter a. th. a jU-4 -tt-
T ) tjb

another, to begin with. To be deprived of CutJ a iJlt c^^

To create, to find out a. th. A 'taJ'l one eye.
To cut new teeth (child). — One-eyed. 3i^i Js^J^i^'^J J>Q
To begin a. th. V j' * '*-^\ To be Jft uj !>u; o jk; J >U; a JiJ -«•

•^ To become a novice. — miserly, avaiicious of, towards a. 0.

Beginning, *ii,-iJ j »*liyj s'W j *-*? To charge a. 0. with avarice. s Jki

principle. To find a. o. avaricious. 8 Jstjl

la the beginning. i'ji *cSi(i j -JJ Jji To give reluctantly to. it ^ J»-^V^
He *iljjj h'^'j^ 4 ->' >^,-*i J^ «^j^^ ;>>3 Avarice, stinginess. J»tJ j ji4
went back by the same way. Avaric:ou8.stiugy..>u;jJ^; « Jcjo J*"^
Beginning. <>• Noviceship. '\j^X Niggard, very avaricious. J&J
Initial, primordial. y»|a_^'l. Inducement to avarice. iiiil>

Preferable, more urgent. laj'l-^ Veil. Head-covering, jii^b J^-t^l ^^

Principle. Origin. '^?^ « ^^ To subside (anger). |^J o C>J -^
B-gun. A beginning. 'jiu» To separate, to remove. Jj * ifj o Ij -ft-

Creator. *ii,.»Qj *>^,-V* To scatter, to throw * IIuxj ioJ

A beginning. Inchoative. Subject llcl>J away. To squander a. th.
{gram.). To remove a. th. from. — ^
Beginner. -^ Novice. 'v^,-^ To barter a. th. a iSIoj j sSu^ iG
He "'J^^^.j
*^' !s?Qj »jJ f'jjj \t'jj iiij To share a. th. between, jjJ A jjl
ha.s done it first of all. To be scattered about. i!Cj
To strike a. o. (with^ 5 (i-lj a ^jJ -fr To rush against o. a. (fighters). SCj
a stick); to surprise a. o. with. To apply o.'s self to (alone). ^ alS-l t
Extensive field. ^LJ ^ ^|jj To appropriate. To use a. th. freely.
To ii. ioj J (». jj
^'A o ^-V , a ^Jj -H-
They went away. ^^ 2kJLi.l
be raised in dignity. Equal, similar. j>
To be exalted above a. 0. jp ^ijj Flight, escape. IiJ

•^ To lavish, to throw away. 6.J0 — Certainly. Necessarily. txi V

^ Lavishness, prodigahty. ^jj Assuredly; unavoidably. ^ D^o' "^
Invested with dignity, •ii.jS ^ rooj Idol; temple of iljJb Silu ^ CiJ P
I'aised to dignity. idols. Buddha. Veda.
To fall upon unexpec- 5 \'jj'ji o JS, -ft- Part of a thing. ^GIj soJj —
tedly (accident); to surprise a. 0. ( s?^>ii>*>* ) s^r'i.' V?!.> s?.Ai'

To have a face like the full moon — I will, I desire. I wish.

(boy). To ripen (fruit). Power, strength. Want. yjS
To hurry towards a. 0., Jl, j| 5 jjj Battle, fight. Equal number of illJ
to hasten forward. fighters.
To run up to. 5 O'^j SjiV' S^\ They have dis- -oiCij J^iC'l l_^i
To lose no time in. persed.
To hasten to do a. th. ^jj Jl^— Stout, large and big. Having '|!J j, jJl
To walk by moonlight. j'jul parted thighs.
To outrun. To forestali.a. o. 5 jX~'>\, Scattered. Spent recklessly. ijli
To run up to. Jl. jjcJl. Despotism. »\X1^[
His eyes flowed with tears.ivUp Oj^^l 1 To begin a. th. j\ A 1 JJ a 'ijJ *
Full moon. Disk. jj^ ^ jjJ j
To create (God).
Advance, motion forward. tSj^" To start from a country. — ^
Rain before winter. Small fat '^j jj To make to begin. < To admit s Sti.:

camel, a Early, soon. as a novice.

Earopaan priest. '4i,^^.
^^ <> To make a. th. before ^^ *~

oJb C Tr )
To crack (walnuts). fi, (pjj a (.'m Sum of money eg\iai jjjJj jjj ^ ijjj
Corpulent, fat. ^.jo'j ^a/ to 10000 dirhems {about 20 pounds
To substitute ^j fi> JjJ1_, vIJ o JlJ -J^ slerlitKj). Bag that contains it.

o. th. for another. N. of ng. Hastening. Shining in ji\,

To receive a. th. in ^ * JlC ^j Ja; all its splendour (full moon).

exchange of. Point, edge of a sword. ji\j'i ^ s^.'^C

To change o. th. for an- AA J!J Ht of passion.

other, to interchange. Make haste.
To give in v_, sVIjuj :6iLi JiC Basket. SjIjJ a
exchange for; to barter. Chickens.
To be changed, exchanged. -^ To Jolj To heap up (provisions).
change clothes. -^ To put on fine Thrashing floor.

clothes. To protect a. o. -^ To *J oj-4 2J ft'

To receive o. th. in ^j fi> Jal7 waste, to squander (money).

exchange for another. To be wasted, squandered.
^ To woi-k by turns (workmen), j — LavLshness, wastefulness
To exchange employments, fi JifJ Spendthrift. Lavisher,
to permute. squanderer.
To receive, toask a. ^j A Jollll^ Bezoar (stone). yij iC P
th. in exchange of another. To begin a. th. iaJ a poJ -S-

A. th. .Voj^ Jla;1 ^ JiJ^'j, JliJj JI4 To produce, to find out a new th.
given or received in exchange. Chan- To be matchless,(pya; J icIaJj ulJ f.'-o

ge, substitution. unequalled.

Generous, noble man. Jjjj Jlu jij To become fat. lia; a p.jJ

Apposition {gram). Price, value. JoJ To consider a. 0. as an innova- 2 ^SJ

Instead of. o*l J^' tor, a heretic
In exchange for. ^^ Vaf -> To have a strange behaviour, ^.a;

Suit of clothes. Chasuble. :t3lj To find out, to create a. th.* ^orjlj f^\
Change, permutation. Jiu^ jj^^j To excel in doing a. th. To be ^jj I

Exchange. the author of a heresy.

Reciprocity. JiCj To strike a. o. o^. ~
Reciprocally. Vi>C.7 To have o.'s horse jaded. ^ ^jjl
Reciprocal, mutual (agreement). JiCi* To look at a. th. as strange, fi> pallet
as new.
To grow big, stout. Inventor. New.
To grow old. To become wealthy. jSu' Novelty. New doctrine.
To clothe a. 0. with a coat of mail. 5 — Heresy. Sect.
Stoutness, obesity. <5laj' Invention, innovation.
Body ( e.'^pecially the cj\'jj\^cjjJ Sti'ange, extraordinary
trunk). Short gown. Of noble descent Floweriness of style. Contriver of a
(man). new thing. New water-skin.
Old chamois. Old (man).oli; j o'j^Sy^o'A Rhetoric, elocution. ;ojJI 'Js.
Sleeveless corselet. ol>; j oClo ^ i'jj' tf- Strange things ; ^i:>ij ^ ^_j^
Victim ottered in Mecca. uproar, theft, fight, etc.
Big. stout. o^! «• i:i.-*j.> , o Jo ?r o?Q Creator. Contriver. p-icLaj fJu/>
To overtake 5 «^^ j ,
^'A a eaJ -j:i-
suddenly (event). To accost a. o. To be defiled with dejec- fejJ a pO/ -tt-
unexpectedly, to surprise. tion. To be stained with a crime. To
To overtake a. o. by. ^ 5 «SCj — crawl like a cripple.
1 ) qA,
To be high, y-'j^j , ^>-M a <^Jj' ^ To extempoi'ize (a speech). A ojS^
great. To be proud. Extempore speaking. i£\j>.>j lalaJ

To vie with a. o. in fastuou.s- S ^'i\j Extempore, production without pre-

r.ess. vious notice. Surprise.
Pride, haughtiness. ^Si' Extemporaneously, *i-*-ll ^j Cjj-u

High. Proud. r-?l>r rr ^Ki J '^'V without premeditation, unawares.

To sow, to scatter. SjjJ o jJJ -^fit Beginning. Extemporaneous Mi-4
To spread (a doctrine). — fi> action, intuition.
To scatter. To squander, ^ jiG j jJS Extempore speakei*. Ex- eJ-il^j cjIj;

to waste a. th. temporizer.

Seed. Sowing-seed. jj'jj,j jllo ^ jJS To seem. good. fit. \'jj,', o \j{ -Jf

Here and there, to and fro. ji' ji- To appear, to show o.'s self.

Great talker. oj\JL(j j^-^'j j^. To live in the desert,to jtiJij , o I J/

Wastefulness. Prodigality. ^i^ lead a nomadic life.

Spendthrift. Talkative. SjGl7j j\juj To appear. To come forth. ^^olj

Speudthrift. squanderer. jju>i To manifest openly to a. o. v_) 5 jib

To protect a. o. or a. th. ^j s j^li; * (hatred). To return evil for good.

Protector. Jj,-^' To do a. th. for the first i^oJl fi>

To frighten. To itaJlj liX' *j J pi3 ^ time.

drip (a liquid). To manifest a. th. to a. c. J ^ —
To be scared. •" _>*-4 "^ De.-ert. de.sert of nomads. Xi^Uj jlo'
frightened away. To disperse in the Nomads, bedouins. i\'y' ^ liiG.

pursuit of a. th. f horsemen ). Nomadism. Desert. Sjlajj Sjlli/

Drink made from the juice jVl; P Bedouin. Nomad. Va-^'
of grapes slightly boiled. .V. of ag. <S%j J-4j ojivj ^ ^^k
Chess-pawD. Pedestrian. jiCj ^ JJilj P from o |aj . Clear, evident, manifest.
To bestow, to ? JiC j Vlf o Ji/ ^ i Caprice, fancy, freak. olja/ ^ Slo/
give generou.sly to. Fanciful, whimsical, C-UV >^'^ -• J^
To devote o.'s self to.^p jl oi:> iliJ Ji fj-eakish.

He did his best. ia+ai — Encampment in the i(J ^ jXH

To make a daily use of A Jarit desert.
(clothes). To Siji! J ei\JSj b>a/j (iJu' a a/ -S-

To be of a daily use (clothes), ^\jh'^ be decayed, to be old, worn out.

Valuable present, donation. Jli/ To subdue, to tame, a YSiSij ju' I a;'

Strenuous exertion, endea- a^iJI Ji' to humiliate a. 0.

vour. Worn out, decayed. j'i/j s'iG ^ 'JJj "^V
Devotedness, self-devotion. c^\ji\ Jli/ To despise, ipj fiij s |«li/ i Ioj' -H-

Generous giver. JlJJ'j Ji^i to loathe a. o. or a. th.

Given, delivered, spent. JjJ^J To be e'AjJj t\JJ o '/Si'j a IsSlj loJ

Shabby Joflij Jiu* t, *5-Vf j J-V-? ^ *5i dissolute, wicked.

clothes, of a daily use. To abuse 0. a. in words. To ? liG

Common word, style. Jorji 'j.yS' quarrel. To blame.

To be considerate and Via/ o ^JJ ^ Of bad morals, profligate. siji/ ^ '^fi'
self-possessed. Foul-mouthed.
Generosity. Fii-muess. Patience. j,'j', Lamb. oVj-i ?- iri' "^
Self-possessed, reflecting. ^j J/ To split a. th. To fit ^'js a ^.j/ -ii-

Egg-plant. oUiiC <>-j oUJiC P rub oif (a skin).

To hold an jc. jjf\j , i^i' o \JS -^ Fissure, rent. Chap on the ^jjj ^ ^'j/
obscene language upon. skin.
(TO) \j^

to form out of nothing (Go-l). To be bad, dissolute. XjJ jly'

To be free, freed from. ^^ 'et\'J a Isy' Of bad morals. '^IMj ^-^'

To recover from (a ^a v'J a \sj. To be truthful (man), Sjj'j'j \j. j y -S-

disease). inviolate (oath).

To absolve, to clear a. o. ^ :^ o^u It/ To bestow bountiful gifts upon. ^ —
from guilt. To show filial piety j et/yj Ij;. i

To recover. to o.'s parents.
To free. To cure a. o. from To obey God. 'ejVJ.j \y. ^

To be cleared from. To do good. To have mercy on. 5 ^7
To part from o. a. To justify, to clear a. o. s jy

To a.sk to be freed fi'om a. i bc-l To be beneficent towards. To j j\,

th. To abstain from. To cleanse (the show kindness to.

body from dirt). To travel by land. To multiply. 'J'
Cure, recovery. To keep an oath. To intend ^j j —
First night in a month. alms-giving. To take a. o. along.
Last night in a month. to the desert.
Shed, hut for hunters. To exceed; to overcome a. 0. —
Immunity. -^ Piivilege. Diploma. Sf|^ To justify o."s self, to be cleared jj]j
Permit. Passport. from a charge. To become just, pious.
•if- A Pope's bull. GCit lAj, To do good o. to another. j\Ji
Franchise. Exemption. Sentence ijjC) Innocence. Good faith. Beneficence. y_
of liberation, of discharge. Filial piety. Good work. Rat.
Creator (God). Cured. He cannot distinguish [_,j ^^^ \jA Ls^i-iV
Free, exempted. o^i__^j Oi '->
anything. (
lit ; a cat'from a rat).
Innocent. Cured. Wheat. 'J
F. Creature. Inland, continent.
j/J ^ y
Cured. Freed. By land and by sea. i^U/j iJj'

To bristle up. Dl;itj J^'j -« Ju.'^t. Pious. -iyjj yj] ^ jifj y

Fine feathers on a Innocent.
cock's neck. He shows filial piety t'/JSVy, %j \{ j»
The herbage of the land, to his parents.
Cock. Out, outside. \y -fy-

Pipe. Aqueduct. Sewer.^ Savage (animal). Not grafted 'jy

Kind of spinage. Bhte. (tree). Continental, inland.
To mumble, to mutter. Desert, waste. ^jJ3-i 'r *ly'
A deep well. Exterior, outward, Oj^X^^ t '^fy.
Guitar. external. -> Foreign. Base, counter-
To deceive. it ii^fj. <iXiJ. <• feit (coin).

Deceit, imposition. ^^X^XJ. ?r "^yj. "^ First fruits of the tree called iJlj'l.^_,r

Story told. More pious, More beneficent. 'y\

Ancient Egyptian temple. *;*,j Ce Justification. ^^7
To cut a. th. fft> \jj i Ci'ji -^ Filial piety. Beneficence. yj> ^ •iy\i
To be stupefied. fit (jy a o_,/ Good, pious, accepted (woi'k). j/jY'
To be skilful in an art. o^j'l To make a noise. -^ To mutter. J'j, ^
White sugar. Cjyy; j CjJ Berbei's. Nubians, lyvj^j ^ y'y yy
Orange. Orange-tree.oVsVJ < olsJj Ts Noise-maker. jQjf'
Jar. j['J;j a Barbarous, barbarian. stLh J
Soft gvound.cjj'Jj cjC \j oI>. ,- o'j-' "^ Sorrel (yu/a.). ^j-lj'y ">
Clutches, claws, talons.^; \, J'J, .{^ Q To create. fi>j s -y. a I
C T"\ ) ^X
To file (iron). To cool the A \ij_ — To have good fare, to %.'}, a ^^' -S-

eyes with collyi-ium »}J_. fare well.

To be just, unquestionable ip ^ijl i^ To appear. To ascend (stars), o '-Tf'y.

(right). To build a tower. ;rjj b «!/

To cool, to chill a. th. To ^ i^'j o ijr' ^ To augur a. th. by the course ^j'
soothe, to alleviate (pain, sorrow). of the stars.
To be devastated by hail. V-
To array herself (woman). tt^v
•^ To confirm a claim. Tower. Castle. f^'JAj -riJ. -r -xj.

To enter upon the cold season Signs of the Zodiac. i)>iiVl ^j^

To weaken a. o, (illness). To Able sailor. Libei'al (man). ^jCj

send off a (messenger). Man-of-war. -^ Inn. ?rj,l>!' ^r *^j Q

To serve up a coo'.ing drink. Having beautiful ^^| ^ 'Va-^r ^ ^_^1

To take the fresh air. eyes.
To be cooled. To be soothed A streaky woollen garment. a> jj ^
([.ain). Target put on the ^^»rj ^ cr^'J P
To show coldness to ; act slowly. ijCj point of a spear. Heap of stones,
if- To be dull (man). Jupiter (planet). cr-i?-^'
To find a. th. cold.
Cold. Coldness. Coolness. Sleep.
A Finger-joints.
To leave, (a
^y ^
^'j.j ^\'j. a ^_,r
<ii;^ ^

Morning and evening. oli^Vlj

" d\:>\ri\ place). To cea-se.
Hail. i>'j_ He is still rich. Lli ^J^ li

Hail-stone. Indigestion. iV/ Ido not cease doing it. cUj'i j^sl^^W
A cooling eye-water, coUyrium. ^j^ To come over the left side (i.j'_^ o ^j?
Coldness, coolness. a'^jj. (game).
Coldness, slowness. *d,ijjt "^ To become irritated with, ip G-l^ o ^'j.
Streaky cloth ^y^j i,''^\^ i\'j,] ^ ^'J,
To abandon (a place). ^i ^
— ^
garment. To afflict, to ti'ouble a. o. th. ^j ^*y :

N. of un. A streaky garment. To exceed (in praise or blame). ^'Ji\

Papyrus. Paper-rush. To please. To honour a. o. ^ ^'j\
Barada. river of Damascus. Evil, pain, .\:^y ^ ^_/ij ^(^Jl ^ ^y,

Curtain. *il^jr Ts sorjow.

Filings. Siijr' Choice part of a. th. ^^' ^ *>_/
Ague, intermittent iexewifij, -^j -\3,^' Desert plain. Sun. Wonderful ^\y
A porous earthen cooler. S^G' thing.
Messenger, courier. Mail- *j: w -*iy.
Past, spent (time). ^jC
post. Distance of twelve miles, Yesterday. *»j,CJ'j ^j.QJ'
Mail-horses. a^vp! J^ The day before yesterday. Jj VI '*»j,VJt
Messenger, courier.
Strong wind. -T-jXy. r -rjA
Cold, cool. Easy (life). Weak ijb Crossing on the left r^ijij -rij'} ~
(argument). -^DuU. Slow. side (beast).
Gunpowder. ijjC Ts Fit, becoming word. «i_>;' Jj*
Nitre. j^'^^ ^jj(> •> Inter], expressing a failure : to j^j'
Gun, musket. •J^j/ji -k "i'^i'A ^ go wide of the mark.
Easy booty. sij G *i-it Root of the mandrake. -r/~rit
Feeling cold. oti^ <>• Misfortunes. Eager desire. »tij,tj
Colder. <) Slower. ;>Jk*1 To subdue. To fuj s 6.^' i ^^' -S-

Leopard. ijbl ^ s3;^1 ^ i.j'\ bruise the (head or back).

File. 'j,'^ !r *^ To be |S//j DJ; o yj:j l2>Jt' o ^J -^
Cooling. Refreshment, cjd'^ «. iV>* cold. To cool (ardour).

To afflict a. o. with pleurisy 5 ^'j_ -ii- Cooled. Filed. ijj\f

(God). Captivi*^^y. ^^y.
To sillier from pleurisy. .«— Ir?
To polish, to give a ij A ^'ij -^

Pleurisy, j»U.^ f gloss to a. th. To civilize.

Pleuritic. To be polished, civilized, a. o.^i^J -^

Silk. Polish fini.sh of a. th. i^lJiJt' "^

Clover. Trefoil. Varnish. Glosser, polisher.

To be variegatecl,^J{ Ij, Ci^a J'jf ^ Pitcher, jug. JjJ^'jt « J^Kfi

speckled. Likewise, too, also. oVy'j j'^jf Te

To pare { _^j ja^ ) fi> CiJ,' J-Jf < Pack-saddle for f,iQ ^ iti^'j ^ii'^'j P
(cheese). asses. Cloth put under a pack-saddle.
Opium-paste for smoking. J^y a Pack-saddle maker. i/iOO ^A/
Motley. Spot on the skin. iiVj J^'J Hackney. Jade. u^Q w o'j'iy. P
Partly J.'J ^ '\^'j j, J.y'\j j.ij To appear. To issue {j/j jjf -ft-

coloured, spotted, dappled. (decree).

Parish. Diocese. "^S^' ^ To appear, to show \j'j a jj.j —
Rasp (for cheese). Brush. kL'A" -^ o.'s .self to.

Boiled soft ( cJ-Ji^ J'^ ) zSy. Ps To overcome, io j& SJO' o jjf'

(egg). '/^ surpass, to excel.
To carve (meat). A ^j>. -ft- To publish, to bring out. ^ jlt'b j^'
To lash a- o. with. c_< 5 — To outrun, to get ahead horse). j*J

To feel and showCiU,[_^j *i-il? jS-j'. ^ To secure the flight (of his ^
a jj'-
gi'ief. •<>• To blush. rider : horse).
Sharp-sighted. To progress in science. ^u)| j —
tf- Brush. To take the field s \j\y, j ajji^ jjC
Host, wafer. against. To fight a duel.
To wafer. To set off. j^j]
To be leprous. C»y a ^J -»• To pubU.sh a (book). a —
To shave (the head). fn \js''J, To go out for a natural want. jy\j
To beget a leprou.^ child. o^'J.''^
To raise a contest (champions), jjij
To strike a. 0. with leprosy 5 ^'J, \ Going out, egress. Appearance j/J
(God). inbroad daylight.
Sandy, barren ground. ^\'ji ^ xJ,'J_ To put a frame to. jJJ:' ^
Lepro.sy. ^y To be framed ( picture ). jjl^sj "
A leper, leprous, ^'j ^ .(J^r j, ^'J] Human excrement. j\^
Fight. Duel. SJjV'j jlSi
Gecko. ^^^ J OI l-arge field.
The moon. t/'^'Vt Coming forth. Projecting. jj C
Cropped by cattle (land). \^y' ja'J\ Champion; fighter. jj^
Gleammg. ^;^' Frame. jl jXj:' ^ j^j'j;, ^
To gush out in a small Ci»y o J^'y -fi- Pure gol d. sf/i-ril
' v^ ^J JX ^ ->.

stream. To give a part of. Trumpeter. Te

To send forth its first
^j'J o — Interstice. Isthmus. ^j\'J ^ ^j'y -ft-

sprouts (plant). Lively, full- plj^ j i./j'Jj ^'j'J ^

To produce the first j^'^ \j j^y grown youth.
shoots of plants (soil). To act harshly z iJj a ^^J, -ft-

To take little of a a J^y^ih J^jv towards (a debtor).

thing, or to take little by little. To Lock of cotton. ^]^
suck in (water). A kind of dates. oCj—

( TA) J»X
To lighten Cisy^ i^jjj CS^ o jy ^
(sky). To flash (lightning). To as- Small quantity of water.
cend (star). Barren soil. Oozing (water). 1^'J
To glitter, to gleam ^^Jij i^'jf
— First shoot of a plant, jaj iJj jaj,\,
(blade). Squanderer. J^'jyj u^l^/
To attii-e herself jj, ]j Sj'i ^'J.
~ To hire (a beast) to. ^ ,_^y"j;'-{^
(woman). To be a broker, a middle- J^'jt ••
To be astounded, dazzled, {y^' a 15^' man.
To undertake a long journey. J^i' Threshold of a J^XjC ^ j-'^'j! -^
To glare at a. o. j^' •& door, window-sill.
To send forth lightnings (cloud). J'J] To be restless, to fret *iL'lr'^l»'V -tf-

To threaten.To be thunderstruck. To about.

walk in the direction of lightnings. To bribe a. 0. » ilt'^ Jt^ -H-
To u'; flashed upon by hght- JjcJ. To be corrupted by presents. Jl'Jv
nings (place). Present, bribe. Oblongjj^iy ^
Lightning. Brightness.
j/J ^ j'y stone.
Light. To be dark, obscure (night), ^.^'j' ^
< Lumbago. ig'^r To become swollen ^Lj^j'Ij j,^'j^i —
Dread, fright. Ram, sheep. j'y with anger.
Hard ground. Large-lipped, J=>yj\j J^ji
Lightning. Brightness, Elephant's trunk. ^y^j' -^
Brilliancy. To ascend a hill). a
Ccj^ o ^y -ft-
Sending forth light- To excel in science, merit. \i\'j[ o pj?'
nings (cloud). Bright. To get the mastery over, to 5 o pjj'
Wearing a mixture of surpass a. o. in (knowledge, beauty).
white and black. To give a. tli, as a free gift. ^ '^
Hard soil. He has done so \i5v jl ^s-'^'c'j' iJS'ji*
Borak ( a fantastical horse of his own accord, unbidden.
mentionned in the Coran) Excellency; merit, perfection, -^KJ^
Cowardly (man). j/y' Free gift, alms. cUjC, ^ ^jy
Daybreak. Jij,Q.'j JjS^^ ^ J'Sy
Excellent, distinguished. Beautiful.pj G
Silk garment embroidered Jlnf-ll. Giving freely. ^.'S^-i
with gold. To bud (plant). j^'Jvi j^'j' *
Ewer. Water-jug,
<K Kettle. Calyx, flower-cup. Unblown ^-clJr'
Borax. Nitre. flower-bud.
Flag, banner. v5_; llj 7^ Ji^jj TS To be full of fleas.
Flag-bearer. J\'Ajo Ts Flea, -fy- Silver coin,
Apricot, plum. - i" p equal to one piastre.
Vine-leaves stuffed. Shrimp, prawn. _,9jl Cj'fi'ji
To take flight.
To paint in various colours. Calf.
To speak confusedly. Gnat.
To paint (her face: woman). A gnat.
To be variegated (land). Country, villages j
To become vei'dant (land). J^y.^ remote from water.
To cheer up (man). Crushed wheat.
Motley. Confusion, disorder. *~»j'. Screw. Gimlet. ^
[/(J, 'J: J.
Chaffinch (bird). .%'j). Purple, scarlet.
-'i?'j: r: J^ji

( T ^ ) iJa
To on the foi'o-lega "iiSjl, ^'J>,
rise ^ Finch. Fickle, unsteady. jJiVjy^
(horse). To fiiU on the knees (came]). To walk at a phort and quick i^'y -tj-

To on the buttocks.
fall ^'J\-> pace. To go away in looking back.
Volcano. o^^'j. -r d^j. I To squat in parting the knees.
To twist a A j,j 'ij /Jj (a'J o /j. -^
To scatter a. th. ^'j fit

rope. To manage a. th. successfully. To speak at random. y^S^\ —

^ To ramble, to prowl about. o >»Jr'
To fall on the back (man). To JJl^tj
To be annoyed, ^ ^In-^i ^'J. a >_y;
feed on various food (camel).
weary ; to feel pain or sorrow at. To veil the face with. ^^i » ^ Jf {}-

To strengthen a. th. To ma- ^ ^J^'1 To veil o.'s face with. ^ A'-fi-^

uage well at. "^eil. ^\'y ^ AS.
To annoy, to weary a. o. s j,j'\ To lie.
To catch a. o. iu words. j,^isCi\ J jlit — Blunderbuss. Musket balls. J-^'y
To be stj-engthened. well ma- /JiS^ To iij]iij.\j -ijj , (io\j\Jj (^j'j: o ii'J -a-

naged. To be twisted, woven (rope). kneel (camel). -^ To sit, to lie down.

Weariness. Fruit of a kind of j^} To stand firm, to dwell iu. ^j ti'j

acacia called oUac To make kneel down ; to bend the iiy

Confirmation of a contract. >»!j;'t
A stone pot. <• Twist ^l^j j Xr ^r "^'J.
To congratulate a. o.
fy- J iJ^r
of sweetmeats. To bless, to ask God's j _,) u tiy
Tui'n, round, circuit. Spoke of a.'iji'j -^ blessing on.
wheel. To bless, to invoke js. j\ j j\ J iijC
Rope-weaver. __,\y benediction upon.
String. Twisted cord. j'\j[j j^^J To compel (a camel) to knee!, j ti'J]
Vestment made of silk and linen. To bode well of. To be blessed ^ i j'xj
Mixed flock of calves and goats. by. To delight in.
Mixed army of Arabs and Persians. To be exalted. iJ^Cv
Gimlet, drill. Cork- ^iV-J "^ '-'^-J
May God be blessed and J\j5j ^\ ij\J;
screw. Worm-screw ( for extracting exalted.
shots). To look for blessing, for good luck.^j —
Eve (of a feast), y'lgil. cyVjG j uyjy. G To apply o.'s self to. j i'J{]\
Confirmed (contract, peace). j,yy> To attack the honour of a. o.). icj j —

Twisted (thread). I
To bode well of. ^ 6'J^\
Ineluctable fate, inevitable yyj, -L^ j
Herd of camels kneel- i^/j,' ^ i\}
doom. I
ing. Upper part of the chest.
Spindle. ^j C>; ^ yyy, \ Blessing. Abundance. cAi=>'J, -r "^'j.
Twisted, woven as a I'ope.^j _,r^ y/Sy Pool. Tank, pond, puddle. iJ^.. ^ 'ii=''y.

Wound, rounded. Way of kneeling (of camels). "^^jK

Bodkin. Feast at the close yjy •<> Pi'ice for iS^Ji 6\'^\3 ii'S ^ l&i^
of Ramadan. Bairam. grinding, miller's fee.
Eighth month of the Coptic a'ny'jf Ce Cowardly; slothful. ^jj(,
year April.
: Happy. Fresh dates with cream. ,i]j ,»'

Cask. Barrel. jjj^i'jtV d^^'j -^j Jh^'j'.^ Miller. if^:

Seventh month of the Coptic ol^J^J Ce Happier. Boldei-. ^'J\
year : March. Kneeling-place for camels. iJ>yi
Lace, crape. >^^J?' Ts Blessed. iJjV-/"
Balance-.sheet. Budget. rJ'U'j P Abundant, prosperous (crops). iJ_,^j>; !>•

Upper-cloak. ^ji^ ^ ^'j.. ^

Burnoose. Compasse?.'
(r • >

To get the better of, to over- » — To wrap o.'s self in a bur- i^jf
come a. o. To rob, to plunder a. o. noose.
To withhold a. o. A small earthenware -j |Jj' ^ ;!;'_^ .JJ-

To strip a. o. of (his clothes), s ^t'l^ vessel. Dates of good quaUty.

Breast, nipple, teat, jl^ 'ij yCy^ ^ j^ ^ Hat. *i»^^! '^
Month-piece (of a pipe). Bonnet. 'U-I)) —
Cloth, linen. jjjj ^ 'j' {hulec). People, 'ClJ^' -Cuj/ icV^' S
Weapons, arras. i^lj jJ j jj.i 'o'y.i
~ men.
Shape, figure. e^^ To be in recovery. CU^j' Gb.^/ a o_,r -ft-

Cloth-merchant. jl^; To prove a. th. to alioi'd ; o^ 1 —

Cloth business, linen trade. Sjljj arguments. To overcome a. 0. by
To walk quickly. J jj' -S- feats of dexterity.
To constrain a. o. —» Long space of Cj\»'j:j a'J. •pr^^'S.i '•^'j:

To perform a work skillfully. *— time.

Strong and faint-hearted. j/J Bulk, freshness. Bulky, fresh i»3*^
Well-tempered (man). (woman).
Walking quickly. jKiy To look steadfastly at. j|_ ^jr ^
To boast of. J ^jC J ,ir>l?' o ^jT ^ Brahmin. ^ ^^j'
j;_* \'J_ -fr

To incite a. o. against. js. ^ — To prove a. th. by strong * ^&j' -ft-

To embellish a. th., to adorn. * ^y arguraents.

To vie with a. o. in merits. ?rjV:^ To argue against a. 0. it
To have a hollow ^3?j1j ^'S a ^j;' -S- To be proved. o*'-^'
back and a prominent chest. Argument. Proof. o^^^'j'. cMj. -r-

To submit to. J ^*y_ To put a rings i5^1j ^l^j \'jJo \'J ^

To strike a. th. or a. o. uj Aj S ^'j' in a camel's nostril.
with (a stick). Ring placed
^Jj cJCji j'S. t Sjr'
To assume the manners of a 5^'jCj in a camel's nostril. Ring, ringlet
hollow-backed man. used as an ornament by women.
To retire fi'om ( business). ^i ^-JJi Rubbish. :sj'J

Having a hollow back -U-lf j. ^J^' 1 To dress (wood). To A (/J cS^ -ft- i

and a prominent chest. make ( an arrow ). To cut ( a pen).

To sow (seeds). A IjJT jj_ ^ i To exhaust (a beast journey). To :

To strew (seed). To season (food, a — wear out.

in the pot). To amplify ( a subject). To imitate a. 0. To vie with s jjb
^ To seed plant). To lay eggs fj'
a. o. in.
(silk-moth, locust). To be covered with dust. tfjr'l
To season (food)with spices. jfc jj' To compete for a price, an office. ,^3^^
Seeds. -^ Silkworms' ^^j' ^ Jj: To be cut pen).( J^^K
To offer o.'s services for. To J jy\:[
Spices, seasoning. ^3 C'l z<->-jJj:"^ 9-
~ oppose.
A seed. Zjjj To trim, to cut a. th. fit
Plant or diy fruit full of *djX "^ Earth, dust. j'jf
seeds. Cutting of a pen, a reed. tl'j;'
Retail seedsman. Seedsman. j\j,' Splinter, chip. Rubbish. A^j XXJ,
< Dealer in silkworms' eggs. Dirt of the head. H-t^-i *i_>i'.

Beetle, maUet of dyers. jjy;j j'Jy Di'awiug-knife. Pen-knife. "iSir^j »A*J

•^ Full of seeds (plant). j3v» Cut (reed, pen). IS^
Bazaar, bargain. oIjO'^ w jO^ ^^ To ravish, to 4»
'^X , iS'j.j> j U' !?' -ft-

Petty trader. oiTj j b Ps take away a. th.

To be hollow-backed 'jj a i/jJj o
— To be gracious, well XtQ' o f1): -tt-
and broad-breasted. educated (young man).
Hollow-backed and broad- .|jjj ^ jj \ To look giacious. To be raomen- f,jij
breasted. tous; ti-emendous (evil).
Haughtiness. »Q' Candid, ingenuous. f.\j,'j ^_y'
Equivalent, equal. Jji Unbecoming (young man ). f,\j,

Foster-brother. ;sji To rise ( sun ). To <i.jj'j (ij, o i,'S *

To drive on gently 5 ^ ^j , LJ o ;>J ^ scarify (cupper). To grow (tooth).

(a she-cainel). To shed (blood). fi,

To prepare a dish made of ZIji—3 — To scarify (a beast ; farrier). » -^y'

(flour and oil). Ascending (star). i-j}'y. sr *^j>.
To send a spj after a. o. J — 5 Sunrise. -^y^
To drive a. o. away frona. ;,« ^
— Lancet. ^jj>
To crumble a. th. — fit To spit. To I'eject. a. th.* CSjJ o JjJ -tt-

To send off a. o. to a J * — Spittle, saliva. ^\'y

(country). Snail. Slug. ;j|j; -^
To collect. To call (goats) to uj ^1 Spittoon. Jj,t>J! 9- *J3l; •
water or (a she-camel) to milk her. To split a. th. Sy.iSy. ^ Sy.^

Cat, puss. ^J.\L^ ^ ;Ij j, l^ To cut its first teeth (camelj.Vjj; o —

Kitten, pussey. xixlj ^ oili < To broach (a cask J^.h SSwi — fi^

Enough, enough.
it is ^5 of wine), to tap it.

Small quantity of food. ir-i-4 To be broached. To be split. J3jjlj SS<>

Flour mixed with butter or oil. *l^«j To ooze (from a skin, the body milk, :

Name of a celebrated ,_^lj ^ ^jL'i blood).

she-camel. She-camel who does not used to broach casks.
Di'ill JQ'
yield to be milked, till she is called. Hole made in a aa ine-ca.sk. Jq'
To say ( ^J ) enough. ^15 -«- Cutting its Jli'j Sj!i JjXjJ T djM
To flow (water). ^Iw fir.st teeth (camel).
Desert, waste Tooth gi'owing. Experienced man.Jj
u-jQ t ^V-'i i;

Trifles, idle woi-ds. ^^ClJI C/U>_^ Great misfortune. >V ji'

Mace. z:.\:i3 Drill. Water-filter, strainer.«Ijj>_, Jjl;
To become ^ \i3j UjLj ^iSr'iJ a 115 « To catch hold of jp C»j; o i yjj -S-
famiUar with. To cheer a. o. To (with the teeth), -fy-
To speak. To
become accustomed. To make httle utter a word.
of a. th. To bear (a burden.) ^—
Garden. Fruit-garden, cnjllj ^ ot-lj P To strip a. o. of (his clothes). fi> s —
Gardener. jJ'Ciljj j>^^l^ -^j 'J.Uli To befall a. o. misfor- :*>»j,C)l i:>»i'
Spade (cards)r ^j~L} •• tune.
To anticipate. To (^'j o^) -i^ fi> A single word.
;> j;
make a. th. out of season. Leaf rolled up to be used as a ^^ji
To become cross to wear a \jj~i ~
; band. Necklace.
frowning look. Buckle, clasp, lock. ^..^jCl ^ j,iyX^
To approach to maturity (dates).
To do (a. th. out of time, a yJ]j
^— To become
Copper basin.
oj,VJ 1 tr
^ijf -^
ojj • P
unseasonably. To mix ( dates ). To be kind. ijjj o \j> -H-
To become cold (day). .n-*-' To equal; to raise o.'s self —
To do a. th. unsea-
( a ,,<liJlj _^lij above a. o.
sonably). To be benumbed (foot). To subdue, to overcome ""
^^ ^s'y. 2^

Frowning (face). ^^G j yj a. o.


err )
Tall, lofty ( ti-ee ). Goodly yellow j^i; Fresh ( fruit ).
fruit. Dates beginning to ripen.
A white cloud. Mis- j-l>^ -r *^^ Lion.
fortune. Tree with, lofty branches. Piles,hemorrhoids. -n-l^ ^ j>^Ij
Whose milk flows prematurely j^Lj Hemorrhoidal Has. '^sx^'C.o'X^
(female). To spread a carpet. ^ CklS o Jalj -fr
To be gallant, brave. ^LJ o jL'i -H- To widen to dilate. To stretch the

To become sour and V^lJj !A1j o JIj arm. To draw ( a sword).

strong, (wine). To be weakened To enliven, to cheer up. n —
(vinegar). To stink (meat). To prefer a. o. to. 2J
To assume a severe look. V^J o JIj To be simple. To be ifcllj o JaiJ
To anathematize a. o. ? >Lj o jIj frank, open (man).
To prohibit a. th., to forbid. a>j s jLj] To unfold ( a mat). To spread fi> U'j
To iinathematize a. o. or a. th. (clothes, a carpet).
To offer, to give a. th. as a ^ s— To j-eceive with a smihng face, JaJ'i;

pledge to a. o. to be at ease with.

To devote o.'s o>iil ilij JlSJ'j — To be spread, unfold Jal^^'j ^-].^
self to death, to lay down o.'s life. (carpet). To grow longer (day). To
To assu.ne a severe, courageous jLii be at ease.
mien, a frightful appearance. To stretch o.'s self. To enter- Jallil,

To face danger. To rush to J^-^l tain o.'s self. To brighten up.

certain death (in a battle). To stretch the arms in ly- fi> hljii{
Permitted or forbidden things. jJJ ing along.
Cross- looking. Jerri J J—? Open hand. W \ j J^JJ oj
^^"o3 to him I iJ >L.i Fine-bodied. :dalj jk ial3

Prohibition; anathema. JCil^j JJJ Extent. Capacity. -^ A piece of sLjJ

Courage, gallantry, heroism. au_l cloth, n Landing place of a stair-
Brave, -^lloj Jlij Jl5 ^ J-w; case.
gallant. Very large carpet. JalJ ^ JsLli

Lion. ..^t>; ?-
— Area, the terrestrial JaJ L_j ^ *i»c—

Gallant, courageous. Lion. '>-^ surface. Earth.

Wine remaining in a bottle. J— Elements. Constituents of a iaJllIll

The basilic vein (in the arm).jj>,^b G body. Simples, medicinal plants.
Peas. *^jij iL.) I Simplicity: ingenuousness, it>'L_j •<>

To smile. openness.
To have a smiling air. Joy, cheerfulness, entertainment. LCyX
Smile. LLIjIj Extending. Embracing. ia.,u
Smiling. ^11a.?j j>^j jrr-h^J j^-r-^.
Simple, not compound. 'iklJ ^ ia--J
Mouth. D Mouth-piece. ^,-«uS ^ ^„ i
^ ^ Simple, guileless.
To say : name
in the Ji-J -S-
xii-lj Open-handed, h'.j ^ si^tjl Jas—;
of God. To make the sign of the generous.
cross. Po.st-oflice. mail. *^jj.j da-1^ Is
Invocation of the name of God. iCjS\ 1 Dilated. Stretched. Glad. ^\^'eU J,^^
To be fine, gracious. ^'\ — ^13 -^ off ; comfortable, in good health.
Plough-share. o-r-'^J ^ *^^. To spit. CjlIj jl3 -«-
Workmen's tools. To be lofty (palm-tree). CijU o jIj
To be fcj J.')Jluj '*£\l3j (jji &
-^ To obtain superiority over. u —
kind, meek. To have a cheerful, smi- To put off a. 0.
ling face. Spittle. oi—

have conveyed
good tidings.
To smile to a. o.
To undertake JW
Fiu3 features. c^^^l a. th. joyfully.

First gleam of dawn- r^ia)! To become covered with plants jLj\

light. (land).
Announcer of good news. Kindness, meekness
<>• Preacher. Kind. ^j J-y^j
To be distasteful XpIIj j C^Ij a iciJ
;i -ft- Smiling.
(food). To be ugly, deformed "To Face, cheerfid countenance.
have a foul bi-eath (pers. ). To show regard, to wel- ,
To dash and smash a. th. o '^^ come a. o.
To give a bad taste to. To ^^ » ^Jj •> Ward-i'obe, closet for iisiij Ts
disfigure a. or a. th. To blacken
o. clothes. Case, coffer.
a. o.'.s character, to disparage. To peel. To take off ^ \'jc3 o ^ 5 *
To commit abominable deeds, j fl^ -^ the bark. To grate. To devour the
To find (a place) to be im- ^'sjj[ fi> crops (locusts).
comfortable. To rejoice at a. th. ^ a _r4J J j''A i

To find a. th. ugly, frightful, ii '. I

To bring good ^ 5 >LLllj ^iJ ^b
Bad taste (of a dish). Deformity.jililj news to a. o. •</ To preach.
Unpalatable (dish). Having ,^j^_ To be busied about a. th. <_) 5 _^i; ; _jl

a foul breath (pers.). to practice (an art). To set to work.

Ugly, deformed, ^'^b jUjI — To know (a woman). s —
hideous, unsightly. To rejoice at a. th. ,_, _^ \

Unpleasing word. ^ yyS" To enUven a. o.'s face (news 5 >iil

To strike o a J4j j i jIj -^

2f Csll To communicate good news
a. o. with a (stick). To tear off (clo- o. to another.
thes). To bark, to peel a. th. * ^^ ^\ ij

Entangled in an affair, perplexed, jij To rejoice in hearing (good ^_, yilXi.{

Buzzard, sparrow-hawk news). < To draw a good omen.
Different, other. Zik'\ Ts Joyful countenance. _^)
To walk quickly. iWsJ i o dXlj -^ Good news. ^5
To lie. Ljifedl — Good news. •<>• Gospel. ^sy^
To .stitch (clothes). Fine-looking appearance. SjVIj
To do amiss, to botch a. th. <i;i j — Good news. J,Vij j CjVj^h ^ SjlL
To extemporize a. th. if- Gospel. Lady-day.

Liar. Present received by a ojliJ

Towel. .JS-f^^ ^ ^feui) Pe messenger of good news.
Silver coin of 5 piastres. diUj Ts Man, mankind, men.
To trouble a. o.; to Mankind.
entangle (a bu.siness). Human.
To be entangled in. J jl >_» JUm -> Epidermis. Exterior
Obstruction, perplexity, jLLJj *Iiio -^ shape (human).
intricacy. < Buttei-fly. s3llj
To suffer from indi- ^ u.i5 a .^ -}^ Good tidings. Preaching of vh-I^
ge.^tion. To feel disgust at. the Gospel.
To rivet, to clinch (a nail). a ^^ -^ < The Angelus. -»i44:)l

To cause an indigestion to a. o. s ^^ Day-break. Beginning of a thing.jji,Ci


(food). Mes.?enger. -tf- Evangelist, ^IJ^ ^ ^^4.)

Indigestion. Disgust. ^1 Good news. J \ll\\
Balsam of Mecca. .lU The musical instruments Jli4" «^^
( rt ) ^o.
Perspicacious. Intel- -\'j^. ^ jypi ! Kind of millet.
ligent. Piercing (eye, look ). j
Cash, ready money. C24j Te
Evident proof. a'j^rj jialJ' I
Ninth month of the Coptic „ii5 Ce
Diviner. Sorcerer. j-'a^ <• [
year May. :

Seeing. Understanding. j.a.i'

A kind of water-lily, lote. ^^jJ^ -^
To flow. To ooze (water). uiJ a ^oJ ^ To shine, to gleam, tojj Cau-ai i ^J -S-
To gather, to pick up a. th. 4> — To ooze (water).
Perspiration. ;.^ ^ f.^\ To give a. th. ^ ^-
Stupid. 'lii; j>f:A>\ To open the eyes (M'help). To ^^^
To spit. CtiJ o j.i; ^ show first signs of verdure (soil).
Saliva, spittle. jLiJ ^ Burning coal, spark. j^J
To strip a. o. »>j s j^'Jj J.^; - J-if «- Eye. -^ Watch. Spy. ^^dl
of his clothes; a (tree) of its bai'k. Brightness, glaring light. ^,^r
To M'jai*y a. o. by questions, a JoIj Bright, shining.
Colt. Onion, an onion, a bulb. <li;, J.ij To wag the ^'-^j , ^-^a^,
^'t^. ^
Shallot. jjio ^yi^j tail (dog), a To court, to search
A kind of small onion. ^ail j.ij for.
Wild onion. al^j. x>-j jU)l j.^; To open the eyes (whelp). ^^^
Distance between the ring ^J -{:}- Apple of the eye. ^/-Ai -^
and the little finger. •lo t_j ojl.ojj llria^ a ^ajj o j^ctl -H-
Compact Thick (manl.^j/i
(clothes). see. To understand a. th.
To To stamp.C^; o^j ••
print cloth. To make a. o. understand A 6 j>ai
Print made on cloth. Stamp. ;;.ij Ts a. th.
To take off the property \y^ o LiJ -?}- To open the eyes (whelp).
of ; to strip a debtor of his posses- To divine, to soothsay.

sion. To contend with a. o. in .'a[j

To be thin- Z^ij^'u 'z^\^_ a i ^j -J^f-

sharpness of sight.
skinned. To observe, to see, to t_)j fi>

To ooze, to Ca^jj perceive a. th.

leak. To consider, to observe
To give scantily to a. 0.
ja'iSj a - To reflect on a. th.
To pinch (the chords To observe attentively.
of a lyi'e). To investigate a hidden th
To collect debts from O* To reflect on a. th.
a. 0. little by little. Sight. Perspicacity.
Thin-skinned. As far as the eye can
Sour mUk. reach.
Small quantity of water. z^\^.j ja^> Soft and whitish stone.
Uselessness of a. th tj^: ^
, —^7 Clay mixed with pebbles
His blood is still l^i^ \y}^ ;.'i ^i Basrah (town).
unavenged. Acuteness, perspicacity.
To split a. th. fi> ^jj , C.i,; a ^: ^ Intelligence, clear-
to lance. To carve (meat). To elu- sight. Caution. Proof.
cidate a. th. Seeing. s;;^ai; ^ ^_^i;
To understand (a speech). Gjiu A — Eye. ^ ^y ^ sj^i;
To know a (woman). 5 ^..iC Any sight-giving, or demons- S>alj
To explain to a. o (a ^5 ^iaJl trative thing.
speech) To deliver goods to.
. Consideration, I'eflection. ^^^
^ To purcha.se goods More clear-sighted, -tf Perhaps. yoA
A kind of pleurisy. ''tS^i -r^. 1

To carry on business,
b a f.h.'X^\j f^
Laying flat on the belly. ^i,.lAj rd>j\ 1
to practice trade.
Depressed, flattened. Piece, cA'm2aJ,3 ^Um^ i^>^3 r^ -r <i»-ir
To Uck a. th. bit.
To abound with melons Small number, few. Poition xiiajj f,^
Stout. of the night.
Melon. Pumpkin. Few days, seme days. j,\,\ ^mJin

Melon. Dowry. Divorce. ^'

Water-melon. Goods, wares. ;»il^j t *fUaj
Field full of melons, Partner. ^^f
melon-bed. Knife, lancet. ^^(ji ^ ^j,-^
To incise a. th. * t^i,; o ^k; i -Ji- Merchant, trader. ^-?u5l»
To be sprightly, merry, l^kj a ^j^i To cut off a. th. fi> ^lUaJ i i^^f -a-

bewildered. To be ungodly. To run to seed (corn). Cij o ^i»;' -^

To contemn (rights). To under- a — Soul. Ear of corn. ^5
value (a gi*ace). To lance (an abscess), fit Ctj o 'iaj -ft-

To render a. o. sprightly, or To cut open a. th.

insolent. To fatigue a. o. Coll. Ducks : a duck. <L; , "JaJ

Uselessly. Saucily. Leather-bottle. i»lL j J»^; ^ daj

Sprightliness, insolence. Care- •(>- Calf of the leg. jilJl xki
lessness. Drill, dissecting-knife. *J»Cjs ^ -Jal*
Pert. Hot (horse).
To practice farriery
Xjyi. J Jai Potato. U»'lL; is

To dabble. To caw (duck). To Lliaj -ft-

To shoe (animals). s — have a weak judgment (man).

To be shoed (horse). To injure (the head, skin). i —
Veterinary medicine. Farriery, s^i^ To be slow, U,; b , 'li>Ji *\i4 o Vis; -«-

Veterinary ^^j
, »'^k\ci sr J^. to walk slowly.
surgeon. Farrier. To detain a. o. with a. ^ cS^i js. '\^
Shoed (horse). J^Zi th. To procrastinate.
Boisterous, stubborn man. ^ _^j V To be slow in doing a. th. J WCJ^ \Lj
Termagant Foul-tongued woman! To find a. o. to be slow. 5 UaliJ-t
Deck of a ship. Electrical :/j iL; Si Slowness, delay. *^!j ••Jajj 'li»i

battery. Slow, straggler, tardy. -ja^

Roe. ^j vk; «. ^IjLj -^ Slower, later. \lailJl
stole. J-j,^. vr 6:^'M C'S Acting slowly. '^feQ--'
To spread. To flatten A uJaJ a ^^.kJ -«-

General of christian army. Patrician. a. th.

Tall (man). 3j}^. G To throw a. o. down with j^ij ip 5 —
Patriarch. xr,,lL.j «• 'Sxj^_ , il^L; G his face to the ground.
Patriarchate. Dignity;^|^y j '^c-txj^. To be seized with malignant fever.;^
of a patriarch. To spread out in a 9'.i»I--"b i«^'
To snatch a. th. ^j CiiJ o i i.L; « valley (torrent).
To overwhelm a. o. (terror). < To undertake a. th. J 5,.LlJ
To recover (from fever ). To spread (torrent). To tumble -r^^K
To seize a. o. forcibly. To » ^u: down.
begin a struggle with.
Strength. Courage, violence. Large bed of a torrent.
Man in the strength,_,ia^;_, jilL;^ S. m. Female •r.'AWij
•<>• ,^lkj ;r *^-;^<
of life. Gallant, vigorous. butterfly.
. ;

To confide a secret to a. o. 2 o^iJ Who has lost his lower 4»i1 — ^ -S-

To be lined ( clothing). ^^, teeth.

To penetrate, to fathom fi> ,JaJcJ.\j
— Letter. Billet. Card. jllL; ^ sjda; Ge
a. th., to explore a. o.'s designs. Label.
Belly. Interior. oCJ* j ^'kj '\j
o>W w oi^i To be csUaJj v^;^ >y jk; -a-
Under-tribe, smaller ^"Ij o>lu^ ^i corrupted. to be reduced to nothing.
than a iLJ To be of no avail.
The longest part of a oui* ^ Jiaj To relate a. th. jestingly. j 'iiUaj —
feather. To be workless, idle SiJaJ o JiJ
To bring forth an only ia>U CJaT oUj (workman). To cease.
child (woman). To be brave to ; ^Ji^.j *JU3j o jW
Gluttony, surfeit. tllw. behave as a hero.
Repletion banishes t^'W j" L-*jj tljaji To annul, to cancel (a A jiaJ b jLj
intelligence (proy.). deed). To render a. th. worthless, of
Strap, girth. no avail. To stop, to break (an
Thriv-jig (man). habit). To give up. -^ To stop work
Lining of clothes. on a feast day.
Familiars. Coui-tiers To be gallant. To busy o.'s self jLlj
Large woollenoCjlla; j Cnhiiai ;vL7 about trifles. To be in quest of vain
blanket. things. > To be kept as a holiday
Interior. Intimate, (feast).
cr-^^y. vr o^^
hidden. The Hidden (God). Vanity. Falsehood. Trifle, o>U* j jM
Depressed (ground ).oCJa;j iikJl ^ j^h groundlessness.
Sole of tlie foot. ^o^l ^^ ij Idleness, stoppage, leisure, rest- <liisj

Interiorly. ilkljjUlslj time. <>• Holiday, leave of absence.

Big-bellied. oll4;j,oUa) ,-i:rvii;j ^j Bravery, heroism. ^_^.j *JUaJ
Glutton. Abolition, abrogation JlW*
Full (bag, purse). c^k/ ^S cancelling, rescission.
Feeling a pain in the belly. o^i? Vanity. Falsehood. JtM^.''^ -r Jk^.
Slender and thin-bellied. ^^J»^ Useless. Delusive.
^ Felucca, small sailing vessel, i^i Wizard. The Devil. iikj ^ —
Jar. Q Swamp. _j,ij; ^ s^U - Jsj -«- Vanities, trifles. J=%^^
To tune (a musical a QJ o 'iij -ft Hero, gallant man. JliaJl 9- jW
instrument). Worthless. Workless. Hero. JiL;
To be fat, corpulent. "^1
Rescinding. Trifler. J^
Harsh-tempered. 'ji/ Turpentine ; turpentine-tree. ^^ -fr
Fat, corpulent. Ja^/ Ji^Jj b-b; Ulcer on the shank.
To be compact in flesh. \^ o Vk/ -{5- To be inside. To CJsj j CjiaJ ^^ "^
To be uncircumcised. )^ a ^) -^ conceal o.'s self.
Big-lipped, uncircumcised. ^] To penetrate, to engage in the fit —
To pour down a continual fi> tuo p, -^ middle of.
rain (cloud). To strike a. 0. on the beUy. ijj s —
To fall from (a cloud : iCJj Li ^3 To be surfeited and disten- CLj a ^j
rain). To send forth spring herbage ded (belly).
(land). To be big-bellied. ^ilJ JLu
Furniture, possession.
contained in a cloud.
Water ^.u; To have a belly-ache. Cij
To choose a. 0. as an »j fi> ^1j ^^
Gui-gling. Fluency of speech, xii;;; -^ intimate friend. To line (clothing).
To tickle. ^^ a To strap (a beast). To conceal a. th.

After, later on. laiJj aJJ To send, to J), o jl A » tiJ n d-iJ -«

He is not come yet. j^ cAi 'J delegat", to consign a. o. or a. th.to.
After compliments (/ begin). ^ ul To awake a. o. To s 0(*'^J>j tiJ —
After. J\ oi; ^Aj u oij raise (the dead).
Immediately after, soon after, iij'i XiJ To incite a. o. to. ^i^ ^
Far away, remote.ollujj j^ijj Mai; ^^ ju-J To be awake, to wake. tiJ a ^^
Farther. Foreigner. aiJl To flow (poetry, verses). jj,'j

Farm, country-house. To be sent. To be raised (from c-^^'l.

Remote, distant from. the dead). To flow (water). To
To dung (cattle). hasten.
To throw dung at a. o. To send a. 0. 5 d^sj'l
To clean the bowels. fi> Sending. Resurrection. ^'^
Dung of hoofed animals, Army. Envoy. cjjii ^ c^-'tj c^»»
Extreme destitution. Easter. Prayers said c-tl^j ?- 0^^*^ ^
Dung. cj\ on Easter Monday.
(m. /:).
jc['A Army.
Mission of a prophet.
^ ^ ^^
c^^j *2»j

Stand, stable for cattle. _,iii Sender, impulsive. Cause. ^^^3

To palpitate (member^j,;;:: — ^_^;; -):}- Cause. Impulsion. c-s-Ijj >: *»lj
cut off from the body). Motive.
To scatter (people, goods).,*j s Jj'^j -i^ Awake, waker, watcher. ,^
Dispersion, scattering. *Jjij Sent. Raised, risen, ^^.^^j cjy^i w«.«J
Disperser, lavisher, spendthrift. Jj^'J To upset (furniture) and ^ slniJ _r'u.j -^
To be startled. To Caij a ;^3 -it to jumble it together. To scatter
become emaciated. (things). To turn a. th. upside do\vn.
To sting a. o (mosquito). 5 Cai5 a jaij ^ To rip up (the belly). * iV;; a y>S\ *
To be troubled by mosquitoes. jatk) -> To dent (metallic vessels).
To share, to divide a. th. into A jalj To dig (the earth). * -K^.i —
lots, parts. To burst with rain (cloud), ^.jijjij r-v
To have many mosquitoes. ja»>'\ To be ripped up. < To be dented.
Part, share, portion. To break out into words. ^>iSCJl) r-'i^'K
Some, any, certain. Large valley. ^,i.\'/, ^ iCa^ti;

During a certain night, (Jul) JaJJ Ripped open (belly). -^.Ji

one night. To go ^i \j^j a a«j J laiJ o ^ij -^ ,

Between them. Each Ua; ^-a-'! away, to be afar off from. To die.
other, one another. To remove to a distance, fij s aiJ'lj jiJ
Gnat, mosquito. to take away. To drive off a. o., a. tb.
Full of mosquitoes. To l^eep a. o. away, off.s lSv«)j slitUi -itlJ
Division, distinction. To be remote. To send far away. ju,'1
Partly, in part. May God curse him ! .jjl ioiil
Full of mosquitoes (place). To be distant o. from a. jtU;
To go beyond., j i,;j1j Ci:; , a h^. ^ To part from. To quit, ^t aolj jil^j —
To exceed in. To consider a. th. as distant, a aii:~l,
To slaughter (a beast). s — remote.
To overburden a. 0. To go away from. ^—
To soak ( the soil a CSuJ a
j^j ^ Distance, remoteness, saijj jSjj uif
rain). To dig (a well). "Wariness. Sa*'j -uJ
<• To yell, to shout. May he be afar off! May he iJ \j.:S

To slaughter (a camel). H Uj>J — perish

Any innoxious bird. oi^ I To crack (a water-skin, a vessel).* ji;
Bagdad ( town ). ilaijj aloiJ -!^ ;
To burst (cloud). J-r'b J*r^
To pretend to be from Bagdad, ioilT j
To burst, to j,ySii\ J jiS'ij j^':\j -
to assume the manners of people j
break out into big, high words.
of Bagdad. To go to Bagdad. •<> To Cloud pouring down an abundant jCJ
flaunt. I
i"ain. Shriek, vociferation.
To drink without)^ a j4Jj,\^, a^ -S- To be hard (body). i^iJ a wi-J -«•

quenching its thirst (camel). ! To cut off the extre- ij s feJJ o diS>(
To rain abun- j>^
I'j CDI j\ 'pi - raities of the body with.'
dantly. i Fool. dAci;
To be well soaked (soil). ! Heat. Inteuseness of a. th. aJ^SCJJ
Shower. I Meeting-place.
Unquenchable thirst. To marry. ;j^; j i'u; Ji5 «
Who feels iSji^.j >Jj\^.t. To be astonished, ama- ^ y;; a J«j
an unquenchable thirst. zed at.
Swepingness of water, rain. To ally by marriage C*^! Uj2i\ JpJ
To kick, to sti'ike s Iji. (tribes).
a. o. with a stick. To cut. To obey her husband ( wife). jilj
Swiftness, sprightliness. To become the husband of. J JilLlI^
Lively, sprightly. Libertine. Consort, husband. Ju;;j J^_ ^ iuJ >i JJJ
Channel, strait. The -^'>! T j'^y. Ts Unwatered land or plant; or land, jU
Bosphorus. \
plant, that is only watered by rain.
To pour down a fine \iJ3 a w-*i -8- Owner. Lord. The god Baal.
rain (clouds). [
Balbeck ( town). tiAlii; -tt-

To be watered by a fine rain (soil).^_^ wooden

Idol, statue. ^^ -H-

Fine rain. Xii^ To commit L'm^ijjj, l^i; a CJ -Ji-

lo be XtbCo a Cp*4^J0 J^.i Ija^i "^ an offense.

hated loathed. -^To hate, execrate.
; To borrow (a horse ?j A Jua-b lij

To render a. o. or a. th. Jl^ Aj j^t js or a. th).

hateful, to cause a. o. to loathe a. th. Loan.
To hate, to detest a. o. or finj 5 ja'iA To be stirred (blood). Uj
a. th. To tread a. th. under foot. a jij -ft-

To show coldness to. A. of ad. Snorting, beUow.

To hate one another. Eager, forward.
Hatred, dislike, disgust To happen unexpectedly. CuJ a ,

Detestation. To surprise.
Hating, loathful. To faU suddenly upon. jf cilj j —
Odious, loathsome, j^y^^ -^j j^jJ^j ja.j:,. To break unexpectedly on.
More hateful, who has more jai')\ To be surprised to remain ; c^{
hatred. speechless, amazed.
To beget dege- 5 j1:j ,::Ai; a Ji -«- Unexpected event.
nerate children through a misalli- Unexpectedly. Suddenly, ,**•! t}^.i *^
ance. abruptly.
To be slow, weary. To walk at ji Surprised; speechless. Cij^^
the pace of a mule. To be spotted with Cii; a i-jj -ft-

Mule. > Spur, pro- Juiij JUj ^ ji; white and black (sheep).
jection. Mixture of black and white. tHj
She-mule. JCoj o5U; ^ iuJ A lot of people. 'UiJ
Mule-driver, muleteer. '
Ju; Rabble. 'i^ij j> c^^
iai ( r^ )
<)• Of no avail, wasteful! j. ^ \j 1 o j^~j V*U; J C»_^' a j^} )
, o j^_ \ -ft-

Old furniture, old wares. j\m groan (gazelle). To sing sweetly.

Loquacious, talkative, jj^j <^^.j J^ To speak to a. o. with a sweet s ^u
To gurgle (bottle plunged ):} j^ and agreeable voice.
into water to be filled). To prattle. Groaning of a gazelle. jSji
•^ To be swollen, to
have blisters on the hands. ^-To rise
.swell. -^ To Necklace (of pearls). ^ xjj Ts
Groaning (gazelle). Sweet- j^jiuj ^J
in bubbles (boiling water). voiced.
•^ Blister, bladder on the M^r''-;
To swell (wound). (^ o Co -ft-

skin. <• Bubble. To observe, to consider a. th. fit

Gurgling. Prattle, gossip.
-> Blister; swelling of the hands.
ialiJ Green, unripe (fruit).
To covet, A '-Cii^j ZJ^j t\ijj ji i j:,
^ -«-

Loquacious, garrulous a>{^'j jCiJ to request, to desire a. th.

To mix up (food, talks, Cii' o di/ -J^ To he. Cij —
business). To oppress a. o. To act wrong- jc —
( of linen, of ^^ ;ci.2; Ts
fully, to

help a.
treat unjustly.
o. in attaining fi> s 1}]

Parsley. a-J,->^ ^^ a. th.

To cut open, to * J^ib 'S^' a ^S ^ To wish, to desire a. th. fit i~i\j i^
split. To request a. th.
To take information about. ^s. — To hate, to wrong o. a. J-'Cj
To be rich, learned. It must, it is convenient, fit to.ol ^^Iaj
To b3 cracked in the middle. He wants, he must. "ij

Oxen and cows, the bovine kind To desire a. th. fit ^^>^\
Bulimia, violent hunger. ^'J\ ^.j^ Ti-espass. Injustice. Iniquity. ^i;
Untruth. INIisfortune. iJj^.j J^>.
Wish ( thing jjli'j .u;_, ;c!i;_, iii;
A children's play. ^'jy^\ desired).
Cow. Numerous family, ol^iT ^ o^_ Earnest desu'e, wish. >Uiij 'Gu
people. Request.
Ox-di-iver, neat-herd. jUJ ^^'isher. Unjust, oCijj ?r-j^^
A herd of oxen. jj^.J J^^^.J S^'- oppressor.
Bodice without sleeves. s3j3J Harlot, prostitute.
Relating to the bull family. XsJU. Place where a. th. is
Leathern shields. cS> J»J. searched.
To settle in a town and leave _^ij' -S- Things coveted. >/^-*
o.'s tribe in the desert. To go at Desired, I'equested, coveted. ^cli
random. To migrate. To walk in Object of desire.
stooping the head. To be corrupted. White cloth. Calico. i^' Pe
To die. To pour an abun- a CS^J j fs; o ^ ^
Box-tree. ^; G daiit rain (cloud). To make a display
To gather and pack CiaiJ o iaJ -^
fi, of wealth. To point out (defects).
th. for departure. To spread (news).
To farm out (a field) for the * j — To prate about a. o. ip ^1j CSU^j Cu — ,

third or the fourth part of its pro- To scatter goods. fa j|;_) —

duce. To blot the ink paper). If-

— (

To scatter a. th. A Jali To be full of bugs place). ^b ~ (

"^ Imprecation May his food be Jail.; To have many children, (woman). To

unsound I pour an abundant rain (cloud).

To receive a. th. little by little. A — Gnat. Bug. Stout, broad. '•£,_
J^JXi C i

Undressed wool. Weak-minded Bit, broken piece. Lij

Dyed red. ^Ju^ To be spotted white and dz: a ;«*{ -S-

To look ^j s Cjj i ^j , eJlSi l^ -tt- black. <>• To be stained.

at a. 0. ; to expect a. th. To befall a. 0. (misfortune). s —
To remain, to live, to be i\ij a.'jij To go away. ;i;_j . ui; a ;iJ
redundant. To last, to continue. To be disgraced, abused by. ^ ^i'
To persevere. To make white and black * 4?
dyer). To
(on cloth stain
To continue striking. v-^ Jii spots :

To keep, to hold a. o. back. fi>j 5 jj (clothes), To wet here and

-if- there.
To preserve a. th. To be spotted. < To be wet ^7
To put in store, to preserve fi>j s ^;1 here and there.
a. th. To keep a. o. alive (God). To To hurry back. ^j>\
allow a. 0. to live. To become. To lose o.*s fair complexion ,2£i

To have pity on; to spare a. th. ip — (from sorrow).

To preserve a. th. Sj \j Jl3 fi>
j^ Depressed land, swamp. ^iJj ^u ^ o>iJ

To allow a. 0. to live. •<>• Stain.

To keep a. th. from... to ^* J^-^i ; Upland, plain in a hilly country.^iJj 5.1^^
store up. Place full of roots of various trees,;u.A;
Duration, continuance. .V2; A very cautious bird. ^\'y ^ :Uilj
Remainder CUj ^ '<-*>' j Lmj j'jij Keen, intelligent man. Calamity.
remains. That outlasts, outlives. Spotted. Droughty ^iJ^ 'Ui; ^^.iJl
Lasting, sm-viving. ^^[} ^ ji; (year). Leprous.
The remainder. The everlasting Jul
(God Almighty).
Medley. Stained (garment).
To appear, to come jib ,Mij o J*; -^
Providence of God. :t30 out (plant, tooth).
Obedience to God. To be covered jiJij ji'j ,V^| ji;'

Mercy ! Spax*e us !
<^\ with down (face).
Moi'e lasting. i; \ To become green with plants jiil
F. Good works. oUil^l oCJUI (ground).
Preserved, kept in store. J«-i--^ To fatten by feeding upon jirj'b J^"
Bey, prince. >^ii'."^J '^>. Ts green herbs (cattle).
To squeeze jfcj 5 U«; o wij -«- To search for herbage. jIIj

a. 0. To break, to tear a. th. To jade Vegetable, herbage; Jujlj J_^i' :r J^

a beast. green.
To crowd, to throng. "iiCir Purslain. 'U;.>JI aUjj lliJ

Foolish. -iJb' ji»'b 'iJlj' Cauliflower. jlijVl iii'

To crowd (people). '•^^>. -^ Endive, succory. sj'jCiJI 'iiilJl

Tosji&u^ \t^ o 'J^^.i, ^i a

have little milk (ewe, she-camel). To
^ W Large boat.

ji^J Ji^J
have little water (well) few tears ; Abundant in herbs, jl^j d'sV.-i J-H
(eye)- vegetables (soil).

That has few tears (eye). '\fev ^ *~^J Green-grocer. J12J

Holding Uttle water (well). Kitchen-garden. xiij^

Water-cress. \&njj'dXj A handleless ves- J^H^j ^ J>»Ij j JC^?

To address s cMjj tfcij o cX-j -^ sel. Earthenware, glass-jar.
a. 0. rudely. To ill-treat a. 0. Cod-fish. Mi- Is
Reproof, rebuke. C;?^-j A kind of almond cake. ij^liJ Ts
Remorse of conscience. ^'i*-^^
~ To dye a, th. red. * ^J ^
Reprover, rebuker. c^^ Logwood, red dye. _Jij
To mix a. th. To
a '^^^ o J5C; -»
{ u )

To I'ise up
_^:^j _^j J lji_,^; »• , ^^
prepare a mess of flour, dates and early in the morning.
oil. To do a. th. early in the morning, j —
To mix, to mingle. ••{To * jfeu To go Jl. JCilj _,5CJ Ij ^ij

buckle. -^ To button up. towards a. 0. early in the morning.
To speak in uucon- j^is^'S J Jfew To hasten to go. Jl. j§C_J

nected phrases. To attend prayer from the sSdJO —

To get the upper hand by jcj i — beginning.
blows and invectives. To visit a. o. early in the s ^\jj _^j
To prey upon a. th. A ^Jfeir/l. morning.
Shape. Nature. State. ,_^ ^ iiiv To hasten to. it J^.h ^'t
< Buckle. jS:.; y.
'-^ Fs To send a. early. 5 '_^\
Food made of flour. *'L:%^ j *J^.i To accost a. 0. first of all. A_j ^ _^oJ|
dates, oil, etc. To eat the first fruits. To deflour (a
Buckled. Buttonned (coat). j4.1>» • girl).

Treasury. Principality. cU-ifeij Ts First-born. First-fi-uits. jlfe^jl

State, government. Inviolate. Virgin.
To confiscate a. th. (state). d»iSC; -^ Young camel). (
oIJ,Sh i J>^. '
-r Jv
To be dumb, mute. CcfCj a Js6, ^ Daybreak. <• To-morrow. _^| ^ 'J^.
To be silent. '^\&sC>, o JC; Early in the morning. '^vj j o_^;
To render a. o. dumb. » ^^'1 Morning and evening. Ji-^lj J=>^^
He was unable to ^!Afe»JI 4IU ^:< Pulley. Wheel cX^.i JC y. S^SCl
speak. of a watering-engine.
Dumb, m:3^; ^ .,,:^ J ,
^' ^ JCl Ail without exception. ^^^/is^SCj Jp
mute. Virginity. s^ife^;

To shed tears, to ^; _, dfe*; i ^^?C; «- Primogeni- :u j_^/ •j Sj^/j *i^i

weep. ture. Birth-right. Precocious.
To weep over a. 0. To ? (J^^^
~ First fruits. SjjS'U^ «J3%»J
lament. <>• A small crooked staff. j^Ttj
To move a. 0. to 2^ JC:c..:ij JCjIj JCJ Early, rising early. -'i%»?j ^l<
tears. Precocious. JCJ ^^ jp^.i j^^ij-f^^l
To make a. 0. to weep over. \s. n — First rain in the spring. jj>ijj jjT^,
To sham weeping. Xip Precocious. Very early, soon. jAfeiJ -^

Weeping, tears. JCJj -ilfei; First rain in the spring. jSCl*

"Weeping, shedding tears, sife^; ^ ^iJi; Early, early comer, riser. j^'-^
i^. Weeping (woman). _i]|^ ^ Sllfi; To measure with a ^'jij J>^C "^

Mourner hired at a funeral. •< Shed. compasses.

Shedding sjiSCjj ^fX; ^ mICj j ;;SC; Hackney. ( jif^b ja^ ) .^aSCL' Te
tears; weeping bitterly. Compass. ( jV^ j^y; ) j^^_ P
Causing a. 0. to weep. p,\ij Zil^ Kettle, coffee-pot. ^r'S^o tt^S^' Te
Weeping-place. jij, ^ Ji:i To overcome a. o. ^ Cst; o ^$C; -^
But on the contrary, besides, j; -{f
; Biscuit. Jsiiii;^^ I»li--SCo ii^-r^^r Te
much more, rather no. nay. ; To receive a. o. rudely. 5 UJC; a ^j -S-

To wet, to moisten A *Lj :^ Jj -^ To rebuke a. 0. To strike a. o. on

a. th. • •
several parts of the body.
To give a. th. ^ iij j\ S'^:^^Jy6o - To reprove a. 0. To cut ofl' fi>j s Jifet/

To be beneficent. a. th.
To enjoy a. th. To ^^ V^l. j a 0^' >l'i; ^ Large sum of money. li5CJ
obtain. To know a. th. One-armed. ^')
jj^ C tr )

To fJtii'lj !!iilj|j ?!it"j :>iL* Ij , Cf-jC T^. "fr To recover^ 'jj]j, sJjj "kJjj ^u i 'ji

dawn, to bi'eak (dawn). from.

To be raeiTv. To have ui; a ^. To enjoy the '^Jjj i)>L'j Xb' 4j j/
parted eyebrows. company of a. o.
To be cheei'ful, merry, smiling, ^j You have obtained it. «j illjj cXi

To be clear, evident. ^'iJI To wet, to drench, to moisten. ^_^ fi>

Dawn, day-break. i^Mj •^M To be sappy (tree). ^'\

Separation between tlie oti; j ^. To overcome a. o, jlis —

eyebrows. Day-light. To be drenched, to be wet. 3=iij cAc^

Whiteness, brightness. ;^' To be soaked.
Bright. Evident. Jovial, rr^j r-U To be cured of. ^/^ ljS\j

open-faced. Wetting. Wetness. 5^
Shining, gleaming. -p_.l;' Moan. jJlTj 3;
Bright. Serene. Smiling. -bJj^ r-iJ^ Allowance. Recovery. ^.
Having parted eyebrows. Freshness of youth. :UJ

To be dry ( .soil ). Qj a wi; -S-

He has not got a. th.:5i' Vj ^ ujCoI U
To be weary, ^.Ju7j r-X'j , C>_^; Dampness, moisture. ^"^.j jVj '^'

fatigued. ^^'ater1 milk. Meeting- J>L'j J>1;

To bring forth unripe dates ^\j] place.
(palm tree). Cold and damp wind. *L.^: J Jr^
Unripe date. ^.1; oV s^r^l^oV i/,-^J >iC:^, s?,-H v*^
Barren, dry (ground). ^Ji^ ^ ^ji; He went nobody knows where.
Stubborn, indomitable r-A^-^j •r.\\>. ^^'icked, hypocrite, -j! ^ ^yS j, 'j;1

(man). unjust.
To be haughty. ^If, GoJ a !^: , -ft- ^ Warm bath. A kind oIJIAj t o:^'
Haughty. .Vi-U ^ ^IJJj ^li of fern.
Evergreen, oak-tree. ^'^'j '^^. Waiter at baths. :u!Aj > o!AJ
Hyacinth (gem). j^Xf ^ Drenched, wet. S^J ^J^
To settle, to ill; a jX/j ^ Gy; o jJj » To trouble, to jj i*vCJb^ xil'U jli; -{^

remain in. To occupy (a country). throw into disorder.

To be foolish, duU, lazy. 'sS^ o Jiij To be entangled. To be restless, jil?
To be undetermined, to lay idle. Jxi troubled.
< To naturalize a. o. to accua- s Aj ; Trouble, confusion, j.^iU ^ liuU
tom a. 0. to a countx'y. -^ To accli- disorder, restlessness.
matize (a plant). Anxieties, sorj-ows. J;>ij
To cling to a country, a place. jjj] Nightingale ( bird). jjyj ^ jiU
To b2 perplexed. •<> Spinning-top.

To settle a. o. in a country. fl>j a A'] Disturber, revolutionary. j«ili

To colonize (a countryj.To conquer it. To escape. u^'Mj j^. ^
To show stupidity. To settle jd5 To be cut. Gu; a c-tj j , CuJ o cJt -S-

in a country. -^ To be accustomed, To swear.

naturalized, a To run ashore (ship). To sever a.,th. A tU i

City, town. ol^Uj i>'%. r >^.J «^i^ To stop short (in speaking). ci."'
Country. Land. Village. To swear a. 0. fi> i cJj\
Countryman, citizen, indigenous, ^a'lj Silent. Prudent. Eloquent. c^.
<• Municipal council or disti'ict. j|jI; To be vain-glorious. ^£L; — ^. -S-

Stupidity. Dullness. Spiritless- si^AJ Cunning. Boisterous (woman). ^lii;

ness. Eloquent and ^^-'-J '<^)^.J li"^.
Silly, foolish. bold in speech.
r) U
Pavement. Paving-stone. Palace, ^yj Steel.Razor. ( jVy j^jt. ) iV_H' P'^

Even ground. <• Palace. To recline on the ground. To ^jx; -h-

A flag-atone. A paving-tile. :t^U break a pi-omise. To be dull.
Axe, hatchet. UaU Ts Silly. Breaking his promise. ^jiL'
ISappei". Executioner. '^"r^M^.
^^ To stand mute from fear. _/ji/ -H-

•^Pavement, paving. JaJ.C.7 ~^ hA^ Beryl. Cristal. y^^j j^ -«

Altar-stone, a Stoppage. To crystallize. 3^7 -^
Paver. Pavior. J4-i <> Crystalline, ci-ystal. xSj J^.
Paved with stones or tiles. iA'./- •• Black and thick slime left _Hb'l. a

Oak. Acorn. hj^. by the Nile.

Chestnut tree.
To lay o.'s self down on the
lajiS oli,

^.L'u s^
To remain disheartened.,_^**i —
sad, and gloomy. To be desperate,
-a- ^
ground. stupefied. To remain speechless.
^ To flatten (a. th. round). — fin To drive a. o. to despair. 5 —
To swallow a. th. A ^'Ij ,Ci< a ^1j -^ A kiud of date. ^^jj
To swallow up. To absoi-b a. th.
Hoariness began to <^]j J L^ljl '/1j
Silent, gloomy.
Constabulary. Policeman.
^ij ^{j

appear upon his head. demon.

Devil, 2_!i; 1 ,r a-iV'l
To get a. 0. to swallow a. th.^ s f^\j ^j Burdock [pla.]. -IfetJ^j '16*11; -^
Swallowing. Absorption. p>i:ilj ;>ii ^ To anoint with bahii. s ^liJ -ii-

Mouthful. Draught, gulp. ;UiJ To embalm.

Draught. Hole of a mill-stone.;j[; ^ <iU Balsam of Giicad. ^'\',

Glutton, voracious.^J^'j y^lj xXijj 3j < Embalming. *illi

Gulf, whirlpool. ^Wjj ^ ^J]\5
-^ Embalmed. ^^i^
Drain. ^)yuj ^ll>: ^ <f-)^.j <s-y<jj uj\i Balm-tree.
Sewer. Underground pipe. Elder-tree.
^ Sink-hole. ^.;J3iJI *f/b; To begin, to
Throat, gullet. ^lij: undertake a th.
Swallowed. Absorbed. A-*^J f-J^' Heron.
To swallow greedily. ^iL' -):}- To exact a. th.
Gullet. _^>U ^ _^_yX>j JLl; from, to extort by foi'ce.
Very greedy, gluttonous. ;^iJi; Earthenware ^^y^ ^ a^y^'j ',sp^. °
To i-each a. o. jfcj s ^%j li^; o /U -^
To ripen (fruit). To grow of age. — To seek secretly after. j*
Youi' words have moved ^Jfi C» A^ — Exaction. Extortion, 7..ii;j,_^-^
nae, have hurt me. oppression.
To be exhausted. ^/ Ground down by taxes. t/'^if' "^
To be eloquent. itSC o >ij Bill of exchange, draft. *-^5^ ^^
To forward a. th. to a. o. ^ ^1; j.'
To pave.(a. th).* JaLij Jsl; j,v'JaU JaiJ -J^
To inform a. o. of a. th. To tack (sailor). To run )^ -tt-

To strive, to use every possible J ^i; aground (ship). To cheat. To stop

exertion for. To exaggerate in. work.
To lead, to bring a. o. or Jl*j s /^'l To plunder a. 0. (thief). To iiL'i j(

a. th. up to, as far as. weary a. o. with requests.

To live on, to be satisfied with, o ^CJi To come to poverty. Jaijij iJJl
To enervate a. o. (evil). ..!)*-? ^)Cj To fight with a sword. JaA-jj i»il<
Very foolish. xili j. ^kj aU J»>l <> To behave foolishly. To play JaJLJ
Means of subsistence,'
^r'J f-^^.J *^^! the devil.
living. Heedless, giddy, devilkin. Ja-L'j ialJ ••
( ii
Marbre, ivory. isHT ^ Coming to, as far as. Coming of jyij

To be foolish, '<ii-|j Uy^.j (4^ a <ij -^ age. Nubility. Matmnty. Perfection.

to be a cipher, a simpleton. Legal summons. Delivery of a ^>U
To behave as a simpleton. alj message. Sufficiency.
To pretend simplicity. «jCj L'ltimatum. jjil —
Do not mind. Do abstain. Put it off. ;!;; False statements. Slanders. cJi-%.
Silliness, tom-foolery. nyoj *Sj Eloquence. *^>iJ

To walk
silly, stupid. 4U
at a quick step.
^ '1^1? j, <ijl

^j.'^^ ^
Ji. f. Reaching... Attaining an
;i>GI ^^U
Ampleness of circumstances. "Cx^! -Jr aim... Mature, of age. Marriageable.
To try, to expei-i-o 5 «^j l^
o 5lj -S- Inviolable oath. ;iS,G c«*i
ment. To afflict, to put a. o. to the Eloquent. Efficient. 'j',%i j^.i i^:.

teat. Chaste in speech.

To be worn out clo- «>U j Jo. a '^^^. <>• Sum of money. Limit,
( iAj' ^ fdxH

thes\ To be consumed (corpse). farthest end attained.

To be aifected with fear. To'^^lSJlj ^' Exaggeration, hyperbole. Xi5\Ji

be smitten by (a disease, a calamity). Utmost care, striving.

To wear out. To A f^y j:\, '-Om Jj Bugloss, ox-tongue (pla). o_ya^, G
waste (clothes). Phlegm. Pituite. ^i^ ^ ^ixi -«•

To pay attention^,, j\ fii %%^ ivC> Ju Phlegmatic. Pituitous. C>«^

to. To take care of. To esteem, to To hm'ry on. (J^ o JUj -S-
be anxious about. To vie in splendour To open or shut (a door) * J^ - !.»

with o. a. To contradict. abruptly.

To put a. 0. or a. th. to trial. * 5 ^'1 To '^jiS\j ^lib jiib ,Ci'^' ^.j a. j\j
To show gal- tLi ty3 ^/pi) j JJ'\ be spotted with white and black.
lantry at war. To be stupefied, amazed. \'iij a jU

To try, to test, to afflict s li'b J'C5 To repair (a well) with plane- * jlj
a. o. boards.
To put a. o. to the test. y jj^l To be opened abruptly (door). jiljH

Consumption. Rottenness. Decay. Jo Camel-hair tent. Marble. Door. jij

Pi'essure of cala- 1%' ^ ;^j i^^i-J Motley. xaUj ji;
mity. Trial. Sorrow. Variegated, Piebald jU ^ 'Ui; ^ jl|1
Trial, test. Misfortune. '% ( horse). Famous Castle.
Trial. Misfortune,affliction. C5U ^ *!U Plain of Balka. 'UL'
Overfatigued. Worn out..>Ul ^ ^.i j^. To be waste and uninhabited, ^i; ^
Worn out, consumed, rotten. 'Jilj JC Waste country. ^y.j ^ *i^.j ^^.
Afflicted. Tried. ^i} J^"' Company of infantiy, Cj\S'J\j ^ iji Ts
Anxiety, care, attentiveness. SVU/- squadron of cavalry.
Intent on. Mindful of. Who takes Jui Perhaps. S'j, ^Cb' -if-j *5Cjij Ts

account of. He may come. j^^l jsiC_

Yes, no doubt. Ay, yea. So. L' ^ To mar a. o. or a. th. Aj s ~Jj — 'Jj -^
The thickest string of a ^^iJ 9- Vi P To be silent. J^\
musical instrument. Bass (in music). Having swollen lips. _,ijl

Ochrea, bamia (leguminous u*C Gs A kind of broad- <iVb J^.h J^\j ^V*
plant). bean. Berry of the lote-tree.
To remain in (a piace).^^ t?b Cj' ^ -i^ i
Small fishes. -^ Foolish, stupid. ^
To tie ( a sheep) in order to fat- » oV y. of M«. Tumour on the lips. t^.
ten it. Ambergris. Honey. ^OjI.
Fingers, tip of the fingers. Tar. "^
cX^ jr-^.

( le

Amethyst. jji}S -^ lY. c/". un. One finger. oIjCJ ,r oUJ

To come towards, to Jl. Clii o J^^ -fr Verdant garden, meadow. Finger-iJCJ
arrive at. joint.
To put a triangular piece on * j5; Coffee (berry). Coffee-tree. i^

(a shirt). To make (a quiver) of a Coffee-coloured. '^

triangular shape. To set (a discour- Good or bad smell. oCJ ^ ^di

se). To trump up (a lie). Prudent, steady. ca^

To sojourn in (a place). ^— A kind of shark. diiL' -ft-

Gore of a .shirt. j;u; ^ lio; Gold coin of 20 francs. J^,_


To communicate family »iJl; — dxZ -ft- To come back to o.'s origin, o r^t, -fr

secrets (girls). To put a. 0. imder chloroform. » ^;

To settle (in a place) diXJjj t_j dxU To claim a noble oi'igin. cjiiil.

Pith. Aromatic plant. Root, dUi P Henbane ( soporific plant). ^;

bottom. Origin, source. -^
Bloom of youth. ^^1 jaL| Beet -root. _^' Te
Bench. Banking-house, iiyj
Clepsydra. Water or sand-
^ ^ {P
Hole. Cannon-bore;
gun-barrel. Window.
_,3-UJ ^ o^iJJ Ts

clock. Clove-pink. Clove. c-s-^*^' P

Standard, flag. Lake. ^^ ^ L-P

To construct, to build, to erect (a Deceit. <). Cross-belt, i^art. Chapter.

house). Sword-belt. will)! x:\ ••
To go in to his wife *ulj ^l Crafty man. i^lj^vi-r
(man). To enhst (soldiers). <>• To j*j » o^J

To build up (a building). * Jj divide (a book) into chapters.

To give a house. Sea-town. Commercial
To have a. th. built, erected. A> J.j1 town.
To adopt a. o. as a son. ^ J,:7 Syndic of merchants.
To build, to have (a house) built.* ^^rJl^ Consul.
To want repair (house). ,s^\ Merchant.
Structure, fabric. oUiJ j *jt-;^ 'l-j Flag, banner, colours. -o'jr^: Is

Building, edifice. XS!\ ^ 'Cj Love-apple, tomato.

From that, accordingly. *lit «0J Nut, hazel-nut. JiUJ j Jlii; ^ xJlii; -ft-

.^ Good example, edification.^ Ui oCij Bullet-shot.

Adoption, adopting. cnJ Venice (town). Rifle, gun. i^iol;
Building, structure.
Jj_, ^ .^ icl'j ^j Gun-stock. *^l^'l <• w^
Shape, frame of the body. X^ Bastard, spurious. ^^iC./ ^ Jj^; •
Strongly built (man), X^\ sn-st-i To debase, to render a. o. j JaiJ -^
healthy. degenerate.
Son, child. 'UJlj u_^' ?- c?l To .shun a. o ifc_, 5 ^ij CiJ a ^; -ft-

Man. P/. manldnd. j>'^ yl rr ^^ c?\ or a. th.

The man of perdition, damned.iJ^liJl 'i/\ To retrace o.'s steps. To di'aw ^_^^
Traveller, wanderer. JcH" ^l back.
Mindless of the morrow. <^y_ 'cri
I^bony ^-ij ^Lt, ^'T, tr^i'T G
Relatives. *^& ^' (wood).
Citizens. *l.a;j|_^r A cloth upper-gown with very^i/ Ts
Thieves, robbers. jl)l ^i' full sleeves.
Daughter, girl. oCJ ,f cJ^ *^'l
Ring-finger. ^^aj -ft-

4- Queen (of cards). Violet (flower). t— io P

Word. xllu ^^i; Violet-coloured. '.ajiJiS
( 1^)
CLx i: . ..
To marvel. <j4rJl"^ Tear. c-i»)l zJ^.

Joy. cheerfulness. Beauty. ji^J Wine. j^j>^\3 J|^'i)lj i_---" ^*i

Joyful, cheerful. Fine- jpj+jj r-f5 Thought, design. jy^-^\ z,'b.

looking. Arrow. J Ufe*Jl 'cXi

Cheering, enlivening. r-«4-» Siren. J^-^h 'Ol c.aj

To squander, to waste, fit Sj-^-i^ ja^j •• Small rivers. jajvi otxT

Hero. :;! J jiVij' ^ j^iii? P Misfortunes, calamities. ^tx]\ 'cjiui

To walk quickly. Ja^J -^ Cares, troubles. j'j^Wj j'Ji\ bU>'

< To insult, to scoff at. S Ja^f My little son. 'j^J

To be I'eviled. Jj*^" Sonship. filiation. s^'

Agility. {>• Insult. xlj^l Belonging to a son, filial. 'j^l
To overcome a. o. in s \J^{ a _,ij -!^ Builder. Founder, constructor.;r;J^ oQ
beauty, merit. To slander a. o. To Wrist. Blow. Ilk! a

ovcrbui'den. To grieve a. o. Bases of a house. C)\y>.

To sjiine. Ijj^Ij l^r a jX,_ Architect. Mason, builder. ojttl ^ 'U;

To outstrip a. o. in a. th. 2f
— ! Pigeon-hole. jUj' n
To be out of breath. ^^' Constructed. Indeclinable (noun).-j..:>J
<• To be dazzled ( by sun-
J^^ j^ The public buildings. JC.»)I
shine ). Letters of the Alphabet. JCiH cij^s^
To pepper, io season (a dish A ^^j <> Adopting as a son, adopter. ^cni/^

with pepper). Adopted, adoptive (cliild). J>:>

To vie with a. o. in. 5 0^ J 33*^' j^^'- v" '*>«;-^ ^^'j ^< o J^'-J ^ ''^^ a i*j -ft-

To make a fortune. To bring J^'i\ To show kindness to a. o.

forth a. th. astounding. To be expo- To mind a. th. , ^ ~

. ,

sed to heat. To empty (a house). fii vi/lj 1^7 a "^i.

< To dazzle a. 0. (sun). » — '

To be (hij CfJj c-ii'j a C4J -ft-

To be breathless, -fy To be J^\ astonished, to remain speechless.

dazzled. ()To be of a faint colour. a c-*; iT-J.;

To use every endeavour on ^^ j J^i^y I

To surpi'ise a. 0. ? t^j a c4i
behalf of, or against. To slander a. 0. 2 '^'jVi-»?J '^ii ~
To repeat a prayer. .liojl J ^fJI^ To lie. ciC
Beauty, splendour, victory. _,^j To shock a. 0. in relating ma- s —

Publicly. l^r licious reports.

Breathlessness, short breathing. j'^_ Astonishment, amazement. xr.^;

He exhausted himself SaJ^ iliJ cfj-'^i- i

Lie. Calumny. *-£•»? J cJc-Wi «^-i;

in endeavours. .< Dull, dead (colour). c-ftij

Centre. Extensive field. -^y^ Calumniator. c.4;j C-«; ?: dj'4^. i Cj\-^. ,

Beauty. Pepper, spice. jc^, Anaemia. Cli/ a

Idol. Swallow. Devil. jl^' Falsely charged. Stupefied. Cj/^'-'f

Short-breathed, breathless. j^4I;:j jj^; To cheer up, to ^^ilj (k+J a r-iJ

s' , -ft-

Splendid. Wonderful, magniticent.^Al'; enliven a. 0.

A slender, delicate woman. J i^ ^ ;3j^5 To rejoice in, to glad- ^ (U*? a t-*>.

Artery. Back. Jugular vein. j^^^\ den at.

The two arteries of the heart. o'J^i VI To be fine, elegant. OUirj ^^0 tXk
Dazzling. jj^% ^ To I
embellish. To cheer up *j 5 sji^j'

To allow (blood ) to be shed fi> ^y^'i ^ I

a. o.
with impunity. To be luxuriant (garden, ?rtiCfj r^X'. '

To be shed with impunity (blood ).^_,^ soil).

To sweep, to pass with pomp, -r'j'*^-^ I To be merry. cui^ib zX:^
Good chief. Laugher. JJ^l+J t J^^J Vain, trifling. Vanity, trifle, ^343 P
•^ Fool, stupid. worthless. Tinsel. Counterfeit (coin).
Imprecation. ;IaCJ» To dye (the beard) yellow, fin
yy^^ -ft-

^ Silly, simple. Jj4r^ Mars (planet). -i^^'j^i.} y.^. P

To come suddenly ^-^^ — u~iiJ -^ Yellow dye. uVJ«^ P
from a country without any luggage. Ruby, carbuncle. 'd^^jVi Cj^kj ~
To lie. jL;,7, ji;j ^ To push a. o. ^p S j4i b , l>iJ a S*) "^
Foo!. Rope-dancer, cnH+J ?? >Jiyi«J Ps back from.
juggler, tumbler. To prepare to. J 0^3 a ^43 -S-
To wean (lambs), etc. ^421 ^^j —^#5 -fi- To seai'ch, to scrutinize a. th. ^s, —
To conceal a. th. To use, * ,ii I To hurry towards. Ji. —

uncertain, ambiguous terms. To meet, to gather. j-X^j ""

To be concealed, equi- jc ^-jj ^iJ' To rejoice, to be glad. J-^i\
vocal, uncertain, unknown to. A kind, smiling man. j.'^ jij
To divei-t a. o, from a. th. jp 5 ^l ] To take off o.'s clothes and j-^i)' -tt-

To be concealed, vague, ^p ^ir^-^l stake them (gambler).

equivocal, unknown to. To overwhehn, 5 i.4Jlj,Cki3 a ia^j -it-
to overburden a. o. (work, weight).
Lamb, kid, calf. Weight. Heinousness of crime. Ji^J

Brave, hero. Difficult task, ^^j ^ ;i4J Gravity of a. th.

Uncertainty, doubt. Ambiguity. j,\^\ Heavy, ci'ushicg. Important. Ja^O
Black. Of one colour. ^^Jj t j,tii
serious (affair).
Rumbling (sound, noise). Thumb. Overwhelmed. ^}*t''
Beast, quadruped. ^; i^ ^ li.^j To come forth, to emerge u^j a j^j <>•

Bestial, brutish. '

-*j from a cloud (sun).
Bestiality. Brutism.
Dandruff, n Leprosy. j^J
Speaking an unkno\vn Ian-
guage. Barbarian, stranger.
^ ^ ^l \ Lichen.
Soft, iiis^rj Jfei4rj *^;'->
_,»>JI —
full of vigour (youth).
Thumb. Great toe. To curse a. 0. (God). s y^ a JiJ -S-
Hidden, unknown, vague. ^Iji To let a. o. act at pleasure, n j^j ij —
To walk with a haughty ^h-^ "^ To abandon a. 0. <> To render j J4j1
gait. stupid, to stultify.
Stout and heavy. Lion. ^1^3 To curse Jiut> jlpj '^^'^ ^r*-^*? J*Q
To be fine. sl^ o 'j4u a j^ftJ j o 1^3 -Jf o. a.
To shine. To grow stupid, silly. J*t^'l
To exceed a. o. in beauty. » o I4J To implore, to beseech Jt J4%
To enlarge (a house) A ^j God) with humility and fervour.

To boast, to get proud. ^'G To call upon (God) against. jc. —

To vie with a. o. in beauty. 5 j/'C To curse, to impi-ecate upon a. 0.
To have a handsome face. ^Su 'l To let a. 0. do what he 5 J+IS.:.!,

To empty (a vessel, house). — fi> w^ould. <> To find a. 0. foolish, stupid.

To boast of. 4_) Kil\ Cui'se, imprecation. ii43

To vie with a. 0. in beauty, i^'Ci if- Stupidity, silliness. SiJ^J j xlij

elegance. Supplication, earnest prayer; d^X
Beauty. Elegance. Sjilendour. -143 call for help fi"om God.
House situated -ftj_j 34JJ '^i^^ w ^43 Indecisive, wavering, j+j^ J^J ?r J*'^
foremost. Court-yard. Hollow of the Staffiess (shepherd). Untied (she-
chest. Extended plain. camel ). Unarmed (man).

( lA)
To come upoa a. o. ic ^CJlj ^ o ^S'.^ Fine, pretty. Bright. ^sj
(misfortune). Young camel. Stuifed camel-hide^"" -S-

Traveller. 9r*>i'j
^'y' for deceiving a she-camel when
Misfortunes have ^^-^ >.i^'^ milked.

overwhelmed them.
deliver a permit to. < To
come back to.
:;Sy ^ U'jTj M>/
\ty o ^G
^ y
5 ^JJ Ji -Ji-

To flash al! over the sky ^\~,\) ^}Lj To bring back a. o. to. Jl «_>

(lightniug). To acknowledge o.'s fault. tijlo —
Permit, -way-leave. ^Vj -rV ^ To be equal in rank, so »_, «)^j \ty —
To appear \>.jyj i'>jjj j b->j o ^C -ir that the death of one may be atoned
in broad light. for by that of the other.
To reveal, to communicate Jl tj — Do die, do atone for his death. *;
(a secret ) to a. o. To come and stay (in a place), ]y fit

To give to a. o. information * 5 ^01 To point (a spear) towards. ^J ]y fi>

about a. th. To reveal (a secret). To prepare a lodging for. Jj a s y^j ^A

To d'^clare a. th. to be permitted to. To bring, to
To profess openly a religion, a ^— lead back a. o. to.
doctrine. I
To receive a. o. as a guest, in. ^_, s —
To allow a. th. ^iXL\ enter, to go in. To take >^ j\
fi> Yf^ ^
To fi>

To consider a. th. as usual and per- possession of.

mitted to all. To permit a. th. To be equal. IjiCi
To destroy (a tribe). fi^j s
— To take lodging in. A ''^^\ ^

Revelation of a secret. Permissions;!^!^ To kUl a man in order to com- & — \

to do anything. License. j
peasate for the murder of another.
Dissolute. Free-thinker. o_^Ct ^ 'J^i-X Tantamount. Equality. ^\'y

^ Radical (in politics). .

Blood for blood. Retaliation.^^ >\'y y^
Great quantity of water. ^jS ^ *i!i Home. Dwelling. Inn-ssll/^'ljlij iLyj SjC
Entrance-hall. j
Bountiful. sjCJI k_->-j
Sun. ^j/ j
To serve a. o. as a o>U!, o t-jC -Jf

Openly, publicly. ^\yi j

Revealer of a secret. t-^j !^Q I
To divide (a book) into fj » i_,y
Traitor. -^ Shameless, 'barefaced. I
chapters. -^ To direct a. o.
Allowed, declared lawful, com- J ^CJi \
To take a. o. for a door-keeper. 2fi_,^7
mon. To be used at will, at pleasure Gate, door. Chapter. oCoij kjl^Jl ^ ijC
by all. Article. Class.
To be weary. To abate ^y o ^G -S- j
The Sublime Porte. j!iJ| ^jC.)!
(heat), to remit (fever). To subside At random. Carelessly. Jt • ^ii i_,G

ganger Boundary, farthest end. oGG ^ *i![j

To die out (fire ). To be taintedtj^ — Kind, sort. Class. AVay. j\Iaking.
(meat). <> To lose its lustre, its dye, It suits you. iiiC ^» \1a
its glaze ( textile fabric ). Door-keeper, porter. oy^ji. ?- «-»'S?
To extinguish (fire), to appease* ^Cl F. -^ Main-gate. ij\y
(hatred). Door-keeping. po)'terage. xifji
Trouble, disturbance. ^y Melting-pot for xJ'iy < j i^y.j *^^y. P
To perish, to be !jiy_, s'jy o jC -K- goldsmiths. Crucible.
lost. To be void ( deed). To remain To examine, to^ cj(>'\j A O'jj o oC -^

uncultivated (ground). look for a. th. To scatter a. th.

To put a. 0. to trial. fi>j z j'cj\j jC • To rouse a. o. To take Sj a cjiXL[
To know a. th. by experience. out a. th.

( 1\
To become plump CkJ'j Gi>j i o iiC -S- To cause a. o. to perish.
(omaciatod person). Worthless fellow,
To stretch the hand in Gt^' o fh -ft- rogue.
order to ofler a. th. To make rapid I'ncultivated, waste land.
strides. Ruin, perdition.
To measure a. th. by the fi>
~ Hell.

fathom. Uncultivated soil.

To rush. p.CJl Wretch, forlorn man.

To inveigh against a. o. ji ^>UOi< — Lost, led astray, wayless.
To lower the price of... for J *^
~ Mullet, mugil. ^j \'y ^ '^j,^, Pk
a. o. Gudgeon. Whiting.
Fathom, measure of the two^ |^' ] ^ fi Bower, anchor. -i'jy n
arms extended. High rank. Bugle, trumpet. '4j,y. "^
Generous. Powerful. ^LJI Jj^l* A rush-mat. 'Gj^IjSlj^iP
Stingy. Unable. f.\J\ j\^ jl ji^ Mat-seller. s?Jl'j^
Toe-bone. p,^
He is a dunce. Ai.y_ ^ itjjT'o^ii V Falcon. Bird of prey.
To overcome. To equal n \i.'y' o ^.C -i^ Falconer. o'j?\'j' tAj^.j j^'^jS'-^
a. 0. Ice-cream. "i'jy.j jy. Ts
To boil (blood). ^^— Snout, muzzle. jy -^

To overcome a. o. W To be sullen, sulky. To frown, fy if-

Fine dust. Smell. Medley. Mob. '\i,yi to look angry, n To spoil a. th.
To peris!) Csj^'j (jy o 3\j ^ To kiss a. o. 5 C^ o u-l'i
(wealth). To be missed (th.). To make a. o. to kiss a. 0. jj ifc ^"y •<>•

To fall upon a. o. misfortune). 5 —

( or a. th To smack.

To ill-treat, to embezzle a. o. To Kiss. ^j-y

harm a. o. To mix. To vociferate. (z.'y o jXt -fr
To assault a. o. J*
~" To be noisy, disorderly (rabble).
To sound the bugle. J^' To assail o. a to come to ;
-^To tie or put a. th. into a bundle.* — blows.
To lie. i5^;J Mob, ( for J.\y\ ) ^Gjl ^ J-yi j.y
A calamity befell <3; b'^rfci* '^'^\ riotous assembly. Flock. Uproar.
them. Useless, vain. Vainly, in j.y Ts
Trumpet. cJ&y.j o^j 3\y} fr 3y. mere waste, to no purpose. Nonsense,
Bugle. Horn. bosh.
Indiscreet man.
To tell a JjiiO ^ To precede
escape from
a. 0.
a. 0.
To s i^y ^^G ^
Bugler. Jl^ To outrun the others (horse). ^"y
Shower. Calamity. 3'Js ^ xJy' To be gaudy, bright-coloured.
Bundle, bunch. Nosegay, olsil ^ *JQ Colour. Complexion.
Injustice. Calamity, di- JjJ}/' ^ *m}>
Buttocks. Thatch.
saster. Flat boat. Sailor.
To be fat (camel). vlfjj? o i)C ^ To i-ecover o.'s com- (jo'y Ji»ti -^

To be entangled (business). dsjj — plexion.

To mix and press in (a crowd), s — To stay in (a place).
To purchase or sell a. th. * — To sink into contempt (Jay O J»Ci

Big (camel). iii'j i^; ^ duG or misery.

First of all. 3'j/j x^^i wUO Jjl Crucible, -tf- Rose-shaped ia'y •Hi'y. P
To urine. J); ^j ,vu;j V>j o JC -ft- design on cloth.
C^.ljlj Ci'Sj^^j oCJlj Cjj^ t; C»i-i To cause a. o. to s JCS-Llj JCilj JjJ
House ; dwelling. Room, apartraeuts. discharge urine.
Household, family. Case. Strophe. Heart, mind, state. Attention. JG
Stanza. Verse- Boldness. Welfare. -^ Whale.
He is a man of S* W^hat is the matter with you? vU'jQ C»
<^^J^^ J*' o-J
good family. why?
Arsenal. ^>Ljl cJ? Attention, mindfulness. JCJI 'llitl^-^

Temple of AJ^^ <^b Jc?*" >^' Important, sei'ious affair. JC ji _^ 1

Mecca, the Caaba. Scent-bag. Bottle, phial. iJG Ps
Cobweb. ci^lfet.:.)! c4i Bale. -Is
Water-closet. •>i».JI c^j j 'liJI cii Postage-stamp. J^ ^^
Public treasury. JQI c^i Urine. Matrimony. Jl^i ^ J'ji
Food for one night. ii^ c4^ Offspring.
Jerusalem. i^!u4JI c^Illj ^-Jiii!! ciT Great abundance of m*ine. Dia- Jl^'
Small house, small room. c^c? betes.
Nightlj raid. oUJ Urinal. iJ^
Being by night. cJ if Owl. An owl. j»l>!'l JT "^^J A»? "^

Stale, (bread, food ). CyiJj C^,^ To surpass a. o. in C^f S o c/d.-H-

Shelter for the night. z^ virtue, merit.

To sijojj l^^^j l^'^j *^ i ^Ij ^ Tree producing nutmeg.s. xJGj oQ
cease, to finish. To perish, to be lost. Egyptian willow.
To set (sun). iS^' — Interval. Difference. Distance, o'jjj oy.
To cause a. o. to perish; to Aj &'
i'oj Merit virtue.
destroy, to annihilate a. o. or a. th. Tenth Coptic month : Jime. Tj/jj Ce
except that. On account o1 'j^.
If not, To remember, to J Cjlij Cj>JjJ a o «G. -^^
However, besides.
of. understand. To think of.

Dangerous desert, oljl-ujj -x^. ?r ''^ Matrimony. «Q

Perishing, perishable. aJlJ Court-yard. ** G
Foot-soldier. Infantry. siCj ^ I!?iCj Ps Curse. Malediction. ay
Ale, beer. ;3jj Is Hawk. Owl. ejj

To raise o.'s self above CL' i CrQ ^^ Owl. Fool, stupid. W^ool (before x»y^
(people) and oppress them. it is soaked in the inkstand). 5ce tsJ,-

tf- hole in the jiij — jij -^

To make a To act in the same way UT 5 i jy, -^
earth in order to plant a tree. as another.
To beautify (a. o.'s face) God. *— Imitation. Counterfeiting. jyi
Wolf's bane, aconite. ^ Varnish, blacking. Cjj Ts
Misfortune. Confusion. ,jiu.j j ^'^. ^ Shoe-black. jtU^ ^^
Strait, distress. Conduit, sink-hole of a tank." ,^ -H-
He was ^^_ i>»c^.> u^d' u^ ^ /^J To spend Ou^j ^~ir^J '-^.^^J i*^*^ "^ ^
involved in a hopeless affair. the night. To marry
To lay eggs (hen). CalJ i ^j^'C -^ To spend the night at o.'s. oIp j| i_> —
To exceed a. o. in white- ts
— To be busy about a. th. during a c4i
ness. the night. To build a house. To
To remain in (a place). o— brood over (a design).
To bleach. To tin. a. th. * j<a!j To attack the enemy by night. jiu5l -
<• To copy fair. To whitewash (a To let a. 0. spend the s Cid.h —
house). night.
May God cheer him. i^al j i| jai' To prepare provisions for
To be bleached.-^To be copied fair.yia!5 one night.
( \ )
To exhibit, to offer for sale To put on an iron helmet. c^liT
(goods). To destroy (a tribe). j —
To draw up a contract. To agree ^Cj To be white, to get white. t/a^[
on a. th. Whiteness. Milk. -^ Milk-food j^g
To be sold. To find a ready ^ci (butter, cheese, eggs). -^ Albugo.
market (goods). White of eggs.
To buy a. th. of. To pur- ^a * j.6'1 White of the eye.
chase. Day-light.
To try to buy a. th. from a. o.a » fXXL{ Good character.
Sale or purchase. Investiture tXjj ^ The whole day.
of a calipb, king. Eggs.
Church. Jewish olij> j f^^^r **c>.
^ An egg,. Heart. Middle- cjii>-j ^ *-o-j
synagogue. part. Helmet of iron. Testicle.
Wares. Goods things ; oIpQ ^ *pUj Cock's egg {said of a. th. ^^a)l ^h'1
offered for sale. impossible to be got).
Seller of, dealer in. :ui5 ^ ^'15 The foremost man of a place.jDI t^j
The two transactors (purcha- oUCJI Woman. jj^\ ;^i;
ser and seller). Oval, egg-shaped. -^a^
Seller, buyer. .Ujlj 'Ul ^ ,iX^' Whiteness. zS\,'j
Merchant, seller. j ^ p._^/_, y.Uj Egg-seller. -^ White clay. jatj
Deed of sale. Crowning of a *iil->»

king, a caUph. Bringing forth eggs, oviparous.

Sold. Mart, market. f,^ Good layer (hen). loCj
Offered for sale. Saleable. ^.iii White. Whiter, ja-.; ^ -Ua^: ^ ^^1
Bought. Buyer. ^lili Sword.
To perish. CCj' i
lU «- Happy days. j^\ _^CVl
Major, officer commanding -j_g,CiCo Ts Moon-lighted nights. ja~i\ JCJ]!
1000 men. Wheat. Sim. Paper.
Silver. >Uill!l

Hospital. Lunatic asylum, o^j Vi-o P He has not Mi^Vj *Uj1/ IJS %j \a

To be sepa- ^ ^^j Cjijj t^ \ o^ ^ returned to me any answer whe-

rated, far away, remote from. ther good or bad ( lit. black or
To be married (girl). — white) prov.
To be clear, obvious. To CllLJ j ^^i ~ The first gleam of dawn. |_ij:j*VI Jal»-JI

appear, to be within sight. Milk and water. oUaliVI

To be divorced (woman). ojJ Sudden death. jai:vi o>iJI
To come forth, to appear. ^^ b ~ Beneficence. Power. Favour, »1.5»1DI jOI
To give a. o. in marriage. » oQb ~ merit, glory.
To separate a. o. To mani- a oij'b ~ The white race ( ob_^l -ua ) oU»;-!l
fest. To explain a. th. opp. to the black.
To part fi'om, to forsake a. o. s ci^j. Washing. Tinning. Fair copy. ja-J^J
To set a. o. apart. fitj s ';JCi^ qC\ Copier. Tinner. Fuller. Bleacher.^^paili
To pronounce distinctly. To declare To trade. A s \^j v'<Jr ^.C ^ i

a. th. To buy or to sell a. th. to a. o.

To b3 clear, easily understood, ojlj To sell a. th. to a. o., to make a 5 ^ijIj
To appear. contract, a covenant with a. o.
To make a. th. clear, obvious. — To acknowledge a. o. as a
fi^ ^5—
To explain. To undei-stand a. th. chief.
To be dissimilar, unlike. To ^u He was recognized as :cj>UJIj iJ ^:y.
contrast. CaUph
Clear, evident, manifest. o\Jj 6,^. To be clear, manifest. ij\XL\
Obvious, clear. »lii;l ^ cAJ To recognize a. th. as evident. A—
Eloquent, expres-»u;.'_j o^.h '\^.'\
— To manifest a. th.
sing himself clearly. INIeeting or separation. Tie. Inter- ov
Evidence, clear proof, ar-cJ^. « *^ val. Difference.

gument. Witness, precise testimony. Friendship, concord. Enmity, op I c»li

Clearer. vlnJ 1 Between, amongst, in the midst of. J^
Explaining clearly. Clear, beyond ^u/J Before him, in his presence. vCu cnJ
doubt, obvious. Meanwhile. dlj'i ov

Parting. Contrast. Difference ^\^ Equally distant from the o.^j ojj

Detween two things. extreme points, average. Middling.

Relation of two numbers ^ijCo — Amongst, between them. ^4-^ U-.?
that cannot have any other com- When, whilst, whUe, as. CoJj UJi;
mon diviser but a unit. Contradic- Tract of land. Boundaiy. o^lJ ^ ojj
tion. Separation,
The iirperial Ante- -j,iU4)l ovijl < Tract of land. Division between o^
chamber, two lands.
God keep you. God .Ciil ilLJ — ^j -W- Declaration. Explanation. Ar-^Cj
help you. gument. Rhetoric. Clear meaning
Unknown man ; oUj cr uU*j % Cf If of a word.
M'' so and so. Explanation, clear demonstration. cnJj
Firman ,j?'J)j'^ -^j ^-^'ji'i J 4^jy^.
^^ Evidence. Clear explanation. jCiJ
of the Sultan. Interstice, interval, gap. jj^
Divorced woman. Deep well. ^ ij

e C )

To lose a. o. s — 1° Pronoun postfixed to the verbs o

To utter the cui-so ! « Woe to s ^JlJ; at the first and second as well as
thee » To destroy a. o.
! the third fmninine person of the past
To weaken, to enervate a. o. a U] C-'Vii cJUs c.'U' •

To be set in orclor, to hi in 1,1.5-1.1, 2'* Particle prefixed to the verbs at the

a fair way (affair). To be trodden second person as well as the third
(road). feminine of the future^;^ cnliij ^ir. , ,

Weakness, deficiency. Loss.^iij ^_,Ci 3" Particle used in swearing.

Woe, loss, damage. zpj tJi By God, I swear by God. ^\j
Woe to thee !Mayest thou dvl fi To stutter in pro- tt'tj oG C CC -ft-

perish nouncing the T. To crawl (child).

Old man. Aged. -Ct j. 'ui Stammering. -itv,

Set in order, strengthened. L,iil;J To scold a. o, z ijiT a jc ^

Coffin, wooden case. c-y'^J r <->yf>
"^ To strike a. o. with. v_) » -
Ark of the covenant. To look steadfastly Jl.j fi>j 5 IjXil j^'^
To perish. ilnJ o J^j llnJ a -n7i , -i}- at ; to stare at.
To ruin, to lose, to destroy *j s
a. o. or a. th. To smash, to crumble
^ Time [in regard
to repetition).
JJ,j Jy.j Cj\jt tt »3^^

a. th. Sometimes, now ... then. 'ij<i...''i'jKi

Ruin, perdition. JC~, Fresh, tender. o'ytj \''Jj

Gold, silver-sand or particle. jp To be filled up (vessel). CjIj a ji.j -ft^

Native ore. To sob (child). To be filled with

A gold or silver particle. sVh anger, prone to evil (man).
Perishing. Deficient. jjj,i Irascibility, hot temper. xSt
To follow 5 tCj \J; a ^i -»-
;i:;|j , SfilTj Passionate hot-headed.; J"L>j jpJ
a. 0., to come with. To imitate, to Fiery (horse).
obay a. o. To be the follower of. To be twin-born *j » yc — ^Ij -H-
To prosecute (an affair). t 'j ^ — with a. 0. To weave (a stuff) with
To pursue unremittingly. To fi>j s
follow the scent of, to track a. o.
^ double threads. To fetch two runs
To follow a. 0. jc 5 (s.\:ij ii3\si fit To give birth to twins \AJ\ J\S\
(in his opinions). (woman).
To fulfil a. th. ; to carry on, to *— Twin-born. jr^i j^'yJ jfi.
get through. To trace back (a Twin. j^Xy yr "i^'^'y ^
j^Vy} y\'y
tradition) to its source. Twin (thing). Match, fellow of a —
To make a. o. or a. th. to a Aij 5 s fJi\ pau".
follow another. To put a. th. next to. Bringing forth twins _j\i'^ ^ J^Ja
To prosecute ; to attain. To *j 5 — ( female ).

overtake a. o. or a. th. Woven of two threads JXj:^ t_i^'l

To observe a. th. in its ^VLj fi> (garment).

growth. To study thoi'oughly (a To cut off, to curtail * Lj a li -ft-

science). To make repeated endea- a. th.

vours. To ask consecutively, to exa- To perish, to be CJ^j (A'^j CiJij Ui —
mine successively a. th. lost. To suffer loss.
I )
Weakened, eneinated. To come one after the other, to fi\sj
Mad. ari'ive successively.
To feed (an animal) To ask a. o. to follow; to »^I3J,|,
with, straw. get a. o. to follow.
To be intelligent, prudent. CaJ a Ci§ Follower. < Be- f,Cj1 ^ (5. and pi.) ^,
To gather straw in a granary. u>J longing to property of. Subject of

To put on small di'awers. ojJl a power.

Straw. Lai'ge cup. oL? Consequence, result of oU-j *i-j ,-.

Straw. 4^1^ a good or bad action. Chastisement.

Intelligence. :;Cj Prosecution.
Breeches of sailors, wrestlers. oCi P Surname of the ancient ^ijD ^ ,li
A straw barn, heap of rjtjj oo- kings of Yemen.
straw. Sequel, issue. Penalty, o\sKZ, ^ liCl
Dealer in straw. o£j chastisement.
Straw-coloured '>s^'i '^Jr^-i ^^ Nationality. :^7
(garment, beast). Following, in succession, "C^Wj -^

if- The milky ;ji1!!I :j4-- dj ;5Li!l v_.»ji at the heels of.

way. Follower, attendant. Yotary.^Cj ^ ^^t

To make a raid.
Tartars (nation ).
o Co
-J:}- Creditor. Debtor.
Helper, ^'jj
i^] ^ ^
-S- rj\^j tXp, 9- *^if' j» ^*jj
A tartar. -^ Courier, postman, j;^ Adept. Votary. Zealot. Fellower of
Smokiug,-tobacco oti Ts women.
^"b .^b ^Ijj ej^j I.S?'" o

To trade, to ba in business.
^j -tt- Following, ^Cij ^,y^j
coming next. Follower, domestic
x^j ^^ ^\j
Trade, mercantile affairs, ba- Sjl?J vant. {Gram.) Appositive.
siness. Female attendant, foUower.^ji^ ^ xiy6
Mex'chant, commercialjib^j ji^^ ^ ^^ij Consequence, issue.
man, dealer, trader. Wine-mei"- Imitative pleonasm used for ^Cil
chant. corroborating a word as J^£;,f^iJ'
Tradeswoman. Mei'- jf.\'Ji ^ %^y,
chantable (goods). Successively, one after the /j^So.
Provost of merchants. j^ ^^ Pe other, in turn.
Goods, merchandise. ^is; ^ _,i> Uninterrupted, successive. Uni- ^iriJ
Commercial. Is^^cj^ form, symmetrical.
Market. Trading countiy. «^> Followed. Obeyed. Sovereign. ^.^^
Befoi'e, in front of. {See *>j) oi^ -8- Antecedent of an appositive.
Opposite to thee. dlAliJ Smoking-tobacco. ^; P
Under, beneath. Below. ^7 -$:{- To show hostility to. 5 SLj i ^'Jj -S-

Men of the lowest class. Cjy>3\ To weaken. To make sick, 5 J^j^

Inferior. Situated underneath. 'J t^j to bewilder a. 0. (love). To destroy
Scaffold, shop-counter. J.y I'iu Ts a. 0.
Movement. ^i^7 -^ To season (a dish). .^ jj^j jlj
To present a. o. ^ i jiijl - ^i>j -}^ Illness. Weakness. J^_, Jcj'i ^ j^
with a very precious gift. Hatred. Revenge.
Any nne, ^;>s7j wiSj ^ XiiJj XisJ Seasoning.
rare, and precious object. Master- Pickle, spices. ^y'^, ^ jj Cj jjc
piece. Gift. Present. To season (a dish). ^ j;'^7 -^
Museum. j^\ jiSj ,j^ Dross of iron, copper. Jvi^ P
To shade (a stuff). a CU»j o ^i -^ Seasoned (food). j^
« )
Architect's strinj^. J^
I will set you right. jaU Jt w^i^i Black colom". Black.
Fat. Solitary. Tall. sja j, jC To become sour; to *i^ o'-pv -H-

Lustiness. Sjll; transform into leaven ( paste).

Boy. jj;;jl To b3 moistened too much (dough,

To chatter, -tf- To utter idle Jj ^ mud). •<> To be worm-eaten (wood).
words. To render sour. To leaven (the fi> %c\
To shake, to stir a. o. » — dough).
To be shaken, bustled. Jjti Sesame-dregs. Leavened paste. Vo
-^ Mill-clack. jCJ? ^ Rotten part (of a tree). ^\au
Talkativeness. Hurry, shock. sj^^ Loathing food (man). '^\~,

Misfortunes, bad circumstances. j\'y To stammer. -< To be rotten, -^ i^

To be full of earth C jv^^j C'jp a fc_»y -U- worm-eaten.
To have
(place). dust in the hands To be bruised by a blow ;ick:J o

To be destitute. (man).
To be rich. To be des- v'J'J vt^ Stammering. Inarticulate xS^iJ
titute. sound.
<fTo become dust (corpse). To i_,^' Fat (man). r-.;i..i» n

assume an earth-like appearance. Stammerer. Foreigner having a ^\ilc>

He sank from wealth ^'y\ C* juJ ^"ji bad Arabic pronunciation.
into destitution. Bedstead. Throne, cjjU) ?- P c^
To soil a. o. with dust. A t_>'jb ^''S sofa-bed. Seai. Ward-robe, n Mee-
To cover with earth. To throw ting-place. Music-hall.
earth upon a. th. To spriukle (a To make a ceiling. To board cXj
letter) with sand. (a room). To sit on a soft bed.
To be contemporary, coeval, 5 iSjt Litter. Palanquin. objAkt} oljj cXi P
friend of a. o. Capital of a kingdom. clUi-il ck;
To be soiled with earth. To ,SAj Gallery, raised platform. cJf-J:^ -^

crumble to dust. To take. ( See S>\ . for ii-ji ) ijj -H-

Contemporai'y. Fi'iend. UsjS ^ *_)];, Dolphin. ,jJ^ -ii-

Companion. Match. To set boundaries, fi, CM; i ^ij -H-

i-jlSn-~j ^'j^i Vj^J ^j' to settle the limits of.

v^v"-' ^'>'-' ;
Earth, dust.
Destitute. Full of earth.
oIj^j "4 Jj*'
-x <-/jy}
To have an
( for ^iji ) i'^j a ^
A piece of land. SjI^j To confine, to border upon fi> ^cl
Earth. Terrestrial globe. n'/j a. th.
Earth. Grave-yard. Tomb, ^y t ^'J To cause an indigestion to. 2^ ^\
Dusty (place). Bringing *^J ^ ^J Land-mark, limit, jt^iS t j^jJ ,«^5
duat (wind). Soiled with dust. boundaries, Irorders.
Thlaspi, leguminous ,ujj <-j.J Indigestion, ^i-fj cX>lt ^ Ci-ij "CJib

plant. Heavy, indigestible food. X^vC^

End of the fingers, Cj\j.J ?-
~ Suffering from an indigestion.^^.> ()
Grave diggers, navvies. *l;i3^ ° To be severed (bone). \j/jijfj o'l^J^
Breast upper-part of
^j/j ^ "Ci^J To go away. To retire apart — ^
the breast. Ribs. from.
Poverty, destitution. o'jii To become fat, fleshy ZjV/ & "jj —
Bolt of a door. <j"^.y, ° and fresh.
Inheritance. ( See cjjj ) . dj\'J
-^ To drive a. 0. away. To cut Sj A y
To be veiled, concealed. (».'j o ^'j -i^ off a. th.
Arsenal. i'lik^^j sJC^ Ts 1 To find difficultiesin jp ^'j a t^
To be wicked, stingy. (i.^ a J^J -H^ (a science).
Wicked, stingy. Place full of lions. _*5
J-jp/j-J \

To be straightened, ^3\y o o^'Ji ^ \

Large lemon. Citron. .^Sj \j ru'jij '^'Ji I

fastened. !
Muscular. '^fJ.J
To straighten, to fasten fi> o''Ji\j tj^'y To interpret, to Jl.. . .^s^ fi^
^ jp ^
a. tli. To rectify (the weight in a translate from one language to
balance). an other.
Right, accurate (ba- To write the biography of. » —
lance). Strong, hardy. Interpretation, transla- ^>l^' ^ Si^J
To rush into peril. To \t'Ji a f.Ji
-^ tion. Biography.
be filled (vessel). Introduction. Preface of a v^^'^'
To close (a door). * f-Ji
To fill up (a vessel). The Septuagint. ^^is-^' ^In)l
To hasten to do (evil). Interpreter, j^\'j} k^XJ rr Ci\^^'J
To bf full (vessel). dragoman.
Door. Flood-gate. Flight Interpreter. Biographer. ^-^
of stairs. Channel between two Interpreted, translated. Dubious.^^
seas. Canal of irrigation. Mouth of To be grieved, ^l>Vij (>-'j a ^J -»• ,

a streain. Garden. afflicted.

Sappy (plants). Prone to evil,
py To sadden, to grieve a. o. s ^'J'\j ^"J
mischievous. Light-minded. Sadness, sorrow. ^ijil ^ ^j
Ordnance survey. ^j \'y ^ ^.jji a Scanty (stream). Painful (life). ^'J\j>

Door-keeper. f.\y To scarify (cupper). 6.^ a ^-'j

Flooding a valley (stream). f.'J'\j

— Slight incision on the skin. ^Ji
To lead a delicate hfe. (Sj a sjji -S- To be ijj^j Vjj a jj>3 q\ jS ^
To be luxuriant (plant). thick, hard, dry.
To effeminate, to render a <Sy\j o^j To freeze (water). \jj, a jy
a. 0. inordinate, (pleasures). To per- To harden, to dessicate a. th. jfc
severe in a. th. Sudden death. j\'j
To behave inordinately. Jjfe-Ll. Dead, dried up. Hard and thick, jjt
Effeminacy. Well-being. ^'J,
Scales, balance. tijj^^ Pe
Wealth. Welfare. Relish. ~Sji a To fill a (vessel). o ^j-y -H-

Comfortable, easy (life). .Ju^jj yjj> To provide a. o. with a 5 ^"j

Ungrateful, given to >S^j SjC^ shield.
excess, softened by delights. Delicate To arm o.'s self with a tr-jtij

(boy). shield. To protect o.'s self with.
Truffle. j''^i'jii w'^'jl <f
To hit a man on the collar- i j'J ^ Shield. Disk (of the sun).
bone. •^The reverse, the wrong way.^lnJO Ts
Clavicle, coUai'-bone. jr Libertine. ^^-^j Ts
Theriac, antidote. Treacle tJ^>- JG Art of making shields. <^\y
Wine. Shield-bearer. ^\yj >j-'jti

To for- *_, 5 iTy ClTj^j (is'J

Ij , i'J -II- Shield-maker, n Hirer of donkeys.^^1^7
sake a. o., to abandon, to leave oft'.. Wooden bar. a^jjc^'^ -r *-^Cnf j ^j-'J^,
To give up a. th. To neglect, to omit Intrenchment, ram- (ju ^j ^ «j-l^
a. th. part, bulwark. Barricade.
To bequeath a. th. to a. o, J A— To intrench themselves ^rJw -^

To forsake, to j ^\'Jlj Lr^ui iJjC (army).

C eV )

To hi languid. i\j u o JiT -fr dismiss a. o. To let a. o quiet. To

To vomit. grant a truce to a. o.
Languor. Vomiting. «;j '^ To agree on leaving a. th.
To compel a. o. to do
a. th.
To ill-treat, to shake
s ^ -ft- Forsaking, abandonment.
Turk. ii\'f\ ^^
a. To make a. o. to stammer
0. A Tuik. Turkish, Turki.^h •<fj
(confusion), a To pull out (a tooth. language.
a stone). Heirloom, inheritance, *Jyj lijj
To sink down in the sand ^'^ bequest.
(beast). Branch stripped of its dates. dhj
To reiterate words. To be ^iV&OI J— Middle-aged unmarried ^
(J, ^ "ii^ij^
unable to express o\s self. Avoman. Empty egg. Water left by
To be tired, exhausted. \^, a ^^ -^ a torrent. Iron helmet.
To exhaust a. o. i — Truce. ill^jj xJ'Jcj'

To weary, to tire a. o. fi^j » ^\ Turkmans. '^i ^^yj oU^^ T

To break (a bone) anew. To fill (a Leathern socks. <i4^ Ts
vessel). To appoint a time, a term J fi> j,*ji -^
Weariness, toil, fatigue. ^\^S ^ ,_J5 to a. o.

Tired, fatigued. oCJij w.«j <) Appointed time. Ter-^l^'l ,,, ^'ji Fs
Fees. v_,Un a mination.
Fatigue. Toil. ^\-;, ^ •C.iij ^'^'^ To withdraw from fight.
Place and cause of fatigue. Lupine (kitchen-plant). Gs
Toilsome (work), tiring, ,_^iJ Underground passage.
Fatigued. Worn out vJ"-'" "^J v"^ Persian manna. P
by care, remorse or sorrow. To busy o.'s self about tftjj a »J: ^
To ci-y out, to vociferate. \'jz a J^) ^ trifles. To utter idle words.

Bleeding abundantly (wound). jCj Desert. Trifle. PI. cJ^j~> t **!»'

To pei'ish. To stumble. CLi7 a ^J-^ ^ Clouds. Misfortunes.
To render unhappy. To j j^-if 1j (_^; Bridle, rein. o^Sjij ca^'jI Ts
destroy a. o. (God). To be the ninth. CLj a ^1j -K- i

Evil, unhappiness. Loss. x^i«^j ^; To take ths ninth part of. To fitj i —
ill-luck. make a. th. nine.
Stumble. Fall.
'uhappy, miserable,
xLm To become nine in number.
^ 1

I ^j-i^i ^j^> ^^ ^ xilj

wretched. Stumbling (horse). The ninth, ninth part.f,Llit ^ flhj /^
Stumbling-block, ill-luck. ii;^ Ninth. ^'
To conceal laughter. To speak 0; ^ Nineteen. S,lrlfr ^^
confusedly from want of teeth (old Nineteenth.
man). Ninety. Ninetieth.
To perish. v'-i; a ^0 -^ Nine and nine.
To cause the
lose, to /bj ^ ^,\ Compound of nine,
loss of a. o. or a. th. No vena.
Destruction. Dearth. Hunger. ^f, Woven of nine threads (rope). f.jLiJ^
Filth. Slipper, sandal, X'j^X' <
Ugly, hideous.
To burst with rain
^ shoe.
j,:r^\'/ -r

|j^ a _^j -J1- October. Jjvi ct^, Ch

(cloud). November. j u)l cc^^j^ Ch
To spurt from a vein (blood). |^ — Autumn. Mulberry leaves Ci j ll5 -^
To burst out (skin). gathered in October and November.

( OA )
To improve a. th. To set in 4> ^ijl i
To boil (pot). ^ Ci>7>:
good oi'der; to dispose with art. To -^ To spit (blood), a To 5; a L^ -ft-

arrange, to settle, to fasten a. th. spit. To di'ivel in speaking.

To bring to pei'fection. To show contempt by the ^;|j
To study (a science) tho- J^\ ^\ word : lij, fie, tush
roughly. Dirt under the nails.
Inborn disposition. Sedi- ouJt^ J^l Fie! For shame!
ment of water. Slime of a well. Opportunity.
Skilfiil, clever (man). jijj j£j. Trifles. Rubbish.
Perfection (of a work). xJilj To be angry. U-j a ^j -S-

Steadfastness. Improvement (of oiiil Seasonable time.

a work). I
To leave off the care
Strong. Perfect. Finished,:yi;> <fj j!cj> of o.'s body, to become dirty.
up, improved. To stain (a place) with blood.
A cX5
Seejj. { for ^\ ) i a Jj -a- Dirt. cJJ
To iear, to honour ( God ). To guard Apple. Apple-tree. ^(^ ^ ^u7 -«
An apple. The haunch-bone. :ci \£
To sow (corn-seeds). ij a Apple-grove. xiui?
Fat (man).
ji~A a
° To bud, to put
forth shoots (tree).
^ <-j jijl
— JtJ -»•

To cut, to tread upon,

To load
fi> ^ o"'^ -^ Sloven. Filthy (man). o\'Juj j^i J^
to crush a. th. n (a gun). Dimple on the upper- s^Tj IjtJj "i'Jth

To inebriate a. o. (wine). — s \

To be meagre, weak- ij^ — i


Buds. Sprout. Carbuncled sj^il,' -i)-^ »'_jZ

minded. I
To slip a i"unning-]ace into ^_, ^%s.[ To spit (a fine saliva). "^ o i jij -^
(trousers). To leave off the use of >u: a J.^
Small coin of about a 2X1 ji ]j 'cU? <>• perfume and smell bad. To perfume
half-penny. o'.s self. To have a foul odour.
Trousers-band. di -^j dX^_ ^ Xi^l To make (odour) to be bad. fi> ^}£^

Second of time. oi4j ^ <ii; -^ Spittle of fine saliva. Foam JCcj j^

Monastery of dervishes. :Ufe«5j *^ Te (of the sea).
Bodkin. 2Af^ lU-smelling, unperfu- Ju>j iLj; ^ J^
To trample a. th. under fi> dvrfej -{f med.
foot and break it. d To boil fiercely Spittoon. ;u^
(cooking-pot). To shiver from cold Fox. Diy grass. ji^, ji^j
or fever. Gun, musket. ^Cfeiiij Ts

Ticking of a watch. xSiii=d Musketeer, rifleman. "^^

To trust in, to ( for jfeji ) j^j ^ i be \»j2j *aUjj ^4ajj V^ij a *4' "^
rely upon. See jSj. small, mean, little, stupid. To be
To throw a. o. down. Aj 5 Sc o ^ -{^ tasteless (food).
To lead (a beast) behind o.'s back. To make a paltiy gift, -liiil J i^ijl
n To hft, to carry a weight. To •<>• Tastelessness of a dish. jiCo
fill (a jar). Tasteless (food). Veiy small, oCj oS
To let down (a rope) in (a well), j A - little.

To charge a. o. -uith a »^ xiii ii; Badger (animal). Jj

foul deed. Coriander-seed. Caraway-seed, soi? -ft-

To fall do^vn. To leak (tank), y: i o — To fatten (a laud) A — ^^ ^^ -ft-

To exude (sweat). yo [
— by watering it with muddy water.
A j; ( o^ )

To destroy, to lose, a. o. Aj 5 ^1 To beseech a. 0.To throw Jl^ 'J;

To ruin, to spoil a. th. a. th. to a. o. To let down (a bucket
Destruction. Unavenged (blood- jiC in a well).
shed). To tie (a beast) and drive *j s 'ji'\

In a desperate state (sick ^'i!)| JC> J it. To make (a liquid) to drop.

pers.). Hill of rubbish. Jyjij Jyijj ^yj ^ 'Ji

A loss, a waste. :cLi7 Pillow, a Ruins.

Dying (sick pers.). Worn out oUU •• Way of lying down. Laziness. :a7j £c
(knife). Neck. j;!>Cj jijj £li1 ^ J-17
Spoiler, destroyer. j^7 Strong (man). Erect (spear). ^c/.
Spoiling, ruining. ^H To shake a. th. violently, jfjj fi, ^
Lavishsr. Spendthrift. o!A£* To drive (a beast) vehemently.
Lost. Wasted. o^Ui Vj ^'ifi To be in a good state ZJ^ — ^"JG J ^
Dangerous spot. Desert. ixi-Hj ^^i (business, road).
(/". o/'ili'i)di;vyi 5^ »ilU7j dinj i.. dUi -» Perdition, loss. ,^G
This, that. May he perish! ij Ci;
To furrow a. th. ^ J^ "^ Ass, she-ass one year ^yf' rr ^'P
Furrow of the ploughshare.^^C ^ 1
^ old. Cub of the fox.
Help-boy. Jeweller. j,yj^ ^ Ji To be home-born, long iSjiJ i o ja* -S-

Brazen-faced, shameless. ^ *>j n in possession (cattle, slave etc.).

To take a. 0. as a disciple, s j:js ^ To stay, to dwell in a ^ a alu —

To become the disciple J ii'lfJ_, XjJ place.
of a. o. To gather property. aC
Pupil, disciple, {jj^y^j j^yc ^ JLUJ S To possess i^roperty by inheri- A aul
student. -^Penitent (of a confessor). tance. To acquire home-born pro-
To perish. To be asto- i^, a *$ ^ perty.
nished. Heredi- ji,\'f, ^ aJ Uj , i^; j -U;j ^^'i -^
To forget a. th. . cj /b — tary, long-possessed goods. H^me-
To destroy a. 0. (man, sickness). 2^ aTcI born slaves, cattle.
To follow. To walk 5 I^JC !Aj -«- Hereditary, or acquired whenjliij aX
behind a. 0., to imitate a. o. young (cattle, slaves). Child.
To leave off, to forsake a. th. ^— Original possessor of a th. alii
To read (a book) .To recite a 'ij^, - Palm-leaves ^ii ^ ^^ - ,jSJ ^
a. th. basket. Portfoho.
To remain (debt, time). Jjj
To follow a. 0. To ask (the ij
a^l_j To erect, to lift the head CJj a ^6 -Jf
(pers., gazelle).
remnant) of a debt. To make a su- To break (day). tji; —
pererogatory prayer. To accomplish To be long (neck). To \s.%j Ca7 a ;i^
(a vow), To draw (water). To fill
-tf- be filled (vessel).
(a jar). To stretch the neck 4=J_j ;Jii:J) fi 1

To make a. 0. to follow an- n li'l and raise the head.


other. Length of the neck. ;il7

To precede a. 0. To put off the 5 — Height. Stream oUiJj iiti j;5U ^ X^t
payment of a debt. coming down a valley.
To transfer a debt from one Jt 5 — Long-necked, tall (man, ^t b f;C
to another. steed) Of high rank.
To follow, to prosecute. To »j s Jtzi Erecting his head. ^Si
seek to obtain a. th. To perish. To be spoiled. i»^ a wii; -^
To come consecutively. Ju:_i To be worn out, wasted.
C "x
Near to bring forth, (female). -^ To aska. o. to follow a. th.A s jiX." i.

Full moon. To look for a. o. s —

To mispronounce, to stammer. ^^ ^ Protection. Neighbourhood. »>c
Stammerer. i^ti.^ > >«Ouj Reading. Recital. sj^
To feed a. o. -with s J^j \y^ o J^ ^ Follower, adept, votary. ^7
dates. Young one following his 'Scl ^y;
To dry (dates). A J^ mother. Trace, footstep. Consequent.
To biar many dates (palm- j^\ Corollary.
tx'ee). To have a large stock of dates Following. Con- ^ z2i
(man). sequence.
To be hard, stiff (spear, staff), j^^ Hinder parts. Rumps, tail of a
Dry dates. Dates of o\'J^j ^^> -r J^ horse. Posteriors.
all sorts. Then. At the end. Afterwards.
Tamarind. ^oift J^ Consequently. At last.
A dafe. cXJ^ r '"'J^
Residue of a debt. Remainder luCj ef^
Knot at the end of a whip. — of time.
Fond of dates. Relating to dates. j:_,. Relieving a. 0. in singing. Ju:>J
Full of dates To be ':u,\:Jj Cj i
C'\^j C-V^'j"^ Uo v
Dealer in dates. complete, accomplished. To be elap-
Nursing of the sick sed (month).
Hospital servant. To achieve, to accomplish. Jt jl v ~"
July. To execute (an order). To persevere
To gather, to collect * Ci in a. th.
a. th. To aim at, to repair towards. J{ —
To be high
(camel's hump).
i.f^j ^c^cji \o^'<^
To be fully-develo-
^ To finish, to fulfil. To im- fij s
prove a. th. To put an amulet upon
ped, tall, big (camel). (a child).
To fatten (cattle).
Camel's hump. Tall, fat <tXA'^ ^ dl^g
j< vXj '\
To give the finishing stroke
to (a wounded man).
hump). Lofty (building). To attain full growth. To be full
'J ]

Basis. j;= a (moon). To be near to bring forth.

Betel, a pepper-plant. J^HT, J^A: To complete. To perform a. th. — fi>

Compound used for chewing. To be completed. To come one >U;J

To be altered i»Uij i^ a '<^, «- and all.

(food). To ask a. o. to complete fi> ^rj-l^

To compare things ^ ;^^ —^ -S- (a favour).
together. End. Term. Comple- li^jj 'Jj iJlj ^
To be remote. tjl tion,complement.
To stunt (a child ; sickness). j — Mouth.
He is still sitting, ^\j. ii: j^-G 'Jj a Spade. Hatchet. Full moon.
going. Performance. Completion. Full
Similar. Equal. Companion. 'j; moon.
Tunny (fish). ^^ The longest night of the year. ^1^3 1 :11)

Enormous snake. Draco oyjci ^ c^I^ Completely, entirely. ^liSv^j C-lv

(const.). Sea-monster. ^Vater-spout. Remainder. Supplement. i/ii;^

To inhabit (a ^ \tji~ a \lj! -« Complement, supplement. :i^

country). i
Name of a tribe. Strong, tall. ^^^
Having a fixed abode. .£i ^ *j C 1
Amulet. oU-^j v7i^ w ^i^y
Rich. '
Perfect ; entire, complete. *>a j, >^j
\ ) wJj»

a First Coptic month September.

: Tobacco smoked in the nar- iiUj P
Rapsberry. ° ghileh.
*X)-^ '^y
Strawberry. j^'J CjJ) <-j ^i>j\ cjj> ° Cone-bearing fir.
^y^ ^
^^'ilcl mulberry. Rapsberry." jj.li)l c^jt

Tutty. Sulphate of zinc •U5>j Cj4> Short. Dwarf. -^ Effeminate. Lazy.

used as collyrium. Betel. ^^^
Zinc. Antimony. To stop o
^iL^j ^13 li^i , ^.:j -H-

To put on a crown. G-y o rr^> -fi- in (a place', to inhabit it.

To crown a. o. 5 ^"Ji To have an indigestion. I'ijJ a -rci
To hi ero^vnod. To be made r^^ A circular earthen j^y^ ^ ^yij -Jt-

a prince. oveu.
Wearing a crown. 9r>->'J t^j,^ Unslit dress. Petticoat. :u J jijj Sj^J-^-
Crown. Miti'e. Turban. cS»i^, -r t^ Desert. wj«j,0
' j^ *^>5Jj
" xV^ ^
Bronze. rr^yj -ry Tk Tin-plate. dl:J Ts
To befall a. o. (event). J G._^ o ^C -^ Tinman. Tinker. '^^
To hi prepai'ed for a. o. (th.). Tree of the desert. _^yj -M-

To dip into a soft li^j ^'y o ^t -^ Turnsol, heliotrope. j,y.h P

substance (finger). To repeat idle talks. «:4^ -S-

To How (water). \yp o jt ^ Impediment in speech. ^i^^J

To repeat (an action). * %'jt\ 'jA Nonsense, false, vain, (actions, ^"i^
To look intently at. Jl, — words).
N. of ad. Small vessel. Transactor. j^: To be tamted, ;;i^_, C^j a ^^ -1^
Mosaic law. Bible. "^ix'pi «'J> ^ to stink (meat)f To be exhausted
To dip bread in A W^ o ^ti ^ (camel ).

(butter). To go Tihamah. To afford

to y^\
A milky plant. cJS.s.jL y. f.J:lj ^.^i: j ^.Jg matter to suspicion.
To be dim (sight). O^j o oU -{^ To find (a country) unwholesome. A —
Fault, mistake. XiJ;^ "^'yi XsC Stink. i^'^
To Jl^ijfjjj Cg^jj Dj'}jj C5^ JC -!^ Ill-smelling, li^jj ^^
long for, to desire earnestly a. th. See ^j : Suspicion. x'^'^) t>.'^

To purpose a. th. To hasten towards. Tihamah, coast of Arabia. *iC«.7

He is dying, in the agony <_!:, ja Suspicious, charging with, ^_l ^M7 -^

of death. Suspected, charged with, ^j ^j^ii -^

To show a craving for. ^ 3^y-> To sleep. C^j a ^.^j ^
Pesire ; propensity. oiIJijj 3y To be neglectful. \j^ o i^J -tt-

Earnest, eager to obtain. j|^7_, j;a Single (fold, knot). -[y] -r 'y -^
To practise witchcraft. \'p o Jl^ -Ji- He came directly fj: sG.

Sorrow, fatigue. oV^ ^ *)/j iVy a Just now, directly. o}7

Misfortune. To <3)| Jl, C(X»J *;Uj 4) j."j Cy »_il" -H'

Witchcraft. Love-philter. ;j^;j ivji come back to God. To repent.

Pearl. Ear-ring. _^^7^ ^^^ ^ i^J; ^ To forgive a. o. (God). ic —
Necklace. Silver-bead. Ostrich-egg. To incite a. o. to return 5 v^-"'.
Pearl-shell. i;_^ yt to God.
Wearing a necklace. ^^:;J Repentance, contrition, atone- tty
GarUc. for j,^ ( ) ^^ ^ ment.
Ten thousand. Persian coin oC>_jj P Repenter, contrite, penitent. ^Ij
equal to 9 piastres. Repenting ( man ). Forgiving ^\y
To pursue al^)^ o-U;.7j ojfc^ - cX ^ (God).
game in all directions. Mulberry tree, mulberry. cjy -ft-
(•\T )
Buck-like. To wander, to go astray. ii\j o «i^ -H-
To flow and \j\*^j Ujij Ctl" i fC -ft- To be disordered in mind. To be
spread (water). proud. •> To be absent-minded.
To take, to carry a. th *iJ A
* ^'J
— To lead astray, to destroy, s «u1j ey
away. To perplex a. 0. ^ To distract a. o.
To vomit. fl; Waterless »j j,clj «i;^1 ^ »^j cy «>»
To ran headlong (into J ^C;lj Jl ^-^ desert.
evU). To enabark rashly in. <>-Absence of mind. Bewilderment.oU^
Prone to evil. c^^j A^ To pass away (wealth), jy a jj -S-
To be a fool, stupid. ifj^ \ iJC -^ To destroy (wealth). fi> ,sy\

To pluck (the hair). fi, ilal Lost, passed away (wealth). jt,j h
A great fool. ^j c jiil To become easy to a. 0. J GJj ^C -K- i

This, that. ( f. of iU;i ) dU? (affair). To be decreed, fixed to a. 0.
To be enslaved by (passion).C»Ij i jXi -^ (good or evil).
To enslave a. o. (love). To ^ Jz> To predetermine, to preor- J A ^VjI
abase a. o. dain (a. th.) to a. 0. (God). To facih-
To Slaughter a home-bred s ^ci tate a. th.
ewe (fi'om want). Intruder. rClfj Ci\>-:^>j o^Jj .^^
Slave. Name of a tribe.Bewilder- ^ Forward, interfering in what is not
ment, madness caused by love. of his concern.
Home-bred ewe. Amulet. *i^ Ordained, decreed. ^0;i
Wayless desert. Name of a place. 'VilJ To strike a. 0. with (a stick). 5 iSJj i ^'G
Enslaved by love, disordered in J^ Kindness, meekness. jlj si-

mind. Go on gently! \'sA G i!li^

Fig-tree, fig. To swell, to dash Cl3j-) i JC -ft-

Indian fig. together (waves).

A fig-tx-ee, a fig. Dashing waves. Proud. Haughty. jC;
Fig-garden. Vehement cui-rent.
To be proud, haughty Cf^i i eC -Ji- Time (repetition) {See Jc). tji
To go astray. To be To win a. 0. ^ ySi COtJ i jC -»
perplexed, To ba absent-minded.
-if- Of shore stature. Severe. jCj
To render a. o. haughty, j «clj *li To become a buck. Ca» i ^^U -S-
To perplex, to lead a. o. astray. To dash together (waves). ^S^
•^To distract a. o. The she-goat became a jii^l ^ ' '7?.M_
Pride, haughtiness. *ijtlj oCi'l ^ -u^ buck, 2. e a vile man bicame mighty.

Waterless desert. Mistake. Roe-buck. »i2j trCib cr>^ ?r ur-i^

Proud, bewildered. ^ Distracted, ^u Goat-buck. Stupid, fool.
Stray, wandering.
o^>j -
oU^j aCi
illij -^j iLZ^^j
^ ;*-.»

Wayless *4^*j •ici^j *ici^j '^i-?tf^j^ nature. Stubbornness, obstinacy.

laud. Buck-shepherd. ^Cj
c^ ("\r) cSL*

Scar of a wound. i^U To water (animals). To fitj s uu -fi-

To sit dovna. comfortablj. CCi o Li -J}- keep them thirsty. To quench (the
To be finished (affair). fire, anger). To remove a. th. from

To be steady, <^j^j s.'iCi o z^ -fi- its place.

resolute, brave. To withhold a. o. from.
To hi fast, firm. To O^Jj L"CJ o c-P To fear a.^o.
last, to contiuue.
To dwell, to remain in (a place), j — To yawn. To become
a ^ -{^

To persevere in doing *j 5 Jt — sluggish, di"Ow.?y.

a. th. To be proved against a. o. To ba upon the watch (for
(affair). To ba incumbent upon a. o. news). ,

(duty, affair). Yawning. v^Uij SMjj ^^vJj >Jj

To hold a. th. for certain. ajJs- — Heaviness, languor. »Cy'
To strengthen, to consoli- fi>j 5 ,^4-^ ijiigantic tree. y_j\\]

date, to fasten. To prove, to demons- Gaper. ^jS^'^ "^ ^JUiij wi^

trate a. th. -^ ^To administer the To bleat (sheep).' ' (^i^j C\j a ^\j' -ti-

Sacrament of Confirmation to a. 0. To be covered with dew iSU a jcj -ft-

To know the Koran by ^'^\ c-^j ° (plant). To feel cold (man).

heart. Dew. Encampment. Foul action. iU
To have a true knowledge ot\^\j ^if Damp. dewy"(place, night). sllcJ > ulj
To confirm, to ascertain fiij s z^\ To seek blood- ^ s jU ]j \'Jj a Jj -H-
a. th. To declare a. th. necessary. revenge. To retaUate a murder.
To disable a. 0. (wound). To tran- To avenge a. 0. i_j ? —
fix a. o. with (a spear). To establish To obtain revenge from. JS\j Jj*\ ^
a proof. To recognize a. th. To con- To call for help in order to jtiSjll^

fine a. 0. to bed (disease). To write retaliate; to seek revenge.

down (a name). Blood-revenge,
To act deliberately. To be zX^ i-etaliation.
proved, ascertained. <>-To receive the
Sacrament of Confii*matiou.
To act slowly, prudently. c3--l
To ask for proofs. ^ —
To persevere in. To keep to J —
a. th.
Steady. Brave. Self- z^i cjIjj z^
possessed. Firm.
Steadfastness. Steadi- Ziy^j Zi(Jj z^
ness. Constancy, persistence.
Spider. Zj\J y\ n
Certification, oC-il ^ c4'
demonstration. Proof, forcible argu-
ment. Index of a book. PL Trust-
worthy men. !

Disease confining to bed. ;:,\j'


c^ (\t
To put together. To complete, Sj * JJ
to improve a. Th. To praise a. o.
To be incessantly busied about, ip —
Troop of horsemen, ojib Cj(J t <i-'
Numei'ous company. 'J^ijI ^ iiTci
Wild goat, ibex. Effeminate. jr^;
To flow. r.-?Sjj r-sJlj ^j>ij b« J
, o ^— -J^

To let flow (water, blood). »

FaUing very thick (rain). ^(Uj
Torrent. ?^.oJ
Voluble (orator). ^J^
To mix^(dates) with fi> \'J,Ci o J>d ^
the dregs.
To extend, to enlarge a. th. * ^j
Uppi-r part of the back. _,i7 ^ s^;
Midst of a valley.
Thick and I road
Dreg.s of pressed dates,
To be big-belhed. 5U; a J?J -J^

Ampleuess of the belly.

Big-belhed (person). y^ ^ J?j^M
Large (bag).
To discharge rain ^^1j C4«J , i j.0 ^
suddenly (sky).
To be silent, speechless. I^ij o Uj -{^

To hush a. o. 5 (stil

To become '"CjUj vli-.jj ^5-4 o o^' "^

coarse, stiff, thick.
To render a. o. thick, rude. ^ ^i-j]
To distress [a. o.
To beat a. o. unmercifully. To j —
make a great slaugther among.
To exceed the bounds in. To apply
o.'s self energetically to.
To be covered with wounds. c'^-^i
To crush, to overcome a. o. ^> ^'- -
(evO, sleep).

Ja^ C "Vo )

Having an incisor ,^ ^ 'Uy j» >^' Fleshy. Heavy, thick. oil»j Or^J

tooth broken or fallen. To water, to moisten * ijjj o Oj -fr

To cook (naeat) insufficiently.* jajj -H- a. th.

Mii-e. ;k^y ^ To be wet, moist. jjj a j^
To patch up (a work), to do* jyj -a- To feed a. o. ^ b jij ^s^
a. th. amise. ,
Breast (of wo- xSj '\'J\ ^ J'Jj j'j3
To b3 cousL- ^s'/ a jjj i\'j' o \'S, ^ '
man), pap, mamnia.
derable, to increase (wealth, tribe). Breast of man. ji(J ^ »j'-*^Jj >jj^S
To naultiply (wealth, people : *j 5 — Big-bi"easted (woman). -GU
God). To give 'rj'Jj 'ojj'Jj \jj'Jj I'/ i
J -a-

To be rich, wealthy. t\'ji\

plentiful water ( spring ); milk ^she-
Wealth, opulence. »jj} '\'J camel) tea rs (eye). I

Numerous '^j'} j^ iS'S'^j

,J^*j "^J To scatter a. th. To pour fi>\y o —
(goods, company). Rich (man). down rain (sky). !

Opulent (man). ^syJ j> o^i'J To wet a. th. To water (a field). * j^;
Pleiads. Lustre, candlestick. h'J Holding much jj'Jj j\'J ^ ;'J ^ "J
To be softened by ^s'J'\j . ,s'J a 'jj -S- i
water I'cloud, spring). Full of milk
rain (ground). I (ewe).
To moisten, to wet (the eartli). * iS*J Loquacious, garrulous.
jUj —
Earth. Moist earth. Goods. .|j^*( ^ Jj To mix (food). To scatter
* Jj -ft-

The cai'thhas been ^l; ^s^\ lr*.-l [

a. th. To multiply words.
dried between them, i. e, from I Loquacity, talkativeness. a'j'j
became foes {jjrov.).
friends they^ Prater. -^ Mill-clack. j(:'j
Watery ground.-Gy^ ^S'jhXiJ -• '^J To undress ! ( a sick ? C Ir' i i^'J -^
To have a 'i^^j xi^'lUj Qakj'i 'U -«- man).
thin beard, scanty hair. To find fault s ^yh i'
Thin- iJ ^ •L'j1j,o^b •i'ii*''' t '^^ with. To upbraid a. o.
bearded. Fat of the intestines.k_/3lj ,^yj ^ ^Jj
Having thin eye-brows. Fat (ewe). >\,'J
Spider. Ancient name of Medinah in ^j^
To have a cold. Arabia.
Cold in the head. To A i^^'ij i;>-1j,tSl; o i-'J -S-

To vomit. CJ i ;j -S- crumble and soak bread into broth.

To bleed (wound, nose). To dip (cloth in dye. i

To give vent (to water).*C;;a ^iJ -^ To kill (a beast) without cutting Ji^'
To make a raid against. u Sjlill — its throat.
To flow forth (water, blood). ^'»ii\ Chap on the lips. Weak rain. :,'j

Stream of water. Torrent-oCi; ^ s^) Panada, soup, ^j^jj jj\'j ^ cjjJj JiJ
Long and thick snake, cs^lif ^ oCJj Glue. h'J -«
Winged dragon. nSnake {iuQeneral). To come t6 dinner unin- (s,'J a f.J -^
Water-course. ^pCi; ^ ^'-i vited.
Fresh dates. Fresh (vegeta'bte). j.'J ^ Feathers on a cock's n? ck. iil'J -S-

To become warty. \yj a ,J -^ She-fox. jfcj,7 -«-

To try to know (a news) in lying.^1 To break the n yj\j , C-'J \ yj' -«-

Venomous juice of the ^)j y^,j ^;; teeth of.

thorny tree
J^ To have the teeth yJ\Aj , '^'J a j>y
To become tainted (meat, Ck;!; a Ja«j -J1- broken or fallen.
water). To stink and split (hide). To pull out the teeth (of a 5 yj
To bs swollen and chapped (hps). snake).

C ^A ) JLiJ

To drive (a beast) s Ju\j Ju — J^ ^ To have ii'regular teeth. SUJ a jj -{f

from behind. To flock (guests). To bacome j'J]

To crupper (a beast). y3\ serious (affair).
Crupjser. jC^l ^ Juj Ju To disagree with. To thwart ic jiu]
He does not possess a. th. 3iJ^ *J t» a. 0.
To put a skin beneath 5lij * o jij -{J- Superfluous tooth. ^)J\MJ Jiwj Jmj Jij
an arm-mill. To cast. off, to scatter Excess.
th. ^^^lo has one tooth jjj ^ »^ ^ j;j'|

To settle, to form a sediment jUl more than usual.

(liquids). Fox. Tick corroding hides, sjut j, 'J\J
To be little generous. jlSj To shift, to elude a. o. ^JiiS^j wJiij' -^
Divgs, sediment. Dry food jjijj jiJ cunningly (from fear).
as dates, corn (except milk). Fox. a Jackal. ^J u5 ^ kJ^
Lower mill-stone. Jlifj ji; Otter.
" '
.i;jl ^w
Slov-paced. JUj Fox-evil (fall of the hair). »_.Iiiil Mi
Skin put under an arm-mUl. ji; j Jui Male fox. oClu
To strike vrith the knees Ci; i ^j ^ Confused speech. xisiv -Jf
(she-camel). To slaughter (a sheep). 5 Cij l ^ij -jij-

To become hardened by
•work (hand).
Cii a ^ To pierce a. 0. with (a spear). ^ s —
To melt (ice, grease). Cil a *-^^
To enter into private con- a ^IjIj ^\^ Torrent never oCi;, 5^ v'^J v^
versa tion with a o. exposed to sunhght.
To harden (the hands : work).* ^Jl To break, to dent (a A |J,i; a ji^ -i^
Callous parts of a camel. cXJu ^ iLij vessel). To stop up a breach. To
Knee of man. make a breach (in a wall).
To follow a. o. n To break the front-teeth of. ? —
To supply (a pot) with To stop all access to a pass. ic —

a trivet. To shed the milk-^ij ^\j jS's^ ^f

To take three wives. teeth (boy).
Support of a coo- oulj 'JUI Frontiers. INIouth.Front-teeth^^
king pot. Mountain-pass. Chink, ere- _^' ^ s^
He has reduced him -JijVl :SJ iL vice. Gap breach. Pit of the neck.

to extreme destitution. Frontier of a ho.?tile country. jj^

Who has lost many wives. Gum of the teeth. j\xf. ^ ^iii
To pierce, to bore A CiJ o <jAi
a. th. To make a bole in.
To produce
the plant
_^1 -
To be
as white


To shine (star). To burn (fii^e'.C^ — as that plant (head).

Tebe penetrative (mind). To spread Very white. ^j
( odour ). To soar aloft ( bird ). Mountain-plant whitening ^iUj
To be red-faced (man). 'iUj o w5j when dry. Hyssop, wormwood.
To perforate, to pierce a »_i2Jj ^Js To bleat (sheep, goat). *U7 CJ -{^
a. th.through. To make (a goat) to bleat. s jj]
To appear on the head <-\3 i .-^Ju He has no sheep tJAj Sj 'Ck'i iJ C»
(white hair). nor she-camel i. e. nothing.
To kindle (the fire). A wJ-J \j
~ Mustard. Nastui'tium. In- 'Ujj »Uj ^
To strike (fire). dian cress.
To b3 pierced, bored. ^^2iJ\j k^Zi_7 To line (a breast-plate).* jjj — aIj ^
Bore. Hole. Orifice. v_)Uj1j t^Js ^^'hite clouds superposed. jujuJ
Piercing, opening. Lining (of clothes). Jujiiij —
cP ( )Z
To hi heavy, -weighty. J^^\ Hole. Canal, pipe, tub 2.
To find a. th. heavy, painful, A — Fuel, tinder.
difficult, hai'd. Piercing through. Pene- '

Weightiness. Gravitation. jii trative (mind). Shining (star).

Hardness of hearing. Red-faced (man).
Charge of a household. Juil ^ J2j Drill. Tunnel, narrow
Luggage. Valuables. pass. Sagacious.
Men and genii. o!^l 1 (i^SJj *»UJj U2J o wiJiJj , Ui< a »-

Weight, burden, load. JuJi ^ jii be intelhgent, clevei", skilled.

Gravity. Crime. Importance. To perceive quickly, jj fi> uiJ a C'~''

Treasui-es of the soil. The deadJuJVl to be skilled in an art. To meet a. 0.

buried in the earth. To overtake, to find, To ovei'come
Weight, load.iUjj si?jj <>^iJ -^s; a. 0. or a. th.
Heaviness, weight. Slug- xx^j ui) To become acid Ci3_J a <JuCj , u'a -^
gishuess. Numbness. -^ Tediousness, (vinegar).
tro ubl eso ra eness. To sui'pass a. 0. in skill. To 5 —
Heavy, of full weight (ccin).j3i;^ ^ J5U strike a. o. with a spear.
To straighten a. th. To jj fi> ^jmj
Burdensome, difficult. Tedious, jiij rear, to bring up a. o.
Serious (illness). Important ( th. ). To vie with a. 0. in Ciui j ^isCli
zf ^u
Dull ( man ). Grave, sedate. Slow cleverness. To surpass a. 0. in skill.
(hoi'se). To become well educated, ^;It 7

Crushed under a burden. jsS/i improved, disciplined.

Overweighed. Dull. Drowsy, To struggle, to contend.
Piece of marble used to fasten sliii Very intelligent woman.
carpets. Struggle. Instrument for
Weight of a balance. j^liiJ^ ^ Jui» sti-aightening lances. Skill.
Weight erjual to one dirhem and Intelligence, penetrative mind. ijt\ju

half. Gold coin. Intelligent, clever. Sharp. ^jjj jcs

To lose (her n >UJj ^Isd a J%J -S- Vi?ry clever. Very strong ^aJjj ^JuSj
child :mother). (vinegar).
To d'prive (a mother) of ^• j' jfeJl Brought up.'weU bred. ..^Sii

(her child). To be heavy, ^U^ o ji; -»

Loss of a child ; state of a j^Jj JfcJ weighty. To be momentous business.
mother bereft cf her children. To be slow, dull (man). To be hard
Deprived of a child, JlfeCj oy^h J^^ (ear, word).
a friend. To be very seriously iU. y^ —
To weigh a. th. with fi, o JSj ^
Depi'ived of her child JfXil ^ the hand. To outweigh a. th.
(mother). To make a. th. heavy, *_, j jU
Deprived of JiS'\XA y. Ji&(i> j , J^ weighty. To burden, to overcharge.
children. To double (a letter).
Any cause depriving a mother iifcii;: To load, to overcharge a. 0. To ic jif
(ofher child). crush a. o. To be troublesome for.
To be incessantly *_, y C-SO ^^Ci ^ To eat heavy dishes. jjU
occupied about. To track a. 0. To overburden a. 0. (weight, f jijl
To remain in (a place).^ C^a^feJj — debt). To oppress. To crush a. 0.
Middle of a way track of a road.^^sO (illness, sleep).


Fhght of ^^ ^X^- To be sluggish, dull. jji^

Night-shade (plant). oUIjj utJip
A) ^
pigeons. Barracks. Colours. Flock.
Thirty. To drain off (a well).
c.y>U- A o D^ * ^
Trinity (three Persons in one To fill up (a well).
God). Doctrine of the Trinity. To overthrow (a wall), »j y(jjj y^ — fi>
(The Holy) Trinity. o^lu to scatter. To destroy (people).
Third. u ^ o5 C" They ai'e ruined; their
jA^J^ D*
Thirdly. Oj'u power has been destroyed.
Trebled. Tei-tian (fever). Trian- ^.ii. To have plenty of wool. ^1
gdar. Triangle. Reduced to the To repair, to mend a. th. A—
third (wine). Three-pointed (letter). To be decayed, to fall in ruins, jlij
Right-angled triangle. S cJ^ y To be poured forth. j-j^
Acute- angled triangle. iG- c^^ — To rush upon. ip —

Trigonometry. otti^i Decay, ruin. jl;^ ^ iij jij ,

Comp.sed of three. Three- o>ii/» Flock of sheep. Wool. ^}yoJ ju ^ yl

angled. Reduced to the third part. Mud extracted from a well.
To snow. .v;l)| c-i-i^b ,'^ o r-U ^ Multitude of men. lU
(^ky). To rebuke, to blame s Cjj ^\j -Hr i

To trust in. jl j »_, i^.^ o r-iJ a. 0. To disparage, to slander, to ca-

To be covered with snow (earth). ^^ lumniate. To expel a. o.
To lose o.'s wits. To notch, to dent, to turn a. th. — fi>

To be refreshed, calm ^.i;1j Qj a r4j upside down.

(mind). To be dirty, broken. Qj a ^0
To be benumbed with cold. To ^.ti -^ Slander, backbiting. Calumny. ^Jij

become frozen, cold. Worn out (old man). ^!Aj1 ^ wJj

To cool, to ice, to freeze *— Dishonoured, blamed (person). j^Ij_j —

(a drink). Stones and earth. ^CA ^ wUlj >Ju'y

To cool, to cheer a. o. To s ^itl Detractoi", slanderer, calum- ^^1 u

become snowy (day). To reach the niator.

snow (traveller). Calumniator. Demon. v'^--;j v^
Cold as snow (water). ^ Cause of blame. Vice, wJ^U^ ^ *r_ii*
Ice dealer in snow.
^Jc ^ ^ To take the third
part of a. th.
fi>j s (ijj o o'u -^

or fi-om a. o.
; ^y,)
Snow-white. 'j- y; To become the third. To tu i

Ice-house. Snow-drift. ^^ Ci;: ^ ji^Ii;; arrive third in a race (horse).
Covered with snow,
with ice.
-i^ Cooled ^^ To triplicate. To make a. th. fi> ^o
triangular. To do a. th. thrice. To
Apathetic. Dull. il^l — reduce (liquids) to the third (by
To break a liu a Ab * C.L- a /J -«- boi!ing).To mark a letter with thi-ee
(the head). points. To hold the doctrine of the
Fallen to the ground and split -^ Trinity.
(date). To become three, thirty in number.^ljl
To notch (a Jjj C-U Jj -a-
fi> , i Three. cjVJ j> V"^
blade, a vessel ). To make a breach Thirteen. ^ii^A^ > ^iS iS^
in a wall. Third part. c^j3j o^jM ,- cA^J -^^
To be dented. Ji}\j Jijj (jj a , ^l; Thrice, three times. Oy^
To be blunted (sword ) (brink ; of Tuesday. -U^vSlj 'U5U)I
. v/ater-worn). Large ornamental writing. 'jjif

Notch (in a blade, vessel). ;ii7j J3 Three and three. cii'j o^

Breach (in a wall). Triliteral (verb). '^,"^,1

Fruit-biaring (tree). Kidnej' y^^ Calumny. Backbiting. c^\ jj
b -an. Fruit of the sorrel. Nick, indentation.
"^ Usufruct, use. jCiXLl, To pick up. To collect. * C^< V "*^

Productive, numerous. jyi^i j^ To heap up ( things ) To repair

Pivductive, fruitful.. Useful. j^ a. th.
To satui'ate (cloth) * Cci o /^ -ft- To pluck up (the grass ewe).4 :

with dje. To shade (a stutf ). To To grow o'd, weak (body).

break a. th. Repair, restoration. V
To dye (the hair) with (henna). ^_,>6 — Here, over there. * -
c ^
To get drunk, intoxicated.>l»; a J«i -ft- Therefore, on that account.
To stay, to abide. V_^'j '^' o Jii i His good and bad qualities. iijj iU
To remain (water). He does not possess t>'j Vj ui wUiJ V
To assist a. o. To feed (or- Aj s — a farthing.
phans). To leave (a remainder). Then, afterwards. Moreover. cUj v
To froth, to foam (milk). jj\ Handful of dried herbs. *^
To iuebriate a. o. (drink). s — Old man. rc^j

Remainder of ^i'Jj iJL*jj iiijj *i^ Picking up every thing, lii»j %i*
water (in a vessel). good or bad, little or much.
Froth of milk. iilij Panic-grass. Plant used ^yjiJ,i ^ij
Manager of a tribe's busi- yj^\ Ji^j for stopping holes.
ness. To feed a. o. with *j 5 *C5 a til -S-
Intoxication. Abode. Shadow. jij greasy dishes. To break up a. th.
Intoxicated. Jc^^J JtJ To ba smashed, broken. *ii^\
Prone to, fond of, iu love with. Jl.
— To mix a th. ft, ^^ij rrJ^ -S- i

Sour milk. j^ Manufacturer of variegated cloth.!p_»i>I

Large cistern. iUii To dig'ifc aiij-b -CjIj llx-ii o i -ui -»•

Basket of palm leaves. Shep- iiii/. up (a hole for water).

herd's bag. Slime, soft mud of a well. To exhaust a. o. (expenses) j oil ;

To take the eighth

part of a. o.'s goods.
s u^ o ^ -S- a she-camel (milking).
To go to a water-hole. x^\j owl.
To become the eighth. C.;i i
— To request a favour from s oiiJ-lf
To b3 precious cr^b SjUj o ^' a. o.
valuable (th). Puddle di'yiug up ii^j ^ sjij j:J
To value, to appi'aise a. th.
To assigQ the price of.
A ^ dui'ingsummer.
Thamoud. Tribe of ancient Arabs. ^^
To render a. th. octangular. To in- Drained (water). Ruined i^ii»
crease a. th. to the number of eight. through his prodigality (man).
To discuss the price of. fi> ^Q Antimony used as collyrium.aiii^ ju}l.
To be eight in number. j^] To fructify, to bear__,ijb Ij^ o J,J
, -ft-

To give to a. o. the price A Jj 5 — fruit ( tree ). To get rich (man).

of a. th. To increase (wealth). ifc
Value, price, iij b cA' To find or to render a. th. 4> jJjL^i
Eight. fruitful. < To enjoy the use of pro-
Eighteen, s;^ perty.
Eighteenth. ; nip "ij^Xj _^j^S ^\S Fj-uit.Pro- jcMj jj;
' rr.>. jii; ^ jj
Thi eighth part. p^rty, profit, income.
Eight and eight. A fruit. Knot at the end sZi\yJ ^r XJ^
Eighth. of a whip. Tip (of the tongue). Skin
Eighty. Eightieth. of ( the h3ad). Child, progeny.

^ Y» )
Action of praise. Central incisor. Valuation, estimation, apprai- c^ t}3
Path, narrow-pass in a mountain. sement.
Repetition. Praise. Putting (of "C^ Eighth part. cjw
a noun) to the dual number ; dual. Precious, valuable (th.). ,yJiA -^ caw
Deuteronomy. p.ljli'Vl xSiJ Appraiser, valuer, estimator. ^^
Biliteral (noun). 'JuJ Octagonal. Poisoned. Fevered.
Two. OJSiJj Cn^-J ^ C>^c1j\j cAzJJ, jt Owl Of eight feet (verse). Appraised.
Twelve J^l -^ j^ '^>\ To be worn out (old man), -jl — '^ -^
Other, the others. cnJJlj ^ JL^ a Dry herbage. '^^

Monday. ojiJ'Vl Fetlock on a horse's foot.cnJ ^ :dJ —

Second. :QU ^ oU To smell bad (meat). tiJ a cm -fi-

Secondly. i;;i;j Cju To fold, to bend a. th. /b uU Ji -S- i

Second (of time). ^ Joist, c^Ky ^ «J,lJ To bind a. th. To conceal (hatred).
stop-plank. To deter a. 0. from cfoing ^e. fi>j s —
Exception, exclusion. a. th. To avert a. th. from.
Exceptional. y He has struck him tjij l,iij *L\£ —
Second string of a lute. oU/S l>^ a second time.
Winding (of valleys, rivers). Knees He is unable to walk ^l Vj jJj V
Bent. Folded" double.
-^ any more.
Doubled. The dual number. ^ Te bear rancour Jj-u« J5
Marked with two points su^ j. — To double, a th. To put (a noun) A Jj
( letter). in the dual nmnber. To repeat, to
Verses of the Koran. Windings j u^ reiterate (an action). To mark (a
of a valley. with two points
Excepted. Exceptional. Ji_5l>» To pi'aise. To blame a. 0. j* Jilj Ji
To gather o}b ijyi C>" o v^^ ^ To be doubled, folded, reiterated. ^Ij
(people). To collect (water). To rise To strut about. To incline <,lJi j —
(dust). the body in walking.
To return. To turn back (to God). J(^ — To be doubled. To be JJlj J,L"I^

To recover Cl^l. o^b t-iljlj CC^ — bint dov/n. To bow down.

health. To ba cured. To deviate, to swerve from a. th..^^[
To recover o.'s senses, wits.iiip Cll. — To .except To exclude, to ^ J.i-S-11
To requite, to reward a. o. 5 t_)p set a. th. aside.
To call to prayer. ^-^-' ~ To make an exception for. [& j\ s —
To retribute, to com- Aj 5 ^lj\ U^\ Fold (of clothes). Bend. 'ufl ^ Jj
pensate a. 0. To restore a. 0. to Winding ( of a river). Coils (of "a
health (God). To fill (a trough). snake).
To add a supererogatory prayer ^j^Sj In the meantime. ^j i .Cjl J
(man). < To gain a reward. meanwhile.
To ask a reward from a. 0. i ,_jOitJ,l. Reiterated, repeated action. Cjj ^
To recover (health). To claim a— Seaond in rank cli ^ oCUJj —
o.'s goods back. secondary. Unsound, wrong.
Clothes. Gar- ^''y\i
^\'J'\j vQ v> »r
Praise, encomium. Dispraise.ji;;!^ '(J
ment. Moi'als. Behaviour. \N''oman's Two and two. Ji^j fV'J
gown. Cutting ^(:j]j oCjJj 'Cj ^ tJ j>
Pure-hearted, of good cha-^CJ)l ^ly his first teeth when three yeai-s
racter. old (cloven-hoofed animal); when
Vicious, of bad morals. six years old (camel).
v'^?' urJ^
•^ Scapular of Our Lady. slciJI ^'jj Eulogy. Praise. Panegyric. uJ ^ :uiJ

To gather against aad ill- ic J^ Reward (especially for good ^.^i^

treat a. o. (people). works). Honey. Bees. Rain.
To accumulate and cover a. o.jc JQJI^ Retribution. 'i^[j ^ij^
( dust ). To rush and surround a. o. Call to prayer. vij^
(crowd). Dealer in clothes. Outfitter. i_,iy
To be giddy. To be taken jy^[ -^ Meetiug-place. i.'^j oClS
with vertigo. Reward. ^ij^j 'iiji^
Vertigo, giddiness. Swimmingjy_, J'J Ba.sket for carrying earth. ^'J
in the head. Disease of sheep. Stag- To sink in the mud dt'jj d.'^ i o ^^ -ii-

gers. (foot) ; in a soft body (finger).

Swarm of bees, J^j To rise, and Cljyj (jJ^J 'jy jl; -«
Throng, rabble. iij^; spread in the air (dust, locust). To
Seized *)j(,Cj1 'i^^ dy -r
''^'y -* J>^' take his flight ( bird). To be .shak'-n
with staggers (sheep). Giddy, dizzy, (th,). To be moH|»l (soul). To be rou-

sluggish ((man). sed (anger). To be stirred (quarrel).

Garlic, A^ -« To be kindled (war). To break out
A head of garlic. Sword-hilt. </.y (disease, pimple).
To halt, Jj oj A \jyj i\'^ i ^s'^ ^ To rush on. To assault a, 0. Ji j| t_j —
to settle (in a place). To raise the (dust).5j jt jliS-Llj jlfl^ jy
To be buried. '^sy To stir (war). To start a wild beast
To detain a, o. ( in a j 5 %.^ iSy from its den. To investigate, to in-
place). quire after a. th.To till (the ground).
To stay (in a place). o <l^t v^y 1 To attack a, 0, s \j\'y,j ejj\iJ> jj^
To lodge, to entertain a, 0. 4 ^ ~ To be raised, stinted (dust), j^J
in (a house). Whirlwind of dust, cj^yj
Furniture. House utensils, ^gjj' ^ s^j' Davra-light, jilsi yjj —
Stones set up as a way-mark. Bull. «y^,J jf^-J >j'-^iJ S^'y^ -TT Sy
Enclosure for cattle. tSJj "Cj^j yVj Taurus -(zodiacal sign). Stupid, dull
Inhabitant, Host. *j_,u^ jlj man). Pimple.
Guest, Captive. Guest-room. xsy Cow. Excitement. Revolution, Sj^
Dwelling, lodging ; inn, __jCi;: ^ ys'_^ Multitude of men. Ji>_fJI o'Sj'

To be separated from lSi3j .^p -H- Raised (dust). Fit of angei", '
her husband (woman). He has lost his temper. V}^ JQ
Separated from oCaj ^ ^jSiij k_.Aj Uproar. j\'y y, z^,\j

her husband through divoi'C6 or Country abounding in oxen, Sj^

death (woman). Married man. Any To flow (water), (s.'J o ?Ij -{^

woman not virgin. To be seized '^'iji yj{j V^y a Jj ^

Dog's grass. j^-j jj^ ^ with staggers (sheep).
Hemp, flax. Whip. j^j oj
— To be crack-brai- V>' o Jl5j V^J a JJ
Pearl-borer. Pearl-fishery. (irj -^ ued, mad, possessed by a devil, giddy.
To swarm (bees), J^li
>r ( YT )

To impregnate (a palm-tree).* Cu^ - To call camels to water by ^ \^\^ -i^

To escape, to fly. To shrink. ^l^ uttering the cry j>. jj..

To be white-footed (horse). To abstain from. ^ '^'^0
To vie with a. o. s CCa-j yVV* vW- Breast of a bird. Stern ' -Ju T ^»^
in beauty, etc. of a ship.
To marry one another's sister L)b,j To acquire (wealth). CU a v'lf ^
(two men). To sell ochre.
To puc on an upper gown. L.-?-1j w-4?' Onager. Thick and rough. Red ^_j\i.

W ell. '^^b *—'^r£ T ^-^

*rr?t J *—
ochre. Earning, gain. Lion.
Cis^orn. Pit. -^ Bush, shrub. Navel. ^^1 ijU
Upper-gown with ^(^,j >-^ ?r *?? To walk sluggishly (j\^ a oU -S-

very full sleeves. Eye-bone. under a burden. To carry about

"V\^hite hair from the wA-ftij ^^ news.
feet to the knees of a horse. To be overburdened. a d^f QU
Dearth. ^'^J vQ'? To be terror-stricken. ^'^
Having white hail* from his To overburden (a camel s ollil :

feet to his knees (horse). load).

Eunuch. To low (bull). Oj^J OV a jU «
To travel. To bicome fat. w?»r?- * To beseech, to entreat a. o. Ji^

Stomach of ruminants ^.a-C?^ vr *^^?4?- To grow, to spread (grass). ijU a —
u.sed as a bag. Tripe. Leather-basket Tall (grass); luxuriant (vege- J[f
for navvies. Pi. Drum. tation). Copious rain. ^

To conceal 'b'^4j '''^r^^j %> a 'C» -^ Fat, stout. J'^j J»-

o.'s self. Call for help. ji'^
To come upon a. o. of a sudden, ip — To be choked by. o \j^ a j:f -^
To come out against a. o. (snake, To heave from fear, Ci,^ a o^L,* "^
wild beast). sorrow (soul). To ba restless.
shrink, to desist
To di"aw back
^ \'j^rj
in fear,
WTo~ Commotion
Firmness. Fear.
of the mind. Soul. j^'^

recoil from a. th. (eye, sword). Breast. Thick (man).^^^^^^. ^ j-^^)->-

To bring forth truffles (soil). Party of men. Portion of the night.
To conceal a. th. To extinguish To throw down. To ^j )i \i\y a -S- oU
(a fire). frighten a. o. To uproot (a tree).
Red truffles, ^b sW J «'^?- «• To halt, to be lame. CvU a Ji> -ir
Hollow of stagnating water. Hyena. Wolf. Bulky. S^t^-'j jbi
Red truffles. To be bay (horse). ;^j sj^ai a J\-i- '*
Cowardly, dastardly man. To mend (clothes). To hold ;b ijW —
Land full of truffles. back a. th. To watch over a flock.
Idol, ^^'itchcraft. Wizard. To cover, to conceal a. th-
Powder magazine. War vUsIa- -Is To be of a brownish colour. ^\^ a 'j>-
ammunition. Cartridge-bos. Brown, colour dark ; red, dun. Sj^Lai
Gunpowder-room in
vO*^' -^'^.^ Brown, bay. m/iv ^ J\^\
a ship. To cut off a. th. To a, » u,: o L.» -^
emasculate a. o. To overcome a. o.
To become dry (bread). SjC O «n?" To set ( a broken bone ). To restore
Thick. Hard. Avaricious. Vile. a. o.'s business.
Dry bread. Unleavened bi'ead. To compel a. o. to do Jt 5 Jy>-\i —
To go Oil proudly. tr4?^ - c^4» -« a. th. forcibly.
Piaster. Gypsum. Sulphate of To be reduced j^\j Oje^j 'jjr?- o _n»

lime. Bear's cub. (broken bone). To be restored to a

Thick, ^^Ij , tor?--> y-^V?-'' r u-*?:
former state.
hai"d. Wicked. Coward. To converse kindly with i^^ii Jy>
^A kind of water-melon. a. 0.
Lime-kiln. ; ->To oblige a. o. s yv^
Worthless fellow. Bad chap. To consider a. o. as honest. To s J^\
Bear's whelp. accuse a. o. of being proud.
o-it^-' er-Wb ^j-yt^
To be set (bone). To become^Jij _^ij
To form, to create.^j Jif s y^ o i -i^ green again (tree).
a. th. To mix (clay with water). To recover from illness to Jci»-\j — :

To give to a. o. inborn dis- ic 5 — recover from destitution, to regain

positions for a. th. (God). wealth. To be reinstated in a former
To go, to come to a moimtain. j^l state.
To be thick iu make. To reach the To behave insolently, ijroudly. jj0
rock by digging. To be spiritless To show pride, haughtuiess jt —
(poet). To be disappointed. towards a. n.
To enter a mountain. j^^j To recover wealth. -'j?«i^l
Thick. Court-yard. Blunt (sword ).j^ Setting of a bone. Constraint. jyf
Large bowl. Numerous tribe. Pride. King. Slave. Aloes-wood.
Natural o:A^>. rr *^j,^?»j ~^j *i^ Algebra. ^ijl J^j -
disposition. Complexion of the body. Art of setting broken bones. SjC*
Dry tree. ^i. Bandage. Truss. JC> ^ »Jlri>) 'J^,
Numerous company. jlij iJCJ-j — Splints. Silver bracelet.
Mountain. Misei*. Ju>j JCJ.1 ^ j:j. Might. Power. dj'J^^j •^/j'vi-J >^JJ)>-
Chief. Pride. Greatness.
Gibraltar. Leather bag. ( for oj^^i- ) s3i-» •<>

Mount Hermon. Portfolio.

Echo. Snake. Calamity. Setter of broken bones, S^ V ^ jk U
Movmtaineer. Highlander Compulsory. Urging on forcibly. Ty-
Relating to a mountain. rant.
Inborn, implanted by nature. -.La- Bread. xi* ^ ^.V?-j yS^- yj
Essential. Powerful. Proud. Giant. S^ji-i ^ jC*
Body of a man. JCo. Pitiless (heart ). The Most" Powerful
To be low-spirited, ^C.>j Cal o cn?-' -^ (God).Tyrant. Young and lofty palm-
faint-hearted. tree.
To accuse a. o. of cowardice. ;S>_j 2* cn» Sect of fatalists. Insolence. <iJyf
To curdle (milk). Middling ( for j. ^jj ) l5j,CoJl ^
To fmd, to hold s oc>lj d\>\j cn^ in wealth, talents. Simple, good
a. o. to be a coward. (man).
To curd ( milk). To become ^0 Surgeon. Setter of bones. J^^
stout (man). Set (bone). Compelled. J^?^
Cowardice, faint-hearted- xJCij oj* Gabi'iel Ji^^j JJ^jI/j?;j J^J'^ H
ness. (the Archangel).
Cheese. ?,''. ,-j
To cut, to sever a. th. fi> \'j^ o -)Jf -K"

taugled and soft 'hair); dense (tree). Forehead, Side cA»-j l^?-b cn^'l ?- >^5~>

To I'uffle its feathers from cold Dli>l of the forehead.

(bird). To become tall and tangled Coward, dastai'd. c;-:>j -CJ- ^ cU» ,

(plant). To become irritated and Cowardly fellow. Cheesemonger, ^f,^:

ready to fight (man). Desert. Plain of great extent. jJu*:
Tufty, thick. Dark. J~?j ji> Cemetery.
Big ant. Bushy tree. jii y, i[i> Dairy. Place full of cheese. Cause jii-jS
Fallen leaves. ii\i.i. of cowardice. -<» Curd.
Catholicos, laJ (L^ ^ JcPW-j 3^, ^ To strike a. o. on *j s (^ a <u» -Jf
Patriarch of Eastern Christians. ths forehead. To take (people) una-
To recline on C^j CJ^ \ o J>.^ wares (winter). To come to (water)
the chest ( man, beast ). To perch without means for drawing it.

(bird). To become tall (corn). To be To receive a. o. harshly. ^ 'i

half-spent (night).
To lower (the head).
To dislike (water). *
* ^
-V^ Ci>- \
Night- nare. jSjJ.^ ^yU- Broadness and beauty of the ^li
Reclining on the ^^ ;r v W-J ~ forehead.
chest. Forehead. Chief. In-oCa.j cX^ ^X^
Keeping at home (man). suit. Mansion of the moon. Ignominy.
Sedentary. j'J^i Chief of a tribe. >.jS!l-
SliTggish, dull (man). Coming in front (beast).
Body, the whole person ^^'ho has a broad and
Resting-place of a bird V.^
\>:a fine forehead. Lion,
To kneel, to ilii: i JsTj U* -?5-

squat upon the toes. To collect (taxes ), To collect (water

To sit knee to knee -with a. o. y Ju in a reservoir).
To make a. o. to kneel. j j/_^l To fall prostrate (in \_
To sit upon the knees, to squat JGj prayer)
one opposite the other. To sell seed-produce (before
Kneeling. Squatting.
Hillock ; heap of^i ^ S^i^j
To choose a. o. To find *_, f>l
stones. Tomb. The whole body. out. To extemporize a. th.
Person. Requital. Amount. 'CisT Reservoir, ^\'yi. ^ -Cj^j ^'i^S ^ t^
Kneeling. Squatting, '^ j -^ ^ oU tank, Watering-trough.
Hercules {comtell). Tax. duties. oGC*. ^ x;C>
To sci'utinise a. th. a -r^^ ^ Tax-gatherer, Locust. x',,\^ ^ ^G.

To hasten towards a. th. To cut off. To A o5»lj Ua^'o i^'

, -ft-

To abstain from. o^- pull out (a tree).

Perdition. Remains of bees mixed with '^
Chief.Generous lord. ^..j.G.>^ t-Q-^^ honey. Wax.
To become poor fman). \'j^J. a j»ji. -ii- Remains of bees in honey. Dead -^
To be avaricious. To be scanty locust. Envelope of a date. Hillock.
(plarity.To become strait ( circums- Person. Corpse. oCu' Ij ^i* ;r *^
tances). To be dry (earth). Palm-tree grove. Shoot of palm- ^^y--^
To abjure o'.s ^j a ii>fc>j lak» a J^jf tree.
faith. To deny (a right) To disown . Gardener's trowel. oU*>«j ^iat^*

(a benefit).
To contradict a. o. 2 —
To drive (the clouds
: A :JUf i ^^
Scantiness, povei'ty. oi^j ak>j jkf To be ;J^j il C^ o jVj a
( Ye )

To destroy, to carry away Denial. Negation. Disowning. i^i^

a. th. To exhaust (a well). Barren (soil ). Dry year. jka^j ojkij ak*
To rain (people : fate), s - Of little value. Stingy. ji^Sj -^j ~
Torrent. Diarrhea. Death. disowner, apostate.
Deniei', ja-\>.

To throw a. o. down. To Disowner. L'ngi-ateful. ^^i.

scold a. o. Lusty youth. Jj^wv -ft-

To meet great numbers.

in To hide in J^^Aj JJt^j a -ft- \'j>^ J^
Numerous army. Man J?U? its hole ( lizard, snake). To sink in
of high rank. the head (eye). To draw back (man).
Lip (of hoofed animals). jjGna:^ iiist^ To force up (a beast) into j J>J>Si ~
To throw a. o. z J^^ j , %i4- a ^^ "^ its hole. To drive a. o. away. To
down. put (people) in narrow circumstan-
Large water-.skin. Jv'>^^ ^ jit^ ces (unfruitful year).
Lizard. Queen-bee. o%-j>j J>W t ~ To be rainless (sky). To be in ^i^lj —
Beetle. Ciiief. a time of dearth.
Poison, venom. JGtai To make its burrow (beast). * J^S.
To light and stirup » (J^ a j,^.f -ii- Cavern, deep hole. ^>.>
(the fire). To open (the eyes). Unfruitful year. %'J^J^

\^^*> o J>v>-i , ^yt>-j Ui?^j a ^9*> Hole of a "i'S*-^,) jt*»'t -r ^-*j oI3>-?-'

To ba intense ( fire). reptile. Burrow. Womb. Buttocks.

To cast a piercing look at. ^ Jr^ Refuge. Lurking-place. _,9.G..i ^ J^^^J'
To abstain. To depart from. ^ J^l^\ To skin, to jj it CJ.^ a ^* -ft-

To burn with desires. To be ^S^ scratch ( the skin). To kill a. o. To

in pangs (heart). make a mark (on a wall).
Ardent fire. Hell-fire. Hell. Inteu- ^^-nf To repel a. o.^ 5 C-li>j>. j iliui^U
sely hot (place). from.
Swelling of the eyes To excoriate. To a Q.W a jJ^ «-
Burning (coal). Affray. Thick of scratch (the skin).
a fight. Hot (place). To drive a. o. back. To defend j j.>\>-
Having rod eyes. 'Uiti j> jj^\ o.'s self against a. 0.
Old woman. Termagant. j'J^i- ^ Young ass,xl;i>. J oU.^,j ^rU* ^ J^>J>-
To be scantily fed. Cit^ a j>?>- -W- colt. Gazelle. Thickness, roughness.
To feed (o.'s is ^^.]j ^j (^jf. a ^jf •<>• Ass, fool, stupid.
family) scantily. Trestle. '<^y>^i j-y^-^ -^ tt

lU-fed. Mean. Weak (

plant ).
o??- Filly of the ass. lii-jf
Tick. Little donkey. J-ih^
Gihon (river). Headsti'ong, self-willed. oa>j —
To walk. iy»v * To have a prominent (J&jk»- a Ja»-j> -Tr

To remain in (a place). ^— cornea (eye).

To pull off a. th. A iOf-t To gaze at. J[ ^j.
Name of a celebrated wit. i^ To sweep away. To Ci^f a sJ^^ ^ fi)

To on the ground from \i^j.\ '^J. -^

lie carry off a. th. To strip off. To strike
fatigue. To go from one place to (the ball : player).
another. -^ To be luxuriously atti- To incline towards. ^S —
red. DTo boast vainly, to humbug. To wash away, to waste a. th.o ow-^1
"^Luxury. Sumptuousnesa ( ton-ent To ruin ( people fate ).
). :

To widen fi> J^,^\j ^.fj -« ,

1^ To approach. To overburden a. 0.
the orifice of (a well). To fight with a sword. To Jo-\»^>
Large valley. return (the ball : players).
jjlk ( y-v )

Grandmother. Brink. ol^ ?r e^f 1 U9i> a '~i»i^ J lioia. J Uk> i wiiti "J^

ISIai-k. Streak on the back oiijj. ^%jJ- boast. To snore.

asses. Way, manner. Djeddah. (to\Yn). Snoring. Boasting. w«-?-^j wii^
Shore. Bauk of a river. ijj. ^ %%>. Proud. Braggart. >-i^J ^^
Dog-brake. Rag. To upset (a vessel), a i^^ o G-.^ -S-
Main road. Thoroughfare. *i|^ ^ sSv^ To be crooked (old man). L>.
Intertwisted boughs. iljol P To be upset (vessel). ~
Rags. To be respectable, impor- iS^ of i -tJ-

New. Newly made. Mo- ilk>.' ^ jjo^ tant (man). To be serious, grievous
dern, recent. Unexpected ( death ). (affair).
Great (man). Fat (she-ass). Old coin To cut out (a garment). To cut A—
worth 9 paras. Surface of the earth. off (a fruit).
The day and the o'ofVlj oljjoiSI To be new, newly jJLtS. )j s j* — i

nigh'. made (coat).

Applyh^g himself zealously j j^^j i\^ To endeavour to. To exert j ijb. o i —
to. In earnest, serious. o.'s self in. To acquire credit ( a-
Happier. Dry (breast, udder). Lop- 'of 1 raongst). To act in earnest. To hasten
eared (ewe). (the pace). To ascertain a. th.
Waterless (desert). Small- -\t>- To succeed in (an affair). ^_, a3ijl5i^ai>
breasted (female). To restore, to renew to do ; ^ ii^
Cricket. jl>.IV ^ -^^ * a. th. up like new. -^ To repeat, to
Hard and even ground. -^ j?^ reiterate. To commence a. th. anew.
v_ill»lj , Qj*
tij'j^ O v'-^ "^
^-I'^J^J i To bring a law-suit against J y Sf^
To be struck with barrenness uja0j a. o. on.
(soil). To become smooth (road). ji>l
To dispraise, to fi>j s Cliu> o i ^'j>- To restore, to make a. th. anew. * —
disapprove or a. th.
a. o. To put on (a new garment). To settle
To suffer from dearth (people). i_ia>1 a. th. To renew ( a compact).
To hi droughty (year). To find no To perform a. th. zealously, and J —
hospitality (people). assiduously.
To fiod (a land) barren. fit
— To To dyjij!^
be renewed, (compact).
To find it shameful to. ^,1 iJtioi To be made new (gai'ment).
Drought. Droughty year. Vice, yjj^ To renew a. th. To undertake fi j^f^[
Barren (jjbe^j i^jj».j ,.^j^j ^jj^ a. th. anew.
(land). Good luck ; chance. Wealth. a>
F. -if- Stupidity. Madness. jjj^ Greatness. Brink of a river.
Barren, bare (soil). 'Gui ^ ^'^\ Serious endeavour. Painstaking. jl»
Unfruitful, unprofitable (land). tjiaW^ Earnestness. Haste. Unavoidable(pu-
BaiTen (ground). ^-Mad, crazy.c_yj^ uishment).
Cricket. Small locust. <-j-^Vj t_<^' Extremely learned man. _J\^ i>. ;^ii

Grave. Tomb, ojollj ola»1 ^ ooi ^ Much. Extremely. Seriously. |S»

To mix, ifc ^ji^Sj ^a>lj <>.'jj. a ^of ^ , Grandfather; i\j^'\j Zi/j^^j i/jJ- ^ af
to beat (floui", a medicine). sire.
Instrument for mixing. Name ^ok" Ancestors, forefathers. ila>1
of a star. Happy, lucky. •^j^^W'J -^t:^^-)
Setting stars foreboding -liljl ^j:^>J' Shore. Abundant, or scanty (well). ji»
rain. Very lucky man. ^jl>j —
To bloom (tree). To l^'j^ o/o^ -^ Smooth and hard ground, iioi'l ^ ia»
sprout (plant). Te be covered with Thin sand.

Mangled (nose, ears).pa:>^ .UJ» ^pj^l blisters ( hand ). To conceal o.'s self
Scalpel. P?*^ ?r ?-^^ behind a wall.
Lop-eared (ass). Cx-opped by ^.o^ To wall, to inclose a. th. in a lja>
cattle (plant). walls.
To walk quickly (man). \»j^ josT \ -fi- To sprout yj^]j jjj-j SjiV jof
To walk with short steps (woman, (plant).
gazelle). Te become fit, suited for, Jj uj —
To propel (a boat) with oar.?. A— able to.
To cut off a. th. To form its grains and OVaja»:
To try to fly with its Cijoai o — sprout (vine).
wmgs cut (bird). To have the small- jj^jjjS--^j jj^
To send down (snow sky). :
^— pox.
To I'ow (a boat). A ^jS- To raise (a building). a jJi5>-Ij jj^
To disown benefits. To be j^^. — To have young trees (land). jj^\
ungrateful. To shoot forth (tree).
To bla.apheme against. ip oa> Natural tumour, swelling jtlnil ^ jj^
To shout, to clamour. ja»1 caused by a wound. Bite on an ani-
Bustle and clamour, uproar. liosT mal's neck. Sprout.
Blasphemy, wiiUJ ^ ^ij-bJ Wall, jjalj jOai ^ jl^J,tiO-'^>- ?r j^
Blasphemer. Ungrateful. ^-^ Inclosure, fence. -^ Manure, dung-hill.
Oar. Wing of a bird. ^i^aU^ ^ .Jla':> Small-pox. </j,a?- -^i '^j'-^J ^J,^
Whip. Measles. '^yjt\ ^^af ->
Having the legs cut ofT. oja?/i Worthy J jl ^j *l3i*j OjJj-aV^ :r ^>>
To twist strongly * vj^' i o Jaf « of, suited for, able to.
(a rope). Inclosure for cattle. J ijbT ^ ;jj of ^ —
To grow (grain). To Va^: a Ja>j - Walled garden.
become .strong (gazeUe).To be quar- Country where small-pox is ejj^^
relsome, contentious (man). raging.
To knock a. o. down, fitj s f}j>-j Jo^ Becoming a. o., suitable to. J j/j^fj —
To plait (the hair). Seized with small-pox. jok^ij jZ-J^*
To dispute, to contend with. JiQ. j; Pock-marked (face).
To be thrown down. To JjbJij Joii Rice and lentils (dish).
.<> Sj^^'
fall down, To be twisted. To be
-(f- Hard, firm. Dry blood.^^u. - ^j^ -^
strongly wound (rope). Uncultivated ground. ^»\y^ ^ iZ,i(>-
To discuss, to dispute togethei-. JiUj To mutilate the nose, s (pLbT a p.a> -H-

Hard. Strong. Whip. Jii^j Ja^fj S->4 lips. To cut oflf (a limb). To withhold
Member, sinew. Jj^ 5r J-»^ a. o.
PL Bones of the legs. To nourish a. o. s f^b 9^j ~
Sharpness, acrimony in dispute. Jj^i. scantily.
Ripe (corn, grain). To be poorly nourished ; to (f.j^ a po^
Well-made syl- Jioilj ^/j,>. y. JjJ. be mangled. To have the nose cut off.

logism. To wish a. 0. to be maimed. i f.j^

Pole'.uics. JaiJI ^\.ij J'j^ To insult a. o. s tio?- j x^iU-i p.iW-
Pestle. iij^ To quarrel, to abuse o. a. f.i\»^
The earth, the soil, iJ loijl Mutilation (of the nose etc.). f.a»
Contest, quarrel, discus- Hi'^Jj J\j^ Poorly fed (child). ^o,:
sion. Scientific debate. Stump of amputated member. xij^
Twisted rope. ^ jj_j^
J'jJ. Bad year. ^,10?:

Way, mood. Count j-y. j;jo,: ^ ibj^ Bad, unwholesome (pasturage). ^\j^

J-^ ( YA)
Bit, fragment. Piece of a garmeat.;!L> State. Tribe. •<>• Plait of hair.
Bit, piece, fragment. ili>j ili> A kind of hawk. J5G.I ^ Joi^
Silver cuttings, clippings. ol'illU Breast-plate JjJ. ^'j'i\ ^ .vof pji
To draw, to attract. Sj a C'Si i_ji> -K- i strongly made.
To bring over. To extend a. th. To Quarrelsome (man), -jQs-j -Joa:
wean (a boy). Liable to be discussed, litigable
To contend Aj 5 CIa> j if^i^ viW- (matter).' Syllogistic.
with a. 0. in pulling. To remove Caviller, disputei". J-i»j J\^
a. th. from its place. Disputative man. Castle. J iu; ^ Jjbt*
•^To stretch out the arms fi"om ^j^3 Disputatious person. J^U-.a ^ Jla3i/»
•.veariness. To grow weary. *
AVoven, twisted. Thin, slender. JjU^a
To drink (milk). fi>
- To make ( a list, table, ^ij'j^ -ft-
To pull a. th. in a contrary di-* v^WJ catalogue).
rection. To protract (a conversation). Brook, trench. Rubric Jj^j^ ^ Jj^
To be iittracted, dragged. v-^^l of a register, table of a book, fi'a-
To g.* far away. ^| j - ming of a page. List, catalogue.
To di"ag, to snatch off, to fi> ,_>a2>l. Table, sheet.
cari-y a. th. by force. Provided with a framing,rubrics. Jjlta*^
Di'agging. Attraction. To bear fruit and be- C^Il^ o j^Jo. -S-
^ Ecstasy, rapture, come dry (palm-tree).
ravishment. To curtail, to cut off a. th. ^—
Distance. Thread spun To rise from desti- oa>'l — OJ^ -ii-

at one revolution (of the spindle). tution to wealth.

He fall into the cC-i^ Ji\j J oil Fineness of the voice. o if
valley of Jezabat. (
prov. ) to mean : To A jji^J:J.\j jji^-^j \jj<i- o \'j^ -ft-

He missed his aim. ask (a gift, a. th. wanted).

Imprecation. Death <u\J4- To make a gift to. To bring ic_j s —
Attractive force. ::;iu. S^j *jiW- (an evil) upon.
Attraction. To obtain a gift, a. th. wanted, ^joall
Attracting, dragging, <^\JS.j i_/>G. To be of use to. To profit. jt" —
Having scanty milk having a pro-; To suffice a. 0.
tracted pregnancy (she-camel). It is of no avail to
Net of entangled hail* for cat- :c;i!l> thee.
ching larks. Gift. Genei'al rain.
Dragged. ^jj^j,i I
Utility. Profit.
To cut off, to trench, \j'S^ jj^ ^ fit Gift, present.
To extirpate. To snatch. To root More useful, more advantageous, ^^oil
out a. th. To request of a. 0. 5 G oi ^s^ ^ i

To extract the square or cube j-^?- a donation,

root of a number. i To bleed (wound). sS'^^S
To eradicate. To draw * j-^b ~ Arith. Square number. Product ')i>
out a. th. of a multiplication.
To be C"it off, uprooted. j'-^i Kid. CapricornoC-Lv J Ma»j oil ^ j'j^
Root of (the ton- j/jj. ^ J^j JjJ. (
zodiacal sign).
gue). Foot (of a tree). Origin. Horn Saddle-cushion, otj^j JJ^ <r *i-^
(of a cow). Square or cube root of a To cut.To break to * ilif o'if -ft-

number. pieces. To extirpate. To snatch a. th.

V.lld J ;>%._, ji)>:^ ji'j^j Jijij yy^ To be cut off, plucked away. 'iaJl,
calf. Cut. •i!l>^ * iil

( Y
Tu prevent ^ s Lfi>1j , C jLv i ^jl> -S- To cut off (an ani- j tlLi a fX>- ^
a. 0. from. mal's) food.
To drag the tail roimd his ^_, jj^ To become two years old (sheep).pa3ll
mate (pigeon). Voung, novice. u\*'-v»j ^li». t ('^
Root of a tree. *i^j ij?-^. Young sheep, a Strong youtli. Li-
To pull, to drag a. th. ^j S \jf o ^ -ii- vely young man.
along. To induce a. o. To lead ( Palm-tree stock. f.^'jJ-'\j f.jjJ- ^ f.li»

beast) gently. To draw, to attract Beam of a roof.

a. th. To put a noun in the geni- They dispersed on all ^Ii» ^Iv \jLd \
tive case. sides.
To commit a crime, jt elj^^ a o — To Hy swiftly jlU Ij Cil^ Jj4 ^ i

To pull a. th. violently. '

jji. fi> (bii'd). To walk with short and quick
To grant a delay to cjjJI 5 ^ib jW- steps.
a debtor. To cut OiT, to curtail a. th. A —
To drag To prevent a. o. j>-\
along. li To propel (a boat) with oars. ^ /*—
from .speaking. To slit the tongue Oar.Wing. '-*i?^ t oI^
of a youngling. To let ( the spear To b3 glad, Ji:»b vl^ a Jii i
in the wound. To join a. o. in sin- joyful.
ging. To let (a beast) pasture free- To stand upright. Jo^l^ .v/jLv o -
To cheer a. o. » Jli^l
To be drawn, dragged, pulled. ^itjl^ Stump of a tree, j/i^j Jlliil ^ Jjl>
To ruminate (animal). In^ 1^
Summit of a mountam.
To draw, to drag a. th. A — Cheerful, gay. oVii ^ oVlifj JJ?-
To pull, to draw a. th. A 'J>c^\ To mangle. j* ^ofj C«lU ^iLi «• i

-^To contract (a debt) little by little. To cut off a. th.

To submit to a. o. J — To be affected with Jj^> -^^j ^j^
Foot of a mountain. Basket. ^»' elephantiasis.
Burrow of (a beast). Genitive case. To be mangled. To have \j^J4 a j>^
And so on, so forth. i^* !J'— one hand cut off.
Prepositions commanding -J^}\ oj^ To be cut off. jilifJb j^^
the genitive. Root, trunk. ^lli?-b ^.jW « Vi*
Mechanics. JU_7 VI 'ji. Stock of a family. Root of a tooth.
Way of pulling. Tribe, emigratings^a- Fragment of a. th. cut ^lia- ^ iSji*
people. Cud. off. Whip.
Earthenware jar. Cud.^j j\'j>. ^ "iji Stunp of a hand cut off. "iXj^-

Snare for gazelles. Perfora-j^ ^ S^ Corn-ears left by the reapers, "O^j^-

ted plate of iron used to sow wheat. gleanings.
Eel. ^>' Name of a tribe and of a king. XijJL*
Crop of a bird. *~G?-,J *dlrt; Elephantiasis (kind of leprosy). j,\j^
Stream of water, brook.-^ Peg- jjjV> Affected with Jj^i j^J-U^j J^'^
Drawer. Flat bolt. elephantiasis.
Restive (horse). Deep (well). j_j_^» Having his hand mu- J'j^ ^ ^lUl
Rope, camel's halter. s^'l ^ "^l/.j^ tilated.
Sin, crime. Jlj^i ^ oj/^ Stump of a hand, of ajUo*. _j jyj^ ^
Numerous army fully equipped, jl^ tree cut off. Root, beginning.
Potter, c Pole of a carriage, -tf- Dra- To stand (^-i>b , ij^^j C'J^i o ' J* -^
wer of a table. erect, firm.
A small and deadly yellow Sjl_^
scorpion. Burnino' coal, firebrand.
(A- )

Cultivated v^' t ^ij->-

uV^nj The milky way. Quail. ;^;
field. Measiu'e for wheat'. Measure of Drawn along. In the genitive jj'j=Ki
BuperficT. case (noun), a Drain, channel.
Tempter. Lion, The Devil. -fy- ^'JJ' To gurgle (water). To growl ^,i.'j. -j}-

Tempted. Experienced (man). v^-^ (beast). To crepitate (fire).

Assayed (money). To drag a. th. a — a
0,G^ rr

S. A Pe^ To produce a gurgling .i;j| ^'J.3j
noise in swallowing water.

" -«- Thrashing-machine.
c^j^ ji-,>-
To gather, ^>'lj J'j.3 - ^tj? * Broad-bean.
to meet together. To fall down from Gurgling of water, a Death-
a high place (man). rattle,
To take the greatest part of. ^— Olives very 1 ipe. ^V?-j^j y>-j4- "^
Root- Origin. Clod sticking to X^y'j>- Water-cress, Rocket, -"?-\?-
a root. To be %?y_rfj sV.?-j S''>> o jj>- *
Ant-L=ll. j;i)| xi)'^. courageous, bo!d-spii'ited.
To be loose ( finger- %.ji. a '^^ ^ To render a. 0. courageous, to '\^ j;

ring). To walk upon a hard ground. inspirit. To embolden a, 0,

Sealing-clay. Mud. Gnat.
u-?-J?- ^ To assume boldness; to ]^j -^j ]'^\
To profit. G-^ a '^-^ -«- take heart. To dare.
To wound, to offend a, o. 5 — To attempt a. th. against. it ^j —
To disparage a sil^iJIj jalIjI - To venture upon.
witness and quash his evidence. To show courage, boldness. ]^_':^~J.[
To be woimded. To be G-^
a ^ y> Boldness, daring ; bravery, s^l^jij sV^'
impaired, made void (testimony). coura ge.
To inflict severe wounds on :< ^'.> Go-ahead. Bold. Lion. >r^1 ^ 'j_^
a. o. F. Trap for wild beasts, si^ ^
To be wounded. -rJi^A -^ Audacious, hardy. 'jJi».!'
To procure, to obtain a. th.
To perpetrate (a crime).
>b ^S-t^l To be scabby. To become C
rusty (sword).
a Lj^i^ -^ ^
To be annulled (witness). To tempt a. 0. To try, to
prove, to experience a. th.
*_, ?
Wound. Cut, sore. To have cattle affected withscab.k_,^1
Peremptory argument. 1^:^' To be tried. To be tempted, ij^i; -<>•

iV. of un. A wound Scab. Rust. Blemish.

Sui'geiy. Leather ^j^j v^ij o^^j-l rr v'l>,
Surgeon. j'-J^y. bag. Cricket. Cavity of a well.
Productive mernber; Socks, c^\,yy^ {j T ^jfji- v3j^ P^
{as. the foot, hand . Maie. Flesh- stockings.
eating animals. Bii-ds of prey. Blade, To put stockings to a, o. j v3>?-
Calamity. Troop of men. of animals. A'j>-
Wounded. J-'ji- ^_ (m. and f ). ^j_j>. Experiment, trial,
^j,W^ -^ -'.j^
Wouuued fpers. 9!i^,i?^ ^ :^j^> temptation.
animal). Made void (testimony). Scabbard oO_^j o^.'Ai o^.j^j oC_^
Covered with wounds. 9-*->---* of a sword. Collar of a shirt.
To become ill from \i,'^i. n >_^ ^
eating locusts. To be smitten ty Scabby. ^j U^ ^i'\^j ^.)^j
locusts land ).
( To be threadbare F. Dry (land). Skv.' Beautiful •Vj*ij^
(clothes). To be bare, vxithout grass ( giH}.
3j>- ^^
Register. -^ Newspaper. Palm- ( soil, field ).To be worn out, shabby
branch. (clothes). To lose o.'s hair, (man,
Bad (year). Unlucky (man). ijjU animal).
Separation, Abstraction. ^J->^ To strip (a branch of its4> iS^ o ^'ji-
Isolation. Spoliation. Privation, clis- leaves ; a ivee ofits bark a skin of ;

engagement from worldly things.

all its hair). To induce to give a. o.
Independence; unwordliness. y^ a. th.against his will. To make a
Abstraction. Isolation. -^Indifference. land bare ( drought, locusts ). To
Impartiality, fairness. unsheath (a sword). -^ To inventoi-y,
Naked, flat, even. jT^ ^ *'^lrr -" ^'JA to reckon up a. th.
Bare (field). Free from hatred To strip a. o. from. ^j. j i^_, —
(heart). Short-haired. Without hair To peal. To bark a. th. ^^^To »j fi>

(man)'; without froth (milk). Pure strip a. o. of ( his clothes ). To bare

from clouds ( sky ). Pure ( wine ). ( the ground ). To write without
Complete (day, month). marking the points. To shave. To
Beardles.s. Thin-haired •'>' abstract a. th.
(man). To be denuded. To come forth ^y^S
Surgical instrument ijGsJ from sheath (spike). To outstrip

for cleansing the teeth. the others (horse). -^ To be taken
Stripped off. Barked. Fleshless :>/^^,. ab.stractively (th.).
(bone). Abounding in locusts (coun To disentangle, o-.'s self. To get ^—
try). -^ Shovel. rid of a. o.
Separated. Naked. Abstracted To throw off (o.'s clothes). ^—
Incorporeal. Alone, unique. To apply o.'s self exclusively, to J —
For the sole reason that. devote o.'s self to.
Only for. To be isolated, separated. To i^^Jl.
Abstracted matters. be stripped. To be barked. To be
To eat greedily at the worn out, threadbare. To cast his
expense of another. hair (camel).
Eating ^>jii ^?J>:h
, obi',*' P W^'e had a very long jjiJl Uj i'_jhj{
greedily. Spunger. way, we are wayworn.
Cake of bread. To comb (wool). fi> yA>-\
Bucket. Smooth, even. Shaved. Shabby i'_^
To eat (man). To speak much ^i ^ (clothes). Shield. <• Inventoi'y.
and volubly. Troop of hor.semen. <>• High :>'j>.

Loquacious. Black green-headed ^i' s. and bare mountains.

locust. Field bare, without vegetation. ij>.
To turn into a tumour iV,i o i^f -S- Baldness.
(wound). Bare, without vegeta- Si_,_> j> i^
To cutaway (the knots of a ?j A i^> tion.
tree). To train a. o. Unclad part of the body. si^
To put a. 0. out. To separate Shabby dress. Si^
Tumour on the hock. Locusts {Coll}. iS'j^
Large rat. oj'i>' <^j A locust. Sil^^
^ Field-rat. Mole. Bark. S^l^r
Kind of date. lilSVjl M Palm-bough stripped off. Mock a," i
Earth abounding in rats. ii^i. js'j\ fight, tilt. Whole (day, month).
To cut. To goad a. o. s ij^ o 'Jj~^ -S- Detachment of. ^ '''\j>i
To be voracious. ;jir; q
'Jj>- cavalry. Catalogue. Accomit-book,
(AY )

Roughly milled (wheat). Groats, To joke mali-

Sweets. J-liXj^ °J J'jXy!- ^ ciously with.
To swallow (saliva) Ci»^ a j^^i ^ ^ To be barren (female). To become j^r?-^
difficultly ffom grief or auger. To be lean (she-camel).
oppressed by grief. To be in tlie To revile 0. another. yj^
pangs of death. Barren year. Body, jl^l
To strangle a. o. U»lr^ o J'j^- Breast of man.
To suffocate a. o. with. ^_j ^ j^^] Iron rod. Fangs 9Jj^,i j'jr* I P
Suffocation. Suffocating jaij>-j J^y>- of a viper.
saliva. Death-rattle. Grief. Loss, destruction
At the point of death.|_yi[^.i: ^ j^ij-i- Bundle of trefoil.
Oppressed by grief. Choked 'by Sharp sword.
saliva. Glutton.
He escaped half-dead. Uw^^ cJ^I Abusive joke.
He 'lied broken-hearted. ^lj>- oC« Barren ground.
Big-Ij3llied. Glutton.
j.^'^ji- ^ To emit
To pln?-lj,(p35r a f_;fj \s.j>- a p^?- ^ a gentle sound. To speak gently.
swallow in one draught. To utter (a word). To lick a. th. ^ —
To make a. o. to swallow y ^ji. (cattle).
(water). To make a. o. to restrain To render a. o. experienced 5 ^^i.
his rage. <f- To embolden a. o. (business). -^ To disgrace, to bring
•^To dare, to assume ( for 1^0 ) ^^j <>• shame upon a. o.
boldness. To render a. 0. infamous. oSili ^j^
To drink a. th. by draughts. fi>
To publish a. o.'s misdoings.
To repress (anger). To pro luce a ringing sound ^o?-''
Rope. Bow-string. f.jf (jewels). To produce a rusthng sound
Draught. Mouthful. "^Jrj '*f-j4 in flying bird ). To be scared away

Small draught. *^S?-

man (wild beast).
at the voice of
Sandy 5,^ G.1 ^ ^.^^Ij , 'U.]^ j i-tj? To ring a bell. — fi>

ground. To whisper. To speek gently. ^1^

Boldness, courage. *^l_^ ^ Gentle sound, hum. ^'j»-j ^^
I have not Sj U-> iJ cJ«^
{J,j>. C»

To tak'^; the greatest part of. To '

perceived the slightest sound.

sweep away. To shovel. <>• To rake '
Bell. u-'>?^ «" ^S?-
up a. th. Shame, scandal. *--!>? "*
To reduce a. 0. to destitution. 5 ^jf \ Plant-devouring wj/yf tt *-^j,W-
To be flooded (place). «-J3»1 ' (insect). PL Bees.
Goods of all description. Harvest, j^ \
Head of cattle stolen ^^1^ ^ '^jf
Bank <-9>>l 5- ^j^j , *»Jr». ^ 3'j>- dui'ing the night.
undermined by water. To bray, to bruise a Ci-^ J-J^ -S-
Piece of bread. -^'^ <.

(wheat, salt ). To take away ( the

Stream of water washing a land^ij^ scm'f of the head with a comb).

away. Greedy. To throw off" its slough (viper).

Measure of capacity. ^'>5:->
~ To steal a. th. s J''j>'^
Scooping. Sweeping away. ^jU Hand-mill for u^ ;,'>?• -^ '^JJ^
Mortality. Plague. I groats.
Glutton. Unhappy. *»jjW- ^ ^jjW- Wheat coarsely ground. Female iil^^i
Broom. Scoop. :ai^> oj :jj'j(:^ -^j Sj>j^^ comber.

Shovel. < Rake, hoe. I Coarsely ground. J-j'j^-^j J^j^

To pass away (night). To gather ji^ Sweeping torrent. Swift (hack- Sj'j*
(people). ney).
Small house. Lake in a depros- jy^i- To throw a. o. down. To s u^'j>- ^
aed place. bind tightly.
Body of man. Legs of -n>l>>j ^XA Lion. ur;»>>'j u-l»>.
(wild beasts). To be hard, stony. VJ^ a J^^ -fr

To scamper olF.

Overshoe, galoche. Stony ground.

To be worn out, ^Jj^ o c/ji- ^ Golden red coloui'. Wine. Pure JG]^
(clothes). (colour).
To grind (wheat). A - To cut, to lop off A ^yi. ^'ji. ^ I

To be trained (man, beast). u — ( a palm-tree). To complete a. th. To

Young one of the serpent. Effa- oj U- shear (sheep). -^ To bone (the meat).
ced (track). Worn out (garment). To acquire a. th. for o.'s J yJ^S^ —
Floor. Pestle. Stone '-> j^ ' ?r '->j^ family, to earn.
basin. <> Stone mortar To commit Jp jc /J(i\i /j^S^ —
•^Baptismal Font. a crime against a. o.
Uppei' part of a *j_^b To gather the A 'i^l^fj ^j>- i
camel's neck. fruit of (a tree).
He threw off his burden iJi^ ^£ ij '|
To cut a. th. short. s^ ^^
upon him. He became accustomed To charge a. o. falsely jc j^'J^j s

to it. with a crime.
Thrashing-floor. Drying-place ccjf To be elapsed night, year).
for dates. To be guilty. To abstain from sin.
To proclaim. To publish a. th.* o^' ^ Crime, .sin, ^ij^lj ^yj. ^ Jji-j,/j4-
To be proclaimed, made notorious.»^ij misdemeanour.
Clamour, shriek. Steeds. Com- XJ^V^ Certainly. Indeed. ^^ Vj >^> V
pany of men. Undoubtedly.
Side, flank. *a^ Hot (countiy). n Penalty, jt/j^ ^ J,jf
To hasten. To walk ij£j,9.|j oa j» -Jf Large boat, barge on the Nile.
at a quick pace. Body of animal. j'\'^\ «•
>\>.3 ,»'>^|
^j^i ^j^.
Great walker. •^j>-j -^j^- Throat.
Large, enormous lion. o-^S?" ^ The hot countries (opp. to the j,ij>i\
Ancient tribe of Arabia. v*j?- ^ cold ij^l ).

Lion. Huge camel. jt^}JrJ j>^y!- The celestial bodies. x!&al!l ^I^Vt
Acting vigorously. >«tA>> Sustainer of a -••^j ^j=r 9- -»J,W-
To have whelps (bitch). (i^?-'1 ^ family. Gatherer of dates
Dry dates. .^ ,ij j.\

Whelp. Cub. Young one. Small colo- Gleanings.

cynth. Pomegranate. Thick-bodied. Cut (tree). Culprit.^^
He bore iitj _yivi Jc iy^^f. UJ^b j\ Ji'\ Last descendant. Fruit- ^JlJ^ ^ *ii>>
the thing patiently {Prov). stone. Crime, fault, n Fine, penalty.
Having whelps
(wild beast).
:t: i^.; <>-^
*i^j ^ Loading and unloading JLiJiiii j,ij»Ji
of a ship.
To flow %.'j>:j OCj^j CJ^ i ^yi. ^ Elementary grammar. •C^jJ^\
(water). To run, to be current. To be Culprit, guilty. Rogue, beggar.^_^
executed (order). To happen (event). To contract o.'s self. To yj^ ^
To move(stars).Tobe current (money). shift. To shun an answer.To answer
To hasten to. To pui-pose a. th. Ji^ — faultily.
C At )
^JT jT
for being shorn, cut (tree, crops, To follow the same course, ii\'j»J> j'^
•wool). rules. To act in the same way.
A sheep-shearing. Clipped wool, -t^ To give vent (to fi>j i *Sj>- J^h
Wool clippedat jjsTj Jljij jja- ^ Sja- water). To send (a deputy). To
one time ; fleece. launch a. th. To start (a horse).
<•Refuse of mulberry leaves sj> To compete with. To ^Sj^jj ^ iS'J^
eaten by silkworms. run with a, o.
Cuttings of leather. SJO^J J'J? To agree with a. o. in. j jj\a5j S —
Clippings. Poi tion of the night. To sign, to execute (a decreej.^ iS^'\
Crops, harvest -time. j^j>;j j^'j=r To close (an account). To decline (a
Out off. Shorn. jjj*>j JJJ50 -i jf noun).
Shearer. jlj» To render alike. To o\j»<J' * iJj>-^^

Shears. Scythe. jf.^ subject to the same rules.

To divide into lots. »> \i'j^ a Yj^ -^ To entrust a. o. with (a Jl^ A —
To take a part of. To curtail (a business).
versse). To strengthen a. th. To inflict a penalty on a. o. •* ~
To be satiated with ^j 1lj^)j Ijvj ^J^ <• To grant (a pension ) to. To carry
a. th. (camels). To be satisfied vdih. a. th. to (the debit of).
To make a handle to. To lot, to fi *ij^ To introduce a custom. siUil —
partake a. th. To appoint, to send (a s ^s'J»dS,{

To satisfy a. o. (th.). s — deputy). To start (a horse).

To bring forth (female). 'ijall Course. Current, stream o^i'j>-j Sj>-
To put (a ring) on the finder; Aj s — of water. <> Diarrhea.
a (handle to a knife. To suffice a. o.
) According to custom. siCJI \S'j>-
To satisfy a. o. and to do i — ^ For thee, on ac- dUI^ ^,j ^t ~ii\'j>-

instead of. To .stand instead of. count of thee, for thy sake.
To be allotted ('portions). \j0 Girlhood. Daily wages. 'IJ^ij '•I'^ji-
Some. Part, particle. Lot. Mjsll ^ ^'ji Allowance for soldiers, Pension. >«>•

Awl-handle. Vine-prop, sljai Mission. Commission. *ilS?-

Partial, ( opp. to :!; ji ^ 'J j» Running. '0^1 J 'i^?-lj *i>?l-> '^^
special. <• In small" quantity (th.). Custom. Natm'al disposition.
Particles. Particulars. Atoms. oCjj* Procurator. Agent. 'Uj?^ ^ t?j^
Chemist. jtO.J 'jt^ji-ij Surety. Messenger, hired man.
•J'-^J^l'^ '

Chemistry. Pharmacy.:C>ljb *-Jlj?-' ^ •• Eel. '^^^

Sufficiency, iljat^J IJ^J e\ja-^J Ijav" Flowing. Running. Con- Ijj VV j> jb-
substitute, tinuous. Instant (month, year).
Satiating (food). 'jJ>Jj 'iSj>- Young woman. ^j'Sfj i-V^jV?-
J,^ TT *iJ,'
Lot; portion. female slave.Girl. Maid-servant. Ship.
v'3?-'' ^ vj?: "^
To go to business. r>j^ a ^yf ^ Vipei-. Wind. Sun. Eye of animal.
To enter her retreat (gazelle). Usher of a Court. 'i^!-^' J>»'^
To give to a. o. a part of *) u ^^ iJ
— Executive. ''^,0?',
o.'s Wealth. Occurrences, events. ( ^s'j> d^ijf t« V^* ")

Preseiit, gift, ^^ Watercourse, channel, jU> ^ <Js'J»J'

Portfoho. Case. >il^j?; Ts Course of affairs. -^ Be'd of a river.
To slaughter fi,j s Jjn^ \j , \jj:f o Sj>- ^ Track of a ship. PL Means.
a (head of cattle). To cut otf (fruit). Zodiacal circle, ^..\ -u j'Ji^Ji

To go down (tide). To flow

o i jjf To ^ jja. \j j^ \j
jj>j Ij4r j> -^

away (water). cut, to shear, to crop (wool,herbs).

To be fit to be slaughtered. To jjsll To attain the proper season^^Lllj j>-^

Medley of white and black. Half- ^jii>
( Ae )
ba cut off (dates). To die (man). To
I'ipe ( date ). Holding little water be at the point of death (old man).
(pond). To insult one another. jjliv
Tesselated. Variega- ^ii.^!) p,)y'o f.j^i To fight despei'ately.To j^a* Ij jja*;
ted. leave a prey for wild beasts (figh-
Very anxious. Restless. f^j\ai^ -r f'j?*? ters).
To buy or ^ o'jt? Ij Oj^ o <S^ ^
Ebbing tide. ebb. ( opj). lo jjt )
sell ( without weighing nor measu- Slaughtered head of cattle. Prey, jj^
ring). Carrot. Pai'snip. jj»j j^ P
To buy or ^jGJij Cjl_)> ;Jpl J 5 S'J^ Butcher. Tyrant ; cruel man. j\^
sell a. til. to a. o. in a lump. Fit to be slaughtered jj:^ ^ j/-^
To speak on conjecture. ^>(SC.1I J — (camel).
Sale or purchase in a lump. olj?^ Remains of a slaughtered Sjl";?^

Wholesiile purchase Or sale. beast, as the head, feet.

Fishei'. Butchery. ej\j»-
Fishing-net. Island. Peninsula. J^jf tt »jtj4-
To be thick (wood). Slj^ Peninsula of Arabia. ^'j^^ '->'.yf
To be chaste, strong (language). To Mesopotamia. Andalusia. 5l«j|jl
be important, great (th.). To be Algeria. Jjj>JI
prudent, wise ( man). The fortunate Islands, olj.n>JI j Ijsjl
To cut (a stick) in ^ sJj* j VJf i Jjf the Canaries.
two pieces. Slaughter-house, butchery ^ju^;: frjyf^
To be galled in the withers Jjall To cut, to cros.s (a a iij> a ^.j^ -S-
(camel). river).
To bestow a generous gift A ij
— To give to a. o. a part of.^^ <pj> i)

upon a. 0. To grow impa- jj> \s./j>} <s.ji a pj>
To find (an advice) to be A ^'j>c:Z.\ tient, anxious about a. th. To show
excellent. grief at.
Sound judgment. Chasteness rflj^ To compassionate a. o. ti*

of speech. Firmness. To be half-ripe (dates). To have ^.j^

Considei-able (gift). Jl^*. ^ Jijg^j Jj> little water left (pond).
Generous.Correct, chaste (language). To cut a. th. in two pieces, f j 4> —
Very respectable. ./•lln>'Vl Jij> To afflict a. 0. To leave (a ^j 5 ^j»l
Young pigeon. Youth, d'j}'^ -k JjS» remainder).
Asthma. Exhausted camel. To break asunder (rope, f.y>Cij pjiJl.
To eat one meal a '^j?^ i J_y>- ^ stick).
day. To be watei'ed (camels). To divide (spoils).
To To decide a. th. A —
cut off a.'th. To break, to cut (a branch). ^ <^j-^if\

irrevocably. To make ( an oath Violent outburst of im-

without condition. To put ( a vei'b) patience, grief.
in the conditional mood. To fill ( Shell of Venus. <> Onyx. ^'j>
skin). To trim (a palm-tree). To Winding of a valley. ^.j^l ^ pj>
write an even hand. Encampment of a tribe.
To determine. To I'esolve upon, it — Axis of watering-engine. Yellow ^'ji
To impose a. th. on a. o. dye.
To appraise roughly (a Impatient. 9-jj>-j 9J}>-j 9^ii fj*
palm-tree). Fretting.
To refrain from. To be ^yt-i Small quantity. *iij»j *^j?-J *^lr9;
afraid and unable to. Portion of a flock. Handle of a knife.
( A^ )

Incarnation (of the Verb). To remain silent about a. th. ip^Vj —

Shu't, chemise. -^^^ To be cut. To be broken (bone). ^jiJI,
To dare, to Ij>Wj SjlI-> o ^-» -S-
ip To be in the conditional mood (verb).
\entare upon. To undertake (a bu- Decisive affair. Premature. Cut Jji.
siness). evenly (pen). Conditional mood.jezm.
To be rash, bold. To dare. JJ^i — Sign of quiescence. oCij* ^ *^'ji-
To cross (a desert, the sea).*_^lS^lj — Single meal a day. (/ Boots.
To build a bridge. \lr-^~ Part of a flock. ** j*
To embolden a. o. » _;-'L» Deciding. Particle ^jj}?- w j'X^
To make a dam. J;^ a commanding the conditional mood.
Tall and strong (camel). "i'^^S ^ jL>- Watered (camel).
Filled (skio).
Tall and brave (man). To reward, to jc jl ^^ j t\j^ jjf. -^ \

Courage. Daring. ejL_.>J requite a. o. for (good or evil).

Bridge.Em- j^J.^ JJJ\ To pay (a debt). To satisfy a. o. ?jA —
bankment. Pontoon. •() Beam uphold- To do instead of, to perform j£ —
ing joists, a Dam. the office of.
Axle-tree Sj^l* ^ 1Z.y-^\ _rl> <• To requite a. o. o 5'
*'j?-j sOW^ j'j^
of a carriage. for.
Rashness. Daring. UJ To suffice. (^j>1
.r~-?" ^ Jj—»-J
jl— J-jO-J.r-W- 1 !
To stand instead of, ^t —
Tall and courageous, rash. jLl»j To claim o^A* ^ t^^-i^. j\ i^ii Sj^
Daring, fool-hai-dy. ^-W»^ from a. o. the payment of a debt.
To decline (an offer). ^^ a ^y^ ^
/ul^:^ To claim a salarv from a. o. n j'^»-[
To b3 stout, bulky. \vcJ-o J-4^ Requital, compensation.
To render a. o. stout, bulky, a ^,^ ^ Criminal law.
To give consistency to a. th ; to em- < Fine, penalty.
body. To exaggerate a. th. <> Penal code.
To become stout to increase ;
^1^ Capitation, poll-tax. <^J?; 9r V.J?;
in volume. To take consistency. <> To Remunerator.
become momentous (aflair). To feel with jfj A '^_^J:^ \j i
*~^ ;^^ -ft-
To choose a.
o. amongst many. J_j ?
— the hand. To stare a. o. in the face.
To embark in a gi'ave affair. To re- To ascertain (a news). —-^j
pair to (a country). To scrutinise (hidden things)
Bulk. Body.^lj ^>l>-j ^11>I ^ ^.lo- To inquire after a th. A -

solid substance.
Bigness, grievousness, enormity. :uili Spy.
Body, bulk, mass. olil?^ Pulse. Chest. *—?t»j Ir-?''*
Corporal, material. 'd<<,L>- j ' Ji^ To become si-l*-j C'-?- o *^-^ ''^

Corpulent, lusty, .ii^, ^ ^.---f j .A-'~»- hardened (hand).

SoUd ; cubic, square (body). j^-»^ Hard skin. Frozen water. ^i,.^
To dry up. to be- i^j \y^ oMJ.^ Hardness : callosity. 'Cj— W-J »Ll?-
comf hard (hand). To freeze (water). To coagulate (blood). C^f a Ji_.f -S-
To show hostility to. 5 iJlG- To dye a. th. with ?affron. fi> jlJ-

Hardness stiffness. «J^? To assume consistency. < To oli-i

Hard, dry, solid. ^\^ become man (Son of God).
To smash. To grind. * Li* o jL» -i^ Body (animated). Flesh. ill>'l ^ j1^
To sweep. To clean a. th. Clotted blood. -4rr^J -^^
To strike a. o. with a stick. o5— Corporal. Material. -jloJ-ij C?r^»
To break. To mill (corn). ^ 'i*! SatFron. *l^?-j J^^
To entniat a. o. with fi> s ^>b To be covei-ed with jii>b J-4^
a (difficult) affair. clusters of hei'bs (soil).
Biu'deii, difficult duty. .i>j Stony place. Middle part of an 'j^
Thick. Big. animal's body.
Chest. Arm. iSIidnight Hoarseness. Disturbance. Cla- ili
To moan ( fettered ' U^ morous party.
captive). Having a harsh voice, .lL> ^ J-i''^
To sprout (plant). To open the i/a-^? hoarse. Rumbling (cloud, thunder).
eyes (puppy). Hoarseness. J~^
To whitewash, to plaster (a house).*— Coarse flour. Pounded XiA^ij J^i4^
To be adjacent (neighbour). ^i^\ and boiled wheat.
Gypsum. Sulphate of calx. -^^ Hand-mill. ili.^j ,2)^-^
Plasterer. t/sL^ To be con- \i.i.j \l^j \'j^ a \k^-ii-
Plaster kiln. 7.^df vulsed. to heave (from fear or grief,
Gathering of men living close x.o-..^=^ soul). To bring forth plants (soil).
together. To rush forth (wild beast). To bleat
To dart on a. o. <-i
^-o* o ja^f -H- (sheep). To rush on (sea).
(with a sword). To emigrate towards. J[ Si; ja —
<•To scream, to shout. ja> To belch. llijj iLf
To kneel (camel). ^^if -»- Belch. {n. of uniKhJ.) '\l.^,-i\j:.>.
To make (a camel) to kneel. To s — Swelhug (of the sea). Darkness ni.?^
slaughter (a beast). (of the night).
To proceed against (a debtor), o— Ajli.?^ O i_-.i> J , C.-i> a »—-.ij k^i.?- -^
To throw o.s'self on the ground
out of grief.
^^ To be unwholesome, coarse (food).
To live on unwholesome ;7^al o ,_ ^^
Grumbling of camels flocking xiik'mf food.
together. Mill-clack. (_jL_i?:^j k^xisrj fc_-4-?"j I-.—?- ^\ —ii*
Narrow space. Battle-field. Coarse, unpalatable food. i_j^k^j
Unwholesome climate. Earth Grum- Coarse, gross. ^hr^
bling (camel). To take jXj-j , l>U o .r^ -ft-
/fcj j;

To fell a. o.s^ia^j k_..i>._j,CJi> a »-»i.f -P5- (cattle) to a pasture.To give up a.th.

To manufacture (quivers). ^^ fi> j j
To break (dawn). To depart. Ojl^i —
To throng and ^^j ^'-^h v"?'^ j
To be hardened (mud). S'jh^ a v~^
press together (army). j
To be hoarse ( man ). To cough
Cartridge-box ; quiver. vjVi?- ^ J^ (camel).
Large bowl.| To empty (a vessel). * ^^
Short and stout. JC»^ -K- N. of act. Cattle grazing freely. _^i»
To roll up, to cAii^j JC^j - j^ -«- Cattle. j[l.^
be contracted. Herdsman. Jj}l^
Stem of a tree. ju^j J^ ^ s:i;> Owner of a pasture-land. jlL^
To be curled (hair).Si^j sSli^o ai^ ^ Cough. Hoarseness. 5lr=-?^
To curl (the hair). jXi- fi, Hoarse, coughing. _^ia:
^ '1>W^ ^^i?-^
To be curled (hair). To be crisped, j,l^ Tank from which water isnot ^ii.*
contracted (tli.). drawn.
Woolly, curled, ai^Jj aliv ^ ai* , To covet, to js. ^l^j /* (aL> a ^li.* -S-
(hair). Niggardly. Generous. Stout desire earnestly a. th.; to thirst for.
and strong (man). Very covetous. Oji^^ « f4^J f^ ^
Avaricious. J>aV|j li&i!lj Xi\ -u>
Worthless man. Uall S^ assume a pamful (duty).
( AA)
Stagnating water full of ^^ oif, oi\j^y,^\j s ju» _^' \

blaek-beetles. Foul-mouthed man. ls^4 "^

Price agreed Ju,! 1 ^ j^L^ j ,
j^al Stingy.
upon; salai'j, wages. To use foul language. o^i?^ •
Bribe, -tf- Pension. jj.liv
Stipulated price. -^ Flocks j; i;;^
^ ^^j <^^,
^ iL*^
-^ To bellow. ( for jU ) I^V a
To dung (wild beast). j^h ~
of sheep and their shepherds. Dung of wild beasts. ^ j^ ^
To have no CU»
a ^j , (J^ a ^ -H- Rope for tying a well-cleanser.
Ju^ y]j jU*
To muzzle (a camel). s — Black-beetle.
To covet, J J,^j , Jl^j j Chi? a ^^ Buttocks.
to long for a. th. To relieve o.'s bowels.
To eat up a tree to the root v^^ To utter bad words.

To pick up (dung).
To pluck, to eradicate a. th.
i^ o

U» -S-
drive a. o. n ^ i_, ,
CW a
.ki?^ -ft-

Beer (drink), lis. To escape.

To dry, to be dried, 6^j 6ui i ti> -^ Small and lusty.
To pick up and take a. th. fi> ii>. o — To prostrate a. o. y ^ • I^,Uj>»- a «-ii> ft'

away. To uproot (a tree).

To di-y up ^J a CiU^j Ci-i^ ^ik To be uprooted (tree),
a. th. To fit a (horse) with a coat of Sweeping (torrent).
mail. Lai'ge stream. Small river. ^^^ -S-

Numerous company.ilij ii^j ;ii^j ci^ Abundant sheep. Name of a celebra-

Spathe of palm-tree. Any hollow i^ ted vizier.
tube. Old man. To swarm with jVb ^Ai> a J-?^ -M-

Coat of mail. J>AS»^> rr «-Jl^ black-beetles (water).

Dry, dried up, desiccated. yJ^-j usi?- To put, to make, fi>j 5 "^'m^i. a jii
Desiccative, drying. ^-ilM to appoint. To render a. o or a. th.
To collect (camels;. To fi>j ^ Uajuf -S- such. To establish a. o. as.
pursue (ostriches). To appoint a. o. governor. i^\>. S —
To bristle its feathers (bird), wiijij To make a. th. to become A*—
To be half-dry (moistened garment). such. To change a. th. in, to substi-
To throw a. o. down. Aj a u* a IV "^ tute a. th. To use a. th. instead of.
To upset a. th. To scum a cooking- He used it as a capital- «j ^jA'j ili> v'«

pot. To sweep off the "^rubbish stock.

brought down by a torrent. He took Basrah for iloiJ «lr<ap' J*^
To cast forth fj'oth (cooking-pot). 'iV Bagdad z. e. Hd committed a gross

To cast forth refuse on the shore blunder. (Prov).

(torrent). To impose a condition jpj A —
To jade (beasts) in a journey, j Uij."i upon a. 0. To stipulate with a. o.
To throw a. 0. down. (the amount of a salary).
Sweepings of a torrent. Vanity U> To begin to do.
Empty ship .Useless. He began to shed tears.
Double-barrelled gun. ^ Ts To bribe a. o.
n Pincers. To give a. th. to a. o.
Estate of the Sultan let out iuii> Ts To make a. th. together.
to tenants ; farm. To receive to do a. th.

To be proud, haughty, daf a r-i* "^ Black-beetle [ins.).

To vie in merits with a. o. s ;ob. Overseer.
Fearful, disquieted, riuirietl. J^a*!.
( A\ )

Proud, boastful.
^ ,\i:f

To slaughter (a she- s uL^ o Jt>- -fr To grow up_^^ij J^j \'J,> , _

camel) and give her iles'.i for food. (lamb). To be widened.
Eyelid. Apjile
J^\j ovVb
ay4- tt cM To recover fi-om illness. jayj\ ^ Jui
of the eye. Vine-stock. Sheath. To cast off a. th. To break ^j s ji^\
Large porringer. Cj\:S>-j oV«?; ^ Siif with a. 0.
Deep dish. A viue-.stock. Generous Large well. jU>- ^ Jie^-

man. Divination. ^?J1 j^.

To be coai-se Jii^j i>i>'o u» -^ Wide cavity in the ground._^ ^ sj^
(garment). To be restless. Wooden or leather (piiver. jOt^
To treat harshly, to tyrannise ip^ ? — N. of un. Portfolio, leather Slrvi*
a. o. bag.
To slide (horse-saddle). ^s-
— ^ White, waxed (yarns). _,li^
To take, to send away a. o. i »\i. To suffer from 'x^yk>-j a ,j-*>
^ To behave rudely towards a. o. indigestion.
To ill-treat (cattle). To fi>j s
J^\ Mean, base. u-i^J w^^J u-i?;
unaaddle (a horse). To be shai'p, sour. '^_yJ- o u^ii^ -0-

To withdraw. To slide (saddle). sb«j Intruder. Tedious (man). Sour.^ii i^-

<> To use abusive language. harsh. Disobedient (child).

To remove a. th. from its a <«^-?-*' To fill up (a vessel). A QlLTo Jai» ^
place. To swell (corpse). '-!»U»I.

Hardness ; churlish, unkind 'U>j s^if Swollen (corpse). h-i-c

behaviour ; ill-treatment. To take jii;^ b >U>j '^M

, i
J^ ^
fright, to be scared away.
Harsh rough, uncivil (man). Coarse To run away in jji;^ jiiJIj ji>U -
(dress). a panic (people).
Ruda, rough (man). jU-jl jii. To carry away (the clouds fin yjuf — : i

To dung (bird). u^ o j» -» wind). To cast ( fish) upon the shore

To bahave saucily u. ^U^ — ^a>- (sea).
towards a. o. To sweep away (the mud), /b ji»j —
Insolent, pert. Obstinate. jj^"^ to scrape off a. th.
Clank of iron. XfeifJCsT -S- To be disordered (hair). V^ o jl>-
To offer ^1 j J^Aj
\'JL^ a J?^ -«
To scare a. 0. away. s jlf
obtrusively goods for sale (merchant). To bristle his feathers (cock). jlij
^ To be offended, vexed by. ^* ^fei^ To go away (shade). To run ji?.5l
To b3 despited by. away in a panic.
To tease, to thwart a. o. 5 ^\>- <>• Fright. Ship. Driven away Jj.i>j jif
In spite of..., j :2jii^:i-j fj\^^ <^ (cloud).
vexingly. Dung of elephant. Ju^ 1 ^ ji;^^j , jif
Offended. Vexed at. ^a oI^S^ "^ Leafy (tree). ;Ii^
To ba high, great, x]%'j-^y,i. \ 3> -«- A fleece of wool. iiL^
imposing. To be illustrious. Foam of milk. Rubbish, scum cast Ju»
God who is great and ^^ j js. vil forth by a torrent. Abundant (wool).
mighty. Scum of (a boiler)
To b3 aged, of a mature |j>Uj V Man- Clearing off the clouds
age. (wind).
To scorn at. To abstain ^i, 3lVt,
- General invitation to
from. dinner.
To be free from (defect). ^— Swift (wind).
Grain of coriander, of sesame. o!>*?»I» To put a horse-cloth to. »jt>j,!A» —
Black poppy. xll^l — To emigrate from. ^p SI^U p 3?. i

Egyptian lotus. Cj_ro/»

— To pick up (dung) with l^\j,y^o-
The heart's core. ^Jliil — the hand as fuel.
Great number. <J?fciM ^'-^ To be general, common to all. jS^
To 5 r''9yii «5Uj >iij ^-ki- a SU' ^ The rain has been u^jvi _,k;!l J^
throw a. o. do-wn. general.
To import Aj s CUj CU i o ^V ^ To honom-, to respect a. o. Aj j jli
(goods). To assemble (a crowd). To To be strong, hardy. To be weak. ^]
threaten a. o. To respect, to honour to load ; s —
To procure a. th. to a. o. J A — a. o. with gifts.
To urge on it — To be exalted, great.
a horse -with s ^U_j j^

the voice. To clothe o.'self in. ,_,

To be cared (wound). To dry GjU — To exalt o.'self above. is. 3u5

(blood). To take the main pai't of. fi> j[jiilj —
To gather, to meet (people). Ci* a wJ*
To scream, to stir about. »_.V b v^
-^ Pack-JSU j j!iW W D*
To flock in. Main part of a. th. JM>-J D?"
To be brought. To be imported. ^Ji^'i •Jasmine. Rose. 'j^j 'j:f
lo bring (goods, cattle) Aj 5 wi2>l Sail of a ship. JyU ^ —
from one place to another).
To import (goods}.To ask a
Great, illustrious, aged. Bulky.j»._j
The chief men of a place.
,J\^~iZ\ :a> t*'^
a. th. to be brought. Emigrating party. Tax. au-
Importation. Crime. _JU: Serious, momentous or unimpor- jl^
Uproar, confused voices. v-^j ^iv tant thing.
Imported goods. -r
~ V^^ He has done it for thy sake.dllU ^^ iiis
<• A kind of upper garment. ;Lt> Majesty. Highness. H^^j J^W-
Cloud having a rounded outline. ,_jbi Dung of sheep, goats, camels. :a»j U?-
Wood of a camel's saddle. J*^l »_i?- Basket of palm-leaves J'^^j JiJ- ^ :a»
Skin formed on a healing wound. (for dates).

JsU j> 'lVj ^^if ^ (m. and f.) ^ Pack-saddle maker.-J>Clv -^j Jv^^>.
Imported (slave). «— JM>^j F. of ^\
Important affair. jl> ^ J»
Imported mer- •^''9^ -r *r4^j *<^ Saving your reverence. dxL.'\ -^
chandise camel bringing it.
; Consideration, veneration. ;lajj JiUI.
Negro or slave-driver. Biinger. ^jIA^^ For thy sake. du^ ^j>j vii! >U 1.
Rose-water. Gum- U^>-i ^'9^ P High, great, v^j y^'ij •^l ^ j^
mixture. Strong. Big. Respectable, venerable.
Peas. Vetch. General, luiiversal (rain). jli,^
Boisterous, clamorous. Book. Code. <> Periodical review. :u?-J»
Termagant woman. To scream. To thunder. J>.i^ "S-
Resounding afar off (thunder To threaten a. 0. To toss a. th.4>j — 2f

Impulsive, atti'active. To hang bells to a horse's neck.

Talisman, love-charm. To be tossed, shaken. To sink jiii^
Smock. Woman's »_aj>Lv ^ cjUU ^ in the earth. To be restless (mind).
gown. Bellshanged to the J?.>U ^ jiJL>
To clothe a. 0. in a smock. a ^:j^ neck of beasts of burden.
To put on a gown. Resounding (thunder, rain). JQetv
Newly hatched bird. i»-j>U ^ Ja-jiV • Sound of a bell, of thunder. aI?JU
To strike a. o. y ci=?b Cd>' , i cM -8- < !Mount Calvary.
A skin, a piece of skin. < Avari- soi?. To di'ink up the whole of. gt c-l^*!.

cious. The giant Goliath. o^W- H

Thy countryman.Thy kinsfolk.iijaij. o;[ To lose o.'s hair on the GJ» a r4» -tt-

Patience. Firmness. o'^^j 3iiU two sides of the head.

Steadfast. Frost. Ice. '\jjj. ^ 04* To rush on. ip ^^
Skinner. ??yi> -^ To show open enmity with a. 0.5 yj(>
Executioner. Seller of hides. i>U Baldness on the two sides of the -rlf
Whip. Lash. ^ fJi^ Js\»J> head.
Book-binder. Enduring ( horse), jl^ Temples stripped of hair. o»i»
Bound in leather (tome, volume). j.Ujl Bald on the two .ui> ^ ^d>1
^ti^ ^
Volume, tome. sides of the head. Hornless (ox).
To walk fast. To be i^jUl — Jii> -S- | Barren ground. s«Ul>.
long (night). To be over (rain). Unfruitful year. ^j 1^ ^ :;ij b.
Mole. i»Uj: ^ ii^ P/. Particles flying in the air from
Mechanic. Monk. '^'^'^ ^ ^'^^^j ^-^ the heads of reeds, etc.
Priesf.. To flood (a valley). To A 6..L>ra ^i>- -H-
To fasten a sword- fii
J^fj ijU: j
J,^ -{}- wash away its banks ( sti-eam ). To
hilt ( with a nerve ). To tie up a. th. cutoff (a limb). <> To sharpen (a
(ai'ound the head). knife).
To go quickly.
J^ To throw a. o. down. ^_,

Quickness in walking. o'j'^ To be destroyed. To fall down J^^JU^
Leather strap. JJ^-r Sj^U- j j%- and be unable to rise up.
Soldier. Tax-collector, z'jj >U ^ ji^i^ -<>Whetstone. ^JU
Filbert. Pine-pitch.
y^ Overflowing torrent. ^>U
Careful, steady in his work. jiiU jJi^A To meet. To show ^^Vl — _„iJ^ -fr

To down. To Cl^j Cj^ i

^V * pride.
sit ( assembly ). •<> To be straight. To lash, to flog a. o. s lal>i jS:f.

To grant an audience to. Jl^ J ^_,j0j — To constrain a. 0. to. jp 5 —

<•To straighten a. th. To be »'^_Mj siSvfj l^if o
iSyj^vij j1>-

To sit in company with. steady, patient, sturdy.

To make a. o. to sit. To be frozen j.!?^ \j j>^j, luJU a oU
To sit down. (ground).
To be sitting ; to hold a To bind (books). To skin ij * A^
meeting. (a beast).
To allow a. 0. to sit. To fight a. o. ^s iS^iUj SaJb-Ji jilu.

Sitting of a Court. with a sword.

Way of sitting. To compel a. o. to. Jl. s

Seating. Company of men sitting
^Jj. To be covered with ice (soil). jUgll
together. Society, company. To show endurance, hardiness. ji?tj

Companion. Friend. 'H.!^ ^ ,j-ii>' To fight together. jjbtj

Seated. u-y^j a-ji? t crJ> To strike with a sword. ^_, jir^l I.

•^ Straight. To empty (a cup). fi>

Company. Tribunal, ^,Ut> ^r ^4?^ Flogging. ^^
Court of Law, council, ministry. Firm, strong. Robust. iiU1 ^ ai*
White rose. Basil (plant). oU-1? P The whole '<>\^J^J oU-jVI i!A^l
To swear. To lie. Cu\ y iai^ -H- \ person body and limbs.

To shave (the head). To draw A— Firmament. Patience. Firmness. JLf

(a sword). Smooth and hard ground. ojJ^j —
To contend with a. 0. in cunning, j JaJU Skin. Hide. Leather. i>u1j ij^ ^ oia;
stone, rock. Strong
^ man.
C ^

To take away a. th. To A ^^^\

Rose-preserve. /A-?ii_U P absorb up.
Pomegranate-blossom. jCU ^ Unbecoming, shameless (woman). J»^
Wild brier. Dog-rose. ct^r^i* P To be disclosed (teeth). CJ^ a ^l> -S-

To take off a. th.

To discard. To remove
A (^U a <U -^
To be shameless (woman). ^^
To hold bad talks (people). To
a ^
cj^ ^j
pebbles) from ( a place ). To deter quarrel at play.
a. 0. from. Shameless, barefaced. Traveller. jS\».
To be bald in the forepart fit v'^Li a *U^ Showing his teeth.-u^j iLi* ^^Jbllj ;4f
of the head. To rest on the ground IJ^^ — ^Vb- -H- \

Opposite side of a valley. a!il> ^ liJU (horse). To increase. To hurry on.

The two brinks of a valley.^il^l uiU To spread o.'s self on jji^\ — jjJl> -S-

Bald (man). Hornless (ox). *u1 the ground.

Black rhamnus. ^,^ -^ To make cuts to ^ Zjfi^ ui» a ,il> -M-

To rub ili^ i jsTj A lyuj f^U >U -)^ a. o. vnth (a sword). To trim a. th.

up, to polish (a blade, a mirror). with.

To become clear to a. o. J s>U — To fight (with the sword). To ^]\>.

(news). disclose (the teeth) in laughing.

To show a. th. To display (the jc — To take away (the * CiUo J^^
bride to her husband). mud ). To bark a. th. To cut off, to
To emigrate from. — ^ destroy a. th.
To expel a. o. To dispel (grief) js^ s — To strike a. o. (with a sword), o 5 —
fi'om. To disclose a. th. to. To be rough, rude. 'Sy^j (^ a wil^
To make (a present) ^ s ^j o 5U To reduce to nothing, to A o^
to his bride on the wedding-day destroy (goods : dearth).
(bridegroom). To uproot. To destroy a.th. /b oii2?-\

To have the forepart of the If a L> Hard and di-y bread. Empty jar. ji]L>
head without hair. Water-skin. ^1^»-h <^j^
To manifest a. th. to a. o.^i. Sj A s j^ Scratch on the skui. *M»-
To disclose o.'s sentiments, t L' ^i. — Piece of dry bread. <Ii^
To manifest, to reveal a. th. to.tj ^ Ju Mud. Clay. ^yj.
To emigrate. ,,.u; ^i J9II Cut of a pen. **i»: j *ii»

To cause a. 0. to emigrate i — ^ Rude, uncivil. ^i^^j •J^

from (dearth). Taken away. Scratched. ^J^^j ^/• Aj-
To reveal Himself to man (God). J tij Darnel-grass. oU>
To disclose the mutual condition JU7 Impaired, curtailed. JS^*
of 0. a. To calk (a ship). A Jji^j Lil^ -S-

To reveal Himself to man (God ). jiji^ Calker. ^lii>.> i»Ui?-

To be elucidated (affair). To be po- To shave (the head). ^ CsiU jV "^ i

lished. To clear off (clouds, sadness). To throw projectiles on. ^s—

To consider, to observe a. th. >b ?^^\ '

To show the teeth in laughing. jU»7

To unveil (a spouse) for the Jt — S'

Particle, piece of meat. XSy»

firsttime before her husband. !
Damascus (town). i^,J JP^
To be presented to her husband ji.~j. 1^ i
Sack. ^ 3-^'^ P
(spouse). Ballista. Jt^^h Jc^-^ ^
To ask a. 0. to disclose a.th. jft ^ — To j
shear a. th. fi> ^li^lij ,C,.U i Juf -Ji-

Clearness, brightness. Emigration. '^U Shears. oCifj ^jL>

Baldness on the half of the head, 's^ Clipped wool. ^z-y^.

Brilliancy. Splendour. I
Large j^y^j a>>U ^ ij4.l>j uiU -ft-

( \r )

Chest. Man of good fame. Moon.

-y^ J,\
Long-haired, hairy. Gift presented by the husband to ;yu
To articulate A his spouse. Wedding-party.
(words) confusedly. Apocalypse (of St. John). oUL.
To avoid (an atiair). Captivity of the Hebrews. o>5i?Jl •
Wild jjarsnip. Tribute paid by non- J\yf ^ :;j li.
Confused pronunciation. Moslems. Exiled people.
Skull. Wooden cup. ^^.i; Clear, evident, manifest. Polished. -[^
Chief.Well sunk in a saline ground. Garret-wmdow. i»^-^
To be angry with. u tlii a ^^y? -H- Obvious thing; true report. Exact :C.\>-

To wrap o.'s self in. j 1^7 statement.

Person, individual.
To be
'U^j W Clearly, evidently.
^j^j li»C» J i^i^ a -Ti'^f -J^ Bi'ighter. .)_^ j, lsl'\
ungovei'nable, to run away (horse). Bald on the forehead. Clear (skyj.
To indulge a fancy. To have o/s own Revelation (of God to man). 'j^
way. To forsake her husband and Transfiguration (of Jesus-Christ).
go to her family (wife). To hiu'ry on. Forepart of the head. Jbt> ^ X^
Headless arrow. ''^^^^ 5- t^*- To be filled up, (well); Ctji^ i '^ -S-

To be proud, vain. QC^^ -r--^ -S- crammed, (measure). To be abun-

To vie in merits \\'ith a. o. s t-S^ dant. To collect in (a well : water).
Proud, vain. ^t?^ «- ^-'^ To heap (a measure), /b (•^'^j U.9^ ~
To thicken lS._^j IX> o J^j oi^ -f5- To let (water) collect.
(blood). To freeze (water). To be To be left at rest ^Jj l^'b ~
stingy. (horse).
To freeze (liquids cold), : fit a^sllj at?^ To cram (a measure), to fill it fi ^IJ.
To ba contiguous to. s j,'A>- to excess.
To be stingy, poor. ^^,11 To grow, to multiply (plant). ^t*lj —
To be coming on (affair).

Ice, snow.
High and dry soil To leave (a horse) at rest. - 2f

Tearless (eye). To let (water) flow. '^'\ fi>

Dry (soil). Rainless (year To become tangled (plant). ^%^

Solid body. Mineral .tiiis; ^ - ^ To be heaped (measure).
Name two months obilisi ^
of i^ili* To be plentiful, to collect j.»^[
of the Arabian year. (water). To be covered with plants
Thickened, frozen. ai»_j a>l^» ;^ a*Q. (soil). To rest (man).
Solid, firm. (Gr.)
•«• Dull (man)
Defective (verb). Great number. Noon-^,_^ij
tide Abundance of water.
^i;.,. ^ ^
Hard. Tearless eye. All together. jjjill '^j \y^ {^
Niggardly. Filling up, heaping. Rest. jX^
Solid bodies. Minerals. To the full. •l«?t^

O ^f^>-
-^ Excess (of a mea^ ^'9:J -»-»?-j ^1
To meet for business. sure).
To give live coals to a. 0. s J^ Well full of water.
To twist her hair on the back J^. Numerous party. 4«>j «,^
of the head (woman). Luxui'iant hair.
To collect, to join a. th.
gather the marrow (of a palm-tree).
To 5j fi>
^ Filled with
Luxuriant plant.
water (well).
-i^l ^ j,^
To canton an army in the enemy's Hornless (buck). v^ ^ .li^j. ^ '^^iS

country. To roast (meat) upon live Spearless (warrior).

Flock. Gathering. Addition-

To fumigate ( a garment ).

Plural of a noun. To char a. th.


Recollection of thoughts. jV^iivl ,^ To walk quickly (camel). J^\

The day of the meeting ^Jl ^^ To meet for a common (affair), ip —
(last Judgment). To prepare a (fu'e, race-horses), a —
Fist. fU.>1 TT ;1j»^I aW To fortify themselves in j'^^%:.\j jl^
Reunion, concourse oliirj ;4> ,- w* a hostile country (army).
of people. Week. Friendship. To perfume o.'s self with. ^ ^ii?l
Friday. CJ<^U4- t '<^«4-i **<-?i" ^ii
Burning-coal. Stone. ^^ ^ o^j^
Party of men, society. oUli?; ^ ltU» Party of horsemen. jVi> j olj^ —
Congregation. Religious con- *^»i» United tribe.
fraternity. Men collected together. j\^
Reunion. Social life. fU.;?l Pith of palm-tree.Head of jjj'ifj jC^
Compi'ehensive. General. ^i^U- a mast. Head.
Synagogue. Mosque. ^^i},: ^ ^^b. Meeting-place.
Substar.tial discourse. ,^UJ1 ^^ilfeiJl Plait of hair.
i^. Tie. ^;l>* ir *^** Censer. Fire-place. ^*bfc« ^ Oj-^9ii^

JMeeting. All, the whole. ^^^ Aloes-wood.

All of them. Entirely, together. To walk at a quick pace -«-

All together. The ->>*<? ' 7! r-o^ I

To jump.
whole. Quick walk. Trot. iSj^
Collection. Sura total vU.>
Swift-footed (ass). ji^
Agreed upon. Sycomore-tree. Sycomore-^^^^j J\^
Confluence. Meeting- r^yr-'' fig.
room. Convocation. Council. Museum To congeal (grease). Uj4.?i ^:^ -«-

<• Censer. Ill-bred, vulgar nnan. ,j~^ °

In the strength of life. Hurrying. Buffalo. u^i^j^ « wy'^ P
Amethyst (precious stone), c'-'n-f P
Allowance, civil and military pay. To shave (the hair, a Ci.4^ J^^ -^
To gather (things). y:^ fi> o Ji> ^ the head).
To melt (grease).-^ To join, to unite Depilatory paste. J-j^j J-^
To be elegant, S\'^ a ^j o Ji^1 1
To connect, to collect ^ u;.^ a ^if ^
beautiful, kind, pleasing. a. th. To comprise, to include a. th.
To embellish, a. o. or. a th. fuj 5
j^ To put (a noun) in the plural.
To treat a. 0. kindly. To blan- i j>b. To imite, to i*econeile (people). oiJ —
dish a. o. To gather, to store up carefully.* ,^
To sum up a. th. To Aji>l
collect, to To fit, to suit a. o. itlili>-j ii^Ut^ yi^
cai'ryon (business) skillfully. To go unto his wife (man). a —
To behave decently, politely in. j — To agree on. To resolve Uj ^ j^^
To be embellished. To adorn o.'s jtaj unanimously upon (an affair).
To affect kindness, courtesy.
self. To drench (the soil rain). : * —
To show selt-restraint. To eat mel- To come together, to ^ii>'lJ 4^
ted grease. combine.
Camel. Cable, ship-Jii^ltj Jii>. ^ j;,: To reach manhood.
cordage. They agreed unanimously u
Sword-fish. Whale. Peli- ^Ul!l Ji> upon. They united together a
can. His business goes on Vj^'^ i)

Chameleon. i_^J| ji^: .^ well.

Ship-rope. jti^ j;^^ j;^ Crowd. Multitude of men. ?>•?• -K ^^•
C \o )

^ To overaxcite a. o. ^ c^ Use of the alphabetical jtiJI tjLl»

To render a. o. To insane (God). » 3,f 1 letters according to their numerical
To conceal, to veil a. th. or »j A ^1 value.
a. 0. To bury (a dead person). Beauty, elegance. Fine behaviour ;Ji;j:
To show symptoms of olVj oti.^ good manners. Patience.
madness. Camel-driver. iiii» ^ J^
To play the insane before, ip o\pSj — Whole, summing up. j^^ ^ :^
To be concealed. To l^^-^h ^Vl ^ {Gram).
veil o.'s self from. hi short; upon the i^'^\ jj iijfi[,
The Genii ( opp. to X-Ja- j olVj 'j>- whole, in a word.
men). Hei-d of oVli^ij jiv;^ ^ irc^j jJi;^
A genius, a demon. ^ '^ ;!i. camels or she-camels.
Garden. Paradise. ou?-j oU» ^ "^ Summary. ( opp. to j^^^^ij ) Jii^Il.
Covering, protective.
Shield ; armour. iG^;; ^
;a?.>j 2;?tAj
,^ tjJ.

General way of .speaking.
In short. In general. JU.,!^! jj Ji;?:^0
Hai"mless serpent. c>\'j>- ^r o^ Splendour, brightness, grandeur.jiij
Tomb. Corpse. ^\i Fine behaviour. Courtesy, kindi^ess.
Shi'oud. olV^ « - Fine, handsome. Good service.
Veil. Darkness of the night. o^j ui^ Good deed. Grace, favour. Melted
Shield. :JOoij oC^i grease.
Heart. ^t^\ ^ ^t:i- Finer. Better. jW*
Madness ; diabolical fury, o^j oU \Vhole. Sum total. Summing up.j;.^
Possession, insanity. -^ Paroxysm Oji» Ridged roof . <• Dome. o^\'^ ^ CiJ^i
of rage, passion. Garret.
Anything hidden. O^ IJ K^ 1 57 t/C». Pear). Silver-bead. olW ~ cr*-^
Embryo. Foetus. Jewel.
Small gai'den. J v];-. To gather. To heap up j^^ ^ fi>

Gardener. '^}^ (earth). To cover a grave) with

°j U^4^ "*• (

Country haunted by "demons. -CaJ: earth. To take off the main part of.

Madness. Hiding-place. To relate to a. o. part of ipj Jt —

Mad. Possessed. Luxuri- o^\>.j> ,, c/^f' a news.
ant (plant). To exalt o.'s self above. j'^J>i le.

To be crook-backed. \i:f a ^^^ -^ The public. Multitude, jj^li* ^ j^fW

To bend on. To jc. ubJ, js^'a Uf people. Throng. Heap of sand.
fallupon a. o. or a. th. Popuiai', vulgai". Heady (Avine).Cfj _^ij>
Hump-backed. .IX:> j, U>.1 <> Republic. ;2j y^*>-
To send a. o. a j CV q ^if -5^_,| Volume. Pj'ominent i;^j i;^^ — y,^ ^
away to put a. th. aside.
: pari.
To make a. o. to avoid, s ^J^i — fit Body. Bulk. S'li»j 'li^
to discard a. th. To be dark ClV.) ^y4i ^o'i^ ^
To lead (a horse) by iS^i CJaT 5 — (night).
the side. To cover, to jp ji a C_^j \:^ —
To blow from the south(wind). Z^ — wrap, to conceal a. th.
To be J[ C2^ a .^j (Jf o ^:» To be mad. To be posses- Cy^^j U» %»
anxious about. To long for. sed by the devil. To be covered with
To suffer from pleurisy. ^•i. plants (soil). To buzz (insect). To
To be overtaken by the south-^;^ ]j — be in a fit of passion, furious. <>• To
•wind. To be in a state of legal im- be mad with joy or anger.
purity (Moslem). To be hidden to.
( M)
To give wings to. 5 ^J» To fii j\ S ^ji».\j ^\aC>J ^^J <^^
To lean towards. Jl^ -r^'^j r-J»-'\ avoid, to shun a. o. or a. th.
To make a. o. to s 'rStzl\j t-^'^ To stand by the Ci'.:.*. j :J(9t.i i ^.W
lean. To incline a. o. towards. side of. To avoid a. o.

To bow down in prayer. i»tif»'ij ^.-?tJ To send a. o. away. » ^^1

Part of the night. Night. ^.-^j ^i*. Side of a man's wU* »r>V ^r vV
Side of a road. Shelter. JiJ^^ ^-V body. Region. Flank.
Arm, armpit. ^Ja-'ij :iko.T^ ^IlL> Side, n Basket for dates, tLVj C-V
Wing.Wing of an army of a building. greens.
Fin of a fish. Shelter. Protection. < By your side. Beware ! ^niisT

Sin, crime. ^U>' What one avoids. :;ii

Leaning on one side. ^JU Polluted (Moslem). JJi.
Rib. tJ^j^ ?r *^S^ Flank, side of the body. sj>\'^ .^ wJU
To levy troops. 5 js» -ir Declivity ( of a mountain ). d Few,
To volunteer (soldier). a!0 sf me.
Army, troops, iCJij i,y ^ jJ> Tractable. Compliant. »j4^-" ^'^
soldiers. -^ City, province. Neighbourhood. Abode, court- i_j'^
A soldier. ^r^?- yard, Excellency [liile given
-tf- to in~
Kind of lociist-ijif;^ ^ V-^'-J V-^V ^ fluenlial men).
Life-guard. Sj,*'^ !r j'^V, ^ Horse-leash. k_u>
Bubble formed on water piU* ^ <f jJ» -J^ Manageable (horse). «-jCoJI s>>1»
by rain di-ops. Evil.Worthless man. Pleurisy. ^iJI Mi -^j ^iill ciij t_;U>
Forerunners of evil. ^4^1 ^iCoT Legal impurity. Gross term. oC.»r
To throw a. o. down. ? JajaT -Jr Led by the jlx^ ^ ^j^h ^%h ^ir^
Stone. Water-fall. JiC;^- ^ jo-V side (horse). Pleuritic (man).
PJane-tree. jtJ- -^ South. v>?-
To cover,toconcea]a. th.A IjijTi^ -S- South wind.
To put (a dead person) on a s _n» Southern, meridional. 'ti.jV
litter. < To make the funeral of.
Bier. Corpse. J(x;f ^ oj(:^j s3t^> Foreigner. Stranger.
Funeral- Unmanageable. Foreigner. ^^y^ ^^'\
Funeral, obsequies. JJUa^ ^ jU> <>• Shield. Veil. Border-province. w-^-;
To be covered ( for _^j ) y^ <>• Vanguard. :cJi/i
with verdigris. The two wings (of an army). oOrlJsti
To fetter a. o. yj^ -^ Pomegranate-blossom. j'Ji. -S-
To be in irons. jy^^j To overcharge (mer- Jji?«l> J^ii -^^
Verdigris. jl'j'i* P chant). To quack.
Chains. ( for j^^]j ) ^Jji»' ^ ^ jU P Aci'obat. Quack. s;^ C.* ;- Jii~=> P^
Yellowish blue. jj jU.i To alight with extended^ij — ^i> -S-

To ripen (date). CV o ^r^ "^ wing.s (bird). To pretend to descend

To specify, to classify a. th. »j s j_^V from a noble race (man). To con-
•^ To assort (goods). ceal o.'s self in a garment.
To resemble *_, s Cu> j Uu/J ^_^i» j
To feel sympathy for. \p —
a. 0. To be homogeneous with. Race, lineage. Stock of a tree. c-i*
Kind, species. Genus. ^(:^\ -r ,j~'j»
Polygonum. Knotgrass. _??a^ ^
Class. Sex. Family. Race. Asparagus. ^ Sty (on the eye).jija^ -tt-
Belonging to a sex, a kind. 'ts^ To be at hand (night), (i.^* a ^V "^
Common race, origin. ;:-J» To stoop, to incline towards. Jl^ —

Affinity, likeness. ^Q^j £'jb.^ To break the wing (of a bird). j —


( Y) j.^^
To struggle 5 l^Vi»j SJi*U>i jaU Homogeneous, similar. ^j-''S^
against a. 0. To wage a holy war To go ^i ClV a wxf»'J 6>i»' i wiV -fr

(against unbelievers). astray from the right way.

To appear to a. 0. (truth). J oiail To act wrongfully (in j oi^»Mj —
To become within sight man ( ). To a will).

become possible to a. o. (th.). •^To overcharge a. o. (seller), ip ^V

To urge, to press a. o. To Xj i ai»''i To harass a. 0.
desire. To squander (goods). To break off in angei- with s Uu(>-
To strive aftei'. To j j:^\j oivV' To premeditate sin. _J^ ^b»j
struggle against difticulties. Injujitice. ^'::i

To meditate upon a. th. j j:^iZ.\

Zeal, exertion. Power. Fatigue, j^ Astray. M'rong-doer. Crook-backed.
He exerts his utmost e'j^ ^'J>\
Canvass, .\wning. u^^»j er'^V, "*•
endeavours. Coai'se cloth.
Ability. Power, enei'gy. Painsta- j4> To hurl (stones) a ^j , ul,: i j:> ):}-

king. Fatigue. with a balUsta.

Fight. Holy war. zjJL\^j i^, Ballista. J=JU;:j jJbi^ ^ J^-^^ ^^

a War office. ^ir'l^*)) oljji To become hot (fight). d*!*'"*"

Pasture-land much sought by -u** War. fight. dU» Ts
cattle. A kind of cymbal. iJ^y ^ d)i»' P
Utmost limit, uttermost. cfili* Chinese junk.
The utmost of thy lIT jiU 0I iliil*?-' Cymbal-player. *s-5^ ->•
ability is to do so. To gather a ^sTj \^ j>i' -« i

Zeal, exertion, i>i?t^ (fruits). To collect, to pick up a. th.

He has exerted himself to aS>j'^ Jllj To commit an offense, a ci'ime.^u* —
the utmost of his power. To have ripe fruit (tree). To ^'
To be known, Ij*** J O*?-' a ^' ^ be rich in produce (soil).

published, divulged (event). To charge a. o. falsely with js. J4.J

To make a. th. notorious, to }ij fi^

— a crime.
i-eveal a. th. To journey in an un- ( To gather ffruit) from. ^^ J,:
known land). To see a. th. (without Gathered fruit. sC,>j,'U>1 ,

veil). To discover, to disclose a. th. Harvest.

To cleanse (a well). To magnify a. 0. Freshly plucked (fi'uit).
To dazzle a. 0. (sun). Arbute. Strawberry-tree.
To speak aloud to a. 0. J^JL. » — Crime, fault, guilt.
To be dazzled by the (sun). \y^ a j^ Crime, -if Blood-price.
To be loud (voice). To Sjli»' o ^4> Gatherer. 'U>1j 'll^j sC>' ?

become illustrious (man). Criminal, culprit.

To declare ,_, i \j\.i»-j S^aU^ _^V» To .shout. <>• To shine. Jii

a. th. openly to a. o. To overcome Man sound

of "i^Svf -^4» ;P
a. o. in. judgment. Able ci'itic.

To show open enmity to. sjioiJLi » — To toil, to exert j \'y^ a J—**' -^

To read aloud. S'G?""''. _riVb
~ o.'s self strenuously in.
To divulge a. th. ^_j jl s ^i^\ To try a. o. >^ —
To appear in broad light. ^ii?-.j To overload (a camel). To ^•

To find (people) to be i y^:^\ distress, to weary, to exhaust a. o.
numerous. To see a. 0. plainly. To suffer from thirst. CiLt a4>
Notoriousness, oj'^j jli> j y^^^ To be hard, distressful ili^* a a*>
Openly, publicly. s^;»j i^i;^'^ \y^ (hfe).
( ^A)
or stupid. To despise a. o To shake Secretly and openly. I,14>j 'Ir-

(a plant : wind). Exterior appearance.Pleasingness._^

Ignorance. Foolishness. H^j J4> Plain voice. Fair appearance. Sjli*
State of infidelity ainongst the *!Ub. Fine-looking. Dazzled. '\'^ j, ^\
pagan Arabs before Islainism. Bare soil.

Feigned ignorance. J^^> i

Beautiful. Striking.
Ignorant. ^y^j Ji^^j j4> ^ JjaU Loud, strong (voice).

Foolish. Having a loud voice (horse). ^^

Ignorant, illiterate. Simple. J^ Speaking aloud. jli?&>*j J^^
Incentive to ignorance. *ii^ Substance, es.^ence, ^}'y> -r j^'j4-

Wayless desert. J^^ ^ Ji?---*

nature. Jewel. Gem. Pearl.
Passive (verb). Essential. Jeweller.

Jc^W--^ ??• J>f?«^ 'iSji'^

Anonymous. I To give the jp j^^ij Kjl^ a j^' ,

To Jj s j^j s Ci* a j^j J^ -8- I

last stroke to (a wounded man.
meet a. o. with a frowning face. i To supply, a. o. with. To *j is j^*'
To ha~e a stern ^j^j ^\i^ o jJti-
equip (a ship). To prepare, to fit out.
To bury (the dead).
To look at a. o. with jj J >rf?»J To supply o.'s self with travelling j^i^
a severe, morose face. apparatus.
To have rainless clouds (sky). To be prepared for a. th. J ji^a^ij —
Stem, contracted face. Provisions, equip- sj^> 1 ^ j Jl** y^
The darkest part of the ment. Set of tools. Funeral appara-
night. tus. Outfitting of a bride. Rigging of
Waterless cloud. a ship. Household furniture.
Impotent, weak. Quick death. Light-footed j<^
To draw near. G^o i^^^ ( hor.se).
Hell. Hell-fire, Gehenna 11>- H Wolf. Name of a woman. tj^^
Infernal. Quick (death). J**^
To be ruined (house).
To widen (a wound). To betake o.'s self to a. o. in Ji^

To contend with a. o. for glory.^ J^G. weeping (frightened child].

To become serene (sky). To >.> j To fear a. o. To ^* C; iS j^ ^
be conspicuous (road). escape from.
To show avarice towards a. o. u. — To be about to weep. 'ifetiib

To contend with a. o. for jp ^^Wsj Tears. C^o^vd.

Bald. Roofle.ss (house).
To prevent ^ 5 y^:;*.' 1j , foiV a j^^
M^^*'^ ly"-*^
a. o. from.
Serene (sky). Bald (man). To overcome a. o. To discard a. o. j —
Tent without curtain. J,jl .Qi To outstrip, to precede a. o. 5 y^A\»
Atmosphere. Wild pigeon. .|^ ^'yf-^ Abortive fcetus. J^t*?*-? u^i?^'
The inside of a house. .^^ -^ I Casting forth (her young one), ja^^^
Depressed groimd.
Interior, intimate, inside.
l>> ?r «
^ To be ignorant ^i;^^ %;i, a J*>

to be unlearned, to be foolish.
-j 1^
To A k_(Uo.ij,Cl^^j C^
To be unaware of a. th.
i_jU- -fi-

cross, to ramble To show ignorance to.

in (a country).
To cut out (clothes). To bore C^>.'o — To attribute ignorance to.
(a rock). To undervalue a. o.
To cut an opening in a j v^J ~ To feign ignorance.
shift, shu't. To deem a. 0. ignorant Aj ? j;?a^i
To bestow a. th. ^ o^ Jt \iyf-
— To answer (a question). To *j 5 i^j^i.
bountifully upon a. o. converse with a. o. -^ To resound
To oiler o.*s self to death. « L; — (vault, church). To correspond to
To shed abundant tears iSj^>j |S^ — (God's grace).
(eye). To be copious (rain). To answer a. 0. on ^ ji Jl. n ^\J\
To render good. To better a. th.^ 5^ a. th.
To vie with a. o. in generosity. 5 ijU- To convei'se together ; to '^'S^
To speak or to do a. th. a i^?- b -'^^ reply one to another.
well. To make a. th. excellent. To clear away (fog, mist). v'Wl
To pay in good money. oi^i 31^1 To be rent (clothes). To stretch the
To select a. th. good. i^ neck (camel).
To vie in bounty with 0. a. ijUi^ To sink (a well). To tear A i_jU> 1.

To esteem a. th. good, Aij » :>\»CiZ.\ a. th. To put on a shirt. To cross (a

excellent. To ask the bounty of. To country).

ask a. 0. to lend (a courser). To answer a. 0. To hear J _jl 5 uUtiJ.!.

Vanity. iU. (a prayer : God).
Copious rain. i^ jta.i^ i'^f To ask a question. ^'^^a3^\ a
Yielding rain (sky). ^^ .U..'., Journey. Large bucket. Fire
Excessive thirst. sS^>j >G?j S^^^? place. Woman's shift. Shield.
Saffron. [jal*. Hollow, excava- (-j>>j Cj\>.'ji »-

Bounty. Good qualities. si>o.' tion. Smooth tract between two

Liberality. Generosity. s,yi. lands.
Generous, il^l ^{m. f.) :i\yij ii3> Answer, a Letter. '-r'^yf

>Q?-b *Q?:
^yf-j ^jS>-h -*iJ,W-b 5r *'>? To bring a letter.
v'^ ^3 °
Fleet (horse). Courser. e'^j>-j Answer, reply. -Cj^ 1 ^ ^S'^ , k,\>.

Excellent. JjLfj cliC^j iCo- ^ jC?: Collar of a shift, shirt^ ,_,\i.

Excellent poet. i>^j^-^j ->-?»* Way of answering. X.^^

To go astray from. ^
i^;^ o jU ^ Traveller in a desert l_jl_^
To act wrongfully towards a. o. Jc — Circulating news.
To charge a. o. with unjust fi>j s fyi- Answer. Reply.
conduct. To throw a. 0. down. To To go astray.
destroy a. tii. < To dig, to hollow. Todestroya. o.Toextirpate.s^txa-lj —
a. th. To bare (the feet). fi>
To live close *_, 5 Ol>-,J SjjiaJi jjii- Water-melon of Damascus. ^'yi.
by a. o. To i-epair to (a place). Calamity, dearth. >rj\'^ -r *9i',i>

To protect a. 0. ^'o'J^\J^ Droughty year. wJ* "CJ:-

To rescue a. o. from. O'*

^ ~ Wide. ^^» ^ 'G.;^' j, ^'j» 1

To put a. o. (out of the way). — ^ 'i To wash away ^"yfj (i.j:f o

fi> ^U ^
To be prostrated. To lay down, f^ (a bank toi'rent, river).

To be demolished house -^ To be
( ). To prostrate a. 0. To Aj ^ ^^
hollowed, concave. snatch off a. th.
To live near together. j^Sl \j jjis^ To fall in (well ). To bm-st ^.f^
To ask the help of. ,_, jV>L:l. (abscess).
To ask protection from a. 0. . • jf
— Cloth. ^|^1^^j>'Ps
against. Ditch, hollow.-^ Piece of cloth '^yf
Wrong-doing. Tyranny. Injustice,
j^ Cloth-gown with full sleeves.
Hollow, excavation, gap. Jyi ^ -ij^i -if- To be excellent. Vi'j»j ii_y> *W- '>^

INeighbourhood. Safe-conduct. ji_^ To make a. th. well.

Protection. To be swift (horse). i^^-'b ^'j^ J ~

C \' )

Transit. Passport. License.s3>>l -r'/yi- Bengal rose. '^j.j>- >jj J , 'ySj,yf-

Side of a valley. A Jjsjj ^» ^ ojja; Neighbour. Partner. %jv>-j o'ji?; -r J»

draught. <• ^Iarriage. I
Protector. C'aimant.
Permission. License. Degree of SjiVl^

Female neighbour. Spouse-c/ljlV ^ e'j\>-

a licentiate. Diploma. Deviating. s^b-j «3>>j Sj3?- t J,i?-
Law- Sj^lj OlIirl>J olji>>j -/,'>? 'rJ',W- Unjust, tyrannical. Large bucket.
ful.Thirsty (traveller). Beam. jj A Ij'^J *J*j^J *J^j>?-0 'j^ o jla- ^
Provisions for the J,'^ ?r eJ',W- To cross, to pass along (a place;.
road. Gift made to travellers, poets. To outpass a. 0. ^ —

Draught of water. <) Prize. To be la-w'fnl. To be allowable. |ji^ —

Trope, metaphor. Bridge. j\»u' To make, to declare a. th. * j^^v
Grove of walnuts. Path. Bridge. »j\>'i' lawful. To execute a (design). To
Metaphoi'ical ( opp. to '^^^ ) cfJ,lV^ give currency to money.
(sense). To marry a. o. ( for ^jj ) jy> -tf-

FrieLd. Tutor of an orphan. jjajl To transgress (a ?j i'jj^^^ jji*


To spy jj /b ^lij-'lj C>; , uS>- « limit). To outpass a. o.

a. 0. To search (a place). To overlook (a sin) o^ J3W-

Scrutinizer, inquisitive. tr-O?" To consider as lawful. Sj «'ji?-l j^^ fi>

To walk the whole t,^ o tAQ- "^ To allow a. th. To go beyond (

night. place). To execute (an order). To

To be partly spent (night). J-'y^ confirm (a sale). To water (the land
Breast. Portion of the night. ^j:yi. and cattle) of.
Ser- :ds.)j Ci-j <-j J-iJ,k-
'^^ To use poetic license. ci; j\».\j —
geant. To bear patiently. To let a. o. j j^;
Breast. Coat of mail, ^i-l^f ^ ^l.'ji--ii- pass. To shorten (prayer).
Middle of the night. j2i\ — To exceed the bounds in. J jjUj
To walk with Cu^Vj Di>> o Jii> -^ To let (an offense) without — ^
a haughty demeanour. punishment. To shut the eyes upon.
To trouble a. o. by. » — To cross to pass along.
, jlisll^

Anxiety. Weariness. i»l>f'-> -^J?- To pass through (a place). i_,

Walking haughtily. Weary. Jj)^ To consider a. th. Sj ojGeilt ji?ei-^l

To be or become JtUij i^ o ?.(?• -^ as lawful. To approve. To ask per-

hungry. mission from a. o.
To long after a. th. Jl,— Middle of a desert. j\j>'\ ^ jj»

To debar a. o. from food, s ^.G-lj ^^ ^ Husband. ( for ^'/j ) -^

to make a. o. hungry. Walnut, walnut-tree. <• Pair. j^
Bulimia. j^ ^j>.j "^ p,_^ Earth-nut. ^j] j'j^f

Starve thy dog, it ' dii^t dliiT/o-l Rock-moss. Lichenous yj^l». j^f
will follow thee (prov). i. e. Unless plant.
you compel a vile man to serve you, Fir-cone. ji'j^ Syf
he will not do it. Nutmeg. »_.Ji)l j^*

To bear hunger. ^.^ Amomum. Grana siiiJb ^lA-^^ jji-

To be insatiable. f.iatiJ.t Paradisi.
Hunger. *tlVj ^j>- Vomic-nut. ^1 jyf
Alkekengi. ^ij:^\ j'jif
Hungry, starved. Cocoa-nut. tj jl» j'j^

To be hollow, empty. Cj^' a J^ ^ A walnut. A single oCjf -r «3j>-

1O i_) _)( ^ 5 ij(>-b , <— ' ^ ''^j^ ol> watering. Excellent grapes.
pierce the abdomen (with a spear). Gemini (sign of the Zodiac). '0^'
^ ) J^
money. Silvei- crescent in a necklace. To render a. th. hollow, a o>>j —
Wild uss. Short garment for a girl. concave. To extract the bowels.
To ask a. th. goo'l or daJ.C^V o j\:>-^ To be hollow. To be empty. j^
To enter th-i inside 6f. ^u* \j — fi>

Silver cup. To become wide, o^iJ-lj ,JtacJ.I.

To become black (face). C^' o Ci%- ^ spacious.
To whiten (a bride's door). A o^ To find a. th. spaciou.^, deep A —
To blacken (a dead person's door). hollow.
Black, white. Light red. o>* ?- oj» Hollow. Inside of a house, ji^'l ^ ^yf
Day. Intensely black (horse). Belly.
Disk of the sun when setting. "Cji Spaciousness, amplitude. o>>
Bay, gulf, haven. o^ •• Penetrating (thrust). ^\'j>- ^ *jui>-
A small leather scent-bag. o^» ^ *j>> Hollow. Defective j|^ ^ .ia;i ^ «J^^
Sun. Cooking-pot. Black camel. Jar in its medial letter (verb). Belly.
smeared with tar. Enormous lion.

Black-winged partridge. o>» t'^^ Big-belUed. 'J>?J ^j^

To meet a. o. o^j^^SCiJb U^» o «b- i' -Ji- Hollow. ^txki
( opp. CO ) 'Sfi^
with an unwelcome face. Concave. Faint-hearted.
To raise a. o. to a dignity, i e\>.]j a^f To have a wry face. C5^ a J>> -^
Influence.High rank. *aC>j oG- To muster a crowd. 2*
To be heart-broken (from^^^ a sSj> ^ To meet in large numbers. Jly^
love, grief). To stink, (water). Crowd, numerous party. ol3>^ ?- *^!«-
To dislike (a A iS'^>- ij ^c j( ^^a
— Wry-mouthed. j^' ^ .;3^.>: ^ j^^l
country). Big-necked.
To become, to be tamed. ySjk^'j iJj* "^ To ramble J v';V}>j 5l>vj V>=: o Jb- -«-

Domestic ( opp. to "SJ. ) Cf j» "^ overa country ). To run across a


(animal). race course (horse).

To loathe (a food). A tj^^jttJ,!^ To ramble about J J^j 'Sv^vo Jt?-
Valley. Shepherd's bag. Trivet. '1^ (in a country). To occur to the mind

Violent passion of grief, love. ^'^i- (thought).

Chronical disease. Consumption. To select a. th. amongst.^^ a Ju:a^lj

Rottenness. ^s'yi- <>• To turn away, to drive a. o. ts JjG-
Stinking, fetid (water). _^' back.
Altered water. Marsh. *c^ To make a. o. or ^j ji Aj 5 ~^\>-\ Ji?-1

Stink. " <^ "^ a. th. to turn round.

Rotten. *c?;J ^^?^ "^ To wheel (a sword). A—
To come, to ^^-^i sU^j *il?-'i 'W- -Ji- To make a turn. J^ -^

arrive. To fall (rain). To wheel about (in a battle), j JjbtJ

To do a. th. fi>
- Lateral part of a grave. Side. Ji^
To go towards. Well. Sea. Hill.

To bring a. o. in. Troop Ji>'1j <)i>.., Ji> ^ J>>'j d'i*

Pus and blood. Patch. of horses, herd of camels. Rope.
Invitation to dinner. He has no understand- J^ j| Jii. i) u
To cut out the ^ ._Vj *^ i
"^ ing.
collar (of a shirt). A turn, one time. iv^
To bring, *_,(»( for ^j'V^ ) i d^ •> Dust, pebbles swept by the wind.^V^
a. o. or a. th. To bring forth (a Runner, great traveller, sfl^j Jl}*'
child). Circus. Space, field. Passage. ^s^J-
Collar of a shirt. Heart. ^JiJ. ^ S^ Amulet. Shield. Anklet. Good Syf-i

C ^ -T )
To demand a military force ? u^Geil \ Sine {trigonom). ^jCo.
of a. 0. To collect soldiers. •^ Pocket, bag.
Military force, army. fJ^iZf ^(J-* Sincei'e. wI?Jl »s-«J
^ Shriek, voice. To have a long and jlo- j \jZ>- a ^u. -J}-

Excitement. Agitation of the oiid* beautiful neck.

sea. Neck. Coat of mail. 5^j iC*"
Soul. Xi-jVV Fine-necked. i^>' ^ "CSj^j 'IX;
Horse easily excited by the spur, jx^ Truly, verily. Oi> -S-
To shun, to ^
j4^J ^'^' J'W- -^
, i Gypsum, lime. jjv
avoid a. o. Heat in the chest caused
To vie in splendour with. y u^dW- by hunger, anger.
Inclination to the right and lefc. x^lal^ Quick lime.
Proud demeanour. w4»=?-,-» Zi^^ Lime-kiln.
To groan imder (a cj Clk^ i J»i> -{^ Grass-hopper. ( for ^j ) Jja- >
weight). To swell Ci^'j Clli^j Cil?.' i Jib- -H-

(sea). To boil (cooking-pot). To be

stink (corpse). flurried (mind). To shed tears (eye).
Corpse; carcass. ^CJ-h ^1=!: -r *4r!: To burn with anger (heart). To be-
Filthy. ^;G. q (fight). To be swollen and
come hot
Nation. Tribe. JC^ 1 ^ j^ -«- spread (river). To bn frightened
<• Centiu'y. Generation. away (coward)
From age to age. j^ a;; ^TUv To summon troops. i jj^
The letter _. „-> -^ To be mustered (troops). To be jJ»^
restless (soul).

uT^ C ^•r)

blaze (fire). To love a. 0. or *j 5 vJ-^ U* i L^: -«
-^ To pick grains, grapes. A — a. th. a To kiss a. 0.
Unsightly. Short in To like, tf) wish that. ol —
w.»lV t v^^
body. To be freckled (face). z_^ a
Scanty flow of watei-. Weak- ^'.^,1^ To become the friend of. Jl^ ^_,l^j

ness. Ardour of fire. Water-melon. To make a. 0. to be tZ\ ij Jl. 5 ,Jli
Fire-fly. Sparks. loved by.
To appear on a sudden. bti>; :>C>- -8- i To run to seed (plant). L.^^ ~
To approach. To walk quickly. To court the 2 CC»j ^^ v^v
To strike a. o. -with (a stick). s — friendship of a. 0. To behave in a
To variegate (cloth), a O^ o -ni -H- friendly manner with a. o.
To embellish a. th. To love a. 0. or a. th. fft>j s '^\
To cheer a. o. » -ns^b si^ii^j llij* o —
To show love towards.
To rejoice, to be glad, i^j 13^^ a -rvi To have a mutual love.
To be cicatrised (wound). 1^ a-7\^ To like, to be pleased with
To be luxuriant (land). To become To prefer a. o. to.
yellow (tooth). Word of (\ijl^) \J^
To adorn (speech). To put ink fii Ji^ praise. Bravo!
(in an inkstand). To praise a. 0. hij saying. s JZ>
To dec^f, to array o'.s self. To Jii-j Bravo ! Veiy well
overspread the sky (cloud) Grain. Corn-seed, fruit- i-j^ :r w>
Learned man. Doctor jC>1 ^ jy^j J^ seed. Bead. -^Pill. Speckle. Boil.
(amongst the Jews). Pontiff, Bishop. Chaste-tree. ail!) l^
Joy. Favour. Night-shade. ul)l l^
The Sovereign Pontiff; ^^Vl ^1 Bean-trefoil. Anagyrisfcetida. l&iJI LS
the Pope. High Priest of the Jews. Convolvulus Nil. Bind-weed. j^l i,i.

Book of the Judges. jC»Vl ^^ Love, fondness. *^->*j l^^j l->

Ink. Scar. Beauty. Like- ^^'J. ^ J^ Loved. Lover. ut^j vW*' ^ v-^
ness. Large jar. b <^j v'^=; sr »t-* ^
Seller of ink jU>j S?-5^
Row of teeth. Water-bubble. ^_^
Yellow ojn>j aj\>i ojy>'_j J)»J JV^ Drop of dew.
colour of the teeth. A grain. Weight of two ot* ^ *^
Striped garment. J^j ol^^* ^ Sl>i>: grains of barley. A seed. A berry. A
Newly made (garment). jyi. ^ jy>. piU. <>• A pimple.
Soft (bed). Spotted (cloud). Variega- Aniseed. S^sJI I^JI
ted garment. Fruit of the terebinth. '\J^^\ JiiJI

Assembly of the wicked. ^Vyi. ^ jy\>. Nigella-seed. *_r^l 7^j '\hyD\ x!i-J)

Bustard, (bird). oG jtl-i ^ ^5jU> Hail-stone. ^\j ^UiJI ::^

-^A^r^T -«.^J j/j\>-J ,^Q^ •^ Pupil, apple of the eye. o'\ii\ tJ-
"PT jJ->-
Small bustard. Aim, end in view. i_jU»
Love. Friend. Snake. vW^
Inkstand. Writing-desk. Friend. Beloved. k_»lu>1j "U**! 5- vi^
To confine, to 2< LL^j-j Cl*' i ^^ -«- Old gold coin (o/'rt6oi<^ 14 5/t.). k-i^J*
hold in custody. To detain a. 0. To flow scantily (water). To witl» -^

J- (

— To
To break wind C3C>j Ci-ij uli i veil a. th. with. ,_> A ^j^
(goat). To withhold a. o. from. a* 2(

To make up th. To settle a A j^ To give a. th. as mortmain. fa —
business. To veil a. o. or a. th.
To become compliant. jlZl To apply the produce of
To abuse a. o. ^\ai a. th. to pious works.
Basil, penny-royal (p/a). j^ To keep a. o. in custody.
Chamomile (/j/«)- _;il!l
J^ To confine o.'s self to.
Artemisia. Wormwood (/j/«).^|^l jl^ To keep a. o. in custody.
M^rum. Cat-thyme (p/a). ^jilil j5^ To keep a. th. back.
Sweet marjoram (p/a).j^l j| Ji)l j^ To be impeded in speech.
Acinus (p/a). '^'j> Jr* To become a hermit.
Water-mint (;)/a).^L_i4Ji jlij '^' Jr*-
Dam of wood or stone. i/^u^-i ^r^J-^=*

ISarrow-minded. "-ulsi j. jl* Prison. vlklii <>-j

, u-^ii rr ur4*
Hail-stone. ^> -S- Impediment in speech. il.I>
To weave ( a stuff ) A \isC> i o vill> "^ Mortmain. ^^'*j ^W-J ^j^i a-it*
well. -^ To bind (a book). Hermit. Solitary. 'illai ^ ..r^*'"*"
To fasten, to tie a. th. tightly. A dl!:i Convict-prison.^^iV> ^ ^'-^J u-i*'
if- To twist (a thread). Dungeon. Manger of a beast.
To make a work (carefully). A dO^l ^ Hermitage. "LJJk^
To gird o."s self. To wrap o.'s di!^5 •1
J ^ lt^J <^Q<»J» Ci.I> ji-i» "S-

self in clothes. -^ To be thrown into collect a. th. for a. o.

gear (cogs). To bring forth a negro. ^r-**^
To weave carefully (a stuff). * tlUa^t To collect together ( people). j^0
To gird o.'s self with. »_»
— <j'j^1j ^_j»»l_j
jJl.jL;V>-l 5f 5r "Lit-*
, O^l^
Girdle, girth. iXJ- ^ 'iS:sC.»- Company of men from various tribes.
Waist-band. Streak iXJ-3 w^ ^ iJC^- The Abys.sinians. Abyssinia. illij j^
on the sand Enclosure. An Abyssinian. 'i54^'-
Hosier. Bookbinder. i)C.i -<> Pintado. Turkey-cock. J-^ "^

Twisted. <>• In gear. 'tX^!^j ^^^ To throb. Cal» a u:a-ij Cial>; j^ -^ , i

Ti-ail of d4>j «i^' C»j *^^c^ '!'

To palpitate iri-egularly (heart).
stars. Iron breast-plate. To twang a bow-string. i_, ja^j —
To ensnare a. o. ^ fi^j ^%-i.o
in. To tie with a rope.
^^ To be exhausted (well). To Us^ —
be made void (right).
To conceive (woman). ^_, y^ a J-i' To run (man). To miss the butt ja'^\
To swell with (wine, anger). — ^ (arrow).
To be conceived (fcetus). */ j.oi To annul (a right). To exhaust a> —
To render (a female) a J^>b J?» (a well).
pregnant. Irregular thi'obbing, palpitation, ja;^
To catch a. o. iu a snare. n S^\ To Clal> a ist^i CJ»^j Cb.^ i i»j* -{}-

To become pregnant. To entangle j!;j be of no avail, useless (woi'k, action).

its legs in a rope (beast). To bring (a work) to perfec- J-!i. a

Rope, JCilj J^^j j;i.lj JC:v ^ j;^ tion.

Halter. Treaty. Vein of the neck. To render a. th. useless. To fj » LI* I

Ivy. CnJ'Cill jLi leave a scar upon a. o, (blow).

Conception. Fcetus. Fruit. jo- To go away fi'om. ^—
Anger. Sadness, Scar of a wound. Swelling. WJ-
Shrewd, cunning. Ju>-b J>^>- !r Jr=;
To strike a. o. with » Gl^i ,tli
(,>r» -JJ-

Hunter. Wizard. j.li. a rod. To lash, to flog a, o.

( \ -o J^
To give, or to nourish a. o. 5 — Snare, trap. jiCo^j Jsj>1 9r *Ji^:>j ^^>
scantily. To hinder a. 0. Seasonable time. aCi
Tride. Small gilt. ijrJ-j j^>j J\»- Pi'egnant (woman). jCi ^ Vji
Rim, circuit of a. th. jC> Filled. Swoll<-n by anger. o!>C>-
Banijuet given at the completion Zj<^ An angry woman. k)"^'^ sij^'l
of a building. Beans. jl^l
To produce a sound in eating j.'J^ ^ To swell in droftsy. cj^^ 0^' a o^» -ft-
(locust). To be angry with a. 0. u Cl» a oj>-
To meet together. J^'Jvo Oleauder. Laurel-tree. Cju^j cn>
Small-sized. Spj-ightly (child). J-^JJ- Dropsy. J^
To displace a. th. fin SJ^ -S- Dropsical. -Cj*' j> Jy>]j o^»-J«
Death. o^:i ^ »-<:> -^ Chameleon. i^i^^j >jir^l >ij ojl* >i
He departed from life. *ij1 liii oU Purulent sore. Monkey. o^lai ^ j:^
Remainder of meat, grease, jiiv' -S- To di'aw near. To creep \'y^ o Co^ -ft-

Rabble. (child).To glide along the soil (arrow).

To walk at a Cl6^Sij iW* i dlr> ^ To give a. th. to a. 0. »_» jl A 5

quick and short pace. To protect a. 0. s J^
To render a. th. jc ;fc Cji^ i ^> fr To show partiality j s tC>j «GG.5> JTG-
obligatory to a. 0. -^ To make up (in a suit judge ). To show compli-

o'.smind to. ance to a. 0. (in a sale merchant).:

To improve a. th. A — To miss (the butt shooter).

: ^^1
To decide, to finish up a. th. u— To use a garment as a support,^ Jii I,

To eat the i-emains of a meal. * ^Uj when sitting on the heels.

^ To
To be
be obligatory to a.
irreversible (decree),
0. it


Piece of cloth used as a
support when sitting.
^ o'J^ ^
Decree; judicial decision. ^_^ ^ ^^ Gift, present. ;]^>j s3^_, s^^j 'U>
Blackness. i;.ii Respect of per.«ons, o_^'»JI SlU*
Remainder of a meal. *^U> unfairness, partiality.
Black. Inauspicious. ^ii ^ 'Uri v> j»=>-1
To rub off (mud). A ui o c^' ^
To be intense (heatj. Cri a U;"^ -Ji- To bark (a tree).
To be equal in. j jG-i To fall off (leaves, plaster), ci-jlj oU/
To suit. To agree together. cnr>l To be cankered (tooth).
Companion. Alike. oCfi c^(:n>j cAi Fleet (horse). Ancient.Noble.oOb-l ^'c^*
To sew, to fasten fi, j>lj C:i ji * i Bit, fragment. A httle. c:^:,. ^ <:> a

a. th. To twist (a rope). Rubbish, remains, crumbs. cJcJ-

ci>lj ci-b »^»J Jfr 5 li>- o c.>- -^ To, till, until. Included. Even. In ji.
To incite, to instigate, is. 5 ti.»-.i^b order that. <>• That he...
to urge a. 0. to. How long, till when ? 'j^^i J^ J>
To excite one another to. ic. oV>.j To sew (a garment).;^ 'lisllj lii afe- , -fl-

To be incited, impelled to. u c^\ To tighten (a knot). To strengthen

Incitement, oti^^b oiiiilj cji^\j 'cJ- (a wall). To tuck up (a garment). To
Bits of straw. Unseasoned bread. '^^ put down (a load).
Quick. Hasty. Greedy. o>>-j c-^ii To be pure, genuine. \'jc^ a jc^ -S-

To be covered with \'j\^ a -r>i -S- To Uve in [obioleie). o li^ jS i

pustules (skin). To granulate (ho- To select a. th. pure. ari

ney). To be widened. Inexhaustible spring. ai>
To make (a medicine) into pills. A J%- Origin, race, lineage. s-i»Ci>

To bear fruit (palm-tree^. _^>1 To tighten (a knot), a '{J^ i o ^i -ft-

Particles of straw. a'JcJ- To look steadfastly at.

. )

f •)}* oCl?t>

To be turbid (water, well). ^^jj;^ -«-

Chamberlainship. *ji?>=t Foul water. oj^ai

Chamberlain. t^^j \^\x> ^ •^>-\>- To feed (a child) j jSall — li,. •ti'

Eye-brow. v^'^ -z ^^^ badly. To straiten a. o. (fate).

Veiled. Blind (man). ^y'^^" Ill-fed' (child). Short. Lazy. '

To l__,ae>-J '^>?t>J '.r?^ O _;?«»•
o* 5 Ci'^
-« Rubbish of grains. Sediment. ;j\^
deprive a. o. fi'om. To prohibit the To polish a. th. a uii o ^i^ -»•

access of. To give a. th. to a. o. J jfc —

To interdict the \s. A l^^.^j |^>.>
— Reddish hillock. Lobe of the nose.iciia-
access of a. place to. /^o Jj Jc * Cii JS-j \'ji»- o U^ -S-

To deprive a. o of civil rights. i& J>-:^ pour (dust) upon.

To be surrounded by a halo J^ To put a. o. to shame. ivV^l ^^j J Jj^
(moon). To be petrilied (mud). To outstrip a. o. ^Vji] i._4^j j j^
To cover, to hide a. th. A Jf^\ To give a. th. in small quantity. J —
To harden, to petrify. J^JL\j J^jCi Bits of straw. Dust poured. j,^
To straiten a. o. w— To repair to a. o. Sj A Lj. o rp^ -H-
To make a cell for j>.JfCLL\^ _,if> Ij — To make a pilgrimage to Mecca.
o.'s self. To retire in a cell. To overcome a. o. in dispute. a —
To seek a refuge towards. ^ — To probe (a wound). * :^j.
To trespass upon. It j^^i:l.\ To argue against, s 4^0-./^) &.(^ ^-U
Prohibition. Protection. Bosom, _^,>.> To plead in behalf of a, o. — -^ ^
breast. Deprivation of civil rights. To send a. o. to a ^'\j %-J. is

To reinstate a. o in his
civil rights.
J>^-^ Aj ^ pilgrimage.
To afford arguments. ^G-i
Quarantine. -i..^ J».J. < To adduce (an argument). «_)^.S9.\
Foi'bidden. Unlawful. " To undertake the pilgrimage. v»-i-^l
J>^_) _,it>-
Bosom. Hole of snakes. INIind. jG-ii ^ — Pilgrimage to Mecca. i^ -^ _,

iMare. jW* b Sjj?t=>-j j^**- t ^-^^ Ear-ring. Lobe of the ear. i>j:
Stone. jbt^j SjWtvj jU>" 5r _^>.> A pilgrimage. rr^^j cj^ ^ i?.>.
<> Man (ai chess). Last month of the Arabs, "^.3-^] ji

Lunar caustic. Argument, plea. •{Title-deed. ,j..^^ i|^

Stumbling-block. Protest.
The black stone of the Bone of the brow. ^^Ij ^\^^ ^ ^WS-
Caaba. Pilgrim. ^J^ r^^^j ^^J ^ '^io.
Siderite. 4- Butt, aim. ^.i.i
Ostracite. High road, thoroughfare. :c|-i-.>

Pumice-stone. Litigious. Surgeon's probe. t'^S^j'

Mellite. To refrain from speaking. T'UI^ -^
Avant urine (quartz). To fall back after an attack (army).
Macadamisation To rejoice at. i_, bti a *l«- ^

Side, quarter.^l^^j Cj\j»^j J>J- ^ o^i- To stick to. ^ \^7j bsi a ^?^ ,

His property has becomeijj;^ cCt^^jI Refuge, protection. \^-},

extensive. To veil fi>j s ^J-j Cl^ J
, CJtio w4«; -«
Cell, chamber. Enclosure ^.i ^ s^kai a. th. To hinder a. o. from access.
for cattle. Grave. Side, region To be veiled, precluded. ^
Stony (ground . JiS-s^j ^r^^j ^-» •<To be modest, timid.
Wail. Upland. Cell. o\^^\r j>-}^ To appoint a. o. cham-
Dam. Refuge. j>>i»j - berlain.
Stone-cutter. iiiJ^>- ^ j^^ Veil, screen. <• Amulet. ^J^ _ ^u*.
Whiteness on the legs of a horse. joj»J I
Prohibited. Suburbs
Having three legs white (horse j.jjo^i (of a town). •^ Quarantine.
Crow. J>(>: ^ Ja-b. Orbit of the
Bottle J^J>>j J=fX^ r ^j*J *V>i eye. Tract surrounding a village.
with a large bottom. Flagon. a Stone-fjuarry.
To scarify a. o. To s Iuj^> o jfiL> -ii- Windpipe. Larynx. jftS- ^ o'^^
muzzle (a camel). To bite (a beast : Throat. Small basket. jjvUi ^ jy>>^
stallion). To sting a. 6. (snake). Flask for spices, -fy Scent-bottle.
To suck the breasts (child). A o — 1 To withhold. 5 SjU.>j \'y^ o _>iti -fr

To stare at. Jl. ^,4* -^To detain a. o. ~

To swell (woman's brenst). y^\ To interpose between (fighters;. ojJ —
To suckle a new-born chikl for J — ^ To sequester the property of.jc ^ —
the first time. To prevent a. o. from fighting. jfu- J(

To refrain. To draw^ back in ^i — To go to Hedjaz. j*;Jlj j*.^>ij _^\

fear from. To abstain from fighting. jf ^
To ask to be cupped. ^^_~1 1^
To be refrained, restrained. jiiJl
Art of the cupper. Scarification. ;^U>. To girdle o.'s self with a waist- J>--5>l
Protuberance. -^ Bulk. ^j»-J- -r y^'* wrapper.
Camel's muzzle. -»^ To cari'y a. th. in the bosom A -
Pink rose. ^>* ^r *i-f>> Root. Tribe. Shore. j>^
Cupper. "C^^j J>^^ -r ^Mj ^^ Arabia Petrrea, Hedjaz. Waist- jGfc>
Wont to shrink in fear (man). ^U»-.^ wrapper. Girdle. Musical tune. Rope
Cupping-glass. ^Gs'/i ^ C?»VJ ^•^, for tying a camel's feet.
To bend, to * ^J.j , C.>^ i ^i^^ ^rV Tuck of trousers. Waist- js^i ^ ;jk>
crook (a staff). band. Waist.
To draw a. th. Avith a hook.* ^^f "'
Patient. Sj^-JI -ki,-ii'

To be hooked, crooked. Fence, screen. Isthmus. o'y>-S- ^ j?-ii-

Crookedness. Hook. Edge of a sword. Hindrance. Dam.
Lazy. Of long stage (raid Partition, bari'ier. Railing. yf\'y>- ^ —
Crooked, hooked. ^^^ ^ To oppose, to ? wii U- — ^9c» -s-l-

Crooked stafi^i Hook. repel a. o.

To remain in (a place). i_ To pray, to beseech. ^Ja-t^Ji

To be avaricious of. To take hold of, to obtain, a _4t:>l

To think, to deem a. th. \'j{i. *,,
— Leather-shield. .j^ ^ iiii
good. Head of the hip-bone. _4ei»^j wi?t-'>
To keep (a secret). To propel s^j n — To limp (crow). Cy^j !A?t> o Jk^ i ^
(a boat : wind). To suppose, to guess To hop (shackled man).
a. th. To reward. To withhold To intervene between, y^j. cAj j9-j>
a. 0. To prepare the nuptial cham- s j|:>
To be enamoured ^ ^3j ^ki a , jrt* ber for ( a bride). To dye her fingers
of. To be attached to. (woman). To shackle a. o.
To outwit a. 0. To vie otviat' To have one or more legs white j4»
with a. 0. in sagacity on the lower part horse ). To put

Verb of ivonder How : 4,J ?r-> Ij ai?6>l U on anklets (woman).

worthy, how fit is he
To remain in (a place).
! Partridge. ^j
o%^:>r r- <^J ,}^
White hair on a horse's legs. J^>^jk>.
To pi'opose enigmas one to -U7 Silver Jbtib JA^ w J*»J J??*' J J?^
another. anklet. Ring of a shackle. Shackles.
Sagacity, wit. 'Ui Pavilion for a bride. JGt>.j jsU- ^ ibt>
t^JU. ( ^•A) -U.
Country, region. .u>l ^
Iron. -^ Iroa-bai", rail. Enigma. Riddle, ^^ulj j^ui ^ ;!^t

Railway. -*i-^ *^'-? "^ Enigmatic word. ~

t:sjji ZJS"
Sharp iU>j »!^>-b '1^1 ?- ^^J -^r^ To define (a limit). Sj fit \jJ- o J^ -H-

(man, knife). Pungent (odour). j

To determine a. th. To punish (a
Sharp-tongued. ollpl — I culprit).
Iron ploughshare. c/^.!l SajJL> To thrust back, to prevent s o — ^
Blacksmith; ironmonger. Prison- iioi a. o. from. To forbid a. th. to a. o.
keeper. Door-keeper. [
To avert an evil ^f. \ijS-j loi — fit

Impossible, unlawful thing. i/j^J from a. o. (God). To distinguish a.

To dispel a. th. ^ >» ui a 'la> -J:}-

th. from.
from. I
To put on !iilj , (Sla>.j lii i o a»
To help a. c. against. ip loi a Cf^AS- I
mourning garments (woman).
To J^escue a. o. from tyranny. To ^
To sharpen fi> jS-^j ij^j , la> i o —
be augry with a. o. To fondle (her j
( a knife).
child . woman). i
!li5J,|j Oivlj itxi-J oJl>-J \iJ.i-J \'jS- i oS-
To seek a refuge towards. J[ — To become angry with. \c

To stick to (a place). o— j
To be edged (knife) sharp ; %%„ \

Double-headed axe. '\j^j YjS ^ sljia- '

To be hindered by want of rain ijL>.

kite. (vegetation). -^ To work iron.

To be protttbe- t_iSG5j Gai a .-j-vi -J^ To set limits. To define a. th fi>

rant, convex, humpbacked. To repair to a. o. J_j J,\

To show kindness to a. o. To U— To counteract a. o. To be fi>j i iG>.
take care of her child (woman). contiguous to (land).
To i-ender a. th. tj ta ^^'h "-j^ To look intently at, (J\. ^kSJI 'j>-\

protuberant, convex. To provoke, to threaten a. o. 5 ijid

To become humpbacked, convex. tj!i9u To be exasperated against o. a. iibj
To devote herself to the care of her To become intense. To be shar- "iii^^
children (widow). pened (knife), To get into a rage.

To show benevolence towards. tc — To shave o.'s self with a razor. a?-i_ll.

To be attached to a. o. (_j — Hot tempered man. Pungent jS ^
To be humpbacked. t_iija>l i
(acid). Hot (sun).
Sand-drift. Wave. Scar on the ^jj- I
Limit. Eni^. Intensity. ^j'jj- ^"ja-
skin. Severity of winter.
Vehemence of anger. Bravery.
Hump. Convexity. ;;ai Strength of wine. Edge. <> Penalty.
Humpbacked. Sword. Difficult ,^jj.] Bounds set by God to human ^jil ^/ja-
undertaking. Vein of the arms. freedom. Law of God.
Unfruitful year. Difficult affair. »C!Ai Contiguous. '-^
Surname of Mossul. |
Close to me. JL» lij (/ oi •
To happen, (event) Ct>^> o ooi ^ ;
Hastiness of temper. ;;a»: •j ct^o-

To be new. young. U/j^j i'loi o ooi Anything forbidden. Impossible, iui

To relate a. th. to a. o. oj A 5 o'i I
False (news).
To relate dependently upon a. o. .t — '

God forbid that it iliTo^d o'l lSiA>

•<>-I had a presentiment of.^j^_lj jiJa^ I
may be so.
To converse with. Aj s *;"il>.ji diiU- !
The utmost of ill* o^'i o'l ilil^
To furbish (a sword). thy power is to do so.
To create a. th. (God). To jt oa>1 INIourning, black garments. ^Q;
cause, to occasion a. th. !
Craft of a blacksmith. sila>
J. C \

To come down", to ji^j j-x»i7

fall To void ordui'e. oj^^
down (tears, rain). To relate a. th. To js, _,! ^ cfj^>
To go down a declivity. To jo^Jl, speak of.

be swollen (skin). To converse together, oiGu

jOau^j ja»j jjJ.»-\j Jji^J '\j-^J JJ-^ To find (news). To pro- a cM»aJ.i.
Slope, declivity. duce a. th. new. To find out a. th.
Flow of tears. 'jj-^ Story-teller. »i^?>:J ooij oa>
Swelling at the coi'ner of the eye.;3Ji>- Excrement. Unprece- ola>*l ^ ooi
Fat, comely (youth). SjiG- ^ jiG> dented case of law. Novelty. Event.
Thick (spear). Great (number). Lofty Young man. ot'l^s^j oloil ^ oIa^
( mountain ). Populated ( district ). Man of agreeable oli>j o-ii J> j
Strongly woven (rope). conversation.
Strong in the thighs »|jai j> jj^\ Novelty. Youth. Beginning. jfla>
and lank in the belly (horse). Freshness.
Apple of the eye. Sjjlii>j jj^j j^-> Beginning. oIj'1i>

Short. Lion. Hard. Pebbles. jji^ The accidents of _^!a!I oil>>j —

Lion. Perdition. «j^e- fortune.
To surmise. To J Coi- o u-^i -^^ i Occurrence. Creation. ojlxs^
guess a. th. To speak conjecturally News. Story. i'i,^''*^ w *o'-^l
of. To hasten (the walk). New. Novelty. oil>S- -r ij'^t* ^ oii>
To go at random. J»jV) j — •^ Accident. Phenomenon. Case.
To throw a. o. down. 5 — New. 'Ua>j cj|a> ^ c^Jj^^
To tread a. th. under foot.*;lj!_^ Aj » — Young. ;^zji -
To inquire stealthily o^-J* tr-^''' Relation of an

<j^->^j •i-i'^'i-i 5r
about (news). event. Tradition. New.s. Talk.
Conjectures. Hypotheses. CjU--'-h>- Relater of traditions, stoiie."?. cj'^j^
Prostrated. u-J^-^J u-i,-^=^
New case of law. ^ oan^ olj aAi
Object of inquiries. Aim in view.(_^jii,.> To strike a. o. s ^a>lj,vV^ ?r^ "^ i

To be intensely dark y.:uiib o-^* -^ To load (a mule). To strap (a beast).

(night). To shoot (an arrow) at a. o. o s —
To throw, to ( for Sj-i ) A JJiri < To throw (a fault) upon another. To
fling a. th. circumvent a. o, in (a sale). To im-
To i_) tjJ^b Csa» i Ja>^
(jijOa-l^j , -fi- po.^ea difficult ta.sk upon a. o.
surround, to encompass, a. o. or a.tli. To look intently at. ^ w^J ~
To look at a. o. Ailij A — Colocynth. Load of water-melons.^ j»
To gaze at. Jl^ jli Load, burden. ^loilj ^jjo^ ^ ^oa-
o'^>j (J'^>b 0\5^j (J^ ^ *_5a>- Vehicle for women. ^pjloi ^ xfla>
Pupil of the eye. To be thick Sjlaij \Jj^ o j'ai, joi *
Walled garden. Solanum. x^'j^ ^ JjJ- and stout (man).
Fruit-garden. J-l'^ rr <k-^^ To swell from beating \'Jj^ \ o —
Sour, acid. Jjai o (skin). To go down.
Wild lotus.
^;;;^ jA-^j Jj'^* To send or let down. To let a Ijjlisi —
Melilot {plant). ' 'J,Cl1j — (tears) drop. To make a fold to (a
To wrong a. o. JpVja>j Va> i Joi ^ garment). To discard (a muffler). To
•^To roll ( a ten-ace ). ^— relax the bowels (medicine).
To have one shoulder Va> a Joi To hasten (in reading, in * jJi>b ~
higher than the othei-. walking).
To act cunningly towards a. o. y JiU To make (the skin) a Jlxl^ij , IjJo- o —
To lean on (the bow) in shooting. JiU7 to swell (blow).
C ^^• ) ja»
To take off, to * (jlii. i tJJS- -S- Having one Jjol ^ J^>b J'-^ ^ '^^ '

curtail, to strike off a. th. shoulder higher than the other.

To strike a. o. (with a sword).^,, s — Hill. *Ji>i
To perform (a work) cleverly. ^1L> fi> fy- Stone-roller. JilWi ^ *Ja>.;

To trim (verses). To be vehemently y-^\ — j'J^ -S-

To put off. To act dilatorily i Si\> ^ hot ( day, fire ) ; intense ( heat ). To
with a. o. boil fiercely fpot).
Elision, curtailment. oi> To burn with anger it ^^b ^^
Leather clippings. Remainder :^)ii against.
'"•f a meal. To be intensely red (blood). To j^ji^i

Side. -^j'j*- rr j/^'-^J J^J^ ^ be strong (wine).

Prepare thyself. illriilj^ i^l Ardom* of (fire). ^^j j>-j^

Sound of a blazing fi)*e. ;ia»

took it altogether. To ijj s f\j^j i\jJ-j \jjS- \l^ -a-

Jj * <3\Jo-i CSai a JJ^>j i (Ji>- ^ urge (camels) in singing. To drive

To "be clever, .skilled in ( an art To ). the clouds along (-n-ind).

perform a. th. cleverly. To know To follow the day (night). ^ jx::^\j —

a. th. thoroughly. Driving camels in singing, siosi ^ iU-
To sting the tongue C3ja> o Jii Horse-shoe. Sjlui >
(vinegar). Camel-driver. 'lai
To cut a. th. * \_5ji i
— North-wind. 'Ijlxi-

To render a. o. skilful. S JjLi Song of camel-di'ivers. *iJ*-b Sj'-J^l

To be cut, broken. To settle ( in a ^ i5a> a cfai -S-

Skilfulness, cleverness. place).

Broken piece, fragment. Jijk>. To purpose, a. th. A tSaiJj v^oi
Mouthful. To emulate a. 0. s i^osu
Clever, skilled. Pungent jitii ^ JiU Emulation, struggle, battle. C jsi

(vinegar). Penetrating (mind). To cut off, to curtail. fi> \jS- o jS- -H-

To lose the eyelash. vii a Jii ^ Light-handedness. Lightness ioi

To have red eyelids (eye). in wagging the tail.
To cause the eyes to swell * ^j^\ Light-handed. Light-jbi ^ '\j^ j, jii-l
and the eyelash to fall (tears, heat). tailed. Having scanty hair (horse);
Inclination, propensity. Jllii. scanty feathers (bird). Lean, slender.
Skirt of a garment. Jiij Jliij — To beware n IjJ^j *j^ a 3^ "^
Fall of the eyelash. Red tumour Jlli of. To caution o."s self against a. 0.

on the eye. To warn, to caution a. 0. » jo*.

Red gum. Remains of straw. ;Jlai To guard against a. 0. i jiV>
Losing the eyelash (eye). Jijji ^ *^iU. To be wary, * jlc>lj cr-! J^-^-> ~
To show skill. To J'liiitj J^li^ -ft- cautious of. To guard against.
make a show of skilfulness. Caution. Warning. jiij jli*
To cut out (wood) in a pointed jj^ ifc Beware of. jlJL*
shape. Cautious, prudent. ojji* 5- joi
To^break in (a horse). 5 — Ready. o^jiG- ^ jib-
To hurry on. jS->^^J
~ Cautioner. _jai
To cut a. th. A Cilii i ,.'j>- -ft- I caution thee against i^» iJj-J^ IjI

To hurry in (a work). J — him.

Cutting (sword). ^J^-J ^r^> Reciprocal fear and caution. SjiVWi
Name of a keen-sighted woman j,\'j^ Danger. Dread. j.>^9iJ*

surnaraed 01^:31 'iSjj. Fear. Evil dreaded. War. cjjas«>


^^ ) y
Heat of the sun. Hot wind iu jj^ Sluggish, lazy. ^il^
the night. Sliai'p sword. jijli.-*

Heat. Ardour, iuHammation. "iJ^'J* To make J « «)j;>j l^lii o llii «

Freedom {opp. xl^/ji-^ ^Cj-i »'jij- shoes for a. o.

to slaver ij). Freedom from passions. To put, to give (shoes) A ^ (ill>b —

Political liberty. -^ Unrestraint. to a. 0.
Silk ; silk-cloth. j. _,5. To make (shoes) on measure. ^ A —
A piece of silk-cloth. A soup SJi^s- To imitate a. o. oVi 'jJC* —
raade of flour and milk. To by over /bj » *ili>_, siiGi^ l?Sv>j —
Manufacturer of silk stulf. '^jij>-
against, opposite to a. th. or a. o.

Free-born. Blood-horse. J[j^'\ ^ 'j> To sit opposite to one another. J'^Wi

Generous. Choice part. Pure, unmi- To put on sandals. Jj^X
xed. <> Frank, speaking plainly. To imicate a. o. o>*i JVi>^ (iliril.

Middle of the house. jl!OI - To ask .sandals from. ^ t^akzJLI.

Cheek cheek-bone.
; caljll — Opposite to, over sjj^'j j'iij sj>.j .|li>
Stony tract. ol^j j'S*-* 'J- "^ ^"^ against.
Free well-born (woman). J |^i ^ s^>
; Gift. Piece of flesh. sjlu'
A burning thirst. S^?- Sandals, shoes. lii>-1 ?- 'lli>
Hot, ardent. Hard (work). jG- Sole of a horse.
Thirsty. ^j^> j, cXj- In front of, opposite to. iGU
Enfranchisement. ^ jt
JCJ,^^' frJCy-' To burn the tongue A Cili isii -« i

^ Letter. (vinegar). To tear a. th. to pieces.

Heated by anger. Feverish. jjJ>j^
To cut (the hand).
To prick the tongue (pepper).^i^ -tf- To speak evil of a. o. t_, j

To be bitten (tongue). ^'j^ "^ To give to a. o. a share of. d s jjJA\
To plunder a. o. 5 C^^ o ^'j, ^ To thrust a. o. Avith (a spear).
To ask a. th. importunately. Jc — a To share a. th. with. y Ji\s^
To be vehemently angiy. ^'ji. a ^ji- Allotment of xlJJ-j Xi^jJ-j ({j^j Qj.
To be affected with canine madne.ss. booty.
To provoke to excite a. o. *j n ^y^ Share of spoils. Gratuity given
; Ca>
To sharpen (an arrow-head). to a bringer of good news.
To wage war Ci^>.j %'jW^ ^'j\>.
jj To be freed (slave). iji^i a ^ ^
with; to battle with. To be free-born (man), %'j^ —
To stir up war. * vS*^ To be thii'sty. i^i —
To lead (an army). j — To be hot. Sjl^^j \jj^^j l^i oJ>i i

To wage war one with ^;)I>'lj ojUj (day, fight).

another. To be feverish. < ^
To ba ready to do mischief. JJ^^l To free (a slave). To devOte A_j 5 j^>
To lay on the back in raising the a. 0. (to God's service). To compose
legs. To be widened (place). a writing accurately. To write
( )

War, battle, fight. «-j^^» ^ i_i^i a. th. elegantly. To render ( a ba-

Enemy. Warrior. lance, an account) accurate. To •<>•

Seat of the war. The <-Jj'^^ j'i

write (a letter). To straighten (
enemy's country. board). To point (a gun).
Pertaining to war.
Javelin. Bayonet. Spear- ^\'j>, ^ iJ^i
To become hot (day).
To be freed (slave).
'js. 1

head. To be hot, vehement (fight). jiii-ll.

Corruption of belief. cU^j ob^ ^ — Hot (pepper, sun). 4- ^

Spear-thrust. Plunder. Friday. Heat. Jij*' ?r j^

( U
Thou art not guilty. Alas What a pity!
! C^^lj
Crime. Snare for wild Chameleon. '^Xji- fr S=Q^> -• '^.'j>.
beasts. Linen set on a rope for drving. Easily excited ; angered, j,'^ ^
Cowry. Quarry given to ^\'J^\ ^ — Spoiled. Plundered. 'C^sij Jj^ ^
the hounds. Flock. Warrior, ^'j, ^^ vO'--f J vS*-—!
Thicket of impenetrable trees ?r_r^ warlike.
Fighting incessantly. Upper end of a house. ^^ u> ^ v'S*"-"
Herd of camels. CjWj^i -r'^ -r *?-S*
First seat in a place. Palace. Direc-
Thicket of trees. tion to Mecca. Covert of a lion.
*} Public sale, sale by auction. ^\'j,. Niche in a mosciue. Private apart-
To swear by the most cj\>-'j>-S^\i. wili ments of a prince. Synagogue.
sacred things. To rub a. tb. fi^ C;> -i^ o>
Thin and swift she- r-;>'^>- 5r -rryfj^- energetically. < To work hard.
camel. Cold wind. To be ill-tempered. \j'j^ a Cjy
To become tall. To run To tiU and sow (the {Sj>- i cjj^ -^
fast : to run to and fro. earth).
Large wingless locust. To cut a. th. round. To acquire A —
Troop of horses. Swarm of (goods). To study a. th. thoroughly.
locusts. Lameness. To stir (the fire). To crumble
To drive back (camels). 2* (bread).
To gather and press (crowd, To exhaust (a beast rider), n o3>1j —

bea3ts).To swerve from (a resolution To cultivate, to plough *oln>lj o5>

To be enraged against, u iS^i-a ij>- -fr (the land).
To bear rancour to. <• To pout'at. To earn wealth ib oln> \
To purpose a. th. To a iS^ iji- i Land prepared for sowing.
pierce (wood). Tillage. Ti'ack of a road.
To withhold, a. o. 5 — The land and its produces. jlIUj o^JI
To Seclude o.'s self fi-om.^E — Gain, earning.
lSj'.i i
^SJ' t '^kj'
To betake o.'s self to a hut Tillage: cultivation. XJI^s-
To hinder, to restrain a. i — Cultivator, plougher, tiller. ol^joj G-
To twist (a rope). fi — Plough. oij,V».»j cjj\>Cf 5- c/j»--^,i >ijj^-i

To set a. th. apart. Poker for stirring the fire.

To yield little lii^*. To be contracted G-^i a r^ ^
milk (she-camel) ; little rain (year). (heart). To be narrow (place). To be
To remain. To shoot (stai'). iJ>-X guilty. To be dazzled (eye). To heap
Anger, rancour. .s^i up (dust).
Roof of reeds. '4^'^'S* -r '4r'J'
To gnash the teeth. ^^ o —
Angry, exasperated. oii>-j ij^i :>jy> To be prohibited to a. o. (prayer), i* —
Apart. i^/b , i\y>; -r -^ij^j
To put in a strait. ^y>. fin

Stallion (lizard). <i^\'J' ^ o'jV^ -^ To ask a. th. importunately. j —

To keep a. o. or A>_j » Ij^^T o 'jji- ^ •^ To put up for auction.

a. th. <> To urge; to insist upon. jc ^*^

To be on the watch. i>- To vjj, a Jj> To incite a. o. to crime. To ^^^l a-

be important (affair). put a. 0. in a strait. To force up a

It is not worth while, jj-^'i V \1» <> beast to a strait.
To be well fortified (place).;jij^ o jj^ To forbid (prayer) to a. o. jt ^—
To preserve a. th. To Aj 5 j^ To keep aloof from sin. ^^i-.r
afford a safe refuge to a. o. (place). Narrow space. Sin. Crime. ^'S-
To guard (property) carefully. ^ j^l Litter. Thicket.
To render a. o. eager of. it s ^^ To afford a safe refuge to. » -JJ^S
To ui'ge, to incite a. o. to. To guard against. ^>. J^tllj jj>t
Wound tearing the skin, x^j Uj ii^ Saf« refuge. Amulet. JO*^ »!' J>5
Hole in a garment. Die for gaming. j\'jj\ ^ yj.
Hankering, u^l>j 'C^^ ^ y^i> Choice part of goods. O^
covetous. Greedy. Niggardly. Well fortified, secure. _j^
Cloud pouring a heavy rain, *.2u^>. To guard, fin i-l3>-j ^'j- o ^'ji- -Vc

To Q»^ ^Jj^ o l/»^ "^

a 0'J>-i i
to watch over.
become emaciated. To be disordered, To steal (a ewe). * ^j.'J{^\j .(J^^ —
profligate. To keep a. th. carefully.
if- ^^p- ip.

To bs worn out by iSl^i o J^'^i- To live long. C^* a ^j>.

anxiety, gi'ief, debauchery. To guard against. ^^ u-'J^h ^j>C>
To urge, to instigate is. y j^lji- Watch, caution. ^\ln*'^j ,

a. 0. to. Time, centui'y. ^j>- '

5r lT^
To do a. th. perseveringly. jp j^jia- Life-guards. ilkliJI ^js-
To bring a. o. to the point of s J^'J>-\ A life-guard.
death (sorrow). To disorder a. o. The day and the night.
(love). •^ Careful of.

Di.sorder in body, mind, morals, j*^ Enclosure. Ewe

Emaciated by love, grief. Wicked. stolen during the night.
Diseased and J^j^o-j l^^j J^'J- Keeper. Robb:ir. <13ij ^J^'J ^ ^j r>
vicious. Debauchee. The Guardian Angel. u-j,WI d)>^JI
Kali. Potash. Very old.
Fallen and unable to Kept. <• Son. ^ij^C"
F. -fy-
Capital town. T^ijyji
Disordered by grief, debauchei'y.ja^^i;^ The Ottoman Empire, iljy,:^)) diSJC^^
Shameful (speech). To J'ln^h (^)'J^J (^'j* J-ji- *
2^ , i

To turn away. jl fi> <^'^C i SJ>- ^ hunt (hzards). To scratch a. o.

To discard a. o. from. To be rough to the skin. Ci/,i a Jj^
To earn for o.'s family. J — To beguile a. o. — jf

To change a. th. To alter 4> Sy^ To provoke, to set (men, cAj J^^
(a word, a book ). To tamper with. dogs) one against another.
To cut (a writing-reed) obliquely. To tight with. s ^;.G.
To repay evil to a. o. ^^Li ?_s_3u To oppose a. o. ^ J-l^^
To probe a wound. A — To earn (for o.'s family). J ^ji^n*).
To become rich. ij^il Mark. Company. ^l^ ^ J^'^i,
To ill-treat a. o. & — a Species of cucumber.
To tm-n away from. ^^ 3'j^\i ^'J-5 Wood, forest. ij'jj>j tr'^*' T \S'j-
^To use shifts for a livelihood, ojb-.^ Roughness, coarseness. trb*J
To deviate, to swerve from. ^ ^'J>^\
Ear-wig, myriapod. j.^^ ^ j.i_^^
To pi-actice a craft. To be oJ^l Rough to the skin. AzJ^i j, J^'J^-'^
crafty. Lizard. New coin.
Margin. Extremity, end. o^* ^ Sj^ Black lizard-hunting snake. J^\^^
Border. Summit (of a mountain). Swarm of locusts, ^i-l^ji^ ^ vJ»i.J,>

Edge of Ca blade). Young ones of animals. Fish-scales.

Letter ( of the SjAj ^/J- ^ Sj>- To rend (a stuff) in Ca'^ o l/'^^- -fr fi,

alphabet). Word. Particle (one of beating it (dyer).

the three divisions of the Ai-abic To covet a. th. jc Ca^*. a a^j^j i
grammar). To be eaten up (pasture). ' (_^_^
M ) fj J-

To mark a letter with a vowel. I

Litteral (meaning). 'Sj>-
To be set in motion. -^ To intri- 6*^ Litrerally, word by word. U^^
gue. To set off. To be moved (heart). , Craft, profession, -fy Shift. ^^ ^ i^'j>

Upper part of the back. i)3i» Nasturtium {plant). oJ,i

Horse's withers. Thlaspi {phuil). ^jJ>^ oj ^/kiJI o^
Movement. Gestin-e. cM^'j^ -r ^j> ^^'ater-cress. .lin ^^
Vowel, -(f-
Proceedings. Emotion. Re- Bad luck. ^j^
volution. Nimbleness. Fellow- worker. Artisan. .iV]^ ^ wii_p-
Light-hauiled. Nimble.;:jr^ ^>U»,yi Acritude of a dish. :^\'j>-

ISIovement. accentuation. £\'ji. Biting the tongue (dish). >-ii^

Light, lively, sprightly (child). aj, Altered. < Angular (body). o^i
Weak-waisted, impotent. Al»^ Unlucky. Using shifts. j^bU
Wooden poker, -if- Agitator. i^^j>^ Surgeon's probe. wiij_U> ^ ^l>>i^
Upper extremity of the neck. ilj^ Oblique. Trapezoid. <> Indisijosed.^^^i
The mover (of the world) (God).i)-i.;j| To file. To rub a. th. A> (j'^ o 3'J- ^
To rummage, to stir up St> jS'j>- -^ ^ To heat (the blood). To scorch
a. th. a. 0. (sun).

To burn down a. th. jUJb A —

Head of the hauneh-bone. ^ To distress a. o. ijj j^
i*_,>J V»^j \j\»j:^j ^j^J ^_j» i ^_/» -S" To gnash the teeth at. ip iJO o JJ,> i

To prevent a. o. ^ s 'x^ij>-i <'^j^j To tall off (hail-). CJ>: a J>-

from. To deprive a. o. fi^om a. th. To To burn down a, th. *j j J^lj J^
forbid a. th. to. To be burnt do^vn. o'J^h J^»o
To forbid a. th. < To excom- fiij s — Combustion. Hole in a garment, j^
municate a. o. Inflammation (of a limb). :i.»' ,i-j x3j*
Cij.>j '^>> o ^j>j , (•\^j ^'j>- a ^^ Sharp (sword). aJ^^^j <.hj\>-j iSji
To be forbidden. it C«lJ,ij 'Xf'j>i Upper part of the uvula. s^^H
To lose at play. C«^ a j>j»- Burning. ji^Ij ji^
To forbid, to declare a. th. to >b
Brine. Salt water. 3\y^j 3\j>-
be unlawful, sacred, inviolable. <• Fire-ship. Bomb. oGi^i ^ Xsl^
To win a. o. at play. j ^•^'-'j ~ Bhster.
To go to the pilgrimage. To j,'J^\
Gruel of tlour and water.. ;;r
seek refuge in a sacred place. To Fire, conflagration. ^j.
commit a. th. unlawful. Heat. Gruel. Combustion.
<>• *2j ji
To render a. th. sacred, unlawful. * — I
Holocaust, burnt- c3j>^ ^ i_i_/>5,

To be forbidden, sacred. ^j^ 1

To seek protection from. Root of the tongue.
To show regard to. To Aj ? yj^^S '

Pomum Adami.
hold a. th. as sacred. j
(/ To fi-y (meat). To
Prohibition. Anathema.^j;^ ^
-^ J>j> vex, to enrage a. o,
-,-- i.
Thing sacred. Harem. jS'jA ff j^J>-
Winged insect.

Wife. Sanctuary. ^ Piece of fried meat

Unluckiness. < Privation. d^'yr, Head of the haunch- sJ^Vji. ,,, "C&ja- ^
Mecca and Medinah. oC''_,»JI bone.
Protection. Reverence. y^i. y, Xi>'j> \
To move about. 'iS'^i ^'^ o i'^ -ft-

Luck. Inviolable thing. Respectable I

To wound a horse on (^^ o i'^ •&

woman. <> AMfe. j

the withers.
-^ For the sake of. o!Ai iV,i-j I To set in motion. To rouse, fiij s iJj»
to excite a. o. To move a. o. to pity.
( ^^0 -T
To examine a. th. fi> \j\j>-j ij\»J> 'jvV Apartments of women.Women subject
To be notched, cut. jjiu to one man.
To cut (the head). fi> -Ji:^[ Unattainable thing. *^^
Incision. Season. Speaking j/j^ ^ j^ Sin, Jj. ^ ( o/>/j.
J.I to JiU )

roughly. imlawful thing. Sacred. Venerable.

Paiu in the heart. Painful state. sj> •^ It is a shame for thee. dilifr j,\'j>.

SUce (of melon). Sj> -^ Rascal. Bastard. jX^i.

Scui'f of the head. Herpes. Sj\jij jiji Mecca. j,\'J^\ ^yCi^
Violent impression of anger or giit'f. The Caaba. ^I_^JI cilli
Liver-wort {plant). __^.ii)l jij> Blanket used as a garment. ^'^
Acidity of the stomach. jij> Rites of the pilgrimage to l'.>l
Active and jji_j sj»1j olj* ^r J.j>- Mecca.
haughty man. <>- Thief. Dishonest raan.c^i^i.
^ l/Xji-
Scruples, perplexing affair-s.^^jl y^^ First month of the j,\'jl^\ j^\j j.^k!'
Notch. 'jk* Mohammedan year, (inviolable).
Knife for making 'ji^i ^ y^a action. Crime.
Illicit >.jU> ^ ^^»
notches. Rough (man). < Pocket handliei'chief. j,j\:^ ^ iijk^
To gather and ij fi> \''j:^ a. Vj* ^ Black and fetid slime. -^"'Jr?' ^
drive (camels). Unfruitful yeai*. ^r^l^* :r tj-^'j^
To befall and dis- *_j s C j>. tjji -il- Kne {medicinal plant). S^J>-
tress a. o. (misfortune). To divide (a To stop Cj^j Cl>j Cl>i yjj-i Oj*^
book) into sections. on a sudden. To be restive (beast ).
To muster (people), to form ^ ,^ji. To sell at the right price, ^j;!! j oS*
a party. Restiveness of a horse. Cj/j^j o\j>
To become the partisan of. s ^jjC*. Restive (horse). oj> vr :j^'J- °j CjiJ>-
To form into parties, federation, ojkj Burnino; in the throat. oij> JJ>

Sparkling of fire. Sound produced ;i^
Distressing event. by ti'ees when shaken by the wind.
Party of men. Confe- v'j*-^ t vj^ Pungency of mustard. ojV^i-
deracy. Division. To decrease. C j^ i
Accomplice. Partisan. vlJ*"-^*
To cause a. th. to wane (time). A ^^1
Bulky and short. Cock. Wild i_jOU How worthy of it is he ! ^, e\j»\ C»
carrots. To select the best of. J ^^7
To measure. A Sjjs^j j> o Sj^ * i To choose a. th. To propose a. th.4> —
To guess, to conjecture a. tli. To remain in (a place). ^—
To become sour ( milk). Ojjs^j Oj* ~ Rather, more likely. iSj>dU
•^ To propose an enigma to. a fj^i- Convenient. Suitable. ^ '^i^*! ?r''^j>
Diviner. Sour (milk, wine). jjb- Fit to. Worthy of.

Conjecture. Divination. "i'jj^i jj> Noise, sound. M^i-I ^ ^j^

Choice part of a. th. Cj\'Sj> -r Sjj» Twittering (of birds). Area of a hou-
Enigma, riddle. Sjjji -^ se. Retreat of gazels. Becoming, tit.
June (month). J/jl -^j ii)\'j.y> S I stopped in his vicinage.
o\'Jk) cJjj
To break wind (ass), a {3'yi- Jj> i -fi- A short viper. *2j ^
To tighten (a rope). To com- A>
— More adapted ; more suited. li^l
press a. th. To press out. How much more. ^J^k "^j (^^•>VIj
To bind a. o. with (a rope). ^ — "i A fortiori.
To hinder a. o. ^ jji'i It is better for thee to. c\ di> i^^Vl
To be contracted. jj^-j To cut, to 1n^\j jj>j , l5»-
fii 'j^ -J^

Pinched by narrow boots. jj li. make an incision in a. th.


{ \\\) Of
cares. Party of iJlj*^ <-^J.^J *-5J»:J Jj*
Ruggedness of the soil men. Flight of (birds). Swarm of
Grieved. bees.
Wearing mourning. Ci^'j>-j nj*'-^ Party of men. J^j jij^j ^\'jy ^ u. ji
To iSj^j C ^> ijji-j ljj»
fii , \j^ -^
i ,
Walking at iJjij sJjij 'S^i tJj^
augur a. th. from the flight of a short pace.
birds. To guess; to conjecture. Tenacious. 3'^^j Jj>
To raise (figures) in ^ Jj»-j o ^y^ < Prone to anger. X3j>-

the air (looming). Hiccough, jjji aJ i^jjij <jjj\p- ->

To be lofty, prominent. jjil Narrow-necked (ewer). jiiJi 3jJ>t'i>

To know a. th. k_,

— To rise above the iHjii — Jj*. ^
UmbelUferous ( xoi. slj> ) '\y.j jy mirage (mountain). To be contrac-
plant. ted (heart). To be gathei-ed.
Physiognomist. jG- Short. 'T3>ij Sj'^
To blast (the ?j gn {^ o ;>i -^ To pack up, to 5j A >.jij , C»ji i ^ji ^
plants :To slaughter peo-
cold). ). To strap (a beast).
bundle up (goods

ple). To curry To put meat

(a beast). To be choked. C»ji a ^j»
on burning coals. To cover bi^ead To be reso- \ijjLj ^'lj>j Ciji o ^^>
(with burning coals). lute, self-confident.
To feel, to perceive a ',j^\j U_i i
— To strap (a horse). j? j.jii
a. th. -^ To have a presentiment of. To be girt. To girdle y^\j ^J^-j
To be certain of. ^ Cj- a ^r->-
o's. self.

To make a. o. to feel. To Aj s ^jJLS- To be collected (th). To be- v>j>3»"l

awake : to rouse a. o. < To feel come big-beUied. To be rugged
with the hand, to grope. (place).
To know, ;^JL:I>j ^ fi> jLi^j l^ 1 Resolution. ^jj^j *^lj^J y^
to perceive a. th. To feel a. th. Strap, girth yj.j JVJ. ^ ^ij^j -^\'^^^
To listen to (news). To
seek, a ,_;_1>.^ of a saddle. Silk or cotton girdle.
To perceive a. th. by the senses. Obstruction in the throat. y^
To inquii-e about a. th. — ^ Bundle. Ball, -if- Bunch of flowers, iiji
To be pulled out (tooth.) Ir-'^K
Resolute. »i«ji ^ >ri J>-J , <^3»- 5r ^j,*^
Feeling; presentiment. Voice. j^ Waist. Middle of </;i1j ^ji ;- ^jj^
Currying of a horse. Cunning. ^^ the breast.
State. xL>- Broad-breasted. ^jil
Sense, faculty of feeling, i^l^*'^ zl'^ Chest. INIiddle yji^j ^J,Q>- tr v-ji^*
Locust. Wind. of the chest.
The five senses. ilr^'J' Part of the body covered by ^jW> .

Shght noise. ^, ^„,.r the girth. Waist.

Small dry fishes. Cuttings of ^-ilsi Girth, Apron, wrapper, ^jb-^ ^ vj*--*

stones. Unauspicious. To grieve ? oji b oji-j Cji o oj^ *

Cui'rycomb. iLi-j^ a. o.
<-To grope.Toact waveringly.^_^i._l:C-^ To be grieved J j) jp Cj>^ Cj» a oji
To roast (meat) on coals. ^ — about.
To pity, to compassionate a, o. J — To walk upon a hard ground. o'y>S
To be sad, sorry. ol>v>lj Oj'i'-Jj iO^
To number, to reckon fit il'iLs- Sorrow. Grief. olj*^ 5r oj»j oj^
a. th. -^ To mind a. th. Mourning. oj> -^
^ To take a. th. into Cc^. ^L» Rugged and hard ground, ^^j-l. ^ oj»
account, to foresee a. th. Chai'ge of a household, family *jij»
dL ( \\Y)
To Jt jl * 5 j1J-j loJ-i
1 o ^j 5 :Cj.».»i>j tLL.»i^j Cl-wl> i a w~>
envy, to grudge a. o. for. think, to suppose a. o. or a. th. to

To find a. o. envious. he xnch or so.

To grudge one another. To b3 noble-born. 'tXLJ-j C—» o .—1»
Grudge, envy. To place a pillow for a. o. 5 i^ij^

JU-U To give to a. o. food and drink to

Grudging, envious. satiety. To buiy a. o.
Incentive to envy. To settle an account s iL:;ik» >^\9-
To be tired (sight). \j^Ls!- with.
To be jaded i^i _^r^ J )^i — To be tawny (camel). I

(camel). To satisfy a. o. To satiate a I

5 -

To disclose a. th. To i^> o — ^ To take a. o. for.

fi> i

bark ( a bough ). To jade (a camel). He gave bomitifuUy. ^^lils Jati

To sweep (a house). To recline upon a pillow. < To ^tS^d
To sigh for. u. a'rLi-j \j^ a _r-^ caution o.'s self against.
To lose its feathers (birdj. j^ To inquire about (new.s). — fi>

To make a. o. to sigh. To harm 5 - To know and befriend a. o.

a. 0. To despise a. o. To settle accounts together. w.JLUj
To tire out (a beast). 5 To think, te believe a. th. ^: w fit i^

To sigh for, to regret a. th. it To hi content with. ^j 5 —

To be disclosed, To be sorry -t)- To disapprove a. o. for a. th. ic * —
To be tired (man, beast). >»-.:-:) To lose an elder son. iJ jjj — i

Sigh, regret. Sorrow. cXj^i- ?r slr^* Sufficiency. Burial. ^- ',-C

4- Reluctantly. «lr'-->-J.
A dirh>'m is ^a ji dl-l^.j dx'^lJ-

Alas ! What a pity! t\i'jL^ b i5

>li C sufficient for thee.
Tired. Weak. Regretful, ^s'j^-^ -r -n^ This is equal, tanta- ilLa ,_li< li*
Without helmet j^S'^,^^ jj^ mount to that.
nor coat of mail nor turban. Quantity, amount. i^\lJ.\ ^ sJL>
Misfortune, calamity. .ru-Gj ^ ~f^'>^> Personal merit. Noble descent.
Fatigued, sad, regretful. Reckoning. Sufficiency, oi
Weak-sighted. _^i;!l j^lk^Sj j\^ Great number of people
Known state. Face. ^rv.(>.^ ?r -rr'--* Arithmetic.
Nature. The day of judgment.
To hiss (snake). Ci-_.>j uL^ w«r..> -5^ i
Account. Burying of the
To pick out, to euU 5j A \jlI^
— dead. Reward.
(dates). To tend (a flock). To take Honourable, noble. (
off (the crust of a wound). Thou shalt account <iil <i)lu_>j ,iii

To reap (corn). * ^i'CJ.^ Cil> — with God.

To be angered with. J CL-^ a J^-^ God alone is sufficient L-u-i <MVi ^^LT
To pick out (dates). * Opinion, conjecture.
To mix dates with their dregs, ib Punishment. Small arrow
To be scratched (skin). To fall Small pillow. Small ant. »jU1>
off (hair). Thunderbolt. Cloud. Hailstone.
To be smashed. Accountant. iLl> ^ k-.~iV>
Hissing of snakes. i-r'-J
Tawny camel. Red-haired v_J_>1
Enmity, anger. Ssllij (man). White from disease (skin).
Refuse of dates. Scanty water. xSC^ Audit-office. Book-keeping. C^bU
To be angry with, jc (feil> a iX^ ^ Inspector of weights and ^-_Aaii
To eat barley (beast). dUji measures.

( s\\)
Goodly, < To be choked with a fish di:

fine. New. bone.

Good- cJc-'—y-j oLl* '\^JL.>-J <iJL«.> To store the remainder of. *-
looking woman. To give barley to (a beast).
Vei*y oiji^j o^lL* ^ <JL-> ^ oll^ Star-thistle. Grappling iron.
fine, very handsome. Prickly hedge. -^ Fish-bone.
Well. All right. C;l> Barley. Urchin.
Good work. Benefit. oCxli <^ *iL^ Rancour, ill-will. x.rilij
•^ Alms. Rubbish. ii&tl^j jTUsT^ Ji
Shatters of irOn.
Better. <>• More. To urge on (a f>j s "^Li o j:^^

The best men. y^\ ^~^\»\ beaist). To cast off a. th.

How pleasing is Zeid ! Qj jiJ,\ u To leave the refuse of a. th.
Benefit, gift. ol^>-l To be reviled.
Good action. ,;;l.>-j CjCI-I.* tt J^-^ To revile o.'s self.
Good result. Benefit. Victory. Con- To hunt lizards. j.

templation of God. Lizard ill* j d':^lj^j JUl.>lj J^L»

The 99 Names of God newly hatched.
• >\
amongst Moslems. Lizard. J^l>_^JljJ
Victory and martyrdom. Silver filings.
The best he can do is to Refuse, rabble. *L
Gold-fincli. Calves. Oxen. Refuse. jli ^
Beneficent. o^?c>» rr
Refuse of dates. Jc-r*- '?

Good works. Good qualities. ^^\>:^)\ To cut off. To cut fi> CU. i
Charms, beauty. open (an artery and cauterize it).

To sip A j:^\j ^»dj , Ijli C> ^ To stop (a disease).

(broth) Httle by little. To deprive a. o. from. fi a —
To give to a. 0. as J^\:>j t/J-h S-^ To be cut off. .^-^l
(broth) to sip. Unhappy (days). j'j^
Food made of flour 'jL^j -Llij jL^ Sharp sword. Edge (of a sword).^ilji
and water. Long (night).
A draught, a mouthful c.i'>l>- -r S^> Specific (of a disease). Cl^s*
(absorbed). To be comely. CJLi o cr-^J o^ "^
Mouth- y.\J\ r^j <^h 0_^~» I 5>> c^~.» To better, to embellish fi^j H -JL^
ful (
qiiantity). a. 0. or a. th.
To dig a sandy JJ^\j,^ 1 ^5^-
-^ To overcome, a. o. in beauty. & ^\c.
ground. To treat a. o. kindly.
To put a. 0. to the tefii.i j:jja.\_) &^$~^ To behave well, To be able to. J^^\

Swampy 'Cs-j -U-i'l ^ ,^j ^1>; To know. To do a. th. well. ^ J~^\

ground covered with sand. To embellish a. th.
To dry up (hand, valley). u.> o j^ ^ To do good, to give alms to oj Jl^ —
To hurry on (horse). a. 0.

To kindle (a fire). To poke (the Sj To be able to do. fi^ j;Ij o1 —

fire). To cut (herbage). To stir To be beautiful, to adorn o."s ^^
(war). To increa.se (wealth). To give self. To be shaven.

herbs (to a horse). To find a. o. or a. th. a ^jli>dJ\^ 2<_,

To smoke hemp. ^i-» "^ well, pleasing. To appi"Ove of.

To be dried (hand). To have j^Li'l Beauty. Goodness. c;- ^ o-* ''»•''

abundant herbage (land). Pleasiugness.

i \\\ )

To be big-bodied. To die (wild _^isi To help a. o. in gathering herbs. 5 —

beast). To seek for, to gather herbs. ^ jjiS^I.
To interfere, to intrude in. j _^-:ij < To be thirsty (man). To be- jup^^\
Congregation, swarm. ^iJ- come tall (bi'anch). To dry (hand).
Thin (ear) ;
pointed (spear), ^i^ ^ — Dry hei'bage. Still- ^jlli ^ J^i^^
Day of the resurrection. _^i9,!l >^ born foetus. -^ Hashish.
Tax-gatherer. Broom-rape, orobanche. o-lVl *1a4.>
Intriuier. Inquisitive. Galium aparine, goose-grass. ijVl —
Small reptiles. Insects. cj\ Lapsatia, nipple-wort. jIlWI — <>

Inquisitiveness. Allinria, hedge- gaidic. *^>3' °

Gathering- ^:-U^ Fritillaria, liliaceous plant. jiti-JI — d
place, crowd. Glauciam, horn-poppy. ,_uiji— a
To have the death-rattle ,
«- Belladona, deadly night-shade. M^;.i-JI—
(man). To bray (ass). Last breath of life. *i.llij ^ill^
Death-r.ittle. The utmost of thy ioTjiij c/\ vHl.U.>
Small mug. Hollow in which power is to do so.
water remains.
Portion of
my heart ^ <i.LLi G <>
To wink (the eyes). i. e. beloved.
To bear bad dates ^.ili'l — Fruit-garden. J.Ji.i ^ jj.j 'Jj.j j^
(palm-tx'ee). To be contracted (udder). Collection of palm-trees. Pri\y.
To wear shabby clothes. To JaI^oC, Seller of dry herbage. o^^lL^ ^ J'^l^
fall off (hair). <>• Smoker of hasiiish. Dotanl.
Dates of bad quality. ^1> Place abounding in dry herbage. ji.'^J

Worn out garment. «-^:~»- Reaping-hook. Poker. tXUj'j ijS./'

To be filled (udder). <is^l^ i ^iJ. ^ Tavern for smoking hemp, xkkk^ -^

To be loaded with fruit ( tree ). To To stir about {men).ji.^J.U^j J-'^J^ -^

let fall (a shower sky ). To have
: To kindle (the fire), a Ui a iLi- ^
much water (cloud). To throng To lash a. 0. with a whip. v^"
(crowd). To veer (wind). To become To hit the belly (^^^th an arrow).
strong and to abate (wind). Waist-wrapper. -^tb-jJ ^ '\lkj'j U.k>
•^To cram up (a bag). f> d\L>j — To irritate a. o. " ^ ,_A>1 — ^^> ^
To eat barley (horse), feii^ a dX^ To muster (people). «r*^*»-l
To collect in the udder (milk). Hare. Calf. Male fox. Big- v-^^
To give barley (to a horse), s dllil belUed. Company of men.
To be swollen with milk (udder).d*lij To bud out (plant). iIlL> ai.> -^ i

Shower ; heavy rain. ifeti.> To take the part. To side with. J —


Numerous troop. Xfeil^ To rush to the rescue. \':>^lJ-

Barley. To collect (men, things). Sj j1j.j — fi>

Filled of (milk). Loaded (with d^U To muster troops.

fruit) Successive. Uninterrupted. To assemble (party ).jii.5>lj ai-G-.:j jl1>1
"Winds blowing from dXz^\'j^ ^ Sfet^-G- To answer the call of a. o. J al.A»l,
various sides. To exert o.'s self for (a guest).
Muzzle for preventing a i5Ll>-j *_ril> Party of men. i^ii ^ ulij jJJ^
kid from sucking. Inexhaustible (spring). -l=.»

Noise in the quarter of a house.Xfeii,^ To assemble s l^>: o .r^ i

To make little of. A >li.> o jli -J^ (
people ). To exile a. o. To expel a.
To revile a. o. 0. To destroy (cattle draught). :

To put a. 0. to the fi>j 5 (.,J^ ^U. ] -jf To make (a spear-head thin. A )

blush. To seek a. th. •^ To press a. 0. To cram a. th.

( ^T. )

avoid, to guard against a. th. He has caught no game, ju^l

Asthma, short breathing. To abstain from.
Except. Far from. To abash a. 0. by addres Jl o jr i

Sma'lage (plant.) sing him rudely.

God forbid that. To be in a rage. C^» a ^
Excuse the compa To irritate, to put 5 j,±J-'b jX^j
rison. a. 0. to the blush; to harm a. 0.
Save Zeld. To blush at. To refrain from. i/l
Far from thee. To be angry at. ^j of J c/ J^" \
Excuse such a mention To refrain from. To be ashamed of.
Thou art far from for- ^^li_! ol iJUU Servants, household,:U-Lij :UJ.>j j^
getting. family.
Side. Selvage of a u^l>* Bashfulness, self-restraint. :;' -^
tt *c^^ ,

garment. Margin (of a book). Mar- Politeness. Anger.

ginal note. Followers. -^ Postcript. Modesty. Respect. jXkia-\
Covered with notes (book). Venerable. Neighbour, -ciji ^ ^,-^i
To shave (the hair). » Uai o Guest.
To destroy a. th. To smell bad (water- ul» a ^^.t.-^ ^
To be allotted to a. o. (share) s - skin).
To be clear, evident. To use a stinking (skin).
To share a. th. with. To abuse a. o., to revile a 5 .A\^
To allot a share to a. o. To make earnings.
To divide a. th. together. FUthiness of a vessel.
To lose its hair (beast). Hatred, malevolence.
To fall out (hair, leaves). To be ^9u I To fill up, to stuff ij A 1}.

curtailed (tail). (a cushion) with.

Scantiness of hair on the head. ^.iaC To hit a. 0. in the bowels. i —
Portion. < A bit. ^-a* t *^ To make a gift to a. o. ^^W 2f

Saffron. Pearl, a^^j y^l-iall ^ ijj.

To be filled with grains (pome- ^^9-\
^ Kerne! granate). To be stuffed.
Quick running (of an ass). ^l.i> The meanest of camels, men._,ij;j ;li,G>.
Bunches remaining on the vine.;ol.iai Bowels, intestines. -li-il ^ Ci^
Disease causing the hair to fall. aJ>\':>. Stuffing of food, cloth. Stuffed ^hi-
Having little or no hair 'Lia» ^ garment. Soul. Redundant part of
(man); scanty feathers on the a speech. Refuse of men.
wings (bird). Bowels, intestines, e>^-> sS-i*^
Cloudless and cold (day). ^3^] yjj Forest, thicket. J^JVI —
To appear in broad light .^is-Jai -^ Stuffed bed. Bustle worn Glli ^ xl=.^
(truth). To limp in walking (man). by women. Pad.
To be fixed on the groimd. ^^ak^vv The rectum. siJiiJI
Dust. Quick walk. t/'^»=-^ To suffer from asthma, ^/i^ a '^ji> ^
To suck milk to *Loi a \5uaij ii^^ -S- To border (a garment). To writer ^^Ls^
his fill (child). To eat or drink gree- marginal notes. <> To interpolate (a
dily (camel). book).
To quench o.'s thirst with. ^^ — To exclude a. 0. from a ^5 J-J^.
To quench the thirst of. s \ a>] number. To except a. 0. from.
To throw pebbles at. 5 Cjas^ ^.iai -if To shun a. o. j-
To pave (the soil) with fi> ^^^j - To except a. 0. from. ^—
pebbles. To keep aloof from, to^ jd-GJj • >• —
To crush a. o. (disease).
^ s ^^ai^ To have the

U.^ a

>- ,o>
To hinder a. o. from. ^p S — measles.
To be in a strait. To be besieged._,4i^Ji_ To strike up pebbles in running
-^ To be annoyed. (horse).
•^ To be restrained to. J — To take his flight to the
To strap a pad on a camel. ^ ^i»-[ country (pigeon).
Constipation. Ischury. _^a> To pelt one another with bJ
Oppre.ssion of heart. Faltering ^a> pebbles.
in speech. Avai'ice. Stone.s Fuel. Firewood. w-i>
Hinderauce. Restriction. _^i Scarlet fever. ;ji.i3i 1^ ^j "C^lai-i XJa^-
•< Anguish. Small pebbles. -CJa^
< Control of tobacco Strong wind scat- w-^l^i ^r i^^^
In a strict sense. tering pebbles. Cloud casting down
Pad used as a saddle. suow.hail. Numerous company of men.
Siege. Blockhouse. Soil covered with t-aij XJa9J' j^'j\
•^ Fortress. pebbles.
He raised the siege. Seized with scarlet fever.
Oppressed. Ava- _>i-^j j>ii; ,lil i>j bUoij la.i>
ricious. Faltering in speech. To reap (corn-crops).
Discreet. Surname of John Jj' To destroy a. o. with the
the Baptist. sword.
Prison. Surface slra>1j _ri>^ ^ -^^:^ He died.
of the earth. Side of the body. i
To be strongly woven
Road. Meeting. Row of people. (rope, coat of mail).
Handle. Woven stuff. To be mature (corn- a.i>.--^lj -u»>*i
Di'ying-tioor for dates. Jj.^^ ^ '3i-?=^
< Mat. To form a league (people). a.i>iJ,l,
To brace (a bow) strong- /j^ -S- fi> To be strongly made (rope). To be
ly. To twist (a i-ope) strongly. To angry.
fill (a water-skin). To cut (a pen). Harvest-time. il.i>j i\.^>-
To become sour. /j^a.^ Crops. Gathered i'j^^^^j Ju.^ij -ua>
To be soi'did, miserly. ^lro?i^ harve.3t.
Any green fruit. ^j^al -^j j-j^ Stalks of reaped crops. aj,i.i> y «^c^
Verjuice. Miser. Slanderous talks. SLJ VI jJl.i>
To have a sound Asl.i=: o ^-^ ^ Reaper. iiL^j j-^sU
judgment. Scythe, sickle. j~^\^j^ ^ -usk;

To ba mangy. CLi»> a wi-^> To surround, *j 5 |^i o i -S-^i

To remove fi>j wio>1j,C«^i o ^lai
js to put a. o. in a strait. To withhold
a. th. To weave a. th. compactly. a. 0. To put a cushion upon (a ca-
To twist a rope (strongly). To settle mel\ To hold a. th. (vessel). .^ To
(an affair). inconvenience a. o. To limit, a. th.
To run swiftly. ^^>'l To encompass a. 0. ^—
To be strongly made. JLiir-Ll^ To be costive. ..r^'-'h _r^
Dry mange. ^.i^ To feel an oppression l^a> a ^a>
Gifted with a sound wi-o>j Jk^i of the heart. To be niggardly. To be
judgment. tired To falter in speech.
Swift iu running. oLfl>.>j Jk::^>jii wi..a** To conceal (a secret). tj —
To remain. Tov,^>.;j v^^^;. o J..^^
-«- To encompass..*j :i\j\^3.j '~o'Ja\>:i'J^\>-
be left. To result. To ha^^pen (event). a. 0. To invest (a town).
( ^TY )

Strong-, difficult of access. k>-a^ To befall a. o. (evil). To be J j^>

Fox, CrJa^J\ y] realised (profit).
Freedom. Marriage. Mind. ol.^l To happen to a, o. (event), jc j.i>
Entrenchment. oUx-ak^ rr ^^'^ To collect (a debt). < To get a.^th.
Basket. Lock. ^oli-^ ^ cj-^-^-
To eat (earth beast). "^i a J-a>

Virtuous woman. XLay^fj <:-^>-..i To have a pain in the belly from

To hinder a. o. a S'^lai- o \la* -fr having eaten (earth : horse).
To abound in pebbles (land).Cai a ^s9^ To attain (an aim). To sum fi> ^^^
To strike a. o. with ^'
Cai i ~^^a> up a speech ).
( recover To

pebbles. (money). To acquire (science).

To have a stone in the bladder To produce unripe (dates). J^]j —
To protect a. o. To result. To be obtained. J^»-3
To reckon, to niunber. To be realised.
To understand a. th. Remainder. Result, J-*0=^ '?• J-*'*
To b'i on the watch. product, quotient. Produce of land.
Number. Small stones. Purified silver. -^ Warehouse.
Sum total.ln short, in a word, j^bjl
Calculus. "Pebbles. Prudence Siftings of wheat. ;Jl.i»
Very prudent. *^ai Remainder. Produce. jJli* ,^ iL^>
Soil abounding in pebbles. 31.^3^-.;; jajl Crop of a bird. Wheat, xl^j^j J-^>>
Innumerable. ^^k^ jjt Aubergine. Egg-plant. j^^
To incite Je a u^-aij Uai o jai
, ^ Success. Scientific attainment. j-.*a^
a. o. to. <;>• Tax-gathering.
To excite one another to. ic n ^U Tax-gatherei'. j|aL^7 Ts
To rouse o. another. u^ui Result. oX>.^k>: -^j Jc-e^'--^ t J^'>.^
Lycium. Box-thorn. jaij> ^ Seed-produce. Income.
Foot of a moan- xJi>lj jaja* ^ o^~2i»^ To break wind (hor.'se).^ (^^as- i^> ^
tain. Perigee. To be broken (wood). ^^'^K
To be kindled (fire] To be inaccessible (place).xjl.i:> o^-aii^
To kindle (the fire) i be iiLoi' J wa:vj [X^>- o ^^a>
Wooden poker. chaste (woman).
To put wood (iu To fortify (a place). To a ^^'\j ^^^
the fire). surround (a village) with a wall.
To take a rugged by-way. ^_J»ij To be chaste, virtuous (woman). ^i>l
Twang of a bow. Side. i_,Uiil ^ ^.> ^ To marry (man or -n-oman).
Foot of a mountain. Big- snake. To keep her.se] f chaste (woman). A — :

Poker. Firebrand. .^^k./' To give (a woman) in marriage, a —

To kindle (the fire), a (^Jaw: a r-^> -^ To fortify, to entrench o.'s self. ^>-5
To throw a. o. down. To ^ ij A— To be chaste (woman). To become
unload (a camel). To stir (the fire). a stallion (horse).
To be roused to anger. To ^^xk'jl Stronghold, fortress. oj-^>- ^ o-^*"
spread o.'s self on the ground. Weapons. Horses. Crescent.
Fire-poker. r-^se-^ Chaste woman. oijl.ia>j ^^>. ^ cA^
( opp. to ^li i^Uiij hj-^ o j^a^ -«•
) La^vful wife. Pearl.
To be present. To be at hand (time). Stallion. Blood- XLa^\j Jiai- .y. ol-i>
To settle in a country. ojta> — horse.
To occur to a. o. (thought), fiij S — Hi^^popotamus.
Jy.2\ o\ij=-
To witness a, th. To present o.'s
self before a. o. Pudioal woman. Lawful wife.

IL. C wr )

chiM). To embrace (a child). To turn away from. ^—

To (jjJai-j Jjlis* J Cl2»>j .Cia* 4^17 o ~ To bring Aj 5.^^b ^»ij _/iu.:

brood upon its eggs (bird). in a. 0. or a. th. To get a. th. ready.

To debar » ^,^^\j ,'*jlhi.j \u^ —
^ To give a ready s \j\^ j S>ii9b-.i ^U
a. 0. from. To witness a. th. To
To have inequal breasts. CLa*- o ^^^ contend with a. 0. To run with a. o.
To despise, to wrong a. o. ^jj 5 ,>i>>'' To run (horse). ,/^\j J^\
To deprive a. 0. from a right. *|ij 5 — To attend (a meeting). a —
Breast. Bosom. oii»>-b o>ii> :r c-^> To present o.'s self. _^'aii.lj yo'iii

Clasp. Side. Foot of a mountain. To prepare o.'s self. •(f-

Fostei'ing. <>• Right and pension <:l^ To be at the point of death. ^aiil
of tutorship, granted to the mother. To send for a. 0. To occur 5 ^'is>.~_H^
Brood. Embrace.
-<>• "^ja>- to the mind (thought). To make
He felt the grasp of '^^Z. X:Ja->-j c^jj>') (a horse) to run.
Nurse, di-y nurse. cr^i>^ ?r si^i^ Cultivated country.
Having inequal breasts, teats. o>is> Inhabitant of a village. CJ_ria>
To stir (the fire). * |^ii> lia* -$:^ Presence. Vicinity. •< Ma- ^'J^a^^ ycJ-
Wooden poker. 'X^yjt. jesty, excellency (titles of honour).
To go down to alight. Ck^: tk^
; -il- In his oj^JjitJ -^j ^'j-'SL->j_i »J^'ay-j,
To abate (price). C^yiiij Lla> o — presence.
To be pimpled (face). "Jailj C!3lL> o — Intruder. Spunger. ^'<a>j j^*
To put.To leave off a th. A Lk> o — Always ready to reply. Quick. J;a^
To pohsh, to figure (leather). -^ To elriaij Jy0.^i J^-^»-J _r^»- r: j-p^
pay a. th. To lower a. th. Present. Large tribe. Coming to a
To eat much. ^l'«Ltl J — city. Dwelling by water. Cultivated
To put down (a burden), ^ jJa^ district. Settlement. <>• Ready.
-^To make a. o. to pay, to put a. th. Party of men. J^lJsij -^i-ia^^ e1,'\^ •?:

To put a. th. down. a 'ia:>lj 'JUil Matter in a wound. Vanguard. Diy-

To be put down. To sink 'i»>-Jl, ing- floor for dates.
(strength). To be humbled. To abate •^Summons subpoena. writ.jUs>l^ s^^i*
(pric<e). Colloquy, conference. s^'j>\>.J^

To ask a. o. to put down a » '^v&^\ Fixed dwelling. Pi'e- ^>W^ t J^ei^-^

a. th. sence. Return to water. Record sig-
To ask a lowering of uii, J^'.\ ^« — ned by witnesses, Assembly. -if-

price. Speaking well of the J:a->C<^\ J~>-

Unloading, relief. JaJs^j xLa- absent.
Abatement of price. ;ia-la> tf Official record. J:a9-j^ j^'ji-
Carbuncled face. Froth of milk, klk^ At the point of death. J^^^-j^
Stink. klk> Coming to a settled country, ^-ark-*
Short. kj'lkij \x^ Fleet (horse). j^^-^ ^r -^4»»--^
Station. <• Full '}o\>.'i. ^ xLi.^j *k>./: To mispronounce ^^V&iil J yjit^- ^
stop. Pause. Arabic.
Instrument for pohshing. aL>.>> j *k>.>« To bark (a tree). To brace (a — jfc

To prostrate a. o.jj jajvi ti»: a ik^ -S- bow). To mix a. th.

To turn a. 0. back from. ^i o — Name of a province cj^It^j Cjj"'^'-
To slap a. 0. on the back. - "i and of a tribe of Yemen.
To cast forth froth (boiler). \sbSi'j. — To y ^2£:>-\j , 'iJ\J3^j Uo» i^^i^ "^
Ugly, mean, small in body. xZla>- take in the bosom. To bring up (
To make an enclosure for o.'g Dregs of the people. '
self. To pick up ^>ij , CW i ^AaJi- -«-

To build an enclosure. fire-wood.

Enclosure for J^i J llai To bring wood to a. o. To aj 5 ^.uc
cattle, sheepfold. Fence. prune (the vine). To wash away
Paradise. ^Idll s3i^> roots (rain).
Unlucky. Stingy. Sjn^l -^J To abound in firewood. ^h-llj ,_ja>-
Forbidden. Unapproachable. j^]a»t» To speak ill or well of. ^j ip. ^\,c
To bi'ace strongly (a bow), a ij^ic; -{:{ He came to his rescue. <i:> J _ja»
To fill up (a skin). To want to be pruned ^iai£J,ij Ju^ l

To be filled (skin). To be ^'J^ (vine).

surfeited. To be full of hatred (man). Firewood. Slander. ,^\\iiJ\ ^ »^>
Strong. Courageous. Stern. ^'j^ Guiacum, lignum vitse.jn-joSI ^.La^
To Jc Ci^kij CSUa>:J yia^ O
px'event a. o. fi-om acting.
i ^ -ff
Very lean.
Collector of firewood.
wJa>-b >-4i>
To stop in -walking. Cj^Ua> o — Great talker, mixing jjj —
Parsimonious man. J^> JUa^j good and evil in his speech.
To walk slowly. i^Li o ik:^ -i^ Wood-cutter. i^yL^ j, (_(ll»>
To obtain ^ ^^j s;^^
s;^ a J^ Abounding in firewood. w-sk>
' a. th. ' Pruning-knife. yji»-j^
To enjoy the favour of. ai* ^^\j — To put a string to (a A \j\a^ ^Isi -Ji-

To procui'e a. th. to ^ ? sUi»t ^Ja>1 bow).

To render happy; to favour a. o. s — To break a. th.* J^J C>Ja^ ^ia> -^ , i

To prefer one to another. J^ ^ ~ To be broken by age. Clai a ^^ki

High estimation,^^j %> ^ o'J&J-j aa> To be smashed (dry thin gs).^;tj|j^i3ij
regard. Favour, happiness. Fragment, piece. ^^Lij X^liaij i;Lv
Small arrow. cjV^i^j 'l^ ^ S}Li The vanities of the world. CJioi ^iL>
Small rod. Unfruitul year. *i.i»-j *»L>
Slow walk. uioi Vehement fire. Gluttonous. :i;.ia^
i^. Favourite slave.iifciei -^j Uii ^ Citi Bad year. Digestible. j>j^'^
To pluck A illiriij , CiiLvj u* o lii^ « Lion. Ja^^j ^llaij ^.jW
(the hair). To shave ( the head) to ; Wall of the Caaba. Plant of ^-i>
chp (the b.?ard); to bark a. th. <>• To the precedent year.
rub out a. th. To toss, to shake fit \yia^ o iL^ -H-

To surround il^j ^ j y ,jS^j ui — a. th. about.

a. th. Big lice. f ImT
To encompass a. o. or (_) 4^j S — To be lucky. 'ja:i _, , Cjii a 'Ji^ ^
a. th. with. To become rich. '.kil
To produce a rusthng sound Q^ i
— To enjoy a. th. To be ^ 'Jar>l,-^
(leaves, snake, horse, bird, shower). favoured with.
To have shaggy, undressed ;^ij liil Luck. Portion, lot. J»4a> ^ 'J»
(hair). Happiness. -^ Enjoyment. Favom*.
To become dry (earth, — Happy, lucky.
^Jj. {
stomach). To become deaf Pleasure, gladness.
^Ja^J^j Ji-Jiij J^
*^Jiu^y -<>•

(ear). To be smitten by the evil eye. To be fat, fleshy.CL; a ^^J i ^^ "*

To speak evil of a. o. 5 — Short and big-bellied. s;^ ^ ^ti
To have the hair plucked fi> liSali^ To prevent the u. * l^Li _4=^ -M-

out of the face. To eat up (a. th.) access of (a place) to a. 0. To enclose

To encompass a. o. J^ — j
(cattle) in.
( \To )

Hollow, ^,^ 9r '-"ij^j j*^ T "i'j^ To take the whole of.

ditch, cavity. Surrounding. Evil-eyed
Pit. Grave. Mussel (shell-fish). j\jo- I'nkneaded flour.
Digger. Hoof. ^jl^i ^ _^G.. Dry, unseasoned bread.
Beginning, original state. S^^Uj — if Margin. Border. Side. Wall
Directly.At first. e^b,)l olc breast-high in a field.
He came back to his «53^G. Jt ^fj Side. Trace. Border of A - oU
former state. hair around a bald head
Tartar of the teeth. Track, trace.
Grave-digger. He came upon his *M>-J <Jt>- \^
Spade. Servants. Young ostrich. \i^
Sand-bed. SjUJt> <»• Generosity. Weaver. Robber.
To push a. til. jfcj j( iji> i ji» -^ Confused sound of the wind, of
fi'om behind. To urge on ( the day : bii'ds. Buzzing.

night;. Litter forwomen flat on the top. ili^

To pierce a. o. with (a spear). ^n— Surrounded. Poor. ojiv
To hurry (an affair). To produce a rustling (with ^j^je^ -8-
To be seated opposite to. the wings bird). :

To be on the watch, to be To throw a. o. down. s u a U^ -J{-

ready to act. To pull out papyrus.

To press forward. *^ Papyrus.
Limit. To crush, to fi> ui» o
To eat (man). CJ destroy a. th.
To collect (water). Cii Large harmless oU»*l ?r c^'^i «^*» ^
To meet (tribe). To run two heats snake.
consecutively (horse). To do jiliillj ,C|jI>.j i1u> Xti -^ i

To expel a. o. To extract *j 5 — a. th. speedily; to be nimble in work.

a. th. To bark a. th. To fill a valley To serve a. o. speedily. 5 —
(flood). To hurry, to hasten a. o 2^ Ai>l
To apply o.'s self to. J- Quick pace.
To pour down showers Grandson grandchild.

(cloud). Servant. Helper. asG-

To remain in his tent J~t^JJ Oi'igin of a man Base jjii.,; ,

(man). of the hump.

Place in which water abounds "ijLiSs- Sharp (sword). jjc^-j^

Receptacle, vessel, sack. ,_;iU:^*) ^ j.]o. To dig (the earth). *_^>|j ,l^ i_,ii -^
Small tent of hair. Paltry articles To scrutinise a. th. <> To en- A_^
of furniture. grave (a metal).
Lizards, hedgehogs and J»JVI jiU>1 To become _^j , 'CJ^ a jJa-i \'Jo. i

jerboas. cankered (teeth).

To collect a. th.
A La.i>- i ,jak>
-M- To shed his first teeth
_^b i
Leather-basket for^uilji^^ sru^** To furrow (the earth torrent). _^J :

cleansing wells. Tent, Lion's whelp. To go deep in his burrow j)\>-

To bend, to crook (a ^ Caii j^)^ ; ^ (jerboa).
stick). To throw a. th. Large well. Cankering of the teeth.__,ij;
To throw a. th. back. a J=*=-J Large well. Earth taken jU>1 r: J^
To di'y ( the earth). forth fi'om a well.

( \
ned. To coUact in the udder (milk). House furniture jad^^j js'Oi> ^ jJu^
To flock ia (people). To become jJc^[ ready to be carried. Camel bearing
conspicuous (road). it. Tent. Flag-bearer, ^^^eak ca-
To be flooded by (a stream : i_,
— mel. Pole of a tent.
valley). -^ To celebrate (a feast). To put a. th. in Aj s Clais- a Jai» -H-

To take care of. To exaggerate Jj ^ store. To preserve a. th. To learn

a. th. a. th. by heart.-^ To observe (a feast;
Crowd. Numerous. Care. jis: o.'s conduct). To keep (a secret). To
Large crowd. Milk collected. JlL^ reserve (a sin).
Refuse of dates, men. Froth, of x5u> To make a. o. to learn a. th. fi> s .kl>
milk. by heart.
Solemnity of a feast : ceremony. Jusl. I.
To persevere jp CliU»-j sJaSCa-i JisU
Solemn, gi'and. 'Jjji^{ upon. To observe a. th. carefully.
Filled (river, J3'>ij J^ -r JJts- To put a. o. out of temper. s Jiiit
room, udder). Giving much milk (she- To learn by heart. ulJ;
camel). To caution o.'s self against. — ^
Assiduous. Numerous. ixj^i j. J-i^ To keep, to preserve fi,j ^ iiixil
They came all ^£Liij j jr^'--i 0^ a. th.'

of them. To appropriate a. th. *^ii) ^ —

Gathering. jisk^J Ji\^ ?: J4*^ To ask a. o. to keep a fi, s JaikxJ.^
Meeting-place. seci'et or a. th.
Nuisance. :UalLi a Attention, watchfulness. Cai-e. JiU
To scoop up (sand, a ui.- o o**
"^ Keeping. Memory.
flour) with both hands. Anger, zeal to Jiv^Cb:' ^ skjiij , :tki>
To give to a. o. a handful of. — J defend a. o. or a. th.
To up (a tree).
pull A o^- <>• Superstition. j^Q JJU;:^lj JlL; hkc
To appropriate a. th. *—i^, * — False worship.
Handful of ^
^ Xlilj oCii ^ *i«>
(sand). Rubbish. Hollow. A little.
Keeper. Knowing ihdi-j JJLbi
by heart. Conspicuous road.
^ Jijb.

To honour a. o (God). ^ i^j,: o U> -tt- The Preserver (God). iaM-J\j Ji^Wl
To make a gift to. s — Watchful. oiiJI Ja^G-
To deprive a. o. from. ^^p 2f
— Memory. X^jWI -^^j *ii|U)l
To walk barefoot. tii>j U:^ i i^ The recordhag Angel JiiiiJI dUiJl
To have the feet, hoofs worn "by of men.
walking. The Angels. :ckii]b OjkiWI
Governor (of a town). Ja^Gi/J
To show honour to a guest. i_j Jc^\j Army of reserve. JiJUili
To quarrel with a. o. oljV> To be ^Liij V_^j >li> i jii -«
To let a. 0. walk » «uil^ i>1 copious (milk, water).
barefoot. To press a. o with ques- To meet (people). To pour 5Ua: — [

tions. torrents of rain (sky). To flow abun-

To clip (the mustaches). To re- *— dantly (tears).
peat (a question). To be filled to the brink (river). jllJi, —
To bare o's feet. ijj -^ To apply o.'s self to. To mind ^j * —
To strive after. J 1^ a. th.
To take off. To walk barefoot. J^i To collect (water). To embel- * jii
To pick (a vegetable). To * — lish a. th.
exhaust (a pastui'age). To leave ( cattle) unmilked. jlij
To inquire about a. th. of.^ s
J^*^i To throng in (people). To be ador-
J.i>- ( NTY )

^ Against, on the subject of. j^ J — Barefootedness, abrasion of the C»>

Worthy of. Fitted for. J^i^Jj ji feet, hoofs. Shoe.

Truly. Verily. 'j^^J Welcome. «jU>-j SjCb^

Camel three years old. j:» Barefooted. Shoeless ;u» ^ vjG-
Upper part of the ann. jua-j jui'i ^ j^ ( horse). Welcoming. Judge. Learned.
Socket of the hip. Spidei''s web. Importune.
Stone. Roimd piece of land. Small To overcome a. o. in 5 u> o jv -s-

box. <- Pyx. contending for a right. To strike

Casket : small Jlivj jsij j=i ^ dsi a. o. on the back of the neck.
bos. Calamity. To realise the fear of. e'JjS

Right, duty. :cL. To prove a. th. To make a. th. a —
Worthy of. o\ j\ ^ -U^l ^ J::l»^ necessary. To be sure of. To ascer-
Truth. Reality. Essence, j/ui. ^ <iJi tain (news).
Proper sense (of a word).
Really, in truth. Verily.:a.2ill Jj ^l^
To be suitable,
sary, incumbent upon a.
neces- J jj.j
it i
True, real. Proper (sense). ^?-2> Thou must, jiiJ o\ dx] j^j dX'Js. ji
True. Perfect (mau). Middle Ju. J o^ it is thy duty to do.
(of the neck, of the winter). To become certain, Hij u> i o j>
Calamity. Resurrection. Perfect. x3\> necessary.
Quarrel, dispute. sJb-Jj JU* To ascertain, to prove a. th. j|^ fti

Quai-relliug about trifles. Jiip-Ji JjJ To render necessary. To believe (a

Worthier of... than. ^^ jl] statement).
^ Official inquest. oU-2>.j ^ J~?>i To contest with CjU>j Llui o^*
Who is i-ight. ^^J, a. 0. for a right.
Who is wrong. J>sk» To obtain (a right) from ^j |jii 5'

Merit. Dignity. ofiU^J-l. ^ JU^jr_:l. a. o. To render a. th. necessary. To

Maturity. Due (of a bill).' kill (game) on the spot. To make
To be suppres.sed ^Ij . Cii a ^2i «- a. th. certain.
(urine). To bs rainless (year)'. To To be ascertained (news). jl>j
be unproductive (mine). To verify a. th. To render a. th. fi>

To convey a. th. in croup ^ v_i5il binding.
(rider). To perpetrate (a crime). To contend with a. o. for j:ilj o'^j
To store up a. th. Sj * ..^kr-llj — a right.
To make a. o. to ride behind (rider). To be tightened (knot). j^J[
To be slender (horse). To quarrelj^l^
year. A long time. Space of eighty together about a right. To become
years. fat (cattle).
Ornamented woman's girdle. _i^ To be due (payment). To de- js^iJ,).
Gu'th of a camel. serve a punishment (culprit).
Long space of ^j^j v^=; rr ^=' To have a claim to ; to *—
time. Yeax*. deserve a. th. To render a. th. ne-
Ornamented woman's »_i^ ^ tjl5>: cessary.
girdle. Amulet. Whiteness at the Right. Truth. Duty. j^Sal ^ ji
root of the nail. Justice. Certitude. Cattle. Authentic.
Following. Riding behind. ^„,?c One of the Names of God.
Pi-o vision-bag, clothes ^,u^ ilii ^ •^ Civil court. J^>.n ^lU^
carried behind the saddle. Posteriors. ^ Thou art i-ight. tijl>j dU>i jyi
Wild as.s.^
^ ^
-Cii ^ ^t < Thou art wTong. di'Ai ^1
<>• I conjure thee by. jiu dJ'd
dU ( \r A) J.V
when green. Column of a page.
<• To brood a secret hatred towards
Litter for women. Paiu in tbe ji> a. o. To bear rancour to.
belly. To fail totally (rain). I^» a a2:i
Belly-fretting caused to iiiij — To withhold rain sky). To be ex-(

horses, camels by their eating earth. hausted (mine). To become fat (she-
Fertile tield. <li>.. camel).
Remainder of water, miik- iii>j Sii> To excite a. o. to rancour. ?j y a2>1
Sown field. Jf'-J' -r ^'»--^ To seek without finding (in a mine).
To be broken. Vlis-j u»>i j3>: ^ To bear mutual hatred to o. a. jkjfp-i
weary (old man). To sleep. To de- To fail (rain). jOr^i.
cline. To walk with short steps. Secret oJiSaT^ ;a^j,il2>l ^ -ii>;

Impotent, aged man hatred. Rancour.

Long-necked bottle. Rancorous, malevolent. ^^j -wG-
A kind of pigeon. ^ To despise a. o. or <fcj s \'Jl»- i Jo. ^
Exterior angle of the ^K^^ c->» a. th. To think slightly of.

eye. To be mean, s^u;: o Ji^j \'J^ a j-^

To withhold a. th. A -S- despicable.
i .-.Ss^

To collect (milk in a skin water To look scornfully at. To

; Aj y Ji.
in a tank). To keep in (urine). To use the diminutive form (of a noun).
prevent (bloodshed). To hold a. 0. ft>^ n ^^i-llj _j^\j Ji^\
To administer a clyster to a. o. i — or a. th. to be despicable paltry, ;

To mix various kinds of milk. ^1 mean.

To take a clystei". To suffer .,£,I|^ He held himself in UttleiLiJ 4^i CjJ\>i
fi'om strangury. To collect in a estimation.
wound (blood). Base, weak, vile.
J^-^- 3 J^
Clyster. ^2=-' ^ XCii Degradation, lowness. sJ^^J'j cj^
Pain in the belly. cX!o-\ ^ X^ Contempt, disdain. Use of the -'isiiJ

Suffering from retention of ^\y. diminutive form.

urine. Decumbent (new moon). Mean, paltiy. -^ Humble.
vile, j^j^
Stomach. ^3I>: ^ XT^ Trifles. Things of small cl^i^siJi
Collected in a tank o>i?--»j Oi*^ value.
(water). Poured into a skin (milk). Francolin (bird). ollailij ia2:> -51-
Milk-skin. To be curved. To lie on 0|^ o ^J^ ^
Syi'inge. X.291AJ ji»-^ the side, with the body bent (ga-
Retaining his urine. zelle).
Tank. Fish-pond. To be long and curved ^%'J^y
To hit a. 0. on the (crescent, ti-act of sand).
loins. Long *ii>j <j_y2>-j i_JU>-J jU> I
5f ,_i2>
To feel a pain, on the l/»--'J \2^
and winding tract of sand.
loins. To be seized with ;iiij >li> a js^: -S-

"Waist- ^sij
_j3^b w ^»
'liaHj '^ belly-fretting (horse, camel).
wrapper. "Loins, waist. Foot of a To sell seed-produce while in 2 jsG-

mountain. growth. To make a bargain for

"Waist -wrapper. Pain in S^ij •12> land-labour, on the condition of re-
the belly. ceiving the half, or third of the pro-
Having a complaint of '>'i^j jiit^ duce.
the belly. To show ears (corn). To become jssll
To rub jt
a. th. jl ^^ a ^is>^ o i^ ^ fertile (field).
with. To scrape off (gold) with. Fertile field. Corn-crops J^ ^ ji^

^ (

ejj^'^ -^
\y\ )

To busy the aj,!*^

j ixi^lj lUi-b ib:
To make up. fi>j » CiiC: i jX.:^ -«- mind (cares).'
(th.) To detain. To -wrong a. o. -^ To To itch (head).» 2Aifj,lj ie*!^ '^l>1j -
draw (a wick). To stir the fire. To imitate a. o. (ial&i>j v.!'U>J 'JvV-
Wick-liokler. J.\^j>^ <• To prepare to do miscliief. »_, >tX^6t
To be remiss in work, ^j^ i ^5C> -H- The scorpion ^^jVIj vS^' c-5C4ii
To jp Jfci^ilj Jfci>b ^fe=i> Jfc^> ^ prepared to do evil to the viper.
be confused, doubtful to a. o. (news). {proverb applied, lo lain who strug-
4- To be obliged to. J[ Jfei5» I. gles iviUi one stronger than himself).
A voiceless insect. jfciai To rub, to sci-atch one another. ^JUj
To speak inaudibly. Jfevi,!! j.yS' J.U~i To rub o.'s self against. ^ iliil^

Barbarous pronunciation. xU^ Mischief-maker. yi, ii\ia^j CU*

^ Great need. Gulf. ;i&^; n
To give ej 'i^_^^j (^^ o ^» -{1- Evil suggestions; doubts. Cj'S'\U^
judgment on. Sea-compass. ',^ <>•

.^ To practice fencing. ^^^ White marbled stone. dXfei>

.^ To overtake a. o. (rain, mishap).^' — Jerking gait.

To judge between (two parties), o^l — Itch.Doubt in a point of faith. Xfci>

To pass sentence in favour U jl J — Tooth. X-fC

of or against a. o. Borax. Itch. iJl^i^i

To check (a horse) with ^ _^>-'h — Scrapings. Rubbings. Powder xS\i^i

a curb-bit. for ophtalmia. -> Itching
To come back. CS^ o ^5C> Pumice-stone. il^TG-.!! _,i> a

To withhokl a. o.jf ^.KJAj Js^i-i J^ Familiar, de23endeDts. i!lfei.>l

To counteract a. o. Rubber. Assayer of gold. illfei>

To be prudent, wise. *iSCv o ^^ Touch-stone. il>^

To practice medicine.
tf- ^^»j- To * 'ifeiiilj \feii1j , Ifcui a \fet^ ^
To appoint a. o. as governor. — j; tighten (a knot).
To choose a. o. as judge in. J ^fcis^ "6 To be tightened (knot). To be i^^l.
To summon a. o. 5 ^G- fastened (necklace). To be convinced.
To do a. th. well. To put a * ^^*1 To come back to (o.'s iSfeuT i jfeaaT -«•

ring to a horse's bridle. origin).

To teach a. o. (trials). n — To rely upon a. o. it. jfeisl'lj oTU
To pass judgment j ^Is^ _^;j To wrong a. o. To & (JiZj^ \ J<Li. ^
on.To give a decision without regard ill-treat o.'s people.
to justice. To have o.'s o^vn way. To be obstinate, con- r^C> a Jsk^
To summon a. o. to. ^\ ^^>b J^U; tentious.'
To prevail upon a. o. ip ^^S»l To monopolise (goods). ^j —
To be thoroughly made, ^9-~Jm\ < To prevent a. o. from fi> jfei> d
strong (work). building on a ground.
To fortify (a place). A — To contend with a. o. i ^TU
Sentence. Authority. j\isj>\ ^ ^SC> To monopolise a. th. ^ ^5>lj ^fcw
Order. Law. "Wisdom. till it becomes scarce.
"^ Judgment in presence C^ G- j ,5Ci To regret a. th. Jc _,fei^
of the adverse parties. Wrongful behaviour. J>i^
•^Judgment by default. 'J, Ci. ^SC> Drinking cup. Little of water. _,5C>j
Judge. Aged man. .<> Fencing. ^SC^ Monopolised (corn, goods). J^j ^.J-
Justice. Wisdom. ^^ ^ *_iJsls- Withholding of corn. "ijiiJ-

Science. Philosophy. Forbearance. Withholder of corn. .fe^^


To ba inhabited ( place ). Prophecy. (>• Medical knowledge.
To have weak legs (horse). >U> a I}* Martingale. Ring of cXS~> -r '-^S^
To feel a pain in the knees. a bridle. Head. State of a man.
To annul (an y^jj iU-jJ '^^j 3^ Judicial authority.-<>>Government.x^^3i

oath). To dispense with. Governor. Judge. o^Uj ^i&u^ ^ ^U

To permit a. th. (God). To yS>3 — Name of Mansour, one of !,y\ jX\>i\

legitimate a. th. To expiate a. th. the Fatimite Caliphs.

To make a. o. to alight at. ^ s — Wise, learned man. '\iS^ ^ ji:~=?^
To becoma free from obligation, jil Philosopher. < Medical man.
To make a. th. lawful (God). a 'j^] •<> Ai'bitration. >r^^
To let a. o or a. th. down in.i_, Aj 5 — <)• Compromise. ^^r?^'---"
To impose an obligation upon a. o.jc — Condemned (man). «^ ^^SC^iiJI
To swear in making an «a-«J j jl»ij Point at issue (m /atf). «j ^^^SC^iill

exception. •<> Tribunal. Court. ^G-J^V ^i-^j*

To be loosened (knot). ^ijl. Judging I'ightly o.'s self. _^^-*
To alight in a place. ^j fit i}i^[ <>• Arbitrator. Umpire. ^»-^
To occupy (a country army). : ^ Award. ciJc;-^,)! j^i-
To consider a. th. as la^^'ful. .A [jxLlI^ Trial. Hearing of a case. S^ru^
To ask a. 0. to allow a. th. fi> s — Law proceedings. ol^Ti^-iJI J>oi
Loosening. Solution of difficulties. Js: Fortifications. oCSCkil'^jc.Ulfe^i-.^^J.l ••
turned into
-^ Absolution. Poetry To relate (a fact).
To speak.
.* \'^i!=*^, i
J^ ^
pi'ose. <> ^Xi
Lawful thing. Absolution of an ^^ To relate a. th. on the ^i fit

oath. Butt. authority of.

Supreme authority. JaJ^Uj 'J^^\

To backbite a. 0. '^ ~
•^Pure, unmixed. 'jy^]] jt To speak or act like a. o. f^j n —
Laxness of the hocks. Pain in the jb: To be alike to. To imitate Aj i SQ.
knees. (an action). <>• To converse with.
Large basket of made reeds. :2^ To overcome a. 0. jc J^^
Hamlet. Quarter of a town. Direction. Word, speech. JC^ -^
•^ Copper saucepan. Narrative story, tale. "^^fe^*-
Nomadic tribe. J'^>. ^ To untie (a knot). ^j y^ o ^'^}^ ^ fi^

Set of clothes. J>U-j jl> 5- sl_> To remit (sins). To solve (a difficul-

•^ Sacerdotal vestments. ty). To wind off (cocoons). To un-
Lawful thing. ( opp. io j,V^i. ) J>U bend a bow), ( To absolve a. o.-if-

^ Honest man. J>U ^\ To dilute a. th.

Instrument for winding silk, < d^ To alight at. ^ j\ fi> y^j Vji> i CJ^

Fellow-lodger, husband, wife.

< To be come
(time). To come off ^
Fulfilling of the rites of the jSU-t < It is time for thee iliT jiiJ ol »iu>
pilgrimage. to do so.
Orifice of the udder. jj G-'l ^ J>UI. To befall a. o. (punishment). \s.

Weak-legged. L^ « 'llAi v» '^\ He is the right man in the .I'*^
Dispensation -tf Resolution of JsUj I'ight place.
a tumour. To become free from mari'iage. -^ —
Halting-place. Station. Ju^ ^ '^J' To be obligatory on. jt sJ\J, — {

Place. <•

Inn. Station.
Funeral meeting. Liable

To become lawful. To be-
come due
Quarter of a to^^^l. To melt ( ice ). To dissolve. ^
MilkiMg-YOSdel. *-^^lJ v'^ To startle, to tui-n a. o. out. i jiU-fr
Fresh milk. Fresh (blood). ._^b: To be shaken, turned out. J»Ji?w
Milker. Dump (clay). i_,^ Bulbus esculeutus (plnnl). jUJ^
Milch v-',^>--' v-^* T *J>>J v.^J^'^
Chief of a tribe. Mighty.ja.^^* ^ .>:^^
CcXinel. She-cainel yielding milk. To strike a. o. with vj 5 a >U ^ -tt-

Mercury (plant). Intensely black. o,lU (a sword).

Ivy. ^^liu To prostrate a. o. on the J^JVI aj —
Prunus inahali'b {plcDil). ^Js^J^ ground.
Assistant, heljjor. vW'* To apply collyrium to a. o. s —
^ Food made of milk and flour. xLii-.;: To pi'epare collyrium for a. o. J —
Emulsion, milk of ( almonds ).,J[ij:i;
•if- To rub off (the skin). it zy^j >U —

To shave (the ifcj s tU ci> -M- 1

To bark. a. th.
head). To pluck (wool). To pay (a To give J ;iU;j Cyk^ 'yj.j —

debt). To remain (on liorsebaok). To money to a. o.

flog a. 0. To become covered with b>U a [^>
Flake of wool. X)-^ pustules.
Ice. Frost. Hail. c-^l* Pustules upon the lips. >(>:

Asafoetlda. c-i?lij c-ij; Collyrium for ophtalmia. s^iAij -yi

To card cotton. Ai Gj> o ^^ ^ i Hair and dirt shaven ::iX>J,j [jit^j S«5iU
To j'ound (a cake). To twist (a ro^ie). off by a cuirier.
To walk slowly. ^J> Ti'oublesome Cman). ;^
To walk (the whole night). >U5 — Currier's knife. sSu^j >U*
<>- To limp. To hop. ( for ji> )
— To milk A C>>j CUj CJ^ i o ^i»: -»•
To send forth lightning (cloud), ^ji-j (a female). (>• To gull a. o. and take
To b3 troubled by cares. oj lua J — his money.
Distance. ;iU To allow a. o. to milk s s Jic-^j —
Cloud sending forth lightning. ^^ a (sheep).
Cotton-dresser. ^^^ To come to the ^J^-i-^b w-^b ~
Cardiug-macbine. 5r>^''-»j r-U* i-eseue (party).
Table for dressing cotton. otU>»j r-i^ To be black (hair). CU a i-.l>
Rolling-pin for dough, ^.j \^j, ^ ^>u. To milk in company of. ? ^\>.
Card. To assist a. o. s w.^>b ~
To pluck (the hair /b ijU o jU' -^ To draw milk for. J *;>Ul.j i%-{ ^Jb-I
of a hide). To bai'k (wood). To flow with (sweat ^liJij wS'-J

To remain. To bs in pangs ^t body; with tears eyes). :

(heart). To draw milk from. fi> .Ji?-iJ,lj wi.->l

To get ready for. J - Fresh milk. Date-wine. Tax. ^Jiii

To hold a couvei'sation. ^^Ifedb jJii-i Aleppo (to^vn).

To take o.'s due from. ^;. a Jlr»[ Wine. Ji^«'l wi>j j*^' v'i*
Ill-natured. Short. sjU ^ jl> One milking. Horses ^^J >U ^ X-l»
Avaricious. assembled for a race, q Anchor.
Snail, shell. Cj/j^ ^ Morning and evening. otxiiyJI
To let down a ^ilj , CJl> i ^I^ -j}- Fenugreek [plant). Food given to jlU
continuous rain (sky). a confined woman.
To cover a horse with (a blanket ).:> — A milky, evergreen plant much ^Jj.
To remain in (a ^ ^ijj , CU' a ^^> sought by sheep, gazelles.
place). Storax. :uUi>.
To apply o.'s self to. J ,_^7j J — Vein on the two oO U c." w! C>.

To become attached to. n ^^U sides of the navel.

diL. C \r-r )


Middlepart ^Sj^j 'U^^>j Si^^>j S*'>^>

of the back of the head.

Seller of sweetmeats.
Swaet. Nice. Pleasing, -iyS
a Solanum (hdcainara, ;^ S^i

deadly night-shade {plant).

Sweet, kind (word).
Sweet peas.
To adorn (a woman, fi>j

a sworcl).
To be attired (woman).
To deck a. o. or a. th.
To describe a (man).
To gild a. th. ^Jt{ A
To b3 adorned Avith jewels.
To b3 embellished.
Ornaments U^j [^ ^ <;Uj
of (a sword or a woman).
Exterior qualities of a ma'n.
ri ) >
Black slime. sti^j ii> I To be black. •^ To take a bath.^^taLi
Slough. Evil-eyed (man). '^ I
To be anxious (man). To be ;^>l_
Muddy, slimy. *~r* sleepless (eye).
To become rancid ti> a c-^ -i^ To take a hot bath. To take l^sZ.[
(walnut). any bath. To sweat.
To be intensely hot (day).;j^» o c4j^ Vehemence of heat. '^
To b3 clear, pure (colour). c-t^u It is his ineluctable
Hot (day). Very sweet (date). c^ fate.
FiiTO. Vio'ent (anger). Sweet c—..* Main pai't of a thing.
(dates). Skin for butter. Fever. Feverish heat. „ - i ' » '

To sink (eye). To be altered ^^ -H- Tertian ague.

from passion (face). Ague.
To wink (the eyes). To turn A— Intiammator}' fever.
(the eyes) around a. th. Hectic, continued fever. tj\'^j x)>jS —
To ifr 5 oJ^Pifij la^jsfij -^j.' a J** -^ •^ Malignant fever. jiA-i —
praise a. o. for. To requite a. o. for. Putrid fever. sij^^
To praise God repeatedly. ^\ j.t^ Spa. Hot spring.
To make a. th. praiseworthy. a;.>1 Dark colour. Fever. :j^
To deserve praise. Decree of God. ' ^ —
To, find a. th. or a. th. to be fi^j s — Charcoal, ashes. ^^
praiseworthy. Sweat. Death. xt>-
To prevail o.'s self upon \c o j^Si^ Pigeon any ringed bird.
; ^i;^;
a. 0. for (benefits bestowed). Burdock {plant). ^ii;.j| j^\j
To praise a. th. o. to another, fit jj>\^j A pigeon. Middle ^JC^^j oClU ^ z^\'^
Praise, eulogy. Praiseworthy. a4.i part of the breast. Beautiful woman.
Praise be to God !
^ ji4.t.ll Choice part of a flock.
Thanks Him. to iJ ii;,^: Fever of horses. Noble lord. ^i;.si

Aim, utmost exertion. it;.> Death. ^i;;^

The utmost of jiij ol i!liC>j iJii;.^^ Tur'-dsh Bath. oC-U.:*^.^ ^it^
thy ability is to do. Keeper of a bath. "^.y^'-^^ -^j 'J^C^
Who praises much. olxl^^j .5\ti Special friends. Choice camels. i^i^
Prai.«eworthy. Commen- ij'^^j _i-«j^ Hot or colli water. ^ \'^ ^ ^-e-»
dable (deed). Sweat. Midsummer. ]\Iidsummer-i'ain.
< Scammony {plant). Si^iJc? Relation. Friend. '1^1 —
Praiseworthy action. jueQ.^ .^ Sa^.>: Hot water. Warmed ^>k:^ ^ Xi^>
Pi'aiseworthy. Much :>j^.h -^J" milk. Valuable camel.
praised. The nearest. Black. White. ^^ ^ 'j,^''^\
To say ^i ^ijl Praise ba to Ja;^ ^ Fate. Feverish.
God! Anything black. Smoke
To flay (a sheep). *j ^ |^;>' o
To excoriate a. th. To shave (the
^ •*(- Copper-boUei-.
To neigh with a >Ci.^j ^*U.=-' -i^

head). yearning sound (horse).

To become diseased from \y^ a _,«.i Bugloss, ox-tongue
overfeeding (horse). To burn with (
anger (man). To degenerate, to Sweet basil [phuit).
become like an ass (horse). To cleanse (a well). * C» a li* ^
To ride a jade. To speak- Hymia- ^t* To be muddy (water)
ritic. To become angry with a. o.
To call a. o. an ass. To dye A; 5 — To throw mud in (a well). ~fi> li^Il
upon the fire). a. th. red. To cut a. th. iu pieces.
To feign rebellion, rigour. •^ To roast a. th.
To fight together (cocks). To bdcome red. To become hot y^\
To be angry. (war).
Tortoise. ^ To become accidentally I'ed. jU.»l.
Bravery. Energy (in action). Inflammation caused to horses j^
Enthusiasm. Heroical poem. by eating too much barley or by
Brave, energetic. Oven. u-i*^ prolonged thir.st.

Rigorou.s (in re- ,_^G.1j ,jJ:^ ^ ^'J-'^ Tamarind. Jew's pitch. Red- _,;.»
ligion). Brave. Firm in war. Severe headed sparr6w.
year. Choice part of a flock. ^^1 J^
Unfruitful year. •li;^^ li.; Red colour. Red dye (for the o'y^
To ii'ritate a. o. ^_j 5 iLl^ o J.^ ^ face). Ery.sipelas ; anthrax. -^ Poun-
To stir a. o. To repel (people) in ded bricks.
anger. To collect a. tli. Cj\J>»j j^i->j J»^J 'j*^ b
To be thin (shank), iiyi^i o J~^j — Ass. Polisher for ii-on.

To become angry *l^j Ci4.» — Wild ass. ji^'j jv;>j u^jll ji*>
(man). To become hot (war). She-ass, Large rock. J li^ ^ »>'^
To be thin-legged Cii>j Ci-is^ a ju»> Tombstone.
(man). Ass-driver. ly^ ^ jC»
To collect (th). To stLr, to ij fi>
j^ Intense heat. JC^ ^ SjVi*
angera. o. To put fuel (in the tire). •(f- Measles. «jji>
To rouse (people). Anchusa, pigeon-foot {plant). '\'JC^
To b3 angered. ^i^lfj-lj ^sL: Hymiarites (ancient tribe of JC^
Thin-legged (raan),(_^ii=. a-J^i^b J-^ ,
To be reduced toyj-j Ca4ji o ^.^li^ -S- Red. J^ ^ S'j^J. J- J^'}
(swelling of a wound). To stop Gold. Saffron. Wine (meat). __^»VI
(swing). To swing (boy). To be dried Bloody death. jjSl\ c,'^)\
(sweat). The red-faced i. e. the foi*eigners.'|J,4.»

To extract gently (a straw) fi>

— Severe year. Intense heat. Granada
from the eye. (town).
To roast (coffee) ; to toast a. th.A^t^ Intensely red.
To contract o.'s self. To be ^t>i Suffering indigestion (horse). ^>i.*^
shrivelled (dry meat). Red. Onager. j/^-i
To be reduced (swelling). To ^ja^\ To bite the tongue fi>
\'J^ i ji> ^
become emaciated (she-camel). (acid). To sharpen ( a blade). To
Homs. Einesa. town of Syria. ^ja',^>- impress the mind (speech).
Peas. Chick-peas.^iai-^i-j ^^a^i u^'^, To become thick, hard, sj^ o j4^
^Sheep stolen ^^J_li> .^ X^y'^'i *-^;?^ Acid (drink). Sour (milk). ;'l=

by night. Of a lively temper, 'o'j^j il^l)

<f- Cautery. *oX> Pungency, acritude.
Coffee-roaster. Gridiron. *.iia6> Tenacious.
To fry (meat). Tij A tJ^ o ^
To be or become sour (plant, xSsy^ To irritate a. o.
milk, wine). To be rigorous (in re- C4.->^ a ,.r-^*
To dislike a. th. ^i Ca'^ q j^'^ ligion); firm (in war).
To desire a. th. ,_i
— To be courageous. *-.'.lii

To graze jsU-j Co>Uj Cis'^ o —
To irritate a. o. fi>j 2 ,jJ^*'\j ,^*

upon acid plants (camel). To excite a. o. To heat (a medicine

Garden purslain (plant). «l^JI xli; To render a. th som*, fit j^'-^i^j j-^'„-
Out of temiier. u124j^ <^ acid.
To lead the yvoll J fec^ a d<^ -«- To discard a. th. from. ^^—
way (guide). To relate interesting discourse, ja'^\
Anythiug small. Lice. Refuse of di^^ poetry.
men. Lamb. Essence. Guide. To turn from one th. to another .^ti-j
To carry. To fi> C>U^j iU.> i Ji^ -»•
Salt or bitter j,^ ^ j,^
bear (a bui"den). plants. Glasswort. Soda.


To attack, to charge ic 'H^ Acidity, soui-ness, pungency. <Sf^

(the enemy). Sorrel. *i»;4^j ^^^^ ^^j j^O^'
To know by heart (a book). Tj fit — ^

D Species of citron.

show (auger). To relate a (tradition). Pulp of the cedi-at. !

Vy^^ J^\X^
To become responsible for. i'l;^ ^ — Wild sorrel, I
_^| ^\^
To rely upon j^j j i ji^jj J j^^ Dodder (plant). *'
^jVi —
a. 0. in.
Riunex aquatica. water-dock. »iiu —
To incite a. o. to. ic 5 ~ Sour. acid, Peevish jaAp- <" ja^U -tf-

To become pregnant (woman), y^ —


(man). Chemical acid. j

To pi'oduce fi'uit (tree). Bad-hearted (man). il^l joA^.

To load (a beast) s "ii^j y-*i-^ J^ Land
fl> ^i>.ij jiii*^j jj:J. ^ Zh^^
Avith. To impose a bm'd'eu upon. full of acid plants.
To help a. o. in bearing. To j j;;G. To take oif the iru;c jj^^ fi> i .ft-

reward a. o. skin.
To help a. o. to carry a s j;^! To plant a tree in order to Sj fi> Jai^i
a. th. shade ( a vine-arbour ). To diminish
To take a burden fi>
^\:^.lj y^3 jl^J a. th. To strike a. o. gently.
upon o.'s self. To endure. To load Bottom of the heart. Sti-aw xl»lv^
beasts for setting off (people). of Indian corn. Heart's blood.
To take <_i; Je. jl o jl ^1 J J>Uj Burning in the LJlUO -l»li»' ^ -
upon o.'s self a painful' duty. throat. \^''ild fig-tree.
To treat a. o. unfairly. le — *-5C>L> Uij-j liU-' o J^j a
J»> -S-
To be incited to. jp ji>ji To be stupid.
To bear a. th. patiently. To J^^i' To be dull (market). j^£)| .^^J;^
carry a. th. away. j
< To be in a rage. ( for j'^ ) j^
To go away from. — ^ \
To ascribe foolishness to. fitj s jis:
To become angry. To be alteredj^t To find a. o. stupid. To bring s ji^l
(colour). < To be likely, possible'. forth a fool. i

To ask a. o. to carry s ji^o.!! To feign stupidity,


a. th. To be stupid. To act like a jiiJt

Portage. Gestation. Jii>1_, ^\'^^ ^ j^^: fool. To be dull (market). To be,
Foetus. Fruit (of a tree). !
worn out (clothes).
Load, burden. ;J)^>j JC>I To become stupid, to act like ji^.ill.
Lamb. \o'mg ram.Ji;j,.|j ^j-^l ^ j^ a fool.
Aries (
Zodiacal si'jn ). Cloud con- To hold a. o. to be stupid. -
taining much water. Weakness of judgment. ;Ji;>j j'^
Charge at war. What is carried iU^^ Rage, fit of passion. ( for j^ ) ji><.
at one time.
Transport. --j^
^/^J J;?*»J J^^J J^
Porterage. Beast of burden. ^-^i
Tax. Bloodwit.
J^J j^i^J j4.>J JU.>; •u;. -» vJ»-=>-l
j;^ ^ ji;^- Stupid, weak-minded.
( ^rv )
cT J-
To scorn to do *l«.>.^j *-> a
a. th. Swoi'd-belt.
To become hot i54.>j t^i i^^ a ^.
Portage. i)ii»
(fii-e, sun, liorse, iron). Porter. Carrier. i)it> ^ Jlij^
To be angered with. Meek. J^
To heat a. th. To *j 5 xl^ Beast of burden. <> Porterage. *]^
excite a. o. Convi-yed. Stranger. A surety. J-*>
To defend a. o. ji f\.'^j oC'ia-. Rubbish. Foundling.
against. Pregnant (woman). -iC^ ^ ^\s-
To welcome a (guest). ^ Swollen (river). Bearer of a bill.

To render (a place) A t\: Basket for carrying

J>*1>> ?r *^^^
inaccessible. grapes. Pregnant ( woman).
To abstain from. ^^ ^^'j i^'''^ Sinews of the arms and legs. J'l^*
To keep aloof from a. th. J\^j fi> Legs.
To become black (cloud, J'i*-*\ Patience. Opinion. -^Likeliness. Jvii>l.
night). Litter on a camel. Bas- j»bt^ ^ J**>»
Protection. -^ Person under the *ji;jv ket for grapes. < Litter for the dead.
protectorate of a foreign Power. Caravan of the pilgrims J^U>i ^ Ji^
Inaccessible. Interdicted. 1^ to Mecca.
Protective. »\i3. Borne. Predicate. Jji^*
Defended. Diet imposed to (a sickj:;;^^ Wheat dust-Loloured and large-;]^^
man). eared.
Scorn. Enthusiasm, zeal. ;!^ •^ Admissible. Possible. Ji.S>.J»

Outburst of anger. Strength (of ui>. To carry (water). To Sii>^ J'^* "^
wine). Wine. Intensity. Flush (of ba a water-carrier.
youth). Clear torrent. Beginning. J'''^
Venom, sting of seor-
J^j cX^ ^ X^ Black cloud full of water.
pions, hornets. Vehemence (of fire). To twist (a rope) fi> ^'j^i -^
Protector. Hot. j^u-j Sl^ai ^ __^U strongly.
The dog. The lion. t^Ql Bellows of a smith. cr^U.*
Defender. Garrison. Rear-guard, jl^u To open widely the eyes and jli.> -H-
Lawyer. Solicitor. .,>«^^ stare at.
To long for her child Cu:> i 'ji- -^ Inner part of j-!,li> ^ jj^^j o^^U-'
(woman). To produce a sound (bow, the eyelids.
wand). Small ticks. uU;.>-j ^i> -J^
To yearn towards. Jl^
— Plant of the desert. oC»^
To incline towards. it t\:J-i i!^ — i *^1 T v-.> ''j^j li»j j^J^ *
To dispel (an evil), A U> o — Father-in-law. Any male relation on
To blossom (tree) <> To ba rotten ;j\i. the side of the husband.
(cheese). Mother-in-law. Any ol^i* ^ Sli^
To twang (a bow). female relation on the side of the
To compassionate to pity a. 0. It c^j wife. ]\Iuscle of the shank. Hama,
To desire eagerly. town of Syria.
Tribe of genii. -. ,. Heat of the sun.
Wife. Likeness. -^i. fiij S X^SiJj *ili3;J *s<-^J '^«
Mercy. Prosperity. ;!;> -if-j ^Ui To protect a. o. against. -i>- To heat
Blessing. Tenderness of heai't. Long a. th.
misfortune, -t^ Force of kindred. To interdict a noxious food fi> i —
I beg thy mercy. ^^C^j dac^: to a sick man.

ial. ( ^rA)
To incline a. th. To ^ lij^ i ^JaT -H- Plaintive wind. Yearning desire, o^.:^
twist (a rope) strongly. Compassionate. Moaning wind, o^i^
To incline. To be stUl. To huri-y ^jil Woman remarrying for the sake of
on in looking back. her children.
To incliue a. th. To conceal a— Tender-hearted. Sympathetic. o(l>^
(ne'ws).To pronounce indistinct speech. Conspicuous road.
Root, origin. ^J,. The All-merciful (God). olxiJI
To sink in the head (eye). J^^ -^ Name of a proverbial cobbler. cn^
To cut open the throat to. ? — He came back vnth ojiii "Jiu ;.{

Larynx. {See _,«.). jy>^i '"'J-^ empty hands.

Head of the haunch. ^«*^J ^j^>- "S- [Merciful to. jc ojac^
•^ To prance J?J^.o ibtL^ j?Ji -• To be green (field). tlsT a l'» -Ji-

(horse). To hop. a To dance. To dye (a. th) red. a *i^j '^:9=^ '^
To be intensely dark ^'j^5i ^j^ -»- Te be dyed with henna. l^^j \!>i
To be weakened by a fall.
(night). Henna. Laicsonia 'ts-^-^j 'U»;
Vei7 dark night. ^^(^^ ^ tr-^ inerrais used as a red dye.
Lotus. Sweet trefoil. jyjj>j J^lui -S- Arbute, strawberry-tree. ^^Vl 'ILoJI

Veiy short : dwarf. ^'^li ^ Lichen. ^j^ u^

To roast (a 5_, it iSCJJj lii^ Jsi -«
i A?ic/a<s^ tindoria, alkanet. y^i -Ua.
lamb ) with heated stones. To Indigo-plant.
scorch (a traveller : sun). Withy-tree.
To make (a horse) jf liCj^j IjLla^
— Privet (shrub).
to sweat. To be curved ^^j.Cl a w-J^ -^
To promote sweat by lying in jjj>iz,\ in the backbone (horse). To bend
the sun. a. 0. (old age).
Intense heat. slUai To be bent, crooked (old man). ^>j
Sun. iCb: To feel pity for. it

Roasted meat ). Heated
( i^ Bent with age. Having curved ^!iji
(water). Perfumed ointment. bones (horse).
build (a vault).
Crown of an J U^j ^^ ^^ Jjx^
A \'J^ i ^ -^ To dance. To jump (man). To JlII^ -H-
walk. To clap the hands. To laugh
arch. Bow. Carder, instrument used in conversing. To play (boy).
for dressing cotton. To eat French beans. To put ^ j^
To remain in the thick C-IsT a |_p4> -S- on a fur-garment.
of a fight (warrior). Stout and big-bellied. Worn out j'J^
Godly people, ^^jJ. shoe or skin-garment. Fur. Sea.
To hunt (a beast). ?_, >6> CiL: i j^}^ ^ Flowers of the Egyptian thorn ( aca-
To deceive a. o. To drive a. 0. away. cia vera). Fruit of the lote-tree. One
To anger a. 0. To bite a. 0. (snake). of the four orthodox Imams.
To remove a. 0. from. J. S JJs. \j
- French beans. jiiai
Serpent. Viper. Insect, jiuil ^ ju» Following the rite of Hanbal. j"^^—^
Any game of the chase. Green jar. Colocynth- ^JU^ ^
To become Jaiallj Q»_^ Ja^ *, tree. Black clouds.
mature (wheat, fruit-tree).To become To violate (an oath), j iSj* a
white and mature (shrub called o»j). To incite a. o. to perjury,
To sigh. To become red CJaI> i — To avoid (sin).
(skin). Sin. Perjuiy. oC>>1 ^ ci^
To embalm (a dead » iali Ij Js!> Perjurer ; violator of an oath. ^J^
person). Place^ occasion of sin. oiU^ ^ c^«
To rub the palate (of a beast). » iUi To die. To be embalmed (dead L^ali
To debar a. o. from. » iLI>1 person).
To bring a turbaa under the clAii«j To be embalmed ( dead person). l,*ij
chin. To be angry with a. o. J i^^j
To consume a country jj <iJci>[ fi> To face death. To be angry. ia^J.\
(locusts). To take the mastery over Wheat.
a. 0. To take the whole of a o.'s pro- •^Buckwheat.
perty. Art of embalming.
To eat much after having duia-1.1. Aromatics used for em-
eaten little.To be pulled up (root). balming.
Soundness of Sfeiiaij dlds^j iUai Dealer in wheat. 'JatJ-j ^L>-
judgment. Experience. Wheat-seller. Fruit of the Ja;G>-

Palate, lower-jaw. Part i)L>1 ^ di^: spurge. Fruit-bearing (tree). Intense

beneath the chin. Beak and black- (red;.
ness of the raven. Mouth. •<>• He bears rancour 'Jj^
ia^ilJlj JaJU- 'yi
(iUi>t»j liUat^j liUst^j (iL-^j til.;* towards me.
Taught by experience. Colocynth [plant). JkU^j jiiiji -ft-

Bridle, head-rope.iUk^ j , tiiiai ^ iJUs- To lean on one side. Csia^ i ^ji> -ik-

Owl. ^> ^ z^ «- To be crook- ^jil^ o w-'ii»^ , Oil>r a ^ifa^

To bend ^ Xj u* i j^sij , Iji.: o U* -H- legged.
(the back, a stick). To twisty (the To distort (the foot). fi> ^j^
arm). To make a bow. To act like a Hanefice. To be wi^i
To remain affec- J.»!lj,lji> o t^
ic. cirumcised. To devote o.'s self to
tionately with her children Avithout God's service. To forsake the wor-
remarrying (widow). To lean to. ship of idols.
To bend, to cui"ve a. th. A ^^ ^ To do a. th. accurately. 4
To be bent, crooked. ,>>-Jlj J>i-j Bow. Razor. Chameleon. Tor-
To feel sympathy for. is.
J,ij toise. Sea-tortoise.
Shop. Ta- c.Aiij> ^ CjJ\>-j , T^S^j SUU Sincere Moslem. Short. '\j^ ,
vern. Vintner.' Boot-maker. Straightforward
Shop-keeper. Vintner. "j t._j jj\^ One of the four orthodox 'I

Crookedness, curvature. ^Co-j yji. Imams.

Any curved '^j '^j -t^] ^
member, as rib, jawT Ci'ooked.
^ The Hanefites
[un. 'j^
) jllilj lliii
Side. Bow of a saddle. '\:J>\ ^ _^ Crook-footed. •lii; ^ ^^\
Intricate business. To enrage against, jpj ^ (5::> a j^ -i^
Wine. Wine-merchant To spread forth its awn (corn), jiall
Vault. Bow. To bear rancoui'. To become lean
Croock-backed. (beast). To be fat (camel).
Bowed (structure). To enrage a. o. s ji^ll
Sympathising with. jp ^}Js J^l Rage. Rancour. ju> ^ j^
Enraged, angry. ^
j^j jii
ding of (a valley). To bridle (a s dliral j 1 , vWi i o wliv' -il-

To commit ^ CUj C_^j C>: o v^ -J^ horse).

(a sin). To understand To fasten a. th. ^ vit^i
To chide a camel by the cj'y »_)^ To chew a. th. and rub the dxl^j —
}—>'_)> or i._)jf> • palate -with it (child).

To pursue a sinful 'Q^y>[ ^>>^

course. To teach, to break a. o, (trials, age).
^^ C \i- )
To seize a. o. repeatedly (fever).? ijii. To abstain from crime. To pray ^^y>b
To drive (a 2f V^Sj , ('i>i o iV» -S- earnestly.
beast) quickly. To lament, to express grief.j_,^iJ,lj —
To keep a. th. -witb care. i* iu Sin, crime, fault. ij^j -h j>j v^'-J ^'i^
To gather (o.'s clothes). To walk y^\ Gi'ief. Distress; affliction. «_j^j y^'y^-
quickly. To pare (an arrow). To Maternal love. Want. Wife. ti,^
trim (verses). Relationship on the mother's o^j —
To overcome a. o. To gain ip i^i^(_^ side. Need. State.
the mastery over. Soul. oljij^ vt '^.'j^

Back. Styrax (tree). iuT ^ iG- To fly about, jc ^^~i'jij C>i o ob- -ft-

Having little property, iUJ! .j^i To prowl about a. th. (bird, beast).
little charge /«Y : light-backed. To take counsel with. To s ojG.
Nenuphar, water-lily. oli>* entice a. o.
Coachman, driver. Csi^ To circumvent a. o. by. ^j 5 —
Quick in work. Clever manager.tsi}>1 To dissuade a. o. from. cA ^ ~
To return. To go down Kj'yi- o jG- -J^ Fish.. Large Cjl}»'b *^}^J *^^:^ 'rCjj>
(mouthful). To b3 unsaleable (goods). fish. Whale.Pisces {Zodiacal sign).
To be perplexed (man). Salmon-fish. oVill-i Cjjy- °
He passed from abun- jiT C» oJJ jG- Fomelhaut, star in the Pisces.op-JI v
dance to deficiency. Surname of the prophet o^JI ^^U*
He does not increase j^^ C»j j_jiij C» Jonas.
nor augment. Cheater. clj^ °
To have its white 'j'y>-\i lj>» a ^_^ , To scatter the fi> oG-l — o^ -Ji-

and its black strongly delineated earth ( horse). To move and scatter
(eye). a. th. To search (the ground).
To and spread
prepai'e »j A jyi- To extract a. th.
(dough) with a i^oller. To whiten cAj i1j\>-J z^^ <-^J •—'> '•

(cloth). To disappoint a. o. (God). To He left them scattered

cauterise (a camel) around the eye. about.
To hold a eonfe- 5 'jlS*J aj^Gii jjG- Vein in the liver.
rence with a. o. •^Over hill and dale, up cjjj <zj'^
To return (an answer). A SjG-l jG-l and down.
To give (a result). Liver and the surrounding part. Hj^
To hold a conference together. jJUj Fat woman.
To be intensely white. y^\ To need, Jl^^C::i.|j ^;^1_} ,&->> o ^G- -K-

To question a. o, jGei.^', jf to require a. th.

Quarter of a town. oljG- ^ SjG- To lead a. o. astray from. ^ ^ ^yi
Street, -fy- Large house. To put a. o. in want of. s ^'j»-'\
Deficiency. Perdition. Result. j_pi To seek a. th. wanted, -^ To ^^7
Ox. Whiteji^^ ^ j'^;. <^j ji;^^ ^ j'yi purchase goods (merchant).
leather. Poplar. Destitution. Need. ^^aJ
White poplar. i/ jj Jyi •< Necessity. Want. *G->^
Black poplar. tj^-j,^ -)>> ""^ 1do not want it. -G-y
Vj 'G.]^ *^ J, G
Aspen-tree. ^_,i^l j*p- W^ant. ?r>?.'S*'-' >^VG-j 7rj>-J k'^ «• *?''*
Brand. District of Syria. olj>> Need. Affair. Natural want. <>• Clo-
Answer. _j^j jl3»_, jl^ thes, things. Luggage. Enough.
Young unweaned oIjj^j Sj^l W Jl>-' Want. Poverty. Need. -x^^K
camel. To turn away from, ^i- iS^ o iG- -{^

Chalk. Tuff, sand-rock. s'jI'** •• To shun a. th.


]e>f ( ^t^ )

Jupiter (planet). Intfdlect. jy. ^ y^^S

To track (a beast) into a anai'e. To Fair and black-eyed.
collect aud drive (camels). Fair black-eyed {iift-^j^yi)-^j j'\-]\ jy>.
To collect a. th. -^ To spare *_, » ^_;i^> women. Houris, nyinphs of paradise.
(money). To pick up. To park (cattle). White ; of a fair complexion. CJj }»1
To incite a. o. to. it J jijU- White Hour. •> White clay, <s'jty>
To remove from. ^ J'^j'o

To feel shame at. To be forlorn ^^ Disciple of Jesu-s- oy'j 1^ ^ Cf j I}*
of her husband (wfe). Christ.
To be tracked (Vjeast). To be yiuil. Iron pin of a pulley. Ringjj iWji
^ j^k^
collected (camels). of the buckle in a waist-belt. Rol-
To be frightened away. ^i — ling-pin. Axis of a sphere. Axle-tree.
To encompass a. o. ic j-i^j Jr-')'*\ His affairs are unsettled, o'jj UJi cJ^
To track (a beast) one party to s — Return. Decrease. Litter. Cavity SjU^
another. of the ear. Shell, mother-of-pearl.
Enclosure for oUo^j tr'S*^ « J''y* Palate.
cattle. Court-yard. Back-yard Conference. S^'y=:i »JJ^
if- Cloister (in a convent). Hamlet. Crooked stick. jU^
Rabble. j.'yi. <• To gather <* jUal \j , sju* j 0>> o j*^ "^
Holy week. ^bjl W^i -• a. th. To take a. th. for o.'s self.

Cause of shame. Relationship. iL\'^ To possess (an estate).

Friend. To brace strongly (a bow). fi> j\>
Grove of palm-trees To drive (camels) to water s j^j —
Hot-tempered (man). gently.
Odd (expression). Unsociable 'j.-..j_-L To frequent a. o. 5 jjG*.
(man). Dark. To writhe and twist about j^
To sew up >ft ii>U* J C^V <>»i> ^ (serpent). To turn aside (man).
(a garment). To repair (a skin). To part one from the other. jjUi
To flutter around a. th. Jj^ — To fly away (from the enemy). juJi^
< To be anxious, restless. ^u. Side. Seat of a king. Nature. %y^
To have an eye contracted C?^» a u^*^ Grapes, -fy Enclosure.
in its outer angle. Fenced place. <» Styrax (tree). j'^
To look at a. o. fi-om the ^ t/^jW Solitary. Good mana- i^j,^»b '^'xi*
corner of the eye. ger. Black.
To act cautiously in. j i/»ii3.t Space. Spot. j^i
Stitching far apart. Colic. u^'j^ Heart-alluring (evil). i_»yu!l 'Jy^
Wooden instrument for sewing. ^\'^3- To search. To /bj 5 C>i o ^\> ^
Girth-strap. *-iU> prowl about. To rove amongst ( the
Narrow- ^j^Aj ^y ^ •Usj*^. tr'>>1 sheep wolf). :

To be brave, daring. C-]^> a ^j^y*

To * J»^J C3>:^
u^>5>lj , Jab- -J^ To assume courage. u-S*'
collect (water). To build a tank. To be detained. ^^iJ,)^
To make a tank j^'J,az.)j J»}r>lj - Misfortunes, calamities. ^^ vj^
for o.'s self. Society, acquaintances. X^'^ ••
To collect (water) in a tank. j^3^J,l_ Want. Booty, S-l^
Watering- j,u» J j=\'y>\ ^ j)\> ifj j^yi- Relationship. '^I'jy*-
trough. Tank. Dock. Basin. Night-walker. Herald at war. u-l'*^
Bold, undaunted. ^^ ^ tr->»-'
To guard, to protect a. th. Unsatiable. Wolf.

C \iT ) fJ-

A female •^/j>'j Cj^S> t *^,'» To protect. To surround a. th. a J,^

weaver. To make a wall around a. th. To
Purslaiu (
plant). > Colour. Shape.i)^ enclose a. th. (in a wall).
Weaver's shop. i-TU/^ To monopolise a. th. ip JjG-lj i,^
To be finished, "^jy^j V]^> o Jb- -tf- To be destroyed. <, Ja^t
elapsed. To change, to pass from a To try to circumvent a. o. i yj\».
state to another. To become crooked To encompass a. o. < To be- ^ l,G.1

(bow). To shift (person). siege (a place). To block (a country).

To be barren (female). i)yL»j Vj^ — To have a thorough CJLp ij J»u1
To produce every second year (ti'ee). knowledge of.

To intervene between. oy, *ij^

~ To take care of. jt l»C:il_

To be elapsed ovei" a. o. (year), jc. — To encircle, to hem a. o in. ^—

To leap and seat firmly J J^lj — To be on the watch. <.^ —
on (horseback). Wariness, prudence. :JalSj ^i^'js.

To withdraw (fi-ora a j£ Vj^ — Bicoloured string worn as an ia'^

compact). amulet. Silver-crescent.
To shift, to remove to. J[ — Wall. Garden. JsCo-j olL.* ?- JaJli-

To use deceit. *Lo-J ^^^ ~ Tax-gatherer in a village. ig\'y^

To squint (eye). V>.' a J^ Wai'iness. Means of success. J»Ci>l.
To change a. th. into. To J{ J^ fi> By way of security. iai^\\ j^aI, Jp 4-
give a new shape to. To convey Execution by way of "j^U^I J>>>
a. th. to. security {in laio).

To sow a land every second J^JVI — Year of dearth. ^^j ^^sCj J»jiu
year. Enclosure, fence. l,(i.;

To make (the eye) to squint. * J^lj — The Ocean. iu»4JI>JI

To render a. th. absurd. J^ fi> To put a. th. A j^j , Gy o oG>- ^
^ To alight from a horse. J^ ^ on the side of.
To turn away (the eyes) from. To surround a country (rain). A o^
•^ To send soldiers to a. o. lp J^

To curtail a. th. by the a o^
To alight fi-om (a carriage). ^ sides.
^ To endorse (a bill) to o>U y^\ — Leather-belt. Litter. Skin. ^-j^
the order of. Two veins beneath the tongue. oliiaJI
To desire a. th. * Vl>>j iJjb-.'' Jjli- Side, border. Destitution. c,Aib- ^ ;sU.
To seek a. th by deceit. To encompass a. o. ^^ CjJs^ o Ji> -tt-

To look fixedly at. J _pi3l — To sweep /a house). To rub and a —

To be one year old. To say Jii.') polish a. th.
unconsistent things. To have barren To hold unconnected speech it J^
camels. to a. o. To efface ( a word).
To spend (one year) in (a place), o— Crowd. iJj^j J>:
To hold absurd talk. To Vl^>l. J^^l Sweepings. xjl^
be one year old (child). Broom. Jj,'*^* ?r ^^li^j iJ^t*
To transfer (a j^ ^Ijj Juri-b Jb-l To A ISL^j ^'^j (^>'o i)U. *
debt) to another. weave ( a garment ;. To compose
To hold a. o. to be weak. it — (poetry). To make (plants) to spring
To fall upon a. o. with (a whip).^., jJit up (rain).
To transmit (an affair) to. ic A — To distinguish a. th. f)^ -^
To shift from oneji. ^i sy^o J^j To weave, to knit a. th.
. . iiis -^
to another. To leave a mark upon (sword). J i)ii.j
To go from (a place) to. Jl ^^
— Weavei". ^^fei^j xTu ;p iJui->-j wUU
. . .

c^ C M
pulley. Middle of the back. To seize the opportuuity of t^ * ~
There is no doubt about it. il* lUUiV (giving advice).
It is unavoidable. To use deceit. JjUj ••j VCi^l Ju>.l.
Artful, shrewd. JUaJ To encompass a. 0. 5 J^i.

Absurd, nonsensical. Jl^.^* To squint (eye). To become Sy»-\

Full. Absurd. -^ Impossible. J^stil.^ green and luxuriant (land).
To be tljirsty. To CG«3>j C«^ o >«G. -Ji- To pass from a state to Jb.5—
pursue (a design). anothei'. To be absurd. To become
To hover round about J^ j' J«^
~ crooked (bow). -^ To be transubsti-
a. til. (bird). ated (element).
To long for jp C»j^j '^^~»-,.> '^>>-
~ Hot ashes. Black mud. < One's self. Jb-
(o.'s people). < He committed suicide. iJu- JfJ

To prosecute a. th. carefully, j ^^ State, *)^1j Ji;^l ^ (m. /. ) Jb.

Ham, son of Noah. ^G- circumstance. Go-cart. Bundle, load.
Thick of a fight ; main oC-^s^ ^ *>ji The changes of time.^ 1)1 Jl^^j oVG>.
part of the sea. Immediately, at once. Jb-JI jjVG-
Crystal. V-y^ As soon as. Cjb.
To be; humbled. To perish. o^j — o>>- ^ Actual, present. -JG.
To i^jl^lj ijj^lj ,s3»j iJ^ a \s^ -S- State, circumstance. c^vu ,^ ili>

be or become of a dark green. Year. Ability. Jj^j Jl>>l ^ J>^

Dark green or dark red colour. s^ Power.
Of a dark green 'yi. ^ Mj* > c?j»1 There is neither ^b H\ S^ Vj Jj> V
colour. Side of a valley. might nor strength but in God.
A dark-coloured vegetable. oi\°y> Perspicacity. Keen ij^_, J^j —
Sedentary (man). sight.Removal.
Eva, our first mother. M^ There is no escape from it. il^ J^>. v
To gather a. th. * {j.j ij|^ i ^s'j^ ^ Around. Ji;^j Di;^ij J}i, J^
To get possession of. To (i>5>lj — Strabismus. J^
preserve a. th. Squint-eyed. J^ ^ -v^ ^ JS>b J^'
To grasp a. th. * ^sy> Change. Around. cfiy^i ifi'y>i d\'y>-

To enter in possession of a. th. ^^1 The vicissitudes iiv^j _^a)l oV^>

forcibly. of time.
To be contracted. To coil it- sS*y>^j Obstruction, obstacle. Jl^
self (serpent). Ti'ansfer.-^Soldiers sent to a deb- XJI}:^

To include, to comprise a. jtj A 6'^\ tor. Money-order. 'BUI of exchange.

To preserve a. th. One year old (beast). -J \'y> ^ 'J >^
Sound, noi.se. Sljs^j '!>> Shrewd. Skilful. '&'i S'^] '1<>'
"Worthy possessor. Small pond. ^^ In front of, opposite. JCo.
Intestines. Cushion put Gl^ ^^ 4»> Art, cunning. iL'G-j,jr3; ^ iJ,*
around a camel's hump- Per.spicaity. Good sight. Ability.
Collection of houses *i^1 ^ 'I3* Altered jJi;^^ Ji'^j J^j J)>' ^ jj G.
close together. in colour. Barren (female).
Collecting. Serpent-charmer.y^j ^\a. More skilful, more artful. JI>lj J>«-'1
F . Winding guts. 'U/'>-j *iJ,^ •ifFraudulent bankruptcy.*JCa^|^^>iji^
To live. SUi a V ^ •^ Check. Endorsement. Ji^
To be conspicuous (road). ?uk — Absurd (speech). Crooked. Ju>i
To be ashamed of. ^— •^ Impossible.
To keep a. 0. alive /bj 5 ;is.7 l^; Good sight. Perspicacity. *JGfc»

(God). To say to a. 0. May God keep Water-wheel. Large Jj G-^j JG-j: ^ —


J^ C M1 )

Whereas, at the place where. ^ thee alive To greet a. 0. To ap-

if- Wherever, -whenever. proach the age of fifty,

•^ So... as. So... that. c^ o^,j To put (a child) to blush.

In respect of. Because. To nourish ( a child).
•tf- At any rate, of coarse. oST -z To enliven (the fii-e). To A C> Ij -
Respect, relation. spend (the night) awake.
To become destitute. \»CJ- 9-'^ "^ i To fertilise the earth. (God) A U
To produce thorns (ground). ^^1^ ^ul To find the earth) fertile.

Thorn. Thorny plant. ^G. To quicken (the dead God). : 5 —

Ii^l»-j "i'-ii^} Ola^j Ij1>
l-Ua^j ii* i -ft- To have a fertile land.
To stray from (the road).^ SijLil>j To spare a. 0. To let a. 0. s
To tarn aside from. alive.
To cut (a skin) in slices. To * jua: To feel ashamed of,

put a. th. aside. To shrink. To abstain from. <> To

To shun i sSs^j -^j ? iSu^j sojlki JuG- veilher face (woman).
a. o. To be partial again.st. Repentance. Pudency, bashfulness.'Cii
Protuberant j^j iCallj i^> ^ -u=: Vulva (of animals).
part of a. th. Rib. Kaot on the horn Rain. Abundance. Plant. \^\
of a mountain-goat. Life. ^j sCii
Evil look. Knot on a horn. 2lu> Tar. j?.^<J' «Q:»-

Proud demeanour. Shy (ass). Alive; in the bonds of life. sC>-JI oJ J

Pebbles thrown aside by the Ahve. Tribe. Quarter of a -CjII ^ 'J.
feet of a beast. town.
To be Cllnij l^j e^»-j Oi» a jV^ -tt- He cannot dis- '^\ ^j> ^11 J_,iiV
dazzled. To lose the way. To fluc- tinguish truth from" falsehood.
tuate (water).
To be perplexed in. —
Sempervivum. everlasting ^)u.U
J {plant).
To pei'plex a. 0. s jni. <>• It does not matter. <il ^
To be perplexed. To and ^>j
collect INIake haste. Jilij Xft l/-j
^L-a ^
whirl round (water). To be motion- Come to prayer!
less (cloud). To become full of (food Bring us such a one. i

bowl). To call out to prayer (crier). ji^

To be confused. To be in its jV^tLllj — Solanum (
plant). ^^^ jlU-j j^ P
bloom (youth). Viper. -^ Sei'pent. Wischie-oUi ^ :C>-

To be filled with water ^ jULllj — vous man.

(place). The lion. t^^'>" 'i>
Garden. Enclosure. j^ Cerastes, horned snake, a/^^k ^c*-"*^
Perplexity. ;3^ ^ J^jj -ij^ Fertile land.
Cistern. Garden. uiOj>j olj>>^ -r j^ Serpentine, ophite.
Perplexed. i^^Colj i^jtc* -r 'S'J^ v» olSn* Male serpent.
The planets. sSj^ii-JI ^\'^S Modest. Chaste.
Way leading to the desert. j\->-~Li Animal, beast. Life. M^:
Heavy motionless clouds. Animal (being).
To urge (camels). To 5 Ijjs^i j^ -ft- Vital. Belonging to a tribe.
drive (camels) gently. Greeting. Security. C Wj oiUtj ^ A^y^i

To draw lines, streaks. jiti -tf- Duratiou. Dominion.

To roll up (snake). jti-j Children's food. S*^^
To be overrun, subdued by a. 0. J — Life-time. Place of life. j(>.J' r- '^-^
(country). Countenance, face. CsJ>
! !

C M» )
To hate, to grudge a. o ^ Streak, jCal'i ^ j^.^

To suiTOuud. To cause t_» * aJ\>[ J\>\ To mix, a. th. To mix

Ci* tr-^ "^ /b i

(an evil) to befall a. o. dates with curd and butter. To twist

Effects of an evil deed befalling jj; a (rope).
the doer. He is on the brink of ruin, ili,: |_,_a>

To flaunt, to CVfeuij <k:> iJi* -« i

Meal of dates mixed with butter ^^J!^
•waddle. To cut (knife). and curd. Bad business."
To impress a. o. (speech), j iJlVTj — Slave-born. cr-jc*^
To wound a. o. (sword). To be frightened. To Cii> i j.\a. «
To wrap o.'s self (in clothes). ^ i]U;il_ hasten.
To be changed. <• To V_^> Jb. -«^ i
To frighten a. o. 3 j.\^
be in heat (mare). To shrink in fear. ^' j' c-iis^J

Strength. Water jyj.j JColl ^ jl* Fearful. oLLI*

stagnating in the bottom of a valley. \.A^.^i \^ay^i 4_il»j \-^>- i ur»t> -it-

^ Upright, standing. jUi Jt To turn away ^ ^jabJl^j , Cli^j

Flock of goats. xi:» from ; to shun a. th.
To come, to be at *j^£>j Iu1> oU- -fr i
To endeavour to overcome, (>»d*^

hand ( season ). To experience a or to deceive a. o.

trial. To be fit to be reaped (spike). Ornamented waist-belt. »Ua.

The time comes for him to. cj\ il oi» Escape, shelter. (>»:»^
To appoint a time to a. o. To s Jli. To mens- Ce'C-.tlj ^'-^^-'J ''-^j* J*** "^ i

render a. o. unsuccessful. truate (woman). To flow with gum

To milk (a she-camel) on » cAij — (acacia).
fixed times. To give vent to Avater. 'Ol jal».

To appoint a time to a. o. ^ i\» Mens- ja.'>\'^ .^ 7jaj\3-j,j^ ^ J^'}>-

To destroy a. o. (God). i oW truating (woman).
To remain in (a place). k_, Oi»i Menses. uP»^
To be unsuccessful (man). oX^j To act wrongfully (ii^ \ jU- ^ is.

To look for an opportunity. c:\>CiS.\ towards.

Wine-shop. 0>Si>j ^\>j oG». To take a. th. from the side of*
Trial. Perdition. Death. c;i> Injustice. Edge of a stone.
Time, space of ca-juI ?ri». oC.>1 rr '^> -<> What a pity What a *ai

time. Opportunity. shame

Once a day. Side. Patch added to a
^^-^-ti -^c*:
What a loss 'c'^ C ^ shii't.

For a time. o^s- ^\ Tyrannical.

Sometime, awhile. (La. Side of a mountain.
Till, until. CCo^l Rainless (land).
Then, at that time. U-;j»-J • To sur- i_, CUjCj tj
J^>J U-:
Sometimes. ii^ roimd a. o. To be unavoidable for
Foolish, stupid. '
6\-> a. 0. To come down upon a. o.

Foolish woman. Gala- Jl^^ *jJG>. (punishment).

mity. To penetrate (the body : sword), j —

JV* ( Ul )

To humble o/s self before (God). Ji_ — Jewish rabbi. ^U-U Hs
Depressed tract of Cyiij oCil yr w^ To become To
tall (plant). ui Li-
land. defend o.'s property. To be deceitful.
Lowliness. Humility. oCi-ij Xili- To rage, to dash (sea). CUij C^ —
Any thing contemptible. ^^^ To amble liilj Cij Co-ij Ci —

lo be ^C.i> Gl» o d4*5jV'-i.j ^ (horse).

unproductive (land). To heave (sto- To be crafty, mischievous. Ci. a Li
mach). ^ To^sink down (in the sand). j —
To be Avicked, mischievous, tli o d-ji To deceive, to corrupt a. 0. 5 kJJ>-
To fiV'4uent bad compa- o^'j — To make (a horse) to amble. 5 1^1
nions. Deceiver. Vjr^ "^ v^
To corrupt, to teach evil to a, o. 5 — Commotion of the sea. ^Ci-j Lij 1<^
To impute wickedness to a. 0. Bark of trees. Depressed (ground).i^^
To show wickedness. oj^-^ > Wild artichoke.
To affect wickedness. ^^i-j Amble, soft trot. ^jS-
To act wickedly. o-k--^l Deceiving. Ambler (horse). Oii
To deem a. o. bad. To find — jt Relationship, affinity. v'S* ^r
(language) bad. Tract of .sand. Clouds. ;clij *li
Allay. Iron-dross. c^ Rag, tatters. ,J1^^ ^ jSi
\S ickedness. Abomination, duij c-lX Ragged vW^^J -rl^'V^J vr>: v3^
Impurity. Deceit. Malice. Hypoci-isy. garment.
wicked man c^ ij Slice of meat. Bottom ^\J^ ^ *li->
wcked woman, [only used oCi C of a valley.
ZM f/te vocative). To have the bowels relaxed. ^K^ -S-
Impure food. Foul, abominable ^n'^ To abate (heat). To become «--'<*'
actions. flaccid. To become lean after fat-
Impure. 7l'J.j oCilj 'Ulij c-ii^ ^ ^i-i ness.
Mischievous. Abominable (talk, food).
<>• Scoffer.
To A bi-lj
conceal a. th.
-(fS) %i-j
To preserve
V a ti
a. th.
Urine and excrement. oUliVi To propose an enigma to. s \j(i.

Pernicious thing. X;:i.i To conceal o.'s self. *^ -^j tsii

To know, to try a 'o'j\i.j \s\i. Sd. -S- Hidden thing. -^^j -L-i
a. th. Plants, herbage. J»; VI tLi-
ojr^j a'J^i Uji-j l-n» a _n >j o jrJ>- Rain-drops. '\.'^\ —
To have a full ^jj * slni-^j Slnk^j In secret, hiddenly. "Lit'U
knowlege of. Secret mark upon an :l.i1 ^ 'C>.
To inform a. 0. of. uj jl A 5 -rjilj -^l^ excellent she-camel.
To bring news to a. 0. Seeds put in store. k^ t *~S-»
To till the ground for a share a _,;u. Large jar, vat. '4,*>* «• *^-'^
of its produce. -^ To manage (an Concealed, hidden. \!it>Ij 'j^
affair). Hiding-place in a house. U U-.?^ ti-.*
To be fully awai-e of. A JJ^ (> Hidden treasure. *iW^ "^
To ask news from a. o. j J^~.^\j — To come to a depressed .:;^j — .^^.^ -){-

To give mutual information. ju-i land.

Lion. Plunderer, ^^iijlj To experience, to test fi>j s ^cil.

To pick u]) A j-yUij Ciii- j^ii ^ a. o. or To know

a. th. a. th. well.

(scattered thinfjs).
To mix a. tli. with, o* Cali -^ i ^Ja^i^
She-camel yielding much
milk. Lote-tree. Large waier-skin.
jjLC ^ ^
To make a u^^i-lj ^^j u^i
mess with dates, cream and starch.
~ Knowledge.
Sl^i^^'j jC^ U Sini- j ^
•^ To squander recklessly; to ^joli-j
— Sheep bought for being sy^i!

act extravagantly. slaughtered. Large bowl. Provisions.

^ To entangle To
a. th. fit ^U- Food. Share.
squash (fruits).To do a. th. amiss. Information. News. Notice, jui'i ^ jXi.

<• To eat slovenly. To dabble in J — Predicate, (/oy).

mii'e. To botch (a work).
-^Do not mention it it is J^ ;
;^ C«

Sweet made of dates, zia^i-j ^^i- unimportant.


cream and starch. Experience has confir- _rjij| J,li\ Jlo

Mess, work done amiss. Cou- *Jali»- I med science.
fusion. ^ Quarrel. Vainly expense. Elder-tree. {> Wooden peg. jy<^
Spoon for stirring up a mess. *-ilit^ 1
Soft soil. Roots. Bui'row of a mole.jCi
To knock fi>j s Lli. -^j , Ciui i iali ->i- I
Mantilla. i'jLl. a
a. 0. or a. th. To trample upon a. th. j
The lion. jJJ^\
To strike a. o. with the jillj — j
News, story. "^.-i^

sword. ! Aware. The Omniscient Mjji.' ^ ^yi.

To request a favour from s Jal:>lj — I
(God) Seed-pi'oduce. Camel's hair,
a. 0. To render a. o. insane (devil). I Foam of the mouth of a camel.
To grant a favour to a. o. s — ^j Black snake. jlf')^
To beat down (leaves). fi> Jalri-lj
— Historian. Chronicler. jj Ci-1
To strike the ground with ^ fi> Ja^ I
Experience. ( opp to ^^^ ) fJ^J-j cjnUi
(the foot : camel). j
Crane (bird). Ci-'^ ^
He acts in a reckless m^^Ip L'S Ja-i-J \
To make (bread). i3ji Jji -K-fit i

manner. He goes at random [lit : To feed a. o. with bread. To » —

He stamps the ground like a blind strike a. o. To urge (a beast).
she-camel. To tread the herbs (camels). J^
To journey at random by j^l — To be depressed (soil). Jniu\
night. To be baked (bread). A J^i-\
To be affected with a I'heum. Ja-i-' Bread cake of bread.
; "i'Sxij _n>
To be disordered (country). iJi-j Large and flat jliil j'-i. <-j c_»ij,i!l Jii
To knock a. o. or a. th. fi>j s izlij^ mushroom.
To stamp vehemently (the ground). Cyclamen. !«jli.i3l Jji'

To do harm to a. o. (devil). Flat and depressed ground. jji

> To writhe (in agony). J*r^>-1 Anything baked. Mess. jj^
To strike a. th. strongly. — fi> Art of baking. sjUi
To request a favour from. s — Possessing bread. j li
Leaves beaten off. Anything iJi. Baker. ijZS- ^ jLi
trampled upon. Mallow «I>ij>j «jC>>j jQ>>-j i^JV'-
Rheum. Remainder Jali-'j Jali- ^ <iali (plant).
of water in a vessel. Trifle. Knock. To take hold fi> _^i \j ,
CJil o ^j^ *
•^ Noise. of a. th.
Portion of (the night). Jali. ^ tL'^ To wi'ong a. o. craftily. i2> C5\j y-Ii
Party of men. Draught of water in To seize (booty). ^jjs-j

a skin. Prey, booty. *^^j -C-Ci.'

J^ ( MA) CJ^c

carried in the folds of the clothes. Dust. tCi

To be extinguished \yj.j \'jj,. o Li- -K- Diabolical madness. isCi-'

(fii'e). To subside (war, anger). Stamping Ja^' ^ ia'^\j Ja-^J ii/S-

To extinguish (the fire). * Jjl't the ground (horse).
To make, to pitch A J^i^j 4^>b
(a tent).
^ Watering-trough tramp- Lii-'^ Ji-wi
led upon. Cui-d. little of water.
To pitch a tent and enter it. fi!>^~Z.\ Ink-fish. ^/JaiA -^

Tent of wool or camel's «;..i.1 ^ -C^ Staff for beating off lu.ikj: ^ Ja^^
hail". Husk of wheat, barley. leaves.
To hit a. o with a Jl A Ui- c.i. -S- Beetle. iNIallet. ^ci^-^ rr ^^-^
spear. To be choked by sobbing ^yJ.B. ^i -H-
To lessen the portion of. 5 c,> Ij — (child).
To ba ashamed of a. o. ^ — To enter (a place). ^ lili a ;u*
Avaricious. Defective. c^Aii- To tot about. j;^i. -a-
To prH^•ent a. 0. ^s. a ^isiT a t> ^ To contemn a. 0. s u^ jli i -ft-

from. To corrupt a. th. jfi j yli. o J'J- -H-


To conceal o.'s self fi-om fear feil^ To disorder the brain grief, lOve).

or shame. To cripple a. 0.
To carry away a. th. A jSilj — To withhold a. 0. s J^\j —
To blush at. To dread a. 0. ^,>
— To be crack-brained. vC>j "^ a J-i
To deceive a. 0. J — To be dried up (limb).
To act treacherously
5 \'Ji. i ^^ To lend (cattle) to a. 0. s
To be crippled, dried up (limb), ^j
JJ^ fi>

To be wicked. Ilni- o i
— To ask of a. 0. the loan s J^3.^\

To be confused by Ji^j , l^ti a Jji- of a (she-camel).

drink. Palsy. Cripple. Cutting of a j^
To be weak, languid. ^iti member. Loan, debt.
Perfidy, foulest treachery. _^^j J{.C Crippling of the ^/J. ^ j^j j^
Treacherous. Jci-^ J\>-
-nfi-j jj:>j hmbs. Palsy. Madness. Large skin.
To remain silent fi'om fear j,'J{^ -^ Bird crying the whole night.
or weariness. Insane, demoniac. J^-»j Jr*-'-? Jr*-
To set out. To (*_^'j CciT a /^ -Ji- Unsoundness of mind, body or Jui
lead the way in darkness (guide). action. Deadly poison. Ruin. Defect.
To fade away ( mirage ). To limp Seducer. The devil.
(hyena). The time.
To attack a. o. ~ Insane. Crippled.
Excellent guide. ^j»-j 9j^j r^ Overwearied. •<> Weakened.
To vanish (mirage). ^ii
^ -^
To hem, to tuck A '3C>j CJ;
and sew (a garment) for shortening
Mirage. Anything that passes jjizX- it.To put (provisions) in stoi'e for
away. Gossamer. Traitor. Ogre. a time of dearth.
Wolf. Calamity. To elide a syllable in ^ilJI J —
To deceive
jtUj \iycCj !>Ui.' o i Jri
a , ^ poetry.
a. 0. To lay in wait for (a prey). He died.
To approach stealthily (hunter), jii'i. To tuck a. th. in a
To deceive 0. another. Ji'^3 garment.
To listen stealthily to (the J jr.^i.1. To conceal a. th. in the bosom. A iic&S
secret of a. o). Elision of a quiescent syllable. ^^ji

•<> Corner of a wall. iiii Folded skii't. Tuck. Food o5* ^ i^

J-^ C M\ )

Ragged clothes. Furi'ow of a hare. ^\^

To collect, to pick up A ^ii: — .-» •^ Cozenage, fraud. *£u>i
a. th. To jp_j ^ ^i-j C»\f>j Cii. Jii- -ft- i

To \>i moved with awe, seal, to put a signet upon (a wri-

shame. To stamp a. th.
Fagtjot of fire-wood. -.X. To cicatrise (wound).
^'J^\ J^ <
To seal the heart i. e. To *i5 — le.

To thicken (milk). harden it.

To heave (stomach). Uti' i J\i^ To finish a. th. To I'ead over ^ CJi. —

To thicken (the milk), (a book). To plaster (a vessel).
Body of men. God made his end to -nijb il iJ ^^
Remains of a meal. be good.
Remainder of clotted milk. To finish (a book). ^] fi>

To be stained with ^.iit — j,

To put a ring on (o.'s ^ j ^JaTi fin

blood. own finger).

Lion. j^X:i\i To conceal a. th. ^—
Abdomen. cS^f: "& To pass over, to be silent about. — ^
To have a flat nose. Ci^ To complete a. th. ^ ^.^JA
Flatness of the nose, ears. Seal, stamp. Honey. ^Irilj ^^ ^ ^^
Flat-nosed. .liii.' j. Reading of the whole Goran. siiT
To dung (cattle). C- i ^' -«: Seal. _^?>' ^ ^ciij , vJ>' 9r V>
To kindle di"y dung. «i^l. signet-ring. Stamp. <>• Anus.
Dung of cattle (used j.i.'j .Jsil ,
^ Salomon 's seal { plant). C)(JxS. ^Ci.
as fuel). Comple- (o/(p to x^^ia )^")3i ^ XiJU
To push a. th. To a 2^ ^' o ^ tion. Result.

_, r-»-'

split (wood). To help a. 0. Conclusion. Sealing-clay. ^lf>

To hun-y on in bending the body ^iil^ Sealed. Stamped •<>• Cicatri- ^Ji'J'
(camel). sed (wound).
Gale ; strong wind. -ry^ <>•Rock-salt. vv^ ^J^
To draw towards its \^' a laii-' -5^ Measui-e for corn of ^^ii» « ^.^*
end (night). To enter (a house) steal- about five pints and a tliii'd.

thily. End. Ji^

To be ashamed. *v^i.' a 'j?«.» To cut a. th. To 2 Gri.' i cM -«
To urge a question upon a. 0. j Vsii-I circumcise (a boy).
Levity, unsteadiness, ^ioti'j ,_i>j-' -il- To ally by s c?'Gi-j 'jJ^iij "^"^^^ -
To be ashamed, con- >Ui.' a Jaii' -S- marriage to a. o. (man).
founded. To become tall and tan- To be circumcised. <jcL\
gled (plant).To be covered with her- Circumcision. Xll^j Jc*
bage ( valley ). To stick in mu'e (ca- Art of cii'cumcising. H^
mel). Affinity on the wife's side. X-^iij o^
To be overburdened by. To be ^— Any relation on theoiii*! ,- <^-S> j» ^^
entangled in (an atfaii*). side of the wife, -t^ Sou-in law. Bri-
To abash a. 0. 5 Jsti-b jl-->-'
To be ashamed. J?ti-Jl ^ Noble lady. Queen, cn?!^' ^ Oy^ Ts
Confusion. Perplexity. iJbt>-'-<>- j j^' Circumcised.
Ashamed, J^U-.^ <>•
j o>if^'j J>-i-' To be heart- ^ -K-

Perplexed. broken from (grief, fear).

Tangled (plant).Luxuriant js^i.' To hinder a. 0. from. i ^ K~j>

valley. Full (garment). To sell (clothes) one by one.^ si^l^

To stupefy a. o. ( narcotic ). j
To leave marks upon j ijii.' o ai' -f^

To lie in his lair (lion). joil a. o. (stroke).

To remain amongst (o.'s people), yi — To furrow (the ground). fi,

To be concealed in doors joxilj jii-J To be wrinkled, lean (skin). ioi.'
To wrinkle (the skin); to make ^—
Curtain, ^ili-1 r-^j j'^b jj^ ^ J-^h it lean.

Inside of apartments of -women. To counteract a. o. S %\i.

Lair. Darkness of the night. To oppose o. a. Si^.^

Numbness (of the limbs). Slug- joi.' To be cleft. To become lean. ^iij
gishoess. Rain. Dark place. Narco- To be wrinkled (flesh). To part
tism. (people).
Darkness. tfj^j — Rivulet. ol^j ilJ* J oJ.iA ^ oi'
Lair of a lion. jOo^ Cheek. Side. Party of ijiil ^ oi.'

Benumbed (limb). Obscure joi: men.

(place, night). Slothful. Trench. Furrow.
Sluggisr.. Perplexed. Hidden in ji(i. The two cheeks.
his lair (lion). Furrow. Mark of a
Cramp-fish. SjloiT whip.
Black ass. "ij-^ j* ^J-^ Blow leaving a mark
lEteusely black. i^j'^» Martyrs of Nejran.
The eagle. ^A^J^^JI Pillow, bolster.
Dark night. Black 'jj/^^i^j jj^S\ Ploughshare.
cloud. To lie. Ji.' o <-jJ^ -S-

AVild ass. jj'ixi^] To bite a. o (serpent). 5 —

Narcotic, soporific. j,^^ To smite a. 0. with (the sword).^_, s —

Girl kept Sjj-^j »jJ»v»j ?3^-* To walk at a middling pace. k^j^j
in doors. Talluess. Stupidity. »_jjir

To tear off fi> J^j^i-'j , CilAi' i jioi-' -H- Tall and ^:xic:ij 'IJii.' j, s-ioi b , «_iai^

(the skin). To scratch. To mar a. th. stupid.

^ To wound the ears ols'Vl J^jS- Blow or »Q^'j ^.^ *ii>^j *ilr^
(offensive language). arrow causing a large wound.
To scratch o. another's face. * J:.i\a- To cast her young G-lo* o ^oi.' ^ i

Scratch. Bloodless J-CJAj J.\j^ one before the time (she-camel).

wound. To bring forth a foetus incom- ^j>\
Flee. Fly. pletely formed. To have Uttle rain
_ J:.jj^-
Cat. Jj,j^Jj J'?'^ (season). To be defective (th). To
To & ^j~i. \j , li.
j». J (ftiii.' a pJii' -S- fail to give fii-e (steel and flint).

deceive, to circumvent a. o. Imparfection (of a work). ^loi-

To be dull (market). To ?Jwi-' Abortive camel. r-i-*>
be brisk (market). To be scanty To be benumbed Ijoi-' a jj^:^ -H-

(rain). To refrain from giving. To (hmb). To be languid (eye). To be

dry (saliva). To ba changing (af- intense (cold. heat). To be sullen
faii'). Tu be reduced ( wealth ). To (day).
conceal o.'s temper. To sink ( eye ). To be perplexed. To \jj^ l)J^
To be sleepless ( eye ). To disappear remain behind the herd (gazelb).
( disk of the sun ). To be corrupt. To remain and keep to (a place}.k_, —
To hide in its hole (lizard). j— To keep (a girl) in SjjJAj Jj^i —
To fold (a vestment). » — doors.
To tiy to out- f Wla> J U'^^ piU- To benumb (a limb). ^J * jailj fj-^
e\ )
wit a. 0. To give up a. tb. To deceive
Domestic servant. Slave. (the eye). •^ To fawn a. o.
Female servant. *ij^3*-' "^ i <j'i\>- To act deceitfuUy with. To s yj^\
Service, servitude (opposed \:t^^ incite a. o. to deceit.
to mastership iL/'j'Sij>). To practice deceit. ^.jso

Male slave, servant. _^,'^ "^j >»i-*i- To feign to be deceived. ^iW

Having a white spot on the feet y^i.] To bi deceived. To be dull f.j^\
(horse). (market).
Lower band of trou- t^t>s-Jj ^av^ Deceit. Imposture. Pro- ^llvi-j :fra>

sers on the leg of a woman. Garter. hibition.

Master. •< Son. jt/-^* Deceit. Dupe. 7i£'j,^

^ An official. jtjs-JiU'
To show friendliness s oiii —o-»i- -J^ Craft, cheat. Meal of ^'Qi' ^ 0.^0^"
to. the Ai*abs.
Friend, compa- olJ^l ^ ct-^j o'J^ Deficient (coin). Variable (mar- ^.^u
nion. ket). Unsteady (man).
To go at a quick CCoi-'j , b'aiT i tf ai' -«- Misleading (road). p.j-^ij

pace (horse). Small door in a large one. Stiii
To go on gently. i^ail Wicket.
Vice-roy of Egypt. \^ji^ P House inside another,
To J
submit to
'XSi-j IsjjL^j
a. o.
Vii-' a tJii-'j W -^ Vein of the neck.
Sti'ong-necked. Daring.

^livi -u ji.

t ~

To humble a. o. s ioi'l Small room, closet. ^.^li^;; ^fjik/^j poki

To submit to a. o. J yjs-J:J.[ Experienced. p5is*
To hasten. To strflie up jjlii-' -S- To walk at a short and 6ai i joi -H-
pebbles (camel). quick step. To lead an easy life.
To fill (a vessel). To sharpen (a *— To rend (clothes). * olci )j —
sword). To carry away a. th. fi> ^j3i.[

To cut the extremities of the ^j 5 — Helm. ol^'

body with (a sword.) To serve, to s iilxi.j'tJ'lxi. o i J^J^i' -^

To be rent (garment). iJj'Si-3 minister to a. o. -<> To last (

Swift. Spinning-top. Jujloi-' ^ ^j'ji'Si ment).
Spring-plant drying in summer.oljoi- To have a white spot on the ^ li.

To cut (a fruit) in * tai' a ? lii-' -S- feet ( horse).

.slices. To carve (meat). To take a. into service. a j!j^ -^
They dispersed in all y,jij« ^oi- l_^i To give a servant to a. o. s ^oil
dii'ections. To serve o.^s self. ^^l.
Kind of mince-pie. *»i,-i»-' To ask a servant from. s —
Knife. X&Sk^ To take a. o as servant. 5 ^ai-iJ, [

To sling (pebbles, ^ (ilu.- i SSi: -» To ask a servant from a. o. -^ To

fruit-stones). give civil employment to.
Quick pace of camesl. citilii- •^ To be employed in. j —
Walking quickly. wijoi-' Service. Civil service. J> ^a> ^ Ji
Kind of sling. :ijjii» Pay. Respect. Work. Liturgy.

To desert, ^j s C'i'Si.j vlU-' o Jlii -« Anklet. oC»aij >*lJ^j v-^a-V ^^^s-

to forsake a. o. To separate from Leg. Ring, circle of people.
the herd (gazelle). Thong tied to the pastern v^o^j —
To induce a. o. to forsake jf Jlu: of a camel.
another. Service. iJla> <>•
OT ) >
Awl. jij^.' ° I
To incite (
people ) to forsake
To parr (cat). To snore' (man )._^'^' ^ a. 0.

INIurmur of water. Rustling. j>;,i-'

To leave a. o. helpless.
Water flowing abundantly. jV'i.^* j
To forsake o. a. To become
To \'i^i »'0%-> '0* ^ ^-^ "^ I
weak (feet).
relieve o.'s bowels. j
Forsaking. Fu- Ji^ ^ Jl!U.'j JiQ.
Excrement. *j^'j M^i-' •<>-j 'j^ ^ '^ gitive.
!Mango-steen (tree). >li.>«3l '^i-' i
Holding back (from the J il^i' ^ —
A?-ert«?v'a, sand-wort. *?-V,^' 'J^' herd gazelle).

Water- ^jUt» ?» «i^»i^j «i>^-*j O*"-*

To fii j>S.*Jj ^Si^j , C»ii.' i ^ii-' -tt-

closet. trench off a. th. To strike with its

To be mined, ^Sj^i ^'j^ a o^' S' talons (hawk).
wasted (country). To hasten, to go quickly. C^jii.' a > i>
To have the ears pierced. Cj^i.'
— To be trenched. To be j.!U;jj C»ai.' a —
To ruin (a house). A 0;^.' ^'j^ i drunk (man).
To pier ce, to split a. th. To confess a misdeed and j.ii-1
To wound a. o. in the orifice of 5 — remain silent.
the ear. -^ To ruin a. o. To intoxicate a. o. (drink).
To become a robber. xJi^i. o i_j>»- Cutting (sword). ^ai-
To carry^j j_^'j C^'j xJl^i-'j sJl^i —
v' i Generous (man). c>v
off (flocks). Piece cut off.
<) To make havock. To ma- CJiOl^'j^ Cutting well (sword). -»-^>- «
ke an upi'oar. To leave no stone un- Smft in running.
turned. Intoxicated.
To lay waste. To demo- ^'j^h v^*- fi> Knife. Sharp sword.
lish a. th. <>• To damage a. th. To hang j'j^: i JJ^>j I j-U-' l-ki.' -^
To eat up (a tree: worm.) A v^^ down (ear).
To be crushed by adversity. s^^iZ.\ To submit. i^lUsi-ll
To be split (water-skin). Lop-eared. y/j^ _j,jSL]
To long for a. th. Jl^ — Dependant (ear). 'jj<>
Eye of a needle, hole "HXjLj ^[Aj V^' To murmur (water). Ilt>." i o ^' -^
of an axe. Anus. To snore (sleeper). To produce a
Shepherd's ^Jji- ^ H.'jij ^'j^i ^'jk. rustling (wind, flying bird).
bag. Unsoundness in rehgion. To fall do^\^l from a [j/jij 1^ 10 j»-
Hole of the ear ; eye of a ^'^i. ^ o^i (terrace).
needle. Handle. To prostrate o.'s self to (God). J-
Sieve. Vice. Pudenda. oG^p-' k "^.'J^ To attack a. o.
Wasted place. Ruins. i_/^ cr *'>>- To cut a. th. down.
Male bustard. OVli* !r "rL/'
To be flabby (man).
Wasted, out of order. oVJ^ -^i ^j> Mouth of a mill. Round
Ruined place. Coward. grain. Base of the ear
Wasted i_/^j C\>.J-i v^-C
•'^9- !r
Gimlet. •j:.^
place. Prostration.
Ruin, devastation. ^_,\^i_,x;_^'l ^ Purring (cat).
Carob. Carob-tree. '•^yj*i ^Jj^ Murmur of water. Rust- '^
Thorny jj^ I
^_,_, j> ^j' it>Ij 1 ujy> ling. Snoring. Upland.
carob. Murmuring (water). Snoring.
Anagyris fcctida, bean- ^jU-JI ljj^' Spinning-top. Water-fall.
trefoil. •^ Death-rattle.
c >

GT -
To take out a. th. -^ To spend fi> j
Robbe)'. Camel-stealer. yjyj^. ^ i^j U.
(money). To let (blood). Having his ear 'r'-'* T
He made him so- <i.Jifr *4-^*- •fjf»-l ^
lemn funerals. [
Nest of hornets Hi
To be well-bred, gentle- t_,iVI J ^^i-i Sour milk.
manlike. Water-melon.
To become clever in (an art). J — To spoil (a book). To •<>•

To divide (an estate). tj''--'

scrawl, to scribble.

To extract (a meaning). To A ^jM-\ Hen scratchings -u!Jl L^iiG

draw (water). on the ground.
To be coloured with white an'l '^'jL\ To rafrie a. th. To set * ^j^'.'^ ^
black (hor.5e, ostrich). th. apart. -^ To mix up everything.

To draw out a. th. To ?j A -rji-.:-'. To entangle (threads). To compli-

ask a. 0. to go out. To extract (a cate a. th.
mineral). To elucidate (a question). Medley, intricacy. <^>'j*

(f- To translate
(a book). To distil- To disorder, to impair Jaj' ^ ifc

late a. th. a. th.

Land-tax. Expenditure 9r 1^ ' rr w. To be impaired, spoiled. l--*-^

•^ INIaterials. Suitable. To tear oft' a garment, ifc .V

O'-J' ^
Waste. Refuse- to spoil, to corrupt a. th
Rubbish. Hellebore {plant). j^'j>-

•if-Privy purse; poc- i^ ,11 j\ ^^}\ To pierce, (the ear, CJ^i-' o Cj'j> -fr

ket-money. lips).

•^ That is what just suits d>»',> li* To be a clevei" guide. C)^> a Cjji-

thee. Hole of cAjiAj Ci/ji- ft PI^j "^j*

Deserving of the gallows. the ear. Eye of a needle.
Saddle-bag. *4-jh ?r frj>-
Ring of a saddle-girth. *Jjij S-^i
Sally of troops. -^ Balcony. "ii-'J^
Skilful guide. ojJ>i-'j c.u\'j^ « Cj1,>
Living. Expenditure, pocket- :c;»^>-^ Direct road. cSjui
money Having the lips perforated. Oj^i-^
Poll-tax. Income. ^\'_, Reddish ant. 'U^ — cjJ>^ -fr

Pimp'es, cS>-\ji K ( un 14 \ji )

^r Rubbish, old fui'niture. '*^'j^

boils, abscess. To go out ^* '?-l)^-*J %-iJ- o -k'j* "^

•<>• Relief of the bowels. Boil. from, to depart from (a place).
The day of Resurrection, ^j^ •if-To relieve o.'s bowels. To ^J,>'
Feast-day. spend money.
The book of Exodus. To be clever in ( an art, a j —
-rij^^\ ,>^
Clevei-, shrewd. ^Vj :-!>»•' science).
Extei'ior, outside. <• Quotient, To bring a. o. out. —
-rj^ (_)

From without. ^j Ci- ^.j To attack a. o. To rebel against. j& —

Abroad. Outside. ^j liji j <• To part with a. th.
External, exterior. l^.j.G- To take, to send ^ fi>j s Tr^'b yrj^
Heretics, I'ebellious (people), ^j i^i-JI a. 0. or a. th. out from.
Foreign-office. ifa-jU-.)! SjO.?, To bring up, to breed (a child). » ^^i.'
Well bred. Clever in an art. r->'j^ To train a. 0. in (an art). J 5 —
Bicoloured. .U^i j, ^'Ji\ To impose a land-tax on. A—
Outlet; place of exit. Result 9-^.? To elucidate (a question). To diver-
(of a calculation). Way of escape, sify (a work).
shift. Oiifice of the anus. To pay a tax. •>:j>

( \

Feast on the birth of a u-'j^J Wj' '

To be a \irgin a^i-j^, , iS^, a i_>. «
child. j
(girl). To remain silent.
Food for a confined woman. wjp-' ,
To be ba.shful (boy). To keep y,i.1
Wine-jar. ^yj. ^ ^ji.j ^^>- I
Maker. seller of jars. u-l^' To be fond of (sport, play). Jl. —
Khorassan (Persian province). oU^I^ Virgin, bashful woman. ij^i!) •^>
^—^j^-i 'iSf^j^J i^r^^^J *^y^^j-^

Unbored i^4> ^l)*i •^'^'J'-' k Sjj>^

From Khorassan. \s^j^J j
pearl. Maid.
Semen-contra ; -worm- -jilJ^' "jj,^ < Soft, low voice. •^i.^ Cj'j^
seed. •^ Small shot. Ironmongery. Si^ Ts
Dumb. Still ^;,i.' ^ .11.;,^.' j, ^^i.] Petty money.
(echo, cloud, army). Ironmonger, *=?:^>' T ^•^Lr* Ts
Cupboard in a wall. Closet, oli'-v*'^ haberdasher
Small shot. Jij> Ts
To scratch a. o. To scrape a, th. Aj if- Small-grained grapes.

To drav (a bough) with fi>j s j^^ ^ Disordered (affair).

a crooked stick towai'ds o.'s self. To parcel (meat). To eat
To sting a. o (fly). the best part of a. th.
To be surly (dog). Cil^ij iijlki jij^ Large pieces of meat.
To attack and scratch o. a. J''j^ Mustacd, charlock.
(cats, dogs). Thlaspi {plant).
To snatch a. th. To ^j. * j-'jsLy Mustard-seed.
scratch a. o. (cat). To sew (leather) a 0^' 1 J-r*
Flies. Old furniture [coll)-Jjyj^ ^ cAS* with an awl •<>• To bore a. th
Surly dog. J.\'j,. '^Ss Te set o.'s affairs in order, {yji:
Filings. Trifles. lL\jC Shells, glass-wares,{un. Z'jji^) j'j>
Slough of serpents. ^i-l^ ^ '^'jh beads strung in a necklace. Bezel
Broken egg-shell. Skin upon the Pomum Adami.
cream. Dust. Lens of the eye.
Crooked stick. <> Awl. jX^Jij J-ji-Ji <)• Tingling in the limbs.
-^'^J^ ^
To botch (a work). fi> Vertebrae of the back.
Stir. Uncouth speech. iii^ ^ A gem, a glass-bead
Hard and rugged ground oCiJprj — or cowry set in a string.
Artichoke. h^j^ ?r ^y^ j^ Curb of a well.

Huge mountain. ^i^i'i.'

jii'i'^j''- -r ^ Jewels of the crown
Peak. Canal from the nose to the Stitch-hole.
mouth. Cobbler.
To lie. ^'j^ ^
C9>.' Art of a cobbler.
To guess, to ai^praise a. th. j — Having its wings perforated
To repair a. th. To ap- \^\'j,.o ^'j^ (bird).
praise (dates). Awl, needle. jjy,J> ^ j'j^j>
To be hungry and cold. CsJ,* a ^j^j^ To be dumb. To walk C/p-'a ^o* ^
< To repair (plate). A o^'i^ .silently (army). To be sleepless.
To barter a. th. A y^jU To prepare food for a 'U-i3l Ip uv*
To forge a lie jt ^J-*\i o'ji-i woman in childbirth.
against a. o. To render a. o. dumb (God). » UV*'^'J>-\
Gold or silver *-i>j^'-^j oC*^' ^ u'J- To prepare food for »t.Ai)l c

ring. Ear-ring. herself: (confined woman).

Palm-branch. 'j=^'J-,i^'^j*\ ?r
- Dumbness.
( \o
Rhinoceros. -^^^
JaJ» Conjecture. Valuation. Spear- ^^i
Oats. JU»>' -»- -head. Ba.sket.
To lift the nose. To ^J^il ^W'^i-' -fr Instrument ^r,i'i^ t/»>-j u^'jij ^'ji
become proud. To be angry. for collecting honey.
Nose. Trunk of ^!?'>' ^ J'i^'>' Share. Food for a woman con- i^^>
an elephant. Pig's snout. Heady fined.
ffdne. Khartoum, town of the Sou- Cold water. Stagnating water, ^^aij^
dan. Outflow of a river. Sea-gulf.
Red and long earth-worms. ca1»i_^' -V^ Liar. Ciyo^l^ -r i>''^>-'
To split a. th. * 5;0^0,\i>.'a p,J,i.'-f}- Spear. u^j,i^ -r ^'J>--^,
To be brolien. To p^^'ij li-^i-' a p._p-' , To beat oft" the ^ fi,^' i o ^'j^ -^
become weak in mind or body. (leaves of a To pick (grapes
To have ^j^^j c-j^J *fi\j^ f.ji- with the hand). -^ To plane, to turn
flaccid limbs. wood in a lathe. To brag. To crack
To become flaccid, weak, soft f._,9lJ a joke.
To be dislocated (limb). To purge a. o (medicine). •&
l»^j o —
To split a. th. To create ^'J^i. \ fi> To have a di- J»^ ij , O^^i-' a ^j*
a. th. (God). To forge (a story). sease of the udder (sheep).
To embezzle a. o. To fi>j s — To be slender (body). <> To be ia'^X
squander away (goods). To break (a lathed.
branch). To be strung in : (bead). To em- J —
Incision in a sheep's ear used ^.j^ bark rashly an affair). To break
as a mark. Weakness of the limbs. in (a place). To rush upon (the ene-
Weak. Flaccid. ^j^j ^^ my)-
Weak man. Fine woman. Big- ^J.^.' To unsheathe (a sword). ^ \fj\i. \
lipped. Soft lip. Pendulous ( camel's To become long (beard). ^'iJ>-\
lip). To hurry on.
Palma-Christi^ castor-oil plant, ^.j'j^ To proti'act (a journey). To ^—
Discovery. Creation, ou-l'j^l ^ tXJ^Lx be entangled in a snare (hunter).
a difficult thing.
It is i\~2!l J»ji.'ijji

Soft twig of one year. »_..,«. l^iT Coagulation of the milk in the i/^
Young girl. Soft woman. Tall and udder. Weakening of the body.
lusty mac. Restive (animal). Blun- J»^' ^ J»j^i.'
To be- 'lil^i' o o^i-'j , 'j^i-' a ci^i-' -i^ derer -fy Humbug.
come weak-minded. To dote (old -^ Moulding. rcJ/i^i.
Craft of a turner,
man). Parings falUng from a lathe. <L Qi.'
Aj 5 ^ln>lj ^i^i-^j ^'i^jhJ '^j^ o "-iS* Leathern bag for silk- Ja^' i^v ?- "^l j>
To pluck (a fruit). To gather fruit for worms' eggs. <>• Map.
a. 0. Turner, -if- Humbug. I»l^i.''

To be watered by autumnal rain ^^ Petticoat. <l^l_^' <>•

(earth, men). To produce autumnal Lathe. ^j}^^ t "^'J^-t

herbage. Suffering from coa- Jajj vV^' ^ i» ,k«

To hold a. o. to be a dotard. » S'ji gulation of the milk (beast).

To transact an affair with •& ^jU Long (face). A cone. tj^k*
a. o. during autumn. Conical.
To bring forth in autumn, (she- Ji^il To scrawl. To strike off'a. ih.Jj^ji^-i^
goat). To have ripe fruit palm- (
Waste-book. uv^Ir^ "<*

tree). To enter upon the autumn. To Butterfly brightly irJtl>,. ^i,h ^

become tall (Indian-corn). coloured.

( \o"\ )
r^ OJ-
hole. Open country. <"- P/. Openings i
Harvest-time. Fruit- wil^j ol^'
as doors, windows. |
<> He has "*Sj^i\ t^a jji-ji >\'j Witticism, humourous talk. :;j\^i

increased the evil lil ; he has wi- Dotage.

dened the hole. '

Gathered fruits. Do- C/CilJ,* ^ "^S'^

BoLintiful, profuse. Jl^i-j Jl^l 5r iilr>:
tage, nonsense.
Awkwardness. Mi- *J^>j J^'j J*^' Lamb. >-J'3*:-' ^^*j^i *'_>*• ' t '^Jj*
suse. Stupidity. Calf. Colt six months old.

Hole. JJ^' ^ J^i' <>• She-lamb. Pahn-tree ^ l^i.' ^ ttaj^i-'

Coarse cloak worn by the jj,i ^ *J^ bearing fruit.

Sofis. Rag, tatter. Autumn. Autumnal rain. Year. yJ^_J^
Cloak of Mohammed. xIj^i X-s^JI Fresh dates. Water-wheel. Streamlet.
Duster, rag. sJ^i-'j xjl^;.' nj ;J^i.' Palm tree farmed out. ^\'j>- ^ *iij>
Pursiain (plant). ;J^i-' Autumnal. 3,S*'j Uv*-'-> I^-lJ'
Unskiirul. Clumsy. j_^irj J^i.' Dotard. o^^i-' -^S vJ^»
Wondei ful. > First rate. jj u. Basket for picking oj,ii-.>» ;r kJ3'>--

Extraordinary. SiUI Jj,vi- out the best dates.

Violent wind.
J^O*-' »? J-Jj^^J Ji>^ Dotage. Avenue between two Xj^jJ
Soft wind. rows of palm-trees.
Fiain rich m plants. J^' ^ — To mix a. th. A j^^'j^ ^
Bountiful. Jilr^ (f- To speak confusedly. j,y^)\ J —
Clumsy. Foolish, j^ ^ *^S* >• ^.^3^' Worthless furniture. Rub- jiia^ -^
Desert. Jj.>^> ?r J^^-» bish. Playing-cards from two to six.
Holes of the body, as the Jj\k^\ To rend (clothes). A Cs^iT i o Sj^ -M-
mouth, nose. To traverse (a desert). To make a
Fine man. Expe- Jlj}^-^ t JG^-* hole through (a wail). To ooze
rienced, generous man. Wild bull. through (oil, water). To infringe (
Kerchief twisted for striking. custom ). To forge (a lie). To pierce,
Swift. jji-j-'' to perforate a. th.
In tatters (man). JC^'I J'^sfj _ •^ To violate, to desecrate if;!^ JJ^.'
Passage. '
J'Jk!^ (a sacred place). To dishonour a. o.
Windward place. r-^^'l
— To remain j J^i.' -^j (j/^ o —
Unfrequented (place). jStkiJI j^d- continually in doors.
To shot (an arrow) <Jij j ^fi'^
-^ To be confounded by ^^> a JL^i-'
carefully. fear or shame. To be unable to 'fly
To slit a. th. To a C.>' i ^>- ^ (bird). To be fooHsh.
crack (a gem, the eye of a needle). To be unskilful »_, ii\J^ o J^j

To sweep away (its bank water). : (in work).
To perforate the nostrils of. s — To lieimpudently. J^'
To turn aside from (the road). — ^ To tear otf a. th. A-
•^ To forfeit o's promise. j— To bawilder a. o (fear). ^<3'J^
He died. v-jj^--!! i^>' To be torn Jj'j^lj
off, 3'J'-J^i oj>^
To have the partition of C>^ a ^>-' pierced through.
the nose perforated. To be profuse in. J J^aJ
To lead a dissolute life. 1A^ j>^ To forge (a he). * jCnilj —
To spUt (a gem). -^ To embroi-A j,^ To blow violently (wind). 3'j^\
der, to chisel a. th. To cross, to pass through ^ Jlnil^
To be broken. > To be erabroi- j,^j a. th.
dered. Desert. Crack, ci6j^' •j 3ij^ ^ dj>
Of ( )

To A\ink the eyes. jj\i3 To desti'oy, (a tribe). ^ yj\i.\j —

Small-eyed tribe on the shores jji" To be pierced (nose, ear). j(^\
of the Caspian Sea. To cut off a. o, (death). To s yJii-\
The Caspian Sea. y^\ J»j weaken a. o. (sickness.)
Pain in the spine of the Sjjij Sjji' He was taken away from us tS j^M- 1

back. (by death).

Food made of minced X/.j^j J.j>- Peak of a mountain. j»^^>-' w >»'•»

meat and flour. Pros. Retrenchment of a syllable.

Pig, swine. j^j\^ ^ j^^jv,. Lie.
^ Scrofula, king's evil.
jl'jS^ Pierced (ear). Inaccessible (hill

Dolphin, Jyi^\ j,j^ Dissolute.

"Wild boar. ^'S. JiJ^, Leaves and branches of a tree.
Sow. "^j.^ Kind of bean. Star- wort.
Unsteady gait, i^3'-^»o ^'j'Sy*
Licentious sect admitting
Bamboo. Stick, cane,
j j UiT ^ d<jj\f metempsychosis.
Spear. Tiller of the rudder. Knee- Impious, dissolute. Cold ^i^i.'
hollj (jdiOit). wind.
Small-eyed. Jj^ ^ .13>' ^_j>1 Cloven rocks.
To waddle in walking. kijji-' ^ Tip of the nose.
To remain J, ^.y^^j , t > a fji -« Corn-cockle (weed)
behind ; to part from. Having the nose
To cut, to sever a. th. fit f.ji:j
-~ perforated.
To prevent a. o. from o>^ ^i f.ji-'
Lace-work. Lace.
walking (lameness). Projecting (peak).
To divide a. th. between. cA> f.jl-3 Point of a sword.

To be cut in the middle (rope). f.'J>i][ To alter (a book). < To A jJ^'ji: »

To be bent by (age). .scratch, to tear a. th. with th^ nails.
To separate a, o, from. ^t a p.1^1 Hermaphrodite.
Death. ^.Iji.' Young hare, j;|
Piece, fragment. Xclji' Palace of king Naman at
Tales, amusive sto- j^ji^j Jit ji -}^ Coofah.
ries. To cover (a wall) with a i

Joke, witticism. *^^3'- pricks and thorns.

To limp in walking. J^j>-'"^
To pierce a. o. through ^
To walk haugh- kJj^ j 6';i.' i jji' -f^ with (a lance).
tily. Silk. Tissue of silk and
To rend (a garment). To split a— wool, <>• Duck-weed.

a. th. Male hare. Sji-b

Earthenware, pottery. Bramble dried up
Earthen, made of clay. "J ji.' Silk merchant.
Pottery. ^\^'j - Burrow of a hare.
To pass through *j j^ Clji' J>'-«-
To be swollen t-j^^^J-^J*"
(the target : ari'ow). <>• To tear off (skin). To have the udders
a. th. (she-camel).
To pierce a. o. with (a spear). ^ — fit

To hit (the target) with an arrow.

To cast (the eyes) at.
To be pierced through. j'^j\j jy^j
^ To be rent (garment).

c \

To ask a. o. to store up a. th.A c<jii-~l. To be unsheathed (sword). J'M-^

Treasure. -^ Safe for money. ^jji ^ Rent, hole in a gai-ment. JjiT
Chamber. Inner cabin. Spear-head. -^ Tearing. jj u-
Treasurership. *>,0»-' «? *j'0^ Pale, pole. Pointed j) jj>' «. J^jU- -^
Treasury. Cupboard. Magazine,
•<>• stick.
warehouse. Ward-robe. Closet. To impale (a man). s 3''Sy^ "^
Library. —
^^.i^JI To have a fracture in s'j> a Jji'-tt-
Arsenal. ^y^\ — the back.
Treasurer. oljij Hji-' ^ ojj'i To cut, to sever a. th. /b vji' i Jji.'
Ti'easurer, secretary. j'^ji- P To hinder a. 0. from o* ^ ~
Tongue. oO>J oj,li To walk heavily. JjiJij J^*^
Property laid up. -^ Treasury. *i ji.' To be alone to hold (an i_, JJtill.
^Magazine, cellar. oj,W ^ oji^ opinion).
•^ OfPiiie of a merchant. To cut a. 0. off from (his ji- i —
The nearest roads. JiJ»J' oji^>' relatives).
To overcome, to rule i 13 ji' Iji' -fi- Fracture, in the back. ;jj»
a. o. To treat as an enemy. To res- Hinderauce, obstacle. dji!
train a. 0. To slit (the tongue of a Sluggish gait.
J'j^j Jj^
young b^ast). ^^'hose hump is gone J.>jk^j Jjil

To fall into dis- ^j^j C j>. a sSji- away (camel).

grace, to be lowered. To pass a jbj 2f ^ji-'j ^'ji i ^ji' -ft-

To be ashamed of. ^j ^sji-j *3ji — , ^ ring through (a camel's nostril).

To disgrace » eS>b Jj^i-j ji j'J. i To string (pearls).
a. (God). To confound. To disap- To abash, to humble a. 0. iill ^ji.'
point a. 0. To meet with a. 0. in taking i yj\^
To shame.
feel cJjiszJ.1 a different road.
Confusion. Punishment.
Remoteness. Repentance.
ijlji-j tJJ% To enter the foot (thorn)
To oppose each other
Disgrace, misfortune. iJ^J *ij»- (armies).
Abased, reviled. Kind of palm used for twisting ^ji'
Ashamed. ^ oQ ji'
Gi^i.' ^
ropes.G ji.''

Disgrace. Cause of shame. jd-J ^ Sljk/ Tulip. ^i^i.' ^

Confounded. •<> The Devil. (jji^* Hair-i"ing X>l';i
V,'J>- ?r *"J*J -»'J»
To be vile. lli_, xjlUi' a ;>i.' -8- put in a camel's nostril. Nose-ring
<>•To decrease (value). of (women).
To diminish the ^ !c j t~i.- q — Lavender, {plant).
fi> ^ j^y^j J\'_^
portion of. Hyacinth {plant). '\yus i/l^
He came to no harm he Hi.' C« <; Male serpent. >»j»VI
was unhurt. Having the nose pierced ^jji^
To commit a felony. CCil^ ^^'1 (camel). Having his beak pierced
To find a. 0. vile. To contemn fitj s — (bird).
a. o. To render a. 0. unlucky. To store up (goods). Cji.' o fi> u>-' »
To make a. th. by turns. ^\is7 fi> To keep (a secret). To prevent (spea-
To reckon a. 0. mean, vile, j '^ic^\ king).
To hold a. o. to be stingy. *j\j>- O Ciji-J ^ji- a Oji-J ^j'ji-J Cji-'
Lettuce. -^^^ To be altered, to stink (meat).
Wild lettuce. ^| -^ To become rich (poor man). ^.jil
Anchnsa, alkanet To lay up (goods).. To take (the^ j^l.
{plant). jU.?JI i^
Dipsachus, teasel {plant). ^IJOl \j: shortest way). To keep (a secret).
( \o\ )

land to be swallowed up with its in- Thing made by turns. ^^Cj-

habitants (God). Lowliness, vile- ill_i.'j i!Li._) :c-lC_i.'

To sink in its orbit (eve). Cili.' — i ness. -^ Sordidness.

To become emaciated. To be in the Fixed stars that never set.
way of recovery. To fall in (roof). To Vile, -fy-
Stingy, ungrateful.
be deficient.
To tare a. th. ^ UtLi- <>• To be weakened \tjLCj Ci-' a *l

To be deprived of sight (eye), .juil ^

To be eclipsed (moon). To be >jiZU[ To drive away (a dog). ^ —
blinded (eye). To be swallowed up To be driven \Ls-j\j 'tli.' a i^'j -,

(land). To be perforated (roof). To away (dog).

be decayed (well). To throw stones one i.zi>jj L;:vi.
Deficiency. Issue of water. ^jtU: at another.
Ignominy. Clouds rising in the West. Indisposed, unwell. iiiia.^T.s
Walnut. .jiiXj — OUi-'j \y.i.j i:^>'j 1^
He has humbled him. CaJ_i ii^C- To lose (in trade).Ci_^>j \y^j SjUi-'j
He sp 'nt the eJ-J-JI j\ XlLi^ 3 oQ To perish. To go astray. To be-
night in hunger. come a rascal.
Eclipse of the moon. ^jL>- To alter (a Cl^.li, 1^^'
yj: i

w < •V ^ ^ym^->- J ^,A <A..«> ^ i^...M.>

,,,'%-J 1 balance).To lose wealth.
Unexhaustible well sunk in the I'ock. To cause a lc>s to. To impute j(
Emaciated. Sunk (eye). _ali.' ^ ^i^Q- an error, a loss to a. o. To mislead.
Altered in complexion. Light boy. To destroy a. o. g To demoralise
Soft tracts of land. ^,_U-^j wi_.li>.1 a. 0. To misuse a. th.
The lion. ^li-^l To experience a loss. ^', iT y^ ^J.\

To pierce a. th. /*>_, j Cili' i jli.' -«- To make a (balance) deficient. fi>^/^]
through (arrow). To cause a loss to.
Forger of lies. JLli To give a. th. uawil- .^1 jt y~i^^[
To cast a. th. jj A >llir o Jli' -i^ lingly to a. o.
away. To exile a. o. Loss, error. ul>^j SjC-i-j ,r^'
Refuse, rubbish. i}\Li. -^ What a pity! sJCi'i;
Of low quality, j;,Ll> j Jlli. ^ J^iT Losses and profits. J,H9.nj ^C jVl
inferior. Losing (at play, in trade). _^-li
To settle (a difference). fit _^ii < Rascal. Spoiled (child).
To sink into contempt. ^Lil ~ ^^^i. -s- \Sj^~i^} ^Si^j iSj^-i^j -'l-7*-'j .^y^
Vile, misled. Lost.
a. o. at the game of odd
play with Vileness. Calamities. Blame.
and even. To be banished.
Odd number. ^U-l ^ Ci' Man of the lowest _^^l rtrr
To throw pebbles at o. a. C^Ll's-j — ^g^i. class.
Woollen garment or tent. -»_i.' Weak.
To enter (a house), j itiiT o
•fy- -^ i j^ To sink down, (coun- Cj^
To produce a rustling. To ^jii.' try). To be eclipsed (moon).
clink (jewel). To put out the eyes of. /b Cili.' — i

To insert a wooden bit into s — To sink (an unexhaustible weU) in

the nose of a camel. To give a. th. the rock. To cut a. th. To humble
stealthily to. and vex a. o. To tear off a. th. To
To brmg a fine i-ain (cloud). ';jj^j\j — confine (a beast) without food.
To pass through (man). To cause a ^ J^j'Vi ^ililj —
( M- )

Tall and vigorous- '^.ii-j ^x±;:j^^i: Anything hard. Black. Passer-by.;^'

Ij framed (man). Crack. Little rain.
Shaped out, ^jii.i-'j ,_^i.' ^ wi4i-' Hill. -jj:
trimmed. Polished. Corrupt. Passer, foot-pas- -jj^: ^ 'j.\i.

Wood-seller. Timber- ilLii-' ^ i_jLi.i.' smger.

merchant. Creeping insects. Small xlj^s ^ J^it-i-

Coarse, hard. Severe. High and ^li'l birds. Wood inserted in the nose of
ragged mountain. a camel. Sack. Anger. Side. INIoan-
Hard, dry ground, »r^i' tain-snake.
Brave. Bad. jXiJ-
Fob, waist-pocket. Ground covered '^•iCii-'jobLi*-' ?r 'Ls.*-'
To leave th.3 refuse i^-.> j ^i: J^ with mud and pebbles. Nest of bees.
of a dish. Posteriors.
To pick out, to cull a. th. fi>
— Protuberant bone behind tlie 'ili-'

To ape in fear.
es'. 'Iri*-' a ^^.i-' ear.
Rabble, refuse of mankind. jiXi- Dog-hole, paltry place. ;jili.'-<>-

Refuse. Rabble. Remain- sjCiij jCii-' To clink, to clash. j.'i.Jj>Dj J.l:li: -ir

der of a meal. to rustle (weapons, jewels, dry

To do a. ;h. amiss. j;i!i J uj>L> -^ things).
Swarm of bees and i^j Cii.' ^ ^^> ^ Rustling of a new garment. iL'^-.l^
hornets. Bee-hive. Queen-bee. Soft Cla.shing, clinking.
plaster-stones. Poppy. < Rocky soW. j^xSALi: ^ jSidj:
To be humble, sub- Cc_^> a ;uli.' -J}- Corn poppy, red poppy. tSj' J-'^J.i^
missive. To incline to setting (sun). Garden poppy, white poppy, 'lilrl/ —
To be down (eyes). To be faint
cast Papaver cornutum, horned ci'.j\2j>

To wither (leaves). To disap-
(voice). poppy.
pear (hump). To be dry, rainless Papaver Rhceas. wild j^iLi —
(earth). Egyptian poppy.
To cast down the eyes. A poppy. -^ Charnel-house. liU-J-i'
To humble o'self before a. o. J- Depository for the corpses.
To humble, to lower a. o. To mix a. th. with. ^ Cli-' ^^li' -R-
fi, i

To show humility. To make To pick out a. th. To shape out — fi>

entreatie.s. -^ To be moved, affected. (a bow). To polish (a sword). To

To lower the eyes, the voice J ;il5i\. roughen a. th.
before a. o. To compose (verses) un- a k_,l>ilj —
Humility. Faintness of the voice, pjli^ refined.
Casting down of the eyes. i^ Emotion. To become like wood. ^li-'
-^ Moving, affecting the fee- \'-y^>- ^ To put a culprit in the stocks, s —
lings. •^ To wainscoatj to ceil a. th. — fit

Flattened hill. ^.li.' ^ ;;li.' To pasture upon twigs or dry* ^kl-S

Lowly. Low ;J.ij iili- J o^iiU- ^ ^iU- herbage (cattle).
(voice K Depressed and wayless (pla- To be inured to hardship and ^_S'jU-\
ce). Cast down (looks). Kneeling. privation. To be rude, coarse in
Fallen down (wall). Withered and manners, food.
fallen (plant).
Humble entreaty, -if- Emotion. ^j-j Wood, timber. oCli-'j
To cross (a Culi-'j Cj^» i o wili' -«- Gaiacum. 'CJvi wi-i-' o
counti'y). To be frozen water). To A piece of wood, tiraBei-r- _Jj^ '^ cii.'
be intense (cold). To be concealed. Rough to the touch. Hard (life). ^^

C \"\s )

Intoxication. X^i^
Lion. Huge (nose, mountain). j.li>
Cartilajre of the nose. ^-i-Ci ^ ^jM*-
P/. -« Fish-gills.

Large-no.sed. Stinking. jr=^ k- ^i'l

Deprived of smell (man).
Drunk, intoxica- ^^ic^j ^y^^i jr^*
To be xJjl^j 'zJ[l>j *lli. o o-^' ^
hard, rough to the touch. To be
To render a. th. hard, coarse. fi> ^li
^ To thicken a. th. To wear (a
garment); to inhabit (a hou.se) for
the first time.
He exasperated him. '/jj^ —
To treat a. o. harshly.s J ^l^-^j ^\>-
To be coarse, uneven. To act ^li-i
rudely. To wear a coarse (garment).
To find a. th. to be I'ough, ^llcJi [ fi>

To be harsh, rough to the ^'jl^[
hand. To b;- rude, rough (man).
Harshness, rough- iijl^j sJllij tLii.'

ness. Rudeness.

Harsh, rough to the touch.

Untractable (man). v^CaJI o-^ib o4*'
Thick-headed, rough.
Kind of purslain. lilli.'^
Cu.Li- »~ -«
•J cS^*
To dread, to fear a. o. or a. th. Aj
To fear that.
( ^^T )

Wealth)', bountiful (man) To belong to.

Abounding with seed- ^\J^.*j ,_^.-« To appropriate a. th,

produce (oounti-y). To become u>v^ J *-» Lai' a ^joo-

To be cold. (day). To l>i> a „r^ -ft- destitute.

ba seized bj cold (limb). To suffer To design a. o. for. ^j s j c_ t/a-aa-
fi'om cold (in the hands, feet). To render a. th. special to.
To walk hand in hand with s Ja\>- To attribute a. th. ^s
a. 0. or by his side. To meet with exclusively to.
a. in taking a different way. To scorn at. ^ ly^'^
T<j take (a sceptre) in hand ^ j<iiC To be special, peculiar,^ ;;;^Siij ^jJas^
(king). proper to. To concern a. o.
To put the hands upon _^ai;.'lj — To claim the property of. A> ^^aiti.:!.
the flanks. •if To assign a. th. exclusively to.

To walk together hand in hand.^tj Hut, ^JSy!:a9J tji^las- \j u*l.i>; -^ ^i-

To abridge (a discourse). A y^\ booth of reeds. Tavern. -> Silk-
To take the shortest away. To shor- worm nursery.
ten (prayer). Proper, special, ( o/>p. to jSs. ) ^Q.
To curtail a. th. To cut o.'Fa. th.j — worthy, celebrated. Apart, -tf- First
To lean upon a stick. tj — rate, superfine (goods).
Middle of the body. j>oi-' -r _r^' Property (of a plant), ^l^' ^ *oQ-
Waist. Road crossing a heap of The chief men oL^'j ly^'J^-ib X-^^JI
sand. Hollow of the sole. Encamp- (of a tribe). The special officers (of
ment of nomads. a king).
Cold (day). yi Property, vir-,^;Lis> j ollo'^ r^'^
Bitterly cold. tue (of a medicine). < Self-restraint.
Waist, flank. Pain .o\ 4^ 9^ o'j^\»-
Interstice, hole, gap. ^r'Li*^
in the flanks. garment.
^^^ai3t-wrapper. Sina'il bunches j^Uai ^ X-^Lii.'
Curtailment, eli.sion remaining on the vine after the ga-
Rod. Staff. Sceptre. thering. Little of wine.
The nearest ways. Poverty, destitution. ^Usi'jZ^lii.'
Slender in the waist (man) ; in _^ai-,« Peculiarity, particu- a^^f^j u^j^'
the wrist (hand). Tight (sandal). larity.
Summary, conpendium. jC^J> Most of all, CjjJaij ^j^J\ It

To sew (a sole). ?_> Cliii' w«.ii'

ifc i -il- specially.
To patch (a sandal). To walk in the •^On the subject of, a.hou.t.^^^i.j_j
footprints of. To exceed a. o. in re- Special. < An express. ^^j^i
viling. To be fruitful CJai^ a k_-ai-'j i »_-bi^ -ft-

To apply a. th.jt A oLi:^»b ^iiilj — (land).

upon. To cover (the body) with. To possess abundance of seed- ^^.ijil

To cast her young one in Tjloi — I

produce. To find pasturage (man,
the sev'^nth month (she-camel). cattle).
To be tracked by. i_j I
To render (a country) fruitfLil fit ^^iil
To be ill-tempered. To do (God).
a. th. reluctantly. j
Side. White mountain-snake. ^-^
To render a. o grey (hoariness) S — \
Abundance of herbage. ijLi»!l ^ ^.Jai-
To hurry on. ']
Life of plenty. Fertile (land).
Sandal. '

Fertile, fruitful (land). w~k-^j ^-^

Colour mixed of white and black. [ Fruit-bearing palm-tree. ^l^

<• Subtraction, discount.

( ^r )

Basket made of ^Ua>.j _i.ii'

^ ,;,

Adver- j^y^C ^r ( '"• f- *'•

V^- ) J*-^ palm-leaves. Coarse garment.
saiy, antagonist. Eye of an awl.
Side. Edge, ^C^ilj ^>ia> ^ j^ Names of a celebi'ated ol.i>- ^ olii-'
cornel'. horse.
Contentious. Quarveller. >i_^-ia>j .,,-^i-' Liar. Cobbler. ot^
Contention, ii^U^Jj X>ijuaij ^iUai A.shes. Sandal. Fresh milk ^;.^-l
quarrel. mixed with curdled milk.
Adver- ^La>-Ij uU-^ai-j 'U-i>- ^ _^~^>-' White in the flanks (horse), ^.iilj —
sary. Litigant (in law). White and black.
To geld a. 0. tii* 1 ^^ii-' -»; Awl. tJioUt^ ^ >.i^ii^.

To leai-n one science only. ^s>a>'i To cut, to curtail a. th.Ai ^Lai' oj.o>' -i^

Testicle. To excel a. o. in shoo- s Viii-j yiJa> —

Castoreuna. ting.
Satyrion (
planl). To cut off a. th. To lop (a ifj ff> j^'
Round and white berries dlJoll — tree). To cut (the forelock).
alike to the morell. To render (a
•4>- horse) vicious. s —
Orchis (plant). To shoot with 2^ Vi.i»ij ';loU-^ J-iU-
Mercurialis annua, a. o for a wager.
mercury [plant). To hit the target (arrow). J^\
Gelded. Eunuch. To contend in shooting for JoUj
To stir (water). To jolt sj a 'j^i: -ft-
(his rider : horse). To frighten a. o. Hitting of the target. J^i-' ^ J^
To shake a. th.
<)• try a. To o. Wager.
•^ To be .shaken, stirred. He attained his aim. iUai-'i-iUjI j\ jj>\
To adorn (a girl) with a set ^ ja^ Good quality. Bad habit. Juii. ^ <Lai'
of shells. Hitting of the target. Soft branch of
To barter th with.
a. iJ(U-.>» S ;>ii- mimosa. Any tender branch. -^ Vice
<- Jolt, shock. Fright. xJai: ina hoi'se.
"White shells. Dishes of a ^a-^*-' Bunch of grapes. j^i.' ^ ' '

repast. Sophism. Thoi'ny branch. Lock of hair.

Ornament of little value. o^Ua>' Dependant hair, branches.
Collar for gazelles, cats. Ink. Fet- Losing the wager in shooting.
ters. Tail.
Foolish (man). Rained upon j^-^ Flesh with its mus- JjLii ^ ix..^
(land). cles. Complete hmb of flesh. Tuft
To stir (water). To dash a jal-Jai^ -^ of hair.
a. ih.. about. To turn up (the earth). Scythe, reaping-hook. jLiis*
To jolt (horse).
<>• yiai-..ai.' To overcome a. o. *j » ija>- i ^r^' "^
To move about (a dagger) in a j A— in dispute, -tf- To solve (a difficulty).
wound. To discount. To subtract a. th. To
To be shaken, dashed about. j^Jaid counteract a. o.
Shock, jolt. *ijijai.' To contend, to i^U-./Jj C«Usi ^ii
Stout, fat (camel). jai-X^ quarrel with.
Abounding water, in
in j^\^.^ To afford an argument
plants Black liquid pitch
(land). against.
for besmearing camels. To quarrel together.
To colour, fi> ^i:j , Uai-' i ^^.ai: -«- To be deducted (sum) To
•fy . _^iJl
to tinge, to dye a. th. be solved (difficulty).

meadow. I
1o k_.i>. b >-.'0>j y >«a* a
k_~4*»" J

Green colour. ,.r^J «r^* t oj^>- become green (tree, land).

Softness of a branch. Cucumber. To dye o's self (with ^ ^.^^\j^^'-,.j

Greens. Herbs. Ash-colour (in hor-


ses). Blackish colour (in men). To be green (tree). ^^y^[
Milk mixed with much water. jLii: Green. New sprouts, >-r>_y^ tt w-^'
First greens. off-shoots.

The sea. jyi^}\j ^^ai-Vb «jl-^J' Dye (for the hair, hands). ^^h
Verdant. Verdure. Green herbs, jj-ii-' Dyed (hand, w-aiJ-j i-jj^^-.i'j vd-^'
<• Fresh dung of cows. beard).
Daphne, an evergreen laurel, tj^^ Trough, wash-house. s^^kt
Gi'een-grocer. '^^'_ra^j tSj-^ "^ jliii-' To crack a. th. To fit Ix^ i Jiai.' -S-
Wild duck. ^ji"L<ai.' :r s?v-^' "^ sfj,^*:' bend (a branch) without breaking
Recent. Green- _^k> ^ '\'_r^ ^ ,r^'' it. To cut off (the thorns of a tree).

coloured. Auspicious (mau). Black- To craunch (a cucumber).

coloured. Greens. Fine woman. To cut a. th. fin j.^j —
^ Fox-co!oured (horse). To be broken (wood). jiai-Jb -^i»>J
The chief men of a tribe. ^'^1 'I2ni> To be shi'ivelled (fruit).
The sky, the firmament. •\l^J) Part broken or cut off (from a jJai:

Army clad in armour. tree). Bruise, pain in the limbs.

Gold, meat and wine. ^<=>^^^ Shrivelled fruit.
Grass. Verdant meadow. ;J,iai.^j jj^i Weak. Unable to rise. i^k^j j.^»
dy^-^^i <S_j,Ui3.j ^j,Uai- 5- ^_;<a>-, -fr Bruise of a limb. Tree without iCai-'

Numerous, plentiful. Generous lord. thorns.

Holding much water (well). Immen- Bent, crooked.
se (sea). Voracious.
Persians settled in 'J-jXhU ^ li,^r^- To be green. To be-
Syria in the beginning of I.-^lamism. come verdant (plant).
Living in the beginnimg of ^>iii-.i To cut (a palm-tree).
Islamism. Of mixed breed. Uncir- To render a. th. green.
cumcised. He was blessed in it. -

To be lowly.GtLai'j CJai- tj-ai- a ^.^ -i^ To sell to a. o. green fruits.

To set (star). To render (a land) green (rain).*_pai'i :

To obey, to J ;u^i| -i^j /^il

— To be green, of a ^a'^^i-h 'J^\
submit to a. 0. green colour. To be verdant.
To soothe, to soften a. o. i — To be dark (night). >ail
To incite a. o. (to evil). Jl. 5
— To cut herbage, while green. A^ari.1.
To bend a. o. (age). ? r^'^i ~ To bear (a burden). To eat green
To render a. o. humble^j 5 ^^'b r^* fruits. To cut off (the ear).
and submissive. To cut up (meat). To be cut green (herbs).To ^?->
To speak gently to a. o. 5 ^'U- die young.
To fhp-JS -^j ;i-is^Ji> b ^trfiS-b ;»-<aiJ Surname of St George or j^,i ^i%
humble o.'s self. To submit. the Prophet Elias.
To pass along rapidly (man, fJ^{ Without price. 1^,41;; iS-^'j 'Ir^ 'lr<a»
horse). To dash upon its pi'ey (fal- Unrevenged (blood).
con). Green. Verdant aspect of seed- ya^
Depression of the neck. ^^i.' produce.
Whips. Swords. Sound of a Green-coloured. Branch. Seed- ^^i.'

whip. produce. Green vegetable. Verdant

IL;. ( \"\ 0) \^
To appropriate a. th by Submitted to evei'y one. jji^ ^ ii^'
making a mark upon it. Subduing his equals.
To draw lines. To register A JaLi Submissiveness, obedience. P>«a»
a. th. -^ To groove (a column).-^ To Gurgling of the bowels of a
survey (a road). To lay colours (on horse. Murmur of a torrent.
her face woman). Lowly, f-O.* 5P. f._^> J f'^lai)- , 9- ;>o,l».

^ To paint o.'s brows. JaLaJ tractabl<^, obedient.

To be streaked (face). To be *Jarii. Bustle of a tight. Battle. Dust *i-ali
tattooed. To grow forth (down of a raised in a battle.
youth). Lowly, submit- ^jai-' ir 'liiai-' ^ ^iai^
To trace the boundaries of. To a — ted. Having a depressed neck (horse).
make tlie survey (of a town}. To break wind. Cs'.^>j Uiai-'i ''^ -fr
Line, streak. Sword. J»^isi' ^ 'h> Small water-melon. ^jLai.'

Hand-writing. Furrow. Chiroman- •(>• The serpent. wj.aivi

cy. Geomancy. Paint for the face. Wine. jLakiJI
Finnan, o/iC^ 'iai-'j <J^_j^ -ia^ Ts
autograph of the Sultan.' To bi moist, wet.
Arbate-tree. «--iiVl 'Jai.' a To moist, to wet a. th. ^ JJai-'\j J-ai
The equator. 'l^s-lVl "iai-' To be moistened. To jLai. \j ^\.^ [
Equinoctial line. JQ^VI 'Ja> be tufty (tree).
Meridian. jl^l ^^ 'JaiT Lustrous pearl. Kind of J^j Jii>
Quarter of a town. Thoroughfare.'Jai-' beads.
street. Moist, wet (body). J-^^J J4»i
Ground first occupied Jaiai- 7~ ^i-j 'iai- Juicy (roast meat). Dripping ^i.
by a settler. with blood (sword).
Afiair. Relation. Quality. Jaia^ ^ xLi' Abundance. Comforts of life. disi.'
Ignorance. Course, way of acting. Rainbow.
Spear. ;^' ^ -^LiT Easy, luxurious (life).
l}^.h J^-^
Drawing lines. Sorcerer. -i,vi. To cut a. th. fi> j,^\j C-ai , i j^ ^
Leaving footprints on the sand. lj»lai.' To give a part of goods to. ^ o!Ai) —
<• Paint for the eyebrows. To eat a. th. fit C-ai a ,«-ai-j

Unwatered ground Jajiki ^ *ia4».' To cut a. th. To stop (the * ^.i^l.
lying between two lands rained upon. way: robber). To wear out (its .scab-
Drawing lines. Calligraphist. JaiLi' bard: sword).
Weaver's ruler for mar- JsUai-.*^ 'Jaiv» Bountiful (man). Large o>i-a> t %<»>
king cloth. crowd. Sea. Sharp dagger. Hone.
Handsome (boy). Streaked. ul,Z. i Green plant. Boiled wheat. li--ai-
Wooden ruler. JjUii-^ Luxurious land.
To swagger. <• To tattoo. Jai.Li.' ^ Middle. Main part. itJii.'
•<>-To paint her brows ( woman). isi-jaiij Leading a luxurious life. ^.Jjivij ^i-.'*
To tattoo o.''3 self. To crumble (di-y t'aingsj.i^iai o Lai -tt-

To send forth foam (boi- ^a Uai' -ir To put marks on u Cki-' o 'Jai' -ft-

ling pot). a. th.

To fail. To make Uii.' j flLi-' a ^
laiT To write with (a pen). ^—
a mistake. To write a. th. To streak (the fi>

To commit a fault, a 'slLij Vki- — sand wind). To eat (httle of
: food).
sin. To do wrong. To dig (a grave).
To charge a. o. s (x^ljj hh^j iLi' His hair begins to become LilJI «!»>'
with an error. gi'ey.

Sentence delivered on i_ili»JI Jla» To commit a i^U-j «lLil Usil

proofs and oaths. Opening of a dis- mistake, a fault.
coui'se. Rhetorics. Legal jurispru- To miss (the butt, the way). a—
dence. To lead a. o. into 5 U>li5j llJjj —
Dusky yellow. Dusty green. tJai! error, sin.
Speech, sermon. Preface ,_jai.' ^ sdai-' To be wrong, to make a mistake.'ilaij
of a book. To go beyond (the mark A ll^uj :

Betrothing. »--it^' -^j ^r^h^J v-^* arrow).

Bridegroom. Wrong, intentional fault. »'Jai
Betrothal. <- Betrothal-present, tjai Sin, error, mistake. 'VJai-'j \lai.'

Bride, *r;|a>' "^J "^rt^J ^t^J v^ Sin. Little of. oli-iii-'j uiai' ^ llJii.'
betrothed woman. It is a pity. j^i^i? ^
Transactor of a marriage. t_^\lai.' Sinner. Mis- s'lLi.' ^ J^\i. -tt-j m,6.
Preaiher. taken.
Oratoi-, preacher. 'ULi.' ^ w-^iii-' woman. INfissing 'Jal^' ^ lUaU-
Asking a woman in 'CLi.' ^^ w-l»V9- themark (arrow).
marriage. Betrothed. Wrong, mistaken. Missing the '^Jik»
Bitter plant resembling aspa- oCJai^ mark.
ragus. Green leaves of the acacia- To preach : JjlLi-'j 'xXii^ Jiai. ^
tree. to deliver an exhortation.
Yellow oCLi ^ :c3CJai.'j , uCJai-'j ^Jiil To be, to become a ^Uai-' wW
colocynth striped with green. preacher.
Dusky yellow. ._jai.' ^ »CLi.' > ,_Jai I To ask ( 5 '<^J CJai-' ^lai-'

Green wood-pecker. Hawk. woman) in marriage. To ally by

Second person {in ijrammar). ^(i-J marriage to (a tribe).

To quiver, to vibrate Cffki. i _4»>' "^ He asked of him his sister iLrii *I3l. —
(spear). To happen (event). in marriage.
To shake o.'s self in J _^l.j <-j — «{>-To give (a woman) u. >'

walking. To waddle. in marriage to.
To wag the ^ Oil»ij v';iyki.'j l^4ai — To be streaked with CLi-' a ^k>
tail (camel). To I'aise (the hands, white or black. To be of a du.sky
the fingers). colour.
To brandish (a spear). ^ C\^Jai^ — To converse 72J\i-Jj Clki S wJ?U-
To .4Q i^ jl Js. jl JCj 0^^' o Jai^ i with. To address a. 0.
come back to the mind (thought). To discourse on. j —
To remember a. th. To come within reach of (game).>.' — :

To occur to a. o. (thought). i) — To become yellow. To be strea- kj,k>1

To change o.'s mind. ^"^^ "^ ked with green. To assume colour
To be eminent, high in 'sj^W o jl»-' (wheat).
rank, important. To converse together. ^b'di
To risk o.'s self. To * iii ^y li To be aftianced. To ask a k-J»-il
jeopardise o.'.s life. woman in marriage.
To bet with a. o for. ^ ~ ^ Thing, affaii' important ^^a^ ^ wJ«i-'
To be in danger (sick man). J^\ or not. Cause of an affair.
To be the equal, the rival of. i ^ij>l What do yo« want ? \\Tiat dJ^thi.' U
< To warn a. o. is the cause of yom' aflair ?
To bring J.G Jj Jc ji *5 U. A _^i t Bride, bridegroom. t_ilLi1 ^ wJai
back a. th. to the mind (God). Discourse. oCAk>j *:hi.] ^ cjiLi
To lay (a wager), to risk a. th. A— •^ Letter.
U I To fi> ^Lhi.
^ -^j Ciiai.' a taiitt-' "^
C s ^Y
To make a
) ^^;^
bet on. jc _,]/ uf
snatch a. th. away. To deafen ( the Large measure of Syria. Dirt _^iai.'

ear). agglomei'ated on a camera Hanks.

To dazzle. To blind a. o. ^'a.]\ — Milk mixed with water. jUii-l ^ ^jai.
(lightning). Branch. Large number of cameLs.
To ravish the mind. jiJI — Woad [plant).
To walk quickly (camel';. Culai.' a i
- Danger. jlki'l ^ _,Li-'

To snatch a. th. stealthily. ^_, s ^ilai.' Elevation, nobility, rank, j\Li. ^ —

To leave a. o. (fever). 5 ^ki'l wealth. Equal in dignity. Stake at
To miss game (shooter). fi>
— a race-course.
To snatch away Sj A ^iLiClj wiLiif Strutting. Dangerous. S^»' ^ _^i.'
a. th. To ravish a. o. Once, one time. -^ Journey. o'^Sai^

To be i-apt in ecstasy. ^j^\j ^\^ji\ <> Suggestion (of Satan). or,ia>.' ^ —

Snatching, elopement, rapine. _iLi.' Swaddling. Occurring ^iaVji-' ?- ^^^
Recovery. o»ia>-' ( thought ). Heart. -^ Good pleasure,
Theft. Limb toi-n off. iiLi.' fancy, sake.
Rapid walk.
J^^ J J^ <>• Passer by, comer. jiLi.' ^ —
Skipping (arrow). wikl>-' -r -%ri -<> He got his consent. «35?^ ii-*'

The wulf. ^1,>.)I •<> He condoled him. «_,l»Uj —

Snare to catch gazelles. Ji_^W'vi- <> He was offended at. ^^ o_^b. J& —
Hound. oUa> •> He consoled him. o^i^Si- Ji»-
Ravisher. Satan. uilLi-' ^ He showed regard to ijkt.U. I]j
Swift, kind .jJs-^Uai.' ^ wi-Li.' -f^j o^Li him.
of swallow. Grapnel, iron-hook. •^ He gave spontane- o_,k\i- ^j-; ,_^1
Walking quickly. ^iiali-'j wi-iti-' ously.
Food made of flour and milk *I^i.' -i> He disobliged him. e^ySi- ^/S
cooked, -tf- Snatching. <> Be good enough to. ii'jyS>- 'J^S
To *^><r J jLi 1j , :^Li- a Ji»i.' -il- ^ Important (man). a^^d. »_.^b
speak much, to utter foul language. < Heart-broken. Jk\i-i) j>^^^
To leason falsely. •^ Good bye. ^jk'^
To waddle. jLijj 4- As it pleases iiJU\i- As-j i!_>,'3-j

Lightness. Quickness. Stupidity. jLi.' thee.

Sophism. Idle talk. Length. Over- DOn account of. ^^k^ Jt
long (garment). For thy sake. iij;\^ J^Vj oV'i- ^*
Loquacious. Foolish. Lost jiii-' Sling. Ballista. Lion. Perfumer. jlLi-'
(arrow). Coarse (clothes, body). Spear. Oily ointment.
Cat. Dog. Misfortune. Perfumer.jL-i.' Enclosure for camels. Moving SjiLi-'
Swarm of locusts. the tail (she-camel).
Having pendulous ears (ewe). i>- Warning gives to a newspaper.jiLi-t
Loquacious. Noble, eminent. Momen- ^>' ^ ->^^'
Name of a christian poet. jLi^Vl tons. Dangerous. Pair, equal. Rope,
To bridle, ^ i Jai: j ,(Jiir i ^Li.' ^ halter. Threat. Darkness of night.
to muzzle (a camel) with. To silence Gossamer.
a. o by. Dangers, risks, jeopardy. jk^-*
To strike the nose of. To dis- fi>
— To relate false news. vS^' "^
grace a. o. To sew up the edges ( of To walk quickly. ^'.'id-jj Sja>- ^
a skin). To become flaccid ( skin). To be
To put (a string) ^ fi, uv'ixi.,^ Cjai-' - delirious.
to (a bow). Walking quickly. •Jj^isi-' J wii_;i

Foot of a camel oi' »jUi.'l ^^ '^

'_«-' \
To bind a halter on a ^ J^{
ostrich. Sole of the foot- camel's nose.
Boots iti yellow leather. oU» ^ — Beak (of a bird). Muz/.le (of a jr-^
Lightness. Nimbleness, unstea- xli., beast). Nose (of man). Momentous
diness. Slightness. affair.

Swiftness, sprightliness. ^jJo- Nose-rein of a camel.

Light. Unimportant. oUi-, ^ ^i>^ Mark on a camel's nose , Bow-string.
Light-hearted. Brisk. Poetical me- IMarsh-raallow. (wn.
tre. Long-nosed. Black.
Scanty-bearded. Nose. Bill. ^l»'iiiJ* s
Foolish. To step, to ^ia5>-'b ,
OJai.' o Uai' "^
Gracious, kind. make steps <> To trespass upon (

Having charge
little limit).
Sharp-minded, sagacious To make a. o. to walk, a Jai'b ilai-'

Light-' landed, nimble. To overreach a. o. or a. th. ^^ y ki-j

Boot-maker. Step, space between two foot-
Swamp full of lions near steps.
Coofah. Step. Time. 'iJaij Cj\yh ;>i'
Hyena. Measure of 6 feet.
< Undress, deshabille. To be compact (llesh)
To cry (bustard, hyena, pig). ^ To become fat (man).
To produce a rustling (
paper . new To fatten a. o. s -
garment). Fat, fleshy.
Cry of the hyena. Rustling Sleeveless shirt. Wolf. Ogre.
of new clothes. Debauchee.
To snatch and throw ^ 'iji' a lii^ ^ To be ( opp to jij ) sli- j Ui'

a. th. down. To destroy house ). light. To be light-minded, To be

To spUt (a water-skin). brisk, active. To fail (rain) To de-
To become still, crease (wealth). ^ To relax (disease).
silent ( voice ). To cease speaking <) To be To be Vjj, L»>'
(dying man). nimble in work.
To die suddenly. UUi- — •^ To be light-footed, swift. 'S>-j_

To lower <S^, c.»^jj cJUj , Cxi> o — To rush on. Jl^ ^_^} xli-.j Ui.' —

the voice- to read silently. To alleviate, to lighten fi> lii-'lj ,_il>

Rue {plant). c-ii a. th.
Speechless (
dying man). Water- c4G^ To be in an easy condition. To lii'!
less cloud. Weak (plant). have light beasts. To travel without
To be affected with QJ^ a r-^ -^ encumbrance.
tremb'ing of the knees (camel). To relieve a. o. To blame a. o. ^' —
To incline, to lean. rrdi-j To wear boots. To hasten. ^lUi
Trembliug of the knees (in ca- j^iii.' •{To wear an undress.
mels). Lapsana. nipple-wort [plant). To act briskly.
Affected with trembling of the ^il To find (a burden) light. To
knees (camel). Crooked. render a. o. hght-witted. To enliven
To a Jlii-0 Claii-'j
\jJJi ilii-' oii.' "tt" a. o.
walk at a quick pace. To make little account of. ^j tj^il\
To protect, ^j ^^ s \^' o Jl* -K- To disregard a. th.
to defend, to escort a. o. Light, unimportant. Small troop, lii.
( ^•^^ )

\^ To abash, to humble a. o. To 5 — To a.sk for his hire (guardian), a —

circumcise (a female). To bi-eak (a covenant).
To remain in a place. ^— To fulfil (a compact). o _4>
To bo easy (life). Caii- o jaii-' To circumvent ^ 0>a>j iS**- ~
To soften (the voice). To a> jA* a. 0.
facilitate a. th. To lower (a camel's To be shy, jioDi Sjl**-' J 'S^ ^ , j^
head) for riding. To abate ( the
<>• confused (maid).
price of ). To end (a "word) with a To protect, to defend a. o. ^j j _^>
kesra. To wall (a town).
To become easy (affair). <>• To ^jalij To betray a. o. To send an i J^\
be lowered (price). escort with a. o.

To be lowered (voice). To be jaiv-X To have recoursn to a. o. for ^ Joii

humbled. protection.
To abate (price of goods). J'^K, Bashfidaesg, shyness. SjUi-'j J^
Easy (life). Depi'essed place. jom^ Escort. Sentry. ^j. -^^ ^i
Kesra, vowel-accent. Protection, defence. VjSjo-i SjUij a'jtC

The Humbler (God). Easy (life). jas> Hire of a watchman. S3^»J »J^
Pai-tlcle commanding a kesra. Defender, protector. Mj^Ii-' jr-'l^'j «3^' >

Compliant, quiet. r•l^^'b -^' ~ Bashful, j^S^ v! j'i^'JJ '^yp'-i jk?"

Easy, quiet (life). J^*J ~ modest (woman).
Ground easily CiiJI iolU- J^'J^ Wild oats. jy>^
watered. To scofl' .to laugh at. » Cii-' o ^_,-ii.'-JV
Easy (Ufe). J^y^i J^* To sink down. for ^X~i- ) ^jJ^Jb ~ "^

Lowered (voice). cr«-ii-' To destroy (a building). To eat * —

To fall in a swoon. To Ci> a ^i-' -S- little of.

wave (curtain). To hold foul language to. s —

To be flaccid (joints). Cuii-'j C«i> — To hold foul, shocking ^i^j Cii-' i

To have the liver contracted j^ speech.
through hunger. To drink little or i^i-b u-^>' ^
To deject a. o. (hunger). 5 ^liil much water.
To be contracted (liver). To be ^i-ji^ To be thrown prostrate on the ,_;-JisJ
near to swoon. To be uprooted (tree). ground.
To be perforated (lung). To be altered (water). <j~^^->\

lo ^i>lj Vjjii-J CUii-'j UiiT o ,J*> "^ i Blackbeetle.

throb (heart). To flash (lightning). Wine mixed with much water.
To flutter, to wave (flag). To quiver To throw a. th. i_; Cii> o jili-' -^
(swoi'd). To move about (mirage). To To be small-eyed. To be CiSi a ^>
blow (wind). weak-sighted. To see only by night.
To patter (sandals). uii.' o — i To be contracted (hump).
To fly ( bird ). To be nearly over To pi'ostrate and trample fi>j s jS^
(night). To break wind (beast). upon a. o. To pull down (a building).
To slap a. o. with a. th. broad.^j 5 — Bat, night-bird. ^jUi-'^ ijiUi
To beat up (eggs).
-<>• Weak-sighted, jjj. ^ .lli> ^ JJ^\
To set (sun, star). To be CS^' — SmaU-eyed. Nyctalops.
empty (place). To lower a. tb. To /*> C<aii-' i jali-' -S-

To incline to setting (stars). jiil soften (the voice). To inflect (a word)

To shine brightly (stars). To nod with a kesra.
(the head in drowsiness). To faU. To To walk gently (camels). To be jaJ^
be disappointed^ (hunter). To become still i. €. to die (man).
Crack, gap in the ground, j^ul ^ destitute (man). To flap its wings
Bed of a torrent.
To elect a. o as an emperor, ^ii: -^
^ (bii-d).

To have o.'s provisions con-

Sultan of the Turks, ojl^i.'^ oCjCi- Ts To prostrate a. 0. » —

To be lean, jlijj 'ijo.'j >U.' o 3>-' -f^
To quiver (looming). To flutter jlsil

To become destitute. (flag).

To give sweet herbage to *> ^U-' o — Palpitation (of the heart). oUli-'

(camels ). To pierce a. th. To slit Thong, strap for striking. :jii>.

(the tongue). To pin the skii^ts (of OUii-J OVSii- fr *A*i-J *5i»

a garment). -^ To apply a seton to. Lank in the belly (horse).

To specify a. th. (in prayer). J— Flags, banners. jilj^Jlj oUsii-JI

^ To faU in a. th. Broad in the fore-part of the jui.

To become poor. 'Jil
'^' foot. -^ Humbug.

To become sour (wine). jii.' The East and the W^est. oVkstiJI

To turn (wine) into vinegar. jli.' fi> The four cardinals points. J5>3^-"
To pickle (dates). To pick (the Wide delusive desert. Swift- jiii.'

tooth). To let (water) flow in the running (horse).

interstice of the beard, fingers. <>• To Fleet (she-camel). Light and j-2iii
pickle a. th. bold woman. Confused run of horses.
To act friendly a V5Uj ':S\p-J CJii Calamity.
towards. Setting points (of the stars). jJli-.>

To injure a. o ; to disorder ^ ^'1 Broad sword. J^^-^

a. th. To be remiss in. To leave off Insane. J^ii-J*

a. th. To forsake (a place). To flash (light- (^'j ijii.' lii-' -^

To render a. o. poor (God). 5 — ning). To appear.

To want a. 0. ^ Jil To show, to fi> Uii.'^ CJi.' Ja^ j ^
To be circumscribed (rain). To ji^j bring out a. th. To conceal a. th.
use a tooth-pick. -^ To become sour. To be concealed, to be latent.^UiTa,^
To mix crowd.
in a ^jSi\ — To conceal o.'s self ; to <^j <^~ —
To penetrate in. J — disappear.
To become friends. ^li-i To disclose, to unveil a. th. a ^i1
To become sour (wine). To be ^y^[ To conceal o.'s ^^Ifil -^j J^icl\j Jj>-3
disordered ( mind ). To be entangled self; to lay hid. -^Todisguise o.'s self.
(business). To make a. th. apparent. To A Jci\
To make vinegar with. *— kill a. o. (in secret).To dig (a well).

To pierce a. o. with (a spear). i_i 5 — Secrecy. Veil, covering, s^il ^ 'Ui.'

To be in want of. Jl.

— The eyes. i^^fedl *li>1

Vinegar. Path in J>Vi:j '>1 ^ 'Ji.' The calyxes of flowers. j^ll ;;iil
the sand. Crack-brained. Shabby The genii, the devils. 'CjU-Jlj J>JI
garment. Vein in the neck. Lean. Secret. Secrecy. Genii. wijl>i-' « *;5'i

Fat. W^eaned camel. Evil. Rent in Feathei's of a bird concealed ol_^

a garment. under the wing.
There is neither evil ^^j ji eJ^s. (• Secret. Thicket. COi-'j ollii-' ^ xlji-'

nor good in him. Well. Touch of insanity.

Intimate friend, Jl^'l «> 3>- The secrets of the hearts. t_.ji2!l GuiT
Interstice, gap. Unsound- J^ ^ jli-' Robber of graves. ^iUJI
ness. Disorder. Defect. -^ Seton. To boil fast CtJi. j ^Sm^j u>.' i ~'j>: ^
Hole. Need. Destitu- J'^.i.j jii' ^ di-' (cooking-pot). To be loose (pulley).
tion. Inborn quality. Acid wine.
Rainless (cloud). ,_ji Sweet herbage used as the jU.' ^ jii
Ligthning without rain. »J[> Jj staple food of camels. Thorny tree.
Said of a promise without effect. Sincere love. Female friend.
Wheedle, coaxing.
Foolish (woman). onii-'j
Scabbard of :ai.1 r-> J>^-j ji» ir
a sword. Friendship. Gap in a tank.
Deceiver. i^hJ Unripe dates. Between. Jyi'
Deceitful. O^li-'j ^^Ai-'j ^J^ Instrument for piercing. :d>.'i ^ J^U

Claws, clutches, talous. ^]\iK» ^ ^J^S" \\"ooden pin. Muzzle of a young camel.
Reaping-hook. Tooth-pick. ;J^U-j —
Orobiis tuberosus, J^S^ t-jliiJI ..J^ Remains of food between SJ5u.'j —
heath-pea. the teeth.
Variegated. ^J^ Surroundings of a country. jG oil J>U.
To entice a. o. by ij^j s ^^-lU.' -H- Inside of a house.
soft words. Sincere friendship. *l!Ai'j :J>U.'
Lie. Wheedling. uH^' True friend. c^'j -y^J -r d^^
Vanities. Medley. Falsehoods. ,_,«xi!iU.' The friend (of God) i. e. the Patri-
Unsuccessful business. arch Abraham. Lean and crack-
Flint-stone. wj^'^^ brained. Destitute. Pierced.
To make low tricks, jokes. .j^lii-J a Wretched, poor. Poorer. '^'\
Mischie- iiw>i.'j y^^U-' «. cr=>;ii-' ° Species of thistle. :^*i d
vous child. Mountebank, fool. -(f- Pickles. jli,;
To drag, fi>j s T^i.\j <^ i rJti' -« Vehemently thirsty. Destitute. '^-J"
to pull out a. 0. or a. th. To wean (a Unsound of mind. Disordered (aflfaif).
beast). To bare (a bone). <- To fit ji-JLi-'-tf-

To move, to stir a. th. — fit shake, to stir a. th.

To strike a. o. with (a sword), o 5 — To put on an anklet. To be sha- ji-Jii-j
To wink to a. o. ^^ » — ken. To be scattered (army). To be
To busy the mind (affair), s rr^Q.j — disjointed.
To be spoiled. To be GJU.' a tpXi^ Silver anklet. <>• Ankle. j^>U.' ^ Jikii'
broken with fatigue. Unsteadiness. Ji-J-U!
To contract the eyebrows. fi> ,^1 ^ Uncompact (army). Ji-XhxJ^
To be shaken. To drag himself ,»Ji.5 To kneel Ujiij «>U.j *5U a "^i -*
along (paralytic). To branch off without moving, to be refractory
(river). (camel).
To busy the oj lu. J r-'^Silj ijJi'iJ To keep to a place (man). \tj^ —
mind (business). To leave a. th. for another. sViiiti'Vii
Strait of the sea. oUtii'j rr^ ^ r-li-' Food and drink. * jLj
Canal. River. Rope. Eye-lid. Bank To wound s w.'rp..5-llj , Qi o »_.Ii.' -ii-

of a river. Schooner. -^ Great canal a. 0. with the claws (beast). To

of Cairo. clutch its prey ( lion ). To captivate
Fleet horse. ?i-lil a youth woman).
( :

To last long, to remain )S^' o jJU.' -i^ To wheedle a. o. ^ ^>U-j uMij Cii o —
for ever. To be siUy (woman). Qi a »j4i
To retain a youthful I3>ji> j loU.' — To be miry (water).
appearance (old man). To deceive a. o. s ^i. \j ^d-j ^_jS-
To abide in (a Ji^j ^ jJilj Ai-'j - Membrane of the liver. t_i5u.1 ^ wU
place). Claw. Vine-leaf. RadLsh. Enticer.
•^ To reach a very old age Pith of palm-tj-ee. »JU.j ^_JU.'
(man)* Palm-rope. Mu-e.
i^ ( ^Y Y ) j:^
To pay a. th. To discharge (o/s To render a. o. ever- Aj » jlilj jli
conscience). To suit a. o. (affair). lasting (God). To perpetuate a. th.

4- Let me alone.
To lean towards. To J|_, ^ jiil
•^ To retaliate. To recover ili ^U' stick faithfully to (a friend).
a debt. Continuity. Eternity. Para- i_^j aiiT

4- To pay postage on (a letter) ; ic — dise.

duty on (
goods ). Mole, field-rat. i^j • a» U> ^ jOi.'

To act sincerely with. ^ To s ^d. Lark (bird), a Scrofula.

give a discharge to. Earring. Bracelet. soi^ ^ Sjiij —
To extract the best part of. ,jali^ fit Thought. Mind ; soul. uii
To select a. th. To elect a. o. (God). Eternal, lasting. Vigorous jSiJij ujli

To worship God sincerely. iLi ^ — (old man). Keeping to a place.

To give sincere (advice) s j ij — fi^ fi> Dog. jj ji _^1
to. To have (sincere love) for. The Canary Islands. cjlajlii!) J,lj?JI
To be saved, freed from. ^ ^^ti-i The mountains. The rocks. jJJ^l
To get rid of. Supports of a pot.
To act sincerely with o. a. ^(iC! Vigorous (old man). -^^j jIW*
•^ To release o. a. from obligation. For ever. \si^^
To claim, to appropriate A ,j^X^[ Pea. Bean. Lentil. _,ti' -Jt-

a. th. To select a. th. <>. To extract

a. th. To carry otf a. th. by force. To take
To get a. th. back from. ^^— by
a. th. deceit.
Refined, purified (
gold, silver). ^j«^i. To snatch a. th. away from. A y ^Jli
Salvation. Redemption. -^ End. ^5U' To become hoary (head). To .jjJ)^

Receipt. be partly green and partly diy

Purified (gold, butter), x^y^j *.i>5ili-' (plant).
Choice part. -^ Final sentence of To contend together for a ^^
a court. Discharge of an account. stealing a. th.
Medicinal extract. To cheat, to defi'aud. ,j^\
Substance of a dis- ^SifeOI Ziyi- To embezzle a. th. A—
course. Herbage partly fi*esh and ^^-dij ,jJ^
Sincerity, devotedness. ^^>Ul.j i^>U.' partly dry. Theft, embezzlement.
Rob of dates. Flying opportunity, .jJU-'^ ilii
Sincere friend. (j. pi). oLiU-'j yai* Mixture of white and black.
Pure (colour).White. Sin- ^jj^ ^ ^\^ Mulatto. Cock of mixed breed, '^^y^
cere. Free. Genuine. ^ Down-i'ight. Hoary (hair). Faded (plant). "^^i
Sincere, devoted (friend). ^i-.'- Swindler. i.r4^
Pure, unmixed. ^lioUj ^-J^ To be pure, unmixed. Ca^jU' o y^xU- -S-
The Saviour Jesus-Christ. ^/4^l -{ To be finished.
To mix, to v_j ifc Jali. J , Ckii^ i JaU.' -)^ To be saved from (dan- jk C»>ii- o —
mingle a. th. with. ger). To part from o.'s people. To
To eat noxious food (sick man). jJi.' be cleared from (the dregs). ^ To
To be delirious. j/iyT j — be free from.
To be blended Aj ? Cl»>U j liaJG-^ JJvi- To reach a. o. ^j i},\ Cs>^ o —
with. To have iatercoui'se with. To To be broken in the flesh Cai>- a y^ii-
mix (cattle). To infect a. o. (disease). (bone).
To fall upon a. o. (wolf;. To save, to fi-ee a. o. To *j i ^jAi-'

To be disordered in mind. 4,iit J J4_p.' clear a. th. To refine a. th. To ex-

To be slack (horse). Jaiiiij Jaiil tract the best of. ^ To save o.'s soul.
To be relaxed (nerve). f.'^li -^j
To depart secretly. To be intoxica
^ To be mingled. To become fat
(camel). To be disordered in mind.
ted. To be intense (darkness).
To break a compact. To divorce. ;j(ij To leap the female (camel). JaliiiJ,!^

To be displaced. To be luxated ^iu[ Flatterer, intriguer. Foolish. Jalij Jaii.'

(limV. To be removed from office. Mixture of dates.

To be .stripped of o.'s wealth. Any mixture. Mixed l>!Ai1 ^ Jai>

To be divorced for a dowry dates. Intriguer. Crooked bow.

(woman). Promiscuous Jalli^j tJliO i»>^b ~
To take the property of. s — multitude. Medley.
Divoi'ce. ^leat cooked with aro- Man of mixed race. ialU Jaii

matics. < Pell-mell. JaJL LU-j <-j -

Robe of honour received ^ The four humours of oHi^l J»!Ai1

a3 a gift. the body.

The best part of goods. ;;ii.'j
- Partner.ship. Society. xLii.

Wolf. Ogre. Gambler. Cast oft' <ii>. Confused crowd of men and i,SL>

(garment). cattle. Deceit practised in the tithe

Disorderly, immoral life. of cattle.
Shameless. Debauchee. Disorder of mind. H^'^i^
Repudiated (son). Pro- Medley. Insinua- Jal*^ Ja-ii-'

fligate. Deposed. ting man. Cmpanion. Partner. Hus-

Constant fear. Foolish. Preserved ^'ji.' band. First cousin. Friend. Neigh-
colocynth. Pickled meat. bour. Mixture of clay and straw ; of
Luxated. Loosened (limb). ^J two kinds of milk.
•^ Paralytic. Confusion. Rabble. ij^
To succeed s J^J ^*^ o w-iii' -ft- Intriguer, interfering i»iUt>j i^-^
a. 0. To take the place of. To be the man.
agent, subtitute of. Mixed food. -^ Mess. SJ^jii-j:

New fruits CaiJ liiaJJ Jir^'l cJ^ To pull off a. th. To (AiT a A^' -ft-

replace others. take off (clothes, shoes). To release

To be stupid (young '^Ji^j *s>U.'
— (a beast). To luxate (a limb),_
man). To disown, to repudiate fa son). 5 —
He has not his father's fj\ ju Ji- ,Jxi. To depose a. 0. from (office). ^ 5 —
worth. To throw off all restraint. 'ojtlit —

To be altered in ^ili!_j xs^li-j — 6^ To act profligately.

(taste, odour milk). To be corrupt

(man). To ascend a mountain.

^ To lose the mind. To become
To remain behind a. o. Caii-'
— ^ To clothe a. o. with a robe u A—
To cause a. o. to retrieve jcj J A— of honour.
(a loss : God). To divorce (o.'s wife). s ClC a ^'
To repair (clothes). ali' A — To be cast off by
— family (son).
his ^Mi' ^
To put a pole (to a Sj fi> (ii>' i

tent). To replace o.'s (father). To To be dismissed from office. To be ^'

seize a. o. fi-om behind. stripped of its .«hroud (corpse).
To be left-handed, squint- CiU.' a wiii^To snatch off a. th. A f,'^ -fy-j
eyed, foolish. To be pregnant (she- To dislocate (a limb).
camel). To divorce (o.'s wife). jf ;Ju.

To leave (luggage) *j s w^' To send forth leaves. To seed ^iil

behind. To appoint a. o. as a suc- (corn-plants).
;U ( ^Yi ) ^J^
Substitute, replacer. Compen- ^u cessor. <>• To leave an inheritance.
sation. Good sou. -^ Otf-slioot. To bring forth (a child woman). :

Foolish, silly. Water- iiJU.j ^.\i. To disobey a. o. < To fi,j s wiJu

di-awer. Spoiled (wine). transgress (a law). To forfeit o.'s

Good foi' nothing, *;!; ji word.
worthless fellow. To disagree with j s ili^Uj *U&»i —
Remaioder of a tribe. Pole in a. 0. upon ( an affair).

the hinder part of a tent. To go to (a place) duruig the J[ s —

Women. absence of a. o.

Diversity. Sleeve of a shirt. To break a promise. '«jp^i ^iU-l

Salix (egyptia, Egyptian To repair (a garment).
willo-w. A> —

-^ Other, else. To draw water for a. o. J —

Uncontrovertibly. oMi jji ^
To retrieve a loss. j. — l':\

Contrnrily to that. dli'i oSiij To send behind. To replace a. o. s —

Vicariate, caliphate. -^ Child- :lJ5U The tree has put forth s^^itljl c-Sil

birth. fruit.
Tribe deprived of her ojii-' '
» To remain behind a. o. ,jSij ^
warrioi-s. To disagree together. wiiiilj wiJQw
Road be'ween two mountains. To branch off, to be diversi- w«iS>l
Vicar. Caliph, the uJySj -uU.' fied.
supreme chief of Islam. To succeed. To replace a. o. y —
Left-handed. Squint-eyed. ,jiu1 To leave a. o. behind. To seize a. o.

Foolish. Torrent. Male sei'pent. from behind.

Delusive in his pro- ^ li-^ ^ tJ>Ui> To return repeatedly to »5WI Jl,—
mises. Province. the privy.
Bountiful ij:^ liii;j li^U; o^Ai^ To appoint a. o. as sue- fi^j s ^iiisiJ^
without losing his wealth. cessor, agent. To di-aw water. To
Encampment of a tribe. Road. i^J^ find (water) to be sweet.
Willow-plot. To substitute one for another. S — ^
Delphinium,) lark-spur jJo! Ij >Ji\iJi-^ Coming in succession ci>U-' ^ uH^
(plant). (time, people). Wrong saying. Edge
To travail (woman). zJ^'ji: < ofan axe.
To create, Aj s '«i%j (jii.' o jl> -H-
A two-headed axe. Oyi»- Cj^i 1^^
to form a. th. out of nothing. j
Behind, afterwards.
To forge (a lie). To ^U.j uli.' —
fi, Breach of promise. o>UI
polish (wood). To compose (a dis- False pi'ediction.
course). To take the measure of. Different, contra- *ii>J «j5U.l
ffiiU-'j aSj^j CSjii- o JfJ^'j CiU.' a j;l» rious.
To be even, smooth (wood). ]
Udder, or teat of a she- o^Ul ^ ^JiLj
To be jii-b , ^^j 5»jii-' o jii- j ju' camel. The shortest rib.
shabby (clothes). Two things contrasting, as shortouU.
To be fine, goodly in sJi^' o jii j
and long.
make (woman). j
Axe. ojiUJI ob^ !r >io^-" ob
To be fit, apt to a. th. Disagreement. Difference. Patch siU.
To poUsh (wood). To aroma- on clothes. Diarrhea. Succession of
tise a. th. times, plants.
To behave kindly with. Disagreement, dissent. o>^>b *^'
To wear out (a garment). Vice, blemish. Last _iU.' ;,- <iU.'
To disgrace ©.""s self. <ii-j J^\ taste of food.


used foi" making bowls. To clothe a. o. with shabby Cy S —

Galanga, aromatic oUii^vj oVsJli-'P clothes.
root. To disclose a. th. to a. o. J* —
Wild thyme. Sjl^iU-' P To be perfumed. j^
To be vacant «>U-'j I^U-' o >ii.' -W- To forge (a lie). A ji^O —
(place); empty (vessel). To be alone To assume (the temper, man- ^—
in a place. To elapse (time). ners of ).

He is free from troubles. C >^> i'j To get angry with a. o.

— ^
He is dead. He is gone. l^\^'j> ^ij ^U^ To become smooth (back of a jj^iil.
To be free from. To send a. th. ^c — horse, cloud). To become even with
To be lonely in (a place). d\j <^~ the earth (ruined house).
To apply o.'s self exclusively v-j
— It may be, it is likely that. ^ j5>i»-l
to. To keep to (a place). Creation. Creatures. People. jii.'

To f.^) Jl^j i_j

s5li-j ljA>'j syu.' o "9^ tf- Crowd.
speak in private with a. o. Constitution creation. jU. ^ siU-
To retire apart by o.'s self. *_ilj — <• C'Ountenance. Bii-th.

To devote o.'s self to an affair. *SJ — Moral character, J!Ai-1 ^ jUj jii'
To let a. or a. th. a x^i j.*' nature. Temper. Bravery. Habit.
To allow a. th. To make a. th. paii'- Religion, Anger. -if-

less. -^ To preserve a. th. if- He lost his temper.

— Moral science ethics.

iiii ^
To cease to. To discard a. th. ^ J>UV| Jit ,

^ I beseech thee [lit. May dil^i *»\ Shabby oUiij S^ r ('"• /•)
God preserve thee). (garment).
To let a. o. go. To release iLjZ. Ji.' Share of happiness. J5U-'
(a prisoner). Polish, shining. J>U.'
To leave people alone. U4^ ~ Yellow perfume, compound J^'j J>U
To quit a. th. or a. o. s jCi- fit>j of saffron.
To be lonely, (man, place). *5\it j'-^ Suitable, able to...t_, |_^j, 'Uli.' ^^ j-l>'
To clear a (place). To find (a A — Worthy of..
place) vacant. Nature. Creatures, men ^^IMi-' ^ :cLv>

To be alone with a. o. <_j _j! 5— and beasts. <>• (P/.) Female slaves.
To deprive o.'s self of. ^ — The Creator (God). 3^i jJ.'i
To get rid of, to part ^.j ^t ji-3 Praise to God thecn^ U-JI ^>1 -C«l 5jli
from a. o. or a. th. best Worker, the most Powerful
^ To retire in private with, ^— Even, smooth. Poor. More -uU-'^jjul
To retire apart with a. o. u— suitable, fitter.
To be lonely. To lead a solitary If i [ Inner part of the hoof. 'l^llij '^^
life. Interior of the palate. Smooth part
To be lonely, empty (place). J^^i of the forehead.
To a.sk an interview from. s — Smooth. Well propox'tioned. Aro-jji^i
To have a private audience of. o — matised (wine).
Lonely place. Empty space. '>U.' Genei'ous, good-natui'ed. ji^'*
Solitude. -^ Open country. Large copper o$9^ r ^^' ^
Jl> A '-^ caldron.
I am
ii^ Clj
clear from

s. p.) i:^ Ol
To choose a. th. A ^i ij
To treat a. o friendly.
^—^ 5 Ji\i,

Except, save. ^ >U' -ti-i >u Cj 51* Friend. Covert of a .(Uij ^>ii1 ^ j^,
Quite alone. gazelle. Grease of sheep.
Emptiness. Kind of heath ?«<,:>U.'{- ^^iii' P
Sluggish. Milk just drawn.

^.^ Without.
r ^ 1^
Praised. Recess, retired place. cA'^ rr »'i^

Broom. Heart free from hatred, ^%'^a Temple (amongst Druses). Solitude.
To snuftie, to speak, to sing ^iU^' -^ Privy.'

through the nose. Out of the way, apart. s^' it

Argemone, pi'ickly poppy. j>T-*h

Bee-hive. Large ship. OMi-' ^ xVi^
To be exhausted CsU^' a ?rt*i-' -^ Milch-camel. Divorced.
through fatigue or disease. To be Free, careless, 'Qi-b o^li*^ -r i^4»
corrupt (meat). To become corrupt Bachelor.
(morals). Empty. Free from. Elapsed. Jii
To speak ill of a. o. i — Bachelor. 'yi-'l ^ ('«•/•) 'j'i
Of bad morals, dis- J>uVl rrX'y-J Spinster.
solute. centuries The
dX/'-^^J *3feJI Oj^t
tS^iij iXi' a Ju.io o ->.»>' *

To die elapsed.
away (blazing). To abate (fever). To To cut off a. th. To CUT Ji-' ^ it. i

subside (anger). To faint sick per- put firewood under a cooking-pot.


son). •^ To be disheartened To cut herbs (for cattle). To s —

To be quiet and still. bridle (a horse).

To allay (the flame). To -<>•To unbridle (a horse). ^s. a —

dishearten a. o. To put (barley) in a bag. J * —

To cause a. o. to die (God). To prostrate a. o. To deceive s Jii
Dying away (fire). a. o.
Hole for covering embers. .s^iiT To abound in herbage (land).
To conceal, to hide ^ \j'^ o ^ii^ -8- To cut (herbage). i

a. th. To withhold (a testimony). To be cut (herbs).

To leaven (the dough). To keep to milk-food.
To give wine to a. o. 5 — Fresh herbs. Vegetables.
To be changed. To \y^ a _j^ Scythe.
abscond. Bag for green herbage.;:5Ai--^-^-j s>^i-.»
To be unaware of (news). To o* Nose-bag.
be ashamed at. To stink (f^^'j U* o 'j^' ^ ^ '\j

To veil o.'s face. To leaven (meat); to be altered (milk), <> To

(the dough). eat slovenly ; to glut.
To mingle with a. th. To To sweep (a house). To A Us-'

pervade a. th. To cleave to o.'s cleanse ( a well). To milk (a she-ca-
hou.se. To be near to. mel). <> To explore (a country).
To deceive a. o. in a sale. To » - To praise a. o. oy^ t_jQ —
infect a. o. (disease). The hens have been ^-W-^' !«»
^ To plot against. f\i- confined in their coop.
To abscond. To bear rancour To eat the remains of a meal, ^ti-5
To veil o.'s self. To sweep (a house). To cut *^7C\ fi>

To feel hatred against a. o. J- a. th.

To veil a. th. To take a. o. Stinking, corrupt. '^»i' j '-•'^j '^
unawares. To keep a secret). To Garden without trees.
( -^,
leaven the dough
( To brood a Hen-coop.
*ii>. ^ *^' oj 'j^

design). To give a. th. to a. 0. as a Remains of foad eaten in hope xi<^ii

gift. of heavenly recompense.
To put on a muffler Refuse of the people. oCi-j o^ti-'

(woman). Rubbish, old furniture.

Five and five, five ^ To conspire secretly J^i _,iuJ >•
together. together.
Formed of five letters (noun). ',^lii.' To be fermented ( beve- J^\
Five spans high (boy) ; five years old rage). To be leavened (dough). To
(girl). be turned into wine.
Fifty. oy'J.* Wine. Any intoxicating c^^i-j j'-^
^ Pentecost, \Vhitsunday.cru_i.i-JI j..% and fermented drink. Grapes.
Golden jubilee. Screen. Crowd. Thicket. JJ^
Hot wind of Oi-yU^^h Cri-rCkJI a Stealthily, secretly, fj^ jt^ ,

Egypt. Sirocco. Sweet wine.
Fifth. Intoxicated, giddy.
Fifteenth, Press, crowd of men.
Way of wearing a veil

Thursday. Ve.ssel for leaven. Dregs of wine.

Army composed of five parts ,_^»> : Mat of palm-trees. Yeast.
the van and rear-giiard, the main Sweet odour. "ij^j "i'jS-

body and the two wings. -^ A swine. Brovra, wine-colom'ed. 'tSj^,

Five cubits long (spear).^^ki_, u-ir*' Screen. «S«^'1j J^*i ^i' ^ j<^.
Company of men. ^ti\ ^x^' Muffler.
Pentagon. •<> Magical figure. ^ki Remains of intoxication. j\^
To scratch, a Ci.jli.'j Ct'^ o i ^ii-' « Ferment. Leavened el^^j-'j -f^
to slap (the face). bread. i>- Dough.
To cut oft' (a limb). To beat a. o. j — Wine merchant. Vintner .*j.jiiX ^j jUi
Mark h ft on the face Jij^i.' ^ ,^i-' Public-house, tavern, inri. SjV^
by scratching. Addicted to drink.
Small brook. Affected with the vapours of ji>ii-J»

Slight wound not wine.

mulcted. Fermented. White- ^^i-Jj _,iit>»

Musquitoes, gnats. headed (beast).

To ba ^ii-jlj , Cij^ii. J Cai: Sea-shell, cowi'y (
un. e'jjik'i )• j^iitJ
reduced (swelling of a wound). To take the i3 U jl s Cii' o ^ii' -fr

To render the s iioi-^j (^'^i.' o - fifth part of a. o.'s goods.

belly lank (hunger). To be the fifth to fi>j s Cii-'
— i

To be empty (sto- C^ii'a ^^'j - complete the number five. To twist

mach). To be hungry. a rope with five strands.
To dissipate (darkness of the ^\iC> To make a. th. pentagonal, * o-*^'
night). five-cornered. To amplify (verses).
To shrink from. . c — To be in the number five. To ^_^ii1
Hunger. Upland. have camels watered every fifth day.
Suffering jCd\ u^li>- Five. ^jj^>.' jt XL^
fi'om hunger. Fifteen. j '.•'..\ L' < _^ iL^'
,^i»ul CA-A^i-J C\-Aa Fifth part, a ^^-liil ^ ^4.>j ^ii-'
Empty-bellied. fifth.
They {the ca- CtC^ ^/jj Cplii: j'aij To use deceit. ^^lo-lV VLlii.' ^'Ja I

7nel.s) leave in the morning hungry To make a false pretence.

and return in the evening satiated. They are both o-Ci-'l si^ j li*
Black-bordered cloak ^SX^i.' ^ ii;*i-' closely united.
worn by men and women. Watering of camels every five ^^J^
Hollow part of the sole, ^^^ul ^ ^aiil days.

Amaranth, velvet-flower !lii,>J -if-

INIiddle of the body. ^J^l —
To guess, to A ;^j C^'
conjecture approximatively. ^ To To have a good flavour. To be alte-
think, to surmise. red (wine, milk).
To appraise a. th. roughly. jc. — To roast (meat). <t Ckii' i —

Stink. ^;.i.' To skin and roast (a kid). 5 —

Elder-tree. Cili* "^^ To put (milk) in a skin, a f u; -l' i o —
Weak (lance). oC*-' To be in anger. To growl isX-i-jjia^
Rabble, refuse of the people. ^Cjl — (stallion). To roar (sea). To magnify
Appraisement, survey. Cn^j o.'s self.

Nearly perhaps.
; cn^isSl U-j C;^i Acid, bitter. Bitter plant. Any u^.l"
Appraiser. -^ Surveyor. thornless tree. Fruit of the capparis
To thicken (milk). )«, o u^ sodata ( i\j\ ). Good or bad-flavoured
To speak, laugh or weep (wine, milk).
with a nasal sound. Flavour, taste of wine, sLii-j aL^^'
To empty (a basket) gra A Ui-' — milk.
dually. To cut (the trunk of a tree). Skinned and roasted (kid). Ja^^^iT

To take the property of. To limp Cli;^j <»'^j u^i.' a ^U' *

To bereave a. o. of reason n i'l '. (hyena).
(God). Hyena. ;^);^ ^ xi-U.
To stink (well).
To be obscure, fame- V^i-' o jii.' -{^
Nasal voice. Twang. *!is>j d» less (man). To be faint (voice)
Laugh or tears uttered through cjo-' < To forsake a. 0. (God). z —
the nose. To have a defect in the joints. j<^'
Comfort of life. To reduce a. 0. to obscu- Aj S Ji>1
Glanders in camels. rity. To make nappy cloth). To (

Snuffling, speaking 'jl 'Lli. fringe ( a carpet).

through the nose. To wander (mind). To be for-jiSjl^

Nose. Narrow of a valley. iSji saken by God (man).

Entrance of a road. INIiddle of a Ostrich feathers. Fringes of a ji^T
house. Destruction. carpet.
To snuffle. To speak indis- ^»ili.' ^ Nappy and fi"ingy carpet, cloth, ii;^'
tinctly. Mucous membrane of the slu^JljiiT
Indistinct speech. Nasal voice. Hi-^' stomach.
To cut (a tree-stock). A tii a lli-' ^ Carpet. Hidden vices, cS^'^i-^ ^ "Ci^,
To weak (foot). To CJi
be a w^i-' -S- secret habits.
be lame. To perish (man). Obscurity, want of reputation. J_^'
To cut off a. th. To weaken. ^ ,.^'1 ^ Dereliction from God.
To destroy a. o. Defect in the joints. Sincere Jii>
To become haughty. _iij friend.
Inner part of the knee. U<'dA ^ ,_^ Ostrich feathers. Vari- iX-^j *Jli»
Interstice of the ribs, fingers. cose vein.
Glanders of camels. ^rc Fringy and nappy vestment. J-^
Treacherous. oCo-' /i J oCii ji Soft food. Thick cloud.
Tall, long. Bobby. v^i^j w-'^i^ Thicket, dense trees. JJC> ?r *W*
Brand of infamy. Evil. tj\:S- Ostrich feathers. Soft, depi'essed
Haughtiness. :oUi. ground fit for culture. Velvet.
The two wings of oCjI^jJIj oSuiJI Obscuiv, reputeless. Ji>%r <y^
the nose. Nappy silk or wool fabric.^'elvet.Jii^i'
( \\\ )

Lion. "j^h VI To To fold j

scoff at. fi> s Ciii i oli -fr

Satan. (the mouth of a skin) for drinking.

Fern (plant). To be c-UJlj cJiijj c,^ b "^i a d-ii
Suckling-pig. ^ JUi' languid, flaccid, effeminate.
Any young beast. To bend a. th. To eflemi- Sj ^ .jji'

^A^j j>a^>' ^ nate a. 0. To soften the voice. •^ To

The little finger, q Pen-knlte spoil (a child).
To insult a. o. i_, iiiLo.' Ja-'*-' -i^ To be folded. -^ To be spoiled ^i^,
To sow discord between. cnJ — (child).
To subntiit to J|^_, J ^^ a ^U' -)^ Languid, c^S^ ^ oUi-^ j , ,zJiJ>j c.^
a. 0. To pray (God). unmanly, effeminate. -^ Spoiled
To be prone to evU. (child).
To constrain a, o. to a. th. Jt 5 ^ill Folds of a garment, of a ouilj oCi
(necessity). skin.
Baseness, lowness. Hermaphrodite. jui-'j oUi ^ Jii-'
Suspicion. Empty place Asphodel ( plant).
Profligate. Inducing Dagger. _,j.e.i.' ^ _,?Jij ^^- -«-

suspicion. Large knife. Alilch-cainel.

Perfidious, profligate. Old wine. Old wheat. ^jiii.' G
To turn back in To walk with the toes ,Jaii.' -H-
walking. To turn its hoof outside in turned in.
walking (camel). To strike her To surround (a place) with fi> jjui^ -^
breast (woman). a moat.
To be irritated. \ij^ i
— Moat. Ditch, sewer. jiCi' ^ jjJi.' P
To have a rib broken Uli^ a ^* To make a. 0. to swerve s JUi' •^
Cause of shame. from a resolution.
Haughty. Waterfalls of the Nile. JiUi'
Turning back its head Peak of a mountain, ij iUi-' ^ Jjiii. -ft-
(beast). Road. Liveliness Eloquent speaker. Forbearing lord.
Flax of bad quality. ^i ^ ,ji^ Generous. Gallant. Wliirlwind.
Having a bone broken ,_iii.' ^ ^iC\ Female j^i. >ij j^k' '^1 — .Ai- -ft-
(back). D Speaking through the nose. hyena. Cow. Misfortune. Abundance.
o'L..aJ^j '\l^jci-j ^j.Jc»-j ^_,.,jl:.-v^ ij-J^ "{^ Surname of Egypt.
Bupi'estes, blackbeetle. ^^ ^ To stink (meat), (jj^j a Jji-' -^


To stran- z j^'j , Ca^'j Cili.' o -^ Stinking. j^'_, Jji'

gle, to tlirottle a. o. Pride, SjJ^iO *ci'->-'^-' *jbvi»j o^j'Jr^
To put a flag half-mast S^Jji^l — •• self-conceitedness.
high. Pig {See jj^). ^ j.J^

To cover a place (mirage). jli.' fi>

To fill a vessel ). To choke a. o.

( To hold back. To hide herself ^
(sobs). To approach (the age of). (gazelle).
"^ To choke (silkwornas in their ) To delay. To keep a. 0. s ^jJo.'\j ,j-I»-

cocoons. or a. th. back.

To quarrel together To conceal ^ ^j-J^j , ^ a-**-' »
'r' J *

To be thi'ottled, a. 0. To hide a. th.

strangled. To be camous (nose). dV a ,.r4>
Carpus, wrist. j3\ The planets, the stars. ^jJo,i\

t»\:j- a'J Jy'^ "^j J^j o'^' Camous-nosed. 'Cli-' j. ^^-li^

Quinsy, diphteria , i-iUi.' Wild cow. Name of a poetess. »ujijl
( \ A • ) C»»»»"

Idiot, crack ^J^ ?r ^J Disease of the throat in horses, s^li^

brained. birds.
To be flabby (belly). G^' a o^r -^ Cord for strangling. Quarrel. ju»
To be foil of food (belly). Nai-row pass in a JiO* t iJi^
Flaccid, flabby. 'U^' ^ o^l mountain.
M"" (a'i/e given cj\:f.\'ji,^ *»l'^'j W-'S* ^ Narrow street, lane.
^0 Christians). School-master. kconitum lycodonon., ^UfeJI jiU-
fy- Plum, plum- ( un. :i^-^' ) ^;,i.' -« wolfsbane.
tree, d Nectarine, nectarine tree. Aconzfu^i pardalianches, ^^i jju
Aperture in a wall. M-'icket. o^^ kind of wolfsbane.
Anus, a Lane. Colchicum, dogsbane. ^i&Ol jjli
To walk at a quick pace. iji.' -a- Orobanches. strangle- 7X^l^\ jjG-
To incline, to bend (branch). ^ jij weed.
To prorait a. th. To come A j S — Throttled. Jj^Jj J^-ij j^'j J^^i
unexpectedly upon a. o. (fever). Asphyxia, strangulation. Ji^>l
Soft gi.'l, young oli^i-'j i>' rr
^'y^ Slender- waisted (young ^piJ-JI jj>jl
woman. man).
To disagree with jt y ijCi. — ili- -» Necklace, collar.
a. o. on. To agree on a. th.with. Stove for choking
To make a compact. ijlii silkworms.
Helmet. *>> w S'S'p- Prince. jlfeiii' Ps
Servants, followers. <^y^j '^'j '>^'
i>»-b , J* J^ a Ci-' -S-

To bellow (ox). \j\j^ o jt -ft- To hold foul talks against.

To be weak ij^i' a ^^'j Ijj^i' — To cut (a root). a Cii.' i
(man). To abate (heat).' To soften To lay many eggs (locust). To ^'
(snow). To be strengthless (sick abound with herbs (meadow).
person). To cause the loss of. To u J^l
To be weak (man). < To be hun- j^iT deceive a. 0. (fortune). To wrong
a. 0. To be long for a. o. (time).
To incline a. th. ^ ji.] Obscenity of speech. J^'
To seek to incline
interrogate a. o.
a. o. To y j\9-^[ Calamities of time.
To fall into destitu- C>»
o ^'^
^ "^
Gulf. Mouth of a river. j\yC*\ ^ j'^i-' tion.
Tract of land between two hills. Hunger. Barren land. Unwateredtj^
The best, the choice (camels). %y^ land.
Bellowing, bleating. Whizzing j\'^ To forfeit o.'s Cc^i-'j C;>> c-U- -«-

of arrows. word. To break a covenant.

Rectum. Anus of the horse. o\jj^ To pounce down it ol5>lj 06-Jlj —
Weak. Slender and oO'J* tr jl>»-' upon its prey (hawk).
fine she-camel. To experience a loss. du d>i-.5j —
Parish-priest, *^jjj^ ?r ^jj^ Gs To produce a rustling with Clj> —
vicar. its wings (eagle).
Wife ol a priest. oIj j>-' ^ tSjj^ -^ •^ To be crack-brained. p«i-'
Parish. Vicarage. :c!; 3^' -^ -^ To madden, to annoy a. o. s cj'^
Choir of a church. trjji-' Gs He glanced stealthily j/i ^5)1? cyV>
To cheat a. 0. in.^j it e'j'jXi. — j^i. -^ at me.
Treacheiy. S jjii-.* <*• To steal a. th. To keep* c»l£>lj cf^
To be unsaleable C^' o ^r^ "^ a. th. in memory.
(goods). To stink (carcass). Bold. Eating little and often. ol>i-'
J^ C ^A^ )

and sprightly man. To break a (promise). i_i j A —
To diminish a. tli. ^ f.^' -fr~ To betray a. q. ^j —
To bruise a. o. bj blows. >-> ^ To send (camels) to water *_, » ^^'
To pay (a debt). To weaken a. o. * - one by one. To lessen a. th.
To eat away (a bank torrent). : To pierce a. 0. ^i Ci.yi: o J.\i- -fr

To be secure. t-y^ with (a spear).

To diminish a. th. gradually. A— To take a. th. fi>

To sprinkle a. th. in. J —
To fear, to be cautious. To know. To diminish a. th. a J^^j J-*^
To fear, to dread a. o- or ^^ A — To be frightened. cAj^.^

a. th. House furniture. jJ^ J^Ki-j JAf Jj\i.

To fear for a. o. Jc. o^i-ij — 01(1 furniture.

To frighten, to threaten js ^ulj o^' ^ Well, so. Moreover. ^ji. Ps

a. o. To j'euder a. o. dreaded. Flank, side. J-'j^
To be dangerous, unsecure oU^ Brown, blotting-paper. J^ji^ Jjj °
(road). To have sunken eyes. Cs^' a uO'- "^
To diminish a. th. gradually. A ^i^ To adorn (a crown) with A 'u^j»^
To send (sheep) one by one. plates of gold.
Fear. Slaughter. Fighting. jl^ To make a. 0. hoary (white hair), s —
Ornamented skin. To propose a bargain to. ^\ s ^j^jQ-
Bustle, confused noise. ol^i-' To blink. u^j^j —
To become covered with leaves ^^*l
fearful. (palm-tree).
Cowardly. ol^'j ^;^' -i^j oU Leave.? of a palm-tree.u«^' ^r <^^
Leather-garment worn by collec- "iiK.^ a Palm-Sunday. i>=>i-Jl -k»-1

tors of honey. Leather-bag for Papyrus. i^i;^' y»_p.'

honey. Hot wind hot time of noon.
: >Ctf^'
More dreaful. 3'^\ Deep well.
Dangerous (road). Threatening j^^ Seller of palm-leaves. <>»l^'
(wall). Having sunken ^ji.' ^ 'Lo>.' >. ^j^'y^\
Terrible, frightful. wi-9-.> eyes.
The lion. ^i-i^JI To wade * CaUJ- ^ Ci>>.' o J»U- ^
Dangerous places. Dangers. oj ii-^ through (water). To mix ( a beve-
To be wide, broad. Cj>>-' a Jji' -S- rage). To embark in (an affaii*).
To adorn (a girl) Nvith ear- Aj 5 — To face death. y'^" ~
rings. To snatch and carry away To engage in conversation, ^j^-j J — I

a. th. To move about a sword ^XlJlj A —

To widen, to expai:d a. th. a J^i' in (the wound).
To go over (a country). ju.1 To bring (a ^j 5 J^iilj jsjU
To be far-extending, remote. oS^-' hor.se) to water. To make (a beast)
Gold earring. j^' to foi*d through (water).
One-eyed. Scabby. j_^' ^ .i5>.' ^' j;>i1 To enter in conver- c.i-v>JI J ur'jtk
Far-extending. sation (people).
To manage (the A vCij v]^i' Ju. -^ To enter into (water). A j^^jj J^^l
business) of. Ford. Pearl. ;.3^i.'
To take care of. it — Rash, go ahead. u^G*
To grant, to confer a. th. jfcj 5 J^" Ford. oCali^^j J^j}^-) J^^^ fT *^i»-^
upon a. 0. People, beasts fording.
To have many uncles. J^itj J^il Green bough. Stout CiUj^ 7 ^j^ "^
( \AT )
Treacherous, 7j'ji:j sJUj o\j* r- ^yU- To bode
deceiver. well of a. th.
Lion. Languid-eyed. o>)l c/,'^ To have or to adopt VU. J^5j J^
Surreptitious glance, hint. oi^Vl t:JU. a. o. as an uncle.
Faithless, o\'y^j *2,\i-j o^ji^j iij'yi To pay (frequent attention) to. »_, 5 —
full of treachery. To have uncles amongst. J J^^i-^i^
To be ruined iS'JAi ,
*1^' i J'ji^ -H- To engage a. o. as servant, slave, j —
(house). To be empty-bellied, hungry. Property. Servants. Lower J^i' ^ ^^^
To give no rain (stars). To give no part of the bit. a Dancer.
fire (flint). To bring forth (woman). iy^j Jjj^j sJ^b Jb»-' f '^^
To set (star). To be terror-stricken. Maternal uncle. Good token. Colours
To be uninha- 'IjI^^'j tji-'j Li-'&Jji^ of an army. Black stallion-camel.
bited (house) ; empty (place). Owner of a. th.
To be di livered (woman). i\'j^ a — Maternal aunt. -^ Step- oVU- ^ *IG.

To A j'j^:. \j j'^ \j %\^j iSy^ <^^J ~

snatch away (the whole property). Relationship of maternal uncle. :^j'^
To let an interstice in crou- tSj^ Manager. *=I>> "^J «JS* ^ '4,'j''

ching (camel); in prostrating (man). Gardener, farmer.

To hang down (bird's wings). To be Box-thorn.
fat (cattle). Manager of property.
To prepare food for a confined J j 5 — Scattered on all sides.

woman. Having many maternal

To be very fat (cattle). To fail j'jp\ uncles.
(rain, flint). To be hungry (man). To be unhealthy Cu^i' o ^Vi- -ft-

To lose the reason. «i^ I (ground).

To cross (a countiy). fi>
— Unhealthy (country) ^li. ^ <>u.
To pierce a (horse's) flanks with » — ( See ^).

a spear. To devour ( a calf : wild

beast). To betray a. o. To embezzle a. 0. To
Empty-bellied; hollow; hungry. ^ be unfaithful to (her husband wife). :

Emptiness of the belly. Gap, >\'yC To break (a compact). *—

interstice. To feel a weakening of the C'^' —
Hunger. Steady. Soft ji'j jj^ sight.
ground. Upland. Bleeding of the nose. To charge a. 0. with treachery. ^ o>i-'
Empty. Wasted. "Cj^i- j> o°^j jj^ ^ To betray a. 0. To distrust a. o.
•^Uncompact (cloth), n Mountebank. To come repeatedly to.
<f- Chaos. Abyss. Cj^S- To impaij- (a right). A C)j'ivj,^j — fi>

Depressed, low (land). xSj^ To deceive, to betray a. o. s o^[

Food given to a woman in ;;_^' To seek to deceive a. 0. s oUi.ll
childbirth. Khan, shop. Caravan- oUU^ 06- P
Out of mind. 'U>>J '^ j> yS'_^\ sary inn. Sultan of the Tartars.

Bi'other. ( Diminutive of ^1 ) -^ Landlord of an inn.j^ajG- oj 'J,Ou.j 'jji

4y Interjection of joy. Tune (in music). Square CjVAi-^ xSi. P
[opp. to JiJ\ ) ^^j 'x^ U^ ^ , i of (chess). Cook-shop.
To be disappointed (man). To be decei- Unfaithfulness.Weak-sightedness.o^
ved (hope). To become an unbeliever.
To miss, to fail in. — ^ Footed tray for serving food.
His endeavours have been iH^L ^t DLstrustful. ol^"^
frustrated. Perfidy, breach of trust *JCi
Ar )
Cassia fistula (tree). j^L jUi P I To balk, to disappoint 5 i-/u1j
Yellow gilliHower, viola alba. [fjji. P a. 0.
01(1 Turkish coin. I
Failure, disappointment.
Excellt?nt. ^>\>.j j'jj^^j ^'Jy^j i/Oji' Faint-heartedness is always :tiu.'

Goodness. Happiness. -^ Happily ; j?^' I

so much the better. Steel failing to produce fire.

Generous. Pretty fine. tim ^ j^i' I His endea- »_;lui cr t_jilir j il^Ll
Very religious. <> Mohair ( stuffj. vours have been to no avail.
Better. Ji^fX »- iJ'j_fi-J J.^ J> -'S> ' He fell in a ^. s??li s? ^i
Option. Free will. J^*\ hopeless affair.
Old man. rcJjiCi;.'! ^ jl^il. Ts To make a sound.
Free, arbitrary. Sponta- CSj,UsCl. To earn wealth. I jji i jli- -tt-

neous. May God be pro-

Elected. ^ Mayor of a village. Jcj^ pitious to thee in the aftiaii".

Zinc (metal). ^r*3^ P J* ^v^j J-'i>j «^i*J «^^ ~

To be altered (meat, C-ii^' i ,,-li -W- prefer a. 0. before.
walnut). To be dull (sale). To lie To select a. th. a—
(man). To decrease (value). To waste To give to a. 0. oj5 jl J 2^
-« *^J -^
(goods). the option between.
To be subdued reluctantly. iij^ ^Ai To overcome a. 0. in science j ^ ^'u.
To break (a pro- v_j CC-ii-'j C-ii.'
— or a. th.
mise). To act treachei'ously in. To choose a. th.To *_• y jl^i-b -^
To humble a. o. To confine a>j 5 ^iT elect a. 0. To put a. th. in store.
in prison, To diminish a. th.
-fy To ask a. th. good. •<>• To jUiJ.1.
Sorrow, grief. Fault. Mistake. ,_^' consult a wizard.
Lie. Goods. To consult God by divination. '<ii

Brush-wood. IMilk. tr-C^^'i -k ^-tS* Good ( man). jUi-b jCj* 9- -^'
Den of lions. ^i ^ *!.*>. j — Excellent. Better, the best.
Gaol, prison. cr^-^-> u-d^ He is better than dC^ j\iJ\j J^ y^
Coarse cloth yiCilj ^i^' ^ ^iii' -«- thee.
made of the worst of ilax. Ignoble The best ^^Ini-' j1 'lllJ) ^ii-j ^^ujl j;^'
man. of man, of women.
fy Coarse tent, sack ; j.\^ ^ jj^: Thank you. 6'J^ Js -t^-j ii;;^ -Iil^'iJ'
canvass. Moral or [opp. to 'Ji, ) j^ ^ j^
Sack of straw being half a ilii.' -tf- physical good. Wealth. Horses. Wel-
camel's load. fare. Virtue.
To make brocade, to embr older. j_;LJi.'a -^There is a long time since. .0,1 J^
To be in small quantity. Cali-' ^^ii ^ i Hare's ear (plant). ^\ j^^
To have one eye larger u»^ a ^jaJ>-' Lesser cardamom (small grain).!^ j^
than the other. F. Good, the best. olln* ?- e-d>-'
Trifle, small Ja^*i o^Xij u^i" Good deed.
quantity. •^ At the grace of God as ^\ ; s^ it

Having an eye larger .Li^' ^ ^_^'1 it pleases God.

than the other. Having one horn Nobility, generosity. Origin. jji
broken (ram). Appearance.
To sew up (a i^'j Qji-' LQ. «
iS. , i The best of.
Choice, option. ji^
garment). Cucumis sativus, cucumber.
To call Jl^ J,:i)j l,iii)j,=i^' i,u Thou hast the jiikiJljj j^T^k cJ'^
once only at ; to pass along quickly. option.
( ^Al )
To imagine a. th. To seem J _, Jl, To appear on (hoariness). J JaS-Jj L!*
to a. 0. ^ To be sewed up. ia!i-j

To vie in pride with a. o. 5 —

To have milk in the udder (she- j^] Thi'ead, string.
camel). The first gleam of dawn, ja^; Vl Ja^l
To be dubious to a. o. — Twilight at sunset.
^ ijS-i\ Jali-JI

To be adorned with verdure (soil).Ju.l Gossamer. Atoms seen in jh.\j Jali'

To magnify o.'s self. -^To fancy, Jti-3 the sunrays.

to imagine. Flock of Jaui'j Ja-5- J ,
oUali ^^ Ixli-'

To seem to a. o. ^cJ Jj A — ostriches swarm of locusts. ;

^ To feign. J'A-^j Needle. ^t>^J ^^>-'

To have a haughty de- Jl5>"o Ji^A^ Needlework. Art of sewing. ^^c*
portment. To be self-conceited. Tailoi", seamster. J»Cji
Huge mountain. Big camel. Banner JG;. Sebesten-plum. h^J jjb Ja^.'* °
of a Shroud. Fancy. Black
prince. Sebesten-tree. i!a!i-./i n
stallion. Owner
of a. th. Self-mag- To have one eye blue
li^' a wi-i^ -8-

nified. Caliphate. Lonely place. and the other black (horse).

Opinion. Suspicion. Bachelor. Good To come down and settle in a ^X^
manager. Horse's bit. Liberal man. plain.
Weak-bodied, weak-hearted man. To withdraw from a fight. — ^
Free from suspicion.Imaginativeman. To be shared, allotted amongst, pji —
Mole on the face spot on o'A^ -r ~"
; To make a station oliilj vJ^b jii-l
the skin. Cloud giving no vain. at Mineh (pilgrim).
Haughtiuess. Lightning. To be diversified in colour. i\'J] ,_^.j
Horses hoi'semen. J^i-'j Ju>l
; -r St?-
Declivity of a mountain. Side. _ili.'

Rue. Asafoetida {plants). Jc^-J

~ Skin of the udder.
Haughty. Jtkij j;>b du-
, ^ Jli-j JiU Knife. Den of a lion. xl^'
Self-admirer. Locusts having wings streaked oUli-'
Phantasm, spectre. iLi'l ^ J\^ of different colours. Multitude of
Human shape. Scarecrow. Opinion, men-
suspicion. Having one eye ^i ^ •'^c*^ ^*^^
Phantom. Human oVUi.' ^ iCo.' blue and the other black (horse).
shape. Men of different shape, state. oCil
Imagination, fancy. V^^ih ^fz* «S» Uterine brothers. oCil j^lj jCi-'l «^l
Horseman. PL -^ Cavalry. xJUi.' ^ jCo-' Sultan, prince. Oi)\ji-' rr olsU- T
Siren (fabulous nymph). >^^:>-' ^^y^j ''^'i %*J '^'*J ^' a JU- -ft-

Vanity, self-conceit. Jli-'j xl^'j -"^^y^ To think ol j'l A 'diWij ''*iir-'-» ^/^'j
Bird of bad omen. Jj Q.)j J-i, ^ j:i1 to imagine a. th. or that.
Green wood-pecker. Roller (bird). To thunder over ic. yiiij ^L^i j!i.'

Having moles on J^.'j Jsj-J" J^^ a. o. (cloud). To form a suspicion

the face. upon a. 0.
Pride. Opinion. To put up a J jjCi. J j:i-'_, ^L^-i ,

Jj^*--^ ?r ^^c?-'
Symptom, sign. scarecrow for (wild beasts).
^_p9&»J *Ci..«j <H:iv\J iUii^J lU^^ii *j\3e-i^ To forebode rain ^^^J Jl'^J ~
Cloud giving no raio. (cloud).
He is apt to do good. ^ji.jj jlk'J '\ To perceive good ^^i.!) a^j j!|.i_}

ULo-j i^^^j \^J^j UU^j ^c*' ^ -•'* "" symptoms in. To bode well of.

To recoil cowardly from. ^ '*1;_^> j •^To gallop; to ride on horseback. jliT

To stand on three legs (horse, ^lil ^ To manage a hoi'se well. s —
r (


pitch, to enter
r a tent. To ^
Tender stalk of a oC-U-j clijig (odour).

plant. To camp, to pitch a t_(j J J^j <_;

lent. cA't^j jr:*-'i -^^h- **;
tent (in a place).
Booth, Arbour. Awning.
-tf- To pitch (a tent). * >»^b >'>>''

Dwelling under a tent. Nomad. J^^ Nature, inborn dispo.sition. _^

Manufacturer, seller of tents, "jjo-'j — Radish. Uutanned skin. Unblea- ^u.
Place for pitching a tent. JSJ- ohed cloth. Unpolished stone. Cot-
Encampment. -^ Cobwebbed. ton-cloth, -ff- Inexpei'ienced (man).

w>i ( ^A^) c^b

(its prey wolf). To deceive a. o.

: To rim fast *tjiij S^Vli Vili «
Ribs of the breast. oOli ^ J\'i (camel). To hasten, -if- To begin to
Crow. C}i cr\ walk (child).
Nui'se. Midwife.
-tf- cC'^ ;r *il^ ^ To cover a. th. To stii* a. th. A —
To walk slowly Cuij Cs 1 oi ^ To still a. th.
(animal). To creep (reptile). To To track a. 0. aj\ j —
crawl (child). To flow (brook). To be moved. To be still. To ' *ii'|j7
•^ To throw a. th. *— be covered. To chew the cud (camel).
To pervade a. o. (poison, disease). J — To incline load ). To roll do^vu

To make (a child) to walk. 5 '^'i\ (stone). To thi'ong (crowd).

To spread (slanders about) a. 0. u — Wet nurse. Dry nurse, si^G T
To rule (a country) with justice. Soimd of the rocking of c^iTi ^ s'lili
His slanders {lit : his i'jUt c4^ a cradle. Sound of a stone falling
scorpions) crept along. into water. Dark night.
Bear. <>• Ruffian. xZ^j i_,C ^ Li
i1 To strive j C/jij Glij C'li a v^i ^
Major and J^S\ L,bi\j J^S\ o'oJI steadily in.
Minor Ursa. To urge (a beast). To s CVij C\i —
Manatee, sea-cow. J»^\ oS drive a. 0. away.
Anthyllis vulneraria, o5jl xLlzJ- a To weary a. 0. To pursue (a Aj 5 k_,1il
woundwort. journey).
From Li J(^ IJ. ^j\ Zj:> Ji, -V^' o^
Atfair. Woi'k. Habit.^jjil ^ ^Jc^j Jy:»
youth to old age. •tf- He reads conti- S't^all jl 1^ 0I iJli
She-bear. Way of acting. ;Ji nually.
Vessel for oil. Sandy t_,Gi ^ Ijij x^i The day and the night. olIJJ^I
hill. Down on the cheeks. Glass To be heavy. To be v'jli a oti -K-

bottle, a Hernia. unclean (dress).

Young calf. Down on the face. »_Ji To eat (food). To stain (a dress). fi>

Wild mint. ^Ci -^ To play (child). J^Ti -S-

Crawling. oCGS -^ xjCS ^ ^CS To be mischievous. To CalS a u«J,i -J^

Quadruped. become fat (cattle).

Testudo, besieging oGCi ^ *jiii To fill up (a vessel) Hj fi> Dili a Jib -«
machine. To squeeze (an ulcer). To anger a. 0.

Creeping. Reptile, insect. ^__ji To strangle a. o

Slanderer. Bloody wound, uj^^iij i_j^i To walk slug- JlSjVbjVli a j1S -if

Deep cavei'n. Fat. gishly. To run with short steps.

Beast of burden, hackney, ijiji ^ j||i To deceive a. 0. s J«lij, J CvUjV'6 —
mule. Reptile. -^ She-ass. Fox. dlj/i
The beast of the earth so.i(lja'yi\ jJii Jackal. Weasel, oviij Jjij JlSj JiS
to appear near the end of the world. Calamity. cy-T* t Jj^ ji
Small beast. Reptile. *?Ij^ To stay (a wall). fi> CU a >.1'i,-«-

Cucurbita, gourd. {un. sjCj) 'Ci To wash a. th. (waves). fi> j,]'^

Downy on the face. Thick- .CS j, Lil To crush a. 0. (affair). s ^»ijj

haired camel. Sea. Ocean. _
Bed of a torrent. L-t^ To delude J CIS a j1*^,Gli otsb -^
J? ( ^ AY ) ji
To reflect on the A jjjJ
I'esults of. Country abounding in bear8.:JjiJ *ja'J
To turn back one upon another }\'Si ; To i-esound (trampling). ^'jSi -fr

To be at variance. •^ To crawl (child).

To see the consequence of ^j 5 J JcJ, l. Ti'ampling of horses. iojS

a. th. To track. To turn the back Drum. v?'^.'^ f v'-^'^
to. To look back at. To variegate A ^ij , uJi ^^'i -tt-
Swarm of ( un. o'Ji ) jjj'^j Jil ^ji (cloth).
bees, hornets. Mountain. Young lo- To adorn (the ground) with fi> ^J^j —
custs. Behind. Wealth. Death. plants ( rain). To embellish a. tb.

Great wealth. ( s. pL) Ji ( un. I>.Cj5 ) Ti^jyiij rrj\i'i rr -r^L? ^

Back. Posteriors. i jG.'il TrJ.'^jS. Garment of silk. Brocade.
Hinder, latter part. Angle of a hou- Face. Preface of a book. If-^^-i^

se. End of prayer, of a month, of an He keeps his honour *5>Qi'» «J>^

affair. stainless.
To turn back (in fight). 'o^''^
Jj He disgi-aces *=?-Vi? Ji^J Jj^
Defeat (in a fight). Con- jGi ^ %yi himself.
sequence. Adversity. Sown land. The two cheeks. oV2>Ui^ll
Western part of ( opp toiXik ) "O.^ Silk-bi'ocade seller. ^dS
the sky. To stoopdown ^v^iij 9^^ — ^^i -}f

Sore, gall (of camels). jCilj^i ^ oj'i in lowering the head.

Ulcered (beast). ;^i ^ j,'^ Scorzonera, Viper's grass. yC'i ••
Loss, ruin. jG> To turn the back. \jy'ij \yi j'i -^
Channels of U'rigation. Events. jC i To become old.
Defeats. To take a. th. away. t_;

Ancient name of Wednesday .jCij jC .> To relate a. th. on the o5Aj ^ * ~
Westerly wind. jyi authority of a dead person.
Shape, manner. -n—i'^i t jyt^ To fall beyond (the »j * l^a o —
•^ Hornet, wasp. Blindman's buff butt : arrow). To wi'ite ( a book). To
(play). foUow a. o.

Mason's hammer. Sj^/^ To veer to the west (wind), ij^'i o —

Aldebaran, five stars in Taurus, o^all To elapse (day, night).
Domestic economy. JIniJI -njlc To be overtaken by west wind. j'i
Follower. Consequence. Root. jjli To be covered with Jilj i^'i , a jr,S
Going beyond the mark (arrow). sores (camel).
Last remains of a people. Elapsed To forecast a. th. To manage, 5j /b Ji
(time). to settle (an affair). To rule well
They were exterminated.^^;! j,\':,
Hinder part of the hoof. Defeat.' s^^i
^ (his subjects: prince).
To relate a tradition, To c^_S»i\ — -if-

Back spur of hawks. threaten a. o. with a punishment.

Late (prayer). \Sy''^ To exert o.'s self in. To cause J*-?'->
Late, latest time. ^^i the loss of.
Twist of thread. Disobedience. ^i To die. IjiJjSj «j:'1^

He is grossly _«jy> ^ iiuJ jijo V To oppose a. 0. 5 —

ignorant. To be exposed to west wind. To
< Trick, craft. String, SjC jSj ojGS Ps turn the back. To retreat. To be-
thi'ead. come wealthy. To set (star). To be
The Ruler (God). Counsel of a Jlxi adverse (fortune). To journey on
prince. -^ Assistant ( in a religious Wednesday. To be ended (prayer).
order). To gall (a beast saddle). : J -
To manui'e (a y^'i._, ^AJi o J^i -^
rf> ^ Infusion, diluent. J'j^ »u»

land). To improve a. th. Unlucky in the game

of arrows. jjjj>
To collect a. th. with. *j 3 !AJi — i Nuble of both parents. j\j^\j Jjliyi
the fingers. To take large raouthfuls. Lucky and unlucky.
To beat a. 0. with a stick. To befall To conceal o'self. ^^ — ^^ -^
a. 0. (misfortune). -^ To crush a. 0. To become sweet ( grapes). To be
Misfortunes have befallen J^ioi islo blunted (awl). •^ To inspissate the
him. juice of grapes.
Plague. Streamlet. Mishap. J^'i ^ jJi To conceal a. th. To mend a—
Pain in the bellj. SJu'^sj iUSj «iii (boots).
a Finger-ring. jo ^ io.i To be of a reddish brown coloui*. ^'il
Tumour. Large j;i_, jjj. ^ iiJi To send forth off-shoots (earth).
mouthful. Hole of an adze. Black. Much. ^^
Manur-j. Treacle. Bee-honey. Crowd. ^^
Bereft oi her son (mother). Honey-guide (bii'd). 'ji-U^ ?- *^i
Misfortune. Disease of the Of a reddish ^i ^ ."l:j^> ^ ^jf
belly. brown colour.
Flies. ( for oCi ) oCi -^ Seller of treacle, honey. ^Ci
To be stripped by locusts 'J. i — J.^ -J}- jNIace, club, •<>• Pin. ,,r-i>S>'^ ?r wji'^
(land). To peel a. th. To fi> Cii j o jSi *
To work a. th. A j*i eat a. th.
To swai'm with locusts (land). jf i1 Furniture of a house. Rubbish, ji^i
Small locusts. Ants. ( un. sCi ) iS.'i < Ashlar, rubble, {un. xlJi •^) jiJi
Gentle walk. Clot of earth.
Place wasted by locusts. 'J, 1^ Eaten up by locusts (land). tr-^!-^
To hit (game hunter). y_, Ui 'oi
: ^ To tan fi) \s\tj>j ^k?J '-C^ i a. fu'i -^

To pain a. 0. by striking. To j — (a skin).

drive away a. 0. To overtake a. o. To be tanned (hide). <> To be /Jjjl^

(rain ). To distress a. 0. (fever). stained.

Shght rain. ol5ij *oi Ooze, tan. -^ Stain. xiij f.bij fji
Shooters of birds. oIjoJI Tanned hide. ^a
To be obUterated (trace). ijyS o j'i -S- Tanner. ^Qj
To be exhausted by old age. To be- Tannery. Hides tSu'^ -^j , ^.1 Jii :r **JJ^
come unknown ( man). To be rusty in the ooze.
(sword). To be unclean, dirty ( clo- To "^ ^ Ji^ "^
Jjj5j jj>b
thes). To put forth dense foliage stick to a. th. ( glue). To cling to
(tree). a. 0. <>• To be enamoured of.

To prepare its nest (bii'd). j'^ <)• To be gluey, sticky. j^S

To cause a. 0. to perish. To » — To catch (birds) with bird- s joj —
cover (a sleeper) with a blanket. lime.
To wrap o.'s self in (vest- 1_, ^^ij y'Ji To stick a. th. To make a. o. Sj A jjil
ments). to stick to a. o.
To ride o.'s horse. To be caught with bird-lime. jJjG
To be erased. To be stuck.
To acquire wealth. Bii'd-lime. Glue. Mistletoe. Jy\»j ji>
Abundant (goods). jyij (5. pi.) Ji Dung. Glue. Viscous matter. 'S^
Good manager of property. Jd ji To trample. To diJij feJi , o wio -^
Unclean (garment). Numerous Ji make noise by trampling.
(soldiers). Trampling. Cadenced dance. *&ui •^

To be obscure, dai'k. C^a o >>i -H- Upper garment. Blanket.

To be sad. (^'i >>-'ij a >>;5 Lazy. Obscure (man).
Darkness. v?'^^' v-^ ?r <^'^ Perishing. Neglectful. JX/i
Friend, companion. >>^ tt <i?-'* Rusty (sword).
Impetuous torrent. ^ji ^afc To alight suddenly in the ^Ji — ji ^
To be jf'^h ^W^J ^^ o ^i -fr
neighbourhood (bird).
gloomy (day). To rain continually To make its nest on a tree (bird).J —
(sky). To advance Cliislij G,->i i %.':> -«
To remain in (a place), ^j 0^'i o — slowly (crowd).
To keep to a house to become ; fa- To be overcast (sky). ^^
miliar to a. 0. (pigeons, dog). To accoutre a. o. with weapons. 5 —
To wheedle a. o. 5 li ^ To be fully armed. r^'-^
To last (rain, fever). To have ^i1 Partridge. -^ Thrush, d Chaffinch. '^'^

rainy weather. To be dark (night). Amaranth {plant). jyy\ ^S

Shadow of oV>iij oU^^j o>>i rr o^^ Intense darkness. XsTS

the clouds. Abundant rain. Walking ^^\':>j o^>)i ^ ( s. pi.) '^\i

Gloomy, dark weather. Domes- (un. x^\».i )!^>i ^G-Sj ^ ^Ui
Domesticated animal. *i>'->-»j i^li tic fowls : cocks, hens, chickens.
Woodcock. x:\Ji\j ja'JSS ^Ui
spreading (rain). Coot (bu'dj. .(J I ^b-i
Intensely dark. ^i ^ .e.;^ ^ ^fil A fowl. Family. Cygnus *>C>^
Black. {constellation).
To lie down in a covert <>.i — A>i -ft-
Fowler. '3"}^'^

(hunter). Intensely dark r^yj^i vryrX^i s^ 3^'>

To overspi'ead i^ Sj l^i o W-i -^ (night).
(night). To spread everywhere. To Fully armed. Hedgehog, rr-^-'-^i t^,'-^'"

be full (clothes). To be thick (hair). To be amazed. To be 1^3 a j>-'i -ft-

To conceal hatred against a. o. s ^li intoxicated. To be lively (people).

To dissemble with. Wood of the plough j^'i^ j^pj J/i
To be obscure ^>ilj ^>'4> J-'^\ fixed to the share.
(night). French bean. ji-'^j j>-'ij —
To let down (a cui'tain). fi>
— Stupefied. ^s'J^'^j ^ji-'^ rr o^'^ij j>-j>
The three first J.'ij c,US ^ l^'i Inebriated.
fingers. Mouthful. Button of a shirt. Dust. Darkness. _^Coj Ji>}jJ> ?- jj>^^
Darkness, starless night, ^i ^ <^i Dense (herbage). Dust-colour.
Lurking-place of a hunter. To lie, to quack. ^Ui Jfi -ft-

Spreading over. Dai*k t* fi ^ ^li To smear (a camel) with tar. fij g —

(night). To journey through (a land).
Easy life. ^^li jju. To cover a. th. To tar (a fi jii

Darkness. ^Oi camel). To gild (a vessel). To ma-

Dissembling, hypocrisy. sla-laA nure (a land).
To fill (the belly : jj ^ iLi o ^3 -«- Manure, dung. Jui
food). To enlarge (a house). To repel Gold. Gold-wash. Jli.S
a. 0. Tar. Jr^'^J *5W-^
To conceal a. th. in the earth. J A — Quack, impost or. iUvi-ij oJC>i rr S>'^
To slap a. o. in Antichrist. JlViU rr_,»"
To be swollen (belly). ^oJl. The Tigris (river). iis^i
To become luxuriant (ground). *yS— Numerous party. xJib-i
C W* ) j^-^
To make a. o. to slip. A ja>il
Slippery (place). jaU-i ^ jai-':>j jaa.':> Short and ^ijij icioli^j . iG-'ij
Slippery place; stumbling- j»li.a^ ;5jJ» stout.
block. To repel a. o. s Caii a ^i -tt-

Slippery place. 'i^ai jJ' To drag a. th. /b G^i a i-^ii -ft-

To drive*j S jiilj ,lub^i a j>i -^ along.

away. To remove a. o. To reol a. th. along. * ja> i -M-

Angry. Foolish. Yellow j»ljS ^ j>li To roll along, a To be decli- ja>jj

date. vous (ground).
Espelled (people). Je;^ To drive to s^luj b_p-ij (^ i a>ii -tt-

To dig the sides of a >Ui a J>i -^ away, to discard a. o. To banish a. o.

well. To lie hid in the corner of a Driving away.

jJ-'^j j^\'»
tent. To conceal o.'s self. To upset a. th. To roll » ^_^i -ft-

To enter the recess j Jiilj — down a. th.

of a tent, well. To roll down. To become rj>"
To be crafty, deceitful. 5lii a J»i round.
To use deceit towards. To jf jili Rounded, globular.
circumvent a. o. Dung-ball rolled 'Mi'*^ ?r *?JL;»"^
J^'ij Js^ilj JU-ilj J^? T J*^-> Jf-^ by black beetles.
Lai'ge at bottom and narrow- oy^'^j To set (people). o-H-
mouthed well. Corner of a tent. at vai"iance.
Reservoir. To fill (a house : crowd). To *-
A broad-sided well. J^S learn (a tradition) by heart.
Palisade set up for j^ Ij^ ^ Jp-Ci To thi'ow about (the feet slaugh-^j :

scaring gazelles. tered beast).
Flabby-bellied. Calamity. iUi _^ j>i To cause evil in secret. >i34 ~
Treacherer. Short and fat. To become full of seeds ,_^ ilj —
Hunter. Jb-i (spike).
To thrust a. o. back s C>^ a ^i -^ To be affected by a whit- C~>S Si,j^i
violently. low (finger).
Dark ^^b.ij,_^'i^ ^-^^i o-^*^ "^ Spike full of seeds. lt^'^
(night). Black. Insect used ,j-i>,'i-i ?- u^^'^J lt^'^
To extend ( the * l^i a o V>i -K- as a bait.
earth : God). To di-ive along (peb- Whitlow. tj-w/i -^j tr>*l^j ur^-j'^
bles : rain). Affected by a -vvhit- ^^^'/jj^ -^j ^j>jJ^
To be spread, expanded. \S'_^'i>\ low (finger). Filled (house).
Hat- «S*^'j -^^'J i!j^^U ^^'
ji-'-LJj To thrust, to poke a. th. in. j:J.i 4-

ching-place of ostiiches in" the sand. To intrude. tr^^l "^

To spread out (a car- ^ C>i a J-'i> -fi- To agitate *^^, Ca^'^ a ^a^i -ti-

pet). the feet (slaughtered beast).

To stretch down (man). ^jj To jerk ( slaugh- j^_^. Cias^i a^>aii -tt-
She-ape. C^i tered beast ). To search the groimd

Chief of an army. with the feet.

Smoke. To decline to the C^ij Cc»p-i a —
To gild (an earring). West (sun). To slip ( foot).
Black and white garment jioi'^ P To be made void jai- oJlj Cbji S a —
kapt in a wardrobe. Gold. (argument).
Patch for uaij'ii p t/»iv*:
To refute fi> ja>. ilj ja> ij Ca_^ i a ,

widening a shirt. (an argument).

55 ( \\N )
Secret thought of man. J»^)l J:j>i To be lowered, O^i.' i/lj;,i.i a ^ ij _;iS
Interior disease. Jch'^ "1^ humbled.
Intimate thought. To humble. To abash a. o.
•^ Hdme

To stick J /b ^
y\j Ci i , a ^ 5 ^l'^]

'i -fr

Basket for dates. a (trivet) in (the ashes).

•^ Ear-wig. Dolphin (fish). ^-^ij o-*^
Entrance. Means of Trivet. ;..r->lj^ « cr^'^
beginning, prehide. To go in, J jl A >u'loJjV,»S Jii -«

Emaciated. Weak-minded. J^i-a^ to enter (a place).

Rotten (palm-ti*ee). To bring in a. or a. th. ,_,

^ Revenue, income. J-ila;^ J>-'li/" 5-.
To visit a. 0. To be introduced jp —
Special love. Ash-coloured Jiii -» before (a king).
bird. To enter in (an affair, a religion).J —
To deceive a. o. s J-^l':> < To intrude, to J Ji I jJj jX'j.7} jii
To conceal o.'s mind from. meddle in (an affair).
Deceit, craft. To y^i a Ji-ij , *?-l.!> J jl *i2p j Jii
To become altered by ui-i a ^3 -^ be attacked by an evil, in body or
smoke (food). To smoke much (fire). mind.
To be ill-natured. To be smoky. To be cori'upt (affair). To be ji'^
To be dust-coloured (plant, l:>'i o ^i unsaleable (goods).
beast). To introduce <*. 0. ftj j jii'j J^i

c^>^j o^-'-^b o*'^i -^^^'^-i '^''^ a ^'i To insert a. th.

To send up smoke). To rise
( ( smoke, To enter upon to have ; 5 Jili
dust). intercourse with. To be seized with
To fumigate a. th. <• To smoke A ^^i wonder.
(tobacco). To come apon a. 0. To go in to if-

To be fumigated. ^'j^ o.'s wife.
Millet (plant). ^'i To slip in, to enter gradually, ji IJ
Smoke. Malevolence, ill-nature. ^S ^ To beseech, to make an ^—
Unsoundness of mind, belief, origin. entreaty.
Dusky colour. Calamus aroma- tj.C-'i To ba commingled. To intrigue. ji.'|j;
ticus, incense for fumigating houses. To go in, to penetrate, jiilj JiJo'l.
Dust-coloured sparrow. oCi'ij 'CiS Unsoundness of mind. Guile, j^i
Smoke. -^ Smoking-^>.lji ^ ci^'ij o6-'i deceit. Disease. Baseness of origin.
tobacco. Dense tree.
Chimney, Hole for ^i. iji ^ x^;. )
Intention. Ju.j>j iiiij vJ-i>j jii
smoke. Thought. Way of acting.
Tobacco- ^(^'ij j^^^' -^j 'j^Vi Hive of wild bees. iLCi
nist. Income, revenue. J>i
Intensilyhot (day). oL>J Please, beseech thee.
I dllii 4-
Of a dark, dusky ^S ^ -Ui-'i ^ ^^iil Small bird. Herbs Jc*'*^ ?r J*^
colour. mixed with the roots,
Chimney, holefor iiiTJ; .^j ^'a> lu-side, interior, inward. aU.>i ^ Jili
smoke. <• Room for smoking silk- Within. ji-li J[j ji.\i jAj Jiii i
worms-eggs. From within. Inwards.
Fumlgatory censer. ^i Q.: ^ ili.' Iv* Inner part. Intention, Jilji ^ ii>li
•^ Red herrings. mind, belief. Hidden part.
Play, sport. Space of time. ii -H- Guest. Intruder. ''I^i-'i ^ Jc>^
Joking. ia^ Adventitious (word).

( \^r )

Flowing abun- jljij ^jij j^y^ ^ 3ii Watchman, sentry. oClvi^j u.'Jo3 P
dantly (milk). Lighted lamp. Wild ass.
Milch-female, yiel- jOo^^ jJS^i 'J^'^ Pilot of a ship. o^i^i
ding much milk. To be on the watch, to keep ^jCJi ^
Brisk market. S*li oj^ guard (sentry).
Spindle. Zj\ji Play, joke. oS'i »
Shining ^jj^i ^ ^3^ ij jj ij ^j 'i Blunted sword. Sharp word. Poor^ba
brightly (star). man.
Bloody (war). j/y^ Custom, wont. 0>^ij ooo
Lighted (lamp). S^^^ft (horse), ^ji To flow abundantly iji o i ji -^
Plenty of milk. S*a5 (milk). To become luxuriant (plant).
Causing milk to flow. Revolving ^jji To yield much (milk: she-camel).ij —
the spindle quickly. To stream (sweat). Ijj^i^ l3i o — i

Shedding abundant tears (eye). j\j'jjt To shine brightly (lamp). To become

Pouring a copious rain (sky). brisk (market). To be fdl of blood
Frequently, abundantly. OO-^i (vein). To become soft.
To chew a date (old man). fi> ji'/i -5^ To pour down (an abundant raia)^_, —
To scatter a. th. about. (sky). To give of (o.'s property).
Sound of drums. Elm-tree. jl^j's To recover o.'s complexion l3i a — i

Plant sought by camels. -^ Ash-tree. (after disease).

Toothless gum. j^jj^ ^ jij'i To run swiftly (horse). Oj'^ i

Abyss, whirlpool. jijS To let flow milk (she-camel). yy\

Small tray of straw. Sjjiji -<>• To draw forth (a shower of — fi>

To rush (torrent). %':>j |«ji a ]'/:> -» rain wind). To whirl (the spindle)

To glow. (fire). quickly. To move a. th. To whirl (an

To thi'ust back a. 0. To fi>j s Yji arrow upon the nail). To render
urge (a beast). To spread (a car- a. th. plentiful (God).
pet). To stream (milk). To give jozJl
To rush suddenly on a. 0. J*
~ much milk. To draw forth rain
To shine brightly (star). To u/J^ — from the clouds (wind).
have pestilential pustules (camel). Milk. Abundance of milk. Soul. ji
To repel a. 0. To flatter j %\j\'jj> Yj\i What a generous man ! lit : His »'y:> «j)

a. 0. To treat kindly. To cheat a. 0. abundance comes from God.

To lie in wait for game (hunter). \yia What a bad action'l lit May'oji ji V

To look scornfully at a. 0. it — God withhold his blessings upon

To repel 0. a. in a 'i^iSlj Yj\XJ him.
quarrel. To disagree. Pearls. (coll). y»
To rush on fiercely (torrent). Vyy:[ A pearl. < Female oljij jji 5- Sji
To spread (fire). parrot.
To dart on a. 0. ic. — MUk. Abundance of mOk. jj i ^ Sj i
To lurk for (game : hunter). J ]'j%\ Flow of milk. Blood. Whip, scourge.
Crookedness. Quarrel. Extremity .ji Flow of a cloud. Briskness ( of a
of a. th. Projecting part. market).
Pestilential tumour (on camels), 'jj \i :Milk-fever ia;ji
Unevenness, furrows, ruggedsji ^ .jS Windward. Straight path. jji
parts of a road. My house is opposite il^ii yy^ jy':>
Shining (star). isj)'/:^ « 'JJ,'i>j Ijy? thine.
PL Large stars. They have the same j^\j yy^ jc _^
Camel. Lurking-place of a SAjji :u.
a garment). -^ To give currency to. hunter. Ring for learning arrow-
To build a storied house. a ^jij — shooting, spear-thi'usting.
To To ^ji a ^j i
follow o.'s course. Means of defence. o'\yjij \jJ:

riseby degrees. To get used, ^j *j jij Cji a i^j'i -^

To keep to (the true religion). j— accustomed to.
To feed on partridges. To throw a. 0. into (a 5 sCji J. ji
^ To graduate a. th, ai ^j3 disagreable affair).

To bring a. o. by degrees to. Jl. s ^y:> To be steady (in a defeat). ^j'i

To pass one year of pregnancy ^j'^\ To train (soldiers, jj ipj o ? ^-iji
without bringing forth (she-camel). hounds) to (war, chase).
To draw up (a bucket) gently. *— To invade a Greek province <Sj>\
To insert a. th. into ; to inwTap. J A — (Moslems). To beat the drum.
^ To publish a. th. in (a paper). To be trained, inured to. o «->jJj
To come gradually to. J{ ^'/^ Large gate. Street-gate. ,J(ji ^ c_»ji
To be destroyed. <>• To be publi- ^jjj[ Drying-floor for dates. ^\ji\ ^ oji
shed. Entrance of a country, ^jj'i ^ <-jji
•To be classed, implied liTc^^j J — Mountain-pass. -^ By-street.
in a. th. Practice, training. Custom, habit.iojS
To bring a. o. gradually to. Ji^ s •^j'jzl^. Skilled (woman). Female drum- Xjj'i
To deceive a. o. To show s — mer.
forbearance to (a sinner God). : Skilful. Huntiiig (dog, hawk). i^jXi
To roll pebbles (wind). A— Very skilful (woman). jjiji
Scroll of paper (for wri- ^Ijil ^ ^'ji Experienced (man). Well vJ^'
ting). Fold. Fluent reading. trained (riding-camel). Lion.
Case for articles <fj:>^j ;r'j.»W r j'^ Submissive <^y'ji •^y'j^J ^jj^
of women, chest. (camel).
Road. Mediator. ^Ija,j ^Ijil ^ ^'/i Door-keeper Xij.Oi ^ cMS^ ^
Track of a torrent. To become mild, tractable. ^'3^ -a-
^ Drawer of a table. ^jjS ^ ^ji To be scared away. To stoop ^'y^ ^
His blood ^Oyi '^y:>j\ '^\'J^\ iii ^'i the back. To be lowly.
has been shed uselessly. Wooden oUjifIji ^c>/S}y^J ccjj'y^ P
Ladder. Step. Flight of ^^i ^ j^^i or iron rail, fence. Balustrade?
stair.?. Lion. Bitmg dog. ^.^oilj^ ^ cr'^j? *
Stair, step.Rank, oW-jij •r'ji> yr ~ ^ Bolt, bar.
dignity, office. Degree of a circle ;
To bolt (a dooi"). *a-iji -^

four minutes of time. Story, stage. To remain silent fi'om fear, ^'iy^ -fr

^ Holy orders. o^fciH oG-^i

Gradually, step ^j IaSL; _, 'i^'ji 'li-'/i Earthen kettle-drum.
by step. Kind of walk. Beating of a *fe=J ji ••

Growing (child). Spreading ^^ iS drum. Noise.

everywhere (dust). In general use Spy-glass, telescope, o^.'j'^ P^
(term). Current (article). Trilling Shop-bolt. -^jj'^ "^J -*^ ji P
of a song. At full speed, at full Ji^j'^ Te
Foot of a beast. ?rJ U^ ?r *?J '^ gallop.
Extinguished (tribe). To walk (man, CVjij ^jj^o jrj^ * i

Swift (ai'row, wind). ^_,ji lizard). To die childless. To be des-

Hardships, hopeless affairs. ,^ji troyed tribe). -^ To be in general

Kind of drum. ^3 i use; to be current (fashion).

Runner. Slanderer. Hedgehog. ^13^ To fold (a book, a ^'Ji\j ^y^j , (^ ji
^' (

To lecture a. o to Go-cart. Testudo, besieging- *>lji

teach a. th. machine.
To study under a. o. * u-jlilj ^ u-j'^ Heath-cock. [im. I4\j'i) rpj_j\yi ^ ,-0'^

To study (a book) together. u-j'^ Francolin, rail.

To be obliterated (trace). To ^jjJlj^ Hazel-hen. Quail, par- s^jJjj -r'S^
be dissipated (uews;. tridge, pheasant.
Study. Lesson. Lecture, ^j-jji ^ ^ji Religious belief. Course, ^j \jS ^ ^'Jm'
Effaced road. Folded book.
Thrashing of corn. trO'^Jt-r-j^ Roll of paper, ^j li; ^ <>-'j-^i -rJ-^
Camel's tail. oCjij trO^^ -r l^'j,^
of cloth.
Shabby clothes Road. Scroll of paper. Wrapper -*^JjJ>

Practice, exercise. of a writing. Main part.

Erased, worn out. To drive a. away.
5 (i^ji a ^-ji -S-

Learned. To be broken, decrepit. \>.'ji a rrj^:^

Student. Thrasher. To lay a vine-layer. ^3^ ^

Shabby clothes. Tail of a camel ^jji To recline on the side (man), ^jjjl. -tf-

Dry Alexandrian trefoil. Straw, clover. Loop-hole m a ^_^v ^ ^ry^'S^ <"


Bull-dog. Lion. ^j/j'^ «• cr-Uj,-* wall.

Strong-necked camel. To lose the teeth. iSjS a i_;,i -S-

The Prophet Henoch, u^j^'^i Toothless (man), iji ^ MijS ^ i^'^l

Coran-school. College, (_^j)ja> ^ I-Lja* Toil, trouble. iji Ps

university. Dregs, sediment, tartar. CJij^
School ; book studied. wj-^ To become accustomed, i_, ^jiji -{J-

Bible-school of Jews. cr-G j^ trained to.

Learned. Teacher. Shabby. i^-j,^ Calamity. Old man. Old wo-^_^iji ^
Shabby. Mad. Beaten (road), ^j^jj'jji man. Love-charm.
Dervish. Care- J^jXji> rr j-lij^ ^
-<>• To mutter. To talk nonsense. ^iSJi a
less man. Gossip, nonsense. J-k^S^
To live like a dervish. J-j'jJij j-j'/i To live comfortably. (j'/i a jj':> -ft-

To have the teeth ia/i a >>»j,i -ft- To sew up (a garment). A {j'y^ o jji,i
broken from old age (she-camel). To cram a. th.
Young of u^ljib ^3j5 vr ^y>J iJ^'y^ Luxuriant life. Seam of a j/y^ ^ jji
rats, jerboas, hedgehogs, hares. garment. Suture of the skull.
Misfortune. Jerboa. o^Oil >l Lice, nits. Jjj^l Ol2
Young cat, young rat. t/»ij^ People of a low class. Sjji .iVjl

To be black-headed and t^i & f,ji -^c Tailors. Weavers.

white-bodied (sheep) Druse. j^V^ ^ I?>3^J s?JJ^
To skin (a sheep). To j tji a pji Elm-tree. Ojj'i
bone (the joints of a sheep). To make amulets. jj'ji ft-
To be stripped (corn-crops). ^j S To disappear (trace). C.jji ^r-j^ -^
To clothe a. o. with an armovir. 5 ^'i To be effaced. To be scabby and
To clo*he (a woman, with a shift. smeared with tar (camel). To be
To strangle a. 0. To manifest a. th. worn out ( clothes ). To become ^old
To insert a. th. in. To enter * p,ji1 (book).
its second half (month). To set off To erase (a trace). fi>

in darkness (traveller). To study tj-^ij ,^\j/>j Cji o
fi> i

To put on a breast- pjilj ^"jj^j pji'l (a book).
plate. To put on a shift (woman). To thrash (wheat) on a COj^j '^'j^ ~
To be stripped of its flesh (bone).p,3ail. the floor. To wear out (clothing).
! a

horse). To make
^5 a. th. follow ano-
c \

To go forward. To be full (belly).

ther uninterruptedly. To emit ( To emerge from the (clouds: ^—
sound. To thrust (a spear) consecuti- moon).
vely. To ward off a. th. He was hindered from doing, jiij —
May ^j i)3c Vj dl-? <ul iJ>: V
iij\i> To walk by a dark night. yCi ^ji\
God not bless thee nor preserve thee! Breast-plate, ^jilj pjj^j f^O? -r f-'j?
To reach the age of reason ii'j'i] coat of iiiail.

(child). To reach maturity (fruit). Woman's shift. Small gar- f.\'j'i\ ^ —

To overtake a. o. fi>j s — ment of a gu'l.
To reach (an epoch). To obtain a. th. Whiteness of the head and :cpjij ^.j'i
To seize (a question). blackness of the thighs (in sheep,
To perceive a. tb. with (the sen- ^ — hoi'ses).
ses). To take (revenge). Night lighted by the ^'J^j ^.'Ji ^ 'U-ji
To come up together. iij\j3 moon at dawn.
To obviate a. th. To continue (a >b — Piercing through a ^S/^ ?- *c^ J?
journey). To follow a. th. closely. coat of mail (arrow).
To realise (the truth of ). Clad in armom' (man). p.jj^j f.j,li
(God) overtook him with ?ri^Jf S
— WooUen^jlju! ^ *^j^j,^ij,0^ sr *^'j^
his mercy. shift slit in the forepart.
To attain a. th. ^j%[ Black-headed and ^.ji ^ 'liji j, f,'Ji\

To rectify (a mistake). To * iljar-Ll. white-bodieu ( horse, ewe). Of a mi-

ward off a. th. <• To reuiedy (an xed race (man).
evil). Long garment of the Jews. Jpj J^
To amend (a fault) by. v_j A
— ^ Ironclads, men-of-war. <fj^ w4'G'*
To correct a. o.'s words, v^ j^p — Side, flank. Shadow. Shield. jji -fi-

Overtaking, obtention. cUsjS ^ iJji Leaf of a door window- J,j^ ^ "Sji ;

Responsibility -^ Police. shutter.

Watchmen, overseers. iijji\ ,J^t^] To di'ive a. o away. i ^jji •
Result of an action. ij)_3il ^ iiy^ To bear a large standard. ^ji -S-

Bottom of (the sea). Piece added to Large standard. Bulky lion. ^ji
a bucket-rope. Silk.
(opp. to -K^'ji ) cJ^y:>j iijh ^ <Syi To hurry on. C5Ji o Jj^ ^
Step downwards. Abyss. -^ Patrol. To soften a. o. 5 J*i
Step of descent. Hell- jU!) olTji Leather shield. Jljib Jj^ ^ <^'S^
fii"e. Degrees of hell. Sluice of a rivulet.
Catch, overtake ill^S Thyriac.Wine.(/b?' jG^,) J^^jij Jlji
Uninterrupted journey. Dog. 'ii\ji Peach (fi'uit).^ljij ^jiji -^j Jlji G

Successful, sagacious. iJiji Api'icot.

Game, tracked beast. *^j,^ Jar having a loop- Jjijja^ Jjj^ ^
Restrictive particle ii\j[xzl'^\ Sj>- shaped handle. -^ Narrow-necked
as jj rather
Vt, except.
^ , o1 J^ , o I Vl. but ;
cooler. Measure for wine.
Lower part, mat of a room, it\lji P
Sharp-minded ilj,^ j4-J To go on quickly (man). To j^'/^ -fr
Faculty of perception, iJj.lOl s>^l dance. To waddle.
intellect. To obey a. o. J —
The five senses.^,,^jl i!;Ji;jl^ovr3,l0l To drop closely (rain). iljS — 'Jji -i{-

Tenth metre of verse. iij \jci •^ He holds him j'j^h S^^- *^J^
To roll a th. a_, ^ j^/j^ ^'Ji -> liable to damages.
along. To overtake (game :
*_, 5 \Sj\jJ> iljlS
) .

C ^^'\

To roll (ship) jTjjJ ->

Silver coinweighing the ^^ (^^^ Portico, court cM^'j^tt «^j* P

eight of an ounce. Weight of one of a palace.
drachm -<> PI. Money, cash. i>r6j Cb»jij '^j^J C»Ji^J '^j^ i -»J^ "S-
Decrepit (old man). %* j^ To run vnth. short steps (hedgehog).
C'kJ?J ^''^y^J %.J/>.) ^L->'^
i ^y^ "^ To be plump, sleek (limb). C»3i a j^j'i
To know a. th. ^.y * ^Xj^j ^J,^J To fall out (teeth). To lose its teeth
To know by skill. (camel)
To delude (game). To Aj 5 CjS — To roimd the nails. a ^ji
oomb (the hair). To grow new teeth (child) yji\
To blandish a. 0. To act n si^ia> j'jC:^ Fleshy, plump. Tree.^jij j^jjij ^j\i
deceitfully towards, To take -tf- Roving by night. [m. /.) ^./Jh

care of. Hedgehog. Ugly gait. ^1*6

To acquaint a. 0. with(news).v_i 5 ^^Ji1 Hare. Hedgehog. *;\ji
To lurk for (pi'ey). To fi>j s jj%\j JjjS Toothless. Fleshy, sleek. >uji ^ ^jil
comb (the hair). Toothless. Hare. Red-leaved -Oji
Who knows ? ( Jj__'ju ^ ) lJj,^ •• plant. Plump (woman).
It may be ; perhaps. White and refined <tx}'jij j^ji -tt-

Science. Taffeta. -^ Prudence. "CVj^ floor.

Jurisprudence. aj'jjJI J^, To be dirty, oj'^b , '^ji a oj':> -S-

Iron-comb. Horn j\jj. ^ Slj^J ^'S^, soiled (clothes).

of a bidl. Iron-fork of winnowers. To defile a. or a. th. *j 5 oji^
^ Mast of a boat. -<> To be tuberculous. ojJj
To repel a. o. j 13JS o jjS -S- Dirt, filthiness. Tumour oO'*^ »r <ii3^

To time (an instrument). A oj^i Ts on the body, Tubercle.


To prelude. This lowly world oj^ >'

Desk, stall. SUsji Ps Dirty, shabby (clothes). o'jl^j oj,^
Rein, bridle. ^J^j^ Ts Di'y and withered parts ^Jljij C(j'i
A dozen. *^ji Is of bitter plants, trees.
To conceal * Jl^^j C-i o ^i -S- Barren ground. ctj,^ >i
a. th. > To feel with the hand. To Manger. Rope of a beast. o^J*^'.
spy a. 0. To insinuate a. th. Dirtiness. Fatherland. Origin.
To smear a camel with tar (in 5 — Doronicum, leopard's bane.j^jjSj Wjji
the armpits). RoUer, cylinder. '^//•^ "^
To plot, to machinate secretly i& — To come up of a jc CajS a «ji -^
against a. o. sudden to a. 0.
To conceal a. th. To A To defend, to protect a. 0. js-

Ir'^'^i u--^
thrust a. th. To disown a. 0. To meet a. 0. «*6
To be buried in the earth (th). '^J^Ji\ morosely.
To be inserted. To slip in stealthily. To exceed a. th. 1p —
To intrigue with. To bring Jl^ — The strokes of foi'tune. _,ajJ| oiAjJi
calumnies to a. 0. Noble lord. Spokesman, aj \jji ^ oj'jj;
Gropingly. Stealthily. IfJ^^, ^ foremost man of a party.
Intriguer, intrud^-r. ^Z'i ^ ^^i--i Shining star. Curved (knife). <Ajiji
Secret hatred. ^H^^ w X-)^'^ To produce round leaves _^'j'i -^
^ Underhand machination. (mallow).
The oi'igin spreads : ^Ci j]^) To become wealthy (man). V^ j^
said of the effects of atavism. To become old. To become tooth-^^^l
Erys, red venomous snake. ^-iLi less (man). To become dim (sight).

Limpid stream. Earth-worm. z^ t.i
Large^ village. jf'L.i ^ sjC-i P Spy. cr-i-?lji 9- tr>^li
Hermit's cell. Plain. Taveru. Spy, sycophant. Ba- ^'^ ^ ,_^^i
To stop (a flask). * C-^i o ^ ^i ked under the ashes (bread).
To shut (a dooi"). To sprinkle the Buried in the earth. Anointed ^^jJ
ground rain ). To lay lint on (
( with tar (camel ). Perceived by the
woimd). touch.
To smear a (camel) with i C^i i
— To grope. -^ To plot secretly.^aJ,i-«-
tar. Plain. Seat of ho- cyJli ,- c^'^ P
To be greasy (food). C-ii a ^r^i nour ;upper-end of a room. Court,
To be unclean (clothes). To ^^ council. Cushion. Ruse, craft- Suit
be dust-coloured. of clothes. Game of chess. Quire of
To put grease in (a dish). To A ^i paper. ^ Lot of things. Washing-
moisten (the ground rain). To blac- : tub. Copper-trough. Pack of cards.
ken (a child's dimple). I am the winner. J c—ifUl
To stop (a flask). A _^i1 I have game.
lost the 'U c-^foi
To eat dainties. To be defiled ^jj Bundle. HandfuL ^Ci ^"liLlS P
(clothes). Large glass-vessel.
I am free from the _yivi ^i jt ill ^Military roll. Regis- .n^uS ^ j^-'i P
affair. ter. Pattern. <> Leave, permission.
Dripping. Greasiuess of iJ^Sj ^i Minister. Digest of laws.
food. Dii't. Key of a keyboard. cnjCi ^ oVx^i P
Greasy (dish). Dirty. ^,^5 To spear a. 0. To j* i^i o ^S »

Cork, stopper. »i-lij ^U-i throw back a. th. To calk (a ship).

Greyish-black colour. Stopper <iJ;,S To nail a. tli.
of a water-skin. Corrupt (man). Oakum for calking _^Sj JLi ^ jUi
Abyssinian. t^'» y\ ships. Nail for planks.
Greasy. ^ij ^i
^ .i;j,i ^ ^i1 Skiff, ship, _^S ^ -l^-i
Du'ty, black. Bulky camel. Lion. Darnel-weed. _/-j3>
Young Bear cubs.
bees. ^^ i Proverbial troop of horses belon-
Fox. Blackness. Amaranth, anemone ging to king Naman.
(flowers). To vomit. To bestow CuJ,i a ^:-i ^
To be C-li a ^/-ij,l^i C-i -{^ generously.
stunted. To drive a. th. away. To fill (a A —
To seduce, to corrupt ? ;l»la JJi vessel). To stop (a hole).
a. 0. To ruminate (camel).
To relate the (words) of a. o. ^A— Base of the neck.
To prepare porridge. fii o'j:^^ Generous gift. Nature.
To see.
•«• Large basin. Table well dressed.
To crush, to grind. for -j^( ) ^i ^>- Strength.
To travel in (a country). J— Ruminating much.
Porridge of pounded wheat. ilxiS To overflow (tank).
•^ Measles. To be limpid (water)
Desert plain. -^ Trash, luniler.oi-i P To fill (a vessel) to over-
To be abandoned (woman, o ^i -^ flowing.
property). Silver-tray. Long road. Old J-i^
To To put aside fi>j s _^i -^
leave. man. Bull. Basin filled up. White
a. th. To dismiss (a servant). appearance of looming. Wliiteness,
Foe, enemy. ^V^,'^ Te Silver trinkets. Beauty. \^'hite bread,

( ^^A)
a. o. or a. th. Bed, mattress. ili-ji Ts
To pulverise (the A £tS a c^S ^ To give a. th. A ili'i o ^i -«-

earth) by stamping. ^ To put on new clothes. To A ^S

To feel a chill of fever. cJ-^ inaugurate a. th.

To put in stoi-e. To rob a. th. * o^il To receive a. th. * ^Jj

To brood rancour (heart). cJ-'-^ Dedication; inaugm'ation. cni-JC
To be trodden upon ic c^jJl. New (house, garment). ^i,li
Beginning of an illness. c.ti To rush into the thick i^i o Ci-i -S-

Hatred. Remain- oiiij ouil -r c^^ of a fight.

der of water. To belch. ( /or ll^ ) ^^jj •>

To waste (a water-trough). A Jii ^ Belch. ( for 'jkj ) 'J^'^j sCii -^

Wasted water-trough. j^'i> To shake (a sieve). uoj^'i fit ^

To be large, black and Ge^i a T-*i -^ To smash (glass). a (aJ,i_o Jo3 »
fine (r-ye). To repel (an orphan) ^j j ui ^i -5^

Width and blackness Sitij ?^ti roughly.

of the eyes. Isolated palm-trees. Black p,tS
Wide and black- ,^i ^ 'Uti ^ r-*i1 winged ants.
eyed. Black (night). To run at a lila^ij Xcoti pOPi -^
To smoke without blaze \'J.i a _,tS -S- heavy pace.
.(wood). To fail to produce fire (flint). To fill up (a vessel). To shake fit

To be immoral, lewd. (a measure) for filhng it.
To be spotted (face). To be ^tJl To have a tottering gait. poijj
wicked, lewd (man). Sluggish and heavy demeanour. <capi
Wickedness. Rotten- s^tij SjUSj_^i Watery summer-plants sought ^iii
ness. Lewdness. by oxen.
Wood-fl'etter. ^ci To repel a. 0. 5 ;;u3j Ci^ a w^i -^
Smoking without blaze (wood), ^i To joke with a. 0. To vex a. 0.

Worm-eaten. Harsh (man).

-<>• To joke with a. 0. To tire y ^IS
Bad. Corrupt. Lewd. ji^i ^ ^ta a. o. (child).
Generous camel-stallion. To behave affectedly with. jc ^'^
Giving no fire (flint). ^il To sport together
Colour of the elephant. Ugly J,'jj,
Joke, sport. Witticism.
colour. Foolishness. Black ant.
To tread upon, to A Cp3 a ^'i -^ Violent
Jolly, facetious.

pd'ess a. 0. To repel a. o. To disho- wind. Playing (watei^).

nour a (woman). •<> To stumble. Lively, jolly.
To pierce a. o. with a i_j 5 |_^Pij
— Excellent singer. Plaj-ful Thin-
spear. skinned youth. Fruit of the solanum.
To pierce on another. jt
^li Foolish. Weak. Lively. Tall ij^^
To be trampled upon, ^jjlj ^j^'Jj <• (horse). Black (night). Trodden
contemned. (road)
Trace, track. Beaten road. ^':, To look for a. th. t^
o-^'^ °
Even (land). Ceremony of tram- ii« Foolish. u-jr*^
pling upon dervishes. -^ Foot-print. Frog's eg^. -«-
Spear. Beaten road. ^Jj^J^J t^a/» Strong she-camel. si^^sj J-^^*
To kill a. o. ? ^^ilj C^'i , a ^^ci -{^ To rovmd with the hand (clay, jlc'i -^
To thrust a spear into. j ^/atlS wax). To rumple a. th.
To kill a. 0. (heat). » ^apil Crease. Slight indisposition. :u|ii
To be rotten (meat). ^ja&'Si To push violently Aj n lipi a c^3 -H-
^i ( s

To swarm with animalcules ^^; c^ -^ Sandy and iiaoj ^^uil ^ ^^i

(pond). rounded hillock.
Black water- ,_^liSj ^yx~»Gji> ^ ur'^Uis Hard and hot plain. -Liifri

insect. Roamer. To beat (a road). To A Cui a jti -ft-

To be light-ininded. sJUi a ,;^ i -^ Avaste(a watering-trough: camel).

What a thoughtless man i^j>1 C.
! To make (a raid).
Pahn-leaves tied together. ^I'i To start (a hor.se). s ji-'i\j —
Ill-natured. Ill-fed. o^l^j o^i Beaten (road). J^tl^j Jti
To long after j cJ^ij 'Vpi o ^*i -fi- Troop of cameLs. Shower. iitS
a. 0. To help a. o. To call out a. o. Horses treading upon the j-clji> Jli'
To pray (God). enemy.
To induce, to urge a. o. to. Jl. a
— Wren (bird). o^Jjl *2J^i >
To invite a. o. to stpJuO S^ti — 2* To rub up (a sj a ^l
a wlfS -«
dinner. skin ). To soothe an antagonist
' ).

To by a
call a. 0. k_<j A 5 — To take the newnaess out of (clo-
name. To send down (an evil) upon thes ). To rumple a. th. -^ To train
a. 0. (God). a. o.
To wish good to. J — To be foolish, insane. Qs^J.^ a cUti
To swear against, to wish evil to. u — To contend pertinaciously with.s dis-\i
To propose a riddle to a. o, ? iii ^ To practice, to exercice (a iXt\> fi>

•^ To raise a contest with a. o. profession).

To destrciy (a wall). A — To contend together in war. <D>i\'Sl

To induce a. o. to claim a 5 ^i1 Fight. -^ Pi-actice. ::fe»iijui

spurious father. Desperate antagonist. <>• Ex- dUllxi

To weep hired mourner).
( I's; perienced.
To call one another. To di'aw J.\'J; Beaten i. e. populated country. ^jl'jJi

near (enemy). To crumble down; ^ Worn out (garment).

to be cracked (wall ). -^ To be at To coax a. 0. s j£\ij >Ui i JpS -H- ,

law. To go about. To frisk (rat). s^Ipi »-

To claim a. th. »_/j A
— To be dark ( night ). To be multico-
To unite together against. je. — loured.
To answer a call. J J.j^\ FUled sack. Clothes of various ^jj.'i

To pretend that. o1 j1 liJ' — colours. Rambling at random. Vora-

To claim as a right. To ^ i Sl^ cious. Intertwisted plant. Soft and
demand a. th. beautiful youth. Darkness.Wolf.Ass.
To enter an action against. — is. Sluggish she-camel. Foot-prints.
To claim (a genealogy). Jl^ — To prop (a wall). A Ci'i a, ^':i -^
To declare o.'s name (in war). j — To hearten, to help a. 0.
To call out a. o. To *j 5 £'j11[ To be propped upon. To [s. ^%[
exact, to ask, a. th. -^ To beseech, rely upon a. 0.
to invoke a. o.
Call. Invoca- ( un. ) itil ^ 'US
ej\s.^ Pillar of a house. Column, v,**^
tions. Call for help. Prayer to God. support of an affair. Lattice of an
Invitation. arboui*.
A call. Convocation. Invitation zy-i The chief of a tribe. j,'^\ v^Ui
to a repast ; dinner-party. -^ Busi- Carpenter. Main part of a road. ^"^ 'i
ness, thing. Well supported.
Claim, assertion. Sjliij Sj'i^j S^ti White-breasted (horse), ^ilj "^ e-'i

CaU. Prayer, ^iji 4-j ol^i ^ S>^i Dim-sighted. ^ja^'^j J-^^'> "^
To be over- j ^'ilj.Cii-i a J^'i -S- Curse, imprecation.
taken by (darkness). Claim, action, tJjVpi j j\ti ^ Jj^^
To rash on. Je J^'^ law-suit.
To throng near (the water;. J^i ^'li Praying earnestly. '^i
To drink (water) hastily. ^
— F. Fore-finger. je^S
^ Darkness is setting in. CJjJI cJj-'il Point at issue. Summons, s^ilj *!til

To mix together (fighters). ^'Ijj Riddle.

Obscurity, J,J.i -^j iLx^ij xli'ij j-ii Surname of the Prophet of .dil c^'i
darkness. Dusk. the jNIoslems.
To dazzle a. o. J-^'^ -^ Adoptive son. Spurious •Ut'il ^ j^i
To be choked by Cas-'ia ^^i -S- son : claiming a false father.
(food or anger). CalHng to a religion. sVti ^ f.ti

To hurry in doing a. th. j ^t )i Muezzin. Motive. Humble. -^

To irritate a. o. To snatch 5 ^'i1 Clamours of horsemen. ^.iji ^ j^b

a. 0. (.^eath). iMotive, impulsive.
Knee-pan. Pure water.^_^lji ^ *it)S Circumstances, vicissitude3_^jbjj| J-^fi

To take in a lump. »j ;b uiS a >J^':> ^ of time.

To overcome a. o. (heat). Cares, anxieties. jluJI —
Foolish. 'Uii y\ Invitation to a repast. ^.Vjji ^ z^jji
Young of the wolf, elephant, jiii -ft- Plaintiff, claimant {at law). i/!^
Thick plumage. Easy life. ^ Attorney-general. l/.j^^ </^'
To slip in unperceived. J yd.}, Ji'i ^ 3, Claimed (property, right). ^jj>
^ To fester (wound;. ^^1 J^i Defendant {at laic). ^i. —
To be bushy (land). To glide Jp'il •^ Petition to a court. •toi.lt
in (a place). To tickle a. 0. < To bruise a ^op'i -ft-

To mar (a business). j — a. th.

To deceive, to slander a. 0. t_,
— To wound a. 0. (by words). vj » —
Confusedness, iLti Jv^Mj Jiio ^ Jt 3> Tickling. j^at'S
unsoundness of an affair. Thicket. To strangle a. 0. s t^S a cJ-'i -S-

•^ Secret hatred. To repel a. 0. To aj s \jii a ji'i -^

Bushy, secret place. jpS j^' compress (the throat of a child).
Secret hatred. Xitli To ill-feed(a child). To choke a. 0.5 —
Ivlisfortunes, ill-luck. JjVii To mix a. th. To squeeze a. 0. fi>

Bottoms of valleys. Ji-\'->J^ ^ Js-'l^^ to death.
To cause & ^'i]_,,Ci3 a^Sj >-'i ^ To break into (a house). J—
a. o. to swoon (heat, cold). To rush inconsidei'ately upon. ic —
To stop (a vessel). To crush A ^'S To be ill-tempered. To {jii a ^'i
(the nose of). put on a coat of mail.
To insert a. th. into. J fa ^'i\ To rush on. js. _,p oJlj j'J^^j I^S a —
To bridle (a horse). To blacken 5 — To be thrust back, upset ^^l
( the face : God ) ; to abash a. o. To down. To be squeezed.
glut (food). Furtive snatching. s^'i
To contract (two let- J a ^'Slj ^'i1 Charge U-« V |>ij Jt^ V j'jTi
tera) into one.' the enemy, in a body, not in ranks !
To be brown-coloured (horse). 'jJ^'iS, Reviled, contemptible. Wicked. ji.\i
Colour of the face blacker tUij v^'i -<)•Straight on. <^J-J^J <SJ-'> Ts
than the body (in beasts). Straightforwardly, directly. True.
Willingly or not. In spite of.^iS ^\j if- Walk straight on. ^j,'^^ ^l, -^
Pain in the throat. jSs.'^ Behave in a straightforward way.
To clothe a. o. with warm clo- a liil Black-nosed i;ti V >'»
thes ; to warm a. o. To give much. (horse). Snuffling
To warm o.'s self with\jlc_:ijUilj \I>J To mix a. th. To upbraid a _,i^i -ft-

(clothes, fire). a. 0.
Warmth. Produce of 'iSil ^ ''.Ji To bring (news) confusedly it /b —
camels as (fui-, milk etc). Shelter of to a. 0.

a wall. Gift. Profitable (goods). Malice, obstinacy. o_^i

Warm clothes. \\'armiug. ui'il ^ 'l»i Confused (mind). ^jSij '^jS'i
Warm (day, house. Jli -^j ••3 Sj ti i People of a low class ; scoun- J*lii
clothes). Clothed drels.
Raia between spriug aud summer .'j^^ To be dark, gloomy (day).Cii a ^i-'i ^
Summei'-provisions. *^CiS Darkness. Cloud. ili-'S

^^'arm. ^fVo j, ^Usi -^i-j • J -cl^j o'ji Ill-nature. c.l>i r S^^ - >i -fi-

Stove, hearth. ilji a To go on at '^^J '^'^

i '>-9'i -i^

Crook-backed. 'tii j. Uil leisure (camels).

Register, account-book, __;VaS ^ ^oi To hurry on. ^jijS

writing-book. To flutter, to hover "^il_,,u^;i i

^ Journal. Dayly book. l//^ _n"jS P (bird).
Letter book copy- ^ji,(>-i!l jiJ«nii
; To root out. to snatch a. th.* Csi i

book. To despatch a wounded j lilij ^i
4- Inventory-book. o6^>i3 1 ^i^i.^j'tii man.
Accountant-general. j\Vj\i'i P To come consecutively upon jlit ',Jii
Archives. vii-lrtsi P a. 0. (affairs).
To strike a. o. on the s i^'ii o ^i -fr To press, to crowd together. 'oiZuj -
breast. •<> To push a. o. To skim along the ground '^i-ci-l.

To become maggotty I^jS o jii (hawk). To be well arranged (af-

(food). To be vile, despicable. fair).
To stmk. \j'^j l^ii - To be possible! to be within J —
The world. Female slave. jlji the reach of.

The world. ^ui -^Ij _^ii -^i Side, flank. Bank of sand. ^_^i ^ 'Si
Stinking. 'Q'^j %'Jii ^ ^»ib Ji Leaf of a door.
Fie, what a stench alJ^Sij
I Tambourine, wiy^sr <^-*J
To jostle, to i Ciii ^i -^
ifc_, A side. A leaf, a shutter. Boai'd. Tj'i
push, to elbow a. o. plank, -if- Rudder.
Serew-steamer. ,_pili y^y' -^ -> Tiller of a ship. t^ljjl oj
To repel, to fi>j s CSlxHj iVji a ^ii ^ The two leaves of a door. cjCJjII
discard a. o. or a. th.-<>- To pay a. th. The two skins of a drum. The t\vo
To refute (an argument) by. ^ fii
— faces of a book.
To quit (a place). To plead on ^— Army advancing slowly. Mi- :Uli
behalf of. -^ To pay for a. o. grating nomads. Emigrants.
To lead to (way). To compsl to. — Ji^ Pouncing in skimming the o^i
To avert an evil from a. o. ^c — ground (vulture).

To deliver up a. th. to. Jj J[* — Drummer. Drum-maker. ^§i

•<>-To pay (a sum) to a. o. To flutter in skimming the ^jji -^
To put off a. 0. s tlJij r^\jA ^\i ground (bird). To hurry (man).
To avert an evil from. J'si\ ijs- — To cA'ji fyij,|syij i« a *Ji -^
To dash (ton-ent). ^^Jlj ^'jT, warm.
To straggle together. To be /ji^: To warm, to keep warm, i Uilj \li
contradictorv. (clothes, fire).

cJi ( T T ) j;^
Laurel-bay, oleandei*. Rhodo- Uij — <-To pay a. th. to one another. A ^\j2
dendi'on. To be repelled, di'iven back. To ^jjl,
To fiU up (a weU) 4» J%\j Gi J'^ «- , i
launch forth ( horse). To come all at
with earth. To conceal (ne-ws). once. To be dispelled (evil).
To bury (the dead a treasure). 3 —
; To be profuse in speech. c-iJ^-JI J —
To be buried (dead ; o^^'b o^-*' He began to sing. Ji/ —
treasure). To hasten (beast). To be To pray (God) to'avert fi, j fsJSJ-l

filled up (well). (an evil).

To escape (slave). ^Sl A push, -fy A time. A cJ'^i -^ **"*^

Burial. Fameless (man). ^':> reaction. A payment.

Latent disease breaking c^iij ^io ')S Shower. A rush, a pouring. ^Jj* ^ lii
out. Secreting (milk) before bringing ^li
Inside o<"an affair. _^VI .Ujli forth (ewe).
Buried t^'easure. Modest ^ji'^ ^ Zl^'i Propulsive force.
woman. Ravines of a valley. ^Ija
Concealed. Buried, 'Uii ^ o^i
oliilj lucking (camel). p,yi
Filled up (well). Breaking out (latent Impetus of a torrent. Rush of 5.ili

evil). people.
Pvuuniug at random (slave, camel ).oyi Channel of a torrent. ^SjJ' -, 4-^

Burial-ground. ^1jl> ^ ^jj> -^j jijJ' Means of defense. ^Cannon.^lj;: t^'-^,

Fool, insane. Sluggish [m.f.) ,j-iii ^ (f To load a cannon. ^JiJi 'iJi
woman. To fire a cannon. ^liiJI i/^i wj.^

Fool. Avaricious. Lazy (shep- ^tji Spanish crown u^ed in ^'j^ y a

herd). Egypt [about 4 sh.).

To despatch 5 ^'iij j'^'ij ,l^i o isS -Jl- Repulsed (poor man). f.llx/'

(a wounded man). To pour forth (water), uji o i jsi -S-

To be long-horned (buck). ^i] <• To vomit.

To waggle in walking (camel). To cause a. 0. to die (God), i^/j ^\ —

To continue a. th. iminterruptedly.^lCj To be poured jSlc-llj CSyij liai o —
To attain a. th. — (water); to be shed (tears).

Inclined, stooping. -l^ii ^ ji\ To have the teeth stan- Ciai a j|i

Long-necked she-camel. Great 'b« ding out (camel).

tree. Crook-beaked (eagle). To bestow a. th. profusely. A jli
To be abstruse (question).L5i oi "^ To empty ( a vessel ) all at A J^ib ~

To be small, paltry. To be fine, mi- once.

nute, To strike (clock).
-tf- To be poured forth. To jSjJIj J^-^
To break, to bruise a. th. a Csi o o'i go briskly (ass).
To knock at a door). To manifest A pouring, a rush.
( ;ii'i

a. th. -^ To tattoo (the face). To Filling a valley (stream). jii

play on (an instrument). To coin Swift. Hurrying. ^j>j ^i_, J_^i^ J\ii
(money). To send a telegram).
( Rapid walk. Fleet and ^J^^j ^^
To ring a bell. tr-SfJ'
~ generous she-camel.
To bruise a. th. fine. A 'Si\j j5i He hastened in his walk. ^-Jl ^^
•^ To refine ( hem To examine ObUque. Bent (old man). «uii ^ jsil

minutely a. th. Rapid walk.

To be minute, pai'ticular in. J j5i Rushing (water). Having the j|a>
He exacted from him ^jU-aJI j iJu teeth standing out. Walking quickly
the particulars of the account. (camel).
To examine a. th. minutely, j _^l 'Jli Tar, liquid pitch. jsi *
fji (T r )
Slanderer, Calamity. Short drawers. To give little. To give sheep to.5 *js1
Quarrel. He has given me vl>l i^^ ^i\ C«

Barren plain between two 'oj>i:> neither little nor much.

mountains. To be pounded fine. To be broken'jaj).
To penetrate j Cy'ij CJj> o ^S -fr (neck). •<> To be knocked (door).
into (a counti*y). To be far-oxtending To act minutely together. jljj
in the earth (marsh). To become thin, fine. To o-^l
To fall upon the enemy. jluJI ^iii — become hollow (moon-crescent).
To fill (a well). *- Fine, minute. Consumption. ji
To content with a mean CJi a ^'i -ft- Hectic fever. 'joJI X*
sustenance. To bear poverty impa- A ^ Performance of music. iJi
tiently. To cleave to the dust. To ^ Step by step; gently. ilJ^j xh':>
loathe milk (young camel). Minuteness. Smallness. Meanne.-s.i^i
To reduce a. o. to misery. ^>\ t6 Abstruseness.
To revile a. o. with foul word3.J|_^ J — Fine dust swept by the jSS ^ :J'i
Dust. Stripped land. Bad Indian- '\A'i wind. Pounded perfumes. Salt. Beau-
corn. ty-
Seeking, content with p.v'ili.«j ^\'z) Fine. Flour. Crumbs. •(> Powder. jGa
what is mean. Powder for the eyes. jyi
Extreme destitution. Abasement.^;} ji Slender, thin. 'h>\i <3/\ -^ j-3i
Black (poverty). Flying away. ^'jj. Abstruse (question). Man of little
Emaciated. good. Flour, -if- The small (intestine).
Vehement (hunger). ^Jil p^^j <ryii'^ Grass-hopper. jjS ^ -^
To withhold a. o. 5 >G'i o Jai -Vf Miuute, degree of a circle ; j; Gi ^ :^i
To strike a. 0. on the nose. minute of time. Ewe.
To abscond (man). y^j'i — Particular (man ) Fiour-mer- jJi
To produce bad dates (palm-tree), jlil chant. -^ Performer of music.
To be small (sheep). Pestle for pounding i-ice. *jJs
Dates of inferior quality. jSS Wooden *j|j^ ^ ^J^j 'S^j 'J^
Lateen-yard of a ship. jSjij — mallet. Pestle. Stone-hammer.
Small ewe. Jili ^ iL»Sj xisij Usi ^ Minced meat in balls. ;c53j.i

To break the teeth of.j CjS o ^ii ^ i Pounded. Consumptive. J^Ji*

To baat off. To strike a. 0. on the Fore-ai'm near the wrist. "Jldli
chest. To patter (horse). To cla- jjji »
To lose the fi'ont-teeth. CJi a ^i mour (man). <> To be exact, minute.
To overtake a. 0. (wind). u ^oJI^ To knock repeatedly. To mumble.
Embarrassment, perplexity. ^j Pattering of hoofs. Clamour. *Jjji
Having the front-teeth j^^'^i jX^ To scrutinise a. th. ^^jii <• fi,

broken. To be surfeited. To {%':> a Ji'i -fr

Hammer. Nut-ci'acker. j..;.l5i^ j(»ii Te vomit. To be verdant (field, plants).

To strike a. 0. (on j CJi o»^ "^ •^ To wound the feelings i^S a jjS
the chin). of. To tap, to touch a. o.

Chin, beard. ^i -^ ^ To bar (a door). To delay, A j!»

To open To A Vfe»i o 'Ji -S-
(a road). to detain a. 0.
destroy ( a wall). To fill up (a well). Luxuriant, iS'^^j '-^'^J »'^^J J>'^
^ To load (fire-arms). To pound, to verdant garden.
crush a. th. To level a. th. To flat- •^ \^'ooden bolt. Obstacle. ^3
ten (the earth). To cheat. To di'ink Lattice supporting a vine. ol^^i
a great deal. Slander. Opposition. Bad habit. Sjl^*?
Barter, exchange. xIaT^J J-^^ "^ To weaken a. o (illness). To » —
Weak-sighted. jii"i ^ 'liyi j. jS'i\ •> exhaust (a beast).
Disagreeable thing. J^'^ij J^'^ "4* To be ill. 'i)i

Oven-poker. jJS'i -^ To mix a. th. -^ To run a * wJ"i

To have a cold on the ^^"i — ^iJa -ft- string into trousers.
chest (horse). To press upon a. o. Ic *i)|j5

Cold on the chest of horses. pLT'i To be beaten. To be compact -iJjJi.

To pick up (mud). * >Uri i o Ji"i -^ (sand). To be depressed (hump). -^ To

To tranaple upon a. th. be loaded (gun).
To let (a beast) wallow. Even (gi'ound). Plain. iJ^i *^^
5 J^i -r

To be affected, proud. jJlG

To treat a. o. haughtily. Jc
— Flattened hill, surface.
Blackish mud. Rebellious ixS'i Flattened sand-hill. Stone-i)Ui ^ xJ'S
people. bench -^ Gun-charge.
To di'iv^ a. 0. away 5 C^i o ^i -J^ ^ Running sti"ing ( /or *&*; ) iJ'i
by striking his breast. To beat a. th. for trousers.
To insert a. th. into. j A ^'i Bench, seat. Shop. CrjTLri ^^ o^^
To butt a. 0. on the throat. *-» 2^
~ Grinder pounder. Wily.
; iifei
To repulse one another. j^\'^ Complete day. ^i^sT'-^ ^-i^i

To heap up * o^ ij Ci'i , o o^'i * Flat-backed i)^a>j ,'ili> ^ '^i ^ 'dil

(fufnitiu'e). (horse). Humpless (camel).
To be blackish. C3'i a jT^ Strong, hard worker. *-^'J^ ^ 'iJj^

Blackish colour. Sii'i fy Ramrod. Gunstick. Bodkin. *iJjL»

Shop. cjT^^ 5- iJ'^'-*

^ Colocyuth mixed with dates. dl^^oi
^V*^^ "^-^ 's^,^^
To fill up (a well). To- » j /fc iJaJ-5 -«-
Blackish. c^^V •tii'i ^ ^/"^^ run a string into trousers. To stop a
To Jl^j 2^ij j^li_, i'vi o C!i *
jc 5 crack (in a wall), a To tickle a. 0.
direct a.To indicate a. th. to a. o.
o. To become levelled (hill). iljij'1^

He showed him ji^U "^.^ Ji jWI *^^ i

dtoLf ij iliiri ^ iJlC^Sj ilj^ij dJJ'i
the way. Sandy and even land.
To js. >Ui a 'Jij ,VVSj VS d^
^^jJj , i To spur (a horse). To push 5 ^3 -^

behave boldly with a. o. To be lack- a. o.

daisical, coquettish with. To heap up CiTS ^> -ft-

What has emboldened thee 'ic <iJjS li (earth).

against me. To be heaped up. CJ'i a ^>
To cocker a child. To blandish i jj'i To grow forth plants (soil). ^^fil
a. o. To relapse ( for ^jjsci;\ ) ^^-Slo\ -^

To put up a. th. to auction. je — (sick person).

To pounce upon its prey (fal- jp J3»1 Crowd. •i~^^
con). To overpower a. o. Of bad omen. ^r^*
To behave boldly, famili- _o^ J» "~ Sleepiness. ^r^^^
arly tov ards. Relapse (in a ^lTJIj XlJ'i •
To rely upon. o— disease).
To be dil-ected. To be poured ijlxji Numerous flock. '\-^-6%ji

(water). Very ^S^j ,j^~?J ^j^l'^i ^'/^

To ask indications about. it JjcJ,| numerous. Hard, difficult. Unmana-
To infer a. th. from.^ '-'
~ nageable.
Boldness, coque- jSa7j Jvij :^l3j 'Si To barter, to Jj A jS\i - Si <•

try, unrestraint. 1 exchange a. th.

Fat. «n)Jj5j tJ':* tt i'j'^i y^'> Good manners. Mind, heart. 'Si

To conceal the defects ^':i — ^i -tt- Salary and craft of a Hs'ij iiVi
of goods (seller). To lean on apocry- broker. Bidding by auction.
phal authority. Broker. Auctioneer. JVi
To cheat. To wrong a. o. 5 ^^i Indication, a'ilj jJVi ^ <M?-> *'X'*
To become green at the end of ^Vi sign. Proof. Prognostic, symptom of
summer (plant, land). a disease; inference.
To conceal o'self. To ^J^)j ,^^' Guide, direction. Pilot. 'Vil ^ JJ 3
graze. Self-confident. l}jJ^

To eat a. th. little by little. fi>

- To swing the arms fi> Joji ••j Jaii -ft-

Deceit. ,_^i in walking. To dangle a. th.

Darkness. ilj'ij ^i To dangle, to swing. JaJju -(f-j JjJJj
Land, plant becoming ^^vil ^ — Hedgehog. Jjji
green at the end of summer. Wavering. Motion, bustle. Jljji
Spain, Andalousia. ^iJVi i^ Plane-tree. Race of negroes. ^S -fr

Spaniard. '^^J'ajI Unextinguished coal. »^! li

To throw a. th. JJ'^ a Water-wheel. ^Jlji ^ v'^jij v'^ji P


To glisten. Ca-)i o^Ji -«- .^ Cup-board.Trick, craft. Workshop.

To be polished (armour), ta'ih a ^y:> .\ny rotary machine.

To be worn out (incisor). Grove of plane-trees. '0'Sj>

To smooth a. th. To furbish /t ^S Gladiolus, corn-flag o,iJi — dJi -fr

(an armour). To scatter (pebbles). plant). (

To pluck (the hair of the forehead). To walk with short v'i..Ji c..Ji "^ i

To drop fi'OHi the hands, to a^'-i^i steps.

slip out. To rush towards. J,\ cS'-^
Even ground. ^Vi ^ l^l'^j ^':> To cover to wrap a. th. in. cJSl. ; fit

Smooth, glossy. ^j^^ ^>j u^i^ To burst into high words jt cX^'\
Smooth. Shiny (star). Polished ^Vi against.
(armour). Swift-walking. ^ij ^i ^ oVi
Even (ground). Shiny (stone). ^^'^ Battle-fields. ci'^'
Wabbling. ^'^:, To carry water to a vVj.] 5 i ^pJi -^
Hairless. Worn out 'l.i3ij> ^ ^J'il tank. To carry milk.
(tooth). To set forward at night-fall. ^Si\
Shining. u^luij ^>S To begin a journey before day- ^St.
To push 2< GiVi .feJlij ,Ck]i Jib -«- i
a. 0. on the breast. Journey undertaken at day-ioj'ij SajS
To dash (waves). Jaljij\ break. Portion of the night.
To hurry forward. To become iaiJil, Swarm of locusts. oWi
fat, thick. Underground. Lair of xiSj^z-j ^^Jji

Hardy wrestler. JiJi

To loll out (wolf). A ^)% , Cii a ;Ji -« Intrigue, plotting.
To loll ,!Slj ^' jJlj , Cj_^ij CJi a ^i'i Hedgehog.
(tongue). To walk sluggishly
•^To cockei:, to pet (a child). 2 ^i under a bui'den.
To be drawn (sword). To be big ^jj\ To carry together (a burden) * ^JlJ7
and flabby (belly). -^ To be cockered on a stick.
Idiotic fellow. ^)|S ji>1 Giving much rain (cloud).
Broad, even road.
K;vi ji To be fat. &Ji a ?^i -^
( T'-X ) dU;
Experienced. »iOi ^ — Outstripping camels (she-camel), ^.^i
Momentous affair. <iu5^ f ^^V^ Lark (bird). pjJla-^
Foot-rasp. Rubbing- *&*JJi^j di)a> Sea-shell. Water-melon. ^vi
stone. Clay, potter's earth. iJuJi -^
"Worn out. Intruded upon. Weakii^'jj CCJi>j C»J>j GjJ'ij CiJij liJi i ^i -fr

in the knees (camel). <>• Glossy. To walk heavily. To move on slowly

To be intensely .'^viij , (ji a ^,i -S- (ai'my).
black. To hang (lip). To ooze through (water), ^ilj —

Wood pigeons. ( un. X^'^ ) ^S •• He spoke to him harshly. J^ iJ ^!i1 I

To be black-coloured. To be ^vil. To advance towards. Ji^ ^'Ji

obscui'e ( night). To be poured upon. u _ijjj|.

Elephant. ^Ji Courageous. -^ Oozing, chink. ^^
Black. RIack colour. ^V3 Walking wiij w^i ^ ^,6
Very black. Black j'i ^ 'Q>i j, Jil Broken by age. Arrow glancing off
dye. iiang-lipped. Lion. Heath-cock. short of the mark.
Male sand-grouse. Swift eagle. Fat camel. Ji':, ^ j_^i

The last night of a lunar month. -ija)! Fruitful palm-tree.

Tribe of Kurdes, of Turks. Mis- ^Vi Dolphin-fish. oj^Vi ^ crtiii" -G
fortune. Foes. Cluster of ants. To unsheathe (a ^ jJilj ,v'5)j> o Jii *
To take a large mouthful. ^':> ^ sword). To open (a door) abruptly.
To agree upon, to decide u jiJaj (f- To pour (a liquid).

a. th. To make a raid upon. s Csji'i o jJi \s.

The devil. Glistening j^Vi ^ ^Vi To slip forth jJIajIj ,CiJ':> o jJi
(man). Clever (guide). (sword). To rush successively.
To be intensely dark (night). ,_^il. ^ To pour forth (torrent). jiajlj ^^jJ
Intense darkness. ij~'^'^i ^-''* To slip out (sword). To fall back ^j.\
Calamity. (door). To be launched (horseman).
Misfortune. ^j^> To draw (the sword). it j1liL:i.

Shining (gold) ;
glistening. ^>V'i « Weasel, ichneumon. jJ3 P
To be jG7j (a^Sj i^'ii (^i a '*3^i Ash-tree. jVi y -^
absent-minded by love. To be be- Slipping forth jli ^ jji'^j ^Sj j)ji
wildered. (sword). Rushing ( horsemen, tor-
To be diverted fi'om. jt Ji rent;.
To bewilder a. o. (love). a Ji Now, pi-esent-( for c^'ji\ li*' ) cJ'Ji o
Weak-minded. X^ lij j la
Uselessly, to no avail. QJS To rub a. th. with ^A (UJi o iUi -J^

Speechless, confounded. Absent- JjjJ the hand. -^ To polish a. th.

minded (lover). To break, to train a. o. (time, s —
To be intensely dark J^'i\— ^i -^ To anoint o.'s self with.
(night).To become old (man). To wrong a. o. (of his due). S —
Dark. Absent-minded. Wolf. ^i To decline to set (sun).
; Ci=jJi —
Male sand-grouse. To put off (a creditor). s dJii
Intensely dark. '^-^^ To rub o.'s self in a bath, d^jj
To let down ; to A jjij , i^i o Vi -ft- To perfume o.'s self with, jj—
di'aw up (a bucket). Weakening of the knees. ,iJS
To treat a. o kindly. To urge •& vi Depilatory paste ; ointment. iJ^i
(a camel) gently. Dust swept off, Food of fresh .iUi
To ask the intercession Jl. o>^ij — and sour milk. Fruit of the sweet-
of a. o. to. brier.
To be mild (temper). To let down a. th. with.
iJOii o cJ^i -« !

To be even and soft To delude a. 0.

\xl>'i a c.»i I

(ground), To blandish a. 0. I

if- To soften the manners. j>U.Vl c^i To let down (a bucket). ,

To soften and smooth (a bed), a c^i To backbite a. 0.

J * — To offer a bribe to (a judge).' j|_ ^ —

To mention (a tradition) to. i

Meekness. xJui To afford an ai'gument. t^^^.

To ally by marriage with. **!? —
Soft and sandy land. Meek (man). To hang (fruit, bucket). jj;
To be ^
Sb r-'^'b '^^i 71^ 3 -^
To come down to a. o. from. 5 Jp —

inserted fast. To get down from a horse. j^\ ^
To b8 in good state (affair). To ^j.^ He gave himself up to evil. ^)1 it Jjc
hurry to its hole (rat). To hurry on. Jp^'
^ To set a. th. aright. fn ^.i3 Bucket. Aquarius dij 'Vij Jil yr )>'>
To insert a. th. * r-*^ {Zodiacal sign). Misfortune. Bi'and
To agree with a. 0. upon. u. 5 r-»li of camels.
To wrap a. th. in (o.'s clothes), j ^Jiil Small bucket. J'ij Cj\^i ^ SV3

To correct (speech). To render — Watch-chain, trinket. fit tyi}, a

(a horse) slender. To plait (the Black grapes. Jii
locks). To twist (a rope). Water-wheel. Field wa- Jlji ^ :a 6
To wrap o.'s self in clothes. ,rj>'^ tered by a water-wheel -^ Grape-vine.
To league together against, r-»ljj •^ Clematis, virgin's
ic- 'li^J, *3 |i
Plait of hair. ^ii bower.
Dark (night). ^.^13 To be perplexed. j'i a J.i -fi-

Clandestine ; fiiMi (peace). ^uSj ^lii To be near to. ^ Jx

Rounded (spear-head). Arrow -^sjsjo! To submit to. J—
of a game. To smear a. th with. l_i C»i ''^a -S-

•<>• Demi-john. oCUt^li ^ <-V-;li ^s To whitewash (a house). To tar ^ —

To stoop the head. A ^Ji — rr.in -8- (a ship). To level (the ground). To
To be high. (i,o a :i-.^3 -S- stop up (a hole).
To break (the head). fii
— To torment a. o. To break (the » —
To pe- 'ij\A'ij ijV*3>j 'j>*'i ^S -)^
head). To exterminate ( a tribe).
rish. To be ruined. To be foul, vile. 'sM'i o >a i

-To intrude, to break upon, u b>»i — To anoint (the eyes) with a ^'^j
To destroy (people). itj 5 _^a collyi'ium.
To burn hair in his hut (hunter). J^ i To behave badly. To have a -y^]
To spend (the night) awake. * ji>\'i foul son. To be ugly.
To grumble js. ( /or j% j5 )_,la7 < Liniment, coUyrium. j>(»:>j v9j '>*^

Flood-season of the Nile. ejjti ° Hole of a jerboa.
Palmyre, town of Syria. y,^Ji Dung. Louse. Cat. Ant. . iSi
Some one. 'Sj'i^ "> '^y^ Ugly and short. ^C>i ^ ^^i
A small ear. '
ZjyJafo'i'i Broad desert. ,^bi ^ *>*>i-iij ^>ii^
To be intense. To i^yi i o ^^i -ft- Hoe-rake. Xam
be obscure (night), Red. Loaded with fat. ^>'J^
To defile o.'s self. cr-^->JJ C-^ji a ,j-f^> To mumble. To snarl (beast). ^j^i
To cover, to
conceal a. th
J & ^ ij , U-*i — To rumble (thunder). To hum.
To speak in anger to a. o. je ^aii -S-

To conceal (a secret) fi-om To crush, to detroy a. o.

(T-A )
Full to overflowing. c-U^i To bury a. o. alive or dead.^^jVl Ji' —
Lachrymal glands. Tears.^^^iji <> To kill a. o. secretly ^ j_^i
^ /JJii

To damage the s Ci»S a o v^ "^ To hide a. th. A^^'i

braJQ (blow, sun). To anoint o.'s self. ^jj
To overcome a. o. To prevail A— To enter a cavern. ^^{
upon (error truth).

Object, person seen from afar. ^ i
•^ To brand (a beast). To fi>j s Important business. ^i
stamp a. th. To disgrace a. o. Covered, concealed. cr-i*^J a^^
To put grease (in food). fit f3'i Obscure, dark (night), ^j-yi^j ^^li
To constrain a. o. to. Jl. 5 ^jil Hunter's hut. o-i''^^ t u-y^'^
To enter (a place). To swallow fi>
— Secret^liJij ,_,^C»ij ^i^^Qi ?r crCd'i
(food). place > Underground, catacombs.
^ Brand. Stamp, seal. :Uo Ts Gaol.
•^ Stamped paper. li^S Jjj Ainbrosia. hog-weed. <1jl_o
Wound reaching the brain. *i»6 General of j^C>i ^ jil-'i L
Spadix of a palm-tree coming forth. 2/1 Ihe Greek Empire.
•^ Irrefutable argument. tiAi *k>- To fret fi'om excessive Q.^ i a ^d^i -^
Brain, skuU. a/s,] ^ ^.u^ heat.
Meninges, pia mater, ^Cio)! 'j>\ To despatch a. th. quickly, a j1-»3> -ff

To intrude jc. j^aJb Csy^i , o jo -f5- To train,

•4>- to break a. o. s —
upon a. 0. Speedy, light-handed. oi^l J^'^'^
To break the teeth. To steal a. th.4> — Damascus. 3^'^^J J^r'
To insert j A jf':^j j^ij (i/'i o i — ,
Damasonium. bastard hel- "ClL^i ^
a. th. into. lebore.
To sprinkle (dough) with fiour. A ji':, To hasten in a. th. J Ca^i Oj_.«^i -^
^ It drizzles.
J^k 'U-.^' ciii To bi-ing forth before tei'm.
Snow-storm. jJi P To hatch (her eggs hen). ^j — : fi>

Hateful. J^^j J^l^ To have the hair shaven Cj^i a ^j^t'^

Entrance, way in. off. To have eyebrows thin at the
Raw silk. White ^rl^^^J a^,^ * end and thick in the middle.
siik-cloth. Range of stones in a wall. ^/>i
To run quickly CJ>ii o tilli -^ Scanty-haired. cr^'"^^
(hare). To h?, even, smooth. To shed Ci» i a ^^ 3j Cu>i a -fr v^
To grind, (wheat). To twisty \ig^i — tears (eyes). To issue blood (wound).
(a rope ).-<> To compact a. th. To shed a fine rain (cloud).

To rise in the .sky (sun). '^\ j — To fill up a. th. to overflowing, fi ^il

Misfortune. dl»lj^ t Xfc^li Tears. ;^i1j ^.yi ^ ;Ji
Quick. Great. ^J>i ^ 6yi A tear, -if- A drop. x'Si
Rolling-pin. dt^ln^ Wine. ^S^^il zi«i
Mason's level. Row dl^^ljui ^ i)lilL» Hard, shining seeds of a ^jii ^i
of stones. medicinal plant.
To manure A 0!>Uij !Ao o J>^i -S- Coix-lachryma. Job's tears. 4_,j;1 ;i;5
(a land). Ready to shed ^;,C»ij JLii ^ ;^^.> *«*^
To improve a. th. To heal A ^A^-S — tears (woman).
(a tumour). Issuing blood (wound). llAi
To make peace between, oy S'f^i ~ Liquor oozing from the vine. ^Ui
To be healed J/jJIj "^'^ a y)> ,
Tears of old age or disease.
(wound). Tearful (eye. man). ^y'^j f-^''^
To act gently with. 5 j;:b Rainy. Dewy. ^Cti
To shed the blood of. j
To be manured (land). j^j;
Treat ilJ ^S U iX^_J. ^ ,^J^l To reconcile together. Ji\'JJ
thy debtor kindly. Gentleness. j^^

Blood. V.^J '^^ 'r oCyiij imposthume.

Manure, dung. Rotten and black JC»i
Andemonx di-agon's blood; red juice dates. Scum of the .sea.
of several trees. To work ^ f>>toj ^Jo 5rtU"i -tt-

^ Red cotton-cloth. a. th well. To round a. th.

Bloodstone, hematite
He is the slayer of Armlet, bracelet. Smooth stone.
such a person. Smooth (hoof, jL^j/Jj jJ>'ij J^'i> *
Bleeding. stone).
Poor. Cupid. Sort of truffle. J>U*'i
Bloody. Sanguineous. To round, to smooth a. th. ^ titL«"i {{-

Statue of red marble ov RouFided black stone. dii/^lxij iij]^':»

ivoi-y ; figure. Idol. To manure (a field). ^ il^i o ^i -ff

Happiness, blessing. To brood hatred against, it il^i a j/i
"• >.
Hectic fever. *'..
To become rotten and black ^li
Bloody arrow. Gilded bay(horse). J'jJ- (palm-tree).
Stooping when bleeding from y. i^',» To stale in (a place cattle). Sjfi> —

the no.se. Kind to a debtor. To grant a. th. to a. 0.

To buzz (insect). Jh .^"^ o 'oi ^ To cleave to the door of. a ^j^^'^j —
To mutter, to mumble. Cjui oi To be addicted, accusto- \s.j A j>'il

To be cx'ook-backed (man). CJi a oi med to.

To be short in the forelegs (horse). To be defiled with dung (place, ^am
To stay in (a place). o oil water). <>- To become oa'lous.
Buzzing. Mutter. ^;i Verdure gro- j^jil zyai-'j ^^Ji\ 'l^iil
Earthen jar with a tape- oCi ^ oi wing manure said
in ; of a beautiful
ring bottom. woman of bad origin.
Depression of the back, neck. jTi Rottenness of a palm-tree. ol>i1j ^'i
Tapering cap of judges. :cj':> Dung. Manure. oC«ij ^i
Crook-backed (man), 'o'i ^ "Ci ^ oil Manager of property. JC. *:i^j>j ^i
Short-legged (horse). Low-roofed. Heap of manure. ^ij ^i ^ ZL^i
To dangle, to hang doNvn. J^'jj'i < Traces of encampment. Duug-heap.
?^ecklace ; frog, tassel. jioJi <> Deei>rooted hatred.
To buzz (wasp). To mutter, o^'i -^ Rudder, tiller. oC-i Te
•<To hum (man). Blister, callosity, corn. oV»i
Mutter. Black and rotten plant, o^ii Plants becoming green after oC»i1
To be mean.'sjViSj 's»^S o 'Jh atSa -» summer. Canker of palm-ti'ees.
To be crook-backed. \}i a 'iii To be burning hot (sand).QjS a *o -J^

To ride a jade. uil To become boiling hot. To <»^'il

To render a. o. vile. A Ui fall swoon.
in a
To incite a. o. to foul deeds. s \|j; To bleed.To be L/:>j C^i a ^/'i -S-

Baseness. "Weakness. S^jSj ;sOS stained with blood.

Ignoble. Cowardly. -Oilj MUi ;^ 'j> To make (a wound) to bleed. fi>Si
"Vice, defect. ;li;S To near a. th. to.
Hump-backed. Vile. lii'i^ 'uil To open the way to. J—
Dwarf, short. xj^^j xSij >J^ -«- To make a. o. to bleed. s Ji\
y^ ( TN» )

To wane from grief or illness. To j'i To strengthen a. th. fi> &.Ci o ?Ji -{^

sink (eye). To near its setting (sun). Intelligent men, [pi.) ^'S
To examine a. th. minutely. * — To stoop the ^Jij G>.^i , inJi -ft-

To gaze at. Jl~ head to humble o.'s self.


Darnel-grass. **i Feast of the Epiphany. ^i S

Foolish. Thief. Lean. jjiS To walk heavily. v'JU-Ji arJi -S-

Weight JsiliSj JiljS r; J^'i^J Ji>'i P.

To humble o'self to stoop the
; ^'^
of two carob-gi'ains. Sixth part of head. To remain at home.
a dirhem; small silver coin. Ice-cream. X^jUS Ts
Iguoble, unhospitable. jjj ^ j^;i To hang down, to dangle. JjJi -fy-

^ Bitter cold. Croton variegatum (tree). JjJS

To look askew. cr^^ "^ To glisten (face). j*j —ji-^
To sow discord between. ov — To strike (money). fi>J»
To keep at home mindless ^_^feji -Vc To be rich. y'i
of o.'si family. > To raise the head Old gold coin. j^'^ j -yS''^ tt J"^^^
conceitedly. Gold-finch (bird). Sjy^ •
Axle-tree of a wheel, jfui ^ J?^j^ °
Diamond (at cards). '^jS^^ "^
Heron (bird). ilfeJi - Figured, brocaded (cloth). Dap- Jjj>
Turkish acre of one hundred ^jS Ts pie (horse).
feet square. To be stained iXuSj CJii a ^i -tt-

Squadron, fleet. iw'Uj^ "^^ (clothes, honour).

To Jj ^j Jl^ jSlj oCij )^i o Ui »• To defile (clothes). To sully ifc ^h
be, to draw near. To be akin to. (the character) -^ To profane a. th.

To be vile. ;;_Oij Ci a 'j i To be defiled (clothes, honour) -^'^

To bring a. th. near. 4> jilj ji ^ To be profaned.
To mind trifles. j^V* J ^ji Impurity, stain. ^Ci'l ^ _^a
To tighten (shackles). ju2)l ^6 Defiled. -^ Rascal. ^j^\j,'/>j ^^Ci) ro-i^
To be intermediate between. cijJ
— Disgracing himself. vVrl'
To live straitly. Jil Foul deeds, places. u-i''-*^

To advance gradually. J'J;

To be ignoble. Ts-^ij (^y's a. foi-^
To draw near to one another. J\'s,
To be hungry. To submit. CiJi a ri'i
To ask a. o. to come nearer. s JJc-ll. To be vile, base. To be cupid.
Proximity. Kindred. SjCa To follow a righteous course. ^il
Baseness. Cowardice. tCi To follow an ignoble course.
Near, akin. Weak. Low. 'Oil ^ *j S Refuse of a butcher's shop. //^
rsearer. Ji ^^ u;^ ^ oy^'j u'il ,. Jil Heartless, mindless man,*ij>_} ^ij ^i
Baser. Worse. More. Less. brute.
I met him first of all. CS j'i\j ji J'i\ iiliJ To be at the point ^ilj , CsJi a wiji -H-

He is u 'ij CJij CJij , (ji j^it cr' ^ of death. To be about

To be at hand (affair).
to set (sun).
ray cousin closely related."
World, Weather. Much. 'jS ^ CJS
To crush a. o. (illness). ^ji wijil
The Ne-v World. .\me- CJi <: Te To be near to a. th.
rica. •<> Medlar. Heavy and protracted illness. ^JiJi

Hop (plant). UJiJI tI^j^ <>• Setting of the sun.

He bought this world %'j^\i Ciill ^.l; Seri- oJil ^ wiJij ,
{>n. f. s. pi.) jJi
exchange of the other.
in ously ill.

Worldly. '^'ij 's?j.ty'-9j '^^'^ To look askance, to ogle. Jj6i ^

Near. Worthless man. About llii To be minute, exact. Gya o i JJ'S *
to bring forth. ^ To die of cold. %j}>j ^'^ a ^>

C T > ^ ) j^^
To astound a. o, 5 J-»^h J-^'^ To roll A tloAij ila*S (^a>Sj , ojuJi
Bewilderment, astonishment. xlS'i down (a stone/.
To botch (a work). A_^'i -fr To break (dawn). To ^^aAl^-J ooajj
To fill up (a 4> jAilj U*;. a ji i -H- roll (stone).
cup). To pour forth (a cup). Troop of one uC»alft'ij oU1*jj *Aa>i
To strike a. o. To cut up a. th.A jpiS ;
hnndred camels and mure.
To hurry a. o. j J*i1 j
I do not ^ •\jJ>ji\j tloAoll y ^^j(.i1 U
To cohere (stones). jaSI know what sort of man he is.

Stocks for the feet of criminals, j^^ Routed army. ^»i -j}-

Plentiful (water). Overfilled (cup.)jUi To take large mouthfuls. jl*i -^

To establish a. 0. as mayor.5 ^iii -^ False, lie ; liar. C(.j'->^'^j j^i *
<f- To delay, to hindei- a. 0. To bob up fJlCuiij Lsoii JJjii -tt-

To be appointed mayor <• To ^^jj (boiled meat).

be delayed. To smash a. th. To cut up (meat).* —
Mayorship -^ Delay. ilSAi Bubbling up of water. Jloiij <Jja"3
Mayor, chief cciUij t:5>i ^ ouii P To overthrow (a building), a yjJ>i -S-
of a district. Sharp and energetic To crumble away (building). yjJ^'Ji
man. Merchant. To befall a. 0. tjj ? lyii a _;Ai -ft-

To grind a. th. To A (fejii a dl*;. -» (mishap).

smash a. th. To tramp over (the Time, long or jjAij ^i\ ^ jki
ground) i>-To consume a. 0. (illness). short beginning of time year. Care.

To waste (wealth). Custom. Event. Intention.

Hour. Small quantity. jii -^ Lifetime of a man. oC-jVI _^S
Hall.Passage.-^ Ant e-jkjui ^JiUiP Sect of materialists. -< Lasting' c<r^i
chamber. Catacombs. very long (garment).
Foundlings. J5)>!0I -ul Very old. ^>^*
To crush a. 0. 5 CUi a j^)>j a >ii -H- Long space of time. jUi
( event). Endless time. jj^'i ^Aij^lS _^
To blacken (a pot fli'e) : ^ jj-^ Severe epoch.
To grieve a. o. ^ ^Sl I will never go tohim.j:£_^ijjl_yi3i j-iTv
To be roan, dark bay (horse). %Ail. By-gone times. -s j *j*i
To be black. OiOtil. Various or long times. -j j iJ»i
Roan (horse). .r4»i1 V»i1 To hurl a. th. into an 4> j^ i -ft-

Dark bay. ^il _^i abyss. To pull do%vn (a wall). To

Sorrel (horse). ^il jii\ gulp (mouthfuls).
Large number. >>Ai ir j,^i

To be over (night ).To be hurled jyijj

The last three nights of a lunar ^S down. To crumble away (wall).
month. Creation. Misfortune.^; J USj ^t-j^Va^ w u-S*^ "^
Black colour. *;jii To be even (ground). C_* ^ a ^:> *
Black or ^i
^ .C^ii ^ ^i1 < To trample, to crush. for ^'^ ) —
dark green. Fresh or effaced foot- To walk upon a soft groimd. ,_^il
prints. Black horse. 1
To be redcUsh (ground, plant). l^\»'i\
Fetter, chain. Vt^^ Reddish plant. Even ^^uil
ttjA'^^ ^ ,_^Ai
Blackened-pot. Crowd. Last' ^C^i

night of a month. Traces of en- '

Reddish colour. sUii

campment. Herb for tanning. Brown Reddish. ,j-^'^ -r 'LI* 3 ^^-^i^
(ewe). Gait of a man. Dark green Meek. ^r^i
(garden). To be "^
•J ,ji-»ij Cijbi a ,_Aj*i
yi-ftoJl ,

Misfortune. ^l^ioi Ji\j 'U^'^^ ^i bewildered. To be astonished.

5J^ C T \ T) Iji

To render a. o sick. s Ijlsl To totter (old man). ^liii -iJ

To suspect a. o. » f\»]j — Two humped (camel). Totte- ?^.u'

Illness, disease. •Ijil ^ "li ring. Huge.
Falling-sickness. ^JVI -li To break, to cut a. th. a j^jii -{}
Fox-eYil. wlJll 'lij s!i-JI 'li To make (food) soft, delicate.
Hunger. ^;i)l m^ To anoint (the head), a uii o ^^i -ft-

Fever. jl::V| Mi To strike a. 0. with a stick. To

Elephantiasis. j^l Mi moisten the (ground: rain). -^ To
Canine madness, hydro- ^-SCJI Mi blandish a. 0.

phobia. To dissemble with. 5 ^»:>'ij lij — ^

He is in splendid health. J^ iii ^ To coax, to circumvent a. 0.
Gout. "i^l - *JUij CUi o ^'ii a ^ij o j^.Ai
Diseased. 'J^j '4S^i *li To yield little milk (she-camel).
Almost, scarcely. t-iji ••
To anoint a. 0. <>• To var- Aj s ^aS
Book-keeping by double entry.UJji •<>•
nish a. th.
To serve as a footman. G-ji o ?rli "^ •;
To be anointed.
Followers of an army. i^li \
Grease. •<> Balm, resin.
To be big (belly). To be G^ji o ^-li « •^ Butterwort, self-heal.
lofty (tree). I
i)- Tincture of opium.
To squander o.'s wealth. a ^ji Desert. Red plant. j

To be distsnted (belly). ^loJlj ^jjj Poisonous tree. i

To be expanded, ^laJi Oil-merchant. -<> House-painter, oi^i
Great ^Jlji ^ oJbj,^ji ;- <»ji Red leather. Slippery place, '

and lofty tree. i Ointment. Paint, varnish. Dregs of
Showy toy. Hair-bracelet. ^i'^ oil.

Embroidered cloth. Perfume. Anointed (head). Gis-ing oi^i

This world is a gewgaw. t^V^ CJfOl little miik (she-camel).
To be abashed, -if- To (iji o ^\'^:> ^ Flask, brush for poma- ^aIjlS ^ ^.* Iv*
feel giddy, sea-sick. de. Pool, marsh.
To subdue (a countiy). 4> ^ji^ — Hypocrisy. Treason. •<> Flattery.:cL£i jjl
To humble a. o. To ex- 5 ^li'j ^ji Malachite. .Jasper. r-^i P
plore (a country). To weaken a. o. i)- Emery.
(heat). To overtake » ^^ij Cii a ^^i *
To stun. < To bother a. 0. iLLlj — a. o. (calamity), a To astound a. 0.
< Vertigo, giddiness. liji To charge a. o, with deceit. ^—
Obscure (night) -^ Giddy. ^Jii To be sht-ewd, {Ui_j 'sfUSj Cii a^^-fti

To be mag- i\% ij^^ iS^S a ili -«

goted (food). To be crafty. To be clever. ^'Si
Worm oloji ^ (?<n. si/i) i/i Sagacity. Shrewdness. Good 'lii
-> Fancy, prank. si^i manners.
Silk- worms. ^ai'ijS Misfortune. Momentous olj'i 9^ *;*''*
Ascar'des, thread- i^ ^jSj ^,^1 ijS event.
worms. Great calamity. 'Cii *I_Ali
Tansy {plant). ij5jl xlxi.* Cunning, shrewd man. *?*'•>
Hardstongue {plant). sJijioi <li4^ Lion. 3ui ^ «li
Sea-saw, swing. sr^ji Skilful. Wily. o>*i w,"'*
Grub, worm. jo'jS Wise, prudent. m;^aSj t^il ^ 'j{i
Vermin. Sprightly man. ^\j'i <lil.j Jljii Ijilj , Isjij «li a Mi" -»-

Intense red. j^/^ J>>h t.jijS • To be ill, diseased. «jlib

Tarn, move- {un. Sjj'i) j\j'i\ -r jji
To turn. To elap- Cljjij OJ^ o j''^ *
luont. Change of fortuue. Fit of fever. se (time). To revolve (wheel).
J>> —

^ Stanza of a song, a Floor, stoj'y. To turn round a. th. Uj «_;j

By turns. jjJik i
^ He went over the town. tljXJ\ jd
Revolution of a star. Circulation oljji •^ Pay attention. »lOG ^i
of blood. Procession. I
To go about with a. o. To ^ Ji
Vertigo, giddiness. jb^j jU^ i
cause changes in (time).
Going about. Anklet. < Pedlar, jiji ,
To feel vertiginous. <i j(^i\j j; i
vagrant, a Round village To whirl a. th. To ta- fi>j s j»v_» jji
Sun-rtower, turnsol. ke a. o. about. To work (a machine).
< Whirlpool. '{'J\ j\ji ^ To search for a. th. jc j}i
Sea-compass. Sjbi ^ To addle the brain of. !jL'\j j\i1j —
F. Circle. Ring, curl of J iji ^ slJji <>- To wind up (a watch). ZtLL —
hair. Shaft of a pulley. Change of To round a. th. fi>

fortune. -^ Public administration. To ramble about a Qj^j ^jj'jJ' jjVi

Retenue. Surroundings. with a. o. To circumvent a. o.

< Municipal council. :SS\'j »'J\i> To perform a. th. To control ifj fi> —
•^ The priviledged :diDl o'}__\ji\ (an affair).
Egyptian debt. To look stealthily at. s —

•^ Cyclopedia. jjliiJI — To revolve (a wheel) to o j * jlVl


Convent, «;^ ilj «3ji^ "^J jQ.^' ?r -s"^ work (a machine). To hand round
monastery. (a cup). To manage, to govern a. th.
Round about. Ji ja jf^y^ -^ To induce a. o. to.
Inhabitant of a convent. "jlV^j jCi To avert a. o. from.
Board of administration. SjliVI ^>tJ» To be round-shaped.
Axis, pivot. Point at issue. j\j,i To take an abode in. fi-jl'Sl

^ Tropic. To turn around a. th. <^ i jlazJ.1, fit

Round water-skin. oljl^'J t o'Jj^ jij^b sjOij jjilj jj^h j\>i ji^ jl^ !sr

Embroidei-ed veil. Mansion, seat. House, oljbij oOj^j

Governor. Manager. ^ ji Court. Tribe. Year. Province.
•<) Treasurer of a district. Jl^JI jja^ Christian countries {for v-j^J' j'^
<• Government of a district. *i .^-^ Moslems), lit seat of war

Round, circular. ^ailJj jjIa^ The perishable and \m2\ Jdj ''Ji3l j'i
To s J fit iZ,'Cij CGsj Cji o ^\i -ft-
the lasting abode.
tread on (the ground). To lower a. o. Islamitic countries. Surname ^>LL!I jii
To polish (a blade). «>• To trespass of Bagdad.
upon. Ai'senal.
To tread (corn- -)il, :\>i - Cinnamon.
crops). Bastard cinnamon.
To be trampled upon. To be .rJi Long-pepper.
foot-trodden (crops). Aspalatlms. Bistort-root.
Ceremony of trampling upon Lji -<>•
Dolphin, sea-hog.
dervishes. Capital town of a country. tuV^ljli -^
Colt's foot [plant). jli^i!! wji - House, court. Upland. oO'^j jj^ -x «3'^
Thick forest. <j^?i u4-^ t ^? I
Tribe. Cu'cle. Halo.

Troop of men, <^i'^i '<^\ji Round sand-hill. s3j,jjj Sjljij Sljij
Furbieher. ^jS ^ ^iS Seller of perfumes. ^Sj}'^
"Walking in a file (hor- ^\}>j Z^\i Some one. jCSj '4j,S>i '4^}'^
semen). Sparrow. Vj,-?^ ji>«-^j Vj-J*
( T
Change.Victory. < Government, state. Brave. Lion.
They have been prevailed ^^^^s rf^^l Bhnd.
upon. Nose -^ Weaver's treadle.
The chief men of the state. :Jj^l o^ j Shoe, sandal.
Adversity. oVjS .^ *b'i PoHshing-stone. Beater. ^IjU^ j u-i-^
Excellency (title of a vizu"). yirJJS Ts To be altered (eye). Ciji a ^j,i -»•
Victory. illjl, Dim-sightedness, squint. jiji
By turns, alternatively. il^lji Altered (eye). ^/i ^ .ujj) ^ ^jSl
Reddish grapes. ^ Iji Quoit (for playing). Uproar, i^ji -^
^ Conference. S'JI^j Jjl^ To spread amongst a li^i o j.ti -ft-
To last. 'v>y^>i C«bij (*ji o >b -ft- tribe (disease). To be cheap (coi'n).
To contmue. To stand still. To be To crush a. o. (heat). fij s —
filled (bucket). Whey, watery part of milk. ^/^ P
As long as he remains C^J^Cs >li C» Cold. Foolishness. Epidemic. xtji
standing. To mix (perfumes). fi> (jji olS -Jf

To pour a contiuu-^5ij ^jij,C.ii v«'^ To dilute (a medicine).

ous rain (sky). Nightmare. oCijS
To move m the sky (sun). To ^j^ Diluted (medicine). >Jj'j'^j oj'-t*
cii'cle in the air (bird). To turn in Pounded (musk).
its orbit (eye). *Jljij lJj'ji>j CSjj'ij C5j3 o J\i -a-

To confuse a. o. (wine). 5 — To be insane. To be lean (cattle).

To moisten a. th. To sprinkle A — To surround a. o. or a. th. ,_, j|j*(

(a boiling-pot) -with cold water. To be swollen (belly). jijJi

To spin (a top). ^j
— Worthless furniture. jjU jJiS
To ask or grant a respite to & ^jii Foolishness. Corruptedness.*ii3jij :aji
a. o. To be ill ( people ).(Lla?j ^'/i 6\'i -»-
To persevere in. it — To bruise (perfumes, colours). ^—
To continue a. th. To make *j 5 ^i3l To smash a. th. (camel). To dip
a. th. to last. To fill ( a bucket). To a. th. in (water, sand).
keep a. 0. alive. To press together (riders). iJjfjj
To wait for. Evil, disturbance, quarrel. xS/ij <&.ji
To circle in the air (bird). Stone pounded upon. i]\jji

To act slowly in an affair. Pounding-stone. i}yj^

To grant delays to (a debtor' 5 - To elapse (time). To ijjs o J6 -Jf

Sea. change (season). To be flabby (bel-

Continuous. Duration. Theban ly). To be shabby (clothes).
palm, doom-palm. Lote-tree. To become famous (man), vjij 5Jli —
Duration, continuance. X^^iJij j>\ji <•To deliberate with. Jjii
For ever. ^Ijiil it To alternate (seasons, a iIjioX Jjii
Contmuous rain j'ji^j ^^^ -r"^^ fortune : God).
without lightning nor thunder. To transfer, to hand a. th. a Jiil
Continuous. The P]vei*lasting^_j5ij^*IS To make a. o. to prevail jcj jy» 5 —
(God). over.
Always. ^jli^j >jSj -^ CJli To hand by turns. -^ To confer JjIj5
Spinning-top. -^ "Whirlpool. xJiji together. To be current (coin).
Rotatory motion. _^j a7j J^i's^ To emigrate (people). To be JioJl.
"VVine. -J\'J^J j\'jj> flabby (belly). To dangle.
Bleeding from the nose. _^ijj.
Notoriousness. Ji^ ^ yii
Piece of wood thrown jt^j'j^^j >.j^ Revolution of time. Jji ^ ;fc3ji
( T \ o ) ^5^5
To nurse (the sick). » sIjIju^ jJ(j> into a pot for allaying its boiling.
To make a. o. sick. 5 t\}i\ ^SJ^^ To be mean, weak, CO: :,\-> -»

To treat o.'s self medically. Si^'-^i de.spised.

To eat the skin of milk. ^sj%\, To make a selection of works
Disease. Mjil ^r i^ji To register a. th.
Medicine, remedy. i>.j'^ -r 'U^ To ba low, vile, weak.
Gentian (plant). *!ijl •\ji To become wealthy. To be OJJJ
Inkstand. Beneath, below,. Before. Besides, oj'i
Secretary, clerk. jl^j,ij j'^'ji P near. Without. Against.
Pelliclo of milk. "iJJ^j^i *iO'i He is inferior to him. i5jS ja

111. Foolish. Keeping in ^j ij ^ji He walked before him. iJji ^i_»

doors. He sat behind him. iJji oil

Echo, sound. Rustling of wind, -jj'^ Preferably to another. 0^ hji
wings. Buzz. I admii'e diJU oji> cUUaS ^Jt woUi^ Ol
Wholesome (land). */ji jaj\ thy virtue more than thy science.
There 'JjJ^ j' 4j'^ j' sfJ,^ j'^'j ^ He interposed between. -A) cu'^i J\> I

is nobody in. Without, unless he... o\ ojS

Abundant (food). Hidden (affair), jjj^ Behold! Beware. dUji
Thundering (cloud). Do act as thou wishest, j^J; I'.j iUji
Hand. ( dim. of SI ) o^Si ^ Cfi <*• Inferior. Noble. Superior
Thanks. Bravo. God
preserve thy hands.
dcCi ^ ^ Important thing.
Vile, despicable man.
Blood-money See jij. ( for Xl^ ) ;? i Bad, wicked.
Cloth with iyl'ir'J ^i'^^ r ^^P ^ Ear. CjCp ^ cii-^j oli °
double woof. Betony (plant). iJ^' opli -^
To abase, to revile a. 0. j ^4^ ~ «^i^
"^ Register of soldiers, ^jjlji ^ u\jj:> P
Warblfr (bird). o^ioJI ^U»' Collection of poetry, traditions.
Reviled. Beaten (road). c-fj-i Council of state, divan. <> Saloon,
To walk gently. CUj Sj G,Ji ^li i
-{}- sofa ; parlour.
To stray. To move C'LoJi i cr''^ "^ Court of referendaries. jj^aS^ olji^

under the hand (gland). a Treasury department. :ujijl ul}ji

To fall into abasement. To C^ji i — a War department. jliQaJI —

shun a fight. D Home department. S.j^i4!l —

To drop from the hand. u^'l^'l Ministers of state. ol]>i^' v*^! j''
To fall unexpectedly on. jp — Turkish official hand-writing, j \^j i lai
Thief. wli ^ t/4'^ To call (she-camels) to lj «jS — ej*
Unruled. Muscular. X-^CS ^ t>»ijS their young ones.
Diving-place. ^\j.i Cry for calling she- e\i e\ij i'i iS
Two-handled jug. dXJji -^ camels.
Flower of the cyclamen, j^\ dijji ^ To walk across a desert. jj^ -H-

sowbread. Desert. *i j,^j ^jf^J J^

Cock. Com-;SCjaj iJCilj i)^/i ^r*^:? "^ To ba diseased. To be ^ji a lS^^^
passionate. Spring. Cock of a gun.
<!)• rancorous (heart). To resound.
Turkey fowl, ,/jj dO i Qj ^iJI db i To be overspread with a Jjj,!^ jj^
Pheasant. ^^ ilji <>• skin (milk) : with scum (water). To
Fresh ripe dates. <i*i^'il >«Jr^ "^ move round (cloud). To go about
Land abounding in cocks. 7S\j<^ (dog).Tohum (bees). To snort (stal-
To borrow, to be indebted. CJ 5 i oli -^ To resound (echo).
Debt ; loan. Death. ^i]j oji^ ?r U^ i
To lend, to give a loan to. 5 o^i
Active debt, ci'edit. J ci^ To requite a. o. for. * »—
Passive debt, due. jt c^S Thoushaltbe treated as c\'Si cc'^ CT

Ear. ( dim. of oVi ) oUJi « XiJSj oi^ ^ thou hadst treated.

He died. iiji ,^ja5 To be honoured. To be ^Cij Co i oia
Upon ci'edit. cjjJW reviled. To comply. To rebel. To
Ci'editors. iidi
have a good or bad habit. To be
Requital. Custom. Condi- oOil ^ cr i attacked by a disease.
tion. Affair. Religion ; religious To serve a. o. To do good Aj 5 —
law ; sect. Godliness. Rebellion. Re- to a. o. To possess a. th. To con-
vilement. Disease. Compulsion. Vic- .strain a. 0. To judge a. 0. To revile.

tory. Power, authority. Manage- To enslave a. o.

ment. -^ Kind, sort. To profess (a religion). ^ o.'-^j —
Judgment-day. *>^'^l j> C£,I^I >»>j To submit to. J oli
Worship. Religion, sect.cjOlo ^ xJC i To let a. o. profess his religion. 5 ci^
Maturity of a debt. Continuous *.'^i To lend (money) to.

rain. Obedience. To give to, or to receive a loan » ^ |i

Religious, godly. from a. 0. To sell to a. 0. upon cre-
The Rewarder (God). Judge dit.

Debtor. Creditor, debtee. To borrow. *;|il^uli1

Judged. Slave. To lend money to a. o. To 5 ol*.»b —

Lender ; borrower. cr-ij'"*^ "x >^*i-^ sell upon credit to. To summon a. o.

Debtor ; indebted. 0>i j>» to (a judge).

Slave-maid. Town, ^yjj'^ ol^^ ^ To contract debts. ^'^
countiy. To sell or buy upon credit. To Ci Ijj

He is well aware of it. C^iaJi cf'\ 'y> be mutually indebted.

Citizen. -j j^ To borrow a. th. » 5 ol^^b Ci\'i>\

( T\Y )

Country full of wolves. olli/' J»ji

To throttle a. o. s Cjl'i a o'>'i -fr [postponed' . This, these (near). Who.
To quaff (wa- A i^Tj a ito'ij 5-l'i -S- To-day. <o j^^J a
ter). To tear (a water-skiuj. To I

kill (a sparrow). That, those. ( m /(/(//( /iy).i]3i^ liJCoj

To become pink (rose). (i.Vi a ,r'''i That iL)/-** <• 5r ti^Vjt iu;. ji iU'i

To be torn off (skin). ^Ijjl.

To fear, to shun a. o. \jVi a J./i ^—

-it- So. < Too, also. »iA)'jLr

To get accustomed to. k_, Such. Thus. jjfj \'j.fa I'JT

To dare. To rebel against is j^l'ij — Interrugalive particle. How? Tiu

her husband (wife). Why ? I'ilit

To anger a. o. To seduce a. o. s J\'i\

To embolden a. o. against. Jt S — This.
To compel a. o. to seek ^i,\ a —
refuge towards, That.
^lanure mixed with earth. jj i So. thus. dili <>-j \jL50>'
To slaughter. To stran- \j^Xi a Vl'i To totter, to waver. IVl^j Vi'l'i -S-
gle a. 0. To fill (a vessel). To urge (asses). To ^ Cj'i a Ji'^ *
To die. J\jj)j , Ciil'i a J'':> -8- frighten a. o. To despise. To blame.
Quick death. fcilj'i Cj\>' To expel a. o.
Death. Deadly (poison). o^^Vi To gather (things). /b —

Deadly. olaj'ij pliT'ij oial'i To plait the locks of a. o. » ^jVilj cj'i'i

To walk lightly. CjVl'ij Vl'i a jl'i * To be as 73} i o vjj'ij CI ^ a- »-~', ^ ,

To become little. J«laj wicked as a wolf. To be fi-ightened

Jackal. Wolf. oVj'ij o"iri by wolves.
Wolf. oVj'ij o>J> ^ *liyi To be haunted by wolves ejlii
To blame, to despise ^ \A'i a ^\i -fr (land). To fear (wolves'
a. o. To drive away. To disgrace To veer (wind).
a. o. To make a. th. by turns * * -^ ^
To frighten a. o. 5 ^1V\ To be wolfish, wicked.
Vice, shameful action. ^'I'ij ^'i To imitate a wolf, for J l_)«|JUJ —
Bitter plant. Kind of ojiT'i ^ oyj'i frightening (a she-camel).
fungus. The sheep became wolf; jiiDI v'-^l
To remove a. o. To i £'i o Li ^ said of a vile man who rebels.
drive away (flies). To eject a. o. Wolf.oC.yij VJ ^'>
T v^i^ "^ J "r^^
To protect a. tb. or a. o. ^X^J ~ ^ Sea-wo!f. ^^1 y^,i
To be parched ^.y'^j Cj'ij u'i — i Small stars in Draco. .-J,-i!l jUli'l

(lips). To wane. To be faded (plant). Brigands, thieves. vS^' oOyi

To draw to its end (day). She-wolf. Throat-disease in C;*_i

To be full of flies (place), o'ib s-Ji Croup of children.

cattle -if-

Restless. '^
;;j'i Forelock. Hanging v-l'i'^ « '^'^
Buffalo, wild bull. ^'^j zS'i\j — locks.
Flies. ^CS ^j o'ij oCij Summit, apex of Sj^^j 3JI
vV>1 ^ »_,C/i Hyj"^
Bees, breezes. glory and power.
To waddle. To have a manly Madness. Plague. Consumption. k_,G 'i

gait (woman). Sharp edge.

Sea-turtle, tortoise-shell. Cantharides. Blistering jj^\ Uiiji\
Dung. Withering wind. plaster.
Languid (eye). Jj'ij JJ'i ^ J^j'i A fly. Remainder Oi.';b a ^ :uC/i
Weak. Lean. of a debt.
Spears. JilJ^I Defender of women. zSjj^j <^t'i
Wick. JC'i^':t5C/i Full of flies *<^'ij i/j^j !j>!j^ u^j^
To come from a journey, ^'i o V'^ -^ (place).
To slap a. o. To fiij » b-'i o '^'^ -ft- Protracted (thirst). Huri*ying. ^Tai
split (wood). To pound (pepper). Fly-whisk. '-^1'^

To peel a. th. To li^^i'i o ^'^

fi> -tt- To dangle. uoJi -ft-

aweep a. th. along (wind). To move To protect. To annoy a. o. fiti

j s —
a. th. To move a. th.
To take care of (her son ic ^'il : Tongue. Dangling. ^^^'^ -r vlij'i
widow). Tassels of a litter ; fringes of »_iiC'i
To tot about quickly. ^a»'i ^ a garment.
To sweep (the dust wind). : ^— Wavering (man). i_ii'i*
Revenge, Jj^'ij Ju'il «. Js^'i -H- To rip open, ^j 5 G-C'ij ikJ'i a ,ni'i -5^

hatred. To slaughter, to strangle a. 0. To

To card (wool), s j fi> Col'i i ji'i -«- cover the chin (beard).
To lash a. o. (wind). To slaughter, to massacre ts ^'i
Ti'eeless ground. SUlU (
people ).
To put a. th. in store. A l^'j a_^i -ft- To slay one another. ?>Jllo

To lay up To supply A^i'i -^

a. th. To choose (a victim). A rfi\
a. 0. with stores. To prime (a gun). White truffles. Wild carrots. ^j'i
To put (goods) in Sj *^Slj >-'X Slaughtered victim. >rj_i

store -^ To adopt (a child). Two bright stars in Capri- ^>yji\ oil,

Stores, supply. jViil ^ ^'i cornus.
Treasure. Stores. J^'i ?r «3ii,'i
Diphteria. *^X'iJ ^.)>J -rV'^i ^Ci'i
-^ Mouth and war ammunition. ReUc. Slaughtered. Victim. Surname ?nj'i
Priming of a gun. of Ismael [amongst Moslems).
< Adoptive child. Z'^'Si\j cr{ Sacrifice, victim. ^S>':> -r

Schcenantum. oderife- _^l'i1 ?- >j'^l Slaughter-place. Altar. ^^U/i ^ tS>^^

rous rush. Carnage, butchei-y.
if- lijlli
Magazine, store-house. j»-'j^ To write to A J':>j S'j' o j-'i -si-
; ,

Intestines. Veins. jh^'-^ dot (a book). To read over.

To sprinkle a. th. with fi> y/'^ o ji ^ To be good-sighted. SjC'ij ijj'i i y'i
(salt, powder). To multiply (his To understand (news). To recite ife —
faithful God).
: (verses).
To come forth (horn, Ojj^ o — To get angry vdth. j& |_^''i a jr/i
herbage). To rise (sun). Book. jCi T!
To become hoary (man). aj'i.) o — Thoroughly learned. j\'»
Atoms. Small ants, (ttn.Sj'i ) j'i To wither ^Xi'ij y>J'i o Jj'ij Jj'i »
grubs. (plant). To dry up (skin); to be par-
Aromatics. Ji3'ij Sji'i ^ e'jcx'^j jjj'^ ched (hps). To be lean (horse).
To cause a. th. to lose its * jTi >

coUyrium, perfume in powder.

Calamus aromaticus^ o'jcj'Ji^ »_.^ fi'eshness. To rumple a. th.
sweet rush. To blight fruits (cold, heat), a jj'il
C TW )
To swing the arras in walk. j ^j'i Offspring. oC3,'ij V^i-O'i « vj/i
To raise the arms. To stretch forth Women.
in (swimming). Violent anger. jijj
To break (news) to. ^* CjuX *J — Sprinkler, drill-box. jji/
To sell to a. o. by the cubit, s ^'j\'i To sow, to scatter (pow- » jiji -tt-

To mingle with a. o. der).

To seize a. th. with the arm. ^ ^^'il Babbler, loquacious. I
To "C^x ^^ ^j iij x!ijl c-»i" o^ A
fii ,
•" To create. To mul- Aj ^ I'o'i a Ij'i -S-

take out the arms fi-om a cloak. tiply a. th. To sow (the ground).
To be profuse j.!Afe\!l j f,ja:j f.'Ji\ To become grey on *j'i a C^j,'ij —
in speech. the forehead (hair).
To measui'e with the arms. i^J^i To anger. To upbraid
fi> a. 0. *j s Yj^s
To make long strides. J pj^'l. To shed (tears).
To screen o.'s self behind ^^ <j.'jjLL\ To compel a. 0. to. Jl. » —
a. th. (hunter). a trifle, a ru-sh.
Little, »j'i
Measure, length. Power.
Covetousness. Wild
^j'i They are created for jtji .j'i ^
calf. oUJi f- ^j'i hell-fire.
Fore-avm, fore-foot-otyij p,j'i1 ^ piji Hoariness on the forehead. slj'i
Cubit. Rod of cubit. Power. Snow-white (salt). j}'S>i JSS^
White-headed (ram). "'l^ji ^ 'ij'il
•^ Standard cubit of 29 1/2 inches. To be shai-p ajO'^^j Qj^^ a c-ij,'j> -«
^Common ,^Uj ^.'J-3 ^sj^. 9^y? (sword, tongue). To corrupt (wound).
cubit of 22" 3/4 inches. To be in a good ;;jy>,jii3'ij C3'j> a -
D Skein of thread, silk. Jali 5,13 i -fy or corrupt state (stomach).
Powerful, able. ^l^i)) jl f,ja)l ^...Ij To A t-»jib , s^j ^i Q j i a o wij i
sharpen (a sword).
He fell short of the affair. Tongue. Foul toiigue. ijijil ^ ^'ji
Walking by day and night <tj S ^ ff.j\ Incurable disease. Rust, a Diarrhea.
Long-tongued. Good companion. Ganglion on the neck. ^Jy^
Means, ability. p^'i ^ ^pji Shoemaker's knife. ^j'j ^ ^j'^
Long-paced (horse, camel). ^jj'i Sharp (man, sword).
Wide. Swift. Quick (death). m./,^ Sharp-tongued. Cil3' —
Intercessor. Poison. sJCj'ii

Camel used as a screen ;J0 ^ ^ *»i j ^ To poison ifc ^j'ij , C»v'i a ^yi -{}-

by a hunter. Means of. (food) with cantharides.

Mulatto. More eloquent. ^.^M To winnow a. th. x> ^'J'i

He has killed them jr5 ^jiS J^i

Legs of a beast. Towns ^u j lliij <f.j
llL» Cantharides, Spanish flies.

on the confines of the desert. Purple red. Ig-r-U,''^ -r**^

Cvjij Ci>j,'ij Ciji
\'>^'j>j jj^"^ i To measure a. th. ^Cpj'i a ^3'i -^
To flow. To drop (tears). (jl^liuj by the cubit. To stretch the fore-
To shed tears (eyes). J^\ j^'i walk (camel). To lower (a
feet in
To shed a xsj a;j CiO-Sj ^^J,-^ ^"j'^ camel) for riding. To overcome
(tears : man). a. 0. (vomit).
To exceed a (number). it — To strangle a. 0. from s pj'ij —
To make a. o. to be at o>;jl OjAi - behind.
the point of death. To in- Jl^ t^'i a f.j,'ij , jJc tj i a pj'i
Flowing (tears)-. JjjIUj JL.j/i tercede with a. 0.
To be fi*ightened. ^i'lj ^^o jf:':> Inner corners of the eyes. »Jj,Ui
To be astounded. 1^'i a ^'i To dung Jji'ij , CSJ'i o i Jj'i -ft-

Panic, fear*. _^i (bird).

Wagtail (bird). S^ci To produce ti^efoil (ground). j^i^

Hard (year). ^.^'i Loranthus, mistletoe. jjyi jj'i
"Vicious man. j^''ij S^'ij S^'ij ^1 i Sweet trefoil, melilot. J3a
Frightened. j^i i^j ^i J^ '^ ^3 ij 1 Oj ^
i (^3 ^ ,"tt-

To kill a. o. una- s v'Ja* i a Ja^'i -ft- To raise (the dust wind), : a i^jib
wares. To winnow, to scatter iSj'i>j i Jj'^
Quick death. ifj^'^j iacl ^ o^ a. th.

To poison a. o. 5 Cic'i j^-ifr i-tt- To hasten. Ijj'i o 0*

To die. v';Up i a ^'i To praise o.'s origin. jj'i i'.:..-C

To kill a. 0. suddenly. s ^jlcil To throw a. o. down (horse) s jj'':^\

To be dazzled. To be broken wipoii. To scatter (seeds). To shed (tears).
(heart). To be winnowed. jj'S^
Deadly (poison), ^"i ^ oU'ij wii'i To ascend on the top of. To 5 A — _,

Sudden death. jijS i allyby marriage to (a noble tribe).

Poisoned food. o>tJi^ ^^ To shade o.'s self under a ^ iSjJ^\
To frighten a. 0. » Cst'i a jti -S- tree. To seek the protection of.

by shrieking. Particles raised by the wind. j'/'i

Deadly disease. JVp'i Mi Poured tears. Shelter. Protection.

To acknowledge after ^Ita a Js'i -ft-
denial. Broken particles of plants, SJIj'i

To glide away. To lay down. ^jUlu -ft- straw.

Swift she-ca- »_,J,\i'i ^r Slisij v4^^ Apex, top. jjhj jj'i> ^ zfjij Sjj'i
mel. Ostrich. Hidden affair. Border Sweeping wiads. ( un. tljCi ) cAij\'>
of a garment. Rag. Prolific women.
Kind of leek. Head-strong boy. Jylp'i Indian corn, maize. \'Ji -^j "i'j'i

Small bird. Kind of truffle. Small-

mouthed ewe. sorghum, millet.

To submit J ^'ilj C^'i a jf:''i * ,

Zea mays, o' jj-Sj O^J '>/J^ «j i -^
to a. 0. Indian corn.
To acknowledge a. th.
^ ^'i\ YeUow maize. v? -»;'»? 0^ "^

Submissive, tractable. oVtll; Winnower's fork. jjOj ^ tCj^iiSj^

To des- u. Call j_j Cia'ij Ci i i Ij i -s^ The two sides of the head. oljjj^
patch fa wounded man). The two ends of a bow. The two
To be quick in. J— buttocks.
To cany off a. o. (plague). 5 Ci'i i
— To appal a. o. (ghost), ^jj — ^i -ft-

To despatch jcj 5 o'i1j lil'ij ^'i To run into a river (stream). v^oj"'.

(a wounded man). To strangle a. o. Cu.'i> a z>s-":> -ft-

To lighten (a burden). * oil'i To rub with dust. To repel forcibly.

To become possible (affaii'). lioLll. To repel a. o. for- i <»J."> a ^^ft'j> -ft-

Little of. t-»ii?j Ci'i cibly.

Quick. Male hedgehog. ^r:?'^
To squander (wealth). ^ ^o^'i -ft-

Deadly (plague). To divulge (a secret). To shake (the

To diffuse itself ; to i^'j. a J^'i> -fr trees : wind).
be pungent (odour). To multiply To be scattered (hair). ^jijJ
(plant). They dispersed on all sides.^ iGs i ly^"
To resolve upon a. th. t_j ijcJ,!, To terrify a. o. n j^':^j \^'i a >'i ,
Ds (T T^ ) /i
Warning. Mention. i^j3'? Pungency of odour. Sy ij ^i
Steel (of a sword). Sharpness, s^'i Excellent (musk). j)'i ^ )ii\) ji'i
Fame. Army smelling rust. '"^^/^ -'.\-y
Memory. »^\'^ Back ^^jli'ijJjiiijoQyi ^ ij^i
Stronger, sliarper ; effective. jTVi of the ear ; ear-bone.

Having a good me- _>t^i_, jjiT'ij jjfi Wild rue. -i^i

tnory. To strike a. 0. on 5 Ci'i o ^^'^ "*^

Commemoration. jLTIcJ-i^ jVIT^j the chin.

Memorandum. Token of friendship. To lean the cliin upon. jc ^'^^ —
•^Ticket, note. i'J''S*j,jf\'^ ^ o'J"'-^ To have a prominent Cj'i a ^'i
^Personal status,certificate.^^;__^j5 edge (bucket).
^ Passport, way-leave. j/^^ ""'j^^ To put a. o. in a strait. » ^I'j
Bringing forth males (woman). ^'SJ^ Chin > Beard. oCs'il ^ ^ij ^'i
Virago. Dangerous (desert). Wormwood. i^lil^'i-^
Masculine (gender). Sharp jajj> Bearded man. ^a y -^

(sword). Terrible (day). In spite of thee. iX^'i js. C^ •>

Deliberation, conference. t^sJ' Long-chinned. ^'i ^ .Ci'i ^ J,'i>]

The aforesaid. _^!l jjCj j^'i* Decrepit old man. ^'i

^Ja'sLL\i «l£='ij (is'ij l^'i o ur'i
. -{}• Lower part of the chin. tsfi
To blaze vehemently (fire). To be hot To keep m a> \j^JJj \'J"i ^'i -ft-

(war, sun). memory ; to remember a. th. To

To be i\io'':> ojJ'ij ai^/ij a JT'i mention a. th. To betroth (a wo-
sagacious. man). To speak iU or good of.

To slaughter (a victim). * su»'j>j i^s'i — To praise God. il —

To diffuse itself (musk). n'=a'i — To render (a noun) mas- Hj ^'i fi>

To stir the (fire). To slaugli- L'^ culine. To preach. To steel (the

ter (a victim). edge of a weapon). -^ To impregnats
To kindle (war, fire). A^'il (a palm-tree).
To send spies against. jt o^-i" — To remind a. o. of. fi>Sj^:>\j Jf'i
To be intense (fire). Tlc-ll To discourse with a. 0. upon, j » jTi'i
Legal slaughter. Live-coal. C^'i To bring forth male childi'en cj_^'i\
Sagacity. Age. (woman).
Sun. >U»'i To remember a. th. A ^'^
Dawn, daybreak. ^V'^'i ^'i. To confer upon. j ]^\Ji
Combustible, fuel. xJa'^^ s^'i To recollect a. th. ^'i':>\j fit j^\\j^*'i\
Sagacious. Blame- 'C^Vl ^ ' %o To learn a. th. by heart; A ^^-•l
worthy. Fragrant (smell). to remember a. th.
Cloud giving much rain. •Cio'j.% "CwJL Remembrance. Memory. Fame, jTi
Full-grown (horse), ilioi J
Ba;ij 6'jX honour mention. Invocation of God.

To be weak,'^j^j 'ttsij 2l>j V'i i D'i -i^ Book of religious law. Rain. Strong
base, obscure (man). man. Religious dance of dervishes.

To be tractable (beast), vij V'i i — Legal deed ; written act. 'jSJt JS"i
To abase a. o. » 'SjLLSi ISVlj j'i Remembrance. JS'\
To be evenly disposed ( branches ).jli Remembering well. ^^^J jt^
To become low, vUe. To frequent J'il Male, o>^3j "i'j^'^ij^ :> rrj"^
vile companions. manly, masculine. Male organ. Good
To submit. To be humbled. j^j iron. Unproductive (palm-tree).
To hold a. o. as vile. 5 tJlc-Ll. Sharp (sword).
Humbleness. Weakness.:5lv yv'ij C''i Bitter vegetables. jiJ) j^'i
t/S (T TT ) ^S
Blame. Vice. -•^'^ r j'^ Gentleness, mercy. Jv'il ^ C)i
Right, due. Honoiu\ i»i1 ^ jiWi Let him remain in his *JV*il L& isa
Protection enjoyed. Obli- ^ <li ^i humble state.
gation, compact. Responsibility. Sa- ,
Vile, weak, contemp- dilj 'Vil ^ Jj/i
fe-conduct. Allied people. Wedding- tible. Submissive. Trodden (road).
dinner. •<>• Conscience. i Short.
fy- Upon my conscience. s>i Jj,j>i jc I
Good-natured. '^.i>'^
•^ He owes so much. iCLTii'i jt — To : dangle. JoiliS — Jal'i -{}

^ I discharge my cons- j>i cj^ i

Train, skirt of a gar- Jiv'i ^ Jj3 i
cience. my debt. I
•^ To clear a. o. from a i£ii 1^ i

Mob, lowest people. ^-CJI Jiv'i

charge. Milk mixed with water, ^v'i — inJi -ft-

Thou ;a"t under God's ^ii j^i J cJ^ j

To eat (food). i* CJ'i a >j'i -«
protection. To be small (nose). Cii'i a ^,'i -JJ-

Chi'istians and Jews under :c5a)) jai Smallness and evenness of the oO'i
Moslem protection. nose.
Client. Christian imder y'i Small-nosed. ^iJ'i ^ 'UJ'i > wiJ"i1

Moslem rule, rayah. Small (nose),

Blameworthy. Pimples on the ^':> To mute (bird) jj'ilj Ca'i o jj'i »•
face. Urine. Dew. Distasteful water. To whet (a knife). To jj A ^^'ib ~
Defect. Honour, self-respect. x^ii weaken a. 0. (poison). To light (a
To be burdensome to. it U'i at>'i -i^ lamp).
To be changed and C:>'i i c^'i -tt- To shine (lamp). To be jj/i
emaciated. disquieted (man).
To i-oar (lion). l^^l'i o ^^'i ^ To be ^V'i jj'ij CsJ'i a jl'i
To instigate. To thi'eaten a. o. 5 — sharp (spear, tongue).
To appraise a. th. ^ ^'i To be pointed (branch). j5jjl.
To blame o.'self for neglect. J>'Ji Point, edge, sharpness. jjj'ij jJi
To grumble against (God). To J* — Sharp; eloquent J-5,'ij j^'ij J^'i
threaten a. o. tongue.
To incite to fight. To _^lajj^j; Sharp (tooth, tongue). J^'i ir J^'^^
blame one another. The lingual letters.:ilsI}JJ) jj^^^jlj^ijl
Clever and jU'il ^ Ji^/ij j.»ij ^'i Sharp (.spear-head). Jklilk mi- j^jjt
brave. xed with water.
Sacred things : honour, family. jC»i To blame a. 0. 5 tXj^j b^'i o V'S ^
(jyS'ij V^ij ^'ij ^'i i J>i'i -8- To flow with mucus (nose). >3
To walk gently (camel). To reprove a. o. <> To swear n ^'i
To drive (a camel) gently. s ji'i To be content with a scanty ^ >iS
Walking slowly. J^'i ^ J^'i (life).

Gentle walk of camels. J^'i a. 0. upon his conscience.

To be iniense (heat). i^'j a *>'i -{^ To commit a blameworthy action%'il
To be exhausted by (heat). ^j — To judge blameworthy. To A j 5 —
To writhe in agony *C«'ij a V,'i -H- protect a. 0.
(slaughtered beast). To find protection against. it —
To be in the pangs of CXi i i/i To avoid blame. ^^'^
death (man). To keep aloof from. ^—
To hasten. CCJ»'i i t/'i To blame one another. ^Jjj
To beat a. o. to death. s J'i\ To deserve blame, reproof. 'j^x^\
To rifle the property of. J, jic C« J'jLLX •^To ask protection from a. o.*>C«Ixi —
( T
Appendix of a book. Last remains of life. .u'j
Ton'ent. Brook. Long Stench, fetid odour. j/'i
tail. Ladle. To flow (mucus). CJ'ij Cju'i il'i -ft-

Guilty, culprit. To be weak, decrepit (man).

"Walking at the rear. To flow from the ,:/'^j tJ'i a o'i ,

To de- C-ftiij (i^ ij Gu i u w-* i -ft- nose (mucus).

part, to pass along. To die. To be To a.sk a. th. from.
ended (affair). Mucus from the nose.
To hold an opinion. To follow J[ — Want. Small remainder.
the opinion of. Whose nose flows o'i »-

To 4_) t_^iijj , Jl, wJ» i^ , k^ -i* k-j' i Avithmucus.

hold a belief. To adopt an opinion. To track a. o. s CJi i »^ J -fr

To accompany a. o. To take ^j ^'i, To become spotted on its ^_J'i

away a. th. stalk (date).
To forget a. th. jt — To make a tail to (a tui-ban). — fi>

To ba amazed by the Ci'i a v-^'i To add an appendix to (a book).

riches of a gold mine. To commit an offence. ^V\
To gild a. th. A ^.^ib t-^'^ To follow (a path). To ma- a ^^
To take away a. th. fi> ^'il ke a tail to (a turban). To enter the
Gold. oUilj oUft'i T end of (a valley).
'r'>*''^ v-*'^
Yolk. Measure for corn in Yemen. To attribute (an offense) to. u—
Ceterach (plant). Golden- ^IL! xll?*- I To follow a. 0. step by step. 5 ^JLL\
leaved vulnerary found in Lebanon. To find a. 0. guilty. To impute an
Ipecacuanha, emetic. »_.j»*aJI jjc offense to. To pursue (an affair).
Saint John -^T^AtiJIj ^'i!l ^ Offense, fault, sin. ^y^ -^ «r^''^

Chryso-stome. Tail. Extremity v_.OVl ^ XlJ'i^ wJi

Light ^_^ fi'ij tjUij t_iU j"! ^ :uii of a whip.
rain ; heavy rain. Sting of a scorpion. vS^' ~
Sailing-boat on the Nile. *LiS a FoUowei's, servants, ^il) clJ'ij ^\j''i\

Afriplex, orache. wilii iii2\ Species of ?-e56f/a. oj^l wJ'J

Piece of gold. Gold coin. (?<;«.) ii'i Fox-tail {plant). ,_JiSJI »^'i
Golden. Aristida {plant). jjji] ^'i
Opinion, belief. Rite, Equisetum, horse-tail (p/a.j.jli-j I »_j'i
sect. Way of acting Origin. Privy. S corpioide, scorpion-grass. i_/,ii! I ^'i
The four orthodox Plantago., plantain. s3u!l ^^'i
rites of Islam. Garden-purslain. ^^It_.;'i
Gilded bay (horse). ^'jS- z^ Circium. way- thistle. ;J-l]lj s^l wJ'i
The Caaba. _^ li^ To remain steadfast. jJl, Ij^ri
A/?/5SMW,madwort {plant). ^\^\ ^»jS <> Comet.
v-^'^^!' Jf^
To for- ^cj A Vyi'ij iLk'i a Ji'i -II- End, extremity.Bed of a wjC'i ^ i_/Ui
get a. th. To be diverted from. stream.
To be amazed. JaUIj ,V^ 'i a Jj*'i Kindred.
To make a. o. to forget ^ jf j* il End of a valley.
a. th. To divert a. o. from. Following.
First part of the night. ji'ij ji'i Bu>d'3 tail.
Jj ij ^^; jj J.iJi
Amyris opobalsamum, balsam- ji'i Fine-tailed (horse). Tall and ^y^
tree of Mecca. evil. Unhappy (day). Lot, portion.
Horse of good breed. JJ^u'i ^^ JJS-'i Kind of raiUet. {un. :uCJ i ) op'i
Forsaken place. jj^\'j,^ ^ jj,jji Darnel-grass. ''^'^i ^.y^
iJJ^ ( YTi )

I have not got j^ il^ jj3 j k^t'i (a To understand a. th.

the least good from him. To divert a. o ^ S ^

To melt a. th. -^ To tire out. Sj ;b k_,j'i from.

To settle a business. To ob- * t.jfil To have a good memo- iiu'i o ^''»
tain (a want). To emaciate a. o. ry ; to be clever.
(cares). To surpass a. o. in sagacity, y ^Ai'i
To make a raid against. ic — To take away the intelli- y jijd-'l

To ask honey from. To let finj s v_iia£.:i. gence (worldly love).

a. th. remain. To obtain ( a want). Understanding. Memory, ^uil ^ ^'i
Honey. ^jj'i Sagacity. Strength. Grease.
Gold-wash'; liquid gold. ^oJI yjj'h Prudence. oUlsl ^ ^»i>
Very hot noon. To be proud. lyi'i o Ca'i -S-

Melted butter. oj) i

ob'i c.' (fof
TT iSj'i) j'i -ft-

Meltiijg-vessel. Owner. Endowed with.

Ladle. Wealthy. Intelligent.
Essence, Substantive Myrioijlvjlloa. milfoil iijj will J i
noun. One's self. •<>• Influential man. {plant).
The essence of God. -3)1 Cj\ i Medlar-tree.
^ Identical. Personal- Meivj'tnthes trifoUata,
ly. Himself; itself. bog-bean.
Essential, personal. Cinque-foil, five-finger J^
To walk firmly. G-ji (plant).
To gather (flocks). 5 - Vitex, chaste-tree.
To di-sperse (camels). To fi^j E)-i/ngium, sea-holly.
scatter a. th. His relations. His people.
Importune (man). ^jli. Kings of Yemen.
To ^5 ij'ij , I iC ij lij'i o il'i -J^ The ^1 oCJj ^)I ij Jia3\ ji
drive away. To dispel (grief) from bowels.
To help a. o. s \'i\j'i[ ij'ib.silX *''^^ !
Alexander the Great.
To defend a. th,

Defen- ilj'ij , Sil'ij ilj'i j ij'^ 9r -^,''^ mistress of. Belonging to.

ding his rights, honour. Pneumonia, pleurisy, if Jij ^^isjl ol'i

She-camels from 3 to 10. '{s. pi.) i'/'i He »ii i ^* -^j 4_i; ofi ^^^j t^i ^a sU
Pasture-land. itjti came from himself.
Manger. Bull's horn. ijfJJ' ,- ^J^ It was in olden times.jj ji ^^ \'i 0^5'

Tongue (of man). Hidden thoughts. jj^J-^' o^i

Hypericum. St John's- 'j'^C^ — iii -S- Wealth. jCM ofi
wort. I met him first of ^j5 ol'i Jjl i-3)
To strangle a. o. j CJ»j'i o J^fi * all.

To fill (a vessel). I sat on the Jliill j1 oi«JI ol'i c '"if

Yellow-backed spider. h\j'':>\ ^ a»j'i right or left.

To squander (wealth), a lij'i o f.>'i * A certain mor- iU oli^ ^Uool'i
To di'ink the consents of (a ^ ^fil ning or night.
tank). To take away a. th. To melt. To COj'ij C j'i o j'i -R-
To straddle along. CijS o oi'i -S- flow (tear). To become hot (sun). To
feed on honey (man). To become foo-
To taste a. th. To try a. o. or a. th. lish. To become emaciated.
To experience (a trial). To be established with a. o. ic J ^|'j>

To make a. o. to taste a. th. a j ji'il against another (right).

( YTe )
Dung- mixed with earth. sjj'i To make a. o. to experience a. th.
To taste time after time. jji;
To spread (news, disease). To hand (spears) to o. a. To fi> jjlo
To reveal (a secret). * tlVl taste a. th.
To manifest a. th. To exhaust ^ — To try a. o. s JiofJ,!^
(a t?ink). To take away a. th. Taste, relidh. JIj^j *^1\'>j J/^
Unable to keep a secret.^^^Ui ^ p,Cli^ Intellectual relish, good o^j'^j 3/^
To drag (a garment). ^'i J\'i -fr i taste,
To drag the tail (dove). To strut and •<> Palate, taste ; tact. j\j^
drag (his gown man). To become
: To wi'ite the letter i jyi — Jli . -IJ-

lean (woman). To be abased. To be The letter i. Cocks'-crest. Ji'i

lowered (man, state). To become rich and oJjj — o\i -fr
To put a long fi> ;)i'il. Ji'i^j jl'i> easy.
skirt to (a dress). To be faded Cj 'i a Jj^'^j i Jj'i *
To write on the margin of. fi> jl'i (plant).
To despise a. o. To emaciate ^ Jl i*l To wither herbage (sun). ^ t\j'^[ ^^_)'i1

(a woman). To use (a horse, a boy; Small ewes. jj'i

for mean works. To squander (mo- Rind of melons grape-skins.
; sij'i
ney). To shed (tears). To cook (meat) thoroughly. ulu * C'i
To let down (her veil woman). A> —
; To be thoroughly cooked (me- tj j5

To walk proudly. To wag the j/aj at). To become corrupt (wound). To

tail. ba wona out (skin;. To swell (face).
To be low, humble (state). JjIjS Much water. Fright. t-iV-'il — ^i -ft-

Extremity, j/'ilj Ji:*ilj J^''i ^ j;'i Liveliness.

Skirt. Appendix of a book. Tail. So and so, thus and thus,i.;'i i>['i -ft-

Drift of sand. To pass swiftly. u/'i i ^I'i -ft-

Rich. j:'iJ| To drink a. th. fi>

Refuse of the people, ^ilil J^^l To drink with a. o. s r^}'i
Long-tailed (horse). "Wild bull. jC'i To abase a. o. 5 ^'i ^
Appendix of a book. Js-i^ To go round (a place). ^ ^iVl
Long-skirted (garment).
Gold, Wolf.
Fine mare.
<i-.j ij 5^Cib ir>i'^ t

Red star in Draco.

Annotated (book). Proud. Thick-haired male hyena.
To blame a. o, i Ci'ij Q'i i ^)'i -» To loathe a. th. I^'i a j\'» -ft-

Blame, vice, defect. cj'ij ^'ij yi'i To smear (the teats) with dung. *J['^


Jb ( TT"\ )


First day of a month. :UDIj ,^1 tr-lj To turn the eyes ; to gaze. To '\'j\j -H-

New year's day. glisten (eyes). To

look in a mirror.
Source, spring. ^\ ^Yjj ojiiJI
To shine (mii'age). To wag the tail.
Spina alba, -whitethorn To produce trefoil A C'lj a vU "^
Kind of orchis. after the crop (field).

Galeofois, hemp-nettle. To repair (a. th. broken). To a—

Echium viper's bugloss, settle ( a business).
Staves-acre, lousewort. He made peace between ^ \'\j ^\j
Altogether. Directly. them.
With pleasure. To arrange, to repair a. th. ib t_i'lj1

He was born next to <j,i.1 ^\j ic 4j Lusty lord. ^Jij

his brother. Herd of seventy camels. cjOji, ^ —
•^ On the plea, on ac- ^\j cJ^ ^, :
Patch, piece of wood. v^'j, »- *?jj
count of. ;
Part of the night. Want.
Capital-stock. JU-Lj -^j JUJl ^-'O Repairer, rectifier. '-/^'y^J v^'j
To capitalise. J^j
"^ To incline on one side in walk, j; '13 -S-
Chief. > Abbot.
Captain of a ship.
'U:}^ ^ ^j ,_^3
Lion, wolf.
Jriuj J^J 9r JQjj^
be supple (branch). %ijj o ijj^-S-

Surname of Avicenna. ^-iJ^l rCli\ To incline (branch). To bend ^XJ

Science of logics. ^^1 tr-s-^J
(ueck). To be unsteady (wind). To
The vital parts of the SIaJ^" 'tap'vl tremble in rising (old man).
body. To incline languidly (youth). iLjjij —
Upper end of a valley. Foremost ^Ijj ;
Time after sunrise. jol^j :>\j

clouds. Delicate maid. S'ijjj y/jj o':>\jj ilj

Butcher dealing in heads. ^\ \j i
Suppleness of temper. y/j
Head-rope, halter. *^Vj • i
Coeval. Straitness. Offset. :,\'J\ ^ jjj^
Authority, power. z^\jj To be the chief of (a a z:,\^j^ i ^\'j -K-

Having both temporal oji^G']^!) j'i tribe).

and spiritual authority. Foremost in To strike a.o. on the head.jf Clj a —
science and courage. To be a chief. jjLiJ;^ o ^jj
Large-headed. Black- '^^jjj trb' To have a complaint of the \A'.>
headed (ewe). head.
Subject, subordinate. Big- a-^jj'" To make a. 0. 2f
a-|j ^J tr-'O
headed. Hurt in the head. chief; to set a. 0. over.
Horse ahead in a race. J^y To become a ^37 -ffj >J^j\j a-\p
a wa|.j j *-»
o tJjjj ^ *_»0 a oO "^
To be merciful ^ ^ J^_, jljj , CiU To bend down the head of i ^^Cjl.
towards; to pity a. o. a. 0. To busy a. 0.
To conciliate a. o. ^ olIn-Llj ob To seize a. th. by the top. a —
Mercy, compassion. xS\j Head. Head (of ^j'jjj ^ij\ ^ JS'j
Merciful. ,_ijljj ^ijjj ojjjj 'J^J »-»j3 i
cattle) ; individual. Chief. Uppemnost
To grow (herbage, Jijt-il. - Jij "^ part. Cape, headland. Numerous tri-
young ostrich). be. Head (of garlic). Upper end of a
Ostrich -i^jj JOj ^ oMJj^j J)j1 ^ J'O .
road. Begiiming. <> Loaf (of sugar).
( TTY ) J\j
To consider a. th. J J(ij\j — one year old.
To To doubt
consider a. th. ^ ^^li^i Foam, slaver of beasts.
To arrange a. th.
about. He passed along quickly. ^'Ir' j'
To consult a. o. To wish To repair a. th. /b ulj a >il3 -»

to see a. th. To cicatrise (wound). CUJLl J ^0 a ^3

Advice; idea. Skill. Mjlj To fondle (her young beast). 5 — :

Schismatics. Prudent men. To be fond of, to keep to (»]j a

— ffo

Sardin, pilchard. a. th.

Aspect, appearance ''^,JJ S?-IJ '^-A To heal a (wound). To Sj A j,\'J\

Sign, symptom. accustom (a she-camel) to a strange

Dream, vision. bVi young one. To twist (a rope).
The Apocalypse To compel a. o. to. it s^ —

of S^ John. To compassionate a. o. ^ j^^p

Sight. Phasis of Stuffed skin of a young camel. J\j
the moon. White antelope, j,\'J\j ^Tjl ^ J j^
Hypocrisy. Opposite. -Gj white gazelle.
They seem to be a oiJl tUj _^ Fondling her young ^j^3_, x^\jj ^13
thousand. (female).
Houses situated opposite. '•Oj cjP. Familial", licking ewe. ^//j sQ,
Lung. oUj_j Ci^j, 7- *jj, Slaver of beasts. ^,13^
^ Pulmonary, lung-wort. ;uj| ^1^4^ To ffi h\jj 't/jjj (AJ j^' jVj -»-
Beholder spectator.
'TOj •^'J see ; to think a. th. To hold the opi-
Famihar demon. Large snake. -13 nion of.
He is fitter, apter to. o i^lj'i "'a Do, tell me thou, ye. ^fe^i^ljl d)c:iVJ\
Beauty of aspect. i^j^jj -cj Behold ! Lo !
-J, 'J~:j'\
Mirror. View. \,\yij M^ ^ IjI^^ "^'j's'^i Most of all.
\*'J j\j \^J Ji VJ V
Look, aspect. sr^j I should ^3k "^J U
^ ,_j*iy;.
^'J J^ kj ^'J>
He is under ray S\j^,_ j\ j'Vy. ^4. 'jA like to know. Dost thou think that ?

eyes. To judge, to know a. 0. fi> fi>j s s —

Hypocrite. oj^l> ^ M>i or a. th. to be so.
To collect a. th. * j j C3 o 'Lij -J^ To wound a. o. in the fi>j s (Aj —
To possess a. th. To rule ( people). lungs. To stick (a flag).
To have authority over. To see a dream, a vision. C jj ~
To increase a. th. To complete * — To dissemble with. To consult e j\j
(a benefit). with. To present a rau-ror to.
To perfume (an ointment ),Abjj u j — To act hypocritically s t\jj^j 'i-A'J> tj-Aj
2 V'jb vOO ^V-* ^h'J ^'>J
~ with. ^-'-^

To bring up a child. To face, to front a. th. — fi>

To preserve a. th. with rob. A> ^jj To look in a miiTor. To t\-'j[ j\j\

To last (south wind, rain dissemble. To have a complaint of

To remain in (a place). the lungs. To have dreams. To have
To claim mastership over a good judgment. To show signs of
The Lord (God). Master. ^C j1 rr V3 madness. To twinkle. To follow the
> Creditors. o^jJI i-iij j1 opinion of lawyers.
Ministers of state. y^oJI ^\'ij\ To s j^jj ^sjj\ -^ 'Aj\j 'c'\j{ jj\

Lady, mistress. Female idol. :J3 show a. th. To advise a. th. to a. 0.

Large house. <> Scald-head. To mirror. To show o.'s j-\'ij j ''^'y

Alexandrian trefoil. ^G j,j Tj_/\ ^ ;J3 self.

Locust-tree. Lara^e crowd. To see one another. iS'Sy
( TTA )

To be closed, shut. ^j a c^.j Rob, inspissated s^^jy'jj <J^.j -r Vj

To hold ^ 5 cJ.jjfdJj o cA'j "^ juice of fruits.
a. 0. back from. Often, many a i^b'jj liJjj :tJ3j v^
To be dilatory. i-y j'j iJ/Ji time. Seldom. -^ Perhaps.
To separate (people). w-yjl Step-father. ^13
To scatter (sheep). cXj\ Step-mother. ;*i3

Delusion. Hindrance. cjCj ^ \lxi_j Viol. Single-stringed SjIjj -^j v'^3

Hindered. 'zAy'j '^J-'j*-) -i^.'j
violin. White cloud.
To be rough, silly. VQj a oi?u3 -fr Covenant. Friends. Tithes. ^jGj
Rough. Braggart. ji-SO Step-son. Step-father. vj^J
To gain ; to G-C^j
jj liWj,<^j a sv j ^ Lordship. Covenant. Govermnent.ob j^
be lucrative (goods). Collection of aiTows.
To give a profit to ^/^ S ru,j\j rrj\j Lordly. Divine. 'tJ'.^!3j'J'?j.> 'si^J

a. o. upon. Ewe after bringing forth. i_jG j ^ Jt3

He lent him money oJl^i "JCi ilWl Beneficence. Wealth. Want. Tight
for a share in the profit. knot.
To be astounded. To seek rJ.lp Lordship, mastership. -^ Swel- ~Zt,yj
profits. ling in the arm-pit.
Profit, gain. ^(,'J\ ^ ^j^ The whole beginning. : oiSjj oi^j
Gain at play. Horses for sale. ^j Slave. Step-father ; step- xJjl ^ »_a;3
Profit. Civet-cat. ^C^ son. Confederate.
Kind of camphor. ^C j Foster-mother. Step- wJ,C3 ?r *ri'.3
Lucrative (goods). ^j daughter. Domesticated ewe.
Male ape. Kid. ^^(, 3 ^ ^C jj r-Jj White slave. Reared (child).
"Weaned camel. Gatherer. Abode meeting-place. \jy:

<• Agiotage. ;>jl2^ Ground covered with plants. t_)U^.>j —

To trudge in (the j (3.43 & •kij -ii- Preserve, confection. cX^.'J' -r v^S^
sand camel).
: To ascend, to rise. To u-3 a \fj ^
To stay in (a place). ^_j \iy_j -Jj -^ walk sluggishly.
To confine a. o. 5 — To take care of. To take away, — fin

To become cloudy (sky). To be ^'Ji To remove a. th.

altered (face). To be stern (face). To consider (an affair). j —
To be ash-coloured. iljjb ^ Jl To look out. To overlook ic U30 —

Dust-coloured. oJj ^ 'loj^ j. jJ jl a. th.

Malignant snake. Lion. Do keep it. take cure of it. <, Vjl,
Buphtalmus graveolens, olJ^/jj jJj 1 did not know nor desire iC 3 'cJ^'j 'i
ox-eye (plant). it.

Dates sprinkled with water. x,, 3 To remove a. o. or a. th. ^ i_, \j

Dust-colour. Jwj 9- »^J fi'om.
Enclosure. Drying-floor. jj^ To watch, to stand 5 i^jlj, Jj » ~
To be light in (work). ^ li; 3 a J/,3 -fr on the look out for.
To cut a. th. A jj j1 To take away a. th. * i^.> U3
Swift in walk. JLj3 To watch a. 0. To caution *_,' 5 \;)3
Wool for rubbing iC^^ ^
50:3^ fj^j^ o.'s self against. To guard a. 0.
camels. Rag for cleaning. Knot of Watch, scout. UQ J « *^jj 'S^-S
a whip. Look out; 'd^j S*Oj ij>;j '^.!f*

To slap a. 0. with. ^_, » CJ3 ^j «• watch-tower.

To fill a (water-skin). fi>
— To rear (a child). 5 cj'jj li^'j i c43 "^
To be compact. To be mixed. ^l7Jt To pat (a child).

^J CTY ^ ) L>j
^ To engage, to secure a. th. it— To act in o.'s own way. j -^jl,
To persevere in. * Cl»bj,j ^kl^-* -WO •Misfoi'tune. Much. ^j
To ba stationed on (the enemy's Great misfortune. ^'j »r '^J
frontier : army). Courageous. Calamity. ^r^J
To stop in (a place water). J JsJi^ : /?/iew(/i nie*', kind of goose- ^'ijj
<• To plot -with a. o. against. f>. JsJI^ berry.
To bind o.'s self with. To become bushy (tree).jijyi —J^j-H-
^ To bind o'.s self itl^jb ~ Ground covered with herbs, -ili^ J^jl
To take (a horse) for static- i Jajji. To await J ^.'Jj,^ (^.jo^/j-H-
ning it. a. o. or a. th. To lay in wait for.

Tie, bond. Heart. Inn : iaJ j ^ IjLjji, To stick to (a place). ^ ^'J

station for horses. -^ Asylum for the To desist from (an affair). — ^
poor. Bandage. Suspense of a cler- Expectation. Mixed colour. -i^j
To die. To recover from itCj, ja'^
a. o.
refine (silvei"). -^
to rights.
To set A ^ j3 ••

illness. Refined silver. u^^j/j "^

<• Necktie. Nosegay. Plot.olL'j ,- Ji»i3 1 o lay Ciy' J J 'iJs^^j Uaj j i ja\ j -^
Monk, ascetic, religious. ^.'ji -SaiO down, to cower (beast,.
Strong-hearted. ^r-W ^^Ji ^fj To crouch over (its prey : lion), ic.

Tie. Copula {in logics). < Agree- iiJl^ To alight at. *_, 5 <^y.jj iiaJjio-
ment. To detain a. 0. in. ^_J js\j 11

Stationed horses. <>• Plot. «iy3 To become hot (sun). jAJ^

Station for horses. Jaj.l^^ ?r -Jaj^-*
To park (cattle). To sustain (o.'s s —
Bond, tie, rope. ^.iftJ ^.'yi people). To render a. 0. drowsy
Leagued people oliaJl^ ^ *iuO' (wine).
military station. To cling to a place (cripple). jaYj
The final o wi'itten s . *i^j'jii\ '£!! Wife, mother j^J^j j^^ji j^l'jj jalj
To await. To restrain i^ij^/^.j-H- or sister.
o'.s self. To drink every fourth day Middle of a thing. Foundation, joj, j
(camels). -^ To gallop (horse). Wall of a town. J''^.'J\ t J^Vj
To come on the fourth day jc — Suburbs. Palace.
(fever). To feel sympathy for. Intestines. Enclosure for t^/jj X^.j
To make a four-stranded A a o ^Jj i
I'ope. The Turks and the Ethiopiaus.jUsjl^"
To complete the number four. s — Heap of corpses. Corpse. z^\j
To be the fourth, fourtieth or forty Cripple, impotent.
fourth with. To take the fourth Large ( tree). Populous j^^j ^ J'j'.j
fi'om. Big (chain).
To abstain, to desist from. ^^ — Flocks parked with their j^Qj_,r J^ciJ
To remain quietly in. To jj ^— .shepherds.
pastui'e freely in (a place : camels). Safflower. J'^.'Jj
To have the quartan ague. To ^j To tie, to bind Sj fit Ckj j o iajj -i^

have spring-rain, spring-herbage. a. th. -^ To suspend (a clergyman).,

To make a. th. square, four- fi> 43 To lay (anchor).
faced, four-footed. To be heartened. <^(ij Li(p-

< To feed ( horses ) on green ? — God has strengthened *Jsjt ^1 Ixjj
food. his heart.
To lift (a load) with a lever. A ^ij <>• To be a highway robbei'. j/,_4»"

To become the farmer of a. o. s — ^ To lay in wait against. '

J —
iX, ( Tr- )

Stone lifted for trying strength. tLj'j for the fourth of the produce.
Garden. Iron helmet. To enter its fourth year (sheep) ;
^ jl
Pertaining to spring, ^'j-j '^s^i^-'-i its fifth (horse, oxen); its seventh
Four. "
^/J\ j^tij'Js To be in the spring. To go
Quadrupeds. ;JjVI cAj':* water on the fourth day. To be
Wednesday. oOWJb Cj\*^)'J\ -r 'WJ^ four in number.
Forty. Fourtieth. o_^j1 To have the quartan ague. ^ji
Fast of "Ij^jV --^^aJlj cj*; jjVl ^^ To sit cross-legged. u-j^' i? « >
lent. To be fattened. To feed on ^lob
Spring-rain. ,4o'-''/'iC'' -r rk'y-
grass (horse).
Spring-abode. To spend the spring ^ fSj -^j ^j[
Lever, crow-bar. r>\'J' <r **i'y,-} Hj^, in (a place).
Brin£?ing forth in the spring ^i To heap up (sand). To rise A.-^i
(she-camel). Sails of a ship. (dust).
Suttering from quartan f^^ij^} Aj^ Abode. House. ^'Jij f.\jj^j f.yj ^ j^'j

fever. Spi'ing-encampment. Bier.

Square, four-sided, foui'-footed. f^y> Fourth part. Measure f,i;jl ^ f\j
Upper-room. Anchor. Plot of land.
-fy- of 3. 63 gallons.
•^ Farmer, partner. ^r^ Watering of camels every fourth ^j^
Fourth part of spoils. Full of fXi'j* day.
spring-herbage (land). Camel born in the f.Cj1j ^.Uj^ ^ ^j
Of a middling stature. 9y.yj
~ spring.
Jerboa, fieldrat. ^ ^'JItt f-y.'jl
Quartan ague. ^" Jl JJ.
To lead a luxuriant life. Uj'3 a fj.'j "^
To be luxuriant (Ufe). ^'j a /« j Middle-sized (man).
To let (camels) drink at pleasure. 5 ^j1 Gallop. Distance of a I'ace. <ij3
Luxui'iant (life). ^\'j < Fourth of a measure. :C^j
Plenty, abundance. *^Cj Ranunculus^ golden-cup t^j -^
Plentiftil, abundant. jo]\ [plant).
To tie (a kid) j J>^jjMj i o Jj^ -«- FoUl'th. ^.U3j Cj\*>Sj ^ Sij.O Jk ;u Ij
by the neck. <f- Noontide, broad light. ji^Sl xiji^
To throw a. o. into (an affau'). j s — Well-being. ^.i'j

To embellish speech. ^SifeOI j/j Good state. Habit. Authority. '*£-\ij^

To hang a. th. on the neck, a jj'^:

He was caught in a snare.:jJC9. J J^'j{ Toothless (beast).
To be implicated in a ,j'\ j — Two teeth near the
business. incisors.
Noose. Snare. ^'Jj Vj Composed of four ; four and four, ^b j
Loop tJ^iJ,.> tjVijIj JiJ, 5r *2;j,j <kj Quadriliteral ; four cubits high. '&\j'j

of a rope. Spring. Autumn. j Xi;. j1 ^".^^^j


Beast caught in a noose. xLi^ Spring-herbage ; spring-rain; water-

Bread and grease. tity" spring, source. -^ Farmer, partner.
To mix a. th. To a ^J3 o liij 3 -J^ Share of water. 5- ~
»Uj j1
make (a soup). Fourth part. Aj-k~
To throw a. o. into mire. » — Luxuriant spring. ^,13 ;^3j yj3 ^3
To be entangled in an i[&Jj & •Jo.j Name of the jr-i\ ;^.3_, jyvi ^3
affaii*. third and fourth month of the Ara-
To. be mixed, confused. 'ilCjIj «ii^jlj bian year. Autumn and spring.
To be intricate (business). Hoopoe (bird).
( T
t^ —
Ten thousand, myriad, ol^'j, ^ ''.y-^.
I To struggle in (a snare). To be j
Hill. fi^jj «^jj ! impeded in (speech). To trudge in
Asthma. Loud breathing, 'ijj'i ^ ^'3 j
Relations, family. Root of the iii ji 1
Implicated in ixh'j^) •^cJ.'jj '^.j.j '^.'>
thigh. an affair.

Lobster, prawn, squill. <j^.'j\ Mire. Dates and butter. *^^^j

Chrysantemum^ corn- o^.'j\ j'^. To multiply. To have y^'j i o Jjj ^
marigold. many children, flocks.
Usurer. .v'S' To produce autumnal Ji.'S^j JiJ
/f- Preserves, confections. CjCJ"^ ^ Jt^^ plants (land).
To stammer. C; J3 b.Cjj -^ To be fleshy. To eat. to seek for jf'J
To make a. o. to stammer 5 'oj^ autumnal plants. To become green
(God). in autumn (land). To hunt.
Impediment of speech. xjj To be plentiful (goods). Jpjl
Stammerer. -oj ^ 'Cj j. ojl Autumnal shrubs, herbage.J_^'j ^ jjj
Chief. Prince. Cj^'jj d^j -r Oj Flesh of the thighs. cJ^.j -r ^.jj ^'^.'j
Swine, boar. o>j ?- ~ Pulicaria, kind of flea-bane. Jij
To tighten (a knot). a i^j a 'tj -^ Audacious thief iUjj j, J-<3
To strangle a.'o. 5 — Moistness. Fatness. Depression. jJUj
To walk with short steps CXjj — Comfort.
(camel). Fatness, fleshiness. '^^.JJ ^'^.'j

To stammer, to stutter. c/Jij ^ Luxurious life. J^^ *^jj

To be fast, fixed, wi^'j ^.yj o *Jij -S- Daring (brigand). Fe- J-jC 3 «• Jt-lJL
To stand up (in Qjjjj Cjj ^ v^J rocious (lion). Infirm (old man). Tall
prayer). and creeping plant.
To fasten a. th. To put in A ^'j Ground abounding with J\j^
order. To organise. -^ To assign (a autumnal trees, shrubs.
pension). To give a pledge. a c('Ji ~ C(j -H-

To stand up (man). To be ^'J\ To be the captain of a ship. c^'y

reduced to beggary. Ship-captain. <^'.^.j -r '«i^J.> i^^.J

To be fast ; set in order. ^/Js Earnest, pledge. oOJL) Oji'Jj oy.j

<f- It results from it. jllt ^j'Ji To increase ''^J, o C j

Difficulty. Prominence of ground ; ^j (wealth).

rocks. Measure of the To ascend (a hill).
four fingers A —
close together. Space between the To grow u3j ''<ij ^3j,^%jj ^y.J ~
third and the little finger extended. up. To be educated (child).
Step of stairs. Rank, ^j ^ wj To swell from fear or run- {y/j —
dignity. <> Ritual. Religious service. ning (horse). To be out of breath.
Earth. Unmovable thing, wj^j sSJi To foster (a A j J iXjij 'x^.'J S.'j ,

Bad slave. Perpetuity. ^>j; child). To make preserves.

They came all together. ih'J Ij iG- To lend to a. 0. upon 'stJly* ^Xj ts

fy Pension, pay. ^y-j sJj)xi «• viO usury. To fondle a. 0.

Religious services. Offices. t_4Uj To practice usury. To exceed Jiji

Look out. High rank. ^Xj" -r *rV* the measure.

it- Platform. Bench covered with To increase a. th. To give 5j A—
a mattress. hope to.
To lock (a door). A ^jlj ^3 , r-5j ^ Usury, unlawful profit. S.j^
To begin to walk (child). OV;j — Favour, merit. 'C'j

To be impeded in speech, ^'j a t-jj Hill. .v'-'J ft *=i'3j,ti-JJ ^.'j T ''y.J

L^ ( T

To set (speech) in order. To fi> jjj i

To be full of eggs (hen). To ^'J\
read correctly. -^ To sing hymns. overrun (waves). To be good (har-
To speak slowly.- ^^feJI J J^J vest). To fall incessantly (snow). To
Good order, ^^'lliteness of the Jj3 be barren (year).
teeth. Fine speech. To be impe- jc <^,J^\_) ?^fjjlj ijj jl
Elegant (discourse). Jij ded in (speech).
Elegant. Stammerer. j^j] Without egress (road). In store ^j
^ Hymn, sacred song. j^Ji^ ^ jJl^ (money).
Phalangium, veno- CjI3>Cjj r- '"^'j Large gate having a
mous spider. Phalangium (plant). wicket.
•< Tarentula. Rock. Narrow-pass.
To break (the nose). A C^j ^j -S- i Narrow roads.
To cPush a. th. Wooden-bolt.
To bft bi'ought up (in a tribe). j — To be diluted (flour, \>'yj a ^j -ft-

He did not utter a single j;;il6v ^^j U mud).

word. To settle in (a place^
To twist (a thread) ^jl.j ^j Ji'J) To desistfrom.
round o.'s finger. Mire.
He is still ^;, \\ \'S» jt Cjjj'j Jij \» To have their d-^jj ^Jfjj 'Ui'j&^j-^
minding the atfair. fill (cattle). To find pastm-ages. To
Genista, broom-plant. Esparto, ^3 enjoy a luxuriant life (man).
mat-weed. Water-bag filled. Road. To have good pasture (land). To ^j1
Low speaking. Shame. send forth pasturage (land).
Thread^lTj J v',^jj ^ <^,jj,j^j «• *i-"j To let (cattle) pasture freely. 5 —
tied to a fingei- for reminding. Plenty, abundance. *ijj
Pine-resin. ^yOj t^Sj P Pastu- cyi\jj f.Jijj fiji rJji t.^j, fr r^j
To tie up. To loose a 1333 Ij j -i^ ring freely (cattle). Leading an easy
a. th. To hearten a. o. To draw life (rnan).

up (a bucket) gently. Crowd of people. ^Cjl

To step. Uj Place of plenty. Pastu- ;Ji3> ^ ^,'ji

To make a sign ^.^b IjJ^J O'J

- rage.
with the head. To close A ( opp to j3 ) iiJ3 o Jij -fr
To join a. th. to. jl, fi>
— up, to sew up (a rent) ; to reconcile
To mend a. th. fit
jjj j ^3 <> (people).
Step. Moment. Hill. 5^73 He has restored their business.^^sis^^j
lo be ojlj , *-JjC)j V\jji viij "^ I
To be repaired. J^Jl
threadbare (garment).
Two garments sewed by the jUj_
To wear out (clothes). /b ojl j
To ba brought out of a battle ^Jj' I
He is the supreme J'S'jb j3UJI 'j»
wounded. I ruler [lit : he rends and mends).
Old clothes rags.
; oUj_ 9. Cijj '
To run \?^jj (S3jj ^'j i o iXi'j -»-

Old furniture. Cj^j,j cJji, «• I'j, with short steps (camel).

Rabble. Foolish woman. i
To di'ive (a camel) quickly. j iaj
Shabby. Wounded man oIjj, »r wi^ 3 To laugh coldly. il>iii!l —

half-dead. I
Litharge. ic^i
To cool (anger). To have '\jj a Uj -ft- Red, gold litharge. J^'i dc^
^^^ —
a disease of the shoulder (camel). White, silver litharge.
To curd (milk). To strike a. 0. ?_, A — To be set in order. To '^'j a
J53 -ft-

To mis a. th. with. uj A— ' have white and even teeth.

( "(r-r ) ^^J
Pain in the joints. Wickedness. ;^j
31-3 To thicken (milk). UJjl j \j'J\

Foolishness. To be confused (man, affair). ^sJ'J.


Dirge, p\'Jf ^ ii^ji -^j i^^'j "^.j^ To drink (sour milk).

elegy. Want of intelligence. •ii,3

To shake a. th. »> lV3 o ^3 -tt- Disease of the shoulder in camels. sl"3

To hinder a. o. from. jt. i — Sour milk mixed with fresh. :uJ3

To quake Vob V}j ,^'j trJJ i^J FooUshne.ss.
(earth). To be in commotion (sea). To heap up jfc
-i^uh . 'J^'3 jo'3 -H-

To be confused (speech) To quiver (furniture).

(flesh). To be turbid aijjlj,i:J3 a. jjj
Bustle of (people). Rumbling zij (water). To be disturbed (man).
(thunder). -^ Shock, trembling. To I'each moist ground by jjjl
Lean (sheep). Weak (people). ^if.j digging. To stay in a place.
To be disturbed (man). To ^^3 -«• Party of travellers tarrying.jjjj j Jj
quiver (fle.«h). Old furniture. Rubbish. ->^Vjj -^'j
To waver, to be shaken. !rj»-f>
Weak people.
A certain medicine. r^'j^J Generous man. Lion. oj^/i

Numerous army a *»l^j a^^T

in To be very covetous. C.j3 a AJ *
state of commotion. Covetous man.
Remainder of foul water. *^jrj, To be continuous rain). To ^jl «
Nuraei'ous party in war. Spittle. be loosened (hairj. To be weak and
Foolish. flabby.
To be near to bringWjl — \>j ^ To crush (the nose). To A CJ3 i Ji'j ^
forth (she-earael). To be disappoin- perfume (her nose woman). :

ted (hunter). To have a white '^j'j.Oj a Ji'j

To put ofifa (business). fit
— spot on tlie nose (horse).
To be j» iSj a w>-3j,V?-J o ^j ^ White spot on the nose of xSj3 ^3
ashamed of. To fear a. 0. a horse.
To i ^j\j ^jj,'>-^/jj,(i.^4'jJ ^fj ~ Fine rain. ^Jj^ ^ -cjj
regard with awe ; to honour a. o. White- ^j ^ .1^73 J, ^3b,*i43 >• j,ij
To prop (a palm-branch). A ^*3 spotted on the nose [horse).
To be awed, frightened. ^^y Bloody. Bleeding (nose). j>Jjh jtttj

>^^i-jj ^j^-'J ^^fJ^J v^*-'' '^ 'r^-'

Seventh Arabian month. Watered land. **/_3^ «j^j'
Prop for palm-trees. Trap, snare.xlij Intermittent drops of j\jj — jj -^

Joints of the fingers. ^a. |j3 ^ "Cy- 13 rain.

Intestines. V^VJ1 Land watered by i'J'^'j S-^'* u^J^
To weigh \>.^jj (i'^j a n-ij i -Ji-
intermittent rain
down (scale). To preponderate (opi-
nion). To eulogise (a dead s ^i'y'j i^'jh
To outweigh a. th. fi> j —
s person). To compose an elegy. To
To weigh a. th. with the j^jo a — keep (a tradition) by heart.
hand. To relate a. th. ^ A ijjj i
To be grave, sedate, '*>-^ ~ about a. 0.
To give an excess of To —
J rt?- jb ^j pity a. 0. J
weight to (a buyer). Deplorable thing. *i i^Oi'^'^Jr^-'
To weigh down (a scale), fi, ^jf'Jij
— To feel pains in the joints. Jt3 a J,3
To prefer (an opinion) to. Jt * {n»3 To recite the elegy of a. 0. s
J'Jj Jj
To make a. th. to outweigh. Hired female mourner. SjC3j «'LJ3

( rri ')

They are iu confusion. To weigh o.'s self with a. 0. & t^)j

o'f'JJ '*^,j^i ^.yj ^JrfJ i f^'j * To swing with a. 0.
To return. To have re- ^\ i[i»jj To swing (see-saw). To prepon-;r;>^
course to. derate (opinion). To waver (man).
To retui'n : to retract (a word), j — To swing on (a see-saw) J ^i^jl
To have a beneficial eft'ect <^ — Filled (vessels ). Heavy (squadrons^^'j
upon a. 0. (food, advice). of cavalry).
To desist from. To amend jc ^j Excess of weight. o^^'j
for. Outweighing (scale). Preferable r-^\j
To send back Jl^ 5 ^'y'J ^' 3 i
~ (opinion).
a. o. to. Swing of rope. *>^jj <>^j
To give (an answer). To repeat » —
a. th. See-saw.
To i*eii?ove a. th. from. o«- * ~ To incline. To shake. To 1,9-j>j\ ^
To drav7 back the r4jJ,^J i ^J fade away.
forefeet in walking (beast). To carry sheaves to iSUj, o j^j ^
To repeat a prayer). ^ f^J the floor.
To send back a. 0. To repeat, Aj 5 — To quiver, to Jis-jlj -^,JJ,'^3 -4:
to retrace a. th. To return a. th. tremble.
To resort to a. 0. To re- Aj S f.^\j To recite, to J-ij^j , \j>-j o J>-j -S-

turn to. compose verses jfj-

To repeat a. th. to. To have a 5— To rumble (sea, thun- _^,j\j ^'y
a conference with a. o. upon. der). To move heavily (cloud).
To stretch the hand backwards. ^^ j1 To vie with a. 0. in reciting ji-^'y
To return to a former condition. verses j>.'j.

To bring back a. 0. To * j s ^ j1 Filth. Idolatry.Punishment. j>jj jalj^

return a, th. Short metre of poetry. Trembling j^ 3
To give back a. th. bought. To fi>
— of the knees in camels. -^ Wrath.
prosper a. o.'s (business : God). Camel-litter for women. « jW-j,
To buy (a she-camel) ? f^i'Jj ^ijl Affected with trembhng • lj» 3 ^ j>j^
with the price of another. (camel).
To return together (divorced ^f 1^7 Piece of poetry on a j^\'J\ -^ Sjj* jl
people). To retui-n by degrees. To short metre j^J .

reply. To groan (camel). Cal^ o ^^j ^

To claim, to getback a. th. * ;oOtll To rumble (thunder).
Answer, o\^jj o^>j j t-^j. -^ yr'j To sound the depth of a ^_^ •J\j —
reply. Sound of footsteps. Rain. Pool (water).
of water. Profit. <> Echo. To prevent a. o. from. ^t S — i

Return. Resurrec- ^j ^ x^j To be filthy. I-lU^i ^»3j a ^?;3 ,

tion. Reply. •<> Receipt. Reaction. To commit foul deeds.

^ Second harvest of fruit. ju>-j To be .shaken (building). To .j-^'X
Answer ^j>-jj ^jj o^^^^jj ^^j thunder (sky).
(to a letter). Crime. Unbelief. Punish- ;_'v>jj ^>j
Return. (>•Recourse, resort. ment.
•Woman returning ;«>,>Jj Filth. u-'»yi -r u-^/jj a-^jj u-?-Jl

to her family. <> Ship-yai'd. Roaring (sea). Thundering ^-^3

Dung. Repeated (word). ^j ^ ^^j (cloud).
Jaded (camel). Repaired (clothes). Stone for sounding a well. tr^>Jr*
Sweat. Heated again (dish). Cud. Narcissus (flower). o^i^-Jij^/J
paper. Misfortune. Army. Preceden- I
Return. Lower part ^ f^^y
ce. Time. of the shoulder ^ Resort.
Filagn. lion's foot (
phuU).jJL'i\ ^j -^ Answer to a f^\y> ^ •^yi.'yj f.yi-'y>
Arum^ cowl {plant). ;^l — -^
friar's letter.
Alriplex, oroche [plant), il^i j>.j, loCto.jj Ci^jj Cuijj ^j-0 ^*>3 "^
Anchusa^ pigeon's foot <j;iiijl j>'j quake (earth). To rumble ^thunder).
(plant). To prepare for war. To tremble (old
Chameinelum. hen's o:ii.a)lj^j man> To be restless.
foot {plant). To stir a. th. »-
Layopas, hare's ioot{plant).^'}i\ jij^ To spread alarming news.
Lotus ornithopodus. <-j'S^'-> f''^"
"" To quake (earth).
bird's foot trefoil (
plant). To engage in a. th.
0)-nithopodus, bird's foot (pin.).j_^iii)l— To be moved. To tremble.
Glcchoma. groond-ivy. 'JaSlI
— To shake (the head). a>

Coronapus. ijiiJIj jjjjj^J J-^' ~ Shock. Earthquake.

crow's foot {plant). Shivering fever.
Podopk)/Uum, duck's foot ; 3^)1 — First blast of the trumpet on
(dangerous plant). the last day.
De/^^mm/n, lark's spuv {pla.).XJ^[^2\ — Rough sea. Day of resurrec- >j^3
Rigel, ^>iiii '\j'j^\ ^jj jt^}\ jij^ tion.Kind of run.
fixed star in the left foot of Oi-io. Alarming, false news. ^Jt^\'J\ .

Star in the right foot ^'^\ *'j>?»'' ~ To let (a female) » !>^3 o J» j -ft-

of Orio. suckle her young. To suck (his mo-

Garden purslain. jij ^ :a»'j^ ther young).
: To tie a. o. by the feet.
Vigour in walking. j'b." jj *Vj, To go foot. To have y^j a J*. 3
Pedestrianism. a white-spotted foot horse ). To (

Man. (o/j/^. xVjj Ji?-j, ^r Ji*j, -^J >3 ba curly (hair). To be set free with
^0 woman). Perfect. Vigorous. Hus- his mother (young beast).
band. To comfort a. o. 2f j»
Manlike woman, virago. iiai^ To comb (the hair). a —
Set fi'ee with his mother j^jj j>.j To let go a. o. on foot. To 2^
J* j^
(suckling). grant a respite to a. o. To let (a
Somewhat curly (hair). J>-jj
— young one) with his mother.
Having curly hair. Ji>3j Jb-jl ^ Jf j To alight ( To be manlike jf^
(woman). To be advanced (day).
Pedestrian, on foot. o>W- jj To go down (a well) t? j * ~

without I'ope.
Manliness. To cook a. th. in a kettle. fit
White-spotted on one ^y^jj Wj To go at a middling pace (horse).
foot (beast). Hard ground. To extemporise 'a speech).
Foot-pas- To tie (a beast) by the foot to —
J^3j JVjj JW-j ^rO^V^j
: »
senger. seize a. o.'s foot.
Foot- J:j> I3b JfXjh *V. J^ :r J::?:3 To follow o.'s own opinion. *i'l3i~
passenger, pedestrian. Walking on foot. ISIan. j^j
Good walker, Ju^j JW-jj J-ij^r- Foot. Hind-leg j^'jl ^ _^l, -^j jJ-x
tramp. of beast.?.
W^hite-.spotted ji^ ^ .^^i^) ^ Jfj'' Sea-gulf. j9tpi J»j!^
on one foot. Large-footed. Part, portion. Swarm of Ji^3l -r
Hunters. J::>,OVI locusts. Large troop of beasts. Blank
To be unable to speak. JLc j>-j White spot on a horse's foot. J^/Jj
To hope a. th. * ^*7Jlj j^J^j ^j Smallage (herb). Js^-'^^
To put a side to (a well). To * ^>j1 Variegated (garment). Lea- J»S^
miss (game). • ving traces of wings on the sand (lo-
To be near to bring forth ^J' custs). Combed.
(female). Copper caldron. Comb, js- \^i ^ i}>-'yt
To fear a. 0. -^ To beg a. 0. To cast stones at. s C^j o ^j -S-
Hope. Fear. -^ Request. •9-3 To stone a. o, to death. To curse,
Side. Country. 'U-jl ^ to revile a. 0. To expel a. o.
The two sides of a well. To put a stone on a (tomb). »> —

What is hoped. To speak conjecturally. ^liJlj >>3j ~

What is put off. tf- To practice magical stoning.

Purple. To throw stones at o. a. 2<^i3

Red-purple. To contend with a. 0. in (words), j 5 —
Width of a hoof. n:i J -ft- To protect a. 0. — ^
Wide-hoofed (mule). Flat-soled '^j\ To thi'ow stones at o. another. ^I_y
(man). To be heaped (stones). j^A
To speak obscurely. Tombstone. Heap ^Uj j ^> j ^ lW3
To protect a. 0. of stones. Den of a hyena.
Broad (foot). d\>-y>-'j) -r^jy-'j j 7-3*3 Missile. Conjecture. j'j^-'j t j^J
Wide and shallow (vessel). Friend, Magical stoning.

Easy life. ^l3'-3 J^^ Grave. Well. Oven. j^'^j, j^'j -tt

<iS»-jj o ^^'j J ,\^'j a •-->3 "^

\^j Shooting stars. Tombstones. ^j
To b3 wide (place). Stone for cleansing a well. Sto- j^i-^
To enlarge (a house). * ^>3 ne-work around a well.
The two cross-beams of a uW.>-x
To greet, to welcome a. o. pulley.
To be wide, spacious. ^>3'' Stoned.The accursed one, Satan. ^,^3
To clear, to enlarge (a place). .* — Strong, Battering (horse). Sling.^^^
Make room, clear the ,^3"b w^9-3°l Doubtful (news). Vf^S'
way. Foul speech. j^^Sj"
To become wide, to be easy. .^Kj To Ci^jo o?^3j,a o>:3j
i_) ,0 cii-'j '^
Broad, spacious. i_jG>-3j vc=;3j >— »-3 remain in. To be familiar to (beast).
Long-minded ;
generous, ya.2a)l w>3 To keep i ^^% ^jj ,U9I3 o o?3
forbaaring. (a beast) in the stable. To be asha-
Able, mightx. Generous. 9\'j^\ w^3 med of.
Ampleness. *j'i-3.> v-'-J To be rancid (butter). cj^'A
Welcome, be at ease. ^'jS^j dLi C>"3 To be intricate (business). le.

The broadest rib of the breast. '^l.'j To abide in. »_,

Deadly poison.
Wide 5'pace. Brands on camels. Cul- Troop, party.
tivated groimd. Court. Bed of panic- Ba.sket.
grass. To be in commotion U?-3 i *^3 ^
Extended borders. ^JU-j To seize with (the teeth). ,_,

Wider. Name of a tribe, and ,_,i j1 To put off a. th. ii> *»'3*i

of a stallion. eQ-^*J ''WjJ '^i-JJ '^?'3 \>-j -^

^y!" JJ
Welcome. i_jV>l? To hope foi". To fear a. 0. j_j A
Welcome. Be at 5^1 <>• To beseech a. 0.
C^[,*j "^i-^j
ease, at home. To remain silent. (>j a >.'
. 3 !

( Yrv )

To have mercy upon o. a. ^\'j Idol in Hadramout.

Toimplore the mercy of. » >i-ln-ll. To wash * j^'Jh , Ufl> 3 a J a>3 ^
Womb. Blood- j.UJl ^ v^jj jj-j. (clothes).
kindred. T(j, sweat after fever.
Mercy, pi ty ^'ji > 'j j j;;^ 3 To be disgraced (man).
Mecca. >^^"j ^J O*! Abundant Fweat of fever. j»b.j_j

Disease of the womb. ^G-j Mallet for hneii. J^-'-Sy -r-

Merciful. 'Vi»-j ?- j»^3j ^.s^i 3 Washing-tub. Water-closet.

The All-merciful (God). _^_)\iAC^j\\ Strong and pure wine, j^/jj Jb-j -fr

It is better to cj^i^i-j o* -6* '^^* J»>'j ^G-jj >L_s»3j >^3 a Js^j

, *
be feai-ed than to be pitied {prov.). To remove, to depart from.^ Ji^jlj
The Most Merciful (God), oj^ (_^!1 _^'Ji To saddle, to ride (a 5 J»wjlj J>3
Mercy, pity. Favour. ^* \y> ^ X^'j' camel).
if Deceased, late. j^^'J' To strike a. 0. with (a v ^ J="3
F. Medina {town). Favoured X'^i^^^ sword).
•^ Deceased. I submitted to him ^.i; i) c.'l>3

To coil jr'jj , C>3 i Sjj , 'S*3 o C9.3 -^ patiently.

(serpent). To send, to drive a. 0. away, j ji3
To turn (an arm-mill). -^ To A> — To h-lp a. 0. in going away. ^ jiQ
grind (wheat). To have beasto for I'iding. To jai j1

Hand- ^-jj ^\>.% ^^'J\ ^Jj

x:^j1j become strong (camel).
mill. Thick of a fight. Troop of ca- To mount a. 0. To train camels s —
mels. Chief of a tribe. Spinage. Mol- for riding.
lar tooth. Foot of a camel. To embark in (an aifair). 4^ J>.jjl,

To tread a. th. under a U.3 o ^3 ^ To ask a. 0. to saddle a 5 j>JiL\

foot. beast. To ask a beast for riding.
To mix (wine) with water, a '^j 0.
\i.'j i
5 * — To lower o.'s self before a.
To excel in. J '^'J\ Camel's saddle. Jt>-j^ ^ J> j1 ^ J>3

To be remiss (man) soft '^j\ Stage. Dwelling. Luggage.


(dough). To be confused (advice). Journey. Aim of a journey. <> Di- u^j

Castle (at chess). ^Uj ^ "^-^J, -r ?-J ary, journey-book.
Fabulous bird, -if- Condor. Emigration. JG-.5JU J~;-3j *i>J!.

Easy (life). Soft ground. -J-^ \^'j ^ ^u.3 Camel tit for a journey. Rachel. j^3
To be weak-hearted, lax rj>-'j "^ Beast for riding. J=r'j3 !r *i^0
(man). Leather horse-saddle. JJ V>3 ^ *5li-j^
Horse's-saddle. •<>
i-ip-J -
Ca- o-i'i 7r <— >J
.=-i-'i P Saddler. Great traveller. JG.3
parison. Travelling much. iJb.3 ^r J'^3
To ba stirred. Fit to be saddled (camel). HjLjj J^3
To be disturbed. White-backed (horse). J»-3'i

Bustle, stir. Stage. One day's J^'S^ !r *'i^^*

To abate (price). journey. -^ Station of the way of the

To be tender, sup- Cross.
ple. Trainer, owner of camels. ^,'j^
To lower (the pri- tra»jb t/a> 3
ce) of. To forgive, to have mercy on.
To give licence, to J J u'^J'J^'-J To ^jj , ^»3j ,^3
X'^Ks-jj ij-'j o
allow a. o. to. (woman).
die after childbirth
To purchase a. th. To express pity for jt. ^ij j ^3

cheap. To find a. th. to be cheap. a. to say God have mercy on him


To loose a. th. To let down (a A — To find a. th. Hj >b ^i.'j~\^\ j ,jaoC'j\

curtain). To let go ( a beast) at lei- to be cheap. <>- To ask leave of.

sure. To lay (anchor). To let run Cheapness. i/»>J

(sails). Indulgence of God. Shai-e of k^L'j
To loosen o.'s turban i. e. To i> i;.p — water. •> Leave, permission.
lead a quiet life. Fresh, tendei-. <>• Plenty, ^isi^ j>^j
To loose (the I'eins) to (a J j 5 — Cheap. Quick (death). i>»-» 3
horse). •tf- Pi'oxy. Delegate. u^S'
To sprinkle a fine rain (sky), ^y}
To be slack, lazy. To become soft (dough).L»,i.'jj $iV'>j
To remove from. ^ — To soften (paste). ^i.'J\ fi>

To remit to be remiss. ^J^\j J^^j\ Softness of the paste. Aiijj ili.j_jwii.j


His circumstances ha- ijii. *j ^^J'^\ Soft butter, cream. 06-j, ^r ^j

ve become easy. Soft paste. Dye.
Easiness of life. 'ii.3 Soft butter, soft stone. oV>j^ ^ HLj
Looseness. Remissness. »\ilrt_ll^j o'^x
Light breeze. 'U-j She-lamb. oy^xj J^jj
Soft, ^jj >-j,J ^»3j V"-3-> ,-r\'j
Fosterer of she-lambs. J»^^
lax.Remiss. To be iilij >>-jj ,Cij ^j -j^

Free from cai'es. JC.!I 'j-'j sweet, melodious (voice).

Loosened (curtain). 'ti",Ol t *ciJ' To be gentle, sweet-voi- 's/JGi-j ^"j
Running quickly. ^\'j!> ^ ^^y, ced (girl).

^AJ J lijilr^J l^>J
l^j o S3 -«
avert a. th. To upon her eggs (hen). jt
drive a. 0. back. .sit

from. To pet, to s '"Cj-jj Ci-3 a ^ij

•^He went to sleep again. ^U i^ play with (her chUd : mother). To
To refute to discard a. 0.
; ;b j 5 — pity a. 0.
To shut (a door). To curtail (a word). -^ To fi>
To refuse a. th. to a. o. * — is- marble a. th. To soften (the voice).
To restore a. th. to. To return (a To make (a hen) to sit upon her 5 —
salutation) to a. o. eggs.
To return an answer to. Ji^ ^ui^f ij Meekness. Vultur {un. "C^i-j ) ^j
To send a. 0. back to. To ^\ s — pcrcnopterus. white carrion-vulture.
restore a. th. to a former state. Thick milk. Sympathy. ^3
•^ To convei't a. o. to (God). Marble. Alabaster. y'i-j
To reuder a. 0. or a. th. » »j s s — Zizyphus lotus, kind of lote- x^lij
such or such. tree.
It will be of no profit uli, ^u. -y_^ v Gentle breeze. Piece of marble, i/lij
to thee. Melodious (voice). Soft ( cushion ).^i.
To repel forcibly a. 0. A j s i'ij White-headed ^'3 ^ •lii3 >• v^ j^
or a. th. and black-bodied (horse).
To repeat a. th. To recall to fit iSj Male vulture. ^'Vj j'j»-jcj -^j^ J
mind, to reciprocate a. th. To re-
echo a. th. To be soft, remiss.
To give back a. th. to a. o. a > 'i\j To t\i.jo ji-jj,a. ^^jj,2iJ^jj,o\i-j
To dispute with a. o. To Aj 5 — lead an easy life.

rescind (a sale) with. To soften a. th. To loosen * ji'3

To rage (sea). To swell with yj\ (a knot). To remove a. th.
anger. To run swiftly (horse). ^'Ji

Heavily laden (army). Fat ^ij ^ ^Wj To be removed. To repeat. ^yj

( woman ). camel ).
Overburdened ( •<To go frequently to. Ji. —

Fertile (land). Fat-tailed (ram). Se- To falter in (speech). j ^'^\'jj —

rious (riot). Large bowl. They have rescinded the sale^i iSlj
Trap for hyenas. ii*\>x) A>\ij He retraced his steps. a-Sp Jc a)jl
Green-grocer. ^»- Vj He was coiiverted to God. *T3 Jl. —
To bruise a. th. To fi> tij a .^Vj ^ To forsake a. th. To apostati- ^—
fi'acture (the skull). se from.
To cast i tr-iljj , ^"'^J ^ w'^J * To claim a. th. back from. ;b j< %/\^[
stones at a. o. To claim, to take back (a gift). * —
To beat (the soil). To j* i o o^'^J Restitution. Requital. Answer. Sj
break (a stone). Productive land. Impediment of
To take a. th. away. i_) ^^3 speech. Spurious (coin).
To fall from (a place). ^a ^%j Bad thing. ij -^
Stone-beatei", stone- u-l'^^-^j a-'^'j'' Stay, refuge. 'ij

hammer. Stone for sounding a well. Deformity. Echo. •> Rubbish Sij
Head. bran. Burden of a song.
Lith irge. r.I.>,lV.A P Profit, usefulness. Si^'-j eVj

To restrain, to ^ s Gtij a f.yj -ft- Apostasy. sSj^

turn away a. o. from. Dislike, aversion. Fre- i^^j.j ^'^3

To rivet a nail. jU-L,.!!, quentation of a place.
To dye, to stain a. th. with. A - l. j Angry. Swollen (sea). 'i\yi ^ i_^
To be altered in colour. Having swollen udders (ewe). Long
To break iu hitting the butt remote from his wife (man).
(arrow). Razor. Divorced (woman). SijS^
To refrain to be repelled
, fi'om. To strengthen a. o. fi^j a Isij a lij "^
To be stained, dyed with. To stay (a wall). To take care of
Neck. Salii'Ou. Saffron or blood- (camels) cleverly.
stain. To be vicious, bad. s^lij o 'jij
Shirt stained with saffion. <^^\j To commit a bad action. liji
Shme, mire. ^.I^j To a.ssist a. o. To quiet a. o. 3 —
Hut f>i' hunting hyenas. Xpl'ij To corrupt a. th. To stay (a A —
Headless (arrow). 9.i>j ^_^j wall). To let down (a veil).
Balked. Lazy sailor. p,V,/i Help ; helper. Matter. Heavy load..ij
To be muddy (soil). j^ij'i - j^^j a^ Wicked, bad. -Ur'^b 'C;^j^ t 'J^'j
To sink in mire, f^'-^^j[
To treat a. o. gently.? Si>J —^>j -^
Mire, p.Gj,j ^.Yjj ^.'^j ^ Zi^jj Xi-Vj Blind alley. vjij
thick mud. Measure for corn, of >-jiO'i ?-
J J a >Jjj j\j , a uiijj , Ciij ijij -a- about 5 bushels and a half. Canal.
To follow a. 0. Sink-hole. Baked bricks. yiji.
To supply (a king). To bear ^i\j a To walk step by step. Cjii-ij o tt^J ^
two (riders beast). -^ To
: be synony- Black leather. Black dye. -^oijl

mous with another (word). To be steady in affairs. \^ij a ^Vj -tt-

To mount a. o. behind. To plaster (a house) with » ^ijj —

To follow 0. a. To help o. a. mud. To let down (a curtain), g To
To ride on the same beast To be - bully a. 0.

synonymous (words). Long space of time. ^ij

To attack the rear of (the Hinder-curtain of a tent. Spa- ;iaj
enemy). cious square.

To enlarge (a house). A —
To become foremost amongst oSj
o/s people.
Strong, steadfast. a^j
Hollow in a a%jj o^ijj «ij ^ 1*5
stony ground. Rock in water. Snow-
water. Large building.
To beat the ground CGi^j CiJ '^'^J '^ '

in running (horse). To limp (crow).

To hop (child). To increase (flock).
To disappear. To fall down.
To break a. th. To knock a. 0. ij ^
To osceed (an age).
To strike a. th. with (a i_j Aj
— 5'

To fall in (a pit).
To perish. «^S3 a ^i>j
To throw a. 0, in ja pit).i y ^jijlj i^Sj
To blandish, to entice a. 0. s ^s'i^j
To protect a. o. with stones. .& —
To destroy a. 0. To start (a 5 ^jijl
To wrap o.'s self in a
Cloak. Sword. Bow.
Mind. Ignorance. Debt.
Bountiful benefactor.
Little burdened by debts
or family.
Wrapper, loose outer-garment. sMij
Rock. ^Sj ^ i\'ij

Lost, ruined. C:^^ ^ ^j

Cloak. She-camel. ii_^; ^ sli^;.
Stone for battering ^lyi ^ t?Sj^
rocks. Waist-wrapper. PI. Legs of
horses, camels, elephants.
Dauntless warrior. «r!!A" ^S'^'y
Pole for 'jp,\y, ^ ^j a, ^j y i^
propelling a boat.
To drizzle (sky), 'ijbj'ii'ij "ij ^
To leak (bucket). To flow
o3; (Tl
(part of his property). a. 0. To render abject, To cast off.

To obtain a. th. fin s ijj/j''j Oj a bj !

To commit impure, foul deed.s. J ij\
from a. o. To have corrupt companions.
He has not obtained the To reject coins. \jj]\
—^ y
least thing from him. To say or commit gross Jiij; -^
T'.* / - >
He is a bountiful man. words, actions.
To diminish, to deci'ease To look as vile, abject. ft> j i J'i'jt^l,
Great misfortune.
Wrong, damage, xljjj ^'fj t ^ J. J Ignoble. Wicked, filthy.

Misfortune. Baseness, wickedness, tui'pitude. Ji i^

Deprived of her best Cjj\*jj'' -r ^jlt'' wantonness.
men (tribe). Generous. Refuse, waste. c/ifij 9- ^'I'^J
To stick to (a ?j A CVj o t-jJJ "^ Vice, abjection. Jl'ij ?r 'Aij^J
place). Corrupt, abject, o^'ijb J?0'' !r S':>'J\

Bulky. Strong. Short. V3Jl Rubbish, ^^'orse.

Iron-bar.i_,j 1^ ^ <jjj^j i? j^j, <tjj[ ^yjs. j'^jj.Cj^^^jj C»i3 '0 >«ij "i^

Pipe, sewer. Large ^^jj^^ ir v'X' To overflow (vessel). j>'ijb

ship. To exceed (a number). it ^ij"!
Satrap of Persia. *')j\y' -r oUji^* P Rags. Disbanded party. ^ij
Ofrice of a satrap. *j3^' P Overflowing (vessel). ^'ij_, J-,j ^ ^j'ij
To fall down v^ljj; '^j'jj a r-jj -S- Small ti'oop. oC«ij
from fatigue (she-camel). To fall To be exhausted. aji'ij a j)>j -ir

(grapes). Exhausted by disease. si'ij ^ ^ij

To spear a. o. with. Jaded. Weak.
To be in a bad state. To lay eggs (lo- 'jj]j , |-J3 i o jj -«
To overfatigue (a beast). cust). To resound (rain).
To pick up fallen grapes. To stab a. o. a —
Overfatigue. To put a staple to (a lock). fi>

Exhausted. To stick a. th. into. 4 ^ ~
Overworked, ^j\jj_} ^j'j) To smooth (paper). To faci- * jj'j
jaded (camels). litate (an affair).
Prop of a vine. To stick into a. th. (arrow). j yj[
To thrust a. o. <_j S Gi-Jj a ^ jj "^ To shrink from giving sJlliJI jup —
with (a spear), (miser).
Row of men, ti'ees. 3^jj J^jj P Rice. ( for jj\ ) jj
To set in order. To dispose.^ Jijj <• Sound from afar. Rum- jj_ j j j'jj
bling of thunder- Gurgling of the
Blackness. Rui-al district. belly. Grumbling of a stallion.
To knock down a. o. ^,33 a jf Staple, hinge. j\'jjj oi j3 ?r cjj
To be muddy (ground). ^'j'J\ — ^jj -«- Lead. jij3
To be scanty (water). To bring Rice-merchant. j\j'j

moisture (wind). To reach moist Shudder. Stabbing. Small hail. ^ J jl.

earth by digging. Long-sounding.
To delude, to beguile a. o. j-
^.jlj Food prepared with rice. j'jji ^Uk
To soak (the earth rain). To :
jj fi>
— Glazed (paper).
despise, to shame a. o. To shake a. th. To poise a jjjj -M-

Thin mud. Mire. ^\'jj j ^'jj ^ ~Sjj (a load).

To groan jjjb Sjjj Cu j. j Jjj -«• , i

(camel). To strip a. 0. of ^ s Sj'j^j .v'j'j a

tT )
To weigh a. th. with A Cjj ouj3 "^
To go quickly (she-camel). ojj
the hand. I
To be frightened away. ojjij —
To stop ia (a place). uj — To draw near to. Jl^ uijjb
To be heavy. To be sedate. xJij^ o o'j'j To urge on (a she-camel). j S'jj\
To be the companion, Mend 5 ojO I
To grant suste- 5 a CJjj Sjj ^
of a. 0. I
nance to a. 0. (God).
To be cool, staid in (manners), j o jl?' To thank a. 0. IS

To be situated oppo.site (moua- oj\j j
To be blessed with children.
tains). They were disbanded, i-outed
Upland retaining oOj,.? ^JJJ ?r ojj To receive victuals (soldiers).
water. To ask a livelihood fi'om. s 3jJ\^\
Swampy ground. oljj, ?r *^jj, Substance. Gift of God. Jljjl ^ Jjj,
Sedateaess. Sound judgment. ^JijJ Allowance of soldiers. Rain. Gain
Heavy. Grave, sedate. ccj/j imhoped for.
Grave (woman). 01 jj <> Livelihood, sustenance. 3'jJ\ Ud,
Hard tree used for making stieks.^jjl Estate, farm. cJijj, 5- ^^jx "<*

Fennel {plant). r-'CjJj P Pi. Military supplies, stores. cGJj

^.nise [plant). jXL — The Supplier, the Fosterer (God). jij3
Mural aperture, dormer.:tJj)3j ^jjj P Weak. Wine. Long-berried 'J j,0
Year-book, calendar. xi" \}j/j P grapes. White lily.
•^ Roll of accoants. Garment of white flax. W^ine<
To receive a gift from. ? Gj_3 i jjj ^ Lucky, prosperous, blessed.
To repair to ; to rely upon a. 0.5 j'j'Ji To die. C»J3 o ^
To sink ''a well). To fi> L.j Ir'j
-^ To seize a. th. To beget a. o. ^—
inquire about (news).To scrutinise. (woman).
To conceal. To bury (the dead). To kneel upon (an adversary). ip

To make psace between. To ^;; — To cleave to the C»\jjj C«jjj i o —
set (people) at variance. ground (jaded camel).
iiJ3 —

To begin (an affair) with a. 0. j ^ i^\j To be cold (winter).

To divulge (secrets) to 0. a. * 'u-O' !
To bundle, to pack up a. th. A C»j3 —
To spread (news). ^VJi To make a bundle of (clothes), a ^ j^
Beginning. First touch ^Uj^ ^ '^j To remain long (in doors). A ^j'j
of fever. Old well. I
To make purchases (in a market).
Firm (column). ;^3 To pick up (things). ojj —
Long cap. -iZ^'Jj Cj j
To eat various sorts of food.^cik;!) J —
Firm. Prudent. Groundless ^^-i_j
To rumble (thunder). To groan yj^\
news. Light (wind). Forerunner of ]
(she-camel). To gurgle (bowels).
love, fever. To be angered. ^'JJI
Glue, paste. cr-'^i- -^j t.-'>"-j, ° Parcel, bundle. <>• Ream ^jj, tt **jj,
To be sunk C^jj Uy^j ^'j ^ of paper.
(eyes). To settle dregs). ( Meal sufficient for one day. j/ijj

To precipitate (substance). ^_Jlj -^ Cry of (a child, she-camel). iijj

To settle, to be precipitated ^^j -^ Exhausted, ema- ^ijj j i/jj 5- >«J,'3

(sediment). ciated (camel).

Sunk in the wound ^yi.jj .^j) ._^j Harsh and stubborn man.^ijj 7- j^ij
(sword). Roaring (lion). j,\jj
Sediment, precipitate. <~r^^J3 k^—O Band of a parcel. Bellatrix, yjj^
Forbearing, steady (man). star in Orio.
Misfortune. _-Lj') North wind. yjy>^ J\
a— 3

C Tir )
To use (a word)r'
without res- Sjf^ — To be
well oil.

trictiou. To start (a horse). I

To be emaciated in -3 a 'n.— J "^
To despatch a. o. to. Jl v-^ ^ ~ the thighs.
To forsake a. o. oju ^t » — Wolf. Emacia- ^i'j ^ 'U-lj ^ ^j\
To empower (a devil) ovei- ip 5 — ted in the thighs.
(man God). : Hall. Theatre. rt-'y* ^ -r^'j" ^
He made a proverb of y^A 'Sji ^^]\ To be firm. To be U>-lj o ^il-j "^
his words. rooted (science). To be dessicated
To act gently. To be slow in. Jj-tj (torrent). To be absorbed (rain).
To correspond together. J-^0' To fasten a. th. into. j A ^^'J\
To hang down to be ; jx Ln-L I ^ To impress a. th. on the mind.
lank (hair). Deeply versed in science. Ju5l j k-;\j
To act familiarly, kindly with. Ji Antimony. Native cinnabar. z^iJLVj P
To speak to great length. j — To stick together (eye- CjLj a /«-^j -^
Gentle (pace). Gentle- lids). To be relaxed (limbs).
i'LL'j j>
paced (camel). Loose (hair). To put upon (a child) amulets ^ —
Gentle -paced (she-camel). Lazi- xLl.3 against the eye.
ness. Easy (life). Hairy in the legs To have the eyelids ^3.>,^j a ;»—
(she-cainel). Lank (hair). stuck together.
Gentleness. Milk. jjLj Disease of the eyelids. ^3
Foot, leg of a camel. JC-j ^ J-lj Plaited thongs of a belt.;iJ_C«3 « *^'^'j
Company of men. Herd JCyi ^ jSj Having diseased ^j ^ 'XnL'j ^ fSj\
of camels. eyelids.
The two shoulders. Two veins 0SL.13 To tie (a beast) by j» C;J-j a r^'j *
of the shoulders. the pastern.
Message. Letter. oVUj, ^ ;JU-j_ To soak the earth (rain). ^j
Epistle. Mission. Apostleship. To render (life) easy. To arran- fit

Female vulture. TiCj '^t ge (a discourse).
< The Epistles of the Apo.^tles.jjvi,^!! To seize a. 0. by the ankle 5 A-^0
•<>• Sub-deacon. tr^ (wrestler).
'"^^jj J-^jb J-^jj jZj ^ Jj^j To expend much upon o.'s it r^A
Messenger. Envoy. Apostle. family.
Apostolic. 'i^j-^j Pastern- !^j^j f-^j^
tt A—J' r-^j
Messenger. j_LJij jj^'jj .>L,j ^ j^^j joint. In-step:carpus of man.
Envoy. Horse started in a race. Rope tied to the pastern.
Wide. Stallion. Sweet water. Copious (meal). Easy (life).
Long necklace of OyV*** >^ 5^ Ati-^j^ To OU-ljj \ji^ji U—3 o -3 -J^ i

beads. walk a shackled man.

Pi. The winds. The angels. c»>i~^> To drive a (beast) in shackles.js ^j^^'Js
The horses. To be slow-pa- *1U3j >^-^3 a J-:.j -»
Easy-paced (camel). J~-l^ ^ Jl:^ ced (camel). To be lank, long (hair).
Short arrow. -^ Messenger. To read correctly, e'Aj:&\ 3 jlj
Loosened, pendent (hair). j^lr^li sedately.
To erase (traces C-iJ o ^j
: fit ^ To feed (a young bea.st) with milk.^j^3
rain). To leave traces. To write, to To interchange ^j jtj j s jJLIj
sketch a. th. ^ To establish ( letters with a. 0. To alternate with
feast). a. o. in work.
To assign (a pay) to. is.
— To have numerous flocks ;
J-^ j'
To prescribe a. th. to. J ^j /* — abundance of milk.
( Til )
Steadfast io good oi" evil. Pole (3yj ^ To oi'dain a cler- j ;> Llj
of a tent. gyman.
To leave footprints U—-3 "
tionless ; fixed, tinn. ( camel ).

Port, anchorage. ,w'\y' To walk at a vehement

^z-/j i-
He stopped, he remained, i'^ pace (camel).
The cloud stood li^r'O^ *;^^ To stamp (cloth). To dri- y^ ^ ^^j
stiU and poured down rain. ve (a camel) at a quick pace.
Anchor. .i^O-* "^ "^S^'jt "^j sC^* To consider the site (of a * ^^'j
To sprinkle j.j\j iiXi^'Jj , h.'j o IP-j
-^ ho.ise). To plan a. th. To read (ver-
a fine rain (sky). ses) attentively. To i-ecoHect a. th.
To sprinkle water, blood).
A ipj To comply with (an order). j^'jK
To sprinkle cloth dyer). To wash
( : To be ordained (clergyman). fy-

a. th -^ To sprinkle salt, flour. To invoke, to praise God. ^ —

To spirt blood (wound). 'j.j\ Trace, impress. ^j'j ^jLj ^ j^^^'j
To make (a horse) to sweat, ftj s — Sketch, scheme. Custom. Order.
To spirtle (ink pen). : < Ceremony. Tax.
To b3 sprinkled. J-i-j' To the address of auch a ^^ ^'j
Sprinkling rain. Painful jxt^j ^ ip'j
blow. Heavy tread of a j^y,i jrtr^'jj j^'j
Scattered drops. (camel).
Powder for the eye. Leaving traces on the ground, ^j-lj
Sprinkler. jii_,^ ^ is^^ Walking day and night (camel).
To be loose. < To sprinkle. J'jL'j -^ -^ Custom-house duties. cM^'j
Dry and soft (bread). jXjiSji J-'j^-j Seal, stamp on clay. ^>^0
To bring forth (gazelle). li,3 a \z.j -^ < FuU uniform. l<^'-i j^^
Fawn able to walk. .Ci,*/! ^ \Xj (f- Regularly. Officially. " U.-^3
Dry cocoa-nut used as a ladle.:clij -j:}- Mark, stamp. Misfor- j,^^/j ^ ^jj
Mud on the upper pai't of a w-i-lj,? tune.
bucket. Camels treading heavily. ^,— U3
Letter. j^'^^'j^J jrcr^'^j'' ?r J'y^J^
To sweat (body). To ooze (water). ^ Order, prescription.
To leak (vessel). To make, a o-^'->^J '^'^ o \ ^'j ^
To leap briskly (gazelle). (>jJ.j a — to put a halter on (a horse).
He has not given him -^t, U -rS'j^ J Enula helenium, elecampane. ^^Sj P
anything. Halter, head- uC'Jj ^Jj*l ^ cr'J
To lick (her young gazelle). & ^J,'j : rope.
To tend (a flock) well. To foster (a Nose of a horse : nose ,^^\j^ t cj^'j"
plant: rain). To rear (a child). of man.
^ To prepare a. o. for an office. In spite of him. ^j'" J^-'j ^
To bring up a child). ( Jj 5 — To be still, firm. l\-Ljj \'^l'j o 113 *
To be able to walk (fawn). To -^Sj' To lay at anchor, to moor (ship).
ooze (vessel ). To grow (plant). -^ To To relate oiJ^I ^ iJ A 0-3 —
have a rheum. part of a tradition to a. o.

To be prepared for (an office). — To retrace a tradition to.

J ^A ~-

To grow (grass). r--lXll, To make peace between. cru

Moisture, sweat. -^ Rheum. ^_i,j To vie with a. o. in swimming. & L,i3
Able to walk (fawn). ^|j3 ^ -
Reptile. Mountain oozing at its base.
^0 To be firm, steadfast.
To anchor (a ship).
fCJl ^^:'j\
C rt© )

Swift-shooting (bow). jXj Sweat. 1

Shooting of an arrow. jCiji -^ jl^j^ More quick-witted. iSl-y

Scratching of a pen. ji,j j ji,j Saddle-felt. ;iii,^;j
Slender (youth). j£j ^ jl.jj j^j Candidate. Having a rheum.
-^ ^.i.'J'
Klegant (style). Swift (arrow). \'jS j a J^jj liCi.3 i Uij o
ai.j -tt-

Slendei'nass. Elegance Oi style. sJCij^ To be well directed to be orthodox. ;

To seal (wlieat,*^jlj X-i-j o ^ij -^ To direct a. 0. to.Jj icj Jl. i oi- jij j<£'j
a vessel). i>- To make the sign of the 4- To become of age (child). -xi j1

Cro.^s. To be in the right way to. j jj^jii.\

<•To christen (a child )
privately. » — To ask direction from a. 0. 5 —

To halter (a horse). Straightforwardness. -^jj •>^j

To write. ^JJ ~ Direction. -^ Majority of a child.
To crave f<ir food at C-i-j a .^-j To become of age. ilxi^ >iJ
its sineil. La-svful mari'iage, s^i- j, j Sai-j
To flash (lightning). To shoot ^j1 wedlock.
forth leaves (tree). To see and eat Nasturtium^ cress. iCi^" "t-*
up young shoots (gazelle). Nasturtium Niloticum. j,Ci\ iCi-j
Seal apposed on a store- ^jj vi-j Lunaria pnrviflora or |[jL>JI iCi^^l —
room, a vessel. saviynya u^'ji/ptiaca.
Ornamented halter. *ii-j Nasturtium deserti. /ia- :>ijl iii,j —
Young shoot. Black spot on a ^3 plianus lyratus or enarthrocarpus.
hyena's face. Mark of rain. <> Halter. The Director (God). Orthodox 0,^,3
Tablet used for sealing, ^'/jj ^jz!.\j (caliph). Ro.setta, town of Egypt.
Spotted. Greedy. White-nosed ^£j\ Female rat. Ji-l3 'j^\

(dog). Direction. -<>• Spiritual instruc- >\i.'j\

To intrude at CjXjj Ci,j ^3 ^ tion.

dinner (spunger). The right ways ; the straight Jd^y>
To put the head in (a vessel : dog), j — paths,
Shai'e of water. ^jj ^ij a wji- jj , i_iCi^ J u^ij_j Ui- J o i wii. J -{^

Parasite, spunger. Gratuity ^z^\j To sip, to suck a. th. a Cuij^ Cilj

given to an apprentice. To empty (a vessel).
Small window, dormer.^|j3 ^ ^jj P To suck A ^ijjj ^^'Jj ^L'J\j -izlj
Centaarca ojanus. blue-bottle oCi-l?' in a. th.
{plant). Small quantity of water in a yjtL'j

To give a bribe to a. o. s [^j Cij ^ vessel.

To bribe a. o. To help a. 0. s ^^rS\j Sucker. -^ Pi. Lips. wii-i_,> ^ wJii.^
To put a rope to (a 5 j A ^^J\ To throw (a ^ ? (2X3 o jX^ -ll-

bucket). To excite (a young beast) missile) at.

to suckle. To cast the looks on a. 0. ojiJlj 5

To thrust a sword at. j ^4 lS^jI To wound a. 0. by words. o\—UV; ? —
To blandish a. o. To be slender-waisted. iJlij Ji-'j
To receive bribes ( judge) elegant, nimble (youth;.
To ask for a bribe. To walk with a. 0. ^ jil^
Briba. ^^j^^Jr^j -r oytoJ 'j^XJ 'j-^J To throw (missiles) J-J- \Jj , ^ J^O
Bribery. at one another.
Rope, bucket-rope. :li,ji ^ «lij To .shoot an arrow. To stretch t>^j'
PL Tendrils of plants. Small stars the neck (gazelle
in Pisces. To cast a glance at. ,kDI-
Agallock {(il'int). (i.j ^ ;li,j To pursue (an affair; sharply, j

C Tt-V ) JU^j
Watchman. Complete thy benefits lislX;^ j3jJ1 ^1 :

Waiting for. lit add a rope to the bucket (prov.).


Militai'y post. God J^ifjh y^J^^J Ji^^J^

'^^ Cr-J

•^ Obsei'vatoi'j. curse the giver, the receiver and the

Look out. High road. ^^j'^ agent of a bribe
To slap a. o. i uj>j a ^^j -ft- To make (a ^ a^^'j} , Ujj o Cr»j -ft-
To wound a. 0. with (aspear).j^jlj — building) compact. To stack (stones).
To grind (grain) between » r^'j\j — To set her eggs for brooding (hen).
stones. •^ To dress a table).
( To crush
To stop in (a place). i_j ^jj>'j — (olives). To set (pawns).
To stick, to cj ;.isl^jl J , Ct-tfij a ^^j To overlay (a vessel) with A ^-«3
adhere to. lead. To draw (her veil) up to her
To be fragrant -with (perfumes).ij ^j eyes (woman).
To sei: (gems). To weave A ;i.^j To be compactly set (stones). ^^J
a. th. To build a nest (bird). To close theii' ranks ( warriors ).^|j
To string (pearls) in (a neck- ^fi> — ^ Pier, mole. x^j
lace). To inlay a. th. with (gems). Lead. u^^j_ -^j cr'^'j
To be inlaid with gems. To be ^^^j •^ Lead-shot, bullet. (w?i.)x-aU»j
active. Lead-coloured. '^s^o^(^aJ

To tread, to copulate (sparrows). ^^.^Ij Heap of eggs. Veil di'awn up ~,ja^j

To be close together (teeth). ^'j\. to the eyes.
Knot of a bridle. Or- ^iaj ^ *-c-^j Having the teeth y>'j ^ -tsj ^« Cr»j'l
namental saddle-ring.Wheat groimd close together.
and cooked with butter. To strengthen (a A a*l)«i>3 "^^

Penetrating ^j ^ -U-aj ^ ^^'J\ building). •<>• To fill (a tooth) with

(thrust). lead.
To make (a pier, fi> C»J»3 o ._i^j -S- To remain in (a place). j —
a stonework). To join (the feet) in NaiTOw in ^.^j ^ 'W.^j j. •r.^js ^
prayer. the hips.
It does not suit thee. iL; ^i^'^' V To lay in ?_, a Io^jj U^j o j.^j ^
To be strong, compact. isCaj o ^iJ>S wait To watch a. th.-^To observe

To mix (a beverage) with wi^jl (the stars). To enchant (a treasure).

rock-water, To balance (an account). ^ j^j
lo stand in ^^"jlj >Jio1_?^ tJLi?^ He pre- jj^Jb j\ \^ j] llni iJ -uijlj —
compact ranks (army) to be com- ; pared evil or good to him.
pact (stone- work, teeth). To be soaked by a shower j^'j
Stone- ( un. iLcij ) ^U>j_ ^ wi-^j (ground).
work in a stream. Dam. Sinew fas- To spy, to watch a. o. 5 -usO
tening aa arrow-head. To set a. o. on the look out. ? j^'j\
Rock-water. U-s^l 'U To requite a. o.
Steadfastness ; con.s- x.»jJ>'jj J_»U>j To watch one another. -uaO
tancy. To watch a. th. A j^j\j jusjp
Massive (work). Com- oCoj^ ^ <-*~*j ^ Balance of an account. a^«»j_j juaj
petitor. Tendon of a horse. -^ Quay. Shower. ^Usj, rr oJ^j
Causeway, embankment. Pit-faU for wild beasts. Ring sXij
Hammer. *.jCo^> of a sword.
Having compact teeth. oll.^VI «-i^^-» Small quantity of fodder.iCajl ^ j^'j
To complete a. th. * CL^j o ^-aj "^ Rain. Look out. -^ Talisman, spell.
To brand a (beast). Lion. Lying in wait, j^jj j^^j ^ j^\j
' 3

To break and eat (bread). To ^^'J To abuse a. o. in words. 5ill4» i —

doubt about (rumours). To be compact (ar- ^Coj o ^-^
To shoot arrows at one anotliei'.^^l'; inour). To be sedate (mind).
He has a foreign To know a. th. tho- *J^ * ,^.^3
accent. roughly.
Doubtful rumours. To complete ; to consolidate. fi>
Paltry gift. Lycopodium., club-moss (plant), ^^j
Stone-crusher. Grave, staid in gait, words. ;;Vo3
To set things in A \j,:o'j o jUjj ^ Grave, sedate. Suffering. Oi^j
order. Mindful of, serviceable to. ^ j^^'j
To be set in order. Iron for branding cattle.
*^^J,J ^"-''JJ U.i?j ;w?jj a r^'j "S"
i ,
To con.so!idate a. th./b 1^3 o Uc-j -fr

To suck (the bi'east). To s \s.\^jj To settle in (a place).

^ ^\]
seek a gift from a. o. To s J A jp'j:oji ja^ji U>3 o iji93
, ,
To be ignoble, it Ujj o fJ>j j a r^j ,
break a. th. coarsely. To contuse.
^ To suckle (a child). s r^'j I am heart-broken. \S->S c^Ja'j
To give (a child) i (tiaj j i-il^i ^-il3 To be heavy. To I'un fast. 'ja'Jx

to a wet-nurse. To suck with (a fos- To make (.sweat) to flow (fatigue). A —

ter-brother). To be broken. To
To suckle (a child). s ^^'J\ be bruised.
To nurse at the breast (womaD)..::JLij'l To be broken.
To suck her own teats (goat), f^'ji Dates stoned and
To seek (a nurse). s ^in^[ soaked in milk.
To ask (a woman) to suckle (a ^ 5 — Fi-agments of broken things. j^Ujj
(child). Beater, mallet. Fleshy man. \i'y
Meanness. Small palm-trees. f^^j Pebbly ground.
Sucking the breast. f.tajj ^j ^ f^\j Small pebbles. 1.^13^3
Ignoble. Beggar. To fall (shower,. To Ci,3 o i_.-i3 ^
Milk-teeth. ^^\jj ^ :UoO lay down (sheep).
Nursling. Foster- ^^ ^ ^\j ^^3 To suck in (saliva). A ^^'Jj —
brother. Vile. Kind of lote-tree. ( un. "CjoVj ) ._.^\'j
se, nursing woman. Sucked saliva. Particle of <J^'j
To roast (meat). a ui>3 ^-^3 -M- ' sugar, musk, snow. Hail. Froth.
To brand (a beast ).To warm (water) To crush (date- * 1^6^,3 a -rJa'j ^
with hot stones. stones).
Red hot stone. ( un. xU)j ""
" To be broken (fi-uit-stones). t^^'j
Knee-bone. To decline a. th. To ex- ^ <7iJiTjl^

He is disquieted, anxious. ,^11 cuse o.'s self for.

Brand made with wi-bjj oU
•ui-^jj ^jijusj ^ Kt-aj Crashed date-stones. !n..-i?3j*^3
hot stones. Stone for crushing date-stones. -rCi>^^
Surname given to srG*" oU-ij To crush (the head A ^iJs'j 1 a -rJsj -S-
four dauntless Arabian tribes. of a snake).
Hot stone meat
; .J^^/^j wi.-3j To butt (buck). -;k^3
roasted on heated stones. To make a paltry *)> ^^ J *ki>3 —
To walk heavily (beast, C_i,j i^j -S- gift to.
old man). ^ He acknowleged truth, j^^ ^Jsj
To build (a house) with huge A — To give a. th. reluctantly. fi>'kS>\j
stones. To till (the earth). To cast stones at a. 0. f —
To speak o.'a mind \S>'j a s-^3 To throw a. 0. on the earth. y^jVl *j —
right or wrong. Hage stones (un. x^.i>'j) j>iaj^j j^'j
To wet (cloth). A v^jb wJ»j superposed.
•^To cool (the blood drink). A ^'j : Stacked (building). ^^^^j j^'j
To have fresh dates (palm-tree), ^jl To supplant a. 0. 5 \y^'j o Coj -S-

To be wetted, moistened. ^\,'J (in favour).

Moist. Tender 'J^j, t vr%JJ 'r^-J To be j^i jp oUs^j ^\y^'ji t^j a ^'j
(branch). Delicate (youthj. pleased with. To consent to.
Green plants, fresh herbage. yj^'j To prefer a. th. To jj uj j A ^'j
Green trefoil. v^J, t *-^JJ v^J be satisfied with.
»_;Q»j.j uj^jl ^ ( un. x.\i'j ) v-.t J God be pleased with him !
ii^ ^1 ^'j
Fresh and ripe dates. j
< For the sake of God. ,tX^s- Ja'J, «i|

Fresh aess of (a plant, fruit j. v^^J To be pleasant (life). ^'j

Dampness. Softness of body. v^J \
To content a. 0. 5 ^j
Full of green plants (ground). yJ^/J* :
To endeavour ti'oj j sUjl_yJ ^^<^lJ

Well of sweet water v^>" *^j j

to please a. 0. To agree with.
among salt wells. To satisfy a. 0. To con- 5 *U>jl. Ja'j\
^ Refreshments. cA^'j' tent a. 0. with a gift.

To slap a. o. 5 Ck^ i _pjij -« To seek to please a. o. j ^1?'

To be superposed upon jp '^'j\ To be pleased with 0. a. <> To J'a\j
a. th. (stones). reconcile. To come to terms.
To run (man). >itlj J^j "^ To agree on (a business). » -
To poise in the hand. To A — To be pleased with. To AJ S iS^'j\
anoint and comb (the hair). To let approve of.

down (the hair). To weigh a. th. To seek to please a. 0. s JalAJ^i

To sell by the rothl. s j^\j To ask a. o. to satisfy o.'s self.
Weight of 5 Ihs. JCl» jl ,- Jk),J J^J Pleased. ;Q,j ^ J'\jj,Oj.^j ^ J^'j
in Sijria and of 15 3 4 oz. in
Egypt. Approval. Consent.
Weak. Remiss (man;. Foolish, jkj Man easily [m. f. s. p.) Jax J* j
Justice. pleased.
Light, swift (mare). ^yj^j — Satisfied. Responsible. -Uojl ^ 'i^j
To put a. 0. in a j C^'j o jjbj -^ Lover. Obedient.
scrape- Well-being, easy life. :CoO *^
To be costive (camel). ^j Satisfaction. "C^'J;
To remain silent. Ji^'j] To be foolish. To shout 'y'j\ — 'i,j ^
To be intricate (business). To ^"U7Ji^ (crowd).
heap up. To remain stiU in (a place). j—
To fall in (mire, in a scrape). j — To hold a. 0. to be foolish. 5 'WjlL\
Intricate business. X^'j Foolishness. iuU^jj J»Uaj ^ i»J;j
To 2 ^y ijj J , l'U,j J 7:\hj ^: -«- Shouts. Foolish.
speak in a foreign tongue to. To be ^jlj sJaS'j i 'i^i'j o r^j »
To .speak together in a fo- jy\'j' fresh and ripe (dates).
reign language. To feed (cattle) 5 C_.fc'jj Clij o ^'j
Numei'ous camels with Cjifjj '^\'hj on fresh herbage.
their drivers. To feed a. 0. with fresh j w^l/jj —
Unintelligible language. Jui j dates.
To abate (wind). %j * To be 'i\hjj aJj^j o k-J»jj .a
Lowest class of men ; ruffians. ^ij damp.
\ ) ^j
Two-wattled (ewe). Long grapes, .|[i^3 To be rippled (water). -^ To ^'J^'j -ft-

To flash in bttj^ Gttj a r-^j

^J\j , ^ be fresh, refreshed (man).
succession (lightning). To cause (plants) to grow (God).* —
To rentier a. o. wealthy (Ood). 5 — To ride (a horse) untrained.
To disquiet a. 0. » v^j^j
~ To grow (young man). To 9'ji-'y

To increase c^i'jb U^j a sft^j shake (tooth).

(wealth). Gi-acious. ^'j\s,'j ^ ^\'J.'ji ^^tjj ^^js-'j

To become rich. rr-i-'J^ well-built.

To tr.iiiible. To run high ( tor- ^-U^jl. Inula arabica {/)la>it). ^^f*i pl^tj
rent). Youth from 10 to 12 years. ^_^'jM'
To thunder (sky).iS^jj Qpj o a at'j ^ To tremble with y^)j\j Cij a v^c^
, -Vr

To threaten, to thunder j'jj js-j fear.

against a. 0. To deck and show her- To coo (pigeon). w-pjj —
self(woman). To compose i-hyining prose. Ctj —
To threaten a. o. To strike ^ mj\j — To threaten. To make speUs.
a. 0. (terror). To fill (a vessel). To cut up (a A —
To be assailed by thunder. a* jl camePs hump).
To be thunderstruck, frighteued. ac'J
To quiver (sheep's tail). op^ To terrify a. o. 5
To tremble from age or tear. jj3j[ Threat. Incantation, spell. ^Lj
His muscles quivered. i^JI^,* OJUjjl^ Rhyming prose.
i. e. He was terror-stricken. Terror, alarm. iitj ^ v*j -^^ w-fjj s^'j
Thunder. ^^.'j ^ jj.j Coward. ojiil (_j^_,»j v^^j

Shudder, fright, fear. s^c; j %js.'j Charmer. Thi'eatener. i_/(cjj ^^\j

Silurus eledricus., o^^i x^cj^i iis-3 Coward. Restless ^r^.\*j tt ^y^'j

torpedo-fish. (camel).
Loquacious. "i'^^'ji i^j Delicate X\ys-'j) «--i-.tjj vjr^J "^JlW-
Thundering (cloud).jLPlj3 ^ satl^j i£.j girl.
Calamity. -^U^ll Oli Piece »_~;tl; cr <:::*-?->. '.'i'.^'^J «• Hjf'^J
To ask importunately. ijipj -5i- of a camel's hump.
Cowardly. Delicate (womau). JkJ-k^j To cut np (meat). To rend fi> jlLj -H-

Food of starch and honey. (clothes).

To contract o.'s self jci^ — jcj -^ To be in tatters (garment). j:,lj
(man). To vituperate. Clothed in I'ags. Foolish ( woman). j^3
Fine goat's Unsteady (wind).
'Oe.!r'J ^^3^.!;'!^ J^> Jrr^r^Jj <K^'j
hair. Ragged jjj>3 ^yj j^>j ^

To tremble. To -walk
C-t j a ^j ^ garment.
sluggishly (from fatigue). To be A Qtj a c^jj ^j a , c^s-j -fr

To nod the head (old man), a OC&j — white in the wattles (cock).
To cause a shudder to a. 0. s ^j1 To bite a. th. (snake). A £pj a c-cj
To shudder. ^;7JI^ To wear ear-rings c-ijjb i-O
Nodding the head in slumber, u^^'j (woman).
Tottering (camel). ^j^'^ Multicoloured tassels over ^jj cSj
J^'ijb ,
'^^'j a J^f:jj , Cts-'j a J.ij -^ a litter.
To be startled, to shiver- Pomegranate blossom. o^'yi\ d^j
To inspirit a. o. (war). s JSj\ Cock's wattle. oVi-j, 5- *^3-> '^'^J
To tremble from age (head). jLi;Jt Hanging lobe. Earring.
Startle, panic. "ils-j Palm-spathe used for drin- ovipj ^ ~
Startled. Inspirited (warrior), jjc'^ king.

( T
t/j '
^ ^^
To become mad. yS'j a Ji^'j Shaking the head from age j-J-'j
To sprout forth (vine). jl3 (camel).
To walk in a file (cattle). To j^jtS[ Coward. ^ojl ^pj
lead the way. Swift (ostrich, she-camel). 'IIpj
Clothes. Peak of a mountain. jij Rain torpedo, kind of cramp- <i,^3
Male palm-tree. jtj fish.

Troop of j^ ]j\j Jfcjlj Jlij ^ Up^ White pigeon. j-^'jh J-^'J

horses. Palm-tree of bad quality. Marash, town of Syria. J-^J"
Ostrich. Family. Sprout. Melissa To drag ^ ^..^pJIj Copj a ^i-'j ^

perennis. balm-plant. a. th. To gore and shake 'a dog

Mucus from the nose. JUj bull).
Bad dates. jtl3 To coil, to roll up .j^'y^j ^'J>
First blasts of winds. rr'k'J^ Js*0^ 'serpent).
Advanced party of men, Jlij '^ J;^3 To To flash
rise (market).
horses. To quiver (lance). To be
Mad. Flaccid jp^ ^ .^;L^3 _;. jpjl shaken (tree). To bound (kid).
(herbs). To break the a CJaij a Jip j -8-
Long-eared lop eared (ewe).
; -^Uj uotch of (an arrow). To notch (an
Dracunctdus, garden tarragon. Jjj-'j arrow).
To observe (sunset), a Cj-j o ^j -ii- To be bi'oken at its QaPj a iip 3
To watch a. th. 1
notch (arrow).
To be lean^pjlj ;;uj o JTjj, (a^cj a -
To slacken a. 0. To hurry jj a Jap3

and glandered (ewe). I

a. 0. To move (the finger). To shake
To wipe the mucus of (a sheep). S ^j out (a peg).
Mucus of horses, ewes. Xi^'j\ ^ jk\s.j Notch, socket of an ^\s.'J\ ^ ^3
Soul. Glandered ewe. Lean. ^^j arrow-head.
^jf-'j o J-'ji ,
Cp3 a o* JJ , <-^J o ^cj -fr To bleed Cilijj Cipj '^'jj a o , i-ipj ^
To be careles.s, slack, fpolish. from the nose.
To affect the brain of 5 ts-'j a jtj To outrun his competitors ^ a —
a. 0. (sun). (horse).
Peak of a mountain. cSs-xi o^J « o*J He entered abruptly. ^ui ^j

Darkness of the night. Strong. ^^Jtj To bleed (nose). Cip3 h Ss-j
Restless. To press a. 0. To overfill Aj j ^opj!
Foolish, lax. Numerous -^Upj ^ ^s.']\ (a water-skin).
(army). Long-nosed. To be ahead in a usln^^j ^iXl
Bassorah (town). Renowned -up^ race (horse).
grapes. To make (the foot) to A ^i.'Jij.[
To amend, s^jj »>^jj lS^3 o U3 -il- bleed (stone).
to revert from error. Hfemorrhage of the nose. ^ilpj
To be converted from.^p «|^p jl^ ^s'y-A Bleeding (no.se). Ahead ^\jj ^ ^t.\j
To pasture, it ^^.>j IjVpj j Cpj ^J'j^ in a race ( horse). Mountain-peak.
to graze (the gi'ass). Tip of the nose. PL Spears.
To tend (flocks). To itch (body). 5 —
-<>• Stone left in a <Sjl'j\j aJjI\'^j >-iJ-h
To tend (flocks) for a. o. — ^ well for cleansing.
To observe the setting of A jXj) — Fine rains, >-J>t3
(the stars). To be mindful of. To Nose and the parts around it. ^1^
keep (an order). To spear a. 0. To ^j 2 y^j a J*3 -S-

To rule (his subjects : chief), xjipj^

— widen (a rent).
To show regard to a. 0. Aj 5 i.\'j To thrust a. 0. with. ^j 5 ^ji-'Jh


rest o.'s self; to be diligent in. I To ponder over a. th. To pasture

To turn away from. o*- v^3 [
together (asses).
To prefer a. th. before. ^c i^ — -^ He is grateful. Jcr?JI
I J-^'j
•C.i-jj X^S'jj iff'jjisi^jj^i-jj ^J a w*3 •^ He shows regard. _r%t>JI ^>lj
To pray, Jl^ CU^j 'j/-^'j} O^jj To abound in pastiu'e (land), ^j'lj —
to ask humbly from a. o. To listen to a. o. ^Ul s J^J\) tVj
To be covetous, glut- iS'j) \S'j o ^j To pasture, to tend (Hocks). 2 i'J\

tonous. To spring up pasturage for fi>i —

To inspire to a. o. J 5 ^i-'S^j <J-'j (cattle : God).

tlie desire of. To spare, to pity a. 0.
To expand (valley). wil^ To graze, to browse
Wide (road). ^^ j ^ ^'j (cattle).
Soft, absorbing (ground).* ^li^j wij To ask a. o. to tend flocks.
Desire, wish. {>• Diligence. xX'_) To call the attention of.
Knot of a sandal thong. 'i^>^-:i^j Pasture-lands.
Heavy. Gkitto- xji-x rr vi'^J ^ >—c^-J
Paslinaca saliva [plant).
nous. Wide (valley). Verbena., vervain (plant).
Object of desire. >J>^'j ?- "^/j Tended flock. Subjects.
Large gift. <> Rayahs, non-Moslem subjects. Pa-
Covetousness. Means of sus- ^Xy rishioners.
tenance. Watch. Tending of cattle. -Ls-jj "Cs-j
To suck (his ts cJi'jSi , ^iij a cS'j ^ God keep thee safe dxj C.t3

mother : kid ). Mindfulness. ^S'^i-jj J'^i-jj \^j

To spear a. o. repeatedly. & c-^jlj — Camels pasturing near i^jtjj iS'S^'j

To exhaust o.'s wealth by gene- c^j dwellings.

rosity. To have a complaint of the Shepherd, -li; j nVj^ oCtjj sij ^ ^5.13

breast. Pastor. Ruler. Tame (beast).

To suckle ( her kid goat ). : & ^'Ji Star in the foot of Orio. ASy->i\
Pomegranate-blossom. ^J-j StsLV in Safjittariici. v'^*^'
Vein of the breast. 'l»j Kinds of locusts. jJVIj oC-li'l
Suckling (female). o>tj Scandix.) shepherd's needle; cl^i
Place of the ring on the finger. cSy> or Geranium, crane's bill."

To be 'sM'pj j^jj,\1xi.j a at j -K- Artemisia., mug-wort.

ample and pleasant (life). Shepherd's-rod, kind of
To live luxuriantly. ai^jl Pohjijonum., knot-grass.
To let (cattle) pasture freely. Aj s — Shepherd's purse.
To render (life) pleasant (God). Holly-tree.
To find life to be easy. j-i^\ ji'JC\
Kind of yellow sparrow.
To be confused. To be mixed iipjl^ Beginning of ^il!)
(milk). hoariness.
Leading an easy (»i. /'. i. pi.) ji'j
life. manager of camels."
Easy, luxuriant aijj jij iL^s-^
life. Pastui'age, herbage. ^.i^; ^ ^c.^>;

Boiled milk sprinkled with slutj Pasture-land,

riour. Ruled, tended. Regarded. ^yS
Darnel-weed. 'l^i^j To live in comfort. To drink ^^^'J -^
Wavering ; confnsed. ili-^ at leisure (camels).
To give ifc i ^i'Jij , Cij a y-tj -«- To J ^ifj\j,<^jj \Sji Cpj a ^-.tj "^
(offspring, wealth) to a. o. (God). wish a.th ; to long for. To inte- -if-

To listen to. Jl, ^'j\i

— To find a. th. soft, mello^^•v.4>

To covet a. th. J ^'j Increase. Blessing.

To make a. o. to covet A 5 ^'Js Wealth.
a. th. To facilitate a. th. to. Pleasant life.

Evea and soft ground. Xiij To knead (floui-,

Organ, \'J\ ^ ojii'Jj o^ J' ^

^ dough).
harmonium. To give cakes of flour to (a
To grumble (camel). To t^j o Ctj -H- camel).
slii-iek (child). To hurry in walk.
To froth (milk), ^tjlj ^jj , Vji-j o (i-j To fix the looks upon.
To rumble (thunder). '-j^^'j J Ci^jj ^-ii-jj ^i-jj *^j\ T ^A^J
•^ To scorify (metals).
Round cake, loaf of bread.
To foum with rage to •,
jj jlj ^tj'l To suck (his mother s '^ij ; a Jij -^
threaten. kid).
To make (a camel) to grumble, s ^'J\ To run to seeds (crops). To sin jt j^

He has given neither I.'J\ (aj J^ \ C« (man).

goat nor she-camel. To grow (orache : soil). To A—
To drink (the froth of a suckle (her kid; goat). To displace.
milk). To stray from (a pasturage : ^ —
Rock. Froth 'j.j^ Jfcj ^ z'^ij cattle).
of milk. To lean towards. Jl,

Selenite (stone). _^l 3^3 Atriplex hortenm. garden- Jtjl ^ jij
Sponge. j^'-y^^ 'J- orache.
Froth. <^JJ 'J^J, Lambkin, kid. si^j
Skimmer ; ladle for skimming, svifc^/' Eating all he can find. J,t j
Obscure (.speech). 'f.j/'
Easy, pleasant (life). j£j\
To eat heartily. &j o oj i^ To dislike.* (^'j ^/jj, Cij o >j -*

To drink (milk) daily. To suck. A — To compel a. o. to act reluctantly, s —

To do good to. J J — 2* His nose iiil C^ij ^ J-'ji a ,
>fc j
To rely upon a o. .
— clave to the ground i. e. he was
To surround a. o. To honour a. o.^ — humbled.
To' flash (Hght- U>'j\j ,%yjj 6j i
— To break off in anger from. 5 ^\j
ning). To shine (colour). To twinkle God has abased him. ii]1 *k\ ^j1

(eye). To be shaken by the wind To spite to revile to compel, z ^'J\

; ;

(plant). ^ To flutter (bird). To act reluctantly. ^y

To be thin (stuff). d^j a — To be angry with. ^ J-'j
To enlarge the skirt of (a tent, » — Reluctance. 'CSj'i j^j,j ^«^jj j^'j
garment). To feed (a beast) with Dislike.
straw. In iip C^3 -tf-j <cS.j% ^i <ju\ ^3 J«-
To spread the wings over (her it lijl spite of him.
eggs ; hen). Abashed. ^_^Vl J.j ^ ^^V| ^p
Shelf; board on a oiSj j ^jjij ^ 3j Earth, dust. Sand. ^1^3
wall, cornice. H.-rd of camels, oxen. Mucus. ^1*3
Flock of sheep. Flight of birds. En- Thing sought. <;& j
closure for cattle. Soft garment. Nose. J'jli J-'j^iJ^'j
Broken pieces of straw. xVjj lij Place of refuge. Stronghold. ^Vj^
He has no one to -Jlj Vj lib- i) U Frequented (place).
take care of him. To eat and drink with ui3 a ^'j -^
Every day, daily. Vjj^ pleasure.
To put a saddle-pad J _oj1j , ipj s — Roof. Dewy (plant;. Abundance ^3
on (a beast). of fodder. Sky-light. Lily.
To do honour ; to make a. o. s alj Pontoon-bridge. ^jjt'j cj\:>

chief. To flutter (bird). To resound, ^^j -H-

To help one another. m\j To bandage (a limb). A —
To gain (wealth). ai;jl. Sky-light arched ; jj Cj^ ^ 3'Jij
To ask the help of. To ask » ji'A^[ window. Tent. Thin brocade. Skirt
a gift from. of a tent. Kedundant furniture. Pro-
Gift. Help. Share. iijjij ^yj ^ Sij vision. <- Splash-board.
Large cup. asl> ^ aa^j oi;^ Male osti-ich. Kind of sparrow, .jl^ij
He is dead. 'aJij jij i •^Fhght of birds. Pent-roof.
The Tigris and the Euphrates. olJ|\^t To mend (clothes). To *ii3 a fi> tSj -fr

Rafter of a roof. ojljj ^ Sa|l3 bring (a ship) ashore.

Saddle-pad. Rags for a wound, s^isj To make peace between. Jy —
She-camel filling a lai'ge _ij ^ i.j^ To allay the fear of; to sOothe. i —
cup at one milking. To greet new s ^'ji ''^~J\'J '^j
To kick. ifc C(ij,j Ci3 i o ^'j -« (.spouses).
•^ To thrust (arch). To favour a. o. in a sale. ^ Ujlj \ilj
To kick a. o. in the breast. To Aj — j^ To blandi.sh a 0.
tie (a camel's feet). To mince (meat). To lean on one side. To comb Ujl
Kick. -^ Thrust of an arch. xii^ o.'s hah". To land (ship).
Foot-rope of camels. Habit of ^\jj To approach. To take refuge to. Jl^ —
kicking. To near a. th. To bring (a Jl.
— fit>

Screw-steamer. ^J^ < ship) ashore.

To eat and drink Gijj o jjij ^ To agree together. To help o. a. \i\j
heartily. Agreement, union. i\i\y'j '\ij
To pound a. th. To shovel. Aj 5 — Be united and have many cn^lJIj '^Jb
To act in a grand style. j Ci-^j — children 1 [greeting to new spouses).
To have large ears. Qij a ^3 Patcher of clothes, darnel*. -^j
To comb, to expand (the beard). *^j Port landing-place. 'J 1^ ^ U^^ Uyi

-^ Shouldei'-blade. -33 Frightened. Shepherd. Ostrich i^diy

Shovel. flying away. Fawn.
:tli^^j ^3
Shovelling the grain to the j.\i'j To be broken. cijtj ,CUj i o zXj »-
meter. To be cut (rope). To be cru.shed
Large-eared. jjj ^ .Qi3 ^ jS} (bone).
To draw (water) a ^11?' - ^j » To break to pieces : to crum- 2<j » ^3
by tui-ns. ble a. th. <>• To dismiss (a clerk).
To rise (price).
u^jjl Transit-duty ;
permit. 'Jlsj ^ ;la3 ^
Turn of drinking. ij^ij Thrashed straw.Pounder, crusher.cij
Partner, sharer. Crumbs. Decayed bones. oi^j
To cast off. jj it Caa3j Qji3 o i jaa3 -«- Agrimony (p/«?i<). ^13
To shun a. th.-<>-To recuse (a judge). dijb,Cii3 a c.?3j.QPjj ^^j o »i.»3 i ^
To let (camels) scatter in •& jSj\j — To hold unseemly, obscene speech.
a pasture. To greet (new spouses), i ^J3 — ^j -ft-

To be wide (valley). j^JCs^ j^i% - To rise (dough). i^jj <>

To pasture freely (camels). Ciyj o - Easy (life). ^13
To be broken, scattered. jjj To sue- s jj>% m\'jj , \jij i MJ -J:^-

-^ To be bigoted. ^S:j] j - cour a. o. To make a present to.

To be scattered. To flow 'Jlj To stay (a wall). a> -
( Toi )

To prefer (a case); to Jl J^j *,«*0 (tears). To suppurate (wound). To

summoa a. o. before (a judge). cease (pain).
To spare the life of. uj — Scattered herd j^'^j j J^^'j 9- J^J
He endeavoiii'ed to jJasUj ^jialj of gazelles, camels. Little of water.
circu iivent me. Food.
To become proud. ^ij; Camels scattered in a ja'tV/j ^ *.2j?Ij
To prosecute o. a. before a ^\j pasture. Party of desei'ters. Sect of
judge. Mohammedan heretics.
To be exalted. To be advanced ^Jjjl. Heretic. Fanatic, bigot. j^ijjl ^ ',«^lj
(day). To rise (price). To disappear Fragments, shatters. J^'^j
(evil ). Separated parties. Isolated J'^'j
To a.-ik a. th. to b3 rai.sed, * ^J^\ pasturages.
tak'in away. Case away. Sweat. Broken j^Ai
It is lime to remove the ol^jJI — spear.
table. ^ Fanaticism, bigotry. uM)
Raising. Removal. Vowel-point ^'j Track of a torrent. (j^s'S* -r J^'y'
of the Nominative. <• Tracing of a To To lift Aj n Cij a /aj -^
extol a. o.
tradition to its author. Excellent. I
To take away. To urge (a ca-
a. th.

-^ Withdrawal, replevin. oj fi'j I

mel). To put a noun in the nomina-
High rank. Honour. "i^x i
five. To reduce (fractions). To trace
Land difficult to be CiiJI Ji^O i>».;1 I
back (a tradition). -^ To raise (a
watered. siege, a sitting). To trench (a ques-

Removal of crops to the 5:lsj,j ^,1*3 tion). To remit (a tax).

To make a truce. ^!>liJI;i3
Loudness, shrillness *tl»j(,j *ti^jj X^i'j a He carried a letter.
v'S?- '^J
of the voice. i
-> To dispense from. ^—
High rank, dignity. String for X£^s^, i
•<>• To withdi'aw from an ( ^ '0 ju ^'j
raising chains. <> Thinness, refined- I
ness. j
To bring crops to the XtVijj OTj —
Sect of dervishes. ( xoi. ^^^j ) «^i»j i
Snake-charmers. I
To honour, to show regard J C\j —
High in rank. Loud, shrill (voice), ^^j j
•^ Fine ; thin : ingenious. I
To advance speedily (camel).^;!}! J —
F. Case preferred to a judge. ^^j j They came to an upland. y^\ ^j
•^ Carnival. Side-board. ^\^a ^ ^'y^ I
To urge on (a horse). jjlJl J 5 —
High. In the nominative (word), p^^yi j
To ai-raign a. o. Jl. 5 Cuijj Ct'j ^'j

Quick step of an ass. Transmitted before (a judge).

(tradition). To introduce a. o. to (a ^^\ s C\^j —
To be luxuriant (life). ^1*3 o ^j -^ king)-
To be in easy circumstances. ^j To be raised in ^^ijj '<^j, ^3
Ampleness of life. *1Ujjj *^^j.> Aj dignity.
Part of a valley les.<? ^ji ^ ^3 To have a loud voice. XsSij —
fi'uitful. He saw the thing from Aji J ^j
Lowest class of people. Side. f.la j1 ^— afar.
Straw of maize. To raise, to lift a. th. or A j 5 flj
Dirt of the body. j.y3j ^isjl ?-
~ To carry a. o. away (from a
a. o.
Creases of the body ; armpit. battle). -^ To refine a. th.
Abiin lance. Barren ground. To run inequally (ass). -^ To ^3
Easy, happy (life). -^^ ^:jj f\\j
hold carnival.
OJ (TOO) Jij
Trailing a garment. Long-tailed ^tj^ To be useful, to dos jij^j,Cij3 ja3 "^

(horse). Fleshy. Wrinkled (camel). service to a. 0.

Ample clothes. Easy life. To strike a. 0. on the elbow. 3 ja3

Loose, long (hair). Jlj^ To tie (a camel) by the shoulders.

Awkward in di-ess. <>• Lop- ->^a3 ^ jsjl Csj^Jj &j^j Ciajj, a JjjJiO Jj3j..J;*j
eared (ass). To be gentle to. Jj jtj ^ ^'^'jtJ
To be weak and remiss, olsjl, — o*-* "^ To be in company. ijli3 o Jj3
To cool (anger). To flee away and To accompany a. 0. ^ jil3

rest. To act gently with. ^ J»Ji . ^ J^j'i

To ^jj , (e-jijj C»ij, i i^'j a k>j ^ To journey in coinpany. jslj

enjoy a delicate life. To lean upon. -< To pity a. o. ic. jij;
To go towater daily (camel). j3 To be filled up (vessel). To lean jSj'^
To be spent in lu- ^l^jj CklSj o oj on the elbows.
xury (life). To seek help. To seek a
To give well-being to a. o. j SJ\j Jj fellow-travellei'.
(God). To let (camels) dilnk at will. To take an elbow-rest.
To grant a respite to (a deb- ^i. J3 Compassion, pity, gentle
tor). ness.
To live in luxury. To live near Jj'l (J^J, * 2jjj iUJjj *4Jji,

water (cattle). Company. ji3_,

To rest, to live qui- jjs tSJC Ij — Company of travellers. *-5l3jj —
etiy at a. o.'s. Flowing easily (water). Easy jj3
Pity, forbearance, kindness. X^'j (afl^air). Disease of the udder.
Compassionate towards. ^ 4.313 Rope for tying camels. jaj -r J^j,
We are at a 4133 JCb *il'j "^ ^'H Companion, comrade, »Us3 tr J^^J
distance of an easy night-journey. colleague. Gentle.
Welfare. Com- *^i^jj "^^ ^jJ *^^j Elbow. Pillow ; jJl^^yJ ^ J?>*J J*Ir^
forts of life. elbow-rest.
To darn (a garment), it 1^3 1^3 -{f Beneficial thing. J^J'S^ ^r js!^*
To allay the fear, to quiet a. 0. s — Appertenances of a house jiill jjl^*
To maintain a. 0. as kitchen, well, privy.
To agree with. To s t^h,J '^'S* J^'j Elbow-rest. Pillow. *^jc
be gentle towards. Pillow, resting-place. -^ F'rivy. JaJ>«
To agree together. iljf To jSJb , Vjj '^>^3j ::Ai3 jjj «
Agreement, concord. »laj^ drag o.'s skii-t. To trail a garment.
Long-eared, lop- jij ^ ^'yTj j, jj\ To sweep, to strut.
eared (ass). To be awkward yij a Jijj ,
"^j J*3
Milk of gazelle. CJ jl in dress, work.
To be thin. To CJln-l b lij, i o3 ^ , To let (water) collect in a weli.A J33
be ashamed. To be poor, weakened. To add (a syllable) to (a verse).
•^To flatten. To thin (bread). A — To make a. 0. chief. To abase. » —
To have mercy upon, to J jljT^ 'J3 To let loose to drag (a
; jsjij — fi>

pity a. 0. garment).
To be or become a slave. fjj^ 33 i To have a proud deportment. ^'J
To render a. th. thin. A *J3b J3j Train of a garment. jsji^
> To flatten (metals). To move (the Bottom of a pit whez'e water ja3
heart). collects.
To render (speech) ^>lfei)l j53 Dragging o.'s skirt elegantly. ;Ij3
elegant. Ugly (woman). Easy (life).
a>j C TO
To pronounce softly. Jiit!) jSj

To observe (the stars). A i^jj ^*J,J To sow discord between. oy. ^

To watch over to wait for. ;
To become poor and weak (man), 'j'j]
To tie by the neck. To warn a. o.j — To ripen (grapes).
To watch over. Sj * ()\»j,j '*r*0'" v^'^ To move the heart. iJa'A —

To fear (God), -t^ To control a. th. To enslave a. 0., to possess s'JjtL\j —

To give to a. o. the use of f, s ^]\ a slave.
a property for life. To become thin.
To wait for a. o. A j ^ w.l5J0 ^j To compassionate a. 0. J JV
or a. th. To be shallow (water). 'Sj^\
To ascend fa height). ^ 'A^A Slavery, slave-trade.-^Tamboui'ine.^j^
Thickness of the neck. wJj Vellum. Parchment. Sheet j^'j ^ *J3
Life-donation : nsufract for life. Jij of paper. Big tortoise. Crocodile.
Obseivation. Caution. Fear. X^j^ Broad and soft ground, jjj^ '3'ji *o3 .

He inherited wealth X3j^ ^i VV* oj,i Weakness. Fineness thinness. ; ^3

from distant relations. Land regularly flooded JB^ ^ *_33

Neck. oCJjj »--sjb »r^JJ v'^J, t *:33 by a river.

Nape of the neck. Person, head. Mercy. Bashfulness. Thinness, jjj^
Slave. Easy life. tr4*" *-»J,

^ Thou art responsible ^:0i'j J Iji* Weakness. ^y>i^ ~

for it. Shallow, watei'. Low sea. 'jjj j^sj
Broad-necked. '^Sr^'j3 oC.s3
Thin bread. { un. xJ\Vj ) jv3j, ^ J^jj
The Watcher (God). »Cjj ^ w^j Easy walk of camels.
Watchman. Guardian. In opposition Hot (day). Desert; soft place. JkVj
(star). Cousin. Slave jOj^j 'LSjJ TT ("* •/ •)
weak, mean.
Turnsol. kind of euphor- ^ill) ^3 newly caught. Thin ;

bia. Pronouncing softly. JiUll

Self-observer, cautious. <«iJ — In a poorly state. •

Venomous snake. ^jj oU-lj ^r ~ Thin-hoofed (horse). 'J__,»

Forlorn woman expecting the ^_iyi'j The soft parts of the belly, ^pi 'J\y:
death of her husband. Rolling-pin. JC3^»
Misfortune. ^yO^ 3»' The tAvo wings of the nose, ^Vl i5_^

Guardian left in a house. iSj •> Spleen ; melancholy.

Broad-necked. Lion. >Cij v« v_<5j'l < Bread in thin sheets.
Look out watch- ^yf^ ^ "^^iyj ^J^
To sprinkle (water, per-
tower. fumes). To cause (tears) to flow. To
To manage a. th. well. ^^Jj — ^jj -S- mix (wine).
To increase. 5^-23jl To flow. To flicker (water, J^j
To earn for o.'s (family). J ^-.3^ mirage). To shine in the eyes (tear).

Traffic, trade, profit. l>6j Tear shining in the eye. Glis- Jly3
Merchant, trader. tening. Indian melilot, -0- Shallow
To sleep. iSlsjj l^yjj l^j o J^j -S- (water).
To lull (heat). To be dull, (market). To stop (blood, \\»jj 'isj a \ij -S-

To be ragged (garment). To exude

tears). ( sweat).
To overlook (an affair). y*^ o* ~ To make mischief or peace ov Gj —
To put to sleep : to lull a. o. 5 aaj'l between.
To sojourn in. o— To dry (tears, blood\ To pro- *> %]
To hurry. m'j\ mote (sweat). To prevent bloodshed.
A sleep. A lull. I'Jij Rags for stopping blood : styptic, 'yj
1 *

^ C J^J
To patch (a garment). A •^j a /5j -^ Great sleeper. *yLt j ^^j} •'^'j
To repair (a well). To strike. •<>• Leap, bound (of a lamb). ollwj
To walk quickly (camel). »r^t^~ Large jar. Goby, -i^y/j -sylj ^ -t:

To epigrammatise a. o. To s — small sea-fish.

overtake a. o. Sluggish gait. Brooding of jl--?!?'

To hit the target with (an lj A — eggs.

arrow). To strike a. o. with. Soporific. Opium. Di.s- al^,* -^ J^y*
To be nonsensical, impudent ;p\9j o vj tinct road.
(man). Bed. Sleeping-place. s^s'ji ^ M/f

To patch up (clothes). To ma- A 4j To throb (artery). s'yij o j^j -^

nage (property). To variegate (cloth). a> CsJj o ^sj -fr

To be addicted ( for _pCt ) fi> j^\j To adorn a. th.
to (wine). To embellish (speech). To dot * jSj
To show foolishness. ^»J\ (a writing). To rule (a page). To
To want repair (garment). ^jCSj — blame a. 0.

To earn o.'s living. ^'J,

To adorn himself (man). jS'ji
To be heedless, un- ^jj J fiSj\ U To mix in war (fighters). J^A
mindful of. Speckled viper. ^i5j
Seventh heaven. 4j Spotted of white jjij ^ '(jjj ^ jSj\
Sound of an arrow upon the butt, xijj and black.
Patch. Piece of land. ,jjj ^,6^ ^ <i5j Spotted serpent. Soft palate 'i-jij

Piece of paper. Shift. Constitutive. of camel.s. Kind of caterpillar.

Beginning of scab. Target. Letter, To dance. To fiicker CajJ o ^»j ^
note. (looming). To ferment(wine).
Chess-board. !rt.53^4.1l *;5j To amble Ol'^jj ^^'jj \'-^j ~
White-spotted on the side »ii9j (camel), -tf To prance (horse).
(ewe). Foolish (woman). Fern. Dwarf- To dandle a child. To ^sj'b ^j^ij

elder. make a. 0. to dance. To make (a ca-

Unsoundness of mind. :ctl3j mel) to amble.
Firmament. jijjl ^ ^^5.33 To rise and sink (ground). ^ij;
Fool, silly.
A%,- Dance. Amble (of camels). ^'j
Patched (garment). Scabby ^S' Star in Draco. ^\j
(man). Dancer. < Pendulum, spring ^iSj
Object of ridicule. of a clock.
Silly. *JU3 Female dancer. Bari'en land. wl5j
Violent (hungei"). Play of the Arabs.
To go on quickly ; to Thrilling, moving verses.
amble. To spot a i_Jaiij oyjl Jfr Jalj ^
To cross (a desert). A— garment with drops.
Lofty palm-tree. To be spotted, iJ^j *^'j\
JvUj J^^ ^ Sisj Islsj'j
Swift-running i^'J'j Jkyj d^>yt stained.
(she-camel). White and black spots. iLSj
To wi'ite. Cjj jXj ^ Spotted of white jjj ^ -iLJj >. i^J\
To dot (a book). To stripe »j ^— and black. Panther. Spotted sheep.
(cloth). To brand (a camel). Serpentaria, dragon- Ja*jVl JiJ^\

He streaks water prov. »(J1 J

; ( ^'Jl wort.
to mean) a remarkable skill. Riot, sedition. Speckled hen. 'iLJ^
To dot (unpaid items) in a fit
^3 Oily porridge.
register. To streak (cloth). Poisonous lizard.. iLJ^ll iW^".? siliLLJI
^^ C ToA )
To be scan- xJ'iTjj 3jj,j i»j '^j -{^ i
Variegated cloth. ^y^j ^Gjl ^ ^'j
ty. Jo be weak, thin. To have httle Numeral.
science, a weak judgment. Arabic numerals. ^:^^ ^'j
To oblige a. o. to. *2l& J ^ IJ'3 o — He brought much. ^i^bj ^Ji\ ^U
To put an iron-collar to. Misfortune. ^^!l 'cX>_i ^j
To feel a. th. with (the hand), uj * — Meadow. Side of a valley. Re- x^'j
To compact a. th. -^ To maca- — fi> servoir. MaUow.
damise (a road). Plant of the class pentandria. xSj
To let down a fine rain (sky).iJj1_j ^j Inscription on a stone, a tablet. ^3
To be watered bj' a fine rain "iij] •^ I/ctter, missive.
(earth). Speckled snake. J^\'j\ ^ A'-^'j j, Jij\
To quiver. *<^ Jl Writing-reed. Brand. ji\yi ^ ^'^p
To w.iver in (an affair). To be J— Having scanty plants (land). "i^yiy-

indisfinct in (speech : drunkard). To Streaked with brands (beast).

be incorrect (in speech). To write a fair hand. ^3 — J»j ^
To find a. th. thin, weak. fi> i)lnJ.i To write a. th. in closiog the a ^53
Drizzle. i)CX>,J il^'G' rr "'^xi '^j lines. To improve, to adorn a. th.
Echo. ^j To dot (unpaid items).
Melting fat said of a Y'j\ x'^^X To dye (the beard) red. fin

useless man. To dye herself with henna Jiy
Shallow-minded. ( m. f.) xSK'^'ji i!V5'j ,
Disregarded. To be dyed red. j»JC-\j Ji3j\j Jjl
Thin, weak. ~'i=^'ji ii'^Xj, t '^fj Saffron, henna. oGJij Oj5jj oGj^
Negligent. Uncompact (cloth). Jaimdiee. Smut, disease o^^j o^'jl
Little leai-ned. J^\ dUfj in grain.
Incorrect in speech. Jiiljl — Sandy hillock. «j3jj j3j -ft-

Confused, indistinct in speech. ^xT^^ To ascend Jl _j J L5jj Cij a Jj -i1-

Repaired (bucket). •<« Macada- ii^l^ gradually.

niised (road). To give a ^j iti/ji Cjj) Xij Jj i

To be weak, cowardly. ^S^l)

"^ charm to a. 0. To enchant a. o.
To raise, to exalt a. 0. s jj
To To voyage on (the
ride (a beast). To bring a charge against. j& (a^AJT —
sea). To embark (in a ship). To walk To ascend (a jj J[j J^-'J^i jj> ft>

in (a road). To embark in (danger). mountain).

To commit (a fault). To burden To go up (a ladder). To pro- J —
a. o. (debts). gress in (science). To be promoted
To act heedlessly, at random. ij,l3 ^fj in (rank).
To run away at full speed (horse). The affair succeeded _yi VI *j jji
He followed his pas- ij'i^j '0I3.A ^j with him.
sions, his own opinion. To ask a. o. to enchant. 5
To have a big-knee. (Sj a ^j oCSjj "Jj ^ Syj ^j *3j
Spell, Cj\^j)
To strike a. o. on the s Cs'j ^j charm. Amulet.
knee or with th'3 knee. Sorcerer, magician. ;6j ^ JIJ
To lend (a camel) to a. 0. fi) s v_.5'j Witch, sorceress. jijj ^ s3lj
To set ( jewels). To combine, ^— Great and skilful wizard. *l—5j
to compose a. th. To transplant (a Bewitched. '^.'j'

palm-shoot). -^ To set up ( a gun, a Stair, ladder. ^J\y> ^ '^lyiJ SS^'j 'J^

bed). To forge (news). Stepping-stone. Ascent.
^ To distress, to harass a. o. s v^O Place of ascent.
u^ ( T

To be motionless (ship, |i^j o jS"j ^ To be fit to be ridden (colt). »jrj

Avater). To h& still To mount a. o. upon (a beast).
(wind. men). To i
a — .

settle (di-egs). To turn to be still To be sot.

; To be composed, ^'y

(pulley). To reach its midday-height To heap up (clouds). v-S'iJ

(sun). To poise (balance). -^ To be venal. I
Still, motionless. afe,j ^ jS'\j Party of riders v^JJ —O' -r —^J

Full (vessel). Milch-camel. i_^^3 above ten.

Pi. Resting-places. -^T'S^'
Party of riders below ten.
To bury a. th. * j^jj \'J"j o jfj -H- , i

To stick up (a lance). To produce Knee. Joint of the foreleg.-^.

ores (God). To set up a. th. Influenza, dengue-fever. ,^'J\ y\ -^
To contain gold, silver ores jb>'J\ Star in Cygniis. *?-W-^' *^j
(mine). To find ores in a mine. Star in Sagiltarias. t/C"
To be fixed. To throb (artery), jfei^jl.

To lean upon (a bow). ic.

— Rider; passenger. Head of (a moun-
Faint noise. Learned ; generous ^jj tain, of a spike).
man. Off -shoot ^Uj 5^ x;/"! jj v'j^Oj vTO
Firmness, resolution. Palm- sjSj of palm-trees.
shoots. Imported olive-oil. s^v^, <i4j
<• Quiet. Sedate, cool-minded. jTlj Stirrup of a horse-saddle. ^tTj ^ tjVrj^
Gold and Sjfljj SjTX oIjSO, t JSj, Camel for v_-j.^jj >^^^j.j ^'j rr
silver ore. Buried treasure. riding.
Gold and silver oi'es. '?}^j !r "^'J^'j Rider. Skilled in attairs.
y. ^^ji >J^'j
^ Treasure. Pole of a tent, peg. Camel for liding. (f'j ^ <>.^jj ^ ^j^'j
Centre of (a circle). j^l^> rr j^y' Inserted. Fellow-rider, ^^'j -r ^^'j
Head-quarters. Residence. ^ Seat of Big-kneed. •C5'3 ^ U^'j\
government; district. Support. Turn of a sentence. •<> Frame >^S
To reverse, to turn a CJ'j o ^'j ^ of the body. Mouth-piece.
a. th. over. <> Vehicle ; ship. ^^'y t ^'j*
To tie (a camel). S'
— Beast for riding, vr^'S-* ^rVj^*
To thi'ow a. 0. back into a i!
^ ,^j1 nag. -t)- Shoes.
former state. Constitutive. Compound (word). »_J'^i
To be mingled (hair). j-TlJ Gross ignorance of a fop. <^'y J*^
To relapse into trouble. To ,jJ^'j\ •^ Criminal, culprit. Bribed. ,_-%*.^^
be reversed. To lean j& ^.feujlj 9<rX ^'j , a ?^j -»
Dirt. Crowd. Repair. Bridge. ^j^ upon a. th.
Standing in the middle of the ^\'j To rely upon. To seek Jl^ ^j^j ~
floor (ox). refuge towards.
Pole stuck into the \:LK^j j "Cm^'j To give refuge to ; to stay a. o.j rS'},
earth. To put o.'s self at ease. To j y^i^'Ji
Rope fastening a camel's head ^v1^ enlarge (o.'s life).
to his feet. To stay in (a place). ^—
To run, to move the ii^j o je^'j -tt- Side of a ^^^jb ^^j -r "r-^j
feet. To move (stars). mountain.
To trample in his run (horse). ^ — Area of a house. PL Foun- ^fi'jl ^ —
To fly swiftly (bird). *liUii. - datious. Monk's cells.
To urge (a horse) with V — ^y High and hard ground. '\3^j
the feet. Area of a house. -r^j cr *'t^'j
To escape from. .„ — Dropping backwards (saddle). ^Ua^

C T"\« )
Heap of inud. liiTj To be started (horse).
Heap of ( sand ) Nmnerous ^iTj To race on horseback with
(flocks). a. 0.

High road. Ji^^" J^^^J" To i-ace together. J^^y

To be grave, cool.^_^j_, x,\S"j o ]^'j -ft- To move the feet (in agony), jsfe^jjt.
To lean on.Jl^ Jf'JbS>^j a j(ji,o J'j To be stirred (water). To travel
to rely upon. -^ To betake o.'s self to. through (a land). To move in the
To be strong. To be sedate. ^^'j womb (foetus).
^ To ground o.'s self upon, it
;^j\ To be disquieted ; to stir in (a J —
Rat field-rat.
JT^ business).
Part, strongest side. d^']\ ^ ^j Swift run. j^j
Mon'iontous affair. Column. Support. Impulse. Temptation oUsTj ^ j-aTj
Strength. Substance. (of Satan).
The four elements. Ci\^'J^\ I
Good runner : swift-shooting J^^j
^ Staff of an army. o_^VJI d^'j>
State ministers. iijji\ cSio'j\ Conceited gait. 'Li^J Ji^'J

Fh'mness. Sedateness. ^jU'jj "C^j \

Runner. u^^O^
Grave, steadfast. Firmly seated cr^'j Fire-poker. Side of a bow. J^^lf^t
(mountain). To bow down (^jd.jj (^fj &^j4-
Pi-ince, chief. ^-'-TGI -r oj'jl G in prayer. To be bent (old man). To
Headman. stoop the head. To become destitute
Wasliing-tub. oTO' 'r cXlft after wealth. < To kneel.
To dig (the earth). To a \'Js"j o ^j -^ To make a. 0. to bow » r^Jj ^j
tighten a. th. To repair a. th. down. < To make a. 0. to kneel.
To double the (load of a Deep hole. 'i^j
camel). Prostration in prayer. Cj\*^j -r

To sojourn in (a place). tf- Kneeling, genuflection.

To put off a. th. Bent. i>j^\'j3 ^j^ji fij -r r^\j

To speak ill of a. o. Prostrate. > Kneeling.
To seek refuge near. To lay on the ground yjiiscij\— ^Sj -^
To rely upon. ^ ,^J^j\.)^J'> (snow).
Skiff. -Uj J Cj\'^j w bJS"jj ajS'jj f^j To kick a. 0. j -^'j S^'j "^
Leaiher-bag. < Coffee-kettle. To urge (a beast) with n ji'^j —
Well holding water, '^'j j OlT, ^ :;^j the feet.
Lasting, steadfast.
<^'J*j -VJ^
To paw (the ground hor.se). :

I rely upon thee. ^li, ^J. To thi'ust (a spade) in the o'l

Large tank. "

'^'ji ground with (the foot).
To * >.*jJ-J ^'JJ <*>-> ,
t^j ^ To kick one another.
repair (a building). To mend a. th. Leek.
To browse, to graze (cattle).*^jl_j '^3 Bundle of green vegetables.
To be de- yj\j U^'ji t-jj ^-j i -
cayed (bone). To be silent (people). Flanks of a beast. jT'S^
To he full of raaii'ow (bone). 'yj\ Road.
To be prone to. j\
— Foot of a rider. jf\'_^ ^ jT^..
To need repairs (wall). >ln2l. To heap up a. th. a (Jfj o ^X'j *
Care, intention. House furniture, ^j To be heaped. To be jb jXO
IMarrow. Herbage. Moist earth. >j compact ( flesh). To become thick
I have no escaj^e 3,3 vj '^ ii/^ J C» (darkness).
fi'om it. Heaped clouds. ^VTjj ^j
Live bird used as bait for hawks, ^ij He pos- >^ Vj :,> jl >j Vj :]c
To spear a. o. To s \^j a ^-t^j -^ sesses nothing.
kick a. 0. (camel). Piece of rope worn out. ^j ^ 15^
To flash faintly (lightning). in.*j Whole, totality. -(^ Head-rope.
a To gallop (horse). He has given the whole ^^'y. Ulktl
They speared one another. S^fSji of it.

Spear. Destitution. ^Ujlj ^\/>x r '^'•j Celebrated poet. xi'^JS j'i

<f- Four degrees and a lialf of a Decayed bone. j>'^*j,i J'x t "^x
circle. "Winged ant.
They are at war. b-.ij ^4^ \j[n^ Clever girl. v'J'r^'O
They are united a?-!j ^^.o^^**!;'^ .>•* Worn out rope.^C>j j ^C j1 j:>
against them. Decayed, rotten (bone). ^C»jj ^^ j
Lanci^r. Two-horned (bull). ^^Ij Lip of cloven-hoofed **3'*-> *'->^

Arcturus (star). ?^l^)l illi^JI animals.

Plague. ;;^l ^lij. if- Repairs of decayed houses. oli^J^

To send forth prickles liiUj olii^ streets.

(plant). To become fat (camel). Calamities. cMji^
Kind of long-legged ^^J^^^l ji' To open the mouth j^y-'Ji — j'j'^j ^
jerboas. and remain silent.
Me leaned upon a ^iiL J./l rC-'^'j iil Cartkamm^ wild saffron. Ayj
staff from old age. To stop in (a ^ l«>»jj Vj-^ a 1*3 -ft-

<) Circus, racing-field. 9^^^? place : camel).

To starve from 'siC^j \'j^j i a?j -»- To ascertain (news). A—
cold (flock). To exceed (a number). J**^^Jb
To destroy (a tribe) : a flock » 1 o — To approach to. Jl. Ujl

(hail). False rumours. jV'-iVl cA^^i

To suffer from 'tij.'jj ,
|a:.j a a^j To arrange. To steal * Qj'j o o-'j -S-

ophthalmia. a. th. To mis a. th. To wipe a. th.

To put a. th. in the ashes. To fi> j.%j with the hantl.
mar (a business). To be disordered (affair), u^j a ofj
To have milk before J^Ob -^^j To suffer from the belly (camels).
bringing forth (female). To exceed (a number). To jp c-^j
To fall into destitution. To lose ju j1 surpass a. o.
flocks. To leave milk in (the j d-^'jb
To afflict a. o. with ophthalmia » - udder).
(God). To spare part of o,'s j c^Jii\j cJ'jl
•^ To be reduced to ashes. To si'J goods.
be blear-eyed. To be covered with To soften a. th. A —
ashes. Species of the bitter plants <t^j,
To be ash-coloured. To run fast, ix^'^y called ja.'^i. . Man in tatters. Weak
Ophthalmia, blear eyes. j.i'j in the back.
Blear-eyed. Dirty (garment). o/ij^ o^j Raft of timbei". Remain- ii»i*j'l ^ c-^'j
Ostrich. ,\j^j der of milk in the udder. Attainment.
Ashes. ;j..jl ^ olx^jl^j iC«j Camels afflicted J-'/^jj J'^''jj *h'j J-il
Generous, hospitable. i\>^fl j-uj' with looseness of the belly.
He exerts himself useless- iC»JJI J rSlj They are in a disordered 'ff^^^* J ^*
ly, /t7 he blows upon the ashes.
: state.
-^ Lye, lixivial water. iC*']^)! -\f> To mute (bird). bc*j o r-^j -^
Loss, destruction. SiUj To spoil (the writing). * r-»3
( VAT )

Soil covered -with herbs. 'li^^ o'}^ Ash-culoured. '(.5?V»jj •J^'j^

To retrieve (an evil : ^ \^'j o ^'j -S- Blear-eyed. 'j^'j^j j^]ji^

God). Roast in the ashes (kid). j^y,

To make peace between. ojj
— Active, energetic. Ic:V,;J

To dung (hen). To whelp ^>j Fine and jjo^j j i>'-^j,i iJ'j. ^^j
(beast). copious ashes.
To have white matter To wink at a. 0.
Ca>3 a (j^ J Jl^ {yj jij ^ i

in the eyes. To commit (a flock) to a new A o —

Di-y filth of the eyes. ^Vj shepherd. To fill up (a skin).
Having ^ij ^ 'U^3 ^ ^.^jij ^^j To allure a. 0. wth. v_) 5
dirt in the eye-corners. To jump (gazelle). ^'Ij^j ~
Procyon, star in Canii '\::^,'J\^'JJ^\ To be restless. To le in- 'sjC»j o jij
minor. teUigent noble. To enjoy authority. ;

To be burning (day). Ca^j ^ J^O ^ To stir (people). To get ready, yj

To heat the sand (sun). To be scor- To be disturbed. To stir. ji^jl
ched by the ground (foot). To be To rise fi-om (a place). ^t 'J^A
blasted by the sun (flock). To stick to (a place). — fi,

To burn with anger at an y'Su, — Sign, wink, j^'j ^ jVjj y'jj y\

affair. hint. Allegory.
To sharpen a (spear) >b Ca>j i o j^^'j Restless. Numerous. Sedate. jv«3
between stones. Intelligent ; noble. Respected (man).
To roast (a sheep) on heated 5 i
— Sea. Origin. Pattern. jyjijj ^ j>*lj
stones. Large army stirring forward. c'jK^j

To pasture (sheep) a ja^'J^j j^'ji

— Harlot.
on a burning ground. Thing hinted at. *;j|^ jy^
To wait a. 0. for a while fi^j s ja%j To cover, to buiy a. th.A iSj i o [^ij -^
and go off. To purpose (fasting). To bui'y (the dead). 5 ^jb ~
To burn a. th. To pain ij ft> jaf''j\ To level and conceal (a a CJj —
a. 0. To affect (the brain sun). To : grave). To conceal (news). To efface
burn a. 0. with anger (affair). (traces : wind).
To heave (.soulj to be in pangs-^^a^^
; To throw (a stone) at. i^ i'

To track (game) to a burning 2 — To be dipped into (water), j ,^>jt
ground. Grave. i.r^bj -r u"^Sb ^/"j ^r xj~^'j
To bound (horse). To be burnt js^iji Dust of a grave.
(liver). Winds effacing traces. ovl^j
To be distressed by a. th. ^/-y^jl Nocturnal birds a-fUj
To be burnt by (heat or grief;. Lambkin. oCjj ^ ^a*j ^
To be disquieted to be grie-
; J — To pasture a while QJ-j o J-^j -H- i

ved for. (cattle). -^ To twinkle (the eyes).

Burning of anger. Rain falling j3>j To take a. th. with the fingers. A —
on a heated ground. To cast (a stone) at a. o. ^^ s —
Summer-i'ain, clouds. 'i^^»j To become leafy (plant). To J^^'j\
'Ui^jlj CjusK/jj OULk^j uL^j twinkle.

Ninth Arabian month Ra- *-a« jb

; Bunch of odoriferous plants. j,i>j
madan, fasting-month. -> Eyelids.

^^J, ^ ^^^
Scorching heat. Burning hot Crispness of the hair. Blearness. jL»3

(ground). Spots on the nails.

Sharpened (sword). Flesh of ja^j Blea-eyed. jj,\ ^ .ilJL^ ^ j,a'J\

a roasted sheep. i
Fine in body.
To be leau. To be ash-coloured. '»iA?jl. To speak ill of a. o. 5 C h^j i ia^j -H-

To quiver from anger Cuij a ^j -W-

Common stud-mare. Weak man. or age (nose).

Ash-coloiii" of camels. S6v»j To point at a. th. with (the o—
Black perfume mixed ^iX'A'j^ .tXi^yj hand ). To issue (tears : eyes). To
with musk. bring forth (a child).
Ash-coloured. iiij ^ ^^ij j> di/JJl To shake (the head). *—
To sprinkle a. th. fin'^Vj o J>3 ^ To go on quickly. Cjlij»jj C.>»j —
with sand. To adorn (a couch) Avith To feel a pain in the loins ^/jlj fj^'j

pearls. (water-drawer).
To stain a. th. with blood. ^ ^'jj — To tremble with anger. ^^'j

To weave (a fine tissue). -^ To Stooping and lifting the head ^\j

sand (a letter). by turns.
To walk quick- -^pj'j Oy^^jj y^'j o — Pain in the loins. Disease of the ^Uj
ly (man). bowels.
To become a widow j^j j J''Jl) — Soft part of the skull. Buttocks. XtCO
(woman). Spinning-top. Soft and f''\'Ji t r'Ji.

To exhaust provisions. To be Jj-'J]

frail pebble.
exhausted (stores). To To ^j\- J->«j «
drivel (infant).
To lengthen (a rope). To adorn ^ — drip (grease).To walk in haste. To
a. th. with woven leaves. To weave shout (man). To be moist (garment,
(a fine tissue). leather). To disperse (camels). To
To be blood-stained. jSjSj S^J d^'J^ flow (tears).
Sand. ^ jV3
j;jlj JUj^ To flow (tears). o*'Jl "^
Geomancy. J>^!l ^'yo->j JA^II ^it To rub (leather) with a \k'j''j a jJ'j ^
Sandy ground, -tf- Sand-pit. iX/^j the hand.
Black line. JC«jb J-»j ?r <i^i To falsify (a speech). To A ^Jj
•^ Sand-glass, sand-clock. ;'b^3 a*^-. anoint (the head).
Scanty rain. Excess. Streaks j/i^ To cast a glance at.jf j A Ciij o j^j -J^
on a wild cow. Musical tune. To gaze long at. » j 4> j;ijj —
Sand-seller, Geomancer.
-if- Juj To dispose (a discourse). ^'k'j fit

Destitute. *i»Ob J-ll'J :- *iij^ ->• j'-jl To make a. th. hastily. jA'jj — ifc

Bachelor. < Widower. To sip a. th. repeatedly. a jjij

Weak and destitute people. iiijVl To perish (sheep). To expand ^jlj
Black-footed (white ewe). ^yj^'j (road).
Barren (year). To be thin, weak. 'JV>jlj —
Stump, stalk Js.»ljb J-jCl t 'i^j'''j Straitened, poorly (life). jC«j j jfj
of a branch. Needy boy. Last breath of life. jC»ji ^ j^j
Small shackles. j;:^.» Flock of sheep.
Texture of palm-leaves. Jyfji Bare sustenance.
Pomegranate. ( un. ;cjC.j ) ol'o "^ Straitened. Invi-
Pomegranate-tree. dious.
White poppy. JUUI ui'>'j Hypocrisy, evil look.
Androvxinum. all-heal(p^rt.).jl^VI o'S'j Scanty hfe. j»^Ji J-Js-
< Stomach of ruminant. Wo- t^k/j Keeping little affection ; ill-
man's breast. Knob of metal. Steel- natured.
yard. Large shell. Dim-sighted. JyJc.
•<>• Ruby-coloured. 'jlS»j To stop in (a place). ^_, Cfyj o di-^'j -tt-

Pomegranate-grove. ;li^ To keep a. o. in (a place). ^ 2 JJ^'j]

( T"\l )
Target. Aim; range. ,>»i1h* -r Jj' Ai-menians. [un. J>ji ) J>j\
Shooting an arrow. Scout. ,v^ To be vehemently hot \^'j a «>'j -8-
To moan. To re- ojl),tlAij i oj ^ (day).
sound. To twang (bow). To tinkle. Indian almond. 4^3
To listen to. Jt ojb
~ To throw cj J A
^Cv) J J'j 03 i >
To twang (a bow). A (j'j a. th. To repair to (a place;.
The created beings. ^JS To charge a. 0.with. To cast ^j » —
Moau. Plaintive, ringing •Cjj o^ij (looks; upon. To throw a. o. into (an
sound. Twang. evil).

Bo%A'. Resounding cloud. cij-'^j *L'> To speak conjeeturally. v_^ijlj Jj

To turn the looks Ji ij a ^j ^ May God smite him on aS>_ j jji oC«3
towards. his hand 1

To have a heavy (deportment). J — To give help to a. o. (God). J —

Hare, rabbit. Short- ^\'J\ ^ ^'J\ -H- To shot (an ar- trjSJl jtj o* * ~
tailed rat. Ornament. row) with a bow.
She-hare. Tip of the nose. i'j'J\ To exceed(a number). u ^/3b
Ci/noglo$sum, hound's ton- ^J^VI o\i^
gue {plant). To shoot with a. o. To make a shoo-
Furred with hare-hair (gai- s^J/y' ting-match with a. 0.

ment). To throw, to cast a. th. ^^ ^ J']\

Full of rabbits, kJJ>ij\-4 jj>»^* v^l>* To cast off. _u!l ^> —
hares (land). To throw a. 0. down tr-S^' d^ ^
Short-tailed field-rat. from a horse.
Indian-nut. («'^ iaJO ) r-ilJj To practice usury. To exceed ip —
Smooth date. in abuse.
^ Madagascar.
, I

To expel a. 0. (country). ^ J^'Jj J'j\

To hum (man). To be slack (affair). To heap J\'J;
To cause a. o. to li TJ'j ~ roj ft' up (clouds). To shoot o. a.
reel (wine). To come to (success or fai- Ji
To faint, to fall in a swoon, jlit rCij lure : affaii").

To reel (drunkard). ^-iij'j n^y ^ To fall down at the feet of. ip —

Vertigo, giddiness. ^3 To be flung, thrown (mis- '\::^,'j\ jSjK
Reeling. Best aloes-wood. ;J^ sile).

Prow of a ship. *fvj^ He went ofl" hunting. uV.^i

To be languid. d^ij o kjj -ii- -^ To fall at the feet of.

To subdue a. o. To render s -ruj Sound of stones thrown.

languid. .^ To drench a. o. (rain). Excess. Usury.
^f To be drenched by rain •^uj) He excels him.
To cleave to. A throw, a shot.
Sweet bay. Myrtle. Aloes- aO-«- A bad shooter j.13 Jji ^X^'j ISj __

wood. may hit the point {said o/" unexpected

The Albanians. i»jOj1j i jCjl -^ success).
Plane for wood. ^'j^'j P Small cloud Cu3j ^'Jh '''^'J^

To sing. ^jJ3 D dropping large drops.

Madder, dyeing plant. ^Cj Game. -^ Cartridge. Tax. CC«3
To be altered (colour), u^j a r^'j ^ Sagittarius, {Zodical sign).
To wag the head against flies The Prophet Jeremiah.
(horse). To play. Throwing-machine. j,]^i ^
To move (the head) to and iro. a ^j Small arrow. Cloven foot. sC»_3j«

To be fresli (man). To shiue ,^Ji Shouts of players. Share of Xi>jji

(looming), food. Well-being. Meadow.

lirightaess of complexion. Sa^a j To walk quickly. ^j1 — ^j -fr

To drop the ears (jaded V^IJV'j —

To fear, to dread a. 0.5 CC* j^ OUajj camel).
To ba jaded (she-camel). <:^a, J SalxT Balcliica^ wild willow. ^^J "-^j
To ride a lean camel. To wear w-*'jl Border of a sleeve, of ^\jj ^ *iiO
long sleeves. the nose.
To withhold (camels) from wa- ^—
ter. To be turbid (water).
To frighten, to 5 ^iln^\ ^ ^'Jj — To render (water) turbid. fi>
threaten a. 0. To dispel ( an evil God). :

To become a monk. oyAy ^j >^j To stop in (a place).

Emaciated, jaded camel. j_^j To be involved in (an affair). To J-
Thin arrow-head. ^^j, -r ~ confuse (the eyes : sleep).
Sleeve of a gai'ment. ^^ To flap the wings (bird). To be jfj
Fright, dread. 'Ci jj ^'j^ ^'jj Xl^j dim (sight). To be broken (wing).
Religious order ; x^j 4-j liC^j To be dull (mind). To be weak
monachism. (body). To look intently.
Christian monk. Lion. oi-Aj ^ w^O To wave (standard). jTji
Nun. v^'-^JJ '^'^V*' J ?r *r*0 To wave (a standard). fi>

Dreadful, appalling. ^j^[yj vi*J Turbid (water). ^,jj j;'jj jJj
Monastical. 'skS-^'jJ "si,W*
Brooding (hen). Bar- oUUij vr

Fearful. S^.Ujj ojj^j 5- oCaj ren ground.

Monk. o^SKj tt *5C>aj >• oCaj Muddy watei'. Jl'^i.'j -r *^j
Awe, appalment. J^jj P>r*'j Brightness, splendour. Wavy j;/j
Terrific things.
v^'S^ streacks (of a sword).
To have a jerking jJ,-J; - j^j ^ Slime of a river. '^(Jyjj Jy'_^j Jyy
gait. To sing melo- J^j C. J j a vl'j "^

Unintelligible word. jlij diously; to trill.

Speaking unintelligibly. J-»^ Jr*S^ To warble (bird). To ring (bow VJ

To raise (the dust). To^ijl — r-Aj -^ To trill (man).
perfume a house. To be about to Trilling voice ; v_^^j '
Ji J.'

rain (sky). ringing sound.

Dust. Waterless cloud. T-^JJ :!tAj Melodious song.^tresses. _J'j
Riot. ^ Recitative, hymn. **^,'J
Arsenic. To gaze Jl^j J J'Jj ,
(-/jj \^'j o O'j *
Realgar, red orpiment. with delight at.
Orpiraent, king's yellow _,iol !»tAj To overlook, to neglect a. th. ^—
Gentle walk of a horse.: '.p To sing. '*i'-^'.J'-^
To pound a. th. a
i^ij a jl»3 ^ To delight : to cheer a. o. s j'J^j —
To make a gross blunder. ju»j (beauty).
Delicacy of life. S^UJ To equal a. 0. in beauty. To s
Kindness, gentleness, */i_^ j blandish a. 0.
Soft, delicate. «^*'j >• -i^j Attractive beauty. Cj
Unsteady, wavering. i'^'S" Sound. Delight. 'C j
To be slow. To be restricted, o^j -S- Looking with delight. y'^j -^'j

To turn round in (walking). j — To keep open house ; fit a'jk'j — oj *

To scoff at, to bully, jp Joa^j Ci^'Ji ^ i. e. to be very hospitable.

A) Jaf;
To remain on horseback. To La j Fool. Coward. cj'j^j^j o'-^'jj o'-^j

remaia in doors. i
OiUfcj rr C)J->^jJ '•'•>^JJ XJJAjj ii-i^'j

To assemble. -J^+j jl Lark of Mecca.

To stir, to Cl'jA^j G*^ ^ J*J "^

Kindred, o.'s people. Party ia^\'J\j move about.

of men less than ten. Enemy. ( With To stir on behalf of. J _0j\
a number) Person, individual. To tread upon the A Caj a ^^aj
( -ft-

We are all if^iijij j'j^ ^j 'o"''

collected. To be jolted, shaken, stirred. ,j-»S
Leathern flaps used as JaUji. ?- l»ij To be flooded (valley). To ^j\
drawers. press together (men). To heap up
Mole- ^Uj r 'VJaAljj 'Uaijj *L*j (locusts).

hole. To become bountiful J^'y — J^j -ft-

Furnit'ire of a house. ^"^j. (man). To yield much milk (she-

To thin (a sword). * Ciij a Ji* j -ft- camel).
To be thin (sword). Ci*jj *sC» j o wiA To be loosened (bow). To J-^'jX
To whet (a blade). To thin. * wiAjl shudder ( man To knock together

To extem[)orise (a speech). yj
— (hoofs). To be in civil war (tribe).
Thin. Whetted (swoi'd). jk.»Jfi wVt j To thrust (the spear) obliquely, a—
Slender (horse). .Jiij^ Bountifulness. Share. "Ci^jk^jj *i.Aj
To be foolish. To lie. Caij a j* j -ft- Shock of the hoofs. Weak j-i^j
To be mischievons, ungodly. To (man). Lean-backed (she-camel).
hasten. Thin (spear-head). Fine dust.
To near ; to overtake a. o. i jijlj — Two veins in the foi'efeet of oll^Ol
To charge a. o. with evil. & jij beasts.
To near puberty (youth). jaI j Veins of ( un. iLjbVjj jjt\'j ) ^aIj j

To oppress a. o. '^'^s^ jaJI 2( the palm of the hand, of the fore-

To exact a painful duty from, i^li 5 — feet.

To prevent a. o. by hurry o'

— 2* To hurry a. 0. ^ i Ca*j a ^'jfi^ -ft-

from (performing prayer). To urge (a debtor). To squeeze a. th.

To delay prayer to the ;5UsJl ^»]\ To blame a. 0.
last minute. To urge (a debtor). s ^aI jj —
Malice. Tyrannical muad. Impu- jij To be hurt in theCajij a ,j<x*jj ,yii*j
tation. sole (horse).
Fast run. jii'j To set the first range (of sto-^ u^*J
About one hundred. jri* Ji^'jj J'i'j, nes) in a wall. To fasten a. th.
Saffron. oliiij To prosper a. 0. (God). To "i ^ja»j\
Overtaken (by a foe). Reduced ji^A hurt (a horse : stones).
to extremity. First range of stones in a wall. ^_^j
Light-minded. Resorted by ^'Jf> Bricks of mud.
guests. Suspected of evil. Wicked. Hurt in the sole of horses. "LaJij

Generous. Setting the first row of stones. ^y»li j

To pound a. th. * Cfeuij a dli j -ft- Wounded on the ^^^j u^'j

between two stones. sole (horse).
To remain in (a place). ^j — Hurting the sole (stones.) ij^^M'j
To have a sluggish gait. <^'A Strong rocks.
Good work. dU j Rank. Office. ii**,?
Weakness. «fe».Aj To take tf> ijL'jj , Cki^ a iJ^'j -ft-

Weak she-camel. . i^tj>'j large (mouthfuls). To glut a. th.


^jj (YAY) U*->

r Events happen Worthless man, cipher.
ViB»jO. "Cji'j'f jy^\ -^ieS'ji "iiej^j

in their fixed time. To quiver. Tobe ^ j a J* j -tt-

Marine chart. jjtiC^I ji ^Cx* j P flabby ; to be swollen (flesh).

To walk gently. To fall \'ykj o C* j -{{ To relax a. 0. (sleep). 5j*jbj*j

cahn (sea). To expand the wings. To be flabby ; swollen (horse). j»^7
To part (the legs). t^jj
— Thin cloud. Jaj^
To act gently towards. jp ^'J\i — Soft, weak, lax. Ja'j
To approach towards. To To drizzle continuously ^j1 — ^»j «-

agree with. (sky).

To come to a broad place. To Drizzle ; fine and ^Uj,j ^aj ^ *i-*j,

feed on cranes. lasting rain.

To reconcile with. Emaciated ewe. j^j^'jj -^^ j

To mix together. To prepare Harmless birds. Large number. ^Uj

a porridge. More fruitful (land). ^aJ^
Crane (bird). Crowd of 'Gbj^ >*-> Poultice plaster : un- ^^0' rr j^'S"
men. guent.
Depressed or elevated ground, %^'ji — Populine, (unguent). ^'Jii\ ^'ji
He has done it easily. \^'j ilis Watered by a fine rain. >>*!r*
Porridge of pounded wheat and ;!* j To last, to continue. C^j a ^^ j ^
milk. To be settled in a place. olfe^JLi —
Orfa, ancient town of Emesa. To be emaciated. Cy* j —
Easy (life). Continuous hos- To A 5 ^'Jj Ji;p A J * 5 , Cjb J a —
pitality. pledge a. th. with.To promise a. th. to.

Bee. *-Alj > To mortgage property. a —

Amble. Ambler (horse). To lay a jc 5 OCftj, j *;A)^;i ^ySlj
To amble (horse). wager. To race with a. o. for.
Fleet (horse). ^«1^. To weaken a. o. To pay a. o. » ^]\
To be weak. To ba remiss. in advance.
To di'oop (load). To issue tears(eye). To ask a high price for goods. J—
To shake. To waver. \^'j To pay, to give a. th. in advance.
To totter (in walk). To threaten j — To secure sustenance to Jit-
with (rain cloud). To waver (in).
: (a guest).
To pon- j j^^j '"^i.'S'
V'ii ~ *bJ "^ *'j'-> To give a. o. as hostage. ^j ? —
der over (an answer). He deposited the j'<Si\ c^*" ij^'A
Mature examination. <ij'ji *~:.j,j corpse in the grave.
Reflection. '^'A To lay a wager together. ^i\'j,

The letterj. Foam of the sea. A'j To receive a. th. as a pledge, a J'^'j\
Kind of acacia-tree. To be bound, obliged to. ^j ^^jf

To be churned (i.j'jji Cjjj o k_jl j -^ To ask a. th. as a pledge. * o*'-^l

(milk).To be perplexed; crack-brai- Pledge,^Aj^ CnA jj 0>AJJ oUj, ?r 0*
ned (man). To lie. To feel drowsy earnest. .^ Mortgage.
from satiety or sleep. Manager of cattle. ^JC« ^aj^
He is about to be slain. io ^S'j I guarantee it 4j
"^c^^j) c^'j Z)i iJl

To be jaded (beast). kjj'j to thee.

To churn, to curdle (milk).* v'V'j ~ Steady. Lasting. Ready zLkl j ^ ^I'j
Quantity, amount. s_jO (food). Lean. -{»• Strong, fast.
Curd. ,J/j Race-horses for betting. oUj, Jli.
Thou art clear dlllt <J/j'^j ^j^"^ Pledged. Engaged. o>*S^-> o«^lr'J '^'j
from guilt. Pawn, pledge. cr,VA j ^ Si;*!)

( YAA)
To give rest to a. o. To i ^\'j\j ^j'j Rennet for milk. Apa- o.JJJ O.J J
bring back (cattle) in the evening. thy. Livelihood.
To visit a. o. in the evening. 5 ^j j Want. Easy life. Part of the n/j
To fan a. o. night. Piece of meat. Mespilus Aro-
To cheer a. o. To perfume (a po- — nia, medlar-tree. Fertile land.

made). -^ To spoil; to squander a.'th. Confused, J.jj ^ •-y'j'j '^'^'/jJ ,^'fj

To procure abortion. drowsy.
^ To leak (vessel). To miscarry ^j j Chui'ning- vessel. o.j'y' "^j ^ij"

(woman). To dung (horse). CJ jj o oO ^

To subside (building). rwj "^ Dung of cj\j]\ ^ {un. Tj'/j) cj'jj
To allay to quiet a. o. »j 5 5^J j -^
: hoofed beasts.
To alternate (two works). oy. ^Ji j Siftings of wheat. Tip of the v/j
To i'est on (each foot) in turn. To nose. Beak of an eagle.
reclir.e on (each side) in turn. Anus of a horse. <Liyyj cj\j
To stink (water, meat). <^ij\j t^'jS To have currencyvVlJjj ii>jj o 5-' J "*
To be exposed to the wind. iilj(^ ^\'j\ (coin). To sell readily (goods). To be
To tak«^ breath. To die. To take rest. unsteady (wind). To be speedy. To
To alight (rider). be ready (food).
To pay (a debt) to a. o. u a — To circulate (money). To sell a ^jj
To scent (man game). : 5 ^j]\j — (goods) readily, To huri'y a. th. -if-

To gi'ow up (plant). To beco- ^Yj To hurry a. th. »_ij A

me leafy (ti'ee). To contract a smell. ^ To hurry to be speedy. ^j j

To act, to depart La the evening. •< To get the start of a. o. — ^

To go in the evening to a. 0. 's. 5 — To turti around a watering- ^j'j,
To fan o.'s self. ^ — trough( camel).
To do a. th. alterna- •ry yJ yi^J Current (money). Saleable ^j^/Jj ^jiJlj
tively. (goods).
To be brisk ; cheerful <kTo X>j\ To go, to act in the li-lj j o ^O "^
take rest. evening. To go away, -if- To be lost.

To deliver a. 0. in his To be about, to on the point of.

mercy (God). •^He is near death. 0>ij -r^'j

To take, to find rest. To go in jj* J Jl^j ^ ^\jjj (>yj -
To rest upon a. o. Ju J - the evening to.
To scent a. 0. To revive f>j n ^jjl^[ To smell a. th. GJ j — fi> 1

(a tree). To be windy (day). To be G-j j a ^1 j

Wine. Joy, cheerfulness. ^\'j ventilated (house). To become leafy
Windy day, night. '^^iO ''^ J r'j yA (tree).
Rest, quiet, ease. Xij To blow upon a. o. (wind). fi>

Palm of the band. ^\'jj cj^\j ?r <»0 To feel the wind (tree). To '^ifj -
Wife. Even, fruitful land. Court. Fold become a stallion (horse).
of a garment. < Racket. To be brisk, ready to. J *»lj —
-^ Privy. ;::p| ^^ To do a benefit readily. iJj^^iUJ, —
Lnonlis leontopef'dum, a^Vt ^^I'j To receive (a favour) ^y. » ^)'J\j

lion's leaf {plant). from.
Breath of life.
^\j'J\ ^(?«. andf.) ^jj ^j'jJJ 5iCj),j *>.\'jj (>\'jj ^\yj —
Soul. Inspiration. Ghost. -^ Spirit, To rejoice at a. th. J %»6'_^j
essence. Oneself. Charge of a gun. To be windward (place). To be -riij^

•^ Forbearing, long-minded.^_,^ll Jj^ overtaken by the wind.

-(> The Holy Ghost. ^'aSlI ^~yj\ To be large, wide. b-jj a ^^j/j

3^j (^-^
Bountifnlness. Cheerfulness. *-J»cij1 Jesus (for Moslems)." «il ^j J
Starting-place ; place of return, ^v^ji The Angel Gabriel. cn^Vl ^jjjij ^j^JI
Stable ; station for cattle. ^Ij^ God, the Supreme Spirit. ^JitVi ^jj\
Windy (day); aired. ^_^j ^/j, ^ He feigned to be so. ixf iij'j ji^
Perfumed ointment. ^yj> ^i The devils. i:ijb3lj ^uii)> ^uyvi
Spiritual, incoi-- o^ Cvj j ^ 'j, U/j
Fifth horse iu a race. -^ At rest. ^ljj>i poreal (being).
Windward. Desert. r-JL-^y* 9r *»->y* Agreeable place. *J,^j j ul6*/»
Resting-place. Grave. Privy. yXj^ Width between the feet. ^j'j
To ask a. th. ^ uQj, j iS/j o i) j « Rest. Breeze. Joy. Victoiy. ^'/j
To seai'ch for food, fodder. Justice. Mercy.
To go to and fro in a pasture. iSi'j j — Fine, cheering V/j iUj Wj j^A-
To be restless, sleepless.. i'iCj il j day, night.
To go round about the Clij j j lij jj — Ostrich. Shallow vessel. U.J j
neighbour.s, to blow gently (wind). Evening ; afternoon. ^ij j
To send (a scout) for fodder. i ij'j Rest, quiet. «CiJjj *^Ujj -
<^ Jfrj <-.iJ ^ s ^^^JJ,J eijilr* ijlj
To entice a. o. to sin. Wind :breath. Victoi'y. !«;iOb
To will. To desire a. th. ^ il 'J Strength. Mercy. Smell-scent.
To entice a. o. to.
J^ * ~ Weather-cock. -t^j yS"^
To act, iluj'jj \':>j^^j \hi,h ^'^^jj{^j'J ^ Whitlow. x^'jh\ ^jj
to walk gently. Flatulency. Rheumatism.x^jfc, j -^jrvj
To desii'e, to exact a. th. a iCJI. Smell. Wind. ;ijj
To obey. To pastui-e (cattle). i\'.^{ Any aromatic plant, oi»C j ^ oUJj
Scout for cyj^Xjj iijjj Silj ?r -*j'l Sweet basil. Livelihood. Offspring.
fodder. Handle of a hand-mill. Spy. Clinopocliuin, basil-weed. ^^ uUJj
Forerunner. Homeless man. Ociinum basili- dU^JIj ^^Vii;!' uUJj
Going about Siljjj Soj'ljj sil jj il j Ci<m, basil-royal.
[the neighbours (woman). Origanum maru^ mar- ^^^1 oUi^
Gentle wind. - joram.
i\fjj ^/j ^^^
Go gently. _
iJl^dJjj la/ j'j Kind of wormwood. Ja^Vl o&eJ^"
Grant me a delay, ^y^jjfjj ^j./j'j Cissus rotandifolia : oCi,i obtJj
thou, ye. wild grape.
Will, free will. z'^\j[ Myrtle-tree. jy^\ oUJ'^
Decree of the Sultan. sti.:- Silji Lamms camphora. j^\^\ oWj
Axle of a pulley. Ivory ^j r,^ ^ ij^ camphor-tree.
needle for collyrium. Iron of the bit. C7/ri/5rtn</ieOTU>?2,corn-marigoid.:^Ui^
Willed. Intention. iiyi Good woman.
Pasture ground for camels.i|Jtl>Jj il^^ Cooled, pleasant (day). ^^^^jj 9-Jj
Windward place. ^ Henceforth. ^w'jj >•>;" o^
<• Candidate, novice. Devotee. jjyl -^ Beyond the river. _^l ^^ ^u.i^'^i
China rhubarb. '^.^^ Jji'jj Jjj P He possesses no oJ Ij Vj *i; C i1 C>
Yellow ^\jji\ -<^j'-jul>' Jj I
rhubarb. Smell. Evening rain or rv}jj -^ *^,\j
•^ Rhaponticine. _^i -^jjO mist.
Sect of Metempsychosists. :^jij\^\ Spacious (place), ^/j ^ '^'jj j, ^jjl
To go to and fro. I'jj j o ifj -« Part-legged. Shallow (bowl).
To weigh (a coin). Sj A Ijj'j o jlj -»- Joy. Mercy.
To test a. o. To ask, to desire a. th. Generous. Brisk. Jl^^-iJ^

( TV
Newlj- broken and m.f.) jaYj To improve (a farm).
untrained (colt). To ponder over (a scheme). f> jjj
Pool in a low cA^Vj'j J^i}j- cA"' Mastei'-mason. s jO ^r jO
and hard ground. Watching of masons. sjGj^

To repair o CW jj ^'jj i o i»l j -^ Weight, amount. oyyi j'S'

to a summit (wild beast). Mural aperture dormer. , oj/j P
To be afraid of. ^ fojj (sj j o 9I j ^ , \
Annual book, almanac. "C-Si'jij P
To return (thing). (iijj o j i p.1 To have a proud gait, uj'j w-'j *
To fi'ighten a. 0. i p/ji — To eat much.
To surprise, to please (beauty). » — To wash away a. th. (torrent). A —
To be firm in the hand. ju)l j
— Wicked man. *j-i ^rj j

Thirst-quenching ii^l l^. 9.1'^ '*j>i To eat much. To eat little.C;.} j o j-\.i -S-
beverage. To weaken a. 0. (illness). i —

To b.-^ pleasing, sagacious, ^fj a ^j/j Haii-y on the ears J-j'/jj J'^'j
To chide sheep. ^'^i 5^3 j'
(camel). Weak.
To be frightened at. ^Cjlj f.jji ^
To be glad, prone to do good. J f.tj{ To bi'eak, to train (a colt).
Fear, fright. War. p.j j
To bore (a pearl). A *-3kj, ~
Heart, mind. f.j'j
To resort to a garden. J^j'j
Surprising beauty, courage.<tj jj ^.j'j To train o.'s body or mind. lliJ jaj'j
Spirited (man). Startled il^JI plj'j To turn (a land) into a garden. * —
heart. To blandish a. o. To render ^j s j='j\'j
Surprising by pjjj o^lj ,r ;^,b (a land) verdant (God).
beauty, courage. Elegant (word). To quench o.'s thirst. j»l jl

F. Admirable or ^.j'jj ^'Afj ^ :UJ( j To quench the thirst of. 5 —

terrible thing. To abound in gardens ( place). j93jb ~

In bi-oad light. jl^iib ^/-^' *^'-> 'J
To stagnate in (a valley, j>\'J\Z.\i —
First white hair. w-pJI liJ.l j in a pool water).

Excitiog pj'jj jiij'/i ^ 'tjj ^ wjl To vie, to contend. J^'S^J

admiration. To make a spiritual retreat. j4 J "^
Frightful, terrible. ^^i () To improve in health (sick man).

Terror-stricken. Perspicacious, ^j'jj^ To train o.'s self.

To slant, to dodge Ciij jj (pj j j.lj -JJ-
To be trained to be broken
; J^t'j^
(thief, fox). to poetry.
To deviate fi'ora the road. ^ij^\ js- — To become spacious (place). J^KA^K,
To incline stealthily towards. Jl^
— To be cheerful (soul).
To rush on a. o. with (blows). t_j Jc — Verdant garden, meadow. jaj j
To put grease in (food). ^.j'j fi> oL^j^j Jp\j,i cXis'iJi J^'jj ?r '^'jJ
To delude a. 0. To attack a. 0.5 f.j\'j Wateiy meadow. Luxuriant garden.
To allure a. 0. to. — 2$ Water in the bottom of a pool. Half
To sc.}k, to desii'e a. th. * ^cj\j f.\'J\ a skin of water.
To wallow (beast). Bodily exercise. Practice of <-is\ij

They struggled together. good works and prayer. <• Magical

Deviating (road). fj\'j
performance. Good health. Retreat,
Shift, stratagem, slyness. aSJjjj 9IJ j mission.
Slant, sly. Fox. ^)j j Exact cjt^\ij^ j^,i 1j>U^' >?"
Wrestling-place. *^\>.J,J *^IJ
science ; mathematics, music.
Abundance of harvest. j,G j Trainer o>iaJJ jj J»C!>J *^l'j ir J^Sj
To be still, motionless. Cjj j ^i j -JJ- of colts.

P' To wait, to tarry. ^5j To be cleai* (wine). CSj j o JIJ -ft-

To make a. o. to desii-e a. th. A ffj ^j — To excite wonder in. 5 —

To plan various schemes. '^j\'j — To excel, to be superior to. u —
To ridicule a. o. o^aI; /i'y To have long teeth. CSjj a Jj^j
Pond. Place in the desert. '
j To clarify (wine). To sell ^ Jjj
Lobe of tlie ear. j'iji ^ij (goods) for some better.
Greeks of Byzantium. ^Ijjl <• To recovei' from illness, anger. jJ3
^ ^j j
The Greek church. To overcharge a. 0. in (a sale). J il —
Mediterranean aea.jaJvi yvll^j.y^l_^ Night has spread its jljll Jjj
Greek ; Byzantine. "^/j j^'^.jj darkness.
a Christian. European. To have the gallery of o.'s » Jjl3
Turkey in Eui'ope, li{ ^_) j Ts house facing another.
Roumelia. To pour (water, blood). i* jijl
Glue for sticking feathers. i^/j To breakfist. jS^^j Jj^j ••
Rafter, beam. Gallery pavilion. Curtain.jijjl ^ jj
•^ VJ-^j t 4* J J ;

Rome (town). ^^Jai'l *^j jj Sj'/j Horn ; spear held between a horse's
Dfsire. Craving. ears. Death-rattle. Life. Dauntless
Misfortune, ill man. Self-conceitedues.-i. Pure love.
luck. Pure water. Bloom of youth. Begin-
Main part of a. th. ;cJ_j j ning of the night.Chief. Body of man.
Sound. Critical ; quiet (night, uCjjl Fine horse. Planning and acting.
day). He ran vehemently. He re- ijlj'jl iit
Broken, tamed mained at rest.
To be rippled The eyes issued tears-ojiiJI Jlj'J zX^\
(water). Great beauty. :ajj
To relate {a tradi- ^ xi\3j i Ji'j ^ Handsome, the best (w. s. 'pl.) 'i^jj
tion). To twist (a rope). of men.
To carry water for a. o. itj J — Projection of the upper-teeth. j/j
To fasten a. th. on (a camel). ^ — ^ Peristyle. Tent. j/jj ~^jj\ ^ J\jj
To draw water for a. o. 5 — Dooi'-curtain. Eyebrows.
To tigi ^^ J^'yj^j.^jj.j \.j,j^[j a iSj'j Strainer. Wine-jar. Cup. Jjjl j
b3 well watered ( cattle, land). To Bloom of life. Best part ;
ji jj JJ j
thrive (tree). first pai't.
To ask a. o. to recite fit i iSj'S^j iJj'j Clear, limpid. iJj'jj JJ'j r^ J'j'j
(a poem). -^ To show a. th. to. Comely.
To reflect upon a. th. J jjyj jj'j Breakfast. *\j'^ ^
To quench the thirst of. 5 t]jj[ jj'J\ Horned. Having a j/j ^ '[V/j j, Jjjl
To water (plants). projection of the upper-teeth.
To satisfy o.'s thirst. To G) j 'S'}}' Porticoed (building). Clarified jj^S
bacome compact (Umb). (wine).
To relate (a fact). A — Common estate ; estate of ilj^l JC« a
To be twisted (rope). To be \S'yj\ bankrupts.
strong (limb). Echo. *6»jjj 'Uojj
Abundant water. jjj To slaver (cattle). Jjj — J«j -fr

P'ruitftilness, abundance
jj To sinear (bread) with grease. a> —
-^ Rain, q Large leathern-bucket, xs'j Superfluous tooth in hoi'ses. j; ij
Copious watering. Abundance. "xSj Slaver of horses. Jlj j
Sweet smell. To desire a. th. a C«I^>j ("'/j j-^'j ^
Abundant water-.spring. eagerly.

( TYY ) ^,j
Slow-sighted. pj^l -iJljl' Sort, species. Lung, {for yj ) *'j
To be vile, i*^jj CUjjj Ge/j i ^1 j -«- King (at cards). -^j^ Is
remiss. To have parted legs. Sea-blubber, jelly-fish. ^iji ;jj
To exhaust, to weaken a. o. n ^^j Abundant (water). Cloud drop- jj j
Ridge of a iC jlj a^'j ^ o/'j -ft- ping large drops. Copious drink.
nioimtain. Rhyme-letter in (verses).
To become big ^ 'jj J,'ji SJ.'jJiX * Need. Reflection. Remainder
and fat. of a debt.
To render (the mai'row) thin /b ji jl •^ Play, di'ama. Novel.
(God, fatigue).
Drivel of a child. J/j Rope for binding a load.
Soft, fluid (marrow). jl'jj JLj,i ~ Sweet water.
To Malk proudly. CCJ'jj CJ j i ^Ij * Brightness of the face.
to .sweep. Relater, narrator, ojj^'jj »\j'j ^ j'j
To take hold of. To ovei-come *— Groom.
a. o. Narrator, reciter. Oi/j ?- *i^'j
To collect furniture. Beast, .skin for carrying water.
flocks. Copiously watered, -tjj ^ C j ^ oO'j
To maintain (a finend\ To do 8 — Green, soft branch. Fleshy.
good, to help a. o. Female ^'jj\j jj\'J\ ^ A}
-J J,' 'ljJ^
To feather (an ai antelope mountain-goat.

arrow). To plant (a banner), fit S_'J\ — cij -J^

^ To grow feathers (bird). jXj Banner. Iron-collar j\'jj oCl j SjO ,-•

To restore o.'s ^'j ^^ ^cjl_, jS) for slaves.

business. Comely aspect. jj
Feather. Plenty, jS/}i ^b j^ ^ j^^ To disturb a. o. » iji'Jlj , CS'j i otj -55-

means of life. (thought). To cause doubt, su.spi-

Splendid garment. tAkJlJ J-i-i, cion to.
^ Tuft of feathers, egret. *ijj. To be suspicious (man). ^\'J'\
Lancet. Writing-pen. Small stone. To doubt, to fear about. o ^^'j
Thick hair en the ears. jSij To suspect a. o. ^ U(J\^\i UCiS\i —
Leafy {plant). ^pj ^j j of (evil). -ij-To be sceptical in (belief).
Kind of A6?-o/ant<w, sou- jii^l ola To doubt about a. th. ^^ ^cji^
thern wood. To waver to have suspicion. sJ\'jLi.\

Feathered (arrow). Agent in j^j'j Doubt. Suspicion. Want. Vicis- ^j'j

bribery. situde. -^ Scepticism.
Hairy on the j,^_j^ ^ .\lSj j, ^j1
Anxiety suspicion
; ; ^j ^ t^_x
ears, cheeks (man). charge.
Feathered (arrow). Suspicious, perplexing
jA'j^J J-ly' ^V-> v'i
Cloth of J»Oj J Ja/ J ^ iLjj - JaiJ -« (affair)

one web. Thin covering. To be slow : to z^l J>i , Ui/ J i til J -^

To ^^jj 'iQj^j ^yiJ) ^•i'j jiO "W" i
be late.
increase. To thrive (plant). To be tired.
To move about (looming), ^'^j To soften a. th. A-
To fear a. o. or a. th. To delay a. o.
To come back from. To find a. th. to be late.
To turn back towards. Jl - Delay, space of time.
To assemble (tribe). To be plen As long as while ; ; until
tiful, delicious (food). Slow, late (news).
( Tvr )
He made his iiJjl, 'Jai-J li>^*l ^ To multiply (flocks, crops). To f,\'J\

mouth to water. possess cereals.

On fasting ;

before breakfast.
^ jj j jpj ji^l jt. To flow
To be
late. To
To meet (people), ff^
stop. To be redun-
^ To restrain angei'. ii j ^iijlj ^iJ dant in a dish (oil).

To take breath. To have a respite. To be peri'lexed. plln-llj ~

•^ To breakfast. To bestow a. th. abundantly. ^ e'jj

Ji'J^ ^r-^
Pure, clear. Destitute. Fasting' jj\j Abundance of vegetation, o^^'j) hj
(man). Bj-eakfast. Redundance. Choice part. Moving
Gaping at everything. ji3' of the mirage. Fear. Brightness of
To slavev (child). "^I'j j53 -^j i
JO * the day. > Revenue of land.
Slaver. sL'j <>j JC j, Elevated hill. Pigeon- ^,0 j^ ^ ^j_

•^ Silver coin of >^V0 j^ ^ JOj^ tower. Winding mountain-road.

about 3 sh. 6 de. Cell of a Christian.
Turkish crown (coin). t^Ju^ '-'Uj, "^ Crowd. Rising ground. li^j^

Silver coin with a wreath. oU» _^ — < Excellent (horse). f^\j ^J^'J)

Spanish O'own (coin). ;ja> j'> — -^ Register for lands. ^Jj a

To droop (load). u-ij i -^•'j "^ Fruitful soil. •<m_>^ J'j'
To depart from (a placel.^pj ^*jfi> — Fertilising rain. f,'» J^
He has not ceased doing. jii3 >I3 V* To put grease in (food)./b ^'3 ^.ij — -ft-

He was forsaken. ^ ^j To be greasy (dish). j^'y *)

To begin to heal C'Uj^j ^j ' v»0 Dust, earth. ^0 j.

(wound). Dusty. ^ jlj>

To stop in (a place). ._) ^j To '-ii[yi ^Qji ^jlj '^'j ^0 "^, ,

To exceed a. o. or a. th. — come, to pasture in a fertile country.


Redundance. Hillock. Grave. ^'3 To be near to suspicion. *!^, juVj

End of the day. White antelope. To be fertile CsO jl wij jlj , '~<i\'j\ o'j^
Step. Long space of time. Bone of a (land).
slaughtered beast. Cultivated, fertile land. oG jl ^ ^j.
a Exaggeration. Fluvial region. Ampleness of life.
Mai'y. ^^ H a Lower Egypt.
To feel (jualmish. Ojl jj Co 3 i ol j -^ Sea-urchin. jyCS\ ^j.
To be dirty (gai'ment). Fruitful. *^3 3 ^ ^3
To overcome a. 0. To ^ j jtj s — To be rippled (pool). <jfj i
J13 -tt-
Wind a. o. (passion). To be poured (water). To quiver.
To be involved in a scrape. *! <-iJ,
To shine (mirage).
To be forsaken. To give up the ghost. Cj_ji3 >r*^; '»^'3
To experience loss in flocks. To give clear -wine to a. 0. * 5 j^'3
Gaiter without sole. To pour forth (water). * Jl3'l
Dirt. Rust. To move about (mirage). j^jJ
"Wine. oUj Falsehood. Glittering (of a ji3
To go and come. Ql'j i olj -it- sword). Water. Unseasoned bread.
To make a. o. to go and come, s J^j Beginning, best of a. th. J^3j JIj-J
To move about (mirage). J'J Saliva. ( un. ii j_) jCjl ir JiJ^
Going to and fro (mii'age). ^/^i Strength.
( rvi )

To frighten a. o. 5 To walk quickly (ostrich). 'ijij -jf-

To force, to constrain a. o, j*. 2( To move a. th. To frighten a ^ 5 —

to. a. 0.
To heal (a wound). A- To tremble from feai-. To YjCp —
Violent or sudden death. move about in walking. To ba moved.
Eye. Honour. To drink long draughts. Cjj a ^(j ^
Powerful voice. Provisions. To bring in (a water- gt, ..j'bjij —
"Word. Wind. Gluttony. Want. skin) speedily.
Frightened. J3 To be nappy, villous (cloth). jXj -ft-

Zizania. oOjj olj'b oljj, — oO ^ Nap, villousness of Ji'/jj j'j'jiJ'^j

darnel-grass. cloth.
To ba proud, self-conceited.C'O a J\j -K- To overlay a. th. with quick-A jjlj ^
To make a. o. heavy (surfeit), s j\j\ silver.
To be hairy. Cjj a ZJj -S- Mercury, quick- jlj ^^ j./j _, ^j^
To near its setting Ojb ^? jj ~ silver. Fickle man.
(sun). To fill a. o. with Qili S Cjlj a cJ^'j -»-
To fill up (a water-skin). A Oj o — anger.
To dry (figs, grapes). a '^'y^j ^/j To sow discord ^jj (V'O a ^-b *
To spume in speaking. To v^Ijjj ^3 between.
spume (ooi'ners of the mouth). To frighten i 6)3^ lSl3j lilj a ib «-
To become dry (grapes). w4^ a. 0.
To be filled up (water-skin). L»ijl Fright, fear. ^jj^ ^3^
^ ^
No.se. Beard. ij% oC'jl ^ '^'j SJyj 'jO->j a J,jj., o i JVj -ft-
Celsia orobanche tinctoria ^i Zj'j To roar (lion). <• To jV)_7j Jjb
[ [plant). snort (stallion).
Bone of cuttle fish used as
J^ Jl I. Thicket. Garden. Dense herd Sjij
a medicine. Fistular sea-worm. of camels.
Down. Thick hair in man. Hairi- ^3 Roaring. Angry J V;^ jjj J\'j
ness of the face in camels. (man).
Huge deaf rat. Messengei'. ^\,/j To speak loudly and (Ja^X ^ -^b "^
Raisins ; dry figs. Foam of the ,^^_ 'j much.
mouth.Yenom in the mouth of snakes. To hurry a. 0. 5 Cslj a .Jb "^
A on the hand.
raisin. Ulcer To despatch (a wounded ic ^ijl
Foam of the mouth. man).
Two red spots above the eyes To cause heaviness to a. 0. s —
of snokes, dogs. (surfeit).
Wine made with raisins. Haste. Quick death. «J'jj
Seller of raisins. To walk haughtily. Cifeb a ilb *
Hairy. Downy (bird), '^'j ^ ^.'j J' V3'i To die suddenly. C»*)j a ^b "^
A certain devil. To glut (food). To strike a. Sj fit

Fruitful year. with terror. To cause shivering to
Great misfortune. a. 0. (cold).
To be angry. To fly in war To be terror-^bjo , Cb a J3j , <A'j J'j
Kind of cat. Ship. stricken.

( TY» )
Book. Psalms of David. j'j ^ j^'j To churn (milk) in a A l>Jj o jJj -fr

Writing. Misfortune. Mire. j^'j skin.

Strong. Hariilsoiiie man. Mount Sina. To feed a. o. with fresh butter, e —
Broad in the shoul- J'j ^ '\'j'j j>j'j\ To give a part of pro- J j s IjJj i

der-blades. Mischievous. perty to.
Writing-reed. j'yi To foam (sides of the -^.yj Aj
Land inf.^sted by hornets, tj/ji j=j\ mouth).
Ornament with 9rj>. J ?r •prj.'j,
^ To card (wool, cotton;. A oJj
gems or figures. Gold. Thin cloud. To foam (sea). To be intensely jj j1
Chrysolithe. ^liyjj xJ^'U w -i»!/J P white. To blossom (lote-tree).
To .az. To rage and threaten jjjij
To dye (cloth) redor yellow. 4> oj'!i ^ (man).
Full moon. Scanty-haired. ol9_,iJ, To cream (milk). To take the ^ jjjj
To quack (duck). CJs-j jj Cla> j i JaJj -i^ best part of a. th. To swallow a. th.
Mire, mud. iJJ o To fulfil (an oath).
To be in a rage. To be ^Ji — r>.j ^ Fresh butter. jjj ^ s^'jj mj
ill-natured. To utter offensive words. Gift, present. jjj
Offensive in anger. f^(j Scum of a; J ^ Sjj'jj ill j1 ?- -M j ,

Short ; vile. ;J33 water ; dross of metals. -^ Pith,

Hurricane. Strong. Devil, ^ijj ^ "*^.i"j
Sweet-smelling marnm. ^j ^ -(/ Brownish liquor of the _^| jj'j

lU-natui'ed. Coarse. Hairy on COh J cuttle-fish.

the face. Female crocodile. Rhino- Earthen bowl, dish. CSiVjj ^^ *ijJj
ceros. Calendula officinalis {plant). sJUj
To pluck out (the A CiJ'j o jjj
i ^ Civet-cat. Fi-agrant perfume. iO'J
beard). To break a. th. To open (a P.ij/lliuin (plant). J':>^.'jj ^^j
lock J. Instrument for churning. jj\y. ^ oJV
To confine. To straiten a. o. s — Foaming. Intense white. ju ji
To mix a. th. with. k_j *
— Having fresh butter. jJfiy
To glide in to (a house). To J jJjji To copy, to A J'Jj , 1^* J i
JCj ^
be ensnai'ed in. transcribe (a book).
Cornel's of a house. '*^ySj To throw stones at. To » Qj o j'j
To manure ( a a j| 'j ^j . ^j \ ji'j «- repel (a beggar) roughly.
tield). To prohibit a. th. to ^p ; >tij » —
To bear, to carry a. th, prevent from.
Mote, ant's load. Trifle. JQ jj JQ J, To case (a well) with stones. A—
Manure, dung of cattle. To endure, to bear a. th. jp —
Mouthful ; gobbet. To become big (ram). s^tjj o y.'j
Sweepings. Anything. To trim the vine. 'ji_^\ y,jj Ji/j

•^ Sweeper, scavenger. To become stout in body (man). j,''j\

Basket made of palm-leaves. j^'j To be brave.
Basket. j^\}'j ^ ^jjj J^^G'J ^ jjx To bristle up (hair beast). 'J\{j\;

Dung-heap. ^\y ^ HSyj ;i;y To prepare to do evil. To shudder.

To sell (dates) on the fn CJ'j [^'j -H- To come forth (hair, plant).
ti'ee. To prevent her young from Strong. Stone. Understanding. J'j
sucking (she-camel). Word. \^'riting.
To knock, to push a. o. » ^\jj — Book. ^ jy/j '^ JfJ,
To remove (a tent) from ^A ^'j\ Shoulder-blade. Frag- J/jj Jj ^ s^'j
(the road). ment of iron. Mane of lion. Anvil.
arched brows. Walking with wide-
( )

To withdraw,
to retire apart. ^jj\
streched legs (ostrich). Side. Curtain of a tent. cr j
Short lance. l^'y^ Hill at the winding of a valley. iLlj
Ironed (spear-butt). %.'y Rebellious genii. Policemen. tJCj
To chide ^^ s ji-'ij\j \^j o Jfj -W- ,
Angels of divine justice.
away (a dog). To cry out to a. o. Wont to kick j: Gj -^ j,C(j ^ oy'j

To scare a bu'd away 'j^\ j>-'>'j\j ~ (beast). -^ Simpleton. Dupe. Customer.

for drawing auguries. Sweet-heart.
To abstain, to refrain from. ^ ji. \'y Desperate war. ^^'j i_/^
To be driven back, j?^jo Ay\ Neck. Haughtiness. *j>j''J

chidden. Horns of a scorpion. Two k_)^l UG 'j

Large fish with Jj»j 9- ji-ji j^j stars in Scorpio.

soiaU scales. Sale of dates on the tree. *^0-*
Crow. To carry a. th. A J>'ij\j C'j b'j , i *
I keep him aloof w-ifei3l To urge on (a beast), s J.'ijtj i^.'Jj —
like a dog. To draw (evil) upon a. o. ^ 5 Cj
To start (a pigeon), s %'j o Jfj -» To lay a snare for a. o. J —
To bring forth. To repel ; oj 5 — To dig (a pit-fall). » S'j^j J.'j
to spear a. o. To become proud to swell. :

To be cheerful. To raise 'y^'j a

Height unreached by water. S!j ^ xSj
the voice. To play. Pit-fall for wild beasts.
Play. Shouts. Pleasure. Raising jij Speed. Briskness. Kind 'i}>.\'j\ ^ U jl

of the voice. <> Vulgar song. of walk. Evil. Momentous event.

Confused voices, shouts. o^iUj tt *^J To deck (a bride). 5ci3j,Cjj o 'Cj'j^
Condition, state. Party jij, ^ ^j ^ To cast off, to throw away a. th.
of people. Little quantity. To be adorned (bride). cijj
Rustling (plant}. Noisy company. ja.j To run (ostrich). To b-j o Vj "^
Thundering (cloud). hit a. 0. with the butt-end of a
Peg of a water-skin. J»I3 'j -^ J?-,0 spear.
Ring on the butt of a spear. Leader To shoot arrows at. To strike ^ s —
of an army. Loud (song). with (the iron-foot of a spear).
Archers. H^'j To be thin and arched ^ijlj &tf } a ,

Carrier-pigeons. Jb.j)lj J^-ljII j'^ (eyebrows).
Spear-head. Short spear. J? j^ To arch (the eyebrows). To fit
Wooden arrow. J'^-j? level (a place).
To whisper. ^ (^'j o ^'j -H- To put an iron-foot to (a A -^j1
To urge (a beast) gently. Point of the elbow. XkfXj tW-j ^r ^'j
To succeed ea.sily tij-jj \j^jj \'yrj
~ Iron-foot of a spear arrow-head. ;

(business). To be easily collected Tu.sh of a stallion.

(taxes). To be cuiTent ( coin ). To Glass. K-'ejJ 9r'i-J,j sr'^j
cease to laugh. Berries. Glass-vessels of the ^Uj
To be satisfied with. i_, I'Ji clove- tree.
Success of an affau\ -(i-j Pellitory, wall-wort (p/«.).^i>j]l llAi*
Small (gift) scanty gain. Slow. Ja-ji
; Piece of glass; if ujj •» i>J,J *»'ej
Weak, feeble. jf'j-^ a glas.'-vessel ; a lamp.
To snatch a. th. from.^ A b-j o ;^j -W- Glass-seller ^^Vi
To di*aw a. th. back quickly, ij fi>
— Manufacturer of glass. ^U3
To push a. 0. Having fine and ;,j ^ ^Uj j. ^-3^
10 slip down (man). To snatch a. th. from, ^i, » yj^j -tt-

To roll a. th. along. To » ui\>j -W- To be lemoved. To retire aside. ^j»ljj

fill (a vessel).
God avert thy evil To suffer from dysentery. To sigh in
from us! travail (woman). To moan.
To speak volubly. ^>Vfc^!l J - To be hostile to a
To give a. th. to. Dysentery. Sigh,
To be rolled, pushed along. Jtio-fi hard breathing.
To keep aloof, to retire. Cii-JjO 'J^*j\ Avaricious.
Sloping-place. >-*^S>-'j -k *^>^j To drag Cu»3j Cj>>JJ '^3 a o«>3 "^

Small-footed insects. ^iG-j himself (child). To creep (reptile).

To slide a. th. along. dx>j) ji^3 "^ To drag the feet (camel). To fall

To slip out. To glide. >i*U^j ^j> short (arrow).

Sliding-place. See-saw. xS}-^j3 *-'^j D To dust (a house). c4r" ^3
To press ^\'j^ C^G-j, j CJ-j a ^i j
5 ,
« To march off \ --iiijlj ^'S'i

a.o. (crowd). To put a. 0. in a strait towards (army).
To approach (a number). Jfj * v^ To be tired (camel). To fulfil ^Ji-'jS

•> To compete with. (an intention ). To gather in a body

To press together ^^jb m*^'3 (army).
(men). To dash (waves). To jade (a beast). To shake (a 5 —
To throng near (water), \t, ^i3j>. tree : wind).
Crowd, pressure, throng. <i>J^ ^ij To come up together (fighters ).^i.ij;
Elephant. Bull with a broken j^-yy Army moving on slowly, j^ij ^ ^3
horn. First Tui^kish chief who Sudden blaze soon sub- oca>jJI Ji
fought the Arabs. -<> Competitor. siding.
Dodder (plant). <^t^y>'j -t- iij!i>-j ^ Reptiles, a Palm-branch for ifi^^j

To be slow, ^I'Jj , ui3 a ^3 -^ dusting.

dilatory. Dragging her vJ> j^j , wi>/^ J>>i3
To remove a. 0. from. feet (she-carael).
To drink, to do a. th. To be jaded dlijij fe*j^3 a
, ^^3 "^

reluctantly. (beast).
Of a short stature. To .stop in (a place). i_»

Intense heat. Caravan. To approach to. ^—
To burn with anger. To Gi.3 o ^3 ^ To withdraw from.
jump. To hurry on. To remove a. 0. fi'om.
To throw into an abyss. To To approach or separate
urge (a beast ) vehemently. (people).
•^To stoop (beast). To pelt (rain). ^3 To withdraw ;
J>jjj, y>>J) a J>3

To glow (live coal). &->r'jj ^3 ~ ' to be displaced. < To slip (land) ; to

Anger. -^ Pelting rain. xXj give way (earth).

Spouse, wife. '^yj "^ytJ ~ To be jaded ; slack (camel). "^j —
To run \'J^'yj \jyijj \'J-j a jlj ^ To remove a. th. i» J>jb J> J
high (river). To boil (kettle).To To force a. o. into (a Jl. 5 Jijl
rage (battle). To stir (army). To place).
grow (plant). Keeping aloof from affairs, 'i^'j jt ^'j
To fill a. th. To adorn. To * - Saturn (planet). J»j
winnow. To fatten (cattle : herbage). Pellitoi'y, wall-wort. J>5" *-^a4*-
To cheer a. 0. 5 — Narrow place. Slippery stone. J^J
To boast of. ^— Retired place. Jiji
(TVA )
To be garnished with buttons jj_^ To overcome a. 0. in boasting, i ji-\'j
(clothes). To button o/s clothes. To swell (sea). To come up >^jj
Button. Small bone j/jjj jOjI -r jX (tide). To overflow (river).
of the heart. Socket of the thigh. Noble. Happy. Bountiful. j^j
Pivot. Edge of a sword. <>• Bud of a Swollen sea. Bountiful man. _^|3 jf'i
plant. Stud, tassel. Tall, dense (plant). '^jj^j
Column of religion. ccJJi^ jj. To glory in. o S^L'jl *
Good tender of flocks, JlJI - To embellish (speech) * ^'^j "*
"Wound made by the teeth, by the s'Jj with lies. To complete a. th.

edge of a sword. To deck o.'s self. <-*S*"J^

Mark left by a bite. Sjj Gold. Perfection of a^jj^j -r ^'J-'j
Dog-fly. camel-fly. SjQ work. Bombast, bathos. Hues of
Quick witted. lively. -tJtJ plants. Pi. Ships. Water-flies.
A yellovv- "JCJJ ) JLJ.J
-, P Channels of water.
blossomed dyeing plant. Purslain, Allurements of the world. CJS)) 3j}>-j
blite. To be proud G-irJj Ciij a •jt'j fr

Sticking on a wall (missile). to boast.

Biting (ass). To speak much. v.>l&*!l J >-it-'j

To sing (starling). -^ To bud To take a. th. from. cj"

(flower). To attire herself (woman). ^'^
To stir about. SSSj Proud, haughty. ^yj ^iXj
Starling j>.j\jJ3 jjXjj tt Jjj/ji j'j/j To thrust a. 0. back. Ca^j ^ j^'j
5 ^
(bird). To stink (meat). J>-% ,iS'j a ^'j
Skilful manager of property. JC^ j/j'/j To carry away (a load). * j^ijt
Of the colour of a starling. 'jjjjjj Stinking. ^ijl^ j/j
Quick-witted. jjj jj jjjjjj jOJj
-^ (f- Plectrum. Whip. Stirrup-
Greek Patrician. ejj,0j t jOJJ, strap.
To pen, to enclose j ii i'/j o <_» jj "^ Stench of meat.
(cattle) in. < To confine a. o. in. Part, lot, shai*e.
To make an enclosure for (cattle). J — The two shoulder-
To flow, to glide (water). Q jj a ^j'j blades.
To enter his lurking-place ^'fj\ He came with empty «j'jij1
(hunter). hands.
To become partly yellow (plant ).ij3j(^ To play with LJJ A 0'»J lij ^
Enclosure for ^jjj t- ^jXj ^Sj nuts (child).
cattle. Hunter's booth. Entrance. To confer a benefit. j^^jl
Water-course. Enclosure. ^fx Hole for playing with nuts. »l^j^
Pillow. Rich -J, 132 5- ~^.'Jji '4; J J ;
To button (a garment), a jj jJ -^ 1

carpet. To heap up a. tb. To dust (furniture).

Enclosure for cattle. vOJ, ^r viJ,j ' To pluck (the hair). To twinkle (the
Hunter's booth. Lurking place of !
eyes). -<> To press a. 0.
wild beasts. ! To drive back. To bite a. 0. a —
Dilution of gold. 1 To spear a. 0. with. o »—
Long and strait ^_^ij \jj i
To glisten (eyes). s'j^y-j -/j \

lane. j
To ill-treat an adversary. f/j a j'j
M'^ater-coui'se. 'r-iJ-U' j
To b3 taught by experience (man).
Sewer. -(^ Spout. Pipe. To bite a. 0. ^ 'j'j
High-heeled ojJJJj d^^yS'j -r J??JJ i
To put buttons to '/J\j /fjfit>

leathern boots. >

Tiller. Asperser. oy'^'jjj ^ijj « f'Gj To burst with anger ; to ^.JJA a
Soed-produce. H.'xX utter foul speech.
Sown Held. -^ Hamlet. f.j\'y ^ *frj> Red perch spotted with blue. o^ jj
Sown (deld, wheat). ^j'^yj pj/y To deceive a. o. s o» jj *
To leap. Cijj o jjj -S- Vine. Vine-branch. Wine. jj>^'jj P
To approach towards.Jl^Cu jjj ^jj'j — Pure rain-water. Red dye.
To amplify a j.SUrII J ^j3j — To bruise (a Umb). a (>'yj a ^jj *
speech, to lie. To be removed. G-'/j a ^j'j -a-
To walk slowly. To ^j'j o Ji'jj Small sandy hill, ^j Oj ^ i^j'jjj ^j'Sj
hurry iu walk. To sti-angle a. o. fit iSj^ o i'/j »-
To re-open ^jJb >
^'j'j a ^j^j with a rope.
(woimd). To make (a netwoi'k, mail). » —
To set aside. To increase a. th./b jjj To swal- A
i jijij 3jyj Wj'j a Jj/j ,

To clear away (a crowd). To » — low (a mouthful).

thrust a. o. with a spear. To take an oath rashly. CrOl ^Xp
To near (the age) of. — ^ To look angrily at. jc i;-^ ij'j

To advance. To buy a giraffe. ojji Coat of mail. <> Mail, »jjj ^ ^'Jj
To hurry in walk. tJ^' t?
~ ring, mesh. Zebra.
To penetrate, to pass througii. SjSi\ Rope for strangling ^'Jjli ^^J-J,
To pass away (wind). To go to a a camel.
pasturage. Maker of mail. Strangler. i\jj

j/'jJJ j'^'Jji UOj t: *-»bjJ **Ojj *90j Marten, kind of weasel. \j'^'jj P
Giraffe. Throat, gullet. ^'Jji
Liar. ;al3j Flushed in the face. ijjy
Party of men. olaljj «• *^Ojj *^0j To strangle a. o. s ^ij'j -^
Swift (.she-camel). ol3>;j >jCjj ojjj To strangle a. o. To ftj 5 yz^'/j -ft-

To curl (the hair). * ^jj "^ swallo\F (food).

Cui'l, hair- cnjljj ?- *^?jj, J >^jj ^ Windpipe, air-passage. X>iJ3 ^
ringlet. Ring of people. To cast seeds. f.ji>'j\j UJJ a , f.j'j -ft-

To mute (bird). Gjj o Jjj * i

To sow ^(a field). To till (the fi>
^ To dart forth. ground).
To shoot (game) with a javelin. ^ — To cause (plants, children) s j it ^.jj
To shift its (load camel). ^ J jjlj —
: to grow up (God).
To ogle, ^iils. cJljjb CJjjIj cij,j

to leer towards a, th. so as to show

He rose from destitu- sjuX
tion to wealth.
-uJ i5 f,j/j

the white of the eyes. To farm out a field to a. 0. for s ^'y'j

To be blue, gray -Jjjb CSjJ a , J j,j a share of the produce.

(eye). To become blind. To have crops. To grow (seeds). ^3jl
To pierce through (arrow). 3'SS>\ To be able to sow (men).
To droop (saddle). To lay on the To hasten to do mischief i^] Jl^ ^yji
back. To recoil (man). Seeds. Standing corn. ^^jj rr p'jj

To be blue, grayish. 'JOjb 'JSjI Offspring.

Blue colour. Blindness. *J jjj Jjj Seed. Tijj
Whiteness in the legs of a hoi'se. Land fit to be "^'jjj *frjjj **jj, j ~
White sparrow-hawk, jij^ljj ,- SJj sown.
White hair on the forelock. Tillage. Agriculture. *s-\iX
Blue, gray. Shi- jjj :r '6Jj j. Jjjl Field watered by rain. Soft thing.^u j 3
ning. Falcon. Seeds ; seed-produce. vij j^ j
Gray, ash-coloured horse. ^'y}\ o\^ Sower. '^^hSji ?-0j ^ fjjj
jjc3 ( TA- )
Purchase upou credit. Desperate foe lit : blue-eyed J3jl joe
Water-furrow, rivulet, j-jljj !r Jyjj enemy.
The two beams a of shaft. Violent death. J3j1 cj'y
Coat of mail. ojj Pe Aqua marina, beryl, pre- 3j'ji\
*—iJ-lj'*-* *iOJ,j CG jjj C jj yjj -fr i cious stone.
To upbraid je A l?jjjj i^jjb ,'»0>»j
Sky. Wine. .Qjj
to blame a. o. for. Elephantiasis. :i>iUJI 'Gjj
To fall short of; to neglect 4_, ^s'j'}' PL Blind men. Spears. jj^^'
a. th. Blades.
To contemn. To disparage a. o. ^ — Crow, jay. jj^^ ^Ij ^_'Jj
To undervalue, to 5 Jjln-llj <S'j^'X Dish of milk and oil. Cat. *^jj
scorn at. Skiff, small boat. jy/j
Disp.irager, slanderer. 'Oli^J jC Sect of heretics. *-»j,Ol ir '3,33^
Dispa"aged. Middle-sized (water- ;*jjj Short spear, javelin, JijXj^ ^ Jljj^
skin). Intensely blue \^\'/j ^ {m. f.) ^'Jj ^
Contempt, scorn. gray.
To buzz (fly). Serpents. ^Oj
Indian tribe. -^ Gipsy, To be naughty (child), fe^j a i)j, j -ii-
To shake a. th. (wind 5j * Pj^J -^ To squeeze, to press 5 fe^J o iljj "^
To urge (camels). > To tickle a. o. against a. o.
To be shaken. pJ^j' To harass, to tease a. o. » J^j "^

Violent cSs-'y^ji ^bS^'ji '^^'S'^'ji

9-'y-'j Pressure, crowd. *^jj '^

wind, gale. To make brocade. fi> jJ^'Sj "^

Shock, shake. Squadron pjjij rr *^3^j Brocade, embroidered cloth. J^'jj P

of horses. To stop, /ft
^3jb ^jjj C33 , i ^33 -»•

Storms. Adversities. ^JMJ to cut a. th. short.

To fill (a water- Hj A C*j a ...ej -tt- To be stopped (tears, 'jAjj^jS^jj a v»j3
skin). To carry (a skin) full, To -if- dejection, speech). To be annulled
upbraid a. o. (sale).
To pour forth its water (skin), ^'j To swallow a. th, fit ^jijl
To be flooded ( ravine). Restless. Straitened (man). ^j_j
To be overburdened *i;.>-j. w^^jb v-.frj Scanty. Avaricious.
in walk (camel). Cat. yjj\
To cut off a. th. * »:-»^jb ~ Egyptian willow. Locust-tree, ^^/j -^

To croak (raven). C-tj a v-O Fern. Saffron.

To get angry. To be brisk. ^y Arsenic, white arsenic. 'V^j,
To eat or drink to excess. j— Realgar, sandarac. J^\ '^,'jj^
To divide a. th. together. A - Orpiment, yellow arsenic. jLa] "k^'jj
Allotment of pro- ^j j *^^jj *i^3 Aristolochia, birthwort. jJjIjj ^
perty. Zodoary {idant). ^^^jjj -V^JJ ^
Floodiag (torrent). Good guide. ^Ij Curcuma, kind of turmeric.
Croaking of a raven. Humming ^.^'j To water (the earth) with » ^'jj -H-
of bees. Upbraiding.
•<>- furrows. To set a shaft on (a well).
•^ Soi"b, service-fruit. Azerole. i-j^icj ^ To spirt (water) into o.'s mouth.
Short and vile. ^I'j ^ h'-pj v« <-«pyi To buy upon credit. To draw Jj33^
To hoax, to cheat a. o. je jni-'j -^ water for hire.
Imposition, hoax. «^j -^ To clothe a. th. a —
Humbug. Juggler. '^I'i^j'^.j -ns'j^
• To clothe o.'s self with. i_)

shuffler. Debt. Excess. Perfect beauty. <233
(^^ C TAN )
To I'eaoh bittor water by digging, j^j^ Coarse woollen smock.L->lij ^ J»>i*3 °
To fear by night. To harry jpjji Thyme. .See j^ .
jj^j •^
(beast). To move forward (horse). To cry, to yell. G»^3 a r^'j -«
Cry, call, yell. OlS^j w- *2pj To disquiet a. o. To Aj » ?i*3b ""

Fearing by uight. Brisk yet jtj expel a. o. To snatch off a. th.

feai'ful. To be disturbed. To be snatched. T-^'j)\
Quick-walking (horse). jiij Restlessness. Anxiety. r-i*j^"lj "^^'j

Bitter, salt (water). Scared away.jtj Restless, discjuieted woman. ' ^tj>»
Bitterness of water.
To be scarce jiijij J^pjij , i^tj a ^,3 *
„ & i •'.
Chicken of the par- (hair).
tridge. To swindle. ^j -^
Plough. Quick (walk) Malevolence, ill-nature, tj^'j -t^j SjtJ
Scared away. > Fur-tippet for females. J lij ^ SjCpj
Delay, stay in a place, Xfctcj -ft- Scanty-haired. Ha- _^3 ?- **3^3 ^ ^^Ji
To be brisk. To prance >lp3 a Jtj -ti- ving few plants ( soil ). /^ Rascal,
without rider (horse). To be restless scoundrel.
(sick person). -^ To be sorry, angi-y. Medlar, ^jii^ ^ ^j
^ j/J-'j jj'J.'j
To discontent, to weary a. o. » jlj -^ three-grained medlar ; azarole. Ill-

To render lively. <> To vex a natured (man).

To remove a. th. from (its To bray (ass). (Jas-'j a ^j -ft-

place). To strangle a. o. s —
To be brisk, sprightly. Quick-killing (death). Jatlj
Ostrich. -^ Discontent, weariness. lUj To kill s wipSjij , ._i*jij , Cicj a o«p3 "^
Lively. Writhing from o^Ujj ^y^^'j a. o. on the spot.
hunger. -^ Sorry, grieved. Quick (death, poison). <^yj ^^'j
To assert ^
C^^J O0,j C^j o j^'j -U- Dangerous places. <-»^j
a. th. true or false. To relate, a. th. Snake. Xslpj/^
To become a o ^itj.) '^3 o a — To dye ; to season a. th. ^ J^j -ft-

surety for. with saffron.

To covet a. th. j Ct j a ^3 Saffi'on. jfs.'j ^ Cj^'Jts-'j

He thought so. XT jTj I

Rust of iron. Tritoxyde jjaSJI 013^^*3
To press, to straiten a. o. s ^Q of iron.
•^ To compete with. Curcuma, turmeric. y;j.iiJI ol^jll
To become possible (affair). ^j! Dyed, seasoned with saffron.
To become excellent ( milk ). To Sweet porridge. Yellowish (lion).
sprout forth (ground). To shriek. To cry out. Cacj a jtj -ft-

ijj » —
To render a. o. covetous. i — To frighten a. o. To drive
To make a. o. to guarantee A » — away, to cry out to (a beast). -^ To
a. th. a. 0. call out a. 0.
To obey a. o. Jl^
— To raise (the dust : wind). To jfj *—
To become the chief of (a party). jc — sting a. 0. (scorpion). To salt (food)
To pretend falsely. ^j7 to excess.
Assertion. -^ Pretension. Pride, J,'-j
To be bitter, unpotable Utj o ^3
As'he pretends. kS'j ip (water).
I do not iXJSJj Vj lift', dl£U3 Vj s'jJ. To be active. To fear ijcjj CSpj a
partake of thy opinion. by night.
Truthful. Mendacious. -
J^'j To frighten a. o. To salt *_, i jcjl
Nobility. Chiefdom. Choice S^'ti-J ( food ) to excess. To hasten ( the
part. Share of a chief. Weapon. Cow. walk).

( TAT ) ijc-j

4- Shrill, trilling cries of joy. Surety, answerable.

Hiccough. <^j ° ^jj Chief. Spokesman.
To be plentiful (water). dSj a ^'j -H- Pretension. Object ^\'y> ^ ^^'ji
He added lies to his nar- Aija> j — coveted. Object of debate.
ration. To deck (a bride). » ^'j -ft-

To spear a. o. with. o » — Short. Extremi- ^>3

"^^'xi *i^'j

To take much of a. th. ties'of the body. Refuse. Hem of a

Discharged cloud. Full vestment Scattered party. Calamity.
and long (coat of mail) Fins (of fishes). Promiscuous ou>3
Lai'ge coat of maU. party.
Chip.=j of wood. Slender extremi To speak faintly. >M60I i^jij ^
ties ofa tree. To conceal a. th. To tickle Sj fin

Covetous, greedy. ^\yi a. 0.
4-To squint (man). "^'j a ji'j -ft- To scoff at a. 0. i_,

To pour forth (water). » ^}i-'j\j
— •^ To use foul play. i^' f.^j
To spirt (a beverage). -^ To adulte- Lively, sprightly.

rate (money). To become Litijlj ^jj 'Cs.'j a.^j-^

, ,

To suck (his mother young one), a — ; downy (boy, chicken).

To feed her chickens (bird). 5 j^j'i To become sappy and leafy (vine).»_,tj1
To suckle (a child). Downy hair or feathers. ^^'j
To gush out blood (wound). j,ji\) — Softest down. li^jj *i^'j
•^ Deception, cheat, adulteration, jtj Downy (man, bird),^j ^ ^(J.j j> ^j\
Mouthful spirted, jet. vS'j Downy fig, cucumber. Dapple (horse).
Sucking greedily. J^tj Fruit of the Phillyrea^ wild ^j -R-

Squint-eyed. jtjl olive-tree.

Nimble. Child, baby. J-;!(p3 fr J^3 "^ Villousness, nap of cloth.^jj j^'X ^
^ Young pigeon, a Yellow date. Whole. Thin-leaved marum. J^j
To counterfeit, to cheat a. th. J^ jj <>• He has taken it altogether.e^jj iail
To cheat (man). To be jtljjj ji jjj To groan loudly (camel). \ji.'j a Ji-'j -S-
counterfeit. To swell (river).
Counterfeit, cheat, trickery, xli^^j •<>• To squeeze (a water-skin). fi>

To groan repeatedly ^jj — ^j -^ To squeeze the throat of. » —
(camel). To speak angrily (man). To rouse a. 0. by (words). i_» » —
Stammerer. j'j^'jj j'^'j To suckle (a child). n jS'j\
To hasten Ci^jj Ci-j jj Lij i Ci j -^ Butter spouting from a skin j^tj
(the walk). To alight ; to expand its when squeezed.
wings (male ostrich). To blow gently To be abundant. To \^j a ji-j -ft-

(wind). swell (river).

To s Ciijb , ''Sj\i , CilSj _) Lij o 'S'j To snatch. To scrutinise a. th. ^ —
conduct (a bride) to her bridegroom. Abundance, redundance. Excess, ^tj
To walk quickly. jjl Brach-hound, setting- jj\t-j ^fj J-'j
To hurry the walk of a. 0. 5 — dog.
To carry (a load). tf> iliijl Small. ( for jj*^ ) j^'j -^
To carry a. th. away (water ).^ L»ln-^i To re- Jailjj Jaifrj "^-> -^S^J ^i ^'J'J ^
Fine feathers of birds. ciprocato his groans (camel). <• To
Fine plumage. quaver, to sing wedding-songs
Troop, band. (woman).
One time, one action.
Nuptial procession. oii^j ;dj

AD y3
Strong-ribbed j'j ^ -iyi ^ j>'j\ Ostrich. Svdft (she-carael). ji^j
(horse). Swift. Flight of a bird. jiSjj cj**jj wi^ j
Big camel. Great chief. ^\/j ^ -^'j^y-j Having fine and thick feathers ijjl
Bow. Tribe. Supporters of a. o. (ostrich). Swift.
Regiment. Litter for a bride. <-^yt
Female water-carriers. Rib.s j»y/j To run at full speed (man). ojJj "W-
of horses. To dart down to expand the wings

Deep sigh. J^y (bird). To quake. To moan.

Outburst of anger. jaj'i — jij -«- To make (plants) to rustle (wind). A —
Party, company. jjjlj sls'jl Ostrich. Quick. Blowing vio- ,J\y>j
To push, to thrust. To Gj i ^'j -M- lently (wind).
dance. To kick. To fill (a vessel). Sj A Bj o cij -ft-

Dancing-girl. Lame (she- ^Ijlj^ oyj To rouse a. o. To expel, to hinder.

camel). To anger. To weary a. o.
Booth, tent on a terrace. ^ij^ To tar (a ship).-^ To defile a. th. Ai'c-ij
Swift (camel). -^ Fruitless o^jij G Pitch, pine-resin. Bitumen used ^j
sorb-tree. TiVw, linden-tree. as a remedy.
To twang (bow). Cdjj C-aj j'j ^ ^ Colophony (resin).
i inxili^] cij,
To expand the wings male ostrich). •^ Cade-oil.
cJ»j3' c:^'3
To raise (figures; looming). To — Bitumen, liquid pitch »_J»'j CJJ,

drive (the clouds wind). To expand Pissasphalt^ mineral pitch.

^\^ —
(the wings : ostrich). Pitch-oil, coal naphta. cij\ ^i
To carry a. th. /fc j-j\ Lamp-black. cJJ\ o'i^
Frightened. '
>Jln*j 'J,!>^ Smeared with pitch. z^ji
To mute (bird). > To slip.' h'j o'o'j^ To fill (a vessel). loij o oSj -S- fi>

To feed (her chicks) with the j — To give much barley to (a horse;. 5 —

biU(bird). To send forth a \j^/jj lyj ^'j -S- i

•^ To push. To extract, to carry fi>

— deep sigh. To begin to bray (ass).
(stones). To crackle ( fire ). To send out hot
To skin (an animal). jSjj — •& fumes
To hair of a skin).
clip (the a ^j To carry away. To draw fi> s'jt'j —
Nux uo»«'ca, poisonous "seed. '3'j
y. (water).
Wine-skin. o\ljj JlUj ol»jl cr 3J, ^ To eat fatty food. ^^i ^j
Bellows of a hammersmith, iioijl — <>• To give fatty food ; to Aj 2( jt'j
A.scites^ dropsy of the ^'j 'U1IJ,I grease, to soil with greasy food.
belly. To carry (a burden). *_^^jI
Wine. itgj^ Heavy luggage. Water-
;;;53 jijjl ^ y^
Kind of plungeon. ^j ^ xjj skin. Party.
Ring-pigeons. sUj Tree-prop, -tf- Fatty food. Jij
Drinking with the mouth full. jjj Lion. Brave. Generous. Sea. Jd'j
By-street. Lane. olljj *ij,1 ^ o^»j Large river. Bulky camel. Lord. Con-
The strait of Gi- jij^ii ^;_, , Jl?^)| siderable gift. Porter.
braltar. Misfortune. Beginning of the jA 3
Gold-finch. j'siajj S^Jjj js:?^^ -^ braying of an ass. Deep sigh.
Shaven (head). Skinned (beast). "jl^; <• Greasy, filthy. Obscene'tj_,sj_, j'j -^
To chirp at dawn (bird ). j^3 ^ (speech).
To mute. To laugh coldly. To be •^ Crystallised alum. s^'j xli
lively (man). ^ To crackle. Deep sigh, moan, ol^'j sr Sy'jj e'J>j
To dandle (a child), n (J\'Jjfj Ujjj - Middle part. ^ Scum of boiled meat.
TA t lJ/3
/3 ( )

^ To tickle a. o. S 6Jj To feed (her chicks) with the bill

To take up arms, -if- To be ^ji^jj (bird). D To tickle a. o.

tickled. Quickly done, despatched Jj^J^

To strike a. o. li'j a iTj ^ Jf (affair).

To pay (a due) readily to a. o. * 5 — () Ichneumon. *-5lj*j

To take refuge to. — \ To frighten (a j A Cij o i_ij ^

To collect (a debt) from. ^ A k.iX mole) into (its hole).

^Vealthy, paying ojlll stTjj 'iTjj Ifj To enter (its hole : mole), j k^jilj —
readily. To twitter (sparrow). ^'j
To fill (a vessel). ifc C/'J o wJ' j -{^ Lane, strait road. Neigh- yji'j ^ ^"j
To be diked (river, sea). bourhood, proximity.
Sack for grain. ^S^'j ^r ^-^Tj ° To chatter '^^sjj ^3 a t^'j «
To fill A cTJb C.^jj,fcS'j cTj » (monkey).
(a vessel). To crow (cock). (tV»jj Cisj a /5j -ft-

To relate a. th. to a. o. fit n zS'j To A kjsijlj , <Ji»y>J , CiSj o wiSj -Jf

Filled. Concerned. Chilled. Cj^'y snap up, to snatch a. th. away.

To fill (a ves- a> ^3j , S'J'j o ^j -»- To clap the ( for jj<^ ) Ja'jj Jaj <
sel). hands.
To become fat (belly). To ^'j^i j^'j Robbers, thieves. J5j
— J3j -fr
be filled up (vessel). Cudgel, mace. ^pj ^ iiSj d
Small (wine or vinegar- ^j ^ s^'j Lane, narrow road. *^3
skin. -^ Navel. To let down the ends of a J^'/j -tt-
To afflict 5 ^jlj , » CiTj J'3 -« turban.
a. 0. -with a rheum (God). Ring of hair around a turban. J^\jj
To fill (a vessel). /b - To glut, * ^ijij J;;^j Cjj J3 * ,

To eject (a liquid). To bring ^— to gobble a. th.

forth (a child). To give a. o. a deadly food. ^ ^3j
To have a rheum. ^'j To make a. 0. to gobble. 5 ^j1
Rheum, coryza, cold. Sii'Jj ^t&>i To eat cream and dates. To ^jj5
Harsh man. Last born child. XS'j drink to excess.
To mind a. th. To CTj a /to ^^'j ^ Infernal tree. Deadly food. ^^j
^understand, to consider a. th. To Food of cream and dates. Kind of
think of. myrobalan.
To suspect, to doubt, to it ^^i j A.time, one time. Plague. *i5j
i think about. To carry (a burden), /b Cij o^3 *
To near a. th. or a. o. *_, 5 ^^Ij To help a. 0. to carry (a load). 5 ^jl
To remind, to inform a. 0. * s ^'j\ To hoot Cij i t/jJ ,'^^3j 'y3 o ls3 "^
of. (owl).
To guess a. th. To inform a. o. /b — Speaking. PI. Cocks. ^jijj ?r ^oO
True estimate. •Q'^JJ -^O Heap of coins or of any thing. *3j
Retentive. ^j To totter (S-S'jj (£^3j ^J i ^3 "^

X'j a X3j,>j^jj *'^6»j o ro ^ To run

To (old man, child). (child, par-
grow ( plant To be righteous. To
). tridge).
thrive (man). To obtain a. th., to persevere jp 5)31

It does not suit him. <i j^ jj V li* in.

To make a. th. to grow *_, 5 Ja'j To take up arms. i&"J

Tor thrive. To pui'ify. To improve. Young ring-pigeon. ^'j
-^ To justify a. 0. Weapons, arms. Xi^X
To collect pooi'-rates from. n — To totter (old man). iJ^3 ^

( TA O ^3
Sweet pancake. llVj He gave the tithe on his iJ C. \"^

To hasten CGJjj ^'jj ^J ' rJj * goods.

in walk. He praised, he justified hlmself.iliJ
He spoke uucouside- ;>>lr *^ ^a ^J To thrive.
rately. To give an increase to. fitj i —
To bolt (a door). a> r^^jb ,(?jj o
~ To become just. To give alms, ^jj
To precede a. o. s Oulj — To grow.
To slip, to slide 9:i'Jj,^^'j a ijJj Even number, not odd. d^'j
along. Purity. oi;^Jj (&.';
^ slT jj S^iTj
He niggardly way.^^iiJI ^'j
lived in a Obedience to God. Poor-rates. Legal
To render (verses, speech) >><feOI — alms.
current. Pure from 'is'-J\ ^ Jj SlTj ;, ^ , iJlj

To addict o.'s self to (wine), /b ^!j^ sin. Righteous. Compassionate.

Slippery place. ^^sJ.Jj rCi'jj ijjj

Excellent earth. -C^'j ja'J\
Bolt, sliding-latch. ir^Jj-'J ^rVJ, ^]'j) '^yj v;)Jj'^L|3j v3 a 'Sjji d'j

Quick. Slipping (arrow). Long ^J'j
To slip (foot, tongue). To pass away
(journey). (life).

Paltry (gift). Intruder. Nig- ^ji To pass quickly. <5j3jj 5Llj -

gardly. Interested love. Ummanly. To be deficient vcoin). y^'jj —
To taste a. th. fi>
^'Jj , Qj a n^l'j ^ To receive (food). fi, \

To set a. th. apart. -^ To ^^sij ^ To be thin in the hips. ^jj a 'Si
crawl. To make a. o. to slip, 5 Dlrw Ij Dji
To retire apart. liitljlj ^»jj^ to err.
Turtle, turtoise. (/"or oU>.'t-) sV-b, •<*• To grant (a favour) to. ^^\ fi>

To become fat (cattle), ulj & ri'j -^ Slippery (ground). Uj
To slip (foot) ; to slide. ^j^j ^'j i
Slippery (ground). Deficiency (in jjj
To thrust a. o. with (a uj » iVlJ — weight). Sinfulness.
spear). Stones. Smooth stones, {un ;!_j_ ) ijj__

To advance forward. Cu-jjj ^''^'^i'j o ^^.JJ Slip, sin, error. Nuptials. o"5j 9. ^'j

To smooth a. th. fit ^Yj Banquet. A good deed. Food sent to

Slippery place. ^!jj ^'j a friend.
Sliding-place. Pain in the back, xij j Carpet. "Woollen blan- "JjVj ^r *^lj P
To be anxious. Ijjj a jJ, J ^ ket.
To walk quickly. < To CkJj i Uj -^ Deficient in weight jjjj ^\j'j ^ ;;j)j

gobble. (coin).
To strip a. o. of his clothes. 2( jjj -^ Pure, sweet, Jj'jj j^ljj JjVjj JV^ 'C
To strip o.'s self of o.'s clo- Ja!j7 1>- cool, light water.
thes. ^ White of eggs. ^pi Jvj
<•Small coin worth 30 paras ijajj -^ Swift. Lean in the Uj tr "Vj j" 133^

(about 3 halfpence). Pebble. hips.

Nakedness. JaJj -^ Slippery ground. :djJij ^jf
Stark-naked. JaljlO.,) IJJ;^ < To iS. vijjjj vijijj sioU J x)j33'Jj'3 »•
To pilfer a. th. To* ^Sjlj , Cj j a ^Ij ^ quake (the earth : God). To frigh-
swindle a. th. -^ To globe, to glut. ten a. o. To urge (camels).
To rise (sun). To blaze t^j o /J To quake (earth). Sj'j^
(fire). Earthquake. Jjv3 ^ ^'J'jj JljJ3
To bui-n (o.'s feet) with (fire). ^ a — PI, Calamities.
To be chapped, crac- ^'jj CJj a ;J, j ,
He cleaved to his J^^j Q'j a.^/j -^
ked (skin). To be corrupt (wound). mother (child).

C YA"\ ) j)3
Smooth rock. Mirror. To inspire a. o. with the ^ s ^jjl
Swift (she-camel). Remote desire of.

(stage). To rob a. o. of (a right). a ^ijl.

Abortive foetus. To cut (a tree).
Smooth ( un. ti^'j ) jjy'j ^ j^'j Malignant wound. -^ Jar. ^j^ lib
peach, nectarine. Chapped in the feet.
Glossy and hairless (man), 'ijjj j> j)j1 Chapped on the heels.
Gaiters. Jjjy "^^ To be dense (cloud). Liljl. — v_-)j -ft-

Sliding-bolt. Casting her young jvj;^ To dash (waves of a torrent).

usually (mare). To swallow a. th. To tj Ht ^;jj -^
Slippei'y, sliding place. iSJjJSj ji'jA throttle a. o.
To gobble a. th. ^jj ^ Throat ;
gullet, ^^y'\ ^ ^/Sj ^
Windpipe. Snout of a dog. ^^Jj larynx.
To maKe a mistake. CJ j o ^'j -i^ To rise (sun). To blaze ^J'j & fij -H^

To fill (a vessel). A — (fire).

He made him a scanty ii\h£

— To grow again (hair). Li^X" v^J *
gift. To become covered with feathers
To cut off (the nose). 4> Ji'j\j
— (chicken).
To pare. To soften a. th. To a J'j
To sJiij\j ^'J>j ,C»^Jj Cijj i_i)j -^
ill feed. To round (a mill-stone). To advance, to draw near.
spoil (a dish). To amplify (a narration). j ^'j
To dismount (hoi'seman). J'J -^ To near a. o. or a. th. To finj s .jOjl
To scamper off. To be set up- 'Ji'j{ collect a. th. To trouble (people) in
right. every stage of their march (guide).
Hyrai, rock-badger. ^vjl ^ J'j
Degree, rank. Near- Jijj Sfjj JCj
Rush-mat. ness.
Cloven hoof. Divining ^Vjl ^ Jj Garden, meadow. S^j
arrow. Dig- iljUJjJ v^^Jj Ouljj j jr *^' J
Exterior appearance, tjjj xSji **)j nity. Nearness. Large dish. First
He looks like a slave. 'xji'j alil '^ part of the night.
Wattle of sheep and ^Vj ^ x'Sj Filled tank, cistern. Dish, ^j ^ uJj
goats, Man. Foot-passenger.
-tf- Green urn. Oyster-shell. Smooth
Well wrought (arrow-wood). ,!
j rock. Hard ground. Mirror, -^ Spoon.
Having the ear slit and ^y^ J'j\
Remote (journey). ^^'j
hanging, (camel, ewe). Advancing forward. _ij j
Mountain-goat. Calami- ^jbJI J'ji\ Village on the confines ^Xy ^ <ily
tons time. of the desert PI. Steps of ascent.
Female hawk. Mountain-goat, -i^j^ To slip (foot). Csjj j3jj a j!,j -«-
Spout of a pot. Elephant's v'jJj •• To slide.
trunk. To loathe and quit (a place). i_>

Little lively man. Gi-eat and jy To cause »j s j) jlj J'jj Ci'j jJj
, , i

strong (horse). Small-bodied. Lop- a. 0. to slip. To shave (the head).

eared. Wild cat. Scanty (gift). To anoint (the body). To shar- a j!j
To be greedy. CjtJ a JJ « pen (iron). To render (a place) slip-
Basil-blossom. People. jj, pery.
To tighten (sandals) Jfj A C»3 o !.J ^ To become smooth, slippery. ^'J
with a. th. To fill up (a skin). To To have a glossy, shining face.
carry away (a lamb: wolf). To out- Slippery place. ;5VJj Ji/jj J'jj jJ3
strip a. 0. •^ Lapse, slip in words. 7^j
( YAY )
To shriek, to make noise. To advance. To speak. To grow y-j
Flute ; sound jj»C»jj j>\>^ (camel's tusk).
of the flute. Shriek, sound He erected the head he ^ajlj ; , *ijl< ^j
To be proud, haughty, ^'j a r^j-'j -S- strutted; lit : he lifted up the nose.
Proud. Full (measure). -^Xj^ ^.aj To bridle (a camel).
Hard, long (stage). ^^jj ^j To be filled (skin). \fyj o -
To roar (tiger). To bud J^'j ^ To oppose a. o.
(plant). To fasten (sandals).
To grow louder (sound). y^'j\j — To be fastened, tied.
Long flute. Dense, entangled j^Vj To carry away (a lamb
(tree). Hollow. Soft. Eminent (man). wolf).
To play ^jj , O.vi jj >S^3 i o >j -W- Rein, halter. Thong of ^ji •v-j.

upon a reed. sandals. -^ Bonds of friendship. Con-

To fill (a skin). * J^'jj \y.'j o - ,
trol. Sincerity.
To divulge (an event). i_j
— He is the main spring _y.' vi yj^j 'yi
To stir a. o. against (another). i_) » — of the aflair.
To be scared (gazelle). ^\'yj o — He is the leader of his ^^ y ypj yi
To cry (o.strich). \j\/j
— \ tribe.
To have scanty hair. To i^ij ^ y.j He has thrown ay\ y^y cjS j ijl
be faint-hearted (man). To have lit- his aSair into his'hands.
tle wool (ewe). My house is near to his. oj li \) jj li
To have the eyes blood-shot j'^Jl
To resound from afar. To >3*j -^
from anger. peal (thunder). To whinny (horse).
Song, sound. -^ Flute, pipe. j_^j ^ J^'j
To crackle (fire). To hmu '(singer).
^ Bind-weed. o^kiiJI y-'j To mumble (magician).
<• Bell-flower. ^iUll y-'j To roar (camel). j\yy
Having little hair, wool (man, _,/ij Abundant (water). Well near >J^J
ewe). Faint-hearted. Nice-looking. the Caaba.
Handsome boy. y:j'jj j^^ 3^ j^^j Roaring of a lion. Ciap^J,C»3 ->- 'iJ'y'j
Small in stature. Sweet- jCO -^ ~n/tj
of thunder. Crackling of fire.

faced. Company of 50 men ^j uj w -^ j^X

Scattered party, gang. yj-^ o'y'j and camels.
Art of a flutist. s30»j •^ Small water-skin. ''^/y'j
Cry of the ostrich. jC.j To have a gra- c^jj, ;7Uj o , d^'j *
Flutist, piper. jC'jj y\'j ve mien.
Flute ;
double pipe. syy-'j -^j oC»3 To be showy, gaudy (plumage). c}j'\
Iron collar of a dog. Grave in mien. c—» Ji.j, 'U>j jr <^-^j
Alisma plantarjo^ J-yj>\j\f'yi Vj/j To sow discord ^nJ ^j r^j -^
medicinal plant. between.
Oats. To intrude upon a. 0.
Smyrna (town). To be angry. b«^j a rr^j
Musical reed, fife,
^Xy Angered.
flute. Reddish falcon.
Uvula, White dun-diver (bird).
Hymn. Psalm j^\'y He took it altogether.
(of David). Root of the tail of a bird.
Green emerald. '^[yji ^[/'j P To storm, to make a loud
Stufied i jSO-jj ^j ijjCjj iy^V'j P noise.
balls of meat and flour. To roll his roai'ing (lion). yJ-Jj
To wi-ap, to conceal a .o, •> To scamper ofil To Ck'j Jaij »•
or a. th. slip (ring).
To wrap o.'s self ^j Jfi'j\j J^ jlj J^y To be perplexed, flur- (".>
j a ,-;j -»
in (clothes). ried by fear.
Weak, cowardly. j5jj j>jj j>3 To escape swiftly (horse). Cli/^j a v3
Party. Companions. iUj To go slowly.
Family, household. tXi'j To keep steadily ^_,j jtj a ^Jb ^j
Limping from fieriness iUlj ^ jA'j to. To determine upon.

(horse). To be uneven, knobbed (plant). fj>'-}.

Beast of burden. JAjj ^ ^(\> -^f-j iUlj To have large knobs (vine-stock).
Provision-bag. Shudder of fear. Rivulet. ^.C^j^ ^ ^j

Fellow-rider, Colleague. Jr'i j Lowest class of people. Knobs, gems

Weak. Coward- :jCijj jC»;j 'H^'jjS'J'j of a vine. Scattered plants.
Steadiness, perseverance. pC.jj —
Confused sound. J-^Ob J^lj^ ;r J^j^ Hairs behind the p,C.j j fj^'j^ xiJ'j
The whole. Family, iL'jb ~ fetlock.
Spout of a cooler. 'ii'yj^ ^y' j "^ Energetic, resolute. ^'yi
Shoemaker's knife, Jc>rlj1 ^ jsVjl Hot-brained. Niggardly. Crafty. ' J3
chisel. Gluttonous. Weak (man). Quick, resolute ; of good 'U^j ^ f^'j
Green cooler with a silver is%'y> judgment.
spout. Swift, quick (hare). ^yfj
To drive (camels). 5 jJj3 ^ Stingless hornet. ^J^
Active, brisk. (J>l>''jj ^^'j ^ Accident, misfortune. ^,^\j\ ^ ^'j]
To be para- 7j\^jj 't^jj ^'j a j^^j
-^ Shai'p man.
lytic, crippled. Imminent, impending (event). ^'^ •>
To last long. To be old. ^jl To pluck (the A CUj i j^'j -tt-

To afflict a, 0. with palsy (God). » — beard).To open (a lock).

To delay (a gift) fi*om. o* *
~ Itdoes not avail him xii j *it J^l U
Time. oC«ji ^r *^Jj c/^j anything.
Time, long or short, li^jlj ^i'j\ ^ oC»3 Plucked (beard), Xjja'j^j ^Uj^ j
PZ. Seasons of the year. Tenses :ci» j] To fill up (a skin). fe^ij o ifA>j -ft-

of a verb. To incite a. o. against. it ? —

For some time. CC»j To be tight (clothes). cU^^ -^
Palsy. Crippleness. Love. xJCij To be in a rage. ijt;j|^

Cripple. Paralytic.
J^3 ^ on^jj ja'j Anger. ^3
Indetermined cArj <s-L^j 'CjJj'j XtC- Hot-tempered. Short and XfciJj
time. foolish.
Old, chronical disease.
ca!?" <j^S^ Root of a bird's^ tail, ^A^ J j it; j
He made a bargain with si»lj> iLit rump.
him for a time. To limp (in running).
vC»j, i o Jij -ft-
To become intense (heat). a o j -fi- To run in CSUjj VCjj iUjj >Uj -
To be blood-shf't from y^'jj J^'j -U- leaning forward (horse).
anger (eyes). To carry (a load). a—
To be To ^j(^ To follow a. o.
intensely cold (day). » "ijAj —
shine To be contracted (face). To mount a. o, be- ^ J;'|3j,^>»j J^J
Vehement cold. Moon. jlJ^'j hind. To counterbalance (a ri(ter)
Enraged. Having a smiling face.^^jsji' on a camel.
To dry up (sinew). <• To uj o3 »• To wrap a. th. in o.'s
^j 4 f> ^\%'j
buzz (insect). (clothes).
Jji3 C TA\ )
Polyrjonum hydropiper, V^*^' Jc-vi To think evil or ^r- J^ j^. « ojh o j
water-pepper (plant). good of a. 0. To suspect a. 0.

Kind of Carline thistle. ^^^\ — Kind of chick-pea. Darnel-seed, jj^

To fillip, to snap the thumb, ^'j -fi-
Baboon, ape. ^Jj ji ]

> To be covered with ^j~' ^j — Self-seeking, self-sufficient *j Jj j^j

verdigris. To be in irons. (man).
Verdigris, crocus. jVaJj, Narrow, contracted (shade). 'C'jj oUj
Verdigris green. ^jj^l Small, scanty. ^'j
Fillip. Nail-parings. jj^Jj r--^?Jj, P To seek refuge Ji^ \ij'jj *\-'j
a I'j «-
Chain towards.
^ Book-keeping by To ascend (a hill). j —
double entry. To contract (shade). To u^ bf.;

White spots on child- sSnaJj j Jiot^j. cheerful. To hurry (man).

ren's nails. To straiten a. 0. ip \j
Cinnabar. Vermilion. J^^j j Jo^'j^ To force a. 0. towards (a Aj 5 j1 'li

To praise a. o. To » GJ j a 9^3 -ft-

place). To make a. 0. to ascend (a
repel a. o. hill).

To straiten a. o. ^
— Bulky and short. Narrow. Kee- «Uj
To drink (water) re- a -tJj^j -r-^'j
ping in urine.
peatedly. To become fat, plump. CJj a w4j -fr
To become proud ; to speak ^; j7 Waddling of a duck. ^'ij
without restraint. Fearful, faint-hearted. ,_jjj
To be rancid (oil). 6jj a s^Jj -J:^
To behave proudly. Icjij^ — -nJj -tt-

To cleave, to stick. d-y'j i o ^>j To frown at.

To grow proud. To lift the head ^j^ Hornet. Wasp. Quick in^;lJ 3 ?r Jj^j
(suckling ).^To speak out o.'s heart. answering. Strong ass. Large rat.
Rancid, altered (oil). ^j^ He took the whole of it. sj,^t' Ji «j>'l
To^snuffle, to snort.
_r^'3 -^ Wasp. Kind of plane- jjjj j jUX
To strike (fire). ^ Jjj,\'jjj jJ j -«- i
tree. Sweet fig.

To fill (a vessel). jjj_j q

— Metal-spring ; cock of a ^jvj Ts
To be thirsty (man). |^ j ^ _ gun.
To punish beyond justice. To lie, jjj White lily. Oil of {un *ilj 'j ^ J^ 'j
To increase, to exceed. jjjl jasmine. Wine. < German iris. Night
To relapse in (a pain), J — jasmine. Flower-de-luce.
To become angry. To remain j.!'J
< Hyacinth (flower), l»lj> jJj
speechless. To strut. -^ To be jiJ jj — Jvj -H-

He straitened his family. ^ul ic-

— insolent, peevish.
Fore-arm, wrist. i\;j1j oJjIj :>i;j_ ^ jj j Distress. -^ Insolence. e^'j
Upper^stick of a' flint. < Fire-steel. To contract from thirst Gjj a '^rJ'j -J^

Thorny tree. Maniple of priests. (bowels).

Two sticks for striking oIj^jj olio" j)I To requite a. 0. for evil or 5 }>u\j
fire. The two bones of the fore-arm. good.
Flint-stone. jti\j iUjII y>^ Ne- (un. Iljfcjj, ) 9r^J « n-^J,J r^J
Baffled, Disappointed. Miser. iUjii Jir groes, Ethiopians.
Successful. ^j\j Zanzibar, j'W j
Stingy. Tight (garment). ' Jjyi A»iomM?rt zinziber, ginger. J^^j P
Paltry (gift). Wine.
Huge elephant. j^ jj'^j j^^j- 3 P Inula, ele- ^jo; J-^jj >liJI J-^ 3
To pi'ofess dualism, JjJjj — J jj j -fr campane (plant).
— !

j*3 < ^

Adulterous, adulterine ^Juj j j^X Manicheism, atheism. To misbe-

' - lieve.
Particle of admiration. Bravo! e^ ^ Dualism, Manicheism, Magia- sJjJj
Part of goods. -^ Am- "Cajj ^..ij. -ft- nism. Atheism.
munition. Miser, niggardly man. *J jJjj Joj j
Magian Ji^^j} *5ilJj ^ Ji/JX ^
To abstain, to be free from wordly Manichean, dualist. Hypocrite. A-
desires. < To get tired of. theist.
To devote o.'s SiUjj la*j —
-x* jjj ,
To put a belt on a. o. S \'J 'j o J j -ii-

self to God's service. To be an asce- To fill (a vessel). - fi>

tic. He looked intently at. Jl, i^_Jj

To appraise A jJ>'j\j ju» jj Ij^ j a

— To put on a belt. To be thin. Jy
roughly (a palm-tree). Non-Moslem's j0 j ^ 'j^'jj jb'3 G
To make a. o. to shun, ^^^ej J J( oaj girdle. -^ Waist-belt.
to abstain from. PL Small pebbles. Little flies. ^?jj
To impute avarice to a. o. s — Azedarac, bead-tree. c^'J'j P
To have little property (man). ja'J\ To be angry. .Ju'Jj v'iJ j a wjj j -^

To despise, to make little of. ^ jS\'Ji To put a ring to the » CUj ^ J^ J "^
To reckon a. th. as little. it -^a^jI rein of a horse. To shackle (a mule).
Take as much as <^-S^~ ^ -^3 ^ < To straiten, to squeeze a. o.
suffices thee. To ill-feed o.'s (people), ip jjjlj j* j^ —
Abstemiousness, ju»jjj siu^j -Uj To be niggardly towards.
asceticism. Lane, by-street. -^ Straitness. Zmj
Legal alms, poor-rate. iUJ ^ si'j Halter. Shackles for J^j-r o^X
Abstemious. a^'J^j, juSj iG»j ^ oaIj mules. Necklace.
^ Poor (man). Ascetic. Ring of a halter under the jaw. xlljj^

Little, scanty. Poor, niggardly, a^j Sound intellects. jjj

Abstemious. jiTVI — Firm. Sound (judgment). J-i3
Content with little ; disinte- — To look angrily at a. o.
d\ii>\ J ^' j -^

rested. Recess, corner. _r\5u j -rjyj j -^

Having little property. Poor. ->j»Jj>
Wealthy, i-ich. J-feJj "^^J ^%^'j Ts
To shine (moon). To \'j^'j a_^*j -H- Stirrup. cA'^ij «• 'j'^'j P
glow (fire). To be glossy (face). Skilful, clever. < Swindler. "^feiiO
To have a «3>* j o ^'jj ly^j ^ JtJ ,
Ochre, red clay. o'^o). P
bright complexion. To send a com- Jl. s ^' j — ^3 -)1-

To blossom (plant). 3*jb ^jl petitor to a. 0.

To make (the fire) to glow. A — Part of the ear slit and lopping, xj 'j
To shine (lamp). ^*jl Wattle of sheep. Sign, token.
To take care of. To mind. ^_i jAij\

ving the ear slit and hanging (ewe).

Blossom, yellow flower. Choice part. Outsider, adopted. Ignoble. ^'j
-tf- Difjitalis, fox-glove (pZ).cri-.illfei!l j^'j To look intently upon. ^ Jl jJj j -i^

Lichen, rock-moss [plant). — Beware. Look out J>^\ P j\^j

^ Primrose (plant). ~ *Vjj,j S^O* JOj ^^Xj 'j, j. -^
rci'j^ J J ,

•^ Chrysanthemum [floiver). fCiJI — To commit adultery, fornication.

•^ Honey-suckle [plant). jUJI — To charge a. 0. with adultery. 5 ] j
(f-Phalangium [plant). cj^isC:2\ — Adultery, fornication. jj .Jj^ _,

•^'Da.hy iflotver). Adultei^er, fornicator. eC'j^ oO

Marvel of Peru [plant). jJbl — Adulteress. Harlot. oljj r *^lO
To be altered (news). To burst ^jii':>'j[ Impure carbonate of soda, ^ojl yi'j
in (man). To f^peak much, loudly. Verdigris, crocus. ^^GuJI —
To carry (a burden). To Sj fi>
— Oi'ange-tlower water. yL'j •!>

press a. o. Dice of backgam- ( for jVj ) y^'j -^

To be compact Oy^j a j»3 "^ mon. Luck in card-playing.
(marrow). To ba marrowy (bone). A flower. Beauty, bright- Vji'ji »'j»'j

To disappear (falsehood). -^ To bo ness.

disgusted. Kidney-vetch, kcorus^ sweet- syij
To depart (soul). To Csijj C»^^j — flag {plant).
walk ahead. To overreach the mark Whiteness. Beauty. s^j
(arrow). To perish. < Pansy, heart's ease (pi). o^uJI Syij
To be full of marrow (bone). JaJI Splendour of the world. CJjJI s^j
To fill (a vessel). To pierce j£j\ fi> Aim, purpose, want. _^j
through ( the target ). To reduce Venus [plniet). e'ji'j

( error ) to nought (God). To shift •^ Venereal diseases. xly£ji\ ^\'y'^\

(the saddle) to its neck (beast). Strutting, sweeping gait.' *i^6
To hurry (the walk). j — Flourishing (plant). oj^aIJ ^ Jftl'j

To take the lead. To spring Jh^jjI. Bright, fair (complexion).

forward (horse). Intensely red. _>^Oji»^
Flat ground, plain. jij Bright -faced man. J^j ^ 'l^j j. j^j\
Outrunning the others (horse). iSj Moon. Friday. Wild bull. White lion.
Fat (beast). Lean, ^'jj jij ^ J^U Milk just drawn.
Dry. Put to flight. ^ Celebrated University ^j VI r^\>i\
Vain, pei-ishing, unsteady. Jjd'jj — of Cairo.
Swift, fast.
J* J Fair woman. Wild cow. '^'^'j

Deep well. Jy^'jj <2aI3 The sun and the moon. d<'j»j^\
Nearly one year. :c^ jCa.j_ Large silver coin worth i!fj.lj*3 "^
J^'y about one shilling. •(/ Jolly man.
'J^j* Kindling fire for guests ; hos- y^ j»
To grind a. th. a Ckij a-dUj -»- pitable.
between two stones. To grind. To Lute, guitar. Large drum._^|j;r ^ j^yi
raise (the dust ; wind).'' To be vile. To lie. Cjj*j a wiij -ft-

To shun, to avoid a. th.^ 5u3 o Ja3 "^ To perish.

To be white and smooth, ^j a J* J To be near to (death). J)^ ^iiijlj —
Quiet, tranquil. j^tlj To be nimble in. J Ciaj a ^3
To wash (clothes). To a jLij -^ To carry a. th. away (wind). A —
smooth a. th. To be ready to mischief. To ._ii.j1

To be washed. To be pure. Ji^KP lie. To slander.

To be fat. To revile a. o. s —
Light, active. Vehement wind, jlaj To overthrow a. 0. (horse). » ^^iSJIj ~"
Fat. j!i, UbJ f, Jji^j To make a false report to J A —
To be full of ^Ajb Ca'j o ^'j ^, a. 0. To thrust a. o. with (a spear).
marrow (bone). To allure a. 0. to (evil). To v" ^
To inveigh against a. o. s Sj grant (help) to a. 0.
To chide a. o. away. ^,p
— To despatch (a wounded man), jp —
To suffer from indigestion C^j a "'j To amplify (news). To carry A —
(man). To be greasy (hand). away. To destroy a. th.
To be hostile to a. o. To draw 5 ^\'j To go away, to shun.^.t ji* i'jlj ^'ji
near to. To separate from. To be scared away (horse). wii jjI.
J3J c )
White vitriol, sulphate of (>»s!' 9r'j
Bad smell. Grease. Civet, perfume.^j
Stinking fat. ^'j
BUie vitriol, 'g(,l>!l «.ij!l j\ *J^\Ji\ ^0 Fetid smell of fat meat. 'V^jAjj Si^'j
sulphate of copper. To blossom. «Gkjj \je>jj I^J o \»j -tt-
Sulphuric acid. ^Ij)) ^jj To shine (lampj. To grow, to flou-
One of ?>o j^lj^ !!i> ViJ^J ir'iji !r 9rJJ rish (plant). To assume colour (da-
a pair, a match. Class. Husband, te). To grow up (child). To journey
comrade. -^ Pair, couple.
wife ;
after being watered (camels).
They form a pair, a oW-jjj tjj ^ To

1^*3 o

couple. despise, to Aj » ^/>Jb
Wife, spouse. oW-jj t ^fjj To shake (a devpy plant
little of. :

Mari'iage. -^j -fy-j -C^/j'jj ^Ijj wind). To light (a lamp). To raise

Wedlock. (a figure mirage). To move (a fan).

To remove, to cease. ^ G-j} o ^IJ -S- To toss (a ship waves). :

To depart from. To render a. o. self-conceited 5 —

To scatter. To collect (cattle). » — (pride).

To displace a. th. To » %-\j\ ^\j\ To brandish (a stick). To o Uj
achieve a. th. To take off (an evil : appraise (dates) roughly.
God). To be proud, to boast of. ^ ^j
To be discovered (disease). -r^jK To become reddish (/"'jb ^j* jJ
To supply o.'self i/^j , (Sjj o aIJ ^ (dates).
with provisions. To become proud (man). To ^j1
To supply a. o. with i iijlj ^jj grow up (palm-tree).
provisions. -^ To exaggerate a. th. To render a. o. self-conceited. » ^'i'j\
To provide o.'s self with (a A ijj; ^ To look scornfully at. oj 5 —
letter) fi'om. To be hit on the head by. Amount. Conjecture. -lij
To ask, to seek after iljtj, \j ilijl^ A hundred, about a hundred. »x» »Uj
provisions. -^ To increase. Blossom Splendour. Vanity. j^'j
Travelling- sij/jlj iljjl ^ sSlj^; <»j ilj Fresh plant. Falsehood, lie. Useless.
provisions. Stores. Coloured date.
Provision- ^j lj> ^ ijj^j Sil^j *l> Splendour, fi'eshness, finery. ^j
l)ag. Bright-faced (man). Flowery (plant), olj
, Ijljij Sjljj J Ijljjj
jjj SjG J, jlj -tt- Self-conceited, proud.^j;;^ /^yj ^'j>\
To visit (a place,
a person). Sj ^ jl^Jlj A pair, a couple (ojop. to'ji ^ 'yj^
To bind the fore to the * \j\fj jij of men, ships. Overthrow, ruin.
hind-girth of a camel. To sow discord ^jj Ca-jj o ^Ij -ft-

To incline. To be crook- \j'/j a jj^ between.

breasted. To marry a. o. to. J^ «_pj » » ^33
To improve. To set a. th. a jjj To couple a. th. with.
aright. To embellish a. th. To ma- To pair, to be coupled. Caiu VjJai; ^Jlj
ke void (a testimony). To falsify a.th. To mingle with a. o. ^jij 2^

if- To counterfeit. To form a couple with. ojj srijb ~

To show reguarJ to (a guest). n — To marry (a woman). To 5 ^^h
To do good to a. o. creep in a. o. (drowsiness).
To incite a. o. to pay a visit. » j\j\ To marry into (a tribe). j —
To address (praise) to a. o. i — fi> To be coupled (expres- ^jijlj ,rJljJ
To pay visit to one another. jjVf) sion, rhyme). To be doubled.
To deviate, to turn ^ jUjb jJjb ~ Green vitriol, sulphate zJ^Vj ^ ^IJ P
aside from. of iron.
Gx'easy matter of the wool », To ask a. o. to pay a visit. S jll^l.
used as a medicine. Bird's crop. Sjj jOj »'jjXjj 00
Gymnastics. »jjl^ Upper part of the {m. f. s. pi-) j'/j
To adorn, to embellish /b jjj — JO "^ breast. Intellect. Phantom in sleep.
(speech). To gild a. th. To paint. Resoluteness.
Amalgam of gold and Jj^ljj JjjO Master, lord. J3j,j j/jj
quick-silver. Quiet-silver. Falsehood. Calumny. Lie. Idolatry. jjj
To move the Cikojjj fejj o ill
J -ft- Idol. Festivals of Jews and Christi-
shoulders in walking. ans. Music-hall. Prudence, strength.
Proud demeanour. oVSjjj iS'jj Dainty. Softness of a garment.
M'/ji 'kx'jj '^jj'jj "^^j'jj "^jj J'3 -«• D Threat. Forgery.
To pass away, to cease. To C)jj>b ^ Forcibly, by compulsion. j/y^.
perish. ^ Perjury, false testimony, j/j 5il4i,
To retire o^ h ^ "^j'jji %'j o JC Flax.Large j\i% s^j^j j\j'j] ^ xj,
from (a place). porous jar. Visitor of women, Use,
May he perish! {curse). iJljj Jij custom.
To displace a. th. from. o - ^ jf i Leaning. Crookedness of the sides.jjj
To decline (sun). CVjjj Vjjjj VljJ ~ He visited him as a iL-ssiJl "i'jij, 'ojVj

To be advanced (day). Vljj — friend.

The shade went away 'j^\ js^j Jij Rope binding the s3j,'j^ -r jQj,j jU j,
at noon. fore to the hind-gu'th.
To break a journey for a while.;J_^2j"~ Visit. Pilgrimage, Sj'^J-
He shuddered. iJljjj iijJ-J Ji-'-J J'j Visitor, Pilgrim.jij^j jj^j Oij<j -rj)}
He was moved by fear. A single visit. One time. Slave. Sjjj
To remove. To A Jl^jlj Jlj^j Jjj Wry, oblique. j/j ^ -rj/j ^ jj'j\

suppress a. th. Squint-eyed, j Wi


To produce a. th. ^ Jj^j Jjj Deep (well). Silver vessel. Bow. A'y/j
To persevere in. fi>'i\jj,J ^j'j^ JiU Bagdad (town). The Tigris (river).

To prosecute a. th. Visit. Place of pilgri- cA'jCy ?r J^y

To be witty, distinguished ^j'J mage, shrine. -^ Tomb of a santon.
(youth). To urge Aj » \t.'jj o f.0 "^
(a beast)
To discuss an affair together. Jji^ with the bridle. To incline a, th. To
To part from. JljJlj^
^ remove a, th.
Phantom in sleep. Per- Jijjl ^ Jjj To cut (a slice of melon)
son. Wonder. Trial. Hawk. Brave. for.

Lively. Bountiful. To come off (flesh).

Sprightly, clever oVjj ^ <)jj To drive (beasts) roughly.

woman. Wonderful. Shce of meat, of a melon.
End, decay. Declining of the Jtjj ^ Wretched.
sun. Commotion, motion. Policeman.
Emotion, anxiety. JdX J To deviate, to Oitjjj ^'/j o f.\j -fr

Falling off, transitoiy. iijjj ^ jj\'j swerve from. To decline from truth
Starless night, long >.^^l JJ,0 J;^ > To be sprained (limb).
(in speech),

night. To become lively, foolish.

Animated being. JJ,ljJ ^^ :cJlij -^j x'UJj To turn a. o. away fi-om truth. 5 —

Hunted game. Women. Stars. JJjjj To pull (a camel) with the rein.
^ Sun-dial. JjJlV" *r *5jj< To drag o.'s self along. CijJ o ^0 ^
Fom'th part of a. th. j,\'j — j,jj -}i- To drag the tail (pigeon).
Party of people. oC»lj ^ *>0 Hyssop {plant). '^jjj '<ijj
! .

i) Ca)
Oil made with iron- wood otijiJI cJiJ Juice of fruits, meat. ^Ijjl ^ ^/j -^

seeds. Washing.
Olive, olive-tree. (un. v^^'j ) Oyij Indigestion. v'Oj oO *
Widow- wail (
\)la nt). J^jVl o>^* j Idol.Pagod. ojj
Wild olive-tree. v^lj ^iJI — Short man, dwarf. ojj, j ojjJ
Lapis Judaicus used J^ ~
J~J.llr»« ',
<>Tares. oljjj oUjjo'Jjj oUj,
as collyriiim. To discard a. th. fi> b'jj bj'j i jj'j -ik-

Olive-coloui-ed. Born in au- 'j^jiJj To conceal (a secret). To seize. To

tumn (horse). collect a. th.
Dealer in oil. cC j To retire in a corner. jyj\j jj'Jj iSj'j
^ Oily (blood) as in pleurisy, cj'j^ To discard. To carry away. Aj i jjj
Seasoned with oil. Oiled.^^^'^j c^j' To approach one another. iSj^^
Mason's string. Astronomical i!»j J P To be contracted, folded. jjj\j ^Sj'Ji
tab] OS. Corner of a house. (Geom).Cijj ^ *ij,lj
To r-\y\j ,()\>'^'jj C>-jIjj (kp"J i ^0 * Angle.<>• Square (instrument). Small

be remote, to pass away. mosque. Hospital. Asylum.

To discard (her veil woman). A — : •^ Triangle. -s^j^a XljVj
•^To the give benediction of the rv 'j ^ Obtuse angle. ^y^ —
Blessed Sacrament. To rule (paper). To adorn, to ?j a xl^'J k'j~ '<JiJ ^
To remove, to take away. ^ ^\j\ deck. To write the letter j
a. th.

^ Line, streak. ^G j1 ^ «j j, To adorn o.'s self. To dress Cyj 4j

<• Religious bene- oUlij «• r-tj ^ in a garb.
diction, procession. Appearance, dress, ^G jl ^ ^3 -^j t^j^
Place of retirement. garb. -^ Harness. Fashion ; custom.
To do wrong ; to Gu,j jj t/ 'j i r-'j * Like, as. a How?
be unjust, to stray. To retire. a In fashion. ^3 J*'
To remove, to take away, itj s ^\'j] It is exactly the same. ij^'^^ Is'j a
To be reviled. r^^ Like thee. How do you do? dijj d
To agglomerate, to viJ'^v'J"^
To'increase, to give in CilJ/^J heap up.
surplus. To exceed a. th. South-easterly wind. Enmity. ^'/y^
To exaggerate (a narration liar). J — ; Briskness. Brisk. Hedge-hog. Vile.
May God load him with Gti '^t olj Adver.sity. Devil. Fright. Stranger.
blessings Calamity. Copious water.
To increase a. th. * ijj <>• j jw j Strong. C-4jI
To outbid another (in an auction). iSJfj Daring, boisterous. ^*ui —
To increase (price). To jTj To put oil in (food). A (x/J i olj ^
straddle (she-camel). To anoint with oil. To give oil to.
To exaggerate in (speech). J SjfJ^ — To supply a. o. with oil. fi>j ^ d'j ~
To exceed (a price). To put oil in (a lamp).
They bade xiLiil jtj ^1 J IjojI^ To have much oil. oljl
against o. a. for the commodity. To be anointed with oil. olijl.
To increase, to augmenL il^jl To ask, to seek oil. Cj\'j\Z.\

To take a. th. in excess. ^ — Olive-oil. -^ Any oil, C)y,'j « Cj'J

To ask, to seek an increase ilji^l essence. 2f

from. To complain of a, o. Linseed-oil. jG- —

Increase ; addition. Excos.^.ij j •^_i -u J Copal, resinous substance. 3**'' c-ij
They are moi'e than
a hundred.
;i» it jj'j
^ (f- Olive-oil.
^ «^*3

OJ ( T\ o ) ^3
<• Too much. 5jj!<j J Si^j)^
rioiis, bad coin. Increa- jj\j'j ^ SJj.OjiOlib J^ ^ ei'vj j
Strutting, sweepy. Lion. oCj se ; excess.
To put a collar to (a fi>
— Jlj -H- Midriff, ligament of the jSii\ ci\iX
shirt). liver.
To deck herself and daub j^ 'Jj jj j The augm mutative let- ciG jJI vJj>>^
her eyes with collyrium (woman). ters included in the words Lf-j^ju
Collar of a shirt. Mason's string, jii j^ and iv-i; j:/2\
To cease, to discontiime.>l'j a Jij ^ Medicinal plant. oIjj'j y. 1
I have not ceased doing it. iXS\ cJj, U < Auction, public sale. j,) j/i

Zeyd continues standing.O^l* l^'J Jlj '^ Derivative (verb). {fiPP' to ^y^ ) Jj j^
I iiiS j;^. \jS jj cJ X ^J 1 r'i'jl cJ j. C» Large water-skin. jA'yj iKy ^ 'iiSy
desisted not to urge Zeyd until he Yezldees, worshippers of the *i jujj
did it. devil.
The always JljiVj Jjj J i^ill To twist the lips of n jf'j — ^j -fr

Existing (God). (a horse : farrier). < To put a. 0. in

To remo- ^ fi^j H ;Iljl Jij'lj , ^l; j i Jlj a strait,
ve a. th. from. ^orou.s jar used as strainor.jij j1 ryj
To separate (people). /bj S
J^'j Horse-twitchers, barnacles. jC j,
To separate, to remove from, s JA'j -^ Strait, perplexity.
To disperse, to remain J^i jt> J/ jJ Squill, sea-onion. jlj,^
apart. Small jOj r- o J,i3j '' Ji JJ i^>;3 *
To be abashed at. ^ j'A'Ji hills. Feathers.
Width between the thighs. jjj To yell, to shriek.CbC j, j CJa^' 'jWaVj^
Ingenious, skilful. JU'jJJ Si[yt Shouter, shrieker. 1,^3
To hush a. 0. by J Cj* J a i ^\'j * To devia- '~Sy>l j) CUjJj J i j.0 "^

one word. te. To decline (sun). To be troubled

To separate (horses). To be ^['J (sight). -^ To be rash.
compact or dismembered (flesh).' To redress a. th. (wrong or A Ai 3
Slice of flesh. Dismem- ^jj^ ^ *^lX crooked).
bered meat. To mislead a. 0. To incline. Aj n f.\j\
Silent, quiet (camel). .Q* j ^ ^jjI To deck an display herself fj^'f,
To adorn, to embellish.;*! Co' J olj -^ i (woman).
To adorn, to deck fi^j 5 i'ljl, oUb c^ j Rook (bird), a Carrion- oU^j, ,» f.\j
a. th. -^ To shave a. 0. crow.
To be dec- Oa^jl o\'i'j\j^ %,^'Jcc'J Declination. Doubt. Injustice. fj'j
ked, adorned. To be trimmed (spe- Deviating. 0>iJ,l jj xil3 « Al'3
ech). To be allured. -^ To be shaven. To be bad, ^* j7j Ojj'3, i ol3 -K-

Beech-tx*ee. ^'jj olj spurious (coin).

Beauty, ornament. j\l'^] ^ ^'j To adulterate (money). (x/'j — fi^

a Beautiful. To leap (a wall).

Cock's comb. Al-^' 'k.'j To strut, to sweep ^'"^'ji iVj

Oi'nament. Feast. Feast of x^j^ (man). To waddle (camel). To drag
the Nile. -^ Illumination. its tail (pigeon).
Diseases of the hair, u^'S^I *^'J\
To make, declare (mo- ^ ^'S>j >Ju j
nails or skin. ney) spurious. To dispraise (a spe-
Ornament, attire. ol'ji. ech). To let (bloodshed) unavenged.
Beautiful (moon).
Decorator. Cupper.
o\j'j Coi'nice J^j j_> oC j'lj t-j'ij, t ^ J
-^ Barber. ^ jji of a wall.
C r\'\ )


To ask a. th. of a. o. /b ^ Jul Prefixed to the aorist of a verb ^ -^
To ijj ^S'j S "CuV—f JjU"J , *^*ll-» J*U- is the sign of the future.

ask a. 0. about a. th. I will depart. J^S-^'C

He is responsible for o+iJ' ^s. JUJ Cry for chiding an ass. *c -ft-

the compact. To chide, to ui"ge (an ass). (_» li UL -ft-

He granted ^f'jtuJj i;J>i j iJ^JL iful To become intricate (business). \ZAl^

to bim his petition. To strangle a. o. to s CUL a ^J\^ -tt-

•^ To beg alms, vjlj J^j ,V death.

'_^ Jll3
To ask 0. a. qnestions. JjCij J«UJ To widen (a skin). /b —
t etition,
\ji y^i *^j-^j "^j-^j uj^j J>.— To gorge o.'s self y, CU a ,^j -
request. with (drink).
Questionm'. Inquisitive. Jj^j ^jAi Jt-^ Large skin. Leather-bag.ijj^ ^ oli
Question. In- (opp. to ^\'^ ) Ji^ Good manager of cattle. JC^ oCV^
tei'rogation. Skin for honey. Leather-skin, kjul*
Asking, ;jUj JVj ^Au ;^ j;L, Great drinker of water.
requesting. To throttle a. o. to ? t\s. a cX^ -ft-

Beggar. X'^ ^- death.

Want, affair. j; ii? ^ iLH.; jl i) ll* Side of the throat. ^\S,
Problem, question. To strangle a. o. s iSU j iSu: a ilX -fr
Asked,Jquestioned.-^Responsible.J,il;: To be ill from the use of salt water. jliI
^ Responsibility X^iji^ To drink. To reopen (wound).lSlx aaJuL
^;;>J .A ^L-_) v» V^j C»Umj l»Li; a ^,i-i -ft- To M'alk day and night. ^121
To Joathe, to be digusted at. Disease from the use of salt iiy.
To disgust a. o. j GXl I. ^u: '\
Loathing, weary. j-jy^ To leave (a re- fi> JiJ.]j , \j\:i, a JC -W-

To run. CU a i^U j l^l.: , o iL: -»- mainder of wine) in a vessel.

To purpose a. th. To tear (a a — To remain, to be residual. \j\z. a _,i-.
garment) by straining. To leave the balance of (an ^ JCl^
To excite enmity between. ojJ — account).
Fatherland. Purpose, aim. Pangs, ju: To drink the remainder of * jll3
Far-reaching aim. jllil ju«j (a beverage).
To cut, to 5 ire---' C-^ L- »- Remainder of water, Jul ^ jjJ.
wound. To hock (a horse). residue of food.
^ To sland;^r a. o. J — Remainder of youthful vigour. Sj^
To cut a. th. To spear in sj * Lj: — To be CjL: a ^ji^ j Cs*U a jL;. , -ft-

the anus. chapped around the nails (hand).

To abuse grossly, to curse. 5 LA^j — To chap (lip). To be J>\1j\j,^:Z,
To find the means of. To fi> ^;L split (palm-bark).
occasion a. th. Palm-branch. Hair of the tail. jui
To prepare furrows for (water). J a — Chapped. {J:, ^ ^j^^^

To abuse a. o. s — Fine sand at the foot \'^ ^ liJC-. ^

To be prepared (means). To ^Jiij of a hillock.
be occasioned. -^ To carry on a pet- 5"5TJj $jIj:j x3X:j ibj'Ji^ a jU-w-
ty trade. To seek a living. To question a. o. on. ^j^j ^
To be the cause of. ^—
pn-sed away for over. To use a. th. as means foi". ji_ o —

Wiue. Purchase of wine. tXx^j '11-. To revile o. a. To cut o. a. IjUJ

Wine-mei'chant. 'CI. To expo.se a. o. to reviling. J u^i^
Remote journey. s'UJL Insult, abuse. *j{L1'j t^C^j ',^
Sloigh of sei-pents. x!yi 'j^wJi Reviler. Woman's veil. <~jj^ t '>-^
Mountain-patli. 'ill;; Turban. Peg. Piece of thin stuff.
To take rest. To vxl^ o ^^-^ -S-
Space of time. Pei'iod. nJlL
cease from work. To enter, to keep Anus. Much reviled (man). -C^JL

the Sabbath (Jew). To be confused. Shame, disgrace.

To cut, to stop a. th. To shave fi> — Fore- finger. A week's time. :i_
(the head). To behead a. o. To let Rope. Cau.se, occasion, U^^Z,\ ^ .JkZ.
(the hair) hang down. means. Road.
To be lethargic to swoon.
; ^---^ God has cut his life. yJ^\ *; ik\ /Jas

To die. -^ War ammunition. '-JJ^^^ oC-J-l

To enter upon Saturday. Sab- C'\L\ Means, trade, livelihood. t_,\.^vi ^l^U^
bath da)-. On account of that. 'i ijk~j
To torpify a. o. (drug).s\::4-^"<^J ^^'^ P13S. of hair. Hair vl^'V- t v-i->-^
To be stretched. To be oblong z^'i\ of a horse's mane, forelock, tail.
(face). To become ripe (date). Piece of cloth. Plait i^jd ^ '^^
To keep the Sabbath. c.-l^l of hair.
Sabbath-day. c^^\j Cj/^ ^ ^-^ Sword, lit : liamstringer.»_^i^;!) i_,lJ»
Saturday. Week. Excellent horse. Fore-finger. v-^j *^'r--
Bold child. Artful. Addicted to sleep. Abusive language. \\^Z.\
Space of time. *:!;.::_> cX^'-^j *5I^j c-I^ Reviler. SlL-'j ijlllj "U^-^j *<~iJ v-^
I remained some time. C:;;I.:-j tu-i- Swearer.
Kind of marisli-mallow used as ^L! •^ Gross abuse, curse. a21>J

a tan. Choice camels. ijiLi Jj I

Any tanned skin. c4- <> Petty tradesman, pedlar. ^JiHJ^
Basket. ^A^'P To give vent to (water), fit ^',\',-- -jl-

An'ithum gmveolens. dill {pl(i.)-c^^ P To discharge (urine).

Rest. Lethargic slumber. Time, o^-i To be poured (water). < To ^^1^
Calamity. be curled and dependant (hair).
Th ^ day and the uight. cj^^ UjI Extensive. ^-..0-1^ ,^L^
Club (at cards). J'C-- < Curls of hanging ^a^C- <
Bold. Leopard. Cla- cX^^ ^ J.:xl hair.
morous (woman). Palm-sunday. ^..
Motionless, lethargic. Entering c^-^' To fi> \'JiZ.\j X-h iC^j \y^ a \'.z. -«
u^jon the Sabbath. purchase (wine) for personal use.
Dead. Shaven. In a swoon. cyil-» To flay (a skin). To flog a. o. To
Soft, ripe (dates). ^ilji ^Qj shake (the hand ). To alter (the
To put on a black gown .^4-^~r-~-' "^ skin : fire, heat).
Black globules of jet. Pitch coal.^JLX P To strip off (a skin). » j * tl,
Black gown ^'.^ ^ Se^^-^j S?cr-i To submit to. J tj,l
without sleeves. To take a false oath xjiufovj-j U—
Seller of black garments. rashly.
To swim <j J j XiC^j C>.::: a rCJ^ » To give o.'s self up to (evil). jc- —
in (a river). To be flayed (skin). 'Cl'il.

To busy o.*s self in o.'s own &.J^ ^z^ Tribe of Yemen. U-I.


ta.^ C T\A ) JL-

(shaven hair). To leave off the a- way. To sleep. To be at rest. To
nointing of (o.'s hair). spread (tribe). To run (horse).
To comb and let down (o.'s hair). A — To dig (the earth). To glide J -
Wolf. Misfortune. Black iCj.'\ ^ al_, in (the sky : star). To travel far in
garment. Heads of the thistle '^^a'j • (a land). To be profuse in (speech).
He is a sharp thief. j't--1 Ju-- 3* To praise, to glorify God. Jj 5 ^^
Little of goat's hair. jZ^ To make a. o. to swim. 5 ^1J,1
He does not possess juj Vj alJL iJ C» Leather garment.
anything. Prayer, -r^j^i cjW^ j ^-t ,

Remains of herbage. ju-L Invocation. Moslem beads.

Linen-stopper for a olol-- ^ jl-^ The majesty of God. ji\ 43! j ob--—
tank. Bad omen. Wild swallow. Natation, art of swimming. *i.u.j
Tall. Daring. sjjCjLj jJU:: ^ i^Jt'L: Glory be to God God is far ! Ci\ oi*I-i
Leopai'd. from such imperfection
Cuttle-fish ; ink-fish. r'^^^rf--
^ Swift-running horses.
To probe (a ^
Jp^\j S-jy^ o Ji^ -8- Ships. Stars. Souls of the
wound) ; to sound (a well). To try ; faithful.
to determine a. th. conjectui'ally. Good swimmer. .\^Z.

Lion. Brightness of the face. jlZ, Great swimmer Good -SiC.

Root. Colour. Beauty; jC-l-l ^ -^,j ~ runner.

fine appearance. The All-Glorious (God). ^_^Dlj ^^iij)
Enmity. Likeness. jl^ Hymn, canticle. ^w.Cj ^ x'>.^
4-Thou art treated as I am.^^^y^ ^'jy^ Strong (garment). 9-4--'

Cool morning. ol^P ?- S^j-^ Fore-finger. :cii^lJ

<> Beads used by ^v^^J* 5- **=?-;
Probe wounds.
for Christians.
Fine cloth. Coat of mail of good C? v.C To say Glory be to God. j>Jj:_, jil:: ^

workmanship. Excellent date. To be fi'ee from ^4-- J ^-^ o rC^ -Jf ,

Writing-tablet, slate. Sjjr-- work. To sleep deeply. To go off.

Internal state of a. th. J^ To be saline (soil). ^L^S^^^i^L a -r.^
Handsome, good looking. J.>~-' To abate (heat). To cease ^.IX
To beg, to be destitute (man).cJ?ll -8- (throbbing).
To allay (heat). To wind (cotton ).* —
Poor, wretched. <> To manure.
Bare desei't. Little, zj^jis. - Cjjjy- To dispel (fever, evil) from. ^*—
Beardless boy. To reach a saline soil (by -rC^^
To be loose, lank (hair). To cool (heat, anger). To be ma- ^t^i
To be abundant (rain). iSg o )a'.Z> 'm
To be liberal (man). Saline (land). iCS^i ^-^
To suffer from fever. iAalZ. Ja,- Saline. Swampy ^C- ^ X-^C^i <54--
To cast her young ones (ewe). i^Z. ground; lagoon. Green water-moss.
To remain speechless from fear. Ja;.^1 Manure. j^W "^
To fall motionless. To be weak. Loosened i^x^ ^ {un. xU^ ) ^^^a-^
To cleave to (the ground). ,_j ial-'l cotton, hair. Scattered feathers.
To overlook (an affair). ^p — To shave (the A jCJAj ^S'X.Z. o jC.L -^
Grand-son. Jewish tribe. Lu:;.! ^ ial-^ hair).
Lank, not cri.sp (hair). J,C-- ^ Ll^ To grow feathers (chick). To jL^
Abundant raiu. shoot forth (thistle). To appear

Seventh part. y,UJ,1 ^ ^LL Bountiful, ^a3l jl otpl Ji.:Lj Jail,

libei-al (man).
bii'd of prey. Lupus (conv<e//).-^Lion. Of a fine stature. j,l?J.I itj-^j -J*^
Arfwnfttm, maiden-hair (;j/a.).jji»yvi_^.:L Lank, not crisp (hair). Tufted U"
Cuscuta epithymiim., kind oG:^:^) — (tree). Thistle '^^ when green.
of dodder. Fever. l,Cj;
•^ Dog. j:l)| - February (month). J9i,jl S
Female of a wild beast. :;!:._> xil:!, Abundance of rain. ;kU.'
Lioness. Loosened haii'. Sweepings. :ikCJ-
Seventy, seventieth. oji^ Dang-hi!l. -^ Cluster of dates.
The Septuagint. *d^r^l *i*j^il Shoes, boots. Ja-vUl ^ tU-^ •
Seventh part. Arabian tribe. ^ij: Corridoi', oll^QUj L-jt}.:- ^ l^CC
Seventh. o>ij.U-j *ilX- ^ ;.jC-« vaulted passage.
Seven-lettered. Seven spans high.;;;^CJL Air-cane, pea-shooter. sJlLl:: a
Enormous (camel). Born at the se- To down. To be ^:j.| - ^^a^- «•

venth month. Full-grown (man). extended. To hurry (camel).

Wedding-feast. p^il a Daring. Springing ciy}^ w j^
Week. ^d ^ p,_^j,t forward (lion). Long hanging hair.
Seven times, sevenfolds. ^yj^\ Lying on the ground (camels). cSJSn'r--
Land abounding with beasts of *;L1? Proud, sweeping gait. lS^^^-j
prey. Heron. Tall. _»i«sf-
Forsaken child. Bastard. Slave- ^l/ To be the seventh Aj 5 ul^ a ,-1^ -S-
born. of. To revile a. o. To devour (sheep :

To be long
^h'^ *^ f^ ^ wolf). To kill; to scai'e (a wolf).
(garment). To be abundant (wealth). i)- To frighten a. o.
To extend (rain). To steal a. th. To make a seven- ^—
To direct o.'s self towards. J| stranded rope.
To cast hairless foetus (beast).
To perform the rites of ablu-
^ To bring forth at the seventh ^
f.^\ fi> month. To complete 700 men.
tion. To enlarge (a garment). To reward a. o. sevenfold (God). J ,lx
To fill a. o. with goods (God). Jt * — To make a. th. septuple. To A—
Wearing a long coat of mail.^^j
Abundance. Easiness of life.
divide a. th. To give an heptagonal
shape to. To wash, (a vessel) 7 ti-
Trailing (clothes). Long (tail). ^_u mes. To reiterate an action seven
F. Copious (rain). UglyoU^.L, ^ :Uj'Cw times.
(garb). Complete (benefit). Ample To revile. To "6 (s-C^j 'xZ^Li ;JU.
(coat of mail). bite a. o.
Mail of a helmet ^117 ^ :i-lj j ^-17 To be seven in number. To have /LI I

protecting the neck. Tail. flocks attacked by a wild beast. To

To precede, to Jl^ s lol.;
or- ^ be infested by wild beasts (road).
outstrip a. o. to. To water (camels) every seventh day.
To overcome. To outstrip » - To feed a. o. with the flesh of a s —
a. o. in. wild beast. To neglect (a slave). To
To cast abortive young (ewe). ^_^ give (a child) to a nurse.
To receive or to give a wager ts
— To steal, to rob a. th. fi>
to a, o. To shackle (a bird). To be seven (people). ^JXll^
To race with, •& xh\Lj>j GC-. j?U Seven. /^^ j> *il.i

compete with a. o. Serious (affair). Place of the last ^.IX

To hasten towards. ,
J| jlj,! judgment.
' \

JU- (r- )
HavingjlJj jll^j jlLij jjj/ji:,1 To contend together Jr^'j jJUlj
long mustaches. ina race.
Long-lashed eye. »>U_: oi^ To speak or act hastily
Veil of black silk. :C^ — uj— -ii- Stake laid in JC_1'
To -wear a veil of black silk. cnJ.1 a race.
The leopard. He has the pre- iCu' J ^ijUj jL:. 2
Spinage. cedence in it.
To dote (4^1 Clj \\ 'inner in a
, Cj^-l o^iiCj Jul ^^ Ji\^
(old man). race (horse). Previous.
Dotage of an old man. The Angels. olijlDl
Apoplectic fit. Horse-race. Anteriority. Jesses, ju-
'Dotavdly (old man). Always ahead, winner (horse). jCj;
Spahi, cavalry. Sepoy. He has the upper-hand in cj'^\p

To take ^ J>A_l|j,fU-j ulj, i^ his designs.
a. 0. captive. To melt, to j* (tC^j CsCL:
, i dx'^ -»
To captivate (the heart \ fi>j i JJ, mould (a metal).
To estrange a. 0. (God). To I'each To be melted, moulded (metal). dAlUjl.
(water) by digging. To carry (-^-ine) Ingot. iUC.: ^ iSLc.
to another country. Melting-house, foundry. dXi.CJ ^ dClJ
To make one another captive. jTUj To stretch o.'s self. To be' JC. -H-

carried by a '^j -^j ^ tall (girl).
To revile a. o. ? "^ o Jl-^ -Ji-

Captives. Women. Slough '^ ^ [^ To allow a. th. To dedicate

of snakes. a. th. to pious uses.
Captive (man or CCj: ^ (''i-/0 J;- To put out ears (crops). To
woman). drop (rain, tears). To be beaten
Sea-pearl. Exported wine. X^L (road).
Woman taken as captive. To let down (a veil). To shed fit

Secundiue. Numerous ,},\'yZ. ^ *U;C. (tears). To hang down (o'.shaii").
flock. Produce of flocks. Camels for To weai'y a. o. by words. it —
breeding. Earth of a mole-ho!e. -<> Women's wrapper. Dung. iLi^
Unseemly language. Vice. 'z^ -«- Rain in its fall. Nose. Ear of jl:;
Six. 2^ jt ;i_. corn. White of the eye (disease).
Lady, ( for zj^ ) ot-- ^r C-- •• Mustache. Fore-part of JC_j ^ iiix
mistress. Grand-mother. the beard.
Sixty. Sixtieth. Spike, ear of corn. :ijiZ,j TiijLij H^
Sixth. Road, path. ^ Means jii ^ j^
Yellowish turtle-dove. of access. Public fountain.
Master, i^cJj SoiL-l ^ itJ-t P Holy war. Pilgrimage. .Oil
professor. Doctor. Desire of leai'uing. Ordinances of God.
To veil ; Aj s J{Lj ,\y{Z. o J\~ I have no respon-
\'Sa j "p. ^jJS

to conceal a. th. on that account.

To be veiled. To J^zJi\j JiLi\j JLJi Thou hast no plea j.j^ It viO ^J
conceal o.'s self. to allege.
Veil, curtain, jiixJ, ]j jjiL ^ J{^ ^ We ought to do so.ioT JiiJ 0I CLu:
screen. Covert. Fear. Modesty, Forlorn ti'aveller. uxlll crl
God has manifested his i^t^ ^\ ^~i Road, way, path. iLi.::.
shame. Party of travellers. iou
J'.\'>— !r
Shield. j5 Much trodden (road).
Ti'ack of a road. Measu-
^ (rM )

Covering, screen. J,l ^ i'jU.

re, size. ^ Turkish single-breasted coat.
Natural i»-j»JLli^ ^yfiLij "i^t^iJLj "i^yJL \ eil, jS^ "k ej^-*-;.' ,-n— 5» jii--

disposition. curtain.
Gentle, meek. Easy (walk).7i;o^j 9-4JL Vespers, evening-service. jUi:J| ;>\.^ -tf

Opposite. 5rU-- Pudical, chaste. j<:Z

Fine, well proportioned.-b-j.-^
^ rvn^S The Concealer (God). jL.
To bow down to bo lS_^?t_l o Jc-,^ ^
; Buffoon, droll. jjt'^j s?J,^--- °
lowly. To lower the head (camel). Four. Weight J ULlj jjiUl ^ jUu:i. P
To bow down befoi"e a. o. To J — of four mithcals.
wor.sliip (God). Covering^ veil, curtain. Sj(::J.l.j jtl.,;

To be swollen (foot). loiJi a J^Ji. Understood {pronoun,. JiilJ'

To bow the head. SkZ.\ Pudical, Cji'jy^ i J^-^--^ 5r iy^
To cast down o.'s looks J — (woman). •<>• Not well-off (man).
before a. o. Oysters. C a; j\Z.
VJ-"''.\ Gs
Prostration, adoration. i>?w To stow (goods). r::-^
Bowing, stooping. i^Jj-j ^ a> V-j^ Spui'ious silver. jj^-^j o/'-^ P
/^.Languid Os-i^^j ola>.C- ^ SIa^U To come out in j:l1;j ,
ycZ^ o JiJL -ft-

(eye). Bent (tree). a file. T6 ^1 in drops (tear.s). To

Worshipper. i&t_:. escape successively (beads, pearls).
Prayei--carpet. -f^ Any i-a^jj Sibt-L To follow a. 0. 5 JjL^ j , ycZ. a Ji-

carpet. To follow one another. J^l

Swollen foot. oSs-Cl Water-spring. d^^j oy^ 5- J=-^
Place of worship ; a>,CS ^ j.>l>: Vulture.
mosque. Rubbish of a. th.
Forehead. Pai-ts of j^,CjJ ^ oi,!.;; Narrow I'oad.
the body prostrated in prayer. Root of an old tree.
To prolong her j^UJ^j \'JkZ. o
groans (she-camel).
-« ^ Constantinople.
To track a. 0. To

^1 xjvx^^l P

To heat (an oven). To fill (a * — strike on the buttocks

river ; water). To put a collar to (a But- oC::Jl1 •li^-'U 1 *^^J *^J
dog). tocks.
To give vent to (water). To fi> j%.2 To hurry, to hasten, J.^j i , i^rj: o Uil*
heat (an oven). To lay out the warp
To swell (sea). _^J,
To have friendly intercourse & ,»u«
To follow in a file (camels). jW'^K
To be filled (cup).
Bloodshot colour of the "a'Jr-^i J^.^
Water filling a river. Jy.,L ^ o'J^J^
True friend
Place filled by a torrent. j->S^
Iron collar for dogs. j^\'^ ^ jy>. C-
Bloodshot (eye). Clear tank. J^^\
Heated. Filled. Swollen (sea). J!>?«~»
with, water. Bountiful man. Great Strung (
pearls). Milk mixed with
udder. Gift. Present. much water.
War has vai'ious chances. J^^ ij^'JI Loose, hanging (hair). j>!^i ,^<^
Writing-roll. Deed, oy?*- ^ !>?»-- To be altered, turbid Ci^ a o-?^ -R-
writ, judicial record. •<>• Archives. (water). •<>• To be stirred (people).
Archivist. Cjy?»43l c^A To stink (water). <>- To Zj fi> ^jJ^
Tearful (eye). Abundant J^?^.^ rouse (the people).
(spring). Stir, disturbance. <> Riot. ,j-^
Share. Hard. Large (udder). Jc?^ Turbid, stinking ^j^j u-i^J a^-^
Stone of backed clay. Jc?5^ ^ water.
Flask-case. Jj>LI.j iL>^j J?>-
Allowable. J?^ I will never go to him. j_,_3tAfr ,j_i3s..lj

Mirror. Gold, silver J>C:^ ^ J*ii-^ P To prolong her groans C^-.I- a ic>jL -Jt-

ingots. (she-camel) its twang (bow).


To flow ^.fcljlj o >»?^ "^ To pursue (an aim). A —

, Uisfcr? J '"V?'--'
(tears, water). To use rhyming prose. To coo^l,_j —
To shed A Clii-lj '^.>?«-^j (^^ i o — (dove).
(tear.?, water). Rhyming, asso- /tosJJj ,
^>^'\ -r i^
To be dilatory in. ^ ^yr-^j ^'J>.^
— nant prose.
To shed (tears). A ^i.-'ij ^-ii Piece of ^c*-,^--^ -r *f>?--—'J»
Water. Tear. Leaf of willow. ^1, rhyming prose.
Shedding tears (eye).^i. ^ ^yr-^ cnt Using rhyming prose. Straight f^>
To imprison Aj Ck-^ o ^^^^ -5^ j> forward. Handsome (face).
a. 0. To restrain a. o. from speech. Aim, pursuit.
To conceal (grief). To fii wi?i-llj ^jipe-i^J ^
To split a. th. To dig a (trench)* ^%..Z. let down (a cui'tain)
for a palm-tree. To be thin-waisted. Udb^ a
Gaol, prison. o_y>J' t o^tr To be dark (night).
Gaoler. olW^
Veil, door-curtain.
Prisoner. J^j 'Ui--J. ^ o^*^
Portion of the night.
Stream coming down a hill. Curtain. <> Fringe of a ^Wt-
Perpetual. Violent, Hell-fire. cruJ— garment.
Trench for a palm-tree. Sausage. tJ^?6— Ts
To be quiet, calm. To l^iJL G^ ^ To pour out, to » y^ J?t-^ ^
prolong her cry (she-camel) spill (a liquid).
To pour down (a liquid), o ^}%J^j —
To shroud (a corpse). jf

To touch a. th. To treat (au fi> To register a. th. jat-i fii

affair). To record a sentence (judge), jc —

Calm, quiet. ^^l. To vie, to con- s Vbt--j h^\lJ J^U
Gentle wind. Still (she-camel). '\'^ tend with.
Natural dispo- oCot'-'J Q)^ To be rich. JiJ.1
sitiou. To make large (gifts). To fi>j s

To pour forth jj fit ik^ T^ -«- forsake a. o. To fill a vessel. To speak
(water). To flog a. o. absolutely.
To flow down rJcJlj (y , \aJi.O- To leave (an affair) to a. o. J *—
(water, tears). To compete, to vie together. J>0
^ ^ r
To be vei-y fat
> > * r •
To be poured. J?«^l.
(ewe). Bucket filled Jj^j JW^- ?- J?«--
^ To pare the eaiih in riuming i^
j;^^ Tough, dry dates.
(beast). Air, atmosphere.
To be scratched. trii^'j ?!o-.l^ Giving much water (cloud).
Running gently (camel). tt*^— Teai'ful (eye).
Wont to swear (wo- j-Ulij ?r^'i-^ Blood-horse, good runner.
man). To come down (water;.
Plane. Running gently. ^Gw« Court-yard. x5vlii.l_j ^-litl.

To fascinate, s ^t:Z.j , 1^^ a jk^ ^ Vehement rain. yXJr^i 9-.-?--l

to bewitch. To wheedle a. o. To trail, to drag /b C^^ ;, ^j. ^

To turn a. o. away from. a. th. -^ To draw (a sword, lots, a
To gild (silver). To spoil bill of exchange).
(clay : water). He sweeps, he walks proud- ilJi v_.afcl3

To wound a. o. in the s r
lungs. He overlooked his <.jU^ U ii]i ^i-.—
To rise, or act at day- faults.
break. To behave familiarly with. \s, ^IcJi
To feed a. o. at daybreak To be dragged, drawn. To •<>• ^\'\
To be, to depart at withdraw from partner.ship.
daybreak. Dimness of tht sight. xli._i

To eat at daybreak. Remains of water. XJU-JL j —

To crow at dawn (cock). ^ Drawer of a bill. sll^^l ^_o-C
Witchcraft, sorcery. Eloquence, p.^ Cloud. (coW.) sJ^kZ. ^ i_)U-'
seduction. A Space of time, y-jiae-l ^ :J''>J1,
S3U-J jU b Jj^— rr j^-^J ^>-^J j*^ We have w-alked U^]^ ^G-J. ^^t",
Lung. the whole day.
He has overstrained -<) Drawer, chest. 4{bs>
himself. Name of a man proverbial
Beginning of dawn. for his eloquence.
Daybreak. End, edge Wide valley. Large (belly),
Dawn, daybreak.
Wizard, oj^j^j jb-. make unlawful profits.
Learned man. Deludei To destroy, to extir- a c^JiSi cJ:^j —
Willow tree. pate a. th. To .shave utterly.
Meal eaten at day jr"^ W jy— To peel out (the grease) from — ^ fit

break. (the flesh).

Hei'b fattening cattle. j\a^{j jU. To be unlawful (profit). c^JlI
Great wizard. ji^_ To lose o.'s wealth. c>i_ll
Children's play. •<> Cup-^>G..^^ 53(;^ Worn out (dress). Unavenged ^isj:
board, chest. (blood). Puni.shment. Vehement cold.
Having a complaint of the _n?i. Unlawful ti'ade. c,Vi>J.1 ^ cJ>-J^j cJ>-Ji
belly. Big-bellied (horse). Lost Cjj^^J c^^ ,-0^.-J C->fc-«
Spoiled (food). Wasted J^^- (goods).
(country). Worn out dress.
To .slay s LkkLj'j (J^^ iai.1 -» Unsatiable (sto- sIuUlj j'_^'
a. 0. To choke a. o. (food). mach). Suffering indigestion
To put water (in wine). A — RaggeJ garment. Soft c,_^J. •
To slip down fi-om. ^ iaki^i desert •<> Farthing. Little.
Gullet, throat. LklS To scratch s t^^^^j >^- , a r-*-^ ^
To peel (grease). a, 0^^ a J^^ -j^ a. o. To abrade the skin.

smooth (silver). ]
To shave off (tbe head). To bura a
To be fluent in speech. (palm-tree).
Cash, i-eady money. To di-ive the clouds fi, ^^._:1j SyJL
Cloth of one thread. String. To sell (grease). a SyJ-\
Leveret, young hare. iSkL urease ^jiiuw ^ Xj^j^i—j >_sC>t— ^ <i9s-
Sea-shore. Sea-coast. J>G-- « J^'— of the back.
Bit of a bridle. Jbt_- Con.sumption of the lungs JbrJ.
Braying of asses, mules. y\^J^j Jli-Jl- Clack of a mill.
Filings of gold, silver. Husks xJbtJ, Sweeping rain. *Jy-J^j xL^.^
of wheat. Refuse of naen. Kind of bean used for sciatica. oUk^i
Single-stranded I'ope. i!^~>^ To pound, ffi jtj:,j,(j^^ a jk^ -^
LizarJ. JG-Jl^, :;!ik- n to crush a. th. To sweep (the earth :

Tree used for tooth-picks. JG-JLI wind). To wear out (clothes). To

-•-,., -, • . -.,'• -> •*!
I soften a. th. by rubbing. To crush
Long-haired (youth). I
(an insect). To shave the head.
Places watered by a stream. J>C-1 I
To destroy a. 0. To let fiij s jas-ltj —
File for wood. \\'ild as.«.j=»C^ ^ J'tl^ down tears (eye).
Tongue. Brave. Bouatifulness. Bridle. To be remote. ujt-i j^-^ j a j^J^ ,

Cheek. Copious rain. To be lofty (tree), \ik-l o jk:^

Salep, dry ( /by ^iJLil ^'^i ) ^Jb-j: ^ I
To be threadbare ^^i-^h ^_ji.Z — ,

roots of orchis. j
Tortoise. ^,u-: ^ (/"or:aiL:; ) <Iuj: <>•
May God estrange him! 'cH ii>JLl
To become o ^i-^j , Ci-^ a >y^ "^ i To be crushed, brayed, jail'jij jk^y
black. i
To be emptied (bucket). To be ji^'jl^
To blacken (the face). * ^^ widened. .<> To be contrite (heart).
To pour down rain (sky). ^>-^^ Shabby vestment. Thin j/, t>*-
Blackness, black xi^^ ^ j'\^~^j jS^.^ I
colour. Remoteness, distance
Smith's hammers. J^^ May he be far off!
Black. ^.JL y. ci^ >. >— Tall (ass, palm-tree).
Horn. Idol. Woman's nipple. j^--^'^ Remote (place).
Wine-skin. F. Heavy rain.
To break, to crush v^^ a ^y.^ ^ Streams of tears.
(a stone). To rub off (wood). <>• Contrition, sorrow

To examine (cattle). a ^Si>i j>\^ for sin.

To meet a. o. To ti-eat kindly. 5 ^C-, To make a single- A %iZ. a Jk^ -^
AppearaDce,'C^j:j 'Vj^J^i -J^^i "Ci^ stranded (rope). To make the warp
colour. Softness of complexion. of (cloth).To peel, to rub off. To file
Pounding-stone for cJ^S-J' rr ^-l/* (a metal). To poimd a. th. To pick
stoneri, gold. out (coins). To cash (money).
To scrape off; a G-.I- a i o U.-1. -^ To pay a. th. cash. To give s — fi>

to shovel (mui). To shave (the (100 lashes) to a. o.

hair). To revile a. 0. — s
To bind (a book) in * jis-lj t-JLj — To shed tears eye). 'i.'yj.j —
thin leather. To bray (mule). VU-ij ^L^i-^ —
To shave (the hair). a jcZ.\ To come to the sea-shore. j:^u'
Thin leather( ?<«. 3!^ ) ;^._:l ^ 'G^^ To find a. 0. reviled. j J^-LI
for books. To be scraped, pared. To be jiljl
5 ^

0^ Cr e ) ]^
To be weak-mindecl. ij\»^Z. o ^k^ -tt- Open court. Region. k^ ^ s^U--
To burst (water-skin). To be thin Thorny tree. Bat.
(cloth). Scrap of paper. Filings. Meninx. ijj^
To act foolishly with. s wiiC Part of a cloud. Shovel-making.
Weak-mindednes3.;J(i._:_, ^i-lj .^k-i Sweeping stream, rain. *^u.
Emaciation of hunger. *litj,j *iii-l Shovel-maker. 'Ch^
Weak (mind). Thin (fabric). ^,9iZ^ Iron shovel, hoe. ,5rCJi ^ siiw;
To banish a. o. fi>j s ^^ a Jk^ -H- To stick its tail into UiJ: o '-rJi -H-

To take a. th. by deceit. the ground (locust). -^ To strike.

To find fault with a. o. fi>j y jl-j: Soft ground. ^L.iJLj ^'^
To shake down (dates). Plain necklace for ^'^J. ^ ujU— -5^

To put off (a business). * j^-^l children.

Weak, worthless J&..J,j jt^ ^ jj.^ Tree alike to the sweet-ru.sli. ^ji-J.

(man). Imperfect thing. To be reduced c.Vi-.~l — c.i:~. -ft-

Lamb. 6>U-J-j JU-..-.J ji-J. ^ xli-.- (swelling).

Unknown, obscure. J^.>J-i Strong, vehement. c^^i-.— j c-i-—
To blacken, to ^ji, — ^y.^
ifc -i^ Dung of hoofed animals. c>^
disgrace a. o. To heat (water). Mnro.^co leather. oC;k-ij >^''='?^-~ '^

To irritate a. o. oj 'jJa»,
— Tanned goafs skin.
To hate a. o. jp ^»-.^ To agglutinate ( leaves).ji..JL — j^.^ -ii-

Blacknes."?. *ik.ij ^'^^ Warm. Ji-^

Black colour. Coal soot. Agreable^ii-JL : Yellowness, swelling in the face, ji.^
wine. Black (night).
Black. J..Z, ^ 'likJl j> JJJ\ To constrain a. o. to forced work.
Blackish. ^cCi-J, To have a good wind \'jUZ. a jU^

Hatred, malevolence. ^j(i._j; ^ C-i-.^ (ship).

To be lewd, besmeared. iajy-.^ -if-

Filth. J=ikJL>
^ ^ ^
scoff at.
To be hot. •<>. To suffer ji^j Ci-J-j To humble, to abash a. o. -<> To ? _,li.X
from fever. To be ill. appoint by law.
lO be X^is_ Cj_ji5.-<j Uii^ _j ijlt a (Sii-^ Forced work, task imposed %jiji
heated (by grief eye). : without pay. Laughing stock. Com-
To warm (water). s^ * oi»-llj ^1^ pelled to work.
> To cause fever, to render a. o. ill. Scoffer, mocker. fji-J^
To heat the eyes i. e. oil. j iilp ^i,,:.! Forced labour without J^'^^j ''ij"-^
To afflict a. o. (God). hire.
*Jl9s--_J <j^it.wj *ii5..»;J *.o:.wJ *-»iI- Ridicule, scoff, derision. ^o^-*
Fever, feverish heat. Kind of Hijosciamui, narcotic. jtj.
OVJUs—J (il.Xii.JI.J OUit—J (jO,aiJl_) •, ?: .
Laughing-stock. jh^^ f '"'J^-'-^
Hot. {Opp. to ijU ) i
^ Mask. Buffoon.
Hectic fever. *iL43 "^jy^^ "^ Advocate appointed by law. jLL^ J^J
Hot. •<>• Fevei'ish, sick To be Jtj i Gak- a
s lIi13j ,
Jai-.- -^

Warm, heated broth. displeased with. -^ To curse.

Hot. Inflamed by tears (eye). To discontent, to anger a. o. ^ l^yj.]
Painful (blow). To find (a gift) paltry. * Sak-l
Thin gruel of coarse flour. Discontent, iaULij ia^^J iak-^J JaiwX
Shovel. Butcher's oi^-Vi:!- anger.
knife. Hateful, a Idol. 1*^.1?

To feign ; to lie. 9r^J ~ Boots. Cooking- oj»Uj ^ o'^tljj o'*--'

To lay with the face on the ^oljl. pots.

ground. Witty, jolly, facetious.

Liar. sr'^ Caldi'on. oh\-^ t *^»5-^

To kill and lay (a s G-aJL a ^-'j^^ ^ \p>J'j ^^j «L>^ a ^s^^J o li-Jl -S-

baast) on the ground. To prostrate To be liberal, bountiful. 'c^^J-j

a. 0. on the ground. To make (a ca- jjiiJIj jUl CisJL a ^^j:ij ,\jii^ o Vii.^

mel) to kneel. To fill (a skin). To give vent to fii'e beneath a pot.

To kill a. 0. i ^j^j —
To be prostrated with t'-^X To withhold o.'s self from.
parted legs. To show munificence. j^LIjj ^/--^
Rich. -r^^ Munificence, generosity, sjikilj -li-Jl

Lying prostrate. ^-j^xUj -rj^^ Bountiful, liberal.'i^^j '^-^'^ 5r ^-

To rend (a A 0->'j-^J O'^ ^ J->^ ^ Soft plain. j^A-J^i ^SS^-^ -^ -i^Jlk^
garment). To loose (o.'s hair). To .stop (a flask). To A iS.:: o ^ -fi-

To be perplexed Sj'^'j a joJ, 0^ dam (a river ).To close up (a breach).

(man). To be dazzled by the heat To supply (a want), -tf- To balance
(camel). (a debt). To shut (the mouth).
To go down a declivity. To j^aIjI^ To hit the right point. J iSlo-i — i

hurry. To hang down (hair). To speak, to act rightly in.

Lote- ( ja_j5f un. "ajJ^ ) jjj-^ w J-"--
To be rightly dis- 'jSJk^ li 1l1 a 'j^j —

tree. posed, well-directed.

Vertigo. jai- •• To direct a. o. aright. To fi>j s ijji,

Perplexed. Heedless. Sea. jj_: point (a spear) at.

Fresh herbage. Castle of king ^o.:. To hi set aright. aHj
Naman. To be stopped, closed up. 'j1:.\j olJt
Two veins of the eye. olj^VI To be right, well directed. aiU.1.

He came back with ijjjJLl i~>J^i '(» Barrier, obstacle; iloJ,! ^ jJ^j :uL
empty hands. dam. a mountain, a screen.
To be the sixth. To Clxj: i ^oi- -8- Vice, defect, blindness. sa_.l ^ —
make up the number six. Black cloud. Dam. The ajlul ^ XxZ.
To take the sixth part s C-luL o — great wall of China.
fi'om a. 0. Rocky valley retaining i^XL ^ —
To make a. th, hexagonal, * ^-j^ water.
six-angled. Right, true (word). x-
To be six in number. To water ^jjJ\ Rightness, truth. il^xXj ij^
camels every six days. Milk coagulating in (un Siio--) i\'j^
the udder. Stopper. Means of living.
Sixth part, a sixth. Obstruction in the nostrils. ilojL
Watering of camels every ^'-J^ •^ Ob-struction of the ijiJI ^-J
sixth day. bowels.
Tooth gi-owing ^'j^j ^'jJ. ^ ^'j:L. Door, threshold. Seat, ijj, ^ %j^
before the Jj i; dignity.
Sixth. l_liU- J, u'^i^
The apostolic see. zl[^'J\ ;!lLJI

Six and six. l^^j^j ^lo-i Affected with cataract iixJL ^ SiC-
Brownish cloak. Lamp- ^j-j'jJ.j ^-jJ-^ (eye). Old (she-camel).
black. Right, just. :jJ ^ Du.1_> juo,:;
Six-lettered (word). Six cubits '^^\JJi He has fiUed his place. ijuj: IC
long (veil). To suspect a. o. of.^_, 5 iUlc o ^ilui -ft-
To be altered from stagna- ^juLj — Sixth part. Six years ol<l ur-i.-^-'
tion (water). (beast). Six cubits long ( veil). A
To covet a. th. To be addicted ^— certain tooth.
to. To slaughter and Sj (t-'jZ. a pjul
fi> -ft-

Grief, anxiety. ^j,^ throw down a. o. To hurtle a. th.

Spilt ^(aJ.1 ^ j,'jj.j ^oJLj jtJ^j j-'jJ^ He was smitten by asojai. ScJ.. poJ,
(water). calamity.
Altered waters. ^lliJ, Ij ^lul oC; God save thee from i^lu: [^ jj>2ii lliiJ

Grieved, repeuting. oC«a.::j ^iU- all misfortune.

Illustrious (man). Mist, ^jul^ v-'^ Leader, guide. p-j^
Sodom (town). ^j^ To be dark (night), ^jj^] — jo— -ft-

To be door- ifc ^Jl^-J '''^^ o o-ui^^ To shine (dawn). To sleep. To be

keeper in a temple of idols. dim (sight).
To let down (a veil, a garment), i o
— To light (a lamp). To open (a A—
Veil, curtain. cXj^j o'-^j olu- door). To raise (a curtain). To drop
Keeper of a temple. H'jJ^ ^ ^.^C (her veil; woman).
Fat. Blood. Wool. Veil.

cj a:- To depart from. ^—

Plain, of a single colour. oiC P Darkness. Night. Light. Dawn. ^jj.
To ajl| ^SJJJL,\J L? J-^b , ''»^ o laJL -^ Ewe.
stretch foi'th the hand. Object seen from afar. ^jIlS, ^ 3j^
To play with j^ij^ ^s'-^i^\j s?^-b - Shadow.
walnuts (children). Curtain. :;jla-

To direct o.'s self iLl: o \j^ Blackness of the night. Door- ;iju'
towards. curtain.
To become tender ^sJd^J Fat of the hump. ^-^
(dates). Black. Dark oJuL ^ 'VjJuL ^ ^iJuil
To ascend on. To follow. (night).
To sweat (horse). To be

addic- ^_, li^luLj Q=.jJl a ^^ -^

Sixth. ( for ted to.
To A jlxljj jjJ.\j jj<Z, — jj^ -S- To set (dates) regularly. A iJju'
make the warp of cloth. Addicted to. Dexterous. Spear- iljuL
To do a benefit to. J[ yjjj.]j ijj^ thruster.
To moisten the earth (dew), j^ To let * Ja-llj J!»-^ J .Vlul. o Ja.C- -fr
fit i

To forsake. To get a. th. ^s'-^\ down (a curtain). To loose o.'s hair.


To make peace between. ojj

— To rend (a garment). VaJL o — i

Warp of a tissue. Night "iJjjSs ^ c?ju. To hang down (hair). Jju_jIj J!uJ
dew. Honey-comb. Benefit. Pearl-necklace hanging on the Jlu.
• Green date. 'IJuLj — breast.
Forsaken, of no avail, i^S-JLj i^aJL Veil. JIuL'Ij Jjl^-ij JllC'l ^ Jai._j —
useless. Inclination. JaJL
Warp of a fabric. 4-^\i t?^t Litter-veil. J|a-l t) J'J^J J^ ?r Ji,-*-^
Warping mill. ola-L/> Door-curtain of a tent.
Rue (medicinal plant). u(i^ -»- Kind of sofa, stuffed bench. J^;u. P
Galega^ goat's rue. ,_^!l ^(j:^ To have long mustaches. Ji^~
Simplicity. «: llil -«- Mustache. J^>-i
Simple, good-natured ; oiU -fy-j ^iu P To shut up, to bolt A C.1l:l o ^o-l -fr

(man). Plain (colour). Unmixed (wine). a door.

Malabatkrum, Indian ;;jj.iA ^iL. To be grieved, to repent. C»jil. a ^jl^
spikenard. •^ To loathe food.

Secret. Heart.
Cr A)
Armlet. Ring of shackles
'«r- T ^JLj"^ O^'j—
Female slave. Con- Heart. Sparrow hawk.
cubine. jpjlJuL P
Happiness and misfor- 'l^lj 'I^Dl Sparrow-hawk. JJjSj-j jlli>^j
tune. White falcon.
Lines in the fore- Sparrow "
»-r- jC oSJuwj oGJ-.^_j ^\Ji^
head. hawk.
The best part of a race, of a j^^ i olr^j Zj\^j \Slr^j ^j^j ^JJ^T" o y^" -^
valley. To cheer up, to rejoice a. o.
Last night of a lunar month. J^j — To cut the navel-string to (a 5 1^ —
Choice part of a race. j\^ ^ aj^lr" child). To wound a. o. in the navel.
Bottom of a valley. To have a complaint of the 1^ a —
"Worn-out (fire steel). Galled in yJi navel.
the bi3ast (camel).
Cause of joy, gladness. S^^
To rejoice at, to
be glad of.
i_, yJi^\j 0^^'- ^
Stems of sweet-smelling jLli ^ — To rejoice, to gladden a. 0. s ^1j j^«
plants. To speak *;'ii j Ijl^r-j SjU~i jC
Speaking-tube. secretly to a. 0.
To sharpen (a blade). -«- To conceal (news). To divulge fi, y^\
Skilled manager of (a secret).
cattle. To manifest (a secret) to a. 0. Jt A —
To lay eggs i -J,>. -):!- To show (love) to.
(locust, tish). To be prolific (woman). To take a concu- 'J:^Jij\j tjl^j xj^
To be at tke time of laying ]y:S\ bine-slave.
eggs. To reveal secrets to 0. a. jU_i
Eggs of locusts, fishes. s1>-j '^.-j '>'.- To take delight in. Jl^

Oviparous. m%j 'j^ ,r ')J^ To hide o.'s self from. ^p V-a-^I,
To pasture freely ^.jj^ o ^'Ji- -M- Secret. Heart, conscience, jl^'-'l ^ ^-,
(beast). To flow (water). Marriage. Origin. Choice part.
To go at random into ( J- () Mystery, sacrament. Health,
country). toast.
To overflow (vessel). C^'- Provost of merchants. Jj^, 'j,^^

To be injured by the fume of First secretary. w?ir >- P

molten silver. To weary, to trouble a. o. i^ ^iol
To dig the earth on the right To your
i>- health. iJ>j
and left, To go back home
-if- Secretary. : jllr^Vl ^ilT
To moisten a new water-skin. In seci-et and openly. ''••'^S^i 'Si-
To send parties of (camels, 2^
— Mysterious. Sacramental. '^'j^ ^
horsemen) against. Lines ^j,tl.1 t-»- J''J^\ -r Sj-x'.i Sv
To enter( its shelter; j i^S^'j v^--^ of the hand, of the forehead.
beast). -^ To escape. Line of the hand. jj^i SJ^
Camels. Cattle. Road. Breast. yjj^ Navel-string, jj,^^ yj^^ s>j ^, J^
Way of actiug. Navel. The best ol^-^'-j jjL ^ S^
Herd (of gazelles) ; U('j^\ ^ kJ^th- spot of a valley.
party of women. Collection of palm- CoUjledon, navel-wort. tr'jVl "Cj^
trees. Way. Road. Heart. Joy, delight.
j^^^ j/Ji.
Den of wild beasts. v'S-'-^ t vl^-
Bedstead. Throne, j^j s^J ^ ^_r'-,
Underground conduit, drain. Flow- Royalty, authority. Litter. Base of
ing water. Frequented (road). the head. -^ Cradle.
Natural behaviour, x^j. ^^ Flock of sheep, b:rds, >J'J.^ -^ iJ^'-
Manure, dung. •-^-r" P women. Way. Row of vines. Seam
To go alone, to <>jj^j (>-JL ^ of a water-skin. •<>• Great umnber,
pasture on mOrning (flock). many.
To drive (a flock) to finj s ^^L — Short journey. Seam of a .skin. "C'js.
pasture. To manifest (o.'s thoughts). Mirage. sJCJ^.
To send a. o. away. Going straight on heed- ^^/JLj ^jS^

To attend o'.s business (»y:^ a ^^ lessly.

freely. Drainer of cess pool. 'J iji^'^
To pasture (a flock) at Aj ? ^^ Black lead. Molten L»^'j ^^'-l P
leisure. To send (away). To repu- silver.
diate, (a wife). To comb (her hair : Road of a beast. Bed ^j il>: ^ 'Sj^
woman). To free (a slave). To faci- of a stream.
litate (a business). Pasturage. Canal. ^j\-J ^ *;lr^
To send an express to a. o. Jl^ ^
— Hair of the breast. i_»j UJ; ^ "jIt-^j —
To be dispelled (grief ). ^'JJi\j '^yj Long. Swift (stream). i_)_r'«i*

To go at a gentle and quick ^Ir-'J, To walk at noon, to walk rtj^r^ -S-

pace. To lay on the back in stret- leisurely. To be sprightly and active.

ching the feet. To undress o.'s self. Far-extending desert. ^^.Ir"
Flock pasturiug freely. Any ^^ Straightforward, frank. cIj^,- Ps
thornless tree. Plant of the Pente- To clothe a. o. s Jilr'" "S-

naria class. To clothe o.^s self ^ To be J>'^-i

Swift -paced horses. ^'j:^ jli confused.
Divorce. Ease. Haste. ^\ Shirt. Clothing. Breast j^.;t^ « J^!/~
Wolf. o^\yL.j ^l>,-j ^^Vj plate.
Lion. Middle of a tanli. Strong, sour (taste). olr^ Ts
He does not possess o^J \j Vj IjV. ir^" "^
anything. To he.
Naked hor.^e. Easy. Quickness, ^.j To plait (her hair woman). : A—
Quick, -(f- Vagrant. To be beautiful fface). Q-lrC- a
Strap. Narrow pas- •rJ>\j^M To embellish, to adorn fit

sage in a thicket. a. th. To plait o.'s hair. To forge (a

Comb. story).
JMeadow, pasturage. <>-To whip (clothes). To saddle fi> ^^'..
A poetical metre. (a horse). To register (a letter).
Quick-paced (hoi'se) To saddle (a horse). s ,-^1
Jackal. Long- ^, Horse's saddle. tjIt- ?r -rin^
bodied (mare). Tall of stature (man). His business has taken a i?^^- Jt»
Rocket, squib. i'jj}'^^ -riJ^-- ^ bad turn.
Cracker. Lamp ; lighted wick. Sun.^^.. ^ s-l^n-
Fern. ^Ir" ^ Glow-worm. iUDi ^\'^.. >j j^l -
To stitch, to A )3i:^j \i-ji, i i>'- ^ Mandrake. Lychnis, i^^^aji\ jt'S^-
sew (leather). corn-cockle.
To To weave |S>'- o —
pierce a. th. Sesame-oil. rVi^J ^r^
(a coat of mail). To coordinate the Saddlery. <>• Farcy, (horse *^i>-
thread of (a di.«course). To read disease).
hastily. ^ To sift (flom-). Liar. !r'!r-
To continue )S;^ a ^^'-j »^1 - Saddler. '^^-.j'J^'^JT^lr''
fasting. Oil- lamp. srJ^CJi r *? .r-'^J *?Ir'--»
ijj^ (r
Speed, readiness, quickness. st^'^j ^'JL j
To perforate a. th. To sew * iV
Make haste ! f:jtJ\ <;.'Ji^\ (leather
How %Jj>- li y^J^i Ci^j^i iSs-j^ To bear green dates (palm-tree). i^l
quick does he come forth. To follow uninterruptedly yjij
Foremost people, horsemen. otlr- (pearls, tears).
Quick. fXlr^^ 9r **ij^^ ^ cJ^'j'-' t ^iy To overcome, to get the » j'^J'^^

Ninth poetical metre. Aiv^' best of.

Prone to good ^j,C'^ ^ f'lr^j f-^^r^ Mailed fabric. Consecutive (stars). i_>C
or evil. Hard green date. il^'-

To feed (a child) well. 5 ^s-'j^ -« Awl. ^Ir^J -'iy-'-J s'vv

To be well fed (child). ^s^J^ <> Coarse sieve. ;>j r_> ^ ^Ir^J •»^'- ,

To eat grapes. li.^ a p^rC -Ji- Coat of mail. oij'_r^j ^Ir^

Vine-Lranch. pj^ ^ ^.^1 Underground ^il^r- tt v'^lr- f*

To eat up (tree- A Cslr^ o -» j^ vault, tank. < Subterranean passage.

leaves : insect). Tall, strong, blood ^i(>'- ^^ r-''^>- "^
To suckle (a child) to excess. ^ — she-camel. Grove of acacia trees.
To be neglectful, /b Cj>'- a iJ^^ Commander-in-chief. j'^lr- P
ignorant of. To set a pavilion, awning. * Ji>'- -S-
He is addicted to wine. jSi^t. 3^ Cloth-tent. Awning. c.^j.»ijr>-' ?- Jpl^-
To squander o.'s wealth. fi> o^rJ Whirlwind of smoke or dust.
To act immoderately in. J — To sprinkle.
Squandering, lavishment.oi^l j ^'JL To hesitate ; to feel
The tank has O^'- J^j»d\ 'C« scruples.
overflowed. Scruple, hesitation. ^L'JJi •>

Red black- headed caterpillar. Vertigo, brain-disease. j,\L\r-, P

Negligent, unmindful. il^l
Ground fall of catei-pillars. i^Ji, ja'J\ To swallow a. th. A i»j^-l.lj itl/^j
Severe, teri'ible (day). <-9j^ To be swallowed easily (food). I»^rUl
Row of vine-stocks. >-ii^- Way, road. ^^'^pj •J»lj--

Lead, pewter, o^-l P Sharp, cutting (sword). Jsi;^

Angel of death for Moslems. J^J^Li Cutting (sword). Swift (horse), ^i^'*
Seraph. ^.jjLl H Great eater. Ja-1» ^-j •i»IJ^-j •I'lr-J ~
Swallowing quickly. J»l^-j x^^
To steal i fi>j ^ f> 3'J^\j tijj^i
Crab. Craw-fish. Lobster. ol^>'-
a. th. from. Cancer (zodiacal sign). Cancer, can-
To be concealed. To O a J_,^ ker (disease).
become weak (joints). Gullet. Wj^J \»'jLj'

He is hoarse. i7^^ j_/^ To be scared away at full j^J^^ ^

To charge a. 0. Avith robbery. 5 j^ speed.
To look stealthily at. Ji^ J^\ j^C- Eloqueut. Large-gulletted. J^'j^_ -S-
To steal a.th. little by little. j^/j To li'lr-J ^*IrsO *^^-' O Pv~ "^
To listen, to look stealthily. hasten, to be quick.
To glide away sti^althily. To
JS-^l hasten towards.
To hear stealthily. To
';.;'ii j:Xll have a swift beast.
To become languid (joints). Jj\J^\ To hurry, to be quick in.
Theft, robbery. *Jlrwj *J>r-j *Jy- To bring a. o. speedily. ^—
Agrostis, bent-grass. j^'^ To hasten to. oj Jl. pjCjj ^^rlj
Piece of silk-cloth. Young tender vine-twig. ^^j'i ^Ji-
Little saw. tf- Rein. p'Cr--^ rr 9-r^
( r\\ )

'V Back. Middle of the oUlr'- t sC

day, of the road. Thief, robber.
The leaders of the people. ^^1 CjV/JL Female robber
Manly, magnanimous. Choice part. Weak. Listening stealthily,
Generous lord. Short-necked.
Generous, of a Ql>-j o^iyC ^ l?^'- Sour wine.
maiily temper (woman). Dung, manure. iP
Locust just hatched. «ilo,'J S'ij-- To pine away. (6»^ a iJ,

*—il^^J *j_^j *i^-J i^../- i iS.r-' "^ To walk sluggishly.

To i/>tJL)j i^lr^Ij , L^.r-'J OC ^'-j Court of a prince. jir;^-, P
travel during the night. To exile, to banish a
To make a. o. to k_y 5 (^Ir'-U »->
~ To be exiled.
travel during the night. Money-order. Bill to order. r>'^ Ts
To creep along (roots). To tJlr- To put trousers to. 5 Jilr- "^
circulate (blood). <> To be contagious To put on trousers. di.r^
To creep in a. o. (poison). J — Full ti'ousers, drawers.
To load (a beast) with luggage, — fit Feathered on the legs (
pigeon). Jj^^
To send forth (a detachment). ^ j^'^ Black-legged horse
To free a. o. fi'om cares. aJS ^s. — To cut a. th. to * ^^1 — j,^^ -n-

To walk in company with. ^'j\^ ji pieces.

To repair to an upland. (^^"J To be cut, cut off.
Night journey. <ij^3 CiClr'-J <s'J^ Anus, end of the rectum. ^.^
Night-traveller. Jlr^\ ai Pain in the anus.
Highest point, summit, oljlr- t «'^'- YeUow or black wasp.
Tree from which ( im. tVJ,^ ) A'J^ ^P
bows are made. Boots, gaiters.
The lion. ^sA'J^\i Jj,^~^b s?jJ-5l Long (night). Perpetual.
Night-cloud. Column. ji}j. ^ :: j L, Eternal (God).
^ Mast of a ship. Atriple.i\, orache. Androsce-

Castle, oUl>- «. C l>'-j *il>'- P mum^ all-heal [plant).

palace, seraglio. Minium, red-lead.
Trench for oIj^-j *i_n*.1 ^ ^_n- To feed (a child) well. To
watering palm-trees. cut (a camel's)hump.
Body of troops. l^'lr^ ?r *i -rC Fat of a camel's hump.
Rounded spear-head. Fat (hump), well fed
Syriac. ^'ilr^. To lay eggs (locust) b: 1, o 1^'- -il-

Tree foi' making ^-^--J v-^- "^ To strip o's clothes.

arrows. l^'-j Sjllo'-J b-r^ a (^y^J,0 jj^j ~
Cassia. Dolichos sesban. oUli~L ^ To be magnanimous, manly. «l^-j
Ebony. Tree for making bows.^^C -{:{- His cai-es have ^^11 iXs. iJ^'Jb s?yi<
Long-legged (man ). 'J^^l - JaJa^^ ^ cleared away.
Tow, oakum, stuff. . *lia-ll G To show bravery. J^^
Stone-bench. Black- ^^1j11> ^ :ul3j_>i To choose, to take the best * i^OvJ-l
smith's anvil. of.
To expand fi, ^S^j , fstL:: a ^.L-L -« Cypress. Merit. ( un. sj^'^ ) /j:^
(dough). To flatten (a terrace). To Magnanimous. Plant-insect.
spread out dates to drv. Little arrow. '1^^ ^ "ijj^j »3^,-J
To be long-necked. iT.h " a To prostrate a. o. To make 2^ ^jj.1
To raise (dust). To ij fi> (a camel) to kneel. To set free (a
mark (a cam-1) on the neck. suckling).
Clapping of hands. Sound To be flattened, levelled. -j-JalJ

of a blow, a faU. fy To stretch o.'s self on the back.

df a shining white. J'Q' f^^ To lay on the back to be ; 9-.kljl
Longest pole of a tent. Mark ^ik^ spread out.
on a camel's neck. Huge camel. Flat top, roof (of a ^>^ « r-^^
Dawn. Long. ^j^ house). Area. Plane.
Long-necked. ^.k^l Lying wounded. Cripple. •r.^a^
Eloquent, fluent in .speech. .u :.» Water-skin. K>:Ja:^j —
Element. c\','lh'\ -r tr-|i*-l ^ Creeping plant. ( un. lilLjL ) ^iL-.
To intoxicate to delight a. o. > jkl -^
; Leguminous plant.
To be iutosicated jisi^b jIiIjI ,
Level place. Drying-floor. r-ilJ*
with hemp. Pole of a tent. Tra- ^-.tsCj; ^ ^.kl/i
Copper- jLlJj JjiJ-j J\JaJ.1 ^ jL- P velling-mug.
pail. D P iste of hasheesh. Roasting-pan. Rolling-pin. ^ilal>.j —
Intoxicated with hemp. Jj^IaA.^ Flattened. Flat nose. Mai of ^Jxl^
if Idiot. dwarf-palm leaves.
Squadron of men- JJsL:L.1 G Lying dead. Flat-roofed (house) .^_,iil.;!
of-war, fleet. To write a. th. 4> _^iJ,f .l^kJi o _,k:^ -S-
To shut (a door). ^ C/^-:, o JaL. ^ To throw a. 0. down. 5 —
•<> To steel (a sword). To cut a. th. with (a sword). »_, A —
Sharp edge of a sword To compose (history). To ^4*^ (fc

Stopper. Fire-poker. rule (paper).

Roots, origin. To teU stories to a. o. J^
Pokerl To make a slip in reading. _,k.Ll
Abyss of the sea. To pass over (a line reader).: /b —
Column; portico. OjljCl ^ aJiVlJ-I P Row, line. Hand-writing. jjlsC-l
Leg of a beast. Cylinder. Wish, desire. s'Ja-L
The Stoics. vI^Il^Vi JaI «k1sU.I ^ _nlajll^j oj^iaJLIj jVliiilj jLk-ll.
Firm columns. X^t' iAa\J\ '<>
Legends, stories, tales.
To b3 plentiful s;^I,j |'.k:L o Us- ^ Butcher. jvL-ij _^C
(water). To step widely to go head- ; Butcher's knife, JsV'S-- 5r J>^''-
long (horsf ). cleaver.
To assault. To overpower. i_ij Is-
— Paper-ruler. j^yiji ^ fJ^L^i o'Ja'J'
To treat a. o. harshly. 5 Cc. •^ Sample. Black-liues.
Assault. Severity. ol^^k:- ;- "ii^Z. Must, new wine. Dust ej\LL/j J^Li^
ISIight. -tf- Burglai'y. in the air.
Wide-stepping: raising X^sK^ j>. hC To oversee ; je J^V.-fij JaiZ^j J>j^ ^
the tail (horse). Tall. <> Burglar. to be set over (people).
To rope (liquid ^_,i:j — ^^,
). ..
-ft- Inspectoi", overseer. _^lJUj ^u'.-, i

To flow in a continuous stream ^_,5lj Mason's trowel. cijU3-l>» °

(water). To spread t_^j Ck- a ^ia::, -R-

Ropy threads of honey. >_^i\Z^ (smell, dust, sunrays).

To caU out (goats). ^. ^r,.;:.. — ^^.1 -i^ To clap the hands. «>lu)t —
To totter (old man). ^-Ji-5j ;>l.i.^ To be perceived by a. 0. (smell), 'a

To be broken down. -tf To touch a. 0.
C r'\r- )
To be blasted by hot wind. To ^^J, O/if/anuiii, marjoram, ^i'j) A^ -i^

b;^ furious (camel). Wild thyme.

To run swiftly (hor.se). Cl^^a ^^ To be auspicious iS^j Gil a -uJl -fr

To lis the price of goods. ^ _^ (day).

To be lighted (fire). To burn ^XJi To be happy. To >i\^^ a -^— J -W.
(wood). thrive (man).
To bsgia (scab). To rage _;ixJ-l To help, to assist Jfc H -^iJLlj opL.
(war). a. 0. in.
Rate, current price. jVi^i ^ _,i— To render a. o. happy (God;, s j1^'\
Heat. In.5anity. Vehement _^ To a.s8ist a. o. in weeping (hired
hunger. Contagious scab. mourner).
Insanity, madness. _^ To seek for fodder.
Insane, mad. Jj'm^ t ^*— To bode well of.
Beginning. Cough. 23«— To ask the help of. it -
BIacki.?h colour. i'j^ Good ( opp. to
Fire, blaze. Kindled fire. _^ ^ ^v^Tv omen. Name of several stars.
Heat. Hunger. Heat of niglit. jU^ The two planets Venus and olli-.l!l
Oven. Fire. j>^t- Mercury.
Fire. S3_^U Mayest thou he happy dLTa^-j diilj
Thin, emaciated. Blackish. _,;j,1 and aided I

Fire-brand. ji;i>j ^il» Happiness. ( opp. to cj\2i ) ci\'.J.

Mischief-maker. Long (neck). ^il>i prosperity.
Running with parted feet (horse). Your Excellency
.<>• (title). d)r>':>\kZ.

Mad (dog). Fore-arm. Chief. ^ acC

Insatiable. Furious (camel). ^Fiddle-stick. (7)ua/j The two wings
Daybreak. Sun rays j/y^lj I'JCJ^ (of a bird).
entering a loop hole. Shaft of a pulley. -^e>>- t SJ^^t-
To inject ^ n Jalllj Cla;.! o a iai-
-«- Armlet. Lion. Pi. Ducts of milk.
(a medicine) into (the nose). marrow. Affluents of a j'iver.
To spear a. o. in (the nose). ^ n ialkzS Neurada procumbens^ prickled c^J^'-
To inculcate a. th. into the C-i* 5 — plant much sought for camels,
(mind). if- Monkey.
To sniifFin (a medicine). jfc Jaii:.!. Pigeon. Callosity of a camel's "CSjIZ.
Pungency of odour. ia-j,I.j 1»U-1 breast. Areola of the nipple. Knot of
Snutf-medicine, errhine. -<>• Suutf-I»^i^ the thong of sandals, in the ropes of
tobacco. a scale.
Dregs of wine. nutmeg,
Oil of Ja..*-: I praise and obey Him. *3ljii^j *;'G>jIi,

of inustard-seed. Fragrance. Ci/peni'i, sedge, ( un. z'y.^S,) (iil..JL

SnufF-pipe. Nose-syringe. Jail^j JaSl^ galmg.ile (plant).
To manage ^ s ,jj^'\j , Qui- a wii.:: -« Happy. Canal of irriga- 'loil,^ ju*.:.
business of. tion.
To be cracked ^i'Jj (i'.Z- a ^«I. To kindle A> ^]j ^iz.j , 1^1. a J^ ->
around the nails (fingers). war).
To be ulcerated on the face To spread scab to (others : , ifc
(child). camel).
To mix (perfumes). A To do general mischief to i' s -
To help, to assist a. o. ^i^lj ^tU. 2^ To run about for (an atfair). j
To be at hand (affair). ^;j;,l I -svill circumvent as he c^ ;.-)
To be within reach (game^. J — does,

To slander a. o. : jji; ^ (;^j *i^-r'

(r Ml
~ To come
to o. s house. To y^

to traduce a. o. be near to.

To outpass a. o. J ^C- To assist a. o. in. ^ ^ ~

To cause a. o. to -work, earn, s ^;j.l Palm-boughs. Pi. j^ii, ^ oul:!.
To seek a. th. vj — Drinking cups. House furniture. Na-
To enable (a slave) to free i J^>'^\ tural disposition.
himself. House furniture. Vile man. ^'^
R'in. Endeavour. ^^ Ulcer on the head of childi-en. ix'^
Slander, backbiting. Work ^-i"^ fy Assistance in money.
imposed upon a slave for getting his \^'hite in the jilj. ^ »Ui.^ j> w«i—
freedom. forelock (^horse).
Inspector. Chief of Jews sUJl ^ f.C Near, neighbouring. ^tC^i
and Chi'istians. Messenger, runner. Ulcerated on the head (child), j^ilji
Run. Eudeavour. ,p^^ !r J«-^ To cough. iiii-j Vii^ o ji:; ^
To shake (a pole). A ^' i-i — ^ -J{- To be sprightly.
To season (food) with grease. To To render a. o, brisk. To
anoint (the head). cau.se cough to.
To along in the dust, j a —
roll a. th. To become a termagant
To enter underground. J j.'-X~ (woman).
\.SZ/j Ui.^ a w-fl-j o »--i^
Xi^jiJLj ^ Cough. JULi
To be hiuigry. wJJ^j ijilL-j Hooping-cough. 'JS'^x'J^ -^
To suffer frOm hunger. w-ill Windpipe, bronchial tubes. JUiJi w-i§
Starved, u^ ^ ^IL >. oC^j v-4— CjV.Jjl~yJ Jul- ^ oX»--_) ij^-^J '^^L^
Lawful, permitted. ^ ^' il Ogress, witch. Termagant.
To be swollen. loi.:- jul, — oi- -H- Colt's foot (medical Jiii) I iLi^^j J-UI,
Slight rain. SmZ. plant).
To be lean, little, :^ a J4- ^ Thi'oat. Jilo JtC
paltry. To walk quickly C, ;
a _^Zj -^
Lean, small, mean. jiJL (camel).
To give a. o. (water) as ^^ —^^^ Walking quickly (camel). ^jiJi,
to drink. To erect (a pavilion). ^^^1
To be satiated (child). .v^--'-? .v'--
To be fat (camel).
To skim along iil,1j ,(i^l o ZXL -^ Fat. Pure wine.
the ground (bird). Skin for drawing water, t-
To weave (palm- a lil-lj , \xL — Of good or bad omen.
leaves). He does not possess ^^ Vj tUI- Li C«

To take dry, a lif.:.^ , U.:! a 11: a farthing.

parched (food or medicine). Tent, pavilion. ^iL ^ Xui.
To drink much without *(J| ixi. iQl'tlOn, •Vjju^j S^^iL—>J yit^ — y^ "^
quenching thirst. To eat dry food hour of the night.
(camels). Candle, was. o'j^!L

To pursue trifles. To forsake IX^X Hlnduring patiently (hardship, ^j_lii.

companions. To be near the earth sleeples.sness).
(cloud, bird). To act, to go, to run. CJLl a J^ -S-
To look steadfastly at. To ?j A— To betake o.'s self towards. Ji —
give dry food to (camels). To be a tax-gatherer. To LjU-- —
To bit (a horse). A j— prostitute herself (slave).
To apply a medicanaent to AA— To busy o.'s self about. 'i^\^ j —
(a wound). To exert o.'s self in (an affair). J —

) Sjl^

Ceruse, white lead. ^)juill^_j w^^s^--' ^ He could not get o(b. ii> li^l W
To set out on a journey. \jjjlL ^^ i -tt- anything from him.
To shine (dawn). To suteide (war). To be altered in i4»j li— Ij LiJl.

To unveil (her face ^ ^-1j —

: countenance.
woman). Speckled serpent, winged lil.j li-
To dispel the clouds (wind). '(JkZ.
— fi> serpent.
To write (a book). To sweep (a Basket of palm-leaves. Handful ill.
house). To sell the best of a flock. of wheat. Hair-band of women.
To bridle (a camel), s jkl\j jL^j — Dry medicine. Medical J|^ilj —
1 settle cjy, \jjJ^j oJO^^j »j\jC^ o i _;*-' powder.
a difference between. Devil. Skimming of a bird. wi-ij
To send a. o. on a journey. To s jts. Saddle-girth.
pasture camels between morning Plait of palm-leaves. il,^:,^
and evening twilight. To kindle To sift (flour). Ajlil-tt
(fire). To patch a work. Ji.^))

To set off. To tra- IjCl- j ^jtCJ' _;SC Bad (poetry). Bad affair. Inco- oCJ-l
vel. To die. herent (speaker). -^ Powder for the
To shine (dawn, face). To enter ^^1 eye.
upon daybreak. To be hot (battle). Wind raising the dust. 7,i...i'..i

To be stripped of its leaves (tree). To drink much without (-1;.. a c-fL -«

To be bald on the forehead. quenching o.'s thirst.
To pasture by morning or eve- _,llj Unwholesome food. ^i,
ning twilight. To come in evening. To draw a bill of exchange, ^iiz, -H-

To ask (a woman) to lift^,ili:.,l_j ^Lj Bill, draft, check. r-i^^.^ 5- *?t-i-- P

her veil. To shed * GJi.:;,^ (>jiL a rii- -J^

He has got part of his 4,:iu. ^/^ (LxL — (tears).

want. To spill (blood). A b._L:L —
To fall off (hair). To clear off Sll\ To flow (tears). i^y-Sz^j ^j^j (>iL^ —
(clouds). To work without profit. ^Jz.
Mark on the skin. Tra To give o.'s self up to ^jLljj ^L.;
veller. debauchery.
Book. Sacred book. Foot of a mountain.
Departure. Journey. Do race without wager
Dawn, twilight. To take (a woman)
Travelling-provisions. unlawfully.
Leather used as table-cloth. Blood has been shed
<• Table. between them.
JNose- ji\x^j ^JL^j e_^-»l 5r ^J^'^J J^'f Generous. Eloquent. Shedder
bit of camels. of blood.
Without j^j "aJL^i jUll ^ _^u Coarse vestment. Large sack.
veil (woman). Lean, (horse). Arrow having no share in the game.
"Writer. %'Jc^ ^ ^C, To y jiCj Jcj 5 \i\ij^ a -U—j i -U-^ -^
Travellers. Nomads. s^U- j.'^ leap the female (beast).
^Sparganium, bur-reed (plant). s',5C- To put (flesh) upon the spit. fi> jSS.
Falling leaves. _j^ To make (an animal) to jc 5 jli!\
Mediator. Ambassador, '|_^JL ^ — leap (the female).
envoy. To mount (a camel) a jSiXL\j -Ul7
Gold or silver necklace. J u.1 ^ Sjiil. from behind.
Embas.sy, mediatorship. SjClLj SjU- Wooden or iron spit. jujCU. ^ i^
o^ )

To shut (a ^ ijA^'j , *^A— O ^Jj^ "S- Eaves. oO'i^

door). Sweepings.
To slap (the face). To strike ifc Kind of prickly fish.
hands in a bargain. Writing tablet. oj^a^
To be coarse (cloth) «JU ^ O jji-" Ti'aveller. ^?C»
He coaclued a bar- j^-,J Great traveller. Enduring jUl^j JkLi
gain with him. (camel).
Thick, coarse (cloth). Broom. ^S-^ -^ S^^—?
Impudent. Asparagus. wO^--^ ^
Gold or silver leaf. Wooden Quince Jj,VCj ^ j (i:- 9^ Jf>^-^ -f^

roller for mats. (fruit).

To po'.u' (tears, a> CS^Jj^ i dXJC ^ Anona, custard-apple. ^jJa J*^!:^

blood) To be profuse of (words). Broker. s^lL-j -'>r''^ '; -'5-r*r' ^
To be poured (blood, tears). dUl-'it^ Steward. INIusiciaa. Skilful black-
Little food taken before meal. T^ki. smith.
Bloodthirsty, cruel. 'C«aU 5(aZ, Sophism. ;la-.i^j *3al.I- G
Great liar. iJ^l-j >»>V5Cjl; iiiiZ. Sophistical, sophist. ^I»^i--
V u-j "^jiL o j-i^j a jii,j o ji::. -ii- Streaks, glitter of a "i„ v-j
, ^y ,
i'.. P
To be low, mean, despicable. jl_ij blade.
VU.^j ML-j ^lil< JiZ«j slu.^ o ji^ To be kind, beneficent, s^u;:. o Jail- -tt-

To be vile, base, inferior. To stop up (the chinks of a jfc Vil'-r

To descend to the J v/aL o jii, tank).

lowest of. To exhaust (the contents A Jair.:,!,

To lower a. o. To put down. ^_, i jLl, of a vessel).

To be inferior in j ^}lzL]j jl'Ji Basket. Chest for JsliJ-l ^ 1*1:1-

(science, character). articles of women. Fish-tin.

Lower, lowest part of. jULj ji-- Generous. Lowly. ^^
V lie, jX— •f^ *ii^j , *ij^j iJc4-'-' J4-^
Furniture of a house. l\3\iL
lowly, inferior. Big-headed. u-l^l iall^
Baseness, abjection. Lower x](aS. To slap with the wing 5 Ci:: a /.il. 1^
part. (bird). To .«lap the face. To mark.
Base, humble. o^jCj xll,:: ,^ jsC To drag a. 0. by the hair. jji-tfCj.

Lower part of a spear. But- «Iiu To parch the face (hot A jXz^i

tocks. wind).
Men of the lowest To drive back. To slap a. 0. •& ^i^
class. To embrace. To fight a. 0.
Low, inferior. To warm o.'s self at (a fire).
Low. Lower. To be altered (complexion).
Old age. Perdition Mark of fire. Dyed p^"— ^ ^«-"

Error. Hell fire. garment.

To blow upon t Blackish spots on the *.MA^J ;uL»
the surface of the earth (wind). cheeks.
To peel, to pare a. tli.
Rough skin. Polishing-

-^j ^iZ,
— Colocynth-seeds.
Damage caused by Satan.
IkL^j ^
stone. Wedge. Adz. Falcon. Buffalo. Reddish black. ^1
Blowing on the oJ^j,ji^j^ «• '^i'^ F. Black. Brown. Iron- ^.Ll ^ -x^JcL

surface of the ground (wind). trivet.

The saphena vein. >>i3V— Stricken by the evil eye. 9>ilj»
Having sunk eyes. ojJI —
Y) <L.
To be swift in I'unning boat. Argo (constellation).-^ Oblong
or flyiutj (animal, bird). book.
To be scanty-haired *J^j Jil. a^,i^ < Ark of Noah. ^_y *-;••-•

on the forelock. To be chapjied Ship-building.

(hand). Ship-builder. qu^
To lose its prickles (gi"ain). To ij.'l Pearl. Xj&I
become lean ( she-camel ). To be Voracious bird of Rgypt. TliLZ.
foolish. Polisher (instrument). ^^^ilj.

To i-ender a. o. heedless. s - Sponge. f>di^[j r^xLj z~»-;i '^-•i•- ^

To ill-treat a. o. wj — ^ Purificatory,
Dust. Leanness. Prickly grass Spinage. ^b'C^l.j ^CU-Ll, P
Medicament. Perfumed must. Jailll.j LIiJ,U -^l
Good walker (mule). M^X wine.
To raise the dust ^ ij.'|j .Cil Maple-tree. o'^ii~l
(wind). To overcome a. 0. in & {.^ o t^ ^
To be scattered (dust). levity.
To turn the face aw'ay. To be foolLsh, light-watted. i^Z.?L <iZ,
Dust. Wind raising dust. 'U4L. To be busy.
Dust raised by the wind. 'iZ. To become unwise ii.i; a <iSj
; , *1^
Scanty haired in Li, ^ 'iji^ ^ "ijL) to lose the mind.
the forelock (horse). To forget, to be diverted ?j fit ^XZ.
Slanderer, backbiter. ^L^ froui. To cause a gush of blood
J >_. 2 ..'..lj V;^S»w i_.2.1j V^^ a t^XL- {} (spear).
To be contiguous, near (house). To drink without L,!^-!)! ii-I
To near a. th. A ^;JL'l quenching thirst.
To be contiguous. ^IU_j To be imprudent, ^[lz.j l»\lz. o Ail-
OV^X~'J i^jX^J i_iU-«j ^..a..'.<l 7^ i_«Zw ignorant.
Young one of camels. To deem a. 0. foolish ; to a ,.lz.j '*X^
Pole of a tent. ;i.iij oCi-- ^ — stultify a. 0.
Neighbourhood. Near. ^I^ To act foolishly with. To ? oC
Near. Remote. »^iU- revile a. o.
To be unhappy. tX^j (ia::^ a c-S-^ -« To sit by a wine-jar and oJJI —
Baldness. ;;a:L - ^o- « drink repeatedly.
Bald. ,^1 To drink immoderately. v'l^^'
To emaciate » jaj.lj -iL- - oi.- -H- To make a. o. drink without y *i:.1

(a horse). quenching his thirst (God).

To incline (tree-branches : A *ilj
bird with red feathers. wind).
To scorch a. 0.
To bear sweet
dates (
\'Ji'^ ^ JiZ^
*i- To beguile a.
0. of (his pro- ^i, 5

tree). To revile a. o. i> To act impru- jp —

Hell-fire. dently witli.
Heat of the sun. jyC-j cXji^ ^ ,
To feign ignorance, levity. ollj
Impious. Blasphemer. jdl, Levity, want of judgment. xk\l^j *il.
Beer of millet. ^J,L P Foolish. Badly oJ--j -lii-l -r *?j-
To fall, to Oa2l>j 0»^ o ii2l, -»- woven, Unseemly, insolent (word).

collapse. Women and young children. -liiLJI

He was held in c6ntempt. oj£ ^^ Jail- Valley filled with watei'. *il.i
To come forth (foetus). 0»»2~o- Thirst-giving food. *il»
Cr^A') ^A^
Falling-place. JaiUJ: ^ ^^xLij IiOLj' To set (moon). To come on. To de-
Birtli-place. ^r^^l Jaili crease (heat).
It caused jj.uj| c^\ ^ ij daiU liT To slip in words. ^>^l J Jail-
him disgi-ace in the regard of men. To alight at a. o.'s. j) —
Appalling calamity. JC>.V| daSl^ To stumble upon a. th. lost. ic —

Wont to cast^otf her young ones. ia\2L* To mistake. To «-J^ J •l»'?-^b ^tj-'^

Island of jl^iJL.\j '\'JvhLi Sj^^ repent. To be perplexed.

Socotra. To make a. th. * Cbli-j iia^ci JJl.
Native of jikli^j fall gradually.
Socotra. To speak by turns with. 'c^_J9-^\ 5 —
To crow (cock). Cd:. a A^-J^ To slacken in a race (horse). Qsli- —
To knock (a. th. hard). To j/ift - To drop a. th. To cause /bj & Jalil

eat the upper part of food. To slap. a. 0. to fall, to slip. <>• To subtract

1 do not
where he
is gone
4^ i\
^ ci\ t5j,il C-
(a number).
her young (female). CJai- —

To be altered (colour He held an XJS' J JaSj-l C»j X<^ iaiJ-1 U

Lower part of a well. unexceptionable language, did not
Country. House. commit a mistake.
Piece of cloth. To learn fnews) succes- ^j n Iafr.3
Part of a veil, or of a turban sively. To induce a. o. in to error.
nest to the head. <»• To be worthless, corrupt. Jallj
White-headed bird with fi\J\ ^ ^\ To fall one by one (leaves). jJC-lj 1^115
green feathers. To drop upon (a cushion). J^Uj ^
To roof (a a , US.l « !
To fall upon the enemy.
house). Snow. Dew. Worthless (fellow;, iai:.

Cast off fcetus. Sparks Jai_Lj Jai-.j —

To be made a bishop, falling from a steel. Extremity of
To be tall and bent sand.
(ostrich). Rubbish, ^^'orthless ia'aL\ ^ klT..

•^ ToceU (a room). stores. Mistake in calculation. Slip

Roof. Sky. w<AmJ ._«... J 0_;.<— 7 bA<.w in words. <• Cripple. Foundered
if- Ceiling (hoi'se). Shameful thing.
Tallness and crookedness (of Dealer in old stores. isiiC-j
the ostrich). Fall, collapse. i5>i-j *k2.w
Portico, covered ^' li: I

Worthless, vile J»iiJ. ^ lL5U.,< Ja5L-

passage. Camel's rib. Plank of a (young man).
ship. Splint for wounds. {PI. of ialCi. ). Dealers in dates. ia||^
TaU. Bony. Hairless. Fallen dates.
Crook-necked (camel). Sharp sword. J»UI-
Bishop. oi|C1j *i|U-'l ^ wiilij Lii. JG ]Mistake in calculation. Slip in i,u.-,

Learned and humble king. words. Wing of bird. Fallen datas.

Bishopric, diocese. it Rubbish, waste. ikuJlij J»12.1

Wild Js^t-* ^^UJ-l^j u*:-:r^ J^: Subtraction {ariih.).

•tf- isliJ^l

onion, squill. Door-latch. thjii^ "^j it vi^

Kind of snail •^ Window-shutter.
To throw a. o. down. i ^ii:. -ft- Bereft of reason. Hail. Ice. Dew,
Slave, Slavonian. ^P,^ -r 'Jp^ Roots of the Cyperus esculentus,i3^
1 o C«ul<j Ciij UiL _„i^j a j,5— -J^ rush-nut.
be diseased. Bii'd's wing.
.5C- ir-w )
Dropsical, hydropic. To render a. o. diseased, a Ji-^j J"''-
Drinking-place ; cup, eUl^J «Ul>* Disease. ^lj.^_j ,
j»liJ»i ^ jj'^^j j^'-^
tank. Sickly. Languid ^ii_,j .lU:. ^ ^^
To stop ; to clamp ( a a ^ia^ o 2C -ft- Faulty (language).
door). To sink (a well). To cut off Rancorous, malevolent. jJuaJl ^,-aI.
(the ears). To void (oi'dure). Kind of sycamore. v}-^
To be ignoble, mean. Usti,— Mackerel fish. s/-^^ ^^
To have small ears. vWfci.:^ a
— Valetudinarian. '
To be deaf. Scammony. Q^iil- G
To coin money.
•<>• i^ll iC To water (a j ^Ij , CiL Jj:. «-

To be tangled (plant). To be ilrj;,!. beast, a land). To give to di-ink to.

deaf. To be stopped up. To find fault with. To traduce a. o.
Nail, peg. Row. ill^j i)^^ -r '<^^ To wish the rain to a. o.
Narrow well. Narrow-ringed liLi. fy-To temper (iron). — fit

mail. Scorpion's hole. Blocked road. To send rain to a. o. (God). i — fi>

Compound perfume. To sutler from dropsy. iiiaj i^

Ploughshare. Die for
coining. Stamped coin.
^ ^In.^
of tall
-^ To poison a. o.
His heart is filled
i s^iL
with sjiat illl
^ iL
trees. Post-office. Even road. Street. hatred.
Gold coin. '%-r' To give to a. o. to drink. a
Iron-nail. Post-messenger.
l^^ To wish rain to a. o.
Deafness. ^^Z, To give drink to a. o.
Atmosphere, air. xS\W^j i\UL To farm out (a land) in part j 5 -
Narrow in the ear- ZXZ. ^ ^4.1.^ 'dU:! nership.
hole. Deaf. To give water. To water
To pour A Cvk Jj (X^ o J>il. -^ (cattle, fields). To poison
-<>• a. o
forth (water). < To cast (metals). To be moistened, watered. ii3
To be poured. ^^JCljIj i^L o — To give to drink to o. a. j\,'^
<>• To be cast (metal). To draw Avater. To become J^\
Contirmoiis rain. Tall (man). ,_JC.:L fat (camelj.
Necessary thing. Blood-horse. Cop- To ask I'ain, o5U ^-^'j tS«=-^l.
per, lead. water from.
t-ij^^^j s^jsiX-i (_>_j5CiLj s-.f\~^j
— To be dropsical. ilSj-l,
Poured out (water). Watered land. jr;,

Aquarius {constell). -\'J\ ^fu God 'grant him rain ! iJ CiJLj ulii,
,Copper, lead. (im. -.JsC ) J^Lz. Yellow serum of dropsy. 2_j i^
Anemone (Hower). Drink. Share of water. "
Large sack. X-^1. a Milk, or ^JUb oCS-b 1^1 ^ '"li-
Threshold (of a door). i:fei_-t water-skin.
Russian. -Jt^^^Clj^ Drinking place ; cup, tauk.xjliij JjU-.
Stew cooked with vinegar. ^C.SCi,P Streamlet. oCSUj ^ Jl^.^ ^ *I|C
Saijnpenum^ medicinal g\xm,,^SJajL P •^ Water-wheel.
Lt^Uj Oi&iJl-j Q^5Ci,j tfei.:. o cX.:^ -^ Cloud letting large drops, tlsj-l ,r 1^*—
To break off speech. To pause in sin- Palm-trees ii'rigated. Papyrus-reed.
ging. To die. To remit (anger). Water- oj^U^ 5r JjViwj sjliw ^ *U.ri.

To be struck with apoplexy. cJ?^ cari'ier. Waterer of fields. Pelican.

To hush. To silence, i cSil!\j c^^ Vulture.
To keep silent with. i cXu Watered by rain or a stream. ls_^^
To remain silent. c5^1 Dropsy. Prayer for rain. 'U11.LI.

( rx
Wine-seller. j\i:^Z. ]
In a low tone.

Intoxicated. j'J^^-'j Apoplexy. Pause.

Addicted j\ia^»j j^^j J^^-^i jisC-^ tf- Coma.
to drink, drunkard. Lullaby. Remainsin a vessel. xiia.1^

Hyoicijamui datora^ henbane. cjVjtiLJL, \

Continual silence. Silencing z^is^!-
Cocculus Indicus. Indian- cyJjl — I
(disease). Biting unawares (snake).
beri-y. \
He has reduced <i~>\^L\ j) *jlfcilj ib>3
To insure against loss. To _,r^^ -^ i
him to silence.
secure a. th. To roll a cigarette. . He is at the eve of _,ylvi cJ^^ ^^ 3-*

Insurance ; premium. Vo>^— ^^ '

ending the affair.
Saucer. '^,_j\M=<.'~. ^ i>^^~j ^S^-^ P ,
Tenth horse in a race. c-'Js^Lj z^',ia.L
bowl. '

zJ^—'S C^i^r'J C.;^C«-j CjjS^^j C-5>—-

Keeping silent. c^'Ja.l^j
To wander at I'andom. To slumber. Remains. Temporate summei*- oife*-!-!
Ido not know where f<L:^ ^\ ^sj '^'l V* days. Refuse of people.
he is gone to. \
Last arrow of the game. c-^-l-*
Ciliated Sida [plont). ^^L '

To patch up (a work). ;rifci^-<>-

To mind trifles. To act reck- ^i^C-l i

Provisional patch-work. T-k^'^'"
lessly. To till (a vessel). s'^iZ. o J^Z. fi, *
Wanderer. Stranger. ^%*-^j ^fi^ To dam (a stream). To shut (a
Misleading country. :UfeCi door)
To put (a fit yj^^ij , t.UZ. a wifcu:- -^ .
To abate (wind). Cl^SCi^j lj^^.1 —
threshold) to (a door). To tread the To be dim (sight). ji=^Li jia.L
threshold of. His eye has been dazzled. iil£ o^^—
To be a shoe-maker. ,.AinZ.-^j UttLL\ To be filled (tank). ij^l a j?.Z.
Shoe-making. *i\in^ To rage against. it —
Lower eyelids. l,iitL^\

Lintel of a door uS'C To become drunk. ^y ^\'Jf^z.i

Threshold of a door. «l6=iJ-l To strangle a. o. -^ To bolt ^_j j .feilL.

(a door).
Shoe-maker. Clever in work. ^ To candy. To become sugar.
Port in the East. jrv-1 ^ *I%i.l(^ Is To intoxicate a. o. (beve- ?
To totter about. Ci=i— o ^SC— -{f rage).
Tottei'ing about. ^^^ To feign intoxication.
Monk's hood. ^-6^1 S Intoxication, driuikenness.
Foot-stool. Low table. lU.!^-:.!. Ts Wine. Date-wine. Vinegar. 3C-
To stop.To be still. C_,^I, o -»-
J^ Food.
to subside. To be quiescent (letter). Dam. <• Canal. jp^^ -r ^f
To dwell in. jj ^ .^^jUZ.j UsC:. — Pangs of oO^^-w- 'j.*^b ^^i" ij?^^
< To possess a. o. (devil). death. Anguish of the soul.
To trust to. Jl — Darnel-weed. o'J^l.
To leave a. o. (pain). .p — Still (night, water). j(\^
To become ^SCll j Xi^L ^^j - , Sugar. Sweet grapes. Fresh _jisiJL

de.stitute, weak. dates.

To quiet, to assuage
a. o. Js^.Z. •^ Loaf of sugar. ^^•- "r-^^
To render (a letter) quiescent, /fc
— Sugar in powder. j_s ^JL
To be the fellow- j C^Clj » ^'i\^ Candy. oCJ ^J-
lodger of. Calotropis giyantea, mudar. jiiw Jf^iL
.o- ( rT^ )
^1/, Daughtpr ; filly. Slice of flesh. iu,l To lodge a. o. in. ^ ^ ^5^1
Cotton. Wool upon the spindle. To redace a. o. to destitution 5 —
Long fish. (God).
Ottl-^pi'ing. Essence, pith. ;3>L1, To humble, to lower o."s self. ui6*rJ,l.

Bottom of a
CJl^lj Jy.1 r- Jc^j Ov- Inhabitants of a house. ( coll. ) JsCL.
valley. Stream in a valley. Abode, dwelling. J.fc»lj ^^
Basket-maker. Thief. -^ Horse- J^^ Cau.se of comfort, ease. Fire. ^c».Z.

stealer. Mei cy. Blessing.

Large needle. Cjy^L^j CJl~^ :r *'i--! Food, victuJils. uVS^-^'l t ~
4- Obelisk. Base of the head. cJi^^ -r XifeCL.

Consumptive, i)hthisical. JyJ_/i Dwelling.

To ch;iiu, to connect ^ 4s Jl.i~ -fj- Rest. Sign of quiescence (o). :^L
a. th. with. Calmness, gentleness. J 1?^— -r *^'r%'--
To trace a pedigree up to. J( ^
— Knife. os-f iSCl, ^ cn^i.-
To poui" (water) into a pool. A — Cutler. J^lSC.:: <r} 0(^1-
To fall down in a stream J-.il.3 Rudder. o^-i-
(water). To become thin (garment). House, dwelling. ^C_; ^ o^-^-> o^-'
Sweet and J-.5Cj jL-il-j JlU Poverty, destitution. tz^^Li
palatable water.
Iron-chain. Succession. j^y^Z^ ^ ;i-.l-. Poor. Weak. Humble, -if- Simple,
Pi. Lines of a book. Elongated without guile.
lightnings, clouds, sands. if- The inhabited world. AiJ?iL'J\
Back-bone. y^hi\ iij[^ (Ecumenical (council).
if- d>,^'~-J'
Streaked (fabric). Curly jLlLi Oxymel. i>-.>t.i.^I. P
(hair). Glittering (sword). Traced Alexander the ojj^l ji jj15Cj.I^
back (tradition). Great.
Andromeda {const). iiL\L'J\ sl^JI Alexandiia. "ij'jJyLLv
To clarify (butter). To fi> y^ a !A^ -fJ- Alexandi-etta. lJjjji_^.lt
extract (sesam-oil). To pluck off Alexandrian. <) Light blue -J i;;ai5C-l.i
the (prickles of a tree). colour.
To pay (money) to a. o. To fit s — To draw (a sword).^* ^5jj , "9^:^.0 ^^--J^
give .so maiiy lashes to a. o. To extract gently. To steal a. th.
To purify (butter). fn >^?^l^ To lose the teeth. y^z. — i

Clarified butter.
Prickles of palm-trees. Arrow-
"itxl^] ^ 'SL.
To be consumptive. 'Jij^ <_>
To afflict a. 0. with phthisis i 1}z!\
head. (God).
To carry a ^L-jli j CLl^ Q::, q JL. -^ To steal. To aid in stealing. — fi>

off forcibly. To plunder. To bereave To slip, to steal away. ilJ^Jb S^

a. 0. of (reason). To slip out (shackles).
To deprive a. o. of. fit js ^yj.,l_j _ To spy a. o. J^
To imsheath (a sword). A ^I, Perfume-basket. Toothless. J5*-- ^ 'JL
To put on mourning Q.1 a .^p Consumption, J.JI Aij jM-j ji-j J-
clothes. phthisis.
To her child
lo.se cJi~b 'c'-J^ Secret theft. Rush of a J>i_- ^ <!.;
(woman). horse. Drawing of a swoi'd. Chink in
To lose its leaves (tree), ^'c'l a tank. •<>• Small basket. Awl.
To mourn for a husband. 'c^J^ Drawn (sword). Son, J^jl. ^ JO—
To walk quickly. wUjI child. Colt. Spinal cord. Brain of the
Theft. Plunder. Negation. Quick ^ii, horse. Pm*e wine.
— P

To take up arms. step. -^ Spun silk.

Thin excrement, ordure. Plough-handle. ^JL-

Juice of dates for rubbing Booty, plunder. Spoils ej^U-l ^r ^r^
a butter-skin. of a slaughtered animal. Baik of
Rain-water collected in reeds. Tree-fibres. Kind of hyacinth
tank. (plant). -^ Moorings.
Chicken of partridge. ^ Denuded parts of the body. xli.
\.rmed. Affected with TaU. Light. ^p
diarrhea (camel). Light-handed. ci^l —
Weapon. Sword. Row. ;>^J-', Swift runner. ^^J}^'
Thin dung, diarrhea. Bei'eft v_xl ^ i.,.^Xlj vlA**'-' ' v^^ v-J'i-^

Arsenal. Garrison. Look rJLL-" of a child, a young (female).

out. Avmed partj. Common night- Rope-maker.
shade {plant). Thief, robber. (>n. /. ) cjj^^j
Arcturm (star). ^!>LJI ji Mourning clothes of ^Jl- ^
Glass-bottle. *^>^ woman.
Apostle. oy^X^ 5- r-_X~. S Bereft of reason. 3^ T
Reseda lufeola, dyer's ^~^.i-[j ^-:jPl Road. Manner of ^
weed fplant). acting. Neck of a lion Turn of a
To expand, to be LS-xL^ — ^^.^u. -K- sentence.
conspicuous (road). •^ Cotton-thistle. jlipjl irt-L^

Equerry. x/jla^'^L- ^ j\'^:^y.^ P Martingale of a horse. ' jJll:.

Sword-bearer. To press forth Sj *> ClL< i o cJLl -{^

Sliasl—J i>XLj *U9ii-.J eU*jL-J oUiil— ^ •

(the guts). To cut a. th. To shave
Tortoise. Sea-turtle. o«:>>LC- ,- off (the hair). To rub off. To lash.
AU/ssum. madwort. :;i^.llJl ii.^4^ To cleanse a dish (with fa cJiZ.\j —
Colza. ^U -s:}-
the hand).
To come to its end liJL:. o a ^.u, -S- To shp away stealthily. ^ cX~][
(month). To cast its slough (.snake). Thin-husked bai'ley. c-t^
To become green again (plant;. I have missed it. ;Ll— j ;iU J^^ ^»i
To come to the end of (a month;. — fi> Remainder of food adhering " ^c^^LL
To excoriate (the skin scab, heat).
: to a vessel.
To skin (a sheep). To pull off ^j a — Stripped (bone). OjL^
her shift (woman). •<> To ransom Having the nose cut off. ^ii, ^ ,::111
a. 0. Abstaining from dyeing (woman )..Cu^
To separate the day jJi\ ^ j(^\ — Misfortune. Hard year. ^^dL, -^
fi'om the night (God). Toothless camel.
To strip off (o.'s clothes). ^» ^Jljl^ To glut a. th. A Cbt'U-j G-.1:L a r-i^ -S-
To ca.st its skin (serpent). To follow To swallow easily. ^Jlj fi>

the day (night). To elapse (month). To drink much. ^\lr^\ rJ^'j

To recline on the breast. %-lL\ Shell-fish. rrXL ^ *^si-i.
End of a month. rli^j ^^Jc Plant sought by camels. rr-^yC ^ rxL
Slough of snake. Skin of a ^j_-j — Gullet. ovWL,
slaughtered animal. Food easily swallowed. r—
Thread on the spindle. ^::^ Rape colza (plant). ^L- P
Tastelessuess of food. ii^AI, To void ordure (beast). (»Xl> a rrXL -^
Tasteless (food). -^ Acanthus ^.^x^ To arm a. o. with (a sword). * j ^Jj:
(prickly plant). •<> Treeless (land). To make a. o. to void s ?dlb —
Skinned (sheep). ordure.
rr ) Jai-
Ruler. Sultan. cnW>L- ^ olia'C Nutmeg-oil. Offspring. Bastard o.-L:L
Honey-suckle (plant). j:^!l ollail cinnamon. •^ Acacia.
<• Garnet-fish. jr:^^S.[ o^laLl Black cJJL-ij 9^JL._j rJlj^— J *itlU« ^ «)L-
< China-aster. J!>*I.^' uii»L' snake. Scab.
^ Bind-weed, oUalLil _,aj Bald. Red-.skinned. Scabby. -^xlS
Broad-leaved lepidium. oVJaiiH <ixLi Skiuning-jilace ; ^.ILJi ^ !i-JLl»

Sultana, empress. oUaLL slaughter-house.

Foul-tongued oCl)l xJikUj iillai:- Slough of snakes. Raw leather. ^^X-j^
(woman). Palm-tree dropping its dates when
Highway, public road. -j^iaiJ. Ji ,1» unripe.
<^ Large hollow bowl. iliiy-i, Sea-eel. j\L, - j^ ^
Tooth of a key. JaJ,l_i ^ i.>L_e To lose its t^JU'j , Cll a ,^al -ft-

To proclaim a. o. sultan. j ^^jWC lower bi-anches (palm-tree).

To become a sultan. To assume ^^LllJ To be worn out (wood). CJLl a ,jJC.
lordly airs. : To pay readily (a due) to. tr" J
Powex", empire. A':.y.Z. -^ To be loose. C^j H^^L} Cl-l, a —
To expand (valley). ^il.ll^ - ^--Isl— -i^ To be tractable (man).
To lay down on (the face). To be bereft of L-LLj C5L1 ^L
Lobster, Cru^iU ^ o>iiaU oi«iiU. -^ reason.
craw-fish. To set jewels to string ; A ^iz.
To cleave (the head), a vVlL a /il. -S- (pearls).
To be chapped (foot). To be u-l a ;iP To render a. th. easy. /b ,_,_Ll*

affected with leprosy. String for setting pearls. ^_^J, ^ ^z.

To split a. th. ^ .tj: Ear-drop.
To be cleft on the head. /n] Easiness. Mildness. Incontinence ^\^
To be cracked, chapped. /ix~]\j /ijJi of urine.
Chap on the foot. ^J^J. ^ ^l^ Easiness (of elocution). S^SLl
Slit in a water-skin. ^^^ <f.'%J\ ^ ^iL- Loose easy meek.
: : ^jJtS.

Cleft in a mountain. Simihir. Tractable (horse). ~"

iCSSI u-^i^j
Two boys of the ^iLlI j cuU oU>l^ Want of intellect. ^^L
same age. Stripped of its stumps (palm- ^5V1^
Bitter tree. Kind of aloes. ^LX tree).
Scelanlhus quadragoniu. Cacalia Easy to swallow. Wine. Js^-^ ^
sonc/dfolia (plants). River of Paradise. •<> Ornamental
Senecio badiensis JiQ,\ ^ix j j^\ /u, waterspout.
{ploM). To be -..\,yiLi ^^U, Jailj a iaP -K-
Wound f-X-j cS-^C ^ X«'Uj *.U- hard, shai'p. To be eloquent (man).
chapping the skin. To be foul-tongued (woman).
Commodity, article of mer- /^ ^ ;iL- To empower a. o. over. it 5 Li.!
chaudise. -"^-Worthlesss (man, thing). To prevail over, to subdue. jp ial_j

Scrofula. Gan- /i^ ^ xiLlj ;»l_Lj — Power, dominion. Jai_Jj ;LU.

glion. Leech. Thin and long J»y^j -laLr ?r *i»W
Bitter aloes. ^j^ arrow. Straw-mattress.
Leper. Chapped ^L ^ 'UU j. .JL:-! Embroidered jacket. iLL^ •
in the foot. Hump-backed. Hard. Sharp-tongued. Ja*Cj iaJL:-

Guide in the desert. ^lly. Eloquent (man). Grain- *Ja-jPj Ja-i-^

Strong, deadly poison. ^tii '^ oil ; olive-oil.
Pole set with nails. oUL- -M- Foul-tongued (woman). *W^
To fractui'e (the head)./i CiU a >il- -S- Authority. Plea, argument. oVkLi-
J^ C m ) iL
the neck. Past event. •< Old tale. To grow (canine teeth). ^JJL a
To shed its teeth when 6 years
Ahead. ^..l.^

Middle-aged woman, about 45. ^LLi (ewe, calfj.

Cylindrical stone-roller. *«L1^ Raw. Red. Leper. Vile. f\zS
Harrow. Trowel. To be past (event). (iJL:, o ^l'-. *

To boil a. th. To * Cai.::. o jii- « To outgo, to precede. Gjllj 01:^ —

blast (the plants : cold). To grease To harrow (the earth). * CiL- —
a water-.skin. To smear (a canoel). To grease (a skin).
To take off (the hair of a ^j * — To take some food before ^JiS.

skin) with (hot water). dinner.

To peel off(the flesh) from ^t ^— To give to a. o. to breakfast. 3 —

(a bone). To lend. To advance a. th. A 5—

To leave prints on (the .soil: foot), j — To take the lead. ^iJC-

To prostrate a. o. To gall (a 5 — To keep pace with a. o. in (a 5 —

camel). To excoriate the thighs of travel). To equal a. o. in.

(a rider : beast). To advance money to a. o. sa s ,.AS\
To pierce a. o. with (a spear). ^?— To level to harrow (the
; A —
To hurt a. o. words).
(in To flay ground).
a. 0. with (a whip). To borroAv a. th. ^^ * ^ilcJ-b ^^
To insert (a stick j into J fi> jU.^j — from.
(the loop of a sack;. To marry two sisters. ^!0
To prostrate a. o. on y 'Ul-- iLl •• Leather, provision >^^\Li ^L-'l ^ JL^
the back. bag.
To shout. To run.To climb a wall.ji.:L Payment in advance. Loan j^Z.
<• To collect herbs. jLz without interest. Good work.
To hunt wolve.?. jiJ-1 Predecessor, ijy-lj ci>Lll ^ ^1^
To scale (a wall;. A ^y^l ancestor.
To fret on o/s bed ( from az.\'^ ip — Partridge. oui--' >i^^ ^ --^
grief, pain). Skin. Husband of a us!>i^'\ ^ wiL^
To lay pi'ostrate on ^^l:.lJ wife's sister. <> Husband's brother.
the back. Wife of a husband's brother. iiL-
White sear on a camel. i)- A husband's sister : a brother's
Even and fertile olii.^ wife.
plain. Harrowed field. Leathei* wiUL ^ rvI'C

Garden-beet. Beet-root. for lining boots. Breakfast.

Stream of water. They came one after xiLi xixL lj'4V
Rumex, sour-dock. 3^)1 .;L another.
Potamorjeton^ pond-weed. .i;j| jL, First juice of cJ^i-^L ^ iyxLj Ji"%L
Wolf. ouL-j oUii. ^ - grapes.
She-wolf. Female
locust. Foul, lewd
jL-j jL, ^ ;c2i_,
Best wine. Choice
of an army.
^^ '^\


Weeping loudly ouL-> ^^^ ?r - part.
woman. Affinity by marriage. *S^T
Weeping, slapping her jli^ ^ :iau Preceding. Past (time). ^'^ ^ ,^,U-
fatfe (woman). In former times ; in ^jJI J,C- J
Lippitude of the eyelids. Pustulesj^Ll preceding generations.
on the tip of the tongue. •tf-.\maranth (flower). ^^ij- ^>—
Violence of language. <f»%^ if- Locks of hair on the temples. ^iij^-^

Foot-prints on a road. Side of the forepart of <JS\'y^ ^-'^

Jl5^ ,-
( TT
To salute, to greet a. o. jtj » —
Thou hadst well spoken. vtC5 ^L- •
Thank you. God keep vi^u i Ji^ -^

thy hands.
To reconcile with. s J'L.
To keep a. o. safe. To betray. 5 ^iu\
He resigned to the will ^l Ji i^ji] —
of God.
To give up a. th.
To be bitten by a snake.
To become a Moslem. To
submit to. To obey.
To receive. To manage a th * ^i-j
To ba reconciled. To keep p-ice ^UJ
To touch. To kiss (a stone). A ^?-^l
To reconcile together. ^-^i
To submit. To follow the ^'xlX^I.
right path, -i^ To threaten to become
a Moslem.
To call o.'s self a Moslem. jX-^>
Leathern bucket j»>L-j ^'o ,- ^'^•-
with a handle.
Peace. Peaceful. Islaraism. _j^
Payment in advance. Prisoner. ^_L
Captivity. Salutation. Mimosa flava
used as tan.
Stone. Tender (woman), y^ ^ x'^Z.
Ladder, stairs,
steps : means.
^U-_, ^i^^:: ^ J;l

Obedience to God. Greeting. y^'^

G Dear me {Interj. of wonder). y^K^

Peace be to thee.

To be blasted by the simoom ^ Weasel. oU^ >t

(plant, day). Corrosive sublimate. 'JuIUL
To poison (food). * ^t '- Calamine {mineral). 'JdLt ji>
To be angry, incensed. l^[ -^ Safe Regular (verb). ^^UL
Eye of a ^C-^j ^y^Z. ^ '^j >wj l,i- Bitten by a snake. jj::, ^ ^^ll
needle ; hole. Poison. Mortally wounded.
Poison killing on the spot.
Ratsbane, arsenic. '
Safe. Secure.

^ —

Oleander, rose-bay. jUsJI ^— Moslem, musulman. C!>4l.* ^ _^a
Cocculus Indicus, o^Jlj dC^JI >^ <>Govei'nor of a town. ^^>"
Indian-berry. Tanned. Bitten by a serpent. ^jJLa
Palm-loaves mat. Rela- ^,ii, ^ :* •'-
To stretch himself L+lJ-l, — >_^| i- -fr

tionship. in running (horse).

Holes 01 the body : oCj^< j'j^j A^^ Long-bodied *I*>U,j v^^ « w-i^
mouth, nostrils, ears. (horse). Tall (man).
Simoom, pestilential j^S*-^ t -»>•-' To be altered ^.^i — ^^^Ju- -«•

hot wind. (colour).

Swift, agile. IVIountain-swallow. jX^ Tall, slender. ^^
Person. Feather in a horse's x^lii, ,^j A Oi^ii-j \ySj \'J^
o iv_;: *
neck. Standard. To be diverted ^ uLt a ^^j "
Gecko, (kind of lizard).^^1 'j,Z.j >C« fi'om. To console o.'s self for.
Day of simoom. j^yJJ'j '^^j >C- j>'y^ ^ He forgot his cares. it^ il^
Venomous (beast). y\'y^ 5- ^^C- To console ^ » j^i,! JL:,1j J ;Xj J^
Death. a. 0. To divert from.
The gi-eat and the com ?Ll)b X^U)) To be safe from wild beasts. JS\
mon people. To divert, to console o.'s txL3 Lj
Narrow in the nostrils (nose self.

Eating to surfeit. To be dispelled from ^ «>Lj| JLljIj —

Holes of the body. < Pores. a. 0. f grief ).
Kindred. 1
J*1 To be fat (sheep). t>bi,l JiJ.[

To run (fox).
Swift. Fox. Wolf.
^ Comfort. J^ij
<^j o'Jl^j e'Ju^

Red ant. ^r-'^ t He leads a quiet jilil jj> ;^ J ^

Sesam. Coriander-( un. ;i--i-- life.

seed. Quail. ( U7i. s^Ll ) jj^ ^ j'^

Berry of the castor-oil $J^ ^ -^
'„ Honey. Consolation.
plant. Solace. Shell used as an amulet.ol^Ii.
Condyle, process on 'j i^li-i Ji>£. Third horse in a I'ace. ,IP^
a bone. Butter. jlJ> <
To pursue a ci-^ -^
c-t^j '^i^ , i Secundine. '^A.:,! ^ ^KZ. — J^ -i^

right course. To follow a way by There is no hope left. >VlJI ^JiiJI^

conjecture. To poison a, 0. -^ To a U-^ o l,Z. -^

To dispose speech for. J S»>^l i ci^ angry a. 0.

To invoke (God) upon. ic cJ^^ To poison (food). To scrutinise A —
To bless (a sneezer). '
— a. th. To stop up (a flask).
To front, to be opposite to. A c^C To conciliate (people). Oy.—
To purpose a. th. x> c.\ '~j y^-J , ci-^ To be I'urning, hot C«_,4-i o —
Road. Aim, course. C)>i-^ ?» c-i-^ (wind).
How fine is his behaviour ! isll- -.l* \ U I follow thy very design, ditli. c4.i-'
V ) ic-
Bountiful ; ^iii::- ^ p^^ — ?•-»«— -^ The zenith. -i^l i.
brave man. Wolf. Sword. The azimuth. ^UJI
To spend the \jj'^j S'J^Z- o jV-^ ^ The equinoctial colure. JilctVI c-i.—
night in conversation. The solstitial colure. k_i>uiVl c'»'-
As long as night- J'it-^l J*^ V>» To be ugly. foul. V^i-^ o ^n*- *
wakcrs wake. To render a. o. ugly, foul. ,,;i^ fi>

To put out (the A i^^j yjc^L. o J^ To find a. o. ugly, hideous, ^; X;,\ fit

eye) with hot nails.

To mix (milk) with a J^^i — Ugly. < Foul (talk). '
J^j -^l^
water. To shoot (an arrow). To Grea.sy. unpalatable milk, r—•— j !jii.~

drink (wine).
To nail, to rivet. f^J^i 04— ,
i o — To be generous. ^Jj C>li--j, \i-.i.:;,j

To be ,5^^. o ^;-j a
j;-:ij jj^ To bestow a. th. ^J u-ii^., a
tawny, brownish. bountifully to.
To converse with a. o. by ^ y\^ To comply with
night. a. o's wishes.
To be dark, brown. 3UJ-b ^•^'l To act, to walk gentl; To -rt^
To be nailed. _,tl3 hurry on.
To converse together by night. y!C2 To forgive, to forbear
Night-conversation. jliJ-l ^ JJi> a. th. to.
Night. Shade of the moon. Night- To become tractable (beast).
meeting. To permit, to forbear. j
Gum-acacia- ( un. %'J^: ) J^L\ ^ y^Z, To forbear o. a. t-VC^
tree.Mimosa, Egyptian thoi^n. Compliance. Forbearance.o^lii-j ^'CJZ
Dusky, brown coloui". Sj^i. Skin-tents. -r^*-^
Conversing by jf^I,j J^i, ^ _^u Compliant. 'G-.ii, ^ !^-s-^J ^-i--
night. Place for night-conversation. Smooth (wood).
Con)pany of night-talkers. s],j.Uj — Long-backed (ass). Thin r-^U-^ ^
The Samaritans, {un. Isy'L.) s^C in the belly (mare). Long bow.
Milk diluted with water, u Jun~ ji^ Pericranium wound in it. JbU-— ^

cus spinosus, rush for mats. To grow up (seeds). ^,C^ o yC^ ^

Brown. Spear. y^L ^ 'Vy^l j. _,iJ To wound a. o. in the ear-hole. 5 a —
Gazelle's milk. Hole of the ear. ^U-?-
Wheat. Flour. Of a fine growth (wheat). ij^Z^JtiX 'y^
Water and wheat. Water To be perplexed. To "C^yJ. o a;.:L -{$

and spear. raise the head proudly. To divert

Dark, brownish. o.'s self. To sing.
Diamond. To apply o.'s self to. J-
Swift, noble (camel). To manure (a land). To
Mu^tella Zibelina., sable. divert a. o.

Night-discourser. To swell with anger.

Day and night. -n*-^ ^'X To swell (hand). To vanish
Nail, peg. Good tender j\a\L.% ^ jUJ-> Unceasingly, continually. Ia4.—
of camels. <> Corn on the foot Composite of manure and ashes, id,
Strongly built (man). J>^ To feel vertiginous. jX.^1 — j-U- ^
Troubled (life). Cloudiness of the ji^^^i ji->^
Collection of the poll- X^Ji-Lj ^^i^- -^ sight ; vertigo.
tax. Salamander. j^.^j jiii-^ ^
Black. Shrill- ( un. o'yj^Z.')
J^y^'^ ^ White flour, -tf- Semolina. -i^cr--"

die- C r-TA )

To listen stealthily to. voiced locust-eating bird.

To be a broker, a mediator-
Sense of lieariog. Ear. Re- ^^Clj Craft, pay of a broker.
port. Fame.
Listen to me. 3'. ^'^''•»" Broker : negotiator.
I hear and obey. Jasmine.
He is in a for- (a Marjoram.
Ii/i'n place. To become sour Ck »i.J^ iai^ -S-

Hearing (man). Report. Good ^^ I

repute. To keep silent ial^y^\j ia« j^;.:-

Notorious thing. f,i;j, j'i j\ ^_, _,i yl (man).

May it be heard uL V C;--j Ca; V C.;_- '
To scald and roast 5 C.W^ ... i

but not fulfilled 1 I a kid).

Do hear, listen 1
,fU.- To hang up a. th. To sharpen
I am j'il isli.:Lj y.U.— j *ii..^j ^i-i— 'i^
'J f-o-r! (a knife).
an ear-witness of it. To fasten (a bundle) to finj ^
Good fame. (a saddle). To put off (a debtor).
He has done it for ii; L.X. Ui^ To keep to a. th.
the sakj of being heard To be fastened to.

Fame. Song, harmony. f-^«—

String of a necklace. J,^

Usual not regular (expression). ;/;L;_r Garment without lining. Sprightly,

Hearer. The Listener 'UiJL ^ f^^ sharp. Bundle-strap of a saddle. Han-
(God). Lion. ;
ging part of a turban.
The two ears. ( un. •;J,f\li\) oUj^vI)! Of a poorly condition. Ja^^-^j -Sai-^

Liste- <s-io_w f,j^^^j v««—w J Ki^^Zi oil


Woollen garment. Ja4-i

ning ear. Shoes of one piece. ^\:^]j L^
The brain. ;^rj-^lj ^i-^' >i Unbranded (she-camel).
That thou mayest dx) X'^ Table-cloth. JaiJ, ^ J»li_-
hear. Rank (of men). Middle of a valley.
Hearing-place. Range of bricks. iaX-^j ia~*l,
Ear. Handie ot /^}-^* ^•-— Your orders shall be Ckil.>^ dJ^^>-
a bucket. fuiaUed.
Shackle, fetter. Hei-on (bird). J^i:^ ->
Current reports Oli•^»... -* ^ f,_j->_—
rumours. To hear (a sound). To fi> zts^'CZ.j

Holes of the body: ears, nostril3.^L_i understand (a meaning).

etc. To listen to (speech). J\ —
To become tall o -« i
To obey a. o. To hearken to. ^j J —
(plant). j
To spread the fame of. s ^%S^
Pure, inei-e (lie). \
To make a. o. to hear. * j i-J^^i ~
Sumach (tree). To revile a. o. ~
^^^t^' ^
Yoke. To disgrace a. o. To divulge. y_,

To raise (a buil- To tell a. th. to the ears of. ^^j:,! s'

ding j. To revile a. o.
To ascend. To be lofty. C'T^ ^-.Afr...v To put a handle to (a backet). A—
high. Do see and hear! r^^i *j j^\
Roof: canopy of dUJ-j <>• dC— To Jlj J ;^^b lilj ^ /"i— b /"^J
heaven. Height. Thickness. listen, to hearken to.
Fish. iU-i1j i)_^j i'C— rr '^^^^ To know a. th. by hearsay. *j »;»Llj
^^ 0-
a. th. with butter. To give butter <>• Skate-fish, turbot.
to a. 0. if Pike-fish.
To be fat naturally. To possess ^^^1 Xiphias, sword-fish.
butter, fat flocks. To purchase, to ^ Sole-fish.
possess a fat beast. ^ Whale,
To ask for fat beasts. ^i-l5l,l» Pisces, the Fishes {cons
To find a. 0. fat. 5 — tellttion).
Melted oC;-^j ^b <jyJ^ r j4-^ ^ He broiled his
fish in the
of a burning
house ;
ji^l J j'ji
butter. fire

Fattening' medicine. jliJL i.e . h.' derived a profit fi'om a mis-

Quail. o"!^ "f ^ "'*• *-^) Upholding or lifting im- ^^ ^ jC^
Sect of Indian metempsjcho- ;!.4£ll plement,
sists. J>VI iJvizJb ^*SJ^ i!li4JI,oiriUJI
Seller of butter. Paint, -fy Gro- clt^ Arclurus and Spica Viryinis (stars).
cer. Sm ill di'ied fishes, 'LXxJ.
Fat (man, land). ciC-r ?- *~^»- -» ^i«-^ Fishmonger. jii^
Chaste (speech). Numerous (house- High. Deep. Thick. i)jilj»j Ar!--
hold). "Wooden fork up- <i^/>\U ^ >li; •.»
Naturally plump, fat. holding a tent, {> Vine-prop.
Fattened, become fat The Heavens. cJS'^lJ^Wj c}-^ \ " '

Azure, Blue "J

sapphire (gem).
^ u>^^; j: p To put out
(the eye), with a hot
* j;ii)j,:^;j: o
ji- -s-

Salamander. Asbestos jj.^~j JJ.I To cleanse (a well). ^ jl^j —

amianthus. To yield little water J^' J^
Phenix (fabulous bird), ai;^-::^ J'-ki»_: -s^ ;
(bucket, tank).
To run without res- (a_^4J- a *'^^Z. -^
To make peace between. >:/u j;_^1j Ji.:!.

pite (horse). To be confounded (man). jiJ-lj , :;JliJL. o j4-^j *J.»4~^j V_^iJL Ji-^
To let (beasts) pasture. s -,1
\ To be worn out (clothes).
Gossamer. Atnosphere. :;,-.
To speak to a. o. 6'^V S jt,^
Lies. '[I'/^j -ijlt-ij jiz^i Jh^J ~ i
Vain things. :
To To draw the remains jilj
To mix up (a story) with r-i'o-^ fin "5^ To drink (wine) repeatedly.

lies. To twist (a I'ope) strongly. To ba lean (man). To contract cJuJ-l

Falsehood. ?r^*<— (shade).
Fat (boy). Large (country), jj.^'^ -^ j
Shabby clothes. Jii^l ^ j;.::
]VIi.sleading desert. i
Shabby, worn jj^_, J>4-^j ii^l^j J«^
To baar one year (
grain-seed).^^;^ -^ |
To be hard (spear, affair Water-worm. Ju-l.
To be thick (darkness) To be dry Jj^j JU-^b J«-^ T *U-^j ii^
and tough (thorn). Black mud. Remainder of water.
Hard, strong (.spear). Remainder (of wine). 0"!^^
To be high, raised. i
Small cup .saucer. : VJ'^
To go hunting. Bare, even desert, jii^ ^ *Xj^ -H-

To aspire to. Jl To be cA~^j i:\^j , C;^ a ,j^ -S-

To raise (the eyes). or become fleshy.

To be raised to (the eyes) To put butter jj fi> ^^j , (Lij;, o ,;^.^
To in (food). To feed a. with butter.

name, to call a7 o. by'his name To fatten a. 0. To prepare /tj » ^^L


To polish (speech). To give a name, to name. ,_,j ? t^

To point a spear. To mention.
To grow (teeth of a child). To invoke the name of God upon, J —
To discharge (water). To To vie in glory with. y ^jC,
make teeth to grow (God). To raise a. th. A sliJ,!^ ^<^'^
To bo aged, old. 'J^^b 1-^ ^ To be called, named. Cilj ^i^
To pick o"s teeth. To prauce c^-ll To claim relationship to. Jl,_j k_i

(horse). To move about (mirage). To vie together in glory. OUj J»11j
To be discharged (water). To be They mounted on jliji jc l^LJ

conspicuous (road). hoi'seback.

Tooth (of aui- ^1j ^h oU-Ll ^ i--
To put on shooting-boots. To
hunt gazelles.
mals, of a comb, of a saw). Nib of a
pen. Horn. Clove of garlic. To pay a visit to. To judge well
Age ; lifetime. Coeval. oC-ll ^ — of a. 0.
Dandelion, lion's-tooth To ask the name of. Aj 5 <^'

{plant). Height, highness.

< Denlnria. tooth-wort
He is advanced in age. Sky ; cano"pY of heaven. Cload. Rain
Road conduct
C^#^j OV-^J CA.**'^ O^-^ Roof. Back of a horse.
method. The Arabs. •(

Face. Nature. Behaviour Tent before a house. Figure

Religious la-w, Sunna. seen from afar.
( un. ^L ) *llJlj *^iJI JaI Good repute, fame. C^-l

The Sunnites. ( opp. to xi^ Heavenly..< North wind. <jji^

Two-headed axe. <>- Sky-blue colour.
Spear-head. Whetstone
Fhes. Name. Noun."<>- Fame.
He manages speai's as oC-l)l True name of ;j^lijl ^^\j _^V) _,^VI
he likes. God supposed to work miracles.
Tooth-brush. Tooth-powder. In the name of God. ^1 ^^
"Whetted. Fallings of a whet- < Willingly.
stone. Bare (soil). High. Equal. Namesake. :c!^ ^ v^
Wind. Heap. Long :JS^
mound of sand. High, lofty, sublime. cJiA^j
More aged, older. o—
Hunters. sC-i
Whetstone gi'inding- ,
Himter's gaiters. SUl.;
Aged, old.
Named aforesaid.
To whet (a

f> jCj UJi o i^ -^

ill;; Crr^
Polished (marble). Spotted knife). To sharpen (the appetite).
shining face. Stinking (mire). Bright To mount a spear-head. To jfj a '^.^
(face). clean (the t-^eth). To m"ge on (ca-
Beaten (road). i^i^j mels). To spear a. o. To seize with
Thirst. Head of a ^^^lo-l V the teeth. To break the teeth of.
pulley.Edge of the vertebra. To facilitate a. th. To undo (a knot).
Whetstone, emery. ,^SCLi P To manage camels) well. To pour
Small meat pie. .tj^Z.JLiC._3 Ts water. To fashion clay. -^To indent.
Boat, skifif. To establish a law upon. To it A ;^'
Elder- jjli-ll^j i_J-iwj <CJ_^lwj <_s_j-i— pour (water) upon.
tree. To follow a path. fi, ,j1JlL\j '^
JLU- ( vr- ^ )
a. 0. (science). Kind of run. libCj: -^ d»iL' -«
To be rancid (oil). Forepart of the hoof. Edge of a
To eat to excess. sword. <• Small boat. Punch.
Origin. Socket (of a To put forth ears (corn). j^ -fi-

tooth). Fit of fever- Ears of J^il.^ -r («'*• *i^) Jiii

Fetid smell. Dirt. '^\S^J corn. -^ Hyacinth (plant).
To J[ jii-llj jJvlJj , I ji^JL ji
rely, to stay o.'s self on. Andropoiion nardus. Indian sjjikonard.
To be near (the age of fifty). J- Nardus Celtica^ 'kind of t/ /j jilJL
To wear on a streaked garment. jS^ spikenard.
To prop, to strengthen a. th. * jX^ Spica Virginis. (Zodiacal ;llil)l

To back. To assist a. o. S jJC sign).

To reward a. o. for. ^^ ^
~ To experience drought. ^Ll'i — c^ -tt-

To use Vjj\Laj \'i\u^ sJ^ 4j 0*4 "" To marry a noble woman (low
dissemblant vowel before the rhyme- born but rich man).
latter. Cheese. Honey. Dates.
To ascend (a mountain), j aUlj a;I. Anethum graveolena. garden-dill.
To strive in running. Cumin.
To make a. o. to go up. J 5 — Barren (land). Destitute
To stay a. o. upon. Jl s jlli\ (man).
To rest a tradition upon. Jl A — Year of drought.
To have recour.?e to (God). Ji jl:a-LI_ To spot, to stain. ^ bclJi
Stay, support. Acclivi- iV^] ^ SiZ, Mark of smoke.
ty summit of a moimtain.
; Metal weights of a OV*-—
Gnaphalium fruticosuin, cotton- soi-- balance. Steel-yard. Bayoue^

weed. Wiiite speckled with black.

Kind of streaked clothes. -^ Re- iU-- Red jujube. ^-^ P
ceipt,written statement. Title-deed. Speckled (garment). t-^La
The Sind. River Indus {coll), j^ Minever ; grey squirrel. <-j^^ P
Inhabitant of i\u^'\j itLi ^ s/,-^ Banner. Turkish J^^iU. ^ jW--^
the Sind. province. Governor.
Strong she-camel. oJCI ^ iCxU.1. Greyish, ash-coloured. '^\^^ P
Poetical licence. To occur J (Ui-lj C^>LJ!,j (kUL a rd^ -fi-

Ascription of a tradition. Rela- iUJ,l. to the mind (thought). To be easy

tion of the attribute to its subject. to a. o. (poeti'y).
To insinuate a. th. i_»

Anvil. To turn a. 0. away from. ^t 5 —
Holm, ever- (»/i. xJIjoL-) oOJi- P To smite a. 0. with an evil. Uj »_)

green oak. ^L»J V>-U.--j <>i'[^J nJl—j , b-^^i.- —
Time, epoch. Attribute jj\lJ^ ^ aili To cross to the right (game).
(m grammar). Hymiaritic charac- To shelter o.'s self from ^»
ters. Spurious. (the wind).
Couch, pillow. aiVl>» ^ juUJ •j a;l^ To ask a. 0. to explain.^ ^^.llSj-tj fi>-
They went forth under ^jjCli l_)»^ Good omen, luck. Middle (of a
various standards. road)
To go fast. joL: -« Passing on the right ^M}-' t V
Birch (tree). Measure for corn. 330!^ side of a hunter (game).
Bold. Tall. White (blade).
Pearls. Ornament. rd- rr ''-c;--
Lion. Big-eyed. Good. Bad. To be rooted in j tC:J^^^ ^
C r-rr )
"White star. jjjuj:^ oOLLL ^ j^ Sandarach ;
juniper-resin, ^j'/j-:^ P
Wliitewaslied, plastered house. Copal resin. jj-Jj u-j'/-^
Pretty woman. Fine silk-brocade. i^'jll P
To be a tinman. To be ill-natured. i;>w a -8-^ -Ji-

•^ To frame (a picture). Armour.

Tinman. S^CJL Cat. Prince. Vertebra -'vU
Martyrology. of the neck.
To be large in its ( Musk-cat, civet. iQj" SA^
hump (camel). To be Gaij; a ia^j ^t^ o Jai-:l -W-

To fatten (a camel's ; beardless.

hiunp : pasture). Acacm Nilotica (plant). ij'„^..

To fill (a vessel, a measure). ^ Jj,

To raise. To make convex (a grave). Beardless.
To ascend upon. Blacksmith's hammer. ^QiU -fi-

To rise high (blaze, smoke). ^^1 Dulcimer. j^lii-^j ,MkL; Gr

To mount (a camel). ^^SJ fi> Length. iiki,: -H-

To overtake a. o. j — Sluggish walk. Stooping of ;i r U' '.

Camel's hump, promi- XtS^\ y. j^t^ the head.

nence. Chief of a ti'ibe. ( ^ii, o^ ) Vc^i- J *tlx-2 o ^iL^j a ;»l.i -K-

Big-humped (camel). In blossom ^^ To be gi'acious.

(plant). To feel a pain in the wrist. To ^]
Fruit of the thistle '^^ when j>\:J.\ have fine children. To be gracious
dry. (child).
Blossom. Summit. x:,^ Wrist. Lines in f-VLllj iJ-. ^ ^J--
Nectar water of Paradise.
: j^l^ the haud,^
Moon. Night-robber. jCi-, — ^ p- -S- ,
.. Tall, fine, gracious
Name of a Greek architect. The weasel. Cj;ii!l
Anchovy. «j^i.i^ T iNIountain-road.
To be very old. tXi^j Cji:; , a *f.: * To precede s _iL JLlf'-K-
To bear every year (tree). JC- the (others ; camel).
To make an agreement with ? — To gird a camel. s _il^1j —
a. 0. for one year. To blow violently (wind). To ,_ilJ.1
To be old, mouldy (bread). J-i x'aise neck (camel). To appear near
Year. Barrenness. CjU''- t *^ (lightnings).
Bearing every two years (tree), •Cji-^ Stripped branch. Leaf, j^i- «. ^JiL^
To irrigate a a SjC^j 1^ o U-: -«
'.i. ...
^ "fSti ^—'
' 7 {,IIH, tii^) >_i.',^

land (water-wheel, cloud). To flash. Pericarp, pod. Company.

To draw water for o."s self. J — Camel's gii'th. ^jdSj wiLi ^ oil-
To make a contract tu— j a\i[Li Ju The two pieces of wood oliiJ-ij oliiij;
with a. 0. for one year, on both sides of a pulley.
1 ear. Ln- cjj^j
cj^^l^j oj •-« ^ ^' ' Emery. Slo^i^ ••
fruitfuloes.s. Barren land. Symphytum^ comphrey {pl).oJij^ G
Year of drought. .1^ Atfected with dearth (soil). iiili
Yearly. j^ Lean (she-camel).
^ Amii versa ry. 'li^ j-jt Camel shilting his ^lUJi ^ oCj>
Irrigating water-wheel, pl^ ,- <Lj\^ saddle forwards or backwards.
Beast for working a wheel. To suffer indigestion CalJ; a ji^ *
Watered with a water- '^sr-^J j^ from milk (young one).
engine (ground). To softeu a. o. (luxury). jul
( rrr)
Wakeful. M-^J -^— Dam.
Strong youth. i_^ To be high in rank. <\:Ji a
More vigilant thaa thee. jiU> Clj jj-ll To loose (a knot). i5— J ^-

To spend the night \y^ a ^4-; -th To op'^n (a door)

awake. To flash bynight (lightning). To ascend upon.
To wake in company of. 5 ja'L, To ti'eat a. 0.
To keep a. 0. awake. 5
J^\ kindly.
Wakefulness. Sleeplessness. j(^j j^ To remain the whole year. To ^\
Even-tide. 5^^ light a house (lightning, fire).
Sleepless night. ykC- jlJ To exalt, to raise a. th. fi>

Surface of the earth. Liexhaus- s^aC- To give a splendid SjJ.V?»)l *J 'v>J.1

tible spring.Untrodden desert. Hell. reward.

Moon. Syria. To b- altered by time. To be J.1.0
Wakefulness. Abundance. Halo, ji^C ready, facilitated. To be open (lock).

sheath of the moon. To be in good circumstances. To be

The moon has en- jytll!) j J^:\ JiS raised.
tered its sheath. To please a. 0. S —
To be in the pangs U4^
».ji^j j4-^

Lightning. Kind of
Common senna, jj

Gt^. j

U-lj Oj;
of death. High rank. , 'Cj;
To burn with thirst. Noble, illustrious man. CCi-L J»3
To pine away. The whole, the entire thing. XiO^;.!!

To make little of. Noble. Magnificent *!;.:- ^ '^^

Fish scales. frewardj.
Thirst-giving food. \:.y Swallow. y>^
Unable to quench his thirst. To take a. th. * C4-^ a s^i^ -S-
To blow in a gale CSC^j; a dX^ * To dart forth ahead (horse). ,_4-^1
(wind). To be unsatiable (man).
To raise the dust (wind). — fit To let (a beast) pasture fitj s —

To run gently (beast). Cr_^ - freely. To suck (his mother young). :

To have a foul smell. CS^ a <^4^ To be profuse in speech. j,yS^\ J —

Foul smell of *-J>4--J *^~^^J >^i-- To bestow generously. — ^^b
(sweat, fish). To lo.?e the mind from the ^ | 'i
Stinking. dl^^ bite of a snake or from love. To
Sx.4—Ij tij^^Mj <t\^L^j ii^^Z'j *S-ftL.j 'tLJL yield no water (well).
Violent, tempestuous wind). Wide desert. Spirited (horse).
Leeward place. ;_sC j ' i^ cU^i Far-extending plain. (_/j4--

To bs smooth, even 3>J-i Jj^ -J^ Deep (well). ^CilJj "C^

(earth). To blow violently %^ a rt^ -tt-

To be easy (affair). *Jl4-- O J4— (wind).

To level (the ground). To pound (perfumes). To sweep * —
To facilitate a. th. (the soil : wind).
To be compliant with. s jaC To travel the whole night. i:IlJ —
To come to a plain. Violent (gale). r-ir-J t>4--'-> '?«^^
To relax a. o. (medicine). Windward. Leeward place. ?r4-l^
To find a. th. easy. To wake, to M^j ^j+^ , a o^ -tt-

To be relaxed (bowels). be sleepless.

To become easy. To keep a. o. awake (grief). * 04-^
To show compliance to. Wake, sleeplessness. I'j^j ii^^j m^

To be bad, wicked.
C m To

«i^ find a. th. easy. j;j a jj',,^, l(_

A^\j^j *_jjJl.j s«\^j *'>--j A Easy. Crow.

plain. J_,4_l ^ j;/
2f *-jLL^j i[l^j IjyL^j »jJl—»j Compliant (man). ji^ji j^
To wi'ong. To grieve a. o. Little fleshy on the cheeks. Jf^\
To tliink ill of a. o. \:J& n ?l- Sea-sand brought up.
To blame, to Jt * ^j^j ^j^ 'j-^ Easiness.
reprove. Diarrhea.
Improve, do not corrupt. Is'jlh Vj yl Easy. Sandy (river-bed)
To corrupt, to mar a. th. A SfCl. sCl Canopus [constell).
To do evil to a. o. Jl
— Proverbial liai-.

To think ill of. ^Lll ^ - Laxative, purgative. J^JJ J>«-i

To be in treated. To be offended.fVxJ,)^ To pine ^^4^j C.^4^ o ^j
Evil, mis-
'jji^ ^ c«L.?j M^-'l
Leprosy. Wi*etched. Vice.
?- ^ away. To frown.
To be smitten by simoom.
Wicked, wretched man.«^lj 'jZ. Jsij To win a. o. in a game of 5 >C-
Foul action. Hell-fire chance.
Bad, evil, shameful. To cast lots between.
Sin. Bad action. To partake a. th. between
Pudenda. Turpitude. To draw lots.
Corpse. AiTow. Beam of a JJi^^ ^ ^\..
Worse. Ugly, foul. IV house. IMast of a ship. Measure of 6
Evil action, word. cubits,
To walk Cb-^j %\'j^j ^'j-^ ^C $* i.ot, siiare. X^^^j oVi^—'j jrt~^^ w "
gently. ^ Share of a joint stock. <> Ticket
Round inn. liC ) o^^o^^ t ?rC- in a lottery.
darkish cloak. Teak tree. Indian Sagitta {constell). <jfj'^ j^
plantain-tree. Kindred. Portion. Lot. Si-i--
•^ Castanets. oUC Intense heat. Prudent people.
To lead a wandering life. o ^C- •• Emaciated she-camel, v^l^ ^ ^aC
Court-yard. ob-Cj ^_j-ij ^C ^ :c^C Gossamer. Great heat simoon. j\^ ;

Open-space. Square. Rocket, squib. *^>4-^ "^

tf Hermit. ^\'^ ^ ^ t-'^^j ''j U Leanness. Disease of camels. ^Cj-i
Pilgrim. FeUow-player. Share-holder. ^lljt
<• Sun-drop (plant). ^1^1 vi^.T.-^ Striped garment. ^V *
To sink caL)1 j ^^7j , d-'j^ o ^U -«- Emaciated (camel). ^Y h j-jV *

in the earth (legs).

To ovei'- Jj ^
)j4J,_, 1^ oi^ ^
To subside (in water). 'liil J look ; to be unmindful of. To be di-
verted fi'om.
The earth has swallowed them up. Innumerable flocks. ijj v Ju
Mire, slime. *^>-l3-^j j>'>-^J -r^'y^ To be manageable (camel).SjCj-; o ^^
To be compliant with. j jJC
To be noble, glorious. To construct (a booth). ft,
To rule. To lead (a tribe), To s- Dim star in ursa major. j4-^j '^
overcome a. o. in glory. Unmindfulness. Cool (water' >-
•^To ovei'top a. th. Gentle (camel).
To be black.3i;}-llj i'j^h. li^ a ij-il Portion of the night. 'l>*rJ.
To be bold. Shelf. Closet. Curtain, »C »>-
To make a. o. chief. Booth. Window.
To blacken a. th. <^ To make »j ^ - Neglectful. Heedless. Ciij^-^J sU«

( rrf> )
^' To be peevish, grieved. oi>-J < canvass. To manure (a field).
To scale, /b j^j jj^j , 0_)^ o jL- -i^ To blacken the '•^'j^i *?-> *>-
to climb (a wall). charact-r^r. To disgrace a. o.

To assault, to J\ ^jj'[y^j b'^ o jC To use deceit witii. To .speak ? ajC,

assail. secretly. To meet a. o. in darkness.
To rush to the head (wine). ^\y\ j — To contend with a. o. for masteiy.
Forward! Go on. ^ 'j^' To beget a black boy or idj j]^1
a boy who is a chief.

To put bi'acelets to. 5 j^

To wall (a town). A> — To become a chief. To man*y. i^
To intoxicate a. o. » 1;!^^ ijjL.^ jjU- To be blackened. •< To be manured
To rush upon. (field).

To put on bracelets (woman). /jlJi To kill a chief. To ask from 5 :>\cJi,\

To be walled (town). (a tribe) a woman in marriage.

Town-wall. Spe- ol3i-J j'>-'l jr -;>--
Authority of a chief.ii^ J 5ij--j >y^
cies of fig. Noble camels. Achyrautlies polystachia {plant), i^
^ Hoi'semen. Cavalry. lSjJS-- ^ Valley full {^un. 3i^) il^— 1 -r i>-^
Assault of (wine). Paroxysm of Sj>- of black stones.
fever. Outburst of anger. Strength. Blackness. Numerous flock. il^
Rank, c^jy^j jy^j j^ t » j>— Great number. Manure.
dignity. Chapter of the Koran. Sign. Suburbs, villages. oLJI —
Row of stones in a wall. The black of the eye. J^\ i^\j i\'^
The ^Ju)l A^l'j^j MVwj i}— b iO-
Bracelet'. Sjj,\— heart's core.
Easily intoxicated. Sharp (dog). j\jZ, Person. :>j\J\ r-»i si>^*l ^ —
Clever Sj^Uij jj,u1 ^ j\'^ \ j JC^ \
Secret speaking. Disease of the ii^JL
rider. Archer. liver. Sheep disease. Yellowness of
Leathei-n pillow. jjCj; ^ 'c'Si^pj j'jL^ the face. Spot on the nails.
Powerful (king). Part of the j^i Sparrow. i^-lVb <df^j-^i *i?'>-
wrist wearing bracelets. Negroes. Soudan. 6li_^
To rule (a people) j l.:C- o a-\- ^ Ruellia intrusa {plant). ^j'^j-^
To tend. (A horse). To" 'train. To Lion. Wolf. o)j ^ oj J, J , ,

manage (an affair). -(f- Chief.

To b .u Chief, lord. Hus- aJL-^j iCJ-l ^ ju_:
attacked by grubs (sheep). band. A
descendant of INIohainmed.
To be wj-^J w^'j u^y^J ij~irr;
< Our blessed Lady. SjclJI
worm-eaten (grain, wood;. Chief, prince. s'iC ^ aJ.C
To facilitate a. th. to. J ^"jZ. fit Authority. <> Lordship (title). SiL-
To be invested with authority. ^-'^JL Black. Greater. ^^ ^ -b^ ^ :.3-11
<> To manage affairs well. jy>i\ ^C Enemy, foe. j.Sj\ iJ^\
Liquorice ( un. X-L_,-l ) uC-a- ^ ^^ The black stone of the i^^vl ,^JI
{ylant). Moth-worm; weevil. Nature. Caaba.
Origin. Large snake. ijt,C-,l ^ oli^'l ^ —
Disease in the neck of horses. ^\'^ Spleen. Melancholy. »|ju^j -iV^i
Authority. Politics. Tending CC.^ Dates and water. The snake ol3S-lvi
of horses. and the scorpion.
Political economy. Cjjil ULi^\ tf Black bottle. Canvass of a Si^li
Manager. Groom, ^l^j iJc, ^\^ writing.
if- Runner. Bad, severe (days). ctjlJj Si^lJ
A celebrated wily beggar. oCu- To grieve, to vex a. o. s oij-^ "^
( r-r

To give a. th. to a. o. Craft of a s^^^ndier. c.CC *5i_,b

Grant me a i-espite. (u». -ilL'j^') ^'yZj 0--J--J >j\— ^ P
To be twin-born with. ;-1 Lily. Iri.s. Pancratium.
Twin-born. Twin- {m .
f .) X^'jZ^j f.'j^ To Avhip (a beast). 5 Cl»^ JsC -Ji-

brothel-. A brother. To mix up (liquids, affairs). A i»5-Lj —

Digestible. ^i;^ To begin (war).
Easily swal- f.LlLij p^lj f^^j >jU His .soul is CjCj»3-:; iliJ c^C
lowed. oppressed.
To be smitten by (jj^ o a jC- -ir To be intricate (affair). •l»j=--l
murrain (cattle). Leathern whip ; i,\'^\j J,u~, ^ h'jl
To smell a. th. oUJ- 1j Cij^ o — ,
a lash. Lot. IMisfortune. Pond.
To bear a. th. patiently. ic oC They agree on all )a>|j 0?>- oCl^liS
To put off, to po.stpone. s jj^ points.
To give to a. o. full power in. Sun-ray penetrating ji,G i»^
To communicate a secret. To 5 ^JU through a hole.
smell at. Hotch-potch of jieas, onions. 'QaJ^
To lose (a son, cattle). ciL Policeman with a whip. J^l^--
Particle indicating the future Sj^ Instrument for mixing, i^ljl^j ^'y^^t
{longer than ^^ ). Horse going only by whip. ^VjLj'
Thou shalt see. ^s,'} Sj^ To pasture freely o j.C -J^ t^
He lives on hope. ij>l5l cJci'i (cattle). To be lost (thing).
Murrain. Cattle disease. ol^ To bargain, to 5 ^\'j^j \i.j\~.l' f.jL,
hire a. 0. for the hour.
Row of bricks, clay ; soft ground. To neglect. To lose a. th. /b ^d. ^Cl
Distance. ^CJj ;L_-j >jj}lJ' ^ **ll? To procrastinate. v'tl^J,!^ ^^Jl
Bei*eft of a son. ^ jl First night-watch. f.l>-o fi>-^
Taken from his parents (son). oC-/J Hour of 60 minutes. oU-C-.^ ^C- ^ XtC
Nose. ^i_; A while Present time. Distance.
Bereft of her son (mother). oUl^ Hour of the resurrection. < Clock,
To di'ive (a beast). To is CsLi-.! Sun-dial. lL_iii, —
impel, to urge a. o. Sand-clock clepsydra.
: :CJ'j "is-V^
He treated him like ^J^ jlI* iJC Breviary. Book of prayers. 1^1^ -^
other people. Painful hour. 'W.Z^ ItU-
He caiTies on his narra- d-iJiWil JjIj Still, yet, till now. llU % xixlXi
tive. Watchmaker. Juu <>•
To send the dowi'y ^ 2^ julj Ji A — He has done it on the spot.j^til. ^^ ilil
to (a woman). A certain woman. Idol in Ruhat. ^i^JL
To convey a. th. C3L--j D>^ - ^ Fickle. 'J^*i>-
To give up the ghost. Lavisher, spendthrift. J ^.u!/. j-fj-ia*
He gave up his ghost. --J-'jj ilij - To be Oli^Jlj tl}-j <t>: o ?.C- «•
To hit a. 0. on the shank 5 - easily swallowed.
To have a stem (plant). To be permitted. < To be con- J —
To intrust a. o. with. * 5- venient.
To cont'rnd with a. 0. in 5 J3C- To swal-ifc f.Cb CiL: i j.Uj li}.: -
driving. low (food) easily.
To give n 2f j^_: <_, JU-S.^|_, jU The earth has o^jvi .j c-W—
(camels) to drive to. swallowed him up.
To carry on a trade. J>^i To allow, to permit a. th. a ^^

( try ) J.
Flabbineas of the belly, To walk in a file (camels). To JjLJ
the limbs. press together (sheep).
Annual, official almanac. To be driven (beast). JUjI,
Equal, match. Leg. shank; j^lj uU---j J^-i ^ JU.
Having a Habby ^jL ^ stem of a plant trunk. Side of a

hanging belly. triangle.

Large bucket. *"^>^ Male ring-dove.
To go to pastui-e C-i^^^ G^^ o jL. -H- YirfjO {Zodiacal sign).
(flock). To pass along (wind). Stapella {plant).
To offrii- (goods) for sale. fi> ^C Medicinal plant.
To ask the price of ^j /b ^\i-llj — Capillus Veneris, maiden- ji^J,vi JUJI
(goods). hair [plant).
To hover over (bird). War became fierce. jC- it 1j\»JI c-^fi
To impose a difficult J' ^}^^ — They they ' ju Jt ,.>5)l y~»
task upon. exert themselves diligently.
He has wronged him. He begot Ju Jt \'JL- aJj o^^ i) -Oj
To send (a beast) to pasture, i ^jt. 3 sons consecutively.
To mark (a horse) The affair becomes a|U- jt ^^f-^VI wilr
To let a. 0. act freely in. Jj J 5 — difficult.
To make a raid against. it — Rear-guard. Retinue. SC
Market, mart, fair. Jl>-^1 :r <J>--
To bargain. To chatter for icj i_i The thickest of a battle. i-j^iJI Jj.^
(goods). Subjects of a king. (??!. p^.) ;5^

To send (cattle) to pasture. Aj ^u1 '& Waterless cloud driven by wind. j:j;
To dig a hollow by a well. Cattle driven oCz^j
JjC-^ jt *2^
To cast the eyes upon. « yau) Jl. — by the enemy. Screen of a hunter.
To set a mark upon. j,y^
' Market-people. -^ Grocer. *J ^-^
Hollow dug in the (wn. i;C ) ^C. Vulgar (man, word).
ground near a pit. Bamboo. Death. Gruel of parched bar- :3j-11 ^ Ji^—
She (Noah's son). ley. Wine.
Vein in a mine. ^C- ^ ;.JU Thread of a speech. Dowry. jC.-.
Mark, sign, ap- 'U^.? S'^j X„^ Agony.
pearance. Long-legged. j;^1j ji^
Sign. Beauty. Natural *CMfc— j Co.--- Driver of cattle. Seller of fine Ji^
magic. flour.
Pasturing cattle. Servant. Relation (man). Long Jlli;!
Camels pastiu'ing freely. Two sloped (moimtain).
hollows beneath a horse's eyes To rub ^* i!jj'j,C?'>: o iJC -{^

Quick passage. ^Lj: a. th. with.

Wood at the foot of a door-post.;>C-.Ji To totter in walk- ii3\'-ij,(J'\j^ —
To be worth. /b •^^jC-j ^s j^ a jj^ -S- !
To cleanse the teeth. lUi-lij ii^LJ
To be equivalent to. I
Tooth- dlj J CJ» rr i^^J^J , il-- T ^'j-;
It is worthless. Glii i^j C..3 Vj j;^ V stick made with the Caparis sodata.
To To com- * ^ jj j^^L
level a. th. To ask (a ques- S\'j^j Sfl^J. a JC -tt-

plete, toarrange a. th. tion). To demand.

He has been swallow- ;>jVl *J.Ip c-i^ To have a flaccid belly. V}-- a J^
ed up. To delude a. o. (Satan). J J'y^
To render things crUj ^A jjC-,, ^^^:. His mind enticed jl i^lJ; J zJ'y^
equivalent, equal. him to.
err A )

Bed of a stream. Apple. To be vile, contemptible. JJ^^

Widower. i-Jl; -• To render equal. To level a. th. — fit

She-camel freed wjIj-^j wi- 'r '^'^ To omit (a letter) in reading.

Emancipated (slave).
fi'om all labour. He has been 'jsjj\ ^ cJ^L b o^
fy-Shameless (woman). swallowed up by the earth.
Unripe dates.
vCr'-' "-"C— ->
unripe date. Wine.
V^ To equal. -^ To agree j Sy^'^i lijUJ
To fence. A jjii^ -i^ To To be
be matui'e (man). fS'^K
To be fenced, hedged. ^.Ilj i>- straightened. To be symmetrical,
Prickly hedge, fence. oVVU- ^ ^U- complete, right. To be thoroughly
Scai'-fish. oU cooked (food.) To be ripe (fruit).
To flow upon OulJlj G^:- i ^U ^ To sit upon. — ift

the -surface of the earth (water). To To direct o."s self towards. Jl^ —

turn, to move (shade). I had the same design Jl^ oJ^il

iO tra- G:l^_j y^K'yC^j \>^^^J "ii-X^^ — as he.
vel. To make a pilgrimage. Except, save. \Sj^
To let flnw (a liquid). ^Cij -rZ^ fi> iSj^j <S ^'i 'i_^i M,
To speak elegantly. O^iT &s-u1j ^JtJL Equal, like, complete. Equality.
To become large (belly). To be ^Lljl^ Equity. Other, else. ]\Iiddlepart.
rent (clothes). <>• Together.

To open (heart). i'jC

— They are on a par. »|^ 'si- I^a is.

Flowing water. ^C-Llj nfe" T ":r^

<>• Whether ... or... \'jZ. .... ^\'y^

Striped garment. Right. Even 'C_^1 ^ ~^_y:^ j, 'j^

Journey, tour. -^ Pilgrimage. *>C-. (soil).
Implements of a pilgrim. «:LiJI tJii Equality. Vehicle for Cl^ ^ *i>-
Devotee o^^Cr- 'r 9-4---> ^C:~ «• ^4'^ poor people. Stuffed garment.
fasting much wandering ascetic.
; Equal, ^'^\ ^ oC-r «i^ ('"• f-) 'iSi-
Pilgrim. -^ Tom-ist. Itinerant. alike.
Spreading calumnies ^^j'L.j^ ^ ^Cl^ Especially. li^-Vj l;I~V
about. Equinoctial line. Equator. 'I>:lyi 'Jai
Streaked (clothes). Having ma- -rZl^ Equal. *ij,U-i ^ ^jUJ»
ny tracks (road). Wild ass. Curved oC.^ ^ ltS^' *=-; ~ «4r-
Place of tra veil- yuMJ- ^ 'i^\U'^ ^\Jj^ part of a bow.
To sink into \J\-C^j ^^ ^u i -S-

flowmg by
^ -
?- *i5^ J 'cS^
- ' -

mire (foot). To be fii'm, steady. To draw milk flowing by itself. A "C^

Large knife. ^tJ,l ^ ,^ P To let flow milk (she-camel). \llj
•<>• Roasting-spit. To flow by itself imilk). llljl.

House of clay.
^_^ ^ ^C^ To run (water). To wan- Gr-i v''-- ^
To S^Vr'-* '-^l-r*j 0''c-~"j Iji-- i j'^ "^ der at random. To go quickly. To be
go, to travel. To be current. set free (beast).
To behave well. iHi zjy^ jC- To expatiate at great *2^ j —
To establish (a custom, rule). A— length.
To bring a. o. ^j s — To set (a beast) free. To free s ^j:
Do not mind it. iUt ^- (a slave). To forsake a. th.
To send, to make to go. it jU-lj jaJ, To walk quickly (man). CC«jl, i_iC-jl.

To render (a proverb) current,

To relate (ancient stories). To stripe
^ To glide along (serpent).
Gift. Hair of the tail.
<-r>j^ ?- --j
a garment. To take off (a saddle). Treasui'es. Metals.
To strike a. o. with >.«;... 'J To expel a. o. from (a country).^ j ^t:;
a sword. To keep pace with a. o. -<> Tu s jyji^
To fight together jOiJ, IJ tJuL-'J W^Ux be compliant with.
with a sword. To peel off (skin). _nlJ
To spoil the sewing of (skiji) To travel together. <> To keep Ja^
To be stricken with a swonl xlt company together.
To make travelling-provisions. Jcl^^
Sword. Sword-tish. Hair of a horse's Journey. Leather. Thong. j^U, ^ JC.
tail. Course, mode of life. j\^ ^ 5^-
Gladiolus, corn-flag. v'S-" ^~- Biograpby. Military expedition. Im-
Three stars in Orio. ylUW — ported goods. <>• Matter of speech.
Dolychos polystachium {plant j. ^\>'J\ — Good conduct. 3l>cJI JL>-
Sea-shore ; side of a ^Ll] ^ »li-j— ^ He began to talk is. Sjj^JI ^dl
valley. about.
Long and thin (maD). vUJ^ ^ od^ Garment striped with yellow, 'Oy^
Armed parties of men. Pure gold. Diaphi-agm. Stripped
Armed with a sword. ^i: palm branch. Pellicles of date-
Executioner. stones.
Unfruitful years. Dearth. The remainder. .-^i jUj Ju,
Plain-sided (coin). wiXlj« The whole of a thing.
To flow water). (jyC^j y^ Ju -Hr
( i Planets. Caravan. cj^jC^ ^ SjlJL
To spread on a horse's nose (blaze). Distance, journey, aj^^j jw«
To let flow (a liquid). a JClj Jll Trodden (roadj. Going his j^
To melt a. th. To lengthen Ju-l fi> way (man).
(an iron head of an arrow). Striped (tissue). Sweetmeats. jjlJ
Squadrons poured in. ^^liJOl cJiJ\lj Murulus speciusus u-'lnr-j u-'js-j "^
Torrent. Water-course. ^ jl.;! J^ (/)/.). Paste made with its roots.
A stream. Shower. -^ Waist- ;ilL Jasmine. ^^..x^ -J}-

coat-pocket. Spine of the back. '^Ss^ t '^-jr.

Flowing of water. iU- Ass's back.
<> Diarrhea. ^Lut o>C^ Assiout (town of Egypt). ^A^^
Garnet, precious stone. cniU— ^^ o^,^ To f.\^[j ^y^j vVjlij Cil;i- fC- -i^

Hilt of a sword. move on the earth (looming, watei").

Fluid, liquid. jjlj.^ ^ Jli:Lj jj.V'... To pasture freely (cattle). pC.
^ There
is no harm. Never jaLi C« To plaster a wall with mud
and straw. To grease a. th. To tar
Blaze on a jji;^ ^ :Jc.:l -^j iijU. (a ship).
horse's nose. To dry up (plants).
Kind of Mimosa. Cat-ikasJCz. ^ ~^\.L To lose a. th. To neglect A
lade us, wild artichoke. (camels).
Pouring, raining heavily JC^ Water running on the ground.
(cloud). Kind of large fish. Mixture of clay and straw. ^L..*

Wa- o^^j iLJ\j JiJj Ji Hi ^ J;-^ Grease for a skin.

ter-cour.se. Bed of a stivaui. Horn* of the night. '^*^i *'-sr'
Side of the beard. oVU-i c.» JU-i Ti'owel. f^'^J **r-';
Mount Sinai. Co-, jj^j tx^j 'tx^ -» To be easily swallowed v'ilil- i f,U -^
Avicenna (celebrated phy- Ux- crl (drink).
sician). To be chapped, cracked lill i ^ju ^
(ri- ) .It

inauspicious. Shower. Heat w^jti, i_i^}i^— ^^li -J(-

The left hand. J^jh\j3\ of the sun. Intensity. Blooming of

Inauspicious, ominous. Wont to stumble (horse). j:xii—oli. ^
To pursue an aim. A Ol£ a ol^ -^ To be Ijl^i-'j 53j>=-' ''j^ a j^ -1-

To perform a. th. -well. rugged (ground).

What thou doest, do it well. dU Li d^\ To fret, to be restless. ;ii
He did not care about du liT ol£ C» To disturb, to startle a. o
thy concerns. To be frightened away.
IwiU mar their affair, ^'lii yliV Rugged, uneven (soil).
He pursued the itCi. oCij ijli o'liil, To be hard (soil).
same course as he. Hard and stony (soil).
Momentous thing. oHij oj>J-' ^ oli To be ulcered ^jcd^ Cjli li -a-

affair. State. Condition. Dignity. (sole of the foot).'

What is the matter with you.iJli f» To hate a. o. J_j *3 Ci-j liiLi —
What is your business. To be afraid.
He has a natural pro- o'' <>y^ ^ To corrupt, to root (ulcer). uiliiil.
pensity to. Corruptedness of a wound. jt\ .-r

He is of easy nature. oUjI J4^ 'y> Root. Ulcer on the sole. :5\ir
For the sake of, on oCi t a oCi ^m God extirpated their J^i\£, iji\ J-3'lil.l.

account of. family.

For my sake. iSja\^ cU- ^* <>• To draw ill-luck itj 5 C.vi] a J\^^
Ducts of the oj^j c>i-^ ?- oli' upon a. 0.
teai's. To be inaus- it ^^j oti,
Sutui-e of the skull. i:.j>i-' ^r
~ picious for.
Cleft growing palm-trees. To send a. 0. to Syria.
To J i^liilj i^sCi-j , fc?jl£ tsli -S- To pass to the left of.
precede a. o. To go to Syria. To strut.
To scatter '^people). i^aIj How unlucky he is.
To be distant from o. a. i; \''<r> C»
— To pretend to be a
Ambition. Aim. Basketful of jli Syi'ian. To go to the left.
earth. Slime. To bode ill of a. th. ^ ^txilj
He ran a heat. Ijlil lot Bad omen, iU luck. Black
Basket. Slime taken >vi.; ^ sT_i» (camels).
from a well. Syria, Damascus.

To grow iuiij CLi i l^sT

Li,lj , -Ji- Northern region.
up, to become a youth. Syria. ^lLjI ;;^
To prance, C_^j Oij CCi o i
— Syrian. <» Damascene.
to leap briskly (horse). Northern.
To grow, to l_S.i , C_^j lJ] - Left side.
rise. Nature, temper, _^

To kindle (fire). * C^i^j o iL-^ Character. •^ Magnanimity.

To enhance the beauty of (a lady : Inauspicious, ominous. *ij Cs. ^ v^Ci
hair). To set off (a beast). Unlucky, J\i ^ ^Cil ^ ^U1
(ru )

Figure. Phautom. -^ Veroaica, To blaze fiercely (lirti _i.j 1

speedwell. To compose amatory

Cattle, flocka known by Jlill ^Cil verses on a. o. To begin (a book).
sight. To have young sous. To be old LJ-'I
Rafter (of a roof). ^£ (bullj.

Rope of a shackle *^i! -^j x^L To excite (a horse). To make s -

binding the fore to the hind leg of a. 0. to become a youth (God).
a horse. Itwas preordained for him. iJ ii
Long. obtliT To be kindled ( tire, war). ,J^
Stripped of its bark. Strong ^11.^ Alum. Blue stones of vitriol. ^£
garment, Salt-cod.
Sulphate of iron. 'jliiL-i
Addicted to an affair. _^l {"-^r^ Marvel of Peru (plant). j^| 'iJ'
To exult. To be VjrS a j)^ -^ From youth to old age. oS
^i Jl, il*i'

insolent (man). Youth. Beginning. t^.jLLj tu£j ^iS

To measure a. th. by Gji j o J-^ The vigour of youth i'^jiS. j\.->c^\

the span. flowed in her.

To honour a. o. » jXC I came to you in ji^i ^jiS j illi*
<>• To make gestures. J{£. the beginning of the day.
To give a. th. to a. o. A j'
jJS\ Fuel. "-yr^J ^'^
To draw near a battle.
in ji\^ Enhancing. Crippled horse. s-o'-^
INIeasure. Stature. Marriage. y^S Young or old (bull).
Dowry. Duration of life. Flute, fife. yJui! ->•

Span. Lifetime. jUil ^ ^ji-

Of a small stature. j'\li\j S-^\ ^wsl Young man from 16 to 30.
Wealth. Gift. Gospel. Consecrated ^,ii loungjli,^ ,_,J_Uij oCCij v'^S^ T •i'^
bread. Powers. woman from 13 to 30.
A thief. olJ'„OI jr,Ci Full-grown ^j ^Lfj ^^>4^j v^-
Mist, fog. ;3^;u- -^ (bull).
Horn, bugla. juUij oij^i^ ^ j>ii H Blazing. Beautiful. ^i:jS'^ ?-

Travelling-basket on *iv>^ ° Venus and Mars. oUj

a camel. Aneth, garden-dill {pl'(nt).7Z^j
To cut a. th. to pieces. fit
Jj\^ ^ To lay hold ^ cJ^i-h OiX a ,

To tear its pre} (hawk). upon, to cling.

Tattered clothes. JjiSj '3jS^ Cleaving to his adversary. :;^
<> Treat. Poc'^et-money. iSi'S'S Spider. Milleped. otili^ c^
To repair a. th. a ,_,ali •• - ^-i- -> Flesh-hook. o^.W^' tt ^A^J *^^
To be intertwisted ( trees). ^Jallh To stretch forth the (kli a vi^ -^
Entangled thorns. ,au£ arms in prayer. To extend hands
To draw magical fi> Cklii o ^'S -si- (chameleon).
lines on the sand. To strike out To split a. th. To extend fi>

( writing ). To make cuts on the a skin between stakes. To carve,
skin, to scarify. to hew (wood).
To grasp, to cling to. J ia!lj To appear. To stand erect before. J —
February. l»uL[j i»Ui,' S To have long arms. 7J.C£ o ^4^
A large carp. i^\S ^ ^y^^ ^^j To be weak-sighted by age. ^4^
<• Broom made of small J^^iiT To enlarge. To extend a. th. A —
branches. Gate, large door. -rtl^

To be ^j fi> (^j CjS a. ^^ Long-armed. ^j^^j ~

satisfied, full (stomach). Object. Body. ^/t^j ^V^' « ^^
4J: (ri
Network. Mat.
lattice.-<>- Lattice
of reeds.
work of a
To loathe
ted with.
a. th. To be disgus- ^ ^
Window. To be perfect, full \s.\^ o iiit /^
Hook, paper- iXAlJ' ^ liCl* a (intellect).

fastener. Vice.
Intricate. -^ A kind of sweetmeat.dCl>i To
To be nearly satiated (flocks).
satiate a, o,
< Cripple-legged (horse). To saturate (cloth) with dye. a —
Baker's rolling pin. dl>(^ ^ »i*j>='' P To increase a. th.
To grow up (child), "J^i/ r j:i -«-
' To make (speech) copious ^^Ifedl —
•^To whip, to sew slightly. jli To proioDg the sound xS'J>i\ —
To be inclined to, to aid. ip jlil of a vowel.
To care for her children without To be satiated, to be surfeit. To 4^7
marrying (widow). feign satiation. To boast of riches.
Whelp JCij jiLilj J^i-'j Juil ^ Jli To .satisfy o.'s appetite after dinner.
(of a lion). Satiative. ^4"^ jiJu

Lively, thriving fchUd). Satiety, surfeit. ^lL

Having whelps (lioness), Amount of food sufficient x>Li,

To muzzle a kid. i JS,^ ^J.^ to satiate a. 0.

To be cold. Full, ^'^4'-' i/^-J- 9r ij^.^ J' o^«^

Cold. Death. satisfied, •>> Rich.
Cold (water). Cold and "C^ -^ ><- Copious. Saturated. f^
hungry. Witty man. jiJI jiU^i ^^
Fat (cow). X To become lusty, (slL a j-X <>
Muzzle. Fastener of a head- $\^*^ to be voluptuous.
veil. To loathe (meat).
A plant resembling the henna ^Clll Turkish pipe. - ';' T
in colour. Lusty, lecherous.
Muzzled, having the mouth tied. J.I.A Oak-tree. Lt, -^
To be plunnp, fat (child). CUiC o -S- d^ Baker's rolling pin. Jj.i;}£ ^ J^>^ ^
To be near. To be di:5.ilj d!u\ljj ,QsC£ i dil£ -^
Plump, fat (child). ^ Li, intricate (business).
Groom's man. CA)\iS\ ^ Jyk\j Crui^ S To entangle, ojJ <tC£j A dl^ij

^ God-father, a Village, to intermix. To knit together.
Bride's maid. -^ God- xioi-t^ :;'=.:' To sinlv wells near one d)ui'\
mother. another.
To liken, ^jj A* *;i; — «li -^ To be intricate, duJ.\j <^ilk~)
to compare a. th. -vNith a. o. To as- entangled. To become confused
similate. (darkne.s3).
To render
to a. o.
a. th. dubious
^ Net (of hunter,
fisherman). Snare.
JCij dJC£ ^ <isCC

To resemble, *j 5 ^ I
j U. Wells close each other. sSCi
to be like a. o. or a. th. Land in which there are numerous
He is as weak as a woman. «> I K^\ wells.
To imitate ; to resemble Family connection. <>• Intricate "lisCS.

a. o. affair, difficulty.
To be alike. To be jlij Entangled. Uncertain, dXX^ ^ dbCi
ambiguous. dubious (road).
To be in doubt about. The Milky way. i)oS^\ j^y^W >l
To be dubious to a. o. Net. ( un. tStz. ) clU.Ci ^ ilLi,"

diirerent they are |

Likeness. <ALfj oCi-l ^ *lij *li
Separation, dispersion. Similitude. Figure.
Heedlessness, distraction jlfewVl - Point of resemblance. ch\ i^ j
Wide-apart. Scattered. jiT ^ c-4^ Collective noun. ,^\ «li.

Aggregate of various o^ii-'j J^ y^ Yellow copper, o\4^j oi+lij -ui

tribes. brass.
Miscellaneous questions.
Distracted (mind).
^ JlLl*
Doubt, uncertainty, c' j'r'j
P'quivocal. > Suspicion.
*lii ^ liii'

To cut, to slit a. th. a lji£ .niT -{f i Persons of suspected oliiiJI t_iU-i>1
To ollend, to abuse a. o. a — character.
To be cut, dissected. \'J{£. a J\£. Comparison. Allegory. *.ai;
To suffer fi'oin an ^nljlj j\z^i — Likeness. Ambiguousness. oClil
invei'sion of the eyelids. Doubt.
To revile a. o. o A£j J^^ Alike. aCi. ^ *^
Slit. Defect. Inversion of the j,£ Rhomboid. caiUo 4-fX
eyelids. Trapezoid. ui_,iii4.ilj

Space between two fingers. -ilpS. Dubious. aJlIJj *1L>^
Rogue, knave. ^lii, Consimilar. Homogeneous. y^'*
Affected Avith J{zl ^ '\'J{£ j> ^£] Resemblance. *4j'^
an inversion of the eyelids. Having Suspected, ill-fameu. ».>t-=-^

the lower lip split. Courtezan. **r^ '^3^1 ""^

Cut, torn off, dissected. jtlj» To be lofty. To shine l^l£ o CiC -^

To transplant (a plant). fit jx£ n
i (face). To rear, to prance (horse).
Nursery-plant. ii^ -^ To kiudle brightly (the fire). a —
Cotton plant. Juiu ix~S To have distinguished children. JJ,'|
Indigo plant. j3l — To look favoui-ably at. u —
Seed-plot. Nursery- Jjlli ^ jri.;: <> To give. To honour a. o. s —
garden. To throw a o. into misfortune.
j^\^i *»ii*j *ili.^j Cii- i o ^-i^ -i^ Water-moss. CS
To revile, to vilify a. o. Scorpion. Point. Ci^y^j ^.C ^ sui
To have an ugly, hateful ;;ih£ o J:S. Edge of a sword.
face. Sting of a scorpion. «Sr^-»
To expose o.'self to abuse Bold young woman. s^liT *j j(.G.
To revile o. a. To be overseer. u^i'^ "^
Insult. Revilement. An overseer ( for ^i,\jjj, ) ^a\j^
Habitual reviler, of tenantry.
insolent. To be ^i^J 0(:i£j Cxi i l-i -»•

Grim-faced. dispersed, to scatter.

Austere lion. To scatter, Sj fi> c^£]j cXCj —
To weave a stuff. to separate (people).
Rougli-handed. ^ To be heedless, distract. ;^
10 pass vj iS^i iS-^J To be scattered. cJoJ-b c-IjIj cil^
winter (in a place). set apart.
To be cold (day, winter). Separation, dispersion, o'ii.'i ^ i-i
To enter winter. To suffer Parted, scattered.
from want in winter. Disordei'ed business. Cj^^j cS _^1
<• To rain. They came C'ui-l jl Ciixi oUljT IjuV
< It is raining.
^. in detached bands.
To make a s *Ui-j si:vi; jCi- How widely 1^4^ '^* j' L;jk C» oUi<
To turn aside
^P i \'j*.Z.
( rti )

bargain with a. o. for winter.

a. 0. fi'om. To be sufficient for winter 5 ^1
To thrust a. o. with a spear. ^ ^ — (food supply).
To tie up a. th. to. ^^\ A
— Winter. <• Rain. 'jLi-'j :ai-1 ^ 'Cii.

To support, to prop up (a tent), a — Of winter, wintry. " lsy:ij J>ii

To open (the mouth). To put o.'s Winter-brook. 'j^ '^iH
clothes on a tripod. Season of winter. *j^^j ojit,j suii
T'-i be disputed between cnJ \'jJ>S> o — Cold. <>• Rainy (weather). oCi
(affair;. Winter-residence. zQlLaj jJ.^
To be numerous, TJ Wintei'-quarters.
To become a tree (plant). Plant used by tanners. oUi ^
To graft a tree). '

jk£ a fi> Wild nuts. Much, many.

To prop (a palm-tree). — fit Summit of a mountain, j^xi/ ->
To adorn ('cloth; with flowers. ? _^Ci- To be i)^ o ^^j yc£ a Jii -^
To quarrel with a. o. To graze off. rough (fingers).
To feed upon trees from want _^ Ci Rough-fiogered. /.jUjVi jii
of herbage (cattle). To be hard, i^' cA£j Cli a cn£ -^
To produce trees (land). J>'-^
thick (palm of the hand).
To quarrel with, to ^?e^b ^f ^^ Hard and I'ough, callous. JiC
contend f'men). To be intricate, con- To cleave (the head), fit \»S i o r-i ^
fused (affair). To plough (the sea : ship). To cross
To withdraw (sleep). ^^ixilj J>X^, a desert.
To precede, to outstrip, ic jsci\j — To mix with water (wine). v* ~
To lean the chiu upon the ^?^-i'l To have scui'f on the %^-^ a r-^
hand. forehead.
Trees, .shrubs, {un. I'JfS.') jUXl ^ J>S To fracture (the skull). a c^i^
Thuja^ tre3 of life. To fight. ^iiJj,G.U4,j ^U, '•i.t-\L!'

Larger Arum. Wound. Scar (in the head j.^^Ui^i^iJ

Chelidonium, celandine, Wounded in the head. Scarred rrS\
swallow-wort. on the face.
Ranuncului Adaticus. Split, irac- ?rt?&'=-*j fry>^J ''^••^^J
Alysium. madwort. tured.
-Rosa canina^ dog-rose. •>->• To doom to des- » C>Ji o ^S ^r
How goodly are \.l^'j^ S^aei, -1^ I. I
truction. To afflict. To occupy a. 0.
the shape and size of her udder To stop (a bottle). fi>

Subject of difference. Discordant J>S 1 be .^.AiJj , '-.?tij a w-^ji* j Vj y>:.z^

affair. grieved. To perish.
Side of the mouth.
Plantation. Grove. Thicket.
jit-J^j jyr-^ rr
~ To be mingled, confused (th.). \]j
Grief. Want. -^Sentence of death. _4^
'h_J>S. <>
Arbour. Orchard. Pole of a tent.
«-^ ^ jfi^i ^M-b -'1—*^J j^-rr' Skin used as
Woody : abounding with i^\ %jv>-Sj a bucket.
trees (land). Loss. Ruin. Misfortune, Grief. w.?»i-
Small litter. jtkij J^ Distress.
^^'ooden-bar (of a door).
J>j^ ^ jUi Perished. Sad. v^'^J ^"^
Muzzle Loquacious, talkative.
( for kids).
Abounding with trees. Stranger
Bad. Companion.
Stopper of a bottle.
v^ ""
v^ll^ ?- »-4t^j , w-i-^-' J
Grove of trees thicket. ^ll>: ^
: stand.
(no )
To be choked by a. tli. ^ ^^ ^ I
\\''ooden trivet,
Quarrel, strife, row.
I made hi in go away. ^c i;jkU-1
_i,1 I

To be deeply moved, grieved, j* j>-ViJ Figured with forms of trees

Bone or any thing obstructing G^C (cloth).
thi throat. Chinese writing.
Grief. Anxiety. Object of want To be brave, coura- A^Uti.

Deaert difficult to travel in. •

Sad event. To surpass a. o. in S U».ij

Anxious. courage.
Sorrowful, grieved." To encourage a. o. s ,^fS
To be stingy, y_, iki'j uii' o i a rdC, -H- To show o.'self brave. To take ^^
niggardly of a. th. courage. To feign to be brave.
To be stingy to. — Jt Cowardly. Feeble, crip- X>»Si *i?.ii

^ To decrea.se (source). ^^ pled by disease.

^ To wish good to a. o. o^ J — Courage, bravei'y. <tU^'
To show o.'.self miserly jc. ^ ^Ci
To (juarrel, to grudge o. a. J ^vi3 Courageous, bi'ave, bold.
a thing. Braver. Lion. Stout, J'?^' ^ ;4<-^''

Avarice. > Decrease. ^_i,j ^£j '-rdL Mad.

Niggardly. Sterile (soil). ^\9-S Knuckles of the ;o.Ci.1 ^ ^^Ij ^.i'
Giving no fii*e (steel). fingers.
Stingy. '^\} *.ki!\j ^U^. ^r
A large snake. o^^ t: f-W«4
^ Giving little water (spring). Brave. *«?s.i' -» /"Tj^j i
'l^?"^ '* ;»?^'
Giving little milk ^fJ^G-jC ^ Xk-^zz. Light.
(she-camel). Raving mad. r»^
Yeai's, days in -n,i_(ki o^--; j\ J-i\ Perdition, ruin. J>ii. ^
which there is scantiness of rain. Calamities. j^^
To fly swiftly ( bird ). To ^J.;.^; ^ To be sad.0^ijl_j \1^ o J>Sj a ,;;?».i- -S-

groan (camel). To coo (pigeon).

Avaricious. Croaking much -r-'z^S
(crow). grieve a. o. To detain a. o.

Zealous. Wide (desert). ^ilk£j — To shoot forth (vine). o?^''

*_J_j.sii» *_-»ti<j »_o:i;<j o a >_pii» "5^ To become tangled (trees). ^jj
To be changed by fatigue ^.y>-J.i To remember a. th. * —
and disfigured by hunger (face). Road in a valley. o>?!i-' ?- o?^
To scrape the ground. A Citi a •^^S. Grief, sorrow. oVitib Oj.?«i- ?- c-?"-^

Ghastliness of countenance ^y>id. Need, want.

caused by fatigue or hunger. Bough, branch, *j^j X:?-_ij <^?t4j
To drive away a. o. cJ^S > Tangled, dense trees. Wooded val-

A pinch (of snuff) : a bit, "iiviL -J^

a little. The two are ^^^1 Xi?ti- ji *^?t4r ^^4^
Old buck. -^ Silly fellow. ^JU-J. closely related.
To CGtkij ^'^•^i ^>^ i a r-^S ^ Road on the side of -^I'^i
a?:'>^ .^r X^Ci.
croak (raven). To biay (mule). a valley.
Croaking of a ^r^Mj
r-t*-^ t^j To grieve a. o. i,lj , lj^> i- o \i>s^ ^
raven). Braying (of a mule). deeply. To inspire a. o. with joy.
Wild ass. r-s-^j ^r^ To stir up (discord) between, jy. uX
Mules. ^^p^CioUJj ;r'^ cAiJ To be grieved, anxious, C>Ji a j^

match. Slippers.
Death-rattle. Toothed itT^U-
hammer forhewing stones.
To drag a. o. from place s lA^jC a
to place.
To skin, to flay. A d^j^ a ^~i' -fr
To cut 'a water-melon) A ^.£ <-
into slices. To chip a. th.
Chip. Slice. ^i^xiki-<>-
To gag a kid to (kki^ a uAki
s -ft-

prevent it from sucking.

Kid's iuuzzle. ilG^i
To feeu a. o. with fat. 5 C»J^ a^-iT -ir
To be very fat. *^Ui^ o ^£
To be greedy of fat. C^
a ^>.ir
To smear a. th. with » _^Ji -^
To be fat. ^UM'\
Suet. Pulp, fleshy part jtjLi^ ^ ^.£
of fruits.
C riY )

Thin, c6«i-5r >^? a* lij

slender, lank. Little.
Boat, skilF. jCi.s^S ^ ;j^ii«i-j jJaJ^ ^
To snort. To snore. llrjS^ i ^-i' "fr

To neigb (horse). To lji?U-j l^i:^ —

bray (ass). cr-r:-^
To put a coating (to a A ^^
saddle). To prop up the bunches of
a palm-tree.
First stage of youth. Space
between the fore and the hind part
of a saddle.
Snoring. Neighing. Mountain-
path. fit

To be troubled. A Ijisi, a j
To be difticult (affair).
To put out a. 0,'s eye. 'tXS —

To thrust a. o. (with a lance), o 5 —

To stir up a quarrel between. ojJ —
To hate o. a. To disagree (people).jiiij
To be disturbed, Cki a ^jXS- ^
to be agitated.
To open the mouth in ^jSviij u
gaping (ass).
To stop (a crack) clumsily, fi,

To speak in a harsh, ^^kliil j

unseemly way.
To be irregular (teeth).
They are on bad
terms with one another.
Disorganized, disordered.
To come in view. Ca^S a ^ja>-^ ^
To appear. To rise (star) To sweU
To fix the eyes Jl O^j^A^.J iJ^OJ
upon, to gaze.
To go from a place to. Jt jIJ
^ i>i>-i
To be disturbed. ^joi-J^ *).

To be stout, big. iiUsiT o ^Lt.

To make a. th. distinct. ^tS fit

To make the diagnosis of an illness.

^ To act (a play or di'ama).
To miss the target (arrow). ^y^S'\
To disturb, to frighten a. o. a —
To make to go.
To speak ill of a. o. uj —
To be distinguished, determined.,_,fliii5
To occur to the (mind). To J —
CriA) a2
become intense,
^^ to increase (cold, ! present itself to ( the eye).
heat, pain). -^ To thicken. Person, indi- ^jl_£j ^i^£]
^ J^J^
To .strain o.'s self for. J —

vidual corporeal form

; object seen
it —

To be hard upon a. o. (evil). from afar. < Statue.

The naiddle of the day. j\^\ juC Personal.
Sign (used for doubling a
* ) ctx£ Personally.
letter. Assault. <• Bundle, parcel. Personality.
Shoes. Pack of cards. Set of toeth. '

Hardness. Vehemence, il^i, ^ ;^ !
< Performance (of a play). ^SJJ
intensity. Diagnosis of a disease.
^\'Jy^\ ^J<Ji
^ —

Calamity, misfortune, ju'loi Big, stout. Lord, master.

distress. Harsh, bitter (words).

Strengthening. Violent pres- jjjJ^ Disagreeujg, discordant.


sure. Doubling of a letter. ^ Actor, stage-player.
Violent, hard. ^ilij .|li,l ^ juai-' To threaten, to expel a. o. ^ l,i.^' a

Strong. Steady, firm. Tight. Avari- To clarify a g, -^l a jki -«

cious. Dense. I


Courageous. ^bi jjjjT To have a true friendship ^ jiCs,


Stronger. Harder. -^ Thicker. jS] for a. o.


More {when used to form compara- Filter, strainer. *ii--i^j jil^

tives). To be \^^.-. o J>..£j a ^S^ o J-S ^
More intensely red. ^'^ I

tainted (food).
'j'Sr*^ I

Strength. Vigour of life. j2\j jj.] To taint (food), a


He has attained the vigour «!u.'! ^ To be spoiled, to sour (milk). ^,isi.1
of life. Hoary (hair). Barren (garden). '^M\
•^ Stays. To run (man). To be \t£ i o jii -M-
Avai'icious, severe. advanced (day). To be intense (fire).
To be fat. ^]x£ To bind, to fasten tightly (a fit

To lie down and stretch the bundle). To strengthen, to brace
legs asunder. a resolution. < To strap ; to saddle
Room, spaciousness. Liberty (a beast).
Wide. Ample. Take courage. ^0^ j^ ^
To smash, fi> ^jSj tl^'
, a To set off towards. Ji Jii.*j| jS,
to crush, to bray a. th. •^ To back a. o. j,<^' —
To strike a. o. on the back of » — To comfort a. o. (God). 5 —
the neck. To attack, jp iSjli-'j sliTj |^' o jS
To go astray from. To give ^— To make a raid against.
up a. th. To strengthen. To render fi,j s :>tx£
To be crushed, squeezed ^oijlj ^liJ hard, severe, intense. To double a
(fruit). To be smashed (vessel). letter with the sign -).
Abortive foetus. ^'jj, To be harsh towards a. 0, in. J it —
Fresh, soft plant. :ci [x£ To contend with. To strive to j SO.
Young and tendex'. Deviating 5^iCi surpass. To persecute a. o.
from the aim. To reach maturity of age, mind. j,£]
Blaze on a horse's forehead. xiiCi To have a strong riding-beast.
To perpetrate yjj^] liilljl a w^j To be strengthened. ji£\j ijlj
an atrocity. To exert o.'s self in. jSjii —
Having a blaze ^li' ^ .{^'jS ^ ^^1! To be niggardly to. ip -.
on the forehead (horse). To be strong, violent. To ixil
To urge on (a beast). s \jjj: o loi, Sma.shed. Back of the neck
To acijuire some fiii, J^\ ^— Fountain, water-spout. uljj'iU P
koowleilge of a science. I
To cut a. th. to
To compare a. o. to. o jl » » \jS I
To sing well. j'jS 1 To be obscure (night) LJ^l
Extremity of a. th. Remnant of \jS 1 Object seen from jjli-' ^ ooi-'
strength. Heat. .Mange. i afar. Darkness. Cheerfulness. No-
Little, small quantity. joi, biiity.

To be alone, \'i>jl^j ijLi i o oi- -^ j

Tall, great. Ready to rush. ^jS
isolated. To be exceptionul. To be Bit, morsel. Portion of the i^'jj,
ii'regular (noun, verb). night.
Te set apart, A 'jS\j i'jSj ,\'jJl o — Bucket for irrigation
to isolate a. o. Left-handed. olu-
To use an irregular expression. "jS] Great (horse).
Loneliness. Exception to a rule. i/jS Curved, bent (bow).
Strangers. People apart fi'om il jLiJ To be wide in the
their abode and tribe. sides of the mouth.
Scattered (th.) ol tii^j ol J^ To open wide. 5 CSju. (J^ ^
Lotus tree. ol-Li To talk fluently.
Lonely, apart. Irregular, 'il^ ^ 'iCi Side of the mouth.
anomilous. ^ Jaw.
To bark ; fi> ,^jSj C'jl, i o Ssi ^ Edge of a valley. jli," ^ jjoiij —
to prune (a tree). Wide in the j'jj, ^ •IsaiT ^ Jjii, I

To repel. To defend. ^— siiles of the mouth. Speaking with

To part away. i_j tiij fluency.
Branch cut off. ollil ^ Jjl Having a large ^il^'j J>'->'^
Stripped bark. Remainder of fodder. mouth.
House-furniture. Subdeacon : xij VjS. ^ 3\-^ ^
Bi'anch cut from (a tree). tfjS. clergyman.
Away from his native home. i_iiCi, To grow strong, to be ^JjjL o o'-^ ^
Desperate. able to walk (young of an animal).
Tall, of fine stature.
V^)-^ To have a young strong oJiil
Scythe for trimming trees. ^JlLo enough to walk (gazelle).
To get ready for fsl5 - jJLi 4 Fawn, young one of a gazelle. coCi
combat. To vent anger. To be scat- Having her c^^^j 0:?U.> !r OJ^
tered. To be lively, alert, nimble. young one grown up (gazelle).
Particles of gold. Glass jjli' ^ jii, To break (the A liluC a eJJ- -tt-

beads. Small pearls. head).

They To counfound, to perplex & oai,'ij —
di,'!persed in all JjJ jSl l^lii
directions. a. 0. To charm, to delight a. o.
I could not Gui, c-slil C. , Cilii o JxL ^> To be perplexed. eoxi-lj «ai.Jlj cAi,
get a. th. To be stupefied.
Sting (of scorpions, j,\'jS — >JLi. ^ Perplexity, olai.'j ajz^i cJ^j a'j^
of wa.sps). bewilderment, amazement.
To smell of musk. \jjS, o {jS, ^ Corifu.«ing affairs, troubles. c,iCi_»

To harm a. o. » jl£.Sj — To sing sweetly A \jai, o >j^ -tt-

To remove a. o. far off. jc ft jjj^\ (a song). To chant (a poem).

Musk. Odour of musk. jli He sang the same song Sjai \jS.
Tree used for making toothpicks. iJii, i. e. he imitated him.
Cre. ")

•^ To smoke (tobacco). o^M <-j^ Pungency of smell. Harm, annoyance.
To be thirsty. To quench. G^ a v-^ Kind of ship. Salt. Dog-flies.
o.'s thirst. Blood-stone. r-J^Ls. P
To understand, to ap- C^l o t_»lA To be ill- I3;>i,j '"^'S^i i!4. i o ^i *
prehend (a discourse). natured, wicked, -fy To leak out
To purify (a new skin). To fi> ^"Ji^ (water).
impregnate, to saturate. To expose a. ifc j^lj fji^ , \y-^ o 'J^
To give a. th. to drink a j </j^'h
~ th. to the sun.
to a. 0. To with a, o.
find fault n \j^ o ^
To drink in company with. ii Uj^ To defame a. o. To '
s -r--'j J>^

To imbue, to mingle with fi> ^J'J.-j charge with malevolence.

a. th. (a dye, a colour). To make public, to spread fit 'JiC\

He has uttered ujIt^'i J C« ^'{'JiS\ abroad.

a false chai'ge against me. To act boldly towards a. o. To 5 jCi
The love of the thing i.'^ "iJ. i^Jsu\ dispute with a. o.

pervaded his heart. To quari'el, to dispute. jCsS

To be saturated, imbibed (with t_j^-ij Evil. Ofp. to J^
( ) ji'J^ ^ 'Jc.
a dye). Malevolence. Enmity, war. Fault,
To pervade, to imbibe ( cloth : j — blemish. -^ Stalk (of cucumber).
dye). Bad, j\^J *'.!ri'b j'^' w »!r^ -^ IrS*
To be satm-ated, fully ij^pLlll wicked. Worse.
absorbed (dye, colom"). He is more wicked than 2U/« 'JL yi
To stretch the neck to look. J) 'yJ\'J:^ thee.
Drinking. Jj-^^ Jy^ She is more ill; ^s''J^ j\ S^ 'J*,
Drin king-time. Time of watering^^ wicked than thee.
a land. Anger. Ardour, eagerness of
A draught. <>• Pui'gative. Water- iJ^ youth.
jug (with a long narrow neck). Disagreeable thing. 'Ji%
Redness on the face. <> Soup. "ij'Jt. Sparks of ( un. ej\y-y ")
jlln>j jji-
Copious drink. oC 'j^^ yjjk. ^ -Cji. fire.

Ditch dug around a palm-tree for Wicked, M^>b j\'JJ\ ^ 'j,(^ "^J -i^^
irrigating it. vicious. Sea-shore.
Brackish (water). >-j^j i-JiJ^ Very wicked, scoundrel. ojjj^r- 9- -tlr-
Fellow-drinker. ^> Jk. To split, to cut a. th. in fit j^-JJL'^
Grassy plain. Way, manner. A'^ pieces. To sharpen (a knife). -^ To
Drirjk. Beverage ; Xi,^\ ^ ^\Ji. let out (water, wheat : vessel, bag).
wine. G To cut (grass).
^ Syrup. Shei'bet. Ob^l^^ ^ — Creeping plant. ^'^j J^J^
Addicted y-^S^y-i ^'^Ir'-'i ^/A'J "^.'J^
Soul, the whole individual. v--llr^-
to drink, great drinker. Burdens.
^ Flcike. Tuft, tassel. ^^ J i;^ ^ v'lr^ He betook himself Vj^y\'y-^ <Js- iJ 1
Seller of sherbet. 'J.lillr?- -^ to him.
Drinking, ujj^ij JJ^ ^ ^jj^ fy- Scattering of wheat, ^'j^'j^
absorbing. powder.
Mustaches. ^j \'^ ^ ^jM" Finch (bird). j^j^\'Ji ^ jyf'J^
Drinking-place, ^jM-^ t ^'j-~'^ Wild duck. JJr'lri' n
watering trough. -^ Natural dispo- \)'j^'iS) ^,^^i y^t'J Hj^'" a «-'_ri' "tt"

sition, propensity. Opinion. To drink. To suck ; to fi> ^}^j

Soft ground covered oj^lL" -r AlA^ absorb (water).
J^ (re\ )
(meat) in slices. < To cut open and with plants. Watering-trough.
spread (figs) in the sun. Earthen drinking- ^j}^ »- ^ijr'^
To rejoice, Jk\>d\j j'j^l^j ^^n ^^ vessel. Upper chamber.
to please a. o.To set at ease. Roofed balcony.
To be laid open. To be at ease, ^'j^[ Cherub.
to rejoice. To entangle a. th. To
Exhibition, explanation. ^^ confuse.
Slice of meat. Si-^i, Intricacy. Complica- xSy'ji^i xy^'Ji.
Long shred (of meat). ;>j_rlj ^>i- ted affair.
Anatomj autopsy. ;.y^,:rjy,iill ^U
; A kind of cypress. Larch- cnjlr-j- ^
Exposed to view (place). ^_^ •<>• tree.
< Agreable (place). To become oO^jIj ,0>l a o.^- ^
Explaining, disclosing. ^\^ ^ ^jU, thick. To be chapped, cracked (skin,
Commentator. Guardian keeping hand).
(birds) away from wheat. To be uneven (arrow- O^rwJ CUj^t
Anatomist. o^'j^ :r !«-Ir^-» wood).
To be in the bloom ^/JL o y-.A' ^ Worn out (shoes). >
^"i CJj^
of life. Cutting (sword).
Blooui of life. Beginning. ^^^ ^ ^^i, To put, to set ^ ^

Offspring. Point, top. together. To mix.

They are both alike. iS^-'JL l^ To keep company with a o. in. j j —
A youth, young man. ^J-, ^ ^j\x. To close up i* ^rS-ib 5r>--j 5-^
To i-un away iSj^Lj iSll^ o iji. ^ (a bag).
at random (horse). <> To deviate. To baste, to stitch fi!>
^^ <>-j ^^
To scare a. o. away. ^ ^Ir^b ^"j^ (clothes). To weave palm-leaves.
To scatter ( people). To be like, to resemble a. 0. ^ ?r3^
<) To lead astray. j — To be mixed up. ^!r^
•^ Rain swept againsta house. i^'Jk, To resemble 0. a. To be inter- ^'j\hJ
Runaway i^i ^ :>jlri-j,i^ ^ ij,Ci mixed.
and wandering. Current through a To be chapped, cracked. f:'j--\
country (poem). <> Deviating, astray. Party, band. Manner, way, kind, ^^
Uncouth expressions, xiA'l *j,lji. sort.
words. Exceptions to the rules. They formed two <^\f^ \y>^\
Expeled. scared away. j^ J^^
parties (in the affair).
To cough (from Jj^Ij - Ji^ <> Those two are one sort, oa-ij ^'^ \'^
choking). Crevice, crack in ^Sj'-'i j-'lSf ?r tt'J^
a rock.
of men. A scout. Ditch for watering camels. *?lr?-
Clothes in rags. ^>ilr^ J^l Button-hole. Purse. ^r'S-^-^ sr «-lr^
To cut a. th. ifc lj;_^, o j>i^ -«- Alike, similar. Longitudinal half r-iji.
To punish, to chastise. To j j^i, of a piece of wood.
revile a. o. Sack made of palm-leaves. *?HL-r^
To quarrel with a. o. 5 jjCi Basting, stitching. ^^^.j^ -^j r-i^
To throw a. o. into mis- ? Jlri-I Sesame-oil. !r-r>- "^J sr^i^- P
fortune. To enlarge.To G.^ a ^l^i. -^

Roughness, hardness.Rough, hard.j^ri^ disclose. To carve (the meat). To

Loss, ruin. Sj^ open (a door). To explain.
Coagulated ^jj>j^jj> ^ JO^i, P To be pleased with. jij J —
milk. To dissect (a corpse). To carve* ^^
Condition, stipulation. I»j^i ^ J^^i, To be Cj^--j C-S<'.> a ,^ fi. -^ sm^
Term. Incision. Scarification, < A- quarrelsome, unsociable.
greement. To pull (a beast) by i C>L o ^'Ji.
Sign. Beginning of a. th.Jal^l ^ i-^ its halter. To offend a. 0. with
Refuse of a. tLi. ^^'Ji^\ ^ ^Ji-i
— words,
Piece of cloth torn *_J?'^ -<>• To ti-eat a. 0. s Cl^j-j xZ^yU' ^'J^
off. harshly, sevei'ely.
Conditional. Stipulated.
Conditional (proposition)
>> To behave harshly towards
To be contentious.
0. a.^^Vii

Wiitteo compact.
•if- Small thorny u-Ir'-J u-^j-j ^'j^
Term. Stipulated condition. i!^^^ plants.
Guard. Police. i,;^ ^ -
WatcLraan. Policeman, 'y^t.j "J^IA Unsociable, ill natured. Quarrelsome,
Armed attendant. malicious. Rough, hard (ground).
Rope made of palm- Thin, white (cloud). 'C^
tree. Scent-box. <>• String, wire. Glue. u-'lrs- <ti c-llr^.
a R-iil of railway. Cartilage of wi--;l>'- ^ ki>^lA *
Condition. -^ Wire. iJI the ribs. Ill-luck.
String. Ribbon. Root. Vein. crj>i ?- y-^;- "*•

The refuse of a flock. Sheet, bed- oiillr'"- 7- ^i-lri- Ps

clothes. Shroud.
Lancet, scalpel. To revile a. 0. i_, 5 ia'^. o u^l/1 ^
Rag. tatters. i»-%l>-- ^r
in words.
^ Duster. Rag. Roughness, hardness. cr'lri-
To ordain (a priest). Temple (of the J-c^j ^J'^'^ -^ ^.n-
To be seated upon head).
a road house ( To open upon a
). To Jt J»l;^i^ Ij , C!?lr-- i i»lri. ^
street (door). impose conditions upon a. 0.
To establish a law for. J- To make incisions on the ^•

To begin (a business). skin, to scai'ify a. 0.

He began to say. To tear off a. th.

To enter water and drink '111 J - To fail into a momen- Cb^i. a i.^1
(cattle). tous affair.
To begin (an atfair). ^i,\ j — if To make chain- work with
To bring (a beast) to the '
o— iron wire.
watering-place. To make mutual conditions
To point a spear. — fi, with.
To be pointed (spear). ^'^-^ To stipulate a. th. To enter 1»3*^jj ~
To make a. o. to ford, J 5 f,;^1j p^ into an agreement with a. 0. -^ To
to wade through (water). bet, to lay a wager with
To trace (a I'oad). To .show A ^.'J-lj — To set apart (a flock) J * Vj^
(the way). for sale.
To open a door ji^Ljl Jl L-Ol ^'J-^ To get ready for.
upon the street. To offer o.'s property for.
To point fi 'jlij je ;,.;^| _ To hasten, to despatch (a
a spear at. messenger).
To establish (a law). * 9Ai.\ To apply 0.' self carefully to. j Js^tj
Divine law. (among Moslems), ^^i, To grant a. th. under A iJ ^JkL\
Equal: equivalent. ^.'Jij p^i,j — conditions to a. 0.
* (r or )

To bo ennobled, glorified. To be ^^7 Allmen a>|j "^j^ j\ ^y„ \^ J ^Cji

honoured, regarded. are equal in this matter.
Thw tribe has lost her 'y/i\ ^^ij How- f.i;^>j f.>>j 9,^_ ^ ^i^.rrJ *^-r=-
best men. string.
To stand erect. SjiXUSi oj^il. Awning, roof. Deck of Xr'-J
To rise above, to Overtop. ^ Ji'Jili.Lx a ship.
Nobility, dignity. Xillri-j Sj^-- Brave. Fine flax.

High rank, honour. Sjt. ^ K>Jk Moslem law. Code.

Embattle- :ci\^i -^j c-^i'^^ -r "^Ir'^J ~ Way to water.
ment (of a wall), merlon. The Jordan (river).
Choice heads of a flock. JviJI xj^tA,
The nose and ears of oU_jVI J13-i,1 Lawgiver. Near.
man. Road, way. -^ Street. 9j^'}^ ^ ~
Regard shown, -if- Visit. «-«i-rij' House opening *fj,U/ jlij fi^^'i- c^!
Illustrating himself. '^j}^ into a road.
Old "~ Inclining to setting (stars).
>jj,l>i.j i-Jjlri'j >-»v^J ti,^ ?r c)>

(she-camel). Pointed (spears).

Whie-jars. Jj,>j4 Sharp (nose). f-.r-'
Noble, illustrious.^i^lj 'iS;^^ ^ >-^i_ri Legal, lawful.
Excellent. -^ Descendant of Moham- Sail of ships. Bow ''-b 9'j-'-

mad. sti'ing.
More illustrious, ^ tj^n- Bi'avery, courage. XViJL
nobler. Long (lance). sfJS*'
Embittled, indented jj^i ^ -ij^i, ^— Long-necked (camel). '^J'Sir^'J
(building). High, lofty. Book of the Deutero- ^Ovi^l X'JdJ
Master of ceremonies. ^i\L^^i -fy- no my.
Long ear. "
.J^i oVi Way to ^jCs.^ rr *-^ir^J *^Ioi-*J f-lr-^
Prominence, eminence.oj li.« ,- iJlr-^ water. Thoroughfare. Square, mar-
Dungeon. ket-place.
Elevated places. J^j VI jj \.±./' Legislator. f.^^
Sword from Yemen. *J 'J^ij, ^^ Small frog. i-.A'j i-lry "S-
Inferior in dignity. Plebeian, cijlr-' To surpass a. o. in 5 (iji. o iSj--.^ -K-

To slit (the ear). i G^t, o J>1 -» glory, rank.

To pluck (fruit), <>• To sip fi>
— To embattle, (a wall). A iJ^--j —
(broth). To be noble, illustrious. 7i\'_/i, o Sjk.
To rise (sun). <3/Jij iXj-. o J>1 To be raised in dignity. Ci^i —
To show ripening dates (palm-tree). To be over, above. To jj> Ci^^ a (J_/i<
To be bloodshot (eye). Cj^ a 3^^ command over.
To have the ear slit (ewe). To ennoble a. o. To show jf
To be choked by (.spittle, tears). ^ — regard, honour to a. 0.
To be choked. To ascend on a A tJ^^j «-9jt^j ~
To go to the East. To have a 0«r>"-' height.
bright complexion. To overlook (a u ti^lj * ijj>'i.

To spread (flesh in the sun fis,

— place).
to dry). To plaster (a wall). -^To To vie in gloi'y with a. 0. y ^jjCi
leave thegame half-dead (hunter). To be high, lofty. S^\
To shine .sun, face). To
( j^y To be at the point o>lil Jt Jlr"-'
enter upon the time of sunrise. To of death.
become yellow (date). To compassionate a. 0. o^ Jc

Cret ) f]

aggregate a. o. in. To shine upon (a place sun), a j^l :

To attribute an equal to God i!%^' To saturate (cloth with dye).

To be a polytheist. To torment a. o. s —
To be in partnership. i'j^lj i)jVlj To bask in the sun.
To be aggregated in a J i}'^[ To split (bow).
(society). -^ To become a subscriber To be bathed in tears.
t" (a newspaper). Sunrise, the rising sun.
To be homonymous (words). The East. Levant.
Participation, partnership. Light streaming through
Duality of gods. Polytheism. a chink.
Portion, lot. Partner. if Sun. Choking the throat.
We desired to share ^^^6=. J CJpj Eastern, oriental, easterly.
with you. •^ East wind.

Of a bad ( opp. to ^C> ) i)^i T Ha\ing the ear slit (ewe).

standai'd, deficient (coin). The ri.sing sun. Sunny place in
Net, snare. ^\'^b i!>-- ir ^'J winter. -^ Violent cough. Pain in
Track of a road. the eyes caused by smoke.
Partnership, society. Land not watered by the "j \yi a
Confratei'nity. Nile.
Straps of sandals. iJ^lj Small wood for lighting Jl>llj S^ -^
Swift (walk). Repeated fire.

(slap). Sunrise. j/Jz.

Musical tune. Desiccation of meat in the sun. jj^As
Partnership. Homonymy. Plaster. j/jQ,
•^ Subscription. Rising and shinmg *Jj,U. ^ JjU.
Partner. Share- i)i_^1j 'Q=>i ^ Aiy^ (sun, star).
holder. Accomplice. Companion. Eastern side of a j'^ ^ j^\ jj^Q-
Polytheist, dualist. 'SJ^i ^.A-^ mountain.
Partner. Bondholder. i!j \i^ East. ( opp. to ^Jji ) Jj lL: ^ J^/^
Partner. Speaking to himself i}^U Eastern countries.
(man). -^ Subscriber. Sunny Jj^^j JOi-^j U'^i-h Xji^ri^
Common (way, money). Homo- iJOtL^ place.
nymous (word). Whitlow-grass. 'X-r^ ^irf "^
To embroil, to entangle, s J^lr^ -^ Roasted. Dyed red. White- JlA^
To trip a. o. washed with plaster.
To be involved in. j ji^7 •<>• Gi'een J'S^y-j-j JljS^rt-j J^'lr^ -^
Entangled, intricate. J^lr'^ -^ wood-pecker.
To split, to rend a. th. C-'Ji, i j,^ -fi- To sparkle (fire).
To cut off the tip of the nose. -^ To Spark. Ja,3l
injure (eaitheuware). To have the strings ^ 1 ii^ -«
He gave him a part of his *) u ^ iJ
— of the shoes broken.
wealth. j
To s iljUj,^^ .J ^.
To have the tip of the C«^ a ^.ri- '
become the partner of a. o.
nose cut off.
To put leather thongs i >)
To escape -s^ith a wound ^^i, to sandals.
(game). ,
-<>•To make settlements of iJC» ii^
To split, to tear off a. th. A — money in various places.

To be split. To be v^lr^b To enter into partnership j s iJ^I

notched (pot). |
with, to share with a. o. in. To
Itching. Eruption of pimples Abyss. Bottom of the j^/^X
The refuse or choice of a sea. Sea-gulf. •< Breach.
flock. Having the tip j,'^ ^ '\^'J.-. ^ ^^1
Side, country. '\'JiS ^ — of the nose cut off.
Affected with itching, with jj_^ j, _rL To tear a. th. to rags. ^ Jxi^t, -^
eruption. Prostitute, whore. Ja-^i^i, ^ "i^yji. •>
Fiery (horse). X?^ ^ j^ Duster.
Manner, way. Nature. <2_r^ To be cracked (rock). C^.! a o_p^. -tt-

Alike, similar. iJj.A' Crack in a rock. ^^
He has not his lilie.
<Jjir^ iJ
'^ To cut the superfluous a ^iJ^ -ft-

Arteiy. Cn-jJ^i- ^ oC>l leaves of seed-produce.

Pui'chaser, customer. e\'_y^ ^ jU, Long and superfluous leaves. jVJ^
P/. Heretics, shismatics. To curtail, to cut off a. th. a> j3^ -ft-

Jupiter (planet). ^ To spin its cocoon silk-worm). (

Purchaser. Slough of snake. Co- j^\'jL ^ "^'Jk.


To prime seed-produce. coon of silk-worm.

Superfluous leaves. To be greedy, ^\ j| ^ G._;^ a o^ -S-

To be bai'ren. 5 jl gluttonous.
Barren. Greediness, gluttony. <*ll/4,j o>i,
Barrenness. Sjlj-i- Glutton, greedy.
To be Cjj4j C j^ oj-ij "^
v^ White honey. J^^^ _,^ ^
rugged, hard ( place). To be lean, Full trousers. Ju^ri-j Jjlri- >
slender (animal). To ^ i^ilni, b . t^Ss-J 'l!>5- i (ilrJ- -^
To emaciate (a horse). s ^ji. purchase. To sell a. th.
To expect a share in. it ^jilJ To laugh, to scofl' at a. o. 5 —
Opportunity. iij-c< To speak in Ijehalf of a. o
Rough, thin, vJ>>i^ ^Jr^- ^ VJ-^ To devote o.'self to.
diy. To dry a. th. in the sun.
Unwi-ought ti'ee-
VJ-^- T •t'LJ^'"
To flash time v^lri^lj 6'J^. , a ^_r5.
bi'anch. after time (lightning).
Mai'k, sigu.
To be angered (man). ^^ a i^yi
To look at a. o. J\j i ijj4, i jj-r. -« To run fast (horse). To be affected
askance. with eruption (skin).
To strike a. o. with (a spear). s — To conclude a sale j A'^i^i Uj\U jjCi
To twi.st (a rope) /b jj-siJ- i o — or a purchase with a. o.
in the wrong way. To fill up a tank. To shake fi> j'^k^
To be angry. the bridle. To incline an object.
To get ready for (battle). J- To set (people) at variance. jkj —
To look angrily at o. another. To be scattered, dispersed. jlr^
Trial, difficulty. Rope twisted To be impetuous in j j'^tXi[
in the wi'ong way. walk (horse). To apply o.'self to a
Redness in the eye. ojjLj jj^ business (man).
Askance (look:. Bloodshot 'l^j,-, ^ j>l1 To be serious and difficult ^s'y--^\
with anger (eye). (affair).
To be jolly, lively. C>i, a oji^ ^ To be disturbed, agitated "^jjS-'-l
To be hard. cj-i^ Colocynth {plarit).
To ri.se for. J — Purchase, <—i^^ ?r ^'j^J '^.A'
To be painful to a. o. (th.) jc — petty trade.
To fell a. o. s — Purchase. Sjlri- ^

iLi (ro^)
Butcher. Small bone. oj-^j o1>^
To leap (man). l^r<3^ Fatigue. Hardship. Hard soil. oj^
To gore (bull). Side, flank. oj^-j oiri'
To stitch (clothes).

A — To be dry. u^ i ^i, *
To spear a. o. i_j 5 Very ^r-ih-^J ur^-i-'j u-ll.i' ?r Cr-^
To become still fixed, (look \j^^ — i hard ground.
f^fa dying man). To be C_ji«i,j Cli. o »_.l.i-j a w^-~i. -tt-

Young one of the gazelle. jLii-l ^^aL dry, lean.

Young one of the ^a'yLj j^^ Dry, thin.
gazelle already gro"wn up. To be remote ^
Snare for wild beasts, ^al^i ^ t'J.alL (house).
To look fixedly \^Ja^ o \^£ -^ To garnish * ;tli,1j flSj
(dying man). To rise (cloud). To sandals with thongs.
raise its legs ( skin filled with Remoteness, great distance. 9._y-^
water). Border, edge. Sandal- ^\lL\ ^ ^lij
To ba stiff (corpse). L^ a. ^a£j thong. Having small flocks. Extre-
To render (the eyes) fixedly JaL]
fl> mity of a field.

open. Remote.
Misfortune. j-ki To be ^\lSj ^jL
hi- ij'\y^j oV^joCi jj'^ dry, thin.
ff *i-^^ -^

flated and stiff. A piece of dry bread.

To be far Ds'jki-j Cki o i 1«i-' -ft- Dry, dried up, lean.
away. Dry. di'ied up.
To j Jic 'Jaxilj 'iii,b ^ii ^ '^^ Seed used as collyrium.
wrong a. o. in a. th. Water-closet, pri-sj. ;ts
To overrate J 'idilj *lai,1j (Jah£ — Sample. X:l^ °
(the price of goods). To yield little C?Lii- j (^jLit,' l^sz. -^ i

To vie with a. o. in overrating, s \iL milk (female). To suffer. To be hard

4- To follow (the bank) of i:L£ (life). To bite o.'s lips.

a river. To run on a sand-bank To repel a. o. from. ^c s IjolL \j —

(ship). I do not know where ^i, Jj'i\ (" ci'l

To penetrate into (the desert), j — he is gone to.

Margin of a river. o\1ai-j jgj^.:! ^ 'Iz^ Fishing-hook. u^j^^' rr 'o'^i Ij^-^
Side or half ig^^ ^ oUaiJ c^ "h^ Sharp thief. er'^iai- ^ l/iZ;

of a camel's hump. Having little ^lii.j^.Ai r- t/'j-^

Distance, remo- i»Uai-,) "^^Lj is- milk (female). Unfruitful year.
teness. Year of drought. Dearth. Bad 'UsLiii
Exceeding, redundant. Extra- JakiT saddle-beast.
vagant lie. Excess. I found him busy. «U3l.ii- Js- iLiJ

No more nor less. iaki, Vj J^Jj V To be Coi- a w-Aij b>iai- o >-. o '
.. ..

Of a fine statui'e. itTu- ^ 'I»li< hard, painful (life).

Tall stature. i,^^j i»lki, To sca'd, to skin s Ciai- o w-^
There is a great l»ijai^j Jjiki ^i+^ij (a beast).
difference between those two. To render ( life) painful. A w.ii.1
To walk on the V-Jia-lj \ki a *Ui£ -i^ Barrenness. Hardness. ^[^] ^ v--^
bank of a river. Lot, portion. Luck. ,_j;-^-'j —

To be able to bear a burden). t_j —

Evil fortune, cares. ^iXlaL ^
To spro'tt forth (tree). 'vkilj — Barrenness. Bottom of a well.
To branch off (river). Ci-iii3 iLir Hard, painful (life).
re Y)
He has as
many "daughters Ij^ki.

To walk with a. o.
each on
iSvjl g V1»U.
as sons. the opposite bank of a river.
Half-full (vessel). t^^i- >• o^i*^ Bank, of a river. »ykj^ ^ 'jai
Having a teat longer than j^^ Offshoot. 'iLil ^ 'ikij —
another (ewe) : a skirt longer thun Bank of a rivei', oLki^j 'J=>\\1,^
'>-^T ^»'
the other (garment). sea-shore.
Stranger, remote. -l^iai.' ^ -ni».i To be absent. CJxi'
Deceit, cunning. -^ Sharpness Zj\ixC To deflect from.
Deceitful, swindler. jvLi' ^ ^tli To cut a. th. lengthwise. To * -
Mischievous. Ill-treating iiis people. cancel ( a sentence).
•^ Sharp, cunning. ^ To make incisions on (the
The prodigal son. Jh[h\ 'c(\\ skin). To cross-out ( articles
Betony (plant). fjtfit, To znake cuts on o.'s skin.
Divided, torn in two pieces. j,^^'" To flow (water). >^laii\j —
Contiguous, near. jk^ Of a fine stature. M>^'
Their houses are con- \'jj:>\i./' ^a Tender and green (bough).
tiguous to ours. Gi-een bough. Sword. ^ "u f'
Game of chess. r-o^ '^ Of a beautful size (girl). ~^'u-.. j —
To make jajvi J Cki o ,.,-ki -« Sti'eak, ^W ^ :daij tkt,j tii'
a journey. ridge of a blade.
Strife. -Cli^j ^..kr.' Woman cutting out ^\'jL ^ *1%U.
Dissenter. cr>'5air leather in strips.
To depart, to go off. 'i'u-' o wikiT ^ Quilting-needle. ,_ \\, ..

To wash, to rince. To chap ^LX -^ Ridged (sword). Covered with ^.l.^,*

wood. scars (man). Striped (cloth). Quilted
Sharp pointed piece of wood. r;!'!,-.. -<>- (blanket).
Missing the aim (ai'row). ^ijCi, i To run away. To GJai a ^Jai ^
Protracted journey. ^^jiuC wl rovei
To oppose a. o. » tXi£ o jki-' -«- To divide a. th. A JLlj , i;;4a£ o JJ, -a-

To enter into the earth. j — into halves.

To be far from. ..c
— To have a teat longer than Ij^iti' —
To bind, to hold a. th. with ^ fi>
— the others (ewe).
a rope. To be squint-eyed ^''
ilr-«J j
To I'emove a. o. or a. th. A jl y j>ki.1 ( man ).

Rope. Dlkil ^ ^k£ To with- ^

H^lkij Sjjiti'j Ij^iai'' -
Distant (journey). Deep (well). c^^L draw from.
Wicked, mischievous. jy\i' To be shrewd, artful. s3ilai.' o ^3*^

To be wicked, rebel- ,^'i3j JialS ih <• To be clever, skilful.

lious. <> To be noisy, troublesome. To divide a. th. with a. o. s Jaii. fi,

Wickedness, mischief. Sijali! to in halves).

The devil. Seducer o^i^ ^ o^lali > To swindle, to deceit. To _^Cs3
(man). Wicked. -^ Noisy, trouble- show cleverness.
some. Half. Hemistich ^^u-'.1j j^^ki,'
^ _

To be stiff (corpse). t^£. a. y£. ^ of a verse. Side, part.

To skin and cut up s i^lZJ Ja£ He went towards him. i^J*^ _>^
(a beast). Fortune has two faces. o\'Jia£ j»ji\
To be smashed. LAj -^ He has S^ltil jl jij^iti 3*-^' v^
To branch off J»^jl experienced the two faces of fortune,
< Sphnter of (bone, wood). jlAjiTj i'u-' i. e. good and evil.
. .

forth awns ( spike ). To run to seed To be hard
to a. o.^" 5 Cki o 'Jii ^

To scatter, to S 'Jai 1j iiki j —
To dart on (a flock wolf). : J 'fj^l

Scattered, shattered. jILi,

disperse (people).

Spider's web. JLi Remainder of the day. iiUii, \ ^ 'Jii

Rays of pULij f^j *"4'' f ^^*^J

~" Name of a celebrated thief. ^ J^lki,

Hooked staff inserted in dai.'l ^r —

light ; beanas of the sun.
Shattering. Light shadow. Milk ^.[^J. the loop of a sack.
diluted in water. ^ Monstrance. Wood split. Sack Jjlkil ^ Ji-ki.'

His mind became fastened.

unsettled. They dispersed Oilki jl Ctvkil bjlW

They dispersed away on all sides.
Corn-husk. To be hard, difficult uki' a ^ J^
<•To shine (stars). (life). To lead a life of hardship. To

To mix (a beverage). A - penetrate between the skin and the

Light, little flesh (arrow). To get coarse (hand).

dense (shade). To wither (tree). :*sLki. ^ikij —

Vine-shoot Hardship, bad i_jl!»i. ,- •-iJiij >JUai..

To separate (people a w circumstances.

To appear (thing). Distance, remoteness. jUxi
To collect and to scatter. To ^— Spl inter of wood. wijii-

repair and to impair a. th. Aukle. Piece of dry uki ^ wi^

To send a messenger to. J) S
— bread.
To have parted horns, Ck£ a v_--i^ Painful (life). Harsh (man). ^kiC
shoulders. Rugged (soil).

To part for ever from, ^e- ^iilj ^i£ Withering from want of water
He departed ,_J^*jlj ^lilj iiij 'c^^s^iz. (tree).

fi'ora this life. Speaking at random.

To branch off, to fork ^^iljlj wii5
(tree). To be arranged (affair). Big and tall (horse, camel
To become separated from.^p ^^^'jlj— To be .split (wood). Jki a 'J?S. ^
Collection. Nation tribe. i_ijii-' ^ ^^ii^
To be stiffened (corpse). tZ^ -
Remotenes.s. Similar, a Coral-reef. To divide, to scatter j^kij ^^ :y

They congregated after _j.i^^ ^^\ ^
separation. To wound a. 0. on the elbow :s Jai,'»

They are both alike. oCJuJ^ ^i* [

or knee-bone.
Path in a mountain. ^lli, ^ v-"^ i
To be shattered. To be broken ^^^
Numerous tribe. Underground water- i
into splinters (wood). To disperse
course. j
Space between the shoulders. ^^^ i
Thin bone of the knees and Ji£
Twig of a tree. 'J^^i ^^' -r ^r*^
elbows. Followers.
Space between two branches. Shank-bone. 'ip^i 0^ ?r *c^
Stream of water in the sand. Chink. Splinter of wood." Bow.
Portion. -^ Branch of a firm, a Bron- To disperse (people).uij v*li£ i 'jS. ^
chife. To be spilt (blood, water).
To send (horsemen) against -
A portion of goods. Jv;jl ^ *l«ij Js- 5

Prong of a spit. i^iDl ^ii (the enemy). ^ ^

To make haste. (L*i.j \»z.

Eighth arabian month. Ji^z.
To spread its rays (sun). To send 'fh
Death. ^^^
( re\ )
Hair of the head, of the jUij j,y^j Haversack. Old water-
body. skin.
Willow-tree. ji^JLi,* >t <> Wide in the horns ^^J^
Wig. s^Ct. ^'m£ -^j jUiLi y.£ (buck).
His half begin to become sj^l i^l3 Name of a covetous man
hoary. The two shoulders. OUcViJI
Knowledge. Feeling. jUi,t ^^ _^ Path, way.
Perception. Poetry, verse. Drill, perforater.

Would that Iknew. i^^-r- >^^ To practice sleight of hand

Fine poeti-y. poem. ^U, _^ Juggler.
Siriui. Procijon (stars). Time tS'J^ To be disordered (^ii a -«-

of intense heat. Dog-days. (affair).

•^ Grate, lattice. oC_,ii^ ^ *lv«^

To be dishevelled c-H^j ,VjX£j (i^ —
^Balance for light weighs. t:;j__^|jlolln;^ (hair).
Dnese and tangled trees. Vege- jU;' To scatter, to disperse a. th. fi> ^i£
tation. Arbour. To curtail a poetical f^ot of one cJ^
Under-garment. o'jmL'\j J^il ^ jV«4. syllable.
Distinctive sign. Coat of arms. Ci'y To defend a. o. . t —
of war. Horse-cloth. To extract, to draw out h'om. ^^ —
Rites of piigi'iraage. To branch off. To be disordered .ill'
Intelligence.Knowledge. (hair).
Barley. Fellow, companion. Not curried (horses). c,'m£
A grain (weight). olji«i^
INIeasure of length. Dishevelled (hair) oCiiiij
Silver or brass button. Shortened (poetical foot).
Rite of pilgrimage. < Cracked (vessel).
Seller of barley.
•^ Vermicelli. To remaik, to
perceive a. th.
Hairy. To make verses.
Covered with plants JLi,' ^ A'J^ n To be awake.
(earth). Hard, rough. Kind of plmn. To line boots with i-b '"i

Fur. Camel's fly. Bustle, thi-ong. hair.
Great calamity. '\'J^ ~C^ li
Poet. '\'jid, ^ jtii. To be hairy.
Distinguished poet. jU/2 — To vie in poetry with.
More cognizant of poetry than. ^>i^^'l To undertake a. th. A -
Having some knowledge of yii^ To take a distinctive mark,
poetry. a password.
Petty poet, rhymer. j.j^ii-' To inform, to warn a.

Pretending to be a poet. ^pIIa/J To with an

cloth a. 0.

One of the five senses _^,LL« ^r j'*^' undergarment.

(sight, hearing). Bower. Cares have overtaken
Garnished with hair. j[>i-=-» him.
if- Cracked (vessel). Crack-brained. To pretend to be a poet
To be altered by fire i^a.'..£ a JaiiT <> To put on an under- jUlSl
(clothes). To burn with rage. garment.
To busy the mind s uLi^ a s-iki. ^ To be terror-stricken.
(affection). jVVil ^ ( wn
C rA- )

Having the horns turned To tar (a camel).

backwards. To be enamoured <J U» .".

' '
To be plucked (hair). I^ii, o Ui.' -f5- of. '

To scatter (soldiers) for a raid, i jl/\ Lively affection ; burning love.

To watch upon. ^— Upper part of a camel's hump.
Raid in a hostile country, -l^ Light rain. <ii^
Plucked, scattered (hair). *j
fc^\fl<i. r i..9Vj>.ij^ o^^jcwj w<*. r .* 7^ •caa.^

Ptemoved. Seat- ,^l>i, ,; ^U, Summit, top. Lock of hair.

tered. Insanity, madness. jlii
To juggle away. Mad. Enslaved by love.

'sT^nL -«- o>iL=.>
Juggler's trick, legerdemain. sS^ii! To light ifc jiilj jlij , >Ui' a -S-

Juggle., conjurer. '^'y^i i,.!' (a fire). To kindle, to stir (war).

To turn a sword in the ^iii^ ^ To be inflamed for. J jli
wound. To groan (canael). To have [Jui Ij J-Jii, ^j %;i a j,i ,

To shake the bit (rider). ^— a white spot on the tail, or forelock

To hurry in. j — (horse).
TS ^.^JiLj , Cii. a w-*i.j , Cii* w^ "S- To spread everywhere (horse- Jiil
To excite enmity between. jt _,) i_j ji men). To shed tears ( eye ). To leak
To deviate from. Ci^ ^ a .^ (skin).

To seek to harm a. o. 5 ^tCi To scatter (a flock). »

Stir, tumult. To send (troops) to a

«_<*li-»j k_.ii-»j i^\Jii,j country.
Mischief-maker. To blaze up (fire).
To ba left defenceless \j^ To become hoary.
(country). To be remote. Blaze on the tail or forelock of jii
To expel from. ^S- a horse.
To raise the hind leg (dog). \'_^i£ a — Fiery, ardent man. jii J»3
To rush to the v^^l j *Wty. j^ Firebrand. jii,' ^ iLLi
rescue of a stranger. White- '%S. ^
Jii,1j Jc^'j v>,Ci
To marry by 5 \j\^j %'J.\JiS J\z. spotted on the tail or forelock.
compensation. To intermarry. To Lighted wick. jiiJj j^' ^ ;L».:J"

concert a. th. Kindling. j.iJj jtQ-

To walk in a crowd to. _^] Strainer. J^tVl^j J^^ ?r Jl^-^j Jii^
To perplex a, 0. is. _,iii,l_) — Lamp, firebrand. jfCi> ^ d/Llij J/LLJ
(account). Spreading everywhere (horse- J*iji
To persevere in (an evil affaii- men, locusts).
To be entangled (business). To reconcile people. C^Ju- a j^ ^
To become large (number). To catch a. 0. by 5 ^yU.1 — ^z. -U-

To go far into the desert. J - the hail*.

X ney j*i _H*^J j'^* ji^ Xt To be dishevelled (hair). oliil
dispersed in all directions. Scattered bits of herbage, dry jiS.
Defenceless country, a Camel's plants.
saddle. Disordered (hair). o^^
Silex, flint. Having dishevelled hair, o-^^' oVii-»
Wicked. <> Palms, boughs of
^j^S^ ^ :;•.;;:'
Strong. trees.
Date-basket Palm-sunday. cai^ltl .up >
To behave insolently jc Ijiil a _^ ^ To have twisted horns ^li 4^
towards. (buck).
(r-v ^ ) ^i.
To increase. To ba deficient. u£ To sow hatred between
To emaciate a. o. ,Ui- - Large needle.
(cares, disease). To trip a. 0. 5 v!>- *
To prefer a. th. to Trip, catch with the leg. si.

another. To wound a. 0. in the j Oii a -i Li -a-

To drink up (all the heart.

contents of a bowl). To feel a passionate ^jj^\ -^j 'iJ.

To endeavour to see luve for.

through a. tli. To scrutinize, to Botto:ii of the heart. oUiTj ^ilij ..iii
fathom a. th. Pericardium.
To feel the desire of. Jl- Passionate love. ,JU4jIj _iii!
Tliin and transparent ij^ii^j lii-j Li£ Pain in the side. ^\l£j ^UiT
stuff. Light I'ed veil. Increase. Loss. To ^ s Jii]j,^i£j '^i£ a Jii^ ^
Transparent, translucent. ,Ji~iCj ^Ui, occupy a. o. in.
Bitter cold. Cold wind. Rain ^JLi, To distract a. o. from. o^ ^ ~
mixed with hail. To be ijusied ^ jifi, \j jli~>j jiiC
Cold, culd wind. oUi^
Remainder of water in a vessel. ii\l^ To give much work to. j jjj.^,

To tremble, to .shudder. wiLli -^ How busy he is ! iliil G»

To be mixed with. ^— To be diverted from. ^s. J^lii

To blast (plants hoar-fi'ost).
— fi, <>- To work, (man, machine). Jiiit
To dry up. To contract a. th. (heat, He felt anxiou.s. iill Jiri,!.

To wear a. o. out (cares). s - Employment, business. -^ Work. Na-
To sprinkle (a medicinal tural produce. Make.
powder on a wound). A work, an employment. cj^L ^ iiiii
Cold wind. Rain with hail < A job.
Uncouipact (tissue). Thrashing-floor. Heap of jiX ^ xUii
Trembling. Wicked. wheat.
<>•Bignes.s and Sj_,ii ^j a- Busied. jiiC
prominence of the lips. Penal servitude. ;cJu, Jiiil
"^ Big-lipped. jiijj Occupation, employment. JUri,l_
To decrease (wealth). Sj\l£ a _^ -H- Bu.sying the mind (affair).
To decrease ( wealth). To decline __4^ Main-sail. J^Ci- a
(sun). Active in work. Labourer.Jiiij J-^i^"^
To be on thf^ brink of. u. — Business. Je^i-' 5r ii^i^j *J_>ii.I
' '
Place of growth of jUi-l
' '

^ ji—J ' '

_,is. Busy. > Working (machine). Jisi.^'
the eyelash. Occupied (place). Bu,sy. Anxious J^ii.^
There is nobody _^i. (man).
in the house. To be unequal Cti a JiCj \^y^ oML ^
Border, edge, rim. (teeth).
Side of a oi^i^j To counteract a. o. 4_i ^i,l
spear-head, edge of a swore Broad Inequality of the teeth. CLi
knife. Shoemaker's knife. Unequal (tooth). ,\\i^
f-^j" T i.\^

^ Scythe, hook, bill. ;J,ii. Having _^i.,' ^ 'CiXj M'Ui- i,l

The side of the valley. ^/il^l -niii unequal teeth.
Straitened (life). ^i^i To be thin, uii-j *^^c^-> S_jii< i lii- -^
Camel's lip. _,5Vl; ^ JlL^ transparent (cloth).
To kick a. o. i [ji£ \ ji£ ^ To be emaciated (body). (s^'—
a. 0.
askance or side-ways, in wondei
Cr AT)
T double (a number.)ib CJi a
^ ;«iii -Ji-

or acorn. To repeat (a prayer).

Intelligent. Handsome j^-i To give to a. o. the right of •--' 5 ~
Expectation. Looking for an pre-emption.
inheritance. To appear double to a. o. J fj^zl

Looking askance. OjAt-J •iU from weak sight (object).

Keen-sighted. ,jji£

Turtle-dove. ciliUi- -r tisc*? "^ To intercede for a. o. to.

To strike a. o. on s C^ r. *iii -i^ To join with another SjloiJb o5U Jt —
the lips. against.
To divert a. o. from. ^p i — To welcome
— sion on behalf
a o.'s interces- J s ^
To consume (a. o.'s property : > of.

baggars). To double. <>• To grant to a. o. A —

To exhaust (a. o.'s pi'operty : A — the right of pre-emption (judge).
family. To ask a. o.'s inter- o!Aj Jl 5 A^^\
To have many consumers (stores). *ii, cession to.
To talk mo'ith s {a\iJ^j X^^ll* *iCc- Pair, couple; one of a ^uil ^ ,»iX

to mouth with. pair.

To get near to. A> — By pairs, by couples. CJ.i

Lip. Edge, rim. «(iij cX^ r *^-rJ

''^ Coupling of two things. Right iJi
Discreet or importune. iilil ^i-iC of pre-emption. Madness.
Word lit : (daughter of the ul)l c^j. Intercessor. Pre-emptor. ^Cs,
lips Eye .seeing double. JijLi. J^s-

He his held in Founder of one of the four ^'^

estimation. Mohammedan rites. Follower of" this

Big-lipped. "•/-'^ rite.

Labiil (letter) Interces.sion, mediation. Pro- XtUi

Conference, intercourse. i^liCiyi tection.
Face to face, in immediate *isUJ» Filling two vessels in one milking^jli,
presence. (she-camel).
Impoverished by bounties. a^ilj- Iuterces.sor, mediator. '\i5j^ ^ %J^
Freciuented (water-spring). Sought Pre-emptor.
(dish). Kxhausted (wealth). Successful intercessor. ^Hi
To near its setting l^i£ o\x£. ^ To pity a. o. jt J^i^'b ^"^ a jii, -S- ,

(sun). To appear (new moon). To be anxious ab^ut.

Extremity, brink, .uil ^ 6l>«i^ ^ CiiC To move a. o. to pity for. u. j jli.

Remainder of life, light. To weave (a fabric) badly. A —

Having parted lips. ^ill To lessen a. th. A J^i-b "
To cure a. o. from i «U4. ^
Ji£ ^ i
To guard again-t a. o. ^« ^zS\
(disea?e). To quench a. o.'s (thirst). Evening twilight. Fear. Jul'l ^ jii
To recovei' health. Pity. Shore. Unsubstantial (tissue).
To set (sun). JiiJ a ,^J.i Refuse.
To be at the point of o^iJl i^ ,]^'l Compa.ssion., pity. Solicitude. ssij,

death. Compassionate, jAi.>*j J^i^J Jj-ii-

To give (a medicine) to a. o. fi^ s — tender.

To cool after anger. *tJ^ ^j. ^Jij Scanty ; insignificant (gift). J^l>
To be Gizzaid. *iil^ ~ J^ ^
i-estorc-d to
^ J'^b J^ Cera tin-tree.
Jill-* ?-

health tiirough. ^ilii- -ft-

To ba content with. .^ To ^ J^^\,

To look at n Cyi^ i ,;4^j a ^j^ ^
) —

( r-w J-
Frog-bit. .liJI joi rejoice at an evil befalling an enemy,
Glauciuin, horn-poppy. o^iJl — if- His wishes have been fulfilled. i^i? —
Cora-poppy. <• jM To consult (a doctor). j iiU,i
Sister by the same JJVSiJ ^ xLii- To ask for a reme ly. ^—
parents. Half of the head. Hemicra- R -covery. Remedy. Cii.1 ^ 'Oi,
ny. Fertile valley between two moun- Health-giving. Kfticacious. i^u. j, jCi,
tains. Abundant rain. Peremptory (aoswei*).
More efticacious. \iJ\

Red anrtmon^, peony. JJ,^ Awl. *J,^^-> .^J^^l ^ ^j'-i'l

Etymology, derivation. juxil. Hospital. 'il5Ll.>i

Separation. Schism. -<>•

JU^jI To spread in the sky \i£ q j£ ^
Toil ; difriculty. ^Cij: ^ *ilij -^2±.^ (lightning).
Schist ; slate-rock. jlLi To grow (tooth, plant). To p^ii,'
Tow from hemp. gleam (dawa). T.o look fixedly (dying
Schism (tie, dissenter. man).
To groan (camel). To jlii -ft- To split (wood). To pass ^ hC —
twitter (bird). through ( a throng ), To till ( the
^ To rinse (clothes, vessels) *— earth).
Foam of a cirael's
J^\^ To part from a company. i^ui ji
mouth. To be painful to a. o. ic i2i,Jj Ui —
Loquacity. (trial). To throw a. o. into distress.
Speaking fluently. *llii^ j 'i -^ To visit a sick J^iV^ J- l}^ -^
To grow ( tooth). |«_,ii.'_, \i£ o \XC -H- person.
To cleave (the head). To part ^ — To chip (wood). To articulate A xit,
the hair of the head. (words) distinctly.
Parting of the hair. 'lii;: To disagree with, s
Comb. SUi.;j 'Ui^j "^i^i To be split, chipped, j^i)
To make a schi.sm, to dissent. 3^
Crack between two rocks. Clefi in a !
To be split, furrowed, <• To jlji^
rock where birds build their nests. become a schismatic.
To be foul, ugly. U^ o ^i£ -ft- The affair is broken up.
To break up, to spoil. fi> tJiT a ^JiT To take the half of.
To show redness (dates). rdi!\j T'.liT To derive (a woixl) from.
To grow (palm-tree). To depart from the point
To revile a. o. g ^»Ci. in an argument.
Date beginning to show •;^j^j xUi£ Chink, slit. Crack, furrow. J^' ^ jiC
redness. Daybreak.
"What a hideous man ! ij C>djilj CUii! Fatigu*^, pain. jij —
Uglin-ss, foulness. Turpitude, iilii Part of the whole : half of
ji, a. th.
He has committed siulllj liCHh, *(» Side of the body.Slope of a mountain.
a foul deed. Half of a. th, Jizi-j jii, ^ xii-
Ugly, foul, hideous. ^,2£ Splinter, Piece of cloth.
Reddish, ruddy, ^^ii,'^ 'G-j£ j. rdi\ Distance. Aim of a jii' ^ xl^j —
Camel-litter, iJliiX a journey. Long journey. Oblong piece
To go off, to {j^C a JLSiTj i ii£ -«- of cloth.
go away. Splitting in half. Hard, painfid. j^Qj
To ba affected with a iii^
llili Contention. Schism. jili,
sleeplessness. To have a piercing. Uterine brother : brother by the j.i£
malignant look. father and mother. Split asunder.Half.
To make a To oppose a. o. j iSCi.
paltry (gift) To drive away a. o. ^ oiil
To be paltry (gift). He possesses nothing. Ji' Vj ili iJ U
Paltry, scanty. There is no defect in Xu Vj Jail ^ C»
ajkZjJ aJ^Xttj ej\.t^J '^\Xt'J Ui, him.
To be wretched, miserable. .Afflicted with sleeples- oioiiTj JsX
To reduce a. o. 2^^1j,(^i£ o sness.
to destitution. Famishing (eagle). MoSij tfiliT
To face, to resist a. o. To vie s j\±, .1 _/2i. I_j , S^fii-j l^,ii< o J^i a ^rSi- -^

•with a. 0. in struggling against be sojrel (horse ). To have a ruddy,

difficulty. fair complexion.
Ill-luck, distress. Sjviij 'a'p^-i 'Ui^j Cl£ Important bu.siness. jpj^ ^ Ji£.
High, lofty. ^<j'>^ 5r ^jCi Reddish colour. e\^
Destitute, wretched. "L^' t '^^ Cock. Lie. _,ii
Outlaw. Want, necessity. jJiiH
Comb. ( for \i=^ ) Jii.^ Red anemone, .^jvlij jiii'j o'^iij _^
To doubt j .i\fe*.i;j , 4:*il O hS "ft" peony.
about. To be scandalised at.
-!> Roan, sorrel JiiL ^ '\'JiL ^ Jd^
To pitch tents in one row. ^ — (horse). Red-haired (man).
To transpierce a. o. ^^~ Red-haired, fair (man). '^\'^^\ -^
To penetrate into a. th. (blade). ^j 5 — Green wood-pecker. J^lr'-'J J'j^^
To be f lUy armed. ^5LiJI j ^-tXlH To cut up (a jfc ^ii — ^li. -Hr

^ To scandalise a. o. s dlfetiij — slaughtered beast).

To throw a. o. into suspicion, s dA&*ii Portion, share, lot. ^^liil ^ ^/jii
doubt. Society. Partner, associate. ^^a-^
Doubt, suspicion. ip^ ^ iSli Broad iron-head of an ^^sCiJJ ^ t,^2i_«
Arsenic. Slight fissare in a bone. arrow.
•^ Scandal received. Butcher.
Prick with a. th. pointed. Pain X^L Lock of hair on tlie top of
in the side. Chain of golden coins. the head.
Weapon. d»^ ^ kI=<J^ To near (a vessel) J Cii a ^ii -^
Armed at all ^51^1 J jl ^>LJI iJQ- to the lips.
points. ^ To heap up (things). f> -
Tumour iu the throat. 'iX^ ^ :c^Li, fy- To abuse a. o. by blas-
On credit. dlfe^ n pheming against him.
Row of houses. dllfeii- To cut, to split <J^j fi>

Cause of suspicion. -^ Scandal iLSCij (stones, wood).

given, n Sale, purchase upon credit. Piece of ear- uj£ ^ iii£ -^j
Troop, party, dl^'j Ojsisd. ^ S^isfes-i then ware. Earthenware. Piece,
Way. wise. Fruit-basket. Huge rock.
Armour. Instrument for 'i\iS ^ wll* Coarse salt.
making holes. Large hammer. ^jiCi -^
Dubious, suspected. «^ ^jfcLs.* To weigh (a coin). yd£ o ^di -> fi>

Coquettish woman. xS^^LiL n ^ To measure with a stick. To lift

Hammer. -r^^ Te up.
A ? j5Cj-*Ij ji=i^j , la&ii. i JSi^ -S- Iron-shod stick. -^ Plumb-line. JyCi-
To give a. th. to. To upset a. th. fi> ^'di -^

Gift, present. jis^z^ Humbug ; impostor. Fickle. oCJoiT a

Giver. afe.Ci Tupsy turvy. Qiji Qi£ -^
J^ (T-Ao ) Jl
*^ Bad augury. ss<j~i
Niggard, ill natured. ^joSLlj ^%S -«- To thank ; to praise a. o. J ^^I5j
To moan (sick C.5C_i
a ^iS. ^ To fatten (cattle). To \'J^ a j^
per^joii). To get angi-y. sutfer. become bountiful (man). To yield
To b3 full of seeds (crop). much milk (female).
To ii-ritate, to vex a. o. 5 ^LV\ To put forth shoots J^L\j J^h ~
Avaricious. SulFering pain. ,5CjC (palm-tree).
Arabic thorn. Prickly arti- J"}^^ To show thankfiilness s JTu,
choke. to a. 0.
To be Jkllj ^}U£j,y^sLL o ^^i£ ^ To^bftgin (a discourse) with. * 2f

doubtful (afifdir). To ripen (grapes). To possess milch-camehs. _,SC_i1
To shackle (a beast), j ,}is<Jij ^£ To be filled with milk J^h —
To murk (a writing) J&^^j ifc Jfcti^ (udder).
with points. •() To entangle (a busi- To shower down rain (sky). JsJxL\,
ness). To bring rain (wind). To be intense
To be coquettish ^Xfcui a JS^ (cold, heat).
(woman). To be red and white. Thanks, thanksgiving,
jpiil ^ Js>J.
To picture, to fashion a. th. a J'**.^ Praise.
To plait two locks of her hair Thankfulness, gratefulnes.s. iX^Lzi
(woman). i>- To tuck up (clothes). Sm.Tll tract of j}^^ !r e'S^isiX •
To bear a re.?emblauc3 to. 5 ^\^ land tilled and sown.
To assume a shape, a hue. jiij Grateful. Ac- ojl^fi^j J=^ ir ^^
^ Tob? composed. To adorn herself knowledging a benefit.
with flowers (woman). Hireling. *l_rrt^ ^r
4j''^ ^
To resemble one another. JTlIj Pay of a hireling, -if- Kind Jj^Ci- P
To b3 dubious, jfeoULlj Jkiil. of dagger.
confused fafFiir). Filledwith ySj^is^zlj jj\U£ ^ j[^L£

Shape, J^^'j Jlfeii,1 ^ ji^j Jfe»4. milk (udder) ; with tears (eye).
form, sort. Features. Figure. Conve- Very grateful. Fattened at j^^
nience. Coquetry. small expense.
Vowel-point. -i^UC} jU£ Ofishoot, sprouts of __3^' -r -f^r^
Redn(^s3 mixed with whiteness. xifeiiJ trees. Fine hair on the temples. In-
Flirting, coquettish (woman). iiSL£ terior bark of a tree. Pith.
Touchy. 'ji^ "> Hemlock (pl'iiit). •sTJ-y^^
Shackle, bond. White jiaj^ ^ i}\is^
spot on a horse's feet. Yielding much milk ( female ). Milch-
Nosegay. Bouquet. J^lii ^ iic%U5 < cow.
Likeness. *l6:iiJj Jfli' Milky plant. jT^Ci-i
He baars a <^j ^ jfCi, ji ;1&»J-' *-? To prick a. 0. with 2 \Js>j^ o jfcii. -^
likeness to his father. (a sword, the tongue).
Side. Flank. Rule of Jfl^ ^ sifU. Cross-tempered, Je-^} J^=>-='
conduct. Intention. P/. Tracks bran- To ^.Sij^
a yj^^J^^ *Z-[isi^ o ,jSLti ii'

ching from a main road.

off be d'oss-tempered.
Admixture of j^^i ,^ -y^di j. Jfeii-1 To treat a. 0. harshly. s ^\i'
red on white or of white on red. To quarrel. ^jS\^
Want, necessity. -y^isiS The day before the new ,jJsk£
Foot-soldiers : foot- jTl^ ^ tT^iT
men. Side, flank. Avaricious. Harsh- tjr^^-^i CT-^"-^
Want. Intricacy. Manner. ii&*i-1 tempered.
! —

J-lil (r-v
Complaint, %s'^^^ oj^^j *j,^^ Kvery one acts
charge, accuaation. in his own way,
Thing complained il» ^^^mJ'j ts'JsjL Likeness. jSTii^^ iiTllji
of. Dubious affau', jsU;: ^ ii5:Li;j jfLij:
A complaint. -iSC-ij cX^^ -r a'J*^ difticulty.
Small water-skin. "CSiJij — Solution of dubious jr^iJI tj*-
Complai- X^Ci,j XlSCii ^ 6ii.j '^^Li things.
ning. Pitiable. Unwell. Shacliled. Having a white J^^CsJJ
Complainant, spot on one or three feet (horse).
plaintilK To reward, » ^5Ci,1j , vU=ii o J^ *
Fullv armed. to retribute a. o. -^ To ."lap a. o.
Complained *;;ip 5oi/v To bribe (a judge). To bridle n ^iS.
of, ci.lprit. (a horse).
He who receives jl(i_^
S-^i jIJI^.^SCjIj To bite a. o. i C^iXj CJ»S o —
a complaint. Gift, bribe. jJ=^'j J*^
Niche for a lamp in a wall. SiSCi^; Bit. j,^^^j j^i^j ^J,lfe:ti. ,^ X^^^
To be '^]j 'jlj yxCj yS a ;[}i: -{i^
Incompliance. Repression of injus-
dried up or disabled (hand). tice.
May thy fingers never be ii^^ ji,' V Uutractable, i;Xl)l Jo-iX jl i;:5CjC j 'i
withered. unyielding.
To dj-ive away s yiSj X^ o - Chest, drawers. xtofJ'^U^. Te
(camels). Amble, pace of a horse. i>-5Ci,l Ts
To stitch (clothes). To shed »> y^£ To be 5 uifej^^j ^L»./i Aj'Ci- — 'i^^ ^
(tears : eye). ahke to.
To have the hand dried up. '^\ To be ambiguous (affair). <S^1
To disable a. o.'s hand (God). a~ To be alike. tSihS
To dasli forth (torrent). To fall Jjlji_ cj\^_i,j olici,j iSji^^j <s"^^ o lfei.i. -}i-

in large drops (rain). To complain J| ^ ^u_Sv.Xj Tj'SLi.j

Withered hand. ^"9^.} jli of... to a. 0.
Indelible stain. jLi To complain of o.'s state J jl Jl * —
May thy hand never >Ui V jl Jyi, V to a. o. (sick, destitute person).
be di-ied up To attect, to s 'e$^j^'_^^j l^JCi —
Light handed. '^^ J^^ jiiJ^ jU' distress a. o. (illness).
Good companion. To soothe (a plaintiff).
Scattered (people). J>Li, To listen to the com- v
Long, distant aim, yi,j ai plaint of a. o.
< ^'ine-prop. -^ To give to a. o. a cause of
•^ Skein. -^ complaint.
Disabled, stiff- Oi ^ '^u- > ;>, 1 To satisfy the complaint of
handed. a. o. by.
Dried np (hand). .^ sj He is accused of. ».
Wool-cloth. Bed of dil ^ j^ To complain to a. o.
a stream. To be diseased (eye,
Cataracts of the Nile. limb).
To fall in drops To complain of
(water). (sickness, pain).
drip (blood, water).
drip (blood
To complain to one another- S^
: sword). Disease ; M^^iJj ,^>Sj '^L£j i^LL
Dropping. complaint.
A (r AY) jli
Fond of sweets. l^V'^
Active, ready to J4liS^j Jiii'j jUi
jjZX <

Sirocco. ( for J^'^i, ) service (man).


Strawberries. dlii Ik I
Falling in drojjS jliL^j JilL^j jlLi
Spark. J^ - ^\£ ^ (water, blood).
Dai'acl-weoc]. ^Ci,j Ji'yi'i J^i^ P Polite, com.'ly, gentleman. -^Ts
To perplex a. o. 5 j<L <>• if- Barber.
To be perplexed. j^\ •< To shave, to dress a. o."s

To set olfi to depart. \'y\£ o'%i ^ hair.

To lift, to take np a. th. ^ - To be shaven, dressed.
To pour (a hot liquid) for To kick. To flatten (dough)
cooling it. Thin mattress. 2:liTs
To call a (beast). To undress o.'self. To GJLi' a r-li^ -ft-

To excite a dog against. change its feathers (bird). To apos-

To call a to
^' tatise (monk).
help. To throw off, to reject a. th. ^ — -^
To get angry. J-^l To sti'ip a, 0. of his clothes. 5 ^ji

Remaindi^r, remains. ^ ^U,

'^i,! To make a. o. strip oil his clothes.
Liinl) of the body. -<> Diseased meat. > To strip a. o. (brigand).
PI. Reins of a bridle. Sharp, cutting sword. ,nis.' ^ 'VWLi

Body of an animal. iliij — Apostate (monk).

if- 9^,Ci.
Remains. Piece of meat. G5li ^ <!vi] < Brigandage. 9-_.Lsj

•If- Large spoon. li.;. Dressing-i'oom 5^ Qj; ^ ,»JiJJ -ifj ydi.A

(in a bath).
To .smell at. ^xilj ifc Mantle cloak. ?»di> -^
^ To take a walk. '\/^\ ' £ To split a. th. * ^}£ o a fii *
To have a hauglity bearing. C>4.i, a — To despoil a. o. js. Jallj Joii! -^
To be lofty (moimtaiu). (thief). To plunder, to pilfer.
To be tried, proved. To strike deep roots (tree). jX£ •
To make a. o. to smell. 5 fi> Root. J._^' ^ ^14 >
To smell at 0. a. v-^'j y^ Conch-grass. Jc?i'$^ J-^ "^

To draw near to a. o. or fi>j s ^li Knife. 'Vkiij J^li -fi-

a. th. To burn, to roast. h^ >

To pass in raising the head. ^1 To cleave (the head). fi> Cdi^ a ^iC ^
To go astray from. ^— Iion-rod. ^ii, -^
Give me your hand. iJ^j j,;^i, 1 Wallet. Xii^' >
To smell, to inhale slowly. Rope of palm-leaves. .J^^i.^ •
To scent a. th. To inhale Water-fall. j^\'i >
(an odour). To blot (writing), to scrawl. Jaiii] n
Smelling, inhaling of a. th To .split a. th. ij a Csli j'li^ -fi-

Smell (sense). lengthwise. To strike a. 0.

o Spring-holiday in Egypt. "... i
<) To ci'umble down (wall). jii
Tobacoo-srAiff. ^ flat *^ -^ To stand on end (hair).
Fine shape of the nose. Height oij^ -<> To perceive stealthily.

a mountain. Proximity. Remoteness. To have suspicion of.

High (saddle). Sweet smell. ^.^f' Small fish ; eel.
Fine-nosed. High. V^V <i v 'J^^ Lizard's eggs.
Proud. Knife.
Sweet-smelling ( un. :jiiJ, ) ^C Grooms.
streaked melon. Beggar's bag. 3y^
Sulphur-wort, hog's ^ j,Ui-JI S 1
^ Wick-holder. oO»C-i-
fennel [plant). Scents, perfumes.

Fennel (plant). Smell, scent. Musk. Nosegay,

Jj. -^ j %'J^
Acute (pain). j
To smell a. th. fi> ;;
^^i- •<>

Diamond. repeatedly.
^^ -^

Expeditious. Jr^''i -'it^J I

To rejoice »_j 7j\'^j C"liX a
Swift (she-camel). at another's evil.

Etfective. Exerting «S't'^ ^ ^"S^ ]

To greet (a sneezer) to say s ^ti : :

himself. I
God bless you. To disappoint a. o.
Clinging to S^ill^j ^^'Xjl ^ S>,U ,
To make a. o. to rejoice ^ s z^ '

the teeth (gum). I

at his enemies' evil.

To stitch (clothes). A ^ To be balked, disappointed.

rr'j'->i~ dij
To utter confused ^5^1 j — <loy at another's evil. <.'i['^£

speech. Rejoicing at an evil. c^Ci

Mixed with truth r-i^,^i' -r wO*-^ Foot. leg. c.>l>i T *StCi,
(falsehood). Pi. Trifles, vanity. Fulfilling the wish of his ^-^1^^!! f.^^
Palm, vine- kij<<S ^ -^yj^Jhi ^/y^-ii- enemies.
branch loaded with fruit, a Branch Disappointed, balked.
J^^j Cj\^^
stripped of its leaves. Stalk of a Uttering wishes. c^i
bunch. King blessed by his sub- c-ti-« i^'"
in ,jj^=.'j J._ j,lo-i. J o j,L,>-^ — c ^ jects.
tatters (clothing). To stitch (clothes). fi> (kii^ o ^'^£ -^
To feel ^j A 'jCilj , ^ 1%! o ^ To mix a. th.
disgu.'^t at, to loathe a. th. To urge on, to press a. o. S —
To contract, to get altered (face).jtii To go away from. ^—
Contraction, shrink. ;'j; jlii-j jlln^l^ Small quantity. rr^^
Disgust, horror. 1 have not tasted any (^-tijC cj'i '''*

Loathing, disgusted. j:^!.* thing.

,_,~^ '\j , Ci-i- a ,j-^j o i ,_;-ii. -il- To be lofty &->^i^'j S-.ii a !^4i^ -^

To be bright, glorious, sunny (day). (b ;ilding, mountain).

To be refractory C-Ci j C-^i- o ,j-ii- To magnify «ijtj j\ iljl ^CJ^j —
(horse). o.'s self.
To show enmity to. J ,_,-ii, To lift up, to raise a. th. fin ^^
To cast suspicion on a. o. s ,_^ti, To be lofty. To become proud. r.>Ci5
To spread a. th. in the sun. fi> ,j~^£ Far-extending (desert). r>*-^
To worship the sun. <• To be- ,_^tX Height. .^jU
come a deacon. Lofty. Haughty. .^^ ^ ^A^
<• To a.s.sist (a priest) as J ^_^ti. To J^t^^i J>^} „X^j , \yo-i' J-^ "^

deacon. walk quickly.

To be exposed to the sun. To ^^15 To pick up a. th. JiLj J^ fin

bask in the sun. -^ To get a sun- To tuck up (a garment). A ^^-^

stroke. To send off (a ship).
Sun. Kind of necklace To purpose a. th. J —
Sunny, solar. To despatch (a work). j —
Gira.sol {mineral). '^^r*^ j^^ To urge on (camels). i JtS'\
^ Umbrella, d Window-blind. :cl_4.i, To .slay a. o. with (a sword). *_» 5 —
< Small metallic oL-ii- rr <^^ To prepare for. J _^.ijlj J^'j jS^
di.sk : plate of a lock. Liberal. Pei'spicacious : energetic.^^
Sea-samphire (plant). "CJrii a'J^ ^

To shine, to light (lamp). ^^^^,'1 Sunny (day). Restive (horse). Wicked
Wax. Caridlt'. ( un. !;:;_£ ) p_^i^' ^r /^-i- !
Mirthful, jolly. ^y, f' I Exposed to the sun (field). ^,^, f'

Dealer in wax. d Candlestick. ^i^i- Deacon. -^ Clerk of iL»lii] ,^ ^rCi- S

Pegs for clothes. a priest.
"Wax manufacture. SiiiJi I
Ba.sking in the sun. Sturdy. ,_,_ilAi

Waxed. <>• Oil-cloth, waterproof, ^i I Avaricious.

To speak fluently. Caii, a ^•i- -^

Candlestick. j
To urge on s ^jal.t,j Cal£ o ,

To be in a rage. 'Jai^l. — li« * .sharply (a beast).

To be scattered. j
To shudder with fear.
To disperse. 'S^i\j J^'^>j Ji * Very lively (maid).
owiit- lUi-i^j jj»^..i.»_j *i«4.i._j (Jii-i' Quickness, promptitude.
running (she-camel j. j
Strong-headed (horse).
To be mei-ry. (XiS. a j«-£ -» Contracted, shrivelled up. u^-*-^^-^
To be very lively. J^iJ To A KIIj -tttij . Ckii i h'^ -»

To blow (north wind), "vfjii,' o jiil -f{- mix up a. th.

To expose a. th. to the yc^S — fi> To have its foliage scattered
north wind. (tree).
To wrap the teats 2? jiilj,!^ i o - To '
fill (a ve.-^sel). < To rifle, fi>

of a (ewe) in a bag. ! to pluck a. th.
To wrap ^ jl£j ,V^i,j •^;_i a J^
a. o. ina cloak. To become hoary.


To be exposed to the J^i/j >Ui. a ,

<>To grow all at once (plant,
north wind. youth).
To s ycS a j^j "5,i^j ycS o jil Hoariness.
include, to comprehend. Aroma- i»\ii,1j LC^- ^ ia»4j -la*

He has done \yl j\ {jki ^U-i-lj j^i^ tics, jjick'es.

good or evil to them all. Uproar, disturbance. Xl^U^ Te
To hasten. Jirilj J^jlj jt£ Mixed. Partly green and pai'tly Ja-^-i'
To be exposed to the north wind, j^^l dry (plant). Black and white (wolf).
To be wrapped in a cloak. Variegated.
To give a cloak to a. o. j — Dawn. Ja-^^l
To wi'ap o.'self in ^ Jiii-'j jtl^ Skein, spindleful. li^[:^£ ^ h^iS -^

clothes. Hoary. oVk4.ii.j Jai^'?- '^'-i^ -» -t*^^

To wrap o.'self in clothes -'CJaW Ji-xil, Party, band. Rent J3->v;_£ ~r i'^*~' "^
for sleeping on the ground. (clothes).
To encompass, to include. \s. Jixil^ The horses came in JaJ^i^ jli-JI o*W-
To be universal, common to all. separate troops.
Meeting. Parting. Things j;_£ To detain a. o. s OiiX o Jaii- -{^

collected. To urge a. o. gently. To speak to

May God unite them, _^Iii^ '<ii1 ^i^f a. o. in a gentle yet severe tone.
settle their affairs. To mix up a. th. To take little * —
May God scatter them, ^4^4-^- '*«^ J^* by little.

disorder their aHairf?. To joke, liii^j 'iji.ij iCJ- -^

Small quantity. Small Jlii,1 ^ j'^ to sport.
number. To be scattered (th). ^i-i —
Cloak covering the wholeo!>^i-ii ^ ^'^ To wax a. th.
body. -^ Small turban, head-band. To make a. o. to play. S -
A .

• 1«* (rv ) 1:1

j_s^j JU~i.j Jt;4j jii^j J'-

To hate, to loathe a. o. North wind.

To confess, to o Slii- a *i>i.j — Bundle of spikes. ill;_i' •<>-j JU

admit a. th. Sack put upon the udders of a Ji;

To hate o. a. iJiij ewe.
Hatred. Slls-»j S5';ji Left hand, ji^'_, jJv;^:^ j4i,'i

Hating, loathing. -lli^ -^ ' J fi, left side. Bad omen.

V^vbhon'ing. (i'Ui^j Sj'Di- ^ oLXi- Natural dispo- S'}^ -^ *^^
Pui-e. Continence. sition. Good qualities.
Flocks libei-ally given. Northern, northerly.
Ugly, foul. Wine, fresh wine.
Hated, hateful. Mulberry. Raspberry. j^.iii; ^
To have fine teeth. jLi/ a .^^ "5^ General, common. iUr'^,

To be cool (day). Cloak covering the iX^t^

Whiteness of the teeth. < Mas- ^l£ whole body.
taches. Small dagger worn under the
Cold (day). ^i^j ^S^ clothes.
^Jl kJ\z^ ) 'Lai/ jt >_— ^:ii.j Exposed to north wind. Gifted J^4,i/J
Having fine teeth. with good qualities. Cooled (wine).
Seedless pomegi'anate. •V,~Li, Cooled wine. ~i^zS
Circle, fl.mge. To be smart, sprightly. ji4_iC^ ^
Measure holding six JjUi- Brisk (she-camel). Jc^J J>Cs.
or eight mudds. Small quantity. J^-l^ « J>4-i'
Leather-bag, knapsack. n Sprightly.
Women's ample :iUzLi <> jNIedlar. -
iii_iJ a
trousers. Scattered on all sides. ^ 'CS-
To rend (clothing) fin Beet-root, a Buoy.
Finger. To mix (winej with
To be hard ( hand- Gli water.
palm). To start horsemen
To be r-^^j ^>^
r-^b ,
upon (the enemy).
wrinkled, contracted (skin). if- To sprinkle with dust. fi> JS •

To wrinkle, to contract (the To be worn ^j'^b Sl^l) J^'^J cr^^

skin : fire, cold). -^ To give a stiff out (water-skin).
neck (cold). To be wrinkled, dried up o^j cAij
To sutler from a wry-neck. ,j.Jij (skin).
To be in convulsions. To be covered with
i>- dust. oUj
Spasmodic contraction. Camel. ^Jii To become lean. Ciii--l
CoDvulsioM. •<> Wry-neck. ?»i i." Worn out skin. otii ;

Anchuia tindoria, orcanet. j&Ji P Tall. Lean. Starved.

To dishonour a. o. ip ^JS, — tj±. ^ Mi.k thinned with water.
Tall (camel).
V U^j sf.^j ^C£ Cool water. Poured (water)
To take out
the thorns of palm-trees.
ilij ^ fii,— •^-.i. * Water
flowing from a skin.

.,-..' --.'•' ,-. • • ^ • •

' > Powder, dust.
«_-^ U^ir ^ (_)Vat-:-_j o^j9ii:ij i^j^iiii, -R" -if-

Summit of a mountain. To be cracked (glass;.

Repast given ^rxii-'j ^oiij ^Idi* * Nature, behaviour. ^
on the completion of a building, on Piece of meat.
the return fiom a journey. iSr-J -H-
( rvO
peg. -^ To thi-ottle a. o To hang (a To defame, to dis- u jv- — j^i. -tt-

culprit). gi'ace a. o.
To put a piece of -wood 4> Disgrace, shame.
into a hive. Wicked, ill-natured.
To like a. th. CCi a JfiCj To stamp (a coin).
To cut, to divide a. th. To tie a. th. o iiLi. °
Now, "^^
To receive the price of blood. jii ' presently. v?,-^
or to bind pay the bloodwite.
o's.lf to To stick to. i_> Uj^ii.' a ,>^i-'j "J
^^ "^

To treat a. o. hauglitily.jt — Swift running '^ptJ^j '^\Si ^/^-ui,

< Strangulation. Hanging. jii,' (horse).

Blood-money, Sm-erogatory gift, jii' Pieces of roasted meat. Jaii,' — itiiT -tt-

Strap of a water-skin. Long. jui Roast meat. 1»1L2

Covetous. jlXil^jii- To revile, to disgrace a. o.
^ Jal^' -ft-

Piece of wood for raising honey- j^^i^ Rogue, sly fellow. Ji%'^ -Ci^^ !r

comb. Summit of a mountain. 53ji*^J *"

Self-conceited, foppish. To find a. o. foul. s Qj, a ^liT -ft-
Carved (meat). To revile, to dishonour a. o.
Gallows. ^\-J> ^ -.ijjiJ -^ To have a loathing for. ^j CJi.' a r^
To abstain. To dress gaudily. dUi. < To be Iji^^j CJi»j Ciiij *tUi. o ;cli<

To raise the head. ^tC -^ foul, ugly, infamous.

To hook a. th. a To trip jSCii ^ To disgrace a. o. S ^li

up a. o. To charge with foul deeds.

To be swift in (running). j ^iJj —
— 'J'»''i\ ^
Hook. Window-catch. ^^Cli. Ts
Fishing-hook. Hooked peg. To despatch (business).
To scratch (the skin;. fi> C^£ o ^^ -Ji- To ride (a horse).
Hard labour. ci\'_f£ ^ iliU — ^>i- -^ To take up (arms).
To find a. th. hateful.
To be grayi.^h. L-lii-b Ugliness. Pj-ofligacy. ^.y^j "iiKui^j "v^
To altei' the 5 t_|-'j ,^''^
i^- a ,_«' Dastardly act.
complexion (heat, cold).
To deprive a. o. of his income j ^^il mous, hideous.
(drought). Spreader of false news. ^4^
Mountain covei'ed with snow. ^4^ To look at a. c J> «•

Gray, gray co'oui". ^i^j -r^ scornfully.

Bright w^i-b ^4^^ oC44^ ^ v^
To hate, to loathe a.
To adorn a. o. with
O.J^ » \

blaze. Bright meteor. Star. t ^

sprightly. earrings.
Dauntless warrior, hero. v_j^»-JI >->\4~; To adorn (speech).
Stars shining brightly. ^h\ To wear earrings.
Gray, grayish. ^_^ ^ 'L^S. j> ^iill Earring for the upper <->>--' T
Glcssy (armour). Serious affair. part of the ear.
Gloomy and cold day. >J'^\ >jj Net-sack for straw.
Year of drought. w-.*i,1 >•'* Contemner, scornful.
Surname of the town of 'Uii^ He has treated us *i

Aleppo. scornfully.
Surname of king Almond/ier''s,^'ii.y\ To pull Aj 5 Jiilj ^i^
, i o Jli- -ft-

sons. the bi"idle (rider). To strap (a water-

To witness a. th. /* iS^ a J^ -ft- skin).
To give evidence on. ^ jil4.i a J-fii To tie (a beast) to an elevated s jli,
( rvT ) j«-
More celebrated. ^^ii^l ^b a^i-
Famous. Divulged. -'.i^Cii ^ j>ii-*

Monthly wages or pension. s^CiJ

To bray 0\i^j (t^ a j^j aji£ -« i

(ass). To be lofty (building, moun-

To have the LSi+ijj ^^^^j v'jlii,'

death-rattle. To sob.-<>-To hiccough.
To bring evil on a. (look).
Death-rattle. Sobs.
hiccough. Final sound of aa ass's
Repeated rattle, sobbing
•^ Hiccough.
High, lofty (mountain).
In a rage.
To be of a dark ^i-^b "^^ a -ff ,
blue colour mixed with red (eye).
To hurry on a. th. j lf. -^
To abuse a. o. s jAli
To fade away (brightness of j^lT
the face). -^ To be short (garment).
To get ready for action. To take a
good turn (affair).
Dark blue colour. Jii^j *U^'
Unavoidable business. 'y.^
Dark blue mixed j^i,' ^ -^^ ^ J^il
with red.
To frighten 5 C'ji^j C4^ a o ^i, -»
a. 0.
To urge on (a horse ). s C, j f'

To be sharp-minded, ^il^i' ^ii
energetic (man). To be full of vigour
"Wisdom. Vigour, energy. *^^i£
Sharp-mingled, clever. j,\^ ^ ^\£,
Chief enjoying authority. >._^' ^ —
Hedge-hog, urchin. j,*^
Fright^-ned. Energetic, clever, ^^^ij:
Gerfalcon. cnAUij o^VyL ^ cnAli. P
Steelyard ; beam A a balance.
Projecting balcony. Cft4iiiiTE
To bray
(of the ass).
^^ jliiT
kL'^L -^
* i/-i,lj ^/li-jj , S|^ a '^^j lii -^
To covet, to long for.
To excite ( in a. 0. ) the
desii-e of.
; )

Crvr j^-
To point out a. th. J( jCi-^j j>^ To comply with a. o.'s wishes. 5 ^i,1
witli ftlia finger). To importune a. 0. with u- Aij
To consult a. o. 5 jViX— Ij jjli* requests.
To give (advice) to a. 0. v-J Jt jCi'l Desire, appetite, 'l^iilj , ol^ii^ t »S+^
To feel ashamed. lust.

To consult togetliei". Longing for. -C.^ j,

To g;i tiler (honey) Appetible (food). Wished. Ji>.iLi3

To become fat (cattle). To jLix-l. Desiring eagerly. '>i,l>i-ij oVj^I-

attire o."s self. Covetous, lewd.

Honey taken from the hive J^^ Keen-sighted. _^| J^Q- Jaij
^ Advice, counsel. To mix up ^ Ai CCij G^il o v''-^

Shape, jUij a. th. with.

j'S^j «j>j'j «3>^J O'^-^
figure. Beauty. Ornament. To avert an evil from. ^ ^j-tij —
Shame, confusion. <>- Embroide- oj\i < To be warm (man). 4_j^
red handliercliief. Avicennia of/ici- To be mixed, mingled. cjOiilj i^CiJl
nnli^. desert-shrub. Mixture. Honey, Warmth, -(f- ^'y£
<f- Avenue. warm.
Bee-hive. He does not ujj^ "^J «-'>^ «J^ ^
Council. Counsel. possi'ss an) thing.
Counsellors. Deceit, embezzlement.
Privy council. Stain. Blemish, Ill- v4.'>-i';r
^ Council of state. luck.
Thurible, censer. Mixture.
Kitchen ustensils Mixed, mingled.
luggage. Flask -case.
Fine horses. Rural guard, keeper.
Ridge, slope. To appoint a keeper for
To stand on a ridge. corn-fields.
Counsellor, minister. To swing (the arms) ^^ — ^_^ -«

Good adviser. j^ jy>. in running.

Fine poem. To deny a. th.

Indication, sign. Hint allusion. s^G-i Fir-tree.

Pronoun demonstrative Kind of kite. Vulture
i^ Sign of the cross. .Joist, plank.
Consultation. To set (sun).
The aforesaid. To cover the sun (cloud).
Sown land. jS^'^-i J->S^'' ?r Sj^-=-^
To put a turban on a. 0. ? —
Adoi-ned, embellished. j_^i.; To put on a turban. i\xiij iji.'J

Counsellor. <>• Field-marshal. ^ji.;! Turban. jjj\±^^ ^jM^ rr il>=-;j i!^^»

Fore-finger. «3ii.>*
Advice given oOj-^-'* w »3>^J »3>-* To collect honey fi> j^h ,'J'^j
or received. Order. from the hive.
The evangelical ^ To advise a. 0. to. ^ ic. jCi.

counsels. To try s jiz:\j jyL) \yC^i \jjS, , o -

Counsellor, adviser (a horse) before buying it.

Horse-show. Good To make (

fire ) cjj A j^i-b j^b Jj^
appearance, Errand -fy-
to blaze.
Instrument for jj Csj: ^ j'j-=^ j j'y^l To show a. th. to. ^j Jl j'j^
collecting honey. To make a. 0. ashamed by. ^—
fj ( rvt )

To smear (a camel) To walk to and fro.

vith tar. •1 o Kj^'j^i , C^ a ij'^i (j-Ci. -ft-

To be attired. have a scornful look

To pi'epax'e (an eye-wash). fi> ^iiiT Looking with ^^ 'L.-,
•j~' -^ dS
To show a. th. fi> Sy^ •^ contempt.
To overlook, to overtop u. %\i.\jfj^\ To disorder (a bu- ^ J^^-^— tr-^i -Ji-
(a p!ac£). siness). -fy To impair ( health ). To

To f-ar a. o. o''
" trouble a. o.

To attire o.'self. o>iJ ^ To be sick, unwell.

To look from an elevated ^ cJ^iJ To be disordered (affair).
spot. To be disorderly (mob).
To beholl, to observe Lock of the scalp, crest.
To become hardened M;islin.
(wound). jNIisuu'lerstanding, difference,
Harrow. Constable, Serjeant. ^j,Ls. Ts
Oats. Disorder, disturbance.
Sight, view. •^ Ailment, indisposition
Pumice stone. <jij^ >- To rub a. th. with Cs^ a o ^/»Ci -ft-

Eye-wash, eye-powder. (-i's^ the hand.

Military scout. oUlij "I'cL To clause, to wash a. th. A—
Bright, smooth (coin}. Smeared jji.^ To pick (the teeth). /b ^Cilj t>»^j —
with tar (camel). To have the tooth-ache a pain ^Ci :

To excite a Ji s J^'j C5>i, o jCi, -ft- in the bjwels. To struggle in his

desire in. mother's womb ( foetus To throb ).

To tie (the ropes of a tent) Jl ^ jCi, (artery).

to (the poles). To be squint-eyed. ^'^ a <j»yL
To show earnest desire Jlj /b J^l3 Pain in the beUy. Throbbing w^
foi-. of an artery. Pleui-isy.
To long for. Bad temper. i/»Cj4r
Yearning. Squint (eye). ^yL r: '\^'^ j- ^'/i-\
Ropes of a tent. To make a long i»^ — L^ji -ft-

Propensity. journey.
Inspiring a desire. To cook (meat). To blast A-
Burning with desire. (plants : cold).
Long. To jade (a hoi-se).
Leaned against a wall (a water Race on horseback. i»)j

skin). Sunbeam penetrating

To be sharp-pointed. CfyJ^ o ill^ -ft- through a loop-hole.
To show his vigour (man). Smokeless blaze. Jji^j ^\'yL — Ji^ -ft-

To prick a. o. (thorn). s — Inteuiseness of (fire, heat).

To wound a. o. ^ j\ s ilCfJj dCi,
fi> To have a blaze on the G^^iT a f,j£ -iir

with a thorn. cheek (horse). To have bristled hair.

To fall amongst iX-^j xS(^ a ilCi Blaze on the cheek cf a horse. ^^
thorns. To walk amidst thistles. Having hard and f-yf ^ '\s.j£ v» pS-^^
To ba covered with red pimples di^ bristly hair having a blaze on the

(boJy). ch'-ek (horse).

To b3 thorny (tree). ii'jih ^j-^ Oven-poker. f-l^^"
To put forth feathers (chick) ; iiy£ To polish a. th. -^ To * ii'jL o jLi -ft-

new hair (shaven head). see a. th.


Raising jli,j jlij Jl^i-'j J^' ^ j;,U- To arm a. th. with thorns A i)U'
the tail (.siio-camelj. To be pi'icked by thoi'ns. iJ^iJ <
In the seventh Jl^l ?«t?.j J|^ ^r i^.'^ Thorn, prickle, point. ^\'y£\ ^ 'S^
month of her pregnancy (she-camel). He ('ame with all his J>Jii\j iJjiJb »\^
Tenth month of the oVlJii y- Jl}i^ peophi.
lunar year. <^ Warrant, proxy, iJ^Jjl j'^l
Scorpion. Koal-mouthed (woman ).i]|'»i, judicial evidence.
Left-hamled. 'V^ >. JS-i'l ° A prickle, a point. Sting (of
Small scythe. J^i-; in.sects ). Buckle. Tongue. Spill".

Asli-stair used by donkey-boys. j,S a "Weapon. Power, miglit. Weaver's

To settle (difli tr'jj^i' v;_^ O instrument. Whitlow. -^ Fork.
cultios) fy-
Hrank-ursine {plant). i^l xS'yC
To store up a. th. d^a- a Prickly fig, fruit of the (J,>i oy.
To be light-witted.

OyzJ cactus.
Foolish woman. k)'j^ •if- Sorophularia, fig- sTi^' ^j.;i-;,-^

Man of wai', ship of war. ol>£ w '

wort {pi).
"Warehouse ; magazine. o>i^ ^ v>i-' "^ Thorny (tree). 6^j,xSit' ^ dOCi,
To bu Ct^i« a otii/j , XS^'yX^i us>yi. o oCi -U- with arms.
deformed (face). Ground covered with *_rCi, u^jl
To fi'ighten ; to hate a. o. To s «u thorns.
strike a. o. with the evil eye. Rough to the hand 'U=.**i

To covet, to seek greedily after. Jl oCi- (cloth).

To be long or short (neck). C»^a o^ Thorny (tree).

To render a. o. unseemly (God). 5 o^ Covered with red pimples
To cast an evil look upon (body).
To be deformed, unseemly. ^•5 To be raised Cv^iTj Tj£ o Jl'i.- -K-

To be altered so as to be un- J- (tail). To be outweighed (scale of a

known. balance).
Unseemliness, ugliness. To raise the tail irJCilj liJoj —
Great distance. (she-camel).
Shah, king of Persia. King (at cX^ XT He got angry, and then iiiii; cJCi
che.ss). appeased. He is dead.
Check-mate, lit : the king They went oflf. ^^^^j ~
is dead- To hft (a stone). To * JCi'lj ^—
Chestnut, tree and fruit. j,ji; ou P carry (a load).
Corijza odora. dii:*a,P To be empty and flaccid (skin, Jjii
Provost of merchants. jailftCi P udder). To be scanty (water, milk).
Hemp To lift (a stone). 4^ JjCi
Common fumitory P
^j{»\^ To attack o. a. with (the ^_j JjCijj —
Ociinum )niniinuni, sweet /Jiki^ P spear).
basil. To be lifted (stone). JCijI^

Sharp- o^.i, ^ v^^l <^S^J »^j 'jVL To be at enmity with. J JCxil,

sighted. Remainder of water in Jl^-il rr J^-^
Royal, imperial. '^S^J "j^UVi- P a vessel, Desert, waste land.

Sturdy, sprightly man. jij J^

"Wild bovine kind. Goat. Buffalo. Upper part of a scorpion's sting .<!^'
Woman. Foolish (woman).
Evil-eyed. «_^' ^ .u>i ^ o;>i,1 Large sack. OV)>i.' ^ JO- ^
J^Z ( rw )

Hoopoo (bii'd)

lU J Cij
Cold and foggy (day). oClij »-4^'
Caii''0, chintz. c^^
To do a. th. ip ^Ci^j , (i>4i^ i ^(i- ^
To render a. o. cautious. To s tJS
cast a threatening look upon.
To fight with. s G-Cijj ^9-jCiJ r6\^
To apply o.\self to. j 9-li-b —
To grow wormwood (land). ^Ci'l

To avert the face fiona. ^s. ii»'j

Kind of wormwood. Cantiou.s, ^^
min Iful. <>• Broora-plaut .speedwell. :

Zeal. Barrenness. ^Ci

Assiduous. Cautious, ^--^ij^j oUli nJ,Ci-
Zealous. Protector. ^-rM
c r ' .' ;J .
1 ' f ' ,'.-.'• .!'"'><.
A^j^J' >
• .
o-jii^j *,..^j^J \9i^ 1 ^<-^ w
To become old (luan). iU-ji-^j
To be elderly. ^l£
To call a. o. a chief, senior. s —

^ To a;>i)oint a. o. as chief S -
To insult a. o.
To rebuke a. 0. — ic-

To become old. To pretend to ^Jl7

be a chief.
Old age. w:_^4^j zCji-SS
Old ^,Ci^^ Ipsli^j ,^\^\j
-rj^ sr ''-—'
man. Elder, cheikli. Chief of a tribe.
Mayor. Professor.
Chief, mayor of a village
Satan lit The chief of
: jdsi-
the fire.
The Cheikh-ul-Islam.
INIati'on, elderly woman. li-Ji
^ Republic. ii-SJJ'

To coat (a wall) fi> ji£j,\jLL \ iCi, -^

with plaster. To raise (a building).

To anoint a. th. with. ,_) ^ oliT
To cause a. 0. to perish.
( rvY )

escort (a fanei'al). To aee s fS. Plastered (wall).
a. o. depart. To encourage a. o. Lofty, high (building).
To consume a. th. bj fire. jUJu A — To fall from a rock.
To call (cattle) ^ ^ti,ij i>S^3 A^ Rock.
lagging behind the flock. To make red stripes a,
To accompany a. o. for busi- j ^Q, on (cloth).
ness. To be the partisan of. Wood for making bowls.
May safety ^>llJo ji >>ltj| ^\ JCt'Cil Date with a tender stone. ^ _ ^ P
follow you. Good speed. <> Ramrod. Spit. Window-shuttei
To become a Shiite, ^liJ Small-pox. Narghileh. <iai- Ts
To form a party, a sect, ^.txilj ^CiJ Breach -loader. oUsi-i Ts
Quantity. Following. ;iljr Sample. ^ • .4
f,. Tk
I shall coine to thee ixS j\ \jS ixJS To chastise a. o. s ^ii — ^^ -fr

to-morrow or the next day. sevei'ely.

Aromatic plant sought by bees. xZL Dates of bad quality, (un. *.i.^ ^u^c-i
Separate {un. ^Ci.) f.Ci.lj /^i ^ x-Li Harshness of temper. lt''^
pai'ty, sect, diSsent. Shiites ; secta- Enmity. X^'i\jJ>
tors of Ali, metualis. To be xt'^^ij Wuij Ckli i i,u -«-

Partner, sharer. Hili' ^ ^l£ To thicken (oil, butter). To

House shared in common. iii£ jlS be dealt out meat To perish
( ).

Chips of wood for kindling fire. ^.C^T (man). To be unrevenged (bloodshed).

Shepherd's reed pipe ; sound of a pipe. <>• To burn with anger.

Notorious (news, :^Ci ^ p,G.j ^^ti To mis (blood) i. e. to kill a *b»ji!i —

secret). Common to many ( lot ). murderer upon his victim.
PL News spread. Scattered (horse- To be quick at work. J —
men). To expose meat to (the blaze). fi> iaii,
Public (building, square). ^.i^Jj fXiJ- To consume a. th. by fire. A 3aiiJ\j —
Common, undivided (inheritance). To destroy a. o. To deal Aj ! i»G.1
Coal-rake for ovens. j^C^ out a (slaughtered beast).
Babbler of news. ^^i ;^—h ~ To spill (blood). To expose ^^j fi>

Partisan, follower of. J ^^i a. 0. to death.
Partner. Sharer. fS^l^j fj, CiSj* To be burnt. u',^7

To bind, to tie Jl A Uli] i J^ -^ To fly in jerking the wings y\±Xi[

a. th. to. (pigeon).
Peak (of a moautaiu). Cleft "sX^^ j_i To burn with anger against. u —
between two I'ocks. Hair of the tail. Smell of burnt (meat, hiS -^j iaUi
Aquatic bird. jr.- cloth) burnt meat.

To take off a. th. a y:S Ju -^ Whirlwind of dust.

i oi*-^
To nurse silkworms. jjll ijS — -i^ Roasting. Meat roasted for a JLai.7
To distill spirits. jy^\ — ^ company.
To I'aise a. o. To advance a. th. jjli, Fat, swift (she-camel). JajjjCs^^ J,uL;

Porter, carrier of burdens. JuX <- Laughing much. Fat (camel). U r/^'.»
Coins strung into a necklace. i^tS. < To Clilij (tCi.*j ^ji^j ^»T^ p.Ci' -^ i

Wholesale, in a lump. "^JiiJ^h -^ spread abroad (news).

To be marked with \^ i ^Ci, -S- To accompany a. o. '^^ ^ —
a mole. God j.'^Db. j)t JCiU j\ :*>Llll .JCpU,
To forecast rain from (light- a— speed you. Farewell.
nings). To expect a. th. To sheath To ,_)j A ^it,[ 9^^j 1 •— ' ^"^ i f-^
or unsheath (a sword). spread, to divulge (news).

( rvA )

Earth, duat. Rat. To cover (the feet with dust

j>^i jr:^ n ^Ar^J '•>=-*-^ J^rr^J jrt.^^

Marked with a mole.
Placenta, ^>_ (iJj ^^^ ^ "^i—*
To deform a. o. *j i (Uii i o\i- -^
To mar a. th.
To write the letter ji A oSi-
Ugly, foul. Disgraceful. olC
Proriigacy, shame. aS^
To look at a. o. with s C»li i ait. -fi-

an evil eye.
J^ ( rY\ )
Large cup. To rush unexpectedly upon. » *ci»^
To bear a. th. . jt \J-^ i J^ ^ Apostate, renegade. o>^Cs> ^ U (o
patiently. To pei'severe in. To res- Sabian.
train from. Sabaoth. Glory, oj^C-ij cj}<r2> H
To endure want of. j^ — power.
To bind a. o. To constrain a. o. i — Baker's roll. "
"V-ky^i T^.'y^
to. To visit a. o. » rL^j , C^-Ji^ a r-.li -«
To withhold a. o. from. o*^
5 — in the morning.
To become ,_j 'fji^^ \jya o Ji3 To be comely, gentle. iiC-s o r-.lo
surety for. To greet a. o. in the morning, s -jCJo
To give a surety to. ^ — To give a. o. to drink in the morning.
To exhort a. o. to n JLa\j .^3 To be day-time. To enter upon »vlo*l
patience. the morning. To become such on
To embalm (coi'pses). To stuff 2* jlo the morning. To become.
(a beast). He became learned. Cj \s. -rl^S
•^To ballast (a ship). fi,
— I found myself quite tjoalj c.9tlo1
To act patiently a \'j\'.^j s^^loi ^U> alone.
with. Beware of. ^ k^il
To fall into misfortune. To Jl^] To sleep in the morning. r"^
- '

become bitter (milk). To be bitter, To eat a. th. in the morning. jj —

hard. fy To meet a. o. in the morning.
To feign patience. To show ^^^ To drink a morning-draught. r-'Vi^\
patience. To light a lamp. ^^.^z^lj —
To take patience. ^ij»lj jdajf\j jtiw To take (the advice of). ^.tliszll^
To be thick. JJ^cLx <» To sell a. th. in the morning.
Patience. Self-restraint. j\^ Morning, T^-y^\j , t^'^ «• rCJ>
Bondage. forenoon.
He was killed when in bonds. \Js^ j^J Morning sleep. '-^^-^i *>4-«
He was compelled to swear. \J^ ^b^ Breakfast. xki^ rr^xla^j
Obligatoiy oarh. y^\ ^n^^ Morning-time. ^j^'h ^U«
Edge, side. Den- jCJ,1 ^ _j\J,j jC^ At morning. t-C-o
seness. "White cloud. Morning and evening. siu: :^L3
He has taken the whole aj \^\i e'jS \ Good morning, happy day. liC^ p '

of it. Light of a lamp. ^Q^o

He has filled Uj,Cj>1 Jl C-lS^JI '5U
the cup to the brim. Comely, handsome, iU^ ^ Lj?--f-^
Juice of any bitter plant. y^j ,^ gracious.
Myrrh. Bitterness. Aloes. Morning-draught. Milk drawn ^jLa
Ice ; frozen water. jCol ^ Jl^ in the morning.
Ground covered with pebbles.,nj)_j j\J, Fine, fi'esh (female). ^-C-^ ?- *»'s*-^
Lump, heap. jU^ ^ c'Sya Morning-hour. *^5;r^-^
He has taken it in a lump, s^jji o'si.] Comeliness, beauty. ifs-Uoj xiUo
Ballast of a ship. ejy(-o -^ Christmas-box. New year's x^>Lo
Intenseness of cold. SjC-ij s3i-5 gift.
Cork, stopper. jUo New year's day. jji-.'l ri^
Surety. Shatter of rock, iron. SjCa Fresh (fish, bread). -tijUs n
Stone. SjV«.^_j ejl~ Lighting. ^U^i.I.\,
Indian fig, fruit ,jCJ, -^j jLij jU, Daybreak. ^U^sl.j 9tl.ia>j !«.l.^
and tree, nopal, cactus. Lamp, lantern. 5n-o.Ua>i ^ y^r^i

(rA. ) i^
Impetuous (torrent). Barren and elevated ground. Sjt-i
White-locked j^ V«~^ jk •<>• Scouts.
(horse). Patient. Steady. 'Dlo ^ jj,^j,^.\<9
Dye-house. Forbearing, meek. Ji~^i jw ^ ji^' ,

To withhold (a gift) ^ fi> (±i i cn-a -H- Flat cake of bread upon s3i-oj -n-o
from a. o. which food is spread.
To take (dice) in hand for casting.* — Mountain. >l3v» ?r -ci--«
To turn away from, ^
cfia^\j J\^[ White or superposed clouds. J^ ^ —
Soap. oyS"^ "^ Heat. Misfortune. War. j_^_,i jCo^^t
Soap-wort (plcnd) Ba.sket j^i'S-^J ^'iJ,^'^ ?r *iJ,^.'^ "^
To soap a. th. made of reeds.
Soap-house. To point out iftj i_, Cij-i9 a ji^ -ft-

Seller of soap. a. th. with the finger.

To have ^L^j Coj \j^'j 1^1^ L-.» ^ To show a. th. to. ip 5

childlike propensities. To stop partly the orifice of a A —
To incline to to long for.
; Jl — vessel with the finger.
To blow (east wind). \%^j sUi o — To render a. o. proud, n Sili/ij C«I-2 —
To be blown upon by the
east wind.
^'\j ^ ^ A^«*b ^'i^b /"c-^U
Finger. /^yo"^
-r 9A^h
To behave ^~Z.\j JiLa;j,«C^a ^$^ He possesses splendid ;jj>l^*^iu j&
in a childish way. flocks.
To incline (a .spear) for stri- fi) d.ia Black long- ^-J^' ^^t-^b i^jlii" f^jVo^

king. To recite (a verse) in an irre- grained grapes.

gular way. To pronounce ( a word )
badly. <>• Prong, spit.
To have young children (woman). jj>1 To dye (cloth). A dLaj OiLa o a ^3 -S- i

To beguile, to captivate a. o. s ^.c:'\ To soak a. th.

To deceive, to seduce. 5 ciLiaTj t5^" To dip the hand in (water). ^ eJ^
To treat a. o. as a child To set the hand to (an affair).
Propensity, inclination. <> To baptise a. o. by 'A'j[) s

East wind. Breeze, <^]j~aj • immersion.
Childishness. To be filled (udder). ^A-^ o >Io
•"Oy, jk->-tfb

lad, apprentice.
*c+'^J *sV^'j <^'^i'^ w wS;-^
To dye deeply (cloth).
To begin to ripen (dates).

Small boys. »Sr^^ *~i-^l> *=^-i To cast off a young one (she-camel).
Gii'l. <>• Young woman. To profess (a religion). j ;4^j
ChUdish. To be dyed. To be baptised. ,Ciaol

North-easterly wind. Dye. f-^r^j **?-?-' /^J ^-?

Having young children He has bought it <^ /uoj ioii C»
(woman). dearer than its worth.
To yell, to shout.
To repel a. o.
u.^ o c-i >}
a —
Seasoning, sauce.
Religion. Opinion.
9V-?-> ^
To pick a j Cjiioj L^LiU oCo ^ Baptism.
quai'rel with. Date beginning to ripen.
To dispute, to quarrel. oLoj Craft, art of a dyer.
Crowd, throng. Cifij c-»j c-a Smoked fish.

Contrary. li:..^
Subject, topic. ( /or ij^ ) c^ St John the Baptist.
Shrieks. Uproar. Dyer. Liar.
> )

To be the companion of. -tf- To be the To undertake

fi'iend of. a. th.

To have a companion. To wit-al To overthrow a. o 5 Uio a ^o ft'

become submissive (beast). To stroll idly.

To see a. o. attended by. *_j » 5 — To complete a. th. fi. ^!o —
To remove a. o. from. Strong, sturdy, ^io^ ^^j J^i
To be ashamed of. (man). Complete (number).
•^ To cleave to. j- To clang (metallic bto o ^«-# -H-

To hve in company with bodies).

^ To be friendly connected with. Clank. fyt*^
To keep company with o. a. ^»^a.^\ : To be right, <9.\»Jsj '-^j Uo ko «• i

to live together. proper, sound. To be true ( news ).

To choose a friend, 5 ^5-Ja~^l.

a. o. as To be authentical ( deed). To be in
companion. To keep company with. good health, to be cured.
Intercourse, friendly relations, ilk-i To cure a. o. n To awake n 9-^0
Company. With, a Nosegay. a. o. from sleep.
In company with. o!Ai X^Jo To make sound, valid. To a—
Of short duration. ;j.il)) Xi>Ja authenticate (a deed). To verify (an
account). To correct (writing).
Companion ; fellow. Endowed with. To have (a family or tlock) in ^^1
Owner, master of. Commander. Go- good state.
vernor, <> Friend. To restore a. 0. to health (God), is

"Wife, kj,>\^.^j oC^i-' TT *r^'^ To recover from ^/. "^n^.JaaZ.y

mistress. (illne.ss).

The companions of Mohammed, :cjGt.22!l To find (speech) right, true. A—

my com- ( /b?' w^ Co Q ) ,^U> V,
^ Postcript.
panion. -tf- my friend. Good health, state. Validity (of
Speaking to himself. Mad. ^^-^'f a deed).
Submissive, mana- ,J^>i^i v^-^^ Whole. In good health. *i«a1 ^ ^Cw
geable. ^y^Vseoj Sstolj ^U>soj "btol "^tV^
Intimate companion. k^a-l.ijji Entire, complete, perfect. Soimd of
Intercourse, company. XJ-Mai^ body. Free from blemish. Correct.
To boil (milk). /» i_;;^_i a
«- True, genuine. Valid. Authentical.
To strike the brain of (sun). — •& Free from defective letters (verb).
To bray (ass). I3G-J>j Cnwo a - •^ It is right. Indeed, true. ^-.-^lo

To be tawny, fawn. \'J>.^

a _,9so Sound of skin, ^oVl 9--.K0J ^U>^
To go forth into the desert. j>So\ whose skin is not cut.
To become blind of one eye. To be Chapter of Holy ^\^\j -r'^-M, •>
broad (place). Scripture.
To manifest a. th. t_jj A — Correction. Authentication. •r.^^Jai

To assume a tawny colour. "j\^\ Verification of an account.

Fawn-colour. 'i'J>-Jsi ^^ Health-giving (fast, :c»i.o>j kh^I^
Openly, in broad light. «J,9--oj S^^-S journey).
Braying of the ass. jU-ij jx>^ To be clear, obvious. -rJ^^-^ ^
Boiled milk mixed with butter. s3j:^^
Fawn coloured. J,.Js ^ .\'J^^ ^ j;^^\ Even ground.
iJroad Cj\j\'j>>ij ^^jVstij i5ji>..o ^ '\'j>:-a Trifles : false, vain f^oUo o(i^*
desert. Sahara. things.
To make a mistake ,j^ — ^>^ -» 2* »_.>Coj *Jl9fcO_j Sjbeoj *I»fcO a w.^-^ "tt"

T ) yc^
Salamander. 'C\9Js\ a in wi'iting or reading, a To di*aw
Car.se of freedom. sGuiA back.
Cup, bowl. ebwit; To bind the sheets of (a * sJk^\

To resound ^^i-^j U:o o "in-i -fr book).

loudly. To be wi'itten or read incor- ^j^Jcu

To strike (ii'on) upon jc A> \i-.oO

— rectly (book).
(stones). To copy or read a writing A—
To deafen (the ears noise) : ^ — (incorrectly).
He accused him of a great f^^^. S — Hollow, large dish. .Jbt-^ ^ i«*-S

crime. Mistaking in ^Jc^j ^^-^J jbto

Sound produced ksii^j Xi-^j r-Ja reading.
by the striking of a rock. Surface of the earth. «-*c?-^
Sound. Noise. Day of resurrec- \t\^ Sheet of a k^J,W.^j >^n-a ?- *^?-^
tion. Calamity book, register.
To shout, to clamour. Ci--i a v?-^ * Slip in writing or reading. ^-*c^-^
To raise confused noises »^il.o; Book, volume. Ou^Ua^" ^ ^jk^j •Ji^Ja^

(ci-owd). The Coran.

To utter confused cries ^^i-ja-il.
To be rough (voice). !A»-tf>a Jr-* "ft"

' '

To be hoarse (man).
Uproar, confused noise. ^9-^ Having a rough voice. jSc-^b J^-i
*—^K,a ^ o^•9>•.0J ^yv-.^i t_j(9c<9j v?*^ '
To get erect. ^Stki?'.— ^.sio-ft-
Clamorous. Jjv.ij ,_jpj.ijijl»i.i_j *Jlii.^_) j
To become yellow. To assume ^uJjl,
Roaring (sea). ^^1 wj-Ja^j a dusty colour ( plant ). To have
To be burning (day), ili-^ a ajs-^-Ji- withering plants (soil).
To utter its cry (wood- \j^^ a ^k-S Dusty, yellow colour. Z^tk^
pecker). Dust-coloured. 'Uit-^^ >»*-«*'

s laiti a — *

To scorch a. o. (sun). j
To strike a. o. To s tk3 a ^j^^
To give an ear to. Jl \'i^^ a — |
offer a. th. in a dish. -^ To grind.
To enter upon the hot season, ait^l To make peace between. ojJ —

To ba.sk in the sun (lizard). j

Basin. Plate, dish. o>^ t c'^
Midday-heat. SjaJo^j o'jJ^Cs Court-yard of a house. j\ji\Jf^
Very hot (day). oloL^j ili^k-i .
Cymbals, castanets. oCit-i
Hard (rock). Intensely hot •>>»--c«9
Conch of the ear. o'j.9l 'i.xk«3

(midday). j
Small salt s^Csc-^^j 'Us-_ij suiwo^ (.j^^
Litenseness of heat. ^>JI juiL.i ! fishes.
To be rocky (place). jk-i>1 — ji-Js -H- I
Hollow dish, a Hand-mill. xl^eia^

4- To dig (to the rock). To ^U-a I

harden as rock. I
To be clearr cloudless ( sky). To re-
Hocks, ejj9s,aj Jj»i-o 5- j»--^J j''-^ I
cover from intoxication. To come to
mat^3 of rocks. o.'self again. -^ To pay attention.
^^Sl ^ —

To awake from sleep.

A rock. c>\j>>c>j To awake a. o. i ^Js\j ij--^^
Such a one is like i/it^' s^^ <S^i To become fine (weather). To ^^eJ»l
the rock of the valley i. e. unshaken. have fine weather.
Clashing of iron. jh^ Brightness of the weather. jk-^

Earthen bowl. Lucidness of mind.

Rocky (place). j^-^J jt-^

Fine, cloud- HatJai j> "rJa^j , r-'^J
To dig (the ground) fi> Ciivi a ^^ -ft- i
less (day, sky).
with a shovel. I
Conscious, awake. i\at^j o^to ^ ^^ia
It emanated from his 5i,U ,p ja^ Iron shovel. ^i^LiA ,1, xlkia;
advice. To burn a. 0. (sun), s Cit-a ^^^^ -fr

He done or said
lias liSj iJi^'ii^ jJU3 To shun ^f.iLij iSjjio, i a_tf -fr

so and so. a. th. , to shrink from.

To strike a. o. on the S Ijjii i — To avert a. 0. ^t i jJa'^j iU?j ,i5ui o —
chest. from.
To foel a pain in the chest. To shriek, to shout. U^ J-is i J-»
To walk ahead (horse). To clap with the hands, to ili
To put a preface, a heading to ift
- a[)plaud.
(a writing). To suppurate (wound). j_i1
To commence ( speech) with. ^_j — fit To meet a. 0. front to front. J i!uaj
To give a seat of honour to a. o. s — To veil herself (woman). ak^(.
To bring a. o. back ^c. s jli-^lj ~ Removal. Hinderance. jue
from. Mountain, side i|ju>b ijiua ^r ^J ~
To exact a. th. from. i_jj Js- s ^iUa of a valley.
To importune a. o. with requests. Neighbourhood. Design. •<> Topic, io-i
To issue (an order). A jj.^] point at discussion.
To project the chest. To be j!ua^ My house Uj>JLi
ej\i ijui L?j,li
placed in the front seat. To walk stands opposite his.
forward, to be ahead. Name of a water-spring. '\jua
The upper part of. jA-^ ?r J^ "Woman's veil. sjusI ^ illu^
Breast, chest. Seat of honour. Be- Clamour. Matter, pus. -»ir*-*
ginning of (day, season). Title of a Path leading to jJ/j,^ ^ ila-^
book. water. Serpent. Large lizard.
Chief, president. ^^2)1 — To stand s«lao j'j^j , 1^ a £5Ji-d -^

Beginning of a sentence. ^^Ifcill — erect in order to see.

The higher point of a t^j»G)l jjXi To become rusty j^^-^j j'->'-^j ~
valley. (iron). To be of a rusty colour.
The Grand Vizier. ^&Vl jli^l To take off the '\j^j l« Ju? a \j^
fi> ,

Prime minister. rust from.

Return from water, from J-Co Rust. io-i
pilgrimage. Slender-bodied man. \ju^ j^j
Chest or its highest part. o'JxJ> Covered with rust. iJo^ ^ 'jj^^
Waistcoat, bodice. ik^j^oo-^j — Rusty colour. sVj_^
Breast-plate. Of a reddish black colour..TJi-^ ^ 'llu>1

Chest-girth of a ^*j,^-<3> -^j Jir>^ Horsemen bearing rusty j^'ljui SIajT

beast. arms.
Chemisette, bodice. jllu? To utter a cry (3']jjfj G-lv-i a ^ j-s -i^

Prominent Sj'-^^ ?r o'jc^j Sj'J-^ ,

(man, bird).
point of a valley. Sign. Stony hill. ^'j.^

Premiership. Sjllw Sea-shell used *ia-,sj X>-JJ>j 1>-U9

Returning from water SjiC« ^ jiiU* as an amulet.
(cattle). Shouter. ^Ix^j ^'•'•^J Ti-^i ^f-I^.^

He does not possess ij Ij Vj jiia ii C» To come ^ Ija-a^j 0-*-^ i o j1>o -fi-

anything. back from water (cattle).

Broad-breasted. j^-^h j^«c>'t To come to pass, to Oj^-^ i —
The two veins of the temples. oO^^ happen.
Result, consequence. jiL^ ^ jJua^ To proceed, to emanate ^/.^ ^c —
Infinitive ; root of a word. Origin. from. To result from.
Jj^ (TAt)
To ^ iJjJaij (ijj^j
. ('iJ'^ i iJij-S -{^ Feeling a pain in the chest. jjlua?
turn away from. To spUt, fj A
f.j^j GsJo a fJ-S -«

To keep off a. o to cut asunder. To divide flocks. To

from cross (a desert, a river).
To encounter a. o. si Jij3 -^j oiUa i
To manifest a. th. fin ^'j^
by chance. To declare the truth. To work i_,

•^To come to pass, to happen, jiu^ !
a. th. out.

To meet o. a. ciil^ To lean towards. Ji (s,j'jjp —

^ {un. Soio •• sSoo ) a_i-5 ^j jj^

To remove a. o. from. ^c s —

Sea-shell. Mother of JiX_-9'l i

To have a headache.
peari. •^ To intrust a. o. with

Rugged passage olusj ^jJ>j S-i-Jsi — \

an affair.

ina mountain. i
To be spUt.
Cavity of the ear. J^'-^ c-» **Ju? \
To part (people).
Chance, occur- ^aj> ^ *iJ-i •j saiLi^ i
Such a one has fled.
rence. j
Crack in a hard body.
At hap-hasard, by *ijii)li j :Calui •• I
Strong and yoimg. pJ^j —
chance. ;
Fragment. Party of men. p.lu»

To ijoiJI j xjjlua^j Cjjloo Jj-<9 -^ I

Bit, piece. Dissent. oVpj-^ ^ it Ju«

speak veraciously. '

Half of H^-^J f-*-? 9- **--^

f.'j^ -^ 1

To tell the truth to. <ij_j^ H — j

a. th. split asunder.

To fulfil (a promise). J— j
Dawn. Garment under a breast- ^j j^
To fight gallantly. JOail i - ]
To run without turning back J5u# Hemiciany, headache. ^.S'j^

(game). Cleaving. Breaking (dawn). Far- ^i\^

To hold a. o. as trustworthy, s — j

extending (mountain, river).
To befriend, s (Ju^j *.sit^ JiG> I
Having a headache.
Split. 9-/->^^

to entertain friendly relations with I

Even road in a stony f.i>\^'^ ^ p.aii
a. o. I
^ To sign (an agreement). Eloquent (speaker). f.'-^^t

To assign a dowry to (a To walk along j f,'iiaj VpIlSi a plu? -i^


bride). by the side of.

To give alms. To crush (an ant). a f,Xa
To give a. th. to a. o. for the He is a coward (///.) he : 2i;j f.jJa'i'^

sake of God. could not kill an ant.

To rely upon one another. JiLiS To deter a. o. from. ;j^ ^
To live like fiiends. To incline to. J) (i./jj>j Vpj-^ o

Straight- OjiJ^j 3'-^J 3->^ -r 3-^ To be weak. *tla.i> o ^iui
forward. Steady. Perfect. Temple. Hair ^|lus>'i ^ oii J-i c." f.^

Truth. Veracity. jlua


covering the temples, a Door-po.^t.

Legal alms. Alms Liquid lime.

olsjui ^ X.%'X^ •^ *i.La

to the poor. Brand on a camel's temples. fS'-i-^

Perfect (woman). cJ^'j.3 ^ xJluS Weak. Child up to the seventh ^_j^

C-lsJ-^ 5r *-5-*-«j *-5lxi_j *_»aoj S-SJ-i day of his birth
Dowry. oiSli^j c,^jJ>j c5-uij The two vems of the :.lpa_-tfV\

Dowry. "iJj^'Sj Jiui ^ J'^, ,

True friendship. *JlJ-» Pillow, cushion.
Good harmony. Friendship. jSUaJ Marked on the j;-uao i-i

Sincere. Trustworthy. <_JiU9 ^ JiUj I


C rAo )

To cry out (mau). O.^j !>.'<? Ir'o i

Perfect, unmingled. Frank.
To creak (insect) to squeak (door).

To roar (wind). Trustworthy. Trustful. Just

To be smitten by cold wind (plant).^ Saddueeans. C)j3,jb^
To go forward (slie-camel). yj^o True oiS-Utfj '\%jJ>_) '3juo\ ,- 3i.-i^
To constrain a. o. to. jp ^ jCo friend.
To put forth its awns (spike). y:J\ Touchstone. Test, criterion. Jlo-iaj;

To burry in running. jluJ — Brave fighter. , Jj-ia> jl J-ua^

j 'i
To resolve upon a. th. To per- u — Fiery horse.
sist in. Giving alms. J^usi'j 3'^^
To be narrow (hoof). 3^-9 Chemistry. xli^lo -^
Intenseness of cold, hoar- elroi Iro Chemist. ^l-^C-i ^ V,V^4o
frost. To hurt, to push * j) » \i^'^3 i j,'^3^
Gale or cold wind. 2r« '^J, back a. o. or a. th.
Intenseness of heat, of fight. ;^';? To strike (a stone) against. ^_, — ft>

Noise. Party. To overtake a. o. (misfortune). 5 —

Purse. Sealed bag of /Jio ^ ;^ To knock, to strike a. o. s ,/i'Lo
money. To dash against o. a. _^akob ^'^'-^
Ear of corn putting forth awns, yjia To collide (warriors).
Bushy tree. jUa Shock, collision. { un. i^o-S ) j.Jua
Thirst. Want. j\'j3j jXJ^o ^ S*U» Patience is to be JjVl *J-lSi)I J _rwa)l
Bachelor. '\£j}[rej c'jj'JIoj j/j^o shown at the first assault of mis-

Bachelor. Sjllr* fortune.

Rag for binding a she- s^l ^ j\lro The two sides of cU^ooJIj cAxilua3l
camel's teats. Height not reached the forehead.
by water. Bald. >l»-Lo j> yjJa\
Boisterous, clamorous. Sjl^'tf Experienced warrior. jJti^ j»j
Cricket (insect). To clap with the i^j^ij , ijluS V^-a ^
Perseverance, steadiness. hands : to applaud.
Cry, acute sound. Gnashing of To be thirsty. jjj^ a joo ^
teeth. Grating of a pen. To dissemble with ; to 5 ^iC»
Silver coin. ^ f
jj'j^ beguile a. o
Intestines, bowels To reecho (mountain). t|jol i/Jusl
To utter its cry (green To die.
wood-pecker). To yell. To apply o.'s self to (an J ^!u^
Cock. Intense (cold). Vehement affair). To seek a. th. from.
(wind). Thirst. Voice. Echo. <jJs\ ^ Jj-^
Ci'icket, beetle. j-oCJ^o -^ J^J^} Corpse. Brain. Owl.
if- Cock-roach.
Cricket. Tall j^'^'j^o jj-aj-o
He is

is silent.
dead [lit.) his echo ilji^ ^
(camel). May God destroy him ! ii j^ '^\ '^\
To cut a. th. To earn. C^'<? >Sj^ -W- i

To keep in ( urine ). To make som* Thirsting.

milk. To render a child costive for Bowels thirsting for. Jl ^r.o •il^'l

fattening him. To tie up a purse. \y,o o y^ -^ fi>

To collect in the udder C^^ a y->J^a To put (money) in a purse.

(milk). To bind (a she-camers) teats. s —

To eat gum. To drink sour milk-^j^tf To erect (the ears y_i ya\j ^ j\ *> —

To prepare (sour milk). ^ yjja^\ horse).


^ to
7T T.
To be smooth, glossy.
cracker, a Ghost. Sour milk. Red gum.
Clamorous. Peacock. Small tents of the Arabs
To feel (the cold). \:>'J<)
a ijo -^ Pastui'age becoming green
To be galled (horse) To hit or miss again.
the target (arrow). Seeds, seed-produce. sJ^'^r^
To loathe a. th. ^ i_^ i^9 Sour milk. ^J^ ^ v^a^'"
To hit (the A iJJSi \ijis o
To plaster (a tank) * ^^'^j — ^^.^ *
target : shooter). with quick lune.
To give niggardly. i^ikt i^o Quick lime. -rijia P
To give to a. o. little to drink. s — To be pure, Uj^j xil^ o ^.'J^s ^
Pure, unmixed. Elevated point :>'^ unmingled (race).
of a mountain. Cold.
Cold ground explain a. th.
Cold day. To be evident (truth). To be ^'Jia
Numerous army. clarified (wine). To miss the mark
Cold countries. (archer). To be cloudless (sky).
Large army moving slowly. V>-l.^r<9J tS-JJA^ * —ii J O. ^jtoj ~
Sparrow-hawk green ol'i^ ; To speak plainly. ^\'J^j
wood-pecker. To be obvious (truth). t-'j^^\
Two veins beneath the olS^ Castle, tower, lofty rj[r^ -r -rj^o
tongue. building.
Rainless cloud. il^ Hard ground. Hall of a house. TS-'j^
Wounded by the saddle (horse), i^ Openly, in broad light. ^^'o
Sensible of cold. i\y^j . iS'^J.s ^ — Pure, umningled. ^\'Joi -rCroj -r'J^
Enduring cold. Genuineness. Obvious- ta-j^j "isA'J^o
Bare, without vegetation -slv-^i ness.
( counti-y ). Passing through the Pure wine. tl>l^
target (arrow). Large vessel for wine. "Ca-S'J^
Having little water (river, :>'j^aJ> Pure, unmin- ruS'J^i '\s''Ja 9'-iV^
vessel). gled. Obvious, explicit.
Road, path to heaven. J»^ ^ '^\j^ ^ Such a tribe came i>jj^ c'^ j^. '(»
To 5 \s-'j^j ^j-9i ^j^ a tlrv? ^ by themselves.
fell a. 0. Plainly. Explicitly. (^u^
To put two valves to a 9j<>i A — Permission, d Pas.sport. -rj.j-'ai

(door) ; two heraistichs to (a verse). Obvious. -^ Permitted. rlr<^

To be affected with epilepsy. f,J.g
Cloudless (sky). ^^'a^^ t'j^
•^ To have a hemicrany. io •^Jia^o\i , 6it,ro J \>'\'j^ o iTj"^ ^
To fling a. o. down. 5 ^^ cry out for help.
^ To call out to. J ^'j^a
wrestle. To fight a duel with. To come to the rescue of. 5 ^Ja\
To humble o'self before. o^, t-'^yai To scream repeatedly. tj^
Epilepsy, falling- ^'JJ\j ^yj^ ^ ^^ To cry out one to
sickness. Manner, wise. Similar.
Corresponding part. <• Head-ache.
He has two shapes o^'j^a j'i y^

he is bi-coloured.
I have visited him ji^l J-'j^ i£u I

morning and evening.

( rAY '^'
r^ )

Unmisecl, pure (wine, beverage). o^^ Fashion. Similar. e.j'J^ f--r?

The clay and the night. ol>.^b ol'^aJI Strand of a rope. Wrestler.
Absolutely, in all points. State of being.
Grammarian. At all events, in any case, it^'o jiT u.

Star called the lion's heart. Way of prostrating. *^lra

Amulet. Often prostrated in wrestling, i^l/a
Death. Copper. Lead.
Exchange of money. i^-Brokage. **l^i Prostrating his adversaiies. ^/^
Creak of a door, of a pulley. 'J^_J^ Prostrated in wrestling \J'j^ ^ f>_J<s
Gnashing of the teeth. Pure silver. lying on the ground.
Milk freshly drawn. Branch-tree leaning ^J^ ^

Palm-bough ol>«j <SJ^a ^ *k^J ~ towards the gi'ound.
dried up. Wrestling-place. 9j\^ ;r '^\r<^
Change. Sale of goods. Free- ^i^^r^ Valve of a folding- fU}'^ «• f^j^^l
dom of action. Declination, conjuga- door. Hemistich of a verse.
tion, ifjram). Wrestler.
Changes of time. ytoJI oIj j^lij A wrestling. Duelling.
Free use, free will. c-Astraj ^r S'j^) Prostrate. Epileptic. -^ Suflfer
^ Doings, behaviour. ing from headache. Insane.
Departure. jllr^'l To send off, 5 o^^oj ^'j^ i ,

to dismiss a. 0.

Money-changer. To disregard a. 0. ; to ^ j£^\

<>• Case, chest, box. *al^ give up a. Lh.
Outlet, issue, opening. oj.tA» ^ J^ria'" To drink wine (unmixed), a >SJ^j —
Pui-e (wine). ^J,V-^' !r jjlr^>^ To decline ( a noun ). To conjugate
Exchanged (money). -^ Expenditure. (a verb).
Master. <> Governor of a To exchange (money). fi, \ Sj^
province. tf- To spend (money, time).
Conjugated (verb). Inflected To deter a. o. from. ^^—
(noun). To squeak (wheel). ^„j^
Starting-place. Departm'e. (_jl/-ai>> To gnash the teeth.
Nouns and verbs that are olsloa-'* To spend to exchange
; fi>

perfectly inflected and conjugated. money. To sell (goods). To change

^ Governorship, province. ;^2r<a5>' the direction (of the wind : God).
To be gallant, hardy. s»y<9 o >.^'o -{^ To intrust a. 0. with the J s j^
<> To be severe, stei'n. management of a business.
To be bi'oken C«^j C«^'<9 j.^ i To have freedom of action j
(rope). in ; to dispose of.

To cut off, to gather (fruit). A j^lr^j — To be declined (noun) ,^^ai\

To interrupt a. o. 2 — jugated (verb).
To stay with a. o. ois ^^ To depart from.
To part from a. o. 5 >»jUe To be busy in earning
To attain the time of y^o'\ livelihood.
gathering dates (palm-tree ). To To pray God to avert A <u

become destitute. (misfortunes).

To be energetic. To cease j,y^ Exchange of money. Accidence
To be at its end
(fight). (year). {grammar).
To be cut. To be elapsed jCr^\j
— Calamity, misfor- ^ij^o fr J.^roi ^j^a
(winter). tune, vicissitude.
1 ) ;

( rAA ^a^
Stable. To part fi"om o. another.
Astrolabe. "G To cut off (fruit).
To disperse (a crowd) Tanned leather.
To shake a. th. A - cA^^aj ^Ji,^b >»J,'Uslj
To be shaken, dispersed. To ^..iiLiu Crowd, party. Way, manner, CoUec-
be lowly, cowardly. tion of houses.
Fate has scattered them. J,a!oi ^^ — Shoe. ijyj-o -^ XiUj-o -^

Variegated bird. /uiaioj jJa-^ Troop of camels. Separa

To be ip >,.«oij «^_^iLo ,w^iio {} ted portion of a cloud.
difficult to. < Capital, stock.
_i • - p
To be untractable (beast). _JL«1j — Time of trimming palm-
To have a refractory beast. trees.
To renaer a. th. A ^^liuj .^L5 War.
difficult. Bravery. <> Harshness.
To be harsh towards a. o. » ^tlu? Shoe-maker
To find a. th. A w^wii^lj »_-i-i1 Dauntless.
difficult. Cutting (sword). <>• Stern man )
To b9 difficult sJi^zZ.\) sJi^i hard (
(affair). Skinner.
To be minute, particular J s^KJai Maimed. Dawn. Night
about. To be hard to please in. Part of the night.
Difficulty. "^.y^ Energy, firmness.
Difficult, hard. i_i^ioj,i_)U-tf ^ .-J^.^ Moimd of sand.
Difficult things. t_ftLo> Poor man having a
Stallion. w-tl.i>'j fc_.pLi/" ^ k_.«.^/> numerous family.
Thynoe, origan. J;^, ^io ^ Waterless desert.
Penny-royal, mint. iXr^' -~-^ Small water-channel.
To J (jiioj \j.Laj \i^La a -i«-^ -{^ Curved knife.
ascend. To go up ( a ladder). The elapsed year.
To bring a. o. or a. th. up. i_,
— Hautboy. oClJ
To ascend a raoun- j;i)l jtj J j.Li To avert an evil
tain. from.
To go down into a 4^'<'y>\ J -U-tflj — To save a. o.To precede a. o. » —
valley. To lag behind a. o. ^p —
To melt (grease). To settle a difference between, ojj —
To make a journey. JajVI j 0^.0 To stagnate (water). ^s'J^ a CJ_r^
To make a. o. to a-scend on. ipj J » — To be altered (milk),
To go to Mecca ' *
To let (a ewe) without milking 'i^yia
To ascend, to j^h^\j jS\^j jl^l it.

rise ;go up.

to To sell a ewe giving much milk.^2r<»^
To be hard to a. o. n jSMalj j5oj Altered milk. Residue. is'j^
(affaii" ). Stagnating water. ^s'j-aj

The upper pax't. j^ Mast, yard. ,jO-^ ';' ,j'^
This plant increa- \'j^ /^_ cCuJl ll* Sailor. o^IjX^j Jj,^y^j *lv^ w ~
ses ia height. 01(1 well having altered water. iij^\^

Grievous punishment. j,'.3, iJ\JS Unmilked for ma- c^^r^j iSlr'<!>J 't^J^
Ascent. i^iLi ny days (ewe).
Ascension Thursday. i_^iia)l ^j^.S^ Stone- ,_JjLi/J ^ *r^-i; "~ ._-^v^ ^
Deep sigh. .|j1^ bench against a wall.
^ )
Losing its hair (ass). ii;^ ^ ji.i) Painful task. 'loii
Small-headed j;^ ^ .>;L.i ^ J—i>'ij — Straight lance, oloi^j iUo ^^ SJ"^
and thiu-necked ostrich. Wild asses. SJu-i oCJ
To reduce a. o. to beggary, i dui-* -fr Rising, ascendant. atCa
To become destitute. d^^lai Henceforward, hence- lIu-LiS o^il ^;
Destitution, poverty. diL^;j XfetlUio forth.
Beggar. dU^U^j '^sl^--^ !r iJ/^ Ascent, acclivity. jJ li.i>j aio ^ i_^
To be small-headed y*.^\ — ,j*^ -Vk Summit difficult 'li^L^j jo'U-^
, ,-
and shallow-minded. to be reached.
To be small, paltry. 'c^'^^
Upper Egypt. J--^l
To be thin and paltry, l^^ a ULi -tt- Earth, soil. oOi-s»^ J^La ^ ju--i
Small sparrow, 'U.^j ol^-^ ^ >i-i Surface of the earth. Elevated land,
bull-finch. <>• Burnt-offering. jj liii ^ Sa^^
O ^i-ij a ji-^ -ft" Sublimated medicine. jl^i
To be little, small To be distorted (face, ij^li a _,-o -J^

Ul__^«aj Sjli^j IjU^j l__,«..tfj

Lr""^ O ji^a mouth). To be small (head)
To b3 vile, despised. To accept con- To turn away ioi j'-aSj jii^j J-^
tempt. the face in disdain.
To be younger than. j YJi^ o jl^ To be wi'y-mouthed. y,!^
He is only one year :i^i.j v[ J j,^ b. Wryness, distortion of the face. /^^
younger than I. Wry-faced, wry- j^ ^ ^\y,^ ^ y^]
To lessen, to diminish a jL!o'\j Ji^ mouthed.
a. th. Obliquity in walk. *lj*t'^
To bring forth little plants (soU). _,ii,1 To roll, to sharpe round fi> j^-o -^
To abase a. o 5 - a. th.
He held himself in To be round-.shaped, globulous. j^^
little estimation. Concrete gum. j;ji;o ^ jji,^j x^^
To find a. th. small, ittie. * yi:ai:.\ Black beetle's ball. Sjj^-o
To make little of. To choose the To be seized CijuS >Ju>^ — ^Jnuo ^
least. with shudder.
Infancy. Smallness. Shudder. xli^^
The smallest. The littlfe ones Shuddering. 3y,laj>
I am one of the smallest. c'jj^\ •>• IJI To smite a. o. ^ xicU* a ji-^ -S-

Paltry, little.
oG^-^J j^ (thunderbolt). To .smite a. o. with a
Contempt, littleness.
_r*^j jU.<a thunderbolt (God).
Weakness. To rumble loudly (thun- Ciio a j»-i
Diminutive (noun). Decrease. j^i-Iaj der).
Bearing igno- cjjii^j S^i-i ^ _,tCo
miny. To faint at the sound of thunder.
Small, mean. '\yJ>j j\*^ ^r -'24-^ To cause a fainting fit to. » jiol
Young. Shout, Death.
yell. jw
Very little thing. J^i)} S^ Shrieking loudly. Stunned by a j«.^
Smaller. cjjJ^Sj ojiSiJ\i ^Co'l ^ JL^\ loud noise.
Younger (brother). Rumbling of thunder. js-jW Jli«3
The smallest. ^^V| Thunderbolt. Deadly J^ijo ^ *2cU>
The heart and the tongue. d\'J^'i\ punishment. Shrieks of anguish.
The minor of a syllogism. tS^^' Belemnite, thimder-stone. Ajfl.Sa)l _^s»>

Producing small plants (soil). j^lj. To be small- Uliolj !^i-i a , J*i -S-

To U4J,_, ^^ a ^^j l^io a Uo -K- headed and thin-necked.

Cr^• )

To examine ( people, the fi>j s tS^ incline to setting ( sun, star ).

pages of a book). To lean, to incline towards. Ji li^

To ponder over (an affair). J — To pay attention to give ji : i-i1
To go off, to turn away from, ^p — ear. To hearken.
To forgive to. To incline (a vessel). To diminish fi>

To drive away (a a^\p- ^t ts
— a. th.

beggar). Inclination. 'i3j jLaj jLe>

To strike a. o. with the ^jJaj^ V * "~ Hollow of a spoon. Side of a well, ji^
flat of(a sword). Attention, hearkening. 'Uoi
To beat (metal) into plates, A ^.Ls Dependents, clients. S^fcCa

sheets. To set in Sj A udj>j , Uo o li-i -^

To cla[) the hands. *Jaj tJi^ order, to array a. th. To set (soldi-
To plate a. th. A — ers) in rank. To spread the wings
To shake hands \>\Xaj *5ijCa» ^C^ in flying (bird). <-To set up (printing
with. -^ To be out of danger ( sick types).
people). To put a pad (on a saddle).^ Li3'\j —
To drive away (a beggar). i ^tiJ»1 To be drawn up in battl3 s ijVo
To consider a. th. care- » j| A ?.uLw array.
fully. To seek to recognize (people). To form a line against. ii[^
To examine (an affair). J 5^J.ou To stand in battle order. lik^l.
To shake hands with. tH^ To be drawn up.
To apologize for. A ^ !«.i-iar-ll^ Order, line, row. Rank J|^ii> ^ liS
Flat surface. Flat ^li^ ^ ^^ioj -rS^ of soldiers.
of a sword. Lock of hair. Shelf. xlji
He kept about it. (>Xa ii^ ^'j-'o
silent Golden coins worn as woman's iclLi ••

Excessive width of the forehead, ^X3 hair ornament.

Excessive width of the cheeks. ^U-^ Saddle-pad, ^Uoj oli-aj ^-i> 5- *i^
I met him face to face. ^\La ii^I Stone-bench.
Sky, broad side of a. th. ^ri-^
Houseless people, vagrants. siiJI jj^]
Broad and flat surface. ^-JU-i ^ "^ti^ Space of time. _,i»l!l ^^» xlj»

Metallic sheet. Slate. Thin plank. The angels. olll.o!l

Flat and thin stone, Broad-bladed Yielding many vessels of milk ^^i3
sword. -^ Tin. Pie. (beast).
Iron-plate. jjai *»t;-i-^ Spread in the sun to be dried. ^;.;^
Side, fi'ont-part. Page oui-o ^^ *^^ Put on the spit to be roasted.
of a book. Military station ; CiLij^ ^ Li^
The two cheeks. oO>J.2i)b pUl^l battle-field. < Composing-stick.
Thin slate. :»vJUij ot>-U.^ ^ ^U-i ^ Sequel of a discourse. ^5U?JI —
Magnanimous, forbear- ^>ioj ^ll^ To walk alone in a desert ._i.iio -H-

ing. (man). To browse on willow.

Applause. t^.x^ <• To set in order. A —
Shake of the hand. Xi-JCayS Desert plain. .ji^LS
Broad, Smooth (face). Rever- rj>.^/> Willow : withy. ( un. XsLii-i ) oloio
sed ( thing ). Straight and broad Weeping-willow. i/----^'
(nose). Inclined. Sixth arrow of the To forgive ( for ^S^ ) Cxii cJ-S •
game. (an offence).
Plated. Broad. 'tXa/' To acquire strength. cJ^^
Victory, advantage. x^3
Sword with a broad blade. To flatten, to thin, * C^La a -r-'i^ -^
U-^ ( r^^ ) *^
Whistling bird. _^U> To bind, ^ jj^lj Jioj , lli-i i ai.o -ft-

There is nobody in the ^Us jljJO C^ to fetter a. o.

house. To give (flocks, slaves) to a. o. 2< oi^l

"Whistle (instrument ).s;rjj,oj cjyiia •< Gift. Fetter. < Sea-shell, iuj>1 ,^ oi^
Cholera ^Vl 'I^^JJ mother of pearl.
Yellow, tawny. _^ ^ ^'Jua ^ jaS\ Shackle, bond. iUo
Empty. Wagtail. ja^i-i ^t ••

_r»-« *
Dark yellow. ^^ ^^\ To whistle (man). I3>i^ i

Bile. Gold. Herb for dying -\'J^

To whistle (a beast). ^—
yellow. Locust without eggs. To be bilious. \^io ^io
Gold and saffron. o'^i-oVl To be empty y^^^j b^'-sJ 0^ a ^io ,

Empty-handed, penniless. ^•«-a^ (house, vessel).

Starving, weakened by jjuaj'j JLaI' He is dead.
hunger. To dye or paint yellow.
Kind of nightingale. i_^ ^ To void, to empty a. th.
To tap a. o. on the i (»La a /LS -^ To whistle up (a beast'.
back of neck. To slap a. o. on the face. To whistle.
To tap, to slap one another, fiia^j /»Ca To become poor.
Often slapped. 'jviioj oUi-5 To empty (a vessel). fi>

To clap a. th. fi> Csii o Jm -S- To be, to become yellow,
To avert a. o. from a s^^y" o*' ^
"" pale.
de.sign. To ripen (crop). 'J,^\
To clap its tj ji3j,ixLaj iii^ — jU.ol -!- ^j^-^J j^-^J j'-^i j'^i jio
wings (bird). Void, empty.
To play on (a musical ins- fi> ji3 Empty-handed. cr^l~
trument). To open, to shut (a door). Cipher. j\jjj\ ^ J^-^j jLo
To shake (trees wind). : Brass. Gold. _^
To strike a. o. with a sword. ^ i — Second arabian month. Hunger. Ji^
To fill up (a cup). * jij*! — Jaundice. 'I^ji-i -^j _^
Chclidonium, celandine. _^ii!l Jj^
To strike hands in (a bargain)^ ioj Lo.?s of flocks. -ilyi y'-i^

with a. o. The two first months of the o'^oM

To decant (wine). To fi:jjl-^j —
s lunar year.
drive (cattle) from one place to Hunger, emptiness of the oji^
another. stomach.
To be compact cloth ( ; Ju-^ o ji-« ). Yellow colour. Paleness jl_^A^I,j
ji'.J ajt^
To be shameless (man). of the face.
To clap the hands to applaud. ji3 ; Autumnal (rain, plant). *iy^j ^^^La
To change o's place. .lii^ ojj jsCa Whistle. Bile. Worm of the JiiJ,
To .strike a ^\ ajt jaUaJj J^U? bowels.
bargain. Remainder of food on the jUoj —
To repel, to drive back a. o. jf ji«i>1 teeth of a beast.
To shut (a door). *— Yellowish and withered plants. Zjd^
To agree upon. It — Yolk.
To feed (a party) to satiety, yyji — Worker in brass.
To be flurried (man). jl^j Anus. Whistle, fife.

To set to. J — Oriole, bird with

To be turned : put back Jj>-^i yellow feathers.
To dash together (waves). jiiaJ>l Sapphire (precious stone).
To find a. th.. pure, unadul- /b Ji^eCLi.^
C r\T

be shaken (
^ trees ). To vibrate
terated. To take the whole of. (chord).
Purity. Limpidity. SjVii -^j y^ Side, flank. Face. J>«-« tt ji^
Purity. Quiet, happy life, 'OLe Striking of the hands in *iLaj —
pleasure. a bargain.
The choicest. Clear, pure.
"ority of love.
Sm- ^ Agreement, bargain.
Leaf of a door.
The choicest, the best. s^^ioj 3^^i-2> Inner skin. Peritoneum. jLa ?- J^W
Sincere friend. »>*•<? People coming together. ^ajU.

^ Ashes. S^)i-» Striker of bargains. Great JU-*

^ Lye. "i'yk^ *t» traveller.
Steep (mountain). ^La ?- J>i-^
Rock, .stone. 'l^i-ij.ul>ioj Rugged mountain. Jj^(a^j ji-i ?-
He never gives a. th. ijUo ijJiiJ V Impudent (man). Compact Jri-^
Filtration. Liquidation. *?j-^ (cloth).

Pure, lin.pid. Serene (day). jjCa Events. ^jjii^j (3^'S-^

^ Net profit. Even (colour). Fruitful To stand upon three CjLa i .^^i^ -w-

(palm-tree). legs (horse). To set the feet evenly

Pure. Chosen. True 't~j-«1 ir ,5f-» (man). <> To muse.
Mend. To make a nest (wa.sp). ^La
True fi'iend (female). : To share water among. cnJ * ^'Ca
Booty set apart for Cu.^ To share water with o. a. fi> -/i^
a chief. Good milch-camel. C)\.Jl^j ijJt^J ci"^-) <J^^^^' 7! Cj*-^

Strainer, filter. jC^^ ^ <i^^ -^j su.la.» Leather map; table-cloth.

Purified. Cleared. Leathern vessel. Shepherd's bag. ^J)
Choseo. Man's name. Scrotum.
^ The chosen vessel Hornet nest. Ear of corn. oUol ^^ ^i-o
(St. Paul). Horse standing on three ^1^ ^ ^U>
To be near, next to. U2^ a k^2-* "^ feet and touching the ground sUghtly
To be far, remote. with the fourth. The saphena vein.
To slap a. o. To be pure, \'yL^j «U^j Vji.^ o Cto -S-

To gather a. th. To raise a ^ - limpid ( water ). To be clear, cloud-

(building). less (sky).
To be by the fitj s Cdoj 'x^Loj^ ^ia His heart is free from hatred, iie \x^
side of. •<> To fit, to suit a. o. To cream, to take the best of. — fi>

To draw near (game). To be To be a good sjCa-i o >loj l^i-^

contiguous (house). milch-camel.
To bring
Tall and
a. th. near.
To clarify
a. th. -<>

to filter
settle (accounts).
A jS\j ^
slender. To decant (wine). 'J^i^ J^
Pole of a tent. i-)^^ 5r To have sincere V^\ i}^ i Ju3\j i jia
Pixiximity. Nearness. atfection for.
•^ Convenience, suitableness. jlJCa^ To cease laying eggs (hen). J^'\
Perfumer, druggist. '•i'^-^ To cease making verses (poet).
Baldness. ^Xaj ^<X2> -H- To distinguish a. o. by a gift, cj 5
Bald. v'i.'i-a 5r 'Uii^ jt tuoI To live like true friends. <>• To Jua7
To strike a. o. i_j *j » \'Jl2> o _^ * reconcile.
with ( a stick ). To break stones To choose, to take A iJaillj ^^^\,
with (a hammer). the best of.
! )

f*5Cfl> C r\r' ILA-O

Veil. Camel's muzzle. To light (the fire). _,i^j _,i^ >*,

Crowing of a cock. To be vei'y sour (milk). 'J!^\i Xi

Hoai'-fi'ost. A kind of wasp. To be scorching^iii_,,s^.,aj l^i-so -
^ Coolness of temper. (sun).
Loud-voiced. Eloquent. ^.SUa^ To scorch a. 0. (sun). n Ji^
Ready to reply. To hunt with a hawk.
Covei'ed with hoar-fi'ost. 9^^^ To be lighted (fii-e).
To polish (a fi> Vlitfj yd^ o Jio ^
metal). To gloss (cloth). Kestrel, small falcon.
To strike a. 0. with a stick. l.ia.;)u J — Vei-y sour milk. J •«-?.> jy^ -r
To throw a. 0. down. Undeserved curse
To be polished, glossy >U-tf a Ji^ Sharp-sighted hawk. j»\^ Ji^
Length of the flanks. Treacle of J^i jy^ 9r j-«-«J _r«-^
Flanks, sides. dates, grapes.
Polishing, burnishing, Sweet (grape, date). jLa
Tending of horses. He ^3^'j i^jUii!ij^ jl Ji^\j Jii:i\ j\?
Slendei- in the flanks (horse). came with lies.
Scaffold. Fj'ame. JJllS^ Misfortune, ca]i,mity.
Steps. Stone-breakei'.
j5\o Blasphemei", unbeliever. Seller
Poli-sher, burnisher. of trv?acle.
Furbished. Smooth. J^iiu^j j.^ Sweeter,
Sicily (island), sUs^j *Uio Preserved in treacle.
Poli.sher. JaCa^ ^ ilio^j jii^ To stray from the right Cdo a ^^ -J}-

Slave, a,lii ^ 3.>l9j lsiii>j w.U<i -Ji- path.

Slavonic. Ido not know where ^20 ^1 t^jil C«

Beware Look out

^|Uj Te he is gone to.
<• To stagger, to ik*i o ^l^ -^ To strike a. 0. upon the head. ^ —
stumble. To fling a. o. down. u^j'VI o —
To close (a door). To strike *— To crow (cock). G-a^j liuJ-j liii a —
upon a. th. To slap a. 0. on (the To crumble away (well). ^%i, a fi^
face). To have a white spot on the head
To be knoek-kneed, ^s»5Co a tilo ( bird ). To swoon at the sound of
To tremble, to collide (knees). '<t)^^\ thunder.
To come to fight. To collide o^lj — To be covered with hoai'- ^2j>tj jSj»
(armies). fro.st (gi'ound).
Authentical 'cU<i1j iJlkoj i)^,i ^ "dl-i •^ To be cold, frozen, chiUed. ,lo
deed, title-deed. Written agreement. To walk on a frozen ground. jOl^S
Intense heat of middav. x4.,o To cover (the soil hoai-frost).
— fii

Scribe, clerk. Shore, country, extent of p.Uo1 ^ ^La

Knock-kneed. '^^ ^ -\Ik^ "Oil land.
Strong. Uneasmess caused by cold. j.Xo
Weak-minded. Affected by cold. ^o^
Strong. Bolt. •^ Intense cold.
To smite a. o. ( ill- (,
(JL^ White spot on the head
fortune). Having a white spot on -Ui.^ j, f!J!o\
To champ the bit (horse). j.;Gj^ the head.
Blow, .shock. ';
Sun. 'Uii*
Ill-luck, misfortune. y*^' ^1 Liar. ^io
C rM )

To extract mari'ow from To cleave to. it ijJCi o IfeuS ^

(bones). To resound, to clash. >Li^ "^ i

CrucifixioQ. 'J v^ To be dried up (water-skin).

Spine of the back. MaiTOw.
HarrJ ground.
To stink, to smell
bad (meat, water).
'^Sj ,^)Js i
Spine. *^^j (_;>L9b «^'^ io To clarify (a beverage). ^ y^ o 0-2>
Loins. To clear wheat from dust. To line
Hardness. Hardening of the ;j:>Li (boots).
heart. To smite a. o. (calamity). i —
Hard (stone). Hardened i_._i, ^j ^Li Altered (meat). '^
(heart). Light and scattered iLaj 'J^j 'J3
Hard. Whetstone. ^U> rain.
Whetstone. Sharpened. '^^1^ Aspic, basilisk. JyJ>1 ^ 'J^
Ague. ^ "^ I'o Wicked man. J5Ls>1 'j^j —
Cross. wJLij oulo ^ ^.lo Sound, clank. J-4-«j *Wj ^-^
The sign of the cross. ^^i^l SjCit Leather. Dry earth. J>L^ ^ d^
Exclam. of wonder. ^A^\ ^\ Remainder of water. Offensive jL*
Great God lit name of the cross
! : I smell.
•^ Cross-wort. >_„U»JI ilxii Misfortune, mishap. ;)u»
Peony (plant). ,_jji<t ij.p Lining of boots. i^l ^ ;J^L>
Crusader. *!»t4-^ ?r ^^ Refuse of wheat. iJ^Li
Dry mud crackling under Jxii^j j!A-a
•^ Small crucifix. *^^'^ "^
Cross-vaulting. Diagonal. A^ji'-ai the feet.
< Cross-shaped, cross-wi.se. %S)\^ Strainer, filter. ;t^
Marked with crosses (cloth). wJ.o> Noble and generous loi'd. ili^J
Sharpened (spear-head). 4- Cross- Abundant rain. Cobbler.
road. To I'esound : to jJ^^J^j j.ijiLs -^
Marked with a cross. -Jlp — rumble (thunder).
Crucified. -^ Crucifix. ^_j Ca? Resounding. Noise. iLiLo
Suffering from continuous fever, t'js-
— Horse's foi-elock. White hair ^Li
To be pi'ominent, broad L^ui o c-'lo -W- of the mane. Wood pigeon. Good
(forehead). guide.
To start (a horse). j tl^ o cX* Braying (ass). J^Ii^j J-^yJ>j -

To be watery, clear (milk). ^JU* i Dry clay. '

To unsheath (a sword). x zXa\ Noi.''y. j-ai.^
To outwalk, to outstrip. o^^.^ J zXai\ To crucify a. o. j ,_aoj , Qi i ^lo -if

Having a (broad forehead). cn-f.!l cXa To extract marrow from _Jlo fit

Large knife. cS^^\ ^ cXa bones. To fry, to roast (meat). To

provide (a bucket) with two cross-
Active (man). pieces.
Active. Penetrating zXa'-^j z^\^\ To cling to (fever). jc —
(swoi'd). To be hard (stone ).x;5Lo a»,4ojo.
To melt (silver). A uJLi r~Lo -^ To be crucified.
Standard money. To get hardened (date). < To
Cocoon. ..^ >
make the sign of the cross.
Pure silver ingot. Ob-Lo To harden a. tb. To give to A —
Short and hooked a. th. the shape of a cross.
staff. Crosier, sceptre. To become hardened, to become ,_.*^7

Pure silver. *?J>^^ rJ^-« firm, stiff.

Hard, barren. Niggardlyo>iil ^ oU i
Glabrous. Hard. .^ ^ .\^ ^ ^i^^
Smooth. j
K~>-y^^ U_^U9j (>>Lo a tC)^} ytUa -fr
Stingy. j1^ ^ .)-aU ^ oLil

To be sound, { opp. to j_J )

Avaricious. Dry. Failing to give ^^ '

honest, righteous.
fire (steel). Isolated.
To suit, to fit a. o. J —
Lion. Hard. Strong- ^i>U ^ ^aU -« !
That will suit you. ^t ^jj^_ \jji
hoofed (horse). To reconcile, s \>-%oj ^iC^i ^JU)
Sea eel.
j^^ - _Ao -« to make peace with.
Broad, ^Ui/!j inJ»>U - ^kU ^ To agree with a. o. upon. ^ ~
spacious. To set a. tli. aright. To 4> ^JUsl
To be bald on the fore- CLi a ^ -(^ repair, to reform.
part of the head. To do good to a. o. Ji —
To emerge from the /i^Mj ^>j ^ To make peace between. ^^ —
clouds (sun). To reconcile, rCu>\j ^liii \j ^CaJ
Baldness. ^1^ to make peace.
Part of the head affected siLoj XiU? To agree on. i^ —

with baldness. Forehead. I To be arranged (business). r-i.iil

Bald. oUoj /lo :r 'UU ^ aU^ To adapt o.'s self. To vC\ia^\
Cropped (tree). »Ui.i I
amend, to reconcile. To be correc-
Without herbage ,.i^_, ;Ioj — }
ted, improved.
(soil). To find a. th. proper, good, a rCCai:^\
Misfortune, adversity. 'Uli^ll^j 'Ui-^)) {
To judge, to wish a. th. good.
Broad and hard rock. f!A-tf j 4"^ '
To a«k a. o. to make peace. — jr

May the blessing and mercy ^iLi ^ |

Peace, reconciliation. ^jj.
of God be upon him. Shortening of Goodness, Soundness. Morality. ^^La
the words.
To boast, to
^Uj aJs- i^S

,J^j OL^ ,
^ a wiUi »-

Technical word, oU^UaJ*!, ^ ^-Mij-at
bz'ag. !
To be innutritive (food). To \j^ Technical ( word). 'J-y^htJ>\^
thunder without giving rain (cloud). Sound, good, ^y.J^fj u>ktUs "^ -rdia
To say hard things to. J — proper, honest. i>- Self-interest.
To breath painfully. To be of j^S He is fit for that. Vlisd^ ^-J Vo y»
little worth (man;. Goodly, honest. ^ ^^Li
To abhor, to render a. o. hateful. » — Work ; self-interest. ^ [^ ^ os'Ua>s
To come upon a hard soil. wWiiT Advantage. -^ Calling, employment.
To be a flatterer. Peace, reconciliation. ^y~^j *>JCai
Boast, brag. Thunder without ^L^ Corrector, reformer, c Salt. tS^
rain. Mediator, peacemaker. oy rOJau'
Boastful, ojk^j 'Uioj J^ ^ w4^ To pretend deafness. ^Ua; — ^JUa -S-
bj-aggart. Rainless (cloud). Tasteless Great deafness. ,;J-»
(food). Stone-deaf. ^^ ^ *6sLs ^ y^i^\
Side of the neck. Slope of a hill. ^i-tS To trample loudly lS>yLi jli -{^ i

Hard jy^ ,, ''iIU > sJ>\J\ ^ wiUI (beast). To grate (teeth).

and barren (soil). To ascend on. J — '

Hard and bai'ren laud. s.-uLjj 'ULa To be hard (soil). To fail to S\.JA^ —
To utter a loud ^\j , CiU o jU ^' give fire (steel).
shout. To be avaricious. A^j^V^y^^ o Sn
To attack (a tribe). ;b_, ^ ji^ To have a steel giving no fii'e. ji^l
To smite a. o. (sun). 5 — Avarice. s3>Ls

^c Cr
(meat, a stick) near the fire. To strike a. 0. with a stick. c_, 5 jL^
To straighten a stick (in the a 1^ To writhe about (sick person), ^^j^
fire). To scream in child-birth (woman).
To warm o.'s self at a fire. llaJjlj — To grate the teeth (stallion), ^^^y
Action of the fire. Fire. '[3j ^'^ Dirty water. xJ^La
Forehead. ^_ioj '^.ij, ^ S£>Uj ~Cr%i Shriek of distress. o>^^ t JJ^
Stone-pounder for aromatics. Even plain. j2lJi r-^j 3%^\ ^ jU
Snare, net for game Even, smooth. sixi ^ j-l^
Toasted, roasted. Thin bread. Slice of jj >Uj :r **c^
To stop (a flask).
To be obstructed
A Lo-^O ^^ Eloasted meat.
roquent jJUi^ fr J^^j jUx;
(ear-iiole). (speaker).
To become deaf. To maim a. 0, j( _X^j , CJLS i o _^lo ^
He is dead. to cut off the ears, nose.
To determine upon. To uproot a. th. ^ J^K
To pers'-vere in. Gallant, dauntless men. X^laj ^Us
To snap a. th. with the teeth. a — Sepa- oC«>U>j ob»>Uj ^ Xi^Lij *^:)L5
To penetrate, to pierce into J ^%^ rated party.
(sword). Misfortune. Momentous event. jLa
To impress a. th. in the mind Sword.

To render a. o. deaf (God), n ' Having the ears cut off.

To find a. o. deaf. To become destitute. ,iLi -M-

To stop (a fiask). A - To piJl off a. th. To shave the ib —

To feign o.'s self deaf. To turn (head).
a deaf ear to. He is an unknown xiiJS 'c^ <iiIo ja
Great misfoi-tune, cala- j^^^i Z^-a man.
mity. Tall man. ^Joj-j ^ilo -JJ-

Stopper. Male serpent. ^^ ^ <^ To wound a. 0. on the n lytio >La -ft-

Female hedge-hog. Courageous. back.

Obstruction of the ear, deafness. ^'^ To pray God. 5;>^,^ Ls

Unyielding (man). Fiery ^i.i>ij To bless, to wish good to. li is.

(horse). <> To give the nuptial blessing to.

Valve, lid. ^J-\:^j , <i^1 ^ jX'^^ To be the second in a race ^_.iu —
To remain silent: to feign ^^i;^ ,^iio (horse ).
deafness. Middle of the back, >5\ob cXj>-^ «• y^
Interior, pith. Bone supporting j,.^^ rump.
a limb. Intense ( cold, heat). Pure, Prayer. ?r s^^ cX^
unmixed. Oratory, place of worship. ^lii
From the bottom of ^3] ^„ ^
^ •^ Holy water.
the heart. The second in a race (horse). ^-^
Deaf. Disre- oltij '^ ^ -ito ^ '^^S To heat, to jc_,| j j| A A CLs Jo -» i

garded (man). roast a. th. at a fire.
Surname of themonth Redjeb, '^% To roast (meat). fi>

Hard soil. Great distress. .^-^ To lay a snare for. J —
To »_i jl A
\^-4-> *^^J ij^ a ts^
Hard stone. Granite, silex. warm o.'self at the fire. To endure
To apply o.'s self to, to J ^^',^ -^ the heat of fire.

persevere in. To put A> A Ji^j V ,

* J-»

house). To deck (a bride). To expose Finely tempered i^La^j j-ia'^
the Blessed Sacrament. (sword).
•^To spare (money). ot-i Fiery horse. iioliJ>j ^,^UJ>j ^^^u-^
To come to s |Sli-^j Vj^'fiaJ' a^C^ To urge, to incite u s v;.^ a li-S -W-
fight with a. 0. a. 0. to.
To rest a. th. J| *_4ipj * *1JI. jC^S
upon. To I'emain silent. c^J>1j
Elevated, hard iC-?j iCo'l ^ ai-o To hush up, to silence 5 c-i-olj c.i-»
place. a. o.

^ Apparel of a bride, ^jj'^^ ~ To become hardened (ground), c-i-^l

Lord. Eternal. Enduring hunger y^3 To render a. th. solid, massive, —

and thirst. Craftless people. Solid Silence. Cij~t^j o^i-ij c\^

(body). He has hushed him up. *3U_iaj oV^';

Prominent rock, -if- Corporal. s^;..^ He is on the point ^Vvi o^i-o l& y»
Exposition of the blessed Sacrament. of performing the business.
Stopper, lid. iU_^ Food given for soothinc^ :^J.j ;^w3
-^Net (income). Laid up (money). jA^ a child.
Massy, solid. Ju..i.i Silent. Lifeless ( opp. to ^^j ) c-^Ua
Place repaired to. jX-^ (being). Mute property f/v opposed
To be avaricious. Ijjioj l%-5 o _^^ ^ to flocks.
To flow slowly (water). He does not possess j^u Vj c^l-tf> il C>

1 J^i-o \j , l__,i-^ a j^^i , l^ri-^ >

~ mute nor vocal property.
become sour (milk). Silent, mute. c»>i.-^j «^i-<?
To be avaricious. To be, J^^\i j%J> Fidl (honeycomb). Heavy
to enterupon the time of sunset. (breast-plate). Penetrating (thru.st).
Odoui' of fresh musk.
J^ Wild, savage (country). Xr.^lj c.*-^!^
Brim of a vessel. jV^Jil ^ j'^ Solid, sound (wall, vessel ). c^^
Place to which water comes J^,^ Of one colour (horse, stuff).
slowly. Candle. v:C>^ ^ *?=»-3 •^
Thin and dry. To affect the brain 5 C:,,;^ a i 5^4 o -if

Sunset. (sun).
Sour milk. %'jyiai ~c,'J^3 To importune a. 0. with 5 —
To detain a. o. by & C^^ a f^^ ^ questions.
persuasion. Fetid sweat. Melted grease ^U_o
To strike a. o. with a stick. i_j 5 — applied on chaps.
To make a mis- ^^&0I J C;-i a ^^ Hard ground. S^tisi-oj "(k^
take a speech.
in Burning (day). ^^4-ij r.'-ia
To persist in o.'s scheme.ojj ^ A^ To wound a. 0. in 2 li:;.,^ :^.i-2> -Vc

To keep to. J ,^^l{ the ear-hole.

Recess in wall, wheat-bin. xi;^ n To produce gum ?^.ii>1j ;i-4-» •
Small-eared, ^\,J, ^ ni*^ ^ ^;J>1 (tree).
Slender, not opened (plant). if- Ear-wax. Arabic gum. ^^^
Overtopping. Cutting uUUsjr ;«i-«^ Conduct, hole ^j^Jiij,;ij»Jj'l ^ ^li^
sword. of the ear ear. :

Penetrating, quick (mind). oUi-o^j — To A ut-sj Jj . Jb * 1^4-.^ o -Co -Jf

Sharp-pointed (pie). Sharp- ;4~^ direct o's self towards.

horned (gazelle). To strike a. 0. with a stick. ^ i —
To heap up. To give a co- fi> ,;^ -^ To set up, to erect a. th. a^j fi>

nic al shape to a dish. To stop a flask ). •<} To adorn
( (
Condiment of mustard i_.U-«- wJ-* -Jr
Upper part of
^;l>^ w <^'j^j />>>-»
a pie. Monk's
and raisins.
Liking that condiment.
Reddish yeUow, chestnut-

To gum.
To produce gum


^- To
^u.^ -«
colour. slaver.
Old palm-ti'ee. Lonely man, jjiio -J^ To extract gum from a ^ ^.i^-il.
^^ithout family .Water-pipe of a tank. tree.
Pine-cone. j<>=-« J^ Arabic gum. ^.y^ ^ j:^^ ^ii^
Cold wind. j.S"a ^ .^jl.^ <• Pine-resin. ^^^1^1 ;U-i
Intenseness of cold. -CulJI jk C-i •^Colophony. Jia'^\ jU^
Pine-tree. Piece of gum. Ulcer. •^ Bies- ;ii_i>
Cone-shaped, conical. 'isy.'y^-a tings.
To fix, to streng- a c^io^ — cio -S- Ulcered on the nose, ;iUs> y^i cAii^
then a. th. lips.

Small basket. Flask- c^ux:.^ ^ Cjy-a Sides of the o^U--?j oUjCtfj o'ii--9
case. mouth.
To seed away s ^^ o ipJ-^ -fr To become altered ji-i'l — j^o -J^

(people). (milk, water).

To strike a. o. with a stick.
v*~ To shut a door. *—
To overthrow a. o. o!Aij r-i^ Altered milk.
Brass castanets. r-y-* 5r r--o P Hungi'y or thirsty. ;>L0
Cymbals. To be hard, to V^-ij >U-.i o ji-a -S-

I do not know >* 1 Cfl L^jil l» become hardened.

what sort of man he is. To abstain from food. ^—
Player upon the cymbals. x» Uij ?r'^ To strike a. o. with a stick. 5 —
Surname of an Arabian poet. To be intertwisted (plant).
Lord, chief. Strong. ao\li^aiuj^ •« Strong, hardy.
Hero. Vehement cold). ( Dry, dried up. j^.
The chiefs of an army. jj iCJsJI i Rivet of a screw. «)_^<^a

Box, chest. Safe. ji^U-* ^ oj'j^ -S- To rush, to go ^iJ.lj,CLi.ii ^-S-S-

Public debt office. ^/.^^ Jj'-^-a quickly.
Hump-backed. Jj^-^ ^'I ° To befall a. o. (accident). i ^^^
Treasurer. JjUiJI cn>1 To urge, to incite a. o. against, if 5 —
Sandal-wood, a Skiff. Jai-c>P To kill game on the spot 2 '^'\

Big-headed (ass, JiCLi ^ JiiLoj — (hunter).

camel). To dart down (bird). ^<^^\
Chemistry, pharmacy. *JjJ«9 To spread on. ^—
Chemist, pharmacist. :JiU^ ^ 'j.VlJi-i Impetuous. oUi-S
Plane-tree. Kind of palmajiloj jU-j P To be altered, to stink '^^ — ^ -$}•

Chiisti. To emit a fetid smell from

Head of a spindle. Fish-^o C..^ ^ ajt.^ the arm-pits. To assume a disdainful
ing hook. Angle. Knitting-needle. look. To get angry.
Mimosa Xilotica: acacia. W-j. a To strive to. it —

Tympanon. J^Lo-tf- Basket. Urine of the hyrax. 2r<»

To make, to (^':J,j uj-^ a ^^
fit, -{J- Fetid smell of the •C^\ ^ dcJ>j,'C^
woj k a. th. skilfully. To manufac- arm-pits. Bad odour.
ture. To create a. th. (God). Courageous, brave. oU-»
He has done to him f.!^ Cij^ kJ[ — Slothful, neglectful. '^\
a benefit. ADgi7. C-a^ '^
Manufactured, wrought
Artificial, fictitious.
A-Ua^j ?•>-'*'
( r\\ )

He has done to him

^G^ Cij^ ^j ^.^
a foul deed.
To assort, to classify.^ -«- To tend, to train (a s Ui^j CJ^ -
To compose (a book). < To forge horse).

a lie.

put forth leaves (tree).

To arrange, to embellish a. th. ft
To make the most of his goods
To be chapped (lips). To be (merchant).
split (tree). To maintain, to support a. o. i fLo\^ —
Species, <J^i oUJi ^^oj ^JLi> To blandish a. o
sort, class. To strive to seduce a. o.
Fringe of a vestment. iii.ij ili^j ^jLa witli a bribe.
To be affected, assuming.
Litterary work. if- To paint o.'s face.

Galled in the legs (deer), ^jli ^^jil^l To prepare (a banquet). ^ To f.:ij,{

Author of a book. o«I-<3« be artificial.
Pith, quintessence. ^Cud — ^^i;.*? -^ To do good to a. o. Xi-i^
To stink. Czli. a jf^ * To choose a. o, as a ^^
To take care of. follower.
To exert o.'s self in. To order a. th. to be made.
Smell of the arm-pits. To rear (an apprentice).
Stinking. Sturdy. To ask. a. o. to manu- x
To be otiensive (smell). a ,^-K- facture a. th.
To be strong (slave). Make, made
To shout (man). To shape out J^ Benefit.
idols for worship. Skilful workman. JiJ.2\ fl^ j ,1^
Strong, robust (slave). i^^^ j, ^^ Work. Employment. Workman- iiLtf
Idol. ^uJl ^ Jo ship.
Quill of a pen, of a feather. xii^ Art of training horses. i^^ill —
To be stainedJjjT, j,J 1 - _^-^ -j'r Art, craft, ;JC-^j oiiC-a 5r *ctLo
with ashes (cook). industry. Skilfulness.
Ashes. _^^j .(^ Arsenal, dockyard. iJlXoll j\i
Intertwisted trees. jlj>j jLJ .^ yj> Workmen, artisans. ^JC^JI i_U.^1
Water, stones between two moun- Artificial. ( opp. to '^^ ) 'J-t^
- tains. Work. Deed, benefit. Polished "^^
Brother. Son. o^y^j 'Uil ^ jl^ (swoi"d). Trained, skilful.
Uncle. D Nephew. Handy, dexterous. ^a3l fSu^j -
Sister. Daughter. Aunt. z'jj^ Skilful workman, (m.f.)^ ^ ^i;^
^:^i'^^ o*-^-' cJ*~^-' lj"^*^ J c*^ ^^
One of a pair or of more than two. Skilful workmen, industrial people.
The whole. llUiJI Action, deed. Work, ;JU-i^ <i-vui
Hush I silence ! '^ ^ workmanship. Benefit, favour.
He is my disciple. j.l^j\ .^;^ yi
To be redhaired. To be Oli-ilj Affectedness. Artifice. "
chestnut (horse). Manufactux'ing. Creator. pU^ ^ ^'(o
A golden, chestnut :C,jU>J ^4-ij
sr-*-^ Artisan. -> .Apprentice : servant.
colour. Listern. ;«JUa^ ,- XiLL^aT^j <«iia»j ^':^i
Reddish, ^^ ^ .C4^ ^ _;^^ Constructions , such as palaces,
chestnut (colour). strongholds.
Violent (death). '^^^ Banquet, dinner-party, foia^ ^ XiLoi

( I" )

(an advice) to be right. Excessive heat. Hot day .Place ^y^

To stoop, to lower (the head), to a— burnt by the sun.
raise it. To shoot an arrowstraight The red liquor i.e. wine. 'C+^l
to the butt. To point (fire-arms). Tawny beasts. Toasted. ^X.a^
To start (a horse). n — To scorch a. o. (sun), fin i
j^-i a -^-S -ft-

To obtain, to attain a. th. a ^^\J\ Intenseness of heat. o'-^-S

To perpetrate a murder. Ui — Waterless desert. ^j'^'-^j j+IS
He is right (in *ijjj J?]4 4 v''-*^ To melt, to f> jila.^^j , 1^4-^ a ji3 -«-

his opinion) : he speaks rightly. liquefy a. th. To anoint, to grease.

To act in a straightfoi"ward *^ J — To become j_, J]j ^ _,i^'\j , jj ? y^'o
way. related to a tribe by marriage. To
To befall, to smite ts 'xa^^ SiUsl
— become the son or brother-in-law of
a. 0. (misfortune). a. o. in a tribe.
To smite a. o. (evil eye). v^~ The army drew J^i»^, ji-i>-!l ^i^^
To descend, to go downwards. kjj,i^ near to the other.
To be shed, poured forth ^'^A. To be melted, L'quefied. • ail
(liquid). To glisten (chameleon). j[i^\j .^-ai
^ To be struck (by an evil). J jl i^ — Hot, burning. ^^^
Relationship. '\^i^j J^^\ ;- j\-o
To approve, to find a. th. right, good. Related on the women's side. Kins-
Colocynth. i_,Co man, son-in-law, brother-in-law.
Side, aimed direction. Sti'aight yJy^ Molten substance. Marrow. ~e'j\^
forwardness. -^ Near, towards. Roaster. Seller of molten j\^ ^ j^^
Cloud letting down rain, »^ioj — grease.
MLsfortune. Weakness of mind. oUa Melted, liquefied. -^4-^
Heap, a Packsaddle of a camel. ;jjj> Ci.stern. T-i ji,W^ -^ Tj^^-^i f-ij*^
Right, straight forward course. tjlj-S To neigh JuCoj iL^-i i a -«
Rightness. convenience. -^ Judgment (horse).
Intellect. To neigh one to another ^a>Ji
Reasonable, right. \A'S-» (hor.«es).
Successful hit (of an arrow) tS^\ Neighing. J4^j jaU?
Acuteaess of mind. The J*0"^ T <i*Csj Jl+oj J::4^ ,

Going straight wi-iS'j v-i/^J v^'''-* neighing of horses.

to the butt (arrow). Straight (mind, To have j.^ a 'j:-^^ \ji^ a (^ ^
judgment). an ulcer.
Choice men j:^\ illij "'^fyoj >^\j-o To ride (a horse). To ascend 2f J^\^
of a tribe. on the top of (a mountain).
Smitten by a calamity. ,jC^ Back of a beast, cj^'^^^j -Q-s ^ Sj^-S
Stroke, misfortune. ^.j.^h *jCa«j
— Middle of a saddle.
Mishap, blow. cjCi-ah i^>,y^ ^ XLi^'f Tower on the top of a Jko ^ —
Rural policeman. lif-l?^-* T mountain.
lo Cj^^J Cjyij O^-i a o , 0'"tf "^ Hollow holding water. '\.^^ ^

emit a sound, to utter a ciy. Murmur, squeak. S^j.^ a
To divulge a. th. o^i^ o'-^b c/j-a To fall (rain). CCiij C>i i_;\-9 -ft-

concerning a. o. 1 hit A t^\^]j ,

]^»J «j_jiJ.^_j y ^>i —
To be renowned, ^A^ cJ^> -^ the target (arrow).
famous. To pour (a liquid). To flood the fi>

To answer to a call. To re- c/sji earth (clouds).
trace o.'s steps. To become erect. To approve a. 0. To find fi>j s ^j3
Bag of nmsk. Small O/^' r J*j-», His fame resounded c'^jW *j oCaJl
quantity of musk. Sweet odour. in his time.
Fine-shaped. J\i Voice, sound. oOo'l r cSy^
Prone to a. th. J j^J>^ Good fame, *%^J CHi-«j oU»j

Picture, image. JtjJ^ t "i'jt.
f^ renown.
Tliought, idea. Fancy. Conceptiouj^iJ if Good oc bad fame. c-i-a
of the mind. Strong-voiced. c^i-^j cXa
Photography. ^i-ljl j.^^ Resounding. oO-^
Painter. jy^ There is not in the hou-seol^.^^ jloJLi C«
Tbe Creator, God. o(iJ,V&Jl — a. 0. raising his voice i. e. nobody.

Avaricious. ij'y^ ^ Metallic sheet for baking. ^u? •

Chicken. oUau-fi* ^ ^^ -^ To split a. th. A G-^-i o ^Ua -ft-

To come successively (g^'j^ o f.ia -U- To dry up a. th. (sun, wind). * ^j.^
(bees). To become split. To become r'y^
To measure wheat. — fi> dried up.
To scatter (people, things). *j 5 — To be cloven. To shine 'moon). ^CaJl.
To round a. th. To make * ^^-^ Bank of a river. Foot of -ry^j -ry^
a. th. sharp-pointed. To shake a mountain.
plants (wind). To sweep, to prepare Barren land. iiC^
a place. Plaster. Sweat of a horse. ^-ij-i

To move its wings about (bird). ,^

— Shoot of the palm-tree.
To disperse (crowd). To be f.j:^ Dishevelled hair. iii*.-^

shaken (plant). To J ^u>1 — ^l^ ^

listen to a. o.
To retrace o.'s steps. 9-'^[ Cyst of the bones. ^Us^ ot*'-^ 7- ^'"^
Measure for grain. To incline Jl A jUsb , 0>-= o jUa -^5-

Flat ground. Play-ground. l£Caj f,U> a. th. towards.

Gold or silver cup. o^~« rr j-'j-* To cut, to divide a. th. A jUa
To shape out, to fi, ^j^ o j-Ua -^ To decide a point ( judge). ^SCi-J! —
mould, to fashion. To create a. th. To lean, to incline. ^'jy^ a j^
(God). To pattern, to copy a. th. To shape out a. th. To paint, A j^
To forge (a lie). To form (a tense).* — to picture.
To sink into ( the ground j f,ia
: Ifancied. J, j'^
water). To demolish, to break a. th. A J\J\
To be fashionned. j.UsJb 9-j^j ?—«» To be shaped. To be painted. ^^j
To silver a. th. ^..i -^ To imagine, to fancy. A> —

Pure, unmixed, standard (mo- f,u» • To be bent. To be demolished. y^aJt,

ney). Honest (man). Sound (body). Bank of a river. uIjj-? ?- J^-^
Coin ( opp. to ii'Jr. ) j.Ctf yj\^i -^ Grove of palm- jl_^b ijl^-? -r Sy^
having the legal standard. trees.
Form, shape. Alike, similar. j,^ Horn, hunting-horn. Tyre (town), j^a
They are both alike. o^'j^ C» Summit of a mountain. Musk-rat. ;3U»
He is like his <^'\ Xi-'^^j '^'y^ >» Itching of the head. sS^-*
brother. Shape. Exterior S>-^3 Si-^ -r «3>-»
Fashion, shape. Para- -^^ ^ <1^ appearance. Copy. Picture, image.
digm (gram). -^ Jewels. Manner. -<> Picture. Formula.
Arrows of the same iL-a ^C^-. Draught of a letter. ._iVi;4'«S>-»

workmanship. Apparently, obviously. Sj^-^

He is of noble descent. i;.j_^nL-<9 ^ 'jA 1
Herd of oxen. o>ji-« -r j^c^j j^'j-^.
( i •
T )
To cause a. o. to fast Craft, art of a goldsmith. jtCo
Fast. Goldsmith, ^ij^j it'C^j ^C^ ^ ^J/o
Fasting, faster. Liar.
^^ ^|^
Bulky and strong. ^^^ Gold or silver jewels.oVir^ ^r j-*-^ "^
Fasting. >/C<^ tt u^j-o \3_^ a i_j^ J , Csj^-'^ LJj-<» o oCo -J^

Faster. ^j^ To be laniferous (beast).

Waterless and barren (land). ^1^ To deviate, to miss ^s. (Jj3 o >_jCo
Standing-place of a X^CaJ^j >Ca>» the butt ( arrow ). To turn away
horse. from (face).
To speak the language iiyS'^j^
To pi-esei've, to keep a. o. or a. th. of the soofies.
To sui round a. th. with fi> o^-<9 •• To avert (a misfortune : .e. a oCol
walls, to enclose. God).
To guard o.'s self ^j ^ oji^j oj-^j To become a soofi. ,_;j ^7
from. Wool. olSJ>1 rr ^j^^
Preservation, keeping. oj-^ He has given it for *j;53 ij^ iUstl
Censer for pei'fumes. *J^ nothing.
Ward-robe. <j^1 ^ oC-5j o\j^j o'^o. Flock of wool. :Sj^
Keeping. Chastity, modesty. xJCo Seller of wool. ol^-^
Flint-stone, quartz, siles.ol^-^ ^*Jl^-^ Soofi (musulman *^^-^ jr "J jo
Town on the Nile. Quarry. o\jJ>\ devotee).
Guarded. oj'ya''j Oj^ Woolly. ^'j^\j wi?.Csj pfoj jVo
Chaste (wonoan). 'CjJa!' Woolly. "J>^-^J ^^
Tinder. ( w;i. <jVs^ ) uVsjo •
Mound, hillock. Road. Stones set up Middle of the head. Turban, lis^^ -ft-

for guidance. Battle-field.

Tombs. 'i^-ab ^j-^ To stick to (smell). ^\^ o i)U> -S-

He has taken it entirely. '<>\jJaj a'sL] He is motionless. i)^; Vj ii\^ n C»

iS_y-aj ii>o a Jj^j

, , Q._yo l
^SJ^ "^ To dart furiously jp 'Hj^j Vj^ o Jl'o «-
To dry up (tree). jj^'\j upon a. 0. (wild beast).
To be sti'ong, sturdy. ^y^ a jj^ To xiy^j SC^j VjjJ>j vLoj Vjo -
Dried up. ^jiaj 'J^^ assault, to overpower a. o.
To wash a. th. imper- ^ to — Uo -^ It has been decreed by God. J j^^
fectly. To soak, to dilute (gypsum). J',^ fi>

Imperfect washing. ;ilu9 To wash (corn). To clear a thrash-

lo uG>-.lo_} G>-U.^_j *>:j«aj liil-^ ' ^^-^ "^ ing-floor fi'om rubbish.
crow, to cry loudly. To assault, s 'ijC-^j VU-sj VjIaI' Jj\^
To call out to a. o. — ^^ To attack one another. JjUsj
To exclaim against a. o. o^ It — Rush, violence. Authority. i)^^
They have been frightened.
They have been destroyed. ^^^ ^...^
^ ^o Sudden attack. Strength.
Wheat washed in water. *Ia'-jJl x)j^
To shout, to utter a shrill cry. ^.^ Rubbish of wheat. Sweepings *I|^
To call out to one ^JUio rCia of a thrashing-floor.
another. Vessel for soaking. JjiaJ^ ^ J>.a»
To be cracked, broken. ^uJlj -^.Ioj Broom for a thrashing-floor dj-is;*
To break (dawn). ^UaJl To fast, ^ikolj ,Cir--tf J C-^..^ jLa -ft-

Ci-y. Crowing of the ^Uoj nl-i To reach its mid point (day). To
cock. abate (wind).
l>-« ( t-r ) -A^
Fortress. t^'L-i « *s'^=:-<'j *-^»r^
"^ I met him before ijj ^^^.i jST ;^a '6^
Cock's spur. Horn of bulls, gazelles. dawn.
To incite (people) s Cl^ i f-Ls -^ Shout, yell. Punishment from ;il^
one against another. To separate Heaven. Sudden attack.
(sheep). Sliouter, shouting. *WJ,lo ^ 9^,1^
To go astray. Ji_4»J' o'- 4^ "^ Wailing of women at a i_ij,Lo)l
To be stirred (water). -^'To be ^li; funeral.
perplexed, led astray. Shouter ; clamorous. *>Ljo ^ ^.t^
To season (a dish). fi> ^La— ^\^ -H- To hunt, ^ ilkiilj J^<ao a i .>\-a ^
< To give a legal standard to mo- to chase, to fish.
ney. To liunt, to fish for a. o. ilc^ 5 iU?
To have the neck erected. (IlLo a Ju-i

To spend summer in a place. To be glandered (camel).

To deviate ^e. i>jiL3j Gli i ol-« Copper. Camel's glanders. iCo
from the mark (arrow). Hunting. Fishing. Shooting. olo
To receive a summer rain. Fish or game caught, ;>rey.

To be sufficient to a. o. for
summer. -^ To glean. Hunter. Fisherman. Sportsman. .u^j
To make a s CiC-sj xIjC^ wiiCo Erecting the neck, jl^^ ^ 'l^i.^* ^^ -C-i^
contract for summer. Prince. Glandered (camel).
To enter upon the season of oCol Hard ground. Saida. town of 'llCi
summer. To beget a child in old Syria.
age. Copper. Gold. jlal..^

bummer. ^jL-o ^^ ii-^j , ijC.o I ?» >-«;-i Termagant. Ul.

Belonging to summer. Summer "^il^ fset, jj Ua« >pf a'^'AJj c^'^Ja'j j1^
rain. Born in summer. snare. Trap. Pitfall.
Summer rain. ^JC^ Caught in chase. a_^
Warm (weather). oUsj >_iJ,Co Hunter. Lion. iiiaia/J

Summer expedition. ^\'j^ ^ XlJ.Co •I

'i'jj-J^-^j 'O^ i jCa ft'
Summer-place, j; iu.'^« . _ii^>j »_i..^ become. To go back to the en-
country. campment, To happen, to come

Watered by a summer i^J^i **c-^

to pass (event).
rain (country). To befall a. 0. J| Ut.^ —
Often watered by summer oC-a; To render a. 0. ^j s eji^\jLg\j .^
rains (land). Mari-ying when old a. th. such.
(man). To have a likeness to. s JL£
Dust raised. (3r*? 5^ *^'?-' ' iji** -fi- Result of an affair, issue. Great- j^
Sound, noise, offensive smell. priest of the Jews. Little salt-fishes.
Sparrow. ^j^-^ t Crevice of a door.
To cling to (smell). i_, feilo i iJUa -J^ He is on the point of Jris jys Jc ^
Short and strong. J^ — j,^ -^ finishing the affair.
China. ^S^'l ~ cth*-}^ Sound of castanets. Ji^
Chinese. China earthenware. '^-^ Enclosure for jx^j jya ^ bjx^j , SjC^
Tray, plate.. jKyo ^ *IJU> ••j Jl^i-tf • cattle.
•^ Patine. " A becoming such or such. «jjJi-«
Cloth-tent. cj\'y^ <* — o>..^ D17 fodder, straw. o'JS^
Conch of the ear. o'i^l ol>-^ Place of ai'rival. Result, issue. jv<»s

JV? ( i-i ) >^^

To conceal o's mind. 4^ J u ij. 'i,^\
To be tucked (skirts').' To" be i^i\-tf-
guarded, watched (child).
Hatred, anger. v-f J v-^
Tumour on the lips. l,,^
Lizard. oC^oj L^-^ \} vW^ t i^-^
Dooi-latch. -^ Wooden ^jC-iJ ^ *i^
Point of a sword. v*^ "^J ^h-.'^
Fog, mist. ^_,ui :r *J.C^
Food for children. va—^
Abounding with ZA^ -r '^.^j >-4-^
lizards (place).
Hunting lizards.
To be misty (weather). ,

To crouch UjL^j CS
To overtake a. 0.
To seek i*efuge towards.
To conceal, to hide a. th. itj fi> \li>l
To be concealed, hidden. 'OaJ>[
Hiding place. li'^^ 5-
To grasp, ^ d,i-i \j , lili i dli ^
to clasp a. th.
Claws, nails.
To blacken a. th

To snore (horse). Ct^j G-J-i a -tCS

To yelp (fox). t^U-i'
To abuse a. 0. by words. s r-jQ?
To be blackened (by fire). ^Ch'j\
Ashes. ^lis
To pile up (stones), fit o j{^
\'j\^ ^
To stitch (the leaves of a book).
To leap (horse).
species of truffles. Kind of ^ijl s^ l^ion. jy^ubj j\^
poppy- Strong, hard, vehement.
Male hyena. o^i^.-Js ^ oVili- To be wicked, prone C-L^ -«-

To b3 nari'ow C-Io o J\^ ^ to evil.

place ). Mischievous, prone^_j_jL ~i^j o-^
To hold a. th. undei* /b u>ki>b >^^^ to evil.

the arm-pits. To hold »j i 'xy'CSj CJali i iui- -^

Arm-pit. owj oi-i fast, to gi'ipe. To maintain. To keep
Hard ground. cn-i order in a country. To render (an
Narrow (place). c^^ account) accurate. To correct to ;

Family. <4^j •^^^'j <4'$^ Xii^ dot (a writing). <>• To confiscate, to

To alter ; to burn * l^li. o C-.i> -il- sequester (goods). To arrest a. 0.
a. th. (fire). To draw up (a report). To point (a
To seek refuge at. Jl
— gun).
To overtake a. o. jt ^^\ He does not liis Avork iii^ Ja-Jaj V
To prevent a. th. A — accux-ately.
Ashes. KJi^a He does not I'ead ij*!^* Ja-isj V
Bread baked in ashes. %\.JaJ' correctly.
To be ambidextrous. CJal^ a ia^
To clamour, to make noise. To take hold of a. o. forcibly, i hl^
To quarrel, to i Q-V?ioj X»li»'« ^Co To be strengthened. To be Jal^aii.

contend with a. o. kept in due order.

XJUStle, :>tj3t-isj ^bwisj ,if\3iO^ otO Accuracy, organization. Arrest. Jalb
confused voices, uproar. Strengthening. Police.
Ivory. Sea-shell. ^rW---^
Strong, hardy. Firm. JaCo' ^ iajia
Gi'umbliug much when milked ^_^i> Lion. <>• Officer in the army.
(she-camel). Almighty (God). 'jUw 1.<U»
To be ^J
O' J^'^J ^'Jf^ a •>
j>yi> ^ Policeman, cons- <ila;U» ^ J^S^ "^

annoyed, disgusted with, table.

To tease, to vex a. o. 5 J><^'\ General rule, law. hiXj^ ^ *iu.Q>
Annoyance : disgust. 5jr?«-3j J'<^ Report, official Jx>.Ua>> «• xkliii •
Vexed, grieved ( man). _,st,i> document ; decision of a court,
Disgusted, disquieted. J!>?»-i> Tenacious, more Kj- ^ '\iaLi> ^ k'-il
Annoymg. ->j>Ui'j ^ Cai ^ ./??>^ teuacious. Ambidextrous.
Firm. Accurate ^j^^^ "^J iajLki
To recline. ^ki>b (account). Well made.

To incline to setting r^J r^ •I

f^^ } . Cl«-oj \s-j.yisj U»o a ;>f^ "
(star). run (horse).
To act slowly in (an J f^t^~>j r^ To thi'ow the hands for jc-j 6 (^ —
affair). striking.
To lie by the side of. » ^\^ To wrap o'self in a cloak in ^.Thi>>,
To lay a. o. on the side. fi>j 5 ^^1 covering the left shoulder and lea-
To take a. th.. down. ving the right uncovei'ed.
To neglect (a business). ^ f4'^i Arm, upper part of the p.C-il ^ /^^
Species of glasswort used as ^Ls.^ arm. Quick pace of a horse.
soap : detersive. Unfruitful year. ^La
Inclination to a party. j^»^ Hyena. ^'^
A slumbar. A piece of soap. sijii* Male fLifj ^La \j ^.C-^ ^ ;Li>j j^
Weakness of mind. x4u»j — hyena.
— "

( l-"\ )
(pond). To be in small quantity Laziness, sloth. Way of recliu- x^^
(water). icg.
. . , .
To dwindle away, to disap- i[}ii-il. * i^^^J *C*^^J i^'!r!^i **!«-'» J viat.^
pear. To clear off (cloud). Slothful, sluggish.
Shallow JlW^j J.^^j JGf-ij'l ^ Jsi-S Slothful. Foolish. ;^,l}i» ?- /^'i-*

(water). Declivity of a valley. Setting (star).

Shallow place. J>-ii^ Mouth of a river. li»U>
To bask U?-^J l^-i'j >S*-^ o '^^ ^ Numerous sheep. '^-^j ^^X^
in the sun. Foolish, silly.

To appear, to be Cae-ij l^*-^ — Bed -fellow.

exposed to the sun. Sleeping-room, ^^laJaij
He ie dead. ii% Gt-3 bed.
To b;- smitten by the sun- i^ a Jt-i Places much rained upon. ^i)| ^is-Lki
beams. To be distorted C>t-a a ^^^ -fr
To become imcovered, to be twja — (mouth, nose).
revealed. To be at issue (affair). oy ^»U:j
To go forth into sunshine. ,_^;J.JJ — Distorted, wry (mouth, '(^^ j, j^}o\
To pasture (cattle) in the » LS> nose).
forenoon. To give a. th. to eat in Wry-mouthed. jft^^^
the forenoon. Sun ; light of the sun. I^Ja — r-.-b -ii-

To slaughter (a victim) in the ^— Land exposed to the sun.

forenoon. To move about ^^l^'jj -r-^US) -^
Go slowly, gently ! llJjj J^Js (loomiijg).
To go to a. 0. in the i sG>-Ur» ^i:s Small quantity of water. ^HiUJf
forenoon. To laugh. iW-^j liWt-b adX^S ^
To enter upon the time of ^^^"^ To laugh at, to ^j ^,j jp ^y.^
forenoon. ridicule a. o.

He has done it in broad {j^ jii3 — To grin (monkey). (kW^ a dui.

light. To send forth lightnings (cloud).
To reveal, to manifest a. th. — fi, To display its flowers (garden): — ^
May God keep you in dit^ .il ^JA V to become covered with plants (soil).
safety. To spoit, to joke with. s d\9-[^
To eat in the forenoon. To go J^,^,
To make a. o. to laugh. s ^>si>1
into the sunshine. To laugh. ^UJ:^Z.\j dli [^j iXl-jS
Forenoon. Forenoon-meal. -u.^ To mock. k_,j ipj ^f —
Early part of the forenoon. S^-ij _^,i> To laugh, to joke (people).
Part of the forenoon when the
A laugh, laughter.
sun is already high. Laughing-stock, droll.
His discourse is rather 1^' *^>^fe=»J, C« Joke, sport, dl.^Ci1
confused. comical thing.
Mornings and evenings. JjC^VIj ,_^ua5l Laughing. Sending forth dla-Q»
Ewe offered up as 'et>-.-^ ?- *s?*^
(lightnings : cloud).
victim, victim, burnt-offering. Tooth displayed wl>l_^ ^ *&i> To
Ewe offered up in ^^^'^ sr S'^-i**'
in laughing.
sacrifice. d!l?:-a;j 3j9i^j d&t^j i's:i>:.^_j *&i>to
Victim. '^,^'^ «• '^-i'' Laughing much, laugher.
Feast of the sacrifices f ^^.-i'Vi ^^ Joking, sporting, funny. dU-.ir^
Korban Bairam. Jokes, sports. cl6^>.Ja>S
Exposed to the sun. Outlying. ^^u» To have little water 5^'t^ a Ji-b -^
C i Y ) '^
Wrong, hurt, injury. j\'yo\ ^ Sj^'o j
Side. Out.skirts. ,'r^j-^ ?r *=»^
Necsssity; distress. cJ^'j/yo -^ oj/J^ [
Ho has done it publicly. J^»U> *iii

Natural want. Cloudless (day, iSCatiil ^ uUaii)!

Blindness. Loss. ej'Ir>^ night).
Need. Compulsion. j(jk^\ Exposed to the sun (land), sbwkS
Hai'mfal, unwholesome. j\Jo To shed tears (eye). fi> y,i. o 7^ -tt-

Blind, jl>yj 'l^-ij'l «.^^ To pour water. *—

Plant. P/. Necessaries. J. |^i> ^ ~o'j.J^ Squirt. jIso-;

Necessary, essential. '4J,yy<=> To be fat, (Ji-^j ^''\skJ> o j.k-^ -^

Bad state. 'Ir^j s^^a" bulky.

Loss, damage, j(^j c^lr^ -r e'ir^'^ Bulk, stoutness. <j^[k^
wrong. Corpulent, stout, bulky, ^Uo ^ ^.jt-^

Harmful, unwholesome. Poly- J><ai To overcome a. o. s lai. o o-i -ft-

gamous. To I'emove gently a, o. from. ^ ^ —

Polygamy. "ejiA^ To contravene, to thwai-t a, 0, 5 SU>
Constrained, compelled. J,ki»i To contrast with.
To be hidden. \'J.o a \ya -Jt- To contradict. To get angry, jjf I

To dry (plant). '>lr^'l To ojspose one another. iQ^

To strike a. o. i-j 2* C 'Jco i ^'j-:o -^ Contrary, repugnant, -^i-^j -^
with. Similar.
To mix a. th. with. ^j *> — Antagonist, Contra- j^j ilj^'\ ^ —
To smite a. o. (scourge). To 5 — dictory meaning.
sting a. o. (scorpion). Contradictory expressions. illi,V) cM
To strike money. iJC^J) — Contrarily, in opposition aiiJV; j la-3
To propound a proverb. "^.l^ — to.

To play oil musical i-jS^' ^"^ vl^^ Contrast. Contradiction, SiCa^j SOsj
instruments. Opposition.
To pass over in silence. ^Xi ili- ^'^ » Nonsenses. ^1}.^. — jj^ -H-

To pitch a tent, Xili — To harm, a jCaj , l3-«oj l>i> o '^a -S-

^ ~

To impose (a tax) on. ^ to injure a. 0,

To fix (a term) to, J A — To oppose, to s O'lroj 53 '^^ 3i^

To perform prayer, SXoH — contend with a. 0.
To divide, to separate. oi;
— To be a polygamist, l^i»\

To seize the goods of. ci>^ s?^ J* ~ To do harm to a, 0. »j ^ y.b\

To prevent a. o. from *j'i) jp
— To compel a. 0. to. ic 5 —
hearing. To sustaui damage ^ lr-i»j'b "^^j jtr*^
To multiply (a number) by.iif J lliT- from.
To lean. To incline towards. J)
— To compel a. 0. to. Jl i 3ia-i>l
To swim. tliJI j— To be compelled to. To be J( j^l
To make a CC ^.^j C yo J^jVI J — in need of.

journey. Damage, harm, '^aj 'Ji>

To be blasted by hoar frost ^Ji, Polygamy. '^


(land). Damage, harm. Thicket. 'Jio'\ ^ M^'i*

To be set up as an example. >fe <^J^ Distress, poverty, J l^ro ?- '^'i'

To be blasted by cold G 'J-o a ^^J^'o hardship.

(plant). Necessity, need. Flesh of the s^
To strike strongly ^'Coi o i^'j^'o udder, flesh beneath the thumb.
(hand). Fellow- Ci\°jSsj jyir'o 5- elj»ll olr'o

To strike, to beat ^j a Ku^'a wife (amongst Moslemi?).

( l-A )

striking. Orsgiu, descent. violently. To quilt clothes ). (

Edge of a sword. i_jjC2»^ s- ^.r'^L^i ~ To mix. v_> t_,^i fit

Bone full of ^ji^i ?r v-'S^J ^^r^ To excite a strife amongst. cnJ —

marrow. To fight, to S (i\^j Xj3Ca> ^jii)

Mallet. (_)jUs.»!r v'!^'*^-' V^^* come to blows with a. o.
Plectrum. To traffic with a,j Jli)l J ijj s —

Pavilion, large tent. ^j\^ ^ ^J^ a. o.'s property for a share in the
Motionless (serpent). XJ^'a^j ^J-ai' profit.
Edge of a swoi'd. *J^a»j Xj 2ra^ To be covered with hoar-frost. 4_>>y
4- Clapper of a bell. u-S?^' Mln'^i
To be well baked (bread).
Limited partnership {com- *j jUa^ To leave, to forsake a. th. ^^ —
To halt, to stay in a place. J —
Moved, disturbed, startled. ^Ja^i To dry up (water hot wind).:
— fi>

Mixed up (treacle). <• Crack- i_jj^i To be in commotion, ^^li^\j i-j^h^

brained. to dash together (waves).
To split a. th. A o ^'j^'o
(?-ino ^ To come to blows vj^is-i'b vJ^^
To smear, to stain (clothes) /jj ^ — (people).
with blood. To be moved, troubled, ^jla^i
To dye red (cloth). To fi> ^"Jo anxious.
embellish, to dispose (a discourse). Blow. Throbbing. Multiplication. i_i^i>
To make (the nose) to bleed. ^^kll; * — Mint. XJiki^i> ^-j ^lr'ai\ j\»
To be stained (with blood). rrir^ Kmd. (_J^<?'b ^^'^<s'h <-r'jira rr v'^''
To be dyed red ( cloth). To become Manner. Last foot of a verse. Coined
i"ed (cheek). To spread lightning). ( (money). Lean, thin.
To deck herself (woman). Similar, alike. iJ^'J-'a\ ^r
To be split to be broad
; -rj^i^K A stroke. Chastisement,ol{lr^ !r <''J^
(road). To open (plant). scourge.
They parted. J{\j. G»
— The ten plagues of Egypt._^ij^ cJ<J.'^'o

To dart on (hawk). it — Thick and white honey. v"!^'**

Dyed red. Quick (walk, I'un). -r-ij^s The .strokes of time. jk'jS\ o^.y^
Red dye, red silk. Good z-lJ^'=\ Striking. >^jin^j VJ,^-^
runner (horse). Shuffling arrows before vJ,^
Besmeared with blood. Dyed ^.^n^ drawing them. Spreading darkness
red. (night). Depressed ground planted
Rags. tJ^^ -r 5rlr^; with tre?s. Hard ground in a plain.
Large, wide (eye). *>jlr^ Sandy valley. VJJS-^ t
To dig a grave. J G-^a a ^'yo -»- Striker. '^.ir^ r- viy^
To throw off, to remove a. th. ^ — Struck, beaten. J.^i? ?r
Species. Similar. Shape. .^Ji^-i ,,-

To kick (beast). Lot. Snow, ice, hoar-frost, rime.
To be dull (market). (^-j'^a o — Nature, temper. w'l'lni* 5r viy"<»
To revile a. o. To get fltj s ^j^.^ Sword : point, edge (of a sw^ord ).
near to. Skein of cotton.Woundedby a sword.
To keep customers from A -rlr'^^
off Rate, tax. a Measure of S ardebs.
(the market). To spoil a. th. Digression, retraction in >^\'J^\
To remove a. o. from. o^ ^
~ speech.
They parted. ^,4^ C» ^S-^jI Corrective particle. ^\'J^\ J»[^
Skin, ^l^a Trouble, disturbance. ^V^^y
Corrupt. Distant (journey). ^^ Time and place of ^jS^ <x ^J^
iS^ ( t•^ )
Breast. Cow's uddei Prone to kick. •rij^
Like. Tomb. -rjyyo -r "r-i^
Weak, little, a young one. ,^'Ji, ^ f,'J^ Removed, remote. r<j.S^
Humility, subrnissiveness. Xtl^'i To bite /tj 5 ^j'l^oi \Jj^ ^'yo ^ , i

Humility in prayer. cU^^^ai ^r 9^ a. th. or a. o. strongly.

Prayer. Entj-eaty. To remain .silent the whole day. y^o
Submi.ssive, f;>yj ?.yij,*fr>'i» 5- o,'^ To be hard on a 0. (lot), a tr-!r^«j -
humble. To wall up a well. * \^yo o — i

Havmg JiJ_^ijj /Sl^nij 9Jj^J 'U.r>« To be set on edge

big udders (cow). Large-breasted (teeth).
(woman). To try, to train a. (war). »
White grapes with hirge 9-j^ To come to fight.
berries. He set his teeth on ed ge. iJ0«:1 ^'S^
Similar. Aorist tense. 9jy^ To move, to trouble a. 0. 5 —

Lion. ^'Iro w j^j-pi j^j^ ^ To silence a. 0.

Lion. Gallant, energetic man. xili^ij Molar tooth.
Strong stallion. Steep hill. Scattered rain. ^/J^ ^ —
To fight like a lion. jj-^ri^j j^\r'<> Stone for casing a well.
Skin foi- milk. <^Sji> ?r ^^0
"^ Polypody (plant). ^^Jl ^-l^sl
To be broken down LTI^^ o 5'j^ ^ Setting on edge of the (teeth), ^^^'i?
by old age. To be poor, destitute. Of evil disposition, ungoveruable.^_/ij
Broken down <^\'j<si '\i=>'Jis ^ dXj^o Prone to bite ( she-camel). u-jv^'i*
by old age. Poor, unhappy. Vehement (war).
To burn (fire). To (/^'J,o a j-^ ^ Well cased with ^y^'ys ^ ^lj<>
burn with passion (man). stones. Vertebrae of the back. Stai'-
To rage against. ip — ved. Biscuit. Date.
To eat greedily. ^.tiLlI j — Mute. cr-lrVl u-'J>-'\
To light, to A yJ,}xC.\j jrjj\j ^>tf Tooth-shaped (cloth). ^lr<»-'^
stir up the fire. Cased with stones (well ). "iJi^yyat'
To be kindled, to blaze ^^Lijlj ^V^^ Stony tract.
(fire). K'i^^yoi \Ja\'j~^i \.)syoi \-^j-'b i l»_/i<3 "fr

To glisten (white hair).

j^'J^^K To break wind.
Stoicha^^ French laven- ^'j^j j^Jh To have a scanty Ck^ a ^yd
der. beard and faint eyebrows.
Stai'ved. in running. j,J:o To scoff at. *j ^'yo\i \a^j-i3

Young one of the eagle. Emission of wind. ^i^oi ^\'J^

Brand ; live coal ; fii'e. /J^o ^ X^'J^ Breaking wind frequently. l»_j^j i?!^
There is nobody in xVyo insU jl^V; C> Little-haired \3'J.'a ^ 'li^lr^ j> h'yJi
the house. in the beard and eyebrows.
To spend time and >»^3 -^ J "tm
exertions uselessly. draw near stealthily.
Light fuel .1 To set (sun). 'cJ-tri»J C-0'«
Kindled wood. o 9-'j^ioj \s-'j.o a f..^j 1^^\j-is a 9.r^
Burnt in fire. To humble, to lower o.'s self. ^Vya
Kind of gum. To resemble a. 0. to be like. *j i f.'j\^

To bleed (artery, To lower, to humble a. 0. ? pir<>\

wound). To give a. th. to a. 0. J 4> —
(_» S«l_^3j ^^yoi iS'j-oi oi\'ys a \Sj-'o To beseech, to J p>'2aiJ,lj Jl f.lf<£
To be greedy, fond of. make humble entreaties to a. 0.
C !>• )

Weakness of mind. Defective To be vj i\'^aj ^y^j iS'j-'a a c?_pi

construction of a sentence. trained for the chase (hound).
Weakness of body. -^ Illness. To train (a hound) »_, 5 ySj^'o\j iSj^'o

Double, manifold. JU-i1 to (the chase). To excite in a. 0. the

Interline- desire of.

Weak, feeble. ^^Li>j ^^llo

?- uli»-3 To overtake (game : 2^ Sy^^y
Ak^J tJuL^J ijUoj 'Uii.i<7 ^
^i^'^ hunter).
Weak. Blind. Defective (discourse). Thicket in a valley. Bushy A'J:^
^ 111. Lean. country.
Double, treble, multiple, oiiilj Horrors of war.
^ Lily of the valley. Hound. _r^1j
Land watered by a weak lii^ ja'J\ Terebinth (tree).
rain. Trained to the jl^ ;r *ijt3
Doubled, increased manifold. OipUa/» chase. Carnivorous (beast).
Held as weak. ^LaS^ Bleeding continually (artery). 4 yo
To have an abundant ^'i — )^ -ik- •Juice of unripe dates.
harvest. To bleed (artery).^lib i ^'yo C^ -^
Abundant harvest. ^Lj*-i> To have the jaws Ol>i a >'ij -^

Verdant garden. Lump of ^^rii* contracted.

dough. To champ the bit (horse). it y^\
To speak confusedly. f^hLb -H- To be stingy towards a. 0.
To masticate (meat) imperfectly a — Having the jaws "Jco ^ 'l>'a j> Jri>\

from want of teeth. To multiply contracted.

(words). Wicked, hot-tempered. jlj^ ^ —
To imitate the voice Cl^ a wJ-^ -^ To snatch a. th. j Cji i oj-'i -^
of a wolf, a hare. from a. 0.

Howl of a wolf. Noise, ^\i^j .^-i.i To contend about the posses- ojCisj
rustling. sion of a. th.
To mis a. th. To A (ii^ a o«-^ -^ Ill-natured son. oJi-^
confu'e (discourse). To wash imper- To trample a. th. a ijii.^ a ji-3 -8-

fectly (clothes). under foot.

To relate a. th. confusedly. A ii-a1 To pull down (a building). A f^k^ -S-

To collect (herbs). A i^-^l i>- To scatter a. th.

Bundle of dry and oU-i1 ^ c^ To be humbled. -^ To be ^^.15.7

green herbs mixed together. scattered. To be concealed. To be
Nightmares. >Su1 otiil out of mind (sick man).
To push, to 5 Jai-ilj , Cki-3 a Jai-^ -fr

press, to squeeze a. o. against. To be feeble, weak. t'^\kS>j

To press a. o. s \jy\l^j *i»tCa^ IjiUs To exceed a. 0. or Aj 5 ui-i a ^^ii-i

in a oiowd. a. th. twofold, manifold,

To squeeze one another. lo and A_) 2f »JjLo5J.Ij ^juuAij >-ij>^
Pressure, compression, a. 0. weak.

squeezing. To doable, to A ^^-ilj ^isCij —

Pressure. Narrow space of a treble, to multiply manifold.
grave- To weaken a. 0. (illness). j
Pression, uneasiness, straitnei 3S. ijlfii^ To ride on a weak beast.
Distress. Compulsion. To receive the double.
Pressure of a crowd. l,\i To be doubled, to be increased ji\^
Keeper, watcher of. ic IipU» manifold.
{ iS\ ) .i^
Camera girth. _,io ^ jUSj Jl^t
Heap of sand. ^^xS> -^ »y^J jy^ t ~
Side, shore. Plait of hair. Strap ^\i^
of a girth.
Lock of hair. Dam. j}j^ -r "i'jy^
To leap. Ijii> o jii> -J^

To strike and repel a. o. To put i —

the bit to (a horse).
To force a morsel into 5 j}iu^\j —
the mouth.
Pounded barley ; oat-meal. ji.ii

Slanderer, backbiter. jlLi

Large mouthful. J,'^^ ^ ajj^i^
To bind a. th. ^_j a r_ui.>. o Jaii> ^
tightly with ropes.
To be big-bellied. To
( iNV ) -Us
Large-mouthed. ^1 ^lAo Confusion, xJ^Lbj J>li.j ^Jj '^
Stui'dy. Lai'ge-toothed. ;JU? ^ ^ii'l mistake. Loss, doom.
Able to. J /.Uxi»>»j ;4-^'* He is an J^l \}^j 'j^__ 'S, ^4 >*
Ovei-burdening load. ^x^ j4j; unknown man.
Unable to carry its load ^ji^ *jli Uncertainty, anxiety. Absence. xti
(beast). Speech on the absent.
Figured with stripes, ribs /liii Error. :d^
(cloth). His blood has been ';5^i^i ^i.^
To draw together, to A uJ> o '^ -i^ un revenged.
collect the parts of a. th. To mark Misled. Erring. J:A-i?j oyUs ^ iJCa
a letter with a damma. A stray : a lost beast. 'J\'yi» y; ^U»
To grasp, to put a. o. in a strait, s — Straying, wandering. Jjloj Jji-b
To embrace a. o. Error. Watei* never reached by jLi
To get hold of. Sim.
To unite a. th. to Mistake. J-PZ-i*'' t sS^-i'
To coujoiu with a ^1 Jt 5 >Uj J>Uu ;[^oj 0^ s?^'j-> «i^ s?r>'-5
in business. Vanity, delusive thing3.|
To gather, to unite together. 1^7 Error, confusion. Mislead- ^.^rij ;a.i»^

To be united, joined to be Jl ; ail ing country.

annexed to. Misleading. Seducer, deluder. '^y^
To draw a. th. to o.'self. Looming.
To take possession of. Strayed, lost. Obstinate in jla>i
Union, connection.
Sign (;f the damma. To be sturdy. fi^\j *tXi> o A^
, -ft-

Collecting, uniting.
Means of union.
To be
or drink.
filled with food 4^j ^i-i» a , ^
River flowing between two To incline towards. To act jt —
hills. wrongfully.
Companion. "'„i, >j To strike a. o. upon the ribs. 5 —
Company of men. jnfS-^'^ t *>'li-il To be crooked. Ciliij Cl-3 a /.W

Writing-book. Bundle of writings. To bend, to incline a. th. To e^ /jS

Marked with^^^ii^
Collected, united. deviate a. th. To make rib-shaped
a damma. figures on cloth.
To encourage o.'s self. To ^h\>> -fr To incline a. th. A ^lii
snarl (lion).
To take a. th. altogether. it —
To pos.sess
a science ^ ^/» ^iw

Angry lion. Coura- ^li^j ^•^4-^ To be able to cany a o /iia-^i.

geou.s. burden.
To anoint a r-wj , Gt4-i o r-i^ ^ Inclination, liking for. ,/• ;JL^

(th, body) with aromatics. Strength, vigour. z£yj>j ;>U»

Bug. -i^cJa Weight of a debt. ci^l A^
Calamity, misfortune. rr-^ Rib. A-^lj f;>U>1j fjLb ^ ^Ltfj Vua
To dwindle away. '^SjsX - J*,-* -«- Side of a triangle. A square root.
To clear otf (cloud). See js^^ . Slope, ascent. Trap. Bough. ^jLi

To anoint a ^X^j Sii-i o iCjs , ^ Side. *ilo

(the body) with unguents. Acting wrongfully. fi \^
To be daubed ^
^' u.}^ \j
^ yC^\j » ' >^ Crooked by nature. ^X^
with perfumes (body). Stui'dy, strong. Bending /i^^ r^
To dress a 4> _it^j l!c^ o , i -u-i ^ (bow).

.'y-a ( i^r
Silent. wound. To anoint and bind ( the
To eat a. th. head).
stealthily. To strike a. o. with a t_> 9 Jl^o
To be verdant ( plant). Vci»i—>iA«_i» -tt- stick.
To become covered with plants To dry up ; to be diy. \'s^ a
(lanil). To swell with anger (man). To hate a. o, cj":^

To i_j jl A CL-*^j Ci.-^ a or'^
"^ To gather pfople. 5 oiijl

warrant, to guarantee a. th. To bail To be bandaged.

out a. 0. -^ To farm, to rent a. th. Dry or tender. The best or the
To be affected 5jVi-^j 04-^ a ,j^ worse of a flock.
with a chronical disease. Friend.
To render a. o. responsible, * » JiSs Bandage, fillet.
a surety for. I am on the eve of.

To include in, to insert a. th. A> ^ — Bandaged (wound).

into .To insert (another's verses) in To be thin, lean. \j^^ o jSj jjo -H-
a poem. -^ To farm out ( taxes, re- To emaciate (a horse). 5 _.ii>b j%.is
venues). To conceive a. th. To conceal A_j j jjc^\
To guarantee, to become res- /b J^^^' a. th. To determine upon a. th. To
ponsible for. To contain, to include. suppress (a word understood).
^ To be farmed out (land, — To conceal a. th. in the *_iJ J A —
taxes). mind. To think of; to apply o.'self
Chronical Zi^^^^j oli-i'j "iX^j J^-^ to.
disease. To be thin, contracted (face).
J, j^7

Contents, inside of a. th. -^ Hei'e ^j^ To dry up (bough). _^^-|^

inclosed. To be slender. Jj^\
Suretiship, bail, -fy Farming oC-3 Slender, thin. S34-3 j-
out, letting out. Leanness. _^-^j j\^
Suffering from chronical disease.^^^ Secret thought ; j y^ ^ Ji«-i
Guarantee, (^•o-** ?r >^'S-<'J , Cri^ conscience. Hidden. Pronoun.
accountable, bailer. Doubtful, undetermined (pro- JC^^
fy Farming, renting. ^^Ci mise, debt).
Palm-trees included within a ii^lo Atrophy. j^ a
village. Female fortune-teller. a'jC^ n
Damages {law). oCv.»ia^ Thought, idea, mind. jli.il
Incomplete (sentence). Implied ^^» Slender (man, y\'y^i J^^ j^'^
(word). Incidental (sentence). camel). Dried up (bough).
Thing waranted. t;n>Ca>» ,- D>i-i»J* Wild mint, basil. o*34.li»j oly'^.i
Contents of a writing. Concealed in the mind. Unders-
To be tenacious, niggardly of a. th. Recesses, secrets of the ,

To be niggardly of a. th. to it ^j — heart.

a. 0. To grudge a. o. Dried up (bough).
Special, proper to. '^ Hippodrome. Training-place
Brave, courageous. cA-^ for horses.
Tenacious, niggardly of. cru-b To keep silent. Ij4^ o i

Things held in estimation that J (L^ To watch over. To be .sparing

one appropriates and keeps tenaci- of.

ously. Stony and isolated hill. jj^^j yjs

Thing of which ^Ca; ^ ;;l^;j u^^ Blackener, discreditor. jjCa
To do wrong 5 j^-ilj , la4i> a J^i-b -S- one is tenacious ;
precious thing.
to. To conceal o.'self j iLi a V'-ij -S-

To ill-treat, jf jiJai.lj wj^ 5 Jki-il in (a counti'y).

to persecute a. o. To be numerous (flock), \ijiij 'U-3 —
Ill treatment. C;lilil»-a>l ^ i>U4»-i'l To have many \i^\j , li-3 a 'Jj^j —
Persecution. children (woman).
Persecutoi', oppressor. j.^^^ To have many flocks. \1^\
Persecuted, oppressed. ijV. h« To be ashamed of. ^j J 'uLii,
Summit of a mountain, _^aUjj _,4-i> -JJ- Numerous offspring. 'jL^ ^ -'^
peak. Destitution, straitness »\l^j S«C-3
To bite a. o. (^^ a ^i^ -^ of Ufe.
To be collected "5j4-^j !>l4i> a Ji-b -5^ Prolific (woman). 'ji^^ iiXaj 'ju»
( milk ). To yield little milk ( ewe ). To strike the i_i A Ci^ o wii> -ft-
To be in small quantity (beverage). earth with.
To curtail a. o. of his due. il^ S — To seize a. th. v_j

To begin to i-ipen (palm-tree), j^-il To be plump, ^ Ck;i> a Ia;i> -Ji-

Collected (milk). Small quantity j^ compact in flesh.

of water. To press together (crowd). Jaliit
He has given him little. ii^ iUaP 'l Distress. JaL^
Yielding little water (spring). iL»U» Feeble ; weak- :S\:S o >ili-S -S-

Giving little milk (ewe) jj-^ ^ J>4^ tempered.

little water (well). To be narrow iSjLisj ^StSj (fiaiS

To be bai-ren (ground). J^u, a j^ -^ (place).
To have no milk (woman). To be affected with rheum, (feil^ i)c^
To resemble a. o. s J^U» Strait, narrow. dXLb
Barren ground. Having no milk 'C^^ Straitened circumstances, '^iif 'xl.At
(woman). Of a strong constitution. iKL^
Similar, alike. i!^^ ^ 'ji^ Rheum. *fe*i-aj ilU-i

Likeness, conformity. suC-it* Weakness of temper. <SkuS>

To shine, *Loj \'^j^j U'jS> o •\'-» -^ Straitness, distress. «i*tji-i»j
to be bright (fire, light). Weak of mind and dil-i ^ »i^s^
To make a. th. to shine fi> xj,-i« \jS> body. Hireling.
bi-ightly. To light a lamp. To light To be sickly. ^S) a ^^ ^
up a house. To wear out, to disable » J-ib J^
To turn away from. ^— a. o. (latent disease).
To shine, to be bright. ssU?)^ sCal To languish, to pine away.
To illuminate, to light up a ^ — Weakness, languor.
place. Sickly, diseased.
Help me and I will ^ '^'jj] J '^1 Little children. ^.,g> ^^.'.i^?

help thee. To alter a. th. i_) A C4.b a

To look from th.e dark at people \y^ by means of fire.
by the light of their fire. -^ To be To be weak, unmanly. Ci^i-b

lighted. To roast (meat). To strai- A ^. |.^

To obtain light by means ^ 'i_ia5-I,l ghten, to supple a bow over a fire.

of. To treat a. o. shockingly. 5 »^Ca

To take information, to seek ^— Rabble. ^)2)l ^'^
advice from. Straightened by fire (bow). 'Ci-^
Light, brightness. M^l ^ '^j 'U.^ Roasted but not thoroughly ^Xhj'
Moonshine. ji5ll »^ cooked (meat).

Coming by night. ^j,Uj ^ jU» Sunshine. ^.;|ii .^

Slender-bodied. *jj U» j. lij U> Lighting, illumination. .-sUsi^

To incline J| Cui^j (^jl-j? i -^Ca -il- Bright. ^ .^_, .^^

towards. To make noise.Su?^^ J^'j-i) ~ i-«^ ^
To be waste (country). (UL^ i ^U» -8- Noise, uproar. 'la'^j Ja'^^
To mix milk wih. watei'. fii r^l^j — Clamorous.
To give to a. o. milk mixed s riJs To pass by the butt ^
^jSs o 5rt«i» "^
with water. (arrow). -^ To be weai'ied.
To be mixed with water (inilk). -rZJoJ To be spacious. ?r^'j
Milk mixed with water. ^C^j r-J-b To wind (river). rr'j^
To harm, to injure a. o. j Kj^ jQj i -ti- Winding of a river. ^r'S-^' ?r »r>^
Harmful, hurtful. JUj To mix milk with * ^^^ — ^_^ -jj-

To act wrongfully. Iln^ i jC^ -):}- water.

To wrong a. o. in his rights, ii^: 5 — To give to a. 0. diluted milk. 5 —
Unjust allotment. Sj^ *i— To be starving. \y^ jO? »
To walk in Clialij Ckl-a I»Uj ^ i
To harm a. 0. to damagt' ^ —
shaking the shoulders (fat person). To writhe from hunger or pain, j^^
Walking in shaking JaU^j orh'.j. To howl in hunger (wild beast).
the shoulders. Vehement hunger. j^
io tfrL»oj Xwi~^^
^r?-? '^—^ i p*^ "^ Black cloud. j^
perish, to be lost, led astray (th). Poor, wretched, despised. ojj^
To lose, to miss (a. th.) a f.Ci>lj
To squander, to waste away (o.'s
^ To eat up (a fruit), gt, ^'j'j-^ o jCb -W-
Splinter of a tooth-pick. Sjl^j j'j^
goods). Tooth-pick. j''»A>
To possess an estate, a land. ^QjI To collect (things). fi> J,^ — irU, -^
To miss a. th. Distortion of the jaw. I»^
Loss. Dereliction.
d^LJo -^j pCi>j
died uncared (tC^j CS^j Cums oC>
^ Having a small jaw.
Liquid dough. Slime, mud.
for. To shake, to agitate fi> t^ o f.Us -{f

To no avail. tC^ a. th.

What a loss !
iuU^^ * To diffuse Ij itself (odour). To 9.y^'j
Village. C)V«^^ P^s-^J ^'r^ ^ **j'^ writhe in crying (child).
Profession. Funded property. Estate. To spread the wings f.\^\j f,"^
He minds what is \'.i^\ -JU cj* to its mother that he might be
not of his concern. fed ( young bird).
Small village : small property, oi^ Night bird, male owl. f-'^J 9^
Lost, misled.
He has eaten after
^ ^J
To have many
o^i^j , *j j-i o oU» -ft-

fasting. Runnet used for coagulating miJk.o^-i

More forlorn. ^;^'l Little girl. *j^
Lavisher, prodigal. /^'j f-'^-^t
Male cat. oj,U3 ^ o^c^
Loss, ruin. <^h Xi^^ To be slender, j'jJAj ,
j'^ a j^ ^
To become the *jUoj Ql^ ^U» i ^ mean.
guest of ; to alight at the abode of. To take refuge Jl \i^j t.^ i i/^
To incline to. Ji ul^ i
- towards. To come nightly to.
To deviate from the butt '
~ To weaken a. 0. To defraud 5 i^^l
(arrow). a. 0. of his right.
To near its setting .XJaij uLi>j - To perform a. th. imperfectly. fi>

(sun). To unite to. Jl j^^^'l.
C U"\ )
To straiten, to contract A> JUslj jli> To turn away a. 0. from. ^p 5 juj
a. th. To entertain a. 0. as a » oCob «-ir-i

To act severely towards a. o. it jli guest.

to put in a strait. To seek refuge in. Ji ^Qsl
To treat a. o. harshly. s jjU> To annex, to adjoin a. th. J\ a usUjI
To lose wealth. To be reduced jQ,l To put (a noun) in the genitive
to destitution. case.
To be straitened jjL^j To urge a. 0. to alight at
jlh~< Jp5-
(place). a. o.'s.
To feel unsasy (in a place). Jilir To be adjoined, annexed
To feel uncomfortable. to.
Soriow, anguish. jli,_j j^ To stand side by side.
Straiiness.Mansion jli>^ *^J *^ To ask hospitality from.
of the moon. Hospitality.
Narrow, straitened. j:^j jijihj jl~^ Hospice. Strangers' JL-itJij :ij\;iJI 15

Narrower. j, jj,]
Jj^j ^^ home.
Narrow place ;
glen, jj \.:^ ^ J-4»-» Adjunction. Grammatical
mountain-pass. Difficulty, perplexity. relation : genitive.
To oppress, to damage 5 C»^-b i jSJo -S- Correlative (noun).
a. 0. -^ To cause pain to a. o. (dis- Relation, connection.
ease). Cxuest, oli~ij ijCo \j ^J^ ttJ «-*j^
To wi'ong a. 0. in il^ 5 ^UaS^lj — visiter, parasite.
his rights. Intruder.
To be seriously ill. ^U3j\ -• Hospitable man : host.
Injustice, oppression, j^JL^ ^ jJ> Adjunct. Encompassed (in jUs'»
damage. war). Having a correlative (noun).
Side of a mountain. ^.-.v. Correlative noim. *1J| ^loi
Wrong-doer. jiis Hospitable. ol^ii;
Wronged, oppressed. jf^ Care, trouble. Tj^-^j *L-a/i
Seriously ill. jk\^ • Khan, guests'room. XJli^s
To wear well (clothes). H^^ "^ To be narrow, fc^Sj Cl-i i JUj ^
Strong (man). Wearing ^C-b Ts strait, to be straitened. To be te-
well (clothes). nacious (man).
^ (. i\y )


To grow up (child). fkli»' To lower, to stoop (the ij fi> *a^ W -ft-

To be nicely cooked, rt^]^\j yCSaj[ head). To urge (a horse).

boiled. To loose the rein to a oU*31j oju —
Cooking of a dish. f^y horse.
Cooked food. "^k^
~ To be abased. VUUu
Froth of the kettle. Xi.'Lh Depressed ground. -l^W
Kitchen, culinary art. *»-^k Cuckoo (bird). jjh\y •
Cooked. Cooked food. xljii ^ k'^ There is nobody Uj^j^' j\t>)'^i C« — jU»
Baked brick. Gyp.sum. in the house.
Hot wind. 5^J C.!/ ^ *ifc:-l» To practice medicine. L\s o ZM -i^ i

Cooking. Devil tormenting ^^ ^ .^Ay To act kindly, mildly.

the damned. Hot-fever. To patch a water-skin. * ^tyj —
The hottest hour of the day. <>• To put a vessel upside
xUi[y '\t-J\ Li»

Very foolish. ^S.'^^j Si-JJ*' down.

Cook. ^Ly To be wounded in the lungs. Ll?
Kitchen. 5rjlk? ^ ^S^a To patch up clothing). To
( ^ ^_^
Cooking-pot ; kitchen {itJlLi ^ ^-J3> hang up and shake a skin.
implement. To treat a sick person s LiU^j s.Jiy
Cooked, dressed (dish). r>r^'*
^ Mature (man). Calender. To practice medicine. To v?^
To leap. To conceal \'j^ o Sxb -{^ become a medical man. To be under
o.'s self. treatment.
Axe. _^' P To ask medicines from a. o. s L.L5-1.I,

Misfortunes, calamities. jCy
To consult a physician.
Skilful practitioner. Tly j, Ijy
j^yy Tv

Regiment. Will. Habit. Li,

Tiberias (town). ^.^?1» Medicine. Kindness, Ijij l^j L^
Hardened white sugar. ij-^j^ P mildness.
Axe. cj:Ji,-ni» -S-
Medical, medicinal.
Oblong i_jC.y ^ *jCkj w^Ile ^r
To fill (a vessel). * I'jjL.' o .nl»' * piece of land, cloth or cloud.
Rock. Two-humped camel. jjt Leather band at the lower part :Cy
To sink the foot into ^ CJL»' o ,jJ^ -> of a skin. -^ Wad for gun.
mud, water. Sunbeams at sunrise. j_^1jI s.^.
To smear with mud. -^ To * ^jj^ Physician. Medical *%>'\j 'Cjsl

play in the mud (child). man. Clever, learned.

Practitioner, medical man.
Saucer, tray. i5^k Te w-^-i
Mankind. "^1,' ^ To murmur (water). <>• To v-^3» -fr

Chalk. -'H'l;^' -^ pat (a child).

To imprint a. th. jtj it CJt' a ;41^ -M- Murmur of flowing water. '
on. To coin (money). To cook ^J fi> ^^j , a o rCy
6»IJ^ ^
To print (a book). To stamp. — fi> (meat). To boil the (contents of a
To seal, to impress, to brand. To cooking-pot). To affect a. o. ( fever,
fashion, to make (a sword). heat).

3^ ^^
adapt a. th. To shut ( a book )• To To be fashioned, shaped.
shoe ( a horse ). -^ To join the fin- To be dirty. To be rusted. U-t? a ^-^
gers, the eyelids. To impress a. th. strongly.
To leap in running (horse). j^' To fill up a measure. To stain, to
To agree with ^j s GU^j '*M\Li jj\is soil a. th. To break, to
<>• train (

a. o. To comply with o.'s desire. To horse).

be matched to.
fitted, To be filled up (measure). -^ To ,^
To match two things. To wear j\i — be broken, trained (beast).
two shirts. To get an habit. To be affected, ^ f^)S
To walk with short steps jiyy unnatural. To assume (a temper).
(shackled-man). To put the hind feet To be imprinted, stamped, (seal). ^iJaJl

in the prints of the forefeet (horse). Imprint. Stamp, seal, p,Ck ^ f^

To get accustomed to. — ^ impress. Temper, natui'e. Shape,
To cover, to encompass, to A j^] mould, pattern.
wrap a. th. To fold a cloth ), to ( Drawing (of a printing proof ). x,Ui»

shut (a book). Filling of a measure, ^ukl ,, r'-k.

To appear in geat numbers j^] vessel. River.

(stars). Rust, dirtiness. y,Ck1 ^ ;JL>'j

To agree upon. To seize a. o. it — Dirty, rusty. Vicious. ^J^
(fever). Temper, natural disposi- ^uU^'j p.Ck

How clever he is ! i32»1 U tions, habit assumed.

To agree. JjI^j Printing-house, printing-press. Xtl^
To be covered. To be shut jlLJlj j^k^ Temper, nature. Habit. jciu
(book). Seal, signet, ring, f^Xj]; ^ ^y^j ^^k
Convenience, conformity. Bird- jiy stamp. -> Postage-stamp.
lime. Hour, moment of the day. Manufacturer of swords. Potter, pt^
Numerous party. Printer, typographei*.
He came at last. Ulk sli. Nature. Temper, cons- ;J Q» ;r ^^^
Li confo);mity with the law.o_jjUi!, Calk titution.
Cover. Round tray. Large JCJ^I ^ jiw Natural, inborn.
dish. Surface of the earth. Nume- Physical science. jU--kJI
rous party. Period of time. Layer. Filthy, greasy.
^ Pincers. Potter's clay. Ol^k
Snare, trap. j^j j^ ^ *i:k Printing-house. ;olk^ ?r *«^k»
Misfortunes, calamities. j^ oUJ Printing-press. ^i\i^ 9- *»rl*i

Layer. Story jC%-> C.V22/ ^ *X.y •^ Trained (horse).

of a building. Series, class. Gifted with poetical talent
Closed hand. jiJ/ j3 Natui'al, unaffected.
Hour of the night. S^ T Pi. Publications. cj^/J^
Adapting, fitting.- j^-j jU, To be stuck to Slo (i^j (slk'a jj; -{(-

It suits, *^^J *-'^>%J **r^'j ••Kk '-^^ the side (arm). To be shut (hand).
it resembles it. To coincide, to fit. jlk
< Plot. si^i; To set to. J^~
Frying pan. j-.j>'j j<\>' ^ jJlkj j.Jk •^ To cover, to overwhelm it o J^'
Half of a sheep. -^ Story of a buil- a. 0. (falling house).
ding. To covera. th. To cover the Sj * jlk
Cover, lid. -^ Story. jAfc whole of the earth ( water ) the :

Covering, overwhelming. vLLi ^ Jt^ whole sky ( cloud ). To sever the

Underground cell, gaol. jj»» joints (sword). -^ To conform, to
^) jtL
Concert. o\h -H- Madness. Con- U-Li ^^.^ JJJ- o>V
To fry, to broil a. th. a Cij?' o o^ "^ tiiiuous fever.
To speak vulgarly. ^3?»^'-» C/?^'
° The letters ^
ja 1» Ji iLki vj^^ .

Of a sound judgment, accurate, j^a

pan, saucepan. Cloud covering the sky. :ij^ XJU-l
To spread a. th. ^ ui^ o '^ -^ Adaptation, conformity. Sym- silk*
To scrape the ground with. ^ * — metry.
To let fall, to hurl down a. th. '^\ fit Corresponding, matched, cor- j^lk^
To be extended, spread. ;^'l. relative, conformable.
Scrapings. -^^ To beat the drum, jlt j , >Uji o Jll» -ft-
To break, to scatter a. th. A ^iciT -J:^-
Drum. Kettle drum. JCtlj J^' ^ Jlk
To scatter, to destroy (a ejj — 5' Art of beating the drum. •ji'ii.

tribe). Drummer. Kettle-di'ummer. Jul;

To repel a. o. with 5 likl? a d.9-.l» -^ Poll-tax.> Drum of oUli» ^ *iiy
the band- the ear. Small table. Platter, dish.
To draw a sigh. lln9-i»'j l^ks/ i ^i-J»' -i^ Ewe. oVi;>^ ^ yu>'
To bring out (dirt ; eye, 4> 1^^ a — To cover the fire. fi> CJt' i cnLT -ft-

spring). Aj J XJ^il» J *ljC.Wj *JLJ/j UJ.1» a urtl»j

Little clear cloud. S3>i»'j _rs-i» j ^1»' To be clever, experienced in.
The sky is cloudless. j 0»
j^St 'l^lJI To deepen a hollow in the a ^ilT
Sigh. jlWj -naj^ ground.
Shooting an arrow far away To agree with a. o. ^ —
(bow). Flying swiftly (arrow). Large crowd. cnl/j CnJ*
Desperate war. oS"*^- Guitar. Lute. cntJ

Isolated _j j uj; ^ jj_^.l?' — j_^J» ^ Game of the Arabs. J^j cJ^j i^,j ~
cloud. Dead beast used as a bait.
To wound a :JUl?'j !Akls' a J5-.1»'
» Cleverness, skilfulness. o>i» ^ *ill»

a. o. in the spleen. Intelligent. caI/j (j.y^

To have a complaint of >Ui^ J»-J» Hollow in the earth for cover- oyS^
the spleen. ing the fire.

To have the spleen %^j yki^ a Jstl? Oven. *J^!^ ^

V enlarged. To smell bad (water ). To Pistol. CjUJ-i»' ^ laJ^^l/ Ts
be of a blackish colour (beast). Persian dish. ^^t^' P
Spleen. oVUJ^j ^S>h J^' ?r J'''=>--k

Disease of the spleen. Jli-.U To call, to invite a. 0.

^ Ceterach. JGjaJI XLx^ Teats of wild beasts •^is,\ ^ ^\^j ^^1»

A grey blackish colour. iikl/ and of solid or cloven-hoofed animals.
Having his spleen enlarged. Ill- jsJs»' Head-covering of the Maronite s!J» ••
humoured.Coveredwith moss (water). priests.
Black. Fort, redoubt. s^ltT Ts
Of a dingy, ash ^^
^ -%Jo j. Jil^l Game of quoits. cJ/ ^
colour. Turbid (beverage). Quoit. <lk;
Having a complaint of the dy>-ia^ To be yd? J \jy^j \'J^
, J^ -S-

spleen. creamy (milk).

To be overspread with, green »Ji>.W' -»- To increase a. th. A ^b*i
moss (stagnating water). Cream. Mud. Luxurious life. Yj^
Green moss. <>• Sea-moss. .Jbtl*^ wi*% Greasy-wool. Green moss.
Overspread with moss. ^j^Jh.l'j ^J^dJ- Creamy (milk). jji
To dart upon. jp CUJ/ a ^' <- Musquito, gnat. J^J j\^
ij. ( IT
Flock of goats. iU-> Crowd, multitude ~C^^ij Jiittj *isil»
Black spot on the tip of the *ii-.l? of people. Impetus of a torrent.
nose. Falling of darkness.
Dried meat becoming black. ^-?-i»' Violent, impetuous (rivei')- >v^X
To be obscure (night ). \jl^ o iTil? ^ To grind, to A ^vAk j Cij?' a ^^^ -«-

Lofty cloud. Cares. 'li-JsT mill ( wheat ). To bruize, to pound

Darkness. *^^j *=*-%-> \»^ a. th.

Thick, intense (darkness). *c»^^

To be milled, to be pounded. ^^,iij

Obscure night. Unintelligible 'uistT Grinding. ^ij/

(speech). Flour. iJ^i o»-%
To collect and drive 2^ \^ J^ -^ <)Corn milled at one time. x^
(cattle). Dregs of sesame-oil. '*^>^
To restore, to -whitewash a *— Standing in the middle of the ^>IW
building. To I'avish, to snatch a. th. floor (ox).
To cut (a piece of cloth). P/. Molar teeth. ^^\'y^ ^ X:>-}^

To fall from a terrace. \^ o ^j ~ Miller. i o&tl»'

To grow forth (plant, mustache). Miliary. xJiWl,

To whet a knife. ^jj^^j '5^ o


To throw a. 0. down 5>1 Mill-stone.
To incite a. 0. to. JP5- Numerous flocks. Des- zJulTj o>*i»
To cut, to curtail a. th. A - perate struggle.
All of them are come. Mill, mill-stone. ^^UaJf ^ t:iJa>
Flank. Mill, grinding place. ^>iiii ^ jSJa;^

Bank j\'J^'\j cJ\Joi J^jkJ SJ^ t »3^

Coiled up (snake). oUi*^
of a river. Side, edge. Streak, stripe. To go off, to start. To i^.l>' o Ul» -}^

Lock of hair, forelock. Signet, stamp. perish.

Borders of a country. i>UI j\j\,\ To throw a. 0. down. 5 —

Youth whose mustaches ^Ji»j 'J^ To stretch o.'self. i^^ij* a \>}o

grow forth. To spread a. th. on the ground. * —

Pickpocket. To render a. 0. restless ^ bj;'
Dinner-tray. (cares).
Of goodly appearance. To throw a ball. o^jo —
Sharpened, cutting. Flat ground. GJ*
Anger vdthout motive. Overspreading (crowd). ^ItT
To boast. To speak much Large *l»j*s_, e^j^j CvliT :ak«
•^ To crack (glace). umbrella, canopy.
Sediment, dregs, tartar. Overspreading eveiywhere <i4-^'»
Long and pointed cap of the (weeds).
Arabs. To be peevish, unso- ^jUiJ Vit' -J^

^ A kind of sauce.
jj^'J^ ciable.
To happen, jc 'O^'j l«j»' a \ji -H- Harsh and unsociable temper. ^_^J»
to fall unexpectedly upon a. o. To be dull, Csitt j C=i-J> a J-^-Jis -S-

To be fi'esh. juicy. «l^j %*\'ja j^' veiled (eye).

To commend a. 0. highly. n \'Js\ Cares, grief. Sour ^J^ — ^iik -ft-

Recent, fresh. i^ji» ^ '4J' milk.

Unexpected, -i^'j '1^^ ^ "^j^ Light, translucid cloud. ^i^W
unforeseen. To be i^ui,' >»fcj CijJ a ^i-W -^
Misfortune. ;5j,l>'j Cjij^^ rr <-^j}^ proud.
Extravagant praise. Hyperbole. '\^y To become black (meat). l^^
>> ( IT
Sheet of paper. ^Sj^-r *d^/j^ "^ Coming from an unknown 'jj^'
Lying prostrate oa "
s'j^ ?: ^^J' place (pigeon). Sti'ange (event).
the ground. To be moved with joy ^/Ji & oi^t'-tt-
Forsaken, cast off. ^j^Lij — or sadness.
Conversation. *ijU»> To sing, to make ^j^ "^J '-/J'
Throwing place. ?-j,li»^ -r -rj^ mu.sic. To be cheerful.
tf- Place, spot. To excite a. 0. i i_<^^j i-fji^i <J^
Long (spear). Piercing (sight).
to joy or sadness.
Prince, chief. *^0^' t o6->'' T To desire a. 0. to sing. tj^^ai^l
Artemisia dracancului, ^y*-'j^ ^ Emotion of joy or sadness. vS^
tarragon. Delight.
To persecute, *_, 5 iS^t'j li^l»' ^'Jo ^ Moved : cheei'ful ; sad. i;_,i; ^ ^jy
to drive back a. 0. To collect (scat- Affected with <>\y^tJ ^\j^J ^ij'
tered flocks). emotion.
To pursue, to track a 5 \>Jo a ijo By-road, nar- *_jj_vki ^ <i'ja^j ^Jjaj>

beast. I'ow road. PI. Roads branching oflf.

To raise (a whip). gt,
^^y Musician, singer. v-^
To charge upon, \>\'Jkj Si^liaji ijlk Musical instruments. *j_^ ovT
to drive off the enemy. <>• Railing : long table.
OiyXJ^ GrS
To banish a. 0. To make a s i'jA Turki.sh red cap. Jj^VjM ^ j-y.'j^ "^
wager with a. 0.
To attack, to pursue one
Portion of j^^ \j)^ ^ Ml/k. ~ Ji "^ ^
i^lLj a wall : stone-building. Prominent
another. rock used as a sign.
To b3 banished, driven off. ijy\j >Jeu{ Thrashing-machine. J-jJ^-' r- JsiSk
To follow a right course (attair). yj^\ Tripoli of Syria. _^lI)i ^_^'\^
To be consistent ( proof ). To flow Tripoli of Barbary. ^'^W ^yjo
( river). Medicinal plant. ^\'Ji ^ cjy'ja^
To make a digression. To ^'j^^K To fling, fii
^'J^\j , ^) \>-'Ji a ^>'
fi> -ft-

simulate fliglit and come back to to cast away a th.

the charge. •^To miscarry (woman). zS-'Ja
Removal, expulsion. Hunting. iJ^kT To subtract (a number). A—
Tracking of wild beasts. To cast off. ^^—
To read a. th. iu the CJCp j\ iS^l/ \'^ To put a. th. upon. To make u A —
sequel or the reverse. (a question) to a. 0.
-^ Package, parcel. c'^/J^ ^ i>' <>To raise a cry of alarm. o>2»)l <^'Jo
Repeller. Driving people away :>\^ To live in luxury. G-^l* a tJ^
by the length of his reading. Light To fling away. To raise a A ^^i*
boat. Long ( day ). •<> Breakwater. building high.
Dyke. To discourse with a. o. ^>1&UI i ^'J^
^ Bolt. Sil^' To dissert on science. '^\ G-jii^
To be thrown olF. To rush yl^\. >
Banishment. Mention of a. o.'s il^'l.
ancestors, forth.
Digres.sion. i|]^J,l^ Fling, subtraction. ^^
Expelled. Tracked beast. Long ju_^' < Cry of alarm. o^^' -r'J^
(day). Born before or after another. Thrown aside, cast off".
The day and the night. oIoj^^*" Remote place. -r'^'J'j tJj^j -rj^
Tracked beast, game, jj IJ^' ^ Slu'j*' A throw. Persian mantle. "i^-'Ja
Stolen flocks. Piece of land. Oblong •if- Woman's head-veil.
piece of cloth. Square mattress. <^^^\'Jo ^ *>l^' '

TT )

To hurt (the eye) and make it fi> ^jy Short spear ij,iki ^ ii^j,i\yy
water. Pole.
There is no oue oJ* ojfr ^,Ji^ c^i ^ Charge of horsemen
left amongst them. Long (day).
To be hurt and to water (eye), j^' General rule.
To be newly acquired xsl^l? o o^l»' High road.
(property). To descend from an To embellish o.'self. \jjy a jjh ^
ancient family (man). To amend.
To walk on the side of, the ^^y To clothe o.'self luxu-
bank of. To attack the extremity of riously.
the enemy's lines. To lose the teeth. To embroider (cloth).
To choose a. th. To drive back s — To be embroidered (cloth)
the forsmost (horses) to the rear. Shape, figure.
To dye the tips of her fingers ^ — Embroidery, embroidered j^' ^ ycjs P
(woman). garment. Fashion, use, shape.
To close the eyes. j^'i Art of embroidering. SJIJ^
To present a. o. with a. th. new. a — Embroiderer. jj^i yCja
To walk on the brink. To j^k^ To obliterate a. th. a C^ i
^v^' "^
become sharp pointed. To restore a manuscript. To A crv^'
To buy a. th. new. A <-il;^\ collate writings. To paint a door
To find a. th. to be new. A o^J^--'. black.
To esteem a. th. new. To be particular about ^kU) J <jr'Ja'
Side, part. wJij,U^1j jl^kl ^ o^L.' o.'s food.

Bank, extremity, edge, fringe. End, To disdain a. th. j^ —

tip. Leaf of paper, ^jj^j crl_^k1 ^ orA
The extremities of the C)J^]\ ^jVjh] Palimpsest.
body. To retreat, to draw off. ^c. ^'jy ^
The low people. ^U)l o'3^^ To be or become Qjjy a J^jy ^
The near I'elations of a. o. o!AI — deaf.
Two atinged serpent. oja^^l j'i To whitewash (a A ^jy j^'jy •
Twinkling of the eye. *s^5/j o^y wall). To vomit.
Sight, Glance. To deafen a. o.
Noble from both parents, ^i^l^l^ o^ To feign deafness.
Horse of high ol^l^b ^/J' ^ ^Sk Deafness.
breed. Noble. Newly acquired (
pro- Whitewa.'ih.
^>' ^
perty). Cattle, flocks.
New, just known (man). ^.jk. Deaf. j'/J^h.j-'j^ t 'Ci>' j> cA>
Changing, unsteady. — Pickles.
^J^j lic-^kj y^'j^ Te
Reckoning many ances- ^_Joi ^^H To be foolish. To "6,>' a k^k -»
tors. have scanty hair on the eyelashes.
Blood spot in a wounded eye. Xf^y Stupid, fool. ^Jsi ^j}y
Hurt causing the eye to tj^l* -^ :^^l3 '{y'jj J, yjAj dCj>-\:>i\ yjyj kj>'
water. Novelty. A thing new, novel, Thin in the eyebrows.
cuiious. To splash a. 0. 5 J-^'j'

Tamarisk. un. zJ^yj l-'Vi'jy ) -^'js

( •^ To stammer. Jl»'^
Newly acquired, ^ji ^ '-hj^j ^j}^ End, crest. Ground-artichoke, ^j^'^k'
recent, novel, rare. To twinkle (eyes). O^' SJ^ -S- i

Plenty of goods. ojp *Jj,^ To slape a. o. on the face. — j'

The eyes. The sides of a tent.^^j^jLll To twinkle the eyes. j^j i^-iJ —
) ,

IaJs ( irr j>

Water defiled by beasts. A. th. novel -iS/J, Ij
^\'J^ ^ Vij^'
Xk j —

Snare, net. J^l^ ^ JJ^'j I

rare, strange.
Fold of a water skin. Jl^b^ 5r oSl* Wonderful thing. Illustriousness o|31»

Way, road. Method :

J^y ^ xJ'jlJ of descent.
habit. \ Leather tent. ^ —
Leather lining. Round j^l?' ^ Jl^, !
Newly acquired. ^J^i
ij'on plate. j
A square silk oj,lk>: ^ ^'j^rJ ^'J^
gown, adorned with figures.
Way, road, path. ''^jAi I
Unsteady, changing. ^ljAt»
Lofty palm-tree. Jij^*' ^ ^ii_>^' I
Hurt so as to water (eye). jj^ki
Way, road. State, J^XJ' sr ^^l'J^ I
•<> •jujjiaj' ^ —
course. Rule of life. Line, streak. To blink, to wink. To wear ^'jy -ft-

Chief of a tribe. •«> Means. Order of I

many clothes. To be dark (night).
dervishes. j
Darkness. oll?^
Worn out clothing. ^SJ^ ^y Dark (night). 'l^ jk
The changes of time. ^jjljjl^l/ To blink. jjji ^

Knocking at a door. Jl^!» ^ Jj,ll» To come to CS^t'j (jjji o 3'Ji -^


Divining by means of pebbles. Com- a. o. by night.

ing by night. Morning-star. To knock at .. door. To a \ji'j^ o —
Gibraltar. jj Ik j;> beat (wool). To ring (a bell). To
F. Misfortune, oV*j,^J 3jS^ ?: *JJ,^ play upon (a musical instrunaent).
distress.Small seat. Family, ti'ibe. To cast pebbles (wizard). jj^
Having the head o'S^iJ J^^^j Jil>, To be light-minded. j^i,'
and eyes lowered. Humbled To di'ink turbid water. Cs^ a J_4»
Mallet. i5j lk» 5r *-3S^-^ (J^^
To open the way to. J j^'
Blacksmith's hammer. Beating rod. To acknowledge (a debt) after ^ —
File, line. ?l>^ denial.
Trodden (ground). Frequented Jj;^ia;J To expand, to render a. th. a —
(road). Pelted by rain (meadow). malleable.
Malleable substance. SJ^ To line (clothes). To sheath oj; J3U»
To be filled with honey ^'jy a j'Ja -H- (boots). To wear (double garment).
(hive). To I'emain silent with cast 3'jyS
To flow from the hive xij^ a — down eyes. To follow o. another
(honey). (camels).
To become covered with tartar /Jy\ To busy o.'self about (ti'ifles). J|

(tooth). To aim at, to wish, to di-aw J J^; I

To remain S|)eechless. To be ^^Ja; near to.

puzzled. To walk in a file. JjU^
Hdueycomb. Honey. ^j%j j'Jo To be spread (wings of a bird ). J'J^\
Liver. V'J^ To part away and leave the main
Dimple of the upper ?V,i»j <J^1» j — I'oad. To follow each other (day and
lip. night).
Tartar of the teeth. XiS'J^ To consult (wizards). jf J^,i^t
Cabin, wooden oC«j,l^ ^ *^j,^^ P To get into an habit, to follow a —
house. a course.
Silly, stupid. . j^jj^i <• Stroke, time. J^j'j J'J^j SJ^
Fire-engine ; pump. SlUl^'j XlJ^t? > I went to him twocnj^' jl CS^' ii^l
Syringe. or three times.
To boast falsely. jj.'ji -^ Sound of a musical instrument. j^W'

To obliterate a. th * C_1J» j^Jo ^
( IT 1 )
To be obliterated. \>>jU:i — i i Boastful, glorying vainly.
To suffer from indigestion. (, '.\i ? ^- w ^\'ji^J "iAJa jejl^i' a iSj^J yj^ -ft-

Dust. Darkness. ^,li»' |

To be quite fresh, freshly
Heap of dust. j>C^i ^^j >>UJ»' i plucked (fruit).
To let fall a ji^'\j , LU»' i o jJ^ -»- To come, to arrive from
fine rain (sky). -^ To produce a bub- ,
bling (hot iron steeped into watei-) To cool, to moisten (a. th.)
To have a cold, rheum. To season (a dish).
Fine aud gentle rain. To lavish praises on a. o. 5 l5>*l
Rheum. To have the belly swollen.
Weakness of sight. Spiritual being. Numberless
Water '^d by a line vain Freshness, ripeness of a fruit,
(ground). tenderness, moisture.
A brass wash-basin. Fresh, recent, moist : -^Ji
Keeper of the vestry. Jl^ tender bread.
Marble, gold or silver tray. oUii^ VermiceUi. Macaroni.
To see. 'j^ Freshness first beginning

To taste ^ J^j , C^i,'j \^ a _^ of a. th.

a. th. Perfumed, mixed with aroma-
To eat a. th. C»lil»j wlM tics.
To be grafted (tree). <> To be CJiI; — To run up. To come, J| ^'jy a Jja -ft-

baited (fishing hook). To be vacci- to pass near.

nated (child). To repel a. o. by 5 ijjtT o j_^ -ft-

To graft a tree. ij fit j^'\j ^y boxiug.

•^To vaccinate a. o. To bait a fish- To quarrel with. To n lJ? o 'j^ -ft-

ing-hook. silence a. o. To beat.

To bill (pigeons). >li^j >l!i To plunge a. o. into water. J 5 -
To bear fruit (tree). To go far off, towards.
To feed a. o. i — To make a joui-ney.
^ To be vaccinated, grafted. To penetrate into (a country). J -
To have a good taste to be ; I do not ^jjjo cil j\ Ir^ ci'l .^j,i'l C«

ripe (fruit). know where he is gone to.

There is no improvement in it. ^X V t'i

To taste a. th. To find it ;» ^iLLlt Wooden cup. oVl%j olL1» ^

palatable. Cup manufacturer. ^- r, u
To ask food. v _ Art of imanufactui'ing cup.s. 7,'.^' u
Taste, flavoui". ^^ ^ ^ To suffer In; a '^^'J lll>' a t-i»'


Food. i>- Bait, lure. Poison. from indigestion.

Manner '^f eating. Livelihood. xj^ To cause indigestion to a. o. s luii
Food, eatable. Taste,
flavour. Invitation to dinner.
^ ^ x^ Brass basin.
To penetrate into
J uU/
^ c '^ P
a ^U? -ft-

Balls of minced meat. a country.

Food, cJC^\ T-^j x_; .k! To be short of victuals. Cu; a •- ^
eatable, dish. Wheat. Short of provisions. j.-. \i
j ^^JJ"
Satiating food. To gleam, to move >Lll» o Jli» -ft-

Feeding well, satiated. about (mirage).

I can do without ^JC/^Ul?' Water flowing on the surface jiy
your food. of the soil.
Injustice, infidelity. uVjjibj iS_y^^ Ewe for butchery.
Rebellion against God Inoculation ; vaccination
Steep aiountain. gi-afting.
Rebel. -* oy-^j SUI» Food, dish. Dining-
Impious. Cruel. room, refectory.
Insolent. Tyrant. King of thettiifj — I'lating greedily.
Greeks. Hospitable.
Thunderbolt. Having a livelihood.
Idol. Devil. Rebellious. c-pI}!?' ;- Food. < Graft. Vacci-
Seducer. nation.
To be near to :
^ Cii^ i lii» -tt- To spear a. o. ^ 6 CJiT o a ^^ -ft-

within reach of. To J^iij jp ji j CiUit'j (Uy o^J*'

. . .

Take what is within lil) ilil» Gi Jii- wound a. o. by words. To calum-

thy reach. niate.
To raise a. th. To penetrate into a land. J J^
To expand the wings (bird) To be advanced in age. '^z^\ j ^mH

To leap (horse). To be stabbed. To be smitten by ^»1»'

To give a deficient (measure). A — the plague.
To fillup (a measure). fi> liiT'l To ^iv^ij,Cjui!^j OUJsj ts.\L~i ^^
To look dovra from above upon jt — fight together with the lance.
a. th. To get possession of. To hit. A thi-ust with the lance. Stin- <;il»'

To be skilful in a. th. To lay J — ging word.

snares for a. o. Plague, pestilence. o^Xj^ 5r oy-^
To be within reach of. it lj^^\j —
Bank, side, limit. Lil» Wont to thrust the enemy.
Redundance of :5ul»j t-sUkj ._jll»j — Backbiter, disparager. oUi»
a measure. Pierced with a lance. u_y^j oi*l»

Incomplete, deficient. Unimpor- wi-il» Smitten by the plague.

tant. To dart upon a. o. it i^ii^ a -^ ^^
The sourrouding part of. Tract *lli,' Straight. Straight forward, isj-^ T
between a desert and mountains. Imperial monogram cj'\'ji^ rr 'X^ T
Sprightly, brisk, s\vift. uiUi? of the Sultan.
Filled to the brim (vessel). olili Silliness. "C/^^j i;;_^' — ^^ -^

To be weak, To spread ^.ikiJi -S-

soft. To feign ignoi'ance. ^ila"

the wings (bird). To burn out Mass of water. Ocean. ^^'

(wick). Low people. Mean game. Vile ^Ui»
Flank, side. ^\iy ^ <ik«^ words.
Bank, bi-ink, edge. oik«]^ Foolish. viUi/
To go out (fire). uiJlj,|s_^' a "Jia ^ Choir, hierarchy of c,^CJ^ ^ "i.'^ ^
To extinguish (fire). < To uii <.j uji1 Angels.
slake (lime).
Extinction of the blaze. UiaJlj ' yiio To exceed" the bounds. To be CuilJj
Extinguishing. iniquitous, mischievous. To overflow
One of the coldest days. (river). To rage (sea). To be roused
Great misfortune. (blood).
Extinguisher. iuL To be impi- Cuii» j (J^ a ^^j a J^
To be overfull. u,ll,'j GJk a 9-Jl»' ^ ous, tyrannical. To bellow" (wild ox).
To overflow (vessel). To render a. o, mischiev-2* ^j»l»b J^
Go off, get away. ^ -rJ^i ous, unjust.
Turbid water
in the bottom of


To overfill a (vessel). ^
^olib ^-^
a tank. To scum a cooking pot. a yJl/ i.

Intruder, parasite. fs-pi' Fullness. -^ Eruption of the skin. ^UJ»

Having a little JiSkJ^j Jc?*^ rj^^^ Redundance, excess. *iui^
child. Blasting plants (cold night). Overfull, oUit'j :*«>' ^ ^0,'
tie, to confine a. o.
uitr ^— 5
-«- overflowing.
Di-y, arid.
Jj^ J, ,


Lie ; humbug. CftiUtT Skimmer. oJL»

To float u, on ijit'j l^ii? o ui» -ft-
Trap, snare. <?iiJa;J •<>•

water. To run (gazelle). To bm'y (the dead). a \lit i iii,' -ft-

To appear above. j^S — Tomb. iui,'1 ^ iil^j ilt

To undertake a. th. j— To leap (horse). \j^i \'Jh _^' -«- i

Floating (dead fish). ^^i^ ^ oU^ To be overspread with cream _^'

Halo around the sun or moon. sjUl^ (milk).
Froth of a cooking-pot.
Leaf of the Theban-palm. Jiy ^ ckJ
a. o.
drive a.
o. away. -^
to render a. 0. wretched.
To ruin 5 ^
Malignant streaked serpent. To make a borse to leap ib 5 yih)j —
•^ To burst, to crack. ulT o rrt? -5^ over a stream.
Burst, crack. jj/ Leap. Cream of milk. -^ OflT- ;^]^
To resound loudly. jlaii? -ft- shoots of trees. Eruption of pustules.
To crack the joict.s. A — Penniless. c\^ -^
Trampling of horses. Cracking To be dirty, CJiT a ^
xsidl?' i::ui,'j ,.^
of the knuckles. filthy.
<. Weather. ^^- G Dirty, greasy. ^'
^ Rite, liturgy. ^_^' ^ _ To glide away, to escape. j^ly -^
Set of clothes, xi^ ^ ^li^j ^' T To J CS^ilsj Ciiip a J^j i 45«1» -ft-

of tools. Uniform. Harness. begin, to set to.

To dress up. To be richly ^ll^7 <^ He set doing. j;i; j^-
harnessed (horse). He has fulfilled his wishes. oii^ jii,'
Full-dressed. Harnessed. ^^iJ> -^ To help a. 0. to attain a. th, ^ i jli,1
Yataghan, turkish dagger. ouLj T To be in infancy, 3ul,'j 3^' o jil?' -ft-

To moisten slightly the "hio 'J^ ^ delicate.

soil (dew). To rise ; to be near Vjifc' o jIlT
To put off (a debtor). 5 — setting (sun).
To offend a. o. in his rights. il^ 5 — To be soiled by jit'j , ^UlsT a Jit
To shed blood ifc v>ii» J y^ o >' dust (plant).
without retaliation. To intrude at a feast. To come jli^
<• To overlook, to look out. ic — on (night). To be near setting (sun).
To be unavenged 'jy\j y,'^ a 3i»'j i 'Ji To drive a beast gently. 5 —
(bloodshed). To meditate upou (a discom'se). A —
To overlook, to see jp '^iidS.Sj 'jh) To have an infant child, a young jlli \
from above. To overtop. one. To be about setting ( sun ). To
To let blood unavenged. a 'j^] be upon the time preceding sunset.
To streeh out rhe neck or to 5liw To be a parasite. To be childish, jji^
stand on the toes for looking. Time before sunset. j^]^
Slight dew or rain.
' Jy^ ^ 'jy Tender, soft. J^'j JUt ^ ixJH j, jiy
Milk. Blood. -ji; Tiny. Baby. Juti ^ iiil, ^ jii.
Serpent. 'jy Dry mud. jai,'_, JCui
Sweet smell. Sweet wine. Cool :ai»' Infancy. S^,^0 *J>iJ»'j 5JUli
To flow (water). Oyt' o
oil» ^ garden. Easy
^life. Wife. -^ View.
To exceed the measure. u ,-Ji!^ Dilution of milk. Neck. jil,' ^ ill,'

To be jaded, iCMt j GJit a ^It * Remains of a ruined J^lil^ Jyi»' ,^ jil,'

tii'ed (beast). house. Deck of a ship.
To jade, to tire (a s -rd^Sj -tC^Cj — Remains of a ruined house. iS>it
beast). Extei-ior shape. Grace, beauty.
To be wicked. 'i.>U» o ^jj^ Cheerfulness.
To be empty-bellied, ^u'j Qw a wlb Mat of palm-
To importune a. o. u. ^otT leaves.
Easy life. ,^ Uuretaliated 'Ji^i Jji^j 'y^j J^
Acacia. ^>iWj ^Ib (bloodshed).
Jaded, tired. a^j WU;j — Elevated place look out. ijijai ^ ;^|ix»
Abounding io acacias (place). ^-dtT Uvula. xiLlij' •J jLii»'

Bad state, { opp to. ^y^^ ) ^y^ Death. Hopeless disease.

wickedness, corruptness. ]\Iisfortune
Sheet of paper. 'J'^-'^ -r *^r-l^ Toledo (to^vn). iil»lil»'

Wicked, mischie- tnlt-'j ijj>iy^ -r -^y^ Moistened by dew (place). J>iiu«

vous. To seek, j ^Jli,*ij ^{^j Cu;, o wil» *
To soil, to blacken /k G-il^ o -7^ ^ to pursue a. tii.

a. th. To mar (writing). ^ a. o. To ask a. o.

To provoke s —
To disperse. To flow. VU^I, in marriage.
Muddy water, ^.U,' <> To seek to avenge a bloodshed.o —
Old thaler of Maria Theresa ^J^-^' ° To beseech a. o. o1 o!>Vs J\ v_.lt
worth about 4 sh. To ask, to sue, to fi> wlLwj »_A1»
To erase fi>
C\y i ,
,^' -«- demand a. th. in.stantly.
(writing). To claim, to o 5 Cy^j ^Ik* ^JUi
To be lost (eye-sight). ^^ ask from a. o. the payment of.
To be thrown into o^^ "^ t'- <j-^^' To be distant (water). ijbjl
prison. To grant a. o.'s petition. To a —
To be of an tLJiJ o ,^j Cil,' a ^U^ ask a.
incite a. o. to th.
ash colour. To be wished, sought for, ^jiaj[ -^
To be eflaced (writing). To ^IJ^ asked.
wrap o.'self in a persian mantle. Petition, claim. Request. llibj ^J^
To be concealed, involved in ,,;-iLj\ Object sought for, *Z^j Sli^j ^Jlt
mystery (affair). desired.
Written paper. Obllte- ^J.'M^ <^ ,j-il», Betrothed. :Ciy j, ^Jb»
rated writing. Old, shabby (clothes). Looking for a. o. <^j ^y^] ^ Jit
Glabrous wolf. tf- Prayer, litany. tij,'
A blackish, dust colour. <lil»' Far extending journey. iit'
Rags for wiping. *-::A!^ Asking »_ifcj <Ut J 3»j tj^' ^ ^,1^
Blind. tr4JeJ u^ in marriage. Student.
'Ljla 9^ k_-Al» J , wJt ^ t_yil»j i_jiU»
Persian mantle, hood. Requester, demander.
Glabrous, smooth. Blac- *Llil»' j. ^Uj'l ^ Affianced, betrothed. *2il» ^i c,.^
kish. Suspicious character, -tf- Satin. Question, claim. Query. ^,lkJ: ^ w.ii*i
-^Geographical map. ,j^\ Problem.
Obhterated. Dark, black. Clad ,_^> Remote, distant (water). »_AJai
in a pei'sian mantle. Intention, aim. >r-sl^ ?r ujiia''
To cast down the eyes, and ^lik' ^ ^ Claimed debt.

Shore, extent of land within
A) .^
assume an austere countenance. To
sight. draw magical Lines (wizard).
Face, countenance, mien. <ii^ C;L-;jil»j ^^-^ ^ ^yj ^,11% G
^ Ascent, acclivity. Talisman, charm, spell. chilly
May God rejoice him. ii;^]* Jil t^ To rise (sun), ulja;;^ (^h '^J^ o A^ -H-
Fullness. ^ ;Jll»' f,!>U»' To grow (tooth, plant). To become, •<>•

Going up. -tf- Boil, cJs-^ ^ syii,' to turn out well or ill. To go out.
furuncle. To go up.
•^ Outburst of passion, jiij UilTj f.jib' I To learn a. th. _^ VI Jp Ccjil=.' —
Able man ; experi- a?J Vlj CO>';!l f.!Ai^ To come on, to come o!Aj Jc —
enced manager. towards a. o.
Vomit. ;^>l»'j *i*ii» To stai't from. To disappear. ^f. —
Glance, wink. iLxij -^^ ^, To climb upon a A ii_jJi>' a /4l? j
( a o —
Vanguai'd. Skirmishers, j^y^ ^ **;^!»' mountain).
Rising (star). New moon. ^\'^ ^ ^\i/ It is not in my power. jjCj ^^ > Il'»

Arrow overpassing the butt. Mor- To reach (a country). ^ ^

ning twilight. Horoscope. <> Water- To go out from, to emerge. ^—
works. It occurred to his mind. «j i; it ^
East. Place of rising ^,ll»^ ^ fXiaj-j ;JJ3? •^ He got out of temper.
To expel, to put a. o. out.
iiU.' ^
of the sun and stars. Look-out. s ^^ ••

Tower. Ladder. Beginning of a poem,

of an ode.
To sprout forth (palm-tree).
To fill up (a measure). -^ To A —
Elevated place, easy of ascent. ^iL-i raise, to take up.
To be feeble or COitTj 0J£> a fijjy -^ < To look at. To seek for. is.

tu'ed. To examine a. th. ^ t5lk^ 'xiJlk* iS'<i>

To add to. ip ^at — ^k -H- carefully.

To give a. th. to a. o. fi s ^ibl To expose, to explain a. th.
v ^~
To permit, to let a. o. do a. th. fi>
— to a. o.
Impunity. wilb'j will* To appear (star). To grow /iiJl

Gift, present. Easy. ^.^ (plant). To vomit.

To give, to deliver a S iSU?' i ji!^ -^ To inform, to acquaint a. o. Jt 2*

a. th. to. with a. th.
To open the hand for jji-^ ijij Jil^b
"" He granted him a Cij^i/i <^\ ~
giving alms. favour.
To be repudiated ijy^ o jll»'j o jll>' To occur, to come suddenly it ^Ij —
(woman). upon a. 0.
To be remote, to be off. fiii,' a jlU To be filled up (measure). ^i^
To have a cheerful ^JyiTj 3Lsjii»' o jlli To direct o's looks towards Jl —
count enance.To be temperate (night, a. th.
day). To consider a. th. attentively. j —
To divorce (wife). To learn, to know a. th. ^itTij —
s jil^b J^ fi>

To set free (prisoners, Aj 5 ji^^l To examine, to study a. th. jc ^\

flocks). To fire (a gun). To be acquainted with a. o>U '/Ll» —
To express a. th. in an 'yS&xi\ JSA o's affairs.
absolute way. To take information Sj * ^ilJaiJ,!^

Thi.sword is only tp 'ii^feOI 'cJs&^ about a. th. To seek to know a. o.

used to mean such a. th. Quantity. Spathe of a palm-tree ; /i6
To cheer up, to brighten jiLJij j^j pollen.
(face). Look out, elevated spot. ^Wj —

sign of the way. To pass swiftly (gazelle). jU^

To restrain (an animal), » \'^ o >U»' -^ To be discharged, set fi-ee. To jiUl.
to tie (a kid) by the leg. start. To be fluent (tongue ). To be
Brightness, gleara of dawn. syu» eloquent.
Beauty, elegance. ej^j oj^y To be brought away. <« jliiJt

Saliva drying on the lips. "^j — To be cheerful, glad. jil/l^

oCit J 'Jiij -SUej '^t-l ^ ^j -^ To be loosened (bowels). j'Ua5-Ll

Young one of a gazelle. To set (she-camels) free. » —

To anoint, ^ Ji^j ,
fi>j i JW Ql»' 1 ^ Shackle, leather bond. J5U»1 ^ Jih
to coat, to varnish, to overlay a. th. Bowels. Run of a (horse).
with (any fluid). Parturition. Eloquence. jSUJi ^ jili
To gill a. th. ,<r^-*< * j^
To have yellow teeth. J!l, a jjy
Free, set jjh'j jl^^j jll»'j jib'j -
To incline the head from weak- J_j?'l loose.
ness. To indulge in o.'s passions. Temperate (night, day). :ail^ ^ jifc

To give o.'.self up to pleasui'e. Jiw Portion. Lawful, allowi,ble. j;il»

To be anointed, o '^\j J^-K> That is allowed to you. Cslb tiO y»

smeared, overspread with. You are free from il;« jil» c-il
Person. Seriously ill. -^1 ^ .1^ suspicion.
Desire. To be confined unfet- (2U»j Csils ^ici
Pleasure, delight. tered in a prison.
Oil, tar, varnish, fluid pitch. -^Ua *^'ji\ jJjyj jibj jil»'^ ji%j jifc
Thickenned juice of grapes. Wine. Having a bright, open face.
Tegument over coagulated 'iUs' Generous, bountiful. tj^' *^' v« ~
blood. Speaking fluently, elo- oCiJI jitj —
Draught of milk. \ji quent.
Neck, base of the 'xb' ^ s:JU»'j jii^ Voluble, eloquent, jAW J jU»j jlj» oVli
neck. free from impediment (tongue).
Lambkin. oCU»' ^ "j^ Divorce. J>U»
Tartar of the teeth. oCU» j — Brightness of the A^y\ xJjiw'j <J^
Dark (night). Having yellow Jl^ face.
teeth. General or absolute acception J>U3l.
Anointed, smeared, varni- ' Ua>j "Ufc of a word.
shed. Tied by the foot.
Depressed ground. Jik>i ^ •Mia/'j Jlk;
Absolutely, gene-
CfUai jl Jlil^'VI
Dangerously ill. Prisoner for life, jja* Departure, removal. J!Al»j'l

To overwhelm, A ^_ySj tX o -S- ^ Repudiated, jij;^

dismissed (woman).
^ *i!,l^j ,
j^' ^ jJ,U»'

to swallow up a. th. (sea).

He has been swallowed up J>i2\ «j
by the sea.
^ Loose, unrestricted, set fi'ee. ^y^
Absolute (sense). General (opinion).
To fill (a vessel) to the brim. fi,
— To even ( a cake s J^j , CJJs o J^ -ii-

To shave (the head, the hair). of bread) before baking it.

To fill up a vessel with a u6 i o — Board foi- expanding dough. J^

earth. Small round cake jy^ -^j Jis ^ Cil*
To become serious (affair). ^ of bread.
To alight on ^7,
a tree (bird).
sj;^| "^ Rolling pin.
To assume a severe mien. ^j-iiiT

To run quickly C^j 'S i o '^ ^ To be obscured (mind).|_^iLj -^j —

(man, horse). Darkness. Desert without 'll*ll»
JJ- ( IT
He rnoimted his mare *^_^ jt .^^l >'^
fi'om behind.
Shabby clothes. Poor, jcS^s ^ JJa
Full-blood horse. j^kJ j*%J J»k
CuiTy-comb, brush. jlitr a
T.ofty place. jlit
Misfortunes. ycS oOj
Flea. yji.
Flea. UnknowTi (person), yj^ '^ _,»iW
ScroU of paper j^Vj^ t J^^j jy^
or papyrus. Volume, tome.
Builder's string. In rags. jCJk/ij jja^
He resembles his a.^1 jliia> )» >»

Underground cellar, jj^iks ^ S3>i^
magazine. <>• Buried treasure.
To C-^J» o
,_,_iJ3Jlj ^j-tlaij , i (j-ik -S-

be disappear
effaced, to ( traces).
<• To sink into water.
To lose its brightness (star. ^j_il»
eye). To be remote.
To look from afar. joli; —
To destroy, to ip
^^'b ^^ i —
blot out the trace of
To conjecture, to guess. 'ili;i^ i j_^U»
To disappeai- altogether. ^ ,u^

Obliterated. Remote. ,_^ljt ^ ^^-'U*

Blind. cr>iM5 ^i*"^
To J A^t»^j ili^j C4i» a ^U»
^_J,J •tt-

be cupid of. To covet eagerly pro- (

perty). To yearn after. <> To impose

on a. o.
To be covetous, insa- 'xtliiT o ^iJ»
To render a. o. covetous jj ^i^ -^j f^]
of a. th.
^ To embolden a. o. against j s —
a. o.
Covetousness. iitliij <tiiJ»j ;41»
Greediness. Ambition.
Thing coveted. Soldiers'
pay.f,i;j^l ^ ^
J:^CJoj »Uii»j ff r^i ?^j r^y^
Covetous, ambitious.
aialL ( ^

To ring, to tinkle (metal). /i^}]^ -H- To expand, to flatten (dough). To

To buzz (insect). weave (a mat). To stain a. o. (blood )•
Tinkling. Buzz. Sound of a VU']^ To be impregnated >l;j^ a J^i^J Jr'*'
mandoline. <• Fuss, pomp. with (blood, oil).

To be asha- tllT a 'jji j li' , a litT » To erase (writing). A JiJ»1

med to remain speechless.
; To join with thieves. j;i.il

To stoop towards a. th. Jl likl To be exhausted (water). fi>

J*^* ^
Deadly serpent. 'jjbu V :i^ Creatures. Jiiill
Remains of life. Evil propensity, '^k Thief. Scoundrel. Black garment. j;u
To be crook-backed. C^ a >-.^ ^ Woi'n out clothes. Necklace.
To be long in the back and weak in Shameless. J^
j J^^li j J.^iJ»' , ?-

the hind-legs (horse). Mud. ii;j;j iu»'j iiSj S*k
To pitch (a tent). To shake A ^ly Stained with blood (arrow). j.,^
(a skin). Kid. Mat. Necklace. Mire.
^ To be proud, self-conceited. ^ly Pond, reservoir. i\ .
To stop in a place. uj — Pastry-cook's roller. <iiJ»^
To have o.'s tent contiguous s ^\y To act zealously, cunningly. ^ a;u -^
to another's. Hatred. k-CS>
To raise the dust (-wind). To »^:-t'l To rest from, to ^ ^\y — ^jjy -ft-

extend far away (river). To follow rely upon.

in a file (camels). To bend down (the back). a ^'/^
To be profuse, immoderate ^>lfci)l j — To stiU a. th.
in speech. To quiet, to tranquilhse. ^ ^%.y -if-

Rope il%j ijUls'l ^ _J1»

of a tent. To stoop (man). To be depressed ^^Jlkj
String of a bow. Sinew of the body. (ground).
Root of a tree. To enjoy tranquillity, quietness. o'vil»l
Tall (lance, horise). -\J^ j, ^^'l To rest upon, to trust to. J|

Tent. v-i'>'^ "T i'^i'l Quietness, tranquillity.xlu*Q^_j oUi,.!*!.
Profuseness of speech. k-i'^l Quiet, enjoymg Jijy^j , o^' ^ ^'^^
Shoulder. ^^^ -^ ^i^ rest.
Numerous (army). ujUL^ Confident and relying upon Ji —
Prolix, profuse (in speech). ,.^i a. o.
^ Self-glorifyiflg. ^liai Flat, depressed cr^t^^^j ot'^'"
Fastened with ropes (tent). w-lki (ground).
Neighbour next to a tent. ^\Li To run high, CS jSj i l>41»' o lil^ -ft-

Lute. Kind of jv\:Jy ^ J'^J jJr^ ^ to be swollen ( To overflow

sea ).

mandoline. ( river ). To become tall ( plant). To

Classes, species. ^^ — <;rJ!o P be lofty (thought).
Copper-pot, > Saucepan. o'Ji^y Ts Swollen, overflowing. j,{y

To eat to excess. Cv^ a •rJy ^ Silt, deposit of the Nile.

To cause indigestion to n -^j^'Sj ^i^ To ring ( silver c^j t^y , i 'jy -ft-

a. o. plate). To buzz (insect). ^ To tingle

To scoff at. ^_j \'j<,y o J\^ -^ (ears).
To mock a. o. n Jsi, To cause (metal) to tinkle. A "jy]
They mocked at one another. y\^ To cut off (a limb) quickly.
Mocker, scoffer. jUl* Tinkle. Buzzing. Ringing. cn^
To remain silent, still. j^y •<>• •^ Tingling of the ears.
"Women's horn-shaped cap. j^Wy <• Resounding. c^
Uvula. -i^^ ^ Renowned poem. xJuIj So^.^
( irx
He has spoken
c> —

To be suspicious.
t-j-yS" 3 ^i+lj'l (ia, a
fluently. To have a (il^j '"Ctj^j
To give to a. 0. ^ 'ijt^ d^^^i^in depraved heart.
a part of o.'s property. To suspect a. 0. To put *j i Ui^
Fresh cream. idif SoJj thorns above (a wall).
To walk quickly, d To (241,' a jitT -tt- To covet a. th. Ji
be disgusted. How self-possessed he is.

To be jiLJj -^j -^^ , a J*l/j J^t' -» To overtake a. 0.

stinking (water). To feel a propensity to. Jl-
Fetid (water;. ^t^J J*^
Little provender. Tender ix^ Projection. Peak of a mountain. Roof.

vegetable. Remainder. Cornice of a wall.

Small cloud. Suspicious. Abstemious.
To be big, thick. - ^^^
To shun, to avoid a. 0. or a. th. ^ —
^ *^k
Ascending upon a mountain.


To be disgusted with a. 0. ^ ^|U7- ,_;_JU1» y, X_r..i;kj XLilhj XIa!^ P

To loathe (food). fi> Carpet.
Brownish colour. <i4^' To sell or buy the Jjilj JW a Jl»' -^
Complete, perfect, well done. ^ik* fruit of a palm-tree. To have a
Fat, thin (horse). complaint of the lungs, spleen.
To ramble in a country. \'j^ o \^^ -K- To live in profligacy. ^'^j 4 ~
To tij'^j
fii i~^\sj \j^j ^'y^ a o — To treat a. o. for the spleen. 5
cook, to roast (meat). To cauterize (a camel) in the side.
To be skilled in an art. ^Al*^ To be prone to suspicion. J.k1
Work. ^M Disease of the spleen or lungs, jd/
Bit of straw. 'fCJ Suspicion. Ashes.
Cooked food. 'pd/ Having a complaint of (the ^j —
Cook, roaster, baker, 'j^j siii»' ^ oit' spleen or lungs).
Female cook. c.Uj»11?/ «l^tr ^^ l_>\ls To ejiiyj o^4i»'j \^
^'j jiii -s-
Pellicle on the surface of milk, sjl^ be pure, clean ; to be chaste, righte-

blood. ous.
Craft, art of a cook. To discard a. th. \y^ a ^^' fi>

To go and come. |5>' -It ^ !

To purify a. 0. or a. th. ft>j s
To be off, to depart. !«>' a - To circumcise a. 0.
To rise price of goods
To be purified. |^4i»l _,4l»ij OiS^ J^
Hump. Cleanliness, purity. ej\\)oj o'^^j J^
To register (a house). »J Purification. Circumcision. jh^
To beatify (a saint).
-'1—fi»J , iJij4^ r J^i , J^i^' VT ^^
Baked brick. ( un. Ziji^ ) ^ji^ Pure, undetiled. -tf Holy, \S'J<4^ ?:
^ Cannon, artillery. chaste.
Land-tax. Official survey, _^:u; Ts Purifying.
Stopper. Playing ball. xJiW «> <>•Purgatory.
First Coptic month. o jl» c Vessel for ablutions. _^0s> ,

•^ Baker of bricks. Washing-room.

^ Artillery-man, gunner To enter into (the J C41» a
Arsenal. :3u.^->' Ts earth).
To threaten ruin. To ^y O T^ -^ I do not know *-:
t/-f !» »:i
4x^ ^
perish. To go away. To wander. To what has become of him.
fall. To miss the aim (ai'row). To mar (a work), a Q4i» a u-*^'"^
i )

^^ ( ir-r-

Moon. Brightness of the face u-y*' To lead a. o. astray. To strike 5 ^^

after illness. a. 0. with a stick.
D Fuss, noise. X-i^ To induce a. 0. To engage into ^—
Peacock. u-'S^b u-ijfj^ r- ^j^j'j^ a perilous desert. To fling a. th.
Silver. Verdant land. away.
Finery showy orna-
^j^j ^j-ly^ To cast missiles at a. o. ^_, s ^j\i>

ments. To cause a. o. to perish. s ^Itl

Adorned, decked. Fine. w^j^'" To err at random. 9->l^
^ To abash, to stun — j.^ ^ ^^ To make a long ^^^l « c.>3\t5
a. 0. To castrate. journey in various countries.
•^ Disturbance, tumult. Revo- xL'j!^ Distant aim.
lutioD. Heedlessness. Astray, misled.
Eunuch. '^^j^ T i^-'>^' T Accidents of fortune.
To J ^(LJlj 5 fU^b, J CIs>'a o fl^ -«- Perilous place.
obey a. o. To be firm, steadfast.
The pasturage is '^yj\ iJ ^.ll^b f.^ To go through (a countiy). j 5^j i^
at his disposal. To rise in the air
To render a. o. obedient, j f,^ Lofty mountai::.
submissive. Dangerous desert. silk;:

To facilitate a. th. to a. o. J A> — Dangerous place.

To incite a. o. to a. th. (f- Balloon.
To agree with a. o. j jl ic 5 ^.31]/ To approach, ^j
upon. Hoop. D Tambourine. «jl!»j ji^ "^
To obey willingly. y.^j Manner, way of acting, j^^"' 'f J^*'
To do a. th. willingly. v_;
— Kind, class. Limit. Time (repeated
To devote o.'self to. J pjCtu action).
To be able to. a pUaJ.b ?-^^— Men are of various sorts, jl^^'t ^UJI
Obedience, submis- ;tU?'lj :L:tl^'j *«-li» One time, once. Vy^
siveness. Time after time. y,\^ S^ \yy^
Obedient, ^^j ^ii;_, ^^j ^^y_, f^it Now ... then. 'j>l»' • •0^i»
submissive. Mountain. Mount Sina. j^
Manageable (horse). oU*)l 9>1» Equal, correspondant (part). jCja
Spontaneously, willingly. (s-yH Area, yard of a house. j'S^j
Power, ability of doing a. th. j*UafJ.I. Savage, wild. Stran- 'j.Jj^!?i '^x^
Obedience. Compliance. Passi- <pjCk>J ger.
veness of a verb. There is nobody in the [jj _^' jI!JVj U
Obedient. house.
Obeyed (king, law). Seven-branched candlestick. *jj^_^ d
Sordid avarice. Pick-axe.
Passive (verb). He has reached the cjjS^^' /^
Volunteer (soldier). utmost limits.
Horse-tail (plant). To recover brightness C]^U' u-lW -ff

after illness (face).

To walk around a. th. To patrol. To tread a. th. under foot. A—
To ramble in a country. i^LlI j — Ido not know where ^^^ ci'l t^j/^t C»
To appear to a. 0. in sleep Ci^ « — he is gone to.
(phantom). To deck herself ( woman). (.r^
To overflow (river). Ci^ — To ruffle its feathers (pigeon).
Drinking-cup, bowl. oC-U? ^ ^-^
) J>
To procrastinate with a. o. j s Jjii/ To circuit around a. th. ijj J^
To put off (the payment of a debt). To conduct a. o. round (the 5
To vie with a. o. ia greatness or Caaba).
excellence. To turn around. To approach. ^ o^l
To spread, to be lengthened. JjU^ Turn, circuit. Patrol, night- ^^
To trespass upon a. o.'s rights, — is. watch.
To treat a. o. arrogantly. Raft of water-skins. ol^l ^ —
To be long, tall, high. To JUalJ. [ Flood, deluge, ( un. tjVijii ) J^jo
become long, elongated. typhoon.
To overcome a. o. J^
"" Patrol. Night-watch. ^;,l^
To find a. o. late. Aj j Jj'h~' { ^ Diabolical suggestion, odallll ^ ^y^
Power. Superiority. Wealth. J^y Portion. Corporation. ^V^ ^ xiij^
Length, taUness. Dura- Ji^l ^ J,!/ Nation, rite, family.
tion. Longitude. Devoted servant. *Sl^' ^ jl^'
Circles of longi- J^l J )ji ji l,^^' tf- Cork-wood. Float-light.

tude. Place of cii'cuiting. ^\^

Forbearance, patience. ^j^\ JjiJ To jtj ifc ja;1j ;Jv^ J C3_>3/ o Jl!» -Ji-

Life, life-time. jLW be able of doing a. th.

An aquatic long-legged bird. J^' To put a neck-ring on. * j^' s'

Tether. j3»j j;^% To impose a difficult task on a. o.

Long absence. Jji^j J^j — To enable a. o. to do a. th.
Long time. Life.JCWj J\'jyj j2jj J>k To be enabled to do a. th. ic J^'

Arrogance high- ; iJjv'ki -^j JjQaj To believe o.'self able to. X' .
if iJ cXja
handed proceedings. To adorn o.'self with Jjl^lj Jjl^
Profit, advantage. JJ 1^ ^ i^.ll»J JJ,Ui' a necklace.
Power, wealth. Superioi'ity. Arch : vault. oU-kj oSik ^ JU? P
Enmity, rancour. d;U»' Layer, stratum a single ; sole.
There is no profit in it ; *.4 j; it V Ledge of a mountain. JJ,'i»j
it is of no avail. Power, ability. ^^[j jJuJj J>tr
Table, backgammon. *Jjt,li»' Is Necklace. Circle, hoop. JI>1»1 J>i»'
D Trough, manger. •<> Collar.
Tall, long. Lasting JCj,j Ji;^ ^ jj^ur Bunch of odoriferous herbs. iJit
long. (Poetical) metre. Handful of hair. Grating. <>• Loop-
Bountiful. Powerful. p,CJI Ji_^!/ hole. Window ; air-hole.
^ Forbearing, long- ^/j\ jjji,' Cotton under-cap. r3d» -^
minded. Ring-^ove. o>S**
Taller, J>' ^ J^' ^ J^^^^l ^ j;^) To last long, to be v^' o J£ -fr

longer. protracted.
Exceedingly tall. Jl>l»'j Jlj^' There is a long time since. As \.'J\.y

Rein, halter. Jj!,Vi^ r- JS^ long as.

Oblong. "JV^ <_, jj Ckii To do good, service to. it J3_Jat> JU»
Late, slack, backward. SJai To protract, to A Jj^h J^h Jj^
Long, oblong, a metre (in J4aiU lengthen, a. th. To expand, to
poetij). < Parallelogram. spread.
To roll up, to fold up, fit lJ» i j'jig -fj- To remain long doing. J^'
(paper, linen). To weary a. o. with delays. u—
He has turned away from j,c i^^ — To grant a delay to (a debtor.) J J^'
me. To slacken the rein to (a horse).
To conceal (an affaii"). u i^tlS" j\ * — •^ Take patience. i^jj Sji»
! 1

.Jh C ire ) ^J^

To embalm, to perfume. i*j » J^ j
To go through JjUiJI ji iX!l c^>'
-^ To cure. a country, or stages.
To soothe a. o.'s mind. o'J,<i. --^ God has closed his life. o'J^ *"u|

To jest, to sport with a. o. 5 ^2li» May God grant us to CJ oJLiJ) jjl

To have good things. To speak ^[y] meet again.
gently, kindly. To remain the whole ij\3 ijl^J —
To offer relishes to a. o. J — day fasting.
How good it is. i^'\ u To plaster (a well). 'j^'- * ~
To be perfumed, embalmed. v_^; To remain one day \vithout....^ ^'ii~
To find good, fi> ^^h^" sr'^-- To be folded, rolled up, con- jji^
agreable, palatable. To seek for cealed.
good (things). To suffer from .j^lj ^s'S^ a ^s^ ,

To ask a. o. for sweet a 4_jViar-I.I. hunger.

water. To coil up (serpent). ^Sj^
Palatable thing. vjVtT To be folded, rolled, <^}!^lj iS'^\

Odorous. Perfume, cj>il» j >-iC!» \ ^ ^2^ wound.

fragrant smell. To gather round a. o. ci^ Jp iS'^K
Nutmeg. ,,_^ jfi. Hunger. Water-skin. i^^y"
Wine. Surname of Medinah. i:u»' A thing folded roll. ; ^s'^j iSj^
< Ball. Folding. Casing of a well with -u'
The choicest of (herbage). Clear *LJ, bricks. Curtailment of a letter ("in
(wine). The well of Zemzem. poetry).
I have done it willingly. jCJsj iLiiS if- Here enclosed. ci^ j
Better, more agreable. ^i\iA ^ ^y] Way of folding. Stage, distance. *^
The choicest of a. th. Intention, design. Conscience. ;j_jyj i!l.

Happiness. oCJ^ ^ S^
Be happy ! Blessed art dO jT^^'j ili;^' Hungry.
thou Thin-bellied. llyij^l^JjlW
Blessed, happy. Is^^^^i 'jy^.j^ Tei'race, flat top of a house. :;; ui
^ Beatified. Floor for drying dates. Rock in the
Good, sweet. Perfumed. Perfect ^tl^ sand.
(God). Honest. In good health. Frying-pan. S^ j |>' Te
North wind. v'^''
° Bundle, parcel. Hour of m^I ^ jj)3
4- Beatification. cX^J^ -r vi^ the night.
Beatitude. Well cased with stones. ^ l»'j —
The choicest things. »^j vLiJlj ^-jltVl Roll, scroll. Fold. Spiral. jiikJ ^ tJ^ia'*

Perfumed, sweet-scented, ,_^ ^ Penknife.

To go astray, to perish. (^IT i ^ib ^ The folds of the intes- '\J>% ^sj,^
To lose, to destroy a. th. .^ tines.
To perplex, to confound a. o. a
— The coils of a snake. <!i)l ,^j 0,;:

To reject, to cast off a. th. ^— To be <>\Mij ':l^j C-^j C>' i v^' «-

To squander (wealth). * ^ilil good, delightful, pure. -^ To be in
To be scattered. -^JiJj good health.
To defile, to be foul. ^0^ ^ He was delighted at it. « i \' ^[y '
(i,ll»' i , ,.

To be proud. To be fi'ivolous. To be bettered (life). J 'Jj;i\ i_,lk

To charge a. o. with foul » srl^j — To give up a. th. willingly. CU — ^
action or speech. To render a. th. good, v^b «t'=^'

To be reviled, disgraced. To be i.^, agreable. To better a. th. To find

tai'red (camel). a. th. pleasing, sweet.
0^i» ( 1

Garment figured with birds. Ignorance. Pride .;^

Split aloes-wood. To (jCkJj ojjjj^'j CO^'j i^U^ i jU» ^
Spreading (dust, hoariness). .J^;^L^ fly (bird).

Launched at full speed jikiLJ To hasten to do a. th. ^—

(horse). To go, to fly towards. ji —
Swarm of (insects). ^i,' — ^\ia -s- His fame has spread ^£jl j i^^^-o iJ —
To be light-headed, CiJ;/ i J.\^ -M- far and wide.
fickle. To be bereft of intellect. To His reason fled away. iijc jll»'

miss the target (arrow). To get out of temper. J^ u^ jii^

To make ( an arrow ) to * jM^^ To let fly (a 5 ji^lj yii,'_, ^j » ^-
deviate. bird).
Le\'ity, uns- nS^Jh -^j oiIaWj ^1/ To draw a bad omen ^_, ^ j^ \j ^tkf
teadiness. from,
Light, xXubO XiolaT ^ J^^J J-J^ •^To fly in the air (balloon). ,^
heedless, unsteady. To explode.
To a^tpoar (in d'^j Uli^ i ^\y ^ To be shattered. jUaS-lij j:'^^
sleep) pliantom. To be cleft. jUJi
To cii'cait, to go round about. ^itT To rise (market). To be jQafJ.!
Phantom, spectre. Anger. ^1]/ cracked (wall). To spread (dawn).
Madness. To draw a sword quickly from — fi>

•^ Solar spectre. >Sr^

~ the scabbard.
Going round about. Patrol. Uujh To be started at full speed .«i»£j,t
To fashion, to do a. th. C^ i ^Ifc -K- ( horse ). To be made to fly ( bird ).

accurately. To be astounded.
God has created him _nij| jc '^t iTli/ Bird; jiS>'\j jj^j J^ ^ }yhi J^
good. fowl,
To plaster a. th. fit c^j Clt, i oU»' -^ n Butterfly. :%^\ jjy
••.vith clay or mud.
To seal a letter. COLS' olI»
Kind of small plum. j^\
He remains motion- .^nLjl aJ\j Ip jvr
God has created him _niJI Jc '«it iJiiT less lit. as if he had a bird upon his
upright. (head).
To be plastered with mud. c^ Sedate man, JlLjl J^KS.
Mud, clay. *H>j criif Carrier-pigeon. Cygnus {constell).J[y
Nile mud, slime. ^;a* j^^j Jujl. w-u,!; Omen.
Armenian bole. '^^''JVI
— Flight of a bird. oljjl*
Terra siyillata^ Lemnian j^J^^\
— Bad omen, ill-luck Augury, s3\J»j Sjjfc
earth. Levity, unsteadi- Sjj^jJ/j S^j^j jjlT
Handful of clay, mud. Nature, tLU ness.
inborn dispositions. Spirited ( horse ). -^ Assay- jui/
Muddy (place). ^li,' balance for gold. Tongue of a ba-
Worker in clay; labourer, d^j uLy lance. Pedlar. Volatile (substance ).
plasterer with mud. Stream.
Hone, whet-stone. o^f •^ Child's kite. Sjt^
Linula vucosa (plant). c^J^ Seller of birds. ^j,^
Plastered with clay. cnk^ Swift running (horse). jflLi
Large-mouthed (well). Aboun- ej'^
ding in birds (land).
irv ->
y;!; ( )


Pole-cat. "J. IJ^'j coj.'^'j 'S'j& T o^.J^ To cry out. To marry. 0\t a «-jVli -tt-

They became oIj Ji)l ^4^ V—l* To many a. o.'s sister-in- » k.jslli'

disunited. law.
To be comely, ;Ji;>j (a^fc o Sj^ -» They have married two Xj«UaiJb \:>-yji

fine, elegant. To be intelligent, sisters.

clever. Married to a. o.'s t_ij^'j ^'jiA ?- v'^i*

To embellish, to adorn »>j 5 ^y^ -{ sister-in-law. Clamour, bustle.

a. til. To feel jf. yUib.ljOiij \j\& a jtfc «
To have fine, gracious children. JiJ^li'l tenderness for.
To pretend pkilfulness. uiji]a7j j^^ To inspire a. o. jt jUi'lj jVlij —

To pi-etend beauty, grace. with affection for.

tf- To be embellished, adorned, o^^ To nurse an other's child, y ji\^
To find a. 0. handsome, ^j j 3'J^Z\ To take a nurse for a child. J j jVl»l.
gracious, elegant. To seek for a. th. Fondling a j/yi^j ^JAj Jy^\ ^ J\i
gracious, fine. stranger child. Nurse. Foster-father.
Vessel. Space of tim-^. i^/J^ ^ Sj^ Column.
Circumstance. Adverb. <• Metal Fond of a young Sjj^j ojj'j^j j/'^
coffee-holder. stranger.
He is faithful, trustwor- ojljl '25
'^l To marry a. o.'s » ^sUi — ^U» -^
thy. sister-in-law.
I saw him personnally. *3^ iSJlj To cry out. To marry. J^
Beauty, elegance, grace. ifi\'J^j Sj^ Edge sword
of a J,ii_, oCli ^ -C)^
Wit, shar^mess. point of an arrow.
^Jj'J^J >^'J&J 'i^^j t-Jl^i? ?r ^ii_ri»' To suffer from fever. ^^h^ "^
Fine, graceful. Intelligent.witty. Skil- Clamours, shouts. ^Cl^j ^jiiill?

ful. Fawn, oUili'j '^"i-'j ^^-^b 'Q^ :r ^j^i^

To flow (water). C^' ^'j^ ^ j antelope.
To suffer from diarrhea. iijjj — She-gazelle. Young oCJt'j 'CJj ?r *;fj»'
To be sharp, clever. ^sj^ a jj& maid.
Biting, pungent. *i^,Ui ^ JjitT Abounding in gazelles (land). sCJa>
Skilful, clever. <syj'ji To sharpen (a stone), s^La ^& ^ fit

To be t;k^j C_^]ij UiiJij CJJi a ^^ ^ To slaughter (a beast) with a n —

off, to depart. sharp-edged stone.
To leave o's country. jO jJl — ^ To walk upon shai'p pebbles. ^ \

To make a. o. to journey. » j;ii

To travel in a litter (woman). ^ ^^^1^
1 Sharp- oy&\j oi>' ^ s3>'j
edged stone.
j>j >
Rope for fastening a woman's ^ui Spread with sharp pebbles ^_^
litter. (ground).
Camel carrying a littei*.
Ji^ ^ ^^^ Guide-post, ol^li'j S^^ij jO'Jt^-?!''
oUljl ?pj>._,
i^j J^j t>A»l» ;r *— ^s»i»
Land full of flint-stones. s^L*
Litter set on a camel'.s back. oUJi&'j Silex, flint. 3^^ sr e^^
Woman travelling in a litter. To cleave, to stick to. G ^li a uj_^ ^
To scratch ? j^ ^ To become hard (hoof).
J^\j J,^j ^
\'J\^ ;
a. 0. with the nails. Projecting stone. Knoll. t_,|_^ ^ i_,^
rA) jU
Abode. Health. v^ To have a over
pellicle \^^ 3, jX^
Awning. Shed. Bench jifej J^ ^ aili' the eye.
in the shade. Booth. Covering. To have the cataract. jXi>'
Anything shading. :U^:^^J J'^j J5l!i To get posession jpj ^j fi> y£\j j^
Cloud. Screen. of.

Shady (place). 'jijj j^ To overcome, to gain the itj »_, —

Thick umbrage. jj^ 'J& mastery over. To conquer.
Meadow covered with JJ !>U? ^ *Li!» To render a. 0. vie- ^_i 5 _^iilj _^'
trees. torious of.

Large tent. ^Oii ^ ukJj i.Jk» To wish a. 0. to be victorious. » __,iii

Umbrella. Canopy, screen. To clutch its prey (hawk). 5 Jd\
To limp, to halt (beast). CAt a /iii -fr

Finger- jjillilj jlifcl ^ ^j _^j ^!i
The earth would not C^ jvi ^,4j nail. Clutch, claw, talon, spui\
contain them. Unguis odoratus: Z'ijlii\ J^'j ^^\J^
Conceal thy defects. iuiji
odoriferous substance added to in-
Do thy best. iuit it Ujl Any clutched or clawed J^' ^'^'S
Suspicious. ^' ^ fij^ animal.
To ^ Ciiii a -iXli J Ciili ill; i _*i!»' -ft- tf- Sard, cornelian J^:^\\ J^
refrain from. (stone).
To hit (a cloven-footed beast) on » — Feeble man. ^\ Jii jij
the hoof. There is nobody in the *J^' j\*S)ih C»

To render its * s^lt j C«U»' i o ,

— house.
track unapparent (beast). Lion's foot (plant). "JaSl _,i^'

To follow a. o.'s track. 5 wJUU Disease of the eye. Pellicle o^j&j Jk\^
To be hard (soil). To be (^ a wiUi growing on the eyes ; cataract.
painful (life). Success, victory.
To abstain from. ^— Successful. Ji^i -^y^j j^
To increase. ip wilt Long-nailed. J^^S
To walk upon a stony ground. ,J^\ Victorious. jl^ j J>^
Cloven hoof. Foot- s9^^j iipi «• «-^ To remain. To last Vji&j y^ a. "j]^ -^
print. « (day, night).
They came on his ti'ack. *iit Jt IjiU To continue doing a. th. jiL 'j^
He has found what he iiiliofj 1 went on doing. jij\ c.i!ij cji^
desired. To shade, to give fitj s 'J^'ij Jti^
Useless, vain. Lawful. ^t shade over.
His blood u-itj Glli'j uiii i;Ji w-* S To brandish (a whip). ^ ^^^
has not been avenged. To be shady (day). To draw near "j^]
Height unreached by water, wilfej J^ (affaii').

Hard soil. :uxti jliiij xiiii j»jj

To be shadowed by, to remain ^j jlkj
Hard ground. ^\&\ ^ ~^^\ under the protection of.
Hard (soil). Painful oUli'j ^jiili ^wi-Ui' To seek the shade. To shade i_, 'jiaLL[
(aflfair). Wicked, vile (man). Ad- o.'self with.
versity. To be shaded by. ^^j ^_J —
Abstaining from ^jj^\ u^J^j Uii^ Shade, J_^j Jy^j Jxjil ^[ 3%
indecorous things. shadow, shelter.
He has taken oLUa; j ii^.J i-^^ eSi-\ Iremained with j^lj) jij gjjs. ^^
the whole of it. him the whole day.
To misuse 'a^^j (Jidj (J^ i Ji^ -ft- Water always in the shade. at'
Thirsty. Longing for. »i;.!j ^ tTL'J^j
( ,r\ )

a. th. To act wrongfully. To overflow

Burniug -with thirst, often Miii^ (river).
thirsty. To wrong, to harm a. o. To act ^ —
Thirsty place. UJa> tyrannically towards.
To be brown. Jji a [^ -fr To deprive a. o. of a right. i3» i —
Bi'own. Withered. ^_^' ^ »CUi ^ jj,'\ To misplace, to misuse a. th. ^—
Pining away. To dig the ground in a wrong *—
To think, to suppose. A ut o ^ -tt- place. To drink (the milk) of a skin
To conjecture a. th. before it thickens.
To suspect, to think s '^\j '^^j — To be dark, obscure, Jjilj ,CjLii a J^
evil of.
To think, to form an ^^>j cAiaj
To complain of a. o.'s ill-
s ^
opinion. To enter upon; to be in darkness. ^^
Opinion. Conjecture. cj:j\^\j Oj^ t o^ How dark it is ! How mischi- mtt U
Probability. evous he is 1

Suspicion. J Ulij »>^% ?- '^^ To act wrongly. ^^

Simple, ingenuous. Suspecting oj^ To trespass upon a o.'s rights. ili s —
much, mistrustful.Well having little To complain of a o.'s wj'ong- ^—
water. doings.
Suspected, suspicious. ca^ To do wrong one to another. ^^^
Mark, indication of a j\^ *^ To bear injustice. j^h
-^ J^'>\
thing or quality. Whiteness of the teeth. Snow.
Probable opinions, cJi^iaj' Misuse of a. th. Wickedness, ^&'
Shank, shin-bone. w^.CJi ^ ^/~^ ^ oppression, tyranny.
He has facilitated the _^*VI v'i^-'^ ^^ zXJ&i CXjdj oCit-J >t' ^ *Uiij *Ut'
aflfair. Obscurity, darkness.
To be obvious, clear. \'jy^ a J^ ^ The three last nights of a lunar JJaJI
To appear, to come forth. To go out. month.
^ To shoot forth ( tree ). To have The Atlantic Ocean. oCiiail J^o,
relief of the bowels. Wrong, injustice.^, iL/i ^ *i.^^^j <J^'
To know (a secret). ^ it —

Unjust, Xj&j ji^j OjiJ,^ 5r ^,lt'
To have the jpj i_i Ojiljj \'J^ tp'annical.
upper hand over. Obscurity. 'liilij ^llAfe

To wound a. o. on the back. l^li a 2<

— Tyrant, oppressor. j^^j ^V^
To neglect (an affair). ^ — Vexed, oppressed, wronged. ^^iii?, ^^
To have a complaint of \'J^^ a j^ Male ostrich. oUAli' ^ ^It
the back. Property unjustly ravished. *^:^
To be strong-backed. ojliJi o Ji,^ Milk drunk before it coagulates.
To enter upon the time of J^\i J^ Dark. Nefarious. Bad (day). ^^iLi

midday. Dark green (plant).

To be careless, unmindful of. A ^ililj — To be h^j
«uij \^ a ^li^
To help, to 5 ljL_i%j o'j»\!ki _^Ui thirsty.
back a. o. To desire a. th. earnestly. Jl —
To put on two garments, c^/y oy, — To alter a. th. (heat). s \^]j '\^
To show, to manifest a. th. A _^'l To jade (a horse).
To proclaim, to declare. Thirst. Earnest 'i;.lij 'UJil ^ '^ ,

To render a. o. victoi'ious of. Jp — 2* desire.

To divulge a secret to a. o. Life-time. sCi-JI '^
To appear. _^0jo

He came
jjJ^^Ljj jT^^^kjj

<j.'j4^_ lj«ii.
u» >
To show a. th. To boast, to
^ ^(k7
to us with his family, his followers. make a show of.
Saddle-camel. ;/ji juT ^ ^_,4l^ They backed 0. another. ^^| _^(ijj
Neglected. To ask succour, help, ^ Jj ^^'A
Auxiliary, protector. Broad- J^^ To be ready, disposed to. J —
backed. Having a pain in the back. To gain mastery over. jp —
Midday, noontide. "^j*^' "^j "O^^ To prepare (a beast for »j s —

Party, company. Narrow' side j^ riding. To know (a book) by heart.

of a feather. Back. Upper, olS^l^j J&\} jj^' ^ ^'
Saddle-cloth, housings. Sjljii' •• outward part of a. th. Back of a
Outside of (a garment). Sj^ beast. Deck ( of a ship ). Litteral
•^ Carrier's pad. meaning of (a book).
Appariiion, outburst. j>Jl»' Having a numerous _,4^l J-sJ
< Feast of the Epiphany. j^^\ juc household.
Declaration, manifestation. J^\ Do not forget my _^, j.^ u ji^ Sf
External, outward. Conspicuou3. _^u» business.
Appearance, outside.
Family, tribe, j»\'^j Cj\jtL\^ ^ i^fiS^
He has given boun-
^^ las. 1

Prominent eye. Pi. Heights, moun-

He is on the eve of his
^ J«>

Apparently. _^lLjl J He has recited it by *js J^ ^^ JV^

Outwardly, manifestly. 'sykQij 'Jr*0» heart.
He has recited it by heart. \'jA\^ 'eVjs Rear (of an army). ^juu ji^l
Look out, looking-place. _,iJa^ Top of a mountain. Jr^J'^ri^''
Possessing saddle-beasts. _^}, Back of the hand. lifeOI j^
Coming at the point of :u«j — ^ He is well backed. ^^ ij
midday. •^ He wearied him. j^+tT _r*^
Big and strong-backed. _^|u; ^ He lost courage. 5;^4li ^jjl,
To repel, to di'ive 5 (jy^ a o ciUi -^ < Look out Out of the way
ilj^t !

a. 0. away.
He gi-asped l^il^j i^j ui^. Sliil In their midst, amongst them.
him by the skin of his neck. Narrow side of a feather. cXJi^ ^ _^li'
Corpse in putrefaction. -c^ ^ Midday, noontide. j:^ ^ \
Honey. ut^^'J, Having a pain in the back. j^
Wild jasmine : virgin's bower. oUlli Help, assistance, backing. -ij^
Full of wild jasmine (ground). sCk/; Backing, asisisting. Family, ly^'^ —
Furniture. Family, tribe. j^t
J\fr C It^ ) JL.P

To open (a road). A jCt To gurgle (filled V-ft

To give a slave to a. o. s S a^tl bucket ).

To apply to. To devote o/s self J jl»j To gulp, to swallow 1^ <>-j * -

to (the worship of God). water in one draught.
To enslave, to treat a. o. like a a — To rise and swell (sea). C;Cfr

slave. To invite a. o. to God's obe- To be addicted to (wine). /b y_f{Si
dience. Light of the sun. ^.; lu l^j '^
To use, to take a. o. s juii-:(j jklitl^ Neck of a sleeve. i_)Uc ^ wt
as a slave. ^Waistcoat-pocket. Arm-pit,breast.
Man. J^i'Sj ol^fj *Q>^J -h^^ T -^ Berries of the common cherry. ,jj,
Slave, servant. •<>• Negro. Croton villosum. Alkekengi.
Heliotrope, turnsol. ^,\ %s\ illtj SS The drinking of water '^ -^j i_)Ct
Kind of melon. ^l^^j «^J>" -4^ ° without vesse'.
•^ Actjea, bane- "
•r^.^S jLi *i.i4.> Swollen waves, billows. vjCi
To break out into words.
Pride, haughtiness. Glorying.
;^|_j ^; ajp
Strength. Perseverance. fjis. Blood-horse. Rivulet. *_.JLjlij ,- ^A'l
Relating ( o/ip. to 'j\3 j ) s^Xt ^ ^olt To (army).
fly ^Zt. *
to men, to slaves^ Cloak of camel's hair. Fresh- ,_jls,

Servitude, slavery, "iji^s-j «^^r'^J *i-^i* ness of youth.

Devotion, godliness. To prepare (per- "Cs^j /C£ a.\^ -^

Old standard coins. *i-^ VSO^ fumes). To set in order ( furniture,

Tribes of christian Arabs. iCt troops).
Belonging to a christian >^?Q^ He does not care about it. ^ *CJJ l/«

tribe. Burden, load. Bag. »Ci1 ^ '^.p

Obedience. Worship, piety, siCt Like, equal. 'C&1 ^ '^pj —

godliness. Hair ^c^ -tf-j iLt ^ X^iS -^^ of(Sj 'Ct

Parties of men, animals, juivlcj -^St^ or woollen striped cloak.

going at random. Way, road, path. LiLS

Enslavement. iCJii.l.lj j i; To busy o."s self about (i'J. a c-* -ft-

Piety, godliness, devotion. jciv trifles.

Worshipper. oJ^>j iUtj Sa:^ ^ jj> To laugh, to scofl" at. v_;

Pious, godly. To prepare a dish made i£lf j c^i
Place of worship, temple, juU/^ ^ s.'aj> with dried curd.
sanctuary. To mingle, to mix a. th. with. i_j A —
Beaten, trodden (road). Honou- jl'/» Sport, play. <>• To no avail, non- c^
red. sense.
Enslaved, reduced to j,imij — Uselessly, to no avail. Ci^
slavery. Dish made of dried curd. cJjiS ^ *Lis
Worshipped. Idol. i^Ii;: Rabble. ^IcJI "iijS
To elapse (time). \'j^lj o J^ ^ S'S^s. To s xl^jLs'j o'ij^lj SiCt o J^ -J^
To dwindle away (generation). worship, to serve (God).
To ci'oss, to pass over (a ^ — To enslave ; to render 5 XpIj jup
I'iver ). submissive.
^ ;

C itr ) JlC
Explanation. Style, interpreta- j^J^ To read (a book) mentally. * jttj J-S
tion of the thoughts. Trope. To try (money).
Wayfarer : passenger. sj^ li ^ j\s. To interpret (a fu jUj l!nij SjC^ ~ ,

Elapsed (time). dream).

Weeping man, woman.jj it a{y\ jl J* j To shed tears. \yic. a j>tj lint

Wayfarer passer along.
; j^j: jj U To convey a. o. across a river, s jXi
Ewe or goat one year J Cc ^ j^ He expressed his mind. <_iJ J lit v?p
old. To explain a. o.'s mind. o5o — ^
Compound perfume. Numerous, j^j, The affair has been above ^vt jj —
-^S^J J.S*^ w ( Jjr** '^J ^ -'i^
— his strength, ability.
Crossing of a river : ford, passage. To consider, to ponder ff^j s Jc:i\
Means of crossing, as "i'jKS -^j J^ over. To watch a. o. or a. th. To
bridge, feriy. take into account, To show re-

Thick-woolled (sheep). jk',J gard, honour to.

Considered. <• Regarded. j^li To get experience from, to take ,^ —
To look u-Ji^j , (^j^j C~ifr i ^jS£ -ik- warning by.
sternly, to frown. To be astonished at. ^—
To contract (the face). A ^J^J — To shed tears. -^^l
To assume a stern coimtenance. ^_^t^ To relate to a. o. (a dream) ; *—
To be cross-faced. to ask a. o. to explain (a dream).
Dried dirt. ^^SS To weigh (coins). A—
Fro-wning, steraness, of the face.y-^ Shore, bank, margin. Jaj J£
Stern. Grim-faced. ij-j-t^J ^r-}'*
Beyond the river. j^\ —
Looking sternly. ^^Ut Trifles, falsehood, vanity. ^c oUj
Lion. u-^'j u-^h u-J,^' Numerous gathering, ^pj y^i ^jj^
Strong lion. ^Ut ^ ^jJ^ Great number, crowd. ^ji
To better, to arrange fi> (sJs. o j^ ^ Heat in the eyes causing tears, jiipj —
a. th. Sturdy, strong. j{c-j JS^
Conveniency. j^li. Fit to evei-y work. j^t ^^J^ —
To spoil a. th. Sj * \JalS i iait -M- Bold traveller. Strong to jViSs —
To raise ( the dust ). To befall a. o. journey (camel).
(mishap). Tears. ~^J cKr^t ^ ajkC
To ru.sh into fight. vl^' 4
~ ''''
Regard, consideration. ^t ^ s^
To slaughter (a yoimg j JaSplj iaJ. Warning, example.
and fat beast). To slander a. o. To Passage, crossing. j^
slay wrongfully. Explanation of the (meaning s^Cc
To dig (a ground) yet unfilled, fit
— of a word ). Passage of a book
To forge a lie against, ip a hlil\j — phrase. Style.
To ravish a. o. in the ? ia^lj Jal*1 That means. jt. »jLs. la*
bloom of life (death ).
Mere lie. iaL£ Shedding tears, tearful.
He is dead in the prime of life.lck^ oC« Hebraic. Hebrew. '4j'^,i '4J^
Slaughtered when hi^j hU ^ i*--* The Hebraic tiJ^iJIj 'J^\j 'J,'!^'
young (animal). Fresh (blood, meat, language.
saffron), -tt- Foolish. Consideration, reflection. jQ»l
To ^j 'j^Ccj :L5Lfrj Cufc a j^ -J1- Relation, connection. -^ Regard
cling to a, th. (perfume). To remain shown.
in (a place). To be greedy of (man). Relating, relative. 'jj\^^
To become impregnated with (place). Relatively to. ^jUitl^
Jasmine. Narcissus. To spread out (a perfume). a j!*
To reprove a. o. To let s jilt -fr •^ To satm'ate (a room : smoke,
(camels) pasture freely. smell).
Pasturing by themselves J*^* To be saturated with (atmos- jls •>
(cattle). phere).
To have a bright, fair i^t o Ci -«- To be oppressed (chest). jpJij —
complexion. Effluvium, exhalation. jlt
To set in order ; to put A ^^j — ^ Oppression of the chest. :c31p
up (th). Remainder of butter adhering •;XS
To set (troops) ina 'cJ; Ji - ^
To fill (a sack). To thread
^ to a skin.
order. <>• Sending out a perfume. ;ax£ ^ ji£,
(a needle). To load (a gun). Crafty. Scar on the face. X^Ut
To fill up (a bag). To plant a Jil < Clever thief.
closely. > Saturated. Heavy Jj-i^'j j;?-^'
To be set in order. ^ To be filled Jju (head) : oppressed (chest).
(skin, bag). To gleam and move about ^is ^
To help 0. a. in preparing a J.'Uj (mirage).
repast (men of two parties). Desert full of g-enii.
Share, portion. -^ Thick (crops, -^ Gleam of looming. ty^
forest). Beautiful, excellent. Great, Cs^
Wide striped garment. *—iCt Rich carpet. Mere
sti'ong. lie.

See Lfr. Garments splendidly manu- *j*.,;2^

To trouble, to annoy n \is. ocS -^ factured.

a. 0. with questions. To mix a. th. with. ^a feilt o O^ -fr

To importune a. o. by I'equests. ^ i — Morsel, parsel. *feu*

To quarrel with a. o. a ^^Ct I have tasted nothing 't^s. cJ'i (^
To insist upon (a question). j c^'^ at all.
To repeat (the same words). To sti'ip (a tree) of its A yCJ. \
J^ -ft-

Hardness, roughness of language. ^^ leaves. To repel : to hold back : to

Moth, tick, mite. '^ -if- cut off a. th.
4^>j \J^j Q^fJ ^'\>^j ^>^ i o fc-^ -^ To bring a. th. away. ^—
To be discontented, angi*y if. 'tJ^Llj To be 'iJCt Jitj J^f-j >Li a jAfr
with a. 0. large, thick.
To blame, to i Joiftj Cue_j Crp — To become bulky. To become j^l
reprove a. o. white. To put forth ( leaves ) not-
To limp, to hop. C0j5j CCipj Cr^ - expanded to drop its (leaves tree).
: :

Ihave not trodden oSO OlJ c-i^^ V» Thick, bulky. Tama- Jup ^ j-tj Jit
upon the threshold of such a one. risk.
To put a threshold or lintel A ^H Slender or fallen leaves.JCJl ^ jj:
( to a door). To draw together the Mountain with white rocks. j^^
tucks of trousers. Granite.
To remonstrate ip Ctt j 'tJuV jTl* 2^ Broad and long arrow- jj\;j: ^ iLj,^
with a. 0. on. head.
To satisfy a. o. s ^Js- 1 To be silly and rude. x;Ct o _^& -^
To go far from. ^ _js. \ Weak, tired. ^Ct
To accuse a. o.
worthy action.
of a blame- ^^> Stupid and rude.
To be thick, big.
C.s. o a>i -S-

No blame upon him in >^ .-Ji^i V Big (hawk). Jjtj oj*

respect of anything- Well proportioned : gi*aceful. ^^ -ft-

db> '
( ill
Hot-tempered. Male ogre. ^l-M To remonstrate 0. with another. ^\z
Mishap. To pursue a right course. Js»\,
To be harsh towards a. o. J ^j'J{£ ^ To withdraw from (an ^^ jc ~-
Strong. Dauntless. ^jj^j wju_nP affair).
Wicked. To leave an even road for a a —
To bend, to fold a. th. a Ciit i
J^ -fj- rugged one.
To pluck (the hair). A liit j ,jc£. -ik- To please a. o. To request n yJJiZ'S
Portion of the night. jjjl ^ ^lic a favour from.
To be Glipj '*JUfj Ciip i jSt -ft- Prone to censui'e. .^
freed (slave). Disagreeable thing. Defect. X^j Iji
To reassume UO:* o jisj o j5c, (sit, - Hardship.
brightness to thiive. To outrun
; Hold of a door. oCitj »«ip ^ £»
the others (horse). To be old (wine). Stair, step of a ladder.
To grow old. Ascent of a hill. xH
To be binding on a. o. (oath).
To render (wine) old. jj a jSpIj j!p
it — Favour granted.
Blame, ^; \^i ^ j^aU, iS.;^ ^jfet ,
To fi'ee (a slave). To set (a prisoner) reproof. Complaint, charge.
free. Subject of reproof or s-,^S^\ -^ v^^
To start (a horse). To better 5 j5p1 quari'el.
(flocks). Mutual reproof. w5u5
To dig and case (a well) with A — Reproved. Blameworthy. ^y^
stones. To be at hand, silitj lif;:^ o j£p -»
To become old : to be worn jsi7 -^ prepared.
out. To provide, to prepare fi> jS£.]j js£
Freedom, emancipa- iJiipj jO:*j jit §,. th. for the future.
tion. To perform (a work) care- J J^
Oldness, antiquity. jfpj jpp fully.
Beauty. Excellence. Liberty, free-^jit Implements, jdej Soailj oict ^ itfr
dom. apparatus. Wooden drinking bowl.
Freed, free. Old man. Jil>t ^ jjU Ready for a race (horse). ortj jcp
Young girl. Young bird. Strong, sturdy.
Old bow. VCS^j — At hand, ready. -^ Future, to o.^
Shoulder. ji^_, Jl\'j£ ^ - come.
Antiquated, old. Excellent. -u^
^ j^;j. Scent-box. sx^
Noble. Freed
( slave ). Old and good To quiver (lance). Cl^ifj Ij^
To sacrifice (sheep).
i ^ -ft-

Hunting-vulture. Excel- jC:p ^ j^ To get strong, sturdy. ijtt —

lent horse. Origin. Slaughtered beast. Species j^
Old and exquisite (wine, perfume ).j2iJ of marjoram.
Antiquities. ol2!i>i <>• He came back to his o^p J) iU
To attack the enemy, (fec^ it££ j -ft- natui'al disposition.
To rush for biting (horse). Family, relations. Necklace of sS^t
He rushed for striking iJ^^ *:!£ — aromatic beads. Particle of musk.
him. Stock of a tree.
To I'ush upon him for yi^ cl£ — Strong. Courageous. Wild jiuc
doing mischief. (place).
To persevere in a design. ^pj — Ewe offered in sacrifice to idols, s^nit
To become sour ^j^j ^i^cs. i — To lay violent hands on, A ^'J{s. -ft-

(wine, milk). To become old (bow). to take away forcibly.

Slothful, slow. j»Cot; To stick to a. 0. (perfume). ^^ —
Obscure, dark : dull. j;u}'j J^ Time, space of time. Hex,
To urge a. o. vehe- Jl 5 Cit o cnt ^ Noble, generous. Unsteady. dijip
mently towards. Pure, clear, (wine).
To importune (a debtor). jt cn^l Old (bow). ^S^ y, -JsCSi.

Harsh, pitiless. J\s- ^ o^j J,'* To draw along to ; ? >l£p i jSt *

pull, to carry a. 0. away forcibly.
To become mad, idiotic. To ';CAC:;fr^ To cari-ya (burden). * —
be confused in mind, bewildered. To be quick to do >Iji Ji ilit a Jit
To addict o.'self to. j *rp evil.

To annoy a. o. incessantly. js9^ J — •^ We have shared your cyt* US

To lose the head. To spend reck- ^is anxiety.
lessly. To affect refinement in dress. To exercise the craft of a porter. jSt
To feign ignorance. ^s. — To remain still in a place. Jiiilj jlij
Madness, insanity. "CaScs-^ ^^j **V^ To be pulled, drawn away. jjJl,
Idiot, mad. c^j *^^j «^^» I will not iu;: j!;7 ' Vj du; 'jiJi V
To be proud, L^j o Ci\'j~s. -i:i- make a single step to follow you.
haughty. To be strong (gale). Clod of earth. Iron-i'od for j5t ^ ii»
To assume insolent airs. jj^ lifting stones. Carpenter's gimlet.
Insolence, pride. jt^ 'J,-*^ 3^ Crowbar.

Insolent,haughty. 'jJ-j oiit ^ oii- Prone to evil.

Rebellious, immoderate. -Cxfrl 5- "il^ Glutton. Rough, wicked.
To freat (wool moth). fi>
: o 'op -^ ^ Porter. :u^
To importune, to vex a. o. 5 — Porterage.
To 'ilill j ''\Xoj lJ\SJ 'dj\t-j (IjiiJ cJp Hired man ; laboui'er. ji^^ -yii.
sing in a trilling way. Serious disease
To pretend a. th. : to produce oCJ To tarry, to * ^fpji,U^ i

pretexts. delay a. th.
To deter a. 0. from »_^ 'j'jSi S citl. To withdraw from (an jc ^j —
virtue. affair).
Snake. »£& He has not been long jijj ^\ j£ C.

Viper. oi;ip, ^ '^ without acting.

Moth- worm ;
grub. ^^Icj "cj^ ^ *» A third of the night 'j^l jiS^ Js-
To drink often by small GJp i ^^St -J^ is elapsed.
draughts. To walk, to arrive during ^5p1j Ji
IjVi* J IJ2^jIJ^ o Ji£j a ^t^ i o jn^ -^ the first thu'd of the night.
To stumble, to trip. To be Ju:^\i Jl~jj J:V\j Cif , i ^p
To obtain know- it \jj^j 1^ -^ milked at nightfall (flock).
ledge of (a secret). Wild olive-tree. ^j Js,
Fortune has forsaken him at^ J^ : Darkness. xiitj^ ••

he has perished. The first third of the night. Time X^

To cause a. o. to stumble, n J^\) JM of nightfall-prayer. Darkness of
To decoy, to debauch, to revile night. Return of flocks in the eve-
a. 0. To render a. o. unhappy ning.
To complain of a. 0. to. jjp o^aL. J^ * Tardy, late. ^^j J?M
To make a. th. known to. ic
— 2^ Stars veiled by dust or cX^Sa j>y>^
To stumble. To falter (tongue). J^, mist.
^ To become poor, wicked. Yielding milk in the evening j>J:s.

To be involved in a. th. j — only (she-camel).

Rasoal, mischiei- A stumble, a slip, a mis- cXMfr»^
maker. take. Holy war.
To cry out. to '^»J'j
To grumble
^ a i fji* -fr Stumbling-block.
Stumbling, staggering. '
raise the voice. ; to Jii
bellow (biill). To i-umble ( thunder). Wont to stumble. j_^
To raise the dust (wind). h^'\j
— Place of perdition. Pit jy^l ^ jj^ii
To fill (a house) oUS)l j" * rr^ for wild beasts. Snare.
-with smoke. Distress, difficulty. J^j —
To be filled with o^-iil ^ r-?^^ Careless, unmindful of the world. ;;j^
smoke. Dust, earth. _nic
Cry. clamour ; bellow, Obscure trace. JCij ^itj —
groan. Wretched, corrupt. Destitute, j^

Omelet, egg-fintter. To be loaded with jfe:iij — jisiip ^

Dust, smoke. Foolish. Low bunches (vine, palm-tree).
people. Bough ^yS\iS ^ ^^Ij J_^ilj d'^^,
Dust. Truop of camels Wet loaded with clusters.
riemade a raid ^l'^^ C^btP kju To be abundant. To be >Ut a Jit -ft-

against them. thick, bulky.

He gave up his work. Plentiful. Thick, bulky. jspj jit
Boisterous, clamorous. FooUsh, stupid. jifr ^ J^
To utter a cry, to vociferate. Male hyena. j^
Vociferous, clamorous. To be imperfectly set C» o j^ -^
Clamour, confused noise. (broken bone ). To become callous
To wonder at. J jl ^ CS^ e (wound).
To excite wonder to. s w4(& Ij k^SlP To set (a bone) imperfectly. — fin

To admire, to be pleased To stitch (clothes). Ja\i — fii

with. To seek help from. ^j Jsi^

To be self-admirer. Young of bustard, of snake. oCit
How conceited he is in Serpent. cXJis- yS
his judgment. Ottoman. 'j,liift

To admire, to wonder^ Turkish horseman. '^^^ Ts

at. The Ottoman Empire. luJCiiill sJjoSI
Rump, root of the tail. To smoke cU^j C^j , CGicj CJp o »:n» -ft-

Pride, self-admiration. (fire).

Wonder, astonishment. To ascend (a hill). j Ji£

Astound ment. To smell smoke. To be u» a cA*
Wonderful, ve^-> v^-J vW«t'j
- perfumed.
extraordinary. To fumigate. To perfume a. th. fi> Ji£
Wonder, miracle. wJ,V3«fr ^ v-?«* To excite evil amongst. is. —
Miracle. ^:*^«^^ ir <^'^^'i To be perfumed, fumigated . o'\iS

More wonderful. v^^ Smoke. ^\'j£ ^ o(is-j , Jj^

Astonishment. Admiration Small idol. cAfrj,oCit1 j^

Charming, admirable. jNIanager of pi'operty. ck%

Self-admiring. Infected withsmoke (food). oje
A grape. J^j aU ^ Long beard. Length crJUt ^ o>ii& -ft-

Raisin, currant. j^j jijj.j o^Jt of the beard.

Raven. j^ ^ zj^ ^;Uxc^ Lie a jipj a i i^tj 1^ o U* -ft-

To importune a. o. ip r^ _^ i .ft- To perpetrate" crimes.

To prohibit a. o. (judge). Plait of hair. PL Plants. Ji ^ »'jit
( ItY )
ck- f^
Oruament of a sword- SjUpj JW»5 To assault a. o. with ^ ^yj u
hilt. (a sword).
Impoteut, disabled. yt-S:^ T To bend the (neck). — fi>

Old woman. yj^i j^ r jy?<^ To start quickly. ^Kt^j Cl^^j \^^ — ,

Seven days in the latter jy>ui\ j^\iS To be thick, bulky. To be i^^p a _^

part of winter. knotted (woodj.
Having large posteriors. '\'y>J. ^ y^\ To be wrinkled from fatness j^
Eloquence of a discourse. 'J^\ (belly).
Always backward; impotent. jUi; To veil her head (woman). j^i'^
Road. Protuberance, projection. ^^
Wonder, miracle. Cj\'y>J>^'f ,- Sj^ Species of cucumber. jjki
Importuned by requests. j>?«i* Ivnot in wood. Knob, \ice. ^^ ^ z'J^
To withhold a. o. C^c ^ jf i ^jJ^J. -^ His external and hidden «^?4->'J^
from. defects.
To procrastinate. ^^«' <«• Pumpkin. jjiit
To follow, to pursue (a business), a— Fat, thick. Knot-_,i^ ^ '\^^ ^ _,^1
To detain a. 0. ^— ted. Filled. -^ Sour, unripe (fruit ).

Middle part of a. th. ^jj!yj. Woman's veil.

Handle of a bow. ^-^i ~ To strip a. o. naked. » i^i^t -R-

\^yff-j Ua«t i t.J^i'J 1 CijatP O ^JotS -^ To be naked. ^S?**'

To abstain from ^uLu ,^ iliJ wijttj Naked. ^j^^h ^Jr-*^
food. Sti'eak on the sand.^jU^ ^ Jij>s- ^
To nurse jc *.«iij <-«?^b *^'
~ To be awkward, jc. j^aU^ - ^j^a -fr
patiently (the sick). To bear a. o. x'ude to. To show pride towards.
To emaciate (a 5 U^^j i o kjj?«P Roughness in speech, behaviour.ijj^
beast). Self-magnification. Rashness.
To become lean d^ q wi?ePj a >Ja^ Rest-harrow (plant). j'j'^j Jj>>s-
(animal).' To become y^j Ijjip ,
ji»tj o y>S -^
To eat by reason of dearth,
little u^ old (woman).
To possess emaciated cattle. ^JoW\ To be deficient (account). y>J,
Leanness. ^i^ oj->tti^j "iyfjL^^ ]jSiM^j \j»S a J^j 1
Colocynth. jUtt To be unable to.' ^s. \'jj->J-j ^\'^^j

oUtfr 9- 'li?tP v» oJsit (j , ( "i. /. ) ^^^ To lack strength for.

Emaciated. To refrain from. To find, i jip'lj j^
Dry, lean. Contracted in U^^j UotlS to judge a. 0. weak. <• To weary, to
body. trouble, to baffle.
To perplex, to inconvenience a
J^ -^ To lean towards.
a. 0. To weaken, to disable a. 0. »3^j
To intricate, to confuse a. th. fi>
j^ He was unable to obtain
Press, hindrance. is^t < the thing.
To J^iJj J?tfj <i?t^j , >^»p a JsftJ -U- To be wonderfully
make speed, haste. eloquent.
To forward a. th. Ji . . . o Jc>bt Inability, impotence. Hilt of a j^
speedily to. sword. D Deficit.
To outgo, to 5 Jii^b J^h J^ Hinder part of j\^] ^ j^j j?tc j —
precede a. 0. To urge, to press a. o. the body, buttocks. Last word of a
To have a. th. done speedily. fi> j^ verse.
To offer to a. 6. food hastily
J j^t He is the last child of JjjI 0_^5lP ^
his father.

^= ( llA)
Barbarian. Any people foreign to He punished, he oj^aj j\ *Jju jsCii
Arabs. struck him without respite.
Date-stoae. ^W«^j J^<i To urge, to preclude ^t s Jks.]
Palm-tree. oli?»i ?- *— i.?«fj *i?e^ a. 0. from.
Rock. To accelerate (an j j^^~z.\j jk^
Defective speaking in Arabic. X^i affair).
Foreign origin of an Arabic word. To despatch (business). fi> j^;;

Large bat. Swallow. jS>i- Haste, hurry, JUiillj xiitj ji.£

Speaking ^>>b o^i^il ^ J>J^\ readiness.
Arabic incorrectly. Foreigner. Calf. *J^j JW-^j J>?6^ w J?^
Speechless animal, cj\%^ t ''C^-s- Heifer. Ji^_, ji^ ^ xiU
brute. Tract of sand without trees. Thing hastily done. *3ucj xiklj *Iit
Mute. Silent (waves). ( 5. fl.) J>tl\ Food hastily prepared. Clay.
Foreign to the Arabs. Cart, car. JUpIj JWttj J*t ^ ;Iip
"jt^'b l<^
tf- Persian. Wheel, pulley. Kind of ladder.
Dotted (writing). Obscure J>.'^1
Transitory. opp. to j»T ) J>.U)I

(speech). Locked (door). Ready, present.

The letters of the Jf^'^ ^jj>- Hasty, expeditious. j^^ j^j j»
To knead a c^s-'^j Citt o ^^J- ^
, i Speedy, diligent. Ju^ ^ Jc?5^->
(flour). To press into a mass. Bereft of her JJ.Qetj ji.* ^ J^
To lean for rising. ^^ child ( mother) ; of her young ( she-
To lean on a (stick). ip — camel).
To be kneaded (flour). J^^J o^' Prematm"e death. J^>JI
Piece of dough. Crowd.
^ o^ ^ tL>^
Speedy walk.
More expeditious, quicker.
j=?«^J ^-^

Kneader ; ^uiaetj *^^(s- j> Cj^h j^J^ Urging. Js^-CJ ^ Ji^ij J^^i-ij J?;i>i
kneading dough. Precocious (palm-tree).
Leaning for rising. ^>(p Premature (fruit). jii*
Perinoeum. o\»^ Hastened, huri'ied. j^i
Fool, silly. oikc Plant for fattening women. suiilJ
The middle of a. th. »^^l)l jia-ii To chew. To A (^J-Jj CJtt ^ks. -^
"Very fat (she-camel). •Ci-.t bite a. th. for trying it. To test (a
Kneading-trough, ^u; ^ *^i>j ^:f.i^ sword).
Various dishes made with flour.^C^i/i To try a. 0. ^ >?^tj —
Electuary, inspissated i:«;(»j» ^ C)^i>> My eyes have not iLi "Jjt iii^ C*

juice. Unguent. Hashish paste. beheld him since.

To saw discord ojJ *^p — *?tt ^ He has tried, proved him. y^jl J^
To be entangled (business). ^^j
To dot
(a A J^'Xj Jf.ij , C4^ o ^
Servant. Bride- *l*V?.t ^ u^\>-J -^ To speak Arabic incor- ^y^JI J>^1\
gi'Oom. Cook. Hedge-hog. rectly.
To put out (a 5 jvUj , l^?<* o (?tt -«- To be obscure, jp >,*i=-^lj ^^i^V
child) to nurse. abstruse (language).
To groan (camel). y^ o Wt* To be unable to answer. Jf^-^K
To grin (face). A ^lt£j u* To mutter. To be impeded in A —
Date-paste ; stuffed Xi\aJ-j ey>tij sjbtP reading.
dates. Persia. ^^| i,%j J^\
Fruit-stone. -^ Dates in lump. z'^ Persian people. ^GUl ^ ^^j ^
Jop ( li ^ ) OP
Time, season. Beginning or best olat, Milk for suckling iU&j S3^»tt^ s^?^
time of. an orphan.
Calculation, account, J^i-^j i^'-^^> Child Cw«*' 9r *c?fc*-J *i?«^, -* oV'-' cs's''
census. by a foster-mother OrphanT
fed .

Readiness. Ability, aptitude. iljuiJ,!. Sinew of the hands, KA^^lj JfJ^ ^ 'CjaJ-
Number, numerous. Reckoned jjj^ feet.
amongst. Equal, like. To reckon, to ^ iotj Jot at -S-
Portion, lot. jL5,lap ^ Sjj jJ count, to number. To make the cen-
Computed days. S^-^ j»t^ sus of.

Ready to set off. j^ To believe, to think a. 0. A ^j j 5 —

Ready, prepared. li.i to be such.
Female mourner. iiyjJ 1 thought he was CiiCo li'ia_p
Prepared, ready. Able. j^iLi sincere.
Fine sand. t-jlat^ — »_)_>* -):{- To eulogise (a dead person). 5 ilp
Heap of sand. VJ-^ To prepare, to dispose J 4> aclj iop
To be bold. -^ To dig Ijlv* o jot ^ a. th. foi".

with a pickaxe. To draw lots ; to i \i\js.j SiUi it

To be well watered jjcpIj , \jjs- a ja^ share a. th. with.
(place). The pain of the sting sill]! iJSli
Abundant rain. jlitj j^t was felt anew aftei* one year.
<> Pickaxe, mattock. jj^' To be prepared, disposed. .aaij
To serve a. o. *_j 5 CJt i t^oc «- To multiply, to increase. 3U_j —
To toil. To tend ( a tlock). To tread To exceed the number of. jp SUjj —
a. th. To be reckoned. To be prepared. jss.\
^jVI J ^jlxe-j Clopj CC/Otj Cjk* — To rely upon. -^ To be self-conceited,
To joLU'ney. haughty.
To have red pimples. ^j,l That is not to be *; jiiJ '^ IJIA

Lentils. ^^ taken into account.

Orobanche, broom-rape ^^lull ju-1 To prepare, to be ready to. J liLLI,
[plant). Number, quantity. i\js.S ^ ij*
A lentil grain. Red pimple ; T^j^i Age of man. oLlivl —
small pustule. -^ Lens. Concrete of Computation ; number. Census, iilt
pebbles and cement. Fit of madness.
Lenticular. '^ji He belongs to such 0^ ^>_J ilap J ^
Aromatized soup of lentils. tXZ^jS a tribe.
Bat's dung used as a medicine. Pain of a sting felt aneAV i'js^j ilot-
To eat little. ojujj Ciat , i Sjs- ^ after one year.
Small yjjj. ^ (jjatj , ^S\js-j oJ^tj oot Great number, abundance. ila**l ^ js
quantity of fodder. Spring well-water. Equal, match.

I have not Olap jl Oui. j| Glu ci'i C« Number a certain number, iap ^ zm>

tasted the least thing. many. Legal period of retirement

Portion of the night. Company jj^t assigned to a widow or divorced
of ten to fifty men. woman before she may many again.
Bit of straw in the eye. ^op Pustules on a beautiful face. cj.lj ot
Portion. Party of men. oat ^ :<Jlit Apparatus provision. :ijj. ^ sop
Gathering. Militai'y equipment supplies, unple- ;

Root of a tree. ^jjS ^ xJjij — ments. < Set of tools. Horse's saddle,
*4% 3-^j Csat a (Jatj CSo* i J'js- -ff harness.
To conjecture. Be ready. sj* j& \J^
J Js-
Trustworthy, veracious ^Jatj "ijS To plimge the ioj Jatl^ Jotj Jot
(witness). hand into (a basin) for searching.
Justice, equity. *3|ac Acting at hap-hazard, at J\yi\ jiii
Uniformity. Equilibrium. Tem- Jla;clj^ i-andom.
perateness of weather. Symmetry, Grapnel, harpoon. jjS ^ "iXis.

proportion. Equinox. Tropic. Grapnel. Jop ^ sJi^j Ji^

Vernal equinox. [jftrf.^'
Jloit'Vl To beat (wool) with ft, \io'j£. o iJo^ ->
Equinoctial. 'ti'^l a mallet.
Equalisation equivalence, equal Jjjuj
: To tij^^j ^j^j i\Mj Vjc i Jot -fi-

division. Levelling. -^ Average. act equitably.

Just, upright. Jjop ^ J^Vpj , J:^ To straighten. s VJi —

Equivalent, equiponderant. 'Vop^ Jjat To treat a. o. equally with. o^. S —

•^ B.'other in law. To turn aside from, js- Vjjij VJ* —
"^ The two husbands of two oiAj-UI To come back to. J\ s/ji —
sisters. To equal, to be like to. 5 —
The two burdens of a beast. o'i'iJ^I To counterbalance j;isiJI j jSlp^ — j(

SaHdle-bags. a. 0. in a litter.

Equator. jl^Sl Joii To be^straightfoi'ward, 'xJlop o Jop

Equal, average. JiU> upright.
Pi'oportion, symmetry, equi- *JjC«> To make straight, equal, A Jotlj Jo*
librium. right. To equilibrate, to counter-
Outlet. Manner of acting. Jjai>:j JjUJ poise a. th.
Redressed. Derivate (woi'd). JjjJi> To direct a. o. in the right ^ Jit
Proportionate, symmet- Jj^Lij S)^ course. To judge, to declai'e (a wit-
rical ; counterpoised. ness) to be trustworthy.
Temperate, moderate. Jaii^* To redress a sentence. 'j^a^\ —
^ Stout. To equilibrate the two oll^l —
The corners of a house, c^i^l oVoi^ scales of a balance.
Ingood health, lusty. JoiiiLi •<> To be like, Aj » "J lot j 'iSCU Jii
To be wanted, C«a*j C»!ap a ^^ -^ equal to. To counterpoise.
lost. To exist not. To be deficient. To arrange, to adjust two oi-j

To be foolish, destitute of xito* >j* things.
intellect. To hesitate Vlot ci^l ojj JiU
To lack, to miss a. th. a— between two affairs.
To be lacking to a. o. -^ To 2f yjsS To deviate, to stray from. Jjuj^ ^
put to death. To be equiponderant. To be mo- JjccI
To deprive a. o. of a. th. A 5 — derate, temperate. To be symmet-
To render a. o. desti- C»apj i^ll^l^ — rical, proportionate.
tute (God). •< To be lusty, stout. JjJlz^i -^j —
To coiae to nought. To be ^aiil^ -^ Justice, equity. Justness. Accuracy. Jop
lost, annihilated. Derivation (of a word).
Nought, non-exif=tence, j,'jj.j j,'j^j ^oc Upright, just, ( m. f. s. pi ).

loss, lack. Total absence. straightforward.
Poor, des- ^J^j j'^j , 'C»a^ ^ j^jS Like, equal, intermediate ; Jlotl ^ —
titute. average. Requital. Ransom.
Deprived, bereft of; . . .!l ^ot • Like, equal (in Jjotj Jljil ^ Jo*
without. weight, size, value). Half a load.
Paii'less, without J^^\J *jxljl j,ijS •• Bundle, bag, sack. VujS-^j —
equal. Counterbalance of two bags. J'jS

To exceed the bounds. J ^SJ^] j

The things preserved, ^iU)lj ^ lUI
To trespass, to ti-ansgress. To jj^ \
and the lost ones.
be or become transitive (verb). '

Lost, annihilated. ^jJ^

To pass towards. Jl ^SJ^^ \
To abide, Aj ^ Cjopj Cop i o'j^ *
To encroach upon the rights of. it— to stay in (a place).
To receive (a dowry) from a A — To manure (a land). To pull fit d'ji.

wife. out (a rock).
To be at enmity. To spread a ji\^ To manure ( a land). To dig fit oop

contagious disease. To race on foot. (the ground). To work (a mine).

To be remote to go off. To be une-
; Aden in Yemen. oj*
ven (ground). Sojourn. Eden. ^'j£

To sliow hostility to. u- jj^i Paradise : gardens of o Ji oU>

To implore the protection ip s ^^luLll^ eternal abode.
of a. 0. against. Keeping to the same o^^ji ,? o^Vp
To make (a horse) to run. 5 — pasturage (camel).
Heat, run. Shore of the sea. Bank of a olJ^
Like, similar. Heat. river. Space of seven years.
Tombstone. Stone Numerous party. oIjIop ^ vl-J
covering of a well. Patch on a leathern J iIp ^ X^ijJ-j

Side, shore, country. bucket.
Hostile party. Mine, ore. Metal, o^C^ »r >j-^
Enmity, hostility. mineral. Native place, place of
Injustice, oppression. production, a Excellent.
Save, except {adv). lop C»j lap Metalhc (substance), metal. -j ju>
Complaint deferred to a judge, ^jjop Mineral (kingdom) mineralogical.

Contagious disease. Pickaxe. ^j^

Alike, equal. SjIapj sjop' Miner, worker of a mine. c^jjjt

Elevated spot. Margin, 'lop^yluj — To run. \jSj *|jjuj Oljopj Ijop o Iop -ft-

brink (of a river). To turn a. th. away,^ j CIjopj IjIip —

Barren Unevenness of a
soil. '\jjj- a. 0. from.
saddle, seat. Remoteness. Hindrance. To transgress, to trespass ^pj fi>

I came on f\jjj. ^i upon. To neglect a. th.
^O^ J«- iii?-,
riding uncomfortably. To run, to rush on. J*
Hardship. jii)l sijop To jp tSj'j^ij Cljap'j <Dpj ij-i^j 'jj^ ~*

Swift-running. oU-^ act wrongfully towards.

Runner. -Ijp To be hostile to. J iIp a ^op
Troops beginning the attack. ;jj^ To make a. 0. to ci'oss, to fi>j 5 jj£.
Name of an Arab tribe. pass. To render ( a vei'b ) transitive.
Foe, enemy, itij -latl ^ sjap ^ jji ^ To cross (a river).
The greatest foe. jjS i^jil To deter a. 0. from. ^^ 5 —
Running. Enemy. siop ^ ili Do not mind him. il£ op
The lion. t^iCll To treat a. o. as 5 slop j sliCU i^itt
Sides of (a tablet). oO ili an enemy.
Hostile party. Distance, il^ ^ ^^^ To hit successively two cjjuo ojJ —
Hinderance. Injustice. animals of the chase.
The changes of time, its _^!0I ji\'ji To start (a horse). s jm t

hardships. To infect a. o. with (disease). ^ S —

Trespass, transgression, mIupIj ^Jju To act wrongfully towards. jp —
offence. To help, to assist a. 0. against, ip s —
To circumcise (a child). s ijiip j'j£ Use of a verb in a transitive "C^S^
To bridle (a uj » Ijli^j Ijlit i o — sense. Transitiveness of a verb.
horse). Rugged, uneven places. tf^Cill
To have a complaint of the jjj. Contagious (disease). oii
throat (child). Passage ; shelter. i/Cua
To allege bad excuses. jiV^j /JS Oppressed. *rip '^^'-j-i *^3ii>:
To grow on the cheeks (of a /js Transitive (verb). oiS/J

boy :down). Unjust tyrannical.

: it jc^j luii
To efface the traces (of a *> — n Ferry-boat. ^iu: ^ rcSoiJ
house). To defile a. o. Uneven ; stony (ground). iUSJ
To be inexcusable. To be J jSs']j — To abstain from eating. Clip i ^Jjs. ^
excusable. thi'ough excess of thirst.
To jircumcise (a child).To put s j'jj.] To neglect (a ^ i_ilur-:ij ^ss^S-
the cheek-strap to a horse. business).
To draw back. To ^p Jji£.\j j!u; To hinder jc a ^jj.]j Jjjj \ JjS
excuse o.'s self, to apologise for. a. 0. from.
To be effaced (design, trace). jjif.\j — To be sweet, palatable, 'ojot o i-j'j^

To be impossible to a. o. it jjiij To be overspread with (,jS a <-jJi-

(affaii-). green moss (water).

To complain. To be excusable, jiriil. To chastise, to torment, to s ^jS
To apologise for.
^ j-i^^i torture a. o.
Excuse. Plea. Virginity. jIILp'i ^ jlip To have, to find sweet water, ujjic'i

Menses of women. To clean a (water-pond). a —

The first utterer of^>ifeJI \'S» j'Sl jj] To get rid of. ^s dilJJ i_iit1
this sentence. To be punished. To suffer. kSjJo -^
Cheek. Down
covering the j^ ^ j\'Se. To hang down the ends of a iJj^[
cheeks. Cheek-strap of a bridle. turban.
Brand on a camel. To draw sweet water.
He has thrown off all shame. j\'S»\\
^ To give sweet water to a. o.
To find a. th. sweet, palatable.
jjLc ^ ;3lip
Lock of hair : horse's J'JJ. ^ tjjj. Palatable. i_,iap ^ lyot
forelock. Prepuce. Circumcision. Vir- Motes, particles. Tree- tj'JSj «_iJIp
ginity. bi'anch. Rag used by women-mour-
Human excrement. cKj-^ -r Sjit ners. Ends of a turban.
Refuse of wheat. Court-yard. Dung- Covered with motes, green ^S£
hill. moss (water).
Apologising for ; advocate. JjJ ^ j^Ji Green moss, Cj^'jS ^ ti'JSj "CSs-j oli*
Feast for the circumcision i\^\i
- duckweed.
of a child. Tip of the tongue. Strap cj^'jS ^ Xj'jS

Difficulty, impossibility. yjj^ of (a whip), string of ( a balance).

Excrements. Sjiicjjiip End of a turban.
Pain in the throat. ^il>c ^ jj'^'^ Chastisement. Pain, tjli'\ ^ i_/lap
Virgin. Scaven- ^j\jjj ^'jjs ^ Aj'sc supplice.
ger's daughter. Virgo [Zodiacal Abstaining from eating <^jjSj ujili
sign ). Unbored pearl. Untrodden through excessive thirst.
sand. Sweetness of water. *Jj^
The Blessed Virgin Mary. •ijluJI More palatable (water). ^Jjs-]

Excuse. To excuse : to free a. o. from blame.

^j, ( le
To be scabby (camel).^_j,l^ o i ^^ -fr Excused. Circumcised. Affected j/jln
To afflict, to disgrace '^
5 ,
— with angina.
a. o. To taste (food). ^ (jSi i SJS -fr

To manure (a field). » j'pj — To eat a. th. ^ oaiJ

To utter \X^,3 '^j\^ j(tj,\j\ji S^ i 1 have Csl'it Vj CsjJuT Vj Cilic c^'i C-

a cry (ostrich). <• To low. not tasted anything.

To be deliled (dwelling). ^] Food, drink of men and beasts, oj'it
To be restless iu bed. ji^ Tall, strong s^^rj* ^ JJ'JJ. - JJs, -fr

To address a. o. humbly. ^ j\s\i 'J^\ ( camel ).

To spread (scab). S*^'- To ti"im (a ^ Jjlpj,C3afr i j'ip -fr

Mange. Vice. Madness. Dung. ^ palm-tree).

Dirt. Scabby. To mark (a ewe) with » j'ji^j —
Dung of birds. Scab of camels. s'.ij jl red wool.
Scab, mange. j/J-j Sj- To stigmatise a. o. ^i^. 2^ JJ>^
Scabby. Small- -^'
^ »|^t ^ ^1 °alm-tree loaded Jl'itj j'itl ^ j'Jlt
humped (camel). with dates.
Prostitute, harlot. ySjl Raceme of dates ; Jj'otj Jl'itl ,- J-^^
Retaliation. Buphthalmum^ ox- jV^i. bunch of grapec.
eye (plant). Mark made with red sJiitj *J'it
Prematurely weaned Sjl^* ^ ~ wool.
(child). To find fault 5 J j*j ,v'ifr o 1 J'j* -J^

Crime. Shame. j\'ji with, to upbraid a, o.

Might. Root.
Ill-nature. ;j^ To be blamed. To blame J'^tlj S^
Stranger (to a tribe). _j_,c: o.'s self.
^ Bellowing. Blame, reproof. JliiSj Jj*j Jit
Disgracing his family, SjjjGtj jjjVs- Days of intense CiViri>i ^ij'lj J j* ^•''1''

Crime. Annoyance. Fine, ol^i^ :r v*^ heat.

Blood-price. Treachery. Reprover. iJli^j Jltitj Jo/ ^ Jiii
Scabby defiled.
; j/j'*^" Severe censor. iJllitj jr^tj Jj'-i^j *' ^
Beggar addressing humbly. 3^;i Anus. iJI 'it

Juniper-tree. ^^^ "^ Blamed. J*i«'j Jj'ii*

Summit, top of a ^'S* t C^I^ Bountiful, lavisher. S^
mountain. Mountain-cypress. Parti- To chew (horse). To dot i ^'ip -{^

tion of the nose. defend o.'s self.

Stopper of a bottle. "i'J-'j^i

~ To blame a. o. is

Fat (camel). Noble, ^f.\^£ ^ j.\ji Wont to bite (horse). j^ji ^ j^jJS
chief. Biting in words (man).
To be in good %JJ,i <ljji o ^^'^e- -^ Biting. Flea. J^''jS

Arabic (language). To be a true Blame, reproof. vj'-^ t "^.M

Arab (man). To be wholesome (air, ij'ji o Tic -fr

To be disordered (sto- C^i a ^y- country).

mach). To be swollen, to leave a To be 5j\ it J itj i5 ic a i^.it
scar (wound). To swell (river). healthy, remote from water (land).
To point out to a. o. the jp A ojt To hold (a country) as A tS'i^-"l
unseemliness of. healthy.
To speak out on behalf of. & — . Healthy, wholesome t?,J*J />'*
To Arabicise (a word). ,J^s.]j —
fit (climate).
To use good Arabic style. To prune Salubrious *iitj *i,ipj Slit u>jl
(a palm-tree). To scarify (a hoi'se). country.

1 )
To be perplexed, confused ^.J^ •*>• '
To give an earaest. hS*1> ^j^
(man). I
To afford (clear arguments). ^_, kJ^'S
To climb up (a tree, J^'j^i J^'jS. -if-
To express o."s mind clearly. a—
wall). To pronounce the final accents of a
To give an earnest to. rs Ji'jl -S- woi'd.

Oii}^ TT P^j -^i d^.J'i ^A'J-i ^y.J- To adopt the customs ^'Jj^\^ yj'jh
Earnest-money. Pledge. cnjji-j -(f-j of Arabs. To become a naturalized
To tan a hide with a plant. ^I'J- ^ Arab.
Plant for tanning red. ^'ji Arabs o'J^frj '^j'j^j v^ ' '? vS*-* V.lr*
To ascend J (?.\iL»j ^/J- o ^ ^^ of the desert. Bedouins.
^a ladder). The genuine Arabs, ij^s-j '^.'js- »-/r^
To be carried up. o ^^ People of foreign tijkiL'j iTj^ vS^
To limp. To be lame. (^^ a ^^j -r'^ or mixed descent, naturalized
To incline towards ^'J. o !r^J a ^^ amongst the Arabs.
setting (sun). Disordered (stomach). Yielding :u^
To lean on one side -rj^i rrj'' much water (well).
( building). Arab ; of true Arabian ^^ ^ '4;j^
To make (a building) to incline. * ^^ blood. White barley.
To halt, to stop in (a place). yJ'j^ij — Arabic, Arabic language. i^^p SSJ
To undertake (a work). The science of the Arabic :w^l Jit
To tm'n from to leave a. th. ^s, ^^
; tongue.
To render a. o. lame (God). 5 rS*^ Unsettled s^j_\s] ip^j iJ(^'\ t Vj.0*^
To feign lameness. ^jUj
Arabs of the desert. Bedouins.
To be inclined on one side ?rS*'l : Swollen, overflowing yjS^J ^J,**
to deviate. (river).
To stray from : to forsake. ^— Desinential syntax. Gramma- ol^cl^
Lameness. c^Wj-i -rj^ tical analyses.
How great is his lameness i>^p !iX^
I U Swift river. Soul, cJ^.^^j ^'^ t vS^
Lame. ot?-^j -^y- ^ *V?-^ j> wS*' mind.
Crow. -^ Knave (at cards). Carriage, car, wagon.
Female hyena. 'W-^ Coachman, carter.
Straying. r-i^j ^r^^J *»lrSJ VS^ ^ Godfather.
Declivity. •if- Godmother.
Bad affair. r^^f-
j^'\ State, qualities of a
Midday. Eating but once a day. 'QJ^^ \ genuine Arab.
Noxious snake. c.\>^\ ^ ^rvi^' Full blood Arabian
Place of TJ JLUij ^j,UJ ^ ^r'S^^J k-^-', '
ascent. Ladder, stairs. j
There is nobody ^^J^ j\ jQIj I.

Night of the Ascent ^r'S*!^'

"^ at home.
amongst Moslems. j
Declinable (word). vS**
Sloping (land). Bending (of a ^'J^ '
Expressing his mind (clearly), ^^l^
river). I
Possessing true Arabian horses.
Crooked palm-bough. iy>-'J-3 oi^ ^ Arabicised (word). ^j^
To strike with a stick. ff^
^'J, ^ To be unsociable, quarrel- jTi'ji -H-

To imprint (on cloth).

figm-es To some.
dye with saffron, henna. Quarrelsome, ill-natured, jl, ji>j jlo^
Bough of a palm-tree, j^ \Ji. ^ d^js- Male viper red serpent.
; V^
\:>/J. o ^'J. ^
To grow ( tooth, Custom, use.
plant). To entangle : to disturb a. o. i ^_J.<f

( lee )
Halting place. u^^^j u-S'"'
To cast (stones) far away, a \ij. ij.
To J J,'J. \j J.^j d^'j. i
«• To take flight, to i^c^ \ij. a ^J. ,

make a vine-stalk. draw back in fear.

To roof (a house). To raise (a fi>
— To rise, to set (star). To stray ij,
but). from (a road).
To prop the stalks * ^Sjh ^J- ~ To turn aside, to go far from, jt —
of a vine upon a trellis. To pierce (an animal) thi'ou'.'^h J —
To case in stones the lo-west^ Ci.^ — (arrow).
part of (a well). Hard, stiff, thick. i^j i_,tj ij.
To settle in (a place). lj ii^Sj-
~ i
Ballista,stone-throwing '

To be astonished, Ci,^^ Ci-^ a uv^ machine.

puzzled. Tamarind (tree). <-rl^'j;
To press (a debtor). ..j Ci.^
— To be hard, a j_/j V]j. , i
'jj. *
To prop a wine on a shed or A ji^ contracted.
cane-hut. To roof a house). (
To pull a. th. strongly. ^ jj.
To stick to to give o.'s self ^ JJ^^i
; To show to a. o. the end of. J —
up to a. th. To settle in a country. To conceal a. th. a jJ,
To hang from an arbour J'J^X, To be contracted. jj^>j j'J^j
(grapes). To counteract, to importune ^ jjt

*^3^J tA^'^J J-jy-J ur-'lr*''! T J-IA a. 0.

Throne of God, of a king. Arbour To spoU a. th. A j'J.'s

pavilion. Nest on a tree. Might. To be difficult to a. o. ic j^i.ilj j^v

power. (affair). '

Bier for the dead. Wood for ji^ Hut on a Ji jj> ^ JC^ - Jj^ ^
casing the upper part of a well. tree for a rural guard. Den of lion.
Side of the neck. j-Vj^Sj ^'y^ rr J^'J- Band of thieves. Ji J,0^ >*J^
Instep. Ear. To be cheerful. iSy, o ^Ji -^
Trellis, shed. <> Carriage-^i^c ^ j-ij- To be merry. To cleave C^ a ^r^
shaft. to. To be weak, tired.
Litter for Avomen. J^\'J- -^ *^^^J ~ To alight for rest during ,^^tj ^^^t
•< Vine-arbour. ^^.J- the night.
Sheltered by an arbour. J^jj^^j cA^ To give a wedding-dinner. y-^ft^
Upheld by a trelhs (jviue). ^ Vine- To have the bride brought <1aIj —
clad (wall). to his house (bridegroom).
To be restless (camel), ia'js. ^jo[^ 1 -ft Partition between two U-'3* '
T \J-J^
To be brisk, lively child To thun-( ). apartments. Pole of a tent.
der and send forth lightnings (skyj. Bridegroom, husband, ^r-l^s-l -- u«^

To flash (lightning). ta'js. a ^j^j^ The two spouses ; husband oC-,^1

To be glad, sprightly (man). and wife.
To spread a. th. in the sun. * ^^t V^^easel. zj^^'j. -i/-^ ^'jg, oUj ^ ^^ o\
To be tossed, shaken. u^^f^^ Wedding. oC^j ^\'J. I
^ ^-^pj ^'jl
To stay in (a place). ^ u^>»^ Wedding-party.
To play, to sport (child). To ^y'J^i Flowers of nenuphar. j^l a ^f^
quiver skin). To flash (lightning).
Weasel-coloured. 'iS^'ji
Flashing (lightiuing). ^JsJ.J ^'J.
Bridegroom, ^'J. ^ ^_,tj J-j^
Court, u^l^'lj u^l^J CjC^^ -r *-^lr^ spouse.
area, square. Bride. ^\'J. ^ ll.yj.j ^jj-
Cloud sending forth light- u*l^ Kind of fish. _,>.;!! t^/^
nings. Retreat of lion ; thicket. "CSjS-j ^y
3>f (:"
To join (funerals) on the way. A j^3(p Thundering. Quivering
( lance ).

To present (a petition). A J''J'^\ To slit a. th. by pulling. 5 ^Xo'ji ^

To widen a. th. Chamcepitys^ ground-pine, ^^'ji
To shun. To oppose. — ^ medicinal plant.
To be munificent. ^j l&*iJI j — |
Wooden peg of a wij-ai;^ .^ <Jia'J-
To come within reach (game). J — ;
saddle. Flexible bone of the probos-
To be possible to a. o. j
cis. Whip of sinews.
He was able to do good. 'j^\ iJ 'ja'^S Lion. ^Co^ ^
To be exhibited, displayed. J^y^i Glutton. jr^'j^
To happen, to occur to a. o. o^Ul, — Miser. j'y^'j^
To tliwart, to counteract a. o. To happen (accident). C*^ j^l^ i -ft-

To inc^-rfere in (an affair). y^yj — -^ To expose, to send a petition.

To become within reach. Jj * j*^ An accident "jaj it iJ ja'^^^
To emulate o. a. To oppose J='3t«o happened to him.
o. a. To be contradictory (news). He was seized 1^\ ^ 'JsjXs. i^'^
To happen. To be across (a u^Intl. with a fit of fever.
road, a stream). To review (troops). Aj 5 —
To be strong-headed >~-J J- To present a. o. with a. th. J fi> ja'j.
(horse). To expose a. th. to view. To pre-
To present o.'s self to. To J- pare a. th. to.
oppose 1 to cause obstruction to. He gave him a suit of C ]^1 «|:i ^ i)

To lay across. To form oji ti5lJI
— clothes as a payment of his debt.
an obstacle. To put (a sword) upon. * ic.

To point out the faults of. ^>U ic — To offer a. th. for (sale).
To object to. To slay, to flog j,^i ^XDl jt 5 _,|
To review (troops). To face a. o. 5 —
To ride a restive (horse).
To shoot (an arrow) ,^\
oMi) ~

a. o.
To foUow the
traces of a. 0.
l^'J-j oiU » u^js-

and kill a. 0. To appear J js'J.'\^ iiaji a j^J.j -

To seek a. th. broad. ^'JLL\ to ; to be within sight, in the power
To question a. o. To ask a. 0. 5 — of.

to show. To be seized with madness. ja^

To slay people indiscrimina- >>-^\ ( opp. to JUa ) i_ol>j Ca'j^, j*>'
tely. To be broad, to be widened.
Ask any one among (-"Ih^^ iZwl To place a. th. opposite J a js^
the Arabs. to. To explain to apprise a. 0. of

Unfox'eseen event. Compensation. a. th. To propose a. th. to.

a> —
Exhibition (of goods). Review of an To widen, to make broad.
army. To hint, to suggest a. th. To j3^
Goods, movables (except j^/ 1 ^ — write indistinctly. To barter. To
gold and silver). Side of a mountain. become energetic.
Breadth. Width, Latitude [rjeogr). To speak equivocally. J jl <-> ij>^
The day of the Judgment. j,^| y^i To make hints, to allude to.
To avoid a. 0. To thwart, to 5 o^jt
•^ Written account, request. oppose a. 0. To requite a. 0.
Cloud. Hour jsi^j j^\'J.'\j j^yj. ^ - To keep up with a. 0. jjiJi j 5 —
of the night. in walking.
Tops of the trees. y^lji ja\'^l'\ To imitate a. 0. tj^ 5 —
Good repute. Honour,
j=\'J.'\ ^
^>t To collate (a writing) with. ^J » —
( loY)
peariiig in laughter !
soul one's self. Body. Valley. Smell.
Bi-oad. Full. Plentiful. Army.
Yearling kid. Infamy, violation. J=»lr»" '^^
Wealthy, lit. big-bellied. OUauH - His honour untouched. ja^JI '^> '^

< Petition. Letter : brief. <-^_r^ He is a sweet-smelling j^^a!! ^'il^ y»

Show-place. cr»j,U/* ?- <j'S*J' man.
Exhibition. Side, lateral part. Slope jaVjS, -^ j^'J-
Apparel of a girl. tr'S*^ (of a mountain). Main part.
Opposition, obliquity. :LijUi He is from common ^u)| ^^«=
Bastard. Brazen-faced man. i^3^iJ'>^l descent.
Featherless arj"o\v. Equivocal J'\y»* He looked ^j^'ji ^s. jl
j^-J. *:j\ Jij
.speech. j
at hiin sidelong.
Abstruse J^^.j^'^'J J^j}^ tt •J'!/'^
Accident [opposed to J'>> « cr'S* I

(speech). substance ). Movables. Furniture,


Petition, a Crack-brained. J^jy-^ Hazard, luck. Accident. Profit acqui-

Laying across. Objector. cr'-ni^ red by chance.
Unforeseen. He was hit by a j^^t ^:. i;u»l
Timbal, lute. "CS^'jlj "^'j^ ^ random arrow.
At random unintentionally.
: Ca^S
To know, to 'perceive by the senses Intention. Target. Purpose. z^'^
or mind. He is a match for him. <yj'i)_ '<S>'ji- '^
To bear a. th. patiently. J- I have exposed him to. J \^'J, iilif
To acknowledge (a faulty J 4j Ju — Corner of a house.
To manage (business) ^I^C; — Accidental. ( opp to J_,Sj:f )
skilfully : to govern. tf- Venial (sin).
To have an ulcer in the Llnsteady on hor.3eback. Restive "^^OJi
palm of the hand. (camel). •<>• Army-corps.
To be set over people. *~j\'j£^ o tJ^ Restiyeness of a beast. ^r*?^
To use perfumes. C»^ a Ji_^ Mark on a camel's j^'J. ^ J^\j^
To acquaint a. o. with (_) ji A
5 .j^ thigh. Main part of a tradition.
to inform of. She brought a ,(.^0- o^ -^Si ^'"^
To let know ihe name of child out of wedlock.
a. o. To introduce a. o. to. Broad, wide.
To point out a. o."s (defects). C;5^i s — Gift, present. -^ Discharge of
To perfume a. o. or a. th. fi>j s — fire-arras as a rejoicing.
^ To hear the confession of a. o. 2<
— F'oot of a verse. jaij\f-'\

(priest). Metre (in poetry). Prosody.

To prefix the article to (a noun) : *— Shore road. Meaning of
: js'^s, ^ —
to define a. th. (speech).
To have a fine crest (cock)*, a ij^tl Science of prosody. J^jJ^^ jM
fine mane (horse). Prosodist. \s^ij-
To be determined (noun). o^ij Opposition. Objection. J^\y^\
To inquire, to take information — fii Fit, crisis of an J^j}'^ ir J'jS'-
about. illness. Obstacle, hindi'ance. Cheek.
To ba known by such a one. o>^i — The two cheeks. oU9j,U)l
To be acquainted together ; to ^jjio Thin-bearded. uj.ij,U!l ^JUii
recognize one another. Rafter, cross-beam. J^ji,!^ ?- "^^j}^
To hi humble and submissive. oDi^l Tooth in the side of the mouth. Side
To become aware of. a — of the cheek. Part of the face ap-
; .

Crested (cock), jij' ^ '^^t j, S^s-S To question a. o. » ^'As-\

Full-maned (horse). To confess the (faith). To ^—

Knowledge, science. Ju,^ ?r '^J'^
acknowledge (a fault). -^ To confess

Jc*?^' *S_^
Gratefulness. (sins)*

Face. jj Cti ^ ij^'j j_^« He bore the affair patiently, y^, —

(P/). Friends, acquaintance's. To know a. th. fi> j^«L \
May God vivify your ^^jyi «il U> To ask to be introduced to a. o. Ji —
faces. To be swollen (sea). To have Jij'/^\
The friends of such a one. o!i^ Cij,liJ* a fine mane (horse).
Place where the mane y^jy^i ^ "^'^ To prepare to mischief. 'y^, ~
grows. Smell (specially good). jij£
Detinitc!. Determinate. o^^* Acknowledgement. ujl^c'l -r J>'J-

< Confessor (priest). us^ij^ Crest of a cock. Mane of a horse.

Good, suitable. Benefit, service, ^jjmj> Beneficence, goodness. Elevated pla-
favour. Active voice ( of a verb ). ce. Waves. Known. Common-language.
Fragrant. Having an ulcer in the Common law. plr^' «-9^
hand. They came one after Cs^ y^S «ii.

< Beneficent, serviceable, cij^ ve*-<» another.

^ Confessor of the faith. 3^'" I acknowledge that (Sj. 'j^'s "js- iJ

Thorny tree -^ Kind of ^J. ^ Iowe him a thousand benefits."

brack-ursine. Patience. ^Jy-j '-ij%
Gummiferous tree. Species Jaj^c ^ Elevated sands, places. ^y.
of mimosa. Wind. Ulcer in the palm of zJy
To strip fi JySj CS^i^j CJ^ o J^*
"^ the hand,
(a bone) of the flesh. j
Question, asking. **^j ~
To penetrate j^jVl J ijjj-j i2'j. o - !
Prominence. Limit between j^p ^ tjy
inro a country. two things.
To line a (leathern bag). A— Arafa, mountain near Mecca. ^jy
To be lean, emaciated. j_^ Witchcraft. Divination. *^\'j%.

To sweat. Cj^t a 3j£ Diviner, sorcerer. >^^lS* t "JO^

To make a. o. to sweat. 5 j^ Common use or ( opp. to "J'/jk) 'J, j&

To add little water to fi> J^h — speech.

(a beverage). Aphorism. *=?^^
•^To boil (figs). A J3*- Arbitrary (custom). Private. -J '^g.

To fill half (a bucket). j J^'lj — ^ Arbitration. '4/^ ^^^

To come into Irak. J3^1 Limb us. o^^VI ••
To strike deep J^^b Jlntlj — Acknowledgment, thankful- >J\'Jil{
roots (tree). ness. -^ Sacramental confession.
To promote sweat. J^?.^l Knowledge. Benefit boon. ;
Bone stripped from its j|^ ^ j^ Definition of cjiiiyj •J^uS^ t ^.J^'
flesh. Beaten path. a. th. Tariff.
Sweat of the body. Moi.sture of j^ The Book of definitions. ^Uj^^I '-/cS
walls.ISIilk. Row of bricks, animals. The definite article Jl ^_^i jiy-
Foot-prints of animals walking in Patient. Known. x*^ ^ oj,ie
a file. Plait of palm-leaves. -<> Spirit Benefit, gift >JJ,'S*' t *-^J ^
any distillated liquor. Patient, steadfast. ySj- ^ 3}js-
Weariness, fatigue. *j^l ~ Knowing, learned. **j^
Token of friendship, reward. J^ii-JI — Chief of a corporation. .il^ ^ ^*o^
"Vein, artery. Jj^j 3\'J.\j JIJ^ ^ J^ Appraiser. School-master. Kno-\vn.'
( lo\ )
Sweating, exuding water. o6_/ •<>• Ore a mine). Origin
(in jj^ ^ Jy^
Iron instrument for stripping j^;^ of a man. Thread, root of a tree.
a bone. Fresh milk. Sandy hill. Rugged and
Mixed with, little Oij^^i Oj*^i Oj*-^ isolated mountain. Streamlet of wa-
water (drink). ter. Saline ground.

Lean, emaciated. J^i»j J/j^ •^ Tormentil [plant). jQ>?Jvi J^t

promoting sweat.
Sudorific, 3'yJ> fy- Dragoon's blood [plant). oJJ'»i\

To hamstring (a beast). » y_^'js. -ik- •fy-
Liquorice-root. ^^1 —
To help (a beast) in rising. ->Ipecacuanha. Long ^_j* 'ill —
To journey through moun- v4!f*' pepper.
tain-paths, -fy-
To be intricate (busi- Rwnex, patience [plant). J^—Ul —
ness). Mother-of-pearl. '^'^ ~
Tendo Achillis. Hock. ^^\'^ -r ^y>'j^ Sciatica, hip-gout. iloJI —
Winding roads (in a mountain). Timber, beams. ^illl j/^l a
Entanglement, complica- j^Vl v-?'S^ Chelidonium., yellow- ^i-?.u Jj'jii\

tion of business. wood (dye).

To skip (child). To creep Madder (dye). _^ill jyji\
(snake). Plant for fattening J^^ Jj^«"
To stray from the right women.
course. There is a little .^iJI ^ j'^t. >^\'^\ j
To involve a. o. in difficulties. —
it water in the drink.
To entangle (business). To use A — The pulsative arteries. oj,<^i»)l Jj^l
shifts in (speech). The veins, blood-ves- ^\jl^\ iij^^
To be entangled, intricate J»^ sels.
(business). To be full of artifices Sweating much. X^'J-i 3'^
(speech ). -^ To be
crippled : to be Road in a highland. *-^j*
taken with a cramp. Root, fibre of a o'jii cJ^j^- t *-3^
Crafty, shuffling. tree.
Misfortunes. Stock, source of wealth. 36^ j —
Difficult, intricate aflfairs. Row, file. Whip. cJ^'jii 3'J- -r ''^'J-

Perplexity. -^ Palpy. Cramp Sandy hillock. Piece of ^Jl^t ?r "^j^J^

To sci'ape : to rub fi> fe.^ o 6'jS- -S- wood for carrying a bucket.
out. To wear out (clothes). To de- Misfortunes. 3jv-" "^'^
vour (
plants : cattle ). <> To knead Generous ; of noble 3j'->'i 3i^
(dough) : to mix up a. th. descent (man). Full-blood (horse).'
To train ; to render a. o. s — Rooted. Sj^h ~
experienced (time). Lining of a 3'^ij 3'J.j ; J^ ^ Jl^ 1

To endure vexation. <uij iS'si\

— bag. Sea-shore. Flesh around the
War has crushed them. t_)^iji j^^'ji- nails. Edge of the ears. Seam of a
He spoke at random. axjjJ^ J i)^
table-cloth. Court-yard.
To ii'^'\j ^^jjlj ^^'ji-j (==>'^ o ijS- Cotton cap 3\'^ ^ 7^'^ -^j x!al^
menstruate ( woman). worn under a turban.
To be a strong fighter. ^'^ a iJ_^ Irak. Mesopotamia. J'S?" *^-
To contend with ^\y:j \S'j\-j> i>'j\s-
ts Basrah and Koofah (towns). o\»\'_^r^\

a. o. Drop of water. Abundant Z^V^t-j 3\'J-

To ba scraped, rubbed away. 6ji rain.
To fight with a. o. illntlj 6'JJi Plants springing up after ^'ji^\
Rubbing. Experience. ( un. xQ^'j.) i}'J- the i*ain.

•^ Kneading. Molar teeth. Years. tJj,'j*

c ^ A- ")

if fj"
Harsh, violent. Numerous yJ^'J-
-^ Time (repeated action ).oU»'^ ^ *-0^
army. -^ Vehement rain. War.
To become hardened ^^ J- -S- Sound, voice, noise. £j_^j ^yj,
(body). Strong wrestler ; ci^/ ^ i^J.
Stone. Hard (she-camel). ^r-;^ antagonist. Heap of sand.
(f Bunch stripped of J^\'J. ^ j'yj- Fisherman. ^^yj. ,^j ii^ ^ '^'^
ito grapes. Crowding at water. Ji^^
To become overspread with jiSj- -S- He brought all his i)|^| '^\ yj-f\
green moss (water). camels together to water.
Green substance upon water, ja^^ Drudge : bearing annoyance. "i^'^l
Thorny ti-ee. SmaU-humped camels. iJ_,^
To become accustomed jc. \ij. o i/jt. ^ Nature, temper. *^i,ljr* rr *6v_^
to a. th. Camel's hump.
To put a piece of wood into j i o — Mild-tempered. *^^1 CijJ
(a camel's) nose. Menstruating ij^ijlj , ^jj\'^ '^ ^jji.
To have a disease of the C^ a o^ (woman).
legs (beast). Battle-ground. ii'.^j ,'Jjyji ^ iiy,;i
To on meat.
live ii'jc-'\ Battle-field. iJjU> ^ :i^j^j <^>>
Smell of cooked meat. o^ Altercation, wrestUng, xJ'j\J^j —
Disease of the legs, among8tc)l3*j o^ fight, conflict.
beasts. Ulcer on the neck of camels. Fighter. Wrestler. iJj u>J

Ulcered on the legs. ^jj. Trodden upon by cattle ^j^i^

Forest, thicket. Strength, o^p -^ cr,j£- ground ). Heaped up ( sand ). In-

Flesh. termingled at water (cattle).

Covert (of lions). ^ l^c ^ "i^^J-j
— To gnaw (a bone), it C*^^ i o X^ -»-

Wooden Lit inserted into a ' ol^ To crop (a tree : beast ). -^ To bind
camel's no.se. (a book).
Waves, billows. High sea. "Oyjl To treat a. o. harshly. s —
Upper part of the nose. oyVji ^ Ca5^ To treat a. 0. perversely, jc. C^l^t —
Chief. First part of a. th.
Prominent -
To be ill-natured, lui;^ a ^^ ^h
^\'J. ^ ^ij, -»-
^"i'ji-^ To mix up. -^ To heap up. j,*j. fi^

part of a mountain. Spindle. <• Ten- To be gnawed (bone), To be ^^ -tf-

dril of (a vine). Head of Indian corn. heaped up. To swell (river).

To befall a. o. (acci- 5 \j'j, o
-« To gnaw (a bone). To crop (a A —
dent). To repair to a. 0. tree : beast).
To shudder, to shiver from ^Sy-i
— To be strong-headed (hoi-se). yf\i\
fear or fever. Mixture of white and black. xV^j yj.
To regret a. th. sold. Jl ^^J, Impetuosity of an army. Ill- J^'J,
To put a handle to (a jfc
i^^b "^1/ nature. Ignorance.
leather-bag). To make button-holes Heap of corn, of sand, ^.^p ^ *ofr
in (a garment). or dung. Iron-helmet.
To overwhelm a. 0. (sorrows). )i ^s'J^X Hard, wicked. j,^
To repair to a. o. Dam. Vehement rain. ^^ ^ 7^^
Region, vicinage. Free ^ j^c Wicked, violent (man). Bitterly ^j'\*
from trouble. cold (day).
Befalling of a misfortune. Mlntlj jj- Book-binder. ^(^ -^
Shivering fever. The North.
Handle. Loop used as a
Calamity. Ditch.
Speckled, white
iW^ ^ ^^
^'^l ^ ij'J. y^i ^ .C-jt j, /Ja
button-hole. Suburbs of a town. and black.
> )

God ! to Him belongs jfj jt 'Zi\ Thicket. Company of men. Valuable


glory and power. 1 property. Lion.

To be hard to a. o. (affair). *IU a jt I am free from it. ii^ ajji- Jl
It would be very hard )JS'j^aI o*i — i
Seized with an access of i\'^ ^ Js,
to him to do so. |
To overcome, to gain J S IIjc o Jt Smitten by misfortune. i^jw
mastery over. To become ^ (I'J-j '""^-J- a <4ji- *
To render a. o. mighty, 2^
> U JJ^ naked, bare of clothes. To be fi*ee,
strong ; illustrious, noble. exempted from.
To strive to overcome a. o. i jli To strip a. 0. ^ jl A » >s'J- ^ ij^
To love a. o. i ji) of (his clothes).
I am disti'essed by dl/L?^ Uj. Ojjtl To free a. o. from. ^ j ^s'J.
what has befallen thee. To ride a horse unsaddled. j,'j\s.

To obtain power, consideration, jj^ To encamp to travel in a

: iS'jiS
To become scarce and dear (goods). desert. To be exposed to the cold of
To behave with pride. night.
To become mighty, illustrious. Intl To withdraw. To denude •&
To be proud of, to glory in. o— a. o.
To overcome a. o. To give to a. o.the fruit iiijll A 5 —
To agglutinate (sand) of a palm-tree for one year.
To overpower a. o. jc- j^^{

To be divested of clothes. jk j^
God has caused him to die. <j '«3!l To journey alone. SJiJ-K
To overcome a. o. J^''. J-^-^'^ To commit a shameful Gt^o \'Ji> \

(disease). action.
Power. Nobility. Conquest. Impos- jt To ride (a horse) without C^ —
sibility. Intensity. saddle-
Of course : necessarily.
1>' Wall, enclosure. Open field. S^
Fawn of a gazelle. sjt. Desert, waste. Nakedness. A'jS ^ -V^
Power, glory. Scarcity. Abstru- Sjp Nakedness. *i^j s?3*
seness. Shore, spot. Intenseness of cold, sl^
Mighty. M^f^j sj^lj jl> ^ j,j£. Unsaddled horse. j^l ^'^
Honoured. Proud. Impossible. Diffi- Cold wind. *i^O 4J-
cult. Scarce, precious. Cotton smock-frock with full ^^ d
Cyperus esculcntus (plant), jfjii] l.i sleeves.
Ruler of Egypt. .j^ J'.J^
Palm-tree stripped of its fruit. ;^
Magnanimous. (ojop. to JJi) j_^l^jt Naked. Fi'ee, destitute. %\'y. ^ ji*.

More powerful. Dearer. jjc. j, jt \

Naked. Active oyU^ -r oO^
More honoured. ( horse ).

Goddess of the pagan Arabs. jj^\ Uncovered part of jUj: ^ s'^iJj i^j-i
Powerful and glorious by ^u 1>tii the body.
the help of God. The hands, feet and face. (jjUill
Overcome by illness. J»Jri" jlji-* Stripped ; denuded. ^y|^
To live 'r'J'^J 1 *i -iJ^J *-'.J^ '^
VJ^ -« To be powerful, ijlj^j «3%.> '^'Jt^'y- ^
in celibacy. strong. To strengthen o.'s self. To
To be, to go far away^ Cjjc i o ^3^ become weak. To be dear, rare, pre-
fi'om. cious. To be insuperable (difficulty).

To b9 desert (country). ^j£ To become illustrious, exalted.ijt i

To protract (an absence). To ojc. The worth of a thing eo^ cy'yk'S
put off (business). is enhanced by its conti'ary.
C i-v
Musical instru- 04.U> ^ *»j*^-' '-*3*? To be remote, distant. To v3*^
ment, mandoline, lute. send camels to a remote pasturage.
To dig the earth A C»J£ i Jjt -tt- To send a. o. far away. ts

(with a spade). To eat. To remain unmarried. ^j^
To defeat, to crush a. o. ^'yo CiAa o — Hamlet, farm. ^j\y^ ,^ o jt a
Unsociable, untractable. J^ ^ Jjt Celibacy. mj^j *j j^
Vessel, censer. ^yjp Remote pasturage. <-»J,vis

Swing. iijjit -<» D Widower, divorced Xij li ^ uj) Ve

Elegance in dress. iSjp a woman.

Spade, hoe. Jj,i»^ ?r *-*J»^J tJ3*- Bachelor, t_(ljp1j U\js. ^ {m. f.) ^y.
To reOiOve, -^ fi^j i Jj^j.VJt Jjt i -Ji- spinstei", single.
to Set apart : to discharge a. o. Bachelor, ^jt ^ -j^ ^ ijjpb,^ijt
from (^office). Q Widower"
To be discharged, dismissed. Jjt Female slave. Wife. *0'^
•^To cleanse a. th. ^ Jjt Pasturing camels far *jlji^j vO*'
To withdraw, ^
J'J^h Jj^b Sy^ away.
to retire from. To blame, to reprove 5 {Jji i jjt *
To resign (an office). A Jl>ttlj Jjij a. 0.
To withdraw from (business). To prevent a. 0. from. ^ 5 —
To part fi'om o. another. JjUj To constrain a. 0. To teach ip 5 —
To be discharged. Jj;Ji <^j J'J^tlj Jj^ (religion) to a. o.
removed fi'om office. To correct, to punish severely. » jjp
Discharge from office. Jjp To flog a. o. To assist. To honour
State of being unarmed. J^ a. o, < To insult a. o.
Weakness. Jjp Reproof. Punishment. jlj^j Sj^
Unarmed. Jljj^l ^ Jj^ Punishment less than prescribed ^j^
Life in retii'ement. Solitary life, zijt by law.
Cleansing. JiJ-'
Reproved. jjii
Having oVJ^j Jj^j Jij^lj Jj^ ^ Jji^l Ezrail (the Angel of JciOJ^ *
no weapon. Isolated tract of sand. death).
Unable to fly (bird). Cloud without To turn ^ ij/j-j 0>'js- i o J^'J-
rain. Portion of meat set apart for away from : to be disgusted with
an absent man. a. th.
Anus. Mouth of a Jljsj J^Ijp ^ -VJ* To hum in the desert (genii). Cujfr —
water-skin. To play upon a ^^j^j Ciji i

fyInsulating stool. Jj (p musical instrument.
Secluded spot. Place of retire- J^ To utter a faint, confused sound, ojp
ment. To hear the rustling of the Jij^l
Far away from. ^t Jji^j wind.
The Seceders (musulman dis- SJ\mj> Rustling of the wind. Confused oj*
senters). sound. -^ Music.
Traveller remaining J> j,U» ^^ JijiL/> Wild pigeon. jjp
apart. Weak. Disarmed. Musician, player upon musical Jjj t
To resolve upon, f^j jt Cujcj ViVj Displeased with, jlj^ 5- **J^^ o.>I^
To carry out a resolution. To be y^i, Inconstant friend.
resolved upon (affair). Humming, faint sound in the wi^jt
To beseech i1 j\ J o5LJ Jc >.> desert. Rumbling of thunder.
a. 0. to. Thundering cloud. ^Ijc
To console o.'s self, to take ^ ^s"^ ^ To urge a. 0. to. To invite u. ^ yjl
patience. a. 0. to dinner.
To console, to condole One ^s''J^ To make a spell (wizard). ^jt_j —
another. ^ To exorcise.
Patient. ifj^ ^ 4^i *i^ J' J^ To detei'mine upon. jc._, A yJit^h J'S^
Patience ; endurance. •> Wailing Mjt To be firmly resolved to.
of the dead ; visit of condolence. To cariT out a resolution. j^J^\
Relationship : oi-iginal conuec- aJ jp To betake o.'s self to.
tion. Resolution, firm purpose. ^/^ ^ ^J£
Consolation afforded ; condolence, jj ji; People endowed with reso- ^j;j| \^j\
Consoled. 1^5"'" lutiou, constancy.
Cousolator, comforter. V/J Dregs of pressed raisins. j,'J. ^ ^jp
To go
patrol, to C..>:.,pj L-t o

the rounds by night. To come late

-J^ ^ Kindred. Tribe.
Intention. Resolution.
^jp ^ iSJt
oC»3^ jr -^J^
(news). Duty imposed by God.
To give to a. o. little to eat. n — Steadiness. Swift run. ^jt
To go roundabout by night. ^5pl, Steadiness, firmness of v-'j^ t *^3^
To search for a. th. during the A — resolution. Duty imposed by God.
night. To follow traces (dog). ^ Invitation to dinner, party.
Patrol, night-watch. u--^J o-^ He is an unsteady siijt Vj J^:^ iJ C»

Glass, tumbler. XLLs. ^ ^\Lf- ^ ^t man.

The she-camel has Ci.l.t *_s^l oji Fulfilling a promise. Seller of 'j'j.

yielded milk unwillingly. dregs of raisins.

Going round-^^Lltj ,
^^-x-.*j ,_r-l^ t IA^ Acting resolutely. i)yj\s-i X^jt j> yj}s-
about, patrolling by night. Faithful fi'iend.

Wolf. Night-watch. ^lliJI Affair decided upon. yj\s. *J^

Grumbling when milked (she- ^j^y-s- Sincere friends. "iX^
camel). Yielding little milk. Seeking Resolute in his designs. j,^'^
for prey, game, by night (man, hon). Snake-charmer. Reciting yyk/'j yj£
Petition, request. '^i» spells.
To fall in : to dissipate ^ p ^ -
. 'n'^ The lion. ^-^ii-'b ^t^^'
( darkness of night ). To near the ^ Exorcism. ^ij^
earth (cloud). Resolutely undertaken. j^j'j^''

To prowl about (wolf). ,_^ilj.7j — <• Invited, guest.

"Wolf. Beast of prey. ^liltj ^j-^i Determined upon. Resolute, ic j.jAJii

Hedgehogs. ^^U-t Abstemious. Vile. o^^j^j
To hire a (stallion), j C-lt i ^t -K- To trace back Ji Aj i \'j^ o \js- -^
To run away (wolf). ^iJA the origin of a. 0. to.

To feel a dislike for. ^j. c,JlJ,;J.,l. To assert to be Jj J| i^lntlj lijio


Offspring. ^.'..^ the son of a. 0.

Bone of the jLll^ ^:,c.j ,JiJ ^ ^x-s. Party of men, oj^j cSj* 9- »J^
tail. Instep. Shaft-feather. Cleft in Connection, lineage, descent. sjjt
a mountain. Leafless palm-branch. To trace back Jl 4> » C jt i ^j^^ -v5-

King of the bees. vnir'^ t ^A^ a. o. to.

Prince, chief. Gold. Kind of part- To bear patiently ; to jc sIjp a jji
ridge. Blaze on a horse's forehead. console o.'s self. To receive comfort,
Panther. ^,11^ ^ _^:J -» condolence.
To stretch out Clotltj C^' ^ i rr-^ -H- To console, to condole a. 0. 2! J^^

^.«u 1 )

Moi'e difficult, the neck in walking. To limp, to halt

more unlucky (camel).
Left- ^jX-t^ ^J j^ -r *'-r-^ J' To be bent, crooked (old man). r-^K
handeJ. Thorny tree. Boj-thorn. r-^'ji
Ambidextrous. _^ Ji. Gold. Gems. Large camel. JkLi. -tt-

Pressing a debtor importunately. Horses wearing rich *j ji,LS

Poor, destitute. ,/~j^ trappings.
Critical (state). Insolvent jy-^ To twist (a rope). fit ilci i alt -it-

(debtor). Strong. Big snake. Y^Lc-

To act -wrongfully ult i >jLS ^ Long worm. ;S;^^
(prince). To be at the point of death. To be difficult, js. \/J.j \'jLi, i o jiS ^
To take a. o. as servant. n — adverse (time).
To seize a. th. forcibly. ^ — To oppose. It yj.^ —
To act, to speak j.'^^w j| jS\ j - To press (a debtor) ; to 5 ,/-li-b —
recklessly. compel a. 0.
To work for a. o. — To be left-handed. To
Jj it be l^lt a j^
To stray ^ .XJisSi wiliJj ^j ^ - ambidextrous.
from (the road). To go at random. o ^-tj ^'ji'—^i l/--*j O-'-tj l^'-P a _rrf
-^To wipe off a. th. A ^Is To ba difficult to a. 0. SjiU^j s'jLi
To overwork a. o. 5 (affair). To be harsh, ill-tempered.
To lose the way by night. To render a. th. (difficult). a J!is.
To treat a. 0. wrongfully. !
To meet a. 0. on the left side. n —
To treat (an affair) i
To treat a. 0. harshly. s Jja
inconsiderately. \
To be reduced to destitution. ji^^
To be bent. To have a laborious childbirth
To compel, to constrain (woman).
a. o. to. To be abstruse (speech). To be _^1;5
Wrong-doing, oppression. Death.. hard to bear.
Unjustly, violently, forcibly. (Lit To behave harshly, to disagree JJJi
Disease of the windpipe. 3CJ- one with the other.
Suffering from ^j^\'^l ^ {in- f.) wi-U- To extort a. th. o>i» J0» ^j» ^Jii \
convulsion of the windpipe. \
from, to embezzle.
Unjust, oppressor, ...ili>.j jlIpj o,1* To consti"ain. to compel a. 0. 5 —
tyrant. To ride an untrained camel.
Labourer, hired -liiLi ^ ^^^ To be difficult to a. 0. (affaii'). jp yJ>tZ.\
workman. To find a. th. difficult, painful, — /(>

To stick to. jl;7j (xlt a

j^ -> Hardship. Strait circum- J^J-i j^J-
To prosecute a. th. eagerly. ic
— stances.
Ill-nature. Injustice. X^ ;
Retention of urine. J^l _pLt
Hard towards his debtors. ,
Critical e^~MAj »y-'.^ij iSj-LS'j e_r-*
Wine mixed with much water j
circumstances. Destitution.
To move about, to shine jjl^ V I
White feather on the 'v~*J
(looming). 1
wing of a bird.
Looming. J=5ll^j J|lli ^ jil^ They came one ^'jCj.^ o\/jCJ. IjUV
To form an encampment ^SCli -ft- after another.
( soldiers). To gather. To become I
They scattered on all CjC 'jC^ \y^ i
dark (night). '

To levy (troops): to collect an s — Difficult. Critical (time).
army. 1
Ill-tempered (person).

( l-\o )
To give to a. o. his want. 2* ^r-S^t Army, troops. Large _/\lt ^ J^Ll
To wear old (shoes). number.
Rigidity of the arm or leg Distress, anxiety. Dearth. i'^^LlJ.
A mouthful. Soldier, military. •C^LL.i ^ ^_^lft
Piece of dry bread. Military service. zT^jSC-lt
Having the arm
or leg dried up.
^ Camp.
To 8ea.«on * jlt'j , '^Li i o
Jit »
Being in good or bad business. '^~i (food) with honey.
Earning for his family. JJ, ^ ~^^i To supplya. o. with a pro- ^ j.ti^ —
Piece of dry bread. Small j>^'-l vision of honey.
draught. To quiver OmIpj V^j MIp 1 Jit
To fatten (beasts : J (lit a ^^ ^ (lance).
fodder). To be rippled by the C^lltj ^L* o —
To produce few plants ^Uli ^-iS wind (water).
(ground). To run in (the desert). i_)

To seek the traces of a. o. s ^^, To ask for honey. jl,£^l.
Length and fineness of the hair.
^^ cj'yCJ-j Jllt'ij Jlcj J^ltj Jit ^ Jlc
Fatness. Honey. Flowers. Gum of trees. Juice
Similar, alike. .

c of fresh dates.
Fatness. .
j_fj — ^ Honeysuckle {plant), jl.)l ^ij
Traces of a thing. .jjlii jc.l'S Honeycomb. Origin of a man. ;il&
lo jC-t a t5u.fj <Llt^ S'jL.i. o Up ^
Honey-coloured, honey-like. '^iJ.
become hard and dry (wood ). To Straightforward, jli ^ J^lij J~l*
become intensely dark (night). righteous man.
To become coarse and i^Lt o Lit Collecting honey in the j\ls-j J—
rough (hand). hives. Quivering (lance).
lo fjLs-^ «Llsj U—J^j l^—*-' '>-* ^--^ Quivering (lance). Jr-'^^ ^ *^'*
become advanced in age (man). Hive. Bees. HxlS
Wax. *yi^ Perfumer's broom. jlp ^ Js—
Fading of a plant. Thick. Coarse. ;^lt Manufactured or natural illjjjj *ili»
"Withering (plant). ~<,Ja ^ ^1* hive.
To be near, {defective verb). jS^ Prepared with honey, J^iVj jljU
about to. To be on the eve of. To shoot forth green and •zdLs- ^
It might be that... May be Ol i^-t tender boughs (tree).
that... Perhaps. Young r-J,Ct ^ ^^It^, 5^1 lit ^ r-l^
Imight undei-stand. ^^1 i^\ jS and tender twig. Heedless (boy).
He may become better. ^-Jiii o\ oCp To desire earnestly, j Clt i ^It ^
What a clever man How ! <i ^\ to covet a. th.
suited he is ! a thing which *^ V-'i'^ S'^
It is '-^
Able, fit, suited to. ij i\:^^j '^ij
^^ nobody wi-shes to take forcibly.
It becomes
thee to do
^ o1 J^)^. j\ ',^^k To gain ; to earn a
C>_,Uj ('It i

Gii'l near to attain puberty. 'ili^ To toil, to exert o.'s self in. J —
To keep to^its nest (bird). Cii o ^P-p -Ji- To shed tears. To have the j^\j —
To acquire a. th. To repair A— eyelids closed (eye).
(clothes).' To be distorted ^lt'ij,Clt a ^-.t
To dislodge (people). s j~i-'\j — (foot, hand).
To be CLLpj Vlvitj ' '
KZ^jJi,f- O To stiffen, to render (the * ^l*\
slendei', lean (body). arms, legs) rigid.

( i^^
Watering'of cattle every ten ^^Lt '
To nest (bird). [^ti_, jJS
days. To emaciate (the body : a> 'J^S^ 'JjS
Tenth part : a jLIpIj j>^ 5r j^'- God).
tenth : tithe. To be repaired (garment). '
Broken heart. jLLjI t-is To take scanty provisions. 'j^^
Large cooking-pot broken jlliT ja| Unimportant gift. Slender. 'jj.
in pieces. Bird- <ijjpj yiiiilj ^iOj; ^ 'jJ-i 'JJ.
Asclepias gigantea (plant). ^^ a nest upon a tree.
Ten. ^ ;>lt j^ Slender tree. xlp
Ten. CjI^t^ 5r «Iri^ Thatch-hut. jjt^. ^ aU- •^
Friendship, social intercourse. S^^^ Question, petition. ^;
Tenth. Gathering the ir-r-ts- ^^ Nesting-place of birds. j I'A
tithe. Watered on the tenth day Making its nest (bird). LijU
( camel ). To become dry, to CjJ. a ,_-j. ^
Ninth jjyz.\S'_j '\jy:^\s-j jy^\s-j Sjy-s- wither (herbage).
or tenth day of Moharram. -^ New
year's day ( among Moslems ). IGnd produce green herbs (ground).
of pudding. To gather green herbs, to her- ^.tp
^ Sociable, liking society. jy^s- borize. <>• To scrape.
Gatherer of tithes. ojjll* sr S^ To find pasture-lands. ^ j.cT
Publican. Farmer of taxes. To feed on herbage and ^X -~<j—
She-camel in the tenth month »i;^rit become fattened (cattle).
of her pregnancy. To become covered with _i,'»i.ti
They came by 'JJii jl 3iii ijiu luxuriant herbage (ground).
parties of ten, ten and ten. Green, fresh herbs, ^jlltl ^ ^_. 'rl

The tenth part of. pasturage.

Ten cubits long (garment) Families composed only of ,_, ^,£ JCc
Boat on the Nile. adults.
Decimal numbers. Vegetation. Verdiness of a field, ijiii
Fiiend, associate. -\'rls. Broken and bent with [m. f.) -cLi
Hu.sband : wife. age.
The tenth. fS.i-\ — —
Cognation, kindred J, (kS Covered with green herbs ,_ji,us ^
Kinsfolk on the father's side. Tribe. (field).
Collectivebody of men. ^u> To Aj 2 v-=^J » hj^J 'Init ^fr -5^

Tenth part. tithe a. th.

Friend, companion. To make up the number i^]^ i

Social intercourse, friendly ten : to be the tenth.
relations. He became the tenth of them. ^—
Pregnant (mare). To repeat 10 times the same ^^
To become green (plant). cry (ass, crow).
Circoea^ enchanter's night- To be in the tenth month ^tlj —
shade (plant). Species of cassia. of pregnancy (mare, she-camel).
To make up the number^twenty. oS--^ To court the society of ; to s ^U
Twenty. Twentieth. a^r^ Ojlr^ ,
haunt a. o.
To totter, to hobble. Clj-li i>ii -^ To be ten in nmnber. ^^^1
To walk in leaning upon (a Jit — To have fi-iendly intercourse ^Cj
stick). with 0. a. To become intimate with,
To loathe a. th.^j fi> udJ-'\ — ^jt c ^ to frequent o. a.
C iAY )

Weakness of the sight, ej\lSj '\U- No foul deed will 7(~J _^ u i^ c

Blindness. Night-blindness. be imputed to me.
Supper, evening meal Cls.frl ^ 'Lit To love 5 VilJJij Cultj (iLt a j^i »•

The Lord's supper. a. o. passionately.

Nigthfall, dusk. -,^j 'lip To cleave, to stick to. ^ j±£,
Nigthfall, evening. oC \A±J- -r llit •^ To lit in. j-i^j j^E
Yesterday evening. To show love to.
Sunset ( »_j^ ) and dusk To love o, another passionately. jXuJ
Passionate, excessive love. jlp
Belonging to the evening. Bind-weed. jjj. ^ uIp
Dusk, darkness of the night. ^l>fj OjJt^^j JLit 7 (m. f') Ji.(fr
Fire-brand. Fire seen c^M^j Loving passionately.
from afar during the night. Sweetheart, lover. j_;e.j j^li
Pasturing by night ^J^^'j^ t
To be ^Jj;7j C«jiij Cii a
, -H- ^^
(cattle). dried up (tree).
Night- '\'jjj. j> ^^lj,*,'-ifr j> ^ To give hope to. To hupe for. i ^^
blind. •^ To resolve upon. ^ ^Jj^j
Blind (she-camel). Darkness of Covetousness, eagerness. ZilSj ^i.*
night. __^ Dry and sour bread. ^^c j«.'

He acts mconside- '\'^1S Jali Ja-^ Mixture of two colours, •i^i.p ^ ^j^ol
rately. Dried up (tree).
Place of supper.
t?-rl^J '^^
To give ^^1^ ^lij (:JS o
an opinion, to conjecture.
, ^ -«

To become hard. Caitj Ua» a l^ -^ To attack a. o. without s ,yiiJS-[

^ To press, to squeeze a. th. u— motive.

To press (a debtor). i_f, ^ja^ Dates of bad quality.
Tail-bone. ^j^^i ^^s- To go by night. 5 \jls. o li.fr -ft-

To give supper to.

Mean (man). Tail-bone. ^Ji^\l:^ ^ To pasture (cattle) by 5 I'vifr

Coccyx. night.
To bind (a A w^j , Cwit i „.Jas- ^ To turn away from. ^p lii
limb). To put on a turban. To To direct o.'s self J\j A \^llj \yls. —
tighten. towards (the fire) by night.
To surround ^ C^ a >-^s-j CSaf^ ~ To be weak- Csi a ^^} \'jlg- o —
(awater-trough cattle). : sighted. To be night-blind.
To combine -with a. o, oiU; — To wrong a. o. jc. '^^
To dry in the mouth luj fi>
— To eat supper. To feed ,^1j5j a ^eiS
( saliva ). (cattle) during the night.
To become unchan (>j^j CJas-
— To give supper to a. o. s ^jitlj ,^Lfc
(teeth). To become red (horizon). To pasture (cattle) by night, s ^^
To take a. th. by ic Ctitj CJat- — To catch (night-birds) with a light.
force. To blind a. o. 5 ^^1
To have sinews (flesh). iLop a To eat the evening-meal. J-/J\
To choose (a leader party), a : To feign blindness, ignorance, jjj;
To starve (people dearth). : To set off at nightfall. ^^^\
To walk at a quick pace To repair towards the (_i jl A

(camel). fire by night.
To put on a turban, a bandage. To be guided during the \jC> .dif-ll
To be satisfied with. night by the light of a fire.

( 1"\A) .^^p
twist a. th. To prepare a gruel. To To defend a. th. desperately
deviate (arrow). To be obstinate in.
To constrain a. o. to. u. 5 ituap j ait To be bigoted, a zealot.
To stiffen (thread) witti A j^t -<>• To form a league with. ^J J —
starch. To struggle desperately
To be starched (thread). j,^^, -if- against.
To raise a clamour in Si^c ijlas- To become difficult
fight. (affair).
Gruel of flour with butter and so--^ To wind a turban round
honey. -^ Starch-paste. (the head).
To r;reS3, to a
,/^pIj i;^t i _ra* , ^ To coalesce, to league *^ij.iaflj —
squeeze (grapes). To wring (linen). together.
To withdraw a. th. from; ^ ?j A— Turban. Kind of garment. Sharp ^^
to prevent a. o. from. boy. Saliva drying in the mouth.
To have rain. j^'^ Biud-weed.
To put forth husks (corn-ci-ops). j^al Sinew. Choice men of
To express the juice of grapes. * — a tribe.
To attain puberty (gii'l). .r^b ~ Sinewy, muscular. '^s-^s-
To be contemporary with. 5 ^oCt- Sinew, nerve. League, d'--at ^ i^
To enter upon the afternoon. j:^'\ coalition. Relations on the father's
To be squeezed, J<£:l\j _r^<aiib ^rSiij side. Distant relation having no le-
expressed ( fruit ). To become diffi- gal claim. -^ Black head-kerchief worn
cult (affair). yb women.
To take refuge towards.o^'^:p|_,_,.Saij Manner of binding a turban. :c.ot
To di'aw, to extort a. th. ^>. a _j^ii.{ Troop, band of men, of ^^t ^ xlit
from. To take back (a gift) from. cattle, of bii'ds. -^ Faction, gang.
Afternoon. j^otj yas.'\ ,. yae- We form a party ; we are ^CIaI 'j>C
MteiTioon-prayer. ^roiJI s>L^ in number.
The morning and evening. oyj<a^\ Rope for tying a camel's v'—
He came late. \l^ sU thigh.
Thread-maker or seller. k_;LoP
Time. Age, century, epoch. Bandage. Head-band. w/Lit ^ <iS^
He is matchless in his aj^t aj^S yi Turban. Red mist seen in a time of
time. drought.
Of illustrious jyp^h j-'a^^ j,ij^ Ugly and lean (woman). v.^-^
descent. Bound with a ^Jalj XLal'\ ^ >^jui£
He came untimely. _pi:i! '
^.3 j rope (she-camel). Lights and guts of
Asylum, refage._,^sjUj S^^atj ^atj ^as. sheep bound and roasted together.
tixpre'sed Vehemently hot (day).
Sjiitj jLif-j «Ji^t_j Ji.^t vi^ X4
juice (of a fruit). -^ Must. Party-spirit. Patriotism. Rela- t^kJas
Pi. Three stones for j^\'iS- ^ 'i'j<s\S' tionship on the father's side.
pressing grapes. Obstinacy, stubbornness. ^^j —
Dust swept by the wind. jUit Fanaticism, zealotry, bigotry.
In a moment. oC»j!l jV.ip it ^ Wearing a turban : crowned. ^.2»ijS
Whirlwind, .noilj ^aG^I ^ jl.it\ Lord, master. Reduced tostraitness
hurricane. by dearth.
Presser. ^Lot Bandaged (wound). Starved, ^^j^^
Origin, family. _^„r;i ^ j^lii Jail Thin (sword).
Element, constituent. To bend, to » j.it b ,)!ua^ i ait -«-
C i^^ )

r -^ The four elements.
s^J,/^ jj^^^ »io JVI ,^UJi!l
Female sparrow, -^ Bundle of Sj^i^ Whitsunday. Pentecost. s^;~iali!i

ropes. Simple, uncorapound (sub- i.,<aip

To be distorted, ^^^t a J-ap -tt- stance).
crooked (wood). To urine. Pressing-place.
To bend, to twist a. th. a >Lias. o Jop Generous, _^iii
To be late. j^ giving freely.
To twist a. th. ^ — Wine-press :
_j-P\ma <^ '-rva*; J v^*".
Crookedness, distortion. j.op olive-press.
Twisting tracts of sand. Adult, marria- ^usU^j r^^V»> 9^ __/^Aa^

Bowels. jLofrt ^ J^f^ J-Iat geable (girl).

Rain-clouds. o)
Distorted, crooked. j^ ^ Contemporary, contempora- J<>\t^
Intricate affair. J^l ^•l neous.
Wild onion, J-?0.c ^ Ji»itj J-i»ip To lunch. oIr^5 •
squill. Lunch. "^^.ij^ ^
Harsh towards a debtor. J-^ To blow s^Jas-\j \i^^j Clift i ^iip -H-

Crooked staff. J.w;US ^ Jli«i in a gale ( wind;. To be quick.

To be strong, hardy. ._li& -i^ To earn for (o.'s family), i ^jiortlj —
Strong, hardy. -,^fj JLalj JlaI War has ^, 'Jj^iS cXa.V\j ciit
To preserve, to ij 5 CJap i ^.it -»- blasted them.
protect a. 0. To cut co\'n when A uit o wiii
To keep a. 0. safe oj^5^l jy» 5
— green.
from evil. To put forth blades (corn). ,j^\
To seek refuge towards. J|
— To go astray. To perish (man).
To strap the head of (a fi> ^otlj — Blades, dry leaves of corn- ^ot
skin). produce.
To be white -footed U-ifr a j,^ Smell of wine. sl^
(horse, goat). violent, ii.^ii»j ^J>^am^i 'iX^Ss'j ^jL^U
To strengthen a. o. upon a 5 ^opI blowing in a gale, stormy (wind).
saddle. Storm, whirlwind, ^Jl^KjI -r *i-«i
To hold fast by. To lay s_i jt^ii-^j
— hurricane.
hold upon a. th. Blowing violently ,ju^i-j , ^jJas- ^ o^iat
To protect o.'s ^ ^^\j ^'^\j - (wind).
self. Swift -running (gazelle, she- >J^i
abstain from sin : to protect o.'s Dry leaves. Heads of the ears 'ii^op
selffrom evil. of corn.
To have recourse to.^j ^.-inxJ- \j ^^f-[ Particles falling off from the ij\:As-

Remains, traces. ^ .
-n^j j,las-j j^i cora-ears.
White spot on a beast's foot.
Strap of a ^«Uitj ^^j li-atl ^ ^li^
^^ To dye yellow.
To be dyed yellow.
J^ -ft-


water-skin. CoUyrium. Handle of a Cai'thamus tinctoriui. bastard ^i^

vessel. safflower (yellow dye).
Virtuous, self-ennobled. t^Lit Sparrow : any small j'.vlUst ^ j>«-^
Protection. Prevention. Immunity Xjtaf- bu'd. King. Blaze on a horse's head.
from sin, error. Virtue, chastity. He is hungry. «^ j^i^^s- zJ^
High breed camels. jr*^! jjs^-it
Dog's collar. Gillyflower. «^.v«i-^ "^J •IrJc^
To be intricate (affair). ^fJaic\J ^^^7 Dog's collar. White-footed. tjal
To become hard (fruit-stone), ^s^{ Gluttonous, voracious. ^>i»^j ^r^-^
Rebellion, disobedience. *I^«^> '^^c^ Prohibited ; well defended. jw^^
Rebel, disobedient. i\^ ^ ,i>»'*
Meal of parched barley. ^^\s. y'\
Bleeding unceasingly ,(>»>S^ 5-
— Chaste (woman). Well^^t^ ^ *;^ift
(vein). defended ; surname of Medinah. Ca-
pital town, metropolis.
Rebellious. Apostate. The province of Antioch. ,r^'j^>
The Orontes
To seize itj
5 Ca-^j^j Uac a

^ -tt"
(horse, wild goat).
^,^ ^ 'liJjp ^ ^,-<a^'l


with the teeth, to bite a. th. Wrist : upper part of ^oU? ^ ^»-^
He spoke him.
evil of *JS^. <^ the hand.
Fortune has been severe oC»j!l i-at Shelter. Place of refuge. ^-^^
for him. Having recourse to God for ^b j,.^*
To cling, to stick to. ^ Ca;-a£ a jas^ protection.
To bite strongly. fi> jaJxt Impeccable, infallible. >>^^
To bite o. a. Calhi^j *oC«j» j^^c- To strike a. o. Aj ts \'ylas. o Ua^ -f^

(cattle). with a stick. To bind (a wound).

To make a. 0, to seize A 5 [papl To take (a stick). Cat a ,^5^
a. th.with the teeth. To use a sword vjll)lj ^^tlj —
I wounded him with my ^^il.' iik^l as a staff.

sword. To give a stick to a. o. 5 Jas.

To bite one another. jaU^ To strike 0. a. with a staff. j ^^t

Bite : seizure ( un. ?>^ ) jr'_^ c.j j^S To put forth fruitless shoots ^os.\

with the teeth. (vine).

The strokes of <^'j'-^b oWjJI ;|^ To lean upon (a staff). je i5^^l

fortune and war. To cut (a stick) from a tree. A —
Niggardly. j^Uit Ij ^ >e j*^ Staff, stick. Stay. ^,jas-'\j
\s^^, w ^-a*

Wicked. Cunning. Resolute and Support. Handle of an axe. Leg-bone.

strong. Tongue.
Good walker. Jl, — Polj/gonum, knot-grass. i/l^l ^-^
Barley, fodder for cattle. jai Mild-tempered man. l^il o0
Morsel, bit. ^Uit Weak-tempered man. \:a^\ wj«-«-^

Patient under jij£. j^UiP

trial. He split the staff i. e. Uii!) jij
Prone to Tyrant. Severe j^j^as.
bite. he made a schism.
time. Bit of bread. Deep well. He threw the staff i. e. l.isil ^^'l

Bone, cartilage. J^\^j J»U»* he broke his journey.

To cut off a. th. A CJa^ i ^.:?yfc -?;{- The staff is broken i. e. l..^! cJIjI^

To disable a. 0. (disease). n — they are disunited.

To revile a. 0. *iU4i 5
"" He has peeled the staff l^s^;!! iJ_r^

To pierce a. o. with a spear, lj 5 — i. e. he has opened his mind to him.

To prevent a. o. from. ^c. 5 — He has admonished him \j^»]\ iJ p.^

Having a broken ,_^c 1j , C^ a .^^it severely.
horn, a slit ear (sheep). Small staff, rod. *^«^
To deter, to cut off a. 0. 5 ^^\(- To rebel against : XL,ai^j \Jas- i ^^as. -^

from. to disobey. To baffle all means

Sharp sword. Sharp tongue. »_.Jip (hemorrhage).
Heedle.5s (child). To rebel jp ^jiili^lj J^Uj Jpj 5 -
Reviler. «_)Ujp against.

harshly towards ; to weary a. o. Having a broken ,.,J»p ^ •UiiP ^ ^.it^

To straitea a. o. (affair). i_)
— horn, a slit ear. Brotherless. A\'eak,
To S J^j,(i'iiias:j "^Jas. a i o - helpless.
prevent (a woman) from marrying. Feeble, sickly, crippled. v^^***
To have a muscular body. 5Ujp a J-ist To help, to assist a.o. 5 ij^jt o oisft -ft-

To become strait with *u L jiit To wound a. 0. on the arm.

people (land). To have a pain in the arm. a-a<J
To be difficult to a. o. ^j s ^y^l I To lop (a tree)it> oia-i:, Ij laJat oia^ , i

(affair). with a hook.

To baffle the skill of phy- 5 jjiiuj — To deviate (arrow). jl^cI^ jua*
sicians (disease). To help, to succour a. 0. s ju^t
Foul, crafty man. jJjp To help one another. juaCo
Large rat. o!iV-i* r J-^ To become strong. u^aStl.

Musculous. musculai*. jii^j J^ To take a. th. upon the arm. a—

JJ Oat- ^ iLy^j Cj'^^J, J-^f- T '^^ To ask assistance from a. o. ,_,

Muscle. To pluck (fruit). ^ jJalsZ,\
Misfortune, calamity. jispj J^ ^ x'ljifr Side. Stay, support : iUiil ^ ai»&
Momentous (affair), j^^j (m. /".) JUst helper, as8ista.nt.
Chronical, incurable (disease). He is my help, my support. jjJas. j^
Distressing event. cj'A^i ?- <i4»«^ Upper aJatlj iLatl ^ -U»tj oiicj aiap
Misfortune. Intricate question. ai*m ofman : arm of a beast. Strength.
Handle of a bow. ^Uat fr j,^ ^ Disease in the arm of a camel. jJas-

Root of the tail. Two rows of palm-trees ol^Vc

Winnowing-fork. _^ispj *i-afr1 r ~ bordering a stream-
*4-itj *4*-hpj ^+^J a l^JaP <^ ^ Short (man, woman). (m. /.) iUjp
To lie. To utter magic words. Large bracelet. Iron I'eaping- ii^
To slander, to revile a. o. i — hook. Brand on a camel's arm.
To browse on acacia-trees fii — Side of a road. SiJ^^ S^lisp
(camel). He is his inseparable iiiLa^ yi
To lie, to calum- <^\j ,i^^ a *-iap companion.
niate. The two posts of a door. ^_J(J\ nii^is.
Lie. Calumny. Witchcraft. o>i2f ^r *^ Large in the upper- ^i\.atj ^iCa*
Any thorny oQat ^ iftCaPj —
tree. arm.
Species of acacia-tree. <>• Hawthorn. Row of palm-trees. ulJ-a& -r -^c-^t
Calumny. Falsehood. vCat ^ mc-?c- Short palm-tree.
Abounding with acacia- Si-at j. ^^t Having slender arms or an arm ojjil
trees (ground). shorter than the other.
Depasturing thorny (m. /".) *«^icj — Reaping-hook. juau^ -^ JiaJi^
trees. Armlet, amulet. i\lai«j aiii^
Wizard. <^Cc. Large butcher's knife. iCai»
Deadly (snake). Lie. <^\'^s- -r <4-ot Lopped, trimmed (tree). i_^i»
To share 5j A j^hpj , Ijii^ o Uit -« Intense cold. Hail, snow. ,j-Ij^'as- -K-

a. th. To skin (sheep). The perinoeum. Js^iifr -i{-

To divide a. th. into classes, >b ^^as.

parts. Hired man. Low ; <Lij Ca^j JaJ j^Caf-j

Limb of the body. -{hlS ^ yos-i jiat base. PZ. Attendants, followers.
•< Member of a society. Thieves, rogues.
Portion. Party, sect. Lie. o^ia^ «• *-^c: Gullet, oesophagus, i^^jias- -r ^Ir^
Man in good circumstances, j^it. ^'j To act jc J-a^j , !^-af o j.ap -J^
t_Jua& ( IVY ) ,U
High (mountain). Tall (man i>t -ft- To slit (a piece ^ JaLtj , Lk* o "Jat -ft-

Long (day). Generous, of cloth).

Mercury (planet). i>j,^ To master a. 0. s —
To sneeze. Clispj CIS i o ..^Jap -ft- To fell a. o. on the J^JVI Jl 5 —
To break (daylight). ground.
m luck befell him. To hi split, chopped loiJlj ul»:7

Hi died. (wood).
To cause a. o. to sneeze To bend (wood). "Jaijl^

Sneezing, sneeze. Pieces of cloth slit lengthwise. iaW

He beai'3 a likeness to To shout, to yell (fighters). U-'U^ -ft-

him. To perish. To .^iaff Ij , Cjap a ^-Jit -ft-

Sneezing. Daybreak be exhausted (beast). To be rotten.

Snuffing-tobacco, To lose o.'s temper with. jc. —
sniitf. To be mellowy, ^.Jialj CJa* ^^'^^

Death. soft (cotton).

Nose- To put forth gems (vine). ^\a£
Sternutatory. To brew (wine) for bettei'ing *—
To be thirsty. CiiaP a iji-Jas- -ft- it. -^ To spoil, to injure a. th.

To thirst for a. th. To cause the loss of a. 0. i ^Jas- \

To cause intense thirst s J.)acSj jlLp To carry (fire) in a rag. A sJi^\

to a. o. Softness of cotton. ,_Xi^
To vie with a. o. in bearing 5 J^\s. Cotton. Wool. v-iaPj wJafr
thirst. Flake of cotton. Rag. s^
To bear thirst. J^ai^ Destitute, poor. ^^^^
Thirst. ^- u^ Dangerous place. v%'^ t *- ^^'*

Paioxyam of thii'st. xlias- Hardship, severity. jjac -ft-

Thirsty llWj *li»p ^ jXi£-j J^O. Hard, distant (journey). High i^las
(person, place). (mountain). Long (day). Liberal
Thirst-giving disease ; insatiable^^lis^ (man).
thirst. To send out sweet yjas- a ^kt -ft-

Thirsting. ^iWj j-'^^j JS)^ ^ olliap odours.

Dried up (soil;. Longing for. To perfume a. 0. or a. th. Aj _4»^ :j

Withheld from water (beast \

To be perfumed, to smell ^,ia;~J.ij _4»^
Appointed time of ji.l»CiS goo J. To remain unmarried (woman).
thirst for camels. Sweet odour, perfume. Ji^
Thirsty ground. jJ^iS ^ ^IJ^uJ^ Sweet-smelling, aromatic, j^as- ^ _4*^
Often thirsty. (m. f.) ^iL^ Essence.
To incline, to Ji 6^j CUat i wiL* -ft Essence of rose. ij}-" j^.
lean towards. Aromatic, fragrant. '4j^
To turn aside (a beast^ by piil- ^ — Ti-ade of a perfumei-, a druggist. SjLkt
ling the rein.
To bend, to inc'ine (wood), ft ^iL^j — Sweet-smelling. s^lia*? ^^ ('^- A)
To fold (a pad). Perfuming himself. Valuable ( she-
To connect (a ^j^it ^ 'i;jr^ii»p camel).
word) to another with a conjunction. Liking perfumes. Jal ^ JhKt
To turn away from. ^— Perfumer, druggist. jlSat
To remove a. 0. from. ^^ »
— Perfumed. _^Li»
To feel sympathy for. it ^^'^j — Fragrant with pei"- {m. f.) jyh^^
To have long eyelash. CiLt a w4»p fumes.

To ne^jlect a. th. To render (a couu- To inspire sympathy to ulti
try) unoccupied, uncultivated. -^To a. o. for.
impair, to injure, a. th. To wrap a. o. in a cloak. iSyS —
To wear no jewel (woman). jLij To wrap o.'s self in ^ u^s.\j o»Lij
To be unemployed (labourer). -^ To a cloak.
be impaired. To be afFectiouate, favourable jifcCo
Destitute of good. JCk-'l ^ jLcj jW to a. 0.
learning. To have a proud gait. >ii^ J ~
Without bridle nor ^ Jv'ktl jW To be inclined. To be bent, wiisiil.

halter (horsa). Unarmed (man). folded.

Without string (bow). •^To be benevolent towards. ^5 —
^ Damage, loss. jiat To try to conciliate a. o. s wikiLll.
^ Interest of money. J\i\ jLp To implore the mercy of.
Want of ornament. Neck. Body, jLtp Propensity, sympathy. Bend of a oJaP
person. Denuded parts of the body. road. Conjunction (grcun.).
Idleness, worklessuess. iUat Conjunctive particle, wiJaiJI j^
like J, j,^
Wearing no ornament (woman). Un- Side of (-Jji-'V ^^^J jliafr'l 5r oiiaP
dotted (verse). the body. Arm-pit. Shoulder.
Destitute of goods, ornaments, jl»u He is a self-admirer. *iii»^ J ^la^
qualities. -^ Damaged. Worthless. Turn, by-street. Vine-prop. iliat
Bad. Tendrils of a vine. ;iiac

Stalk of a male palm-tree. Jialij J^^ Creeping plant. ^JiL^

Tall, fine (she-camel). ^^'J Ample garment. Xi^]j jUi^l ^ usliaP
^ Cripple. a^ Waist-wrapper. Sword.
Worthless, damaged. o'^^af^ Affectionate. Cloak. ^ilit ^ ^!»U
•fy- Workmen's strike. Damage. J-|aii Conjunction.
Holyday. Delay. Mercy, kind c/V'ileUj J^\'yi- -^ <ii>\S'
Sect denying the divine attri- iii»i/5 feeling. Relationship. Bias.
butes. Snare, trap for game.^iJji^ ^ ojJs-'vt

Unemployed. Untended iiLi^ ^ jLi» Trap. Of good disposition. ^ji«t

(flock). Not used (well). Uncultivated Bow. xsiLt J , kj;_lLp ^ *ii»^
(land). <> Damaged. Unproductive Connected to another (word). »Jjiaii>i
(mcney). Word to which another jlit J^^Lii
Desert leading to Hedjaz. jjikt a is connected.
To macerate ^£j ,
Ojac i o Jac ^ Curved bow. XijiaiA
(hides). Neck. Bending of the wil»U^ -r -.^^t^
To lay near water (cattle). Cj.iat — body. Fold of a garment.
To stink (hide in ^Lij'b , '^^- a ^iii Cloak. Sword. ^i^U^ j^ ^jiLi^
the tan). •<>• To become mouldy. Bending of a valley. i^^'S" o«i»ii/i
To near
let cattle resti ^i-'h ;)as.
water. To wear no jewel (woman).
Fatherland. o^lac'l «- (:;i»^ To be destitute of (wealth, ^^ yias-

Resting-place ^tU^ ^ o^>j c^^J ~ learning).
for cattle near water. To be workless (work- VCkt o jW
Rich and generous. ^;j| ^Lj man).
Stink, -fy- Mouldiuess. xikt -i^j .\a.s. To divest (a woman) of her f^j s jLt
Macerated ti;; ^ ^^Lij tLkt ^ ^^i ,
ornaments. To strip a. o. of hia
and stinking (hide). < Mouldy. goods. To leave a. o. unemployed.

.lie C I

Indisposed through jhi ^ j^ Stinking (person). *ii^j uoiat

excess of drink, Put into the tan (hide). o>it»^j
jkilb S^^i >^^ ,
a J£tf.'j o S^ «• Liying doM-n :dJ_, o^j <A>1 ^ ^k^
To couple (dogs, locusts). near water (camel).
To collect together jp jlai^j jlat Tan for hides. jQap
against. To press upon. To receive to :
J\j A \'jias. o vLp -ti-

To overlay a. th. vOi^j VUiCU Jiit give a. th.

To insert (in poetry) ^Vkt i^liJI J — To raise the head J| *j jJj Ll'Ij —
verses of another poet. and the hands towards.
To make repetitions o jl >Slkil — To minister to a. 0. To urge s las.

in a discourse. a. o.

Coupled (locusts). jiatj JfeU To offer A 5 ^pIj, n'ktj Slls'ui J»'i

The day of conflict Jl^hill >^ a present to a. 0.

amongst the Arabs. To serve a. 0. j j/it

To become of a dark blue. J^' To be tractable (beast). Jati
Indigo, woad plant dyeing
; ^,Uit -fr How bountiful he is ! Jlii), aCta^l C»

blue. Dark (night). To ask for a. th. Ja-Lllj LiS

To be j^lj 'v'l^pj Ukt jas- -S-
To hurry on. la^
great, big. To be momentous, gri- To exercise (a profession). A —
evous (affiiir, misfortune). To hand a. th. to 0. a. To A j/uj
To become momentous, Jt Jas- quarrel about a. th. To engage in.
distressing (artair, misfortune). To exert o.'s self in.
To give a bone to & Jal'\i ,
CJat o Jos- To be addicted to poetry. 'j»li\ JsW>
(a dog).
To strike a. o. on the bones. 5 '~C^ — Gift, present. Soldiers' pay, allowance.
To dismember a (sheep). 5 Jits. More bountiful than. ^ JL*1
To hold a. o. as great *_, » ^^1j — ; Giving, granting. iaJ>

to regard, to honour, to exalt a. o. Wilt thou give it to me? iila*J iJl ji

To exaggerate a. th. Munificent, 'Js\*ij hi*^ ^ C"^- A) '^it*;
To be exalted. To grow tall. ^lii; generous.
To be looked upon as great. To try a. 0. (war). i \Jas- o "Jat -S-

To magnify o.'s JajcL\i j^\i>i — To fell a. 0. on the ground. jajS/O 5 —

self: tobe proud. To ill-treat o. a. » CliUaej *1»Ua tii
To be held as great. To become ^^W To fight desperately with o. a.
important, grievous. Rigour, trials of war. -^
To judge a. 0. Aj 5 Jeu^ \
great. To dry up (hide). (j_^tj CJaP i w-lat -ft-

To wonder at the magnitude of. To To become hard (hand).

take the greatest part of. To take cave of a. th. u —
To bear a. th. ip Ckt ~
Bone. j^'^ /^J f J^^ a fcj4«^J
Main part. ^Uicl ^ J^j
f^^ljl Jhs. patiently.
Hugeness ; magni- ^ W i^ ^t j Jas^ To delay, to hinder a. 0. ^t i wlaP
tude, importance. from.
The middle of the road. JjjLjI Joa Wicked,
Greatness, X>Uafj o>Uaf j XJas-
grandeur. Pride.
The thick part of the arm, of XJal
the tongue.
The chiefs of the people. ^[^1 cXJixl
Great. Big, tall, >.OaPj 'liSfr ^ j,^
( lYe ) JUi&
To shut o.'s self up for dying ai:tl grand. Serious, important. Terrific
from starvation. (event).
To roll a. o. in j » Ja.3 ,
\J^ i Jis, -ft- Enormous ;
portentous. ^iSat^ ^Vkt
(th' dust). To rub ( a vessel ) with •^ Good. Vej-y well, aU I'ight. ^^
(earth). To soil -with (dust). Tke noblemen of the :ifctU^l •i;u.c
To water (corn-crops) for the first A — kingdom.
time. To fecundate (a palm-tree). Portentous event \\iaS' ^ !U.sJa^

To be dusty. To be Juc.:^\j \'y>s. a y^ ,

important afifair. Frightful ( crime).
ash-coloured. Greater. More serious. j> jal\ ^W
To roast (meat) in the sun, »_, ^ _,lt Greyish pigeon.
in hot sand. To throw a. o. down in Glorying in decayed bones i. e. ^/f _"bc :

the dust. To render a. th. white. To having- no other glory than that of
wean (her young) gradually (female). his ancestors.
•^ To glean (in a field). A — The main part of. ^«^
To fall into destitution, contempt. ^^ Momentous event. :;; 'fc- «

To be soiled with Jcil\i J^\i J^~> Exalted. ^im

dust. <> To be gleaned (ears, olives). To harm, to poison y \'J^l o CtiP -S-

To cast its prey upon the i Jiii[ a. 0. unawares. To deter a. 0. from

ground (lion). good. To calumniate a. 0.
To drag (o.'s clothes) in the dust. A— •l_k&j 'UaC ^ S<Vlatj *iV^, ~t5^ "^
Dust. .jUfr'l ?r ^J ^ Large lizard. oQvJapj OCJatj
Obvious speech. «^s ^ip V j.>ir
Boar, swine, jUt j jUtI ^ jilj J^ To refrain from unlawful pleasure.
young pig. To be chaste.
Tremendous lion. Js- ol-l To abstain from. js. lii;J.|j —
Dull market. ^^ To render a. 0. chaste (God). 2^ lisl
Wicked, mischievous 34^j_>i*J?-j To take medicines. oUj
man. To graze on (dry lj>^:^\j liSpl,
Dust-colour. Shudder. -i'JJ.
herbage : cattle).
Hair of a mane. Fea- li^Ipj —
liou's Continence. Self-restraint. jUpj tUt
thers of a cock's crest. Hair of the Chastity abstemiousness.

forelock of a horse. Chaste, Sic \j '\is)j 0>is -r '-«ci^-> "-*^

Intenseness of heat, cold. Rabble, s^lt continent. Temperate. Abstemious.
Wheat boiled without grease. jlit Desinlerested, incorrup- ^j~'jd\\ UtJiS'

Bread without seasoning. Tree used tible.

for striking fire. Remainder of milk in the SaUtj ^It
Malignance. -^ Gleaning. SjUt udder.
Misfortune. Wicked and crafty. "Cj^s^ He came at the proper *; lie It »b.
Hair on the top of the head, sl^^itj — time.
Torrefied in the sun. Dry «rv«t To twist a. th. * icit i cJ^ -^
Unseasoned (bread). To speak Arabic bar- <jij A.'f-yS'—

Scarabee. barously.
Lion. Blackbeetle. Firm- Kind of gruel. ir^^
minded. Full-grown man To strike a. 0. ,_, s v'sJp i '^It -f{-

White, untrodden land. with (a stick).

Reddish-white ^ A'jjs- J^ ^1 Intestines, guts. ^UpI -it ?r-i«-3 r^j r-^.
(gazelle). Mallet. -r^J^j *?s^
Reddish sand. Gazelle. j^S*i t jyA. To jump on both CIoIpj loi* i oIp -fi-

Portion of the night. Active ass. feet.

To be expeditious in (work).
^ J

1Y^ )
Following a caravan and living j^CJ
To dart oq (its prey lion). : ? jirtl. on their provisions.
To fight with (the sword). ^— -^ Gleaner.
Rump of animals. sjuc Dusty. -^ Gleaned.

Visitor. •j'i!>'l 3^, Cunning. Bold. CJj!,Ut ^ c-i^it -»

To speak at >^A&OI (kit i dU* ^ Demon. Powerful and malignant ge-
random. nius.
To be foolish. ikitj feu^ a dUt To be crafty, to become wicked. o^T
Foolish. diit ^ 'ikit ^ dlltl Bravo ! di^>jUtj j,j\i£ Ts
Light-witted. ArJ^J '^^^ To I'oll a. 0. in the s CJS i ^t -Jf

To alter (the A ^.ltj,CJp i Jis. -^ dust. To detain a. o.

meat air), : To wrestle with a. 0. s ^li

lobe ^s. -^j ^«jj , *Jjitj uit a ^^i^ To wrestle together. tjJiii-h ^CJ
mouldy, corrupt, putrid. To be rolled in the dust. j ^',j{
Mouldiness, putrefaction. IjjIcj Ja To heap up (things). Cii^ jLlt
fl> i -jj^

Malaria, To pick up things of no value, jj^ -^

iviouldy, putrid, ^l^i^j cyi«^j ^4^ To eat much of various dishes.
stinking. Rubbish. Luggage. xljSj jiiS >
Miasmatic (air). ^y^ Worthless people. ^u!l ^„ xXCip
To ba dense, tufty. To be )^ o Ut -*> To wring a. th. To fi> Cait uols- -H- i

scarce, scanty (hair, herbage). To be bend a. th.

clear (water). To be erased (trace). To overcome a. 0. in wrestling, s —
To be redundant. To stop (a bottle). fit ^^tsAj —
To let (hair) 5_, A Ci^ j^^^S'yis. o Uc i To dye a. th. with gall-nuts fit
grow. To give bountifully to a. o. To wrestle with a. 0. » ^\s-
To erase (a trace). * Ipj Us- To recover a debt i_2> ^iitl. ^
He forgave him JLJi iJj p^ ^t Ut from.
his fault. Gall-nut. Oak-tree producing ,jAie
May God forgive him. ixc J* galls.
He mended his previous o^C* ic "Jc Distortion of the nose. yait
conduct. Bitter, pungent. ^jais.

Perdition, destruc- JJC->JI ^f^U Jt Purse. Leather-stopper. o''^.

tion effaced them i. e. they died. Bitterness, acridity. <J>^
To preserve ^
5 ^Ij.^Upj nsU* Ji To break CuJtj Qa-itj Ciaifr i i»ic -ft-

a. o. from. To restore a. 0. to wind (goat).

health. To sneeze (sheep). Ctr^^j Ckit —
May God keep thee in good ^\ iJ^t To smack the lips (shepherd). Gait —
health ! Flatulence. Sneezing. Ja-ifj ixis
•^ Bravo Well done ! ! iivitj iJlSu He does not possess :d33ij Vj ilaj>i- 1) f»

To give liberally. lg.*\ a farthing.

To let grow (the hair, beard). fi>
— To go and come often. uit i jIp -ft-

He has paid up his debt *2ki S ^1 To awake after a short sleep.

to him. To patch up, to botch a. th. A —
To be effaced (trace). hj To catch, to seize a. th.
To recover from illness, to be JUj To drive (sheep )^ ,_;»;; jc Cajj ^1 jl^
cured. together.
To go to a. o. for asking s i^pl
To blandish a. 0. s CjUtj '*aui jSl*
a.th. To go and come to no purpose. jisS
To seek to be freed, ^1. i«:~t To seek a shelter in. i_, jl,o
( lYY )
Pregnant or thought J^ rr tJ^2& exempted from a. th. To resign (an
such (mare). oftice).

Tender fruit-stones. J^l Jy Dust. Rain. White spot on the Ufr

Red shell. Ravine worn yr i.^si'^
pupil of the eye.
by a torrent. Red chalcedony car- : Ostridge feathers. Long hair of V«p,

nehan. an ass.
Flash of lightning j; ut ^ xi-ic The as.s. -U-Jl^ll
spreading in the clouds. River. Soft
date-stone. Hair of a young just born.
Ei'asure. The best part
redundance. Pardon, amnesty. Fa-
of. Excess, ^
Wool of a young sheep. vour, benefit. Excuse, plea. Untrod-
The agate. 'j,^" Jc?*" den, uncultivated land.
Stems (of vines, palm-trees). o12p He granted it spontane- l'»ifr illJl

Disobedient, :c2c'lj <25c ^ 'J\s-j ,

js. ously, as a favour.
refractory. roal 'Ciftj 5f o^ip ^ jif'j jASij ^ii-j Ufr
Disobedient. Jj^j i^b J^ ofan ass.
To chatter (magpie). jiip -{{- Pardon. Blood-piice. oji£
Magpie, oUiS ;^ ^iS -^j tj^^^ rr (J«2t Froth of a Sjlitj "ij^^j »j^j «>*^,
bird of evil omen. Chattering of a cooking pot. First and best broth.
magpie. Hair of the head.
Rustling of a new garment, of *iist. Remainder in a cooking- sjUt-j SjUt
paper. pot.
To strike a. o. on the s Cit o k_it -H- Demand of exemption ; resig-
heel. To come at the heel of. nation of office.

To bind ( an arrow ) with a ifc

— The merciful. (God).
sinew. ^ Thick, strong (bough).
To sue- ij'ifeiJj dyS '*^i^} ^ij^j Ci^ — Forgiver. De- *;^\s-j jth SUt 9r ofp
ceed, to take the place of. mander of a favour. Comer to water.
To follow fi>j s 'CSk^j' »_ilij ^j — Guest.
a, 0. closely. To barter a. th. Seeker of herbage, CjC^^j o'S*" 5r *cS^'^
To endeavour repeatedly to. j »_,ic of means of subsistence. Good
To reiterate (a raid) in the same health.
year. To sit on the heels and make Receiving many guests Cj*'-'! jiiJ"
a supererogatory (prayer). and petitioners i. e. generous.
He fled away and Jik'i 'Jj \'Jy^ Jj
Pardon. Exemption Recovery. 3lJU;J

did not return. Convalescent. vju>

To ride by turns with J s '*JU/i ^u To i-end, to split a. th. fi, \ii o j£, -^
a. 0. in (a journey). To altei-nate To disobey, to be s ':di>j Ojkl o —
a. th. with. refractory to ( his father : son).
To punish, to requite, s Cutj 'xJu^ — To be pregnant CJU&j v'jUtj a2t i —
To die. To leave offspring. To ^t 1 (mare).
give in exchange. To be rent, ripped. j;j)j,Cut a —
To return to a. o. (fevei'). To i — To shoot forth (palm-tree). To j£.'\

ride (a horse) by turns. To succeed become pregnant (mare).

to a. 0. To be tightened (knot). j^[
To occasion (a disease). fi>
— To burst (cloud). jit'lj —
To requite a, o. foi". v ^ ~ To draw (the .sword). A jit{
To take careful information ^ ^^^ Bitter (water). JV2f-j 'js.

about. Deep hollow. llcj jt

To follow step by step. To be at a — Hair of a foetus. jst ^ *2ft
JUc ( lYA )

Copaiva, resiuous juice. tLju3i\ j^. the heels of. To find fault with.
Procrastinating (debtor). ^|ii To alternate with each other ^^Ci
Substitute. Skilful driver of wii^ day and night ).

(cattle). Head-covering of a -vvoman. To perform a. th. alternately. j —

Ear-ring. To detain a. 0. To with- ^j a ,_JSftl
Bringing forth a male and a oUi^ hold a. th. To experience a. th. as
f-male alternately (woman, beast). the result of.

The angels of the day and the oCSi^JI It ended for him in repen- 'iiiaj il. —
night Praises of God repeated a tance.
hundred times at the end of prayer. To follow the foot-steps of. 5 ^JifJ,\,
Follower. Avenger. >Ji\J> Race, run. ,_ji2t ^ ^Sp
Jacob. James. V^^ Heel. Son ; i_;Up 1 ^ w5B j , c,u^ 1 ^ »jjc
Male partridge. ^ ^Ji^_ ^CJ grand-son, oflspi'ing. Following im-
The Jacobites (Syrian Cj,jm2\j tSGJJI mediately. Pivot, axis.
heretics). He came close 4^ j j\ 4^ j jQ.
Remainder of j^_ut ^ y^j J^ -^ after him.
illness. Pimples on the lips after Result, consequence. cjUf ] ^ v^J <-^
fever. Pi. Misfortunes. Sinew, tendon used as i_;Ufr1 ^ ^^
To make a knot ; fi> ol&j , llot i ait -» string.
to tie (a rope). To contract, to con- Turn, in succession. Stage ^^ ^ ti*
clude (a bargain). To arch (a vault). of a journey. Remainder. Substitute-
To cement a building. Ijo^Jb, -UJI -de Mark, outward sign. »_^ ^ ?:?&
To thicken (liquid).-^ To bud (pla.).jL2f Variegated cloth.
To vouch a. th. to a. o. Ji j\ J jdt fit Remainder of beauty. JliaJI *Zi^j tit
To have recourse to a. o. Ji I2II
— He only does it _^| Css. s[ dU'i Jiij U
for protection. once a month.
To reckon with the lingers. ^jlls-Ji j^ Mountain-road : ascent, ^jUt ^ tic
To intrust a. o. with the jt o^Uj, j^s- acclivity.
government of. Issue, result of a. th. Retribu- jic
To oblige a. o. to enter u. S jm£j — tion : reward or punishment.
an agreement upon. Requital, Cj^jjit- « *jjS^j , v^Uij (_<U&
To be tongue-tied. To \jis, a JOt punishment.
become impeded (tongue;. Eagle, ospray. oCit j s_i^1 ;r ^U&,
To thicken (a liquid). j,is.'\j j^e- fi> Elevated spot. Projecting rock.
He used obscure speech. *^j >5^l alt Standard, banner.
To enter a compact, to make s .uu Terrible sliiiJj sui^lcj SUiitj ^jUp
a treaty with. eagle having sharp talons.
To become entangled (business), j^ \etites, eagle-stone. j-'J^\j s^\s2\ jk^
To be heaped up (sand, clouds). Aquila (constellation). ^liiH
To be knit, comphcated j^il\j jl2;;\j — Follower, successor. ^\jJj >_-Si^j <--?*
(thread). To be confirmed (bargain). In consequence of that. dilh —
To thicken, to coagulate j^\j — Worthy successor.
(liquid). Punishment. Imprisonment.
To conclude a compact together. alCj Successor, the last (in a succes- ^^^1*
To be vaulted, arched. 4- To be aaiil. sion). Vicar, lieutenant.
performed ( mari'iage). To gather Result. Consequence, w5l^ ^ *^
(meeting). sequel. Offspring.
Power was secui'ed to his o^ j>»Vi — The results of the event. _^ Vl ^\'j£
son. End. ^ui*
( iY\ ) J.aC'

Abstruse (discourse).
(tliread). To become compactly formed ositl
Entered (compact). Vaulted i_^;i (fruit-stone ). To become firmly es-
(building). tablished (bonds of fraternity).
He has no settled opinion. ^^2^^ iJ G» To believe a. th. firmly. a oistl.
Honey thickened by fire. Food -uSiLj To ac(juire (goods). VU —
prepared with honey. Knot. Contract, compact. Res- jjp
To put forth bunches (vine), ailt -Ji- ponsibility, coherence.
Cluster, bunch of -^^^ rr ^y^ The supreme ruler 3^lj oiiJI k_->U»
grapes. lit : he who binds and looses.
To hock (a beast), itj 5 S'JuL j!& i -ft- Arch, vault. Compound j,_^ ^ ait
To wound a. o. To slay a. o. To number from ten to twenty.
mark a beast) on the leg.=3. To cut
Necklace. String of pearls. ^^ ^ ait
off the head of (a pahn-tree). Tongue-tied. _i5c

To hit (game). To detain a. o. o— Heap of ( un. e'Xilj Soit ) jo^jjOp

\Jis- o Jli-j ^J^j \J^i '_>2t
, Jh^i ,
— sand. Strong.
To be barren (woman). Sjlitj Impediment of speech. sditj j^p
To have no issue (affair). Vjil 'Jis- Rottenness of the teeth.
To become stupefied \Ji£. a Jis.
Root of the tongue. s^ip
through fear. Knot. Moral bond, obliga- oip ^ side
To slaughter (a camel). j^ s' tion. Ganglion. Joint, articulation of
To vie with a. o. in generosity, j ^\s. the boues, fingers. Gem, bud of
To contend with a. o. in reviling. (
plants. Government of a province.
To apply o.'s self to. To cling, to A — Funded property acquired. Place
keep to. To be addicted to (drink). abounding with trees. Pasturages.
To render (a woman) barren 5 JisS j
His anger has subsided. iait cj^j
(God). To stupefy a. 0. Tie, bond. Cohesion. Contract iliJl^
To possess an extensive estate. _pj) of marriage
( ). Conclusion of an
To last (rain). To grow (plant). agreement.
To be galled (on the ^siclj _^'0 ~ Faith, belief, tenet. *^\
back beast).
: Article of faith : dogma. aiiiij —
To be hamstrung (beast). _,2ijt Obscurity of speech. ^>l6a)lji_jij
To be unable to draw an y ^i.\ Witches. ol^iull
augury. Haberdasher. .sUc
Constitutive part of. Wound. Jii. Habei'dashery. s3li*
Interstice. Main part of a house. Tongue-tied jip ^ ^\jis.
: j, xis. I

Ruined palace. Palace. itj — impeded in speech.

Childless man. Compensation, Jis. Knit. Congealed. Female slave. ju2t
dowry given to woman. Bound by a treaty ; ally.
First or last Q.%g of a hen. Ji!^\ x^jj A man of mean or J'j^\ j\ /^\\ —
Cook's egg : Godsend. generous disposition.
Hearth. ^ilj jii <>• Leader of an army. _^li)l —
Barrenness, SjUpj 'j^j »j^j J^ Belief, religious s£u>>j , jjJ3i. ^ SJuSt
sterility. tenet.
Sandy hill. ^\'Jis.
String of beads, amulets. ju|us ^ iUi>
Landed property, oO^ «r J^ Bindiug-place. Joint, y. jj^ S^
estate. articulation. Meeting-place for a
Wine. Rich furniture. jlat compact.
Exhausting his _^^j s_^2&j jl Enchanter, charmer. ji;^
beasts. Knotty (wood). Complicated jili«
( lA- )
To have the horns t-wisted CiZt- a ^2*. Drugs, aromatics. Simples, j^^ ^ j\af-
back buck ). To be ill-tempered
( : Finely-tempered iron. jA3i2iJI-Cf uju*.
niggardly. To be restive (beast). Chemist, druggist, herbalist. ^_n|Uft
To entangle (an affair). -^ To ^St Wounding, biting (beast ^il ^ jJtL
prick, to itch ; to sting (insect). of prey).
^ Sting. i^tj ^it Galling j2i/j J^f^i } J^t j j^'ij "i'Jii-

Af"curaiilated sand. Niggardly. ^st the back (saddle).

Knob, knot. ^it ^ iiit Wounded, stabbed, jjal'j tJ^it , ^^ j^Ip
^jflj,l2p 5r *.o.2tj
cJ^UPj , t/*^ T * -a2t
Lock, plait of hair. u^U&j Terror-stricken. Childless, ^us-
Red silk, string for Woimded (beast). Cut in ^ji£. ^ oj\^
making hair-tresses. the legs.Voice of a singer, a weeper,
^ Stii.g of insects. a reader. Slain nobleman.
Having the horns ^_-i^ Barren (woman) : _;|l>sj ^4^ t Jk^
twisted backwards. Having distorted unfruitful (land).
fingers. Having crooked teeth. Childless (man). _,2f ^ —
•^ Stinging, itching.
Anth em is pyreth ru m ,
pelli- C>^j _^\s.

•^ Stung. Sting of insects. ,>a>^i' tory of Spain.

Struggle, contention. ;^ <r.< Having the teeth Jil ^ '\'Jis. ^ jis,\
Crooked or broken in ^.^IUj^ ^ ^>»^> broken (camel).
the head (arrow). Possessing much property. j^
To fold, to bend fi> ^icj ,u2fr uai- i -il- To twist, to curl, to bend ^'^ ^
(wire) to crook a. th.
: a. th.
To be bent, folded, ^2it.\j ^ii^ To be crisp, curled (lock of haii").c_j32iJ
twisted. To be unfaithful to a promise.
Fox. ,jsi Scorpion. Strap, «-jjl**^ ?r vC^
Bending, crookedness. *iip thong. •() Hand of a watch, clock ).

Contorted. Rude, churlish(Arab).^2ii 1 Pi. Slanders. Calamities. Curls of

Iron hook. •ujp hair.
Plant alike to the rue. -KiLllj — Intenseness of cold, hard- 'fxlJI v-J^
Disease distorting the legs of j\is. ships of winter.
sheep. Scorpio {Zodiacal sign). vS*^!
Attacked with distortion ^\'jC ^ wi5li. Heliotropum Europueum, i_/,2iJI slxis^
of the legs. heliotrope.
Crooked stick. ^ Hook. <jUp Female scorpion. Clever female "iVjis.

Crook-backed (old man). ^^^ slave. Hook of a saddle.

To destroy, to over- Lcj s _,iit ^ Male scorpion. Earwig. -^ Peg. o^.jii
whelm a. o. (calamity). Full of scorpions <J.^^ j> ^^^'-^
To perish (man). To be crushed Jal^i (place).
by misfortune. Curved, twisted. '^.'_^»j' j> ^'^'^
A termagant. A scor- j'tiUt ^ jyili Strong.
pion. Old she-camel. Crafty (ogre). Fi-og. j^ii <•

To bind the 5 js:cb jUj ,'^ i jip -«• To bend (wood ). &_, ft, \-ii. o J-ic- ^
folded legs of ( a camel ) to his To gather (cattle).
thighs. Fruit of a thorny tree. ^^^-J J-^
To confine (the bowels). fi> yai. i o — Top of a vine.
To be J2ijj J2cj ,y^3i/:j "A-Jis- i
J^ To twist her hair fi> (^i- i ^2t -fr

intelligent : to become wise. (woman).

To trip a. o. in wrestling. a — -^ To sting a. o. (wasp). j —

C IA\ )
Intellectual, rational, mental, ^lit To outwit a. 0. s o jip
abstract. To render a. o. costive yii. A i o —
Sliackle, tether: halter. jil ^ Jdt (medecine).
•^ Head-band. To understand a. th. To yjis. i
— fi>

Poor-rate, tax paid in ji^^ jjt ^ — comb (her hair woman). :

sheep or camels. To pay the blood-price to. J~3}l —

Man of rank whose ransom caiJI Ji3t To pay the b'.ood-price for cf^ jc —
is quoted high. a. 0.

oyiU^ ^ydl) Ji2p y. {m. f.) j5lp To accept the blood-price o!>0 '/:> i)

Intelligent, wise. Initiated Druse. and give up retaliation.
Payer of a blood-wit for xlU'p ^ J5li To ascend on the sum- V^tj !Ait i —
manslaughter. "Wild goat. mit of a mountain (wild goat). To
Understanding. j3l}^j o>^sii ,? *^^ contract at midday (shade).
Female hair-dresser. To take refuge towards. Ji —
Initiated Druses, n Cramp in the Jilt To have contorted legs, ^>Up a J3*
leg. To produce bunches (vine). j|p
Relations on the father's J>3" *^^ To render a. o. intelligent, i —
side. prudent.
Bending of a valley. Jtril^^ t J^'^*^ To vie in intelligence with. j jlii

Hardship, hindrance. Wayless coun- To be on a par with a. o. for the

try. High sea ; billows. blood-price.
Large j^lsij J512& ,^ jii^j J2it To find a. o. intelligent. s ji^l
valley. Long sandy hill. Sword. In- To show intelligence. To con- jiu
testines. ceive a. th. abstra'tedly in the mind.
Intelligent. Astringent (medi- J^c To be conceivable (thing). To become
cine). entangled in (a net game). :

Secluded, keeping in ^J^ rr *is?^ To cross the legs upon fi^ cPrtlj

doors (woman). The best part. the saddle.
Pearl. J»^\ iLSt To intersert the i^^>. oSli)^ jlij
Crook-legged. ji^ ^ 'yis. j, jipl fingers under a. o."s foot for helping
Wiser. J2f j JjCtl ^ Jit j. jit him to ride.
Stronghold, refuge. JSU/: ^ jsi;^ To pretend intelligence, clever- jluo
Lofty mountain. ness,
Moral bond. Ransom, blood- <'i2i> To pay the blood-price o5^ j»i —
money. conjointly with a. o.
His tribe is bound «>^ ip '^lii;; l.'/i To bind and confine a. 0. as a s jsrcl.
to pay the blood-pi-ice. prisoner. To bind the feet of a ewe
Hooked staff. *^«; "^ for milking her.
Power of under.'?tanding, Intel- J^ii To receive the blood- cj9^ /^ ^~
lect. InteUigible ; reasonable. Cons- price from a. o.

tipated (bowels). Q Well. To be tied, impeded (tongue). JSitl

Metaphy.sics. oV^ii!) ^U To hold a. 0. to be intelli- » ji^i.:.!.

Uj^ a ^^^ o j^j , UJcj \«Jit o ^«t

-it gent.
To be bari'en womb).
^^ CJtj ,
Reason, intelligence, mind. J^i* ^ jit
To become dry ( joints). Knowledge. Blood-money. Strong-
To remain silent.
To rendei" fi>
C>it a

^]j ^Itj C>it ^t , i

^ hold.
Impediment in speech. (Jv2;tlj *Ut
(the womb) barren (God). Shackle, bond. A unit. jip ^ iXik

To hush a. 0. 2 Jt •^ Knot in wood.


Sultriness. i)l&it ^ *&»pj *4>^ I
To litigate with C»Uf.j 'zisUi » ^li
Violent access of iJ^Ct ^ zl^tj Jfe^t a. 0. To contend with a. o. for su-
fever. BHrning sand. Butter-skin. periority.
Buttei'-skia. i)l&itj iiSC* ^ *&«; Red cloth. j;it_, i;.;fj ^j^
Aci'e, town of Syria.
Intenseness of heat. i)^Cp
'ifettj Sfcit

^ '^^
Barren ^j
^;_Up ^ (»2./".)
Hot windless day. (woman). Unproductive (land, mind).
To gather, to throng \j_^^ n ^Jt^l ^ Gloomy (day).
(camels). To boil (cooking pot ). To Distressing, grievous j^ilj j>Sj£-j —
remain standing, to stand still. (illness, war).
To be thick in the lips, CJCi^ a .JsS Childless. Ill-natured (man). ^u^
in the chin. Childless ^2tj >«Uf J •li.St ^ ^c^t
To crush a. o. (cares). (man).
To be raised (dust). Of noble descent (man). '
To raise (the dust). Abstruse (discourse). "iij —
Dust. Joint in a horse. PL ^u;:"^ ^2;^
Echinops, globe-thistle Vertebrae of the horse.
Numerous crowd. To sink (a well). Jbi.\j , \'yi£- o ui -S-

Ill-conformed. To be hoisted (flag). up

Spider. ,^^U^j ^\:^ ^ To hate a. th. To hinder a. 0. fuj ^ —
Spider's web. Sui'roundings of a town. 'lit ^ s^p
Phalangium (plant). Court of a house.
To seek Ji j^l^j ,\'j^£. i o^^i ^ To di.slike a. th. A Cit i ip -^
refuge, to repair to. To suckle (a new-born 5^l_^j —
To be or become possible to s — child) for the first time. To void or-
a. o. (affair). dure for the first time (infant).
To become fat (camel, lafeat a asip To circle aloft in the air (bird). It
lizai'd). Whence art thou c.-5ict j\ c-Jt ci I
To cleave to. A Jisci\j u— coming ?

To cower down in fear of To become bitter. is, \

hawks (bird). To reject from the mouth fi>

Middle of a thing. (bitter food).
Dry (tree). Fat (camel). Excrement of a new bom 'K!&\ ^ is-
Lizard's hole. Rump- ol^t child. "

bone. Native gold. oCi*

Root of the tongue. Base of Sofeip To be sultry (day). 4sit 1 o 'dX£ -ik-

the heart. To remain at home ( man ). To put

Place of refuge. afeii>: off a. o. To a.sk a. 0. to i*epeat (

To je J^\j \j^j, \'JU i o JU -«- narrative). To explain a. th.

I'eturnupon a. o. To oppress a. 0. unremittingly s —
To back with the
tui'n ic ^>i^lj — (fever).
spear upon (the enemy). To confound a. 0. (by argu- ^i—
To be J'^ -^j _,feUj ••J _^& ments ). To assault a. 0. with (a
\'J^ a
turbid (water). whip). To weary a. o. by repeating
To render j-^ ^j same words.
fi> J:iL']j J^ the

(water) foul, turbid. To prevent, to turn a. 0. back ^ S
<• To disturb, to grieve iS%ii- J=^ from.
a. 0. •^ To beat, to open (a I'oad). a—
To be intensely dark jSCit^ _^Ci 1 Burning day. 'itxi-
Kopo for checking a jjmpi ^IfeiP ( night). To be thick ( darkness).
camel. To retui-n to the charge ^^Citlj jTCo
Sour milk poured upon broth. ,_^%«/ (fighters).
Layer, slip. To fall thick (rain). To raise _^*\
There shall be ^_^lfev;j ^lfc«._,Vvi oji the dust (wind). To last (youth).
much contention befoie the busi- Sediment, dregs. Rust of a
ness is ended. sword.
Inversion of a sentence. zlSCti Starting-point, origin. Custom,
Reversed, upset, invei'ted. ^j^jSZ^ habit.
•^ Unlucky (lot). Unhealthy (climate). They came back to
To be inter- jJ^ij GiSCt a J-^f- -^ ,
their original state.
mingled (herbs) ; dishevelled (hair). Charge, new onset.
To pick up, to make * ii^^ i JJ>^i- Troop of camels. Root
things together. of the tongue.
To return to the charge. j& — Turbid, dreggy J'yJ' -^j jk^j Js>i
To be complicated, intricate jJ^i (water).
(business). To weave
Dishevelled (hair). Worthless
(man). -^ Awkward, clumsy.
its web (spider).

Attacking persistingly.
To lean upon ji, j4;7j
(a statf).
, IjJCt o ^j^ -*

Spider, x1i5Cpj J-^^j xk\Us.j jX^l To stick (a spear) into the ^ _^

spider's web. ground.
Clumsines.s, awkwardness. *i!,lSC.ft To guide o.'s self by means of. ^ —
To be crabbed (man), t^^is. ^j^iS ^ i To be wrinkled, shrivelled. \Jsks- &Jsi£
To be unmanageable (beast). To put an iron-head (to a A jfc»i
To push a. 0. back. CaSo^ ^^aSCfr"i i spear).
To be niggardly of a. thjs, i-J:^^^j^ii Wicked, wretch. jiqjt

Unsociable (man). Hindering" ^Ct Iron- C.\'y^J -n-ri6:*i 5r o'y^J j^

the walk (sand). footed stick, crutch. Shepherd's
To hinder a. o. f v'JaSCt i^Ct ^ i
statf. -if- Crosier.
To turn a. o. away from, ^t j Jilit To reverse a. th. fi> CiCs ^^Xj- »- i

To put off (a debtor). 5 Jiru To invert (a word, a sentence). To

To be complicated (busi- u ia&tij pour sour milk upon (a dish).
ness). To become difficult to a. o. To changed the turn e'j'A ^"9^ Jt

To vie, to contend with. JaTCo of his affair.
Short, little. ^;%'* He avert a. o. from an
Frequented fair near Mecca. Jilfe»i affair. To counteract a. o.'s design.

To arrange, to set a (ii^t o ^J^l ^ i

To check (a camel) with a rope. ^ —
a. th. in order. To render a. o. unhappy, 5 ^^-^ ^
To confine, to withhold a. o. in. It 5 — wicked. To pi'event a. 0.
To debar a. o. from. ^^ 5
— To come to 5 Cl&i*j '*3'ui ^Cc
To jp .jiSCJl ij^tj Ciiip o i —
-(f^j ,
blows with a. o. •<>• To cross a. o.'s

apply o.'s self assiduously to. designs.

To turn round. oj 'd'y> 'J^i'^ To crawl. ,jM£
To be strung (pearls). jai^\ j — To be inverted, ^JSJ^\J ^\Jj

To stay (in a J ..ifec^lj ^jj&Ujj — reversed. To be reflected (light).

place). Inversion, reversal. cr-l^^j'b ^^^
To curl, to plait (her hair : A wifei* Reflection, refraction of (light).
woman). To string (pearls). On the contrary. Vice- ^.pAiil*
To cleave, to keep to. *j a jirip versa.

( lA o jr.
To gird o.'s self (-with a veil). «_. ^^Cj£ To pray in seclusion (Moslem). ^^t^ti
To bind a. th. tightly. * j:ii\ Curly, crisp (hair). wi&ip
Seller of sinews. Dead, si^it ^ iJGi

late, deceased. severing.

To drink a "sUt) ^j ^U i o ^i -)^ Prayer in seclusion. olfe^itl
second draught. Piaited, dressed (hair). o^ii
To give to drink a second » jl^j — To tie (a beast), fi^j s ^i, i Jfeit -f}-

time. To repeat a. th. To make up (things).

To beat a. o. ilr'i? '^j vJlrai-JI ^^ To detain a. 0. in prison. s —
for the second time. To exert o.'s self in. j —
To bo sick, ill. 3/ To express an opinion *; Yj,^ jl_,>«VI J —

To gather ( fruit ) a second * jtt upon a matter.

time. To be doubtful jp J^«-'lj c^ b ~
To divert, to bu.sy a. 0. by.
v ^ ~" (affair).
To disclose, to manifest the A — To shun society. t^^fl
causes of. Base, vile. Jlfcipl ^ Jfc»frj J^^^
To decline a noun. :c»t^!l 3^1j — Of small size. Avaricious, j^ip 7. jTli
To afflict a. o. with a disease i 1yi^\ Rope : shackles. Jlfe^t
(God). To give to drink a second time. Sandy hillock. H^'jij Jfc-^
To adduce pleas, excuses, jj-^b 3^'' Prison ;
gaol. J^^
To stick to a. th. To ^j O^tlj ~ Shephei'd's crooked JfU^ ?r J^i
occupy o.^s self with. staff.

To recover from confine- 'i}Qj jti' To wrap, to pack fit CjCt ,^Cp -H- i

meat, to be churched (woman). up (luggage).

To be ill, sick. To have a blemish, "jis.^ To bind (luggage) for a. 0. A 5 —
To have a defective letter (word). To bind (goods) upon (a camel).
To avert a, 0. fi-om a design. 5 — To be prevented from. ^c ^SCi
Lean and small, paltry. J><t*i ^ [}t To help a. 0. in packing. 2*
Diversion. Fellow- wife. cS^C' -^ '^i- To be heaped up To poise j,^i-[
Second draught. Misfortune. Need. the two burdens of a camel.
The sons of the same father o!Aill jii Corner of the belly. ^LlJI xiSCt
by various mothers. Bundle, ^SU. ^ jXist.i ^ j^ia.l\ ^ ^<is.^,

Perhaps, may be. 3ij_, '^s. burden. Rope for binding goods.
Perhaps thou mayest do it. jj,i.7 2Up Camel-driver, muleteer. ^ll^i^
Plea, excuse, allega- o!Atj JL; ^r *^ To be wrinkled (belly). ^^,&iiu — ^ia.s. ^
tion. Efficient cause. Illness, sick- Wrinkle of the o^s^b J>^ ^ *3Cp
ness. Diversion. Accident. Defective- belly.
ness (of a word, verb). Numerous party ; oCiCtj oufcip
Cause and effect. JjiiiJIj U*'l numerous camels (above 200).
The defective letters x_I«H 3/j>- To tie up (a horse's VpiS o iSC/ ^ fi>

Distraction, amu.sement. v^j Hy^d To gird o.'s self (with a waist- o—
Second draught or drinking. Jit wrapper).
Upper-room. -JiA^ ^ xllcj i!.It To show kindness. ip —
Root of the 'ifCpj fe»p ^ SjSCij s^SCp
He is one of the foremost men of his tail, of the tongue. Main part.
tribe. Twisted sinew used as a whip.
The highest of the seven oy:J^ Big, thick-sided. •IjSCp ^^^'1
heavens its inhabitants. To die.
J^b J^ "^
J^^j irS^ , i
J)c ( iAo ) ^Ic
To cleave, to cling to a. th. ^ c^''^^ Permutation of a J>(;cij J-U7j JiiUl.

To patch (a work). A — defective letter

To select a. th. at hazard. dJ^[ Allegation, plea. j^
Steady, persevering. c-i£ Sick, ill. Jyi»j iDi'j , '^1 9- tW*
Mess, mixture of two things d^lt : Repeatedly Jl^j >^^>^^ -r *^^
olive-oil or butter mixed with curd. perfumed (woman).
Uaselected travelling-pro- iljJI ci^l III. Defective (word) '^~J'

visions. Caused, effected effect.: jUji

To become strong (man), btit ^rXi -H- Pool left by a torrent. JJ,CJ ^ Jy^
To exert o."s *j 5 (^-'^pj '*?t)U>i ^tU't Dyed twice ( cloth ). Superposed
self in. To tend ( a sick person). To clouds. Rain after rain.
dress (a wound). To treat (a busi- To be unsteady, loose. JiU^j Jiit ^
ness). To manipulate, to exercise Male lark. JCipj jiU
o.'s skill upon. To manufacture, to Disturbance, riot, mischief. dj^
work (iron). To prepare (food, medi- To become Qt a ^_, CJU o vJIp -5^
cines). rough (hand). To K-eome tough,
^ To quarrel, to contend with. s — hard (flesh). To be bi'oken (edge of
To prescribe a medical treat- 5^C» a sword).
ment. To become tainted 4> yjs^j Cit —
To wrestle, to contend r-'ii^b
~ (meat). To mark a. th. To notch, to
together. cut.
To dash together (waves). To t-^s.[ To bind a sinew fi> ^tp_, Clt i o

collect together (sand). round the hilt of a sword.
To become bulky, strong rrdk^i^i To stink (flesh). To be thick, ^J.!!!,
(body). To grow forth (beard). coarse.
Ass. Wild ass.^^&1j -^rj^ -r r-'^e To stretch o.'s self. To be «CJl&l^ Jiitl^

Foreign to the Arabian race. Un- ready to mischief. To bristle up his

beUever. Strong and stout. Hairy, hair (cat).
thick-bearded. Brand. Impression. Scar. »_»Ip

Sandy hills in Arabia. i^Uc j/^j Hard and barren ,^JJ. ^ ^^j

Treatment of a disease. "^^Xa'pj ^>U ground. Place of growth of the Spina.
Efficacious medicine. C/iristi, kind of lote-tree.

fy Strife. Sr^^e "^i *?=.)U^ Hard to the touch ; coarse. Old ,_4e
Strong and big. j&l r4i?li (buck).
Male ostridge. Male j^y^ ^ j-yr-^ Leathern vessel for (_j!>Uj ^Jip ^ Xllt

frog. Duck. Buck. Orchard of palm- milking. -^ Snuff-box. Casket.

trees. Wave of the sea. Darkuess of Knob of a tree, knot of ^Jis ^ <;it

night. wood.
Strong (she-camel). Careless ^9^ ^ The choice men of the yji] <jj^i,
(woman). party.
Dust collected at the root of a oUlt Lead. "J.^
tree. Muscle on the side of the liy,£ ^ >ult
To be hard, strong, \M a _a&' ^ neck.
unmanageable (man). He has become advanced ojUU r-^lJ
To become thick, strong (raan).i^a:ltl. in age, decrepit.
Hardness. Hard sinew of i>Ul ^ aU To give no fire (flint). CiU i cit *
the neck. Refusing to move. To mix a. th. with. ^j A —
Thick, big. S>^i jj>£ « <^^'^
To fight desperately. liic a c4c
I have no escape from ij^i;* ii^ J L« To lay snares for a. 0. J cJiT

A"\ ) JUL.
To put forth pods (acacia- uii-'^j wilt have no means of attaining it.
it. I

tree). To stick to a place and refuse i^ii. -ft-

To seek fodder. .jiU7 to move (camel).

To eat fodder. To become sedate, grave (man), i^ijii

To seek fodder by neighing Full-grown (camel). yj,^j y_^[£j V^

(horse). Thick fneck). Bulky (lezard). Sedate,

Fodder, *^Js-j o!Ac j oMt'l ^ ^a* I

calm (chief).
provender. j
To be disquieted, restless \'j,e- o, Js. ^
Fruit of a species of acacia. jup (sick person).

Seller of fodder. :^y.£ ^ ^yj. To weaken, to disturb a. o. y Jul

Provender, forage. „^ ^ Xiy* I

Restless, disquieted. jip

Wages. Victuals. Pay ^ys ^ Hjis. Colic.Rage. Sudden death.
of Soldiers. Pension. To drink (water). /» ij£ \

Fed in the stable Ji_^j "-jLisj sSjit To grow worse (disease). ^Jis.
(beast). They have not given i^'~> ',^ C
Rude, churlish old man. Fleshy, j^iit him the least food.
hairy ( man ). High-bred ( horse ). Food, eatable. ^^^ ^-^^ ^m
Bulky (stallion). We have not tasted C^ CJLit U
Fattened (cattle). _j^>! any thing.
Manger. Stable. Nose ^U-i .JiU^ Kind of wheat. Lentils
bag. Experienced.
Cochlearia^ scurvy- ^ COI *1a To disorder (the i.

grass. stomach ; food).

To crop ^A'CjJiJ.j lou o jlt -«- To wrestle with a. o.
(plants : beast). He took little of it. CAi-

To blame a. o. «jLlb s — Indigestion, colic.

To have leeches applied to the jip To brand a( * Jalpj , Gait iais- -^
thi'oat. To have leeches cleaving to camel) on the neck.
the throat in drinking. To stigmatise a. o.
To hang, to be suspen- ^_J fiU a jlt To brand, to disgrace
ded. To catch, to cling, to hold fast a. o.
to. To concern, to pertain to. To unbridle (a beast).
To be caught in (a net ^ Cj^c —
: To quarrel with a. o.
game ). To cling to (a camel's)
To become pregnant (woman), ji'j, — neck and mount it : to ride a camel
To i_)j 5 <3'^£j Sipj Cupj C3^ — without saddle. To pursue a heed-
become attached by love to. less coiu'se ; to rush inconsiderately
He began doing. 'j'J^_ jU into.
To hang up, to suspend jc_j ^^
a. th. to.
^ Bare (she-camel).
Necklace. Ring on the
Jait ,, sijip
^ JaU

<•To catch fire. To be kindled jU dove's neck. Black collyrium.

(war) Forepart of the iaUj xLltl ^ i>5U.
<• To set fire to. — neck. Rope on a camel's neck. Con-

<f- To give fodder to (a beast). J j^ tention, strife.

To close (a door). A — Brand on a camel's neck. JaJil^j —
To make an extract from. ^ * — Stars that have no »_4'|jSCti J»yt1
To be captivated by. jl* names. "6

To catch (game) in a net. To To give » J\l\^ jde.j QU uu -H- , i

apply leeches. fodder, to feed (cattle).

construction of verbs
like^^^t etc.
C lAY)
To fasten a. th. to.
> i^ ^ jiil
Marginal note. Appendix jjU7 ^ iLUj To put a suspensory strap (to a a —
to a book. -^ String of coins worn bow).
as an ornament. To be suspended, fastened to.
^ ^5
Man clinging to every :u'US ji J>j To cleave, to cling to.
thing : plunderer. To stick to ; to love a. o.^_,j s ^il\j —
Milking-vessel. jj us ^ jii* Hole in a garment. jip
Spoon. ( for sail;; ) siiii •<>• Precious thing. j^_, j^l r J^,i

Suspended. Attached by love. ^'^ Bag. Rich garment.
if Having a leech (beast). Fond of learning. ^ic jip
Name of selected Arabic poems cKt^'" Prone to evil. Mischief-maker.'^ ^jip
that were suspended in the Caaba. Pulley, well-rope. Suspensory jU
Suspensory. Pendant JJ,*** -^ 3"^, of a water-skin, of a bow.
of an earring. Stirrup-leather. The Leech. jicj cj^^ -^ xiu
vital parts ; heart, spleen, liver. a Bastinado, flogging. jlt ^ xiip

lungs. Boy's garment. Rich garment. laip

Litigator. jS^^. j'*J

— Property, goods. Attach- jit ^ saip
Belonging to, dependent on. !_,• jl;^/i ment.
Concerns of a man. cM^i cJSv'Ci There remained isip Saip ^j 'J

Colocynth.Wild cucum-^>u ^ ^p ^ nothing with him.

bar. Anything bitter. I have interest in it. isU \jj. j (J_
To chew To * ^i»^s. o dUt ^
a. th. i
A little of ; remainder (of milk, J>U
knead dough). To champ (the bit
( : food).
horse). To grind (the teeth). Stick to it. J>U
To tan (a skin). To tend A dltt Attachment, true love, ^y^ ^ XS^
(cattle). To manage (pi'opei'ty). -^ To Contention. Obligation : blood-pi'ice.
talk nonsense. Sufiiciency, living. Trade. Craft,
The hair has become j^\ dA&iiitl. means of subsistence. Dowry. -^ Nose-
very black, thick. bag.
Resin for chewing. i-^\^ iJjit ^ dUp Aflection, love. Handle, jJ51p ^ X-ISU
Piece of resin. •(> Trifle. ife^k suspensory, thong of a whip, of a
Viscous, cohesive. Tough dlip shield. By-name. Stalk of a fruit.

(food). Misfortune, death. She-camel J^

The molar teeth. ol^Q^JI yielding no milk.
Resin-seller. <>• Humbug. ii^l He has treated us jyiJI <i>JuJ UiJVc
Impediment in speech. dS'^ like a she-camel who yields no milk.
To mark a. th. * CJt o i ^ ^ i. e. He has frustrated om* expecta-
To sUt (the lip). tion.

To surpass a. o. in science. » o — Barley, fodder for beasts. j,i£

To know to possess: CJU a JS Camels sent for JJ^^h oU-lt ^ lilt
leai'ning. bringing corn.
To learn, to be informed of. oj * — Thorny shrub. Field bind- ^^2JJ j^
To be aware of. weed. Common bramble. Any clim-
To have the upper-lip slit. CJp a ^ bing plant. Rapsberry-tree.
To teach a. th.
to a. 0.
^^ ^ J^b ^ Eglantine, sweet-brier.
Demon, goblin. Wolf. Tail.
„J^\ jIJp

To as.sume a distinctive iliJ ji\^ — Hunger.

mark at war (horseman). Dependence, attachment.
^ To sign (a deed). tc ^ Persian hand-writing. Special
> ( i AA ) Jc
a. th. is supposed to be found. Way- To vie in learning with a. 0. 5 ^Iv*
mark. To suspend a mark upon Aj 5 Js-S
Marked (cloth, coin). Jili ( a hox'se ) in war. To make a mark
Teacher, master. ^ Learned ^> upon cloth (manufacturer).
man. Master-mason. To become learned. To learn ; j;^
Mistress of a school. Xiiii to be learned.
Known, notorious. Active >»>Ui> To learn (a science, an art). a —
(verb). -^ No doubt, indeed. To learn a. th. together. A Ji\^,
^ Fees, pay- oC^jii^j ^,^ 5- >«>^' To know a. th. ; to get infor- a J[ftl.
ment for professional .services. mation about. To flow upon the
ground (water). To shine (lightning).
Distatt". To wish to know to take A 5 J^z^\ :

, Xlj CjU a ^i j^^tj

^j Clpj i Ji.t ^ information about a. th. from a. 0.
To become known. j^-^\j Jiitlj Sign, mark, limit- ^^tj ^>lc1 ^ ,U
notorious. stone. Way-mark. Elevated moun-
To Jlfb,* » v'j^Uj Jljui J\s.
^j 5 tain. Fissure in the upper lip.

manifest a. th. To act openly with •, Ornamented border in cloth. ^:>U1^ —

to show open (enmity) to. Standai'd, flag. Chief of a tribe.
To publish :
J oj 5 jUlj ,/* ? ^)(p Pi'oper no\\u{grain). ^le ^\
to reveal a. th. to a. 0. Science, learning. Firm ^^ ^ ^it
To promulgate a. th. * ^\ belief.
Divulging secrets. "Cjl The learned men. J^W ^j\
Publicity, notoriousness. -Q^^ Scientific. ' A e
Actiug o^i>U ^ 'j,>Uj,oy>U r- v-^"'
Book-marker. Target. Aim. J,yj. -tf-

openly. On what ? ( for t» je- ) y9^

Publicly, openly. *^1^^ Mark, sign, token, cA»y,£j ^Mc ^ 1^^

Manifestation, declaration. o^l symptom. Guide-post. Mile-stone.
Advertisement, post-bill. Information. Post-bill ; haud-bill.^5Vtl.
To put a title a Cil^itj 'ijyit oVvt -J^ Teaching, instruction. ^\Ji ^ ^17
to (a book), an address to (a letter). if- Catechism.

Title, heading of a book. ^i^ World, universe, oji'tj JS^ ^ ^U

Address of a letter. Worldly, lay. ^ju
To be disturbed, stupefied. QIc a 4t -S- Layman, secular. 'Jky^Zs- -^
To be confused by drink. To go to Knowing, o>;.!>j >.'^pj -Cit -r J>
and fro. To be fiery (horse). aware learned. :

Stupefied. J^'y^j Ss- ^ J>\s. ^ o^l^ Singer, dancer ^y^i. ^ j ;; Vp d

To J:pb Olt a ^Ipj l>^'
, y^i ^r ,
become high, lofty": to go up. To Thoroughly x^-^^^j *i.i^j **^j ^!Af
rise in rank, dignity. learned. Hawk. Skilful in genealo-
To be advanced (day). Jrtlj 5U gies.
To raise, to take a. 0. or ^ "^ Learned. Doctor in law. »lil& ^ ^^
a. th. up. The Omniscient (God).
To mount (a beast). To over-/fcj & >U The Ulemas, Musulman divines. -liiiJI
come, to overtop a. 0. Sea. Well yielding much J^Ct ^ Ji^ft
To strike a. 0. with (a sword) : ^ — :( water. INIale hyena. Frog. Plump,
to assail. delicate.
He ascended upon the place. oj oV^^I — More learned. ^^^ J^^ tt
He became proud. J^'s^^ J
— Harelipped. ^u
^ ,.1*1 ^^ 'lU*
He was raised in dignity. ^ji&i;j| j — Guide-post. Place where j\^ ^ Jui
( iA\ )
Native fiora the Arabiaa uplands. Jl u To raise, to elevate A>j ^ '^'^jj^j It
The Sublime Povte. ',^y^\ ^jUI a. o. or a. th.
Elevated place ; mountain : skj. 'UU
To take
a beast).
off (a burden from c/- ^ ^
Higher, loftier ji^ Jiil ^ CU ^ jtl
: To compete with a. o. for supe-jsilj It
nobler. rioi'ity. To ascend in upper Arabia.

I was upon the ter- riklJI j&l c.-ii' To ascend, to climb on a. th.,_;j * Jt
Tall, bulky. Male Hyena.
Be off, clear off.

To rise, to go up by steps.
^ Jii.

oUi^j oCLi
House-fui'uiture. To be lofty. To be proud.
Supei'iority, high place, rank. '>iii.ll^ To I'ecover (confined
Nobility acquired merit. Jus ^ s!Ai»
: woman ).
dignity. God,may He be exalted 1

The seventh and best arrow in liiJI Gome on.

the game. To be advanced (day). To rise, Xc^\
most high.
Lofty, high, JUSi to ascend higher.
The Supreme King, God. JCciJi'wUiJI To find a. th. high, too high. A —
The emphatic XXilJJ^X >jyji^\ To mount upon (a thing), a J^cij —
letters f., 3,^,13 .j' ,^ ,^. Upper part. 'jc
Preposition meanitig
opiJOiitiotis debt,

j^ ^ ,Jv* o'J j^ o^j"^ o'i ,J* o'i
From above, from the top above.
i/^ ^

time, conformity, dependence. Upon, They are the leaders of ^]^| 'it '^
on, at, against, according to, above. the tribe.
On horseback. j5)JOI _^ Js- Grandeur, nobility, high rank. 'J.j
He entered upon him. *1U jiS High place, height. <d>^j js-
We have raised j^lT \s, CaiJ UU»S The highest part, . . .ll^l^j _^j ^Lt
some people above others. the top of.

Thou must do. It is jiij cJ\ viCit He took him forcibly. i^t o'jS.\
incumbent upon thee. Upper part J^y^^j <£y^ w SJ^
is indebted.
have acted according tij^ y. '^X-i-
^^i ^ the head, of the neck. Burden. Super-
to thy ordei'. The upper part of. . . .)l vs9sS'

He has done it in <I^ ^LT j^ iU* Elevation, height, highness. '^i

spite of his advanced age. Anvil. Tall she-camel. o)>itj >U ^ a^£
In his time. oo^p U High, lofty. Noble, Utj oj^ ^ 'Ji
During a time of inadvex'- joi^ cna- it Eminent ( rank, man).
tence. The most High (God).
We sat down near the jUll U r;J-V The headmen, the leaders ^_^u)| s^
fire. of the people.
He went out against him. /j^ ^'^ Upper-room. ^ SU ^ *^it.

Fortune turned .^;U ijsSiiS cJS' The seventh Heaven paradise ; 0^48 :

against them. highest place in Heaven. The Angels,

For the sake of God. 43)1 *»-J Jfr the Blessed.
Through, by means of ^oyi /i Jt High, lofty. Sublime. -^ First ^Jli
such a one. rate (goods).
I will relate it to i^t Illustrious, noble. »^iSCjl J,U
thee, provided thou keepest it secret. The highest part Jl^j cJ^)^ ^ JhiCc

To be universal, general, C«^f o ^ -^ of a thing. The point of a lance.

common. Spear. Uplands of Nejd in Ai'abia.
a J

Si- )
The generality of men. The ^uJI x^*t I
To include, to comprehend the >
common people. whole of.

The -whole of the tribe i»li yjji\ fia- To include all persons ^ 'j^y!>\ Ci
came. in.

The laymen, ( opp- to ^^l^JI ) 'j^S'j2\ He bestowed his

the common people. favours upon all.

< Coalition. He wound a turban

General, universal. round his head.
Of tall stature ( woman ). Lofty To become a paternal X^yJ- 'J'
(palm-tree). uncle.
General, universal, common. To attire a. o. with a turban. 5 ^^
More general, universal. Great To render a. th. general, uni- a —
number. versa 1.
Having many paternal >-?J j^J To be attired with ^jj 'J:s-\j Jii3
uncles. a tm-ban. To blossom : to become
Including all in his bounty. luxuriant (plant).
Wearing a turban. Made J^-^J v.^" To call a. 0. a paternal imcle. ^ Ji^
a chief. To take a. o. as a paternal 5 'j^^K
To collect a numerous *••-««.* .^^ * uncle.
army. Crowd. Numerous party. Dense '^
Scattered parties of men. (palm-trees, herbs).
To beat f>j i cJJ-j t;^ , i Paternal uncle. 'JSj j,[:J]j iij4t ^ ^
with a stick. To subdue a. 0. To ^ ( for ) ^
Father-in-law. Step-
wind (wool) for spinning. father.
Flake cJ litj c^i*^J *5«ib z.'S j
Paternal aunt. cJCS ,- "itJ.
of wool. ;
Cousin. -^ Husband. Brother- '^\ ij|_
Careful keeper. Intoxi- c--.;li^ t c.?**^ [
eated. Ignorant and feeble ; unable Female cousin. -^ Wife. Sister-]]^! '^,
to act by himself. I
To walk quickly, «_rvl j (^Ui i ^riii -^ 1
•• Step-mother, mother-in- ill i\j^\.

to hasten in walk law.

To swim. Way of wearing a turban.
To wind about in walk He wears his turban well. :i^
To wind (valley). One of the common people :

Reptile, serpent. r-^^j "frX^j r-is vulgar.

To prop A oiplj jXs-j , )aU i J-'J. ^ Completeness. Largeness of body. ij.
up, to stay a. th. upon columns. Whole, complete, full-grown. ^^
To resolve upon, to intend. Jij J o^t Crowd.
To aim at. Totality, universality. -vi*'
To direct o.'s self towards. J|
— Generally, in the >i>4iJI *»^y.j ^yU
To oppress a. 0. (disease) to Aj 5 — whole.

grieve. To throw down a. 0. or a. th. Uncleship. *>'>ip

•^ To baptise a. 0. 5 otpj o^p Belonging to an uncle.
i '4*S
To be or become asto- \'x,£ a Jui Turban, head- ^U.t j v,^ 9r <^C*
nished, angry. To become moistened band.
(earth). He loosened his turban i. e. ii^lit L'/\
To cleave to. ij — He is in easy circumstances.
To stop, to obstruct ( A att General, universal, unrestricted. >(&
stream). Vulgar, popular.

Delegate trustworthy.
/ ( ir\ )

To purpose

To commit a
; *llp a. th. ,it ^
To inhabit, to dwell a \'j^ o J*s. ^ (a sin) intentionally.
in; to repair frequently to ( a place). ^ To be baptised. juiclj —
To build ( a house ). To promote To be propped, stayed. r, ;; t

(good). To worship (God). To lean upon a. th. To rely jp J^\

To be frequented, inhabited (by ^— upon a. 0. To undertake (a journey)
people : market, place). at a gentle pace.
To preserve a. o. alive (God). » Jj.^ — To trust in, to rely upon j *^j 5 —
To render (a * y^ 1j J^j , 's^v^t - a. 0. in (business).
house) prosperous. Resolution, determination, uii^j aii
To keep to (a fi> (j/J-i VjCJ. i o JJ- Premeditately, oiiw ^j IJiiJuj lIC*
house, a property). on purpose.
^J*i a j».tj , oj\'^j \y^j \j\^s. i o j^ He has done it oii j^ ji \'jij. ilia
To live long. s^i;^^, \jj.j intentionally.
To thrive, "ijK^ a j^j o
J^j i o J*s- He has ojt Vc iX^j jv* j-I* dil'i JiS
to be in a prosperous state. done it' knowingly and willingly.
To keep ( a country) in fi>
jj-h J»-^ Moistened by rain (place). j^
a prosperous state. To furnish ( He is a bountiful man. ^^^i X^ ^'
house). -^ To build (a house). Stay, support : scout. Flag of slC^'
To give a. th. to a. o. a 2^ jj. 1j JJi truce, a Chief of a village. -^ Trus-
for life. tee, proxy.
"^ To fill a lamp with oil. To * Jj. Pole of a tent. Column, a^ 7. ^^^
load (a gun). To wind up (a watch). pillar. Flag of truce.
I adjure thee by thy i1 'ixA 'ij\i\ Receiving many guests. iliJI J^^U
life to. Noble. iiiJI ;^3
To find (a counti-y) inhabited, A J^\ Migratory oiiJIj i^b ^^i-" J*^
flourishing. tribes.
To people. To colonise (a A s — -> Baptism. ^li^Hj ei^j^j ^tU,
country) with.
gave him the house for
a4.pj -Ctj e-u* ^ i^U Ji_>t*
I ^ifOl iSjjS Prop, support, column, base. Chief
life. of a party head of the famUy. Ver-

To wind a turban lound O.'s

tical and perpendicular line. Mace,
head. club.
To frequent, to resort to ( a A — The back. j^\ i^
place). To perform the ceremonies The upright timber of ^.Sall J>>ii
of the pilgrimage at Mecca. the cross.
To colonise (a place), to j s The gleam of dawn. ^ilis)i —
stock it with (people). Shaft of a balance. Cj\'j^\

Life. Lifetime. Religion. Ji^ Vertical, perpendicular 'J^y*s-
I swear by my religion. line.
In the .Oil 'jjij '^t ^SjJ-i Ja^ 'JJ- Distressed, diseased : oX.»i ^« -u»i
name of God. broken by love.
Gum of the jaw. Earring, j^ii ^ JJ. The chief, the support of a ^'^\ —
The two wattles of the uvula, ol^^^i" tribe.
Life. Life-time. jcj,\ ^ Jj.j jj. Propping. -^ Baptising. jci»'
Generation of man. Propped, supported. ati»j 5>.ii
Two generations i. e. 80 years.ol^^^l Passionate. > Baptised.
Religion. Head-covering for ^s- Baptism. *2i_^i* -^
women- The Baptist (S*^ John ). 'J toii^j 'o\X^'>

Hard (day). Dark ^jjj,j ^jjj. ^ ^KJ. Greeting to mean Long live: jcj.
(night). thou! Flowers, green adorning a
Pei-plex. cr-^li*J wvi-^ feast-room.
He perjured ;u~xji5t jtj "C-u^ j£ J^ Head-ornament jCt 5r »jl*0 »S** .

himself. crown, turban.

Difficult, obscure ( business). ,_,.,S;» Visit to a place ; Cj\^^j J^ -r »_««*
To be weak-sighted ;
f- ; £ a ,>*& -S- to the Caaba.
blear-eyed. Greeting. -^ Squadi'on, fleet. Sjli*
To make impression upon a. o. J — Cultivation. Breast of man. sji^p
(discourse). Small tribe. Great tribe. Structure,
To care a. o. of blearedness "6 jXi building.
(God). Gift for life.Cultivation (of a SJ^s-
To restore, to repair a. th. * J^'\ country).
To neglect a. th. je. jJj>\^ Inhabited. _^1^ ^ '"j"}^ -i' J^ "^ j"}^
Weakness of sight, blearedness. j^ Cultivated (land). Prosperous.
Dirt, sei'osity of the eyes. jX^i — -^ Cultivated, frequented jj^h -^i**
Bunch of yiji^c -^j J-^S*^ sr lA)-^ (place).

grapes stripped of its berries. ]

Hive. Numerous tribe. J,li* «• S3i^
Dim-sighted, jjj. ^ .il^p ^ jj:^\ ',

More cultivated, more popu- _^j.*l

blear-eyed. lated.
To be deep (well). Cs^ij Uvi* o ji.*- ^t Flourishing state, prosperity. u\'^
To be long, far- u;ij iji;^ a j^j — j

extending (place). '
Cultivator. Mason, architect. j\^
To deepen (a it jii^b ji^b jtt Righteous. Steady. Calm and meek

well). in speech.

deepen, to J jti^Jj J 'Jec!i\ jj* Inhabited, flourishing country. ^^J^


scrutinise a. th. |
Architect, s/j Ui^ ^ ^SjS^'"* "^j j^j^
To be profuse in speech. ^yS^ j j^Jo mason.
To go deep into science. ^jji\ j jli; Visitor. Wearing a turban. j*^
Depth (of a ji^^l ^ jUj j^^j j;^ Colony. o>S«-*^'° T "i'j^^
well) bottom, distance.
: Kid, lamb. -^yS^i t J>**i
Extremity of the j\:J.] ^ j^tj ji£ y^ji -^j i^y^j j|%fr ~ ^^^j ^j*^ ^
desert. Long road, iu jliij ^jj^j ^jS^ x
Depth, abyss of the sea. J>i2) jfi.fr Mischievous ( man ). Noxious (wolf).
Sediment of butter in a vessel. *iip Excellent (camel).
Depth. iJlii To be effaced, unrea- C^i o ^.,-ic -S-
Deep. jJJipj Jlifrj jUj dable (writing).
5r Js?* J^
Long, far-exteuding (valley). To feign ignorance of. ^ ^_p.ift

To work. To manufac- y^^i. a J^ -ft- To hide, to conceal a. th. fn

, h-
ture a. th. To practise a handicraft.
To work, to be efficacious ( medi- To be gloomy, dull (day).
cine). < To do, 10 make. To reveal a secret to a. o.
To ba made governor over ic o'^h ~ To dissimulate with.
(a province). To be appointed to To overlook a. th., to take
(an office of the government). no notice of.

To apply o.'s self to. js-

— To leave a. o. in uncertainty. ^—
To act upon a. o. To make im- j — Difficult tr-ij^J wj^J yA'^^i ij-^
pression upon a. o. To govern (a (affair).

word) gram. Hard (war). Lrit^J i.r^^

^ He i3 writing w^. Vj J^i* ^ To be purulent (wound). jtfT
presently. To appoint a. o. governor of It ? —
Workman's wages. iLi-tj ^\*dj s!l»t' (a province).
Brokerage. To be set over (a province). ip jip
Woi'kraan, able workman. J^ To treat, to transact busine.s8 s ji{p
Agent, commissioner, X-c ^ Jcr^ with a. 0. To deal with a. 0.

broker. To make a. 0. to work, to s j^]

Use, employment, service. JViirJ,!. manufacture. To hasten (a camel).
Manufacture, works, j»u; ^ j;.;; To work (a machine). fi>

factory. To apply o.'s self to : to jj J jiif
Commercial transac- o>Uu>J ^^ <i^(»i strive for.
tion. Proceedings. -^ Money. To transact business one with jJUJ
•^ Second-hand. Chamber-pot. *l;j>£U another.
Q Boatswain. To be wrought, performed. Jiiil.-^'
Manufactured. Artificial. Cover- J^i;: To be employed. To work for Ji»^
ned (word). -^ Almond-cake. o.'s self.
Excellent camel and she- HilJj J^'j To employ a. o. to a. th. s Jiiill.
camel. To require a. c. to work.
jJ_\ifrj iSSiifr ^ o>^—4-5 " jUt -ft- To make use of, to employ a. th. — fi>

Fascinating with ( the eyes ). Tall To feign a. th.

(man). The Amalekites. Work, employment. Ji;^1 ^ ji*
To dwell in ^j C^ji a j^j i
^A^ ^ Action, deed, labour. The governing
(a place). of a word, {gram.) -^ Manufactured
To go or to dwell in the^^i 1j ^tc
to, woi'k. Pus, matter.
country of Oman. Foot-passengers. jii!l_^
4^\iuj , Oiiitj Cs>^4*j Qi* a "i«.tj *i/ -ft- The offices, provinces of a ji2\ Jli*1
To be confounded, bewildered. country.
To have no sign of the Cjit a *^ Able workman. Quick ( camel ^ J*^
•way (desert). Continual (lightning).
He wronged him without j^Ui' j ^£ Action, work, deed. XUft
motive. Theft : treachery, unfaith-
Confused, «^t ^ <»ij oj+»S
rr **^ fulness.
perplex. Manner of working, doing. ii;.p

Without signs 4.'^ ^ 'X^ ^ *ii^1 Workmanship, make of.

of the way (desert). Wages, hire of a work- *_i4.tj —
To be or become ^^~j,^ a ^^ -ft- man.
blind, ignorant. -> Current money, cash.
To swerve from (duty). To stray ^— Practical. Artificial, factitious.
fi"om (the right course). Pi'actice, use, experience.
To be obscure, dubious to a. 0. Jt
— -^ Surgical operation.
(affair). W'orking, ojtfiij ^(j ^Cl ^ J/U
To flow (water). To foam Ci£ i
acting. Labourer. Governor of a pro-
(water). viuce ;
public officer.
To blind a. 0. To deprive » ^tlj ^tt Governing another J-^'S^ t J^'*
of the sight. (word).
To render (speech) abstruse, A If. Part of the spear j.l^ ^ si'Ctj J.»U
obscure. next to the iron-head.
How great his blindness, his Ji;^1 C» Feet, legs. Beasts of burden. J.;IS*
Great worker ; labourer. J\^

^^ 0^
They were killed to v*>i^ o^ l?^ '
To sham blindness, to feign J\2
the last. 1
God is above all Cyioj d ;j)t Juj To du'ect o.'s self towards. ^Jj^\
To choose, to prefer a. th.

He has related it on the i^y^j ^ o!ii To be blind. ilitij '<S^\
authority of such a one.
From -what ? ( for U ^ ) ^j lit
Blindness ;

From that which. Dark clouds. Contention. »lic
From whom ? From ( for .,>.
^^ )
J^ Error, obstinacy. *^j *iii^J «*l«*
him who. j
Blind- sjVit -^j S'Ccj *i}'^J *ci^-) *t?-^
To a[i- J o^i_j C^^ Citj Up
, !^ i -{:i- ness : erior.
pear. To occur to. We left them at the Vt ^'cJs'j
To turn aside from. '^ ^ point of death.
To put a title ^ Ol^ oypj oUj — His slayer is unknown. C-it ^J._»
to a book. Trial, war, riot. Cip
To revile a. o. To confine » 3;^1j — Pride, haughtiness. Error. ;lip.
(a camel). To manage (a horse)
with reins.
To put reins to (a bit), a I^^j cA&j — Blind. Obscure (night). sUjjj
To moan, to ( for o^ ) Co^ ^^ •• Ignorant, blind-minded. ^^l ^ p
sigh frequently. The two blind things i. e. a oCil^Vl
To meet face to face, j CUt j i*C«i ote torrent, and the fire of a burning
To oppose a. o. house.
First apparition of an The fooUsh, the blind. Waste 'i;ivt
object. and desert countries.
Enelosiu'e for camels. Foolish, blind (people). "CAs- ''cJA
I have seen him just 'k^s- Cap *-i'j Relating to a blind, an 'J^j ^^*''
now. insane man.
I gave it to him "C-ij ijs. oac i^Lfrl Obscure, wayless desert ^UI ^ : sU.i»
exclusively of others. place of wandering.
Rain-cloud. OUp Abstruse (meaning). Enigma. J»jjl
Visible part of the sky : Preposition meaning Separa- :
horizon. lion, compe)tsation, transition, su-
Surroundings of a house. periority, succession, remoteness.
Rein, bridle. sitlj cAc ^ oUp From, instead of, for.
Light, nimble. ^UJI ,^ji He journeyed from his aJij jS-
Impotent (man). cnit country.
Slow to do good. s^}\ ^ out He parted with us. Up w^'>
Summit of (the trees). Horizon oCi'l After a while.
( of the sky ). Natural dispositions God reward thee in -it 6\'-S-

(of the devils). my stead

The utmost of tay
jT Jiij o1 ilCUt i He died leaving a
power do so.
is to child.
Title of a book. Heading. oCapj ol^ He died when 60
Appearing. Cloud. lyCc. ^ i\i years old.
Interfering in every thing.
Fine speaker.
^ Impotent, unable
Willingly, with pleasure.
Of Jt^

Mad, insane. o_^^ What is hidden to ^.VpVl

To trace back (a tradi- X'l^c. .^ -^ the mind.
Jllc ( l^e )

To buzz (fly). To face dangers ; J^ -»- tion) to a. o. To substitute the f,

to be gallant at war. the |. -^ To sigh, to moan.
To spear a. o, V *~ To produce grapes ^i — ._jj. -tt-

Fly : blue fly. J\-J.j Jyjs.^ Jls. (vine).

Buzzing. Bravery, dauntle.ssne.s8. ;3tlt Grapes. ^jU* I
^ ^^Jp
Name of a celebi'ated hero J^ -^j — Beriy of gi-apes. Wine. oC^ t- *r^
and poet. Pustule.
Bodice, long-sleeved jacket. ^Ali Solanum ,_^ji\ ^jis. jl _jui)l .^,
Dried > yjs'j ojjiipj *iic J "ii^ ^ nigrum., garden night-shade.
herbage Bear's grape. L/5ji —
To bend to ; j r-^b W^ o r-^ -^ Vine-stock. ,_Jjj txit

draw a. th. To break in (a camel). Large-no.?ed. ,_^ \

To stop (a beast) by pulling the rein Seller of grapes. o>'Ut -, 4_;Up
up. Rhamnus zizi/phui, ( un. iOi ) ^Us.
To tie (a bucket) with a rope. * - jujube (tree and fruit).
To feel a pain in the loins. Abundance of water.
To set a. th. in order. - ifc Ambergris. Shield. Ot TT-f)^ "^
Rope of a bucket. .^Jlj i>^*l ^ Sperraaceti-v.hale. Saffron. Gam-
Pain in the back-bone. phrena globosa (
plant ). -^ Store-
His case depends on o^ Jl house. Cabin, hold of a ship.
such a one. Bitter cold of winter. Nobility oj^
Thy affair depends on him.iJyil ^0^ yi of a tribe.
Long-bodied ; long- T-^r}^ w w-^?"^ Perfumed with ambergris. ^-^
necked ( camels ) PI. Fine, swift Aromatic liquoi, ^'
^.s'S— J.A
(horses, camels). ratafia.
Raisin. Ji«i*'j -^?---0 -^>-^ "^ Perfumed with ambergris. j^H
To smack the lips. ^,ijp -JJ- Calico, cotton-cloth. ^^jflrCs^ *•
Smacking of the lips. oj*Js. To fall into distress. To uit a c..^ -S-

To ^ o oicj a -ucj i o -u^ -5^

\'ijM commit a crime. To commit forni-
transgress the bounds of. To deviate, cation. To break anew ( set bone).
To oppose (the truth).
to part from. To be spoiled.
To resist obstinately. To constrain a. o. to do a. th. s cJ£
To bleed unceasingly (vein). jli.\j — difficult. To treat harshly. To cause

To thwart, to saJUij iSC^ jJGj tsa. o. to perish.

contend stubbornly with to rebel To throw a. o. into difficul- fitj 5 c-^*^

against. To cleave to. ty. To break ( a bone ) anew. To

To oppose to follow a. o.
: jjs.\ treat (a sick man, a beast) roughly.

obstinately. To cause annoyance to to s c^ :

To thwart o. a., to contend obs- a;u: point out the defects of. To confuse
tinately with o. a. a. o. by questions.
To resist the rider ; to run jj-i-ll Sin, crime, mistake. c-I*
oQ" (horse). Broken anew (bone). c^J-j z^
To prosecute a. o. obstinately. i — Steep, difficult of ascent (hill), o^
To overcome a. o. (vomiting). Difficulty, distress, annoyance. oCJl^
Preposition of time and place. At. jip Insertion of a letter before the
Near. By. At the point of: about. rhyme.
I came fi'om his house. aoic cJ> ^ To shun, to avoid a. o. ^ cJ^
I possess wealth. Ju ^oit Mountain. Beginning. Notch of cjj^
I think 80 it is my opinion. lliTi^JiIft
: a bone.
( ir^ )

To alter (the face : age). a ^_^1 He sat down by the side o!Aj j-'p
To become long in C-Uut \ ^^l \ of such a one.
hair (tail). He came at iJI f,_jii9 -Ut tU-
Strong she-camel. sunrise.
Eaffle. Rock. Margin, side.
u->^J cr^J >j'^J .jV» He walks in the Ijic V Ua-^J lS^-*^
Bachelor, spinster. middle, not on the side.
To bend (wood). » Qjs-
^ i
^ ^Up
o jJs- -i
Rebellion. Stubbornness,
sUUrj iUp

To trouble, to annoy a. o. » - Swerving from duty : oJl^pj jjs. ^ -oli

To seize » jj~i \j , CiUt j ;i.ju> rebellious. Stubborn, obstinate.
a. o. by the neck. Deviating from the right j^ ^ i^
To catch 0. a. by the neck course.
Six-fingered. Strong-headed, obstinate, j^ ^ jujt
To have scanty hair. ^ja':s-\ — ^ja:s. ^ Rebellious, disobedient. Opponent. jjCJ
t/»Uc -r a'jla^j cjJa^j el^alt-j <^^ Philosophical sect affirming ^i-^l
Scattered remains. the objective existencj of ideas or
Dishevelled hair. o^Cp mental images.
He had very _^^ts. VI. ^> ^''ls^
'^ Sect denying the objective xliUAil
little left of his wealth. existence of ideas.
-« Bold, daring. Sjlait j jloi* — \xs. -«-

To treat a. o. harshly, Wickedness, deceit. Hardship, sjIjJp

rudely. disaster.
To upbraid, to.blame a. o. Nightingale, JiUp ^ »_-J,aifr -J5-

rudely. Tarragon (plant). Brazil- yjci. ^

To take a. th. violently. wood dyeing i-ed.

To undertake ( an affair) inconside- Intensely red. V,->^

rately. To dislike a. th. To turn ^p J^ \j Jcl \j XM o Jj. ^
To displease a. o. To disagree s — aside, to retire apart from.
with. To be unsuitable to a. o. To strike a. 0. with a javelin, i _np
Roughness, violence, ^il^j oiif-_> wilt To discard a. th. A_ni1
They went out one uit die- tj^^i Goat. Female jUlj j_^j jllp ^ J^
after the other. of the eagle, of the bustard, of the
Beginning (of an aflfair). iiifj j;I^ vulture and of the hawk. Rock in
Anew, again. 'iiUj Ult water. Black hillock.
Violent, harsh, rough. ^jdl ^ ^^ A she-goat, she-gazelle.
Bloom of youth. v^CJjl oO^'t Javelin. Staffwith CiVJ^jJ^ 5- S'Jap
To show ^il£ -tfj ^isZ — ^jOJCfi ^ a pointed iron.
arrogance, insolence. Tried by misfortunes. -n^j jj^
Tuft of hair jiCi ^ xaiit - jixp ^ To bend (wood). fi> Cit ^'jJ. * i

between the lower lip and the chin. To remain CUpj C^ a ^tj i -^

To be long-neckeii. To &^ a j^ -fJ- without marrying (man, girl).

become thin in the neck. To admire o.'s self inces- C-Ip a ,,^4*
To begin to ripen (dates). j5t santly in a looking-glass.
To seize by the neck to squeeze » — ; To keep (a girl) unmarried till s ^_U
the throat. To disappoint, to dis- middle a^e.
ti'ess a. o. To become z^ls. \j 'c—l^j c—i*
To embrace a. o. 5 Vjllcj iiJui jjl't advanced in age without marrying
To become tall : to put foi'th earsj^l (g"-l)-

( l^v
fruit. Vine-tendrils.

To walk quickly with
Fissure in the lips. wide steps (horse).To set (Pleiades).
Male frog. To disperse (the dust wind). :

Red, beautiful (face). To put a collar to (a dog). ^ —

To be, to become «Cij \jld o t.f -S- To enter into its hole (jerboa). j!;5
submissive, obedient. To embrace 0. a. jJG3
To put forth (plants earth). ^—: To seize 0. a. by the neck j~ii
To befall a. o. (affair). o^aIj — (fighters); to embrace o. a.
To distress a. o. (business). o5la Jp — To undertake a. th, in earnest. A —
To take a. th. peaceably i\}i. ^Ms — Neck. Company jOi'i ^ jL^j jjp'j jli
or forcibly. of men. -^ Trunk (of a tree) : stalk
To become a captive J Cp a ^j — (of a leaf, of a fruit).
amongst. They long for thee. iCJ(. jit '^
To detain a. o. as a s ^iSj Jt Formerly, of old. ^a1)| jil it

captive. A company of men ^u3l ^ jip j^cl

To abase, to humble a. o. i '^l'\ came to me.
To produce (plants ground). : a— The people came in Git uic ^^l »b.
Side, shore. »Ci1 ^ytj C^
Crowd. by parties.
Violence, strength. Love. Sub- fys. Length of the neck. Quick pace jit
mission. Captivity. (of a beast).
Forcibly, violently. ;^ Embrace. Badger. IsJCij JCjp
Captive. 7^ ^ '^ij , sUt ^ cSs- She-kid. Lynx. ^^ij j^\ ^ J\ui.
Moslem women. Captive 'j l^;j| Disappointement.
women. Workers. Captives or like Ursus meles, badger. jayi\ jCtj J^^
captives. The she-goats after j_ji)| oi; J^l

Detained as a captive. fj,i^ the she-camels i. e. straitness after

To mean,
to intend
Gr J"^!U ^G^ j Q^ i ^ -^ amjileness (proverb).
; to hint at a. th. Long-necked. jit ^ .U;t ^ Jifti
To belong to : to concern a. 0. » — Fhenix :(_i_^»Uitj,xJ__^j (L<_^«^ 'Uitj'liit
To happen to a. 0. J Cit — griffin (fabulous birds). Calamity.
To produce (plants : ground). ^_, Burrow of a jerboa. '\z\s.

To be beneficial to a. 0. (food). J — Embracer. Neck. j^

To trouble, to disquiet e Cdj %XJ- — Hard and elevated J-jU;» ?- 3^
a. 0. (affau"). ground.
To be anxious about. i_, Uipj IjUp s^ Fine-necked. j-JU: ^ jCul^j jlU
To mind, to be occupied by. Curved rocks. xiil;:

Keep in mind my
business. j_^G-.i '^ILl Necklace. Hill in front of jjUJi ^ *ili>
To be beneficial to a. o.
J & ^c ^ a tract of sand.
Elevated mountains. c>\i^
To be tired, wearied. '(u£ a — To be iii;5j , fe^ltj feilt o «iUt -H-

To disquiet, to ti'ouble a. o.2( j.i^]j Js. heaped up (sand).

To take care of. To contend ^j s J\s- To enter the sands. dli»lj dX':s-'\j viiit

with. To struggle against (difficul- To clo.se (a door). A dUt'lj dlit

ty). To endure a. th. To treat a. o. Root, origin. Portion of diitj dtit
medically. the night. Door. Main part.
To be tried, tired. j Jjj Heaped up (sand). Assiduous. iuit
To bear ( cares, troubles). A— Sand heaped up. dUt ^ ciX-.:*
To take care of. to be anxious ^ ^l \
Spider. ( See ,_Sis. ) o>?i^i* •
about : to attend to. Tree of Hedjaz beai-iug a red ^t -^
C t\A ) j^
Rain in the begin- i\^ ^ oJ^J O^* Hardship, distress. -Clt^j 'tt
ning of the spring. Crushing toil.
Spi'ing-i*ain. ;iV4c_j oJ^ Kindness, care.
Written statement of a compact ej^ : Divine Providence.
sale-deed. Weakness of mind. De- Full of solicitude.
fective writing. Responsibility. Meaning : hidden sense
He is responsible for it. jllp Ljj^ It means that. ii,;j:i li*
Utmost care. J4.j Rhetorics. j,CiiJI Js-
Applied to affairs. a^ Endowed with good jUiJI ^^1:^
Guarantee, security. oIj4^ qualities.
Confederate. Party of a compact, j^^ Spiritualists. j,C4)l JaI
Old, ancient. Virtual, abstract. Mental, Cf >U^
Ally, confederate. Client. a*U> allegorical.
Alliance, covenant. Compact, fjS\J^ Long-necked (gazelle, ?r-*>^ — r-** ^
treaty. ostrich). Serpent.
The contracting parties. cij-^Uij 'l To meet, to behold, ^_j s \'j^ a j^ -S-

Meeting-place, rendez- a*UJJ ^ -4i> to visit a. 0. (in a place).

vous. To be acquainted with a. o. f —
Stipulated, warranted by a com- j.j4*^ To observe a. th. carefully. To A —
pact. Known. Rained upon (ground). fulfil (a promise).
To enter (an agreement) with. Ji 045.
To lead a dissolute life. \y^ a ^j To impose a condition, to enjoin
To be a debauchee, a libertine. a. th. to. To make a bequest to a. 0.
To commit fornication, s ^\s-j , Jl
— To hold o.'s self respon- J o>U J' —
adultery with. sible towards a. o. for.
Debauchery, ribaldry.
Debauchee, profligate.
ji^s ^
To make a compact
swear to a. o.
with. To 5 jj>\s.

Strong (camel). Ogre, goblin. ^^ To exact (a promise) from. Jl 5

To leave (camels) j^ — j^ ^ To guarantee a. th. to a. 0. ^ ? j^\
pastm'e by themselves. To take care of: j^s.\j oiCoj j^^

Emperor, mighty sove- j;*!^* ^ JaU to inspect a. th. To frequent a. o. To

reign. Independent (woman). renew acquaintance with.
Tall, swift, excellent Ji^lpj J>4^tj Ji^ To make a mutual compact. jaUj
(she-camel). Tall, strong, unsteady To exact (a promise) from. ^j. j^^d^i^
(woman). Strong (wind). To hold o.'s self respon- * iJ ja s —
To dry up ( palm- C^ i c-i* ^ sible for a. th.
branch). Oath, bond, compact. j._^ ^ j^
To remain in (a place). Order. Responsibility.Promise. Trea-
To go forth from (a place) ty, agreement. Time, epoch. Fii'st
To show zeal in. j- rain of the ear. Acquaintance. True
To be broken or bent Cvi* i
— fx'iendship, affection. Diploma of ap-
(branch). pointment to an office.
Wool dyed : wool. The Old Testament. CJc?^^
Tuft of wool. The New Testament. -»ir^' ^^^
He is a good manager. Crown-prince, beir-appa- j ^jj 1 'Jj
Palm-branch. Limb of rent.
the human body. Destitute. Strength In the time of such a one. o^^ 04*
less, sluggish. I have known him C4-uil. *j jj^
Bending of a broken branch. Xi^ insolent.
, t :

i^fr (

a (sick person) time after time. To Long possessed and newly JviJi ^»ip
turn away (a beggar). acquired goods.
To do a. th. a second a iSCt j iS^ — He blurted out *V*'.>*^ >>^l Jj
time : to repeat. To be wont to. speech inconsiderately.
To train, to accustom a. o. to. s ^*S ft> To avert a. o.^s cjj^j , O'jf- o oU -tt-

To observe a feast. jup -^ from (an affair). To disturb a. o.

To greet a. o. on a feast- s s,\£. -^j — To lose the mind : to be per- cjj^

day. plexed.
To come back to » lil>tj SijC^ ijU- Way, I'uad ; coui-se. oCJi
a. th. We have taken the C. ;~' » (Jua Cliit
To return to a. o. time after time s — right path.
(fever). To hold a conference with. I have no escape [[^ju; y> VI ^J C«

To I'eiterate a question) to. vj » —

( from it.
To have the habit of. :>\^\j — fi> To turn aside s i^-Uij i?-]^ o ^U -tt-

To repeat (a word). i\i1 fi> (a beast, with the rein).

To restore a. o. to a former Jl a — To give up (a design). js. —
state. To stop in (a place). To J* j' v~
To become accus- fi> iCcllj i\::J. \j :>^j call at, to alight at a. o.'s.
tomed to. To make a. o. to stop in (a ,^ S —
To visit (a sick person) often, s ^y^'i place).
To return to fight. To do a work ^jC^ To be or become crooked. (>'^ a ?r^'
by turns. bent, distorted. To be ill-natured.
To ask from a. o. /> »j fi^ s ilizll To crook, to bend, to distort A ^^
to repeat a. th. (a. th.) To set (a. th). with ivory.
To ask a. o. to return. s — To be or become ^'jj,i\ -^j '^'y-b ^^
Ancient Arabian tribe. jii crooked, contorted.
(1) Lideclinable particle liaving iU To incline towards.
Jp ^CJi.
the sen^e of ol- Ivory, elephant's tusk. Tortoise- ^\*
I slept while thy yu\^ iJJI jt^ oJaj shell. Any bone. Submissive (camel).
father remained awake. Piece of ivory. *^ li

(2) Intcrrog. part, in the sense iU Deviation from i-ectitude, insince- ^^

Is thy father abiding. ^^^ ^y] it Distortion, wryness ^^^[j 9r'j^
(3) Negative answer to a question. unevenness of ground.
Has Zeyd gone j,:>\f. - aJj ^'J. ili
Seller of ivory. ^l^t
forth ? He has not. Sorgo, drooping i_sti_,t l^i °
Habitual. Old. Old building ; j^is. millet.
ruins. Curved. Disloyal, ^jl ^ *Q-^ j^ ^rS*^
Return. Repetition. ;>^ j zXs. ^ i'^s. Name of a celebi'ated stallion. ^'^sS
Old (animal). Ancient (road). Issued from that stallion. jf'j^^^
Thou hast to return. Si^,jij i^i)| ^ Rickets. ^via-J) ^l>i^l
He jj ju jft Vi'^ i\ ijj je ]i'^ ^j Secluded halting-place. ^ui
came back on the spot. Crooked. Insincere. Wy'^
Wood, rod. ollucj :>\'ji'\ ^ >yi To Jj Si^j iS^
Jl iSuij o iU -ft-

Aloes-wood. Seven-chorded lute. return, to come back to.

To become beneficial to. J —
To become noxious to. Cit —
Aloes-wood. .' . ^: -
^j ^^11 To become. To happen. iS^ it
To visit »i>^j '^'^-J o^'^J '^!^* ~
( e
To hang an amulet upon (a s i^ Aloes-wood.
child). Ptarmic, a sternutatoi*y,
To induce a. o. to have o^aJj S — ^ Pellitory.
recourse to a. o. in danger. Wood of the true Cross.
To seek refuge o. with another. ijCu Peony (flower).
To rely o. upon another in a danger. Periodical feast-day.
Tc say : I seek the pro- ^a it iCd.ll. Anniversary.
tection of God against. Feast of Bairam (amongst ,nJvJt -uJI
Refuge, protection. '^^,J ^S* Moslems). Feast of Easter (amongst
Recourse for shelter, pro- iCs-j i>t Christians).
tectiou. Present given on a feast-day. :o-ut
Recourse to God. jiub.
— Custom, jG\^j obiij -u^j iVt ^ Sit
habit. Manners, morals. -^ Menses.
Amulet, charm. oliU^ -r
Player upon the lute. i|^
Dishke. il^ Lofty palm-trees. oIXp
Unwillingly. \i\'^ More useful. i^l
Taking i-efuge. . i^t^ iJi Repetition. Sitl.
Having just brought o^'i^j i^ ^ — Use, habit. -sW'.
forth ( she-camel, mai*e). Usual, habitual. ^iU»l.
Four stars forming a quadri- ij,l^l Usually. CiC:::^'.
lateral figure. Visitor (of a i\jlj y^j ijl ^ jot
Refuge, protection, shelter. saUij iCJ! sick person).
God foi'bid ji !*ij iU?j •jjl iC>:
Return : profit, advan- jJ I^p ^ Saj,(p
Place of the collar on a horse, i^^ tage, benefit. Income.
To render n j'^\j /,s.j Ij^ o jU -»- ,
Custom-duties, returns.i)^,iiOl oJ,!^-^
a. 0. blind of one eye. Return. Food brought agai nfor Sil^
To mar off: to injure a. th. To Si Js. a new guest.
spoil (a well). Return. Place of return. Meeting- ^Ua
To become bUnd of j^^'lj Ij^t a jj£ place.

one eye. To be dried up (one of the The life to come. The pilgri- iliiJI
eyes). mage to Mecca. Place of wailing for
To send, to drive a. o. back. 5 j*j£ a dead person.
To jeopardise (flocks). Coming back often. The lion. jl.«j»

To deprive a. 0. of. To _r*^^ o^

~ Experienced in business.
debar a. o. from. Trained mare. ju*a c?-Ca ,^3^
To gauge (weights, mea- A jj\s.j /^ The Creator and the o-AiJI CJaliJ.)
sures). Raiser of the dead (God).
To lend a. th. to. a i J^\j j'j\s- Visited (sick people). :>/y^j ^j^
To do a. th. by turns with, 5 jj\i. Accustomed,
fit :>\::^j ^'y^j ^*y^
To become within reach Jj s j_^1 trained.
(game). To show o.'s self to. To ex- Wont to. i>i\^
pose o.'s self (at war). Return. Wont, habit. sSjGia-
To receive a. th. for temporary a j'/ii i^ijj, siuij liCiAj liCtj ii^ ili -tt-

use. To have recourse ^ ^>Uj iCc-llj

To take, to do a. th. gn j^s-\j jj^-^j — to a. o. from (danger).
by turns. To interchange, to lend To cleave to (the bone flesh). y_, iu

May God protect us


a. th. one to another. jio 3_yjij I

To ask a loan from a. 0. To A jULll. To invoke the pro- 5 i^lj jtlj i^

use (an expression) metaphorically. \
tection (of God upon).

-»^ Com) cry-

Polisher of knives. ij'^ f: 'U-_^ ^ ^jri^- 1
Loss of one eye. Weakness. J^
Grin-faced in laughing Unsoundness. Disgrace.
Knife, pen-koife. *c~i>*^
"^ Pudenda. Woman. oOj* w »J>^
To be Cd^j CtfUfc a c/'^tj a u^U -tt- Breach, gap (Jin a froutiei-). Cleft
obscure (speech). (in a mountain).
To become impossible u ij^'itlj
— Sunri.se and sunset. ^ ; 111

to a. 0. (affaii"). Hiu'ting the eye (foul matter). ^li
To utter uncouth (8peech).yo^t1j ^ja*^ Oplitalinia.
To compose abstruse (verses). Great (juantity. s^ li.

To wrestle -with a. o. 5 tj^'j'*

To perplex (an v_, CsCtj Cs]^ u^>!^^ Loan ; borrowed or lent thing, ji^tj
antagonist). Rent, hole ; burn in a jl^j jl>^J jlj*
To perplex a. o. by arguments, ip — garment. Vice, defect.
Barren (female). ^^ ^ ^Js- Of corrupt morals. I'jJ. j,
Abstruse, 't-s^ ^ u*S* b , u^i^''
Straw, mote : jiy^iJCi}'^ ?r j'S^
(poetry). Uncouth, strange ( expres- matter collected in the eye.
sion ). Difficult ( affair ). Rugged Lending loan. ; Sjlil^

(place). Borrowing. Metaphor. SjCc—'l,

He embarks in a difficult 'ia'y>i) v^V Artificial, false. Metaphori- ^j^C;j,|_
undertaking. cal.
One-eyed. olj^^j J>t !r -O^ ^ j>^1
To give to a, o. ^/> s j^\s.]j j^y^j Crow. Without way-mark (road).
a. th. in exchange for. To indemnify One-eyed (woman). Bad, foul '\'J^
for. (word, deed). Waterless (desert).
May God restore it to ii* '«ji1 di-^U Lent. Lank (horse). Jij>
thee Dangerous (
place). Depraved j^
To compensate. J^'i^h J'>«^ (man). '

To take or receive c/t j\'c/ ^ J'ttl, Borrowed. Metaphorical. jLc^

exchange for.
a. th. in False, not genuine. Rag on a j^iili
To ask from a. o. com-^e 5 ja[^\j — camel's rump. Tree for making
pensation for. To substitute a. th. tooth-picks.
Thou wUt never see ja'^ iii^ jj' 'J
To be lacking ifcj ^ J^t b . Ij!>* jI* *
his like. wanting to a. o. To want, to require
Ishall never 'oi^J^\ 'j^'j- 'dij\i\ V a. th.
part from thee- To be scarce, wanting. ij^ a j»ft

Compensation, *i.jUij <j^^«l> u^S^ To be destitute. To become, j^'b jS

exchange ; damages,4ndemnity. difficult (affair).
In exchange, instead of. \,» _jl ^,^ 0?^ To reduce a. o. to destitution. 5 j^\
Substitute,ii,_^;ij jaJ^s-i , J^K^ 1 ^ u^^t Berry of grapes. ( un. {jyt ) j^
thing given in exchange. Destitution, want, need, sjt -^j j^
Punch, stage-puppet. -J^'Sr:*:
"^ Poor, destitute, j^^i j^b ^,''^J j^
To circle over a. th. it v'j^^t o oit -il- Woi'n out clothes.j^, ui ^ Sj^>» j j>**
(bird). Necessities, wants. j)^
To free, to exempt a. 0. s o^ <>• To prowl about CC^j C^ o u-l* -^
To prowl about by night (lion), j^i^ by night (man, wolf).
State, condition. Fortune ; omen, o^ To manage (goods, ^ *-^C5-> ^J^

Cock. Wolf. flocks) skilfully.

Good speed Good luck! 1 ^'^ ^ij To laugh grinningly. \^'^ a tr?^
Prey which a lion carries Xsl^c-^ jl^ Manager of property. ^\s,
To neglect o.'s family. J j^ away by night. Profit, windfall.
To wail, to weep J]^b Sji- h ^ Jj^ , kS^X o'ib ij>^j , ^^j Cj^ o i ij'* "fr
loudly. To impede, to delay, ^^ & juitlj

To rely upon a. o. To ask ^j jp J^ to hinder a. o. from.

assistance from. To impose a burden I was disappointed by 'iijjl J, J^l
upon. -^ To determine upon. the failing of my provisions.
To become poor. SJlil^ Jtl > To be hindered, delayed. To j^
To exceed the bounds of Justine A— loiter.
(tax-gatherer). Hindrance, obstacle. Jl^l ^ J^^ J^
To twang (bow). To bo greedy of. J;^1 Hinderer ; diverting people <Jy:j J^
He possesses nothing JC» Sj JCt 2 C» from doing good.
of his own. Slow. *-»^«-j o>f.> J^J «J>^J ^i'-i o^
Painful affair. Helper (man). J'j£ C'owardly.
Sustenance of a family. Hunger. j;^
Woe him
to ! p!As 'J'^ Delay.' \%\s. -^
Weeping, j;^j jj^j :d;^j J^ Retardation, impediment. jj_^jj *Slil^

lamentation. ^ Skill, cleverness.

Reliance. Ci'y for help. Stay, J^ Capella (star). -^ Handsome, j^
support (man). polite, gentlemanlike.
Shelter against rain. XJli Hinderer. -^ Skilful. j;J,'i^j J^ 5r j^S^
Household, :UUj JiJUcj Jv^t ^ j;t Obstacle, hindrance. JP'l^i ^ *iJ,li*

family, children. To attack a. o. ip f&,^ o i)V* -tt-

Destitution. Care of a large 7i(s.{ To fight together. djCu

family. To press together. il^^l
Wrongful course. Declining jj,u. No motion is perceived i!^ *j li

(balance). in it.

•^ Family, wife. Cj'^M >! "^^M At first. d^j ^^y: Jjl

Lamented, bewailed. *Iit J^ Fight. "iS'^'i i5^^
Pickaxe, iron-bar. J^u^ ^ JlS*-;j <-'S*'!
To deviate from the ^'J. o JGt ^
He is not to be relied J^^ jIU ^j^ right course.
upon. To rule wrongfully, to ^,6*^51 J —
To swim. To float along C«]^ o ^li -ft- stray from justice.
(ship). To incline on one y^ i Jfpj v^ o —
To bear fruit every second ^jtj ^^c side (balance).
year (
palm-tree). To exceed the bounds in. j —
To make up (corn-crops) into ^^ To distress, to disquiet a. o. j —
sheaves. (affair).
•^ To launch (a ship). -^ To fill up fi>

(a measure). To have a numerous ^iCil. JIpIj
•^To row. uj — family.
To eater a contract with. To s j,j(e.
hire a. o. for one year. To provide for ( o.'s family). To feed
Year. j,\jl] ^ j,\s. (poor orphans).
Annual (plant). 'i/Gt His mother lamented ii'j£ J-tj Jli
Sheaves, handful 3 of reaped ^u. ^ x^u his death.
corn. Float, raft. Twist of a turban. His patience has been Vji^ Jc*J J^
Head from afar.
of a rider seen overcome : he lost patience.
Flotation. Not fordable *>^j Ji^- To be reduced to destitution. j^
(river). To be overcome.

( 0-r-)
7 Smitten by a scourge a^i>ij *-,«/j e^^ Swimming insect.

tSjS -^ J *i^tj o^cj *'^j ^:^ i lijr* "^

To howl, to yelp. To attain mature
age (wolf, dog, fox).
To twist (the hair). ^ (i]>itb >S*}h
To bend a. th.
To reply against a. o. o!Aa js. ^s^^s-j

To confute a. o.
To stir up (dogs) by i_j>($C!l ^5}^
To collect and howl against ic- Sj\^
a. 0. (dogs).
To be bent. <^'y^\
To incite (dogs) to howl. To 5 iS'j^-^\
ask help against. To stir (people)
to rebellion.
Rebellious clamour, tumult. s^
Howl, yelp. '^jt -tf- } -KJ,

Howling much. Dog. M^

Bitch. Fox's cub. Lynch. "^liS*^
To be ^f. _j| i_) sLpj Lji. a ^^j ^ ^
unable to : to lack power, ability
for. -^ To be ill.
To falter in speech, jiiii^l J t.5 t5>*

To be unable to sOUjJ GUj ;Lij Li"

express o.'s mind.
To speak to a. 0. enigmatically. iCi
To be tired, jaded. Ctl
To tire a. 0. (walk). To disable s —
a. o. To baffle (the physicians' skill:
To be impracticable to it Gujj —
a. o. (business).
To be unable to, o CiiJ.t.j Gufj Cjo
disabled from.
Incurable disease. 'Ct
Unable, ;l.t1j 'U-tl ^ "i^j -^ui'l ^ SP
impotent. StammeringT
Impotent, -if- Sick, ill. ollt
Enigmatical, obscure speech. -cXS
Wearied, tired. 1»
To SUUi ^Cpj i/^j J*;^"^
chide sheep by the cry li ^
To have a blemish, a Clp k_iU -K- i

defect. To be unsound, defective

To alter (goods). A sJ^iij s^i —
To charge a. o. with a » ^^cj c_>\p

•1 ) jU.
Caravan, file of cj^j^s^j Cj^'j^ -r. j^, vice To shame, to stigmatise a. 0.

camels. Vice, defect, unsound- y_jJJ. ^ vjUj ^^^.c

'^^'J^.i »Jj^-> Jy^i j'^-> ^^ 'r -^ '

Domestic and wild ass. Pupil of the ^ What a shame ! >i>i!l w-1* li
eye. Promiaent Hue oa a map, a leaf. Leather-bag. c»U^j v'^J ^:% « *~^
Moimtain. Pi'ojectiag bone of the Vice, defect. Confidant. Family, Comb
}iaad, or the body. King, chief. Woo- for cotton.
den peg. Drum. 1
Censor, Given to *jL»cj (_jUtj
It is as empty as the jjt Sj»2"y» fault-finding.
belly of an ass i. e. there is no good Altered : defective,' unsound. ^_j\s.

in it. Defect. Disgrace. »^iU> ^

«iU^j v*^
Kind i)i pigeon. %\'^\ J^ Stain.
Young ass. JCJ- ;
FuU of defects, vices. ^jif^-i ^t?^
Self-admirer. Shunning \^i -i^ Bag-manufacturer, '

society. j
To do fit C\jCJj CJjUj CUi i oi -^
Random aiTOw. Current oJy,rp> yjs- I
mischief amongst. To damage a. th,
(poem). (animal),
Legal standard for mo- -r jUt oO^ I To squander wealth. jC. J —
ney,'weights and measures. ^Caliber. To grope for a. th. in the ^f^
Currency of (a poem). SjCc dark.
<>• Wig, false hair. ^ilu s^uc Causing damage. oCj^j o>icj cJ.'i
Sharp, sprightly. Idle (man). jts. I Lion.
Rogue, vagrant. -^ Crane for weights. ! Prodigal. Mischief- j^ j, oQ.U
Legal standard for j-^_ u>s ^ jC^ j
measures, weights. Verb only employed with GJt i ^\g. -ft-

DifficL'.lties, defects. ^ US I
a negation. To heed. To profit.
To wither (corn-crops), ^^j^s — ^u. -S- I am not satisfied with it. ^ i;^*^ u

To be grayish (camel). o-d*^ I do not care •jjij ^^yS" T-:^ ^ ^

Grey hair. ^^It 1
about his words,
Of a reddish ^,_^ ^ >\J^ ^ ,_^1 I
Profit, advantage.
white (camel). '
Feast, See ijc
Female locust. 'UJi& To wander (man) ; to go Ijjfr J& ^ i

Name of Jesus (for Moslems). ^^i^ ! at random ( beast }. To spread

Relating to Jesus '^^.-itj 3y_Afr ( news ). To become celebrated
Christian. (poem).
Order of dervishes. o^I^uJI To do mischief amongst. To 5 j'lc
<iA»>j U-t»»j Cj«U?j *-i^J ^-^4^ i u-'i "i^ upbraid, to revile, a, o.
To live. To spend life. ii^ift^ To weigh, to assay ( coins). *—
To give means of sub- 5 ^r-iftb ^r^ To be overspread with green jjc
sistence to : to keep a. 0. alive. moss (water).
To live with a. 0. ^ j,\\s. To equalize A O'^J sl^'l—i* ^'i
To seek means of subsistence. J-i*'
(a weight). To gauge (measures,
To substain hfe scantily. weights). To assay (gold).
They lived in society, x^\, \^\^< To lend a, th. To set (a *j 5 s^^l J^
Life, living. -^^ jj^ horse) free. To fatten (a horse). To
Food, wheat, a Bread. jSif pluck out (the hair of the tail).
RoU of bread. jjj. ji^'j To reproach, to abuse 0. a. in ^'Uj
D Kind of mince-pie. ^>a, jJm. words.
a Beech-nut. ^(^1 jLic Shame, disgrace, vice. jCjftI w J^

To let (a h)rse) pasture freely. a Mushroom. v'S^' J^

To have a nume-VUti. J^'\j 5 J\tSj — a Seller of bread. Jiti
rou9 family. Easy life. jlj j\ il-^O •i*5
Destitute, j^c_, j]J.j :;3u ^ JJU Living, alive. Leading o^loVt ^ J-^M
poor. an easy life.

Household, family. Jup ^ iGlt -^j j:t Means of life. ji-jU/^ ^ *^^J J-^
Poverty, want. -^ Family. xLp ^ Wages : pen.?ioiJ.'

Having a proud gait. Jv!p Having a livelihood. ^iisi

Fodder, straw. dUij yCt \\ ood ^>»llt-lj CjIa^
u^=* 5r u^, ~ "^

Having a numerou.'S ;u«/J ^ j^i of tangled trees. Stock, race.

family. Seeking after prey (lion). Thicket of trees. u'»c*'*
To long for milk, ti^s-j \JS & i y^ -^ Difficult to be obtained. u*^»^
To lack milk (people). ^Ctl To be long (neck). L!-7j,Ct4t i h\s- "^

To deprive a. o. of milk. 5 — To be long-necked. (Ja'^ a Ja-t

To select the best. To tend ^^t^l, To shout (player, drunkard). Lui. <>

towards. To yell, to scream.

Longing for milk. Thirst. Xl^i ^ To cry out to, to upbraid u. ix'S

Selection, choice. x^ a. o.
Day. ^U£ •^To call out a. 0. J Ja!&
Longing for milk. JiJ. ^ JJJ. j, oUlt To quarrel (players). Jati')

Bereft (of a wife, J\J, ^ oliJl olil^ Loud cries of boys at play. lut
of flocks). Cry, clamour, uproar. J^Ls
To hurt a. o. in the & \CJ. \ ot ^ Noise, bustle. Loud I'ebuke. lUlfr <>•

eye. To smite a. 0. with the evil Long-necked. h^ ^ Gait ^ ialt I

eye. fi> *sCjS-j CJliltj '^^j C«^ i a jli -ft-

To How (water, tears). Cll-tj Cut i

— To loathe a. 0. <• To cast off a. th.
To bring (news) to i oO;tlj,i;Ut i
— Let me alone. iS-isi

a. o. To augur from the flight a' ssUc i ^li

To become (a spy) for. J oOUlj M- — of (birds).
He dug till he found oul jl cSs- Ji ^> To circle over (bird). jp Cue —
a spring. To have a beast loathing *Jul. ^'i'l
To be wide in the i—'^^j ^^-^ aaw water.
eyes. To furnish o.'s self with tra- oO^^'l
To specify, to particularise Sj A cnt veiling-provisions.
a. th. To single out a. o.To bore Flight of birds. iLt
(a p9arl). To stir (war). To appoint Loathing, disliking. ^_U
a. 0. Diviner, augur. ^^j ~
To assign property to. J OUJI — To hinder ; to turn away, (ii i ju -ft-

To sell or buy a. th. upon credit, c^ To call out, to vociferate. jIp —

To sell a. th. upon credit to a. 0. on Sea-shore. Yard of a house. *31p

the condition of buying it back at To walk in a proud gait.OlfeCt i ilvV -{:$-

a lower price. To blossom (trees). To become ^a>j V^j *ilcj >11p i Jit -{^

To view, to face A OLtj bjUi ci'v* destitute, poor.

a. o.
To reduce a. o. to ^ %:^h ^ i
evil-eyed he is ! i^] C» destitution.
To be perplexed. To be fij » ojiT To lead a. 0. asti'ay, A —
blistered (water-skin, camels' feet). To have a pi-oud gait. ^itJl j Jlijj —
To see, to look at a. th. To be in quest of prey (wild beast). j!p
To be clear, distinct, obvious. ^^ To feed (o.'s family) scantily. 5 —

( 0.^ ) (jte

I have much regard for jJJ. j^ 'cJ\ To be appointed, assigned to. is ^^

thee. To be imposed upon a. 0. (affair).
He has done ojl^ jl ^ojt Jt' dUi Ji* •^ To be enlisted in the if-viajl j ojij

it carefully. army.
The chief men, the personages oCpVi To buy upon credit. To take a o^^i
of a pi ee. the best of.

P'yeiet. -^ Eye-glass. xiJ}^ •{j iUlt Eye. Look. oV^^ij oj^j Oj*-! t ^
•^ Spectacles, eye-glasses. o>^3^ "^ Hole eye of a needle eyelet. Bud of
: :

Sea-shells. a tree. Small opening. Defect. Aspect,

^ Sample. ^IJufc countenance. Spy, watcher. Stroke
Choice, selection. XLt of the evil eye. Party of men. Direc-
Fine clothes. ir^jP ^^ tion. Human being: self, substance.
Sale upon credit. Buying back iLc ^'J One of the two saddle-bags. One
at a lower price of a. th. already sold scale of a balance. Middle letter of a
Ocular view. Clear, evident.x^u^j oCt triliteral word. Sun. Money : cash.
I faced him, I saw him per- OUs- ixJJ Water-spring. Oj^j ojt'i —
sonally. Great star in the eye of
Ploughshare, ojtj <i-f i ir oC^^ Taurus.
Eye--witness. 'j'i^ Buphtalmum, ox-eye
Black grapes with large j32\ o^ (
plant ).

berries. Black plums. Cat's eye, kind of quartz.

Spectacles. j)j| o^ d Willingly, with ojiilj
Evil-eyed. j^tj Cnt ^ Oj;C pleasure.
Brotherhood. ^t--" As far as the eye can reach. j',^\ jjji
Wide-eyed, black- >:ASi ^ »ul& ^ 03* 1 Within sight. ojiSt oiJ
' '
He is the very man :

Verdant (soil). •iiJt it is the very thing.

Determination, appointment. cnJj There is no one in ^'t jl ojfr j'oJt (»

^ Quota, share assigned to each. the house.

Place where one is seen. Abode. oU;* He left the reality for ojt a«j 0'] wib
Halting-place. the shadow.
Smitten by the evil-eye. oj^j cru> I bought it with ready c'i^b i^^Ai.[
Running upon the surface of the money.
earth (spring). Hypocritical friend lit

Figured with eyes, vN-ith lozenge- cn^ long as he is seen.

shaped designs (cloth). The land put oji^. j\
Determined. -^Enlisted ( soldier). oji:^ forth buds of plants.
cr^ ( e-Y)

Draught. :iiji To attack a. o. every ip t* o 1.^ -tt-

To hi (lusty, yxi,\j j\i]j , Ij^^t o ^ «- second day (fever).

dust-coloured. To go away at intervals from. ^—
To go away, to pass. To remain, ^t To visit a. o. from time to ut s Jj
to stay ; to continue. time.
To become corrupt, ulcerous )^ a ^i- To drink every two days C_^j Ufc LS i

(wound). To bear rancoui-. (cattle). -^ To gulp, to sip (inanj.

To sprinkk, to soil a. o. with * _ni To spend the night at. jjc Lilj —
(dust). To be altered (meat). Lilj ""
To raise (the dust). To out- J^'\j — To be I'emiss in. To make j ^^
strip a. 0. havock among (the sheep wolf ). :

To be rainy (weather). ^1 To repel an evil from. o^ — ^

To exert o.'s self zealously in. j J{i.] To visit a. o. every two fiij s LS)

To be dusty ( day). To be J^_J. ] days. To water (.cattle) every two

sprinkled with dust (man). days. To yield ( milk) every two days
To become dust-coloured. j\l;^[ j\i[ (she-camels).
Rancour, secret hatred. y^^ To seize a. o. every two days Uj ^ —
Remainder olJ>?fr jr Ah S^^ « j4- (fever).
of milk : remains of a. tb. To look for the issue of. ,^4-J
Uust. J^i ^'Si^i o'JyS' End, result. Journey of two days. 1^
Dust-colour. zy\i < After.
Distress, misfortune. Jiii\ Xl»\'i Seldom, from time to time. t*
Corrupt, ulcerous (wound). _;jt Prov. Visit seldom, ^ '^'^'3
^, -ii
Going, passing oj jr>j j?i «- ^> thou shalt hnd more love.
away. Remaining beliind. [Gram] : Tertian ague. lull JJ,.
the future tense. Depressed land. <-r>y^i '-/•^'^ t v^
Dust-Guloured. y^' ^ '\'j\i. ^ j\i.\ Wave dashing on the shore. Gulf.
The earth. Female partridge. 'OjiJI Small supply of food. :^
The strangers, the poor. >GUSI jij if- Draught, gulp. "Ci.

Intoxicat'ng drink {dim. of ^O'S) 'l!>>t' Dew-lap of an ox. Gills ^jV-i 1 ^ ,^

made with millet. Sorb. Service- of a cock.
tree. Milk drawn in the morning jljufe

He has not obtained^^^l '\yci.' \s- aV mixed with other in the evening.
anything. End, issue. i^
He left him com- _4^' '1^^' ^ '^'J To cheat in trade. ,_^ ^
pletely destitute, deprived of every Dew-laps of oxen. »-^^i ^ »^li
thing. Gills of cocks. Place of sacrifice in
Dust-coloured sparrow. jjj^ Mina.
Dusty, covered with dust. ^i To prepare curd. Cilt o^ ^
Godly people repeating inces- s^niyJ To be dust-coloured. 'c^\

santly their prayers. Grayish, ashy colour. si^
Grayish. c^l
be obscure, dark (night). Food made of curd and butter, fi^
To be ash-coloured (wolf). j^\ To drink by draughts. ^>S afi> ri-f ^
( e-A )
To diink in the evening. j^\ Darkness. Gray colour. ^tj
To diink a. th. in the evening.
Evening draught. Milk drawn
^ —
Gray. Greedy (wolf).
Bay (horse).
^ ^
in the evening. To deceive ji4t b » CiJi a ^vt «

Driaking in the evening. ilt j, o\^ a. o. To draw to its close night). (

To deceive, to j s CJij CJi o ojt -{^ To see indistinctly (eye). a J:JS- •^

cheat, to defraud a. o. (in a bar- To deceive, to wrong a. o. 5 ^r^^
gain). Intense darkness ilIc.^,jLCi1 ^ jj^
To conceal a. th. A J^ before dawn.
To fold and hem (the A CJi o ojt Weakness of sight. iiCi •>

edge of a garment, a skin).

To forget, to Jj A C.;ij C^ a la^ Dark (night). Black (beast).
neglect a. th. To feel (an animal) 5 Clalt i iu^ -ft-

To b3 of a weak Cl^j i'Ct a cnt with the hand.

judgment, easily deceived. To be To emulate s ii^t j Oa^ a kSj ix^t
mistaken. a. o. without envy.
He is weak-minded. aAj — To excite emulation. 5 laS
They were unaware »^^l j^ \jiS To give a continuous rain (sky). Jal^'l
of the thing. To cover the soil (plant).
To cheat o. a. ^/li^ To gra.sp a. o. unremit- jyj jc —
To hide a. th. under the arm- ^ o2tl^ tingly (fever).
pit. To keep (a saddle) upon (a
* —
Deceit, cheating,
imposition, swindling.
oj^ -r <j^i ^'4-i ^ beast's) back.
To rejoice at. W'-^
Foul play, gro.ss fraud. ji.>Vi — ^ To be angry, irritated. JaliJlj —
Shortening, hemming in of a fCi To be content, satisfied with Ii^l.
dress. o.'s happiness.
Weakness of mind. iJCt Prospei'ous state, well-being. hlS
Swiniller. Cowardly. Slothful. ^\i, Sh-aves of reaped i^j^ t ^^j "
Cashmere cloth. 'jCi - corn.
Knavish, fool. Cj^/'j oj-^ Beatitude, happiness. Wish, desire *i^
Deceit, imposition. ixi for the happiness of another without
Day of the last judgment. c^Ci&l ^]jj envy. ^ Title given to Oriental Pa-
Arm-pit. ^^U> ,. avi> triarchs : His Beatitude.
Cheated in a bargain. •^j^^ Stream of water engulfed. Jaii-' ^ Ja-^i
Mutual cheating in trade. liJlii Camel-saddle. Depressed land ele-
To have \^j » hjiSj Ci a ^^ - >-p -« vated on the extremities.
no intelligence of; to understand Vortex, whirlpool of a river. JxJi •
not, to be unintelligent. Slough.
To be ignorant of (news). — Rainy sky. 'V^
To be hidden, unknown
to a. 0.
^ ss^
Emulating without grudge.
Covered with vei'dure (ground).
Ja^' ,,, Ja^Vc

To be unmindful of, to take ^^ j'u; <>• Full of eddies (river).
no account of. To show ignorance of. •^ Full of mire (road). Angry. Ja!l^
To feign unmindfulness. jfui Envied. Blessed. ^j^
Hidden thing Earth concealing 'Ci To give to a. o. the 5 Cti
J^ -W-

an object. evening draught.

Unmindfulness. Inadver- f^j %^ To milk (a beast) in the a jli;
tence, neglect. evening.
K Jifr ( ^ ) ^
To find herbage and become •^ Thin mist.
fat (horse). Ignorance. Stupidity.
To extract purulent matter » "cJr-ll. Simple, stupid, unintelii
from (a -wound). gent.
Leanness of (a beast). *;Qi To ( for ^i^')
^ ^-f^- ^^
Lean. Worthless, meagre ojitj 'd-i^ swoon, to fa i lit.

Pus, matter.
To conceal, to cover a. th.
shoi'ten (the hair).
To A ^
*^^j c-i^
Disordered state of mind. *i,ii To pour down a shower (sky). ^]
To dwell, to remain. 'xxit c.iit -ft- Shower. Dust in the sky. c.Ct ^ tZE
To wash (clothes) without beater He came at sunset. ,_^ljt CI^ Is- *li?.

To undulate c-'Cllt; \yiS- o _Ai -^ Dense, tangled (tree). -CJi ^ J^tl

(herbage). Pitfall covered with earth. eZjJ^
To exude (gum plant). : a J.i,\ To plunge a. o. J » let o ii *
To be villous (cloth). jVi^l forcibly into (water).
Nap of cloth. JJ. To grieve, to weary a. o. » —
Refuse of ''J'%*j 'O'^i-j "ej^i-i J\i To upbraid, to silence ^^ASCJ b » —
mankind ; rabble. a. o.

Reddish brown colour. sl^U' To drink successive draughts of. fii

Villous, velvety. j<i. ^ '\jii ^ JiS To conceal (laughter).
Dingy. Ignorant (man). To be covered with trees "Scl a Jii -W-

Gum of some jc\ij> ^ jy^j J^tJ -^^ (place).

plants. Bushy (place).
To give at once to
the best.
o^U) \Ji. o Jii ^ To be impeded in speech. C^i i -{f

To speak Ai'abic in an indistinct,

a. o.
Ash-colour. Xiit barbarous way.
Ash-coloured. ^S To weary a. o. by repeated s J:i'\ —
Mixed, mingled. ^jii* visits.
To suffer from indigestion. JiJi\
To carry (rubbish torrent). : Suffocating heat. ^~i
To mix (language). To fi^j i \ ji Incorrect, barbarous language, tjd
confuse. Impediment of speech.
To be disturbed, ji3j CCitj , Cki i
— Speaking incor- J:i , 'i;..-fc ,ttl

stirred (mind, heart). rectly, indistinctly.

Scum and rubbish swept by 'i^j »G^ Thick (milk). Oppressed
a torrent. Death. 'J^'^ J'\ -J ,><r'
Gipsy, buffoon. J^'^ rr Jj*^ ° To be '^ \j '*-'>^i , a 'c^ ^ 'i!i\i.i- i

To be covered with j^_j, lot &Ji^ lean, weak ( beast To be corrupt


pestilential buboes (camel). (language).

To be affected ZiAj jS 1j iJ^ij — To secrete purulent "^ 1j ,
^i^J ^ '
with a swelling, a ganglion, a himp. matter (wound).
To take o.'s (lot, share). A ilt To become unpleasing to u- ui i ^.t
To be angry with. it. :ifc'l a. 0. (country). To put a, o. to trou-

Cattle-plague. Camel- i)j^^ ^ :>jS ble.

plague. There is nothing ''j^. *'ji 'c^l V
Pestilential bubo. ilxi ^ cVj^Lj ZjI bad in his opinion.
Wen, goitre. Lump, ganglion ; king's He asks the opinion of 1i>] k^s- o*j V
evil. every one.
Part, share, lot. ji\ji ^ ui He held bad talks, .!ASOl J 'ii\
To flow abundantly CSot a J^ -ft- Having a wen, a ganglion. a«i_, ai»

(spring). Hot-tempered. (m. /".) iljki;

To be copious Jolij J^j^^ilj Jj^ij ~ Covered with pestilential buboeSijlU;^
(rain). To have much saliva. (camel).
To be soaked by the rain C»'j£ a JJ^ To betray, oj 5 Cljlitj Ijjifc o i Jji- ^
(ground). to deceive a. o. To neglect (a duty).
Abundant water. Jjlj- To be full of rocky tracts )jj^ a jat
Soaked by the rain (soil). JjS (land). To drink rain-water.
Abundant (rain ). Fruitful (year). jXi To become dark (night). jjilj —
Delicate, soft ols^j J'-^-J J-^!* To act treache- ^ \j\j^j sSo1*» ji'*
(man, woman). rously with a. o. To betray.
Vehement (running). w J'-*c^ To cast, to leave, to omit fi>

Ample means of
( life ). Liberal a. th.

(man). Long-bodied (horse). To become fuU of pools jJ^ii^l

To lean, to incline o^i.^ — o-v*- -ft- (country).
down (bough). Treachery, CjV/jS- ^ Sj J^j ,
To be long, luxuriant (head o^j^l faithlessness, fraud.
of hair). To be fresh, verdant (plant). Treacherously, perfidiously. Ijji
Doze, slumber. ooj.
Delicacy. Softness. vlk^j — Remainder portion. :

Delicate, soft, 'jj-^ Uneven, hard (ground). Jj£

To go, to come, to ijji o llv^ -S- Steadfast (in fight, speech, jjuJt c-j?
journey early in the morning. To action).
enter upon the moniing. Pool left by ejji'\j cXj^s j^ -r JL-i^
To come at it ijjii-\j oj'j^e-j \jjs-'
— the rain. River, torrent.

a. o.'s very eai*Iy. Lock, plait of hair. j^^ ?r »^^

To eat (the morning- jjiuj , Ui- a Jj^ Piece of land covered with d>jJ^ «• ~
meal). plants.
Togivetoa.o.(themoruing-meal).j<t?a^ Deceiver. SjJitj jlJ*j c>jj>^ rr j^'^
To come at a. o/s early. s j^'^ Treacherous, unfaith- ^jpj o'j^-J J^
Morrow, next day. ( for j'st ) jt ful.

To-morrow. JuJI jj 'J^ Perfidious, faithless, (m./.) j/jS.j jiji

To-morrow, soon, later on. ^sJi -^ •^ Small pistol. cjIj'^ sr ej'^
Vertebrae. ^j'^ °
Morning, time cj^jSj (A'jS ^ *ir^j To be 'liiiJI j u»2^j,6->^ iJJ* -ft-

between daybreak and sunrise. generous.

In the mornings and ^JUaVtj j'j^k To blaspheme, to ( for ja» ) ^jlxi -^
evenings. swear. To cui'se.
I went to him in Cijitlj i^lLJI ir^'l To cast a veil of darkness upon jji I

the mornings and evenings. the earth (night).

Very early in the morning, sjjij ajjS To let (a veil) down on her jt A —
Rather early. xfjS face ( woman ). To let fall a net on
Morning-meal. Break- Sjotl ^ -Ut (thegame hunter). :

fast. <^ Dinner. Rower seaman. : ^jil*

Of the moi-row. ^SjJ^j 'iS^ Crow. Thick-feathered oCiJt ^ uilJ*
Early comer. ili vulture. Black and long hair. Black
Coming and going. ^J^b s??^' wing.
Morning-cloud. C;Ci\*j il^ ^ ;tiiii Black. V,'^
morning -rain. Oar. oiCii ^ oJU^ j , iJ/i^t
<»\ ^'Ji>
f c ^ )

Abiinrlant (pastui'e). iit ^ 'i^it Eating the morning-meal. Co^ ^ ^CJi

Frotus. Lamb, kid, '^siSij^-d-, ^ '^^ Place repaired to in the S)juij i^oi?
youngling. morning.
Swift (liorse). Foul- xJjit > o'jJ^ To flow with foul 'it1j,l'Ji i o J* -fr

tongued. matter (wound) : with blood (vein).

Feeder. Comforting, -wkole-some ^lUi To lag behind.
(food). To hasten (the walk). 3 )\ 9^ 'JiS

To deceive, j Vjj'j^'j hjf-_i o 1^ o ^ -K- Purulent. Lachrymal vein. "i\i

to allure a. o. Pu."?, matter. «JiJ^

To feed its chickens 5 O'^j t^ ~ To diminish a. th. ? jLilit

with (the bill : bii'd,, To leap, to spring. 'ji'jXl

He is well instructed. To prepare a di.sh madejll;t| — jj* -*

To be inexperienced. of flour and milk.
To act in a childlike way.Sj)]]^j \^ — ]
Food made of flfxir and milk. S^gJ^
To have a blaze i^j e'j\'^j 03^ a ^ To give at once ^ o^AjJ ^'ji o j^Ji *
on the forehead (horse). To be white to a. 0. the best of a. th.

(complexion). To be eminent, gene- To eat, A j,Jii\i jtSiJj , C'Si- a >>is-j —

rous. to swallow a. th. greedily.
To cut, to come forth i^_j ll{_^ j^ Herd of cattle. _/ji 7. "ij^'ji

(fore-teeth). To expand its wings Abundance of milk. j^ji. ^ ii 'jij —

(bird). Wide (well). ^(ji ^ Ciit
To mi ( a skin ). 4> - They fell in a X^j J^ j\ jj^'ji J l_^i»i

To undertake a. th. blindly, j^ii. j°ji. distressing ca.se.

To risk (o.'s self To ru.sh headlong
). Gluttonous. y^^h j^'-is-

into a peril. To mix up, to jumble things a y^'jS- -S-

To be dull (market). To yield |j|^ j\i- together.

little milk (she-camel). To .speak volubly, scornfully. ^>VfeOI —
To be heedless, deceived, unpre- jj^ti^ To utter threats.
pai-ed. To shout, to yell. y-'jJTi

To be deceived, seduced ^ -iiJL \j

— Clamours. Anger, -^S-^ ^ S^Iip
by. confused words.
To overtake a. o. unawares. 5 J,iLl !_>
— Whimsical, freakish. ^lui
Fold, wrinkle, crease, j/^ ^ ^ To feed a. 0. To benefit s |)li^ o \Sl ^
furrow. Gap, cleft in the earth. a. 0. (food).

I left him in his previous e'^i. Jc- iiJ^t To feed a. 0. with. ^^~
state. To walk quickly. To flow (blood, \'jl
Edge of a sword. j^Jij urine). To be interrupted (urine).
Blaze upon the forehead of Sj-rr »^ To feed, to bring up (a child). 5 ^/'ji.
a horse. Gleam of dawn. New moon. To feed o.'s self. To be SJil \j tfoii
"Whiteness of complexion, of the fed.
teeth. Best, choice part. Face, fore- To throw a. 0. down ? yj,_iiL\
head. First day of the month. Emi- on the ground.
nent (man). Good behaviour. Food, whether solid or XlJi\ ^ 'lit
^\'J.'\ ^ ('»•/"•)
^ liquid; aliment ; sustenance of the
Heedlessness, neglect. J^ ^ s^ Fosterer, rearer. oj'^'^j Slis-' ^ i\t
Risk, peril.
Manager of cattle. Ju j'i\t
Deficiency, paucity : inconside- jCj. The nutritious and diges- <i'i\ii\ S}i!l

ration. Dullness of a market. tive organs.

T )
To cause a. o. to emigrate. s i_.jt In haste. jC^ ip
To banish a. o. On the same pattern, a>l j JCj. jc
To go to the west. To do or ^'J.]
course, manner.
say a. th. strange, extraordinary. Delusion. Vanities. jj^p
To laugh immoderately. To nm Seducing, bUnding (the jl^'?r J"*
swiftly. To go far into a counti-y. mind). Vain, delusive.
To make (a horse) to run fi^j s
— Allurer, seducer. Heedless, jj^j jl^^
to exhaustion. To fill (a gkin). inconsiderate.
To come from the west. To go ^ys The deceitful one i. e. the .JJj _i)l
abroad. To become a stranger. world.
To marry a stranger, a foreign ,^j^i-[ Deceived dupe. Cautioner, ol^i-%r -i j^

woman. surety. Easy (life).

To find a. th. extraordinary, ^j^iill^ Inexperienced. Good
fi> S^b ''S^*' t ~
strange. nature.
To laugh to excess. ^y-:^\j — More negligent. o\^'j Sj-f: ••S^ ^ 'J-"^
West, place of sunset. ^/^ -^ t_/^ Bright (complexion). Fine. Having a
Edge of (a sword). Tears. Flow of blaze on the forehead (horse). Bril-
wine, tears. Large bucket. Lachry- liant, shining from afar. Noble, emi-
mal vein. Inner and outer angle of the nent. Beautiful, hot (day).
eye. Tumour in the eyes. Distance. Carelessness, neglect. o'S^
Sharpness of a sword, of the tongue, Sack for straw. j^'^ -r 'Jyi.
of temper. Niggardly. j\jj> ^ 'Jiis6\ 3Ui
Western, occidental. Westerly '6/^ Deluded, a Self-conceited. jjji>*
(wind). To gargle. To bubble up 'J.'J,
Remote country. Xt'J- jji (cooking-pot). To crepitate (broiled
Silver cup. Willow. Gold. Wine. ^_,^i. meat). To cut the throat.
Journey kjlj^i-lj v_)^»l> *j ^tj <^^ To gargle o.'s throat with. ^ J-'j^
abroad. State of a stranger, of a To drop (tears eye). :

foreigner. Emigration. Guinea fowl. ^5 j^

Crow *jy-\j oV^j ^^i vj* T '
Gizzard. Blaze upon a horse's S^t^'
(quite black). Edge (of a sword). forehead.
Rook, Noachian crow. '^^ kJCjI Gargling. Bubbling of a pot ; ""'J-ji-

Crow's foot {plant). v'3^' J?-J- rattling sound in the throat : gut-
Mushroom, toad's stool {pl.).^\yji\ 'J.I tural sound.
Very fruitful land. f+Jl^^s.' _)U»j V 'j^']\ To go away, to depart. C J. o ^'j, ^
Bird of bad omen. ojlll ^jl^t' To be affected with a tumour (eye).
The affair became i_j'Ir*" J?-J i'^ Ir^ To set (star, sun). To be ^./J-~
intricate. absent, remote (person).
Cor vet. *jji-'h oC^ rr v'S^' k_;lnplj i-jji"^ 'rO*'-' i ^.j^-3 *i^ vl;*'
Arabs of black com-' ij^ill *;_,t1 To forsake o.'s countiT^. To emigrate.
plexion. To live in a foreign country.
Strangeness of a word, of an xJi^t To be obscure, inunders- jJi^t o t-j^
expression. tood (word To become a foreigner.

Sunset. V-^j*''
To be black. G^ a v_j_,t
Western side (of a ^j/j^ ^ VJ-^ To go towards the west. ,Sj-'\j ^'J^
mountain), Setting(.sun).Withers (of To bring forth black and white
a camel). Upper part of a. th. children. To remove, to put away.
Stranger. Traveller. 'Uj^ -r <r-i^ To pasture cattle in a remote ^*x
Strange, uncouth, extraordinary. land.
( e\r )

To prick (a needle) into j * jji Strange, wonderful V','> rr ~'rlj-

a. th. event. Hand-mill.
To fix (a stick) into (the ^ fi> j^^'b — Dawn. Snow, hail. "White or

ground). fringed with white (eyelids)

To submit (rebel). Ij^ a j^ West, place of uj l„i/i ^ uj_,i/>

To sink, to penetrate j yji \j jj^, sunset.

into. The west. Northern Africa. v_»^'
To put (the foot) into (the y^i \
The hour of sunset. ^'^li\ ^yJ:
stirrup). Western. U,^^
To be on the eve of departure, ^ij I
— Algerian. Moor. "^.jS^ w "~

Ingrafted sprigs. Leathern j/ji ^ j'J-

Going towards the west. vV'
stirrup. Have you re- ^i X'CjJ' ^a JTs^ Ja
Keep to his stirrup i. e, 'ej'J. yj\ ceived any news from a foreign
Follow, obey him. country 1

A puncture, a stitch. j'ji. ^ ij^s- Excellent grapes. Black- ^i>.i^ ^

Nature, native disposi- yXj- -r 'J.^ haired (old man).
tion. Natural gift. Spontaneity, his- To sift (wheat; To scatter, fi y,'J. ->f

tinct. to crush (a party of men).

Inborn, natural. Spontaneous. 3jij^ Siftings. ;ljjc.

Instinctive. Sieve. Tambourine. J^jI^^ t <^^>.'J:

Plungiijg, sin- fyl ^ Sjj> ^ Jj^ft Sparrow.
king. Sifted, scattered. Refuse of
Olt-set, cutting of trees. jfj\£ r Js._A~' mankind. In decay (empire).
Gi'ove.Place of growth. Base jji; To be slightly or extre- {j'j, a JJ- -^
of a tooth, of the neck. mely hungry.
Sunk, stuck into. Inborn, jj'j^ To render (a beast) hungry.

plant (a -»
Slightly or oi> j JO^j
vehemently (hungry). Slender.
JJ- ,

fi> ^jJ^i-Sj .t^yi i

tree). To confer (a benefit). To ^'J^'i ^j^ b •^3*'-> ' '^^ ^ ^-r*'

To be planted (tree). wj-^X warble, to sing ( bird ). To hum

Plant. Shoot, ^OtJ u-G^^ t ^'J- (insect).
offset, slip. To excite (birds) to sing ? il,ii~[
Crow. Membrane ij-O^^ t «-^J^
enclosing the frptus. Set of trees. The meadow excites L.'C'ill J^'jy\

•^ To layer. jjiil u^'J- the flies to buzz.
Planted shoot. ^j-^jsti u-50^ "^ "^J- To assail a. o. violent- itj s jjjy.[
Female slave. ly. To overcome a. o.

Act, time of planting. i^'lr^

Warbling, ajji^l ^r sSj^b ^jj-^
Place of planting. u^j,^ t lt^-* song of birds.
Woman. Singing iyi^j a-i>j ^_^J ^A
Planted (tree). u-J^i* (bird).
Piastre, Turkish cAj^^ -r J'jK "^ Truffles. ( un. eijij si^ )
^"J-j i^
coin equal to 2 1/2 d. Booth of reeds.
To long for a. th. J| Ca^t a J^J- -ft- To prick a. th. with ^ \jy. ] yj. ^
To be grieved by. To fear a. th. '^> — (a needle). To plant (a tree).
To feel disgust at. To put (the foot) into (the J * -
To wean (a s ja^tj ,Ci>> i j^'ji. stirrup).
kid) before the time. To stick her eggs into the Jj^i
To fill (a vessel) ; to till (a fit
earth (locust).
( oM ) ^jP
chamber. The seventh heaven. Lock vessel) partly. To despatch (a busi-
of hair. Rope put on a camel's head. ness).
Lading (water) with the hand. ^j\i. To give to a. 0. fresh Caj^ iJ j^'ji
Swift (she-camel). Hair ^j 1^' ^ *jj Ci- milk, fresh food.
clipped upon the forehead. To pluck fresh fruit. ^ u^^tj ~
Measure for grain. ^I^t To bind (a camel's girth), s J^'J-'Sj —
Wide-stepping (horse). Having ji^jT To be fresh, juicy. Ci»J^ o j^'J.
much water ( river ). Water- -tf- To eat fresh meat, fruits. J'^J'
wheel. He is an inexhaustible V ^J ^^ ^
Bed of reeds. Thicket of trees, ^i jt sea.
Thicket. Sole: worn out sandaL ;Ljt To bring (camels) to water in 5 j^jli
Ladle: large spoon. Jj,Cti ^ *s_^i^ the morning.
Laded, Cut, clipped. wij^ To vex, to grieve a. 0. 5 cr'S^^
To sink into sijl j CSJ^' a 3_^ ^ To fiU (a skin). To hit (the butt).ifc -
water : be submerged. To be
to To be broken (bough) J''J^'i\i J''^J
drowned, shipwrecked. without being separated.
To drink a draught of. ^j. i^'J- o 3'^ •<>• To side with a. 0. to :
J j^jlji
To drown, to tU' J 5 J'J-'^j 3'_/ bias.
submerge a. o. To be plucked fresh (fruit). j^'AiX
To ornament (a bit,3^]j 3'^ To aim at.
,_, fi> A —
a scabbard) with gold, silver).
To charge a. 0. with s j9'Ji2j\ •^
To bi'ace a bow- ^^'^S J 3'J'^i — unfairness, bias.
string to the utmost. Rent. fold. o\^'j^^ -r J'J'
To come near to a. o. To be at 5 3'j\s.
band (death). Girth of a camel-saddle. Fold.
To exceed (the bounds), to J J^l Target, mark. Aim. Js\J^\ ^ J^'J-
exaggerate a. th. Scope, pui'suit. Selfish aim. <>• Bias,
To overtake and outstrip the 3'Jsi\, prej udice.
other horses. Fresh (meat, dates). ^_^\i.\ ^ j^ij-
To attract (the looks). A. th. white, fresh, tender. New
To gasp for breath. ;
song. Good singer.
To take up a. th. altogether: a •tf Self-interest. cX-^'^ -tt "^tro'J-
to comprise the ( whole ). To over- Selfishness. Bias. Partiality.
shoot (the mark). Place of the girth jaj GU ^ J^j^
To exaggerate, to be iramode- j — (on an animal).
rate in. To exceed ( the bounds) in. Cartilage. <-iy^_^ ^
To be drowned in tears (eye). Jjj^ti Piece of wood .jL^\ji- ^ o\>_y^\i- c-"
Drowning, submersion, jj_/ •^^. 3'ji on the side of a camel-saddle.
shipwreck. To take fi> <j^C^j ,Ci^t i j^ -H-

Submersion. <J^' (water) with the hand or a ladle.

Draught. j>' ^ x^'/ To tan (a skin). To put A Lj^ —
Emphyteusis, form of mort- xJj^t (a rope) upon (a camel's head). To
cit off a. th. To clip (the hair).
Submersion. Hyperbole. Excess.
To take a. th. altogether. ^ ^J^
exaggeration. To be cut off, bent, broken off. JT^* I.

Inclusion. Exaggeration. 3\'^zl.\ Plant for tanning leather. Ji^tj j^

Sunk, submerged, drowned, j jT, Jj li Sole, sandal. j^ ,, ij'j^
Shipwrecked. Flooded (land). Spoonful, handful. <»\y.j , ol_^ ^ *s^
Breathless, terror-stricken.c;^.^! Upper- oO|^j oti^j CjVj^j 'Ji^ *^j^
3J. ?-
: .

(. )
To glue a. tli. To * s'^J, oS'J,^ Submerged. Drowned. J^ ^ Ji.^
adhere to ( the ^heart : fatness). To Overwhelmed, d Deep.
wonder at. Agaric ( medicinal ojiij'ii-h ojiij ^ G
plant' ; antidote.
To desire earnestly, to cling, to ad- Riciilyadorned (bit). 3'^j 3^
here to. To persevere in. To lay eggs without shells '^^t -R-

To smear a. th. To stick a ^s'^j. (hen).

a. th. with glue. Interior pellicle of eggs. White 'J,j%
To quarrel with. ^ °'^^, j i^jOJ^ <J'J^ of eggs.
To join, to unite (two things), oj;
— White of eggs. Box-thorn. I^'ji. -H-

To incite desire. To tempt, ^_, a ij'J-S To become rotten (egg, me- jS^'-tt-
to seduce, to allure a. o. by. To ren- Ion). To pour water on o.'s head.
der a. 0. desirous, fond of. To set To be tmcircumcised. «5^ a J^t -tt-

a. o. as a chief over. Prepuce. S^ ^ t'jt.

To excite hatred between, cni Sjloil
— Uncircumcised. J^t ^ 'HJ. ^ Sj'\
To adhere, to stick to. Fruitful (year). Easy (life).

Glue : paste. Young- '!> I

To ^ C»J^j *^ll>^^ ^^i ^j^ ^ j'^ "^
ling. Lean. Beauty. pay ( a debt, a tax, a fine ). To 'pay
He is comely. a. th. (instead of another).
Eager desire, fondness To lose in trade. «3l?t3l J —

No wonder, no won- To compel a. o. to pay a s /J-\} JJ-

dering at. (a fine, a debt). To fine a. o.
Comely. Adherent. Red dye. To be fond, eagerly desirous ^ j,j, \

Two Celebrated buildings in .1* '

of. '

Koofah. To take au obHgation upon j^jiji

Adhereucj. o.'s self.
Instigation, incitement. To become enamoured, ^^j I, -fy

Inciting, urging. inflamed with love.

Incited, ui-ged. To take upon o.'s self the j-'J^K
Gluey; glued. payment of a debt.
In.strument for jluing. '
-^ Payment of a. th. cJ^^^ ^ *^^'^j J^
To become <_i !np \j , \jji' js- -K- obligatory. Tax, damage, debt, duty,
attached to a o. ; to cleave to. fine. Indemnity.
To prick (a needle) into, j fit Cji. — -^ Passion, earnest desire. Punish- jS'^
To wre.stle, to contend with. s j(i- ment, afflliction. Hardship. Obliga-
To be thorny (tree). tion.
To penetrate, to sink into Creditor. Debtor. 'V*^' ^ ^^t
To quarrel (about a. th). Antagonist. Competitor, litigant.
Gaza (town of Palestine). Debt, obligation. >»j,U^ 5- /J^
Philanthropists. Longing, passionate for. yjij>
To be abun- \j'jij 'o'j\'J.j \'JJ. o j'ji-'^ Burdened by debts.
dant. To abound in milk (ewe) : in •^ Enamoured. j^ijS'
water (spring). To be dry (dough). C>' a o> -«
To give a little in order yj}isJ.\j jjli Slime, mud. ^U',.i <-Cj^
to obtain more in return. Trough, tub. :G>-' •

To possess numerous milch- /jl] Stork, j-J^j jy>J 3y,^ — J'> *

camels (tribe). To have much rain. crane. Tender plant. Foi-elock.
To be munilicent to : to lavish ^ —
(favours, gifts). Comely youth. Fair girl.
I >, r- ( o\\ )
To cleave to a. o. as a tj Jlnil. Basket made of palm- jjp ^ jjt
special friend. leaves, or halfa-grass.
Wish, intentioD, aim. j'ji. Abundance (of milk, water). Sjljtj jj£
Military expedition, sjl^j o'jj^j j'j^ ^ Reeds, canes. jijt
Razzia. Raid, attack. Copious, aboun- jy^ ^ *^J^ -^ -tJ^
A I'aid, a warring. oljjt ,- Sjjt ding in milk (flock): in tears (eye^;
RJating to a campaign. '^J,^ in water (spring): in leaves (plant).
Waging .\y^j jj^j jy>j cl>' ^ Jli Giving a little in order jjirl^j jjU/^
war. Victorious, champion of Islam. to receive more in retui'n.
Title of the Sultans. '^jj^^ Well watered by rain (ground), jj'ji^
Expedidon, raid. CjIJj^ ^ sr^ To spin (flax, Jln^lj Sj^ Jj^ -^
fi, i

D Dancing-girl. s^JSj^ t 'iJS^ cotton, wool).

a War-tax. <j jp To flirt, ^ Jji^j J J jiij «_; Vji a Jji
War, campaign. Seat of juJ ^ ^jji; to court a. o. ; to ogle.
a war. To stop at the gazelle's cry Jjt
Moral of a, discourse ; inten- y^&:i]] — (hound).
ded meaning. To spin, to twirl (a spindle). J';il
Records of exploits feats of tSj^Vi^ll
; To have a young one (gazelle).
war. To be spun (cotton). Jjil •
To go deep into (a J iLt o '^ -^ To sport, to dally to hold JjU7 :

coantiy). amorous talks with o. a. (lovers).

To plunge a. o. into (water), j ^ — Spun thread, or yarn. Spider's JJ^
To be plunged into (water), j l^ij[ web.
To be under (water). Amorous talk. Erotic J^j Jj^
Feeble, despiceable. Male gazelle; young ;5jp_, oVJt ^ Jljt
Name of the leader of a tribe. oVit gazelle.
Chiefs of an Arabian tribe, ^l-t iJji^ Dragon's blood, resinous Jlj^)' -/^
To di'ive out (a cat). ^^' -^ juice.
To urge (a debtor). jp o ^'-i {^ She-gazelle. Rising sun. :Jjji
To be entangled thread). To ^jLiJ
( Courting women, gallant. Jj^
be intricate (business). Stuff of silk and cotton. *!!_)£•<>
Rubbish swept by the wind into _/_«. Spinning (woman). Jjt_, JjJ^t ^ ^ij.'^
a pond. Spinner. dij^ j, Jljt
Complicate, confused (business). _^i More frequent visitor t>.!l j;;» Jjil
Darkness. ._ili-'-tJ- than the fever.
To walk in the dark. ^iJ-] Spindle. JjJ^ ^ <Jj^J >-'3^
To be ^^Li-\j dLs'j CuLpj (kit jit ^
, i Crane. Stork. JjM'' y.'^ °

obscure (night). Spun (silk, cotton, yarn). JjjiJ'

To let down a fine rain Cuiij Cilfc
— To direct o.'s^ij 5 j'^\j,\yJ-o
(sky). .self towards. To wish, to purpose

To be confused Cuii a
J^j , Cs^l^ — a. th. ; to aim at.
by tears (eye). To go forth to 5 ijljij Cljj^j Ijj^ —
Duskiness at nightfall. J-Vjfcj jlS fight with. To make a raid.
Refuse of wheat. jlt To send (troops) in a a ^s^^j i^j^
Moon. Night. j^^ military expedition. To grant a
Bitter cold. Stinking. Jll^j J\lS delay to (a debtor).
Purulent matter. To have her husband at war jji.]
To wash A jlij , !iLs.j ^li i Jli * (woman).
^Y) cT"
conduct. Counterfeit coin. Defect. (linen). To wash, to cleanse (the
Rancour : duplicity. body). To cleanse (from sins : God).
De- lizls-j ^Lit ^ Ir^j o>l< . ?r J-^ To beat a. o. with a whip. l»^lj » —
ceiver, dissembler. To flog.
Turbid, muddy (water). Coun- To be washed, cleansed. J^'s
terfeit (coin). To wash o.'s self. To pei'form j_Sit,
Beginning or end of the night ,\±j. ablutions.
Little in quantity (watei-), To anoint o.'s self with perfumes. ^—
Speedily, hastily. ^J-^^, ^j Ci-lli Washing (of the body, jli!^ jij.^ jlt
Deceive!', impostor. '
j-'^ of the dead) : ablution.
Counterfeited. Adulterated. tryli* Wash, JjLlj J>1pj *i^j J-^j Jl*
Deceiver. jXkli ^ perfume for the head. Water used
To do a. th. inconside- CJ*' i j^ -S- for ablution. Marsh-mallow. Gera-
rateiy. To cut wood by night indis- nium.
crimanetely. Wa.sh-water, lye. JJC*
To deal unjustly, wrong- s Ci/ o — Washed. -^ Wa- '^i-ij Jit ^ j^
fullywith ; to tyrannise. To smear shing, clothes for the wash.
(a camel) entii-ely with tar. Purulent matter. Washing. uj^lt
To feign simplicity, inex- ^uj < Washer of linen, of the iJuvt ^ j--li.
perience. dead.
To judge a. o. to be simple, ^1^1. •• Soap, herbs used in washing. . J_^it
ignorant. Potash, glasswort.
Injustice, tyranny. ^C Washerman. Laundress. xliLt ^ Jill
Ignorance, simplicity. ^j.c •<>

<> Awkward, inexperi- 'Vi Laundry. Wash-house. Bath.

enced. Rough (stone). Wash-stand; wash-pot. iXL'i/^ -^j Jli>j
Tyi-annical. Violent.
Courageous, energetic
To be dark
yJ-\j ,C.-lt o -H- ^
Indomitable, energetic. Bold. ^. -« Black colou)'. Darkne.3s. Dust. ^ifc
Boldness. X^^i^^j *;i.;-lt To chew a. th. fb tl» o ^It -^
To follow o.'s own mind. J^C -^ Recesses of the heart. ^^uJI oCs.'
To be self-confident. To rush forth Vigour, fieriness of youth. oLliiT, otli-

Thou art not <jLlifr' jl *iLLt ^ cJl C«

To do a. th, speedily, hastily. * a match for him.

To treat a. o. unju.-^tly. s — Very handso.ne. "j 114«0 "J, Lit

To take a. th. forcibly. A j'„ 'r.i


To become irritated with. u.

— Lock of hair.
Injustice. ^"jM-j S^^is-' To jT^ a ^_^PJ \jLi- o Cp
^^it \j ^ ,

To come to a. o. s i^Ji.' o lit -«- be obscure (night)T

To strike a. o. with i_) 2> Culj-' a ^<.ip' Unripe date. Cj\y-^j J~i- t e^
(a stick). To cheat, to 5 J^'j , lit o ji/ -S-

To come towards a. o. a — act dishonestly with.

To engage blindly (in an fi,j a sjlliT— To counterfeit, to adulterate A IpS
affair). To cover a. o. To surprise. (goods).
Veil, cove- Sj\ls-j 'ij\lj-^j ej^j »>^, To allow o.'s self to be j:jj\ -^j 'j^ \
ring, wrapper. deceived.
A veil is spread over his Sjllt *_Jij Ic To suspect a. o. i jLirJ-lj 'j^\
heart i. e. he does not undersfand. to be a deceiver, a dissembler.
White-headed (horse), -l^'^^'l False pretence, fraud, dishonest 'jj.^
( o^A )

In spite of thee. vilxlsj ^ (Lis*' To cover, to a 5 ^ll*j Cl*' a ^^' -j^

Violence, open force, tyranny. ^U»;il^ conceal a. th.

Rape. To be dark (night). To ^^dSj ^gis-

Oppre3-^^..^Siij,t_jL^j o.^iot^ ;r "-^^ surprise a. 0. (event).

sor, ravisher. To swoon, to CCiij Cii-j CI* jjl* ^'

Compelled, violated. ^'^~i%j ^^JaiJ' faint.
Snatched. To put a covering i*j > i^ltlj ,^
To draw (a branch) /b CJat 1 ^.ij. -!^ over.
to o.'s self. To snatch, to pull off To have a. th. covered A 5 ^i-^b —
a. tb. by a. 0.
To avAi t a. o. fi-om. jc- ii
— God has put a veil »^j J* *i)1 ^^l
To be laden with o-^^J o-^*'
over his eyes (/ey^ lie should see)
grapes (bunch). i. e. God has hardened his heart.
To put forth branches tree). ;yiai-\ To cover o.'s self
^ ^_ji«7_.lj ,_$^.0

Branch, d^iAj "i^^as^j Cjy^ ^ c-^ with (a garment).

bough, shoot, Covering, case. Skin of ilii'l ^ 'll*
Goldeu-rod [plant). ^"ji the eye. Pericardium. Scabbard of
A bougb, a branchlet. a sword.
To ^j fi X^\^j Ca\Jas.j Uss- o Jai- -S- Veil, cover. ^Cl*j IjLI*
lower (the eyes, the voice\ To blink. Swoon, fainting. o'>ll*j ^^iij ,5i.*j *^i.*
To lessen a. th. To shorten ( hair ). Covering, veiling. iliTi* ^ j,ili.
To deprive a. o. of. Veil, cover, case. J^Vji. ^ •CzSi-
To avert (the eyes) fi'om. ^ A ^t Housing. Followers, servants, guests.
To bear (the sight) of. J A— The resurrection. Calamity.
To lower, o>U ^j, iiUjpj La*' o 'ja^ Swooning, fainting. *^* ,^lJJ'
to lessen the estimation of a. o. To Covered, wrapped. ^^^i j>i^
look scornfully at. To be choked by ^ Ca-i*' a '^i -S-
To become Zi>j^si'j i^ta^ i a ;>^ a. th. To be overwhelmed by (sorrow).
sappy, fresh (plant). To be bright, To be crammed (room).
thin-skinned (woman). To choke. To put a. 0. in a 5 ^*1
To become soft, tender. To eat ja2i£ strait. To grieve a. o.
fresh things. He has reduced us to >jVl UlX* -
To be contracted, to blink ;>»il straits.
(eye).^ To be in anguish. ilfaf*l

"^Ua* \j ia* ^ ja^^^ J i^La*

,». ^^pats- Obstructing the throat
Fresh, tender, sappy, thin-skinned stopping the breath food, (
(plant, woman). grief ).

Upper part of the face. jal.a*j ja\J:^ Choked, obstructed. ,jUa*j ^i*
Decreas'^, lowering. Defect, iaLa^ To compel a. 0. I* 5 U-at i W-.0* -{^

vice. Languor. to do a. th.

<<Ai>>j ,
^isi La* ^ <.h~^j , Jia^s- ^ X.a* To snatch * ^..-isr^i.j ^./i * ji ^ y —
Decrease, falling orf. j^Cii ^ a. th. forcibly : to violate a. 0.
Tangled, luxuriant (tree). ^^iaiji -<>- To act wrongfully. ^..iUj -^j ? k^il*
To decrease, to become ^ jaiis* -5^ violently o. with another.
scanty (water). To be consti-ained, compelled. ^^.iiil. -^
To diminish, to sink j-^-h- ~'j — Violence, constraint. Thing ^'^
(water). taken forcibly.
To be angry jt '^:^^3iij CJa*' a »_~a*' -5^ Against his will, in spite of iit Cji^
with. him.
o\\ )

To become dark (night). Oiiai-b — To be angi'y with a. o. for J

To break a. th. To let a. th. a ,jjc^ the sake of (a living person).
hang down. To be angry with a. o. for the
To become cloudy ; to prepare ^^i\ sake of (a dead person).
to rain (weather). To be laden with To rouse a. o. to anger ^.oU.
fruit (palm-trees). To I'ouse a. 0. to anger
To coil itself ( serpent). To be To be angry. jc ^i»ir-llj »_.iiil

broken, folded. To boil liei'cely (cooking-pot).

To favour a. o. (fortune). To Anger, wrath, passion. 'C^'^j wJst
cover a. o. (night). Intensely red. Lion. Bull. ;lja£j »^iat

To collapse, to be decayed Hard stone. Shield, gai'ment of .skin.

(well). Skin of the skull. Fish. Patch of
Easy (life): enjoying ii-ai*. ^ ^-i?\i small-pox.
an easy (life). Angered : prone to anger, ^^j w^it
Lop-eared »jUaP ^ 'Viiai. ^ ^Juai- Ij
— Hot-tempered. ('??• /"•)
(dog). PI. Hounds.
Dark (night). Easy (life). Hot-tempered. w,isi^j ^l.it j ,

Fruitful (year). Nervous, peevish, angr^'. 'J-*-^'

To be sluggish, jaded j*.^ai- » Object of anger. *lit ,^^!^

(hackney). To give abundance s'ji^ o -S-

Rude, coarse, thick ^r*-^ J ^^liip'
of goods, an ample life to a. o.
(man). Fleshy ear. Big, old lion. (God).
To withhold, to ^^ 5 uiii i o ;j2i^ -S- To turn away ^ j-'^^'j ^Ir'i^ -ni«-

prevent a. o. from. from.

To wi'inkle, to fold a. th. ^ ^i To hinder a. o. To cut off iSsj » —
To pour a continuous drizzle ^j^]j — a. th. To tan (a skin).
(sky)- To give to a. o. a *\ii ^j' c!>^)

To continue unremittingly upon jt — portion of o.'s property.
a. 0. (fever). To be soft, tender. ^j\hij tlroi-

To be wrinkled, folded. .jjaS To acquire (wealth), to r,^ a yei.
Wrinkle (of the o>^' ^ j-^f'j cr^ become rich.

skin) ; crease, fold (of a garment). To die young. ,/-^l

Trouble, weariness. Prosperity, easiness -r^ii^j 'i'J<Jaii j^i.
Sclerotic tunic of the eye. o'\ii\ ^2ai of life, well-being.
The folds of the ear. o'iVl Cij^ Cohesive green clay.
In the midst of, meanwhile.di) i o>i=* ^}
Large dish, bowl.

Patch of small-pox. *laij iii^ Thriving : easy (life).

Having the eyes contracted. ^i-\ Fei'tile ground. Gree-

To be dark (night). 1^^ o \Jsi -8- nish clay.

To be whole, in good state. \y^ — Green, soft, fresh.

To be dark (night). ^^'\ — ^ai. ^ Happy, comfortable.-

To contract (the eyelids). To close Cartilage. ^jj-^i^ -r ^/,r^ *
(the eyes). To break a branch a> \a^ ^i.^ -J(- \

To look over a. th. : torefrainjc. ^tl (not thoroughly). To fold (a pillow).

wilfully from. To bear patiently. To relax (the ears dog). :

To feel disgust, dislike for. — To

J slacken its run (ass).
To avert (the eyes) from. ^ a — To be relaxed Cs^jj CLat
To feign to take no notice ^ Ja\£ (ear). To be lop-eared (dog). To be
of. To shut (the eyes) upon. easy, comfortable (life).
....alaC' ( or ) s^Jai-
rous (man.) Comely, elegant (youth). Euphorbia, tamarisk. Thicket Cat
Fly. Wide (neck). of trees.
To immei'ge j *j 5 C-kt i ^„"hfc -f}- Ground full of tamarisks. 'Uiat
a. 0. into (water). Rugged (land).
To dive, to be immerged in j — Dark j^^j ,J^^'^ n
, i^-^ tt ^ j^\i
(water). (night ). Excellent, plentiful (thing).
Death has swallowed him ^^t *»
— Wealthy (man).
To plunge, J Aj 5 'Jat'ij , fkp' o i "Jat -«-

To plunge a. o. or a. th. J *j 5 ,_,J»t to dip a. 0. or a. th. into (water).

into (water). < To baptise by im- To snore, to snort. To Cls-Ja^ i "iat

mersion. bray. To rattle (slaughtered beast.

To bathe, to dive (iatowater).^_^L<J<- To gurgle cooking-pot).
To contend in diving, plunging. ^\jj To perch (bird). Lkt -
To feign o.'s self heedless, inconsi- To contend in diving, plunging. "J»U
derate. To be immerged (in water). "kiJl^

Baptism by immersion. ^^ "^ Imnersion. 'Jat

Baptism of J. B, Epi- ^OaJI jup > Sand-grouse. J»\iifc

phany. Last remains of darkness i^Uafj —

Immersion. Baptism.
u-i^^ before dawn.
Diviug, plunged. llWU. > ^,\s- Snoring. Rattle. Hri**'
•^ Senseless, swooning. Fog, mist. iU'Aisi -^

Piungeon (bu*d). Diver. ^^ To boil audibly (cooking-pot). Jaiiat -S-

Diver. Bold man. a~>^ To rage, to roar (sea). laijaijj —
Bath, washing-basin. ^jJ^dJ^ 5r u-^ To be dispersed, shattered.
Magnet. Loadstoue.^_,_ja,LU/.j ,_^AiiIii G Boiling of a cooking-pot. *iaiiiat

^ Magnetism. Roaring of the sea. Cry of the sand-

To bo dark JJ^'\j Cijat' i JJa£ -ii
(night). To be Self-conceited, ^"jai'ij u-S^ "^

To crawl along (old- Culisij CsJai^ — a selt-admirer.

man, cripple). To irritate a. o. a To over- 5 u«3'k*'

To bi dim-sighted. ^ CiJat a ji4»p look, to connive at.

To advise a. o. to. J fi> j Lt To despise : to look at a. o. ~
To render (the night) obs- fit JJai'^ scornfully.
cure (God). To get angry with. J ^r-S^
To be dim, weak (sight). J^iai^ To have a haughty *~ii.^ j u^'ji^
To feign o.'s self blind, uu- ^iisCc gait.
mindful. Haughtiness. <^'^^
Weakness of sight. Darkness jj^
of nighf. Haughty.
Weak-sighted, jj:^' ^ 'Ciiit' j. ji.UM To make a. 0. ro be a chief » o^i**^' "^
Ob.?cure (night). > \,C
>\ (God). To treat a. o. arrogantly.
Misl.^ading desert. Way- »ilJ3p' sS^s To have a haughty gait. ^J^ —
less, waterless. To be ambitious, self-conceited. To
Welfare, well-being. Abun- o»kp -(:{- desire power, superiority.
dance of the eyebi'ows. Length of Ambition. Haughtiness. Proud 7^^^
the eyelashes. gait. Sport, play.
Having long eyelashes, 'Cijaf'^ OJail Illustrious man. Chief. -J*!/^
thick eyebrows. Easy (life).
Name of an Arabian tribe. ciUlap' Hawk. Noble (lord). Gene- j^jjii^j

yp ( or\ )

To couceal (hoary hair) ^ _4^l^ To be overcast (sky). >Uat o jW*

with (a dye). To be dark (night). yiip' a Jl»*
ajAtL»j \.'i\jAS-J oJ\Ja-J ^jy^j ljJ»* i jj^ To have abundance of cattle, J^'
To forgive (a sin) to J * G>*^J large property.
a. 0. (God). To traffic on cattle. To press ji»lfc

To relapse (into a ^^ — on, to raise a clamour (crowd).

\'J^ a jj^j

disease). To become villous ( cloth). To be heaped up. D^latl.

To heal. To reopen (wound). Confused voices. Darkness. iiiill

Import has lowei-ed 'JJlW Laiil J>^ Throng.

the prices of the market- Dense, tangled trees. J^^j <i^^
To say : May God forgive f^j s J» Collection of men, cattle. Bulls.
thee! -^ To attach an indulgence to cows : antelopes. Cat. Darkness.
( a rosary ). Confusion, uproar.
To exude gum (plant). To pro- jiiS Great sea.^,ia;i,i, ,,liaf ^ 'Ja^— Jai- -tt-

duce herbs (land). Large (crowd). Generous (man).

To collect gum. -if- To have an ^,iij To i-age (sea). To JaiLCj kW -tt-

indulgence attached to it (rosary). dash together (waves). To boil fier-

To forgive o. to a. ^SUj cely (cooking pot).
To forgive (a fault) to a. o. J * Jci\ Rough sound. Roaring u_u', UjTj Ja;.vkc.'
To be forgiven (sin). Jiii\ 4- (of the sea).
To beg pardon for s ^ » J^A fi> To A JJ- \j Jai-j , I^Licj l^iaft o liaf- -ii-

sins from (God). To apologise for. cover, to conceal a. th.

I beg pardon from God ! '^\ ^ii~Jl To spread its darkness (night). liap

God forbid 1 To rise, to ovei'flow (water).

Villousness of cloth. Belly. ^j ^ To spread its branches (tree). Jai-^
Down of the neck. Small jiit'j ^i To be sappy and to cover the ground
herbage. (vine).
\oung of jjj^j "iS&j jlit'l ^ ^i J& Cover, lid, covering. *lt»i'l ir '^
the mountaiu-goat. Ignorance.
Calf. Insect. _,ip Tunic. *iCb%
/^Escort ( for J^ ) sjUij j£ To be obscure CLfcj Ck* Jat -S- i

guard. Night-watch. (night). To be flourishing (youth).

Hairy on the face U2!l j\ *>^l y^ To veil, to cover a j^J J^.? * ~ >

or the back of the neck. a. th.

Covering, cover. S^Ip To spread its branches Jai-h
He has settled the
affair in a becoming way.
ji^i^. >• '"^l
^ (tree).
To be covered, iJ^b J"*^
Pardon. Indulgence. cj\J^ To take what is o lit' <>• — ^j»p -Ji-

^ Jubilee. ol^r»iJ^ '*l^ sufficient for sustenance. To throng

Hair-covering. J Ut' ^ SjVIp around.
^ Cope. Sj\li. To become fattened on L&lj wiiij

Apology, begging of pardon. jUiiJ, {

green fodder (cattle).
Forgiving. o/j<!^j o'J^^j- J^ Dj'y leaves or herbage. Li*
The Pardoner (God). j^j j^ Sufficiency of green fodder. <_Jp
Hair of the neck. Covering. ^ut Mouse.
•^ Watchman. Portion, sufficiency of Jij^\ ^t

Large crowd. -Cl*^" 'it^jl

They came in a crowd.

To cover,
to hide a. th.
* J^ \j Ji-j , ^'Jas- i ^ -S-
Heedless. Apathetic, inadvertent. juJ- Cover. Patch. Surplus.
Dupe. D Absurd. He is unforgiving.
Hair beneath the lower lip. iuiJ, Water-melon.
Helmet head-:

To float (upon water) th. To sleep

tlTe covering worn under the helmet.
lightly to feel drowsy.
: Manna, -"illifj _^^ t jj^j j'^j ~
Light sleep, nap. Drowsiness. Z^Sj jii- gum of some plants.
Height unreached by x^fe ^ j\i Pardon, forgiveness. tJiiJ^
water. Sleepy, drowsy. To ^ CoU^ J *.isjli» ,j<a5vt — ^jois- -H-
To clear (the jS\j.\JS J^ -H-
fi> i come upon a. o. unexpectedly.
wheat) of its refuse. Unforeseen misfortune. |_^5\]^' ^ ;.oii*
To be mixed with weeds (wheat), ii i ]\Iay God preserve ^ly!l ^p 'jjt JGj
Bits of straw weeds. Refuse iij 'lit
: us from unforeseen calamities'
of wheat. To come back of a sud- (kit i jip' -ft-

Height unreached by water. aJS den.

White spot on the iris of the s^iU To dart upon a. o. ip —
eye. To flog, to lash a. o. with h'jlJh s —
To bubble up ^pitch). Cs-jztj Ui i jfc -f(- a whip.
To screech (eagle). To have a short sleep. isie —
Ci-y of the eagle. ji To nap, to doze. jlc
Gurgling of a vortex. J-5^j j^ To drink the whole day. ^jlj^jjl jlsj
To insert a. th. into j A >U o ^t -S- To encompass a. o. ^ ji^l
anothei". Slight rain. jit
To be inserted, introduced into. J — Nap, doze. ait
To become insane. 'e'_r^.
— Place of return.
To penetrate into a desert. cj\JCX\ — Starting-place. Jiiii
To flow amid (trees water). jxJ :
— To be unmind- "^^j xiis^j Sjll o jifc -»
To put manacles, an iron- ? jiSj — ful. careless, heedless.
collar to a. o. To overlook, to neglect. t^ JiCCj —
To clothe o.'s .self with (a a JiCj — To render a. o. careless, s JisSj jlt
tunic). To cover, to veil a. th. jlt fi>

To act unfaithfully, 'ji.]j , y^ o — To overtake 5 jlir-llj jlrtij jiijj jSli

to defraud. a. o. unawares. To watch a. 0. for
To thirst for ijl^ ^^Utj !At i
— profiting by his inadvertence.
revenge to be filled with hatred.
: To neglect : to forget. To over- a jIp'I
To be vehemently thirsty. 'Mj yJ- i}i look a. th.
To perfume the (beard) with ^_i a j!i I
To feign o.'s self inadvertent. jSCc
(balm). j
Easiness of life. jip'
To yield a good crop ^j J^l I
Neglect, forgetfulness. iiiij Jjjp'j —
(land). To put on a coat of mail. To I
make a raid. Without way-mark Juil ^ jit'

To fix the looks. ^,iu)l — without cultivation ( land). Unbran-

To charge a. o. with treachery. — 2^ ! ded (beast). Cipher (man). Anony-
To bring provisions for (o.'s |[)t1
^ j
mous (book, poem).
Heedlessness, carelessness. jaCJj o!Ait
family). I

To enter, to penetrate J 'jij\j jlij Of a sudden, unawares. ilii)l Jcj 'dit

into. ; Sudden death. iiiai cj'y ••
To perfume o.'s self (with ^ '^\ I
Neg- u'^j jltj JjitJ,
Ojl4\f- T J^**
balm). I lectful, careless.

r ^1p
To be thick-necked. Qt a sJ^ I
To gather (crops). To enjoy a ^y-i-l*,

To make a. o. to gain je. » ^tt |

(a right).
mastei'y over. To declare a. o. to To ask a. 0. to supply provi- 5 —

be the winner. I
To contend with i (/y^j 'C]\iJ> ^it Rancour, secret hatred.
a. o. for superiority. Manacles. Wife. Collar of J>i^l
To get the mastery over jp ,_jx5 iron.
(a country) : to overpower. Burning thirst. Jitj d^'j ^S''

To be overcome. »J^l ^ Crops, income, seed- J>kt_j o!^ ^ *^

To be tangled (plant). >r^.^\
produce. Income from the rent of a
Victory, conquest ; superiority, xl'it house. Cost of workmanship.
Antonomasia {[Kjure 0/ rliet.). Water flowing amid J^^'i ^ ji^
Often victoriou.'?. <• Inqui- xiUJ 1 ^.r trees. Strainei*.
sitive, jabberer. Tunic. Pin fastening JJ^Vi^
Spesdily victorious. ^"^C two rings of a coat of mail.
Winner, conqueror. jilt r >-A^ Light food.
PI. Insuperable diffieul- w41>t ,- <1) (i Vehement thirst. Thirst for
ties. revenge. Violent love, hatred.
Crowd. J) 4^ Te Coat of mail. Under- JJ.>^^ t *^
Disorderly fellow, jabberer. '^Sji^ d garment. Garment worn beneath a
Genei'ally, ^vt J j ^UJt J j CjVfe coat of mail.
for themost part, most probably. Deceit, unfaithfulness. J>i^t
More powerful, more frequent, ^Jitl There shall be no JSL,(^ Vj JiVil. V
more probable. deceit nor bribe.
Thick-necked. ,Ji^ ^ '\ji. j, ^J\i.'\ Thirsty. Jyli^ 'J;i^j J:Atj.*i-l^ ^ J-lfc
Lion. Yielding a good crop (field). J>U;j '^ij>
Thicket of tangled trees. Large CJii! Fettei-ed, handcuffed. jli^J

(tribe). Crops, proceeds of the cJ^i'~h cJ^

< Majority (of votes) : greater ;lit 1 year.
number. In bonds, fettered, manacled. J^
Overcome. Declared the winner, ^tii To hurry in walk. J JiliJj Jii^ -ft-

Overcome. -^ Unable to earn k-^A^* To ooze through (water). To break

livelihood for his family. o.'s way into.
Victory. Place of victory. tii: To anoint o.'s self with ^^ uJO ji'Uj
To rescind (a sale). /b £lt o c^i- -S- perfume.
To make a mistake ( in Ciit a clt Conveyance of a message. ilijU;S sJC-ji,

calculation). Confused clamours. *iiis.'

To take a. o. unawares. 5 cJ[»lj cJ^j J *_lii«j Cii»j CitjwU-*I.lf-j Cls- i -ft-

Nightfall. ;:U' To overcome, to get the upper jtj

Error in calculation. x~ji hand over a. 0.
To mis a. th. A (Et i cJit -«- To predominate in a. 0. o-^^-
To fail to give fire c-lStlj , 61^ a c4t (quality).
(steal). To deprive a. 0. from '^
To fight desperately. tit a i,kt a. th. by victory.
Mixture. iji It was taken away from :j& uis.
Fighting desperately. cJ C«/^j i-lt^ us forcibly.
Bitter plant. jit > We
have been baffled i. <J Lllf-
Wheat mixed with barley cyi.>j c-At we have been unable to persuade
or darnel weeds. him.
«_Aic ( or 1 ) Uc
To be or become thick, bulky Qait j
To run
pace (horse).
at an even CGJtj 4iit i ^^
(man). To be rough, brutal incom- To deal unjustly with a. o. it ^^
To become thick (body, MiiJLlj —
Bloom of life.

Bending, tender bough.

liquid). To be coarse ( cloth). To be
deep (colour). To be rugged, uneven
To journey or do ^Itlj
a. th. before dawn.
ijiJ jil ^ ^JS\
- ^i. -a-

(gromid). To produce seeds (ear of To perform the pi'ayer s^Lljl J ^^Ji.

corn). before daybreak.

To render thick, coarse, fi>j 5 J^' To go to the water before day- 'liJi

rough, difficult. To make a strong break.
(oath). To euter upon the last part of ^^ji,]
To impose hard conditions ^ fit
— the night.
upon a. o. To render a. th. difficult Darkness at the end of ^^5^ ] ^ ^li,
to. the night.
To hold gross, J^| J p5Uj Jiifcl Very early, before dawn. CJ^
harsh language to. Wild ass. ^j ^^
To find, to buy coarse (cloth). * — He fell into a great '^jJ^iJi ,sj>\j J ^j
To find a. th. too coarse, fi> Jiii£ll. misfortune.
to abstain fi'om buying it. To cut the ? ^-aitj , iaii- o ^'>S *
Uneven, rugged ground. JiXt throat of.
Thickness, unevenness, siaU-j Jilt Errand-boy. Shop-boy, ^^4f j ^alt a
roughness. Opacity. snob.
Coarseness, roughness, xiiiUj ;UaU^ Back of the neck. ^,^yS ^ C-ai^ -ft-

rudeness in speech, manners. Diffi- Epiglottis, larynx. Root of the ton-

culty. Strength. Endurance. gue. Throat. Chief man: chief of a
They two are at enmity. liait ti-ibe.

Thick, coarse (man, J»5U - Ja-lP

cloth).Rude, rough in manners. Hard-
He is

one of the
men of his tribe.
*^ jl ^a xi.iifc J ^
hearted. Severe ( pain). Deep ( co- To commit a JalsJ <>•_, Qai^ a I»i^ -»

lour). > Obtuse, dull (mind). mistake, a slip (in writing, speaking).
Forcible (oath). ^'fj — To attribute (a mistake) to s i^
Exacted on hard conditions i^/> a. 0.
(blood-price). To cause s Jai^ Ij Ciyt j siaJ U* iJli

Hatred, enmity. iaJliji a. o. to commit a mistake. To seek,

To provide » .Jii.\j Cat o Jiii. -S- to induce a. o. into eiTor.
a. th. with a case. To put ( a flask, ^ To fail (fire-arm). To trick Ia!(p

a knife) into ( a case). To put a co- (in play).

vering to (a saddle). Slip,mistake, lapse in speech or iait

To be uncircumcised. a wUt^ writing, lapsus lingxia\ calami.

To put a. th. in a case -^ To * jLt
; A mistake, a slip. dais-

wrap (a letter) in an envelope. Wrong, mistaken. oUaii^ "^j -MVfc

To be put into a case, ji^i \j ^J^ Sophism. _
a scabbard ; in an envelope (letter). oU» jit \ ^ *l/yit '\j
J4'i' ?r *i»Aiij , *1» jit

Tree for tanning leather. ^jiS Sophistical language. iajJ'^O

Prepuce, ;ciic.' Captious question. Faulty language.
Enclosed in a case out ^ .liil ^ ^^'\ Wont to make mistakes. J»iAi«
(flask); in a scabbard (sword). Un- Faulty. Ljii* -tf-j iAii
cii'cumcised. Hardened (heart). Sophistical, beguiling. ijCJ
young slave. Page.
lad, Scabbard, case, oUtj ui^j oiU- ^ <S^
Young girl. Female slave. *>yt' sheath, covering. Envelope of a
Youth, puberty. <^Ji'j '^j>^'j ^•^' letter.
Male tortoise. Big-headed and ^jilt •^ Enveloppe. Bundle of outi* ^ »jiU>»
thick-haired young man. letters. Pericardium. Pellicle of ( an
To attain its strength C^ o Ji. -Ji- egg).
(youth). Green moss growing upon jiit -S-
To abate, to become still Jit < water.
(sea, wind, evil). To go away. Git jit * i

•^ Lull. Dead, flat calm (on *_-iIt To be forfeited (pledge). Cat a jlfc
sea). To be unredeemed (slave). To be
To exceed the bounds. |^' o !Ac. -H- grieved, annoyed. To have incurable
To be excessive. To grow (plant). galls (cmael's back).
To be bigoteJ, a zealot. cc^!^.
— To close (a door, Csit jlt -^j jitlj Ji
i'kj^j svcu jU'j j^^\i. i>u.j \y^ o - an outlet).
To exceed the usual ^ j.-.u. _j| ^,4^11
distance in shooting an arrow.
^ To conclude (a bargain).
To bet with a. o.
» jJVt
To increase in price (goods). «>lfc o yS To constrain a. to. ">.
\c. ^ jitl
To overcharge (for goods), U, fit, -fy-
To be surrendered in J^l^l ju j jit I

To exert o.'s .self j «5itj ivCii jii. the hands of justice (culprit).
strenuously in. To exceed the bounds To make bets with o. a. jiUi
in. To be locked, bolted (door). jUj\
To sell or buy (goods) *_, >_, sSfU/J — To be difficult to a. o. ic jUr-ll^

at an excessive price. (speech). To remain speechless. To

To ask too high a price for fi, XSS be definitive (sale).
(goods ). To cause ( things ) to be- Wooden lock. jj>1 ,ii9.j j^l ^ jit
come dear (God). Great door, n Basket.
To buy (goods) too high. ,_,
— Confused (speech). Bolted (door), jlt
To strip (a vine) of its leaves. — fit, Forfeited (pledge). Ill-natured (man).
To grow, to become Jj'l^lj Ju;j
— Galled (camel).
tufted, tangled (plant). Poisonous plant of Arabia, iitj *2p'
To walk quickly (camel). jrfcl. Tree used as tan, Peganwn har-
To find a. th. high-priced. a ji^-ll mala.
High price, dearness of goods. ^y^ Remainder, end, closing. *j>U -^

Exaggeration, Ijitj m^'j }it Balance of an account. cjC* <»!At -^

hyperbole. Closed, bolted (door). JjiX^j J>^h ^'

Liveliness of youth. cjS'j^i^j '^'^i ''S"^'
^ Source of income jjii; ^ jiis
Excess. (as a mill).
Distance of a bow- -^U j c^C^ ^ o'^i Winning ari-ow. jJU^^j j5,u; ^^ jii;
shot. Stadium about (400 cubits). Wooden lock. jj.u> ^ Jjii^j J'^^j —
Dear (goods). Jl^ ^ S3 \* j, ^Ju. Key.
Precious. To be excited Jtt \j , x;.itj Qt a ^ -M-

I sold it at a high price. J, uJu iiio by lust.

Arrow shot too ^Ju» ^ i'Ali>j Jii/» To attain puberty (boy). To fly Jii.[
high. to the head (beverage). To be stir-

To boil -^j^QUlj Csi. j£

Jii\ \ ^ red (waves).
(cooking-pot). To ferment (wine). Lust. x'J)^j j£
To boil cocoons for Ji' l4.lt j£
•<> Lustful. jj^h j^^i jJ^
breaking their stiffness. Young man, xiit^j Xji-j oIUp »- >^'
afflicted affected -with
( »T
a To boil (water).
^ * Jfc'lj
; Jit
cold, a
To low
(bull). To shout >it*
To perfume o.'s self with musk
and ambergris.
(wari'iors). Bubbling, boiling of water. oCi^j ji
To speak confusedly. jr»i"J Kettle. Copper-boiler. iyS~-^
Bellowing (of bulls). ^%C>^ -^ X^'CS- Nargileh, u^y^J ^-4^^ 5- -^ o^
Shouts (of variiors). Confused speech. Persian pipe. Ship of war.
To render a. o. *_, $ C^.i j:^t -S- ; Perfume composed of Jijt ^ t)_\i
heavy (digestion). To cover a. th. musk and ambergris.
Td become heavy through Gut a c^ Boiled (wine). Decoction. JLLi, '

bad digestion.
To drink A b«i^ a r-^ij ^>^ i ^^ii "^i-
To cover,
to conceal a. th.
A ^• j Ufc ~o V" *
water in long draughts. To grieve, to afflict a. o. ^ j^'^i'J'
Draught. ^^i ^ «Uij oti^ We had a sultry day. u»^ ^1j '^
To anoint (a bow). * j?^ "^ To be veiled (new moon). To If-
Viscous matter. j^»^. be confused to a. 0. (news).
To put (a * jlU b 'Xi , i o jC^ »• To have long and thick Cit a 'jf^

aword) in the scabbard. hair.

To cover, to repair a. th. »> s^S To grieve 0. a. 2 >(^
To conceal a. o.'s faults. •&
jtijj ol^ To be overcast (sky). ^1
To insert a. th. into another. A ji^il What a grief ^U _,! tJTl. j| J dUil 0»

To put (a sword) in the scab- fit at£ thou hast caused to me !

bard. To fill (a vessel). To assume a stern look.

To forgive ; to cover a. o. with cj ? — To be veiled, covered.
its mercy (God). To be grieved, saddened.
To enter into, to be involved a jui^l^ Grief, sadness, ^^ ^ :^j j-y^ 7! 'J-
in darkness. perplexity.
Scabbard, case, iyS) iUil ^ oii. Suffocating, sultiy day.
sheath. Dark, sultiy night. jj.j
Laden (ship). (m. /".) j^\i. Difficult case.
Filled up with earth ju^l^ ^ Sa>»(i < The head and feet of (a
(well). slaughtered sheep).
Celebrated castle in Yemen. olii* Of a sudden, unexpectedly. lis- "Cjh -^

Scabbard. ji^u; ^ jl;^^ Distress. Darkness. Dust.

To overflow, to *j 5 i^;i jj. -»- Hard, grievous affair.
cover a. th. or a. 0. (water). To over- Long and abundant hair.
whelm a. th. (sea). Thin, whitish v,^ ^
To surpass. -^ To clasp a. o. » — clouds.
To load a. 0. (with favours). ^j 5 — Cold in the head, coiyza. jilii
His heart is j^ |^_, i^a^ a ^^ 1^ Camel's muzzle. V-W^ t <^^
filled with hatred for. Covering. Dull, sultry (day, x^li j. 'J^
To be unlearned, 5j>4ij SjUi o ^t night).
inexperienced. To be abundant (wa- Long, thick-haired. »lit j> 'JS
ter). Without interstice (cloud).
To water (a horse) in a vessel. 5 J^ Sadness. Mishap, cloudy (night). 'Vtp
^^ To heap up (sheaves). To seduce Heated and thickened (milk). ^^^
a. 0. To clasp a. o. Overcast (sky). Grievous, aftiic- •^
To smear her face with jiifeij Jj^i^ — ting-
cosmetic (woman). Overcast, cloudy (sky). Sad, j>y^
( oTY) '/
rage a. o. To find a. o. weak. To engage in a desperate i y\i.

The heat abated and ^1 jluil struggle with a. 0.

allowed me to set out. To drink in a small vessel (man). Jjo

To wink at one another. j>U> To drink little (cattle).
To blame a. o. or a. th. Aj j jiitl. To embrace, to clasp o. a. jiCs -^
Wink, sign with the eye. j^ To plun;/e, to be plunged jiilj _^i,
A wink a hint. ; "ij^ into water. To be drowned.
Weak man. Worth- jui Ij j^ ^ j;.c. To submerge, to ingulf, to A ^"tl.
less cattle. overflow a. th. (water).
Trigger. jiS < Deep of water. Main j^^j jC^ ^ jS
Dimple. o'jCS •> of the sea. Generous ( man ). Fiery
"Vice, defect,weakness. ^'j^:^ (horse). Full (garment).
There is nothing ;l oJ'ta.F' *-5 U Rabble. ,_^u3l ^—
in him to be coveted. No fault is to Bountiful, liberal man. '\yj\j jUjl —
be found in him. Inexperienced, j^] ^ jSi J^,i
Defects, vices. jAiA ignorant-
Suspected, blameworthy. jyJ^ Rancour, secret hatred.
To set (star). C-^' ^i ^
To plunge, to dip J A .^Jj-j ^~^ —
Hatred. Inexperienced.
a. th. into (dye, water). Mixed party of people.
To water (beasts) scantily. f^ ^jjj. Saffron. -^ Sheaf, jCil
To set bricks, stones in cement.
armful. Bosom.
To rush into perils. ^Xs^ Small drinking-cup. j\ii1j jCt ^ jj'
To contend with o. a. in diving. 5 — Deep water, jj^^ jc^i.^i cXjJ- ~>'JJ- -pt

To be plunged, J t_r~^^h ,j^\ abyss; great quantity. Distress,

dipped into. To penetrate into. overwhelming misfortune.
fy To be cemented (brick). o-^'l The pangs of death. o^l cXjJ-
Penetrating (spear-thrust). sj'yS Saffron. Gypsum. Cosmetic made ~a'J^
Momentous, distressful (affair). with saffron.
Perj ury made purposely. ^J^'yJi 1 cj^ I Ignorance coarseness
; ; inexpe- a'JcS
Dark (night). Darkness. Hidden, ,j_a»^ rience.
mysterious. Not yet known (ver- Thick crowd, SjCij SjUij J^i J^
ses). throng.
Thicket of shrubs, reeds. *^i^j
— Overflowing, overwhelming jAi.
Plungeon, diver (bird). ^tS -r •—'C^ (water). Waste ( land). -^ Embra-
Plunged, dipped into, -fy Cemen- ^j^^'Jii- cing, clasping.
ted (stone). Depth of water, abyss. j^
Rushing headlong into (dan- ,j-*U>! Rushing blindly into j^^-^i y}^
gers, war). danger.
To be dim-sighted. Ciit a j-S ^ Watered (tree). Covered with _,*^>»
"^ To scratch a. o. » — dry ears (wheat). Drunken (man).
Dim-sighted. jzj. \ Obscure, unknown. j^ii^
To des- *j 5 i^'J. a ^tj ^'<S i ^ To wink, to make ^ 5 KjS i jS ^
pise, to blame a. 0. or a. th. a sign with (the eyes, eyebrows).
To be ungrateful for a be- i_ii3l — To feel a. th. (with the hand). c_. A-
nefit. To calumniate a. 0. Uj ^ jj.
To calumniate ; to v^ o>^ Jt — To break out (disease). To >*
impute evil to a. o. appear (defect).
Do not charge me falsely. 'It .^^ V To find fault with ; to dispa- j j^

( OTA )
To clisackoowledge (a right), /t ia'S To be blear (eye). Ca^c
To be ungrateful for (benefits). To To contemn a. o.

drink (water) greedily. Blearedness.

To cleave to a. o. (fever). iaiti Liar.
To conceal a. o. (earth). js- iaXiTi Perjury.
To get the best over a. o. s' ICrtl^ Constellation of
<ifter having been overcome by him. Procyon.
fo ovei'come a. o. (in speech), ^n — Bleai'-eyed. uait' ,-

Depi'essed ground. Ja4i Wounded in o.'s belief, *jIp ^/»^ii»

To be (sii- o jii-j a ,^^j o ji* -^ honour.

damp (soil). To be *-3j4i. o (j^itj Usjii- ja'^i, -ft-

To be deep. ( for jU ) jj. -if- hidden, concealed. To be abstruse

To dig deeply. ( for jlt ) jtfc
Damp (ground) ; watery :XJ. j> j^t To j o5Vi ;/- Ja'^ '\j Jati-J Uaii' Jaii-, i

(plant). be compliant with a. o. in (a bar-

Disease of the loins. -^Xj- gain).
Depth. ( for jj. ) jj. <• To penetrate into. j Caii o ja^ i

Deep. JVU r Jcr^ •> To be x^ t;.e-j *-<9^4^ jaii-j a ^j^**^

Having a complaint of the J^U^" depressed (land).
loins. To shut (the eyes). ft, ja'J^j jatS
To cover a. o, (with s ^:J. o jU -^ To render (speech) ambi- .* jsli
clothes) for promoting sweat. guous, obscure.
To cover, to bury a. th. To heap ft, — To close (the eyes) upon, it ja'S h—
up (grapes). To put a. th. in a right To forbear a. th.
state. To fold and bury (hides). To look scornfully C!Ai iijiJI c2xJ-'\
To overlay one another jl^o — at a. 0.

and wither (plants). '<

To be closed (eye). J^<^\

To become corrupt by "^Cj. a J*t Ihave not shut my eyes, ju^ '^y^ ~i\ C»

reason of bandages (wound). Lowland. iJ'ySi u^lii 5- u^-i^ I

To lose its hair in the sand Jii\ Despised, unknown (man). js'S j'i
(hide). Ja\^ \i Jeuja^ J^i^i-J J»L_itJ J'a^
Buried in the sand. >}/-J^j J^^ Twinkling of the eyes. Sleep, j^ij^j
Valley covered with jJ lit ^ Jj^' -^ I have fj) CtfUt jl Oaii ,,j^ ci^i^^ t*
trees. not shut my eyes ; i. e. I remained
Fameless, unknown (man). J^4i> sleepless.

«.!iL_;^ J {m- f ) r^ii riU - r-Ui^ ^ I got that with- j^V^t ic dU'i j^nl
out trouble.
Fickle, unsteady. Obscure (discourse). j^Jt)'^ -r J^j^
To bury (a skin). To u;i o jS ^ Low, depressed (ground). Base, des-
accumulate (grapes). pised (man). Unknown (nobility).

To be buried in (the j ^Uilj o«* ~ Abstruse c-Ua^Vfcj J^i'S^ '^ :i»'r'*

earth). question. Secret, mystery.

To roof jSi Cit i \'^ o U-fc -tt-
^3 ,
Vice, defect. Xia^t
a house with wood and earth. To Blind-man (children's play). X^'-Jii •
cover a. th. Much depressed land. ^»U» ^ ^j<aii»
The sick man jau ^1 Jp ^'J- b ^^ Premeditated sins. oC
fell into a swoon. Closed (eye). Obscure, equivocal
We had a uxX! jl Co^^ ^^J^ Ij ^^•.t.' (word).
gloomy day, a dark night. To despise a. 0. ^ I'u;^ a lijij i Jait ^
( er
To suffer from oppves
sion of the chest.
To be hidden.
to a. 0. (news, affair).
To be dubious
To be
at the point of Swoon, fainting.
Roof made
'Uiij il^'1 ^ '^j 'Up
To distress, to grieve, to counte- s — with reeds and earth.

ract a. o. In a swoon. ij,\ ^ (5. pi.)

Grief, anxiety. JiLitj J?lltj i2j£j Jilt Fainting. *Uf

The sky is over- 'i j\ tU-l)l J
To take a. th. as spoil. cast.
To earn a. th. without fi> i^i. — To speak through the ^ ^ a -5^

ti'ouble.* nose, to snuffle,

To give to a.
booty. To
o. a share of
give a. th. as a free gift.
» ^ To be bushy, lively (with
insects, birds : valley).

To plunder a. th. ; to * ^:t \j J.ti To render (a garden) verdant. oU et>

lay hands on a. th. as spoil. To sing with a melodious voice. '^\

To seize an oppor- i^'Ji\ ^^J.lj ^i\ To buzz (insect). To hum (man). To
tunity. be filled (skin).
Earning obtai- ^ui ^ j^J jt^ij^ To render (a branch) flowery a —
ned without work. (God).
Prey, booty, spoil. Nasal voice: twang. Gentle voice. <St
Sheep, ewes, goats, Sound of a stone.
Numerous flock. Humming of insects. cS'^^
The utmost of thy Speaking through the nose, .ui ^ '^\
ability is to do so Very populous ( village ). Luxuriant
Shepherd ; owner of sheep. ^ilt (garden).
Taking spoil. Succeeding x^jCs- > vl^ Round lines of ^ij^ ^ tJt' — ^^ -}}-

without trouble. the corners of the mouth.

To stay (in a place). k_, ^j '^i. ^i •« To drink in taking Cut a d-^ -J^
To be constant in love Si^lJ iJ
— breath at each draught. To be pi'one
with a. 0. to evil (soul).
To marry. To be satisfied
i5* a ^p To coquet to ; ^Zj (kit a r-^ -»-

with her husband (wife). flirt. -^ To be over-affected, lacka-

To be free from want, suj-j ki^ a J^p
wealthy. To spoil, to fondle (a child). ^ ,^ .^
To be satisfied with. Flirtation. Coquetry. ^Ci-j ?tJpj ?«iit'

To do without a. th. ^ Grimace, simper.

coo (pigeon).
render a. o. wealthy. »
flirt. -^
{in. f.) ^Oi.,,,;^^
Foppish, simperer.
^ ^
To sing ; to recite wJ ^jijj *J ^ J* Hedge-hog. -^^
verses. Lackadaisical, mincing. ^yj^ -^

To praise, to blame a. o. Badger. j^Ci ,r ^f- »

To do instead of, to satisfy Fat, soft y.cJpj joIt' - jxi- -»
a. 0. ( child ).

That will be of
use to thee.
no Gli dUt ^ C* \jJ> To be over-affected in dress,
in deportement. To be foppish, to

He filled for him the C)!>Vs «C/ iip ^^il Affectation in dress. tys^ -fy

place of such a one. Fop. Coxcomb. »j^Ci ^ ji'^i <•

This man has been <uL o>ii j>t1 u Dandy
useless. Gunsmith *s?*»-*^ sr JSt^"^
( or- )
towards the ground (braucli). To be, to
Supple, lithe. Swift (horse). ^'^ become rich.
Bi'oad (camel). To be ; to be in no
self-sufficient l\£
To go j j^l> j(t1j j>'j 0> J^ ^ ,
need of a. o else.
down to (a low country). To do without a. th., to ^ i^l
To penetrate J IjUtj ^'jj^i Oi^ o — want no... To dispense with.
li.to. To ask God to grant wealth. '.i1 —
To deepen, to scrutinise 'A J — Sufficiency, adequacy. oCitj kja j^^
a. th. carefully. He cannot do \,':^ j\ ^ *1£ ij \j>

To sink, to be lost j^j \'j^ o jii ,

without it.

in the earth (water). To be intensely Wealth, sufficiency. 'Oij J*

hot (day). To halt to ahght at
: Song, oVtIj "j^l ^ *^tb "^h-,'^,
noon lor rest (traveller). time.
To sink in its socket Ijj^j lj*_^'
— Rich, wealthy. o"ij 'C^l ^ ^
(eye). Needing no orna- oCJIpj >'>=•' 5r ^'•^
To set (star). j^i Sji'i^i 00* ~ ments, modest, chaste (woman).
To bestow benfits ^j s \'jLi-^ o J^ Place of abode. oU/i ^ Ji*
upon a. o. (God). He cannot do without Ji;; iip iJ >
To succour, to aid a. o. Jj 5 — it.

(God). That place is fit o^^ ^ ^'i^ \J^ o^/-

To defeat, to throw back (the j
j^ for such a one.
To conceal a. th. To cause ^ — filled the place of such a one.
(springs of water) to disappear. Singer.
^^ s^Ii/S

To make a raid to in (the ip jUi^b To overlook, to be ^t C^ a ^^^ ^

enemy's country). unmindful of a. th.
To come to a. o. for j I.
j\ ^ j\sS To joui'uey in darkness. <.J^\
seeking help. Unintentionnally, at hap hazard. Cji
To run swiftly, to gallop (horse). j\sS Intense darkness. Dark waUp' ^ ^i^
To make reciprocal raids. To y^\£ (night). Of a deep black (horse).
urge horses against o. another. Unmindful, heedless. Weak.
To settle in a low ajOc^\ Jjc:L\ Bustle of a fight. *ljji
country. To become fat (cattle). To Crowd, press. '^'^j *f-lc- — _>* -^
become swollen (wound). Locusts beginning to fly. Rabble. 'Vj.^
To ask (God) to 5 IjiyzJ,!. j;^l^ Riot, quarrel, confusion.
render a counti'y fruitful. To i *Jj^j vii-\izM-\j ,(J_^ cj\i- "S"

Hole, cavern, cave, ollntj j\'^\ -r J^i- help, to assist a. 0. To rescue a. 0.

Lowland. Bottom of the palate. Pit To cry for help. df>^
of the chin. Zeal. Laurel-tree. Nume- God has relieved us *ji»lr, '"jil UJl*1
rous army. in his mercy.
The two armies dashed oOU)l iill^ To ask the succom- of ^j s oUf-li,
together. a. o.
Raid on horseback, c\j\s. ^ o'Js. Cry for help, cj\'^j oI^'j o^
inroad, predatory incursion, razzia. Rescue, help, d-i^'j ^Jli^lj o'^J >^'j^
Navel. Gallop, quick run of a horse. succour.
To pour horsemen for a SjU)l '^ Call for help. *iUs-ll.
hostile incm-sion. To bead the body ^^j (UyT o ^^Vt -{^

Bottom of a. th. Low ground. jjl in walking ( man, horse). To incline

C er\ ) \^^
-. Deep. W^ ° Invidious. Deep in knowledge yj^\ :
Marjoram (plant). ^^ P able.
To take »j s Jvit \j V>' o Jvt. «-
Sinking into the earth S'^ j S^
a. th. away unexpectedly. To cause (water).
a. o. to perish (wateiiesB land). To Noon. Mid-day sleep, siesta. ;^vt
intoxicate a. o. (wine). Sun. Mid-day nap. I'j^
To eat voraciously. Sy> -^ jj U^ sr »J^J a'j^J
Cj\'j\i*J J^J j^
To hun-y iu (an affair). j Jjii Cavern, cave, grotto.
To assume various colours, J^ Making frequent j^y^ ^ j^'j^j jjSii'
shapes. To be confused ( affair). To raids ;
be wayless (de.sert). To purpose a. th. » C>'o ji'p ^
To destroy a. o. (ogre). s — •^ Gaz. Petroleum. oO*^ t j^^
Lock of a door. Jli -^ To talk nonsense. ^^t' a
Headache. Intoxication. Per- J^ Locust-eating bird. J'j^ y. "^
plexity, anxiety. Extensive desert. Discordant sound. Bustle, iijt'-^ —
He fell in a perplexing yjd. '^'^ Jl uproar.
case. Glass bracelets. oCsJ^t o
Unforeseen mis- o>^s*j Jl^l ?- J^
fortune, accident. Demon. Ogre. To dive, to plunge, to sink into
Genius assuming various shapes. (water).
a Snake. To deepen, to examine a. th. jc —
Alkauet (plant). J^l u*: minutely. To come suddenly upon
Secret murder. xLs; a. th.
Unforeseen (misfortune). jjvi. To dip, to plunge a. 0. into j 5 ^^
Destructive (desert). JJ 1^ ^ iUCs. (water.)'
Misfortune. Wickedness, mischief. Diving, plun- u^\'^j <ovi ^ ^3,(i
Sword-stick, dagger. J^a ging. Artful.
Loss, ruin. l)Cu Going deep in (sin ). j—
To allure s ^s'J-hJj^j 'J^ . i j'J--ii- Diver (bird). Pearl-diver. u^'S^
to evil, to seduce, to mislead a. o. Diving-place. ^j^CU
To be seduced, <jl}i a
jj-j tf i ^s'Ji Abstruse, deep ( for ^joiji^ )
^i^ •
misled to err. To be disappointed.
: (speech).
To suffer indigestion j'^ a J^ To sink in (the sand : 0>y^ y^ -ft-

(young camel). <> To be covetous.' foot). To be concealed, depressed.

To curdle (milk). • iS''J- fi> To sink, to deepen a y^j A J?^^ —
To coalesce against. it ^j\£ (a well).
To be seduced, misled. < To tS^^'l To enter into. j J^t
incline towards. To be allured by. To swallow (food) in large 1»^
To deceive, to lead asti'ay. 5 i^^iS-ll, mouthfuls.
To seduce a. o. To relieve the bowels. .fc^
I spent the night hungry. ^'^ c-> To vie with a. 0. in plunging. i,jU5
Error, wi'ong course. '^J'^j 'J"'
To be bent (wood). J,uil_

Error, -l^ Thing oC^ ^ *^ ^ :ut

coveted. Depression of land.
Natural, unlawful child, ts'^j 'd jij Young camel. i»jU. o
Allurement, deceit. -yjS Depressed land. Garden. Privy. Ja;(i
Seducer. Satan. o/S^j c\'J. ^ J^ Human excrement, faeces.
Small head. j\i, ^\'^ Surroundings of Damascus. xi?^
Water-skin. !^j '^ Fruitful valley.

C err )

The invisible world. v^'^ J^ Led into error, oCij C^jtj ^j j[,\t

Absent. disappointed. Following his passions.

ojiJ.Vi'j v^-J '-^-' vr^ f »r^-''^
Third person {gram.).
^ Bj
heart, by me- ^S^^ Jtj ^ Snare, pitfall, trap.
rous place.
Dange- oC '»i/J

Depressed, low oQitj »_(li ,- *j'^ Misleading, deceiviog, _^j ]^

gi'Aund. Thicket. Forest. Spear, I spent the night ^ji'j Ci^^'' Cj
liaokbiting, slander. i-t hungry.
Grave. i_)Ct To set up (a flag, 4> Cilj ufc — j^ -»•

The roots of the trees. _,>ljt i-jL/j — a limit).

Covert. Screen. cA>S:f- -r "^SJ- To brandish (a sword). ^ Ut
The bottom of a pit. ^1 :4Ct To be motionless (clouds). To uti
By default (sentence). 'J.Cfr attain the utmost degree in a. th.
Sunset. ^ ;-l<1 ,_^i;: Aim, purpose. Flag, ^(ij oCu ^ X>\s,
Whose husband is absent i-iij _-ii standard. Utmost limit, maximum.
(woman). Exceedingly. :cjU, d_, iub, ••
To water the earth » Oji i otfc -Ji- The utmost of thy lir Jiij o1 •il^'^
( rain, God ). ability is to do so.
To be watered by rain c_cf; Light of the sun-rays. Cloud. XiiS
(earth). Shadow.
To become fat (camel). c.^ A. th. to which a limit is set. ui^
Abundant rain. Herbage o^' ^ t^ ^ C^i^j Qjl-i^j v"^ "^
*rc^j y^s%.J ^^ i

springing up after rain. Cloud. To be absent, remote, hidden from.

Bees. oji" <-J^. i To set, to disappear v^^j C^ —
Pouring abundant rain (cloud). .^ (sun, moon).
Swift-running (horse). ^J^ /> He lost his mind. v_jI>oJI ^s- ijifc
Yielding much water •j:i. ii,ii To be j xljfc J '5't%J ^Sr^J "^.J^-i v't^ i
(well). hidden, concealed in.

Watered by rain •^y^i <i-4^ To backbite a. o. » »_;Uilj *rlt —

(ground). To render unapparent : to Aj y w!fc
To be thin, pliant iXt a o-t -^ remove, to conceal a. o. or a. th.
(bough). To bend the neck from fa- To learn a. th. by heart.
if- A—
tigue or softness. May he be buried in his iJCi i::!t
To bend the body in <iLL» j jjU; grave
walking. To address a. o. absent. 5 .J'jjs.
Softness, suppleness. Bending of jufc To have her husband absent: ^\^\
the neck. (woman).
Come on Make haste.
! .xi jut To absent o.'s self, to go ^J^, ^
Young, tender and cj\i\i. ^ sSvi away from.
pliant bough. Soft young woman. To glide away, to escape. ^'j\£
Young, tender, o-t ^ ^'j:1 ^ jut'l Absence, remo- ,.^.»j t-jCt j <u^j ^'f
pliant (bough). Young and slender val from a place.
(youth). Hidden things; fate. o^ltj k_,Ct .^ ^jj.
Bloom of youth. tjCJJl olXt We fell in a jJCt _ji :_:^c j I'Jjj
To be js. |jU.j ijjtj s^yT a j^ -» depressed ground.
jealous of. In the presence and I'lj - ij Ci

To grudge a. o. ^— absence.
To pay the bloodwit to. i jUj tjjt — , i The Knower of secret and ^'^ I ^ li
To supply a. o. with provisions. hidden things i. e. God.
^TV )
dt C

To haunt thickets (lion). jaS^ To bestow ( rain, ^ t ijC* i Ji.

Small quantity, decrease, falling ja'S wealth) upon a. o. (God).
off. Foetus not yet complete. To change, to barter, to ex- J^ fit,

Covert of oliufcj Jo'Cs-\j j^is-^ ^r i^^jfr change. To alter, to corrupt a. th.

lions. Swamp covered ^^ith trees. To barter a. th. 5 Ij'^j sSjU^ ^(*
Thicket. with a. 0.
Pool. joAi^ ^ j^i To excite the jealousy of a. o. j j\j^
To enter, to hide o.'s j Ck-t' i yd- -H- To be altered ; to undergo a J^
self in. change. •> To be emaciated, altered
Garden, lowland. Jalfc in health.
Dispute. <J^Ui To be jealous of 0. a. To be j\£
To s Jililj ^Ji.j ^j , (J^ i J^'i « different, unlike (tilings).
distress, to enrage a. o. Difference, change. jCtI ,r -d^
To become intensely hot (day), .biij Other, else, different. Lie. Not at jjjT

To become angry, JiCilj JJuJij Ja^ all. Except. Without.

enraged. And so on, et cretera.
Outbreak of anger. Rage. J»C& j ^iS Another tban thou came
Offence. to me.
Anger, irritation. iiC^I. Adultered, altered.
Angered, enraged. iiOU^j J»Ui;!j u.i; There is but one man ^tt V ^^j s?-*^
To have ui^j
branches dependent to the right
Ij Cu^' i Jii -» ,

took no
my house, and nobody else.
'^'v J lAjit'^ h'Jis I

and left (tree). more than ten of them.

To act in cowardly at war. ,jCi They came all but o>^ 3it'^V2)l -'^
To incline (a bough). ;*> jul one.
To bend the body in walking ^Xij Without that. dlj'i^' -^ j\ j\j^.

(man, horse). To be wrinkled. But, yet, still, nevertheless. 0I j^

Sweet-fruited tree. jl[^ Changes of fortune. j\&
Flight of birds. ^ y.f . Jealousy. Zeal, emulation. Sjjfe

Bending, soft( plant, youth). Soft ^Xp'1 Blood-price. Provision of ^5% ?- «3jc
(life). wheat.
Long-bearded. ^Ci Barter. Exchange. Mark in jCs.,

To squander (goods) ^ j^ _ j^j, ^ dress distinguishing non-Moslems.

away. < Emaciation, alteration in health.
To change o.'s mind. To be ^Yj j — Emulation.
Aquatic bird. Kj\i.j J^ Zealous, jealous.
Crow.^ Jli -^ Ticklish.
To vu j^ 1^
'\j 'C]\i.\^jaij -k^ i Jvi- -«-
, Intermittent (fever). Digestive
.suckle (a child : pi-egnant woman). (power).
To be dense (tree). To bring j:S.'\ Altered, <• Pale, emaciated. j(isi>
forth twice a year (ewe). Watered by rain (land). j^^jj^sS
To be tangled (tree). Jlii-llj jli7 Very^ealous. -^Un whole -j5_,Ci;J ^ jCi»
To deceive a. o. treacherously, i Juil^ some (climate, water).
To do mischief to a. o. unawares. To J^\jo\j j^'j , Ci>UJ_) Gait i J^ii' -^
Lock. ^va :r Jti-
->• decrease ; to be scanty (water). To
Milk 6f a pregnant j^' abate (price).
j^^jj j^
woman. To lessen, to dimi- A> jsS^Sj J^J o^^
Streamlet running on the J^' Jii nish a. th.
e : :

( ri ) ^
To be clouded (sky). Jj\^ ^ii\ ,
surface of the earth. Valley full of
To be affected with a bur- ^(i. ^j springs.
ning thirst (camel). Tangled tree. Bed J^'_, Ji^l ^ j^
Cloud. Angei'. Thirst.
Dense (tree).
^jit' ^ ^ of reeds, thicket. Covert of a lion.
Valley watered by a stream.
Vehemently thirsty ^^ j, JijS Shift, craft, treason. xLi-
(camel ). He has slain him treache- 'tx^ ilrj
To be thirsty. To be C^' i o<p * rously.
oppressed (mind). Suckling in pregancy j,iij j^i^j iuCt
To feel a lively <j& jt ojilj Oif-, (woman).
emotion. Secret hatred. i)U^j , JJ 1^ ?- *i' **

To covor (the sky: cloud). * cJ^S Evil.

The 1^ ^'' letter of the alphabet, ojt Haunting a thicket. Lion: jtS
Cloud darkening the sky. Sweet lote-tree. o5C* >l P
Dense trees. *jLf Suckled in pregnancy. J^'j JU^
Matter flowing from a corpse. *U; Haunting a thicket (lion). ju.i^j j:i»
L^ng. Green. ojt ^ ^tif j. o\i] Tangled (tree). Jui*
Green and tufty (tree). 'Cji

He has forged ^ijQ ^ctrsl- I

cJ\i * Prelixed particle expressing :
a calumny against ihe. 1° Order, uninterrupted succession.
He is lonely in his opinion, ij Ij,^ o'6*l And then, after :

To hit a. 0. in the s \i\s a iM -^ He confined him in prison, iliai illi

heart. To affect a. o. (heai't-disease). and then killed him.
To dishearten a. o. (fear). Zeyd came first, then j^^s tx'/j t\».

To bake (bread) in hot ashes. — fi> Amrou.

To roast (meat) in jti\ j itxilj — fi> Day by day, year iLlS 'jiX , C-^s C»^
the fii"e. after year.
To be affected with lals a -usj iV^ -J^^,
2° Change of subject. And then :

heart-disease. To be struck in the He questioned him, and JisS ij\s

teart. the latter answered.
To be moved (heart ).To blaze ( fir e).i\A) 3° Causality, result of an action :

To light (a fire). M{ If you love me, 6ji^y^ <AAt^ J^'^ ^\

Appendages of the sxa'l ^ il^ you must consequently fnlJow me.
oesophagus as the lungs, liver. Heart. 4° In order to :

Mind, ioul. Pay me a visit, that '^i^'i j, jj

Bread baked in hot juj isl ^ ij^l 1 may honour thee.
ashes. ^^^here is thy house, iJjjjlS dlrij 'i)\
Fire-place for roasting, baking. Mrii that 1 may vi-sit thee.
5"^ Therefore after the interroga-
Wooden poker. Roasting-spit. tive 1

Wounded in the heart. Having s/ykj^ Thou hast then seen him. i^^'^l
a heart-disease. Baked , toasted, 6'' When
following \A it is expletive
roasted (in the fire). Faint-hearted. As to the dead, they Oj^ja^» (i]*i)t u1
To dig the earth. a \j\i a jU -K- shall rise.
To bruise, to
e /b
cS>j,'ci o i,> -fr
C )

To bury a. th. under ground.

crush, to crumble a. th. with the To be full of rats (placo). \'J\i a 'ji>

Angers. Rat, mouse. y^j ^'Ji^j ^(jni ^ j\j

It is a heart-rending oJCll 'zJuj^\ Musk.
event. Pilosella., mouse-ear (plant). J\ji\ ^l af
Itweakened him. Musk-vesicle. 23*^3^ J\i

To be brayed, crushed- Mouse. -^ Carpentei"'s plane. SjVs

To be crumbled. Spoiled by rats (milk, food ). ;' :3 _,

Crumbling. Fissure, cleft in a rock.iJ Abounding with rats (land).s3u'ij z'Ja
Dispersed (family, tribe). cSj ZAi c^ Fenugreek cooked fjij Z'j'jij Z'J.»

Dry dung used as fuel. Lump ;fij :^SJ with dates.

of dates. To sti'ike. to cut fin CU a ^l» -H-
Crumbs of bread : cJtS ^ *^j , oVi;* (wood) with a pick-axe.
particles (of wool). To strike a. 0. with an axe. To s —
Crumbled bread ; Cyil'j ^^i ^>^ strike a. o. on the back of the head.
crushed. Pick-axe. Hoe. u~J>i'j ltJ'^ -r w-M
To prevent (camels) from /6> cJi* -i:i- Constellation of Ursa minor. Town
(juenching their thirst. -^ To bray, of Fez in Morocco.
to crumble a. th. Projecting part of the back ^'l^) —
To be bruised, crumbled. c^ii' of the head.
Whispers. c-iC5 To sob. Dl> a jti »-
To put out (the fire). A ifs a !:» -W- Sobbing. _ji^
To put a stop to a. th. To make uj » J)5 <j J \i - JU -K-

To forget a. th. ^ ijs a *^ a. 0. to augur, to divine a. th.

He has not jii: t'il C«j \s» Uj 'jj C» To draw v_, J^ii.:\ -^ j jUij Jt\jjj J\jd

ceased doing it. a good omen from. To bode well of

Penny-royal [aromatic ^,Ji — ?»--> ^ a. th. <> To be superstitious.
plant). Good omen, JjU^j Jj^lj Jj'^ «• JU

To open (a door, a fSt -^

fi> ^Stj , i^ia augury. -^ Superstition.
an outlet). To give vent to water. May no evil fortune befall dx'JJ- J\S V
To conquer ( a country). To A 9^:9 thee.
take (a stronghold). To begin, to Game of children,^puzzle. Jdj
undertake (a conversation, an affair). To fill its ^
^ U;j C\l a ^j
>.ls -^ ,

To part (the legs). To mark a letter mouth with herbs (camel).

with a fatha. To explain ( a diffi- To quench thirst with (water ).^ji^y\s
culty). To widen fa pack- A jy\j ^*l_s
To judge between (two parties ).iv — saddle, a bucket). To fill (a vessel).

fy To open a bargain. To _,lzJI ^.:» Numerous party. ^L^

a price.
offer They have cut it in pieces. C»^3 S^iL*
To draw an omen. Ju)l — To strike, to fi, C iSj IjU a jU -»
To reveal a. th. to. To inform it — cleave a. th. To split (the head) with
a. 0. of. To favour a. 0. To facilitate a sword. -^ To lance (an abscess).
a. th. To give victory over a. o. To alight upon a depressed Ji^]
(God). ground. To wound the head so as
To help a. o. (God), jc. iilisj urs — to lay the bone bare.
<-To open (the bowels medicine), a ^-.l: To be split, ci'acked (vessel). t?tij\

To begin a dispute with a. o.^j » -r^ To be opened, uncovered.

To send summons to. To address a. 0. Cleft, chink, gap. Nari'ow-pass. jU
first. To bargain with a.o. without Party of men. ojij o'-5 ^r *-^

The opening letter i. e. buying. To undertake ( an afifaii'

s'\ indeed. with. To know (o.'s wife).

</ Opening of a market ;

To open To be ^ij|_j 9^!iJ
first sale of the day. opened. -^ To be opened (mind).
Magazine, treasury. »i5vi» ^ <ri'iu' To open o.'s heart, to ^^^1 j riiij
Key. 7(c^U^ 5r 9-^~i^ J rJ U* 5- 90i^ 1
pour out o.'s sentiments. To make
Opened. Conquei*ed (country). ^_^ a show, a display of science.
Marked with fatha (letter). ^ Light To speak secretly 0.
J^^ (n.yS' I^Uj
(colour). to a.
•^ Open-minded (child). ^j t^cj' To be opened. 7C^\
To have weak, relaxed, litis a i^S ->i-
To conquer (a country). A rcisl.

supplf (limbs) : weak knees (camel). To open (a door). To ^ ;r.itJ-lj —

To bend and A ^tlij ^^ a ^i ,
commence a. tb.
stretch (the fingers, the toes). To open (an assem- >_, * jniiS— Ij
To be fatigued. rCi\ bly). To inaugurate. To undertake.

To put ringlets on the fingers, ^.1^ to begin (an affair) with.

on the toes (woman). To open the sale with ^ Tt^iiJ. \

Weakness of the legs. Anklet. ^ (merchant ).

Abscess, swelling. To ask the explanation of » ^^cJcu.y

Finger- Cj\ic:»j i'J^sj rc^ t o^rsj Xiuj (a text).

ring toe-ring. Ring without a stone.
: To ask the lielp of a. 0. 5 —
Claws of a lion. jliSIi ^_^i Opening, beginning. ^^^J f^*
Having supple, ^» ^ 'litis ^ ^dil Fatha, vowel-sound equal to a ^a
weak, relaxed (limbs). To be crook- short a : vowel-sign.
footed. Victory, conquest of a ^jii ^ -r^i

To become _nijj , \Jcij \jji3 o i -ns -S- counti'y. First rain. Help of God.
remiss after vigom'. To become te- Watercourse.
pid, lukewarm ( water). Conquered countries. Victories. cj\s-_y^

To be remiss (in work). ^— Sign of a fatha ( — )• otis

To abate, to cool (heat ). sS^j \jyA — Succom'. Victory. iiU:s
To become languid (body, (^^^ \jjri — Sentence of a judge. <i-\:»j as^Gs

look). Litigation.
To render (water) luke- a jli They are at law ; they o\»C;i Cjiii
warm. Tc cause (the heat) to abate dissent.
(God). Large orifice ; wide-mouthed ^ij
To render a. o. weak, 5 Ji>\j J^ (flask).Open (door).
remiss, languid. Display, show of science, ^c^ -^ litis

To be weak-sighted. J^ ^ Of a light colour. -tCS*

To become submissive (horse). j^iL-\ Beginning, exord. t^I^s ^ K>j,\i

Langour, weakness, remiss- j^j J;^ First chapter of Ucis6\ o4^sj ^ijOiJI
ness. Tepidity. the Coran.
Half a span, space between the Jii First rain in the spring. ^yS
thumb and the fore-finger. Having a wide orifice to the ^ — ^
Mat made of palm-leaves. J& teats (she-camel).
Langour, faintness. olSns ^ "i'J^ Opener. Conquerer, victorious. ^K^
Interval between two fits of fever, Judge. Wide (tent).
between the missions of two pro- God. ' ^tl3l
phets. Interregnum. Truce. Opening, inauguration. ^iJj y^<^\
Torpedo-fish. jo^ — Preamble, introduction.

embark I'c^shly (id an affair). To act Weak. Remiss, languid. ij\3 ^

rashly. Lukewarm (water).
To rush blindly uito. To per- J i^is Lukewarm (water).
severe in. To be ski'ful in (a ci-aft). To inspect, ^j » jJ^j ,<iji ^1 i

To murder a. o. treacherously. ^ — to scrutinise a. th. To inquire

To wound, to kill by surprise. about. -^ To search for.
To card (cotton). •> ii5i Search, inspection. j:
To embark rashly in (an affair), a ^i^ Investigator, scrutini.ser.
To compete with a. o. in skill. ^ — Rocket, fusee. xkl
To assault a. o. openly. To keep Inspector.
constantly to a. o. To pay to a. o. To tread upon. To a Ci3 a ^» -tt-

th3 price agreed upon. grind a. th.

He followed his own way in a^\, ^i-i To be ground between the mo'ar f3ju
the affair. teeth.
Ra.^hues,?. Unruliuess. Violence, d^i ( opp. to
Jjj ) A j!ij Coa o j:j -H- ,

Treacherous murderer. ^^ ^ di^iS To break, to slit. To disjoin, to disu-

Felon. nite. To unsolder. To unsew (a gar-
To twist (a rope, /b jiij ,yc» i jii -^ ment). To put leaven in (dough).
a thread). To set people at variance. ov ^^i
He has caused him to ^\j'^ J^» To yield a good crop (land). Ca» a j?*
change his mind. To con-ect, to render j^y§^\ j^»
To avert (the face) from. (language) clear.
^ To turn a. o.'s brain. To have fat (cattle). To have a j5j1
To be twisted. fine weather. To pierce the clouds
(sun). To reach a place not rained
He turned away from
his prayer.
jj^^i ^ jrilt
Parting of a camel's legs. To be swollen in the flanks jSiJij jS^
Thread. (cattle). To be slit, unsewed, disjoi-
Seed-ves.?el, blossom of the j:i ned.To be cracked (hand). To clear
mimosa J^ and y^z. • away (clouds).
Fruit of the mimosa iai/^ Slit, rent. Disunion. jpj
It will yuA ici j\ Slis iUp
j\ ^j b» ils! Place spared by the rain. j^s ^ —
be of no avail to thee. Rupture, hernia. j(Xi <>-j —
<•Crookedness, unstraight- JUiJl, Daybreak, dawn. jSjj —
forwardness. Calamity drought, scarcity.
; jj^
Twisted (thread). Jj^i^j J-a Year of little rain. j_^i j'i ;^C6
Rope of OVLaj JJ,Us f, <L:»j J_is Great lump of leaven. Sun pier- Jioj
palm-fibres. Pellicle of a date-stoue. cing the clouds. Mixture of perfu-
Wick. Dirt of the skin rolled be- mes, medicines.
tween the fingers, a Flask. Shining (dawn). Sharp (sword), j^
n Amianthus. iL:i!l _^> Swollen (camel).
Rope-weaver. Nightingale. Jus Sharp-torjgued. oUill —
Having parted legs jii ^ >>V:» j. J;i1 Sharp-tongued (woman). xsiiiij j:i
(camel). He is the supreme J5'^lj Ji^ll >*
Insti'ument for twisting ropes, jxi/i ruler {lit. splitting and repairing)
Strongly twisted ( thread, J—iL^ Pierced, split. Ruptui'ed. o/^
wick). King. Blacksmith. Door-keeper. ^^
Strong in make (man). jiiji ^}Jd^ Carpenter.
^ Semolina. :^ii To di^i\j , ifjij (SJ^j (s^, i viA:i -^

Youth. Generositv. Manly

[~^ To burn

a. th. To
melt, A bij
S^^J i cr^ -K-

qualities. to assay (gold, silver).

To rouse 5 ^^Ij o%»j , 0_^j CJS i c^
Decision of sacred law. a. 0. to rebellion. To decoy, to se-
Consultation on a point of law.»ui;J.I. duce, to allure, to enamour a. 0.
To put to the test, Sj Cjj^j *i|

Young Youth, 'jjj ^j^jj ^sj
slave. to try a. 0. To deceive a. o.
Youthful. Brave, generous. To be tried by misfortunes. oj*
Morning and evening. c'lriJI To be seduced, ena- d0^j iinsij —
Full- cXp»J Ol~J :r pCli* »i^ eClJ moured.
grown girl. -^ Maid-servant. To rouse a. o. to rebellion. 5 ofc*l^
D Prostitute, strumpet. J>y 'r *-i^ To be seduced, enamoured. To J^i
Young (jamel). 'UjIj ^uj ;, :^!rs ^ js join in a riot. To be excited to
Youthful. revolt.
Cadet, younger. More generous. ji'\ State. Species. ons
Mufti, doctor, expounder of the zJ>J' Life is two-sided. oOiS ^^iiJI

law of the Koran. Assaying of metals : trial, cAk -^ i^i

To scatter (dates) from * £j *^» ^ test. Allurement, seduction. Discord,
a basket. riot, disturbance. Civil war. Women.
To be broken-hearted (man). Impiety, unbelief. Sin. Chastisement.
They have been beaten, subdued. i^Ssl Madness. A kind of Mimosa.
Miijet-bread. Colocynth-seeds. '^ tf- Acacia-flower. lis
Scattered dates. ci _^4.j Misleading. Disturber. ^losj .0^ ror,'^
Multitude, abundance. <il/f Tempter, seducer. Alluring, capti-
To cool (anger). A lis a iSS -fJ- vating.
To temperate (cold . A I'^^j vis
— Goldsmith : silversmith. oUl
To allay the boiling of a cooking- The devil. otlll
pot with cold water. Gold and silver coins. oO^I
To remove, to avert a. o. ^A— Touch-stone. sjus
from. Burnt (silver). Black stones. o^
To be tired, jaded. \^\ Ground burnt by the sun. cns ^ —
To alight, to abide in a place. ^ — Trial, temptation. Excited to o^ii>»
To abate (heat). 'iSl'lj
— revolt. Tried by misfortunes. Temp-
To dimini.?h a. th. a GJs o r-^ -J^ ted, seduced. Mad.
To allay the heat of (water.) To surpass a. 0. in ge- » \^ o Gs -^
To be overburdened, ^ij ^Ij r^»j — nerosity.
fatigued. To be youthful, Ju7j J^j a jS , ^
Inexhaustible sea. r^^"^ J>o, full-grown. To be brave, generousr
Pregnant (she-camel). t4iS* ?r rA"^ To be kept apart G^ cJijj sl^ c^l*

Golden, silver, or metal jyls — ^ -ft- from boys (girl). To attain puberty.
tray. Marble-table. Disk of the sun. To give to a. 0. a decision of J » jil
Carpet. sacred law (mufti).
To break (the head). /b CtS a >i» -5^ To assume the air of a J^j J^
To part <^^j, Cnj C» ^Ij ,
laj o ^ -{$• young man (girl, old man). To make
the legs. a show of generosity.
To strain (a bow-string). fi. ^J They appealed to (the mufti) Jl IjJui
To have the knees, hocks (U>.» a ^ for decision.
wide apart (man, beast). To ask (a judge) to give a s ^zJi.\
To walk in parting the legs. To ^il decision of sacred law.

Jf (»r
every side (misfortune). mute (ostrich). To travel in a nar-
^To burst out, to be blown -r?**''t
up (machine, powder). To tear (the earth with the ^ A ^1
To dissipatebefore (dawn night). :
^— ploughshare).
To forge ^>VfeOI Jj 'j-H^S J^=^\ To walk with parted legs. ^Js
speech. To be strained (bowstring). ^L'l.
Bountifulness. Benefit. Wealth.
J^ Mountain-road rr^j ?r^? , rr ^
Daybreak, dawn. Dawn-prayer. Jf^ ravine.
Morning-star, Lucifer. J>^\ ^i'^T Water-melon. ^
Lie. Vice : sin. I'J^ Crude, unripe (fruit). ^ -^j *fUi^ •^
He has forged a lie. s^i.j ^fj < Peevish.
"Wide part of a valley into J^ ^ e'J>^ Parting of the legs. ,^
which water flows.

Straddling. ^ ^ .bJ ^ r-*'?

Outlet j^jc^j ,
_^li» ^ ojSiM^j j^t^j Intervening space, interstice. :c|e»

for water. He straddles. L.\ii ^^t^

"Wickedness, dissoluteness, jGJj jy^ To answer peevishly. To be ^-J^ -H-
debauchery, impiety. talkative.
Paths, ways. jVi^l Talking disorderly, clamorous, ^li^
Four days of the sacred jiaU'l j>tj \:f\ij .e-\3tij SL-?tb 'i?«* a *j?Jj lia -W-

months in which the Arabs waged To fall upon a. o. unex- 5 "^b

war. pectedly, to surprise a. 0.

To be surprised by sudden j>y

Declining. Libertine, profligate. Liar. death.
Adulterer. Wicked. Sorcerer, wizard. To take a. 0. in the very fact. » vial
< 111-uatnred, foul-mouthed. s^?. v* jkj>- iS Surprise, unexpected event. s«lia
To act proudly, ^^7j C0 o ^^ -^ Sudden (death).
to assume a haughty mien. Of a sudden, unawares. sUtlj sUJ
To overcome a. o. 5 — Surprising (lion). jt^h 'jt;'^
To boast falsely. ^j-^\ To cut. to cleave. J^j ij^^ o J-Cs -S-
fi> ,

To show haughtiness i*.

^jjfi^ To give vent to (water).
towards a. o. To open (a channel) to. To A J>i
To distress, to afflict i ;,^j,uij a ^ -S- make dawn to gleam (God).
a. o. (loss in goods, family). To deviate from j^.!! \jjiS o J>^ ^
To be distressed by a loss jj ^ ^J justice.
in (good.5 or family). To lie.To act immoral- \'jy>^i yj>i —
To be painfully affected, distressed.;i^7 ly. To commit unlawful actions. To
To compassionate a. o.'s o>^ — be weak-sighted.
sufferings. To oppose, to rise against, to jf —
To be greedy, glutton. contradict a. o. To disbelieve a. th.
Gluttony. To commit adultery with.
Misfortune, loss of pro- To show generosity. l^ a ^aj
perty, of dear ones. To enter upon the time of day- j^\
Terrible and unexpec- ^y>^i ^^^Vt o^/* break. To be or become dissolute.
ted death. To find a. 0. to be vicious, pro- j —
Woman crushed by mis- ^.^.va ^\y>{ fligate, rebellious.
fortunes. To open its way and flow jkH\j ^j
;,>.\'J> ^ i;^\i freely (water). To break (dawn).
To become y,^ a J?Jj !A^ o jiS * To act bountifully. ^^SCsL Jkju\j —
soft, fleshy. To come upon a. 0. from jt Jijj[
To sit in parting the legs.
( *i-

enlarge a. th.
^ ^ J^
To be wide apart (legs). To contrive, to invent a. th. A J3.ii.
Parting of the heels. Radish, turnip. ( un. iJ^S ) j^j ji»i
Walking in jpij ^ -bJ-J ^ !?iji D Seller of radishes. Greengro- Ju*
turning the toes in. cer.
To emit (an opinion)
r'^jected by a'l.
A j>^'>\ — ^ -J^ Having parted legs ; splay-footed. j0'|
To indent, to x ^j,(J>^ ^' <
lo lick up, to lap CiJ a ^-^i *
fi> blunt (a knife).
(water) from the hand. To rub off To be notched, blunted ^L'lj _,^ 4-

(theawn) of barley. (knife).

To become ^u;j,Cii-i o J~^j -^ Notch, indenture. ^J>S ^
immoderate, enormous
excessive, Thick in the corners of the ^^1
(thing/. To be or become atrocious, mouth.
abominable, foul, obscene. To be- Rue (plant). ,j^ — ^j -fr
come ugly (woman). To raise (the string * [fkl Ua -J^
To hold gross language with, i JJ-^ of a bow). To open (a door). To part
To commit atrocities. jj. \mj Jm^ the legs.
To hold jt j>y$^\ J jJd'sj Ji^\ To have the legs wide u* a ^»i
unseemly, obscene talks against. apart.
To find a. th. foul, s To disclose, to lay a. th. baj-e. fit
evil, excessive. To remove a. 0. from. ^ —

Excess. Turpitude. To make large family expenses. J^i'\

Shocking language. To have an intervening space. jf.\ji
Dissolute in words or ..U> l>j To open (door). JtJih
actions. Parting of the legs. lij
Iminoral, gross, foul. J-^^
-» Space, gap, inters- >G4j d^jki ^ oy>^
Exorbitant, excessive. Atrocious. tice. Court-yard.

Stingy. Extensive tract of land. *l^ij —

Turpitude. Excess, j^^ \yi ^ <!> iS Having the legs, knees •l_)aj ^ iil
enormity. Abomination. Adultery. wide apart.
•^ Prostitute. To hiss \s-\>-Jij^.->ij bj i vJ -f{-

Shameless, profligate. crW^ ( viper). < To spi'ead (perfume).

To scrutinise, to ^ Ca»-.S a ^>.' -^ To snore in sleep. Gt^ i —
examine a. th. To inquire after, to Hissing of serpents. ^\>mj -r^ij Jo
search for. Pungency of pepper. jiiiJI **»
To di-ench (the ground : rain). A — Hissing snakes. ^^
To dig the ( ground ). To disclose, To be true in love. To blow in j^iJsS -ft-

to lay out a. th. To scrap ( the sleep. To be hoarse.

ground ) for laying eggs ( sand- Hoarseness. ~K>S>ii

grouse). Talkative, speaker. ^\ia^

To scrap (the ground) with. ij
— To search ^^ d^Si\j ,
U5-.9 a cJ^ "W-

To search s C^Gsj^ 5i>U>« ^/sil* a. th.

after the defects or the secrets of To be i^J-J a !r?t*j i*«>ti a r-^ -^

0. a. proud, haughty.
To scrutinise, to ^s- ^ji^i^j ^-sAU
exanaine a. th. minutely. walk in turning the toes in.
Search, inquiry. Even ground. ^oH To desist, to turn back from, ^e ,>t«1
Inhabited land. To part the hind-legs (of a 5 —
Dimple of the chin. likS milch-camel).
jI C o\.\ )

A piece of charcoal. cJ^^ ?- ^i^* Searcher, inquirer. u^^

First and darkest j>J>oj ^\^a t ~ Searcher after the ,_r^'(i*j ^r:^
part of the night. vices.
Coal-black. J^^ Hollow ^jjjVil ^ ^ja^j]j ^ja>\A^ ^^j£^Jui
Blackness, Ov^»J dug by a sand-grouse for laying
Coal-man. -^ Carbonaro, i>bj ^ ^&il
freemason. To split, to cut fi> CianS a j^i -S-

Stagnating (water). ^\a (melons) open.

Black (hair). Still (water), ^^j ^^la To send to s s Ji-iilj , MkS a Jn» ^
Silent (man). a. o. (a stallion). To choo.se (a stal-
Speechless, unable to answer. ^^i^ii lion) for (a flock).
Carbonised. ^^JJ>. To lend, to give a stallion to s jit^l
To hint at. Jl^ *^5\SC. ^/ij l^j , o l>i -« a. o.
To season (food) in the coo- ^ J^»
To be manly, masculine. To j^
king-pot. becomebarren (tree). To affect
To hold a conversation with. 2 G).l> coarseness (in dress, food).
To elicit the intention of a. o. To become tall, strong (male JiiC|^
Seasoning, seeds. -lia') ^ Gtj^ G-s palm-tree). To become momentous
Onions. (affair).
Honey-comb. S^s Quality of a .«tallion. iJiii j Xi^aj iUi
Meaning(of ^j\^i ^ -S'j^j M^kij j'j.>S Virility. Manliness.
a discourse). iij^Sj iJUilj Jli.3j J'tib J>^ rr i>-»
To breath ';ci\j , >*t-i-Jj ^i i "r-i -» Stallion, male. Energetic man.
heavily ; to snore in sleep. To hiss Reciter of poetry, traditions. J_^ ^ —
(.snake). To diffuse itself (smell). Male palm-tree. J-^l5J ^ Ji^-ij, J»t9
To be weakened ^j^}j hkh ^-9 i
'^-^ Mat of palm-leaves.
Virago, masculine woman. siks
Trap, snare, net. ^y^j ^{^ ^ '^ Barren (tree). jW^
Snoring. Morning-sleep. Slut. xtj To be exhaiisted (well). C«_^ _^ -^
Hiss of snakes, .^^^ To be unable to answer. (J^» a v^
To brag, to boast. ^J^j ^ To drink in intense darkness.
Rustling of paper, of new XiJks , (fjkij C»L>jj CJeS ^>.jj a o j^ ^j
clothes. -^ Show, pomp, luxury. To be choked by (sobs child ).^9jtj :

To coo (pigeon). To lie. lii-J a c^j -» To bleat until he becomes hoarse

To make a hole in (a roof ). To ^ — (ram).
open (a vessel). To cut oflf a. th. To be intensely C_^
o^i-Jj o J^
To backbite a. o. j ^j •> black.
To walk proudly. To strut cJ-.ij To blacken (the face) with ifcj j ^ii
(woman). To wonder. To have the charcoal.
habit of lying. To silence (a weeping child), y ^^\
To be perforated (roof, ceiling). cJJ>i[ To hush up a. 0. To prevent (a
Hole (in a roof). Moonlight. Hun- ^3 poet) from uttering verses (anxiety).
ter's .snare. To enter upon the darkest part of
Ring-dove. c^ly^Xiils the night.
To become proud. &JJ a T-'i-J -^ Do not set J^l ^y ^^IS ^j^>S>j SyS^
To hit a. 0. in the s loks a J^> ^ off in the darkest part of the night.
thigh. To drink an evening-draught, j,'ici\
To be wounded in the thigh ; to isj Charcoal. ^^Ij ^ii^ J^
have the thigh broken. Mineral, pit-coal. 'sSj>J-i J>c>^^\ v<^
jJs ( T )
To show staidness, jtjj — jms -ft- To call (a tribe) by small j ilj
foi'bearance. To dx*ess splendidly. To parties.
be a fop. To disperse (people). ojJj ji- — li

Affecting staidness. Fop. ^.i^ To separate a. o. from.

To be corpulent, stout, li^id.} o j,itfi -5^ To rout and scatter (people). ? iiiS
To be gi'eat in estimation. To draw back, to retire. To be jX^
To enjoy public consi- ^J.ti\ Oj^ 4 ~ late.
dei'atiou. To submit. Jitlr-ll^

To read or pronounce Lsj>»JI j^ Thigh. -() Leg ili-il ^ (A) j>ij iij
emphatically. (of mutton).
To magnify, to show regard to 5 ~ Portion of a tribe. iii-ji ^ iia
a. o. i.?^^j "^
»j*»«*j 0''^-*J '^i»*w> C*^ ^ -P**
To magnify o.'s self. ^.i~i To boast of. To glory jkraij,'l3i?sJj
High in rank, estimation. Bulky, ^i in.

thick. Strong (discourse). To sui-pass a. o. in nobility, j* o j»sJ

Pride, haughtiness. Swelling. ^.•'>J glory.
Consideration, regard. Emphasis.^J^ To judge a. 0. jt 5 ^SJlj _,tjj a >»
pathos. to surpass another in excellence.
Most honoured. ^iUl To scorn a. o. ^ S'J-^ a Ji^
Magnified, honoured. ^.H To vie in glory ? l^u.^_, s;^>ui ^l»
To flap the wings (bird) |j; jj jj -R-
. j with, to sui'pass a. o. in excellence.
To shout out. To run (man ). To tread To vie in boasting with o. a. ^il*
heavily upon the ground (flock). To bi'ing forth noble children jS\
He threatens me. J^ jjLjj J^ ol; 'j» (woman).
To walk with a haughty gait, ios To magnify o.'s self. j^J^
To ci'y out in a sale (men). To buy a splendid (thing). ^JL^\. A
Shouter. Proud. Trea- oj^Ij^ ^r •*l^ To find a. th. excellent, grand.
ding heavily Pi. Husbandmen, neat- Glory, illustration, nobleness, ^jisjj^ij
herds, ox-di*ivers, camel-di'ivers. No- excellence.
mads. Boasting, glorying. Glory, jlJ^^l
Frog. Cowardly. Silas honour.
To shout out. To escape from ajji -H- Glorying in ; boastful. Excellent, j,. ll

danger. splendid, precious. Stoneless date.

Hard and even ground. Desert, ji js Boastful. -^.i-4j -J^i Ji^
Screamer. Harsh-voiced. jiji Boasting vying in glory.
: jaj-J

To crush a. o. (debt, a G- j| a ^m -ii^ Surpassed in glory.

weight). Hole, hollow. Sjji-j a
To judge, to find a ^j^\j ^''St\ Pottery, earthenware. Baked jiisj

a. th. painful, burdensome. clay. Potter's clay.

Crushing (debt, weight). ^^iij Aromatic plant. -j^,^ «• J^'^
Calamity. rr?^'^ •>- Ssiils Marjoram.
To fractui'e (the skull) j doj a ^aS -ft- Potter- ^J,>-''^ '^i 4J ^
of. Pottery. "ijy^^
To take refuge on (jjosj Ijoi i jjis * Cause of glo- ^U* ^ "i'j^i "ajfi^
the summit of a mountain (wild rying. Generous deed.
goat). To become cold (cooked meat). To boast _^jCj , IjiS jjjj , Iji-i a jiJ ^
To become foolish. ijjj a jJ» falsely. To magnify o.'s self.

To break (stones). a joS Merit, self-glorification. ji^

To be broken (stones). jl^ To miss, to lose a. th.* Csis^ a jiits -ft-
! !

J3 ( oiX- )
c J»
High building. oIojI ^ o-w
Pair of oli'j jyJb Li^sl^ ir o'jis^ ol^> Wild goat.
bulls for ploughiug. Plough. <> Bull. Piece of meat, of rock. jjj ^ s^o^
Acre ; area, one day's labour. ^\1i Lump of dates.
Sown field. Silver. Fai boy. 'yA
Plumb-line. oily ^ oii3 Walking alone. s^oj
< With weight and oiUilj s!a!l ic. Mass of rock upon the S^ jJ|j s3i,li
measure. top of a mountain.
SbL_i* Jilaj «laij k^^?j J'aJ
, ^oa -^ i
Abounding in chamois (land). "o'/j^'k

To free (herself) in j/, s *|j|j Retreat of the chamois.

giving a sum for divorcing (woman). To have spiders in a ^_^ail — ^os -fr
To give a ransom for ( a captive ). house.
To free (a slave) ; to redeem a. o. Spider. ;:L'a? ^ ^A
from. Large jar. ^luj
To say to a. o. : s jmj «-_iLi i jjj Holyday, recreation. u-jJ^» "^
May be thy ransom
I To break (the head) ^ Ci,aj o jiaj -«
To divorce (her husband) in ^ ^jSls of a. 0.
giving a sum (woman). To have the wrist or ankleiijiaf.ji-S-
To accept from a. o. the j\Js\ s jjj^\ distorted. To be distorted (joint).
ransom of a slave. To distort a. o. » poi
To make a baru for dates. To Sj fit
— Distorsion of the ankle or wrist. p.ji
dandle (a child). Distorted (man). j,a> ^ »lfras j, ^ji]
To redeem o. another. ^iU; Distorted part (of the joints). xcai
To guard against, to ^ j'xi\j — To break, to crusli fi> (pas a j^os -S-

abstain from. a. th. hollow. To season (food) with

To be redeemed, freed, ran- jjSj[ grease, butter.
somed. < To wound a. o. in the head, il,!^ —
To free a. o. in paying ^^^vi. J'xi>[ To be broken. To be softened, ^.j^l
a ransom. To free herself from her Instrument for breaking, ^i^i^ ^ f,jJu>
husband (woman). To comb out (cotton). i)ji — fi> iJoi -«-

*^^-^j ^^ 5r -^'-^j *l-^j (Jjij JJ^'i To have (cotton) carded.

Ransom, price given for fi-eeing a cap- To be impeded xli\'Aj 'sJjji o ^'aS -»-

tive. in speech ; to be heavy, silly.

May my father j,j diJ j'ji^j
j,J iJioi
To CO- fi> yS\j jtjij o Jpj C» JS ^M /*> i

be thy ransom ver tlie mouth of (a man, of a vessel)

Barn. Heap of dates, jjjiil ^ .|as with.
barley. Bulk. Plumb-lme. j,j>\'^ ^ j.ji\i -^
The Redeemer ; Our Lord ^^ilill Impeded in speech. Heavy, ^Qj ^ _^j»
Jesus-Christ. dull, silly.
Brave, chivalrous. *fjXji, ^ 'Jj^Ji < Strainer ^jjj_j <i'\jijjt\^j yj^ ^ jSm^ ,

Pi. Sect of the Assassins. for a ewer. Piece of cloth for wijjing
To be alone, apart from.^t rj.j o lia -{^ the mouth.
To thrust a. o. back vehemently. 5 — Having a strainer (jug), ^^j ^oii
To bring forth one only (ewe). j^] having the mouth covered (vessel).
To become alone, inde- "iix-llj iai7 Saturated with red dye (cloth). Jj^
pendent. Ewers, pots. c.U!l«UI
Alone, single. Scat- i/j^j -,0^] ^ 'Ji To fatten (cattle). A oa> ^ o-^ -ft-

tei>ed (date). To raise (a building).

Featherless (arrow). liSl Red dye. ^jS
C oil ) '}
Strange thing. 's^Jj'^^
Separately, singly. i5'i»as_, I'illisj rii!o
To lead a dissolute life. DjS o d^ -fr To contract o.'s self for illis -ft-

To be -weak-minded. 0^ a Cj_,s leaping unexpectedly.

To be sweet (-water). «_1>^ o C/,* To settle (an account). ^ iOliS ^
S-weet (water). c.1^ Sum total. Recapitulation. AfeJliS

The Euphrates. d^iJI To fly, to i^ijij ijiJj s'jKJij fj \


The Tigris and the Euphrates. oGiyjl escape.

Sweet water. cj^^ o\1;j »L» To examine the ^p \j\l^j O'S?-? C* '
To jabber. -^ To be angry. j'^ -i^ teeth of a horse to know his age. To
To walk with short steps. inquire about, to investigate a. th.
To feel a c/jj^h >ti'ji~j O^ , o c/^ -^ The affair came back 'pj> 'y/S\
heaving of the stomach (pi'egnant to its former state.
woman ). To put a. 0. to flight. s y>\
To wound a. 0. in the A oyj O^s i
— To laugh at. »_, j^iJ
liver.J To fly on every side. jU5
To scatter and give out J A 1 o
— To show the teeth in .smiling. ^^t\^

to a. 0. (a basket of dates). To flash (lightning).

To be scattered ,Li'S^j,0;J & cjjt Flying, fugitive. (m. f. s. pi.) 'Ji
(tribe). Flight. ,,^^'-^'\ '-^

To up (an animal) and

I'ip fi> oyl He is the best of ^jSl %']>
y y^
empty the contents of its stomach. his tribe.
To expose a. o. to blame to ^ Oj'j'l : Way of laughing. •<>• Quail. s^
vilify a. o. Confusion. Evil. Intensity ;^i_, s^lj s^
Contents of a :j\'^j ^j^J ^ o^s ,
(of heat).
ruminant's stomach. Fugitive. -i'ji'ji jjjj jS^ji -ij}
To open ( a door, a ^^j (ky ^'J ,
i ^ Quick-silver. j\j
the mouth). To enlarge a. th. To Lambkin, kid ; wild jij^i jiji j'l^
part (the legs). calf.

To let a space between. ojj

— Refuge, shift. j\XS ^ jiJ
To make room for. J ^^ Good runner in a flight (horse). J^X»
To dispel cares from. ^t ^^j — To flap the wings (bird). To J^'^ ^

To comfort a. o. in. be unsteady, fickle. To hurry on at

•^ To show a. th. to. To jt » ^^ a quick pace. To come out from its
show a sight to. cocoon (moth).
To have chickens (hen). To clear ^y'\ To cut, to break a. th. To ?j * —
away (dust). mangle a. o. To champ the bit and
To clear the way, to I'emove from.^ — shake the head (horse).
To be dispelled (cares). -^ To ^^S To be confused in speech. ^yfeiJI J —
take a walk, to amuse o.'s self. Unsteadicess, fickleness. ;y^
^ To look -with pleasure at. je. ^jm Sparrow. Fat (young Jt'ji^ Sj
To be opened, disclosed, parted, ^^lil. man).
To be dispelled (grief ). To be com- Lamb, kid. j)>'ji ji'^J^J
forted (man). tf- Butterfly, moth. -nsi^ ^ j^'^
He has been comforted. ^l i^t — China-ware. ^J^y'J* "^
Gap, interstice. Space ^y^ ^ ^'^ Unsteady, fickle. Lion. Sjis]^ > ji»^
between the legs. Pudenda. Womb. Mar-all.
Open place. Purple. Violet. j:^'^ ^
Unable to keep a *:>^j t'^j t^ Wild •\'jj '\'Ji\ ^ -r^j y^-'sj ^
secret. ass.
To be dispelled (fear). -r^i
eio )

Joy after sadness: relief,

u ^Tiilj y.'j
To clear away (affair). ^'^ comfort.
To dispel (fear). /b ^y1 Pudding-pie. ^^| '},

Tliey disclosed their jJ^^'A !>i3*1 Relief, freedom from cares.ji^j ''4-J^,
secret lit : they hatched their egg. Inter.-'tice, gap. ^'ji ^ 1^'^
To take pigeons for bree- & ^'Jsl,\ if- Pleasant ."ight. ~'^\^
'ling- Children's shirt. -n^^jSj -r v:/j
<-^^i -r/^J -r^Ai -ryjh -rj^ r- i-'j Chicken. ^^j\'j, ^ ^j% ^^y.
Chick, young bird. Offset o'Oj Interstice bet- ^j\^i r-ij,Uj ^ ^-Ji
of a plant. Base, faint-hearted man. ween the fingers, the bars of a rai-
Shoots of a tree. S^iJjl -rj ling. -^ Thing pleasant to behold.
Sheet of paper. j3j ^^s a Weak, cowardly man. *?G*^j

Female chicken. Off-shoot, ^\'j» ^ <i^ Fur-mantle, ample gown. *V,S*
sprout. Dispelling cares. Glad- r'J^i rrJ^
Poultry-house. ^j,*^^ ^ ^^S^-^
dening the heart.
Incubator, ^l_^| j;;u dj ^^irj-i Turkish lady's cloak. *»'^ Te
hatcher. Hen having chickens. ^^
To i^iilj \'^ij> a i_jSj o iji -tt-
i_,ij Isolated ; man slain in the ^'J. i/»
be alone, single, sole. To' be simple, desert.
uncompound. Having the elbow parted fn m ^^ii
To secede, to iso'ate o.'s self jc, ^'Ji the arm-pit. Comb.
from. Obtuse angle.
"^-J^ ^xO
To o irjA~z.\j 5^b ^j*'j i>'J^j ^^ Comforted. Opened (door). ' frjJ»J'
busy o.'s self solely about a. th. Compasses. J^'ji. P
To seclude o.'s self from the world i_^ To curry (a horse). 5 ^^'Ji -8-

To bring forth a single one o^^il Curry-comb. o]>»^

(female ). To be glad, cheerful, G-^j a y-J> ^
To isolate, to set * i^izJLIj yji\ pleased.
a. th. apart. To rejoice at. i_,

He despatched amessen- Ji^ "^j^j ij>\ To cheer, to rejoice a. 0. jf
^^1j ^^
ger to. To crush a. 0. (debt). » ^'J^\
To be pairless, j yjc^]j ^^iiij ^^7 Joy, cheerfulness. -<> Wedding, ^'Ji
unique in. feast.
To seek solitude. i^JLi Joy, merriness. Cause of <>'j^ "i^-'^
To encounter a. 0. alone. To *_, » — joy. Present given to a messenger
single out a. th. of good news.
One, single ; one iV}Sj i\^» ^ i^i Glad, 0>>j» ^jlS
?r -rji-^o^jyi ^
individual. Odd. joyful, lively.'
Odd and even. y^j iji
Unique in his kind, ^i\^j i\'ji\ ^ — Merry, cheerful, ^'^ ^ ^^'J)^
pairless. content.
One fellow of a match, of a i)^ ^ — Cheering, gladdening. ^'^^ -rj^
pail*. Destitute ; crushed by (debts'). ^'Ji,
I met him when we were cji^ ii-^ Merry, exulting. (m. /.) ^1^
alone. To live in happiness. '^'^ a ^Ji ^
-^ Pistol. i/j)j -i'ij'j ^ ij To have chickens (hen). -rji^] -rj^
One by one, separately. i3y 13^ To be hatched {^%%).
Stars shining here ^^iji :i/j^ ii^il To sprout(plant). To swarm. ^'j
and there. To shoot forth (cut tree).
Cornice, coveving ^j>1 ft J!.J\^ ]
Alone, lonely. Pairless, j.^j i_^
coiu'se of a wall. matchless,
Clear, distinct (discourse). jj^U n Poll-tax. Bag, < Bale ; i^ ^ Si^»
Road in the sands. Sjj il half a beast's load.
Jj^ P Going alone, solitary, si^
Turquoise. A .
^'j/j^i jiJ^M Jj^ s'i\'y>i \i\'j,i ^s'^jii ilj^j 'i\'j b'-W-

«iye. They came one by one.

Separated. Distinguished. Ador- jj^ Loneliness, seclusion. >'3a'\
ned with a fringe (cloth, garment). Lonely, apart from men. ^^jJ^S j*
Piece of ^j\'J>i 3jSj ?r 3'>'X^ ^ Sole, alone. Refined, white jj Xi

bread. sugar.
Bundle, armful ^j,ly ^ ~^'j'^ ~ 9JJ * Turban for women. *i,^Jv*
of fodder. Apart from others, alone %jj^ j. jj j5
Fetters, shackles. Shears ^x'A "^ unparalleled, unique ; excellent.
for cutting iron. Precious pearl, a Quii'e j:,\'Ji ^ Sjj jl
Queen (in chess). UJ}j^ r C)jJ of paper.
To observe, to look at. j ojy * Seller of pearls. i.'Cj>

To become queen (in chess ojjij : D Smooth. i^t

pawn). Isolated, apart, (Gra»i). Singular. i^;i
To break the a ^j^Ij , C^ i
^'J «• Simple, uncompound.
neck, to crush, to kill (its prey : wild Medicinal simple. cJi^'y^ ?- «^3'*^

beast). To beat a. o. unmercifully. Secluded from the world. *!A*

To be a good physio- '<:^\j\ cj>iw
— Isolated, apart. Enriched with
gnoraist : to perceive intuitively. pearls (necklace).
To be \^jjij "i^j^j *-ll_ji ij-ji Solitary. Separated. ^y^j ^l^i^
skilled in horsemanship or in any To thi'ow a. 0. down violently ^-i^ -^
work. on the ground.
To train (a x'ider). -^ To encou-» ^^ Width, broadness. aZ.'^J>
rage, to excite a. o. Garden, fruitful
a-i.i\'^ -r
To expose (a sheep) to be A 5 — valley. Paradise.
devoured by wild beasts. To separate, to A jji\j ,
\'-JJ) i J^l -S-

<• To plaster a terrace with fit

— set a, th. apart. To divide a. th.
white clay. He decided against me ^_ Xy^ 'J* jji
To have a goat seized by a wolf ^'Ji\ according to his opinion.
(inadvertent shepherd). To separate from (a partner). » j^iS
He let a lion devour «jii> -CVI — To come within the reach a jji\
his ass i. e. he made a sacrifice for of (a hunter game).

escaping safe. To distinguish a. 0. by a ^ — 'i

To leave (a remainder of pro- . p — special gift.

perty) as a prey. He decided it «!; jaI oji * JJ^\
To look steadfastly at. j ^^y, without consulting his people.
To discover, to porceive a. th. a <uj — To die (man). Jj^
in a. 0. from outward signs. Separation. Distinction, J'lA'sJ Jj
The Persians. < White clay for ^'^ Plain between two hills. 'Jji
terraces. Path on a hill. Turn, time. jjj
Persia. ^j li ^^j ^'Ji\ i% Share set apart for its Jj^j j\'ji\

The Persian language. i:.^j ull Share, lot.
j/jj j\y)] ^ ejj.
The kali-plant. ^^ ^ Age of discretion. jVJ'^\ -^
(bird). To spi-ead branches ( tree ). Horse, mare. ^j.\'j^ ^ {in. f.) ^'^

^ To come out from the cocoon Name of various stars. Pegasus.

(silkworm). Race-horse. ol*lPI a-S*
To be furnished with carpets ^^»1 They are both like j^'j\ Vi* ^'Js
( house). two race-horses i. e. they are on the
To backbite a. o. To fell a 5 j:^\ same level.
beast before slaughtering it. Hippopotamus. J^] ^y
To flutter (bird ).
^;^ a Mantis (insect). Grasshop-"^i ^'^
To tread upon. To spread i^ /b j.'J^\ per.
out the arms on the ground To Mare. iJL^*
give unrestrained liberty to o.'s ton- Cold wind. Swelling, ulcer on *^[^
gue.To take a wife ). To make
( the neck.
To follow the steps of a. 0.
little of. Horsemanship. ^-^j'^j '^j'^j ~*^^'J»
To throw a. o. down on the — js ^ Bravery.
ground. Diagnostics. Physiognomy. *— 1^
Mat, carpet, matti'ess. J^^'Ji ^ j^J) Penetration of mind : insight.
Furniture. Field, plain. Corn-pro- Physigonomist i^^A v^^
Voung camels.
duce. Killed, devoured (prey), jjj ^ ^J
Bed, mat, mattress. x£.'ji Prey seized by a wild ^ly ^ *^j*
He has a fine appea- ii^l ^> y' beast; spoil.
ranee. Rider, horseman, ^^j^lyj o^^^ rrtj'j^
Brush. XAzJ^^j »^'j>i *i-j» Ts The lion.
Bubbles on the surface of wine. JXj More skilled in horsemanship. ^^]
Dry mud on the sui'face of the More penetrative.
ground, -t)- Wheel of a mill. Moth, Pharisian. \$ri'^ ^
butterfly. Tire of (a wheel). Lion. ^\^j w^'jiy^
Bed, mat, carpet, xLjXj J^Jt «.
Overtaken by cold wind. Having,_^j^
mattress. Wife. the back broken humpbacked.

•^The catches of a j_,i» JXjt Parasang (measure ^_-.|^ ^ ^JL'^ P

wooden lock. of thi*ee miles). Measure of time.
•^ Waiter. Upholsterer. J.'Cj> Malum Peisicum, «it-v^j 3-n.A ^
Butterfly. Thin bone of ^p^'_^ ^ *i,i_/ peach.
the head. Ii'on-pin. Little water. Camel's'or ^'J ^ ^j - ^^^ ^
Nimble, light man ). ( man's foot.
Mare seven days after J^\'Ji »- J-1^ The lion. o-;*l4"
having brought forth. Creeping Wild leek (plant), a Eye- c>j!^\^
plant). bright (plant).
Mat, carpet. crj,U>i ^ jfjij. Water-horehound [plant). 'Ul cyl-l^
Housing, Saddle-cloth. j'j\jJ' ^ "^'y^". Mother-wort (jjZani). ^Jlai o>l-l3i
Spread like a carpet. Covered j-j'Ji^ To a> J'j^^j,(^\^j Ci^ o cAj3 -a- i

with carpets. Paved, spread. spread a carpet, a bed ) ;

( to fur-
Spreading far away (corn- J-'^ nish (a house).
crops). To facilitate (an affair) for. A S j.'Jk
Without hump (camel). trj^ To spread (a carpet)* s J-'^j J-'J*

To set the i_^ii-^j *9ii.__^ «i»j» •S- for a. o.
legs apart, To pave, to furnish * j:j^\ -^j j.jt
Broad plain. Tall and fat -r^A (a house). To spread a carpet in (a
(woman, she-camel). Rainless cloud. room).
•^ Knave (at cax'ds).
• To expand the wings, to flutter Jj^
01 A)
^> (
Precept, divine law. J^jJ^ ^ (>^ To cut, to Silt, to >b
\'^'J ^j^'J -a-

Ordinance. Duty. Share of an inhe- pierce a. th.

ritance. Fees, soldier's pay. To wound (a horse) on the carti- » —
fy Breviary, divine office, js^ijt ^Jc^ lage of the shoulder.
Notch at the (>»l^?j J'Ji 5- *-^^» To ornament (leather ). a ^/j^s
extremity of a bow. Opening in a To altei'nate with a. 0. j s o'J^
wall. Sea-port. Gap in the bank of a in.

river. Cavity of an inkstand. Piece of To otFer itself to a. 0. (op- n ^js'^\

wood in which the pin of a door portunity).
turns. To use a. th. by turns. fi>
Mouth of (a river). Garment, ja'^'J* To seize (the A ^'j^\ -^j ^'J^\
clothing. opportunity).
Bulky, thick. j^^ ^ ^^;^> Opportunity, seasonable ^^ ^ ioy
Skilled in divine law, '^'J^i J'L^J ~ time. Turn, succession. -^ Holyday.
in the science of inheritance. It isthy turn to. .^ 'i^^'J^ c.'^
^ Supposition, hypothesis. J^'O^K Acting by turns with. u^^J
Divine precept, oi'di- ^/^ t *-^^ Pa rt of a horse ^') \Ji ^ X^^
nance of God. between the shoulder and the ribs.'
Part of jurisprudence jaj,^j^^ J^ Jugular vein. u^i^* -r
treating of inheritance. He trembled '<le:>\'^ jl i£ij^ o^jl.

Punch, intstrument for jsl^i/"^ J^'J^'' with fear, lit his muscles qui-

notching. vered.
Notched. Prescribed, imposed. j»j_^
Granted, supposed. Punch, iron instrument for cutting.
By-rules, statutes. cA^/J^ Grape-stone. >^'jij -^^'Ji. ^
To precede people), a Cl»j_^ o J»y ^ Red dye. Mulberry-tree.
( i'-^J^
•^ To shake off (nuts) from a * — To notch j=*Jij iig'Ji fi, , i js'^ -tt-

tree. (wood ).

To precede a. o. to 5 yil^j Q»^ i o — To suppose that, to make o'lj * j^'^

the water in order to prepare the an hypothesis.
buckets. To impose laws jc a ^^'JdSj J=>'Jt\j

To neglect, to jj fit \ajy j Ci»^ - to a. 0. ( God ). To prescribe a. th.
be remiss in. to a. o. (man).
He hastened to speak J^l j a'a£ Js^ To assign (the rate of J A J^'^^ —
before him. a tax, of a pension) to a. o. To pre-
To escape, to be said, done ^l,y sent a. 0. with a. th. To give an
hastily, unintentionally (word, ac- appointment to a. 0.
tion). To be old ZisV^j ^y^ J»^j J='J i

To overcome a. 0. Cy* — (animal). To be wide.

To despatch a mes- if'Ji]j Jl^ S h^j To know Divine law. x^S"^ o J^'^
senger to. To become skilled in the law of
He lost a child in (iJj l»Sn*tj i»^ inheritance.
infancy. To digest divine precepts. To fi> ja^
To praise or censure a. o. to J»^
s explain points of law clearly.
excess. To forsake a. 0. To precede To receive their pay (soldiers). ^j\il
a. 0. To dwindle away, to be destroyed
To disperse, to dispel a. th. ^ — (tribe, family), -if- To suppose, to
To avert (a misfortune) from ^.p fit
— make an hypothesis.
a. 0. (God). Notch, incision. J'^'^ -r o^j*
- !

( ol\ )
To ascend (a inouu- a u.^» a p'^a -):} To encounter, to t Cy\'jij i^jd/- J»jIj
tain). To go dowu ( a valley). outpass a. o.
To overtop, to s ^j'^j ^'j> a — To hurry, to hasten in a. th. ^ i>'Jt\
surpass a. o. in tallness or rank. He drew his sword. ^ilJj
J[ aJ^t,

To conciliate (people), ojj
- To transgress. To exceed the j —
To check (a horse) with (the cj » — bounds in.
bridle). To overfill (a basin). To forget ; fit

To have abundant hair. to leave off a. th.
To slaughter a firstling To overburden a. o. J*
To go down (a valley). To outrun the othei's (horse). » J,^
To deduce (a consequence) To vie in speediness with. To \,'j^,

from (a priucijde). hurry. To come too late (affair).

4-To send forth sprouts. To overwhelm a. o. suddenly » —
boughs. To divide, to allot (grief).
To go down (a mountain), ^j J ^Ji\ To be dissolved. -^ To be
To alight at a o.'s house. ^— beaten down (fi'uit).
To take care of a. o. To wound ^ — His benefits shall not i;C>i^ ^'J^.. V
(a horse's mouth bit). ; be lost.
To assail ( a flock wild beast).
- fin Excess, exaggeration. Neglect. J»*_^
To explore (a country). Missed opportunity. Space of time.
To begin (a narrative). ^ ^'^^[j — Way-mark.
To undertake (a.iourney). Beware not to be remiss j l»^i!l_) ilil.

To branch off (tree). f,yi, in it

To derive from (a principle I went to him after a delay Cw^ iii;*!

consequence). offew days.

To man-y the u>U ^ J j( >>3JI f.yi I went to him one day ^^ i»Ja iiiji
chief woman of a tribe. after.
To deflour (a virgin). f;J(i\ Hill, summit of a )o\'J^\j J»^*l ^ i»^
Summit, upper part. ^ ^j
f./^ hill.
Branch, bough, sprout. Woman's First gleam of dawn. ^CwoJI J»l^1
hair. Consequence of a principle. <> Small money. ibil/'j ^'^
Chief of a tribe. j^s — Arriving first. (5. p/.) i»^
The principles and the pj^lj Jj^Vl Injustice. Excess. Horse out- W^
consequence.?. stripping the others.
Ravine. ^\'ji ^ ^-J Affair given up. W^'y\
Firstling, first-born camel, Precedence in a race.
f^'^ ^ f.'^ *1» jjj "i^'^
Distribution. Lice. .Journey. .>>UI J x6^
Summit of a mountain. Exaggeration, excess. J'l'^l
Vamp, upper-leather of Neglect. < Prodigality. -hi >i^
a shoe. Cheapness of an article. Cheap. J»_^

Deduced, derived. Arriving first. Lost I»|^ ^ iaj^

Development. Ramification. (goods). Uttered hastily (word).
< Distribution, allotment. Spendthrift, squanderer. Jail/i, -^
Axe, hatchet. Exceeding the bounds, Pjxcessivejt^^
Lofty ( mountain ). Comely exaggerate.
Vile. Forsaken, given up. Overflowing V^
Life-guard. (tank).
^'J ^r
Summit of a moua- ^j \'^ ^ K—ij l» To widen a. th. A r-Sa'j »-
tain. D Storm, tempest. ^
' v.
Vomit. f-^'J^[ Thick-haired iJ^j^ ^'j ^ -^'j j.
Empty, void. Free j,!^ ^ ^.j isj p,_^ ,
from employment. Workless. Peace-maker. 9j,U* ^ 9\M-
Opening a large wound .it^ ^ ^"[^'l Broad-shouldered. wi^feOI ^.Jti

(spear). To be proud, tyrannical. o^j*'"^

Metal-founder. 9^ Pharaoh, name of the ;,'pl2,» ^ i^'^'j'
Molten (metal). ancient kings of Egypt. Proud, un-
The pneumatic machine believing man, tyrant. Crocodile.
Running briskly (horse] To be v'tl^j lij^ j,yj a o j."^ -^
•^ To open (plant, heart) empty, unoccupied (place).
Garden- o^'j -^j 'CSjj rrjij P To be unemployed. To be '^1 — ^
purslane. free from work. To finish a. th.
To separate, to a, Cs^j C5^ o o'j « i To apply o.'s self entirely Jl.j J —
make a distinction, to set apart a, th. to : to intend doing a. th.
To decide a. th. To explain a. th. To die. is-j^ —
distinctly. To be poured forth (water), (ty a ^yS
To distinguish ( truth) from oy J^ To walk at an easy pace \i\'Ji o 9^
(falsehood). (beast). To produce a large wound
To part (the hair). Cjjs A— (blow). To be anxious.
To branch oflF (road). CSjy o 3'j> To empty (a place, a vessel). A j,^
To be obvious, clear to a. o. o>iiJ — To pour (a liquid).
(affaii"). To give to a. o. leisure to. J 5 —
To give a soup to a ? J^r^b ~ To shed (water, blood). To * j.^1
woman after childbirth. cast (metal) in a mould.
The she-camel went apart *jCJI zS'_^ To pour, to empty a. th. ic. * -^'Jis

for bringing forth. upon.

To fear, to be fi'ightened. O^* J> To infuse patience, 'JyaW o^Ai jc —
To plunge in the waves. to a. 0. (God).
To share, to _yuj \xi^
&. Oj» To be free from work. y.^<
distribute. To give away a. th. in To busy o.'s self exclusively J —
parts. To disorder, to confuse (an about.
affair). To pour out (words). To pour (water) upon o.'s self. A j,lnsl.
To frighten a. o. S — To vomit. ^^i^l
To separate, to divide a. th. j^ C» J^ To exhaust (a vessel). A—
between. To exhaust o.'s J V^/^j aJ^^^ —
To forsake, to 5 CSI^^j Sj'^ Jjl* self in endeavours for.
abandon a. o. < To be freshly dead. Mouth of a st^l ^ j.r_,», J , f./^ T '9j>

To^recover from small-pox. J'^\ ^ bucket, of a jug.

To frisfhten a. o. To let (camels) 5 — Large vessel, udder. li^ ^ p\'^^
pasture bv themselves. To neglect Free time, leisure : holyday. plj^j jj,?
(flocks). Privy. '
^i^il) c^, ^
To be disordered CSl^ij CS^j J^j His blood has been (i-'^j tj,» iJ^i ,_*i
(business). To be at variance. To shed to no purpose.
scatter (company ). To branch off Broad and flat (land). ^|^^ tt ri^
( tree). Wide-stepping (horse).
To sepai'ate, to Jlnitj S'J^j <3'J^\ Broad (way). Sharp (tongue, knife).
disperse away. Large water-skin.Wide wound). rUi^a (

Separation. Difference. Parting j[^ Ge??2U7z (constellation). ^.y^

of the hair. Cock's crest. Flax. Casting of metals. 9^'j*\
; »
I -

J>) o\
( )
husk (grain, corn) between the fin- Synonym. 0)J r Jj»
gers. To rub a. th. with the hand. Measure J\'J)] ^JJ
^ To rub (the body). used in Medina.
To s C;ii»yo ^j'yj ^v*- a ^-s'*-' ^'-^ Parting of the hair, of the beard, J"^
hate 0. a.' (husband and wife). of the teeth.
To be flaccid (ear). fe^ a ii^ First gleam of o'^'Jj ( for ji» ) J'j
To forsake, to abandon a. o. f iJJla dawn.
To be easi]y shelled (corn). To a'^S Flock of sheep. Portion. j^
begin to ripen. Party of boys. Mountain. Wave.
To falter in speech : to stumble. iyC; Distinction between good 'o^l)>j J^
To commit a mistake in speech. and evil. Any sacred book : the
To be rubbed betwen the il^^Mj — Koran.
fingers. To be shelled, husked (ear Sect, body, party of men. j^. *-»^-
of corn ). Military, naval division.
To become hard and full i!^?— Sepa- xJ'jOJj J\y^\j J\'Ji_j J\^j *J^
(grain). ration (of friends ).
Conjugal hatred. i)]^^
Easy to be .shelled (nut). i!_^ Faint-hearted, ' Jj^^j
Flaccid (ear). '^'^j *^^ Co- (m. /.) xjj% zjyjj <Jjj^
Hating her husband ^/yj ij)^ wardly (man, woman).
(woman). Distribution. ^_,i'>j Ji^
Wheat cooked with butter. Aij* Retail : in parts. '
Easily shelled, husked. ifew^* ^ — Large party Jj^j :L3>b >vl^1 ^
-< Turnscrew. iij^U* ^ iJ^^ of men. Part. Company. 4- General
Hated, loathed. iJ^i> in chief, Major-genei'al.
To make a. o. to stumble, j J^'^ "^ Soup of dates, rice and milk. <i ^5
to totter. To entangle, to perplex. Stray ewe.
To stumble, to totter to J^'J^i
: -^ Having parted j^ ^ 'Sy ^ X}^
be entangled. teeth, hair, or a parted beard.
To mince, to iS>
/Jj,<^J i yj> (/ White cock.
chop (tobacco). Separation, dinsion. J'j5^t
To shed his teeth (child). ilCJ-l >.^ •• Separating, distingui- jl^ t Jj^
To be chopped, minced. ^^7 -^ shing. Isolated (cloud).
Piece of meat, of cheese. i>^ Going apart jjjy ^ j'Jj 3*} y,

•^ Diplome, patent, cn^l^ ,- oC-^ P for bringing forth (.she-camel).

decree, firman. Surname of the Caliph Omar. JjjUJI
Chopper of tobacco. j^'^ -fy- Africa. '^'hijfi'^
Shedding his teeth (child) y^\ Branching of a road. JjVi» ,- J\i>*
toothless. Parting of the hair.
Oven. cj\'_}'\ ^ Cij -ik- Two Si\'Ji\\. iiK^'Ji\ o
Baker. ol^ stars near the pole.
Round cake. Baker. '^'^ To run at full speed. <• To
Baking woman. vjJ* burst, to explode.
Rat. ^j, -M- To crack ( the fingers). A —
Franks. Europeans. S^J^H.? r-j^K P To crack (
Frank, European. "j^'j^^-i 'jr^'Ji
~ Cracking of the fingers.
To assume the manners of r-o^ • <- Explosion.
Europeans. Whip of cords ~tX>^-

Sword of fine work- S>\'J> ^ Jijt, To pick out, to A ii'ji ,

^'j i)^ -M-
( 00
To be astonished, amazed nianship. Red rose. Silk-doth. Po-
To blame a. o. To repair megranate seed.

a. th. To open (a vein). Bi"ave. Chief of w^l^ ?- u-^'ji ^

To be cut, rent (gar- ^'J^''\i SJ^
a village. Lion.
ment). To burst forth (water- Good management of a sV^ill Hj^
spring). housewife.
The night was over. France. i-jj^

To forge (a lie) against.

<>• To calumniate a. o. French, Frenchman.
Bustle, confusion. To become bad, J^^^ ~ J'^ "*^
Lie, imposture. coiTupt. To be erect (camel's ear).
Lie. <>• Hostility. Guide of an array, messenger. jj\^
Wonde] ful, remarkab'e Jackal, lion's provider.
thing. Large (bucket). To be lively, fiery Uy a »^ -^

To be scared awav from (horse).

her retreat (gazelle). To be skilful, Saj^j ^']/-> ^^S* <^ '1^
To turn awav from. clever (man).
To startle, to frighten a, 0. ^P ? - To take a lively, a comely oJ,'»l

awav. slave. To bring forth fine children

To suppurate (wound). (woman).
To ooze (sweat, water) To seek for fiery horses. 5 a'Js^\
To be startled, excited. '{j/j>i «jlj» i

•^ To leap. Clever, skilful : nimble, </^ ^ '\a^ ^
To scare, to frighten a. o. & ^iiJ.\j js'l lively, joyful (uian).

away, o To provoke a. o. Bri.sk( ass, xi^^j e^j *4^'j »/i «• »jl^

To come to fight. jUj mule). Beautiful (youth, girl).
To disturb, to startle a. o. s ji?-^l Liveliness. Skilful- li/^j *^^j*J **0*
(fear, joy). ne.ss. Beauty.
Young one of the antelop?. jlji^ ^ jS To become fat (boy). a*^i -H-

Fearful. Active (man). To confound to jade; a. o. n jS^ a

Leap, bound, startle from fear. sja Fat, plump (youtb). Lion's cub. jJJ^
To rend (a garment), a ijjS o j_^ -^ To fur. to line (a gown) A jy — \^^
To split a. tb. with far.
To strike a. o upon the back >-j S — To put on a fur. fit ^s'J^i

with (a stick). Fur, furred garment. M^, ^^ »j[^j ij

To burst (a skin) Sj fi>
j^j y^ Skin of the head. Garment of sj^
open, -if To rip up (an animal). camel-hair. King's crown. Abun-
To be rent (clothes). ijjjs o — dance.
To have a hump on the l^jS a jj> The chestnut. "ij'Ji y\ a
back or chest. Fur. *iAv* °
To bi rent (garment). jjiiij j^> Furrier. '\^
To be burst ( skin ). ^ To be ripped Furred (gown), pelisse. sl^
up (beast). To forge (a lie) jc Ai'C^ i <s'^ *
Small flock of sheep. Kid. Root, Jji against a. o.
origin. . To go over a coimtry. A —
Slits, rents.
jj^ He has accomplished a lSj-^\ 'S'^
Hiunp on the chest or y^ ^ fjy feat.
back. Broad way. To slit to cut out or a Sji^j J*^j ~
Hump-backed or J^ ^ ,vj^ ^ jjil to rip off (a skin).
r) j._i
To deliver to a. o. (a safe- J J — hiirap-breaated. Fleshy wonian.
conduct). Wide road. Blackish ant. jjj
To make room J rdJiij rC-i\j -rl^i — Way in the sand. s^j la

for a. o. Panther. 331 j>

To be wide, broad yCJ>\j , ^ UJ o ?nJJ To ij^^i-'^ ^ pj*j tj? J (p jj a 9J* -^

(place). fear, to be frightened at.

To enlai'ge (a place). A ,r^ To seek refuge in fear ^^ Jl. pjS
•^ To dispense a. o. with an J ,^ii towards a. 0.
ecclesiastical law. To succour a. 0. ^ ^.j^jj

To be enlai'ged,broad 9%__ijlj -r^^, To attack, to rush against, jp ^ja a
(|)Iace). -^ To stroll about to enjoy : To frighten a. 0. 5 ^jilj ^ji
o.'s self. He has been delivered o!>ii ji' 9.'^

To take o.'s ease in J <r^\iii -rJJu from fear.

(a place). To awake a. 0. from ^^| ^ 5 ^jal
To be at ease ; to divert o.'s ^nliil sleep.
self. To dispel fear from a. 0. C)9^ o*
Enlai'ging. Safe-conduct. (/ Dis- „jj Fear, fright. Succoui" l\y>\ ^ ^'^
pensation. given in disti*css.
Broad-breasted. jj>-~^j -rJiS Dreaded, feared. ipji
Open apace, square. ^li ^ x^tjj Very cowardly. ^; jj
i>-j j^jj
^ Holy Jay, respite. Dispensation Fearful, timid. ^J)_li>j ^jij
, is^jj ^ p.j^la

from fasting. Frightening. :;iijj

Ample scope. jil-ij — Refuge, shelter. S^^i'j ^ji^

Roomy, broad ^i-.laj -^j ^vJij y^ Gallant. Coward. p.3i»
Width of the
Red Turkish cap.
^ Te
steps. 'y.'Ja Bug. ^lli ^ trlilSj ,_^-ilj Cr^ -^
To disjoin, to fi> ^^j,6,1j a ?k-i 4 Small pustule. o-iillj ,- ^^y^ ^
dissunder a. th.To annul ( a deed). Mosaic-work. <-4}i-\j 'l-ii^
To abrogate ( a law ). To rescind To ^ ^St*"-> '^-r^-' '^J '^ * '^
a bargain). To corrupt (an opinion). slit, to rent a. th.
To dislocate (the hand). To strike a. 0. on the back s MJsj *Li
To be weak in body and (i-jj a ?JuJ with (a stick).
mind. To turn a. 0. away from. ^s- s Li
To be corrupt (advice). 6^1* a ^~Jj - To have a prominent chest, 'vij a '^>
(f- To be corrupted, spoiled. To be rent, slit. \Lm
if- To be corrupted, altered. ^^ To spread out (disease). osij 3 —
To be cracked, split, full of crevices. Hollow-backed and hump- \l^\
To annul (a deed, a 'r-C.\A>i A •rJ. i» Jf breasted.
a compact) by mutual consent. Pistachio. jrl? ^j jSlij jiJ P
To forget a. th. 4^ W~S\ Pistachio-tree.
To be disjointed, dislocated, ^ls> Of a pistachio-colour (
gar- 'J^»
dissundered. To fall off ( hair of a ment).
corpse ). i>- To be full of crevices, Basin with an ornamental "C^Kj* -^
cracked. water -spout.
To be spoiled, disordered. ^C^\ C)llal-SjOyX-^ TT O^ilJ ~ Crt—J -Is

To b3 annulled (compact). Woman's dress, petticoat.

Disjunction, separation. Abro- ^Jj To part the legs. ,;ili — {jt—s -ir
gation. Annulling, abolition. Weak- He turned away from me. ^iS r-^l
ness in body, in mind. To make long strides. ^.^11 a rCJi ^
y^ ( el ) Ja-J
Camp, city: meeting- Ja-tili ^J»vkl*, Weak in body and mind. 4iv—»J 9%—J
place of a tribe. Name of old Cairo. Portion, shai;^ bit.
To go (j^Lij Cill o jLSj o jli -ii- i
Unable to manage his business.
astray fi-om justice. To transgress n Small dried fishes.
divine commandments. To live in Sardines, heri'ings, salt- "sjj^ k l a
profligacy, disorder. To become un- fish.

godly, wicked, profligate. Dissundering, abolishing. Void ^li

To commit lewdness, crime a- o jflj (contract). <>• Faded (garment).
gainst nature with. To be ijlsj lillj
I jJUj i o XLS -W-

To come out from its skin jli^'b ~ corrupt, vicious, disordered.

(ripe date). To corrupt, to mar Hj fin xJlj jli
To po.'vert, to coiTupt a. o. a jlS a. th. To pervert, to deprave a. o.
To declare a. o. to be an unbeliever, He ill-ti'eated his people, ikij ju,'l»
sinful (judge). To rouse a country)
( jp a -c_-*1
Prevarication. Disobe- J>lij jl? against.
dience. Immoral life. To set people at variance. cro

Fountain, jet-d'eau. ciCi^ t *c?^ L <•To misrepresent, to traduce ip —
Libertine, o_^^j jClj *ili r Jh? '* a. 0.
trangressor, sinful. To do mischief J ^ixJ,lj alil
Scoundi-el, rascal,
J^j 3^j J^ between.
adulterer. To be at variance, to disagree. j^\ij
wicked woman! adulte- To be corrupted, altered. jilil. -^
ress ! To ill-treat and provoke a. o. jilirJ,!^ 2(

Tick, insect. To endeavour to mar a. th. /b —

Way of wearing a turban. Instigation to discord. ali ^

Mouse. Corruption, mischief, disturbance. iLi
To make little of a. o. Dissension. Damage. •<> Discord.
Last in a race (horse). Vile In.stigation to rebellion, to iilil
mean. disorder.
To j«ij,jJjlJj <fllio Jlij a J^s -^ Corrupt, wicked. j'XLl ^ j>^j j^ iS

be vile, inferior, of low origin. Worthless, vicious.

To wean (a child). y >Li o Jli Seducer, mi.schief-maker. j,^
To adulterate money), ( JIjIj jls fin Mischief-maker. i^^oli -^j j_«iJi
to declare ( coins) to be adulterated. Cause of corruption, a^-Ui ^ Sali*
To declare goods) to be of bad mischief.

cut and plant the oflfset of fi, jij^

th. hidden).
fii JSj
i o ^
a. th.

a palm-tree. clearly.
Rubbish. FHings of iron. *Kli To examine the Slr^jj llnli i o ,/^
Jlljj xijLij JjLjj J^JJij '>llj ,, Jli urine of a .sick person (physician).
Base, ignoble, low. Base (coin), jljj To explain, to comment (a A J!S
Vine-cuttings f)r planting. text).
Foolish. jj_| To ask from a. o. jc ^ jLjLLSi ^4-*^
^ French beans. «c'->^
^ the explanation of a text.
Oflfset o'^^ T^fJ J?.dj J-«i rr *J^c^ Explanation, commen- j\^\. 5P ..'UmIU
of a palm-tree. tary, glose.
D Exorcism. 0>i.i1 P Urine of a sick person.
To emit a noiseless » uJj 1^ o Lis -W-

wind. Large tent of coarse cloth.


To cover Uii a is -» !
Noiseless win flatulence.
a. th. Truffles.
To assail a. o. with (a ^ s fjji]) ^ii Black-bfetle.
whip). To belch. To pilfer To lii o ;\L's «-
To overcome a.
To accustom a
o. (sleep). s ^ boast vainly. -^ To
To open a door (without key). A —
subside (wound).
ijICjb ^^j cnJ ;ii^ls
she-camel to a youag that is not To S'jueeze out the air fi-om (a wa-
her own. ter-skin).
To be worthless, good for ^^
iii) To cool (an angry V^^' J^ ^
nothing. man). To exhaust (the udder of a
To be slow, slothful. To wear she-camel ).
a coarse garment. To scatter slanders amongst. J^ —
To cover the head (hoai^y hair) j- tf- He gave vent to anger. i3i> jS
To pervade the body (blood). To come forth from a skin J^V
To glide in and conceal o.'s Jj A— (wind). To be reduced (swelling]
self amongst the tents. To be remiss in a. th. — ^
To appear, to increase.
ConvolvuUis. Interior substance

Subsiding of a wound. Carob-tree.
Coarse garment. ~
of a reed. Pickpocket, opening doors jilli
Hanging down on the 'Uijj *»i;lJ without keys.
forehead (forelock). Weak-rainded, irresolute.
Smilax, sarsaparilla pLisj ^lij To be weak-ininded. To
(medicinal plant). lie much. <• To grumble.
Sloth, sluggishness. To boast.
Having the teeth disparted To spread amongst
Having ii-regular horns (ram (people : disease).
Checking a horse. Thwarting, fjju^ To open the legs, ,^j ^ (i,ii i ^r-lj
Dung of horses. d^ls -fy- to keep them apart.
Cartridge. ois ^ dUlij :!^]ii Te To sit with parted legs.
rocket, fusee. To stray from the G>sii a 9^i.» "^
Cartridge-box. right path. To part the legs. -^ To
To bacome cowardly, apostatise.
remiss, weak. To tr.-^at a. o. wrong- 5 dJiJ a ^JJ -fr

< To fall short of. fully, n To open the legs.

^ To frustrate a. o. To 5 Jiilj jis To cheat at play. ,^/ui J —
confound a. o. To be wearied. -^ To make rtl^j —
To put a jlSiij jli7j jii'ij Jul wide strides.
curtain to her litter (woman). ^ To stride Over a. 0. u^ —
To flow (water). To marry jliJ < Step, stride. xWi*
(man). To dot. To boast vainly. _^iij o .r^ •
Sluggishness, remissness, <>• Di- ji,'» Humbug. Dotage. Idle boast, jiii -^
sappointment, failing. Boaster, humbug, braggart. jlli -^
H-emiss, j^j J4ij, Jlii!j ji.^ ^ jiS Bryony (plant). <s'^^i
cowardly, apathetic. To boast Ckii JalS "> - Jaii -{^

Curtain on j4,u-: ^ jlS^j , J^ ^ ji.j vainly.

a camel-vehicle. To split, to crack (damp wood), lalijl^
<• Left-handed. jii ^ ^i^,}j ^ jiil Humbugger, boaster, J»lli •^
< Left hand. .5Uill juSl To be dried up at the top CJ.» a f^k» -it
Gizzard of a bird. illi>."P I
To scatter, to rue away. ^i^aJTi < Prayer (in the o^^\ t <j^\ ^
Green, fresh clover. ^jLiS ^ *oii? Greek hturgy).
Brisk, energetic (man). ^jai\^ To spread Uiij i_^j i^ o Ui )}
The lion. X-ijLollI (news). To be disclosed (secret). To
To appear in all its j G,^ a ^.iss -^ become known (fame). To scatter in
splendour (dawn). a pasturage (cattle).
To be pure, •rJ^\j -n^j , *»Usa o tJ^ He knew not how to xil^l «^t z^
without froth (milk). manage his affairs lit his property :

To use good, «^1j,?>l.o« o •rJ^ became too extensive.

clear language. To be eloquent. To have numerous flocks. ,^!
To app:^ar (dawn). To be clear, ,^^1 To spread (news). To divulge A—
evident. To yield pure milk (ewe). To (a secret).
celebrate the feast of Easter. To become wide (ulcer) : to JS5
To be delivered from. ^^
— spread (ink).
He manifested his desire. «_il^ jt — To spread out amongst (_jj 5

To speak clearly, eloquently. rJ^ (disease).
He made a show of *^5lr J r-«oU7j — Revelation of a secret. Sprea- 'llil.

eloquence. ding of news, of a disease.

Pure, without froth (milk).^c^j :>-Ja5 Increase in cattle. 'lii
Easter-tide. Easter. Passover. rdak Swoon. oC.-J
Easter, paschal (time). Spreading (evil, secret). ^vS
Eloquence. Chasteness of iJ^SSat Scattered flock. u^ly ?r
speech, To pull out
'^ a, varilj , UaS j ^«
(-has- -rJeij <r^ii *Ue.iai 5r ^t-aJj , t.^ a. th.

te in speech, eloquent (man). To suppurate (wound). To Ca-^ i —

Clear, evident, cloudless (day), -r-^^ weep slightly (child). To produce a
To take no heed of. ^ GsiJ a ^^ -ft- noise (locust).
To luxate (the hand). A — Nothing remai- -^'j-^ il» j .u J ^s l^

"Weak-minded. :^.^\ij *k^j ^.^ ned in my hand th"erefrom.

To bleed a. o. 5 iSl-i^j la.is i jusj -^ He glared at. *^_ ^ja^
(surgeon). To set a gem in (a ring). *—
To cut (a vein) open. ^ a.irj|j —
To moisten a. th. for softening it. ^ j^
He gave him part
of his due.
^ ^ C:lX *lJl. ^1
To open its gems (tree). a.iai'lj JUsi'l To get rid of, to part away ^ lr^\.
To flow (blood). jLiliij jL^l7 from.
Drawing of blood, bleeding. ^ Lis j -UaS To get a. th. from a. 0. '^a A i>jii^'»
Dates mixed with blood, slu^j sluaa Stone of a ^;aib t/*l>-^ 'u^J Zr4.
Bleeding. oJ ti* ^ Si'l-^ > ring. Joint of two bones. Pupil of
"Wagtail (bird), SSLij^l a the eye. Head of garlic. Origin, true
Bleeder, phlebotomist. iUaS state of a. th. a Axle of a wheel.
Kind of black-pudding. ,^ ^^ Trefoil, lucern. loa
Bled. iijJaii jk i>j.^jiAj ,0 J^,.^ jk -U^ Marsh-trefoil. 'UJI io*
Crevice, fissure, split, Seller, setter of I'ing-stones. tr'LoS
Lancet. jJai^ Fruit-stone. o^s^
To squeeze (dates) ^ C..iii a ;>-<m -5^ Set with (a gem). ^ ^jsuaiu^

out of their skin. To pull out, to To speak quickly. ^5^1 (j^w-as -S-
take off a. th. To bring (accm'ate news). To * —
To give a. th. to a. 0. J cj f^j — feed ( a beast ) with clover. •^ To
To force a. th. out from. ^ A ^Jai strip (a bone) from the flesh.
They came with^all
^ ^.^iu^j
lj»l> I
To go out from. ./. ^iiji
their relatives. He exacted his due from. ^ iji fJi^S^
"Weaning of a young one. Jvi| Having the head uncovered. oli^
Cut of (a garment). Particular jW" Mouse. •viiS
of a narrative. i
To set apart, to A >Lai i J^ia* -tt-

In retail. With all particu- j^voirJU


separate a. th.
lars. To distinguish (a. th.) from ^' A —
J-^U^ ^ SL^'
Piece of cloth cut out :
for a garment. Cut of a garment. ! To set a limit between. ojj

Interested eulogist. Cutting JlSsS |
To settle questions (judge). cJ^y^^i^ —
(sword). i)- To determine the price XtUaJ t —
Separation, division. Juiwjl,. i
of (goods).
Decisive (sentence). J-?^ I
To pUi-^l ^ S JoLslj VLi; J.i> , i

Line of demarcation. J-sl' 'Jai wean (a child).

Set of beads alterna- J-sl^S ^ *lo'9 To sprout (vine). y>iai o J.i^
ting with pearls in a necklace. ! To go forth from (a country). ^ —
Rhyme of a verse ; last word of rhy- To intercalate (golden beads <6 j.2aS
ming prose. and pearls) in a necklace. To allot
Decisive sentence. JoCi ^ J^» |
a. th. To cut out ^a garment). To
Sharp-edged narrate with

Arbitration. sword. a. th. all its parti-

Violent thrust of (a sword). I culars. To analyse (speech).
Judge, arbitrator. ^-^J ~ To cut up (a sheep). 2^

Joint of a limb. jolii"^ J^*'" To break with, to dissolve 5 j.oll

Arthritis, pain of the J-r»lIi.n ^> j -^ To dismiss a. o.

society with a. o.
joints. To make a bargain with a. 0.
Tongue. j^^ To attain the time of being wea-j^l
Separated, disjoined. With full J.oii ned (child). < To depart from life
particulars. Strung with beads and ( sick person).
pearls intercalated (necklace). Cut To be separated, divided, deci- J.ii5l.
out (garment). ded. <> To be dismissed (official).
<-Hinge. o^Uji* ^ zLoi* To part from, to abandon a. o. jt. —
To crack (a vessel). * f, .>< ^^ -^ i or a. th.
To cut off, to sever a. th. I To transplant (a palm-tree). fi> J-iislj
To be ruined (house). ^^?

Separation, disjunction. J^iss ^ JoS

To abate (fever, rain). ^^i] Joint of a limb. Chapter, section of
To depai't from a. o. (fever). ii^ — (a book.) Decision, sentence. Season
To be cracked. .jt^'h jJ^' of ( the year ). Plague. <• Trick,
To be cut off, separated, j,^\ question.
Cracked ; broken, j^^l^^ j^'^i >r--?* The day of the last judg- j.iii!l ^^
To separate a. th. ^
A Cijs i ^ea ^ ment.
from. Offset of palm-tree. iUaa
To free a. o. or
cA-> at ^J ^ Ji^ The loords j^ I'.l folloiv- Ljliaijt jos
a. th. from. ing the preliminary compliments in
To separate from. a discourse.
To cease (rain, heat). Young camel. Jl-a^j o>Cai ,- Jr?*
The shooter has caught Wall of enclosure in front of the
nothing. main wall of a city.
To be cleared ^ jj^\j J^,j Ja>\ Young camel weaned. JJl^ ^ *W*
from, deprived of. Family, kinsfolk. Piece of meat.

oA ) —^
disgraced. To be constiiprated Raisin-seed. Date-stone. j;^
(woman). INlildness of weather. ?'^ a
To be disclosed, revealed ^t-assl. Mild day. *lij /i ^i^^ ^^
(shame). Release, delive- tLoj ^ !--^b *^
Disgraceful. Dawn. ^^.^ ranee.
\\ hitish. Ti-iai ^ '(>.^> j^ -r~2ai\ To break (a seal). To A \^ o ja* -ft-

Re-^oaler of a secret. Defanier. ^uJ deflour (a virgin). To shed (tears).

Shame, ^L^j *»Lajj *i^-AJj tj^ To resolve (a difficulty). To bore (a

disgrace. pearl).
Disgracing. ^_^ijs May God not break iJij 'j^^ jaia'jii V
Covered with shame, disgraced, -r^t tliy teeth
atrocious. To dismiss, to clear (a crowd). 5 —
Bad mauager of cattle. JtUI J— To share a. th. between. it A

Shame, disgrace, -rj}:^ ^ *^?^ To silver a. th. * ja^
ignominy. Shameful action. To break up, to disperse 'jaAi\j ja^aM
Shame. Shocking ^lii ^ Xk^jj: (meeting).
oehaviour. To break up, to be scattered. jaju\^
To break fi r^i\j , (>.^> a j^tiaa -^ To flow (tears).
(a. tb. hollow). To pour (water) little by A "j^M
To ripen (grapes). ^5.^1 I little.

To be broken, split.
Intoxicating drink.
^is-aL'l Scattered people, things.
Particles, ja^^j ioUsij J^lhij
Juice of grapes. Date-wine. j^;-^* fragments.
To be redun- "^^ a J-aSj o Ji»9 » , Sprinkle of watei- in an ja^^i ^aiai
dant, in excess. '
To surpass a. o. in eminence. s — Silver, One para.
-if- *i»4
To hold a. o. to excel i^ s j^ Rocky ground. j,i^ ^ U^j -
another in merit. To prefer a. th. or '

Of silver, silvery. ^^a^

a. 0. to. '

Misfortune, calamity. o^ly ^ £^6

To vie with a. o. sVU^j ;i.iU>i J-aVs narrow. <u<3a*j riii^j ^j^\2aiLJ'

in excellence. To be ample (garment). jalias -S-

To exceed, to excel in a. th. J j^\ To be easy (life).

To make profit in (trade). Ample (coat of mail). Easy j^UiJ

To do good, to bestow a favour — is- (life). Generous (man).
upon. To be CJ^ 7r.^hij\j ^t-aZ — rr-^ai -^
To surpass a. o. in. J. . . it — moist with sweat.
To leave a remainder ^ J-aixI«lj — Sweat. Vt^
of. To disgrace a. 0. To i (U-^ a r^ -tt-

To wear a single garment. j^j make misdoings to be known. -^ To

To judge o.'s self to be it jisij dishonour (women).
superior to. < To grant a favour to, To resolve (a puzzle). To outshine fit,

to honoui" a. o. (the stai's moon). :

•^Please come in. Take a seat, j^aij To appear (dawn). -rJ^Sj -rJ^
Help yourself. To be whitish (object). G^ai a n^
To contend for superiority. J-^Uj To disgrace, to revile ?^.^Ujj » <r^'^
Excess, redundance, J>iai ^ j.^ 0. a.
remainder. Excellence, superiority. To bear ripening dates (palm- t^^I
Benefit, favour, grace. Arith. Rest of tree).
a subtraction. To be put to shame, rt^lj 9^-i*!,
Water flowing upoa the surface .ta| : Moreover, besides*, much ^ y^
of th.3 earth. less. A fortiori.
Promiscuous mass, mixture. ^^[^j Ji^ '

By the gi-ace of God. <.^t jJai^

Mess, mixed food. J^) ^Ul»' Exceeding, redun- J\Jaij cj%^ -r "'^Ji

They are without chief. J^ j,^j'^\ I dant. Remainder, rest. Wine, a Ex-
They ard ia anarchy. !
I remaineil quite alone. ^^'aS 'c^"^. : Work-clothes ; night-clothes. ji»jj —
Leisure, woi'k- 'j^^'i SjUsij 'i'y^ -^ Wearing of a simple garment. rt>;
lessness. i Redundant, superfluous oVLa* ^ ilLaj
^ Free, idle, workless. c^iS ^ ja'^ i part. Remainder, residue.
Empty (place). ,
Bountiful, Ju»i
To break a. th. A liai a UJ -ti- '
Attainment. Merit. jj liJ ^ is^
To grieve, to distress a. o. To s — Virtue.
throw down and strike a. o. j
Eminence, superiority. Super- j.^i'
To have a depressed back Ci^ a \hi lative {gram).

and a prominent chest. \

Supei'abundant. Supe- '"iLai ^ J-?^'
To prostrate a. o. on the j^jVI o \yv> rior. Virtuous. Redundant. <> Learned
ground. man.
To become ill-tempered, peevish. Ijail Excess, increase.o>LilSj Jot^j .^ V^\a
To lag behind a. o. to :
^ UjUj Benefit, favour.
retreat from. Increase in flocks. JUI-
Prominence of the chest and Uasj stL* Exceeding all measure.
hollowuess of the back. Useless thing. Intrusion.
Prominent in the 'i^ ^
T Ua ^ \y>\ Intruder, imjuisitivo. Tailor,
chest. Distinguished man. *!>Uja
To enlarge, to fi> ^j^j b-is a
, ^i -5^ More distingui-
flatten a. th. shed. Better.
To strike a. o. with (a stick). ^ ! — Excellent in merit,
To be broad, flat (head, nose ).G-ja* a n0 superior.
Broad-headed, broad- ^.kl-j j^-kM Single garment : joU: ^ diai^j Jiii^
nosed. Chameleon. 6 very-day-clothes
Prehistoric age. Time of jicks -^ Very generous. *JLiji« ^ Jual^
plenty. Bulky, stout. To be broad, wide l^-k'j «La* o Uia -^
•^ Scholai's : heroes. J>-via3 (place).
To cleave, to
To find out,
split a. th.
to begin a. th.
* l^o
To be empty,
void iji^ a ^ <•

a. th. (God). To be unemployed. To ^al^j — -^

To bake unleavened bread. csstiJI
— have leisure.
To milk a ewe with the thumb s — To empty, to clear (a place), a ^J^ -^

and forefinger. To go forth to the desert. ^^1

To breakfast, to break \'j^j l^is? — To reach, to arrive to. Jl —
the fast. To bring a. o. to a place ( :
Jl *i

To make a. o. to break- S^'\j JLi road). To result for a. o. (affair). To
fast. To give the breakfast to a. o. communicate (a secret) to.
To be unleavened (dough). JLi3j ^) > He had leisure to consi- ^>L) ^If
To enter upon breakfast-time. J^] der the affair.
To be cracked, split. To JaJu\j Ja^ Large plain. Court, enclosui'e. 'lis*
spread its leaves (plant). Unoccupied (place).
Fissure, crack. jj]^ ^ J^i Private. Jd^^j H^M z-ii
( o^• )

Weaning of a child. ^li4 _,i^j Jai,

Weaned (young one). ^» ^ ^Aa Breaking of the fast. Breaking jis\.

A sea-fowl. *i^Ja« !
his fast (man).
Having her young ^Jbl^a ^ <ii?lij ^%^J Feast at the breaking of Jyj^\ j^s.

one weaned (female). the fast of Ramadhan.

Weaned lamb. ^ la JU^ Alms given at the _^i)| *Ja^j sUij
end of Ramadhan.
Fntimah, Mohammed's daughter. :i^\a
CJJj CJaJj Ciss, a ^^j o ^j ^'iai -a- Poisonous mushroom. _^_j Jy^
i_) *__^) Ua' .} iilLsj 'UJJaJj '^^J Uiaij Toad-stool.
To seize, to understand Jj Jl ^ i
Natural disposition- ^lak ^ %J\ai

a. th. To be intelligent, penetrative. Religious feeling. Religion of Islam.

explain a. th.
a. 0. -if- To remind
J j\ ^{j\
a. o. of.
^ s ^ I
a Sample. Bill of sale.
j^ -^j 'jjJlSj^j^
»jji^ I

To di'aw a. o."s attention j

" » ^b la Azym, unleavened ( opp. to ^^i- ) ^vjaa

to. I
(bread). Unpremeditate, hasty.
^ To reflect, to remember. ^jai; Pan-cake, fritter. S^^^ tt '-^k^
Intelligence, prudence, ^Lj ^ *jhi Blunt (sword). jiiJ
sagacity. Cipher, worthless man. ^j,^
T cMj cMj ^^J "^-^'J O^J Cr',^
Pastry-cook. *ljs\]:i ^ SL>%^^ °
IntelUgent, open-minded. /jajj ^H Chap on the face, nose. jylaViV,^ j^\
Prudent. The Creator. ^tVj
To urge (a beast) s \'j^ o iks -^ To be flat-nosed. CJas a ^-Jas -S-
vehemently. To die without disease. Cjii) ^J^i i

To be Ciliijj Ctikb Jli'litf a '^ -»- -< To be smothered, choked.

rough, harsh, unmanly. To flatten (iron : blacksmith). * —

To press out (the CkS o — fi> \iJi\j ,
To utter a. th. in SilfetJVi 5 ,j^j —
water) of a ruminant's stomach. o.'s face.

Unmanly, harsh, churlish. Jjikil ^ 'Jas To cause a. o. to perish, to ? ^ l»<

Water in the sto- &^j ^'iia ^ 'Jil kill a. 0.-^ To smother, to suffocate.
mach of a ruminant. Bei-ry of the myrtle-tree. ^_^j:a

Harshness, unman- JJi^jj JaLsSj yi'ikj A myrtle-berry. Bead worn as ilXa

liness. Roughness. an amulet. Smothei*.

To be foul, ,kj1j . Xc ly o ^ha -H- Flattening of the nose, ilxklij

~ ',
W '

unseemly, difficult. To be critical •^ Dead beast. ^jUJ -r *-iia*j ur-i^

(affair). Carrion, carcass.
To be filled to the brim Gias a ;i^ Large hammer. ^aWiLS ^ ^-^
(vessel). Pig's snout. *~il4
To reckon (an fi, ^\j ^j ^j * — Flat-nosed. ^]^ ^ 'iiks ^ ^_,Jaj1

affair) hard, difficult. To wean (a young ? CJas i

^^ -^

To be in critical circumstances. ,t'il one).

To find a. th. hideous, * ;Jx^_Hj ^ij To disaccustom a. o. from, ^t s ^s
shocking : diftlcult, critical. To cut a rope). < To dip
( A —
Difficulty. < Hideousness. :!j.\i^ (cloth) in dye.
Abominable : difficult. ^^^j ^^ To become barren ( tree, ^iJ -^

Excessive. -^ Ugly, hideous. female ).

•^ To upbraid
to bully a. o.
loudly, (jyj, i a ^ -^

To reach the time of being

To do: to act. To per- A yji a Jis ^ I To be weaned. jM^{

form a. th. '

To abstain from. ...t

Foaming with rage, ^j.la |
To act upon a. o. ^_) jirjij ji*
Flower of the Egyptian privet t^\a

B. Thii verb and its tlerivates


Wont to calumniate (woman). are used as paradigms upon which

Viper. ^5.b1 ^ jSi all verbs and grammatical forms are
Coimtry full of vipers. siiiJ j^J\ measured.

Branded in the shape of a viper ;Cii To be done. To be impressed. jiijM

^ To be vexed, to spite.
To diffuse itself (odour). XiS o ]^ -tt- !
To intrigue, to \j/jj Cir«Jif jJci[
To open (the
J»\j \'Ja o a ^ * {

forge a lie against a. 0.
To forge (hand-writing). fii

To be half-opened (mouth, Ju^s^ — !
Action, J^tl^l rr^j JCjIj JC? ^ Jj^
flower). i
work, deed. Verb.
Rising of the Pleiades. s^iiJI ;
Actually, ( opp. to s^Sl, ) jlij^
Mouth of a river. _^a ^ YJa \
Wide (spear-thrust), ^jUs <^ |
Custom, use. *ij
Perfume. Cubeb. Lotus of India. %'jiXi
Good or bad action dore by a Ju»
Broad plain. Hollow in a "i'J^ !
single agent.
mountain. Good or bad ai^tion done by two JUi,

Emperor of China. jy^ ^ or many agents.

Kind of China-ware. ;;^j y^ i/-^ 'jjji'Ho He has performed good JUUl '^U- '^
To fill the nose 2^ (^ji^j Ui* a ^s -Jf actions.
(odour). They do good actions. JiiiSI oi->-*v»
To kiss a. o. s ^\ij — Handle of a tool. jii ^ Juj
To open (rose). Jjijj C-Ja a ^is , Imper. Do thou. JuS
To become accustomed to. ^_, u^ ^45 Impression. <« Spite. Juu!l^
To b3 fond of, busy about. Acting, active, doer. iuSj o^^t -r J<;i*
To abide in a place. oifcii'
— ((rr.) Agent. <> Efficacious. Work-
To fill (a place : odour) ; to fill A ^1 man, labourer, digger.
(a vessel). Gr. Subject, noun agent. JtUJI 'jr^\
To be filled up. To be dispelled ^^{ Present participle.
(rheum). (f- Efricacity. :»SipIs

Food remaining between the teeth.^is Foot of a verse. J=*>'J Jc'i*^^

Mouth. Chin. ^j J!i Made, done. Passive. J^tU^ ^r J>i»^
He, it depressed him lit he 4.^. iil : Result, effect.
took hold of his chin. Gr. Object, regimen. o dy^
Eager, fond of.
To spread (news). To
^ ^r^J ^ .««* Gr. Past participle noun Jjii;j|^lj^ :

\'y» o\A ^ patient.

fade (plant). It produced a distressing jiSiiJlj VV
To become bad, coiTupt (palm- Js\ effect (wound).
tree). To become ugly. To become Falsified, altered (book). jiSiJ o^
rebellious. To fall into destitution. To fill ( a * ^ilj ^sj , CJ^ a ^» -^
To blossom (saffron). vessel) to the brim.
To irritate a. o. 5 — To be filled up <'''j''^h *'^»a _Ji
Disease of palm-trees. Dates of uS (vessel). To become fat (arm, leg).
bad quality. Refuse. To fill (a house : perfume). A ^o1
Blossom of henna. t^l*^ y'^ To fill (a. 0.) with anger. s —
To bark from fear (dog). jiis ^ To be filled (vessel). j^'y^\
To speak volubly, to jabber.^^^fc^ll j — Full, filled with people. j,'^''J j^
Dotage, doter. jujs To be wicked like a viper, .iij — Us -5^

oat (an eye). To press (grapes). Foolish. xJuiS

To overwhelm a. o. (evil s Jit
). To slit (a fi, -C^ \|i_, , ^liS a Uj «-
To feel a pain in the ver- \'Jifi a J^ pimple). To put out (an eye).
tebrse. To burst (a pomegranate) a \2S
To be poor, destitute. _,2lilj SjUs o ^i», open. To hull (a nut, an almond).
To dig a hollow for (a young
J ^ To burst (cloud, pustule).
To be pulled out ( eye ). -^
To be

To impovei'ish a. o. S ^') husked (fruit).

To lend to a. o. (a beast) for A > -Membrane enveloping '\x}^j ii^j -ja
ridiug : (a land) for sowing. the head of the foetus.
What a poor man ! 'i'Jii\ C» Hollow in a rock, or stony •
pj —
To feigu povei'ty. _,IUj ground.
To burst open (abscess, fruit). ^i\-fy Lanced, put out. <• Hulled *ji>j 'Jdi
To want, to be in need of. Jl^ ^:il (nut).
Poverty, destitution. _,;U^j jjici ^ Jit Ravine, channel of a torrent. <*|i;5

Poverty, side. J&, ^ J&

To open the eyes ra»j (kii a r-Si -J^ ,

(whelp). To blossom (tree).

Vertebrfe, spine of the back.juS^ SjI^jj To open (rose). ^SU
Three stars in Orion. -C}?*" J^' To set, to prepare to. Jj ^ —
Celebrated sword of Ali. ja^A j'i To lean against o. a.'s back. j^JUj
Mark, butt. Hillock. Choice._^^ ^ s^rii, Orifice of the anus. ^uj, ^ xi2»
verse or passage of an author. Blossom.
Proximity. Ditch. Gore
of a shirt.
^ o'J& ^ Palm of the hand.
Blossom of plants. Tall, handsome ^lIS
ji \3,»j —

Vertebral. 'i^j,l5s woman.

Misfortune. ^.5ly ^ s^lS Prone to do mischief. ^^^ i»4*=^
Having the vertebrae jy^'j j\pj JA To lose Sj A lijiij Glaii J Ijij i -Us -ii-

broken. a. th. To miss a. th: to want a. th.

Poor, destitute, needy. |^2s ^ j^ To be deprived of.
Canal, aqueduct. Mouth of
J^ ^ j^i To cause to a. o. the s jl A ? joal
a canal. Hollow dug for planting or loss of a. o. or a. th.
watering palm-trees. To seai'ch out a. th. lost, a j^i\j jJm
Strong. Fit to be ridden (colt). _,iii missed.
Able to, fit for. J — To miss, to regret the absence asUj
Resolute man. Damaskeened _p^ of o. a.

(sword). To seek for, to miss »

To die.
To break, to burst (her
a Cis
i ^^^^
a. 0.
if- To
visit (a sick

» jii~:.|


eggs : bird). () To relax (a spring). person).
To discharge (a gun). Absence, loss of a per-ijij_j ol^,j -lia

To kill (a beast). To pull the 5 — son, of a thing.

hair of. > To spite, to vex a. 0. Vitex, chaste-tree. joij oSs
To repel a. o. violently from. i — ^ Wanting, missing. Bereft of her j^ii
•^ To be relaxed (spring); ^^^\j ^^iS husband, of her children (woman).
discharged (gun). To lose patience. Lost, absent, lamented. J>ii?j -^-^
To melt (butter) for clari- * ^^J^ -^ He died unlamented. ju2» jji oC«
fying it. To dig the earth. Jij ,\'Ja\oJi^
To play with Easter ^U^j ^i •• To incise.
eggs (cliildren). [
To bore (a pearl). -^ To put a J&j —
du ( \T )

Crushing (povertv). To be upset, overthrownT ^^Jiiij ^Ji


Bvj and hard (phxnt). To be melted, purified (butter). ,_^3i7'^

To wiimow (corn). a yai o j^ -f}- To pull 0. a. by tlie hau'. ^r^Cc
To be luxuriant (land). jaii Relaxing of a spring. Dischar- j_ij -^
Luxuriant (land). jiiiiiJyS j^'J\ ge of a gun. Fit of passion.
Winnowing-basket, J3l_i: ^ ilii; Pain in the joints. j^ia
fan. Spring of a trap. trl^ij
*Jl_5s j^j (^_4*J "^J '^ a
To be grave, important,
, ^ -Jl- To crack (nuts, eggs) * Csi> jiis «•
with the hand.

momentous (affair ). -^ To burst, to split (wood). To jja
To have inequal jaws. C»iSj Ci» a ^5s break (waves).
To have an indigestion. To be full , -^ To break, to crush (fruit), i* jjii

(vessel). To become abundant. To To break (an egg). * Caii ^^-s * j

be consumed (wealth). Melon. G Large cucumber. u^^

To seize (a b^ast)
by its muzzle.
s _^j , uii o ^ Iron-ring in a plough.
Iron-mace for breaking.
Jaw. Dog's muzzle. _J^j Jii Only, but. LiS «
Mouth. ^i To write down ^'n words fin Ja|» -^
Having irregular J^ ^ >i;.2i ^ J^»\ I
the total of a sum.
incisors, unequal jaws. Crooked To be intensely ip^j uii a o 4* *
(affair). yellow. To die fi'om heat. To grow
To be leai'- *aUs o *aJj Qss a *& -H- ,
up (child).
ned, skilled in divine law. To be en- To crush a. o. (misfortune). 5 —
dowed with penetration. To burst,
<>• to explode. To be ^3
To understand a. th. a *lijj (^ a *Si grieved to death.
To overcome a. o. in j Q.aj o «is To be intensely red. f«2i a ^
To teach
. To crack the fingers. To burst fli
a. o. To render in- s *ia1j J* (a flower). To dye a hide) I'ed.

telligent, skilled. To speak inconsiderately. jS<ia^\ J —

To vie with a. o. in knowledge j Jis To utter idle words.
of divine law. •^ To despite a. 0. to death. i —
To study jurisprudence tho- ^ f^J To be reduced to destitution. 0\
roughly. To become white (eyes). ^Cu
Learning. Knowledge of juris- Jj To be cleft, to crack, to burst. ^1.
prudence. Fungus, truf- f,_pij 4*b *»2? ^ ;i2j_j ;d»
Science of divine law. <^U'» fles of bad quality. Intense white-
Skilled in jui'ispru- 'l^a ^ *2sj *-jaj *2j ness, yellowness.
dence. Lawyer. Intelligent, a School- Clear (colour). ^ij
master. Pure yellow colour. ^u Ji^\
Companion of a mourner <i5lfj_i Calamity. ^5iy ^ xi^
woman. Red-faced (man). ,^j ^.Uij ^uj
To follow the A ( for Ca ) l^ o uj -ft- Wicked, perverse. j.i2j

ti'ace of. Beer, drink made with fruits. y.ai

Notch of an arrow. '33 _ s'Ja Bubbles upon the siu'face ^di ^ jplli
To loose, to disjoin. * i&tj o 'diS -ft- of water.
To separate a. th. To luxate ( a Pure (colour), ^is ^ .u2j ^ /^il^,;^.
limb). To break (a seal). To resolve Intensely white, red, yellow. White
(a difficulty). To open (the hand). To pigeon.
open (the jaw.)

Unripe (fig). ^ <•
Lock, fastener of a
jj-fl^S -r "ij^^
( eM
•< To

release, to set
^ s (ioQs^,j (&« 'dlS

window. free (a captive, a slave).

Thinker, thoughtful. -'1%'j,J^J To recover a ;yiij ^ (^^^oj 4w —
To sprain, to put fi> QiCS o jSil -^ (a pledge).
(a limb out of joint). To be broken down (old vs^^j ^—
To be dislocated, sprained. jS^[ •• man).
Luxation, sprain. J^^^ ^ To be out of joint, 'duilj ,(kSvi a —
To lower the "iijfcsj (iSo a ;>%o -K- luxated (hmb).
head in grief or spite. To be foolish. iljj 4m o a —
No one knows where ,§0 Ci't t?j^V To disjoin, to undo, to dissol- * difcj
he was this morning. der, to separate a. th. •<> To dii?en-
To apply o.'s self to. J J&c'il^— J^sii * tangle, to unravel, to undo a. th.
Shudt'er, shiver. Crowd. Wood- jfeol To lose o's temper d^&u:
: to have
pecker. no self-control.
They came ^^uriSli j) ^.Ifeol >i^l *U- To be disjoined, undone, sepa- 'dXju{
aU together. rated. To be parted (fingers To be ).

Terror-stricken. J^^ set free (slave).

To persist in. J CAS o ,:^ -^ ^ To extricate o.'s self from. ^—
To be astonished, thoughtful. JiZjiJ He has not ceased CiJVa o^U 'diiitCi
To repent, to regret. standing up.
Repentance, regret. XifeJ He has not ceased to. 0^ ^UUl C»

To be *feii.tj iftt&Jj C|^i a *%o -S-

, To endeavour, to disjoin. a 1iU:J.I,

merry, lively, jolly. to loose a. th.

To bring fruit to a. 0. To s *fej DLsjunction, luxation, sepai'ation. UU
enliven a. o. with facetious talks. Jaw, D Bit of a horse. 6^^ ^ 'di
To joke with a. 0. s Sis Silliness. Corona Borealis aJcS
To eat fruit. To abstain 4_?CiJ {constell).
from it. Money for redeeming a ilfewj iJlfeis,

To enjoy a. th. To slander a. 0. ^— pledge.

jestingly. Disjoining. Deere- iJifeuj *&i§o ^ DlS
To joke, to jest together. «rC^ pit. Foolish.
Joke, merriment. *+:rT>^j <^^^ Disjoining much. i)fe
Wonderful thing, kS^j] ^ xip^S Speaking inconsiderately, ^>ifeOl; —
witticism. incoherently.
Witty, jovial. *4'lSj *&is Resolving difficulties. o^^*-iU) —
Jolly, jocose. :;^&J <%« ^ Having the shoulder- "iij ^ '5Ci ^ 'cUSl
Asperser. ^t'l j^Vj^i. *%J blade out of joint. Part in which
Having much fruit (tree). i^\» the jaws meet.
Frait. Sweetmeat. ^fjy ^ X^Ki
The fire. -C^JI zifiS To reflect, to think J p^i\j J^^j
Fruit-seller. 'J i^la on, to ponder over.
To notch (a Sj 4» jlsj , !Aa o Cjj ^r To recall a. th. to the mind, a s
sword). To rout (an army). To I'emind a. 0. of.
He is out of mind. ^ia^ ids- yi 'ji [ Thought, idea. jl?o1 ^ ^So,
^ To escape, to ran away. To be jS Reflection. Cares. Jsd^ s^jSo j \S'P^
off. To go back home (workman, Want.
pupU). I do not care ^^ j\ JO *^ J C«

^ To make a. 0. to escape, to t! Jls for it.

go back. I have no need of it. \jjL j J ^60 V

Flight, escape.
^ (

^IS To lose flocks. To be in a barren ^

Thou hast no escape ^J^ ii» diJ U land.
from it. To be defeated, routed 'Jxi\j JUj
Swift (horse). olcisj oBi j dij cOi (army).
I nexpected event. Inconsiilerate :i_ia To be notched (sword) ; [^\j -jjoSj —
action. Last night of a lunar month. broken (tooth).
The event happened s5j> ^ivi oa=: To take the tenth of.
unexpectedly. Routed, Jyjj J>^1j Jyij ^ (s. Pl')
Blunders, mistakes. ouus in flight (army).
Rascal, rogue. '
'j >(ij -^ji ^ Rout, army put to flight.
Free, escaped. -^ Profligate, ^!iS Notch on the edge of J:i^j
libertine. a sword. Spark. Filings of iron
•^Offensive, talk.^,ia j.yS' Wa- -Jyi ^ sijij ;j3j , J5\i1j ji ^-
Tight gai'ment. cj_^ 'LIT terless desert.
To split it ^j , (fjij bjj i o ^jij -H- Devoid of all good. ^Jl ^—
a. th. asunder. To till (the earth) Jasmine. ^j j J^^s
To share, to allot If- jl ojj * rrJ^j
— Bi'eak in a sword. jiS
a. th. amongst. Notch in a sword. -^Fhght. Return ^oj
To succeed well.
To overcome ( an antago-
ip r^)i]j
^— from work.
Notched (sword), 'jijjj JJIaj j>]j jj^
nist ). Broken (tooth).
He has afforded his proofs. j;^j_ ^j Rolled up (hair). iuSj jj^
To ravish the heart of oyj ^J^. — Areca, betel-nut. JMj J*J^ "^
a. 0. To sweep, to walk with jiiUj JiiS -S-
To have
body paralysed.
the half of the ^Juji -^j ^ a proud gait. To pick the teeth.
•^ To go back one by one (party ).jiiS
To have the (teeth, legs) GJj a tA> To season (a dish) with fi> jlil

apart. pepper. To cui'l (the hail").

To contend for superiority s z^d Pepper, pepper-corn, ^^j jiU P
with. allspice.
To make a. o. to gain the it s ^Ul Long-pepper. jiii;
mastery over (God). Pungent, peppered. Crisp, jiU jla P
To adduce clear (proofs). fi>
— curly (hair).
To be chapped (feet). ^^llj To loose, to set s cSib , C;ii i c^ -^
To break (day). ^ To become ^=1. free a. o.
paralysed (man). To escape, to clLij cm3j cMj cJj
Success, victory
luck at play.
good i^ii^ ^j ^ slipaway.
D To smuggle a. th. a cX>
Half. Division. ^yi ^ ^ii To overtake a. o. s Cj>Uj l:JU^ cJ\i
Measure for grain. ^}ly ^ ^lij ^ ^^ To glide away from a. o. (thing, jfci^l
Width between the teeth or the ^.Ij person).
thighs. Daybreak. To escape from a. o. (thing). ^ zXkj
Streamlet. ^ — To
^yi] long after. J|_ diJ
Small cup, coffee- ^^^^.^^yi ^ o^ P To I'ush upon. je —
cup. He spoke unpremeditately, >>^l ci^sl.
Dividing in two halves. Hemi- ^jiS he extemporised.
plegia, palsy. Two-humped camel. To do, to take a. th. of a sudden. ^—
Winning at the game (arrow). To die suddenly.
Cocoon of silkworm. ^CJ ^ ^P To be surprised by.


become poor
^ To become bank-
( e"\ \

Having ol^Vl
^^U•'J , -iVU ^ r-'lJ'

nipt. the teeth apart.

Atome : rubbish, scale of fish Disordered (affair). ,piXi
Destitution. Paralysed. r-lU'' ^ ?r>L»^
Farthing, small ^h i^j^ To cleave a. th. To a b-jl a tJj -ft-

copper coin PI Money (in gene- till the ground.

ral). To deceive a. o. ^j v —
Scales of a fish. To be chapped (under-lip). QS ^4*
Money-changer. To laugh at a. o. to beguile ^
: ^.U
^ Banki'uptcy. him.
round spots (horse).
Havinj^' To be successful, lucky. ^-JixJ-ij 9-Jljl

Covered with scales. To live on. ^ ^Jil

Insolvent, penniless. ^-i).^ a4^ Slit, chap, crack. ^Ji ^ ^ji
^ Bankrupt. Chap on the under-lip. <W)ij rCa
Palestine. cniulu*,j o/!a.'..la -H- Prosperity ; success. Safety, ^yij —
A Philistine. j .u'\\ j -
kliS, Cultivated ground. •;^jii

To become a phi- ^L'iSjj — ^'-ii ^ Tillage, agriculture. 'i>yi^ *i>U,

losopher. To philosophise. Husbandman, li'^j o^!As -r?^^
PhUosophj. ;ilii G peasant. Sailor. < Ruffian, rough
Philosophic. ^5*-'^ man.
Philosopher. iL-^As ^ .J^JJU G Having the under- ^.U ^ .G.is ^ ^.lil

The Philosopher, surname of ^jyjLi!! lip chapped.

Aristotle. Crack-lipped, chap- Jij3\j llln ^Jui*
To unfold (a piece of cloth). fi> jji <> handed.
To escape from (a cala- ^ ^» -S- To slit a. th. * (i-JlS a -ry* ^
mity). To strike a. 0. n ^a'j
To deliver, to save a. 0. s ^jJa Stone of a water-mill. ^iCi ^ urilS

To be saved. ^^'ij ^^uuj ^A>^ To cut a slice of ^ cSk lllij i ilS -«-

To overlook, to be ^c- C>U o M* -^ (meat) to a. 0. To give part of a. th.

inadvertent to a. th. to.
To overtake, to meet a. 0. To cut a. th. into pieces. A ijj
unexpectedly. To take the part of a. th. a j jia\
To surprise a. 0. (affair). from.
To be surprised by. Liver of camels. i>l'j1 ^ ii»
Unexpected event. Piece of meat, or i^olj iii ^ Soii
Surprise. hietal.
Plato (Greek philosopher). ;>'Mi1 G Treasures buried in the J»JV1 i>u1
To expand, to flatten a. tb.A 9-Jai» -S- earth.
Broad and flat (bread). ^iLJ_, ^Ikii Sweet- ^Sj5v»j j'ij3^*J «-'JL>3l*j i>5vs P
To split, to cut * ^j ,
CdS a /^ ^ meat made of starch, water and
a. th. honey.
To b3 split, cut asunder. A^Kj ^^"^ Steel : pure iron. iV^' -if-j iVy P
Crack, crevice, cleft chap :
^, Cut. Made of steel (sword). ij)^l>

on the feet. Bronze. Brass. Rough jUj 'J^jyi,^

Piece of a camel's hump. ^ij ^ x^ (man ).
Distress, calamity. ^)Xji ^ <i.\\j To declare a. o. to be j ^^S — ^^ -H-

Cutting (sword). A^,j. f^ ^ ^^ bankrupt (judge). <>• To reduce a. 0.

Made of many pieces to destitution.
of leather (bag). To be penniless, destitute. To lil
Y) dlt
< To foretell events, to jAuij viUs 1
To split, to cut /b
j^j , (sli i jjLJ -«

soothsay. a. th. in two halves.

Globe, siihorical six\ij vitUj iiV^i] -^ ills (God) made the dawn to Wii)i ji»

body.Celestial sphere, sky. Weather. break.

Hillock, mound. iJ>U ^ — To produce a. th. wonder- jirslj jial

Astronomy. duil js.^ ful, a ntiaster-piece.

Astronomic, celestial.
To be cracked, chapped, split, jjii
Astronomer, o^i%USj *^%«ii ^ ^5^ To run swiftly. jluil J jiriij —

astrologer. To be cracked, split, 3^\

Any spherical object. iXa ^ i£tdS, Crack, split, fissure. jyi ^ jU
Whirl of a spindle. Wood split in two, splint. Won- jis
Felucca, sailing JJj,S^'» ^r ~*S^ -^f-j »iui derful thing. Misfortune.
ship. Ark of Noah. He has spoken to me
with his own mouth.
^ jiS, ^« ^j^lT

Round-breasted (girl). Sooth- diiiu- personally /if :

sayer, asti'ologei". Dawn. Ravine between jyjl ^ jia

The two tonsils. o^fetiivl two mountains. -^ Stocks, bastinado.
To cut off the nose of. n J,:i[ — ^ ^ Valley between two hills. ^liis ^^ ~
Man of a tall size. Wide-mouthed JJ» He has ^jU jiij jl jli jii; jU
well. Comb. Numerous (army). brought evil.

< Belgium. Holland. Dutch, iUU», Ts Brand on the ear of a camel, xaiS

Belgian, Flemish. Splint, frag- J>(a ,r *^>^j , ji? ^r ^U

Such a one. v>U j> o^^ — j^ -^ ment, half of a. th.

Such (a place), such ^.y^ ^ V,^ Wonderful thing. ^»j jioSj jOs
(a thing). Misfortune, calamity. s^lLSj 4*;l»j —
Cork, stopper. 4I.IS -^ Splitting asunder. De- TjijS ^ jH^
God-child. Cyiia -^ pressed ground.
To journey. To ty^j )'Ji o ^ -ilc Causing seeds and .i^lj 1.>JI J^,l3

acquire experience. fruit-stones to germinate (God).

To strike a. o. with (a sword ).i_; a — Army, body of 5000 men- jJ.'CS ^ jili
To wean (a yOung one). 5 js'jlj Ulj — Calamity, distress. Cocoon.
To bring up (a child). Cui'ded (milk). jj^h J'^'>
To have a colt fit to be weaned. J>1 The eggs C»'^\j (Jy^ij G5U ^^-H jVo
To engage in a desert. have been broken.
Of great genius (poet). j^
Colt. Filly. jj^Ab '^^1 5r
Kind of peach split in the drupe. j%
Desert, >>Ulj ^, j ^^sj oOi»J ^» ?r S>U The same peach when dried. jtii
waterle-ss plain. Split. Branded on the ear(camel).JjiiJ

^ Open space, atmosphere. !Aa • To swallow (the contents ^ ,^.115 -f5-

To louse (the head). fi>

JSj ,CJis i
Js ^ of a ve.ssel).
To scrutinise (an affair). To A js ^ To become supercilious, over- (^sui
study the meaning of (a poem). bearing.
To strike a. 0. with (a sword ).o s — To show a smiling face. ^^ti\ <}[ —
To examine (people). S ^i\j — Cavalier, overbearing, ^.illi -^j j^^sjiS

To clear o.'s self from lice. Jl_^ To have duit? jaISj , fejj o ^3 -{:}-

To ask to be loused. J^b li'^ rounded breasts (girl).

They seek for herbage in 3>ii!l oJ^h To be rounded dili~J,|j diUJj —

the desert. (breast).
Lousing of the head. ;;u_jj *j ^, To apply c's self assi- J duib dita

Black-beetle spotted with white :Q \a duously to.

( e^A)
•^ Rejoicing, parade. *iX^ I and black. -^ Vent-hole of a gun.
To stare, a To be generous. Forerunners of an evil. «/i*Vl ll!,v5
Skilful horsemen. Mouth. Orifice, ol^l ?r ^J VJ V "^

Coffee-cup. *^l^ « opening. Mouth of a river.

To bruise (a bone). fi> &Ji a 7C9 -ft- Point of a sword.
a To cancel a. th. Two stars in Cancer:
To get mastery over, to j ^aj — Fomeihaut, bright star in

overcome a. o. Pisces.
Weak, subdued (man). ?iuJ Star in Pegasus. u"'^^
Overpowering the enemy. ^JtlL* Belongiug to the mouth. 'J^j [^
To swell the nostrils. To be J,.j3 ^ Two mouths. P'S^J ,'j^—«^
proud : to assume a haughty gait. To adorn, to beautify a. th. a ci o o» *
Colossal, enormous. jh'^J J^-^ To put off the payment of a
To become weak- S^\j lIuS a ju* -Ji- ,
S —

minded (old, sick man). To lie. To To drive on (camels).

commit a mistake. To deceive a. o. in. J 5—
To sit on the top of a hill. jS To ask or offer various things. fl> ^
To ridicule a. o. To be weak- 5 ji3 To mix various things to sort. To :

minded, liar. To contradict a. o. To change (o.'s mind).

point out the faults of. To classify (things).To gather ftjS-
•^To classify, to diversify a. th. A — (men) from various tribes.
To give the particulars of an ac- To be diversified, variously mixed. oUj
count. To lop a vine. To be crafty.
To ask a. th. from, it i SHJij jJVij — To give variety to ^i^^ J cra\j

To weaken the mind of (old age) ^ ^1 a narrative.
To repent of. \ja julj To urge (a horse) to go at s '^^\
Large mountain. jji,j jJa diflferent paces.
Species, sort. Branch, i^j iOJl ^ jji^ Kind, species, CAJVai r^i oCiij o^ -r o*
bough. Numerous company. sort. ]Mood, manner. Art, branch
The divisions of the night, jjjl iOil of knowledge.
By parties. iSCj^ iSUil Academy. o>i«)l jia
•^Wax-candle. jyji ^ fT^s jjj The various branches of ^jiilt ^^
Dotage. Weakness,blunder. iUil ^ aIj science.
Lie. Unthankfulness. The turns, modes of speech. ^ySsJtcniiSl
They form one separate ;!> jc- oii
^ Branch of a tree. Cfjilal r-?-j oli*l ?r ^
party, Space of time. i__Ij

Turkish title. Su\ *i Jiil ^ s?^^

"^ Abundant pasture. *_Jj
Effendi. Master. Branchy (tree). ^S^j •'^
Lump of ^iCi ;r SltjAii, J jr.J^'. * Luxuriant (hair). Thick-haired. oCj
dates. Large rock detached from a Species, sort way. Inter- crOVal -^ Oyi'^

mountain, wisted bough. Obscure discourse.

ban, caravansary. jj,\^i ^ j'j^ -^ Miscellany. Unevenness in a c^uw
Nux avellana, hazel-nut. texture. Ornament, decoration.
Landlord of an inn. 'j Sjii G Industrious, inventive. *ii* ^ [^i;

Register for reeceipts jiCJ ^ Jljii Skilled in various branches of J^

and expenditure. learning.
Paper-lautern. Light- cXj^ ^ j\ji -^ Old and wicked (woman). tiiii

house. Party. *^ -ft-

Great destitution. ^^ — ^j^ ^ Crowd. 'Ui


Court-yard, enclosure.-jjj
Lantern. SlandererT
Ti-anaieut, perishable.
" ^1;^ ^ ^_^<i-
CIlJ To be remiss in action. - jj^
Worn out. J^ ^
Well-room: ^^lli
Fi'om an unknown ^ ^lklj^-^i»j ^
-Ul 'Oil tank of sweet water in a ship. Bowl
for the crew.
^ight-shsLde (plant).
^ „,
^^Ui ^ r.^h'j Dog or wolf's muzzle
To be weak, disabled. ^i;i ;

a a^-j 'J'-r- pig's snout.

To foi-get a. th. ^^/^ ^i _ To become rich.
To disable a. o. Uii a ;^ ^
j ii]^ ^-^ Wealth, good. Nobleness of mind,
To cause a. o. to forget. cj a j - generosity.
Good repute. Strong
Weak, unable. xi^Jj ^S "^ ^^'i, ;> (perfume).
Weakness, incapacity. x^i^j -^ Enriched become i-ich.
Fault, mistake. ^ij
To make a. o. to » j;i>_, j^ _"^
have not noticed any '^i
iL. (;. lead a soft, delicate life.
fault in him.
To enjoy a delicate life after
Wiue-measure. Clear wine. ^j P destitution.
To be sleepful, neglectful.
\j^ a o^S -^ To live in luxury.
To manage carefully o^U) lo^i
a. o.'s business during his absence.
a' ^ Young and fat she-camel). ;

Bi-ought up delicately
Lynx, hunting-pan-
j^\j ij^i ^ j^ ( gii'l ).
Neglectful, sluggish.
Fnll-grown and
s'j^ ^ j^
Excellent stallion-
juil^ jiU ^
j^^l] ^ ^_^|^ ^.^ Sack, large bag.
lat youth.
j>\ii ^ -^i^
To stay m
(a place ;. ^ OJ "^
To be exhausted, out of
breath (horse).
^ ^^ - To apply o.'s self to.
ft>«i o
jc duiij -
To persist in. j ^^^ _
To become rich. jij, j i^ To eat regulary J Cs>i
Stone-pestle. ,'i, ,i:i1 _- •:
"^7^ a .il^j diii
with good appetite.
Fure milk boiled with heated
z'^^ To embark in (an affair). J ^^j ^^
stones and sprinkled with flour. "' "
To continue doing a. th.
To put an index to a book, a
^^i -^ Wonderful thmg. Assiduity. ^»j j^
To make a catalogue. Kind of fox : marten.
Index, table
^,^^ ^ ^^_^^^ ^^^^ p Houi- of the night.
ot contents catalogue.
Junction of the two jaws.
To break a. th.
io wound a. o. on
A Ca^l a ^S ^ Root of a bu'd's tail.
the ><
(2^ a j^i ^ Foolish (woman).
-Morel {plant). Ci
To overflow ^
j^Jj ,^j ii^ ^ j^ Cow, bull.
Thick-haired (woman). Branchy -y^
To fill up (a vessel). 4, -^', (tree).
To spread m the sky ^l, ^.^^ _ To pass away, to «ui a i-b j^'i -«-
disappear. To be transitory, peVisha-
First vertebra of the neck,
ji;, ^ ^2;^ ble. To be worn out to pine, to
Wound on the neck. ' '

;=^j3 fade away.


Broad, wide. » f;'

To coax, to blandish a. 0. Jii
He was pro- s

luse in speech.
<^^Jji^-j^i "
To destroy, to annihilate a. th. A j_i1
To destroy 0. a.
Broad, ample. -,.- j .,-
Perishableness. Nought. .^a
The transient world. .^^^1) a^
Although he see it, _ojl: _,) ^^ 'cj'^ 'yS> To understand, to pei-
it is beyond the reach of his mouth ceive a. th.
or hand; i. e. he shall not attain it.
Sudden death. cl^iil Cjy^
To make a. o. to unders- a s

tand a. th.
^^\j ^
Distance, interval. Ii'regula- ojUj To understand by degrees. ^ ^r*^
ritj. To try to understand a. th.
Acting in his own way. (m. -^ To be understood.
/.) c-iS* ^^\
To spread its perfume G.^ o ^Is -K- To understand each other. ^lij
(musk). To be cool (day). To qustion a. o. about. A a ^^^iL.\
To take the
o.'s self.
fresh air. To cool ^y Intelligence, understanding,
conception of the mind.
To run (horse). To hurry on ^is"i Interrogation, question. ^.I^iill
(man). To send flocks to water by The interrogative j,\ii^\\ Sj>
droves. particle. ( ji )
To be hurried, urged. t-^-^ Intelligent, sharp.
To forget, to overlook jc \'j^ o
^^ -^j ^-^
Collection of men, of animals. Party, a. th.
troop. To be a man of weak judgment. ^]
In separate bodies, by (a-l^al t^-l^il Valerian (plant). ^ -^
parties. To elapse Clyj (J'_^ o ol» -«-

Upland. Party, band. 1^'la (time).

Toboil CGhyj ia-jyj G^y T-is -{f He died. c^^j Cj^»
(cooking-pot). To bleed (wound). To miss (an opportunity). 5 CjI^jO ~
To diffuse its perfume ^JUij — To faU to attain a. th.
To become intense
(flower). (heat). The time of prayer is o^^\ c-^iS
To shed (blood). To make a a ^U1 elapsed.
(cooking-pot) to boil. To outgo, to outstrip a. 0. ^ s c.l5
Diffusion of an odour. cS^'^i -r'^ in.
An exhalation of odour. x^^ •^ To enter (a bouse), d To pass, j cj^
To blow (wind). To Cuiy o ^l» -}f ^ To fade away (flower). oJS
abate (heat). ^ To insert, to introduce a. th. A—
Do avoid midday- 'i'j\^\ y ills, iksl into.
heat. To cause a. 0. to miss a. th. A i cl^l
To break wind. ^iSlj — a To let a. o. pass.
To die. To remain in the \S^ o ila -S- To outstrip a. 0. To do, J <ap cjj^
possession of its owner (property). to decide a. th. without consulting
To mix a. th. with. «_j *— another.
To cause the loss of a. o. }i ii*l To follow at inter- (jjjujj CjjCj ojCs
To g?ve (goods) to a. 0. A » — vals. To contrast with 0, another.
Tuft of hair on i\'J>\ ^ p\'y^ c^ yj> To be distinct, unhke.
the temples. Temple of the head. He found out a locution. (^ys" Cj(:H
Large bag. To exercise authority J ^yi U- —
Hoariness appeared jJS^ *-i^l \j3 upon a. 0. in.
on his temples. He followed his own 4j'(^ ^j '^f-
Side of the tent, or ^sii^l j\ 'CiJI i^ advice without consulting them.
the valley.
Spendthrift, prodigal. •*l>ii
Nothing can be done
without his consent.
^ oliij V

To boil CO;^j Oj^j \y^ j\i ^ Space between two fin- Cj\'J>'\^ Ci'^
fiercely (cooking-pot). To be roused gere.
a. 0. in. To hold a conference with ( anger ). To ferment ( wine ). To
a. 0. throb (artery). To spurt forth (wa-
To be copai'tners in (an j l^jU7 ter).
affair). To consult, to converse with To diffuse itself (per- Cljlyj \j\j>

o. a. upon. fume).
People without chief. i5^>» -»JJ To make a * jy ••j jl3b , '3>'
'Ci»^>Sj ^yo'y'ij jX^. iS^^'y* ^*V ' (cooking-pot) to boil.
They are all equal. They have no chief. Ebullition. Fit of passion : hurry. yy>
They live in anarchy. He came back instantly, oj 'j^ '^ ,f3
They hold property ^4; J^^i ^4J \'yA Immediately, in a hurry. j*jil u-

in common. Vehemence of heat, of anger. %j'^

<^ Commuoist, socialist. J!f>-^>s The hour following night- '\ i.«!l

Delegation, power of attoi'ney : j^i^iui fall.

jurisdiction. Food given to a woman after s3;j(^

Conversation, conference. *^JU/! childbirth. Fenugreek.

Property held _xi>ju»j Xi>j\ji'» X^l,;-- Irons of the tongue (of a
in common. Communism. balance).
Waist-wi-apper. it'^ ^ iyy» - Jay -ft- Boiling. Anger, passion.
<> Napkin, towel, apron. Kerchief. PL Gazelles.
To put a waist-wi'apper on a. 0. s l»^s His anger was excited.
To die. CU-lyj C&-y> o J^ls -W- Foam of boiling water.
Aroma of a perfume. xt^s — p,y -H- Boiling fiercely.
Strength of a poison. Hot-tempered (man).
Insects swarmed ollA^J' c«*la ••
in. j Spring. <• Water-spout, jet
To vomit (sick person). ^^.f •<>• d'eau. Typhoon.
To diffuse itself (odour). u.*y» ^\s -{i- To acquire, to obtain ^ (j^s j^ -ft-

Exhalation of a perfume. sty a. th.

Suffocating (smell). Si; Is To escape from. ^—
To put the thumb-nail (j'/t o cils V To save o.'s life. <^i^ JlS
upon the nail of the forefinger to To die, to perish. jyj —
mean I will not give or I have not
: To flee, to run away. To go into jjl
received so little as that. a desert.
Bull's bladder. ^\'^] ^ ^yj ^-^ To get a. th. for a. 0. To ^^ s ji^l
Whiteness of the nails. enable a. o. to obtain a. th.
Pellicle of a stone-fruit. Zijtj ciy Victory, success. Safety, delive
He has not tasted anything, (i^i Jb (f ranee.
Having white stripes ei>i»j jly'i A victory, a success. e'y^
(garment). Tent with two poles.
To overcome, s C3lyj fJy JIj -»• Refuge. Desert, olji'j hA^ O^' ?-.

to surpass a. 0. To float on the surface Ci^S ^p^ -^

To be above a. o. A — of water.
To sob. ^ To awake from CSly — To set a. th. afloat, ^ ^y -^
sleep. To recollect a. th. To explain (words). A ^yi - ^y ^
To gasp (dying (J\j>j Gj^i *-i^ Jl» To intrust a. o. Jl^ * js^ — jals ^

man) to die.
: with an affair. To give jurisdiction
To break (an arrow) on » C5^ Jls to.
the notch. To give (a woman) in marriage j —
To be bro- Oyj Cs>'jj Csls a 3y>j a Jls without I'eceiving a dowry.
ken at the notch (arrow). To be equal, copartner of j 5 jaji*
6y C *v
kings, two milkings. To make a notch to (an arrow). * J^
He remained Gly VI <£^. >G'l ^ To make (a young one) to drink » —
in my house but a short time. (milk) by intervals. ^ To awake
Gasp, clyl T-^3 *2s,lj <jpi ^ (Jly a. 0. To remind a. o. of.

death-rattle. To prefer a. th. to. a j^ ic.

Broken at the notch (arrow). J^'l To put the CSIyl^ 3'J>h ^Jl^l JlSl

He has partially j^U J^jU ^^ij notch of (an arrow) on the bowstring.
succeeded. To recover o.'s senses af-^^^ JUillj JlSl
Excellent (poet). jjji ter (a swoon). To awake from (sleep,
Broad beans. J^ -Jl' intoxication). To recover from (a
Thyrne, mint. siJy n disease).
Seller of broad beans. J)^ < To remember : to recollect. J^x3
To make bread. J^ — ^.Ij -ft- To rise, to raise o.'s self above, ic-

Bread : wheat : any grain used ^^ To drink by draughts. To * JjU
for bread. -^ Chick-peas. waste away o.'s goods.
Ear of corn. Pinch of a. th. ^^ ^ oy To milk a (she-camel) by » JliLllj —
Swan. oy a intervals.
To pronounce t_, e^Xi^ ,C»y o o^ ^ To be broken at the notch
(a word, a discourse). (arrow).
To be wide-mouthed. C»y a «»s To fall info destitution. To
To create a. o. with a great » 4^ gasp and sob (dying man).
mouth (God). Large bowl filled with food.
To have a s suui i/'lsj 5 sijCi/i ojla Cooked olive-oil.
private conversation with a. 0. Destitution, poverty.
To enter into the orifice of. A o^U Panicle. On, upon,{ opp. to c-' ) J>S
To hold a conference together, ejlij above, over, more, on high.
To eat and \i.\ici~ (j C*U:-ll «\izJ-l^ From above, towards J'y Jl., J^ ^
drink much after dearth. the upper part.
Mouth, orifice. a\'^^ ^ i-J-J '^J »^ We remained more than ^^ J'^ tiJ
My. mouth. ( for all cases ) *j a month.
Perfume. Species, tjj^^j olyl r »j^
Superior, ( opp. to 'dj^j ) '«i,^>*
kind. P/. Aromatics upper.
Small mouth. Tip of the tongue. Jl}j1j J^ ,, Jy
He fell dead on his face. Notch of an arrow. First way : man-
I spoke to him in pri- 'J J[ ner, direction.
vate, mouth to mouth. He went away and did «|y ^'Sj'jSV
"Width of the mouth. o'y not come back.
Madder, plant used for dyeing. Syj «}» May such a one die !
^^^ Ji o>^ a> j
Mouth, entrance. o\*y t **^
orifice, Notch of an arrow. J^S
Crater of a volcano, o^lnJI <*j> Notch of an arrow. J^ ^ *J^
Eloquent. Glutton. «^**j *^
Talk. Backbiting. xij'i Milk collected in the udder Ji.>,lii

Entrance of a lyj ol^sb -J oUy ^ — between two milkings.

valley. Crater of a volcano. Recovery from a disease, from Xj/^\
Wide-mouthed. »>* «• •Gk^ intoxication. Rest, intermittence.
Opeuing a large wound (spear- Superior, excellent. iJy ^ jj,l3

thrust) large-mouthed (well).

; Superfine. -^ Awake, remembering.
Aromatised ( drink). «Jii Supernatural. xlJaJI jj,li

Dyed with madder (cloth). ^''^^ - Time between two sue- 3\'^j J'}*

( evr
To hasten, to hurry on. ^Vsi ^\i\ -ft- Prepontion meaning In, into, j : -ft-

To bleed (wound). Cu^j G,li ^li i -ft- amongst, during. With, in company
To boil (cooking-pot). of. For, for the sake of. Upon. By (m

To be verdant (spring). (a-ySj bto — multiidication, proportion). Concer-

To spread themselves for G.li a ^tij — ning. In comparison with.
a raid ( horsera.'n ). To be broad
: In the house c^Zi\ j
(place). Amongst people. ^icJi j
To squander a. tli. away : to ^ ^s In such a year. \JS'<l^j
give a. th. with profusion. During few years. cni- ;.iw J
Abundance of lierbage in a ^jL»j n'J He came with his retinue. <S'j7> j »(?.
plain. He has spent his .Oit J^xZ^J *!& Jjlj

Spreading for a raid (horsemen). ^Ca wealth for the sake of God.
Spread out (o horsemen). ^G j^^ Chapter the first jj23\ J JjVI cjVJI

Immense (sea). Generous. "^vij On the fear of God.

Extensive (land) ^^ ^ 'UJ ^ ; ^] What is the present e^0\ J CJjJI U
large (house ). world in comparison with the life
To spread (perfume). OviJij fcls i ^ll -«• to come.
To turn aside from. ^>. ^Ii1 Five multiplied by thi*ee. y^^ J ^LlJ.
Saucer, cup. Abundant pasturage, yjj Its length ^'j'i\ ^tijj J (s.\y^ OjL:J- ^j^
Vehement heat. is of 50 cubits by nine in breadth.
To continue, to last. To IXs i ils -^ There is. ^.j -^
pass away. There is not. jiji Uj «,j ('•
To accrue to a. o. (benefit). J — To turn, to change *Ci_7j,Uij I'slS ^
To have a haughty gait. a^ij — (shade).
^ To lend a. th. upon interest, a a!s To return, to come back to. Jl,

To do service to give : s Sifjl^ ilil fi> To take a. th. as booty. •Uf.lJj — fi>

(property) to. To acquaint a. o. with. To give much shade (tree). *iJj \3

To derive profit from. ^j i\l~J.\j
— To turn round (shadow). «ia1

To impart knowledge o. to a. ojU.^ To give back a. th. to. jyS y. — ff^

To do service o. to a. To shade o.'s self in 3J G (ft

Saffron. j^J To seek protection

Utility, advantage, jj/^ ^ ^jj'ii towards a. o.
profit. -^ Interest on money. Shade. Booty made 'J^j -Ual ^ • J'
Owl. Lion. Walking elegantly. ii!* by Moslems.
Having a proud demeanour. SiDj — Expression Jy *'^ ^j t'^' G j «'j' G
Advantage, profit. Wealth. Silal of ivonder Oh! Alas! for
or grief.
Knowledge. my wealth ! my wonder what a !

Having a
Useful, profitable. j^i wealth !

complete meaning (word). Retui-n. :ci:ij jL^

To seclude o.'s self. jiijt — Jlj ^ Detachment, party oJ.Aj olis, ^ *^,
Nervous, muscular. ^^, of soldiers.
To boast falsely. (l^ \J,^}h Shade. Booty. ^'. -L^
To vie with. a. o. » Cs-l^,j ^i^* cA4^ He came at the o5A* *L13 U ji S
in boasting : to utter vain threats heels of such a one.
against. Submitted to Moslems (country, '\jki

To boast falsely of. ^ ^*ij person ).

To give up a. th. ^— Shaded place. «j^j stji*
Boastful, humbug, jij^j j,\^j jj\i Courier. Party of men. ^^^ ^ ^j P
Distinguished chief ~ " ji\^ Messenger.
u« ( oYl )

Flood-season of the Nile, j.!)! oUal* To peneti*ate into ( a J CaJ i ij»\j -ft-

D Interest (on money). J^J^ counti'y).

Overflowing (torrent). Bountiful ja^ I have not ceased doing j;i^ cJA C»
(man). it.

Spread, ^, je\JdL^j ja^L^j J'\X» To have the fingers parted. ^ijl

divulged (news). To slip fi'om (the hand). ^—
Ample (coat of mail). Extensive z^\ii To px'ODOunce distinctly. ^SUsJI —
land. It is unavoidable. u^-4* *-« l*

Todie. To be abundant. To overflow. To flow
To cause a. o. to die (God). s Jiial (blood, water). To spread out (news).
To be filled up, to overflow {^i —
Desert, waterless land. (vessel).
He gave up the ghost. «_io lils i J\.s -if He revealed his secret. ^)L; Sjjo —
To awake a. o. To remind a j3 -^ To come out from. ^/> jsiS
a. 0. To die.
^J-h '-^ ~
To compose excellent verses. jji His soul has departed. ^f , y c-^i*
Clucking of a cock. jj To pour (a liquid). To fill (a fit ja\j^
Man of tall stature. j^^ vessel) to the brim.
To be jlljj ,^yjj y^j SJ i Jii -tt- To go from a place to another jaiSl
weak, unsound (judgment). in a crowd (pilgrims). To I'uminate
To judge (an opinion) to be * J^ ( camel).
erroneous. To engage in (a conversation), j —
To grow up (plant, youth). jiij To win a. o. o^J Jc —
Eleph- i^,j Jj^j JCil ^ iLj, V J:^'-
P To pronounce (a word dis- XJ^, — )

ant. -^ Bishop (at chess). tinctly.

Ivory. j^l l^ To shed tears (eyes). ja-kj
Barbadoes leg (disease). j^i »li To spread about (news). ^liSj,!^
Cuckoo-pint (plant). j^l ol'iT The valley is covered \yfS j:>\'ji\

Elephant-driver. ^ Ji3
;)l!j with trees.
Of weak J\y\ jj_, j^,^ jjiij JU To ask a. o. to pour water. u^U —
judgment (man). River. Abundance, pro- jaji ^ jal3
Unaoudness of judgment. xiCJ fusion. Generosity.
Bulky, fleshy. ^d j^ Little from much ; a drop j^^ ^/> j^
Young ones of the elephant. •^jiii^ from a sea.
To come, to arrive. CJ i olS -i^ Land profusely watered. ^^yi c/'^ CP»J^
^ To be stingy. Press,movement of a crowd. i^^\^
Time, moment. -^ .\varice. jila Abundance, redundance. jaJlSj oLa^

JV» ( OYo )

To bray (ass). To roar (lion). ^.^'.^ -a To croak ( raven).

To dote (man). To emit a sound. Croak of a raven.
To swell out (skin).
-<>• White of eggs.
Cowry, sea-shell. _Xi To eat, to drink a. th.
Garrulous, liar. Rougli. oUllj w|LI To drink to excess. ^ C/Gj C'G a ^^
Wooden clog. vc?^* f V^> Gi'eat drinker. <-M^,i ^A
Partridge <> Saipe. •^ P Large vessel. '"i-'j'J v^j^
To dry up (herbage). fj i o LS «
To be hideous, ugly. To be x>^j To cut off, to sever x LiJij lJ i —
foul, abominable (deed). (the hand). -^ To lift (a stone).
To render a. o. fi>j s ^_, ,b4j a inl3 •^ He rose and went out ^'^\ -J.
or a. th. ugly, hideous, foul (God). from the place.
To disapprove a. th. To be disorderly (crowd). To G^ — j

He showed the foulness ii;Lj oS^j Js- ^^> become dry (fruit). To heal (wound).
of such a one's doiogs. To gnash the teeth CjlJj Uj i —
To outrage a. o. s ^J\§ (animal ).

To commit a foul deed. ri'Jl To be emaciated belly). ( C-l a w^

To find a. th. abominable, hi- * 9^ji~j,(^ To wither (plant). To build a ^J^
deous. To disapprove, to loathe a. th. cupola.
Deformity, ugliness, iiCi^ ^j ^J.s To render a. th. convex. a —
turpitude. To be surmounted by a dome w4ij
Shame to him ij tjij (building). To bulge. To stoop (man).
Joint of the shank and the ?tj-sj ^13 To enter (a dome). — fin

thigfi. Head chief, king. Stallion. Piece IJ


Ugly, shame- J- iJj J^ij ^Ci ^ ^^ inserted in the opening of a shirt.

ful, abominable. Sheave of a pivot. 4- Shaft of a ba-
Shameful action, ^ C|j ^^j CJ ^ *i^ lance.
turpitude. Chief of a tribe. Sacrum. 1^
To bury (the dead).2( Cniij 1^5 ioj^a -Ji- Lankness of the belly
To have a grave dug for (the s J^\ Aloe arborea [plant j.
dead). To have a. 0. buried.
mit to a. o. to bui"y a dead person.
To per- Dome.

Palankeen. Vaulted
^ ^ "^
Gi-ave, tomb. jZl ^ J^ building, -fy- Steeple.
•l^Sj M^Mi_^J aj^ij oJ^'»J ajy>J ej\» The Tabernacle c)C«j!ljl sililjl*!*
Lark (bird). j. Ui ^ (amongst the Israelites).
Long and white raisiu. j^ The dome of Islam i. e.Basi*ah.^>LLyl*!»
Lantern of a bat-fowler. PL Bea- jCi > Collar of a garment. v.^^' *^*
ters insnaring (game) into a net. The year after the next.
Beau-caper {plant). iii;il jCi Thunder. Rain-drop.
Depressed (ground). j^j Cutting (sword). Thick (nose).
jf A—J'* w «-T^J S^'V''.? »lAi»j 3',nJL» Slender in the waist. '^_S ^ 'CJ
Bui'ial-ground, cemetery. Emaciated by fasting.
Sepulchral. Keeper of a 'j^il^j '4^>J Sui'mounted with a copula,
cemetery. vaulted. •<> Convex.
Jai ( 0Y\ )

To contract, to restrain a. th. |

Cyprus (island). Pure copper, ^'j^ -^
To receive money. /b ja'^\j ja'^ Bagpipe. jh T
He abstained from gras- ^s. i lu

To ask
or take fire
:,* A
u-i^*'j i
a. o.
^ To
To take a. o.'s soul (God). j — a. th. from.

To dart forth (bird, horse). ja'Jj\j — To teach a, o. To

catch CJit > ^r-^b
He was taken by death. ja^ I
(a disease).
To give to a. o. (money) in a ? j^ut ;
To give fire to a. o. ts ^31
the hand. ,
To borrow passages from a ^'^\
To pick up and set th. apart. fi> — j
To .'V'Strain a. th. Origin, source. ,_^a?

Togrpsp the hand of a. o. s ^JG Firebrand lighted fii'e-

: ^Ci* j ^-il
To make a handle for (a sword). *j2j1 wood taken from a fire.
To be wrinkled (skin). To be Hastines.s. Loan received. i_is
costive (belly). Acquisition of knowledge. ^)l ^\.'.-~»\

To shrink from. Hand.some-faced, lt-jA*

To rush towards. Live coals. Firebrand. ,_;_jU^

To deliver (goods) and money Lighted fire- wood.

to a. 0. Hasty : seeking fire. jO ,j~^
To be contracted to shrink.
Ja~»j Hook and eye. Buckle. x't'A Te
To crouch before leaping (lion). To be i To take a, th. fi,
^j , ialjt i ^'.% ^
taken, grasped. To be distressed. with the end of the fingers. To take
To hasten in. J t/3-Allj I
a pinch of.
To receive money from. ^^ ja'^iJ\
fi> To hinder a. o. from quenching y ^_^j
To take a handful of. ^^ i^:» u^~jI his thirst.
Grasp. Seizure, Receiving of ja'^ To run at full gaUop Ca-s i ^Ja^
money. (horse).
Property taken in posse-ssion. jal» To be big-headed. CaJ a ^ja^
Hastiness, quickness. To swanu on (a tree : is. ^jJL~i3j —
Death. iils locusts).
The thing came <iaJ J v^tji jCo To take a pinch of. ^p z^
into his possession. Heap of sand. Crowd of people. ^'J
Handful. l^j *^» Pain in the liver. Bigness of the ^t
Able manager of flocks. TJa'A head.
Quickness. Rush. <^^j J^^ Pinch, handful of food.x.i.^sj *-^j <^
Grasping strongly. S.b£Jj j^CJ Nimble, lively.
Contraction. Aversion. J^^'\ Swift (horse). t/*^'
Grasping. Tax-gatherer. Astrin- ^a5 Big-headed. Fleet ^:j ^ •l.iJ ^ ^j^»]
gent 'food). (horse).
The taker of the souis ^OJ^I J"^ Earth heaped up. <^^>j ^-J
e. i. the Angel of death. Vehement run. Ja3
Lively, quick. Assiduous, atten- ja^ Shackles for race-horses. ^ysjU/J ^u^^
tive. Itook it according .j^jJJI iiliil
Swift ]"un. ^^ j to the measure.
Handle, hilt of a jauJOJi ^ j^A^j ja'^'^
To seize o jt ji ^ A Ca;* jt^» i

sword. with the hand, to grasp a. th.

Crouching before leaping (lion), ja:&i To discharge, to remove a. o. ^p ^ —
To grasp a. th. To fi> Wi o i^ -^
\ from.
mix. to collect th. To constipate (the bowels : food). ^—

Y )
To be responsible for. ^ ^cS o jJj jJi
i To shudder with fear. jj'LT -^j Ja-5

To be affected ^ a jJj , !A1» o J^» To make a. o. to shudder. 5 Jais •^

with convergent sti'abismus. •^ Shudder. ;"u'«

To give a kiss to. A>j 5 j!3 Copts. J»l^l) iaI5

To make a. o. to guarantee A » — A Copt. Coptic. 'jfiJ ^
'J^~»j 'J^'^ii
a. th. To hold a. o. responsible for. Fine Egyptian linen." *
bCi" .^ "'l^"*
To be seated opposite, to Aj s jjfi Preserve, ''^'ij
J^-^>j i^'^h ^0
face a. o. To be in opposition (stars). sweetmeat.
To correspond to. Woollen cloak. Small locust. 1,^ <
To collate (a writing) with. ^ — Captain of a ship. uli>;Vs dj oli»J ••

To compensate a. th. with another. To conceal the head in (It^j a

To Wc'lcome, to receive jp jJlj 5 — its skin (hedge-hog) in his clo-

a. 0. kindly. To advance against a. o. thes (man).
To become intelligent. To Jls'l To be out of breath, to pant. CiJ —

thrive: to be abundant (harvest). To drink eagerly.

To be covered with plants oCJil; — To gnmt (pig). To Q-CSj (tCi <»'J
(soil). roar (elephant).
To come foi'th. jtj J[ jJl To ramble in (a country). j t^ —
To bring a. o. in the pre- fit s jS\ ^ To pull out a. th. 4> ^j uJ — ,

sence of. To drink from (a skin). a ,3b ~

To go southward. j!i.j To enter (its nest bird). j ^'i.

To receive, to take a. th. To — fi> Bugle. Small cup.

hear (a prayer : God). To become a Hedge-hog. ^
sui'ety for.To as.sume (an obligation). Calyx of a flower. i;ii
To meet together face to face. jj\xj; Vai'iegated bird. Veiled (woman), i^^
To front o. a. To be in opposition Cap: conical bonnet. Xi's -^
(stars). ^Woollen cap. Conical hood f^Al»^x£^
To extemporise (a speech). J-fJi. fi> Fearful. ^CJ
To begin (an affair) anew. Hedge-hog. Stupid. Measure of ^.ui

To come forward to en- fi>j 5 Jjii-^t

; capacity.
counter a. o. To come in the pre- Silver or ii-on pommel of ^1:3 ^ <i..J
sence in front of To anticipate
, a sword.
a. th. Grunt of a pig. *-r^5j **r-3
To recover from (iUness). ^— Horses late in a race. ^\y
To be future, to be about to Jlii.^1 Huge, enormous c^*r* 'r ^'-^* "^
come. (man, animal).
To be squint-eyed. Ov^Ij 'S3{ D War-ship. Pontoon. jiil T
Before, ( opp. to j^J 'jLl ^^j-^j 'jil To receive, to finj ^ Vjilj V^s a JJ *
beforehand. meet a. 0. To accept (a proposition).
Before that. du'i jll ^ j\ d«'i 'jLl To blow from the v^j v^sj 5^1* Jll
Before {with a verb). o1 Ji? south (wind).
Forepart, front side. To busy o.'s self jt Jt'b» 5^ o —
I go towards thee. about. To undertake a. th.

Llsj %,%j y^h yctj %%j %^ i~:Yj To put thongs fi> j:5lj j^jaj ,
!SJ.» a —
Isaw him in front, face to face. to (a sandal).
Summit of an opposite hill. Conver-j;* To come, to draw near jj'lj , yl* a J^>
gent strabismus. First appearance (time).
of an object. Extemporisation. To receive a child at his ;Jl3 a jJ
Henceforward. j^j j^ ^i ^ birth (midwife).

Seated opposite. Noble-born. j;di Power, influence. jj

Noble by both parents. S.^jJ-j Jjii^ Ihave no authority for JlJ ** 4. '^
Confrontation. Collation of jjut? aiJli^ that.
two texts. Opposition of two stars. In front, in the presence of.

Coming. Next (year). Auspicious, jj* In his hands, next to him.

Patched (garment). j!ii On his behalf
S+ill young. ^CJjl jliS/l Opposite side of the horizon.
Opposite. Encomatei-ing. Futm-e jJi;.;^ Direction to Mecca. -^ South.
(time ;. He cannot dis- z'J:^ Vj "iilS llui J iJ G»
To penetrate into ( Cj_^ i CAt -S- tinguish the front from the back
country). i. e- he knows not what to do.

To weigh a. th. with a steel- ^ u>3 Seat your houses jLl j^p_ l^jLU \

yard. To weigh
<>• a. th. in the hand opposite,
To flee away at full speed. ojsl a Southern. South-wind. Upper - iJ
To be wrinkled, contrac- oCjI j o^{ Egypt. ^
ted. Love-philter. Amulet. SL»j iiJ
Hurry, haste. lli Kiss, n Track of j^i.7_,, jij ^ iLs
Steelyard, oCJ a beast.
Wood-louse (insect). ol^ijjfrj jlia- Thong of a sandal. Jul
Blackbeetle. Campion [plant). Jtldl xloi*
\^'^eigher. 'j^\J He is unable to jCi ^ VLII <J^ "^

Weighing of. *5^ •< distinguish anything.

Craft of a weigher. :Ji;3 Suretyship, warrant. Obligation dCs
To pluck, ta take off A 1^5 o 111 -|:i-
a. th. with the fingers. To raise a I
Opposite, in front of him. iJilj <f-j i~JiJ
(building. To collect (saflfron). i Welcome, kindness, appro- J_^sj J^
To bend, to fold a. th. fi> ts — bation. Acceptance.
To put th. in order. To cut out fin
JJ Midwife. Js-^J Jjr*
(a gown). -^ To render a. th. con- Surety, warrantor. Consort. j^
vex. Class of men. '"^j J? ^
To wrong a. o. J*
~ From this side, from Jr-^l 'i* j^
To have the shape of a cupola. JiJ this point of view.
To clothe o.'s self in a gown. To He cannot dis- jyi ^ ;iLJ o_^ '
bulge out. tinguish a comer from a goer.
To follow a. o. step by step. s — A little before, a while ago. !^
To hide o.'s self from. ^o>^ ^ J>Ml Nomadic (tribe). Stone
j;Cl ^ iljj
To set things in order. * ^J[ covering a well. Bone of the skull.
Testudo, besieging ma- <::»s1 -^ ^ jl^ Coming, ariival. Thriving. JCil.
chine. ^ Vault, cave, underground Opposition of two stars. Time JC^J, [
room. to come, the future.
Man's gown with full tLSl -- 'Uj Afflictedwith a con- jj ^ »>li ^ jIjI
sleeves. vergent squinting.
Interval, space. 'Ul Receiving, meeting. Next (year), jjil
Wine-drinkers. 'Cj^ jij Receiving the bucket from the
Collecting saffron (woman;. slfi water-drawer.
Contracted, thick-set. '^ Liable to. J —
Fat. Ji> Subject to death, mortal. o>iU Ji\J
Space, interval. ^ —Ji
-^ Midwife. Pi. Beginnings of.j^iy^iuS
Desert. "x;CJ Ability, liability to. •^ Appetite. xx»§
! • -

JS (

To deceive o, a. j;'l3; To lie : to slander. G5 ^J *

Stinginess. Scanty food. Jasi'j J^ To falsify (a conversation). fi> c^Jj —
Bare sufficiency. To follow the footsteps of a. o. Ji ii

Dust. SlitSj o'Jdj jaS (spy).

Side, region. j^\ ^ JSj Ja To collect little by Uttle. To fi>

Hut of a hunter. jv_» ^ sSn!» arrange a. th.

Short arrow. jt,,; ^ s3^ To gather to cook aro-
; * ci-*
The lurking one, the devil. e'J^ ySj — matics.
Smell of cooked meat, of aloes- jUs To extirpate, to snatch a. th. fit i-iil.
wood. Lie. Luzern ; fodder. ^J
First appearance of hoariness. jjis Mimosa (plant).
Head of the nails of a coat of mail. Backbiter, calumniator
Light, comfortable (saddle. J^iC-j J^ False reports.
To feed a. 0. with 5 Ui5 o w5J -ft-

Sting}-. j^»j J^\j j^sj jti roasted tripes.

Guitar. j\. lis ^ j's^ij -^^1 t j^::? "^ To saddle (a beast).
Dust-coloured. yisl To impose a severe (IhJ C;>U ,^1
To be vile. U.^5 a ;i* ^ '

oath upon a. o
Hive in a rock. ^5 Intestines, guts. ,

Wood-fretter. ^^j Pack-saddle.

To kill, to put 5 !^ o
vi;a7j J:* ^ Hump, hunch.
a. 0. to death, ^f- To beat a. o. un- Hump-back.
mercifully. Saddled beast.
He slew him avenging his ^\, iis
for Thorny tree used as ^03 — jc» -ft-
brother's murder. fodder for camels. Tragacanth-tree.
To commit suicide. i^ — To prepare fodder for (a camel), s xi%
To allay (hunger, cold). To mix fit
— Frame of a J^\j i^s_, ^lijl ^ jc§^ j.^

(wine) with water. j

camel's saddle.
To know a. th. thoroughly. |^^ /b — I
To live scantily. \jjhj Vj^ o j^» * i

To perpetrate slaughter s jSj To be barely sufficient (sustenance).

amongst. To give bare suste- ip J\fij ^%j J^

To wage war » vii-ij V^sb S^^' J'^ nance to (o.'s family).

with a. 0. To exhale its odour ^j , Ij^l a J^j —
May God curse him I
.oil S — (cooked meat).
God bless him What ! iS-Ja>\ (/> ^ iUll To cleave to a. th. jS\j J^ fi>

an eloquent man To emit its smell (cooked meat). J^

To expose a. o. to death. s Jiji To fumigate o.'s self in order J —
To apply o.'s self strenuously to. J j:^ not to be scented by wild beasts
To walk in inclining the ilLjl J — (hunter).
body (woman). To bring things together. ojJ —
To fight with one another, jifjij jjUj To lie in wait (hunter). To be j^>1
To die from madness. J~-Jl reduced to destitution. To perfume
To risk, to jeopardise o.^s j_JsiZ>\ o.'s self.
life. To be angry. J^
Violent death murder, slaughter, Ji5
; To prepare to (fight). J —
manslaughter. Capital punishment. To lurk in wait for game -*-^. ~
^ Thrashing, drub. (hunter).
Enemy, foe, fighter. JO3I ^ Ji_| To ti"y to deceive a. 0. — ^
Gallant. Similar, alike. To depart from. ^—
J j

( OA- )
To abound in cucumbers *iSi1 — \Sl -ft- A murder. -^ A thi-ashing, a drub. ti£j
(land). Way of killing. y^
Cucuniis ^i^ -^j l25 Dj '(!i3j •
£3 Horrible way of killing. '_^iii_5
sativus, cucumber. Weapon. Strength. Remainder. JtS
Elaterium^ squirting jlisJ' '^, War. fight. < QuaiTel. iSu>_, JC3
cucumber. Killing, murderer. iirSj Ju3 ^ JjG

Virginia snakeroot. *!>JI 'l^s Deadly (poison).

Cucumber-bed. "o'yi^j «^.» Wolfs bane, kind of aconit. »^;iJI —
To craunch cucumbers. lois o Js* -ft- Apoq/mum, dog's bane. ^JKjl —
To cut cucumbers. j^\ Murderer. jiij jr* ^ (»?./•) J^s
Yellow cucumber : gherkin. j^ Slayer.
To provide o.'s self fi> Jcii\ — j\_3 -II- J^j , JlrSj '^ij jfs ^ (m. /".)
witli furniture, utensils. JNiurdered. Slain.
House-furniture, utensils. %yj\~)j ej\% Vital part of the body. J7_u;i ^ Jiis
To acquii-ew (ealth ).A^sij C3 J^~» -S- , i Murder.
To soil a. 0. with dejection.
To give to a. o. the

^^ Ij Ci* o ^ss
^ Experienced, tried.
best of. To rise in Cis a ^i3j , C^^is ^j -{^

To be defiled
with dejection.
Qlj xji ^3j a ^ the air (dust).
To be brown. '^^{
To be '--- -'-^
dusty. ;;Gj_, CJJ o ^s Brown, dusky colour, i;-- U3j
Acquiring wealth. Very liberal. ^ Darkness.
Dust-colour. *iis Dust.
Collecting wealth for doing good. ^^ Abyss of death.
To A ^3lj , Cis i
J5j , 1^ o lii§ -f}- Brown. Blackish,
acquire (wealth). i
dark, obscure.
To be pure, -^ \^j 7^J>h ^j -«-
Remote and dark (place). JlitVlv,G
unmixed. -^ To cough.
To dry up (fish). C^i o Jd ^
•^ Violent cough. *^i To become consump- jti\i :;jl5» cns ,

Pure, uumixed. ^\:>.jj , ^uil ^ ki j

tive. To have a bare sustenance.
Unripe (melon). I
To destroy (ticks). A cnil
True born Arab. -r^Jj '1^ Dark brown colour. J<^3 o'iS
'^-Xj^ i

Miser. ^v^jj '^ 1 Dark brown. j5

To bui'st out into laughter. .fOoc -H- Starved. Vile. Thin {m. f.) cS
To cough ^3 C>ij Ci-J o »^J , -i^i- (spear-head).
(camel). •> To lead a profligate life.
To serve fit
^j ^j tSj l^s f:a -^
To prostitute herself ..^ASj ^»ll I
a. 0. well.
(woman). '
To take a. o. as a servant. j j'_^»{
Coughing. Aged. ^j I
Backbiting. ;>i_J
Prostitute, strumpet. ^jlii ^r *t»»' j
Servant. tsyij'j '^j . ,Cj^
Cough. ^v;J To drag, to draw a. o. ' A fej o o^ -Ji-

Violent (cough). »_^G along.

To have the j^S\j ,
\'j^ a a^J « I
To drive (cattle). ^ —
hump fully developed (camel). ,
To uproot (a tree), to pull ^ 'cX»\i —
Camel's hump. oAjlj ib»| ^ sa^-J j
out a. th.
Base of the hump. c'jid^j — 1 To acquire property. Ji|j Qs !cJ
Lonely, without kindred, ibtS Utensils. oCij
Sturdy old man. j^J^ _^i1 ,^ _,ka
-» Numerous company, :jii;j :tsA3_, x;\i»
Strong old age. sjj^Sj Zj\>3 I
A\ )

•> Washing- away ^j^ ^ ^> I5j JUS ,

To jumi: To stir about, i^ a jit* *
(river). To strike a 0. with (a k_) 5 jljj —
Shovel. Scraper. **»»i5j jyi^S •< stick).
Dust-pan. To throw a. o
Winnow. Dust-pan. ^Ua ^ *I»i5^ down.
Taken away. Having a fracture ^^^ To scatter
on the skull. (urine : dog)
To fall like a dead man. ij^ —
To be raw-boned (old man). Jati^j To be thrust back. j»^
To be advanced in age. To speak harslilyo^U) yyiS^\ Jc6j J^
To become dry, to dry up. jstj to a. 0.
To dessicate a. th. fi> j^] Misfortunes.
To enaaciate a. o. (fasting). s — Bramble-net for birds.
Tabe.a of sheep. JW-i To lead a hard and j:J. la i>- — ^^i^ -^
Dryness, aridity. ij^ painful life.

Dry, vnw-j^j J^'lj J?Jj J'*?^ J* ^ To pass swiftly. Ca^3 a ,j^j -ft-

boned (old naan). To discard, to remove^ 5 t/wJb a^^

To rush blindly into. J, C»^i o ^^ *}• a. 0. from.
To enter (a desert). (J>-j a
— fl> He has outstripped him in Caks iii-l
To come near to. J[ — running.
To embarlc a. o. incon- J_ s _jS\j >is To strike a. o. Aj s CiJJ a JaiJ -ft-

siderately in an affair. violently. i>- To take away (dirt).

To throw oif (his rider)
the face on the ground (horse).
with s ^ To fail (rain). CksJ a Ja>jj —

To impel (a horse into a fit s ^Jl To be rainless (year). Ja«lj

river : rider). To be afflicted Jaijij , Ck^ Jar-^J -^
To word) between the
insert (a a>
— with drought (land, tribe).
subject and its regimen as : To fecundate (a palm-tree). fi> hta
:aj ^ instead of S/j
'J^j^j '^i^ ^ To scrape
king-pot in
the bottom of (a coo-
emptying it.

To be driven away from a land Ji^\ To smite (a land) with 4) ia^'\

by drought (tribe). drought (God).

To enter (a river horse). : fit J,.X) Droughtiness, rainless year ia»J
To throw ( its rider ) on the face ^j — •^ Dearth.
To rush blindly g^ ^i-jlj J >i;ij - fruitful year. Barren, droughty
into. (land ).

To despise a. o. y J>^^\ To wash, to A wiitiab '^ a wi>.» -i^ ,

Old, broken. ^G-^ ^ x^^ _^ ^^% sweep away a. th. (torrent, rain).
Rash undertaking. Un- J^ ^ x;.i.i To fracture the skull of. i ^ja^
fruitful year. To winnow (corn). * —
The hardships of the road. Jj^I Jks Skidl. Lesion i«^_, 3^hj ciUSl ^ ,j^
Decrepitude. "'^ft^j i^Uj of the skull. Glass or wooden bowl.
Intensely black. ^^V> i^l He possesses nothing. ^jit| Vj a; 3 0»
Decrepit. Revolving rapidly j,^ He has brought a y^Yj oVVil; oC»3
(wheel). disaster upon him.
Rushing rashly into ^ij^ ^ j,iy,i^^ Large draught. oG«5
perils. Refuse, rubbish. Zsul
Dangerous places. ». u;: Drift-wind, sand-pillars. 'U>^ *>'i?«»

( AT ) aJ
How much, how j[ ja a Jij} J5 •• Weak. Arab born in the country
many. To snatch, » Jci\ j, |^>i Ua ^
It is equal to it, it is of the «aj j& to take the whole of.

same size. Chamomil 'j-joh ,^Sl ^ o\ji^h C)\y>^

Leathern cup. Strap. Whip. a; (medicinal plant).
Thong, strip. Party, ^txi^j ysi ^ ;2k; •^ Marigold (flower). cGoja ••

sect. Paper-ruler. 1° Corroborative particle added :J -Ji-

Urchin. Jerboa. iljS to a verb. When preceding the past,

Pain in the bowels, gripe. illi it means an event has truly or
Meat cut in slices and i!d/i ^Jj a; A recently happened, and when prece-
dessicated in the sim. ding the aorist it means that an
Garment in rags. jjj3 event is expected to be shortly perfor-
Followers of an army as cijIjj^m med. Indeed. Surely. Already.
blacksmiths. Zeyd has just risen. :lu j S«S 1*1

Road, way. Even soil. . ja» Thy father is ex- y^i t 6y\ yj^_ Iw
Iron paring-knife. etii'j '-^i pected to come to-day.
Cut in slices. -^ Thin, emacia- ijid? The Messiah is already ,r,^^]'\ sU IjI
ted. come.
To strike fire ^'jS\j v>I»l o 2° It means also possibility. It may.
i_, ,
^ jj -ft-

with (a steel). A Uar may some- k_ijCi6*J t Jiusj Ja

To make a hole in (the wood J ^as times say the truth.

of an arrow). To perforate (a tree :
3° Used as a noun it means suf-
worm). ficiency. Enough.
To speak ill of. To impugn, o!As J — A silver coin will do for v^J^ '^J^
to impair a. o. me.
To contest the lineage of 4^ j ^'^ A silver coin is sufficient ^'ji \joj lo
a. o. for Zeyd.
To couch the cataract (oculist). A — To cut a. th. ib oiilj iJaj lal o as -}^

To lade out soup from the pot. <>• To lengthwise. To dilacerate (leather,
perforate (wood). cloth). To cut off a. th. into shreds.
To be sunk in its socket 5^!i_lj — To cross (a desert). To cut Sj » m
(eye). a. 0. short (in speech).
To weaken, to emaciate ( a s ^jj To suffer from colic. m
horse). To cut meat into strips and a 5J3
To revile 0. another. ^iUjj 5 ^iS dessicate it in the sun.
To settle (an affair). * ^^^t To be cut into shreds. To be iji;
Canker of wood, of the teeth. ^aS dried in the sun ( meat ). To be torn
5>y iSi rp^j ^^'"b r-'^J ^Ij5l ^ ^-i; off (gai'ment).To be lean. To make
Featherless arrow. Divinatoi'y arrow. up parties. To part away (people).
Portion allotted. > Hole. To be cut into shreds. X-*j'»
Drinking-cup, bowl. ^\m\ ^ ^-ol To settle (affairs). * jc»[
a Measure of capacity. To be even, smooth. To follow j&Z.{
Management of an affair. k^jS the same course. To walk in a line
A striking of fire. <^'->^j <> 1^» (camels).
Ladleful of soap. zias Lamb's skin. Size :>yAj »\j^j lil ^ oS
Art of making cups. I> lol of the body. Amount, measure, pro-
Fly. ^ ^j3\j ^j'jS portion, size. Whip.
Remainder of broth in a vessel. ?«tj,-G Musical tune. -^ Popular ^jlJ ^ —
Striking fire. Reviler, slanderer. ^i6 time, song.
Earthen-pot j/Ji ^ ojj3 -^j JSi Hot (fever). Canker- rj>\'J ^ liiiS
urn. worm.
Fate, lot. Irreversible dec- j\'J»\
^ jlG Striking fire. Manufacturer of
ree of God, predetermination. Power, cups.
might. Quantity, measure. Intrinsic Flint, stone of a steel. ^
value. -^ Personal worth, rank..A.bout. Iron or stone of a steel.
The night of the decree, 27 th j^\ j^;] Iron for ^^i ia> ,. ^Iji^j
of Ramadhan. striking tire.

Measure of a garment. SjU Ladle. Couching needle.

Power, ability, Sjoiij 'i'j^j SjJi -< Drill, gimlet.
wealth. ^ Mischief-maker. ^li^i*
Small Hask. Space between two i'Jm oja_!*j «3-^J 'j-*3 a jj5j o jj3 ^ i

palm-tree.s. To be able, to have jt oj-d»j 'Sjji^j

Power. -^ Appraisement, JCAj j'^> strength for. To gain mastery over
valuation. a. o.
Small cooking-pot. o'j'mj ^' jj To arrange, to prepare gt, vjja \
Power, might, j\a;slj Sjjlij Sjtal a. th.
strength. Opulence. To measure a. th. by. ^j * /J^j —
Fatalism, predestina- _^ iUT ^ ^,jij To value the *_, i \jmj VJm i o JJ^
tion.Valuation Virtual sense of a amount of.
word. -^ Supposition. They have not aj^M ji iil I^jjj U
Virtually. llt,-^' realised what God is.
Cooked a pot.
in ^ aS^ jjls To cook (meat). To pre- x Ijlo o — i

Powerful. Able to. jiS pare a. th.

Short-necked. More -ijo* j> jS»\ To determine jj. fi> jSij \jj^j \j'A

powerful. a. th. for a. o. To decree a. th. to
Musulman ( opp. to tSj^ ") *? jal a. o. (God).
sect opposed to the Fatalists. To allot a. th. to. J * jjIj —
Amount, measure. •<>• Space of jlos* To be short-necked. 0^ a jjI
time. To enable a. o. to.
As much, in as much as. u j\j^-j> To assign (allowances). To pon-Ajjj
Predetermined. _,_ iCU
^ jj'-^j.j^ der over (an atfair). To predetermi-
Fatalism. Fate, destiny. ne a. th. -^ To appraise, to value
< Appraiser of (ci'ops). joii a. th. To suppose, to conjecture a. th.
Powei'ful. Becoming. Jixii' To commensurate a. th. to. jifi fi>

To be pure, spot- C-lij Cli o tr-^ "^ To be prepared, determined, jjjs

less : to be holy. decreed.
To purify, to sanctify a. o. a ^"J The garment is made <lit Lju)I Jj^
(God). To haUow, to bless (God). according to his measure.
To go to Jerusalem. -^ To say ^m To comprise a. th. virtually. — o
mass. To hear mass. To consecrate To be made according to mea- jjjj[
(bread, wine). sure (garment).
To be sanctified. -^ To be con- ^j^j To be powerful, able. j^^^^^
secrated (bread, wine). To be enabled, empowered to. ip —

Holiaess, sanctity. luilojj ^j-'mj ^^li To ask God) to decree

( A ^ josill,
•^Reverence, title used in addressing a. th.
a priest. Determined quantity, jijil ^ jJS
The Holy of Holies. ^^IjaVt — amount . Fate. Power , ability.
Jerusalem. ^ Jij ] Wealth. Convenient.

Fiery (horse). Vile, despised.

^^_iJ) ^/j\ -^j ^X-2Jt ^jj
Fond of. archangel Gabriel ( for Moslems ).
Wrinkled, crumpled. ^aiJ < The Holy Ghost (for Chris-
Stick, staff. *pjii» tians).
To exhaust (water). * Cil** o tJoS -ft- Small cup. Small plate. u^j^j w'-^
Eartlien jug, earthen bowl. ^\m Large ship. w.^^'J r w,^^
^ Trough of a water- ^ il^j ^ ^jiS
To precede a. o. To lead n yjJiLDj wheel. Mill-course.
the way to. Silver trinkets. Stone-trough. ^jj
To advance jt y-^'b a >»,-a»j o >»^ High rank. ^\'A J,Ji
1x>ldlv against. To venture upon. Precious stone. ^j-^A
To be ^ C»jd>j C\/>Sij C«jaj a > J^ Rushing with the sword willlt trj-w
back from (a journey). in hand.
To arrive at (a place). To ^J * — Holy Mass. urJ?lJ^ -r u-'J*
meet a. o. Sauctificatlon. Blessing. cri,-^
To be pre- >iU7j (^j^j ^\j3 o ^jS
> Eueharistical consecration.
vious. To be old. ancient. \'ery holy.
To make a. o. to precede, s ^jilj ^!k» Holy.
to put a. 0. foremost, ahead. To set Holy place,
a. o. over, to promote. •Jerusalem.
To prefer a. o. or a. th. Jc *j 5 ^jJ Holy scripture. The ^lu^JT uUfeOI
to. Bible.
To present a. th. to. To pay J A — Relating to Jerusalem, '^j^aj js-ai»
a. th. beforehand to. Pilgrim to .Jerusa- iZ.iiiA ^ '^^JjbJ^ ^
To give an oath. cj^^l ^J>^b ~ lera.
To introduce o.'s aJoj c^J ^oLij — To withhold a. o. To 5- lijj a 9'^ -ft-

self to. check (a horse). To strike (a horse)

To go forward. To be promoted. j,jjr, on the muzzle.
To be in progress. He is not to be reviled. iijl pjiii *?
To advance towards. J[ — To have (an affair) performed, a ^j*
To order a. o. to. J J,\ — To drink by small draughts — ^
To be preferred to. To surpass — ^ from.
a. 0. To outstrip a. o. To be previ- To restrain, to remove ^ s ('J^b ~
ously (done or said). a. o. from.
To advance boldly. To lead ^o^t To be weakened (eyes). (s-m a pj5
the way in war. Ihave nearly reached cijL^y\ J c-pja
To ask the promotion of a. o. 5 — the age of fifty.
Precedence, pre-existence. yjS To overpower his rider (horse), s ^3.6
By-gone times. Antiquity. ^aj To prepare mischief to J ^^JjO j;ji5j
Of old, in olden times. Cij3_j C»j| a. o.
Precedency. High rank. Bravery, ^lu To flutter around a lamp ^iU;
Foot (measure). (moths). To die one after the other.
Human foot, step. ^lojl ^ y^ To counteract, to check o. a.
Nadir. yj^'\ ^z. To spear o. a. -r^'J^.
^j-'j^j {>n. f.) j,j3j {m. f. s. pi.) y^ To be I'estrained, repelled j£'f.jjj\
Brave, bold. y^j from.
He walked straight on. C«ii ^^ Weakening of the sight. pjS
He was foi'emost in Timid. Salt water). Weeper.
<l.a2)lj >jd)t ^^ (
war. Modest (woman). w^j *t-*5
ja» ( oAo ) a»
^ Feet of sheep. ^ili» Rugged, stony (ground). i;;.,j ^ ^.a
Turkish lady. ( for ciy\^ ) o^S Tk Pi-ecedence, priority. 'O'Aj l^Ji
To be SiloSj j'Ji a iSSij , \'j)M o la5 -):> Courage, boldness.
-i >i _s -4.
palatable (food). Proud deportment.
To draw near. Ijlo o >j5 He is ^;jif)lj Xiaiaij Sl^aiJ I
To arrive from a journey. (ijjlj — always foremost at war.
What a dainty food,! ^.uLlI Ioa ^jjijI U Gallant, dauntless. ^li ^ ^_,ju
To walk straight on. cs!aj Car pen- yJij ^\'J> ^ j,yJi -^j ^^j'jj
To imitate a. o. cj t^a-jl. ter's axe.
Good smell. loj Forepart. Before, in front. ^i!u
Palatable (dish). *J>^b /' Before thee. 2jus|!o

Trunk, root. .|j5l ^ jlx? By-way. *^*JJ^ <^

Sti'aightforwai'dness. t^jJG Bravery, perseverance. ^Ij5I.

Pattern, model, sjIkjj «JJI j Sa? Present, offering. Intro- ^i^ ^ v^aS
example. duction.
To emigrate by reason Cja i ^jlw -{:$ Preeminence, preference. Pri- jtbjc
of dearth. macy. -< Progress.
To walk quickly (horse ). C\j j^ — Antiquity, oldness. ^Sli;
To suffice to a. o. (thing). a ^^as < Arriviog. Foremost. ^l^oj j,yj3 ^ ^iG
To resist a. o. ^ jiG Future, next (year).
To walk gravely. ^jii.'T Head. j'?^'^ ?r ~
Kind of snake. cj\'A -r S^ Foremost part. Forepart ^ii^l ^ x^iS
Measure, amount. cJa_J of a saddle. Vanguard.
Behaviour. j;a5 Fore-feathers of the ,J\mj ^ily « ~
Emigrant coming in. il^j ^ ;;ji\5 wings.
To feather /» '^\j ijSj ,'ris o !ls'-«- Old, j,l\^j Js'mj '\f'Si ^ j,iSii,jk\M
(an arrow). To cut (the feathers of ancient.
an arrow) evenly. The Ancient (God). ^,-^""
To cut (the hair). ^ i^j — Of old, previously. ^J^^ jj Ui,-*^
To trim, to adorn a. th. fit itis Since a long time. ^.-^^ o^
Feather of an arrow. i)l^_, ilii ^ s^is Chief, leader, first j,CAi >>'^»J ^'^
Man or horse's ear. in rank.
Flea. oIj3 <r i'.i»j
- Forepart, prominent part, ^la^j j'i'-^
Clippings. ofil'ij ^ s'ilis The Ancients, opp. to the o^*j5 VI
Feathered or iila r.>j al ^ UjI Moderns.
featherless arrow. Interior angle jdr''^ "r j^-^i a-^
He possesses nothing. ^_^ Vj 'ijl iJ C» of the eye. Forepart of a saddle.
Back of the head. *ii> Forepart of a. th. j,'Ai -^j jtJ^j —
Knife. Soi.j 'ii. Prow of a ship.
To revile a. o. i ^'i^ - ^J3 -5^ Put forward, chief. Premiss of a j,jdi
To treat a. o. harshly. o^vll ^ji_j syllogism.
To be ojlasj IjiS a jisj jasj j-5 ^ , Forepart of a. th. Van- <ij.iij t»ai«
filthy, defiled. guard. Preface of a book. Premiss
To Aj 5 fjCij I^jLj a jJkjj , \j'j^
, jij of a syllogism.
soil, to defile a. o. or a. th. Forward. Chief. Leader. ^Jiii
To loathe, to
olJ ^ >^J * a jij Above-mentioned, afore- i^i X-^2;^
dislike a. th. said.
To find a. th. fi> /iixJ, ij Jxi^ jli^l Brave, foremost ^oU/« 51- ^\jiij ^(^
filthy, loathsome in fight.
( eA^ ) ^JJ
To have many defects. cim\ — oJ3 -^ Dirt, filth, foul matter. jj^\ ^ j'j%
To be pained by CbliSj jm a jS% -^ Foul action, offence. c.ljj'iS ^ S^jill
a mote (eye). Avoi- %'j_}'i\% Jij jjJ^j c'jj'i\'>j jj'i^

To discharge CbjJj i»j j'j^j 0-^5 i iii» ding society. Dainty.

•white mattei' (eye). Shunning men (woman). jj^
To thro-w in or take out fit cf IvMj yS^ Filthy, unclean. j ijj Jj3j jliSj jliS

a mote from (the eye). Avoiding foul actions. s'/j^

To reward a. o. ^ ^^'ill Sloven, jja:;ij,jidi ^ jjij^

Mote, any matter falling s'li^j j'^ To revile » ^lillj ^'i\^j , tUj a ? Iw -S-

into the eye. a. 0.

Fine dust. C?-wj 'Ij51 ^^ ^jlis To endeavour to harm ^LL) J ^aS;

Pained by a mote "il^j *ij^J *i,-^
a. 0.

(eye). Dirt. Foul speech. pjS

He bears annoyance ijjiall jt ^bij Dirty, unseemly. pis
patiently. Offensive talk. Obscenity. "iii^Si

To vomit. To row. Cilia oj* -^ i

To settle in (a place). To throw a. 0. into (the fire). J » —

To keep to, to persevere in. i*.
— To cast (a stone). t.'j *

To pour cold water in * I3I a i o — To throw (stones) at. ^ a tjj.i:Z\j —
(a cooking-pot). To allay the boi- To charge a. 0. with (foul actions).
ling of ( a cooking-pot ) with cold To throw stones at. o'iBj tJa*
water. To hurry in running (horse). ciiVjj
To coolany one with (water), ic a — To throw stones at 0. a. To ^—
^ To confess, to acknow- j j\ ^ ^ revile 0. a.
ledge a. th. Rowing. Foul accusation. jlls
To be Side, margin of x»'j.sj Smj SS»j
refreshed ejjjlj 'aji o_^ a 1
^ ^'Si
(eye\ To be consoled, rejoiced after a valley.
grief. Slippery place. olij ojI
To be cool (day). 1^ a — i Remote (distan- ^iStj ^j'Stj Sj^j —
To hiss (snake ). I^^S — ce); far away (desert).
To cease cackling (hen). \j^^j l3a — Summit cj^j3j ijStj uimj uil-i; ^ :cSj§
To be smitten by the cold, ' l^^
^ of a mountain.
to be seized with cold. Missile. <• Shell, ^nlu ^ :Jiyjj,ola|
To compel a. 0. to ack- icj ^_, •&
/^ Ballista ;
projectile. Slinger. ^\*J3
nowledge a. th. Balance. Rower. Vehicle.
To ascertain. -^ To write down fi>
— Fleshy. Gallant warrior. jjliii
(a fact, a statement). Oar. t^i'i\i^ ^ tjlis^j ,«ji(i» ^ t_jJi>»
To compel a. 0. to remain J 5 'j\j — Missile, projectile. ^;iu;i ^ ^j'SzH
in (a state, a place). To on the 5 vlia
sti'ike a. 0. Jm -tt-

To agree with a. 0. To live in 5 y^ back of the head. To slander a. 0.

company with. To apply o.'s self to. j—
To sutler from cold, ^*i Defect, vice. JjS
To m.ake a. 0. to suffer from cold 5 — Back of the head. HJ^h J-»^ 9- J'^5
(God). He gave him a *! u ^» J C^lil ^lis -S-

To console, to cool the j^l^o *~^ ~ part of his goods.

eyes of a. o. (God). To sip a. th. a C«as a j.,ai

To let a. 0. act freely in J jl Jc 5 3^1 To hurry on. ^aill

(a work). Generous master. ^jQ
To acknowledge a. th. ^— Draught of water. s^IiS
AY )
Small wateriDg-trough. Small jiig.s^ He acknowledged the .|>j J 'JS
Refreshed. Cool (day). Suffering j_j^ rights of.

from cold (man). To be strongly established Jji^

To coo (pigeoQ) ; to grumble ^'J » (thing). To be ascertained (fact).
(camel ) ; to rumble (belly). -^ To be To be settled in (a place). j yXj
hollow (tree). To complain (man). To be quiet, to be at rest. yc^\
To laugh loudly. <^yJai\ J — To settle in (a place). j—
Even, soft ground. '.j'^J ^^ Rest. Litter for camels. Cold. j»
Cooing of a dove. Fea- ^\'^ ^ '"'j^ Chicken.
tures. Complaint. PL Borboryg-
-if- The next day after the feast ^l ^ji.
mus. of Sacrifice.
Grumbling of a camel. Grumb- jS^ Cold day, cold ;*^j 'j ij^j -J y^^
ling loudly (camel). night.
Be quiet! {said to a ivoman). ,J^»^ Morning and evening. oC^I
Having a loud voice '-^j^'jj jO Fold of a garment. ^j^l ^
(camel-driver). Coolness, chill, winter-cold. Insect ^
Loquacious (woman). «1)*0^ swimming upon water.
Foam of a camel. -^ Hollow of a Sj\5jl He has found rest. a'Jh, ;Jj

tree. Abode. Quiet, rest. Plain. Sji^sj j\'^

Long ship. >^ Lamb. jv>\'j ^ j^'J»
Bottom (of the sea). Flocks.
< Hollow (tree).
Jl^'j »J^'J The lasting abode. Everlas- jCjs>\ jCi
fi> IX-sij , Ijjj S'O?-'
^J* a 1^ -S- ting life.

To read (a book). Tailor. Butcher. Mechanic. "Jx^'^

To study under (a master), ^y^ J^ — Coolness. s^il
To transmit sakita- j,y^\ kAs. h\Js — Frog. s^j tji o*J
tation to a. o. Refreshment. -^ Water-cress. s^
To make up (things), fi^ OT^j U'J — Species of cress. cjSi\ —

To study, to read «>^_, sljUi s 1j6 He is my consolation lit : j^Jt z^ 'jA

with. he cools my eye.
To give a. th. to read ; to jf i^sl Remainder of Sjl^j ej'_^j ~'j^j cy
teach reading to. food in a pot.
To send compliments to >yl!l s — Unavoidable calamity. cj^
„- ,i _,,-i _-,-s _--s
a. 0. Cold water <>JJj>J oJ^Ji <>J^j»,J oJ^
To blow periodically (wind). To i^Jl thrown into a cooking-pot.
lag behind. To set ( star ). To be at Glass bottle, phial. jcj/^^r ^jjj^
hand (event). To menstruate (wo- Apple of the eye. Urinal.
man). Acknowledgment of a duty. j\'^[
To return from (a journey). ^j^
— Consoled, refreshed. oyi^jijt
To devote o.'s self to the reading 'i^l.j Compulsion. ^ Written state- ^_4j
of the Koran. ment.
To ask a. o. to read. s ^J^K •^ Letters patent; jcj,^ ^ -^--A^
Reading. Way of CiVVJi « S'"'!^ document. Deposition of a witness.
reading. < Written (proof).
Moment. Mea- 'j^\j "jjj 'l_^1 ^r O' Stability. S^j ji^Jj
sure, rhythm of verses. Remaining. Cold (day). -^ Akc- jS
The various sorts of verses. _,iiJI '\'^\ nowledging.
Reading. The Koran. oT^ Continent, inland. «jS
Clever reader.
o>b,Sj c\'Jj '\j ^ iSj,^ Abode. Bottom.
Bottom of a well.
^;,2ilJj,jCi» ^
^1 32*
ojY^ rr ''(^
OfFeriug to God. -^ Holy
a o^jyj ^ d^_j,
( eAA )

CfjJl^j ojjl^^ « 'l^a

Eucharist. Read. j'j^^'j Vj^J 'ij'^'

•^ The feast of Corpus oC^I -^^5 Pulpit. :;;i23 <-J
Christi. Cij^j CWjSj C^
o vl^-J ' 2* a t_i_;3 -ft-

Feast of Sacrifices _^»3j; oC^ Ts To be near in rank, relation- jlj ^

'(amongst Moslems). ship to. To draw near to.
Favoui'ite of a (s. pi.) cM^j oC^ To be at hand (event). ^'ji Vj^
prince. To put (a * v'S'^-^ 't'S'-J vj* 1

Nearly full ^\j» ^ S.'ji j> d^'j sword) into the scabbard.
(vessel ). To have a complaint of C^^ a «-JjJ

Approximation. Gallop. vij^J the flanks.

Appi-oximatively, »^_^U j C/^- To bring a, o. or a. th. *j y ^^^
nearlj. near. To show favour to. To present
Seeker of water by ^j}'^ -^ V-i^ an offering to (God). <> To offer a, th.
night. Skiff, boat. To give Holy Communion.
Near. Neighbour. >Cj3^ ^ {s- pi-)
^^ To gallop (horse). ^^
PI. Relations. To be the neighboui' of ibj "i k_)jG
Proximately, soon, ^^^ ^ To speak kindly to. n —
Fish salted when fi-esh. Vij^ To act wisely. ^-
They came ^Yithin a short Sxjfi b"^ To be near to. oi-
time. To be about to bring forth.
Nearer. ]More tj>?^b VJ,*^^ t vS^"'
To fill (a vessel) nearly to the jfc -
likely. PI, Near relations. brim.
Long-footed dung-beetle. JJ^ To approach to. Jl, Cl^?r,j C^ii vl^
Blood-mare. Saddled (beast). vS^ To seek to advance o.'s self in the
By-way, nearest road. "^.'y^i vS** favour of. To court the fi-iendship of.
Near to bring w-^j^Uij v'-l'^ ^ ^J''^ •^ To receive Holy Communion, ij^^
foi'th (female). To draw near to o. a. To be ^j'^>
Near relationship. *j_^j Vj3;*j *?^ nearly ripe (corn-crops).
Approaching, Offering. Sacri- ^'Ju' To draw nearer. To be near to ^'JS)\
ficator. fulfill a promise.
Average, mean. '^r'-i^ To find a. th. to be near. ^ ^'j£:Z.\
Average price : of a middling ujjUi Proximity. ^\'jj J^
sort. Soon, From a short distance, ^^ ^
Close to. Poetical metre. ^jj Ur;i Side, flank. ^_,);^'| ^ ^'j^^ Jj
^Vell in the vicinity. ^'^
Saddle-bow, Night-journey to the water, i;!^ —
Large back. X-^y ° Good work. oIj^sj c_»^ ^ *j^j ajJ^j
To become \j/j a o^»j o c/^ ,
"^ Kindred, relationship.
livid 1^ contused skin). State of a vessel nearly filled. tj'^
To be altered (complexion). O^S a c>_^
Ransacking. O^j OJtA* Water-s'kin.
Excellent musk. ot^j — Gipsy. «dQ^ ?r,iiO "^
To toil (man ). To H'Ji, a o_^ -^ Scabbard, case. «j_;^b ^'jk ^r "-j^j?
earn. Tantamount, equi- .'^1)1 ^Y^j ol^
To grieve a, o. (event). » G^ o cj^ valent.
To wound a. o. ^ ^^5^ G-^ a ^'Jt ^ , Kindred, relationship. JTyj Xi\'%
To show regard to, He ^\'^
^j ^^r' s' is ( for j'i '^l')
^\J \A
To sink (a well) in a a ^jxJ'j — akin to me.
To be worm-eaten (hide). 6^ a iy -J^
^ )

place where water

a was not found.
To be crisped (hair). — To have ^^l_, G.^
i>'j!ii , a ^Jj (>yj a ^'J
To remain silent. sTJ^s^ ^yj ^^^ all its teeth i. e. to be 5 years old
To collect milk,
( j A IS^ i i^ (hor.se).
butter) in (a vessel). To be covered with ^^j , (>^ a ^^
To take off the ticks of (a n a^ ulcei's.
camel). To deceive a. o. •^ To curse, ^ To incite a. o. to. » ^^
to wish the devil to harm a. o. To stare at a. o. s ^jQ
Stout and short. i^ To have ulcered camels. ^'Ji\
Tick of camels. o"o^; ^ >\} To affect a. o. with ulcers s —
iijj »yjj yjj i^'Ji'h ^jJi r *!,; ( God ).

Baboon. Ape. -fy The devil. To prepare to do evil. J ^^

She-monkey. i^ ^ «i^ To extemporise (verses). Sj * ^3til
Refuse of wool falling off from s,'^ To choose a. o. To invent a. th.
sheep. < To vote for.
Tick of camels. oli],; «• *'j^ To ask a. th. importuna- !«»_.'-'*"
Scabby (camel). Heaped Si^ ^ i^ tely from.
up (cloud). To ask a poet +o recite _jS.\^
J^ *~
Trainer of monkeys. il^ (verses).
Ibis (bird). CX:>J y\ D Wound, ulcer, ^./^ ^ ^'j
Rocky oj ii;^ ^ ij^l^j , ^^1^9 5r S^S* -^ First water of a well. Beginning ^J5
hill. of a. th.
Rocky hill. Upper part of the sijS^ Soundness, freedom from ulcers. ^'^
back. Severity of winter. Wound, ulcer. <) Cough. (t<u.) x>^
To acknowledge a. th. To ^'iy> ^ Blaze on a horse's forehead. '*>'^
humble o.'s self. <> To be an armou- Beginning of spring.
rer. To become live (coal). Ulcerated, scabby. ^^
Armourer. •'^^\'^ ^ jrr^'^Jj ''TS^'J "^ Clear and pure water. :^i
To take a. th. with "
fit yjji q j'^ -^ Land fit to be sown.
the tip of the fingers. To pinch (the Not yet attacked by, clear from oV>j»
flesh). small-pox (child). Wild truffle.
To take offence at,
cj^ j'^'i-^ Sedentary, ^^'ho has 'j- \'jj
Pinch. iyj never witnessed war.
Quarrel. "i'jj^ -^ Irresponsible foi", ^ d^ji '^t/^
Kind of shrub. 'i^jjj -r'jj^ ^ Extempore .speaking. Inven- ^(JjJ I.

To collect and up her

tie Jj^ -H- tion. -<> Vote,
hair on the top of the head (woman).
Hair tied up on the head. Jj]^ Full-grown ( camel). Pregnant (she-

To compose wretched * ^jy ^ camel). <>• Experienced.

verses. Wounded, ulcerated. j'|_^jj'^s ^ ^.j_3
Wretched poet. -•Oj? Pure (water).
To be congealed (water).C^ ^'j i -f5- Inborn disposition, -r^S^ ir -^j^
To be severe (winter). C^S a ^^^ — temper.
To freeze (water). To a u-^b >j^S» Having a blaze on ^'^ ^ »\>^ j> ^'Ji\

benumb (the fingers cold). : the forehead (horse).

To be congealed (branch). ^'j^\ Garden adorned with »C>^ *^J3
Severe cold. white flowers.
Small gnat. Llcerated. tj'^j r^P-'"
Frozen. Trodden (road). yiji^
^j-iji WJ^
( o\- )
J J"/
To privateer. Intensely cold, glacial. X^jji j> k/-j,G

Privateer, corsair. diaj> Sp Frozen (water).

Grain remaining in aj.^ — j.^Ji -S- Big and strong. *^JS^j o-'Jj
the ear after the thrashing. To curtail a. th. a Cs.^ i j.'^ -«
To contract to hide o."s self.^^ -^
: () To crauDch (a fruit).
To write closely. Uca^W — To eai-n for (o.'s J yi:>l5lj ^i^j j:^
Eryngium^ thorny "^iLa'Jj iuo^ family).
plant ; sea-holly. To sow discord between. ojj ^r-^
To cut a. th. * j»^j ti»y J^'J ^
: , i
To curd (milk). j.*^
to sever (a bond). To gnaw (cloth : To haunt a. 0. To meddle *j 5 J.'j^ -^
naovise). in.
^ To lend money to. 5 — To injure a bone (wound). To Jf^s
To recite (a poem). A ja*^ become rich.
He died. <y^.j ~ To slander a. o. o—
To incline in walk to the o.^ j — To gather (people). J-*y^
right and left. To realise (profits). 9^ —
To cross a river. s??'S"
~ To be intermingled in J-'JLj^j J-'J^
To pass by a place. olfeOI — a fight (spears).
To requite i i^\'Jki i.ijlii J^'j^h — Turkish piastre equal j./^ ^ j!^, Ge
a. o. for good or evU. to 2d Shark.
To die. To pass from ia'y a J^^ ^ Sour cheese. "^^jfii J-i^
one thing to another. Tribe of Koreysh. J^^
To praise or blame a. o. 5 j3*_^ Koreyshite. 'tSr-j^

To lend Cil^j 1^3*^ J'iJI J » J'J^ if- Rich, wealthy. uv^

money to a. 0. for a share in the To pinch a. 0. ^j » C?^ u^'^ -ft-

profit. To sting a. 0. (gnat).

To lend money to. s J^'J»\ To prick off a. 0. in (words). ^ ^ —
To requite o. a. (in good or u>jUi To wash (clothes) with the ends * —
evil). To make a poetical contest. of the fingers.
To vie in (
praise). A — To spread out (the dough) * u^jj —
To be cut off (dynasty). To j^'^\. into round cakes.
elapse (time). To pinch a. 0. To harm a. 0. i ^^jG
To borrow from. To become soui' (milk). ia^ a ^_^
To impair the reputa- To pinch to dislike, to defame u>3Uj

tion of. 0. another.

To ask a loan from. ( un t^Ji ) ^Jo\'JiJ Xo^j (^1 j5l ^ t>»^

Requital in good or Round cake of bread. Disk ^'^ ^

evil. Loan received. of the sun. Globule of perfume.
Loan. ^ Disk of metal used as a head-
Clippings, cuttings. ornament for women.
Poetry. Cud. J^-j» Nettle, u^!;^J "^J <>»ij^-> ^}'J
Borrower. u^_,i>" Pincers. iol^ a
Shears, scissors. jsj j^u^ ^ J'^'ji* Anchor of a ship. tr»il;*
Fig. Biting tongue. Intensely I'ed, cP'^jS ji» I

Weasel. J^^'A; '^/'K Sour (milk). Stinging insect. u*J!,G

Thin-sown places. Wine-jars. jsj\ii Biting (word), o^^Jy r X-sy.'J
Tree of the desert 'iS^'jk
— U»^ -fr CorneUan cherry. -^ Prune. :cl^ l'^ G
having a yellow blossom. Rounded. ^*^
To cut off, to separate a. th. a w-b^ ^ Curved knife, pincers. ij''^'J*t

( o\\ )
t^. <J^}
Scroll of o-i'^'lP -r o-^ ^J a"^ ^ To collect (meat) in the pot. To eat
paper, writing, book. Skin used as (meat) entirely.
a target PL Documents, stocks. To eat dry things. «r^j^
Red garment. <^^j ^'Ji -fr Refuse left in a sieve. «-"^j5
To clothe a. o. with a tunic. jl»^ -H- Eating tough food. "C^V^ 9. v^^
To put on a tunic. S^'J^'
Thief. Poor. v^l'j^ 9r ^y^'j*3
Tunic. J^lr* ^ Sharp (sword).
To cut a. th. To take a ^^'^ -^

Basket, bag. away a. th.

Pack-saddle. Ju»^; ^r *!^'1>5 To chop ^ ^*jj Cl/^ o h'J
, ^
To cut to sever a. th. * ^!»^ ^^
off, (leeks).
Cartham-seed. Saffron. J^\^i ji^,^ •^ To pronounce the letter a'jx, q V^
Oats. otjs'^s r thickly.
Leprosy. j»V^^? <* To curtail a. 0. of a due. it i,^j —

To pluck (leaves) of a Cfc^ ^'jt i -H- To be lop-eared (ram). Q*^ a ^^

mimosa flava. To tau (leathei"). To bridle (a horse). To adorn J,^ 2^

To become a man of Cli^i a i»_,s (a gii'l) with earrings.

rank. To snuff (a candle). To incite (a A —
To eulogise (a living man). •& jj^l horse). < To rub out, to clip (coins).
To praise o. a. ^ICJI J»jUi To give little to. < To check jc. i,^
Leaves of mimosa flava used as Ji^ (a horse). To tighten a. 0.
tan. To wear on eai'rings. i/^,
Seller of tan. Jil'? To be curtailed (due). V^'i.-^
Panegyric of a living JoJ -H^J JaJ .« Leek. I,"j
man. *^^J ^jyj ^^'JPJ i»'^l ?r ^J
Ram Yemen.
« ,. ,i ...
Earrings, ear-drop. Pendant of gold.
To knock at ( a li^ "a p^JJ -W- Blaze of fire. Trefoil.
door). To beat (the drum). To hit ^ Thick pronunciation. Log of st'jj
the butt (arrow). wood.
To strike a. o. on the head ^ i_:lj — Lighted wick iaV^
with (a stick). Candle-snuff. ii9\'^
To gnash the teeth in despair. iL- — Grain of -t^jJO' ^ ^'-^Jj ^^^ ^
To empty a cup (drin- »i;^Vj 'c^ — earob-tree. Carat, weight equal to 4
ker)- grains. The 24 th part of a deenar
To win a. 0. in a game of i (p^ o ^^ or of any thing. •<>• Inch, q Half a gill.
chance. Tamarisk-seeds. iauX^j JaJj(,6

He lost in a game of \s.'^ jUt p,_^

Miller. Oj.>lL)l i-jjis V
chance. Ointment of ceruse. 'JeZ-Ji^ ^
To be bald. To receive an li^l a <^j> Lop-eared (ram). "
advice. To be beaten at play. Weainng earrings. J»^
To be empty (house, (p^sj li.^ a — A trifle. <iac%^J ^tMJ "^
fold).To be little kept ( holiday). To To cut the bones of (a s w-l*'^ -8-

be scurfy. slaughtered beast). To overthrow

To disturb, to disquiet a. o. To & y^ a. o. < To ovei'power a. 0.

upbraid a. o. To cure (a pustulous To be powerless. ^^'j'^ "<*

camel). Cutting (sword). v-k*'j^

To come to fight. <s\'^,j \i'Jw' ^jla ^ Blackberry-tree. Brier. »-^j^
To gamble to cast ; dice. Cordova, town of Spain. *r^j^
To cast lots among. cnJ ^^1 Sheet of paper. ^j-k^ ^
Choice (stallion). Master, <rij^ He paved the house S^iS lj\i ^^sl
chief, Scald-headed.
with bi'icks.

To suspect ^ s S^} . Cji^ i o^ -)^ To give to a. o. the best of. A Sj 5 —

a. 0. of. To charge a. o. with. To check (a horse) with (the ^j s —
To ill-treat a. o. jt jr,s reins).
To mix up a. th. * iSjfi To come back to righteous- ji-jl J|^ —
Tj earn for (o.'s family). J — ness.
To peel off (fruit). To ifc Sj3 - 1 spent the night p^r^b 9^^ 'Cj,

pare off the scarf of (a -wound). restless.

To be on the point of \S^ a ^_>_» To turn over, to be restless
contracting a disease. -^ To loatbe To cast dice. To draw lots
a. th. together, -if- To quarrel.
To be loathsome (food). J^Jb ^^ To be scald-headed.

To draw near *j n (s\^j *_J3'^ >JJ*^ To abstain from.

to. To commit (a fault). To cast lots for. Jcj j <^'J^\
To charge a. o. To infect a. o. tS J)'Ji] To select a. th. To kindle (the * —
with, to communicate (a disease) to. fire). To compose (veises).

•^ To cause disgust. Vegetable marrow. Pumpkin. f,^»

To render a. o. liable to sus- ^j — A piunpkin. Brand on a camel's •;XJi

picion. thigh. <• Skull. Scald-head.

To become connected with. J — Bet. wager. White pustule. ^^^
To be pared off (scarf of a j^j Baldness. Pustule. *f3^j ^^
wound). Lot. sortilege. Leathern ^'J^ ^ ~Sj»
To earn. kijU'. : -^ Conscription. Vote
To commit (a crime). A — They drew lots.
To be suspected of. t_i
— He has won. ij Xi-jZ \

To loathe a. th., to be ^^ Sjs^\-*f- He has lost. *:u -

disgusted with. The best part of.

Larder meat. for

^SCjii y^j^ -r ^[^
Bark of pomegranate. Crust of j,'^
Sleepless. Injured (nail)
Day judgment. Abuse
of the
bread sticking to the oven. Dry ex- Calamity. Upper part of a ^jj]^s ^ —
cretion of the nose. road.
Mixture. Contagion. Relapse. j^ Wood-pecker (bird). ^ ijl
^ Disgust. Despised. Choice (stal- i^s ^ ^_^
Able to. ^j ^ij*j "-J/J
~ lion).
Suspicion. Shocking S^ ^ "^-^'ji Hero of his time. _,*!*) 1
action. Bark. Earnings. Clove-bark. Chief, hero. /ul,}
Cinnammon. Bald. Scald- oU^^aj 9^ ^ '(s-j» j> ^'J>S

Bastard cinnamon. xfJai ;*,! headed. Without bark (tree). Hard

He is the object of my J-»j? }* (place). Complete (number). Bare
suspicion. ( mountain). «>• Hornless (beast).
I thinkcan find my
1 ji^s o>U ^\ Bare meadow, garden. Mislbr- »(p^
want in such a tribe. tuue. Court-yard.
Cemetery, grave. ij\'^ a Dyer's broom. oitj^'l "i^^-rr-*-

Harsh, unjust. J^ ^ ^j'ft Bag for collecting dates. ^'Ju^

Man of dark complexion. >jji^j J [^
Erecting the head (horse). ^.^^/i

Intensely red. '

^'^\ Knocker, whip, rod. pj,^i» r ^^
Place on a tree stripped of its ti_4« Cudgel.
bark. Mallet. pi^i*
( o\r) -•j*
To begin to eat dry things young Boin from a slave ^jJS' -r ^Ji^
beast). father (man) :'from a commrn horse
< To crop (herbage lamb). * yji : (nag). -^ Loathsome.
To gnaw, to eat up a. th. A C»ja o — To squat in putting the hands^j^ -ft

To bark a. th. around the legs.

To insult a. o. grossly. To make » — To bind a. o.'s hands under his legs. » —
an incision on (a camel 's) nose. Squatting. Miijsj ^'a»^j S^>,'A
To long for (meat). J( \,'Ji a ^Ji Thieves. »-i?i'j»

To teach a. o. to eat. & y-^ To cluck (hen). Cs^a 3'ji *

To keep (a stallion) in the ^ yj^\ To deceive a. 0. ^—
stable. To walk in a plain. O^,* a Jja
To become a stallion. j^j£:^\ To make (a hen) to brood. j^j i>-
Stallion kept in the j,}j» ^ J^ To bi'ood her eggs (hen).
stable. Chief of a tribe. Incision on To have a rupture. SJ^K"^
a camel's nose. Vile origin. Game plaid with J^
Crimea (peninsula of). pebbles.
Greediness for meat. Even soil, plain. j^j j'^l
Skin taken off from J^IJ^j X'^yj v«_^ Hernia, ruptui'e. '
j^j -^
a camel's nose. Brood-hen. Xs^
< Stump of a tree. j'j^ ^ T^'ji Rake. Hard labour. :c3l'_,3 d

Remainder of bread in the oven. x^\'J» To become dry (bread). jij^s •>

"Vice, defect. To dry (bread). A Ji'^ -fy-

Kept in the ^32-j , ^^ ^ hV,* ^ yj] Squirrel. — ^~>Ji ^

CjjJ^'^j i/^>ji
stable (stallion). To call up (a puppy), ^^iji ^Tj ^
Marked with an incision on the A/-'^ Small flea. ^.-O
nose. Puppy, little dog. u'j^i/h c-yj^
Figured curtain S^^i^j ^j^J -*0'- To gnaw hard (bread). fi> j.ij» -^

of red wool. Crisp bread, t ^'^^AJ "^

To preserve (meat) in its yj^ <• biscuit.
grease. To cut into small pieces. * ht'J -^
Stewed meat. *-*jjS -^ To gnaw a. th. (mouse).
To plaster with mud. To * jj'^^ -^ Small bit.
pave (a house) with bricks.
build, to To rumble (carriage). A' J <-
Male mountain-goat. JU'l^S ^ ij^J» To crash, to clatter. 4^j "
Baked brick. -i—c^^'J ^ •^c'.jK ^ Clatter, crash, rumbling.
Gypsum. Female mountain-goat. To ceo (pigeon). To laugh
Built with bricks. Plastered. y/^i loudly (man). To grumble ( Co.mel).
Coccus^ kermes (insect) yiel- y,J' To frighten a. 0. » —
ding a red, crimson dye. To shiver from cold. w3^2.jj
Dyed red with kermes ; Wine.
ci'imson. Prolonged cooing. Peal of iii^
a Scarlet-fever. laughter.
To collect a. th. •< To Shrill-voiced cock. .^10*
grind, to eat (anything) dry. Gown jSt^S ^ 5*^j tP^» — (j5__,j *
Rabble of people. t/-u!l j without sleeves.
To enter its hole ^'f'J^'i i
To ill-feed (a child). 5 Jj -«-

(pigeon). Ill-fed (child). J>'

u^sl'v^ rr ufiy-^i a*W*,j ^',Jk Kind of plungeon, diver.

Pigeon-nest. Hollow dug as a shelter ^^j ,

^'^'jj ^'ji-h ^'i'ji ^"'j i
yj *

O 6i
of a pasturage. Time, age, genera- 1 from cold. Baking-place.'
tion. Equal in age. i
He walked with short ^^iill J JaV^ ^
Lock of hair.Summit oj^j iX^ ^ ~ steps.
of 'a mountain. Plait of hail*. Rope :
To write closely, to close
of fibres. i
the lines.
The t-wo-horned, surname dy'^\ j'i <>• To crop a. th. (cattle). A -
c{ Alexander the great.
To be contracted, shrivelled.
Rhinoceros. C-i^.'^i tij* ° 1
Close writing. -^ Stinginess.
Cyclamen, sowbread. Jljill o^ i
Barbel (fish). ^ Dwarf.
Rhinoceros. o^l >»l ° Musulman sect, *Ljl_^ ^
L'nicurn. Rhinoceros. o^l -^J Karmathian.
Imp of Hell. oiLll)1 C^s jl o]^ Short thornless (^ un. ix^'Ji ) y^>^
Equal m (age, merit), c>\'^\ -r o'ji shrub. Worthless man.
match. Competitor. Two-humped camel. j»r j ^ ,^^'^,

Quiver.Coupled with another^lj^l ,^ o^ Hair-pin. Small and hairy camel.

(camel;. Rope binding two camels. ,
To conjoin a. th. tj A C^ i u'j> -S-

Sword. Arrow. cjS'Jk t ~ '\

Corner. Projecting angle, o^ -r "C]^ To couple two (horses). 5 —
Tip of the tongue. To gallop (horse). Cl^s, o ol;^

Conjunction of two stars, ^J^^-*-? ^'^'^- To perform two c^_ o^l) Ol]]^, o
— .

of two things Coincidence. (affairs) at the same time. To eat


Cornelian-tree, dogwood. Ql^ Gr two (fruits) together. To unite two

Armed with a sword and arrows. oj,S (qualities).
Name of a wealthy man. ojj^ To have the eyebrows C_^ a li/
Joined. Companion, »vr^ ^ ji^j Q:.;— joined.
comrade. Spouse, consort. Coeval. To unite (many things) 2(j A ujr^

Accomplice. together. To bind ( captives) toge-

Soiil. Wife. Context. ^\'^ ^ •i^.^j ther. <• To give a triangular or
Female devil harassing women- conical shape to.
Houses facing one another. ^ \'^ jji To enter society » Cl^S j iJ jU/i oj^
Flask, bottle. cl^l with. -^ To be the companion of.
Eating two fruits at the same oj^ To be in conjunction with (star), /b —
time. Galloping (hor.?e). Kneeling To compare a. th. with. v^ *
on both knees together. To shoot two arrows at the samej^il
Soul. il>^j — time. To eat two dates in one mouth-
Horned. Having the 'U^ ^ o^s1 ful. To bring two captives bound

eyebrows joined. with one rope.

Horned snake. »0^ "CS- To be near to open (boil), o^ii-^b —
Having numerous flocks and no ^^ To rush and swell (a vein : blood).
shepherd. To be able to. J
Yoke or oxen. ^^ To be unable to. To stray
Joined. Angulous. Horned. o^ from (a path).
Sticking to a. o. continually ^ ojI^ To be angulous, prominent.
(devil). To be associated.
Chain of mountains, tu^ To be joined, united to. ^
Caravan. c-lJ'iOis ^ cM'J^ Horn. Insect's antenna. Sidejj^ ^ jj*
Moslem town in North uUi^s of the head. First rays of the sun.
Africa. Point of a blade. Prominent angle.
Rat, jerboa. ^^ -ft- Eutrance of the desert. Best part

To live iu a village. ^s'ji\ Species of beetle.

Entertainment of a guest. Water ^s[^ Cauliflower. ( for h^i )

collectt-d in a tank. To mew (bird of prey).

Borough, village. \a'J -^j ^s'X ^ *i!»*
a To be chilled.
Ant-hill. 'jjlt - I Projecting part of a mountain. ^\j^^

Coagulated cj\i'^j 'Vjh X>__^\ ^ jj Head of Indian corn, ^...•iiy ^ cryj^ "^
(milk). Canal, \vater-coi;rse.' I
Ridged roof. ^'^
Stick. Ant-hill. KjJ'J ^ i^j ^j -^U Forepart yaJI^ ^ u*_^_^ - ^;_;5 -fr

a Yard of a ship. j
of a boot.
Villager. ( opp. to ij Butt-end of a rifle. ijj^ a
) ^j3
House full of people. Point of a *j'j fi [
Clove-tree. J_^'Jj jiJ^s «
spear. Clove. jii^sii jLijr
Short-legged ^sjj^Sj ^j(y ^ :;ji Gj - Pink (flower). Carnation. iuJj^
and long-beaked green bird. Aroma tised with cloves. J^^
Villager. jj 'J To be affected with (i^ a o_/ -K-
Basin. Sl^i;^ ^'Ji jaundice. To be swoll,^n with blows.
Very ho3- .(;;4^_, s);;^^ ^ .|^_, ^^^ Jaundiced. a'J^h «^ ^ -U^ ^ »^\ ,

pitable. To direct o.*s -elf J[ ij^j o i^S -M-

Bowl for serving ^jii;: ^ s(;;^_, towards.
guests. PL Furniture of a kitchen. To follow, to iS'jj^^j ij'Ji.i^j — fi>

To jump. \'j% o j5 -«- pursue a. th.


To loathe a. th. fi,j

- To have a complaint of the j^'\
To shrink from ^aJI back.
impurity. To collect purulent matter J^t
Silk. ^ Raw silk. P (absce.=s).
j/J ^ 35
Silkworm. ^2!l iji Back. Pumpkin. \'^
Shunning j'^^i:;^ jij^^ j^s^ 3^^ -.5_, 33 Watering-trough. y^ ^ jj
impurity. Outfall of a press.; Xs^:} _j\j ''^'^\ ?- —
Dragon. Short snake. j\^ oj j\j Wooden-cup.
-^ Glass. Window- ( for ^\».'j ) j\'j I saw them pur- ju. |j J^ u J^Aj
glass. suing the same way.
Drinking.glass. Sjj^G Testicular hernia.
Dealer in silk. -^ Glass-seller Custom. Buttocks.
To season a. th. ^ Back, middle of the back.
'Jj^^J a
with aromatics. Affected with testicular
To bubble up (cooking- CG-jlj G-^ — hernia.
pot).To become high (tree). Summit of a hill.
To eject ^ ^% ,<*j% Sentry. Guard. d^\'J Ts
(>'J s
(urine : dog). Punch and Judy, jjuppet- J^C^Ts
To adorn (speech). show.
To branch forth (tree). To receive 5 'SJ'\>\3 ,'\'^i j'_^, i ^s'J *
Urine of a dog. a. o. as a guest.
The devil. Angel set over the To offer (food) to (a'guest). A » —
clouds. To collect (water) J * (/^j j'_^ 1

Rainbow. in (a tank).
Iris of the eye. ^i^^jj To explore, * j'Ji~^\j iS'M^j J^h —
Onion-seed. Aromatics. to cross (a country).
^\ja] ^ ^jl
•^ Offshoot of mulberries. To ask hospita- 5 j'_^^\j jj\»\j j'Ji\
Streak of yellow, red, green.^ji ^ x>l^ lity fi'om.
Ja-.; ( «^
To pasture (cattle) f ^-^j Cr^ Seller of seeds. ^(jj
cleverly. Water-bubbles. ^J}'P
To become a priest. Hj^Sj *I->li j^ Aromatics, seasoning. riiJlS
Good herdsman. Christian ^_^li ^ 3^ To run swiftly (gazelle).Gtj^» a 9'jJ -«-
priest. -^ Monk, priest. To run (horse). ^jj

Hamlet. xLt To shave the head in leaving a —

Backbiter. ^\13 tufts of hair.
To despatch (a messenger). To » —
Priest, clergyman. <15 Cs -^j start (a horse).
Spurious (money). Egyptian ^j» To apply a, 0. exclusively to. J 2 —
(cloth) To burst in high words Jjat j J ^jal
Priesthood. tI^jLj <-j *1^^,j l^^li against a. 0.
Ivy. ltj^.. •*" To be ready to start (horse). ^.jsJ
To flow (water). To (^ 1 ^,,1.; -W- To be shaven (head). To be scat-
incline towards its setting (sun). tered (clouds).
To be hard, ^..y^j ^ij~* o »^15 Scattered portions of clouds. ^ja
tough. Flax. Rufuse of wool.
Veiy hard. Tough date. »^Jj Lock of hair on the <'ij>J "^Ji
Murmuring sound of water. ^i-r* top of the head.
To be hard. ^^l^j i^ llS a irJj ^ Portion of a cloud. Spurious ipjl
To treat a. o. harshly. 2^ r.^is child. Dwarf.
Hard, tough. Rag, portion of a garment. ^ijSj *s-j5
r-^-^J -^^J ^=-; ^»
To force
a. 0. to.
jt 5 v-'-^'j , 'Ir^ i ^^ Loosing the hair (buck).
Nimble. Having httle hair on
Constraint, compulsion. _^1j the forelock ( horse).
By force, by constraint. 1^^ To halt. i<i'ji "Jja Jjs i -ft-

Lion. o'ljX-^j jjj^ T ejj^j Jj'-^ To halt, to hmp. Vjj a Jj5

Sturdy. Lame, cripple. Jjj ^ -Vjj j. Jjal
Hei'bs of the shore. j^lJ ^ S33-^ To blame a. 0. 2 C»j» >j3 ^ i

Great, tall. ;;^.i:lj_^CJ ^ s?-^* To be mean, paltry. C.jl a j.^

Street around a mosque. *i.r^ Mean appearance. Inferiority. ^j3
To act wrong- Cjs_,li_j (klJ i Ja-s -ik > i/'j5 ^(j5b ^j5 «.("*• A «•, Z'^- ) J^'J

To distribute, to disperse a. th. * — Vile, mean, paltry. *^j5j i^j5j

To assess (a tax). Vile, contemptible. ^lj|
To act justly. JalSlj CJalS^ Ja-li
, i Sudden death. Insuperable. ^\'^
To have the sinews of C-klj a hJi Q Pick-axe. ^jl ^ C^j5
*^j5 T
feet dried up. D Copper-boiler. 01:^ T
To pay (a debt) by instal- To shun impurity. To IjjS IjJ -!^

ments. To set (
plants) regularly play at a certain game of the Arabs.
(gardener). To cry by intervals To become impure, defiled. ^s'^^
(cock). Snake. A certain game. olj» w »3*
To be stingy in. Lamb. i/jjj 1e
To be niggardly towards To fell and kill a. 0. n Sj — <Sj^ -S-

To assess a. th. to allot. fi> ialjr)\j

— ISickname. i/ji
They divided it. To slander a. 0. Cjj u.s ;ir^
2< -tt-

between themselves. To seek after a. th. * ^^>j —

Equity. Just.
Measure for grain,"]
{s. pi.) LJ-5^ To take out the marrow of (a A
isLlal ^ Jala,
, -

Repartitiou, allotment. (Arith.)

bushel. Balance.
^ Portion, lot. Just
Division. weight, measure.
Shaiv. portion ^^^ ^ Coitus, aromatic plant. Perfume. LJj
Quotient {arith). x;.ljjt ^j}> Stiff-legged. j^-j\ h^j Jali
Beauty. Cj^^j OVi--5 ^ li-lSj *V...» Stiff (leg, neck). Jali ^''iklj ^ Jali^
Face. Rainbow. xiiklij 'j iklij Q i'u'-i
Oath. Truce. Swearers, oC»U-5 ^ lIUJ Just.
Beauty, elegance. ^UJj — To sort (money).
Alms. Portion of the allotter. <;v1j •^ Earthen-pipe.
Cloth-folder. INliddiing, average. C/,LlS Clever man. jVta '..."ij _,k-l5
Distribution. > Exorcism. ^«rr^'
Repartition of inhei'itance. ^lU .Ua.l5 — ^j—k—5 "tt-

Co-par- ^^u;lj,'iilSj 'V;-Jt ^ ^,~J Balance. Steelyard.

taker. Dust. jl,i_5 ^ J_4il»j Jiklo jkJ *
Portion, lot. U_-i^ -^ ^.--.s "^ Discharge-pipe.
Fine, elegant. ^^ ^ — Murmuring of a stream. iikli
Perfume-box. Market. ^,UJ ^ <i^^-^ Constantinople. :ci;i)i I'l u'-'s,''* G
n Receipt-foil torn out from a regis- To divide, to Sj A
^Ijj Cli ^iJ
. i ^
ter. distribute a. th. To separate ( fri-
, .
,t , , i^
>«r?^ 9!" ^—^*^ jf-^J ijtT:'^^ T *'>—^' ends: time).
Portion, lot. To dispose a. th. methodically. * ^iJ
Water-works. ^r-r^^
To hesitate (in an affair).
<> Exorcised. t^i. JL,^}> To be handsome-faced, 'xJ>\Lr» o jj-^

Partaking. <> Exorcist. ^si To partake a. th. between ov * ^1j

Distributed. < {Arith.) Dividend.^_,J.a* many.
{Arith). Divisor. jllt — <> To exorcise a possessed \s. Ji^
To have horny hands. ^] — ^^ ^ man.
To be hard, dry SJAillij CClJl o'vlJI^ To partake a. th. with a. o A 5
(wood). To be dry, old (man). To be To bind o.'s .self by oath to
dark (night). a. 0. for.
To be niSj sj^^j i^j o uJ -» 1^ He swore by God.
pitiless, hard ( heart ). To be bad To swear to.
(money). To adjure a. o. not to.
To harden (the heai't).
To be hard, pitiless for.
/& jj»\j

it i^

^ To be divided (men).
To divide (men : time).
To undergo, to endure (hard- /b jjT^ij To share a. th. * ^- .
ships). together.
<>• To tx'eat a. o. harshly. s — To swear to o. a.

Hardness of heart. sjLli To be shared into, to branch Ji

Of a bad standard oU—jj oCl3_ ^ j^^j-J off into.
(money). To ask a. th. to be partaken.^*^
Hard (heart, sCs ^ ^^-Sj , o^» «• To exact an oath from.
stone). Difficult. Allotment, division. Gift, share. ^
Pot. Xl^a a Doubt.
Hardening of the heart. ^ul) sLl2^ Temper, nature. Use, custom. ^^^j
To recover
after Ci^j o ^ -^ Portion. Share. ^^j^fil ^s-j ^uJ'i
Section (of a book).
^ ^

To pick up. To collect A uJ o j^ l Oath. Assevera- _,l2/^j ,

^uJl ^ ^
things. To rub a. th. with the hand. I

^A ^1;
To pick up chips of Vji^J^ Jdj <f- ]
•^ To sweep (a house). To scum (a
wood. I
LoDg-bearded. ::^l j; uij jCJj ^ j
To piok up a. th. To be dryCplant) 'j^
o Scurf of the head. Jdh To escape, to glide jjiijij 'j3\j 'j3
Milky plant. Dregs of sl^iS. — oij

-fS- away.
butter when cooked with flour and To pick up (refuse).
dates. <• To weed (a field).

To peel off a ^^j , l^^-iJ i o ^^ -H- To be barren (soil).

(a fruit). To recover from small-pox. . ^ —
To be barked, peeled ^-JUlj J--.
Bad palm-tree. Large bucket. 'j^
To sti'in o.'s clothes. •^Stubble, straw, rush.
Rind, peel of fruit. j^ii ^ _^i3. <• Sea-weed. j>c.)\ 'j3
Husk. Skin. Shell of an egg. Crust •^ A bit of straw. A bit.

of a wound. Garment. •^ Nest, small house.

Fish one palm long. ^ZiJ Rubbish, refuse.

Intensely red colour. Picking up refuse.
Covered with a thick bark. _^iJ Raffling.
Wings of locusts. ol^riiJ' Rustling of a serpent.
Washing the ground sS^>j S^ii Wicker-broom.
(rain). Demijohn, carboy.
Bark, shell, crust. Piece of elriS, To cure a. 0. from the
bark, skin. Clothes. mange.
Excoriating the skin zy-.^ j, ^X» To pick up (wood) here and thereA> —
(blow). Last in a race (horse). for proper use.
Disastrous year. ij^ Sj ^^ G To be cured from (the scab). ^ J.1^
Removed skin, bark, rind.
Barked, shelled.
Sjlli To mix ^A
poison with (the food).
^j ^ Cij i ^13 -«-

_^ii ^ .)>i» ^ jS\

Having the nose excoriated. Inten- To poison a. o. ^Iji j ^Jj
sely red. To corrupt, to vitiate a. th. — fi>

Naked. To do harm to a. 0. 5 ^Ijj —

Clear answer. To defile a. 0. with. cj 5 —
Importune beggar. To be polished (sword). i;il5 wii
To take off (a *> ^ i Jai-J -^ To be new, clean.
covei'ing) from. -^ To be chapped, cracked ^X^j ^jj

•^ To slide (saddle). izli (skin).

^f^ To slip from the finger To become rusty (sword), ^Jir

(ring). To be praised or blamed. ^..,15^1.

To plunder a. o. (robber). ;bj s JaU -^ Filthiness. ^iJ

To ravish a. th. Poison. Rust. Refuse of i_;iii1 ^ ^is
To become clear (sky). LiiJlj isii; food.
To be plundered by a brigand. Yile, worthless Zli3 j ,_ -;^ ^12 j>j
•^ Cream. iK,'t\ man.
Stitching. Jai-ij Poi.son. > Chaps on the i_,Ali1 ^ ^_^ ,i<

< Leather strap. Counter (at i,Ci3 skin.

cards). Fish. New. Clean. Worn ^^1:^^ »_J.s ^ »r"^
Penknife. Li-liJ ^ Jsli;; <>• out. Polished or rusted (sword).
To disperse (a party). Ti CiJ a ^lJ * Worn out garments. "CXJ^
To clear off (the clouds : * ,ii1j — Mixed (descent). _lii
wind). Of mixed race. ,_; ju —

( e\\ )
Bed of a stream. jtj-3 ^ ^---5. j ^i5 To be light. <• To see. Ui.5 a ^45
Unripe dates. ^^j ^1» To be cleared away
Woollen garment, fur. ^[jj (cloud).
Remainder of a meal. xMLtj ^ils To be over (cold, darkness) r-^\
Dry vegetable. 4- To be seen.
^^ ^ ^^%
China-ware. '4M-^, ~ c-=^
"^ To be dispersed (people). fZ^i
To bark (wood), ^^jj^ij o Uj -fr
ffti To start from (people).
To skin (a snake). -^ To cream (milk). To be dispelled (anxiety).
To wipe (the face). A— Dry skin. Skin-garment
To fall into destitution. ^s'l worn out.
Basket of palm- '(i3,j c^'/^ t «S-^ Tent made of skins.
leaves. Cloud clearing away.
fy- Cream. Foam. Sweepings of a bath.
Straw-basket. Scattered ^15, ^ *ii.3, j ,

Adulterated money. clouds. Piece of dry skin.

Slender (man). sJl^is j> o'^'j-^ Dry. Unsteady.
Barked, peeled. Jt2^j 'li^-^J 'j-tlf Rag. tatter.
To cut off, to .jo^j ,\^^ lfi% ^
fit, Pituite.
clip (the nails, hair). Scattered (fodder).
To seem pregnant (female), '.^alj — Kid forsaken by its mother.
To come upon a. o. (death). Vallj — j( To be distrustful, suspicious
To relate a. th. to. Jt * ^.a^ o ^» To shudder to have j;iil. — ^,Jii5
; -ft-

To A llr'-slj yfl.^"j Ca-b5j \^ ^s

the goose-skin. To be unfruitful
follow (the footsteps) of. (year).
To show the way to. jfj^Jjl o^aIj j^^sj Shudder, horripilation, goose- s'^ _,;is
To plaster (a wall). yj^^» fi^ flesh.

To be quit with 2 ^\^j 7.^(2^ i>ls Shuddering. J^S^ -r ^-a?«

a. 0. To retaliate upon a. 0. To settle Old (man, vulture). y^vU ^ ^iJ ^
an account with. To punish a. o. Lion.
To be wasted, worn out Vlj* ^s1 War. Calamities. Hyena. ^Jj, 'J\

(beast). Ant-hill. Spider.

To retaliate for a. th. ';t ^ i>*' t.t.T Tsj, *Jli5 o kJLiSj Vii.5 ,

upon a. 0. To be neg'ectful of cleanlinesF To

To allow a. 0. to revenge lead a painful, a squalid life.

hunself. To render life hard to a. 0. illt ^li

To keep in memory (the (God).
words) of a. 0. fyTo mortify o.'s self. jkk^)
To requite 0. a. To wear shabby, filthy <_.u j —
To be clipped, cut off. clothes.
To relate (a fact) accurately, a '^V>{ Painful life. -^ Austere life. jkL^j tilj
^> —
To retaliate upon. Mortification. oil.

To seek retaliation from s l^AiJ.[ Austere-looking ; ^.tij

a. 0. To ask a. 0. to relate a. th. sun-burnt ; slovenly.
Cuttings, clippings. ^s Hard year. wilsl ^t
Breast. Middle of the breast. ^:iaj — ^ Barracks. j5<iJ, °j ilii Ts
Gypsum. To eat much. To eat a C_ij ^^ -^

Narration, ^^^j ^^», -r *-^3, the best dishes. To split (

story. Records. leaves).
a<a» (\- ) .,09

half. Seat of government, chief city. Lock of hair. cr^LiS, j ^_^> ^ iSw

Windpipe. xJ'J\ ll-iS Retaliation. Punishment. o'l^.

(Esophagus, the gullet. 'jj^\ *^^ Euphorbia Canarica, plant ^^Lia
Fine linen. k_*i5 ^ ',^^ sought by bees. Cytisus (shrub).
Player on the pipe. wLo^ ^ -r--?^ Back of the head. Sternum. ^Ja\J^
Abstaining from dnnking.»_,x^j ^^^ S Clippings of nails. i^Lia
Dam. s-i^-^*. Hairy part of the breast. u^'^
Butcher. Flute-player, a Land- ^\^'i Plant used for ^Jaj,l^ ^ Xa^j —
surveyor. cleansing.
Pipe. Flute. Reviler. oL^m He knows where u'a^^-a^^ c4^. ^'-^
_ -- ii i --.S'i
,£i - i: ,"
to get what he wants.
Lock of curled hair. ^^x^\^j Narrator, story-teller. u^L^lj ^G
Pipe, tube. ^i^^ Clipped in the forelock (horse). ,_^o2>
Art of playing upon the flute. <jiaS, Trace. '^jsOa

Craft of a butcher. Scissors. >ui ^ l,fi*

Twisted, curled, (hair). -^ Bro- ^^si Ear-wig. l^^ jf\ 4-

caded (cloth). To break a. th. To clip (the ^n^'-a * -S-

Cane-brake. ll^ji! hair).

To repair Jl^ jl J jl * Ijusj i a.i» -H- Malignant and ^XLaij t/»liia
to. To purpose, to intend a. th hideous snake.
To betake o.'s self to a «a_^ — Strong ol-a5,Ua3j ^^,1.^*5 ^ (>a3,l.i»

place. and big (lion, camel).

To break a. th. asunder. fi> jJa^j
— To cut off A >^.o?jlj , CJaj i .—.il -ft-

To act moderately in. J j,.i:3ij a.o3 a. th.

To spare money. jai^l J j^»{ To cut up (a sheep : butchei*). s „^J^

To compose poems. j^\j jJ^j -um To refuse drink ^.j^J C.^1 i

To compose and trim ju_l.ia2!l o.^ (camel).
verses. To prevent (a beast) from drin- 5 —
To and kill on the spot
hit a jj^\ king.
(arrow).To bite and kill a. o. (snake). To revile a. o. s *_..2alj —
To be killed, to die (dog). a.2a2j To send forth stalks (plant). ^oj
To be broken in halves -uiiJlj — To curl (the hair). -^ To cut A i_v<«
(spear). (stones). To embi'oider (cloth).
Aim, intention. Resolution. a._'^% To produce reeds (place). To ^^^\
Straight (road). Just, middle course. have (beasts) abstaining from drin-
On purpose : deliberately. juai; king.
I 'direct myself towards i^j-i^ dllll, Back. Gut. ^LrfiS'l -^ k.M<3»

thee. Reeds. Any plant having a join- »^.iM

He is before thee. ilo-il 'y> ted stem. Bones of the fingers and
Thistle. Tamarisk-branch. jua* toes. Pipe, channel. Cane. Musical
Broken asunder iUsJlj o-^-alj i-/^^ reed. The bi'onchia. Ducts of the
(spear-staff). lungs. <> Gold or silver thread.
Fragment, bit. o^, ^ SJ.i5, Sugar-cane. l^\ ^^
-^j ^L\\ w.i3
Poem of 3 or 6 verses and j.^i He has outstripped jlU' w.ia j^i
more. Marrow-bone. Full of marrow. the others lit He won the cane of

Poem of 7 or 10 ju^j aj,Lis ^r S^s-?^ victory.

verses upwai"ds. Well recently dug. Bone of the XL^^
Easy, short (journey). iU^j ^ jusS nose. ^lain part of a country. Pole,
A- Apostolic delegate. Jj-ij J-f G measure of about 12 feet and a
( "\M ) ^ra»
To confine o.'s self to. !& ^a-3l. Tax-gatherei-. Jiilii j^vS
To find a. th. to bs short, a _^iJ,t Easy (road). ^
-^oi^s :^ JuslS
Shortness. ^a?j _^j Between us So-aS iu) tV^Ji ^Uj UiL;
Neglect, jyJ^ij j^olj «lo.a9j _ra5j ^^3 and the watei" there is a short night-
shortcoming, inability. journey.
Use of a restrictive particle j^t Just,moderate course. Politi- iLisjl
as VI. economy.
Palace, castle. Sparing of money. x'ii:JI j —

Utmost limit. Dying suddenly. jJai-

\jjt> Jii" ol illjlosj iJjl.isj i'jloij 6'j^i
The utmost of thy power is to do so. Design, thing aimed at.
Of middle size (man). a«aia/!j jt^ii
He is my first cousin on iny" father's Tin, pewter. jc-^ ~ j-ua5 -fr

side. To fail. To be dear lj>.a* o ^^ -S-

Pain in the neck : stiff-neck. (price).)

Rubbish left oj\-aJj <J.j-^,J ^^r^*J ~ To miss the (but : ai'rrw). ^—
in the sieve To be unable to perform ^ .j^tj —
Grain left in the \s^i j Sjl-i'jj «^a3 a. th. To fall short of. To quit a. o.
ears. (pain).
Base of the cl>a»j jl.i5b ^aj ^ S>'a» To shorten, to A^»j , l^a* i j^
neck. Fragment of wood, of iron. curtail a. th. To bleach, to whiten
Closet. Private apartment. 'ijutt (cloth). <> To whiten (wax) in the
Piece of excellent ground. J^jVI — sun and dew.
Craft of a fuller. s_3\.is To shorten (a ^;. ^^\j.^» fi> ^,ol
Date-basket. elr^'^J "i'J^'i^ prayer).
Chamber-pot. *I_rii» -^ He confined him in his jrij J V^,^
Cesar. Emperor. s^^Cj ^ _/a% L house.
Great. w s?-^s'
el^^oXJij -ro^c* He entrusted him exclusi- ^A is- ^ —
Cesarea, ( name of 3 towns). -^.rols L vely with the affair.
<» Bazaar ; building surrouude'd with To restrict a. th. to. *-^ J^ * ~
porticoes or shops. 1 confined myself ll^ru ,jwi; Cj>a3
Shortening. Shortcoming. j-uai; to that.
Laziness. To feel a pain in the neck: )^il a^r^s
Necklace. j^yfi ^ S3^-^*1 J J^^^l to have a stiff-neck.
]\Iinor. pupil. Remote «1/;j>vJ _/> ^ott To be short. ij\:^ij 1^5 j l_^^ o j^
(water). He has been unable. He has iaj c/j^
Powerless. Stingy. jCM ^wasj _^<9e been stingy.
Pudical in her looks (womau;.ji_^ll — To be remiss in work. J ^^
Short, of short '\'J.aij j\^^ w-'.v^' To give stingily. *^M^^
stature. <«• To lag behind.
Having a shoi't pedigree. ,_Jli!l — To punish a. o. z J,oti <
Kept ^S-o^J Cj\i;\'£Aj jCai ,- ''-f^r^ To be upon the evening. To ba j^\
within the house (girl). old (beast). To beget shoi't children.
Kept indoor (woman). Nuptial Sj^^iaj To neglect, to fall short Jio^j — ^
chamber. of performing (an affair).
j\^%^ To contract, to shorten o.'s self.^,.^
To confine o.'s self exclusively to. ^ —
-rO.S ,,, i.^lr^'' j» u Jurist* v:ol5l ,;. _r«^'
Shorter. To feign to be short. ^'<?Uj
n The temple of Luxor. ^'aj VI To be unable to. — ^
To rumble thunder). Ca-^sj Gia ^ios
C '\'r )

Having a com- _^*^ ^

( i .i^^^aS ^ JaiS

To grumble (camel). plaint of the neck.

To be tender, weak li^s a wji-a1 Mallet of fuller. s^'ci-j ^aij
(wood). To break in halves (arrow, Evening. tj^j ^^j ^-^
tooth). To hang down (plant). It cannot be avoided, y^ ^a iif ^_^lj
To meet. To play, to joke. The last moments j'UtflX'b _o«^'
To be broken, ^oSJlj of evening.
To dash together (crowd). ._i^l2; His palace is opposite iSj-aKaj> '^a

To rush (upon). it >^^ij\j — mine.

To be pushed, dashed. ^JafA Shortened. Bleached. Ended by j^ij'
To forrjake a. o. ^£. ,jJsiu\ a short alef (noun). <>• Whitened
Revelliug, good cheer. >jj-^j ^XJi (wax). White cloth.
Rushing of a crowd. jllas Kept indoor
Closet. j^^^ f- Vjyaii>
Stair, degree. Isola- cjII^j uC^ ,-
~ (woman).
ted tract of sand. To swallow (water), a ^:^ a ^i^j -{^

Sweeping (wind). Rum- xlols j> ^^^ To bruise (the grain : mill).
bling (thunder). To crush (a louse). To sti-ike i —
Easily shaken. ,j^ ( a child ) on the head. To stunt ( a
Unable to bear hunger. ^L3I ^Jua» child : God). To despise a. o.

Broken asunder. ^:r^j ^'^* To swell with blood (wound). ^^ —

Having the teeth ^xJi ?- Mii* ^ ^^.iJl He is perverted. iu? J oQalJji —
broken. To keep at (home). a f^ij —
Gambling-house. wiolii ^ J.ii> To allay (the thirst : a ^.oSj —
To reap ifc JosjIj A ,
i Joa ^^ * water).
(green fodder). To be stunted \i\:^ o j^lt^^ , Ci.is a ^o*
To thrash (wheat). To cut a j^3 (child).

(the neck). To germinate (seed). To fuiTow f^t

To give green fodder to itj :^
— the earth (mole).
(cattle). To wrap o.'s self in clothes. J —
To be reaped. J-a:»b J-i2jlj j.Ss2j To come out from (a pass). ^^ —
Stoppage. j^j To become purulent (boil). ^ ^^7
Refuse of wheat, iX^^ J-^j J-i>, j
— Wooden f.U5 j t^,i oUI-^m ^ X'-'g^
of barley. bowl for 10 persons. <• FilMng of a
Weak. jo3 terrace.
Herd of camels. <Li3, j sl^ ^UoVsj <&Ua9j 'U.o)j '.M^aij ,
fi.as <^ -^n/i*

Sharp (sword). J^iifj Jl^sj J-9\j Burrow of a mole. ^^cly ^ 'Ul-iw^

Barley, wheat reaped when J.^ Short, stunted, puny ^^^.iaiij ;.~«:^j ;ui«

green. (child).
Biting (tongue). Breaking every j^i. Sharp (sword). ^^j.
thing (camel). The sun has ^^>Ujt ,cli.^l. - J*-33 -fr

To break a. th. a C-^ i ^.i» -^ reached its middle course.

(God) punishes the ^.^1 S*^ ~ Garden-sage. cn»iJ •
wrongdoer. To break A i_i4a3j , fi-V>« i i_i.^ -Vk-

To be broken. jr-^^J jm-^' (wood).

Breaking of the foreteeth. ^^ To be broken. ji^
Locusts' eggs. < May God break thy Ufe i)^;

Bit, frag- X-t^^ *i-i3,j, j.li5l ^ ^,^, in the middle !

ment. To revel, to u^tj (s^j , (i.;^

Step of a staircase. <i.il make good cheer.

r ) _^4A*

The extremities of the cr'j VI ^Bl Frail. j-r^-i M^

world. Breaking all
Docked in the ears J^j Is^h S-^-*
Sandy vl^^J j»-^J j»c^
(cattle). ground abounding in tamarisks.
Remote. Ji^ Having the fore- ^^ ^ Hi-^ >i ^^1
To crackle (thong). Ca^-a* i ^a* ^ teeth broken.
To bore (a To
pearl). A Ca5 o — Southern-wood (plant). ^\ A^^
pierce (wood). To bray a. th. To Santonin {plant). jj\ >^-juj
destroy (a wall). To pull out (a peg). To eat a. th. greedily. To ^ J'^^ -ii-

To launch (horsemen) against. jt 5 - cut a. th.

To sprinkle (food) with sugar.ifc ;>^b— Strong, sturdy.
J^J^j dr^,^
molar teeth.
To be full of 'ja^LL Ij 'jaiS^ Qx^ a ja5
in the iiiJ^
gravel (
place, food ).
To be mixed with gravel ^uljl ^ — To" be remote, far away (place) Jm
(food). To be far away from. ^^t i5^1> —

To pick up (refuse). To be hard 'jM\ To dock the 5 ^'-n^< ,jAii 'j^y Caa ,

(resting-place). ears.
To render
( a place ) hard A — To cut (the nails).
To be far off from. ^ ^iS
^ ^
To down (bird).
dart 'j^\i ja^^ To I'emove a. o. far away. ji>j y ^^1
To be broken. To be thrown j^[ To bring a. th. to its utmost limit.
down. To threaten to fall (wall). To To protect the wing of an array. jji\
shoot down (star). To fathom (a jj A ^^i2ifJ,lJ J^lSI
To dash upon (the enemy hor- ; jc. — question). To study a. th. thorough-
semen). ly. To exhaust (a subject). To ma-

To find (a bed) hard. nage (a business) carefully.

Cracking of the knee. To inquire after, to investi- ^'aiiJ-l.

Pebble. gate.
FuU of pebbles (place) Maiming of the ear. Remote Ca5
relationship. Land, country.
They came all of them. ^^^x^i; j Remoteness. Inside of (a 'Calj Caj
Small pebbles. *is3,j *ii' house).
Rocks superposed. J^l-^S, t <^ He his country.
is in iCa* J j*
Genus, species. Virginity. zk\ Be from me!
off Cai!) jja*

Place fall of pebbles. oUjS. ^ — Notch on the ear of a beast. ;^a

Vice, defect. XJsHj X^t Inquiring, deep study. '[Ja2^{
Hard, full of pebbles (soil). »Caj ^ jail Remote CUw ^ "C-ai j> 'lis! ^ ^^
Hard, compact (coat of mail). (place, man).
To mangle its prey (lion). A j^dia -S- Far off. oy^^j l.iS'l ^ ^S
To be broken, smashed. jsHsm Old (ewe). Land, ^j3\'p ^ i^B
Breaking of a bow. ioiiaj country.
Lion. Ji3lh^\ ^ JaUiull JadilS!! Elm-tree. Ca-5 y, ^
To be worn out (skin), 'lijj a ^b^ -ft- The farthest. Docked in A'^t j, j^\
To become red (eye). the ear.
To be blackened (cha- s^lialj l-aa — Mosque upon the site of ^^Vl fj\>i,\

i-acter). the temple of Jerusalem.

To eat. li« —
To feed a. 0. » tail Farther.
To hold a. o. to be low born. .,/. Uiij The last end. t^S-^' ^i*^'

C '\-t ) s.^.A'i

Isolated tract of sand. XiisS Rotten. iLal > ,^^

Thiu: slender. oUJasj «JUa5, ^ ^j^^l Vice.Shame. Corruption. suaSj s\^
To crimch * C.jal i jr^j a ^,-aj -fr To strike a. o. with j Cial i w-iu -ft-

a. th. dry. a rod.

To have the teeth broken C*.^ a ^^ To ride an untrained ? ,^. ,ji-iu

a'ld black. To be broken ( tooth). To (beast).
be blunted (sword). To cut off (a A ^....oiSlj >_ojj i_- j-*

To buy a. th. in retail. i'^S>ii^ ^S branch).

To feed (a beast) with grain, j ^^'l To prune (the vine). * ^.>«
To make little provision ^..^iiJ-ij — To spread its rays (sun). k^isijj —
(in time of dearth). To bring forth nutritious plants .^JaJ'l
Notch in a blade. Sword. ^^ (land).
Anything dry ^,^j _„^j j>\^j Xi.-ij To be lopped, pruned. ^ ^r, \j
crackling under the teeth. To move on (star).
I have CJ:i^ j\ C«U3J j\ *iijj 'ci'i C> To extemporise (a speech). _Ji3l. fi>

not tasted the least food. Branchy tree. Nutritious plant. ^Jm
Toasted chick-peas. iJTl^ •> Clover.
Bow. Arrow. Rod. c > w'.-
ted (sword, tooth). Nutritious plant. ^^ ^ —
Parchment. Leathern mat.^^ ^ ^,j^ Flock, herd. X^h "*

Barley. Silver. Rod, stick. uCJ^ ^ 9- y-l

To decide, to deter- a sUm i ,5-^ -S- Sharp (sword). Bow made ^,ia< ^ —
mine a. th. To fulfil ( a duty ). To of one branch.
satisfy ( a want ). To execute ( an Cuttings. Splinters. SJL^
To settle (an affair) for a. 0. JA — Cutting (sword).
To prescribe a. th. to a. 0. Jc *~ Active (man). *jLaS
To pay (a debt) to. A 5 — Scythe. ^(-ia^ij u^i>«
He died. i;;.j j\ '^\

To relate, to explain a. th.

Abounding with nutritious
plants (land).

to. Place aboimdiug with nutri-

He struck him dead. <li^ ^^i2a ij;^ tious plants.
He was struck with ._4ii!l il>^
*^ i^s Untrained. Extemporaneous
wonder. (discourse). Poetical metre.
To judge cru *~-^J iliaSj Cja5 1
,_j^ To subdue, to tame z ilia a ^a» -S-

between. a. 0.
To condemn a. o. ic.
^^^ To be chopped and ft^AiJ\j /i^At>
To discharge a. o. (judge). J ^h'» scattered.
To finish, to per- A ?Ca3 j "'h^

^^e^ To be separated, remote P />fiAJU\

•.£ jJau^
form a. th. from.
To appoint a. o. as a judge. "&
Ji^ Pain in the belly. r-'^'j siUasj /Jw
To send down (calamities) to ovJ * — Flour-dust. Rubbish i^Uaij f.Citf
(God). falling from a wall.
To summon a. o. before a ^ ji,S To be thin, CUjS, j
CUmj sM'.^ a sJ^ -ft-

judge. lean.
To be performed, finished. iS'^AI Small stones. ,

To be fulfilled, consumed, Bird. :; ^^s

To stoop (bird).
To be at law.
( for j^ )
J^ Sandy
hil- oUkij oUa3,j U^ :r
C-i Uj
) 1;
Dear (price). -LSj "k^ To exact fiom a. 0. A J ^^»|J ^u<
Crisp and short (hair). JaLsj 'Jal the payment of (a debt).
To come to nought. To be ^S^aju[

Crisp, short-haired. accomplished, to pass away

Circumference of a hoof. da5,l ^ J»V'l3»_ He died. ij

Pattern. Top of a moiiotain. It I'equired, it necessitated.

Circuit of a grotto. JajOJ ^ "^ia^j — To render a. th. necessary. A-
The horses came by LntaJ JliJI O'i?- To ask a. o. to decide A S :Z.\

troops. a. th.

Turner. ijilaS To be appointed judge. ,6ai£ll

Bone upon which a pen *L3*j 'Jai; Sentence, judgment. C-ail ^ -Uasj jy
is nibbed. Irreversible decree of God. Fate,
To drizzle. To cUick (hen). JaSJ^ ^ lot. Accomplishment.
Drizzle. -laSJaS. Deciding. Death. ^y
Cry of the partridge. *k^ Sentence. Event. Thing, Ciy ^ *!-y
To frown ^Xfsj , C ^j CJaJ i >_.W'? -^ matter. Case of law. Proposition,
(the face). thesis.
To collect a. th. To fill js, QJ ^y i Bitter plant of oCaS j J'<^ i.i»»

(a vessel). To close (a bag). the kind j^'^ .

•^ To spread across a house »^iaj End, consummation.

(beam). Exigence. Convenience.
To anger a. o. S — Judge, cadi, magistrate
To stitch (clothes). fi^ »_Jajj — Chief justice.
To assemble (crowd). ^LjIj — Deadly poison.
To mix (wine). A k^Jailj »-Jajj ^y Death.
"^ To frown (the face). To ..Jaiil. ' Decider, arbitrator.
be stitched ( garment ). To fail Performed. Fulfilled.

( food ). Necessitated.
To precede others in j is. wl? jj -^ According to ; in con-
(walking, speaking). sequence of.
K.i3»j , ijOaSl 7. y,ia»j ,^iaij i^\j »r^ As reason requires. ^ ^
Axis. Axle-tree of a wheel. ._jaj ^^ To be high 'jjj ij»jlaj ^i , i 'y -i^'

Pole. Pivot. XliS J tjiylj v_!^ :r *t-^9 (price).

Pole-star. Chief. Main supporter (in To nib (a pen). 4> 'Jaiij.L^a' o
an affair). To pare (the hoof of a horse).
The polar star. ,_jaiil "*»?-J ^ To desist from. ^£ "y
Polar (circle). ^s To be short, xlTvyj (iAa a JalaSj jJ
Fibrous plant for making ropes. JIj5, crisp, curly (hair).
A pole of the terrestrial sphere, iij To turn, to carve (wood). f> JaU
<• Stitch. Only, solely. >vyj y
Arrow hitting the target. ^Lj ^ Jiy me.
It suffices j^j ^ _ y
Caltrop, star-thistle, plants). Not at aU, not ever ( after "the -y

He has taken Cks J CM ii-1

it in a preterite).
lump. Ihave never seen him. 'Ja5 i^iO C*

Mixture. Lowest part of the ^..ly, Male cat. xLy j

opening of a gown. Civet, musk-cat.
Piece of meat. i;\ix% <> Cat-mint.
Mixture of two kinds of XljlaSj ^^^ Portion. Register.
milk. Female cat. Nibbing of a pen
Trifle, palrry thing. Mixed (wine). i^J)^j >_.gkl

Letting fall drops jOai; j J^J J^^ Frowning. Lion. »-yJ^j

(cloud). The whole.
All. it'lS

Dropping liquid ; small quantity fj^ They came all together. ijjG ^^1 <U
of water.
File of camels. cXjiasj J^i ^ jOaS. drop (water). To drip.
•^ File of carriages. Railway-train. To overthrow a. o. violent- ^ s'j^jLa
Bidckish and venomous ;u jClaSj CfjOaS ly. To smear (a camel ) with tar.

snake. To sew (a garment). *—

Sailing-boat. Sj^ tt "O)^ ° To run away. 0.^^
if- Calamint {plant). <lj^ I do not <j _^ Ji' j\ e'J:a J^ jjy\ Ci

Distiiicition. Ji^ know who has taken it.

Dragon's blood.
Gum. Ji>J^ To drip (a A J^\j ,J^j
liquid). < To distil a. th.
, l^» o ^
l^^^ ^S^^
To tie (beasts) in a file. i —
Censer. J^S'^ " '^^^^-> .J^'
Chains, stocks. «S^ To perfume (clothes) with fi>
Rained upon (land). Smeai'ed j^aii aloes-wocd.
with tar (camel). He threw him down from a^'^ J* ^ ~
To hurry on. vS^ "^ hia horse.
To stir about. vS^^ To be near to drop. ^ Js3\
Demon, genius. Puppy. Light, kj^^ He thrusted him with the i^^U iiiW
lively. Restless insect. Melancholia. spear and dashed him down.
Plough-peg. vivH * To perfume o.'s self with aloes- J^
Jar, glass-jar. -hi^^ "^ wood. To fall on the side. To throw
To smear (a beast) with tar. o'Ji^ -S- o.^s self down from an elevated place.

Tar extracted from the oV^, To lag behind. ^c —

juniper or savin-tree. To walk side by side. To come _^'U7
Smeared with tar. o^i^** by parties.
c Whale. (j-Qai* ^ To begin to dry (plant). jUaalj J/t*l

To cut, fi, ^\iaXij CJai'j CJ^ a fia -^ To distil a. th. To drop A Jaiill^
to suppress, to curtail a. th. (a liquid) drop by drop.
To put a. th. apart. To cut JA — Distillation. o^lMh j^
out (a garment) for. Rain. Dropping liquid. jUaa ^ j^
To intercept (a road: thief). To/b
abolish (an habit); to stop a. th.
^ Drop.
Resinous 'Jii'J\ Jk'^h ~*^ j^ -^

To prevent a. o. from. — cj^

^ juice of the dragon's blood.
To cross (a river) on a ^ ^^j ^^ ~ Brass. Copper. Striped stuff. ^iaS

bridge or in swimming. To cross (a Side, flank. Celestial or jQajl ^ Ja»,

country). terrestrial zone.
He convinced him. *?«3J0 5 />lajb — Egypt. ^^roJI Jailj
He silenced him with bene-
iJC4 ^Jaj ^
Diameter of a circle.
four parts of the ^UJI jvijl ^.j\
sj-,' jJI
To settle a difference between, ^u — world.
He broke with *^jj CJ^ ii^j A^ Aloes-wood. Jaaj J^
his people. He took the rest in a \'J^ J^CSI jiil

The C«jJ Li*3l tjiii^b ^^J iS-j^ lump.

garment fits my size. A di-op. <^ Drops of eye- cXj^ ?- KM
Such a one hanged ^liJI o^ A^ water.
himself. Drop by drop. fji^ fj^

Y) -U
To be attached, devoted to. Jl. ^^kiil^ He has sold his horse. i ^\i jit ,y
To divide a flock. j^C- ^ «i>3, 4»^Jl, To fill a tank to the half. Cr'^iJl

To be worm-eaten (fruit). ^li^ <• To consume (food). A—

Cutting. Breaking, stopping, ^Ls if- To lose its strength (medicine).

Pause in reading. To digest (stomach).

Undoubtedly. Absolutely. CLs To be exhausted (well). GtUaSj UjiJ
Spear-head f.Vi5 j f^>]j ^Qaj'l ^ ^ia5_ To dry (spring). To fly to a hot
short and broad. Piece cut oiK country ( bird -^ To abstain from ).

Horse-cloth. ^ytjj f.\^\ ^ — meat.

Portion of the night. A^,j
~ •^ He is not convinced, iiit ^ai V Ioa
Scarcity of water. uiiajj ^ia3 It is unlikely, incredible. jii) ^JaijV I (ji*

Asthma. Colics. ^iks > To overlook a. th. : to ^^ V^ ^

Breaking off with o.'s folk. :c;iajj ^i make abstraction of.

Loosing the voice. ;4aj He stopped 'Z\LA ^d^j XtCLt o A^j a /4^

Fragment, piece, slice. ;Ja5, ^ 'i^iai. short he was unable to answer.


Piece of land. Piece oUlaij ;>i»J !r *»i^ To be cut (breathing). ;^i

cut. He was stopped in the way. y—
Stump of the ouksj /kl ^ XiLlj — He was hindered from attaining his
hand. Amputated part of a limb. want.
<• Decisive (answer).
Shears. XiU5
j^«y To cut in small pieces.
a. th. to rags.
To put
To scan a verse ).
^ pV'k* (

Season of gathering dates. fiiLan cC«j •<> To wear out (a garment).

Fragment. Piece cut. XtVks To inflict a punishment upon jt A —
Abstinence from milk, ^Oal ^ *tCk| -^ a. 0. (God).
food. To outrim the others (horse). — 2(

<>Mishap, danger, adversity. pJiA To mix wine with (water). t_i *

^ He escaped from danger. ^Ji^ iJiS
Piece of mat ; worn <_t^j p^Jaj •{>
<>• He trifled time away. oC^jJI
To break with a. o. -^ To cut ^ ;J»'b
out mat. a. 0. short.
;i^l5l r-*^ 9'l»3,j f.Ci^lj uUJaS < To fix jiil jl s>* VI lliTjfc 5 - ^
^ /ijiaS

Flock, herd. the price of a work, or of a salary.

Similar, alike. uLj ^^
— To make a. o. to cross (a ri-A 2<
f^»j f^'^h A^h f-^^j *ils5i_j oULj ^ — verj. To make or let a. o. cut (wood).
Rod. Branch. Cut from a oCJlJj To assign to a. o. a (land) as fee.
tree. To cease laying eggs (hen). To ^\
Unable to rise. Ac^'^ ^^^ be exhausted (well). To be silenced.
Short in speech, j.>l^!l ^^ To be in need of water (tribe). To
Beware of discord! 'V'^^kiJI i^i^t be nearly ripe (palm-tree).
Forsaking of relations. /, ClJ ^ si^Jas To be severed from o.'s *u1 ^—
Land held in fee. Tax. people.
Garment in rags. j;C!aj*l ^'Ji To be cut, broken. To be ragged ^Ls;
Fee assigned to sol- cM\\^\ ^ ZsUaJl (garment). To be mixed with water
diers. (wine, milk).
Colics.Pain in the belly. viai-^ To sever the bonds of friendship. ^.i^uj
Stature, shape. Cut of a ^li; ^ — To cease (relationship).
verse. Features. To break (rope). To be inter- A^\
Shears, scissors. Cutting (sword). ;,l,e riipted. To finish. To be severed
Peremptory (
pi-oof ). Sour (milk). (tie). To be disused (habit). To be
<>• Blunted ( mustard ). Strengthless dried (spring).

-r y (A-A)
Cut off from. Asthmatic. *; ^.^aii 'medicine). Abstaining from miik-
To gather fi> ^~i\j wiLlj uks , i wiLs -ii- food. Side of a river.
(grapes); to pluck (fruit). To snatch Brigand. ^j ^lU ^ Ji^Iall ^k^
away a. th. Highway-robber.
To scratch a. o. with the s ul^j — iNligratory birds. ,y\'ji ^ x;w\9
nails. Fruit-eating worm. f,_»l^is >
To walk at a (>_^j "is^ o i wiiaS Cutter. <>- Stone-cutter. ^iLs
4uick pace (horse). Pickaxe. Beam for ci'ossing a x^^U
To sift (riour). ifc ^1 stream.
To have i"ipe grapes (vine). ^sM 't Yielding no more milk (she- ^.jl^

To have a slow-paced horse. camel).

Gathering. Scar. Curtailment ^j Breaking off with his bro- *;i^i V —
of (a verse). thers.
Atriplex herba, hype- wiU <>-j wJJaS^ Digesting well (stomach). ^iJaS •>

ricum androscenum. Digestive, light (water).

Scar, trace. ( un. <IU ) j^ii ^ ^iia5 One-handed, o'^j A^ ?- '^^ > ^^'
Orach, wild spinach. Dumb. Sharper ( sword ). -^ Worse,
Bunch of grapes. jQa3 j ^^ ^ wiLi, more wretched.
Plucked fruit. Breaking off with o.'s 'Uiil ,,:>3
Species of thistle. xILS, family.
Vintage. oOalj uiCiiS, Pain in the bowels. ;ustii5

Grapes falling during the vin- Xi^y Reduced to silence. X^jb ;«ia2*j . fi»^j*

tage. Stranger, remote, ;Jaii

Vintager. ol!aJ Ford of a river. _^ — I

"Walking at a slow pace. ^ ^U >j^ Place of cutting. Syllable. ;il?U/» -;- fLlai*
Plucked (fruit). u9>Jai»j wijlsl Stone-quarry. < Piece of cloth.
Velvet. Villous wiiJj ^jQaS -^^^ -^ The ends of the valleys. SjijVI ^h\2^
Sweetmeats. Fine The fords of the rivers. ""
garment. Pi. j'V'^'
reddish dates. Point of a debate ; 'ji~J\ fJai^

More greedy. More speedy. ^j1 test for knowing truth from fal-

Scythe. -^ Bolter. ^u^: ^ wJLii sehood.

Basket. oUsViS ^^ Oiiii^ "^j ^ilai; Any cutting instrument. Cutting ,ii2^

Of small size (man). iiLS^ (sword).

To cut a. th. fii JiSj , ^Uas i o jy -« Unsteady. Soon exhausted (well).^;L>
To cut the neck to, Preventive. xii^J^

To throw down a. o. By the job: at a price :iiy\20k

To be cut at the root. agreed upon (work).
Cut off (tree). if- Province, district, cj\j,y(ii ^ *il»(ii

Rag used as a sponge. Cut to pieces. <>• Ragged ;.!si.«

Arbute strawberry-tree (clothes).


To cut off a. th. To a C-Ls i

-<> Short (garment, cS^'^i *^lai^
with the teeth.
seize a. th. verses ).

To be fond of meat. CLj a ^IjI Pairle.ss. c^^M fh^

Bit, fragment. *i:Ja»j CLtf < Devoted to. J —
Greedy of meat. ^laj tf The forlorn souls of ''o^AliiliJI ^^iil

Sparrow-hawk. 'i/Sis'tj yUah ^.UaJ Purgatory.

Clutch, claw. ^ijU^ ^ ^'U7> End of a valley. i^?l>" r^^
Integument of jQal j ^-Ss - _,»]s3 i:t- > Foi'lorn ( man ). Broken- ^ji«2;s

a date-stone. winded (horse).

Clash of arms. Shivering fever. pV3i§ Name of the dog of the 7 slee- h. V;
Drv dates. Hard road. pei'S.

Claps of thumier. ^SUa To reside in a ^j J ^^» ^jiaS -tt-

To be of a conical shape. ^^^ — ^«j -^ place.

To speak guttnrally, «^j j>.y^\ — To serve a. 0, s —
abstrusely. To be bent (back). CJa» a ^S
Wooden cup. j;;3j t_>li3j v_,is1 ^ .^.Jj To become mealy (vine). •< To ^LS
Depth of speech. jS^\ — become musty (food).
Hollow in a mountain. nj To settle a. 0. in a place. oVfe*^. a

Cup-shaped. Root of a bird's tail. cUaJI ^ ^13
Goat's beard, salsify. Part between the two hips.
Squill. Pancratiuna Cotton. oCksl ^ ^iaJj ^;,Ltf

(plants). Flake of cotton. jij^

Goat's beard, salsify. J_jii» Third stomach of a rumi- Xiklj X;ia5

To give ^/i. o>Uj ;i;5j Gis a c.i5 -^ nant.

to a. o. little of. Frame of a camel-saddle. ^^ ^ oVi»?
To root out a. th. A ^ij Any pulse like 'j/Jaj ^ "^i^j "^i^
To squander (goods). J ^ij'i peas, beans, lentils. Cotton-garment.
To bestow fcountifullyJxfl»il)c^x.slj — Inhabitant. CnlaSj X:l»lsj Ci\.y» ^ ^^1;V9

To be uprooted. To crumble oisJl
Resident slaves,
^ ^ {s. pi.) cnlas

down (wall). Large cavern. (Jj^Oaj ^ cn|»i •

To extract much earth from oi--sl Bent (back). ^Lsl
a well." Cotton ( un. :C\ia^ ) ccIsCj ^ oUs^ >
Abundant rain. Sweeping torrent.^^ or silk lace, string.
To sit down. To llii^j iS^is o ai* ^ Cellar ; closet. o_^a^
lay upon the breast (bird). To give Cotton-plantation. tiid*
fruit evej-y second year (
palm-tree). Gourd-plant. Any plant o\kzi -tf-j Cr_^\
To have no husband (woman). •(>• To without stem.
remain idle. To walk slowly. To walk i^Ls o Uas -S-

To give up, to neglect a. th. ^i j.;3 with short steps. To cry ( sand-
To make a. o. to sit down. ^— grouse).
To prevent a. o. from To To be late.
He prepared for war. To on the croup of a horse. 5 —
He began to revile. Croup of a horse. siy
To serve a. o. To be Sand-grouse. CjVj^j C1»s ^ —
sufficient to a. o. They dispersed Clai u^jvi J l^i
To sit down with a. o. & ati5 in various places.
To make a. o. to sit down. n aisi Walking with short ct^^J oO^
To give a seat to a. o. To cripple steps,
a. 0. (God), Tliick and bitter water. ^I'Jj ^— '.s ^
To hinder a. o. fi*om. ^ 5 jia^j a*5l To crackle, to rattle, to clash. ,sj5 -S-
To be crippled. a.ii To clatter, to shake a. th. ^—
To put off an affair),
( ji, j£.\jjj jiij To overrun the earth. iJ^jVl j —
To ride (a beast). A aixJl To produce a clattering sound. 4^
May God preserve thee 'jjt ilais
! They are gone, ]^Jk4.t c-^i^j z-is^
People remaining at home in j^ij Magpie. Raven, ^j fX^
time of war. Soldiers without pay. Clash of arms. Gnashing of the x;i2i3

Sitting of a man. jjj>j teeth.


LJ ( '\^ • )
To be uprooted (tree). The 11 th month %j^\ j'^j ^j^)
^^1, j'i
Bottom (of anvtbing)- j_^» ^ J^ of the Arabian year.
Hollow in the earth. Bowl. Town. ^Manner of sitting. Last born aj^
Intelligence, sagacity. (child).
Deep-minded. _^l j-^ Ass. Saddle. o'^ ? »'-^

Hollow in the earth. ej^j o'J^ Litter for women. Carpet. soil
Deep (cup). j^ij ol^** Sedentary. soii
Vai-j deep. jl*1j jj^ Lameness. Impotence. iCij iGJi.

Speaking gutturally. j(»ipj j^j ^^ Spouse, wife. iU5

Hollow. Concave. ^iiA Sitting. < Idle. i^ ^ jitS
To have^_li^|j ^uJj , CJis a ,_^j -S- Full of grain (sack). -i^ljS cr ~
a protuberant breast and a hollow Having ceased to bear children
back. (woman). Young palm-tree.
To waliv in protruding C.'^ a o ^^3 The Abstainers, INIusulman ( pi.) oil

the breast. schismatics.

To become wealthy. ^i] Basis ( of a cj\-^^^j -^^S^ ?r «^^
To protrude the chest and ^^Uj column). Foundation of (a building).
hollow the back. i. e. To be re- Pedestal. Rule, pattern.
fractory. Capital town of a kingdom.diiiJI sac
hold back from. To give ^ ^Uj Impotent. Sedentai'y.
*i?^»*,j sr^
a. th. -JCijj ol^ij -^5j «^^ ?r *^5
camel fit for riding.
Having a pi'otuberant chest and a Companion. Keeper. [s. pi.) o-so

hollow back. Coming from behind (beast).

Strong. ^j^\2^j ,_pj;V2i 9- ,_f—-iiii I adjure thee by the name '.Oil iiJuJ

Strong-backed and big- ^j5 of God.

necked. Wife. Female companion. jJ^Gj ^ sojj^
To be broken (old u^'j^^ — u-^ -^ Sack.
man). To be ruined (house). ^ Pension. otCsJ yiU;'
Broken old man. tr>»» Sitting-place. -^ Parlour. opCi.i ^ jiii^
To gather a. th. To a CiJS a ^s -J^ A seat. < Posteriors. jjii^ •j Sai2i
pull down a wall ). To fold a. th.
( Crippled. .ui«
To be destroyed (wall). To go JJJj[ INIan of short lineage. k^!!l oiii
away. jNIanwithout nobility. k_J_>JI —
To kill a. 0. s ^X^ , Cais a ^» -« Big-nosed. wiJ'VI —
on the spot. Basket of palm-leaves. Water- sjiiii

To be seized with murrain ^»j less well.

(sheep). Frogs. Cj\j>^\
To die on the spot. To be ^ii'l To sink (a well). To fl>
\'J^ a
^s -fr
folded. I'each the bottom of (a well). To emp-
Violent death. ^;J ty (a cup ). To cut ( a tree) from the
He died on the spot. CaiS Cj\j^ root.
Murrain, cattle-plagne. ^\Ji To fell, to crush a. o. 5 —
To bend (a branch). * uaJj o ja^ -ft- To be deep, hollow. «jV«l o J^
Bent. ij'yiSn'j Jam3 To deepen a. th. J^i\i fi

To cry. To be a coward. CkiS a iai* -ft- He spoke gutturally. 5^>vrJ^2Jj^

To be dry. To reach the zenith (star). _^l
To drive a. o. back. » — To be deep, hollow. To be cut Jji
To urge (a beast). A> Jailj — down (tree). To be felled.

To have the nose turned up.Cij a^^«j -H- To urge (a debtor). To be i*. hiH
To sit on its tail ( dog To " a1
). angry with.
squat. To be turned up (nose). To To bind (a turban). 4> l»i:*ij —
rise high (star). To be humbled, abashed. ( u:< a Ja-j
To force (a horse) to back. s — To hold obscene talk. J^i j Jaislj ia^
Iron-chape of a
^» « ol>^ c^ ^ To
despise a. o. 5 -
Having the nose turned up. M^ia^ ji'\ To recede from. O*^
To dry (linen, plant). To (i^5 o ZJa -ii- Large flock of sheep.
stand on end ( hair). To steal a coiu Turban. ;ku^j Jajui^

(money-changer). To contract. -^ To To fell a. 0.

crouch, to cower. To fasten a. th. A -
To cease laying eggs (hen). To Zja\ To throw a. o. down.
dry up (tears). To be profuse in speech
To contract, to become To urge a debtor.
wrinkled (old man). To uproot a tree).
( A Ciis a ^3 -»-
Leguminous plants. wi'viAJ ija To exhaust (a vessel]. To sweep
Height, hill. :d»j , oUalj *JU3 ^ Lij away (the earth rain). To raise ;

Rocky place. Cloud like a moun- ija (dust) in walki'Tg.

tain. ^ ij)<>:3|j b^2J|j ijuitij , \ju3 a w«a9
Rabble. ^illl ^^ i^ crumble down (wall).
Short man. :d)j *X» To be pulled out. wiiSlj >J^\j Ju^
Shiver of fever. xlsj il| _, i|j To die.
Basket. ^ij ^ ^i? To seize a. th. greedily. 4> ^jutji)\

Pilfering money. olia Range of hillocks. juS

Trustee. ^C»j Sweeping rain.
In consequence of that. dU'i oCiS Sweeping (torrent)
This is the time. iJCs |ji«! Crow, raven. c/H^ ^ jjj ••

To shiver from cold. ^Siijj ,_i,^ ; < , ^ To heap stones in a conical _^ <
To be spoiled by rain *u? a ' is -» shape.
(plaut). Conical heap of ( for j^^ ) j_^ -^
To loathe a. th. Goi fi> a rd> -^ stones.
To abstain from.
Cream upon which milk is
c — To open (vine- Dt;5ij ''^^\- ^^
*^i^3 blossom).
added. To pluck (a flower
To strike a. th. * 6.u|j &!! a ?klj * Vine-blossom.
hard or hollow. Oblong mountain.
Food of dates and grease. *^^}3 Male hare.
To slap a. o. on the s \j1> 1 aia -{:{- Hillock, hill.

neck. Eagle having ^;:3j iUJ v'^ ~ J*^

To have stiffness in the lois a ojS its nest on the summit of a moun-
pastern. To have a big, flaccid neck. tain.
I have not ceased to
act for thee.
iu oisl cjj C» To be seized
a deadly disease.
with ^fj , C>il a ^ -tt-

Stiffness in the pastern. ai5 To sting and kill a. o. (snake). » ^i

Wearing the shoe at the Choice part of a flock. Jvjl j;ji
toe (horse). Big-necked. To be short (nose). Cjll a ^ -{}

He wound the turban upon »Qi2 Kneading-trough. ^

the top of his head. Short-nosed. ^^ 'CJij ^ ^ol
C" Leather-case for xh'jJaj ol^s P
Intestines, guts.
To eat a. th. gree- A Csil i o j^ ^ perfumes.
dily. To take, to gather a. th. To track fi> jjc»\j ^l2"j , \yii jH -^

To milk (a she-camel) quickly. 5 - a. 0. -if- To verify a. th.

To strike a. o. \vith a stick, tj — 2f To be scarce (flock). To (Jr» a _,.»»

To crouch down. jii'slj J.i2J\ be unseasoned (food).

Short boot. jJ^ To pick up (things). A^j
Thieves, robbers. j-'ia To be depopulated (country). ^\
To the legs of *j 5 C»ij ^Ij -fr
tie i
To be vacant (house). To come to
(a gazelle) together. To put things the desert, to be lonely. To have no
together. To torment a. o. provision.
To be lively, light, C^jil a ^^i To find (a country) desert. A -
nimble. To be benumbed by cold. To pick (a bone). A JcA
To tie (a gazelle) by the feet. & ^Ja» Unseasoned (bread). jU^j ^isl
^ To pitt (a bird) in a cage. Bare and water- s^iSj ,
ji>i5j jUj ^ Ja
To have bird-cages. ^jaiSi less desert. Wild land.

To roll o.'s self up. To conglo- ^l^i Asphaltum. t??>i;" j^'

bulate. Bee-hive. Unseasoned ij\'Jh ^ ^i»
To be intertwisted. To be com- ^li; (bread).
plicated. Integument of the 5jy»J J>^i J.*'^'

Lace-work, lattice- ^alsj ^*5j ^*5 palm-blossom.

work. ^ Large basket.
Cage. Lattice, wicker- ^vijl -^ ^as Desolate land.
work, a Basket of palm-leaves. To \'j/jaj \'jU3j \j\jih \j^ I j^» ^
Benumbed by cold contracted, ^ii
spring (gazelle).
Lofty (hill). u^,0' T *^,*s To die.
Tied by the foot. Checkered ^jdi To make a. 0. to spring.
(cloth). -^ Caged (bird). To dye her hands and feet
Ample upper-gown. cnls'^Uj ^ oii»i5 P with henna (woman).
To strike (the fingers) >_, 5 CJ3 a 4^ * To compete in leaping.
with (a rod). To ferule a. 0. j
Bound, leap. Jj*>j-,>^^y^* t 'J^
To keep a. 0. aloof from. o*^
~ '

Springing. j\'h J?^5

To be contracted, to shrivel Cia a ^ Bounding horses.
jijy ^ Sj?v5 Jli-

(foot, ear). To be short-tailed i

frogs. .-.-^'*^]
(sheep). j
INIeasure for grain. o'^'Jaj SjiSt ^ J;i5

To preserve, to store up a. th. /St fi> <.. Miller's fee payed in kind. Hasp
To contract (the fingers cold). : of a lock. ^ ^
To be contracted, shi'ivelled. ^^ White-footed (horse). J^j
To dry up and harden (plant). ^l\ Long felt-gloves. -h^J^ r J^*
i ^*> ^
To be prevented, to refrain from.^^ — To die. C_y^j C~i3
Testudo (besieging machine). ^ To grasp a. th. *—
Sorrow, grief. To take hold of a. 0. by the hair, s -
Basket of palm- ouiSj ^U3 ^ *iij To have the tip of the CI* a ^*^
leaves. nose large.
Disease distorting the feet p^j ^.U? To bound (gazelle). ^-mI
of sheep. To seize 0. a. by (the hair). ^ ^liS
Sparing of his goods. fUa Vile (slave). -'LJSj ,ur-(ji»
Bramble-net. ie-Ua Born from a slave ^is ^ "Lis'j. ^ti\

Having shrivelled ^j^ ^ 'UiS j, ^j3'\ father. Anything long and folded.
To charge a. o. with
y fovil deeils. ears, distorted toes. Short-tailed.
To attribute a, th. i_, i j&\\j ja\j Uj Stooping the head.
particularly to. A drooping herb. Turned up »Ciij

•^ To hide o.'s self behind a. th. x Us (tos). Shrivelled (ear).

To have a. o. ^ aj\ jt j\ ^j s i Jr» Stooping the head. fJjX
tracked. To follow the footsteps Rod, ferule. *ii3^
of. To rhvme two verses. To come back y^'Sj V_^» i jl> -«
To avail o.'s self of » Jii^'^j j^ <- from a journey.
the absence of a. o. To preserve, to store a V^jj iUi i

To prefer a. or a. th. to. jc- *j
o. i'
^\ lip a. th.

To follow, to imitate a. o. ^ ^:>b

To be dry (skin). SUs a Ji%j ,y>ia -
To strike a. o. on i_) s J^^J j^'' To lock up (a door), jcj a jifij a> jIj
the neck with. < To cut off the ( /'o/- ^5 )
ift jls
To charge a. o. falsely with. s JU; top of (a tree).
To select a. th. X j!fi\ To shrivel, to dry (the Sj fit jlsl
skin : thirst).
Nape of" the neck, -tf- Back of the To follow a. o. with the eyes. s —
hand, of a knife. To bring a. 0. back from. o^ ^
I shall never do it. _,ftjJI Cs i'Uil V To assemble (people) for. 5 —
He is broken down. iCis u jl Ua ij He gave at once the o'^k JU-H

decrepit. whole property to.
<> Bfhind. from behind. Ca ^ To be locked. jiJzJ-lj jiialj jiiilj JJ57
Behind his back and *>-'^^.i iJ"'^. padlocked (door).
before his face. On the right and To be niggardly. S^^{
the wrong side. Dry tree. iU5j ililj jja
Dust raised by the rain. yA He has given him a Vl^ CiJi iliaft

Selection, -fy- Silk tresses worn s^j thousand at one time.

women on the
by back. Lock, padlock. J^iij jijij Jiisl ^ jis
Thou hast made a i\^}il «^.ij)l ^>, Bolt. <>• Skein of thread.
bad choice. Travellers coming back. jls
Reproach. Abuse. Fault. s^i; Having a good memory. *i«5
Liberality shown to a guest. sjus Coming back jlij Jiijj iiiiS ^ jjG
-^ In the absence of. ^^'ithout ^ Vjiai from a journey. Slender (hor.?e).
the knowledge of. Caravan. Party of tra- Jj l_^s ^ iis S
Imitation. Preference. 'Ursl. vellers.
Pit dug by a hunter. :^s Dessieated. Whip. Narrow pass, j^
Attainment, superiority. jl^ Locksmith. J^
Coming in a file. __vjGj x'Stj ^is Vein of the arm. JiL? G
Honoured guest. Food served to "
Z.ti Stingy. ci^'l J^-^j^j jP>j jii'*
a guest. To strike a. 0. on the s CiS ^s -Ji-
Back of the neck. Rhyme. ^\'^ ^ Xiji back of the head.
Verse. Ode. To behead (a ewe), s ^jii-Jlj c."*''J ~
Rhymed prose, poetry. Jc^\ j,'%JsiA To die. Vijii i ^»

Cardamom (odoiTiferous i}titi — J2s -^ To behead a. 0. .* ^s

plant). Back of the head.

Salsola fritticosa,sa\i\yovt{plant).^\i To follow the foot- * s^is^ i^?
13 -{^
< Ermine. ^^/,5j J5 T steps of. To efface the traces of

To be few in num- '^c,j ySj ^Aj js »- (God). i

ber, small in quantity. To be rare. To strike a. 0. on the neck. 5 Ua

Scattered people from various i5 Thou camest seldom. cJo. C« ^S
tribes. At least, minimum. \^s
People gathered from various J& To lift, to raise A ^arJ-lj ^\j "h j» ,

places. a. th. To uphold, to maintain a. th.

Less. '^\ To lessen, to dinoinish. i^j s

The least, the minimum. ;jSvl To lessen a. o. in the a:.'S j A —

Poor. jxij jSl eyes of.

Who has left few verses 'd-^ He gave him very little. -[liii] i5 jij

poet ). To possess little. ^'\

Adorned with a stud (sword). J^ To diminish a. th. To find a. th. a ;^ia1

Independent (sovereign). "JiP^ little. To give little.

To move, to A ^^,j To seize a. o. (fear).

*12)3 J5"G -^ a 'J^\j —
agitate a. th. To rise high (sun). J\27
< To trouble, to disquiet a. o. — To find a. th. small, little, few. A —

To be shaken, To be disquie- jiU; To make little of.

-if- *_, n '^j^\.
ted. a To tremble. To grow (plant). To raise 'j^[
Cassia. J^^iiij J2J5, himself (man). To ri.se in its flight
Trouble, anxiety. xuia (bird). To become angry.
Clod of earth. llliij a To go away from (the tents ^c. — :

To turn a. th. a ^sj Q» »^'S -S- ,


upside down, to change a. th. To To be independent, absolute XjVJIj —

till (the ground). To reverse a. th. (governor).
To extract the marrow of (a * ^% He is alone in his opinion. *j'ljr,

palm-tree). Low wall. Shudder. "ji

To cause a. o. to die aJ\ s w'Glj — Exiguity, small number. jj^J j5

(God). Poverty.
To become red (dates). ^ij Lonely, helpless man. D^ J?-3
To hit a. 0. in the 5 CJj i o ^'^ ^'oone ai3 VI. dlj'i 'Jj^ ^ J?-'j J^b 3^
heart. but Zeyd says so.
To be turned To be
over. CS a ^s He is an unknown man. 3^ i? 5^ S*
flabby (lip). To have contoi'ted lips. Recovery of health, wealth. aS
To be
affected with heart- ^ Earthenware
Top of the head.
JySj j'fi

of a

To handle (substances).
ponder over (a business).
To /b
^ tain. Stud of a
Paucity, smallness, rarity.

^» ^ V3
To be baked on one side (bread), ^li] Plural of paucity (from 3 to a5)l^»
To be diT- externally ( grapes). 10).^
To be turned over, changed. ^\xi They 'started all of them.^^^^Sj l^ijl,
To bj restless in bed (sick man). He took o-^JSij) ^}^.j *r!_Ii iliil
^ To be unsteady, fickle. it altogether.
To act in o.'s omti way in. J —
To be inverted, reversed. To be ^Ii,\
oCyS, J y 5^ 9- ^^ -^J *i4i

upset. Independence, s!!>lii:.l <>-j J>ii;J.l^

His circumstances have ^2 \'J^

— absolutism.
To come back to. To turn Jl. Few. Small. Rare. Destitute of. jjj
towards. Short of stature.
Reversal. Inversion. ^ii ^-j ,J3 Seldom. Little. ^La
M^rong side, reverse. Little by little. >Lil !lLiS

NO ^
To clean the teeth of. v -rO^

To be in quest of (sustenance) fi> ^Ju7

( Gram.)
words, letters.
Inversion, transposition ^
ia time of dearth. Heart. Mind, soul intimatev_,yi ^ »J5

Yellowness of the teeth. ^>Gj <nJiS thought. Middle part. Center of an ar-
Dirty garment. ^JiS. my. Kei'nel. Marrow, pith best part. ;

Having ^> ^ 'GJs ^ riJ^'^j , *>.i^ > 94* (Grain.) verbs of heart ojii)l Ju>1

yellow teeth. li/ce

Black-beetle. Cantharis. <rJ3'\ i:g ^ ^Qj,-Ci% j.i {rix.f.%. pi.) ^S
To uproot (a tree). fit (i-js a -r^^ -^ Genuine, of true race (man).
To low (camel). \>-^h '^' a rSi Bracelet. White .serpent. ^)j ^ ^i*
To lash a. o. with (a whip). s •rJ^ ^ Marrow i.')3j ^J^j v"^^ ?r ^-J ^^
Wild ass. ^.il of palm-trees.
To wind a. th. upon. jc. fi> \j^ i Si> -H- Disease. Toil. v—
To put a necklace upon. There is no disease in him. xlij jj U
To twist (a rope). To water fit
— Cordial. Intimate. '^^
(corn-produce). To twist ( a wire). Solstice. ,jJ»li\ v^'l
To seize a. 0. every day (fever), a — Changes of fortune. j>»Vl oCii'
To collect (milk) in. i? * ~ Heart-disease. Disease of camels. i_,y^

To gird a. 0. with a ^XDI 2^ -u3j — Inverting. Date becoming red. ^]\i

sword. Mould. Model of (a boot). ^JC^ ^ ^JS
To put (a rope) on the neck *j 5 jiS Clog. Wooden frame of an arch.
of (a beast). To follow the opinion Q Model.
of. -^ To mimic a. 0. To counterfeit Loaf of sugar. ^^ ^j Q
a. th.
He follows nobody's \jj.] ji'Uj
Artful ; ^M
clever in business."
'4,j=^J '^^ '4.y>-J ^ S^
advice. Unsteady. Wolf. cjji»

To put (a necklace) upon (a fin S — Ancient well. ^Jsj jhj tisl ^ , ^^

woman). To invest a. 0. with (an Ditch.
office, a dignity). ^ Latch-key.
To swallow up a. 0. (sea). jc. jli] Reversed (lip). Having -uJ
To put on (a necklace). jIsj fit a reversed lip.
To take (an affair) upon o.'s ^Vl — Turned up. Affected with heart- ._iyi»

self. disease.
To gird on a sword. '^-Kr^^
~ On the reverse, on the wrong kj^iiiJlj

To come to water by «L_i!l jJUj side.

turn. Hoe. -> Hammer of a gun. ,_4u;J ^ »^li»

To draw (water). i(J\ jl~_it Inversion. Field open to action : y_j2l^

To overcome a. o. (sleep). if s^[ free scope. The future life.

B'iligreed (bracelet). oij To cast, to mould a. th. ^ly% <>

Day in which fever returns. Quar-jj3, To perish. Cds a c^ ^

tan ague. Portion of water. Party. To be left childless (mother). c^\
Cup. To destroy a. 0. 5 —
The sky ^^^\ 'J' j (lIS^ lUUl Oii:: Hollow a rock, in the
in cSi, ?- cJs
has given us rain evei'y week. ground. Cavity of the eye.
He has intrusted me eyS 'St\ j^lWl Dangerous place. ^li; ^ l£_jiii

with his affair. Mother bereft of all c^,^ :- d'^",

Copper-thread rolled -^U *^, her children.
around a ring. To be yellow (tooth). Qj a !^ -S-

Necklace. Collar. A'ame j:,% - siiG To have yellow teeth.

' .

( AM ) ,s
Rounded cap worn by X-:^ <-j s^~aIj of 1 stars called also ^y%
Celebrated verses. ^kLW oIjIs*^ aJ_5G
Greek pi-iests.
P String. Twisted (rope). :>y^'j J^
Eel. u^^^J ij~i^'U tr-ii"'
take off tlie crust A CsJia o J-is Magazine, s ali^ j Xj\V2-i ^ i>lijj,j^5^
To -{f .

of (a wound).
Short and stout, small and bulky .^^j Imitation. cJiSJkij J ~IV27 ^ -i-U7

Smillness of body. Appointment. Diploma. < Counterfei-


Artful, cunning. jX>\j J-"^ P ting. Mimicry.

Sto.'k, stocking. o^i^lAj rr »^', "^ <>• Oral tradition, cilJ.si2!!l

To rise in a well ia^ i ^'i.* -^ Neck. i>^l ^ -^'l

( water }. To contract ( shade ) : to

shrink after washing (cloth). To be ^

Key. J-JCsi

contracted (lip). Fodder-bag. Purse. 4^2^ !r -^

To depart (party). jlSll
- ^ Crooked staff.

To heave ( stomach). Cais a ^»j

— He is in strait SluiU^ j\ sA^a'^ c^ia
To feel qaalraish. circumstances.
To be tacked up (clothes). ^i He entrusted him jj!> 'S\ juSU> *l)t ^^\
To tuck up (a garment). A ^j with the management of the affairs.

^fe Wearing a necklace. Invested adi

To be contracted, wrinkled,
\¥ater rising in a well. oCjJj ^ *.i'G with a dignity.
Young (she- ^%,i ^j ^y^h u*>9 To jump. To limp. To I jij i o Jll ^
camel). Young female ostrich, suck in.
To shoot (arrows). *_;

Rismg (water). u^h ^^^~>

Cloud bringing snow. •^\ a^yCi To give to a. o. a cup of. ^
fi> s

To lay eggs in the Jlj

^ To empty, to cleanse a CkS o Jaij -)^ J3'\j

(a tank). To scrape (the mud). ground (locust).

< To buy a. th. unconditio- Claie A j>lJ To be swift. To run. J3r>

nally. To empty (a cup). A j£>[

Wicked, insolent man. Light-footed, lively, nimble. ji»

Dwarf puny child, dog or

: cat. ^y^j — Brass, bronze. jlS^j >»
Pilot. Screw-nail. jj>(s Tf.
Scrotal hernia. •^^-?
•^ Heap of dung. Jail* To swallow a. th. fi> yji'ij j>'JS -^

To Sj fi> /ui^lj ^i:jb 4b, "^ a /ij -« Town in Arabia. yjCt

pluck, to snatch off a. th. <• The Red Sea.

To ^jii!l_,>.7

dismiss (a servant). To drive a. To have a heaving CLijj C_i> ^jJ.» -fr

o. i

away. of the stomach. To dance in .singing.

To root out (a tree). To extract * /« To sing sweetly.To drink much wine.
(stones). To overflow (vessel). ^—
— To overrun (sea). s^Cju. —
To dismiss, to discharge a. o. s

To take off (o.'s clothes). — To welcome a. o. To beat the

To be removed from office. fTt kettle-drum.

To be unsteady ou *iijj Cij a ^
To humble o.'s self before. ^y-'i)

horseback. To totter (wrestler). To put on a cap. ^^'

To build a fortress. ^>\ Cable. Undigested food, ^yj ^ ^fl
To sail a ship. *— phlegm rejected by the mouth.
To leave off (a place, an affair), js- ^1j1 Cloud. J>Q:\
To leave a. o. (fever). Raging (sea). Cap-seller. ^yi
To be snatched, uprooted.^irjij ^u\j ^ii^ To put a cap on a. o. s ^i»j J^ ^
To be re.noved from office. To fall off. To put on a cap. ,j-ii^j (,j^<"

Foreman, architect. Female «Ij3 D I To snatch a. th. away. a ^ii.
housekeeper in a harem. I
Architect's axe. Mine of lead. ^i
Pi-epuce. ^15 ^ uli, ui5 Shepherd's bag. ^\j ^.^ ^ -
Art of calking ships.
li>A» Intermittence of fever. ^5 j ^
ily,} Remittance of fever. Crust of scab.^
Uncircumciaetl. Soft
Plentiful (year).
^^ -uis ^ ^jl Sail of a ship.
Fortress. Shep-
p,>5,_, f,_^j ^ ^
(life). ^.^ij ^?j j.>a3, ^ iJS
Having an uncircumcised ^ull — herd's bag. Off'-shoot pulled off from
heart. a palm-trunk.
Uncircumcised hearts, ^j ^ t_,^ Piece split lengthwise. ^; ^ iiJii_
Date-basket. _u^ ^ :u-Vjj , uis ^ .JlJ I
Unsteadiness. Temporary goods, liij
Opened (vessel). oyi^j ^Ls He is on a journey. i,r, '^ '^

To calk (a fi, (^for lai.'\>- ) Lii5 Ts !

Temporary stay. Xm& ^J^
ship). Sitting-place in which one *ii» ^jS>ii
To be restless, disquieted, Cai^ a jVs -J^ must incessantly rise.
flurried. Rock, heap of rocks. ^•)5 j ;J5, ^ Siis
To disturb, to disquiet s ^^ -^j jjjI Large cloud. Large she- ^^—
a. o. camel.
Anxiety, restlessness. -^ Sleep- jis White lead.
lessness. Cracked clay. Pustules on the 9^
jtii -^j (m. /.) j^Li^j iJis >. jS lips.
Anxious. Loose. Sail of a ship.
Restless, flurried, sleepless. otSia -^j — Isolated rock in a plain Uproo-
"Vitriol. -»" ted stone.
u-J J^i5
Potato, colocasia. ^j-VSis G Intermittence of fever.
Potato. "^ Blaze on the back of a
'd!^'Ji ^^-^^»
To prick the tongue with ^j_ii5 > horse.
colocasia. Stone-quarry.
To cut a. th. A ,0j,U3 i Ji -«• <> Sling.
To pare (the nails). Crispness of the hair. xkii? -«
Reed, pen. Hand-wri- ^y|j ^>i5i ^ ^Hj To be crisp (hair).
(f- To stain a. th. To
ting. Style. Divinatory arrow. A^ 5 i»i.i5 -(f

Streak in cloth. Order of nume-

disgrace a. o.
rals. Office in the government. To be defiled. To be affected Jal^is <>•

n Slap. with elephantiasis.

Bachelor. x^% ^ j\,% Dirt, filth. Elephantiasis. i,u? -^
Parings of nails. A trifle. i^yh To bark (a tree). To * uia i o»i» -^
Province. District, ^\^\ ^ ^isi^ G turn a. th. upside down.
climate. One of the 7 climates of the To pull out (a nail).
Ancients. To circumcise (a 2 *, aIs (i& O wJlti

Stuff" shot of different co- o^U»^:1 boy).

lours. Hence :Fickle, changing (man). To open (a vessel).
•if- Chameleon. To calk (a ship). A wiiSj —
Pen. jy^i ^ x;ji. To be uncircumcised. Call a oii3
Knots on the wood of a -n.v,)l
J\%: To take (dates) without
spear. measuring.
Cut, pared. ^>- Striped (cloth). ^^ Tree-bark. Rind of ( un. <i6 ) ^i5_
Without husband (woman). x^^ pomegranate.
Troop of 1000 warriors. ;;u/i Jjl Finger-nail pulled out. iiiS

C ^T- ) .^i
Hooked staff. Iroa ;i^U/J ^ *_iiiA To swaddle s Ul*j >'>'.« JaiJ
, i -tt-

column. (a child). To shackle, to pinion a. 0.

Subdued. Sorted (flock). Suffer- f.j^i To put (camels) in a file.

iag from indigestion. 4- To bind (a wound) to put a a; —
To sprout plant j. To be the ji;j
^ (head-band).
chief of a tribe. Swaddling-clothes. Jaii ^ J,vi5
Big-bellied pot, cup. ji;i Ropes, bonds, shackles. Jailj —
Chief of a tribe; head-shep- Jui3, I have found out his *l»li5 jt i>Sj
herd. stratagems.
Large cup. J^e^^J ^ J^ Head-band. Small turban. ;'u;< -^

Sprout, bud. Knobbi- j^jcliJ ,- *Ijiii Full year. Ja-«j J^*

ness. To fasten ( a skin). ^ jL;j -ft-

To swarm with j^j , yc^» a J«3 -J1- To beconae distressful (day). '^Ja^\.
lice (head). Book-case. Fetters, J»^'^ tt .^^
To be black-spotted (plant). To j^ bonds. Strong camel. Shoi't man.
juultiply (people). Unauspicious (day). j^Ja^j _^L.i3
To become lusty. J^h ~ To subdue a. 0. s r^\i, d^j a /4j -ft-
To bud out.
^ jiil To strike a. o. on the head. 5 ^
Lice. ( un. ) j;.» To prevent a. 0. from. s ^''ij — ^
Covered with vermin. J*^J J^ To empty (a skin). To blast A ;^
Tick. Ring-worm. Small ants. j^ (the plants : cold).
Red-winged insect. To penetrate into. j—
To purpose
Manner, wise.
a. th. » jl^ — ^ -H- To be easily swallowed (beve- ^Ij —
j^ rage).
able to.
J ilj ^ ^j (»i. f. s. pi.)
^ To be weak-sighted. To
have a sore eye, a pain in the knee.
1^ a ^«.»

Abler. To apply a funnel into. To A ;«tS

Convenient to. pluck (a date-stalk).
Fit to. Bath-stove. To shake the head (ass). To ;4iJ
^ Oven. be bewildered. To remain apart.
To go at random. ^ti.' — *<3 -J^ To select the best of. ft f^J\j —

Camel going at random. 4^9 ^ <a5 To be subdued, overpowered. ^^sJl.

To observe a. th. To A Ua o ^ -ft- To glide stealthily into a house.

scrutinise (news). To empty (a .skin). fC^{ fit

To remain
quiet. To acquire a 'cAJ^ Funnel. f,^\ ^ ^\j ^'^j
Stalk of a fruit, of a f,j!!^ ^ ^liS, j ^^^
To stand upright. 'o^zjlj — flower.
To undertake a. th. perso- v_i 2r2i-ll Thimble. •I'C:^"

nally. Red tumour on the eyelid. Swel- ^
Hillock. Sleeve of a shirt. <>• Hen- '^ ling of a horse's knee. Weakness
coop. of the sight.
:a5jj oUSI
Top of
w ('>^' A *'•
P^-) o3 Weak-sighted.
Swollen in the knee.
^^ >\^i ^ ^.i^Tj,;^
cj^j oCi»,j cA» ^ ill
a mountain. The choice part. ^
^ *ii»j *ii5j SiiS
Strand of a rope. < Gal- cn5, ^ :^I3, Top of a camel's hump. ^ :Uij ^ —
banum (resinous plant). Large fly. ^^ui ^
Way, mood. J^ Cone-shaped column, ^ly ^ f.^\5
Glass -bottle, flask. oUJj 'jCJ ^ l2i5L Subduing the passions fj\'p ^ <iLjV»

Rule, law. Custom. cnJt^ ^ o^^V* G (God's grace).

(^T^ ) j.»

Children's garment. P.salteiy, Penance, d PI.

harp. -^
Grunt of pigs. Taxes, duties.
Party of horse- j^^C.^ <Ll»j J^.") -ft- Canonical. Regular.
men. To impose a penance upon.
To stand long c^jij C_">9 o c-:» -S-
To receive a penance.
in prayer. To prolong warring. To Large rat. Mole. Sea-shell.
be obedient to God. Guide skilled for finding
To humble o.'s self to (God). Jj S
— water.
To eat little. I5u» o c-i* To be intensely red. |< j a lis -ft-

Obedient to God. Assida- iJS ^ cJVs To be dyed red (beard).

ous to prayer. To mix (milk) with water. A vij —
Invocation. Steadfastness in re- cjj^ To dye a. Ih. red./b UaJJj ixuJ l;»_j —
ligion. To dye (the beard) black.
Abstemious (woman). c^ To kill a. 0. To incite 5 Lrjlj . 'lis a lis

Retaining water (skin). c-i3 a. 0. to kill.

n Small boat on the Nile. ^U3, ^ *ii»T To die. To be spoiled 1*^5 a '^
gondol. (hide).
To bend (wood). Ai Gcis a ^^s -H- The thing has become
To lift (a door) with a fi, r-^sij — possible to me.
piece of wood. Dark red. 'J 15

To have thirst satisfied. ^t!i;^ — Shaded place.

To put a wooden peg to (a door).A ^J» To set (sun). C_ji5 o i»J» -tt-

Wooden peg, lever for opening «; ui To trim (a vine). fi> wJ5

a door. To enter into.
Sugar-candy. Honey ^j^ 5- -us P To open (blossom) C.: J —
of the sugar-cane. To send forth leaves (corn-crops). ^^JJ
Sweetened with sugar- i^ii^j juii To form a squadron ^^iaJj »_jJ^j —
candy. (horsemen).
Sugar-candy. jjiOJ ^ jjjd5, - iju5 L To glide away (debtor). .^^1
Perfumed must of wine. Amber- Calyx of a flower. uj^5 ^ j^S
gris. Camphor. Musk. Condition of Sail of a ship. Sheath. ^s
a man. Lion's claw. String of a bow.cjOj j —
Sexton. ciJjiS G Ear.? of corn. <i^j v*^-
To amend. ^jj^ -^ Cannabis Indica, >JL^j wJij wJ»
To go through (a country). j hemp. Flax.
Castor, beaver. Troop of men. Dense clouds. ^_,^-^

Stock of a gun. jiU* ^ Jjc» Ts Troop of horsemen. >^\2i ^ y^i^

Butt's end. Lion's claw. Hunter's bag. ujOijj —
Ritual, mass-book of the Jl^i ^
Greeks. Lark.
Big-humped. JiU5j JjiS
Jij/jc-ij -!:i-
Bomb, J.CJ ;^ ^'J.ij , jr CJ ^ Sini P
Aspalathus, thorny shrub the JjoJs shell.
flowers of which yield an excellent Tuft of feathers.
oil. Cahjcotome spinosa, prickled
Lamp, branched JjiCJ^ Jj j_i5,
Shop. jyi3 ^ ojt3,j jt3, -JS-ii-
Butcher's hook.
( -^T

To beg, to beseech ear- li^ a fSj Small onions. jU5, •>

nestly. Goblet. -b^U-^, "S-

To be contented with. ^j — To di'ink in a goblet. J^_5t

To go to water, to the stable CJs —
(flock). Hair around the head. Lock of hair.
To have a full udder fj.^\j ftih
— Tuft. Pebbles.
To satisfy a. o. -fy To con- ? ^\j ^ Summit of the head.
viace a. o. EniUa, elecampane (plant). ^^ P
To put a veil to (a woman). i ^% Tapering top ^jy ^ wy'h ^^'A
To lash (the head) with (a ^j * — of a helmet.
whip). To make a. o. grow old 5 _^» -S-

To inclii^e (a vessel). To raise /b ^'i (trials).

(the head). To be broken by age. JijS

To pasture (cattle). s — Broken by age. s^^*-* ~r-^
To raise the o>iil' jj SiUaJI J *i^^
— To hunt. A ^''^\j a^^j C^ i ^/ai* -S-

aands in prayer. to catch (the game).

To show content. To veil hei'self
( woman ). To wi-ap o.'s self ui
^ a
Hunting, chase.
Game. prey.
u^^h u^»
o^j^j ^c4j u^» ,

garment. Hunter. ^y^J o^^J u^A

To be contented with. o ^JSJI^ Gizzard. Pole upholding ^aJi^ ^r *-^J^
Satisfaction, content. Abs- itUaj ^ a roof.
temiousness. > Consul. J-?tJ ff J.iai»

Weapons. ^Jj ^ 9U;j,p.ui1 ^ ;J| Consulate. Js'^da^j \^'» "^

Upland. oU;? r-?-^ ^^ w <*^ ialsj , Cj^jis i O iJsj Cl»A» a ia^ -Jt"

Mendicity. ^_^5j XiiS To despair. *i»CJ

Top of a mountain. xi;s To drive a. o. to des- s la2)\j ia3
Lowliness of a beseecher. Content. p._^5 pair.
Woman's head-veil. Pericardium, ^ui Despair. i»>5j .tu*
Trav made of palm- liislj y,Cil ^ f.Li Despairing. xkJ ^ J^jilj Jaj^j JaJ
sprays. To give up nomadic life. Ja^ ^
Contented. Abstemious, ^i,}^ ?r ^ To possess hundredweights of mo-
temperate. ney. -^ To break down ( horse ). To
canter (horse). To be thrown off
Beseecher. Abstemious, sober. (rider).
SufQcient. ^jCU ^ ^^j , oU3 To arch, to vault a. th. A —
Witness whose tes- ^Ji» jl jUii oaU. ^ To gallop,to prance. To break jLl^
timony is sufficient. down (horse).
Woman's veU. <-^i^) ^iii Wood-pigeon.. Misfortune. _^i5
Wearing an iron-helmet. jj^t Vaulted bridge. Large ^%0j ^ s^s
To be covered with dry \j^ a ^^ -^ building. -^ Center, bow, vaulted
slime (ground). passage.
To loathe a. o. or a. th.^ ^u^i; ^j ^ir« Standard of weight -n%C3 ^ jUaiS

To slash a. th. with (a s^ fi> ^iU weight of 100 rothls.

sword). Centaury (plant). o^j,^i»3 Cf
To have dependent ears. To have j^\ Completed, aggregated. JL^
a large army. Parallel of latitude. Sun-dial. s_^2*
To maintain order in his ^i'h-.:.\ j — To content ^ Cui5j <cCJ.; Cts a ^^ -ft-

dominions (king). : with. <> To be convinced of.

JM» ( ATT )
To aciinire a. th. »
CC^t j CJ i
J.» * Smallness and flatness of ears. ^i^
To mix a. th. fi> J'g Slime of a dried river. ^5
To suit a. 0. s — Big-nosed. oU5j ^Ci
To satisfy, to please a. o. a ^p'l Party of men. Abstemious. ^i^ ^ ^^
To bring (game) within J Sj S S — Rain-cloud.
the reach of. Thick and flat- ^i ^ >ulS ^ jLi-j'i

Property. J,? ^ xlL?j :::s eared.

To burst out laughiug. ^i -R-

Peal, burst of laughter. i^i^ Hedgehog. Rat. Sandy mound.

To be grayish. C4S a v-*^ -«- Beaver. Otter. Sea-urchin, jr^ij oii*
Grayish colour, dusky white. il^i Slanderer. jlj _
Grayish. up ^ v-.+'sb , v*» ^ s-4» To be wrinkled, shrivelled. jj^ -R-

Dust-coloured partridge. ili^j To be untidy. tr^'l J ~

The elephant and the buffalo. oCisVl Unkempt, untidy : scorched on jLi(:.»
To walk with oii.^ j la^^ a a^j -^ the nose.
short steps. Untidy, squalid. ^Q.\) J J-i^/^
White. Kind of sheep. ^145 ^ J14J To halt in a place. jls -^

Unopened narcissus. Stage, halt. R"si- oV'sui ^ jCi Ti?

To subdue, to get fi^j s \'j^% a. ^^ dence of an official ;

mastery over. To oppress
To constrain, to compel a.
a. 0.

To be rancid
stink (greasy hands).
( nut). To
To be
(^ a, ^ -ii-

0. U- 2* dusty.
to. Odour of I'ancid oil. z^%
To become soft by cooking (meat)._,4s Smelling rancid oil (hand). Ji^
To ti'eat a. 0. harshly. To s ^s Person, hypostasis. ^JVsl ^ ^jiSl G
thwart a. o.
To have o.*s people subdued. ^\ To acquire, to appropriate a. th.
To find a. 0. overpowered, s J^\ To create a. th. (God). fit |^j —
subdued. To A j^Jlj » ^b ^^3j lyj , a ^s?j i

Constraint. Ill-treatment, -fy Des- J^t preserve modesty.
pite. To be hooked (nose). CJ a ^)
Force, violence. ;^^s To be kept indoor girl). c^>
( ^
Forcibly. sj^j \J^ To dig (a channel). A JJ
He is humbled by all ^u.) sj^j ^* To render a. o. wealthy (God). 5 Jjl
men. To .spare (money).
Wicked (woman). S^^ Bunch o\'j^,j oCis J 'U,"j1

Constraining. Victorious. ;^\j j, _^a of dates.

Mars (planet). Sheep possessed.
Lofty mountains. yS'^ JC>. Property. Earnings.
Cairo in Egypt. Syklsll j^a" j Sy^dn Reward. sju,?
The Subduer (God).
Conduit for
water, canal. Pipe.
oV^^h '^^ij ^ t '^

Steward. Xi'j^ ^ ^'^'^ >• oCi^s P Spear. ciJij '^?j c.\yh i^ ,- sCJ
Surveyor. Spout of a mug."
Cloth of wool and silk. Isj^j j45 -)^ Spine of the back. ^^\ —
To walk backwards, to re-' ^i^ -^ Owner, acquirer. *L;v3 j, o^
trograde. Intensely red. j^ Ji>-]
•^ To revile a. 0. To render life s — Armed with a speai".
^cj^j -^
painful to. Hook-nosed. M^s ^ J^sl
To go backwards. To be despi- _,i^ Shady place. S^iz^> sui*
^y )
Tetter, ^,'^j tijij, vj* t '^.J^j '^'Jfi
sed, reviled. -^ To lead a painful life.

dartre (eruption). Conical heap of stones. jji^J

Peeled off. Having shed his ^j^^ Retrogradation. Wret- Vji'^j j'S^

slough (anake). ched life.

To s oSlj, J-jCjIj Opj Cj^ o cS -tt- To return backwards, to j^^\ ^j

feed, to nourish a. o. retrograde.
To be able to. jcj * cj\!i\ j4^o "^'4 a J^j y>4ij :a^ a JiS *
, ,

To be sustained, fed ,_, c-tslj o_^^ To be dry (hide).

on. To feed on. To be ungrateful towards. s j^S
Put fuel in thy fire. ^J SjJ^. 'c^[ To be slovenly, j^ij ^L^J a JjS ,

To ask food from. s cj^icZ.[ unclean (man).

Celaslrm edulis, tree of Yemen. oS To defile o.'s self. To meddle j^l
Laduca inermis, kind of oC.t ^11 oS into another's concern.
lettuce. To b3 feeble, broken. J4^'»
Food. Victuals. o'yl ?- o>' Face, countenance. *^i^j J*^
Aliment. Cj\'Jij *3,j z^^j c^^» To have little appetite. C>4* a ^^j -S-

Keeper, witness. The Feeder ^^ To become serene (sky) ^^^

(God). To connive at. j —
To suppurate ^'^j ^j» , r-^>
-^ To loathe or to desire J\ jl ^* —
(wound). (food).
To sweep (a house). * ^^j To drink much wine. ^s^s'l — j^ -ft-

To refrain from giving. ^6l Wine. -^ Coffee (beverage). s}^

Space. Middle of a court- ^j» tt <>-^ Coffee-house. jV^j ^ ^ ;^
yard. Waiter, coffee-seller. 'jf/j^ "^
To be disordered (intes- t]^ o ^G ^ To have _jiC.L]l ^* J>->b,^/^ a ^^ -S-

tines). little appetite.

Dark night. ^13 iilJ Fm'nished with travelling *^vl ^ o\l

3il_aSj iSCij »^Q3-j IS^ o ^lJ -ft- provisions. Lively, fiery.

( opp. to jC- ) S aUal^j 3^j,Sijii^j To dig (the ground).* y_,^j ou^-H- ,

To lead ( a horse ) with a haltei*. To To draw near. To fly away. To ij^

lead (a murderei-) to death. break its egg (chicken).
To lead (an army). 5 iiCs, iVs To uproot a. th. To leave A ^^
To be led. To become compact j,^ traces upon (the earth).
(flour). To be uprooted. To be excoriated ,_j^
To be long-necked (horse). iSy o iy (skin).
To take the lead. iVjl To break asunder (egg). ,^(Sj[j »_j^
To give to a. 0. horses y^ s — To be hollowed (earth). >^\Sj\
to lead. Their secret has been ^^i^islj CJ.uJl
To retaliate for a. o. by v^~ disclosed.
(killing the murderer). To choose a. th. * v^l
He allowed him ^> j\ 'Jji\ J'^Vsl
jjtai Space between the middle and ^jS
to retaliate upoa the murderer. the end of a bow. Space.
To be tractable (beast). iC3lj ilSj\ They are at a ^'_^ _^ j\ ujlS U4^
To obey a. 0. To become cons- J iuii. bow's length.
picuous (road). Distance between two stars, ^y »_jl3

To follow the lead of. J :>\itL\ Empty egg. Chicken. xlJlaj *jQ
To ask a. 0. to retaliate upon, ^j" i — Shells of broken eggs. Hollow. j_,y
Distance. ju5j ai* Chicken, o Epidemic, ^\'^^ t vy
Horses led-horses.
; i^S skin-disease.
^y C \To )
To be bent, bowed. -^ To be cr^ Retaliation, punishment. i^
shot. Halter. ijjii ^ i;^ j , it?
To mark the head with white s ^^iJ Tractable. iCai) ^_^
( hoariness). Manageable (horse). ^j^lj j;5j jCi
To arm o.'s self with (a bow). ^ — Strong-necked. ^^ ^ .|i>3 !. i;^»1
To imitate a. o. .i_, ^0:31, Avaricious. Broad-necked (horse).
Bow. Carder. ^,-11;^ crljS^j ^.4. t u-j^ Lofty (mountain).
Bow of a violin. Fore-arm. Cubit, Oblong mountain. i^i-»j —
measure. Leader oliS t-»-j S^V^j i'^»j i^ r- -J^.^»
Sagittarius (Zodiacal sign). tr-^' of hoi'ses. Commandei'-in-chief. Star
Rain-bow. ^jl ^^» in Ursa major.
Hermitage. Hunter's booth. ^..^s Prominence. jS)3
Hard (time). u-S^b lft.->'J ^rv' Oblong hill. s^iG
Bow-maker. Bow- :;j: 1°5 ^r u*lyj w^'^ He submitted to him.^iU/fj jSCi iCktl
man. -^ Consular guard, cawass. To walk on the tiptoes. \'J^ o jt> -H-
Starting race-horses. ^j ui_j ^l» To catch (game) by guile. i —
Gun-shot. ^^l^s -^ To A ijuiii j'^Slj ijUsi jUsij j^j - ,

Small bow. cut a hole in (cloth). To cut (a melon)

*^S»-» iHS*
in round slices.
From antagonist he became C^4^ To coil (snake). To be nearly j^,
friend. elapsed (night). To separate in round
Sage (
plant). oiiil *~i'^j <^l'^_ portions (cloud).
Crook-backed. Elevated (heap ^^sl To fall. To crumble down jUJl^
of sand). ( wall ).

Bow-case. Race-ground, ^J^'J \2Ji ^ ^'ji^ To be destitute. jt3l.

Hippodrome. To examine (a narration). jC;*l. fin

To put a cruppei" on (a horse), s j^^t ^ To be wrinkled (skin). To be y^\

-> Crupper. j,\'/\ ^ J.^ T lean (horse). To fade away (plant).
Asparagus. jcis j,/, Te Liquid pitch, tar. Large herd of jG
To destroy fi, j^% ^ia'^ o J!»G -M- camels.
(a house). To pull off (a tent). New cotton. Cotton-rope. y^
To be destroyed, to jalijlj u^^ij Knoll of a oljjb J^J j^h <^'^'y»
^r 'j^
collapse ( house ). To be routed (ar- mountain. Black hillock , ground
my). To be restless (bird). covered with black stones. Isolated
Flock of sheep. i>\'^\ ^ 1,^ - J,\3 « hill. Name of a tribe. She-bear.

Date-basket. nT^S Round hole cut in (a shirt, in a cj\'^

<• Dates in paste, n Tomato, xl^y •^ wall).
Shepherd. J,!^ Wide, spacious. Mj}3 ^ jy]
To lag behind (man). Cu-}3 o p.S ^ Calamities. o/j'^h clix'^^
To limp (dog). ^ Scoop (medical instrument). cj\^
To walk cautiously. ^.^J Cut in round pieces. Besmeared j°^
To climb upon (a tree : chame- fi>
— with tar. Lean (camel).
leon). To precede a. o. i C^ o a-^ ^
Even place. f3j ^'p^j ^.V^Sj oU5 ^ ^.la To measure a. th. Jp jl k_) u-'^U "" 2*

Soft land. Depressed plain. To be ^jSzL\j ij^jMij u'J^J ^J> a trr^ ,

Floor for drying dates. f,\yl ^ f.y%

Paved court. -^ Parlour, otVs ^ <te ^ To fire (a gun). fi> ^*^
sitting-room. ^ To shoot a. o. » —
To track a. o. ^ o05b,6^ o J3 -«- To compare o.'s self with. ^ ^jj
( ^Y-V ) Jy
Saying, speech. i]U?j
Wing of an army. Jy Te
Watch-house, patrol. . J^i^s Ts
Adjutant-major. j_5i_.(tT Jy Ts
X_J}iJj Jj^j Jjj^j ^^j^J J'S^J *—•'S5

Loiuacious. Eloquent.
Speaking, Jj% 7j3j ^>j Jy ^ j;,G
Treatise. Chapter. *Jdi
Conference. <>• Bargain. i)jia;i

TY )
•"I It is worthless. He is un- ; oppose a. 0. To as.si3t a. o. To be
^ steady. eijual to.
Provisions for sol- oC»V>l. 131 To set up a. th. To /b iJilj x^vSl. ^Cjt
diers. establish ( a proof ). To perform
Straightforwardness. Noi'inal oviill (prayer).
state. <• Pregnancy. To I'aise (the dead). To make s —
•<> Alnaaaach. a. 0. to stand up.
Survey of a land. To continue a. th., to keep to. it —
Manager. Upright. To remain in (a place). t-»

The husband, He stood in his stead.iJui j,^'\j *j ^.gI
n Guardian. Juggler
"^.•s-"* !r
To perform (prayer). To * —
The true religion. straighten a. th. To render (a mar-
Upright, ^fjj ^\% jr»j y^ ^ ^SQ ket) brisk.
conspicuous. Vertical. Steady. To set a. o. over. To appoint ^ S —
Hilt of a sword. willll — a. 0. to.
Waterworks. sl^JI - To begin a law-suit ic. j^li —
^Uipj j'.'^Xjyi ^j >>15^ ^'Jj ^U» v,^ against.
Lieutenant. Vice-roy. Turkish gover- To be straightened. To sub- ^^ij
nor. sist.
Rebellious. Perpendicular to. ip ^^is To rise one against the other, ^jijj
Rectangle. ^jjj" v,^ To oppose 0. a.
Bill of sale. Leg ^; \^5_, c-VU,6 ^ zi^.G To cut (the nose) to. ^ii5l^ fi>

of a table. -^ List. Register. Invoice. To get up. To rise. To be up- j,\^{

Paper-money, a Telegraphic post. right, in good state. To be straight-
Foot of a quadruped. Hilt ^\'^ ^ — forward. < To be pregnant (woman).
of a sword. To return to (God sinner). Jl^ — :

Right angle. Abode, dwelling. iilJU vr^J ^'^

Chief. Of fine stature. ^j,Gb ^lyl ^ \>n- f.) J^
v,^3ij V-J-Slj
Right, upright. Fast. Tribe, nation. Party of men ; some
Lark. people.
Self-existing (God). Station. Pause in prayer. Revo- xi^
•^ Drawn (game). lution. -tf Nocturn, night-service.
Abode. Place, time of abode.^uij ^vi» What is light. -^ Speedily. j,\'^

Standing-place. Resi- c.C«U/: ^ ^U^

dence. Rank, dignity. Stature.
Seating. Meeting. oC'Ui ^ v»uij iiUi Livelihood. Suste- *^"^»j j^'^i A^
Speech in a meeting. nance.
Handle of the plough. y^i* Normal state. Main stay. ^L|j j!{^.
Resistance, opposition. lijlii He is the sustainer ^\ jkt3j j,\'^ 'yi
Right. < Straightforwai*d. .^-l-» of his family.
"^Pregnant woman. ^i^Sil^ The worship of God. *ii\j >C2)I
Copper or iron o'^ ^ *j'^ o^ -»- Return to God. ;ai ^CsJI
handle of a vessel. Stature of man. Height. ^^ <i\j

Tree for making bows. Sheave of a water-wheel.

-^ Medal, picture. Resurrection. <i(^
< Melon. Day of the last judgment. iiUJll jiy^
To shriek. ^ He raised an uproar. v»C?ll >»Vj
To track (the game) A - Value, price. Stature of ^ ^ V.J
To cry out to one another. aj\Si> man.
A) J^
Strong (horse). Empty (house). Obedience. Power. Comfortable o\i

To vomit. A 'Cl i '\» -«• (life).

Stuff saturated -with ^^!l '^Sj (_j]^j Leading an easy life. 5:^11 ^ eS
dye. To be, to become strong, s^i a jj% -H-
The thrust has yji) 'i^ll 0*15 To prevail upon a. o. *j j it j'_j|
caused blood to spout. To be able to do a. th.
To provoke ? ss^l. tVslj , iLi5 i!* To be equal to a. o. »_,

vomiting (medicine). To be vacant (house). ^lyj ^ ~
To excite o.'s s^Ulil 'Ur-Llj 1 ^Jt^ ^*^
To be hungry. To be withheld ^s'^ —
self to vomit. (rain).
To endeavoui", to desire to To overcome a. o. in ^ s^ j'^
vomit. strength, to overpower.
Vomit. Vomited food. To strengthen a. o. ; to hearten a ^j^
Vomiting much. a. o.
Emetic. To vie in strength with. » sljiii jjG
Pheasant (fowl). To wrestle with.
To sup- ^!57j ^gI, ^j,i[i,j i ^G -{^ To inhabit a desert. To t\'^{ j'^]

purate (wound). be empty (house ). To be rich. To be

Purulent matter. ^^ ^ rCt destitute. To have a strong horse.
To be fettered. j^ — il5 -fr To diversify the rhymes of (a *—
To shackle (a beast). To bind i jus poem). To weave (a rope) with many
a. 0. strands.
To dot (letters). To register a. th.A — To acquire j'j^]j jj:)\j ^s''y>

To prohibit (a. th religion). To : strength.

restrain (the meaning of a word). To bid against o. a. i^^Jlj <^jl^
To bind a. o. with benefits). ^ 5 — To spend the night hungry.
( i^jVij

To be in irons. To be registered. .I'Sj To appropriate, to claim the^ ^'J^\

To be restrained. property of.
To be detained in (a work). i_, alL; Desert. •\'Jij -lyj -J

Fetters, shackles. iCi'lj i^ ^ als Hunger. ^^5j »iy

Gum of the teeth. uO.~VI — He spent the night jj7i\j\ '\'^\ cAJ
Brand upon a horse's neck. o-Jc^'
~ in hunger.
Measure. ilfj oJ^ - Strength. Power. ^g'^j cX^ -r »y
There is ^j iVsj jj|j oJ Vii4< Vigour. Faculty.
between them the length of a spear. Strand of a rope. ^$'^ ^ ;^
Halter. iV4 ^ Seeds given to poor jUj ^ *i »2J
Charm, Book-binding.
spell. J^'i^ husbandmen.
Registered. Ankle (of a j-jV*: ^ jui^ Grasping. Empty (house). *j_jl5 > jV»
woman). Pastern of (a horse). Rainless (year).
To tar (a camel, a ship). Hj fi> jjj -S- Many-stranded (rope). xiy ^ ^
Pitch, tar. j\^j jj| Strong. Mighty. -Ci^il \ ^jS
To scrutinise a. ih. A jC3l^ < Much.
Pitch-seller. jCs Diversification in the rhymes of >lyl.

Of low origin. j^ a poem.

To take ^ cr^slj , CCSj C^ i ^\» 4 Virtually. ( o/j/>. to JJuJU ) S}3!1<
the measure of. Stronger. Richer. ^s'^
To compare a. th. with. u.j ^j A— Strengthening. Comfor- ^"lii j> j2/»

To take a. th. as a pattern. table.

To strut, to walk haughtily. C^ — Riding a sti'ong beast. Xij^ ^ J^
Alik..?, equal to. J jaLlj^jiiJ To verify the » L.\3,j iljvii ^jJt»

They are equal. o^-aJ U^ !

measure of. -^ To adjust (the beams
Fragment of a bone. jsJ ^ "h"* of a roof).
•^ Crafty man.
To compare Jl.j j_i *j . . . ojj

Stone heated in the fire. iijjj jaJ j
(things) togethei'. To deduce a. th.
Barter. ]
by analogy with.
Barter. *.^j[iij Zhi\i^j X^CSj J^^^ To belong to the tribe of Kais.
Holding much water (well). *-irf-» To be measured, compared, "Uil
To be hot, burning QiJ i JiG -S- confronted.
(day). He imitates his father.
To spend the Aj (_« K^jjj t_i Ja^j — Measure, distance.
summer at (a place). There is a spear's ^^j ^j_^ j\
To suffice a. o. (for summer). s ^» length between them.
To make a bar- s CtUlj ^U/i JsjCj Name of a tribe.
gain with a. o. for summer. Measurement. Compa- iLjTA
Heat of summer. ^j-^j -t^-s'l r- ^'-^ rison. Analogy. Model, pattern. Syl-
Midsummer. -^ Drought, want of logism. Rul*^.
rain. Regularly. Conformably to u-V:?!) Js
Intense heat. Born in sum- JiJ G i^» the pattern.
mer (sheep). Regular. "^5^,-^!

Plants remaining green
^h -I^VSi Proportion. Appraisement by £ijU/1
till Ak.5* analogy.
midsummer. Quantity. Instrument ,_^jV]»i ^ w'^

To grunt (pig). uJ j.C5 -H- for measuring. Regulator.


To track a. o. ^ ..i^sJj wils — ^J -«- Nilometer. j.J)| jj-Ui^

To scrutinise a. th. To fall (tooth). y«UJ|j,Cs^ ^3 -»- i

«> To criticise a. o. s uL% To collapse (well).

To go through (a country). A i^i_7 Crumbled down (well).
^\3j\j '^j;
,_, J>>t!l X.^^^
Tracking, d Fashion, form of <it5, To ba broken, split. Chls jaCS -{f i

dress. To break a. th. To hollow (a A—

Importune beggar, Criticiser. ,jc^
-fy- well). To assimilate a. th.
To cluck (hen). tJ J^'sV To barter a. th. with. To assi- 1_» * —

Unsteady, fickle. j.; milate a. th. to.

Pellicle of an egg. Spadix jis, ^ ii5, To be abundant in a well ja^
of the palm-tree. ( water).
Uneven j3j ^jV^j ^Ji;,! ^ s»uJj SU.s To decree a. th. for a. o. (God). J a jali
and hard ground. To brand (a beast) with a heated 5 —
To >LiJj VUij Syjjj 2iU»j >L5 Jl5 i -):}- stone.
make a siesta. To barter with. CaCtj '^i^'di ^S*

To milk, to drink at midday, yc^ — To be broken {egg). jrr^ ~>

To discourse together at leisure jfj To be appointed to a. o. (fate). J —

(men). To make a siesta. To be like (o.'s father). i —
To make a. o. to drink at mid- — s' To fall to pieces (wall). jsCiJlj j:^3
day. To make barters. J^j^> -^j Joj}^
To give a. th. in exchange » j j:g To be cracked {egg, flask, J^\Sj[
to a. 0. tooth). To collapse (well).
To rescind (a sale) with, fii s XJiSt JCjI To destroy, to extirpate a. th. A j^Gs'l
To make (a beast) to drink at 's — Egg-shell, ('ompensation, sub- ja^
midday. stitute.
r- )
Rescission of a sale. :^vli. May God forgive his 'i'}^ ^\ Jvs^
Resting-place. jji fault, his lapse !

To beat (iron). To set A CJ oS ^

To nap. To collect (water). j!lj
a. th. in oi'der. To repair (a vessel). To resemble o.'s father. s —
To give (inborn qualities) to jt 5 — To rescind (a sale). j;vi7
a. o. (God). To barter a. th. ^ a JGJI^
To adorn a. th. 4>j 5 cn» To give in o.'s I'esignation. Juiii

To be adorned. ,:nAi To ask a. 0. to rescind a ^131 5 —

To be luxuriant (plant, otJIj oOSI. sale.
garden). To ask from a. o. forgive- ij'J^ 5 —
Tree used for making bows. ^G ness for a fault.
Blacksn ith lock-; oV^ij c;_>ii :r t^* Kinglet of Arabia. Jv^i ^ jlS
smith any smith.
: Milk drunk before a siesta. J>^j J^
Slave. oV3 y.
- She-camel mUked at midday. Hy^j iU
Songstress, female slave. oQ t <^» Napping. j^j Jcij j:5^ j;\5
House-maid, hair-dresser. "C^j — Mid-day. iL' S

Cain, Adam's son, ^ ,C5 H Siesta. 2^>^j —

IT' ( -vrv ) X
Affixedpronoun of the ^j Jj iij '^ -^
Cup, diinking-cup. a-'^ifj Cii-^'^j 2P person.
•^ Chalice. Cymbal. He has struck thee. j^.'^
To purchase , <ij'^j V, v\r a jV -»
'ii Thy J^.^cTj
'c^><=fj ,2^ '>:ur
or sell a. th. ia compensation of a book : your books.
debt. Particle, as, like. ^j

To be short, stunted. D^S^l As if it were, ( /or ol j iJ ) 'J^j oV

To become strong in CiVra olT-jj^ like.
make. Indeed Zeyd is like ''j^] iSjj cMj JS"
To prostrate a. o. Jj it 2f ufo LT-^ a lion.
on (the face). You came forth ;^J)^ J] ^^i jX^*^^
To turn a. th. upside down. To —
fi> as it itwere against a thief.
wind (thread) into a ball. -<> To pour How many. ^'Js'j ^lyf
(a liquid). Like him. ^^
To roast meat, -if- To make ^'S So, much. dilUr
meat-balls. As, like, when. liT
To be overturned, turned upside 1,^1 Like a lion. o-LVtr
down. To draw back. To run uilfejj Vlr-tt-
To throw down a, o. on the face, i — away (thief). To be weak, cowardly.
To bend down towards. To ip 1^1 To gather (people). V^l&u
busy o."s self about. To keep to (a To falter in speech. ^>U^3) J \&>'l&»j
work). Fear. Faint-heartedness. Escape 'i^lT
To lean on. J — of a thief.
"^To spill (a liquid). A—
To be contracted, to become ^%u To be broken-hearted, distressed.
compact sand, tree ). To fall down
( To distress a. o. i tj\^\
(camel). To wrap o.'s self in a gar- To be blackish (ground). t_j\5=il

ment. Sorrow, intense 'UlTj ^jtr? XJ'lf} ^S"

To be inverted, overtui-ned. ',.S^\ grief.
•^ To be spilt (liquid). Cause of sorrow
To apply o.'s self assiduously jc — Broken-hearted,
to. sorrowful.
Plant of the kind How sad he' is!
Charge, attack in a fight. Blackish (ashes)-
Dash, collision. Intenseness of cold. To be sad, grieved. is\ra iVr ^
Ball of thread. Troop of ^'X ^ iS' To distress a. o.

men, horses. •<>• Force-meat balls. (event). To assume a painful (duty).

Trump ; heart (at cards), a Plague, To tremble (old man). ^'^l
bubo. Adversity. Sadness. Dark night. '(VlT
<)Tumbler, drinking-glass. jjCiT Steep, difficult (hill, ascent). ij^T
Roast-meat. ^(s Deep sigh. Ma^^
Cubeb (a medicine). XtiS ^Calling, profession,work.C;lj\r^jV5'P
Flock of sheep. Glomerated UiX Shears for leather. .^ Petroleum, j\rP
(sand). Moist and compact (earth). mineral oil. Gas.
. ^

^ Ball,
liver. To affect a. o. painfully (cold). pin-cushion. ijC^
To purpose a. th. ^ -4^J -^ <. Hedgehog. i^lji :j;6'
To have a complaint jSj , Ijiir a jJ' Dandelion (
plant). OiiJI oCi-iT
of the liver. Having down cast eyes. i^CSC*j ZSLa
To culnainate, to reach olfeJj jIS Ball of spun Li'^j CjtS^ ^ liO
the meridian (star). thread.
To crDdure (hard- ^
(SCfj 'sjJlivi ojiT To upset, to turn upside >bj j ^SCT-H-
ships). To struggle against (difficul- down. To hurl a. th. down into an
ties). abyss. To bring ( a flock ) together.
To thicken (milk). ju^d ^ To wind a. th. into a ball. To
To I'eaoh the middle of (a desert). a — scatter here and there. To make
Midst of SiCCSj "lICSO 'IJ^ -45j juT force-meat (balls).
the sky. To gather (throng). To be ^^SClSCj
Liver. i_^_j iC&.1 ^ a^j aX wound up, glomerated. To be spilt.
Enemies, ZjY : black- .sCiiVl ij-i He wrapped himself in his .;Q J —
livered. clothes.
Middle of a bow. Cavity of the aj' Game on horse-back. wSClfj ^JClT
belly. Liside. Center, middle-part. Crowd, tjpi'.^'fj y^P^'^i <^^^J v^^T
Gold and silver mines. Inside j^jvi — press.
of the earth. ^ Ball of spun thread, of wool.^_^:r
Atmosphere. Meridian. ^Middle xr •<>- Force-meat ball. 'h^''^^
part of a tract of sand. Distress, To prostrate, to humble. ^ (hlT i c^f -tt-

trouble. He prostrated him on his <4>-^, 5 —

Concha Veyieris^ she 1 of Venus. sXT face.
Disease of the liver. »(J>' He concealed his y iklft
iiyr» l3

Cedrat (bitter orange). ^iS-^ anger in his bosom.
Arm-mill. MoT Very sad. c-^-fevi

Big-bellied. Wal- juT^ 'l^r^ o^l •^ Overcoat. Woollen z^\S ^ Cj^S 1

king slowly. cloak.
Cause of suffering. juir To round, to form a. th. into* Ji^'-^-
Suffering, enduring. ^.ifei^j OjlT balls.
To be advanced IjAfevJj (;>^a ^JT-i^ To hold foul, abusive J JrT-^-
in years. language to.
To exceed a. o. in (age).^.; s OtT o JS" To be rounded. d^^"^
To become o^-Sj \y^j \'J)fo ^r Small ball, pill. *J^->
stout, tall. To grow big. To become To be altered, to stink tT a c^ ^
great, illustiious. To become mo- (meat).
mentous ( affair ). Altered (meat). cj/J^j z^
To increase ij A \'jiSj \'jiXj ^r Fruit of the ii\']\ when ripe. oCT
a. th. To extol, to magnify a.' o. To check, to o 5 -rCJ^Si ^\»^^ ?i. rCS
To treat a. o. scornfully. To s Ji^ pull up (a horse) with (the bridle).
strive to overcome a. o. To hinder a. o. from. s ^-JT ^
To deem a. o. or *j j J<SsaZ.\i J^\ To strike a. o. with (a sword), ^j 5 —
a. th. great, momentous. To send back (an arrow wall). * — :

To become ,»>fei5J.lj Ji\i^i J^> To insult a. o. s -tj^^

haughty, to magnify o.'s self. To be elevated (place). !n-6>t
Insolence. Haughtiness. Heinous J^ Of bad omen. •rJ\'^ ^ -^j^
crime. Elevated (place). ri^a^^ rCJsJ'
Greatness (moral and physi- j^j j\f To wound a. o. in the 5 iIuT o olT -ft-

< To
To be
be broken to
up with earth
( •xrr

cal). Nobility.
Main part of an
.\dvanced age, oldness. Zj^fj 5jjf} ^nT
filled ^^Ji^b
(well). He is]^3>iO v'^j' 'Jv-r^i V'-^^S*
Invasion. Sadden attack. Pres- iLLT the greatest or the oldest amongst
sure. them.
Earth for filling a well. House ^f Stoutness, greatness. jtf
of clay. Cave at the foot of a moun- Drum. Caper- j^r^'j J^ vr -^^ ^
tain. Origin. tree, capers.
Unexpected attack, surprise. ilir Pride. Grandeur, magnificence. '\j_^'\X

Large cluster of dates. ^\S ^ XZ.\S Augmentative form of a word, j^-feij

Steep mountains. ^^^ ^^^ JC» Cry of ,^^ ^\ God is greater.

Night-raare. -^ Arm yj-ys^ 9r ur'i'.;ir
Pridi^, arrogance. .nfei5

of a plough. Great 'i:)j^ J^ ,: J^i ,jr/0 J^^O ^^'-i'

Covei'ing his head in sleeping. ^jSS ( rank ). Old,

in body, elder, eldest.
He came by surprise. CilT^U Important (thing).
Aquiline (nose). iljlT Of high rank. j^^^ j^S
Excellent dates. Roll of perfume j_,Jjr Xm fcetida, gava-ves'iD. j^^ y\ n
worn by women as an ornament. They have ^^
J- ^'jS'A^^ I^j'S^
-tf Pickles. inherited glory from father to son.
Intercalary, leap year. 'iS.jS "C^ Enormity, heinous cj1J>i-'0 j^ rr

Having a promi- ^<r ^ 'ilir j, ^Ife-I crime.

nent forehead. Wine i. c. (the mother of J^CSCJI >!
Hand-press, hydraulic press, piston. Older, greater. u>«lnS'1j jr,0=1 ^ J^\
Casting down his looks. Attac- (_,JfeL> The chief men, the leaders, j.S^ '

king suddenly. the nobility.

^ Broken, trained (young
Double (flower).
^^ Major term of a syllogism.
.\dvanced years. s^Oj
Surrounded. Invaded. Filled tryii^ Self-magnifving (God). <> Proud. >i&»3!
with earth, Pressed. Pickled.
-tf- Bridge. "
To take a handful of. A Ciiro j^ ^ Sulphur. Brimstone. -^ Luci- cij^-H-
^To scoop up a. th. with both hands. fer matches.
Ram. uiC^b lA^b cAWr^r J^i'5'
Red gold. ^L-i^^^
Chief, leader. Battering-ram. <>-Wild To sulphurate a. th. fi> cJini'
sbeep. Sulphurated. d'J^is^
Buttress on a wall. •(>• Mul- j.J:^<^ ^ — To besiege, to sur- A Cin ^;-^-)^
berry. round (a town). To take a. o. by
Pillar, column. j.\J=\ -^j J-y.^ ^ J-^ surprise. To fill up ( a well ) with
if Spoonful, handful. Seummer. ^Lir earth, -tf- To cure, to pickle (fruit).
tf- Clove. jU^i ^r To muffle o.'s head with J i-llj —
To cut a. th. A 4r},^ra ArS'-K- (a garment).
To reckon and sort (money). To add an intercalary ,-»^, *.llU

To prevent a. o. from. day to a leap-year.
To submit, to humble o.'s self. To press upon, to squeeze a. th. jc —
Sea-monster. To have the upper part C4ra ^ir
Barge, pontoon. of the head prominent.
Kitchen-bf)ard. 4«-To break (a beast) to work. s^JT
Ranunculus Asialicus (
plant). ,;SLSP To shampoo : to rub the body at
To put irons s j;;;^ ij jiSj >cr
, i j:r -» bath.

Jf ( "\rO _^
^ To totter.
to ( a captive ). To confine a. o. in
Sweepings. Oj^^ t "^j.'^'^ rr^J ^\ prison.
Sort of frankincense.
Oozing -svater. Moon-rays. »tj'
^ ^\S To put off the payment fit ^ j;iJj jT
of (a debt) to.

Stumble. Dust. Fall on the face, s^r To hinder the purchase of (a '
* ^'^
Censer. %'^ property) for availing o.'s self of the

o Pale, wan, dull (colour). J.iT right of preemption.

Hospitable. iC"^' J.lT To be fettered. To be confined jSC5
Drinking-glass, tumbler. *iCJ'-^- in prison.
To j j:U^\ 'cS^j c^b o -c^f-«-
, ^
To bind (a purse). To keep
whisper a. th. in (the ear). (property) for o.'s self.
To reckon, to number a. th. ^ s 'zS Shackles, fetters, irons.
Innumerable army. 'cS^i V J.'^ Short (dress).
To walk slowly, with Mahogany (wood).
short steps. Hunter's net.
To boil (cooking-pot). To Fettered (prisoner).
groan (camel). To hem (a garment). A t^f\ i/S" ^
To vex, to thwart a. o. s - To conceal a. th.
^ To pour out (a liquid). »— To turn (a gift) from.
To listen to (a narration) To turn aside from.
Lean. [m. f.) cT To go quietly (horse).
Green, verdure. To be quiet.
Refuse of a flock. He refrained his tongue
Sound of boiling. Grumbling of from.
camels. < Lint, tow. To be contracted.
Thick pudding. <:x^ Fold of a leathern bucket
To laugh gently. cXiT^ Niggardly. '.'if

D Floss-silk : coarse silk, cfCiJ' Disease of camels.

tow. Strong.
Chicken newly c^^ -r c>^^'^ Attacked with a disease
hatched. (camel).
To write, ^ii^ iif^ Cvifj Cifo Jt^^ Housings, horse-cloth.
To be a public writer. To fall pros- 4^3) 13^^], i;]^ o CT -«
To decree, to ordain a. th. A CC;r— trate on the face.
(God). To smoulder in the ashes (fire). CT
To write to a. o. on. ^ Jl^ — To fade away ( plant ). To rise
To write (a book), a v^^b <--^ ~ ( dust ). To stumble to run without

To bequeath a. th. to. To A J — sweating (horse).

inscribe a. o. for (an office). To empty (a flask). To sweep /b —
To prescribe a. th. to. ic * — off (refuse).
To wi'ite a. th. dictated by,
heard fi'om a. o.
or ^— To perfume
cover up
(a garment).
To A ^
To sew (a water- a t_.l~5'ij ^
C-_r ^_.~ r To fail (steel).
skin). To fail to strike (fii'e : man). To /b —
To teach calligraphy to.
To form squadrons.
jf wiJ'lj
alter (o.'s countenance).
To fumigate a gai'-
^ ^'f\j js. ^^^j
To correspond by letters with. & »_jir ment with ( incense ). To perfume
To write with a. o. o.'s self.

To dictate (a poem) to. * jf ^~ "i To lay prostrate on the earth. ^jSCJi^


J^ C \ro ) uT
Having the upper part of the oSsil To close (a bag). tf> ^.iz\
back prominent. To form into squadrons. To w5fe»j
Thej follow or they resem- iV::^!.) ^.a gird o.'s self.

ble one another. To correspond by letter with Js<S^

^ Cathedral, xliyjsi^ xLxS'j {JSijS'G 0. a.

To be big-humped Ji"] — jtfe -H- To write down o.'s name in a ^*s&a{

(camel). public register. To be inscribed.
Rank, dignity. Middle-part. J{.^ •^ To become a subscriber to (a pa-
High camel's jUS'l ^ j^O JS"- per).
hump. To take a co,)y of a. th. L) A — <

Hump. Part of the hump. z'JlS" To ask a. 0. to write A »_.:fe».i.:ij — 2f

Dome-like structure. J{f a. th. To ask a. o. to dictate a. th.

To be contracted. •</ To CcJ'a r^-^ Transcription of a book. t^f
be crippled. Thongs for sewing a ^^ ^ XJS
To do (a work) spee- J CdT a ;cij - sack.
dily. Writing, hand- JO ,J^ y. Uc^ ^
To penetrate into (a j t^_J'a ;>rj' writing. Marriage-contract. Letter.
land). Boo A. Register. Predestination.
To mince (meat). fin
^^ Any sacred book. Scripture. UcS^S
To make a. o. to perish (God). 5 ^iT Jews and Christians. »_,C:%^!I JaI

To follow one another. ^^iSCj People of Scripture.

To do a. th. connectedly.
Vile, despicable. j^j^ oUif ^

— Book-seller.
Library. *jUJti'TE
° ^ "^

Writing, writ, deid. Letter. iO:r

Small bucket. Register. ( on a monu-
Crook-fingered. ^ Cripple, ^c.J'^ ^&.1 ment). charm, amulet.
•() Spell,
one-handed. Squadron, detachment »_J\':5'^ CjjrT
Maid-servant. ^^lJ' ^ 'Ui^r of cavalry. -^Writ. Diploma, patent.
I have bought it 'Ur&. 'li;^ liiij^t. Decree, ordinance.
altogether. Writer, iSj <-i^^j o_^Tij •

1 saw all thy^iil c^-i*^ «iC^i. i^ib scribe, clerk , secretai'y. Learned
brothers. man.
•^ Cripple,
one-handed. p^^*-^ Boys-school. »_»ijii:r, .u!r
To walk slowly in (if^y i ^i_r -i^i-
Elementary school. >^,\£sji ^

shaking the shoulders. <>• Office of a merchant.

To hit a. o. on the ^ 6u:Sj Gfr ^iir i

Library. -^ Book- wJlW ,- \i^
shoulder. To gall ( a beast ) on the selling. Writing-desk.
shoulder (saddle). Writing-master. wifev*
To handcuff a. 0. behind s ^^_Sj — Correspondent. wjlfe(.>»

his back. Correspondence. t.j (&».*

To flutter (bird). Cu:_Sj iii-Ti wiL_r Letter. Writing. »_.a7li=i> ^ ^J^

To be broad-shouldered ur^ a wi;== Registered, written down. ^JUisJ^
(man). To have the shoulders wide To cover a. 0. with it ii.~r a :^r -^
apart (horse). dust (wind).
To walk in shaking the shoul- jcS To eat a. th. to surfeit. To sti ip fi>

ders (horse). (a land : locusts).
To repair (a vessel) with a leaf /b — -^Steward, manager. i^J;rP
of metal. To mince (meat). Part of the :,J^j iii^^ ^ ai'O -^-S-
To raise the shoulders in ^:_iC.' back between the shoulders.
) ..

ir ( ^r•^
To hold (water skin), a liuT, C^^^sT^f
: walking (horse). To walk by starts
^ To be costive. (locust).
To conceal a. th. from. A i j\S' To cross the arms r>Ua)l J wiSfeJ
To conceal a. th. from o. V ^ in prayer.
To be concealed, hidden.
Shoulder- :dffj
blade. Shoulder.
^C;i1 ^ ^ir^ j ^
To commit (a secret) to » s Broadness of the shoulders. jtr
a. o. Lameness, limp.
Concealment, discretion. Pain in the shoulder-blade. jui'
Concealing of a secret. Manacle, handcuff. ,jS^
Plant for dyeing the hair Leaf, plate of metal. ^i-k'

black. Broad (sword).

Costivcr.ess. Bolt. Hatred. Smith's
Concealing. Carefully xjj}S' tongs.
kept (secret). Whole, soxmd (bow) Locust beginning to fly
^ Costive. Broad-shouldered. ^jii<r^
Secretai-y. ji>-Vl ^iT Having parted shoulders (horse).
Discreet. ^&j Galled on the shoulders (beast), jiiit/.
Keeper of a secret. i^. To fetter, to confine i-^^o JLS-ii-
Unbroken, whole ( bow), ?'0- a. 0. in pi'ison.
Silent (camel). To press a. th. into a lump.* jl5j —
Big-bellied. Surfeited. ^.^t To adhere, to stick !AS_J'a JxJT
Kept (secret). j^i^i ^>^ together.
To be blackened by OiJ'a d'S-^ To be compact ; to be pressed j!§Cj
smoke ( walls ), To be filthy ( clo- into a lump.
thes). To be dyed green by herbage Lump of dates, of clay : ^•i' ^ xIxJT
( lips of cattle). To be viscous and bunch. Piece of meat.
dirty (water-skin). ^ Scabious ( plant ). *\LS
To glue, to agglutinate. A ji<^\j Ji_s •^ Everlasting flower. M^i^l iiiSOl
Black of smoke. Blackness on Crt_r Bulkiness, thickness. J(xfj JST
the lips. Dirt. Soul. Want. Provision. JOS'
Dirty, unclean. Cj-JT He upon me.
relied ijv^ *ic ill
Divinatory arrow. oifj Crj—T Palm-tree unreached JJ 1:5' ^ iL:^
Flax. Linen. oUr by the hand.
Green moss. *ji3j — Hard, difficult. Misfortune. j5fe,1
Alb. SurpUce. *J^_J'-^ Date-basket madejJiSC;: ^ <i^j Jrfei^
To walk with short steps. l^iTo (xT-^ of palm-leaves and holding 15 y.u».
To overcome an adversary. Xfe.1 ! Round and compact. Stout and jBC/S
To be GLT a oSj ijOtr , o^
iJ" -» i
short (man ).
thick , to be short and crisp (beard). \
To become a Greek J>'P^J S'^ "^
To have a thick beard. 'c^X

Thick (beard). ^Xi 'zS Greek CathoHc. iiji;^^ JiJjS'-^
Thick- -^ ^ .&r^ c.fe.lj,S^I)l 'cSi - ^ Roman oji%v;)jJirT i]^->fi'G
bearded. Catholic.
To foam (milk). To Ur, , *ii_jr a "isT ^ The Greek Catholics.
tf- diJjjlTG
froth cooking-pot
( ). To be thick j
To become a Catholic. dUfjr-^
(beard). j
To con- A^:s'lj ^!S3 Cuir} uiJ'o ^-H-

To skim (a pot). /b — \
ceal (a seci'et). To restrain (anger).
To be tangled (plant). 'uT, - To breathe painfully (horse). 'y'j,\ —

'J' ( irv jtr

To multiply (words). J^U J\^'\
To multiply : to be or J'j^ "^J -"5^
become many, numerous. To swarm.
To make a false show of wealth.
To speak much, to be ^^ASCJO jK^
To number. To increase, J'^Zj
vie in
to become numerous.
To find a. th. numerous, ^J A j\'sJiJL\

To ask much of. ^—
•^To thank a. o. s-i'^-^
Great number, abundance. J^j J\f
Main part, redundance. '^-J\ J(f
Spadix of palm-trees. ^Oj JS
Great number, abundance, alhfj Sln_r
Much. Plurality. Frequency.
Excess, redundance.
Increase, frequency.
Often, frequently.
Numerous. Frequent. -^ Much
Very. Often.
Numerous, manyoj'^.'iir, sSjfO ^i^ Ji>j,
Many women.

( "^rA j^
hia eye, i. e. he spent the night Scum, cream. Xi'id>j 7J.i.

sleepless. Slime, mud.

To be barren (year). ^UTa J»S' Lip red and swollen with XidJ^xLL
To smite (a tribe : fitj s Jk^h — blood.
drought). Red-lipped. ^\
oCiili J^\j Ji-iJ'b J^'J J^^b - To Uu\$^j *Jvir o oiL-T -Ji-
_iifeu_l. \j ,

To become verdant (ground). thicken (liquid). To be coarse. To

To have black eyelids. y^X a J^i* be tufty and thick (plants).
^ To cement (a wall). ^ jiT To thicken a. th. ^ jdf
To anoint o.'s eyes with jpcd>\j J^Xj To come within the reach of.^ J&^'\
collyiium. To find a. th. thick. » ^i^ill^
Hard Vtar. jkT Troop. >Jii_y
Brown colour of the eyelids. J^X Thickness, coarseness. ^UUT
Sky, firmament. 'ibJO 'ji>Xj 'J«S' Thick. Rough (man). >-*i--S'
The sky %S^\ j\ ^JQl j\ [^X cJ-^^ To make up (things). * yijr o JxJT-Jt-
is cloudless. Heap of corn. J^-^
Antimony. CoUyrium.Great weal th.jijr Tiller,anchor of a ship, '^p'^j Jj^
Amulet. iuTj Ju5Cj J>4' To pick up a. th. To /b uiro ^r-tt-
Antimony-powder. JG^y follow the traces of. To craunch (a
-^ Ankle. ja- 1;^ ^ j> li. cucumber).
•> Oculist. Cementer. JuT To turn a. o. back from. » — ^
jLi^ ^ ii:?r j^^r, j,^r
^ m.
( f. ) To draw near. To tariy. djra j^
Anointed with coUyrium (eye).jJu?, To accost, to haunt a. o. 5 ^G»
Black-eyed. J^J^^ ^ Js?-'^'
'J^j ,
To be within reach game). 5 ^^1

^ High-bred (horse). To fill up (a skin). *—

j^ To retire in. j—
^ Azure-coloured. '
uST To be stupefied. To retire. Jiisd
Black-eyed. J^X ^ -iUT^ jJl^\ '
Thick ^^J A
Having brown eyelids ; having pain- Broad (road). Big-bellied. Sur- .^t
ted eyelids. feited.
Median vein of the arm. jSisi'Vi Flower-basket.
White-bodied and black-eyed "iuT To play. \>Xo V.r-a-
(ewe). Bugloss, echium (plant). Children's play.
Calendula arvemis, mari- •>L_l>ii'
gold {plant). Genuine (Arab).
Pencil for coUyrium. Jufci^j Ji^'i To produce sour
CoUyrium- J>;lfe«> ^ iUjO j xUX/J grapes (vine).
case, D Rifle, gun. Sour grapes. Podex. ^aX
Steward. ( /or li^iJT ) uj^ i^fe^° Nuraei'ous. Blazing (fire).jlv^^ ^--^S^
To toil, to exert o.'s liTo 3Sj ST^ To be effaced. Co^i^Ta ^.air-tf-
self assiduously. To efface a. th. * u^3 "
To jade (a beast). -^ To urge jf — To tread down the A uj^a ^jbeT-^
(a beast). heel of (a shoe).
To comb (the hair). To extract ^ — To be trod down at the heel >.^S^\ -^
with the hand.
a. th. (shoes).
To beckon to a. 0. with (the o — 5' Limbs of the body. o^iS'
fingers). To anoint jj A jiTj.yi^a J^*
To require much s jSoJ-lj :c^lj — (the eyes) with coUyrium.
exertion from a. o. (work). Sleeplessness anointed iilt S^iiJI J^
C •\r\ ) ^sf
Dusty-coloured part-
Dusky. jli'r

Dates mashed in milk.
To sneeze (beast).C-U!0 \JsS"\ j^oT-fr
To urge (a beast). & —

To heap up (spikes). a ^-^ ~

To press together crJ^^j u-'jS'
To walk quickly. To walk .j-ufeJ
heavily in moving the shoulders
Sneezing of beasts. tr-''^ i-'oT

Heap of herbage, u-^^'^j ^ir^-^j

r (•MO c^ir
To accuse a. o. of lying. S t_ijL==\ij t_)!ir Fleshy, plump. iJoT ^ o^^^'

To find a. o. a liar. Hackney, of oil^S'fr "J^j'O oi^*

To deny a. th. o CIjLCj '^ir^ "" mixed breed (horse).
To bespeak o.'s self. iLiu ,SSh>'\j i-iJS' To bruise ^j 5 ds;} Ca'jT a el^ , -ft-

He has not desisted jiij o1 i_i!irC» a. 0. To break a. th. To part (the

fronn doing, hair). To crush a. 0. (cares).

he shrank from fight. To overcome a. 0. o!Ai jt ooT
Heat has abated. To be broken. dSC;
To give the OGO i3i^5^>^ <-r>'i'^j — Contusion.
ts ^S-^ -r '-^
lie to a. o. : to contradict a. o. Sad. ej'j^/^
To make a. o. to lie. To 5 ^liil To be unproductive ijaS^ Ijjro l^r^
manifest the lie of. (ground). To be unpromising (corn-
To affect Ijing. oliSCj crops ).

To esteem a. 0. to b3 a liar. 5 — To cut off a. th. A *IjC —

To lie to 0. another. (_)aV5C5 To be choked by (a bone).yj jjS'a jjS"
To accuse a. 0. of lying, 5 ^jlifcir-^l To have an indigestion of milk jJS"
to deem a. o, a liar. (
young camel ). To tarn round and
Xi j'Sioij , Cj\iJtj iS.'jtj ij^j^.i (_.'J^5j i_iji<C vomit (dog).
Lie, falsehood, ^itksl ^ To detain a. 0. s CoT i j'jS" -S-

T J ,*j.-^j t—'iJwJO *_)-is'^ v'^'^

To give little. J^b"
Liar: false, oCliT, oV;iTj oCliO,v"-*^ To beg alms. %.:^ ^SjS"
vain (news). To be exhausted (mine). To jjfal
The soul. Liar. ^.j'-^Tj v'j'-*'^ reach a hard ground by digging.
Lie, falsehood. cjil^Sj oQilT^ iJivT He has not answered his jj>is% iJ'C
hnpostor, kjl^iCj tJ/j^j ifjtj ^loi request.
wont to lie. To prevent a. 0. from. ^t s jj^i^]
To beg alms. i^oSCj
Lie. wjM?^^ ^ -^jj'SinJj Inodorous (mu.sk). J^j -^
Lies. wiii?^ Tuff. Large rock. \S'-^ -r <i'-^
To come back. To
follow \'jij^ o ^-tt- Heap of earth, of wheat. iilv'O sloSj —
by turns ( night and day), -if To be Beggary. XiSf
wound (thread). Adversity. iG^j Xjjt
To bring back (a horse). 5 \-^o — Beggar. *ir^ ^ >^'
To return to jp OG^O 0->l^ »3'S' - To be rough to the hand. fSf o'SS" -Vt-

the charge upon. To walk upon pumice-stones. lii'i

He wheels round
in Ij^ 'J^i ^ Soft stone
: tufa-stone, c-ljir

To rattle (chest). O^a 3^ ! So, such. JjS' Oj \j^ -«-

To repeat fi> zj^j \j\jsaj \'j^ jsi f^L Thus, in such a wise. ll^Cftj diiir
a. th. <• To refine a. th. I In such a place. yjSj O.fo'^^.
To be repeated, -tf To be refined, j^; I have cashed so U-*ji lliSj lIlTcJal*

Attack, charge. many coins.

Rope used as a
ladder. Cable.
To lie, to say a falsehood. To be
Well. j
wrong ( senses, opinion ). To be cut
Carpet, mat. off (milk).
Measure equal to 6 ass- To deceive a. o. (sight). To disap- f —
loads. •^ Ass. point the expectation of.
Charge in war. Time, To be falsely accused. ^_,jt

'f C 'M> )
Stump of a palm-branch. Rope ^j^ repetition of an action.-^ One hun-
of a bucket. dred thousand,
Anxiety, ^'J -r v jO , ^3^ -r
^'j^ Globe, sphere. o'^?r (A*''
«S^ ) S^'^-
grief. ball.
<• Indigestion. :;^ ^ Cellai-, pantry. j>(r} jVJf,
Beam in which the head V-'-' r^xiir
5^ *!
Cowry used as an amulet. jVjsa
of a tent-pole is insei-ted Returning to fight.
Adversity. "^ -^0^ a Bobbin, reel.
vi'l)^ *riv^ ^ '<ij^*J^
Dates nearest vy^l ^r ^iO^J *J^'3^ Succession of ages. ji^aiJI jjj'
to the stem of a palm-tree. Rattle : sound in the throat. ^jfe"
Cherubim ; Ar- j^.i'J^i ^i^^ Repetition. Refine- jcj^j
changels. ment of sugar.
Rolliug-pin. vi^ At repeated limes. 00^
Sad. ^ij^i viS^ Place of attack. ^l
Promptitude, haste. <rKj^\
To laugh loudly and repea- _,fe>^ ^
Tiglit. Sinewy (joint ). tjjfev^ teldy. -^^ To murmur (water). To
Strong (horse). rumble (intestines).
To shackle, to fetter a. o. 5 t^'j^ <> To up (tnings) To heap up ^ —
<- To contract (joints), ^u^^j rr^,]^ () and drive the clouds (wind ). To re-
Greengrocer-shop. ^^;l3^^ r-o^P peat a. th. To turn (the mill-stone).
Horse-whip, basti- -!r-:>\'jo ^ ^G^"C P To detain, to withhold a. o. — &'

nado. To remove a. th. from. t A — .

Cotton-cloth. ^^\'j^ ?r cr-C ^^ To call (hens). ^—

To be impeded in walk. J-'^'j^
"^ To hover (bird, cloud). j^lr^
To be conti-acted, wrinkled. JA[^ To bestir o.'s self in (an aflTair). J —
To walk in the mud. J'.'^ Callosity on the J^S'^ «• 'j^'j"'
To mix a. th. with. ^*— brea.st of camels.
To cleanse (wheat). a— •^Borborigmus. «S5^
Carder for cotton. j_j\^^ d^.'jl To twist (a I'ope). fa C^o i-j'^ ^

^ Raft-fi'ame. To tighten (the shackles) of. \c — fit

He came on slug- yu.'J^ ^4^ A>- To distresj?, to grieve a.o. (a(faii'). ^ —

gishly. To load (a beast). -^ To overwork
Complete year. c.ij=^'^ - Cif^ a. o.
To decant. i* ( for'zX^') fi> cj'ji' -^ To put a I'ope to fi^
^'J'h ^J^i
To transfuse a. th. (a bucket).
To be involved in another's r'J^ ^ To be near setting (sun), fjj^^o <Sj^
busines.s. To die away (fire).
To be contracted (baud). r>^> -^ To be near doing. jiL ^'_^
Contraction. pV"^ -^ To expand (dough) with a vl»^
To make quarantine. i^'^ "^ roUing-pin. To eat dates.
Quarantine. Siii^fo Is To plough (the J A Cl^^j ^.'j^~
Pasteboard. CajX^C' ^ Oyj^ Fs ground) before (sowing).
Candia (Island of).
To oppress
j^_^ j\ ^A^ To draw near to. ? ^J^
^ cJj&=Sj , CJ^fa o i o^fe. ^ To hurry in. J ^J'^\
a. 0. (grief). To fill up (a .skin). /b —
To break (rope). cjj^\ To pick (dates) nearest to a v!^
To mind a. th. J c/A^^ the stem.
Ido not mind him. ;] c^nfe'l C» To be surfeited. ^'^^A "^
Leek. ( un.-^fjj ;j i^i ) ^l^j ol^fc- To be sad. ^J'J^^\
(MT ) ^r
To mew (falcon). y^ Grievous. oj,l}r^ Uji,\^ >. oji_&a
To repair to and conceal o."s Jl. j'J^ Grief. Calamity.
self in. Hard (affair). c,i^
To escape from. J^ js. — He shiinks from the y'i\ oijSCj'ifl.
Shepherd's bag. oj'jC -r 'Sy affair.
Sermon. "i'J'j^i jj" "^ To ^^^o -r'j^'^i 9r!>^J>^l^a -^J^
Tiierry. Cherry- ( xin. "i'jy ) j_^ T become musty (bread).
tree. fy- To whirl round a G-^ o r'S^ "^

Hawk, falcon. %jj\'^ ^ j^ bridge ( water ). To trot, to roll

Skilled in his work. *;tU«a J j^ down. To read readily (child.
Vile, Ci'nten'iptible.
j*J^j '^X'J'j Jl^ Reading without spelling. ^J5'-<>-
Bottle, fask. Jl^,o'J^ rr J'^ The Georgians. ( un. j>-^)
" yr'y
Ram carrying the -s jJ3^ ?- j'l^
Colt. ' '^y
shepherd's bag. Ram carrying the Wooden horse. prjy'j^
~ ^r

bell. Monk's cell.

^-O^^ "^ -rX^
Sour cheese. jr_jQ> To bring j Jl. a ^'J=, a i^J^
Preacher. jjjV'O Jj,if -(f- (water) to.

To clean.se (a stable). C^ i
^-S^ "^ Manufactory. <J^»}'y >: *j<j-^P
To found (a building). <- To ifc
^"J^ .^ Silk-manufactory.
consecrate (a church). To urge (a beast). To 5 li^o ^y^
To be defiled with urine and ^-3^1 drive away (the enemy).
dung. To cut a. th. A —
To impark, to inclo.se (kids). 5 u-1^^ To expel a. 0. 5 i'j\is>

To be strongly laid (founda-

tion). -^To be consecrated (church).
^^ Base of the neck.
The Kurds ( w?«. 'j^'J")
^^'J^b ^J
To lean upon. U tr^i^l (people of Asia).
To enter and conceal in. j — .> Necklace. olijs' P
To run with short steps. T^y ^
Dry dung mixed with urine. Conti- To run fast. To roll down. -r'^y^
guous houses. Enclosure for kids. Quick run with short steps. Xi-'^y
Origin. Running swiftly. -r-'^y.
Quire. Pam-' ^_j\'^i ctG^t ^0^ Construction, plantation on j\i^P
phlet. the ground of a neighbour.
Chair, throne. j^\'yi '^AJ" t '^,^y To shuffleoff. ^i'J:, ^
Learning. Power of God. To divide (horsemen) into squad- 5 —
Throne of a king. Capital- dil^JI — rons.
town. To tie up a. th. < To heap up ^ -
Episcopal seat. ..iiJ-VI — (sheaves).
He is a learned man.'^,/,SC) ji'i^ }* I To be shackled. \j'^y
Privy on the upper- '^^^KJi y. ^Cjl To be short and stout. ^'^y^
floor. Squadron ^^yj ^j-l ^"^y <^j\A -p:

Big-headed. crj^ of cavalry. Bone covered with meat.

Carriage, coach. cA^/j" •< Heap of spikes.
-r '^^i'J
Formed of gems inter-
^l^j ^'Jsk.'/- To run like a dwarf. ^^'j^ ^
calated with larger beads(uecklace). To run away from fear. y^y^
Materials. *L1^ P Dwarf. ^.ol>^ -r ^}'>yj /^ij" ,

To cripple a. 0. a 9^jr-<>- To seek refuge at. Jl. Ijj^i j'^^ -»

To be crippled. ^.^j5Cj •<> To hide o.'s self in. To lean towards.
Bone of the wrist. '.r
Acr'v^ ^ ^>^
'S.Jf^ To preach the Gospel, ij^ -^ jy i
P ^^

To find rain-water.
strike a. 0. on the wrist- s a^^
To ofler the side to the (hunter : 3 — bone.
game). To put cotton into (an a ^'^
To perform ablutions. 9^^ inkstand).
Rain-water. Thinness of the ^'^ To tie. To hock (a beast). » —
shank. Cotton. Jijl'Jfj wi—
Vile, contemptible. (s. p/.) — Flake of cotton for •^j^L'J'j HL'y
Trotters of 9j\i^\ r^i f.'J'\ ^ ^Vj" inkstands.
sheep, oxen. Shank. Bitter iXz.'/, <^j tJj, - c-^r-«-
Extremity : top of a moun- o^*^ ^r
~ vetch. Sort of chick-peas.
tain. To be wrinkled (.skin). Ci^a J-j^-^
Horses, mules. pIlA)' To contract the face. To prepare'ji^r
The farthest limits of the js'ji\ f.j(is\ a haggis.
world. To become big-bellied. Jjy^'\ -^j j^^
Seller of trotters. t/J^S' To be wrinkled, contracted ^r-^/
Leaning on water (tree). ^_^_j pj^ (face).
Palm-treen upowater.oVpj V== ^ Xcj Ua To become large in the sto- j.'Jsc.L\
Having thin shanks. f.'J']
mach (kid). To begin to eat (kid).
Strong-legged (horse).^ JX^^ pj^ Stomach of J'/J' -^ J-J^J J'f-
To sniff and o^fe, ]j Cj^ o 3'J^ -»
ruminants. -^ Paunch.
raise the head (ass). Household, companions of a J^^l —
To froth forth (pot). U^ -jl- man.
Lofty clouds heaped up. 'j'^ Astragalus, milk-v^-tch. k^J/vi —
Ceratin-tree. *i-iyf Vesicle, I'eceptacle for am ,nii!l —
To blaspheme religion, ^jju CJ^i • bergris.
To drop to upset. To roll
; Aj s — Plant of the class Pen- J'J'j j^J,
a. th. along. tandria.
To roll down. cSJ^> -^ ^ Stuff of thin silk : crape. *i.d3^
To be impeded in walk. ^'^ -^ ^ Beam, joist of a CjHIj^t ^^J"
To be deformed. cr-'!^ floor.
Celery (kitchen vegetable). tj^^ Kind of haggis. Tripe. x£.[^
Water-parsnip. .Cjl y-lijr Big-bellied. J-Zj^j ltJ^
Alambic. a Calico. cJ^'^ ^ ;r^ •• Arabic written with Syriac -j,^_^^ S
a Fur-coat, pelisse. iJ^T characters.
Ardea virga^ Numidian'^l^r^ sT j^* To pound (cheese). ^ C»\ri u^'^ -fi-

crane. To mix (cheese) with. ^*—

-^\'J To eat cheese. er'S^
Dredging-machine. <f\^ a To heap up a. th. A ij^I'^l
> Hard labour, galleys. dXiJ'j il'j^T^ Sour cheese mixed with herbs, ^j^i^f
a Shovel. Milking-vessel. ci^j^
^ To disturb, to disor- ij fi> ^-S'Ji -^ To discredit a. 0. J Oijro i^'^-ih
der a. th. To lean j tj^5j U-JT a p^j f-'J" -^
To be disturbed, disordei'ed, ,^'^) upon a (vessel) for drinking. To sip
Disturbance, disorder. XX'^ -^ in.
Imbroglio. To wound a. o. on the a Gs^ a f.J,r

Rhinoceros. o'j^jXj OJ'^jS' shank.

Sea-unicorn, narwhal. ijJtJ dC-^^ To be thin in the shank, t^a pX
To repel a. 0. 9^ ^^Jo'S -ft- To be thin (shank ). To be of low
To tie (a beast). 5 — condition. To be fond of ti'ottera.
,r ("Ml )
The two noble things i. e. oUjj^I : Curcuma, Indian saffron. j^^ ^
war and the pilgrimage to Mecca. Spinel ruby. jii&.^P
Precious oQ^
^l^j^J ^^'J"- t *»i^^ To b3 pro- \^'J^ xi\'J'j (f'jfo j^'J^
thing. .\ny noble part of the body. ductive To be generous
Noble-born lady. < Daughter. (man). To be precious, valuable. To
The two eyes. yield rain (clouds).
o Yellow amber. To overcome a. o. in ^ (V^ o /J^
Noble, generous. genero.sity.
Very generous. To prize » y^^i S^J^^ ^'-lj=^> J^
bountiful man (a horse).
Vine-di-esser. To declare a. o. to be gene- j ^^
Noble, generous^j,\SC. To show regard to.

qualities. To show greater regard to i^ j —

Noble action, than.
^j lfei> ,-
^'''J^j /J^ a. o.

Fertile land. X^'jU.* ja'J\ How generous he is to me J i;^s'l V !

Moire, kind of watered Ci^'-^Jf -if- To vie in generosity with. 5 ^jfe.

silk. To have generous children. >»S^^
Cabbage, bset. Dates >Jij^j ^yj" ^ To entertain guests bountifully.
with milk. To show regard to. — is

Gourd used as a v-ii'S^^rviO^ ^ M'^illingly, for your sake. ^jSCi

vessel. To be bountiful. ^^u ^Ir^^
^ emaciated man.
Skeleton : aIj'^ To keep aloof from ^& j-'j^j jrP^>
Food made with cabbage. *^I,^
(djsgi'aceful actions).
To be wrinkled ( for J-J") JSiji ^ To seek a. th. noble, pre- jk'j)^Z.\
(skin ). cious.
To cut off the stump of a ^ ^/j"^ \
Nobleness of character. Genero- y^
branch. sity.
Stump of a branch. wJJj^^ olJji^ Generous. Fertile (»?•/. 5. pi.) J^
Big (nose). wiJ^^ (land). Good qaality of a horse.
Vine. i^un. xf.'j^ ) ^j^^ JJ=
To disprove, to dislike * iXjU.'^j •fy Orpine, roseplant. J^^\ "iiJ

a. th. Bryony [plant). 'Uslpl v^J^^I

To be loathsome. sIaI^Sj xi\[^o c^ Regard, consideration. Thau- <ii^
To disgust a. 0. with. J| y_j a «^ jf maturgy.
To compel a. o. to. ip 5 o^'j For the love and regard J i^i^ C>
To express dislike at. A ejlfeuj <>^J^> due to. Willingly.
To find a. th. loathsome. * a^feiiJ.!^ For thy .sake. viiJ ^'I'^'J'jJ'J'j X^^j ^'J"
^ I'r, ;a1^j <,^ c^' Regard shown. Hearty wel-
come to a guest.

For thy sake. dil C^C <_, dt) WJ'\

Unwillingly : in spite of.
«^'S^ Noble action. *^jj^i
Hateful, disliked. *i^ "^ Pillow of honor. Xl^JsCt
Disagreable thing.
War, ^i;;^-^ <^ij '^'^i yjl ^
Noble. Generous.
( OPP- to
The Generous
^ ) j.ll
Cutting sword. Mi J^'l j'i Thorough-bred (horse). Excellent
The horrors of war.
(ground). Valuable. Precious (store).
Dislike ; dis- ^i^'J^h XS^Ui
ojjSZj' ^ Kind (face). •<> Turtle-dove.
liked things. Calamities. The glorious face of ^ ,fCjl ii\ ialj

Adversity. lA.yJ^Ji God.

^-T C Ale ) •.r
V' Niggardly, luicoinpliant. cc"^;!' 'j^ To round a. th. To A Vj'jS'o l^f -ft-

Avarice. jjS' repeat a. th. To line ( a well with )

Shivering from oold. JijSO Jlji wood. To dig (the earth).

Coriander s^illT, s^^^j sj,'^,, s:?]^-tt- To run swiftly. ^^fi ^s'^j —
plant). To play at (ball). ^ i^lr^i ^s'^j —
Capillary (plant). Jj\ — To dig (a canal). » G^i j^
Fumitory (
plant). ^CiiJI — To nap. To have thin and Sj"^ Jji"
<>• ('liervil [plnd). '\'_r^
— parted legs.
i>- Hair-mo.s3, golden maitlen-^^ll — To hire Aj 5 j <s'J'''^j , f^jfj sO^ '^j^
iiair {plant). (a beast, a house) to.
> Eye-glass, quizzing-glass. viv'jj^TK •^ To be an ass-hirer. jj'^
To craunch (a fruit), fi, C«jr o j,_^ -J^ To increase. To decrease. •\'J'[ j'J"]
To be short-handed. r To keep sacred vigils.
To contract ( the finger To postpone (an action). To a—
cold). prolong a discourse ). To let
a (

To be contracted. house).
To be satiated with. To sleep. ij^^
To craunch (fruits). To hire
j'J^:.\j ,jyiS\j
fi> iJjISCj
Avarice. Gluttony. Smallness of (a beast, a house).
the nose, of the fingers. Drowsiness. Leanness of the legs.^j^
Fearful, shy. tijf Hire. -,j'j-j
j^j yj-
Short-nosed. ^J^tt 't»jr Rent. Wages. Hire. ej'jfj '\'jC
Short (hand). ^ iMule's load.
Avaricious. ot'J\ yjf] Sphere, ^ _,$;_, ^_jLj ^ o'^
^ j'J'j cj^'J'
To bray, to grind a. th. /fc LTo ^-«- ball.
To have small teeth. CIS" a — The celestial sphere. »_,C'jSsJl —
To take the utmost cave in. J ,_^l5Cj The terrestrial globe. i^jVI —
Date-wine. Dry and beaten Hirer. •k^^'l ^ 'ssj"
meat. Slumbering. cSi'Ji'j Xj ~
Bruised, pounded. t.^>~^j — Sphei'ical, globular. lS},'}'j '^^
Having small teeth, r^ ^ 'tS j, '^] Thin (leg). Thin-legged. -Ij^^ ^'J'\
To pound, to bray a. th. ij> ^^JClT •« Kind Cj\j'JIj Cf.j\j^ :r *'U^-« o'J^
•^ To mumble. To recoil. of partridge.
Gruel of coarse semolina. ^j^llT Caraway- \ijj^^j -G }^j G j^^G
To pursue a. o. closely, s lira llS -^ seed.
To urge ( a beast ) in the track of Muleteer, I
^^ ^J J}J^' TT J^^
others. To overcome a. o. in a Hirer of asses.
quarrel. Walking slowly (camel). j'J^'J\
Portion of the night. jjIji ^ r^ To become li^hj ,;jj^« Sjlj'ro jT^
Hinder part : latter 'US'! ^ '^_ySj -\j^ dried, tough.
part Pi. Traces. ^ To dislike a. th. ^a —
He fell down on the back of iUr ^ITj > To gnash the teeth. *-lC-i1 Jfr

his neck. To contract a. th. ji ]jfo jT
To ifc .^'rij ^tS^j C_C
, i
v-^ -* To shrink from cold. j!r
earn, to gain a. th. To acquire To afflict a. 0. with cold (God). 5 jTl
(knowledge). To be niggardly. °Ji6» I
To make
a. o. to
a. th.
» s ^''^'^j ^iJj — Dry, tough. Ugly (face).
Hard (gold).
'J' ^ y
To seek to earn. -^ To progress. ^^lSv.J Stiff (bow). SjT
To fold (a pillow).
^ To inflect ( a let-
C "M-V )

Tc make
(a slave) to earn. » ^_^SCrJ,'(
ter) with kasra. To annul (a "will). Earning, benefit. ^IS
To allay (thii'st). Sustenance, earning. 1II.C
•^ To break a journey.
J^\ j yS Dregs of oil. ,yX
< To break fast. e'ji^\ — Acquired (science). '^.\L:i'\

He hindered him from ai\yi ^ S — Earning, winner. o\V-^ "^J v~? '^
his design. PI. Limbs of the ,_,^\j^^ <r-i^
Tie contracted the eyes. *i'jy ^> — body.
To alight in folding \jySj \'yS i yS Wolf. Hunting-bitch. tjCT
the wings (bird). Gaining much. >-r>j^
The wind has abated. ^j'^n CjIt^ Plant alike to the carthamus. ojlT
To break to pieces. To creas'e * ys Hound. ^ir^
a. th. [Gram). To use an irregu- Gain, ^_ISC; ^ tZSiij w~5^J w-SC^
lar (plural). profit.
•^To break, to humble, a. o. s yS Coriander. (/"or sj^'";^)
" s^Ui'^
To have a defective ^y§^\ j^^tS' -> Thimble. ouLrP
pronunciation. ^ Watch-chain. diilir?- -i*?-^ ^
To bargain in a f^\ J y,'Q=, <>
sale. Chestnut. USIT-^-
To be broken to pieces. To be _/JCj Scanty-bearded. ^^JIL^— r—^-^
crumbed (pie). To be wrinkled, fol- Xyphias, sword-fish. To have ^_i^rP
ded. -^ To be broken, civilised. a scarce beard.
To be broken. To be routed y.s>j\ To sweep (a house). ^ ulT a r-JS -S-
(army ). To abate (heat). <- To be To sweep a. th. away (wind). To
bankrupt. carry away. <> To lop (a tree ).
To break a. th. fi>ysr[ To be crippled in the (WlTa !^.~r
Cj\jj-i^j jy-^ -^ ( :s)
c'i. "iy. legs.
Fraction (of a number ). Fold. To ill-treat a. 0. S 7^^
un. vys. ) jiii'lj jyS ^ ys,i ys What an untractable man ! iklH >
Limb. Piece (of bread). ( o'lr^C ^ To be swept. 9--15Cj\

Skirt of a tent. To sweep off (property). Ai ^-il^l^

Windings, ravines of the Xi_ii^\ jyS Impotence of the limbs ; lameness. ^J_r
valleys. fy- Rachitis, rickets. ^iJT
Broken ground. j^S cjC'i J^'J\ Sweepings. Crippleness. "ii-i..^

Kosroes, .^fe»lj Slr-t=1 ^ i^lr^^ P Disappointing man. ^^J"

surname of the Persian kings. Weak-handed. u^^-lO t^^j ^"c-t^
Fragments, particles. SjU-^Tj jlliT Impotent.
< Ground freshly tilled. %'y^ Cripple. Lame. c\»:'~^ t -rSJ^'S

Broken. Having ^s'j'CSj ^'yS ^ j\S Broom. Xi-iCJ

a foot broken (camel). To be iSjlij iSC-T o Jtl'O j.lS' ^
Elixir. Alchimia. j\^\ unsaleable (goods).
Rout. <>• Bankruptcy. jililji. To be dull (market). ^IS'lj —
Area of a circle. _ru-SCj To have unsaleable goods. o-i' I

Irregular y^J. ^fj -^i^Sl 'r'^ Dullness of a market. iy-^i iVlT

plural. Dull (market). oli'lj u-«ir
Eagle. Saxifrage ['plant), y^ ^ ^^\h> Unsaleable (goods). -^-rO -^-^
Camels breaking their sad- ^^.i^SCjl Worthless (thing).
dies. Flesh-eating beasts. To loiter. Jj.lS <>
Place of fracture. _^.\SCj: ^ jt^ To break offa. th. Toifc VySiyS'Hr
Intrinsic state. rout (an army). To retail (goods).
br C MY) jT
He is valued when put ^_5C4II ^S 'jm
Luxuriant (garden). I
to trial.
Numerous horses. He is my nearest
^,-^'^1 Ji* <J^^^ Jj,^ >*
To walk with short steps. jiliT-fr neighbour.
To clothe A ^ j:^]j i;;ir o i:-r « ,
Routed (army). Marked with j^^ISLa
a. o. with. '
kasra (letter). 4- Bankrupt.
To clothe ij ^/S^j , Cr ju.t) a ^-T To put (the /.-5J'lj CJJ' a ^ IT «•
^ ,

o.'s self in. tail) between the legs (dogj.

To vie in glory with. jf Ju,\fe> To strike a. o. on the buttocks, s —
To be clothed. li-^-^l a To go down (the Nile). ;J_r
To be clad with (plants : i.,-
— He pursued wijlJlj ^.ii-SCj ^jCi\ ^j^
ground). them the sword in their backs.
To ask clothes from. a J^hL[ He threw water upon iJuJl U^ ^^
Glory. .L.r the she-camel's udder.
Garment. il_i'1 ^ Ml.^ White hair on the forelock. ,21"
Set of clothes.^jCfj JXj JS ^ s^JC White spot of the forelock ,1^ ^ z;jj'
^ Carpet covering the Caaba. of beasts. White feathers under
Clothed better. Giving more ^\ the tail. Beasts of burden. Slaves.
clothes. White in the forelock (horse). ^IsT^
To produce a rustling s^i.jjS i 'jS -^ White-spotted (dove).
( serpent ). To be stern-looking.
-tt- To cut out (cloth). CilTi ^LT-H- fi>

o To shrink. To be wrinkled. To hock (a beast). <• To rebuke a. o.

^ To di'ive away (flies, hens). i — To eclipse (the sim (s^ii' : fit i

•^ He met him sternly. *+?-i J jS God). To lower (the eyes).

<• Peddlery, hawking. ilT !
To be eclipsed (sun). ^l.SCj| <-_j .juS
Pollen of palm-trees. i^ I
To assume a stern look, to be jilT
Lock of hair. Curl of hair. ilJT I
frowned (face).
c Tree-moss, lichen. jj^^^ <^^ His affairs are disordered. ijii-

a Sea-moss. trJ^*^' *^^ To cut a. th. to pieces. Sj ^ ^juS
Rustling of a snake. Crackling ^xiT a To disappoint a. o.
of fire. Sparkling of wine. Sternly and niggardly. 'Qo\L^[j (klS
D Fly-flap. ilJO Eclipse of the sim. ol-Sol "^j j>li^
To rustle (snake, cloth). j.SUiS' -ii-

To flee. -^ To behave peevishly. Fragment, bit.

Inexhaustible sea. jX ^^l V ^UJ Eclipsed (sun, moon). iL~^f jk yji^\^
Rustling. Escape. xlSCiT Unlucky (day).
-> Border of cloth, ^lir ^ ^SCJ.r Stern-faced, frowning. *>3" wi— l^^
lace, festoon. ,'

Grieved. JCJI —
To craunch : to peel * llTa \1S'-^ To be lazy, jJ^j,>Lra J^-«-
a. th. ,
slothful, sluggish.
To wound a. o. with (a sword).i_i s — To render a. o. lazy. ^ jlirl I

To roast, to dry up (meat). aUs'Ij — Sloth, neglect, laziness. jJlfcit^ J-^ '

To be chapped <iijr, 'llTa '^ j^iiTj jro j'lJ:, J\ir ^ o>ii.'0 j-jr
(hand). j
Slothful, lazy.
To be surfeited with. ^/> \lJC5j — ;
Slothful. Delicate (girl). J^IT
To be scraped off, paired MJsu \
Sluggish. Soft (woman). (m./.) jL-SsL;
(skin). To pound a. th. dry. » (^:S ^IT -)}
.^ ^

Siu'feited. To earn for (o.'s family). ic


Roasted and dried (meat). "

^ij' . -^ Manner shape. Costume.
( At A) itlT
To be taken oflf. To be To eat a. th. 4> ^1?} CJ.r , i ^IT -^
dispelled (fear). greedily. To glut.
Skin of a camel. Thimble. c^ulliiT:-. oCii-^P
To go away from 'U>ir} i/^^O o>.i3r
oiT-fi- —
To be anxious. Ciiscuta. Dodder (clinging plant).
To A S't'< \.Si^i=>i
(iiy 1 wilT -ft- To SJIaiJli 2f r-S^j J vWir a
, irlT -fi-
un^'over, to unveil, to disclose a. th. brood hatred against.
To discovei", to explore (a country). To scatter (people). ^ ^^^
To uncover a. th. To examine — ^ To sweep (a house). ^ —
a. th. To bark (wood). a rilSj —
His misdoings have wi^l^feOI iiiLT To brand, to cauterise (a 5 -r-lTj —
laid bare his shame. beast) on the flanks.
To visit a sick J^iy' J^ ^Aii'"^ To scatter away from. ^ r:'i.i^\^ —
person. To have a complaint of the ^_i5r
To be put to flight. ulTa wiiT flanks.
To compel a. o. to dis- ^f, s ^jl^ if- To clear away (clouds) : to ^ilT
close a. th. become serene (sky).
To reveal a. th. to. ^ 5 >Jl£\^ Disease of the flank. y^
To show open enmity to. Sjljiilii s — Flanks. Concha Veneris, ^y:!^' y, ^-tU'
To show the gums in laughing, ^jiii't shell.
To be laid bare, _ii5CJ(_j ^jcLisd He broke off with o!Ai j^ iiiiT^-^LT
disclo.sed ; to uncover o.'s self. him.
To spread in the sky (lightning).^jlSCj He resolved secret- _,> VI
J* i>ii.ri.j}W
To manifest mutual defect.^. ^jS.\bu upon the thing.
To ask a. o. to reveal s wAi5o.ll ^ Brand on the flank. y,\'-X
a. th. Secret hatred. XiVliT
Inspection, inquest. Survey, ^iir Blade of a sword. ^llSC^ j t-JAa
appraisement. Discovery. -^ Custom- Axe. 9-VlSO
house report. •^ Serene (sky). t'JJsJ'
Twisting of the hair. ^jS Having a complaint of the ^-jiXvi
Gift offered to a sick person.^Qiiir-*- flanks.
Discoverer. Inspector. xIlT^r ^^il^ To cut a. th. with /ft \'jj^\ jjS^
•^ Probe for wounds. the teeth.
Shameful action. ^iil^ ^ jiili^ To purify (butter). a aii'1
Pioneer, explorer. <> Custom- oCife> Earning for jiiiT^ i>i^ -^Al^j -^-^^
house officer. o.'s people.
Unarmed (warrior). 'LLij jt .jiutS' I
To show jjU ^ ^4^ , l^iT i ^^.iT -fi-

Having curled locks, the teeth (beast), to grin.

Unveiled, disclosed. o^i5C«j .if To smile to a. o. d{,A^
Explained. To show the teeth to. To j ^ui
Bareheaded. smile to.
Kiosk, pavilion. diiirP To threaten a. o. <j\'J] ^^ iJ ^f\
Groats mixed with Showing of the teeth. s^iC
sour milk and dried in the sun Food made of lentils and rice, j^^a
To cut off A j,lX^\j , Ci/ if He is my front- j^-.\isj^ Jj\>- >*
the (nose). neighbour.
To have a corporal or cy If a ^^ To take ^ A Iii.5o-:ij,Qiiri hlS" ^
moral defect. off (a covering) from.
Having a defect. ;^H To skin (a camel). s —
c.r ( "M\ ) x<r
Throat, ^Uairij ^ikC ^ JiTj ^iT Lynx. ^iTj ^liTi
bronchi, fauces. Small stoneless raisin, cur- j.^fP
Stopper, bond. ^llij; rant.
He has undertaken _,'V| ^ikSCj ii'l Receipt for taxes. o^\^ ^ JH/' ••

the affair steadily. Vetch ( ylant ). Jj.'r -^

Mouth of a river. v^ltC To be weak ia-y^'j La.'f i '^ -fr

Subterranean vji«5^ r- *i-4a5*^

— (voice).
conduit of a well. To be gathered (people). LaT —
Large water-skin. _JJ^ ^ Xi-^f To be frequented tr'UJIi Ca-^r

Choked with auger. ^^jiiSCij ^^r (water).
To be compact (flesh), i^jjf o ikr -11- To ilee away. j[^f'i

To be full of fat. Ci_. j^^C; To throng, to press '^zj:'\j Cr-lSC:

To be xtji:/j ^UO i^i?0 £«C o i JS** (crowd).
faint-hearted. Fright. Shudder. Emotion. u^;-^
To render a. o. faint-hearted. » JiTl ,
Contortion. Hum of locusts.
Weak and shy. J,Q»j J^r Crowd. Net for cat- ^.,Li»r ^ <^^
Sweet-faced. ^al^ll :^v&.j ^ cbing gazelles.
To prevent, to withhold a. o. ^]f ^ To meet with a repulse. C'^i^o^^^.is' -tt-

To be withheld. To be alarmed.^;sC:

To repel a. o. n CJaS^ —
"Weak and cowardly. ;3CJ^ To lose consideration. C^r ^^^i -fr

To ^l.^j Xi^fj *J^Cj ^.j^^ o fc_.ir

, i -Ji- To oppress a. o. 5 GiS' o 'JaS^ ^
have the breasts formed (girl). (food).
To swell (breasts). C_^ a ^^ To grieve a. o. j'
xtliiO C&Uif —
To till up (a vessel). A ,Jkfj,C^ - (affair).
To render a. th. cubical. To a ^^f To struggle des- ji Ct liiCj xliiSCi 'Jiir
fold (cloth) in squares. perately with a. o.
To hurry away. ,_^'\ To hate o. a. To fight despera- 'Ji5Cj
Joint of the ^\j ^/^fj ^usT ^ '^iT tely together.
bones. Ankle -bone. To be oppressed by (surfeit).^^ 'Jix.S'l.

Die : ossicle. Cube. v^Sj ^J^^ — To be overfilled (canal). ^—

Knot of reeds. Glory.
"" Surfeit, heaviness of the stomach. ilaST

Their glory has vanished. ^^i Hardship, difficulty, grief. J^UaT

Woman's breast. ^;^ Harsh, untractable (man). "M"
Die for playing. Square oljiir ^ ^^^ Overworked. Ji/liOj JiJ^Cij -b-^ —
house. Overbusy.
The Black stone, the Caaba. iii^l Surfeited. J»,iaSC>j ^::^
Virginity. ;;;5' To be fat. C/liS'o .-lir -i:^-

Having rounded ^iSCJj >^t(i=j ^jUr To notch (a bow, a ;*> i^Lf o ^k^ ^
breasts (girl). flint).
Swollen *J^h , v5t>= ?r v^^ Notch on a bow. Fat of the reins. _^
(breast). Sinew fastening the notch of a J^^
Cubical. Cube. wJiSC* bow.
To trench off a. th. with ^ a ^Uf -^ To close (a door). * CjaT ^laf -^ i

(a sword). To stop, to obstruct a. th.

Knot, knob. ^xJ' ^ o'jj^'^j o'J^^ To repress (anger), a ^^j CJaT — i

Prominent bone. Pod of a radish. To interrupt rumination C«jia^ —

Pi. Heads of the bones. (camel).
To hurry away. To sit ^;s'l — ^ c^ To break off \»^ ^^j It —
down. speaking.

ir ( -V"- ) r
To shade o.'s eyes -with the ^ "jSiLLX Short-sized. ^iir j, c.^
hand for looking at a. th. Cover of a fla,sk. t^
The people stood round '^'^ [jAiS\ — Nightingale. oliuC ^ c^T
for examining it. He reeled in walking. asx-La J _nir ^
To seek
to remove a. th. ^^ ^ ~ To
be big-bellied "i^/f'a ^ -«•

Tu ask alms. *Jji)0 — To be fat-humped (camel). jSTj —

Palm of the liSj liirlj oji^ r- oiT > To drive a. o. into a a l^if a _,i^
hand. Hand the wrist). Scale of
(to corner. To urge on (a beast).
a balance. Purslane [plant ). Hemp- Ganglion. i'_^
seed- Paw of a beast. Handful. <>• Glo- Big-bellied. _^
ve. Slap. Quire of paper. To pick a. th. with ^ (jiS'a. jif -S-
Anastatica Hierochuntinu^ ^_'j> ijS" the fingers.
rose of Jericho. Bone of the ^UT^ u-*^" i^-S'-^-
Leontopetalon, lion's-leaf. j^LVI — flnger-joints.
Cijclamen Europceum. Cake, biscuit, ( un. :§^f) diJiTP
Leaves of the Celastrus edulis »JiSCJI — To stick, to aggluti- jiSCj - J-T^
when di'j. nate.
ViYea:,chaste-tree. >C«ji?JI j\ ^li?^ VI — Dung of beasts).
( Dates in lump. jiS"
Helleborus fetidus, bear's Zjji\ — To muzzle (a fi>j s (J,f a >r-^
foot. camel). To stop (a vessel).
Variety of Ranunculus, crow- ^ll — ^ To thwart a. o. s jj-^j "~
foot. Sheath, case. ^l^?r j^
Ranunculus (
plant). ,11)1 j\ /.' ^m — Camel's muzzle. 'i^'^'d v^l^T

Gentian, fell- wort (;}^«nf ). ^*i!i — The openings of the road.jj;_,L!) ^^'^
Star in Cassiopeia. v^»--" lljS^' Muzzled. -^ Vexed. ^y^'^j j.^^S'
•^ He gave him a slap. ClT iilri» To lose liveliness. ^iH — jj.r-^
In front, *lf ^ ;lfj dsQ ^fj 'iXf "ij^ To be cowardly, sluggish, sy^ o Uf ^
opposite. To be unable to. ^i a ^-i ••
Palm of the >Jii?j ^^ ^r ^!—*r To weary out a. o. 5 "if -^
hand. Bezel of a ring. Plate of a Coward. Fugitive, •ui'l ^ i^l^^ _9i'&.
balance. Frame of a drum. Hollow Paper. -J^G^' ?r -i^''^-' -*6^ ^
full of water. Anything round. Libra Seller of paper. <^r^^
[constell. ). To hem, to fell (a gar- A uTo t^
Hunter's net. jSj <lf ment). To overfill To wrap
(a vessel).
Border of a garment. ^\ifj _ii^ ^ xl^ ( the foot ) in a I'ag. To collect
Selvage. Crowd. (things).
Head-shawl. ( /b?- :c^^) s^iT
• To drive a. o. away from. ^ & liT
Beggary. ^r To desist ; to refrain Jc. l^^~>j liT
Sufficiency, livelihood. ^\jS'j — from. To withdraw from (a place).
Cavity of the eyes. ^IT Leave it off. >j^jl ^^
The like of. Sufiicient (food). ^\if He has been blinded. 'e[/ai t^j tjf
Let me alone, and I shall ^JiiT ^s-^'^ To ask (beggar). i liSClLij _iiSo
leave thee. To hold out the hand liSC;\
The choice part of. ilf] ^ juT (beggar).
Selvage (of a garment). Circuit, rim. To refrain from. To set out ^c liSol.
Blade (of a sword). Side of a cloud. from.
Stitching. Having the iiif ^ life To roll up (snake). To be liSCU-i^
teeth worn out (camel). luxuriant (hair).
y;r C ^^s ) ^r
To race with. » CvuT, SrSlSC/! c-sCi. They came all of them. ^Uo ^Cjl «(?•

To contract. To be compact. c-iXil. Truce. ;li§li

To be lean (horse). To be altered Blind. ^-frfO ,
^^^ o^iS^' ir
(colour). The eyes. oL«SCi^l
To be turned away from. ^c- — To repel, to prevent ^ ^j^CiT
5 -W-

To take the whole of. jfc cis'l. a. 0. from.

Dead. Unseasoned ( bread ). c-i-f' •^To wrap a. o. or a. th. j\ s
— fii

Quick, light (man). To be withheld, prevented. Ui^JS^

Small pot. cJifj — ^ To wrap o.'s self in clothes.
Leaves of the Celastrus edulis xii_f To fly away. \ir a uf -)^
when f/reen. To follow, to repel a. o. 5 —

Fiery (horse). :iis^ ci^' To give up (a design). ^p —

•^ Balis of minced meat. liii'T To turn upside- A UiiTlj IB'lj Ufj —
He died suddenly. Vl-s^j CjUroC» down to reverse, to upset (a vessel).

Sound provision-bag. Sufficiency.j:,.ir To requite a. 0. fi>j » txis'j sUlSCi Ulf

S 'C>-\ifj o-J^C^ -rJ^^j . C>ur' a ^Sf -H- To resist a. 0. To watch a. fh. To
To kiss. To meet a. o. face to face. equal a. 0.
To strike a. o. with (a stick), o » — He has pierced thf>m i^^ji 1^4^
To take off (a covering). ^Jf both with his spear. fi>

He pulled the ^^u ^-.i^lj a-S^I j«W4 — To be inclined.To be prolific 'li'l

bridle and checked the horse. (.she-camel). To intervert the accents

To be ashamed, frightened. GjTa ?^^ of a rhyme.
He manages his own »j>»' ^'ji^ To incline a. th. A—
business. To give to a. o. the produce of s — 2^

To repel a. o. from. -c a ^-Js'l (camels).

To front o. a. (fighters). To 501SC: He swaggers in walk. xl.L,.n j uSCj

dash together (waves). To be equal to a. o. \s^

Struggle. War. 7^}^j ^Uf To turn away. To be defeated. vISCJl.
I met him face to face. To be altered (colour).
He ha.s given him every To ask from a. o. the s \'^i~.:.\, fi>

sort of goods. produce of (camels) for one year.

Equal. Unexpected guest. Eijuality, likeness. Zi^jifj *ur

Husband. Match, equal. Tent-curtain. 'Uf

Rough (sea). ^I^'VI r-^[S^i^ Equal. -ufj "US'! ^ y^j jk'fj jkf
To strike a. o. ^ » i^ir a T-Sf -5^ fy- Match, able.
with (a stick). Equal, sufficient. XXJtfj '^^fj 'ytj 'j^if

To cover, to <fc ^Ifj i^I^ i^^r

, ^If -ft- Annual produce (of camels, sU^ sUr
conceal a. th. palm-trees).
To become <i\'Jtj \'jyi^j 1^0 1^,15' - Interior of a valley. -^ifj nf
an unbeliever to be ungrateful. < To
: Dissonance in a rhyme. "

blaspheme, to curse. Coeval. Equivalent. *^iS^i ^ 'j,^

To deny (the faith). ^ ^f To tuck (the cJSj ,V;if ciS* -«-
fi> i

To deny (a bene- ^^ (Ajk^j \jjli' — fft> skirts). To draw a. th. to o.'s self.
fit). God has taken him. (551*
— '.uil

To make an unbeliever of. jlf ^' To withhold, to turn a. 0. ^e. — TS

To accuse a. o. of unbelief. -^ To away from.

make a. o. to curse. if- To pour out a. th. at once fit c^kt
To forgive a sin ) to a. o.
J A — c.A>oj , CiiiSj u'jiSj CjUfj tir i C^i^
(God). To fly or run swiftly.
To conclude an agreement with.. sjlCf
or )

He redeemed his oath.

<^^c*i cf" »^
He bscame answerable to <_j i) jl?^ To pay honour, to (a prince) J Js^
him for. in bowing down.
He put a pad upon the 1;\m2\ jiii'lj — The king has been viili^,
camel and sat upon it. crowned.
To place a. o. behind o.'s seli.^ iS^{ To deny (a debt) to. A i j'^
We have passed over Jl?jli UiiiJTI^ To inhabit (a village). Jci=.\jjiS'\
the mountain. To call a. 0. an unbeliever to 5 J^'\ :

Postei'iors, buttocks. Jiis'l ^ jlf make of a. o. an unbeliever. To char-

Double requital. Portion, Jui'l ^ jiTi ge a. 0. with blasphemy.
part. Riding b.-hind: standing at the Homage of Persians to their king.^^S*
rear (soldier). Camel-saddle, pad. Village, remote village. jj^ ^ J^
Fosterer. Surety. jli'^r Ja^5* Grave.
God. JiiSCJI Darkness of the night. a'jktj JSlj

Bail, surety, warrant. ^IliT Ingratitude. Unbelief. Tar o\l^j j'^
Surety. *Xi'r^j ('«•/"• s- pl-) JrfS^ for ships. <- Blasphemy.
responsible. Similar. Integu- jifj ^s^Jflj </J^j Jjitj jif
Neighbour. Companion, ally. Js^Cj^ ment of a palm-blossom.
Secured (debt). *{ J_^iSv.> High (mountain). _^
Debtor whose debt is warranted. Hi, — Atonement. Crown. Jj^JCi
Warrantee. ij

To spin (wool). To ^ Cif i ^Lf -^ Ungrateful. Infidel.
J^ ^ jJS'j , oj^jlSj
cover (bread) with hot ashes. Renegade. Disbeliever.
To shroud (the dead). s ^Ifj — Dark cloud, night. Sea. Armed _,jif
To wrap o.'s self in. ,_, JiS^ from head to foot. Coat of mail.
Without salt (food).
^f Amphoras, jars. ^'S^
Shroud. ijUirl ^ ^iT Camphor. Camphor-tree. j^\f
The Holy Shroud. ^ta'J] ^xXi\ Camphorata Monspelicn- j^jjlfeOlxioi^
To shine in darkness ^is'i. — j^'j^^ sis ( plant).
(star). To be intensely dark (night). Ungrateful to God. Impious. sJuT ^ juf"
To be stern-looking. Atonement. Alms, fasting. Sjt^
Shining of stars. Darkness. J^j^\ Clad in armour. _,I.5Ci/ij jlSJ'

Thick and black Stern ^^5Ci

(cloud). Treated with ingratitude. _;lxLi
(look). Rugged (mountain). Fettered shackled. :

Equal, alike.
"^j ^^
jiS <
To be crook-footed (child ).C_ira(,r-^'^
To be distorted (foot). ^^iJCJI,
To suffice, to satisfy s ijiiC i i^ -S- Crook-footed. ,jJt^ 'llif ^ ,jJs']
a. 0. Swaddling-clothes. ^rilC
God i' a sufficient \'i,.
^ f.. jji, i_r' To nurse 5 jlfj ,z)Lirj !Air o Ji/ *
witness. a. 0.
To do instead of. ^^j ^ JS s ^_j SuSj y>i<r, !Aif jifj a jiO i o jir
To give sufficient provi- ^^ 5 iS* To guarantee : to make o.'s self res-
sion to. ponsible for.
To protect a.
0. a^^op ^l jl ij'at »
^ To assume (a duty).
He became surety for
To suffice IS
Js" -if-j ^usTj sVs'vSCi Jl^ him to his creditor.
a. 0. To appoint a. 0. as
To requite a. 0. with. ij 5 — surety for. To ask a. 0. to be surety
To grow (plant). JS:j for.
-^ ( "\e

illumed by lightnings ( cloud ). To content with. To do with- ^ J^[

To smile. To flash faintly jjSCJI. out a. th.

(lightning). To be blunted (sword). To ask a. o. to do for. ^ ^ Jm'C _-.i\^

Fatigue, weariness. HyS'j JmO '^ To rely on. to trust to a. o. »_, —

Burden. Family. Orphan. («./»/.) jr Suffi- (m. $. f. pi.) Jtj JSlj iiir
Single (man). Back of (a sword). ciency. Enough.
All, the whole. '^ This man ji.j ^^ di JlTj ^'JT 0*3 '-i*
The whole. j§Ol will do for thee.
Any one. ^ 'J" ^ Sufficiently. *il^li
Every soul. ^^ 5^ Food, sufficiency. 'iT^ xl^
Every one, each.
He has killed them all.

^^ ^'c%
Requital, reward.
suii',- ,'-J>0
The whole alfair is in *-u^ ilP^^VI ol To shine, to glisten ^'^— ^iaf -Vc

the hand of God. (iron).

Whatever. Whenever. i;!^ Star ; constellation. White-^i^^ —
•^Whoever. J'jlS' ness in the eye. Dew-diups. Water.
Not at all.
Blunt sword.
^ Source of a well. Brightnes.s of iron.
Sword. Main ^art. Youth in the
il^ prime of life. Chief of horsemen.
^ Ball, marble. Bomb, JiS'^ :df Ts Garden-flower. Toadstool.
shell. Mushroom. Talc. c^jvi —
Veil. MusLjuito-curtain.o^fj JlTir <^ Siderite (minei'al). ^'J>ii\ Jh>-
State, condition. Jg^
— Gloomy, calamitous (day). ^i^j'i j,y_
Remote relationship cousins, y ^vT
; They dispersed in ..^'^ '^ z^i \Jj»''i

He is a remote i"elation.ii>^|^£ ^t
Universal. "^
^ every direction.
Un. A Crowd, Detach- tlS'^
^iSt^ star. -fy-

The whole. -i>- University, :§&C_3I ment of cavalry, squadron.

college. Starred, star-lit (.sky). i^5%SCjJ
The genera, universas, the cjC\Li\ jiyiT, jj^lTj-^^j v>ifj 'v^,j Mr i or •*
five predicates. To be tired, weary, weak. To have
Crown. Flesh :drb J^'ifal ?- Jtr^'. only remote relations.
around the nails. Umbel of a plant. To become dim (.sight). To be jlSj —
Three stars in Scorpio. -^ Clerical blunted ( sword ). To be on edge
tonsure. ( teeth).
Melilot, honey-lotus. «iitiJ)
— To forsake o.'s people. j'^
Rosemary (shrub). j;ij| — To crown a. o. -^ To marry (a 5 —
Blunt (sword). si^ -^f _^ j^j y couple : priest).
Weakened (sight). Faint (lightning). To act zealously in. J —
Dull (man). To rush upon. js, —
Jaded. Languid. ;[Jir To be frightened away from. ^ —
Crowned. Flowery (meadow). jSi^ To have jaded beasts. ^1
•^ Married. To jade (beasts). i —
To become callous ji:JsC.7j jSGr-<>- To weaken (the sight : tears). A —
(skin). To be crowned. < To receive the ^^^
Callousness, blister. sl&tiT-^- nuptial blessing.
Chest. jryr^jfeur^ To surround a. o. >_>

Short and nimble {vaan). jfyit ^ jis^^ To be a remote rela- '_^l oj 5 —
To keep a. o. » h:^j ^yS'j Sir a 'i^^ tion to a. o.
safe, to guard a. o. (God). To be faintly j^l J, '^\j ;}SCJo -
Cynoglossiim, dog's tongue. »,jSCj ol~i I
C \6
To be postponed (-payment). ^tJi^'yS"

Sea-dog. -^ Shark. J>'J\ yJS" To fix (the eyes) on. jA >^1j 'ySj
Beaver. -UJI — To eat herbage (camel). >U.1j '"9^

The wolf. j^\ — To -A^f^b Swrlj , -AT a ^ir, , S^

Fetid and yellow-leaved ^JiSCll 5«i abound with herbage (country).
fchoi-ny shrub. |
To bring (a ship) » ^iL6=uj U-lS^ 'yr
H^rehound ( plant). ^JSCil <h^ \
Kmpalement. k_)>i%OI i^i^ i
To buy upon ><SC:-Llj bi^ii'lj ':A5Cjj —

contempt. Rascal, credit. To receive (an earnest).


•^ J'cr/n of ^\^C({
doggish man. \
He ended his life. i^;^ ^aJTI
Hook of a saddle. V^^ "r-^
To be sleepless (eye). >^15'I.

Canine madness, hydrophobia, ^JS" To be on the watch against. — ^

Canine hunger. Severity of cold. Fresh herbage. 'y^\ ^ 'yS"
Rabid (dog). oCB'-^ Safe-keeping. s«>^r
Bitch. Wicked woman. XJS" Sheltered haven. Bank of '"^^isi^j ^yS"
The fever. a river.
Thorny tree without branches. tii'O <t^ Post- sV^, Jl^TJ 'JlS^^r Jl^J 'Js'
Pincers, forceps. cjIj^ t v^^j o'i^iS' poned debt. Earnest.
Straitness. Dearth. Intensity of <;i^ Abounding
cold. Rope of palm-fibres foi- sewing
s->iM/;j ^l&vij XiJ^ j.
in herbage (ground).
skins. ]May God lengthen _^i)| yi"] ^b 'jji jij
Delirium, paroxysm of rabies. ^^^T thy life to the utmost limit!
Bitter-stoned (apricot). 'Ji,^ Sleepless (man). cn2\ 'JS"
Spear. Prong. ^^yS" ^ i_jjBS ujy&. To spur (a horse). fi,j ^ CiTo w^IT-H-
Hooked iron, hooked peg. Spur of To double (a leather-bag).
a hawk. PL Thorns of a ti'ee. To bark for kJiSo-Lb,Car i ^^
Having hounds. ^yXj ^M= stirring dogs (man).
Pack of hounds. <^^j »-.)(&> To become rabid, mad CiTa ^^IT
( dog To be foolish man ). To be
). (

Rabid, hydrophobic. Severe (time). enraged. To be hard ( winter ). To

Eager c)f. ic. ^f eat voraciously.
Training hoimds. wi&i.* To desire a. th. eagerly. ic —
Trained (hound). Fettered To suffer from canine madness.C>r,_^
(captive). ^ To cohere (parts of a whole). ,_^
Handcuffs, manacles. j-^-^ ° To train (a hound). 5 —
To start (a horse), finj s fciTi ci^-^ To torment a. 0. 5 C^ASj i;j^ ^Jika
To throw or to collect a. th. To show enmity to.
To pour a. th. into. j A — To feed upon (thorns
camel). ^— :

To be poured. To shrink ciSCJi. To have rabid camels. ,_^\

(man). To show mutual hatred. kJ^
To drink up a. th. A c^^i To rush together upon. u. ^vSCj

Portion of food. 7&]A Dog any^ifea ^»j ^l^b v^'r v-^

: ]

Brave, generous. ijtir- ^tOT-K- animal of prey. Iron on the axis of a

Strong men. ,pife. mill. Iron-hook, peg. Pawn (in a ga-
To 90$^J r^\j , (USlfej <^)>L a rdr -ft- me).
be stern-looking, grin (face). The constellation Canis J<f% ^SCJI
To contract (the face). A nisTtj 7^ major, Sirius. dog's star.
To meet a. 0. with a stern 5 t-jOs The constellation j,'jjc^\j J«ivi —
face. Canis minor. Proajon star.
(^ (

^ To cost a. 0. so muvJi (goods). » ^r To smile. To flasli lepeatedly ^1^

•^ He too'c the trouble, he o^WU- — (lightning).
took paing. Stern look. <>yiS'
To inspire a. o. with : to i_, 5 ,_iis'1 Barren year. y'^j ^^Af
enamour a. o. of. Mouth and its surrounding jiiT
To undertake (a painful task). * ^SCj parts.
To pretend a. th. To spend ( mo--fy-
Stern, peevish. Severe (winter). ,4 (is
ney). To consti'ain o.'s self. Ugly, foul (man). ^'^
< To spend for. jc- — Tobeapup(thinga).A jk'j,\j^S'i jB'-tt-
To assume a reddish hae(wine) (J^UTI. To be thick, compact. j^Cj
Brown reddish colour, xlis:^ ^r, ^f Rugged andatoneless ground Hills. joT
Love, attachment. is^vTj ^ir Hard and uneven ground. sjoT
Red spots on the face. -"^-Fj-eckles.^r Chaldean, from ('haldea. 'jliirj o'J^'^
Expense, cost. ~~ Cellar. jyS"-^
>Sy^\ 5- *^^J
Consti'aint, trouble, incon- _i'l^^ xiiJ' Keeper of a cellar, jn'j^'^'^
venience. <>- Expenditure. ^ Clergy. J-SjiS'l G
In love with. ^ *45'_^ ^iT •^ Clergyman, clerical ">i.ij\^\
Painfalta.sk. ^USC: ^ UkS^j^.^^iT student.
<- Trouble, fuss, cere- .i^iVfeo ^ ^^^ To make up th. JSj i^ir ifc . i jif -«-

mony, PL Taxes, duties : expenses : To dart upon its prey (falcon). y^^S'l.

legal summons. ^ England. ( un. CjJjl&Jl. ) J-^\

<>• \Mthout ceremony. ^^IJo >Ij Englishmen. Protestants.
Brown, tawny. ^i^^ 'Uir^ ^B'l To plaster (a house). >* ^"^ — ^if—
Wine. 'llifcOl To calcine (a body).
Intruder. Dissembler. ^iifeifji To be calcined (lime). jj-l5^t>

^ Raft on the Tigris, olfejr^ d^'iTP To quench thirst. •[;!) ^/. ^jJS^j —

To wound 5 C_iSCj JS'j Cir , i >r^ Quick lime. |_^

a. 0. Grayish colour. *Ji5r
To spaak to, to j-
C»yfj U-,^^j J\^ Socks, stockings. oUUr^ Xlir-^
address a. 0. Lime-kiln.
<>- <.l:Ar
To converse with a. 0. ^ '!("= Grayish (wolf). (/or ^Ibl ) ^'\
To converse together. J^ Chyle.
To utter ^j ;» C.:>^7j CliC ^tsCj Lime-burner. Seller of ^ifeiij ^r^^'
(words). lime.
To speak on behalf of. To speak ^— <- Eel. ^L^jl T
of a. o. To dry (scurf ). (UT a ^'0 CJT a ;.Vr * ,

Wound. y^fj ^J^ ^ Js" To be dirty, chapped (foot), u^a /^r

Word. Discourse : j.i'j o^b"^ x^ir To defile a. 0. (dirt). s ^.'l^l
poem. To ally, to unite together. ^tsCj
Word, expres- Jf^ i^Ifj oCir^ , xUr Ill-natured. xiiT ^ ^Jf
sion, sentence. Dirt, chaps on the feet. ^^
The ten Commandments. oVi^!l>Li)l Filthy (vessel, skin). ;.^
The Verb of God. *!?^yi XiiS^l Part of a flock. xilT
Language, speech. Saying. Talk, ^y^^ Strength. j^^J'
Sentence. To become red (face). CaTa wiir-S-
Dogmatic theology. ^!ASC!I Jic To be addicted to, to be in love v_,

Defective sentence. ir with.
Large carpet, rug. *;.ii1 ^ ^.if To impose ( a difficult task) 4> s ^r
Eloquent. UC^ V,^'0 "i^,^^
! ! ^

To wrap o.'s self

in (clothes). ^ JS3
C ^o ^^
Orator, -*y^,i TyS^,^
r .
j^y^ifuj y^,
To be wrapped. ^^iSi eloquent,
Quantity, amount, cjt.:S' t *;i^ 'j^ laterlocutor. Surname •li'iS'^ ^^iT
quantum. 0/ Moses.
Sleeve. *iiij ^Ui'1 '^ Wounded. jvA^J ^^^ t —
Round cap.

^ Speaking. Musulman theologian. ^^:;i

First person [in grammar).

~*'^^j,^,^'j *^b J>^J ^^'^ rr 'J

Calyx of a flowei'. Envelope of the Crab-fish. /.'jS" y\ a
palm-blossom. To wound a. o. in the » CiTi ^^
Muzzle. ^Uij — kidneys
HaiTow. Muzzle for asses. itSC* To have a com- J^h 1 J^ a if
To -wrap o.'s self ^CJC; — ^^L^ -S- plaint of the kidneys.
in clothes. To put on a round cap. To come to a hidden place. iZiSC^ Jr
Camcamum-iYQQ.\ mastic-tree ^lSC;5" To keep on the rear. JLiCj
and its resin. oi;^tj ^^ pO>iJj c>\:i^c^ 'c'^i <^
To walk barefoot. To liTa ^^ ^ Loin. Kidney. Under part of cX^j
be chapped (foot). a cloud.
To be mindless, heedless of. ^— The sides of the valley. J?'^y>^ J^
To feed a. o. with i ijrij UTa , iiT Emaciated ewes. JfeOl '\y^ ^i
truffles. Both, the two (ones). i^'^r^ >^
To abound in truffles (place). i;.s'l I saw l^Jir oaV^Ij >dVJr" ^c^'3
To pick up truffles. U.5Ci the two men (them both) .

To loathe a. th. A— I saw ii4^irp^\pij Cru'Oi)! OafcJb

To hide the dead) in the o>U J* —
( the two women.
earth. Four feather.5 of abird'swing../jlaJI '^
Blackish truffle. iK'Si '^\ -r 'j^ Having a complaint of the '^^^
Mushroom. kidney.a.
Seller of truffles. •or Particle of admiration and 'J^ ^
Bed of truffles. interrogation. How much ? how
^ Bill of exchange many ? how
To be dark i:cSj U;i3'ic3'o c-It* How many gold coins i^M ju^i '^
bay (hoi'se). we have spent
To repress (anger). ^ {-^ o c-V'S' How many gold coins Itliit C*ji '^
To dye (cloth) dark red. a ciT hast thou ?
To become dark red (horse, c-i^ tf- Some, few. ja-ij^
To be dai'k bay. c-lii'lj c4i'lj ciS'l
<>- How much, much more.
Sufjix of the 2f' person of the per- 'Jf
jj»i\j, ^
Yellow bay colour. 'G** '^^ ional and possessive pronoun mas-
Chestnut-bay colour. M^io — culine plural. You. Your.
Dark bay (horse). c^-r ('"• A) «^*^ As. i;jr

Reddish wine. Nightingale. Suffix of the 2'' masc. and fern. i^T
Brown bay horses. '4}'-^ SS- pers of the dual. You both. Your two.
To walk with short steps. Jc^ ^ To cover a. th. To stop A tS o 'jX
Pear. ( M?i. oljvii^sOw^) J^^l^T-^ a (vessel).
^ White unleavened bread. ^C^P To muzz'e (a bull). 5 —
Flour of first quality. To put forth 'J-\j J;Si, (^jiSj L^'J-
To pull in, to y ^^-S'ij , <>^ a 9-U^ -» the integument of its blossom (palm-
check (a horse). tree).
To put forth its gems (vine). ^.is'1 To put sleeves to (a gown). A^lj^lT
u^ ( )
To come to blows. Checking (his horse). ^I'ite
Nimble. To be haughty. *i;l| 6^a ^^T*
Laborious (man). To check (a horse) with (the i_j s —
•^ Handful. bridle).
Having small ^kySj 'iLJ'j j'^S Pride, self-magnification. ^ijT
udders (ewe). Vinegar-sauce, •ki'S'^ -^ in^Us P
-^ Pincers. -<iJ^ seasoning.
Purblind. Short- ^i.;^- ^ 'KLS ^ J^\ Damask stuff, silk. Uiii'>
footed. <>• Dirt, dregs, sediment. i^cS
To cut (the leg.s). *> U^Ta f^^ ^ To be sad, grieved. To Q;i'a J^T-tt-
To put the head in (a vessel). j — be worn out (
garment ). To fade
To wade through (water horse). : (colour).
To lie besides, to sleep with i ^aQs> To beat (cloth : a IS^;.^, iXTo aJT
a. o. fuller).
To drink from the mouth of ^ /^Si To foment (a limb). <• To a j^r
(a skin). level (a terrace).
Bed-fellow. ;^*?j r'^ To distress a. o. (sorrow). a s^S
Man's garment. Dwelling. ^'^f To cleanse (a stuff) imperfectly, * —
He is at home. .^T J 3 * Paleness, alteration of slcij -^j -i-'S

jlSC5jV^j Vi;ra JJTj o'jJ'j ^ s^ complexion. Change of colour.

To b 3 whole, perfect. jiSj'tj JJ»^j Sorrowful countenance, e'jlJS'j XS
complete. To be achieved. sadness.
To perfect, to fi^ j;SCi:.lj j;5'b jt^T Beating of a garment. Fomen- ii^i*
perform a. th. tation.
•^ To recover the remain- a JiSCi-1 1^
Bandages. SiCfj —
der of (a debt). Altered in complex- j^Sj
The whole. j;.r ion : .sorrowful.
Igave him the whole M^r JiJI i^i«t1 ^ To cover, to wrap
of the property. a. th.
Perfection. di'CX rr O'CS To be covered.
Complement. ilL3''<>-j <lJC» Waist-purse. moneybelt.jViJ'l ^ _>irP
Perfect. Whole. j^r Custom-house.
•fy- ij^^ oj ^iyj" Ts
Perfect. Poetical metre. ;13'-r Ji''^ To round a. th. with A i3;ri jiT*
Finished (well or ill).
S-^1 the hand.
Supererogatory works. o^iSCjS Round heap of dates.
To lay ^5^0, C^a ^r, o ^i^T-W- Sand-mound.
hid. To be stei'n-looking.
To lurk in wait of. ^^U) — Purblind.
To be concealed (hatred), jli.^1 j — To bind the teats of
To have red eyes. O^ii'^^^j a ^JT (a .she-camel).
To conceal a. th. To brood * ^jf\ To maim a. o. with (the ^ 5 -
(hatred). sword).
To lay in wait.
o*^ To cla.sp a. th. ^ J:.tS'j , (l;r o J-'S
Too, also. CiCT-^-
Ambush. oliT ^ :a;3r To be nimble, quick. ^_ji4SCjlj J.^$^j
Amaurosis, the drop serene. ixS To urge a. o. 5 j.^
Hidden. Latent. Unawa- >L:;i'^c5»r To tuck up (the skirts). — fi>

res. To be wrinkled ( face). ^jiiSCJIj jJS^

It is a hidden affair. oj^T «,.? ^1

'i* To .shrink (cloth).

Latent, lurking. oi5oij ^.vrj ca*^
To be concealed from 2^s-b crS\
Cumin (
plant). _
sight (girl).
Light brown. 's>,,>^^
To go back home. u>^--l

^ Carcum, Armenian cumin. ^;J\

Yeil. House. Covert, x^fij 2;f
Pigella, black cumin. j'J
Place of concealment.
Blanket, wrapper. i-f Anise {plant). ^ u>i^
^ ^
Concealment, lurking. ^
Daughter-in-law. Sister- cr,^^^ slJ"
Philosohical sect asserting o>4.S^" J*'
in-law. same
that souls were cx'eated at the
.^ Quiet, r3st. ^ ^ *^f
Ridged x'oof. Shade, a^j d^ -r *;^
time. , ^

*^'l tJ^f
Lurking-place. i>i^ ^r c^f*^
Veil, covering. ?r
Hidden (sorrow). c.;5C2; -^j »^^^-^
Quiver. oO'u?^ '^''^^'^ ^"^^
ojj^ Two-chorded violoncella, o^^"
Fire-pot ; warmer. CAji^r ^ iJyiSj
December. "JV"^*
^yf^ To be blind.To bs dim \^ a *jr -«-

January. 4*^' >^>'^

(eye). To be dark (day).
Hidden. Carefully kept. oj-5^^J '^^
-C.iai'-f To wander at random.
Hidden. Secret hatred.
^^-i^i- Blindness from birth. ^
To be sedentary, cowardly.
Q^ii' o ^-5' -!^ Wandering at random. <'S^''3 't'f.
To be coarse, w^J'lj ,
*;.5' ^ 'lU'S'
Born blind. ^ *^^}
rough. To become rich.
He is gone at random. J^.'JS' v^i
To stow a. th. in j A CU^i w-Lf
Blind. <^*" **^^

(a bag).
be callous »^s"b

V^a ^^J^ To tuck up (o.'s clothes). To -^ j^
set on.
(hand). , ,

(tongue). To be collected (things). J*^^

To be impeded _ v-^j'l
- To contract from cold.
He feels a pain in the ;iJ3; *:U
To ;*

conceal a. th.
JXJj J>^h ^ ^^ ,
Callousness. v^ He put on a breast- il-ii JiX) J>^
Raceme of a palm-tree. oUC
plate and a helmet.
Barren, dry (tree). _
v^-^ _ ^

To kill (awarrior). J-^^

Coarse (camel's foot). ^^^
* -
To conceal (a house) from ^-^
Horse-housing. ^y:^~ J^^^
To be strong, *2li J (hlTo c-U'-^ , .

He was clad in armour. ^^1 J ^-^^
o. (calamity). 5 JS^^
To be rough (skin). CUJ" a c^,S To crush a.
Jl. -^i^l
The army had its chief ',^.11 jp^
To submit to. ",
Strong (skin). Ci^^ .

To be concealed. jS^ \
Al/iekengi, winter-cherry. r-^\^ -^ ^

Iron-clad. Brave. •Ui'b "<^*< -r '^-^

To disacknowledge ^ \':>yS o .ajJ" -K-

Armed. V; '*

(benefits). To cut a. th.

of the personal and pos-
Part of a mountain. e^ Po>-f//a'
2d person

sessivepronoun of tlu

i^j oiiT
feminine plural. You. Your ^
Unthankful. i'oT, ("J. ^)
RebsUious. Ungodly. Avaricious, i_^r
To fi>'c^\j 'j'h cr^j ^^^j cr o yr.

conceal, to keep (a girl) from

pitiless. Barren (soil).

Frankincense. j-*-^ '-' To keep (a secret), j A illJ'b '^''^J~

^ To be soothed (grief). ^^o-Lb jr
High and hard ground. »3^r -}^
Perch, roost for falcons.
To abate (wind). ^

1 4- To soothe^ to quiet a. o. S caS

tf- European boots. Sj'-u^
Anxiety. iiiijr ^ Bootmaker. "a. jjJiTT
To fold the wings ^]j ^(f.jij' a ^':S ^ Hellebore : ptarmic. "
^ JiiT P
for alighting (bird). Magpie. J.'^'T -«-

To draw to its setting (sun). f:xJS' Border of cloth. /S ?••*

To be at hand (affair). Fruit of the lote-tree. jCi'-tt-

To desire a. th. ('anary (bird). ''SjJiS' <)
To submit to. Jl- Piece of linen. 33ur
To cleave to a. o. (scent). ,_,
— Kind of j^ttS'j CjVj^ t: o'J^j ojtS"^
He swore by God. Juj -OiU — guitar.
To retire from. i ^St — To bury (a treasiu'e). ^ \J<S"\ JtS'-H-

To shi'ivel. C.^ a r^j t_^ a ^r To press a. th. in a bag. To stick

To contract a. th (a spear).
To humble o.'s self. To be compact (flesh). To be Jc^[
To assemble. ^\) - pressed together (dates).
To be bound with (fetters Buried treasure. Gold.
: jjL.^^JiS'
captive). ^tji JiJTj ,
jCr^ AJ" ^ ( m. f. ) jus;
To be addicted to. Fleshy. »'->i4'0
To draw near (night). Season of st n'ing dates, storage. juT
To compassionate a. o. Stored dates. -^^—^
Wrinkled, broken (old man Compact and hard. J^i^h ~
Camous (nose). Fettered (captive). ^jiT Treasure. Depository.
Having a broken hand. Vehement ^.^r To sweep * ^a^ , CLTo
(hunger). (a house).
9.^i&i>j Ais>^i /'^•j r-'^ ^ 'Uii^ J. ^J'r
I To enter ^Ss" \j ^^j , i^/M i ^jJS"
Dry-handed. her covert (gazelle).
Canaan, son of Ham. oUir To retire in a tent. ^kisu
The Canaanites. o^iJUifeJI Sweepings. i.:C^
To keep, to preserve ^ Ciiro ^Lii -S- Nose -bag. •(> Jewish synagogue. ,_,_A4jr
a. th. To hoard, to press (a measure). Retired, shy girl. ^ <~i^ ^S^
To stray from. .p — Christian church: synagogue, temple.
To fence a. th. ^ ^fe>_j — Ecclesiastical. '^j^Cr-^
To help a. o. » ^\^ ^\^j ^f Covert of gazelles. XLxfSj ^jSf'^ i^UT
To build an enclosure ? CJ.J'i o — Repairing ^\'^j ^Yj o-j^f rr oA^
for (cattle). to its covert (gazelle).
To surround, to en- j yjil^\j j^isu The stars. The angels. ^^J&t'l iSj)'y>i\
compass a. o. Sweeper. ^^UT
To make an enclosure for cattle._ii;&,l, Broom. ^y>L7' ^ l_iSC^
Shepherd's bag. ^r Remaining in its covert (gazelle) .^i5C.>i
Wing of birds. Shelter, ^us'1 ^ ^i^ To twist the skirts fit CsaJTo ^JT-tt-
protection. of ( a garment ). To blunt ( a tooth-

Side, flank. Country, neigh- xi;5j — pick).

bourhood. To urge a. o. to complete jc- » JiSS'S
Retired place. ^i's^ wiiiT^ ^f a. th.
Privy. Enclosure. Veil. Shield. Stump, stub. oCi.l25'^*i,£!r
Shelter. :tijlj' To move the nose in ^IS— ^"^-^
Pastry made olsUr ^ xLSj sSutV scofdng.
of sweet vermicelli. Sturdy (ass). ^/'CiT'
Help, succour. *ijl&i/J To grieve » hlisCj , Qiir i o Jil.r ^
Thick-bearded. sl^Ill ^5Ci a. 0. (affair).
~ ^—
\canthw>. bear's breech JZ^l'
To electrise a th.
Yellow amber.
Coifee-kettle, metal boiler. ^
aSCT d
To reach the fi> .jz^\j S^ - <:.6» »-

farthest limit of.

Bottom, farthest end. Entity. *LS
To be full of caves
Way, manner. Quantity. Opportu-
To enter (a grotto). ^ J^i^\
He knows it perfectly 7fi^^\ 'o *Vd
Grotto, cavern. Shelter. ci>i^^ -4f.
^^SOl i_jU-9\ well.
The seven sleepers. , ,
, .

Improper speech. **^^-^ 4

Egg-plant, aubergine. ^J^i ..S^ ^
Portions of clouds like moun-j;]^:r*
T^'aurth Coptic month : De- d^sT.^'
To allude to. ^ J, 'XA^ ^>Jj o CT

ji^ij jivr, -i^^ o jiTj , ,v^a j;r -«- i

To reach mature age. To speak allusively of.

To '^^ i^
To marry. J^/^, ^i f>i '^h '^30 -^r^J '

by-naine, to surname a. o^

To bs full-grown (plant), ji^fe-b J*?^ i

Mature age. To be by-named.

*c5>4^ *^>*^
Of j450 oy^-Tj J\ifj J^J ^^^i^T Ji?-
By-name. j5j
^ietonimy. Allusion.
^ XiSS
mature age ( man). Full-grown (pla.).
Withers of a horse : JM'^ ^ ^^ Instead
Hinting. Speaking

base of the neck.
Hinted at. '^'- ^sf~\
To crush a. o. (adver- i ij^
Surnamed. i>—
To wai'm the hands ^C^— ^T-^
To be blun- C«_^ S^l^T o J^j
weakened. with the b-eath. To roar (lion ). To
groan (camel).
To be weakened (eye-sight). S^C^T
Blunt (sword). Slow-pacing
Roaring of lions : groan of
Impeded (tongue). camels.
- Weak, timid. S('>i^i e^^
Decrepit and miserable (man).^^j
"^ To be dark C^i^ C^To w+'O a ^^ ^
To pretend to c^^j ^^fa. o c^iX
gray (camel)..
be a diviner.
To foretell a. th. to.

To be altered (colour). L.V^S'V

To become a divinei Dark grav colour (of camel?). X^

.^ To be a priest.
Divination. Dark gray.
To run (ass). Olo^ij Ij^a a;r-«-
.^ Priesthood. i

Diviner. Steward
To start (an ass). 2[

<) Priest. I To importune with requests. ,^l!a! j I

To be red-faced and foul j''^^y»'j>^^

To be weary, tired. ^i^'l
breathed. j
To tire, to weary a. o. ^

To vie in pride with. 5 (/"vr Toil, weariness. _

Swift-running (ass). ;i'.i^\ :>y^
To warm the fingers with the
To be advanced (day). >^r a ^*
To abstain from. To be intense (heat).


To respect, to regard a. o.^ » J-^K To meet a. o. with a stern face, n

I am ashamed to *> '<t)^S^\ ol <iX^iA j
To oppi'ess a. o.
explain it verbally to thee. I
Stern-looking. *jjS^ -'-'-^
To hasten. jiSCi-llj jC::S'lj jir Red-faced and foul-breathed. AJi
To carry a bundle on jV6=cJ,lj — Stone without crack.
the back. Men of talent. 'l^iLvl

To thrust down a. o. with a :^

/^ •'S53 J'pj Cj\^ ?r S^J '"j^i j>^ fr
spear. Garret-window; mural aperture.
To pack up (luggage). fit
— To drink from a ujUJ'lj C ^T o cjir-S- ,

To make (the night) to alter- ip a — cup.

nate with (the daj : God). To pound a. th. ^ i_j^
To despi.se a. o. U jVn Cup without handle.
To fall down. To be prostrate. j^SC'J Sigh.
To wind on a turban. To be in j\:i'[ Stone pestle. Drum. Chess.
readiness. To raise the tail in run- Backgammon.
ning (horse). To have few leaves cf^ — cj^ -S-
Ship laden with corn. OjVr^ jtf (corn-crops).
•^ Craft, profession. Good crop. *j^
Nature. Plenty of goods. j^ To ,irb ^jir, ^'^}
IS , Cv-/- ^rr «-

Twist of a turban. Large j\yr] ^ — overpower a. o.

flock. To do harm ro o. a. ^JlSCj
Blacksmith's oO^O j^\ jV^'\ -r jj^ Foot of a ^_^5r} ^ufl ^ ir^jS^ ^iT
furnace. Bellows. Hornet's nest. mountain.
Camel-saddle. jj>^h ~ Clever manager of cattle. JG» ^I^T
Bundle, -if- Round pad oO^^?r »J^^
for expanding dough. Reed-hut, pavilion. Cell. *i^
Province, district, town, y^ ^ a'j^ G Steward^^iyr ^ (, for \'i^xS ) i^^T P
a Forehead. of a prince.
Bee-hive of clay. J\'^ ^ a'J^j SjO^ To stop, to detain a. o. & iS^o i^r-JI-
^ Recess in a wall for storing food. To be about iiiSCv iSlSC^j iS^T a ilT
Turban. 'j'^^J Sp^t to. To intend, to wish.
•^ In a lump, in x^3^5Cjl,; *>j>SC> n He was near to do. y^k'i juTj i^f
a lot. I was on the point of L^'il oJ^'
To drink from a mug. Ij^To jiT-J^ departing.
To collect (things). ;b — He has not seen her.
To gather (tribe). j}5CJ 1 scarcely see. -^
• . t > - »
To ladle (water) with a mug. a J'':;5'I. I wish to conceal it.
Earthen jug o' Infj s3>5j JO^^ sr Jj^ ^ To heap up, to hoard (things), ifc i^
with a handle. To tremble (old man). i'S^l
Oblong-headed. j:\''j\ y^!. I will not do it at all. l3>;^Vj i'Ual V
To walk on 3 feet C-'^o ^'^^ -^ I have no wish nor Si^CJi Vj J, ^t+i V
(hamstrung camel). To coil itself intention.
up (snake). Scarcely. ilSCJO >
He walked slowly. ^rLllI J — Heap. ii^irl ^ si^
He abated the price in thesale.^^l j — Inner side of theoCiirc./» Siir— ijT-tt-
He was pitched on the head.<._,'i3 \l — thighs.
To pro.strate a. o. i ^tkatj — To fall down'to the thighs (waist- i^
To be thrown upside-down. u-j^C^ wi*apper).
To be tufty (plant). u-j"^ Cowry used as money. a'i'^
To hinder a. o. from. ^ j-
^us'l. Pandanus odoratissimus (ti'ee). Cji^r
Drinking-cup. -^ Chalice, odr^r ^^ To wind (a ip ;b J^j , Ij^T o jlT -^
Contrary wind. ^-^ turban) round (the head).
( -v^t )
Kettle-drum. Square cUj^^ cr/^
To walk on tiptoe.
( carpenter's
Herd of camels.
Heap of ^>j^b /-^
^ Small gourd, ( un. 'cL.Jf ) Uj*r>
cucumber. Small vegetable marrovv.
(earth, corn). .
( for r-^ys') J^^

'^"'^ -^ -^^^ Thin-bearded,

High. Promiuent. ^^ t beardless.
Big-humped (camel). Heaped ^jY ^ UjT
-«- Dense (plant).
To be, to ^^I'O OCT, C >r o o^'S^

mch or up (sand).
exist. To happen. To be

C Chisel for stones. u~j}'>--^ 5- u-y^i

Nothing happens but ilT 'jsl «Ci-
J Ci^o J-'S'^
what God wills.
< To be active in
There was in the town.

.^ To make up (things)
Zeyd was standing.
^ Diligence, activity.
He is dead.
They are dead.
^ Detachment, troop.
'J ovr To have a prominent
To belong to. ^
It was thy duty to do.
To luxate the cubitus with
He used to do so.
(a blow).
^ When. stop the bleeding ot [a.

"Whenever. ^ To
wound) with hot oil.
-Mf. s:j
Whatever may be m Arc uvr To have the cubitus luxated, f'j>
any case.
^ To be fomented with oil.
p/j 9^^
had Extremity of the ra- ^\'^] ,. ,
Would that it Elbow. <
dius, cubitus, wrist-bone.
never existed \

Prominence, distortion of the fTJf

Whoever, whosoever.
cubitus. . :
Whatever person. ^

^ITC- jJ^ Having a promi- 9j^ ^ '^'^ -^ ^J^^

^ Whatsoever, whatever
nent or luxated wrist.
To sew up (leather). * vV/ J^r *
Anything. ^^ . , ,

To become surety for.^ Cv'^Sj ^'^ ^^ '^

To shear (leather). To form '

To create, to produce a. th. A>j » o/"

the letter d To go to Cufa. •

To come into existence, to Oj>

To assemble CCj/j \'»^ -Jj^
To answer for. ^j yt^V
lowly. oiS^l The letter i .

To become humble, of is/

o'^ Cufa (town in the province
Existence, state, being.
Because, on ac- o'/' o> "^J •^'j^. ~
^lound of o\3^^j olJ^j i^'^h '^^J''^-'
count of. ^
Being, existence. ol^l 0/ oVs/j
_ _

Thicket of reeds, trees.
State. Nature.
Cufic writing. _'^-^^
Warrant, surety. *5Cr
The grammarians of Cufa. o^i?y^''
Saturn (planet).
Head-shawl. ^-Z
The book of
The created beings. Star. Ste ^fe«r. ^Xt
df{> - ^5*
To throng (people).
Place, spot. j^f^b
To assault, to crush a.
Instead of. j

7^\Si^ Papyrus {plant).

Place. State, Erudition.cOlSC:

^ Queen (at cards)
To be astonished. u'^a »^"^ To heap up (earth,
To press upon a. o. ( business), jt »/^ ,
-^To bag
To vie ia sagacity with.
a. th. /b

{ ^^r)
To cauterise
a. o. To

To beget C-Cfe.1. ^-iiilj ^ZHD. \^\

sagacious children.
To affect shrewdness.
Intelligence, skill.
Purse, nnembrane illTj
of the fcetus. Bag. -^ Hair-glove for
rubbing in a bath.
In order to, under the
plea of.

•^ At his own expense.

Sagacious.^_,J&*.;ij ^Ifj ,

Pretty, nice.
More clever, ^^^ ^ 5j (/-iC
J--^^ J- u-iS'^
Prettier, nicer. ur-jS'l <•
Begetting jlXSj, .ISO -CO
acute sons (woman).
"Waiter, rubber in 'J lll&v^j ^ _i6^i •<>•

a bath.
To walk Cs_^ Cl-i;r, Cair i K^^
To eat alone. To eat much. ^uL)) —
To be deterred from. ^i —
To treat (an affair). * j_^jir
Avarice, sordidness. |_^ir
To be deterred J. Ip^Tj lilTi ^.ir-ft-

Faint-hearted. XclT^ _^^8^ ,;ir
To cut a. th. A ji!ri,Ci^i jiT-J^
To give a shape to. ib ^X

^ To enliven, to divert a. o. i jiif

To assume a shape, To make jiSih -tf-

How? Like, as. jiS
How dost thou do ? di'lb. ^T
I shall act as thou. fi^\ j.'.'^', ^'S
<• Well-being, enjoyment. Cap- ^r
rice, humour.
•fy- As it pleases him. i-^ J^
Howsoever. o^
Qualification, mode of oL-i.r^ *!>Lr
entity, Pleasure-party.

Piece of cloth. ^jisi ^ li.f

Egg- sTcr^ *^- A:^ ^
Small egg. :^^%4^ i^^
jT (A-M )
•<» Vessel for meaauring. cJ^ ;i:r To jir, , >LsC;j ViSC'j yTi jr -H-

Measure of two mudds. measure (grain). To weigh (coins).

Measuring. Fee of a measurer. ilCT To measure a. th. for Jj 5 A —
Rubbish, waste. 4>st} tP^ a. 0.
Reai'-rank of fighters. Coward. ^J2' To compare a. th. with. ,_, A —
Grain-measurer. JCT This food is not J^SA. V j>\^\ IjIa

sufficient for me.

Mea'sitre for grain. To give no fire (steel). !>lTi Jif
Alchemy. Chemistry. C»4j 'U*^ G To measure for a. o. To 5 JjIT
Alchemist. Chemist. '^j}*^i '^^i^ requite a. 0.
Chemical. To keep on the rear (soldier). jISCj
To submit to. J o§o:-b '^i oS"^ To quarrel together. To par- Jj^
To humble a. o. take a. th. together.
To be sad, grieved. To receive measured ipj j> Ju^l
Adversity. State, condition. corn from.
Qu'na. quinine. Measure for grain about JcS"! ^ jir
To smell the breath j i^ i 3 I/.2 gallons. Fragments of a flint.

of. •^ Contents of a measure. ^Measure

I'nskilful, awkward. of 6 mudds.
! !

C •^'\o )

Especially, above all. 1^4:? "^ Particle used as a corroborative. 'J «•
To shine, to be bright V!>Gj v"'V -»• Indeed the Lord '(pidi J^^lJ Jfj ol

(star). To blaze (fire). To undulate hearkens to my prayer.

(mirage). As thou livest '^Jfi.il

Pearl. 'Ji'^ Had he not repented, du^j ^^c Yj

A pearl. A wild cow. 'JjV rr «S'l^ he would have surely perished.
Pearl-like colour. ol^Vb V.^'^ Used instead of J with the affixed
Art of setting pearls. *JUJ pronouns.
Exultation, complete joy. Light 'V'V To me, to us, to ^J iJ <iJ OJ J,
of a lamp. thee, to him, to you.
Seller of peai'ls. »rvj jVj — Preposition expressing possession. J -H-

Standing up, upright, ^^jj — ljV -}i- attribution, design. To, for.
To urge, to importune s Q»V a i»V -ft- Glory be to G^^ !
.i 'j^^\
a. o. It is to thee to decide the ^^V\ cLU

To sadden, to discard i Cl»V a tV -5^ affair.

a. 0. 1 have no gold coin. jOji d, U
To eat becomingly. ^uLil CiV a jV «- He came up to our rescue. UXjjUil -»S
To send a. o. to- J[s iJ v1 — i)V -S- Before the Aorisl J is used as a con-
wards. junction., to express the aim, inten-
Message, mission. 1^'^h ^"^ tion, order. That, in order to.
I have come 2iJjd=\ cii j^ <^_,^V »^"*?;

Messenger. Angel. inorder to show thee regard.

To dress (a wound). * C«V a v»V ^ He must write. Lifeilij ^^^=4^* v^:^-
To solder, to close up ( a rent, a Because. J?')''
hole ). To furnish ( an arrow ) with Because. Vv,
feathers. Why ?
J j^ ^ '-^i, -^V
To accuse a. o. of villainies. _. s'
— Lest, lest he, that" ( for v oV, ) ^^^^

To repair ij » Ji\j ^^Vj ySfj jN' he may not.

a. th. To better, to consolidate Till now, not yet. il), -{j itllil
a. th. Why On ? what account ? Vii
To be low-born. v^'Sj i»'S^'j Ci^ ^y Why ? |'iU4
To be avaricious. Adverb of negation no, not at : v -S-
To suit a. o. (food, climate). 5 ^^v all. Not (jy/i/i 7wuns and veibs).
To be adapted to. To agree with Zeyd is come, not Amr. _,|^ V aJj 'W-
a. 0. is use(/ instead of ^2 •

To make peace between. ^o - There is no good in him. *^ y^ V

To have low-born sons. To act ^vl Do not do it. di^'i jiij V

meanly. He came without speaking. ^^6a5j V ^U

To be mended, ^'d(j x-yij ^ y<> He shall not depart to ^j3l ^sUJ V
soldered. To be corrected, bettered. day.
To heal (wound). To stick toge- J'&\ He came to me, but (:Sl. jJu-Vj jji>
ther : to coalesce, to unite together. did not ask me anything.
To put on a breast-plate. Jy^>-^\ Be always happy \j^ cJj, V
To have an ungenerous father. ^ — Even not, nor. Vj
; !

Upper part of the bi-east. op -r *P To betake ungenerous sons-in-law.

Loving her husband (woman). Repaired, arranged. Feathered J^'
Upper part of the breast. i_,C3l ^ ^:i (arrow).
Breast-girth of a horse. Fine sand
scattered on the ground.
Peace, concord, agreement.
Equal, alike. ^OJ,j j.'vl ^ -
He is in
easy circums- ',/ j ^J^ Equal.
Meanness of temper. Avarice.
('«•/•) xJ

omali quantity of fodder. s-»U Need, want, thing necessary. j^Ji

There is no harm. ,_)CJ ^jCJ Feathers of an arrow. j,\^ j^j^
Pure, stainless (nobility). ^jCJ Breast-plate. ^^Ij ^v ^ o'V
Fine flour. Garb of a warrior. :;CJ Agricultural implements. Plough. 7j>'^
Veins of the heart. ^^1 oUJ Furniture of a house. Tale-bearer.
Gifted vvith a sound 'LJI ^ ^..aJ
judgment. Assiduous, persevering.
Vile, ignoble.
oC«j5j »l»^j ^\iJ_ ^ ^
Collar. Garment co- vi<^ 5r <r^^ Excusing base people. j?^j ^bU
vering the upper part of the breast. villain ^^ Cj uC«y) G j oli'V 15

Having a breast-girth ^'^J '^rr^ Wearing a coat of mail j^^'yJ'

(horse). Becoming, convenient. Fit,

Gifted with a sound judgment. i_i^ suitable.
To fondle (her child : mo- ^_, ^JCJ -^ Convenience. v!s>i;!

ther ). To lick ( her young one : Repaired, United, collected. Jj^

ewe). To be slow. libJlj , CSf a /v -^
To scatter (
people ). -^ To ^JC) To fall into distress. %^\ J'i\
prate. To be distressed. «\idl i^tsi.
Kind, meek. v^'b v^^ Hardship, trouble, 'liVj JSj J^
Dolichos labial, bindweed. Con- *_;>ilJ To stop in (a o iJlj ,
t-' o LT *
volvulus. place).
^ Speedwell (plant). tr-jseiJI v^^ To wound a. o. in the breast. a IJ
Toasted chickpeas. Te
Jijj To shell (a nut). fit —
Pipe, conduit. Sink- »_J l^J ^ ^'^ P To put a breast-strap to a Ijlj —
hole, -fy-
Stairs in spiral. Screw (a horse).
pegs. Tap, spout. Metal-spring. To be gifted with a pe- ^Clj CI o a IJ
Spiral. '^r^j netrative mind. To be kind-hearted.
To milk (a ewe) for the 5 tlJ a 15 -^ To become pulpy (grain). ,_4J
first time. To tuck up o.'s clothes, and grap-5 —
To boil (biestings). '\S\j
— fi> pie a. o. by the collar. To strike a. o.
To give to a. o. (biestings). y \ji\j — on the upper part of the chest.
To suck (his mother UlJLlj l5)l : jf To have pulpy grain (corn). ijt
lamb). To happen to a. o. (event). J Ijl
Biestings. 'g To tuck up o.'s clothes. ^^
I-ioness. cX^^ ^ S^j SjCJj S*d To gird o.'s self for (fight). J ^a
Carp-fish : gold-fi.«h. ^j ^ :cr:j -{^ Assiduous to.
J^ v^
'*_;CJj Cjd
J Cdj Gpj CUi a c^} -« Heart ; middlepart. Fruit- ^/Jl ^ £i
To abide, to tarry in i_, oiijj,*liJj stone. Core, pulp of a fruit. Crum of
(a place). bread. Fecula.
He was not long before ^s o1 c^ C» Heart, mind, intelli- IJlj ^CJ*1 ^ —
doing it. gence.
To delay a, o. in. ^ j? ^jlj ^j Pith, quintessence, choice t_,Uj —
To find a. o. slow. 5 »i,lilJ.L •
.d C ^'w ) jj
be leafy (plant). -^ To be pressed, Delay. Tarrying, jUj cJj i:j
crammed (bag). sojoui'ning.
Wool. Tarrying, staying. A'^J
He possesses nothing ;XJ Vj Delay. Short stay.
lit : he has no hair nor -wool Pi'omiscuous company. lU
Matted (hair).

He felled him on >jVI «j Ul) ^«
Sedentary, remaining at jlij jlJj the ground.
home. To strike a. 0. with (a
Last of Lok man's seven eagles. ju') stick).
Wool, hair al'j ^ 3X5^,^01^ ij^ ^oJ, He was prostrated on the 'fr-^

pressed and rolled together. Felt. earth.

Mane of a horse, of a lion. jlJ^ ^ sluJ^ Gi-appling iron, ^jj ^'j ^ xljj x^
^ Felt-cap. To become old. ^^jlj ^Jj,GJ a 91^ 4
Pad, saddle-felt. iCJ ^j Siiiyj -Vl Decrepit old man. ^J
He never stays at home, ool)^ lijej V To beat, to strike a. 0. s d^ SL<r^ -i^
Numerous flocks, ex- ojVj a!)j -C'j Ou To be fleshy (body). t^J a —
tensive property. < To bruise a. 0. with blows. ^.3 ••
Felt-cap. To apply a porltice.
Lurking. Lion. To slap a. 0. on the 5 vi-Q j *i-J^li iiuV
Manufacturer of felt. face.
Tick, worm. To perfume o.'s self. -^ To be ^t
Fodder-bag. Small bag bruised with blows.
Quail (bird). j'^Cij j'i'Oj — <> Poultice, cataplasm. Cj\k^ -^ *i-J
Sticking to (his horse). jp jjji Acacia mimosa ; acacia t;-.'] a _, xiJ)
To strike, to revile a. o. s llnJ i J\) V of Egypt.
eat greedily.
confuse jt. ^ ^,)j ,C4I j^ i
Vesicle of musk.
a. th. To render a. th. dubious. To stick to (the ^ jjj_, , |S^') o -CJ ^
To put on (a garment' erf
To clothe o.'s self. < To
fi, a
). To squat on the ground

o.'s self. To dwell in (a ^ S2\j , ( ol) a oJj -

To enjoy a long time the y^'i s — place).
society of. To pad, to felt the a j^Jj , i:uj i jilj

To conceal a. th. To confuse opening of a sword-sheath.

a. th. To dress a. 0. To mat, to felter (hair, Sj A aSJj —
To interfere in (a business). wool). To felt a. th. To cram

To know a. 0. intimately. s - a. th. To ram the ( earth). To spy

To cover a. th. a. o.
To clothe a. o. with (a gar- A 5 - To cleave to (the earth : dew). A a°J
ment). To lay (dust rain). :

To clothe o.'s self with. To To patch, to mend a. th. ib sf\j —

interfere in (an affair). To wad (a saddle). ^ xJl

To be confused, dubious, 1ft .-cJl To put a felt-cloth on (a horse), n —
" ,

ambiguous to a. 0. (affair). To stick a. th. to. <_j A

Confu-sion, u-C^lj ZlJj ^Ij ^J To put forth soft hair (camel). a^l
dubiousQes3, ambiguousness. To become compact (earth). To be J^t,
Clothes, garment. ^^] ^ ^^ entangled (wool, hair). To be felted
Dress. Confusion. ^'ij x'^j] ^ ^\J^ (wool). < To lurk.
^ Tight drawers. To be commingled (leaves). To jC£\\
ujl Cv
Imbroglio, complicated ;5CJj diil Modesty, honest shame. t^;^l ^Q
(case). Way of dressing. Costume, dress. !!)
Entangled (affair). dAJ Clothing. Breast-plate. ^^T
Mouthful. < Perplexity. jSClI Threadbare (garment). Alike, ^,,

Party of men. <5CJj x^U equal.

Food made of dates and butter *SC^ Ambiguousness. -^ Coat, layer. ,_,.jUff

or of flour and fresh cheese. Hypocrite, dissembler.

Entangled. -> Busy, ^^'J >^V^ He came feigning to be ^ii CjV £(».

anxious. heedless.
To have the udders cii'\j , UI) a oj) -» Having or wearing many clothes. ^CJ
with milk (ewe).
filled Clothing. ^^M^ ^ ^^.IJ^

To gi^^e to a. o. milk 5 C.1J i o cnJ He has no pride. ClliiJ 4^^ ot

to drink.
Clothes, clothing. u^^ ^ ^y^
To strike a. o. with. <-> ^ a Mad, bigot.
To make bricks with clay and c^J Ambiguous, confused (case). ^_^U/J

straw. it- Sweetmeats, comfits.

He treated the affair in |[r4?»*"

~ Equivocal, confused, ^^Uj ^}j'
council. dubious.
To have much milk. To prepai'e oiJl i>- To pick up a. th. To <fc jX\ •*•

a porridge of bran, milk and honey. pack off. a To make a dam.

To be slow, to be late. cni^ Clothes, luggage. People of j^ •>

To suck milk. ocJI. various tribes.

To ask for milk. OAliJ^I^ Brushwood bundles of reeds jj£,^ a
Milk. Sour milk. Curd. odi ^ cnl for a dam.
Raw bricks of (un i£) ) o^j cn! j oj! He threw him Cr'jVI »j CjalJ Jal) -S-

clay and straw. -^ Unburnt bricks. on the ground.

Galactite. cnlil ^tj- To be overthrown. *j la J
White clay. 'Ijliil cAJ ->To kick. J4j <>-j i j4i
Meat-balls prepared with sour i!iJ
To gallop (ca-
JairJIj i^il*,'^ i ^
milk. To be confounded. Ja-:')lj l4^
Breast ; middle of the breast. oCJ Gallop. dal'
Sucking of milk, a Rope for oU! A kick. xklt
towing. Wont to kick. i»D
Olibanum, gum-resin used as oCi To soften a.' th. A jltj (kJ jlJ , -ft-

frankincense. To b9 intelligent, XjCJ o jiJj "^^' a JJ ,

Pitch-resin ; depilatory. ^ Ci. uC.! sagacious, skilful, able.

< Magnesia, Epsom salt. MjjuSI oCJ To suit a. 0. (clothes). Jj v_j

Affair, business, oCij oIjCJ ^ vd •^ To adorn, to embellish a. th. A j^
cares. Elegance in dress. Skilful- *|u^ jjS
Mount Lebanon. oUl5 uess. skill, dexterity.
Lebanese, from Lebanon. 'JC! Skilful, dexterous, able. Jcj^J 3^
Rich in milk. p^V ^ c?V Softened. <> Embellished. jp/J
Udder, teats. i^rV/) To mix a. th. di5j, fcj
i*> ill) -tt-

Fond of milk. Ojib or.^ To confuse, to entangle (an affair).

.itjjj CnJj o'p, ^ '^J^^J Oj^J , "^i-'j

*~J •^ To involve, to entangle ^ 5 dl^l

Milch-ewe. c/,llb' a. 0. in.

S tor ax. J^)
To hold unbecoming talks. ,iUJl

Benzoin-gum. Ji)| jii! To be entangled (affair), dilrilj «i4'^


-/J (•\

To cast fierce looks at, «y^) » ruJ Fed on milk (horse).

To be hungry. be.) a ?t;J Bricklayer.
Intelligent. ;i^j ^l~'jj c-^Vj -^4 •^ Seller of sour milk.
Starved. Jc^ ^ oUr) Food made of bran, milk
To strike a. o. with the » ij^j i jcJ -fr and honey.
fist. Milking-vessel. Mould for i> >l» r- C"i*
To cuff, to box a. o. » llnJ JC\ -^ bricks.
To strike a. o. s C^j o ^^I -ft- •^ Frame of a door, of a window u^l»
To shoot (an arrow). A — Food of starch and sugar.
Wound. ^j Lioness. ol^ ^ «Sr^ *
Hedge-hog. Xlj'j - cn) -«- To answer a call. :li; ^^J — v^ -iV
The Latin ( un. ^-^S ) cjiV L He undertook the pilgrimage ^J^\.i —
church ( opp. to the Eastern). The with zeal.
Latins, Here I am. At thy service. dll^J

1^^:^ Jij ^ ofctll

Jj^Iji J. J1 -"js -« They are in perfect har- ;:xi* ^4^
F. 0/^/1. Who.' ^J;^lj^ raony.
Diinin utive of ^\. utljlj CJIj^ To bray, to crumble A U) o c.^ -ft-

Misfortune. llslllj ^11 a. th. To tighten, to bind a. o.

To be continuous (rain).cJlj,£j o'cJ -^ To stir a. th. with. ._; *—
To remain in (a place). tj ;;;^lj — •^ To jabber, to tattle. ^
To inaportune a. o. ip oJ'b — To cleave to. ^ ci
Dew. '^J To conceal the head under the ^1
To be weak, feeble. c-li) -fJ- wings (bird).
To speak indistinctly. ii^ir — •^ Gossip ; tittle-tattle.
To roll a. o. along in (the dust), j s — •^ Trifle, nonsense.
To urge upon. it — Goddess of the ancient
To waver in. j cJil&j — Arabs.
Let us quiet. (:, |_^) •^ Jabberer.
To roll o.'s self in (the dust). J'i,Iil: Mixture. Tree-bark crumbled
Weak, irresolute. Xj!jUJj o>UJ with the fingers.
To lap a. th. (dog). A lis' \3 >} < To prate.
To set (furniture) in fii \ji] \ jS -f}- Perjury, false oath. -^ Tattle,
order. nonsense.
Travellers at rest. Slii) To hurt a. o. with. i_j » vii a H -5^

To tap a. 0. slightly. » CJaiJ i LsJ -« He struck him on the fjj^ 4 ^ ~

Inner part of the lips near the xi'ii ^ chest.
P roots of the teeth. To look steadfastly at. Jl^ ^^li^

To pronounce j thickly. C^l a ;ii) ^ To cleave to. C /Jj Ci) o ^I *
To mispronounce letters. To be steady, steadfast in. J —
Mispronunciation of the *_uiJj /c) To fasten (a housing) it wifj fi>

letter j . upon (a horse).
Mouth. :US5 To impose (an affair) je. 4> sJSiS
Mispronouncing the ^^ •\ii] j, 0\ upon a. 0.
letter j To come to blows. ^5u
To be windless and CjJJ a jil' -^ To clothe o.'s self in. * v^'l
damp (day). To be moist. To be Adhering. Steadfast. ^y
muddy (ground). Keeping to his house. ^^^
To moisten, to wet a. th. j-]]j jij ft, Old clothes. ^yj^
To be moistened. jSfiij ji'rj To strike, a. o. ^ G>:rJ a ^i^ -ft-
( AY. )
To repeat^^A&Oo iJCJ, r^j ?r^^ -^ Moisture. Mud. jsJ
the same words ; to stutter. Moist, wet. Muddy (ground). j|j
To chew a. th., to turn (a *i8 J — To kiss (the A CJI a ^j i
J) *
morsel) in the mouth. hands, the mouth).
Stammerer. ^ t"^ ^
To pound (pebbles) in * CU i _^)
To Jl/l^Jb *l?J a "Jjj be) a
W walking ( camels). To wound (a ca-
seek the protection of, to take re- mel's feet : pebbles).
fuge with. To muffle J^\j JiUj JSj a j^i i ^'
To bequeath (property) exclu- * \SJ o.'s self.

sively to one heir. j

Way of putting a muffler. *iit
To force to oblige a. o. to. J(^ 5 'l^lj \^ i
A kiss. xiiJ

To defand, to protect a. o. s lij 1 Muffler.

He committed his affair to. Jl^ i^ — 1 ,
Bruising, breaking. ^^
Shelter, i-efuge, pro- ^>U ^ V^J.*^ I
Hurt by pebbles (foot).
tection. ! Muffled.
Compulsion, force. *.^^ To exude gum, resin JJb ^ a jJ -S-

Repairing to : asking j>S^j j?,V (tree).

protection. '

To collect gum. ^!lj jij

To be disorderly (mob). CiJ a .
Gum, resin of various trees. Dew. ^
To roar (sea). Uncleanliness of clothes. uj^' ~
To yield little or ^^j iij^ ,
o ^ij Moist. Gummy, resinous -ZS) j> ti
much milk (ewe). i
Uproar, clamour. Agitation of Gum of the teeth. jj,j cf^, ?r *3-
the sea. ;
Uvula. SUI
Clamorous (army). The gingival letters o, vj^JI ojS*"
CA^Jj t—'W'^- ^ ''rW-' ^r^-* *r?^-> i and Ji .

Yieldinglittle or much milk (ewe). ! To j l^bjj (?-i?«Jj ^?^ a r-J *

insist i

To graze (cattle). 0^ a J^j o iiJ -i^ i

upon To quarrel obstinately
a. th.
To eat (man). about. To persevere in.
To take little of.

To importune, to urge a. o. ~
To importune a. o. with re 5 - 1
To cleave to a. o. (cares). *j

quests. 1 To enter the main sea (ship)
To incite, to urge a. o. to. is. 5 — i
To quarrel obstinately.
To lick up (a vessel : A ljLi,)j loaj — To claim a th. impor-
dog). tunately.
To furrow (its retreat : j CiiJ o ^ii) -S- To be confused (voices To be ^JJ)
gazelle). rough, swollen (sea).
To be enlarged J^tj , Ciit) a wi?J To keep (an oath). (_) ^^dCw'.

(sides of a well). Crowd, large -^^i r^^ ?r *|jj , ^

To enlarge the sides of ^ ^j^j J^ quantity. Main sea, fathomless sea.
(a well). Depth.
Hole in the sides of a oQJ 1 ^ ^oJ Silver. Mirror. «^
well. Middle part of a valley. Confused voices. "^ai

Threshold of a *i?v)b ,^ ^ jGj, Instance, obstinacy. Im- S^^UJj ^liJ

door. port unity.
Side of a door. "Cu^ '
Quarreller, i>t?«5j *?^b r^J 'r'^

To sew (a garment). A CaJ o J>d i pertinacious. Importune.

To reach the mouth of 5 ^b ^.IJ Expanded and fathomless (sea). '^J^
(a swimmer water). : Importuned, urged. <^s. ^^'U
To be emaciated by
old age. CoJ a w.>J
( -w^ )

To bridle (a horse).
^ » ^i <•_, ^^
Conspicuous road. ^^(^1 ^ w3;Vj,w»J To be bridled (horse). >^'»
Lean she-camel. ^^^J To ask a. o. to bridle C-y S ^.iJc-ll
Instrument for barking. Sliarpe-_iJU a horse.
ued iron. Slanderer. Holding inde-
cent language.
Average ground.
Bit, bridle.
^V?«3l ,-

jijZ:^] ^ ^Gj
Opened (road). ^j^h v^ Place of the bit. Horse's jjj^j lii»^

To bark (a stick). » G;iJ a cJfi -^ mouth.

To strip a. o. s cJ^\ Bridled, checked. j'.^^ -^j Jt^
To strike a. o. with (a stick), o ?— To mix, to pre- 4) ^'j ,Cij o o?^ "^^

Bark peeled off. Z_iui pare food for (camels).

To betake o.'s Jl. r'»^h
self towards.
^ h v^ ^ To stop (camel).
To walk slowly.
\''y>ii OGj, o J>^

^i;jl j —
He smote hiai with the *;lij j ?rtij To adhere to. ^ CiJ a j>d
evil eye. To stick, to agglutinate. Jfi^
To stick fast in (the scab- u^J a r.>J Leaves made into a paste oi?Jj j?^
bard sword); to the finger (ring).
: for camels.
To misrepresent (news) to. it fi> r^ Party, committee. Commission -C^
To compel a. o. to Jl^s a^'^^b r-^^'^ Slow (camel). (w. f. ) o>?J
seek shelter towards. Silver. c^SJ
To seek shelter towards. Ji^ i%>t^l._ To be close (relationship), bj i ^J -tt-

To be closed (door). ^^9li::^l To stick together G^j W a —

Orbit of the eye. ?rJj (eyelids).
Socket of the eye. Corner ^GJl ^ z^ To be restive, slack (beast). To ^1
of a house. give a continuous rain (cloud).
Narrow (place). ^-^i To press (a debtor) : to harrass i* —
Refuge, shelter, r^iii ^ r.*ilUj r-^i^ a. 0. with requests. To gall (the
P/. Narrow places, circumstances. back of a beast saddle). :

To falsify (an event) ic- A ^}?J ^ He beseeched instantly. Jl^l J —

to a. 0. Close (relationship). W
To make fii aijjj oa^jj.loij a ail -^ Instance, pertinacity. »'V>Jl

a niche in the side of a tomb. Narrow (place). ^^Ij '^

To bury (a corpse). ? oij Asking importunately. Pouring 5-4»

To dig a grave for. J jiiJb

~ down a continuous rain (cloud ).

To deviate, to stray from the j^'\j — Galling, wounding (saddle). ^-W^

right line. To remain motionless -tC^^ tJ^J -tt-
To act unfairly with. a jj>i in a place. To start, to depart.
To defame a. o. ^ o^Jl Milk-thistle, lady's thistle. ^^UJ
He swerved from the .Oil t£i ^ ->'••=' b~ Chief of a tribe. ^4aiU
true religion ; he became a heretic. To follow a A »j,^ij,C^j a ^J -fJ-

To deviate towards. Jl j^Ji\ highway.

To open (a road). To bark (a A —
Niche in the side of a tomb. Tomb. stick ). To strip ( a bone ) from its
Deviation. Heterodoxy. ib.jl_ flesh.
Sloping, slanting (well). j>^ To strike a. o. with ( the sj ^
Atheist, natu- Sji>^1:j oja>JU ^ osjul sword).
ralist, impugner of religion. To leave a mark upon. fi> ^Jj —
Dug in the side of a ^y^J^j J^ To be opened, conspicuous C^ —
grave (tomb). (road).

Outer angle of the eye. Jiij ^ liQ Refuge, shelter. a>iii

Mark under a beast's eye. ^»-Jij JiG^L To be avaricious. jSjljj \'J^\ a jSj »- ,

Upper feathers of an arrow. JiU), To secrete abundant saliva cau- J^

PI. Eyes. i>9' ^ di»Si sed by acidity.
Alike, similar. Ji^ To swerve from. To give up a. th.^ —
Inspector, a Police-officer. Ja>;5vi To contend together in declai- ji^C
Consideration, remark, obser- xiai>li ming.
vat ion. Avaricious. jsjj ji-j.

To wrap a. o. 5 UoiSj , C»iJ a ^»J ^ Entanglement, perplexity. j>>l; ^ jiJU

in a garment. To eat (the wool » CJj a : -Ji- ^J
To truil a veil, a cloak. To walk ^j^) worm). To devour ( the plants lo- :

haughtily. custs).
To help, to protect a. 0. » jti^J To fii <1.9jj *1.9i)j L«3ilL*j l—aj a t,r-?'
To wrap a. 0. in (bad-sheets). * 5 — lick a. th. -fy- To excoriate (a beast)
To accompany a. 0. or a. th. Aj s — by rubbing (saddle).
To be importune (beggar). To jkpd'\ To give a. th. to lick to a. 0. a ^Ui :^

I'each the foot of a mountain. To send forth sprouts (ground). ^;.J1

To wrap o.'s self in (a cloak). ^Si To receive (a due) from. ^^ ^ cr^
•^ To be confined to bed. n Caterpillar. ^Wl ^ ^^J
To wrap o.'s self in (a gar- o ^iirjl^ Unfruitful (year). o-^^'y ?r
ment, a sheet). Greedy, eat-all. ^ji-.!

Foot of a hill. Covering. Sfd, Inauspicious. Avaricious. cr>*^

Way of wi"apping. ilk). Bare, stripped ground. ^j^*y^ ^ ^-'^'^
Sheet, wrapper, cloth. ^] ^ .jvW, Gree(iy. Brave. ^^,
Wife. ^ Blanket. Licked. Bared. Lank. ur>»^
Waist-wrapper. ^Mi ^ *i^.i;j ^5-jl^ To undertake (an j Ca^J a ^SJ -^
Bed-sheet, blanket. affair).
^ Bed-sheet sewed to a blanket, ii>jL5 To give the particulars of A ^9t)j —
To overtake, ^^ » C3Wj v'ski a J^^ ^ (an affair).
to reach a. 0. or a. th. To put a. 0. in (a strait). j s ^li
To cleave to a. 0. Jl^
— To be stopped, closed up u^'s-'l
To be slender (horse). C_3j3 — (needle-eye).
<• To dole out a. th. ip jij To compel a. 0. to. Ji y —
To follow a. 0. -^ To intrude i jiV To stick to. *j y —
upoa a. o. Mishap, ill-luck, perplexity. ,u*'^J
To overtake, to join with a. o. 5 ji-j 1 Straitened, narrow. yja-»^
To annex, to add a. th. to. oA— Shelter, refuge. ^^^^i^
To overtake o. another. To j^ >C To look ^\ jl 5 CCkSt) J v'iikJ a JiSj -Jf

comt up together. To be adjunct sideways at a. 0.

(things). To consider, Aj 5 CtU!,j llii^^U Jju^V

To come up and stick to. v-j JwSJl to observe a. 0. or a. th. attentive-
To sow an alluvial ground. jxiSJl-i ly. To watch 0. another.
To claim a. th. as a right. * — To ba adherent to. JiijS
To become affiliated to. 5 — To have a mutual relation .k>!;fe

Sequel. Dates of second JGJ 1 ^ jij (things).

quality. Alluvial soil. Look from the JjUlj JiGJi ^^ Ja^
Sheath of a bow. JU), angle of the eye, side-glance.
Annexion, adjunction, affiliation. JiiJt A glance twinkling of cUiiJ ^ SJa^J

Connected, adjoined. j>V the eye moment.

Butcher. Meat-seller.
Date of second quality. j>l^ ^ si:^^
Union, alliance, connexion. lid I Overtaking, joining. jjj;
Having, giving meat. ^'y\ ^ ^<i Additional. Appendix, supple- j^i
Carnivorcms, flesh-eating ^^ — ment. Pf'Stscript.
(animal). To ^ dXi.yij dU:Vj , feikJ a dliJ *
Fleshy, pulpous. Slaughtered. ^jj stick, to cleave to.
Fed upon meat. Sort of cloth. J^i To joint into each other (ver- di>jS
Allied to a tribe. Captive. tebrte).
Slaughter ; fight. ^^-^ ^ ^^a To lick (honey). fis, \is^j a cUaJ
<• Slaughter-house. Kind of lizard. VsM\j •iSCi.'j

Well twisted (rope). j,^'^^ Narrow-passes. iXa-y^

Affecting the flesh only Xi»5lii To close up : to con- ^ C»iJ o ^iJ -tt-

(wound). solidate a. th. To solder (metal).

To \'J^]j i'Qj C,i.jj G;.1j Ci-J a Jk\ ^ To smite a. o. with (the sword ).t_, 5 —
speak Arabic incorrectly. To feed a. 0. on meat. » C?J a ^»J
To incline to. jl Gk^ — To butcher (a man).
To speak to a. o. unintelli- o>Ul — To be fleshy. ;;GJ o ^^j U.>J a ^sJ ,

gibly. To be fond of meat.

To be intelligent.
To understand (a woi-d).
t^] a

To be killed, slaughtered.
To stick to (a place).

^ ^^
To point out barbarisms to i ^^J To join, to solder ^_i ^Uj ^V fi>

a. o. a. th with.
He modulates his voice s«IJ,2!l J — To ally together through mar- ^iV
in reading. riage.
To repeat a. th. to a. o. ^ ^v To have much meat. To be rich ^>j1
To make a. o. to understand fit Jii
in grain (corn-crops). To be slack
a. th. (beast).
Sound, melody. o>Jj oG-jl ^
Musical note ; accent, tone of the
^ He allowed him
blacken the character
to oMs
j=>je- s —

voice. Tune, modulation. Way of To weave (a stuff). To com- a ^ijl

speaking. Value, import of words. pose (a poem).
Incorrect speaking, barbarism. Do perform what thou i5jjj,1 b« ^ajl
Art of music, harmony. oWVl itUo hast begun.
Intelligence. .>J To kill one another. >>^
Speaking incorrectly.
To coalesce. To be repaired. ^>!&\j —
To cicatrise (wound).
Mispronouncing, canting. Poin- x^ To be desperate (fight). ^5JI^
ting out incorrect speaking. To be broad (way). ^>JS-I'l
More intelligent. .
>j \ To follow (a high road). A—
Modulated sound. ^>95.C To be surrounded by fighters. ^jtizJ.t
Speaking incorrectly. iv.lj o&s'j ^V
To ^i)\j Cj a J^Jj IjiJ o
ifc , ,
W Flesh, meat : pulp of a tree.
peel off the inner bark of (a tree). Beef, pork, oUJ'j JCJk--ib ^^ y^
To revile a. o. S Ck) a Jij , lj>J o W) mutton.
To cover a. o. with shame (God). Piece of meat, of flesh. siij
To quarrel, to » sG-jj sG-^^ j-'v Warp, woof of cloth, ji ^ X'Jk)j

contend with. Hawk's portion of the game.
To commit a blameworthy ij] Kindred. ^'l ^ *»»t5

action. Soldering. ^lisJ,

( \y
To stink (person). To To wind the part of a turban ^
be rotten (walnut). under the chin.
Uncircumcised. ^j ^ -CiJ j> jijl To revile o. a. ^yj
Stinking. To begin to grow (beard). To Jci[
To jSsj , Ci-j i jij iS^
i », W let grow the beard.

inject a medicine through the nos- Chin, under- j^j ^\ ^ _oUki o» ^>J
trils of. jaw. Part on which the beard
befriend, to court a. o.
^ a
Inner bark of a tree. Pulp of a 'Ui^
To backbite a. o. ^— fruit.
To incite a. o. to. Beard. ^_, ^J, ^ tj.
To eat sops. Goat's beard (culinary ^Sll ::^,
Sop. •UJ, plant). Salsify.
SnufF-raedicine. Maiden-hair. Fern. j^iajl —
Jabberer. Having the Jupiter's beard (plant). 'J'^*J\

mouth distorted. Meadow-sweet (
plant). \s'j^^
Having one knee bigger X,0 j^ t^j — Water-furrow. o'^^
than the other (camel). Long-bearded. '<^}^.J ^/j''

To- s lS|a!,j sS^ iVj l!J o al * , Relating to the beard. s?^-l

quarrel, to contend violently with. Reviled. '^^,jji

To withhold, to hinder a. o. ^& 5 !J To speak confu- <»>^ J i»-J o ?y "-S-

from. sedly, to gabble.

To administer * » ijlj , \':>j'Jij \iS — To be entangled (business). '-^]{

(a medicine) to (a child) through Mazy, full of thickets and intri- ^v

the corner of the mouth. cate passes (valley).
To prepare (a draught). a — Disordered In mind (di'unkard). ".^^
To contend, to cavil. liU a jJ To shake a. th. ^ilj fi> -ft-

To defame, to confound a. o. ^ ijj Kind of perfume. -riJ^Jj yJiJ

To defend a. o. ^c 3i>U SV To disorder, to confuse a. th. * L^ -^
To turn the head to the right il'ji7 To have fleshy eyelids. CaiJ a ^j^j,^ -i^
and left in amazement. To be slow. To be swollen (eye).
To swallow a draught through j^[ To extract the pith of. To ^U fl>

the corner of the mouth. abridge, to sum up (a question).

Sack. ji Flesh around the eye. ^y>\i^, ^ X^i

Quarrel, violent dispute. ij) Fleshy, swollen (udder, breast), ^-^i

Summing up, .short report. ^^-fi'
Quari-elsome, ilal,j IaJ ^ -l-J H .ving tieshy ^i,') ^ 'l-aiJ j- y^it
caviller. eyelids.
Medicine absorbed j!Jj ^ jjjjj ;>jaJ Resume, summary. ^l^
through the corner of the mouth. To strike a. o. violent- 5 (iij a w*iJ -Jf

Sides of the neck, of a valley, ol Jj-J

I have no escape from it. aSU ijs. d, C» Thin and white stone. jiij, ^ :iiJ
To throw (a stone) ^_^ s C-U o ^-^ -^ To cut a. th. * C^ o ^i-J -«-
at. To slap a. o. with (the hand). To slap a. o. i C»iislj xii!:A>J ^Vj —
To shoe (a camel). To fi>j s ^^Ij a To be entangled in. ^^7
repair (a camel's) shoes. Slap. _^(iJ,

Fat. y.ljj1 ^ ^J Languidness, remissness. Intri- ^iij

Stone for breaking -i>U -al/» cacy.
fruit-stones. Sluggish, remiss. Xii^j liit'

( "WO ) (iol
lathy presence, before thee, ^tijoj To sting a. 0. 5 \iljd7j (i.JJ a p!^ «•
To be sweet, sSGlj (SloJ a a' -tt- (scorpion).
pleasing, delightful. He pricked him to the *i.lfet'. 5 —
To find fi> aiL: \j ^j fi> 'j^[ j 'i'jJJj
- quick with words.
a. th. delightful ; to delight in. He caused him to be

To delight a. o. » ijj stung by a scorpion.

Sweet, agreeable, delightful. ILJ Sting, prick, bite. itol
Speaking sweetly. Sleep. Thorn : prick. p,laJ

Pleasure, delight. cj'^j.I ^ slij Sarcastical, carper. Biting word8.::tl!»5

Sweet, agreeable, ilji)^j liJ ^ JuJLj Stung (by ^./Si^h, 'ItjSj ^U ^ ^_ji
delightful. a scorpion).
More pleasing, more delightful. ILJl Sarcastic people, •U-'jjj J-'Ji ^y
Delight, pleasure. 'i:A>: ^ «!u> I'evilers.
To be lively, nimble, quick. ijlij -{$ To slap a. 0. on the s C»U i ^o) -R-

Lively, sprightly, speedy. ivJli face.

To sip a. th. (^lij o ^a! ^ fi> To patch (a garment;, a ^jJjj >»^'j —
To press, to importune a. o. — is To grasp a. o, unremitting- \i ^jjl
To burn a. th. (fire). * GfliJ a f.jJ -J^ ly (fever).
To burn (the heai't :love). To be rent, worn out (clothes). j,j^
He wounded him with the *jL4j h — To be restless, anxious. To yj^\
tongue. beat her face in grief (woman).
To turn about (person). To blaze p!xij Sound of the falling of a stone. ^JJ
(fire). Honourable relationship. _/ji
To experience a sharp pain. 9^^\ Patchwork. ^loJ,
Burn. x^lij Patcher. ^»jj
Offensive talk. ^.ii^ ^ XtiV Worn out, patched up (garment). ^Ji
Sarcastic, sharp-tongued. p.i!iiJ Stone for cracking date- j>\jS/;j ^Jd*
Sagacious, quick-minded, Cjp'i^lj p.^^ stones.
Eloquent, disert. Foolish. yAi
Lattakieh (Syi-ian to\\'n). ti>^\ ^ The fever. yoi* ''J\

To please a. o. )s C.U ^ j>jS ^ To be soft, tender, 'i/Jij xJijJ o ol^1 -tt-

To stay in (a place). ^— pliable.

To attach a. o. to. ^ » ^iL! 1 To soften a. th. To moisten fi> JjS
To be addicted to. ^j v»-iJ I (a garment).
Keeping at home. ;>jj To procrastinate, to linger in. ^ ojij
Laudanum. *jSVj OiV P To apologise to a. 0. for (a ic —
To stick to. cj (^jJ a L?i) »• delay). To delay (his rider : horse)
Who. (5. and pi.) ^il] ^ piluji c^ c?j5^ At ; in 'o:^j b'->ij o'j^j ol^b o->ij oiJ
To _
^ Aj * 3''J, OLP'j OjJ-> 'JJ j)'-«- the presence of.
stick, to fasten a. th. with to bolt ; He possesses wealth. tJu i]iJ
(a door) with. He came in his name. il'ji ^ sli
To be fastened, joined to. ,_> jl At our place at our hands.; CU
To constrain a. o. to repair to. Jt ^ ~ For our part. CjJ ^i>

To spear a. 0. tj 5
— Softness, suppleness of *j.j1*5j IuIjJ

To press, to importune a. 0. ip 'j the body.

To give to a. o, a strong cons- s jjj Limber, supple, pliant.ola),^ J! ?- olJ
titution (God), To be coeval, con- t\'Ss\ i^jjl — v^ol -S-

To cleave to a. 0. jf 0*ji,j »j^ j"^ temporaneous.

(antagonist). At, in the presence of. ^jjj
6j! (^Y -^J 3')
He cleaves to me he ; J jb j J,J!, yi To adhere, to be stuck to. ,_, inJl.
is my companion. Catch, ring of a door. jj
Glue, paste. J\J Bar of a door. j\j,j j'j
Chi'jsocolla, carbonate of ^lij) — Contentious ; per- jL.j ^ijljj,
copper. tinacious, caviller.
Lithocolia, cement. j?^JO ^l^S" ~ Incorrigible. 'Jt Jtjjy
Poiuiice, TiJ'J -^j jyy^j jyj Wrinkled old woman. J/J JfiS
plaster- Of a strong constitution (man), jji/i
Intimate companion. jj jj To fill (a vessel), Yj]j U'J a Vj «-
fi, ,

Mucilaginousness.jJ j5 -fy-j Jij[^j -\il'J To bring forth (a child woman). :

His discourse is ^j) 4*>lr J To tend, to feed (cattle) s ]j]j ]jlj Yj

attaching. well.
filled (vessel). To be satia- lji7
a To be
'*-^'Jj '"^jJ-j ^O'j ^'Jj '^'j'J ^J -a-

To remain (in-door, in ^j A CC«j5j ted (man).

bed). To cleave to a. th. To be fixed, fast. To be Cjjo vj^ ^
To stick to a. o. V^ 5 — barren (year).
To be incumbent upon a. o. — To stick, to cling to. :^ ^—
(duty). To sting a. 0. (scorpion). s —
To follow a. 0. *_, s C'\'J,j 'i^'j^'- yjS To be (>yjj C jJ o Vjb a ^ji 1

closely. To continue a. th. contracted. To be hardened mud)r (

To make a. th. to A C^ljjl /^\ Narrow-pass. :? ^Jji^

cleave to a. o. Dearth. Calamity. di^'Jj \Jjt^ ^ *JJJ
To compel a. o. to. k_,j 5
— Barren year.
To be obliged to. To take k_,j * /Ji\\ Sticky. Necessary. i_,j v

a. th. upon o.'s self. <• To contract It is not indispen- oj V "C'jiaj Ija C»
for collecting (the tithes). To undei-- sable.
take (a work) at a stated price- Exiguous. ^jl^J. ^ i_)jj

To grasp a. 0. 5 — <>- He is ray cousin k_,jJ j«ic ij/\ 'ja

To necessitate a. th. : to ^ ^jiS.:.!. closely related.
judge a. th. necessaiy. Bachelor. ^J'J ^J^
Continuous, unceasing. ^I^J Stingy, avaricious. wiJi.it' r v'lA*
Judgment. Assiduous. '^Ijj To be ductible. (Ujj5j C5.JJ a ^^ ^
Assiduous. ;ij5 To be viscous, slimy.
Necessity, want. ^y^ To stick, to glue to. uj —
Necessary j.rj5'lj '-J^'J^i ''^Jh
- To clog leaves). To be viscous, ^^

consequence. dirty (hair).

Obligation, duty. cJ^\'ji\f: AJi^ Viscosity. S»jj5
•^ Farming of tithes. Stretching. Viscous, xir^j ^ ^J
Necessa'*y. Gr. Intransitive (verb).^jV gluey.
P/. Articles of want. Set of yj \'y Keeping at home. *>jb *?• j5
tools ; stores. Lapis lazuli i'jj'jHj ^jijVj ijijV P
The thing has yj^ xi'Ja '•J^\ ju> (precious stone).
become necessary.' Azure-blue. ^^y/'S^i '4^jyS^
Press ; vice. yyj, ^ j:jj,j x;^!. To stick, to i_, jXjIj Cjjj! a Jj* -8-

•^ Helper. Adjudant-major. yyJ- cleave to.

< Contractor, farmer of >ijlJU To cleave to. a CKjIj Uj^^' Jj"^
tithes. To stick, to glue a. th. ^ jj! -^j JjSl
To press o'j90j Cj! a oj3j CjJ
, , o jl ^ To botch (a work). a Jj5
(crowd). Side. Companion. jj)^
-^ ( "\YY ) u-l
To make a. th. sharp- fl> ^Jlj jLijjlJ OJJ^J
To coQtend in words with. s ^^S
To relate to a. o. (the fit s jL]\
words) of.

He lent him a suckling'. ;j,olll s —

To blaze (fire), ^lij
^Uj oJj <LJ]j ^IJI ^ ( /H. /.) oU
Language. Tongue. Epistle, letter.
Tongue of a balance. cdlKJI —
Spokesman of a tribe. yyi\ -
Tongue-shaped flame. jUll —
Language in action. State JbJI —
speaking by itself.

Wild buglos.^. Borage {plants). jji\ —

Plantwjo major, arnoglossum, jiiJI —
larger plantain.
Lion's tail {plant). ^.li\ —
Plantain {plant). jiiil —
Honey-wort {plant). jyi.iaill

Seed of the ash-tree. j\jloi!l —
Cynoglossiim, hound's ton- ^iSCjl —
gue {plant).
Hart's tongue {plant). j,y\ —
-^On behalf, in the oVa oLD, ^c^'j Jc
name of.
Every language is a oCjl^, yU, 'JT
man i. e. One stands for as many
men as he knows languages.
Double-tongued, dissem- cniCL j'i
bier. Bilinguous.
Lingual (letter). -j i:j
Eloquent.^! ^ ^tH ^ ^\j o>U
^o^' ,

Tongue-.shaped (sandal). ^lUj ^;>J

Stone at the entrance of a trap. vlJL»
Liar. 0>liJ
To eat greedily. Ij^ o LJ {:}
To push, to repel a. o. s (iJ o Ip -^
To be flurried by fear. jdlj ^
Flurried, restless. ^>^iJ
To become vile. i^ij o -{^ li.'l

To destroy, to annihilate a. th. A Ji,V

To be abolished, sacrificed, ^yo
reduced to nought.
Destruction, abolition, J^yOj sCi-il/'


To be a thief, to practice ^^h

( -WA)
To oppress, to do A Ci»J i
^' -« To do a. th. stealthily. A UaJ o ;^
violence to a. o. To close (a door). To steal a. th.

•^ To join a. th ; to string ^
To compact (a building). fi> ^^j,T
(beads) with. To become a thief. ^^.^17
To apply o.'s self to. ^ QJ i •JoJ -ft- .^ To spy a. 0. in secret. jp —
To lower (a veil). To close a A - To stick, to adhere to. ^ l^\
To conceal a. th. from. ^^ A *iJ Thief, brigand.
To deny (a right) to. ^t Aj 5 — Female ^j LiJj CjLSalj oLoJ ^ ^j loi,
To conceal a. th. it ijlj — thief.

To be violent in a quarrel. Ul Nearness of the shoulders, of ,_^)

To deny (a debt). fi, lL6) IjI the teeth.
To veil o.'s self. 'icli Having narrow |^ ^ -LoJ >i j^^^aJ'l

To be impregnated with. ^— shoulders. Close-teethed.

Necklace of beads. JslL), ^ U Narrow forehead. 'LoJ
Denial of a debt. UU Thievishness, bri- :jlsj>^b *r9>^
Prominent rock. i»\]^^j J»Ua! gaudage, robbery.
Rogue, I'ascal. 'H'J '^^ Infested by thieves (counti-y). iol»
Toothless. 'is]"l To stick to (the J Ci) a ^-^ "^
Hand-mill. Rolling-pin. Bank of J»Uai* scabbard ; swoi'd) : upon (the fin-

a river. Wound on the pericranium. ger : ring).

To cleave *_. *iy a ^)j , l^ld a IkJ «- To stick to (the bones : skin), ^j —
to (the groimd). To beat a. o. on To be narrow.
the back. Narrow-pass, v>^J v^'-
Scarcely curable abscess. Scalp- i^v strait.
wound. Avaricious.
Pericranium. stlai^j Iki; Deep and narrow wells.
To clap, to slap a. o. }< GU o ciJ -»• Strait (road).
To trouble a. o. (affair). To collect Sticking to the scabbard (sword).k_,Lil>
a. th. To dry upon the bones (p^ a ^i) -^
To dash together (wawes). (skin).
To clap, to slap o. a. To diy up (skin), uiJ a w^J *
Bruised parts. To set (stones) com- fit d^ >_^^^
To slap a. o. on the s GJaJ pactly.
back. To be bright (ijJeij CS-^Ij CtiJ —
He prostrated him. 4j — (colour).
To defile, io ^ s fiJj, fcU a ?ky'-«- To v_, j.iaij ,C-3>o)j CiiJ a j^J -S-

splash, to smear a. o. with. stick, to glue to.

To sully, to charge a. o. yii S — To adhere, to be conti- Aj S ^joV
with evil. guous to. To associate with.
To b3 defiled, smeared with. ^ ^ii£ To glue a. th. with. ^a j.ii1
Small portion. ^jj Adherent, companion. Jc-^h J^'
Dirt, filth.
^^ He is always Ji~^j Ji^^J Ji^' '^
Stupid, foolish. sticking to meT
To knock
or ji. th.
a. o.
To trample
ifc_, 5 CJJ
heavily upon.
o ^
?- 4i-ii5

-»- Plaster, poultice.

Adhering. Ally. Adoptive son.
To cast (a stone) at. *-> 5 — To insult (a woman). 5 \'^ o I.0) -S-

To be defiled by. fit ,_^V To dog, ^\ Jj:i, a ^j , (Jii i ^^j —

To dash together (waves). Jj»'>i^ to spy a. 0.

li) ( ^Y\ ) M
•^ Slight indisposition. jiJaJ <JS"_j* Pick-axe. ,.Hii».>^ w- w-liii^
Thinness, gracefulness. Kindness :!3iLl Stone for breaking ^>li ^ ur^ J -
in words.
Compliance, agreeable inter
course. Fondness.
a. 0.
slap »
on the face.
( /o?- ^ ) dy ^ -^

Thin, delicate. 'iiiaij olla), ^ ^,M To have a slight ^ CsjJsij

J:^ <
Gentle, kind. Witty (word). -^ Slight knowledge of. To hew ( stones
(disease). roughly. To do, to know a. th. im-
The Kind One (God). jy^l pejfectly.

F. Witticism nicety ; iLi ^ *i-J»J I

To slap o. a. ^l»'5c -^
of language. j
Fancy, mania, hobby-horse. ;iy •^
Parts of the ribs adjacent to u^\'J I A slap : a shock. Staggers.
the chest. j
Crack-brained, freakish. J-^^ ^
Amiable, kind. oUJaJj oit>i>i To kick a. 0. » Ciial a ^Mj a ;.y -tt-
To slap a. o. 5 JaJ_, CJJ , i ^ -A- To lick fi> 4c)b , *;Ub A ^j ,y

To be slapped. To have a blaze I a. th.

on the cheek (horse).
To seal (a letter). a, Lj
strike a. o. v?ith (a stick).
hit a. o. en (the eye). To
^_i i
To slap, to knock s C»lk),j *iJ9>ii ^V erase (a name). To hit (the target).
a. o. <• To set a. th. on fire.
To slap 0. a. ^>^ He is dead. <i^'.^\

To dash together (waves). j^1\j — To be toothless. liLl a /JJ
To come into collision. To shed its teeth (camel). ^Ll;
Slap. Shock. cjXIU ^ rjhi To drink up (a beverage). ^iai'lt.

Slapped. ^lij a4»^J .^ Fall of the teeth. White spot on ^

Orphan of both parents. Ninth ^^ the inside of the Negroes' lips.
horse in a race. Perfume. Palate. ^lUl ^ ^
Having a J^[ij,JJi ^ {m. f.) ^] •^ Oil-cloth put under a oliJsJ -r *»i^
blaze on the cheek (horse). child.
Musk, perfume. Beasts iLI ^ :U.^J ^ Licking his fingers. p,ila!

loaded with perfumes. Scent-box. Toothless. ^'j ^ 'ULJ ^ ,yi

Cheek. oliU: o^ ^Li;: To be kind with Jj ^j GiJ o ^U -{^

To shelter CLj i JJ <-j o liJ

, 1^ ^ a. 0.
o.'s self in a cave. -^ To shelter o.'s To be thin, graceful. iaiUj fijj o wiL)
self anywhere. To be elegant, gentle.
To settle in (a place). fjj a kl ^ To render a. th. fine, elegant. ^ ^ifrT
To suspect a. of keep- ^j JLI a ~h)
0. ^ To mitigate (an evil).
ing a. th. in his house. To treat a. 0. gently to s ; ^S
To oppress, to crush a. 0. :>
— fondle a. 0.
To lay wait for (the enemy), jc tJ: To favour a. o. with. ,_j is wiljl
to lurk for watching a. 0. To show J ijj o ^!A7j wiliio -
To shelter o.'s self. Jaij kindness to a. o. in. To present a. 0.
Place. Forehead. SOaJ with.
Blaze on a horse's forehead. siLtJI z'J/i To treat o. a. kindly. wilTiC
J^j S>yV To find a. th. delicate, fi> ,_iiai£.:i^

Veil of Greek oCl»V ^ CbV gracious. «

Bishops. Benefit, gift, favour.. ciliaJ'l ?- •-^ia'

To pursue, to > Gi-^Ij t^ 'JiJ -»• Gift, present. <iiJ

track a. 0. Kindness, courtesy. oliaJl ?r ^^
^A' )
w^ (

Play, sport, ( un. tL^ ) ^j i^, To drive a. o. away.

joke. Game. To fall uninterruptedly (rain). 'JaSl

Colchicum autumnale *ij.'j?\ *f*^l

To remain in (a place). To ^—
(^plant) remedy for rheumatism.
: cleave to a. o.

Plaything, toy. Dice. ^;j ^ ;^ To keep to, to persevere in. Jj —

Game. Laughing-stock. Puppet. To pursue one Cl»Ual j xii^U 'J»ii7
Plav, sport. Laughing-
Xj^iJ ^j *j^\ another (warriors).
>itock. Harsh, untractable man. *JiJ

Drivel of a child. Mucilage of ^U) Assiduous. ')aiJ^

plants. Importuner. JiltUj 'Mj

Honey. jklll v_jU! To blaze ^Ij JkiJj ,
jtJ a "^
Gossamer. ^ ; ^n — fiercely (fire).
Mucilaginous. 'J.U) To stir (the fire). A Ji!
Juice of some fruits. :kl,u1 To burn with (anger). ^^'Hj JiU
oCJj v-:i),j t;»)j,( "*• A) V.?-^J >r^ Blazing fire. JiaJ
Jolly, sportive, playful. Hell-fire, heU. ^
Great Xl^-iij luUJj v^iJ s^'-J v^ '

To produce tender herbs pi — ^) ^

joker, player. (ground).
Place of entertainment. w*>U ^ ^'iJ^ To collect tender herbs. ( for ^i ) ^^la
Theatre. Just, toui'nament. Cry uttered to a. o. ^j Qj ^J

A sleeveless play-corslet. Slii^j *I«U who stumbles.

Puppet. t^ Inculpable evil, lit : helpless i^' CJ v o>'ip

FellovF-player, partner. v-e'J^.*

Bi-andisher of spears. {Sur- :d^VI — Tender herbs. Succory. ^lil

mcunj warriors).
ua//ie of Herb. Draught. Xtd
A short-necked, white-bellied «i^ — The world and its Xtli') C^pVh^j Cj5jl
and long-winged green bird of the pleasures are short.
desert. To break (the bones). ;Ju) -ii-

Drivelling (child). ^d'^* -r v>^' To flicker (looming). ^Gj —

^ Trick. To be broken, crushed. To be ^^
To be dilatory, slow. <cX) a oJ -}^ exhausted, jaded. To loll out its
Dilatory, slow. cJJ ^ -(iiJ ^ c.;'j1 tongue (dog ).

To tarry, to waver in. J ^ii7j ^^ ^ Flickering of mirage. ^,UJ ^ /Ul

To ponder on a. th. Exhaustion, overfatigue. *i_UT
To cause a smart i^ A %^ a r-i)' -5^ Cowardly, fearful. f,>liJ

pain to a. o.
To waste a. o^ (grief).

To drivel
^!l_, , Cil a w-ij ^ 4^
To distress a. o. (affair). s ^.iv k_.iijj i_Jt)lj w^j , CUiijj CaJj CJj, a s-^1
To stir (the lire). .A ^j^l To play, to sport. ^ydj
To be Siid, grieved.
Smart (blow). Burning r-J^^y ?r 't^'^
r-^^Jl To play at (a game).
upon (a musical instrument).
-^ To play^j ^
(love). He practiced fencing.^lAllJ ^jUb. w.«J
<>• Lagopus, hare-foot (bird). nJ-S <r He is the sport of cares. '^^'^]\ *j *^
To lick (her young : 5 1^;) a jil -« The houses are the Jl'Mi '^(i'J\ —
she camel). play of the winds.
To,bite a. th. iJ> ^;^!^j,CjJ a ^J ^ To dally, to joke with a. o. s ^tV
To chew.
•fy- To make a. o. to play, to sport. s^il
To have dark-red lips. \ljij a ,-.«! To play a trick to a. o. to ^ ^l"^ ;

Deep red of the lips. <— aSj scoff at.

C ^A^ )
Accursed. -^ Iliac CAt>U ^ Cjyi.'^ Red-lipped. ^^
passion in horses. Tangled (plant).
To collect odorous la - ».) ^ I have not tasted a
slants. To thicken (honey). mouthful.
Ifelt qualmish. Greedy of food.
Covetous wicked. ; Hi). » •<J ^ «J To be diflicult (affair), CoiU a ,_^J -ft-

Vehemence of hunger. To show harshness toward.«. ip ^iG

Hunting bitch. c>i>«) ^ To brand (a beast) ^ (_u:\ a iJj -S-
Aristolochla sempervirens on the neck. To tattoo a. o.
plant). To harm, to wound a. o. with. (_j 5 —
Fearful. ^ To deprive a. o. of his favours 5 —
Euphorbia triaculeata : 'J-\'yi (God). -

tithjmal. To pasture near dwellings ( cat- I»iJ

To hurry. tie). To go along a wall.

Weak-minded, foolish. Tattooing, streaks. J,uJl ^ JaiJ

%^Mj \\ jiij ^.j^j ^«*' o fc_^)j a o

, k_«i5 -{^ Side of a wall, of a niountain. JaJi'j

To be weary, overfatigued. Q) a Evil look. Black spot on the neck *iaji5

To lap (dog). of sheep.

To sow dissension in (a Jt CiJ i) Black-,spotted on the neck (ewe), -ikij

tribe). j
Pasturage near dwel- hc.'^/- ^ Jaii^
To make false reports to. I lings.
To fatigue, a. o. s ^l^j To crouch (lion). ^i7j ^l] - ,j^ -H-

To jade (a beast). '

To lick a. tb, ft js;')^ ;3;)j Csil a Ja5 -«•

To track (the game). To He is dead. \

pursue a. o. closely. To give t6 a. o. a. th. to lick. ift y .^
"Weak-minded. Vicious i_,^)j k^itl To be altered (colour).
(speech). Gum of the front teeth. Remainder of green pasture.
lU-trimmed arrow. t_jUlj t_^ Spoonful.
Bad pen. v_,j«)j ^«Jj l_^J Avaricious, greedy.
He has overtaken him *i.Sj ,_aXj -li- 1
Linctus, electuary.
Weak-mindedness. Spoon. jt>^>; ^ ;-__5v;: •^j *2.i»
Tired, weary. Trowel.
Languid, gentle wind Garnet, rubis.
To bring (camels) 21 I luJ a Ji Perhaps, it may be that.
together. Perhaps thou raayest.
To erect (the ears). A - To curse a. o 5 U,J a ^)
To clasp the hand of. 2 jirJIj otV To curse a. o.
Lobe ajiU) ^ Jii-uJ j ijlu]j,iUJl ^ oiJ To curse o. a.
of the ear. Flesh of the palate. To curse o.'s self.
Angered. oiir/i Curse, impre- oUlj j[ul
To distort a. th. A IjiJ o jiJ -S- cation.
To make (its burrow) to j* ji)l^ — Curse. z;;ujj
wind (jerboa). Cui-ser. C.UJ

He spoke ^y^\ yi\j ^^Vfeill j J-Sj - Cursing often.

enigmatically, equivocally. Accursed, loathed. (?n. f.) cca^j xiij
Tortuous burrow : yi]j jDj ji) Manikin used as scarecrow. cn-J

winding road, maze. The accursed one i. e. Satan. cn*ul

Riddle, jUJi ^ jiij jfj jij ji) Object of curse. Privy ^ty,^ ^ iiiU
enigma ; ambiguous speech. in a public place.
JD (

Sound, voice. Slip, mistake, u) Riddle, equivoca- Sj^lj i^lnib 'llJji'j

Word, expression. Cj^j J^'J ?r *«' j

Classical language. Dialect. j
Slanderer, backbiter. jiuf
Philology. Xiijl Jit '
To JavJlj Jaljj , a LiJ' -«
Ct-li.j Ckij'
Philologists. :Uj3I JaI ! clamour, to utter confuse sounds.
Trifle, vanity. Slip of Ian- "Cj-Sj jii

To coo (pigeon, Oa^'j CLi3' a Jaii"

guage. Useless word. i grouse).

Rash oath. jjS oj*^ To throw heated stones into A> Jaiil

Idiomatic. Lexicogra- j^ -^j '^/il (milk).

phist, philologist. I
Coiifu.sed noi.se, JaUJt ^ Jaij Lif
Subject, topic. Idioma, slang, s^ij' j clamour.
Idle word, action. j'^'
To round up (a A Cli)' a wi-f -S-

Weak, tender (plant). Soft- ^yS -J}- I

fleshed. To meet. To kiss a. o. s ^V

Groundless rumours. ^jijl ^ sJ)^) !

To associate with thieves. ]

To roll up, to A ^'j uT o C-iJ' -^

To give balls of food to a. o.
s wiiJl
wrap a. th. :
To ill-treat a. o.
To wrap (a corpse) in. j » Li)' IMouthfnl. :Iii

^ To twist a turban I'ound. *lj]l — Accomplice of thieves. MiiJ ^ ^«f

To conjoin a. th. with. 4_, a LiJ' Gang of robbers. HAa
He mixes all sorts of food. j^VI J — To foam (camel). To (Jf a ^ii)' -^

To be tangled (plants). ZJ3\j — spread false rumours.


To hide (the head) under the tiS] -^ To mine (a building).

fi> ! ^i' fi>

wing (bird). To anoint the corners of the I

^ ^li;
To wrap o.'s self in (a j liilj ^jjIIJ mouth with.
cloak). ]
He moved the corners of the ^y,K^[j —
To gather against. jc LiSJIj uXl^ mouth in speaking.
To mix together (fighters). |^>^7 To recall a. th. to memory. jTSj —
They came with ^,«x>*i;j jr*^. b''Q- Ointment. Nerves and veins of the ^'
people from various tribes. j
Involution and evolution [in ^i'ij li) •^ Blasting mine. TJ^^j ^j^ j Ts
rhetoric). Foam of camels.
Mixed crowd. juJ ]j ,J^ ^ li) 4- Miner.
They came with ^^ la' ^j ijtb. Corners of the mouth.
their own people. To be defiled, smeared. 1^ a
Grove. 'Os'j "i^^j Kifj Lii,j ZjS lio* To be tangled (plant).
<• Turban, head-band. cjUJ ^ *!)' To speak. \'^ uf -H-
Wrapper, glume, ^^lif ^ xjul *_i Vj *2^) J Oi a^iJjaUJj, ji) o — I

envelope. Swaddling-clothes. To utter nonsenses. To J^iJI j sliLlj

Distortion of a muscle. ^iS' commit blunders in speech.
Complicated. Rabble. Friend. » To be addicted to. To k_,jS a ^'
Gr. Verb having two weak letters drink (water) without quenching
Skein, roll. Lock of ^'uj' ,^ : thirst.
hair. To sport, to joke with. s J^'v
Bushy. Impeded in Li3 ^ 'Uj' ^ li 1 To exclude, to eliminate, to A ^^1
speech. Pei"plexed. suppress a. th.
Tufty trees. oUjI To disappoint a. o. » —
Tufty plants. wi-j^U To study the idiotisms of 5 ^^-l
Blanket, wrapper. uiui^j CA* a. o.'s language.

( ^Ar -^
To constrain a , o. to beg a th.j Wrapped, < Cabbage.
Abjectedness. To eat greedily. To totter. iUj' -ft-

Bankrupt. To wrap, to cover a. th. * -

To burn a. th. OuJJj i>ii] a 9^ -ft- To wrap o.'s self in. i_, wiLift

(fire, wiud). Weak, infirm. ^uUj ti^ij ^liT

To strike a, o. slightly y_, s G«i) a — Bindweed. ci>i' ••
with (a sword). To bark (a A u:j|_, , tuij 'vil' a u' -ft-

Burning (heat, ^\'J ^ ^Vj ^yk) tree). To traduce a. 0.

wind). To strip (the flesh) from (a ^ 4> —
Mandrake, sweet ( un. *:iu) ) ^ui bone).
smelling egg-plant ( ^U-i ). To turn a. 0. back from. cA ^
To cast cjj A QJ5 a Jii'Jj j ij) -»- The wind swept (the tiiUl t^j js.fi> —
forth (venom) ; to eject (spittle) from clouds) away from the sky.
(the mouth). To strike a. 0. with (a statf ). ^_, i uj'
To cast a. th. on the shore J^ ^ — To remain : to be redun- tij' a ^'

(sea). To reject a. o. (tribe). dant.

He died. iliJ Jiiilj Jiij Remainder of a due. Dust. A »uj'

He pronounced, he ^^VfeOu Jall7j Jai)" little.

uttered words. Boneless piece of flesh. ixiJ'

Utterance, ol^*) ^r *i3iJj,J»UJI^ Jiii To wring, to twist a. th. Cuj' i c-*s' -^

pronunciation, accent. Word, ex- about.
pression. He spoke inconsiderately. ^>lfe»JI —
Literally, verbally. CJail To strip (a tree) from (its ^i- fi>

Feeding her chickens with the ilijV bark). To avert (the face) from.
beak (bird). To ill-treat (cattle). s —
The sea. Ewe. Mill. Thepresent;Ias:^)| To avert a. 0. from. c/'
^ ~
world. To turn towards. To Ji_ cJilj c.«ij

Particles ejected oUiuS ^ xt'CiJ

JiUJj take care of. To show regard to.
from the mouth. Refuse, remainder. He looked about o'_/^j *I4J ?*»>» zJ^>
Expectorated. Uttered. is'jilij ia-.il to the right and left.
To cover the head a ^j CJ) a ;»*) -i^ ^
Do not mind him. Isi) ^^7 V

(hoariness). Turnip. Half of a. thing Cow. zS).

To eat much. ^If ^Rape (
To be hoary (man).
To wrap o.'s self in i_, ;,i~j)j

^ Left-handedness.
A turn. A glance to the oCxiJ' ^

(clothes ). To be clothed with (ver- right or left.

dure : land). Cross-tempered. o>ib k^^'

He surrounded the enemy, juill it — Ill-treating cattle. xri'j

To be altered (colour). ^r)l Gruel of colocynth and flour. xij^j

Cloak. f,U! Left-handed. Twist- ^j ^ '\xiS ^ cJjt

Patch on a shirt. ;<Li!^ *tU5 horned (ram). Squint-eyed. Foolish.
To fell (a seam). * jl)j ,(2!)' i jlf -^ Awkward.
if- To stitch (a garment). Heed. Regard, care. Gram. oUrll
To obtain a. th. >b luUj' a Ji)' Abrupt transition.
He set doing. jiij — To exhaust (a * c^iL: — 1^ c-«! -^
To embellish (a narration) with* jlJ pasturage). To conceal (news). To
lies. To forge up (a story), To -tf- fulfil (a design).
patch up (a work). To become destitute, jfJil — !>ti! -J1-

To overtake a. 0. o ^ij bankrupt.

( AAi ) ^;]
To receive the nickname of. i_, ^^^ To restore her atFairs (tribe).
Nickname, bj-narae. cjUJl ^ w^ Skirt.
To impreg- jt ^iJtj rtib i^^^i' a 9--i' -S- Double-skirted gar- 0;UiJ ^li ei"^

nate (a palm-tree). To vaccinate ment.

a. o. To graft a tree). They are inseparable.
< To throw a. th. >* ^^Jjj ^-J^ Piece of cloth sewed with JUijj JU!
To conceive ^ii7j GvCaJj G^i-j G-iJ a r--?3
(female). To be impregnated (palm- Sewing. Falsehood, ^ '^~\^ "^ o^^ '

tree). False story.

To impregnate (trees : wind), a ^il Selvage. <AiL: >
To .swell (thd clouds : wind). To humbug, to make up ija'^ jSy -^

He caused evil between \y<, ^.iiij riiJi stories.

them. Left-handed. dUJij wLil' — dUJ -Ji-

To charge a. o. with a false it ^JS Foolish.

crime. To veil her ^Ij ^lo , Ci)' i
J^ -^

To feign to be pregnant ( she- ^Jj face (womao).

camel ). Woman's face-veil, muffler. ^U3^
"^ To stx'etch o.'s self on the r-J^lj — Doctor in :tlj^ ^ ouli <>-j J^-^p S
ground. divinity.
To be fecundated (palm-tree). rs^[ To wrong- a. 0. iii^ 1^ o UJ -J^

To be fit to be fecundated ?riiz^l To come back home). ( iJ -^

(palm-tree). To frequent (a house).
Pollen of male palm-trees, ^ulj 9-Jj To attract a. 0. to o.'s house.* ^] •^
Fecundation. To find a. th. or a. 0. Jj * ^\\
Wet-nurse. Eagle. ^Csjj rd\ ^ i^^^ I found him at the last c^li lilill

Raven. gasp.
To mend, to repair a. th. A j'%
MUch-camel. rJiih Dust, earth, rubbish. -ul
Full of dangers (war). ^.^1^ ^ ^.JV Strangers. luQ) •
Pregnant. ^ Meeting-place, rendezvous. JiU
Pregnant (she-camel). ^JJ ^ ^^ij — ^ To lap. To be loose ul o ji -{^

Fecundating ti'ees rain- 9-3!A>j ^»iy

: (horse-shoe). To rumble (belly).

bringing (winds). To sti'ike (the eye) with the * —

Preguant (she-camel). r-Ji'%' rr ^.^^ hand.
Foetus. Mother. Source r-^yji ^ xi-Jiv^ Furrow, cro\ice. jj
of fecundation. Ditches narrower on the upper xsjj

To strike, to punch a. 0. 5 Iji! o j2) ^ part.

To find fault with ; i Ci) i JjJ ^ Bat, racket.
to ahuse a. 0. To clap its beak ( crane ).
He was prone to J| Csj a ilii 'c^ To move its tongue and jaws
(evil). ( snake).
He felt a loa- ^> ili; c-liJuj cJ-a^ To agitate a. th. * -
thing for. To be moved, clapped. j^7
To detain, to delay a. 0. s ,_^1.! •• Crane, stork. jJu'
To nickuame a. 0. 5 Cujj ilJ^ ^V Clapping of the crane's bill.
To be detained, delayed. tr-2j^
"^ The clashing letters i. e. luiSil ^jjz
To abuse 0. a. ,^>^ tj 1» i ^ (_>
, ,

Mange, scab. ^jVj ^J Still and piercing (look).

Keviler. Sower of discord. ^ To nickname a. 0. Ji)- sJ^ -ft-
To be altered (coloiu-). ^~]\ Late, lardy. ^] >
Flies. To converse with a. 0.5 ^sV — J.aS -^

Humbugger, braggart .i^uiJj
oUal ^ XtUJj


Word, talk.
Pine-wood used as fuel.
jjji -^
To A wi«-! Ij ^j«5Cj , CluJj CisJ a wisJ -^ To burn (the skin). A \'.^j a ^2) -ft-

catch (a ball). To be narrow. \.k32J a ^S!

To crumble down u^j , U2! a ^J He was distressed, painfully ilU c.o2J

(tank). atlected.
To swallow up (a dish), a ^ill^j .Jul To take, to seize a. th. fit ^j£i[
Side of a tank. jC5J"l ^ ^J Gari'ulous. Prone to mischief. ^sl
Nimble, dexterous. ^J-^h o»3)j ^il To pick up a. th. To A I'usT o iaS -^

Crumbling (tank). .-i-3)j Jw) glean. To mend (a garment).

To acquire (knowledge) ~
Q Sky-light. ^osi^ o* *
To obstruct, to stop a (Jfi Ji\ ^ from (a book).
(a road). •^To overtake a. 0. in running, s —
To gobble A ^ilj ^Cj . CJ) a ^j - To catch (a bird, a thief}.
(a mouthful). To ba opposite to, ClsC2! j iy^i^ loV

To feed a. by mouth- a 5 ^i! \) ^)

o. to face a. th.
fuls. To feed ( a bird) with the beak. To pick u[) (fruit). A JairJIj Joljj
•^ To cut ( bread ) into fi>
Jj To fall upon a. th. by chance, a Js^il^
mouthfuLs. To put (coffee) in boiling To collect a. th.
water. Picking.s. ( U7i. xl^'uij r^jaiij siii) ) Jai)
He has silenced him. 3?i*!l ii-*'^ Gleanings. Treasure-trove. -^ Found-
<• To b3 cut into pieces (bread), ^u ling.
Middle of a road. J{ij ^2) Gold-ore : mine-ore. ci^^'J^

Morcel, gobblet. ^)j ,
^5) ^ ;i2'! Gleanings. J,V2jj J»G5

Mouthful. He lives from LllISl _^fr I»l2t)lj ^icj

Lokman, celebrated ^-%^>J' 0C2'! gleanings.
philosopher and fabulist. Gleaner. Patcher. Freed iLsv ^ JaSV
Glutton, voracious. X/i\2\lj j>\.2\'i slave.
To be quick-minded. zi& o ^^^ -^ Gizzard. ^^ii-.!' ilaSV
To A ^ijj,"OC2)j AJiiJj *ii!j Ci3 a (j2J Picked up. Found- I»^i?_j 'iia2j ^ i^^
perceive, to understand a. th. sharply. ling (child).
To make understand A s ^1
a. o. to Vile. isj (2} ^ xLJ)
a. th. -^ To suggest, to dictate a. th. I
People of the lowest class. 1>\^^\

to a. 0. Pincers, tongs. la^'^ii ^ Jafu

To learn a. th. easily. a ^)] Nippers. Writing-reed. L-S^l;: ^ I»ul^
To receive (advice) from. A ^lij Spider.
Support, help To throw a. th. away, a Ci) a ^) -S-

Keen intelligence. <LJl2Jj *Ji2J To pick, to peck a. th. (fly).

Mastic, cement. To sting a. 0. (snake). s —
Keen-minded. He overcame him in ^^UaJLi 2*

To afflict a. o. with S I'JJ V2J -»- words.
facial paralysis (God). He smote him with the 4^1.;j s jTtS

To have the mouth distorted »Si5^ evil eye.

by palsy. To pass swiftly. Ou3 —

Palsy, distortion of the mouth. To quarrel with a. o. i ^^S
Swift eagle. •12) \j 'Ul w 21,
- He broke forth into idle jS^iaSh ^It
Female eagle. words.
j5CJ {•^A^) dll

To speak incorrectly. To linger j 'dci[

in (an affair). To meet a. o. ^j » ji) 't.Sj tZjS^j

Flesh. Banyan-tree, producing 'dU To find out a. th.
gum-lac. <)• To last long (garment).

Lac, 100000 i)^j ii'^]] ^ 'dU •^ To lean upon.

(rupees). -^ Ten billions. To procure a. th. for.

Lac, resin. '<L^ To receive a. th. from.
Box, blow, punch. olfeJ ?- *^ To encounter a. o. s
Compact-fleshed (she-camel). 7^) face to face.
Leather vai'nished with gum-lac. 'V&iJ To throw a. th. on the
Compact (army). Liquid iJVfeii ^ <i>c^ ground. To forward a. th. to.
pitch. Compact flesh. He listened to him.
Firm-fleshed. difeiiij — To displace a. th. To cast
To strike a, o. repeatedly dClfe^J • a. th. away from.
with the fist. To bestow (mercy) upon a. o. j«. A —
Trot. diifej -^ To inspire a. th. to a. o. God). To (

He prostrated ;>jVl *jj 5 'ifeJ a

him on the ground.

W* charge a. o. with. To propose (a

riddle) to.
To lash a. o. To give to a. o. his s — To be thrown, flung.
due. To meet a. th. or a. o. ^j 5 Jaij "jz
To keep to ( a place).
To cling to a. o.
^ a [^ W together.
He laid on the back.
To meet

To apologise to a. o. ^s. IfeJ^ < He caught it in the

To give up a. th. ^ — air.
To overburden a. o. a tfcJ o cS^ ^ Cast off refuse.
To strike a. o. Encounter finding. :

To have an ulcer on the Gifeij a cS^^ Facing. Encounter.

mouth (camel). Thing found by chance.
Pustules on a camel's o^j c-^ Middle of a road.
mouth. Over against : towards, opposite. S*tSj
Whitish, glistening stones: oVfe^ Spontaneously. <«Jj 'Vii; ^>;
mica. Coming in front. <!5J v»
Plasterers. cJ^ They both face one ano- ot^ U-l^
To box, to strike jf G^feJ a ^^^XJ -S- ther.
a. 0. with the fist. Riddle. Pi. Accidents, 'jy\ ^ S-J^l
To strike a. o. with » |j5Cj o j^ ^ mishaps.
the hand, to repel a. o. Leaning upon. j£ Jsli
To adhei-e to a. th. (dirt), j^ |j^ a jSCj Meeting-place, rendezvous, jixJ^j ,j^
To stick together (dirt), ^j -JoJj — Branching of two roads. Confluent
To become fleshy. of two streams.
Avaricious. Ill-tempered. j^ The day of the last judgment.,3_^l ^^
Mallet, pestle. j^Cl; Tried by misfortunes. Cast. JsU
Setting his bonds so as to find j^yj> Inauspicious. 'J^i ^"^i
relief (captive). To cuff, to thump a. o. s"i^ o wU -S-

To strike a. o. upon i^jJO o j5CJ -^ on the neck.

the breast with the fist. To strip (a bone) fi'om the flesh. ;b —
To box together. Ij^^jj 5 j^V To mix a. th.
•^ To criticise, to scoff at jt _^1j -^ To be compressed, squeezed. lyiJI.

a. o. To be compact (crowd).
age of disci-etion (boy). To draw near. Avaricious. jjCI
He is on the point of doing, jiij 1 y To tap a. o. slightly. 5 CifeO jjy^ i -«-

To catch, to overtake a. o.
J*~ To prick (a beast).
He caught the meaning. To strike a, o. with » Ca^J o j^ -ft-

He committed a fault. »_J-iJlj

— the fist.

To vi.sit a. o. '

^ 'A To eat and drink. To CfeiJ a ;.fe»J -tt-

To be collected (people) bump the head against its mother's

< Numerous crowd. ^>J ^ 'J
udder (suckling).
Visit. Collection. Misfor To chide a. o. pubUcly. To sting » —
tune. -^ Meeting. a. 0. (scorpion).

Touch of insanity.
Fellow-traveller. Party {s. pi.) «i5
To be contemp-
L-^lfeUj Ci^l a ^
of women. To agglutinate on (the it C50 —
Lock of hair falling j^li} j body : dirt).

on the lobe of the ear. Vile, infamous.

To dwell, to insist upon 'a
^ \j , ,^j <f.Js:i , ^
Evil eye. Dread. J ^u^J -^

Seldom, at times. matter).

Meeting-house. To punch, to cu;F a. o. 5 C3CJ o ^^ -ft-

Experience, knowledge. To box together. s ^V

Gatherer. Alms-collector,
-<>• <>- Fisticuffs, punch, box. <;5CJ
Momentous (affaii Gathering his^/i Hard (hoof). J^lh J^) >^
people. To ;j^i45j I'j^h i'^j '^^ a ^SCJ -ft-

Visitor. Reaching maturity. be impeded in speech.

Accident. Stroke of
olti^ But [after a
negation ).
( for^-ij
But not («/'^er
^v ^j )

an affirma-
Gathered. Crack-brained. tion').
1° Negative particle. Not yet. Brass basin. olfe»5 -r
^ \
But. Only, since, because. Impediment in speech, barbarous xi&J
They have not yet U(l'>i\ l^jlu it! speaking.
experienced sorrow. Stammerer. j^ ^ >UfeJ ^ ^^1
(2*^) Conjunction preceding the per- •^ Inn, hotel. SoiJ^ Is

fect. When. Since. To stick to. ^ JC) a ^' -ft-

When he came, i honou- '^'J'S aV C) Given, addicted to. ~

red him. In order that. li^^j J^,
To tuck up (the skirts). To * Jl^] -^ Lest. >CJXJ
heap up (stones). To round (a stone). Negative particle giving to the 'J -ft-

To be collected, rolled up. Ji;jj present the sense of the perfect.

Numerous and compact ^'U.I'-j ^UJ Not.
army. He did not eat. [^i: 'J
Crowd. ^yO Why ? For what reason ?
Elephant's proboscis. *iUli Is it not ? yi^J,Vl»b V^
To lay jp \;j ij ji^j A 'UJ a
U -» To pick up. to collect A Cj o ^ -ft-

hands upon. To appropriate a. ih. (things).

To get possession of. To \l \_j1 May God I'epair the disor- i^ii, '.Jit
take away a. th. stealthily. To deny der of his affairs I

(a right). To alight at a. o.'s. ^ 'j:]\^ j 'Jh ~

To take a. th. away. ^ \i:°!l j Itl^j
— To be seized with madness. ^
To enclose a. o. (earth). it — To commit shght faults. To near 'j\
To be altered (complexion). 'A \
maturity (palm-tree). To near the


Touch, contact, palpation. Plnce in which a. ih. is taken, e'-j^

Diamond. ,
-ij'l G Net of hunters.
Of suspected origin, or ^j^ To eat with the extre- fit G^j o r-^J -H-
character. mity of the mouth.
Soft, delicate woman. To give (little food) to ^ s ?^1I
Road. a. o. before a meal.
He touched him ;lii£;jl j\ To takt; a little food. r^Jj5
on the diseased part. Little food taken -rJil^^'Jj, ^\'J
Unable to defend him- ,_^^V ju S'^' V before a meal.
self (man*. 1 have not tasted any- &.ij i^j'i C«
Bargain concluded by ili>OI ;ij; thing.
touching the commodity. Ugly, hideous. Eating r-^Jj r-Jj ^rii-J

Place telt with the hand. ,j~^ much.

Felt. Smooth, polished (saddle). ^j->UJ Corner.5 of the mouth. r-^^
To eat starch. Ca4J o ^:j -^ Glossy, smooth. ^^p
To take and Uck a. th. on ij fii

the finger. To pinch a. o. To glance stealthily at. f^j s -rCSWj
To be within reach (tree). ^^aij ] To shine, to G-C^j Cu^j ^:j a rOJ
Starch. ^:J glisten.
To ba Hurried, to fret. C. u;! o LJ -{^ To hint at. J|^ ,^
To take away a. th. ^ iiiiJl To show (her face) stealthily ^ ^sS\
To taste. To wipe Jii^j , ClaJ o iaj -^ (woman).
with the tongue.
o.'s lips His sight was lost. «lr^ 5^*-'
He gave him a *23» ^> S Ja«Jj Jii Evidence. ^^
part of his^due. I will show thee the i^C (WU viA-ij'"^'

To enrage a. o. thing clearly.

To move about his tongue Glance, glimpse. Likeness of li;.]
(snake). features.
I have not tasted any- 6.^1) ^U^'i^ C» Shining (star). ^CJj ^^j_, ^.>v
thing. Sharp-sighted falcon. ^CJ
To snap a. th. fi> JaiiJl Hint, allusion. 9'^»,yi ^ ^'--ij
To smack (the lips). To ^j Ja^i Features. ^'./•^^^

steal, to take off a. th. To wrap o.'s He has the jjol ^ ^.^>t;: jl x;.4J *^j

self in. features of his father.

To have a white spot on the *Ji;.!i_ To humble o.'s self s \XJ o j^J -ft-

lower lip (horse). before.

White spot on the lower dijj iaiJ Lowered, humbled. o'XJ
lip of a horse. To wink to a. o. To j i^j i o j^.) ^
He has nothing to taste. jjviJ iJ C* make a sign with the eye. To re-
"White-spotted on the lip JiiJ 1 proach, to speak ill of. To strike, to
( horse ). repel a. o.
Circuit of the lips. Ji»>U Backbiter. ejjj JU5
To flash ^'J]\j 4i7_,,Ci;;jj G4J a ^J -« To touch, to /ft ^<ij,C:J i o ^'J -»
(lightning). To glisten (colour). with the hand.
feel a. th.
To make a sign with (the ,^ ^]j — To seek or ask for a. th. ^ ^ ,; i
hand). To flap (its wings : bird). To To help a. o. to attain a. th. ^^j] /b y

snatch a. th. To ask, to beg, to request a. th.* ^^J^

To variegate (cloth). fi> ^t) To seek, to request a. th. ^> fi> ^_p.i7*!l.
To have withering plants ( land), ^'i from.
To have the
^ a jj
C •\A^ )
-«- To carry off a. tb.
Jj ^_, , C;.] j ^.i')b ;4.^
lips of a deep red. To be altered (colour). ^\[
To steal a. th. ^ ^j "i Brightness, shining. /J oliJj
To be altered (colour). ^jl Withered uart of a ^] ^ xi'J
Deep red of the lips. 'Jj plant. Part of the body unwashed ia
J^"^-} SA
Red-lippeLl. Thick IJ ^ »;',;.)
^ Jj] the ablution. Crowd of people.
(shade). Tufty (tree)? Brightness of complexion.
Negative parlicle used before the 'J -H- He has enough to jii^l yi <^ '<^
fiduve. He, she, it will not. live on.
Thou shalt not see me. ^)j J Spot on a horse's skin -/.^U

Anchor. J^] P Looming.

To weave (a line textile). A ^i^J ^ Fluttering light. ^j^'^ ^ *i^v
(poetry, speech). ^ Upper part of a child's skull.
Desert subject to mirage. Vul-
desert. ^ X^x^) ^) *tL^
To OC^Jj Ci;ij
blaze fiercely

tr^j C4I a ^^ ture.

Sharp-minded. [,»Uj -* '^'^
To burn with thirst. C;Ci.^j T-il a ^?J Liar. ^^i^
To make (the fire) to /fc k_.«3lj ^4! Mirage. Lightuing not ^"96^ ^ ^^
blaze. followed by rain PI. Glittering wea-
To be fiery, to raise dust in his »_4J'| pons.
run (horse). To flash time after time Wings of a bird. J,^l l-ii^
(lightning). Soilwhere XiiiJ^j Xii.l>^j ^JJ^ u^jl
To incite a. 0. to. J 5 — mirage is produced.
To blaze up (fire). v*-''-' v4i^
Piebald (horse). Speech mixed of ^tU
He was burnt by hunger.- 1^ ^4-^'-' — Turkish and Arabic.
To burn with anger. To be v--*i')l To wi'ite. To fi,

Cs^ij ^ ou
JJ *
inflamed (limb). erase a. th. slap a. 0.

Cleft, iji;) J ^i;!j ^^_, ^i;j1 ^ ^;i eye.

ravine between two rocks ; defile in To look at. Ji^ —
a mountain. To fix (the eyes) on. ^5—
Blaze, ardour of X<,Jit) -ff-j
^-fb w..*) To patch up, to fi> ( for j5j ) jt' -•
fire. botch (a woi'k).
Burning- thirst. "-jli-Jj oUib x;*! To take little (food). ^ jtlj
Burning heat. Hot day, C}\^'^ Middle part of a road. JiJ^^ 3^
Fieiiness of a horse. ^^] \ Small quantity of food or drin'k. jQ
Inflammation (disease), ow^ll ^ k_ji*:!l To knead (dough). it (k;.) o di'J *
Burnt by thirst. ^\l\ ^ ^4] ^ oC*^ He has not taken the ^i;li ^^ vV

Saturated with red dye (cloth). ^\.L least food.

Divi- ( o^p. to C)j^\j ) o^aV — c^) * Eye-water. ii\:jj i^J
nity, divine nature. Anointed with coUyrium. dl~J
Theologian, theological. *J_>aV Strong youth. dXJ^
Theology. o^a^!) V^ fy- Galleys, penal servitude. o^^J G
Dogmatic theology. ^^!l c^a^AJI To sentence a. o. to the 5 ^^1 -^
Moral theology. 'yiVi cj>a:^!I galleys.
To loll the
c45Jlj,ui;5j G45 a c4' -« -^ Harbour. oli->5 T
tongue (dog). Lemon. ( un. *j^»^ ) o,^
To be thirsty. Cli-Jj v';Ci;b t;! a c-i) To eat up a. th. * 1^ tj *
Fatigue, thirst. ;;4') Party from three to ten. Equal, xj
Ardour of thirst. Pangs of o^,') coeval. Wife. Mate. One of a pair.

c •\\- )
To rush upon (food) death. Red spots on palm-leaves.
To hurry towards. Thirsty. ^ j.;j ^ cj<^
A licking, a trifle. i—'liJj ^l^Jj Sl-iJ To be addicted, ^ ^]j , (^j a r~f ' *
Sprightly. ^^i;,! ^ ,.^V accustomed to.

To slap a. o. with the s (k^ a JaiJ "^ To give little food to a. o. s rr^
flat of the hand. before dinner.
To hit a. 0. with (an arrow), v ^ ~ To be intricate ( affair ). To ^l^J'^

•^ To gobble. C foi- h»j ) »

— curdle (milk). To close from drowsi-
To prostrate a. o. J^j'Vl v.
— ness (eyes).
To bring forth a child C»j3^. — Tongue. Dialect, accent, Ian- xi^^
(woman). guage.
Rumours, reports. ^i-ji ^ xkj.) Little food taken before dinner. :i^
To be compliant. ^\^j C4' a ^«J
To speak from the corner iil4J a ^«J
-ft- Addicted craving
Drowsy, slumbering.
for. i_j f^-^yj ^

of the mouth. Intricate (affair). ^r^i^^

Compliant. ^j ^j ^ To cook (meat) fi> rr'^i 5r>»^ ^
To regret
th. missed.
jc wj4i^j , ^ a ^li+l -» imperfectly. To do
a. th. precipita-
To grieve for a. o. 5 .jijj Broad and beaten road. J>,'^ -ft-

To be greedy of Jl^ ^^] To be beaten, traced out (road). J*.'^

To be heart-bi'okeu. To blaze wjirji To jade a. o. To over- 5 ij^J a o+l -fi-

(fire). burden (a beast : load).

Regret, sorrow. To lick, to eat up a. th.
^i\^ * —
How do I pity thee vXU ^) C To repel a, 0. in striking.
! » j^^j ~

What a pity for him o>U lii^ ^

I To press a. o.
How unhappy eU^J C j li^ (^ j Zi^ C To injure, to wrong a. o. s j^i'l
I am What a loss
! To treat a, 0. scornfully, harshly. »_, —
Alas What a loss
1 ilil^J C j iii) G
! To help a. 0. against. Jp .d^j..
Sad. Disquieted, j'l^j ,j^ ^ l'^ ^ oUi) Weakening of the legs. Tumour j.'^

Heart-broken. oliJ ^ v^' ^-^J ^"^ on the chest of camels.

To be j4i7j Cgjj (sj) a j^'j
, ^ Sigh, sob. ^ ili^

Overburdened, jaded (beast). o-^J

White bull. ji;J j j+l^ j^^ Sort of pudding. «^^~*'

White cow. JW5,j <i»Jj i^iJ To cut a. th. A ^^i >»J^) -^

Snow- JQ ^ :uftjj 52iJ ^ j^j jaJ Sharp-pointed, i»iiiJj j-'?'^ « j'^
white. To become hoary, irtdll » Ij^) a j*! -{^

Whitened. 3^ To strike a. o. on the chest. 5 j^Jj —

To brag, to boast He bumped head against*«i ^J^ J^
falsely. its mother's udder (yoimg camel).
To patch up, to J jyiCjj JU)I J>4' Rugged hill. jaV
botch (a work). Star of hair on a horse's ja^AII "OS^
To glut, to gulp a. th. Protuberant bone of the jaw. Sjj!
To inspire a. 0. with (God). » s J^\ Hoary. j^?
Itexhausted the ud- p,'_^l J C« ^^1. To appear on ( the cheeks * yj^\ ^ :

der (young camel). hoariness).

To be altered, faded (colour). ^^•'t Protuberant ^j V4J ^ uii>>i!, c^ *^j^,
To ask inspiration from 5 bone beneath the ear.
(God). To lick a. th. » i^ a ^^ *
^; C ^^^ )

He heated it in the j^h fi>
To df^file (clothes) ^^ ^'jj ^v
fire. with (mud).
To feed a child. To hold up fij s — To make (water) tui'bid. ;b
(eggs) to the light. To mix (straw) with. ^A—
To cause the loss of. 5 ^s'\ He entrusted his oSUj iJU oVi
To carry away a. th. «|i; — flocks to such a one.
To fear a o. To guard again.st.
— ^ To have green herbage mixed ^'j\\

To blush at (a word). with dry (land).

To be parched by thirst. ^ihj|_ To defile o.'s self with (mud. yj c/y^
To examine a. th. j ^^(r-lt or du-t).To be soiled with.
Tablet. Board, -r-jy^j t^'J^'^ -r -r) To be wound round. To be cJ3\
plank : plate of metal, pane. Glance. strong. To become fat. To have self-
"Wide and flat bone. restraint. To be entangled (busi-
^ Sheet-iron, latten. a;aJ ^y ness).
Flashing weapons. ^.Si^JI ^\'^\ He became confused in j>y^\ j —
Air, atmosphere. Thirst. y,^ speech.
Outward appearance, ^-Jij^ rr *»-j,V He was stained with blood. ^a!b —
feature. < Register. Diplomatic note. To stick to a pen (hair). ^IsJli —
Intensely white. Dawn. ^CJ j ^U! Twist of a turban. Strength. oji
Wild bull. Wounds. Weak proof. Evil, malevo-
Metonimy. P/. Notes, cUop -r r-ijc lence.
remarks. Weakness.
^ Fruit beginning to ripen. "r-ijyi Intertwisted plant.
Soon thirsty. TaU. ^Cl^j r^'j^'.j ^S'^t Tangled (plants). Hoary
Slender. (beard).
Lean. Owl used as a bait, decoy- ^\'Ju' Intertwisted (plants).
bird. Flabby. Slow. ^jji ?

Parched, altered by thirst. ^tli Weak. Strong.

To mix a. th. t^j o ^V -S-
To be mixed. To rise (dough). ^\:i\ Center, pivot : refuge. Influential man
To be rebellious, wrong- IS'.) a j.^! ^ or tribe.
ful. To mumble ; to turn a (>y o ^rV -^
Rebellious. i^i a. th. in the mouth.
ijVj . I'iQj rii;^j >'iiy,^ Tiy iV * He has led us by a win- jj _4»^l \'^.
To take refuge at. tjiVlj, iij^ ding I'oad.
To seek shelter in. Need, want. »G.y
The road en- jloJU ^_.L!I ivlj iV To appear, to ^vlj , b-jJ o ^^
compassed the house. shine (star). To flash (lightning).
To circumvent a. o. To ? ijV To look at a. o. or a. th. ^j Jt. ^V
thwart a. 0. To alter the complexion ^ ^^_j —
To elude, to shift, to shun a. o. ^t — (journey, thirst).
Winding of a valley, iijH ^ iy CG.>)j Cvj'yj Cvl^lj t_,1j G-y o ^V
circuit of a mountain. To thirst.
Red silk-cloth. iV ,- 3^"^ To make a hint. <> To ripen (gra- ^Jj
Shore. Country. , oliy pes). Q To become sick, exhausted.
Shelter. Strong- ij>U ^ Si^^j i>U To wave a. th. about. ^ ^Vlj ^jJ
hold. Place of refuge. To render a. o. hoary (age). 5 ^^
To seek ( for i,^j iV ) J^U, o jV ^ He raised the stick upon Liiiu 5 —
a shelter. him.
Joist, beam. ol!?V ^ XbV To stuff a. th. with almonds. fit
Usury. 1,Q Almond, tree (iin. cXjy ^ Sj^ ) jy
More sj'mpathetic. »_aiJL! W^'\ and fruit.
To atlbct a. o. 5 ^.y >_, Ct^ o
'^ -»- The two tonsils. 0^0jJ
deeply (love). Poor, destitute.
To scorch a. o. (sun). 5 ^.v Almond-shaped.
To be icfr'jJ o a pVj,!*^^)^ iVy — Almond-cake. r-^xy Pj *-ixy
anxious, faint-hearted. To be sick. Seller of almonds. rj
To be wicked. Rich iu almond-trees (land). sj>U
To be broken, affected (heart). y.Cai. To be fond of (sweet- fit
CjJ o _.v *
Moral pain : pangs of love. *p*y meats). To taste a. th.
Anxious, ^>Jj ^\'^'\3 jfrVj ojtV ^ ^V Mouthful. XZ.\'^
faiut-Iiearted. Diseased. Wicked. I\Iorsel for tasting. u-j'jh w^'j^
Coquettish woman. oVi-V -^ **V Fond of ^'j]\j ^\\]j ^j'^j ^W
To eat dry fodder 6y o ^sV -)^ sweetmeats.
(cattle). To be jaded, over-ji y,j , Ci,y o J-'i <
To chew a. th. A — fatigued.
Unpalatable fodder, food. ^j*j To jade a. o. 2^

Serpentaria. Momordim lu/f'a j^ Nothing. ( fo7- 'Ji.'^ ) J,S <-

(/»/a/i/9). To look steal- ^jSj,Ca'J o y^v -«

ii?-«»i Dmcuncu- i!;jl jj^_j is^jvi o,') thily through the chink of a door.
Za>', dragon's wort. To shun. To desist from. ^p |_^V
Lion's foot [plant). jj^]\ ji^jj ^:Hl — •^ To be annoyed. To fi'et. ^j'

Cotyledon (
^^a?ii). i^j <>• To press a. 0. importunateL.5 ^*^

Wet, moist (fodder). j_jl; To eat starch and honey. ^y\

To soften a. th. To ;Si Cj'jJ JV -{} To look intently on. J[j y«jV fit

put cotton in (an inkstand ). To seek to circumvent or to .,c i

He shiU not remain at. j^ jJb V dscoy a. 0. in
To twist, to crook a. th. fit jp -^ To enable a. o. to. \s. i ^h\
To butter (a dish), d To sow fi>
jy To be terror-stricken. ^J \

in a soft ground. To coil up, to fold up. i/*^^

To be contorted, JS^'j 3'S^{ <*• Pain in the throat. Sore ear. ^y
twisted. Pain in the back. -> Weariness, Xio'^
He has not tasted the i3\'J Ji'i C» fretfulness.
least food. Food made of starch and ^ji^j ^\'yi
Stupidity. honey.
An instant, a moment. xJ*J To cleave to (the ^ LUlj , \Jo'} i»V ^
Fresh butter. Dates mind thought To take away
*-Jpb M^ : ).

mixed with butter. a. th.

Foolish. -^ Contorted, 'Gy ^ jyl Te sin unnaturally. i»y^j i»V
twisted. To plaster (a tank) with fit J»tjlj —
Spatula. jyu ^ clay.. To hide a. th.
To chew a. th. To a t.'jJ o iJV -fr To conjoin a. th. with. (_) ^ i»V

champ ( the bit horse ). To impair

: To him a. 0. with (an arrow). ^ — 'i

the reputation of. To smite with (the evil eye).

To transmit a message to. Jl^ j ^JVl To insist upon. \ QaV o —
Chewed morsel. i)|-Vj The patriai'ch Lot. i»j
Pipe. .See ( LJ )• UI^J -r J^'y^ * Sympathy, bond. Cloak. Active i»y
and nimble.
OM ) Sj
payment of a debt) to. To blame, to criticise j j) ip 5 \;^s\
To deny (a debt) to a. o. <2i, s j'J a. 0. for.

To avert (the face) ^ fi> CQj uJ — It has been cut off, curtailed. j> ^^
fi'Otn. To conceal a. th. from. To write the letter J. C>V j-^J
He tiu'ned his head. "? Lh To rebuke o. a. ^ C>l^,j i^jy^ ^jV
To lean towards.To feel an To commit blameworthy actions. Ji\
incJination for. To stick to. To linger in. j ^^
To be curved (arrow). To j'y a jj To reprove o. a. v>j>C
wind (sand). To be distorted (herb, To be blamed, rebuked. jSi\ -^j j,\3l
plant). To writhe (stomach). To coil To deserve reproof. j>ydJ. \
up ( snake ). To deviate, to become To incur reproof from a. o. Jl. —
wry. Terror. Person, individual. oC-V ^ ^"5
To incline (the head, the neck). A ^^ Kindred. The letter J.
To coil up (snake). alj^l^j jjS i\'ji, Blame, reproof. ^y
To reach the winding t\'^\ ^^1 Blameworthy (action). xji'ij xj:y
of a sandy tract. To have withered Blame, reproach. '(*'JjS'J
plants. Blamed, reproved. jfjo^j ^A^j */^
To turn or lean (the head). To uj — Expectation, delay. ^'^j <^>5
beckon with. To snatch. To destroy Blame, reproof. ^fj) ^ zjy
a. o. (fortune ). To deny (a due ). To Censor, criticiser. ^I}b v*j5
shift in (speech). Two celebrated ij^l ;l;Vj ^.21 *^y
To hoist (a flag). /b — poems rhyming in J.
To be twisted (rope). To ^^Ij i^^ Blame, reproval. j>jyj ^ X^y^.ij _j.yji

writhe. To wind (river, sand). Blameworthy (man). ^^

To coil (serpent). To flash in j'^ To assume its colour o^J — oji ^
zigzag lightning ). To writhe in
( (date).
agony. To colom* a. th. < To illuminate a—
To agree upon (a business), ip i^j^C (a book).
To set apart (a portion of fit S^W To be coloured, painted. o^l.j Ojl^
food). To be variegated. To be variable.
To be intricate for a. o. it iS'^\ ^ To be illuminated (book).
(affair). To change o.'s mind. ^ji^
Winding of sand. <lf\i'\')\-r<s'^. Colour, hue. Appearance. ^V^] ^ cjj
Flag, standard. cIj'jJIj Xi^\ ^ '('j5 Date. Kind, sort, -tf- State. Dish, sort
tf Turkish province. of food.
4- Brigadier-general. *>l-^>; Date of bad oCj r-»j cnl ^ XLJj.i}
Mast for a flag.^ Head-pad. Xi_\'^ quality.
They sent out for 'l^lHj '\'^\>, l^iJJ How ? What sort ? ^jiljlj oj^ jiJ I

help. Changing, unsteady. o'Jc^
Complaint of the stomach, of ^s'j^ To gleam o^j ClVyj Gay o »V -H-

the back. (mirage).

Having a complaint of the i^s ^ i To create (the world God). ?_, * oV :

stomach, of the back. Curved.' Shining of mileage. Xa>>5j <^'^j «V

Trifles, vanities.
^^ ^ Pole, Polish. oV T
Withered (herbage). ~Z) ^ ',sj> Poland. o^Atl i%.
Portion of a meal set apart. Gl").! ^ "Cf^ To twist (a rope). » t^j «'
jj] i

Twist, coil. Winding. ^sj^, ^ -^J To bend a. th.

Contortion. Spii'al, volute. Snake. To give up a. th. ^'^\i — ^
Coiling tube of a nargile. To put off (the t_) jl * 5 CUj Uj t5 —
-J (V\o )
To plaster a. th. Fat tail of ( for 7d\ ) Cjtl ^ <!)^ >>
To stick, to cleave to. merino sheep.
To pass a. th. over. Levite, from the ti'ibe CyjjV ^ ^jV
Brave. ^^ ^ 'L-iJ ^ ^1 of Levi.
< Plastered. cr-i-^ Branding-iron. 'kj^
Tardy, late. tr-i'^'
Curved, crooked, con- ^ 'Q j, ^s'JS
To incline. Ual) i i>»V' -K- torted. Solitary. Quareller.
To displace a. th. A (>»v1j — Land remote from water. .Q
To suit a. 0. c_) CklJ i !»"/ -» Bracelets of twisted ^Sj^ ^ ij'^
To join, to stick a. th. to. i_i * i^J filigree. Peg of musical instruments.
Colour. Natural disposition. J3..S <> Windlass capstan. ;

Skin. Bark, rind. J,C5 ^ JaJ ^ <kJ ^«

— Curved, contorted. yii
Gypsum. Lime. Human excrement. J»C3, The windings of the Ji_4»" t?X^
Satan. oVlslJ ulLli. road.
To be wearied. To be C\Zi 1 ^.V' -Jf A sea-fish. 'Q^ — ^^ ^
flurined. To withhold, ^ s oV'u,CJ i cJv' «-
Ravenous hunger. ^^j| xi5 to prevent a. 0. ii'om.
Strong gale. j^Ui ^^^ He has not wronged him CuX i7V'1 C»
To be stupid. ^!i7 — ^ -{:}• in any way
Stupidity. ^;j Side of the neck. cj\^]\ _ oVhJ cJ-
Mispronouncing. ^J, ^ 'U^ ^ >J t Particle expressing a c^' Qj c-c^ "^
Stupid. Xi^Qj — ?/u"5A impossible to be realised a7id
To be fibrous (palm- ^j — ^j -J}- used 'with the accusative : May it be
tree). that! Would that!
To rub (the body) with palm- fi>
— Please to God that S_jij LillIJi c^I
fibres. To use (palm-fibres) as ropes. youth might come back I

Fibres of palm-trees used as ,jij It Itas sometimes the sense of cij^^j

I'opes.Spongious substance of trees. I found.
Tuft of palm-tree fibres. *ij I found Zeyd retur- C^(i. loJJ c^
Fibrous, spongious. *ii,LL), ning.
To befit, to suit ^ ^Q -^j Cs^ i jv ^ Would ^^i^j
\j -tf-j
tSy^ Z^ ^
jil) Ijj
a. o. that! " "

This affair does not Uj j-U v' ^Vl Ioa To be ^11: \j cJpj cJb d^J - oV *
befit us. brave like a lion.
It is not suitable {JS" Jk'ju 0I J-^ v' To vie in courage with a. 0. ^ ^j v'
for thee to do so. Lion. Kind of spider. o>'j ^r c^
To suit a. 0. (clothes). 4_j C2J i JV Strength. Eloquent.
To adhere to. Lioness. Strong (she- ol;^ ?r *^
To put cotton into jv'tj ,;2l]j
fit vsl) — camel).
(the inkstand). Dauntless, c^liJ,oJ, 5r •^' >• «i^^
He attached him to his <^i, i^v'i brave.
own person. (1°) Negative and ^ ^)_, ^iJ -ft-

He does not save a C^ji j-^?. Vj» defective verb having no aorist : To
penny. be not.
To be attached, devoted to J JOJI. Zeyd is not standing. CJ G ^J-l'j l^
a. o. Am I not your Lord ? j^.lr., cJJ\
To act sincerely ^^ith. ,_) jujl^ (2") Means : save, except.
Scattered portions of clouds. j;i^ Except thee. ijCi |^'j villi)

Flake of cotton or silk j2^ ^ *iJ, To be brave. Cl) a ^^

4J ( Ar
To » UUJI, Oiilj , iVi, oV'lj , UJ7 Oj! put in an ink.stand. Clay for smea-
softeu, tomake a. th. supple. I'ing walls.
To be kind, J c^, 5 CG j S^>U CiV ,
Pasture-laud. Steadiness. JCJ
gentle with. To soothe, to blandish Blaze. JG
a. o. Becomingness. propriety. <_JCJ,
To polish, to smooth (a sword).* Ci'v' <>• Elegance.

To be softened, a To make gym- ojIj Becoming, seemly. ^y

nasties. More becoming. jj 1
To find a. th. soft, tender » oyc-^l Supplied with silk or cotton j^
supple, pliant. (inkstand).
Softness. »j^ -if-j oUJj XLS j oO, To hire a. o. for the ? jJV - JJ -5^

Meekness, tenderness. night.

The soft letters t. e : i
, j crlll >jjj> To be overtaken vdi J-llj ,VV'l^ Jv'l
and J . by the night.
Easiness, softness of life. ^i-JI oCJ Night. Bustard, young bustard, jj
Arched ( for o^'yS, ) CijX/i ,r o'^J, -^^ A night ; one ^^OJ JOj »^>^ ?r <^'
hall, gallery. night's journey.
Soft, »J>y 5r Ojij, 'UJIj 0>^J 5r '^^ Long and '>CJ x'g'j jhJ>j JJIj Jjy Jl5
limber, supple, easy. dark night.
•^ Mercury {plant). By night. "S^
Purslain {plant). Nightly, nocturnal. ][jilJ

Cushion. Lest. See J. ( for v' oV ) yiU,

Q Gymnastics. •^ Lilac (flower). <yjG P
Meekness, kindness. Peace, concord. Likeness. ^
Emollient, laxative (medicine). otl* Lemon, citi'on. ( un- Sj^iJ ") o>4.lf -S-

To be hidden, concealed. Qll i aV' -S- To be soft, tJ,j Cdj CJ, oV' -1^

To be lofty, high. tender, smooth. To be mild, kind. To

be relaxed (belly).


JL. ( irv )

What a sweet and i>^>1 C>j ij'jj^ C« ( 1 ) Interrogative pronoun : u -Ji-

charmiag (thing or man) ! What?

(8) Negative particle : not. What has he done ? jis (^
I do not know. jj 'i\ u What does he deserve ? ijljf C*
I have not seen him. i-'Aj C. C" interrogative loses its | after a /)re-
Eow 1 What {intcrro(/.)'i (iC» position, for inst :
v. .V? . >• J'. . ^ d>-
What art thou doing ? 'ji^ i^v^ (/"or l^,a,,u Jl., 0>' jLi ).
Why art thou come? ^i>., I'iQ What art thou '^J] u

Between, among. < Ante-cham- cnJ U What is the matter with thee ? dil U
ber. What do I care about it ? *i <J, '^
Essence, constitutive part. xIaV/» ^ Never mind. What thee ciCit C» ;.o ?

^ Wages. (2) Relative pronoun. What.

To bleet (ewe). sUU l»l« -i:^- I kuew what Zeyd luj f^^ 'c^
Town of Syria renowned for sJ^ -}:{- had done.
its swords. ly used sometimes as meaning : -^
To be salt, bitter xf^ o ^^ -8- thing.
(water). The best thing that o^^^ V« ^,1j^1
Salt (water). ^'U may be.
To be tender, supple
|SU a iU -{f They are very few or of ^ (* J^i*
little worth.
To render (a plant) fresh, soft. * iUI (3) Added to a noun, it means inde-
To acqnii'e (wealth). a ^t^i^ termitiation : some, a certain.
Tender (plant). ?J^iiJ *^^ He came for some business. C» ,>iy «b-
To fill up (a skin). fi, a jU 4^
\'j^ A certain day. C» >^
To sow dis- oil 0^ J s3«U^j j-W - (4) Adverb of time : As long as.
cord between. As long as I shall live. \^ c^'a C»
To reopen (wound). \'Jj. a jj^ (5) Postponed to an adverb, U forms
To feel hatred for. ig. jt>lj — a conjunction and gives a general
To compete with a. o. 2( j«u meaning.
To compete together. jjt;j Whilst. v;.a;
Mischief-maker. ^/,j jji As soon as. i;JG.
Difficult (affair). J^i Wheresoever, whenever.
Hatred, rancour. Slander. J.,k ^ sSL,^ When, whenever.
Critical affair. _^; y,] As long as. uJU^
To bs angered with, jt CU a ^U -» When. V»Cup
To sow discord between. ojj o-'l-* Howsoever. ViilT
To bs widened (wound). CU a ^jJJ'j — Whensoever, whenever. \:^
Slanderer. y.t;^_, ^1;^^ u^/^h^^" Wheresoever. U.o1
To sob (child). jti;|j (j^ a j:-: -«-
(6) Is expletive in compound ivords
To sob. jUI such as. , vj^ , v_;? J ,
C.c , uJu li; 1
To be vehement (anger). jt£->l^ , u J- ( /or c ii^ ) Ci , liir , vij Ir
J L» Ij Jl«l ^ J_^ij (J J^v , uV5U c,« jli
(7) Particle of ivondvr What a..'. !

Interior angle of the eye. How... he is

To persist in, to cleave to. j j^ui
( -^w )

^ aJ\^
To snatch a. th. * ^'^[j ^^'\ Sobbing.

Long and supple wood. .^^ ijc- To be lusty. ^it>j iVji a j:;_, jU ^
Rod. <'h:^-?
He was unprepared for. J vU JU C»
To remain in (a place). ^ iS_^ o Jc* -{^ Lusty. j>j jU
To pull (a rope). To * i^J o A^ -^ Garden. Hand-mill. Ji> ^ xJl;;
ouu a. th. To sustain, to supply s C\a & ol» *
To be scattered (sparkles). jTli: a. 0. with provisions. To wound
To pull a. th. together. A j\^ a. o. on the navel.
To be stretched (rope). ^\j ,^[^ He was taken iJ';;: ob* W
*J oU C»

•^ Metre (measure). jii/L'l ^ ji; F unawares. He has not minded it.

To twist, a. th. * Ci> i
To scatter a. th. with CsJJ ^jii>i -S-

^ To prepare a. th.
To reflect upon.
A Ob-'
J Ci^Uj —
the fingers. Navel and its sur- OJj^J Cju U ;!f
<j L«

His eye became dim- Gii iilc a zJ^* rounding parts.

sighted through hunger. Mouth-provisions.
White spot on the naUs. jJJ^j yii» Weight. Trouble
Weakening of the sight. jja Mark. Becoming, proper thing. <I>
Weak-sighted, jjii ^ -lii;; j. jXA Convenience. *jliJ!

To carry a. th. away.o jjcij Cc; a ;^ ^ To mew (cat). t\'j.i o \\i -H-

To be advanced (day). To (p.^ a — To stretch (a skin). A ^j^^ —

rise (mirage). To be strong (rope). To be stretched, dilated. j\^
To be intensely red (wine). To be at To spread amongst (evil). o5~
its apogee (sun). To become the hundredth. Gli a i^l* -^
To give (a dowi^) to (a ^^ i ^'Aj j^ii To be covered with leaves (tree).
divorced woman). To let a. o. enjoy To sow discord between. ojj tSV*
a, th.long (God). To engage zealously in. j —
To do without a. th. ;/ r^^ To be one hundred in number. sX^' j\'»\ I,

To enjoy the use of. i_,

— One iS^^ J Ojj^j Oj~^j cJi^ 9r *-"•!
To enjoy ^j ^ ri^\i ^i^\j ^'^ hundred.
a. th. long. Hundredth. s?^5
Enjoyment, use. ^j>j^,, i;>j x;ii To draw up water from xxi o'zP' ^
Small quantity of food. a well.
Dowry given to a divorced J>(|a)| <iii To spread a. th. fi>

woman. To seek to get ^ J)^ z^'^ \x^ o'c^
Furnitures, goods. f.ii; oj ^x^zA ^ pC;>: access, favour to. To seek alliance
Provisions, a Belonging to. with a. o. by (marriage).
Long. Well twisted (rope). Inten- ,iG» To remind a. o. of the bonds of a ijU
sely red (wine). Excellent. kindred.
Enjoyment. -^ License to ^\7:;^^lj ^~i.; Inviolable bonds. o1jj» »- *jC«j,oO:^
carry on a trade Relationship, affinity.
To curtail a. th. ^ Qsa^ o ^/> ^ To pull out (a bucket). a> C>J:i a n£« -^
To circumvent a. o. in (a j 5 vi;jC» To draw (water).
sale). To snatch off a. th.
Insect's trunk. ^'^j ^Jij ^ii To lay eggs (locust).
Cedrat, citron. ,licwj — Water-drawer.
To be strong. To be ^Cx^ o ot^ -J^ Prolonged (day, night).
steadfast. Well provided with a pulley. ^^i;
To remain in (a place). ^ C_^ o c^ To cut off, to snatch, (i^ a o j^di -ft-
( -irr )
J^ ,P
compare a. o. with. To walk the whole day with. o>U» d\.»

To punish ^Li;; ^^j ^j >ii: o J;> To spread a. th. ^—

a. 0.
as an example.

To mutilate ( a To strike a. o. on
the back.
j cn>» l> i
^ i o —

He remained «JjJoii '^JJ^ o ji>j J;? To strengthen (a skin, a teat). A Jv»

standing before him. To season (food).
To be excellent, eminent, siuj: o jA? To give the start to a. o. in olM ~
To show (a pattern) to a. o. J * j^a a race.
To liken a. th. to. To copy u^— To grant a delay to (a^debtor). 5 j'Ct
(a pattern). To part with a. o. To vie in clever-
To relate (a fact). ^_,J >b j^lj jlijj — ness with.
To use (parables). To vie together in cleverness, j jUj
To retaliate upon a. o. (king), s Ji»'l Side of the back. Oyj'i 60> ?r <^
To set up a. th. Mu.scle of the back. Middle part of
To avenge a. o. by retahating ^-j 5 — a road. Back. Broad side of a sword.
upon a. 0. Main part (of a speech). Text.
To become alike to, to ^j s jJ»7 Hard and rugged ground. x^Jj —
imitate. Strength, steadfastness. x,^
To fancy a. th. To use a. th. fi>
— Ropes of a tent. oCK^ ^ oOU.?^ ojsij
as a proverb. Dispute. XL^Vii
To relate upon the authority of. ^a — Genuine author of (a work). ju
To be alike. Jj^j Strong, solid. ^^.j J{},
To recover from (illness). ^ — To mind trifles. \^J, a li^* -ft-

He obtemperated to the oiU 3-*^ J^'- To boast unseasonably. To be *ri5

order of such a one. confused. To act foolishly.
He followed his custom. *^jy — To spread ^ '1;; j;_, \'y:% i , o Vi;J -tt-

To avenge o.'s self on. ^— (a rope).

Like- JilII ^j {m. f. $. dual, pl.).\jk- To lean forward in (shooting), j ^7
ness. Like. Similar, match. Requital, When ? at what time ? j^
equivalent. How long ? jl; j_^
He or she is like him. iU* t^ jl y* When, as soon as. '^ Jaj [ajJ^

They are like

^ Cr* ^1 U-* j> V» To wipe (o.'s hands). A o i-- -S- ^
him. To cleanse ( a wound To grease ).

As, like. (the mustaches). To divulge (news).

Like thee. To exude butter (.skin), To tij*
As well as. sweat from fatness.
Argument. Narration. J\ill ^ jx;: To exude butter Glii; j '^Ki^ oii^ -^
Maxim, comparison. Proverb. Para- (skin).
ble. Similar. To shake a. th. To mix. *—
He cited a proverb, an "^H iSj^'o To mix a. th. To /b i^ o 9!u^ *
allegory. empty (a well).
Pattern. XiiJ To lay in wait, to lurk, \jjji o Jsa -i^

Exemplary punish- cS^ « iii^j - To lay a. o. in wait. s —

ment. To have an Cci a ^h a o ;cJ -Ji-

Patt3rn, type, jiij ji;j i^\ ^ Jvi^. ungraceful gait.

Example. Amount. Form (of a Hyena. '[ii^
noun). Defective in its first radical To resemble, to » J;C«j,V^ o Js>» -K-

(verb). imitate a. o.

Excellence. •^\^ To ^^ 5 J:C.j,V(a;5j 'L^'i J^>j Ji'

) J^
To surpass a. o. ia greatness, i ^i
To pasture j^'Sj ,\'i>_^^j ^j^ o j^^ <•Task, lesson of a pupil.
in a fat land (cattle). Example. JctC^lj oV^t ^ ii^\
To satiate s JoJ^\j a|L>j,la>.>" o — Image, statue, likeness. jJii; ^ 6"^,
(cattle) with green herbage. Likeness. iuii-^j Jjiij
To glorify, to praise a. o. s jSti \jj^ Similar. Excellent, fii'st rate.jii ^ j^
To give a considerable (gift) A j^ Effaced (trace). JjU
to. Stramonium^ thorn-apple. j;C« j^
To vie in glory s iS^j SafVi-i jkf C» Stacte, myi'rh-oil.
with. Celebrated example. jiC* ji^
To multiply (favours) to. fit s jSJ^] Lamp. ilJC»
To be glorified, praised. a|ii.j More alike. More JJC«I ^ jiJ ^ jl>;l

To boast. To vie together in J^^ perfect.

glory. The leading men. JjC«VI
To yield more fire (wood). To have a complaint of tcJ> a cA/» -U-

i. e. To be more generous. the bladder.

Glory, nobility. Dignity. :>\p^\ ^ jl^ To wound a. o. in the s Ci;: i o J^
Generosity. Elevated ground. bladder.
The Glorious (God). -^csji)' Bladder. \^^omb. oVJli» ?- '•'^
Noble, glorious. j^S^^^ ^ sa?.u ^ a>C« Having a oyC^h <^j,'^ ^ ^'^
Generous. Sublime. Much, copious. complaint of the bladder.
Nobler, more glorious. oa-C*! ^ ji^*1 To spittle, to j-js ^^ ifc bt> o ^»
^ Turkish silver crown worth '^s^-^ eject (water).
3 s'*. and 6 ''. ^ To sip in a. th. fi>

a Turkish (pound). .^ Turkish s/a^S He rendered him suspected, o"^. r4^
decoration. To start (horse). To be sappy ^:1
To be gravid J^ ]j ,
(J,;^' a j->J * (wood). To ramble in a country.
and emaciated (sheep). To spit from (the pen : ink). ^i« ^tiii^

To practice s j^]j \j\^,j 'i^\'^ jf(» Flow of slaver. Seed of Indian ^.'/t

usury with. peas.

To sell or buy (a beast) J s J>j'\j — Slaverer (old man). Old she- ^u
in (the womb). camel.
Foetus of sheep. Sale or purchase Stupid.
_^ ;,c« ji>1
of a foetus. Usury. Game of hazard. Spittle. Expressed juice. X^b-Jj ^Gei
Large army. Prudence, intelligence. Honey. j;^!)! ^G.i
Emaciated sheep. S^^ sCi, Rain. ojiJI —
Hungarian, Leanness of a preg- _^ Wine. »^Lj)l
nant sheep. Juice, sap. S^iW^
Hungary. Flaccidity of the muscles of ^.^/^

Shackle, bond. the mouth. Maturity of grapes.

Bringing forth twins To scrawl (a wi-iting). ^ fp^JiJ -^
( woman). To relate (news) confusedly. j—

To follow the religion i * I

To write indistinctly.
of the Magians. Flabby, flaccid. rr^^
To make a. o. a magian To rt?siJj , ^^^j ^^ a T<^j r^'js^ -^
Magians. Parsees, fire- (coll.) ^j^ be proud.
worshippers. Proud, haughty. ^i^ji
A magian. Relating to the ls.,->i^ To be Sib»/l Jikij , \j.»J' -^?i« -f}"

Magians. great, glorious, noble.

Ja^ C Y
To scoron a jSaj^^^ ,(z.yJ Magianism, Parseeism. *^»?w»
(the skin : fire). To speak and ^(^ o /4»*J a />>/ -tt-

To skin a. th. To wash a. th. a act inconsiderately.

away (torrent). -^ To obliterate (a To eat dates /.>tiJj , *iOfc*j Co-^ a ^iS»/J

Avord). and milk.

To be burned. To hold bad talks.
To burn with anger. C^ — Shameless (woman).
House-furniture. Dish of dates and milk
Gathering round a fire for Fond of dates and jc \oJ'j Ai-hJj f.^
making a covenant. milk. Brazen-faced, barefaced.
Burnt, toasted. J*'* b I'^'r^ a J?t-»j »y>?!^j !>bv« o J9-J -^
To run (gazelle"). Cai.;: a .jokf * To be bUstered (hand).
To struggle (slaughtered beast). To To blister (the hands work). A j^'\ :

flash (lightning). Blister. J^Jj Jvi^ ^ iii^'

To refine gold with (tire). To ^j * — To be thick and hard. C^ o jiJ -H-
polish (a blade). To be cA'^J "^^-v
1 J Q>?^

To take off a. th. To forgive ^ ^yil-J shameless, careless. To hold un-

(sins : God). To dress (meat). seemly talks. To wanton. To joke.
To try a. o. a — To joke together. o^\ij
To reappear (eclipsed ,jakj\j ^k^] Boldness, wantonness. Joke, Z'\k^
sun). sport.
To recover from (illness). ^j> ^jok^i Gratuitous. Jolly. o^-
To be forgiven (fault). To ,_j^^^ Free of charge, gratis. Cbi/J
clear away (darkness). Shameless. Wanton. oi^ ^ ^r^
To be reduced (swelling). Ludicrous.
Softened, smoothed (rope)
Polished (sword). To be worn out (garment).
Strong u^J'-'^J ,ja^-»^i cr'?-' To be effaced (trace). ^j]
( horse Worn out, shabby (clothes). ^.Uj irJ
Flashing (lightning). i^^U/ Pith, choice part. '^J
Indulgent, forbearing. uO^J] Yolk of eggs. <^Jj —
To be of pure race. Xifjk^ o jakJ^ ^ Deceiver, liar. r-^
To be unmixed. To be intensely hot Zj^J o cJ^-J' -S-

To drink pm'e JasC^ \j (-ii»»^ a Jii^ ,

(milk). •
To irritate a. o. s (~^J a c^J
To give pure yiasi^ I J , Ua>&» a Jais'J' Hot day. Difficult. '\~^Jj cjJ>J' ^ C>J'
milk to. Unmixed, pure.
He bore him S^| s jakj- \j j^Hj - To flay, to skin a C^..^^ a r-U^ ^
sincere affection. To soften (a
a. th. rope, leather). To
He was truthful in his )-V»-JI ^jsOifi 1
sweep away ( the dust : Avind ). To
narration. churn (milk).
Pure milk. ^y>X^i t/'Vi^ ^ Jaav* To grant a s %-^,J *?^li-* r->l^
Unmixed, unalloyed. respite to.
Pure, genuine (Arab). To repel a. o. with s \j>.J a J>J -^
Fond of pure milk. the wrist.
Sincere advice. Marum (aquatic ^j,^>^j jj^^ /y
Of pure race. plant).
To soften a Jt^'j , iJ^ a Ja^-JT * To rub (leather). iJ>.J a ^j' *
(a bowstring) with the fingei's. Skilful leather-dresser. ..r^'
> (Y
Barren (soil).Ju>j J?i^j Jj'i^'j J»r^ To draw (the sword). To A ia^ii^l.

Extended. Soui' milk mixed jii.* snatch (a spear).

with fresh. Rainless year. Ja^U ^u
Extensive (desert). Lasting J>Uii To efface, to »> j^j , (2^ a jSi^ »-
(affair). erase. To annihilate a. th.
To prove i J^^ b , ^^ a o*>^ -fi- To deny blessings to (an un- * jS^;;
a. th. To examine (a student). dertaking : God).
To strike a. o. To -wear out /bj 5 ^i> To blast (the plants : Sj »>
(a garment). To clean out (a well). heat). To destroy a. o.
To soften (the skin). To be at the end of a month j9-j»1

To thwart a. o. (moon). To perish (cattle).

To examine (a word) To be blot- j^J\j ^s^ \j j^i\j jA;j
Supple. Work, craft. ted out, destroyed.
Trial. Suflfering. Absence of moon- jii* j J\k^j Jl?t»
Trial. Temptation. Examina light in the three last nights of a
tion. lunar month.
To (^s'b i/^b jwj , \y^ a Vai* -^ Sharpened (spear-head). j^
be eflfaced. The middle of summer. wil^l j»C«
Very hot (day). ^i-JI

To erase a. th. To cancel ( sins ; Unprosperous. J*''^
God). cU?v» 1^ , a dtsi^j \iajK^ a lil*^ ft'
C_Sv«.» ,

To ask a. 0. to erase, to ^ i-^ To be quarrelsome, conten- diStijj

forgive. tious.
Erasure. Abolition. Black spots _j^^ i To quarrel with. » wUU
in the moon. |
To quarrel together. dl>i;5
Disgrace. Rain. Moment. a'^J^ Quarrel- dl^c^'j o(fcw»>j *il^lfj <i^9t«

West wind, North wind elea- s^> some,

ring the clouds. o Jk^j , Vy9v»j !A9-> a Jst^j a Jkf -S-

Rag for wiping : towel. stasia To be barren (land, year). ^Gi^

Erased, cancelled. o=**-*J S**^ Jl^ o^iL^VG-.j'^j >UtJ jk^> a j^j —
To ex- ^ Vii* Ij ^liiiJj ^i»t-j* ~ Vt» -ft- To traduce a. 0. to.
tract (marrow). To strenghten a. o. 5 Ji.J
To be marrowy (bone). To be fat V--»^ To act cunningly, 5 Vbt/jj *i>C/ J>U
(sheep). To be farinaceous (grain). hostilely towards.
Marrow. Brain. "H-j^-j'^ ^U-j* ^ W To be smitten by dearth (peo- j^l
Pith. pie). To be barren (ground).
Marrow sucked from a bone. 1^^ To render (a land) bari'en (God), a —
Marrowy (bone). ^.^ To intrigue for. (b jiiJ

Fat ^sheep). wU-^ ^ '^-^-J^ He contrived to obtain a ili 0^ —

To extract the marrow ^ ^kii-jJ -K- right for him.
from (a bone). To act cunningly with 0. a. Jj^Cj
To shake /b ^jt^jj , &»k/: a r->fc» ^ Dearth. Drought. Craft. jk>
about (a bucket) for filling it. Barren land. V^j jk/ J»j1
To cleave the O^j l^> a ^i-> -^ SkUfulness. Craft. Quarrel. Ju^
water ( ship ). To be watered Enmity. Calamity.
(ground). Large pulley. J\^ ^ :C\k}^

a— J^

To widen (the pulley) by rub- Artful. The Devil.

bing ( axle-tree ). To iri-igate ( a Artful. Intriguer. J>*^j J>^
laud). To plough (the ground). Barren (year). j>\Ji
a-« C V
To wipe (a child's) nose. To extract (marrow). A i_/i^* a ji^^
To shoot a penetrating A Lk^] To take the best of.
(arrow). To face (the X J-,cj'\j J>CJi^\i
To wipe o.'s nose. J«i..> \j iak^ wind). To inhale (the wind horse). :

To snatch off a. th. To flu liki* I. To extract (marrow). To ft j^\

draw (the sword). choose the best of.

Mucus, discharge from the nose. lf\ij> Light whitish clouds ; cirri. J,J> c-tJ

Gossamer. ^_;-^Jl iaCiJj oii»llJI i'li^ Clearing of water. Flatulence' s^^

Cordia myxa Assyrian, lafij oj x^ii-J Choice article. «^-»j S^it^j a\^
sebesten plana. Axle of a pulley. jS^
Lever, crow-bar. JjiJj Jii^l ^ jl-J -^ Tavern. Sus- Ji^lyfj jiXy' ^ j>iu P
He rinceed o.'s jd^J^j e\i ja^ < picious house.
mouth. To utter lies, stories. oj^ -ft-

To shed tears. dj^ o ^tj ^ Story. Humbug. 'C^'^J'

To draw water from (a well). a - Plaything. JiJ,*^ -r J'3^
To bark (wood). To polish (leather). To fret, to be restless.^il-,;.; — jj^i' -ft-

Short and light. Long. Sik* ^ ^J> To cream ( the ^ (^J o a ji^ i -ft-

n PubUc-house ; wine-shop. ;oistLi P milk), to churn (the milk). To

To remove a. o, from.^^ s 1-J —^^-^ shake a. th.
To apologise to. Ji^Mj Jf] He dashed the bucket (in JoJU jaij'
To abstain from. ^
J,C^ Vn \j the well).
Mocha, town of Arabia celebrated l5i> He di'ew much water. _^jJU «UI —
for its coffee. He pondered over the advice. ^(^1 —
To be advanced (day). iS^J o !*> i^

To rise (ebb). To be seized with the c-iiwj

To spread a iSlljj o'sKj^ iC»j ij.j>j — pangs of childbirth (female).
(a carpet). To stretch (the arm). To To be overspread with cream jaU^]
put (oil) in a lamp. (milk). To have she-camels near to
To lengthen a. o.'s life u><i _^& '^ bring forth.
(God). To be creamed (milk). jai-J>\j jalc^
To strain (a rope). ^j To be shaken, churned. To struggle
To take ink from (an cyi'
in the womb (foetus).
insktand). Time has brought xiiijl; ;y»jJI jJ,-S^
To grant a delay to. s ixAj SUj — disturbances.
To give barley-water to s 1»]j — Pangs of partux'ition. She- j^\ij^
(camels). camels near to bring forth.
To supply (an inkstand) flt> jS^\j jji Churned (milk), j^^^j J^y-J^i ja^
with ink. Milk after butter has been extracted.
To manure (a land). JulJLi Aj A— Seized ^i^:^p^ jah-J^ lP^'S* t
, , J^^
To supply a. o. with ^ a ailj — with the pangs of parturition ( fe-
(stores, troops). male).
To pull a. th. togethei". a iSUjj A 5 Soi Milk while in the ija^^\ 7- J'^J' I

To be sappy (plant). To suppu- jj] skin.

rate (wound). Churn. J^S*^ ^r '^o^i^j u^*i-^
To dip a. o.'s pen in the ink. s — To pierce C_l»^j v'kk^ a ^^ -*
To spread; to be proti-acted. oii Ij io^i through (arrow).
To expand a. th. A ^jijj To blow (o.'s nose). cr^ *~
To be stretched. To be prolon- j,zii[ He drew (the sword). Cjulll —
ged. -^ To strut, to waddle. To pull off a. th. <t Ckk/T —
Mighty, great, w'-*^j '^^:^J -r?^ To ask aid, succour from. s ZuxJ.1.
To plaster (a ^ JjSj , Ij j/J o jj> ^ Ebb. Rising of water. :,yjji ^ jj;

tank) -with clay. Reach of the sight. Gr. Lengthening

To be plastered -with clay. JixJ; of the vowels ^ j State of a word \

To take (clay). fi> jar«l_ ended by 1 as ^Sj 'Tij, . Prolonga-

Clods of clay, dry (un. %j'jS ) ja.; tion of the voice on a vowel instead
mud. Villages, boroughs. of two hamzas as ^yiT for ^]]
Villager. ^J,^ Sign of the medda ( - ). ijjj —
Big-bellied. Un- Jjji ^ '\'Jjj> j, jjj>] Measure of ila.;j SiJu^j ila^l ^ jJ^

circumcised. various standards. Bushel, two pints.

Hyena. 'OoiJI Dip of ink. Length. Space ijj ^ tjJ'

Bed of clay. o'j'Xj'^ of time.

To rub ;leather). CJJJ fi> o w'^/' ^ Succour ; assistance in >\'-^\} iJj*
To become dim, sunkenCiCU a J^^ -^ (troops, food).
through huuger or heat (eye). Ink. Manure. Oil of a lamp. ila^;
To give to a. o. ^> ijj s Ci.a» o J^jJ^ On the same pattern. j.^\j i\'jj> jc
scantily of. Continuous in- ii^j ol^V/* ?- «^'-^
He Cui S J^iJ^] L«j JijJ C»j J^'j^ C« crease. Substance [oyp. to form).
has not given him anything. Humour of the body.
Squint. jLIa/ Material. j'^y^
Suppleness of a limb. xL'jJtj Ji'liJ^ Threads of the warp, of 'ij./i -^j %jj\
Having supple J,'jJ ^ '\£jj- j. j-'jjA a web.
limbs. Salt water.
Thief. juJI ^Iji/S Custom, habit.
To veil o.'s self. S^ ~ Jj^ ^ Auxiliary troops.
To come to (a town). A Oj'jJ o oj^ -^ Long, protracted
To settle in (a place). ,_,
— Barley or flour-water for ca
To build towns. -^ To civilise. oto» mels. Poetical metre.
To become civilised. oii; -^ Short space of time.
To enjoy the comforts of life, ci ai5 Pitched (tent).
Town, city. j^X-^'j o^j o'-^* -r <kr^
Poetical metre.
Medinah (town of Arabia). *^r^i1 Spread. Lengthened (vowel)
The city of the peace, >. e. ^5llJI ^jJ' •r-i^—^Jy-^i *— »-^j ^-^ a 5^a^ -ft-

Bagdad. To commend, to praise a. o. & ^j>lj

He knows it thoroughly <^_j^\ cjl j» ; To be commended. To glory. ^l;j
lit : he is a citizen of the town. To be spacious ^a^lj ^iii'b —
Social state. Civilisation. ^t\'J > (ground). To be distended (flank).
From Medina. Citizen. Civil, 'j,j^ To praise o. a. S^i-iKji
(law, tribunal). Praise. ^'xH
Midiauite. '^j 'jj Ficus rellgiom, species of fig- ^'jj^

To grant (a s jjJ>\j t^iU — Jj/. il- tree.

delay) to. Praise. Praiseworthy ^a» ^ *>lu^
To be advanced in age. cSlii'l action,
To last long. (^ili5 rane- ^-.jiV/ii ^ "i^-jj^ \j , ^v Ij^ ^^ 9^^ Jj»

To procrastinate, to persevere in. j — gyric, eulogy.

Term, limit. Space. •Ij.^j ^jj^j jjJ Panegyrist. 9-l^'j t$^
Reach of the sight. ^^' ^s'-^ To be powerful, mighty.tJui a i'JJ^ *
Measure for corn. '{jj] ^ j'j^ To be self-conceited. ^"x^
Bushel. To wrong a. 0. jt ^ar/^ \j ^SUJ
CY.e )
f Jjl-«

Anxious. Intruder. JJjJ Long Cj^-j^j Cj^-^j iJjX ^ *ia.«j ij^^

Indiscreet. Restless (sick person).jj jj> knife ; dagger, poniard.
Anxious, nervous men. j'li^ Ji'».j Tank without stone- iyj,^ \ ^ 'jj^
To set i is'j^'^j JJJ'j, Ca> i i^J> -tt- work.
(a horse) free in a pasturage. Opposite the house. zXi\ '\j^
To dilute (wine) with water. A ^jlUl The most illustrious of
vl^' '^'•^^

The honey. Cs il» the Arabs.

Wine. Woman. JJ^tJ* Since. (See jjji) j^ -a-

To y;^ \j , i^i^j Oj^j 'y o S^ -i^ Elegant, clever. ^J^-J^ "^

elapse (time). To pass, to cross. Liar. il>jL»
To pass by, along, jp_, ^ 1ji^)j ~ To rub o.'s thighs (>.jj a 9. J^^ -S-

across. in walking.
To be bilious. 4j ;^j i^
S*4^ Wounded on the thighs. »G.lU ^ ^X^l
To be bitter. yi ]j 531^;; a o 3^^
To render a. th. bitter. f^ y'^\j jy How foul-breathed he is!i^, ^^ ^jj>\ C»

To be dragged along. Ijl^j »!)l^ j^ To be j^y "^j j^"j . 13^ a J:^ "^
To pass with a. » — rotten (egg). To feel qualmish.
To struggle with a. o. To scatter (things). A Jlf
To become bitter. To addle (her eggs : hen). fi, j'jj.]

To let a. 0. pass by. To disperse (crowd). To coa- j'X^

To make a. 0. to cross (a gulate (milk).
bridge). Here and there, on every jjj /jS,
To twist (a rope) strong] side.
He has not uttered ja!l Oi_j yi'\ C. Rotten (egg). jVjJ^ -^j SjJJi . jJu?
any bitter nor sweet word. Dirty.
He does neither evil li-J v«
j ^^ u To ooze (.spring), ipjjj (^'jj z. ^^ ^
nor good. To hint, to insinuate a. th. to. J A —
They wrestled together. J^_ C« jl^j Liar. Indiscreet. Changing. f.)!v*

To continue on, to persevere. 5*--" I

To adulterate (milk), i* CjIu o Ja^" ^
To be steady, firm. He was in- CSlI* V^l J ijiL^j i'_pi —
His steadiness lasted to J'_{. _yJ J^ri,!. sincere in love.
the end. To be adulterated j'J^ !_, Jjc^'l^

To find a. th. bitter. ^— (milk).

To maintain a. o. in (an if. o>Uj — He gave me adulte- ijjL«j CslLi j_u^
office). rated milk.
Passage. Iron-shovel. Spade. 'y Adulterated (milk). Jjll-'j Jiji^
Rope. Insincere, hypocrite. jiO-j JlJ^^
Course, succession of days, ji'yj 'y^ Insincere friendship. JjJ^-^ ^J
Bitter. Myrrh. High- j\y,\ ^ 'J, To be restless, anxious. vJ^i a J-i> -W-

spirited (man), Sturdy (horseman).

-tf- To be benumbed (foot).^tlL»' ij Jl/ilj —
< Quassia amara (bitter yi ^li 'ii\jj> o Jji-»j , Vla>j V-U o J jj«j a J J^
bark). To let out (a secret). o
Myrrh. -^ 'Jj pC^ -J.
He was generous of.^ ilij cJj^j .iJi/S

Once, one time, cSyj jCy ^ ey To weary a. 0. 5 jXi 1

one turn. To be apathetic. '^jj> \

Altogether. At once. -^ Entirely.s^iJU Torpor. Benumbness. JjJJ

Sometimes, often. Forbearing, generous. a3lj ,^j^^ —
jO-?^' »^'^J O'S^
Strength. Firm- j^^; \ ^^j ^y, ^ s^ Of small size. Jjl»
ness. Intellect. Generous. J JwJj JiU
! y
C V-A )

Manly. Wholesome x: i^ ^ '

4^ The angel Gabriel. iy ji
(food, climate). Gall, bile. Jy ^ s^
To thj health! May it pro- Cui* Oj _y» The yellow and the black i^^'jS\
fit thee bile. Absinth and colocynth.
Gullet. 'j'j^j :^y \
yr '4y Satan. %y y\
"Wholesome (food). '^Jj-
Centaurea calcitrapa {plant). jCy
To smooth a. th. * i d'y ^ O^ Bitterness. J\yj cA'J^'y vr ej'y*
Barren c~ j>lj Ctj^j cXy -k Cjy 1 Gall-vesicle.
(land) Without eyebrows (man). Vinegar-sauce. 'j'y
Without eyelashes. cnI»WI zjy' Course of time. oUjll j/y
Hairless (beast). juJJI — Strong. Steady. j\'y y. j,

Bare, strip- i^/JJ^ J^'Ih Cj/y'j

— Small rope. Stea- j^j^ w Xx. yv ~
ped land. diness, resolution.
Barrenness of a land. <^jj^' Scorzonera, viper's-grass. J^'y
To moisten (^dates). A (J^i o oy* ^ Hieracium. Gallingale, sedge [planU).
To suck (his finger : child ). To sof- Delicate maid. ''^'jiy'J oj/j^
ten a. th. More bitter. More
steady. iSy j' y^\
To soak a. th. in (water). J*~ Old age and destitution. Alo- o'^vt
To be contentious, to cavil. (j'Ji a oy* es and mustard. Wormwood and co-
To be meek, forbearing in a dispute. locynth ; lit : the two bitterest things.
To crumb a. th. A cjj* Passage. Space of time. y^
Contentious. oj UJ* w ^^^^ j p^ <
Strongly woven (rope). ^J^
Meek. Bilious. jjj^
To be disordered ^'y a ^y -fr To get angry. To be bitter, yy -ft-

(affair). To be spoilt. To be loose To give vent to (water). To ij »—

(finger-ring). grieve a. o.

To pasture freely. %-y o r'y To shift (sand). To quiver y'.j^^

To pasture (a horse). ^ -ry'^i
— (flesh). -^ To murmur.
To speak freely of. j it - Marble, alabaster. yy—
To mix a. th. with. Soft in flesh. Juicy pomegra- j\/tyj
To let two seas unconnected A ^^b "~ nate.
(God). To be et\y jyj a Isyj \'y ^
To break (a compact). fit ^'JA wholesome (food).
Meadow. t^!/* ?r ry' To eat (food). To give (food). ^ \y
Disturbance. ^^ To be beneficial to a. o. » ^^ b
Pasturing freely. (5. pi.) ^'y. (food).
They are in confusion, ^yfj ^yS J^ To have womanly featui*es. v'y a \sy
Smokeless fire. ^j C» To be manly. o^jj-» o '/y
Liar. ^\y. ^i^. To be wholesome (climate). ht'Cy o —
Coral. Pearls. Legu- d^'y -^j d^'y To wish a good health to a. o. 5 yy
minous plant. To show manliness. \*j^
Disordered, confused (affair T-iy To find (food) wholesome. it \j'^~Z.\

•^ Pimpernel {planV). "ijSifi^y Man. Human '\'y'\j

jyh 'y,J 'yj V*
Blunderhead, mar-all. being.
Harrow. Woman. Wife. Zyj »^yh »Lr»
To roll (boat). Small man. Small »^y ^ tSy
To provoke, to threaten jp J>^^ "^ woman.
a. 0. Manliness. Manly quali- cjyj s« /y
To be lively, cheerful, ^y a -ry ^ ties.

erf ( Y V )

To water (eye).
Robellious. Diluted milk. -ly JO j^ Cu^^ ^y>
Soaked in milk (date). To plaster (a house) a u^^ a ^y ^
Lofty building. ^^y with clay.
Beai'dleas (youth). To anoint (a skin) with oil. ^ ^yi
Without fetlock To sweep (wheat). To till up (a new
(horse). skin).
Barren (sand) : leafless (tree' To enliven, to cheer a. o. s ^'y>\
Pigeon's nest. J^J,**' -r "-.r-i Liveliness. o^^yj -ry
Audacious in rebelliou. j.^'^j;. Cheerful, -rfyi.J-^yi j^y -r -ry
Litharge, pro- dU--li]yJj r-^^\':>yi'P exulting.
toxyde of lead. Exclamation in hitting ^yj S'y
Sweet marjoram. J^yVyi nj J^fi^y' P the target. ( opp. to jr'ji )
Pomade. Excellent (bow, wine). ^/y
To pinch a. o. slightly, j \'^Ji> o 'Jy »• Fiery (horse). ^l>^j ^Sv!J -
To slander a. o. Tearful (eye). Productive (land),^r;;^
To cut off a piece of. sj^ — ^ To anoint (the fi>
^yj ,^y a ^y -tt-

To impair (the character). a 'SJ\J'\ body).

To receive (the part) of a. th. ^^ — fi^ To soften (doUgh) with A ^yll
To deprive (a partner) of his i — water.
share. To anoint o.'s self with. ^.j ^^
Piece cut off. Sweet mar o^yj "iy Cynanchuin vinimale, tree used ^yi
joram [plant). for striking fire.

Prince. 1
>y. Ointment. ^Jy
Persian governor. ti/jVy^ ^ o^.^'jy P Flowing (water). Venting. ^jii
Sweet mai'joram J^Jfj'j'y'j J'yr'j'j^ P Tender (wood). Anointed, ^'yj ^y
{})lant). Mar.? [planet). Long arrow. 'Ti^'y

To and mash fit

dilute C^ o ^J^yi ^ To eiij^j o'iVjA o iyj \^jy, o ^y -Ji-

( a medicine ). To suck (his fingers : be audacious, rebellious.

child). To be accustomed, inured to. ip iyi
To wipe o.'s (hands) with. ^j * — To soak and mash fi> \i,'yi o i^
To fall from the pulley i^yi a u-^»j — ( bread ). To cut a. th.To di'ive (

(rope).^ beast ) vehemently. To propel (

His affairs were unsettled. iJu> 'c^y' boat ) with a pole. To suck ( the
To exert o.'s » 'xZ.jCjj <L,\yi ^-J^ breast : child).
self in (an affair). To practise (a To be beardless i'^/yj \'^y ^ iy
craft,a virtue). (youth).
To set aright (a rope) in fit ^jaS To coat (a building). To strip A i^
the gear. (a branch) of its leaves.
To rub o.'s self ^ ^'yj> \j ^J;j To pi'epare a nest J s'iVy^j \\jj —
against. for (pigeons).
To struggle against (trials). ^ o-^ To rebel. To remain long beard- ^^ij
To struggle, to contend a^j^'Ji less.
together. To rebel against. jp —
To exert itself in (a quarrel) J (^1^*1. Neck. -^lyy •?• ^'(yji^^'y
(tongue). Rebellion. i^j ^/y
•^ Raffle (at play). ^'yi Wooden pole ; oar for ',Si\y ^ 'J?y
Broken to affairs. w^y w I wy boats.
They are of the same
jb-lj ^^^ It
^ Rebellious,
ojij,Uj i\yj aVy ^ ij>

To be haii'less, scanty- (jyyi a hjj: Ropf. cr-l^l rim-j ^'y ^ -r*
haired. () String, thin rope.
To tuck up (the sleeves). J,^ fi> Strength, vigour. "'^S'yi ^\'y.
To be fit to be plucked (hair), hy^] Compliant (man). cr-'S*" S*^
To drop its dates palm-tree ). To (
Uncompliant (man). ^-Or" v--^
hurry in her walk (she-camel). Dates soaked in water or milk, ^j^y
To fall off (hair). l^'J\j i^yj Da t e-wine. xLi y a
To be plucked ( hair). iO*-''. Hot South-wind. Is^'y °
To collect, to take a. th. fi> j?3t*'l. Strong, powerful (stallion).
hastily. Experience, practice. ~JL'JCj'
Woollen or silk garment, hjy^ ^ lay Myrtle-tree. Rose of Jericho. o\~'y ••
Portulac.a linifolia. species of t^y Hospital. Limatic cjiJU-i-jC* ^ o*'xJ.jU P
purslain. asylum.
Hairless, scanty- hy ^ -l^^i ^ hy] To scratch (the a Ci^^ o j''y ^
hau'ed. Thief. face).
Featherlesp hy ^ ^^'ytJ -kl y'J
~ To bite a. o. with the tongue. i —
(arrow). To take off a. th. y ^ jijv>l.
To anoint (the fi> <^'ySjS^J' a '^'y ^ To earn for (o.'s family). J —
head). Earth washed j-\y\^ j^/y ^ j^y
To ^y \j ,
-liSy <ryi ,
'^'y a ^'y away by rain.
abound with herbage (valley). Outstanding debt. xL\'y
To have (flocks) in a fertile land. ,^'y\ Wicked, biting. j!y ^ 'i-Jy ^ j:y^\
To find (a valley)
fuU of pas- fi ^y\ To strip (a tree) of its
^y -^

To hurry. To seek a good ^jji To press (the teat) ^ <ia'y o ^y'y -^

pasturage. with the fingers.
To penetrate into (a country).J yj^\ To outstrip. {^'y a yy
Pastui'age. ,^\'y ]j To fall off (bark).
^.y] ^ ^y yj^
Grease. 9^y,i "^y To be diseased. ii»'y^ Cay a J'y -H-
Kind of ^'^jti 9j^ 'T *fS-*-' "^^ j^ To tend, to nurse (the sick). » 'ij>y
partridge. To be remiss in (work). j y^:;^j
_;^J>'l -r <^j'y^J,f-^^h 9y'^ 7T Kj/ To render a. o. ill. s J'yh J^y
Rich in pasturage (man). ,f.JJi To have diseased cattle. O'y^
To graze «jij LJJD) ^'y a
-1^ To find a. o. ill. s —
(horse). To feign illness. y'J^L\ -^j j^jlw
if- To roll a, o. in the dust. Aj 5 — Disease. y\'y ^ -Js'y^ y'yj \
To grease (food). Hypocrisy, doubt.
To slaver (camel). pS»0
~ Blight, mildew. i^\'y
To be stained (reputation), ^s-'y a ^.y
To let (a beast) ^]^j (ii_^> ^.y Diseased. 'Weak, languid.' Ja\yj

wallow. Pale (sun). Ji>'yj J'\'y -r <^^/

To stain the character of. ^y'\j — Languid (eye).

To slaver. To chat. ^'L'\ Slight wind. <^_)-» '^j.

To dilute (dough) in water. ^ — Valetudinarian, J^i'JJ' -^jij^O**
To anoint o.\s self f^'j^^ -^j j_, ^y^y sickly.
with (oil). To pluck A J,jLi_, layJ il^y o if'y ^ ,

To wallow in the fj.j^ -^j tjOt)! j — out (the hair).

dust (mule). •^ To gnaw, to craunch a. th. a> ^y
He wavered in the affair, y] j p*;j To tear off.
Soft and hard. Trained, accusto- o^ Slaver. Meadow. i-y
med. Nature. State. Wallowing-place. ^_^j ''i'\'yi fS'y
They are of the sanae a>ij o^ Jc >» Mad. ^jCi
temper. Profligate. -^y ^ '\i,'y ^ ^'y\
Softness, suppleness (of ii/^j Va^^ Coecum. "ii'J^
the body). •c^ J' o- o>*ij tJ^ij , C3j_y>' oy "^
Cornm mascula.dog- o)^ ?r •^^y' To pierce through (the game arrow). :

wood-tree used for making spears. I He strayed from the true ^jji j^^ ^
Hard and pliant spear. i religion.
Cartilage of the nose. oj 1^^ ^ oj i* He was disobedient. StlLJI y^ —
Hard and smooth (spear). !
^ To cross, to pass by. jy
Holy chri.sra. Sacrament of ojlfy S To fill (a pot) /b Jy'\j,(j'y i o Jy
confirmation. |
with broth.
Muscles of the arm. o|y*^ To pierce a. 0. quickly with, cj S Sy
Exercise, training. ':i_^^ ! To pluck the hair of a hide. To A —
Maronite, of iJjj]^ ^ s^Jj^* "^j j./^^ !
draw (a sword).
mount Lebanon. |
To drop its dates (palm- iyy a oy
To become a Maronite. uj'j^ij ojy "^ I
To be weakened (eye). To sing (maid).
G._,> &ayi ^ \
Affected with heart-disease.' ii^'l eyJ fy To let a. 0. pass. i
n Jy
Pure white. Pool of stagnating <a^ To fall off (hair). 3yJ\j J^
water. To go out quickly from. Jjv^t ^
"Weak-sighted. o^ ^^ 'U^ ^o3>i1 Stinking Cj^y ^ *-^yj,ijy,J Jy
"White (mil-age). hide or wool.
Sore eye. »u^^ cnt Ear of J\y> ] ^ Jyj Jj'y ^ Jy
To anoint (a wound). '"CSy j^J/^
fi> ^ corn.
Poultice. j^yy" -^ jJ^J' Gravy, broth. <^yj 3'y
Silex. IMarura ( un. sj^ ) jy. ^ Hypocoudria. Hypocondriasis. J\y

(aromatic plant). Wool plucked from a skin. ijS'y

From jNIerw in Khorassan. -^S) Jp Heretics. "^jS^
Marrubiuiii. hoarhound. ^j^* Insolent, shameless. jy -^
To stamp the ground C^;; i ^y, -^ Sky-light, window. Jj U^ 5- o'JJ'
(horse). Eyes of butter. J'jJ'
To px'ess (a she cameFs) teats, — j- Marum ( plant). Jy>^j^ ^
To urge (a beast). To weary, to annoy a. 0. a u->v* "^
To extract a. th. j!^\j — fi> To be wearied, troubled. ^'j^ ^
To draw (rain) ^ t^^-lij j'JOSj - Rhinoceros. ^j-i^ty, ^
from the clouds (wind). To spoil a. th. ^'y a
To oppose a. o. 5 t\y,j %\j\^ ^'j\'^ To become ^/yj '"C/yj 'i\y oy *
stubbornly. smooth and hard.
To let flow her milk (she-camel). ^^1 To become hardened by (work) ip —
To attire o.'s self in. ^ ^£yJ; (hand).
To quarrel togetbei". (ijlii To get accustomed ic vl^j \jjy —
To doubt about. J jJ^aSj SjC^ to.
Quarrel. Contradiction. »i^* To soften a. th. » o'yj,^'y o —
Run of a lashed horse. Gush of -iCy To train, to inure a. o. to. u. 5 oy'

milk. To be trained, inured to. jt o,^

Doubt. Quarrel. ^^'j "^iy.
Garment. Soft leather. o\^] ^ oy
Milch-camel. KA'y ^ 'iSy Fur. Side.

Woman's White smooth-haired ij^ ^ jj,^

calf. Shabby clothes. 4- Saint.
Cvj> -»- Smooth-feathered partridge. "Cjy
To joke, to jest.
Woman of fair complexion. White
To assume colour (grapes). ^y
To jest with. 5 A^'j\:^j li-lj^ !>-j^*

To joke together. ^j'C^ Maria, woman's name. tijy

Spike, ear of corn. -rj^
Mary, the Blessed Virgin. j^^y H
Joke, jest. *9->>»j 9-O'
Cyclamen, sow-bread {plci.).^_y j^J.
Cold. Yellow slippers. i j; - sj^
^ ^ Sage (plant) '•:^^y

j>» -^ To be sour (beverage). 'oj\'y 3i -i^

To sip a. th. \'jy fi>

To fill up (a skin). * fyi — ^ To be tasteless. j

To be energetic (man). 'o'j\'y j>* To overcome a. o. !

To become hard (fruit). ^

To suck a. th. I
f^ \y o y
/jp To set a.
th. apart.
To di-iok (a draught). fi>

Abyssinian beer beverage made jj« To sack, to taste

a. th
^ jyJ
of millet, barley or grain. To be remote. 1

jjjl j.ij' Difficult business.
Of noble origin. I

Energetic. jj>'i ^ j^y Leisure. -^ Sourish

To bound s\\iftly '^'yj \s.'y a p.^ * I shall do it at leisure. jy J& ilii>

(gazelle). Sour taste. <• Tastelessness. ty^'y

To pick (cotton) with the * ^.j^j

— Sour. <r Tasteless. '^ ^ ^"
Palatable wine. '\°y3
To divide a. th. * ^y Excellence. __
_ J?
He has the mastery over dCTlP 'y H
He trembled with anger. iJaS ^yP
Flake of cotton. ^y, ^ "is-y

Piece of meat. ^ "-.i-y^

— A sucking. Palatable wine. oy
f^yj f.'y
Draught of watei Excellent. j.y j.j%
Hedge-hog. ^^y Difficult, more diffi- y ^ '\y ^ y'\
3'y -^ cult. Better.
To tear fi> Jyj,'^yj i2y i

oflF(a garment). fy To become sour, acrid. yy'H-

To impair (the character) of. /b — To shake about a. th. *-
To mute (bird). \Sy 3'y i
To be shaken. yyi
To scatter (a 5 CSjiA^ C«i>J 3y To rise.
tiibe). Yellow slippei's.
To destroy (a kingdom). fi>
3y I
To mingle o * %-\'y,i
^*'j '
Tr'y *
To vie in swiftness with. S Sj^ (a liquid) with.

incite a. 0. against.
To be scattered (tribe). J^" To ! ,^ ^
Jjiib ~ To assume a yellow hue (corn- ^'y
To be torn to pieces.
Rag, tatter. 3'y ^ xJj^ crops).

3'y To intermingle with. con- i ^jb>

Ragged garment. ^Jji \

Swift- running (horse). 3\y '. tend with a. o.

0, a. ^jl^ To be mixed. To frequent
To go away, oy^j (jj'yj ^y cy -5^

To fly away. To be mixed with. ^ ir'-^l j

To fill up (a skin). oyj cfy Bitter almond.

fi> r-iyh vryj ^y ;

To praise a. 0. 5 o>»j — Honey. "^.y^ "^y I1

To seek to commend o.'s self. cj*^ Mixture of a liquid.

l>^'l -r rr'^y

To outstrip a. 0. To get accus- jt — Constitution. Complexion of the '


tomed to. body.


Rain-cloud. Jy 1
Mixed. sr^^-J -rij^'J "^-y
c vsn .L..
He soothed him by words. J}5')Vj 5 \L* Hail-stone.
To set ])eople ) at
( oy cL» ]j — Habit. State.
variance. Ant's eggs.
Middle part of a I'oad. '^ Ant.
Jolly. Impudent. <L-C* _j, '^-U To joke, to jest jV>j , (*j^ a «j> -tt-

To wipe a. th. -with fi> Gjj: a ^iJ' -fr with.

the hand. To comb (the hair). To become proud. C j^ i iS'y -ft"

He curi'ied his horse. «^^ ^p — To praise, to commend a. 0. » Sy

He washed his hands. •li.io *jjj
— Remote. jUiij JS^
To anoint a. th. with. ^ fi>
— Attain- G(j>
5^ ,- <ij.'^
To dispel (an evil God). To : * — ment, privilege.
coax a. o. He sat far from Cj lir;ij C J-^ li^^ '^'
To beguile a. o. i^'lj _j\
— me.
To strike a. o. with ( the >-r>
^ ~ The great, the mighty (men). slji
sword). Distinguished, elegant. 7jy j, ^y
To survey (aland). ^ ^\1j> j Ul-^ ?»vl» To ^j C-iw»j 'v— ^ a ,_^
s i^jJ-iZ-^j ^
To lie. G-Ll^^j (UIj^ - touch a. th. with the hand. To smite
To have the thighs rubbed G-.1-S a rt-Ji a. 0. (misfortune). To strike a. 0.
by a garment.
coar.se He was somewhat drunk. _,SviJI tL^
To beguile, to wheedle s r-.^K'^j <rJj^ Necessity compelled to. Jl. *»:G>.JI jr,lj:
a. 0. To have a touch of madness. ^»
To wipe a. th. /b ^.l^j !>-wl/i To touch a. 0. C.C-«j il-liji ,1,-^

To anoint a. o. with. ^a ?»il;5j ^i' To be in contact with, contiguous a —

He washed himself. 'ijit to.
Such a one is penniless. 9wii To make a. 0. to touch 4s "i l^J^l
To agree upon. To strike it . a. th.
a bargain with. To come in contact. lj.\:j
To unsheath (a .sword). a , Contact. Stroke of madness. ^^
Anointing, -if- Land-surveying. First fit of fever : jU!l jl JJ^J\ -
Saddle-felter. ^\LJ>^j ^jLJ^ ^ contact of fii'e.

Hair-cloth. Contiguousness, contact. *^\^

High road. ^^j Touching.
Friction. Impression of a wet Pressing need.
hand. Mark, sign. The sense of touch.
He has some traits Jlij^l There a close rela- *,

of beauty. tiouship between them.

•^Extreme-Unction. Do not touch.
Mensuration of land. Touch. Contact.
Geometry. Salt water. Undrinkable, or ur>--*
Smooth. Piece of kl;;^ wholesome water. Bezoar-stone.
gold or silver. Sweat. Anointed, Touching much. -^ Goad. ^\1j>
wiped. Crazy ; whimsical. a->-i^
Christ, the Messiah. To be intri- Clilfj X-w* ,.r-«-^ ^
The Antichrist ; the false Ju!JI- cate, confused (business).
Christ. To joke. To I'^'j '>-l^ a ll^ -i^t-

Christian. ost^-Jij 0^.1 beguile. To be slow. To be rude.

Christianity. To follow the middle of (a road). * —
Lock of hair. Bow. ^. To delay a payment ). To allay the

Temple of the head. boiling of (a pot).


Jw. ( v>r )

To squeeze (a skin, a CkJwi o iaU -S- Surveyor : measurer SaClLJ ^ ^Ll/«

the bowels, linen). of land.
Purgative plant. Ja--C» Liar. Having the breast chafed t.^\j>

Muddy water. *i«5-r*J -^*crr' by rubbing (camel).

River, valley liaving little water.skj-.^ Female hair-dresser. 7^^\'y ^ *9-_wC»
Trowel. cij^Ual^ • Having the •pCJ' ^r ''^-l-^ >• ^-1-^ 1

JA«.^_j wil.>» Ij dL«j«^ , Us«-w« i o <tXLJ ^ thighs inflamed by rubbing. Having

To take ^ dll4iJLlj dllo^lj liL- u5 a flat sole (man).
hold of.
- Even, bare (soil). ?-_^C«l ^ —

To grasp a. th. ojC, dli-Aj dll/J;fc Klven and pebbly soil. Unseemly 'Ul^J
To be Tfuacious. sJ^lLJ o (txLJ (woman).
To perfume a. th. with musk. ,^U fi> Long piece of wood in -r^J^ ^ -rj—^ '

To give an earnest to. S — a ship.

To withhold, to keep back. *_, i dX'~J' 1 Impostor, 9--14j^ J , !r— li-J ^ -rU^
To asti-inge (the bowels medicine). : dissembler.
To refrain from. j^ dll.4i-l.lj — Crocodile. -r-y^^ ^ ^-Llijj —
He did not abstain from. o\ dCliJ U Rag, duster. otl.i..;j r-J-i.^

Fre.shly flayed skin. 6/~J- ^ ^U^ To transform, to Aj ^ 6,U a 5ifc-» -W-

Catch, grip. metamorphose a. o. To adulterate

They are afraid. ^\\^\\ 6jLJ> J '^ \ a book ). To emaciate ( a horse ).
Dam. Horn or ivory-armlets. ^U To render (food) tasteless.
Tortoise-shell. To scoff at, to vUify a. o. s r-^i —

Child's caul. <fei--C>j "i^nU To be dissolved (tumour). ^.1/^1

Musk (perfume). iXLji To become emaciated (arm). ?i-JUI.

C lienopodium Botrijs goose- '^j\ diJ> To unsheath (a sword). A rJLlj'\

foot [plant). Metamorphosis. Plagiarism.
^ Musky, musk-fruit Metamorphosed, defor- ^>L» ;

Musk-deei". med. Monster (person).


Particle of musk. () Deformity. Abuse.

Handle. Well dug in Metamorphosed. Hideous. Taste

a hard 'ground. Sustenance. Sound less. Stupid.
judgment. Horse-tail (
plant). ^^ \

There is (ii^-^ j\ ii^ j\ X^CJ- *-? C« Lean in the rump (horse). -^y-^
no intelligence in him. <• Deformed.
Avarice. iSCJj ilLJ^j lfeil.»j *&w»' To ridicule a. o. u. Jid^i^ S _^J_» ••
Dam, dX^j i)ll>; Laughing-stock. ^^^ -r o'J^-^

Reservoir. Water-works. oITlIjI To twist (a rope). A \HjJ o jlJI -S-

Avarice. Abstemiousness. iJC/»l To emaciate (a horse) for a » —
Eai'nest. pledge. oVfesi-L* race.
Tongues forceps.
: »ili.> Qj di»» u To shampoo ( the J^^ j'
* -^ "^

Avaricious, niggardly. dJCJ ^ *i=ilJj Strong woman. jl-JI t:!^ 'O'l
Hard ground. *^r^ J^'jh *^i5_/J Fibres of palm- :>\lJ ]j iU_» ^ -u.*
Burnet (plant). — X^SCL^j trees rope of fibres or
; leather.
Stechas ( plant). ^\j'}i\ d)_4^^ Iron axle-tree of a pulley.
White-spotted (horse's foot), ifeu-^ji Skin for butter or honey. iO
Impregnated with musk, musky. dLlii Strong, sturdy. J>L4-«
To flow (water). y,:ji o jUi -» n Coptic month of <^lr-^ ^
To draw (a sword). ^^
J^^^ August.
]kt ( Y\r )
He is one of tlie ^ 1^2)1 ii,l^^ J _jA River- jJL.Jj o^».> J^j *Iw«1 ^ Jl^:
best men of his tribe. bed.
Towel, napkiu. Beauty of an oval face. XWLJ^
Apricot. ( un. iX ) To wish a good eve- » ^^^ ^^^/i — -ft-

Apricot-tree. ning to. To come in the evening to.

Bitter-kernelled apricot. Good evening. J^^. <ii iJLL»
Sweet-kernelled apricot. To enter upon the ^s-^i <C/»I. jJi'\
To mix, to confuse A C^ evening.
a. th. He became ill in the Cisj_yS u>U —
Mixed ; ^vi;1 •_j !>5-.~.>_j irii' evening.
confused. He came late.
J:j^> -^j 'j2i\ « JJ^
To have the thighs C>»1.> a Afternoon : evening. „,i \j 'il>
chafed by a coarse garment. Good evening. .»^l •\Ui
To anoint ( for ^:^i. ) \>Jj^ a Yesterday ^ ^-^^ *^ ~
,u~* ' iS'-^ '-^

(tha sick) with holy oil. evening.

To clear away (sky). Runuet.
tf- Beginning of the eve-
To be cheerful. i^ij a _
To sprout (tree).^i;;j ^'^j J^J-i — < I
To clothe a. o. S ^4-»
To dress up. To appear rich. ^-j^, I
To extract a. th. A UJ_» i ^^IS -S-

Leaf coming out. S>Ls 1 To emaciate (the attle : heat). TS

Fine-shaped ear. sln-* Slr^ o'i?
To be torn off.
Vegetation of the J^JVI O^^'J »lrs-^ To b3 thirsty.
earth. Deaf to advice.
What a ^jvi oi* s>L^ ^l>t C Misfortuues.
luxuriant land! To dikite a. th. To A LL/i o Iji^ -ft-

Soil covered with green. S>>C» tr'jl wipe o.'s hand 5. To suck (a bone).
To dress (the ^ JaJjj fuj.; i o Jalii -}f
He took little by little the :,>0 JGi -
hair). propei'ty of.

To be chapped (hand). CklJ a Ja4>s To quarrel with. To milk (a she-

To have the sides comb- ulij — camel).
shaped (she-camel). To have a callosity on Cii.* a ,

To dress o.'s hair. ialA/^l. the foot (beast).

BlandLsher, coaser. Jai^JI J\'i To extract the marrow «
Comb. Weaver's loom. Shoulder- Jai,> of (a bone).
blade. Comb-shaped brand on a ca- To be marrowy (bone).
mel. Curry-comb. To befall a. o. (lot).
Metatarsal bone, instep. J'-S'l
— To obtain a share of.
tf- Bridge of a fiddle. ,.i;5::!i
- To exhaust (the udder). To take ^ —
J»V_i»^ ;y ia.i.*j IsJi^j ia-Z~^j JaiVj Jai.^ off (her ornaments : woman).
Comb. iai;^ J ,
£,;!;. Ij To purify o.'s self with (a v_) jiJu"'.

Manner of combing. ski;* stone).

Craft of a hair-dresser. iklL; Soft earth. Soul : natural dis- ^Csji
Combings. X]^ lL^ position.
Comber, hair-dresser. xLi^U j. iii.C« He is of a generous ^iliiJI i-.'^ ji
Combed. i»>ivJj ia^i.? character.
To have a splinter in Cial/ a ia^."" -ft- Cartilage of a bone. J.[k/' ^ iili.*
the hand. To be muscular (horse). Soft bone. Stony tract.
: —

C YM )

Having the ji^' ^ 'ClI/ > j;l;« I

Splinter of a bone. *^ij -Si—-*

thighs wounded by rubbing. Chafed Uncertain rumours. iklJ

(skin). To steal a. th. away. CU fi> a ^iJ -^
Dyed with red clay. To earn a. th. To card (cotton).
SJender (waist). Lean (horse). Jjl^ To milk (ewes). a
Long and thin bough ). <• Stripped To clean out (a dish).
( ^'L^j — fit

of its leaves (tree). To cleanse o.'s self. ^1^,

To decrease (ilesh). V^l/J o JJJ- ^ To snatch (a garment). To rii*l fi>

To draw little (milk). * - exhaust ( the udder). To draw (the

To draw (the sword). jli»lj — sword;. fi>

To yield little milk (she-camel), jlj Flake of carded cotton. *'«:r§-*->

Little tleshy. JjlXJ'j Ji-C» To crauneh (a cucum- A lil/i a flJ^ ^
Sweet-kernelled apricot- ber) slowly.
tree. To strike to revile a. o.
; s —
-^Medlar, ti-ee and fruit. yiJji T To blacken (the character) of. A jXj'
To scratch (the fi>j s (:^ « i ^1^ ^ To dye (cloth) with red clay.
skin ). To excoriate a. o, To pare Red clay. fJu/^

(a s'vin). Worn out rag. Di-y mud mixed <ii...

To exhaust the milk of with thorns for cleansing flax.

(a she-camel). To act speedily. Csi/ o j1j» i^

To take off a. th. To draw To unfurl, to spread a. th. To dye * —
(the sword). (the hair). To tear up (a garment).
Scratch, excoriation. iLi/» To chafe (the thighs : coarse gar-
Fresh dates, a Mortar. olL^j olL» ment). To eat the best of a pasturage
To relax a. o. (me- s ^^'\ — ^±j' -H- (cattle). <>-To strip (a tree) of his
dicine). leaves.
•^He went to stool. iiiaj
^^ To write in large letters. Z\^\\ J —
To use a. th. as a laxative.uj ^^.^Jii[ To flog a. 0. 5' —
Purgation. '^Ijj Ji/j yljj y^ To eat little of a meal. ^liLjl ^/> —
" To
Walk, errand. jl>=-^ -^ be tall and slender. j^
To ^^i47j i^^i , *li-4-?j Qi-* i
c?^ ^ To wound o.'sthighs by (sl^ a J4^
walk. rubbing.

He was a backbiter, Xi-^JlL; ^^l/S To revile a. o. s '

To traduce a. o. to. jl^ ^^i,; <j. To flog a. 0. s

To make & t lL» t
J^ h *—^4-^ <5^ .
To dye a. th. with red clay. /ft -
a. o. to walk, to go on. To promote To be over (night). To be rent jl;;;
(an affiir). (garment). To be barked (branch),
To walk with a. o. s ^^(• •^ To be stripped of its leaves (tree)
To have numerous flocks. ^^^ I To pull along a. th.
To walk along. To take a walk, ^^l^j To pull off, to snatch a th . fl> jli-'i^

To act upon a. o. (wine). Tall and fine stature.

To walk together. Red clay.
To have cattle for breeding. Rent garment, tatters,
Walk. rags. Flake of cotton.
Gait, deportment. Rubbish of carded wool. 'iJ\Ju^J

Walker. Foot- o>iUj olL Floss-siik. Tow, oakum.
passenger, foot-soldier. Having little flesh, J^l^j J-4o ji-*
Slanderers. -^ Foot-soldiers slender.
infantry. Shabby, worn out clothes. Jc4'*

( V\o )

To suck (the breast), fb \j^ o Jk^ -i^ Quadruped. J-^y'j oCi-C*^ ::;i;.>

To suck a. th. Cattle. PI. Flocks.

To render a. o. submissive. s — Good walker. Slanderer. Cjjj\1./' rr '^
To be intense (cold, heat). Ijua^ — Walking-place. Gal- ^J^'^ ^ ^^^^''

Thunder. Shower. ao/^ levy, passage, corridor. Foot-path.

Intensene.?s of cold, heat. jJaij jJai To ^ '^^ 'j ^o«."j , l^ a o 3/*^ "^
High olJua»j oJ^^\ 7- .Xa^j
i\.^^j — suck a. th., to sip in,

and red hill. Top of a mountain. ^ To lose its juice (fruit). '^
Shower, rain. SJua/* To give to a. o. a. th. ; to fin ts '^\
Place of refuge, shelter. il.ii;: suck.
To S j^^ h ^^^J 1 llr-a* O -oa-* "fr Sucking, suction. ( un. x^> ) '^'k

milk ( a ewe ) with the tip of the Sugar-cane. ^i." «— -^

lingers. Choice part, pith. i>»^-o>'j *.^
To yield little milk (ewe). _^i He is the be.st of his */.^ o^Ui> y^
To build (towns). To choose ( a A— tribe.
town) for a capital. What is sucked. X^\^ </

He has given him little. 'Uaill *lifr — Sucker. i^O j, 1^\a

To become a raatropolis (town).__;4aij Sucker. Cupper, a Cement. tja\^i'

To be unimportant ( gift ). To dis- ^ Spout of a mug. Pipe of a z^di -^

perse away (people). syringe. Owl. Vampire.
Egypt. Cairo. ^^ Sucking his ewes <;l.^>» ^ oV-^^
Chief town of a j^^j j^^ t »r«a* *
through avarice.
kingdom. Country. Boundaries of Meat cooked with ^j^HJ^ ^ •j'j-^''

two countries. vinegar.

Cufa and Basra (towns). ii\lr''aS\ Wet, damp (sand). i>»c^''
Egyptian. o^/^; ^r *I-rCa^ j« '^^'^ Bowl. *o-^
^ A para, a farthing. ;[jjV.ii ^ *i_o"ia> •^ String, thread. ^j^^y^*
PL Wealth, money. Sucker. Syphon. < !!>=»;

Yielding little ^^l^j j^^* ^ jy^'^ Emaciated by disease. ^^^^iav"

milk (female). He rinsed his mouth. ijl ^^; >.g -ft-

To rinse (a glass). <>• To suck a. th.* —

Intestine, gut. Of pure race, genuine. ^t'^^''
Mastic, jCLk^a^j 'iJCia-ii;:^ JLL^^ ^ To disappear, (>j^ij G-^/i a ^..i«' -tt-
gum of the lentisk-tree. d Spirits to cease. To be worn out (clothes?).
parfuraed with mastic. To fade (blossom). To be exhausted
To flash Hghtning).
( (^i a ;»i;: ^ (milk). To be effaced (house). To be
To start (horse). obliterated (writing).
To strike a. o. with (a stick), uj 5 — To decrease (shade), u.^; a 5v.a»j —
To miscarry (woman ).j,1^U 'z^'..laAj — To carry off a. th. t_, ^,^i
To be exhausted (milk). Vt^V — May God d\^^ ri-^*\j TrJaiJ'j ^1 ^^.i*
To quarrel ^oU-'jiCs-Us^j ii^i;.' ;.oC« cure thy disease !

together. Thin (shade). rs.^'\

To go deep into (a To pull away a. th. * li-^i'. u ^.ojJ -J^
land). To pull out (panic-grass).
Warlike. To take hold of a. th. ^n^vij k^xo^ fi>

Yielding little milk '

To be weaned (child ). k-^^i

Barry of tha /••io j^' ?- *«-i'*j Xi^la^ To be separated from. ?k.i5»l ^
thistle cr-^^ .Green bird. Sheath of k^^Mj -ky^^ ^r *i->^*

To drop (water). V^isij M^^^ o J.ia-» ^ panic-grass. White pith of papyrus.


His l^ix; IS^^J 'v:?*^ '-ri** ^'^ v*^ To I

be put on a sieve for "^a joV
blood is still unrevenged. ;
draining ( fresh cheese). To suppu-
Mudar, ancestor of the Muda- _^ i rate (wound). To percolate.
rees. ,
To make (fresh cheese). A j^>
Tribe of the Mudarees. *iv^ To give an instalment to a. o. ^j. J —
Meat cooked with sour milk. cJx^ To waste (wealth) Sj ^y^h — fi>

Whey. SjUui ;
away. To exhaust ( ewes ) by rail-
To masticate a. th. * Uii>» a o f^!' -S- king.
He chewed his brother's jjii ^I — To make curd. V^-a» —
flesli i. e. He disgraced him. ,
Whey. iJLi?j Jit*
To fight desperately with. s ^l. Drippings. *Ui;ij :cJu»«
To be eatable (meat). To bring fJiJ-] Oozing (skin). Small quantity j^y

forth ripe dates ( palm-tree ). To I

of milk. Paltry gift.
ripen (date). I To pain, s ja^Sj ^iiA^^^j lixf o ja^ -^
Mastication. i-^^j f^ I
to distress a.o. ( wound, giief ). To
What is chewed. stUa^j j.U»» i
grieve a. o.
iVIasticatory. Clot of fih/' ^ liis/i :
To burn (the eyes, the ton- a ^^/^b
blood. ^
gue : collyrium, vinegar).
Unimportant affairs : j^'VI f.^* ,
To experience pain ^/t C^J^ a ^^
trifles. from.
Flesh adhering ^,lii»j *"-^ To be dis- ioLi'^j Ca-^j^j <r^» a ~
f^^^ ^r i

to the bones. tressed, pained.


Mad, insane. ^tUx^ i

To itch (akin).
The two jaws, mandibles. oU-^U'l i
To quarrel together.
Desperate struggle. Xi^\'^ i
Itching, burning. Sour
To pass away \%a*j U-oa o i
t^^^ -S- j
(event) : to elapse (time). To go on. Pain, grief. Sour milk.


To penetrate into: J \j^ij «Liu» o i I

Salt water. Pure, unmixed.
to advance further on. I
Pain, burning in the eye.
To exe'cute (an affair). To J*
~ i
conclude (a bargain). He CflC-iajj *.^i-ia^ *-? J 'UJ I

He died. \^^ <U1J j iJU-^ — riijsed his mouth.


To take a. th. away. vj ^a> I have not closed j,y.) ^'J. iuai-ia^

To cut, to be sharp (8word).«iJj/ ^^j^ my eyes. |

To promote, to advance A i[^{ ^sh^\ Drowsi- jl^At J tj-UI! yii^^ijj ja'.^^ j


(an affair). To execute an order ). ( ness crept into his eyes. ,

To conclude (a sale). -^ To sign (a To impair 9^^ b C>tJa/» a t.^ ^

fin ,

deed ). (the reputation) of. To disgrace a. 0.


To be successfully performed ^^) To ooze ( skin). To dart its i-ays ^.^ i

(affair). To be executed (order). (sun). i

Carrying out of a decree. 'l^il. Ilr^*j 'S^.* a v-^J o _r«^J -r^ "fr I

•^ Signature. To become sour (milk). 0>^v


Progress, furthei'ing. A'^a To destroy a. o. To reckon 5 ya^

Past (time). Sharp »1^\a ^ jfi/^ a. o. amongst the Mudarees.
(sword). Efficacious (discourse). To be numbered among the .r^
The preterite tense. ^CJl Mudarees.
Sharper ; more efficacious. ^^^ Fresh, soft. _r?^
Executed, fulfilled «:u }ii^ ;y>1 Sour (milk). J^h -r>W j^^
(order). Soft life. j.a» J~'*s-
Watered by
rain. j^'*^J
-^^ To strain, to
x liLv LkS , o l.i «•
Swift-paced (horse). jiL«' stretch a. th.
Mug. Town of Heliopolis. iij—ia^ To stretch (the eyebrows). To 'Jaifin

Waterproof Jp{J: ^ e'Ja^j^j Ja^_ assume a proud ( mien ). To extend

garment. (the fingers). To draw (a bucket).
Swift (hoi'.se). To be proud, haughty.
Intermittent (rain). To revile a. o.
Asking for rain. Seeking To waddle, to sweep in walk Lk.7
bounty. Silent. To rope (milk).
Rained upon (man, place). To adorn (a narrative).
Bishop, met- zJjlLJJj iiijj^ 'j\Jiai G Proud deport- J^h 'iklki^ •^JaJaf'

ropolitan. ment.
To ta.ste a. th. in fi, jLiJ — jtL« -ft- Slime in the bottom kJ ikj^ ^ ^t^k^"
smacking the lips. of a trough. Place hollowed by the
Sweetness. vLj^ feet of cattle.
To stretch (a rope). ^IW o ji»> ^
fi> To be unmindful of. j kiLjA ^
To flatten (tin). To work (iron). To slap a. o. » Gja^ a rr^aJ^ -ft-

To put off the pay- Jiai/']j Jt\>j

— To be swollen (river). ^lar^ilj injaij
ment of (a debt). To eat much. G-.k/S a ^Aa/' ^
To delay the i_» 5 "^^'j V.y\'^ JJ^W — Foolish. Proud. Dis- :;iklk;: ^ ^'^aj^

payment of a. th. to. .solute.

To grow tall and tangled ,^'-*[ To yield Jal^ ]j , |^;j |^ o Ja^ -«•

(plant). rain (sky).

Putting off (of a Jlia^j *'Uii;j«j jL^ The sky rained upon 'iil!l ^^k-*
promise). them.
Remainder of water in a tJL^j viiJ' It rains. _^^ tliljl

basin. He has not ^j_ j\ (j^i Ha ^i C^

Craft of a tinman, ii'onraon- xlLJa.; received the least benefit from him.
gery. To run quickly (horse). \j^'j \'JiaA —
Ironmonger, tinman. JiL/J To light quickly (bird).
Dilatory (debtor). JlaU-ij Jj^j J^l** To go through (a lija'jj \'j^ —
Beaten iron, tin. "iX^ country).
Jj,^ rr

Elongated (iron). Delayed To bring a. th. away. ^_j _4»-*

(payment). To send down rain ( God). To J^S

To hasten : to hurry \j\^ Ik; ^ sweat.
the walk. To join a fj'iend. To expose o."s self to the rain. J^
To urge a beast (rider). To itij if — To go fast horse ). To fly swiftly

pull (a rope). (bird;.

To render the way long to. ^j — To ask rain from (God), i ja.'J:L\i —
To be lengthened (day). Ck^ a JhJ^ To expect silently, to lower ja'JiLs
To ride (a beast). 5
J=^\j J*-^'
the eyes.
To mount a. 0. upon (a s ^ \a.'j'\ To seek the beneficence of. ^.»

baast). Shower, heavy rain. jlk^^ -x Jaf'
To become long (day). To \^ U.se,custom. "i'J^i o'Jkfj ja^
spread, to stretch the arms in Water-skin. Wooden or s^k/*'

walk. leathern vessel.

Back of a beast. 'Vix* Rainy (wea- ^^'J'j j^^j J^^i _r^-*
Alike ; fellow. ther).
Length, extent. -^s'^Ji Wide- mouthed (well). SjVk^j J^
^. C Y>A )

Swift-running horse. ^^' Hour, instant, moment. s^^L^

To seize, to * ao^lj,lai/»' a oiv -JJ- Nag, riding-beast. "V-ia/O ljlk» ^ ilk;:

snatch a. th. una-wares. To draw To blame, to find fault \_^i o 'hj: ^

(the sword). To pull up (a bucket). ,
To injure the stomach of. ^ ~ \
To resist : to s (J&\^j ^\'^i %\a
To journey through (a J oiV treat a. o. harshly.
country). To revile o. a. "Jji^;

To snatch a. th. ^ ^'^j^'j i^'*' ~ Wild |

pomegranate-tree. Dragon's 'Jii
away. I
blood (resinous juice).
To have a disease of the sto- j^ ',

Roughness, harshness of ;!»'Ua>

mach. I
Tender : fi'esh f fruit ). sli/ >. -u»' To soften (a fi>
^j ,
uk/f a »h^ -M-

Swift (camel). Bu.ky, coarse. i thong).

Side of man. ai»' i
To lick up a. th. A ;^^
Stomach. jS/'j ay' ^ 'iJ^,j oJm^ To be dilatory in. J —
Fresh, juicy (dates). Zj^mJJ \
With. At the time of. Not- '^^i-j >" -^
To fall out (finger-nail). 1_^/ a _;»>•' ^ withstanding.
To lose its hair (lock). With thee. dU/»'
To be scarce (feathei-s, hair). J^ Ij — In the evening. xliijl y«'
To alter (the countenance
: fi>
^ i
With all that, nevertheless.
di5 i ^'

To have travelling-provisions jij>'\j — \

Although, though. ol />"
exhausted. To become poor. Though he may be rich. C^' t.i'^ y>'
To be destitute of plants (land). _^1 Together, at the same time. Ck/
To fall off (hair). To be altered Jc^ j
Concomitance. Simultaneous- a^V
by anger (face). ness, connexion. -^ Private house-
Ill-nature. Sj^*'*' hold of a prince.
Hair- J^ ^'\j^ J' j^ 'j ''yi' -» j^ 1
To melt (grease). u^ o v' -S-
less. Scanty (hair). Bai'e (.soil). Fal- To walk by intense heat. To ^.ii/J -J^

ling (nail). Niggardly. fight (people). To repeat.

Having the forehead convulsed _;^ii>' To pour a vehement (rain : .sky). fl>

by anger. Crepitation of fire in y,U/ ^ liii*'
To be rich in >^ ^j j*^' a j;"' , I ^ the reeds. Uproar, bustle of fighters.
goats. PL Wars.
To become hard (ground). j^^' They agreed together. Ci>.Ui h'j^
"What a hard, a strong man iji^l C. 1 Partaking the opinion of o?«^'
What an energetic man! 'CjCj jiil U every one.
To be frowned (face). jS^ Intense heat. Intensely "jliiJiVj oUii/''
To be diligent in. J jii^J.1^ hot or cold (night, day).
Hardness cf the ground. ji»' To rub (a skin). CJ^ i c.i>' -tt-

'^J^,J ,-hii^J jij* fr J*^J

(iji.»_J I
J^ To rush forth. To go Gj./ a -^r.ii^ -M-

Bucks and goats. Kind of goats. swiftly or gently (she-camel). To

Goats. Herd of Jjt'^b jet)»1 ^ J>i'^ blow gently(wind).
mountain goats from 30 upwards. To strike (its mother's udder : A —
Goat, buck. Goat-skin. ^I>»' t J'-^ young camel).
Energetic. j-iil'O ji^'j Ji'^ To shake the plants (wind). C;OI J —
Hard, stony jcL-lj j^ ^ Mj;v ^ y^\ To stir (a pencil) in. j * —
ground. To curvet (ass).
Owner of goats, goat-herd. jC^' Bloom of life.
^ ) dl.
Putting oif the dksX^'j du;^j,dUV To rub (leather) A LiV a ^_,^' ^
payment of a debt. strongly.
Silly : quarreller. il«/ To revile, to strike a. o. > —
Numerous (camels). •^ To crush down a. th. A .j-i^'j


Big and fat (camels). {s. pi.) '^m^ Daimtless, brave. er-?»^''-> w^
Wai-ra bread overlaid with X.SC-*V • To have the nerves i^J'' a ,>a*> *
sugar and butter. of the feet sprained. To be distorted
To pluck, to suatch fi> >li>. a Ji^' -)f (finger). To ache (belly). To limp.
away a. th. To damage a. th. To be in a rage. ^/a^^j u^^iJ
To backbite a. o. — Pain in the sides. ^ij^
To avert a. o. briskly ^.t j Ji^b — Feeling a pain in the feet ^jo^j ^jo^^
from. from ovei'fatigue.
Acting dexterously : sharp. To be ^, Ja»^ b , vliai/ a JomP -tt-

Evil, mischief. vexed by.

To ac'cnow- vj^^t>,CJiV To anger a. o. i ja,J> ij jsi/*'

ledge or to disown a. th. Moved, exasperated. J^j J^M

To flow ^'\j , U^ a ^'j a , C:JU' ct*^'
To distend a. th. fi> CkiV a Jai»' -fr

(water). To be started (horse). To pluck ( Lair, feathers ). -^ To

To be well watered to ui^v" a ^y'
; scald otf (hair) with boiling water.
grow (plant). To put off (a payment). ^—
To be well watered (ground). ^'A To draw (the sword). a Jaii^b —
To run fast (horse ). To be rich. To To have scanty JaS^j , Cki^' a !*•/•'

be poor. hair (wolf).

To be assiduous : to ponder over.^^"*| To fall off iai>lj UiJlj iai/^lj L^J
To look intently J ^ij -^j J _^;l — gradually (hair).
at a. th. To become worn, smooth Jaii^^lj lai^"!.

Useful. Easy (thing). Numerous (rope).

Scarce. Hairless JaJ^^i

Bare (sand,
^ .il*;/ ^ ^ '\j i^
He possesses nothing, "ii^v Vj XlL (wolf). soil;.

Inn. Spa. To wash (the earth) Csi/ a fi> ji»' -fr

Travelling apparatus, cr^'^'y' ^ u>frV>» away (torrent ). To drink a. th.

house-uteusils.Legal alms. Good greedily.
work. < Quire of paper, n Caldron. To be deep (well). iJli^jCsiV o J^l^'
Barge, mahone. xJ^' -^ To be far distant ( place).
Water flowing cl^j o*^' ^ ^Z To deepen (a well). fi> j^J]
upon the surface of the earth. To be deep. To be wicked.
- • • •
' ,
j^ .',
To mew (cat). iii; o U/ ^

To bear ripening dates (palm- jJA Depth ; distance. PL Remote parts of

tree). the desert.
To spread (evil).
^^;j Deep. j^
Ripening date. ^^ To rub a. th. fi> ^is^ a dtiV -S-

Intestines, 'liUl ^ -Kk^i 'maj J.i * To overcome a. o. in (wrest- J 5 —

guts. ling).
To mix up, to embroil a. th. ^ ;i;i«' -$i- He put *Jlo 5 dltC'j uJJo J iiJi liU^
To chew (meat). off the payment of his debt to.
To shake a. th. in (water). J A — To be insane. LTliV o dU^'
He spoke confusedly. ^^ASC'l f:Jj>' To drag a. o. along on the 5 di^'
He did his woi-k clumsily. 4\;^ J ^:;J>. ground.
He patched his work. To be rolled on the ground. d\i;3
( YT- ) !;>
To be stretched, dis- ial^\j Jai^ij hl^ To be confused, intricate ^i/^'j ^^U^:
tended. (affair).

To be advanced (day). Jaif>\ To steep and mash j /fc G;/ o c^V «

To draw (the sword). * — (a medicine) in.
To feel the gripes '^ a JiV^ J^' ^ To beat a. o. lightly. s —
(beast). To iinpair (the reputation) of. ^ —
To calumniate o!^. sJliVj !SiV a — To struggle with s GU^j ;Sfci;.« dif"
a. 0. a. 0.
To be corrupt (eye). 5UV a J-^' Wi-estler, athlet. c^i
To have cattle seized with colic. jiV'l Struggle. Conflict. Play. oUl. ^ ^J/
To bring forth a child every year Lai<l prostrate by rain o>i4.«'j c— i^"
(woman). (corn-crops).
Milk of a pregnant female. jiVj ji/ Wild pomegranate. Aromatic cj[if>'

Colic caused by herbs Ju> ^ iU/»' root from India.

mixed with earth. Ewe, goat brin- To suck (its fiij s \aiy a jl.> -^
ging forth every year. mother : young one). To suck in, to

Treachery, perfidy. :tJU>' sip a. th.

Eating earth. ji^ To thrive(plant).
Magnet. ^j^ljj-'j ,_,_Al3Ui;«' G He led a soft life. lie j —
•^ Magnetic. -^^^.^iili/* To be fat. plump \ai«' a aa/J
To mew (oat). 1^' o U/ -Vr (body).'
To pronounce a. th. Ci.' a i/T -}^ To suckle (a child). ^ ji/^'I

To be softened (leather). ^Ij Soft, tender. Bulky, tall, jkiV

Slanderer. Suspicious. i^C* Egg-plant : mandrake. Gum j^^'j ji»'

To impregnate (a A UV o ^' -i^ of the lote-tree.

female palm-tree). <• To suck gra- To pass swiftly. l^i/ a ji*' -K-

pes and cast out the skin. To suck To fall upon (the ground : <i

(the breast : child). shower).
To bill (her chickens bird). : To ilye a. th. with red ochre.
To ill-feed a. o. To yield reddish milk (ewe). >1
To drink little by little. To pierce a. o. with (an
To exhaust (his mother's a I, - arrow).
milk : suckling). Light shower.
Length of the body. Red clay, red ochre.
Sucking kids. Foolish people. Reddish colour. o^i»j _,«''

Long-bodied (horse), j/ ^ 'U^' Ruddy man. Sorrel (horse). ^"l

Long (tract of land). Reddish (miik). jrtiV

To hate j cjW ci/j,iai/ o ci/ -^ To pierce a. o. ^ jf CJ/ a ^^ -5^

a. 0. wi h (a spear).
To be hateful. ^712/ o ciV ^j£JCPj 'i Ual"' a ^^i^'j ,
Lai*' i>a«-» "^
To render a. o. hateful to. J[ s cS"' To 3 iffer from colic, i^aijl -^j iiij
How hateful he to me! i.s jjdf; iii«'l C« Colic, pain in ^c*»' -<*-j
a^'^'j u^^
How do 1 hate him I iJ ^75/^*1 u the belly.
To be hateful to^ 3il C2ij Seized with colic. xj'y^
To bear a mutual hatred. cil^j To strain ; ^ iJVj, CiaiV a JaiV ^
Hatred. ^i.- to stretch a. th.
Hateful marriage, i. e. cJ'J\ r-bj He braced the bow vehe- ^'yi^ J i^'n'

with a father's divorced wife. meutly.

Married with his father's wife, 'j^-i*' To run (camel, horse). Ja^ii
J.<A Y T\
( )
Bottom of a well ;
pebbles, earth jiv Hated, abominal^le. 0>Ju.'»'j C-^'
in a well. loathsome.
Bdellium, Theban palm : kind of jii Parsley ^\j'-^\ -^J ^.i-^ ^
gum. ( fjlant).
Fruit of the wild palm- '^^J: jii To break (the neck) a l^jv o Jiy *
tree. of a. o.
Stone for measuring water. iliv To macerate (salt fish). ^ yj>Sj —
Bottom of a well. To be bitter, acid, sour. s'^Ta a Ju^

Q Large turbau of the js* ^ ilsi To become bitter, sour (milk). ^\

ulemas. Bitterness, acridness, sourness. ^/i
lilye -, eyeball. ji/J ^ ixij- Aloes. Poison. ju^j Jii
Azure, pale blue colour, -d«' — *2> -S- Bitter, sour, acrid. _>?i-»j j?"'

Weak sight. Pickled fish. jy-^i-'' ^'^^

Azured. Having 4^ ^ -i^v" ^ . J^ll To fill (a skin). To fit> iJii ,, ^ix -«-

sore eyes, red eyelids. smash a. th.

To ^ To plunge -
jiC l^v o Viv -^
• J
furbish Ci^' i ,
a. th. intu -

(a blade). ( water ).

Cai«e, pre.gervation. Sjls^j s'^/j _^2V To feel dizzy. ^-X^>j Cjt/ ,

a ,,r-?*'

To pour much (water).

Keep it as tliy owu property. To vie in diving with o. a
To suck ifc :ii> ij vivlCijj , ^^ o ^Xf' ^ He vies in diving with a
up (marrow). fish{
prov.). i. €. he contends with
To press (a debtor), jcj j difCijj 5 — one more clever than he.
Mecca. i&iV To break (the » Clai/ i .la5/» -ft-

From Mecca. s?-',^"' "^^ o^' neck) of a. o.

What is sucked. *J'i5C/j i!ll5Cji To anger a. 0. i-
Marrow. To bind a. 0. by (oath). To
Measure for ^iSCij di^flfct/*' ^ i^fct»' strike a. o. with (a stick).
grain. Drinking-cup. .^ Weaver's To tie a. 0. with a rope. s —
loom. To fell a. 0. s laAij >-jj s —
Sucking his ewe.? through ol^v' Auguring from the casting of JaSC*

avarice. pebbles. Violent ( blow ). Exhausted

To abide, to dwell ^_j tfeiV" o zS^' ^ (camel). Slave freed by a freednaan.
in (a place). Well twisted rope.
To drink a. th. gree-
To ^ c.^i-"j,*l^:r%»-*J (^'5^'*,J V'jU&iij dily.
tarry, to stay in (a place). To suck ( its mother : young s —
To be patient, grave. jj-iSO' o cJ^V one).
To loiter to pause, to expect, j c^'Ji
: To be suspected of. »_i ^zi
Expectation, oUfeio cjj>^j d5C/ To have the complexion altered ,2£»1

abode. through grief.

Expecting. c^O t-i^^" Stagnating water. ^o* I
^ ;»i»'

Staid, sedate, slow. c^Si.^ He pursues his design ^L ujl>i. j>

To remain i_, li^^-'j 1j3C/ o aSC»' -|:5- unremittingly.
in (a place). To look at a. 0. s 5liy o ji-' -^
Comb. ofei^ To plunge a. th. into water. A—
Unexhaustible (well). ;jlSX« ji arC» To plunge 0. a. into Jalil? 5 Jj\>'
Abounding with milk (she-camel). To plunge repeatedly. J3>1,
He is
o\ jl i>*>i^' '^S-^
^^ Remainder of
^ J^—cT^^ ?r ^^j*'
unable to get up. blood wit.
To be strengthened. To » ^i^.> , vJ 2> 'I3^' o JC' ^
To have a firm footing in (a kjj A — beguile, to cii'cumvent a. o.
place). To punish (a deceiver : 5 ^3^b ~
To get the mastery ^a ^;pi:jC\j — God).
over ; to get hold of. To be enabled To dye a. th. red. To water a ^SCv
to. (a field).
Locusts, lizards' eggs, {coll.) ^Sii^ j ^^i To be red. \'J^ a _^'
To store up (grain). jUf
Locust's egg. Bird's nest. To beguile a. o. 5 _;SC>1
Vigour. Powei", ability. <l6vJj IL^C* To seek to circumvent o. a. J^'C^
Ivlachine. olifC* ^ 13X*J <^4^' "^ To be dyed red to be ^^i^\j ^,5o»l

engine, instrument. red-coloured.

Pos.sibility. likeliness. o^/^l Ai'tifice, craft, shift. Stratagem. jSC^"
^ As much as possible, olfev" VI jj,j It Red clay.
Place, spot. d^'' Craft, stratagem, shift. s^XV
J(^''^j "Cf-'A -r
Rank, degree. Herninria lenticulosa. jjsjj Jsu^ ^ —
He had a olSCij jiJIj ^11 ^y o^r plant used as fodder for cattle.
great deal of knowledge, and clever- Crafty, deceitful, s^^^'j oj^f^ ^ Ji\j^
ness. Deceiver, trickster. J^/'j jj=^
Influence, credit. Power, high Xi^i Dyed red. jlj^''^ _^?i^
rank. -^ Strength. To defraud, ^^I'l J Jf CSCv i ,_^«' -«-

In good order. to cheat a. o. in a sale.

Slowliness. To collect taxes. .jJ^^'i

Steady, fast, -ijJsLi He con- ^l J s uiSOj Jiru.i ^C"
strong. ! tended with him in the sale.
Possible, likely. Market-tax. Custom- ^^^ -^ ^r-^'
Strengthened, fastened. duty.
Declinable in all cases Tax- u*'^^*«^J ij-f^j ,jSj^\ k-^Vo
(noun). gatherer.
Declinable in two ^5C» \ J^ To hold little water Vj!Ci o J5C«' -}^
cases (noun;. i
and much slime (well).
o^^"* -^ Slime in a well. V^'fj i^^

To whistle (^j i^»' o ^V -« I

Slimy (well). jfe^J ^ J^iO'
through the fingers. To chirp (bird). i
Having little water (tank). j5^*,
To b3 blistered (hand). fei;.' a ^^50' I
Having much water (well).
Den, lair. .ISC^I rrj^^j "J^"'
Old waterless well. xJ^^yj <i&C^
Whi-stle ; chirp of birds. \isj>j >\isu' To have jjp ^Sl^j^ , ^ifciV o ^;,SC/ -^
"Whi.-:tIIiig bird.
"'SS'^ -^ '^ credit with,
To stitch, to tack (a A >U' o 'j/' -ii- i
-^To be fast, strong. o c^"'
garment). ! To have eggs JGlj .Ufei..«' a jSC*'
To put (bread, meat) into ^ j^S^lj — (lizard).
embers. To strengthen a. th. fit ^fev'
To straighten (a bow) in jUJO A QV I To enable, to empower ^/> s JC» ]j —
the fire. a. o. to.
To be tedious (journey). U- 3>«'1j
- To become possible, easy to ^ ^^^C^l
He hastened the ^]\ j -^[j — ^^ a. o. (affair).
walk. It may be that. j'l jf^l
( Y rr ) %
To help, to conspire with jc To be ^j fi> syj-Tj iiyj>'j yju^' a >'
a. 0. for. disgusted with, weary of.

To afflict a. o. with a rheuin s yji] To be restless, to fret (sick jli.jj —

(God). person).
He was filled with (J^C ':^>ij "^y^ To weary a. o. «l\pj 5 'jji*\
anger. To dictate a. th. to. V>Ul. — fi>
To help o. another in. jt V Uj To embrace (a religion). l^^\j ji;.7 fi>

He has wealthy, c^jJI J VUx^l To be pu'led. d:J[

solvent debtors. To be wearied of. a 34.^1
Quantity, fall measure, '^\ ^ Wearied. ^y
vessel. Hot ashes. Feverish sweat. Weari-jU'
As much as the hand can :j§^\ ness.
hold. Handful. Bread baked under the <_ijl J>»
He .sleeps soundly. ^i^ll • jj. ^Uj ashes.
Crowd. The chief men, »>t«i ^^ !^»' Religion. Belief. Nation, jl/.^ ^ d*,
princes. Deliberation, ('haracter. rite.
Manners. Stitch. jJU ^ :d/i

Rheuin, defluxion. ;«>l/ij 'y.J> Bread well baked. Jji

Woman's plaid. Xj^U 4-j '^>i ;r e'>^' Weariness. jj^U'j J^U'j Jl/
Bed-sheet. Feveri.sh sweat. Pain in the Jy^i
Surfeit, repletion. .>bil back. Restlessness of a sick person.
"Way of filling. Wearied, disgusted, [m. f.) ;TyU'j J^'
Full. ^ii/i^ ^ XJ'SUj tsSU Baked, cooked iu J^i^'j J4«'
D Egyptian measure of about embers (meat, bread).
a gallon. Trodden (path). 'jjij jaV
Rich, *lSUj '^U
'lib^'b ^ Feverish heat. Intense thirst. aLU'
wealthy: solvent man. Annoyance. J_>ii./»'

Water-carrier. •^' -^ Te hurry on. JiiV -{f

He is the richest man yj^\ yj^] yj, To trouble a. 0. (accident). j —

of his tribe. To be restless in bad, to fret. J»l;.j
Filled. 'j~^j ,J^' Swiftness. Elephant's trunk. iUiV
To coax, ^>^b Sj s £!_>' o cl»' -» Needle for collyrium. Stiletto, J^iiV
to soothe a. o. with false promises. style.
To beat a. o. slightly. ^ — Swift (ass). J»,!i*.»
To adulate, to dissemble ? c-JU Swift-running (she-camel). j^i.'
with. To fill oj o*-) * * sSl"',j SU a '>(/•' «
Dusk, nightfall. ^i^j ^iv a. th. To satisfy a. o. with.
To suck (his s GJU' & r-i^j o r-'u * To help a. o. in. ^ ^~—
mother : child). He spread his fame in J^jVl *jj>

To suckle (a child). 5 r-i»l the Avliole earth.

To exhaust (its mother's He put him to .strait. I>JVI kAs- —
milk : suckling). To be rich, «^Uj s«>U'o '^'j —
Foster-brother. Illustrious wealthy.
(man). To be full of. ^/._ yc>\} yj^j SU a "jy
Yellowish, brown. Barren To have a rheum. S'>U' o ^'.j 'V*
desert. To fill a. th. A iiLiJ *y_j«'
Sucking his she-camels out of To brace (a bow) to the J V^^lj ~
avarice. utmost.
Sugar-candy. Wild ^.a(A ^ ^^'\ To draw water. ^ .^
Beauty of the face. Kindness.
( VY 1 )

date. Foliage of a wild

& cypi-ess
Sentence. Witticism. growing in the desert.
Navigation. Salt-trade. i>>U, Mason's r4l>' ^ o^'C» <>-j ?JU P
Salt-mine. ikU-V j ;> ;:^V trowel.
Saltiness. Stock-fish. 7>yLi To put salt in fi, Q/ i a ^' »
Witticism, witty. r^Si^\ ^ ^J^\ (a dish). To salt (fish).
Sailoi", seaman. Ti'ader in salt. ^>U' To suckle (a child). Jj 5 G>Jl.' a —
-^ Hoary frost. To backbite a. 0. *-^l>^ 2(

Salt (fish, water). .^>Ulj ^5U ^ ^.o/ To G>-_^j iiXv) *>ji^ o rd^j a o ^*
Good, hfindsome, facetious. become salt (water).
Good, pretty. oj^"^ ^ ^"^^ To become beau- *»^j ^^U' o rti>*'

f^uoeda b"ccata', acid leguminous ^^ji tiful, pretty. To be good, fine. To

plants. become fat (camel).
^ All right, well I .^b>' To be dusty, grayish. bJ.' a tJ^
Mixed of white ^ 'GsiV ^ ^^1
and black (ram). Dusty.
^ To compose excellent poetry. ^-J*
To put much salt in (a * 9-jUlj ^1»'
Grey-hail ed, grey- iilJIj _,iljl — dish). To rub (a camel's palate)
bearded. with salt.
Blue-eyed. iU3l — To be the commen- y (s-^U j Wli* t3(»
More beauti- rd»j ^j u1 ^ ^^J* j, rtUi sal of. To be the foster-brother of.

ful, finer. To become brackish (sweet rt>l

Kind of long-shaped grapes. 'j;"k/> water).
Salted fish. ^JL.^ ^-::l>'j ^^"'j ^i^ To give salt water to ( the 5 —
Salt-vessel. Saline. ^li/ ^ «a4^ cattle).
Possessor of or trader in salt. -rX^ He commended him. a^Jl s —
To journey at a vehe- ^^i a !^JU -Jt- What a goodly man ! i^x'j\ \j>} i>ju«*l 0>

ment pace. To go away. To become fat (beast). To affect ^'^

He occupies himself with JJsVJl J — cleverness.
trifles. <>To threaten a. o. J ^oij
To pull out. To draw forth a ^^dS^ij — To mix truth with falsehood. '-.'irj*'^

a. th. To be intermixed of white and '-rSJ^s^

To become corrupt, ^il^AV o !^1«' black (ram).

tasteless (meat). To find a. th. fine, goodly. fi> ^-XX^i
To blandi.sh. to fondle a. o. 5 {^JC* Salt. Facetious speech. ^y^^ ^ ^^
To put out (an eye : ^ rdi>lj ji-Iij Knowledge. Learned men. Beauty.
hawk). Goodliness. Inviolable compact.
To pull out (a tooth). To draw A ^:^\ Nitre. Cjj^Jj ^J*
(the sword,. To
Fugitive slave. Blaudisher.
pull off (the bi-idle).
Saltish, 7.'>\»j rdi'^ 5->^j
Cor chorus alitor ins. C^Jj-'j ^jii G brackish water.
Jew's mallow. Garden mallow. Compact, bond. *^^,j ^,
Deprived of reason ^man). ji.!l -^jcCj There is a sacred ^.'u^ j\ r-1*^ i; j'i';
To stretch a. th. » laU o oL*' -5^ bond between them two.
To be soft, tender. To \'jjj>'
a jOV Saltish, salt. ^JC« -^j ?nJU

quiver (bough). Grayish. Bluish. skLij ?tU'

To soften (a hide). A Jjj,' Main body of the sea. OdA
Softness, delicateness ; o\j^j Jiv Witticism. Pi-osperity. ^^ ^ xijui

youthfulness. Wind propeUing a ship. Bag. ^iU

Tender, jjji ^ •\jx: j. jjj>)j,j]y Veil.
Unfi'iutfiil .L-U *U
JaU CY TO) ^
delicate (youth). Soft (bough).
Midday. Sour milk mixed with 'llJlli Soft, tender, J^-^lj V'b -»i>'^

sweet. (youth).
Ban-en ^>lj ^.W ^ wl^b cr-i^l
Bare, waste (desert). j^\
desert. To Ho. To run swiftly »ja> o it*' -ft-

Roller for the ground. llii^ (hor.se).

To rummage. -^ To A CiU o j^' « To smite a. o. with ( the oS—
pi ick oil" (the hair, feathers). sword).
Mole-cricket J^,
^ JiJ\j, -^ To become confused ijiv a -iU'
(insect). (darkness). To be insincere.
To slip, to get ,_4iJ J '^^' a ,
u^S'' -^ To receive a. tb. from. ^ j^V ^
loose ( rope). To e.scape. Insincere, iyi-j oUiVj i:A»'j Jd/^'i

To miscarry 'cJ^\j Ia^)>. c-aU'l hypocrilical, liar.

(woman). To lag behind. \'jjC jU^ -tt-

To be delivered ^j, ^\j ^^\j ^''^, To take a. th. away. ^_,

from. To escape from. To deliver a. 0. from. s JU' ^
Slippery, smooth ( bow- ^4ij ^^^ To bring a. th. » J^\j Jc^ij J^]
string). away.
Abortion. ^^/ To be delivered from. ^ ^7
Smooth-headed (man). ^«*i To escape from. ^^ jui_, jUJi^
Bald. Muscular.
u-O'u^''^ _ji»'

Wont to miscarry (woman), o^y^ Ravislier. Wolf. j^'

To smear (a ;fc lI.'j OaU' o iaU -«-
To urge (a beast). a CJl»' o ^' »
wall) with clay. > To patty ( a ves- To castrate (a ram).
sel j. To fawn, to blandish a. o. *jLlb 5 —
Stark-naked. jaU' cK> t ° To be X^J^h '<^^' ^'j a ,jJji
To shive (the hair). *'iaV smooth, even.
^ To scald (a beast) for remo- s — To .smoothe a. th. To level A ^jju>
viiig the hair. (thft ground).
To be of mixed 0»^ o Jai*j iali To deliver a. 0. from. ^^.^ j —
race. To overspread (darkness). To ,_^i«l
To have no hair on ^>ij QaU' a iaU lose its wool (ewe).
the body. To become smooth. ,^Jii
To recite the half of a 5 JJC*^ J^' To slip forth from ^^ ^i»lj ^jSj \j —
verse alternately with (another). (the hand). To escape from.
To cast off her foetus (she- Jail] To be taken away (sight). 1,^4^'
camel). To be smooth. Cr-^^l
To be polished, smooth, unfea- jJij Thin upper garment. ^_^' a
thered (arrow). Confusedness of darkness. y^\ ^jjj:
To snatch a. th. unawares. a iai>l^ Swift (she-camel). Unfaithful ^'JU"
Knave ; of mixed Ja,yul_, j,5ut ^iaiU (man).
origin. He .sold it uneon- sJiic V ^PU-M itJ
Gypsum. Cement. Putty. JaU ^ i»>l», ditionally.
Woimd on the head. sUaijj -ikiA j J»l._^ Polish, smoothness. *.^>*/»'

Kind of swift run. UV" Kind of rake, harrow. *-Ly»'

Hairless on the body. jji ^Jai>»1 Smooth, sleek. ,_^ ^ 'LlL«' ^ ,_^1
Featherless (aiTow). Having no crack (bow). Sound
Featherless farrow). Hairless iu^ (beast's back).
(abortive fcetus). Easy to swallow (beverage). .uJU'
To have self-coutrol. il.i5 ^itU Malta (island). <u> •>

To rule over.
~ Maltese.
To take (a wife). ^ ^Uj Us.U,_i
- Wont to cast her foetus (she- £^;-»,

To kaead (dough dtUlj dUVj feU^

- ,

well. ,
To skin (a *j » /ir^^lj ,
CJ^" a A'' ^
the A
dtU b i^^' sheep). -> To tear oflf (clothes).
To give to a. o. 5

po.?Re3sion of. -^ To transfer pro- To run swiftly ^b A'^h A^h A^'

perty to.

To make a. o. to reiga j- s .iU^lj

- They are all united 'j^^ \j ',1-' *llf '^

against him.

To give (a wife) to. 5 > dXl'h — Barren desert. A* -r r^i 9^

d\V Swift-running (she-camel). ^}i ,x»
^ To gi\e a support to (a fi>

cross-bai-). To dally, to wanton 5 ;;lC /a^ -»-

^ ^ ,^

To take a wife, to marry. 3'i>\*^^l with.

To act as a sovereign. To appro- d(Uj To show foolishness.

priate. To become a landlord. To mock a. o. i.

To be rooted in a. o. (habit). 5 - Foolish. Churlish. Wanton. ^'^\

To restrain o.'s self from. <^\\'J ^ Libertine, wanton.
Churlish, unseemly. ^
r Ay
He could not rest- 0I j^ j' o*' "^^ ^ •lii/ A^\

rain from. To flatter

a. 0.
To become the owner of; todX'Jl^l-^ 1

To erase a. th. To
buy (an estate). To win (the heart).
*iU», flog a. o.
Right of property. I

Funded property : ti'^i] ^ dU^j



To suck (his mother child).
To wash (a garment). A

jUb -
5 ^
real estate. >
Freehold (land). 1

Sovereignty, ownership, posses- dUi To level (the ground).


^ To blandish a. 0. » ji>

Common of pasture. dU/j diX^j ^,


To fall into destitution. To jul

Water, well. stumble (horse).
To impoverish a. o. (fate). iJC"

Foot of a beast. dA'^ ^ i!>^ ^

Prop, support. ^^»j — To blandish, Jj S C3^:j C^ ^^

He is not self-possessed. "iJ>U C« to flatter a. o.

Angel. ( for S^' ) il^U'j dUV To be smooth, polished. ju^ JJ^'l

King. iJ>(^b iJ>i ^ dUVj ^' To escape from a. o. ^^ jljl.

Fumitoria of/icinalis. com- »tui!l siJi To draw out. to extract a. th. * ^\
mon fumitory. Flattery, blandish- jUo J=U^J J^'
Castor-oil. i|>UJI 1^ 1 ment.
Queen. i_5vX« i
Fawner, flatterer. 3'^i 3^
Gentle-paced and swift- jil.'j -
Property. zXU'j X.<>'j iXif j

Royalty. <» Queen. Habit, xJCiV i

running (horse).
faculty. \ Flat and smooth stone. cJjs/ ^ isl-'

He treats his subj? 'ts *JC.i;.n ^^ y^ I

a League of distance. Open space.
Mason's trowel. j)C» <•
Stone-roller. ^i4.^j ji»^.> ""
Custom, habit. O*^' ?r *^=>i' j

Possessor, owner. dU^^'j i)!^' w '^-'^ .X-Ju^'j <^Vj (kiij feil^, ^'^ *

One of the four orthodox dii.\^ To possess a. th. A dAlr^lj dui^jj


imams. To become the owner of. I

Heron (bird). •y.^^^

~ To conquer a country) ^> ^ dU-'

Moslem belonging to the j^y '

( YYY )
prunoun. Who? Whom? Whoever. orthodox rite of Abdelmalek.
Who is he ? Who is 'j* ^v 'y> ^f , Royal. -^Jl; ^j :ciiu' ^ ^[^Ov
sho ? •^ Mt4chite (Gi-eek). r^'^J

Who is thy Lord ? viL;-3 jC •^ Officer in the civil service." *^Cl_i

(2") Relative pronoun. He who, ^' Pi-operty, right of *-S>iij X_rMi
she who. property.
He who tloes gooil, *> j^/ l^ni JiiS c;' Garden-mallow. *^?jU
shall be rewarded for it. Marriage-contract. il>t»l.

Thei-e are V j/ ^UJI >,

_^u. ^/i,)./ Kingdom ; empire. Royalty. o^'>'
men who do not believe in God. Heaven. The invisible Avorld.
I passed by one 2\i w-^>Ji ,;^j bj^' Royalty. dUi;^ ^ xXlv^'j i-^V
whom thou likest. Kingdom : country.
Pieposiiion used (l")/"©?' expres- ^^^ Bond- ^JCjO' jI ;.5C^V j\ ^iCJi;^ iup
$in(j a starting point., part of a luhole. man.
origin. From, of. Some. Amongst. Owner, possessor. 'l&t'U ^ dLd*
1 started from Bagdad, iioij ^>. olrw Sovereign.
Composed of body alij ^J j/i^
v-^S' Mother-bee. j>i)l —
and soul. Property, possession, -fy-
White ti^^'
Some men say, there Jii "^V ^ril'l o", slave. Well kneaded (dough).
are men who say. Slave. Mameluke. ^.^'>^' ?r ^J^
He has taken some _^_ Call ^ li~'\ ^ Apron.
golden coins. ^ Spleen. Melancholy. U^_ji.il>i' G
(2°) for determining time, mood of To advance at a quick \'ji/>' o iU -J:}-

ac.tio7i. On, upon. From, of. pace.

He died tlie <»u ^,j *rjj ^\ oC- To make a. o. to Sj * j( 'ijl\j 1.'

very same day, on the same hour. enjoy a. th. long (God).
What has been lost Ji^Ji ^__ C» ^\ To enjoy a. th. long, ^j fi>j s
J:pj ^
of money. To forbear long (a ?^Ut Jj 5 jj^l
Shun the oUJVl >, ^'J\ \^^\ sinner : God).
abomination of idols. To lo6.?e the bridle to (a camel). J —
He went out from the To dictate (a letter) to.
^Ul '^\ ^^i J^ * J*^
door. To ask a. o. to dictate a. th. 5 j»;-:-l.
He h!i3 cros.sed the a^pl* ^ ^^lll J^l To beseech the forbearance of a. o.
river upon the bridge. Desert. '51^1 ^ SU'
(3°) Mean"; separation., distinction. The day and the night. ol^UJl
He knows the riliiJI >, Ji«iiJI J[;j Looming desert. ^Uj oS'^' -r o9^'
wicked from the righteous man.
He escaped from. ^j,^ zXi\ Space of time.
(4°) Means sometimes instead of. Dictation. -^ Cori-ect JiAj "J \A ^ ^"^^
You have Ju^Yj[
s^i'vi >, vJ5ill writing.
preferred the present world above Long, prolonged. "u'
the future. Long space of time. ^»^\ 2,j»" —
(5°) Is expletive before the subject of a A long time ; a while. tx^
negative or interrogative verb. Continually. V^ <•
No man came to me. jij ^>^ j nV Va Billion. -<>- Million. caj^U ^ OjJy F
No one can. jjXi^ j^ \ ^/.^ C« From what ? Of ( /br"i. ja^ ) >, *
Has any .ship left ? ^^'jf ^z* _^C Ja what (interrogative) "l

(6°) if means than. : From that which (relative). C»^

He is strimger than I. ^_^^ j'^] y^ (1°) Interrogative (m. f.
s. pi.) '^i -^
To grant, to
~~ A 4 C>JV i a ^Cj^'
^ (7°^

Means likeness. Bet-

: relation^
give a. tb. to a. o. To give to a. o. ween.
the usufruct of (a flock). There is no rela- k'_» ^)j il-^ c '-^
To shed contiauous (a-U* j oJii^ tJU tion between him and me.
tears (eye). There is no com- J?l3^l Ioa ^__ cJl ci^
To present a. o. with a gift. n — parison between thee and this man.
To be near to bring forth ^/i1 Whereas. ^^ ^\
(beast). To c_( \s- 3rl» Ij ,
^^-J', J l>'' o ^i''

To receive (a gift). Ai bestow (a favour) upon.

To ask for (a gift, for a To 5 otV -^j 'J^\j ,*^;j ^'^^•'

loan) from. recall (benefits); to reproach a. o.

Gift. Loan of money. -rjj^^ ^ *ii> for (a gift).
iCwe the xTiilk of -r.JtJ ^ To weary a. o. j oA;j, 3,ib ,
'^' o
which is let out. (
journey ).
Bountiful, beneficent. To break (a rope). A —
Milch-camel, sheep. To co-operate with a. o. s oC*
Third arrow of the game to To request the benevolence 4' 2)>5-l.l

which no lot is assigned. of.

Since. liij jLI* ^ Gift, favour, benefit. Manna, '•/

I have not si^ijl ^^ a^^ jl LiLi iiJ'lj l» viscous substance collected iVom the
seen him since Friday. ash-tree.
I have not I'-Lk iJ^i, lii jl ili iiJ^^ ^^ By the grace of God. Ju7 *|ij

seen him this whole month. Weight of 2 rothls. oC.^1 ?- o"'

To deny *_, ^/^ j ^t s CJV a /^ « Strength. Weakness. ovJ ^ *i;!

a. th. to. To hinder a. o. from. Grace, kindness, ot.i'b , >^., tr "^^

To defend, to protect a. o. ^^, ^j s
— favour. Reproachful of benefits.
or a. th. against. Female hedge-hog. Spider. iU^^
To be inaccessible, (pLU'j itU»' O f> Death. Time. o^'
unapproachable (man. place). He has expei'ienced manyojXJI aAs- j\i
To debar a. o. -if- To prevent V f '
changes of fortune.
(a calf) from sucking. Recalling benefits. "^j^j CiyJ'

To deny a. th. to a. o. To >s Benevolent, bountiful. *;U/"' >. oU»'

seek to hinder a. o. from. The Benefactor (God). c>'^'X\

To be unapproachable, Weak. Strong. Fine cA^j "^y ^ cnx*'

inaccessible (place). dust. Weak rope.
To intrench o.'s self in More bountiful than. ^>.^ ^i
To abstain, to refrain Cut, broken. Strong. Weak. oy^
from. Attainable.
To hinder o. a. from. He has done his best. ij^U-V >Ij

Prohibition, refusal, hindrance Uninterrupted reward, o^j"' j^ j>-\

</ Interdict. ^ Much obliged! Ci^i/"
Power of resistance : unap- ;jji_, si>' -^ Obligation, acknowledgment si^Il/
proachableness. of a benefit.
He is well defended. lilV j ^ To soak ( a hide ) in A Uv a l-.*' ^
Strength of a position. <tL>j ^UV ooze.
Imperative form. Do hinder. j.i;>' Hide in the tan. Tanning-place. <1ju^
Abstemiousness. ^\^ \j i-/ Ballista See 1^=?- fJC"^^-} iJs^'*'
Hindrance, obstacle. Impoasi- f.u>l Water-engine. C5>UV ,- o>i.ivG
bility. Water-wheel.
\ ) K^
To abstain trom. ji. CJ^
W^aste land. Fai'-*»i^' ^ i^i^^'^ *i4*'
extending desert.
Prince. j^^'j -^4* P
To swoon. r^^-A — r-t^ -S-

Blood of the heart. ob4>j r4'* ^ i>4*

Soul. Life.
His soul departed. ii?4^ ^i^S**
Clear, thin (udlk). oW4''b 5r>*^b r4''

To spread out (a carpet). To smooth.

To earn sustenance. j^./'IJ M''
He presented excu.?e3 to.jlLill o>(^, j4»'
He admitted his excuses. '»jjs. iJ

To arrange (an affaii'). To ^ 0+/.
facilitate a. th.
To become powerful (man). To j4»^
be aiTanged, facilitated (affair).
To be high (camel's hump). 'i^\
He lias not prepared iij'i ji^i) u '^
the way for that.
He has not conferred iju ^jj^. o^S/^l U
any benefit upon me.
Bed. Cradle. Ground. i^4* ?r -i^^'
Eleva- a^^ ^ Sa^^ ^ j4^
o'.x^i , ilj.* *lj

ted ground, depressed ground.

Bed. Smooth j^^ %j^'\ ^ il^*,
Pure butter. a-^*'
Sprc-ad (carpet). Arranged a|i*
(affair). Lukewarm (water).

* ^j^'j 0^**'j O^J llrV"' o a j^' -S-

To bioome skilled in (an ^j jj
art) ; to be experienced in.
To assign a ^ jlJ,'\j , (^4; o a ^f^"
dowry to (a woman).
To ask, to procure a colt. j^'
To vie in skill with. s yiC*
To assign a dowry to (a wife), s J^'A
To acquire skill. ^^,
Dowry, nuptial gift. s3_^j j^ ^ j^'
Colt./irstling. S^i;^, j jl^^b j^**,?!- ^'
Billy. oOj-o Cj\'^h y*-* -r C*"*
Seal, signet, stamp,
n Review of troops.
Skill in (a science).
^' (vr-) j^
Pus y^^j xi^'j j^j j4v
of a corpse, Kind of red wheat. *i^'
Mineral. Molten copper. Fi.sh. j^jJ Fleet camels, ^j\i/j Uj,^j <s'J<^

Liquid pitch. <i^j jjsJ dromedaries.
Preparation. Delay. SLi.i Having a colt (mare). ^^
He has made all his prepa- i~i^ 'Si.] Dowered (woman). Sj^+i-*
rations. Autumnal equinox. Festival. oQ-^^^*' P
He has surpassed him. To repel a. o. with 5 \'^ a j+V -M-
Whatever. Whenever. the hand.
Whatever thou shalt To burn a. th. ?j A Cs4'.' a J-i-V -Jt-

do, I will do it. To tear a. th. with the nails.

Whenever Zeyd i;J_,fei To be burnt.
will visit me, I shall show him I'e- To wash (a gar- A i/4^'
gard. ment).
To serve a. 0. s xi^% j C4 a ,:;+^
-!:}- To be dipped into (water).
as a servant. To be bare (soil).
To treat a. o. harshly. i C.4V
— Barren (soil).
To be despised, weak. ;;i^i ^f' Sudden flush of the face. 1^ -«
To handle a. th. A ^,aC» To be of a dull white, (ki/ a J^>' -^
To weaken a. 0. To employ a. 0. s ^'A To drink a. th. at intervals
To be a servant. o*^''.
Greenish colour of water.
To take a. 0. into service. 5 — Dead white.
To make a daily use of. To wear fit — Beaten track. Remote land. J;*''
out (clothes). To poimd, to A di^'jj&svjV a d**/-' ^
To overwork (a servant). ^ — bruise a. th.
Service, offi- ^'^^ j^, ^ ^i^a^ , -^i To soften a. th. A di^V
ce. -^ Craft, profession. To be sterile (^st^V •iU-'J *r'^ a di^V
SkiU in Cj*^J 0*-\ ^ <^J *-4'*J *•-«•*, (stallion).
work. He performed the work j;.2l j di^^'
Domestic, servant. 5r cr*^ becomingly.
Maid-servant. To quarrel together. <iu lif
Reviled. Weak. Youth ; sappiness of Sfe=i4-*j XfeiiJ*

To strike a. 0, vie i \'ji/ i;/ -^ youth.

lently. Full of vigour (youth). iX^'i-j ^X*'-
To be white-haired (beast). Ck> l*/"' Impotent (stallion). d-^*
To silver or gild a. th. C^/ a l^V fi> j
To act at J
j^;;, Vi^^j y;^' a jiV
, ^
To be watery (milk). 'ej\i^ ji''
'^ leisure, without haste.
To dilute a. th. To whet fa A Jtt.*] To be foremost. ^l^yJ a J4.A

blade). To grant a delay to a. 0. j j4>'1j j4*

To urge fa horse). s — To show forbeai'ance to.
He sunk ( for M Jla] j.;.:Aj\ ^j^
) To ask a. 0. for a delay. i S*^K
the well till he found watei". Gentleness of procee- ui^j j^/j J^V
Peaiis. White pebbles. Sword ^^ dings, slowness. Leisure.
with a narrow blade. Clear milk. Uied as an imperative. !^_4j«'

Hailstone. Fre.sh dates, Gently.

llock-crystal. No respite.
Wild cow. iZiC^'j Cj\'jiAj r^y Slowly, gently.
Piece of crystal. Sun. Do it gently.
Berry of the Bassia latifolia, He had a respite ^'
equatorial tree. granted to him (for repenting).
( vr^ ) Z>y
^ Carrion. TxS To whet fi> j^'/'\j Ji.y\j,CiA' i jj^ -«

Dead, dying. z.:^ (a blade).

Inanimate thing. Unoccupied To rout (the enemy). ^/<^^^i
land. To launch (a horse) at full speed, s —
Decease, death. What is the matter ?
^^^ -S-

MortiQed. Disused (word). To mew (cat). l>>'1j,*lS'' o sC» -ft-

Deadly. To mew like a cat (man). ]j'A

Mortal sin. X:. Cat. ;;j C»j i^,W ^'^J^
Facing death. Dauntless. To die. To die away o oC» Oy -^
To mix 4_, A Cu^j O'y' oC» -M- (fire). To be worn out (garment).
a. th. with. To be forloi-n (place) ; Cj1}>j Cc^ —
To steep a. th. into (water), j ^ — to be untrodden (road). To become
To be mixed, diluted. oUj\ still (wind).
To rage ^y^,j ^^\>yj o ^C«
\>.'/i> -tt- To put to death, to kill, s oC>b Cjy
(sea). To be disorderly (crowd). To vie in patience with a. o. s cjji^
To decline, to swerve from. ^u ^ To lose (children, cattle man). oC»1 :

Wave, billow. ( un To lose (her offspring beast). :

Fieriness of youth. v_)CiJI i>.^/« To soften (meat) by cooking. — fi>

Good-natured, merry. iC« — iy ^ To cool (anger). To mortify (a

White and excellent honey. cji C* limb).
Weapon. He mortified his passions. ^ ;.i; oC»1
Light coat of mail. <L^yj
~ What an apa- JL^JS cjy\ C« j\ ij^l
Light wine. *l'^S''
thetic man !

To be commotion
in yyy o jC» -5^ To be obsolete (word). c^A
(sea). To move to and fro. To feign o.'s self dead ojVij
To flow upon (the ground : jc — To face, to DlixJLIj \3^iJi.\ cXJ:^\
blood). seek death.
(The spear) was moved o>iiai.!l J— To exert o.'s self to the utmost J —
in the wounded man. for.
To shed (blood). A j\Aj — Death.
To raise (the dust wind).
jQ fi> Natural death. Sudden death.^j^^jl
He moved (the swo'vl) cj-W'," J A — Death by the sword. j^
in the wounded man. Death by strangulation. 1
To go and come (man Swoon. Madness.
To fall off (hair). Kind of death.
To draw (the sword). Death.
Saint. jjjO-j jC« s The putting to death. Mortifi'
Commotion, tossing of the waves, jyi cation.
Beaten track. Rinder-pest, murrain. oVT^j ^tVi'y
Dust raised by the wind dust : Apathetic. ilU)! :t;ay ^ o'ii'y'

drift. Death. Inanimate goods. Unin- oC^*

^ Kind of merino-sheep. habited (place).
The Morea (in Greece). e'jy Dying, at cXy' -^j , o^-j.C» ^ cJy
Hair falling off. ej\yj — the point of death.
Penetrating (arrow). Terrific death. ^ C> cJy
Stream of blood. c^'Jiv^^'J jyj
rr Cj\'y\ T cJy
Set in motion, swinging Dead lifeless (man).

Soft and swift-running Dead ot> y; *s>j , cf^ 'J c^

(camel). (female).
C vrY ) J
^Ministry of Finance.;^ lit Sj'jjj SjiiaJ Banana, tree and •j>' ) jy' *
Very rich. jrVj jy fruit.

A little -wealth. jl'y Seller of bananas.

Song of camel-dri- Jij/y -^ Jl^- • To shave (the head), a u.^' trU -Ji-

vers. Diamond. Light, fickle.

To be affected with C»^' ^^'^ — ^y> -S-

pleurisy. Razor. < Pen-knife.

\\'ax. Pleurisy. Weaver's or j,y P The prophet Moses.
cobbler's tool. Malignaat small-pox. Sole-fish.
Pleui'itic. j,y^ •^ To form sand-beds
Desert. ^j,\'y ^ 3C>'j 'C^y - t/_^ »- (river).
Pissasphalt. C»j^ P To glean (grapes). a —
•^ Egyptian mummy. *=^^'' P Indian peas. Mean fui'niture. ^^iC,

To provide jf oj^j , v yij C^' o oC* ^ Little is better than 'Jii ^\J^ j-^Ss
a. o. with victuals. nothing.
^ He acted on his j o>L-» Jc oCi To wash, A i>»>'j , U»>' o tr*^ -ft-

behalf in. to cleanse (a garment).

-^ To give food to (a workman). 5 J^^ To pick (the teeth).
To store provisions for o. s fa- 0,yJ To be a dealer in straw.
mily. Straw.
Vituals, stores, provisions. Lye.
•^ Cement of lime and pounded Fieriness of youth.ijCJjl "is-'y^

bricks, mortar. To mew (cat). &1^ o pU -ft-

Cupboard. Store-house. :q^l ^; To be cheap (commodity ).C3>»' o Ju -S-

Provider, purveyor. oljv To be foolish. CS jVj (Jjyj '<2\'y —

To hold *aI»j ^j'y'j ^'y> a «C» -{^
much water (well). To draw water To perish.
(ship). To feign madness.
To give water to. j oUlj — act foolishly. To
To mix a. th. with. ^_) ^ C*^' sC* Foolishness.
To abound with water (place), a'y Dust. Winged ant ^\'y\ 9r iJ>»
To gild or silver (a metal). jjj A — Leather-boots.
To put water into ( a kettle ). To Foohsh, stupid.
puzzle, to confuse a. 0. Great fool.
To embellish (a narrative) it ^ — To be rich in Vj^j S'y a o JC» -8-

to. flocks.
Do not delude thyself. To give flocks to. s Julj V^ , JC»
•^ He dispelled (cares) * 5II? u* *>* To render a. o. wealthy. 5 J^
from his mind. To become wealthy.
To come upon ul^l, To lay aside (money)
water (digger). To yield much rain Flocks. Wealth, per-
(clouds). To be full of M^ater-springs sonal property.
(land). Rich, wealthy (man).
To water (cattle). 5 — Taxes. Treasux'y.
To put water into (an inkstand), a— Capital, stock.
To whet (a knife). Wealthy (woman).
To be sappy (tree). ^^jij <-_, ,^7 Monetary, financial.
Water. Juice, sap of ,i^^ V'
a\'^\ ^ -C. Wealth, finance, ^ Public
plants. treasiu'y.
( \rv)
Intercessor. 9^-j«il«
To abate (heat, fever). ^' ^C» -fr i

To die away (fire, anger).

To be convulsed. C\al»'j lol^' iC» -W- i

To oscillate (bough). To quiver (mi-

rage). To ba amazed. To feel giddy.
To waddle, to incline in J^j —
To visit a. o. » iC>

To furnish with travelling- s it>l.

a. o.

provisions. To ask a. o. for food.

Sea-sick, giddy, jjLi ^ sjJC* ^ Jj\*
Table fare, food.jjj^'j
: o»j^,C» ^ sjJ C>

Because, unless. ( for ol ^j) o'l J^'

On account of. jXa'
He has done it on that ii5 i jX/ i'U»
Measure, amount. Length of '1^,
a road.
In front of him. *S\j^^_j SIjXj
Race-ground : ^i i::>i'
^ oIju;> j oIXV
field. Ample (life).'

Shaken, tossed. sSll/ j, iCjV

Asking, asked for a gift. aui.*
To gallop in a race-field cij^ -^
To make (a horse) to gallop. s —
To convey j jC»lj _^Uj , \'Jy i jC> -»-

(stores) to o.'s family.

To comb (wool). A jC»
To macerate (saffron) in * jC»1j jC»
He mimicked him. o'Syj '".jS-^
To liquefy a. th. A jC«^
A disturbance took place ^44? ^ -iT^'
amongst them.
To supply a. o. with provi- J j\-^\
Stoi'es, provisions, wheat, _?y», ^ Sjj*,

Purveyor, j^^'j »'j^'j jCt* ?r -^'^
To set '^^ A julj _n/»'j , lljt»' i jU -ft-

a. th. apart from. To discern bet-

To distinguish a. th. a jC»1j jt»'j —
To be dis- J'i^O j'w
jlix-i b Ij -J^
tinguished, set apart.
Ou ( vr
I'epair to ( a place ). To feel sympa- He burst with rage. j^l
thy for. To withdraw, to retire
To deviate ffom (tx'utli, a path).^ Ju apart.
To be unfair for a. o. Muscular. jj^'j jv
To try a. o. (fortune). o!Ai Jl» ^ Distinction. Discrimination. Gr. j%^
He judged unfairly. jk,X>- J JC» Distinctive term.
To incline to setting (sun), v^ JC«
To draw towards its enl (night,
i Age
of discrimination.
Court of cassation.
Jijji'\ ^
Ji^l liX*^
day). ^ Privilege, patent- iZj\jl^ ^ jV-r>^l

The road has been '^%^\ li JC» letters.

long for us. •^ Civil dignity (in Turkey). Jj^i/^
To b« inclined, to lean. yil a J-w» To swag- ^jJ;^j , Clli>'j CaV i ^u »-
To overtop (wall). ger, to sweep.
To incline a. th. A JC»lj jli To spread (a y^^] j, * ^^Glj —
He hesitated between it'y'^ o5 Jl>» disease) in a tribe (God).
two atfaii's a. To fi'inge, to border (a gar- A ^V
^ To call at a. o. jjc jii ment).
To hold, to side with a. o. To 5 JjC* Tree used for making saddles. ^jjj>
attack, to fight a. 0. To incline tow- Kind of lote-tree, celtis tree. Erect
ards. grape-vine.
To pronounce a fatha Uke 3w JC»1 Libra tion of the _^l oill^j ^-i^
an English a. moon.
To swagger, to sway from jji;ij jS^j Strutting. cX^i fj^J-J^J cr-^j ur-l'^
one side to another. Bright star. <-5-i^ r oCi*
They are at variance. Ji_^ J^ To mix a. th. with. ^ A Qj^i jX/k -fr i

To lean, to incline. Jlii-ll To garble (news). A—

To conciliate, to win the heart .jii j 5 — To milk (a female) partially. y —
To measure a. th. with both * — To cross (a field). tIm- i — fi>

hands or with extended arms. To devi- ^

y\Aj CiL^'j Qal/ i J»U »-

Inclination. Propensity, Jcil ^ jli ate, to remove from.

partiality, bias. Sympathy Geom. To act wrongfully in. J CtJ-» i J»C»
Obliquity. To remove a. 0. 5 iaxAj —
Ecliptic [astron). j^ji s^ji To separate in confusion iajli^
Probe for ^JJ,j J^^j Ju;i ^ j^^ (
wounds. Pencil, style for collyrium. He possesses nothing. 'Jal* iSit C»
Mile of 4000 cubits. Range of the Repulsion, shunning. i,G»,
sight. Mile-stone. They are in con- J,C>» ^ Jsil* j ^
Time, moment.
Inflection of a fatha to a kasra.
^ ^ iU*
To flow (liquid). To run ill* j 5,C» -{*

More inclined, more j^ ^ jlif (horse).

sympathetic. Overtopping ( wall). To melt ( grease). ^.tjij ^iJj —
Swaying on horseback. Without To make (a liquid) A CsWj *^'^l f*^^
weapon. to flow. To liquefy (grease).
Tufty tree. ^lound of sand. Man- •>L» Frankincense. Storax. Prime iZjt
ner of wearing a turban. (of youth). First part of (a race).
Inclined. Unfair. Prone. jCj Fluid. fSy
To lie. (Li i oC« * Long forelock. fj^jA ^ *i.^U
To till (the ground). A — S0J O^j %'r^J ^li>'j %'' i 'J'^ *
To dissemble with 0. a. /b ^i;j To lean, to incline to. To Jl. 'H^j

iJ ( vrA )

Ground rich in plants. Cj\^ To bark faintly (dog). Cj a Cj

Thorny carob. Poppy c^i^.i^ ^ o^ My sight recoils ^.
(plant). from it.

To clean out (a well). A £IJ o oIj ^ To announce v_j jl A 5 tjlj , C^.xl7 II'

To take away (earth). * c^^jIj — (news) to a. 0.

To discover (a hidden thing). ^j ^ I was informed that ^^ \jjS c.mJ
To investigate a. th. ^^ ^^i'-b «i4li^ a slave had reviled me.
To swell (dough). c^'l To inform 0. a. of. 5 Vu
Trace. ollil ?- c.4j To pretend prophecy, to \^j^'> '^^-j
Wicked. Malignant. .^^ ^A^i prophesy.
Slirac of a well. Secret To ask for (news). * tiLlI,
Children's game. To inquii'e about (news) from. s —
To ha\e a strong and btxJ i ^JJ ik' News, information. »uj1 ^ tJ
harsh voice. Faint voice. Barking of dogs. ;lJj
To come out from its covert \?ilj ~ Prophecy, s^j s*^'
(partridge). To ooze (water). Prophetic, jr^
To falter in speech. To sit upon ^.L' 1 Wanderer wayfarer. Eminence. '^

a hillock. Well traced road.

To swell (bone). Prophet. o^tj .uJ'i ^ -^_, -^^
Hillock. Prophetess. ol^b olXjJ ^ i!vj x£j
Howling, barking. Prominent (place). High, iLu ^ y.O
Buttocks. *9" Co lofty. Crossing a country ( man,
Sweetmeats, confections. stream).
Oozing of water. ,jJii Minor prophet. '^j ^j
Making void promises. ^s':/' Surname of a celebrated poet." JJii.!l
V>lluj v>l^ J ^\~>j ^-^J ^x^ a i rtJ -S- To grow, to c4^b , OCj tl; o £4J *
To bark (dog). To "hiss serpent ). ( sprout (plant). To produce plants
D To pulsate (wound). (land).
To bark at a. o. (dog). 5 ^Jj je.j s — To grow up cjJIj , :;Sjj Od o -
To coo (old hoopoe). G-d — (child).
To make (dogs ) to » -n-liS-l \j -r^S To plant (a tree). To sow fi> zm
bark. (grain). -^ To quilt (a garment).
Barking of dogs. ^G j ^d To rear (a child ), s —
Clamour and barking. ^yj To make plants to grow fi> z^\
Barker. Shell from Mecca used ^f,J (God).
as an amulet. Plant, vegetation. ( un. :tiJ ) c-iJ
Cooing hoopoe. Bai'king dog. ^uj Plant, vegetable. oCd « olp
Night-comer lit. rouser of rtJlliJ) ^ Sugar-candy. oCJ ^-ij -
the dogs. Botanist. Vegetal. -j CJ
To leaven (dough). &_,ij i -rl'j -H- Botany. oCll"^^
To knead leavened dough. Offspring of men or
c^Xy ^ VtC
Blister. Small-pox. cattle. PI. Inexperienced young men.
Oakum for calking ships. Their offspring grew up. ^ij ^] ;^
Sulphur matches. Bough. -^ Mace, a Stick, ^uj ^ c^^ij
Speaking emphatically. ruSjj 5r *isjC
Remote land. Canal of irrigation. ^JUJ ^ xxcJ
Hillock,mound. '^--J Trees, plants. c^Xi c -'Cj
J-'Q -r -r
Sour bough. oliJb ^6 Growing-place. ^a^a ^ z^'^j c-'p
To fling a. th. A JlJ_j , IoIj 1 JIJ -M- Origin.
( VrV )
Large mouthful. To cast off; to neglect a,, th.
Shouter. Eloquent. To throw a. th. to. To dia- Ji. ^—
Platform. Pulpit. solve (a covenant) with.
Lamp, lantern. Spear- He steeped the dates, ^j^\ j\ j^\ jp
head. Bold. the grapes.
To nickname a. o. j Jyj \j\) i jp ^ ^
To make date j^p\ JLjJ \j JuJlj iSj JlJ
To give nicknames o. to ano- J'^, or grape-wine.
ther. To revile o. a. To pulsate (artery).
Nickname, name of re jUJI To part with. To z bGj iojlii i5l5
proach. thwart a. 0.
Vile, ignoble. To throw a piece of cloth to ^)l j » —
Nicknamer. a. 0. in a sale i. e. to set a bargain.
To speak in To declare war to. C/pOl » —
a meeting. To withdraw from J^\j -M^j ~
He has not ut- XjS^.
tered a single word.
J^ W ^ b.

o. a. (fighters).
retire apart. i^l.
Speakers. Hasteners. ,_^ A little ; small number, iuji ^ ip
small quantity.
Austere-looking. The refuse of the people. ^J.ti\ icjl
To take a. th. out. A Q4J o jSu -i4- Side, shore. o'Jlij colJ

To disclose (a secret). To dig up, Fj'agment ; article of a iJ ^ sXJj —

to exhume (a corpse). To ransack treaty. Exemplary of a book.
(a grave). He sat apart. sXJj Sol; ,_^
He dug up a treasure.|_^yvi ^ \'JS'
— Intoxicating juj -^j SlLJl ^ -Uj
To earn sustenance for (o.'s J — beverage made of dates or raisins.
family). •^ Wine.
•^To search for ; to rum- J jLuj — Flung. i^;^ -
mage a. th. Wine-merchant. iCJ
To pull out a. th. fii
Foundling, bastard. i^
Species of hard pine. jj:, Pillow. Joi;* ^ »jL:i^
Earth extracted from a well. XkxJi To grow (boy) To raise \jy \ Ji -H-

Grave-digger. J,Oi the voice to a high pitch ( singer ).

Occupation of a grave-digger. ;i^\'4 To raise a. th. To mark a * —

Plucked root of a plant. ,_;LuIj'| ^ o-^'^ letter with a hamza.
Uprooted tree. '
' '''
To drive a. 0. away in shouting. 5 —
•^ Confusion. To calumniate a. o. *JU1X; i —
To speak out. Cal; i ^1 -«- ^ To speak impei-iously to. jc ^tij •
To chirp (bird). Ua— J i
~ To swell (hand). To ascend the ^jt.
Sprout of a plant. pulpit.
Word. Sudden (thrust). Shameless. ^rjj
To throb. To C'UtJj Ca! i Jajj' -M- ^ Harsh, imperious (word).
flash faintly (lightning). Tick. Camel's fly. jCjj jdl ^ ^j_;
To flow (water). Ci»jij o — Magazine, joGMj ^.\j1 5^ jG Ij ^1
yi Ja^^j <^J 'u'JH^'^ J^'J tr"^'
_; J J^J barn, granary.
He twanged the bowstring. ^j •^ Storehouse. Hold of a j^llj j\J\
Throbbing of an u^^il ^ y^Jj y^al^ .ship.
artery, pulse. Dimple on the upper lip. Hamza. "iyi
Fiery (heart). Swelling. Raising of the voice. Pro-
^^Jj ^;^j j^
He is motionless. Ja'^ Vj Jal»- <>^ l» minence.
( vrA )
gush forth ( water ). To become a Single pulsation, throbbing, i^j xiiL'

good poet. To be scurfy (head). To Nerve. Anger. j^\^

spread (evil). He was roused to anger. iiu.U ja^
To rise against a. o. (heretic), jc. y^ Place of pulsation.
He led an easy life, II; all J
— Mallet for carding cotton.
To let out flour (bag). j-i aJb
— To gush forth Ctyl^j Ckli i Js^J -J^

To sift floui". f^\ (spring), a To result.

To haunt (a place). A— To draw (water). fin Ckli i JaU
Dust of a mill. j.Ujj ^ To reach i^^Sji.\j
fi> Jali'j
-^j'b -^^J
The choice of the tribe. yj2i\ Zip water by digging (a well).
Remarkable, •li:5 ^ ^ljJj ,
juVy ^ HjU To scoff at a. 0. s Ja!;
distinguished man. To bring a. th. to » W..'X:.\j Ja^jl
Surname of S celebrated poets. ^J^Ill light. To deduce a. th.
Relating to those poets. j^iiU To appear. iaji.:ij JaJt
Scurf of the *^lJj StCJj :ii.Cjj"^tj To pretend to be a Nabathean. u'^Xj
head. To compose (a discourse). a ialX\
Heretics, uovators. *i.Cj D To speak imperiously.
Dusty high road. jtuJ *9:US To find out, to elicit a. th
To write. To come j^_, uL' o jp -H- , To elucidate (a question lawyer). :

out. -^ To gu.sh forth (blood, pus). Internal state of a mac.

To rule and arrange (a blank fi, j!J Nobody know^s his inti-
book). -^ To forge, to falsify a. th. mate thoughts.
To elicit (a discourse). * jliJl,
First water of a well. ;djJj JaJ
Mealy matter of the palm-pith. jlj i White hair on a horse's flank.
Zizj/phus spina jpj jjj jlj j Nabatheans. ia^Jj Jsdl ^ iajJ
Jj i

Christi, lote-tree and its fruit. Belonging to the Naba-


'Jf^j 'J^
o Wild-apple, crab-apple. theans.
Large vine-knob. Drupe. jj_il; ^ xLaJ Discovery, invention, contri- Jalli-il
Alembic. J^jIj^ fr J=/' vance.
Planted in a row (palm-trees). jl:> White-spotted on ^ -^ 'IJ3I; a Jal;

To be elevated iHSJlj fe^i) o »1Cj -ft- ,

the side (horse).
(place), To issue Cu^j Cp^j C^J 1 o r^ -«-

r ea- i)_^j iCJj «iUj_j tiiU 9- *S^j 5?^ forth (water).

kish hill. To emerge from. 1-'' -
High (ground). ^\y ^ •^\^ ^ di>.J To cause (springs) to ooze
To shoot at. To give 5 !5b o ip ^ (God).
arrows to a. 0. To surpass a. 0. To ooze (water).
in skill. for making Chadara tenax, tree
To pick up arrows for a. o. ~ bows, arrows. •^ Spring.
To treat a. o. kindly. o — Bow made with chadara tena:/..
To soothe a. 0. with (food). o ^ "" Hard, steady. ^Jlil

To be clever, nobit;. sllU o jiJ Origin. Z^

To give arrows to a. 0. 5 j;jlj j^ He his of a noble *^Lj^ *»f' oZ >*
To vie in skill with a. 0. 5 j;u race.
To have ripe dates (palm-tree), jj Sweating limbs of the j-uIJI ^Ay

To make rough (arrows). A — camel.

To show sagacity to be skilful. j!ij Spring. Origin.
To die (camel).
: ^u.UJ: ^

Watei'-spring. Streamlet. f^\5 ^ ^.yli^i

To purify o.'s self with pebbles. ^ — To appear. To ^y^i CCJ o a i /iIj -ft-
( Yr'^ )

I chanced to find it. (^ \^ Jlj.j To take the best of.

Renown, illustriousness. Nobi- SaLj To vie with a. o. in shooting,
lity. in making arrows.
Heed, awakening. Wariness To die. to be killed.
The fox. To carry away a. th.
Remark, notice, summons. , To take heed of. To prepare to. J —
Noble, cele- -^iJ ^ t^j <J_, , .^'^ He has ij-iC j\ ijg j\ iriJ j\ iLJ j;i\ C.
brated, illustrious. taken no notice of it.

Important alFair. ijiJ To ask for arrows from.

High, eminent. To take the best of. » —
-^ Alarm-clock. ( iin.x'Ci ) oy^j J'CJlj JU ifein.) j;j
Incentive to. Memorandum Arrow.
Forgotten affair. Nobility. Sagacity.
Wakeful, heedful. Small pebbles.
To glance tj^l ^' s^^lJj 1]^' O I'j -^ Reward. Gift. Mouth- cJ^^j
off, to take no effect (sword) ful. Choice part. Merit. Nobility.
He was restless in hed.J:,\y^\ ^ ili>! — Arrow-making. jjc;
To disagree with, to unfit a. o. cj LJ Ability, nT^vit. Personal ac- HG
(place). complishment.
To be remote, s^^j uJj !^i o Uj Preparation
opposed. To become dim (sight). He got ready
To shrink from. To miss the jl — for the thing
butt (arrow). Endowed with JQ
To blunt (a sword). a '^\ superior merit Generous, noble.
Scorn, harshness of manners. s^ Corpse, carcass D Sil- jj_cj ^ iLJ
Height. Sjipj - ver armlets.
Remote (thing). Blunt (sword). ^U Shooter. Ar-
Strongly cambered (bow). sj^u row-maker.
To boil (cooking-pot). icicJ i cJ ^ Clever, skilful.
His nostrils swel- Ch^j u; i^ij^.' © - More clever. Better shooter. ji;l
led from anger. Lazy, slothful.
To divulge (news). x ^1; Constantinople.
To swell up (wound). i«_^j_, tf; a \ij % To be mindful of. J -uxilj , Cjl; a <uJ -S-

To be prominent. To protrude. To To heed a. th.

be marriageable (girl). To awake yjj]\
To overtake a. o. To exalt 0. s ip — from sleep.
self about. To be I'enow- xiili o <i.'jj

To encounter. To be high, i_i:ill ned, celebrated.

prominent. To rouse, to remind J[ j\
Hillock. Ascent, d Tumour. -Ji>. sUl To notify a. th. to.
a. 0. of.
To swell, to grow. C_^ o >Jij ^ He called him by his name. <^ Lt^ » —
To assist (a beast) in » Gei i ?;i5J ^ He roused him yyi\ ^a S *
bringing forth. from sleep.
The wind has L,vi^l c.?-ij ^ ';;,ll To forget a. th.
drawn forth rain from the clouds. To be mindful. To have J_j
To bring z^ '\j
laJj (i-UJ ci»fj
notice of.
forth (female). ^ To be wary, to guard against. Cu[
•^To improve (child). Awakening. Sagacity. *Jj
To result from. Stray-beast found by chance. aZ
\::> ( Yi- )
He acquires know- ^Jic j^j/» jillj To deduce (a conclu- ^^ ^ ?cj1j ^j
ledge in every branch. sion) from. To infer a. th. from.
Inexhaustible -well. V Jit, To be near to bring forth. To 5-iSl
To backbite a. o. s liOu^j CiiJ i J^l have pregnant females.
To germinate (seed) : to sprout j^] To be in partui-ition (female). .jti!^

(plant). To breed (cattle). ^-ajIj ?«wt:^

Gevm, sprout. jijj To deduce, to conclude a. th.A rrdixJ-l.

Tweezers. tr'^^ Parturition of beasts. ^u;

To exude (sweat, blood). t_^ i o ^S -fl- Young beasts of the sa- ^iJcj ^ oe-Jj

D To carry away. me year ; brood. Conclusion of a syl-

To sweai"^ much. f£] logism. Result, consequence, fruit.

To slande" a. 0. s dS'i o f^i -^ They are same year. %^^ l^

of the
To scoff, to mock. ^]] My ewes are of the same age. ^J liJ ^^li.
Calumniator. f^/'^ ^ Consequently therefore, in otllSL;

To pluck out fii ^Sj , u£j i ^iij -8- short.

(hair, feathers). Assisting a female in bringing ^"i;

To be plucked ^ifSJIj ^^\1'jj ^fJu forth. <

(hair, feathers). On the point of bringing forth. ^J:j
Plucking of the hair. ^J Time of parturition.
What is plucked with >Jcj ^ *Ii5 Rump of animals.
the hand, pinch. A little of. To exude (sweat). (>-_^j (a-iJ a ^S -S- i

He has given him a ^/'^ lifj iVkp'l To become moist (skin).

little of. To make a. 0. to sweat (heat). 8 —
Falling hair, feathers. :cjuJ_j ^jCJ Sweat. «rJ
Shallow, superficial (man). Xix5 Pi. Tree-resin. ^jiS
Depilated (camel). ^JLJj Pores of the skin. -tu (^ ^ rc^
Tweezers. j(i> Rump (of beasts). :^:£L»^

To be prolific (woman). CirJ i o jS -S- To pull off. To pluck A ii..:j i fi; ^

•^ To vomit. (the hair).
To become fat. C5^ o — To gaze at. Jl, »-roIi —
To jolt (his rider : » (Jj^j ^j j3 i
Tweezers, pincers. -r^^.
horse). To snatch a. th. To A \'Jo o-^j -S-
To shake To draw up
a. th. ^— pull a. th. violently. To rend (a gar-
(a bucket). To strike (fire). To ment). To brace (a bow).
shake (a sack). To spear a. o. «-j 5 ^—
To build a house opposite to ano-jSJl To utter violent language. 'j^^S^S

ther"s. To mari'y a woman having

To be damaged to perish. : Sji a Jv
many children. To be pulled. J^\
-^ Vomit. JUJ J jiJ Weakness. Harshness. Ji
His house is opposite to jj 6 Jfc ijli He received him harshly. ^j iijV»

mine. Penetrative thrust. CjIS^j ^ %'JC

Yielding fire (fiint). Jolting his jj/j Bow breaking its string. j\'y ^ "i}^
rider (beast). The month of Rama- To pull out ( a thorn ). A CiiJ i ,_;iaj -S-
dhan. To extract a. th. To pluck out (hair).
Prolific (woman). J^,j — To pinch and pull (meat) with the
•^ Emetic. jili beak (hawk).
To drag a. o. To empty * >t3 -^ To earn for (o.'s family)- J —
(a bag). He has not obtained Cxll, i,> J^ C»

To revile a. o. » — the least thing from him.

( Yi\ )
< To fall off (tree-leaves). _,-J To rush ^A Jiit:-ij , C>(£j V_^j >li; 1 JiJ
To sneeze (beast). \'j^ i
— forth fi'om the lines (soldier).
To blow o.'s aose. To suuff tip JUI To become tangled (herbage). jp\ij
water. To be -ome ready for fight. jSiJ-lj —
To throw a. o. down upoa the 5 — egg filled with
Osti'ich's jSj jiJ
uose. To make the nose to bleed. water and buried in the sand.
To be scattered, ^io J^'i J^ Near relationship. \\.-

strewn. To fall off hair, leaves).

( •Jij Ij <J\XJj Xiy^ o CnJj U>; a , CFiij i d\> "ft"

To fall sick and die (people). Ji^ To stink (meat).

To snuff up water) aud yjS.j, |j Jci\
( To infect, to taint a. th. a Jo
reject it. Stench, fetor. iJCxJj cnJ
Pro.?e ; rhyming ( opp. to Ji^ ) J^
prose. •^ Embroidery on cloth. Stinking.
Interstice between the mustaches. %'}\, Fetid tree. Mercurialis o^>j djiu
Cartilage of the nose. Ample coat annua (
of mail. Sneeze (of a beast). Vest, jacket, waistcoat with oC^ ^
Falling particles. Loquacity. jtJ sleeves.
Loquacious, divulger. J^i Cj\^jJy Bean-trefoil. Hemp-nettle (;)/an/s).i=I>
Good milch-ewes. Prolific. j^ To swell (limb). I^ij o UJ -ft-

Scattered. Shedding its leaves

^ To lag behind to
: retire back- jJl

Scattered particles. Crumbs Sjiiij jlL' To resemble a. 0. 5 —

of a table. To assault a. 0. it JiJ
Money, fruit scattered at a feast. jiS; To break (ab.scess;. J^\
Pi'osaist. Sneezing (ewe). JU Swollen (limb). Prominent^ ;c^ u j, c-Ij
Scattered, dispersed. Cipher ^L-l* jutting.
(man). -^ Embroidered (cloth). To divulge (news). A Ci; cJ -8- 1

Palm-tree shaking off its dates. jiSi/i To anoint (a wound).

Prose. Papaver erraticurn. kind jjli/J To ooze (oil). ^j Oj£ — fi> [

of poppy. Gilliflower. To communicate news to 0. a. oUj

To press a. 0. upon s yu^i o JaSJ -^ INIoist, damp (wall). '^
the ground for silencing him. Ointment. olsJ
To overburden a. o. s Qoyij Oai} — Moisture exuded by a skin. :;^
To quiet, to appease a. o. s ialj Piece of wool for ci^ j ol:» ^ *^'
To vomit much. To ;ai I — /LU ^ anointing.
bleed (nose).
^' O jiJ «
Tc rip up ( the belly). a i^ i -H- ^
To dung (horse). He relieved his bowels. jjaJ J C» —
To cleanse (a well). A Jiilj — i To hang down to be uns- : ^p^lj^[
To empty (a quiver) teady (load).
To take off (a coat of mail), iit A — Cipher, coward. ,^
To put (a coat of mail) oS^i A — J^ Buttocks. Si-i^j r-a
upon. To stand still. To grOM- .|S_,i; a oil *
To rush together against. J[ jJlIJ (truffle).
Cleansed (ditch). jsj To scatter, a J^j,\j\3jj \'Ju i Ju -H-

Large coat of mail. Dimple be- ;ii; to sprinkle, to disperse a. th.

tween the mustaches. He spoke much. >>^l —
Horse's dung. ijj He had numerous children. jj^l —
Earth taken from a well. iLiJj iVsi He bore much fruit (tree). jlii)!

Remains, rubbish. "
y^ He took off (the coat of mail).ii^ a> —
He has exerted himself to
( V IT

hold unseemly
^ Jsi Ij , CJJ i -xJ -^
the utmost. talks.
To divulge (news). To A 1^' o ISJ -S-

be accomplished (affair). j
scatter a. th.
To succeed in to attain (a
: J — To remind 0. a. of.

want). I
Anecdote, mention.
To help a. 0. to attain a. th. Sj a ^JJ I
To divulge (news). A Cij i ^^' -J^

Such a one did not sue- o!^ T^'i^ ^^ j

To backbite a. 0. 5 '|.j 1

ceed. I
To be ashamed of. ^^ —
To make a. o. to pro.sper J * ^SJ 1 j
To hasten. To flow <9^i bj i ^J -«
(God). I
with purulent matter (abscess).
To overcome a. o. 4_,
— j
To accomplish (au fi> rr.Ull^.^j ^; To move, to stir a. th.
affair) successfully. To ponder over (an affair 0''> -
To become true (dream). Tjfvi without undertaking it.
To beg of (God) the fi> n ri^I:~ll To be agitated, perplexed. 1^13
success of. To smite » U-jij %ir)j *ik; a Uj -«- ,

Success ; attainment of a ^i*o rr^j a. 0. with the evil eye.

want. Evil-eyed. ojiJI '^<j '_y>dj ;^?Jj >ij
Patience. *»ii?J Evil eye of a begga"r.^ j;;.vl!l SL^J
Successful (affair). x^-^O ^ ^^IJ To be noble- ^?tJlj , *jl?,J o ^iJ -ft-

Thriving. born (man). To be generous.

Vehement (walk), quick pace. 9-_xjj — To bark a »--?»^j''j v-?'^J »
i "r^-J
Patient (mind). *»--=W >• ^-^v (a tree).
Successful, ?r-.»Viij ^^Ui ^ T.^t^j — To beget generous sons. To ^iJl
attaining a want. beget a cowardly son.
Right counsel. r^^J J\'j To perform a generous deed. v^^^
To boast, to glory. To <s^) a ^^ -«- To choose, to se- a ^..iliJLIj ^^-scrji
eat away its margin ( river ). To lect a. th.
arise (disturbance). Noble, generous. tiijj ^_^
To boast together. To dash ^^Uj Bark of a root or of a tree. ^_,^
together (waves). Nobility of race. Generosity. xJiV
Roaring (sea). ^^^ f.>U Noble-born. »_<bjlj M^^j v-iJ ^ >^»J
Roaring of the sea. ^^ij Generous. Excellent, good-breed
To overcome, 5 a^lj ,laki oi.; ^ (beast).
to prevail over a. o. The best parts. ^^Xyj vlW«J
To become manifest \i^ JiJ
(affair). Having noble sons. ^^XJj CjC^.'J ^
To sweat. To become ijL>.j a Ji-J To scrutinise, ^c diulj Vi^' o d.?J , -ft-

stupid, dull. To cry out to a. o. for help. ^ o?J

To be oppressed by lOaJ Jiajj ~ To reveal seci'ets 0, to a. o?Uj
grief. To draw out, to a c-*Jl^b c-iiil
To be courageous, "i'j^^ jiGJ o aiJ extract a. th.
To furnish (a house). To a a>J Coat of mail. Pericardium. ^>Jj ^^
trim, to stuff (beds, pillows). House. oGJ I
To render a. 0. experienced 5 j^, Searcher, inquirer. o'^Vj c*?t~'
(time). Hidden seci*et. Mound used as c-ojJ
To assist a. o. To come forth » j^\ji a butt for shooters.
to fight a. 0. Bad news divulged. Endeavour
He has attained the «^,Vj Jt ^^at To go to Nejd.To sweat frum asjl
age of puberty. grief. To become high (building).
War has been liijk>lj '^'j^^ OJul To become serene (sky).
vehement. To assist, to help a. 0. fl>j s jiijl

Silphium (plant). o\'Jkl'\ To answer (a call).

Mole-rats. (pi. of iii a7i<l of jii) i?.,U> To become high, lofty. jSJ
To be hot ( summer-
\'^ o _,?«5 -S- To recover sti-ength. oiJl-^l
day). To prepare a food of milk and To ask for assistance from, k^j S —
butter. To be emboldened against. ^ —
To hew, to fashion (wood : car- f>
— Skilful guide. Nejd, highland of j^
penter). To determine upon, to undei*- Arabia.
take a. th. To warm (water) with :ri»-_j J^JJ i^>»Jj iVasJj ibtj l_j aa»J I ^ —
heated stones. Stony table-land. Elevated sa^J t

To fillip a. 0. To urge (camels) s — road.

vehemently. He can »^^jb ?'?«;j ,-4«^,' ('^ >•
To suffer from thirst. i^^j a _,?ej manage affairs thoi )ugbly.
To feed a. o. with milk and flour. 5 ^^l] House-furniture (as iOfJj >y>^ ^ -k?J

Origin. Shape of a beast. Per- J^J carpets, beds, curtains).

sonal attainment. Nobility. Territory Sweat from sorrow. Impediment jbj
of Mecca or of Medinah. in speech.
Violent access of thirst. ^Uj Coui-age, vigour. Fight. olJ?tJ ^ ''-^
Origin, root. Colour. jV^jj jVseJ Adversity. Fright. Aid.
Carpentry. SjVVi From Nejd (horse). '^-^
Chips, parings of wood. cj\^ Suspensory of a sword. i\iJ
Hot summer-month. y>.Ju Of high stature iGJ" Ji^!* J?"3
Carpenter. Ojj^5 ^ jbeJ (man).
Milk mixed with flour or butter. SjasJ Gallantry, courage, bravery. sii^
I will reward thee ac- ii^In?J o^jy Mattress-maker. «^'^
cording to thy merit. Brave, coura- iGJ I
^r -4«^J -Wj -^^
Hook of a door. Town in Arabia oO?sj geous.
and in Hauran. Brave. Grieved. -\J^) j4^ -r ^^-}
Seized with intense thirst ^S^yJj j>j Long-necked, spirited (camel), i^
(camel). Tall and intelligent woman. aitJ ^ — .

Anchor. _,>j1 ^ e'J^zlSj J>ii'\ P Stupid, dull, .i>jy 5r e^J' v» -*>^

Nettle [plant). S^Ul weary.
Point aimed at. _^>I Stuffer of mattresses. -»?i>j i>%^
Heated stone for warming cl^dt Wine. Saffron. Blood. ju>1jj ^ i^lJ
water. Wine-vessel.
Hewn wood. Water-pulley. jj^t^'' Small mountain. Neck- a>Ci ^ a?ei«
•^ Wainscoting of a house. lace of pearls and gold.
To achieve, fi> j0j j^;j , \'^ j?J •«- Rod for urging a beast. ja-U/i ^ cJ^Jt
to perform (an affair). Wooden instrument for wool.
To come to end, to \j^ a j?Jj — Aid. Fighter. J^S^
perish. To be accomplished (affair). Afflicted. Subdued. ^^^
To be fulfilled (promise). To bite, to catch a. th. a llii-J i -UJ -H-

To come forth against a. 0. ? j:^u with the molar teeth.

To fulfil (a promise). fit jU'j] To importune a. 0. s —
To give the last stroke to (a le — To try a. 0. (fortune). i iiJ
wounded man). Molar tooth. a>r,; - i»-lJ
J^ ( v
give to (camels)
flour to drink.
water ^ j\ f^ s ^ He addicted himself
to drink.

To be fattened by. To benefit of.v_, ^^^J To achieve a. th. sue- fi> jilij-lj j^;
To thrive. ;iiti1 cessfully. To ask the fulfilment of (a
To give milk to (a youngling s — : promise ).
shepherd). To contend, to fight together. j^Ci
To ask a favour from. s f^ \j ^^kLj Achievement, fulfilment. jGj_, jij
Wholesome il^ j\ *j ry-'' i J^ i^~ ^"^
He is on the eve of *s>U- j?J J*
accomplishing his affair.
Foraging. ^ <;k;
Beating about for ^J'^j *i>U ^ ^»U
^ Present, ready slnsjj Sj>U ^ Ji?%?j j^.-VJ
pasturages, forager. I sold it for ready mo- j»Uj lj?;b' iiJ
Vei-y courageous. 5,bJ jiUi-' ney.
Water mixed with flour or ^.^ Fight. j>'CJj i'jiiJ'
grain. Wholesome (water). To be A— btj O ^Jma^JJ , C-jJ a ,.rW "^
Milk. N^isJI - unclean, impui'e, filthy.
Wholesome "' To conta- Hj go ,_^' \j ^jjj
(food). Efficacious ^^J To defile.

( speech). Blackish ( blood ). Leaves minate.To render a. o. impulse.

shaken off and made into paste for To become defiled, impure. To ^^.^
cattle. purify o.'s self.

Pasturage. f^jji Filthiness. Legal impurity. sJii^J

Place in which pastu- focix.-^j ^»?tZ;.» Filthy, (j-bjl ^ ^r^J ij^J ij^J ur^
rages are searched. impure, unclean.
Station in pasturage. ^„iiLi Incurable (disease). ^J^J ^j^j ,j^\j
To fashion (an ^
CbJ o ^oJ -ft- Amulet made of unclean ij-iK-'^
arrow). To cut (a tree) at the root. things
To rnilk out (a ewe). ^ ^.^\j — Maker of unclean amulets. ^J^^'^
To drift (sand-hills : wind). ^ ..^ To connive for j Ciij o jiiJ -{{-

He gave away to a. o. ^ <ij oXii — ensnaring another in (a sale).

a little of. To rouse, to track (the game). A —
To shake (the a Ui^Z.\j ^'^[ To search after a. th. To collect. To
clouds), to cause (rain : wind). draw forth. To kindle (the fire).
Mound, sand-hill. Place jG*; ^ ^^ To hurry, to press on. iiUj j Cjjj o —
spared by a flood. Dam. To outbid a. o. at (a sale). J Jis^\2
Sand-drift, a Chandelier, lusti-e. li^ To extract a. th. To jiSJ.'LLi fi>

Sand-drifts, dunes. _Ai&OI*iiJ start (game).

Small quantity, little of. tiUfJ Connivance for ensnaring anotherjL^
Threshold ; lintel. ^_jG^; in a sale.
Broad-headed •—'^''-•J 1 ^*?«'' 5r ^^?^j Beater J-^yd^^j ^uivWj '^j-^j J->;^
(spear). of the chase ,• hunter.
•*v ^ --
Huntsman, starter. ,J-^h J-i^'
•^ Scarcely, hardly. J\^] T Negus, king of the '^W^Ij .trW»i
To become verdant %J o J?J -ik- Abyssinians.
(soil). To be whole- ^iJlj , G^^iJj CoJ a ;oJ -i^r

To beget (a son father).

: ^jj 5 — some, beneficial (food).
To kick a. o. on the buttocks. s — To be efficacious (medicine, J ^j —
To ill-treat a. o. speech). To act upon.
To rip up, to skin ( a beast a— ) To seek for f^'-l^ ^j f^j Ij r»^3 rf^
from the hocks. To till (the ground). pasturages.
» Iallowed hiin to G^
<:ip J (]• i:Ju>
To disclose. To manifest a. th.
pay his debt by instalments. To strike off pebbles oj A >Uj jSJ i

This information ^; c^J.'-J' liA^J, 0-4' (cainel). To throw a. tb.

is groundless. To erase (a writing). a —
Graminaceous plant. A stai*. ij^j To pierce a. o. with (a spear). ^ t —
^ Blaze on a beast, .\sten8k. To have large eyes. %^ a J^,J
Stalkless plant. Word. <;.^ To pasture (cattle) on her- ^ jiji
Dadijlis repens^ species of dog- i;jj bage.
grass. To come to fight together. J»Cj
The Pleiads. ^i To have numerous offspring.
Astronomy. Astrology.

x^\ j'i
^ To appear and disappear. To
remove water from the foot
of a
Astrologer. Astro- ^-^j ^-f.'Jj ^b-J wall.
nomer. To become swampy (ground;. jS,i7.:-i_

Well ti-aced road. U/i' Offspring. Child. Father. JGJ'i ^ jlj

Mine. Source, origin. Water from the ground.
Iron-beam of a balance. Flowing water. Crowd.
Ankle. ^?-r>j
— Father. Thorough bred
To drive S *^:\j J^ljj ,i^ij, a 4-J -« ( horse ).

back a. o. Wide-eyed. J\i,;_, j^ ^ .^^ij

To be ^^ il^j 3\?Jj '^J *^>-j bJ ^ Wide (eye). Opening a large
saved, to escape from. wound (spear-thrust).
He saved
To rush
life. 4.^]^

Bittei- plant sought by
camels. Bastard dittany.
To trim (a ;fc - Reaping-hook. Opening J»U.J
J<^\j J-f\j , lS?»^'

tree). a wide wound ( spear ). Luxuriant

To skin (a ij i_j , ujj l^35J
— (crops). Clever camel-driver.
beast). The Go.spel. The Jc?-^^1 k Jsvl ^
lo s *Wsij «l?.u*
tif ^'j » (iS?*'-^ 'S^
~ New Testament.
whisper (a secret) to. Evangelist. ^v'l
To rescue a. o. (from ^* j ^-' b ^i^ Couch-grass. J=W^' ^-, llf ^
danger). To appear. To I'ise^Jlj , 0.^* o ^' -Ji-

To raise (a field) against fi> ij (star).

flooding. To ooze (water). To grow( tooth). J^
To clear away (clouds). To have^jl To come out (heretic). To result.
ripe dates (palm-tree). To accomplish a. th. a J^^ C»^ — ,

To disclose, to lay a, th. bare. fi>

— To pay (a debt) by instalments.
To bring a. 0. to a prominent » — To astroiogise. j^^j JfJ
place. To be over (cold, rain). ^iti'lj J>y\
To search for a raised ground. To clear away (weather).
To whisper in the ear To observe the stars (astrono- J^iJi
to. mer).
To take a. 0. as a confidant,
To quicken the walk. To

>^;i. Star. ^j
Appointed time. Grass
_^ypji ^Gtj ij J^Ss
: gerrainace-
^ ^
purify o.*s self after excretion. ous plant. True origin.
To be delivered from. — .
j.^ May thy star rise i. e. be iU4.ij y<i
To obtain a. th. from. o!>U ^» * —
To draw (a bowstring). — fi>
He ponders over what >»>?^" 4 J^-
Hide. Frame of a camel-litter. 1^ i
he has to do.
( Yt-V ) ^i
»_^-L* -n— Delivery, salvation. .Ujj sGJj (iJj _j?J
Rapid walk. ]

To cut, to fi> liJJ a C9iij i o cJ^J -ft- Make thy il^GJll iJ«QJJIj JGJJI iJii«3l

sculpture (stones). To hew (wood). e.scape.

He cut out aj;^! ^j J^^ j GuJ

- Cloud that has discharged 'G^ ^ _^^
rain. Excrement. Secret confided.
house in the mountain.

To emaciate (a beast journey) S :

- '

Secret confided. Confi- tJjU5 ^ LS>?tJ

to prostrate a. o. i

— Elevated '\a^^ ^ S^j, j»«J rr »^

To blame, to revile a, o. jJCb S \

He impaired his reputation, i^^t - ground. Swift (camel).

He is free from evil, "^h) ^a^ S'^^. '^

He was made generous yj^\ Jc c^J ,

Large tract of land.

by nature. _ _ j

wood. j\ cJ^\ Secret. Confidant. *;>J'l

He hewed off ilii-Jl .

Cutting, sculpture. c-ss^ i

Swift (camel).
Xijr-^J '-'^^ ~
Shelter, place of refuge. ,(>'
Nature, constitution. \

Elevated ground.
Chips, parings of wood. *^'^
Stone-cutter. Sculpter. o^J

Means of salvation.
c^' Truth the means of
Wail. Abraded (hoof). Stranger

to a tribe. I

CyWi'j c-^J Confidential intercourse.

Cut out, polished
(stone). Sculptured.
To reciprocate a sound, Vst^jSL) i rtj -ft-

a humming in the throat

Adz ; c->Oj;j c^U> ^ oUl>j c-^--^
Avarice. Bountifulness.
sculptor's chisel.
To stab in the i OUiij IS*^ z.
J^j ^ Avaricious. ''-*?^ '^?«^

throat : to slaughter (a beast)^. To reiterate a pecto- r-J^Jj ^'-^ "^

-^ ral sound.
He has a deep know- uic
To repel (a beggar) shockingly, i -
ledge in science.
My house is seated 'ej\i Jj)i — To weep, to wail C->Jj Cij a »-^ -S- i

opposite to his. —
To cough (camel). CbJj CiJ i
To wound a. o. in the throat, i 'ji-Si
UJ To bet. CjJ a
To seize o. a. by the jc J>c^i ji- ^

To bind o.'s self by ^t^j , CkJ o
To face o. a. (houses). >C5 vow. I

J>c'\ To
travel at a quick ^3!) j w»Jj wiiJ
To commit suicide.

the pace.
The day of sacrifice, J»3i\ j.'y_

10 f'^ of the month Zu-elhidge. To work strenuously. To go ^^

the chest, hastily to water.
Upper part of j*^ ,- j>C>

of the throat. Beginning of a day, of

To apply o.'s self to.
a month. To cite a. 0. to (a judge). To?
I met him openly, s^ Vj^-j «^_o iijSJ bet with a. 0.

To appoint a time for fighting.

Slaughterer, stabbsr. j_^j _^U
To wail, to sob.
First or last day. first or last night
Weeping. Quick journey. Exer-
tion. Gentle or rapid walk. Fixed

of a month.
time. Vow. Wager. A
^ necessity.
The two jugular veins.p\7;^CJb P'S*^'
SkOful, experienced. ^ J U; ^ ^^Ij .>>-4 Game of hazard. Death.
Slaugh- jj^iJj jSoii '\j»iJj SJ^'i n -Ji?" He is dead.

tered (camel ).
Lots. Sortilege.

Part in which a beast is stabbed. Wail, weeping.

Place of sacrifice. Weeping. ^*^J
To be
corpulent (she- G^iJ a ^y^o
(Y lY)

He paid him hia due. Caij «S»»< o5U) —
Foot of a mountain. ^y^
Yielding no milk
from fatness (she-ass).
^j ^,UJ ^ y'j^

Corpulent, bulky (she- ^/a-oJj ^J^^

To strip (a A> j^\j , Cai-J 1 a ^;aij -):}-

To sharpen a speai'-( Sj A j^ii
head ). To importune a. o. with re-
To become ja»& |_, ja>uj , Ci>/-J a jjiaij

To have compact flesh. l^GJ o jx>^
Compact flesh. c^btJ j Js>iJ ^ ^ji»J
Piece of compact cJ^^ooi j9C»J ^ i^jj
Fleshy. Emaciated. Thin ja^cj>j ja^
To sigh, to moan. Oa-jj-J i iaij -K-

To pant, to be out of CJa^j^Jj CkiJ —

Stifled sob.
Seized with violent cough.
Ja^^Jj LCJj W
Ja»- U
Proud, haughty. J,iij
To be naturally xaUJ o .jiJj a ^>.j -J^

lank, meagre.
To emaciate a, o. 5 ^jii'l
Emaciation, lankness. *abJ

Thin and lean. «J>9i^j

To be- VjU; o Jijj a o Jib a J»«i -^
come emaciated from fatigue or
' disease.
To give a wedding-pre- i %C> a JiJ
sent to (a bride) : to give a.th. freely
to a. o.
To revile a. 0. To attribute /b 5 >UJ —
falsely (words, verses) to a. 0.
•if- To warm rooms for nursing j^
To give to a. o. part A & J>tib
of o.'s property.
<•To swarm (bees). jiil
To emaciate, to exhaust a. 0. s j5Jl
(fatigue, disease).
He boasted falsely o^tt ^ii. J'-.'^'b J>-^^
of verses
made by another he : pla-
Grammarian. •<> Pedantic. ;Uj ^ giarised.
Side. cC^lJj ^ly ^ *_I>Uj ali-U To profess, to adopt (a re- fi> jitiJi.

Region. District, limit. ligion).

Towards, in the direc- ^xI>U jj *s»Ij Bees A bee. ( un. iii-J ") [coll), jij
tion of. Gift, present. c/^h ^J S*^i <>^
To churn (milk). * CkJ a ^^J -»• i
Gift.Dowry, jij_> JS-J ^ ii>jj ibu

He directed his looks ^\ 'ayeu, ^J wedding-present. False pretention.

towards. Lawsuit. Religious sect.
To displace, to take a. th. A ijj — Emaciation.
away. Plagiarism, literary theft.
To point at, to strike a. o. A J ^\ Exhausted. Lean, thin.jAJj j»J
with (a weapon). Thinned by use (sword). J>iy
He lashed him with a J^jiJO *lifr
— Exhausted, emaciated. ji-J ^ j^aj

whip. Warmed room for silkworms. j;»i» -^

To be discarded. ^^Jj To heave, to CvUJj ^^o ^*>^ i
v^ "^
To lean upon. To apply o."s J ^Jl. pant (horse).
self to. Kind of flamingo. ^G-J
Milk-skin ; churning-vessel.-bJl Panting. Avaricious. ^ibJ
Churn. Broad- -ikij ^9-Jj 'Uit Pronoun of the tklj J»j -^j j>*j -^
headed arrow. fird person of the dual and plural.
Aim, object in aim. We.
He is the butt of the f.j»J}2)l X ^ To direct
o.'s self
a ^ji^^i^i-j a o GJ -S'

strokes of fortune.
Distance. Winding ^u> , ebii* He followed the same com'se i',»J Uj
stream. as he : he had the same design.
The absent ; those who suijl J»l He directed his looks •^eu WJi

are remote. towards.

To walk strenuously. o VJ -5^ li-j To stoop, to lean. l_^9j O V'sJ

^ To stoop to lower the head.

: To discard a. o. from.
To urge (a beast) vehemently. j — To put a. th. aside from.
To utter a grunt i -irX-j -fyj v_>j %6 2? To ward oflf a. th. fi'ora.
for making (a camel) to kneel. To lean on one side in
Oblong carpet. ^UJ'l ^ '^J walking (camel).
< Stoop.
beasts. Slave-drivers. ^Ij He averted the looks fi*om.^c o'jiij
To advance towards a. o. ic ij)
^ i

Beasts of burden. Shepherds. :cU To accost a. o. obliquely. J ^^\j —

Ammi, bishop's lijuj *i-.iyj *^Jij' P To go aside, apart.
wort. To turn away fi'om.
To make (a camel) to Aj j ^_ij -^ To lean upon a. th. J^'^J
kneel. To discard a. th. Towards, near. About, the like. j:^j

To lay upon the breast (camel j. ^i-jiuJ He went Eastwards. J^iJI ^»J w.*'i
To bite (ant, louse). CiJ o ^ij ^ As thou wouldst say for iu,;^ ^J :

To tear out (the game hawk). instance.


To take forth a. th. To take the A — About ten thousand. JVT "ij^ '^
best of. Side, tract, countiy. Inten- »',._ ^ 'yrj 1

To be cowardly. QJ a »_.jJ tion, design. Way, road.

To beget a cowardly son. To »_ijl Syntax of gram- "C^j^ '^.Ij "G-Jl ^ —
beget a brave son. mar.
^ ^
\ To prick, to goad i C-iJ

a u ^>J » To choose, to select a. th. a w^-.;l

(a beast). To elect a. 0. -t/- To predestinate » —
To disturb, to arouse a. o. ^^ > — a. 0. (God).
To insert (a piece of Ck5 a o — Cowardice. Large draught of ^Jio
wood) in a pulley. wine for drinking healths toast. ;

To waste away (flesh). To Ije ^_^ij Choice part. Selected ,^ ^ XXi'^ tiJ
scabby on the tail. company.
To mingle their waters ,^05 . v*"^ 5r v^r^t'J » v^'-* 'r'"^-.' ^T'-'-i r*"^
(tanks). Cowardly, faint-hearted. wXi'J
"Wood inserted in the *-:,U; j ^j-\^i Choice, election. <>• Predesti-
hole of a pulley. nation.
Slave-trade ; cattle- iJ^UtJj *i-UJ Cowardly, faint- 4_j,i»ii j viA^'J yJi^XJ'
trade. hearted.
Goader. Seller of beasts. Seller ^bJ Emaciated, lean. ^y*^'"
of slaves. Weak man ; cipher. v'^I
Scab on a cameFs tail. ,^0 To peck (bird). uij z^j »-
Young antelope. cr->-.jj
~ To agitate (a ^_,j fi> Gi-J a r^tij -S-

Loosened pulley provided with yj^j bucket) in a well.

a piec3 of wood. To dash against its banks (tor- ^.Vj
Ewe and goat's milk mixed <li->J rent).
together. Fine butter oozing from the *?e-oJ
Goad. Spur. u-h^'" t u-*-'* skin.
Goaded. Scabby on the tail ^^>ij> Ship-captain. Jii-iy ^ sloiV; P
(camel). To be the captain of a ship. iljj
To become lean, ^jj , Cii-J a jSi^j ^ To snore to \j\^jj I^J
: i o ^ij *
To be worn out in the Cii-J a Jj>-j snort.
lower part (thing). ^ To eat a. th. away (worm). »—
To urge (a beast). *_, 5 (ii,; ^kl To be worm-eaten, wasted l^i.J a^jJ
To incite a. o. To shake a. th. To (wood). To crumble (bone).
bark (wood). To harm a. 0. Hurricane. s^ij
To direct o.'s self towards. Jl^ jXc^> Snout, forepart of the ji..] ^ S^j —
Gill of fishes. J-iit'^j -r j-y^ -^ nose.
To become emaciated Caij a o ^i-J -il- Snoring. ^jj-j
through old age. There is nobody in the ^>u jiallj U
To emaciate a. o. (old ^ u^i-Jb ~ house.
Pig, wild boar.
J^ •?: J>-S>
To waste away ^iilj , Cai-j a ^>J Decayed, sl^Jj C>:^^ -• ^-'-> jh'^
(flesh). crumbling (bone, wood).
To blow o.'s A iJ-iJij , Ckij o iaiJ ^ Snorer. Pig. ji^j
nose. Noble, haughty. Weak. Sjj^iiij ^ jl]^i
To backbite a. o. ^ Oa-?-.; iii-J

To treat a. 0. scornfully. le — Nostrils. Nose. ^KJ^j ^\^

To be like a. 0. S Jai^jl. To eat away a ( tree :

Men, race of men. JakSj Jaij worm).

I do not know '^ Jai..!)l ^1 tfjil C» Fissure ; hole. Bee- ,
->,^-J 5r ^Jj^
what sort of man he is. cells.
To slaughter (a beast), s Cij a ;iJ -ii- To prick, to stab ^
i_i 5 j5ij a

To kill, to slay a. 0. To bear sincere a. o. To sting a. in (words ).

friendship to. Prick ; thrust.
^ To incite, to
( vo-

give sincere
advice A »
J^.^\j 1>=^U J^ /.i-J

enhearten a. o. to a. 0.
To increase in pride. ^sj \ He acknowledged his *_|is< u!Ai) —
To behave haughtily it j^-^'-J
i^^ right.
towards. To master (a science). CJp * —
Pride, point of honour. < Cou- ;^ To be sappy (plant). Cij a ;.jJ
"age. To expectorate. ^sij
To lilojj lij^^ liJ^jj l^r^j \t)J I j^ -a- To pour down rain (cloud). /.isrJij

run away (camel). To be thrown far away from ^p ^'j-ijl^

To defame a. o. To divulge (a ^ ^ttj (o.'s country).

secret). To revile a. o. Spinal cord. ^^ f.\i^j f,^^j ^uJ
To disptv.«e (camels). 5 jjlj — •^ Brains.

To oppose a. o. 5 ii; Phlegm, pituite. jtGj

To disagree and disperse ( party iUj Back of the neck, nape. Xii^ •>
of men). More contemptible (name). ^ij ]
Hill, jj The first vertebra jointing the ^^a
Ambergris, compound perfume, jj j jj neck to the head.
Idol. ilojM ^ oi To snort (goat), to ui-J a o ,S»-J -H-
A like ; an opponent. Mioj ^ jj-Jj — snuffle.
He is unequalled. S^jJ ^1 to' il C» To sniff. wJaJl
They dispersed on joaCjj J^ iU'l Ijiji'i Cleft of a mountain. jlij
all sides. Boots. iiiti ] R. oUsi
To cook (meat) in hot tb *i jJ a Ijj ^ Snorting, snuffle. ^j^
ashes. To sift (flour). A yij o Jii5 -«-

To fi'ighten a. o. s — To send down (snow, drizzle : /b jt-Jj —

Flesh buried in hot ashes- c^jj cloud).
Rain-bow. Halo. Red- siJJj sl^Jj Cjoj To select, to pick » ji-ijij jl^j jSJ
ness in the clouds at sunrise or out the best of.

sunset. To give disinterested <?tj^l iJ JSJ

Abundance of cattle, of slluj s't JJ advice to.
wealth. It snows ; it ji]^| j\ ^l Ji^lj) ^JuJ
To bewail, to eulogise 5 C JJ o ^m -tt- drizzles.
(a dead person). Palm-tree. ( un. xL->Jj iiij ) j-ijj jij
To invite, to J 5 i_»j5Jb , ii',.> J ^^ '-/^ Palm.
ui'ge a. o. to. Bran ; rubbish remaining in the :C^
To be covered G^tJj vjjuj Coj a ^-uj sieve.
with scars. Small palm-tree. Nature. Advice. xLsJ
To leave a scar (wound ).tjjj ij C oJ a — , Disinterested adviser. j1l2s)I J^U
To be clever, active. oloJ o ^Sjj Sincere advice. iii ij ii--^
He jeopardised his <.^j iLJu kjiil Straightforward design. ^ii!) jlj^
life. Rag-gatherer. JiaJ
To answer (a call, summons). J tjJii\ Sieve. ji-ll^ ^ J»--^j J*^
To contradict a. o. To sing, to play. CiJ o ^iJ -tt-

^ To depute a. o. 5 — To expecto- ^y-JJj 'L'iJj U-iJ a ^jJ ,

Take thou what is oflfered. ujjcjI C» Ji.' rate to wipe o.'s nose. ;

Shooting of an arrow. ^/j^ ^ ^'jj Phlegm, mucus. x>uj

Scar of a wound. To swell Ji-^'h s<^J,''j^ liJ *
Wager, stake in a race, ^jiij 1 ^ — with pride.
To extol a. o. 5 GJ
( Yo\ )

Rare. Uncouth ( word). j^\jj jjj Active, clever, sharp-minded (man).

Piece of gold or silver in a mine. Sjjj Spirited ( horse).
Rareness. o'j'jjj Sj'-J Scar. t_jljLi \j i_)jjo ?rt>j 'r'*^ f v^
Once, sjolll jj 'ejjjj,ji^\ jj IjiU Elegy. Lamenting of the dead. 4^10
rarely. Call, invitation.
Rare thing. Scarcity. ji\'^ ^ 53 ii; Eloquent Arab. ti'ji *Ji,3*

Curiosities, witticisms. Wailing for the dead. Elegist. v_,iU

Quaint, uncouth y9^\\ ^f^ jil>^)l Wailing- woman. v^'y r *^,^^
expressions. Hired wailing woman. iJijJ
He is the marvel of his uC»jJI SjiU y» Wailing of the dead, cjiu; ^ ^joJ
time. Funeral meeting.
Strait of Bab el-Mandeb ; (jjIJI ^^U
1 met him once. ^/^ : strait of the wail.
I gave him a hundred j'/x, iu/-, ij'ai' Bewailed. Approved (thing). VJ^
coins out of my own property. fy- Deputy, envoy.

Thrashing-floor. Heap of j^Vll ^ jjJI To enlarge (a place). » C>.lJ

wheat. To be distendfd by repletion

Syrian village celebrated for its jx,'\ (cattle).
wine. To disperse in a pasturage .-c; ij
Wide (sack). 'j,0^'^ (sheep).
Ground-flour, hall. jiUi^ ^ s^^^V -^ Multitude. Width, spacious- ^luj ^JJ
To be sagacious (child). Co; a ^jJ -ft- ness.
He threw him CoJ js'yi\ «j ^r-^^ Spacious place. ii^Uj xi-'j^j ,^\jj\ ^ —
down on the ground. Broad plain. Disen- x> j'ji/j ^jdl»
To thrust a. 0. with a spear). k_, 5 —
( gagement, freedom.
To turn a. o. away from the ^6 5 — I am *>jiu/j ^jUa _y»Vl \1» ^^ J_
right way. disengaged from tliat affair.
He had a vague opinion i; ^ji — Broad and bare plains, deserts. ^iOjJ
on. To land, to come 5 liuJ a ^'•^ -S-

To curse and revile a. 0. To ^ ^Su ashore (ship).

spear a. 0. To bring (a ship) ashore to. a* ^jJl
To be thrown down. To ooze ^j13 To brag, to boast. ^jjj
through the sides of a well (water). Fool. ^'Ji
To be upon the watch for ^s.j t> — Indifferent to abuse given or ^oL.
( news). received.
To revile 0. a. ,^iCj To fall out, to drop \j jiJj \jjj jJ^ -ft-

Sharp-minded, saga- ^U^ ^jjj ^jj out (thing). To be prominent, to jut

cious. out. To be rare, extraordinaiy.
Piercing spears. tr?'y ?-W, To go forth from. ^/> —
Nimble, active (woman). u-l^'?
To be dislocated (bone), i^'y ^—
Lace, tuft, tassel. jji\j 1
^ i£jjj 1 > To outgo others in (science, j —
To protrude (eye). Cajlu u^jJ * excellence).
To emerge from. ^ Csjoij C^JJ —— To experience a. th. A—
To let out purulent C»jJ sl u^jjj To be good. To be elo- sjljJ o jCjJ
matter (abscess). quent to be strange (word).

To recover (a debt) ^y. ^oiuLlj ^ajl To beat a. th. down. To take a jj.1^

from a. 0. forth a. th.

Importuner. Foolish ^^iUV ^ ^u:< He has told us strange u^it jiCjj jlJl
woman. things.

J^ ( VOT ) Jo

To incite a. o. to repentance, s yjj]


To keep low company. ^oJ — ^oJ -S- 1

Tliey kept company ^]'^\ Je- Sy'iST) \

To poke a. o. with 4>j 5 (poJ a j.jJ -5^
for drinking. 1
the finger. To sting a. o. (scorpion).
To be easy, within reach. y^\ To tickle a. o.
Repentance, ^juO ^^^j i* l^j >^ To spear a. o. To sting a. o. i^ s —
regret, contrition. in (words). To fell a. o.
Tontrite, ^/lU ^ oC>-U^ ,
^\aj ^ ^iU To sprinkle (dough) with flour. j,jj fi>

repenting. To coax, to soothe a. o. 5 j^iu

jS'jj ySji'jj ^ _^i jj J ^cA^ Jo J i/\ Jo ^ oC»->J To harm, to injure a. o. ^. ^a;1

Fellow-drinker, commensal, convivia- To smile. ^;^ji^

list. Kind of marjoram. ^.l^j ^.jj

Object o'' repentance. iJji^ White spot on the nails. :t'ji^j Xtlu
•^ Corporal (of the Greeks). ,_,_>.* jjl G Wicked di.sparager.
; ^oi.
To urge (a beast). To s Ci»lu a e'jo -H- Rolling-pin. xtjj>
repel a. o. •<) To call out a. o. To tease (cotton). Csjj jjj i -Jt-

Go away, I do not ,iij'^ ijijl yS v*H To send down (rain cloud). :


want thee. He played the lute. i>iJl.;

To go on well (affair), eoiillj «IcJ\ To di'ive (a beast) vehe- a ^ioJU —
Herd of cattle. k£jjj <*a; mently.
To assist at a meeting. ijLj o 1j5 -^ To run swiftly ClsaJj Cij oJj OJJ —
To be generous. (horse).
To call a. o. To convoke (a mee- s — Di-op of milk. -^ A little. xsoi
ting). Craft of a teaser. atoJ
The meeting-place j^t}\ _^/j^i^ Teaser. ^)^
cannot hold them. Cai'der's bow. jlfull ^^|^
To be wet, dewy.Sjjj_, sjlaJj jjo a jS: Carded, (cotton). jj'-u/j w^Sj aJ
To reecho (voice). Cai-der's mallet. iVjIaj Sj'-'t.
I have not obtai- li* i^j^'l (*j c4 jJ C» To take out a. th. to *
JjJ -tt- VJJ
ued anything from him. (a place). To pull out (a bucket). To
To wet, to * t|j;[ ^^jjlj Sj Ji_j (ioJ .snatch a. th. away.
moisten a. th. To pick (dates) out of (a ^^, fi,

To call a. o. ^_, s «U;j iiiu* li^U basket).
To summon a. o. To be defiled (hand). VaJ a JjJ
To attend a meeting with. To s — To wipe o."s self Jaii7j JiJjJii JtxjJ
vie in glory with. with a towel. To wind ( a towel
To divulge (a secret). cj — round o.'s head.
To proclaim a. th. to. ip — Dirt. -^ Vile, coward. Ja!
To be generous. To be fine-voiced.tja.'1 Waitei's at table : butlers. JlJ
To show libarahty. To be ^s'jjJ Root. Odoriferous wood. Jiu; ^ JjJ;:
wetted. To quench thirst. < Witchcraft.
To call out 0. a. i^iCo Towel, Ji^CLSj Jitil ^ Ji:Ji^^,J J^^
To meet on convocation. j'jc'Aj ^s'itj napkin. Veil. Head-band.
Moisture dew. : liojlj MjJ'i ^ ^^jJ To totter (old man). J'^y -H-

Green fodder. Grease. Generosity. Tottering from old age. J?>^

Andalusia. Spain. ^jJl ^
Voice, call. MaJj '\jo To repent jc j>i^j , i^l jJj C»jj a ji-x; -Jt-
Vocative {gram). »laj of, to regret a. th.

Assembly jjs-^j , *i J^ V ^^^j ,^^J 'j'-^ 1

To drink with ; to CiljJ j ;> iU/i ^iVJ
of people. Meeting-place. be the fellow-drinker of.
J '

To beevile, con- s'jLiuj xJI'i; o JJi -Vt Water-trough for hor.ses. ;ja5
temptible. Wet, moist. -CSi j, ^jjj,*'jSi j, jj
Liberal. Liis>i\ jmj i/jJ
Vile, despised. Having a resounding voice. c>i>)l ^^
Mischief. Strong man. ^'j\] — y_,j -ft- Palm-trees remote from 7ui\j jij

J-i.'. O
T J^{J "* J "^y'j , -r r^._j P water.
Winding tube of a nargilo. Runaway camels. ii^5 jj.l.

Thrashing-ma- ^jJ^j ^ -rJ^i -r'Sy "^ Calamities. ^i'yil

chine. Drag. Ploughshare. Shattered fragments of j'jji\ tJiiyj

Narcissus (flower). ,j^'j^3 ^j-^'S ^ date-stones.

Cocoa-nut. j^3'^-» J??-,J^' ^ More generous than. ^a jj^)
Nar- ci%^'jy> 9r *ic^J' ^-> *W,3^J P He has a stron- oMi ^, Cj_^o i^aj 'l yi
gile, Persian pipe. ger voice than.
Backgammon : tables. :>y -i;P
- ij Day of the last judgment. j^\:3\ y/i
Sack made of palm-leaves. Public caller, herald. aC>
Nard, spikenard. <JL^Ji ii?'S^
'^ Dewy. Pasture near water. jjj^
To conceal o.'s self in '{jj o j'S "^ Calamity. Si^P*
fear. Shameful (action, word). Cj^ijH <r ~
New year's day. jjj^ P To discharge urine. Ijj ij ij -S-
Orange. rJjl^ P Saliva, mucus. jj JJ

To abound with l>^lj,>ljj5j vj j." i -J^ To vow jb^ fi>

\'ji-^i Ij^ i o joj -J^

water-springs (land). a. th. to God.

To twang (bowstring). To \'jy i
'j To devote (a child) by wow to » —
leap (gazelle). To ooze (water). God's service. To put a. o. in the
To part with a. o. ^^s.
— vanguard.
To fo.ster (her young : gazelle), is
'J He promised it A «_^^ ^ j^--'lj ~
To remove a. o. from. .a li
— by vow.
To vie in glory with. 5 "jlj To be aware, cautious of. ^ Ijjo a jij
Water j^'j, ^ yjj %'j\y <_, 'Jj 'x •r' ^ ^>i ^y^'i O^J
O-^J OlJj'l JJ'J
oozing from the ground. To warn, to caution a. 0. against.
Active. Clever. Light ; fickle. 'J To warn 0. another. jaOj
Much. To caution one another ifcj S —
Eager de.sire. %*j against.
Prone to evil.
Unsteady, fickle.
^ j^yj j\'j^ Vow. Votive offering.
Warning, cau- SjlaSj
jjju ^ jli;

'-rS^jJ.y jlijj ifjlijj jlJ^j'i

Cradle. jvj tion.

To shake the (head). J'ji -K- Consecrated to God. Naza- jju ^ _j:Ju
To dandle (a child). 5 — rite (amongst the Jews). Preacher,
To excite discord Jy \'J 3.\y -Vr apostle, prophet. Hoariness. Spy.
between. Votive gift. Child consecrated S^ Jj
To incite a. 0. against. is. s \J to God. Front line of fighters.
To turn a. 0. back from. ^ 5 — Warning, exhorting- ojjii*' r- Jr^
To be addicted to. ^j 'Jy The cock. j^'^ yS
Prone to. desirous of. ^^ j'jtj^ Almanzor, an Arab king. J:J^'4J '

To bell (deer). Cj jjj G\jJj i'J U'j ^

Arab kings issued from Alman- SjiV;?
To revile o. a. ujC? zor.
Nickname. ^\'jy\ ^ sJy Devoted to God. jj^
Buck-antelope. o'Jy The lion. j¥^
To gambol (child). G.JJ ^'J -^ To ooze (sweat, water). iVliJ a p.lij -tt-
.0 ^j
To litigate, to s (f-^jiJ itjC^ pjlJ To be remote G.j^jj G. >* a ^I; "^ i

contend wtb. (abode). To have her wells exhaus-

To be adjoining to (a land). A— ted (tribe). To be exhausted (well).
To have ttie temples bare. p.jjl To exhaust (a pool). -^ To a !>-jjb~
To run quickly to. Jl. ^tnJ dredge (a river).
To disagree, to litigate j ^^Cj To be absent from t'J^^^j *>.
upon. home.
To discourse, to recise (verses) a — Exhausted well. Turbiil ^\y\ ^ ^jJ
with o. another. water.
To be wrving, snatched. -^ To ^'jUi Exhausted (well). ^'J ^ ^j^'j ^J>'
be spoilt, disordered. Remote, far away. TJ^ys -riJi
To cite (a verse). To wrest oj * — Far distant. ^IaL*
a. th. from. Far removed from such \JS ^>> -r-J^.
Pangs of death. ^jCJj ?0'-J ?!? a thing.
Temples bare otjJ ,- cSCaJ c^ "H-'j Remote tribe. wJU/J J^
of hau'. Bucket. "r'jS^ ?r **^
Litigation, dispute. jt^C^j "^^'j,} pO', To importune a. 0., to 5 Kjy o SJ "^

Shooters. ItlnJI press a. 0. with questions.

The arrow came Zclnll JI^^Dl iU
back to the shooters i. e. the pro-
He does not give
unless pressed.
jyl ^ ^laiJ V

perty came back to its owner. To make little of. ^j 5 i^jj Sy

The affair came i^itlnSI Jl. y^Vt jU» To S'ji'y^ ^jyj Oj o jy
o'jjyj Sjlj-'J
into competent hands. be small, mean, little in number.
Stranger, remote. Gathered ^\j; ^ ;.; jJ To make a paltry (gift). » jy]j fy
' "'
(fruit). To dwindle away. j!n.j
Shallow (well). f.\y^ ^ ^./Jj
- Exiguous, j_,:jUj ,Sy ^ j!_^i ,j'J
AA^oman married out of ^j \'J ^ *Sjy scanty mean. ;

her tribe. Having few children jjyj ojy

Bald over the temples. 'ii.jj ^ ^jjl (woman ).
Aim. Butt. y.OU Name of a tribe and of her j\'y^
Arrow shot afar. p^v* chief.
Aim in view. ^cljU Exiguous, having little yj, ^ j/y
Care, anxiety. *^J^j — milk or few children (woman).
To blacken a. o.'s j ^'J a y.^'' * To pull ^ it p-j^jij f.yj , ty i f.y'
character. off, to take out (garments) from.
To wound a. o. in (words). (_j 5 — To discharge a. o. from » f,y' •

To set (people) at variance. cnJ — office. To draw a bucket To take ( ).

To incite a. o. to (evil). Jl, 5 — out the hand from the bosom.

( )

Incitement to evil. cJ^'j ?- *^j^ •> To spoil a. th.

Slanderei-. ^'J.'j i.'J^,j iSy To be in the pangs of
To exhan.st (a »> Sy^i^iiy i uJjJ -« death (man).
well). To resemble a. 0. J[j a (s-jy f.y
To draw blood from a. o. o^Aa >^ — To abstain from, to
To flow abundantly (blood). 5 ^'y shun a. th.
To be exhausted (well), ^y^ — Jl, '^'Ir^. '?y^},^yyj ^\yj 5*1 J." i f.y
To be weakened by a loss of '
ojj He yearned towards his family. jIaI
blood. To be drunk. To be out of To desire a. th. Jl. tijj f,j'
mind. To be unable to reply. To be bald over the Gj,-' a f-y
To be dried (tears). Oji a Jji temples.

V ( Y« o J;
To have a rlieuin. ^j; a dy To menstruate (woman). jjj
To grow (crops). VjJ a — To be exhausted (well). To have ^'J,\
(wells, wine, tears) exhausted. To
To give hospitality to ; to lodge, to be drunk.
entertain (a guest). To dry (the tears). A Jln:-lj —
To bring or send a. o. *_, 5 Jjjb " To lose the senses. jy \

or a. th. down. To drain (water). ^ witnil.

To insert a. th. -^ To deduct fin Jjj Flow, loss of blood; menses. ^oJi S^
a. th. To write down a. th. Exhaustion of a well. jjj
To send down (reve- jp A Jjilj Sy Dried, exhausted (veins). ^y
lation) to (a prophet : God), Small quantity of water. ^Sy ^ "iiy
To come J_^\ J 5 VI jb ~^'j^' S'J^ Imper. Do drain, exhaust. ^\'y
down upon, to take the field against. Exhausted (well). <Jjl>'
To come down gradually. Jl^j ^^'eakened by fever. Drunk. juji
To dismount fi'oiu camels for JjlJ Weakened by >^ivJ^i iSJJ'j ^y
riding horses (fighters). a flow of blood.
()To condescend to. Jl. JjU^ C3jjjj CS > a 3yj OjJ , Jy i -ft-

To abdicate, to resign (an office).|^ — To be swift, to rusli forth (horse).

To desist from, -fy To endorse (a To have <3/yj <Sj a Jjj S^'y '^\3'J
bill). To deliver up a. th. a hasty temper and cool quickly.
To ask to bring down a. o. Aj SJc^. 2^ To be filled (basin). a 3y
or a. th. ; to ask a. 0. to come down. To make (a horse) to leap. » Jjilj Jjj
To claim (the payment) of. To meet a. 0. ^ 'd^y.j SjU^ JjVJ
To be discharged from office. Jj\zJ,i with abuse.
Food offered to a Jljj ^ Jjj_, Sy 1 To laugh immoderately, .ibsii!! j Jjil
guest. To revile 0. a. in words. Jji^
Growth of crops. Light-mindedness, fickleness, j'y
Rheum. Fluxion, conges- hastiness.
tion. Adjacent place. j'J olfe«-»

Influenza. Start in a run. ijjj

Another time. Fickle, unsteady. Running xJji ^ Jy
Good corn-field. and stopping soon.
I left them in a Refractory (she-camel). j\y :3J
good state. To spear a. 0. To s (kojj o ii'y -tt-

Hospitality. Journey. "^^'y. slander a. 0.

He treats his gue.stswell. iiljjJI ^>>» Slanderer. ii'^yj ^y
Iniper.{m. f. s. pi.) Come thou, Jljj Rascals, rogues. Worthless Ci\^y
ye down. goats.
Accident oVJ u_, Jj ly ^ ;jj^ij Short spear. Pi. ^ijiJ ^ ii'j^ P
divine scourge. Stroke. ^ Shooting stars.
Stranger. Guest. Copious -Vji ,- Jiy To go down. To abate V^jJ JjJ -H- i

(meal). Suit of clothes. (price).

Stage. Inn, lodgings. JjiJ- ,r JJ^ To bring a. 0. down. oVIj —
Mansion (of the moon). To happen to a. o. (accident). *j —

Inn. Degree, rank. Dignity. yjU To alight at (a place). jj A —

Arithiii. Order of the nu- Jju> ^^
— To alight at Jcj oj 5 V'jU^ "ij'y

raerals. a. o'.s (guest).
To drive (camels) s C»j; ojJ ^ He gave up his jiJI ^s. J!n7j Vjjj -
away from water. right.
u ( Y
meat). To go at a gentle pace (man). To be pure, %^yyi *aIjj o «jjj a ojJ

To go to -water. CU-i^j uJ ^5 fi-ee from evil. To be wholesome (cli-

To be on the -watch for fi> ^j-LjJ mate).

(news). To declare (God) free -^^l ^ i oy
Spy. Dry (bread). fi'om imperfection.
Surname of Mecca. x, He kept aloof from T-y^\ ^ '<~j^ —
Vebement exertion. sin.

Natui-e. Violent hunger. •^ To entertain, to cheer a. o. jf

Last breath of life.
~ To be remote from water. -^ To «j^
He was about i-:'..t..J j\ i-Li-J Ha ^' take a walk. To divert o.'s self.

to die. To keep aloof from (shame). ^—

Slander. *^irJ Set your wives y^\ ^ J^'J»-->. 1^*1"^
Rapid walk. •\LJl') apart from the tribe.
Stick. To abstain, to keep away ^f. aJc^\
Neat-herd's staff. from.
To fly swiftly (bird). To
blow (cold wind). Pure, free from blame (man).'Who-
Fabulous single-foo- a-i*--^ >UIJ lesome, well seated (country).
ted dwarf. <• Pigmy. Ape. Pleasure. Distance. e'y ^ TJ>'y

To drive (a 2 'tLJu \l^j , 'uJ llj -«- He is remote ii^ j) -'C^S o^ ,**-"' S*
beast) along. from water.
To keep back (a beast) from Pleasant country. SaJj oli tP'j^
(water). Purity, guiltlessness, **'jjj oy
To mix (milk) with (water). * - continence.
To give to a. o. milk and water, s llj tf- Recreation, party. 4j Jij

To become fat (cat- sil_lij Cj a

— Aloof from «\jj j >C*3j tt tr-^' 0,1^

tie). sin, pure solitai-y.


To postpone a. tb. To fi> \_.j1j

— Pleasant place, pro- oln> •<>-j *Aln>
prolong (the life : God). menade.
He .sold it to a^j ^I s \l]\j , «L1j — To leap. To CljjJj \5j^j 0>' o \'y ^
him upon credit. frisk (ass).
He granted a delay to iJJi o>^ o^ ~ To leap (the female : cloven- js. l__p

his debtoi'. footed beast).

To go back, to deviate from, ^t \^j\ His heart yearns for. J\ iiii «v IjJ

To wander in (a pasturage : j — To escape from. ^ Cljjj o '(y

beast). To lose all the blood. s'jy jji
To ask a delay from (a s llilJ, I. To make a. o. to leap. » jj^b <^J'
creditor). To leap, to bound. iil«J
Length of life. 'Ill He was prone to evil. 2r=J' Jl t^!nJ
PI. Woman. (_jlj ) 'Llj Leap, bound. ( un. Sjj; ) Mjjj 'Ij;

Intoxicating drink.
milk. Fatness.
Watery ^ Staggers, disease of sheep.
Violence, fit, crisis.

Delay granted to a debtor. xiuJj sIIj Impetus. *iJ,lJ

He sold it upon ere- ^ ^^ „,v j sllL i£\j Mischief-maker. 'jh\ Jl. Jii/ij Mj5j ^jj
dit. Cloud. Deep (bowl). «/jJ

Delay. Postponed (month of '^^J Leaping better. y$y\

truce among the Arabs ). Thin To urge (a 5 ^^.ioj , uJ i o ^ -^

milk. beast) vehemently.

Stick : shepherd's staff, siii; _, slli? To be dry (bread, Cj-Ijj C-uJ


ber forming a proportion as 5 ^o

Y oY )

To mention
5 Jl_jj L-J i ^-^ "^

or 4 to 8. the genealogy of. To ask the pedig-

Poem iacluding ero- ^x^\l^ ^ v^-^' ree of.

tic verses. (Gram) of relative noua To trace back (a pedigree) to. Ji a —

ended by j. To attribute a. th. to. To accuse
Relating to. J|_ tj>li»' a. o. of.
Ants iu a file ; track of ants. ^^iJ -S- To mention o 5lli>j C. > .„ij Clj —
Sti'aight, conspicuous road, ol^^^j — a. o. in erotic verses.
Mankind. ( from ^[ ) cjj^^ -fr To adapt a. th. A ^. * •^ '»

To draw a. th. to- A (Wlj i o c^Ij -« To be of the same stock *_, j ^_,j;(J
gether. To weave (cloth). To plait. as. To be akin to. To resemble a. 0.
To compose verses ). To forge ( a
( To befit o. a. To be sorted, analo-
narration ). To streak ( the sand : gous to. To be symmetrical, propor-
wind). To ripple (the water wind). : tionate to.
To be woven (stuff). To be strea- ;^.l.i\ To pretend to be Ji^ ^'..ry'Aj ^Uu
ked (sand). To be rippled (water). issued from.
Weaving. ,^ To correspond ; to agree to- ^jCf
Spider's web. cjj^Sil2\ ,ji^j ^Ij gether.
Weaver's art. *9-^'-^ To trace back o.'s »^1aL:.)j __f;'l.
Weaver. Liar. ^ilj lineage.
Woven. Web. Texture, ^.ij ^ ^ .„^ To claim descent from. J[ _,'

PI. Prayer-cai*pets. To ask the pedigree Aj » ^llzJ.[

He is unequalled in. ^_j oa>j r—-' >* of. -^ To judge a. th. fit, conve-
Textile fabric, tissue. ^; Lj ^ ^ak^i nient.
Weaver's shop. t-^j ^^^ Lineage. Kindred on ^llj^ ^ ....iJ

Weaver's loom. «-L~iij rr^i the father's side.

Woven. Coordinate (narration). ^_^Li> Relationship. Arithmetical xljjj j^
To disperse (dust), G^lj a 9--I') fit -iir or geometrical proportion. -^ Rela-
To rake. To covet a. tli. tionship by marriage.
Rubbish of dates. ^uJj r-Jj In relation, in proportion to. J| xll^o.
Instrument for removing dust ri-i/» ;
Relation. Relative adjec- ^:ij ^ iijj
rake. tive ending in 1$ , as '^jl from jsj].
To obliterate, A ,;il.~j|j , (kll a. kLj -ii- Resemblance, conformity.
to conceal a. th. Having a known pe- -C^] ^ ^_.A--.l ]

To aboli-sh (a law). To trans- A^jJ digree. Erotic poem. Related by

fer a. th. To copy (a book). To subs- marriage, kinsman. < Brother-in-
titute a. th. to : to metamori)ho3e. law.
To abrogate (a verse of the fi> ^^1 Skilful genealogist. *i^j v^
Coran). More More skilful ge-
fitted. ^^
To succeed to 0. a. To trans- ^^[li nealogist. -^ More convenient.
migrate (souls). More elegant amatory ^1//] ^^
To hand down a. th, successively, fit
— poem.
To copy (a book), fi, klJ^\j -.

<>• Arithmetical proportion. ^^Cj
To ask a. o. to copy a. th. n fit ,klAi.l( Symmetry.
Obliteration, abrogation of a law. ^.ij Relation, analogy. ^l[l.~ij iy^QS
Transcription. Convenience. Proportion.
^ Usual style of writing. '
_i.j.'j Akin. Sorted, homogeneous, »^^u»
a Quack druggist. analogous.
Copy. Transcript. :-._] ^ i^-jj Proportionate. {Arithm). Num- v_-~^

jj (Y «A ) -^
North ^yind. ;,li»j,*!,lj
^JtJ a^j 1 Particle or verb efFec-
To tattoo (the hand). * ClIj a -S-

^ j
ting a change in grammatical
To lash a. o. with (a -whip). <^ ^ forms. ( as v ,U o' ) oi' (as 2^, oiT,
To throw out a sarcasm upon. iCr).
He went through the J''/'^^ 4
— Verse of the Coran super- H
country. seding another.
To 06 bare and loose (tooth), ^j yL-j Transmigration of souls. Suc- ri-^Cj
To shoot forth (tree). ^1 cession of ages.
To lash a. o. with a whip. i — Uninterrupted transmission Xi-JLll^i

To disperse in a pasturage f^[ of an estate.

(cattle). Sect of metempsychosists. i^Jlc
Sap flowing from a cut down tree. ^1 Abolished. Transcribed. ^jLjJj k'Ji^
Sweat. ^^ To take off a. th. f> o ^'J -ft-
^ \^
Pastry cook's prick. iCill^ from. To scrape, to rub out a. th.
To smash ^ CLo ,_r 1 -^
shatter, to i .
To lance (an abscess). a—
a. th.To winnow (grain). To pluck To backbite a. o. s —
(plants cattle). -^ To pare (the
: To peck (flesh vulture), a (^'J o —
: i

hoof : farrier). To be untwisted (rope). To _^7

To scatter (dust wind). * >_ili1j —
: break (abscess). To be torn off (clo-
To pull down (a building). * ^X-£*lj — thes).
To pluck (grass beast). : To forsake a. o. (happiness). .p —
To bite a. o. s (JjLjj Cili o jlJ To be worn into rags (rope). .^CS'l
To throw down a. o. (wrestler). ^ilLj The ignoble bird became oUJI ^j.Lj^[
To whisper, to speak ;>5l&jt ^^LLCj a vulture i. e. the weak one became
secretly to o. a. strong.
To whisper, to speak '^y^\ Vulture. Eagle. j^j ^'
secretly to. Idol of the Arabs.
To be altered (coloui*) Three stars in Aquila.
Bright star in Li/ra.
Black pumice-stone. Frog of a horse's hoof.
Rubbish of wheat. Froth of milk. Ulcer, incessant deflu-
Mark of a bite. Whisper, secret xion, fistula.
conversation. Footprints on a race- To become cancerous
field. (wound).
Kind of swallow. wi---llj «• jllj Beak of a bird _ri-^^
Torpedo-boats. ^f^j^ "^ :tilij of prey.Vanguard of an army. Troop
Full to overflowing (vessel). oUIj of 30 to 200 horses.
Winnowing-basket. ^u> ^ UiLxa Wild rose, eglantine. ct-j-^
Muzzle of the ass. wi— LJi ^ ^-.L^^j — Nestorian ( Syria ns^wu-j ^ Zcj Ju:\ G
Instrument for demolishing. *ili» sect).
Sieve. <>• Butteris. Shelf, board. To be loose ^tj ^yijj
, Ctl'5 a ^l3 *
To string, to set ifc Cilj o Jl'j * and bare (tooth).
(pearls). To compose (a discourse). He went over the country, i^jvi j, —
To arrange symmetrically. To A jLl To be exposed to the North wind.;J_j ]
set a. th. in order. To disperse in a pasturage ^is'l
To follow in (a tile). oji JI.U (cattle).
To speak in rhyming prose. jl^]
To be set in order, jliiij j_:l5j jJ'
Thong of a y,_^j ^uJlj
camel's girth.
^.Ijj ^^ ^^Ij

Order, symmetry, i-hythm. Outlines of a road. Ji^' f-^^

Loose threads, hair. Lint. j^^ "^
Copulative particles jlJjtj jl>JI ^j^
Honey flowing from the Si^r'J Jc-r^

honeycomb. Well set (teeth, J>La^j Jcrr^J J^

ii^ pearls, discourse).
Wick. Feathers, hair shed.
Regularly, serially. CtJ
^ Rag. Enumeration of attributes jj_ij

Camels for breeding. '^/-^^

Swift runner. J^ a sequel.

UCIjj Vkljj feilJj t^*«-^-^ o ^'^^. "*
Successive generation, progeny. j.^Cj
To blow
gently (breeze).
CiUjj CcJj CIj
To difiuse
To be godly, to
worship (God).
^iJJj feili>j ,

He devote himself to God. >«,

(aroma). -
- To give o.'s self up to asceti- J»
To stamp the earth (camel). CIj i

To be altered, corrupted. vVIj a ^j cism.

To abound in springs ;ivlj o ^ To become an ascetic.

To wash (a garment).
^isCJi fi>
o ixLj
o i^lJ
To invigorate, to inspirit a. o. /*>
^- To better a (saliue ground.
Devotion, godliness diijj cyijj tiCj,
To free (a slave). »

~ Asceticisu,.
To begin ( an affair).
To smell a. o. »j * Cl_jj
'iiJLui ^U ,
Victim offered up.
Gold or silver ingot
or a. th. To whisper a. th.
To respire to breath. To
^^" Sacrifice offered to
God. Nugget of gold or silver.
become alive.
To apply o.'s - Pious, godly. Ascetic. iJU.i ,- '^^
To inhale (the air). fi>

To inquire about Place of pllgri- «iW^'j ^^'^

^iUU:* ^
self to ( study ).

mage, of sacrifice. Rites of sacrifice.

To exhale(a perfume : place). ^- The rites of pilgrimage. iXJc^ ^1
Short-haired (hovse). Fattened iJ_^

Breeze, breath of _,^j >»>^ ?r j*^ ,


odour. (land).
life. Effaced road. Smell,

Breath. Breath of
Asthma. Living being.
^ « j^--^ To beget
H jlJlj ^J ^ !>11j o JlJ

To moult (bird, beast). JlJ b ifc
Slave (male or female).
jli -j -
_ __

Men, mankind. ( PL of ^Vljl ) ^01 I

^ To ravel out (cloth). .*>

Dying man I
To fall off (feather, Jlj1j,y>lj o JIj
Gentle breeze, zephyr.
Sole of a camel. Foot
of the ostrich. Mark trace. Way,

slip oflf (garment).^
A-^si^ J, C>Loj 5lljj
hurried the walk.
give up (a work). >mJ O Vl'3-«- .»To fall into rags (garment), jl'j -^
Tendon of •lljl ^ oCLjj oO^ c-» ^ To be ravelled out (cloth).
the heel.
To be at moulting-time beast, jljl (

Sciatic nerve. () Sciatica. Hill J^ bird).

Draught of milk. To outrun a. o. 2!

T multiply by generation (men, ^L\Ji

Women. ol>lJ,j 'VlJ^j
woman. beasts)
Small, feeble ^
Offspring, posterity, JU-j I
^ Jij
Womanly, womanish. C?^-^j ^^.
-^ descendants.
To feel a pain in the Jlj a ^j
INIilk flowing from the udder. JIj
tendon of a heel.
To wound a. o. in the 3 CJ i
^ Tvlilky juice

Moulting of animals.
of a green fig.

j,-jj Jl^
^ ^

tendon of the heel.


pen. To be
( Yl» )
produced. To live. To Hurt in the >\^
rise (cloud).
J^lo Ij , *1-J ^ ^^
nerve of the leg.
To rear (a child). s Uj ]j Uj Nerve in the lower part of the
To raise (the clouds God). ^v'l
^_ :
To be growu up, reared
^jfj ^ Wounded on
the leg.
the nerve of
^S-T*^J >—c«
To ci-eate a. th. (God). To find a> UjI
^ *>^J %}^Ki tSClJ,^ C:.] a ^1 -H-
out, to produce a. th. ^To compose j

forget, to foi'sake a. th.


(a discourse). To set up a. th. To Tomakea.

begin U
building). To forge a. th. I forget a. th.
0. to * 5 ^1^ ^
He began to sa\ To pretend forgetfulness. ^(^j
To set to (work). J
Oblivion forget-
\ r
,, : _ ; .uJ] ^ ;_, yj

To seek after (news). fuhiess. Small things left by a

j tra-
To set up (a sign) in fthe veller.

To ask from a. o. a poem j » : — Forgetful.

Risen cloud. Race of men.
! Forgetful. Overlooked. ^'J
Intercalary days of the Coptic
^ ^
He is of bad race. s
Young camels newlv born.
Growth, production.
Forgotten. -^
sUjj '^j .lij Staff, stick.
Part of a cloud appearing.
Sprouts of plants.

^^^^ stjlij
To urge
(a beast y uJ ^ -»

Stone set in the bottom of a" ' To mis up a. th. a To whisk

liiij a -
away ( liies).
Creation, contrivance. Style. ,i^| To sink jnto the earth Cixij,, Uj i
Epistolography. ;;^
(water). To gurgle (water). To
Seal-ofdce. 'lijVI oi't^J bubble up ( cooking-pot). To ferment
Young man, Uij -^^ ^ {m. )\y^^ (wine). To ooze water-skin). (
young girl. Weight of 20 dirhems, half an 'j^
Appearing in the niglit. ^^,^; ^ _ ounce.
Beginning of the day. -^ly '^ -^^< Absorbing water (salt ground). iUJ
of the night. Young maid^
-^ Blotting-paper.
Place of origin, source. \V- Absorbing water without pro-
Redactor of a writing. Tutor. '-^ i ducing (land;.
Setup (flag).
iliii;jUi; Inula odora {plant).

Divineress. ^t ^•.^- ,
Gui'gling, bubbling of water.
To stick j Liij C^j Cij n\^^ Fly-whisk.
to, to be caught in a. tli. '

To bubble up (boiling pot).

To become intricate bet-
C Jj -
ween (war). ^ To gnsh forth.'
^ '

To rustle (coat of mail). To be nim-

| ble.
To be incumbent upon a o - ? To take otFo.'s clothes quickly, a -
To pluck and disperse its feathers
He engaged into an %^ (bird). To devour (flesh).
intricate case.
^ To be in the way of reco- JA\\J
He delayed jj ^ very (sick person).
not to do so.
Alert, mnable.
He has not ceased _ Is^jjM^
^^ l> 'isJj sL-iJj l«>ijj
lij o >ijj a 11 j -ii-

To grow up (child). To hap- ;.viJj

To remind a. o. of (a promise).* s aij To fix, to insert a. th. j fin ^lj1_, ,_^V)

To adjure a. o. by God. » )uij — into.

To say I beseech thee
: Jit ,i*;'jJij To bc'gin, to set about. j ._ .^'j

by God. He waged open war with. O^iJI 5 wJ-U

To conjure, to beg a. o. jC^'lj '*i)1 s — To plunge, to fix a. o. into, j /b ^ijl
by God. He ensnared (the game) jiCji] S ^Ij 1
To ask a. o. to s lSCiJ,j ;j/lU jl£C in a net.
swear by God. To be caught, en- J ,_Jjjij ,_JjJ
To recite (verses) to. A 5 oio'l tangled. To cling to (the heart love). :

To satirise a. o. v^
"" To be fixed into.
To take information about a jlUj To cleave togethei*. v^U<
(news). To collect (wood). * wlSi'l^
To recite poetry o. to the fi> jS\.'2 Moveable or unmoveable llijj ._ ,

other. property. Land and live stock.

To ask a. o. to recite fi> s ai.irJ-1. They possess no fixed
^.Jj ^ C*

I adjure thee by God '^l S[ '*«t 6j^, Involved in an affair. Sticking iLlj
to do. fast. The wolf.
Voice, sound. Search. saU, Arrows. {coll). k^\^ tt v^
Elevation of the voice. j,-iJ A wooden arrow. -^ Pole of a :C\1j
Po3m recited in a meeting. Declama- Belemnite, arrow-head i^ilill _^
tion. (stone).
The Canticle of Canticles.o^U VI ju4j Possessing arrows. HiV? ^ ^^\j
Sal ammoniac. jJ>^jjj j^vIj
P Shooting.
To expand, to fi,
^j ^ i^j o ^iJ -J^ Stuck, fixed, caught. <lsj ^ <r4JJ ~
spread (cloth, carpets). To display Shooter, arrow-maker. 4_,ilj

(a flag). Archers. xJvlj ^^

He desired that C;'ii_,^Vl viOliJ
thing earnestly, lit ; he spread out
^ Inextricable difficulty.
Unripe date. ir «—ii;*. v^^
*^j!, »_.lA/i

his eai's to it. To be choked with Ge^ i r-^ -^

To saw (wood). To scatter ^ _^tj tears: to sob (man). To produce a
a. th. To propagate a. th. gurgling ( pot ). To reciprocate its
To publish (news). * IJ^O i o — braying (ass) its croaking (frog).

He charmed away
ja>,yj] ,^s ^Uj ^ Stream of water bed of ^li.j1 ^ -^jtlj
a stream.

To become verdant after \j^ o ^'j To drink with- 'C>jl^j vVjj a -^V^ -^
rain land). To become green again
( oat quenching thirst. To drink o.'s
(plant ). To put forth ( leaves ). To fill.

spread (foliage). To be altered, corrupt (meat, ^^j -^

To recall to » _^ ')j
, Ijipjj I^U o^ water).
life, to rise (the dead). Small quantity of water. ^j^
To be quickened (dead). ^j^j _r^ Drunken (man). rsAj ^—
To disperse by night in a
pasture (cattle).
\'_^ a ^ Skin
filled to overflowing.
J^lj'b, OlaiJ,j ojJiij iJki.)
^vlj '\ls
o JtiJ -S-

To be spread, unfolded, _r^'lj ^^^ To seek after, to cry for ( a stray

expanded. beast). To give information of a. th.
To become long (day). To be _r^\ lost.
swollen (sinew). To spread ( news ). To be acquainted with. » —

IlU (VAT) ^)
To expel a. o. from. s ^^aljl To become ( camels ).
dispersed To
To root out (a tree). * u<ali"l be spread.
Lofty cloud. a^'M-iJ u^-=J « i/'^ij To ask from a. 0. to pub- fit ^ii~^l.
Rebellious, termagant ^^\'jj ^ ^ja^\j lish, to spread a. th.
(woman). Sweet odour. Dry herbage be- _^j
To be spright- lIIJj Cl»lij a iaij -H-
coming green after rain. Life.
ly, lively, nimble, cheerful. To be- Scattered (people, sheep). Disor- yd
come fat (beast). ganised (affair).
To make a slip-knot to fi> Oall o lalj The people came i^^tjj i^ij y^ill nV
(a rope). in a scattered state.
To draw out (the A C_kij i islj Day of the resurrection. j>iAil j-'y
bucket) from a well without a pulley. •^Review, periodical. olS^io ^r «Ir=J.
He passed from a jSj Jl^ jIJ ^^^ — Charm, amulet for curing _^j ^ z'^-^
country to another. the sick.
To knot, to tie ; to Sj A laJui'\j t,^'» Saw-dust. oj\Ij
unknot, to untie (a rope). To cheer, Publication. j^lXl
to inspirit, to encourage a. o. ^ Propagation of the faith. oU-j Vl —
To incite a. o. to. jj ^^\ s — Sinew of the arm. ^rj-'S^ rr «Ir>^J
To have sprightly, lively (people, Liri Shaking the clouds (wind).^ij ^ j_^
beasts). Heaped up corn. jjij
To fatten (cattle : pasturage). 5 — Scrawls of children. ->24Clj
To loose (a beast) from. oi ^
~ Letters patent. -"iriV^ t jj^'j^
She hurried in walk u^\^ J cJ^IXj •^ Prism ( in geom ). Encyclical
(she-camel). prospectus. Circular.
To set zealously to (work). J — Saw. Pitchfork for jji.,i;> ^ jllL"
To cross (a desert) swiftly. a— wheat. Saw-fish.
To be untied (rope). lalij't To overtop, to be J l^il i j-lj -H-

To strain (a rope) for un- Jai5;*i^ fi, prominent.

tying it. To scale ( a fish). To pluck To raise o.'s self in (a place). j—
(herbage cattle).
: • He lifted up and threw S^ |j4j i —
To be wrinkled (skin). JaiiLlI^ down his antagonist.
Cheerfulness, liveliness. Fieriness.j»lij To heave from (fear soid). ^ — : i

Roving along (wild bull). Path Jai-u To be disobedient to o^j Af- 0^-J ~
deviating from the main road. ( her husband wife ). To ill-treat

Cheerful : j^vllj l»llj. ;,, i2-4jj , Ja^i; (his wife : husband).

active, lively. To displace a. th. To raise fi> j4j1

Shooting-stars. Departing c»Vi»i»lj and set together ( the bones of the

souls of the faithful. dead God).

DigressiiBS, departure from ^^'y

the main subject. Elevated place.
Deep well requiring much I,jij Jj Rising from a place. Protruding. _>.i,u

exertion for pulling the bucket. Throbbing (vein).

Shallow well from J»lljl.j J»llj1^^ Having a prominent forehead. s^IiJI —
which the bucket comes forth by Rebellious (wife). J^'S' t «3-=-^
a single pull. To be lofty (cloud). Cajl^ o ^i] ^ i

Having brisk people, Ja^iij it^ To stick out (tooth).

beasts. To be rebellious, to hate ic.j j.» —
Booty made by the leader of a i (her husband wife). :

raid, during the march. i To be expelled from. ^—

Y \r
Consumption, marasmus.
r liij


Soaking bread in the tid^ Silp-koot, tie easily undone, ia^vjl

soup before dinner. Dryer. Sprightly, lively. uji*
<• Blotting-paper.
Dried fruits (as raisins, figs). ci^jVi •<>
oCij To grow,
forth (plant).
to shoot Ct^^li ^ -tt-

•^Exhausted (spring). Dry. jiU To inject s /-^Aj , (JuJij CJj a ^lJ *

Severe (man). Unseasoned (bread). a medicine to a. 0. through the nose
Towel. Napkin. UdflJ ^ siii; or mouth.
To suggest a. th. to. s ^Ijlj — fit

To smell ( an odour ). To snuff, to in- To snatch a. th. away. fi> ^iij'lj

hale a. th. -^ To snuff (tobacco). To hiccup. CJj a ;.iJ

To be caught in (a net gazelle). J j^j

: To have a narrow escape Gt^ a —
To be ensnared (man). from death.
To give a. th. to smell to. s jl'A
To inject (a medicine ) through the
fi> To be addicted to, fond of. k_)

To help, to assist a. o. with, t_, » ^.Ijl

nose of. To snuff (a medicine). ^ /^'l
To catch (a gazelle) in (a net), j js
— Sternutatory powder. ^.jlj

To .snuff a. th. * ; Addicted to, fond of. i_, f.^llli

^ To be on the Snuff-pipe for injection. ^li»

Avatch for (news) To flow (water). To Cii) a. fH -H-

Running-knot. hiccup from desire or grief.

Snuff of tobacco.
snuff-medicine. -^ Snuffing-
To be enamoured with.
Sternutatory powder.
^_, ^
tobacco. Snuff-tube. <iii>
Entangled in a net (game). JliJ To ^-uxjj , uij
fit Uil^j a OiiJ -ft
Smelling power. Nose, jiU/> ^ absorb (water tank). To drink in

nostrils. (sweat garment). ;

To be little fleshy
y^ o Ji3 ^ To be absorbed by (the j ^ijj —
(thigh). To be emaciated (man). ground: water).
To snatch away, to pilfer. yjj o fi>
— His wealth has been exhaus- iiC» ^ilj
To carry off and a jiJu'lj >Uj o , i
- ted.
devour ( a piece of meat ) from the To imbibe (water) with ^jl^j ^ij fit

pot. a .sponge. To dry (clothes). To wipe.

To cook (meat) without con- flt jij To be exhausted ..ilfj -t^j a .-i.=J

diment. (spring). To dry (garment).

To offer food (to a guest) at his 5 jjj To give to a. 0. frothing milk » uiijl
arrival. to drink.
Emaciated thigh. iLi,U aij To wipe (o.'s body). fit ^ i^
, ,

Wont to snatch meat from the Jill To drink frothing milk. UtLlSi
pot. -^ Dodger, swindler. To wipe off (dirt). A -
Snatched from the pot (meat), j^^j To fade (colour).
Unseasoned ( food ). Thin-bladed Absorption of water.
(sword). Just drawn (water). Residue at the bottom <u.ijj *-'-^,
Part of the little finger covered iii.i» of a vessel.
by the ring. cJ«iJ J >-iii,j wiiJ ?- <AiJj liiJj Siijj —
Kitchen-fork. j^uj: ^ JCsi^j jllj> Black pumice-stone. usllij ^Ijj
To be vaiMegated, spot- a ^^j -ft- C^ Towel, sponge, for wiping. xjiIjj V' hl
ted of white and black. Froth of fresh milk. XjiIjj *iij
To be altered (meat). ^ Water-absorbing (earth). ^ ;, :t j

( Y-M )

tions. To seat, to display ( a bride He impaired the reputa- ^y^ J ^rsj

oa her throne. tion of such a one.
To heap up (furniture). To I'aise A '^ He began to do l^\ j ^.JjSjj —
(the neck : gazelle). To move, to mischief.
shake a. th. May God render his e'Jf'i <j)l ^^
He moves about his ili'1 'ja^_ C^ memory illustrious !

nose fro:n anger. He undertook an affair. _^1 J ^lli

To hiss (fi'ied meat). To Ca-^I '^J:^> i
To endeavour to acquire ' A j,lXj
boil (kettle). (knowledge).
To press (a debtor) to 5 ^Uj ^ta) Tree for making bows : celtis, ^15
the utmost. nettle-tree.
To stauu up. To be lofty. To '^J£^\
Spotted white and black. ^^
be seated upon her throne (bride). Black stinking fruit. ^r~^J ^^, i*
Text (of a book). Ordi- ^jayuAi ^ '^joj Female perfumer whose perfumes
nance. End, utmost limit. Quotation. brought ill luck.
Technical term. They are at war ; ^4^^ ^iiij 1^5 ^^
Female sparrow. *^ lit. they have pounded the perfumes
Forelock of hair. ^ja^ ^ iSJ of Mensham.
Vehement (walk). u«r*J '<j^ To take aim. ^^ -^
Number of people.
Moving about the
^^1 ^^ Insignia of an order, ci^iiQ ^
badge. Aim, target. Mark.
*i^- ^
nose. wiJ VI u«V^
Pavilion for a bride
Throne, seat of honour ;>il/: To smell (an odour). fi> JtlZX^h
for a bride.
He has been exposed X^aXJS Jt f^j To feel dizzy (from wine).
to disgrace. To get wind of, to fi> ^^\j ^^
Determined. Sentenced. ^M ^ja^^aiJ' inquire about (news).
To set. To set a w~oi1j , C-i; o w~i5 ^ To resume (an affair). o ^^sj

up, to raise. To put do^vn a. th. •^To starch (linen). ^^

To pain, to dis- j y^^"\j,'CJaj i ^^ Sweet scent. Sweet-scenting trees.Csj
tress a. 0. (disease, cares). Starch. 'li-jj Csj

To set up (a stone) as a it ,_-W'j — Sweet odour. lil^ «• *^,

sign. To hoist (a flag). To plant (a Dizziness caused by wiue. Smell, s^
tree). Food made of starch and *ij,liJ
To hurry in walk : to walk the ^^J milk.
whole day. Watching for jCiSlij jCiVij oUiJ
To pronounce, to mark the final fin
— news.
letter of (a word) with fatha '
or '.
Dizzy, intoxica- i^jlij ^ wS^i j> ol>=j
He showed hatred to him. 5 s.^^j il — ted.
He declard war to him. vj*" *'
"" Village, place. *s4^ ^
To modulate a song (Arab). J 5 — To display (a bride). >6 La; o l/^ -ft-

•^ To lay a snare to, to ic_j J

— To raise, to show a. th.
decoy a. 0.
To raise a.o. to dignity. ^ ^^j —
To manifest, to reveal i}\ A

a. th. to. To trace back ( a tradi-

To be tired. C^T a ,_ ^T ,
- tion) to.
To exert o.'s self to the utmost in. j — •^ To dictate (a letter) to. ^j J A —
To erect (the ears horse), ^y
: fin To specify a. th. ; to make a Jt 2f

He waged an open war 'jh\ s s^C : statement about.
he showed open enmity to him. To importune a. 0. with ques- Jf

( Y-^e )

Origin. Rank, dignity. ^^Ui ^ -r"^^ To assign a part to. To y ^^' 1

Ofrice, function. weary a. 0.

Functionaries, w-dUiJI »_jCj1j Ja'i To put a handle to (a knife). To A —
magistrate.?. trace back (a tradition).
Irou-trivet. ,.^\li y, ^^i To rise up. To be raised. ^^£;ij ^^,
Fatigue, hardship. To be hoisted (flag).
Erect, superposed (stones) To rise in the air (dust). »_..2»iJ

Regular (teeth). To be marked, pronounced v^-'\

Adversary. Archer. s.^^ with fatha (final letter). To be ver-
Rising high (dust). tical.
Having the horns stan- irSj&\ He rose for pronouncing the ^^CiJl —
ding out (ram). sentence (judge).
Set up (snare). In the accusa- Mark set up. Pole. Limit. Idol. j_,^
tive (noun) ; in the subjunctive (vert). Disease. Misfortune. Modulate dsong.
To be c-oTj \) z^ h ^^ , i c^^ -S- Word marked with ^atha on the last
silent, to listen. letter i. e. accusative or subjunctive.
To listen silently ij J c-i^' I) J z^-^ ^ Plants (c-U.).
to. Lot, portion. ,_ >> «

To silence a. o. Aj s C-^jI Idol. Sign set ^Coj I

^ ^-'r<^>j ,
,_ ^^
To be on the watch for liste- c.-^':
up. Pole. Disease, Affliction.
ning. It is always set before *j^lt '^_,^ \'Sa

To stand up for listening. my eyes.

To ask a. o. to be silent. Fatigue, toil. ^.iJ
Silence. Standard, sign set up. t_,lij'1 ^ —
a y-^'i -^ •^ A plant. Trick, oCial 9- *^
To give advice to. To Jj foul play.
counsel a. o. earnestly. Way of standing up. Slij
To be pure, genuine. ^jJa^j G-.ijj a — Origin. Handle of a t.^ ^ v^^,
To be sincere (friend). knife. Amount of property liable to
To be sincere (repentance). C>-^-2aj — be taxed.
To drink its fill (beast). 'j'J\
- Portion, lot. w-^'j *^-^* '
?r v^joj
To perform a. th. earnestly. To '* — Cistern. Luck. Snare.
sevi^ ( a garment ) well. To water Lottery. ^x^l C •
abundantly (the ground : rain). He was lucky (at play), wa.^ (-j^-'i'

To become fat, fleshy. 5il^ a r--^ < Stones set up around w-U-oi ?- *^-i-^
To fatten a. o, n 5-.0J • a tank. Pole.
To give sincere advice to a. 0. i -rJa^ Crushing f grief ). Troublesome ^^..^U
To water ( cattle ) to their 5 -^j:^ ] (life).

fill. Particles governing v^'S' sr *r-**J

To be prodigal of good advice. ^^3 the subjunctive as J ,'if ,0], o^[ •

To sew (a garment). A— "^ Swindler, tricker, ^jliJ

To act as a good adviser, a Dissenters ^:^\\ jilj Ci^^^b v-f 'S^l
good friend to. bearing a violent hatred to Ali.
To accept sincere advice. Signs of the way, v^-?Ujj ^-.a-^IjI

To deem a. 0. a faithful s t. as set up stones, poles.

adviser. Nisibin in Mesopotamia. oj-i-aJ
To ask good counsel from, y rf.^lj-^\ Having erect ^^^j ^ -CJaj >. ^j^oJ I

Advice, counsel. 9^-ajj -^Caj horns ( ram ). Having a prominent

Thread for sewing.o^Li;,^ •rJA>^^\^, breast (she-camel).
C YA '^ ) j^i
Uncircnmcised. Skins. Snares, loops, nooses. cjV^-Li;,

Nazareth (in Galilea}. Warning. -^ Fleshiness. ii-l^

Nazareae, from Nazareth Sincere adviser. ri-ajj ^l.SsJ ^ ^vo \J
Powerful defender. Unmixed, pure (honey). *S-.-<9U > ^..^iJ
Gang of thieves. <>• Fat, corpulent.
Victorious. Pure-hearted, sincere (man). ^,'-y\ i

Defended by God. Tailor, sewer. ^L^j '
st-aJ^ ?»i-otj

Victorious. Sincere, disinterested "»u.ii3 ^ ^^r^

Land watered by rain. Sjj-aL* tr'jt (adviser).
To be converted to chris- cjj<^ •• True, sincere ( repentance). r-^^
tianity. Sincere advice, faithful ^j i.iJ j^ *»=c^
Nabuchodonosor. c^4 j^ counsel.
To be pure, '^\:a>j (s-^^ a ^^ -^ Needle for sewing.
unmixed. Sewed (garment).
To be snow-white (coloui*). (p^ — Watered by rain and luxuri- ^^j^aJJ'
To be clear, manifest ( affair ). To ant (land).
quench o.'s thirst. To assist, to s \jj^j \ir^ o j<^ -tt-

To beget (a child). ^— succour a. o. To render a, o. victo-

To acknowledge (a debt), u ^' '\j — rious (God).
To betray o.'s sentiments. ,uij" 'l
To aid a. o. against (his o^J
^ ""

White leather. White ^'j ;»Jai,j fJioj enemies). To preserve a. o. from.

cloth. To water (the ground) copiously A —
Leather-map for playing, or ^, (rain).
sitting. To make a. o. a Christian. y ^Ceu
Pure, unmixed (colour). ^k^j.^utfU To become a Christian, olniali ••j^al^
Snow-white. js'Oi\ f^K> To endeavour to assist a. o. J —
Privy. f^p, ^ ,j^ To assist one another. To ve- _roLL5
To reach its _i.ij' \j . d 'a< \ o ^Xa> -S- rify one another (accounts).
midst (day, month). To ovei'come (the enemy). \s- j^\
To read the half of (a A \';^T o — To conquer (a country).
book reader). To reach (mid-legs
: : To revenge one's self upon. ^^ —
garment). To cover the half of (the To ask the assistance of it 5 jm-^X
head : hoary hair). a. 0. against.
To receive, to is %\^,^ CiiaJ o — To take a. o. as a defender jc d^_ —
take a half from a. o. against.
To drink half (a vessel^. A- Aid, assistance. Victory. S^/^j j<x
To take the half of a. th. Christian. i^jLiJ 9. 'jl^]rOJj o'lr^aJ
To divide a. th. in halves Christian ijj\^ ^ 7ZJ,Vj^j *Jt^I»
between. woman.
To have dates half- .Jl^j , 6^ o — Chi'istianity. :^,\'_^]
ripe (palm-tree). Victoi*y, conquest. j^-^\
Id 5 w ioi Ij , *iliaJ,j (sloJ,j Ciij o —
serve a. o. Auxiliary, assistant.
To be half- white and half- y_^^
Defen-ji^iaJj _j^ij^j\^'> ij 'l^r^iJ 5- -'1^
black (head, beard). der, auxiliary.
To divide a. th. by the midlle. ^ — The Ansarees, (un 'i^/wji ) *i.A^
To veil (a girl). — sect of Gnostics in Syria.
To partake the half of fi> s ^^u The assistants (wn j'l/aj''\ ) jLiJ'VI
a. th. with. of Mohammed.
To stick in a. tli. (an-ow). j, ji; To be fair, impartial, to act
To fix (an arrow-head). — fit equitably. To journey at midday.
To come out from (a place). ^^ — To ti'oat a. o. equitably, to do » —
To escape, to free o.'s self from. justice.
To put an iron -head to (an j^ fit To obtain justice from. o^ ^\ —
arrow). To exact justice for a. o.
To stick (an arrow) into. JA — from.
To take o(r(an arrow-head). j.ij'1 fi> To b3 a servant, a slave. ,_'rt''

To extract, to pull ^* ^y^'ij joJ'l fit To submit to a. o. To take a. o. 5 —

out a. th. from. as a servant ; to claim part of a. o.'a
To get out fx'om (a sci'ape). '^^
j^ property. To appeal to the justice
To justify, to clear '^> o>U Jl J^7 of (a prince).
o.\s self fj'om a. th. to. To veil her head (girl) : to ^^r;'l_, —
To select a. th. A — put on a muffler.
To slip, to come out (arrow- Joi'l, To obtain b
head). a due from.
To extract a. th. To lay fit j.iJJj,l To act equitably with 0. a.
down thistle-blossoms
( : heat ). To To reach its middle (day).
uproot (dry plants : wind). To act equitably.
To pierce (the game arrow). ; a -
Iron-head of a spear, of an arrow. Hall. Jus- iJ)\JaJ I
^ ^jOJ ^j >.JoJj wji^J,
Blade of a sword. Spun thread of a tice.
spindle. Head. Justice. i_jvii \j AA^Jj wi^
Iron-head of a spear. Javelin. o^UaJ Middle-aged, mid- {m. f. s. pi.) ^jLiJ,
Joint of the neck and
^ J2.i^ j^ die-sized, equidistant.
head. Hulled wheat. Jaw. SuuuTiit of Middle-aged oy^-^j ^^^"\ ^ ^^
the head. Axe. (man).
Middle-aged ^Jl^jj ^iisjj ^iUaJ' 1 ^r •^^
Stone pestle. (woman).
Small body of cavalry. Ji.isl» Half. Bicoloured cloth. Veil,
Sword. J^Jj.^ ^ J^a^j J-^> muftler. Measure for grain.

'J% JVVIj :;!--Vl J^j j^'j J^iUI Domestic sliJj ,_ii5j tiV.^ 7r ^^'^^i
Name of the month Rejeb. servant.
To seize a. o. s ,^']j,\'^ o \.^> ^ The middle of a .^\jj
by the forelock. stream-bed.
To dress the hair of the fore- & — Half-filled (vessel). ji^ j\JuaJ

lock to. Servant, ^JLoUJ

To seize o. ano- s «U3j',j eioU/J ^'<sIj maid-servant. -^ Trick.
ther by the forelock (wrestlers). Middle of a road. x^-W-Jj jLil/J
To catch 0. a. by the forelock. Jo(:i Muffled.
Throes, gripes in the bowels. ^^ Expressed juice reduced to
Forelock hair oC^Uj ^u^\y
: -^ *^U the half by cooking.
of the forehead. Middle of a month, of a year.
The chief men of a triba. ,j.u!l ^so\'y To come off
J^'>j ,V^5 a J.iJ -M-

Junction of two valleys at their ^:;;J (b3ard, hair-dye).

upper part. To come out, to be harmless j.oJ
To abound with thist- Ja> 1 — ^i -S- (venom, sting). To fall off" (hoof).
les (ground). To be fixed to its head (ar- ^.ijj —
To curl o.'s locks. ^^:; row). To slip (arrow-head).
(eye).To become scanty (harvest). To be contiguous to. ^ J^,
To be exiguous ( wealth ). To be To ally o.'s self by marriage to 5 —
far-extending ( desert ). To die. To the chief men of a tribe.
be remote (people). To be long (hair). To be ^iai)\
To sink into the earth ,^^j wiiJ high (upland).
(water). To have little milk (she- To obtain a. th. fi>

camel). Young and (i<n. ?'^ t ) {coll). '^a>

To twang (a bow). * >^^'j\ tender thistle.

Far-exteuding (desert). ^JJ ^ ^^{j Remainder, u^ulj *UaJ*b Is?^ t *~^j
Dried up ( tank). Choice part of a tribe, of a floek.
Thorny tree for ma- ,^(:5 ^ ^iaJj To flow gently. To Ca^-aJj CaJ i ^J -S-

king arrows. ooze forth (water). To burst (water-

To be thorougly cooked (^^J a r-^ ^ skin).
(meat ). To become ripe ( fruit ). To To move (the wings bird), : *—
suppurate (ulcer). To manifest, to show a. th. A—
She exceeded the year UjlJ^. z^Jajj — To become possible (affair). Ci--iJ i

without bringing forth ( pregnant Take what thou art ^;. ^j jsj u 'ji.

she-camel). enabled to obtain.

To ript-n (fruit). To cook * ^-^^ To disturb, to move a. th. ^ (^aiJ
(meat) thoroughly. To accomplish (an fit j^^tljj jaj'\
Matnrity of fruit. Cooking rpJajj t-^ affair).
of meat. He received his ^
ils Ja:.x^^j Ja^^i

Thoroughly cooked v^^j r-«\j due little by little.

(meat). Ripe (fruit). He sought a benefit ijjmJ' Ja:. a
Of sound judgment ^1^1 f-^^ little by little.

( man). Gold and silver money. jaS

Suppurative ^.i>ui ^ r-^ -^j -r-^ Disagreeable thing. i^aj y^'\

medicine. Possible, within reach. Coins jsu

Spit for roasting. w^^^. received at a sale.
To bud forth ^^ '\j
a t.^ -ft-
, Gsijj i Small benefits. i>»Ci»;,

(tree). To form its grain (corn- Remainder of water. Last x^\^

crops ). born (child).
To sprinkle (a house) with k_) fa ^Ji^ In small quantity lP'L^ t J^-^
(water). (water). Trifling, exiguous.
To moisten a. th. It A— Little fleshy (man). ^^1 ja^
To allay (thirst). To water fit
— Small quantity of milk. ojJsi ^^ u^c-^
(palm-trees) by means of a beast. Slight rain : jaij^^j X^\ ^ "^t:^'
To shoot (arrows) at. i_j » — gentle wind.
He defended himself
with arguments.
^- V, ^t „viJ Hissing of meat roasted
upon heated stones.
^ \2a> -^

To defend a. o. 9^-bUj —^
To exude water G-lhUj GtiJ a " h .
came all together.
(skin). To sweat (horse). Thirsty camels. jsjUaJj *-^-?5 oli JjI,.
To shed tears (eye), rtiiii'lj TJalJ>j — To dart out (its tongue ^ ^--aJ -ft- :

To asperse the honour of. ,^]] fit snake).

To clear o.'s self from (a ?-ii»ii ^ Darting its tongue ; X-aU-aJj jatLiS
charge). restless, malignant (serpent).
To excuse o.'s self from. ^/. 7J^\j — To flow : to run. CiJ o >^^ -ft"

To be sprinkled (water). -rJai^i To sink in its socket 0_^is' i o V--2J

i ,

^ ( Y"\ \ )
To be fresh, _^ \j , s jLaJj >S^j To spiiokle water upon ^Ja2j.\j ^uiSI.
bright (face). To be green (foliage). the body after ablution.
To grant /»_, s _^j1_, \j;^J o ^j , ^3 Aspersion of water. Water ~>;
an easy life to a. o. (God). sprinkled in ablation.
To find a. th, bright, fi>
pleasant. Watering-trough near to a well.
Splendour ; bright- sjii^j o'^j^j _^J Beast carrying rs-oiy ^ xSu-aU >» ^-ilJ
ness and beauty. Plentiful life. water for watering.
j-hj\j jy^J y^^J t-r*** b J^i ?r ,r^ Driver of a camel cari-ying ^\i»J
Pure gold or silver. water: waterer.
Pure, unmixed. Board, joist. jL^ Kind of perfume. Any medicine ^_^J
Tamarisk for making bowls. jliJ j — injected into the mouth.
Bright. Green, ^aj 1j ~^'j j-'<-i> Shooting many "^'r-^i liliJj

prosperous. arrows (bow).
Beautiful and bright. Intense j-a U To wet, to sprinkle a, h li-Jjj a t-JjJ -S-
(colour). Green water-moss. a. o. or a. th.
Intense red. yo'i J^9-\ To boil forth (water- Ci'iJsJj i&riaJ —
A ._j.^jZJ I
J , Ujaj a k-*.^ JJ , U-i; i o w<^' -{^ spring).
To exhaust (the udder young camel). : To shoot (arrows) at. j A —
To amble (she-camel). ._i^;1 To sprinkle 5 ^^Ij o--ili» :n-aU
To make (a .she-camel) to amble, j — 0. another.
"Wild marjoram. ^^ To be poured upon (water), jp riiil.
Purity, cleanli- ( for xjILj ) *sl.aJ • To be sprinkled (water). r-J:c\
ness. Aspersion (of water). Mark of ^Jaj
Easy trot, amble of camels. oiioJ perfumes upon clothes.
Impure, foul, defiled. oy^^is:' ?: '-^ A shower. siJaj
hnpure. -^ Pure, clean. ^,i^^\ Abundant (rain, spring). liLa; ^ ^uJ
To overcome a. o. in s ^UaJ o J.aJ -?i- Sprinkling- x^UJ -^j k^'cJ ^ *i-Jji»

shooting. bottle. Holy water-sprinkler.

To be exhausted, eniacia- yijj a J-aJ To pile up ( fur- fi> j^j ijjjj jj^ -^
, i

ted (camel). niture). To set in order.

To defend, ^l VCaJ j VCa; j xii'di jilJ To be disposed regularly > >^ ^

To contend in shooting with. — zf (teeth).

To exhaust, to emaciate (a s J^'j'\ To assemble, to remain in ^ j,^\
beast). (a place).
To drive. To take away fi^j s j^':J Goods piled up, set^in iliail ^ juJ
a. th. from. order. Couch-frame. Glory. Nobility.
To compete in a j^y i_,
j^ uJ Noble.
shooting-match. Illustrious paternaland J?^^l iLiJl
To vie in glory with o. a. J-^A maternal uncles.
To select (an arrow). To Aj 2 — Body of men. Auxiliaries, >»^l —
single out (a man) from the crowd. company.
Winner in a shooting- Ji^j ^ j^i; Superposed (rocks). ^jUlllj Jc»!l —
match. Piled up (clouds).
To draw a wXlJI ,^Mj, l^iJ o UjJ -^ Fat (she-camel). jJaJ ^ i>jiajj a^
(the sword). Set in oi'der com- j,^pj ijiiiij -L-aJ

To cross (a desert) quickly. A U:; pact. Piled up.

He stripped him of bis <i/y ^s — I
Pillow, stuffed articles. jiJliJ ^ sii-aj
i- • i .' ' i" ><
,r^ "
... { { J
clothes. !
lj^.^jj oj^ai o j-Aij a ..^-A'j o
Jik C YY
Butting vehemently. ^iLj He took off his i^j lJ^IJI ^^'>J UjJ

Unfortunate (man). "r-^i rj^ clothes.

Coming full butt against a. o. ^_kJ To outrun (the 5 V^^j \y.!aJ O "~
( wild beast ). Having two curls of others : horse).
1= I <
hair on the forehead (horse). To come out (hair- I>a)
Gored to death. ^y^J ^-iJ dye).
Pheep killed or ^^j ^J^^iaj ^ XAjJ To be reduced ( wound). To l^Jaj o —
wounded with the horns. be absorbed (water).
To watch a ( * Sj^'-j 'S^' o Jaj -ii To lend to a. o. an exhausted i ^^^
vine, a fruit-gai'den). camel.
<> To wait for a. o. s — To exhaust, to ema- » i^-StLTj ^ai\
Watching, look out. J]aj ciate (a beast).
Salary, employ of a watchman. Zj\iaj. To wear out (clothes) .Lj'^I ^^.ixJIjj^l
Part of the bit upon which 'Uail ^ jhj
Watchman, keeper of vines. Look- the bridle is Impaired arrow-
cut, sailor. wood. Worn out garment.
Scarecrow set up in a field. jiLj Ja- *c-^'' J* iS^J '^^ 1 ' 9 e_^^ >• _^.^
Look-out, watching- jy\iA ^ a'jiajj^ • ded, emaciated (beast).
place. •^ Horseshoe. f^^
Egyptian natron. oj^ "^ He drew (the ujlH CiiJ i ^iJ ^
To become learned, CiJ a ^^-laJ -^ sword) See o CaJ.
skilful in an art. To dote. -^ To jump, to fjaJ i 'Jaj -ft-

To be refined in (cleanliness), j ,_,Jai_j frolic.

in (speech). To go away. ,cP»jVl J—
To examine a. th. carefully. ^s.j A — To escape, to run away. CkJiJ —
Learned, ls--^,j o-^-J o^'-) o^'' <>-Leap, bound. ( u)i. xLl ) 'U
skilful. Exact"in affairs. Dotard. -^ Jumper, frolicsome. i,iLj
Student in physic. ^^-aIij j 'jt-"^'-
^ Remote (place). *^aJaj j. V h'
Skilful physicians. ^ ,t. : •^ To hop, to frisk ; to trot JxiJ -ft-

Exact, scrupulous in manners. zliJ (horse).

Spy, searcher for new.s. ^r^U To stretch (the hand). fi —
To be altered (co- ;4^\j QJ ^ -R- Of tall stature. JaJUaj ^ Iiiyj u:-'hT

lour). To fillip a. 0. 5 ^]j,Qai o iJaJ -ft-

To be deep, extravagant in J ^tj;_7 on the ear.

(speech). To incite a. o. against. 5 ^_,^vJ
Leather- ^.^
;^.j 4»jj 4»l
fiiLJlj ?- Strainer, lllaLjj ,_-U'« j y-^^j^ ~ «--J»^
cloth for playing, working, or be- cullender.
heading a culprit. y U-UaJ J ?9il» L;* inJ? UJ , J* GtkJ a i r-JaJ -ft-

Forepart of the palate, pji^ t ^Ij ^^4 To gore a. o. ( bull). To strike a. o.

The palatal letters *_J*iaIll oji^JI with the horns.
To butt togethers ^-.Li'lj rJy 'c3
Territory occupied by a tribe. j^Ua;^ (rams).
Wont to put aside part of his ^.tL] To dash together (waves). 9-J»uJ
food. The star in the horn of Aries. ^'kSl
To Saa;,j Clliaij CiliaJj CilaJ i o JiiaJ -{^ Butt, gore. Blow, shock. <?ja5
flow gently (water). To ooze (water- He has neither ^>\i. Sj •^tW i; iJ u
skin).To exude (venom). camel nor sheep.
To pour (water). -^ To snuff (a A> — Difficulty, stroke of ^ly ^ ^^iJ
candle). fortune.

Belt of 0/70
To impute a vice ^ wiLib -ilaJj wiI»J
{const.). I
to a. 0.
Gifted witli speech. Endowed jlsij To be '"^^j ^iLjj CiU wik^j a ^jj
with reason. Cattle. stained, accused of a vice.
Flank. Rationable, human xslji; To be altered (thing). To be ,_iuT

(soul). ulcerated (camel). To have an indi-

He has no cattle c^ia Vj jWJ iJ C> gestion (man).
nor property. To put earrings to (a girl). ^ ,_;1~T

Expression of ideas in lauguage.jkU' To be stained. To put on ear- _iL:J

Diction. Logics. rings (girl).
Logician. "
aIsIa To loathe a. th. ^—
Girdle, belt, v.oxie.^tJ ^ <5iilv«j"jiai>^ To waste away (wealth), fit, ,_i'u-^... i^

The Zodiac. ^rJ^^J' i^i*^ Semen. tJtkJ

•^ Torrid zone. ij\>l\ isJaiJi Corruption, evil, defect.

Eloqueut. 3:^^. Small or great ollaJ^j jik;

Influential, of high rank. j ^v!* quantity of pure water.
Girded. Surrounded with cloud.s jLii Drop of water, remainder of xSlLJj —
(mountain). Waist. water in a bucket.
Uttered. Proper meaning (of a J^i^ The two seas i. e. the Medi- oCiiia^i
word). terranean and the Red Sea.
To foment (the fi> jijj , >liaJ o jiJ * Earring. Small ^iLJ ^ *«iJj 4IU
head). pearl.
To express (wine) from grapes. ^ jU Impure. Wounded in the ,_^h T

To pour a little water from ^^ ji»5il brain.

(a skin). Sweetmeat prepared with ^jiljlJ

Grapes-.skin. jiaJ trickle.

Remainder of wine. Wine flowing' jiaJ, Rainy (night). j^
from the press. To speak, to O^j CalaL^jCdJ i jlaJ -H-

Draught of water, of milk, jl, iJj xiU articulate sounds.

I could not obtain JkC^ o,Jt U To gird a. 0. s jL;
anything. To reach the middle of (a A—
Vessel for jl,G ^ ji^_, ji; \jj jiTo mountain water). To endow a. 0.

measuring wine. with (speech God). :

Calamity, distress. JkUj ' M_ ,

uT To talk with a. o. 5 jjlalk-llj ^5^VJ
He threw him into evils. <Ik; V U «l»j To make a. 0. to
Method of irrigation used in iiiLj a speak.
Egypt. To gird o.'s self. (ji»^J jis^'lj ji»^"
Aromatic bath. J^V; To put on a belt.
<f- Turkey in Asia, Anatolia. J^'cl To put on a flounced petticoat jksi
Bag of rushes for irrigating. Jiiai;. (woman).
Wine-press. Jl»Ui To be surrounded by (hills ^— :

To be remote (dwelling). \'^, o liaJ -fr country ). To be surrounded by o.'s

•> To be damp (place). people.
To stretch a. th. To weave (a A — To question a. o. (judge). ? jkilH.
fabric). Speech, articulate language, jiJ
To vie in length with a. o. » ^ij utterance.
To warp ( a fabric) conjointly with Belt. Flounced petticoat. jU ^ JliaJ,
a. 0. (woman). Double range of rocks on a mountain.
To give a. th. to. A 5 ( /o?' ktl ) JJl Water-ripple.

.1^ C YYT ")

appeai'ance. Perspicacity. To struggle together : to strive j^Cj
•^ Financial administration ej\}aj. to outstrip 0. a.
Ministry. To discuss, to dispute. 'y9^\\ —
Imp. Wait thou jiy Remote, distant. cIjj ^ *JaJ
Guardian, keeper. Vine- ji^ ^ Ji^'i Stalk of unripe dates. '1^1 ^ sCiJ
keeper. Eye. -^ Manager. Minister of <> Dampness. sjiJaJ

state. <• Damp. :Ci,i; j- ^J»J

Free from suspicion. ^,i^^ -^^-^ S^ii-Jj i;)^^j '.^^^j 1^^ a jJiJj o ^jlsj -^
The two veins on the sides of ol^^LlI To look at a. o. or J| j iJOj s ijikifj
the nostrils. a. th. To consider a. th. To face
Eye. Pt. Veins, nerves j^)'^ ^ a. 0. To oversee, to inspect a. th.
of the eyes. To compassionate, to aid a. o. J —
Fiery (horse). Seer. To judge between. ojJ

Beholders. To take care of. To in- J iJ^iaJ o —
^ Spectacles, telescope.' j^Uj spect a. th. To reflect upon a. th.
Kieper of a (m. /". s. pi.) ej^\jj j_^'U To look for a. th. To sell a J^^'^j —
vine ; chief of a tribe. Sl. th. upon credit.
Intrusive i;^j »^i^^j *f'_4aJ, :;!;;--, To grant a respite to. s _^ix3j
J^ 1.i

and inquisitive (woman). To sell a. th. upon ci'edit. ^ _,]»;_,

, J,LJaJ ?r ( "*• ^- ^- P^- ) 'j^j j^ My \'j\'i jitjj *jji J[J>L^ jj/s
Leader ^\%iy ^ [m.f. s. pi.) ijj^\jj house faces his.
man of a tribe. To be smitten by the evil eye. _^
Facing, J liJ ^ SlniJ ^ M^iJ ;r -^h'' To be alike, equal Sj ^ i^'G^ J^Vi
corresponding to. Like, equal, match, to. To discuss with.
con-espondent. To compare a. o. or o fiij s jhj*\j —
The Nadir opp. to the Zenith, jj^ujl a. th. to.
Leader man of a {m. f. s. pt.) a'j^ To resemble a. o.
v j^^
tribe. Vanguard of an army. To consider, to watch Aj S Jk'3
Sight, point of view. Jo\:^y. Jial/' a. o. or a. th.
Appearance. -^ Theater. To face o. a. To contend ^feuj
Look-out. Belve- J^S^ ?- Xj^j — together.
dere. To look for a. th. fl>j s JiS^Si J£,\
FLie-looking. '^yj^'''i '^J^'^ To await a. o.
Mirror. Telescope. -nljU^s jijii,. ^ To ask a delay fi'om. 5 jiaii^l
Vicious (woman). ojJalA Glance. Look. -^ Regard jiijJl ^ j£,
To be clean, neat, pure. SSOaJ o ,_iiJ -^ shown, kindness.
To render a. th. clean, pure. _j1^T fi> ,
This is to be examined. '^ |jb! j
To be purified, to cleanse o.'s ^Lii Tribe whose tents front 0. ^IjJ *i
self. another.
To exhaust (its mother's A ^^j <>•He is under the o^U J^> cJ>-j 'j»
milk : youngling). care of such a one.
To choose, to select a. th With regard to ; Ji^ jl^SUj Jl. \'^
clean. in respect of.
To take the whole of a. th. To fis,
— Similar, ahke.
pay the whole (tribute : viceroy). A look, a glance. Vice, defect. s^J
Cleanliness. Purity. xSQij Evil look. Benevolence.
Clean, pure.
Delicate, effeminate.
.uiij ^
^^ Delay. s^iJ
UaJ a Speculative (science). 3:_,LJ
To join a. th. to. Jl^ a (^.JaJ i ^', ^ Countenance, outward a'j\%j,j Jitl

( Yvr
croak (raven). To crow in stretching
the neck (cock). To cry out (crier).
To string
pearls). To
^j , UJaJ j
set things in order.
ui; ^ To

To walk quickly in stretching C-1; a — trim (vex'ses).

the neck (camel). To be striped (fish, j^h ^^'j Ji^i
Swift (wind). ^'^ lizard).
To repair. To reform. To set a J^
(she-camel). a. th. in order.
Raven, young raven. ^\1' To be full of eggs (hen). Ji^\
Swift-running (horse). w-il^'j — To be set in order. ^JirJlj ^feCij JalJi
To de.scribe Sj fi> c^\j , iciJ a cS: -H- To be rightly arranged ^Jb J^'>
a. 0., to characterise, to commend (affair).

a. th.or a. o. To pierce a. o. with (a ^j 5 Jiii\

To add an epithet to a (subs- a c-^ spear).
tantive). Order. String of pearls. Poetry, ^tJ
To show good qualities. t;; a c^ poetical style. The Pleiads.
To be endowed with i_jljJ o c-ij Swarm of locusts. ii^ ^ ^Oaj j —
good qualities. To be light-footed Rule of conduct, custom, use. ^Vkj
(horse). Standard. Order, harmony. <>• Regu-
To be handsome-faced. c^] lar troops. Uniform.
To be described by. ^j c-ii I String of pearls. J^ ^ —
To ask a. o. to describe. fi> s c^^[ Public order ; ^^J^U'lj i»^*b J^ -r ~
Description. Qualification. ^'^ civil laws.
Epithet. p^ ?- c^ They act in the a* Ij ^Oi; '^
tlorse c^'^j *-xi''J »!;; 'j X^j C«»J same way.
winner in a race. He is the support of his ey\ jSiai^ '^
To take a. th. A
c-iJb ^ >^'-^ -^ affair.
To scatter
Male hyena.
( o."s wealth).
j ^ ]

His affair
good order.
is not in ^Qaj «y V ,jXi
j^iJ ji^-
Deportment of an old man. <S\1mi Two white dCj'^h oUClaJi^j jiC»C!aJ
To be intensely (^^j 1;^;^= o t-^ -» streaks (in lizards, fishes).
white (colour). Row of sandy hills. Set of ^(kl *(

To be fat (camel). To have GtiJ a ^*j eggs in the ovary.

an indigestion of mutton. •^A private, a common soldier. ^/Oii
Ewe. Woman. o\*vj ?rQ «• *?>^ Setting in order. Poet. Streaked ^vJ
Even (ground). ^tiy ^ :utl5 j. r-e^ (fish, lizard).
Swift (she-camel). Row of wells. Mountain-path j^,
Having an indigestion of o^M ?- r^ provided with water-holes.
mutton. Set in order. jvj^^j j,^
To snort (beast). ijUJj OuJ a i >J -i^ tf-Reforms, new regulations oli-t5
To gush forth (blood). set by Sultan Mahmoud.
He clamoured in the riot, xliill J — Set in order. Poem, verses. >»_>kL^
To throng (crowd). -^ To i^J a — •^ Splendid. Comfortable ( house).
pick with a spear. To cuff a. 0. New and tender ^Uj y, XtUJ — ;uJ -tt-

To set to work carefully.

( ) j ^ij plant.
To overrun (a country). Mint. p.UjJj ^.UJ -Jf

To resist a. 0. s — ^ Penny-royal mint. 'li!)

To go towards a. 0, ij[ — Things appended to the xsJajJt ;JUj
To be harassed by flies \yj a j^ belt.
(beast). To C'CiJj Ql«5j Q^J ^^.> ^^ ' ^ *r**^
( YYl )
J^ cT"
Bier for the dead. Ostrich-trap. ^^ To wheel (an arrow) on the nail. A Ji
The constellation of Ursa. j^ cJCJ To produce its first fruit _^*1
Name of the stars in the j^ cjt. (ill3l tree).
tail of Ursa. Harassed by flies (beast). ;^ ^ _^J
Cheering. ii, UJ Restless.
To -waste (a land ; A C^iJ a ,jaii -^ Snorting, snurl. -^ Box- cXj^ t »S*^
locusts). ing. Knife-thrust.
<- To yelp (dog). ^;^;j -^j ^; Blast of wind and heat at J>^)\ s^J
To totter. CaiJ a-
^^ the rising of the Pleiads.
To become angry, to bear ^ai^K Pride. Difficult affair. s^",S^
rancour. To rise after a fall. Cartilage of the nose. o'j^j «^
<• Swamp. ^;,J Blue fly harassing dO-^'j j^ -r Ky^
Helpers. iitO horses.
To get a. th. from, ^a * GaJJ a ^aiJ ^ Shouts, bustle. _«*J
Thorny tree used for tanning jsij Brooding his designs before- ^1 —
cr making tooth-picks. hand.
Leaving morsels Iiij ^ JapVJ — Ja.; -S- Rebellious ; clamorous. SjiJ ^ jCJ
half-eaten ( eater ). Uudertalung a Firebrand. Wound gushing with
long journey. blood.
To run slowly, to walk in j^ ^ Vein spurting withblood.j^cuj

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