Psychiatry - MCQs - 10th March 2024 - 8.30am To 10.30am

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10th March 2024 – Psychiatry

Dr Suhashini Ratnatunga – 8:30am – 10:30am

1. In dissociative disorders

A. Primary gain is the benefit that is conferred by the symptoms

B. Person is often unaffected by the symptoms
C. Face saving measures are used as a treatment strategy
D. A connection to a stressful event can often be demonstrated
E. Malingering is a subtype

2. Regarding depression

A. Incidence is increased in females

B. Intermittent insomnia is a characteristic feature
C. Presence of psychotic symptoms indicate severe illness
D. Increased appetite is a typical feature
E. Ideas of hopelessness lead to suicidality

3. Clozapine,

A. is more effective than typical antipsychotics for negative symptoms in schizophrenia

B. is known to improve mood symptoms
C. increases body weight
D. has a risk of agranulocytosis
E. causes a tachycardia at initiation of treatment

4. Following factors increase the risk of suicide

A. chronic pain syndromes

B. alcohol dependence
C. recent self harm attempt
D. unemployment
E. having dependent children

5. The following are components of a standard mental state examination

A. Suicidal ideation
B. MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination)
C. Categorical fluency
D. Insight
E. Abstract reasoning
6. The following are true of schizophrenia
A. Antipsychotics should not be started immediately following the diagnosis
B. Disorientation is a characteristic feature
C. Visual hallucinations are more frequent than auditory hallucinations
D. Is known to be precipitated by the use of cannabis
E. Patients living with highly critical people are more likely to relapse

7. The following are more likely in delirium compared to dementia

A. Gradual onset
B. Poor attention
C. Fleeting paranoid delusions
D. Normalization of cognitive functions following recovery
E. Auditory hallucinations

8. The following are recognised to improve cognitive functions in Alzheimer’s dementia

A. Regular aerobic exercise
B. Memantine
C. Risperidone
D. Zopiclone
E. Melatonin

9. Fluoxetine

A. Causes yawning
B. is effective in treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
C. is a serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor
D. has an addictive potential
E. is recommended in the treatment of delayed ejaculation

10. Electro convulsive therapy

A. Has to be given under general anaesthesia

B. Is contraindicated in patients following a stroke
C. unilateral administration produces less memory impairment than bilateral
D. Is a treatment for neuroleptic malignant syndrome
E. Should not be combined with antidepressants when treating depression

11. Following are true regarding alcohol use disorders

A. Alcohol withdrawal state does not require pharmacological treatment

B. Frequent binging is a feature of harmful use
C. Reduced tolerance is known to occur in the later stages of dependence
D. Naltrexone is effective in achieving abstinence in those dependent on alcohol
E. At a population level reducing availability leads to reduction of consumption
12. Following are true regarding heroin use

A. Intravenous heroin use is common in Sri Lanka

B. Heroin withdrawal is a life threatening condition
C. Heroin overdose can lead to respiratory depression
D. Heroin can be detected up to 48 hours in a normal urine screening test
E. Methadone replacement is a common strategy used in Sri Lanka to manage

13. The following are true of obsessional thoughts

A. Are not seen in normal people

B. Can increase in depression
C. Are demonstrated as a thought abnormality in the mental state examination
D. Are reduced by reassurance
E. Can cause impairment in functioning

14. The following are true of social phobia

A. Viewing oneself as a social object is a common feature

B. Post event rumination is a feature
C. Progresses to schizophrenia
D. Medication is the first line of treatment
E. Substance misuse is a common co morbidity

15. T/F regarding eating disorders

a) Amenorrhoea is a common feature in Bulimia Nervosa

b) Childhood obesity is a risk factor
c) Bulimia Nervosa is exclusively seen in females in the general population
d) Appetite stimulants are commonly prescribed in Anorexia Nervosa
e) Psychological therapies are the main stay of treatment

1. A 20- year old girl presents to the out patient department with agitation. On
examination she is disoriented and sweating profusely. Her pupils are dilated, pulse
rate is 100 bpm, blood pressure is 160/100 mmHg. There is muscle rigidity with
twitching of muscles.

A collateral history reveals that she had been treated for a depressive disorder two
weeks ago by a GP with fluoxetine 40 mg mane and clonazepam 0.25 mg nocte. She
developed diarrhea two days ago.
What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Serotonin syndrome
B. Bacterial meningitis
C. Organophosphate poisoning
D. Benzodiazepine overdose
E. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

2. An 18- year old girl with a history bipolar affective disorder is brought to hospital. On
examination she is overtalkative and has pressure of speech. She is dehydrated, her
pulse rate is 90 bpm and has an unsteady gait. She has had 6 episodes of vomiting and
diarrhea over the past two days. Her drug compliance has been good and she has been
on lithium carbonate 400 mg/d and olanzapine 5 mg/d.
What is the next best step in her management?

A. Increase her lithium dose

B. Increase her olanzapine dose
C. Sedate her with IM haloperidol
D. Do a serum lithium level
E. Give her 2 mg of IM benztropine

3. A 15- year old girl is brought by her parents as she had been dieting excessively over
the past 6 months. On further examination she reveals that she has been purging
over the past 2 weeks due to laxative abuse. She has been rushing to the toilet
immediately after meals and exercising for one hour.
There have been recurrent episodes of overeating in which large amounts of food
were consumed in short periods of time. She had felt low and guilty after these
episodes of binging. There is persistent preoccupation with food and a desire with
eating. She has a self-perception of being too fat. Her BMI is normal.

A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Bulimia nervosa
C. Irritable bowel disease
D. Binge eating disorder
E. Depressive disorder
4. A 68- year old male with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease presents with persecutory
delusions. He has refused all meals offered by his family as he believed the meals to
be poisoned. What is the most appropriate treatment strategy to improve his situation.

A. give him a trial of diazepam

B. commence him on quetiapine
C. commence him on sertraline
D. optimize anti parkinsonian medication
E. refer him for psychotherapy

5. A 25-year old female presents with recurrent crying spells, poor sleep and appetite for
one week. She had delivered her first baby two weeks ago. She has been constantly
worrying that her baby might contract a fatal illness. She had stopped breastfeeding
the baby and transferred to formula as she believed the baby is not getting adequate
milk. What is the next most appropriate management step for her.

A. Prescribe fluoxetine
B. Prescribe risperidone
C. Recommend admission to a ward
D. Seek the opinion of a psychiatrist
E. Reassure the patient and her husband this is a normal phenomenon

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