Cambridge O Level: Computer Science 2210/21

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Cambridge O Level

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Paper 2 Algorithms, Programming and Logic May/June 2023

1 hour 45 minutes

You must answer on the question paper.

No additional materials are needed.

● Answer all questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
● Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● Do not write on any bar codes.
● Calculators must not be used in this paper.

● The total mark for this paper is 75.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
● No marks will be awarded for using brand names of software packages or hardware.

This document has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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1 (a) Four descriptions of stages in the program development life cycle are shown.

Draw one line to link each description to its most appropriate program development life cycle

Not all program development life cycle stages will be used.

Program development life cycle description Program development life cycle stage

develop an algorithm to solve the problem analysis

by using structure diagrams, flowcharts or


detect and fix the errors in the program


identify the problem and its requirements


write and implement the instructions to

solve the problem testing
(b) Identify three of the component parts after a problem has been decomposed.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................


3 ................................................................................................................................................


2 Tick (ü) one box to show the name of the data structure used to store a collection of data of the
same data type.

A Array

B Constant

C Function

D Variable
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3 (a) Describe what is meant by data validation.




............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) A validation check is used to make sure that any value that is input is an integer between 30
and 200 inclusive.

Give one example of each type of test data to check that the validation check is working as
intended. Each example of test data must be different.

Give a reason for each of your choices of test data.

Normal test data .......................................................................................................................

Reason .....................................................................................................................................


Abnormal test data ...................................................................................................................

Reason .....................................................................................................................................


Extreme test data .....................................................................................................................

Reason .....................................................................................................................................


4 Explain the purpose of the library routines DIV and ROUND

DIV ...................................................................................................................................................




ROUND ..............................................................................................................................................



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5 An algorithm has been written in pseudocode to allow some numbers to be input. All the positive
numbers that are input are totalled and this total is output at the end.
An input of 0 stops the algorithm.

01 Exit 1←
02 WHILE Exit <> 0 DO
03 INPUT Number
04 IF Number < 0
06 Total ←
Total + Number
08 IF Number = 0
10 Exit 1 ←
14 OUTPUT "The total value of your numbers is ", Number

(a) Identify the four errors in the pseudocode and suggest a correction for each error.

Error 1 .......................................................................................................................................

Correction .................................................................................................................................


Error 2 .......................................................................................................................................

Correction .................................................................................................................................


Error 3 .......................................................................................................................................

Correction .................................................................................................................................


Error 4 .......................................................................................................................................

Correction .................................................................................................................................


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(b) Describe how you could change the corrected algorithm to record and output how many
positive numbers have been included in the final total.

You do not need to rewrite the algorithm.








............................................................................................................................................. [4]

6 State two features that should be included to create a maintainable program.

Give a reason why each feature should be used.

1 .......................................................................................................................................................




2 .......................................................................................................................................................




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7 The flowchart represents an algorithm.


Pointer 1


Word[Pointer, 1] Pointer Pointer + 1
= Letter ?


OUTPUT "Letter ", Letter,

" is represented by ",
Word[Pointer, 2]

OUTPUT "Another Letter?

(Y or N)"

INPUT Choice

Yes IS No
Choice = STOP
'Y' ?

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The table represents the two-dimensional (2D) array Word[] which stores the first half of the
phonetic alphabet used for radio transmission. For example, Word[10,1] is ‘J’.

Index 1 2
1 A Alpha
2 B Bravo
3 C Charlie
4 D Delta
5 E Echo
6 F Foxtrot
7 G Golf
8 H Hotel
9 I India
10 J Juliet
11 K Kilo
12 L Lima
13 M Mike

(a) Complete the trace table for the algorithm by using the input data: F, Y, D, N

Pointer Letter Choice OUTPUT


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(b) Identify the type of algorithm used.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(c) Describe one problem that could occur with this algorithm if an invalid character was input.




............................................................................................................................................. [2]

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8 The function LENGTH(Phrase)calculates the length of a string Phrase

(a) Write the pseudocode statements to:

• store the string "The beginning is the most important part" in Phrase
• calculate and output the length of the string
• output the string in upper case.






............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(b) Write the output your pseudocode should produce.




............................................................................................................................................. [2]

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9 Consider this logic expression.


(a) Draw a logic circuit for this logic expression.

Each logic gate must have a maximum of two inputs.

Do not simplify this logic expression.



(b) Complete the truth table from the given logic expression.

Working space

0 0 0

0 0 1

0 1 0

0 1 1

1 0 0

1 0 1

1 1 0

1 1 1


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10 A database table called TVRange shows the main features and prices of a range of televisions.

TVCode ScreenSize Satellite SmartTV SoundBar Price$

TV90SaSmSd 90 YES YES YES 9750.00
TV75SaSmSd 75 YES YES YES 8500.00
TV75SaSd 75 YES NO YES 8000.00
TV65SaSmSd 65 YES YES YES 6000.00
TV65SmSd 65 NO YES YES 5000.00
TV65SaSd 65 YES NO YES 5000.00
TV55SaSmSd 55 YES YES YES 4000.00
TV55SaSd 55 YES NO YES 3500.00
TV55SmSd 55 NO YES YES 3500.00
TV50SaSmSd 50 YES YES YES 2500.00
TV50Sa 50 YES NO NO 1750.00
TV50Sm 50 NO YES NO 1750.00
TV40Sa 40 YES NO NO 1200.00
TV40 40 NO NO NO 950.00
TV32 32 NO NO NO 650.00

(a) Give the name of the field that is most suitable to be the primary key.

State the reason for this choice.

Field ..........................................................................................................................................

Reason .....................................................................................................................................


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(b) The database uses the data types:

• text
• character
• Boolean
• integer
• real
• date/time.

Complete the table to show the most appropriate data type for each field.
Each data type must be different.

Field Data type


(c) Complete the structured query language (SQL) query to return the television (TV) code,
screen size and price of all Smart TVs in the database table.

SELECT TVCode, ......................................................., .......................................................

....................................................... TVRange

WHERE SmartTV = .......................................................;


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11 A one-dimensional (1D) array Days[] contains the names of the days of the week. A
two-dimensional (2D) array Readings[] is used to store 24 temperature readings, taken once
an hour, for each of the seven days of the week. A 1D array AverageTemp[] is used to store the
average temperature for each day of the week.

The position of any day’s data is the same in all three arrays. For example, if Wednesday is
in index 4 of Days[], Wednesday’s temperature readings are in index 4 of Readings[] and
Wednesday’s average temperature is in index 4 of AverageTemp[]

The temperature readings are in Celsius to one decimal place. Temperatures can only be from
–20.0 °C to +50.0 °C inclusive.

Write a program that meets the following requirements:

• input and validate the hourly temperatures for one week
• calculate and store the average temperature for each day of the week
• calculate the average temperature for the whole week
• convert all the average temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit by using the formula
Fahrenheit = Celsius * 9 / 5 + 32
• output the average temperature in Celsius and in Fahrenheit for each day
• output the overall average temperature in Celsius and in Fahrenheit for the whole week.

You must use pseudocode or program code and add comments to explain how your code works.

You do not need to declare any arrays, variables or constants; you may assume that this has
already been done.

All inputs and outputs must contain suitable messages.

All data output must be rounded to one decimal place.

You will need to initialise and populate the array Days[] at the start of the program.












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