Cte STD Principles Food Production

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May 2023

Principles of Food Production

Primary Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
Consultant: [email protected]
Course Code(s): C18H29
Prerequisite(s): Agriscience (C18H19)
Credit: 1
Grade Level: 10
Elective Focus -
This course satisfies one of three credits required for an elective
focus when taken in conjunction with other Agriculture courses.
This course satisfies one out of two required courses to meet the
POS Concentrator Perkins V concentrator definition, when taken in sequence in the
approved program of study.
Programs of Study and
This is the second course in the Food Science program of study.
Aligned Student
FFA: http://www.tnffa.org
All Agriculture students are encouraged to participate in a Supervised
Agricultural Experience (SAE) program. In addition, teachers who hold
an active WBL certificate may offer placement for credit when the
Coordinating Work-Based
requirements of the state board’s WBL Framework and the
Department’s WBL Policy Guide are met. For information, visit
Credentials are aligned with postsecondary and employment
opportunities and with the competencies and skills that students
Promoted Tennessee
acquire through their selected program of study. For a listing of
Student Industry
promoted student industry credentials, visit
Teacher Endorsement(s): 048, 150, 448, and 950
Required Teacher
Teacher Resources: resources.html

Best for All Central: https://bestforall.tnedu.gov/

Course at a Glance
CTE courses provide students with an opportunity to develop specific academic, technical, and 21st
century skills necessary to be successful in career and in life. In pursuit of ensuring every student in
Tennessee achieves this level of success, we begin with rigorous course standards which feed into
intentionally designed programs of study.

Students engage in industry relevant content through general education integration and
experiences such as career and technical student organizations (CTSO) and work-based learning
(WBL). Through these experiences, students are immersed with industry standard content and
technology, solve industry-based problems, meaningfully interact with industry professionals and
use/produce industry specific, informational texts.

Using a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) in Your Classroom

CTSOs are a great resource to put classroom learning into real-life experiences for your students
through classroom, regional, state, and national competitions, and leadership opportunities. Below
are CTSO connections for this course. This is not an exhaustive list.
• Participate in CTSO Fall Leadership Conference to engage with peers by demonstrating
logical thought processes and developing industry specific skills that involve teamwork and
project management.
• Participate in FFA career and leadership events (CDE/LDE) that align with this course
including Agriscience Fair, Agricultural Issues, Agronomy, Dairy Evaluation, Farm Business
Management, Food Science, Land Judging, Livestock Evaluation, Meats Evaluation, Milk
Quality, Poultry Evaluation, Parliamentary Procedure, Public Speaking, and Employment

Using Work-Based Learning (WBL) in Your Classroom

Sustained and coordinated activities that relate to the course content are the key to successful work-
based learning. Possible activities for this course include the following. This is not an exhaustive list.
• Standards 1.1-1.3 | Invite a farmer to talk about the importance of food production (animal
and plant agriculture) has on society and government relations.
• Standards 2.1-2.4 | Have students work with a farmer on developing an annual growing
calendar for food crops.
• Standards 3.1-4.2| Have the students develop a crop rotation plan for a specific area and
have it evaluated by a soil scientist.
• Standards 5.1-5.5 | Invite a local extension agent to discuss the cattle feed requirements
based on their life stages.
• Standards 6.1-6.3 | Conduct a price point analysis of a food crop and have it evaluated by a
farm manager.
• Standard 7.1 | Develop an informational presentation about the benefits of using
biotechnology to produce safe and quality food that is reviewed by industry professionals.

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Course Description
Principles of Food Production is an intermediate course in plant and animal agriculture for students
interested in pursuing careers in production agriculture or food science. Students study principles
related to plant and animal structural anatomy, systems physiology, the economics of production,
genetics and biotechnology, and other management approaches associated with plant and animal
production. Upon completion of this course, proficient students will be prepared for more advanced
coursework in the Food Science program of study.

Course Standards
1. Introduction to Plant and Animal Agriculture and Safety

1.1 Role of Plants and Animals: Research the roles and contributions of plants and animals in
meeting the food and fiber needs of society. Identify and describe the different aspects of
plant and livestock production (such as product selection, site selection, optimal
development, harvesting, and marketing), and examine characteristics of occupations in the

1.2 Importance of Plant and Animal Agriculture: Describe the scope and economic importance
of plant and animal agriculture in the United States and the world. Summarize trends in
crop and livestock production in Tennessee.

1.3 Safety: Review common laboratory safety procedures for tool and equipment operation
in agricultural laboratories, including but not limited to accident prevention and control
procedures. Demonstrate the ability to follow safety and operational procedures in a lab
setting and complete a safety test with 100 percent accuracy.

2. Principles of Plant Science for Agricultural Production

2.1 Plant Science Principles and Plant Species: Differentiate between major plant species used
for vegetable, forage, fruit, and agronomic crop production. Describe the basic
principles of plant science required to produce healthy crops for high quality food products.

2.2 Plant Growth and Development: Identify and describe the general growth and
development processes of crops used for food production. Analyze plant anatomy,
physiology, genetics, genomics, and reproduction in the context of plant growth and
productivity, including the following:
a. Describe different plant types based on their anatomy and physiology.
b. Identify the part of the plant consumed for different vegetables and fruits.
c. Investigate the relationship between form and function for the major plant
d. Examine the components of the plant reproduction system and identify specific
anatomical features on different species and varieties of plants.
e. Summarize the process of cross-breeding and genomics techniques to enhance
identified traits and characteristics.

2.3 Disease and Pesticides Control: Relate principles of disease and parasite control to the

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health, growth, and maintenance of food crops. Compare and contrast methods for disease
and parasite controls, distinguishing between prevention and treatment methods.

2.4 Plant Nutrition and Health: Discuss the optimum levels of specific nutritional factors
influencing plant health (such as pH, nitrogen, potassium, etc.). Identify nutritional
deficiencies and disorders and make recommendations for the safe production of major
food crops.

3. Principles of Soil Science for Plant and Animal Production

3.1 Soil Classification and Fertility: Evaluate the physical and chemical properties of soils
needed for optimal food crop production. Perform technical procedures to classify soils
for agricultural production by evaluating factors such as soil pH, texture, permeability,
drainage class, soil depth, and water holding capacity. Interpret test results and formulate
conclusions regarding production use suitability.

3.2 Soil Erosion and Conservation Practices: Evaluate factors that influence soil erosion rates,
and compare soil conservation practices used to maintain a healthy growing environment
for plant and animal production.

3.3 Land Selection and Management Practices: Analyze land selection and conservation
practices that ensure optimal productivity in crop production and livestock operations.
Select best management practices that ensure the appropriate use of land resources and
maximize crop yields.

3.4 Site Selection Factors: Identify environmental factors (such as climate and topography)
considered in site selection to ensure optimal production and economic return in plant
and animal production, based on intended use and location (rural, suburban, and urban).

4. Principles of Environmental Science for Plant and Animal Production

4.1 Environmental Science Practices and Principles: Explain sustainable environmental science
practices and principles applicable to food crops and animal production. Recommend
management practices for rural, suburban, and urban settings including a justification that
incorporates soil and water conservation principles.

4.2 Pollution: Debate water, air, and noise pollution issues associated with agricultural
production, and recommend control measures for rural, suburban, and urban areas.
Demonstrate adherence to procedures for handling, storing, and disposing of production
waste in compliance with relevant laws and regulations in a variety of plant and animal

5. Principles of Animal Science for Agricultural Production

5.1 Breeds: Identify the major breeds of food production animals (such as cattle, sheep, goats,
poultry, swine, and specialty animals) and their associated food and by-products. Explore the
basic principles of animal science needed to produce healthy livestock for high-quality food
products such as nutrition, reproduction, and breed selection.

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5.2 Animal Science Basics: Identify and describe the general growth and development
processes of food production animals. Analyze animal anatomy, physiology, genetics,
genomics, and reproduction in the context of animal growth and productivity, including the
a. animal types based on their anatomy and physiology,
b. components of animal reproductive systems and specific anatomical features of
different food production species, and
c. genomic techniques used to enhance identified traits and characteristics.

5.3 Disease and Parasite Control: Determine livestock disease and parasite control practices
essential to maintain proper health and growth of food production animals. Develop a
disease and parasite prevention and treatment program for multiple food production

5.4 Nutrition: Research principles of proper nutrition to maximize livestock gains and cost
efficiency, by:
a. Developing specific diet recommendations, based on animal breed, available
resources, costs, and nutritional requirements.
b. Differentiating between various diet alternatives to determine which feed ration is
the most cost effective to obtain maximum production.

5.5 Animal Genetics: Summarize how heritability, selection intensity, and generation
interval are important to genetic change in food production animals, including:
a. Explaining how each concept impacts genetic change.
b. Comparing and contrasting characteristics of each as a tool for animal producers.
c. Determining how long it will take to get specific traits, using each method.

6. Principles of Agribusiness for Plant and Animal Production

6.1 Economics of Crop and Livestock Production: Identify and critique factors that influence
the economics of crop and livestock production in the United States and the world.
Interpret production costs for various types of plant and animal operations that impact the
wholesale cost of food.

6.2 Marketing Methods and Strategies: Explore and compare marketing methods and
strategies to develop opportunities for specialty plant and animal products in niche

6.3 Global Markets: Identify and describe the American factors impacting global commodity
markets. Compare and contrast different factors that impact food prices in specific
scenarios (such as the impact of a pandemic, economic sanctions, or weather on local food

7. Plant and Animal Biotechnology

7.1 Biotechnology: Examine the role and importance of genetic principles in improving plant and
animal production. Summarize important historical achievements in plant and animal
biotechnology. Research current and emerging plant and animal biotechnologies used

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in production agriculture. Justify claims surrounding the ethical, legal, practical, and
economic issues related to food production and biotechnology with evidence drawn from
scientific and professional resources.

Standards Alignment Notes

References to other standards include:
• SAE for All: Evolving the Essentials: All Agriculture students are encouraged to participate in a
Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program to practice and demonstrate the
knowledge and skills learned in their agriculture courses.
• AFNR: National Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR) Career Cluster Content
Standards: Students engaged in activities outlined above should be able to demonstrate
fluency in Standards AS, BS and PS at the conclusion of the course.
• P21: Partnership for 21st Century Skills Framework for 21st Century Learning
o Note: While not all standards are specifically aligned, teachers will find the
framework helpful for setting expectations for student behavior in their classroom
and practicing specific career readiness skills.

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