Bentley Ram Concrete
Bentley Ram Concrete
Bentley Ram Concrete
RAM Structural System’s Productivity Tool for Gravity Analysis and Design of Concrete Structures
Time Savings
RAM Concrete allows you to perform complete gravity and lateral load generation
and distribution, including live load reduction and skip loading per ACI-318 build-
ing code. You can design and detail reinforcing requirements for beams, columns,
and walls per ACI 318, BS 8110, CP 65, AS 3600, EC 2, and GB 50010 design codes
and beams and columns per CSA A23.3, and also produce complete CAD files for
floor framing plans, frame elevations, beam schedules, and column schedules.
Flexible beam design criteria
RAM Concrete is a complete production tool, that automates the most time-
consuming design tasks. It significantly reduces design time, which dramatically Design Detail
increases productivity, allowing for more creativity through the quick exploration RAM Concrete generates extensive design information and detailed prescriptive
of design options. code checks. RAM Concrete not only provides the size, location, and quantity of
the required member reinforcing, but also specifies the bar end conditions, bar
The learning curve for RAM Concrete is extents, and stirrup and tie configuration. Spliced and hooked beam bars can
be chosen where necessary by the optimization routine or can be specified by
remarkably small and engineers can begin the user. An extensive set of design criteria menu options provides flexibility in
producing designs quickly. customizing designs.
Design Versatility
RAM Concrete accommodates a wide range of member types and design options.
Rectangular and T-shaped joists, beams, and girders, as well as pan-joist systems,
and rectangular and circular columns with tied, circular, or spiral shear reinforce-
ment are all supported. Walls of virtually any plan configuration and cross-section,
including unlimited wall openings, can be designed for axial-flexural and shear
loads. Members can be designed and detailed for gravity requirements or for code-
prescribed seismic requirements. American and British standard reinforcing bars
are supported, and you can create customized reinforcing sizes to be used in the
design. Beam, column, and wall reinforcement can be automatically sized by the
program or specified by the user.
System Requirements RAM CONCRETE AT-A-GLANCE
Intel or AMD processor 2.0 GHz or Modeling • Automatic biaxial moment interaction curve generation
greater • Quick modeling of gravity and lateral concrete structures and display
• Special commands to ease modeling of pan-joist systems • Graphical display of all automatically generated load
Operating System points in interaction curve
Windows 7, 7 x64, 8.1, and 8.1 x64 • Automatic calculation of T-shaped beam sections taking
into consideration adjacent slab conditions Beam Design
• Integration with the RAM Structural System reduces learn- • Automatic load combination generation
2GB minimum recommended
ing curve for current users • Automatic beam force envelope generation from gravity
Hard Disk • Integration with RAM Concept for reinforced and post- skip load forces and lateral analysis forces
500MB free disk space recommended tensioned slabs and mats • Consideration of prescriptive and strength specification for
Display reinforcing design including
OpenGL compatibility recommended
• Automatic calculation of member section properties, spacing, bar cover, and reinforcement ratios
including effective flange widths for T-sections and • User specification of design and detailing criteria to control
material properties per design code automatic design of reinforcing
Find out about Bentley • Automatic or manual user definition of beam lines for • Immediate update of capacity curves for user change
at: skip loading in reinforcing
• Automatic finite element model creation for • Fully interactive design and revision of reinforcing, includ-
Contact Bentley ing quantity, size, location and end conditions of all bars
1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539)
gravity-force analysis
• Automatic gravity-load distribution and live-load reduction • Graphical display of capacity and demand envelope for
Outside the US +1 610-458-5000
• Automatic live-load skip loading for column forces moments and shear along full length of beam lines
Bentley Systems Europe B.V. • Graphical display of reinforcement layout along
incorporating ACI 318, Section 8.8
Wegalaan 2 beam length
2132 JC Hoofddorp • Automatic live-load skip loading for beam forces
incorporating ACI 318, Section 8.9 • Immediate and long-term deflections
+31 23 556 0560 • Comprehensive reports of beam gravity design envelopes Wall Design
and column design forces • Full 360 degree axial-flexure interaction surface
Global Office Listings • Complete integration with RAM Frame for generation of generation and shear evaluation for horizontal and vertical
lateral loads and member forces wall cross-sections
• Building Codes supported include IBC, UBC, BOCA, SBC, • Checks for prescriptive code requirements including
BS 6399, AS/NZS 1170.1, NBC of Canada, China GB 50009, reinforcing spacing, reinforcing ratio, and confinement
Hong Kong, and Eurocode • Walls can be designed either as separate individual panels
Column Design or as grouped wall cores
• Automatic load combination generation • Creation of sections in walls for strength evaluation can be
• Slenderness considered per ACI 318 Sections 10.11 done either automatically or directly by the user
through 10.13 including automatic effective length • Selection of actual reinforcing bars, including true
and K-factor calculations locations within walls, based on user-specified reinforcing
• Automatic column force generation from gravity and templates and criteria
lateral analysis • Special seismic requirements of ACI 318 are implemented
• Consideration of prescriptive and strength specifications Output and Drawings
for reinforcing design including spacing, bar cover, and • Base plan and column schedule DXF output
reinforcement ratios
• Detailed and concise summary design output
• Automatic reinforcing selection for multiple bar layouts
• Reinforcing and material takeoff reports
for shear, axial, and bending
• Floor plan and beam schedule DXF output including
• Fully interactive design and revision of reinforcing layouts
for longitudinal and transverse reinforcement
Complete 3D model for analysis and design The intermediate and special moment frame requirements of
ACI 318, Chapter 21 are implemented in RAM Concrete.
© 2015 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley, the “B” Bentley logo, and RAM are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems,
Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. BAA014900-1/0002