Crim 108 Reviewer

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Arbitration • Institutional Mediation

ADR Act of 2004 defined this as the • Court-Annexed Mediation

voluntary resolution of dispute in which one or
• Court-Referred Mediation
more arbitrators are appointed by the parties
• Certified Mediator
• Mediation Party
Adjustment of dispute in a friendly, not
in an antagonistic manner • Mediator
Mediation • Non-Party Participant
A neutral party facilitates the Mediator
communication and negotiation
the parties have the freedom to select
Early Neutral Evaluation their mediators.
Parties and their lawyer and their Replacement of Mediator
lawyers are brought together to present
summaries of their case and received a non If the mediator selected in unable to act
binding assessment by an experienced neutral as such for any reason, the parties may, upon
person with expertise in the subject or in being informed of such fact, select another
substance of the dispute. mediator.

Mini-trial Refusal or Withdrawal of Mediator

Structured dispute resolution method in A mediator may refuse from acting as

which the merits of a case are argued before such, withdraw or may be compelled to
makers with or without the presence of neutral withdraw, from the mediation proceedings
third person after which party seek a negotiated under the following circumstances.
settlement Qualities of a Good Mediator
Mediation-Arbitration - Active listening skills
A dispute resolution process involving - Questioning and clarifying skills
both mediation and arbitration
- Emotional intelligence
Sources of Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Summarizing skills
◦ Domestic Laws and Rules
- Empathy
◦ Acts of the Executive Branch
- Integrity
◦ Decisions of the Supreme Court
- Patience
◦ International Laws
◦ General Principles of Law and Equity
mediator shall not make untruthful or
Terms to Define exaggerated claims
• Ad Hoc Mediation
International Arbitration

An arbitration where the parties

to an arbitration agreement have, at the
time of the conclusion of that
agreement, their places of business in
different states or one of the following
places situated outside the Philippines
in which the parties have their places of

Domestic Arbitration

Arbitration that is not


Terms to consider

◦ Ad hoc Arbitration

◦ Appointing authority in Ad hoc


◦ Appointing Authority Guidelines

◦ Arbitral Tribunal

◦ Claimant

◦ Institutional arbitration

◦ Request for Appointment

◦ Representative

◦ Respondent

◦ Written Communication

Form and Contents of Award

◦ In writing and signed by arbitrators

Termination of Proceedings

◦ The arbitral proceedings are terminated

by the final award or by an order of the
arbitral tribunal

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