Solutions Manual Chemical Reactions Teacher Editable
Solutions Manual Chemical Reactions Teacher Editable
Solutions Manual Chemical Reactions Teacher Editable
Practice Problems
pages 291–292
Properties of Halogens
Atomic Ionic
Radius Energy Electronegati-
Halogen (ppm) (kJ/mol) vity
Fluorine 72 1681 3.98
Chlorine 100 1251 3.16 2. Describe any periodic trends that you identify in the
Bromine 114 1140 2.96
With increasing atomic number, atomic radius
Iodine 133 1008 2.66 increases, ionization energy decreases, and
electronegativity decreases.
Astatine 140 920 2.2
3. Relate any periodic trends that you identify among the
1. Make graphs Use the information in the data table halogens to the activity series of halogens shown in
to make three line graphs. Figure 13.
Student graphs should accurately reflect the data These trends correlate with the decrease in
in the table. reactivity down the period.
4. Predict the location of the element astatine in the
activity series of halogens. Explain your answer.
Astatine is a group 17 element and follows the
trends described for the halogens. Therefore, it
would be at the bottom of the activity series on the
basis of its periodic trends.
Practice Problems
pages 295–297