the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Pietro Simeoni
May 2021
In primis, I would like to thank my defense committee members Gianluca Piazza, Maysam
Chamanzar, Tamal Mukherjee, and Matteo Rinaldi for their valuable feedback and insights
on the work presented in this thesis. In particular, I would like to thank my advisor Gianluca
for his guidance over the last 4 years. Looking back at the progress made since I started I
Secondly, a big thank you to my family back in Italy. I have been fortunate enough to
have two parents that supported me in the path I chose, even when it meant being far from
home for most of my adult life. Successfully completing this program is an achievement that
A thanks goes to the amazing friends and colleagues that helped me in small and big ways
would be able to complete my Ph.D. A special mention goes to the "pasta club". Antonis,
Marina, Luca, and Gabri, thanks for the precious memories of my years in Pittsburgh.
An equally important thanks goes my colleagues and friends Gabriel, Zach, and James.
Besides the invaluable help you gave me to complete my thesis, our 5 pm discussions definitely
made me a better person. Our conversations kept me sharp, challenged my believes, gave
Thank you to all my friends that were on this journey with me including Harlin, Ayaz,
Finally, I would like to acknowledge the sources of funding that made my work possible.
This includes the Carnegie Mellon Electrical and Computer Engineering Department for
supporting my first year and the DARPA SHIELD and NZERO programs for supporting me
during my second and fourth year. I would like to thank Marsha and Philip Dowd for pro-
viding financial support during my third year through the 2019 Dowd Graduate Fellowship.
I am honored to be a Dowd fellow and I am immensely grateful to them for believing in the
Pietro Simeoni
Carnegie Mellon University
February 2021
The landscape of connected devices has both grown in size and changed in nature in the
last few decades. When the internet came along, it represented a first wave of connectivity
form factors such as laptops and more recently smartphones, the need for connectivity was
extended to this class of devices. This second wave was wireless in nature, and came with the
additional constraint of lower power consumption as these devices are powered by batteries.
We are now going through a third wave of connectivity, where everyday appliances and sensor
nodes distributed in the environment are equipped with the ability to remotely receive and
report back information. This third wave is commonly referred to as the internet of things
(IoT), and as it rolls out, the constraints on form-factor and power consumption become
Because of the high density of wireless nodes, radio frequency bands are becoming a
scarce resource and they constitute yet another constraint to account for during the system
design. The number of wireless nodes is increasing exponentially and we expect to have a
trillion sensors deployed by the year 2030. To make the deployment of a trillion sensors
feasible, these nodes must be small and function on limited power budgets. For a subset of
IoT applications, a network of sensors would need to be installed in a localized area, where
the required communication range is less than 10 m and where a central hub can orchestrate
For such applications, ultrasound between 40 kHz and 100 kHz becomes an attractive
candidate to overcome several of the constraints outlined above. This frequency range offers
two important advantages: 1) The acoustic waves attenuation is low and permits communica-
tion over several meters (loss < 3 dB/m). 2) The node electronics can operate at extremely
low power, potentially extending its lifetime to several years while drawing power from a
miniaturized battery.
If ultrasound is used in place of RF waves, we must replace the node antenna with an
ultrasound transducer. In this work we introduce a novel ultrasound sensor that we dub
the piezoelectric nano-scale ultrasound transducer (pNUT). The pNUTs are characterized
by piezoelectric films that are only 100 nm thick and by a footprint that is 1 to 2 orders of
magnitude smaller than the state of the art, while showing similar performance. A model
for the scaling of ultrasound transducers is presented to offer guidelines for the design of
The WuRx presents a communication range of several meters, confirming the feasibility of
ACKNOWLEDGMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Ultrasound Transducers and State of the Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Overview of the pNUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 Motivation and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 pNUTs Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.1 pNUTs Fabrication Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.2 Fabrication Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.2.1 Device Geometry Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.2.2 Bottom Metal Lift-off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2.3 Aluminum Nitride Etch Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5 Devices Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.1 Tx Sensitivity Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.1.1 Equivalent Parameters Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.1.2 Measurements at Low Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.1.3 Arrays Tx Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.2 Rx Sensitivity Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.2.1 Rx Sensitivity Angular Dependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.2.2 Single Devices Rx Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.3 Arrays Rx Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
2.1 Units of components and variables of the equivalent circuit in the acoustic,
4.1 Parameters used in the single cell pNUT used to build the arrays model. . . 53
NF refer to the devices with and without the floating metal respectively. The
value of Cel has been measured separately with precision impedance analyzer. 69
5.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.1 Data comparing ultrasound WuRx from literature and the WuRx presented
1.1 The evolution of computers. This is a qualitative illustration of how the nature
of computing platforms changed in size and nature over the last several decades. 2
1.2 Relation between wavelength and frequency for RF and US, and power con-
1.3 Depiction of the two most common typologies of MEMS ultrasound transduc-
1.5 Left: Main resonance mode of 4-beams pNUT. Right: SEM images of early
1.6 Application scenarios for distributed sensing tags equipped with ultrasound
receivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Delay line analogy for acoustic waves propagating from Tx to pNUT. . . . . 14
2.3 Acoustic pressure generated by an ideal isotropic hemispherical Tx with a
radius of 10 cm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.5 Acoustic parameters values when scaling up the thickness and area of the
pNUT. The starting point is a device with 300 nm thickness and an area of
practice, and the plots are only meant to illustrate the equivalent parameters
dependence on geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.6 Dependence of Keq , Meq , and η on thickness and area scaling. Keq and Meq
both scale quadratically with the geometrical parameters, indicating that the
scaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.7 Equivalent circuit model of the pNUT once we move all components over to
present, which allows us to remove Ccavity and Rholes from the circuit. . . . . 23
2.9 Comparison between the scaling of the measured pNUT acoustic resistance
2.10 Complete equivalent circuit model when the transducers operate at resonance. 30
2.11 Value of the theoretical open-circuit Rx sensitivity vs. Γ for the reference
pNUT and pMUT. Both devices have a resonance of 50kHz and an area of
2.12 a) Values of Γ expected over a range of device lateral dimensions and frequen-
and with the analytical model. Right: Tx sensitivity of the same cantilevers.
In both cases the analytical model agrees well with the results observed in
COMSOL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
COMSOL. b) Comparison between the device beams mode shape and mode
COMSOL and in the analytical model. Right: The same comparison for the
model and COMSOL is resolved once we use the COMSOL mode shape in
the analytical model. This highlights the role of the central plate in stiffening
2.16 First resonance mode of a device including a 15 µm undercut from the release
process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.18 Normalized electrode mode shapes when no undercut and when a 25 µm under-
cut is present. The figure illustrates how relaxing the fully clamped boundary
condition affects the electrodes mode shape and the transduction coefficient η 38
Beams 200nm thick pNUT. The devices dimensions are selected to have an
3.1 Fabrication process of the pNUTs: 1) Bottom Pt lift-off, 2) AlN deposition
layer and 1 GPa in the top Pt layer. b) SEM picture of a fabricated device. . 42
3.3 Example of broken devices from early pNUTs prototypes. a): Device with a
how the influence of the stress gradient is reduced along the direction of the
segmentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4 Comparison between the first pNUTs prototypes (a) and latest version (b)
layouts. We moved to the 4-beams anchor topology due to the high sensitivity
compared to the bottom electrode, and the bottom metal was eliminated from
3.5 a) Example of effect of lift-off wings in the bottom metal on the devices release.
b) Close-up view of the floating metal. both on the top and bottom metal it
3.7 Alternative process to solve the issue the slots not etching. 1) Bottom metal
lift-off. 2) AlN sputtering. 3) Top metal lift-off. 4) Ion mill to open the slots.
5) CD26 etch to open the vias. 6) Thin metal lift-off to connect the vias. 7)
4.1 Three pNUTs arrays connection options. From left, connection in parallel,
4.2 Equivalent circuit model used in ADS to represent a single pNUT within an
array. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.3 Open circuit frequency response of the single pNUT equivalent circuit used
4.6 Parallel arrays Sensitivity at resonance (50 kHz) and capacitance vs. total area. 56
4.8 Series arrays Sensitivity at resonance (50 kHz) and capacitance vs. total area. 59
4.10 SP arrays Sensitivity at resonance (50 kHz) and capacitance vs. total area. . 62
5.1 SEM images of the four measured devices. a) Individual device with floating
5.3 Measured individual pNUTs Tx sensitivity along with the fitted curves. . . . 70
5.7 Comparison between the undercut profiles of the individual pNUT and the
2x2 SP array. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.8 Setup used to measure the Rx mode angular sensitivity of the pNUTs. . . . . 79
5.9 Normalized angular Rx sensitivity of the 2X2 SP pNUT array. The slightly
lower response at 15o and 165o angles is likely due to the VA wires on the side
of the chip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.10 Devices measured Rx sensitivity and extracted Rx sensitivity using the pa-
5.11 Open-circuit Rx sensitivity of the NF single pNUT and the two arrays. . . . 84
the NF devices with respect to the total area. This measurement confirms the
6.2 Layout of the PCB designed to demonstrate the concept. The red and green
traces represent the top and bottom layers of the PCB respectively. . . . . . 88
6.3 Circuit Schematic of a single stage of the VA. The resistor Rbias is needed to
provide a path to ground to the base current of the bipolar transistor at the
non-inverting terminal and correctly bias the circuit. The coupling capacitor
filters out low-frequency components from the input of the next stage. . . . . 90
6.4 Gain of the VA with 1, 2, 3, and 4 active stages. It is possible to see that the
first stage is characterized by a pole close to 100 kHz that compensates for
the decline of the gain set by the nominal GBW product. This effect slightly
increase the gain, from 1300 to 1800, between 40 and 80 kHz when all 4 stages
are active. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.7 Picture of the wirebonded chip mounted on the PCB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6.8 Experimental setup to test the complete WuRx system. The Tx generates the
ultrasound, which is picked up on the other side of the room by the WuRx.
During the measurement, two scopes are connected to the system: the UHFLI
scope is used to monitor both the VA output and the incident acoustic pressure
levels, while a separate oscilloscope is used to monitor the digital signal at the
6.9 Data collected during the WuRx demonstration. The plots show the mea-
sured MDP and communication range of the WuRx system for the 4 devices
characterized in Chapter 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
6.10 Extrapolated MDP and range for the demonstrated WuRx system vs. trans-
ducer area. The MDP and range are obtained by assuming an ultrasound
source as the one described in Fig. 2.3, and that the Tx and transducers are
frequency-matched. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
6.11 System range vs. transducer area plot. Comparison between ultrasound WuRx.101
6.12 Example of the cMOS rectifier gain curve used in [13]. . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.13 Comparison of RF and US WuRx FoM with respect to system area. The data
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
The landscape of connected devices has both grown in size and changed in nature in the last
few decades. When the internet came along in 1982, there were much fewer nodes mainly
law unfolded, the number of operations a computer could perform per unit of energy grew
exponentially, which led to a differentiation in the type of devices that were commercially
available. Desktop computers improved in performance, and laptop computers were born
thanks to the increase in efficiency that allowed them to operate on a battery power supply
and within reasonable form factors. This trend continued, and combined with advances in
radio frequency (RF) front ends, sensors miniaturization, and battery chemistry, it produced
a several consumer-electronic products such as cellphones first, smartphones after them, and
a variety of devices like smartwatches, earbuds, home pods etc. As a hobbyist, it is possible
to inexpensively purchase small micro-controller boards equipped with wifi and bluetooth
there are a lot of parallel research efforts to miniaturize these wireless modules and ensure
bio-compatibility to implant them in human bodies, where they can monitor a variety of
health related variables [1][2]. The exponential growth of nodes connected to the network,
and the breadth of form and scope of these nodes is referred to as the Internet of Things
(IoT) [3].
The advancements in integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing described above enable the
design of extremely miniaturized computing platforms (Fig.1.1) that can accommodate suf-
ficient processing, memory, and sensing in just a few square millimeters area.
These nodes are meant to record a variety of variables from the environment around
them, and report them back to a central hub (star network configuration). The nodes are
set to implement different functions that can go from machinery temperature monitoring, to
indoor position tracking for items in a warehouse, to air quality control in traffic intersections.
Because of the general purpose of these sensing nodes, they are meant to be deployed in high
numbers to collect abundant information from their surroundings. In order to make the
deployment of a high number of these nodes feasible, three requirements must be satisfied.
The nodes must:
• Be small
• Secure privacy
The privacy issue is outside the scope of this thesis. We will instead focus on the chal-
lenges related to miniaturization and power consumption. The power consumption issue is a
direct consequence of making these nodes wireless, which is necessary due to the distributed
nature of these sensor networks. If we are using RF to communicate wirelessly with the
need to have lateral dimensions comparable to the wavelength of operation. In contrast, the
electronics interfacing the antenna would benefit to operate at lower frequency (i.e. larger
exists in making a wireless node that is simultaneously small and power efficient. Since the
relationship between wavelength and frequency is set by the propagation speed of the wave,
this thesis explores the possibility of taking advantage of the lower propagation speed of
airborne acoustic waves to build a small receiver that operates on a limited power budget.
millimeters-long wavelengths, while presenting relatively low attenuation in air (< 3dB/m)
[4]. This guarantees a communication range of 5 to 10 meters, making the approach attractive
antenna with an ultrasound transducer. There are two types of transducers commonly used
Figure 1.2 Relation between wavelength and frequency for RF and US, and power
consumption of the interfacing electronics.
cMUTs are parallel plate capacitors separated by an air gap. The top plate is only an-
chored laterally and is therefore free to bend when an external pressure is applied. As the
plate moves, the value of the capacitance between the two plates changes accordingly. To
measure a net current flow resulting from the displacement, we need to apply a polarization
voltage between the two plates. This requirement implies that cMUTs transduction mecha-
nism is inherently not passive, and therefore not suitable for the low-power applications we
are targeting. pMUTs consist of multi-layer suspended plates with at least one layer made
of a piezoelectric ceramic. As an external pressure bends the plate, the direct piezoelectric
Figure 1.3 Depiction of the two most common typologies of MEMS ultrasound
transducers: cMUTs (left) and pMUTs (right).
effect converts the resulting in-plane strains into a charge polarization. The other layers
in the stack serve two purposes. First, you have metal layers to form the electrodes that
pick up and route the electrical signal, secondly you have an elastic layer responsible for
shifting the neutral plane (zero-strain plane) away from the center of the piezoelectric layer.
Moving the neutral plane is necessary to generate a net polarization across the piezoelectric
thickness and detect a non-zero electrical output. Because the piezoelectric effect is a passive
transduction mechanism, pMUTs are the device of choice for this thesis.
It is then interesting to see how ultrasound transducers, and pMUTs in particular, oper-
ating in the 40-100 kHz band evolved over time. From Fig. 1.4, we can see how advances in
micro-fabrication and thin films deposition lead to a reduction in pMUTs lateral dimensions
This reduction was enabled by thinning down the thickness of the piezoelectric layers
from millimeters down to the µm range without degrading the piezoelectric properties of the
films. The focus of this thesis is to explore the next phase of pMUTs miniaturization. The
objective is using AlN films with thicknesses of only 100-200 nm to deliver an ultrasound
transducer that resonates in the 40 - 100 kHz frequency range, while occupying a footprint
Figure 1.4 Evolution of ultrasound transducers. As piezoelectric thin films syn-
thesis improved, thinner piezoelectric layers enabled the fabrication of smaller low-
frequency transducers. [5][6][7].
of approximately 100 µm x 100 µm, and without losing in performance with respect to its
larger counterparts.
• If the design of the node is constrained by the available area, it is now possible to
• If the design is not constrained by the available area, smaller transducers can be arrayed
together to occupy a larger area, and increase the system sensitivity and range
In the next chapters we will explore the advantages and limitations of thickness scaling as
an approach for miniaturization. We will see that traditional geometries are not suitable for
extremely thin films, and that significant design changes need to be made to build functional
devices. Because of the important design changes developed in this work, we consider these
devices as a separate class from traditional pMUTs, and throughout this document we will
1.3 Overview of the pNUT
In this section, we take a high-level look at how the pNUT is designed. The motivation
behind the important design changes outlined below is related to the role played by residual
stress in high-aspect ratio flexural resonators. If we tried to scale down the thickness of
a classic circular pMUT, we will find that either its resonance frequency is dramatically
different than the one predicted by its geometry and material properties, or simply that the
device is broken. In both cases, we have that the residual stress in the films used to build the
device introduces a very large tension in the plate. Because of the geometry and boundary
conditions of pMUTs, this tension cannot be relaxed, leading either to a significant change
in the plate stiffness or to mechanical failure. More details on this are presented in Chapter
central plate. Like traditional circular pMUTs, the device is composed by a laminate com-
prising a piezoelectric and an elastic layer. As the ultrasound waves reach the device surface,
the central plate is displaced vertically, forcing the 4 beams to bend. As bending moment is
developed in the beams, the piezoelectric effect converts the acoustic energy into an electrical
signal that can be read out by an electronic circuit. The deformation mode of the transducer
From the image we show that the stack is composed by an aluminum nitride piezoelectric
layer of approximately 100 nm thickness, sandwiched between two platinum layers with
thicknesses of around 10 nm and 200 nm. In fact, because of the aggressive scaling in the
piezoelectric layer, we show that the electrodes themselves can play the role of the elastic
layer. The different thickness between top and bottom electrodes is then required to obtain
a net shift in the neutral plane away from the center of the piezoelectric layer. On the
right side of Fig 1.5. we present SEMs images of the early prototypes of the devices that
motivated the research presented in this thesis. We can see that the top metal is patterned
Figure 1.5 Left: Main resonance mode of 4-beams pNUT. Right: SEM images of
early prototypes of the devices.
on the central plate as well. While the details of the design and fabrication process will
be presented in chapter 3, we highlight that only the electrodes on the beams anchors are
required to have a functioning devices, and that the metal patterned on the rest of the
device surface is there to help maintaining the resonance frequency in the desired range by
mass loading the device. In the next section, we comment on some application scenarios
for the pNUTs. An analytical model of the pNUT -along with its limits- is presented in
Chapter 2. The fabrication process, challenges, and recommendations for future fabrications
are presented in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 comments on how to model pNUTs when they are
combined in an array. Finally we show experimental data in Chapter 5 and 6, where we talk
about the experimental setups to characterize the devices and show a demonstration of a
1.4 Motivation and Applications
As mentioned above, the applications for distributed nodes networks that could benefit from
an ultrasound wake-up receiver (WuRx) are numerous. Typically, use-case scenarios include,
but are not limited to, any indoor settings (Fig. 1.6).
Figure 1.6 Application scenarios for distributed sensing tags equipped with ultra-
sound receivers.
Possible settings that are characterized by a wealth of information that can be gath-
ered through sensors networks are factory floors, warehouses, and healthcare facilities. The
example of what a factory floor populated with distributed sensors is shown in Fig. 1.7.
A functional network is made by two types of objects, a transmitter (Tx) that represents
the central hub of the network, and a receiver (Rx), which in this case is embedded in the
sensing tags distributed across the monitored space. The job of the Tx is to orchestrate the
information recovery from the tags. To do that, it sends out a key that is picked up by the
it ideal to build a WuRx. WuRxs are useful whenever you have a duty-cycled system that
needs to be active infrequently (e.g. once every hour) and for short amounts of time. When
this conditions are met, the system can be left asleep for most of its lifetime, therefore saving
Figure 1.7 Factory floor with a distributed network of sensors.
power. At the same time, the WuRx is always on while operating on extremely low power
budgets, and it brings the main system back to life whenever a specific signature is detected.
These type of systems have gathered increasing interest in recent years as industrial and
military IoT technology is rolled out, and more computing moves further to the edges of
the network. At the edges, access to the power grid is often not an option and despite the
less demanding nature of the computations, energy remains a scarce resource. The recent
DARPA program NZERO [8][9] is an example of such need. The program produced several
systems tackling the problem in different and creative ways such as those described in [10]
[11] [12]. An example of a WuRx that uses ultrasound can be found in [13].
Another application of interest is the use of ultrasound sensors for indoor navigation. No-
toriously, GPS does not work in indoor spaces, as the frequency bands used by the satellites
are blocked by buildings walls. Interest in the field is highlighted by competitions organized
by Microsoft [14], where our colleagues at Carnegie Mellon ranked 6th worldwide with their
taining high sensitivity would simplify the integration with ICs and enable mass production
Finally, using the acoustic waves themselves to remotely transfer power to small tags is
another area that is being explored [4]. Miniaturizing the transducers and creating arrays
to cover larger areas would offer better coupling to the acoustic waves than a single large
transducer, thus increasing the power conversion efficiency per unit area. This would effec-
tively create zero-power tags that can be turned on remotely when necessary. An example
Chapter 2
In this chapter we model and study the dynamics of piezoelectric Nanomachined Ultrasonic
Transducer (pNUT). We treat them as flexural resonators operating in the linear regime. An
equivalent circuit model is used to describe the frequency behavior of the devices, similarly
to what has been previously done for microscale devices [16] [17]. Notice that in the 40 - 100
kHz frequency range, airborne acoustic waves have wavelengths between 8.5 and 3.5 mm, 1
to 2 orders of magnitude larger than the pNUTs lateral dimensions. It is then appropriate
to model the devices as lumped-element circuits. We will also point out in what specific
circumstances the pNUT model deviates from more classical microscale counterparts.
The complete equivalent circuit for an ultrasound transducer operating in receive (Rx) mode
The circuit is divided in three sections, each representing a distinct physics domain:
acoustic, mechanical, and electrical. Variables in the separate domains relate to each other
through proportionality factors described by transformer elements. Table 2.1 shows the
Figure 2.1 Lumped equivalent circuit of a pNUT.
Table 2.1 Units of components and variables of the equivalent circuit in the acoustic,
mechanical, and electrical domain
Resistor Ns
Capacitor N
Inductor kg
kg H
Voltage Pa N V
Current s
We proceed to describe each domain and derive analytical expressions for the elements
The propagation of acoustic waves from the ultrasound source (Tx) to the pNUT takes
place over several wavelengths. Therefore, while the frequency response of the device can
be modeled as a lumped equivalent circuit, the energy that is transferred from the airborne
incident wave to the device depends on the impedance matching between the medium and
the pNUT. To illustrate this concept, we can draw intuition from delay line theory. In a
delay line, the level of matching is typically quantified by the Γ factor [18]:
ZL − Z0
Γ= (2.1)
ZL + Z0
with amplitude ΓP + is generated. The net amplitude of the wave at the location of ZL is
In our case, assuming line-of-sight communication, the equivalent delay line is represented
by the channel formed by projecting the pNUT area on the source as shown in Fig. 2.2.
Figure 2.2 Delay line analogy for acoustic waves propagating from Tx to pNUT.
Z0 is the characteristic acoustic impedance, and its value is set by the properties of the
medium and by the channel cross-sectional area, which is the transducer total area A:
ρair cair
Z0 = (2.2)
where ρair is the air density and cair is the sound velocity in air. ZL is equal to the
impedance ZpN U T , the impedance seen from the acoustic input of the equivalent circuit
Given the small cross-sectional area of the channel, we approximate the pressure wave
in it as a plane wave. As the wave travels the distance between the Tx and the pNUT, its
• Spreading losses. As the wavefront total surface increases, the intensity, measured in
W/m2 decreases with the inverse of r2 , where r is the distance from the Tx.
• Viscous losses. This loss results from heat dissipation as the wave compresses and
releases the medium molecules. This loss is approximately 1 - 2.5 dB/m in in the 40 -
Accounting for these two loss mechanisms, the acoustic pressure amplitude as the wave
rT x
Pin = (1 + Γ)γPT x e−αr . (2.3)
In equation 2.3, γ is a coefficient that accounts for the directivity of the Tx, PT x is the
pressure at the Tx, r is the distance between the Tx and the pNUT, α is a coefficient that
accounts for viscous losses, and rT x is the radius of the Tx itself. We can get a first order
idea of the pressure amplitudes we can generate at a given distance by plotting the pressure
generated by an ideal isotropic (γ = 1) hemispherical Tx with a radius of 10 cm. Assuming
a maximum initial pressure of 350 Pa as mandated by current regulations [4] we can see in
Fig. 2.3 the generated pressure over distance for a signal at 40 kHz and 100 kHz.
For a given distance, we can then obtain the acoustic pressure present on the transducers
The acoustic domain is characterized by three main components: the capacitor Ccavity , the
resistor Rholes , and transducer radiation impedance (Zrad ). We now describe the nature of
Ccavity represents the effect of the hollow volume behind the transducer. At rest, the
acoustic pressure on the backside of the device is equal to zero. When the suspended plate
moves vertically, for example when electrically actuated or excited by an incident acoustic
wave, a small change in the volume of the back-cavity takes place. As a result, the pressure
in the cavity shifts away from atmospheric pressure in proportion to the relative change of
the volume [19]. Therefore, the back-cavity behaves as a spring element that opposes the
Ccavity = (2.4)
ρair c2air
Figure 2.4 Rendering of the transducer portions modeled by Ccavity and Rholes .
The device geometry is generated by etching slots through the AlN layer. This creates
a path for pressure equalization between the top and bottom side of the device. This effect
is represented by the equivalent resistor Rholes . Estimating the value of this component
analytically is not easy; when the device is released, it bends out of plane because of the
stress-gradients across the films stack thickness, complicating the geometry of the slots.
However, an upper bound on the value of Rholes can be obtained by modeling the slots as a
12tslot µair
Rholes = 3
lslot wslot
The final element in the acoustic domain is the radiation impedance Zrad . This is a
complex impedance that represents the energy transferred to the medium surrounding the
transducer in the form of radiated acoustic waves. This means that, in the equivalent circuit,
the energy dissipated by the real part of Zrad is not actually lost, but rather radiated away.
A good radiator has the value of Re{Zrad } as close as possible to the air acoustic impedance
Z0 . The imaginary part of Zrad models the portion acoustic energy that is transferred back
and forth between the medium and the transducer through the inertia of the mass of the
medium. In a denser medium, like water, the effect can be quite important, and Im{Zrad }
can significantly shift the resonance frequency of the transducer. Generating an analytical
formulation of Zrad is not easy and often not possible. Generally, for a flexural transducer
the value of Zrad is approximated by the one of a piston in an infinite baffle. The piston is
characterized by an effective radius aef f , which in our case is given by Aef f /π.
The expression of Zrad of the equivalent piston in air, measured in N s/m5 , is given by:
where J1 is the first order Bessel function of the first kind, and S1 is the first order Struve
In the next sections, we will show that as long as the plate thickness and area are scaled
together, in the electrical domain the reactive parameters of the pNUT -and of flexural
resonators in general- remain constant. However, the same scaling dependence does not hold
for the parameters in the acoustic domain. The dependence of these parameters with respect
Figure 2.5 Acoustic parameters values when scaling up the thickness and area of
the pNUT. The starting point is a device with 300 nm thickness and an area of 100
µm X 100 µm. To estimate Zrad , we assume a frequency of 50 kHz. We notice that
scaling up the total thickness to 3 cm would not be feasible in practice, and the plots
are only meant to illustrate the equivalent parameters dependence on geometry.
From the figures, we see that for a small radiator as the case of the pNUT, there is a
large mismatch between the radiation impedance and the acoustic impedance of air Z0 . As
the device dimensions are increased, they get closer to the acoustic wavelength at 50 kHz (
the reference frequency used to generate the plots in Fig. 2.5), and the real part of Zrad ends
the mass of the transducer at all frequencies because of the small mass density of air, ends
up converging to zero as the device is scaled up. When the device operates at resonance,
its equivalent circuit looks purely resistive. If Re(Zrad ) was the only resistive component
when the device is 300 nm thick, we would observe very high quality factors and a great
mismatch with the impedance of air Z0 . As shown in Fig. 2.12, and experimentally in
Chapters 5 and 6, the pNUTs present values of quality factors similar to those reported for
much larger pMUTs operating at similar frequencies. The reason is that the way Zrad is
calculated does not take into account the viscosity of the medium ([20]), which is the main
energy loss mechanism for highly scaled micro-structures [21][22].
As mentioned above, the value of Rholes represents an upper bound on the range of
possible values. For Ccavity we assume that the undercut necessary to release the devices
remains constant across the scaled geometries at 30 µm. This means that the depth of the
back-cavity stays constant, and the total volume is increased only by the area scaling up with
the total thickness of the film stack. For both Ccavity and Rholes , higher values are desirable.
Because the value of Ccavity is only 3e − 18 mN for the 300 nm thickness case, the device
response to ultrasound will be considerably stiffened, reducing the sensitivity and shifting
the resonance frequency above the target range of 30-100 kHz. As explained in Chapter 3,
this issue is solved by adding a back-etch step to the fabrication process to open the cavity.
For simplicity, and within the limits of the lumped equivalent circuit model, opening the
cavity (i.e. the value of Ccavity goes to infinity) we remove Rholes from the equivalent circuit
since its presence would not affect the electrical response of the pNUT.
We now look at the variables that govern the frequency response dictated by geometrical
and material properties. We derive the equations for a 4-Beams pNUT, and show that the
values of the reactive parameters are preserved when thickness and area of the devices are
scaled simultaneously.
Due to the large number of variables in the following equations, the variables description
can be found in the nomenclature section, along with the variables used throughout the
The lumped equivalent model of the 4-beam pNUT can be thought of as 4 parallel springs
connected to a common central mass. The value of the individual springs is here approxi-
mated as the one of a beam with clamped-free boundary conditions (i.e. a cantilever).
Since we are dealing with a laminate beam, the first step of the derivation is to obtain the
flexural rigidity D and the effective surface µef f mass density of the stack. The expressions
for these two quantities can be found in [23]. Since we are approximating the beams as
YCF (x) = 1 − cos( ) (2.7)
where x is the normalized coordinate along the length of the beam. From the mode
Z 1
Meq = 4µef f Wb Lb YCF (x)2 dx + µef f (Lb − Wb )2 (2.8)
1 2
d2 YCF (x)
Keq = 4 3 dx (2.9)
Lb 0 dx2
d2 YCF (x)
η = 4e31,ef f (zn − zpiezo ) dx (2.10)
2Lb xel dx2
Meq is an inertial term that measure the device ability to store kinetic energy. Similarly
Keq represents the pNUT ability to store potential energy when the beams are deformed.
Together, Meq and Keq define the dynamics of a 1-dimensional second order system that
matches the displacement experienced at the tip of the beams and over the central plate.
The role of η is to provide a proportionality factor to link the displacement set by the
mechanical parameters with the voltage produced across the electrodes through the inverse
piezoelectric effect. The value used to model e31,ef f for AlN is −0.75C/m2 ([25] pp.442).
In the 4-beams pNUT geometry, for a given A, the values of Lb and Wb are not inde-
pendent since once we fix the length of a beam the width will automatically occupy the
remaining portion of the device side. For example, in a 100 µm x 100 µm pNUT, if we fix
the beam length to be 70 µm, the width will automatically be set to be approximately 30 µm
(as we want to keep the holes between beams to a minimum). Once we fix the value of A and
the relative length of the beams we can see that both Lb and Wb scale with A. Therefore,
we can extract how the parameters derived above vary as we scale the device thickness and
Figure 2.6 Dependence of Keq , Meq , and η on thickness and area scaling. Keq
and Meq both scale quadratically with the geometrical parameters, indicating that
the resonance frequency remains constant. η increases linearly with the resonator
We see that as we scale down thickness and area, the value of η decreases proportionally.
This is because of η dependence on the distance between the center of the piezoelectric
layer and the laminate neutral axis. This quantity is represented by (zn − zpiezo ), and is
proportional to the total stack thickness. As shown in the next section, the fact that η
decreases with scaling does not reduce the out-of-resonance sensitivity of the devices, as it
results in the equivalent circuit reactive parameters to remain constant once moved over to
the electrical domain. In other words, the dependence of Meq , Keq , and η on the total stack
thickness cancels out when we move all parameters in the electrical domain.
Cel = 0 r (2.11)
Starting from the equations derived above we can obtain an expression of the components
in the acoustic and mechanical domain once they are moved over to the the electrical domain,
allowing us to describe the behaviour of the system purely in terms of electrical quantities.
Figure 2.7 Equivalent circuit model of the pNUT once we move all components
over to the electrical domain. In this model we are assuming an open back-cavity is
present, which allows us to remove Ccavity and Rholes from the circuit.
To move elements from one domain to another we use the following relations:
M η2
L = 2, C= (2.12)
η K
Therefore, the proportionality relation of the components in the electrical equivalent
η ∝ t, Aef f ∝ A (2.13)
Aef f A
VP in = Pin ∝ (2.14)
η t
Meq tA A
Lm = 2
∝ 2 = (2.15)
η t t
η2 At2 A
Cm = ∝ 3 = (2.16)
Keq t t
Cel ∝ (2.17)
f0 ∝ (2.18)
1 Lm
Rm = (2.19)
Qair Cm
From these proportionality relations it is possible to see that as long as area and thickness
of the device are scaled together, the out-of-resonance frequency response governed by the
structural parameters of the device remains constant. At resonance, the circuit is purely
resistive and the response is set by Rm . Since Cm and Lm remain constant with scaling, the
value of Rm is determined by the quality factor in air Qair . The role played by Qair and how
scaling affects its value will be discussed in the next section. Notice that the relations hold
for both the circular diaphragm [16] and 4-beam pNUT geometries, and are applicable to
As discussed in [26], the first step to observe this scaling trend in literature consists in
normalizing the reported sensitivities by the quality factor of the main resonance mode.
This normalization accounts for the fact that transducers operating at different frequencies
present significant differences in how air damping affects their response at resonance, there-
fore normalizing for differences in Rm . Next, we observe that most published work presents
the Tx sensitivity of the transducers, measured in nm/V , rather than the Rx sensitivity, as
it is easier to measure. For this reason, we take advantage of the proportionality relations
2.20 and 2.21 to obtain a coefficient that is proportional to the Rx sensitivity starting from
d Feq η At A
T xSensitivity = ∝ ∝ 3 ∝ 2 (2.20)
V Keq Feq t t
Vout Feq A A
RxSensitivity = ∝ ∝ ∝ (2.21)
Pin ηPin η t
the reported Tx sensitivities and multiplying them by the piezoelectric layer thickness. We
finally normalize the coefficient by the transducers area in order to obtain a coefficient that
depends on only one geometrical parameter. Fig. 2.8 shows a survey of AlN pMUTs from
published works, and it is possible to observe the inverse linear dependence of the derived
The works referenced in Fig. 2.8 with the respective data is presented in Table 2.2.
The fact that this trend emerges from literature data serves as a confirmation that the
proportionality relationships outlined above are correct, and are equally valid for classic
pMUTs, pNUTs, and flexural resonators in general.
Figure 2.8 Linear dependence on plates thickness of the derived coefficient propor-
tional to the static Rx sensitivity in works from literature.
In the previous section we showed that all values of the components in the purely electrical
circuit are independent from scaling with the exception of Rm . The dependence of Rm value
on scaling depends on the quality factor of the transducer. In flexural resonators operating in
air, air-damping is typically the main loss-mechanism. As the plates move in the fluid, part
of the energy in the plate is passed to the medium either in form of radiation (represented
by Re(ZRad )), or in the the form of viscous losses. In fact, the expression of the radiation
impedance that was shown in Section 2.1.2 was derived assuming a continuum non-viscous
medium. When making this assumption we can neglect the tangential component of the
Table 2.2 Compiled data used to generate the data in Fig. 2.8
medium velocity. As discussed in [20] (pp. 440), when the medium is considered to be
viscous, the tangential components of the fluid velocity cause a disturbance in the pressure
field, but they do not extend to the far field. In other words, this energy transfer from the
transducer to the medium results in heat dissipation. An overview of various models used
to estimate air damping in cantilever beams that account for the medium viscosity through
the Navier-Stokes equations can be found in [31]. In the derivation presented in the previous
section, the quality factor normalization is applied in order to compare transducers operating
at different frequencies. However, if we fix the operational frequency, the quality factor of an
ultrasound transducer is affected by the mass and geometry of the device as well. Although
the particular geometry of the transducer has an effect on it experiences air-damping, we can
gain insights on the quality factor scaling by looking at the expression of losses in cantilevers,
APatm M
φair ≈ (2.22)
mω RT
in Eq. 2.22, φair = Q−1
air is the loss due to air damping, A is the cantilever area, Patm is the
atmospheric pressure in the gas, m is the total mass, and ω is the frequency of vibration. The
terms under the square root are the gas constant, the gas temperature, and the gas molar
mass (R,T , and M respectively). It is worth noting that this expression does not make a
distinction between the damping resulting from heat dissipation and acoustic radiation. We
can then use this expression to see how the losses we observed experimentally (presented
in Chapter 5) would scale with the geometry. In general, we can expect the impedance of
a radiator to be close the matching condition with the surrounding medium provided the
see that as the transducer dimensions are scaled up using the proportionality dependence of
Eq. 2.22, the pNUT resistance ends up following closely the theoretical value of the radiation
resistance calculated in Section 2.1.2 for a circular piston in an infinite baffle (Fig. 2.9).
increased, there is a transition from a region where viscous losses dominate to a region
where losses are dominated by radiation to the far field, where the device resistance is
dominated by Re(Zrad ). Eq. 2.22 does not distinguish between the two loss mechanisms as
it is derived directly by means of Navier-Stokes equations -which account for the medium
viscosity-, while the derivation of Zrad explicitly neglects the role played by viscous losses.
As shown in Chapter 5, the pNUTs show quality factors between 5 and 10, which are typical
for pMUTs with thicknesses and areas around 10 to 100 times larger.
This points to an interesting design insight. Because of the pNUT use of the Pt electrodes
as elastic layers, as well as having the central plate, the pNUTs are characterized by a much
larger equivalent mass than an equivalently scaled pMUT. In theory, additional material
can be added on the central plate in a separate lithographic step, further increasing the
equivalent mass. From Eq. 2.22 we see that as long as we remain in the desired frequency
range, the mass adjustment can be exploited to reduce the losses to maintain a high quality
Figure 2.9 Comparison between the scaling of the measured pNUT acoustic re-
sistance according to models accounting for viscosity and the theoretical radiation
resistance of a piston with equivalent dimensions.
It is important to notice that the use of the electrodes metal to increase the equivalent
mass of the transducers is feasible only in highly scaled films, in the order of few hundreds
of nm. This is because it is typically impractical to deposit and pattern much thicker metal
The analysis shown at the end of Section 2.1.4 shows that the scaling relations derived for the
now combine these relations with the theory presented in the previous sections to obtain a
complete analysis of the pNUT equivalent circuit response and better understand the impact
When the transducers operate at resonance, their impedance is purely resistive. The
value of the equivalent resistive component quantifies the losses in the resonator, and its
resistance value sets the value of Γ. Therefore, for a fixed area, varying Γ over a range of
values between -1 and +1 is equivalent to varying the losses in the resonator in a range
Figure 2.10 Complete equivalent circuit model when the transducers operate at
For our scaling analysis we select a reference geometry and assign the corresponding
values to Z0 , η, Aef f , and Cel according to the equations derived in the previous sections.
The reference geometry we choose for the pNUT is a 100 µm x 100 µm area with an AlN
thickness of 100 nm and a Pt thickness of 200 nm. This geometry sets the resonance frequency
to 50 kHz. Since we do not know Rm , which is set by the quality factor, we sweep its value
over a range that generates values of Γ ranging from -1 to +1. We can now estimate the Rx
sensitivity by setting P + equal to 1 Pa, and calculating the output voltage with respect to
This procedure can be repeated for larger transducers and it will give us an idea of how
a coefficient that multiplies the area and thickness of the reference geometry. Interestingly,
the only parameter that changes as we vary SF is Z0 , since we know that both the turn
ratio η : Aef f and Cel -as well as the resonance frequency- remain constant with respect to
We can repeat the same analysis for any flexural resonator geometry (assuming it is
possible to overcome some of the issues highlighted in section 2.2 for other geometries). For
example, we can use the equivalent circuit data reported in [33] to generate a pMUT with
a resonance frequency of 50 kHz and an area of 100 µm x 100 µm, and observe how its
Rx sensitivity changes with respect to SF and Γ. More details on this model, including a
MATLAB script to perform the analysis, are presented in Appendix A. The Rx sensitivity
for the reference pNUT and the reference pMUT with respect to scaling is presented in Fig.
Figure 2.11 Value of the theoretical open-circuit Rx sensitivity vs. Γ for the
reference pNUT and pMUT. Both devices have a resonance of 50kHz and an area
of 100 µm x 100 µm when SF = 1.
The first insight that emerges from this analysis is that scaling is detrimental to the Rx
sensitivity regardless of the transducer of choice. This is in agreement with the fact that as
we reduce the transducer area, the total available acoustic energy decreases. In this model
there are two main mechanisms that determine how efficiently we convert the acoustic energy
into an electrical signal across the electrodes. The two mechanisms are the level of matching
between Z0 and Rm and the amount of losses represented by Rm . In Fig. 2.11 we see that,
for the values of SF under consideration, as Γ becomes more negative the Rx sensitivity
does not change significantly, while as it becomes more positive it quickly decreases. In the
first case these two mechanisms compensate for each other, which means that despite the
mismatch between Z0 and Rm increases (Γ is more distant from 0), the losses introduced by
Rm decrease. In the second case these two mechanisms both contribute to waste energy: the
This model offers a straightforward way to compare the performance of different ultra-
sound sensors geometries and topologies. Once we fix the transducer area and its resonance
frequency, all the other properties are automatically set. This includes the layers stack
Figure 2.12 a) Values of Γ expected over a range of device lateral dimensions and
frequencies of operation. b) Comparison between the Rx sensitivities of the reference
pNUT and pMUT as they are scaled.
reference point, and we scale its value according to the theoretical scaling of Qair presented
in Section 2.1.5 (code included in Appendix B). This allows us to define a reasonable interval
of values for Γ. We see that Γ is always larger than -0.4 as we scale up the transducer. We
can also reasonably assume that as the transducer dimensions are increased its impedance at
resonance will match the one of air, corresponding to Γ = 0. Therefore we consider an interval
of values for Γ between -0.4 and 0. Fig. 2.12b shows the corresponding Rx sensitivities in this
Γ interval as we scale the reference pNUT and pMUT. Clearly, the pNUT geometry offers
This property makes the pNUTs ideal for building miniaturized ultrasound receivers, as the
significantly higher performance per unit area compensates for the lower acoustic energy
To verify the analytical model formulated in the previous section, we can check the values of
the first mode resonance frequency and of the equivalent parameters through finite element
analysis (FEA) in COMSOL. The first step is verifying that the analytical models apply to
a single cantilever. We consider a laminate beam formed by an AlN and a Pt layer with
equal thickness. The beam has fixed length of 70 µm and width of 30 µm, while we vary the
thickness of the two layers to observe how its properties scale. In particular, we can observe
the resonance frequency of the beam, which ties the relation between Keq and M eq, and the
static tip displacement per unit voltage, which ties the relationship between Keq and η (for
1 V actuation the displacement is equal to η/Keq ). The comparison between the analytical
model and COMSOL for a single cantilever beam is shown in Fig. 2.13.
Now that we know the analytical model predicts well the parameters for a single beam,
we can move to a complete device. We keep the beams geometry with a width of 30 µm and
length of 70 µm, while we vary the thickness of the layers in the laminate. These are dimen-
sions close to the ones used in the fabricated devices and that will be discussed in Chapter
5. For simplicity, we neglect the bottom electrode, only 20 nm in the fabricated devices, and
Figure 2.13 Left: Resonance frequency of a laminated cantilever simulated in
COMSOL and with the analytical model. Right: Tx sensitivity of the same can-
tilevers. In both cases the analytical model agrees well with the results observed in
assume its absence would not affect dramatically the devices mechanical dynamic response.
The first resonance mode of the device obtained from an eigenfrequency simulation in
We can see that because of the common central plate, the beams are subject to a partial
constraint on the angle they can have at the tip. In Fig. 2.14b we can see the mode shape
obtained directly from COMSOL on the plate side of the beam, and how it compares to the
mode shapes of an ideal cantilever and clamped-guided beam. The mode shape of the real
device is in between the two ideal boundary conditions examples, although closer to that of
a cantilever. By repeating the same analysis as above, we can see in Fig.2.15 (left) that the
resonance frequency of the device observed in COMSOL is higher than the one obtained by
assuming clamped-free boundary conditions on the beams. The analytical model matches
the results obtained through FEA after the COMSOL mode shape is used in the analytical
model. Similar results are shown on the right side of Fig.2.15. The analytical model that
uses the COMSOL mode shape to obtain η and Keq follows closely the static Tx sensitivity
directly observed in COMSOL. On the other hand, the displacement of the pNUT obtained
Figure 2.14 a) Resonance Mode of a device obtained from an eigenfrequency sim-
ulation in COMSOL. b) Comparison between the device beams mode shape and
mode shapes of a cantilever and a clamped-guided beam.
with the cantilever mode shape, being more compliant, is much higher than the one from
During the design phase, the analytical model is a useful tool to quickly establish the
device parameters and get a sense of how those scale as we vary the geometry. However,
as outlined in the next sub-sections, we will see that as more non-idealities are taken into
account, the analysis through FEA becomes inevitable to understand how a real fabricated
The devices fabrication process, presented in Chapter 3, uses an isotropic release step. Be-
cause of this, a certain amount of undercut will always be present, and it measures typically
between 20 µm and 30 µm once the devices are completely released. When accounting for
the effect of the undercut on the device, the COMSOL model must be modified as shown in
Fig. 2.16.
Adding the undercut to the geometry does not change significantly the equivalent mass
Figure 2.15 Left: Comparison between the resonance frequency of a pNUT simu-
lated in COMSOL and in the analytical model. Right: The same comparison for the
static Tx sensitivity. In both cases the discrepancy between the analytical model
and COMSOL is resolved once we use the COMSOL mode shape in the analytical
model. This highlights the role of the central plate in stiffening the device response.
of the device, but it decreases Keq by relaxing the clamped constraint previously imposed
on the anchored side of the beam. This change modifies the beams mode shape around
the clamped region, reducing the amount of bending that occurs. The natural frequency
of the modified structure is shown in Fig. 2.17. The model suggests that a small amount
of undercut is responsible for most of the softening, while expanding the release further
accounts for progressively minor changes in the resonance frequency of the device.
Another important consequence from the presence of the undercut is its effect on the
transduction coefficient η. Just like Keq , the value of η is determined by the amount of
bending that occurs in the beams clamped region (see Eq. 2.9 and 2.10), where the electrodes
are located. Relaxing the ideal zero-angle constraint significantly reduces the amount of
bending, reducing how effectively we convert the beam in-plane strain into an electric field.
This change can be visualize in Fig. 2.18, where we show the normalized electrodes mode
We can see that in the 25 µm undercut case significantly less bending occurs. In theory,
Figure 2.16 First resonance mode of a device including a 15 µm undercut from the
release process.
Figure 2.17 pNUT first resonance frequency for different levels of undercut.
this reduction causes an important reduction in the transduction coefficient of about 20x.
This analysis highlights the importance of developing a fabrication process that allows for
Figure 2.18 Normalized electrode mode shapes when no undercut and when a 25
µm undercut is present. The figure illustrates how relaxing the fully clamped bound-
ary condition affects the electrodes mode shape and the transduction coefficient η
Another important non-ideality that must be taken into account is the effect of the residual
stress on the devices frequency response. A certain amount of residual stress from the films
deposition process is inevitable. In a similar way as the undercut, the stress does not affect
the equivalent mass of the resonators, but it can increase or decrease the equivalent stiffness
depending on the stress being tensile or compressive, respectively. The in-plane residual
stress influence becomes increasingly dominant as the aspect ratio of the suspended plate
increases. An analogy that describes this effect is that of a drum head pelt. The pelt is a
high aspect ratio flexural resonator, and the pitch of the drum is not just determined by
geometric and material parameters, but by the tension in the pelt as well. On the other
hand, a short steel rod is a low-aspect ratio resonator, and adding tension to it does not
significantly change its resonance frequency. Classic pMUTs are characterized by a circular
geometry that is clamped all around. This geometry, like in the drum case, is extremely
susceptible to residual stress. In fact, the fully clamped boundary condition does not allow
the structure to deform to relax the stress once it is released. An analytical model that
describes the dynamics of a circular plate accounting for the residual stress is described in
[34]. The geometry of the 4-Beams pNUT permits to the structure to release some of the
tension by deforming. The effect of residual stress on circular plates of different thicknesses
and radii compared to a 200 nm thick 4-Beams pNUT is shown in Fig. 2.19.
Figure 2.19 Comparsion of the effect of residual stress on circular pMUTs and
on a 4-Beams 200nm thick pNUT. The devices dimensions are selected to have an
unstressed resonance frequency of approximately 40 kHz.
Besides having a reduced sensitivity to residual stress, the pNUT also has more tolerance
to buckling when the residual stress is negative. While less sensitive, the pNUT resonance
frequency is still shifted by residual stress. In the case of positive residual stress, the reso-
nance frequency is increased, partially counteracting the effect of the undercut seen in the
previous sub-section.
Ideally we would prefer a zero dependence of the stiffness on residual stress. This would
be achieved by a cantilever-like structure, which is clamped on only one side and can deform
along all other directions to relax the stress to 0 MPa. Unfortunately, the in-plane stress
distribution along the stack thickness is not uniform, especially because the structure is
a laminate. This means that stress gradients along the thickness are present, which will
cause the structure to bend out of plane when released. While a circular pMUT, being
fully clamped, would not deform vertically, a cantilever would be completely free to curl,
potentially even folding on itself. The pNUT geometry offers a compromise between these
two scenarios. By only allowing partial relaxation of the residual stress we can reduce the
resonance frequency shift while limiting the out-of-plane bending. This effect is evident in
Fig. 3.2.
Chapter 3
pNUTs Fabrication
The pNUTs were built in the Carnegie Mellon nano-fabrication facility with a four-masks
Figure 3.1 Fabrication process of the pNUTs: 1) Bottom Pt lift-off, 2) AlN depo-
sition and patterning, 3) Top Pt lift-off, 4) backside DRIE, 5) topside XeF2 release.
In step 2) a 100nm thick AlN layer is sputtered in a Tegal AMS system and subsequently
wet-etched in a heated CD26 developer solution. The Pt top electrode is then sputtered and
lifted-off in step 3). The device release is performed through a combination of back-side and
front-side etch. First (step 4), the area of the device back-cavity is defined by a back-side
Bosch etch process carried out in a STS DRIE System. The depth of the back-etch was
characterized to leave about 5 to 10 µm of silicon below the device and prevent damaging it
during the removal from the holder. The device release is completed in step 5) by removing
An example of a fabricated pNUT is shown in Fig. 3.2 b, side by side with a simulated
structure characterized by residual stresses of 50 MPa in the AlN layer and 1 GPa in the top
Pt layer.
During the fabrication process several challenges were encountered. In this section we sum-
marize them and describe possible solutions for future pNUTs fabrications.
Initial prototypes of the pNUT were simple square clamped-clamped beams. An example
of the layout of these devices is shown in Fig. 3.3a. Upon release, most of these devices
broke due to the difficulty in controlling residual stress in extremely thin sputtered films.
Additionally, even if the stress in the single layers could be controlled within ± 100 MPa, the
small thickness of the layers in the laminate produces stress gradients along the thickness of
the device in the order of GPa/µm. As shown in Fig. 3.3a, the floating metal in this device
variation was patterned as a continuous patch over suspended portion of the device that was
not covered by the electrodes. Because of the high stress gradients in the laminate (positive
in this case), the structure bent upwards, and tore along the side of the metal sheet. In
the same layout we included a variation where the electrodes were split and connected in
series with each other and the floating metal was segmented along the same width as the
Figure 3.3 Example of broken devices from early pNUTs prototypes. a): Device
with a uniform floating metal. b) Device with segmented floating metal. It is
evident how the influence of the stress gradient is reduced along the direction of the
In the image, it is evident how the segmentation helps mitigating the bending moment
along the width of the device, preventing mechanical failure along that direction. At the same
time we see that along the length of the beams we still see some tearing in the plate. This
observation prompted a change in the design to make sure there are always discontinuities
in the patterned metal by segmenting it along both the in-plane directions to limit the
influence of the bending moments resulting from the stress gradients in the stack. Another
observation is that the mechanical failure always originated at the angle of the patterned
metal, that was originally designed with sharp 90 degrees angles. A sample layout of the
first pNUTs prototypes is presented in Fig. 3.4a. Fig. 3.4b showcases the layout of the last
generation of devices. In the image, we can see that besides being segmented, the floating
metal is also characterized by rounded corners with 1 µm radius. In doing so, we prevent
stress concentration points where tears typically are originated. In a similar way, we round
individual beams where they attach to the substrate on the anchor side.
Figure 3.4 Comparison between the first pNUTs prototypes (a) and latest version
(b) layouts. We moved to the 4-beams anchor topology due to the high sensitivity
to residual stress of the clamped-clamped design. Additionally, all square corners
were eliminated, the top electrode dimensions were reduced by 1 µm compared to
the bottom electrode, and the bottom metal was eliminated from the floating region.
In the first devices, the bottom metal was patterned even in the floating metal region.
The reasoning for that choice was that it would increase the equivalent mass of the device
and maintain the resonance frequency in the desired range of operation. In our last design,
we kept only the top metal for the floating region, since the shift in resonance frequency was
not significant, especially if compared to the variance in the equivalent stiffness introduced
by the residual stress alone. Finally, the lateral dimensions of the top electrodes were reduced
by 1.5 µm compared to the bottom electrodes to limit the overlap of the two metals on the
regions where the AlN is sloped along the side of the bottom metal. Since the AlN are only
100 nm to 200 nm thick, it is possible to not have perfect coverage of the bottom electrodes
along its perimeter. By making the top metal electrodes slightly smaller we minimize the
chance of creating a short circuit between the two electrodes. This design change is especially
This issue is present during the first step of the fabrication process, where the bottom
electrode metal is deposited and lifted-off. During a lift-off process it is common to have so
called "wings" on the perimeter of the patterned metal [35]. An example of this phenomenon
is shown in Fig. 3.5. Lift-off wings are problematic when working with very thin piezoelectric
Figure 3.5 a) Example of effect of lift-off wings in the bottom metal on the devices
release. b) Close-up view of the floating metal. both on the top and bottom metal
it is possible to see the wings along the perimeter of the rectangles.
by a positive slope angle along the sides of the developed pattern (Fig. 3.6). On the
other hand, negative photoresist is expected to be more resilient to wings formation, as the
negative-angled slope helps creating a sharp discontinuity in the metal film, easing access to
In the first round of fabricated devices, we used positive photoresist for the bottom
electrode step. When we tested the finished devices, we found that almost all of them were
presenting a low resistance (between 100Ω and 2kΩ) between the top and bottom electrode.
While normally the wings would be covered by the dielectric between the two electrodes,
because of the extremely thin piezoelectric layer that characterizes the pNUTs, they were
not completely passivated by the AlN, and formed a low resistance path to the top electrode
as a result. We identified the problem in the chrome (Cr) adhesion layer used for the bottom
electrode. Both the chrome deposited in the CVC and in the 5-Target sputtering system were
found to be extremely conformal. In fact, after further testing, even switching to negative
photoresist did not completely eliminate the wings issue. As a temporary solution, after the
lift-off, we resorted to breaking the wings with a gentle swab cleaning followed by a 40 kHz
sonication in acetone and a step in the spin washer. After repeating these step 3 to 4 times
almost all wings were eliminated. For future fabrications, we recommend characterizing the
bottom layer lithography with a lift-off photoresist, or possibly switching to the bi-layer
method [36]. Another possibility might be switching to a different adhesion metal, such as
titanium (Ti), although we did not verify if it is less conformal than Cr.
Issue #1
Multiple issues were encountered during this fabrication step. The device geometry is pat-
terned in the AlN through a wet etch. The used etchant is a solution of CD26 developer
heated to approximately 70C. The wafer is immersed in the solution for approximately 25
seconds before being rinsed in de-ionized water. During this etch step both the slots that
define the beams profile and the vias to access the bottom electrode are patterned. The first
issue encountered on this step is that once the wafer is removed from the CD26 and after
stripping the photoresist mask, only the vias were thoroughly patterned, while the AlN on
the slots seemed completely unaffected. Since the vias consist in 5 µm x 5 µm squares, while
the slots are only 1 µm wide lines, we initially thought the issue was that the photoresist on
the slots was underdeveloped, leaving the AlN underneath unexposed. However, in a sepa-
rate test, we observed that overdeveloping the photoresist did not change the results. It is
worth noting that this issue was not experienced in the first generation of devices. The only
difference between the first round of devices and the later fabrications is that the Carnegie
Mellon cleanroom was moved to a new facility and the shape of the container where the
etch was taking place. Of course these changes should not have affected the process, and the
Issue #2
The solution to the problem outlined above consisted in a modification to the initial fabri-
cation process that is presented in Fig. 3.7. In this variation, we switch the order of step
#2 and #3. In this way we pattern the top metal before etching the vias and the slots
in the AlN, momentarily leaving the bottom electrode disconnected from the pads. Next,
we do the lithography to pattern the vias and slots, and we run an etch step in the ion
mill. At this point, the AlN on the slots location is exposed, while the AlN on the vias is
masked by the top metal sputtered previously. Now, we time the milling to make sure we
etch completely the slots AlN, and etched completely top metal on the vias location, while
still leaving some AlN to mask the bottom metal under the vias. At this point we are left
with the slots completely patterned, while the vias are yet to be opened. After the milling
is complete. Since the vias where correctly etched in the CD26, we now place the wafer
in the heated solution to etch the remaining AlN and gain access to the bottom electrode.
The fabrication is finished by repeating the top metal deposition step, lifting-off a thin Pt
layer (around 30 nm) to connect the pads to the bottom electrode. The modified fabrication
In principle this variation should have solved the problem of the slots not being correctly
patterned. Once the photoresist was completely stripped, the slots were clearly visible under
the optical microscope. Under higher magnification it was also possible to observe the gray
color of the silicon substrate under the AlN, indicating the AlN was completely removed.
However, after the DRIE step, the devices exposed to XeF2 did not release. The reason for
this is still unclear. Unless the issue is related to the XeF2 step itself, the best explanation
is that during the AlN wet etch step some residues from the etched film re-deposit in the
slots, creating a passive layer on the exposed silicon. These issues are still being investigated
and will be the subject of future work. To avoid these problems in future pNUTs designs,
we recommend splitting the AlN etch step in two separate masks, to etch the AlN to open
Figure 3.7 Alternative process to solve the issue the slots not etching. 1) Bottom
metal lift-off. 2) AlN sputtering. 3) Top metal lift-off. 4) Ion mill to open the slots.
5) CD26 etch to open the vias. 6) Thin metal lift-off to connect the vias. 7) DRIE.
8) XeF2 release.
the vias first, and to separately mill the slots after that.
In the end, the devices were released directly from the DRIE step by etching the silicon all
the way to the device layer. The issue with this approach is that the devices are extremely
thin, and during the DRIE step they are in contact with an adhesive meant to keep the
chip attached to a holder wafer. When the chip is removed after the etch, many devices are
damaged in the process, reducing the yield significantly. Because of time constraints due to
the global pandemic, we did not start a new fab aiming at increasing yields. However, we
were able to find enough functional devices to validate the models presented in chapter 2
and chapter 4.
Chapter 4
The pNUTs offer an opportunity to reduce the total area of the transducer to a small fraction
of current devices operating in the same frequency range. This makes the integration with
electronics more practical and reduces the total size of the IoT nodes to the sub-mm range,
with a consequent costs reduction. In our single device design we targeted an area of 100
µm x 100 µm. However, it is possible that for a given node specifications more real estate is
available. To take full advantage of the available area we can either scale up the single device
area and thickness by the same factor (to maintain a constant operational frequency), or we
can build arrays of devices. If we choose to build pNUTs arrays, we must select a method to
connect the devices electrodes together. Depending on the selected connection method, the
electrical output of the array will vary, as well as the equivalent impedance seen from the
input of the interfacing circuitry. The use of an array of devices results in greater flexibility
than simply using a larger area device in setting the overall system impedance or the output
voltage/current in a given form factor. This is a unique advantage of starting out from a
While a large number of connection methods are possible (depending on the size of
the array), we describe here three possible scenarios, which serve different implementations
and offer different advantages depending on the conditioning electronics used to detect the
electrical signal generated by the pNUTs. In the spectrum of possible methods, at the
extremes we have all the devices connected in series on one side, and all the devices connected
in parallel on the other one. The third scenario we consider is in the middle of the spectrum,
which we call series-parallel (SP). This scenario represents a compromise between the two
extremes. In a square array with a SP connection, all the devices in the same row are
connected in series with each other, and the rows are connected in parallel. Schematics of
Figure 4.1 Three pNUTs arrays connection options. From left, connection in par-
allel, series-parallel (SP), and connection in series.
To observe how the array properties change by varying the connection method, we build
a model in the circuit simulation software ADS. The first step to build the model is to
generate a cell that describes the individual device response. The cell is represented by a
2-port system, with an acoustic port input and an electrical port output as described in
Chapter 2. A picture of the single pNUT cell is shown in Fig. 4.2. For simplicity, we neglect
the effects of Rholes and Ccavity , which is appropriate since in the fabrication process we
included the backside etch step to have an open cavity.
Figure 4.2 Equivalent circuit model used in ADS to represent a single pNUT within
an array.
Once we have functioning single cells, we can use them as instances (building blocks)
in ADS, and start connecting them together with the desired connection method. We note
that we only have control over the way we connect the electrical port of the cell (i.e. the
terminals of Cel ). When incident ultrasound is present, all the devices in the array are
experiencing the same acoustic pressure regardless of the connection method. Therefore, in
the model, all the acoustic ports are connected to the same acoustic pressure source (see Fig.
4.7a for an example). We can now take a look at the possible connection topologies and the
As a sample individual pNUT, we use the equivalent parameters listed in Table 4.1, which
pressure of 1 Pa at the single cell input and sweeping it between 40 kHz and 60 kHz. The
Table 4.1 Parameters used in the single cell pNUT used to build the arrays model.
9[ N
] 9e − 11[kg] 11[.] 8e − 8[ N
] 7e − 9[m2 ] 2.4[pF ] 1[P a] Open Short
Figure 4.3 Open circuit frequency response of the single pNUT equivalent circuit
used as building block to construct the arrays model.
In the fabricated devices, to connect them in a parallel topology we would run a metal
trace to connect all the top electrodes to one pad, and a separate trace to connect all the
bottom electrodes to the other pad. In the ADS model this is represented by grounding all
Figure 4.4 Layout of a 2x2 parallel pNUTs array.
the bottom terminals of the electrical port and wiring all the top terminals together. As
an example of how a parallel array is implemented, the layout of a 2x2 array connected in
parallel configuration is shown in Fig. 4.4. To study how the response scales with size, we
build a 2x2 and a 3x3 parallel array, characterized by 4 and 9 individual cells respectively.
Then, we run an AC simulation the same way as the individual pNUT cell example shown
above. When probing the open-circuit voltage, the response is identical as the one shown in
Fig. 4.3 since all the cells terminal are connected together. When probing the short-circuit
From the device response, it follows that a parallel connection topology is more suitable
for a receiver based on a current sensing amplifier, as the sensitivity (measured in current
Figure 4.5 Short-circuit current response of parallel-connected pNUTs arrays.
per unit of pressure in this case) increases linearly with the number of devices. In other
words, the sensitivity has a linear dependence to the total transducer area. In case a voltage
amplifier is used to recover the response, the parallel array does not offer a boost in sensitivity.
However, connecting the devices electrodes together changes the output impedance of the
array by increasing the total capacitance, making the parasitic capacitance through the
substrate and at the amplifier input less relevant (Fig. 4.6). It is worth noting that when
a current sensing circuit is used, like a trans-impedance amplifier (TIA), the increase in
capacitance must be taken into account when analyzing the total system performance, as it
can introduce instabilities or reduce the bandwidth of the circuit [37]. Additionally, a current
sensing approach makes sense as long as the input impedance of the current amplifier remains
lower than the array output impedance. If we take an operational amplifier-based TIA as
an example, the input impedance of the circuit is set by the gain of the system. In turn, the
system gain is set by the operational amplifier gain-bandwidth product, which is typically
correlated with the circuit power consumption. Therefore, the number of devices we can add
in parallel to increase the system performance is set by the available power budget.
Figure 4.6 Parallel arrays Sensitivity at resonance (50 kHz) and capacitance vs.
total area.
For example, if we build a TIA with the operational amplifier used to build the circuit
gain-BW product (GBW ) of 400 kHz. The formula for the −3dB bandwidth of the TIA is
given by:
f−3dB = (4.1)
2πRf Cel
where Cel is the array capacitance and Rf is the feedback resistor that sets the tran-
simpedance gain. For our implementation, the capacitance of a 2x2 parallel array is 10 pF
and we can set the minimum value of Rf to 1M Ω. We also need to add a capacitor Cf in
the feedback loop in parallel to Rf in order to compensate for the instability introduced by
Cel :
Cf = (4.2)
2πGBW Rf
600kΩ. A 2x2 array should generate about 1.8 nA/Pa, which means approximately 1 mV/Pa
at the TIA output. Obviously, for larger parallel arrays the system gain needs to be further
reduced to meet the bandwidth and stability requirements. Even accounting for the parasitic
the output of the first amplification stage for just a single device. Therefore, we decided to
To connect the devices in a series configuration, we need to link the bottom electrode of
the first device to the array terminal, and the top electrode to the bottom electrode of the
next device. We repeat this connection for the subsequent devices. The last pNUT top
electrode will be connected to the other terminal. An example of the implementation of this
configuration in ADS for two pNUTs in series is shown in Fig. 4.7a, while the corresponding
The way the sensitivity scales in a series configuration occurs in an inverse way compared
to the parallel configuration. We have that the total current of the array remains identical
to the one of the single pNUT cell, represented by the red curve in Fig.4.5. The open-circuit
Figure 4.7 Series connection of two pNUTs. a) Implementation of the series con-
nection in ADS. b) layout of two devices connected in series.
voltage sensitivity on the other hand, scales linearly with the number of devices connected
in series. Therefore, the output voltage per unit of pressure grows proportionally with the
Since we are connecting the parallel plate capacitor across the pNUTs the electrodes in
series, the total output impedance of the array is increased proportionally by dividing the
single device electrical capacitance by the number of devices we place in series in the array.
Since the current remains unchanged, it is more convenient to recover the array output
electrical signal with a voltage sensing circuit. Just as the parallel array, we will incur in
diminishing return in the total system sensitivity once we start taking into account the
amplifier input impedance. If we do voltage sensing, ideally we would want a circuit input
impedance as close to an open circuit as possible. However, realistically there will always
be some parasitic capacitance between the amplifier input terminal and ground. Using an
the positive and negative terminal stands at a few pF, which can be brought down to a few
hundreds fF with an IC. Considering that the single pNUT electrical capacitance is also at a
few pF (2.4 pF in our example), we will already observe a saturation of the system sensitivity
even for small sizes of the array. This effect is shown in Fig. 4.8, where by adding a load
Figure 4.8 Series arrays Sensitivity at resonance (50 kHz) and capacitance vs. total
of 1 pF to the array terminals we can already observe diminishing returns in the system
sensitivity as we add more devices connected in series. In the voltage amplifier used in the
WuRx demo (Chapter 6) the VA is built with off-the-shelf components soldered on a printed
circuit board. The measured input capacitance for this VA was 6.7 pF, clearly making a
series array implementation impractical. However, in a scenario in which the pNUT and an
IC are monolithically integrated, the expected value of parasitic capacitance can be as low as
100 fF. At this capacitance values, the array can be formed by 20 devices connected in series
before matching the parasitic capacitance and observing significant diminishing returns in
4.1.3 Series-Parallel (SP) Connection
The final connection topology we take into consideration is the SP. To implement this topol-
ogy we build a linear series array as described in the previous section with the desired number
of pNUTs. We then connect the same number of series array in parallel with each other as
we did for the single devices in a parallel array. The layout implementation of a 2x2 SP
Being a balanced compromise between the series and parallel array connection approaches,
the SP configuration can be used both in current sensing and in voltage sensing mode. The
array open-circuit voltage sensitivity scales linearly with the number of devices in series.
Each row has the same current contribution of a single pNUT. Since in a SP configura-
tion the number of parallel rows is the same as the number of devices in each row, the total
short-circuit current sensitivity scales by the same amount as the voltage sensitivity. Finally,
the total array electrical capacitance remains identical to the one of the individual pNUT
cell. The voltage sensitivity and the array capacitance of SP arrays are shown in Fig. 4.10.
We can see that in this case the array sensitivity grows with the square root of the total
array area. In fact, in the SP configuration, we are trading off sensitivity for maintaining a
constant output impedance. As outlined above, the series and parallel connection topologies
are ultimately limited in scaling by the input impedance of the interfacing electronics. This
is not the case for the SP array. While, for a given size, the theoretical sensitivity is lower
than the other two configurations, once we interface it with a sensing circuit the array size
It is interesting to notice that, for a given array area, and in absence of a load impedance
on the arrays, the total output power for a given input pressure is constant across all con-
nection schemes. This is consistent with the conservation of energy since the same amount
of acoustic power is provided to the arrays regardless of their configuration. While this is
not the focus of this work, in case we are interested in recovering and converting the acoustic
power from the ultrasound, the pNUTs offer the flexibility to vary the connection topology
to better match the impedance of the interfacing circuit, and optimize the power transfer
In an ultrasound receiver system, the most useful metric to quantify the minimum detectable
pressure is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Therefore, it is interesting to get an idea of the
noise contribution of the pNUTs and how that noise scales once we form an array with differ-
ent connection methods. The main noise source expected from the devices comes from the
thermal dissipation caused by the friction between the device surface and the air molecules
Figure 4.10 SP arrays Sensitivity at resonance (50 kHz) and capacitance vs. total
surrounding it. In the purely electrical equivalent circuit (2.7), we represent this phenomenon
through the equivalent resistor Rm . The noise spectral density source associated with this
resistive element, also called Johnson noise, is given by Eq. 4.3 [38].
vn = 4kb T Rm (4.3)
where kb is the Boltzmann constant. The noise at the device terminals is shaped by Cm ,
Lm , and the electrodes capacitance Cel . We can obtain the RMS amplitude of the noise
by integrating the spectral density over the device resonance peak frequency range (i.e. the
s Z
Vn = 4kb T Zout (f )df (4.4)
where Zout is the impedance of the pNUT as seen from the electrical port. We obtain
the device noise spectral density from the AC simulation in ADS. As an example, we can
see the spectral density for a SP and Series arrays in Fig. 4.11 compared to that of a single
device. We see that the spectral density of the SP array remains identical to the one of
the individual pNUT cell. This is expected since the overall impedance of a SP array stays
constant regardless of the size of the array. By integrating over a 20 kHz bandwidth around
the resonance frequency, for the SP arrays the total RMS noise Vn stands at around 1 µV. In
a similar way, in the series array the total impedance increases linearly, while the equivalent
noise source between the array terminals increases sub-linearly (follows square root law).
The equivalent noise source at the terminals is obtained by taking the square root of the
squared sum of the noise sources. The corresponding increase in noise is shown in Fig. 4.11
on the right.
Figure 4.11 Spectral density of a single pNUT, SP, and Series arrays.
As shown in Chapter 5 in the WuRx system demonstration, the noise from the pNUTs is
not the limiting factor for the system sensitivity, and we will see that these noise levels are
negligible compared to the ones measured from the electronics. These findings are critical
in pointing out that arrays of pNUTs can be used to effectively enhance the overall system
Chapter 5
Devices Characterization
In this chapter we describe the methodologies and experimental setups used to characterize
the fabricated pNUTs. The devices discussed here and in chapter 6 are part of the last
batch of fabricated devices. As described in chapter 3, these devices were released directly
during the DRIE step. Because of this, the devices yield was much lower than it would
normally be. However, from the few devices that survived the release process, we are able
to obtain enough information to validate the models presented in the previous chapters and
of devices:
These devices were obtained from two chips that were released separately. The individual
pNUTs were obtained from the first chip, while the arrays were obtained from the second chip.
As discussed in the following sections, this will lead to slight differences in the frequency of
operation between the single device and the two arrays despite having identical geometries
and having the same equivalent mass. The laminate layers thicknesses measured in this
fabrication were 30 nm, 130 nm, and 230 nm for the bottom Pt, AlN, and top Pt respectively.
Figure 5.1 SEM images of the four measured devices. a) Individual device with
floating metal. b) Individual device without floating metal. c) 2x2 SP array without
floating metal. d) 3x3 SP array without floating metal.
The first step to characterize the devices is to measure their Tx sensitivity. The Tx sensitivity
is measured by applying an external voltage between the pNUTs electrodes and recording the
use the R-2100 Series microscope by Lyncèe Tec [40]. DHM reconstructs a 3-dimensional
representation of the observed sample by measuring both the intensity of a laser reflected by
the sample surface - called object beam - and the interference pattern between the object
beam and an internal reference. When generated, the reference beam is coherent with the
object beam. By adjusting the optical length of the reference beam to be identical to the
path of the object beam, we can obtain an interference pattern resulting from the phase
differences between the two lasers. The phase differences are related to height variations on
the sample surface. The interference pattern effectively converts the information carried by
the phase of the object beam into an intensity pattern that can be measured with a camera.
In the figure, gradients in height manifest as fringe patterns like the ones present along
the beams length. We can also see that we observe the fringe pattern only in some locations
over the device surface. This is due to the thickness of the layers that make up the pNUT
plate. Since the layers are extremely thin, depending on the angle of incidence of the object
laser with the pNUT surface, different portions of light go through the plate instead of being
reflected back into the microscope. Those regions manifest as noise in the phase image and
we cannot get height information from them, like the tip of the beams. For this reason,
we recommend that the thickness of the layers should be at least 130 nm for for AlN and
200 nm for the top Pt in order to have a strong enough signal on the central plate. This
recommendation is based on what has worked in this implementation, but other combinations
of layer thicknesses might also work. To take the measurement, we take advantage of the
stroboscopic unit that comes with the DHM. In stroboscopic mode, we can generate a voltage
at a given frequency and synchronize it with the DHM image sampling. While taking and
processing a single frame can take several periods, thanks to the stroboscopic module we
can reconstruct the pNUT displacement over a single period by sampling the holograms
at precise phases within different periods. This process is repeated for several excitation
frequencies. Finally, we take a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the samples from each
the devices. Since we modeled the resonator as an RLC circuit, we extract the parameters
by fitting a second order response to the measured curve. To perform the fitting we use a
least-mean-squares approach. We present the fitted function both in terms of the variables
η/Keq η
d= q 2 =q (5.1)
1 ω2 ω 2
( ωω2 − 1)2 + Q ω02
(Meq ω 2 − Keq )2 + Meq Keq ( Q )
In the first form, it is evident that we have 4 variables but only 3 are independent. For
example, if we fix ω0 and Q, we can produce infinite valid values of η and Keq as long as their
ratio remains constant. To solve this problem we can take an educated guess on the value
of one of the variables and select the others by fitting the measured displacement curves.
We will see that this approach is reasonably validated by the Rx sensitivity measurements,
presented in Section 5.2.2. The variable that makes the most sense to select is Meq . We
know from Section 2.2 that Keq is subject to significant uncertainty from the undercut
and residual stress, whereas a quick COMSOL simulation confirms that Meq is not affected
significantly by these two phenomena. Similarly it is difficult to accurately predict the losses
due to air damping. The value of η is affected both by the non-ideally-clamped boundary
condition at the beam anchors and the quality of piezoelectric layer. As verified through
FEA simulations, Meq has little dependence on the exact beams mode shape as its value
is largely determined by the mass of the central plate. Therefore, we use the value of Meq
predicted by the analytical model and we obtain the rest of the parameters through least-
mean-square fitting. The Tx sensitivity of the individual pNUTs is shown in Fig.5.3 and the
equivalent parameters obtained from fitting equation 5.1 are shown in Table 5.1 along with
Keq [ N
] Meq [kg] Q[.] η[ N
] ζ[ Nms ] Rm [M Ω] Cm [f F ] Lm [H] Cel [pF ]
*Analytical model, not accounting for undercut and residual stress (see Section 2.2)
Looking at the extracted parameters, we can see that the devices have similar values of
Keq . This does not follow automatically by the imposed values of Meq , since the correspond-
ing values of Keq are determined by the measured positions of the resonant frequencies. The
fact that the values of Keq in the two devices are almost identical confirms the intuitive
Figure 5.3 Measured individual pNUTs Tx sensitivity along with the fitted curves.
observation (verified in COMSOL) that most of the stiffness is defined by the mode shape
in the clamped region of the beams where the electrodes are located, which is identical for
the two measured pNUTs designs. Additionally, we expect the two devices to have very
similar levels of stress in their layers as they were positioned very close to each other, and
consequently have similar levels of stress-induced stiffening. Therefore, whether the floating
metal is present or not is the main reason the two devices have different center frequencies.
It is interesting to see that the extracted values of Keq are not too far off from the ones
predicted by the purely analytical model. This effect was shown in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2,
where we see that the undercut softens the transducer considered in the purely analytical
model, while adding positive residual stress in the Pt layer has the opposite effect, bringing
the resonance frequency back up. From the undercut study we see that for levels of undercut
of 15 µm or larger - as is the case for the fabricated devices - there is not significant additional
softening. We also see that the softening lowers the devices resonance frequency by the same
factor for both the presented layer thickness cases. This observation allows us to estimate
the drop in stiffness caused by the undercut in the fabricated devices, which changes from
2.1 N/m down to 0.85 N/m. Then, we can estimate the value of the residual stress that
causes the stiffness to increase to 2.6-2.7 N/m. The stress level in the AlN layer is both
more controllable and repeatable than the stress measured in the Pt during the deposition
recipe characterization, and was estimated to be between 20 and 50 MPa. Therefore we can
expect the majority of the stress-induced stiffening to be caused by the top Pt layer. During
the Pt sputtering characterization, for the same deposition parameters, we measured stress
levels ranging around ±100 MPa the expected value. In the Pt deposition run during the
devices fabrication we tuned the argon pressure to make sure we would get a positive residual
stress in the 100-200 MPa range. In order to increase the devices stiffness from 2.1 N/m up
to 2.7 N/m a residual stress of approximately 200 MPa is necessary, which is in agreement
with the Pt recipe we characterized. Another interesting insight comes from the scaling of
the quality factor between the two pNUTs design. Looking at the scaling from air damping
losses reported in equation 2.22, we have that Qair is expected to scale as ∝ Meq f . Using the
resonance frequencies of 57 kHz and 72 kHz, and the respective values of Meq , we should ob-
tain a theoretical value of Qair that is 1.54 times higher in the pNUT with the floating metal
compared to the variation without it. This value is quite close to the factor of 1.74 obtained
from the ratio of quality factors obtained from the curves fitting. Finally, we can compare
the values of η and Cel with respect the one expected from theory. Using equation 2.10, we
order of magnitude but around 60% lower than the ideal value. This should be expected
because of non-idealities such as the undercut from the devices release, which affects the
device mode shape around the clamped region as pointed out in Section 2.2.1. According to
the analysis in Section 2.2.1 the expected reduction was actually more important than 60%,
at around 95% for a 25 µm undercut. A possible explanation for the difference between the
extracted experimental value and the model is that the geometry used in the FEA model
does not account for the effect of the metal traces connecting to the electrode. These traces
significantly stiffen the beam anchor, partially compensating for the softening caused by the
release undercut. Using equation 2.11 we have a theoretical capacitance value of 2.3pF . The
experimental values of 2.5pF were obtained in a separate measurement with a high precision
impedance analyzer. To take the measurement we use two DC probes and landed them on
the device terminals to access the device electrodes. We did not have the calibration kit for
the impedance analyzer at hand, therefore only the open circuit calibration was performed.
The calibration was done over a frequency range between 30 kHz and 100 kHz while only
one of the two probes was in contact with the pads. After the calibration was finished the
other probe was landed to take the impedance measurement. We observed a value of around
2.5pF over the entire frequency range. The difference of a few hundreds of fF’s between the
theoretical and the measured values can be attributed to parasitic capacitance between the
We also performed the Tx measurements at low pressure on the pNUT with floating metal.
Because of the limited availability of the vacuum chamber and the complexity of the ex-
perimental setup, the measurement was done only on one device. The first step to set up
the experiment is to secure the chip on a printed circuit board (PCB) with double adhesive
tape, and to connect the device pads to two signal and ground metal traces via wirebonding.
Then, the PCB is itself secured to a platform with tape and two jumper wires are soldered to
the traces. The vacuum chamber has an opening on the topside that can be covered by a 1
cm thick glass cover and several wires that go through a sealed passage to provide electrical
access to the inside of the chamber from the outside. The platform with the PCB on top is
placed inside the vacuum chamber, and the jumper wires are secured to the chamber wires
Figure 5.4 Experimental setup used to measure the Tx sensitivity at low pressure.
It is important to adjust the height of the platform to make sure that when the glass
cover is placed on the chamber opening the PCB is right below it. Having a few SMA
connectors soldered around the PCB provides enough spacing from chip to make sure the
devices are not damaged by being touched by the glass cover. This step is important for two
reasons. 1) the pump-down process generates quite strong vibrations, and having the PCB
stuck between the platform and the glass makes sure that nothing in the chamber moves.
2) We need the devices to be extremely close to the glass to be able to re-calibrate the
tool to compensate for the glass diffraction and image them with the Lyncee Tec. Finally,
we connect the chamber wires to the Lyncee Tec stroboscopic unit, and the chamber to a
Because of the vibration, it was not possible to image the devices while the pump was
active. Therefore, the minimum stable pressure that the chamber was able to hold after
turning the pump off was 0.1T orr. This pressure is not low enough to make the losses from
Figure 5.5 Quality factor of the pNUT measured at different pressures.
air damping negligible compared to the anchor losses through the substrate, which should
occur at around 0.1mT orr. In this measurement, presented in Fig. 5.5, we see a discrepancy
between the theoretical scaling of the quality factor with respect to the chamber pressure.
From the theory, we expect the air-damping losses in flexural resonators to scale with the air
pressure. From the data presented in Fig. 5.5, we see that this is the case only in going from
atmospheric pressure (760T orr) down to 100T orr. Below this pressure we approximately
have a doubling in quality factor for every decade of pressure. To confirm whether this trend
is correct or not more measurement are needed. However, this measurement serves as a
confirmation that air damping is the loss mechanism that dominates in setting the device
5.1.3 Arrays Tx Sensitivity
As mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, the measured arrays were part of a separate
chip. Because of the fabrication challenges explained in Chapter 3, the release process was
not readily controllable. This means that, compared to the individual devices, the devices
that compose the arrays experienced slightly different undercut levels and profiles. Because
of these reasons, the center frequency of the devices in the array (without the floating metal)
has increased from 72 kHz to 90 kHz. The frequency response of the every device in the 2x2
SP array was measured in the Lyncee Tec and is displayed in Fig. 5.6.
These curves were obtained by applying a 2 V actuation at the array electrodes, with the
assumption that the devices are characterized by similar electrical capacitances. With this
assumption, observed displacement on every single device should equal the the displacement
per unit voltage. We obtain the equivalent parameters with a similar fitting approach as in
Section 5.1.1. The 4 curves fitted parameters are shown in Table 5.2.
Clearly, since we assigned a Meq value identical to the one of the single pNUT with a
Table 5.2 .
Keq [ N
] Meq [kg] Q[.] η[ N
] ζ[ Nms ] Rm [M Ω] Cm [f F ] Lm [H]
resonance at 72 kHz, the devices in the array presented a higher value of Keq to obtain a
fitted curve with a 90 kHz resonance. A clue as of why the devices in the array present
a higher resonance frequency can be found by inspecting the devices SEM images. We re-
propose the SEM images of the individual pNUT and the 2x2 array shown in Fig. 5.1 below,
in Fig. 5.7, highlighting the likely source for the discrepancy in Keq values.
Figure 5.7 Comparison between the undercut profiles of the individual pNUT and
the 2x2 SP array.
In Fig. 5.7 it becomes evident that, unlike the individual device, the array experienced an
uneven release profile. We see that all devices part of the 2x2 array present limited undercut
in 2 out of 4 beams. In all devices the 2 beams are on the same side, and the same effect can
be observed on the 3x3 array SEM picture in Fig.5.1. The consistency of this effect suggests
that the source of the uneven undercut is a small offset in the back-side etch lithography
alignment. The reduced undercut at the base of the beams explains why we observe both
an increase in Keq and η when extracting the equivalent parameters of the devices in the
array. As pointed out in Section 2.2.1, the presence of the undercut at the base of the beams
modifies the beams mode shape by relaxing the ideal zero-angle constraint and reducing the
amount of bending experienced at the beams anchors. From equations 2.9 and 2.10, we know
that the value of both Keq and η is set by the amount of bending experienced by the beam
(i.e. the mode shape second derivative). Therefore, we can expect that variations in the
undercut at the beams base will translate in corresponding variations for both Keq and η.
At resonance, the pNUTs in the array show quality factors and displacements similar
to that of the single device. A likely source of the small difference in displacement is that,
because of the uneven release, some parts of the plate experience higher displacement am-
plitudes than others. To a lesser extent, this effect should also be expected in an evenly
released device, since the analytical model assumption that the plate is perfectly rigid is
an ideality. Unfortunately, it is not easy to characterize the displacement over the pNUT
surface. Because of the small thickness of the layers, when we measure the displacement the
data often present artifacts. These errors in the data are easy to spot and the corresponding
measurement is discarded, but they make the measurement process slow and based on trial
and error when selecting different regions on the center plate. Because of this, we expect
that the equivalent displacement of all devices should be in the region found in between the
Because of the reciprocity of the system, we can expect the resonance Rx sensitivity
response to be similar for the devices in the array as the single pNUT despite having different
resonance frequencies (90 kHz and 72 kHz respectively). An interesting insight from the
response in Fig. 5.6 is that because of air damping, the devices have enough frequency
bandwidth for their frequency response to overlap, and subsequently increase the overall
array sensitivity when used in Rx mode. From Fig. 5.6 we see that the peak frequencies
range between 88 kHz and 92 kHz. These frequencies cover a range of 4 kHz, while the 3
dB bandwidth of all devices is approximately 20 kHz. Although quite small, the differences
in resonance frequency between devices within the same array can be easily explained by
The Tx sensitivity measurements presented in the previous section were necessary to de-
termine the device equivalent parameters and to locate their frequency of operation on the
30 to 100 kHz range we are interested in. Since the devices are meant to be used as part
of a WuRx, we can now proceed to characterize their electrical response when exposed to
sources purchased from ProWave [5]. The available sources center frequencies are at 25 kHz,
32 kHz, 40 kHz, 50 kHz, and 82 kHz, respectively corresponding to the transducer model
numbers 250ST160, 328ST160, 400ST100, 500MB120, and 080SR365. Exciting the ultra-
sound sources off-band still generates ultrasound at lower pressures. At those frequencies,
the distance between the ultrasound transmitter (Tx) and the pNUT must be reduced in
order to obtain a readable electrical output. To read the pNUT output, we need to amplify
the output voltage between the electrodes and detect it with an oscilloscope. The voltage
amplifier (VA) we used is described in Chapter 6 as part of the complete WuRx system demo.
To measure the signal amplitude, we feed the amplifier output to a UHF Lock-In amplifier
by Zurich Instrument (ZI) [41]. Through the ZI software interface LabOne we can use the
UHFLI as an oscilloscope and monitor the signal at the VA output in frequency domain.
As the UHFLI is equipped with two channels, we can simultaneously observe the pressure
amplitude that is present at the pNUTs location, and use it to quantify the Rx sensitivity
in mV/Pa. To measure the pressure we use the Type 4939 calibrated microphone rated up
5.2.1 Rx Sensitivity Angular Dependency
The first step to characterize the devices in Rx mode is to verify whether their response
has an angular dependence on the direction the ultrasound is coming from. To perform
this measurement, we taped the VA and the devices on a metal stage. The metal stage is
connected to a pole through a slider that allows for adjusting its vertical position. The pole
is positioned on a table with the devices right at the edge. Next, we take the position on
the table border as the angular center. On the floor under the table, we use this position to
arrange tape lines in a semicircle at 15o intervals. All tapes are 1m long. On a separate cart,
we position the Tx and the arbitrary wave generator (AWG). The Tx holder is also attached
to a pole and we can adjust its vertical position. The set up is shown in Fig. 5.8.
Figure 5.8 Setup used to measure the Rx mode angular sensitivity of the pNUTs.
To perform the measurement, we make sure that the cart is aligned with the tape line. We
generate the ultrasound and record the output voltage at the VA output. Additionally the
pressure at the pNUTs location is monitored to make sure it is consistent across angles. This
procedure is repeated for all lines in the angular range between 15o and 165o . The normalized
Rx sensitivity for this measurement is shown in Fig. 5.9. As expected, no major nodes were
observed during this experiment. In the frequency range of interest, the wavelength of the
ultrasound in air is several mm long, while the biggest array we are considering (the 3x3 SP)
is only 400 µm in lateral dimensions, around 1 order of magnitude smaller. In a similar way
in Fig. 5.9, the normalized response remains very close to 1 at all angles. It seems to be
slightly lower at the limit angles of 15o and 165o , although we think it can be attributed to
Figure 5.9 Normalized angular Rx sensitivity of the 2X2 SP pNUT array. The
slightly lower response at 15o and 165o angles is likely due to the VA wires on the
side of the chip.
5.2.2 Single Devices Rx Sensitivity
Once we established that the devices receive pattern was isotropic, we moved on to measure
the Rx sensitivity over frequency. The measured Rx sensitivity profile for the two single
pNUTs is presented in Fig. 5.10. The process to take one data point begins by generating
the ultrasound at the desired frequency, and to align the Tx with the pNUTs. This step is
necessary because as we vary the frequency, the emission pattern of the ultrasound source
also shifts. Next, the VA output voltage is observed. The output voltage does not remain
constant over time because of the noise in the VA and because of the natural fluctuation in the
pressure field generated by the Tx. While recording the voltage, the LabOne software allows
to keep track of the standard deviation of the voltage at a given frequency. Empirically, we
noticed that the standard deviation was always contained within a 10% range of the average
VA output. We added the error bars on the plot in Fig. 5.10 to reflect this observation.
After recording the VA output voltage, the UHFLI scope was switched to the second
channel connected to the calibrated microphone. While making sure that the Tx and the
platform holding the pNUTs were not moved, the microphone was held right above the
platform, and slightly tilted to make sure the microphone head was on the line of sight
between the Tx and the devices, just at a few inches away from the pNUTs. The microphone
was also moved in that region to make sure the highest possible pressure was recorded.
Typically, once the microphone head is in the spot of maximum pressure, the recorded
pressure is quite stable. We then obtain the voltage at the device electrodes by taking
the VA output voltage, dividing it by the VA gain (approximately equal to 1800), and de-
embedding the input capacitance of the VA. Because the devices capacitance is about 2.4
pF, and the measured capacitance at the VA input is 6.7 pF, the de-embedding process
consists of multiplying the voltage at the VA input by a factor of 3.7. Finally, we take this
voltage value and we divide it by the measured pressure to obtain the open circuit (OC)
voltage sensitivity of the device. This process is repeated for several frequencies around the
Figure 5.10 Devices measured Rx sensitivity and extracted Rx sensitivity using
the parameters extracted by fitting the displacement curves.
device resonance with 2 kHz intervals. From Fig. 5.10, we see that both devices relative
position of the resonance peaks and their relative heights match the profile obtained from
expected from the equivalent circuit model when the circuit elements are selected according
to the fitted parameters. In both cases the theoretical response is slightly lower than the one
expected from the fitted parameters even assuming Γ = 0 (i.e. Pef f = 1), and the resonance
frequencies are slightly higher than what observed during the displacement measurements.
Overall, the values of the measured Rx sensitivities are quite close to those expected from the
equivalent model. More measurements are needed to establish whether the minor differences
can be eliminated with a more rigorous Rx sensitivity testing setup -aimed at reducing the
compare their performance against other ultrasound transducers reported in the literature.
As mentioned in Section 2.1.4, the open-circuit Rx sensitivity is not frequently reported. The
instances we found where the device Rx sensitivity was included -either directly or indirectly-
Table 5.3 Comparison between Rx sensitivity of the individual pNUTs and ultra-
sound transducers reported in literature.
Type RxS[ mV
] Area [mm2 ] f[kHz] mV
N RxS[ P amm2] Q Reference
The data presented in Table 5.3 shows that despite the pNUTs are orders of magnitude
smaller than transducers operating at similar frequencies, they show high Rx sensitivities in
compact form factors. When normalizing the Rx sensitivity (NRxS) by the transducer area,
the pNUTs fair better than classical pMUTs by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude (keeping in mind
that [33] is operating at 4x the pNUTs frequency, with the consequent reduction in losses
and a smaller area). These results are in agreement with the analysis presented in Section
2.1.6, and open up the possibility for truly miniaturized (sub-mm) long-range ultrasound
receivers. A demonstration of such receiver is presented in the next chapter.
of the 2x2 and 3x3 SP arrays. The measured curves are presented in Fig. 5.11.
Figure 5.11 Open-circuit Rx sensitivity of the NF single pNUT and the two arrays.
As expected from the displacement curve from Fig. 5.6, the two arrays fabricated on
a separate chip present Rx sensitivity peaks at higher resonance and at around 90 kHz.
In the measurements of the individual devices in the 2x2 SP array with the Lyncee Tec
instrument, we observed displacements per unit voltage similar to those of the single pNUT,
but we see that the Rx sensitivity of the arrays grows with the size of the array. The
electrical capacitance of the individual pNUT and of the array was measured with a precision
impedance analyzer (4294a by Agilent). Both the Rx sensitivities and the capacitance at
Figure 5.12 Comparison between the peak Rx sensitivity and electrodes capaci-
tance of the NF devices with respect to the total area. This measurement confirms
the modeled trend for SP arrays as previously shown in Fig. 4.10.
We can see that, as expected from the theory of array scaling presented in Chapter 4, Rx
sensitivity increases with the number of devices placed in series in each row of the SP array,
Chapter 6
The development of the IoT comes with mass deployment of wireless nodes. Typically, these
nodes are expected to operate on a small battery, and the distributed nature of these networks
makes it impractical to perform frequent battery swaps. From a power consumption point of
view, the most demanding task for the nodes is communicating with their base-station [44].
A WuRx is a class of receivers that became popular during the last decade and that emerged
as the best approach to address the issue of power consumption required to communicate
A wireless receiver is typically formed by a transduction element and the read-out elec-
tronics interfacing with it. In RF receivers the transduction element is an antenna that
converts RF waves into an electrical signal. The read-out electronics is generally divided in
three parts:
1. A front-end that interfaces the antenna with the next block. This block generally
2. A mixing block that takes advantage of non-linear elements to demodulate the detected
3. A base-band block that post-processes the demodulated signal. Generally this means
At a high level, the system design implemented in our demonstration follows the same
template outlined above, with the difference that the antenna is substituted for the pNUT
and the communication takes place over acoustic waves instead of radio waves.
To demonstrate the system, the three blocks described in the introduction are implemented
respectively using:
• A voltage amplifier
• A diodes-based rectifier
• A comparator
The amplification block increases the amplitude of the electrical signal at the output of
the device to ensure that it is beyond the voltage threshold necessary to trigger the rectifier.
The voltage amplifier also acts as a buffer to impedance-match the pNUTs to the mixing
block. The rectifier block takes the amplified modulated signal as input, and outputs its
envelope, i.e. the portion of the signal that contains the information we want to retrieve.
The signal envelope is then fed to the input of a comparator. The comparator acts as an
and outputting either a HIGH or LOW signal. Effectively, the comparator is also a base-
band amplifier matching the mixing block to the processing unit of the IoT tag. If the string
of HIGHs and LOWs matches a specific signature, the main electronics is awaken.
A conceptual schematic of the complete WuRx system is shown in Fig. 6.1, while the
Figure 6.2 Layout of the PCB designed to demonstrate the concept. The red and
green traces represent the top and bottom layers of the PCB respectively.
The technical specification that guided the electronics design were the system range, the
data rate, and the total power consumption. The system range depends on the devices
Rx sensitivity, the VA and rectifier gains, and the noise levels at the comparator input.
meters distance while complying with regulations (Fig 2.3). The system data rate depends
on the modulation technique and on the time constants the rectifier is able to achieve.
For simplicity, we selected an OOK modulation, and therefore the data rate is set by the
maximum modulation frequency we can achieve. We aim to achieve a modulation frequency
of 1 kHz. Although this data rate is not very high compared to typical RF communication,
it should be sufficient to transmit small amount of data such as a numeric key that serves
as a node identifier. Finally, we target a power budget of 50 µW. The architecture of the
The amplification block was implemented with a classic operational amplifier (OpAmp) non-
inverting architecture. The voltage amplifier (VA) is the main source of power consumption
in the system, therefore, the main metric used to select the OpAmp was the supply current.
Naturally, an OpAmp characterized by a lower supply current comes with a lower gain-
bandwidth (GBW) product, resulting in a smaller bandwidth for a chosen overall system
gain. This trade-off can be relaxed by choosing to reduce the gain of a single OpAmp stage,
hence increasing the bandwidth, and add multiple OpAmp stages in series with each other
to obtain an overall gain equal to the product of the individual stages. This choice must be
weighted against the increment of power consumption (proportional to the number of stages),
and the additional noise introduced by every OpAmp that gets amplified at all subsequent
stages. The circuit schematic of an individual OpAmp stage is shown in Fig. 6.3.
The OpAmp MIC861 by Microchip was selected because of the extremely low supply
current (4 µA). According to the datasheet the MIC861 has a GBW product between 400
kHz and 650 kHz. The gain of the single stage is given by G1 = R2
+ 1, so the gain Gn of n
Gn = ( + 1)n . (6.1)
Figure 6.3 Circuit Schematic of a single stage of the VA. The resistor Rbias is
needed to provide a path to ground to the base current of the bipolar transistor at
the non-inverting terminal and correctly bias the circuit. The coupling capacitor
filters out low-frequency components from the input of the next stage.
for a theoretical total gain of 1300 and a bandwidth between 70 and 110 kHz. These gain
levels were selected based on the expected Rx sensitivity of the pNUTs, the desired mini-
mum pressure detection level, and the voltage amplitude required at the voltage amplifier
output to trigger the comparator. For simplicity, the benchmark values used for these three
requirements were 0.1 mV/Pa, 1 Pa, and 150 mV respectively, which brings the required VA
In the layout, pins to bypass R2 are included in every stage in order to remove the gain
contribution of one or more stages (i.e transforming the stage into a voltage buffer). This
feature was included to characterize the performance of the system in terms of operational
range vs. power consumption. Fig. 6.4 shows the gain over frequency of the VA when the
When all 4 stages are active and no input is provided, the noise at the output of the VA
has a standard deviation of 70 mV, with peaks of up to 200 mV amplitude. The noise was
measured on the UHFLI oscilloscope by observing the histogram of the noise amplitude over
time, as well as the noise spectral density in the frequency domain. The total current drawn
Figure 6.4 Gain of the VA with 1, 2, 3, and 4 active stages. It is possible to see
that the first stage is characterized by a pole close to 100 kHz that compensates
for the decline of the gain set by the nominal GBW product. This effect slightly
increase the gain, from 1300 to 1800, between 40 and 80 kHz when all 4 stages are
by the 4 OpAmps is 15 µA when the positive and negative supply voltages are 0.9 V and -0.9
V respectively, setting the VA total power consumption to 27 µW. On the first stage, we used
the high precision impedance analyzer to measure an input capacitance of 6.7 pF. Since all
devices have an electrode capacitance of approximately 2.5 pF, the input impedance of the
VA will reduce the Rx sensitivity of the system compared to the open-circuit Rx sensitivity
The rectifier job is to take the modulated signal as input, and output a signal with a voltage
that profiles the modulation envelope. Since the harmonic components of the envelope are
not present in the desired rectified signal, the rectifier needs to be composed of non-linear
elements. There are several possible architectures for the rectifier, as shown in chapter 2 of
[45]. We choose a Dickson multiplier (DM) architecture for this demonstration due to its
simplicity and the possibility of building it with off-the-shelf commercial components. The
In the DM, an individual cell is composed by 2 diodes and 2 capacitors that alterna-
tively connect the diodes outputs to the input line and to the ground line respectively (this
configuration is also called "voltage doubler"). As the name suggests, in principle, adding
more cells in series multiplies the magnitude of the output. However, the time constant
of the system is increased for every additional cell, which ends up limiting the maximum
modulation frequency of the system. This issue can be partially compensated by adding
another diode in parallel to the ones in the topology. Adding a second diode is equivalent to
having a single diode with the same threshold voltage but double reverse saturation current,
resulting in faster discharge times and higher modulation frequency. Adding more diodes in
parallel increases the total diode capacitance. For the DM to function as a voltage multiplier
we need the diodes capacitance to be much smaller than the DM capacitances, which in turn
sets the modulation frequency and the gain of the system. We use this technique (see Fig.
6.2) to increase the modulation frequency of the system and meet the target of 1 kHz. The
number of cells has been kept to 2 for simplicity, as adding more cells would require adding
more diodes in parallel in each cell to maintain an appropriate time constant. The value of
CDM is 39 pF, a value that was selected to compromise between modulation frequency and
Schottky barrier diode characterized by a low forward threshold voltage. This diode model
is characterized by a junction capacitance of 2 pF, therefore having two parallel diodes per
cell ensures that the diode capacitance stands at about 10 % of the DM capacitances. The
typical parabolic gain curve [46] is shown in Fig 6.6 for an amplitude-modulated (AM) 75
The gain curve stays the same for all carrier frequencies in the desired 30-100 kHz range,
while the gain slightly increases for modulation frequencies lower than 1 kHz.
The bit error rate (BER) is the metric we use to establish whether a signal is detected
or not.
We cannot assign a value to the BER of a system, but only establish whether the BER
of a signal is above or below a certain threshold [47]. We choose a BER of 10−3 as threshold
to consider a certain pressure signal detectable or not. The formula we use to establish that
BER ≈ (6.2)
fmod T ime
From equation 6.2 we find that we need to correctly rectify the signal for approximately
The gain curve in Fig. 6.6 was produced by providing an amplitude-modulated input
through the SMA connector at the VA output. The DM gain starts to degrade incrementally
beyond 1 kHz. However, modulation frequencies higher than 1 kHz would not work in the
actual WuRx when the signal was fed from the VA. Because of the noise at the VA output,
the system BER quickly rises beyond the threshold of 10−3 for modulation frequencies higher
than 1 kHz, as the phase jitter amplitude introduced by the VA noise becomes comparable
to the modulation period. As mentioned before, the white noise introduced by the VA
presented spikes as high as 200 mV. Using an RMS noise of 140 mV, and following the gain
output. When the VA is powered but no signal is present, noise is still present and could
trigger the comparator. To avoid triggering the comparator we adjust the threshold terminal
voltage. A threshold of 40 mV is selected when all four VA stages are used. The noise at
the DM output is significantly reduced when three or less VA stages are used. In these cases
6.2 WuRx System Characterization
In this section we describe the experimental setup used to characterize the WuRx system
and show the WuRx performance for the devices described in Chapter 5. The first step is
the system assembly. In Fig. 6.2 we showed that a portion of the PCB was left empty to
accommodate the chip with the fabricated devices. An opening is cut out of that region
to guarantee that the devices have an open back-cavity. We placed bi-adhesive tape on the
sides of the cut-out, we position the chip on top of it, and we press on the chip corners to
make sure the chip is soundly connected to the PCB. It is important to have the chip firmly
attached to the PCB as we will need to wirebond the pNUTs to the metal traces connected
to the VA input and the system ground. If the chip moves during the wirebonding process
the bond will fail, with the risk of having the wire hitting the device and breaking it. An
The assembled system is then attached to a metal stage and mounted on a pole with
adjustable height as described previously in Section 5.2.1. Unlike the experimental setup
used to characterize the angular sensitivity of the devices, we position the adjustable pole
on a moving cart in order to test the WuRx over various positions both for the Tx and the
To test the the WuRx, we generate ultrasound with the source with the center frequency
closest to the resonance, and we on-ff-key the signal at 1 kHz. For example, to test the single
pNUT with the floating metal, which resonates at 57 kHz, we use our 50 kHz source. For the
other 3 devices, with resonance frequencies of 72 and 90 kHz, we use our 80 kHz source. This
means that in the actual distance measurement we are losing some performance because of
the Tx-Rx frequency mismatch. We can then use the Rx sensitivity curves showed in Section
5.2.2 to infer the approximate minimum detectable pressure (MDP) in the scenario where
the Tx and Rx have the same center frequency. What we consider the MDP is determined
by the bit error rate (BER) observed in the output signal at the output of the comparator
as explained in the previous section. To probe the signal, we monitor the VA output with
the UHFLI scope, and we use a separate oscilloscope to observe the digital signal at the
output of the comparator. In the way the experiment was setup, we tried to replicate as
accurately as possible a free-space condition. Having a movable setup allows for positioning
the Tx and Rx in a way that minimizes reflections from the surrounding and their effect on
the measurement. An example of the complete experimental setup is presented in Fig. 6.8.
The measurement is performed by aligning the Tx and Rx beginning with a short distance.
Once the rectified signal is observed on the oscilloscope the Tx is pulled farther away from
the Rx while maintaining the alignment. Once we find the approximate distance over which
the signal starts disappearing we begin fine-tuning the Tx position to determine the system
range more accurately. As mentioned in Section 6.1.2, we need to monitor the signal for
at least 2.5 seconds to ensure we have a BER below 10−3 . To do that, we switch the time
scale of the oscilloscope to at least 1 second, and monitor the signal for a few seconds. A
visual inspection is sufficient to spot possible errors in the rectification. The communication
range is measured once we find the maximum distance that shows no rectification errors
over a few seconds measurement. Generally, we repeated the measurement varying the
relative angle position of the Tx and no significant change in the communication range was
Figure 6.8 Experimental setup to test the complete WuRx system. The Tx gen-
erates the ultrasound, which is picked up on the other side of the room by the
WuRx. During the measurement, two scopes are connected to the system: the UH-
FLI scope is used to monitor both the VA output and the incident acoustic pressure
levels, while a separate oscilloscope is used to monitor the digital signal at the output
of the comparator.
observed, confirming the results of the angular sensitivity presented in Section 5.2.1. Finally,
we maintain the Tx position and we switch to the second channel of the UHFLI scope to
measure the pressure corresponding to the maximum range. This pressure corresponds to
the MDP. For a given transducer, the procedure is repeated while reducing by 1 the number
of amplification stages in the VA. We virtually remove 1 stage by connecting a jumper wire
between the stage gain resistor terminals. Fig. 6.7 shows an example of what the VA looks
like when two stages are bypassed, converting those stages in voltage buffers. In this way, we
can characterize the system range with respect to its power consumption. This process has
been repeated for the four devices characterized in Chapter 5. The devices demonstrated
MDP and communication range with respect to power consumption are shown in Fig. 6.9.
The data presented in Fig. 6.9 reflects the actual measurements performed with available
Figure 6.9 Data collected during the WuRx demonstration. The plots show the
measured MDP and communication range of the WuRx system for the 4 devices
characterized in Chapter 5.
equipment, and does not reflect the full potential of the pNUTs-based system. We did not
have ultrasound sources that exactly matched the resonance frequency of the devices, and
therefore the measured MDP and the corresponding range can be improved under the Rx-
Tx frequency match condition. Another non-ideality is that we were not able to produce
pressures higher than 100 Pa with the 82 kHz Tx. To actuate it, we used a power amplifier
to interface the AWG and the Tx, increasing the actuation voltage amplitude from 10 V
to 25 V. For higher voltages, the source would quickly heat up, affecting the ultrasound
source response curve mid-measurement. The maximum pressure limit of 100 Pa does not
impact the reported MDP, and only reduces the communication range. As we reduce the
system power consumption by removing the amplification stages we have a corresponding
reduction in the WuRx working range, and an increase in the MDP. As the range is reduced,
we need to get the ultrasound source closer to the pNUTs to generate a pressure sufficiently
high to trigger the comparator. However, below a 0.1 m distance the rectified signal did
not satisfy the BER<10−3 requirement despite the high value of the generated pressure.
The likely reason for this is that as the Tx gets too close to the Rx, the effect of reflected
acoustic waves is not negligible anymore, and the assumed free-field condition is no longer
valid. When the single devices were used, the system range is above 0.1 m when at least 3
amplification stages are used. For this reason, only the range data points corresponding to
3 and 4 amplification stages are used. Similarly, the arrays needed at least 2 amplification
stages to present a range equal or above 0.1 m. Therefore, the array plots in Fig. 6.9 present
Figure 6.10 Extrapolated MDP and range for the demonstrated WuRx system vs.
transducer area. The MDP and range are obtained by assuming an ultrasound source
as the one described in Fig. 2.3, and that the Tx and transducers are frequency-
To get an idea of the full performance of the demonstrated WuRx, we must imagine having
resonance frequency of the pNUTs. We can extrapolate such scenario by scaling the measured
MDP as if it was at resonance. To do that, we take a look at the Rx sensitivity curves of the
devices presented in the previous chapter in Fig. 2.21. Then, we can relate the newly found
MDP to a range by using the plot for an hemispherical isotropic ultrasound source as in
Fig. 2.3. The extracted MDPs and the corresponding range for the 4 transducers are shown
in Fig. 6.10. Fig. 6.10 clearly shows the effect of higher propagation losses experienced by
acoustic waves at higher frequency. While we see that the MDP decreases as we increase the
total transducer area, we can see that the 57 kHz individual pNUT present a larger range
can now compare the performance of the system with other WuRx reported in literature that
area is presented in Fig. 6.11, while more detailed data is compiled in Table 6.1.
From Fig. 6.11 we see a trend outlining a trade-off between the transducer area and
the MDP of the system, which in turn sets the system range. However, Fig. 6.11 does
not show explicitly the role of the interfacing electronics in determining the overall system
• Reduced parasitic capacitance: the VA input capacitance would decrease from 6.7 pF
to a value significantly lower than the 2.5 pF across the pNUT electrodes, lowering the
system MDP by a factor of 3.7. This change alone would bring the system range above
10 m.
µV. This noise is the cause of the phase jitter at the comparator input that increases
Figure 6.11 System range vs. transducer area plot. Comparison between ultra-
sound WuRx.
the the BER above 10−3 . It is possible to reduce it by a factor of 2 by reducing the
CMOS-based DM would improve significantly the block gain. In conjunction with the
previous point, this upgrade would further increase the system MDP. As an example,
the rectifier gain curve from [13] is shown in Fig. 6.12. In this example the threshold
Table 6.1 Data comparing ultrasound WuRx from literature and the WuRx pre-
sented in this thesis.
* Obtained from [13]. The formula to obtain the minimum detectable pressure from the Rx
power sensitivity in dBm is M DP = 2ρair cair 10 10 1mW
Area .
Assuming the rectifier in Fig.6.12 is used in place of our diodes implementation, the
system MDP would further improve with negligible additional power consumption (≈ 10
For example, we can imagine to reduce the system bandwidth to 50 kHz, and obtain
a VA gain of 100 with two amplification stages (i.e. a gain of 10 per stage). With the
reduced BW, the peak input-referred noise is now 60 µV, and the corresponding peak noise
at the comparator input is 2 mV. Since the comparator has a hysteresis of 4 mV, we set
the threshold at 6 mV. Targeting a 7 mV signal to trigger the comparator, we would need a
voltage at the input of the comparator of about 0.15 mV. In the scenario where the parasitic
capacitance is reduced to the point that it is negligible compared to Cel , we have lowered the
MDP of the individual device (assuming a 50 kHz center frequency) to 0.3 Pa. This would
extend the range to 10-12 m while reducing the power consumption to 14 µW.
For example, the circuit used in [10] presents orders of magnitude lower power consumption
Figure 6.12 Example of the cMOS rectifier gain curve used in [13].
for a comparable bandwidth, however it is unclear if there would be matching issues between
On the transducer side, further improvement can be achieved by making the release
process more controllable. From the analysis shown in Section 2.2.1, we know that the value
of η is significantly reduced by not having a completely fixed anchor at the beams base. Once
the release process is better characterized, this issue can be fixed by either minimizing the
amount of undercut around the beams base, or by increasing the electrodes area further out
to cover the part of the undercut area where most of the bending moment occurs. Finally,
as discussed in Section 4.1.2, the lower parasitic capacitance offered by an IC, would allow
to use series-connected arrays and allow for a linear improvement of the transducers Rx
As mentioned in the introduction, the use of WuRxs to extend the lifetime of wireless tags
gathered a lot of attention as the number of deployed sensing nodes is increasingly exponen-
tially, and several WuRx architectures were developed, mostly relying on RF as a mean of
communication. Given the multitude of applications for the nodes, the respective require-
ments in terms of power consumption, range and system area can vary significantly. Depend-
ing on the application, we will determine what carrier frequency and select the transmission
medium to be either US or RF. With this in mind, we can try to contextualize the perfor-
following the example reported in [13], we define a figure of merit (FoM) for WuRx in general,
and visualize it versus the total system area. In order to compare US and RF receivers, the
FoM accounts for the minimum detectable input radiation power and for the total squared
system power consumption. A lower FoM indicates a better performing transducer. The
Figure 6.13 Comparison of RF and US WuRx FoM with respect to system area.
The data used to generate the plot is reported in [13].
Fig. 6.13 shows the compromise between the system performance and its area. The
system we demonstrated in this work clearly fits in the expected trade-off between FoM and
area, although we notice that with the improvements to the system electronics listed above
we should expect a pNUT-based WuRx to break through the trade-off line shown in Fig.
Besides optimizing the performance of the system demonstrated in this work, there are other
research avenues where pNUTs could be useful and that are worth exploring.
The first one is related to the use of the devices higher electrical output per unit area to
harvest acoustic energy and directly power standalone nodes. To do this, a large array of
devices would be necessary to collect enough input power. An application scenario of such
implementation was shown in Chapter 1 and a concept was shown in Fig. 1.8.
The second direction would explore an analogy in the acoustic domain for the research
published on optical metasurfaces (OM) in recent years [50][51]. In the case of OM, deep
sub-wavelength structures are patterned over large areas to manipulate the electromagnetic
waves amplitude, phase, and frequency. In doing so, there is a higher degree of control in
manipulating light compare to traditional techniques that use convex or Fresnel lenses due
be the high viscous losses we measured in the devices presented in Chapter 5, and further
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Appendix A
Chapter 2.
SF = 1; %Scaling Factor, pMUT has the same area as pNUT with SF=0.2
eta_pNUT = 1e-7;
% eta for a pNUT with 100 µm X 100 µm area and 100/200 nm AlN/Pt (fs 50 kHz)
A_eff_pNUT = 7e-9;
Area_pNUT = 1e-8;
cap_pNUT = 2.4e-12;
eta_pMUT = 6.4e-6/50;
A_eff_pMUT = 0.3*pi*(60e-6)^2
Area_pMUT = pi*(60e-6)^2;
cap_pMUT = 4*14.6e-12;
% area = Area_pNUT*SF;
% A_eff = A_eff_pNUT*SF;
% eta = eta_pNUT*SF;
% Cel = cap_pNUT;
area = Area_pMUT*SF;
A_eff = A_eff_pMUT*SF;
eta = eta_pMUT*SF;
Cel = cap_pMUT;
%Acoustic Domain
rho_air = 1.293;
c_air = 331.5;
ZpNUT = linspace(Z0/30,Z0*30,10000); %pNUT Acoustic Resistance
Gamma = (ZpNUT-Z0)./(ZpNUT+Z0);
%Electrical Domain
%eta = SF*1e-7;
f = 50e3;%Frequency
total_efficiency = power_el./(p_plus^2./Z0)/8;
Appendix B
Gamma Scaling
As pointed out in Chapter 2, Keq and Meq are proportional to t3 /A and tA respectively. In
the code below, we are assuming that t and A are scaled together. Therefore, we can reduce
the factor "(side/side_ref)2̂". We assume in the code that the frequency of operation can
f0 = 1e3*[30:5:100];
sides = 1e-6*[100:10:300];
Pin_eff = zeros(length(f0),length(sides));
Gam = zeros(length(f0),length(sides));
i = 1;
side_ref = 100e-6;
rho_air = 1.293;
c_air = 331.5;
area = side.^2;
Z0 = rho_air*c_air./area;
Effective_Radius = sqrt(0.65.*area/pi);
Zpnut = (side/side_ref)^2*1.75e-6./area.^2;
k_air = 2*pi.*f0/c_air;
(1 - besselj(1,2.*k_air.*Effective_Radius)./k_air./Effective_Radius ...
+ 1i*StruveH1(2*k_air.*Effective_Radius)./k_air./Effective_Radius);
Zrad = abs(Z_rad_air);
Zl = Zrad + Zpnut;
Gamma = (Zl-Z0)./(Zl+Z0);
Gam(:,i) = Gamma;
%Pin = 1;
%Pin_eff(:,i) = (1+Gamma)*Pin;
i = i+1;
Aef f Effective transducer area
aef f Effective radius of the piston that best approximate the radiation impedance of the
Ccavity Equivalent capacitor in the acoustic domain describing the effect of of the back-cavity
Feq Equivalent force in the mechanical domain induced by the incident pressure
Gn Boltzmann constant approximately equal to 1.38e − 23[ ms2 Kkg ]
Lm Device motional inductance
t Transducer thickness
xel Portion of the device covered by electrodes
zneutral Relative position of the neutral plane along the stack thickness
ZpN U T Acoustic impedance of the device seen from the acoustic port