Grain Code - Part B Calculation of Assumed Heeling Moments and General Assumptions Sec. 1 To 6
Grain Code - Part B Calculation of Assumed Heeling Moments and General Assumptions Sec. 1 To 6
Grain Code - Part B Calculation of Assumed Heeling Moments and General Assumptions Sec. 1 To 6
Resolutions from the 59. session of the Maritime Safety Committee of IMO, May
1.1 For the purpose of calculating the adverse heeling moment due to a shift of cargo
surface in ships carrying bulk grain it shall be assumed that:
Table B 1-1
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5.0 430
5.5 450
6.0 470
6.5 490
7.0 520
7.5 550
8.0 590
Notes to the table:
(1) For boundary distances greater than 8.0 m the standard void depth
(Vd1) shall be linearly extrapolated at 80 mm increase for each 1.0
m increase in length.
(3) Where there is a raised deck clear of the hatchway the average void
depth measured from the underside of the raised deck shall be
calculated using the standard void depth in association with a girder
depth of the hatch end beam plus the height of the raised deck.
.2 Within filled hatchways and in addition to any open void within the hatch cover
there is a void of average depth of 150 mm measured down to the grain surface
from the lowest part of the hatch cover or the top of the hatch side coaming,
whichever is the lower.
Figure B 1
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Table B 1-2
1.2 The description of the pattern of grain surface behaviour to be assumed in partly filled
compartments is contained in B 5.
1.3 For the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the stability criteria in A 7, the
ship's stability calculations shall normally be based upon the assumption that the centre of
gravity of cargo in a "filled compartment, trimmed" is at the volumetric centre of the whole
cargo space. In those cases where the Administration authorizes account to be taken of the
effect of assumed underdeck voids on the vertical position of the centre of gravity of the
cargo in "filled compartments, trimmed" it will be necessary to compensate for the adverse
effect of the vertical shift of grain surfaces by increasing the assumed heeling moment due
to the transverse shift of grain as follows:
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In all cases the weight of cargo in a "filled compartment, trimmed" shall be the volume of
the whole cargo space divided by the stowage factor.
1.4 The centre of gravity of cargo in a "filled compartment, untrimmed" shall be taken to
be the volumetric centre of the whole cargo compartment with no account being allowed for
voids. In all cases the weight of cargo shall be the volume of the cargo (resulting from the
assumptions stated in B 1.1.3 or B 1.1.4) divided by the stowage factor.
1.5 In partly filled compartments the adverse effect of the vertical shift of grain surfaces
shall be taken into account as follows:
1.6 Any other equally effective method may be adopted to make the compensation
required in B 1.3 and B 1.5.
IMO-Vega Note
The International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk was adopted on 23 May 1991
by Resolution MSC.23(59). It entered into force 1 January 1994.
* * *
Note that with the coming into force of the 1981 SOLAS Amendments i.e. from 1 September
1984, Chapter VI was made applicable also to cargo ships of less than 500 GT.
Resolutions from the 59. session of the Maritime Safety Committee of IMO, May
2.1 The pattern of grain surface movement relates to a transverse section across the
portion of the compartment being considered and the resultant heeling moment should be
multiplied by the length to obtain the total moment for that portion.
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2.2 The assumed transverse heeling moment due to grain shifting is a consequence of
final changes of shape and position of voids after grain has moved from the high side to the
low side.
2.3 The resulting grain surface after shifting shall be assumed to be at 15° to the
2.4 In calculating the maximum void area that can be formed against a longitudinal
structural member, the effects of any horizontal surfaces, e.g. flanges or face bars, shall be
2.5 The total areas of the initial and final voids shall be equal.
2.6 Longitudinal structural members which are grain-tight may be considered effective
over their full depth except where they are provided as a device to reduce the adverse
effect of grain shift, in which case the provisions of A 10.9 shall apply.
2.7 A discontinuous longitudinal division may be considered effective over its full length.
In the following paragraphs it is assumed that the total heeling moment for a compartment
is obtained by adding the results of separate consideration of the following portions:
.1 If a compartment has two or more main hatchways through which loading may
take place, the depth of the underdeck void for the portion or portions between
such hatchways shall be determined using the fore and aft distance to the
midpoint between the hatchways.
.2 After the assumed shift of grain the final void pattern shall be as shown in figure
B 2-1.
Figure B 2-1
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(2) If, for example, the longitudinal division at C is one which has been
provided in accordance with A 10.9, it shall extend to at least 0.6 m below
D or E whichever gives the greater depth.
Figure B 2-2
Figure B 2-3
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The following paragraphs describe the pattern of void behavior which shall be assumed
when compartments are loaded in combination:
.1 Under the upper deck - as for the single deck arrangement described in B 2.8.2
and B 2.9.1.
.2 Under the second deck - the area of void available for transfer from the low side,
i.e. original void area less area against the hatch side girder, shall be assumed
to transfer as follows:
one half to the upper deck hatchway and one quarter each to the high side
under the upper and second deck.
.3 Under the third and lower decks - the void areas available for transfer from the
low side of each of these decks shall be assumed to transfer in equal quantities
to all the voids under the decks on the high side and the void in the upper deck
2.11 With effective centreline divisions which extend into the upper deck hatchway:
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.1 At all deck levels abreast of the division the void areas available for transfer
from the low side shall be assumed to transfer to the void under the low side
half of the upper deck hatchway.
.2 At the deck level immediately below the bottom of the division the void area
available for transfer from the low side shall be assumed to transfer as follows:
one half to the void under the low side half of the upper deck hatchway and the
remainder in equal quantities to the voids under the decks on the high side.
.3 At deck levels lower than those described in B 2.11.1 or B 2.11.2, the void area
available for transfer from the low side of each of those decks shall be assumed
to transfer in equal quantities to the voids in each of the two halves of the
upper deck hatchway on each side of the division and the voids under the decks
on the high side.
2.12 With effective centreline divisions which do not extend into the upper deck hatchway:
Since no horizontal transfer of voids may be assumed to take place at the same deck
level as the division, the void area available for transfer from the low side at this level
shall be assumed to transfer above the division to voids on the high side in
accordance with the principles of B 2.10 and B 2.11.
IMO-Vega Note
The International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk was adopted on 23 May 1991
by Resolution MSC.23(59). It entered into force 1 January 1994.
* * *
Note that with the coming into force of the 1981 SOLAS Amendments i.e. from 1 September
1984, Chapter VI was made applicable also to cargo ships of less than 500 GT.
Resolutions from the 59. session of the Maritime Safety Committee of IMO, May
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3.1 All the provision for "filled compartments, trimmed" set forth in B 2 shall also apply to
"filled compartments, untrimmed" except as noted below.
3.2 In "filled compartments, untrimmed" which are exempted from trimming outside the
periphery of the hatchway under the provisions of A 10.3.1:
.2 the void area at any transverse section of the compartment shall be assumed to
be the same both before and after the grain shift, i.e. it shall be assumed that
additional feeding does not occur at the time of the grain shift.
3.3 In "filled compartments, untrimmed" which are exempted from trimming in the ends,
forward and aft of the hatchway, under the provisions of A 10.3.2:
.1 the resulting grain surface abreast of the hatchway after shifting shall be
assumed to be at an angle of 15° to the horizontal;
.2 the resulting grain surface in the ends, forward and aft of the hatchway after
shifting shall be assumed to be at an angle of 25° to the horizontal.
IMO-Vega Note
The International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk was adopted on 23 May 1991
by Resolution MSC.23(59). It entered into force 1 January 1994.
* * *
Note that with the coming into force of the 1981 SOLAS Amendments i.e. from 1 September
1984, Chapter VI was made applicable also to cargo ships of less than 500 GT.
Resolutions from the 59. session of the Maritime Safety Committee of IMO, May
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After the assumed shift of grain the final void pattern shall be as shown in figure B 4:
Figure B 4
Note on figure B 4:
If the wing spaces in way of the trunk cannot be properly trimmed in accordance with A 10,
it shall be assumed that a 25° surface shift takes place.
IMO-Vega Note
The International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk was adopted on 23 May 1991
by Resolution MSC.23(59). It entered into force 1 January 1994.
* * *
Note that with the coming into force of the 1981 SOLAS Amendments i.e. from 1 September
1984, Chapter VI was made applicable also to cargo ships of less than 500 GT.
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Resolutions from the 59. session of the Maritime Safety Committee of IMO, May
5.1 When the free surface of the bulk grain has not been secured in accordance with A
16, A 17 or A 18, it shall be assumed that the grain surface after shifting shall be at 25° to
the horizontal.
5.2 In a partly filled compartment, a division, if fitted, shall extend from one eighth of the
maximum breadth of the compartment above the level of the grain surface and to the same
distance below the grain surface.
5.3 In a compartment in which the longitudinal divisions are not continuous between the
transverse boundaries, the length over which any such divisions are effective as devices to
prevent full width shifts of grain surfaces shall be taken to be the actual length of the
portion of the division under consideration less two sevenths of the greater of the
transverse distances between the division and its adjacent division or ship's side. This
correction does not apply in the lower compartments of any combination loading in which
the upper compartment is either a filled compartment or a partly filled compartment.
IMO-Vega Note
The International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk was adopted on 23 May 1991
by Resolution MSC.23(59). It entered into force 1 January 1994.
* * *
Note that with the coming into force of the 1981 SOLAS Amendments i.e. from 1 September
1984, Chapter VI was made applicable also to cargo ships of less than 500 GT.
Resolutions from the 59. session of the Maritime Safety Committee of IMO, May
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IMO-Vega Note
The International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk was adopted on 23 May 1991
by Resolution MSC.23(59). It entered into force 1 January 1994.
* * *
Note that with the coming into force of the 1981 SOLAS Amendments i.e. from 1 September
1984, Chapter VI was made applicable also to cargo ships of less than 500 GT.
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