Fatty Acids: Structure
Fatty Acids: Structure
Fatty Acids: Structure
compounds including fats, oils, hormones, and Some lipids are amphipathic—part of their
certain components of membranes that are structure is hydrophilic and another part,
grouped together because they do not interact usually a larger section, is hydrophobic.
appreciably with water. One type of lipid, Amphipathic lipids exhibit a unique behaviour
the triglycerides, is sequestered in water: they spontaneously form ordered
as fat in adipose cells, which serve as the molecular aggregates, with their hydrophilic
energy-storage depot for organisms and also ends on the outside, in contact with the water,
provide thermal insulation. Some lipids such and their hydrophobic parts on the inside,
as steroid hormones serve as chemical shielded from the water. This property is key to
messengers between cells, tissues, and organs, their role as the fundamental components of
and others communicate signals between cellular and organelle membranes.
biochemical systems within a single cell.
The membranes of cells and organelles Although biological lipids are not large
(structures within cells) are microscopically macromolecular polymers (e.g., proteins,
thin structures formed from two layers nucleic acids, and polysaccharides), many are
of phospholipid molecules. Membranes formed by the chemical linking of several
function to separate individual cells from small constituent molecules. Many of these
their environments and to compartmentalize molecular building blocks are similar, or
the cell interior into structures that carry out homologous, in structure. The homologies
special functions. So important is this allow lipids to be classified into a few major
compartmentalizing function that membranes, groups: fatty acids, fatty acid
and the lipids that form them, must have been derivatives, cholesterol and its derivatives, and
essential to the origin of life itself. lipoproteins. This article covers the major
groups and explains how these molecules
function as energy-storage molecules, chemical
messengers, and structural components of
Fatty acids
Fatty acids rarely occur as free molecules in
nature but are usually found as components of
many complex lipid molecules such as fats
(energy-storage compounds) and
phospholipids (the primary lipid components
of cellular membranes). This section describes
the structure and physical and chemical
lipid; oogonium properties of fatty acids. It also explains how
living organisms obtain fatty acids, both from
A false colour transmission electron microscope
their diets and through metabolic breakdown
micrograph of an oogonium (an egg cell of certain algae
of stored fats.
and fungi), showing an abundance of lipid droplets
(yellow), a nucleus (green), an atypical nucleolus (dark Structure
blue), and mitochondria (red).(more)
number of
trivial systematic typical
carbons in
name name sources
cis-9- marine
hexadecenoic 16 algae, pine
acid oil
cis-9- animal
oleic acid octadecenoic 18 tissues,
acid olive oil
fish oils
gadoleic cis-9-
20 (cod,
acid eicosenoic acid
erucic acid docosenoic 22
Structural formula of oleic acid. acid
Substituent groups
eicosatrienoic 20 In addition to the very common fatty acids with
acid straight saturated or unsaturated acyl chains,
many fatty acids are chemically modified by
8,11,14- 20 brain tissue substituents on the hydrocarbon chain. For
eicosatrienoic example, the preening gland of ducks secretes
a fatty acid 10 carbons long with methyl (CH3)
groups substituted for one of the hydrogens on each carbon atom to the hydrocarbon chain.
carbons 2, 4, 6, and 8. Some bacteria produce This relationship reflects the energy required to
fatty acids that have a methyl group on transfer the molecule from a pure
the carbon atom farthest from the acidic group hydrocarbon solvent to water. With each
or on the penultimate carbon. Other bacteria CH2 group, for instance, more energy is
incorporate a cyclopropane ring near the centre required to order water molecules around the
of the acyl chain. The bacterium that hydrocarbon chain of the fatty acid, which
causes tuberculosis (Mycobacterium results in the hydrophobic effect.
tuberculosis) synthesizes a whole family of
cyclopropane-containing fatty acids called α- In pure water the carboxylate group can
mycolic acids. Similar fatty acids are found in dissociate a positively charged hydrogen ion to
related bacteria. A third common constituent is only a very small degree
a hydroxyl group (OH). Monohydroxyl acids thus:R―COOH → RCOO− + H+.
are found in both plants and animals in
relatively small amounts, but they are more
prevalent in bacteria.
Physical properties
Pure fatty acids form crystals that consist of
stacked layers of molecules, with each layer the
thickness of two extended molecules. The
molecules in a layer are arranged so that the
hydrophobic (water-fearing) hydrocarbon When a soap is dissolved in water, fatty acids in the soap
chains form the interior of the layer and the form spherical structures called micelles, in which the
hydrophilic (water-loving) carboxylic hydrophilic “heads” of the fatty acid molecules are
acid groups form the two faces. For a specific turned toward the water and the hydrophobic “tails” are
fatty acid the details of the molecular packing sheltered in the interior.
may vary, giving rise to different crystal forms
known as polymorphs. Here R represents the hydrocarbon chain. The
carboxylate ion, bearing a negative charge, is
The melting temperatures of saturated fatty more polar than the undissociated acid.
acids of biological interest are above 27 °C (81 RCOOH can be converted completely to the ion
°F) and rise with increasing length of the RCOO− by adding an equal number of
hydrocarbon chain. Monounsaturated and molecules of a base such as sodium
polyunsaturated molecules melt at hydroxide (NaOH). This effectively replaces the
substantially lower temperatures than do their H+ with Na+ to give the salt of the fatty acid,
saturated analogs, with the lowest melting which is a soap. The very useful detergent
temperatures occurring when the carbon- property of soaps stems from the fact that the
carbon double bonds are located near the RCOO− anions in water spontaneously form
centre of the hydrocarbon chain, as they are in stable, spherical aggregates called micelles. The
most biological molecules. As a result, these interior of these structures, formed by the
molecules form viscous liquids at room hydrocarbon chains, is an excellent solvent in
temperature. which grease and hydrophobic dirt of all sorts
can be sequestered. The diameter of
The hydrophobic character of the hydrocarbon each micelle is roughly twice the length of the
chain of most biological fatty acids exceeds the extended fatty acid. Dispersions of micelles in
hydrophilic nature of the carboxylic acid group, water can be made quite concentrated and
making the water solubility of these molecules exhibit great cleansing power. These
very low. For example, at 25 °C (77 °F) the dispersions are stable and generally look very
solubility in grams of fatty acid per gram much like pure water. Bubbles and foams on
of solution is 3 × 10−6. Water solubility the surface of soap dispersions are the result of
decreases exponentially with the addition of the spontaneous adsorption of RCOO− ions at
the interface between the aqueous dispersion
and air, with the result that the air-water Digestion of dietary
interfaces are energetically stabilized and can
therefore be mechanically expanded. fatty acids
Chemical properties The main source of fatty acids in the diet
is triglycerides, generically called fats. In
The most chemically reactive portion of fatty
humans, fat constitutes an important part of
acids is the acidic carboxyl group (COOH). It
the diet, and in some countries it can
reacts with alcohols (R′OH) to form products
contribute as much as 45 percent of energy
known as esters (RCOOR′) and releases water
intake. Triglycerides consist of three fatty
in the process. This ester bond is the
acid molecules, each linked by an ester bond to
principal covalent bond linking fatty acid
one of the three OH groups of
moieties to other groups in the more-complex
a glycerol molecule. After ingested triglycerides
lipids discussed in other sections of this article.
pass through the stomach and into the small
A second chemical bond, occurring much less
intestine, detergents called bile salts are
frequently in biological lipids involving fatty
secreted by the liver via the gall bladder and
acids, is the ether bond (R
disperse the fat as micelles. Pancreatic enzymes
′―O―R). Ether bonds are chemically more
called lipases then hydrolyze the dispersed fats
stable than ester bonds.
to give monoglycerides and free fatty acids.
These products are absorbed into the cells
The hydrocarbon part of a fatty acid molecule is
lining the small intestine, where they are
quite resistant to chemical attack unless
resynthesized into triglycerides. The
carbon-carbon double bonds are present. A
triglycerides, together with other types of
number of different kinds of molecules react
lipids, are then secreted by these cells in
with such a double bond. For example, when
lipoproteins, large molecular complexes that
a catalyst such as platinum is present,
are transported in the lymph and blood to
hydrogen gas adds to the double bond to give
recipient organs. In detail, the process of
a saturated fatty acid. Halogens (chlorine,
triglyceride or fat absorption from dietary
bromine, and iodine) and their derivatives such
sources is quite complex and differs somewhat
as hydroiodic acid (HI) also react with the
depending upon the animal species.
double bond to form saturated fatty acids, but
in these cases one or two atoms of Storage
the halogen replace one or two of the
hydrogens normally found in the saturated acyl After transport through the circulation,
chain. Carbon-carbon double bonds can also triglycerides are hydrolyzed yet again to fatty
react with oxygen in either nonenzymatic acids in the adipose tissue. There they are
processes or enzymatically catalyzed oxidation transported into adipose cells, where once
reactions. This process generates a variety of again they are resynthesized into triglycerides
products, some of which contribute to and stored as droplets. Fat or adipose tissue
the rancid smell in spoiled meat and vegetable essentially consists of cells, whereby the
products. In general, the more highly interior of each cell is largely occupied by a fat
unsaturated the fatty acid, the more easily it is droplet. The triglyceride in these droplets is
oxidized. available to the body on demand as
Biological sources communicated to adipose tissue
by hormone messengers.
Fatty acids are found in biological systems
Various animals store triglycerides in different
either as free molecules or as components of
ways. In sharks, for example, fat is stored in the
more-complex lipids. They are derived from
liver, but in bony fish it is deposited in and
dietary sources or produced by metabolism, as
around muscle fibres. Insects store fat in a
described below.
special organ called the fat body. The
development of true adipose tissue is found
only in higher animals.
In mammals, fatty acids are synthesized in
adipose and liver cells from glucose via a fairly
complex pathway. In essence, the six carbons of
a glucose molecule are oxidized to a pair of
two-carbon carboxylic acid fragments called
acetate. The starting point for biosynthesis is
an acetate group chemically linked to a
molecule of CoA (coenzyme A). The process of
building up the acyl chain of a fatty acid then
begins, basically through the sequential
chemical addition of two-carbon fragments
from CoA-acetate to generate, for example, the
16-carbon saturated fatty acid palmitate. This
process is catalyzed by a
complex enzyme known as fatty acid synthase.
Elongation of the palmitate carbon chain and
the introduction of carbon-carbon double
bonds are carried out subsequently by other
enzyme systems. The overall process is
basically the same in organisms ranging from Structural formula of tristearin (tristearic acid).
bacteria to humans.
Triglycerides (chemical name triacylglycerol),
the principal means of storing fatty acids in
biological systems, are a class
of compounds that consist of glycerol (a three-
carbon trihydroxy alcohol) with a fatty acid
More From Britannica linked to each of the three OH groups by an
ester bond. An example of a typical triglyceride
is tristearin. Because this molecule contains
only one type of fatty acid, it is referred to as a
metabolism: Lipid components simple triglyceride. Almost all naturally
occurring triglyceride molecules, however,
contain more than one type of fatty acid; when
two or more in a given molecule are different, it
Fatty acid derivatives is called a mixed triglyceride. For any specific
combination of three fatty acids, three different
molecules are possible, depending upon which
Triglycerides of the three fatty acids is bonded to the central
carbon of glycerol. Considering the numbers of
Structure common saturated, monounsaturated, and
polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is evident that
there are a great many different triglycerides.
Physical properties
Triglycerides are hydrophobic substances that
are soluble only in some organic solvents.
Unlike many other types of complex lipids, they
possess no electric charges and are therefore
referred to as neutral lipids. The molecular wax-rich dead plankton over vast periods of
structure of a few triglycerides that have been time. Whales and many fishes also store large
studied in crystals indicates that the acyl chains quantities of waxes.
on the 1 and 2 carbons of glycerol, together Biological membrane lipids
with the 1 and 2 carbons of glycerol itself, form
a straight line. Carbon 3 projects at right angles
The three principal classes of lipids that form
to this line, but the acyl chain on its glycerol
the bilayer matrix of biological membranes are
folds over at the carboxyl carbon to lie
glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, and
alongside the acyl chain on carbon 1.
sterols (principally cholesterol). The most
Triglyceride molecules look much like a tuning
important characteristic of molecules in the
fork and, when packed together, produce
first two groups is their amphipathic structure
layered crystals.
—well separated hydrophilic (polar) and
hydrophobic (nonpolar) regions. Generally,
The melting temperatures of mixed
their shape is elongated, with a hydrophilic end
triglycerides are roughly an average of the
or head attached to a hydrophobic moiety by a
melting temperatures of their constituent fatty
short intervening region of
acids. In simple triglycerides, melting
intermediate polarity. Because of the
temperatures rise with increasing acyl chain
segregation of polarity and nonpolarity,
length but drop with increasing number of
amphipathic molecules in any solvent will
double bonds. Melted triglycerides are
spontaneously form aggregates that minimize
generally quite viscous oils. From the
energetically unfavourable contacts (by keeping
physiological standpoint, it is important that
unlike regions of molecules apart) and
most stored triglycerides be fluid at body
maximize favourable contacts with the solvent
temperature in order to permit their rapid
(by keeping similar regions of molecules
mobilization as an energy source. Liquidity is
together). The molecular arrangement of
also important since subcutaneous stored fats
the aggregate depends upon the solvent and the
perform an insulating function that must not
details of the amphipathic structure of the
interfere with the mobility of the organism and
its parts.
A second group of neutral lipids that are of
physiological importance, though they are a
minor component of biological systems, are
waxes. Essentially, waxes consist of a long-
chain fatty acid linked through
an ester oxygen to a long-chain alcohol. These
molecules are completely water-insoluble and
generally solid at biological temperatures.
Their strongly hydrophobic nature allows them
to function as water repellents on the leaves of lipid bilayer; cell membrane
some plants, on feathers, and on the cuticles of
certain insects. Waxes also serve as energy- Phospholipid molecules, like molecules of many lipids, are
storage substances in plankton (microscopic composed of a hydrophilic “head” and one or more
aquatic plants and animals) and in higher hydrophobic “tails.” In a water medium, the molecules
members of the aquatic food chain. Plankton form a lipid bilayer, or two-layered sheet, in which the
heads are turned toward the watery medium and the tails
apparently use the biosynthesis of waxes to
are sheltered inside, away from the water. This bilayer is
adjust their buoyant density and thus their
the basis of the membranes of living cells.(more)
depth in the ocean. It has been suggested that a
major source of petroleum found in deep-sea In water, micelles formed by soaps (the sodium
sediments originates from the deposition of or potassium salts of fatty acids) are one such
aggregate. The polar or hydrophilic portion of
the soap molecules forms the surface of
the micelle, while the hydrocarbon chains form glycerophospholipid structure
its interior and are thus completely protected General structural formula of a glycerophospholipid. The
from the energetically unfavourable contact composition of the specific molecule depends on the
with water, as described in the section Fatty chemical group (designated R3 in the diagram) linked to
acids: Physical properties. Biological the phosphate and glycerol “head” and also on the lengths
membrane lipids, however, do not form of the fatty acid “tails” (R1 and R2).(more)
spherical micelles in water but instead form
topologically closed lamellar (layered) Lipids of this class are the most abundant in
structures. The polar heads of the component biological membranes. In
molecules form the two faces of the lamella, glycerophospholipids, fatty acids are linked
while the hydrophobic moieties form its through an ester oxygen to carbons 1 and 2
interior. Each lamella is thus two molecules in of glycerol, the backbone of the molecule.
thickness, with the long axis of the component Phosphate is ester-linked to carbon 3, while
molecules perpendicular to the plane of the any one of several possible substituents is also
bilayer. linked to the phosphate moiety.
Glycerophospholipids are amphipathic—
glycerol and phosphate form the polar end of
the molecule, while hydrocarbon chains form
the nonpolar end. Although the fatty acids can
be any of those common in biological systems,
usually those attached to carbon 1 are saturated
and those attached to carbon 2 are
unsaturated. The various combinations of two
fatty acids give rise to many different
molecules bearing the same substituent group.
Since this is true for each head group, there are
altogether about a thousand possible types of
glycerophospholipids. The great majority are
found in biological membranes.
High blood levels of cholesterol have been Cholesterol is absorbed into the cells of the
recognized as a primary risk factor for heart intestinal lining, where it is incorporated
disease. For this reason, much research has into lipoprotein complexes called chylomicrons
been focused on the control of and then secreted into the lymphatic
cholesterol’s biosynthesis, on its transport in circulation. The lymph ultimately enters the
the blood, and on its storage in the body. The bloodstream, and the lipoproteins are carried
overall level of cholesterol in the body is the to the liver. Cholesterol, whether derived from
result of a balance between dietary intake and the diet or newly synthesized by the liver, is
cellular biosynthesis on the one hand and, on transported in the blood in lipoproteins (VLDL
the other hand, elimination of cholesterol from and LDL) to the tissues and organs of the body.
the body (principally as its metabolic products, There the cholesterol is incorporated into
bile acids). biological membranes or stored as cholesteryl
esters—molecules formed by the reaction of
As the dietary intake of cholesterol increases in a fatty acid (most commonly oleate) with the
normal persons, there is a corresponding hydroxyl group of cholesterol. Esters of
decrease in absorption from the intestines and cholesterol are even more hydrophobic than
an increase in the synthesis and excretion of cholesterol itself, and in cells they coalesce into
bile acids—which normally accounts for about droplets analogous to the fat droplets in
70 percent of the cholesterol lost from the adipose cells.
body. The molecular details of these control
processes are poorly understood. Cholesterol is lost from cells
in peripheral tissues by transfer to another type
Regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis in the of circulating lipoprotein (HDL) in the blood
liver and other cells of the body is better and is then returned to the liver, where it is
understood. The initial enzyme that forms metabolized to bile acids and salts.
mevalonate in the first stage of biosynthesis is
controlled by two processes. One is inhibition
of the synthesis of this enzyme by cholesterol
itself or a derivative of it. The other is
regulation of the catalytic activity of the
enzyme by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation
in response to intracellular signals. Several
pharmacological agents also inhibit the
enzyme, with the result that unhealthy levels of
cholesterol can be lowered over a period of
Transport and storage
The normal human body contains about 100
grams of cholesterol, although this amount can
vary considerably among healthy people.
Approximately 60 grams of this total are
moving dynamically through the organism. low-density lipoprotein (LDL) complex
Because cholesterol is insoluble in water, the
The LDL complex is essentially a droplet of
basis of the bodily fluids, it is carried through
triacylglycerols and cholesteryl esters encased in a sphere
the circulatory system by transport particles in
made up of phospholipid, free cholesterol, and protein
the blood called lipoproteins. These molecules known as apoprotein B-100 (ApoB-100). The
microscopic complexes (described in the
LDL complex is the principal vehicle for delivering
Human plasma lipoproteins
cholesterol to body tissues through the blood.(more)
molecular lipoprotein
weight distribution
apoC-II 8,837
Inside the muscle cell, free fatty acids are The second step is the oxidation of the fatty
converted to a thioester of acid to a set of two-carbon acetate fragments
a molecule called coenzyme A, or CoA. (A with thioester linkages to CoA. This series of
thioester is a compound in which the reactions, known as β-oxidation, takes place in
linking oxygen in an ester is replaced by the matrix of the mitochondrion. Since most
a sulfur atom.) Oxidation of the fatty acid–CoA biological fatty acids have an even number of
thioesters actually takes place in discrete carbons, the number of acetyl-CoA fragments
vesicular bodies called mitochondria. Most derived from a specific fatty acid is equal to
cells contain many mitochondria, each roughly one-half the number of carbons in the acyl
the size of a bacterium, ranging from 0.5 to 10 chain. For example, palmitic acid (C 16) yields
m (micrometre; 1 m = one-millionth of a eight acetyl-CoA thioesters. In the case of rare
metre) in diameter; their size and shape differ unbranched fatty acids with an odd number of
depending on the cell type in which they occur. carbons, one three-carbon CoA ester is formed
The mitochondrion is surrounded by a as well as the two-carbon acetyl-CoA thioesters.
double membrane system enclosing a fluid Thus, a C17 acid yields seven acetyl and one
three-carbon CoA thioester. The energy in the the electrical energy of the transmembrane
successive oxidation steps is conserved by “battery.” The energy stored in this battery is in
chemical reduction (the opposite of oxidation) turn used to generate ATP from adenosine
of molecules that can subsequently be used to diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate by
form ATP. ATP is the common fuel used in all the action of a complex enzyme called ATP
the machinery of the cell (e.g., muscle, nerves, synthase, also located on the inner
membrane transport systems, and biosynthetic mitochondrial membrane. Peter
systems for the formation of complex Mitchell received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry
molecules such as DNA and proteins). in 1978 for his discovery of the conversion of
electron transport energy into a
The two-carbon residues of acetyl-CoA are transmembrane battery and the use of this
oxidized to CO2 and water, with conservation battery to generate ATP. It is interesting that a
of chemical energy in the form of FADH2 and similar process forms the basis of
NADH and a small amount of ATP. This photosynthesis—the mechanism by which
process is carried out in a series of nine green plants convert light energy from the Sun
enzymatically catalyzed reactions in the into carbohydrates and fats, the basic foods of
mitochondrial matrix space. The reactions both plants and animals. Many of the
form a closed cycle, often called the citric molecular details of the oxidative
acid, tricarboxylic acid, or Krebs cycle (after its phosphorylation system are now known, but
discoverer, Nobelist Sir Hans Krebs). there is still much to learn about it and the
equally complex process of photosynthesis.
The final stage is the conversion of the
chemical energy in NADH and FADH2 formed The β-oxidation also occurs to a minor extent
in the second and third steps into ATP by a within small subcellular organelles called
process known as oxidative phosphorylation. peroxisomes in animals and glyoxysomes in
All the participating enzymes are located inside plants. In these cases fatty acids are oxidized to
the mitochondrial inner membrane—except CO2 and water, but the energy is released as
one, which is trapped in the space between the heat. The biochemical details and physiological
inner and outer membranes. In order for the functions of these organelles are not well
process to produce ATP, the inner membrane understood.
must be impermeable to hydrogen ions (H +). In Regulation of fatty acid
the course of oxidative phosphorylation,
molecules of NADH and FADH2 are subjected oxidation
to a series of linked oxidation-reduction
reactions. NADH and FADH2 are rich in The rate of utilization of acetyl-CoA, the
electrons and give up these electrons to the first product of β-oxidation, and the availability of
member of the reaction chain. The electrons free fatty acids are the determining factors that
then pass down the series of oxidation- control fatty acid oxidation. The concentrations
reduction reactions and in the last reaction of free fatty acids in the blood are hormone-
reduce molecular oxygen (O2) to water (H2O). regulated, with glucagon stimulating and
This part of oxidative phosphorylation is insulin inhibiting fatty acid release
called electron transport. from adipose tissue. The utilization in muscle
of acetyl-CoA depends upon the activity of the
The chemical energy available in these citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
electron-transfer reactions is conserved by —whose rates in turn reflect the demand for
pumping H+ across the mitochondrial inner ATP.
membrane from matrix to cytoplasm.
Essentially an electrical battery is created, with In the liver the metabolism of free fatty acids
the cytoplasm acting as the positive pole and reflects the metabolic state of the animal. In
the mitochondrial matrix as the negative pole. well-fed animals the liver converts excess
The net effect of electron transport is thus to carbohydrates to fatty acids, whereas in fasting
convert the chemical energy of oxidation into animals fatty acid oxidation is the predominant
activity, along with the formation of ketones. substances in the cell and provides the basis for
Although the details are not completely the compartmentalizing function of biological
understood, it is clear that in the liver the membranes.
metabolism of fatty acids is tightly linked to
fatty acid synthesis so that a wasteful closed Some protein components are inserted into the
cycle of fatty acid synthesis from and bilayer, and most span this structure. These so-
metabolism back to acetyl-CoA is prevented. called integral, or intrinsic, membrane proteins
have amino acids with nonpolar side chains at
Lipids in the interface between the protein and the
nonpolar central region of the lipid bilayer. A
biological membranes second class of proteins is associated with the
polar surfaces of the bilayer and with
the intrinsic membrane proteins. The protein
components are specific for each type of
membrane and determine their predominant
physiological functions. The lipid component,
apart from its critical barrier function, is for the
most part physiologically silent, although
derivatives of certain membrane lipids can
serve as intracellular messengers.
target tissue cellular response
amylase secretion
pancreas (islet
acetylcholine insulin release
smooth muscle
vasopressin glycogenolysis
thrombin blood platelets
DNA synthesis
antigens histamine
mast cells