TC2456en-Ed24 Release Note SOT

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Release Note Software Orchestration Tool

TC2456 ed.24 Release 3.1

Software Orchestration Tool (S.O.T.) -

Release Note of version R3.1.009.106

This document is the Release Note for the delivery of the S.O.T. tool version It gives all necessary information
for the usage of S.O.T. & gives which products are supported.

Revision History

Edition 1: April 24, 2018 Creation of the document. S.O.T. version 1.0
Edition 2: July 24, 2018 Edition 02. S.O.T. version 1.1
Edition 3: October 16, 2018 Edition 03. S.O.T. version
Edition 4: October 24, 2018 Edition 04. Modification about warning with use in VirtualBox (Chap. 9) + removal of
some restrictions on several products managed (chapt.9)
Edition 5: November 26, 2018 Edition 05. New version bug fixing.
Edition 6: April 3, 2019 New version (chap. 10). Bug fixing & features. Adding also chapter 7
“delivery format”
Edition 7: June 12, 2019 New version with feature description
Edition 8: June 12, 2019 New version – new feature “PCS installation” etc.
Edition 9: April 14, 2020 New version with new features description
Edition 10: May 5, 2020 Chap 4.1 - added info related to VMware Player issue (from version 15)
Edition 11: July 7, 2020 Version - Chap 14.2.5 – update process. Chap 16 – added chapter
“Installation by images”. Chap 14.2.6 - new feature. Update on fixed & still opened issues. Chap 15 - Restriction/ remarks
on OVF generation
Edition 12: October 22, 2020 Version – new: Management of the new OTFC on Windows server (.210) +
1 fix in .211
Edition 13: December 18, 2020 Version – bug fixing
Edition 14: June 17, 2021 Version – bug fixing/ new features

Legal notice: The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE. To view other
trademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither
ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. © Copyright 2023 ALE
International, ALE USA Inc. All rights reserved in all countries.
Edition 15: October 28, 2021 Version – bug fixing/ new features
Remarks in PCS (chap. 16.2.6)
Several products memory size/disk size updated (new dimensioning)
Updates in Restrictions (chap. 18)
Edition 16: February 11, 2022 Version – 1 bug fixing
Remarks on Hyper-V (restrictions: chap. 18.6)
Chap. 20: anomaly reports
Edition 17: April 20, 2022 IMPORTANT UPDATE in version – bug fixing +
Compatibility for creating OVF with VMware 7.0 – read chap. 4.1: SOT
compatibilities/OVF – fixed issue with feature “update Suse on OMS/OST” (from N1
Edition 18: July 28, 2022 Version – new features – bug fixing
Edition 19: August 22, 2022 Version – 1 bug fixing
Edition 20: November 2, 2022 Version – 1 bug fixing – Features: UEFI boot support, GAS Factory mode
for external integrators (internal ALE usage)
Edition 21: February 14, 2023 Version – bug fixing – Values of disk size changed for OMS/OST/EEGW &
VAA – No added features
Edition 22: April 17, 2023 GAS installation: restriction added for the use of ethernet interfaces (chap. 18.1)
Edition 23: August 21, 2023 Version & 105: important bug fixing – OTFC modification: 30 ports, not 48
Edition 24: October 11, 2023 Version bug fixing

Legal notice: The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE. To view other
trademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither
ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. © Copyright 2023 ALE
International, ALE USA Inc. All rights reserved in all countries.
Table of contents
1 INTRODUCTION OF S.O.T. ...................................................................................................................... 7
2 MAINTENANCE/ SERVICEABILITY/ SECURITY ........................................................................................... 8
3 MANUAL, DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 8
4 S.O.T. COMPATIBILITIES ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.1 OVF (VMware 7 compatibility) ............................................................................................................ 8
4.2 S.O.T. VIRTUAL MACHINE & HOSTS .................................................................................................. 8
4.3 BROWSER COMPATIBILITY (web interface for S.O.T. use) .................................................................. 9
4.4 MEDIA PROVISIONING (case of copy of product software to internal SOT local storage) ..................... 10
4.5 WEB INTERFACE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 11
5 PRODUCTS SUPPORTED, DIMENSIONING .............................................................................................. 11

5.1 DCS ............................................................................................................................................... 12

5.2 EEGW............................................................................................................................................. 12
5.3 GAS ............................................................................................................................................... 13
5.4 Omnivista 8770 ............................................................................................................................... 13
5.5 O2G ............................................................................................................................................... 14
5.6 OMS ............................................................................................................................................... 14
5.7 OST64 ............................................................................................................................................ 14
5.8 OTBE ............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.9 OTFC ............................................................................................................................................. 15
5.10 OTFC on Windows server............................................................................................................... 15
5.11 OTMC ........................................................................................................................................... 15
5.12 OTMS ........................................................................................................................................... 15
5.13 OXE.............................................................................................................................................. 16
5.14 VAA: Visual Automated Attendant (installation and update) ............................................................. 16
6 BOARDS/ PRODUCTS NOT SUPPORTED ................................................................................................. 17

7 INSTALLATION (full version, patches) .................................................................................................... 17

8 DELIVERY FORMAT ............................................................................................................................... 17
8.1 Default configuration ....................................................................................................................... 17
8.2 Template factory configuration (from 2.0) ........................................................................................ 17
8.3 Moving from default configuration to template factory configuration (from 2.0) .................................. 18
9 Update of bootDVD ............................................................................................................................... 18
10 Update of PCS ..................................................................................................................................... 19
10.1 PCS update through https from L2 version to Mx version ................................................................. 19
10.1.1 PCS update procedure ............................................................................................................. 19
10.1.2 PCS update process ................................................................................................................ 20
10.2 “classical” PCS update from a Mx version to a My version ................................................................ 21

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10.2.1 “Classical” PCS update process ................................................................................................ 21
10.2.2 PCS update in the update menu ............................................................................................... 22
10.3 PCS update in the wizard for existing products ................................................................................ 23
10.4 PCS in the project detailed view ..................................................................................................... 23
10.5 Monitoring the PCS installation ....................................................................................................... 23
11 NEW FEATURES IN R1.1 ...................................................................................................................... 23

11.1 Features ....................................................................................................................................... 23

11.2 Products ....................................................................................................................................... 25
11.2.1 New products ......................................................................................................................... 25
11.2.2 Update of products ................................................................................................................. 25

12 NEW FEATURES IN R1.2 ...................................................................................................................... 25

12.1 Features ....................................................................................................................................... 25
12.1.1 First Web connection ............................................................................................................... 25
12.1.2 Update of boot DVD for OpenTouch solution ............................................................................ 25
12.1.3 Deletion of all media selected .................................................................................................. 26
12.1.4 Schedule switching for OXE servers .......................................................................................... 26
12.1.5 Selection of a specific OXE version to install.............................................................................. 27
12.2 Products ....................................................................................................................................... 28
13 NEW FEATURES IN R2.0 ...................................................................................................................... 28

13.1 Features ....................................................................................................................................... 28

13.1.1 OXE - Linux ram boot .............................................................................................................. 28
13.1.2 8770 - Updating and Installing hotfixes .................................................................................... 28
13.1.3 OT ......................................................................................................................................... 28
13.1.4 SOT ....................................................................................................................................... 28 The login process ............................................................................................................................28 The “forgot password” process .........................................................................................................28 Wizards for template factory .............................................................................................................29 Verification of a project ....................................................................................................................29 Options for updating OXE servers ......................................................................................................30 Templates listing .............................................................................................................................31
13.2 Products ....................................................................................................................................... 31
13.2.1 New products ......................................................................................................................... 31
13.2.2 Update of products ................................................................................................................. 31

14 NEW FEATURES ON R2.1 ..................................................................................................................... 32

14.1 Products ....................................................................................................................................... 32
14.2 New functionalities ........................................................................................................................ 32
15 NEW FEATURES IN R2.2 ...................................................................................................................... 32
15.1 Products ....................................................................................................................................... 32
15.2 New functionalities ........................................................................................................................ 32

16 NEW FEATURES IN R3.0 ...................................................................................................................... 33

16.1 Products ....................................................................................................................................... 33

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16.2 New functionalities ........................................................................................................................ 33
16.2.1 Boot DVD update for O2G, VAA and GAS .................................................................................. 33
16.2.2 Debian 9 as S.O.T. operating system ........................................................................................ 34
16.2.3 Monitoring improvement.......................................................................................................... 34
16.2.4 New OXE country code for Serbian country............................................................................... 36
16.2.5 OTFC on Windows server ........................................................................................................ 36
16.2.6 PCS update from an OXE version Mx to an OXE version My ( .................................. 36
16.2.7 Update process for S.O.T......................................................................................................... 36

17 NEW FEATURES IN R3.1 ...................................................................................................................... 39

17.1 Products ....................................................................................................................................... 39
17.2 New functionalities ........................................................................................................................ 40
17.2.1 GUI update ............................................................................................................................. 40
17.2.2 The S.O.T.’s network configuration: DHCP ................................................................................ 40
17.2.3 Network quality check ............................................................................................................. 42
17.2.4 Network settings ..................................................................................................................... 42
17.2.5 Restart and shutdown S.O.T .................................................................................................... 44
17.2.6 New dimensioning and requirements for OXE in R100 ( .......................................... 44
17.2.7 New features in .................................................................................................... 44
17.2.8 New features in .................................................................................................... 44
17.2.9 New features in .................................................................................................... 44
17.2.10 New features in .................................................................................................. 44

18 RESTRICTIONS, WARNINGS, REMARKS … ............................................................................................ 45

18.1 Deployment .................................................................................................................................. 45
18.2 Media ........................................................................................................................................... 45
18.3 Network settings ........................................................................................................................... 45
18.4 OVF Generation ............................................................................................................................ 45
18.5 Template Factory .......................................................................................................................... 46
18.6 OXE.............................................................................................................................................. 46
18.7 OpenTouch (OTxx) ........................................................................................................................ 46
18.8 Update bootDVD (GAS+OMS/OST) ................................................................................................. 46

19 UPGRADE PROCEDURE by images (example) ........................................................................................ 46

20 Examples of projects ........................................................................................................................... 51
21 ANOMALY REPORTS fixed & still opened ............................................................................................... 51
21.1 New CRs fixed in ........................................................................................................ 51
21.2 New CRs fixed in 2.0 ..................................................................................................................... 52
21.3 New CRs fixed in 2.1 ..................................................................................................................... 56
21.4 New CRs fixed in ........................................................................................................ 58
21.5 New CRs fixed in ........................................................................................................ 59
21.6 New CRs fixed in ........................................................................................................ 61
21.7 New CRs fixed in ........................................................................................................ 63
21.8 New CRs fixed in ........................................................................................................ 65
21.9 New CRs fixed in ........................................................................................................ 66

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21.10 New CRs fixed in ...................................................................................................... 68
21.11 New CRs fixed in ...................................................................................................... 70
21.12 New CRs fixed in ...................................................................................................... 71
21.13 New CRs fixed in ...................................................................................................... 71
21.14 New CRs fixed in ...................................................................................................... 71
21.15 New CRs fixed in ...................................................................................................... 71
21.16 New CRs fixed in ...................................................................................................... 71
21.17 New CRs fixed in ...................................................................................................... 72
21.18 New CRs fixed in ...................................................................................................... 72
21.19 New CRs fixed in ...................................................................................................... 73
21.20 Other .......................................................................................................................................... 73

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S.O.T. is a new tool that provides the capability of being a multi ALE product installation tool
It will replace both products PC Installer & ALEDS (see also chapter “Boards/products not supported”).
S.O.T. is a virtual machine that can run under VMware (from 6.0) or a Virtual Box and delivered under an ISO
format containing the OVF file and the VMDK file.
It is web based controlled.

S.O.T. can be used in two modes:

- Hosted mode: S.O.T. is embedded in a VCenter or an ESXi with at least the version 6.5 on S.O.T. 3.x
- Standalone mode: S.O.T. can be installed on a virtual box client - at least version 5.1.28 or on a
VMware Workstation player – at least version 12. In this mode, S.O.T. must have an IP address in the
same network than the PC and the server we want to install.

This schema resumes the entries available on the S.O.T. Web interface:

The S.O.T release 3.1 provides the new following functionalities:

- Debian 10 as S.O.T. operating system (vmware compatibility from 6.5 !!)
- Improvement of PCS update
- Boot DVD update for OMS and OST (see dedicated chapter “Erreur ! Source du renvoi
- Enhancement for patch installation mechanism
- OpenTouch version 18.x management
- S.O.T network configuration by DHCP
- GUI improvement
- Possibility to modify the OXE connection timeout for the update OXE
- PCS: check the bandwidth & latency of PCS during upgrade & shows the reason why it cannot be

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This version of S.O.T manages also the following new products:
- OpenTouch Fax Center on Windows server (installation)

The S.O.T in hosted mode is also compatible with VMware 7.0


If help is needed on S.O.T. a specific entry is available at the business portal when writing an eSR.
Specify the product you want to install & eventually provide logs & screen capture of what is happening.

The S.O.T. is a tool to deploy ALE solutions. It’s not intended to stay connected on the network.
In this case, we recommend to shutdown the tool once an installation is done.

System documentation will be present in the OXE R12.4 system documentation.
Look for file:
- pdf reference as “SOT_3.0_im_Manual_8AL90559USAE” in system documentation
- S.O.T. feature list


4.1 OXE Installation

Until the version SOT can install oxe versions
SOT OXE From R10 till R100.1 (/!\ check for chap.4.2 for vmware compatibility) (to be released later) From R10 till R101

4.2 OVF (VMware 7 compatibility)

Until the SOT it is not possible to create OVF files for VMware version 7 & 8 (error raised by the
hypervisor when importing the virtual machine). This is due to the memory reservation necessity in OXE that is
now not possible anymore with SOT.

With the version .008 is it possible to import an OVF again BUT the memory reservation is NO MORE present.
This means that this management MUST be done manually in the VCenter after having imported the OVF
generated by SOT.


- S.O.T.: Hosted mode: the S.O.T. is embedded in a VCenter or an ESXi with at least the version 6.0.

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- S.O.T.: Standalone mode: The S.O.T. can be installed on a virtual box client - at least version
5.1.28 or on a VMware Workstation player – at least version 12. In this mode, the S.O.T. must have
an IP address in the same network than the PC and the server we want to install.
- VMWare Player
o From version 15 if the following operation is not done the browser cannot reach the virtual
▪ check Network Settings in VM there are two adapters, uncheck the VirtualBox
▪ Link to KCS article:
▪ See the screen capture below:

4.4 BROWSER COMPATIBILITY (web interface for S.O.T. use)

Chrome: Firefox:
from version from version
62.0.3202.94 57.0.1

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4.5 MEDIA PROVISIONING (case of copy of product software to internal SOT
local storage)
any ftp client can be used with the credentials: user “upload” & pass “sot”. Connection in “ftp” (NOK in “sftp”).

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External Advanced
Project Media Settings About Logout
storage Menu
Linux RAM
Create Create Ext. storage Network
for OXE
project media settings settings

Projects Media Account

listing listing settings

Backup -




* New menu appeared: “Update S.O.T.” See new features in R3.0


The products supported by S.O.T. are the following (exhaustive list)
Notice that the management of the phones has been removed from the solution.

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5.1 DCS
Physical servers:
- Servers from whitelist
- Virtual machine

Virtual machine (OVF format generated):

Users number vCPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
- 1 2048 30

5.2 EEGW
Physical servers:
- Virtual machine

Virtual machine (OVF format generated):

Users number vCPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
1500 1024 20
7000 1 2048 20
15000 2 3072 20

! Values of disk size were increased in SOT

The S.O.T. can perform the installation of the EGW server with monitoring.

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5.3 GAS
Physical servers:
- Servers from white list (Suse 12 SP3 from OXESWS 5.04 // M3.402.22.b)
- Virtual Machine
+ GAS update (Suse: security packs)

5.4 Omnivista 8770

Physical servers:
- Windows server
- Virtual machine

Virtual machine (OVF format generated):

Users number vCPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
5000 2 6144 120
50000 4 8192 120

S.O.T. can perform the installation of the Management server with monitoring.

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5.5 O2G
Physical servers:
- Servers from white list
- Virtual machine

Virtual machine (OVF format generated):

Users number vCPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
- 4 4096 20

The S.O.T. can perform the installation of the O2G with monitoring.

5.6 OMS
Physical servers:
- Virtual machine

Virtual machine (OVF format generated):

Users number vCPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
- 1 1024 13

! Values of disk size were increased in SOT

S.O.T. can perform the installation of the OMS server with monitoring.

5.7 OST64
Physical servers:
- Virtual machine

Virtual machine (OVF format generated):

Users number vCPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
- 1 2048 20

! Values of disk size were increased in SOT

S.O.T. can perform the installation of the OST64 server with monitoring.

5.8 OTBE
Physical servers:
- Servers from white list
- Virtual Machine

The S.O.T. can perform the installation and the update of the OTBE server with monitoring.

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5.9 OTFC
Physical servers:
- Virtual machine

Virtual machine (OVF format generated):

Users number vCPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
- 2 2048 300

S.O.T. can perform the installation of the OTFC server without monitoring.

5.10 OTFC on Windows server

Physical servers:
- Virtual machine

Virtual machine (OVF format generated):

Ports number vCPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
Up to 30 ports 4 4096 420

S.O.T. can perform the installation of the OTFC on Windows server with monitoring.
installation since the version

5.11 OTMC
Physical servers:
- Servers from white list
- Virtual machine

Virtual machine (OVF format generated):

Users number vCPU Core CPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
5000 2 1 8908 327
15000 6 2 10240 565

S.O.T. can perform the installation of the OTMC server with monitoring and the update without monitoring.

5.12 OTMS
Physical servers:
- Servers from white list
- Virtual machine

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Virtual machine (OVF format generated):
Users number vCPU Core CPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
250 4 2 13824 105
1500 4 2 15360 146
3000 16 2 16896 192
5000 26 2 18432 250

S.O.T. can perform the installation of the OTMS server with monitoring and the update without monitoring.

5.13 OXE
Physical servers:
- ALE CPU supported: CS-2, CS-3, CPU-7 step 2 and CPU-8
- Appliance Server
- Blade server (server phased-out)
- Virtual Machine (restrictions on Hyper-V: see chap. 18)

Virtual machine (OVF format generated):

Users number vCPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
1500 1 1024 46 (*)
3000 1 1024 61
7000 1 1024 81
15000 1 2048 81

S.O.T. can perform the installation and the update of the OXE server with monitoring.
Installation can be done:
- on unactive partition
- with reformatting
- updating a patch (static, dynamic, secured)
- remote download

/!\ info (*) : changed from 41Gb in

5.14 VAA: Visual Automated Attendant (installation and update)

Physical servers:
- Servers from white list
- Virtual machine

Virtual machine (OVF format generated):

ports vCPU RAM (in MB) Disk (in GB)
8 2 8192 80
50 4 16384 80
> 50 8 32768 320

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! Values of disk size were increased in SOT
The S.O.T. can perform the installation of the VAA with monitoring.
Update and installation since the version 4.1.2
From VAA version 4.2.19 minimum S.O.T version was required. For a new installation use the SOT
version .103


OXE CPU3/5/6/7s1 (no future support for those CPUs)
The management of the phones has been removed from the solution.

7 INSTALLATION (full version, patches)

/!\ Warning:
Since version 3.0, S.O.T is implemented on a Debian 9. So, the VMware compatibility starts with the version

S.O.T. can be used in two modes:

Hosted mode: S.O.T. is embedded in a VCenter or an ESXi with at least the version 6.5.
Standalone mode: S.O.T. can be installed on a virtual box client - at least version 5.2.24 or on a VMware
Workstation player – at least version 14. In this mode, S.O.T. must have an IP address in the same network
than the PC and the server we want to install.

Update process: see corresponding chapter in “new features on 3.0”. To update from 3.0.xx to
only the patch is needed.


8.1 Default configuration

In this configuration, the S.O.T. offers the same functionalities than the previous versions.
For the default configuration, we need the following files:
• softwareOrchestrationTool.ova

8.2 Template factory configuration (from 2.0)

In this configuration, we have in addition the possibility to create templates for OTEC solution or not.

This configuration uses a second hard disk for the template factory part.
The pre-requisites for this configuration are the following:

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• Vmx flag (or Virtual machine capability) activated on the CPU specification
• 8 CPUs
• 16Go memory size
• 500Go for the second disk
• USB controller available (mandatory for virtualization software)

Here is the list of the files necessary for the deployment in this configuration:

8.3 Moving from default configuration to template factory configuration (from

There is the possibility to move from the default configuration to the template factory configuration.
For that, S.O.T. must shutdown. Then admin must fulfill the pre-requisites of the template factory

At the starting of the solution, a verification will be launched automatically to see if the template Factory
configuration is enabled.
If all the pre-requisites are present, you will have in the console, the line “Template Factory available”.

If it’s not the case, by launching the command templateFactory on the console, the pre-requisites
missing will be displayed.

9 Update of bootDVD
To have the products using the boot DVD “up to date” concerning the security patches, it is offered the
possibility to update the O.S. of the server through a script of the boot DVD.
This functionality is offered in the menu for the update and in the wizard for existing products.

An admin account or/and the root password must be specified according to the product. For the products that
can be updated, select the option “bootDVD only”. Once the update is done, the root password is deleted from
the project.

Here is the list of products where the O.S. can be updated:

- OpenTouch suite servers: OTMS, OTMC and OTBE
- O2G
- OMS (R3.1)
- OST (R3.1)

For the product GAS, the boot DVD update implies that the VMs embedded will be halted automatically before
performing the update.

For the OMS and OST update, the SSH access must be granted previously for the S.O.T. If it’s not the
case, the update can’t be launched. For further prerequisites, please look the products documentation.

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10 Update of PCS

As a reminder the pure OXE method of PCS update (“easy installation” & “remote download” menus) is still
possible IF no disk reformatting is required (needed from versions older than “M1” release)

In this chapter, two update methods offered by S.O.T. will described.

The S.O.T permits the update of an OXE server from a version L2 or Mx to a version Mx.
Please note that those update ways can’t be used simultaneously. So, if in the list of PCS to update, one of
them has a major version different from the others, the update process won’t be launched.

10.1 PCS update through https from L2 version to Mx version

The requirement has been done to integrate in the S.O.T, a tool provided by OXE team to install remotely and
securely a PCS.

10.1.1 PCS update procedure

The PCS update procedure developed in the S.O.T is based on the procedure defined in the document R12
REMOTE INSTALLATION OF PCS - HTTPS provided by the OXE team. This procedure can also be found in the
official document TC2338.

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As the PCS are linked to an OXE server, the PCS update functionality will depend on the OXE server.

10.1.2 PCS update process

There are two possibilities for the OXE update:
- Update OXE only
- Update PCS only

Concerning the scenario Update PCS from an OXE L2 version to an OXE Mx version, the update consists
in re-installing the PCS with the defined version.

Process description:
The S.O.T won’t have a direct access to the PCS. It means all the requests will go through the OXE server.
Only the PCS will connect to the S.O.T on the port 443 for retrieving the version files.

- Step ❶: Through the S.O.T web interface, the user asks for the update of PCS. Once the information
provided has been verified, the update is launched.
- Step ❷: The S.O.T connects to the OXE main server and copies the installation package retrieved in
the OXE version to install. Then, the package is extracted on the OXE.
- Step ❸: The script for the PCS installation located on the OXE main server is triggered. This action will
transfer the installation script to the PCS to update and triggers the installation procedure by launching
the installation script.
- Step ❹: The PCS retrieves the version through an https connection to the S.O.T. The installation
progress is tracked and provided to the user through the monitoring displayed on the S.O.T.

Manual actions to do:

Some manual actions are required before and after the update of PCS through the S.O.T.

Before the update process:

- Firewall configuration: The port 443 must be opened between PCS and S.O.T. If it’s not the case,
the update can’t be launched.

After the PCS update:

- Database creation: At the end of installation, the database is not created automatically. The installer
must create it manually before any action.
- Command pcscopy: The command pcscopy is not launched by the S.O.T. To perform the pcscopy,
two manually actions are possible: switch the OXE server on the inactive partition and then perform the
pcscopy or remove then add the PCS from the MAO database.

OXE Versions compatible:

This new functionality will work with the following OXE versions:

- OXE M1 since version M1.403.22

- OXE M2 since version M2.300.21

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- OXE M3 since version M3.402.12
- OXE M4 (all the versions)

10.2 “classical” PCS update from a Mx version to a My version

To complete the feature “PCS update”, we offer the possibility to perform a PCS update from a OXE version
Mx to a OXE version My.
For this, we will use the same procedure implemented by the product Omnivista 8770. This procedure exploits
the OXE tool: “pcxdownload”.

10.2.1 “Classical” PCS update process

Here is an extract of the overview of the tool provided in the OXE document PCX DOWNLOAD IN PARALLEL
MODE - EXTERNAL S PECIFICATION with the reference 3BA_29000_0307_DTZZA:

The pcxdownload tool downloads the deliveries/versions from a MASTER CPU on

to the inactive partition of one or more Client CPU’s sequentially.

Using this function will bring some restrictions. In fact, this function is restricted to Appliance and Blade
servers. The maximum parallel downloads that will be started at a time for Appliance server and Blade server
is 10.
If the CPU used is one of those unsupported, the download will be done sequentially.

Process description:
In the same way than for the PCS update through https, the S.O.T won’t have a direct access to the PCS. It
means all the requests will go through the OXE server.

- Step ❶: Through the S.O.T web interface, the user asks for the update of PCS. Once the information
provided has been verified, the update process is launched.
- Step ❷: The S.O.T connects to the OXE main server and copies the OXE version to install on the OXE
main. Then, the version is extracted on the OXE.
- Step ❸: Once the version is extracted, the S.O.T launches the command pcxdownload with the PCS
IP address in parameter. This action will start the update.
- Step ❹: The PCS retrieves the version. The installation progress is tracked and provided to the user
through the monitoring displayed on the S.O.T.
- Step ❺: The new version is installed on the inactive partition.

Manual actions to do:

Some manual actions are required after the update of PCS through the S.O.T.

After the PCS update:

- Switch the PCS’s on the inactive partition:
The PCS must be switched on the inactive partition using swinst tools.
- Command pcscopy:
The command pcscopy should be launched manually by the installer.

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10.2.2 PCS update in the update menu
As the PCS is linked to the OXE server, the functionality will be available in the OXE update page.

A new button must be used to launch the discovery of PCS. To activate this button, the OXE credentials must
be completed (mtcl credential, swinst and root password). So, if the credential for the OXE server are not
present, the button “Discover PCS” will be deactivated.

The discovery of PCS is only available by connecting to a OXE server with the TEL running.

A click on the button “Discover PCS” will launch the PCS discovery.
According the result of the request, we will have two behaviors:
- No PCS discovered: A message will be displayed indicating that there is no PCS declared on the OXE
- PCS discovered: A table will appear with the information retrieved from the OXE

An error message will be displayed if the role of the OXE server is different from MAIN. In fact, the PCS
discovery can only be done on a OXE server with the role MAIN.

In case where PCS have been discovered, the table displayed will contain seven columns:
- The first one is for the selection of the PCS to update. If we tick, the checkbox of the header line, we
select all the PCS discovered.
- The second column provides the state of the PCS. Three states are possible: ACTIVE, INACTIVE and
- The third column is about the hostname of the PCS.
- The fourth one gives the IP address.
- The fifth column will indicate the version detected on the PCS
- The two last columns are about the “mtcl” credential of PCS.

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10.3 PCS update in the wizard for existing products
The PCS update functionality won’t be offered in the wizard for existing product. Only the menu update must
be used to update PCS.

10.4 PCS in the project detailed view

A picklist with all the PCS will be available.
Selecting a PCS will display a form which permits to modify the PCS information.

10.5 Monitoring the PCS installation

The PCS update will be monitored. The PCS will be seen as a product “PCS”. The monitoring steps will be like
those used for the OXE server.


11.1 Features
- Linux ram boot
- Updating and Installing hotfixes
- Document Converter Server (DCS)
- Updating and Installing hotfixes
- Appliance Server OTBE
- Deployment monitoring. Update
- Wizard for existing products
In the step 1, the S.O.T. only manages the projects for the installation of new products. It was binding when
we want to update an existing product.
To remove this constraint, an improvement has been done in the wizard.
Now, the wizard proposes two entries:
▪ Greenfield project: for installation from scratch. It corresponds to the wizard of Step 1.
▪ Project for existing products: for updating an existing product. It’s the new entry.

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Only the following products can be managed by this new entry:
▪ 8770
The wizard only asks for necessary parameters to make the update, namely the IP address, the credentials
and the medias. All other parameters (the hostname, the MAC address…) will be retrieve during the update.

Project created for existing products can’t be deployed for an installation

- Setting the keyboard of S.O.T.

After the deployment of S.O.T, we have the possibility to set the keyboard.
A menu is displayed to select the appropriate keyboard.

- Windows Share
There is a possibility to declare a Windows Share in S.O.T.

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Admin must specify the path for the Windows Share, the login and the password.
Don’t specify the domain for the login. It’s not necessary

11.2 Products
11.2.1 New products
- G.A.S.

11.2.2 Update of products

- Omnivista 8770


!! If using Virtual Box, the OS of the virtual machine must be changed to Debian 64 bits

12.1 Features
12.1.1 First Web connection
At the first connection to the web interface, the user will be asked to enter a password.
The default password is letacla
The password can be modified in the account settings.

12.1.2 Update of boot DVD for OpenTouch solution

To have the OpenTouch solution up to date concerning the security patches, S.O.T. offers the
possibility to update the O.S. of the server through the boot DVD.

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This functionality is offered in the menu for the update and in the wizard for existing products.
Once the administrator has clicked on “bootDVD only”, he must specify the maintenance user
credentials and the root password. Once the update is done, the root password is deleted from the

12.1.3 Deletion of all media selected

S.O.T. have the possibility to delete several media in one action. Just select them.
Admin. can use the filtering to make the selection. In this case, the process to use is to filter the
media to display. Then, select the media to be removed.
Admin. can select all the media displayed by clicking on the “select all” checkbox (indicated by 1 in the
following screenshot).
Once click on “delete all selected media” (2) has been done, the selected media will be removed from
the S.O.T.

12.1.4 Schedule switching for OXE servers

S.O.T. adds another OXE functionality in the SOT: the schedule switching.
During the configuration of the update, admin. can indicate if he wants a schedule switching and at
which time.
This functionality is offered in the menu “update” and in the wizard for existing product.
This functionality is only available for an installation on inactive partition.

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12.1.5 Selection of a specific OXE version to install

The installation from scratch of the OXE servers through the S.O.T. can only be performed with an ISO file.
So, only the installation of a full version – version with patches static and dynamic – was available.
With this new functionality, S.O.T. has the possibility to define what the admin. wants to install: a full version,
a version with patch static or a version without patches.
From the screenshot printed:
the part 1 indicates the ISO file used.
the part 2 indicates the version to install.

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12.2 Products


13.1 Features
13.1.1 OXE - Linux ram boot

13.1.2 8770 - Updating and Installing hotfixes

13.1.3 OT
- Document Converter Server (DCS)
- Updating and Installing hotfixes
- Appliance Server OTBE
- Deployment monitoring. Update

13.1.4 SOT The login process

At the first connection to the web interface, the user will be asked to enter a login and a password.
The default login is admin and the default password is letacla.

At first connection to S.O.T, the user will be redirected to the account settings page. Two cases are
- The user has the default password. In this case, it will be asked to provide a new complex
password and to select a passphrase with an associated answer.
- The user has already changed its password. In this case, if the password is complex,
only the passphrase with an associated answer will be requested.
- The password must contain at least 8 characters with 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 special
characters and 1 alphanumeric characters. The “forgot password” process

Once you have a passphrase, you have the possibility to use the functionality “forgot password”.
By clicking on “forgot password”, your passphrase will be displayed and also the new password field.
You must provide the passphrase answer and define a new password.
If the answer is correct, your password will be changed and you will ask to log in with the new
Don’t specify the domain for the login. It’s not necessary

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© Copyright 2023 ALE International, ALE USA page 28/74 Wizards for template factory

• See also “SOT_2.0_im_Manual_8AL90559USAB_1b_en.pdf” (sytem documentation) for more

information about templateFactory usage. This mode requires a change in the S.O.T.
configuration after its startup to move S.O.T. from default configuration to Template Factory

Two new entries have been added in the wizard:

- Template factory: for generation of a VM template
- Template Factory OTEC: for generation of a VM template for the OTEC environment

Those wizards are only available in template factory configuration.

The S.O.T generates templates compatible with the VMware environment and the KVM environment.
The products which are concerned by this new functionality are:
• OXE: OmniPCX Enterprise
• OTMS / OTMC: OpenTouch Multimedia Server or OpenTouch Messaging Center
• OTFC: OpenTouch Fax Center
• OMS: OXE Media Server
• OST64: OXE Signaling Translator IPv6 to IPv4
• O2G: OmniPCX Open Gateway

Concerning the generation of templates OTEC, only the templates concerning the products of OTEC
solution can be generated. It means:
• OXE: OmniPCX Enterprise
• OTMS / OTMC: OpenTouch Multimedia Server or OpenTouch Messaging Center
• OMS: OXE Media Server

Remark: Templates for products OpenTouch are not generated for KVM environment
(restriction coming from OpenTouch). Verification of a project

A new action has been added in the project listing view. It’s the checking of a project, available by

clicking on the button: .

This will launch a verification of the project for an installation from scratch.
The result will be displayed in the page project checking.
If the product can be updated, on this page, you will find also a button “Checking for update
A click on this button will launched a verification with the information defined in the project.

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© Copyright 2023 ALE International, ALE USA page 29/74 Options for updating OXE servers

During the configuration of the update, we can specify several options managed by swinst.
For example, we can indicate if we want a schedule switching and at which time. We have also the
possibility to define a switch back if the server resets. Concerning the OXE data, we can define if we
want a linux data copy, a database copy and setting the autostart.

Those options are only available for an installation on inactive partition, except for the autostart
This functionality is offered in the menu “update” and in the wizard for existing product.

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© Copyright 2023 ALE International, ALE USA page 30/74 Templates listing

This menu provides a listing of templates present in the S.O.T.

The listing provides the product, the version of the template, the environment compatibility, the OTEC
compatibility and the file name.

To download the template, we have three possibilities:

- By this menu, by clicking on the filename
- By FTP, by log in the SOT with the login template and the password sot
- By web through the URL https://[@IP of S.O.T]/templates

13.2 Products
13.2.1 New products
- O2G: OmniPCX Open Gateway

13.2.2 Update of products

- Omnivista 8770

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14.1 Products
- Eegw (External Encryption Gateway). The Encryption Gateway is one of sub-products of the OST
server. The OST server has two sub-products: OST64 and EGW.

14.2 New functionalities

- Project deployment page
- A click on the Deploy button will display a page resuming the information concerning the project and
the media used.

- Only the media part can be modified. All other parameters are just for information. Those parameters
can be modified by the menu edition of the project.

At the bottom of the page, three actions are offered:

- Check: verifying the information provided for the deployment
- Deploy: launch the installation process
- Cancel: to return to the projects listing page


15.1 Products
- none

15.2 New functionalities

- Installation of a PCS CPU in a secured environment (filtered protocols like telnet, ftp …) or not

PCS update:
The PCS update procedure developed in the S.O.T is based on the procedure defined in the

The PCS update procedure is described in the OXE system documentation:

SOT_2.2_im_Manual_8AL90559USAD_1b_en.pdf chapter 7.7

Only the update PCS from a L2 version to a Mx version has been considered. In this case, the
update consists in re-installing the PCS with the defined version.
This functionality is only available through the menu update.
This new functionality will work with the following OXE tested versions:
- OXE M1 since version M1.403.22

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- OXE M2 since version M2.300.21
- OXE M3 since version M3.402.12
- OXE M4 (all the versions)
Some manual actions are required before and after the update of PCS through the S.O.T.

Before the update process:

- Firewall configuration: The port 443 must be opened between PCS and S.O.T. If it’s not
the case, the update can’t be launched.
- Database backup: The database of the PCS must be backed up manually.

After the PCS update:

- Database restoration: At the end of installation, the database is not created
automatically. The installer must restore the database previously backed up manually before
any action.
- Command pcscopy: The command pcscopy is not launched by the S.O.T.

- Media page in the wizard for existing products

Now, before the summary page, we have the possibility to declare the media in the same way that
it’s offered in the wizard for greenfield project

- Improvement of subnetworks management

An improvement has been done on the subnetworks management. It’s possible to use the
different subnetwork interfaces to perform the installation or the update


16.1 Products
EEGW (External Encryption Gateway)
VAA (Visual Automated Attendant – installation and update)

16.2 New functionalities

16.2.1 Boot DVD update for O2G, VAA and GAS
To have the products using the boot DVD up-to-date concerning the security patches, we offer the
possibility to update the O.S. of the server through a script of the boot DVD. This functionality is
offered in the menu for the update and in the wizard for existing products. You must specify an admin
account or/and the root password according the product. For the products that can be updated, select
the option “bootDVD only”. Once the update is done, the root password is deleted from the project.
Here is the list of products on which we can update the O.S.:
• OpenTouch suite servers: OTMS, OTMC and OTBE
• O2G
/!\ For the product GAS, the boot DVD update process implies that the VMs embedded will be halted
automatically before performing the update.

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16.2.2 Debian 9 as S.O.T. operating system

16.2.3 Monitoring improvement

New information in the web interface is added & the status of phases of installation is shown according
to its progression. Below is an example during a patch installation of OXE.
The feature is available for all products managed.

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16.2.4 New OXE country code for Serbian country

16.2.5 OTFC on Windows server

OTFC on Windows server: installation since the version

The OTFC server on Linux server has been replaced by the OTFC on Windows server.
The OTFC versions greater or equal to 9.x are compatible with Windows operating system

16.2.6 PCS update from an OXE version Mx to an OXE version My (

The S.O.T allows, since the version, the PCS update from the OXE version Mx. This functionality
uses the “pcxdownload” tool.

The installation will always be done on the PCS’s inactive partition.

Before the update is launched, the inactive partition is cleaned. Then, the active partition is duplicated on the
inactive one. Once the duplication is successful, the update of the inactive partition is started.

- The partition switching is not performed by the S.O.T at the end of the update.
- Only 10 PCS can be updated simultaneously
- The OXE software media used for the update must include a full version, not only a patch.
- The network speed required for the PCS update must be at least 2MB/s

16.2.7 Update process for S.O.T

Once the S.O.T. updated, its version number will evolve. Clear the cache of your web
browser to avoid issues after S.O.T. update

The SOT update consists in offering the possibility to install patches on the solution S.O.T. This
functionality will only be offered for S.O.T solutions in the same major version. The update will be
forbidden for version not in the same major version. See explanations below.
The media will be available in the Business Portal at the same location than for the S.O.T solution. It
will be available under a zip format containing the core elements of the solution.
Once the S.O.T. is updated, its version number will evolve and will contain an extension different to
“000” for the last 3 digits to indicate that it’s an updated version (e.g.

Naming of files related to the upgrade feature: iso & zip

A major version is named A.B (e.g. update process will not be possible in this case (like
changing from 3.0 to 3.1)

The naming of the ISO files will be A.B.XXX.000

“A.B”: corresponds to the step (e.g.
“XXX”: corresponds to the rank of the ISO file (e.g.
“000”: indicates that it’s an ISO file (e.g.

The naming of the zip file will be A.B.XXX.YYY

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“A.B”: corresponds to the step (e.g. 3.0.XXX.YYY)
“XXX”: corresponds to the rank of the ISO file on which we can put the zip file (e.g. 3.0.003.YYY)
“YYY”: indicates the rank of the zip file (e.g.

When the zip file and the ISO file are delivered together, the ISO file version is upper than the zip file
version. In this case, those two deliveries have the same level of functionalities.
Only the O.S. can be different (O.S. updated, correction on the O.S …)

The zip file can be delivered alone to correct an issue. At this moment, the zip file will be delivered with
the ISO file on which it must be installed.

Upgrade rules
updates fro towards or towards are not allowed.
On the other hand, updates from towards or towards
A.B.zzz.yyy are possible.
The presence of an ISO delivery means important changes (major features, OS update …) that are
only possible through a complete S.O.T. reinstallation.

WHEN to upgrade with this new method?

When you detect the presence of a file named “”
A file “” present with the iso “sot-” will be used to update
from a version “” to the delivered version “”

How to update?
Use the dedicated menu. Select the zip file through the browser & proceed to the upgrade …

Select the zip file (local or NFS) & proceed to the upgrade

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The S.O.T release 3.1 provides the new following functionalities:

- Improvement of PCS update
- Boot DVD update for OMS and OST (see chapter Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable. Erreur !
Source du renvoi introuvable.)
- Enhancement for patch installation mechanism
- GUI improvement
- Debian 10 as S.O.T. operating system
- S.O.T. network configuration by DHCP
- Retrieve S.O.T. logs after a reboot (CRSOT-331)
- Modification of OST installation process (
- OT 18 support
- Enhancement for patch installation mechanism (CRSOT-356)
- Increase the timeout duration for the expect commands used for PCS and check the network quality
- Management of the new OTFC on Windows server
- S.O.T certificate is up to date but still auto signed

Since version 3.1, S.O.T is implemented on a Debian 10 and the VMware compatibility starts with the version

17.1 Products
OTFC: OpenTouch Fax Center Windows
OT: OpenTouch version 18.x management

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17.2 New functionalities
17.2.1 GUI update
This scheme resumes the entries available on the S.O.T. Web interface with the 2 new entries (Restart &
External Template Advanced
Project Media Settings
storage Factory Menu

Ext. storage Templates Linux RAM for Network

Create project Create media
settings listing OXE servers settings

Projects listing Media listing

Backup -



advanced menu

Restart SOT

Shutdown SOT

17.2.2 The S.O.T.’s network configuration: DHCP

There is the possibility to choose the network connection type : static or dynamic.
If the static mode is selected, the network configuration must be entered as described below (menu proposed
at 1rst SOT boot):

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After the network configuration validated the installer needs to wait for the full start of S.O.T.:

Now the S.O.T. is operational. The user can access to the S.O.T.’s web interface by connecting through the IP
address in https, for example,

Return to static mode is possible by typing “setIp” after boot is finished:

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17.2.3 Network quality check
In SOT general setting, a new parameter has been added to modify the waiting time for the OXE connection.
The value must be in the range 30s to 120s. The default value is 30s.
Request from CRSOT-357: increase the timeout duration for the expect commands used for PCS and check the
network quality. This will determinate the network connection speed and allow or not the PCS update. Adapt
the timeout duration according the network quality

If the network connection is on the low level, the update will be forbidden.
To determine the network speed and the network connection level, we will use the ping command.
Two information provided by the ping command will be used to determine if the update can be launched: the
packets loss and the Round-Trip Time average.

If the percentage of the packets loss is upper than 10% the update will be forbidden.
Also, if the RTT average is upper than 60ms, the update will be forbidden as well.

The network connection test will be done during the checking of the update process.
The warning will be a popup with the following texts depending of the context:
- the network connection is low. The SOT can’t perform an update securely
- the percentage of packets loss is too high to guarantee an update securely.

17.2.4 Network settings

Network settings manages all the network parameters of the S.O.T. engine including now the static or dhcp

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− 1) S.O.T. general settings: All these parameters are editable by the user and global to the tool. The
parameter OXE timeout permits to modify the waiting time for the OXE connection. The value must be in
the range 30s to 120s. The default value is 30s.
− 2) S.O.T. network configuration: The S.O.T. can have 4 different networks interfaces to be able to work
with 4 different LAN. Project can be deployed on these different network configurations.
− If the connection type is dynamic, the parameters cannot be changed. The parameters without values
can’t be modified. If the connection type is static, all the parameters can be changed.
− By default, only the part for the first network interface is displayed. The others are displayed according the
number of network interfaces available on the S.O.T.
− Adding a network card will require to reboot the S.O.T to consider this new network interface.

For each modification, user must click on the save button at the bottom of the page.

The cancel will return the user to the homepage without saving any network parameters modification

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17.2.5 Restart and shutdown S.O.T

To simplify the S.O.T management, two entries have been added in the settings: the restart and the shutdown
of the S.O.T.
Be careful, if use of dynamic IP address for the first interface, the web URL of the S.O.T could be different
after a restart or a shutdown of the S.O.T.

17.2.6 New dimensioning and requirements for OXE in R100 (

Check Chapter 5 Products supported, dimensioning

17.2.7 New features in

- SHA512 support for SOT update
- FTP account password modification
- SFTP support on port 2222 for ftp accounts. Both protocols are
- Servers: UEFI Boot support for G.A.S installation

17.2.8 New features in

No new features

17.2.9 New features in

GASFactory mode for external integrators (usage dedicated to ALE)
UEFI boot support: to be compliant with latest GAS servers that implement used for.

17.2.10 New features in

Compatibility with OTFS release 9.1

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18.1 Deployment
- No simultaneous deployment: only one deployment can be performed at a time.
- Installing a GAS through an Ethernet interface other than eth0 does not work. Use of ETH0 ONLY is
o If the installation of GAS is not performed by SOT but done through the manual installation of
bootDVD + manual installation of the iso file of software server, the problem remains the
- Deployment of OTFC in 9.1 and above NEED SOT version – otherwise a driver is not

18.2 Media
- The ISO files declared in the S.O.T. must have the format: ISO9660 + Joliet.

18.3 Network settings

- Don’t modify the network settings when a deployment is ongoing.
- After a restore operation, if the dns server parameter of the network interface is empty, it must be
filled manually.

18.4 OVF Generation

- On ESXi and VMware workstation player, the extract of OVF is not offered. The paid version is
mandatory to have this option.
- The VM exported from Virtualbox client can’t be deployed on VMware. It’s not compatible.
- If the project contains an OTBE server or a GAS, the parameter “OVF generation” is forbidden.
- Having VMware player solution and VirtualBox on the same PC can make S.O.T to be unreachable
from the network.
- Warning during OVF file import (observed on ESXi 6.7) – click on “Yes”:

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18.5 Template Factory
- Templates for products OpenTouch are not generated for KVM environment (restriction coming from
- Templates for OXE can’t be generated for version lower or equal to L2.
- Templates are not generated for ALE products using Windows media.

18.6 OXE
- We can’t perform an installation with an ISO containing a secured patch. The dynamic patch won’t be
installed (restriction OXE server).
Workaround: Perform the installation with the ISO file without the secured patch. Then, update the
installation with the secured patch.
- The installation of an OXE version lower or equal to L2 through OVF generation is not supported
- The memory reservation is set by default on OXE. This can generate a lack of available memory on
ESXi server or VirtualBox. In this case, the SOT will encounter some issues.
- Hyper-V: SOT cannot be installed n Hyper-V
- Hyper-V: create the vm, boot it & get its MAC address. Then set it as fixed in the SOT project for full
- Hyper-V: after a full installation the cpu will reboot & start another installation again. So make sure to
power off the vm once it is completely installed.
- Hyper-V: there is no restriction of installation if a patch is to be deployed!
- Hyper-V: ethernet boards needs to be changed
- Hyper-V: not possible to have an OVF deployment

18.7 OpenTouch (OTxx)

- The memory reservation is set by default on OXE. This can generate a lack of available memory on
ESXi server or VirtualBox. In this case, the SOT will encounter some issues.
- /!\ Deployment of OTFC in version 9.1 and above NEED SOT version – otherwise a driver
is not installed & cannot be afterward.

18.8 Update bootDVD (GAS+OMS/OST)

- The process must be launched twice for the boot DVD update twice to complete the update
(CRBOOTDVD-38). An error will occur the first time because the last part of

19 UPGRADE PROCEDURE by images (example)

Example given below is taken from previous version 3.0.004
Principle is the same for all versions …

To upgrade SOT from the previous version to follow the scenario below in
Note: only upgrade from 3.0.004 is available

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- Select the update menu & browse the 2 “update” zip/md5 files

- The process begins & then the server restarts

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- Login again. The new version is up & running.

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- Check the version with the “About” menu
- Check the version on the virtualization console

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20 Examples of projects
OVF deployment

21 ANOMALY REPORTS fixed & still opened

CR Number refers to an RnD report
TS reference refers to a technical support ticket

21.1 New CRs fixed in

- The value “OXE version to install” is not updated when we modify it on the update page
- Monitoring of OXE not updated for an update if the OXE is in redundancy mode.
- Installation failed through OVF with the version M3.402.22c.

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21.2 New CRs fixed in 2.0

CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered

CRSOT-37 00276142 no information on SOT if installation failed
SOT upgrade OXE partition inactive on
CRSOT-52 00283086
OXE miss some questions
While creating a new project we cannot
see the difference of the same iso file
mounted on local storage and NFS
//1893_LSY_RR// S.O.T. is not connecting
CRSOT-144 00324965 No feedback
to nfs share on IOMEGA NAS
//1893_LSY_RR//S.O.T Austria Tones
CRSOT-152 00329619
wrong with m3.402.13.f (OVF)
SOT: HFs not installed during OTBE
update on inactive partition
[Related] : SOT : declaration of storage in
CRSOT-161 00335971
NFS seems in loop
CRSOT-162 00335985 [Related] : SOT : Validate of media
ALPHA : OXE version not displayed after
CRSOT-163 Not_a_Bug
creation of project
ALPHA : it should be impossible to delete
a used media
[Related] : //1893_LSY_RR//S.O.T Austria
CRSOT-165 00329619
Tones wrong with m3.402.13.f (OVF)
CRSOT-166 00343076 S.O.T. : change cpu type 4400 to cpu7s2
[Related] : OXE M4 QATAR Country
CRSOT-168 Management: Fresh installation is not
possible with country as QATAR
[SOT][Backup/Restore] : Backup/restore
CRSOT-171 through NFS share could have a scroolist Not_a_Bug
of already declared external share
[SOT][8770 project ergonomy] : Windows
admin account has not same name
betwenn 8770 existing project creation
and project edit.
CRSOT-173 00344909 //1893_LSY_RR// S.O.T. interface 2 issue Not_a_Bug
[SOT][ERGONOMY] : Edit existing
projects should expand project
configuration and collapse history of
project and product
[SOT][ERGONOMY] : Backup/restore
CRSOT-175 ongoing status is lost after navigating on Not_a_Bug
other items and comme back

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[SOT][ERGONOMY] : After launch update
CRSOT-176 of product which fails error message not Duplicate
displayed either after refresh
[SOT][8770 ergonomy] : Each time we
edit 8770 project the license is missing,
we need to select it again. This is not the
case for other projects
[SOT][Connection] : Click on logout
CRSOT-179 display an error message it should not :
Error Authentication needed
[Related] : //1893_OT_RR// S.O.T. does
CRSOT-180 00344676
not accept short domain name
[SOT][8770] : After launch update of
CRSOT-181 8770 with a wrong format of iso file : no
error message, SOT will do nothing
NTP server not transferred to the OT
CRSOT-184 00348875 SOT cannot update Main Call Server
[Related] : OXE-M4: KVM installation via
CRSOT-185 Wrong_Config
SOT is not working
German installation of OXE with SOT will
CRSOT-188 00350309
be in Russian
//1893F_LSY// Demande de logiciel pour
CRSOT-189 00350370 Wont_Fix
la mise en service d'un 8088
[Related] : M4 NRT : SOT installation
failed in VMware 6.7
[Related] : SOT:.vmdk missing with
CRSOT-192 00345960 Wont_Fix
deployment on ESxi 6.5 onwards
CRSOT-193 00350220 //1893_LSY// CPU 8 loading
[Related] : M4-SOT: Country code k2 to
be included in the country list
[Related] : M4-QATAR Country
Management: Empty DB created with
CRSOT-196 Not_a_Bug
wrong country UAE instead of QATAR on
SOT Installation
SOT Upgrade OXE No Media
CRSOT-197 00355289
CRSOT-200 the new license ignores during update
//Duplicate of CRSOT-193. Unable to
CRSOT-201 00352729 install OXE Rel 12.2 (m340222c) on CPU8
using Software Orchestration Tools//
CRSOT-203 00356921 SOT 2.0 patch sécurisé
SOT cannot update OXE with dynamic
CRSOT-204 00356938

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SOT reboot when a dynamic
CRSOT-205 00356987
patch is installed
SOT Install from scratch with
CRSOT-206 00357187 complete iso file core static and dynamic,
the dynamic isn't installed
SOT Install from scratch with
CRSOT-207 00357535 complete iso file core static and dynamic, Not_a_Bug
no traces
SOT: ergonomie page accueil pour les
CRSOT-208 00358024
déploiement en cours
SOT: Mise à jour M3 -> M4 partition
CRSOT-209 00358039
SOT: mise à jour patch dynamique met à
CRSOT-210 00358207
jour les 2 CS quand on en sélectionne 1
SOT: Ergonomie quand on tape un
CRSOT-211 00358219
mauvais mot de passe
update HA: the project not completed
CRSOT-212 after the one of the servers update
SOT cannot update OXE with static and/or
CRSOT-214 00358670
dynamic patch on active partition
SOT Creation media
CRSOT-215 00359566
m340224 impossible
OXE update: switch postponed done
instead of switch
inactive OXE partition not umounted after
CRSOT-219 00359908
upgrade done by SOT
CRSOT-220 00359920 report can't be done by SOT
CRSOT-221 00359972 autostart in OXE disable by SOT
SOT does not start telephone after
CRSOT-222 00360342 installation of static patch on active
Wrong guest OS for OXE via SOT OVF
CRSOT-224 00360957
La mise à jour d'une version M4 sécurisée
CRSOT-225 00362157
avec SOT ne fonctionne pas
SOT: secured version is automatically
CRSOT-227 00363418 selected when I click on "Use a clean
inactive partition"
[Related] : SOT: OTMS project update
CRSOT-232 00365368
running without any effect
SOT does not start telephone after
CRSOT-235 00366999 installation of static patch on active
partition #2
CRSOT-238 SOT: update for HA topo doesn't start

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CRSOT-240 00367567 autostart management removed by SOT
autostart not well managed by SOT
CRSOT-241 00368593
during upgrade
[Related] : SOT: some settings are
CRSOT-243 00368669 Not_a_Bug
removed after project is saved

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21.3 New CRs fixed in 2.1

CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered

only hotfixes with the exact version can
CRSOT-140 be installed on an OT server through the
CRSOT-183 OTMC installation required Fax Server iso
[Related] : OTMC installation required Fax
Server iso
[Related] : OTMC installation required Fax
Server iso
[Related] : only hotfixes with the exact
CRSOT-199 version can be installed on an OT server
through the SOT
[Related] : SOT: When modifying the URL
CRSOT-242 manually, the tool is asking me to change
the password
Why SOT config wizard can't calculate the
gateway knowing the nw mask?
SOT : GAS installation :
CRSOT-245 00369385
language issue
//1893_LSY_RR// S.O.T -
CRSOT-249 00369378
keyboard settings
CRSOT-251 00372876 confused label on SOT for OXE declaration
[SOT][DEPLOYMENT] : When saving an
CRSOT-257 OXE project for existing product, the DNS
server address is not saved
[SOT][DEPLOYMENT] : When saving a
CRSOT-260 8770 project for existing product, the Duplicate
"Domain name" is not saved
Template factory OXE: OTEC Floppy can't
be used for OXE installation
[Related] : M4 15K Scalability- OST name
CRSOT-262 needs to be updated in network bias
[SOT][DEPLOYMENT] : it is impossible to
CRSOT-263 deploy a 8770 Greenfield project (from
scratch): Windows Panther error
[SOT][DOC] : the 8770 Greenfield project
CRSOT-265 installation does not start on a VM already Normal behavior
installed: old Windows is just starting

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[SOT][DEPLOYMENT] : when creating an
OT HA project, the Domain name of the
secondary server always has the default
SOT][DEPLOYMENT] : when creating an
CRSOT-270 OTMC project, after saving I cannot
change it to OTMS and vice versa
[SOT][DEPLOYMENT] : when creating a
Greenfield OT project with
CRSOT-272 Duplicate
keyboard=french, after installation the
keyboard is in English
SOT : Regulary when I reload SOT web
page account settings page is displayed
CRSOT-273 Duplicate
asking me to change password : it should
SOT : launch backup or launch restore
change page and go back to
CRSOT-277 Normal behavior
backup/restore : We can no more see
what is ongoing
SOT : Launch a restore light display a
CRSOT-278 success message but in detail we have an
SOT : Create a green field project with
OVF : we need to download manually
CRSOT-280 Already fixed
VMDK and modify OVF file : Not
acceptable for administrator
[Related] : SOT: Test of project failes
CRSOT-282 00378509
when using Hotfix installation
[SOT][DOC] : when deploying an OT
Greenfield project, if OT server not yet
CRSOT-283 Wont_Fix
declared in the DNS, the OT installation is
no done
[SOT][DEPLOYMENT] : when deploying
CRSOT-285 8770, some media have not the good Wont_Fix
8770 version
SOT Dynamic patch installed
CRSOT-287 00388125
on CPU main and Stand by
[SOT] SOT v. 'No mediaIds
parameter' error if try to Deploy a
previously saved Greenfield OTBE
installation project
OT HA: one of the 2 licenses ignores
during upgrade or new project creation
CRSOT-290 OTMC : SOT requires the OTFC again

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SOT 2.1: cannot update OXE with patch
CRSOT-291 00391292
on active partition

21.4 New CRs fixed in

CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered
delivery or patch can't be chosen in SOT
CRSOT-58 1-219775363
during OXE installation or upgrade
[Related] : delivery or patch can't be
CRSOT-86 1-219775363 chosen in SOT during OXE installation or
[Related] : delivery or patch can't be
CRSOT-87 1-219775363 chosen in SOT during OXE installation or
[SOT][SERVICEABILITY] : Start creating a
project and create project again should
open a dialog box asking for save or not
and open a new project
[SOT][DEPLOYMENT] : Create a project
CRSOT-127 8770 from existing server to launch
update : update never starts
SOT OTBE project doesn't display selected
license files for 8770 & OXE
[Related] : SOT: Error with the focus to
CRSOT-137 00321900
select the external storage
[Related] : SOT: field with mtcl password
CRSOT-138 00321937
greyed out in OTBE settings
//1893_LSY_RR// SOT error during OXE
CRSOT-139 00322207
install: No delivery installed.
[Related] : Not possible to install OTBE
CRSOT-142 00325952 (OT15) from scratch using SOT
//1893_LSY_RR// Error while creating an
CRSOT-143 00325008
OXE install project
//1893_LSY_RR// S.O.T. is not connecting
CRSOT-144 00324965
to nfs share on IOMEGA NAS
[Related]: SOT: Project not completed
CRSOT-145 00327235 after creation of a project for missing
Company name is given in the SOT tool
CRSOT-146 00327655
while configuring for 8770 installation
[Related]: SOT: Error with Hotfix Media
CRSOT-153 00331955 Wrong config

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[Related]: SOT: I launch the project but it
CRSOT-154 00332775 seems nothing happen and I do not know Wrong config
what I have to do
[Related]: SOT: When I create a project I
CRSOT-155 00332784
lost the config if I click on back button
[Related]: SOT: It is not possible to
CRSOT-156 00333048
modify the projet

21.5 New CRs fixed in

CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered
SOT messes up previous & current
CRSOT-147 documentation
deployments for the same server
SOT: password doesn't change during the
CRSOT-236 documentation
first login
SOT: after backup restoration requires
CRSOT-237 documentation
changing passwd again
improvement of SOT feedback during
CRSOT-303 413069
project loading
SOT: after upgrade to cannot
CRSOT-304 documentation
create a new OXE project
SOT: OXE project complains about OXE
CRSOT-305 version missing at project update. No way
to catch up
SOT OXE project : update on inactive
CRSOT-308 part. option is not kept under certain
SOT OXE Project: No response from
CRSOT-309 server Cannot read property 'history' of
Problem in crystal assignment when OMS
VM creation via SOT
[Related] : ALPHA : SOT bad recognition
CRSOT-312 Wrong config
of ISO file
SOT - Issue when I upgrade an OXE with
CRSOT-313 417798
password has character "$"
[Related] : OXE-M5 : PCS remote upgrade
CRSOT-316 via SOT : Unable to upgrade the remote
PCS from l2.x to mx
[Related] : OXE M5:Feature:SOT:During
OXE installation via SOT tool default
CRSOT-317 passwords of mtcl and swinst only taking Not a bug
while giving some other passwords for
these two accounts

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SOT Template Factory : impossible to
CRSOT-318 426965 Cannot reproduce
create OVF from local storage
SOT : : all OVA created for OXE
CRSOT-319 428143 Invalid Issue
have bad configuration
Alpha - SOT - Trouble with error message
[Related] : SOT : no access to a windows
CRSOT-323 431821
[Related] : SSH server is open by default
in OMS when installed through SOT
CRSOT-331 447886 logs of SOT are not kept after VM restart
SOT3.x not usable after restore from 2.2
CRSOT-332 448182
with 2 Ip addresses
[Related] : SOT Failure after
CRSOT-333 448685 Wrong_Config
installation of SOT and keyboard change
Unable to update GAS Main on inactive
CRSOT-334 444413
CRSOT-335 SOT - Upgrade BOOTDVD SLES12 SP5 Invalid_Issue
SOT : : error displayed during the
CRSOT-336 450963
network management
SOT: : Failed message for
CRSOT-337 450968
unknown user in started VM
SOT : : changing network
CRSOT-338 451745 settings, I have lost the SOT virtual
SOT : : Updating products : OXE
CRSOT-339 452034 Wrong_Config
SOT : : Installation from scratch
CRSOT-342 452998 Not_a_Bug
of the OXE on hyperv is done in loop
failed to update static + dyn patch on
CRSOT-343 454179
OXE active partiton with SOT
[Related] : OXE M5 – Need to close port
CRSOT-344 Not_a_Bug
80 (unnecessarily open) in SOT
SOT : : after update SOT the new
CRSOT-345 455101
version is not displayed on VM
Unable loading inactive partition of PCS
CRSOT-346 444607
using SOT / Timeout Error

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21.6 New CRs fixed in
CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered
SOT messes up previous & current
CRSOT-147 documentation
deployments for the same server
SOT: password doesn't change during the
CRSOT-236 documentation
first login
SOT: after backup restoration requires
CRSOT-237 documentation
changing passwd again
improvement of SOT feedback during
CRSOT-303 413069
project loading
SOT: after upgrade to cannot
CRSOT-304 documentation
create a new OXE project
SOT: OXE project complains about OXE
CRSOT-305 version missing at project update. No way
to catch up
SOT OXE project : update on inactive
CRSOT-308 part. option is not kept under certain
SOT OXE Project: No response from
CRSOT-309 server Cannot read property 'history' of
Problem in crystal assignment when OMS
VM creation via SOT
[Related] : ALPHA : SOT bad recognition
CRSOT-312 Wrong config
of ISO file
SOT - Issue when I upgrade an OXE with
CRSOT-313 417798
password has character "$"
[Related] : OXE-M5 : PCS remote upgrade
CRSOT-316 via SOT : Unable to upgrade the remote
PCS from l2.x to mx
[Related] : OXE M5:Feature:SOT:During
OXE installation via SOT tool default
CRSOT-317 passwords of mtcl and swinst only taking Not a bug
while giving some other passwords for
these two accounts
SOT Template Factory : impossible to
CRSOT-318 426965 Cannot reproduce
create OVF from local storage
SOT : : all OVA created for OXE
CRSOT-319 428143 Invalid Issue
have bad configuration
Alpha - SOT - Trouble with error message
[Related] : SOT : no access to a windows
CRSOT-323 431821

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[Related] : SSH server is open by default
in OMS when installed through SOT
CRSOT-331 447886 logs of SOT are not kept after VM restart
SOT3.x not usable after restore from 2.2
CRSOT-332 448182
with 2 Ip addresses
[Related] : SOT Failure after
CRSOT-333 448685 Wrong_Config
installation of SOT and keyboard change
Unable to update GAS Main on inactive
CRSOT-334 444413
CRSOT-335 SOT - Upgrade BOOTDVD SLES12 SP5 Invalid_Issue
SOT : : error displayed during the
CRSOT-336 450963
network management
SOT: : Failed message for
CRSOT-337 450968
unknown user in started VM
SOT : : changing network
CRSOT-338 451745 settings, I have lost the SOT virtual
SOT : : Updating products : OXE
CRSOT-339 452034 Wrong_Config
[Related] : GAS: Unable to create OXE
image using SOT during GAS production
CRSOT-341 with 22 of 26 Previous
Issue'CROXE-16870' Next Issue'CROXE-
16902' Return to search
failed to update static + dyn patch on
CRSOT-343 454179
OXE active partiton with SOT
[Related] : OXE M5 – Need to close port
CRSOT-344 Not_a_Bug
80 (unnecessarily open) in SOT
SOT : : after update SOT the new
CRSOT-345 455101
version is not displayed on VM
Unable loading inactive partition of PCS
CRSOT-346 444607
using SOT / Timeout Error
SOT : : Installation from scratch :
CRSOT-353 461158 after restore of data 404 not found web
Alpha - SOT - Error message displayed
CRSOT-355 Invalid_Issue
too simple ?
CRSOT-357 466592 Some of PCS upgrade using SOT is failed.

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21.7 New CRs fixed in

CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered

SOT messes up previous & current
CRSOT-147 documentation
deployments for the same server
SOT: password doesn't change during the
CRSOT-236 documentation
first login
SOT: after backup restoration requires
CRSOT-237 documentation
changing passwd again
improvement of SOT feedback during
CRSOT-303 413069
project loading
SOT: after upgrade to cannot
CRSOT-304 documentation
create a new OXE project
SOT: OXE project complains about OXE
CRSOT-305 version missing at project update. No way
to catch up
SOT OXE project : update on inactive
CRSOT-308 part. option is not kept under certain
SOT OXE Project: No response from
CRSOT-309 server Cannot read property 'history' of
Problem in crystal assignment when OMS
VM creation via SOT
[Related] : ALPHA : SOT bad recognition
CRSOT-312 Wrong config
of ISO file
SOT - Issue when I upgrade an OXE with
CRSOT-313 417798
password has character "$"
[Related] : OXE-M5 : PCS remote upgrade
CRSOT-316 via SOT : Unable to upgrade the remote
PCS from l2.x to mx
[Related] : OXE M5:Feature:SOT:During
OXE installation via SOT tool default
CRSOT-317 passwords of mtcl and swinst only taking Not a bug
while giving some other passwords for
these two accounts
SOT Template Factory : impossible to
CRSOT-318 426965 Cannot reproduce
create OVF from local storage
SOT : : all OVA created for OXE
CRSOT-319 428143 Invalid Issue
have bad configuration
Alpha - SOT - Trouble with error message
[Related] : SOT : no access to a windows
CRSOT-323 431821

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[Related] : SSH server is open by default
in OMS when installed through SOT
CRSOT-331 447886 logs of SOT are not kept after VM restart
SOT3.x not usable after restore from 2.2
CRSOT-332 448182
with 2 Ip addresses
[Related] : SOT Failure after
CRSOT-333 448685 Wrong_Config
installation of SOT and keyboard change
Unable to update GAS Main on inactive
CRSOT-334 444413
CRSOT-335 SOT - Upgrade BOOTDVD SLES12 SP5 Invalid_Issue
SOT : : error displayed during the
CRSOT-336 450963
network management
SOT: : Failed message for
CRSOT-337 450968
unknown user in started VM
SOT : : changing network
CRSOT-338 451745 settings, I have lost the SOT virtual
SOT : : Updating products : OXE
CRSOT-339 452034 Wrong_Config
[Related] : GAS: Unable to create OXE
image using SOT during GAS production
CRSOT-341 with 22 of 26 Previous
Issue'CROXE-16870' Next Issue'CROXE-
16902' Return to search
failed to update static + dyn patch on
CRSOT-343 454179
OXE active partiton with SOT
[Related] : OXE M5 – Need to close port
CRSOT-344 Not_a_Bug
80 (unnecessarily open) in SOT
SOT : : after update SOT the new
CRSOT-345 455101
version is not displayed on VM
Unable loading inactive partition of PCS
CRSOT-346 444607
using SOT / Timeout Error
SOT : : Installation from scratch :
CRSOT-353 461158 after restore of data 404 not found web
Alpha - SOT - Error message displayed
CRSOT-355 Invalid_Issue
too simple ?
// SOT 3.0.4 ; VAA installation via SOT
CRSOT-359 474996 not Invalid_Issue
OT HF installation. APNS HF not installed.
CRSOT-362 Wont_Fix
ALF..._APNS certificate HF
Need to update certificate in S.O.T
CRSOT-365 493097

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Atrium-00497237 // Unable to install
CRSOT-367 497237 OTFC R9.0 / Windows 2019 on a ESXi or
VirtualBox Virtual Machine

21.8 New CRs fixed in

CROT-8426: Can't charge OTMS-V R2.5 in 105 Gb with SOT

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21.9 New CRs fixed in
CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered
SOT messes up previous & current
CRSOT-147 documentation
deployments for the same server
SOT: password doesn't change during the
CRSOT-236 documentation
first login
SOT: after backup restoration requires
CRSOT-237 documentation
changing passwd again
improvement of SOT feedback during
CRSOT-303 413069
project loading
SOT: after upgrade to cannot
CRSOT-304 documentation
create a new OXE project
SOT: OXE project complains about OXE
CRSOT-305 version missing at project update. No way
to catch up
SOT OXE project : update on inactive
CRSOT-308 part. option is not kept under certain
SOT OXE Project: No response from
CRSOT-309 server Cannot read property 'history' of
Problem in crystal assignment when OMS
VM creation via SOT
[Related] : ALPHA : SOT bad recognition
CRSOT-312 Wrong config
of ISO file
SOT - Issue when I upgrade an OXE with
CRSOT-313 417798
password has character "$"
[Related] : OXE-M5 : PCS remote upgrade
CRSOT-316 via SOT : Unable to upgrade the remote
PCS from l2.x to mx
[Related] : OXE M5:Feature:SOT:During
OXE installation via SOT tool default
CRSOT-317 passwords of mtcl and swinst only taking Not a bug
while giving some other passwords for
these two accounts
SOT Template Factory : impossible to
CRSOT-318 426965 Cannot reproduce
create OVF from local storage
SOT : : all OVA created for OXE
CRSOT-319 428143 Invalid Issue
have bad configuration
Alpha - SOT - Trouble with error message
[Related] : SOT : no access to a windows
CRSOT-323 431821

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[Related] : SSH server is open by default
in OMS when installed through SOT
CRSOT-331 447886 logs of SOT are not kept after VM restart
SOT3.x not usable after restore from 2.2
CRSOT-332 448182
with 2 Ip addresses
[Related] : SOT Failure after
CRSOT-333 448685 Wrong_Config
installation of SOT and keyboard change
Unable to update GAS Main on inactive
CRSOT-334 444413
CRSOT-335 SOT - Upgrade BOOTDVD SLES12 SP5 Invalid_Issue
SOT : : error displayed during the
CRSOT-336 450963
network management
SOT: : Failed message for
CRSOT-337 450968
unknown user in started VM
SOT : : changing network
CRSOT-338 451745 settings, I have lost the SOT virtual
SOT : : Updating products : OXE
CRSOT-339 452034 Wrong_Config
[Related] : GAS: Unable to create OXE
image using SOT during GAS production
CRSOT-341 with 22 of 26 Previous
Issue'CROXE-16870' Next Issue'CROXE-
16902' Return to search
failed to update static + dyn patch on
CRSOT-343 454179
OXE active partiton with SOT
[Related] : OXE M5 – Need to close port
CRSOT-344 Not_a_Bug
80 (unnecessarily open) in SOT
SOT : : after update SOT the new
CRSOT-345 455101
version is not displayed on VM
Unable loading inactive partition of PCS
CRSOT-346 444607
using SOT / Timeout Error
error during creation of external windows
CRSOT-350 457938 Wrong_Config
SOT : : Installation from scratch :
CRSOT-353 461158 after restore of data 404 not found web
Alpha - SOT - Error message displayed
CRSOT-355 Invalid_Issue
too simple ?
// SOT 3.0.4 ; VAA installation via SOT
CRSOT-359 474996 not Invalid_Issue
OT HF installation. APNS HF not installed.
CRSOT-362 Wont_Fix
ALF..._APNS certificate HF

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SOT problem for installation of a GAS the
CRSOT-363 493178 system doesn't ask for the installation of Invalid_Issue
Need to update certificate in S.O.T
CRSOT-365 493097
Atrium-00497237 // Unable to install
CRSOT-367 497237 OTFC R9.0 / Windows 2019 on a ESXi or
VirtualBox Virtual Machine
[Related] : OXE M5 : Wrong GAS version
CRSOT-369 is displayed in new SOT v3.0.003.000 in
declare media section
//Issue to upgrade PCS via SOT -
CRSOT-370 495992

21.10 New CRs fixed in

CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered
SOT messes up previous & current
CRSOT-147 documentation
deployments for the same server
ALPHA : it should be impossible to delete
CRSOT-164 Wont_Fix
a used media
Only OT hotfix installation not possible:
CRSOT-230 Wont_Fix
Error message can't be understood
OTMC HA update: SOT loses the update
CRSOT-259 Already_Fixed
project media
[SOT][CONFIGURATION]: when declaring
CRSOT-267 a new external Media, the SOT no longer Wont_Fix
OT HA: one of the 2 licenses ignores
CRSOT-289 Wont_Fix
during upgrade
[Related] : M4 - NRT: "Switch partition
CRSOT-299 after update installation" is not working in Wont_Fix
Issue with CPU8 with SSD Hard Disk using
CRSOT-324 434291 SOT2.2:Download process doesn't stop Wont_Fix
automatically after Successful Installation.
S.O.T. enchancement suggestion:
selection of OT installation types needed
CRSOT-329 Wont_Fix
(Single/Dual Partitioning, Virtual, number
of users)
SOT : : Installation from scratch
CRSOT-342 452998 Not_a_Bug
of the OXE on hyperv is done in loop
CRSOT-357 466592 Some of PCS upgrade using SOT is failed.

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// SOT 3.0.4 ; VAA installation via SOT
CRSOT-359 474996 not Invalid_Issue
Alpha : the last "created Media" doesn't
CRSOT-360 Wont_Fix
appear in "OXE software field"
N1: Enhance Dynamic Patch Installation:
CRSOT-371 Warning message is not displayed while
installing Dynamic Patch via SOT
OXE-N1-Update bootDVD: OMS/OST is not
CRSOT-375 going for automatic reboot after upgrade
has completed
// S.O.T does not allow to install same Core
CRSOT-376 513401
version on both partitions
CRSOT-377 unable to set netmask
CRSOT-378 515611 SOT: Question regarding Hyper V Not_a_Bug
CRSOT-379 524783 SOT : R3.1.005.000 problème de clavier Not_a_Bug
SOT: Impossible to put network parameter
CRSOT-380 524965
with mask
Atrium#00525092 // S.O.T. 3.1 : looping on
CRSOT-381 525092 Not_a_Bug
network config without warning
SOT 3.1: Display issue on installation to
CRSOT-382 525992
second OMS
Atrium#00526299 // OTFC R9 : installation
CRSOT-384 526299
stopped on VM with error message.
SOT : : restore do not upload old
CRSOT-387 528495
networks settings
Unable to upgrade the patch in the PCS
CRSOT-389 533093 using SOT as per the procedure described
in the document.
Some of the PCS was not able to upgrade
using SOT
CRSOT-394 540202 Impossible deploy GAS _ PXE do not work
CRSOT-393 OMS/OST new partitioning
N1 NRT : OMS installation fails with binary
CRSOT-399 S.O.T Wrong netmask

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21.11 New CRs fixed in

CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered

TFTP error when SOT installation is launched
CRSOT-400 Cannot_Reproduce
second time without reset
[Related] : N1:SUSE12SP5 :OMS OST and
CRSOT-402 EGW installation on HyperV2019 using SOT Wont_Fix
3.1.009 has been failed
No control to prevent user to enter not
CRSOT-404 553689
allowed caracter for the OST hostname
Atrium#00555624 // SOT :
CRSOT-405 555624 Wrong_Config
impossible to produce OVA
SOT Project fails to complete, error
CRSOT-407 547464 Not_a_Bug
Atrium#00553855 // /LCL/PROJET/PFH
CRSOT-410 553855 Upgrade PCS via SOT en erreur (R11.2 vers Not_a_Bug
Atrium#00559611 // Unable to upgrade the
CRSOT-412 559611 patch in the PCS using SOT as per the
procedure described in the document.
SOT: Upgrade oms bootdvd ended with error
CRSOT-415 568077 Not_a_Bug
message but upgrade has been done
PCS discover is not happening while trying to
CRSOT-417 573179
upgrade from lower release to higher release.
CRSOT-418 573871 SOT Update doesn't work Wrong_Config
SOT: when SOT will use the right product
CRSOT-420 576849
SOT does not write correctly product names
CRSOT-421 577117
and more

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21.12 New CRs fixed in
CR number TS reference Title
PCS discover is not happening while trying to upgrade from lower
CRSOT-417 573179
release to higher release.

21.13 New CRs fixed in

CR number TS reference Title
CRSOT-439 604508 Memory reservation issue on VMWare 7.0
CRSOT-437 602499 S.O.T. command injection vulnerability
CRSOT-431 &
591141 & QA PCS update issue
CRSOT-427 584314 Issue on Boot DVD update (need OMS 11.12 already installed)

21.14 New CRs fixed in

CR number TS reference Title
OXE N2.501 installation fails with SOT
CRSOT-449 Not reported
through ovf: no space left on device
OXE N2: Installation of delivery N2.501
CRSOT-448 Not reported
from Scratch via SOT failed
N2 NRT: OXE scratch installation
CRSOT-434 Not reported deployment progress is not updated
accordingly in SOT

21.15 New CRs fixed in

CR number TS reference Title
CRSOT-450 Not reported SOT fails to start in DHCP mode since version

21.16 New CRs fixed in

CR Number TS reference Title
CRSOT-451 00640360 SOT: Error when ova is created
CRSOT-453 00639960 Unable to delete the .vmdk file in the latest SOT
CRSOT-456 Not reported SOT system can be browsed through SFTP connection
CRSOT-458 Not reported [Related]: LXKMG: CPU8-OXE scratch installation deployment
progress is not updated accordingly in SOT
CRSOT-459 Not reported Add «.opex» VAA license file support

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21.17 New CRs fixed in
CR number TS reference Title
CRSOT-463 OMS OST and EGW installation on
HyperV2019 using SOT 3.1.009 fail
CRSOT-464 S.O.T does not allow to install OXE
R100.1 with desired VM sizing
CRSOT-465 SOT 2xeth interface problem loading OXE
CRSOT-470 Increase HDD size in the bigger VAA
CRSOT-471 SOT: vulnerability
CRSOT-472 Increase HD size in OMS / OST templates

21.18 New CRs fixed in

CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered
CRSOT-475 OXE upgrade fails if mtcl has no password
CRSOT-476 OXE project check fails on "project for
existing product"
CRSOT-477 OXE N3.206: RUN_MKBDD segmentation
fault through SOT postinstallation
CRSOT-478 SOT: partition switch fails with OXE N3
CRSOT-480 [Related]: LXKMG: Nutanix-OXE scratch
installation deployment progress is not
updated accordingly in SOT
CRSOT-486 SOT: W2019 products ova fails: no space
left on device (boot + RAM)
CRSOT-487 SOT: unable to install OTFC and DCS
through ovf
CRSOT-493 Add generated boot files in SOT report
CRSOT-495 8770 upgrade failure: access denied on
samba share

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21.19 New CRs fixed in
CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered
CRSOT-497 SOT: After the Successful completion of
OXE binaries' the process is not Stopped
/Not Exit the from install process
CRSOT-498 [Related]: N3.301: LXKMG Key board
functionality malfunctioning while resister
the mtcl Password, doing OXE FRESH
CRSOT-500 OMS ova generated by SOT with SCSI
Controller of type 'Paravirtual' instead of
'LSI Logic parallel'??
CRSOT-502 SOT: Installation ended without installing
XMFaxDriver (OTFS product)

21.20 New CRs fixed in

CR Number TS reference Title Version delivered
SOT: when SOT will use the right product
CRSOT-420 576849
SOT does not correctly write product
CRSOT-421 577117
names and more
SOT does not correctly write product
CRSOT-421 577117
names and more
CRSOT-509 OXE is no more switching partition when
managed in SOT project

21.21 Other
CR number TS reference Title
SOT: OTMS R2.6 swap partition size too small when using SOT
template factory
➔ a correction has been done on the boot DVD. The following
versions and upper embed the fix: Boot DVD
CRSOT-406 554913 and boot DVD
For the CPU, you can modify it according to the final
configuration. To know which value to use, you can use the
capacity planning tool on myPortal with the reference
"TBE081 - OpenTouch capacity planning tool v2.5"

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Before submitting a Service Request, please be sure:

− The application has been certified via the AAPP if a third party application is involved.
− You have read the release notes that list new features, system requirements, restrictions, and more,
and are available in the Technical Documentation Library.
− You have read through the related troubleshooting guides and technical bulletins available in the
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− You have read through the self-service information on commonly asked support questions and known
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