Marist College Kogarah: The End Crowns The Work'
Marist College Kogarah: The End Crowns The Work'
Marist College Kogarah: The End Crowns The Work'
Semester 1, 2021
Luca Castelvetere
Year 9
Religion Catholic Studies
Mathematics 5.2
Personal Development Health and Physical Education
Information and Software Technology 200 hours
Industrial Technology Timber 100 hours
Mr Simon Ghantous
College Principal
Year 9-10 Guide to Interpreting Reports
The College reports on a student’s progress within the courses studied over the designated reporting period.
The Course Result is based on all assessment tasks calculated to a mark out of 100 for the year.
Course Result
Students are placed in one of four quartiles (1, 2, 3 and 4) based on their Course Result. For example, the first quartile (1) indicates students who
Course Quartile have come in the top 25% of the year. The second quartile (2) indicates those students who are in the top 50% of the year.
The Course Grade is based on all assessment tasks completed for the year. The Course Performance Descriptors have been used to determine
these grades; Extensive, Thorough, Sound, Basic, Elementary.
Course Grade
Result Distribution All students receive an A to E grade in the course. The results of all students are displayed in the Result Distribution table.
Course Mark and Distribution The shaded area in the graph highlights the range of results achieved in the course. The solid black vertical line indicates the individual Student’s
Result and the dashed red vertical line indicates the Average Result of the cohort in the course.
The Areas of Learning are based on syllabus requirements and are related to one or more specific assessment tasks which assess the individual
Areas of Learning student’s course performance; Extensive, Thorough, Sound, Basic, Elementary.
The class teacher reports on the individual student’s application in the areas of classwork, participation and attitude in the course. All students
Application to Learning
will receive one of the following descriptors; Consistently, Usually, Sometimes, Rarely.
Students studying Sub-Stage 5.3 can attain grades ranging from A-E. Students studying Sub-Stage 5.2 can attain grades ranging from B-E and
Overall Course Grade those studying Sub-Stage 5.1 can only attain grades D-E. However, if a student has knowledge of content covered from a Sub-Stage above the
level they are in, and has demonstrated this knowledge, their grades would reflect their ability.
Sub-Stage Course Result The Sub-Stage Course Result is based on all assessment tasks calculated to a mark out of 100 for the year.
Sub-Stage Quartile Students are placed in one of four quartiles (1, 2, 3 and 4) based on their Sub-Stage Course Result. For example, the first quartile (1) indicates
students who have come in the top 25% of the year. The second quartile (2) indicates those students who are in the top 50% of the year.
The Sub-Stage Grade is based on all assessment tasks completed for the year. The Course Performance Descriptors have been used to
Sub-Stage Grade determine these grades; Extensive, Thorough, Sound, Basic, Elementary.
Sub-Stage Mark and Distribution The shaded area in the graph highlights the range of results achieved in the Sub-Stage course. The solid black vertical line indicates the
individual Student’s Sub-Stage Result and the dashed red vertical line indicates the Sub-Stage Average Result of the cohort in the course.
Areas of Learning
The Common Grade Scale shown below is used to report student achievement across Stage 5 courses in all NSW schools. The Common Grade Scale describes performance at each
of five grade levels.
The student demonstrates extensive knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts and applies highly developed skills and
A Extensive processes in a wide variety of contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates creative and critical thinking skills using perceptive analysis and
evaluation. The student effectively communicates complex ideas and information.
The student demonstrates thorough knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts and applies well-developed skills and processes
B Thorough in a variety of contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates creative and critical thinking skills using analysis and evaluation. The student
clearly communicates complex ideas and information.
The student demonstrates sound knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts and applies skills and processes in a range of
C Sound familiar contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates skills in selecting and integrating information and communicates relevant ideas in an
appropriate manner.
The student demonstrates a basic knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts and applies skills and processes in some familiar
D Basic contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates skills in selecting and using information and communicates ideas in a descriptive manner.
The student demonstrates an elementary knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts and applies some skills and processes
E Elementary
with guidance. In addition, the student demonstrates elementary skills in recounting information and communicating ideas.
Application to Learning
The class teacher also provides a report on the student application to their learning for each subject studied.
Consistently The student consistently works to a high standard demonstrating commendable levels of initiative, persistence and engagement with the learning
Usually The student usually works to a high standard demonstrating commendable levels of initiative, persistence and engagement with the learning
Sometimes The student sometimes works to a high standard demonstrating commendable levels of initiative, persistence and engagement with the learning
Rarely The student rarely takes responsibility for learning and generally does not engage in the learning process.
Never The student does not take responsibility for learning or the learning process.
Luca Castelvetere
Teacher: Mr Peter Russo
Marist College - Kogarah - 2021 - Year 9 Semester 1
During Semester One, students engaged in a variety of activities that allowed for personal and academic growth. Students were effectively engaged
with Pastoral Periods that were focussed on developing effective study skills, participating in the National Day of Action Against Bullying and
Violence, as well as identifying the need for compassion and respect for others. Moreover, students had the wonderful opportunity to attend the
Year 9 Reflection Day at Stanwell Tops which allowed them to successfully reflect on the importance of their faith and relationship with God. This
Semester also marked the special Feast Day celebration of Saint Marcellin Champagnat. Students enthusiastically took part in celebrations
including Mass, Kogarah’s Got Talent and the Marist Solidarity Walkathon, which raised funds for needy and impoverished communities.
Homeroom Profile
Cooperation: Maintains respectful relationships with the Homeroom Teacher and peers. Consistently
During Semester One, students addressed the Scriptural foundations of the Sacraments of Healing, with a focus on Jesus’ acts of healing. Students
also explored the search for meaning as an expression of our inherent desire to know God.
Student's Result 86
53 55 68 1 0
Areas of Learning
Investigates the scriptural underpinnings and importance of the Sacraments of Healing. Extensive
Articulates and appreciates diverse perspectives on religion and non religious worldviews. Extensive
Outlines the response of different worldviews to enduring questions of human existence. Thorough
Application to Learning
Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently
Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently
During Semester One, students responded to and composed a comprehensive range of imaginative, factual and critical texts using different modes
and technologies. By critically evaluating texts, students identified strengths and weaknesses and were able to articulate coherent responses. From
their responses to individual texts, they generalised about views of the world and strategies that are used to communicate and sustain such views.
Course Quartile
Student's Result 2
21 31 108 16 1
Areas of Learning
Thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information and increasingly complex ideas and arguments Sound
to respond to and compose texts in a range of contexts
Selects and uses language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and Thorough
contexts, describing and explaining their effects on meaning
Application to Learning
Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently
Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Usually
During Semester One, students have developed their understanding and fluency in mathematics through inquiry, exploring and connecting
mathematical concepts, choosing and applying problem-solving skills and mathematical techniques, communication and reasoning.
Student's Result 48
Student's Result 3
2 16 50 18 0
Areas of Learning
Applies Pythagoras’ theorem to calculate side lengths in right-angled triangles, and solves related problems. Sound
Compares, orders and calculates with integers, fractions, decimals and percentages. Sound
Operates with algebraic expressions including positive, negative and zero indices. Basic
Applies Pythagoras' Theorem and trigonometry to solve problems with right angled triangles. Sound
Application to Learning
Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently
Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently
During Semester One, students have gained an understanding of electricity by describing current, voltage and resistance and the relationship
between them. They have also compared the characteristics and applications of series and parallel electrical circuits as well as describing how the
coordinated function of internal systems in multicellular organisms provides cells with requirements for life.
Course Quartile
Student's Result 3
10 27 41 59 40
Areas of Learning
Undertakes first-hand investigations to collect valid data in order to explain situations involving energy. Thorough
Analyses data from first-hand investigations and secondary sources and presents ideas using appropriate scientific language, Basic
conventions and representations.
Explains scientific understanding about energy conservation, transfers and transformations. Sound
Explains how our understanding about disease has advanced through scientific and technological developments. Basic
Applies scientific understanding and critical thinking skills to suggest possible solutions to identified problems in society. Sound
Application to Learning
Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently
Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently
During Semester One, students have examined the movement of people and developed skills to conduct source analysis. Students have also
started to examine the rights and freedoms of people from 1945 until present day.
Course Quartile
Student's Result 2
14 58 68 35 1
Areas of Learning
Demonstrates understanding of how the modern world and Australia developed and changed over time. Sound
Uses relevant evidence from sources to support historical narratives, explanation and analyses of the modern world and Sound
Applies a range of relevant historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past. Sound
Selects and analyses a range of historical sources to demonstrate an understanding of the Civil Rights Movements within Sound
Application to Learning
Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently
Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently
During Semester One, students have applied and transferred movement concepts and skills to new and challenging situations. They have used
criteria to refine their own and others movement skills and performances. They have also reflected on emotional responses in a variety of situations
and have demonstrated protective skills to enhance and support their own well-being.
Course Quartile
Student's Result 2
58 110 8 1 0
Areas of Learning
Refines and applies skills when solving complex movement challenges through European Handball skills. Thorough
Researches the effectiveness of health information and support services available in the community. Thorough
Explains their own and others’ capacity to reflect on and respond positively to challenges. Thorough
Application to Learning
Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently
Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently
During Semester One, students have developed knowledge and understanding, confidence and creativity in analysing, designing, developing and
evaluating information and software technology solutions.
Course Quartile
Student's Result 3
16 12 11 3 2
Areas of Learning
Develops knowledge and understanding of a range of computer software and hardware. Thorough
Develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills in order to design and develop software technology solutions. Thorough
Develops communication skills and collaborative work practices leading to information and software technology solutions. Sound
Application to Learning
Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently
Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently
During Semester One, students have been developing knowledge, understanding, skills and values related to a range of timber technologies
through safe interaction with tools, materials and processes in the design, planning, management and production of quality projects.
Course Quartile
Student's Result 1
4 20 0 0 0
Areas of Learning
Application to Learning
Accepts responsibility for own behaviour, being polite and courteous to their teachers and fellow students. Consistently
Applies himself with diligence and sustained effort when completing class work. Consistently