Financial Management in MNCs
Financial Management in MNCs
Financial Management in MNCs
for a given pre-tax cost of debt, the post-tax cost of debt is lower in the
country with a higher tax rate
⇒ MNC affiliates in countries like Japan and Italy, with high corporate taxes are
more highly geared than those in tax havens like Bermuda and Barbados.
#2. Carry Forward of Losses
The tax shield on debt reduces tax liability and increases post-tax profitability
#3. Protection of Creditor Rights
Consider finance by debt or equity: in countries that don’t have laws protecting
creditors’ rights, lenders face difficulties when the principal is not repaid → Interest
rates on debt are likely to be higher → differential btw the cost of debt and the cost of
equity narrows down, and borrowers are deterred from debt. (Russian, Brazil)
#5. Access to Inter-Affiliate Loans [tiếp cận các khoản vay liên kết]
Purpose: the gov uses the rule to protect itself against inter-affiliate debt (affiliates in
countries with high tax rates lend to affiliates in low tax locations → enjoy the tax-
deductibility since interest is a tax-deductible expense)
If the affiliate’s revenues are denominated in the host country's currency, it should
consider raising funds in the same currency to avoid currency mismatches and the
exchange rate risk inherent therein.
These are the costs that arise when there is a separation of ownership and control.
In a corporate form of organization, the managers are agents the owners (equity
shareholders) and the lenders are the principals.
The principals incur agency costs in order to ensure that the agent (management)
acts in their interest.
The larger the firm, the more difficult and expensive it is for lenders to monitor the
firm, and the larger are the agency costs of debt. So, agency costs affect the
selection of equity over debt.
They include a preference for equity, earnings volatility, political risk, regulatory
stringency, and market timing.