Scrabble Mechanics
Scrabble Mechanics
Scrabble Mechanics
1. All participants must be a bona fide student of Academia De Tecnologia in Mindanao Inc,. and an
active member of the ADTM PICE Student Chapter.
2. Each group must have (2) two players (one male and one female).
3. The players must prepare a chess clock; the game must end within 15 or 30 mins.
5. In the next round, among the three competing participants. The highest number of winning will be the
6. The Scrabble Word Finder will be the primary basis for the words being used in the game. The
facilitator will provide a copy of two letter words for the game.
7. All words labeled as a part of speech are permitted with the exception of the following: words always
capitalized, abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes standing alone, words requiring a hyphen or an
8. In this game, players earn points by constructing words with letter tiles and placing them on a grid.
Each letter has a different point value, there are 100 letter tiles, and only one letter tile can fit in a grid
9. All letters played on a turn must be placed in one row across or down the board, to form at least one
complete word. If, at the same time, they touch others letters in adjacent rows, those must also form
complete words, crossword fashion, with all such letters. The player gets full credit for all words formed
or modified on his or her turn.
10. When all players have passed their turn twice in a row or they have used all of their tiles or no one
can make any more words, the game ends. And if the timer of one of the participating team has ended
the game ends.
12. A participant can challenge the word of the opponent. The Scrabble Word Finder will be used as the
basis when challenging. If the word isn't in the word finder, the player loses their turn. If the word is
allowed, the challenger loses their turn.
12. Each player's final score will be calculated by adding up the points from all of their word scores.
Then, subtract the sum of their unplayed letters. If one player has used up all of their letters, and the
other player has an unplayed letters it is subtracted to his/her final score.