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Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .


2.1 IDE
2.2 Variables and Data Types
2.2.1. Boxing and Unboxing
2.2.2. Enumerations
2.2.3. Data Type Conversion Functions
2.2.4. Statements
2.3. String & Date Functions and Methods
2.4. Modules, Procedures and Functions
2.4.1. Passing variable number of arguments
2.4.2. Optional arguments
2.5. Using Arrays and Collections
2.6. Control Flow Statements
2.6.1. Conditional Statements
2.6.2. Loop Statements
2.6.3. MsgBox and InputBox

2.1 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

• Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) developed by Microsoft to

develop GUI (Graphical User Interface), console, Web applications, web apps, mobile apps,
cloud, and web services, etc. With the help of this IDE, you can create managed code as well
as native code.
• It is not a language-specific IDE as you can use this to write code in C#, C++, VB (Visual
Basic), Python, JavaScript, and many more languages. It provides support for 36 different
programming languages. It is available for Windows as well as for macOS.
• Evolution of Visual Studio: The first version of VS (Visual Studio) was released in 1997,
named as Visual Studio 97 having version number 5.0. The latest version of Visual Studio is
15.0 which were released on March 7, 2017. It is also termed as Visual Studio 2017. The
supported .Net Framework Versions in latest Visual Studio is 3.5 to 4.7. Java was supported
in old versions of Visual Studio but in the latest version doesn’t provide any support for Java
• When we start VS 2010, we get startup screen as shown in fig.
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Examine this screen capture for a few moments. We are not yet in the Visual Basic
environment; therefore this is the Visual Studio Start Page (note the Start Page tab). The Menu
Bar, as well as the green arrows pointing to the New Project and Open Project choices, is
visible. You can use one of these to figure out which type of.Net project to work on.

Next, on the Menu Bar, select File New Project menu or select New Project from the
Start page and you should see a window something like:
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

This is the New Project form (see the title bar). This is where selections for the type of New
Project will be made. There are several important selections to be made on this form:
1. Project Templates - this is where the .Net language of choice is selected. For us, this
should always be Visual Basic and Windows.
2. Project Applications - this is where we can select from the standard set of predefined
applications. For us, this should always be a Console Application or a Windows Forms
3. Name - the name to be given to the VB.Net application. The name should always be
indicative of what the application does, e.g. TaxCalculator (not WindowsApplication1).
4. Location - the file system location where the application folder and files will reside.

Once you click the OK button in the New Project form, you will launch the Visual Basic.Net
Integrated Development Environment (henceforth referred to as the IDE) window. It is in this
window that most, if not all development will be coordinated and performed. The startup IDE
will look something like the following:
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

There are four windows on which to focus in this diagram:

1. Solution Explorer - this window contains a list of all open projects and files/items
associated with the current solution.
2. Form designer - this window is where all controls for a given solution will be placed and
manipulated. A windows application may have one, two or many windows forms
associated with it. Note a console application will have no form designer window, nor
toolbox, since a console application contains no forms.
3. Toolbox - this window is where all VB controls will be retrieved from. In actuality, you
can consider the items in the toolbox as class containers. Retrieving a control from the
toolbox is analogous to instantiating an object from that class. Thus clicking on the
button item (class) in the toolbox will give you a button object. You can either double
click on the control you wish to add to the form, or you can drag and drop your control.
4. Properties - this window is where property values are set for a given control.
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

2.2 Variables and Data Types

2.2.1. Boxing and Unboxing
Boxing: Converting a value type (store values in stack memory) to a reference (Object)
type (store Values in Heap memory) is called boxing. In boxing implicit conversion
(automatic) is take place.
Unboxing: Converting a reference type to value type is called unboxing. In unboxing
explicit conversion is take place.

Private Sub btnconversion_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnconversion.Click
Dim i As Integer = 123
Dim obj As Object
obj = i ' boxing ,implicit conversion
Dim J As Integer
J = CInt(obj) 'unboxing ,explicit conversion
MsgBox("Value of i : " & i)
MsgBox("Value of j :" & J)
End Sub

2.2.2. Enumerations
Enum is a keyword known as Enumeration. Enumeration is a user-defined data type used to
define a related set of constants as a list using the keyword enum statement.
It can be used with module, structure, class, and procedure. For example, month names
can be grouped using Enumeration.
Enum enumerationname [ As datatype ]
End Enum
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Public Class Frmenum
Enum Temperature
End Enum
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim value As Temperature = Temperature.Medium
If value = Temperature.Medium Then
MsgBox("Temperature is Mediuam..")
End If
End Sub
End Class

2.2.3. Data Type Conversion Functions

Type conversion is used for convert one data type to another. There are types of conversion
(1) Implicit conversion: conversion is done automatically by the compiler is called implicit
conversion. It will automatically convert smaller data types to large data types. It is also
called narrowing to widening (small to large) conversion.
(2) Explicit conversion: The compiler does not convert a type to another type
automatically. This type of conversion is called explicit conversion. A type conversion
keyword is used when performing an explicit conversion. It is also called widening to
narrowing conversion (larger to small).
Private Sub btnimex_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnimex.Click
Dim num1 As Integer = 100
Dim num2 As Integer = 75
Dim total As Long
'implicit conversion
total = num1 + num2
MsgBox("Total is : " & total)

An explicite conversion requires function

Dim num As Integer
Dim marks As Decimal = 34.75
'In this the Decimal values are explicitly converted to Integer data type
with rounding the marks 35
'you have to tell compiler to do the conversion, it uses casting
num = CInt(marks)
MsgBox("Converted value is: " & num)

CType Function: it uses to convert one type to another type. Instead of remember all
conversion functions, remember only CType function.
CType(expression, typename)
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Expression: any valid expression

Type name: the name of any data type, objects, structure, class, or interface.
Dim text As String = "25.56"
Dim perd As Double
Dim perI As Integer
perd = CType(text, Double) + 1.14
perI = CType(text, Integer)
MsgBox("The value of percentage is: " & perd)
MsgBox("The value of percentage is: " & perI)

Type Checking Function

Vb.net provides number of data verification or data type checking function as below. It returns
Boolean value (true/false).
(1) IsDate
(2) IsNothing
(3) IsNumeric
(4) IsDBNull
(5) IsArray
(1) IsDate: it returns true or false
Private Sub btnisdate_Click(ByVal sender AsSystem.Object, ByVal e AsSystem.EventArgs)
'IsDate returns true or false
Dim dt1 As Date
Dim strtmep As String
Dim bolans As Boolean

dt1 = Now.ToShortDateString
bolans = IsDate(dt1)
MsgBox(bolans) 'True

strtmep = "testing"
bolans = IsDate(strtmep)
MsgBox(bolans) 'false


(2) IsNothing: Returns true if the object variable that currently has no assigned value
otherwise, it returns false.
Private Sub btnisnothing_Click(ByVal sender AsSystem.Object, ByVal e
AsSystem.EventArgs) Handlesbtnisnothing.Click
'Returns True if the object variable that currently has no assigned vale otherwise
,itreturs false
Dim objtemp As Object
Dim objans As Boolean
objans = IsNothing(objtemp)
MsgBox(objans) 'True
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

objtemp = "testing"
objans = IsNothing(objtemp)
MsgBox(objans) 'False


(3) IsNumeric: Returns True of the value is numeric, otherwise it returns False
Private Sub btnnumeric_Click(ByVal sender AsSystem.Object, ByVal e
AsSystem.EventArgs) Handlesbtnnumeric.Click
'Returns True of the value is numeric ,otherwise it returns False
Dim objtemp As Object
Dim objans As Boolean

objtemp = 53
objans = IsNumeric(objtemp)

objtemp = "Rs.53"
objans = IsNumeric(objtemp)

(4)IsDBNull: it returns true if the value evaluates to the DBnulltype, otherwise it returns False
Private Sub btnDBnull_Click(ByVal sender AsSystem.Object, ByVal e AsSystem.EventArgs)
'IsDBNull returns True if the value evalutes to the DBnulltype,otherwise retuns

Dim objtemp As Object

Dim objans As Boolean

objans = IsDBNull(objtemp)

objtemp = System.DBNull.Value
objans = IsDBNull(objtemp)

(5) IsArray: Returns True of the value is array, otherwise it returns False.
Private Sub btnisarray_Click(ByVal sender AsSystem.Object, ByVal e
AsSystem.EventArgs) Handlesbtnisarray.Click
'Returns True of the value is array ,otherwise it returs False
Dim ary() As Integer = {1, 2}
Dim objtemp As Object
objtemp = ary
MsgBox(IsArray(objtemp)) ‘True
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net


2.2.4. Statements/ option statements /Compile option

There are four option statements available in Vb.Net
(1) Option Explicit: It has two modes: 1. on (by default) 2. Off
If program has 'Option explicit on' statement than it requires all variables have proper
declaration otherwise it gives compile time error. If we use 'Option explicit off' statement than
vb.net create variable declaration automatically and program does not give an error.
Option Explicit On
Private Sub btnExplicit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnExplicit.Click
Dim ans As Integer
ans = 5
End Sub

Option Explicit Off

Private Sub btnExplicit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnExplicit.Click
'Dim ans As Integer
ans = 5
End Sub

Note: Above program run continue without error

Note: For better coding it is recommended to declare variables with Dim keyword and data
(2) Option Compare:
It has two modes
1. Binary (by Default)
2. Text
we can change string comparison method by set the text or Binary
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Private Sub btncompare_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btncompare.Click
If "Hello" = "HELLO" Then
End If
End Sub

In above program if we use Option Compare Binary, messagebox show 'false' and if we use
'Text' mode than messagebox show 'True. That means when we set Option Compare to Text
we can able compare string with Case insensitive comparision.
(3)Option Strict
Option Strict is prevents program from automatic variable conversions that is implicit data type
conversions. It will check strictly Type Checking. While converting one data type to another if
there is data loss then it will show a compile time error (Narrowing conversion).

It has also two modes:

1. On
2. Off (by default)

Private Sub btnstrict_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Handles btnstrict.Click
Dim no1 As Double
Dim no2 As Integer
no1 = 9.123
no2 = no1
End Sub

The above program is a normal vb.net program and is in default Option Strict Off mode so we
can convert the value of Double to an Integer.

(4)Option Infer

The Infer option indicates whether the compiler should determine the type of a variable from
its value.
It has also two modes:
1. On (by default)
2. Off
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Private Sub btninfer_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btninfer.Click
Dim a = 25 'it is considered as integer
Dim b = "Hello" ' it is considered as string
End Sub


Option infer on.

Dim a=25
Take the mouse over variable a.
a’s data type is integer(see in tooltip).

Option infer off.

Dim a=25
Take the mouse over variable a.
a’s data type is object (see in tooltip).
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

2.3. String & Date Functions and Methods

2.3.1 String Function:
1. Len: Returns an integer that contains the number of characters in a string.
Syntax: Len (string)
2. Mid: Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from a string.
Syntax: Mid (string, start [, length])
String - String expression from which characters are returned.
Start - Long. Character position in string at which the part to be taken begins.
Length - Length is Optional. Number of characters to return.
3. Left: Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the left side of a
Syntax: Left ("string", n)
4. Right: Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right side of
Syntax: Right ("string", n)
5. Space: Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
Syntax: Space (number)
6. Replace: Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another
Syntax: Replace (string, searchtext, replacetext)
7. Trim: Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading or trailing
Syntax: Trim ("String")
8. Ltrim: Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading spaces.
9. Rtrim: Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no trailing spaces.
Syntax: Rtrim ("string")
10. Ucase: Returns a string or character containing the specified string converted to uppercase.
Syntax: Ucase ("string")
11. Lcase: Returns a string or character converted to lowercase.
Syntax: LCase("string")
11 InStr: Returns an integer specifying the start position of the first occurrence of one string
within another.
Syntax: Instr (n, original Text, embedded Text)
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Example - This example defines all the string function.

Private Sub btnstringfun_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnstringfun.Click
'Len Function
Dim leng As Integer= Len("Visual Basic")
MessageBox.Show("length is :" & leng)
'Mid Function
Dim middle As String = Mid("Visual Basic", 3, 4)
MessageBox.Show("Mid is :" & middle)
'Replace Function
Dim replaces As String = Replace("Visual Basic", "Basic", "Advance")
MessageBox.Show("Replace is :" & replaces)
'Trim Function
Dim trimt As String = Trim(" Visual Basic ")
MessageBox.Show("Trim is :" & trimt)
'Ltrim Function
Dim ltriml As String = LTrim(" Visual Basic ")
MessageBox.Show("Ltrim is :" & ltriml)
'Rtrim Function
Dim rtrimr As String = RTrim(" Visual Basic ")
MessageBox.Show("Rtrim is :" & rtrimr)
'Ucase Function
Dim ucaseu As String = UCase("Visual Basic")
MessageBox.Show("Ucase is :" & ucaseu)
'Lcase Function
Dim lcasel As String = LCase("VISUAL CASE")
MessageBox.Show("Lcase is :" & lcasel)
'Instr Function
MsgBox(InStr(1, "Visual Basic", "Basic"))
End Sub
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

2.3.2 Math Function:

1) Abs
Returns the absolute value of a number.
2) Max
Returns the larger of two numbers.
3) Min
Returns the smaller of two numbers.
4) Pow
Returns a specified number raised to the specified power.
Here, n1 is the number and n2 is the power of the number.
5) Sqrt
Returns the square root of a specified number.
6) Ceiling
Returns the smallest integral value that's greater than or equal to the specified Decimal
or Double.
7) Floor
Returns the largest integer that's less than or equal to the specified Decimal or Double
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Private Sub btnmath_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnmath.Click

Dim absolute As Integer

absolute = Abs(-16)
MessageBox.Show("The absolute value is: " & absolute)

Dim minimum As Integer

minimum = Min(18, 12)
MessageBox.Show("The minimum value is: " & minimum)

Dim maximum As Integer

maximum = Max(18, 12)
MessageBox.Show("The maximum value is: " & maximum)

Dim square As Integer

square = Sqrt(9)
MessageBox.Show("The square root is: " & square)

Dim power As Integer

power = Pow(2, 3)
MessageBox.Show("The power is: " & power)

End Sub
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

2.3.3 Date Function:

1). DateSerial:-
It returns a Date value representing a specified Year,Month,and Day.
Syntax: -
2). Year: -
It will extract Year part from any Date.It returns only integer value.
Syntax: -
3). Month:-
It will extract Month part such as 1,2,3,4 and so on from any Date.It returns only integer value.
Syntax: -
4). MonthName:-
It will show Month Name as January,February and so on from any Date.It returns only
string value.
Syntax: -
5). Day:-
It will display Day in number.It returns only integer value.Actually it's an Enum which as
Sunday,Monay and so on. It specifies the day of the week.
Syntax: -
6) DateDiff
The DateDiff function returns the number of intervals between two dates.
The interval you want to use to calculate the differences between date1 and date2
Can take the following interval values:
yyyy Year
q Quarter
m Month
y Day of year
d Day
w Weekday
ww Week of year
h Hour
n Minute
s Second
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

7) FormatDateTime
Display a date in different formats:
A value that specifies the date/time format to use. YouCan take the following values:

0 = vbGeneralDate– Default. Returns date: mm/dd/yyyy and time if specified: hh:mm:ss PM/AM.
1 = vbLongDate Returns date: weekday, monthname, year
2 = vbShortDate Returns date: mm/dd/yyyy
3 = vbLongTime Returns time: hh:mm:ss PM/AM
4 = vbShortTime Return time: hh:mm

2.3.4 Methods:
In visual basic, Method is a separate code block and that will contain a series of statements to
perform particular operations. Generally In visual basic Methods are useful to improve the
code reusability by reducing the code duplication. Suppose. If we have the same functionally
to perform in multiple places, then we can create one method with the required functionality
and use it wherever it is required in the application.

In visual basic, we can create the Methods either by using Sub or Function keywords like as
shown below. If we create a method with Sub keyword that will not allow us to return any
value. In case, if you want to return any value, then you need to use Function keyword to
create the method.

Syntax of Visual Basic Methods

<Access Specifier> Sub Method_Name([<Parameters>])
Statements to Execute
End Sub

<Access_Specifier> Function Method_Name(<Parameters>) As <Return_Type>
Statements to Execute
Return return val
End Function
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Parameter Description
Access_Specifier It is useful to define an access level either public or private etc. to allow
other classes to access the method. If we didn’t mention any access
modifier. Then by default it is private.
Method_Name It must be a unique name to identify the method.
Parameters The method parameters are useful to send or receive data from a method
and these are enclosed within parentheses and are Separated by commas.
In case. If no parameters are required for a method then. We need to
define a method with empty Parentheses.
Return_Type It is useful to specify the type of value the method can return

2.4. Modules, Procedures and Functions


Procedures are made up of series of Visual Basic statements that, when called, are executed.
After the call is finished, control returns to the statement that called the procedure.
<Access Specifier> Sub Method_Name(<Parameters>)
Statements to Execute
End Sub
'procedue without argumet
Public Sub clearcontrol()
txtname.Text = ""
txtadd.Text = ""
txtage.Text = ""
End Sub
'procedue with argumet
Public Sub hi(ByVal str As String)
MessageBox.Show("hello how r u" & str)
End Sub

Private Sub btnprocedure_Click(…) Handles btnprocedure.Click

‘call procedure
hi(txtname.Text) 'with argument
clearcontrol() 'without argument
End Sub

Passing Parameters by Value

This is the default mechanism for passing parameters to a method. In this mechanism, when a
method is called, a new storage location is created for each value parameter. The values of
the actual parameters are copied into them. So, the changes made to the parameter inside the
method have no effect on the argument.
In VB.Net, you declare the reference parameters using the ByVal keyword.
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Sub swapbyval(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
Dim temp As Integer
temp = x ' save the value of x
x = y ' put y into x
y = temp 'put temp into y
End Sub

Private Sub btnbyval_Click(…) Handles btnbyval.Click

MsgBox("before swap")

swapbyval(txtno2.Text, txtno3.Text)
MsgBox("after swap")
End Sub

Passing Parameters by Reference

A reference parameter is a reference to a memory location of a variable. When you pass
parameters by reference, unlike value parameters, a new storage location is not created for
these parameters. The reference parameters represent the same memory location as the
actual parameters that are supplied to the method.
In VB.Net, you declare the reference parameters using the ByRef keyword.
Sub swapbyref(ByRef x As Integer, ByRef y As Integer)
Dim temp As Integer
temp = x ' save the value of x
x = y ' put y into x
y = temp 'put temp into y
End Sub

Private Sub btnref_Click(…) Handles btnref.Click

MsgBox("before swap")

swapbyref(txtno2.Text, txtno3.Text)
MsgBox("after swap")
End Sub
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

The Function statement is used to declare the name, parameter and the body of a function.
The syntax for the Function statement is
<Access_Specifier> Function Method_Name(<Parameters>) As <Return_Type>
Statements to Execute
Return return val
End Function

Public Function add(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer) As Integer
Return a + b
End Function

Private Sub btnfun_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Handles btnfun.Click
Dim ans As Integer = add(txtno1.Text, txtno2.Text)
End Sub

2.4.1. Passing variable number of arguments

2.4.2. Optional arguments
The optional parameter contains a default value with Optional keyword. If we will not pass the
value for optional parameters then it will use the default value. If we pass the values then it will
override value.
Function AddNum(ByVal num1 As Integer, Optional ByVal num2 As Integer = 20, Optional
ByVal num3 As Integer = 30) As Integer
Return num1 + num2 + num3
End Function

Private Sub btnoptionalarg_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnoptionalarg.Click
Dim result As Integer = 0
result = AddNum(10)
MsgBox("Addition is: {0}" & result)

result = AddNum(10, 40)

MsgBox("Addition is: {0}" & result)

result = AddNum(10, 40, 60)

MsgBox("Addition is: {0}" & result)
End Sub
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

2.5. Arrays and Collections

• It stores a fixed size sequential collection of elements of the same type.
• It is used to store a collection of data.
• It consists of contiguous memory locations.
• The lowest element corresponds to the first and the highest element to the last.
• It provides best performance for certain requirements.
• The elements in an array can be stored and accessed by using the index of the array.
To declare an array in VB.Net, you use the Dim statement
(1) Dim intData(10) As Integer ' an array of 11 elements
(2) Dim strData(20) As String ' an array of 21 strings
(3) Dim twoDarray(10, 20) As Integer'a two dimensional array of integers
(4) Dim ranges(10, 100) 'a two dimensional array.

You can also initialize the array elements while declaring the array.
(1) Dim intData() As Integer = {12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32}
(2) Dim names() As String = {"Karthik", "Sandhya", "Shivangi", "Ashwitha", "Somnath"}
(3) Dim miscData() As Object = {"Hello World", 12d, 16ui, "A"c}
Private Sub btnarry_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnarry.Click
Dim num(3) As Integer
num(0) = 10
num(1) = 20
num(2) = 30
For i = 0 To 2
End Sub

Dynamic Arrays
Dynamic arrays are arrays that can be dimensioned and re-dimensioned as par the need of the
program. You can declare a dynamic array using the ReDim statement.
ReDim [Preserve] arrayname(subscripts)

• The Preserve keyword helps to preserve the data in an existing array, when you resize it.
• Arrayname is the name of the array to re-dimension. Subscript specifies the new
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Private Sub btndyarray_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btndyarray.Click
Dim marks() As Integer
ReDim marks(2)
marks(0) = 85
marks(1) = 75
marks(2) = 90
'ReDim marks(10)
ReDim Preserve marks(10)
marks(3) = 80
marks(4) = 76
marks(5) = 92
marks(6) = 99
marks(7) = 79
marks(8) = 75
For i = 0 To 10
lstarr.Items.Add(i & vbTab & marks(i))
Next i
End Sub

Multi-Dimensional Arrays
VB.Net allows multidimensional arrays. Multidimensional arrays are also called rectangular
You can declare a 2-dimensional array of strings as −
Dim twoDStringArray(10, 20) As String
3-dimensional array of Integer variables −
Dim threeDIntArray(10, 10, 10) As Integer.
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Example of Array properties

Private Sub btnproperty_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnproperty.Click
Dim list As Integer() = {34, 72, 13, 44, 25, 30, 10}
Dim arrymethod As Integer
'Property of Array
arrymethod = list.Length
MessageBox.Show("Lenght of the Array." & arrymethod)
arrymethod = list.GetLength(0)
MessageBox.Show("Lenght of the specified dimension of Array." & arrymethod)
arrymethod = list.GetUpperBound(0)
MessageBox.Show("Returns the highest subscript(index)value." & arrymethod)
arrymethod = list.GetLowerBound(0)
MessageBox.Show("Returns the lowest subscript(index)value." & arrymethod)
arrymethod = list.Rank
MessageBox.Show("gets the rank (number of dimensions) of the Array." &
arrymethod) '1

Dim arry2(5, 4, 3) As Integer

arrymethod = arry2.GetLength(0)
MessageBox.Show("Lenght of the specified dimension of Array." & arrymethod)
arrymethod = arry2.GetLength(1)
MessageBox.Show("Lenght of the specified dimension of Array." & arrymethod)
arrymethod = arry2.GetLength(2)
MessageBox.Show("Lenght of the specified dimension of Array." & arrymethod)
arrymethod = arry2.Rank
MessageBox.Show("gets the rank (number of dimensions) of the Array." &
Dim arry3(5, 4) As Integer
arrymethod = arry3.GetLength(0)
MessageBox.Show("Lenght of the specified dimension of Array." & arrymethod)
arrymethod = arry3.GetLength(1)
MessageBox.Show("Lenght of the specified dimension of Array." & arrymethod)
arrymethod = arry3.Rank
MessageBox.Show("gets the rank (number of dimensions) of the Array." &
End Sub
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

• A collection can also store group of objects. But unlike an array which is of fixed length,
the collection can grow or shrink dynamically.
• Items can be added or removed at run time.
• These are the specialized classes for data storage and retrieval.
• It supports stack, queues, lists and hash tables.
Collection includes various classes are as follows:

Class Description
ArrayList It represents ordered collection of an object that can be indexed individually.
Hashtable It uses a key to access the elements in the collection.
SortedList It uses a key as well as an index to access the items in a list.
Stack It represents LIFO(Last-In-First-Out) collection of object.
Queue It represents FIFO(First-In-First-Out) collection of object.
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Array List
It represents ordered collection of an object that can be indexed individually.
Private Sub btnarraylist_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btncollection.Click
Dim i As Integer
Dim ItemList As New ArrayList()
ItemList.Add("7 years")
For i = 0 To ItemList.Count - 1
End Sub

Methods of Array List

Private Sub btnarrylistmethod_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btncollection.Click
Dim i As Integer
Dim ItemList As New ArrayList()
ItemList.Add("7 years")
For i = 0 To ItemList.Count - 1

' ''Method Add,insert,remove,RemoveAt,sort

ItemList.Remove("7 years")
For i = 0 To ItemList.Count - 1

''insert an item index start with 0

ItemList.Insert(0, "Patel")
' ItemList.Add(3)

For i = 0 To ItemList.Count - 1
''sort itemms in an arraylist

'remove item from a specified index


For i = 0 To ItemList.Count - 1
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

End Sub

Hashtable: It uses a key to access the elements in the collection.

Private Sub btnhasttable_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnhasttable.Click
Dim h1 As New Hashtable
h1.Add(14, "India")
h1.Add(15, "Dhyan")
h1.Add(16, "boy")
h1.Add(17, "Surat")
For Each key In h1.Keys
End Sub

SortedList: It uses a key as well as an index to access the items in a list.

Private Sub btnsortlist_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Handles btnsortlist.Click
Dim s1 As New SortedList 'combination of Array and Hast Table
s1.Add(1, "Dhyan")
s1.Add(2, "Surat")
For i = 0 To s1.Count - 1 'index is used
For i = 0 To s1.Count - 1 'key is used
End Sub
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

2.6. Control Flow Statements

2.6.1. Conditional Statements
It is used to decide the flow of program. It enables us to execute a certain set of statements
based on condition. It is also known as Branching statements or test structure or decision
Conditional Statements includes
(1) If … Then … End If
(2) If … Then … Else … End If
(3) If … Then … ElseIf … End If
(4) Nested If … Then … End If
(5) Select Case…. End Select
(1) If …Then … End If Statement
If condition Then
Statement Block
End if
It works as follow:
(1) First a condition is checked.
(2) If the condition is TRUE then the statement block will execute.
(3) If the condition is FALSE then the statement block will not execute and the control is
transferred to the statement after the End If statement.

Private Sub btnendif_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnendif.Click
If txtname.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter your Name")
End If
End Sub

(2) If … Then … Else … End If

If condition then
Statement block 1
Statement block 2
End if
The above structure works as follow :( 1) First a condition is checked. (2) If the condition is
TRUE then it will execute the statement block 1.(3) If the condition is FALSE then it will execute
the statement block 2.
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

If txtname.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter your name")
MsgBox("your name is" & txtname.Text)
End If

(3) If … Then … ElseIf … End If

If Condition1 Then
Statement Block 1
ElseIf Condition2 Then
Statement Block 2
ElseIf Condition3 Then
Statement Block 3
ElseIfConditionN Then
Statement Block N
Default Statement Block
End if
The above structure works as follow:
(1) First Condition1 is checked.
(2) If the Condition1 is TRUE then it will execute statement block 1.
(3) If the Condition1 is FALSE then Condition2 is checked and the same process is
repeated until any of the condition specified becomes TRUE.
(4) If all the condition evaluates to false then it will execute the default statement block
followed by the else statement.

Private Sub ifthenelseif_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles ifthenelseif.Click
If txtname.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter your Name")
ElseIf txtadd.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter your Address")
ElseIf txtage.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter your Age")
MsgBox(txtname.Text & txtadd.Text & txtage.Text)
End If
End Sub
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

(4) Nested If … Then … End If

When one If … Then … End If statement is contained within another If … Then … End If
statement then it is known as Nested If … Then … End If statement.
If condition-1 then
If condition-2 then
Statement block 1
Statement block 2
End if
Statement block 3
End if
The above structure works as follow:
(1) First Condition1 is checked.
(2) If condition1 is TRUE then it tests for condition2.
(3) If condition2 is TRUE then it executes statement block 1.
(4) If condition2 is FALSE then it executes statement block 2.
(5) If condition1 is FALSE then it executes statement block 3.
Private Sub btnnestedif_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnnestedif.Click
Dim age As Integer
If txtage.Text <> "" Then
If IsNumeric(txtage.Text) Then
age = txtage.Text
MsgBox("your age is" & age)
MsgBox("Please Enter Numeric Value")
txtage.Text = ""
End If
MsgBox("Please Enter age")
End If
End Sub
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

(5) Select Case … End Select

It is also known as multiple choice decision statement. It allows you to select one option
from the list of available options. It is the alternative of If …Then ... Else If structure.
Select Case expression
Case Value1
Statement Block 1
Case Value 2
Statement Block 2
Case Value N
Statement Block N
Case Else
Default statement Block
End Select

The above structure works as follow:

(1) It compares the value of expression against the list of values specified in the
case values. When the match is found it executes the statement block associated
with that case value.
(2) If no match is found then the default statement associated with Case Else will
Private Sub btnselectcase_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnselectcase.Click
Dim A As Integer, B As Integer, C As Integer
Dim op As String
Select Case op
Case "+"
C = A + B
Case "-"
C = A - B
Case "*"
C = A * B
Case "/"
C = A / B
Case Else
MsgBox("Wrong Option")
End Select
End Sub

Some Features of Select Case … End Select structure:

(1) If you want to specify the action to be taken on the values between specified ranges
then you can also specify range in the case value as shown below:
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Dim age As Integer

age = txtage.Text
Select Case age
Case 1 To 6
Case 7 To 18
MsgBox("Tin Age")
Case 19 To 100
End Select

(2) You can also specify multiple values with the Case as shown below:
Select Case Grade
Case 10, 9
Case 8, 7
MsgBox("Very Good")
Case 6, 5
Case Else
End Select

2.6.2. Loop Statements

Looping Statements are used when a group of statement is to be
executed repeatedly until a condition is true or false.
Vb.net supports the following loop Statements
(1) For …Next
(2) While …end while
(3) Do loop
(4) For each next

(1) For… Next

It repeats a group of statements a specified number of times and a loop index counts the
number of loop iterations as the loop executes.

For counter = start To end [Step increment/decrement]

Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Private Sub btnfornext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnfornext.Click
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 10
MessageBox.Show("The value of i is:" & i)
End Sub

(2) While loop

While loop keeps executing until the condition against which it tests remain true.
While Condition
End while
Private Sub btnwhileloop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnwhileloop.Click
Dim num1 As Integer = 1
While num1 < 10
MessageBox.Show("The value of num1 is:" & num1)
num1 = num1 + 1
End While
End Sub

(3) Do loop
Repeats a block of statements while a Boolean condition is true or false.
Do {While/until} condition
Loop {While/until} condition

We can use either while or until

While: Repeat the loop until condition is true.
Until: Repeat the loop until condition is false.
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Do until
Private Sub btndoloop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btndoloop.Click

Dim num1 As Integer = 1

Do Until num1 = 5
MessageBox.Show("The value of num1 is:" & num1)
num1 = num1 + 1

End Sub

Do while
Private Sub btndoloop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btndoloop.Click
Dim num1 As Integer = 1
Do While num1 < 5 '1 to 4
MessageBox.Show("The value of num1 is:" & num1)
num1 = num1 + 1

End Sub

For each…Next
The for each … next loop is similar to the for…next loop but it executes the statements
block for each element in a collection or array Repeats a group of statements for each
element in collection

For each element in group
Print array data for each loop
Private Sub btnforeachnext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnforeachnext.Click
Dim arr(2), temp As Integer
arr(0) = 10
arr(1) = 20
arr(2) = 30
For Each temp In arr
End Sub
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

With…End with
Executes a series of statements making repeated reference to a single object. To make this
type of code more efficient and easier to read, we use this block. The uses of it do not
require calling again and again the name of the object Set multiple properties and methods
With object Name
End with
Private Sub FrmControlStru_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
With btnsave
.Text = "update"
.ForeColor = Color.Red
.BackColor = Color.Black
End With
End Sub

2.6.3. MsgBox and InputBox

Modal or Modeless Dialog boxes.
Forms and dialog boxes are either modal or modeless.
Modal dialog box
• A Modal dialog box is one that the user must first close in order to have access to any
other window or dialog box of the same application.
• When it is displaying, the user cannot use any other part of WordPad unless he or she
closes this object first. Dialog boxes that display important message must be modal.
• Date and Time dialog box, Save dialog box, save as dialog box, Messagebox and
Modeless dialog box
• Modeless dialog box is if the user does not have to close it in order to continue using the
application that owns the dialog box.
• We can jump or shift the focus between the other object.
• Parallel we can work with multiple objects.
• Modeless forms or dialog box are difficult to manage, because users can access them in
unpredictable order.
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

The Find and the Replace dialog boxes of most applications is an example of a modeless
dialog box. If it is opened, the user does not have to close it in order to use the application or
the document in the background.
Displays a message in a dialog box and wait for the user to click a button, and returns an integer
indicating which button the user clicked.MsgBox is the model dialog box.
This format is as follows:
yourMsg=MsgBox(Prompt, button+icon style, Title)

• Prompt (Compulsory), will display the message in the message box.

• The Style Value (Optional) will determine what type of command buttons appear on the
message box.
• The Title (Optional) argument will display the title of the message box.
Table: Return Values and Command Buttons

Table: Return Values and Command Buttons

Value Named Constant Button Clicked
1 vbOk Ok button
2 vbCancel Cancel button
3 vbAbort Abort button
4 vbRetry Retry button
5 vbIgnore Ignore button
6 vbYes Yes button
7 vbNo No button
Msgbox (“Hi”)
Msgbox (“Welcome”, “Message to User”)

Private Sub btnmsgbox(…) Handles btnmsgbox.Click

Dim testMsg As Integer
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

testMsg = MsgBox("Click to Test", vbYesNoCancel + vbExclamation, "Test Message")

If testMsg = 6 Then
MessageBox.Show("You have clicked the yes button")
ElseIftestMsg = 7 Then
MessageBox.Show("You have clicked the NO button")
MessageBox.Show("You have clicked the Cancel button")
End If
End Sub

• Displays a dialog box that can contain text, buttons, and symbols to inform the user.
• It is an advance version of Msgbox function.Messagebox is the class and show is the method
of it.

MessageBox.Show (Text, caption, button, icon, defaultbutton, option, helpbutton)

Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

Text: Display a message box with specified text.

Caption:Display a message box with specified text and Caption.
Button:Display a message box with specified text and Caption and button.
Icon:Display a message box with specified text,caption, button and icon.
Default button:Display a message box with specified text,caption,button, icon and default
Option:Display a message box with specified text,caption,button, icon and default button.
Help button:Display a message box with specified text,caption,button, icon and default button.
1. General message
The simplest form of a Messagebox is a dialog with a text and OK button. The following code
creates a simple Messagebox.
Example1-To display a simple message.
MessageBox.Show ("Record has been updated")

Example2-To display a message with title.

MessageBox.Show ("Record has been updated", "update")

Example3-Message box with caption and buttons.

Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

MessageBoxButtons-specifies which buttons to display on a message box.

MessageBox.Show ("Record has been updated", "update", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel)

Example4-Message box with caption, buttons and icon.

MessageBox.Show ("Record has been updated", "update", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel,
Unit 2: Programming in Visual basic .Net

The InputBox ()
An InputBox () function will display a message box where the user can enter a value or a
message in the form of text. You can use the following format:
myMessage=InputBox(Prompt, Title, default_text, x-position, y-position)

• myMessage is a variant data type but typically it is declared as string, which accept the
message input by the users. The arguments are explained as follows:
• Prompt - the message displayed normally as a question asked.
• Title - The title of the Input Box.
• default-text - The default text that appears in the input field where users can use it as
his intended input or he may change to the message he wishes to enter.
• X-position and y-position are the position or the coordinates of the input box.
Private Sub btninputbox_Click(…) Handles btninputbox.Click
Dim ans As String
ans = InputBox("enter Name", "Information", "enter your name here")
End Sub

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