Chapter 1
A change in customer taste, fashion, and quality of goods to reflect their purchase price
put more pressure on the organizations to get the best out of their production systems,
processes, and employees. This could only be achieved by getting the best people from the
labor market, develop, reward, and ensure that they are committed to high quality service
to the organization. In order to achieve these objectives, an enabling environment for 20XX
employee creativity and innovation became a necessity. This new demand has an impact
on Recruitment and Selection criteria, staff development and reward systems as well as the
roles of personnel specialists vis-a-vis line managers in personnel management functions.
The role of personnel had to change from that of a doer of personnel functions to that of a
partner in providing support services to other departments to perform personnel functions.
The Process to Attract and Hire the
Best Qualified Candidates:
o RECRUITMENT-is the process of identifying that the
organization needs to employ someone up to the point at
which application forms have arrived at the organization.
o SELECTION-is the process involved in choosing from
applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post.
o PLACEMENT- is the actual hiring which includes
orientation and the acculturation process.
After the processes,TRAINING consists of a range of
processes involved in making sure that the job holders have
the right skills,knowledge and attitudes required to help the
organization to achieve its objectives.
Presentation Title 7
The Policy should be directed to the ff. objectives:
Ø Hire the right person
Ø Conduct a wide and extensive search of the potential
position candidates.
Ø Recruit staff who are compatible with the style of
management and the culture of your company.
Ø Handle applications with due diligence,speed,and courtesy.
Ø Hire from within and develop existing employees to qualify
them for consideration for promotion.
Ø Make sure that no false or exagerrated claims are made in
recruitment announcements or help wanted advertisements
Ø Place individuals in positions with responsibilities and train
them to enhance their career and personal development. 8
Sample of a Recruitment Policy Statement
“Every vacant position shall be filled based upon a thorough job
analysis regardless of the level of the position. The goals and culture
of the organization will be considered in recruitment and selection
Some departments or sections may use different media and
processes of attracting the best hire depending upon the best
available under the circumstance provided that the culture, values
and standards of the company are observed. All managers, and
human resource professionals should be properly trained in the
proper conduct of interviews.
Interested candidates whether invited or walk-in applicants must
be accorded with due respect,protected with confidentiality in their
identity,attended to immediately on their scheduled time of tests
and/or interview. Those not chosen must be informed as soon as
possible either in person, by telephone or in writing and thanked 9
for their interest in joining the company. They must also be
informed that should there be any vacancy in the future that
suits their qualifications, they will considered if still interested.
Efforts must be exerted to search for qualified candidates
from within. When no one is qualified from within after speedy
and diligent search,then and only external recruitment be
conducted.(In a unionized company,where promotion from
within is part of the CBA, a statement may be made to the
effect that ‘’ if there are two or more interested applicants
from within who are equally qualified as determined in their
records and company standards,the one who is more senior in
years of employment,will be appointed for the vacant
All interviewers must strive to sell the company,projecting 10
its image as a great place to work in. No exaggerated or false
claims shall be made in job vacancy announcements or
classified advertisements. Nor shall job offers be made, direct
or indirect,until all prerequisites such as background checks,
and the like, are done and a hiring desicion is approved by the
Human Resource Dept. and the CEO.
Recruitment should be planned,implemented and evaluated
to ensure that the best qualified candidate is hired and
provided the best opportunity for training and development to
enhance his personal career in the comany.”
Notes on the Policy of Attracting Internal Vs. External
v Each organization should be flexible in adopting recruiting
options to make sure the position is filled when needed.
Depending upon the policy of the company, recruitments
may be sourced internally or externally.
v Disadvantages of External Recruitment:
ü Usually more costly to hire somebody from outside.
ü The outsider does not fit into the organization’s culture.
ü Some risks in failure,an employee could be less effective in
actual job than what appears on paper application and
ü Takes a longer time to get acclimated to the job and to the
organization’s culture.
ü May demoralize employees who did not get the promotion
and adversely affect their commitment levels.
v Stages of Recruitment:
Ø Determine whether a vacancy exists
Ø Prepare Job Description and Person Identification
Ø Media Announcement
Ø Managing the Response
Ø Short-listing
Ø Arrange Interviews
Ø Conduct the Interviews
Ø Reference/Background Checks
Ø Decision to hire
Ø Offer to hire
Ø Appointment Action