Lecture 11a Band Theory of Solids

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FEE3201 Physical Electronics A

Band theory of solids


University of Nairobi

September 2023

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The hydrogen molecule

In determining the energy band structure, three methods are usually


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The hydrogen molecule

In determining the energy band structure, three methods are usually

The tight binding or linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)

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The hydrogen molecule

In determining the energy band structure, three methods are usually

The tight binding or linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)
Begins with the atomic orbitals and combines these into itinerant
wavefunctions or molecular orbitals

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The hydrogen molecule

In determining the energy band structure, three methods are usually

The tight binding or linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)
Begins with the atomic orbitals and combines these into itinerant
wavefunctions or molecular orbitals
The nearly-free electron (NFE) method

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The hydrogen molecule

In determining the energy band structure, three methods are usually

The tight binding or linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)
Begins with the atomic orbitals and combines these into itinerant
wavefunctions or molecular orbitals
The nearly-free electron (NFE) method
Begins with wavefunctions of completely free electrons which are then
perturbed with pseudopotentials at the ion cores e.g. Krönig-Penney

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The hydrogen molecule

In determining the energy band structure, three methods are usually

The tight binding or linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)
Begins with the atomic orbitals and combines these into itinerant
wavefunctions or molecular orbitals
The nearly-free electron (NFE) method
Begins with wavefunctions of completely free electrons which are then
perturbed with pseudopotentials at the ion cores e.g. Krönig-Penney
The k !
p method

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The hydrogen molecule

In determining the energy band structure, three methods are usually

The tight binding or linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)
Begins with the atomic orbitals and combines these into itinerant
wavefunctions or molecular orbitals
The nearly-free electron (NFE) method
Begins with wavefunctions of completely free electrons which are then
perturbed with pseudopotentials at the ion cores e.g. Krönig-Penney
The k !
p method
begins with high-symmetry points in the k -space and uses
perturbation theory to compute the curvature around these points

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The hydrogen molecule

In determining the energy band structure, three methods are usually

The tight binding or linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)
Begins with the atomic orbitals and combines these into itinerant
wavefunctions or molecular orbitals
The nearly-free electron (NFE) method
Begins with wavefunctions of completely free electrons which are then
perturbed with pseudopotentials at the ion cores e.g. Krönig-Penney
The k !
p method
begins with high-symmetry points in the k -space and uses
perturbation theory to compute the curvature around these points

Our discussion will be con…ned to the LCAO method

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The hydrogen molecule

Each atom in a system of isolated hydrogen atoms has its own set of
energy levels En and associated atomic orbitals ψn

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The hydrogen molecule

Each atom in a system of isolated hydrogen atoms has its own set of
energy levels En and associated atomic orbitals ψn
Each electron therefore has the same energy equal to the ionisation
energy, Ei ' 13, 6 eV of the hydrogen atom

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The hydrogen molecule

Each atom in a system of isolated hydrogen atoms has its own set of
energy levels En and associated atomic orbitals ψn
Each electron therefore has the same energy equal to the ionisation
energy, Ei ' 13, 6 eV of the hydrogen atom
The total energy of a system of two hydrogen atoms in isolation is
then 2Ei ' 27, 2 eV

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The hydrogen molecule

Each atom in a system of isolated hydrogen atoms has its own set of
energy levels En and associated atomic orbitals ψn
Each electron therefore has the same energy equal to the ionisation
energy, Ei ' 13, 6 eV of the hydrogen atom
The total energy of a system of two hydrogen atoms in isolation is
then 2Ei ' 27, 2 eV
When two hydrogen atoms are at a separation distance r , electrons in
the two atoms interact with each other and the two nuclei

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The hydrogen molecule

Each atom in a system of isolated hydrogen atoms has its own set of
energy levels En and associated atomic orbitals ψn
Each electron therefore has the same energy equal to the ionisation
energy, Ei ' 13, 6 eV of the hydrogen atom
The total energy of a system of two hydrogen atoms in isolation is
then 2Ei ' 27, 2 eV
When two hydrogen atoms are at a separation distance r , electrons in
the two atoms interact with each other and the two nuclei
The e¤ective wavefunction of the system will therefore have a
di¤erent potential energy term from that of the monatomic system

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The hydrogen molecule

Let ψσ be a molecular orbital that depends on the interaction

between individual atomic wavefunctions or atomic orbitals

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The hydrogen molecule

Let ψσ be a molecular orbital that depends on the interaction

between individual atomic wavefunctions or atomic orbitals
We will regard ψσ as the wavefunction of an electron in the hydrogen

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The hydrogen molecule

Identical sets of the ψ1s atomic orbitals are not allowed within the
molecule because of

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The hydrogen molecule

Identical sets of the ψ1s atomic orbitals are not allowed within the
molecule because of
Pauli’s exclusion principle

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The hydrogen molecule

Identical sets of the ψ1s atomic orbitals are not allowed within the
molecule because of
Pauli’s exclusion principle
Overlap in the ψ1s orbitals as the two atoms come close together in
the molecule

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The hydrogen molecule

Identical sets of the ψ1s atomic orbitals are not allowed within the
molecule because of
Pauli’s exclusion principle
Overlap in the ψ1s orbitals as the two atoms come close together in
the molecule
When the two atomic wavefunctions interact, they may do so either

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The hydrogen molecule

Identical sets of the ψ1s atomic orbitals are not allowed within the
molecule because of
Pauli’s exclusion principle
Overlap in the ψ1s orbitals as the two atoms come close together in
the molecule
When the two atomic wavefunctions interact, they may do so either
In phase
ψσ = ψ1s (rA ) + ψ1s (rB )

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The hydrogen molecule

Identical sets of the ψ1s atomic orbitals are not allowed within the
molecule because of
Pauli’s exclusion principle
Overlap in the ψ1s orbitals as the two atoms come close together in
the molecule
When the two atomic wavefunctions interact, they may do so either
In phase
ψσ = ψ1s (rA ) + ψ1s (rB )
In anti-phase
ψσ = ψ1s (rA ) ψ1s (rB )

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The hydrogen molecule

An illustration of the bonding and anti-bonding orbital formation in a

diatomic molecule
e- e-
+ +

atoms in isolation

+ + r


e- + + e-

bonding molecular orbital


+ + r

antibonding molecular orbital

+ r

Bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals in a hydrogen molecule

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The hydrogen molecule

The two molecular orbitals arising from the interaction of the two
atomic orbitals are by convention labeled ψσ and ψσ

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The hydrogen molecule

The two molecular orbitals arising from the interaction of the two
atomic orbitals are by convention labeled ψσ and ψσ
Generation of ψσ and ψσ from the atomic orbitals is a linear
combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)

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The hydrogen molecule

The two molecular orbitals arising from the interaction of the two
atomic orbitals are by convention labeled ψσ and ψσ
Generation of ψσ and ψσ from the atomic orbitals is a linear
combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)
We note that ψσ is symmetric w.r.t. the centre of the internuclear
distance while ψσ is anti-symmetric

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The hydrogen molecule

The two molecular orbitals arising from the interaction of the two
atomic orbitals are by convention labeled ψσ and ψσ
Generation of ψσ and ψσ from the atomic orbitals is a linear
combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)
We note that ψσ is symmetric w.r.t. the centre of the internuclear
distance while ψσ is anti-symmetric
Therefore, ψσ exhibits a node at the centre of the internuclear

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The hydrogen molecule

Recall that the energy associated with a given wavefunction increases

with the number of its internal nodes

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The hydrogen molecule

Recall that the energy associated with a given wavefunction increases

with the number of its internal nodes
Hence the energy associated with ψσ will be higher than that
associated ψσ

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The hydrogen molecule

Recall that the energy associated with a given wavefunction increases

with the number of its internal nodes
Hence the energy associated with ψσ will be higher than that
associated ψσ
We note that jψσ j2 will be signi…cant between the two nuclei meaning
that it will be more likely to …nd an electron here

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The hydrogen molecule

Recall that the energy associated with a given wavefunction increases

with the number of its internal nodes
Hence the energy associated with ψσ will be higher than that
associated ψσ
We note that jψσ j2 will be signi…cant between the two nuclei meaning
that it will be more likely to …nd an electron here
The total energy associated with ψσ is hence lower than that
associated with the individual atomic orbitals

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The hydrogen molecule

The potential energy function in the H-H system has a positive

potential energy contribution from

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The hydrogen molecule

The potential energy function in the H-H system has a positive

potential energy contribution from
Electron-electron repulsion as the atoms come close together

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The hydrogen molecule

The potential energy function in the H-H system has a positive

potential energy contribution from
Electron-electron repulsion as the atoms come close together
Proton-proton repulsion from the same cause

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The hydrogen molecule

The potential energy function in the H-H system has a positive

potential energy contribution from
Electron-electron repulsion as the atoms come close together
Proton-proton repulsion from the same cause
Potential energy contributions from attraction between the electrons
and the nuclei will lower the overall potential energy

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The hydrogen molecule

The energy Eσ and Eσ associated with the two molecular orbitals ψσ

and ψσ resp. are widely separated in the H-H system

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The hydrogen molecule

The energy Eσ and Eσ associated with the two molecular orbitals ψσ

and ψσ resp. are widely separated in the H-H system
If we denote the energy associated with the ψ1s as E1s , then

Eσ > E1s

Eσ < E1s

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The hydrogen molecule

We can illustrate the energy pro…le in the H-H system as




Eσ(r) ψ1s
Eσ ψσ
a isolated atoms
Energy level splitting as interatomic separation is reduced

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The hydrogen molecule

Each orbital state can hold up to two electrons with paired spins

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The hydrogen molecule

Each orbital state can hold up to two electrons with paired spins
The di¤erence between E1s and Eσ is the bond energy of the H-H

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The hydrogen molecule

Each orbital state can hold up to two electrons with paired spins
The di¤erence between E1s and Eσ is the bond energy of the H-H
The formation of ψσ and ψσ from the two ψ1s atomic orbitals can be
regarded as the splitting of E1s into the two levels Eσ and Eσ as

E1s E1s

∆E=bonding energy

A simpli…ed energy diagram for a two-atom hydrogen system

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The hydrogen molecule

Each orbital state can hold up to two electrons with paired spins
The di¤erence between E1s and Eσ is the bond energy of the H-H
The formation of ψσ and ψσ from the two ψ1s atomic orbitals can be
regarded as the splitting of E1s into the two levels Eσ and Eσ as

E1s E1s

∆E=bonding energy

A simpli…ed energy diagram for a two-atom hydrogen system

Energy level splitting is due to interaction between the atomic orbitals

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The hydrogen molecule

In the case of the helium atom, the 1s orbital is complete with the
energy level already split into Eσ and Eσ

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The hydrogen molecule

In the case of the helium atom, the 1s orbital is complete with the
energy level already split into Eσ and Eσ
If two helium atoms were to come together to form a He-He system,
two electrons would occupy the ψσ orbital

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The hydrogen molecule

In the case of the helium atom, the 1s orbital is complete with the
energy level already split into Eσ and Eσ
If two helium atoms were to come together to form a He-He system,
two electrons would occupy the ψσ orbital
The other two must then occupy the ψσ orbital which does not
favour a lowered overall system energy

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The hydrogen molecule

QM theory shows that Eσ associated with ψσ shifts to a higher

energy above E1s than Eσ does below E1s

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The hydrogen molecule

QM theory shows that Eσ associated with ψσ shifts to a higher

energy above E1s than Eσ does below E1s
We conclude therefore that overlapping complete orbitals does not
favour bond formation

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The hydrogen molecule

QM theory shows that Eσ associated with ψσ shifts to a higher

energy above E1s than Eσ does below E1s
We conclude therefore that overlapping complete orbitals does not
favour bond formation
Bonding must therefore require overlap between partially …lled orbitals

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

Suppose three hydrogen atoms were to form a triatomic hydrogen

molecule H-H-H

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

Suppose three hydrogen atoms were to form a triatomic hydrogen

molecule H-H-H
We let these atoms be labeled A, B, C, but not because we can
distinguish between them!

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

Suppose three hydrogen atoms were to form a triatomic hydrogen

molecule H-H-H
We let these atoms be labeled A, B, C, but not because we can
distinguish between them!
We label the three molecular orbitals arising from the overlapping
atomic orbitals of the three atoms as ψA , ψB , ψC respectively

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

Thus, the molecular orbitals will be of the form


+ + + r
a C


+ +
+ r


+ + r

Composite molecular orbitals for a H3 molecule

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

This is justi…ed because, with A, B, C identical

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

This is justi…ed because, with A, B, C identical

The molecule A-B-C must be symmetric w.r.t. atom B

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

This is justi…ed because, with A, B, C identical

The molecule A-B-C must be symmetric w.r.t. atom B
Each wavefunction must have either an odd or even parity

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

This is justi…ed because, with A, B, C identical

The molecule A-B-C must be symmetric w.r.t. atom B
Each wavefunction must have either an odd or even parity
The three molecular orbitals must then satisfy

ψ1 = ψ1s ,A + ψ1s ,B + ψ1s ,C

ψ2 = ψ1s ,A ψ1s ,C
ψ3 = ψ1s ,A ψ1s ,B + ψ1s ,C

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

The energies E1 , E2 , E3 associated with ψ1 , ψ2 , ψ3 are solutions of

Schrödinger’s equation for the three-atom system with the
appropriate potential energy term

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

The energies E1 , E2 , E3 associated with ψ1 , ψ2 , ψ3 are solutions of

Schrödinger’s equation for the three-atom system with the
appropriate potential energy term
The E1 , E2 , E3 are di¤erent since their associated wavefunctions are

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

The energies E1 , E2 , E3 associated with ψ1 , ψ2 , ψ3 are solutions of

Schrödinger’s equation for the three-atom system with the
appropriate potential energy term
The E1 , E2 , E3 are di¤erent since their associated wavefunctions are
The 1s energy level is hence seen to split into three sublevels to form
three molecular energy sublevels

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

Since the energy of a wavefunction increases with the number of

internal nodes, i.e., excluding the end nodes, ψ3 has the highest
associated energy while ψ1 has the lowest

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

Since the energy of a wavefunction increases with the number of

internal nodes, i.e., excluding the end nodes, ψ3 has the highest
associated energy while ψ1 has the lowest
We can thus order the energy levels as,

E1 < E2 < E3

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

Since the energy of a wavefunction increases with the number of

internal nodes, i.e., excluding the end nodes, ψ3 has the highest
associated energy while ψ1 has the lowest
We can thus order the energy levels as,

E1 < E2 < E3

In the H3 molecule, two electrons will pair their spins and occupy the
E1 sublevel

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

Since the energy of a wavefunction increases with the number of

internal nodes, i.e., excluding the end nodes, ψ3 has the highest
associated energy while ψ1 has the lowest
We can thus order the energy levels as,

E1 < E2 < E3

In the H3 molecule, two electrons will pair their spins and occupy the
E1 sublevel
The third electron must then occupy the sublevel with the next higher
energy, i.e., E2

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

Since the energy of a wavefunction increases with the number of

internal nodes, i.e., excluding the end nodes, ψ3 has the highest
associated energy while ψ1 has the lowest
We can thus order the energy levels as,

E1 < E2 < E3

In the H3 molecule, two electrons will pair their spins and occupy the
E1 sublevel
The third electron must then occupy the sublevel with the next higher
energy, i.e., E2
A H3 molecule can be expected to have a higher overall energy than
the H2 molecule

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The tri-hydrogen molecule

Since the energy of a wavefunction increases with the number of

internal nodes, i.e., excluding the end nodes, ψ3 has the highest
associated energy while ψ1 has the lowest
We can thus order the energy levels as,

E1 < E2 < E3

In the H3 molecule, two electrons will pair their spins and occupy the
E1 sublevel
The third electron must then occupy the sublevel with the next higher
energy, i.e., E2
A H3 molecule can be expected to have a higher overall energy than
the H2 molecule
This molecule will therefore be less stable than the H2 molecule

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The lithium crystal

We now consider a linear crystal of lithium with N atoms

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The lithium crystal

We now consider a linear crystal of lithium with N atoms

Lithium has the electronic con…guration, 1s2 2s1

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The lithium crystal

We now consider a linear crystal of lithium with N atoms

Lithium has the electronic con…guration, 1s2 2s1
Like in the hydrogen system, we expect an N-fold splitting in each of
the atomic energy levels for the atoms in the crystal

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The lithium crystal

We now consider a linear crystal of lithium with N atoms

Lithium has the electronic con…guration, 1s2 2s1
Like in the hydrogen system, we expect an N-fold splitting in each of
the atomic energy levels for the atoms in the crystal
The 1s level being close to the nucleus can be expected to be
essentially una¤ected by the interatomic interactions

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The lithium crystal

We now consider a linear crystal of lithium with N atoms

Lithium has the electronic con…guration, 1s2 2s1
Like in the hydrogen system, we expect an N-fold splitting in each of
the atomic energy levels for the atoms in the crystal
The 1s level being close to the nucleus can be expected to be
essentially una¤ected by the interatomic interactions
Thus, the two 1s electrons will remain bound to their parent nuclei

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The lithium crystal

For the N-atom system, there are N electrons in the ψ2s orbitals with
associated energy E2s in the isolated atoms

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The lithium crystal

For the N-atom system, there are N electrons in the ψ2s orbitals with
associated energy E2s in the isolated atoms
When N is large, E2s will split into N closely separated levels when
the crystal is formed

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The lithium crystal

For the N-atom system, there are N electrons in the ψ2s orbitals with
associated energy E2s in the isolated atoms
When N is large, E2s will split into N closely separated levels when
the crystal is formed
The maximum width of the energy split will depend on how close the
atoms can come together in the crystal, i.e., the equilibrium lattice
constant a

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The lithium crystal

For the N-atom system, there are N electrons in the ψ2s orbitals with
associated energy E2s in the isolated atoms
When N is large, E2s will split into N closely separated levels when
the crystal is formed
The maximum width of the energy split will depend on how close the
atoms can come together in the crystal, i.e., the equilibrium lattice
constant a
An interatomic separation larger than a will lead to a lower density of
energy splitting

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The lithium crystal

The interactions between the N, ψ2s atomic orbitals will therefore

spread the energy sublevels between a lowest level Ebottom and a
highest level Etop as determined by a

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The lithium crystal

The interactions between the N, ψ2s atomic orbitals will therefore

spread the energy sublevels between a lowest level Ebottom and a
highest level Etop as determined by a
i.e., the separation between Ebottom and Etop is determined by the
interatomic separation of the nearest neighbours in the crystal

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The lithium crystal

The interactions between the N, ψ2s atomic orbitals will therefore

spread the energy sublevels between a lowest level Ebottom and a
highest level Etop as determined by a
i.e., the separation between Ebottom and Etop is determined by the
interatomic separation of the nearest neighbours in the crystal
Each energy level Ei , i = 1, 2, . . . , N is associated with a molecular
orbital ψi representing a particular combination of the N, ψ2s atomic

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The lithium crystal

The interactions between the N, ψ2s atomic orbitals will therefore

spread the energy sublevels between a lowest level Ebottom and a
highest level Etop as determined by a
i.e., the separation between Ebottom and Etop is determined by the
interatomic separation of the nearest neighbours in the crystal
Each energy level Ei , i = 1, 2, . . . , N is associated with a molecular
orbital ψi representing a particular combination of the N, ψ2s atomic

We note that N wavefunctions can be combined in N di¤erent ways

since each wavefunction can add either in phase or in anti-phase

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The lithium crystal

In the H-H-H hydrogen system, we saw that

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The lithium crystal

In the H-H-H hydrogen system, we saw that

The molecular orbital ψ1 with the lowest associated energy resulted
from an in-phase atomic wavefunction linear combination

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The lithium crystal

In the H-H-H hydrogen system, we saw that

The molecular orbital ψ1 with the lowest associated energy resulted
from an in-phase atomic wavefunction linear combination
The molecular orbital ψ3 with the highest associated energy resulted
atomic wavefunction linear combination in alternate phase

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The lithium crystal

In the H-H-H hydrogen system, we saw that

The molecular orbital ψ1 with the lowest associated energy resulted
from an in-phase atomic wavefunction linear combination
The molecular orbital ψ3 with the highest associated energy resulted
atomic wavefunction linear combination in alternate phase
We therefore anticipate that for the N-atom system, the molecular
orbitals with the lowest and highest associated energies will
correspond to similar combinations

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The lithium crystal

Wavefunction combination in alternate phase will maximise the

number of inner nodes in the resultant wavefunction

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The lithium crystal

Wavefunction combination in alternate phase will maximise the

number of inner nodes in the resultant wavefunction
We can therefore associate ψ1 and ψN with the energies Ebottom and
Etop resp.

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The lithium crystal

Wavefunction combination in alternate phase will maximise the

number of inner nodes in the resultant wavefunction
We can therefore associate ψ1 and ψN with the energies Ebottom and
Etop resp.
The rest of the combinations will have associated energies lying
between these two extremes with associated energies ordered in terms
of the number of internal nodes

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The lithium crystal

Lithium crystallises in the BCC crystal structure with a density of

0, 542 gcm 1 and relative atomic mass of 6, 941 gmol 1

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The lithium crystal

Lithium crystallises in the BCC crystal structure with a density of

0, 542 gcm 1 and relative atomic mass of 6, 941 gmol 1
Hence, the atom concentration in the lithium crystal is

ρNA 6, 022 1023 mol 1 0, 542 gcm 1

n = =
MLi 6, 941 gmol 1
= 4, 7 1022 cm 3

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The lithium crystal

Lithium crystallises in the BCC crystal structure with a density of

0, 542 gcm 1 and relative atomic mass of 6, 941 gmol 1
Hence, the atom concentration in the lithium crystal is

ρNA 6, 022 1023 mol 1 0, 542 gcm 1

n = =
MLi 6, 941 gmol 1
= 4, 7 1022 cm 3

In a 1 cm3 crystal, N = 4, 7 1022

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The lithium crystal

Hence, the sublevels with Etop Ebottom ' 10 eV in Li, will be

separated by
10 eV
∆E = ' 2 10 22 eV
4, 7 1022

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The lithium crystal

Hence, the sublevels with Etop Ebottom ' 10 eV in Li, will be

separated by
10 eV
∆E = ' 2 10 22 eV
4, 7 1022
The energy separation ∆E is therefore so small that the discrete
energy levels between Ebottom and Etop essentially form a continuous

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The lithium crystal

Hence, the sublevels with Etop Ebottom ' 10 eV in Li, will be

separated by
10 eV
∆E = ' 2 10 22 eV
4, 7 1022
The energy separation ∆E is therefore so small that the discrete
energy levels between Ebottom and Etop essentially form a continuous
This band of energies is loosely described as the 2s band

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The lithium crystal

Due to the 2-spin degeneracy of each level, the N, 2s electrons will

occupy all the energy levels from Ebottom to EN /2 , in the lithium
crystal and the band is therefore half-full

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The lithium crystal

Due to the 2-spin degeneracy of each level, the N, 2s electrons will

occupy all the energy levels from Ebottom to EN /2 , in the lithium
crystal and the band is therefore half-full
Note, EN = Etop

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The lithium crystal

Due to the 2-spin degeneracy of each level, the N, 2s electrons will

occupy all the energy levels from Ebottom to EN /2 , in the lithium
crystal and the band is therefore half-full
Note, EN = Etop
However, the sublevels are not equally separated between the bottom
and top of the band

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The lithium crystal

Due to the 2-spin degeneracy of each level, the N, 2s electrons will

occupy all the energy levels from Ebottom to EN /2 , in the lithium
crystal and the band is therefore half-full
Note, EN = Etop
However, the sublevels are not equally separated between the bottom
and top of the band
Hence, as a consequence, the band will not be …lled up to the
mid-band level, EN /2

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The lithium crystal

An N-way splitting in each of the other atomic energy levels , i.e., 2p,
3s, 3p, . . . may have some of the sublevels overlapping with the 2s

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The lithium crystal

An N-way splitting in each of the other atomic energy levels , i.e., 2p,
3s, 3p, . . . may have some of the sublevels overlapping with the 2s
This e¤ectively extends the width of the 2s band into higher energy

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The lithium crystal

An N-way splitting in each of the other atomic energy levels , i.e., 2p,
3s, 3p, . . . may have some of the sublevels overlapping with the 2s
This e¤ectively extends the width of the 2s band into higher energy
For the 3d, 4s, etc., the energy levels will be above the vacuum level
in Li

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The lithium crystal

An N-way splitting in each of the other atomic energy levels , i.e., 2p,
3s, 3p, . . . may have some of the sublevels overlapping with the 2s
This e¤ectively extends the width of the 2s band into higher energy
For the 3d, 4s, etc., the energy levels will be above the vacuum level
in Li
An electron will therefore be free before acquiring energy associated
with these levels

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The lithium crystal

At 0 K , thermal energy is insu¢ cient to excite electrons into higher

energy levels

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The lithium crystal

At 0 K , thermal energy is insu¢ cient to excite electrons into higher

energy levels
Electrons are hence spin paired and occupy levels from Ebottom up to
an energy level Ef 0

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The lithium crystal

At 0 K , thermal energy is insu¢ cient to excite electrons into higher

energy levels
Electrons are hence spin paired and occupy levels from Ebottom up to
an energy level Ef 0
Ef 0 is called the Fermi energy at 0 K

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The lithium crystal

We can illustrate the 0 K energy band diagram of the lithium crystal


vacuum level 0 (7,2eV)

qΦm empty levels

Ef0 -2.5eV (4,7eV)

Ef0 filled levels

Ebottom -7.2eV (0)

Energy band diagram for Li

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Signi…cance of the Fermi level

The Fermi-level is measured w.r.t. to the bottom of the band

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Signi…cance of the Fermi level

The Fermi-level is measured w.r.t. to the bottom of the band

In Li, Ef 0 is 4, 7 eV above the bottom of the band

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Signi…cance of the Fermi level

The Fermi-level is measured w.r.t. to the bottom of the band

In Li, Ef 0 is 4, 7 eV above the bottom of the band
At 0 K , the probability that an electron with energy E < Ef 0 will be
found in the population is unity

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Signi…cance of the Fermi level

The Fermi-level is measured w.r.t. to the bottom of the band

In Li, Ef 0 is 4, 7 eV above the bottom of the band
At 0 K , the probability that an electron with energy E < Ef 0 will be
found in the population is unity

The workfunction qΦm of a material is the energy required to excite

an electron at the Fermi level to the vacuum state

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons in the 2s energy band of Li are the loosely bound valence


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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons in the 2s energy band of Li are the loosely bound valence

These become free in the crystal during the metallic bond formation
due to the quasi-continuous energy band

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons in the 2s energy band of Li are the loosely bound valence

These become free in the crystal during the metallic bond formation
due to the quasi-continuous energy band

The 3-DEG (free or conduction electrons) of the metallic bond

consists of the 2s electrons in Li

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons in the 2s energy band of Li are the loosely bound valence

These become free in the crystal during the metallic bond formation
due to the quasi-continuous energy band

The 3-DEG (free or conduction electrons) of the metallic bond

consists of the 2s electrons in Li
No electron in the electron gas can be associated with a particular
atom however

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons in the 2s energy band of Li are the loosely bound valence

These become free in the crystal during the metallic bond formation
due to the quasi-continuous energy band

The 3-DEG (free or conduction electrons) of the metallic bond

consists of the 2s electrons in Li
No electron in the electron gas can be associated with a particular
atom however
Hence, these electrons move freely throughout the crystal

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Wavefunctions of the conduction electrons are propagating uniform

plane waves

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Wavefunctions of the conduction electrons are propagating uniform

plane waves
These are solutions of Schrödinger’s equation for a free particle

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Wavefunctions of the conduction electrons are propagating uniform

plane waves
These are solutions of Schrödinger’s equation for a free particle
In the direction of propagation, each electron can thus be represented
by a wavevector
! 2π
k =b r

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Wavefunctions of the conduction electrons are propagating uniform

plane waves
These are solutions of Schrödinger’s equation for a free particle
In the direction of propagation, each electron can thus be represented
by a wavevector
! 2π
k =b r
r is a unit vector in the direction of propagation

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Wavefunctions of the conduction electrons are propagating uniform

plane waves
These are solutions of Schrödinger’s equation for a free particle
In the direction of propagation, each electron can thus be represented
by a wavevector
! 2π
k =b r
r is a unit vector in the direction of propagation
The wave momentum is then given by
! !
p =}k

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons in the electron cloud are essentially free and their energy is
therefore entirely translational kinetic

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons in the electron cloud are essentially free and their energy is
therefore entirely translational kinetic
Electron energy in the band increases with electron momentum as

1 ! ! p2
p p = = }2 k 2
2mn 2mn

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons in the electron cloud are essentially free and their energy is
therefore entirely translational kinetic
Electron energy in the band increases with electron momentum as

1 ! ! p2
p p = = }2 k 2
2mn 2mn

Hence, energy of a free electron is parabolic in p

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons in the electron cloud are essentially free and their energy is
therefore entirely translational kinetic
Electron energy in the band increases with electron momentum as

1 ! ! p2
p p = = }2 k 2
2mn 2mn

Hence, energy of a free electron is parabolic in p

The average momentum of the electrons in the band is zero under
thermal equilibrium conditions

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons in the electron cloud are essentially free and their energy is
therefore entirely translational kinetic
Electron energy in the band increases with electron momentum as

1 ! ! p2
p p = = }2 k 2
2mn 2mn

Hence, energy of a free electron is parabolic in p

The average momentum of the electrons in the band is zero under
thermal equilibrium conditions
Electrons are in random thermal motion

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons in the electron cloud are essentially free and their energy is
therefore entirely translational kinetic
Electron energy in the band increases with electron momentum as

1 ! ! p2
p p = = }2 k 2
2mn 2mn

Hence, energy of a free electron is parabolic in p

The average momentum of the electrons in the band is zero under
thermal equilibrium conditions
Electrons are in random thermal motion
For every electron with momentum !
p in the cloud, there is another
with momentum ! p

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Suppose an electric …eld E = b
x Ex is applied in the crystal

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Suppose an electric …eld E = b
x Ex is applied in the crystal
The …eld exerts an electrostatic force on each electron in the cloud
given by
( q ) (b
x Ex ) = b x q Ex

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Suppose an electric …eld E = b
x Ex is applied in the crystal
The …eld exerts an electrostatic force on each electron in the cloud
given by
( q ) (b
x Ex ) = b x q Ex

An electron moving in the x-direction will be decelerated and lose


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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Suppose an electric …eld E = b
x Ex is applied in the crystal
The …eld exerts an electrostatic force on each electron in the cloud
given by
( q ) (b
x Ex ) = b x q Ex

An electron moving in the x-direction will be decelerated and lose

A corresponding electron moving in the x-direction will be
accelerated and gain momentum

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

In the Li crystal, loss or gain of momentum is relatively easy because

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

In the Li crystal, loss or gain of momentum is relatively easy because

The energy sublevels within the band have an in…nitesimally small
separation ∆E hence, the band is essentially continuous

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

In the Li crystal, loss or gain of momentum is relatively easy because

The energy sublevels within the band have an in…nitesimally small
separation ∆E hence, the band is essentially continuous
Energy bands above the Fermi level are available since the sublevels in
the band are occupied only from Ebottom to Ef

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

In the Li crystal, loss or gain of momentum is relatively easy because

The energy sublevels within the band have an in…nitesimally small
separation ∆E hence, the band is essentially continuous
Energy bands above the Fermi level are available since the sublevels in
the band are occupied only from Ebottom to Ef
Thus, under the in‡uence of the applied electric …eld, the whole
distribution of electrons shifts in the x-direction

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

The forces randomising electron motion in the crystal come from

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

The forces randomising electron motion in the crystal come from

Electron interactions with lattice vibrations (phonons)

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

The forces randomising electron motion in the crystal come from

Electron interactions with lattice vibrations (phonons)
Electron interactions with other crystal defects

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

The forces randomising electron motion in the crystal come from

Electron interactions with lattice vibrations (phonons)
Electron interactions with other crystal defects

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

The forces randomising electron motion in the crystal come from

Electron interactions with lattice vibrations (phonons)
Electron interactions with other crystal defects
Impurities, etc.

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

In a perfect crystal, the only scattering mechanism will be interactions

with the lattice vibrations

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

In a perfect crystal, the only scattering mechanism will be interactions

with the lattice vibrations
Lattice vibrations have typically low energy but considerable

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

In a perfect crystal, the only scattering mechanism will be interactions

with the lattice vibrations
Lattice vibrations have typically low energy but considerable
Hence, for an electron to be scattered by lattice vibrations,

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

In a perfect crystal, the only scattering mechanism will be interactions

with the lattice vibrations
Lattice vibrations have typically low energy but considerable
Hence, for an electron to be scattered by lattice vibrations,
Energy levels of roughly the same energy must be available while
allowing the scattered electron to change its momentum signi…cantly

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

In a perfect crystal, the only scattering mechanism will be interactions

with the lattice vibrations
Lattice vibrations have typically low energy but considerable
Hence, for an electron to be scattered by lattice vibrations,
Energy levels of roughly the same energy must be available while
allowing the scattered electron to change its momentum signi…cantly
An electron with energy close to Ef will ‡ip its momentum in the
opposite direction after a scattering event

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

The net momentum in the x-direction is non-zero

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

The net momentum in the x-direction is non-zero

This constitutes net charge ‡ow or a net current in the x-direction

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

The net momentum in the x-direction is non-zero

This constitutes net charge ‡ow or a net current in the x-direction
Conventional electric current is in the direction of ‡ow of positively
charged particles

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

The net momentum in the x-direction is non-zero

This constitutes net charge ‡ow or a net current in the x-direction
Conventional electric current is in the direction of ‡ow of positively
charged particles

Only electrons with energies in a small range ∆E about Ef will

participate in conduction however

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

For typical currents in metals, ∆E 10 6 eV while Ef lies between 1

and 10 eV in most metals

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

For typical currents in metals, ∆E 10 6 eV while Ef lies between 1

and 10 eV in most metals
An electron moving in an applied electric …eld gains an electrostatic
potential energy
Ue (x ) = qΦ (x )
where Φ (x ) is the electric potential at x in the crystal

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

For typical currents in metals, ∆E 10 6 eV while Ef lies between 1

and 10 eV in most metals
An electron moving in an applied electric …eld gains an electrostatic
potential energy
Ue (x ) = qΦ (x )
where Φ (x ) is the electric potential at x in the crystal
If the applied electric …eld is of uniform intensity, Φ (x ) varies linearly
from 0 to Φ (x ) at x, since

Ex =

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Ue (x ) adds to the electron energy

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Ue (x ) adds to the electron energy

Hence, the band edges must bend to re‡ect this excess electrostatic
potential energy

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Ue (x ) adds to the electron energy

Hence, the band edges must bend to re‡ect this excess electrostatic
potential energy
Since only electrons with energy close to Ef participate in charge
transport, the electrons can be visualised as rolling down a potential

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal
An illustration of band bending in a metal crystal under an applied
electric …eld


empty levels

filled levels Ebottom

WM (UoN) Band edge bending dueof solids
Band theory to applied electric …eld 09/01 42 / 81
Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

The electrons move with a high average thermal velocity

vth ' 106 ms 1

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

The electrons move with a high average thermal velocity

vth ' 106 ms 1

The drift velocity due to the …eld is however small, 10 2 -

10 1 ms 1 in typical current ‡ows

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

If the metal is irradiated with a photon source of su¢ cient photon

energy, an electron will be excited to the vacuum level and hence

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

If the metal is irradiated with a photon source of su¢ cient photon

energy, an electron will be excited to the vacuum level and hence
The longest wavelength of radiation that will cause photoemission is
such that
hc }ω
= = Φm
qλ q

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons can gain energy from thermal sources as well

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons can gain energy from thermal sources as well

Heat increases the amplitude of lattice vibrations and heat capacity of
metals therefore consists of

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons can gain energy from thermal sources as well

Heat increases the amplitude of lattice vibrations and heat capacity of
metals therefore consists of
A component of energy absorbed by lattice vibrations

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons can gain energy from thermal sources as well

Heat increases the amplitude of lattice vibrations and heat capacity of
metals therefore consists of
A component of energy absorbed by lattice vibrations
A component of energy absorbed by the conduction electrons

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons can gain energy from thermal sources as well

Heat increases the amplitude of lattice vibrations and heat capacity of
metals therefore consists of
A component of energy absorbed by lattice vibrations
A component of energy absorbed by the conduction electrons

The dominant mechanism in‡uencing heat capacity of a metal is

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons can gain energy from thermal sources as well

Heat increases the amplitude of lattice vibrations and heat capacity of
metals therefore consists of
A component of energy absorbed by lattice vibrations
A component of energy absorbed by the conduction electrons

The dominant mechanism in‡uencing heat capacity of a metal is

Lattice vibration absorption at moderate temperatures

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Electron behaviour within an energy band of a metal

Electrons can gain energy from thermal sources as well

Heat increases the amplitude of lattice vibrations and heat capacity of
metals therefore consists of
A component of energy absorbed by lattice vibrations
A component of energy absorbed by the conduction electrons

The dominant mechanism in‡uencing heat capacity of a metal is

Lattice vibration absorption at moderate temperatures
Electronic absorption at low temperatures

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

Silicon with the electronic con…guration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 , is an
important group IV semiconductor

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

Silicon with the electronic con…guration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 , is an
important group IV semiconductor
The inner shells n = 1, 2 are complete or closed

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 46 / 81

Covalently bonded semiconductors

Silicon with the electronic con…guration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 , is an
important group IV semiconductor
The inner shells n = 1, 2 are complete or closed
Hence, do not participate in interatomic interactions during

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

Silicon with the electronic con…guration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 , is an
important group IV semiconductor
The inner shells n = 1, 2 are complete or closed
Hence, do not participate in interatomic interactions during
The covalent bond in a silicon crystal involves the 3s and 3p electrons

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

When …ve Si atoms interact, the 3s and 3p subshells, interact and

form of four molecular orbitals, ψ3s , ψ3px , ψ3py , ψ3pz , directed
toward the corners of a tetrahedron

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

When …ve Si atoms interact, the 3s and 3p subshells, interact and

form of four molecular orbitals, ψ3s , ψ3px , ψ3py , ψ3pz , directed
toward the corners of a tetrahedron
The molecular orbitals combine to form hybrid orbitals in an sp3
hybridisation process

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

When …ve Si atoms interact, the 3s and 3p subshells, interact and

form of four molecular orbitals, ψ3s , ψ3px , ψ3py , ψ3pz , directed
toward the corners of a tetrahedron
The molecular orbitals combine to form hybrid orbitals in an sp3
hybridisation process
One s and three p orbitals are involved in sp3 hybridisation

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

When …ve Si atoms interact, the 3s and 3p subshells, interact and

form of four molecular orbitals, ψ3s , ψ3px , ψ3py , ψ3pz , directed
toward the corners of a tetrahedron
The molecular orbitals combine to form hybrid orbitals in an sp3
hybridisation process
One s and three p orbitals are involved in sp3 hybridisation
Each sp3 hybrid orbital (ψh ) in Si has one electron

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

When …ve Si atoms interact, the 3s and 3p subshells, interact and

form of four molecular orbitals, ψ3s , ψ3px , ψ3py , ψ3pz , directed
toward the corners of a tetrahedron
The molecular orbitals combine to form hybrid orbitals in an sp3
hybridisation process
One s and three p orbitals are involved in sp3 hybridisation
Each sp3 hybrid orbital (ψh ) in Si has one electron
Four Si atoms hence overlap their hybrid orbitals to form a covalent
bond with one other Si atom

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The hybrid orbitals can arise in two ways

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The hybrid orbitals can arise in two ways

In phase interaction

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The hybrid orbitals can arise in two ways

In phase interaction
i.e., both hybrid orbitals positive or negative, interact to form a
bonding orbital ψB with associated energy EB

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The hybrid orbitals can arise in two ways

In phase interaction
i.e., both hybrid orbitals positive or negative, interact to form a
bonding orbital ψB with associated energy EB
Anti-phase interaction

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The hybrid orbitals can arise in two ways

In phase interaction
i.e., both hybrid orbitals positive or negative, interact to form a
bonding orbital ψB with associated energy EB
Anti-phase interaction
i.e., one orbital positive the other negative, interact to form an
antibonding orbital ψA with associated energy EA > EB

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The hybrid orbitals can arise in two ways

In phase interaction
i.e., both hybrid orbitals positive or negative, interact to form a
bonding orbital ψB with associated energy EB
Anti-phase interaction
i.e., one orbital positive the other negative, interact to form an
antibonding orbital ψA with associated energy EA > EB

Each Si-Si bond then corresponds to two spin-paired electrons in the

bonding orbital

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Covalently bonded semiconductors
Silicon crystallises in the diamond crystal structure with a density
2, 33 gcm 3

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Covalently bonded semiconductors
Silicon crystallises in the diamond crystal structure with a density
2, 33 gcm 3
As we have seen this structure can be visualised as an FCC structure
with a basis of two atoms

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Covalently bonded semiconductors
Silicon crystallises in the diamond crystal structure with a density
2, 33 gcm 3
As we have seen this structure can be visualised as an FCC structure
with a basis of two atoms
The relative atomic mass of silicon is 28, 085 gmol 1

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 49 / 81

Covalently bonded semiconductors
Silicon crystallises in the diamond crystal structure with a density
2, 33 gcm 3
As we have seen this structure can be visualised as an FCC structure
with a basis of two atoms
The relative atomic mass of silicon is 28, 085 gmol 1
Hence, the atom density in a silicon crystal is given by
ρNA 2, 33 gcm 3 6, 022 1023 mol 1
n= = ' 5, 0 1022 cm 3
MSi 28, 085 gmol 1

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 49 / 81

Covalently bonded semiconductors
Silicon crystallises in the diamond crystal structure with a density
2, 33 gcm 3
As we have seen this structure can be visualised as an FCC structure
with a basis of two atoms
The relative atomic mass of silicon is 28, 085 gmol 1
Hence, the atom density in a silicon crystal is given by
ρNA 2, 33 gcm 3 6, 022 1023 mol 1
n= = ' 5, 0 1022 cm 3
MSi 28, 085 gmol 1
Thus, in a 1 cm3 crystal, N ' 5 1022 atoms and as many ψB

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Covalently bonded semiconductors
Silicon crystallises in the diamond crystal structure with a density
2, 33 gcm 3
As we have seen this structure can be visualised as an FCC structure
with a basis of two atoms
The relative atomic mass of silicon is 28, 085 gmol 1
Hence, the atom density in a silicon crystal is given by
ρNA 2, 33 gcm 3 6, 022 1023 mol 1
n= = ' 5, 0 1022 cm 3
MSi 28, 085 gmol 1
Thus, in a 1 cm3 crystal, N ' 5 1022 atoms and as many ψB
Interactions of the ψB orbitals lead to splitting of the EB energy level
into N closely separated sublevels

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Covalently bonded semiconductors
Silicon crystallises in the diamond crystal structure with a density
2, 33 gcm 3
As we have seen this structure can be visualised as an FCC structure
with a basis of two atoms
The relative atomic mass of silicon is 28, 085 gmol 1
Hence, the atom density in a silicon crystal is given by
ρNA 2, 33 gcm 3 6, 022 1023 mol 1
n= = ' 5, 0 1022 cm 3
MSi 28, 085 gmol 1
Thus, in a 1 cm3 crystal, N ' 5 1022 atoms and as many ψB
Interactions of the ψB orbitals lead to splitting of the EB energy level
into N closely separated sublevels
These sublevels form the valence band of the silicon crystal which will
be essentially full at 0 K ,

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Covalently bonded semiconductors
Silicon crystallises in the diamond crystal structure with a density
2, 33 gcm 3
As we have seen this structure can be visualised as an FCC structure
with a basis of two atoms
The relative atomic mass of silicon is 28, 085 gmol 1
Hence, the atom density in a silicon crystal is given by
ρNA 2, 33 gcm 3 6, 022 1023 mol 1
n= = ' 5, 0 1022 cm 3
MSi 28, 085 gmol 1
Thus, in a 1 cm3 crystal, N ' 5 1022 atoms and as many ψB
Interactions of the ψB orbitals lead to splitting of the EB energy level
into N closely separated sublevels
These sublevels form the valence band of the silicon crystal which will
be essentially full at 0 K ,
i.e., most of the valence electrons in the crystal will have one of the
energies allowed in this band
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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The band of N closely separated sublevels of the EA level arising from

the interactions among the ψA orbitals forms the conduction band

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The band of N closely separated sublevels of the EA level arising from

the interactions among the ψA orbitals forms the conduction band
This band is essentially empty at 0 K

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The band of N closely separated sublevels of the EA level arising from

the interactions among the ψA orbitals forms the conduction band
This band is essentially empty at 0 K
i.e., none of the valence electrons in the crystal has energy
corresponding to allowed energy in this band

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The band of N closely separated sublevels of the EA level arising from

the interactions among the ψA orbitals forms the conduction band
This band is essentially empty at 0 K
i.e., none of the valence electrons in the crystal has energy
corresponding to allowed energy in this band
The valence and conduction bands are each bounded by a minimum
and maximum energy level due to the N-way combinations of the
bonding and antibonding orbitals

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The band of N closely separated sublevels of the EA level arising from

the interactions among the ψA orbitals forms the conduction band
This band is essentially empty at 0 K
i.e., none of the valence electrons in the crystal has energy
corresponding to allowed energy in this band
The valence and conduction bands are each bounded by a minimum
and maximum energy level due to the N-way combinations of the
bonding and antibonding orbitals
We label the top edge of the valence band as EV and the bottom
edge of the conduction band as EC

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The band of N closely separated sublevels of the EA level arising from

the interactions among the ψA orbitals forms the conduction band
This band is essentially empty at 0 K
i.e., none of the valence electrons in the crystal has energy
corresponding to allowed energy in this band
The valence and conduction bands are each bounded by a minimum
and maximum energy level due to the N-way combinations of the
bonding and antibonding orbitals
We label the top edge of the valence band as EV and the bottom
edge of the conduction band as EC

The valence and conduction bands are separated by an energy gap of

width Eg where no allowed energy levels exist

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

We illustrate the energy band structure of a Si crystal as

4N states
0 electrons }conduction band

6N states
energy, E

2N 3p electrons
energy gap
2N states
2N 3s electrons

4N states
4N electrons }valence band

inner shell atomic

energy levels unaffected

ro interatomic separation, r
crystal lattice

The silicon energy band structure

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The electronic states in the bands extend throughout the crystal

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The electronic states in the bands extend throughout the crystal

Because these states result from the N, ψB and N, ψA overlapping

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The electronic states in the bands extend throughout the crystal

Because these states result from the N, ψB and N, ψA overlapping
There are N ways in which these orbitals can interact to generate N,
ψVB and N, ψCB distinct wavefunctions in the valence and
conduction bands resp.

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The ψVB orbitals of the valence band are not centred around any
particular atom

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The ψVB orbitals of the valence band are not centred around any
particular atom
i.e., a particular electron in the valence band cannot be associated with
any one given bond or site in the crystal

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The ψVB orbitals of the valence band are not centred around any
particular atom
i.e., a particular electron in the valence band cannot be associated with
any one given bond or site in the crystal
At temperatures above 0 K , it is possible that lattice vibrations may
transfer su¢ cient energy to valence band electrons and excite them to
higher allowed energies in the conduction band

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The ψVB orbitals of the valence band are not centred around any
particular atom
i.e., a particular electron in the valence band cannot be associated with
any one given bond or site in the crystal
At temperatures above 0 K , it is possible that lattice vibrations may
transfer su¢ cient energy to valence band electrons and excite them to
higher allowed energies in the conduction band
Since the conduction band is essentially empty, there is a high
number of available states

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

The ψVB orbitals of the valence band are not centred around any
particular atom
i.e., a particular electron in the valence band cannot be associated with
any one given bond or site in the crystal
At temperatures above 0 K , it is possible that lattice vibrations may
transfer su¢ cient energy to valence band electrons and excite them to
higher allowed energies in the conduction band
Since the conduction band is essentially empty, there is a high
number of available states
Hence the excited valence band electrons are essentially free as in a
metal crystal and can participate in electrical conduction

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

For every electron in the conduction band, there will be a missing

electron in the valence band

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

For every electron in the conduction band, there will be a missing

electron in the valence band
Hence, an unoccupied state and therefore available

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

For every electron in the conduction band, there will be a missing

electron in the valence band
Hence, an unoccupied state and therefore available
Empty valence band states are known as holes

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

For every electron in the conduction band, there will be a missing

electron in the valence band
Hence, an unoccupied state and therefore available
Empty valence band states are known as holes
Holes will participate in electrical conduction in the sense that when
an electron in the valence band occupies such an empty state, it
leaves its original state unoccupied

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

For every electron in the conduction band, there will be a missing

electron in the valence band
Hence, an unoccupied state and therefore available
Empty valence band states are known as holes
Holes will participate in electrical conduction in the sense that when
an electron in the valence band occupies such an empty state, it
leaves its original state unoccupied
Holes will therefore move in the opposite direction to the movement
of electrons, i.e., will behave like positively charged electrons

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

Electronic con…guration of important group IV elements

Si: [Ne]3s2 3p2

Ge: [Ar]3d10 4s2 4p2
Sn: [Ar]3d10 4s2 4p6 5s2 5p2

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Covalently bonded semiconductors

Electronic con…guration of important group IV elements

Si: [Ne]3s2 3p2

Ge: [Ar]3d10 4s2 4p2
Sn: [Ar]3d10 4s2 4p6 5s2 5p2

Other important semiconductors are the group III-V compounds such

as GaAs, GaP, GaN, InAs, InP, AlGaAs, etc.

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 55 / 81

Covalently bonded semiconductors

Electronic con…guration of important group IV elements

Si: [Ne]3s2 3p2

Ge: [Ar]3d10 4s2 4p2
Sn: [Ar]3d10 4s2 4p6 5s2 5p2

Other important semiconductors are the group III-V compounds such

as GaAs, GaP, GaN, InAs, InP, AlGaAs, etc.
We will however restrict our discussion to the elemental
semiconductor Si

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

A direct solution of Schrödinger’s equation for a multi-atom system is

very di¢ cult if not impossible and approximate techniques must be
resorted to

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

A direct solution of Schrödinger’s equation for a multi-atom system is

very di¢ cult if not impossible and approximate techniques must be
resorted to
Each atom in the crystal creates a local potential well at the lattice
site which attracts electrons

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

A direct solution of Schrödinger’s equation for a multi-atom system is

very di¢ cult if not impossible and approximate techniques must be
resorted to
Each atom in the crystal creates a local potential well at the lattice
site which attracts electrons
The potential energy of the electron depends on its distance from the
nucleus of the atom

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

We consider a hydrogen-like silicon atom and assume the screening

e¤ect of the core electrons can be ignored

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

We consider a hydrogen-like silicon atom and assume the screening

e¤ect of the core electrons can be ignored
From electrostatics, the potential energy of interaction of the single
outermost electron between an outer electron of charge q and the
nucleus of charge +qZ is given by

q2 Z
U (r ) =

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

We consider a hydrogen-like silicon atom and assume the screening

e¤ect of the core electrons can be ignored
From electrostatics, the potential energy of interaction of the single
outermost electron between an outer electron of charge q and the
nucleus of charge +qZ is given by

q2 Z
U (r ) =
Where U (0) = ∞, U (∞) = 0 and r is the distance of the electron
from the nucleus

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Consider a linear Si crystal consisting of an in…nite chain of atoms

positioned periodically along the oriented in the x-axis to re‡ect the
position of the atoms within the real crystal

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Consider a linear Si crystal consisting of an in…nite chain of atoms

positioned periodically along the oriented in the x-axis to re‡ect the
position of the atoms within the real crystal
The atom-generated periodic potential wells can then be
mathematically expressed as

U (x + a + b ) = U (x )

where a + b is the interatomic separation in the x-direction

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Bloch’s theorem

The crystal wavefunction must satisfy the time-independent

Schrödinger equation when x + a + b is substituted for x in ψ (x ) to
re‡ect the periodicity

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Bloch’s theorem

The crystal wavefunction must satisfy the time-independent

Schrödinger equation when x + a + b is substituted for x in ψ (x ) to
re‡ect the periodicity
This is achieved if the wavefunction satis…es Bloch’s theorem stated

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 59 / 81

Bloch’s theorem

The crystal wavefunction must satisfy the time-independent

Schrödinger equation when x + a + b is substituted for x in ψ (x ) to
re‡ect the periodicity
This is achieved if the wavefunction satis…es Bloch’s theorem stated

If U (x ) is periodic such that U (x + a + b ) = U (x ) then

ψ (x + a + b ) = ψ (x ) exp fjk (a + b )g

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Bloch’s theorem

Alternatively, Bloch’s theorem can be stated as:

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 60 / 81

Bloch’s theorem

Alternatively, Bloch’s theorem can be stated as:

If U (x ) is periodic such that U (x + a + b ) = U (x ) then

ψ (x ) = uk (x ) exp (jkx )

uk ( x + a + b ) = uk ( x )

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Bloch’s theorem

The two statements are equivalent since,

ψ (x + a + b ) = uk (x + a + b ) exp fjk (x + a + b )g
= uk (x ) exp (jkx ) exp fjk (a + b )g
= ψ (x ) exp fjk (a + b )g

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 61 / 81

Bloch’s theorem

The two statements are equivalent since,

ψ (x + a + b ) = uk (x + a + b ) exp fjk (x + a + b )g
= uk (x ) exp (jkx ) exp fjk (a + b )g
= ψ (x ) exp fjk (a + b )g

U (x ) is a complicated function of interatomic separation in real


WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 61 / 81

The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals
The Krönig-Penny model idealises U (x ) as a periodic sequence of
rectangular potential wells while preserving the essential features of
the lattice

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals
The Krönig-Penny model idealises U (x ) as a periodic sequence of
rectangular potential wells while preserving the essential features of
the lattice
Potential energy between the atoms is taken as U0 and that in the
wells as U1 as illustrated below

-b 0 a
0 x

Region I
Region II


The Krönig-Penney model of the periodic crystal potential

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 62 / 81

The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals
The Krönig-Penny model idealises U (x ) as a periodic sequence of
rectangular potential wells while preserving the essential features of
the lattice
Potential energy between the atoms is taken as U0 and that in the
wells as U1 as illustrated below

-b 0 a
0 x

Region I
Region II


The Krönig-Penney model of the periodic crystal potential

We can therefore write,
U ( x ) = U0 , b x 0
= U1 , 0 x a
WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 62 / 81
The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

We consider an essentially free electron with total energy E between

U0 and U1

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

We consider an essentially free electron with total energy E between

U0 and U1
With U (x ) = U1 and E > U1 in region I , 0 x a, relevant
Schrödinger equation is

}2 d 2
= ψ (x ) + (E U1 ) ψ ( x ) = 0
2m dx 2

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 63 / 81

The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

We consider an essentially free electron with total energy E between

U0 and U1
With U (x ) = U1 and E > U1 in region I , 0 x a, relevant
Schrödinger equation is

}2 d 2
= ψ (x ) + (E U1 ) ψ ( x ) = 0
2m dx 2
This has a general solution

ψI (x ) = A1 exp (j βx ) + A2 exp ( j βx )

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 63 / 81

The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

We consider an essentially free electron with total energy E between

U0 and U1
With U (x ) = U1 and E > U1 in region I , 0 x a, relevant
Schrödinger equation is

}2 d 2
= ψ (x ) + (E U1 ) ψ ( x ) = 0
2m dx 2
This has a general solution

ψI (x ) = A1 exp (j βx ) + A2 exp ( j βx )

Where r
2m (E U1 )
and real

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 63 / 81

The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

With U (x ) = U0 and E < U0 in region II , b x 0, the relevant

Schrödinger equation is

}2 d 2
ψ (x ) + (E U0 ) ψ ( x ) = 0
2m dx 2

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 64 / 81

The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

With U (x ) = U0 and E < U0 in region II , b x 0, the relevant

Schrödinger equation is

}2 d 2
ψ (x ) + (E U0 ) ψ ( x ) = 0
2m dx 2
This has a general solution of the form,

ψII (x ) = B1 exp (αx ) + B2 exp ( αx )

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 64 / 81

The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

With U (x ) = U0 and E < U0 in region II , b x 0, the relevant

Schrödinger equation is

}2 d 2
ψ (x ) + (E U0 ) ψ ( x ) = 0
2m dx 2
This has a general solution of the form,

ψII (x ) = B1 exp (αx ) + B2 exp ( αx )

Where r
2m (U0 E)
and real

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 64 / 81

The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

The periodic nature of the crystal lattice suggests that we require

these wavefunctions satisfy Bloch’s theorem

ψk (x ) = uk (x ) exp (jkx )

where uk (x ) is periodic with a spatial period a + b

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

The periodic nature of the crystal lattice suggests that we require

these wavefunctions satisfy Bloch’s theorem

ψk (x ) = uk (x ) exp (jkx )

where uk (x ) is periodic with a spatial period a + b

uk (x + n (a + b )) = uk (x )

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

The periodic nature of the crystal lattice suggests that we require

these wavefunctions satisfy Bloch’s theorem

ψk (x ) = uk (x ) exp (jkx )

where uk (x ) is periodic with a spatial period a + b

uk (x + n (a + b )) = uk (x )
ψI (x + n (a + b )) = ψI (x ) exp fjkn (a + b )g
ψII (x + n (a + b )) = ψII (x ) exp fjkn (a + b )g

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

At x = 0 and x = a, we require ψ (x ) and d ψ (x ) /dx be continuous

(the boundary conditions from postulate 3)

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

At x = 0 and x = a, we require ψ (x ) and d ψ (x ) /dx be continuous

(the boundary conditions from postulate 3)
Continuity of ψ (x ) and d ψ (x ) /dx at x = 0 hence requires that,

ψII (0) = ψI (0)

d ψII (x ) d ψI (x )
j x =0 = j x =0
dx dx

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

At x = 0 and x = a, we require ψ (x ) and d ψ (x ) /dx be continuous

(the boundary conditions from postulate 3)
Continuity of ψ (x ) and d ψ (x ) /dx at x = 0 hence requires that,

ψII (0) = ψI (0)

d ψII (x ) d ψI (x )
j x =0 = j x =0
dx dx
A1 + A2 B1 B2 = 0
j β f A1 A2 g α f B1 B2 g = 0

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Continuity of ψ (x ) and d ψ (x ) /dx at x = a requires

ψII (a) = ψI (a)

d ψII (x ) d ψI (x )
j x =a = j x =a
dx dx

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Continuity of ψ (x ) and d ψ (x ) /dx at x = a requires

ψII (a) = ψI (a)

d ψII (x ) d ψI (x )
j x =a = j x =a
dx dx
Using Bloch’s theorem at x = a, we can write,

ψI (a) = ψI ( b ) exp fjk (a + b )g

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Continuity of ψ (x ) and d ψ (x ) /dx at x = a requires

ψII (a) = ψI (a)

d ψII (x ) d ψI (x )
j x =a = j x =a
dx dx
Using Bloch’s theorem at x = a, we can write,

ψI (a) = ψI ( b ) exp fjk (a + b )g

h i
e jk (a +b ) A1 e j βb
+ A2 e j βb B1 e αa B2 e αa
h i
j βe jk (a +b ) A1 e j βb
A2 e j βb α B1 e αa B2 e αa

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

We can expressed these equations in matrix form as

2 32 3
1 1 1 1 A
6 jβ j β α α 7 6 A2 7
6 76 7
4 e jk (a +b ) e j βb e jk (a +b ) e j βb e αa e αa 5 4 B1 5 = 0
j βe jk ( a + b ) e j βb j βe jk ( a + b ) e j βb αe αa αe αa B2

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

We can expressed these equations in matrix form as

2 32 3
1 1 1 1 A
6 jβ j β α α 7 6 A2 7
6 76 7
4 e jk (a +b ) e j βb e jk (a +b ) e j βb e αa e αa 5 4 B1 5 = 0
j βe jk ( a + b ) e j βb j βe jk ( a + b ) e j βb αe αa αe αa B2

For a non-trivial solution for A1 , A2 , B1 , B2 , the determinant of this

matrix must vanish

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Invoking this requirement yields,

α2 β2
sinh αa sin βb + cosh αa cos βb = cos (k (a + b )) = P (E )

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Invoking this requirement yields,

α2 β2
sinh αa sin βb + cosh αa cos βb = cos (k (a + b )) = P (E )

P (E ) is a function of the total energy E alone through the

parameters α and β

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Invoking this requirement yields,

α2 β2
sinh αa sin βb + cosh αa cos βb = cos (k (a + b )) = P (E )

P (E ) is a function of the total energy E alone through the

parameters α and β
Since k must be real, simultaneous solution of this transcendental
equation imposes constraints on the allowable values P (E ) can have

WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 69 / 81

The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Invoking this requirement yields,

α2 β2
sinh αa sin βb + cosh αa cos βb = cos (k (a + b )) = P (E )

P (E ) is a function of the total energy E alone through the

parameters α and β
Since k must be real, simultaneous solution of this transcendental
equation imposes constraints on the allowable values P (E ) can have
That is, P (E ) must be bounded such that

1 P (E ) 1

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Invoking this requirement yields,

α2 β2
sinh αa sin βb + cosh αa cos βb = cos (k (a + b )) = P (E )

P (E ) is a function of the total energy E alone through the

parameters α and β
Since k must be real, simultaneous solution of this transcendental
equation imposes constraints on the allowable values P (E ) can have
That is, P (E ) must be bounded such that

1 P (E ) 1

This means that the allowed values of E are restricted

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

A plot of P (E ) in the momentum space (k-space) is of the form


forbidden bands

allowed bands


Allowed and forbidden energy bands due to the periodic lattice


WM (UoN) Band theory of solids 09/01 70 / 81

The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

The corresponding plot of E (k ) in momentum space if of the form

E(k) 1st Brillouin Zone

Forbidden energy

Allowed band

Forbidden energy

−2π/(a+b) −π/(a+b) π/(a+b) 2π/(a+b)

E (k ) in the extended scheme

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Because of the periodicity of the crystal lattice, periodicity of the

k-space or reciprocal lattice has period 2π/ (a + b )

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Because of the periodicity of the crystal lattice, periodicity of the

k-space or reciprocal lattice has period 2π/ (a + b )
E (k ) extends from k = ∞ to k = ∞ with a period 2π/ (a + b )
but values of E (k ) can be restricted to the interval
[ π/ (a + b ) , π/ (a + b )) w.n.l.o.g.

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Because of the periodicity of the crystal lattice, periodicity of the

k-space or reciprocal lattice has period 2π/ (a + b )
E (k ) extends from k = ∞ to k = ∞ with a period 2π/ (a + b )
but values of E (k ) can be restricted to the interval
[ π/ (a + b ) , π/ (a + b )) w.n.l.o.g.
This is called the …rst Brillouin zone

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Because of the periodicity of the crystal lattice, periodicity of the

k-space or reciprocal lattice has period 2π/ (a + b )
E (k ) extends from k = ∞ to k = ∞ with a period 2π/ (a + b )
but values of E (k ) can be restricted to the interval
[ π/ (a + b ) , π/ (a + b )) w.n.l.o.g.
This is called the …rst Brillouin zone
A of E (k ) for k values in the …rst Brillouin zone is the reduced

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

A plot of E (k ) in the reduced scheme is shown below

energy curves in higher-order
Brillouin zones collapsed to the 1st zone

1st Brillouin Zone

Forbidden energy band

Allowed band

Forbidden energy band

−2π/(a+b) −π/(a+b) π/(a+b) 2π/(a+b)

Allowed energy plot in k-space

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Consider a …ctitious 1-D crystal of length L bent such that x = 0 and

x = L coincide

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Consider a …ctitious 1-D crystal of length L bent such that x = 0 and

x = L coincide
Applying the Born-von Karman boundary conditions then yields,

ψ (x + N (a + b )) = ψ (x )

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

Consider a …ctitious 1-D crystal of length L bent such that x = 0 and

x = L coincide
Applying the Born-von Karman boundary conditions then yields,

ψ (x + N (a + b )) = ψ (x )


ψ (x + N (a + b )) = A exp fjk (x + N (a + b ))g

= ψ (x ) exp fjkN (a + b )g

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

This requires that,

exp fjkN (a + b )g = 1

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

This requires that,

exp fjkN (a + b )g = 1
2πn N
k= , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,
N (a + b ) 2

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

This requires that,

exp fjkN (a + b )g = 1
2πn N
k= , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,
N (a + b ) 2
N is the number of unit cells in the crystal or the number of atoms in
the one-dimensional crystal

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

The …rst Brillouin zone therefore lies in the range

π π
a+b a+b

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

The …rst Brillouin zone therefore lies in the range

π π
a+b a+b
n 1
2 2

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

The …rst Brillouin zone therefore lies in the range

π π
a+b a+b
n 1
2 2
Hence, there are therefore N wavenumbers in the …rst Brillouin zone
corresponding to the number of unit cells

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

The …rst Brillouin zone therefore lies in the range

π π
a+b a+b
n 1
2 2
Hence, there are therefore N wavenumbers in the …rst Brillouin zone
corresponding to the number of unit cells

There is an allowed energy value in each band for each wavenumber

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The Krönig-Penny model of solid crystals

The …rst Brillouin zone therefore lies in the range

π π
a+b a+b
n 1
2 2
Hence, there are therefore N wavenumbers in the …rst Brillouin zone
corresponding to the number of unit cells

There is an allowed energy value in each band for each wavenumber

Each band can contain a maximum of 2N electrons, considering the
electron spin (Pauli’s exclusion principle)

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

An electron with energy near the Fermi level can gain energy from an
applied electric …eld and be excited to higher energy levels

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

An electron with energy near the Fermi level can gain energy from an
applied electric …eld and be excited to higher energy levels
We have already seen this when discussing the Drude-Sommerfeld
model of conduction in solids

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

An electron with energy near the Fermi level can gain energy from an
applied electric …eld and be excited to higher energy levels
We have already seen this when discussing the Drude-Sommerfeld
model of conduction in solids
The external force on the electron arising from an applied electric
…eld E = b x Ex is given by

Fext = q Ex

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

An electron with energy near the Fermi level can gain energy from an
applied electric …eld and be excited to higher energy levels
We have already seen this when discussing the Drude-Sommerfeld
model of conduction in solids
The external force on the electron arising from an applied electric
…eld E = b x Ex is given by

Fext = q Ex

According to Newton’s second law of motion, a completely free

electron is accelerated in the x-direction with an acceleration

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

In a solid however, an electron also experiences a local force Fi due to

interactions with the lattice in a perfect crystal

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

In a solid however, an electron also experiences a local force Fi due to

interactions with the lattice in a perfect crystal
The potential energy of the electron hence varies with position within
the crystal

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

Mass is interpreted as the inertial resistance of an object to

acceleration per unit applied force

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

Mass is interpreted as the inertial resistance of an object to

acceleration per unit applied force
For a force Fext applied to a free electron, the acceleration of the
electron is
afree =

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

Mass is interpreted as the inertial resistance of an object to

acceleration per unit applied force
For a force Fext applied to a free electron, the acceleration of the
electron is
afree =
When this force is applied to an electron in a crystal, the acceleration
will be
Fext + Fi
axtal =

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

Mass is interpreted as the inertial resistance of an object to

acceleration per unit applied force
For a force Fext applied to a free electron, the acceleration of the
electron is
afree =
When this force is applied to an electron in a crystal, the acceleration
will be
Fext + Fi
axtal =
Fi is to be understood to be the total internal force acting on an
electron due to the crystal defects we have already encountered

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

The external force hence sees the electron as having a mass mn

di¤erent from the rest mass mn such that
axtal =

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

The external force hence sees the electron as having a mass mn

di¤erent from the rest mass mn such that
axtal =

Since atoms are arranged periodically in the crystal, Fi and the

electron potential energy in the crystal vary with position in a periodic

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

In a …lled band, Newton’s second law of motion is applicable as long

as the electron mass is modi…ed to a mass mn appropriate in the
given crystal

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E¤ective mass of an electron in a solid

In a …lled band, Newton’s second law of motion is applicable as long

as the electron mass is modi…ed to a mass mn appropriate in the
given crystal
mn is hence an e¤ective mass of the electron in the crystal and
depends on the properties of the particular band in which the electron

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