Craft Product Business Patterned Cloth 3D Face Mask: Fathiyah Rizqi Amalia 215030107111125 English Class D

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Fathiyah Rizqi Amalia
Class D

Brawijaya University
Faculty of Administrative Science
Public Administration
Craft is a part of applied arts which is defined as a production process that involves
manual skills in making objects of life necessities with functional goals and having aesthetic
value. Crafts are usually made of various materials such as cloth, plastics and others. These
crafts produce objects that have value in use and decoration. We are currently in the midst
of a COVID-19 pandemic, so I decided to make a business of a craft product that has become
a necessity today. The current situation requires us to always carry out the health protocols,
one of them is ‘wearing face mask’. Medical masks are more recommended that cloth mask.
But, the combination of medical mask and cloth mask is much better. The result of Centre of
Disease Control (CDC) study stated that the use of double mask by using a medical mask
combined with a cloth mask on it was more effective in preventing the transmission of the
COVID-19 compared to using only medical mask or cloth mask. The product that I will produce
is 3D cloth face mask that uses a patterned cloth.

A cloth face mask is a mask that made of common textiles, usually cotton, worn over
the mouth and nose. The function of face mask is to protect our face from dirt such as dust,
pollution, bacteria and viruses. The product that I will produce in my business is 3D cloth face
mask. It uses patterned cloth so that it can attract the customers because of its beauty. The
type of fabric that will be used is cotton fabric which has a unique and beautiful pattern. The
technique that used in this product is ‘sewing’. The production of product in this business will
be done by the owners.
The strength of this product is their variety of patterns and colors that make
the product more attractive. The fabric material that we will use is one of the easy-to-
find material. Cloth face masks are also can be reused. That means by wearing cloth
face mask, we participated in reducing waste so they are environmentally friendly.
The face mask has enough space because the model that we used is 3D (three-
dimension) so it is comfortable to wear and the wearer can be breathe easily. The
sales vision is supported by the background of current condition and situation then
that is also the strength of this product.
The weakness of this product is the limited ability to filter the dirties which is
not as effective as medical masks did.
The opportunity that this product has is a fairly good market demand which is
based on the current situation and condition. Other than that, the existence of social
media is also an opportunity because it can help us to promoting our product. This 3D
patterned cloth face mask business requires a fairly low capital and materials that are
easy to get. Because of this pandemic that is happening forces us to always wearing
masks as an effort to maintain health so that the need for health protection increases.
This product can be used as a lifestyle or fashion in this current pandemic situation.
The threat that this product has is high competitiveness due to the large
number of sales of cloth masks in the midst of this pandemic. Another threat that this
product has is on the increase in raw material prices. There are also many other health
protective products besides masks, for example face shield. It could be a serious threat
to this business.

This product, patterned cloth 3D face mask, can be used by consumers as protection
on their faces to avoid dirt such as bacteria and viruses when they want to go outside.

Patterned cloth 3D face mask is intended for all circles. It means that it can be used by
anyone. It can be used by children, teenagers and also adults. But this product is more
intended for people who often go outside.

→ At this step, we carry out the process of preparing the materials and tools needed
to make the products.
The materials that we need are patterned cotton fabric and rubber strap. Besides
that, we also need tools to make the mask’s pattern. The tools that we need for this
step are paper, pen and pencil, ruler, marker, and scissors. First of all, we have to
make a pattern of the mask on paper. Then, draw the 3D mask’s pattern on paper.
After that, cut it according to the shape of the pattern.
➔ At this step, the process of forming materials is carried out either assembled,
added, and reduced into the desired shaped.
We put the pattern that has been formed from the paper onto the cotton fabric
and then cut it according to the paper pattern.
➔ This is the step of combining several parts of the material that have been cut
according to the pattern. At this step, we use the sewing technique.
➔ This is the last step to clean up the product and give the final touch to the product.
At this step, we cut the remaining threads. We also pack our product with a good
packaging. The packaging that we used are zipper bag and paper bag. Zipper bag
and paper bag are environmentally friendly packaging because they can be reused


Description Price details (Rp) Total (Rp)

Tools and Materials
1. Cotton Fabrics 0,5 meter x 45.000 22.500
2. Rubber Strap 2 meter x 1.500 3.000
3. Scissors 1x0 0
4. Pencil 1x0 0
5. Ruler 1x0 0
6. Paper 1x0 0
1. Zipper Bag 5 x 1.500 7.500
2. Thank You Card 5 x 150 750
3. Mini Paper bag 5 x 1.250 6.250
Employee Cost
1. Sewing 5 x 5.000 25.000
Overhead Cost
1. Travel fare 15.000 15.000
TOTAL 80.000


Total Production Cost : Number of Product = RP 80.000 : 5
= RP 16.000/pieces


Cost of Goods Manufactured + 25% = RP 16.000 + RP 4.000
= RP 20.000/pieces

The promotional media that I use is internet media. I'm doing a promotion through
social media such as Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, LINE, and others. The promotional
technique that I use is making a brochure and then post it to social media. The following is an
attachment of a flyer image that I made for promotion:

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