ISBT Annual Report 2016-17-1

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ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Table of Contents

Table of Contents
4 ISBT Vision

5 Foreword from the President

6 Foreword from the Secretary General

7 Board of Directors

8 Membership 2016-2017

9 Congress
• 34th International Congress of the ISBT, Dubai, UAE

12 Financial Summary

13 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

• Working Party on Apheresis
• Working Party on Blood Supply Management
• Working Party on Cellular Therapy
• Working Party on Clinical Transfusion
• Working Party on Donors and Donation
• Working Party on Global Blood Safety
• Working Party on Granulocyte Immunobiology
• Working Party on Haemovigilance
• Working Party on Immunohaematology
• Working Party on Information Technology
• Working Party on Platelet Immunobiology
• Working Party on Quality Management
• Working Party on Rare Donors
• Working Party on Red Cell Immunogenetics and Terminology
• Working Party on Transfusion Transmitted Diseases

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Table of Contents

37 Reports from ISBT Standing Committees

• ISBT Standing Committee of the ISBT Academy
• ISBT Standing Committee on Ethics
• ISBT Standing Committee on Jean Julliard Prize
• ISBT Standing Committee of Vox Sanguinis

43 Report from ISBT Foundation

44 ISBT Award and Prizes

• The ISBT Presidential Award
• Jean Julliard Prize
• The ISBT Award for Developing Countries
• The Vox Sanguinis Best Paper Prize
• The ISBT Award

Corporate Partners
ISBT is pleased to acknowledge the following Corporate Partners




ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 ISBT Vision

ISBT Vision
The International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) is a scientific society that was founded in 1935. Since
that time the ISBT has grown in to an international society where transfusion medicine professionals from
across the globe come together and do the one thing they do best: share knowledge to improve the safety of
blood transfusion worldwide.

Our mission
We are an international community of professionals sharing knowledge to enhance transfusion practice.

We achieve this by:

• Providing opportunities for advancing knowledge and education
• Advocacy for the welfare of blood donors and transfusion recipients

Quotes from our members*:

“ISBT provides a great opportunity to interact with colleagues

worldwide and to participate in relevant discussions pertaining
to the future of transfusion medicine.”

“Membership of the ISBT has been an immeasurable and rewarding

experience that has helped me grow professionally”

“ISBT is the best way to be linked and

work with people that shape, develop
and publish the transfusional field.”

* These quotes are from our anonymous survey.

ISBT Annual Report 2016-2017 Foreword from the President

Foreword from
the President

Another year has passed and it is important to reflect on what we to review the current 2015 – 2018 strategy. We are pleased
as members, the Board and management of ISBT have expected that excellent progress is being made in implementation of the
of our society and what we have achieved in reaching the goals objectives particularly with regards to advancing knowledge
we have set for ourselves. In a fast changing landscape in the 21st and international outreach. Small sub groups of the Board were
century where disruptive technology can change the playing fields tasked with working on proposals to increase access to ISBT
overnight, we need to adapt quickly to remain relevant. educational and congress related material and this will be a focus
I took over as president from Celso Bianco in Dubai and for 2017 when we launch the revised Affiliate programme. The
unfortunately due to illness Celso could not attend the Dubai ISBT Academy has also provided support to a number of meetings
meeting. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Diana organized by Regional and National Societies.
Teo for taking on the role of president in Celso’s absence and
performing the official duties at the meeting. The Board critically reviewed and endorsed the revised draft of the
ISBT Code of Ethics and would like to sincerely thank the Standing
This past financial year has been a successful one for ISBT and Committee on Ethics, chaired by Dr Peter Flanagan, for their
the key highlights were retention of our membership base, hosting significant input in preparing this document.
an international conference in the Middle East (Dubai) for the
first time, reviewing the Code of Ethics, increasing international Strategic partnerships and collaboration with other organisations
outreach through ISBT Academy Day events in a number of and societies is an integral part of ISBT’s international focus
countries globally, continued focus on education and development and in the past six months management and Board members
via the e-portal, increased engagement with working parties, represented ISBT at a number of workshops and meetings.
webinars and agreeing a new affiliate membership offering to These included the Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC)
increase access to educational materials for members and staff meeting in Vietnam, The Chinese Society for Blood Transfusion
members of our affiliate organisations at a low cost per member. (CSBT) congress in China, the ABHH meeting in Brazil, the WHO
This will be introduced in the 2017/18 membership year. Expert Committee on Biological Standardisation (ECBS) meeting
in Switzerland and an Accreditation workshop organised by the
Congresses remain a strategic priority for ISBT and in keeping Turkish Blood Foundation.
with the focus of having international congresses in different
regions of the world, the 34th international congress was held Finally I would like to sincerely thank Judith Chapman and
in Dubai. Our hosts in Dubai really went the extra mile to ensure the staff at ISBT Central Office for the excellent work and
a memorable event and I am sure that all those that attended commitment over the past year. Many new initiatives such as
have fond memories of the exciting scientific programme, great webinars and forums have been introduced to improve education,
food and wonderful venue. Personally, the most satisfying communication and interaction among members and we look
aspect for me was that many blood bank staff from the region forward to ongoing innovation.
were able to attend and for many it was the first time they
attended an international meeting and could listen to speakers
they only read about. Ravi Reddy
We welcomed seven new members on to the ISBT Board of
Directors and have already had two Board meetings in September
and February. The main objective of the February meeting was

ISBT Annual Report 2016-2017 Foreword from the Secretary General

Foreword from the

Secretary General

This report covers the period April 1st, 2016 to March 31st, In 2015-16, the following awards were presented in Dubai: The
2017. I am pleased to report that the ISBT had another successful ISBT Award to Beryl Armstrong and Steve Morgan for their tireless
year, with many encouraging achievements. We had a highly support of the Society. The Vox Sanguinis Best Paper Prize was
successful International Congress, held in Dubai, United Arab presented to T. Berthold, N. Schubert, S. Muschter, M. Rohr, J.
Emirates, the first ISBT Congress in this part of the world. The Wesche, A. Reil, J. Bux, T. Bakchoul, A. Greinacher of the Institut
Congress attracted a total of 2701 participants and 724 accepted für Immunologie und Transfusionsmedizin, Universitätsmedizin
abstracts were presented. There were 73 exhibiting companies Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany for their paper: “HNA antibody-
in 2346 square metres of exhibit space. We thank the Local mediated neutrophil aggregation is dependent on serine protease
Organising and Scientific committees as well as MCI Amsterdam activity”. The Jean Julliard award was given to Gustaf Edgren,
for their effort and energy, which contributed much to the success of the Karolinska Institute, Sweden for his research which he
of our Congress. described in his award lecture “Big data in transfusion medicine
– towards a database driven approach to ensuring the long-
Membership of the ISBT has remained stable, with a current total term health of both blood donors and transfused patients.” The
of 1664 members, only 25 fewer than the preceding year; an Presidential Award went to Harvey Klein, M.D., of the National
excellent outcome for a year with only one Congress. Membership Institutes of Health, USA in recognition of his exemplary career
activities are a major strength of the organization, with continuing and leadership in Transfusion Medicine. The Developing Country
growth and energy in the Academy. Award recognized the National Institute or Haematology and
Blood Transfusion (NKHBT) of Vietnam.
Vox Sanguinis continues to be the flagship scientific journal
for the Society and is competitively rated 37th out of 70 The Central Office has appointed two new staff members, please
haematology journals maintain its standing compared to other extend your welcome to them. Bodine van Wingerden joined the
transfusion-related journals, with a current impact factor of 2.63, staff in February in the new post of Stakeholder and marketing
essentially unchanged from the prior year. There has also been co-ordinator. Victoria Lakemann Popa, Office Manager left ISBT in
notable progress for the ISBT Scientific Series, which is now a December and was replaced by Mildred Kada. We look forward to
fully peer-reviewed electronically published journal; in addition their contributions.
to Congress presentations, it is featuring additional issues
containing submitted papers.
Roger Dodd
The 15 Working Parties continue to be a vital component of the Secretary General
Society and in addition to their core programs, they have been
contributing extensively to content of Congresses and Academy
session. The continuing focus on younger members is increasing
its momentum and success. We encourage all of you to participate
actively in these activities as appropriate to your interests.

ISBT Annual Report 2016-2017 Board of Directors

Board of Directors

June 2014 - September 2016

Executive Committee:
President Celso Bianco, USA
President Elect Vengetassen (Ravi) Reddy, South Africa
Senior Vice President Diana Teo, Singapore
Junior Vice President Erica Wood, Australia
Past President Peter Flanagan, New Zealand
Secretary General Roger Dodd, USA
Treasurer Steve Morgan, UK

Members of the Board representing WHO Regions:

Africa Bridon M’baya, Malawi
Northern Americas Richard Benjamin, USA
Southern Americas Ina-Noelia Pérez-Huaynalaya, Peru
Europe Miguel Lozano, Spain
Europe Claudio Velati, Italy
Eastern Mediterranean Ahmad Gharehbaghian, Iran
South East Asia Neelam Marwaha, India
Western Pacific Masahiro Satake, Japan
Western Pacific Che-Kit Lin, Hong Kong

September 2016 - June 2018

Executive Committee:
President Vengetassen (Ravi) Reddy, South Africa
President Elect Martin Olsson, Sweden
Senior Vice President Erica Wood, Australia
Junior Vice President So-Yong Kwon, Korea
Past President Celso Bianco, USA
Secretary General Roger Dodd, USA
Treasurer Eric Jansen, the Netherlands

Members of the Board representing WHO Regions:

Africa Justina Kordai Ansah, Ghana
Northern Americas Richard Benjamin, USA
Southern Americas Ina-Noelia Pérez-Huaynalaya, Peru
Europe Miguel Lozano, Spain
Europe Shubha Allard, UK
Eastern Mediterranean Ahmad Gharehbaghian, Iran
South East Asia Neelam Marwaha, India
Western Pacific Masahiro Satake, Japan

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Membership


Annual Report 2016-2017 - Membership


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
INDIVIDUAL 805 987 1205 1343 1422 2030 1680 1219 1354 1282 1617 1562
AFFILIATED 27 23 23 18 22 17 16 14 17 14 13 11
EXEMPT 14 18 30 42 69 84 49 55 55 69 39 72
HONORARY 25 23 24 23 27 24 22 22 21 20 20 19
TOTAL: 871 1051 1282 1426 1540 2155 1767 1310 1447 1385 1689 1664

* Until 2010 ISBT membership years ended on 31 December.

From 2011 on, the membership year was from 1 April until 31 March of the next year.
The membership year 2011 was a longer year, because it ran from 1 January 2011 until 31 March 2012.


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
AFRICA 25 38 41 33 59 51 50 43 49 43 78 73
AMERICAS 206 220 244 267 252 287 310 287 284 261 327 270
MEDITERRANEAN 29 55 71 77 85 127 78 47 61 57 85 116
EUROPE 395 474 571 597 719 819 841 566 637 587 717 672
SOUTH EAST ASIA 43 56 88 117 86 81 76 58 65 78 148 129
WESTERN PACIFIC 107 144 190 252 221 665 325 218 258 256 334 302
TOTAL 805 987 1205 1343 1422 2030 1680 1219 1354 1282 1617 1562

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017

• 34th International Congress of The ISBT in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

ISBT Annual Report 2016-2017 Congress

The 34th International Congress

of The ISBT in Dubai, United Arab
Emirates. 3-8 September 2016
May Raouf, Chairperson, Local Organizing Committee

and Commerce and Dubai World Trade center whom are

pioneers in hosting and organising successful international
congresses and asked for their support in preparing bidding
document. In addition Dubai at that time was nominated
and short listed for Expo 2020. We went to Amsterdam,
to give our presentation in front of the ISBT Board with
our hearts beating fast, wishing we can do it this time
and we did. We were so pleased and proud to win the
bid for hosting the 34th International Congress of ISBT in
Dubai 2016. We are also so pleased to have this congress
under the patronage of HH. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid
Al Maktoum, Vice president, Prime Minister and Ruler of
Dubai “God bless him” where HH attended the opening
ceremony and visited the exhibition Hall.

The Congress took place at Dubai World Trade center

a self-contained, world class, congress center providing
business networking platform with integrated end-to-end

The ISBT Scientific Secretary and the Local Scientific

Committee worked closely together to develop a solid
We look at the ISBT congresses as our window to the new scientific programme that covered the educational and
technologies, research updates and developments in the developmental needs of a wide spectrum of Transfusion
field of transfusion medicine. Therefore and during the last Professionals. The large number of participating countries
twenty years I used to fly to different countries in the world flavored the programme with diversity of experiences and
to attend ISBT congresses. Looking at the history of ISBT topics. In the Dubai congress the local day program was
congresses we noticed that no international congress had very successful with a very good number of participants
been organised in the Middle East. Therefore we decided from regional and international countries. The “Young
to bid for hosting an ISBT Congress in our region to make investigator “ has been newly added to the programme to
this wonderful scientific activity close to blood bankers in encourage young scientists to find their way in scientific
our region. In 2010 the UAE Ministry of Health represented
by Dr. Amin Al Amiri and myself went to Berlin Germany
to give our presentation in front of the ISBT Board. We
were upset to fail and returned back home with pain. In
the following year; 2011 we went to Lisbon, Portugal to
bid once again and unfortunately failed again. We were
so sure that the region needed to have this scientific
congress close to the countries whom find it difficult to
fly to Europe and America to attend ISBT congresses and
also we were sure of Dubai capabilities for hosting and
organising a prestigious international congresses. During
2013 we contacted the Dubai Department of Tourism

Continued on next page... 10

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Congress

research and help them to improve their skills. Participants

feedback was excellent as most of them found that they
have been exposed during the days of the congress to the
latest research findings, state-of-the-art technologies, and
excellent topics within the Academy Day and the main
scientific programme.

The Dubai congress app was available for download

with direct access to the scientific programme, speaker
directory, abstracts, and venue maps, making participants
needs accessible, easy and available.

The Social Program presented an ideal opportunity to

experience the multi-cultural delights of Dubai. The We are honored and pleased to be able to meet
organising committee presented the hospitality of Emirates participants expectations at organisational, scientific and
society in a beautiful way with many different delicious social aspects, we are looking forward to seeing you in
Arabic dishes, henna and Arabic calligraphy. future ISBT activities.

As the local organising committee we would like to May Raouf

thank ISBT for giving us this opportunity to learn lots Head of Dubai Blood Donation Center; Dubai Health
of organisational skills in addition to the scientific value Authority, United Arab Emirates
of this congress. We appreciate the support and effort Chairman, LOC,ISBT 34th International Congress
of Judith Chapman, ISBT Executive Director, Ellen Van
Schoot, Scientific Secretary, Diana Teo, Acting President
and all ISBT Board members for their effort in improving
and supporting blood transfusion practice in most of the
countries in our world. We regret the absence of ISBT
President Celso Bianco for not being well at that time but
we are sure that he was happy to hear the good feedback
of participants about ISBT Dubai.

Quotes from our


“I thank ISBT for organizing

this high level scientific and
organizational congress and
wish to participate regularly.”

“This was the first time I have

attended an ISBT conference
and I loved it!”

“So far one of the best ISBT

congresses I have attended.”

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 ISBT Treasurer’s report 2016-17

ISBT Treasurer’s report 2016-17

This financial year ended with a small surplus of approximately € 8.000. Under our agreement with
the Dutch tax authorities, our fiscal surplus will be transferred to the ISBT Foundation.
Eric Jansen,

Revenue Expenditure
In 2016-17 the international congress was organised in In 2016-2017, total office costs increased 4%, with an
Dubai. The surplus was € 210.000 against a budget of increase in the cost of membership benefits being offset by
€250.000 primarily due to less than expected revenue. decreases in among other things, professional and travel
There were 2724 participants including booth personnel. expenses.
Membership fees were relatively flat compared to last
year which is satisfying taking into account that only one The cost of membership benefits increased due primarily
congress was organised in 2016-2017. The Board is to the cost of the ePortal (€ 39.000) which had been
analysing the membership fee structure with the goal of previously funded by the ISBT Foundation.
making ISBT membership more attractive and affordable.
Corporate partnership income increased approximately The total personnel expenses showed little change
€ 20.000 to € 154.000 reflecting the addition of two new compared to last year. We expect a small increase in 2017-
partners. 18, primarily due to modest adjustments for pay inflation
and the appointment of a new Stakeholder and Marketing
The royalties from VOX Sanquinis fell from € 185.000 to Coordinator. The coordinator has a range of tasks
€ 176.000 mainly because of the effects of the Brexit in associated with increasing the ISBT brand, building the
the value of the English pound. Interest income further membership including Affiliate members and engagement
diminished because of falling interest rates. with ISBT’s current and potential Corporate partners.
Professional expenses are back to the level of 2014-2015.
In 2015-2016, it was higher because of the investment in
the Society’s long-term strategic plan.

The travel expenses fell by almost € 30.000 to € 78.000

due primarily to fewer Board meetings.

Expenditures for Projects and Activities decreased by

approximately € 10.000. Amounts spent on the Developing
Country Award and the Jean Julliard Prize which are
granted every other year were offset by lower spending by
the Society’s working parties.

Eric Jansen
ISBT Treasurer

Copies of the 2016-17 full Financial Statements are

available from the ISBT Central Office.
ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017

Reports from
ISBT Working Parties
• Working Party on Apheresis

• Working Party on Blood Supply Management

• Working Party on Cellular Therapy

• Working Party on Clinical Transfusion

• Working Party on Donors and Donation

• Working Party on Global Blood Safety

• Working Party on Granulocyte Immunobiology

• Working Party on Haemovigilance

• Working Party on Immunohaematology

• Working Party on Information Technology

• Working Party on Platelet Immunobiology

• Working Party on Quality Management

• Working Party on Rare Donors

• Working Party on Red Cell Immunogenetics and Terminology

• Working Party on Transfusion Transmitted Diseases

ISBT Annual Report 2016-2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on Apheresis

Hans Vrielink, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee

Chairperson: Hans Vrielink, the Netherlands
Secretary: Paul Höcker, Austria, assisted by Margarete

No report was submitted by the Working Party on


ISBT Annual Report 2016-2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Blood Supply Management

Working Party

Dr. Justina Ansah, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee programme.

Chairperson: Justina Kordai Ansah, Ghana o Rick Tochetti: The state-wide collaborative project for
Co-chairperson: Gilles Folléa, France blood inventory management in Australia
o Merlyn Sayers: Blood supply management in the USA-
2. Membership information current trends
As at April 4, 2017 the WP had nineteen (19) members o Greg Wilkie: The Australian blood and blood product
representing fourteen (14) countries. wastage
The session was well attended and appreciated.
3. Meetings and Telephone conferences
One face-to-face business meeting of the ISBT BSM WP b. Preparations towards a second international survey on
was held in Dubai, at the ISBT Congress, on September 4, blood product wastage
2016. It was attended by ten (10) delegates representing o As all respondents in the first survey were from
eight (8) countries. The topics covered were as follows. developed countries (Yazer MH et al. ISBT Science
• Appointment of the Chairperson Series 2015; DOI: 10.1111/voxs.12236), the objective
• Updated Terms of Reference (ToR), according to the of this second survey is to investigate blood product
operating principles for the ISBT WPs wastage in developing countries.
• Updated members’ list of the WP o Following the decision to conduct the second survey,
• Link between ISBT WP on BSM and ISBT WP on PBM there was one teleconference and a series of e-mail
• Second survey on Blood product wastage, in developing exchanges between a four-member sub-committee that
countries constitutes a core group resulting in the performance of
• ISBT WP BSM session during the Dubai meeting (main the following preparatory steps:
scientific programme) • Elaboration of the survey questionnaire
• Other project suggestions for WP BSM: Good practices in • Preparation of a survey: carried out by ISBT
BSM central Office
• Next meeting • Establishment of a list of low income countries
(31) and lower-middle income countries based on
Following the congress in Dubai, one (1) teleconference the World Bank categorization.
of a sub-committee was held on 14 November 2016, to • Collection and collation of contacts details of
discuss a first draft of a questionnaire elaborated for a colleagues in respective countries with the
second survey on blood product wastage, in developing capacity to respond to the survey questionnaire,
countries (see section 4b). performed with assistance from the ISBT central
4. Activities during the period
The main achievements of the ISBT BSM WP during the 5. Finances
period are as follows. The working party required no financial support for its

a. Organization of a session on BSM at the ISBT meeting in activities.

Dubai, with 3 oral presentations during the main scientific

ISBT Annual Report 2016-2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party
on Cellular Therapies

Mickey Koh, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee discussion on the continuing projects: platelet lysates and
Chairperson: Mickey Koh, UK and Singapore serum eyedrops.

Committee: A tele conference call among the office bearers was held
Vice Chairperson: Peter Horn, Germany nov 2016 to plan for the platelet lysate meetings. Regular
Secretary: Christian Gabrial, Austria correspondence also among the office bearers via email.
Treasurer: Reinhardt Henschier, Germany

4. Activities during the period

2. Membership information 1. Collaboration with the BEST Collaborative group on a
The mailing list consists of 23 persons including project involving use of Platelet Rich Plasma. A survey
the committee. This is a stable group of members. has been prepared, disseminated to all ISBT members
Representation from Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and results are currently being analysed.
and South America making for a diverse group with
worldwide representation. 2. A successful and well attended joint EBMT-ISBT Cell
Therapy WP session was held at the Annual European
Nonetheless, The working party is still struggling to attract Bone Marrow Transplant (EBMT) Congress in Marseille
large numbers of committed members due to competing cell March 2017. The session focused on transfusion
therapy focus in other organisations, especially those with a support issues including granulocyte transfusions
specific focus on cell therapy in stem cell transplant. The positive feedback has
encourage the organisers to think of this as a recurrent
event at EBMT.
3. Meetings and Telephone conferences
A working party meeting was held during the ISBT congress 3. The office bearers of the ISBT Cellular Therapies
in Dubai, September 2016. A copy of the minutes for the continue to be well represented at the Worldwide
meeting can be found online. Network for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Mickey
Koh is the representative and Peter Horn is the other
The meeting concentrated on ways of collaboration and representative. ISBT continues to contribute with
challenges of working on projects when face to face regards to cell therapy, graft processing and blood
meetings are held only in conjunction with the annual banking issues in this organisation which is affiliated to
congress WHO.

The Apheresis WP represented by Hans Vrielink was keen to 4. The working party works closely with the congress
combine with our WP. scientific programme organisers and has provided input
In addition, the chair-person briefed the members on the for the regional congress in Dubai 2016. A podcast
activities of the WP as well as its role in interacting with talk on stem cell tranpslant was also done at the Dubai
other organisations like WBMT and AABB. There was congress.

Continued on next page... 16

ISBT Annual Report 2016-2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

5. Members of the working party have been involved in

a joint project with AABB and ISCT on platelet lysates
looking at various issues that need addressing in this

6. The WP will submit a proposal to the ISBT Board to

consider adding Biobanking to its sphere of concern.
This includes both research and therapeutic biobanking.
Like cellular Therapy, Biobanking is an area that is
growing rapidly and is emerging as an area that blood
banks are increasingly involved in as the core functions
of blood banking changes. This was discussed at the
strategic meeting in Amsterdam.

5. Finances
The Working Party received support for a meeting.

Working Party

Joint EBMT-ISBT Cell Therapy

session at the EBMT
congress March 2017

Joint project with

on platelet lysates

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on Clinical


Cynthia So-Osman (left), Chairperson

Shubha Allard (right), Co-Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee I. PBM survey: results of survey in press (Vox Science
Chairs: Cynthia So-Osman, the Netherlands Series March 2017).
Co-Chairperson: Shubha Allard, UK
II. Transfusion Indication Codes: survey for Vox
Sanguinis International Forum: in press (Feb 2017).
2. Membership information
Currently, the Clinical Transfusion Working Party has 47 III. PBM website: A PBM website has been developed
members representing 22 countries from 6 continents. Our providing ready access to resources and tools to
Transfusion Practitioners (TP) subgroup now has 5 steering promote PBM implementation and sharing best
committee members. practice between countries. Links are provided
Our Pediatric subgroup has 5 members and is expanding. to other informative websites, published papers,
e-learning material and audit tools. This website is
further being developed.
3. Meetings and Telephone conferences
Business meeting in Dubai at the international ISBT- IV. E learning module for Transfusion Certificate
congress September 2016: 18 members were present. (collaboration with EBA): this initiative will take more
All day interim-meeting on 20st January 2017 in time and more financial support than expected. It
Amsterdam, the Netherlands: 18 members were present in was decided to start up as European initiative and
person and 3 members by teleconference. A guest speaker to explore the possibilities for EU funding. WP EU-
was invited (Anne Davidson, UK). Another guest was members agreed to liaise with their national societies
invited to participate by teleconference: David Peterson to participate in the application for funding.
(AUS). Main topics were:
1. Patient Blood Management (PBM) subgroup: e-learning V. Transfusion Practitioner subgroup: The second TP
module and website. Presentation from Anne Davidson network meeting was organized during the Dubai
(UK) on elearning: UK experience, discussion with congress, and a 3-day TP program was launched.
David Petersen: Australian experience. Future steps to The group is expanding and another TP networking
develop module were discussed. meeting in Copenhagen is being prepared. ToR
2. TP subgroup: a survey will be designed for better proposal was finalized and agreed. Provided content
understanding of the role of the TP on a global level. for Transfusion Today.
3. Pediatric subgroup: proposal for ToR and preparation
of education symposium at ISBT 2018 in Canada.
Also: 3-5 interim conference calls for subgroups. VI. Paediatric subgroup: Content was delivered for
March issue of Transfusion Today 2017 (theme:
Pediatric an neonatal Transfusion). Content for the
4. Activities during the period WP website was delivered.
The main activities since the Dubai 2016 ISBT-WP
meeting are as follows: VII. Collaboration with the Thalassemia International

Continued on next page... 18

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Federation: on the development of transfusion

information for healthcare professionals and patients
with haemoglobinopathy.

VIII. WHO Clinical Use of Blood Handbook: our WP is

actively involved in the update of the Handbook.
Teleconferences with WHO are being planned on a
regular basis.

IX. ISBT update meeting in Brazil Nov 2016: The

WP contributed slides and content on PBM with a
WP party member delivering a presentation at this

X. Epidemiology course: a clinical basic Epidemiology

course was held during the Dubai conference: 20
participants were registered.

5. Finances
The working party received support for an interim
business meeting held in Amsterdam in January 2016.
The meeting was well attended, and well received also
by teleconference (Australian, UK, Canadian and US

Working Party

Paediatric sub
group introduced

Transfusion Practitioner
forum launched
at Dubai Congress

New chapters added

to the Patient Blood
Management Resource

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on Donors

and Donation

Peter Van Den Burg (left), Chairperson

Cheuk-Kwong Lee (right), Co-Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee • The ISBT and EBA granted project in collaboration with
Chairperson: Peter van den Burg, the Netherlands the Syncopedia Foundation was finalized in 2016. The
Co-Chairperson: Cheuk-Kwong Lee, Hong Kong tutorials and questions are developed and the next step
is the implementation of these tutorials in cooperation
Committee: with the EBA in 2017.
Vice Chairperson: Karin Magnussen, Denmark
Secretary: Matt Granato, USA • Representatives of the working party contributed to two
international congresses:
2. Membership information
The WP D&D has 35 members from 20 different •  ransfusion medicine congresses in Naples in April
countries. and October 2016,

•  ransfusion medicine congress in Medellin,

3. Meetings and Telephone conferences Colombia, May 2016.
The working part Donors & Donation (D&D) met during the
ISBT in Dubai in 2016. The cooperation with the working
party on hemovigilance, with respect to donor vigilance, 5. Finances
is continued and Karin Magnussen is as chair of the donor The Working Party required no financial support for its
vigilance subgroup the linking pin between the two working activities.
Apart from the Dubai meeting, the working party
committee has regular teleconferences.

4. Activities during the period

In 2016 the working party D&D focused on several topics: Working Party
• Education. As associate partner of the European
Donor Health Care (DoHeCa) project several members
contributed to the development of the educational
program DoHeCa. This activity is a great and important Launch of donor fainting
activity and in the end of 2017 the program DoHeCa tutorials and
should be completed. The intended start of the program associated questions
DoHeCa is planned in 2018.

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on
Global Blood Safety

Silvano Wendel, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee 1) The role of voluntary non replacement blood

Chairperson: Silvano Wendel, Brazil donation as opposed to replacement donations –
There is still a great controversy whether replacement
Committee: donations are actually detrimental, particularly in
Vice Chairperson: Marion Vermeulen, South Africa some developing countries.
Secretary: Sandra Nance, USA
Treasurer: Saiwa Hindawl, Saudi Arabia 2) Needs analysis vs. Demand – GBS is planning to
develop it into three main steps: historical research;
Other committees in this group: how exactly should it be surveyed in the future and
• Quality Issues with Plasma for Fractionation finally, validation.
• Needs Analysis vs. Demand
• Voluntary non-renumerated donationas (vs. replacement) 3) Harmonisation - Given that there is a huge difference
• Harmonisation between countries and centres - as defined by
WHO - one issue is to propose harmonisation
between regulatory agencies. Assessment criteria
2. Membership information for developing countries need more advocacy and
More than 40 members from all geographic regions assistance for further implementation

4) Quality Issues (plasma for fractionation) - There is

3. Meetings and telephone conferences a global wastage of plasma because quality plasma
There were 2 conference calls and two more are planned is not being made. What is possible to advocate
until June. that these countries meet minimum standards?
Funding is the major problem, and it is unlikely that
ISBT will have the resources for this task, however,
4. Activities during the period there is room for creating an infrastructure to enable
The ISBT WP-GBS organized a meeting in Dubai, on collection of plasma meeting quality standards and
September 2016, with more than 20 participant members. find partners willing to do the fractionation. We
A new organizing committee was elected, including new consider that our main role will be in advocacy. On
officers. A list of all members and their corresponding the other hand, The Hemophilia Society and World
activities is found at the corresponding ISBT site. Federation of Hemophilia are likely working on
Several topics were proposed to the membership in order getting the 80% of hemophiliacs who do not have
to define what would be the most important topics to access to manufactured product. Virally inactivated
be developed by the WP-GBS. After a very productive Cryoprecipitated -AHF could be a partial solution
discussion, it was defined that we should focus on four (4) for these patients, where the ISBT WP-GBS support
main subjects: might be important in the future.

Continued on next page... 21

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Members were designed for every workgroup, whose initial

task is to produce a white paper, that, after full discussion
with the membership, should be presented to the Board
in order to propose as ISBT recommendations to several
agencies around the world. As a matter of fact, the first
white paper draft has already been produced, which will
be discussed during our meeting in Denmark (June 2017).

The revised terms of reference was presented to the ISBT

Board in September 2016, and recently approved.
In addition, there was an interview with the WP-GBS chair
for the Pan European Networks
(, published in journal
Science & Technology.

5. Finances
The Working Party received support to cover office costs.
ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on
Granulocyte Immunobiology

Lin Fung, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee 4. Activities during the period

Chairperson: Lin Fung, Australia XIV ESPGI meeting – Granulocyte workshop
Chaired by Dr Brian Curtis & Dr Lin Fung
Nomenclature Subcommittee: • Discussed results from International Granulocyte
Chairperson: Brigitte Flesch, Germany Immunobiology Workshops (IGIW)
Members: Ulrich Sachs, Germany o 2014 by Dr Geoff Lucas
Masja de Haas, the Netherlands o 2015 by Dr Brian Curtis
Brian Curtis, USA o 2016 By Randy Schuller
Geoff Lucas, UK - retired Nov 2016 • Dr Brigitte Flesch provided an update on the
nomenclature sub-committee.
International Granulocyte Immunobiology Workshop • There was robust discussion on whether IGIW should
(IGIW) Steering Committee: formalise the association with ISBT. A majority (10 of
Members: Brian Curtis, USA 18) voted to support the motion that the IGIW would
Jurgen Bux, Germany become a sub-committee of the GIWP. This result was
Geoff Lucas, UK - retired in Nov 2016 emailed to all IGIW members on 28th May 2016.
Lin Fung, Australia - retired Nov 2016 • Dr Geoff Lucas and Dr Lin Fung have stepped down
from the IGIW sub-committee, and elections are in
progress to recruit replacements.
2. Membership information
ISBT members: 30
Countries represented: 14 5. Finances
The working party received support for a meeting and to
cover office costs.
3. Meetings
XIV European Symposium of Platelet & Granulocyte
Immunobiology (ESPGI), May 26 – 28, 2016, Stockholm,

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on

Kevin Land, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee Whitaker (AABB) led international efforts to coordinate

Chairperson: Kevin Land, USA several teleconferences to collect comments from experts
to further refine the proposed criteria.
Committee: The TOR were revised based on feedback from the annual
Secretary: Maria Antonia Escoval, Portugal meeting.
Treasurer: Jean-Claude Faber, Luxembourg
Donor Vigilance 4. Activities during the period
Coordinator: Mickey Koh, UK and Singapore
Past Chairperson: Johanna (Jo) Wiersum-Osselton, Recipient haemovigilance subgroup
The Netherlands • Continue to work on updating of TACO definition:
revision group held 2 teleconferences. As of March
2. Membership information 2017, comments from around the world have been
At the request of the ISBT office, the mailing list was gathered on proposed draft criteria. The next steps
reviewed and working party attendees and contacts are to ask respondees to challenge draft final criteria
who are not paid-up ISBT members were asked to against their own cases and then to send out the final
consider joining. As of autumn 2016 the working criteria with standard cases for final validation.
party had approximately 80 members, 15 observers, • Members of the recipient vigilance subgroup
and approximately 42 additional mailing list contacts, participated in an IHN meeting (11th March 2016)
representing at least 35 countries in all. examining possibilities for collaboration in research.
Members also working with IHN to try to coordinate
3. Meetings and Telephone conferences an international consensus conference on the updated
The committee held 3 teleconferences to discuss working TACO criteria.
party projects related to the validation of the Donor
Haemovigilance consensus criteria and updating the TACO Donor haemovigilance subgroup
criteria. One call was to finalize the programme for the • Donor HV case validation survey sent out in July 2016.
upcoming congress (Dubai 2016). Preliminary results presented and discussed during ISBT
Dubai 2016 and again at AABB Florida USA 2016. Final
The annual working meeting was held during the Dubai manuscript begun with plans to be finished by June 2017.
congress; 24 members and guests attended. The meeting Cases with summary of responses will be available on
consisted of general updates, including the progress on ISBT and AABB websites by end of March 2017.
TACO definition revision, paediatric HV definitions, iSTARE • Members of the donor vigilance subgroup participated in
the IHN HV database, validation results of the harmonized an IHN meeting (11th March 2016) examining possibilities
definitions, discussion for revision of the TOR; and general for collaboration in research.
updates from IHN, WHO, and various collaborative actions
with other working parties. Finances
During the year, the membership continued participating in The working party received support to cover the cost of
revising the TACO criteria. Jo Weirsum (ISBT) and Barbee announcing its meetings.

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on

Thierry Peyrard, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee (described in the minutes of the Working Party meeting) that
Chairperson: Thierry Peyrard, France especially included the review of the Terms of References,
list of new applicants, and report on past and future
Committee: activities: International survey on immunohematology
Vice Chairperson: Nicole Thornton, UK practices, topics of interest of the Working Party, case
Secretary: Sofia Lejon Crottet, Switzerland studies in immunohematology published on the ISBT
Treasurer: Mostafa Moghaddam, Iran Website, suggestions for the Copenhagen Congress (topics
Chair Emeritus: Sandra Nance, USA and speakers), and organization of a workshop on the
clinical significance of red blood cell alloantibodies.

2. Membership information
The membership groups include the Executive Committee 4. Activities during the period
listed above, the so-called “Small Group of 10” from very The major activities were as follows (for more completeness
interested attendees (considered founding members of and details, please see the minutes of the Dubai Working
the Working Party by the Past Chair Sandy Nance) at the Party meeting):
inaugural meeting in Seoul (including the current members a) The International Survey on Immunohematology
of the Executive Committee) and the full Working Party. The practices, fully developed in terms of content by the
Small Group of 10 includes members from nine countries. Small Group of 10 (66 questions) and technically
The full Working Party membership is 25 ISBT members, designed by Jenny White was sent out as a first draft
with 16 countries represented and 5 continents. to the members of the Small Group of 10 (pilot study)
in a Survey Monkey format. The first results were
presented at the Working Party meeting in Dubai.
3. Meetings and Telephone conferences Revision of the questionnaire was performed after the
Six members from the “Small Group of 10” (Working feedback and comments of all the participants.
Party Committee and Jenny White) met in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates, for a pre-meeting of the Working Party on b) Publication of case studies in immunohematology
Immunohaematology, on September 1st 2016 (9:30-17:30), on the ISBT Website. After a case study template
to discuss and finalize the content of the formal Working was developed by the Working Party Committee,
Party meeting scheduled two days afterwards. A social Sandy Nance followed up the schedule of volunteer
dinner followed, funded by the ISBT Board, which served to authors for 2016 and a new schedule for 2017 was
fruitfully enhance the collaborative and networking nature established at the Working Party meeting in Dubai.
of such a pre-meeting. The official meeting of the Working The case studies are systematically reviewed by Sandy
Party took place on September 3rd 2016 in the afternoon Nance and Thierry Peyrard, before publication on the
(15:00-18:00); 13 Working Party members attended ISBT Website. Eleven case studies were submitted in
along with 14 guests. The program aroused a real interest 2016 and 11 are already scheduled for 2017. Each
and participation from the attendees, with introductions working party member is requested to propose a case
of all members and guests and with the meeting agenda study.

Continued on next page... 25

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

c) A significant revision of the Terms of Reference of the

Working Party was performed at the Working Party
pre-meeting in Dubai and will be proposed to the
ISBT Board.

d)  workshop on the clinical significance of red

blood cell alloantibodies was organised by the
Executive Committee of the ISBT Working Party
on Immunohaematology and took place in Dubai
on September 2nd 2016 for one whole day, in
conjunction with the 34th International Congress
of the ISBT. This topic was confirmed during prior
meetings of the Working Party to be a matter of
high concern for all immunohematologists and
transfusion medicine specialists. Pre-registration
for the workshop reached maximum capacity
and attendance was high, with a final total of 66
participants, representing 25 countries, which
turned out to be the most popular ISBT workshop
ever, according to the ISBT Central Office. A wide
range of professions were represented, including
medical laboratory technologists, medical doctors/
clinical pathologists, scientists, delegates from in vitro
diagnostic companies and students. The workshop
program was built with the aim of addressing five main
educational objectives: (i) To understand the definition
of a clinically significant alloantibody; (ii) To establish
an awareness of the Notify Library international
database and understand how to participate; (iii)
To gain insight into the biological tools available to
predict the clinical significance of alloantibodies; (iv)
To gain an understanding of the current information
available about blood group alloantibodies and
identify areas where efforts could be concentrated to
enhance our knowledge base; (v) To exchange practical
Working Party
experience and promote technical networking between
the participants. Highlights
e)  he Working Party contributed to three publications
in the Transfusion Today Journal: (i) Thierry Peyrard.
Monthly case studies on
Resolving immunohaematology problems related
to rare blood. Transfusion Today 2016;106:6; (ii)
the Immunohaematology
Sandy Nance & Thierry Peyrard. Case studies in Web page of
Immunohematology. Transfusion Today 2016;107:17;
(iii) Nicole Thornton & Thierry Peyrard. The ISBT
Working Party on Immunohaematology Workshop on
the Clinical Significance of Red Cell Alloantibodies.
Transfusion Today 2016;109:28-9.
Very successful
workshop on the clinical
significance of red blood
5. Finances cell alloantibodies at the
The Working Party received support for a meeting.
Dubai congress

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on
Information Technology

Pat Distler, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee Traceability, and RFID)

Chairperson: Pat Distler, USA •  resentation by Africa Society of Blood Transfusion
on their IT working party
Committee: • Status of the election of vice chair and secretary
Vice Chairperson: Goudar Shankar, USA • Status of Interface Standard (with discussion about
Secretary: Mónica Freire, USA the standard itself)
Validation Task Force • Way forward for Validation Task Force
Chairperson: J an-Willem Andriessen, • Way forward for Traceability Task Force
the Netherlands
Traceability Task Force Validation Task Force: Face-to-face meeting on 16 and
Chairperson: Paul Ashford, UK 17 March 2017. The group discussed the scope of the
RFID Task Force validation guidance and topics that must be covered in it.
Chairperson: Lynne Briggs, USA
RFID Task Force Conference Calls:
Co-Chairperson: Wayne Bolton, Australia Assembly: There were three conference calls on 26 April
Interface Task Force 2016, 02 November 2016, and 28 March 2017. Topics
Chairperson: Linda Lodge, UK discussed were draft terms of reference, data that should
Past Chairperson: Ralf Knels, Germany be collected on stem cells during the product life cycle,
ICCBBA TAG Representative: Mario Muon, Portugal status of task forces, plans for Dubai meeting, content
for the WPIT page on the ISBT website, content for ISBT
e-portal, and plans for the Copenhagen meeting.
2. Membership information
There are 43 voting members from the following countries: Interface Task Force: 26 January 2017: Discussed
Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Ethiopia, Finland, comments received during the consultation for the
France, Germany, India, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Interface Standard.
Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK, USA,
and Zimbabwe. RFID Task Force: Conference calls on 2 November 2016
and 24 February 2017. Discussed the scope of the RFID
standard, how to gather data on the status of RFID in the
3. Meetings and Telephone conferences healthcare environment, created a questionnaire for data to
Meetings: be collected.
There was a face-to-face meeting in Dubai with 28
attendees. In addition to the Executive Committee meeting Traceability Task Force: Conference call on 01 December
and the Assembly meeting, the Interface and Validation 2016. Discussed scope and topics to be included in
Task Forces had meetings. Topics discussed included: Traceability guidance document.
• Reports from Task Forces (Interface, Validation,

Continued on next page... 27

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

4. Activities during the period c. Traceability

a. Standardized Interface  he Traceability Task Force intends to work with the
The Interface Task Force (ITF) is working on an Haemovigilance Working Party to prepare guidance
interface standard that will allow instruments to on traceability that will:
communicate with a Blood Bank Information System 1. Define traceability and explain its importance in
(BBIS). Currently, customized interfaces must be the field of Transfusion Medicine;
written when various instruments (scales, centrifuges, 2. Provide guidance on what information should be
etc.) need to communicate information to a BBIS, retained for traceability purposes;
which is time consuming and expensive. The goal 3. Recommend how responsibility for traceability
of the group is to standardize communication so should be defined;
customized interfaces are not needed. 4. Consider the importance of transcription
 he ITF evaluated ways in which the complexity and
T 5. Provide measures for the timeliness of lookback;
variations of data transfer via electronic message 6. Identify appropriate methods of archiving data
from instrument to BBIS can be reduced. After whilst retaining traceability; and
reviewing the options, the group agreed that utilizing 7. Determine mechanisms to audit traceability
existing standards (HL7 and LIS2-A) was the reliability and effectiveness.
preferred way forward. The message structure for
both standards has been developed. This group is just getting started. They’ve determined what
should and should not be included in their guidance.
 he ITF released a draft of the ISBT Interface
Standard for use in Transfusion Medicine in 2016 for d. Validation
stakeholder consultation. The task force has reviewed The Validation Task Force (VTF) is reviewing
the comments received during this consultation and developments in Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
is finalizing the first version of the standard. compliance for Information technology (IT).

b. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)  hey have recently determined the scope of
The RFID Task Force will determine how this their guidance. They will focus primarily on the
technology can continue to be operationalized into infrastructure of IT in a blood center or hospital and
transfusion medicine to improve traceability, quality, suggest what needs to be validated [e.g., platform
and safety of the blood supply. (IT to Workstation), Including LAN, Workstations
Anticipated actions are: associated with network structure] and what does
1. Assess the state of the market for the use of not (e.g., lab instrumentation, black box testing,
RFID in healthcare settings, particularly in instrumentation/testing device workstations, slave
transfusion medicine and blood manufacturing/ devices like printers/barcode readers/monitors/
fractionation, documenting what has worked, handheld devices/label printers, and stand alone
what has not, and critical success factors. devices - connected to but not under the influence of
2. Evaluate the current ISBT RFID standard and its the network) within the scope of their guidance.
utility, particularly regarding the use of tag space
for information such as genotypes.
3. Based on the market assessment, seek 5. Finances
publication of findings in relevant publication. The Working Party received support for a meeting.
4. Determine next steps.

At this point, they have determined how they will first

Working Party
evaluate the status of RFID in healthcare. They have Highlight
developed the questionnaire they will use to assess this.

The Interface Task Force

released a draft of the ISBT
Interface Standard
for use in Transfusion

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on
Platelet Immunobiology

Sentot Santoso (left), Chairperson

Nelson H. Tsuno (right), Co-Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee 4. Activities during the period

Chairperson: Sentot Santoso, Germany The organization of the 18th International Workshop of
Co-Chairperson: Nelson H. Tsuno, Japan the PIWP was started in October 2015 organized by Dr.
Agneta Taune Wikman (Stockholm, Sweden). Around 30
laboratories from Americas, Europe, Australia, and Asia
2. Membership information are participating of this workshop. Since several labs were
Australia (2 labs, 2 persons), Brazil (1 lab, 1 person), not able to attend the 34th International Congress of the
Canada (1 lab, 1 person), China (3 labs, 3 persons), ISBT in Dubai, UAE, the results of this workshop were
Croatia (1 lab, 1 person, France (2 labs, 2 persons), presented during the XIVth ESPGI meeting (26-28th May,
Germany (2 labs, 3 people), Israel (1 lab, 1 person), Japan 2016) and were intensively discussed by most international
(2 lab, 2 persons), Norway (1 lab, 1 person), South Korea laboratories and experts participated on this meeting.
(1 lab, 1 person), Spain (1 lab, 2 persons), Sweden (1 lab, Several problems on laboratory diagnostics mostly on
1 person), The Netherlands (1 lab, 1 person), the detection of platelet antibodies due to the limitation
US (1 lab, 1 person) of well-characterized sera, reliable method (such as for
Participants of the Workshop (but not IPIWP members) HPA-15) as well as organization of the workshop were
Australia (1 lab, 1 person), Austria (1 lab, 1 person), identified. These problems should be approached in the
Finland (1 lab, 1 person); France (1 lab, 1 person), forthcoming years. The results of this workshop were also
Germany (2 labs, 3 persons), Poland (1 lab, 1 person), reported during the the 34th International Congress of the
Slovenia (1 lab, 1 person), UK (1 lab, 1 person), ISBT (4-8th September 2016) and has been published in
USA (1 lab, 1 person) the ISBT Scientific Series.

In conjunction with the next International Congress of ISBT

3. Meetings and Telephone conferences in 2018, the 19th International Workshop of the PIWP will
No telephone conferences were organized in this period. be organized by Lucie Richard (Quebec, Canada). The topic
of this Workshop will be discussed at the 27th Regional
Congress of the ISBT in Copenhagen (June 17-21, 2017).
During the 28th ISBT Regional Congress in Guangzhou,
China, a platelet workshop including laboratory training has
been prepared (Local organizer: Dr Fu, Guangzhou Blood
Canter, China.

5. Finances
The Working Party received support for a meeting.

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on
Quality Management

Christian Seidl, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee 3.4 ISBT Pod-Cast - Working Party on Quality

Chairperson: Christian Seidl, Germany Management on the topic of Current and new
Co-Chairpersons: Tomislav Vluk, Croatia developments in the field of quality management.
Paul Strengers, the Netherlands Recorded on Wednesday, the 7th of September
Lesley Bust, South Africa 2017.

3.5 T
 elco and e-mailing with reference to the organisation
2. Membership information of the ISBT Award training during Feb/March 2017
24 members from 15 countries (Belgium, Canada, including the developing of training material and
China, Croatia, Egypt, Germany, The Netherlands, India, exercises by the trainer team.
Indonesia, Romania, Russia, Turkey, UAE, USA, South
4. Activities during the period
Quality Management – Survey and Training (Subgroup 1).
3. Meetings and telephone conferences
3.1 T
 elephone conference and e-mail on the work 4.1 T
 raining seminar and workshop on the topic of
process of the subgroups and the organisation of the ‘Quality management and inspection of blood and
Training Seminars (see below). tissue (SoHO) establishments’ during the Academy
Day of the ISBT congress with support by the EuBIS
3.2 M
 eeting Working Party QM – 34th International Academy Trainers team: Christian Seidl (Germany),
Congress of the ISBT in Dubai, United Arab Amr Maquas (Saudi Arabia), Lesley Bust (South
Emirates, Business Meeting on Saturday, the 3rd Africa), Sibel Eldemir (Turkey) and Tomislav Vuk
of September from 9:00-11:30am, Room Dubai E, (Croatia) with 30 trainees from 11 countries (India,
Dubai World Trade Centre with reports on the revised Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Marocco, Malaysia, Nigeria,
terms of references (ToR), Update on Survey QM and Qatar, Greece, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia).
the working group for Harmonisation of Definitions
and the Survey results of quality indicators. 4.2 ISBT Developing Country Award Training - Workshop
and Training on Quality Management – National
3.3 P
 resentation of the terms of references and the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion,
ongoing activities of the WP-QM to the ISBT board Hanoi, Vietnam, the 8th – 10th of March 2017.
on Saturday, the 3rd of September, 11:30-12:30. Organised and hosted by the National Institute of
Hematology and Blood Transfusion (NIHBT) with
support by the ISBT Working Party on Quality
Management and the EuBIS Academy. Trainer Team:
Paul Strengers (the Netherlands), Lesley Bust (South

Continued on next page... 30

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Africa), Christian Seidl (Germany) and Omar FT

(France): 40 Participants on invitation by NIHBT from
Vietnamese Blood Transfusion Services around the
country including representatives from the ministry of

Quality Indicators Project (Subgroup 2).

4.3 Proposal of QIs for hemovigilance systems in

hospitals, given by Jean Claude Faber has been
revised by Tom Vuk.
Error Classification Project: This project has further
developed in cooperation with the working party on

Harmonisation of Definitions (new project – subgroup)

4.4 R
 evision of a list of definitions (presented on the
WP-QM business meeting in Dubai) and thereafter
circulated to the subgroup members for further
refinement. (Leslie Bust (South Africa) Chairperson,
Dr. Nidhi Mehta (India) Jean Claude Faber (IHN,
Luxembourg), Marie Laure Hequet (EDQM, France),
Yan QIU (China).

5. Finances
The Working Party received support to cover office costs.

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on
Rare Donors

Christine Lomas-Francis, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee awareness of the form for international reporting of

Chairperson: Christine Lomas-Francis, USA outcomes in patients receiving incompatible transfusions
so as to collect valuable clinical data, report on the
Committee: activities and condition of the International Rare Donor
Vice Chairperson: Erwin A. Scharberg, Germany Panel and the enlarging of its database by adding new
Secretary: Vered Yahalom, Israel countries to the WPRD. The revised Terms of Reference
Treasurer: Inna Sareneva, Finland for the WPRD were presented. Short presentations were
IBGRL liaison: Nicole Thornton, UK made on the topic of frozen blood: processing, shipping,
Past Chairperson: Sandra Nance, USA costs and other challenges; sharing of experiences by
working party members. E-mail communication connected
members throughout the year and provided an easy and
2. Membership information effective way to seek advice and information.
The working party on rare donors (WPRD) has 31
members representing 24 countries. All members are 4. Activities during the period
actively involved in their respective country’s rare donor At the 34th International Congress of the ISBT in Dubai,
programmes. The WPRD was joined by 2 new members, Working Party members organized and presented a session
Christof Jungbauer from Austria (country not previously in the Scientific Program on Donors/Donations entitled
represented) and Rekha Anand from the UK. In addition, “When Rare Blood is Not Available”. The session included
a returning member, Silvano Wendel (Brazil), replaced the discussion on patient support while rare blood is found
retiring Rita Fontão-Wendel and of the logistic challenges (import/export; testing/
storage differences; cost; ‘red tape’ issues) of obtaining
Working Party members are required to be ISBT members the rare blood once found and how these challenges can
and to share the rare donor list (by phenotype) from their lead to blood not being available to the patient even if it is
country with the International Blood Group Reference available internationally. Other activities include follow-up by
Laboratory (IBGRL) who manages the WHO International members on meeting agenda items such as the development
Rare Donor Panel (IRDP). of the international rare donor card, the application of
the outcome of incompatible transfusion form and the
continuous search for rare blood.
3. Meetings and Telephone conferences
A meeting of the WPRD was held at the 34th International
Congress of the ISBT in Dubai in 2016. Eighteen members 5. Finances
(or their delegates) and twenty-one guests attended. The working party required no financial support for its
Meeting topics included, but were not limited to, updates activities.
on creating an international rare donor card, community

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on Red Cell

Immunogenetics and Blood
Group Terminology

Jill Storry, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee 4. Activities during the period

Chairperson: Jill Storry, Sweden Members of the WP participated in an international meeting
on Red cell genomics that was organised in part by the WP
Committee: and in part by the University of Cambridge in February 2017.
Vice Chairperson: Lilian Castilho, Brazil The outcome of that meeting will be a Green paper (currently
Treasurer: Christine Lomas Francis, USA in draft stage) and a dedicated session at the ISBT meeting in
Secretary: Connie Westhoff, USA Copenhagen 2017.

In conjunction with development of a database in one of

2. Membership information the member laboratories,[1] the blood group tables were
The Red Cell Immunogenetics and Blood Group updated by the working party members and posted to the
Terminology working party consists of 21 members from website. Several members are working very actively with
13 countries. While the diversity among the countries may other Genome projects such as the EBI/NCBI collaboration,
not be so high with five countries represented by more Locus Reference Genomic ( to confirm
than one individual, the scope of this working party is reference sequences for the blood group loci.
highly specialised and membership more reflects the field
than exclusivity. Reference:
1. Möller, M., Jöud, M., Storry, J. R., & Olsson,
M. L. Erythrogene: a database for in-depth analysis
3. Meetings and Telephone conferences of the extensive variation in 36 blood group systems
A general meeting was held at the International ISBT meeting in the 1000 Genomes Project. Blood Advances,
in Dubai and was attended by 15 members and 19 guests. 2016;1(3):240-249.
Topics addressed were review of new blood group antigens, bloodadvances.2016001867
criteria for WP membership, presentation of a new database
for blood group alleles, and a review of in-depth sequencing
of ERMAP. Journal Open access and Terms of reference were
scheduled for discussion but will be discussed in coming
meetings and by e-mail.

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

Working Party on Transfusion

Transmitted Infectious Diseases

Michael P. Busch, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee

Chairperson: Michael Busch, USA The TTID Organizing Committee convened 5
teleconferences, partly with the Subgroup Coordinators.
Committee: Main topics discussed were: meeting planning, member
Vice Chairperson: Clive Seed, Australia recruitment, funding procedures, projects, WP-TTID Travel
Secretary: Brian Custer,USA Awards and discussion of the I TRY IT program (see next
Treasurer: Marion Vermeulen, South Africa page). The Corporate Members held 2 conference calls to
Corporate Members discuss new observer status for companies, optimization
Representative: Stefan Reichenberg, Germany of subgroups’ structure, general WP-TTID output and
Individual Members increasing meeting frequency. Most subgroups also
Representatives: Magdy El Ekiaby, Egypt and Carl organized individual conference calls to discuss ongoing
McDonald, UK projects, develop manuscripts and future initiatives.

The Organizing Committee and each Subgroup met by

2. Membership information teleconference on an approximately quarterly bases.
Our membership brings together scientific experts, Subgroups are listed below with current coordinators.
company representatives and members from leading Reports of their activities can be found on the Working
institutions in the fields of blood safety and infectious Party pages on the ISBT website.
diseases. The WP-TTID has 143 members (including 36
corporate members) from 47 countries. A. Subgroup on Bacteria
Coordinators: Sandra Ramirez and Carl McDonald
B. Subgroup on Parasites
3. Meetings and Telephone conferences Coordinators: David Leiby and Evan Bloch
The 2016 Annual Meeting was held in Dubai, UAE on C. Subgroup on Surveillance, Risk Assessment and
September 3, 2016 with a total of 81 participants. A Policy (SRAP)
modified meeting structure was used with Subgroup Coordinators: Sheila O’Brien and Brian Custer
sessions integrated into the WP-TTID General Assembly. D. Subgroup on TSE
Topics included Chairman, Secretary and Financial Coordinators: Luisa Gregori and Whitney Steele
Reports and WP-TTID Subgroups updates: 1) Bacteria; E. Subgroup on Virology
2) Parasites, 3) Surveillance, Risk Assessment + Policy Coordinators: Jose Levi and Helen Faddy
(SRAP); 4) TSE and 5) Virology. The assembly ended F. ISBT TTID Research Young Investigator Training (I
with a general discussion session, including Corporate TRY IT)
Members’ feedback. There was an election, with the Coordinators: Brian Custer, Marion Vermeulen, Sheila
new members of the Organizing Committee listed above. O’Brien and Michael Schmidt
Meeting agendas and presentations can be viewed online
under the TTID Working Party page on the ISBT website.

Continued on next page... 34

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Working Parties

I TRY IT Part 1 – Study Design

Two cohorts have completed of this program, including 8
full participants and 1 observer participant in 2016. The
didactic learning portion of the program was conducted in
advance of the meeting in Dubai. Participants completed
writing of protocols. As in 2015, 3 members of the
WP-TTID provided protocol reviewers (Jose Levi, Syria
Laperche, and Marcia Cardoso) and three protocols were
selected to recieve small grant awards (Eriobu Nnakelu,
Valeria Magutu, and Salam Sawadogo)

I TRY IT Part 2 – Analysing Data, Reporting and

Publishing Research
Once the data are collected there are still many additional
steps which are necessary for understanding the study
findings and reporting the results in the form of abstracts
for congresses and manuscripts. All of these efforts are
based on the need to communicate the main findings
because results may be useful for policy making and in the
design of further blood safety interventions or surveillance
studies. The second part of I TRY IT aims to build the
skills of participants in data analysis, results reporting
and scientific writing for peer reviewed journals. The
objective is to support young investigators in the process
of converting data to results and results into manuscripts
submitted for publication.

I TRY IT part 2 is structured using the same format as I

TRY IT Study Design; online lectures, homework, and in-
person sessions linked to an ISBT Congress. Participants
gain further experience of peer review on their own work,
and learn how to conduct data analysis and streamline
the writing process, including developing tables/figures,
writing the manuscript, selecting a title and submitting
the manuscript. At the end of I TRY IT part 2 participants
will have a draft manuscript and comments on the
manuscript structure and content from facilitators and
other participants.

Continued on next page... 35

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017

Reports from ISBT

Standing Committees
• ISBT Standing Committee of the ISBT Academy

• ISBT Standing Committee on Ethics

• ISBT Standing Committee Jean Julliard Prize

• ISBT Standing Committee of Vox Sanguinis

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Standing Committees

Standing Committee
of the ISBT Academy

Diana Teo (left), Chairperson to September 2016

Erica Wood (right), Chairperson from September 2016

1. Chairperson and committee 2. Meetings and Telephone conferences

Chairperson to Sep 2016: Diana Teo, Singapore The Academy Standing Committee met in person at the
Chairperson from Sep 2016: Erica Wood, Australia Dubai international congress in September 2016.
Co-Chairperson: So Yong Kwon, Korea The following topics were addressed:
• ISBT Strategic Plan (focus on education).
Committee: • ISBT e-Portal (content development, access,
Lilian Maria de Castilho translation of materials). Eszter Herczenik provided
Judith Chapman an overview of the content and features to the
Rajendra Chaudhary committee. Working parties will be invited to present
Gwen Clarke a webinar once a year to contribute.
Salwa Hindawi • Feedback from the ISBT Academy Day and scientific
Graciela Leon sessions at the Dubai congress was reviewed. A
Neelam Marwaha number of new, and younger speakers participated, in
Shirley Owusu Ofori line with the strategic plan.
Veera Sekaran Nadarajan • Preparations for Academy Days and scientific
Jenny White sessions at the regional congresses in Copenhagen
Eugene Zhiburt (June 2017) and Guangzhou (November 2017).
The Academy Day programme for Guangzhou will
During the period of this report Diana Teo (ISBT Senior follow the new format designed for shorter regional
Vice-President, Singapore), Graciela León de González congresses, and which worked well in Bali, with
(Venezuela), Neelam Marwaha (India) and Eugene Zhiburt Academy Day sessions interspersed with the
(Russia) completed their terms of service on the Academy scientific programme sessions instead of a separate
Standing Committee. ISBT sincerely thanks them for their one-day programme.
Lilian Maria de Castilho (Brazil), Rajendra Chaudhary Other activities were conducted by email and
(India) and Veera Sekaran Nadarajan (Malaysia) were teleconference.
welcomed to the committee.

The Academy Standing Committee is supported by ISBT 3. Activities during the period
Scientific Officer Eszter Herczenik, and ISBT Executive Support for educational events: The Academy supported
Director Judith Chapman, and works closely with Ellen van a total of 19 educational events across the regions,
der Schoot, ISBT Scientific Secretary, and Roger Dodd, through financial support and/or use of the ISBT logo.
ISBT Secretary General. These included both repeat support (for events which have
previously been supported), and new events. Suggestions
for Academy events are welcome from ISBT members and

Continued on next page... 37

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Standing Committees

The streamlined process for application and review (two Materials will be reviewed and rotated periodically to avoid
application deadlines per year (April 1 and October 1) is “accumulation” and to ensure up to date content is available.
working well. Effective processes to capture feedback Access will be via dedicated affiliate member access to
from participants at ISBT Academy-supported events are a a separate area of the e-portal. A small editorial group
priority. assisted by the ISBT Scientific Officer will manage both the
The first ISBT Working Party webinar was held in January content (refreshed each year) and the process. This will
2017, and presented by Dr Jill Storry. It was both over- require additional input from the Scientific Officer. It creates
subscribed and very well received. Monthly webinars are an opportunity for ISBT members to volunteer to participate
planned during 2017. The webinar in March, by Masja de in the editorial process, which will increase the visibility
Haas, was also recieved well. of ISBT among its target audience and among affiliate
members. It also links with ISBT’s plan to enable translation
Academy support for transfusion medicine-related of some e-portal content into languages other than English
educational courses was prompted by an enquiry from (for example, this group could identify some of the most
members. Evaluation criteria were developed, and Jenny relevant and/or popular fundamental content to prioritise
White, Gwen Clark and Erica Wood drafted a template for translation activities).
applications for ISBT Academy support for courses, which
was reviewed by committee members and ISBT staff. Future congress speakers will be asked to classify their
presentations as basic or more advanced, to help with
Academy Days at ISBT congresses: The Academy Day assignment of material to the e-Portal.
at the Dubai congress was well attended. The program
included a range of topics relevant to an international
audience, and a number of new, young speakers

Plans for future Academy Days in Copenhagen and

Guangzhou include opportunities for more interactive
presentations, some shorter presentations (to permit
more participation and discussion) and scheduled panel
discussions, audience participation, questions and answers,
voting, etc.

Academy e-Portal: this continues to be very popular. New

material from congresses and other activities is constantly
added. Limited access to the e-Portal via new Affiliate
membership arrangements was reviewed by a subcommittee
of the Board. It was agreed that basic material (fundamental
information) is the priority in terms of content.
The content will include:
• Congress material up to 2 years back, from Academy
day sessions, some plenary sessions, and other
selected sessions (for example, the “How to…”
sessions – e.g. “How to write a scientific paper”).
• Beryl Armstrong’s educational book – this is one of the
most popular items on the e-portal and is basic and
• Guideline library.

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Standing Committees

Standing Committee
on Ethics

Peter Flanagan, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and committee 3. Activities during the period

Chairperson: Peter Flanagan, New Zealand The activities of the Committee continued to focus on the
drafting of a revised version of the Code of Ethics.
Western Pacific: Peter Flanagan and Chi Kit Lin, In November 2016 the proposed revised Code of Ethics
Hong Kong was submitted to the ISBT Board for review and comment.
Africa: Justina Ansah, Ghana A final draft of this was subsequently approved by both
Americas: Celso Bianco and Roger Dodd, the SCE and ISBT Board in February 2017. This was
USA made available for member consultation in March 2017.
Europe: Gilles Follea and Guy Rautmann, Feedback from this will be reviewed by the SCE and a
France decision made as to whether the revised Code is ready for
East Asia: Neelam Marwaha, India tabling at the General Assembly in Copenhagen in June
Eastern Mediterranean: Hasan Abbas Zaheer, Pakistan 2017.

Smaranda Ghibu retired from the chair of the committee

in May 2016 after 7 years in the role. Her contribution
was significant and she will be greatly missed by the
committee. The ISBT Board appointed Peter Flanagan as
the new chair.

2. Meetings and Telephone conferences

A meeting of the committee took place during the
International Congress in Dubai. An updated draft of the
revised Code was developed and this was further revised
by exchange of e-mails. Ethics was presented to the ISBT
Board for review.

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Standing Committees

ISBT Standing Committee

Jean Julliard Prize

Celso Bianco, Chairperson

1. Chairperson and Committee

Chairperson: Celso Bianco

Lilian Castilho, Brazil
Lin Fung, Australia
Mindy Goldman, Canada
Michael Schmidt, Germany
Che-Kit Lin, Hong Kong

2. Meetings and Telephone conferences

All activities were performed using electronic
communication (e-mails).

3. Activities during the period

The Jean-Julliard Prize Committee is responsible for
managing the selection of the Jean Julliard Prize and the
Vox Sanguinis Best Paper Award.

Nominations for the Vox Sanguinis Best Paper Prize are

made by the editorial committee of the journal. The Jean
Julliard Prize Committee received 6 nominations for the
best paper in 2016. The committee determined that the
award should go to the manuscript titled Epigenetic and
molecular signatures of cord blood CD34 cells treated with
histone deacetylase inhibitors. D. Gajzer, Ross J, Winder L,
Navada S, Zhang W, Silverman L, Chaurasia P. Vox Sang.
2016; 110(1):79-89.

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Reports from ISBT Standing Committees

Standing Committee
of Vox Sanguinis

Roger Dodd, Chairperson

The financial report indicated that, for 2015, income was

1. Chairperson and committee somewhat lower compared to 2014, largely as a result
Chairperson: Roger Dodd, USA of reductions in subscription and advertising revenue,
following a broad industry trend but electronic and bundled
Committee: subscriptions had increased substantially. Gross revenues
Geoff Daniels, UK will be lower in 2016, as, for legal reasons income from
Eric Jansen, the Netherlands ISBT member subscriptions can no longer be included in
Steve Morgan, UK the profit-share, but this will be offset by a reduction in
Diana Teo, Singapore charges to ISBT. The overall 2016 budget is similar to that
Dana Devine, Canada for 2016.
The total number of manuscripts published in 2015 was
89. The rejection rate for submitted papers in 2015
2. Meetings and Telephone conferences was 77%. But some 40 manuscripts were directed to
The Committee meets at least once a year, in person or Science Series for further consideration. Submissions and
by telephone conference. Representatives from Wiley- acceptances showed a good geographic distribution. The
Blackwell (the publisher) and the ISBT President are impact factor has declined somewhat, but the journal is
invited to participate in Standing Committee meetings. ranked 37th among all haematology journals, but retains
The Standing Committee met on February 17th, 2016. its position relative to other transfusion-focussed journals .
An annual prize is awarded for the best paper published Improved formatting for electronic versions of papers now
in Vox Sanguinis. Papers are nominated by the editors allows access by mobile devices.
and the winner is selected by the Jean Julliard Committee.
In 2016, the prize was awarded in Dubai. The winners The development of ISBT Science Series continues and it is
were: T. Berthold, N. Schubert, S. Muschter, M. Rohr, anticipated that a submission for PubMed indexing will be
J. Wesche, A. Reil, J. Bux, T. Bakchoul, A. Greinacher made, likely within the next year.
of the Institut für Immunologie und Transfusionsmedizin,
Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany The Central Office surveyed the ISBT membership to
for their paper: “HNA antibody-mediated neutrophil determine attitudes towards converting to a fully-electronic
aggregation is dependent on serine protease activity.” delivery of Vox: at this time, the option is not attractive
enough to justify such a change.

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 Report from ISBT Foundation

ISBT Foundation

Geoff Daniels, Chairperson

The objectives of the ISBT Foundation are to enhance To ensure effective governance and to comply with Dutch
transfusion medicine by expanding knowledge and law, the Foundation complies with statutes approved by
education on blood transfusion medicine, transfusion the Foundation Board in 2014.
science, blood banking and related disciplines, and by
supporting the objectives of the ISBT. The Foundation During the 2016/17 financial year the Foundation has
was initially established in 2006, but was reconstituted provided financial support for a number of meetings,
in 2013 with a new Board and a major focus on including those of the Associação Brasileira de
education in transfusion-related fields, especially in the Hematologia, International Haemovigilance Network,
developing world. This is achieved primarily by providing Pakistan Society for Blood Transfusion, Asociación
financial support to the ISBT Academy, which facilitates de Hemoterapia de Guatemala, Illinois Association of
the educational activities of the Society. Blood Banks (for an Indian Immunohematology Initiative
Workshop), Thalassaemia International Federation, Indian
The Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors Society for Transfusion Medicine, Asian Association of
comprising the Secretary General of ISBT (currently Transfusion Medicine, and Education Course for Leadership
Roger Dodd), the Treasurer of ISBT (Eric Jansen), and of Blood Services (co-sponsored by the Chinese Society
the Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the ISBT of Blood Transfusion). Financial contribution were also
Academy (Erica Wood), plus two other ISBT members made for classroom refurbishment at the Mzuzu University,
elected by the Board of ISBT (Geoff Daniels and Martin Malawi, and to the Australian and New Zealand Society of
Gorham). The Chair of the Foundation Board is Geoff Blood Transfusion and Karolinska University, Sweden, for
Daniels, Vice-Chair is Martin Gorham, Secretary is Roger travel grants.
Dodd, and Treasurer is Eric Jansen. None of the Board
members receives any remuneration; all are volunteers
interested in the provision of safe blood supply for patients.
The Foundation is advised by the ISBT Academy Standing
Committee, which reviews applications for financial
support for educational purposes.

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017

ISBT Award and Prizes

• ISBT Presidential Award

• Jean Julliard Prize

• ISBT Award for Developing Countries

• ISBT Award

• Vox Sanguinis Best Paper Prize

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 ISBT Award and Prizes

ISBT Presidential Award

Harvey G. Klein
The ISBT Presidential Award was instituted at the
initiative of the Foundation Transfusion Medicine
in Amsterdam. The Award is granted to a senior
person who has made eminent contributions to
transfusion medicine or a related field through basic
or applied research, the practice of transfusion
therapy or through significant educational and/or
service contributions to the field. Dr. Klein is widely
published on such topics as transfusion-transmitted
disease, the management of immunosuppressive
effects of blood transfusion, blood storage, and the
impact of biotechnology on transfusion medicine.
He co-authored the eleventh edition of Mollison’s
textbook, Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine,
and has held editorial roles with several publications,
including Blood, Transfusion, Transfusion Medicine
Reviews, and the Journal of Clinical Apheresis. He is
the recipient of a number of awards.
Harvey G. Klein

From left to right: Pim van Aken, Diana Teo, Harvey G. Klein
ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 ISBT Award and Prizes

Jean Julliard Prize

Gustav Edgren
The Jean Julliard Prize recognises clinicians or
scientists who are less than 40 years of age and
have a noteworthy portfolio of recent published work
contributing to advances in transfusion medicine. “Big
data in transfusion medicine – towards a database
driven approach to ensuring the long-term health of
both blood donors and transfused patients”.

From left to right: Peter Flanagan, Diana Teo, Gustav Edgren

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 ISBT Award and Prizes

ISBT Award for Developing

National Institute of Haematology and Blood
Transfusion Hanoi, Vietnam
Highly commended: Bicol Medical Centre Blood
Bank and Transfusion Services in the Philippines and
Aga Khan University Hospital Blood Bank, Karachi,

The ISBT Award for Developing Countries is awarded

to a Blood Service/Centre from a Developing
Country that has made a significant contribution in
strengthening Blood Transfusion Practice within the

Nguyen Anh Tri and Diana Teo

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 ISBT Award and Prizes

ISBT Award
Awarded at each congress to persons who have contributed significantly to transfusion medicine and science, mainly in
educational aspects. The decision to grant the ISBT Award is made by the members of the Executive Committee and is
presented at an ISBT congress.

Beryl Armstrong
Beryl received the award for her active role in
furthering the mission and objectives of ISBT in
respect to education; her long membership of the
ISBT Education and Academy standing committees,
her editorship of the popular Science Series book
Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology
and her organisation and promotion of the ISBT
Academy days at the African Society for Blood
Transfusion congresses in 2012, 2014 and 2016.
Her responsibilities for the overall direction and
implementation of the Step Wise Accreditation
Programme and Education programme in her role as
Programmes Director for AfSBT are also recognised.

Beryl Armstrong and Diana Teo

Steve Morgan
Steve is recognised for his eight year term as
Treasurer of ISBT, particularly for securing ISBT’s
financial reserves during the global financial crisis
to ensure the continuing activities of the Society
and for his role in the re-establishment of the ISBT
Foundation which is key for the sustainable funding of
ISBT’s strategic objectives in respect of education for
the global transfusion community

Steve Morgan and Diana Teo

ISBT Annual Report 2016–2017 ISBT Award and Prizes

Vox Sanguinis
Best Paper Prize
T. Berthold and co authors
The Prize for the best article published in Vox Sanguinis
in 2015 was awarded to T. Berthold, N. Schubert,
S. Muschter, M. Rohr, J. Wesche, A. Reil, J. Bux,
T. Bakchoul and A. Greinacher for the paper “HNA
antibody-mediated neutrophil aggregation is dependent
on serine protease activity” (Vox Sang 109, 366–374).

From left to right: Dana Devine, Tom Berthold, Roger Dodd


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