Approximation Filters - Marwan Magdy
Approximation Filters - Marwan Magdy
Approximation Filters - Marwan Magdy
Real filters
Presented by Supervisor
Eng. Marwan Magdy Prof. Alaa Eldin Khalil
Reg.No# 22127307
slide no#1
Introduction to filters
Types of Filters
Design with Normalized Analog Filters
Approximation to Ideal filters
Butterworth Filters
Chebyshev Filters
Elliptic Filters
Bessel Filters
Comparison between four filter types
slide no#2
Introduction to filters
Detection of a wanted signal may be impossible if unwanted
signals and noise are not removed sufficiently by filtering
Electronic filters allow some signals to pass, but stop others
Filters allow some signal frequencies applied at their input terminals to pass Ideal Filter Response
through to their output terminals with little or no reduction in signal level
Passband: Range of signal frequencies that are allowed to pass through a
filter, with little or no change to signal level
Passband cutoff frequency: Passband edge where there is a 3 dB reduction
in signal amplitude (half-power point)
Stopband: Range of signal frequencies that are reduced in amplitude by
an amount specified in the design, and effectively prevented from passing,
is called the stopband
Transition Zone : Range of frequencies in between the passband and the
stopband where the reduction in signal amplitude (also known as the
attenuation) changes rapidly
slide no#3
Types of Filters
Bandpass Bandstop
Lowpass Highpass
slide no#5
Approximation to Ideal filters
Many types of filters, they bear the names of the men who developed them. The common
ones are Butterworth, Chebychev, Elliptic, Bessel
Wilhelm cauer
German British Engineer Russian German Mathematician
Mathematician 1930 Mathematician &
Otto Brune
American Engineer
20th century slide no#6
Bessel Response
slide no#7
Bessel LC Values Rs = or Rs = 0
Bessel Response
Bessel LC Values Rs = 1
Bessel Response Filter Examples
slide no#9
Bessel filter
• Best step response-very little overshoot
• Smooth roll off.
• No ripples.
• Shortest time delay
• Very slow roll off speed.
Application : includes audio systems, communication systems, and other
applications where minimal distortion is desired.
slide no#10
Butterworth Filter AMP
maximally flat response
Butterworth filter response has a smooth passband and a
smooth increase in stopband attenuation. −20𝑑𝐵/𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑑
➢It differs from Bessel response in that the attenuation in the stopband rises by
6n dB/octave almost immediately outside the passband
➢Filters with the Butterworth response are normally used when all frequencies
in the passband must have the same gain.
Butterworth LC Values Rs = 1
slide no#12
Butterworth Filter
➢Figure shows a sketch of the magnitude response of a Butterworth
➢The magnitude of function for an 𝑁𝑡ℎ-order Butterworth filter with
a passband edge 𝜔𝑝 is given by
slide no#13
Natural mode identification
slide no#13
Design Procedure
slide no#15
Butterworth Filter
• Reasonable roll-off rate for high order filter.
• Smooth & reasonably flat response in the passband and stopband.
• Easy to construct and tune.
• Reasonably smooth phase shift.
• Sharp cutoff filter need high order and therefore lots of components.
• Amplitude response is NOT actually flat in the passband, particularly near cutoff.
• Not possible to modify shape of amplitude response once the filter order is
Application : It is most often used in audio processing applications where flat
passband response is necessary.
slide no#16
Chebyshev Filter
Chebyshev response has ripples in the passband but a smooth increase in stopband
• By allowing the passband response to have ripples, the stopband attenuation
rises sharply just beyond the cutoff frequency.
Graphs for different passband ripples
slide no#17
Chebyshev Tables: Equal Source and
Load Impedances
slide no#18
Chebyshev Filter
The magnitude of the transfer function of an 𝑁𝑡ℎ-order Chebyshev filter with a passband edge (ripple
bandwidth) 𝜔𝑝 is given by
To summarize, given low-pass transmission specifications, the transfer function of a Chebyshev filter
that meets these specifications can be found as follows:
1)Determine 𝜖.
2)Determine the order required.
3)Determine the poles.
4)Determine the transfer function.
slide no#20
Chebyshev Filter
Advantage :
• Amplitude Response can have flatter (but not smoother ripples) response in the
passband and stopband.
• Steeper roll off compared to Butterworth.
• Roll off can be traded for passband or stopband ripple. (ie if passband ripples is larger,
roll off increases.)
• Easier to tune and less expensive to build due to lower order required.
• Passband amplitude response not smooth.
• Greater phase shift and group delay.
• Greater sensitivity to component values compare to Butterworth.
slide no#21
Elliptic filter
Cutoff frequency Fc is the frequency where the response is down by the ripple amplitude ,
not 3dB.
Stopband is defined as starting where the attenuation first reaches the same value as the
tops of the attenuation minima
slide no#22
Elliptic filter
The elliptic filters is characterized by ripple that exists in both the passband
and stopband. The passband ripple (can be controlled) of the elliptic filter is
similar to the Chebyshev filter, however the selectivity is greatly improved.
Steepest roll-off compared to Butterworth and Chebychev.
Elliptic filters are particularly sensitive to capacitance values and therefore
capacitors used (series/parallel) must be as close as possible to the design
• Fastest roll off speed of all the filters among the four.
• Ideal for applications that want to effectively eliminate the
frequencies in the immediate neighborhood of passband.
• Ripples in both pass and stop bands.
• Requires more components than other filters.
• Largest time delay and non-linear phase, that leads to phase
distortion. High complexity.
slide no#23
Attenuation of sixth order approximation
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Slide no# 27