Artig 1.0
Artig 1.0
Artig 1.0
Original Article
Institute of Chemical Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan
Fish is the main source of animal protein for human diet. The aim of this study was to find out prevalence of
pathogenic bacteria of two selected economically important fish of Pakistan namely Mahseer (Tor putitora) and
Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Live fish samples from hatcheries and dead fish samples from different
markets of study area were randomly collected. The fish samples were analyzed for isolation, identification and
prevalence of bacteria. The isolated bacteria from study fish were identified through biochemical test and about
10 species of pathogenic bacteria were identified including the pathogenic bacteria to human and fish namely,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus iniae,
Serratia spp. Citrobacter spp. Stenotrophomonas spp. Bacillus spp. and Salmonella spp. The bacterial percentage
frequency of occurrence in Silver carp and Mahseer fish showed Pseudomonas aeruginosa 21.42%, Staphylococcus
epidermidis 17.85%, Escherichia coli 11.90%, Staphylococcus aureus 9.52%, Citrobacter spp. 9.52%, Serratia spp. 8.33%,
Streptococcus iniae 7.14%, Stenotrophomonas spp. 5.95%, Bacillus spp. 4.76% and Salmonella spp. 3.57%. The study
revealed that Fish samples of Mahseer and Silver carp that were collected from markets have found more isolates
(10 bacterial species) than did the fresh fish pond samples (03 bacterial species) of hatcheries. The occurrence of
pathogenic bacteria in study fish showed risk factor for public health consumers.
Keywords: prevalence %, bacterial species, Mahseer fish, silver carp fish, biochemical characterization.
O peixe é a principal fonte de proteína animal para a alimentação humana. O objetivo deste estudo foi descobrir
a prevalência de bactérias patogênicas de dois peixes economicamente importantes selecionados do Paquistão,
nomeadamente Mahseer (Tor putitora) e carpa prateada (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Amostras de peixes
vivos de incubatórios e amostras de peixes mortos de diferentes mercados da área de estudo foram coletadas
aleatoriamente. As amostras de peixes foram analisadas quanto ao isolamento, identificação e prevalência de
bactérias. As bactérias isoladas dos peixes do estudo foram identificadas através de testes bioquímicos e cerca de
10 espécies de bactérias patogênicas foram identificadas incluindo as bactérias patogênicas para humanos e peixes,
nomeadamente, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis,
Streptococcus iniae, Serratia spp. Citrobacter spp. Stenotrophomonas spp. Bacillus spp. e Salmonella spp. A
porcentagem de freqüência de ocorrência bacteriana em carpa prateada e peixes Mahseer mostrou Pseudomonas
aeruginosa 21,42%, Staphylococcus epidermidis 17,85%, Escherichia coli 11,90%, Staphylococcus aureus 9,52%,
Citrobacter spp. 9,52%, Serratia spp. 8,33%, Streptococcus iniae 7,14%, Stenotrophomonas spp. 5,95%, Bacillus spp.
4,76% e Salmonella spp. 3,57%. O estudo revelou que as amostras de peixes de Mahseer e carpa prateada coletadas
nos mercados encontraram mais isolados (10 espécies bacterianas) do que as amostras de peixes frescos (03
espécies bacterianas) de incubatórios. A ocorrência de bactérias patogênicas nos peixes do estudo apresentou
fator de risco para consumidores de saúde pública.
Palavras-chave: % de prevalência, espécies bacterianas, peixe Mahseer, carpa-prateada, caracterização bioquímica.
*e-mail: [email protected]
Received: May 2, 2021 – Accepted: August 24, 2021
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
added and rinsed with water. The slides were dried and Methyl Red / Voges-Proskauer (MR/VP) Test.
were observed with light microscope. For Methyl Red: The suspected colony of bacteria was
incubated for 24 hours at 37°C after that Methyl red reagent
2.4.4. Biochemical characteristics test was added to MRVP broth. For positive result broth turned
After gram staining and microscopic examinations to red color and negative turned to yellow in color.
different biochemical tests were performed for the For Voges-Proskauer (VP): The suspected colony of
identification of bacteria according to the methods as bacteria was incubated in MRVP broth for 24 hours at 37°C
described by Olutiola et al. (1991), Cappuccino and after that few drops of 5% Alpha-naphthol or VP 1 reagent
Sherman (1996), Cowan and Steel (2002), Cheesbrough was added to MRVP broth. The broth was shacked then few
(2006) and Perilla (2003). drops of 40% KOH or VP 2 was added to the same broth.
About 15 minutes waiting in broth red color in ring was Catalase test noticed for positive result.
Table 1. Biochemical test and Microscopy of bacteria species in collected fresh and market fish samples
Pseudomonas - Rod + + - - + - - - +
Staphylococcus + Cocci + - + + + + - - -
Staphylococcus + Cocci + - - + - + + - -
Stenotrophomonas - Rod + - - - - - - - +
Table 2. Bacterial isolates in selected fresh and markets fish samples. Table 3. Prevalence % of bacterial isolates in collected fresh and
markets fish samples.
Mahseer Mahseer
and and No. of Prevalence
Bacterial Isolates
Silver Silver Isolates %
Bacterial Isolates
carp carp
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 18 21.42
(Fresh (Market
fish) fish) Escherichia coli 10 11.90
Salmonella spp. + +
Key: - = Isolates absents + = Isolates presents
indicate that these bacteria came to pond from outside
environments. As described by Jayasinghe and Rajakaruna
their own immunity system can prevent it from bacterial (2005), that many bacteria such as Salmonella, E.coli,
spoilage. As mentioned by Abolagba et al. (2011) that the V. cholera and other coliforms comes from human and
defense system of a fish becomes collapse after the death animal fecal matter to water and become polluted where
of fish which is further attack by microbes. This is further fish survive.
supported by Nwiyi and Onyeabor (2012), that when The result of present study indicated occurrences of
fish is captured, it that time fish can be contaminated by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus
various microorganisms through unhygienic practices aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus iniae,
such as use of contaminated equipments, rough handling Serratia spp. Citrobacter spp. Stenotrophomonas spp. Bacillus
and storage facilities. spp. and Salmonella spp. Similarly Shinkafi and Ukwaja
The result obtained in our study indicated that in (2010) reported bacteria in Tilapia fish (Oreochromis
collected fish the pathogenic bacteria i-e Escherichia coli niloticus) that were collected from markets. The finding of
and Salmonella spp. etc were found in pond. The occurrences pathogenic bacteria in this study might leads to zoonotic
of some pathogenic bacteria in fresh samples might infection or intoxication in public health consumers.
PERILLA, M.J., 2003. Manual for the laboratory identification Market in Sokoto, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied
and antimicrobial testing of bacterial pathogens of public Science, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 217-221.
health importance in the developing world. Genebra: WHO, ZAMAN, M.M., MAZUMDER, S.K., SIDDIQUE, M.A. and MIAH,
pp. 121-275. M.N.U., 2011. Microbial quality of Hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha)
SHINKAFI, S.A. and UKWAJA, V.C., 2010. Bacteria Associated with at different stages of processing. Journal of the Bangladesh
Fresh Tilapia Fish (Oreochromis niloticus) sold at Sokoto Central Agricultural University, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 339-344.